Fireside 2.1 ( Cup of Joe Wrestling Show Blog Fri, 11 Oct 2024 15:00:00 -0400 Cup of Joe Wrestling Show Blog en-us Episode 254 Notes Fri, 11 Oct 2024 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 05ab42cc-d1b9-46ef-bb62-4ba5b3506079 My notes for Episode 254: Clash of the Champions XXVII. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXVII from WCW.
-Clash XXVII was shown on TBS on June 23, 1994 from the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, South Carolina. Last ever June clash as they start to scale back the Clashes before eliminating them altogether in 1997.
-Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mean Gene Okerlund welcome us to the Clash. They talk about the title unification and Hulk Hogan arriving in WCW.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack with Dave Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys, Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags: Two referees are assigned to this match. Sags and Jack start, and Sags slaps Jack. He beats Jack down in the corner. All four men in. Double clothesline to Knobbs and Sags. Another clothesline to Knobbs. Knobbs is in against Jack. Sullivan tagged in. Now all four back in. Sullivan gets in the Nasty Boys corner. They hit him, but he snap mares his way out. Jack gets on the top rope, and Sullivan throws him onto the Nasty Boys. Nasty Boys rollout to regroup. Knobbs batters Cactus Jack in the corner. Jack comes back with a clothesline. Sullivan tagged in and works on an arm. Sags and Jack both tagged in, and Jack with a back elbow. He gets a two count. Sags drops some knees on Jack. Knobbs and Sullivan both tagged in. Sullivan gouges Knobbs in the corner. Sullivan thrown into the corner. Sags and Knobbs take turns keeping Sullivan down. Sags throws Sullivan to the outside. Knobbs with a double ax handle to Sullivan from the apron. Jack tagged in and cleans house. He bites Sags. He does the over the top clothesline. He dives at the Nasty Boys, who move, and Jack hits the barricade. Sags hits a belly to back suplex to Jack on the floor. Jack moves on a corner charge from Knobbs. Sullivan tagged in. He throws Knobbs outside. Knobbs attacks Dave. Sags also attacks Dave. Jack DDTs Knobbs in the ring and gets the pin. Sags attacks Cactus Jack after the match.
-Mean Gene talks about the Clash and the WCW Hotline. He then brings out Sting. He is fired up. They talk about the title unification match. Sting talks about being a great white shark. That's a weird flex, but okay.
-A feature on the newly minted Guardian Angel.
-Guardian Angle vs. Tex Slashenger: The bell rings, and they circle each other. They lock up and push off. Another lock up and push off. They lock up and drive to the corner. Angel unloads on Slashenger. He hits the leapfrog body guillotine. He then hits the sidewalk slam to get the pin.
-Hulk Hogan's limo is shown arriving to the arena. Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan are shown getting out of the limo.
-Jesse Ventura joins Tony on commentary.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Larry Zbyszko vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal and William out first, and Regal has a great coat and powdered wig on. Zbyszko gets a great reception when he comes out. Regal is taking a page out of Zbyszko's book and stalls to begin. Schiavone goes over the history between the two. Regal attacks Zbyszko in the corner with European uppercuts. He beats Zbyszko down. He gets a two count, but Zbyszko is in the ropes. He slaps Zbyszko in the corner, and a Larry chant goes out. Zbyszko comes back with a flurry of offense to backdrop Regal to the ramp. Zbyszko brings Regal back in. Regal with a double underhook. Zbyszko counters it. They trade moves. Zbyszko hits a piledriver. Zbyszko attacks Regal. They trade shots. Regal with a cover, but Zbyszko is in the ropes. Regal with a chin lock. He beats Zbyszko in the face as Zbyszko tries to come back. Regal can't get the pin. Zbyszko with a scissor hold. Regal with double knees to Zbyszko. He headbutts Zbyszko and hits him with forearms. Zbyszko with a bear hug. Regal reverses a roll up and holds the ropes to regain the TV title.
-Mean Gene talks about the Bash at the Beach. He talks to Dustin Rhodes and Arn Anderson. Rhodes had asked Anderson to be his partner at BATB. Anderson says if he accepts, Rhodes is going to have to take the old AA. Rhodes accepts and says that they will take out Terry Funk and Bunkhouse Buck.
-WCW Unites States Championship Match. Steve Austin vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd out first. He is extremely over with the crowd. Austin out, and he and Col. Parker have decided to go their separate ways, and he has grown a goatee. He keeps getting closer to the Stone Cold look. He slaps Badd. The bell rings. Tony and Jesse keep speculating who Sensuous Sherri is going to be with. Badd with a corner whip, and Austin comes back with a back elbow. Austin throws Badd out. They fight on the outside. Badd throws Austin into the apron. Back in, Badd with a wrist lock. They trade moves. Badd with a dropkick and an arm drag. Badd with a top rope clothesline. He gets a front face lock on. He transitions to an arm bar. Austin drives to the corner. Back and forth. Austin slams Badd down by the hair. Austin drops his knees on Badd. Badd with a roll up for a two count. Austin with a handful of hair for a two count. They trade moves. Badd with a dropkick. He gets a flying headscissors and a DDT on Austin. Badd with a backdrop. Badd with a corner clothesline. He goes up top and gets caught. Badd blocks a superplex attempt and slams Austin to get a two count. Austin misses a leapfrog body guillotine. Badd gets a two count. Badd with corner mounted punches. Austin hits Badd with a foreign object to get the pin. Referee Randy Anderson comes in to protest, leading Badd to roll Austin up to get the pin, but that's not how any of this works. Badd grabs the belt. Austin is arguing with Anderson and Patrick.
-Mean Gene brings out Hulk Hogan, who comes out with Jimmy Hart. He gets a respectable ovation, but it isn't as overwhelming as they want you to believe. He's excited to be in WCW. He talks about the unification match. He says he has to ask himself if he is the greatest, and he wants to face the winner. He gets interrupted by Ric Flair on the video wall. Flair says he is going to win. Hogan says he and Flair are going to clash at some point.
-Bobby rejoins Tony on Commentary.
-Shaquille O'Neill talks about Hulk Hogan coming to WCW.
-WCW title unification match. WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair vs. WCW International World Champion Sting: Flair out first. Sting out to a huge ovation. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Just before the match begins, Sensuous Sherri comes down, and she has Sting's face paint on. I think they tipped their hand a little too much here. The bell rings, and Sting shoves Flair down twice. Flair shakes it off. They trade moves. Flair with a hammerlock. They trade moves again. Flair rolls out to regroup. Sting with a press slam, and it has been all Sting so far. He rolls out again and screams at the crowd. They lock up. Sting with a wrist lock. Flair with chops. Sting comes back with a flurry of offense that drives Flair back out of the ring. Flair in and attacks Sting. He punches Sting in the corner. Sting comes out of the corner and attacks Flair. He misses a dropkick, and Flair goes for the figure four. Sting gets a roll up for a two count. Flair is visibly frustrated. The crowd chants Sting. Sting misses a Stinger Splash when Flair moves. Flair throws Sting out when referee Randy Anderson wasn't looking. Flair attacks Sting on the outside. Sherri tells Sting to get up and fight. Flair gets Sting in and drops the knee. He does it again. He covers Sting with a series of two counts with his foot on the ropes. Flair with a belly to back suplex. Flair hits a back elbow. Flair gets a sleeper on. Sting is fading. Sting drops forward and runs Flair in the ring post. He catapults Flair into the corner. Both men down. Sting suplexes Flair in from the apron for a two count. Flair sent up and over in the corner and clotheslined from the apron so TASIYDAH. Sting with corner mounted punches. Sting gets a two count. Sting hits a superplex. He goes up top, but misses a splash attempt. Flair with a suplex. Sting back to his feet. He hits a press slam. Flair spills outside. Sting goes for a suicide dive, and Flair pulls Sherri in front of him, and she takes the hit. They get back in, and Sting gets a backslide for a two count. Sherri gets on the apron, and Sting checks on her. Flair rolls him up from behind and gets the pin with a handful of tights. Flair becomes the unified champion. Sherri gets in the ring and hugs Flair. They then attack Sting. They throw Anderson out. Hulk Hogan comes out to help Sting. He attacks Flair. Sherri slaps Hogan. Flair and Sherri bail. Hogan and Jimmy Hart check on Sting.
-Mean Gene interviews Hogan. He says he has his sights set on Ric Flair and wants to face him. They sign off from Charleston.
-Final Thoughts: Hogan signing and appearing on WCW was big time. The wrestling world is changing.

Episode 253 Notes Fri, 11 Oct 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] bbe65a34-613b-4f77-91c4-92b0331bb1cf My notes for Episode 253: King of the Ring 94. -Today we look at King of the Ring 1994 from the WWF.
-King of the Ring 1994 took place June 19, 1994 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. There were 12,000 in attendance and the buy rate was 185,000.
-Art! My crazy dream about this show.
-Intro. Jeff Jarrett interrupts the set up, followed by the rest of the heels.
-Ricky Medlock of Blackfoot does the National Anthem and does a great job.
-Gorilla Monsoon, Randy Savage, and Art Donovan are the announcers for the event. Oh boy.
-First Round Match. Bam Bam Bigelow with Luna Vachon vs. Razor Ramon: The bell rings and Bigelow attacks Ramon from behind when Ramon threw his toothpick at Luna. Bigelow scoop slams Ramon. Bigelow with a falling headbutt and leg drop. Bigelow misses a diving headbutt. Ramon comes back. He posts Bigelow in the corner. Ramon gets a two count. Ramon with a leg lock, but Bigelow comes back. Ramon with a series of clotheslines, but can't get Bigelow down. Bigelow throws Ramon out. Bigelow beats Ramon down while Luna distracts referee Earl Hebner. Bigelow throws Ramon in and gets a two count. Bigelow works on the lower back. Bigelow with a torture rack. To avoid alcohol poisoning, TAS now for all of Art's questions as he asked if Ramon was dead. Bigelow slams Ramon down and Ramon responds with a belly to back suplex. A double count going. They trade blows. Bigelow misses a corner charge. Bigelow hits a back elbow as Ramon was going for the Razor's Edge. Ramon gets the pin after Bigelow misses a moonsault.
-Todd Pettengill is with Mabel and IRS. IRS says he's going to take out Mabel. Mabel says that's never going to happen.
-IRS vs. Mabel: IRS comes to the ring and does his tax cheat bit. The referee is Joey Marella. This is his final PPV as he would tragically die in a car crash a couple of weeks after this. Oscar raps Mabel to the ring. IRS goes to attack Mabel right away, but Mabel gets the advantage. Mabel with a suplex and a fireman's carry. All Mabel so far, but IRS is coming back. He gets a high knee to Mabel and hits a series of shots. IRS drops an elbow. Mabel gets a cradle for a two count. IRS with a rear chin lock. Mabel is struggling to get out. He slams IRS back. Mabel with a backdrop. He gets a sidewalk slam for a two count. Mabel with a slam and goes for a second rope splash. IRS shakes the ropes to knock Mabel off and get the pin.
-Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji bring the cameras in to show the preparation for Crush and Yokozuna as they prepare for the Headshrinkers.
-Tatanka vs. Owen Hart: They start right away. Tatanka with an early offensive charge. Hart with a side headlock. Tatanka pushes off, and Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Tatanka with a series of arm drags. Tatanka back to the side headlocks. Tatanka with a shoulder block when Hart pushes off. Hart throws Tatanka out, but he lands on his feet and they fight out to the floor. Hart knocks Tatanka out. They showed Razor Ramon and IRS fighting in the back. Tatanka being choked on the second rope. He then gets run head first on the top rope. Hart with a suplex and a top rope dropkick for a two count. Hart with a chin lock. Tatanka gets out, but Hart gets the sleeper on. Tatanka goes down. He tries another comeback. He goes into his war dance. He attacks Hart. Tatanka chops Hart. He DDTs Hart for a two count. Tatanka with a scoop slam and a chop from the top for another two count. Tatanka can't get the pin. Tatanka goes for a sunset flip, but Hart drops down to get the pin.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Diesel and Shawn Michaels. They review Diesel's Jackknife on Bret Hart. They say they aren't concerned about who the family member in Bret's corner will be.
-Jeff Jarrett vs. The 1-2-3 Kid: Art says the Kid looks like a boxer. Kid goes after Jarrett, who bails out. Jarrett whips Kid into a turnbuckle. Kid with a quick roll up for a two count. Jarrett with a clothesline. The crowd chants 1-2-3. Kid with another roll up for a two count. Jarrett with a fist drop. Kid with a spin kick. He goes up top, but misses a cannonball when Jarrett moves. Jarrett misses a leapfrog body guillotine when Kid moves. Kid blocks a superplex attempt and gets a crossbody for a two count. Kid misses a corner charge. Jarrett goes after the knee of the Kid. Kid gets a small package for a three count. Jarrett piledrives Kid several times. Officials out to break it up. Jarrett keeps up the assault. They help Kid to the back. My favorite Art line of the night comes when Savage says the Kid is in the final four, and Art says he may be in the final phase.
-WWF New Generation Ad.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Bret Hart. Hart talks about the Jackknife he received. He doesn't think Diesel can do it again. He says his record speaks for itself.
-WWF Championship Match. Bret Hart with Jim Neidhart vs. Diesel with Shawn Michaels: Diesel and Michaels out first. Diesel is IC champ, but his title isn't on the line. Hart and Neidhart come out to a big ovation. Hart does his sunglasses presentation. The bell rings, and they circle each other. They trade moves. Diesel with a series of punches to Hart in the corner. He chokes Hart with his leg. Hart comes back and crotches Diesel in the corner. Hart working on Diesel. Back and forth. Diesel with a slam. Hart runs Diesel head first into the corner. Diesel with some elbows to Hart. Diesel misses a corner charge when Hart moves. Hart is attacking the legs. He gets Diesel down. He then gets the figure four on Diesel. He fights it, but Hart gets a two count anyway as Diesel's shoulders go down and Gorilla jumps on referee Earl Hebner for it, but Hebner is right and Monsoon is wrong. You can be pinned while in a submission hold if your shoulders are down. I couldn't believe it when I heard Monsoon say that. Diesel gets to the ropes. Hart goes back to work on the leg. He comes down on the leg. Diesel kicks Hart off, and Hart falls to the outside. Hart runs Diesel's leg into the ring post. Michaels attacks Hart. Neidhart takes off after Michaels. Henber stops him when he and Michaels get in the ring, allowing Michaels to attack Hart again. Hart comes off the top rope, but Diesel catches Hart. Diesel with a bear hug. Hart bites Diesel to get out and hits a dropkick. He then throws Diesel out of the ring. Hart with a tope, but Diesel moves out of the way. Diesel drives Hart into the ring post. Diesel attacks the back of Hart. He hits a corner whip. Diesel with a side suplex. He follows it up with a backbreaker. He then drops an elbow for a two count. Hebner gets tied up with Neidhart, allowing Michaels and Diesel to double team Hart. Hart ran chest first into the corner post. Hart with a roll up for a two count. Diesel with a chin lock. He gets a backbreaker for a two count. Michaels takes a turnbuckle pad off. Diesel has Hart in an over the shoulder backbreaker. Hart slips behind and turns it into a sleeper. Diesel falls backwards into the corner to break the hold. Hart gets his foot up on a corner charge. Hart ran into Hebner. Hart blocks being run into the exposed buckle and runs Diesel in instead. Hart is unloading on Diesel. Diesel is reeling and finally falls down. Hart knocks him down again with a series of clotheslines for a two count. He follows it up with a neck breaker and a second rope elbow. Another two count. He gets a bulldog and goes for the Sharpshooter. Michaels gets on the apron, and Hart punches him off. Hart with another clothesline. Hart with a small package for a two count. Hart corner whipped. Diesel hits a big boot. Hart gets Diesel down and goes for the Sharpshooter, but Diesel gets to the ropes. Diesel knocked outside and attacks Neidhart. Michaels hits Hart with the WWF title while Hebner is distracted. Diesel drops an elbow and gets a two count. Diesel Jackknifes Hart and Neidhart attacks Diesel for the disqualification. Michaels and Diesel continue to attack Hart after the match. Officials out to break it up.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Jerry Lawler. Lawler runs down Pettengill, Art Donovan, and then Roddy Piper.
-King of the Ring Semi-final. Razor Ramon vs. IRS: They start brawling as soon as IRS gets to the ring. They trade shots. IRS gets a one count. He follows it up with a backbreaker. IRS falls out of the ring after Ramon drops down. They battle on the outside. Ramon runs IRS into the ring steps. They trade shots again. IRS with a chin lock. He uses the ropes for leverage. Ramon gets to his feet. He breaks the hold. Ramon with a back elbow. IRS ran into the corner. Ramon throws IRS down by his tie. IRS comes back with a forearm. Back and forth. Ramon hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-Bret Hart is looking for Jim Neidhart back in the locker room area.
-Todd Pettengill updates the brackets and says no one has heard from the 1-2-3 Kid.
-Owen Hart vs. the 1-2-3 Kid: Hart out first. Kid doesn't come out right away. He finally comes out. Hart attacks immediately. He throws Kid into the ring. He hits a flying splash for a two count. Kid hits a reverse crossbody for a two count. This match is fast and furious. Hart with an enziguri for a two count. Kid with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Kid with a suicide dive to Hart. Hart with a northern lights suplex. It's hard to take notes for this because it's so fast. Hart with a Sharpshooter to get the win.
-Roddy Piper talks about taking on Jerry Lawler. Piper is ripped here.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu with Afa and Captain Lou Albano vs. Yokozuna and Crush with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette: All four in the ring and face to face. They all start to brawl. They all headbutt each other. Headshrinkers clear the area. Yoko and Samu start. They shove each other. Yoko slapping Samu in the corner. Samu comes back. Yoko knocked out again. Crush and Fatu tagged in. Crush slams Fatu with a piledriver and a flying headbutt for a two count. Fuji hits Fatu with the flag pole, and Crush hits a clothesline for a one count. Yoko in with a splash. Samu breaks up the cover. Crush back in with a nerve hold. He slams Fatu. Yoko tagged in and misses a corner charge. Samu and Crush both in. Now all four men are in. Double thrust kick to Yoko. Yoko thrown into a ring post that crotches Samu on the top rope. Crush with a superplex on Samu. Yoko with a leg drop. Lex Luger comes to ringside to a massive pop. He distracts Crush, and Samu gets a two count. A thrust kick and Samu gets the pin. Crush attacks Luger after the match. They brawl in the ring.
-Todd Pettengill talks to Owen Hart. He says tonight, Bret was a loser, and he is going to be the King.
-King of the Ring Final. Razor Ramon vs. Owen Hart: Ramon out first. Hart comes out, and he is angry. They lock up and Ramon with a shot. Hart goes down. They trade holds. They then trade moves. Ramon drops an elbow. Hart goes for a dropkick, but Ramon turns it into a slingshot. Hart bridges out of a pin attempt. Ramon with a backslide for a two count. Hart with a spinning heel kick. Art now thinks Hart will win. Hart with an abdominal stretch. Ramon hip locks out of it. Ramon with a choke slam for a two count. Ramon with a fall away slam. He gets another two count. Hart with a side Russian leg sweep. Hart goes up top, but gets caught. Ramon hits a top rope belly to back suplex. He goes for the Razor's Edge, but Hart gets a backdrop. Ramon falls outside the ring. Jim Neidhart comes down and attacks Ramon while Hart distracts referee Joey Marella. Hart hits an elbow drop and pins Ramon to become the King of the Ring. Hart and Neidhart attack Ramon after the match.
-Ray Rougeau tries to interview Bret Hart, but he has no comment. Todd Pettengill does the coronation ceremony for Owen Hart. Hart says now everyone should respect him as King. Jack Tunney is there to present the cape and crown, but Hart wants Neidhart to do it. He gives Hart the scepter, cape, and crown. Hart proclaims himself the King of Harts.
-Flashback to what led up to the Main Event.
-Main Event. Jerry Lawler vs. Roddy Piper: Lawler out first and puts down the crowd. Piper played out by a bagpipe crew. Piper comes out with the Piper impersonator who Lawler humiliated on Raw. Piper does his kick ass and chew bubblegum line. Piper attacks Lawler. He bites Lawler in the corner. Lawler is begging off. Lawler gets hit and bails out. Piper goes after him and throws him back in the ring. He continues the assault. He beats Lawler down. Lawler tries to come back, but gets caught. Piper atomic drops Lawler out of the ring. Lawler goes after the kid, but Piper attacks him and throws him into the barricade. He chops Lawler. Lawler grabs the kid. He gains the advantage over Piper and the Kid. Piper gets the kid out, but keeps getting pounded by Lawler. He keeps up the offense and knocks Piper down. He gets a two count. Lawler gets a sleeper on. Piper is fighting it. He fades. The hand doesn't go down three times. He comes back. He is out on his feet. Lawler hits a piledriver. He only gets a two count. Lawler punches Piper on the ropes. He keeps getting up. Piper with an eye poke. He hits a bulldog. He hits a second one. Lawler pushes Piper into referee Earl Hebner. Lawler hits Piper with something he pulled out of his trunks. Lawler covers Piper with his feet on the ropes, but the kid pushes them off. Piper with a belly to back suplex to get the pin. The crowd celebrates. They recap what happened before signing off from Baltimore.
-They end with Shawn Michaels telling Diesel his future looks bright.
-Final Thoughts: Weird show. They have McMahon out with a surgery and his federal trial; Art was what Art was, Joey's about to be killed, and Gorilla would never be the same, and they push the New Generation with two guys in their 40's in the main event.

Episode 252 Notes Fri, 11 Oct 2024 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 566c722a-7299-4176-900f-bcb7da01bfa3 My notes for Episode 252: Slamboree 94. -Today we look at Slamboree 94 from WCW.
-Slamboree 94 was shown on PPV on May 22, 1994 from the Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA. There were 4,000 in attendance.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to Slamboree. He introduces the Legends: Ole Anderson, The Assassin, Penny Banner, Red Bastien, Tully Blanchard, The Crusher, Don Curtis, Terry Funk is introduced, but doesn't come out, Verne Gagne, Hard Boiled Haggerty, Larry Hennig, Killer Kowalski, Ernie Ladd, Wahoo McDaniel, Angelo Mosca, Harley Race, Ray Stevens, Lou Thesz, Johnny Weaver, Mr. Wrestling II, and Tommy Young. It's sad how many are no longer with us.
-Mean Gene throws it to Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan at Ringside. They run down some of what we are going to see. They bring in Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel. He is holding the International World Title and calls out Sting. He comes out wearing a suit. Bockwinkel reads a statement that Rick Rude will be stripped of the title after a match in Japan. Rude was injured in Japan. Sting wants the title to be won in the ring. He wants to wrestle Vader for the title. Bockwinkel makes it official.
-WCW United States Championship Match. Steve Austin with Col. Robert Parker vs. Johnny B. Badd: They battle for the belt before the match. The bell rings, and they circle each other. Austin wants to shake hands, but Badd is ignoring him. They lock up and Badd with an arm drag. Badd follows up with a side headlock takeover for a one count. To a neutral corner and break. Badd with a takedown into a hammerlock. Austin with a drop toe hold, and he comes back. Austin with a sleeper and Badd with a jaw breaker to break the hold. Austin rolls out to regroup. They show Sherri Martel at ringside. Badd back to the hammerlock. Into an arm bar. Austin to his feet. He gets a side headlock takeover. Badd with a top wrist lock as they battle for position. Austin with an arm lock. Into a snap mare, and Austin gets a side headlock. Badd with a drop toe hold. Into an arm bar. He gets Austin back down. Austin reverses the arm bar. Badd gets a modified Victory roll to get out of the move. He gets a side headlock takeover. Badd with a flurry of moves. Badd with a hammerlock. Austin struggles to get out. Badd with an arm bar. Austin gets out and hits a double ax handle. Austin stomps Badd down. He kicks Badd repeatedly. Parker chokes Badd when Austin distracts referee Randy Anderson. Austin continues the attack on Badd. They trade shots. Austin with a running suplex to Badd for a two count. Austin with a chin lock. Badd fighting the move. Austin gets a two count. Austin dropped a knee on Badd. Austin goes for a second rope elbow drop, but Badd gets his knees-up. Badd with a slam. They both miss moves. Austin chops Badd in the corner. Badd with a backdrop. Austin reverses a corner whip, and Badd comes back with a clothesline, a dropkick, and a knee lift. Parker gets on the apron to distract Anderson as Badd rolls Austin up. Badd goes over and grabs Parker. Austin goes to hit Badd, but Badd moves and Parker gets hit instead. Badd gets a roll up for a two count. Badd with a sunset flip for another two count. They trade moves. Austin with a side headlock and pushes off the ropes to get the pin. Badd knocks Austin out after the match.
-Mean Gene plugs the hotline and then brings out Ernie Ladd and Wahoo McDaniel. Ladd says he is excited about the festivities. McDaniel says he is a lucky man; he got to wrestle all the legends. He then puts down Bobby Heenan, who was knocking McDaniel earlier. They then show pre-recorded comments from Dusty Rhodes, who was shooting an episode of Burke's Law in Hollywood. He then tells Dustin Rhodes this is a big night for him.
-Legends Match. Tully Blanchard vs. Terry Funk: Blanchard gets a great reaction when he comes out. Gordon Solie joins commentary for this match. Funk also gets a great reaction. An E-C-Dub chant goes out. Funk goes out with the crowd and they chant his name. Blanchard comes out and they battle at ringside. The bell rings. Blanchard throws Funk in and drops a knee on Funk. It then goes right back outside. They trade blows. This is fast and furious. Funk atomic drops Blanchard. Funk throws Blanchard back in the ring. They then fight out to the ramp. They continue to fight on the ramp. Funk throws Blanchard off the ramp. Funk hits Blanchard with a piece of siding. He sets the piece up against the ropes and piledrives Blanchard through it. Funk DDTs Blanchard on the ramp. A double count going. Funk headbutts Blanchard as a we want blood chant goes out. Funk with another piledriver on Blanchard. Funk misses a moonsault when Blanchard moves. Blanchard gets a two count. Blanchard pummeling Funk in the corner. Funk reverses a corner whip, and Blanchard runs into referee Nick Patrick. Funk grabs a chair. He sets it up and puts Blanchard on the top rope and goes to piledrive Blanchard off the rope on the chair, but just falls back on the chair. Blanchard goes after Funk and takes out Patrick. Funk beating Blanchard with the branding iron. The bell rings. A bullshit chant goes out. Funk goes out into the crowd. He elbow drops Hat Guys hat. It's a double disqualification.
-Gordon Solie talks about the Slamboree collector's pack.
-Jesse Ventura interviews Flair. They talk about Flair being attacked by Robert Parker's champion the night before. Flair says that he will take on anyone and stays ready always.
-Non-title match. Larry Zbyszko vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal looks at Zbyszko with disdain. They circle each other. This could be a heavy stalling match. They continue to circle each other. Zbyszko hits a single leg to knock Regal down. He gets another single leg to Regal. The crowd is getting on Regal and Sir William. Zbyszko with a spin kick to the midsection and Regal rolls out to regroup with William. Zbyszko with a wrist lock. They trade moves, and Zbyszko gets a two count. Then an abdominal stretch on Regal. He uses the ropes for leverage. They trade moves. Regal gets to the ropes. Zbyszko with an arm bar. Into a short arm scissors. They lock up and drive to the corner. Regal beating Zbyszko down in the corner. Regal gets a two count. Regal with a series of European uppercuts. Regal with a front face lock. Regal with a European uppercut to Zbyszko. Zbyszko goes for a backslide, but Regal turns it into a bow and arrow. Back and forth. Zbyszko gets a sleeper on. Regal drops down to break the hold. Zbyszko reverses a butterfly suplex to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks about interviewing Hulk Hogan and then brings out Terry Funk. He says all the people introduced are legends. He didn't walk out because he is the legend. He says he is a hardcore wrestler. He puts down Dusty Rhodes and threatens Dustin Rhodes.
-Gordon Solie inducts a new class for the Hall of Fame. The inductees for 1994 are Harley Race, The Crusher, Ernie Ladd, The Assassin, Ole Anderson, and Dick the Bruiser.
-Jesse interviews Robert Parker about who his man is going to be against Ric Flair and about Bunkhouse Buck in a bull rope match against Dustin Rhodes.
-Bull rope match. Dustin Rhodes vs. Bunkhouse Buck with Col. Robert Parker: Buck attacks Rhodes as soon as Buck gets in the ring. They haven't even had time to attach the bull rope. Buck is thrown outside, and Rhodes chokes him with the rope. Rhodes brings Buck in the ring. Rhodes with an arm bar and puts the rope on Buck. Rhodes continues the assault. He stomps Buck in the groin. He slams Buck and gets a one count. He slams Buck down by the rope. He beats Buck with the cow bell. The crowd chants we want blood. They trade shots. It has been all Rhodes so far. He slams Buck's knee into the ring post. Buck falls out of the ring. Rhodes throws Buack back in and continues the assault. Buck gets the bell and starts beating Rhodes with it. He pulls Rhodes' shirt over his head and beats Rhodes. He throws Rhodes outside and runs him into a ring post. He ties Rhodes to a ring post. He beats on Rhodes repeatedly. Rhodes is trying to fight back. They hit each other. Rhodes gets out. He beats Buck down with the bell. The blood chant goes out again. Buck with a scoop slam and gets up top, but gets caught. Rhodes with corner mounted punches. Buck slammed off, and Rhodes got a two count. Buck accidentally ran into referee Nick Patrick. Rhodes with a suplex. Parker gets in the ring, and Rhodes goes after him. Buck gets a full nelson on Rhodes. Parker goes to hit Rhodes with the bell, but Rhodes kicks him away and slams Buck with the bell to get the pin. Terry Funk comes out with a branding iron and attacks Rhodes. Funk and Buck attack Rhodes and bust him open. Officials out to break it up.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and then talks to Ray Stevens and Red Bastien. They are having a good time.
-Jesse joins Tony on commentary.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham with Col. Robert Parker: Flair out first. Windham is Parker's mystery man. Parker out to introduce him. Windham is not in shape, but has had a bunch of injuries. Michael Buffer does the official introductions. The bell rings, and they circle each other and lock up. They drive to a corner. Flair chops Windham in the corner. Windham knocks Flair down. Windham with a scoop slam. Windham rolls out to regroup. Flair with a hammerlock. Windham gets to the ropes. Flair chops Windham in the corner. Windham hits a clothesline. Flair clotheslined outside. Windham follows and attacks Flair on the outside. Windham goes and suplexes Flair on the inside and leg drops Flair. Back and forth. Windham with a headlock and gets his feet on the ropes. Windham keeps up the assault. Flair comes back with chops. Windham reverses a corner whip and Flair falls out to the floor. Parker attacks Flair while Windham distracts referee Randy Anderson. Windham comes out and hits Flair with an atomic drop. They get back in. Windham attacks Flair. Flair is coming back. He goes up top, but gets caught so TASIYDAH. Windham hits a superplex for a two count. They trade shots again. Windham knocked down. Flair with a delayed vertical suplex. Flair gets the figure four. Windham is fighting it. He goes to the ropes. He gets out. Flair goes for it again, but Windham with a thumb to the eye to break it up. Flair gets it again, but Windham gets to the ropes right away. Flair goes up top and hits a forearm, so take a shot. He drops a knee on Windham, but Windham has his foot on the ropes. They trade shots. They tumble to the outside. Flair runs Windham into the barricade and throws him back in the ring. Flair attacks Windham in the corner. Flair with a roll up for a two count. Windham throws Flair out. Flair takes out Parker. They trade counts as Parker tries to help Windham, but gets caught by the referee. Flair knocks Parker off the apron and Windham rolls Flair up for a two count. Flair corner whipped, goes over the top to the apron, sprints to the other turnbuckle, and hits a crossbody to get the pin. Drink the top shelf stuff, folks.
-Bash at the Beach ad.
-Mean Gene talks to Don Curtis and The Crusher. Don recalls his years as a wrestler. The Crusher talks about celebrating his Hall of Fame Induction.
-Dave Schultz talks about being the guest referee for the next match. Broad Street Bullies Match. Anything goes for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags vs. Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack. This one is crazy. I can't record everything that happened. They start brawling outside right away. They hit each other with chairs. Sullivan thrown to the crowd. They all battle out in the crowd. Knobbs battering Sullivan. Jack and Sags battle towards the back, and Sags hits Jack with a fire extinguisher. Sullivan hits Knobbs with a piledriver. Jack grabs a trash can. He hits both Nasty Boys with it. Sullivan stomps on Sags. Jack goes to drop an elbow on Knobbs, who moves, and Jack hits the trash can. They batter Jack with the trash can. They trade blows. They throw chairs at each other. They brawl on the ramp. Jack clotheslines Knobbs into the ring. Sullivan hits Knobbs. Sags throws Jack off the ramp through a table. Jack suplexes the table on Sags. Sullivan hitting Knobbs with a chair. All four battling to the back. This is wild. Cactus and Sags fight on the ramp, and Sags throws Jack in the ring. Sags hits the elbow, but doesn't cover Jack. Sags grabs Schultz's stick. Schultz takes it away and beats up Sags. Jack hits Sags with the stick and pins Sags. New Tag Team Champions. Sags beating Jack with the hockey stick. Maxx Payne comes out with the guitar. He busts the guitar over Sag's head. Knobbs backing away and gets hit with the crutch of the injured Dave Sullivan. Officials checking on Jerry Sags.
-Mean Gene talks to Lou Thesz and Verne Gagne. Gagne says they are going to make an effort to prevent more violence in WCW. Thesz talks about the Hall of Fame.
-Bobby rejoins Tony on commentary.
-WCW International World Championship Match. Sting vs. Vader with Harley Race: Sting gets a great ovation when he comes out. Michael Buffer does the introductions. The bell rings, and they are face to face. Vader tries to intimidate Sting. They lock up and break. Another lock up and break. They circle each other again. Vader attacks Sting in the corner. Vader beating Sting down across the ring. Vader with a short clothesline. Sting comes back and beats Vader down to the apron. Vader's head gear comes off, and he confers with Race. Sting suplexes Vader when Vader gets back in. Vader with a double clap to knock Sting down, and Vader drops an elbow on Sting He then steps on Sting's head. Vader Bomb to Sting for a two count. Another Vader Bomb for a two count. Vader grapevines Sting's leg. Sting fighting the pain. Race tells Vader to break the leg. Vader headbutts Sting several times. Sting gets back to his feet, but he is hurting. Vader goes back to the leg with a submission hold. Sting gets to the ropes. Back and forth in the corner. Sting drops an elbow on Vader. Vader drops several elbows on Sting. He can't get the pin, though. Sting comes back again. Sting with a flying clothesline, but Vader ducks, and referee Randy Anderson gets taken out. Vader with a choke slam, but no referee to count. Race up on the ramp with a chair. Sting ducks the shot, and Race hits Vader. Sting DDTs Vader. He gets a two count. Sting clotheslines and suplexes Vader. Vader out to ringside. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Vader catches Sting and slams him down. Race tells Vader to go up top. He misses the moonsault. Sting goes to cover. Race climbs up top for the falling headbutt, but hits Vader when Sting moves. Sting with a top rope splash to get the pin and become the new International World Champion. Tony and Bobby recap what has happened. Vader comes and screams with the chair that he didn't lose the match. They promote Hulk Hogan's interview on WCW Saturday Night and Bash at the Beach before signing off. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: An enjoyable show, but things are changing big time in WCW.

Episode 251 Notes Fri, 20 Sep 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7975e539-78e5-4c51-95cb-0cb92b3ba209 My notes for Episode 251: WCW Spring Stampede 1994. -Kobayashi and James Earl Jones.
-Today we look at Spring Stampede 1994 from WCW.
-Spring Stampede 1994 was shown on PPV on April 17, 1994 from the Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois. It is a suburb of Chicago. There were 12,200 in attendance.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to Spring Stampede and introduces Aaron Neville to sing the National Anthem.
-Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan then welcome us and talk about the Main Event.
-Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page with the Diamond Doll: Badd clotheslines Page to the outside. Page comes back with a backdrop and a crossface. They trade moves. Badd with an arm bar. They each get covers. Badd with a dropkick. Badd ran into a turnbuckle. Page with a belly to back suplex. He kicks Badd. He hits a gut buster and gets a two count. Page with a headlock. Badd comes back with a belly to back suplex. He clotheslines Page down and hits a backdrop. Badd with a headscissors. Badd knocks Page through the ropes and hits a suicide dive. Badd gets the pin after a sunset flip.
-Tony and Bobby run down some of what we are going to see. Mean Gene and Jesse Ventura elude briefly to Jesse winning his court case against Vince McMahon before talking about the hotline. They then talk about the Main Event and the Chicago Street Fight.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Brian Pillman: Pillman attacks Regal as soon as the bell rings. Regal with a leg dive, but Pillman continues the assault. He slaps Regal. They battle to the outside. Pillman drives Regal's arm down on the ropes. Back and forth. Regal in pain. He hits some European uppercuts on Pillman. Regal with a wrist lock. They trade blows. Regal with a backdrop. They hit each other hard. Pillman with a roll up for a two count. Regal with an STF. Pillman gets out and Regal with a modified crossbow to Pillman. Pillman gets out. They chop each other. Pillman gets a quick two count. Regal with a Regal roll for a two count. Regal tries for the crossbow again, but doesn't have it on all the way. Pillman gets out, only for Regal to go into a half crab. Regal with a series of holds to ground Pillman. Pillman gets out and knocks Regal down. Regal comes back with a wrestling hold. They chop each other again. Pillman with a headbutt. Three minutes left. Regal goes back to the European uppercuts. Pillman with a dropkick. Pillman goes for another dropkick, but Regal catches the leg to go for a Boston crab. Pillman breaks free. One minute left. Pillman with a dropkick as Regal comes off the second rope. Thirty seconds left. Pillman with corner mounted punches. They fall out of the ring. Pillman suplexes Regal in and covers, but time expires and the match is a draw.
-Mean Gene talks to Col. Parker and Bunkhouse Buck. Parker says tonight is his night. He talks about the Bunkhouse Match. Buck says this is also his night and his match.
-Chicago Street Fight Falls Count Anywhere Non-Title Match. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags vs. Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne: They start to fight on the ramp as soon as the faces come out. Payne and Sags fight in the ring, and Payne slams Sags down. Sags throws Payne into a barricade. Jack hits Knobbs with a sawed off pool cue. Sags hits Jack with the cue and a chair. Payne and Jack beat the Nasty Boys out on the floor. Knobbs clotheslines Jack into the ring. Knobbs and Payne fight towards the crowd beside the ramp. Sags takes the cue and clotheslines Jack out with it. Payne and Knobbs fight out to a clearly fake souvenir stand. Knobbs throws a trash can and a table at Payne. Sags and Jack fight out to the other side. Payne slams Knobbs through the merch table. He stuffs a shirt into Knobb's face. All four men battling by the merch stand now. Nasty Boys run Payne into a set up table and hit Jack with another table. Nasty Boys throw a table on the ramp. Jack suplexes the table onto Sags. Knobbs hits Jack with a shovel. Sags tries to piledrive Jack on the table, only for the table to collapse. Sags throws Jack onto the concrete and hits him with the shovel to get the pin.
-Jesse Ventura interviews Johnny B. Badd. Badd says he's on a roll and wants a shot at the winner of the US title match.
-United States Championship Match. Steve Austin with Col. Robert Parker vs. The Great Muta: Muta out first. The crowd boos Austin and Parker when they come out. The bell rings. They circle each other. They finally lock up. Austin breaks. Muta with a side headlock takeover. Austin gets to his feet. He gets to the ropes. A Muta chant goes out. They circle each other again. Austin with a series of moves. Muta with an abdominal stretch. A series of reversals. Muta with a waist lock. Austin reverses. This has been a mat based match. Muta goes back to the side headlock takeover. He then reverses a suplex. He goes back to the side headlock takeover. Austin back to his feet as Muta keeps the side headlock on. He goes back to the takeover. Austin with a headscissors. Muta gets out and Austin rolls out to regroup. Muta with a hammerlock to keep Austin grounded. Austin knocks Muta out. Parker chokes Muta. Austin out to attack Muta. Austin throws Muta into the barricade. Austin keeps up the assault as Muta gets back in. Austin with an abdominal stretch. Austin grabs the rope for leverage. Referee Nick Patrick keeps checking to see if Austin is using the ropes. Patrick catches Austin and Muta hip locks out of the move. Muta misses a dropkick and Austin hits an elbow off the second rope for a two count. Muta comes back with a flurry of moves. Muta with a suplex and a dropkick. He misses a top rope dropkick. Muta hits a Stun Gun on Austin. The crowd loves it. Austin backs off. Muta with a springboard elbow and a top rope hurricanrana. He hits Parker and backdrops Austin over the top rope to get disqualified. He hits a suicide dive on the pair after the match.
-Jesse interviews Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes talks about Bunkhouse Buck attacking him on WCW Saturday Night. He says he is going after Buck with all he has.
-WCW International World Championship Match. Rick Rude vs. Sting: We are getting close to Rude's career ending injury. Sting out first to a great ovation. Rude comes out with the belt raised high. He goes into his pre match routine. He gets interrupted by Harley Race on behalf of Vader. He says Vader wants the winner of the match. Sting hits Race and goes after Rude. They battle outside and Sting suplexes Rude. He beats Rude down in the ring. Rude ran into the turnbuckle. Nick Bockwinkel has come to ringside to watch the match. Sting with a scoop slam. He brutalizes Rude and gets a one count. Sting with a front face lock. Rude trying to get out. He dumps Sting on the top rope and clotheslines him out. Rude goes out after Sting. He attacks Sting in the ring with forearms to the back to get a two count. Rude with a camel clutch. He releases it, taunts the crowd, and puts it back on. He gets Sting down again and taunts the crowd. He gets a two count. He goes back to the clutch. Sting lifts up and rolls through. They each get a roll up for a two count. They trade blows. Rude gets a sleeper on. Sting gets out. Sting with a series of inverted atomic drops, and no one sells that move like Rude. Sting with a series of clotheslines. Sting with a reverse corner whip and a Stinger Splash that also inadvertently catches referee Randy Anderson. Sting with a Scorpion Deathlock, while also trying to get Anderson back to his senses. Race runs back down to ringside. Sting lets go and knocks Race down. Vader comes to ringside. Sting knocks Vader and Race down. Rude takes advantage and clips Sting's knee. Vader grabs a chair, and Bockwinkel warns him not to use it as Rude tries to put the Rude Awakening on. Race grabs a chair and goes to hit Sting, but hits Rude instead when Sting moves. Sting covers Rude to win, and we have a new champion. The crowd goes wild.
-Bunkhouse match. Dustin Rhodes vs. Bunkhouse Buck with Colonel Robert Parker: Rhodes runs down the ramp and hits Buck with a flying clothesline over the top rope. He hits Buck with a lariat. He suplexes Buck in from the apron. He knocks him back out of the ring. They trade shots on the outside. He gets Buck back in and beats him down again. Buck beats Rhodes down to the outside. Parker chokes Rhodes, and Buck breaks a stick over his back. Buck is beating on Rhodes as Rhodes tries to get away, and Rhodes is bleeding. Buck clotheslines Rhodes to the ramp. Buck chokes Rhodes with his suspenders. Buck throws Rhodes in the ring. He beats Rhodes down. Buck slams Rhodes' knee into the apron. Rhodes is kicking Buck away. Rhodes throws powder in Buck's eyes. Buck takes his belt off and whips Rhodes with it. He kicks Rhodes in the leg. Buck beats Rhodes down in the corner. Buck misses a running kick when Rhodes moves. Rhodes kicks Buck after putting him on the ropes. Rhodes takes his belt off and hits Buck with it. He beats Buck down and takes his cowboy boot off. He runs it into Buck's head. He then takes Buck's shirt off and whips his back. Rhodes clotheslines Buck over the top rope. Buck goes into his pocket and gets something. He goes to hit Rhodes with it, but Rhodes ducks and hits Buck with an atomic drop. Rhodes with corner mounted elbows. Rhodes with the bulldog and covers Buck, but Parker gets up on the apron. He suplexes Parker in and whips him with the belt. He throws Parker out, allowing Buck to get a roll up for a two count. They trade blows. Rhodes punches Buck down and gets a two count. Parker gives Buck a pair of Brass knuckles, and he hits Rhodes to get the pin.
-Jesse interviews Rick Rude. He says he didn't need any help. Vader and Harley Race come in and they start fighting, but are separated by other wrestlers.
-Flashback to what led up to the Vader/Boss match.
-Grudge Match. Vader with Harley Race vs. The Boss: Vader and Race are heavily booed when they come out. Vader and Boss meet on the ramp and start brawling. Boss runs Vader into Race. Boss clotheslines Vader into the ring. All Boss so far. Vader clotheslines Boss down. Vader goes out to the ramp and runs to splash the Boss, who gets his knees-up. Vader clotheslined to the floor and thrown over the barricade. Boss then slams Vader on the barricade. Vader regroups with Race. Boss with a corner whip and splash. The Boss slams Vader. Vader comes back with some shots and a backdrop that sends Boss out of the ring. Vader's mask is off, and he is bleeding. Vader splashes Boss for a two count. Vader beats Boss in the corner. Boss comes back with shots. They trade blows. Both men down. Boss with a clothesline. Vader goes for a Vader Bomb, but the Boss slams Vader off first. Boss with a DDT from the second turnbuckle for a two count. Boss with another cover, but Vader with a foot on the ropes. Boss goes up top, but Vader catches him with a power slam. Vader hits a Vader Bomb to get a two count. Vader hits a moonsault to get the pin. Race grabs the handcuffs and night stick, but the Boss gets them first and hits Vader with it. He beats Race down. Nick Bockwinkel gets in the ring to stop the Boss. Bockwinkel gets the Boss out of the ring.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline.
-Jesse is with the Boss and Nick Bockwinkel. Bockwinkel says the Boss went too far, and he takes the handcuffs and night stick and says he's no longer the Boss.
-Main Event for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat out first. He does the fire breathing routine. Flair with a tremendous ovation when he comes out. Michael Buffer does the introductions. Beth Flair is shown at ringside. The bell rings, and they circle each other. These two could have a good match with each other in their sleep. Flair with a drop toe hold. Steamboat gets out of it. Flair with an arm drag. They start with holds and counters. They each vie for position. Flair backs off and whoos Steamboat. They lock up and Steamboat with a takedown. Tony runs down the history between the two men. They lock up. Another series of moves. They slap and chop each other. Steamboat with a press slam and a flying headscissors. Flair sent to the outside. Steamboat throws him back in. He gets a two count. Flair rolls out again to regroup. Flair tries to get Steamboat down but can't. They trade chops again. Referee Nick Patrick warns both about using fists. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover. Flair is trying to get back to his feet. He does, but Steamboat doesn't let go. Flair pushes off, and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block for a two count. Steamboat goes back to the side headlock. Flair gets to the ropes. They trade moves. Steamboat goes back to the side headlock. Another series of push offs and shoulder blocks. Steamboat sent over the top, but skins the cat and rolls Flair up for a two count. Steamboat with a side headlock. Flair with a roll up for a two count. Flair tries to get back to his feet. Flair gets out and chops Steamboat. Steamboat with a front face lock. Flair gets to the corner and drives the shoulder in. Flair chops Steamboat in the corner again. Flair punching Steamboat in the face. Flair drops the knee on Steamboat. Flair with a snap mare. Flair gets a series of two counts. Flair with a back elbow and another series of two counts. They chop each other. Flair begs off. Flair with a clothesline, and they both fall to the outside. Steamboat backdrops Flair to get out of a piledriver attempt. They get back in, and Flair corner whipped. He goes up and over and is chopped to the floor by Steamboat, so TASIYDAH. Steamboat chops Flair on the outside. They get back in, and Flair begs off again. Steamboat with corner mounted punches. He then chops Flair. He covers, but Flair gets his foot on the ropes. Steamboat goes for a sunset flip, but Flair punches Steamboat. Steamboat gets the figure four on. The crowd goes wild. Flair is trying to hold on. Steamboat pulling Flair away from the ropes. Flair with a thumb to the eye to get out. Steamboat suplexes Flair in from the apron, but Flair falls on Steamboat for a two count. They fight for a backslide. Steamboat gets it for a two count. Flair begging off again. Steamboat chops Flair. Flair corner whipped to the outside again. Both out and down. They get up and chop each other again. Steamboat with the flying crossbody for a two count. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so take another shot. Steamboat goes for a body splash, but Flair moves. Flair goes for the figure four, but Steamboat blocks it. Flair pushes and gets it on. Steamboat fighting the pain. Steamboat reaches for the ropes and finally gets there. Flair goes back to chopping Steamboat, who responds in kind. Steamboat with corner mounted punches. Steamboat with a superplex. A double count is going. Steamboat gets a two count. Steamboat with a roll up for a two count. Steamboat with a double chicken wing. They go back, but both men's shoulders were down. Referee Randy Anderson comes down, and he and Patrick confer with Bockwinkel. There is a lot of confusion. Mixed reaction from the crowd. Tony and Bobby talk to Bockwinkel. He tries to explain what is going on. Bockwinkel says he has to talk to the board. Tony says they will find out what's going to happen next on WCW Saturday night and sign off from Chicago.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. The main event had a crazy finish but was good up until that point.

Episode 250 Notes Fri, 20 Sep 2024 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] f919cf13-549d-4d6b-ab81-eef4cd2c0ed8 My notes for Episode 250: NXT Takeover Fatal 4-Way. -Today we look at NXT Takeover: Fatal 4-way.
-NXT Takeover: Fatal 4-Way was shown on the WWE Network on September 11, 2014 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. There were 400 in attendance.
-NXT and Takeover Intros.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Ascension Konnor and Viktor vs. The Lucha Dragons Kalisto and Sin Cara: Lucha Dragons out first as we see highlights of them winning the tournament to get the shot. Ascension have been champions for 344 days. Viktor and Sin Cara start. They lock up. Viktor with an early barrage, but Sin Cara comes back. Ascension overwhelms Sin Cara. Konnor tagged in. He runs Sin Cara into the ring apron on the outside. Konnor gets a one count. Viktor tagged in. He got a wear down hold on Sin Cara. Viktor goes for a powerbomb, but Sin Cara turns it into a headscissors. Konnor tagged in and knocks Kalisto off the apron. Sin Cara prevented from tagging. Konnor gets a two count. Sin Cara with an Enziguri. Kalisto tagged in and cleans house on the Ascension. Viktor breaks up a pin attempt. Kalisto with a hurricanrana. Kalisto goes for a suicide dive, and the Ascension grab him and dump him on the ramp, only to get hit by a suicide dive from Sin Cara. Konnor hits a big clothesline on Kalisto. Sin Cara grabs Viktor as he and Konnor go for the Fall of Man. Kalisto hits Salita Del Sol to get the pin and we have new NXT Tag Team Champions.
-Renee Young interviews the Lucha Dragons. They say the win feels amazing, and the future starts now.
-Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton acknowledge the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
-A feature on Neville.
-CJ Parker vs. Baron Corbin: Corbin's NXT debut. They lock up. Corbin chops Parker. He hits End of Days and gets the pin. That was quick.
-A feature on Tyson Kidd.
-Hair vs. Hair match. Sylvester Lefort with Marcus Louis vs. Enzo Amore with Big Cass: Flashback to what led up to the match. Lefort and Louis out first. Enzo and Cass come out and do their routine. The crowd is into Enzo and Cass. Enzo and Lefort lock up. Lefort with a side headlock into a cover and kick out by Enzo. Enzo with a side headlock. Lefort tries to get out. He gets a roll up for a two count. Lefort comes back with forearms. Enzo comes back with a dropkick. Enzo hip tosses Lefort. Lefort guillotines Enzo and stomps him. He gets a one count. They trade shots. Lefort with a running knee. He hits a forearm to Enzo. Enzo coming back. Lefort with a clothesline for a two count. Enzo rolls Lefort up to win. Lefort is shocked and begging Enzo not to get his hair cut. He tries to run, but Big Cass clotheslines him. The fans yell get the bucket for the hair removal cream that Enzo and Cass have. Louis attacks Enzo and Cass. Lefort runs away. They pour the bucket on Louis and he runs away.
-Feature on Tyler Breeze.
-Monday Night War Ad.
-NXT General Manager William Regal comes out. He announces the signing of Kenta. He comes out and addresses the crowd. He says he is grateful and says he will be known as Hideo Itami. He gets interrupted by the Ascension. They throw Itami out of the ring and say they want a rematch for the Tag Titles. Itami gets back in and takes out both members of the Ascension. He then gets a chair, sets it up, and tells them to bring it. They back off.
-Flashback to what led up to the next match. Bull Dempsey vs. Mojo Rawley: Dempsey attacks Rawley right away. He beats Rawley down in the corner. Rawley comes back with shoulder tackles. Dempsey with a top rope headbutt to get the pin. He then hits another headbutt.
-Enzo Amore and Big Cass come across Lefort and Louis again. Lefort runs away. Louis has a towel on. They take him out to the ring and take the towel off, and it's not pretty.
-Flashback to what led up to the NXT Women's Championship Match. Charlotte vs. Bayley: Bayley out first. The crowd loves her. Charlotte comes out, and she looks all business. Slow to start. Bayley drives her shoulder into Charlotte in the corner. Charlotte comes back with chops. Bayley with a crossbody for a two count. They trade moves. Charlotte with a neck breaker. Charlotte with a figure four headlock. Bayley fighting to get out. Bayley gets out and Charlotte stomps her in the corner. Charlotte drives her knee into Bayley's head. She chops Bayley. Charlotte goes back to the figure four headlock. Bayley fighting it again. Bayley gets out and they trade roll ups for two counts. Bayley gets an inside cradle for a two count. Back and forth. Charlotte drives Bayley down to the mat. Charlotte goes for a moonsault, but Bayley catches her in a hurricanrana. Both wrestlers down. Bayley covers for a two count. Charlotte goes to roll Bayley up, and Bayley's head smacks off the bottom turnbuckle. Charlotte stomps Bayley and hits a moonsault, but Bayley kicks out at two. Charlotte hits Natural Selection to get the pin. Charlotte gets her title and leaves the ring. Sasha Banks comes down and berates Bayley, who's still down in the ring. She attacks Bayley until Charlotte pulls her off and throws Banks into a corner.
-A feature on Sami Zayn.
-Night of Champions ad.
-Main Event Fatal 4-Way for the NXT Championship. Adrian Neville vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sami Zayn: Breeze out first. Zayn out next, and he is over with the crowd. Kidd out next. Neville came out last as champion. The belt is presented. The bell rings, and they just stare at each other. They finally pair off. Breeze and Zayn fight to the outside. Neville and Kidd also fight out. Zayn and Neville get their opponents down and get in to face each other. They get taken out by Kidd and Breeze before they can lock up. They all go out again. Kidd attacks Zayn. Zayn gets the koji clutch on, but Breeze breaks it up. They all fight up to the ramp. Kidd and Breeze double suplex Neville at the top of the ramp. They double suplex Zayn on the ramp. Kidd throws Zayn in the ring. Breeze holds Zayn for Kidd to kick. They run Zayn into Neville, who had gotten on the apron. Double team to Zayn. Breeze keeps Neville out of the ring while Kidd hits Zayn. Double back elbow to Zayn. Kidd then takes out Breeze and gets a two count on Zayn. Kidd with a headlock to Zayn. Zayn with a jaw breaker to get out of the hold. They trade moves. Kidd with a snap mare. Kidd is attacking Zayn furiously. He does a top rope leg drop for a two count. Kidd puts Zayn in the tree of woe. He attacks Zayn and gets another two count. Zayn and Kidd trade chops in the corner. Kidd with another chin lock. Zayn trying to get up. Neville gets in briefly before getting thrown out again by Kidd. All four back in the ring. Zayn goes for a suicide dive to Breeze and Kidd, only to get blocked by Neville, who hits a moonsault to them. Neville and Zayn face to face. They trade moves. Zayn gets a cover that's broken up by Kidd. Kidd puts Neville up for a superplex. Neville knocks Kidd off, so Kidd throws Zayn into Neville to knock him from the turnbuckle to the floor. Kidd with a spinning face buster for a two count. Kidd goes for the Sharpshooter, but Zayn keeps blocking. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Breeze takes him out. It is fast and furious to try to write everything down. Breeze can't get a pin. Breeze puts Neville on the top rope. Kidd comes over for the double superplex, only for them all to get powerbombed off by Zayn. Zayn covers Kidd for a two count. Zayn and Kidd up and trading shots. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick again, only to run into a kick by Neville. Neville hits the Red Arrow on Zayn, only to get thrown out by Breeze, who covers Zayn. He gets an extremely close two count. Breeze goes for the Beauty Shot, only for Zayn to duck and Kidd puts the Sharpshooter on Breeze. Breeze almost taps, but Neville blocks the hand. Zayn breaks it up, and he and Neville trade blows. Neville thrown outside and Zayn hits Kidd with the exploder suplex. Zayn hits Neville with a suicide dive. He hits the DDT on Breeze. He hits Kidd with the Helluva Kick, but Neville pulls the referee out of the ring before he can make the count. Zayn comes out, and Neville hits him with a super kick. Neville gets in and hits the Red Arrow on Kidd to get the pin. The crowd appears not to like the result. They replayed the highlights of the match before signing off from Full Sail.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. The final two matches were excellent and highlighted a lot of the up and coming talent.

Episode 249 Notes Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 4c170b79-0b5f-4934-bb24-31c016efde01 My notes for Episode 249: Judgment Day 2001. -Sonny King.
-Today we look at Judgment Day 2001 from the WWF.
-Judgment Day 2001 took place on PPV on May 20, 2001 from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA. There were 13,623 in attendance and the show did 405,000 buys.
-WWF and Judgment Day Intros.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to Sacramento. He and Paul Heyman will be the announcers for the PPV.
-William Regal vs. Rikishi: Regal out first. He grabs a mic and says if Rikishi tries a Stinkface, the consequences will be severe and permanent. Rikishi comes out and he is extremely over with the crowd. Rikishi with a flurry of offense and goes for the Stinkface, but Regal low blows Rikishi. Regal with a series of right hands to Rikishi. Regal goes for a sunset flip. Rikishi goes to sit straight down, but Regal moves. Regal with European uppercuts to Rikishi in the corner. Regal gets a two count. Rikishi with a corner whip, clothesline, and leg drop. Rikishi with the Stinkface. Regal looks revolted and rolls outside dry heaving. Rikishi runs Regal into the ring steps. Rikishi misses a corner charge. Regal gets the pin.
-Edge and Christian talk about tag team turmoil when Kurt Angle asks for advice about a ladder match if his match with Chris Benoit goes to a third fall.
-HHH and Stephanie McMahon are shown arriving and are greeted by Vince McMahon. McMahon asks HHH why they got the Undertaker's wife Sara involved. HHH tells him not to worry about it.
-2/3 Falls Match for Kurt Angle's Gold Medals. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit: Flashback to what led up to the match. First fall: Pin falls only match. Angle out first. He says he's excited because his medals are coming back home. Benoit gets into the ring, and Angle attacks him as soon as he gets in. Angle beats Benoit down. Angle with a series of German suplexes. Angle goes up top. He misses a splash attempt. Benoit with an Angle slam to get the pin. That was quick. Second Fall: Submissions only. Benoit immediately goes for the Crossface, but Angle rolls to the outside. They fight on the outside. Angle rammed into the ring steps and the ring post. Angle crotches Benoit into the ring post. Angle stomps Benoit and runs him into the announce tables. Angle throws Benoit in the ring. Angle with a corner whip, but Benoit gets his foot up on the charge. They trade moves and it goes outside again. Back in, they trade shots. Angle with a snap suplex. He follows it up with a belly to belly suplex. Benoit with a Crossface and the Cross Arm Breaker. Back and forth. They get tied up in the corner. Benoit with a Boston crab. Angle gets out. Benoit with a figure four. Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit is working on Angle's knee. Angle gets back to the ropes. It goes back outside and they trade chops. They continue back in the ring, and it is getting intense. Angle with an Angle slam. Angle with an ankle lock, and Benoit taps out. Third Fall: Ladder Match. They fight to the outside and chop each other again. Angle runs Benoit into the ring steps. Angle pulls a ladder from under the ring and throws it in. Angle climbs the ladder and Benoit knocks him over. That ladder isn't long enough. Benoit gets a bigger ladder. He sets it up and starts to climb. Angle knocks Benoit off. Angle with a suplex. Angle batters Benoit with the ladder. Benoit ducks a shot, and Angle and the ladder fall to the outside. Benoit hits Angle with the ladder. Benoit sets the ladder up. Angle low blows Benoit off the ladder. Angle sets the ladder in the corner and runs Benoit into it. Benoit then reverses Angle into the ladder. Benoit attacks Angle relentlessly. Benoit suplexes Angle. Benoit grabs the ladder. He sets it in the corner. Angle reverses Benoit into the ladder. Angle positions the ladder and snap suplexes Benoit into it. Benoit drives the ladder up into Angle's head. Benoit sets the ladder up over Angle and starts to climb. Angle turns the ladder over. Angle drives his shoulder into Benoit in the corner. Benoit gets the Crossface on. Angle taps to no avail. Edge and Christian come down and grab Benoit. While he fights them off, Angle sets the ladder up and climbs to get the medals and win the match.
-A medical official is checking on William Regal when the Undertaker comes in and tells Regal that his match with Steve Austin will be a No Holds Barred match. Regal reluctantly agrees.
-JR and Paul talk to WWF Light-heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn at WWF New York. Lynn says he should be defending his title at Judgment Day. He mocks JR for not being on the PPV.
-WWF Hardcore Championship Triple Threat Match. Test vs. The Big Show vs. Rhyno: Test and TBS start brawling as soon as TBS gets to the ring. TBS throws Test out of the ring. Rhyno comes out and grabs the ring steps. He throws them in, but gets clotheslined out by TBS. They all brawl on the outside. Test and Rhyno knocked over the barricade to the outside. All three brawl out in the crowd. TBS Irish whips Test into a column. Test grabs a velvet rope and chokes TBS. Rhyno runs an ammo case into Test. All three brawl all over. Test and Rhyno knock TBS into a bunch of pallets. Test runs Rhyno into some cases. They make their way back to the ring. Test tossed down at ringside. Rhyno throwing weapons into the ring. He grabs a trashcan lid. Test punches Rhyno through the lid and hurts his hand. Rhyno with a DDT on the lid for a two count. Rhyno hits Test repeatedly with a trash can lid as TBS comes back. He choke slams Rhyno. Test with a big boot to TBS for a two count. Test with a two count to Rhyno. Test grabs a fire extinguisher. TBS goes to choke slam Test and gets sprayed. He gets a two count. Rhyno hits Test with a trash can. He throws the can at TBS and hits a Gore to get the pin.
-Shop Zone ad.
-William Regal is outside Steve Austin's locker room trying to get the nerve to go in.
-Lita is with the Hardy Boys, who are hyping her up. They get interrupted by Eddie Guerrero, who says no one knows Chyna like him. Lita says she doesn't need his help.
-Steve Austin is talking to Debra. William Regal comes in and says his match is No Holds Barred, and Austin says fine.
-Flashback to what led up to the Women's Championship Match.
-WWF Women's Championship Match. Chyna vs. Lita: Lita out first to an amazing ovation. Chyna also out to a great ovation. They hug before the match. The bell rings and they lock up. They trade moves. Lita with a side headlock. They trade counts. Chyna kicks Lita in the midsection. Chyna with a clothesline for a two count. Lita responds with a DDT. Lita attacks Chyna with her right hands. Lita with a second rope clothesline for a two count. Chyna's top becomes crooked, and they pixelate that area. Chyna with a forearm to Lita. Chyna with a neck breaker. Chyna with a power slam for a two count. Chyna with a press slam. Chyna lifts Lita up after a two count. Lita takes advantage and gets the Cross Arm Breaker on. A Lita chant goes out. Chyna counters into a headscissors. Eddie Guerrero comes out to the stage. Lita fights to get out. She gets to the ropes. Lita counters a powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana for a two count. Chyna hits the powerbomb on the second attempt to get the pin.
-King of the Ring ad.
-Michael Cole interviews Kurt Angle. He says it's good he got his medals back. He thanks Edge and Christian and then leaves. Edge says now he can shut up about those medals. Christian says they need to win tag team turmoil.
-Vince McMahon is with Steve Austin, HHH, Stephanie, and Debra talking about what they are up against tonight. Austin and HHH say they have no problems.
-Flashback to what led up to the Intercontinental Championship Match.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Chain Match. HHH with Stephanie McMahon vs. Kane: HHH and Stephanie out first. Kane comes out carrying a chain. HHH bails out of the ring. Referee Tim White yells at Kane to drop his chain. HHH takes advantage and grabs the official chain and hits Kane with it. HHH attacks Kane's bad arm. He slams it on the ring post and the ring steps. He then hits Kane with a chair several times. He throws Kane back in. HHH attaches the chain to the bad arm. They are both strapped together. They both take turns with the chain on the other person. HHH with a chair shot to Kane from the top rope. HHH drags Kane outside. He drives Kane into the ring steps. HHH then beats the bad arm with the chain. HHH throws Kane back in and grabs a chair, but Kane jerks HHH down with the chain. HHH ran into the chair. HHH is busted open. Kane slams HHH's head on the steps. Kane wraps the chain around HHH's face. He knocks HHH down with the chain. Kane choking HHH with the chain. HHH collapses at ringside. Kane whips HHH with the chain. HHH thrown back in and Kane goes up top, but HHH jerks him to the mat with the chain. They go back out and Kane runs HHH into the barricade. Kane slams HHH onto the ground. Back and forth in the ring. Both men down. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Kane powers out of it. Kane hits HHH with the chain. Kane goes up top and clotheslines HHH with the chain. Kane hits a choke slam. Steve Austin comes out. Kane throws him out of the ring. Austin grabs a chair. Kane ducks and HHH gets hit with the chair. Kane covers and gets the pin. New IC champion. Kane raises the belt high.
-WWF The Music Vol 5 ad.
-Coach interviews Chris Jericho, who still won't reveal who his partner is. He says his partner and he will take Edge and Christian out.
-HHH shown yelling at Vince McMahon.
-Tag Team Turmoil to determine the #1 contenders to the Tag Team Championship: APA Farooq and Bradshow come out. They take on Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn with Teri. They brawl immediately. Malenko covers Farooq for a two count. Double clothesline. All four brawling. Farooq hits Saturn with a spinebuster to get the pin. The Dudley Boys D-Von and Bubba Ray with Spike are next. They start brawling immediately. D-Von rushes Farooq, who power slams him. Bubba in against Farooq. Back and forth. Bradshaw tagged in. Bubba with a sidewalk slam. D-Von tagged back in. D-Von with a clothesline, and he gets a two count. The crowd chants we want tables. Bradshaw hits a fall away slam. Bubba breaks up a cover. They get Farooq down and hit the What's Up. The Hollys come out and slam D-Von through the table while Bradshaw pins Bubba after a Clothesline from Hell. The next team is X-Factor, X-Pac, and Justin Credible with Albert. X-Pac attacks Farooq, who comes back with a backbreaker for a two count. Bradshaw tagged in. He gets X-Pac down, but X-Pac has his foot on the ropes. It goes outside and Albert attacks Bradshaw. Farooq tagged in. He gets a two count. X-Factor quick tagging. Farooq with a near fall on X-Pac. Bradshaw tagged in. X-Pac gets Bradshawn down and Albert holds his foot and X-Factor wins. The next team is the Hardy Boys Matt and Jeff. They start brawling immediately. The Hardy's double teaming Credible. X-Factor gets Jeff outside and attacks him. X-Pac with a Bronco Buster to Jeff. Jeff comes back with a dropkick. Matt with a second rope leg drop. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb, but Albert interferes and X-Pac gets the pin. The next team is Chris Jericho and his partner, Chris Benoit. All four start to brawl. Jericho takes out Albert. Albert drops Jericho on the barricade. Credible runs Benoit into a turnbuckle and kicks him down. Credible gets Benoit down with a headlock. X-Pac tagged in. He strikes Benoit down. He missed a Bronco Buster. Jericho tagged in. He hit a missile dropkick. He goes for a shoulder block, but X-Pac ducks, and the referee gets hit. Double thrust kick to Jericho. Another referee comes down, and X-Pac gets a two count. Jericho and Benoit take out X-Pac and Albert. Walls of Jericho and the Crossface on X-Factor and both tap. Edge and Christian are the last team. All four fighting. Jericho suplexes Edge. Back and forth. Christian in against Jericho. He and Edge quick tagging to keep Jericho down. Edge with a headlock. They trade shots. Christian in, and Jericho hits a back elbow. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Edge gets his knees-up. Benoit breaks up the pin attempt. Benoit tagged in. He hits a German Suplex to get a two count. Benoit hits a top rope dropkick, and Jericho gets a two count. All four men are in and brawling. Edge goes out, and he and Christian grab chairs. Benoit and Jericho baseball slide into them. Jericho and Benoit go to do the conchairto on Christian, but Edge takes out Jericho. Benoit gets the Crossface on Christian, who taps, and Jericho and Benoit win.
-Foley is Good ad.
-Flashback to what led up to the Main Event.
-Main Event No Holds Barred match for the WWF Championship. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker: JR and Paul discuss the main event when Vince McMahon's music hits and he comes out. He joins commentary. Undertaker's music hits, and he comes out to a massive ovation. Austin's music hits, and Undertaker attacks him as soon as he comes out. He runs Austin into the barricade. They fight down the aisle, and Undertaker runs Austin into the ring steps. Undertaker chokes Austin with a mic cord. Undertaker throws his headband at McMahon. Undertaker beats Austin down on the floor. Undertaker does Old School on the barricade. Austin reverse Irish whipped into the barricade. Undertaker hits Austin with a Fire Extinguisher. Undertaker throws Austin into the ring. Back and forth. Austin hits a neck breaker. Austin beating Undertaker in the corner. Undertaker moves out of the way of a chair shot and hits a flying choke slam. Undertaker blocks a Stunner attempt and hits a big boot to get a two count. They go back outside, and Austin ran into a ring post. Undertaker goes after McMahon, and Austin attacks Undertaker from behind. Austin slams Undertaker's leg on a ring post several times. Undertaker ran into the ring steps. Austin clips Undertaker's leg. Austin throws Undertaker back in and attacks Undertaker relentlessly. Undertaker fighting to get out. Austin kicks Undertaker low several times. An Austin sucks chant goes out. Undertaker gets out. Austin thrown outside. Undertaker takes the announce desk apart. He choke slams Austin through the table. Undertaker goes after McMahon, who runs away. Undertaker throws Austin into the ring and gets a close two count. Austin thrown out again. Austin hits Undertaker with a monitor. Austin takes a turnbuckle cover off. Undertaker busted open on the outside. Austin beating on Undetaker. They trade shots in the ring. Austin hits a Thesz press. He gets a two count. Austin menaces the referee and hits Undertaker with a low blow for another two count. Austin chokes Undertaker on the second rope. Austin with a leapfrog body guillotine. Austin with a sleeper. Undertaker with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Austin with a chair shot to Undertaker. Austin with a Stunner for a two count, and Austin and McMahon can't believe Undertaker kicked out. Austin with a variety of chair shots to Undertaker. Undertaker with a choke slam. Undertaker beats Austin with the chair. HHH comes out with a sledgehammer. Undertaker hits him and Austin with the chair and covers, but McMahon breaks up the count. Undertaker goes after McMahon. Austin goes to hit Undertaker with the chair, but gets McMahon when Undertaker ducks. Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, but HHH hits Undertaker with the sledgehammer. Austin gets the pin as Kane's music hits and he comes out, but it's too late. The heels celebrate as they sign off from Sacremento. By virtue of their victory in the tag team turmoil match, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho were given a match against The Power Trip (Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H) for the WWF Tag Team Championship on the next night's Raw. During the match, Triple H miss stepped while breaking a submission hold on Austin and tore one of his quadriceps. Late in the contest, Triple H tried to break up a pin by striking Jericho with his sledgehammer, but Jericho moved and Austin was hit in the chest instead. He was then pinned, which cost the Power Trip their tag team titles. Triple H went on to miss the rest of the year, while Austin began feuding with both Benoit and Jericho by himself
-Final Thoughts: A wild show. Things are about to change in wrestling in a big way.

Episode 248 Notes Fri, 20 Sep 2024 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 9406c50e-df20-4917-b5fe-e65248ed237a My notes for Episode 248: WrestleMania X. -Afa, Dennis Brent, and Sid.
-Today we look at WrestleMania X from the WWF.
-WrestleMania X was shown on PPV on March 20, 1994 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 18,065 in attendance and it had a North American Buy Rate of 420,000.
-The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray with Jim Cornette defeated The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch in a dark match.
-Intro looking back at WrestleMania and saying 10 years in the making because Vince McMahon doesn't know how to count.
-Speaking of, Vince McMahon welcomes us to WrestleMania and brings out Little Richard to sing America the Beautiful. He does a good job. McMahon then brings in the returning Jerry Lawler to be the color commentator for the event.
-Flashback to what led up to the Bret and Owen Hart Match. The rumor that was going around about this match when I was a teen.
-Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart: Owen out first. Bret gets a tremendous ovation when he comes out. Bret does his sunglasses presentation. A lets go Bret chant goes out as the bell rings. Owen with the early advantage. Bret reverses into a headlock. Owen escapes. Even paced match to begin. Owen with a waist lock. Bret gets to the ropes and ducks down. Owen falls outside. Owen slaps Bret. They trade hammerlocks. Back and forth. Owen with a wrist lock. They do a series of reversals. Fast paced match. Bret with an arm lock. The let's go Bret chant goes out again. Owen up and Bret with a clothesline to knock Owen out. Bret throws Owen back in. They shove each other. Bret with a crucifix for a two count. Bret with an arm bar. Owen with a spinning heel kick. Owen kicks Bret to the outside. Owen runs Bret back first into the barricade. Back in the ring, Owen focuses on injuring Bret's back. Owen with a camel clutch. Bret breaks out. Owen with a power slam for a two count. Bret reverses a crossbody for a two count. Owen goes back to working on the body. A failed scoop slam by Owen and Bret gets a two count. Owen with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Bret with a small package for a two count. Owen with a piledriver and he goes to his knees for this one. That's strange if you know the SummerSlam 1997 Steve Austin story. Owen misses a diving headbutt when Bret moves. Both men down. Bret with a flurry of offense for a two count. He goes into the five moves of doom. He gets a series of two counts. Owen is begging off. He suckers Bret and goes for the Sharpshooter. Bret reverses and goes for the Sharpshooter. Owen gets out and gets a roll up for a two count. They roll out and Bret looks like he's hurt his knee. Back in, Owen goes after the injured knee. He slams the knee into the ring post. he continues to work on the injured knee. Owen gets a leg lock on. Owen gets the figure four on. Bret is fighting to get out. He gets to the ropes. Owen attacks the leg again. Bret coming back. Bret with a corner whip for a two count. Bret with a bulldog for another two count. Bret with a piledriver for a two count. Bret with a superplex for a close two count. Back and forth. Owen with a mule kick. Owen with a Sharpshooter. Bret taps, but that wasn't a thing yet. Bret reverses, but Owen gets to the ropes. Owen reverses a corner whip. Bret gets his foot up on the charge and goes for a victory roll, but Owen drops down to get the clean pin. The crowd can't believe it, but Owen does get some cheers. Owen celebrates. Todd Pettengill interviews Owen. He says he's the best there is, was, or ever will be. He says this is a great moment for him. He says he doesn't think Bret can win the title after this.
-WrestleMania 2 moment is the battle royal.
-Bill Dunn introduces Sy Sperling for the Hair Club for Men. He brings out the new Howard Finkel, who has hair.
-Mixed Tag Team Match. Bam Bam Bigelow and Luna Vachon vs. Doink and Dink: Doink and Dink get a great reaction. They spray Sy with their flower. Bigelow attacks Doink in the ring. All Bigelow to begin, but he misses a leg drop. Doink comes back with an arm bar. They trade blows. Dink and Luna tagged in. Dink avoiding Luna. Luna attacking Dink. She misses a splash, and Dink gets a two count. Luna takes Dink down with a kick. Dink misses a splash. Dink slammed down. She misses a splash. Doink and Bigelow tagged in. Doink clotheslined to the outside. Luna and Bigelow go after Dink. Doink goes for a sunset flip, but Bigelow slams down on Doink. Back and forth. Doink gets Bigelow down and goes up top. He misses a leg drop. Bigelow knocks Dink off the apron and gets a side suplex for a two count. Bigelow attacks Doink. He hits a top rope headbutt to get the pin. Bigelow and Luna attack Dink after the match.
-They show a Bill Clinton impersonator in the crowd.
-WrestleMania III moment is Hulk Hogan facing Andre the Giant.
-Falls count anywhere match. Randy Savage vs. Crush with Mr. Fuji: This is Savage's swan song. He attacks Crush in the aisle. Crush with a backbreaker. Crush drops Savage on the barricade and pins him. Savage has 60 seconds to get back in the ring. Fuji attacks Savage, but he gets in the ring with two seconds left. Crush continues to attack. He puts Savage in the tree of woe. Fuji gives Crush some salt, but Savage hits Crush, and it goes into Crush's eyes. Savage with a scoop slam and an elbow drop. He brings Crush outside and pins him. Fuji comes over and slaps Crush and pours water on him. Crush gets back in with two seconds left. They fight to the outside. Crush attacks Savage. They trade blows. Savage runs Crush into the ring steps. They fight down an aisle. Savage backdrops Crush on the aisle. They fight to the back. Savage gets a pin. He ties Crush's foot up in a pulley and ties Crush up to win the match. Fuji goes to attack Savage, but gets pushed down.
-Todd Pettengill interviews "Bill Clinton." He says he's having a good time. IRS is also in the box and says the president is doing a good job. Pettengill then goes over the fan fest that took place. They then show Randy Savage celebrating with the fans at the Paramount.
-WrestleMania IV moment of Randy Savage winning the tournament.
-WWF Women's Championship Match. Alundra Blayze vs. Lelani Kai: Kai with an early flurry of offense. Blayze with a sunset flip for a two count. Blayze with a headscissors for a two count. Kai slams Blayze down by her hair. Blayze with a clothesline. Blayze with a high knee. Blayze gets a series of two counts. Blayze with a northern lights suplex to get the pin.
-WrestleMania V moment is Roddy Piper's confrontation with Brother Love and Morton Downey Jr.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Quebecers Jacques and Pierre with Johnny Polo vs. Men on a Mission Mo and Mabel with Oscar: MOM out first with Oscar Rapping. Todd Pettengill interviews Rhonda Shear from Up All Night. Shawn Michaels and then Burt Reynolds interrupt. The Quebecers try to double team Mabel, who comes back with a double clothesline. Mo and Pierre start. Mo with a crossbody for a two count. Double team on Pierre. Mo gets another two count. Quebecers double team Mo. Pierre gets a two count on Mo. Mo goes outside and Pierre back dropped onto Mo. Pierre gets another two count. Jacques tagged in and gets a two count. Mo comes back with a cannonball. Jacques lures Mabel in so the Quebecers can double team Mo. Pierre tagged in and misses a top rope leg drop. Mabel tagged in. He cleans house and sidewalk slams Jacques, but misses a corner splash. Double team to Mabel. They double suplex Mabel and actually get some cheers. Cannonball to Mabel for a two count. Mabel starts to come back. Mabel clotheslines Jacques. Mo tagged in and they do the inverted suplex slam and Mo covers Jacques, but the referee is distracted by Polo. Mo clears the ring. MOM won via count out, but the titles don't change hands. MOM grabs the titles anyway.
-WrestleMania VI moment is Warrior vs. Hogan.
-Rhonda Shear and Donnie Wahlberg are introduced. Special Guest Referee Mr. Perfect is introduced.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. Lex Luger: Luger gets an amazing reaction when he comes out. Rhonda rings the bell, but it takes a while to get started. They trade clotheslines, and Yokozuna knocks Luger down. Luger responds by knocking Yokozuna to the outside. Luger follows and slams Yokozuna into the ring steps. Luger gets Yoko back in and crossbody's Yoko. He gets a two count. Luger with a series of two counts, but can't get the pin. Yokozuna comes back. He clotheslines Luger on the second rope. Yoko falls on Luger after a missed slam attempt to get a two count. Yokozuna on offense. Yoko takes off a turnbuckle cover. They trade shots. Luger chopped to the mat. Yoko with a nerve hold. A USA chant goes out. Luger trying to get out of the hold. Luger gets to his feet. He breaks the hold, but can't knock Yoko down. Yoko with a series of chops before going back to the nerve hold. Fuji waves the Japanese flag. Luger gets out of the hold, only to get thrown outside of the ring by Yoko. Luger gets back in, and Yokozuna goes back to the nerve hold as it has worked for him so far. Fuji waves the flag as the USA chant goes out again. Luger fighting out again. He avoids two clothesline attempts, but runs into a belly to belly suplex from Yoko. Yoko goes to run Luger into the exposed buckle, but Luger reverses and Yoko goes in instead. Luger with three clotheslines, and Yoko goes down. Luger slams Yoko and hits the forearm. Cornette and Fuji come in and he hits them too. Luger covers, but Perfect is checking on Cornette and Fuji. Luger shoves Perfect, asking him what he is doing, and Perfect disqualifies Luger and leaves. The crowd chants bullshit.

-Todd Pettengill interviews Mr. Perfect. He says he called it down the middle. Luger comes back and confronts Perfect. Officials separate the two.
-Vince and Lawler discuss what happened as the bullshit chant continues.
-WrestleMania VII moment is the blindfold match between Jake Roberts and Rick Martel.
-Harvey Wippleman yells at Howard Finkel and puts Finkel down. Finkel then pushes Wippleman down. Adam Bomb comes down and grabs Finkel. Earthquake comes in and attacks Bomb from behind. He hits a belly to belly suplex as the bell for the match begins. Earthquake with a power slam and the sit down splash to get the pin.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Jim Cornette. Cornette says they got past Lex Luger. He then tells Bret Hart he won't get past Yokozuna and his career will be over.
-WrestleMania VIII moment is the Undertaker's entrance.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels with Diesel: Michaels and Diesel out first. Michaels is milking his entrance. Ramon gets a great reaction when he comes out. He goes under the ladder to head to the ring. The bell rings. They slowly circle each other. Michaels with a hammerlock. Ramon with a choke slam. Michaels with a neck breaker. Michaels on offense. Ramon with a shoulder block. He goes to rush Michaels, who drops down, and Ramon falls out of the ring. Diesel attacks Ramon on the outside. Referee Earl Hebner throws Diesel out. Diesel screams at Hebner, but he does leave. Ramon attacks Michaels. Michaels overselling as he gets clotheslined out. I will give you a minute to recover from your amazement. Ramon follows and takes up a ringside mat. Michaels thumbs Ramon in the eye and throws him back in. Ramon with a right hand and goes for the Razor's Edge, but Michaels backdrops Ramon out of the ring and onto the concrete. Michaels goes after the ladder. Ramon hits Michaels before he can bring the ladder in. Michaels baseball slides the ladder into Ramon. Michaels runs Ramon into the ring steps. Michaels throws the ladder into the ring and runs it into Ramon again. He slams the ladder into Ramon several times. He then throws it at Ramon. Michaels sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Ramon grabs Michaels by the tights, and there is a fully moon at MSG. Michaels then drops an elbow on Ramon from the ladder. Michaels sets the ladder in the corner and splashed Ramon from the ladder. Michaels sets the ladder up and starts to climb, but Ramon pushes the ladder over and Michaels guillotines himself on the top rope. Both men down. They collide in the ring again, and both men are down. Michaels up and grabs the ladder. He sets it in the corner. Ramon reverses a corner whip into the ladder, and Michaels goes up and over to the outside. Ramon takes the ladder out of the ring and hits Michaels with it several times. Ramon sets the ladder up and catapults Michaels into it. They get back in, and Ramon uses the ladder as a battering ram to knock Michaels out of the ring again. Ramon sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Michaels climbs to the top rope and hits Ramon with a double ax handle to knock Ramon off, but the ladder falls on Michaels. The ladder is set up again, and both start to climb. Ramon suplexes Michaels off the ladder. The ladder is twisted. Ramon starts to climb, but Michaels dropkicks the ladder and Ramon falls off. Michaels tips the ladder over on Ramon. Michaels hits a superkick on Ramon. Michaels moves Ramon and hits a piledriver on Ramon. Michaels takes the ladder and drives it down on Ramon from the corner. Michaels sets the ladder up over the fallen Ramon and starts to climb. Ramon pushes the ladder over, and Michaels gets caught in the ropes. Ramon climbs the ladder and retrieves both belts to win. Ramon then holds the belts high on the ladder to celebrate. They say the 10-man tag is cancelled because the heel group can't decide who's captain to cover that the ladder match went long.
-Todd Pettengill talks to "Bill Clinton" again and Ted DiBiase tells him everybody's got a price.
-WrestleMania IX moment is Randy Savage's entrance and Bret Hart losing the title. This is followed by a flashback to what led to the final match with a feature on Bret Hart and Yokozuna. Burt Reynolds and Jennie Garth are introduced as the guest ring announcer and timekeeper.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. Bret Hart: Reynolds introduces Roddy Piper as the special guest referee. Yoko and company out first. Hart gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. Hart comes out limping, and Yoko attacks him as soon as he gets in. Yoko is on the offensive as Hart struggles to get away. Hart out on his feet. Hart does get a dropkick and some punches. Yokozuna chokes Hart on the second rope. Piper stops Yoko and they go face to face. Cornette gets on the apron and Piper gets him off. Yoko misses a splash when Hart moves. Hart with a series of right hands and a headbutt. Both men down. I've been distracted by a guy on the front row who looks like the dad from Just the 10 of us. Yokozuna rakes the eye. They trade blows. Hart gets Yokozuna down. Hart covers Yoko, but Cornette pulls Piper out before he can count. Piper decks Cornette. Yoko with a diving headbutt to Hart. Yoko chokes and drops a leg on Hart. Yoko throws Hart out of the ring. Hart gets in on the 9 count. Yoko attacks Hart in the corner. Yoko misses a corner splash when Hart moves. Hart with a bulldog for a two count. Hart with a second rope elbow drop for a two count. Hart with a clothesline for another two count. Hart comes off the second rope and Yoko catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Yoko drags Hart over for the Banzai drop. Hart moves, and Yoko loses his balance. Hart covers to get the pin. The crowd cheers as we have a new champion. Yoko goes after Piper. Lex Luger comes to the ring. He congratulates Bret. The ring fills up with wrestlers and celebrities to celebrate. Vince McMahon comes in as well. They show Owen in the aisle staring at Bret as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: This was a tremendous show that signaled the start of the New Generation of the WWF to me.

Episode 247 Notes Wed, 28 Aug 2024 17:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 65fb57eb-84b5-46cb-953d-d7bf4c9e5941 My notes for Episode 247: March to WrestleMania X. -Kevin Sullivan & Beauregarde.
-Today we look at the March to WrestleMania X special from the WWF.
-The March to WrestleMania X was shown on USA on March 13, 1994. It was recorded February 21&23, 1994 from Poughkeepsie and Loch Sheldrake, New York.
-Vince McMahon and Johnny Polo welcome us to the March to WrestleMania. They talk about Randy Savage being banned from the building and throw it to Gorilla Monsoon and Stan Lane, who run down some of what we are going to see.
-Jimmy Del Ray with Tom Prichard and Jim Cornette vs. Lex Luger: Luger gets a tremendous ovation when he comes out. Del Ray backs off. Del Ray with a side headlock. Luger with a shoulder block. They get it again. A USA chant goes out. Luger with a clothesline. Luger with a press slam. Luger goes for the forearm, but Del Ray ducks and Luger spills to the outside. Prichard attacks Luger on the floor. Luger thrown back in, and Del Ray drops some knees on Luger. The USA chant goes out again. Del Ray attacks Luger in the corner. Prichard attacks Luger in the corner while referee Earl Hebner admonishes Del Ray. Del Ray with a flurry of offense. Prichard and Del Ray do the same attack again. Del Ray attacks Luger again. Del Ray with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count. Heavenly Bodies keep the double team going when the referee is distracted. Del Ray goes for a moonsault, but Luger moves. Luger with a back elbow. He hits a backdrop, knocks Prichard off the apron, and hits a clothesline. Luger hits a power slam and gets the Torture Rack to get the win. Cornette tries to attack Luger from behind, but gets caught. Luger gets the racket and hits Cornette. Cornette goes and gets Yokozuna, who comes out with Mr. Fuji. Officials make Yoko and company leave.
-Bam Bam Bigelow with Luna Vachon vs. Ben Jordan: Bigelow kicks Jordan out. Jordan gets back in and Bigelow gets a nerve hold and a suplex. Bigelow puts his head down after an Irish whip, and Jordan kicks him. Jordan with a barrage of punches. Bigelow comes back with a sidewalk slam. Bigelow with a side headlock and a headbutt. Bigelow with a corner whip, but Jordan moves on the charge. Bigelow hits a Hot Shot to get the pin. A feature on Alundra Blayze.
-Vince and Johnny talk about WrestleMania and then talk to Tatanka taking on Yokozuna later. He says he is ready, and he comes with the pride of his ancestors.
-Razor Ramon vs. Tony Devito: They lock up and Ramon pushes off. Another lock up and push off. Ramon with a hammerlock. Ramon with a fireman's carry takedown into an arm lock. Devito with a dropkick. Ramon chops Devito in the corner. He tosses Devito out of the corner. Ramon with an abdominal stretch. He hits a second rope belly to back suplex. Ramon hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-Johnny Polo is in the ring and brings out Owen Hart. The crowd boos Owen when he comes out. A giant we want Bret chant goes out. Owen says he is gunning for Bret because Bret held him down all his life. He says Crush can beat Bret, but not hurt Bret too badly.
-Earthquake vs. The Executioner: The Executioner tries to knock Earthquake down. Earthquake hits a clothesline. Executioner goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. Earthquake with a belly to belly suplex and a leg drop. Earthquake with a sit-down splash to get the pin.
-WrestleMania Report: Jim Cornette says Yokozuna will still be champion after WrestleMania. Johnny Polo interviews Bret about Owen. Bret says Owen is just another opponent, and Crush is all talk.
-Crush with Mr. Fuji vs. Bret Hart: Crush and Fuji out first. Bret with a great ovation as he comes out. He does his sunglasses presentation. Slow to start. They lock up and Crush pushes off. Bret with a waist lock. Crush breaks the hold. He wants a test of strength. Bret hesitates. Crush gets Bret down. A Bret chant goes out. Bret reverses, but Crush gets to the ropes. Crush rolls out to regroup. Bret with a series of moves to get a one count. Back and forth. Bret with a back elbow to knock Crush out of the ring. They trade shots. Crush gets Bret down and attacks Bret's back. Crush with a series of blows to the back and gets a two count. Crush keeps the attack up. Crush with an arm bar. Bret gets out. Crush with a bear hug. Crush throws Bret out. Fuji goes to attack Bret, but the referee stops it. This allows Crush to attack Bret to get a two count. They trade shots again. Crush with another two count. He argues with the referee, and Bret gets a roll up for a two count. Bret comes back with a bulldog for a two count. Bret with a side Russian leg sweep for another two count. He drops an elbow on Crush. Bret with corner mounted punches. Crush comes back with a backbreaker. Crush misses a diving knee. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter. Fuji gets up on the apron. Bret goes after Fuji, and Crush goes to hit Bret, who moves, and Fuji gets hit instead. Bret with an inside cradle. The referee is tied up with Fuji, allowing Owen Hart to come down and reverses Bret, and Crush gets the pin.
-The Quebecers Jacques and Pierre vs. PJ Walker and Mike Bell: Walker and Bell with the early advantage. Quebecers rollout to regroup. They take over on their opponents as Captain Lou Albano comes out and looks at the Quebecers. Quebecers totally dominating and get the pin on Walker.
-Vince McMahon talks to Randy Savage. He has been banned from the building. Savage says he had Yokozuna beat if it wasn't for Crush. He says he is going to get Crush and get his dignity back at WrestleMania X. He talks about his divorce and being stabbed in the back by friends. You didn't hear a lot of real life stuff like this in 1994.
-Tatanka vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette: This is a non-title match. Yokozuna knocks Tatanka down. Tatanka tries to come back. He hits a flying body press for a two count. Tatanka comes back, but Yokozuna gets a knee to knock Tatanka down. Yokozuna with a nerve hold as a USA chant goes out. Yokozuna slams Tatanka down and goes back to the nerve hold. He then throws Tatanka out. Yokozuna removes a turnbuckle pad. He then throws Tatanka down and again goes back to the nerve hold. Tatanka comes back. Yokozuna with a clothesline. Tatanka runs Yokozuna into a turnbuckle. Both men down. Tatanka covers Yokozuna for a two count. Tatanka starts the war dance. A chop knocks Yokozuna down for a two count. Yoko hits a belly to belly suplex. Yokozuna hits the Banzai drop to get the pin.
-MOM do a WrestleMania Rap.
-They wrap up by plugging WrestleMania.
-Final Thoughts: Not a bad show to set up WrestleMania.

Episode 246 Notes Wed, 28 Aug 2024 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 66790516-ccbc-4f4b-b776-16858fea5e23 My notes for Episode 246: SuperBrawl IV. Today we look at SuperBrawl IV from WCW.
-SuperBrawl IV was shown on PPV on February 20, 1994 from the Albany Civic Center in Albany, GA.
-Ric Flair is shown preparing for Vader. This is a well done video.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to SuperBrawl. He and Bobby Heenan talk about the Main Event. They then talk about the Michael Hayes vs. Johnny B Badd match that has been added. Badd then comes out. The crowd is into Badd. Michael Hayes is then brought out in a wheelchair by Jimmy Garvin. They are met on the ramp by Mean Gene Okerlund and WCW Commishioner Nick Bockwinkel. Hayes sucks up to Bockwinkel and says he is injured. He pulls out a note from a doctor. Bockwinkel says that Garvin will then wrestle for Hayes. The Freebirds protest and then leave. That match is coming up later.
-Harlem Heat Kane and Kole vs. Thunder and Lightning: Kole and Lightning start. Kole with a wrist lock. Lightning reverses. Kole reverses back. A series of reversals. Kole gets to the ropes. Kole with a waist lock. Lightning with a takedown into a hammerlock. Back and forth. Lightning with an arm drag and a dropkick. Thunder tagged in and gets the arm bar on. Into a hammerlock. Kole comes back. Kane tagged in. Thunder hits a shoulder tackle. Thunder comes back with a wrist lock and Lightning tagged in and hits a top rope double ax handle on the arm. They trade moves. Kane with some forearms and Kole tagged back in. Lightning goes back to the arm bar. He gets a knee lift for a two count. Lightning with a slam. Kole clotheslines him out and Kane attacks him on the floor. He throws lightning back in. Kane tags in and kicks Thunder. Harlem Heat double team Thunder. Harlem Heat quick tagging. Kole stomping Thunder down. Kole with a headlock and Thunder coming back. Lighting tagged in. He cleans house. He hits Kane with a belly to belly suplex and all four men in now. Lightning rolls Kole up, but referee Randy Anderson is busy getting Thunder out, so Kane kicks Lightning in the head. Kole gets the pin.
-Mean Gene is shown outside Ric Flair's door. He then shows Vader's door and both are guarded by heavy security.
-The Equalizer vs. Jungle Jim Steele: Equalizer goes to attack Steele right away and Steele hits a pair of arm drags. They circle each other. Equalizer with a series of forearms. Back and forth. Steele with a wrist lock. Steele gets a two count. Steele with an arm bar. Equalizer reverses. Steele with a monkey flip and a dropkick. Steele tries for a monkey flip in the corner and Equalizer throws him down to the mat. Equalizer kicking Steele. He hits a leg drop on Steele. He throws Steele outside. Equalizer comes out after Steele. He runs him into the apron and throws Steele back in. They trade shots. Equalizer with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Equalizer with a bear hug. Steele tries to get out. Equalizer with an Irish whip and Steele comes back with a crucifix for a two count. They trade blows. Heenan talks about seeing Hulk Hogan at Disney. First mention to my knowledge of Hulk Hogan on WCW television. And so it begins. Equalizer hits a big boot and gets a two count. Equalizer with a chin lock. Equalizer throws Steele out. He keeps kicking Steele to prevent Steele from getting in. Heenan says Equalizer looks like someone he's seen before and they are just planting all the future seeds in this match. Steele finally gets in and hits a dropkick. Steele hits his version of the Thesz Press called the Steele Trap to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and brings out Nick Bockwinkel and Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat says he wants to wrestle the winner of the WCW title match and says he has been granted his title shot. Steamboat then talks about the atmosphere in the back.
-Diamond Dallas Page vs. Terry Taylor: Taylor with a barrage of offense to begin. He gets a wrist lock on. He gets an arm bar on DDP. Page rolls out to regroup. He gets in and Taylor gets the wrist lock on again. Back and forth. They trade two counts. Taylor goes back to the arm bar. Taylor with a hip lock. Taylor with a clothesline for a two count. Page stomps Taylor. He runs Taylor into a turnbuckle. He kicks Taylor. They trade shots in the corner. Page with a slam for a two count. Page with an inverted backbreaker and an elbow for a two count. Page with a belly to back suplex. Page with a cobra clutch on. Taylor with a takeover to break the hold. Back and forth. Page with a side headlock takedown. Taylor back to his feet. Taylor with a suplex and a dropkick. Page slams Taylor face first into the mat for a two count. Page with a headlock. Taylor with a crossbody for a two count. Page with a right hook to Taylor for a two count. Page with a corner charge. Taylor moves on a second charge attempt and rolls Page up to get the pin.
-Mean Gene brings out Oli Muffler, a WCW International Announcer. He says he is happy to be here.
-Spring Stampede ad.
-Johnny B. Badd vs. Jimmy Garvin with Michael Hayes: Here we go again. Garvin struts in the ring. I love it. Pilot Jimmy Garvin has still got it. The bell rings, and they circle each other. They vie for position. Drive to the ropes and break. Back and forth. Garvin rolls out to regroup with Hayes. Badd with a side headlock. Into a takeover. They counter each other. Badd with a hammerlock. Into an arm bar. Garvin gets to the corner. They break. Badd gets the arm bar on again. Garvin out. Badd with a wrist lock. Garvin with an arm bar, and Badd gets to the ropes. Garvin goes out to confer with Hayes again. Badd with a front face lock. Into a hammerlock. Garvin comes back. He catches Badd with a foot to the head and gets a two count. Garvin with a sleeper. Badd gets out, but Garvin with a knee to the stomach. Badd backdrops out of a DDT attempt. Badd with a headscissors and a backdrop. Badd with an uppercut and a sunset flip to get the pin. Badd then goes after Hayes on the ramp, only to get hit from behind by Garvin. Garvin throws Badd in so that history can be made. He hits a jaw breaker; he calls the 911 that Steve Austin would take and call the Stunner.
-Mean Gene tries to see Vader, but Vader throws a chair at the door.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Arn Anderson: Regal and Sir William are so good in their roles. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. The bell rings, and they circle each other. They lock up as a USA chant goes out. They break, and Anderson slaps Regal on the side of the head. Anderson with a side headlock. Another break. Anderson goes back to the side headlock. Regal pushes off, and Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Regal with a wrist lock. Anderson with a takedown. A lock up. Anderson with the advantage. Anderson with an arm lock. Regal comes back with European uppercuts. Into a crossface chicken wing. The USA chant goes out again. Anderson with a hammerlock slam. Anderson forces Regal to the mat. Regal is trying to get out and not be pinned. Anderson slams Regal's arm into the ring post. Regal confers with Sir William. Regal comes into the ring and hits Anderson. They trade holds. Regal with a cravat. Anderson comes back with an arm lock. Anderson is working on the arm. Anderson throws Regal across the ring by the arm. Regal goes back to the cravat. Anderson comes back with a backdrop. Anderson with an arm bar. Regal with European uppercuts. Anderson reverses a corner whip. Regal Rolls back outside. Anderson has dominated most of the match. Anderson back on offense as soon as Regal gets back in the ring. Anderson goes out to the apron, and Sir William attacks him with the umbrella. Regal takes over on offense. 10 minutes left. Regal with a leg lock, but he used the ropes and got caught. He then gets the STF on. Anderson is trying to get out as Regal punches his face. Anderson gets out and puts the figure four on, but Regal kicks away. They go to the outside. Anderson slams Regal's leg on the apron. He brings Regal in and slams Regal's leg on the apron. He then brings Regal in and slams his leg down. They trade moves. Five minutes left. Regal with a corner whip. He keeps trying to pin Anderson. Four minutes left. Back and forth. They trade shots. Anderson with a series of two counts. Two minutes left. Anderson with a leg scissors. Regal goes for the Boston crab. Anderson with a sleeper into a roll up for a two count. Another roll up. One minute left. Anderson with a spinebuster. William grabs Anderson. Anderson goes over for the sunset flip. William holds out the umbrella; Regal grabs it and drops down to pin Anderson with 6 seconds left.
-Tony and Bobby talk about what's led up to the World Tag Team Championship Match.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags vs. Maxx Payne and Cactus Jack: Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Payne and Knobbs start. Payne with a belly to back suplex. Knobbs thrown to the ramp. Sags tagged in. He gets suplexed. Sags rolls out to the ramp. Payne is an accomplished wrestler. Knobbs tagged back in. Knobbs with a series of forearms. Payne with a series of forearms. Payne has been magnificent in this match. He slams Sags down, and the crowd cheers. Jack tagged in. He drops an elbow on Knobbs. All four men in. Payne with a back elbow to Knobbs. The crowd cheers as the Nasty Boys bail out. Jack with a leg drop to Knobbs on the apron. Payne slams Knobbs face first on the mat. Sags clips Payne to get him down. Sags tagged in. He got a leg lock on. Knobbs tagged in. Payne with a scoop slam. He misses a second rope leg drop. Jack and Sags tagged in. Jack with a knee lift. Then the over the top rope clothesline to Knobbs. Knobbs pulls the mat back, and Sags knocks Jack to the floor from the apron, and you hear a splat. Ugh. Knobbs then throws Jack into the barricade. Jack is coughing up blood. They throw Jack back in and slam him down. Knobbs with a Boston crab. Sags tagged in. His face and mouth are a bloody mess. Knobbs back in without tagging. Jack is trying to fight out. All four in and out. Double team to Jack. Jack with a double DDT to the Nasty Boys. Payne tagged in. He slams both Nasty Boys. Payne Killer to Knobbs. Sags hits Payne with a guitar and gets disqualified. The participants are laid out all over the ring.
-Mean Gene is in Ric Flair's dressing room. He talks about Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne and then talks to Ric Flair, who has Ricky Steamboat with him. Gene says Hulk Hogan is watching at home on PPV. Second mention of Hogan tonight. Flair says he is only concentrating on Vader. Steamboat says he will be watching closely and will take on the winner. Arn Anderson comes in and tells Flair that he knows what needs to be done.
-The Thundercage is lowered. 6-man Tag Team Match. Rick Rude, Paul Orndorff, and Steve Austin with Colonel Rob Parker vs. Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and Brian Pillman: The cage is locked. A Paula chant goes out. Sting and Orndorff in at first, but Rude wants in, so he starts with Sting. Rude with a series of forearms. Sting with a backdrop and a series of clotheslines. The crowd comes to for that one. Rude backs off. Orndorff tagged in. He works on Sting's arm. Austin tagged in. He and Sting trade moves. Austin grabs his knee and begs off, but Sting gets the Scorpion Death Lock on. Orndorff comes in to break it up, and Sting ducks a clothesline attempt. Austin gets a roll up for a two count. Sting with a right hand. Austin rolls out and Sting follows. He whips Austin into the cage. Pillman comes out and attacks Austin. Sting throws Austin back in, and Pillman tagged in. Pillman with a side headlock. Austin pushes off, and Pillman comes back with a shoulder block. Austin throws Pillman out, follows Pillman, and they start chopping each other on the outside. Austin takes off around the ring. Pillman follows and Austin drops Pillman face first into the cage. All 6 men brawl in and out of the ring. Pillman is bleeding. Rude gets Pillman down in the ring and attacks him. Pillman is trying to fight back. Orndorff tagged in and went for a corner charge, but Pillman got his knee up. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex. Rude tagged in and hits a top rope knee drop for a two count. Austin tagged in and attacked Pillman. He slams Pillman down and hits a second rope elbow drop. Pillman fighting back. Austin goes back to the second rope, and Pillman catches him with a dropkick as he comes off. Orndorff and Sting both tagged in. Sting with a clothesline to Orndorff and Rude when he comes in. He kicks Austin to the outside. Another clothesline to Orndorff. All the heels are out on the floor. Sting goes out after Orndorff. He runs Orndorff into the cage. He throws Orndorff back into the ring, and Rhodes tagged in. Rhodes hits the flip, flop, and fly. He cleans house on the heels. He drops an elbow on Orndorff and attacks him with punches. Orndorff runs Rhodes into the corner. Rude tagged in, and Rhodes rushes him into the corner. Rhodes goes for the bulldog, but Rude shoves off, and Rhodes hits the corner post. Rude hits a belly to back suplex from the second rope. Rude with a bear hug. Rhodes gets out, but Rude beats him down. Austin tagged in. Rhodes dropkicks him into the cage. Austin comes in and runs Rhodes into the turnbuckle. Both wrestlers down. Pillman tagged in. He hits a backdrop to Austin. All 6 men in now. Faces get Rude and Orndorff out. Sting and Pillman with a double backdrop to Austin. Sting throws Pillman on Austin to get the pin. Sting and Rude continue to brawl after the match. Rude slams the door in Sting's face and delivers the Rude Awakening to Sting on the floor. Officials checking on Sting.
-Tony and Bobby talk about the next main event and flashback to what led up to it.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Catch Match. Ric Flair vs. Vader with Harley Race: The Boss is the special guest referee. Vader and Race out first, and Vader looking all business. Flair out to a tremendous response. Vader has grabbed a chair and brought it into the ring. Boss takes out his night stick and tells Vader to drop the chair. Vader throws it into the cage. The Boss locks the cage door. The Boss puts the keys around his neck. Vader goes to rush Flair. Flair chops Vader. He beats Vader down in the corner. A back elbow knocks Vader to the outside. Flair follows and hits Vader with a chair. He hits Vader a few times and throws the busted chair away. Flair beating Vader down in the corner. Flair sends Vader up and over in the corner. A back elbow knocks Vader to the outside. Flair follows and hits Vader with a chair. He hits Vader a few times and throws the busted chair away. Flair sends Vader up and over in the corner. Drink a shot. Vader with a double clap to Flair's head. Vader drops an elbow on Flair. Vader slams Flair down. He splashes Flair. Flair backing off. Vader misses a moonsault when Flair moves. Vader throws Flair out. Boss gets in Vader's face while Race chokes Flair in the cage. Vader goes out and hits Flair. He hits Flair in the eyes. Boss out to admonish Vader. Race hits Flair in the eye again. Vader pummels Flair in the corner. Back and forth. Flair splashed down and out. Race headbutts Flair through the cage. Vader suplexes Flair in from the apron. Vader superplexes Flair. Flair rolls out to avoid Vader. The Boss comes out to prevent Race from interfering. He goes to handcuff Race, but Vader punches the Boss and handcuffs him instead. Vader grabs the night stick, and Race gets the key and comes in the cage. Race holds Flair for Vader. Boss is trying to get loose. Arn Anderson comes down, but he can't get in. Vader goes to splash Flair, who moves, and Race gets hit instead. Flair coming back. He beats both Vader and Race out of the ring as Ricky Steamboat comes out with a chair to try to beat the lock off. Flair beating Vader and Race with a chair. Vader and Race beat Flair down again as the Boss gets free. He beats Vader down with the night stick. Flair get the figure four on Vader and the Boss signals for the bell, but Heenan says Vader never gave up. Doug Dellinger gets bolt cutters and opens the door. Flair celebrates. Vader is pissed. He has the night stick and demands to see Nick Bockwinkel.
-Tony and Bobby recap what we just saw and sign off from Georgia.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show with a lousy main event. There was too much going on and you couldn't follow it.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
-If you like the show, please leave a review on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or your preferred podcast app. I would really appreciate it.
-We can also be found on Spotify and YouTube. Just search for the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show and don’t forget to hit subscribe.
-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from the Heart of Virginia.
-Edit: Duplicate. Make Stereo track. Noise Reduction: Get noise profile from 5 seconds of silence. Select all, leave presets.
-Compressor, Normalize, Filter Curve: Bass boost, Filter Curve: Treble boost, Normalize again, Limiter: Hard Limit: -4db, Amplify: Allow clipping

Episode 245 Notes Wed, 28 Aug 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8b92492b-df1b-43e3-8fdd-75ec5c67c0c2 My notes for Episode 245: Clash XXVI. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXVI from WCW.
-Clash XXVI was shown on TBS on January 27, 1994 from the Riverside Centroplex in Baton Rouge, LA.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to the Clash. He runs down what we are going to see before bringing out WCW's newest commentator, Bobby Heenan. The Brain is in WCW!
-Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma with The Assassin vs. 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell with Teddy Long: Orndorff and Scorpio start. Orndorff with a side headlock. Scorpio comes back with a wrist lock. They trade moves. Scorpio working on the arm. Orndorff gets his knee up on a corner charge. Orndorff with a drop toe hold. Roma tagged in. When they come back from a commercial break, Roma has Bagwell down. He hits Bagwell with a guillotine. Bagwell gets a two count from a roll up. Scorpio tagged in. He gets Roma down and works on the arm. He goes to superplex Roma, but the heels double team to get Scorpio down. Roma with a forearm from the top rope. Orndorff tagged in and got a camel clutch on. Roma tagged in and drops an elbow on Scorpio. Orndorff with a front face lock. Scorpio is trying to get to the corner. Double backdrop to Scorpio. Roma tagged in. He gets a two count. Orndorff tagged in and goes up top, but Scorpio gets a foot up. Roma and Bagwell both tagged in. Bagwell cleaning house on the heels. He hits Roma with a crossbody for a two count. He hits a missile dropkick, but Orndorff comes in before referee Nick Patrick can count and distracts Patrick in the corner. Bagwell only gets a two count. All four men in. Roma goes to run Bagwell into Orndorff's foot, but Bagwell reverses and Roma goes instead and Bagwell gets the pin.
-Tony and Bobby talk about what just happened and set up the next match.
-Ron Simmons vs. Ice Train: Train comes out hot with a power slam for a two count. They fight to the outside. Train ran into the ring post. Back in, Simmons with a snap mare. Simmons with a diving headbutt and a clothesline. Simmons runs Train into a ring post. Train with a sunset flip. Train with a power slam. Train misses a corner charge, and Simmons gets the pin with a roll up and a handful of tights.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and brings out Steve Austin and Col. Parker. They are dressed like each other because Parker will be taking on Brian Pillman. Gene then brings out the new WCW commissioner, Nick Bockwinkel. He is thankful for the opportunity. No reaction from the crowd.
-Gordon Solie joins Bobby for the next match. WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Dustin Rhodes: The bell rings, and they circle each other. Regal backs off. Rhodes gets Regal in the corner. They get out and drive to the corner again. They trade blows and Rhodes with a dropkick that drives Regal outside. He regroups with Sir William. They lock up again. Another drive to the corner. Rhodes with a corner whip. Test of strength. Rhodes Breaks. Slow paced match. Regal with an arm bar. Into a full nelson. They reverse each other. Rhodes with a shoulder block. Regal rolls outside again. He gets back in and Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. Regal gets up. Rhodes with a scoop slam for a two count. They trade moves. Rhodes with a side headlock. Back to the takeover. Regal up and to the corner. Regal with a series of forearms. He follows it up with a snap mare. He ties Rhodes' arm up. Rhodes is trying to get out. He does and Regal gets a gut wrench suplex. Regal goes back to a headlock. Rhodes comes back with elbows. Regal with a crossface. Five minutes left. Rhodes up. Regal with a headbutt. He gets Rhodes back down. Rhodes throws Regal off. He covers, but Regal's foot is on the ropes. Three minutes left. Rhodes gets Regal down and punches him. Regal staggers. Rhodes with a lariat for a two count. Regal with a suplex attempt. Rhodes comes back with a dropkick for a two count. Regal with a single leg pick up and cover, but they are in the ropes. Regal is trying to avoid Rhodes. One minute left. Rhodes gets a two count. Rhodes attacked Regal and Sir William. He throws Regal in. He hits a forearm. He hits the bulldog, but time expires before the pin attempt. It is a draw.
-Mean Gene talks to Aaron Neville. He talks about his love for wrestling.
-Challenge match. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt vs. Maxx Payne and Cactus Jack: Payne and Jack don't come out when announced. They wait through a commercial break. They come to the ring through the crowd and attack both Nasty Boys. All four brawling. Knobbs and Payne fight inside, and Jack and Sags fight outside. They throw the Nasty Boys to each other. Jack and Knobbs fight inside. Payne runs Sags into a ring post. Payne tagged in. Double slam to Knobbs. Sags tagged in. Sags runs Payne into a turnbuckle, and Sags goes up top. He comes off, and Payne rolls through. Knobbs tagged in. They trade shots. Payne with a corner whip, and Knobbs gets his foot up on the charge. Payne gets the Payne Killer on. Sags breaks it up and all four men in the ring. Double team to Payne. They get Payne outside, and Sags hits him with a chair while referee Randy Anderson is tied up talking to Cactus Jack. Sags tagged in. Double clothesline to Payne. Payne with a kick to Knobbs. He double clotheslines the Nasty Boys. Cactus Jack tagged in. Jack cleans house. Payne with a double clothesline and Cactus clotheslines the Nasty Boys to the outside. Cactus Jack throws Knobbs out of the ring. Jack with a double arm DDT. Sags makes the save. Payne drops the elbow, and Jack gets the pin. First sign of excitement from the crowd. Payne and Jack kissed Missy after the match.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and flashes back to the fall out between Brian Pillman, Steve Austin, and the involvement of Col. Parker.
-Loser wears the chicken suit on WCW Saturday Night. Col. Robert Parker with Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman: Pillman comes out throwing chicken to the fans. Who throws chicken? The bell rings and Parker trying to stay away from Pillman. Pillman with a flurry of offense to Parker. He gets a two count. Pillman then goes out and attacks Austin. Parker runs Pillman into the apron. Parker beats Pillman in the corner. Back and forth. Pillman with a two count. Parker rolls out to regroup with Austin. They go to leave. Pillman goes after them. He backdrops Austin. The Boss comes out and blocks Parker from leaving. Pillman throws Austin off the ramp and throws Parker back into the ring. Parker runs away. The Boss grabs him. Meanwhile, Austin comes in and hits a Stun Gun on Pillman. Parker in and chokes Pillman on the ropes. He goes off the second rope, but Parker hits him with a shot as Heenan calls Ray Traylor Boss Man. Hey, it happens. Pillman unloads on Parker. Pillman knocks Austin off the apron. Pillman goes up top, but is thrown off by Austin as referee Nick Patrick was tied up with the Boss, who had gotten on the apron. Parker gets a two count. The Boss chases Austin to the back. Pillman rolls Parker up to get the pin.
-Main Event Elimination Tag. WCW International World Champion Rick Rude and Vader with Harley Race vs. Sting and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair: Nick Bockwinkel joins Tony and Bobby on commentary. The heels are out first. Bobby managed Bockwinkel, Flair, Race, and Rude. Only Tony, Sting, and Flair are alive as I write this. Michael Buffer announces the participants. Sting starts against Rude. They lock up and drive to the corner. They break. Another tie up and drive to the corner and another break. They tie up again, and Sting forces Rude down. Rude with forearms. Sting continues to work on the arm. Sting with an arm bar. Vader tagged in. He knocks Sting down. He slams Sting and drops him throat first on the ropes. All four men are in now. Vader beating Sting with shots. Sting falls to the mat. Sting comes back with a belly to back suplex and Flair tags in. He chops Vader in the corner. He corner whips Vader and thumbs him in the eye. He beats Vader down. Sting and Rude in. Rude with a bear hug. Sting breaks and slams Rude down. Flair tagged in and hits a top rope double ax handle, so TASIYDAH. Flair with an inverted atomic drop. Rude gets Flair down. Vader tagged in. He slams Flair down. Vader hits a Vader bomb. Vader puts Flair on the top rope and superplexes Flair. Vader then puts Flair on the opposite corner. He gets on the top rope with Flair and superplexes Flair off. Vader goes to splash Flair from the top rope, but Sting pulls Flair out of the way, and now all four men in the ring. Rude and Vader double team Sting. Vader grabs a chair, but Bockwinkel gets in his face and tells him to put the chair down. Race trying to calm Vader down. GMC announces that Flair and Vader have been counted out. Flair being helped to the back as Sting clotheslines Rude to the outside. Sting throws Rude back into the ring. Rude goes out to the ramp and Sting follows. He throws Rude back in, and Sting hits a top rope clothesline. He follows it up with a backdrop. Rude gets Sting down. Rude with a top rope forearm. Back and forth. Rude hits a fist drop for a two count. He follows it up with a camel clutch. He slams himself down on Sting. He goes back to the clutch. He keeps slamming down on Sting. Sting picks Rude up and falls back. Both men down. Double clothesline. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening, but Sting holds on to the ropes. Sting hits the Rude Awakening, but Rude gets his foot on the ropes. Sting with an inverted atomic drop. Rude goes for a Stinger Splash, but Sting rolls out of the way. Back and forth. Sting reverses a piledriver, hits a top rope splash, and gets the pin.
-Tony and Bobby recap the night and sign off from Baton Rouge.
-Final Thoughts: A really good show setting up SuperBrawl IV.

Episode 244 Notes Mon, 26 Aug 2024 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 10081f0e-49bd-4a67-87c9-071a9a619133 My notes for Episode 244: Royal Rumble 1994. -Today we look at Royal Rumble 1994 from the WWF.
-Royal Rumble was shown on PPV on January 22, 1994 from the Providence Civic Center in Providence, Rhode Island. There were 14,500 in attendance and the show did a 200,000 buy rate.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to the Royal Rumble and brings out his color commentator for the event, Ted DiBiase. Welcome back to the MDM.
-Tatanka vs. Bam Bam Bigelow with Luna Vachon. Bigelow is subbing for the injured Ludvig Borga. Bigelow tries to attack Tatanka before the bell, but Tatanka chops Bigelow. Back and forth. Tatanka with a crossbody for a two count. Tatanka with an arm bar. He misses a top rope crossbody. Bigelow stomps Tatanka. He hits a corner charge. Tatanka chops Bigelow when he goes for another charge. Tatanka with a sunset flip, but Bigelow splashes down on Tatanka. Bigelow stomps Tatanka. They trade moves. Bigelow with a two count. Bigelow with a bear hug. Tatanka fading. He tries to get out of the move. He does, but Bigelow hits a shoulder block. A second shoulder block, and Tatanka comes back with a power slam for a two count. Double collision and both men down. Bigelow runs Tatanka into a corner. Tatanka goes into his war dance and Bigelow hits an enziguri to mock Tatanka. Bigelow misses a moonsault when Tatanka moves. Tatanka goes up top and hits a crossbody to get the pin.
-Flashback to what led to Bret and Owen Hart teaming up. Todd Pettengill talks to the Hart Brothers. Bret says when he and Owen become champions, they will give anyone a shot. Owen says they are ready.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Quebecers Jacques and Pierre with Johnny Polo vs. Bret and Owen Hart: Quebecers out first. Harts get a fantastic reaction when they come out. Bret and Pierre start. They circle each other. They trade moves. Bret with a knee to the gut. Owen tagged in. He gets a hip toss for a two count. Owen with an arm bar. Pierre with a takedown and Jacques tagged in. Jacques wants a handshake. Owen gives him a suplex. Owen with a flurry of offense. He hits Jacques with an enziguri and gets a two count. Bret tagged in, and he and Owen do a version of the Demolition Decapitation. Bret gets a two count. Bret gets a series of near falls. All four men in the ring. Owen tagged in. Quebecers roll out to regroup. Bret and Pierre tagged in, and Bret with the advantage. Owen tagged in. He gets a series of two counts. Bret tagged in. Pierre gets Owen down for a two count. Bret tagged in and gets double teamed by the Quebecers. A go Bret go chant goes out. Owen tries to help, but gets cut off by the referee. Jacques with a back elbow to Bret. Pierre tagged in and goes for a second rope elbow drop. Bret gets his boot up. Owen and Jacques tagged in. Owen cleans house and gets the Sharpshooter on Jacques. He gets hit from behind by Pierre as referee Tim White was getting Bret out of the ring. Quebecers guillotine Owen for a two count. Owen comes back with a double dropkick. Bret tagged in. He takes on both heels. Bret with a side Russian leg sweep and a backbreaker. He runs the Quebecers' heads together. Owen grabs Jacques for Bret to hit, but Polo holds the ropes open and Bret spills to the outside. Bret injures his knee. Quebecers double team Bret on the outside. Owen keeps trying to check on Bret. Heels dominating. Jacques attacks Bret's leg with Polo's putter. Owen throws Bret back in the ring. Jacques attacks Bret's leg immediately. Pierre tagged in. Quebecers quick tagging. Owen breaks up a submission attempt. Bret moves on the seated senton attempt. Bret puts the Sharpshooter on instead of tagging, but collapses as he is putting it on. The bell rings. White stops the match, and the Quebecers win. Owen yells at Bret. Bret is injured. He finally gets up, and Owen kicks him down again. Officials come out to check on Bret as Owen leaves. Owen yelling at the camera that Bret is selfish. Ray Rougeau comes into the ring to find out the status of Bret, and Pat Patterson says he is too injured to speak.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Owen. He says Bret is selfish. He says Bret's ego is too big. This was his biggest opportunity. All Bret had to do was tag Owen. He says that's why I kicked your leg out of your leg. It works somehow. Owen says he's going to win the Royal Rumble.
-Vince and Ted talk about what just happened.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Razor Ramon vs. IRS: IRS does his tax cheat bit as he comes out. Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon from Radio WWF call this match. Razor gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. Ramon in a unique teal color. They trade shots to begin, and IRS rolls to the outside. IRS comes back in and attacks Ramon. Ramon comes back with a right hand, and IRS rolls out again. Crowd taunts IRS with an Irwin chant. Ramon with a flurry of offense. IRS throws Ramon out. IRS follows and runs Ramon into the ring steps. Back in, IRS with a scoop slam. IRS drops the elbow. He gets a two count. IRS with a headlock. Ramon breaks out, but IRS keeps the assault up. IRS with a back elbow. He gets a two count. IRS goes back to the chin lock. IRS uses the ropes for leverage. Ramon is trying to get out. He gets to his feet. They trade blows. Ramon hits a fall away slam for a two count. IRS reverses a corner whip, and Ramon ran into referee Joey Marella. IRS tries to hit Ramon with the briefcase, but Ramon blocks it and hits IRS with the briefcase instead. Ramon covers, but the referee is still out. Ramon puts IRS on the top rope and hits a belly to back suplex. Ramon signals for the Razor's Edge. Ramon goes for it. Shawn Michaels runs to ringside and hits Ramon with Michael's IC belt. Michaels then leaves. JR says it looks like a car wreck on 95, so TASIYDAH. IRS comes to and goes to cover. IRS pins Ramon. The crowd boos. Referee Earl Hebner comes down and tells Marella what happened as IRS celebrates. Ramon recovers and hits the Razor's Edge on IRS. Marella counts the pin. That was needlessly complicated. Ramon lifts both belts up.
-Paul Bearer tells Yokozuna that the Undertaker will bury him. You then see the Undertaker build the casket. The Undertaker then menaces Yokozuna leading up to their match.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: Yokozuna and company out first. Undertaker and Paul Bearer with a massive ovation when they come out. The entrance takes a while. The bell rings and it also takes a while to start. They are face to face. Yoko ran into the ring post. Undertaker with a series of shots to try to knock Yoko down. Yokozuna knocked to the outside. Undertaker follows, but Yokozuna can't knock him down. Back in, Undertaker does old school. Undertaker misses a clothesline when Yokozuna ducks. Yokozuna grabs a chair. He and Undertaker battle for the chair, and Undertaker hits Yokozuna with the chair. Yoko grabs salt and throws it into Undertaker's eyes. Yokozuna hits Undertaker with a chair. Yoko headbutts Undertaker, who struggles to get back to his feet. Back in, Yoko hits a clothesline. A USA chant goes out. Yokozuna rolls Undertaker into the casket, but Undertaker stands up. They trade shots in the center of the ring. Undertaker choke slams Yokozuna. He hits a DDT. Undertaker up. He signals that it's over. He rolls Yokozuna into the casket, but gets attacked by Crush before he can close the casket. Crush and Undertaker go back and forth. Kabuki and Tenyru come down. Bam Bam Bigelow comes in as well. They get Undertaker in the corner. Fuji has the urn. Bearer gets the urn back. Yokozuna gets to his feet. Undertaker fighting off everyone. Adam Bomb and Jeff Jarrett come in. Undertaker fighting them off. The Headshrinkers come in. Undertaker knocked down. He comes back again. Diesel comes in. They put Undertaker into the casket. He fights to get out. He gets back in the ring, but gets beaten down again. Yokozuna hits Paul Bearer and grabs the urn. He opens the urn and green smoke starts to pour out. Undertaker is beaten down, and all the heels take turns beating him and coming off the top rope onto Undertaker. They dump Undertaker into the casket and close it. Crush locks the casket, and Yokozuna wins. Yokozuna waves the Japanese flag. The heels wheel the casket back. About halfway down, green smoke comes out of the casket. We then have the Undertaker ascending segment. Bearer has the urn again and raises it up, and the crowd cheers.
-We get comments from Royal Rumble participants about the match. Howard Finkel announces the Rumble and goes over the rules. There are 90 second intervals this year.
-1994 Royal Rumble: 1. Scott Steiner. 2. Samu. They go back and forth. Samu beats Scott down. Scott trying to throw Samu out. Samu with a clothesline. 3. Rick Steiner. The crowd barks when Rick comes out. He goes after Samu. Rick hits a belly to belly suplex on Samu. Rick and Scott take turns taking Samu down. 4. Kwang. Samu eliminated before Kwang gets to ringside. Kwang sprays Rick with mist. Scott attacks Kwang. Scott checks on Rick, and Kwang attacks Scott. 5. Owen Hart. The crowd boos him heavily. The heels are trying to eliminate the Steiners. Owen eliminates Rick. 6. Bart Gunn. He attacks the heels trying to eliminate Scott. The participants pair off. 7. Diesel. This is the start of a great year for Kevin Nash. He goes after everyone in the ring. He eliminates Bart and Scott. He then eliminates Owen and the crowd cheers. He eliminates Kwang and the crowd goes wild. 8. Bob Backlund. Backlund tries to bring Diesel down. He can't get Diesel out. Diesel dumps Backlund out. Diesel wants his next victim. 9. Billy Gunn. He attacks Diesel and gets eliminated. The crowd goes wild. They show Lex Luger being attacked by Tenyru and Kabuki in the back. Officials break them up. 10. Virgil. DiBiase says he's going to enjoy this. Virgil is the alternate for Kamala. Virgil is trying to stick and move against Diesel. Diesel beats Virgil down and dumps him. A Diesel chant goes out. 11. Randy Savage. The crowd may like Diesel, but they love Randy Savage. He gets a huge ovation when he comes out. The Rumble has never been Savage's match, though. Savage attacks Diesel. He tries to dump Diesel out. 12. Jeff Jarrett. He attacks Savage from behind. He hits a second rope fist drop. Jarrett follows it up with a dropkick and clothesline. Jarrett throws Savage out, but he doesn't hit the floor. Savage runs Jarrett into Diesel and then throws Jarrett out. 13. Crush. Savage attacks him as soon as Crush gets in. Savage with a double ax handle and scoop slam. All Savage so far. Crush and Diesel double team Savage. 14. Doink. Savage eliminated by Crush. Diesel is trying to eliminate Crush. Doink just waits in the corner. He laughs at both. He squirts them with his lapel flower. They double team Doink. 15. Bam Bam Bigelow. He goes after Doink. He eliminates Doink. Crush and Diesel both try to eliminate Bigelow. All three trade forearms. 16. Mabel. The crowd chants Whoomp there it is. Diesel attacks Mabel while Crush battles Bigelow. Mabel with a corner splash to Diesel. 17. Sparky Plugg. He is a replacement for the 1-2-3 Kid, who has a bad knee. This is the unlucky Rumble. Everyone is trying to eliminate each other. 18. Shawn Michaels. He gets in, and he and Diesel are face to face. Diesel goes after Michaels, who begs off. Diesel attacked from behind and eliminated. The crowd gives Diesel a round of applause as he leaves. 19. Mo. He attacks Crush when he gets in. 20. Greg Valentine. He chops people as soon as he gets in the ring. He gets double teamed by Bigelow and Mo. They pair off with MOM teaming up on Bigelow. 21. Tatanka. He goes after Michaels. They pair off again. 22. Kabuki. Everyone is trying to get Mabel out, and they do. 23. Lex Luger. He comes out to a huge ovation. He cleans house. He eliminates Kabuki. Crush attacks Luger. 24. Tenyru. He attacks Luger. 25. The buzzer sounds. No one comes out. McMahon speculates that it was Bret Hart. 26. Rick Martel. They pair off again. 27. Bret Hart. He comes out limping to a big ovation. Crush attacks him immediately. 28. Fatu. Crush eliminated. 29. Marty Jannetty. He and Michaels start to fight. Jannetty with a superkick to Michaels. Michaels with a suplex to Jannetty. 30. Adam Bomb. Plugg eliminated. The person who didn't come out was Bastian Booger because he was sick. People pair off. Valentine eliminated. Martel eliminated. Bomb eliminated. Bigelow and Tatanka eliminated. Jannetty Eliminated. Bret and Luger eliminate Tenyru. We are down to Luger, Hart, Michaels, and Fatu. Michaels and Fatu get Luger and Bret down. Michaels and Fatu shot towards Luger and Hart and both eliminated. We are down to Hart and Luger. They trade shots. They tangle up and both fall outside. Confusion as to who won. They play Luger's music first. Mixed reaction. They play Hart's music. He gets a bigger reaction. Referee's arguing over who won. Jack Tunney comes down. Announcers speculate what is going to happen. Replay is unclear. Tunney, the referees, and Howard Finkel in the ring. They announce both men as winners. They speculate on who will wrestle at WrestleMania. Luger and Hart shake hands as they sign off from Providence.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show that sets up the year in style with a great performance by Kevin Nash.

Episode 243 Notes Sun, 25 Aug 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 638786cf-d0ba-47ce-a896-47775ab3b71b My notes for Episode 243: Starrcade '93. -My Vacation.
-Today we look at Starrcade '93 from WCW.
-My Starrcade '93 story.
-Starrcade '93 was shown on PPV on December 27, 1993 from Independence Arena in Charlotte, NC. There were 8,200 in attendance.
-Intro showing highlights of Ric Flair's career and Vader injuring wrestlers.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Starrcade. They talk about the main event. This is also Jesse's last great stand in WCW. They show Vader and Harley Race arriving at the arena and having a workout.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is shown at Ric Flair's house. First appearance to my knowledge of Flair's wife at the time, Beth since SC 83, sons David and Reid, and Ashley, the future Charlotte. Reid-Shut the door, I'm freezing. Bless you Reid. This was well done by Mean Gene, Ric Flair, and the whole family. Gene and Ric talk about Vader as they head to the arena.
-2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell with Teddy Long vs. Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff with the Assassin. Gary Juster presents the manager of the year award to Long. They start to brawl as soon as the heels get to the ring. Faces with the advantage. Double team to Orndorff. Heels regroup with the Assassin. Bagwell and Roma start. Roma with the early advantage. Bagwell comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Back and forth. Scorpio tagged in. He gets a wrist lock on and tags Bagwell in. Bagwell with a hammerlock. He drives Roma shoulder first into the buckle. Bagwell with an arm bar for a two count. Roma with a scoop slam and Orndorff tagged in. Bagwell with a wrist lock to Orndorff and Scorpio tagged in. He picks the wrist lock up. Into an arm bar. Orndorff comes back. He kicks Scorpio out to the ramp. Scorpio comes back with a flurry of moves to Orndorff. In an arm and headscissors. Bagwell tagged in and gets a splash for a two count. Roma tagged in and Roma gets an arm bar on. Bagwell with an atomic drop. Bagwell with an arm bar and Scorpio tagged in. He gets a two count. Scorpio works on the wrist. Orndorff tagged in. He works over Bagwell, who had also tagged in. Bagwell with a sleeper on. Referee Nick Patrick tied up with Scorpio and Roma hits Bagwell from behind. Roma in with no tag made. Roma gets a two count. Orndorff tagged in. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex. Roma tagged in and gets an underhook suplex for a two count. Roma misses the big splash. Orndorff and Scorpio tagged in. Scorpio with a shoulder tackle. Scorpio goes up top and hits a fist drop. It's pandemonium. Bagwell and Roma fighting on the outside. Assassin gets on the apron, and Scorpio hits him. Assassin loads his mask. He hits Scorpio with it, and Orndorff gets the pin.
-Ric Flair and Mean Gene talk in the limo about what Flair has to do.
-Awesome Kong with King Kong vs. The Shockmaster: Both Kongs attack Shockmaster as he gets in the ring. Double Irish whip to Shockmaster. King Kong with a splash, even though it's supposed to be Awesome Kong. Shockmaster with a clothesline. He then gets a body press on. Then a scoop slam and pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the Boss taking on Rick Rude. Then, as Jesse says, more popular than Bill Clinton in Charlotte as Ric Flair arrives to the arena.
-WCW TV Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Ricky Steamboat: Jesse says he would be impressed if Steamboat could run on water like the lizard on TV, and Tony has no idea what he is talking about. Regal and William are out, and the crown hates them. Tony tells Jesse about Boxing Day. The bell rings, and Regal doesn't want to lock up. Steamboat trying to force him to wrestle. Regal is taking his time. They lock up. Regal forces Steamboat down. They get tied up in the ropes. Referee Nick Patrick separates them. They circle each other. Steamboat favoring an arm. Regal works on that arm. Regal with a wrist lock. Steamboat comes back. They trade wrist locks. Regal with a side headlock. Steamboat with a series of covers for two counts. They circle each other. Steamboat with a side headlock. He gets Regal down again for a two count. Regal comes back with a leg lock. Steamboat kicking at Regal trying to get him off. Steamboat slams Regal down. Steamboat with a top rope chop. Steamboat with an arm bar. Regal pushes off, and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Five minutes left. Steamboat with an arm bar. Steamboat working on the arm. Steamboat with a hammerlock. Regal tries to get out. Regal with blows to Steamboat. Three minutes left. They fight to the outside. Steamboat takes off after Sir William, only to get hit with a dropkick from Regal. Two minutes left. Back in, Regal gets a rear chin lock on. Steamboat up, and Regal hits a back elbow. Steamboat comes back with arm drags and a cover. Regal bridges out. Steamboat with a butterfly suplex. He gets a two count. They go outside again. Steamboat runs Regal and William into each other and throws Regal in. 40 seconds left. Regal guillotined on the top rope. Regal ducks a Steamboat crossbody attempt. Steamboat with a bridge, but time expires.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Ric Flair.
-Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce vs. Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne: Payne and Pierce start as Jesse and Tony talk about a Hooter girl at ringside and say Charlotte is the Hooter capital of the world and this has gone off the rails. Pierce with a side headlock. Payne pushes off, and we get a double shoulder block. Pierce goes back to the side headlock. Payne pushes off and Pierce with a brutal looking shoulder block. Back and forth. Payne with a scoop slam. Slazenger and Cactus both tagged in. They lock up. Cactus runs Slazenger into the corner. Slazenger comes back with a corner whip. Jack with a back elbow. Jack with an arm bar DDT. Double clothesline by the faces. Payne tagged in. He misses a corner charge and Slazenger hits a modified bulldog. Pierce tagged in. Payne was a sunset flip for a two count. Payne with a belly to back suplex. Cactus Jack tagged in. All four men in and brawling. Cactus clotheslines Pierce out. Jack slingshots Slazenger out. Payne backdrops Cactus Jack onto Slazenger. Pierce goes up top, but gets caught coming off by a blow from Payne. He gets the Payne Killer on. Slazenger breaks it up. Payne with a double clothesline. Jack tagged in. Slazenger grabs Cactus Jack for Pierce to hit. Jack ducks and Slazenger clotheslined outside by Pierce. Jack hits the double arm DDT to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks about the WCW hotline and then brings out Kyle Petty. He talks about his father recently retiring and the possibility of Ric Flair retiring.
-2/3 Falls Match for the WCW United States Championship. Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Austin with Col. Rob Parker: Austin and Parker booed when they came out. Rhodes gets a good ovation when he comes out. First Fall: They circle each other. Rhodes with a takedown. They lock up and Austin with a go behind. Rhodes reverses. Austin gets to the ropes and they break. Rhodes with a headscissors. Austin with a side headlock. Rhodes with an elbow, and Austin bails out to regroup with Parker. Austin attacks Rhodes. Rhodes gets Austin down. Austin rolls out again. Back in, Rhodes with a side headlock. He gets Austin down. Austin pushes off and Rhodes with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Austin attacks Rhodes with an elbow on the apron. They battle out on the floor. Rhodes catapults Austin over the barricade. Back in, Rhodes takes Austin down and gets a side headlock. Austin goes on offense. He gets a two count. He chokes Rhodes on the middle rope. Rhodes comes back with a right hand. Austin with a big elbow. Austin throws Rhodes out. Rhodes comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Back and forth. They trade shots. Austin with a belly to back suplex. Shoulder block by Rhodes and both men down. Austin falls on Rhodes by holding the ropes on a Rhodes scoop slam attempt and gets a two count. Austin misses a fist drop. Rhodes with flip, flop, and fly. Rhodes with a clothesline. Rhodes with a power slam to get a two count. Parker up on the apron. Rhodes throws Austin into Parker, and Austin goes over the top, and Rhodes is disqualified. 2nd Fall: Rhodes goes out and attacks Austin right away instead of having a rest period. Officials come out and take Parker away. Rest period, and Austin is busted open. Rhodes comes out after Austin. The lights go out, and they put a spotlight on the ring as Rhodes goes up top. He hits Austin with a fist drop and a suplex. A spotlight is on the ring. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a corner whip and a clothesline. The lights come back on. Rhodes with corner mounted punches. Austin slams Rhodes down and gets the pin with a handful of tights. Winner and new US Champion.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Rick Rude and the Boss.
-WCW International World Championship Match. Rick Rude vs. The Boss: Boss is of course the Big Boss Man. Rude does his pre match routine. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. The bell rings, and they are face to face. They yell at each other. They circle each other. They lock up and vie for position. Rude covers up in the corner. Boss spits on Rude. Another lock up and drive to the corner. Referee Randy Anderson separates them. Boss yells at Rude and tells Rude to bring it. They lock up and drive to the corner again. Rude with some forearms. Rude with a throat thrust. He chokes the Boss on the top rope. The Boss with a backdrop and a big boot. Boss with a backbreaker. Boss with a corner whip and a pair of shots. The Boss with a slam for a one count. They go to the outside and Boss with a slam. Boss hangs Rude upside down on the ropes. The Boss punches Rude. Rude finally rolls off. Boss throws Rude in. Boss with a bear hug. Rude fading. He bites Boss to get out. They trade shots. Rude gets caught coming off the top. Rude gets the pin with the sunset flip.
-SuperBrawl IV ad.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt vs. Sting and Road Warrior Hawk: Missy's outfit is perfect here. I can't do it justice. You have to seek it out. Sting and Knobbs start. Knobbs stalling instead of locking up. They lock up and drive to a corner. Break clean. Sting with an arm drag. Knobbs attacks Sting. Sting comes back with a flurry of offense. Nasty Boys rollout to regroup. Hawk throws Sting on the Nasty Boys at ringside. Sags tagged in and wants Hawk. Hawk tagged in. They brawl in the corner. Nasty Boys double team Hawk. Hawk comes back with a double clothesline, and Nasty Boys roll out again. Sags gets back in, and Hawk beats him down. Hawk with a shoulder block and Sags rolls out again. Hawk follows. Sags back in and catches Hawk's foot and Hawk hits an enziguri. Sting tagged in. Double back elbow to Sags. Knobbs tagged in. Sting with a wrist lock and tags Hawk back in. Hawk works on the arm. and Sting tagged back in. Sting gets Knobbs down with an arm bar. Hawk tagged in and went for a corner whip. Knobbs moves and Hawk crashes to the outside. Sags with a double ax handle and a chair shot to Hawk on the outside. Sags holds Hawk, and Hyatt slaps him. Hawk goes after them, and Knobbs attacks him from behind. Nasty Boys quick tagging and keep Hawk in their corner. Sags with a falling headbutt as an LOD chant goes out. Sags with an arm bar. Nasty Boys keep Hawk in their corner. Knobbs in and picks the arm bar up. Hyatt antagonizes Hawk. Hawk gets to his feet and breaks the hold, but collapses to the mat. Sting tagged in, but referee Nick Patrick didn't see it. Hawk clotheslines both Nasty Boys. Sting tagged in and hits a double clothesline. He cleans house. He clotheslines the Nasty Boys out to the ramp, and the Nasty Boys and Missy go to leave. Sting and Hawk come and grab the Nasty Boys and throw them in. Sting tries to splash Knobbs, who gets his knees-up at the last second. Knobbs with a scoop slam. Knobbs with a second rope leg drop or butt drop, hard to tell what he was going for, but it was botched. Nick Patrick checks on Sting. Knobbs drops a leg on Sting and gets a two count. Sting thrown outside and into a barricade. Missy whips Sting with her whip. Hawk comes and checks on Sting. Knobbs gets Sting in and gets a two count. Sags tagged in and gets an abdominal stretch on. Crowd comes to life to cheer Sting. Knobbs in and picks the stretch up. Ten minutes left. Knobbs with a corner charge, but Sting gets a boot up and a sunset flip for a two count. Sags in and drops an elbow. He gets a two count. Sags with a pump handle slam. Knobbs in and gets a camel clutch on. Sting fighting to get to the corner. Knobbs with a suplex for a two count. Knobbs with a chin lock. Hawk breaks it up. Sags tagged in. He beats on Sting before Knobbs tagged back in. Knobbs goes back to the abdominal stretch. Sting reverses out. Sags tagged in. Five minutes left. Nasty Boys are quick tagging. Knobbs with a scoop slam. He hits a big splash and an elbow drop. Sting gets his boot up on a second splash attempts. Sags knocks Hawk off the apron before Sting could tag him, and the Nasty Boys double team Sting. Knobbs slams Sting. Hawk clotheslines Knobbs out. Three minutes left. Hawk tagged in. Hawk cleans house and gets a two count. All four men in now. Sting with a Stinger Splash and goes for the Scorpion Death Lock. Missy gets on the apron. Sting comes over to her. Knobbs goes to hit Sting, but hits Missy instead. Two minutes left. Sting gets a roll up for a two count. Hawk and Sting do the Doomsday Device on Knobbs. Sting goes to cover, but Missy comes in and jumps on Sting. The bell rings. Hawk and Sting win by DQ.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline.
-Main Event for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Vader with Harley Race vs. Ric Flair: Title vs. Career. Vader and Race out first. Vader tells Jesse to get comfortable because he's going to hurt Flair slowly. Massive ovation when Flair comes out. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Flair gets another pop when he is introduced. The bell rings, and they face each other. They circle each other as a Flair chant goes out. They lock up and drive to a corner. Vader pushes off. Another lock up and push off. Flair rolls out and Vader follows. Flair gets back in the ring. Vader pounds on Flair and gets a hold on Flair's wrist. He follows it up with a clothesline. Flair chops Vader in the corner, and Vader throws Flair across the ring. Flair rolls out again. He gets back in, and Vader beats Flair down in the corner. He follows it up with a delayed press slam. Flair rolls out again, and Vader follows. Flair dropped throat first onto the barricade. They fight out at ringside. Flair runs Vader into a ring post to the delight of the crowd. Race attacks Flair and throws Flair back in. Vader slams Flair on the apron. Flair suplexed back in the ring. Vader beats Flair down in the corner again. Flair corner whipped, and he goes up and over and lands on the ramp. Vader with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He beats Flair down in the corner again. Vader with a slam for a two count. He hits a second rope clothesline. Vader with a snap mare, but misses a splash when Flair moves. Flair hits a top rope shot so TASIYDAH. Flair with a second top rope chop, and Flair attacks Vader. A third chop from the top rope. Drink the top shelf stuff folks. The crowd comes to life on that. Vader comes back with a clothesline. Flair is bleeding from the mouth. He puts Flair on the top rope. He superplexes Flair. Vader drops an elbow on Flair. Flair rolls away from an elbow drop. Vader knocks Flair down again. He throws Flair down. Race attacks Flair again. Flair gets back in the ring. Back and forth. Vader with a corner splash. Flair gets Vader down to the crowds' delight. Flair bashes Vader's leg against the ring post and hits it with a chair. Flair beating Vader down on the outside. They trade blows. Race tied up with the referee, and Flair hits Vader with another chair. They get back in the ring. Flair continues the beating. He gets Vader down and bites him. Flair attacks the leg setting up for the figure four. Vader pushes off a figure four attempt. Vader misses a Vader bomb. Flair gets the figure four on. The crowd goes wild. Race gets up on the apron. Vader gets to the ropes. Vader gets a boot up on a Flair charge. Vader drops an elbow on Flair. Vader misses a moonsault. Flair with a cover for a two count. Race goes up top for a headbutt, but hits Vader when Flair moves. Referee Randy Anderson pushes Race out. Flair chops Vader. Vader pushes Flair down. Flair with a take down to get the pin. New World Champion, and the crowd goes wild as fireworks go off. Flair puts the title on and walks down the aisle as the crowd cheers. Flair has had quite a year in 1993.
-Tony and Jesse talk about what happened. Eric Bischoff tries to interview Vader, who is destroying his locker room. Flair comes back out to thank the crowd.
-Mean Gene talks to Flair, who has his family there with him. Flair says he's overwhelmed by the support. Beth says she is delighted. Gene talks to Sting, who says Flair is the greatest of all time. Ricky Steamboat says history has been made. Flair says he is very fortunate, and they sign off from Charlotte.
-Final Thoughts: This was an amazing show and a return to form after several years of lackluster Starrcades.

Episode 242 Notes Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:00:00 -0400 [email protected] e657a448-23de-4f23-a468-673b80099d53 My notes for Episode 242: Hostile City Showdown 1995. -Today we look at Hostile City Showdown 95 from ECW.
-Hostile City Showdown took place April 15, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,150 in attendance.
-TV-MA Intro.
-Stevie Richards with Raven vs. Mikey Whipwreck: Richards goes to attack Whipwreck right away, but Whipwreck beats him down. Raven interferes to get Whipwreck down. Whipwreck rolls out and heads toward the back. He comes back with Hack Meyers. Whipwreck attacks Richards and hits a flying clothesline for a two count. Whipwreck with a shoulder block and a monkey flip. Whipwreck is a house of fire. Whipwreck with a wrist lock. Richards comes back. Richards misses a dropkick when Whipwreck holds on to the ropes. Whipwreck goes back to a wrist lock. Whipwreck with a scoop slam for a two count. Whipwreck with an arm bar. Richards rolls out and hits a powerbomb. Richards misses a corner clothesline. Raven trips Whipwreck. Meyers then trips Richards. Richards slams Whipwreck face first on the mat. Richards stomping Whipwreck. Whipwreck with a Frankensteiner to get the pin. Raven and Meyers come in, and Meyers attacks Raven. The Pit Bulls then come in and attack Whipwreck and Meyers. The Public Enemy then came in to attack the Pit Bulls.
-Tony Stetson vs. Tsubo Genjin: JIP Stetson attacking Genjin. Genjin comes back with chops. He gets the pin after a leg drop, and the crowd is pissed.
-Axl Rotten is then shown in the ring with a mic. He says he and Ian have kicked each other's asses over the past few months. He says he has a lot of little trinkets in his garbage can he brought. He says we are going to do a Bad Breed Death Match where everything is legal. Ian comes out and attacks Axl as the match starts.
-Axl vs. Ian Rotten: Ian attacks Axl with a strap, a bat, and a barbed wire bat. He misses, and Axl attacks Ian with the barbed wire bat. He drops the bat, and I can't with these two. Axl runs Ian into the barricade. He attacks with the bat again. Ian gets the bat and attacks Axl with it. He wraps the barbed wire around Axl's head. He wraps the wire around Axl and runs him into a turnbuckle. Back and forth. It goes outside. Ian back dropped into the crowd by Axl. Axl attacks Ian with a screwdriver and a broken hockey stick. Axl then attacks Ian with the bat again. Ian grabs a crutch and hits Axl. Ian gets the garbage can, puts it on Axl's head, and hits it with a bat. Axl comes back with a back kick and attacks Ian with a strap. Axl hits Ian with the bat. Axl chokes Ian with the barbed wire. Ian misses a fist drop and grabs some barbed wire. He drops it and hits Axl with a chair instead. He then wraps the wire around Axl's head, hits him with the chair, and gets the pin.
-Raven, Stevie, and Beulah come out to be interviewed by Joey Styles. Richards recaps what has happened between Raven and Tommy Dreamer.
-Raven with Stevie Richards and Beulah McGillicutty vs. Tommy Dreamer: Raven attacks Dreamer as soon as Dreamer gets to ringside. He runs Dreamer into the ring post and they fight to the back. They fight all over the building. Dreamer backdrops Raven on the floor. He slams Raven on a table and hits Raven with a chair. He follows it up with a suplex on the stage. They fight out into the crowd again. Dreamer grabs a kitchen sink and hits Raven. They fight back towards the ring. They trade blows. Raven throws Dreamer back in the ring. Dreamer with a sleeper, and they both fall out to the floor. Dreamer hits Raven with things fans hand him, including a dozen eggs. They fight back into the ring. Raven with a DDT. He then hits two more DDTs. Dreamer kicks out on two. Raven takes Dreamer outside, and Dreamer reverses and DDTs Raven. Dreamer rolls Raven back in, but Richards breaks up the pin and attacks Dreamer. Dreamer DDTs Richards and then referee John Finegan. Beulah comes in and Dreamer hits her with a piledriver to the delight of the crowd. Dreamer goes out in the crowd and celebrates.
-ECW TV Title Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko: They lock up and drive to a corner. Guerrero with a takedown. Guerrero with a leg lock. Malenko counters. Malenko with a wrist lock. Back and forth. Guerrero with an arm bar. Guerrero rakes Malenko's face, and Malenko rolls out to regroup. They trade holds and counters. Fast paced match. Malenko with a clothesline. They trade headscissors. This is a great wrestling match. Malenko with a leg lock. Guerrero comes back with an arm lock. Malenko gets to the ropes. Test of strength. Guerrero with the advantage. Malenko comes back. Guerrero with a sidewalk slam and a splash. Malenko gets his foot on the ropes. Guerrero with a chin lock. Malenko breaks the hold and hits a series of elbows. Malenko now on offense. He gets an arm bar on Guerrero. Malenko with an Irish whip and a dropkick to the knee of Guerrero. Malenko with a sort of inverted surfboard on Guerrero. Malenko then kicks Guerrero's knee. Guerrero gets to the ropes. Malenko runs the knee into the ring post. It goes outside. Back in, Malenko goes to work on the leg again. Malenko with a leg lock. Guerrero gets to the ropes again. Guerrero kicks Malenko away. Guerrero clinging to the ropes. Malenko goes back to the leg lock when he gets Guerrero in the center of the ring. Malenko with an STF. Guerrero won't give up. Malenko breaks the hold. Guerrero with a roll up for a two count. Guerrero collapses from a cradle suplex attempt. Guerrero with a powerbomb for a two count. Guerrero goes for a DDT from the second rope, but Malenko holds on to the ropes. Guerrero then hits the DDT and gets a series of two counts. Guerrero with a top rope Frankensteiner and gets a two count. Guerrero with a Boston Crab into an STF. Malenko out and hooks Guerrero with his legs against the ropes and they both spill to the outside. Malenko suplexes Guerrero to the floor from the apron. Guerrero goes up top and hits a splash to Malenko on the outside. Back in, Malenko hits a brain buster. Guerrero comes back with a brain buster of his own. Guerrero hits the frog splash for a two count. Guerrero tries and gets another two count. Back and forth. Malenko with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Malenko with a sidewalk slam, but Guerrero gets to the ropes. Malenko with a powerbomb. Guerrero with a quick inside cradle for a two count. Guerrero with another Frankensteiner for a two count. Guerrero with a pump handle backbreaker for a two count. He gets another two count. They trade a series of two counts. Guerrero gets a sunset flip for another two count. The bell rings and the match is a draw.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Shane Douglas with Woman vs. The Sandman: Sandman out first to a great ovation. Douglas and Woman come out looking very confident. Woman holds the ECW title and caresses it while Sandman stares at her. Douglas and Woman antagonize the crowd. Sandman attacks Douglas before the bell. Douglas avoids the cane and hits a dropkick to Sandman. Douglas with a knee lift to Sandman. He hits a suplex. It spills outside, and Douglas whipped into the guard rail. Sandman throws Douglas back in. Douglas hits a DDT. Douglas dumps Sandman on the top rope. They trade shots. Douglas with a scoop slam. Douglas with a body press for a one count. Sandman throws Douglas out again. Sandman with a leg drop. Woman distracts Sandman for Douglas to drop Sandman on the guard rail. Sandman throws Douglas on the guard rail. Sandman with a scoop slam on the concrete, and he grabs a chair. He hits Douglas with it. Sandman goes after Woman, only to get hit with a tope by Douglas. Sandman drops Douglas on the chair and throws Douglas back in. Sandman stomps Douglas down in the corner. Sandman with a corner whip. Sandman with a scoop slam. Sandman goes up top, but misses a leg drop. Douglas with a modified backbreaker. Douglas with a dropkick. Sandman misses a corner charge. Douglas puts the crossface chicken wing on. Woman hits Douglas' knee, and Sandman falls on Douglas for the pin. New world champion! Douglas looks shocked. Woman and Sandman had duped Douglas. Douglas starts tearing up ringside. He puts on a Monday Night Raw T-shirt. He says he's going to a place where he can wrestle and they can all kiss his ass. Douglas would be back. He leaves the building. Sandman and Woman celebrate in the ring.
-ECW Tag Team Championship Match. The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. The Pit Bulls with Stevie Richards: The crowd is extremely into the Public Enemy, no pun intended. Rock wants Pit Bull 2. Rock and Pit Bull 1 lock up. Pit Bull 1 with the early advantage. He hits a fist drop and beats Rock down. Rock tries to get up. Pit Bull 1 chokes Rock on the top rope. Pit Bull 1 hits a shoulder block. Rock clotheslined to the outside. He gets back in, and Pit Bull 2 had tagged in and scoop slams Rock. Pit Bull 2 press slams Rock and throws him through a table at ringside. Grunge with a double clothesline. He takes on both Pit Bulls. They knock Grunge down. Double suplex to Grunge for a two count. Rock was thrown in while Grunge was thrown out. Two count on Rock. Pit Bull 1 with a rear chin lock on Rock. A Rocco chant goes out. Pit Bull 1 with a shoulder block. Pit Bull 2 tagged in. He hits a back elbow and a power slam. Pit Bull 1 tagged in. He gets a rear chin lock on. Rock fighting to get out. He does and hits a springboard moonsault for a two count. Rock with a scoop slam for a two count. All four men in now. Public Enemy with a pair of clotheslines. Another pair of clotheslines, and they brawl out on the floor. They fight out into the crowd. Pit Bull 2 ran into the barricade by Grunge. Grunge hits Pit Bull 2 with a chair. Grunge hitting Pit Bull 2 with whatever the crowd gives him. He throws Pit Bull 2 in the ring. They go back and forth. Grunge with a short arm clothesline for a two count. Rock and Pit Bull 1 continue to battle out in the crowd. Grunge with a side slam to Pit Bull 2. Grunge slides a table in the ring. He guillotines Pit Bull 2 on the top rope. Grunge sets the table up. He sets Pit Bull 2 on the table. He Grunge bombs Pit Bull 2 through the table. The fans chant ECDub. Pit Bull 2 thrown out. Everyone brawling. Pit Bull 2 piledrives Grunge. They brawl out into the crowd. Pit Bull 2 hits Grunge with a chair. Pit Bull 1 covers Rock in the ring and gets a close two count. They set Rock up for the super bomb, but Rock gets a Frankensteiner on Pit Bull 2 and gets a two count. We then get a series of close two counts that both teams break up. Grunge grabs the Pit Bulls chain. Rock misses the Drive By when Pit Bull 1 moves. Grunge hits Pit Bull 1 with the chain, and Rock rolls him up to get the pin.
-911 with Paul E vs. Ron Simmons: JIP. Simmons going for a superplex. 911 grabs Simmons by the throat and choke slams him from the turnbuckle to get the pin.
-Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack: Funk out first, and a Terry chant goes out. Jack out, and they dub his music and you can't hear anything but the dubbed music as Funk was saying something on the mic. Cactus says he wants Funk to come out and battle in the crowd. Funk comes out and they brawl on the bleachers. They fight to where the broadcast booth is. They trade shots. They climb up top to the Eagles Nest, and Funk throws chairs at Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack hits Funk, and Funk lands on a table. Jack drops the elbow. Funk moves, and Jack goes through the table. They go back through the bleachers to the ring. Funk attacks Jack with a chair. Jack hits Funk with a crutch, cookie sheet, and a frying pan. Funk throws Jack into the ring and grabs a table. Jack whips Funk into the table a couple of times. Cactus goes up top, and Funk hits him with the table. Jack baseball slides Funk to the outside. Cactus Jack follows. He batters Funk. He drives Funk face first into a chair. Both men down. Jack with some elbow shots. They brawl out in the crowd again. Funk gets back in the ring, and Jack throws a garbage can on him. Funk breaks a bottle on Cactus Jack's skull. He dumps garbage on Cactus. He rakes the broken bottle on Cactus. He beats and kicks Cactus Jack. Mikey Whipwreck comes out to help Cactus Jack. Hack Meyers also comes out, and Funk attacks them both. He then hits Cactus Jack's leg with a chair. He gets the spinning toe hold on. Jack rolls him up for a two count. Jack with a DDT on the chair. He gets another two count. Sandman comes out and swings the cane at Jack but hits Funk when Cactus Jack moves. Jack then throws Sandman out. Jack pins Funk. Sandman attacks Jack with the cane. He pours lighter fluid on Cactus Jack. Funk comes with a flaming branding iron and blows fire on Cactus Jack. He tries to burn Cactus. He plunges it into Jack several times. Jack grabs it and tries to attack Funk, who takes off as they sign off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show as they are headed in a new direction with Shane Douglas bound for the WWF.

Episode 241 Notes Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 52a15597-91db-4df9-9f0e-f306390f28e1 My notes for Episode 241: Survivor Series 1993. -Sika.
-Today, we look at Survivor Series 1993.
-The VCR ate the tape.
-Survivor Series 1993 was shown on PPV on November 24, 1993 from the Boston Garden in Boston, MA. There were 15,409 in attendance and the show did 180.000 PPV buys.
-Billy Gunn defeated The Brooklyn Brawler in a dark match.
-A taped spot from Lex Luger and his family wishing us a Happy Thanksgiving. We then cut to a man in the ring singing the National Anthem.
-Survivor Series intro.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the Survivor Series. This is Bobby's last PPV during his original run and he is going to come out a house of fire on this night.
-IRS, Diesel, Rick Martel, and Adam Bomb with Harvey Wippleman vs. Razor Ramon, the 1,2,3 Kid, Marty Jannetty, and Randy Savage: Ramon tells the crowd that Mr. Perfect isn't there and that Randy Savage is his replacement before Savage comes out. Martel and Ramon start. Martel with a wrist lock. Ramon reverses into a hammerlock. Back and forth. Ramon slaps Martel. Martel is beating Ramon down in the corner. Ramon responds with a fall away slam. He follows it up with an inverted atomic drop and a couple of clotheslines. Bomb tagged in. Bomb tells Ramon to bring it and pushes Ramon away. He pushes Ramon down a second time. Bomb with a side headlock and a shoulder block. A Razor chant goes out. Test of strength. Ramon coming back. Bomb with a boot to the midsection. Ramon with a suplex for a two count. Martel is in to break up the hold, but accidentally hits Bomb. Wippleman comes in and pushes Martel, who responds by punching Wippleman. Bomb then attacks Martel. IRS and Diesel in to break it up. Kid in. Kid with a side headlock. Bomb slams Kid down. Diesel tagged in. He throws Kid across the ring as three Clique members are in this match. Diesel with a forearm to the kidney. He follows it up with a big boot. Kid comes back with a headscissors and Savage tagged in. He cleans house by hitting Diesel with a double ax handle and taking out the rest of the team. Savage scoop slams Diesel and hits the elbow drop to pin Diesel. Martel jumps Savage immediately. Savage runs Martel into a turnbuckle. IRS tagged in. He runs Savage into a turnbuckle. Ramon tagged in. He gets IRS down. He gets a side headlock. Martel tagged in and hits a double ax handle to Ramon. Heenan asks McMahon if he has ever cheated anybody and McMahon says of course not. Throwing shade to all other territory promoters here as well as the federal government as McMahon has just been indicted. Martel keeps up the attack, and Bomb tagged in. Bomb with a back elbow. He beats Ramon down and Martel tagged back in, then IRS drops an elbow. He gets a two count. Heels double teaming to perfection as Martel back in without tagging. They collide in the ring and both men down. IRS tagged in. They trade blows. Savage tagged in. He hits a high knee to the back. Savage with a scoop slam and Crush is shown coming out to antagonize Savage. Savage comes out after Crush and his team stops him. Savage gets distracted by Crush and IRS rolls him up for the pin. Savage takes off after Crush. Jannetty in and gets a side headlock on IRS. IRS pushes off and Jannetty comes back with a hip toss. He dropkicks IRS and gets a two count. Martel tagged in. He attacks Jannetty. Bomb tagged in. He hits a belly to back suplex. He kicks Jannetty down in the corner. Martel tagged in and gets an abdominal stretch. He misses a corner charge when Jannetty moves and Ramon tagged in. IRS also tagged in. He hits a couple of corner clotheslines and a choke slam. He hits the Razor's Edge to pin IRS. Martel attacks Ramon immediately. All 5 remaining men in the ring. Ramon gets Martel up for the Razor's Edge while the referee is getting the other men out and IRS comes in and hits Ramon with his briefcase. Ramon falls out of the ring and gets counted out. The crowd chants 1-2-3 as the Kid gets in against Martel. They criss cross. Kid with a side headlock. Martel pushes off. Kid comes back with an arm drag. Into a wrist lock on Martel. Martel with a back elbow and Bomb tagged in. He misses a shot and Kid takes him down with a go behind. Kid with a dropkick. Bomb rolls outside and catches the Kid when he goes for a suicide dive. Bomb slams Kid down and then throws Kid in and hits a slingshot clothesline. Bomb with a corner clothesline. Kid with a series of moves. Martel tagged in. He gets a two count. Kid with a shot to Martel and Jannetty tagged in. He gets Martel down. He hits a knee lift and runs Martel into a ring post. Jannetty with a snap mare for a two count and Kid tagged back in. Double back elbow. Kid with a sunset flip to pin Martel. Jannetty tagged in and hits a sunset flip to pin Bomb. Survivors: Marty Jannetty and the 1-2-3 Kid. Heels are mad as the crowd celebrates.
-Todd Pettengill interviews the recently reinstated Shawn Michaels, who says he is the true IC champion. He is replacing the temporarily unavailable Jerry Lawler due to Lawler's legal issues, and so Michaels will captain the team against the Hart family. Pettengill brings up the bad feelings from last years Survivor Series and shows Michaels an interview Ray Combs did with the Hart Family earlier. Combs talks to Bret and his family about Shawn Michaels and the Knights. They're ready for battle. Michaels bad mouths the Harts and says he has something to settle with Bret. Ray Combs then introduces members of the Hart Family at ringside. Combs then does some jokes about Shawn Michaels.
-Shawn Michaels and the Red, Black, and Blue Knights vs. Bret, Owen, Bruce, and Keith Hart with Stu Hart: The Blue Knight is Greg Valentine, the Black Knight is Jeff Gaylord, and the Red Knight is Barry Horowitz. Michaels comes over and yells at the Hart Family at ringside. Combs tells him to get in the ring. The Harts are introduced. Bobby Heenan is hilarious here. Ray Combs joins commentary. Owen starts against Michaels. Michaels wants Bruce, who tags in. Michaels with a side headlock. Red Knight tagged in. Bruce knocks Michaels into the Red Knight. Michaels back in. Bruce cleaning house. Bruce with an arm bar, and Keith tagged in. Keith picks the arm bar up. Into a hammerlock. Back and forth. Keith gets a small package for a two count. Back to the arm bar. Michaels with a scoop slam. Red Knight tagged in. Owen tagged in. Back and forth. Owen with a hip toss. Black Knight tagged in. He gets tossed around by the Hart family, and the Blue Knight and Bret both tagged in. Blue Knight with a series of forearms. Bret with a clothesline for a two count. Hart family with quick tags. Blue Knight scoop slams Bruce and Michaels tagged in. Michaels with a backbreaker. Red Knight in with a double ax handle. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Black Knight tagged in. Bruce with a back slide for a two count. Michaels tagged in. He kicks Bruce to the outside. Bruce reverses and runs Michaels into a turnbuckle. Red Knight knocks Bruce down. Bruce with a clothesline. Black Knight and Bret both tagged in. Bret with a roll up for a two count. He hits a backbreaker and elbow drop for a two count. All eight men are in now. Hart family run Michaels and the Knights together. Owen with a missile dropkick to pin the Black Knight. Owen takes the Red Knight down. Bret tagged in. He gets the Red Knight in, and Keith tagged in. Keith beating the Red Knight in the corner. Keith is working on the leg of the Knight. Bruce tagged in. He continues to beat on the leg and then tags Bret in. He hits the Red Knight and Keith tagged back in. Hart family doing a lot of quick tags. Red Knight kicks Keith away. Red Knight coming back. Back and forth. Michaels saves the Red Knight, who was in the figure four. Blue Knight tagged in. They trade blows. Heels triple teaming Keith. The Blue Knight with an arm bar and Michaels tagged in. He hits a double ax handle. Michaels runs Keith into the corner. Red Knight tagged in and kept up the attack on Keith. The rest of the Harts trying to help Keith. Red Knight catapults Keith into the bottom rope. Blue Knight tagged in and works over Keith's injured shoulder. Michaels tagged in. He misses a top rope move when Keith moves and Bret tagged in. Michaels quickly tags the Red Knight in. Bret gets the Sharpshooter on and the Red Knight gives up. The Blue Knight immediately comes in and attacks Bret. Blue Knight throws Bret out. Keith comes over and checks on Bret. Michaels attacks Bret on the outside. The Blue Knight gets Bret back in and hits a suplex. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Bret run into Michaels' boot. Michaels tagged in. He beats Bret down and then hits a nice back elbow. Michaels gets a two count. Michaels with a chin lock. Bret comes back. They trade moves. Blue Knight tagged in. He gets a two count. Blue Knight chops Bret in the corner. Bret comes back with a clothesline. Owen tagged in. Owen with a standing dropkick. He hits the Blue Knight with corner mounted punches. Owen with an elbow drop. Michaels breaks up the count. Owen throws Michaels out where he tries to menace Stu. Stu punches Michaels and Owen hits him with a plancha. Michaels and the Blue Knight run into each other. Owen covers the Blue Knight. Michaels goes to break up the pin and gets clotheslined out by Owen and Bruce. Owen with a bulldog. Owen with a sharpshooter and the Blue Knight gives up. Bret throws Michaels back into the ring. Michaels bumping for all of the Harts. Bruce in and gets a two count. Michaels comes back with a back elbow. Michaels chokes Bruce for a four count. Michaels with a super kick for a two count. Bruce with a knee lift and Bret tagged in. Bret slingshots Michaels into the corner and gets a two count. Michaels with an eye poke. Owen tagged in. Owen with a power slam for a two count. Michaels reveres an Irish whip and Owen slams into Bret on the apron. Michaels rolls Owen up to pin Owen. Owen screams at Bret while Bruce checks on Bret. Keith is also checking on Bret. Stu comes over to check on Bret while Owen leaves saying what about me? Bruce in against Michaels. Bruce with a clothesline for a two count. Bruce with a sleeper. Michaels runs Bruce into a corner to break the hold. They collide and both men down. Keith tagged in and gets an abdominal stretch. Michaels hip locks out and Bret tagged in. Michaels' corner whipped. Bret attacking Michaels. Michaels crotched on the top rope. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter and Michaels rolls out. Michaels takes off and gets counted out. Survivors: Bret, Keith, and Bruce Hart. They celebrate in the ring. Owen comes back out. He pushes Bret and yells at him. Bruce and Keith try to calm Owen down. Stu calms Bret down as the crowd boos Owen. Owen says Bret is in the way. Todd Pettengill tries to interview Owen, but he doesn't want to talk.
-Vince and Bobby trade with Gorilla Monsoon and Jim Ross for the next match. Monsoon threatens Heenan as they switch.
-WrestleMania X commercial.
-Flashback to what led to the All-Americans vs. the Foreign Fanatics.
-SMW Tag Team Championship Match. The Rock 'N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray with Jim Cornette: Cornette out first to introduce the Bodies and Jim Ross makes a Jim Barnette joke. You'll know it if you know. The RNR theme music is dubbed over for some reason. Heavenly Bodies attack the RNR as soon as the RNR get in the ring. They throw the RNR out of the ring. They slingshot Gibson back in, but Morton reverses and slingshots the Bodies out. Morton then hits a suicide dive onto the Bodies. Inside the ring, Gibson and Del Ray lock up. Gibson with a side headlock. Del Ray pushes off and Gibson comes back with a shoulder block. All Gibson to begin with. Morton tagged in and the RNR with a double back elbow. Prichard tagged in and beats Morton down in the corner. Back and forth. Morton cleaning house on both Heavenly Bodies. All four men in now. Heavenly Bodies get monkey flipped out of the corner. The RNR do the row boat on the Heavenly Bodies. Gibson tagged in and goes to work on Prichard's leg. Morton tagged in. He continues to assault the leg. It's been all RNR thus far. RNR quick tagging. Del Ray tagged in. Morton with a wrist lock. They trade shots. All four in again. and the RNR get the better of the exchange. Prichard in against Morton. He hits a sit out powerbomb. Del Ray tagged in. Prichard slams him on Morton for a two count. Del Ray with a hard shot. Morton thrown outside and Cornette holds him for Del Ray to hit a moonsault. Morton thrown back in and Prichard gets a two count. Prichard unloading on Morton. Prichard with a power slam for a two count. Del Ray tagged in and hits a snap suplex. Heavenly Bodies hit sort of a reverse bull dog on Morton for a two count. Prichard with a suplex. Del Ray in and hits the trash compactor from the top rope. It gets a two count. Morton with a Frankensteiner for a two count. Prichard tagged in and Morton with an inside cradle for a two count. Del Ray tagged in and hits a moonsault. Gibson makes the save. Morton with a double DDT. Gibson tagged in. Referee trying to get the extra men out. Morton thrown out of the ring. Gibson thinks it's a disqualification. Morton hits a crossbody, but Prichard makes the save. Double dropkick to Prichard. Gibson gets a two count as Cornette gets up on the apron and Morton punches him off. Referee Joey Marella tries to get Morton out as Del Ray hits Gibson with the racket. Prichard makes the cover and the Heavenly Bodies are the new SMW Tag Champions.
-Flashback to Doink playing mind games with Bam Bam Bigelow on Superstars. Todd Pettengill interviews Bigelow's team. Bigelow says he has the most awesome team as the rest of the team eats a turkey.
-Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastian Booger, Samu, and Fatu with Afa and Luna Vachon vs. The Doinks Bushwhacker Doinks and Men on a Mission Doinks with Oscar: Oscar pumps the crowd up. I saw Oscar when I went to the STW show in Boston in 2017. Nice guy. A we want Doink chant goes out. Booger in against Luke. Booger with the early advantage. Luke bites Booger. Samu tagged in. He attacks Luke. The faces set him up by presenting balloons that he bites, and one is filled with water. Luke rolls Samu up to get the pin. Fatu in. He hits a suplex. Butch tagged in. Booger tagged in and attacks Butch. He beats Butch down. Bigelow tagged in. He continues the assault. He chokes Butch on the top rope. He guillotines Butch. Booger tagged in and hits the sit down splash but doesn't cover. Booger goes over to the corner to grab a banana that they brought and starts eating it. Booger goes for the splash again, but Mabel pulls Butch away. Mabel is the legal man and gets the pin after a Bushwhacker Battering Ram and a Mabel leg drop. Faces get a whoomp there it is chant going. That's 1993. Fatu hits Luke with a turkey carcass to gain the advantage. Mo rides a scooter inside the ring. Referee Tim White has lost control of this one. Bigelow comes in, hits Mo, and throws the scooter out. Fatu with a slam to Mo. Fatu hits a top rope splash, but again doesn't cover. Butch tagged in and threatens Fatu with a bucket. Fatu slips on a banana peel and gets pinned. Bigelow comes in and unloads on the faces. He throws them out until he gets to Mabel. Mabel gets the crowd into it. Bigelow tries to move Mabel as the crowd does the Whoomp chant again. Bigelow with some shoulder blocks to no avail. They trade shots. Mabel misses a corner charge. Butch throws stuff on Luna that distracts Bigelow, and he gets splashed by MOM in the corner. He gets pinned by the team. Team Doink survives. Bigelow and Luna leave, and Doink menaces Bigelow on the screen.
-Todd Pettengill interviews the Foreign Fanatics. Jim Cornette says they are ready and have a strategy. He said the Steiner Brothers are the heart of the team, and a blow to the heart can be devastating. The mind is The Undertaker. If you confuse the mind, you can take him out. Then there is the soul. The soul is Lex Luger. When you've captured a man's soul, you've defeated him once and for all.
-Vince and Bobby talk about the main event.
-The All-Americans Lex Luger, The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott, and The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. The Foreign Fanatics Yokozuna, Quebecquer Jacques, Crush, and Ludvig Borga with Jim Cornette, Mr. Fuji, and Johnny Polo: Heels out first. The Undertaker out first for the faces, and the crowd goes wild. Steiner Brothers out next to a good ovation. Luger out to a great reaction. Undertaker and Yokozuna face to face. A USA chant goes out. Scott and Jacques start. They circle each other. Jacques asks for a handshake. Scott does an up yours gesture instead and kicks Jacques in the stomach. Back and forth. Scott hits an overhead belly to belly. He gets a two count. Rick tagged in. Yoko tagged in. Yoko staring at Rick as the USA chant goes out again. They lock up, and Yokozuna knocks Ric down with a forearm. Rick with Steinerlines. He finally knocks Yoko out of the ring. Heels get Rick in their corner. Borga tagged in and knocks Rick down in the corner. Borga throws Rick outside, where he lands on a cameraman. Rick goes up top. He gets a count from a top rope shoulder block. Borga comes back with a scoop slam. Rick goes back to the top and comes off, but Borga catches him and power slams Rick. Rick gets pinned. Scott in against Jacques. Jacques with a side headlock. Scott military presses Jacques and throws him on Crush. Crush catches Jacques and Crush tagged in. Crush wants a test of strength. Crush attacks Scott. Scott with a double underhook powerbomb and a Steinerline. He gets a two count. Crush comes back with a thrust kick. Randy Savage comes out and is being held back by officials. Crush throws Scott out of the ring. Crush tells Savage to come on. Crush beating Scott down. Crush with a leg lock. He drops an elbow to the leg. Savage tries to get to the ring again. Crush is distracted by Savage, and Scott kicks him to the outside. Crush takes off after Savage and attacks Savage. They fight in the aisle and Crush gets counted out. Scott beat down in the corner by the heels. Jacques with a camel clutch on Scott. He follows it up with a back elbow and a piledriver for a two count. Scott with a shot to the stomach. Scott with a press slam. Luger tagged in. He slams Jacques. He drops an elbow from the second rope to pin Jacques. Scott and Borga come in. Borga wants Luger. Scott and Borga circle each other and Borga attacks Scott. Borga with a shot to knock Scott down. He brutalizes Scott. He gets caught going up top and Scott hits the superplex. Yoko makes the save. Yoko tagged in, but misses an elbow drop. Scott goes for the Frankensteiner, but Yoko holds on to the ropes. Yokozuna drops an elbow to pin Scott. Luger in against Yoko. They slap each other. Yoko beats Luger down. Yoko with a scoop slam. Luger moves on a Yokozuna splash attempt. A clothesline knocks Luger down. Borga tagged in. Borga brutalizes Luger with shots. He headbutts Luger into the corner, and Yoko tagged back in. Yoko with a corner whip, but Luger moves on the charge. Undertaker tagged in. The crowd goes wild. He attacks Undertaker. Undertaker with the flying DDT to Yokozuna. Undertaker attacking Yoko. Yoko with a belly to belly suplex. He keeps knocking Undertaker down, but Undertaker keeps rising. My friend Bubba taped the end of the match on a mini cassette recorder, and we listened to it endlessly. Yoko drags Undertaker to the corner and Banzai Drops Undertaker, but misses a second one when Undertaker moves. Undertaker with the flying choke slam. It goes outside. Yoko runs Undertaker into the ring steps, but Undertaker keeps coming. They both get counted out. Undertaker keeps attacking Yokozuna. Borga knocks Luger down and gets a two count. Borga with a side slam for another two count. Borga can't get the pin. Back and forth. Heel managers up on the apron. Fuji comes in and gives Borga the salt bucket. Borga hits Luger. He gets a two count. Luger comes back and gets several two counts. Luger hits the forearm to get the pin. He celebrates and Santa comes out as they sign off from Boston.
-Final Thoughts: A fantastic show. Definitely worth a watch, especially for Heenan.

Episode 240 Notes Fri, 19 Jul 2024 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 28baf1c1-cd2d-43c7-89b0-27f66a2e36b3 My notes for Episode 240: Roadblock End of the Line. -Today we look at Roadblock: End of the Line from the WWE.
-Roadblock: End of the Line was a Raw only PLE and PPV and it took place December 18, 2016 from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA.
-WWE and Roadblock intros.
-New Day comes out as Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton welcome us to Roadblock. New Day do their routine.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods vs. Sheamus and Cesaro: The SAT and GAT are announced. Cesaro attacks Kingston with a dropkick as soon as the bell rings. Back and forth. Fast paced match. Cesaro goes for the Big Swing, but Kingston gets to the ropes. Sheamus clotheslines Kingston while the referee is distracted. Sheamus tagged in. He hits a suplex for a one count. Sheamus with a rolling senton and Cesaro tagged in. He gets a two count. Sheamus tagged in and hit a battering ram for a two count. Sheamus with a headlock. Kingston with a jaw breaker to get out. Sheamus knocks Big E off the apron. Cesaro tagged in and he and Sheamus double team Kingston. Cesaro hits an uppercut to get a two count. Cesaro hits the post shoulder first when Kingston moves. Sheamus tagged in, and Kingston backdrops Sheamus out. Big E tagged in. Big E spears Sheamus off the apron. Big E with the Big Splash to get a two count. Back and forth. Sheamus with a big kick and Cesaro tagged in. He and Sheamus hit a version of White Noise to get a two count. Cesaro hits a spinning corkscrew uppercut. Cesaro goes for the big swing and now all four men in the ring. Big E hits the Big Ending, but only gets a two count. Kingston tagged in. He goes up top, but Sheamus pulls him down temporarily. Cesaro with a top rope hurricanrana. Kingston rolls through, but Cesaro pulls through and gets the Big Swing on as Sheamus hits Big E with a Brogue Kick on the outside. Cesaro gets the Sharpshooter on. Woods gets on the apron to distract, and Sheamus takes off after Woods. The referee is dealing with this and doesn't see Kingston tap out. Kingston gets a small package, but Cesaro rolls through. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer, but Big E makes the save. Cesaro throws Big E out. Sheamus tagged in and Cesaro hits Big E with a plancha. Sheamus goes for the Broague Kick, but Woods shoves Kingston out of the way and takes it. Kingston hits the SOS to get a two count. Cesaro fakes a tag in and Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise, but Sheamus rolls Kingston up to get the pin and we have new Raw Tag Team Champions. Cesaro hugs the New Day, but Sheamus grabs the belts and holds them high. Cesaro goes out into the crowd and celebrates.
-Charley Caruso talks to Kevin Owens. Owens says he doesn't care about the New Day. He's better than the New Day and Roman Reigns. Caruso asks Owens about his strained relationship with Chris Jericho. Owens says he and Jericho are best friends. Owens then runs into Jericho. He tries to apologize and make up with Jericho. He gives him a holiday scarf. Jericho throws the scarf down and leaves.
-WWE Network ad.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Sami Zayn vs. Braun Strowman: Sami must last 10 minutes. Flashback to what led up to the match. Zayn is avoiding Strowman. Zayn chops Strowman. Zayn with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Zayn with corner mounted punches. Strowman throws Zayn across the ring. He beats Zayn down. Zayn goes out, but Strowman throws him back in. Strowman throwing Zayn around. Strowman choking Zayn on the ropes. Zayn pulls the apron down when Strowman charges. Strowman catches Zayn when he dives onto Strowman and guillotines Zayn on the apron. Strowman throws Zayn back in. He splashes Zayn in the corner. Strowman beats Zayn down with forearms. Zayn keeps getting back to his feet. 5 minutes left. Strowman continues the beat down. The referee keeps asking Zayn if he wants to continue. 4 minutes left. Mick Foley comes out carrying a white towel. Strowman throws Zayn out of the ring towards Foley. Strowman comes out and yells at Foley to save Zayn. Zayn is begging Foley not to throw the towel in. The crowd yells let them fight. Zayn back to his feet and tells Foley not like this. Strowman throws Zayn at the ring post and rushes the post, but Zayn moves and Strowman hits the post. 90 seconds left. Strowman rushes Zayn, who moves again, and Strowman goes through the barricade. Strowman gets in on the 9 count. 45 seconds left. Zayn moves on a Strowman charge and goes up top and gets a crossbody for a two count. Zayn hits a Helluva Kick and time expires. Zayn wins. Strowman is pissed. Foley talking to Zayn on the outside.
-UK Championship Tournament announcement.
-Flashback to what led to the Seth Rollins/Chris Jericho match.
-Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. The international announce teams are introduced. The bell rings, and they circle each other. Rollins with an arm drag. Jericho with a side headlock. Rollins pushes off, and Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up again. Jericho with a wrist lock. Rollins reverses and gets an arm bar. Rollins gets Jericho down and hits a running kick. Rollins beating Jericho down in the corner. Rollins with a corner whip, but Jericho gets his boot up on the charge. Jericho with a missile dropkick for a two count. Back and forth. Jericho is beating Rollins down in the corner. Jericho with a corner whip, but Rollins comes back with a corner clothesline. Jericho rolls out to regroup. Rollins hits a knee from the apron on Jericho. Rollins throws Jericho into a barricade. Rollins throws Jericho back in the ring. Jericho with a running elbow. Jericho misses a clothesline, and Rollins catapults Jericho into a post. Jericho backdrops Rollins to the apron. Rollins punches Jericho. The referee separates the two. Jericho with a springboard dropkick to Rollins to knock Rollins to the floor. Rollins gets back in on the 9 count, and Jericho immediately attacks him. Jericho with a modified chicken wing to Rollins. Rollins fights out. Jericho hits a dropkick for a two count. Rollins coming back. Jericho cuts Rollins off with a knee to the stomach. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins gets to the ropes and catches Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho goes for a bulldog, and Rollins pushes off. Back and forth. Rollins hits a Slingblade. He hits Jericho with corner forearms and goes up top. Rollins hits a Blockbuster to get a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree. Jericho with a backdrop and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins counters. Jericho hits an enziguri. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, and Rollins dumps Jericho to the outside. Rollins with a suicide dive onto Jericho. Rollins goes for a springboard, but Jericho catches him and gets the Walls of Jericho on. Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins with an enziguri. He misses a frog splash when Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Lionsault for a two count. Rollins hits a Falcoln Arrow to get a two count. Back and forth. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Jericho blocks it. Rollins with a roll up. Jericho rolls through and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Rollins is trying to get out. Rollins maneuvers into a small package to get a two count. Jericho thrown to the apron. He gets caught coming off. Rollins with a kick to the jaw and a frog splash to Jericho. Kevin Owens comes out, and Rollins attacks him when Owens gets up on the apron. Jericho takes advantage and rolls Rollins up, but the referee is still trying to get Owens off the apron. Jericho gets a two count. Jericho counters a Pedigree attempt and yells at Owens, and Owens leaves. Rollins hits a knee to the nose of Jericho, and Jericho goes for the Code Breaker. Rollins counters into the Pedigree and gets the pin.
-WWE Network ad.
-They show highlights of Rusev vs. Big Cass from the kickoff show.
-Triple threat match for the Cruiserweight Championship. Austin Aries joins commentary. Rich Swann vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins: The bell rings and Swann and Perkins both attack Kendrick. Perkins rolls Swann up, but Kendrick makes the save. Swann tries to leapfrog Kendrick but doesn't make it, and Kendrick rolls out hurt. Perkins and Swann go back and forth. Kendrick grabs Swann and pulls him outside. Perkins dropkicks Kendrick and throws Kendrick back in. Perkins goes for a leg lock, but Kendrick kicks off. Swann hits Kendrick with an enziguri. Swann with a double hurricanrana. Swann is hitting both competitors. Fast paced match. Kendrick goes to throw Perkins out. Swann hits a missile dropkick to Perkins. Kendrick goes for the Captain's Hook on Swann. Perkins gets the Knee Bar on Kendrick. Swann splashes Perkins. All three men down. Swann blocks a Sliced Bread attempt from Kendrick. Perkins hits Kendrick with the superkick. Perkins with a Knee Bar on Swann. Swann is trying to break the hold and gets to the ropes. Perkins lets go, but he didn’t have to since it was a no-disqualification match. Back and forth. Kendrick comes in and they hit him with a double superkick. Swann then hits Perkins with a superkick to get the pin. After the match, Neville returns and attacks Swann and Perkins.
-WWE Crash Cage and Tap Out ads.
-Kevin Owens is shown in the back trying to get into Chris Jericho's locker room, but it's locked. He apologizes through the door to Jericho. He tells Jericho to put his name on the list and says they must not be best friends any more, and that hurts his feelings. The announcers talk about what we just saw.
-Flashback to what led up to the Raw Women's championship match.
-Raw Women's Championship 30 minute Iron Man match. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair: They both have their share of cheers. Flair looking all business. The referee presents the belt. The bell rings. Both are being cautious. They circle each other and Flair whoos. They lock up and vie for position. They go down, but neither lets go of the other. Banks with a wrist lock. Flair reverses into an arm bar. They reverse each other. Flair with a front face lock. Banks comes back with a wrist lock. Flair with a side headlock takeover. Back and forth, and Banks with a side headlock takeover of her own. Flair with a shoulder tackle. She gets a one count. Banks with a back elbow. Banks chops Flair in the corner. Banks goes for the Bank Statement, but Flair rolls out of the ring. Flair comes back and gets a couple of one counts. Banks gets a one count on a backslide. Banks with a dropkick. Banks mocks Flair. Flair comes back with a big kick. Banks with a sleeper. Flair up and drops back on Banks to get a two count. Banks ran into the turnbuckle. They go outside and exchange blows. Banks hits double knees to Flair off the apron. Banks throws Flair back in. Banks gets the Straitjacket on Flair in the middle of the ring. Flair powers out. Banks with a clothesline. Flair with a back elbow. Banks with a suicide dive onto Flair. Banks gets a two count. Banks runs Flair into the turnbuckle while Banks is on the apron. Flair sweeps the leg of Banks, and Banks falls on the ring steps. Flair goes out and gets Banks in to get a two count. Flair attacks Banks relentlessly. The referee backs Flair off and checks on Banks. Flair keeps up the attack on Banks and gets another two count. Flair with a chin lock. Flair slams Banks down. Flair misses a knee drop when Banks moves. Back and forth. Flair hits a backbreaker/neck breaker combo, followed by the knee drop. She gets another two count. Flair with a headscissors on Banks. Banks twists around and gets Flair's shoulders down for a two count. Flair attacks Banks. She can't get a pin, though. They trade moves. Banks attacks Flair in the corner. She hits double knees in the corner. Banks misses a crossbody when Flair moves and Flair hits Natural Selection, but still only gets a two count. Banks jumps on Flair's back with a headlock. Flair runs Banks into the corner to try and knock her off. Flair gets Banks down with a snap mare. Flair goes up top, but gets caught. Flair knocks Banks off the turnbuckle and hits a version of Natural Selection to go up 1-0. Flair with another cover to get a two count. Flair slaps Banks. Back and forth. Flair with a suplex for a two count. Banks with a quick roll up to tie it 1-1. Flair catches Banks with a running boot to get a two count. Flair stomps Banks. Flair misses a moonsault and Banks gets the Bank Statement on. She gets it in the center of the ring, and Flair taps, and Banks is up 2-1. Flair chops Banks. She beats Banks down in the corner. Flair drops down on Banks' knee, and Flair targets the leg as Banks tries to get away. Flair goes for the Figure 8. Banks with a right hand to get away. Flair runs Banks' leg into the ring post. Flair continues the assault on the leg. Banks gets a quick roll up for a two count. Flair continues the assault. Three minutes left. Flair with a leg lock. Flair gets the figure four on. Banks trying to fight out. 90 seconds left. Banks reverses, but Flair reverses back. One minute left. Banks tries to get to the ropes. 30 seconds left. Flair is trying to drag Banks back. Banks taps just as time expires. It's tied 2-2. Referee Chad Patton tells Jojo that the match will go to overtime. Patton checking on Banks. Flair attacks the leg immediately. Flair goes for the injured leg. Banks rolls through and gets a close two count. Flair with a fall away slam. Banks with another roll up for a two count. Banks with a back stabber, but it looks like she is bleeding and her knee is hurting. Banks with the Bank Statement. Flair goes for the bad leg. Flair reverses into the figure four. Banks reaching for the ropes. Flair gets the Figure 8. Banks finally taps, and Flair is the new Raw Women's Champion. Medics out to check on Banks. Flair celebrates.
-WWE Super Card and Royal Rumble ads.
-Members of the Pittsburgh Steelers shown in the crowd.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-Main Event. WWE Universal Championship Match. Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns: Reigns is the current US Champion, but of course his belt isn't on the line. He gets a mixed reaction when he comes out. He takes his time getting to the ring. The bell rings and Owens immediately gets out of the ring. He circles the ring and makes the referee get Reigns away before he gets back in. They go to lock up and Owens bails out again. Reigns follows and they fight on the outside. Reigns throws Owens back in. Reigns with a suplex and Owens again goes to the outside. Reigns comes out again. Reigns throws him back in again. Owens with a side headlock takedown. Reigns with a sidewalk slam for a one count. Reigns beats on Owens in the corner. Owens goes out and Reigns follows. Owens thrown into the barricade. Reigns takes the GAT apart. Owens throws Reigns in and hits a rolling senton for a one count. Owens with a flurry of offense. Back and forth. Owens ducks a Superman Punch and rolls out again. Reigns follows and Owens throws him into the ring steps. Owens hits a senton. Owens throws Reigns back in and gets a two count. Owens stomping Reigns and gets another two count. Owens with a chin lock. Owens yells at Reigns to give up. Reigns trying to get out. Owens with a neck breaker for a two count.. A rolling leg drop gets another two count for Owens. He goes back to the chin lock. Owens keeps the assault up. Reigns fights back. He hits multiple clotheslines to Owens in the corner. They trade shots. Owens with a German suplex. Owens goes for a cannonball and Reigns catches him with a punch. Reigns with a Samoan drop for a two count. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch and Owens counters with a DDT. He gets a close two count. Owens hits a cannonball, but Reigns comes back with a Superman Punch. He gets a two count. Owens trying to block a superplex attempt. He does, but Reigns hits a Superman Punch to Owens on the top rope. Owens counters another superplex attempt and slams Reigns off the top rope. He gets a close two count. Owens goes for a top rope swanton and Reigns gets his knees up to counter. Reigns setting up for the Spear in the corner and Owens rolls out. Reigns goes out after Owens and hits the Drive by. He throws Owens in and Owens rolls right out again. Owens counters another Drive by attempt. He kicks Reigns in the face. Reigns out on the GAT. Owens sets a chair up in the timekeepers area. Owens splashes Reigns on the GAT and it doesn't break. Take a shot. A second splash breaks the table. Reigns barely beats the count back in the ring. Owens with another splash for a close two count. Reigns avoids a pop up powerbomb with a back elbow. Reigns with a sit out powerbomb for a two count. Owens counters a Spear attempt with a knee and a roll up for a two count. Owens gets the pop up powerbomb, but Reigns gets his foot on the rope. Owens goes out and grabs his title belt and brings it in to perhaps hit Reigns, but gets hit with a Spear from Reigns instead. Both men down. Chris Jericho comes down and slides into the ring. He hits Owens with the Code Breaker. Owens wins by DQ. Jericho picks the title up and hands it to Owens and raises Owens hand. They hug in the ring. Reigns looking on from the outside. Owens and Jericho start to leave, but Seth Rollins comes out. They back up and Reigns hits Owens with a Spear. Rollins hits Jericho with a Pedigree. Rollins throws Jericho to the outside. They clear off the SAT. Shield powerbomb through the table. Owens trying to leave with the title. They grab Owens. They fight over to the English announce table on the stage. The announcers bail. They clear off the table. Shield powerbomb to Owens through the table. Rollins and Reigns lookdown on Owens as the show ends.
-Final Thoughts: A good show to end 2016 for the WWE.

COJWS Annual #4 Notes Tue, 02 Jul 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 77c67d21-a0de-4df0-8c8b-68123ee7ab67 My notes for COJWS Annual #4: WCCW Parade of Champions. -It's summertime and that means it's time for the COJWS Annual! This is Annual #4, and today we look at the David Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions.
-The Parade of Champions took place May 6, 1984 from Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas. There were 32,123 in attendance.
-Marc Lowrance welcomes us to Texas Stadium.
-Kelly Kininski and Johnny Mantell fount to a time limit draw in a dark match.
-Mixed Tag Team match. Jimmy Garvin and Precious vs. Chris Adams and Sunshine: Gino Hernandez grabs the mic and runs down the card and the crowd for not being on the card. He then runs down Adams and Garvin and leaves the ring. Adams and Sunshine tear Garvin's ring jacket in half. Adams and Garvin start. They lock up and trade moves. Adams with a sunset flip. Garvin cuts off a tag attempt. Garvin with a headlock. Adams with a shoulder block. Double clothesline, and both men are down. Adams with a superkick and Sunshine tagged in. She brings Precious in by catapulting her over the ropes to the crowds delight. She then catapults her into the corner. Sunshine scratches and claws. Garvin tagged in. Adams suplexes Garvin in from the apron and gets a two count. Adams with a leg drop for a two count. Garvin guillotines Adams into the corner. He does it again. and Adams is bleeding. Adams reverses a piledriver attempt and tags Sunshine in. She goes after Precious and Garvin trips Sunshine. All four in and brawling. Adams is thrown out, and Garvin holds Sunshine for Precious to slap. Adams back in and pins Garvin, but you don't see it because the focus is on Sunshine throwing Precious out. Precious hits Sunshine with a loaded purse, and Precious and Garvin bail. Sunshine takes off after them and tackles Precious. Precious gets away, and she and Garvin run.
-Butch Reed vs. Chic Donovan: The bell rings and they lock up. They push off. Reed is berating Donovan. Donovan attempts a scoop slam, but can't get Reed up. Donovan with a dropkick and a chin lock. Reed gets to the ropes. Donovan with a side headlock takeover. Reed gets to his feet. Donovan with a side headlock. Test of strength. Reed with an elbow. Reed batters Donovan and throws him out. Reed with a kick to keep Donovan out. Donovan comes back with a series of shots. Back and forth. Reed with a military press. Reed gets the pin with a splash.
-The Great Kabuki with Gary Hart vs. Kimala with Skandor Akbar and Friday: It takes a while to get started. Kabuki sprays green mist in the air. Kimala attacks Kabuki. Back and forth. Kabuki with kicks to get Kimala down. They lock up. Kimala with a bear hug. Kabuki fights to get out. He does temporarily, but Kimala gets the hold back on. They trade shots after Kabuki gets out. Kimala with a nerve hold. He gets Kabuki down by the hair. Kabuki back to his feet. Kabuki comes back with a flurry of offense. Kimala with a series of chops. Kabuki with a thrust kick, and Hart and Akbar get into it at ringside. Hart runs Friday into the ring post as Akbar gets on the apron. Hart and Akbar both in the ring, and Hart stomps Akbar down in the corner as the bell rings. Officials in to break it up. Both men are disqualified.
-The Junk Yard Dog vs. The Missing Link with Skandor Akbar: Link tries to jump JYD before the bell, but gets knocked to the outside by JYD. Link throws a chair into the ring, but JYD gets it and hits Link with it. Link to the outside. Link gets back in and headbutts JYD to no effect. JYD responds with a headbutt of his own. Back and forth. JYD with a series of headbutts. Link with an elbow. Link goes up top, but JYD moves out of the way. Akbar interferes. He grabs JYD's leg as Link hits the diving headbutt to get the pin. Referee Bronco Lubich comes in and disputes the call and JYD is declared the winner. Link and Akbar go crazy over the announcement.
-NWA American Tag Team Championship Match. The Super Destroyers I and II with Skandor Akbar vs. Iceman King Parsons and Buck Zumhofe: Who liked Zumhofe? Even before you found out he was the scum of the earth. Zumhofe and Destroyer 2 start. Zumhofe with a series of arm drags. Destroyer 1 tagged in. Parsons tagged in. Parsons hits a knee lift. Parsons follows it up with an arm bar. Parsons runs the Super Destroyers out to the floor. Destroyer 2 tagged in. They trade shots. Parsons with a headbutt. Zumhofe and Destroyer 1 tagged in. Zumhofe with a version of the Acid Drop. Zumhofe with a sunset flip for a two count. Zumhofe goes back to the sunset flip. Zumhofe with a side headlock. Destroyer 2 comes back. Destroyer 1 tagged in. He hits a dropkick and a backdrop. Destroyer 1 with a headlock. They trade moves. Destroyer 2 tagged in. He drops a knee for a two count. Destroyer 2 misses a dropkick and Parsons tagged in. He cleans house. All four men in. Faces with double sunset flips for two counts. Parsons hits the Butt bump to get the pin, and we have new America's Tag Team Champions.
-Badstreet USA video.
-Six-Man Tag Championship Match. The Freebirds Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, and Buddy Roberts vs. Fritz, Kevin, and Mike Von Erich: Von Erich's get a tremendous ovation when they come out. This is a come as you are street fight. Freebirds attack the Von Erichs as they get to the ring. Von Erichs come back, and the crowd comes unglued. Freebirds bail out to the floor. Roberts and Kevin start. Kevin with a corner whip, and it is breaking loose early. Kevin with a series of kicks to Roberts. Mike tagged in and works over the leg of Roberts. Roberts fighting to get out. Hayes tagged in, but misses a fist drop when Mike moves. Fritz tagged in. All 6 are now in as Fritz takes off his belt. He whips Hayes to the delight of the crowd. Kevin and Gordy tagged in. Gordy beating on Kevin. Fritz comes in and hits Gordy. Kevin with corner mounted punches. Gordy blocks a claw attempt. Hayes tagged in and attacks Kevin with a boot. Kevin ran into Gordy's boot, and Roberts tagged in. Fritz tagged in. Fritz cleaning house on the Freebirds. He puts the claw on Hayes and Gordy. Gordy hits Fritz with Gordy's boot. Fritz and Mike run the Freebirds together. Kevin hits a crossbody on Roberts to get the pin and the Von Erichs are the new 6-Man Tag Team Champions. Killer Khan comes out to attack the Von Erichs. Marc Lowrance calls him a huge Oriental, and we have reached the cringe portion of our program. Kerry comes in to even things up.
-Main Event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich: Flair out first and looking all business. Tom Sawyer hits, and the crowd goes wild. They then switch to Texas when I die. I'm sure it was originally Heaven needed a champion. Kerry is extremely popular with the crowd. They are crowding him and grabbing him. He makes it to the ring. The disqualification rule is waived. No time limit. Kerry's ring jacket says in memory of David. The referee is David Manning, and they are face to face as he goes over the rules and presents the belt. They lock up and drive to the ropes. They break. Back and forth. They vie for position. Kerry with a side headlock. Flair pushes off, and Kerry hits a dropkick. Flair backs off. They circle each other again. Kerry with a side headlock into an arm bar. Flair gets to the corner and chops Kerry. They trade blows. Flair rolls out briefly to regroup. Flair chops Kerry again. He throws Kerry out. Kerry comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Kerry reverses a corner whip and gets the sleeper on. Flair with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Flair drops a knee on Kerry. Flair with a suplex for a two count. Kerry with an abdominal stretch. Flair hip locks out. Kerry drops a knee on Flair. Flair runs into the claw. Flair goes down to his knees. Flair with a gut shot to get out. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off, so TASIYDAH. Flair begging off. Kerry with a corner whip. Flair with a snap mare, and he goes for the figure four. Kerry keeps kicking Flair off. Kerry gets a backslide to get the pin and become the new NWA Champion. The crowd goes wild. Kerry holds the belt high. Wrestlers out to congratulate Kerry. Flair is livid. Flair tells Kerry that he will be back. Kerry celebrates and then he leaves. He greets and hugs his mother and father.
-Marc Lowrence signs off from Texas.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: A historic show with the right ending. Kerry would lose the title back to Flair in Japan 18 days later.

Episode 239 Notes Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] d968b854-3ada-4158-a62e-3e9ece1f2ea7 My notes for Episode 239: BattleBowl 1993. -Today we look at BattleBowl '93 from WCW.
-BattleBowl '93 was shown on PPV on November 20, 1993 from the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, FL. There were 7,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to BattleBowl and talk about the event. They throw it to Mean Gene Okerlund and Fifi who are going to draw the names.
-Cactus Jack and Vader with Harley Race vs. Kane and Charlie Norris: They draw Kole's name out, but Kane is the one who wrestles. Cactus and Vader battle out on the ramp. Race is trying to separate them. Kane out and helping Vader. All four men out. Norris thrown off the ramp by Vader. Kane beating Cactus Jack down in the corner. Race out and trying to convince Vader than he has to get along with Cactus Jack. Jack throws Kane out and Vader hits him. Kane scoop slams Jack and Norris tagged in. Jack gets Norris into the corner and Vader tagged in. Vader with a short arm clothesline and a slam. Vader hits a Vader Bomb. He throws Norris out. Jack drops an elbow from the apron as Vader holds Norris. Vader with a double clap to Norris back in the ring. Jack tagged in. He drops a leg and gets a two count. Jack with a suplex and cover, but Kane breaks up the pin. Vader and Kane start to brawl. Kane tagged in. He gets Cactus Jack down. Norris tagged in and hits a suplex and a big foot. Jack tossed out and Kane throws him into the barricade. Norris with a nerve hold. Vader breaks up the hold. Kane tagged in and Cactus Jack hits the Double Arm DDT. Vader and Norris tagged in. Vader hits a big splash on Norris. Vader hits a powerbomb and gets the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Vader and Cactus Jack making it to the finals.
-Paul Roma and Erik Watts vs. Johnny B. Badd and Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt: I dropped my pen when Missy came out. Roma and Badd start. They circle each other. Lock up and drive to the ropes. They break clean. Badd with a side headlock. Back to the ropes and break. Badd back to the side headlock. Into an arm drag. Badd with an arm bar. Roma gets out. Badd with another arm drag into the arm bar again. Knobbs tagged in. He hits Roma with a clothesline. Roma comes back with shots. Roma with a scoop slam. Watts tagged in and hits a knee lift to Knobbs. He dropkicks Knobbs out. Badd tagged in. He gets a hammerlock on. Watts reverses it. Back and forth. Badd with a roll up for a two count. Watts with an arm bar. Roma tagged in and hits a top rope chop. Roma with a hammerlock. Watts tagged in and hits a double ax handle. Watts misses a corner charge. Badd tags Knobbs in. Knobbs with a corner whip and clothesline. Watts hits a couple of arm drags. Watts with a side headlock. Badd comes back with a drop toe hold. Watts reverses into a hammerlock. Roma tagged in and gets a power slam, but Hyatt has referee Nick Patrick distracted. Badd with a side headlock takeover. Roma with the reversal. Knobbs trips Roma. Knobbs tagged in. He throws Roma out. Watts checks on Roma. Knobbs attacks Roma. Knobbs with a suplex for a two count. Knobbs with an abdominal stretch. Badd tagged in and gets a side headlock. Roma pushes off. Double shoulder block and both men are down. Knobbs tagged in. Knobbs with a scoop slam. Roma gets a foot up on a splash attempt. Roma hits an enziguri to get away from Knobbs. Watts tagged in. He gets Knobbs down with a slam. He runs Knobbs repeatedly into a turnbuckle. Knobbs reverses a corner whip. Watts comes back with a flying body press. Knobbs rolls through and gets the pin with a handful of tights.
-The Shockmaster and Paul Orndorff vs. Ricky Steamboat and Steven Regal: Orndorff and Steamboat start. A Paula chant goes out. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover. Orndorff up. Steamboat with a shoulder block. Orndorff throws Steamboat out. Steamboat skins the cat and catches Orndorff with his leg and headscissors Orndorff out. Back and forth. Steamboat with a rear chin lock. Orndorff gets out. Steamboat goes back to the side headlock takeover. Orndorff up and battles Steamboat in the corner. Orndorff out and both men collide and are down. Regal and Shockmaster tagged in. Shockmaster shoves Regal off. Regal with a side headlock. Shockmaster with a wrist lock. Regal with a European uppercut. Shockmaster with a big slam. Orndorff tagged in. Both sets of partners arguing. Regal with a side headlock into a takeover. Orndorff gets to his feet. Orndorff with a backslide for a two count. Regal with a full nelson. Orndorff reverses. Good chain wrestling. Steamboat tagged in. They trade moves and Steamboat guillotined on the top rope. Orndorff drops knees on Steamboat. Orndorff with a side slam. Shockmaster tagged in. He misses an elbow. Regal tagged in and doesn't want to get in. Shockmaster throws Regal in. Shockmaster misses a corner splash and Regal gets a two count. Regal rolls away as Orndorff had come in to break up the pin and drops an elbow on Shockmaster. They argue and Regal gets Sir William's umbrella. Steamboat grabs it and both sets of partners are now arguing. Steamboat hits Regal with the umbrella. Shockmaster with a splash to get the pin.
-Starrcade '93 ad. They go to what happened when the Starrcade venue of Charlotte was announced. Vader gets interrupted by Ric Flair, who challenges Vader. Vader tells him to bring it on as Flair puts his career on the line.
-Awesome Kong and The Equalizer vs. King Kong and Dustin Rhodes: Rhodes and the Equalizer start. Rhodes with a waist lock. Into a hammerlock. Equalizer gets out and Rhodes with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Back and forth. Awesome Kong tagged in. Rhodes tries to knock Awesome Kong down. He hits a dropkick and gets a roll up for a two count. Awesome Kong comes back with some shots and King Kong tagged in. The Kongs start to face each other and King Kong immediately tags Rhodes back in. Back and forth. Equalizer tagged in and Rhodes hits an arm drag into an arm bar. King Kong tagged in. King Kong with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Equalizer comes back with a clothesline of his own. Equalizer beating King Kong down in the corner. King Kong trying to fight out. King Kong reverses a corner whip, but runs into an Equalizer big boot. Equalizer misses a leg drop. Rhodes and Awesome Kong both tagged in. Rhodes with a series of moves to get a two count. Rhodes with a sunset flip for a two count and all four men in the ring now. In the confusion, Rhodes hits a bulldog to get the pin on Awesome Kong.
-Sting and Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt vs. Ron Simmons and Keith Cole: Simmons and Sags start. Sags rolls outside and screams at Sting to have his back. Simmons and Sags lock up and drive to a corner. Sags runs Simmons into a corner. Back and forth. Simmons with a dropkick. Simmons with a series of moves to Sags including a big shoulder block. Cole tagged in and gets Sags down. He gets an arm bar. Sags with a scoop slam, but Cole holds on to the arm bar. The crowd chants we want Sting. Sags gets out and hits a clothesline. Sags beating Cole down in the corner. Cole comes back with an arm drag into an arm bar. Simmons tagged in and gets a two count. Sting tagged in. He and Simmons lock up. Clean break. Simmons with a side headlock. Sting pushes off and Simmons hits a pair of shoulder blocks. He gets a two count. Another lock up and clean break. Sting with a go behind for a two count. Sting with a pair of shoulder blocks. Simmons with a drop toe hold. Cole tagged in. Cole with an arm drag. Sting with a back slide for a two count. Sags tagged in and gets caught with an arm drag. Back and forth. Sags with a snap mare. He kicks and drops elbows on Cole. Sting tagged in. Simmons tagged in. Simmons with an Irish whip and Sting comes back with a body press and a clothesline. Lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean. Simmons then stomps Sting down. Simmons choking Sting on the top rope. Simmons kicks Sting. He gets Sting down and Cole tagged in. Cole with an arm bar. Into a wrist lock. Simmons tagged back in. He catapults Sting into the bottom rope. Cole tagged back in. Cole with the wrist lock again. Sting comes back with a backdrop and a flurry of offense on Cole. Sting with a suplex. Sting hits a Stinger Splash, and Sags tags himself and hits a top rope elbow drop to get the pin. Simmons attacks Cole after the match.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the men who have reached BattleBowl.
-Steve Austin and Ric Flair with Col. Robert Parker vs. Maxx Payne and 2 Cold Scorpio: Flair comes out looking determined and gets a great ovation. Austin and Payne start. Austin with a waist lock. He can't get Payne down and Flair mocks Austin on the apron. Payne with a go behind. Payne with a side headlock. He gets a pair of shoulder blocks. Payne with a choke slam. Scorpio tagged in. Austin pounds on Scorpio. Back and forth. They are going at it heavy. Flair tagged in and gets a drop toe hold. They trade moves. They both go for backslides. Both back to their feet. Scorpio with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Scorpio with a shoulder block. Payne tagged in. Flair goes up top, but gets caught so TASIYDAH. Payne misses an elbow drop and Austin tagged in. Payne with a backdrop and Scorpio tagged in. Austin bails out to regroup with Parker. Flair tagged in and chops Scorpio in the corner. Scorpio with a corner whip and splash. He follows it up with a suplex for a two count. He gets a roll up for another two count. Flair comes back with a chop and a backdrop. Austin tagged in. Scorpio with a roll up for a two count. Scorpio with a back thrust kick and he goes up top. He gets caught. Austin hits a suplex and gets a two count. Austin with a backbreaker. He then chokes Scorpio with his boot. Flair tagged in. He drops a knee on Scorpio for a two count. Flair with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Austin tagged in and gets a backdrop. Austin with an abdominal stretch. Austin pulls the ropes for leverage and he and Flair get into it. Flair tagged in and starts chopping Scorpio. Flair covers, but Payne makes the save. Austin tagged in and hits a splash from the top rope, but Payne makes the save again. Austin with a snap mare. Scorpio and Austin trade shots. Austin ran into a ring post. Scorpio with a spin kick. Both men down. Flair and Payne both tagged in. Back and forth. Payne unloading on Flair. Payne misses a high knee in the corner when Flair moves. Flair puts the figure four on and Payne gives up.
-Rick Rude and Shanghai Pierce vs. Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Tex Slazenger: Slazenger upset he has to fight Pierce. Rude and Bagwell start. They lock up. Rude pushes Bagwell down. Another lock up and push of. Rude with forearm shots and a suplex. Bagwell comes back with a drop toe hold. Slazenger tagged in and gets a wrist lock. Pierce tagged in. Rude yells at Pierce to beat Slazenger's ass. Pierce tags Rude back in and yells that's my partner when Rude asks why. Slazenger attacks Rude with shots and a headbutt. He hits a backdrop and tags Bagwell in. Bagwell attacks the arm of Rude. Pierce tagged in and hits a snap mare. Bagwell with a corner whip, but Pierce hits a back elbow to Bagwell on the charge. Back and forth. Bagwell with a slam and a splash for a two count. Bagwell with an arm bar. Pierce with a drop toe hold. Bagwell reverses the arm into a hammerlock. Pierce gets to the ropes to break and briefly rolls out to regroup. Rude tagged in. Rude with shoulders to Bagwell in the corner. Rude attacks Bagwell with stiff shots. Pierce tagged in. Back and forth. Bagwell with a headlock. Bagwell with a drop toe hold and a suplex. Rude pulls the rope down and Bagwell spills out to the floor while referee Randy Anderson was tied up talking to Slazenger. Jesse throws shade at Vince McMahon being indicted on commentary. Jesse has no chill. Bagwell ran into the apron. Pierce keeps up the attack on the outside. Bagwell thrown back in and Rude tagged in. Rude with a face buster to Bagwell. inverted backbreaker by Rude. Pierce tagged in. He slams Bagwell and gets a two count. Bagwell ran into Rude's boot and Rude tagged in. Rude chokes Bagwell in the corner. Rude with a bear hug. Bagwell trying to get to the corner. He tags Slazenger, but the referee doesn't see it. Pierce tagged in and Bagwell is in the wrong corner. Pierce with a rear chin lock. Bagwell trying to get out. Bagwell gets out, but runs into a big boot by Pierce. Pierce with a gut wrench powerbomb. Slazenger breaks up the pin attempt. Pierce yells at Slazenger, who gets tagged in. The two partners trade shots. Slazenger with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Rude tagged in and hits a Rude Awakening to get the pin. Slazenger and Pierce make up after the match.
-Hawk and Rip Rogers vs. Davey Boy Smith and Kole: Rogers is excited to be chosen and Hawk hits him on the ramp. Smith kicks Rogers as Smith was coming to the ring. Kole attacks Rogers as well. Poor Rip! An LOD chant goes out. Hawk and Smith start. They lock up and push off a couple of times. They drive to a corner and break. Test of strength. It is even and they break. Kole tagged in. He circles around Hawk and attacks Hawk. Back and forth. Kole with a rear chin lock. Hawk comes back with chops. Kole does the spineroonie and clotheslines Hawk. He beats on Hawk as Rogers is still trying to make it to the ring. Smith leads an LOD chant and Jesse is going off on him for it. Hawk gets guillotined. Kole with a top rope forearm. Kole hits Rogers every time he gets to the apron to knock him back to the ramp. Kole with another rear chin lock. The LOD chant goes out again. Hawk comes back with a clothesline. Kole with a backbreaker. Hawk counters with a clothesline. Hawk throws Rogers on Kole to get the pin. Rip is going to BattleBowl!
-Mean Gene and Fifi talk about BattleBowl. Jesse says either the Nasty Boys or Vader are the favorites. They have someone dub what is supposed to sound like Michael Buffer for some reason.
-BattleBowl: Cactus Jack, Vader, Johnny B. Badd, Brian Knobbs, The Shockmaster, Paul Orndorff, King Kong, Dustin Rhodes, Sting, Jerry Sags, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Rick Rude, Shanghai Pierce, Hawk, and Rip Rogers are your participants. Rogers staggers to the ring. He struggles to get in as BattleBowl begins. Forearms fly. They roughly pair off. Rogers eliminated. Pierce eliminated. Flair and Austin fight to the outside, but didn't go over the ropes so they are still legal. Badd eliminated. Cactus Jack tries to superplex Vader, but Vader tosses Jack to the mat. Cactus Jack eliminated. Orndorff eliminated. Shockmaster and King Kong both spilled out. Vader dumps Sting to the ramp, but it has to be to the floor to be eliminated. Race complains to Jesse that Sting should be eliminated, and Jesse says no. Flair goes out after Race. He gets back in, and Vader attacks him. Rhodes and Austin both through the ropes to fight on the outside. Rhodes ran into the ring post and is bleeding heavily. Sags eliminated. Knobbs and Rhodes eliminated. Rude and Hawk were then eliminated. Austin, Vader, Flair, and Sting are your final four. Vader misses a corner splash when Flair moves. Race drags Flair to the ramp and they start brawling. Flair suplexes Race on the ramp. Vader attacks Flair. Vader splashes Flair on the ramp. Sting comes out to help Flair. All four battle on the ramp. Medics out to check on Flair. They bring out a stretcher for Flair. They load Flair on the stretcher and announce that he can't continue. Race tries to turn the stretcher over. Vader and Austin throw Sting into the ring. They both go up top. Austin comes off, and Sting gets his boot up. Sting power slams Vader as he comes off. Sting cleans house. The crowd starts the whoomp there it is chant. Double team to Sting. Austin drops a knee on Sting. Austin and Vader bat Sting back and forth with punches. Vader splashes Sting multiple times. He misses a third splash attempt. Sting coming back. Austin drops a knee on Sting. Vader bomb to Sting, but Vader hurts his back. Austin misses a knee drop. Vader splashes Austin in the corner when Sting moves. Sting and Austin dumped to the ramp. Austin falls off the ramp to the floor. Vader attacks Sting. Vader misses a clothesline, and Sting knocks him down. Both men down. Sting picks Vader up and tries to eliminate him. He goes to Stinger Splash Vader, but Vader moves and Sting eliminates himself. Vader is the BattleBowl winner. Vader and Race celebrate as they sign off from Pensecola.
-Final Thoughts: Okay show. No highlights but a good way to waste a few hours.

Episode 238 Notes Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 4bcaff08-7b1b-4303-98d6-a7f52bd69303 My notes for Episode 238: ECW Three Way Dance. -Scott Cornish and my weekend.
-Today we look at The 3 Way Dance from ECW.
-ECW The 3 Way Dance took place April 8, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,500 in attendance.
-Most complete form and TV-MA intros.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to ECW. He brings out Stevie Richards and Raven. Sabu no showed the event and was temporarily fired. Richards and Raven come out with the Broad Street Bullies. Richards informs them that Raven says they are fired if they don't win their match.
-The Broad Street Bullies Johnny Hotbody and Tony Stetson vs. The Pit Bulls: Pit Bulls attack the Bullies as soon as they get in the ring. Pit Bull 1 throws Hotbody out while Pit Bull 2 throws Stetson down to the canvas. Pit Bulls hit the Superbomb to win. Pit Bulls tell Raven that they kicked some ass just like he wanted them to. They say they are there to kick ass. Richards then tells Raven he brought the girl from summer camp here for Raven and Raven slaps Richards. Richards then brings out Beulah McGillicutty. Raven is speechless. Raven gets in the corner. Tommy Dreamer comes out.
-Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer: Raven attacks Dreamer as soon as Dreamer gets in the ring. Raven throws Dreamer out. Dreamer runs Raven into the barricade. They fight towards the back. They fight all over and Dreamer hits Raven with a trash can. He hits Raven with a frying pan and Styles calls Dreamer the Innovator of Violence. Raven low blows Dreamer, who attacks Raven with a cheese grater. Back and forth. Raven's face is bloody and he attacks Dreamer with a chair and runs him into the barricade. He hits Dreamer with a forearm from the apron. They fight out into the crowd. Raven runs Dreamer into a steel pillar. Raven with a spinning heel kick to Dreamer from the apron. Dreamer comes back with a chair shot. They fight to the back again. Dreamer splashes Raven. They fight back towards the ring. Dreamer hits a piledriver. The fans chant he's hardcore to Dreamer. Dreamer with an Irish whip and Raven hits a DDT. Both wrestlers down. Dreamer covers Raven for a two count. Raven hits a second DDT and a dropkick with a power slam for a two count. Richards kisses Beulah at ringside and she slaps him. Richards starts choking Beulah. Dreamer comes out to help Beulah and she sprays him with hair spray. It was a set up. Richards hits a super kick and Raven DDTs Dreamer to get the pin.
-Ron Simmons is in the ring and gets on the mic and tells someone to go back to the dressing room to spare themselves an ass whipping. You find that he is talking to Mikey Whipwreck.
-Ron Simmons vs. Mikey Whipwreck: The fans start a kick his ass, Mikey chant. Whipwreck gets on the apron. Simmons tells him to go back to the locker room. Simmons hits an enziguri to knock Whipwreck off the apron. He throws Whipwreck in and Whipwreck backs away. Simmons beats Whipwreck down. He picks Whipwreck up just to throw him down again. The crowd chants for 911. Simmons picks Whipwreck up. Inverted backbreaker to Whipwreck. He continues the beat down. Simmons with an Irish whip. Whipwreck drops down and kicks Simmons low if you know what I mean. Whipwreck with a series of shots. He hits a dropkick and a clothesline. He hits a dropkick from the top turnbuckle. He gets a two count. Whipwreck gets caught coming off the top rope and gets power slammed by Simmons. He follows it up with a choke slam. The 911 chant starts again. Another choke slam to Whipwreck. He then choke slams referee John Finegan. The bell rings. Simmons is disqualified. Simmons throws Whipwreck out and 911 catches Whipwreck. Simmons attacks 911 as he is getting into the ring. 911 with a front face lock to Simmons and some forearms. 911 goes to choke slam Simmons, who drops to his knees and low blows 911. Simmons leaves the ring. Wrestlers come from the back to check on 911 and he starts choke slamming them. The crowd screams one more time to 911. 911 calls out Simmons and choke slams Joel Heartgood again.
-Joey Styles interviews Chris Benoit. He calls out Taz and calls Sabu a pussy. That's a classless move by Benoit here if you know the story of Sabu in Japan around this time. Taz comes out and they trade blows. Dean Malenko attacks Taz from behind only for Taz to get saved by his surprise partner for the night, Rick Steiner. The crowd goes insane. A fuck Sabu chant goes out.
-ECW Television Championship Match. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Eddie Guerrero: They shove each other. The bell rings and they circle each other. The crowd chants Eddie. Guerrero pushes Scorpio. They lock up and Guerrero with a take down. Guerrero with a side headlock takeover. Scorpio comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Guerrero with a headscissors. Scorpio with a modified STF. Guerrero counters with a hammerlock and gets a one count. Guerrero with a side suplex. Scorpio rolls out to regroup. Back and forth. They trade quick counts. Guerrero with a somersault splash and puts the Scorpion Death Lock on. Scorpio counters and Guerrero gets to the ropes. Guerrero with a brain buster. He hits a frog splash for a two count. Scorpio with a leg to Guerrero's head. Guerrero with an eye poke. Back and forth. Scorpio with a super kick. Scorpio throws Guerrero out and follows him. Guerrero whipped into the barricade. Scorpio suplexes Guerrero back in the ring. Scorpio with a double arm to Guerrero for a two count. Guerrero with a clothesline. Scorpio rolls outside and Guerrero hits a frog splash from the turnbuckle to Scorpio on the outside. Guerrero rolls Scorpio back in the ring. He gets a cradle suplex for a two count. Guerrero goes up top and Scorpio cuts him off. Guerrero hits a tornado DDT from the second turnbuckle for a two count. Guerrero with a corner whip, but Scorpio moves on the charge. Scorpio with an elbow and goes up top, but this time he gets caught. Guerrero with a top rope Frankensteiner for a two count. Guerrero puts Scorpio on the turnbuckle. Scorpio shoves Guerrero off, but Guerrero hits a back flip to land on his feet. Scorpio hits a crossbody to get a two count. A right hand gets another 2 count. Scorpio with a moonsault for a two count. An Eddie chant goes out. Scorpio hits a powerbomb. Scorpio with a rolling leg drop. Scorpio hits a tumbleweed for another two count. Scorpio with a super kick. Guerrero gets a quick roll up to get the pin and become the new TV champion. They shake hands after the match.
-Loser gets his head shaved. Axl vs. Ian Rotten: Ian runs out to meet Axl, but gets ran into the barricade. Axl hits Ian with things from the audience. Axl hits Ian with a metal sign. Ian runs Axl into the apron. Axl reverses a corner whip. Back and forth. Ian throws Axl into a barricade. They fight out into the crowd and Axl hits Ian with a chair. They trade shots. Ian is busted open. They brawl out into the crowd. Both have been busted open now. Back in, Ian choking Axl and gets a two count. Axl with a clothesline and attacks Ian with the time keeper's hammer. He digs it into Ian's arm. Axl with a running boot to Ian. He hits a swinging neck breaker for a two count. They brawl to the outside. They brawl out into the crowd again. Axl suplexes Ian into the bleachers. Axl throws Ian back to ringside and into the ring. They hit each other with a chair. Ian piledrives Axl into the chair. Ian misses a second rope elbow drop when Axl moves. Axl with an Irish whip chair shot to get the pin. Axl shaves Ian's head. Ian attacks Axl as Axl was throwing the hair out to fans. He attacks Axl in the head with scissors, throws a trash can into the ring, and leaves. Axl gets to his feet and the fans chant ECW.
-Hack Meyers vs. Dino Sandoff: The crowd is solidly behind Meyers. He attacks Sandoff. Total domination by Meyers. Meyers with an apron leg drop and takes Sandoff to the outside. He misses a clothesline and hits the ring post. Sandoff hits Meyers. Back in, Sandoff works on the injured shoulder. Sandoff with a short arm clothesline. Sandoff with a scoop slam, but Meyers comes back with a brain buster to get the pin. Meyers throws Sandoff out of the ring.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Shane Douglas vs. The Sandman with Woman: Sandman and Woman do their entrance with the cane and the cigarette. Douglas went to Tod Gordon and had the cane banned from being used during the match. He comes to the ring and wants Woman out of the ring. She gets out of the ring and Douglas immediately attacks Sandman. Douglas with a suplex. They clip the match and when they come back, Sandman has Douglas in a crossface chicken wing and Douglas is refusing to give up. Douglas gets out and Sandman puts the hold back on near the ropes and tells Woman to slap Douglas. Woman refuses to do it. Sandman lets go and yells at Woman. Sandman with a shoulder breaker. He slaps Douglas. They cut to Sandman going up top and hitting a leg drop. He tells Woman to go get the cane. Sandman with a piledriver. Woman gets up on the apron with the cane. Sandman lights a cigarette. Woman throws the cane to Douglas, who low blows Sandman with the cane. He rolls Sandman up with an inside cradle to get the pin. Douglas celebrates with Woman. Douglas dumps the pack of cigarettes on Sandman. They cut to Sandman lighting a cigarette. Sandman then cuts a promo on Woman and Douglas in the locker room and promises a beating. They cut to Douglas and Woman. He says Sandman doesn't have what it takes to take what Douglas has got. He says he's the best in the ring. Woman says she made Sandman. He was nothing without her.
-The 3 Way Dance for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. Rick Steiner and The Tazmaniac with Paul E. Dangerously and 911: Public Enemy out first and the crowd is into them. The tag champions out next. The network cuts out the music used because as much as the music was part of ECW, they'll never make that money back. The two teams start brawling right away. The champions beat Public Enemy down. Steiner and Taz hit the ring. They clear the ring. They suplex the others as they come into the ring. Steiner and Benoit going back and forth. Benoit with a belly to back suplex. Steiner rolls through and hits a Steiner line. Steiner with a top rope bulldog to Benoit. Everyone else brawling to the outside. Someone throws Steiner a cookie sheet and he hits Grunge. Benoit runs Taz into a ring post. Rock with a moonsault off the ropes onto Steiner, who catches Rock and hits a tombstone piledriver. Grunge makes the save. Everyone goes back out and brawling. A lot of brawling. The action is hard to follow. They start to make their way back to the ring. Benoit and Malenko get Taz down and Benoit hits the flying headbutt and Taz is pinned. Taz and Steiner are eliminated. They continue to brawl after. Benoit stomps Grunge in the corner. Malenko has Rock down in the corner. Steiner comes in and hits everyone with Paul E's phone. Everyone finally leaves except the competitors left in the match. Back and forth. Grunge with a fall away splash on Malenko for a one count. Rock gets Benoit down. Grunge chokes Benoit with a chair. Malenko makes the save. Malenko drops a knee on Grunge. Benoit and Rock brawl on the outside. Now all four brawl on the outside. Rock hits Benoit with a chair and a soda. Malenko goes for a sunset flip on Grunge, who just drops back on Malenko. Grunge chokes Malenko with a cord. Rock DDTs Benoit on the stage below the broadcast booth. Rock dives onto Benoit on a table, but Benoit moves and Rock goes through the table. All four back in the ring. Malenko hits Rock with a brain buster. Benoit and Malenko bring a table in the ring. Benoit superplexes Rock through the table. They taunt Sabu. A fuck Sabu chant goes out. Double suplex to Grunge. They get a two count after hesitating about who will get the pin. Grunge with a double DDT. Rock hits the Drive By to get the pin and we have new Tag Team Champions. The crowd celebrates again. Steiner and Taz come back out and brawl with Benoit and Malenko back to the locker room. Public Enemy celebrates with the crowd. The Pit Bulls come out and attack the Public Enemy as they sign off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: An enjoyable show. Worth at least one watch.

Episode 237 Notes Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 34c99989-8966-426d-b7e9-e70114911172 My notes for Episode 237: Clash of the Champions XXV. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXV from WCW.
-Clash XXV was shown on TBS on November 10, 1993 from the Bayfront Arena in St. Petersburg, FL.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to the Clash. Welcome Mean Gene! He pushes the WCW Hotline and then throws it to Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone, who talk about what is going to happen tonight.
-WCW International World Championship Match. Rick Rude vs. Road Warrior Hawk: Rude does his pre match routine. Hawk gets a great reaction when he comes out. The bell rings. They are face to face. Hawk pushes Rude. They lock up and push off. Another lock up and push. Rude poses. Hawk throws Rude into a corner and Rude complains that his hair was pulled. Hawk asks for a test of strength. Rude backs off a couple of times. Rude attacks Hawk. He hits forearms and elbows. He runs Hawk into a turnbuckle to no effect. Hawk comes back with a flurry of offense. He slams Rude down. Hawk with a suplex for a two count. Hawk with a corner whip. Rude with a backbreaker. Rude goes up top and gets caught. Hawk and Rude battle to the outside. Back and forth. They both get counted out. The fans boo.
-The Equalizer vs. The Shockmaster: Equalizer attacks Shockmaster as soon as he gets in. He drives Shockmaster into the corner. Equalizer chokes Shockmaster on the top rope. He beats Shckmaster down on the ropes. He hits Shockmaster with a leapfrog body guillotine. Equalizer with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Equalizer continues the assault. Shockmaster comes back with a big boot. Back and forth. Shockmaster with a bear hug slam to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks to Col. Rob Parker. He says he's dropped Sid Vicious for Stunning Steve Austin. They bury Sid, who has had his dust up with Arn Anderson in England by this time and although they still show some pre-recorded things, he is no longer with the company.
-WCW Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd out to a great reaction with his Badd Blasters. Regal booed when he and Sir William come out. The bell rings and Badd tries to get the crowd into the match. They circle each other. They trade moves. Badd with a takedown and gets a series of two counts. Regal backs away to regroup. Badd with a wrist lock. Badd with a hammerlock into a side headlock takeover. Back up into the side headlock. Quick paced match. Back and forth. Badd with the headlock. Regal with a surfboard. Badd comes back with a drop toe hold into a series of side headlocks. He follows it up with a shoulder block. Regal ducks another move and Badd goes flying into the ropes hard. Regal takes advantage with uppercuts. Regal with a crossface. Regal with an arm bar. Back and forth. Regal with more uppercuts. Regal with a butterfly suplex. Badd with a punch to knock Regal down. Badd with a cover, but William puts Regal's leg on the ropes. Regal with a roll up and a handful of tights to get the pin.
-Steve Austin with Col. Parker vs. Brian Pillman: They start fighting as soon as Austin gets in the ring. Jesse openly lamenting the demise of the Hollywood Blonds. Parker goads Pillman, allowing Austin to attack Pillman. They fight to the outside and Pillman runs Austin into the barricade. Pillman chopping Austin. Back in, Pillman hits a backdrop and chops Austin in the corner. Austin begs off. Pillman and Austin fight out to the ramp. Pillman backdrops Austin and goes up top, but Austin gets his leg up. Austin drops Pillman from the ramp onto the barricade. Austin with a forearm to Pillman. Austin on the offensive. Back and forth. Austin with a modified Stun Gun Pillman chops Austin. Austin chokes Pillman on the second rope. Austin with a half crab to Pillman. Austin grabs the ropes for leverage. Pillman fights back. They trade shots. Pillman with a back elbow off the ropes. A double count going as both men are down. Pillman crotches Austin on the top rope. He chops Austin and goes for a superplex, but Austin slams Pillman off. Austin comes off and Pillman catches him with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Pillman with a victory roll for a two count. Pillman goes for a press and Austin gets a power slam for a two count. Pillman with a DDT for a two count. Austin with a modified Samoan Drop for a two count and then Austin goes up top. He goes to drop the knee, but Pillman moves and gets a two count. Austin misses a Stun Gun attempt. Pillman goes for a slingshot clothesline, but misses it when Parker grabs his leg and Austin gets the pin. Pillman attacks Austin and Parker after the match.
-Mean Gene with the BattleBowl Control Center running down the event.
-United States Championship Match. Dustin Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes vs. Paul Orndorff with The Assassin: Dusty and the Assassin start yelling at each other as a Dusty chant goes out. The bell rings. They circle each other and lock up. They drive to a corner and break. Another lock up and Rhodes with a side headlock. Rhodes with a shoulder block and a pair of body slams. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. Orndorff shifts his weight and tries to get a pin with a handful of tights. Rhodes goes back to the side headlock. Orndorff up with a wrist lock. He drives Rhodes to the mat as a Paula chant goes out. Orndorff with an arm bar into a hammerlock. Assassin tells Orndorff to break the arm. Rhodes fights out. He drives Orndorff into the corner. He gets Orndorff down and gets a leg lock on. Orndorff comes back. Rhodes with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Orndorff comes back with an arm bar. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex into a chin lock. Rhodes comes back and gets a back slide for a two count. Orndorff suckers Rhodes in and drives him into a turnbuckle. Orndorff taking over on Rhodes. Back and forth. Rhodes with a lariat for a two count. Rhodes goes for a bulldog, but Orndorff drops down. Orndorff comes back and signals for a piledriver. Rhodes reverses into a backdrop. Orndorff goes up top. He misses a knee drop when Rhodes moves. Rhodes gets an inside cradle to get the pin. Orndorff clotheslines Rhodes out and the Assassin runs Rhodes into a ring post. Dusty attacks the Assassin and throws him into the ring. Dusty hits the Bionic Elbow and goes to take the mask off. Orndorff comes in and attacks Dusty with a roll of tape. They attack Dusty with the US title until Dustin runs the heels off.
-Mean Gene talks about the WCW Hotline.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt vs. Sting and The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith: When Hyatt comes out, oh man, she really is the Walking Riot. Sting and Smith attack the Nasty Boys as soon as they get in the ring. Smith and Sags fight out to the ramp. Rick Rude comes out from under the ramp and attacks Smith. He hits the Rude Awakening before being run off by Road Warrior Hawk. Hawk checks on Smith as Sting hits Knobbs with a splash in the ring. Sting goes and checks on Smith. He helps Smith to the ring and the bell rings. Sting with a double clothesline. He cleans house on the Nasty Boys. He throws Sags out. Knobbs and Sting go back and forth. Sting drops an elbow on Sags. Sting with a corner clothesline. He drives Sags into the mat. Sting with a scoop slam. Knobbs throws Sting into the ring. Knobbs tagged in. Knobbs with a gut wrench suplex. Knobbs distracts referee Nick Patrick so Sags can throw Sting outside. Knobbs suplexes Sting back in and gets a two count. Knobbs with a bear hug. Smith wants to tag in. Sting with a belly to belly suplex. Sags tagged in and throws Sting out. Knobbs chokes Sting with Knobb's own jacket. Knobbs with a chin lock on Sting. Sting lifts up and falls back on Knobbs. Sags and Smith both tagged in. Smith with power slams to both Nasty Boys. He cleans house. He runs the Nasty Boys together. He hits a double clothesline and double DDT. Smith throws Sting on the Nasty Boys. Smith with a power slam to Knobbs, but Patrick is trying to get Sting out, allowing Sags to drop an elbow on Smith and Knobbs gets the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Jesse being on the Hotline.
-Col. Rob Parker approaches Ric Flair and challenges the winner of the Main Event on behalf of Steve Austin.
-WCW World Championship Match. Vader with Harley Race vs. Ric Flair with Fifi: Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Flair puts Race in the figure four before the match, but that gives Vader the opportunity to splash Flair. Vader beats Flair down in the corner. Vader picks Flair up and slams him. Flair tries to get away, but Vader hits a Vader bomb. Vader beating Flair down in the corner, but Flair chops Vader and stomps Vader down. Vader comes back and drops an elbow on Flair's leg. Vader hitting Flair in the corner again. Flair thrown outside and Race throws Flair into the barricade. Vader goes to splash Flair, but Flair moves and hits Vader with a forearm on the floor from the top rope. Drink em if you've got em folks. Flair chopping Vader on the outside. They fight to the inside. Flair chops Vader in the corner. Vader with a big boot to get Flair down. Vader goes for a splash from the bottom rope, but Flair moves and gets the figure four on. Vader gets to the ropes as Race rakes Flair's eyes. Vader suplexes Flair in from the apron. He gets a two count. Flair slams Vader as Vader was going for a splash and Flair gets a two count. Flair with a top rope forearm. He hits a second one. Take a shot. Flair with a corner whip, but collapses as Vader comes back with a clothesline and referee Randy Anderson gets hit instead. Flair goes up top, but Vader catches Flair as he comes off. He puts Flair on the top rope and superplexes Flair. Vader drags Flair to a corner and goes for a moonsault, but Flair moves. Flair covers Vader and it appears the referee counts to three. Flair grabs the title, but the referee had disqualified Vader. Parker and Austin come in and attack Flair. Flair and Austin go back and forth in the corner. Dustin Rhodes and the Shockmaster run the heels off.
-Mean Gene interviews Flair. Flair screams that he's back and challenges Vader and Austin to a match on WCW Saturday Night and says Sid Vicious will be his partner. That's called we had it taped already. They accept the challenge and sign off from the Bayfront Arena.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. Worth at least one watch.

Episode 236 Notes Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ffea3630-3660-48cc-b7ae-d30bd8ea286d My notes for Episode 236: TLC 2016. -Today we look at TLC 2016.
-My TLC story.
-TLC 2016 was shown on the WWE Network on December 4, 2016. It was a Smackdown only event that was shown from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX. There were 12,500 in attendance.
-WWE and TLC Intro.
-Mauro Ranollo welcomes us to TLC. He, JBL, David Otunga, and Tom Phillips will be the announcers for the event.
-Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match. Rhyno and Heath Slater vs. The Wyatt Family Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton with Luke Harper: The SAT and GAT are introduced. Wyatt and Rhyno start. They battle for position. Rhyno with a wrist lock. Back and forth. Rhyno with a clothesline. Orton tagged in and kicks Rhyno. Rhyno with a shoulder block. Slater tagged in and hits a forearm off the top rope. Orton beats Slater down. Slater rushes Orton, who backdrops Slater to the apron. Wyatt knocks Slater off the apron. Orton dumps Slater on the ropes. Orton stomps Slater. Wyatt tagged in and beat Slater down for a two count. Wyatt with a corner clothesline. Wyatt throws Slater out of the ring. Orton tagged in and goes for his ropes DDT. Slater blocks it, only to get power slammed back in by Orton. Orton gets a two count. Wyatt tagged in. He keeps the beat down going. Slater escapes long enough to tag Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline. Back and forth. Rhyno with a shoulder tackle. He goes for the Gore; but Orton pushes Wyatt away. Rhyno goes out after Orton, but Harper pushes Orton away and gets hit by Rhyno. Rhyno gets back in against Wyatt, but Orton had been tagged in. Orton with an RKO to pin Rhyno and we have new Smackdown tag team champions.
-WWE Network ad.
-Charley Caruso interviews Dean Ambrose. She asks about James Ellsworth. Ambrose says Ellsworth is okay and his hot temper will be his game plan. Renee Young talks to AJ Styles. He says he knows Dean Ambrose and will prevail over Ambrose.
-No DQ Match. Nikki Bella vs. Carmella: Flashback to what led up to the match. The bell rings and they go outside. Bella runs Carmella into the apron. Carmella with a headscissors to run Bella into the ring steps. Carmella gets a two count. Bella with a roll up for a two count. They trade counts. Carmella with a suplex. She gets another two count. Bella put into the tree of woe. Carmella grabs a kendo stick. She hits Bella with the stick several times. Bella gets out, but Carmella keeps hitting her. Carmella with the Cone of Silence, but Bella hits her with the stick to get out. They fight to the outside. Back and forth. Bella kicks Carmella in the head from the barricade. Back in, Bella continues to hit Carmella with the stick. Carmella throws Bella out. Bella sprays Carmella with a fire extinguisher. She does it several times. Bella hits the Rack Attack 2.0 to get the pin. Bella starts to leave and Carmella gets on the mic. She says she wasn't the one who attacked Bella at Survivor Series, it was Natalya.
-WWE Super Card ad.
-Kay's Jewelers ad with Natalya, that's hilarious considering what just happened.
-Flashback to what has happened between Dolph Ziggler and the Miz.
-Charley Caruso talks to Daniel Bryan. He thinks Dolph Ziggler would be a better Intercontinental Champion. He gets interrupted by the Miz. Miz is so good here.
-Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship. The Miz with Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler: The international announce teams are introduced. Ziggler and Miz are face to face. Ziggler with a takedown. They both go for moves and counters. Ziggler thrown outside. Miz with a dropkick. They fight outside. Miz gets Ziggler down and grabs a ladder. He slams the ladder on Ziggler. Ziggler slams Miz on the ladder. Miz runs a ladder into Ziggler. Back and forth. Ziggler rubs Miz's face into a ladder. Miz with a drop toe hold to Ziggler into the ladder. Miz brings a ladder in. He and Ziggler fight over the ladder. Tug of war. Ziggler uses the ladder to drive Miz into a corner. Both men down. Ziggler DDT's Miz onto the ladder. Both men down again. Ziggler grabs a ladder. He starts to set it up and Miz hits Ziggler with a dropkick. Miz runs the ladder into Ziggler in the corner. Miz sets up the ladder as a bridge in the corner and attempts to superplex Ziggler from it. Ziggler knocks Miz off. Ziggler with an elbow to Miz off the ladder. Ziggler runs Miz back into the ladder. Ziggler sets up another ladder and climbs, but Miz grabs Ziggler's leg. Ziggler kicking at Miz. Miz pulls Ziggler off and Ziggler clotheslines Miz. He throws Miz out and starts to climb again. Miz gets back in and turns the ladder over. They push the ladder on each other. Miz mocks Bryan. Miz dropkicks the ladder on Ziggler several times. Ziggler throws the ladder on Miz. Both men down again. Ziggler sets the ladder up. Both men climb the ladder. They fight on the ladder. Miz knocked off. He grabs Ziggler's leg and rams it into the ladder. Miz tips the ladder over. Miz drives Ziggler's knee into the ladder repeatedly. He wraps Ziggler's leg in the ladder and puts the figure four on. He then stomps the ladder. Ziggler tries for a superkick, but can't get it and Miz comes back with the SCF. Miz sets up the ladder. He climbs the ladder and grabs for the belt. Ziggler knocks the ladder over and Miz is left hanging. Ziggler knocks the ladder into Miz to knock him off. Miz grabs his leg. Both men down. Miz being checked by a referee on the outside. Ziggler climbing the ladder. Miz grabs at Ziggler. Miz with a slingshot powerbomb on the ladder. Miz sets up another ladder and both he and Ziggler climb. They trade shots. Ziggler headbutts Miz off the ladder. Ziggler grabs at the title and the Miz comes back and kicks Ziggler in the crotch. Ziggler falls off the ladder and Miz gets the title. Miz gets on the mic and dedicates his win to Daniel Bryan. He antagonizes Bryan and the crowd.
-Tribute to the Troops ad.
-Chairs match. Kalisto vs. Baron Corbin: A feature on what led up to the match. Kalisto out first and looks under the ring for chairs when there are dozens behind him. He launches several into the ring. Corbin comes to the ring. Kalisto attacks immediately. Corbin overwhelms Kalisto. Back and forth. Corbin goes out and Kalisto hits a plancha on Corbin. Corbin beats Kalisto against the barricade and the apron. He throws Kalisto into some chairs. Corbin gets a one count. Corbin sets a chair in the corner. Corbin with a big slam for a two count. Corbin sets up chairs. Kalisto drop toe holds Corbin into the chair set up in the corner. He follows it up with a short hurricanrana onto the chair. Kalisto with a seated senton to Corbin to drive him through the set up chairs. Kalisto with a dive onto Corbin on the outside and both men down. Corbin rolls Kalisto back in and gets a two count. Corbin throws chairs into a pile in the ring. Kalisto rolls to the outside. Corbin swings a chair, but Kalisto avoids the chair shots. Kalisto hits a hurricanrana off the barricade onto Corbin. He throws a chair at Corbin and kicks Corbin into the barricade. Kalisto with a springboard leg drop to Corbin. Kalisto with a chair on Corbin and moonsaults Corbin for a two count. Kalisto hits Corbin with a chair several times. Kalisto piles chairs up. Back and forth. Kalisto comes off the second rope onto Corbin, who smashes Kalisto with a chair in midair. Corbin hits the End of Days on the pile of chairs to get the pin. Corbin comes over to the announce table and says that's what's going to happen to anyone who gets in his way.
-Supercard ad.
-Charley Caruso talks to Natalya about what was said by Carmella earlier. Natalya says it's absurd and wishes Becky Lynch good luck.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Flashback to what's led up to the Smackdown Women's Title Match.
-WWE Smackdown Women's Championship Tables Match. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss: Lynch gets a great reaction when she comes out. The bell rings and Lynch goes on the attack. She gets Bliss down and goes for a table. Bliss attacks Lynch before she can get a table. Lynch throws Bliss into the barricade. Lynch goes for a powerbomb, but Bliss grabs the ropes. She kicks Lynch from the apron. Back and forth. Lynch with a snap suplex. Lynch goes for a table. She gets one and tries to set it up. She sets it up at ringside. She tries to suplex Bliss onto the table, but Bliss fights her off. Bliss attacks Lynch in the ring. They trade shots. Bliss bites Lynch. She attacks Lynch on the mat. She gets a flurry of offense. She grinds Lynch's face into the canvas. Bliss gets another table. Lynch goes to attack Bliss, who runs Lynch into the ring post. Bliss puts the table in the ring. She runs Lynch into the apron and throws Lynch in. Bliss sets the table up. Bliss beats Lynch down in the corner. Lynch put on the table and Bliss goes up top, but gets caught and Lynch goes for a superplex. Bliss fights Lynch off. Lynch turns the table over. Bliss throws Lynch down. Bliss sets the table in the corner. Back and forth. Lynch with a flurry of offense. She tries to run Bliss into the table, but Bliss blocks the Bex plex attempt. They each hit big moves on the other. Bliss sets the table up. Lynch grabs Bliss to put her through the table, but Bliss turns the table over. Bliss with a DDT on the turned over table. Dueling chants go out. Lynch puts Bliss into the Disarmer through the table leg. She follows it up with a pump handle slam. Lynch sets a table up in the corner. She puts Bliss on the table and climbs up top. Bliss fighting her off. Bliss slams Lynch off. Lynch reverses a corner whip and Bliss crashes into the table. Both wrestlers down. They fight to the outside and onto the apron. Bliss powerbombs Lynch from the apron to win the match and become the new Smackdown Women's Champion. Charley Caruso talks to Becky Lynch, who says she is upset with herself and feels she let herself down.
-Kay Jewelers ad.
-Ad for John Cena hosing SNL.
-Flashback to what has happened between AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose.
-Main Event. TLC match for the WWE Championship. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose: Styles gets his share of cheers when he comes out. The bell rings and Ambrose attacks immediately. He drives Styles into several turnbuckles. He gets Styles down and throws a chair into the ring. Styles gets the chair and hits a ladder Ambrose was sliding in the ring to knock Ambrose down. Styles sets the ladder up. He and Ambrose stop each other from climbing the ladder. Ambrose hits Styles with the ladder. They fight to the outside. Ambrose throws a table on Styles. He runs Styles into a chair. He suplexes Styles onto a ramp. He puts Styles on a table and climbs a ladder, but Styles gets off the ladder. Ambrose with a lariat to Styles from behind. Ambrose dumps a trash can on Styles and knocks Styles down. Ambrose throws Styles back to ringside. Ambrose goes to hit a move off the barricade, only to get hit with a dropkick from Styles as Ambrose was coming off. Styles with a running clothesline to Ambrose. He misses a second attempt and Ambrose crotches Styles. Ambrose runs with a chair and hits Styles. Ambrose sets a ladder up in the ring. Styles runs and knocks the ladder over. Styles throws the ladder at Ambrose. He then slams Ambrose onto the ladder. Styles sets the ladder up to suplex Ambrose onto it. Ambrose counters and catapults Styles into the ladder. Styles falls outside and Ambrose throws the ladder onto Styles. Ambrose brings a table into the ring and starts to set it up. Styles hits Ambrose from behind with a chair. Styles attacks Ambrose with the chair. Styles sidewalk slams Ambrose through the chair. He attacks Ambrose with the chair again. Styles throws more chairs into the ring. He sets the chairs up and goes to suplex Ambrose onto them. Ambrose blocks and throws Styles through the chairs. Ambrose slams Styles onto the chairs. Ambrose grabs a chair and jumps off the second rope onto Styles with it. He then runs Styles into a chair leg. Ambrose sets up a table in the corner. Styles counters and suplexes Ambrose into the table. Both men down. They fight back to their feet. Back and forth. Ambrose goes to superplex Styles to the outside, but Styles fights Ambrose off. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Ambrose blocks it. They trade shots. Styles back dropped to the outside. Ambrose takes the announce desk apart. He puts Styles on the desk. He sets a ladder on the GAT. Ambrose attacks Styles with punches. He hits an elbow drop to drive Styles through the table. Ambrose trying to get up. He gets another ladder and puts it in the ring. Ambrose starts to climb, only to get hit with the Phenomenal Forearm from Styles. They start to climb opposite sides of the ladder. They trade blows on the ladder. They both fall off the ladder. Ambrose spins Styles into the ladder. Ambrose starts to climb the ladder. Styles grabs Ambrose and they both spill to the outside. Styles with a somersault into the reverse DDT to Ambrose off the apron set on a table and Styles with a 450 splash off the ropes to drive Ambrose through the table. Styles gets back in the ring and sets a ladder up. James Ellsworth comes out with a neck brace on. Styles knocks him down. He takes the ring steps apart and goes to slam Ellsworth on them, but Ambrose stops him and delivers Dirty Deeds to Styles on the steps. Ambrose gets in the ring. He sets the ladder up. Styles grabs Ambrose by the leg. They climb both sides. Ambrose knocks Styles off. Ellsworth comes and turns the ladder over and Ambrose falls through a ladder set up at ringside. Both wrestlers down and the announcers are confused. Styles gets in the ring. He sets the ladder up and climbs. He gets the title. Ellsworth celebrates. Ambrose stunned. Styles holds the championship as they sign off from Dallas.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show. Nothing earth-shattering, but a good way to spend a few hours.

Episode 235 Notes Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6d308067-e5c0-4b12-9dc5-9b6608bfd212 My notes for Episode 235: Halloween Havoc 1993. -Today we look at Halloween Havoc '93 from WCW.
-Halloween Havoc '93 was shown on PPV on October 24, 1993 from the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, LA. There were 6,000 in attendance.
-Intro with Tony Schiavone and trick or treaters.
-Eric Bischoff welcomes us to Halloween Havoc. He runs down what we are going to see and throws it to Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura who will call the action. Jesse is dressed as a creepy doctor and Tony is dressed as Jesse. They talk about Spin the wheel, make the deal.
-6-Man tag team match. Harlem Heat and The Equalizer vs. The Shockmaster, Ice Train, and Charlie Norris: Kole and Train start. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean. Another lock up and Train with a side headlock. Kole pushes off and Train comes back with a shoulder block. Kole comes back with elbows to the head of Train. Train with a scoop slam. Kane tagged in. He goes to run Train into a turnbuckle, but Train runs Kole in instead. Train with a hammerlock and Norris tagged in. Norris with a chop. He gets a wrist lock. He transitions to an arm lock. Shockmaster tagged in. He goes to work on the arm. He drops a leg on Koles arm and Norris tagged in. He hits Kole and Ice Train tagged in. Faces quick tagging. Train with a side headlock. Kole with an Irish whip and Kane hits Train with a kick as he was shot in. Kane tagged in. Double side slam and Kane gets a two count. Kane stomps Train and Equalizer tagged in. He stomps Train and gets a rear chin lock on. Back and forth. Equalizer rakes Train's face. Train drives Equalizer into the mat. Norris tagged in. Equalizer pushes Norris off and Norris tries a shoulder block that doesn't knock Equalizer down. Shockmaster tagged in. Shockmaster with a series of shoulder blocks and a slam. Train tagged in. Double elbow to Equalizer and Norris tagged in. He chops Equalizer down, but Harlem Heat break up the pin. Norris with a corner charge, but Equalizer comes back with a big boot and a clothesline. Kole tagged in and hit a scoop slam for a two count. Kane tagged in. Double clothesline to Norris. Kane drops a knee and a spinning kick. He goes for a move from the second rope, but Norris moves. Shockmaster tagged in and he's cleaning house. He gets a bear hug slam to get the pin. Shockmaster and Equalizer brawl after the match.
-Eric Bischoff interviews the returning Terry Taylor, who is going to be the second referee for the Ric Flair/Rick Rude match. He says he's going to call it down the middle.
-Paul Orndorff with The Assassin vs. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat does his fire breathing routine. The fans chant Paula. Orndorff attacks Steamboat as soon as the bell rings. He is relentless. Orndorff with a snap mare. Steamboat comes back with a roll up for a two count. Orndorff with a clothesline. Steamboat rolls out to regroup, but Orndorff follows. Back and forth. Steamboat slammed on the ramp. Orndorff then scoop slams Steamboat on the ramp again. Orndorff with an elbow to Steamboat. Steamboat goes for a crossbody to Orndorff, but Orndorff moves out of the way. They trade moves. Orndorff with a series of counts. Steamboat with a hammerlock. Into an arm bar and Orndorff trying to get out of it. Orndorff gets out, but Steamboat with a crossbody for a two count. Steamboat goes back to the arm and Orndorff gets to the ropes. Steamboat wraps the arm around the ring post. Steamboat runs Orndorff into the post again. The Assassin comes over to check on Orndorff and Steamboat chops Orndorff. Steamboat sends Orndorff into the barricade. Steamboat goes after referee Nick Patrick after Patrick tries to get Steamboat away. Steamboat jams Orndorff's arm on the top rope. Steamboat goes to work on the arm. Steamboat with an arm bar and tries to break Orndorff's fingers. Steamboat acting the most like a heel I have ever seen in his career. Orndorff gets out. Orndorff misses an elbow drop. Steamboat with some clotheslines. Steamboat attacks Orndorff in the corner. They trade shots. Orndorff rolls out to regroup, but Steamboat follows him out and attacks Orndorff again. Orndorff comes back and runs Steamboat into the apron. He runs Steamboat over the barricade. Orndorff throws Steamboat back in. He hits an elbow smash for a two count. Double crossbody attempts and both men down. A double count going. Orndorff with a roll up, but he holds on to the ropes and gets caught. Steamboat reverses for a two count. Orndorff thrown out onto the ramp. Steamboat follows and atomic drops Orndorff back in. Steamboat hits a top rope chop. He gets a two count. Steamboat with a chop and another two count. Orndorff comes back with a shot. Steamboat reverses a piledriver attempt into a backdrop and cover, but Orndorff bridges out. Steamboat catapults Orndorff into the corner. Steamboat with a roll up for a two count. Steamboat with a belly to back suplex and then hits a flying body press, but the Assassin gets up on the apron to distract referee Nick Patrick, which is funny considering that's his son. Steamboat only gets a two count. Steamboat with a shoulder block for another two count. Orndorff ran into the buckle. Orndorff pulls the rope down and Steamboat spills to the outside. Assassin puts something in his mask and headbutts Steamboat. Steamboat gets counted out.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the TV title Match as well as the International World Title.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Davey Boy Smith The British Bulldog: The bell rings and they circle each other. Regal with great facial expressions. Regal with a wrist lock. Smith reverses it. They trade holds. Regal gets Smith down with a wrist lock. Smith keeps getting out of Regal's moves. Smith with a monkey flip. Regal with an arm drag takeover. They trade holds again. Regal with an arm bar into a cravat. Smith with a surfboard. Sir William gets up on the apron to distract Smith. Back and forth. Smith with a flying body press. Regal with a snap mare and roll for a two count. Regal with a hold. Smith trying to fight out of it. Regal runs Smith into the turnbuckle for a two count. Regal with a flurry of offense. Smith with a sunset flip for a two count. Regal back to a head and body hold. Four minutes left. Smith with a clothesline. He follows it up with a corner whip, but Regal gets his knee up on a charge. Regal back to the head and body hold. Three minutes left. Regal with almost an STF on. Smith powers out. Regal gets Smith back down for a two count. Half nelson crossface by Regal. Two minutes left. Smith back to his feet. He gets Regal up on his shoulders, but Regal grabs the ropes to get out. He gets a two count. They trade holds and covers. One minute left. Smith with a clothesline. Smith with the running power slam. 30 seconds left. He gets a two count. 15 seconds left. Smith with a piledriver and cover, but time runs out. The match is a draw. The crowd boos.
-Eric Biscoff is with Vader and Harley Race to conduct the Spin. Vader spins. The Texas Death Match is chosen.
-United States Championship Match. Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Austin: Third Halloween Havoc in a row for Austin and Rhodes to wrestle each other. The bell rings and they circle each other. Austin slaps at Rhodes. They vie for position. Austin slaps Rhodes again. Austin rolls to the outside. Back in, Austin goes for the Boston crab. Rhodes slaps at Austin, who backs away. They circle each other again. Austin with a back elbow. He follows it up with a right hand. Austin with a punch and a knee. Austin with a snap mare. Rhodes with a snap mare of his own. Austin with a headlock and a closed fist. Austin back to the side headlock. Rhodes with a dropkick. Rhodes runs Austin into the corner. Austin beating Rhodes down in the corner. Austin with a corner whip, but Rhodes moves on the charge and Austin lands out on the floor. Austin holding his knee on the floor. He gets up limping. Austin gets in and Rhodes goes for the injured leg. Rhodes working on the injured knee. Rhodes with a leg lock. Austin gets to the ropes. He kicks Rhode's leg. Back and forth. Austin beating Rhodes down in the corner. Austin with a snap mare. He gets a two count. Rhodes runs Austin into the turnbuckle. Austin drops a knee on Rhodes. He gets a two count. They trade shots. Rhodes with a backdrop. Rhodes with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Rhodes signals for the bulldog, but Austin picks Rhodes up and slams him on the buckle. Austin hitting Rhodes on the buckle. Rhodes in the tree of woe. Austin kicks Rhodes. He hits a knee lift. Rhodes with a roll up for a two count. He tries again and gets another two count. They trade two counts. Austin running from Rhodes. Austin rolls Rhodes up with his feet on the ropes to get the pin. Referee Nick Patrick then waves it off as Austin looks for the belt. Rhodes rolls Austin up to get the pin. Austin hits Rhodes with the belt after the match.
-BattleBowl Ad.
-Flashback to 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell winning the Tag Team Championships the night before on WCW Saturday Night.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell with Teddy Long vs. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt: Tag champs get a tremendous reaction when they come out. Nasty Boys grab the belts before the match and Scorpio and Bagwell attack them from behind. The champions then hit the Nasty Boys with the belts and the Nasty Boys roll to the outside. Hyatt gets on the apron and Bagwell goes over and kisses her. The crowd goes wild. Sags and Bagwell start. Sags attacks Bagwell in the corner. He gets Bagwell down and Knobbs tagged in. Nasty Boys quick tagging, but Bagwell comes back with a dropkick and Scorpio with a crossbody to the Nasty Boys. Nasty Boys clotheslined to the outside. Nasty Boys regroup with Missy, only for Scorpio to hit them with a suicide dive. Knobbs in against Bagwell. They trade wrist locks. Scorpio tagged in. Double team to Knobbs. Back and forth. Scorpio with a roll up for a two count. Scorpio with a drop toe hold and an arm bar. Bagwell tagged in and gets a two count. Bagwell with a Thesz press for a two count. Sags tagged in and gets hip tossed. Scorpio tagged in. Double Elbow and Scorpio gets a two count. Scorpio with an arm bar. Sags with a series of right hands to Scorpio. Scorpio with a reverse crossbody. Scorpio with a dropkick and back to the arm bar. Nasty Boys double team Bagwell and guillotine him on the top rope and he falls out to the floor. Sags holds Bagwell and Hyatt slaps him. Sags hits a belly to back suplex on the floor. Back in, Knobbs with a suplex for a two count. Sags tagged in. He hits Bagwell's back with some forearms. Sags with a leg drop for a two count. Knobbs tagged in. He drops a series of elbows on Bagwell. Sags tagged in and drops an elbow for a two count. Sags with a corner whip and a leg drop. Knobbs in and covers Bagwell for a two count, but the referee says no tag was made. Knobbs with a bear hug. Scorpio and Long complaining about no tag. Sags tagged back in anyway. Sags with a clothesline. Knobbs tagged in. Bagwel pulls Knobb's hair to get Knobb's down. Nasty Boys distract referee Randy Anderson, so Anderson doesn't see Scorpio tag in and Anderson stops Scorpio. Nasty Boys double team Bagwell. Bagwell ducks a Knobbs corner charge and clotheslines Sags. Scorpio tagged in and cleans house. Scorpio with a corner splash to Knobbs and hits a moonsault for a two count. Hyatt gets on the apron. Long also gets up and he and Hyatt are fighting on the apron. All four men in. Scorpio hits the 450 splash on Knobbs, but Sags hits Scorpio with his boot as Anderson was trying to get Bagwell out. Knobbs gets the pin and the Nasty Boys regain the titles.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Sid Vicious and Col. Robert Parker. Vicious says it's time for Sting to step into the ring with Vicious.
-Match to see who is the franchise of WCW. Sid Vicious with Col. Robert Parker vs. Sting: Sting gets a great reaction when he comes out. Vicious attacks Sting as soon as the bell rings. Vicious misses a clothesline and Sting hits a scoop slam. Sting with a pair of clotheslines. Vicious rolls out to regroup. Sting comes out and they fight in the crowd. Sting throws Vicious back to ringside. It gets back in the ring. Sting with a top rope clothesline for a two count. Parker grabs Sting for Vicious to get a choke slam. He follows it up with a double ax handle. Sting collapses to the mat. Vicious stomping Sting down in the corner. He keeps stomping Sting on the mat. Vicious with a side suplex. Parker choking Sting while Vicious distracts referee Nick Patrick. Sting comes out and chases Parker. Parker distracts Patrick so that Vicious can attack Sting with a chair. Sting dropped on the barricade. Back in, Vicious attacks Sting's back. Sting trying to fight back. Vicious with a rear chin lock. Sting fighting back. Sid gets a two count. Vicious with a bear hug. Sting gets out, but Vicious hits a big boot. Vicious goes back to the bear hug. Sting gets out and attacks Vicious. He hits a pair of Stinger Splashes. They battle by the ropes and Parker grabs Vicious's boot thinking it's Stings and Sting gets a two count. Vicious pissed at Parker and grabs Parker, allowing Sting to roll Parker up from behind to get the pin. Vicious screams at Parker, who's trying to explain himself.
-Vader and Cactus Jack both shown getting ready.
-WCW International World Heavyweight Championship Match. Rick Rude vs. Ric Flair with Fifi: Flair and Fifi out first to a nice ovation. Rude out and does his usual pre-match routine. Terry Taylor is the second referee along with Randy Anderson. Taylor will be the referee on the floor. Flair attacks Rude as soon as the bell rings. Flair with a backdrop. Flair chops Rude in the corner. Flair with a suplex. Flair with a corner whip and clothesline. He tries it a second time and Rude gets a knee up. Back and forth. Flair gets the figure four on. Rude fighting to get out. Rude gets to the ropes. Flair drags Rude to the corner and runs the leg into the post. Flair attacking the leg in the ring. Rude grabs the hair to try to break the hold. Rude throws Flair to the outside. Back in, Rude with a cover with his hands on the ropes. Taylor gets the hands off and Flair gets a roll up for a two count. Flair chopping Rude. They both fall out onto the floor. Flair chopping Rude on the outside. Flair goes up top and hits a forearm to Rude on the outside. Drink all that you have. Flair chops Rude. Flair goes back up top, but Rude catches him with a shot as he comes off. Rude grabs a chair, but Taylor takes it away from Rude. Back and forth on the outside and Flair ran into the barricade. Rude guillotines Flair on the ropes. Rude with a backbreaker for a one count. Rude with a chin lock. Rude taunts Fifi in the corner. Rude goes up top and hits a forearm. Rude injured, but gets a pair of two counts. Rude goes back to the modified camel clutch. Flair trying to fight off. Rude comes down on Flair's back. Both men hurting. Rude with a corner whip and Flair hits the cameraman, flops over the apron, and Rude hits Flair with a clothesline. Rude suplexes Flair back in. Rude goes up top. Rude hits a top rope chop for a two count. He gets several counts, but can't get a three count. They get tangled in the ropes. They trade shots in the corner. Rude with a corner whip and a clotheslines for a pair of two counts. Rude with a bear hug. He gets Flair down on his back still in the hold. He gets a series of two counts. Rude runs Flair into the mat and gets a two count. Flair with chops. Back and forth. Flair with a sleeper. Rude gets to the ropes. Rude goes up top, but Flair ducks the shot and hits a Rude Awakening on Rude. He gets a two count. Flair goes up top and comes off, but Rude gets his foot up. Flair chopping Rude in the corner. Rude reverses a corner whip and Anderson gets taken out. Rude with a clothesline. Taylor slides into the ring. Flair with an Irish whip and Rude runs into Taylor, knocking him down. Rude takes a foreign object out of his pants and swings at Flair, who ducks and hits Rude with a belly to back suplex. Rude drops the object. Flair gets the object, hits Rude, and Taylor makes the three count. Anderson is in the ring and says no. Anderson disqualifies Flair. Some fans chant bullshit. Rude grabs Fifi and carries her towards the back. Flair hits Rude with the belt and puts the figure four on Rude on the ramp. The referees break it up.
-BattleBowl ad.
-Tony and Jesse discuss the rules of the Texas Death Match.
-Main Event Texas Death Match. Cactus Jack vs. Vader with Harley Race: Vader attacks Jack on the ramp as Jack comes out and they start to brawl. Vader ran into the post and the barricade. They trade shots. Jack bites Vader. Cactus hits Vader with a chair. It goes into the ring. Vader with a big clothesline. Vader beating Jack down in the corner. Jack out to the ramp and Vader tries to suplex him back in, but Jack has hooked the bottom rope. Jack suplexes Vader out to the ramp. Cactus pounds Vader on the ramp and hits a belly to back suplex. Race comes over to hit Jack with a chair, but gets caught by Jack. Jack hits Vader with the chair. They battle over to the graveyard set. They fight down below the set and with the fog you can barely see them. Cactus climbs out. Jack walks back to the ring and he is busted open. Vader comes out and he is bleeding as well. Jack hits Vader with a clothesline and gets the fall. Rest period. Vader gets up, but gets hit with a piece of scenery from Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack hits Vader with an elbow off the ramp to get another fall. Rest period. Vader up and Cactus attacks him. Vader pulls Cactus off the ramp. They trade blows. Cactus sets a table up in the ring. Vader beats Cactus down in the corner. Vader ran into the corner and Jack gets a two count. Jack tries a sunset flip off the apron, but Vader won't go over. Vader goes to squash Jack, who moves. Jack dumps Vader on the apron and goes to hit a running clothesline, but Vader moves. Vader dumps Jack back to ringside. Vader hits Cactus with a chair and slams Cactus down in the ring and Vader moonsaults and pins Jack. Rest period. Jack up and Vader throws Jack out to the ramp. Race puts a chair on the ramp. Jack jumps on Vader's back. Vader slams Jack back to the ramp. Vader grabs the chair and hits Jack. Vader DDT's Jack on the chair. Paramedics are out to check on Cactus. Vader pushes them away and pins Jack. Rest Period. Jack up. Jack with a DDT to Vader, but lands on the chair. Referee Nick Patrick counts Jack down. Race pulls out an electric prod and stuns Cactus. Vader up and wins the match. The crowd boos. Jack attacks Race after the match. Tony and Jesse recap the night and sign off from New Orleans. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This wasn't a bad show. The last three matches were good.

Episode 234 Notes Fri, 17 May 2024 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 908a0491-e0bb-4531-9e39-0bc8d9f4aef0 My notes for Episode 234: Return of the Funker. -Today we look at ECW's Return of the Funker.
-Return of the Funker was recorded February 25, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,150 in attendance.
-TV-MA and most complete form possible intros.
-The Pit Bulls vs. Chad Austin and Joel Heartgood: Joey Styles welcomes us to ECW and introduces the team and calls Heartgood Goodheart right at the start. Pit Bull 1 and Austin start. Pit Bull 1 attacks immediately and gets Austin down. Pit Bull 1 slams Austin down. He then beats Austin down in the corner. Pit Bull 1 with a reverse corner whip. Pit Bull 2 in and a double vertical suplex. Pit Bull 2 throws Austin into the corner. Heartgood tagged in and Pit Bull 2 hits a big clothesline. He follows it up with a dropkick. Pit Bull 1 in and throws Heartgood to the outside and then beats Heartgood with a crutch. Pit Bull 2 in and hit Heartgood with a double clothesline and a slingshot shoulder block. They hit the Superbomb to get the pin.
-Raven and Stevie Richards come out. Styles interviews Raven. He says Richards has let him down. He then goes on a soliloquy about different things. Tommy Dreamer says they can settle their differences now. Raven says it's not time, Dreamer needs to feel his pain. Richards says he lost to Dreamer because he was beat up by a couple of guys in a bar. Insert your own Shawn Michaels joke here. He says those guys are the returning Broad Street Bullies, Johhny Hotbody and Tony Stetson. They say there are here to take out Dreamer for Raven. Dreamer comes out and attacks them and Richards with a stop sign to get to Raven. He starts to choke Raven as the others pull him off. Raven attacks Dreamer as the others try to keep them apart. A group of wrestlers come out to separate them.
-Mikey Whipwreck and Hack Meyers vs. Paul Lauria and Jason: Jason and Lauria attack Meyers and Whipwreck from behind. Back and forth. Meyers and Whipwreck with a pair of clotheslines from behind. They trade moves. Meyers throws Whipwreck on Lauria. Meyers and Lauria in. Meyers with the advantage. Whipwreck slams Lauria. Meyers in and punishing Lauria. Meyers with a clothesline to Lauria. Whipwreck with a fist drop to Lauria. He follows it up with a headscissors and then takes both heels over at once when Jason comes in. Whipwreck with a gut wrench to Lauria. Meyers tagged in. He takes Lauria down. Whipwreck back in and Lauria hits him with a spinning heel kick. Jason tagged in. He hits Whipwreck with a back elbow and a knee drop. Double dropkick and Lauria tagged back in. He hits a flying clothesline and a backbreaker. Lauria with a leg drop to Whipwreck from the second rope. Jason with a top rope clothesline. Another backbreaker. Jason slams Lauria on Whipwreck. Lauria throws Whipwreck out. Jason hits Whipwreck with a frying pan. Jason crotches Whipwreck on the top rope. Jason tagged in. He hits a backbreaker and a top rope leg drop. Jason drops an elbow. Lauria tagged in and hits a splash for a two count. Lauria with a bow and arrow. Whipwreck gets to the ropes and they spill out. Whipwreck run into the ring post. Jason tagged in and hits a standing dropkick to Whipwreck. He gets a one count. Jason with an inverted Razor's edge. The video is screwy for this match, but you can still tell what's going on. Jason misses an elbow drop. Jason goes up top, but gets caught with a dropkick from Whipwreck. Jason fights a superplex attempt and dumps Whipwreck off. Meyers shoves Jason off. Jason sends Whipwreck to the outside. Whipwreck misses a top rope dropkick. Lauria and Meyers tagged in. Meyers cleans house. All four men in. Several two counts broken up. Whipwreck and Jason fight out to the floor. A masked man comes into the ring, punches Meyers out, and puts Lauria on top of him. Lauria gets the pin.
-2 Cold Scorpio vs. Hector Guerrero: Guerrero with an arm drag. Scorpio comes back with an arm drag of his own. They circle each other. Back and forth. They get each other down on the mat with leg locks. Guerrero with a rolling neck snap and a forearm. He gets a bear hug on. Guerrero with a corner whip and Scorpio comes back with a headscissors. Guerrero rolls to the outside. Guerrero with a modified abdominal stretch into a backbreaker. Scorpio gets a two count. Guerrero with a side headlock. Guerrero ties up Scorpio on the mat and gets a hammerlock. Good mat wrestling going on. They fight to the outside. Scorpio run into a ring post. Guerrero with a snap mare on the outside. Back in, Scorpio with a backdrop for a two count. They exchange holds on the mat. Guerrero with a takedown for a series of two counts. Scorpio with a superkick for a two count. Scorpio with a powerbomb for another two count. Guerrero with a uppercut and a belly to back suplex for a two count. Guerrero with a splash to Scorpio off the ropes. Scorpio with a moonsault that glances Guerrero slightly. He goes for another, but Guerrero moves out of the way. Guerrero gets a two count. Scorpio with a choke slam for a two count. They roll each other up for two counts. Scorpio drops a knee. Scorpio hits the 450 to get the pin.
-Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match. Axl vs. Ian Rotten: Exactly what it sounds like. Ian runs out and grabs the bat from the attendant as he was hanging it in the corner. Axl comes to ringside and grabs a chair. Ian comes out after Axl, who slides into the ring with a chair. An Axl chant goes out. Axl deflecting bat shots with the chair. They go outside and more shots deflected. Axl ducks and Ian hits the ring post with the bat. He drops the bat and Axl picks it up. Axl attacks Ian with the bat. Ian busted open. Axl drops the bat and grabs a chair and hits Ian. Why would you ever drop the bat? He then drops the chair. Ian picks another chair up and attacks Axl with it. Ian hits Axl with a nightstick and then drops it. Why are they so dumb? Ian hits Axl with the bat. He then chokes Axl with the bat and gets a two count. Ian runs Axl into the post and then over the barricade into the crowd. They fight out into the crowd. Ian throws Axl back to ringside. Ian hits Axl with a frying pan. Back in the ring, Ian takes the bat and rakes it across Axl's forehead. He then hits Axl's leg with the bat and it gets stuck in Axl's leg. That was a gruesome sight. Ian works the barbed wire over Axl's forehead. Ian puts the bat into the corner to whip Axl into it, but Axl reverses the move and Ian gets whipped in instead. Axl then wraps the wire around Ian and rakes the arm. They are both bloody messes. He chokes Ian with the bat. He then knocks Ian down and gets a two count. Axl throws Ian outside and follows. Axl grabs a cookie tray. He hits Ian with it and they brawl out into the bleachers. Axl suplexes Ian onto the bleachers. He then drops an elbow on Ian. Ian then hits Axl with a fans belt. He lashes Axl with the belt. They fight back to the ring. Axl tearing the clothes off of Ian with the bat. They exchange blows. Ian piledrives Axl to get a two count. Ian attacks Axl with the bat and then places the bat on Axl and splashes Axl. Axl does a modified pedigree like maneuver to Ian on the bat to get the pin. Ian attacks Axl with the bat after the match.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Shane Douglas vs. Marty Jannetty: Douglas gets on the mic and talks about his past with Jannetty and says he's going to give Jannetty a wrestling lesson. Douglas asks for a handshake. Jannetty shakes it and Douglas goes to kick Jannetty, but Jannetty catches Douglas's leg. Douglas attacks Jannetty with a forearm. Jannetty rolls Douglas up for a two count. A clothesline gets another two count for Jannetty. They trade shots. Jannetty with an arm drag for a two count and Douglas rolls out to regroup. Back and forth. Jannetty gets a victory roll and a two count. Douglas rolls out again and the crowd chants we want blood. Douglas with a front face lock. Jannetty reverses into a hammerlock. Douglas reverses. Back and forth. Jannetty with a power slam for a two count. Jannetty with a headlock. Douglas with an Irish whip and Jannetty comes back with a takedown. Jannetty with a snap mare and a headlock. Jannetty with a corner whip and mimes a superkick, but Douglas covers up. Douglas with a mule kick. Jannetty rolls to the outside to recover. Douglas beats Jannetty on the apron. He goes to do it a second time and Jannetty clotheslines Douglas on the top rope. He then clotheslines Douglas to the outside. Jannetty runs Douglas into the apron and then whips Douglas up and over the barricade. Jannetty then with a flying clothesline to Douglas over the barricade. They fight out into the crowd. They fight all over the building. Douglas dumps Jannetty onto the barricade. He hits Jannetty with a crutch. Back in, Douglas drops a knee on the ribs of Jannetty. Douglas with a corner whip and a bear hug. Douglas with a clothesline. Jannetty rolls outside. Douglas follows and whips Jannetty into the barricade again. Back and forth. Jannetty runs Douglas into a chair. Douglas sends Jannetty into the ring post. He then backdrops Jannetty onto two chairs. They brawl some more. Douglas grabs a chair and swings it, but Jannetty ducks and Douglas hits the ring post. Jannetty hits a superkick on Douglas. He hits another superkick. He throws Douglas back into the ring. Douglas with a corner whip. They trade blows. Douglas with a charge. Jannetty moves and Douglas hits the post. Jannetty working on the injured shoulder. They fight to the outside. Jannetty throws Douglas into the ring. Back and forth. Jannetty with a Rocker Dropper for a close two count. Jannetty with an atomic drop and a superkick. Douglas rolls out of the way of a fist drop, so Jannetty hits a DDT. He gets another two count. Jannetty goes for a headscissors, but gets caught and slammed down for the pin. That was a great match.
-The Public Enemy come out and Johnny Grunge is pushing Rocco Rock in a wheelchair. Joey Styles interviews them. Rock says everyone saw him moonsault Sabu through a table. The fans chant you were robbed. Grunge says Taz and Sabu are the tag champs, but they are coming after the belts. He says they're going to get even with Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit. Benoit and Malenko come out. Grunge tells them that their time is coming. Benoit and Malenko attack the Public Enemy. They run Rock into the barricade in his wheelchair and attack Grunge in the ring. Taz and Sabu come out and attack Malenko and Benoit. Grunge helps Rock back to the dressing room.
-ECW Tag Team Championship Match. Taz and Sabu with Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko: They announce that the match has started. Taz and Malenko fight to the outside. Benoit beats Sabu down in the corner. All four back in and Taz and Sabu beaten down, but both make comeback on their opponents for two counts. Sabu rushes Malenko, who drops down and pulls the ropes so Sabu spills out to the floor. Double team to Taz. They clothesline Taz. Sabu back in and Malenko hits him with two suplexes for a two count. Malenko and Benoit hit Sabu with a reverse bulldog powerbomb. Taz hits Benoit and Malenko with suplexes. Taz going off on Benoit and Malenko with a multitude of suplexes. Malenko clips Taz. Sabu thrown back out. Malenko with a leg lock to Taz. Benoit throws Sabu back out. Taz and Sabu roll to the outside. 911 grabs Taz and takes him to the back. Double team on Sabu. Double whip and backdrop. Sabu comes back and hits dropkicks and planchas on both heels. He moonsaults onto Benoit. He then dives on both heels on the outside. He sets a chair up and dives on Malenko and Benoit again. A Sabu chant goes out. He sets a table on the turnbuckle. He sets the chair on the table. Sabu goes up top, but Benoit throws him off. Benoit throws Sabu on the table and powerbombs him off as Paul E cracks Malenko with his phone. Benoit covers Sabu to get the pin. New ECW Tag Champions. Benoit says ECW finally have true champs and issues a challenge to Public Enemy. Public Enemy comes out and get attacked immediately. Public Enemy fighting back as 911 brings Taz back to ringside. He throws Taz on Public Enemy, Benoit, and Malenko. Sabu then hits a crossbody on them. 911 chokeslams referee Pee Wee Moore again. The wrestlers brawl to the back.
-Joey Styles interviews The Sandman and Woman. Sandman can't wrestle, but they have a box that they say has a wrestler in it who will take on Cactus Jack. They call out Cactus Jack, who comes out. Jack gets in the ring and his opponent, DC Drake, gets out of the box.
-Cactus Jack vs. DC Drake: They lock up and push off. Jack with a wrist lock and a headbutt. Drake comes back and bites Jack. They bite each other. Jack beats Drake down. Back and forth. Jack chokes Drake. Jack throws Drake to the outside. He beats on Drake and throws him back in. Drake grabs the timekeepers hammer and hits Cactus with it. Jack throws Drake out again. Drake runs Cactus into the barricade. Drake chokes Cactus with a rope. Cactus with an elbow to Drake from the apron to the floor. He hits Drake with a stop sign. He throws Drake back in and hits the double arm DDT to get the pin. Sandman comes in and hits Jack with the cane. Jack comes back with a bulldog. Woman attacks Jack from behind. Jack attacks Woman. Sandman grabs the cane and attacks Jack. Drake and Sandman double team Jack. Jack comes back. Jack clotheslines Sandman to the outside. Jack and Sandman battle over to the box from before which is covered with a black sheet. Jack throws Sandman into the box. Jack grabs Sandman in the sheet and throws him into the ring. Jack hits some forearms. He grabs the cane and rips the sheet off and it's not the Sandman, but Terry Funk dressed like the Sandman. One of my favorite ECW moments. The crowd cheers wildly. They slap each other. They trade blows. Sandman and Funk double team Jack. Jack gets the cane and hits Funk repeatedly. Funk and Sandman get canes and hit Jack. They beat Sandman down. Other wrestlers come in and get taken out. Tommy Dreamer comes in, gets a cane, and hits Sandman. He faces Funk. He won't hit Funk, who slaps Dreamer. Sandman hits Dreamer from behind. Funk gets on the mic and berates Cactus Jack and the fans. Jack beaten down with a chair. Shane Douglas comes in. Funk gives Douglas the chair. Douglas attacks Sandman and Funk as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show with a great ending. Recommended.

Episode 233 Notes Fri, 10 May 2024 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] e1bc16e3-22bd-4187-b590-ea0c49c80323 My notes for Episode 233: Fall Brawl 1993. -Today we look at Fall Brawl '93 from WCW.
-Fall Brawl '93: War Games was shown on PPV on September 19, 1993 from the Astro Arena in Houston, TX. There were 6,000 in attendance.
-I'm going to give you a preemptive warning here. Don't drink every time Jesse says Texican.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Fall Brawl. He and Jesse Ventura are the announcers for the event.
-Dark Match: Erik Watts defeated Bobby Eaton.
-Erik Bischoff briefly welcomes us before throwing it to Michael Buffer.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Ricky Steamboat vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal out first and looks at the crowd with disdain. Steamboat comes out and does his fire breathing gimmick. Buffer does the introductions. Steamboat's side is taped up from being attacked by Regal on WCW Saturday Night with the umbrella that Sir William carries. Steamboat attacks Regal as soon as the bell rings. Back and forth. Regal concentrating on the injured ribs. Steamboat throws Regal out onto the runway. Steamboat throws Regal back in and hits a top rope chop. They trade shots again. Regal hits Steamboat in the ribs. Steamboat with a thrust kick to Regal. Steamboat then attacks Regal in the corner. Steamboat with a hammerlock on the mat. Regal gets out and attacks the ribs again. Steamboat lures Regal in with an arm lock and gets a two count. Steamboat working on Regal's arm. He gets another two count. Steamboat trying to get the shoulders down. Steamboat with a body press for a two count and it hurt's Steamboat's ribs. They battle for position. Steamboat with an arm bar and Regal just lifts up with Steamboat on his arm in an impressive move. Steamboat holds on and gets Regal back down. Steamboat thrown outside. Regal backdrops Steamboat inside the ring. Regal working on Steamboat's ribs. He hits a modified cannonball and gets a crossface on Steamboat. He then goes back to working on the ribs. Steamboat slams Regal, but Regal gets his knees-up on a splash attempt. Regal with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Regal with a modified surfboard. He finally lets go. Steamboat with chops. Regal with a front face lock and rips the tape off of Steamboat's ribs. He hits a butterfly suplex for a two count. Steamboat comes back with a catapult. Regal answers with a chin lock to Steamboat. He follows it up with a slam. Steamboat reverses and hits a piledriver. Regal runs Steamboat into a turnbuckle. Steamboat with a roll up for a two count. An inside cradle gets another two count. Steamboat with a suplex for yet another two count. Steamboat goes up top. He hits a body press, but Regal rolls Steamboat off. Steamboat with a two count. Steamboat with a body block for another two count. Regal goes and throws Steamboat out. Steamboat goes to skin the cat and Sir William hits Steamboat with the umbrella. Regal gets the pin with a bridging suplex to become the new TV champion.
-Eric Bischoff interviews the newly arrived Nasty Boys. They say they have a big surprise and are going to finish off The Horsemen.
-Big Sky vs. Charlie Norris: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and push off. Sky with a wrist lock. Norris reverses. Into an arm bar. Sky tries to get up, but Norris holds on. Sky up and drives Norris into a corner. Norris reverses a corner whip, but Sky gets his boot up on the charge. Sky with a choke slam. he drops a leg on Norris. He slams Norris down, but misses a knee drop from the second rope when Norris moves. Norris with a chop. Back and forth. Norris hits the Big Foot to get the pin.
-Scott Dunlap interviews Davey Boy Smith about War Games. Smith breaks down what's going to happen.
-The Equalizer and Paul Orndorff vs. 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell: The crowd chants Paula. Equalizer and Bagwell start. They circle each other. Equalizer with some forearms. Bagwell tries to knock Equalizer down, but keeps getting knocked down himself. Scorpio in and they double dropkick Equalizer out. Scorpio in against Equalizer. Back and forth. Orndorff tagged in. He gets Scorpio down and attacks him relentlessly. He beats Scorpio down in the corner. Scorpio with some forearms and a reverse crossbody off the top rope. Orndorff rolls through to get a count. Scorpio comes back with an arm bar. Bagwell tagged in. Double hip toss and elbow and Bagwell gets a two count. Orndorff comes back with a knee lift. Bagwell with a float over suplex. Bagwell with a shoulder block, but Equalizer pulls down the rope and Bagwell tumbles to the outside while the referee was trying to get Scorpio out of the ring. Equalizer slams Bagwell on the floor. He then runs Equalizer into the apron. Back in, they exchange blows. Equalizer tagged in. He goads Scorpio and they double team Bagwell. The crowd chants Paula at Orndorff. Equalizer with a rear chin lock. Bagwell comes back with elbows and a crucifix. He gets a two count. Equalizer comes back with a clothesline, but Scorpio breaks up the pin. Orndorff tagged in. Orndorff with a bear hug. Bagwell fighting out. He hits a belly to back suplex. Equalizer and Scorpio both tagged in. Scorpio cleaning house. Scorpio with a flying body press, but Orndorff breaks up the count. All four men in. Heels double team Bagwell. Orndorff accidently hits Equalizer with a high knee and Scorpio hits the 450 splash to get the pin. They continue to brawl after the match.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Lord Steven Regal and Sir William. Regal says he will defend the TV title with honor and pride.
-Shanghai Pierce with Tex Slashinger vs. Ice Train: The bell rings and they lock up. Pierce with a side headlock. Train powers out and throws Pierce down. Another lock up. Train with a side headlock. Pierce pushes off. Train comes back with a shoulder block. They pose at each other. Pierce with a series of forearms. Pierce with an Irish whip. Slashinger grabs Train's boot and Pierce clotheslines Train from behind. Pierce with a snap mare and drops the knee on Train. Train blocks and then reverses a suplex. Train with a backdrop. Slashinger gets up on the apron and Pierce gets an Irish whip and they go to clothesline Train with the bull rope, but he runs through it. Train with a power slam to get the pin. Train clears the ring of the heels after that.
-Halloween Havoc ad.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the tag team championship match.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Paul Roma vs. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with their surprise new manager Missy Hyatt: Fans greet the Horsemen warmly when they come out. Michael Buffer does the introductions. Roma and Knobbs Start. Knobbs yelling what he is going to do to Roma. Knobbs tries to rush Roma from behind, but Roma knocks Knobbs down. Nasty Boys regroup with Hyatt. Knobbs runs Roma into the turnbuckle. Knobbs reverses an Irish whip and gets a shoulder block. He then gets another one. All four men in and the Horsemen with the advantage, so the Nasty Boys roll back outside to regroup. Sags tagged in and says he wants Anderson. Anderson tags in. They lock up and drive to a corner. Sags beating Anderson down in the corner. Anderson comes back with a corner whip and a back elbow. Anderson slams Sag's knee into the ring post. Anderson stomps on the legs of Sags. Roma tagged in. He continues the assault on the leg. He picks up a leg lock. Fans scream take it off to Missy. Sags pulling Roma's hair to break the hold. Knobbs tagged in. Roman with a drop toe hold to Knobbs and Anderson tagged in. They do the wish bone to Knobbs. Anderson drives Knobb's knee down on the mat. Anderson with a leg grapevine to Knobbs. He keeps up the assault on Knobbs. Roma tagged in and runs Knobbs into a turnbuckle. He hits a snap mare on Knobbs. Roma with a modified toe hold. Roma keeps up the assault on Knobb's leg. Knobbs with a corner whip, but Roma gets his boot up on the charge. Knobbs pushes off another leg lock attempt and Roma runs into Sags to knock him off the apron. Knobbs with a front face lock and Sags tagged in. Sags with a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Knobbs tagged in and drops an elbow and a reverse chin lock. Sags tagged in and picks the chin lock up. Roma powers out, but Knobbs tagged in. He drops an elbow. Knobbs with a rear chin lock. Roma powers out. Sags and Anderson tagged in. Anderson cleans house. Anderson puts a sleeper on Sags. Knobbs climbs up top while Missy distracts the referee. Anderson goes to splash Sags, who gets his knees-up. Knobbs clotheslines Anderson to the outside. Sags throws Anderson back in, only to throw him out on the other side and Knobbs slams Anderson on the floor. Sags grabs Jesse's chair and hits Anderson with it. Knobbs gets Anderson in the ring and gets a two count. Nasty Boys double team Anderson. Anderson trying to fight back. Knobbs in and kicking Anderson. Sags tagged in. He gets an abdominal stretch on. Knobbs tagged in and he picks the stretch up. Anderson reverses the move, but Sags comes in and hits Anderson with a forearm. Knobbs gets a two count. Sags in and drops an elbow. Sags with a front face lock. Anderson tags Roma in, but referee Randy Anderson didn't see it. Sags gets a two count. Knobbs tagged in. Knobbs with a corner whip and a bear hug. Anderson bites Knobbs to break the hold. Sags tagged in and cuts Anderson off from tagging. Sags with a suplex for a two count. Sags with a bear hug. Anderson trying to get out, but Knobbs tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbow. Knobbs with an Irish whip and Anderson comes back with an elbow. Sags in and cuts off another Anderson tag attempt. Knobbs in and Nasty Boys go for a double team move, but Anderson slams both down. Roma tagged in. Roma cleans house. Roma goes up top and hits Knobbs with a missile dropkick. Sags goes to jump Roma, who comes back with corner mounted punches to Sags. Knobbs puts Roma on his shoulders. Sags goes up top. Anderson pushes Sags off. Sags bumps into Knobbs and Roma rolls Knobbs up for a two count. Anderson hits a spinebuster to Knobbs. Roma hits the swan dive on Knobbs, but Randy Anderson is trying to get Arn out. Sags drops an elbow from the top rope and Knobbs covers to get the pin and we have new tag team champions. Hyatt grabs the titles and gives them to the Nasty Boys.
-Jesse interviews Missy and the Nasty Boys. Missy says she told Ric Flair she was going to get him and the Horsemen are finished. They say this is the reign of the Nasty Boys.
-A feature on Cactus Jack and what has happened between him and Vader.
-Bounty match. Cactus Jack vs. Yoshi Kwan with Harley Race: They make a lot out of the little bag of Cactus Jack's that Harley Race has taken. Jack gets to the ring and attacks Race and Kwan. The bell rings. Jack takes Kwan down. Jack with a leapfrog body guillotine. Jack then clotheslines Kwan to the outside. Jack goes after Race and Kwan catches Jack from behind with a high knee. They fight to the ramp. Kwan hits an enziguri. They battle back to the ring. Kwan with a spinning heel kick. Cactus Jack fighting back. Jack with a reverse atomic drop. Race trips Jacks. A second attempt fails as Race grabs Jack, who ducks and Kwan hits Race. Jack with a double arm DDT to Kwan to get the pin. Cactus Jack then suplexes Race and gets the bag. Cactus Jack then challenges Vader to a match at Halloween Havoc.
-Tony and Jesse talk about what has happened between Rick Rude and Ric Flair on A Flair for the Gold.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair with FiFi vs. Rick Rude: This is that weird time between the severing of ties between the NWA and WCW and the "International Heavyweight Championship" debacle. It is what it is. Rude has FiFi on his tights. The bell rings. They lock up and drive to a corner. Another lock up and Rude with a side headlock. Flair powers out. Rude goes back to the side headlock. Flair reverses into a top wrist lock. Back and forth. Flair pushes off and Rude comes back with a shoulder block. Rude with a knee drop. He misses a top rope knee drop when Flair moves. Flair gets the figure four on, but Rude gets to the ropes. Rude clotheslines Flair and taunts FiFi. Flair hits a move off the top rope, so drink everything you have. Flair with chops. He follows it up with a wrist lock. Into a hammerlock. Into a wrist lock again and Flair chopping Rude. Flair with an arm bar. Back to the wrist lock. Into the hammerlock again. Flair gets Rude down and kicks him. Rude comes back with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Flair moves. Flair chops Rude down. Flair back to the wrist lock. Back and forth. Flair working relentlessly on the arm. He puts the arm bar on. Jesse calls FiFi a gold digger. Rude trying desperately to work out of the move. Flair gets a backslide for a two count. They spill out to the floor. Rude clotheslines Flair on the outside and drives Flair into the apron. Rude suplexes Flair back in and gets a two count. Rude with forearms to Flair. He gets a two count. Rude with a rear chin lock. Flair trying to get to his feet. Rude slams down on Flair's back and taunts FiFi. Rude cranking on the hold. Flair gets out and chops Rude. He hits a shoulder block. Rude drops Flair on the top rope. Rude with a fist drop. Flair sent up and over to the floor. He then guillotines Flair on the top rope. Rude keeps knocking Flair down. Rude puts a bear hug on. Flair trying to get out. Rude keeps the hold on and gets Flair down for some two counts. Flair reverses on top of Rude and attacks Rude. Flair rushes Rude, who guillotines Flair on the top rope. Rude hits a top rope forearm to Flair. He hits a second top rope forearm. He gets caught a third time. Flair with a flurry of offense. Flair with a butterfly suplex for a two count. Flair with a corner whip, but Rude gets a knee up on the charge. Rude with a DDT. He gets a two count. Rude with some knee lifts. Flair blocks a Rude Awakening attempt by biting Rude. Flair then hits a Rude Awakening, but Rude gets his foot on the ropes. Rude gets a sleeper, but Flair gets out and attacks the leg. He hits a leg snap off the ropes and Flair really had his working shoes on for this match. Flair setting Rude up for the figure four. He goes for it, but Rude rolls Flair up for a two count. Flair throws Rude outside. He follows Rude out. He clotheslines Rude and chops Rude. Flair goes up top and hits a shot to Rude on the outside. Back in, Flair chops Rude in the corner. Flair sent up and over, goes to the opposite corner, but gets caught coming off by Rude. Rude goes up top. He hits a fist drop for a two count. Rude throws Flair outside. He then taunts FiFi, who slaps Rude. Rude brings FiFi in and yells at her in the corner. Flair attacks Rude from behind. Flair with an inverted atomic drop. Flair gets the figure four on, but the referee is tied up with FiFi. Rude gets something from his trunks and hits Flair with it to get the pin. New champion.
-Halloween Havoc ad.
-Tony and Jesse talk about War Games and the War Games rules are announced. The cage is lowered.
-Main Event. War Games. Harlem Heat Kane and Kole, Sid Vicious, and Vader with Col. Robert Parker and Harley Race vs. Sting, Davey Boy Smith, Shockmaster, and Dustin Rhodes with Road Warrior Animal: Rhodes jumps into the ring to go first vs. Vader. He attacks Vader. Vader comes back on Rhodes, who had come in injured. Rhodes gets Vader down. Rhodes attacks Vader with his boot. Vader gets a boot up on a charge. Vader beating Rhodes down on the corner. He is brutalizing the injured Rhodes. Vader bomb to Rhodes. Rhodes comes back and hits Vader with a DDT. Heels win the coin toss. Vader with a snap mare. Rhodes with a power slam. Kane enters the ring. They double team Rhodes and beat him with his own boot. They throw Rhodes into the cage. Sting comes in and gets attacked immediately. Sting comes back with a double clothesline. He runs Kane into the cage. He dumps Vader up into the cage. Sting beating Vader in the cage. Rhodes bleeding profusely. Vader ran into the cage. Sid Vicious in. He and Sting collide. Vicious with a choke slam to Sting. Heels with the advantage. They attack both Rhodes and Sting. Smith comes in. He and Vicious go at it and Smith cleans house on the heels. Sting and Smith run Vicious into the top of the cage. They start to pair off. Vicious ran into the cage. Kole comes in. He attacks Rhodes. Jesse making fun of the Shockmaster. They pair off again. Rhodes taking on Vicious. He puts Vicious in the figure four. Shockmaster in and the match beyond begins. Shockmaster cleans house. He takes Vader down. He throws Kole into the cage. Shockmaster puts Kole in a bear hug. Kole gives up and Sting's team wins. Vader and Vicious tell Sting's team to come back.
-Jesse and Tony recap the night and announce that Cactus Jack will take on Vader at Halloween Havoc before signing off from Houston.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show with the final two matches being very good.

Episode 232 Notes Fri, 10 May 2024 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7d3218e5-f4b5-4b09-a7b1-6f5665f2e8d5 My notes for Episode 232: Survivor Series 2016. -Today we look at the 2016 Survivor Series from the WWE.
-Survivor Series 2016 was shown on the WWE Network on November 20, 2016 from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. There were 17,143 in attendance.
-My Survivor Series story. WWE and Survivor Series intros.
-Mauro Ranallo welcomes us to Survivor Series. He, JBL, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton will call the first match.
-Women's Survivor Series match. Bayley, Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks, and Charlotte with Dana Brooke vs. Becky Lynch, Naomi, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, and Nikki Bella: Bella doesn't come out and they go to the back and she was hit from behind and Daniel Bryan won't clear her, so Natalya takes her place. They go back to the arena and the crowd chants Yes. Fox and Carmella start. They lock up and break. Fox pushes Carmella down. Fox with the early advantage. Carmella comes back with a headscissors. Lynch tagged in. Bayley tagged in. Then Charlotte tags herself in so she can take on Lynch. Before they can lock up, Banks tags herself in and Charlotte is pissed. They push each other. Now all 10 in and brawling. Jax pushes the Smackdown girls down. Lynch attacks Banks. Banks with a backslide for a two count. Charlotte tags in and she and Lynch go at it. Back and forth. Lynch goes for the arm bar. Charlotte tags Jax in. Jax beats Lynch down in the corner. The other Smackdown Live women each tags in and Jax knocks them down. Natalya in to a big pop to take on Jax. Carmella tagged in and Jax with a double clothesline to Natalya and Carmella. Fox tagged in. Back and forth. Fox with an ax kick to eliminate Carmella. Bliss in and attacks Fox. She hits Twisted Bliss to get the pin. Charlotte and Naomi both tagged in. Naomi with a face buster to Charlotte and Jax tagged in. Naomi knocks Jax to the outside and hits a diving crossbody on Jax. Jax responds by running Naomi into the post. She then slings Naomi down and Naomi is counted out. Bliss and Banks now in. Bliss throws Banks into the Smackdown Live corner and Banks fights her way out. Banks hits Natalya and Bliss with double knees in the corner. Bliss distracts Banks for Natalya to roll Banks up and pin Banks. Charlotte in and chopping Natalya. They then trade chops. Natalya with a release German Suplex and a Liger bomb, but Jax makes the save. Natalya with the Sharpshooter. Charlotte gets to the ropes. Charlotte hits a running boot to pin Natalya. Bliss and Lynch arguing with each other. They try to double team Jax, who overpowers both of them. Jax picks Bliss up and Lynch with a missile dropkick to knock Bliss on Jax. Lynch gets a two count. Lynch goes for the Disarmer to Eliminate Jax. Jax attacks Lynch. Bliss in against Charlotte. Charlotte hits a kick to eliminate Bliss. Charlotte throws Lynch in and beats her down in the corner. Charlotte gets a two count. Lynch blocks a figure four attempt. Lynch with a Bex Plex. Lynch with the Dublin Jam leg drop for a two count, but Bayley makes the save. Bayley in and they go back and forth. Bayley with a clothesline and a back elbow for a two count. Lynch goes for the Disarmer and Bayley hits the Bayley to belly to pin Lynch. Winners and survivors Bayley and Charlotte. Charlotte attacks Bayley after the match.
-WWE 2K17 ad and Story Time Ad. James Ellsworth is shown in the back and gets menaced by Gallows and Anderson. Mick Foley runs them off. Foley then tries to recruit Ellsworth to Raw. Ellsworth then runs into Braun Strowman and runs off. Michael Cole and David Otunga join JBL and Byron for the next match.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse vs. Sami Zayn: The crowd is into Zayn. The SAT and GAT are introduced. Miz revels in the boos from the crowd. The bell rings and they lock up and vie for position. They trade holds. Zayn with an arm drag into an arm bar and gets a two count. Zayn catches Miz with a kick and Miz rolls out to regroup. Zayn follows and Miz runs him into the ring apron. Zayn with a flip off the barricade onto Miz. Maryse screams at Zayn, allowing Miz to attack Zayn from behind. Miz with a double ax handle. Miz attacks Zayn's leg. Zayn chops Miz. They trade blows. Zayn with corner mounted punches. Miz goes back to attacking the legs. Miz rushes Zayn, who drops down and pulls the ropes and Miz spills out to the floor. Miz grabs Zayn's leg and runs it into the ring post. He throws Zayn back in. Miz gets a two count. Zayn blocks a figure four attempt. Back and forth. Zayn with a vicious clothesline. Zayn clotheslines Miz to the outside. He then hits a plancha onto Miz. Back in, Zayn hits a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Miz goes for the figure four and Zayn rolls him up for another two count. Miz with a DDT for a two count. Miz with a dropkick. He hits a second one. Miz hits a corner clothesline. Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a close two count. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Miz goes to the apron. Miz guillotines Zayn on the top rope. Miz goes for the SCF, but Zayn rolls him up for a two count. Zayn hits an Exploder Suplex. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Miz rolls out of the way. Miz puts the figure four on. Zayn tries to get to the ropes, but Miz pulls Zayn away. Zayn rolls Miz over, but then they are stuck up in the ropes. Miz with Yes kicks to Zayn to mock Daniel Bryan. Zayn comes back with a figure four. Miz trying to get to the ropes. Maryse rings the bell to distract Zayn. Miz takes advantage and rolls Zayn up to get the pin.
-Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles shown in the back. They start to argue over Survivor Series and TLC. Shane McMahon comes in and tells them to get on the same page. Crush Cage ad and a Kay Jewelers ad. Hulu ad.
-Enzo and Cass come out and do their routine. WWE Tag Team Elimination Match. Enzo and Big Cass, The Shining Stars Primo and Epico, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, Sheamus and Cesaro and The New Day, who do their routine vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater, Breezango Tyler Breeze and Fandango. The Usos Jimmy and Jey, The Hype Bros Zach Ryder and Mojo Rawley, and American Alpha Chad Gable and Jason Jordan: All participants in the ring. The bell rings. Fandango starts with Big E. Fandango giving out tickets as part of the Fashion Police. Big E slams Fandango down and Kingston hits a big elbow drop and Breezango is eliminated. Jimmy Uso in and hits a superkick to Kingston to pin him and the New Day is eliminated. That was stunning. Gallows in. He hits Jimmy with some right hands and Big Cass tags himself in. He hits Jimmy and then Epico tags himself in. Jimmy hits Epico and Ryder tagged in. They go back and forth. Ryder hits a corner whip and a flapjack. Rawley tagged in and hits a double ear clap to Epico. Rawley gets a one count. Gallows tagged back in. He gets Rawley down and Anderson tagged in. Rawley hits a crossbody and Ryder tagged in. Ryder hits double knees and a missile dropkick to Anderson. Gallows pulls Anderson out, but Ryder hits them both with a Wrecking Ball dropkick. Good Brothers overwhelm Ryder and Gallows tagged in. Magic Killer to Ryder and the Hype Bros are eliminated. Chad Gable in and Gallows drops him with a shot. Sheamus tagged in. He gets Gable down and then both members of the Shining Stars take turns overwhelming Gable as they tag each other in. Epico gets a couple of two counts. He then hits a series of suplexes to Gable for another two count. Primo tagged in. They make a mistake and Jordan tagged in and hit the Electric Chair to pin Primo and the Shining Stars are eliminated. Now all 12 remaining wrestlers are in the ring and facing each other. They all go at it. All but Enzo, Cass, Rhyno, and Slater go out to the floor and brawl. Those four start brawling in the ring. Cass throws Enzo to wipe out the people on the floor. Rhyno goes to Gore Cass, who ducks and goes for the big boot. Rhyno ducks and they both spill out to the floor. Slater stage dives onto everyone on the floor. Inside, Cesaro gets Jordan down and goes for the Big Swing. Gable breaks it up with an O'Connor roll and a suplex. Jordan then launches Gable onto everyone out on the floor. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Jordan to pin him. Slater in and cleaning house on the Good Brothers. Anderson hits Slater with a spinebuster. Sheamus in against Slater. Gallows then tags himself in. Gallows goes to bounce off the ropes and knocks Enzo off. They argue and Slater tags Rhyno in. He Gores Gallows to eliminate him and Anderson. Enzo with the Boom Shakalaka on Rhyno to pin him. Enzo in against Jimmy. Jimmy hits a superkick and Jey splashes Enzo to pin him so we are down to the Usos and Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus with the Brogue kick to Jimmy, but Jey breaks up the pin. Jey tagged in and hits a splash, but Cesaro breaks up the cover. Cesaro tagged in. Back and forth. Cesaro going off, hitting the 619. A crossbody gets a two count. Cesaro with the Big Swing. He goes for the Sharpshooter, but Jimmy breaks it up and then hits a suicide dive on Sheamus. Jey hits a Tequila Sunrise and gets a half crab on. Cesaro reverses into the Sharpshooter. Sheamus cuts off a save attempt and Jey taps out. Sheamus and Cesaro are the survivors.
-Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley are shown in the back celebrating Raw's success. They discuss how Raw is looking and what's coming up.
-TLC ad. Feature on The Brian Kendrick.
-WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match. The Brian Kendrick vs. Kalisto: The bell rings. Kalisto attacks Kendrick. Kendrick bails out to the floor and Kalisto hits him with a tope. A springboard crossbody gets a two count for Kalisto. Kalisto keeps up the offense and gets another two count. Kendrick with a belly to back suplex for a two count. They trade moves and counters and each gets a series of two counts. They get tangled in the ropes and Kendrick rolls Kalisto up and the back of Kalisto's head hits the turnbuckle hard. Kendrick then puts Kalisto between the steps and the ring and slams the steps on Kalisto. Kalisto trying to hold on. Kendrick with a neck hold. Kalisto gets free. Kendrick clotheslines Kalisto on the top rope. Kalisto dropkicks Kendrick to the floor. They fight out on the apron and Kalisto hits a Spanish Fly from the apron. Both wrestlers out to the floor. Kalisto throws Kendrick in and gets a two count. Kalisto hits a suicide dive onto Kendrick when Kendrick slides back outside. Kendrick attacks Kalisto when Kalisto goes up top. Kendrick, with a reverse headlock takeover into the Captain's Hook. Kalisto gets to the ropes. Kendrick attacks Kalisto. Kalisto coming back. Kalisto hits Salita Del Sol, but Kendrick gets his foot on the ropes. Baron Corbin comes in and attacks both wrestlers. Kendrick keeps the title by DQ.
-Renee Young and the kickoff panel talk about everything we have seen so far.
-Daniel Bryan confronts Baron Corbin. Corbin doesn't care about Bryan or the cruiser weights.
-Roadblock: End of the Line ad.
-Flashback to what led up to the next match and the rivalry between Raw and Smackdown Live. James Ellsworth is introduced as the Smackdown mascot. The International announce teams are introduced.
-Smackdown Live vs. Raw 5 on 5 match. Shane McMahon, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, and Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, and Kevin Owens: Styles and Owens start. So we get both champions to begin with. The bell rings and they lock up. Owens with a side headlock. Styles pushes off. Owens holds on to the ropes. Styles moves out of the way of a senton. They trade blows. They then avoid each others moves. Owens blocks a Styles Clash attempt and Jericho tagged in. He and Owens hug. Jericho attacks Styles. Jericho with a shoulder block. Styles comes back with a dropkick. Rollins and Ambrose both tagged in. They trade moves. Rollins with a front face lock. Back and forth. Rollins goes for a pedigree and Ambrose counters with a backdrop. Jericho tagged in. Ambrose beats Jericho down in the corner. Ambrose with a series of arm drags. Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho with a side headlock. Jericho slaps Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose comes back with corner mounted punches. McMahon tagged in. McMahon attacks Jericho. McMahon with an Irish whip and a back elbow. McMahon with some arm drags. Jericho comes back with a dropkick. Rollins tagged in. Rollins with a suplex for a two count. Reigns tagged in. Reigns with a headbutt. He beats McMahon down in the corner. Rollins tagged in and hits a fist drop to McMahon while Reigns holds McMahon. Rollins with a chin lock. McMahon with a backdrop. Ambrose and Owens tagged in. They trade shots. Ambrose counters a cannonball attempt with a clothesline. Ambrose then dives to the outside. Owens with a superkick to Ambrose and goes for a pop up powerbomb. Ambrose counters with a hurricanrana. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Jericho hits Ambrose from behind. Now all 10 men in, but Strowman tags in before he comes into the ring. The teams are face to face. They finally start going at it. It goes outside. Ambrose tries a plancha on Strowman, who catches Ambrose and takes him around the outside of the ring. Styles with a suicide dive onto Strowman. Owens cannonballs onto the group from the top rope. McMahon climbs up top, but Strowman throws him into the ring. Styles and Ambrose double team Strowman. McMahon clotheslines Strowman out and they both spill out to the floor. Ambrose and Styles clear the ring. They then start pushing each other. McMahon separates them. Styles hits Ambrose from behind and Strowman hits a running power slam to pin Ambrose. Strowman throws McMahon into the ring. He splashes McMahon and throws Styles out of the ring. Strowman taking over. Strowman comes face to face with Wyatt. Jericho comes in and tells Strowman that he is the captain and Strowman grabs Wyatt and Jericho by the throat. He throws Jericho down and clotheslines Wyatt. Strowman attacks Wyatt. Wyatt falls out of the ring and Strowman follows to continue the attack. Strowman starts to take the GAT apart and Orton with an RKO to Strowman on the table out of nowhere. Wyatt and Orton clear the English table off and they put Strowman on the table. McMahon goes up top and hits an elbow to send Strowman through the table. A this is awesome chant goes out. McMahon gets back in. Strowman tries to get back in, but Ellsworth grabs his leg and Strowman is counted out. Strowman takes off after Ellsworth and throws Ellsworth off the stage onto the equipment area. Back in the ring, Jericho gets a two count on McMahon. Owens tagged in. He keeps up the attack. He also gets a two count. Jericho tagged back in. He hits a dropkick for a two count. Jericho with a chin lock. McMahon comes back and goes for a dropkick after an Irish whip, but Jericho holds on. Jericho with a lionsault, but McMahon with a quick roll up for a two count. Jericho hits a Code Breaker to McMahon and then to Orton, who had come in. Jericho gets a two count on McMahon. McMahon trying to come back. Rollins tagged in. He beats McMahon down. Jericho tagged back in and goes for a splash, but McMahon moves. Styles tagged in and attacks Jericho and gets a two count. Jericho counters a Styles Clash attempt and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Styles counters and goes for the Calf Crusher. Jericho blocks and again goes for the Walls of Jericho. Styles rolls Jericho up for a two count. Styles attacks Jericho with rapid strikes. He then goes and hits Owens, who comes in and attacks Styles with Jericho's clipboard. He then hits a pop up powerbomb and gets disqualified. A bullshit chant goes out. Tough Canadian Crowd here tonight. Jericho tries to get his list back together. Orton tagged in and sneaks behind Jericho and hits an RKO to pin Jericho. it's 4-2 for Smackdown Live. Orton attacks Rollins. Orton with a power slam for a two count. Wyatt tagged in and unloads on Rollins to get a two count. Orton tagged in. He continues the beat down of Rollins. Orton with a superplex. Styles and Reigns both tagged in. Reigns trying to take the entire Smackdown team on. He's cleaning house. Reigns with a Niagra drive for a close two count. Styles counters a Superman Punch attempt with an Enziguri. McMahon tagged in and attacks Reigns with punches. He hits Reigns with a DDT. Rollins in and McMahon attacks him as well. He slams Rollins out and then runs Reigns into the ring post. McMahon goes for Coast-to-Coast, but Reigns spears him in Midair. The ref stops his count, but signals that McMahon is eliminated. Officials out to check on McMahon. Other wrestlers fighting on the outside while they help McMahon out of the ring and the crowd chants Shane-O-Mac. Back in the ring, Wyatt with a back splash to Reigns for a two count. Orton tagged in. He beats Reigns down in the corner. Wyatt in and a Roman sucks chant goes out. Styles and Rollins tagged in. Rollins with a Blockbuster to Styles. He follows it up with a glancing knee. He hits Wyatt with a suicide dive. He hits Styles with corner clotheslines, but Styles escapes a superplex attempt. Styles goes up top and Rollins hits an enziguri. Rollins with a superplex into a Falcon's Arrow, but Orton breaks up the pin. They all start brawling outside. Rollins and Reigns start clearing the GAT and SAT. They start to go for the Shield Powerbomb, but Styles breaks it up. Styles gets back in the ring and Dean Ambrose comes from the back and attacks Styles. Officials out to get Ambrose. Ambrose throws Styles into the ring steps. Security trying to get Ambrose away. Reigns and Rollins attack security, helping out their old Shield buddy. They Shield powerbomb Styles through the SAT and Rollins pins Styles. Rollins and Reigns in the ring back-to-back as Orton and Wyatt circle the ring. Luke Harper appears at ringside. They get up on the apron. Rollins and Reigns attack Harper and Orton and Wyatt attack them. Back and forth. Harper attacks Reigns on the outside when Reigns went after Orton. Rollins with a Sling blade to Wyatt and then takes out Harper. Rollins with corner clotheslines to Wyatt. Rollins trying to fight both Orton and Wyatt off. Rollins goes up top to hit Wyatt with a frog splash, only to get hit with an RKO from Orton. Rollins pinned by Wyatt. Reigns struggling to get in the ring. Reigns Superman Punches Orton on the apron and throws Wyatt to the outside. Reigns runs Wyatt into the ring steps. He then runs Orton into the steps and Wyatt into the barricade. He hits Wyatt with the Drive By. He hits Harper with a spear. Reigns blocks a Sister Abigail attempt. Reigns with a Superman Punch. He goes to Spear Wyatt, but Orton shoves Wyatt out of the way and takes the Spear, allowing Wyatt to hit Sister Abigail to pin Reigns. Survivors: Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt. The Wyatt Family celebrates.
-WWE Story Time ad and WWE Network ad.
-Byron Saxton, Michael Cole, and Corey Graves talk about the Main Event and what led up to it.
-Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman: Lesnar out first. Goldberg gets his classic entrance. A massive Goldberg chant goes out. They are face to face. The bell rings. Lesnar picks Goldberg up and puts him in a corner. Goldberg pushes Lesnar down. Goldberg spears Lesnar. He hits a second Spear. Goldberg hits the Jackhammer and pins Lesnar. The crowd erupts. The announcers are shocked. They recap what happened and sign off from Toronto as Goldberg celebrates with his family.
-Final Thoughts: A stunning conclusion to a pretty good show.

Episode 231 Notes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b358ef5f-ff4b-4c5f-bf63-004acb72b3af My notes for Episode 231: SummerSlam 1993. -A busy time for me, so I’m trying to get ahead.
-Today we look at SummerSlam 1993 from the WWF.
-SummerSlam 93 was shown on PPV on August 30, 1993 from the Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, MI. 23,954 in attendance and the PPV did 250,000 buys.
-Dark Match. Owen Hart defeated Barry Horowitz.
-The Lex Express is shown arriving at the Palace.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to SummerSlam and run down what we are going to see.
-Ted DiBiase vs. Razor Ramon: Ted's last WWF match as a wrestler. Fans are behind new favorite Ramon. DiBiase attacks Ramon as soon as he gets in the ring. He gets Ramon into a corner. Ramon comes back with a backdrop. He hits some shots to DiBiase, who rolls outside to regroup. They lock up back in the ring. Back and forth. Ramon clotheslines DiBiase back outside. Ramon then slingshots DiBiase back in from the apron. Heenan says they say money can't buy happiness, give me $50 and watch me smile. I thought that was the funniest line when I first heard it and quoted it nonstop to people. DiBiase begs off only to choke Ramon on the rope when Ramon gets close. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Modified backbreaker gets a two count for DiBiase. DiBiase with a clothesline for a two count. DiBiase with a chin lock. He turns it into a choke. Ramon fading as a Razor chant goes out. Ramon coming back. DiBiase with a knee to the gut. DiBiase with a neck breaker. DiBiase with a suplex. He goes for the Million Dollar Dream, but Ramon blocks it. Back and forth. Both men down. Ramon ran into the turnbuckle and falls outside. DiBiase takes a turnbuckle pad off. Ramon reverses DiBiase into the exposed buckle and hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-Todd Pettingill talks to the mom and sister of the Steiner Brothers. They get interrupted by Jim Cornette, who introduces The Heavenly Bodies.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray with Jim Cornette: Steiner's get a fantastic ovation with this being where they are from. Cornette is wearing a neck brace to sell what Bob Armstrong has been doing to him in SMW. Heavenly Bodies attack the Steiner Brothers as soon as the Steiners get in the ring. They hit a double backdrop on Rick. Scott rescues his brother. The Steiners turn the tables. The crowd cheers wildly. The Bodies roll out to regroup with Cornette. Prichard and Scott start. Scott with a press slam. Rick tagged in. Prichard with a side headlock. Rick with a pair of clotheslines. The Bodies out to regroup again. Scott tagged in. Inverted atomic drop to the Heavenly Bodies. The Bodies double team Scott to regain the advantage. Prichard with an enziguri. Scott thrown outside and Del Ray hits him with a cannonball from the apron. Scott thrown back in. Del Ray in and hits a top rope double ax handle. Back and forth. Del Ray with a DDT and a drop toe hold. Prichard in and chokes Scott. Back and forth. Del Ray tagged in and drops a knee. He gets a two count. Bodies quick tagging. Prichard choking Scott on the ropes. Cornette hits Scott with the racket. Rick goaded in. Scott counters a Del Ray DDT attempt with a belly to belly suplex. Prichard tagged in and cuts Scott off from tagging Rick in. Scott with a double arm powerbomb. Del Ray and Rick tagged in. Rick cleans house with Steinerlines. Top rope bulldog to Del Ray. Prichard breaks up the count. All four men in and in the confusion, Rick power slams Del Ray and Cornette climbs up on the apron and throws the racket to Prichard, who hits Rick from behind with it. Del Ray gets a two count. Prichard holds Rick for Del Ray to moonsault onto. Rick moves and Prichard gets hit instead. Scott hits the Frankensteiner on Del Ray and Rick pins Del Ray. The crowd goes wild.
-Joe Fowler interviews Shawn Michaels, who has Diesel with him. He says he will prove he is the greatest IC Champion of all time.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Diesel vs. Mr. Perfect: Michaels out first despite being the champion. Michaels appears to be out of shape. Perfect gets a great reaction. The bell rings and they circle each other. Perfect with a hammerlock and a snap mare to Michaels. Michaels with a side headlock. Perfect tries to push off, but Michaels holds on. They trade holds and counters. Perfect with a hammerlock to Michaels on the mat and Perfect drops a couple of knees. Michaels back to his feet. They trade holds. They circle each other again. They lock up and vie for position. They trade chops. Perfect with a clothesline for a two count. Perfect with an arm bar. Michaels gets to the corner to break. Perfect misses a corner charge when Michaels moves. Michaels up top, but Perfect counters a clothesline attempt with an arm drag. Back to the arm bar. Perfect gets a two count. Perfect cranks the arm bar on. Perfect counters a dropkick attempt by catapulting Michaels to the outside. Perfect comes out and Diesel distracts him so Michaels can hit Perfect with a superkick. Michaels with a double ax handle to Perfect from the apron. Back in, Michaels keeps up the assault. Michaels working on the lower back. Michaels with a corner whip. Michaels with shots to the back. Another corner whip to Perfect. Michaels slams down on Perfect's back. Michaels with a backbreaker on Perfect. Perfect fighting to get out of the hold. Perfect with right hands. Perfect with a big dropkick and a backdrop. He follows it up with a knee lift for a two count. Perfect with some chops and a right hand for a two count. They vie to get a backslide. Michaels flips over and Perfect gets the Perfect Plex. Diesel grabs Perfect's leg and pulls Perfect out. Perfect attacks Diesel. Perfect also attacks Michaels when he comes out. Diesel runs Perfect into the ring steps. Perfect gets counted out. Perfect attacks Michaels and Diesel after the match. Diesel knocks Perfect out. Michaels and Diesel then leave.
-Todd Pettingill interviews Michaels and Diesel in the aisle. Michaels blows Pettingill off and Perfect takes off after Michaels.
-Joe Fowler interviews the 1-2-3 Kid. Kid says he is nervous to take on IRS.
-123 Kid vs. IRS: IRS does his Tax cheat bit. Kid gets a respectable ovation. The bell rings and they circle each other. IRS with some shoulder blocks. Kid gets IRS down and gets a one count. They circle each other again. IRS gets the advantage. Kid comes back with a dropkick for a two count. IRS throws the Kid out of the ring. He keeps the Kid from getting back in. Kid gets back in and gets a roll up for a two count. IRS drops an elbow for a two count. IRS with an abdominal stretch while hanging on the ropes. He stops when the referee goes to check. IRS with a snap mare and a chin lock. The crowd chants 1-2-3. Kid runs IRS into the buckle. Kid with a moonsault for a two count. Kid with a series of two counts. IRS with a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Todd Pettingill interviews Bruce and Owen Hart. Make it three SummerSlam's in a row for the Hart family to get interviewed. They say Stu Hart had surgery and is at home recovering. Bret Hart is announced and comes out. He is extremely over with the crowd. Bret does his sunglasses presentation. Jerry Lawler comes out on crutches with an ice pack on his left leg. Pettingill interviews Lawler. He says he was in an accident and can't wrestle. He then said he has a substitute to wrestle and brings out Doink.
-Bret Hart vs. Doink: Doink throws confetti on some fans and water on Bruce Hart. Bret grabs Doink and throws him into the ring as officials keep Bruce away. Bret clotheslines Doink outside. Bret follows and unloads on Doink. Back in, Doink begs off. Bret beating Doink down. Bret with a corner whip. He dumps Doink back out of the ring. Doink goes up top, but gets caught and slammed down to the mat. Back and forth. Bret takes off after Lawler and Doink attacks him from behind. Doink with a double ax handle from the top rope. They exchange shots. Doink slams Bret's leg against the post. He gets a one count. Doink with a modified STF. A go Bret go chant goes out. Bret up and Doink hits him with a knee to the stomach for a two count. Doink with the Stump Puller. He holds the ropes and gets caught. Doink comes off the top rope, but Bret gets his knees-up. Bret with a side Russian leg sweep, elbow from the second rope, and then the Sharpshooter on Doink. Lawler comes in and nails Bret with the crutch. Officials keeping Bruce and Owen from getting into the ring. Lawler attacking Bret with the crutch. Lawler helps Doink to the back. Jack Tunney comes out and forces Lawler to go back to the ring. Tunney tells Howard Finkel to announce that if Jerry Lawler doesn't come back to wrestle Bret, he will be banned for life.
-Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler: Bret beating Lawler into the ring. He bites Lawler in the corner. He hits Lawler with a leg drop. Lawler climbs out and Bret follows and attacks Lawler from behind. Lawler attacks Bret with the broken crutch. He goes over and hits Bruce before going back to attacking Bret with the crutch. He posts Bret in the corner. He hits Bret in the throat with the crutch. He beats Bret down in the corner. Bret comes back with a mule kick. He then takes a page out of Lawler's book and pulls the straps of his singlet down. Bret beating Lawler down in the corner. Bret with a backbreaker for a two count. Bret with a piledriver and an elbow drop from the second rope. Bret gets the Sharpshooter on. Lawler gives up, but Bret won't let go. The bell rings repeatedly, but they can't get Bret to let go. Referee Bill Alfonso reverses the decision and Lawler wins. Bret attacks Lawler and officials separate the two. Bruce attacks Lawler on the stretcher that was brought out for Lawler. Lawler is taken to the back and Owen and Bruce raise Bret's hand.
-Ludvig Borga with a prerecorded video outside to put down Lex Luger and America.
-Ludvig Borga vs. Marty Jannetty: Jannetty with a good reaction when he comes out. Borga with hardly no reaction beyond a few boos. Borga attacks Jannetty as soon as he gets in the ring. He beats Jannetty down. He attacks Jannetty with knees to the ribs. He throws Jannetty up and punches him on the way down. He continues to beat Jannetty. Jannetty tries to come back with kicks. Borga with forearms. Back and forth. Borga with a clothesline and a headbutt. Jannetty tries to come back with a sunset flip, but Borga punches him in the face. Borga with a bear hug. Jannetty tries to fight out and does get out, only to get hit with a big clothesline. Jannetty with some offense. He hits a superkick to Borga. Then another one and Jannetty goes back to the second rope. Borga catches Jannetty and slams him down. He puts Jannetty up in the torture rack and Jannetty gives up.
-Survivor Series ad.
-Rest In Peace Match. The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez with Harvey Wippleman: No disqualification, no count out. Wippleman and Gonzalez out first and Wippleman has the Undertaker's urn. The crowd goes crazy when the Undertaker comes out. He takes his time getting to the ring. The bell rings and Undertaker attacks Gonzalez in the corner with throat thrusts and then chokes Gonzalez. Wippleman gets up on the apron. This distracts Undertaker and Gonzalez attacks Undertaker. Back and forth. Gonzalez shoves Undertaker down, but he gets up again. It goes outside and Gonzalez runs Undertaker into the ring steps and then Gonzalez grabs a chair. He hits Undertaker. He corner whips Undertaker into the ring steps again. Undertaker gets back into the ring, but Gonzalez attacks him immediately. Undertaker keeps going after the urn and Wippleman keeps taking it away. Gonzalez beating Undertaker down in the center of the ring when the Undertaker's gong goes off again and Paul Bearer comes out. He is carrying a black RIP wreath to ringside. He placed the wreath at ringside. Wippleman goes to attack Bearer, who knocks Wippleman out. Bearer gets the urn. Gonzalez scoop slams Undertaker and starts to go after Bearer. Undertaker sits up and attacks Gonzalez. Undertaker with a series of clotheslines to get Gonzalez down. Undertaker with a flying clothesline to pin Gonzalez. Undertaker and Bearer then leave. Gonzalez attacks Wippleman and choke slams him.
-Joe Fowler talks to Yokozuna, Mr. Fuji, and Jim Cornette. Cornette says the Heavenly Bodies were ripped off. He then says Lex Luger has no chance against Yokozuna. He says the time has come.
-6-man tag team match. The Smoking Gunns Billy and Bart and Tatanka vs. The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu and Bam Bam Bigelow with Afa and Luna Vachon: All 6 start brawling when the bell rings. Bigelow and Tatanka start. Bigelow with the early advantage. Tatanka with a comeback. He hits a backdrop. Back and forth. Double crossbody and both men down. Billy and Fatu both tagged in. They trade holds. Billy with a top rope bulldog. Samu tagged in. Billy guillotined on the top rope. Billy thrown outside and Afa attacks him. Bart tagged in. A body press gets a two count for Bart. Samu with a back elbow. Samu slams Bart head first into the mat. Bigelow tagged in. He gets a dropkick after a two count. Fatu tagged in and gets a two count after a power slam. Fatu bites Bart. Heels frequent tagging. Bigelow in and runs Bart into the Headshrinkers heads. Fatu in and slams Bart. Heels triple teaming Bart. Samu in and Bart collapses after taking a beating. Bigelow in and a double back elbow to Bart. Bigelow misses a corner charge and hits the post when Bart moves. Tatanka tagged in and cleans house. Tatanka with a series of chops to get Bigelow down. Tatanka goes up top and hits a crossbody for a close two count. Back and forth. Bigelow with an enziguri. Samu in and hits a falling headbutt, but the Smoking Gunns break up the pin attempt. All 6 men going at it. Bigelow splashes Tatanka in the corner and the heels hit a triple headbutt. All three go up to hit a triple diving headbutt. They miss when Tatanka moves. Fatu and Bigelow out with the Gunns and Tatanka rolls up Samu to get the pin.
-Joe Fowler interviews Hank, the man who drove the Lex Express bus. Hank says Lex Luger is a genuine person. He puts over Luger. Todd Pettingill interviews people in the crowd as a USA chant goes out. They have someone sing the Japanese National Anthem. The crowd is not impressed.
-Howard Finkel introduces Randy Savage as the MC for the Main Event. He comes out with Aaron Neville, who is waving the US flag. Savage introduces Neville to sing the National Anthem. He does a great job.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. Lex Luger: Yoko and company out first. Yokozuna presented with flowers and does the salt ceremony. Savage then announces Lex Luger, who gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and they are face to face. Luger says something to Yokozuna, but you can't tell what it is. Fuji sneaks up on the apron behind Luger. He distracts Luger so Yoko can attack. Luger gets the better of the exchange and attacks Yokozuna. Luger with a back elbow. Yoko with an elbow of his own, but he misses a leg drop. Yoko goes to leave, but Luger kicks the ropes to knock Yoko down. Luger with an elbow drop. He gets a two count. Yokozuna with a slam, but misses an elbow. Luger with shots to Yokozuna in the corner. A USA chant goes out. Luger with a corner whip and clothesline. He does some corner mounted punches. Yokozuna comes back with chops and chokes Luger down in the corner. Fuji tries to hit Luger with powder, but Luger deflects it. Luger trying to knock Yoko down. Yoko knocks Luger down instead. Yoko headbutts Luger to the outside. Luger tries to get on the apron, only to get knocked out again. Yoko follows and chokes Luger. He slaps Luger and then splashes Luger up against the post. Yoko grabs a chair and swings it, but Luger ducks and attacks Yokozuna. He rolls Yoko back in. Double ax handle to Yokozuna from the second rope. Luger goes up top and hits another ax handle. A forearm from the top rope finally knocks Yokozuna down. Luger gets a two count. Luger with another forearm for a two count. Double clothesline and both men down. A double count going. Cornette up on the apron to distract referee Earl Hebner while Fuji throws the salt bucket to Yokozuna. Yoko nails Luger with the bucket. Yokozuna falls down exhausted but crawls over to Luger and covers, but Luger kicks out. Yoko chops Luger. Luger trying to come back. Yokozuna with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Yokozuna chokes Luger on the second rope. He then rakes Luger's eyes. Yokozuna with a side suplex for another two count. Yokozuna with a snap mare and a nerve hold. Luger trying to fight back. Luger breaks the hold and tries to slam Yokozuna, but Yoko falls on Luger for a two count. Yokozuna with a leg drop for another two count. Yokozuna drags Luger to the corner and goes for the Banzai Drop, but Luger moves out of the way. Yokozuna runs Luger into a turnbuckle. Back and forth. Yokozuna chops Luger in the corner. He misses a corner charge and Luger slams Yokozuna. Fuji up on the apron and Luger knocks him out. Luger pulls the forearm pad down and knocks Yokozuna out of the ring. Yokozuna gets counted out. Luger wins the match, but Yokozuna retains the title. The Steiner Brothers, Tatanka, and Randy Savage come in and they celebrate. Why? What are they celebrating? This is dumb. Confetti falls. They put Luger on their shoulders. Poor Luger never had a chance. Balloons fall. It's a whole thing.
-Luger celebration video. Yokozuna is still out.
-They go to Joe Fowler in Lex Luger's dressing room. They get interrupted by Ludvig Borga. He says he's not impressed and if Luger ever steps in the ring with Borga, Borga will crush Luger. They sign off from SummerSlam.
-Final Thoughts: A pretty good show with an awful main event. Luger never recovered from this in the WWF.

Episode 230 Notes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 25b2e819-fb3d-41bd-992c-1c9181bc300c My notes for Episode 230: WrestleMania XL, Night 2. The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
-Welcome to the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I'm your host Joey Harris and we are broadcasting from MakeShift Studios in the shadow of south central Virginia.
-Follow the show on Twitter: @CupofJoepod.
-Email the show at [email protected].
-Support the show at
Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Cody Rhodes
World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
WWE Women's Championship: Iyo Sky (c) vs. Bayley
United States Championship Triple Threat: Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
LA Knight vs. AJ Styles
Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. The Final Testament (Karrion Kross & The Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar)
-Final Thoughts:

Episode 229 Notes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7e671a2f-7a7a-4023-80d2-cc8c57b33647 My notes for Episode 229: WrestleMania XL, Night 1. The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
-Welcome to the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I'm your host Joey Harris and we are broadcasting from MakeShift Studios in the shadow of south central Virginia.
-Follow the show on Twitter: @CupofJoepod.
-Email the show at [email protected].
-Support the show at
The Rock & Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins
Women's World Championship: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch
Intercontinental Championship: Gunther (c) vs. Sami Zayn
Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso
Six-Pack ladder match for Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Finn Bálor) vs. Awesome Truth (The Miz & R-Truth) vs. DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller)
Bianca Belair, Naomi & Jade Cargill vs. Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai, Asuka & Kairi Sane)
Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee vs. Santos Escobar & Dominik Mysterio
-Final Thoughts:

Episode 228 Notes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] f86934ee-cbb5-40a2-aa7e-7c04d4f5a190 My notes for Episode 228: ECW Double Tables. -Today we look at Double Tables from ECW.
-ECW Double Tables took place February 4, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA with 1,000 in attendance.
-Presented in the most original form.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to ECW and introduces Jason, who comes out. Jason says the crowd is electric. He says that soon he will have the new ECW Tag Team Champions in the Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls come out. He then brings out Jason the Terrible from WINGS promotion in Japan.
-6-Man Tag team match. The Pit Bulls and Jason the Terrible with Jason vs. Hack Myers and The Young Dragons: Young Dragon 1 and Pit Bull 1 start. Pit Bull 1 dominating. Pit Bull 2 tagged in and continues the beat down. He then goes over and slaps Myers. Pit Bull 2 unmasks Dragon 1 and throws him to the corner. Myers tagged in. Pit Bull 1 back in. Myers beats Pit Bull 1 down to the ground with some stiff shots. He does the same to Pit Bull 2 and then Irish whips and hits Pit Bull 1 with a clothesline. Pit Bull 1 comes back with a low blow to Myers. Double suplex by the Pit Bulls. Pit Bull 2 in and he and Myers exchange blows in the corner. Myers misses a leg drop. Pit Bull 1 tagged in. He hits Myers with a kick to the head. Myers thrown outside and double teamed by the heels. Myers thrown in and Pit Bull 1 with a corner clothesline. Myers fighting back. Jason the Terrible tagged in. He knocks Myers down. Jason the Terrible with a brutal clothesline to Myers. Myers fighting back. Myers triple teamed. Young Dragons not interfering at all. Jason the Terrible headbutting Myers over and over and pins Myers after a splash. Jason the manager says Jason the Terrible is a monster. He sends Jason the Terrible to the back. Myers attacks Jason and the Pit Bulls with a chair. Jason trying to avoid Myers. Myers attacks Jason in the ring. Angel comes out to check on Jason and attacks Myers. Myers then attacks Angel. He then spanks Angel and not everything ages well. Angel likes it and kisses Myers. He responds by piledriving her.
-Stevie Richards with Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer: Welcome Scott Levy to ECW where he will make a name for himself. Dreamer out to a great ovation. They lock up and Dreamer pushes off. Another lock up and shove off. They fight for position. It goes outside and Dreamer whipped into the barricade and Richards hits him with a chair. Richards puts Dreamer's shirt on. Dreamer with a clothesline to Richards. He puts his shirt back on and hits Richards with a neck breaker. He throws Richards outside and hits him with a chair. He brutalizes Richards and whips him into the barricade. He hits Richards with a frying pan. He low blows Richards with the pan. Richards with a thumb to the eyes and a backdrop to Dreamer. He then chokes Dreamer. Richards with an Irish whip. Dreamer comes back with a DDT and a side suplex. He does a frog splash, but Raven gets up on the apron to distract Dreamer. Dreamer goes for a moonsault, but Richards hits the ropes. Dreamer knocks Richards off and hits a crossbody for a two count. Dreamer with a neck breaker for a two count. Raven comes in and grabs Dreamer. Richards superkicks Dreamer. Dreamer ducks another superkick attempt, low blows Richards, and gets the pin. Raven gets into the ring, but Richards and the referee keep him away from Dreamer and then Raven leaves. The fans chant pussy to Raven. Dreamer tells Raven to go back to the WWF and tell them to kiss ECW's ass.
-Paul Lauria with Jason vs. Mikey Whipwreck: Lauria attacks Whipwreck before he gets to the ring and Whipwreck throws him out to the crowd. The fans throw Lauria back. This happens a couple of times. Whipwreck with a side headlock. Back and forth. They do a nice series of moves to each other and Lauria works on the arm of Whipwreck. Into an arm bar. Whipwreck comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Whipwreck with a suplex and a fist drop. Whipwreck with a backdrop for a two count. Whipwreck with a sunset flip for another two count. Jason up on the apron. Whipwreck runs Lauria into Jason to knock him off the apron. Whipwreck with a headscissors to Lauria to knock him out of the ring. Whipwreck misses a tope when Lauria moves. Lauria slams Whipwreck down. Jason then attacks Whipwreck. Lauria slams Whipwreck on the outside and slams a chair down on Whipwreck's neck. Lauria gets a two count. Lauria with a suplex for another two count. Lauria trying to fight out of a double arm DDT attempt. Whipwreck turns it into a suplex for a two count. Lauria with a low blow. Lauria goes up top, but gets caught and crotched on the top rope. Whipwreck bulldogs Lauria off the top rope. Jason breaks up the cover by pulling Whipwreck out of the ring. Whipwreck chases Jason and knocks Jason down. Whipwreck with a backslide to get the pin.
-Axl Rotten vs. Ian Rotten: Axl runs to the ring and they start brawling immediately at ringside. Axl just beats Ian down and hits him with a stop sign. He then hits him with a chair. They fight out into the crowd and Ian is busted open. They brawl up into the bleachers. Ian with a low blow. His face is a bloody mess. Axl hits Ian with a frying pan. It finally goes into the ring. Axl trying to tear Ian's forehead apart. He punches Ian repeatedly. Axl takes the timekeeper's hammer and digs it into Ian's shoulder. Ian comes back with kicks to Axl in the corner. Ian with a corner whip and a baseball slide to Axl. Ian throws Axl outside. Axl moves and hits Ian with a chair. Ian back in the ring and begging off. Axl pounds Ian. Ian gets Axl down and pins Axl, but Ian had his feet on the ropes. Axl attacks Ian from behind with a chair after the match.
-Chris Benoit vs. Al Snow: The bell rings and they circle each other. They exchange moves. Benoit with a wrist lock. They lock up again. Back and forth. They trade a series of two counts and the crowd loves it. Snow with a superkick. They circle each other again. They trade moves. The pace is fast and frantic with holds and counters. They chop each other. Benoit sends Snow to the outside, but Snow holds on to the ropes. He jumps on the top rope from the apron and hits Benoit with a dropkick. Snow with a spinning heel kick and Benoit rolls to the outside to regroup. Benoit drapes Snow on the top rope. Benoit avoids a top rope dropkick. Benoit with a German suplex for a two count. Benoit with a clothesline. Irish whip and a back elbow by Benoit. Benoit with a series of forearms to Snow in the corner. Benoit with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Snow trying to come back. Benoit with a scoop slam. He hits a flying headbutt, but only gets a two count. Benoit with a powerbomb for another two count. They trade blows. Benoit with a snap suplex and a German suplex for another two count. Snow hits the Snow Plow. Both wrestlers down. Snow with a German suplex and a clothesline. Snow beats Benoit down in the corner. A superkick gets a two count for Snow. A fisherman's suplex gets another two count for Snow. Benoit with a belly to back suplex. Benoit with a full nelson into a suplex to get the pin. Benoit with a powerbomb after the match. Paramedics out to check on Snow. They carry Snow out on a backboard.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Shane Douglas vs. Tully Blanchard: Blanchard comes out to a mixed reaction. Blanchard attacks Douglas in the corner. He gets Douglas down and punches him. He hits a slingshot suplex for a two count. Blanchard with a piledriver for a close two count as Douglas gets his foot on the ropes. Douglas with a corner whip, but Blanchard catches Douglas with a knee lift as Douglas was charging in. Blanchard with another knee and an elbow drop for a two count. Blanchard with a chin lock. Douglas comes back. It goes to the outside. Douglas suplexes Blanchard on a table. Douglas drops an elbow on Blanchard from the ring apron. Blanchard slams Douglas on the table. Back in, Blanchard with a top rope elbow drop. Blanchard with corner mounted punches. Douglas comes back with punches. Both men go up and over to the outside. Both wrestlers down. Back and forth in the ring. Douglas gets a two count. Blanchard throws Douglas back out of the ring. He then throws Douglas into the crowd. Blanchard chokes Douglas by the barricade and drives Douglas's face into the concrete. He then atomic drops Douglas. Blanchard with a backbreaker. Blanchard goes to suplex Douglas in, but Douglas shifts his weight and gets the pin.
-Texas Death Match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Cactus Jack: Cactus attacks Sandman as Sandman and Woman are coming to the ring. Cactus hits Sandman with a chair and a crutch. Cactus Jack grabs another chair as Sandman has gotten into the ring and Cactus hits Sandman with the chair. He hits Sandman several times with the chair. He covers Sandman for the three count. Sandman up at the 5 count, only to get knocked back down by Cactus. Cactus with a leg drop onto the chair that has been put on Sandman. Another three count. Sandman up again. Cactus kicks Sandman to the floor. Cactus hits Sandman with a frying pan. Cactus with an Irish whip, but Sandman drops down and Cactus hits the barricade. Sandman throws Cactus back into the barricade and then into the ring. Sandman with a slingshot dropkick to Cactus Jack. Sandman with a corner whip. Back and forth. Sandman thrown outside again. Cactus with a snap mare. He misses a leg drop. Sandman seems to not know where he is. Cactus misses a running charge when Sandman moves. Back in, Sandman with a suplex and a knee drop. Sandman with a knee to the midsection. Sandman attacking Cactus in the corner. Sandman drives Cactus Jack's bad knee into a chair. Woman canes Cactus on the bad knee. Sandman attacks Cactus Jack in the corner. Sandman grabs a chair and goes to hit referee Jim Molineaux and Joey Styles says Sandman doesn't know where he is. Cactus attacks Sandman from behind. Sandman reverses a piledriver attempt by back dropping Cactus onto the chair. Sandman with a corner whip. Cactus with a pair of headbutts and a snap mare to Sandman. Cactus with a DDT on the chair for a two count. Sandman piledrives Cactus on the chair, but gets up at the count of two. Sandman DDTs Cactus Jack on the chair to get the pin. Sandman breaks the count and attacks Cactus Jack. They trade blows in the corner and Cactus grabs the Singapore cane. He hits Sandman with the cane. They trade blows on the outside. Jack grabs the chair and dives with it onto Sandman from the apron. Sandman kicks out at two. Cactus throws the chair at Sandman and drops the elbow for the pin. Sandman gets up. Cactus Jack can't put Sandman away. Cactus DDTs Sandman on the concrete to get the pin, but Sandman keeps getting up. Another DDT and pin on the concrete, but Sandman sits up again. A third DDT and pin and Sandman is finally counted down and Cactus Jack wins. A mixed reaction to the announcement.
-Double Tables match for the ECW Tag Team Championship. The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. Sabu and The Tazmaniac with Paul E Dangerously and 911: The crowd is at least into Public Enemy's entrance. Rock tells them they are finally going to see some real wrestling. All four start to brawl as soon as Taz and Sabu come out. Grunge and Sabu spill to the outside. Taz hits Rock with a belly to back suplex. Taz powerbombs Rock. Back and forth. Sabu sets Grunge on the chair and Sabu hits a plancha onto the seated Grunge. All four brawl outside. It spills out to the crowd and Grunge has been busted open. Sabu throws Grunge down the bleachers. Grunge hits Sabu with a frying pan. He hits Sabu repeatedly with the pan. All four in the ring. Sabu hits a running charge off of a chair onto Grunge and then hits the Arabian Face Buster. Taz grabs a table. Public Enemy attack Taz and Sabu. They set two tables up. Taz runs Rock into a table leg. Sabu puts Grunge on a table and goes to drive Grunge through it, but Grunge moves. The table doesn't break, but a leg gives out. Rock grabs the leg and attacks Sabu with it. All four brawling again. Sabu places a table into a corner. Grunge belly to belly suplexes Taz. Sabu and Taz whipped into the set up table. Rock ran into the table. Sabu puts Rock's head through the table. Taz and Grunge go through a table from the top turnbuckle. Rock puts Sabu on a table. Rock cannonballs Sabu through the table, but referee Jim Molineaux didn't see it. Grunge choking Paul E on the outside. Taz and Sabu set a table up outside and put Rock on it. Taz holds Rock and Sabu climbs up top. He leg drops Rock through the table. The winners and new tag champions are Sabu and Taz. All four continue to brawl. 911 and Sabu set up tables in the ring. Rock set on a table. Chris Benoit comes out and attacks Sabu and then powerbombs Sabu onto Rock to end the show.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show. The Texas Death Match was the highlight for me.

Episode 227 Notes Thu, 28 Mar 2024 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6cfc51c3-fd5c-4afd-800c-9e946f9df530 My notes for Episode 227: Hell in a Cell 2016. -RIP Jackie Crockett.
-My weekend.
-Today we look at the 1993 SummerSlam Spectacular from the WWF.
-The 1993 SummerSlam Spectacular was shown on the USA Network on August 22, 1993. It was recorded August 16, 1993 from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, NY. There were 3,000 in attendance.
-Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon run down what we are going to see.
-Non-title match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Jim Duggan: Yoko booed heavily when he comes out. Duggan gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. A USA chant goes out. Duggan attacks Yokozuna from behind. He goes after Yokozuna with a 2X4, but referee Mike Chioda takes it away from Duggan. Yokozuna takes advantage to attack Duggan. Fuji hits Duggan with the flagpole when Chioda is distracted. Yokozuna kicks Duggan. Fuji chokes Duggan. Yokozuna throws Duggan outside. Duggan comes back with left and right hands. Yoko drops a leg on Duggan. Yokozuna with a headbutt and a bear hug. The USA chant goes out again. Duggan goes to slam Yokozuna, but Yoko falls on him for a two count. Yokozuna goes back to the bear hug. Duggan fighting to get out and bites Yokozuna. Yokozuna chops Duggan in the corner. He then chokes Duggan. Duggan fighting back. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but Duggan moves on the charge. Yokozuna hitting Duggan's back with forearms. Duggan comes back with punches and a clothesline. Two more clotheslines knock Yokozuna down. Fuji grabs Duggan's foot as he was going for the three point stance. Yokozuna splashes Duggan in the corner and hits the Banzai Drop to get the pin. Officials come down and get Duggan away from Yokozuna.
-Vince McMahon interviews Jim Cornette, Mr. Fuji, and Yokozuna. Cornette says Yokozuna is a rabid dog and ready for SummerSlam and Lex Luger, but it's Luger's last shot.
-Jim and Gorilla talk about the SummerSlam hotline.
-Flashback to what's happened between Money Inc and Razon Ramon.
-Blake Beverly vs. Razor Ramon: Ramon has become very popular with the crowd. A Razor chant goes out. Ramon throws his tooth pick at Beverly. They lock up and drive to a corner. Beverly chops Ramon in the corner. Ramon comes back with chops of his own. Beverly bails to the outside. Ramon follows. Beverly back in and gets a side headlock. Ramon tries to get out. Beverly goes back to the headlock. Every time Ramon gets out, Beverly pulls the hair to get him back in the move. Ramon gets out and pulls Beverly's hair to get him down to the mat. Beverly wants a test of strength. Back and forth Beverly backdrops Ramon to the outside. Beverly takes off a turnbuckle pad. Beverly with a neck breaker. Corner clothesline to Ramon into the exposed buckle. Beverly with a backbreaker. A Razor chant goes out. Beverly with a power slam for a two count. Beverly with slaps to Ramon. Ramon reverse Irish whips Beverly into the exposed buckle and hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-SummerSlam commercial.
-Lex Express video.
-Kings Court with Jerry Lawler. Lawler puts down Bret Hart and his family. JR interviews Hart about Lawler. Hart says he will put down Lawler at The Summerslam so TASIYDAH.
-The Smoking Gunns and Tatanka vs. Reno Riggins, Barry Horowitz, and The Brooklyn Brawler: You know who was going to win this one. Tatanka hits Riggins with a body press to get the pin.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the Undertaker about the Rest In Peace match. Undertaker says he doesn't have the urn or Paul Bearer, but does have the creatures of the night. Harvey Wippleman and Giant Gonzalez come out and officials keep them apart.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Diesel vs. Bob Backlund: Not a bad match between the two. Michaels gets the pin with a roll up and a handful of tights.
-Vince McMahon interviews Ludvig Borga, who says Americans are stupid. He says he's here to dish out pain.
-Marty Jannetty vs. Duane Gill: Jannetty wins with a flying fist drop.
-WWF Tag Team Championship match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. Money Inc Ted DiBiase and IRS: Cage match where the door is locked. Both team members must climb out of the cage and hit the floor. Steiners out and extremely popular. The bell rings and IRS tries to climb out and the Steiners stop him and then stop DiBiase from climbing out. They pair off. Steiners try to climb, but Money Inc stop them from climbing. They go back and forth. Both teams trying to get out. IRS perched on the top of the cage and Scott drags him down. IRS crotches Scott on the top rope. Rick does the same to DiBiase on the top of the cage. IRS gets caught and crotched on the cage. Scott trying to climb out. DiBiase grabs Scott and suplexes Scott back in the ring. Money Inc double team Rick in the corner. Rick trying to get out. All four going at it. Both Steiners trying to climb out. IRS superplexes Scott off the top of the cage. Both Money Inc members trying to get out. IRS slammed off. DiBiase run into the steel. Scott climbs over, but Money Inc grabs Scott and starts to drag him back in. Rick tries to climb out, but DiBiase tries to get him down. Back and forth on the cage. All four in the cage. Scott gets IRS on his shoulders. IRS comes back and runs Scott into the turnbuckle. Rick collides with DiBiase. Scott and IRS both climbing out and get down. Rick starts to climb, but IRS climbs back in to stop Rick. Scott climbs back in and hits IRS with a double ax handle from the top rope. Both Steiners trying to get out. All four going at it. Scott back out again. DiBiase with a backbreaker. Scott climbs back in. Scott trying to stop IRS, but he gets out. Steiners stop DiBiase from getting out. DiBiase tied up. Steiners climbing out. IRS gets in and stops the Steiners from getting out. Rick gets down. Money Inc double teaming Scott. Scott with a double Steinerline. All three men down. Scott starts to climb. DiBiase fighting him. IRS climbs out. Rick grabs him. DiBiase out and trying to get IRS off, but Scott climbs out to win as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good set up for SummerSlam with a great cage match.

Episode 226 Notes Thu, 28 Mar 2024 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 55a9eb58-3dd5-4842-878e-1d3c74b2fa64 My notes for Episode 226: SummerSlam Spectacular 1993. -RIP Jackie Crockett.
-My weekend.
-Today we look at the 1993 SummerSlam Spectacular from the WWF.
-The 1993 SummerSlam Spectacular was shown on the USA Network on August 22, 1993. It was recorded August 16, 1993 from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, NY. There were 3,000 in attendance.
-Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon run down what we are going to see.
-Non-title match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Jim Duggan: Yoko booed heavily when he comes out. Duggan gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. A USA chant goes out. Duggan attacks Yokozuna from behind. He goes after Yokozuna with a 2X4, but referee Mike Chioda takes it away from Duggan. Yokozuna takes advantage to attack Duggan. Fuji hits Duggan with the flagpole when Chioda is distracted. Yokozuna kicks Duggan. Fuji chokes Duggan. Yokozuna throws Duggan outside. Duggan comes back with left and right hands. Yoko drops a leg on Duggan. Yokozuna with a headbutt and a bear hug. The USA chant goes out again. Duggan goes to slam Yokozuna, but Yoko falls on him for a two count. Yokozuna goes back to the bear hug. Duggan fighting to get out and bites Yokozuna. Yokozuna chops Duggan in the corner. He then chokes Duggan. Duggan fighting back. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but Duggan moves on the charge. Yokozuna hitting Duggan's back with forearms. Duggan comes back with punches and a clothesline. Two more clotheslines knock Yokozuna down. Fuji grabs Duggan's foot as he was going for the three point stance. Yokozuna splashes Duggan in the corner and hits the Banzai Drop to get the pin. Officials come down and get Duggan away from Yokozuna.
-Vince McMahon interviews Jim Cornette, Mr. Fuji, and Yokozuna. Cornette says Yokozuna is a rabid dog and ready for SummerSlam and Lex Luger, but it's Luger's last shot.
-Jim and Gorilla talk about the SummerSlam hotline.
-Flashback to what's happened between Money Inc and Razon Ramon.
-Blake Beverly vs. Razor Ramon: Ramon has become very popular with the crowd. A Razor chant goes out. Ramon throws his tooth pick at Beverly. They lock up and drive to a corner. Beverly chops Ramon in the corner. Ramon comes back with chops of his own. Beverly bails to the outside. Ramon follows. Beverly back in and gets a side headlock. Ramon tries to get out. Beverly goes back to the headlock. Every time Ramon gets out, Beverly pulls the hair to get him back in the move. Ramon gets out and pulls Beverly's hair to get him down to the mat. Beverly wants a test of strength. Back and forth Beverly backdrops Ramon to the outside. Beverly takes off a turnbuckle pad. Beverly with a neck breaker. Corner clothesline to Ramon into the exposed buckle. Beverly with a backbreaker. A Razor chant goes out. Beverly with a power slam for a two count. Beverly with slaps to Ramon. Ramon reverse Irish whips Beverly into the exposed buckle and hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-SummerSlam commercial.
-Lex Express video.
-Kings Court with Jerry Lawler. Lawler puts down Bret Hart and his family. JR interviews Hart about Lawler. Hart says he will put down Lawler at The Summerslam so TASIYDAH.
-The Smoking Gunns and Tatanka vs. Reno Riggins, Barry Horowitz, and The Brooklyn Brawler: You know who was going to win this one. Tatanka hits Riggins with a body press to get the pin.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the Undertaker about the Rest In Peace match. Undertaker says he doesn't have the urn or Paul Bearer, but does have the creatures of the night. Harvey Wippleman and Giant Gonzalez come out and officials keep them apart.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Diesel vs. Bob Backlund: Not a bad match between the two. Michaels gets the pin with a roll up and a handful of tights.
-Vince McMahon interviews Ludvig Borga, who says Americans are stupid. He says he's here to dish out pain.
-Marty Jannetty vs. Duane Gill: Jannetty wins with a flying fist drop.
-WWF Tag Team Championship match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. Money Inc Ted DiBiase and IRS: Cage match where the door is locked. Both team members must climb out of the cage and hit the floor. Steiners out and extremely popular. The bell rings and IRS tries to climb out and the Steiners stop him and then stop DiBiase from climbing out. They pair off. Steiners try to climb, but Money Inc stop them from climbing. They go back and forth. Both teams trying to get out. IRS perched on the top of the cage and Scott drags him down. IRS crotches Scott on the top rope. Rick does the same to DiBiase on the top of the cage. IRS gets caught and crotched on the cage. Scott trying to climb out. DiBiase grabs Scott and suplexes Scott back in the ring. Money Inc double team Rick in the corner. Rick trying to get out. All four going at it. Both Steiners trying to climb out. IRS superplexes Scott off the top of the cage. Both Money Inc members trying to get out. IRS slammed off. DiBiase run into the steel. Scott climbs over, but Money Inc grabs Scott and starts to drag him back in. Rick tries to climb out, but DiBiase tries to get him down. Back and forth on the cage. All four in the cage. Scott gets IRS on his shoulders. IRS comes back and runs Scott into the turnbuckle. Rick collides with DiBiase. Scott and IRS both climbing out and get down. Rick starts to climb, but IRS climbs back in to stop Rick. Scott climbs back in and hits IRS with a double ax handle from the top rope. Both Steiners trying to get out. All four going at it. Scott back out again. DiBiase with a backbreaker. Scott climbs back in. Scott trying to stop IRS, but he gets out. Steiners stop DiBiase from getting out. DiBiase tied up. Steiners climbing out. IRS gets in and stops the Steiners from getting out. Rick gets down. Money Inc double teaming Scott. Scott with a double Steinerline. All three men down. Scott starts to climb. DiBiase fighting him. IRS climbs out. Rick grabs him. DiBiase out and trying to get IRS off, but Scott climbs out to win as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good set up for SummerSlam with a great cage match.

Episode 225 Notes Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 512947e1-379b-43a2-867a-7ba561d682f1 My notes for Episode 225: Clash of the Champions XXIV. -Yutaka Yoshie.
-My weekend.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXIV from WCW.
-Clash XXIV was shown on TBS on August 18, 1993 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Clash and state that Brian Pillman is injured and can't compete. The Hollywood Blonds gloat that Pillman is hurt, but Schiavone says the Blonds were informed that they must put up the titles so Lord Steven Regal will take Pillman's place.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hollywood Blonds Steve Austin and Lord Steven Regal subbing for Brian Pillman with Pillman and Sir William vs. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Paul Roma: Anderson and Austin start. They lock up and vie for position. Drive to a corner. They finally break up against the ropes. They lock up again and Anderson with a side headlock. Austin pushes off and Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Austin with a big clothesline to Anderson. Austin with a snap mare and drops an elbow on Anderson. He gets a two count. Another snap mare and Austin is going after Anderson relentlessly. Anderson with a double leg pick up and punches Austin in the head. Anderson catapults Austin out to the apron. Austin gets back in the ring only for Anderson to backdrop him out to the floor. Austin grabs Anderson and pulls him outside. They exchange blows on the floor. Regal tagged in. Anderson with a wrist lock. Roma tagged in and he unloads on Regal. He punches Regal and gets a wrist lock on Regal. Back and forth. Roma with a dropkick. Regal with an Irish whip. Austin trips Roma and Regal takes advantage. Austin tagged in and hits a shot from the second rope as Regal holds Roma. Austin with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Austin with a suplex. He then chokes Roma on the second rope. Referee Nick Patrick gets Austin away, allowing Pillman to choke Roma on the second rope. Regal tagged in and he takes over on Roma. Regal with an Irish whip and Roma comes back with a sunset flip attempt. Regal drops straight down to avoid going over. Regal takes over and hits a gut wrench suplex on Roma. He gets a two count. Austin tagged in and they trade blows in the corner. Austin with a two count. Regal tagged in and hit a corner whip and charge. Regal with a single leg pick up. Austin tagged back in. Anderson goes after Sir William, distracting Patrick while Roma gets an inside cradle and gets a one count. Anderson hits Austin with a big left hand in the corner. Roma hits a modified Stun Gun on Austin. Anderson tagged in, but the ref didn't see it. Regal in without tagging, but Patrick didn't see that either. I don't get it. You have to stay consistent. Austin and Anderson both tagged in. Anderson with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He cleans house. Anderson goes for a DDT on Austin, but gets hit from behind by Regal. Roma knocks Regal out of the ring. Pillman and Sir William both up on the apron with crutches. Anderson runs Austin into William and rolls Austin up to get the pin. New Tag Team Champions. A replay shows that Anderson pulled the tights during the pin and that makes Jesse livid.
-Eric Bischoff interviews the Horsemen. Paul Roma says they are willing to adapt to any situation and he is proud to be a Horseman. Anderson says to be a Horseman means thinking singularly and acting as a collective and tonight, they are the champions.
-Bobby Eaton vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Scorpio is popular with the crowd as he comes out. They lock up and drive to the corner. They trade wrist locks. Eaton throws Scorpio out, but he grabs the apron and rolls Eaton up with a bridge to get a two count. Eaton with a clothesline. Eaton with punches to Scorpio in the corner. Eaton with a corner whip, but Scorpio drops down on the charge and Eaton runs into the turnbuckle. A crossbody by Scorpio gets a two count. A series of moves into an arm bar. Into a headlock. Back and forth. Eaton chokes Scorpio on the second rope. Eaton with a hammerlock. Scorpio puts Eaton on the top rope and dropkicks Eaton to the outside. Scorpio with a suicide dive onto Eaton on the outside. Scorpio with a pair of corner whips and Eaton with a trip to get Scorpio down. Eaton with a swinging neck breaker and a flying elbow drop. He gets a two count. They exchange blows. Scorpio hits the 360 splash to get the pin.
-Mask vs. Norma Jean match. Maxx Payne vs. Johnny B. Badd: Payne attacks Badd as soon as Badd gets in the ring. He drops elbows on Badd and keeps up the attack. Badd tries to come back, but Payne ducks a crossbody attempt. Payne with a side slam. Payne takes off one mask, but Badd has another mask on underneath. Payne reverses an Irish whip and Badd comes back with a flying headscissors. Payne comes back with a clothesline. Payne goes for the Payne Killer and Badd comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Payne with another clothesline. Payne drops an elbow. Payne misses a splash attempt and Badd gets the pin. Badd gets Norma Jean.
-Jesse interviews Badd after the match. Badd is happy he won and says he will reveal what his face looks like on WCW Saturday Night.
-A Flair for the Gold. This is probably the most infamous Flair for the Gold segment. Flair comes out and welcomes everyone. He introduces FiFi. He then brings out Sting and The British Bulldog. Flair talks about Fall Brawl coming up. They are fired up. They get interrupted by Sid Vicious, Col. Robert Parker, and the newly arrived Harlem Heat. They tell them to present their partner and the Shockmaster debuts. You've seen the clip. He falls through the wall. The helmet comes off. Davey Boy Smith says he fell on his ass. It's a whole thing. Vicious doesn't break at all. Now that's a professional. Ole Anderson is the voice of the Shockmaster. It's like that old joke. Fred Fell down. Dusty Rhodes on the Shockmaster.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Fall Brawl and Jesse is still laughing about the Shockmaster.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Paul Orndorff vs. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat out first and does his fire breathing gimmick. Orndorff out to chants of Paula. Michael Buffer does the introductions. Orndorff screams at the crowd. They lock up. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover for a two count. Orndorff pushes off. Steamboat with a shoulder block for a two count. and they start at a fast pace. Steamboat back to the side headlock. Into a wrist lock. Back and forth. Steamboat goes to the side headlock. Steamboat goes to dive onto Orndorff, who ducks and Steamboat falls out onto the ramp. Orndorff out after him and kicking Steamboat. He throws Steamboat back in and hits a top rope elbow smash. He gets a two count. Orndorff goes into a reverse chin lock. They trade moves and covers. Orndorff gets frustrated that he can't pin Steamboat. Orndorff reversing all of Steamboat's moves. He can't get the pin though. He throws Steamboat to the outside and follows out and attacks Steamboat. Steamboat comes back and hits a top rope chop to Orndorff. He gets a two count. Steamboat the aggressor now. He's chopping Orndorff to the outside. He then hits a suicide dive to Orndorff. Orndorff comes back with a shoulder block to get a couple of two counts. Orndorff comes over and grabs the TV title. Steamboat takes the opportunity to roll Orndorff up for a two count. Steamboat with a crossbody and Orndorff rolls through to get a two count and this has been a tremendous match. Steamboat rolls Orndorff up to get the pin and become the new TV Champion. Orndorff attacks Steamboat and piledrives Steamboat on the belt. Officials out to check on Steamboat and to get Orndorff away.
-Fall Brawl ad.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Harley Race who is with the Kongs. Race talks about going after Ric Flair and Sting.
-The Colossal Kongs Awesome and King with Harley Race vs. Sting and Ric Flair: The bell rings and Sting attacks both Kongs with dropkicks. He then slams both and the crowd pops big for that. Kongs roll out to regroup. All four in and going at each other. Flair and Awesome Kong fight to the outside while Sting and King fight on the inside. Two dropkicks and a clothesline drop King. Sting hits the Stinger Splash as Flair goes after Race on the outside. Sting hits a splash from the top rope to get the pin.
-Tony interviews Ric Flair and Sting. Flair says Sting didn't need any help tonight. He says Saturday Night they are going to renew their rivalry for the NWA Title. Sting says he's hoping he can take the title again. They have mutual respect.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Dustin Rhodes' secret partner and wonder who it is.
-Rick Rude and The Equalizer vs. Dustin Rhodes and a mystery partner: Rude does his pre-match routine. Rhodes out and the partner drives up in the Camaro Z28 that they have been pushing all night that someone is going to win. Road Warrior Animal gets out of the car. Rude says hold the phone. They said they prepared for Animal. Hawk comes from behind. So it's Hawk as Dustin's partner. An LOD chant goes out. Hawk and Rude start. Hawk pushes Rude off. Hawk wants a test of strength. Rude trying to psych Hawk out. They finally lock up. Hawk with the early advantage. Equalizer tagged in. Hawk with a dropkick. It goes outside. They battle back in and Hawk goes for a neck breaker. Equalizer slips out. Hawk with some corner whips. Equalizer with a big boot. Rude tagged back in. He gets a reverse chin lock on, but Hawk gets to his feet. Rhodes tagged in and they do the Doomsday Device, but Rude gets back to his feet. Rhodes with a backdrop. Rude comes back with a clothesline. Rude with a top rope forearm shot. Equalizer tagged in. Heels double team Rhodes. Equalizer with a back elbow and a chokeslam. Rude tagged in. He grabs and holds Rhodes for Equalizer to clothesline. Equalizer tagged in, but Rhodes ducks the clothesline and Rude hit instead. Hawk tagged in, but referee Randy Anderson didn't see it. Hawk cleaning house. Double clothesline to the heels. Heels clotheslined out to the floor. Equalizer hits Hawk from behind, so Hawk comes in and crossbodys Rhodes onto Equalizer for the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the Main event and show the Z28 sweepstakes ad.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Davey Boy Smith: Disqualification rule is waived. Michael Buffer introduces the match. They start by fighting on the runway. They trade shots. Vader with a clothesline. Smith with a suplex on the runway. Smith with a clothesline. Another clothesline after a dropkick by Smith. Smith tries to Splash Vader, but Vader gets his knees-up. Vader punishing Smith in the corner. He throws Smith out of the ring. Smith moves on a Vader charge and Vader hits the barricade. Smith then drops Vader on the barricade. Back in, Smith gets Vader up on his shoulders and hits a fall away slam, but Vader puts his foot on the ropes to break the pin attempt. Back and forth. Vader drops an elbow. He batters Smith on the ropes and clotheslines him. Vader with a fall away slam. Top rope splash for a two count. Vader gets a sit down splash, but Smith moves and gets a two count. Vader with another splash. Vader wit a rear chin lock. Smith gets out and goes for a crucifix. Vader falls back and Smith gets a two count. Vader hits Smith with shots in the corner. Vader gets a foot up and hits a Vader Bomb for a two count. Vader goes up again and Smith grabs him and power slams him off, but Nick Patrick gets taken out as well. Smith gets Vader up, but Race clips the knee. Patrick recovers and counts the pin. Smith attacks Race after the match. Vader attacks Smith until Cactus Jack comes out and attacks Vader. They sign off from Daytona Beach.
-Final Thoughts: The last match was okay, but this has to be seen for the Shockmasters debut.

Episode 224 Notes Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] a63a2861-2db9-4520-8f05-ed8f1ea7215a My notes for Episode 224: Beach Blast 93. -Ole Anderson, Butcher Vachon, and Mike Jones.
-Today we look at Beach Blast '93 from WCW.
-Beach Blast '93 was shown on PPV on July 18, 1993 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, MS. There were 8,600 in attendance.
-Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt welcome us to Beach Blast and run down some of what we are going to see tonight. They then throw it to Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura, who gets escorted to the ring by four women in swimsuits.
-WCW Television Championship Match. Paul Orndorff vs. Ron Simmons: Orndorff can lose the title if he gets disqualified. Simmons has really fallen down the card compared to 1992. Orndorff getting riled up by the fans. Simmons punches Orndorff off the apron and then throws him in the ring and slams him. Simmons with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Another Irish whip and a dropkick. Orndorff rolls out to regroup. Orndorff with a drop toe hold, but misses an elbow drop. Back and forth. Simmons with a wrist lock. Into a hammerlock. Orndorff comes back. They trade blows. Orndorff jumps on Simmon's back and puts on a sleeper. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex. He misses a top rope knee drop. Simmons works on the knee. Simmons gets the figure four on, but Orndorff gets to the ropes. They battle out to the floor. Orndorff catches Simmons coming through the ropes. Orndorff with a rear chin lock. Simmons gets out. They trade blows. Orndorff with a front face lock. Simmons with a corner whip, but Orndorff gets his foot up on the charge. Orndorff goes back to the chin lock. More shots to each other. Simmons with a power slam and gets a two count. Simmons with a sunset flip for a two count. Orndorff misses a dropkick. Simmons with a back elbow for a two count. A suplex by Simmons gets another two count. Simmons backdrops Orndorff over the top rope and gets disqualified. Simmons attacks Orndorff after the bell and takes the TV title.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the main event and the NWA Championship Match coming up.
-2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs. Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce: The crowd is solidly behind Scorpio and Bagwell. Bagwell and Pierce start. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break clean. Bagwell with a side headlock. Pierce pushes off. Back and forth. Bagwell with a body press. All four men in and Scorpio and Bagwell get the better of it and the heels bail out to the floor. Scorpio goes out after the heels on the ramp and gets kicked down. All four fight out on the ramp. Scorpio hits a body press on Pierce. Bagwell in with Slazenger. Scorpio tagged in. They lock up. Slazenger with a shoulder block. He backdrops Scorpio. Scorpio comes back with a flurry of moves. Scorpio with an arm bar. Bagwell tagged in. Double hip toss to Slazenger. Bagwell gets a two count. Pierce tagged in and Bagwell with a drop toe hold. Bagwell with an arm drag into an arm bar. Pierce comes back with a body slam and Slazenger comes in. Bagwell gets an arm bar on Pierce and then gets a two count. Heels double team Bagwell to get him down. Slazenger with an arm bar DDT into a hammerlock. Pierce tagged in. Heels quick tagging. Slazenger with a headbutt and an Irish whip. Bagwell comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Slazenger with a clothesline for a cover, but Scorpio breaks up the count. Pierce tagged in. He drops a knee on Bagwell. More double teaming by the heels. Pierce with a headlock. Bagwell comes back. Pierce with a version of the Razor's Edge, but Scorpio breaks up the count again. Slazenger back in. He gets a hammerlock. Bagwell being double teamed again. Slazenger picks Bagwell up, tags Pierce in, and then hits a shoulder breaker. Pierce drops an elbow for a two count. Pierce runs Bagwell into one turnbuckle. Bagwell escapes and Scorpio tagged in and he cleans house. Scorpio with a corner whip and a super kick. He splashes Pierce from the top rope, but Slazenger breaks up the pin. The faces run the heels together. Scorpio hits the 450 splash to get the pin.
-Missy Hyatt interviews Paul Orndorff and the Equalizer. Orndorff says he plays by the rules. He says Simmons should be kicked out of WCW for what he did. He says the Equalizer is going to take a lot of people out and he's going to be champion for a long time.
-Erik Watts vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal is so good in his role. A USA chant goes out. The bell rings. They lock up and battle for position. Regal with an arm bar. Watts comes back with a wrist lock. Regal with a monkey flip, but Watts holds on to the wrist lock. Back and forth. Watts with an arm bar. Regal trying to get out. Regal reverses and gets Watts down. They counter each other's moves. They exchange two counts. Watts with a hammerlock. More chain wrestling. Watts goes back to the arm bar. Into a hammerlock. Regal comes back with an ankle lock. He gets some forearm shots. He misses a knee drop and Watts goes for the STF. He gets it on, but Sir William hits Watts in the face. Watts goes after William. Regal rolls Watts up with a handful of tights to get the pin.
-Fall Brawl ad.
-Jesse interviews Steven Regal. Regal says Watts was supposed to be a great athlete and he didn't break a sweat. He then says he's after the TV title.
-Eric Bischoff shows a flashback to what happened between Johnny B. Badd and Maxx Payne.
-Grudge match. Johnny B. Badd vs. Maxx Payne: Payne plays Norma Jean coming down to the ring. Badd wears a mask. He is popular with the fans. The bell rings and Badd with a double leg takedown. He hits a series of rights to Payne and gets a two count. He gets a corner whip, but Payne moves on the charge and Badd spills to the outside. Payne brings Badd in and suplexes him. He follows it up with a corner whip and a back elbow to Badd. He gets an arm bar on. Payne with a backbreaker. He gets the Payne Killer on, but Badd gets to the ropes. Payne with a suplex and gets a two count. Payne with a suplex. Badd comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Back and forth. Badd dropkicks Payne to the outside. Badd hits a suicide dive and both men down. Payne runs Badd into the ring post. He goes to do it again and Badd moves. Back in, Badd hits a crossbody from the second rope to get the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the Tag Team Championship Match coming up.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hollywood Blonds Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Horsemen Paul Roma and Arn Anderson: Jesse loves the Hollywood Blonds. Austin and Roma start. They circle each other. The Blonds then go out to the floor and get into it with a fan. Back in, Austin tries to lock up. They do and Austin pushes Roma to the corner and pushes off. Lock up and push off to another corner. Break. Austin with a hammerlock. Roma with a right hand to the face. Blonds go back out to the floor to regroup. Pillman in and they lock up. Pillman tells referee Randy Anderson to check Roma's elbow pad as Pillman goes to pull something out of his own tights. Roma with a wrist lock and Anderson tagged in. He hits an elbow on Pillman. Back and forth. Pillman with a hip toss. Anderson pulls the hair to get Pillman down. Anderson with a wrist lock. Into an arm drag. Austin in and he hits Anderson with an atomic drop. He drops an elbow and gets a couple of counts. Anderson comes back with some shots to knock Austin to the ramp. Austin gets back in and offers his hand to Anderson. Anderson shakes and then attacks Austin. Roma tagged in and hits a forearm from the top rope. He gets a wrist lock on Austin. Austin pushes off and gets a bear hug on Roma and Roma transitions it into a sunset flip. He gets a two count. A backslide gets another two count for Roma. He gets an arm bar on Austin. He misses a body press and Pillman tagged in. He chops Roma in the corner. Roma chokes Pillman and gets a clothesline for a two count. Anderson tagged in and gets a wrist lock. Pillman chops Anderson in the corner. Anderson responds by guillotining Pillman on the top rope. He catapults Pillman into the corner for Roma to hit Pillman. Anderson goes to Irish whip Pillman, who collapses to the mat and says his knee is hurt. He goads Anderson in and throws him outside. Pillman goes to jump on Anderson, who moves and Pillman hits the barricade. Back in, Pillman goes to suplex Anderson, who tags Roma in and Roma hits a sunset flip on Pillman for a two count, but Austin makes the save. Pillman throws Roma outside and Austin throws him on the barricade throat first. Pillman then guillotines Roma on the ropes from the apron. Austin tagged in. He hits a gut wrench suplex to Roma and goads Anderson in. He taunts both Horsemen. He drops some knees on Roma. Pillman tagged back in. He chops Roma in the corner. Roma trying to fight back, but Pillman takes him down with a drop toe hold and Austin tagged back in. He blocks Roma from making a tag. Austin with a corner whip and Roma gets his boot up on the charge. Blonds lure Anderson in again so they can double team Roma. Pillman in and hits Roma with a forearm. Roma goes up top for a dropkick and Pillman goes to dropkick Roma as he comes off and they both miss and hit the mat. Both Austin and Anderson tagged in. Anderson with a backdrop to Austin and he is cleaning house on the Hollywood Blonds. Pillman tagged in and Anderson hits a DDT on him, but Austin hits Anderson from behind to knock Anderson down. Pillman covers to get a two count. Austin tagged back in. He slams Anderson and hits a top rope elbow drop for a two count. Austin kicking Anderson. Back and forth. Austin runs Anderson into Pillman's boot and Pillman tagged in. He gets a two count. They trade shots. Austin tagged in. He throws Anderson outside. Anderson reverses a piledriver into a backdrop on the floor. Back in, Austin gets a two count. Anderson trying to fight out of the Blond's corner. Austin hangs Anderson on the top rope. Blonds double team Anderson. Anderson hits a guillotine on Austin. Pillman tagged in and he lures Roma in. While the referee is getting Roma out, Anderson gets an inside cradle, but there is no referee to count. He gets a two count when the referee does count. Back and forth and they collide in the ring. Both men down. Austin tagged in and hits a belly to back suplex. Austin choking Anderson up in the ropes. Anderson blocks a suplex attempt from the apron and suplexes Austin out to the floor. Pillman in and cuts Anderson off from making a tag and gets a two count. Pillman with a headscissors. Anderson catches Pillman as he was coming off the second rope with a throat thrust. Roma tagged in and cleans house. All four men in. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Austin, but Pillman makes the save. Referee Randy Anderson tries to get Arn out as Roma rolls up Austin, only for Pillman to clothesline Roma and Austin rolls Roma up to get the pin with a handful of tights.
-Eric and Missy talk about the Iron Man Challenge coming up.
-Fall Brawl ad.
-Iron Man Challenge for the United States Heavyweight Championship. Dustin Rhodes vs. Rick Rude: Rude does his pre match spiel. Rhodes comes out all business. Referee Nick Patrick does the belt presentation. The bell rings and they stare at each other. They trash talk each other. They lock up and vie for position. Patrick makes them break. Another lock up and vie for position. Patrick breaks them up again. They lock up again and Rude with forearms to the back. He then gyrates to taunt Rhodes. Rude with shots to the jaw of Rhodes. He follows it up with forearms. Rhodes with a backdrop. He corner whips Rude. Rhodes with another corner whip. Rhodes working over Rude's back. Another corner whip and Rhodes follows it up with a chin lock. Rhodes then mocks Rude. Rhodes goes back to the chin lock. He will stop to hit the back before going back to the chin lock. Rude turns over and gets his knees-up. Rude with a clothesline. Rude with a top rope forearm. Rude goes to work on the back. Rude with a bear hug. Rhodes with elbows to try to get out. Rude with a belly to belly suplex for a one count. Rude with a chin lock. Rhodes trying to get to the ropes. Rhodes stands up with Rude on his shoulders and hits a backdrop. Rude gets his knees-up on a Rhodes splash attempt. Rhodes kicking Rude's leg. He gets a leg lock on Rude. Rhodes slams Rude's leg on the apron. He goes back to the leg lock. Rude trying to get out. He rakes the eyes to break the hold. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Rhodes with an Irish whip. Rude comes back with a kick to the face when Rhodes drops his head. Rude with a backbreaker and the Rude Awakening to go up 1-0. Rude goes up top and hits a clothesline for a couple of two counts. Rude runs Rhodes into the mat. Rude guillotines Rhodes on the top rope. Rude with a headlock. Rhodes coming back. He does a corner whip. Rude gets his knees-up on the charge. Back and forth. Rhodes reverses a piledriver for a two count. Rude ducks a clothesline attempt and Rhodes falls to the floor. Rhodes gets a two count. Rude with a snap suplex. Rhodes reverses a suplex attempt for a two count. Rude pulls Rhodes by the tights into the turnbuckle. Rude with a top rope forearm. He runs Rhodes' face along the tope rope. Rude poses. Rude with a rear chin lock. Rude gets a sleeper on. Rhodes fading. The hand doesn't fall a third time. Rude clamps the sleeper on tighter. Rhodes gets a jaw breaker. Back and forth. Rude with a throat thrust. They trade blows in the corner. Rhodes spills to the outside. He's out on his feet. Rhodes psychs Rude out and hits a bulldog and it's 1-1. Rhodes hits a top rope elbow for a two count. Rhodes with a piledriver, but Rude gets his foot on the ropes. Rhodes punching Rude. Scoop slam and an elbow drop for a two count by Rhodes. 75 seconds left. Rhodes gets a two count after some clotheslines. 45 seconds left. Rhodes gets a sleeper on. Rude with a jaw breaker to break the hold. 20 seconds left. Rude goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Rhodes with a DDT and cover, but time expires. The match is a draw. The crowd boos at the announcement.
-Tony and Jesse recap what led up to the NWA title match.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Barry Windham vs. Ric Flair: Flair eager to start the match. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. Windham with right hands to Flair in the corner. Flair with a corner whip and Windham comes back with a clothesline. Another right hand knocks Flair back down. Flair chops Windham in the corner. Windham rolls out to regroup. Back and forth. Windham with a corner whip. Flair up and over and spills out to the floor. Windham suplexes Flair into the ring. They trade shots. Flair with a thumb to the eye of Windham. Flair with an Irish whip and Windham comes back with a shoulder block. Flair with a sleeper. Windham fighting to get out. He does and hits a fall away slam. Windham with an Irish whip and a power slam. He hits a leg drop and gets a two count. Windham with an Irish whip and a clothesline for a two count. They trade blows and Flair with a roll up for a two count. They chop each other. They collide after an Irish whip and Windham is thrown to the outside. Flair follows and they fight on the floor. they go to get back in and Windham knocks Flair down on the apron. Windham with corner mounted punches. Flair with an inverted atomic drop. Flair with a snap mare and a knee drop. Windham puts Flair on the top rope and superplexes Flair. Both men down. Windham gets a two count. Flair gets an inside cradle for a two count. They exchange shots. Flair flipped to the apron and actually hits the flying body press, so drink all that you have! Windham rolls through and gets a two count. Double shoulder block and both men down. Flair with a belly to back suplex. Flair goes for the figure four, but Windham gets to the ropes. Flair goes for it again and Windham kicks off. He finally gets it and the crowd loves it. Windham's shoulders go down and referee Randy Anderson counts it. Shocking ending that fell a little flat, but Anderson made the right call. Winner and new NWA World Champion for his 10th recorded World Championship for Flair.
-Jesse interviews Ric Flair. Flair says he beat a great champion. Now it's time to style and profile and look at every wrestler today and say he's back. He says he's the only world champion today and somewhere in the back, Vader says what? He calls out several wrestlers and tells them to step up.
-Eric and Missy talk about the Main Event.
-Main Event. The Masters of the Powerbomb Big Van Vader and Sid Vicious with Harley Race and Col. Rob Parker vs. Sting and Davey Boy Smith: The heels come out first. Faces are extremely popular with the crowd when they come out. All four stare each other down. Sting and Vicious start. Vicious pushes Sting, who responds by pushing Vicious down and punching him. Vicious reverses an Irish whip and Sting comes back by running Vicious face first into the mat. Sting with a series of moves to Vicious, who comes back with a chokeslam to Sting. Heels double team Sting in their corner. Now all four men in. Faces thrown to the outside. Smith and Vader both tagged in. They lock up and drive to a corner. Vader beating Smith down. Heels just brutalizing Smith. Vader with a clothesline. Smith slides out of a suplex attempt and suplexes Vader. Vader comes back by knocking Smith down. Vader drops an elbow on Smith. Vicious tagged in. Vicious with a big boot. He goes to work on Smith. Heels keep Smith in their corner. Vader knocks Smith down and then starts toward Sting when Sting comes in to break it up. Smith and Vader going back and forth. Heels keep knocking Smith down. Vicious tagged in. He gets Smith down. He comes back, but keeps getting knocked down. Vader tagged in. Race up on the apron to hold Smith for Vader. Smith moves and Race gets hit. You saw that coming, didn't you? Don't lie to me. Sting tagged in and cleans house on the heels. Vader reverses a corner whip, but Sting moves on the charge. Vicious hits Sting and Vader clotheslines Sting down. Vicious tagged in. Vicious knocks Sting down. He beats Sting down. Race distracts referee Nick Patrick for the heels to double team Sting in their corner. Sting trying to cover up, but Vader keeps hitting him with jabs. Vader splashes Sting from the second rope. Vader puts Sting on the top rope. Sting fighting Vader off. He knocks Vader off, but Sting collapses to the mat. Vader drops an elbow on Sting. Vicious tagged in and kicks Sting in the midsection repeatedly. Vicious misses an elbow drop. Smith tagged in. He knocks Vicious down, but runs into Vicious's boot. Vader tagged in. A Vader chant goes out as the heels have their fans in the audience. Vader with a fall away slam for a two count. Vader with a Vader Bomb, but Sting makes the save. Vicious and Sting fight out to the ramp. Vader with a moonsault onto Smith. Sting runs down the ramp and jumps over the top rope to break up the pin. Smith with a crucifix to get the pin. The faces celebrate. Tony and Jesse talk about what happened as Vader comes over to scream at Tony. They sign off from Biloxi.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: The last half of this show saved it and made it a good watch for me.

Episode 223 Notes Fri, 08 Mar 2024 13:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 521996c2-ccf9-4de4-a443-2b59b9799b1a My notes for Episode 223: NXT Arrival. -My Weekend.
-Today we look at NXT Arrival from the WWE.
-NXT Arrival was shown on the WWE Network on February 27, 2014 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. There were 400 plus in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-HHH is in the ring to welcome us to NXT.
-NXT Arrival Intro.
-Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and William Regal welcome us to Arrival and will be the announcers for the evening.
-Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro: The bell rings and they stare at each other. They lock up and Cesaro pushes off. They lock up and reverse each other. Cesaro takes Zayn down. Back and forth. Quick paced match so far. Zayn goes for a hurricanrana. Cesaro blocks and goes for a big swing. More blocks and strikes. Cesaro thrown outside and Zayn hits a suicide dive on him. Cesaro catches Zayn coming off the top rope and hits a backbreaker for a two count. It goes outside and Zayn thrown into the barricade. He is then run into the apron. Cesaro thrown back out of the ring. Cesaro throws Zayn back in and gets a two count before Zayn thrown back out. Cesaro beats Zayn on the ring before throwing Zayn back in. Zayn goes to launch himself through the ropes onto Cesaro, but gets caught with a European uppercut. Cesaro beating Zayn down in the corner. Cesaro working on the leg of Zayn. He gets a two count. Zayn trying to fight back. Cesaro with a dragon screw leg whip. Zayn kicking off. He kicks Cesaro. Cesaro comes back and keeps up the assault. Cesaro with another leg whip. Zayn goes for an enziguri and Cesaro ducks it and gets a half crab. Zayn finally gets to the bottom rope. Zayn backdrops Cesaro to the outside. Zayn with a springboard moonsault, but Cesaro catches him and slams him on the ramp. Zayn gets in on the count of 9. Zayn grabs the charging Cesaro and hits an exploder suplex into the corner. Zayn gets a two count. Cesaro comes back with elbows to Zayn, who responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn with a Koji Clutch in the center of the ring. Cesaro counters into a leg lock. Zayn reaches the ropes. Zayn counters a Big Swing attempt with a roll up for a two count. Cesaro gets the Big Swing. A running uppercut by Cesaro. They trade two counts. They battle in the corner. Zayn goes to hurricanrana Cesaro off the top rope, but Cesaro grabs Zayn and goes for a powerbomb, only for Zayn to hit a hurricanrana. Zayn with the Helluva Kick for a two count. Both men down. Cesaro with an uppercut. He tells Zayn to stay down. Zayn keeps coming back. They trade shots. Zayn with a German suplex. Cesaro comes back looking for the Neutralizer. Zayn rolls Cesaro up for a two count. Zayn with a Canadian Destroyer for another two count. Cesaro with a pop up uppercut for a one count and Zayn is fired up. Cesaro with an uppercut and the Neutralizer to get the pin. Cesaro and Zayn hug after the match. Cesaro then leaves and the crowd chants Sami and does the Ole chant. Zayn then limps to the back.
-A feature on Mojo Rawley.
-CJ Parker vs. Mojo Rawley: They lock up and drive to a corner and break. Parker with a side headlock and go behind. Rawley responds with a backdrop for a two count. Rawley with an arm bar. Parker gets to the corner. Back and forth. Parker with a clothesline for a two count. Parker kicking Rawley down in the corner. Parker with shoulders into Rawley. Rawley comes back with a shot. Rawley with a pair of splashes. He then hits the Hyper drive and pins Parker.
-Emma is shown stretching in the back. A package is then shown on Emma.
-A feature on the Ascension.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Ascension Konnor and Viktor vs. Too Cool Grandmaster Sexay Brian Christopher and Scotty 2 Hotty: Crowd loves to see Too Cool. Viktor and Christopher start. Christopher with a shoulder block to knock Viktor down, but Christopher then starts dancing. Viktor with chops and uppercuts. Konnor tagged in. Konnor with a leg drop for a two count. Konnor with a shoulder block. He beats Christopher down in the corner. Viktor tagged back in. He gets a two count. He keeps Christopher down with kicks. A suplex gets another two count. Viktor with a headlock. Christopher pulling the hair to get out. He does and Viktor hits some elbows. Christopher with a jaw breaker to break the hold. Back and forth. Christopher makes the tag. Scotty in. He cleans house. Back and forth. Scotty with a forearm shot. Scotty with shots in the corner. Viktor charges Scotty, who gets his foot up on the charge. Another charge by Viktor, but Scotty moves out of the way. He follows it up with a bulldog to Viktor. Scotty goes for the Worm, but Viktor clotheslines him with the bottom rope. Viktor with a clothesline and Konnor tagged in. The Ascension hit the Fall of Man to get the pin.
-Paige is shown in the back. A package is then shown on Paige.
-Ric Flair and Charlotte are shown in the crowd.
-NXT Women's Championship Match. Stephanie McMahon comes to the ring before the match. The crowd says you've still got it and she says I never lost it. She says the first program to stream on the WWE Network is NXT Arrival and then brings out the women. Paige vs. Emma: The crowd is into Emma when she comes out. Paige comes out and holds the belt up high. McMahon greets both wrestlers. They push each other and Emma with a takedown. They battle for position. Emma with a backslide for a two count. Emma goes for the slingshot, but Paige counters for a two count. Paige with a dropkick. Paige with a hair pull and a scoop slam. She then gets a side headlock takeover as dueling chants go out. Emma trying to get out and back to her feet. Back and forth. They battle to a corner. Paige choking Emma with her boot. Emma with the slingshot into the Emma lock, but Paige kicks off. Emma kicks Paige in the midsection for a one count. Emma with the Dilemma. Emma sandwiched in the corner. Emma, with a submission, pulling Paige's arms back. Emma increases the pressure. Paige breaks, but Emma gets a two count. Emma stomping Paige in the corner. She gets a two count. Paige comes back with a forearm. Emma runs Paige into a turnbuckle. Paige goes for a superplex, but Emma fighting off and powerbombs Paige for a two count. Emma with a press for another two count. Emma slaps Paige and tells her to give up. Paige comes back with kicks and the Paige Turner to get a two count. Paige with a Scorpion Cross lock on Emma and Emma taps. Paige extends her hand and she and Emma hug.
-Neville is shown getting ready in the back and then a package is shown on Neville.
-NXT commercial.
-Dusty Rhodes and Pat Patterson are shown in the audience.
-Xavier Woods vs. Tyler Breeze: It takes some time to get started and before they lock up, Lana and Rusev come out. Rusev brutalizes both wrestlers. He destroys both and puts the Accolade on Woods. Woods taps over and over. Lana says Rusev is the next generation. Rusev then says things in Russian.
-Bo Dallas is shown getting ready and a package is shown on Bo Dallas.
-Larry Zbyszko and Steve Keirn are shown in the audience.
-A feature is shown on the Main Event.
-Ladder match for the NXT Championship. Bo Dallas vs. Neville: Shawn Michaels comes out before the match. He has the NXT Championship with him. He says he's honored to be a part of this historic night. The crowd keeps chanting stuff to interrupt him. He promotes his Mr. WrestleMania DVD and talks about the importance of the match coming up. Neville out first and gets a respectable ovation. Dallas out and looking all business. HBK greets and wishes both men luck. They both look at the title as it is raised up high. The bell rings and Neville attacks Dallas as Dallas was going for a ladder. Neville with a missile dropkick. Dallas rolls to the apron and gets Neville down. Dallas with two back elbows and a clothesline to Neville. Dallas hangs Neville upside down on the ropes. Dallas grabs a ladder. Neville gets loose and baseball slides the ladder into Dallas. Neville suicide dives onto Dallas. Neville throws the ladder into the ring. Dallas pushes Neville into the ring steps. Dallas kicking Neville on the outside. He then traps the arm into the ring skirt. Dallas grabs another ladder and goes to run it into Neville, who moves. The second ladder ends up in the ring and Neville backdrops Dallas. Neville sets up a ladder and starts to climb. Dallas pushes the second ladder into the first and knocking Neville to the floor. Dallas sets a ladder on Neville to pin him and Dallas starts to climb. Neville powers out of the ladder to knock Dallas off. Neville kicks Dallas and sets up a ladder. Dallas pushes the ladder over. They have a tug of war with the ladder. Dallas slams the ladder into Neville. Back and forth. Neville uses the ladder to DDT Dallas. Neville climbing the ladder. Dallas runs into the ladder to knock it down. Dallas with a corner clothesline. Dallas grabs Neville. He goes to bulldog Neville, who pushes Dallas off. The referee checks on Dallas as Neville sets the ladder up. They both climb the ladder. Dallas running Neville into the ladder. Neville knocks Dallas off and goes to the top rope. Dallas throws Neville to the outside. Both wrestlers down. Dallas sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Neville springboards to the ladder from the top rope. They both climb and Dallas with forearms to Neville's back and trying to German suplex Neville off the ladder. Neville with forearms to Dallas. Dallas falls off and grabs Neville like he is going to powerbomb him and throws Neville to the other ladder. Dallas grabs a ladder and goes to run it into Neville, who gets a boot up and then plants Dallas on the ladder. Neville hits the Red Arrow on the prone Dallas. An NXT chant goes out. Neville sets the ladder. Dallas starts to climb, but Neville grabs the title to win and become the new NXT champion. Neville raises the championship as the crowd celebrates. Dallas is shown on the ground holding his ribs. John Cena shown in the audience applauding Neville. They recap the night and sign off from Full Sail.
-Final Thoughts: This was a great show and a good opportunity to show the early days of the WWE Network as well as the NXT brand. Highly recommended.

Episode 222 Notes Fri, 08 Mar 2024 12:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 401ebaab-2c78-48ab-af97-cad36a6870e6 My notes for Episode 222: Clash of the Champions XXIII. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXIII from WCW.
-Clash XXIII was shown on TBS on June 17, 1993 from the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, VA.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Clash. They talk about Ric Flair returning to the ring and Paul Orndorff being injured.
-Ron Simmons vs. Dick Slater with Paul Orndorff: Simmons gets a good reaction when he comes out. The fans chant Paula when Orndorff and Slater come out. The bell rings and they lock up. Simmons with an atomic drop. Slater with a leg lock and Simmons pushes off. Simmons with a shoulder block for a two count. Slater rolls out to regroup. Back in, they have a test of strength. Simmons tries for a sunset flip, but Slater slaps him. Simmons gets in the three point stance and Orndorff grabs his leg and Slater hits Simmons with a forearm. Slater with a shot to knock Simmons down. He follows it up with a swinging neck breaker for a two count as Simmons got his foot on the ropes. Slater and Orndorff think they won. They trade shots and Simmons hits a big slam to get the pin.
-Beach Blast ad.
-Eric Bischoff and Larry Zbyszko discuss some of the matches coming up. They bring in Michael Buffer who will be the guest ring announcer for the main event.
-Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal comes out and he is so great with his facial expressions and mannerisms. They lock up. Regal with a wrist lock. Into a hammerlock. He gets a snap mare. Bagwell comes back with a wrist lock. Regal with a drop toe hold. Bagwell with a hammerlock. Regal comes back with a series of European uppercuts. Bagwell flips Regal out of the corner by the arm. More European uppercuts by Regal. He clips Bagwell's knee. He follows it up with two snap mares. Regal with a leg lock. Bagwell with a back kick to get out. Regal goes back to the knee. He gets Bagwell down and works on the knee again. Bagwell kicking Regal in the midsection repeatedly. Back with an Irish whip and a backdrop for a two count. A backslide gets another two count. Regal rolls through and rolls Bagwell up and holds the tights to get the pin.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Maxx Payne about him having Johnny B. Badd's Badd Blaster. Payne calls Badd out and says he will give the Badd Blaster back. Badd comes out. Payne pushes Bischoff away and shoots Badd in the face with the Badd Blaster. Officials come out to help Badd. When they come back from commercial break, Payne is in the ring and says he wins by forfeit. The Z-Man comes out and confronts Payne and they have an impromptu match. Zenk with a super kick and a dropkick. He hits an Irish whip and another dropkick. Payne reverses a corner whip and gets the Payne Killer on. Officials come out and finally get Payne off Zenk.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Barry Windham vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Scorpio is extremely popular with the fans when he comes out. Michael Buffer announces the participants. They lock up and push off. They circle each other. Scorpio with a dropkick. Windham with a hammerlock. Scorpio comes back with a slam. Windham with a right hand. He corner whips Scorpio, who comes back with a takedown and Windham rolls out to the ropes. Back in, Windham with a right hand. Back and forth. Windham with a big kick. Windham hits a top rope clothesline and the crowd pops for that one. He slams Scorpio and drops a knee down. Windham with a float over suplex for a two count. Scorpio comes back with shots and goes for a dropkick, but Windham holds on to the ropes. Windham with a DDT. He gets a two count. Scorpio with an inside cradle for a two count. Windham with a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Windham argues with referee Nick Patrick about the count. Windham with a clothesline. He guillotines Scorpio on the top rope and throws Scorpio out. Scorpio chopped on the apron. Scorpio comes back with a press for a two count. Windham comes back with a dropkick and a fall away slam for a two count. A couple of right hands by Windham knock Scorpio out. He follows it up with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Back and forth. A Scorpio sunset flip gets a two count and Windham comes back with a clothesline. Scorpio with a belly to back suplex. Windham goes for a superplex, but Scorpio pushes him off and hits a splash for a two count. Scorpio with a victory roll. He hits a super kick and another victory roll for a two count. A splash gets another two count for Scorpio. Scorpio with a top rope dropkick for another two count. Scorpio thrown to the outside, but holds on the ropes and comes back in for a splash and Windham hits him with a right hand. Windham with a leaping DDT to get the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Beach Blast coming up.
-Eric talks to Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and Davey Boy Smith about their upcoming match.
-6-Man tag team match. Rick Rude, Big Van Vader, and Sid Vicious with Harley Race and Col. Robert Parker vs. Sting, Davey Boy Smith, and Dustin Rhodes: Faces very popular when they come out. Sting and Rude start. Sting with a side headlock. Into a top wrist lock. Back to the side headlock. Rude trying to get out. Double reversal. Rude with elbows to Sting in the corner. Sting with a backdrop. The other heels come in and Sting takes them on. He rolls Rude up for a two count. Rhodes tagged in. Vader comes in and splashes Rude when Rhodes moves. The crowd is loving it. Vicious and Smith tagged in. Smith with a slam and Vicious is selling hard for the faces. Vader and Rhodes tagged in and Rhodes beats Vader down in the corner. He suplexes Vader. He drops a series of elbows to Vader. He goes for a splash, but misses and Vader hits a forearm. Vader hits a splash, but only gets a two count. Rude tagged in. Rhodes slammed down for a two count. Rhodes slams Rude down. Vicious tagged in. He slams Rhodes into a corner. The crowd gets behind Rhodes. Back and forth. Vicious gets a two count. Vader tagged in and beat Rhodes down in the corner. He goes for a splash, but Rhodes slams Vader as he comes off. Rude tagged in and Rhodes reverses a piledriver on Rude. Heels take over on Rhodes and now all 6 men in and going at it. Sting thrown into the barricade. Race hits Rhodes with Rude's Haliburton and Rude pins Rhodes. They hit Smith with the case, but Sting grabs the case and runs the heels off.
-Eric and Larry talk about the tag team title match coming up.
-World Tag Team Championship Match 2/3 Falls. The Hollywood Blonds Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson: Crowd solidly behind the Horsemen. Michael Buffer is also the ring announcer for this match. Anderson and Pillman start. Pillman making fun of Flair. They lock up and Anderson throws Pillman to the ground. Pillman slaps Anderson in the corner and Anderson unloads on Pillman. Pillman thumbs Anderson in the eye. Back and forth and Anderson guillotines Pillman on the top rope. Austin tagged in. A we want Flair chant goes out. Flair tagged in. The crowd cheers wildly. He chops Austin in the corner. Flair takes on both of the Hollywood Blonds. Flair rakes Austin's face. Austin with a double leg pick up. They trade blows. Anderson tagged in. Anderson with a wrist lock. Horsemen quick tagging. Flair with a wrist lock. Then Anderson in and he picks up the wrist lock. Blonds get Anderson down and choke Anderson with their towel. Anderson and Pillman trade blows. Austin drops knees on Anderson and tags Pillman in. Pillman with a front face lock. Austin tagged in. Austin with a suplex. The Flair chant goes out again. Anderson hits a DDT on Austin. Both Pillman and Flair tagged in and Flair hits a move from the top rope. Drink 'em if you got 'em! Flair chopping Pillman in the corner. Austin attacks Flair from behind. Flair hits Pillman with a flying forearm to get the pin. 2nd Fall- Flair and Pillman start. Pillman and Flair trade chops. Flair goes up and over to the apron and chops both Hollywood Blonds. Austin suplexes Flair on the floor. Pillman attacking Flair on the outside. They drop Flair on the outside. Austin tagged in and Flair double teamed in the corner. Austin with a superplex to Flair. He gets a two count. Austin with a corner whip. Back and forth. Flair chopping Austin. Austin cuts off a tag attempt. Pillman tagged in. They collide and both men down. Anderson and Austin both tagged in. Anderson cleaning house. Anderson hits a spinebuster, but Pillman makes the save. Pillman clips Anderson and Austin gets a two count. Pillman tagged in and working on the leg. Back and forth. Pillman working on the knee. He gets a two count. Austin tagged in and gets a leg lock. Anderson trying to make a tag. Pillman tagged in and gets a half crab on. He then stomps on the leg. Anderson knocks Pillman down, but goes to the wrong corner. Austin tagged in. Blonds double teaming Anderson. Pillman in and goes for a splash. Anderson gets the leg up. Flair and Austin tagged in. Flair unloading on Austin. He hits a belly to back suplex. He puts the figure four on. Barry Windham comes down and attacks Flair. Horsemen win by disqualification. The titles do not change hands. Paul Roma comes in to help Anderson and Flair. they finally get Windham off of Flair. The Horsemen check on Flair. Tony Schiavone interviews Barry Windham. Windham says Flair doesn't want any of him. He says Flair has no guts. Flair attacks Windham. They get separated as they go off the air.
-Final Thoughts: A total set up for Beach Blast and they are going all in on Flair and Windham.

Episode 221 Notes Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] d59b7673-d024-4449-bfac-32ff493e12d4 My notes for Episodes 221: King of the Ring 93. -Today we look at King of the Ring '93 from the WWF.
-King of the Ring 93 was shown on PPV on June 13, 1993 from the Nutter Center in Fairborn, OH, a suburb of Dayton. There were 6,500 in attendance.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to the King of the Ring. He, Randy Savage, and Bobby Heenan run down what we are going to see tonight.
-First round match up. Razor Ramon vs. Bret Hart: Fans chant 1-2-3 at Ramon to antagonize him. Hart gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. Hart does his sunglasses routine. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Ramon pushes off. Another lock up and push off. Hart with a side headlock. Ramon pushes off. Hart comes back with a clothesline, but Ramon doesn't go down. Ramon misses a couple of clotheslines. Hart with some right hand shots. Hart with an arm bar. Ramon comes back and hits a clothesline, but misses an elbow drop. Hart goes back to the arm bar. Ramon with a thumb to the eyes. He gets Hart down for a two count. Hart comes back with a hammerlock. Hart reverses a corner whip, but runs into Ramon's knee and Ramon throws Hart shoulder first into the corner post. Ramon attacks the injured Hart. The crowd chants 1-2-3 again. Ramon stomping on Hart's hands. He then hits a fall away slam for a two count. He power slams Hart for another two count. Ramon drops an elbow on Hart. Ramon with a side slam. Hart rolling out of the way. Hart hitting Ramon in the corner. An inverted atomic drop and a clothesline gets a two count for Hart. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom for a series of two counts. Hart goes for a bulldog, but Ramon pushes off and Hart hits the corner sternum first. Ramon signals for the Razor's Edge. Hart slides out and gets an inside cradle for a two count. Ramon puts Hart on the top rope. He goes to suplex Hart, who counters in mid-air to cover Ramon and get the pin.
-Flashback to Mr. Hughes stealing the Undertaker's urn and attacking Undertaker on Superstars.
-Mr. Hughes with Harvey Wippleman vs. Mr. Perfect: Crowd solidly behind Perfect. Perfect throws his towel behind his back and it lands on Hughes' shoulder in an awesome looking move. JR works in that Hughes played college football, so TASIYDAH. Hughes shoves Perfect. He does it again. Perfect with an arm drag and a dropkick to Hughes. Hughes attacks Perfect in a corner and knocks Perfect over the top rope. Back and forth. Hughes with a big boot to Perfect. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Perfect. He gets Perfect down in a head vice. Hughes with a corner whip and I know you're going to be shocked to hear this, but Perfect over sells. Hughes with another corner whip. Perfect gets Hughes down. Hughes goes for a leapfrog body guillotine, but Perfect moves. Perfect with a hip lock and a backdrop. He gets a neck snap and attacks Hughes in the corner. Hughes hits Perfect with the Undertaker's urn and gets disqualified.
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji and Yokozuna. They say that Yokozuna is ready and Hulk Hogan is going down.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Duggan: Duggan is the crowd favorite. Duggan gets a USA chant going. They circle each other. Bigelow with a side headlock. Duggan pushes off and they collide, but neither moves. JR works in Duggan's football career, so take one shot now to avoid the rush. They can't knock each other down. Duggan finally got Bigelow down with a clothesline. Bigelow rakes Duggan's eyes. Back and forth. Bigelow with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Duggan moves. Duggan's ribs are hurt from being thrown into the corner. Bigelow with some forearms and a bear hug to Duggan. Duggan tries to come back, but Bigelow gets a thumb to the eyes. Bigelow misses a headbutt. Duggan tries for a slam, but can't get Bigelow up. Bigelow with a bear hug, and Duggan bites Bigelow to get out. Duggan slams Bigelow down. Duggan goes for the running clothesline, but Bigelow moves out of the way and Duggan hits the corner. Bigelow hits the flying headbutt to win.
-Terry Tayler interviews The Smokin' Gunns and The Steiner Brothers about the 8-man tag coming up and they say they are ready for their opponents.
-Lex Luger vs. Tatanka: They make an announcement that Luger has to put on an elbow pad or be disqualified. He does and then attacks Tatanka as soon as Tatanka comes to the ring. Luger throws Tatanka out of the ring. Tatanka turns Luger's mirror over on Luger. Tatanka chops Luger out of the ring. Tatanka with a scoop slam on the floor. They get back in the ring and Luger begging off. Tatanka reverses a corner whip and gets a backdrop and a clothesline to Luger. He gets a two count. Tatanka gets an arm bar on. Luger gets a scoop slam on, but Tatanka keeps the arm bar on. Luger comes back with an elbow. Tatanka goes back to the arm bar. Luger gets out and kicks Tatanka in the corner. He hits a knee lift. He gets a two count. Luger hits a backbreaker and then drops an elbow for a two count. He drops another elbow. Tatanka with a quick roll up for a two count. Back and forth. Luger with a snap mare. He follows it up with a chin lock. Tatanka tries to come back, but Luger puts him down with a clothesline. Tatanka with an inside cradle for a two count. A sunset flip by Tatanka gets another two count. Luger with a kick to Tatanka. He runs Tatanka into a turnbuckle. Tatanka comes back with a chop. Another chop gets a two count. He gets a series of two counts. Another chop from the top rope gets another two count. Tatanka misses a second one. Two minutes left. Luger kicking Tatanka. He gets a two count. 90 seconds left. Luger with a power slam for a two count. One minute left. Luger with a suplex for a two count. 30 seconds. Luger with a backbreaker for a two count. The bell rings. The match is a draw. The crowd boos. Luger gets on the mic and asks for 5 more minutes. The crowd cheers, but he won't get it. Luger takes the arm pad off and knocks Tatanka out. Officials help Tatanka out of the ring.
-Mean Gene interviews Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect. They bicker with each other as Mean Gene eggs them on. Perfect says he remembers SummerSlam and he owes Hart.
-Semi-Finals. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect: The bell rings and they lock up and then break. Perfect with a go behind, but Hart gets to the ropes. Hart with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off. Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Hart counters a hip lock with one of his own and Perfect is bumping like crazy here. They counter each other. They get up in the ropes and break. More moves and counters. This is a fast paced match. Hart with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off and Hart comes back with a crucifix for a two count. Hart with a crossbody and Perfect kicks out and it tosses Hart to the outside. He comes back in with a sunset flip for a two count. He follows it up with a side headlock. Perfect up to his feet and hits Hart with a knee. He follows it up with a standing dropkick. Hart falls to the outside and Perfect holds the ropes for Hart to get back in. As soon as Hart steps through the ropes, Perfect kicks him. He beats Hart down in the corner. He hits a knee lift to Hart. Hart kicked to the outside again. Perfect follows Hart out and chops Hart. Hart gets up on the apron and Perfect hits the ropes to catapult Hart into the barricade. Hart holding his knee on the floor. Perfect attacks Hart as soon as he gets in and gets a two count. A couple of right hands by Perfect knocks Hart to the mat and Perfect goes up top. He hits a top rope dropkick and gets a series of two counts, but Hart kicks out. Perfect knocks Hart down and goes back to the top rope, but gets caught and Hart hits a superplex for a two count. Hart kicks Perfect's leg and puts the figure four on. Perfect fighting to get out. He gets to the ropes. Hart with a leg grapevine. Perfect with a finger to the eye to get out. Perfect flings Hart across the ring by his hair. Perfect with a sleeper. Hart goes down. The referee is checking on Hart. He gets to the ropes. Perfect breaks on the four count. Perfect with a chop and goes back to the sleeper. Hart gets to his feet and runs Perfect into a turnbuckle. Hart with a forearm. Hart then throws Perfect across the ring by his hair. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom. He gets a series of two counts. Perfect blocks a Sharpshooter attempt. He stomps on Hart's fingers. Perfect goes for the Perfectplex, but Hart blocks it and goes for a suplex and both men tumble to the outside. Perfect rolls back into the ring. Hart also back in. Perfect with an inside cradle, but Hart shifts his weight to get the pin. That was a great match. Perfect visibly upset. He gets up in Hart's face and then shakes his hand.
-Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan with Jimmy Hart. Hogan says right here in the heart of America, he is ready for Yokozuna.
-WWF World Championship Match. Hulk Hogan with Jimmy Hart vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji: Yoko and Fuji out first. They show photographers all around the ring. Yokozuna is presented with flowers. A Hogan chant goes out. Final televised appearance of Hulk Hogan on WWF television for 9 years. He gets a great reaction when he comes out. Yokozuna does his salt ceremony. It takes a while for them to get going. They circle each other. They lock up and Hogan pushes Yoko off. Another lock up and Yoko throws Hogan down. Yoko chops Hogan. He then headbutts Hogan. He chops Hogan's throat. Yokozuna slams Hogan down. Yoko attacking Hogan in the corner. Hogan trying to get back to his feet. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Hogan moves. Hogan with shots and a corner whip and clothesline. He tries to slam Yokozuna, but can't get him up. Back and forth. Yokozuna knocks Hogan down. Hart yelling at referee Earl Hebner. Hogan with a series of clotheslines. Yokozuna knocks Hogan down, but misses a splash when Hogan moves. Both men down. Hogan tries a tackle, but gets knocked down by Yokozuna. Yokozuna with a bear hug. Hogan fighting it. The crowd chants USA. Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't fall the third time. He fights out, but a back elbow by Yokozuna knocks Hogan down again. Yokozuna with a belly to belly suplex. Hogan kicks out at two. Hogan Hulking up. Hogan hits a pair of big boots and Yoko is still up. Another big boot and Yoko falls. Leg drop, but Yokozuna kicks out at two. The announcers and the crowd can't believe it. A photographer gets up on the apron and his camera shoots a fireball into Hogan's face. I didn't learn until years later that Bruno Lauer, Harvey Wippleman himself, played the part of the photographer. Yoko drops a leg on Hogan and pins him to become the new WWF Champion. Yokozuna grabs Hogan and knocks him down. He then does the Banzai Drop on Hogan. Officials get Hogan down and to the back. The crowd is stunned. Photographers in the ring taking pictures of Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. The announcers putting over Yokozuna.
-Terry Taylor interviews Mr. Perfect. He calls Bret Hart a great wrestler, but doesn't want to talk about what just happened.
-Mean Gene talks to Shawn Michaels, who has Diesel with him. Michaels says Hulk Hogan is not the caliber of athlete that he is. Michaels then officially tells Mean Gene that his bodyguard's name is Diesel.
-8-man tag team match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott and The Smokin' Gunns Billy and Bart vs. Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS and The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu with Afa: Scott and DiBiase start. They lock up and DiBiase with an arm drag. He does it again. Scott with a single leg and a waist lock. Back and forth. Scott with a dropkick and a Steinerline knocks DiBiase out. DiBiase bumping for both Steiners. Fatu tagged in. Bart also tagged in. Fatu slammed down. Samu tagged in. They get Bart down. IRS tagged in. He gets Bart down. DiBiase tagged in. He suplexes Bart. Heels quick tagging. Fatu gets a two count. He hits Bart with a backbreaker for a two count. IRS with a leg drop for a two count. IRS with a clothesline. DiBiase and Billy both tagged in. Billy with a corner whip and a backdrop. He hits DiBiase with some clotheslines. DiBiase with the Million Dollar Dream. Billy fading. DiBiase throws Billy down. He goes to pick Billy up and Billy gets an inside cradle to get the pin. DiBiase is livid.
-The announcers recap what we have seen so far.
-Mean Gene interviews Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. Jack Tunney is also there. He congratulates Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. Fuji says he told us what was going to happen. Fuji says all of Japan is celebrating.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Diesel vs. Crush: The bell rings. Crush with a side headlock. Michaels pushes off. Crush comes back with a shoulder block that knocks Michaels out of the ring. Crush goes back to the side headlock. Michaels hits a jab to Crush. They circle each other. Michaels with an arm bar. Back and forth and Crush hits a pair of dropkicks to drive Michaels out of the ring. They trade moves. Crush military presses Michaels. Crush with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Diesel pulls Michaels out of the ring. Crush comes out and stares down Diesel. Michaels hits Crush from behind and knocks him into the ring post and Diesel keeps up the assault. Diesel distracts referee Mike Chioda while Michaels slams Crush's head repeatedly into the corner post. Michaels stops the count to put Crush back in the ring. Crush kicks out at two. Michaels with a top rope double ax handle. He gets another two count. Michaels with a front face lock. Crush gets up and throws Michaels off. Crush then guillotines Michaels on the top rope. MIchaels goes up top, but gets caught as he comes off an Crush sidesteps and slams Michaels down. Crush follows it up with a backdrop. Crush with a corner whip and a backbreaker. He follows it up with a leg drop for a two count. Crush clotheslines Michaels to the outside. Two Doinks are shown coming down the aisle. They distract Crush for MIchaels to superkick and pin Crush. Crush then takes off after the Doinks.
-Mean Gene interviews Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow says he has some business to take care of.
-Finals of the King of the Ring. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Bret Hart: Hart comes out determined, but limping. They attack each other as soon as the bell rings. Bigelow goes to slam Hart, who falls on Bigelow for a one count. Bigelow with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Bigelow picks Hart up and throws him out of the ring. Bigelow comes out after Hart. He puts Hart back in the ring and hits a falling headbutt. He hits a second headbutt and gets a couple of two counts. Bigelow attacks the lower back of Hart. Bigelow with a suplex for another two count. They trade blows and Bigelow hits a corner whip. Bigelow with a headbutt. A second headbutt gets a two count for Bigelow. Bigelow with a bear hug. Hart with a side headlock to get out. Bigelow with a slam for a two count. Bigelow throws Hart out of the ring. Hart reverses an Irish whip and drives Bigelow into the barricade. Hart follows it up with a forearm. Bigelow catches Hart and runs hmi into a ring post. He then slams Hart down on the floor. Bigelow distracts the referee as Luna Vachon comes from the back and hits Hart with a chair. Bigelow comes out and grabs Hart and throws him back into the ring. He slams him down and goes up top. He hits a top rope headbutt and gets the pin. Referee Earl Hebner comes out and stops Howard Finkel from announcing the win. Bigelow arguing as the referee tells Finkel to announce that the match will continue. Bigelow attacks Hart and works on the back. Bigelow stomping Hart down. Bigelow goes back to the bear hug. Hart fighting it and trying to get out. Bigelow with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Hart gets out and hits a belly to back suplex. Bigelow goes for a back splash, but Hart moves. Back and forth. Bigelow with a corner whip. He then goes back to the backbreaker. Hart counters into the sleeper. Bigelow slams Hart down. Hart with a dropkick and Bigelow thrown to the outside. Hart jumps on Bigelow and attacks him. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom. He goes for the Sharpshooter, but Bigelow pushes off. Bigelow lands on Hart for a two count. Hart gets a victory roll to pin Bigelow. Randy Savage comes in to congratulate Hart. Officials take Hart over to the coronation area. Mean Gene puts the crown on Hart. Gene then proclaims Hart to be the King of the Ring. Jerry Lawler comes out to confront Hart and calls Hart an imposter. He tells Hart to bow down to the real king and kiss his feet. Hart calls Lawler a coward and the Burger King. He starts a Burger King chant. Lawler attacks Hart and destroys the crown and wrecks the stage. He chokes Hart. Lawler says he gave Hart a chance and then kicks Hart in the face. He throws Hart off the stage as they sign off from Dayton.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show. The Hart matches were all good and all very different matches.

Episode 220 Notes Mon, 12 Feb 2024 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] e3db1a22-7cac-4f92-8f35-dd0764320a95 My notes for Episode 220: Slamboree '93: A Legends Reunion. -Covid
-Today we look at Slamboree '93: A Legends Reunion from WCW.
-Slamboree '93 was shown on PPV on May 23, 1993 from the Omni in Atlanta, GA. There were 7,008 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Slamboree as you see a bunch of wrestling legends in the ring at the beginning. Tony and Larry Zbyszko will be your commentators for the event as Jesse Ventura was in the hospital.
-Maxx Payne plays on his guitar. Two PPV's in a row for Payne to play on his guitar. I thought he was playing the National Anthem, but he wasn't.
-Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt welcome us to Slamboree and say that Sting will wrestle the Prisoner. They then talk about the match between Vader and Davey Boy Smith as well as the tag team championship match and legends matches.
-Bobby Eaton and Chris Benoit vs. Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell: Two PPV's in a row for Scorpio and Benoit to face each other. They start and lock up. Scorpio with a side headlock. Benoit pushes off and Scorpio comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. They each dodge moves. Scorpio hits a dropkick. All four men in and the action is fast and furious. Heels rollout to regroup. Eaton tagged in. Bagwell also tagged in. Bagwell with an arm bar. Faces keep making the heels look foolish. Eaton back in and throws Bagwell outside while Benoit distracts referee Nick Patrick. Bagwell back in, but Eaton scoop slams him and drops the knee on Bagwell from the top rope. Benoit tagged in. Benoit with a clothesline. They trade shots. Benoit gets a two count. Eaton tagged in. He chokes Bagwell on the second rope. Benoit tagged back in. Benoit hits a belly to back suplex. He follows it up with a snap mare and a headscissors to Bagwell's head. It's a literal headscissors. Benoit with a neck breaker. He goes to splash Bagwell, who gets a knee into Benoit. Scorpio tagged in. He cleans house. All four in. Scorpio with a float over splash for a two count. Scorpio then hits the top rope leg drop to get the pin.
-Tony and Larry talk about Rob Parker and his trouble with Van Hammer.
-Van Hammer vs. Sid Vicious with Col. Rob Parker: Hammer out first. Parker comes out to introduce his man. He brings out a stretcher for Hammer and then brings out the returning Vicious. Vicious gets a great reaction. Hammer destroys the stretcher as Vicious is coming out. They go back and forth. Vicious with a clothesline. He powerbombs Hammer and pins him. The crowd loves it.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Red Bastien and Bugsy McGraw. Bastien says seeing guys like Sid Vicious makes him happy he's not wrestling anymore as McGraw wanders around looking goofy. He then talks goofy.
-Legends match. Dick Murdoch, Don Muraco, and Jimmy Snuka vs. Wahoo McDaniel, Blackjack Mulligan, and Jim Brunzell: Snuka and Brunzell start. They lock up and Brunzell with a hammerlock. Snuka reverses it. Brunzell with a drop toe hold. He gets an arm bar on. Mulligan tagged in. Murdoch grabs him from the apron and elbows Mulligan. He does it several more times and tags himself in. They trade moves. Murdoch with a hip toss. Murdoch goes to the wrong corner to tag and gets menaced by McDaniel. Mulligan gets the crowd into it. Murdoch comes back with elbows for a two count. Murdoch goes to leave and McDaniel makes him get back in the ring. Muraco tagged in. McDaniel with a side headlock. Muraco pushes off and McDaniel chops him down. He slams Muraco down a couple of times. Heels get McDaniel in their corner and triple team him. Murdoch tagged in and McDaniel chops his way out of the corner. Brunzell tagged in and dropkicks Murdoch. Back and forth and Murdoch hits a flying headscissors. That was impressive. Brunzell with an arm bar. He follows it up with a sleeper. Murdoch backs into his own corner to break the hold. Muraco tagged in and hits a power slam. Muraco with a front face lock. McDaniel tagged in, but referee Randy Anderson didn't see it and won't allow it. Snuka holds Brunzell. Muraco goes to clothesline Brunzell, but hits Snuka when Brunzell moves. Murdoch tagged in and gets a swinging neck breaker for a two count. He gets a driving knee drop and an elbow on Brunzell. He gets a two count. Muraco tagged in and Brunzell hits a body press for a two count. Snuka tagged in. He misses a falling headbutt. Muraco holds Brunzell for Snuka to hit and this time, it's Muraco who gets hit when Brunzell moves. They push each other. All 6 men going at it. Anderson calls for the bell. The match is thrown out and the crowd boos. Snuka lands on the announce table after a big splash attempt.
-Missy Hyatt interviews the Assassin and Mad Dog Vachon. Vachon goes on and on. Assassin challenges Dusty Rhodes.
-Ivan Koloff and Baron Von Raschke vs. Thunderbolt Patterson: Patterson is supposed to have Bob Armstrong as his partner, but he's out with a knee surgery. Brad Armstrong comes out and they are acting like this is all unplanned when Eric Bischoff told us at the top of the show that Brad would take Bob's place. They attack Koloff and Von Raschke. Armstrong unloads on Koloff. He then knocks Von Raschke out of the ring. Heels out to regroup. Patterson in with Von Raschke. Von Raschke complaining about Patterson to referee Nick Patrick. Armstrong tagged in. Koloff also tagged in. He gets Armstrong down. Von Raschke back in and double Irish whip and back elbow. Von Raschke gets Armstrong down in the corner. He gets the claw on Armstrong. Patterson comes in to break. Patterson and Koloff both tagged in. All four in and Patterson hits Von Raschke with a throat thrust to get the pin.
-A Flair for the Gold. They keep saying the original Four Horsemen will be reunited. Yeah, about that. Not quite the Four Horsemen you remember. Flair brings out Fifi. Someone says hi John on the mic. Flair brings out Arn Anderson. They talk about Anderson's match with Barry Windham before bringing out Ole Anderson. Flair then brings out the newest Horsemen, Paul Roma. They talk about Tully Blanchard backing out and cover that Windham got to him or something. The fans just don't care. Roma tries to do his best, but the air has been let out of the room. Flair challenges the Hollywood Blondes.
-Tony and Larry are joined by Johnny Valentine. That's the John from before.
-A Beach Blast ad is shown.
-Nick Bockwinkel with Verne Gagne vs. Dory Funk jr with Gene Kiniski: WCW misspells Bockwinkel's name. They had one job. Valentine on guest commentary. They lock up and push off a couple of times. Slow going, but that's understandable. Valentine says he thinks Funk is going to take it. Bockwinkel reverses a hammerlock. Funk gets Bockwinkel in the corner and hits him with some forearm shots and gets a neck vice on. They trade holds. Bockwinkel with a leg vice. Funk gets back to his feet. Funk confers with Kiniski. Bockwinkel with an arm bar. He gets a scoop slam and Funk rolls out to regroup. They lock up again. Funk with a back elbow and an uppercut for a one count, but Bockwinkel gets his foot on the ropes. They trade shots in the corner. Bockwinkel knocks Funk down into the ropes. Funk with a front face lock. Good chain wrestling here. Bockwinkel with a side headlock. Funk with a belly to back suplex. Funk with an arm bar. They lock up and each try for the advantage. Bockwinkel reverses an arm bar. Funk breaks the hold. Bockwinkel with a side headlock. They trade shots in the corner again. Bockwinkel with a headlock. Three minutes left. They trade shots again. Funk knocks Bockwinkel through the ropes to the ramp. Funk suplexes Bockwinkel back in the ring and gets a two count. Funk with a piledriver, but Bockwinkel gets his foot on the ropes. Bockwinkel with a backslide for a two count. Funk gets the spinning toe hold on with one minute left. Bockwinkel with a roll up for a two count. Bockwinkel with a figure four, but Kiniski puts Funk's hands on the ropes. They battle it out, but fight to a draw. They get a standing ovation after the match.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Lou Thesz. Thesz says he's happy to be here. Bischoff then talks to Bob Giegle. He thought the last match was great.
-Rick Rude and Paul Orndorff vs. Dustin Rhodes and Kensuke Sasake: Sasake and Rude start. Rude pushes Sasake and then poses. Sasake pushes Rude back. Rude sttacks Sasake. They go back and forth. Sasake with a wrist lock. Orndorff tagged in. Rhodes also tagged in. Rhodes with a hammerlock. Sasake tagged in and picks the hammerlock up. Orndorff coming back. Rhodes tagged in. Rude also tagged in. they trade blows in the ring. Rude gets his knee up on a corner charge. Rhodes then hits Rude with a knee, but rushes Rude, who ducks and Rhodes goes flying outside. Rude goes out after Rhodes. Orndorff comes out and attacks Rhodes. He throws Rhodes back in and Rude hits a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Orndorff tagged in. He hits a back elbow on Rhodes. Rude tagged back in. Rhodes reverses a piledriver and gets a two count. Orndorff tagged back in. He gets Rhodes down. Rude and Sasake both tagged in. Sasake with a flurry of offense. Rude begging off. Sasake power slams Rude and now all four men in. Rhodes and Orndorff fight out to the ramp as Sasake goes up top. Orndorff pushes Sasake off and Rude hits the Rude Awakening and gets the pin.
-Gordon Solie is in the ring to introduce the Hall of Fame Class. Solie reads off the names of some of the legends who have died and observes a moment of silence. The first inductee is Lou Thesz and Solie runs down all of Thesz's accolades. The second inductee is Verne Gagne and Solie reads off his accomplishments. Mr. Wrestling II is the third inductee and Solie reads his accomplishments. The final inductee is Eddie Graham and his son Mike accepts on his behalf. Solie then presents the first class.
-Missy Hyatt talks to John Tolos and Lord James Blears. Tolos says he is having a great time here and Blears presents a monocle to Missy.
-Sting vs. The Prisoner in a bounty match: The Prisoner is Nailz, who comes out in full Nailz regalia, including night stick and the crowd chants Boss Man to him. The bell rings and the Prisoner attacks Sting right away. He chokes Sting down in the corner. He breaks on the four count, but then goes back to choking. He hits an Irish whip and a back elbow before going back to choking. Prisoner with some corner whips and a backbreaker and he gets a two count. Prisoner misses a corner charge when Sting moves. They trade blows. Prisoner throws Sting outside following him out and starts choking Sting with cables. He breaks and then goes back to it. He runs Sting into the apron. They get back in the ring and Sting corner whipped. Prisoner with an Irish whip, Sting comes back with a clothesline and gets a one count. Sting with a backdrop. He hits a Stinger Splash for a two count. Sting misses an elbow. Sting hits a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Beach Blast ad.
-Eric Bischoff talks to the Crusher and Ox Baker. Crusher shouts out to his grandchildren. Baker says he still likes to hurt people and says hello to everyone out there.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hollywood Blondes Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Dos Hombres Ricky Steamboat and Tom Zenk although they want you to believe it's Shane Douglas and call him Douglas: Douglas had left the promotion by this time. If you're confused, you're not the only one. Cage Match. You can't tell the Hombres apart, so Austin and Hombre 1 start. Austin with the advantage. Hombre 1 comes back with chops. Pillman tagged in. Hombre 1 with a drop toe hold. They trade chops in the corner. Pillman with a side headlock. Austin tagged back in. Hombre 2 tagged in and gets a hammerlock. He gets Austin down. Austin comes back and tries to push Hombre 2 into the cage but gets run into the cage instead. Hombre 1 tagged in and gets an arm bar. They go back and forth and Hombre 1 hits a backdrop on Austin. He follows it up with an atomic drop and then throws Austin into the cage. Hombre 2 tagged in. Pillman tagged in. Back and forth. Hombre 1 tagged in and gets an arm bar and then throws Pillman into the cage. Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 hangs Austin upside down on the cage and then splashes Austin. Pillman tagged in and hits a jaw breaker. Hollywood Blondes coming back. Austin with a back elbow. He then drops an elbow from the second rope for a two count. Pillman tagged in. They double team Hombre 1 in their corner. Hombre 1 gets a foot up on a Pillman splash attempt. Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 hits a dropkick. Austin bounces for both Hombres as Hombre 2 in now. Pillman tagged in and goes for the splash, but Hombre 2 gets his knee up. Both Hombre 1 and Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 throws both Hollywood Blondes into the cage. All four men in now. Hollywood Blondes run into each other. Steamboat takes his mask off and climbs to the top of the cage. He hits a crossbody on both Blondes, but only gets a two count although the bell accidently rings. Hombre 2 comes in and they get double dropkicks for two count. Austin gets the Stun Gun on Hombre 2 and gets the pin.
-Bischoff talks to Dusty Rhodes, Stu Hart, and Mr. Wrestling II. Rhodes talks about the Assassin calling him out and tells him to bring it. Wrestling II says Rhodes is ready and thanks WCW for the honor. Hart talks about Davey Boy Smith taking on Vader for the title later tonight.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson: The bell rings. Anderson with a shoulder block and a one count. Anderson with a side headlock. He takes Windham over for a two count. They circle each other. Anderson with a backdrop. Windham comes back with a right hand. Anderson with a DDT for a two count. Windham goes out to the ramp to regroup. Anderson follows him out and Windham chops Anderson down. Windham trying to keep Anderson from getting in. Anderson goes up top, but Windham hits him as Anderson comes off. Windham with a DDT. He gets a two count and throws Anderson out. They battle on the outside. Anderson runs Windham into the barricade and Windham is busted open. Anderson runs Windham along the top rope. Anderson hitting Windham in the corner and gets a two count. He keeps up the attack and gets another two count. Anderson goes up top, but Windham hits a dropkick to knock Anderson to the floor. Windham goes out and suplexes Anderson on the floor. They get back in the ring. Windham hits a clothesline from the top rope and drops a knee on Anderson to get a two count. Anderson with a shot to Windham. Windham with a float over suplex for a two count. Anderson reverses an Irish whip and hits a spinebuster. Windham rolls out, grabs the NWA title, and goes to leave. Anderson follows and throws Windham back in. Anderson attacking Windham in the corner and shoves referee Randy Anderson down. Windham grabs the NWA title and hits Anderson with it to get the pin.
-Tony and Larry recap what just happened and what led up to the next match.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Vader with Harley Race vs. Davey Boy Smith: It takes some time for them to get going. They circle each other. They lock up and break a couple of times. They try to move each other. Vader crashes into Smith, but doesn't knock him down. Vader pounding on Smith in the corner. Smith goes to the outside, where he is attacked by Race. Vader comes to attack Smith, who moves and Vader spills out to the crowd. Smith picks Vader up and slams him on the ground to the thrill of the crowd. Back in, Smith with a delayed suplex to Vader and the crowd comes to life for that one. Vader gets his boot up on a Smith charge. Vader comes off the second rope, but gets caught and slammed off by Smith. He then clotheslines Vader to the outside. Vader regroups with Race. Back in, Smith gets a crucifix on, but Vader falls back to slam Smith to the ground. Vader drives an elbow into the midsection. He does his version of the Swagger bomb for a two count. Vader hits Smith with some shots. Vader with a scoop slam and a splash from the second rope. Vader beating Smith down in the corner. Vader puts Smith on the top rope and Smith fighting Vader off and finally headbutts him off. Both men on the mat and a double count going. Smith slams Vader and gets a two count. Vader with a clothesline. Back and forth and Smith with a two count. Vader knocks Smith down. He gets a snap mare on. He splashes Smith from the top rope. Both men down again. Vader throws Smith out again and Smith is attacked again by Race. Back in, Vader beating Smith down in the corner. Vader with a slam and a splash on Smith. Smith picks Vader up while Vader is on his shoulders and slams Vader back. Smith gets a clothesline and a two count. He hits the running power slam, but Race pulls Smith out. Race attacks Smith and Vader hits Smith with a chair and gets disqualified. Other wrestlers come in to help Smith and get attacked. Sting comes out and attacks Vader.
-Eric Bischoff and Magnum TA talk about the last match and the night.
-Tony and Larry are joined by Verne Gagne. Gagne says WCW has the best wrestling talent in the world. They sign off from Atlanta. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show and worth at least one watch.

Episode 219 Notes Mon, 12 Feb 2024 13:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 5f2978b8-9ecf-4945-8960-27814a4dc9d0 My notes for Episode 219: WrestleMania IX. -Vince and all the elephants in the room including Brock and Johnny Ace.
-RIP Ice Train.
-Today we look at WrestleMania IX from the WWF.
-WrestleMania IX was shown on PPV April 4, 1993 from Caesars Palace in the Las Vegas Suburb of Paradise Nevada. There were 16,891 in attendance.
-In a dark match, Tito Santana defeated Papa Shango.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to WrestleMania and throws it to newcomer to the WWF, Jim Ross. JR has arrived. He welcomes us to WrestleMania and runs down some of what we are going to see.
-Howard Finkel brings out Caesar and Cleopatra. Macho Man Randy Savage comes out with the Vestal Virgins. Bobby Heenan comes out riding backwards on a camel. He takes a pratfall when he gets off the camel. Last WrestleMania appearance of their original runs for Heenan and Mean Gene Okerlund.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Luna Vachon vs. Tatanka with Sensational Sherri: First appearance of Luna, who would soon be paired with Bam Bam Bigelow. Tatanka comes out fired up. Sherri comes out determined and laser focused on Michaels. It takes a while to get started. The crowd is behind Tatanka. Michaels with a flurry of offense, but Tatanka quickly comes back. Michaels with a wrist lock. Tatanka fights back. Michaels with a side headlock. Tatanka goes to push off, but Michaels holds on. Tatanka with a belly to back suplex to get out of the move. He tries to get Michaels, but Michaels keeps avoiding him. Tatanka with a dropkick and a corner whip that knocks Michaels to the apron where Tatanka chops him to the floor. Vachon comes over only to get stopped by Sherri. Tatanka chops Michaels to keep him out of the ring. Michaels runs Tatanka into a turnbuckle and hits a sunset flip to get a two count. Back and forth and Tatanka hits Michaels with an inverted atomic drop. Tatanka with an arm drag and an arm bar. Michaels tries to go for the hair, but Sherri calls him out. Michaels goes for a clothesline, but hurts his own shoulder. Tatanka goes back to the arm bar. Michaels comes back and hits Tatanka in the corner. Tatanka pulls Michaels into the post and goes back to the arm bar. Michaels trying to come back. Tatanka with a shoulder breaker. Tatanka with a chop from the top rope. Michaels hits a crescent kick and both men down. Tatanka thrown over the top rope and JR is fighting himself not to say that's a disqualification. Sherri goes after Luna again. Michaels runs Tatanka into an apron. Back and forth. They get back in the ring and Michaels with a swinging neck breaker. He hits a standing dropkick to Tatanka for another two count. Michaels with a chin lock. Tatanka coming back. Michaels jabbing Tatanka in the corner. Michaels with a modified victory roll for a two count. Tatanka with a fall away slam. He gets a two count. Michaels with a double ax handle. Tatanka coming back. Tatanka with chops. Another Irish whip and chop. A crossbody gets a two count for Tatanka. Tatanka catapults Michaels into the corner for another two count. Michaels with a quick roll up for a two count. Michaels goes up top and comes off, but gets caught and power slammed for a two count. Michaels throws Tatanka out. Michaels goes for a dive off the apron, but Tatanka moves. Michaels grabs the referee and throws him out. Tatanka hits a fall away slam and covers Michaels, but Michaels has been disqualified. Michaels is out in the middle of the ring. Vachon attacks Sherri on the outside. Tatanka runs Vachon off and checks on Sherri.
-Mean Gene talks to the Steiner Brothers. They say they are ready for the Headshrinkers.
-The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu with Afa vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Scott and Fatu start. Scott with an arm drag. He then gets a double leg takedown and gets a one count. Back and forth with big right hands. Fatu with a thumb to the eyes and the Headshrinkers double team Scott in the corner. Scott thrown to the outside. Steiners hit the Headshrinkers with a double Steinerline from the top rope. Headshrinkers roll out to regroup with Afa. JR announces that Sensational Sherri has been attacked at the first aid station. Rick tagged in. Samu also tagged in and chops Rick. Samu with a corner whip and clothesline. Another corner whip, but Rick comes out with a Steinerline. He runs Samu into the post and Scott tagged in. He cleans house. Samu reverses an Irish whip and looks like he's going to hit a Hot Shot, but Fatu holds the ring rope down and Scott spills to the outside. Afa hits Scott with a stick on the outside. They attack Scott on the outside. They get Scott back in the ring and Fatu tagged in. Fatu with a second rope headbutt, but Rick breaks up the pin. Samu tagged in. Samu with a corner whip, but Scott gets the boot up on the charge. Fatu tagged in. Fatu with a running charge to knock Scott out of the ring. Samu runs Scott into the ring post. Fatu throws Scott back in and gets an Irish whip. He lowers his head and Scott slams him down to the mat. This doesn't affect Fatu and he hits Scott with a thrust kick. Samu tagged in. Headshrinkers double team Scott in the corner. Fatu tagged in and they did their version of the Demolition Decapitation. Fatu gets a two count. Scott trying to come back. Double collision and both men down. Samu tagged in. He pounds on Scott. He goes for a diving headbutt, but Scott moves. Fatu and Rick both tagged in. Rick cleaning house. The Headshrinkers headbutt Rick. They then hit an SCF on Rick. They get Rick up for their version of the Doomsday Device, but Rick catches Samu in midair and slams him down. Fatu breaks up the count. Headshrinkers throw Rick out of the ring, but he tags Scott as Rick was going through the ropes. Scott hits Fatu with a belly to belly suplex, only to get hit with a thrust kick from Samu. Samu reverses an Irish whip, but Scott comes back with a Frankensteiner to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks to Doink. They show Doink attacking Crush from behind. Doink says after tonight, Crush may be seeing double vision.
-Crush vs. Doink: Doink squirts Crush as soon as Doink gets to the ring. Crush takes off after Doink. Crush slams Doink on the outside. Doink trying to get away. He begs off in the corner. He goes outside and then pulls Crush out. Crush headbutts Doink. Crush with a neck breaker. All Crush thus far. Crush does the Randy Savage jump over guillotine move to Doink. Crush with a backbreaker. Doink guillotines Crush and hits a forearm from the top rope. Doink gets Crush down. He hits a piledriver to Crush. Doink with a scoop slam. He goes to come off the top rope, but Crush gets his foot up. Both men down. Back and forth. Doink tries to come off the second rope, but gets caught and slammed off. Crush clotheslines Doink outside and grabs Doink as he was trying to go under the ring. Back in, Crush slams Doink down and signals for the Cranium Crush. He gets it on, but Doink gets to the ropes. Crush lets go and Doink slams into referee Joey Marella. Crush checks on Marella and then stops Doink from going under the ring. Crush slams Doink and gets the Crush on, until another Doink comes from under the ring and attacks Crush. They double team Crush to knock him out. The second Doink goes back under the ring and Doink pins Crush. Another official comes down and tells Marella what happened, but they can't find the second Doink.
-Todd Pettengill is in the crowd talking about if there were two Doinks.
-Bob Backlund vs. Razor Ramon: The bell rings. Backlund wants to shake hands, but Ramon throws his toothpick at Backlund instead. A Razor chant goes out. Ramon throws Backlund back to a corner a couple of times. Backlund gets some single leg pick-ups on Ramon. Ramon comes back with a scoop slam. Then another one. He kicks Backlund. Ramon gets Backlund in the corner and Backlund tries to fight out. Backlund reverses a corner whip and hits a hip toss. Then another one. Backlund with a double underhook suplex. He follows it up with an atomic drop. Ramon gets an inside cradle to get the pin out of nowhere.
-Mean Gene talks to Money Inc. They flashback to everything that has led up to the match. Ted DiBiase says it's time to put up or shut up. IRS says they are going to take Brutus Beefcake's mask off and rearrange his face. They also bring up Hulk Hogan being injured.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship match. Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS vs. The Mega Maniacs Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake with Jimmy Hart: Money Inc out first. Lots of speculation over Hulk Hogan's black eye. Speculation says Randy Savage did it or it was an accident with a jet ski. Who knows? A good reaction for Hogan but not a great one. Money Inc attacks the Mega Maniacs as soon as they get in the ring. Mega Maniacs run Money Inc out of the ring. IRS and Beefcake start. IRS beating Beefcake down in the corner. DiBiase tagged in and keeps up the attack. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a back elbow. IRS back in. He an DiBiase doing some quick tags and keeping Beefcake in their corner. DiBiase goes for an elbow smash from the second rope, but hurts his hand on Beefcake's mask. Beefcake runs Money Inc's heads together. Beefcake runs DiBiase into the corner and then into Hogan's boot. Hogan tagged in. Hogan with punches to DiBiase in the corner. He gets DiBiase down and punches him again. All Hogan so far. Double boot from the Mega Maniacs and Beefcake tagged in. Beefcake with a scoop slam and Hogan tagged back in. Hogan with a double ax handle. DiBiase has his bumping shoes on. Both Money Inc members thrown out of the ring. Money Inc started to leave. Howard Finkel tells the crowd that the referee has ruled that Money Inc has to come back by the 10 count or they will lose their titles. They make it in on 8. Hogan and DiBiase in and a Hogan chant goes out. DiBiase gets Hogan down and chokes him on the second rope. Beefcake complains and IRS chokes Hogan with the tag rope. Money Inc has Hogan in their corner and double teaming him. They get him down. DiBiase puts the Million Dollar Dream on Hogan. Hogan fighting it. The Hogan chant goes out again. Hogan's hand doesn't fall the third time. All four men in and the referee tries to get IRS out and Beefcake puts the sleeper on DiBiase. Both Hogan and DiBiase down. Hogan up at 8 like the Undertaker. Beefcake tagged in and cleans house. He atomic drops DiBiase to the outside. Beefcake goes for a move and DiBiase hits him with the Halliburton briefcase when the referee wasn't looking. DiBiase then tagged in. He drops several knees on Beefcake. He tries to take the mask off Beefcake. He gets the mask off. Hogan comes in, but gets cut off by the referee. IRS tagged in and Beefcake out on his feet and swinging wildly. DiBiase tagged back in. Money Inc with a double clothesline. Beefcake puts IRS in a sleeper. DiBiase with a double ax handle to Beefcake from behind, but that pushes Beefcake and IRS into the referee. DiBiase and Hogan both tagged in. Hogan with some right hands to DiBiase. Big Boot. IRS comes in with Beefcake's mask. Hogan kicks him, gets the mask, and hits both members of Money Inc with the mask. Hart comes in, turns his jacket inside out. The inside is striped black and white like a referee and makes the count. Hokey ending. You'll find that to be a trend in this show. Money Inc wins by disqualification. Money Inc go to hit the Mega Maniacs from behind, but get run off. Referee Danny Davis had come down to make the call and his former manager Jimmy Hart throws him out. Hogan and Beefcake pose after the match. They get the Haliburton and open it. There is paper, a brick, and money in there. The Mega Maniacs give the money away.
-Todd Pettengill talks to Natalie Cole in the crowd. She's having a good time. He then talks to the CEO of Caesar's Palace. He is so happy that WrestleMania is here.
-Mean Gene talks to Mr. Perfect. Perfect talks about Lex Luger. Luger had knocked out Bret Hart at the WrestleMania Brunch. Perfect says he is what he says he is, absolutely Perfect and he is on a roll this week.
-Lex Luger vs. Mr. Perfect: Perfect gets a great reaction when he comes out. He spits his gum on Luger. They lock up and exchange wrist locks. They get to the ropes and break. They exchange hammerlocks. Another break. Perfect reverses an Irish whip and hits a shot and a running knee lift. He hits a dropkick on Luger. They lock up again and drive to a corner. They break and Luger gets a cheap shot in. Luger with a series of right hands and an Irish whip. He goes to hit Perfect with a big boot, but Perfect catches the boot. Perfect slaps Luger down and attacks Luger's knee. Perfect working on Luger's leg. He gets the leg lock on. He then kicks Luger's knee and chops Luger in the corner. Luger reverses a corner whip. Then another corner whip and Perfect has his bumping shoes on. Luger throws Perfect out of the ring. Luger follows and runs Perfect's back into the apron. Back in, Luger continues to work on the lower back. He hits Perfect with a backbreaker. He throws Perfect into a corner and Perfect trying to fight out. Back and forth. Luger with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Perfect gets a sunset flip for a two count. Perfect with a sleeper. Luger gets to the ropes. They trade blows. Perfect with an inside cradle for a two count. Perfect reverses a corner whip and catapults Luger into the corner. Perfect with an Irish whip and a forearm for a two count. Perfect with corner mounted punches. He gets another two count. Perfect with a missile dropkick for another two count. Luger gets a backslide to get the pin, but Perfect's legs were on the ropes. Luger knocks Perfect out with the forearm after the match. Perfect comes to and takes off after Luger. He attacks Luger, who was talking to Shawn Michaels and Michaels attacks Perfect. Savage and Heenan start to argue about what just happened.
-Gorilla Monsoon runs down what is still coming up.
-The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Giant Gonzalez with Harvey Wippleman: Undertaker gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. He is being pulled out on a chariot with a vulture. The bell rings and they are face to face or as close as possible with Gonzalez's height. He hits some forearms to no avail. Undertaker with some throat thrusts. Gonzalez grabs Undertaker by the neck. Undertaker gets on the second rope and grabs Gonzalez by the throat. Back and forth. Undertaker does Old School. Gonzalez with a clothesline. Gonzalez hip tosses Undertaker out of the corner. Gonzales with a headlock. Undertaker down to one knee. He gets back up, but goes down again. The referee checks the arm and it doesn't go down a third time. Undertaker gets out and Gonzalez throws him out of the ring. Gonzalez follows and throws Undertaker into the ring steps. Undertaker gets back in the ring. Gonzalez keeps knocking Undertaker down and he keeps getting back to his feet. Undertaker coming back. Gonzalez was knocked down to one knee. Wippleman gets up on the apron and Undertaker grabs him and he throws something to Gonzalez. Gonzalez headbutts Bearer off the apron and puts a cloth over Undertaker's face. The announcers say it smells like chloroform. Gonzalez is disqualified. Undertaker goes down to the mat and the crowd boos. Officials come out to check on the Undertaker. Gonzalez grabs referee Bill Alphonso and chokeslams him. Undertaker loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the back. A Hogan chant goes out. The gong goes off and the Undertaker comes back to a massive ovation. He gets in the ring and rocks Gonzalez with a series of clotheslines to take Gonzalez down. Bearer has to restrain the Undertaker to keep him away from Gonzalez.
-Mean Gene flashes back to Yokozuna taking down Jim Duggan and the contract signing between Yokozuna and Bret Hart. He then brings on Hulk Hogan. He talks about Money Inc attacking him and tells Bret Hart to watch out for Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. He then challenges the winner to the first title match.
-Todd Pettengill is in the crowd and interviewing fans.
-WWF Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji: Hart gets a great reaction when he comes out. Hart does his glasses presentation. Yokozuna does his salt presentation. The bell rings and Hart attacks Yokozuna in the corner. They trade shots. Yoko knocks Hart to the outside. Yokozuna comes over to the apron as Hart was trying to get back in and Hart uses the ropes to tie Yoko's feet up and knock him down. Hart attacks the prone Yokozuna. The referee gets Yokozuna out. Yokozuna comes back with a clothesline. Yokozuna with a scoop slam and a leg drop on Hart. The crowd starts a USA chant and that's hilarious. Yokozuna choking Hart on the top rope. They lock up. Yokozuna with a nerve hold. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but Hart gets his feet up on the charge and bulldogs Yokozuna down from the second turnbuckle. Hart gets a two count. Yokozuna with a thrust kick. Yokozuna goes back to a nerve hold. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but Hart moves on the charge and gets another bulldog for a two count. Hart goes for the 5 moves of doom. He gets a series of two counts. Yokozuna grabs Hart in the corner and Hart holds on to the turnbuckle pad to keep from going down. The pad comes off and Hart goes down. Hart runs Yokozuna into the exposed turnbuckle. Hart puts the Sharpshooter on. Fuji throws powder into Hart's eyes and Yokozuna pins Hart to become the new WWF Champion. But wait, there's more! Hulk Hogan comes out to complain. Fuji gets on the mic and challenges Hogan to take on Yoko and says Yoko will put the title on the line. Hart tells Hogan to go for it. Fuji goes to throw something again, but Hogan ducks and Yokozuna gets hit instead. Hogan knocks Fuji down. Clothesline, leg drop, and pin and Hulk Hogan is the new WWF Champion. What just happened? Hogan must pose. They recap what just happened and sign off from Las Vegas.
-Final Thoughts: This is far from what we talked about with the start of Hulkamania last week. Worth at least one look but most of it is skippable.

Episode 218 Notes Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 888039be-a038-4e08-8354-870a34251c86 My notes for Episode 218: MSG January 1984. -Technical Issues
-Today we look at WWE Old School from January 23, 1984.
-The WWF on MSG Network was shown from MSG in New York City on January 23, 1984.
-Old School and MSG Network intros.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Pat Patterson are the announcers for the event and welcome us to MSG.
-Jose Luis Rivera vs. Tony Garea: Howard Finkel welcomes us and introduces the officials for the night. Garea and Rivera lock up and drive to the corner and break clean. They circle each other. Rivera with a hammerlock. Garea reverses. Rivera gets to the ropes. They have a series of reversals. Rivera with a side headlock takeover. He gets some two counts. Garea gets back to his feet and out. Rivera with a crossbody for a two count. Garea with an arm drag. Rivera pushes off and Garea comes back with a shoulder block. He gets another and then an arm drag into an arm bar. Rivera with a scoop slam, but Garea hangs onto the arm bar. Rivera gets back to his feet. Back and forth. Rivera with a roll up for a two count. Garea with a single leg takedown. Rivera goes for a dropkick as Garea goes for a backdrop and it gets awkward. Garea with a snap mare for a one count. Rivera with a reverse crossbody, but Garea rolls through to get the pin.
-Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee vs. The Invaders: Invader 1 and Lee start. They drive to the ropes. Break clean. Another drive and break. They trade chops. Lee with a suplex and Invader 1 comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Invader 2 comes in and has a wrist lock on. Into an arm wringer and Invader 1 tagged back in. Invader 2 tagged back in and the Invaders are quick tagging. Invader 1 in and Lee picks him up and brings him to the other corner. Invader 2 out of the corner and they circle each other. They exchange hammerlocks and Fuji tagged in. They lock up and Invader 2 with an Irish whip and a shot. Fuji pushes off from an arm lock and Invader 2 with a shoulder block. Invader 2 with a crossbody for a two count. Invader 2 with an arm drag. Lee tagged in and he gets arm dragged. Invader 1 tagged in. Back and forth. Invader 2 tagged in. Quick tags by the Invaders. They keep an arm bar on Lee as Invader 1 back in. Lee comes back and he and Fuji choke and double team Invader 1 in their corner. Fuji tagged in. Headbutt to Invader 1's midsection. Then another one. Lee tagged in. He gets an arm bar. He gets an Irish whip and a backdrop for a one count. Fuji tagged back in and gets a nerve hold and a suplex. Invader 1 reverses a suplex. Fuji goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Lee and Invader 2 both tagged in. Invader 2 with a corner whip and beating Lee down in the corner. Invader 2 with a side headlock. Lee with a back suplex to get out of the move. Fuji tagged in. He gets a side suplex, but Invader 1 breaks up the pin. Fuji goes back to the nerve hold. Invader 2 coming back, but Fuji cuts him off with a chop. Lee tagged in. He gets a bear hug on Invader 2. Invader 2 gets up, but can't make the tag. Lee goes back to the bear hug. Invader 1 breaks it up, but while the referee was getting him out, Fuji and Lee make the phantom tag. Fuji with a hold on the kidney area. Invader 2 makes the tag to Invader 1. He gets a dropkick. Lee tagged in. They trade blows. Lee with a series of corner whips and an inverted atomic drop. He follows it up with a snap mare and a chin lock. Invader 1 comes back with a dropkick. He goes for a corner splash, but Lee moves. Invader 2 tagged in. He gets a dropkick for a two count. Invader 1 tagged in and goes to work on Lee's leg. Both Invaders working over the leg. Invader 2 with a leg lock on Lee. Fuji tagged in. Invaders keep quick tagging as they are now working on Fuji's leg. Invader 1 gets a two count. He then gets an abdominal stretch. Lee tagged in and Invader 1 gets the abdominal stretch on him. Invader 2 goaded in, so Fuji breaks up the hold. Invader 2 tagged in. He gets the abdominal stretch on Lee. Now all four men in and the heels run into each other and then the Invaders put the row boat on as the bell rings and it's a time limit draw. The crowd boos when the decision is announced.
-The Masked Superstar vs. Chief Jay Strongbow: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes. They break. They look like they are bad mouthing each other in the ring, but you can't hear anything. Strongbow with a side headlock. Superstar gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Strongbow goes back to the side headlock. Superstar pushes off. Strongbow comes back with a shoulder block and goes back to the side headlock. Superstar pushes off and Strongbow comes back, slides through Superstar's legs and goes back to the side headlock. He gets Superstar down to the mat. They trade holds. They lock up again and surprise, Strongbow goes back to the side headlock. Superstar pushes off. Strongbow ducks a chop and hits one of his own. He goes back to the side headlock. Superstar pushes off and Strongbow chops him down. Very repetitive match. Strongbow goes after the mask. Superstar goes outside to regroup. He gets in the ring and they go back and forth. Strongbow hits some knee lifts and goes after the mask again. Superstar comes back with an elbow to the ribs. Strongbow with an Irish whip and the sleeper on Superstar. Superstar fights out and hits a clothesline to Strongbow to pin him.
-Ivan Putski vs. Sgt. Slaughter: Slaughter takes his time taking his gear off. Putski shadow boxing Slaughter. Slaughter steps out to the apron. Slaughter posing to Putski making fun of Putski. Putski responds by posing himself. They stall trying to psych each other out. They finally lock up, but break. Another lock up and push off. Putski shoves Slaughter off and scoop slams him. Putski with a side headlock. Slaughter pushes off and Putski comes back with a shoulder block that knocks Slaughter down to the mat. Putski goes back to the side headlock. Slaughter goes to push off, but Putski holds onto the hold. Slaughter with an atomic drop. He hits some backbreakers to get a two count. Slaughter runs Putski into the turnbuckle. Putski then runs Slaughter into the turnbuckle. Putski kicks Slaughter into the top turnbuckle and Slaughter is just laying there. He then corner whips Slaughter into the opposite corner. Slaughter reverses another corner whip and hits Putski with a clothesline. Slaughter goes for a scoop slam, but Putski falls on him for a two count. Putski ducks a clothesline and hits the Polish Hammer. He follows it up with a shoulder block to send Slaughter to the outside. Slaughter is bleeding. They exchange blows on the ring apron. Slaughter chopped into the ring as the bell rings. They are still going at it in the ring as Putski corner whips Slaughter, who does his up and over to the floor bump, so TASIYDAH. They continue to slug it out and the referee is trying to separate them. Slaughter wins by count out.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Paul Orndorff. Orndorff says he's better than everyone else. He promises that Sal Bellomo will take the piledriver.
-Paul Orndorff with Roddy Piper vs. Sal Bellomo: The heels take their time getting to the ring. Piper tells the referee to check Bellomo's knee pad. The heels threaten to leave and get booed. They get in the ring and Piper takes his time disrobing Orndorff. This takes way too long. Orndorff attacks Bellomo from behind and just demolishes him. He drops a knee on Bellomo's throat and slams him down. He slaps Bellomo. Orndorff with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count. He goes to scoop slam Bellomo, who falls on Orndorff for a two count. Orndorff with a corner whip, but Bellomo moves on the charge. Bellomo making a comeback. Back and forth. Bellomo with an arm bar. Orndorff coming back. Bellomo goes back to the arm bar. They trade moves. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex. He then throws Bellomo to the outside. Piper screams at Bellomo and Orndorff keeps Bellomo from getting into the ring. Orndorff comes out and slams Bellomo on the floor. He gets Bellomo back in and suplexes him for a two count. Orndorff with a knee to Bellomo in the corner. Bellomo still fighting back. Orndorff slams Bellomo and goes for a flying knee drop, but Bellomo moves out of the way. Bellomo coming back. Orndorff catches Bellomo with a power slam and hits the piledriver to get the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Fred Blassie and The Iron Sheik. Blassie says they tried to pull something on them by substituting Hulk Hogan, but the Sheik is ready.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship Match. The Iron Sheik with Fred Blassie vs. Hulk Hogan: Sheik and Blassie in first. Hogan is shown in the back with a red American Made T-shirt on. The Network dubs in Real American, but originally it was Eye of the Tiger. The crowd loves Hogan and hates the Sheik and Blassie. The bell rings and Hogan attacks Sheik before he can take his stuff off and the crowd is here for it. Hogan with a corner whip and back elbow to Sheik. Hogan grabs Sheik's headgear, Irish whips Sheik, and clotheslines him with the head gear. The referee gets the head gear away. Hogan with another Irish whip and clothesline to Sheik. He follows it up with a knee drop. He then chokes Sheik for a three count. He then hits the big boot and covers for a two count. Hogan with an Irish whip and a running elbow to knock Sheik down and drops another elbow. He gets another two count. Hogan with a corner whip, but Sheik moves on the charge. Sheik hitting Hogan with some right hand shots. Sheik follows it up with a backbreaker for a two count. Back and forth. Sheik kicks Hogan in the throat and loads up his boot. He kicks Hogan in the back. Sheik gets the Boston crab on. Hogan powers out. Sheik with a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. Sheik with a boot to the kidney and gets the Camel Clutch on. Hogan fighting it. Hogan stands up, but still has Sheik on his back. Hogan goes back and rams Sheik into the corner to knock him off. Hogan hits the leg drop and pins Sheik to become the new WWF Champion and a new era of Hulkamania is born. The crowd goes wild. Hogan is presented with the belt and holds it up high. They keep it up as Howard Finkel announces the result. Officials come out and load Sheik on a stretcher. Sheik gets off the stretcher and he and Hogan go at it again. Hogan throws Sheik out of the ring to the delight of the crowd. Sheik grabs a chair and throws it into the ring. Hogan grabs the chair and tells Sheik to bring it and officials get Sheik to the back.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Andre the Giant comes in and pours Champagne on Hogan. Ivan Putski and Rocky Johnson also come in and celebrate.
-Rene Goulet vs. Jimmy Snuka: Goulet attacks Snuka as soon as the bell rings. He bites Snuka. Goulet with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a two count. Goulet keeps up the attack. Snuka starts to come back with a flying mare. Goulet covers up in the corner. Back and forth. Goulet with the claw on Snuka. Snuka fights back. Goulet with a knee lift and an Irish whip. Snuka comes back with a chop and a headbutt. He chops Goulet and hits a crossbody for the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and his parents. They are proud of their son.
-The Wild Samoans Afa, Sika, and Samula vs. Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas, and Andre the Giant: Faces get a great reaction when they get to the ring. Atlas and Samu start. They go back and forth. Atlas with a crossbody. Slow moving match, but the crowd is drained after all they have seen. Johnson tagged in. Samoans get him in their corner, but he fights out. Atlas tagged in. Samu gets the full nelson on. Atlas fights out. Andre tagged in and the crowd came to life. He Irish whips Samu, who comes back with a headbutt. Sika tagged in. Andre to his feet and Sika trying to headbutt him back down. Andre headbutts Sika down and then runs the Samoans' heads together when Afa comes in. Samu tagged in. Andre hits a big boot and gets the pin. Monsoon and Patterson recap the night and sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: A historic show. Hulkamania runs wild and wrestling wouldn't be the same.

Episode 217 Notes Mon, 12 Feb 2024 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] f7aab08b-4d94-4b3e-9ef7-5f907410df69 My notes for Episodes 217: March to WrestleMania IX. -Birthday/Start of our 5th year.
-Today we look at the March to WrestleMania IX special from the WWF.
-The March to WrestleMania IX was shown on the USA network on March 28, 1993. It was recorded March 7, 1993 from Fayetteville, NC.
-Highlights from the contract signing between Yokozuna and Bret Hart and Yokozuna attacking Hart.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. They preview what we are going to see tonight.
-Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Randy Savage: Savage is extremely over with the fans. Savage starts a USA chant. It takes a while for them to get started. Savage avoiding Yokozuna's charges. Yokozuna knocks Savage down. Yokozuna with a shoulder block. Yokozuna in control with a headbutt. He throws Savage outside and then follows. He runs Savage into a barricade. He runs Savage into the ring steps and then throws him back in the ring. Savage coming back with right hand punches and Yokozuna is rocking. One chop by Yokozuna knocks Savage back down. Yokozuna follows it up with a power slam and a leg drop. He chokes Savage on the ropes for a four count. Savage hits a double ax handle to rock Yokozuna. He goes to do it again and Fuji hits Savage with the flag pole. Yokozuna hits a belly to belly suplex and gets the pin. Fuji instructs Yokozuna to do the Banzai drop, but Savage moves out of the way. Savage with a high knee to drive Yokozuna to the outside. Officials then come out to keep them apart.
-Flashback to Lex Luger's debut at the Royal Rumble and knocking out wrestlers with his forearm.
-Mr. Perfect vs. Skinner: Skinner attacks Perfect from behind before the bell rings. He runs Perfect into a corner. Perfect goes outside and Skinner follows. He runs Perfect into the ring steps. Perfect runs Skinner into the ring post. Perfect rolls Skinner back in. Skinner with an Irish whip, takes his belt off, and clotheslines Perfect with it. He then whips Perfect with the belt. Back and forth. Skinner bits Perfect in the forehead. He then stomps Perfect down. He runs Perfect's face along the ropes. Skinner misses a corner charge when Perfect moves out of the way. Perfect with an atomic drop and a corner whip. Perfect follows it up with corner mounted punches. Perfect with a rolling snap mare. Perfect choking Skinner with his boot for a four count. Skinner takes his gator paw and jams it into Perfect's eye. Skinner with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Perfect gets the win.
-WrestleMania IX ad. Reverend Slick talks about Kamala taking Bam Bam Bigelow down at WrestleMania, but the match would not end up happening.
-Kamala with Reverend Slick vs. Kim Chee: Kim Chee attacks Kamala as soon as the bell rings. He tries to get Kamala down, but Kamala gets a bear hug. Kamala with an Irish whip and a chop. More chops, kicks, and a scoop slam. Kamala with a splash. He turns Kim Chee over and gets the pin. Kamala attacks Kim Chee with the pith helmet after the match. Slick then puts the hat on Kamala.
-WrestleMania music video.
-Flashback to what led up to the creation of the Mega-Maniacs and the match being made for WrestleMania.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS vs. Jerry Sabin and Reno Riggins: Sabin is the Italian Stallion. IRS and Sabin start. Back and forth. IRS throws Sabin out and DiBiase runs Sabin into the ring steps. He then throws Sabin back in. Riggins and DiBiase tagged in. Money Inc. with a double Irish whip and back elbows. DiBiase chopping Riggins in the corner. DiBiase with a corner whip and a backdrop. IRS tagged in. He gets Riggins down. DiBiase tagged back in. Money Inc. brutalizing Riggins and quick tagging each other. DiBiase gets the Million Dollar Dream on Riggins to get the win.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the Mega-Maniacs and Jimmy Hart. Hulk Hogan talks about Money Inc. attacking Brutus Beefcake on Monday Night Raw. They talk about forming their team and say they are ready for Money Inc. Hart says Money Inc. is going bankrupt. This segment went on way too long.
-Flashback to what led up to the Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania between Tatanka and Shawn Michaels. Michaels then says he's walking out with his title and Tatanka's scalp. Ouch.
-Tatanka vs. George South: Tatanka with a home field advantage of a sort here as he is very close to his hometown. The bell rings and they circle each other. Tatanka chops South down. He then throws him down. South beats Tatanka down in the corner. Tatanka coming back with chops. He hip tosses South out of the corner. Tatanka with a scoop slam. South rakes Tatanka's back. Back and forth. Tatanka fires up. He chops South down several times. He hits the fall away slam and gets the pin. Shawn Michaels comes down to ringside. He grabs the mic and asks Tatanka if he thinks he has a chance of beating Michaels at WrestleMania. He goes to leave. Tatanka calls him out and says let's not wait for WrestleMania. Michaels comes back to the ring apron before leaving again.
-WrestleMania IX report.
-The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake and Little Louie vs. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch and Tiger Jackson: Beau and Luke start. All Beverly's to start. Now all 6 men in. Jackson dropkicks Louie. Jackson and Louie both tagged in and Jackson took over on Louie. He gets some two counts. They do some comedy spots. Butch and Blake tagged in. Blake attacks Butch from behind. Butch coming back. He gets a bulldog on Blake. Luke tagged in and gets Blake down. Back and forth. Blake goes outside and Luke follows. Back in, Beau and Blake double team Luke. Beau tagged in and gets a two count. He gets a top rope double ax handle on Luke for another two count. Blake tagged in. Quick tags by the Beverly Brothers. Blake and Butch both tagged in. Butch cleaning house and now all 6 men in. Jackson hits a crossbody on Louie to get the pin.
-Flashback to the Royal Rumble and Giant Gonzalez taking out The Undertaker and everything that led up to their match at WrestleMania.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: Undertaker very over with the fans when he comes out. Bigelow attacks Undertaker as soon as the bell rings. Undertaker comes back with a drop toe hold. Bigelow bails to the outside to regroup. Bigelow with an Irish whip. Undertaker comes back with a DDT. Undertaker choking Bigelow in the corner for a four count. Undertaker then does Old School. He follows it up with throat thrusts to Bigelow. He charges Bigelow, who ducks and Undertaker falls to the outside. Bigelow slams Undertaker on the outside. He runs Undertaker into the ring steps. He does it again. Back in, Bigelow with a belly to back suplex, but Undertaker keeps getting up. Bigelow can't get Undertaker to stay down. Bigelow with a scoop slam and a falling headbutt, but Undertaker won't stay down. Another falling headbutt. Bigelow drags Undertaker to the corner. Bigelow goes up top and goes for the diving headbutt, but Undertaker moves. Undertaker with a flying clothesline. Bigelow leaves the ring and gets counted out. Harvey Wippleman and Giant Gonzalez are in the aisle. Undertaker goes after Gonzalez. Officials out to keep them apart. Wippleman and Gonzalez finally leave.
-Vince and Bobby hype WrestleMania IX and sign off from Fayetteville.
-Final Thoughts: This did a pretty good job of hyping up WrestleMania. Worth at least one watch.

Episode 216 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 4de3d695-a9dc-43df-b4b4-b6df2e74d9ad My notes for Episode 216: SuperBrawl III. -Strep throat and rain.
-Today we look at SuperBrawl III from WCW.
-My SuperBrawl III story.
-SuperBrawl III was shown on PPV on February 21, 1993 from the Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, NC. There were 6,500 in attendance.

-Eric Bischoff welcomes us to SuperBrawl III. He and Missy Hyatt run down some of what we are going to see. Missy says she's going to get a big interview tonight. They are then joined by Johnny B. Badd. He also runs down some of what we are going to see and then they throw it to Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura. They talk about the Main Event and then some of the other title matches.
-GMC introduces Maxx Payne, who plays the National Anthem.
-Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. Erik Watts and Marcus Bagwell: Austin and Bagwell start. They lock up and Bagwell pushes off. Another lock up and they drive to the corner. Clean break. Bagwell with an arm drag into an arm bar. Test of strength and Bagwell gets Austin down with a wrist lock. Austin with an elbow and a right hand. Back and forth. Bagwell with a right hand that knocks Austin out of the ring. Watts tagged in and a double backdrop to Austin. Pillman tagged in and the heels have Watts in their corner and he is trying to fight his way out. He does and he and Pillman exchange holds in the center of the ring. Watts with an arm bar. Bagwell tagged in. Austin also tagged in. Bagwell ducks some clotheslines and comes back with a crossbody. He then takes Austin down with a side headlock takeover. Up into a side headlock and Watts tagged back in. He picks up the side headlock and then gets Austin into the abdominal stretch. Bagwell tagged in. He picks the abdominal stretch up. Austin gets out and tags Pillman in. Back and forth. Bagwell with a press slam and a clothesline for a two count. Watts tagged in. Austin also tagged in. Watts gets Austin down for a two count and then turns Austin over into a Boston crab. Pillman breaks the hold. Pillman tagged in. Watts gets the STF on, but Pillman gets to the ropes. Pillman says he's injured his knee to sucker Watts in. Watts goes outside and PIllman goes to hit him with a double ax handle, but Watts moves and Pillman hits the barricade instead. Back in, Pillman goads Watts and the heels hit a back elbow to drive Watts to the outside as Austin was tagged in. Austin kicks Watts back down from the apron. An Austin chant goes out. Austin with a sunset flip from the apron, but can't get Watts down. All four men in now. Watts in the heels corner. They double team Watts. Watts rolls Pillman up for a two count. Austin tagged in. He chops Watts down. Bagwell goaded in. Watts in the heels corner. Pillman tagged in. Rocket Launcher to Watts, but he gets his knees-up. Austin tagged in and cuts Watts off from tagging with a belly to back suplex. They accidentally hit heads and then Austin goes for a leapfrog body guillotine, but Watts moves. Both Pillman and Bagwell tagged in. Bagwell cleaning house. Austin stops a pin attempt. Bagwell with a bridging suplex, but Austin comes off the top rope with a forearm to Bagwell and Pillman gets the pin.
-Eric Bischoff and Johnny B. Badd talk about Ric Fliar being there. Missy tries to interview Flair as he arrives, but security keeps her away. A we want Flair chant goes out.
-Chris Benoit vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Scorpio is extremely popular with the crowd. They lock up. To the ropes and break clean. Another tie up and clean break. Benoit with a back elbow and a snap suplex. He follows it up with a chop. Scorpio comes back with a body press and a spinning heel kick that drives Benoit to the outside. He gets back in. Benoit with a wrist lock. They do a series of reversals to each other and Benoit with an arm bar. Scorpio with a reversal and gets Benoit into an arm bar of his own. Scorpio with a hammerlock using his feet on Benoit. Benoit gets up and more reversals. Back and forth. Benoit goes back to the outside. Test of strength. Both men bridge to avoid going down. Scorpio with a dropkick and an arm drag. Scorpio goes back to the arm bar. Back and forth. Scorpio keeps going back to the arm bar. He rolls Benoit over to get a two count. Benoit runs Scorpio into a turnbuckle. He hits a clothesline to Scorpio. He follows it up with a backbreaker. Scorpio pulls the hair to get out. Benoit with a headlock. He then slams Scorpio down on the turnbuckle. Scorpio kicked to the outside. Scorpio up on the apron. Benoit goes to run Scorpio into the turnbuckle, but Scorpio blocks it and runs Benoit in instead. Scorpio misses a top rope dropkick and Benoit gets a two count. Benoit with a chin lock. Scorpio tries to come back, but Benoit hits a version of the sidewalk slam into a Boston crab that's almost a version of the Lion Tamer. Benoit lets go. Benoit with a snap mare and a chin lock. Benoit then chops Scorpio. He puts Scorpio on the top and hits a belly to back superplex, but Benoit hurts himself. He covers, but only gets a two count. A Russian leg sweep gets another two count. Benoit goes for a slam, but Scorpio shifts in midair to get a two count. Back and forth. Benoit with a powerbomb for a two count. Scorpio sent up by Benoit perhaps for a powerbomb, but he transitions to a sunset flip for a cover. They are in the ropes though. Benoit with a corner whip, but Scorpio puts his knee up. Scorpio with an enziguri. Two minutes remaining. Back and forth. Scorpio with a corner whip and a 360 spinning splash. He hits a float over leg drop from the top rope for a two count. Back and forth. Now 45 seconds left. Benoit with a scoop slam for a two count. 15 seconds left. After Benoit goes for a German suplex, Scorpio hooks the legs and gets the pin with one second left. Benoit argues that time has expired.
-Eric Bischoff talks about the WCW Hotline and brings in Maxx Payne. Payne talks about getting the opportunity to face Dustin Rhodes and plays taps for Rhodes on his guitar.
-The British Bulldog vs. Bill Irwin: Davey Boy Smith making his WCW debut here. The bell rings and they lock up. Bulldog pushes off. Bulldog has the crowd on his side. Another lock up and push off. Irwin comes back with forearms. Back and forth. Bulldog with a push off. They do a criss cross and Bulldog clotheslines Irwin to the outside. Back in, Bulldog with a press slam. Irwin falls back outside. Back in, Irwin with a side headlock. Bulldog pushes off. He hip locks Irwin. Irwin with a wrist lock. He follows it up with a corner whip and a clothesline. Another Irish whip and a back elbow by Irwin. He gets a one count. Irwin runs Bulldog into the top rope for a two count. Irwin with a chin lock. Back and forth. Bulldog with a delayed vertical suplex. Bulldog with a corner whip and a clothesline. He gets a two count. He tries it again, but Irwin gets his boot up. Irwin goes up to the second rope, but Bulldog catches him as he comes off and power slams Irwin to get the pin.
-They show the White Castle of Fear movie in parts throughout the show.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Davey Boy Smith. He's happy to be in WCW and came to be the world champion and calls out Vader. That was painful to get through.
-Johnny and Missy talk about the UK tour.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Paul Orndorff about Cactus Jack, who comes in with a big shovel after Orndorff. The match starts.
-Paul Orndorff vs. Cactus Jack: Falls count anywhere in the building. Referee Randy Anderson gets the shovel away from Cactus, allowing Orndorff to attack Cactus with kicks to get him down at ringside. He chokes Cactus with a TV cable and runs him into the barricade. Back and forth. Cactus runs Orndorff into a barricade. He picks up a ringside mat, slams Orndorff down on the concrete, and then drops an elbow down on Orndorff. Cactus Jack gets a two count. Cactus with a sunset flip to Orndorff on the outside for a two count. They get back in the ring and Orndorff hits an Irish whip and a clothesline. Orndorff brutalizes Cactus and throws him out of the ring. Orndorff runs Cactus down the aisle and over the guardrail by the entrance. They trade shots to the face. They battle in the aisle. Orndorff with a back elbow and then he suplexes Cactus onto the barricade. He attacks Cactus and grabs him by the hair. He runs him back to the ring area. He throws Cactus in the ring and hits an elbow from the second rope. Orndorff ripping Cactus Jack's knee brace off. Orndorff then suplexes Cactus out to the apron. Cactus gets back in and Orndorff chokes him with his own knee brace. Orndorff puts Cactus in a figure four. Cactus trying to fight it. He gets out, but Orndorff clotheslines him out to the floor. Orndorff slams the knee on the concrete. He then slams Jack's head on the apron. Orndorff hits Cactus with the leg brace to drive Cactus back out to the floor. He throws Jack back in the ring and grabs a chair. He hits Jack's injured leg with the chair several times. Orndorff throws the chair down and signals for the piledriver, but Jack gets the shovel and hits Orndorff with it to get the pin.
-Eric, Johnny, and Missy talk about what's coming up. Missy says Ric Flair will make an appearance at SuperBrawl.
-The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Stan Lane with Jim Cornette and Bobby Eaton vs. The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson: The end of the SMW/WCW working agreement now that Bill Watts is no longer the head of WCW. It was getting good too with the stuff Cornette was saying on air. Tony runs down the accomplishments of the RNR. The referees send Eaton back to the dressing room. Prichard and Gibson start. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Gibson with a hip lock out of the corner. He then headscissors Prichard out of the opposite corner. Morton tagged in. He hits Prichard with a Frankensteiner. Prichard gets a side headlock on and tags Lane in. Lane bumping for both RNR and Morton gets an arm bar on. Lane gets back to his feet and tries to tag Prichard in, but Morton won't allow him to. Prichard comes in the ring. and Morton swings Lane into Prichard and they both fall down. All RNR thus far. They are doing crowd pleasing spots and making the heels look foolish. Heavenly Bodies roll to the outside to regroup with Cornette. Back in, Prichard hits Morton in the corner with some hard right hands. Lane comes in to clothesline Morton. Morton hits an atomic drop on Prichard and ducks and Prichard gets hit with the clothesline instead. Gibson tagged in. He gets an enziguri for a two count. Morton tagged back in. Heels get Morton in their corner, but he fights his way out and now all four men in the ring. Morton in and he and Lane do a criss cross. Morton goes after Cornette on the outside. Cornette runs into the ring to get away from Morton. Gibson runs the Heavenly Bodies heads together and Morton punches Cornette off the apron to the floor. Lane Irish whips Morton and Cornette grabs his foot. The Bodies finally get some offense in. Lane guillotines Morton on the top rope as a RNR chant goes out. Prichard in and he slams Morton down and drops a knee. Lane tagged in and hits a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Prichard tagged back in. He gets Morton in a chin lock. Heavenly Bodies double team Morton after goading Gibson. Lane in and drops an elbow on Morton. Back and forth. Prichard with a powerbomb. He gets a two count. Lane tagged in. Lane with a corner whip and a power slam for another two count. Morton with a double DDT on the Heavenly Bodies. Gibson tagged in and cleans house. Heavenly Bodies double team Gibson to get him down. RNR clothesline Lane and double dropkick Prichard. All four men in. Gibson slingshots Cornette in when he gets up on the apron. Gibson goes after Cornette only to get bulldogged by Prichard. He only gets a two count. Cornette distracts referee Nick Patrick. Gibson thrown over the top rope. Morton with an inverted atomic drop and cover, but Patrick still ties up with Cornette and Lane in the corner. Bobby Eaton comes from the back and drops a knee from the top rope, but Morton moves and Prichard gets hit instead. Gibson covers Prichard to get the pin. Prichard starts arguing with Eaton, but Lane and Cornette break them up.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the US Title match coming up.
-United States Championship Match. Dustin Rhodes vs. Maxx Payne: The bell rings and they trade blows. Rhodes with the early advantage. Payne out to the floor to regroup. Back in, Rhodes with a side headlock. Back and forth. Rhodes with an arm drag and Payne goes back out to the floor. Back in, Rhodes with an arm bar. Into a wrist lock. Payne comes back with a forearm. Rhodes goes back to the arm bar. Payne drives Rhodes into a turnbuckle. Payne misses a corner charge and Rhodes goes back to the arm bar. Rhodes working on the arm. Rhodes with a corner whip. Payne hits a back elbow on the charge. He gets a two count. Payne with a corner whip and Rhodes gets the foot up on the charge. Payne slings Rhodes out by the arm. Payne gets an arm bar on Rhodes. Rhodes gets to his feet and gets to the ropes. Payne goes for the Payne Killer, but Rhodes gets a leg scissors on. Payne with a clothesline. He drives a knee into the shoulder, but breaks before the 5 count. Back and forth. It goes out to the floor. Back in, Payne with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Rhodes trying to come back. Payne misses an elbow drop. Rhodes hits a mule kick. Rhodes with a series of right hands and a lariat. Rhodes hits a suplex for a two count. Rhodes with an abdominal stretch. Payne throws Rhodes into the referee to get disqualified. Payne takes Rhodes to the outside and delivers a shoulder breaker. He then runs Rhodes into a ring post. Rhodes runs Payne into the apron. It goes back in the ring and officials break them up.
-GMC introduces Ric Flair. Flair gets a great reaction when he comes out. This is Flair country after all. Tony interviews Flair. He says the Nature Boy is back to Rock and Roll. He says they are wrestling for the title that he never lost.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. The Great Muta vs. Barry Windham: Windham out first. Flair joins commentary. Muta comes out with Hiro Matsuda. Referee Randy Anderson goes over the rules as a we want Flair chant goes out. Flair picks Windham to win. The bell rings and they circle each other. They tie up and go to the ropes. They break. Another lock up and break. Lock up again. Test of strength. A Barry chant goes out. Windham with a suplex. Muta with a side headlock takeover. Windham pushes off. Muta with a shoulder block. Muta follows it up with a spinning heel kick. Another side headlock takeover. Windham up, but Muta takes him back over. Windham back up and Muta takes him back down. Windham back to his feet and gets to the ropes. Windham coming back, but Muta hits a dropkick and goes back to the side headlock. Windham with a suplex, but Muta doesn't let go. Wndham back to his feet. He gets to the ropes. Muta reverses a suplex and drops an elbow on Windham and goes back to the side headlock. Windham back to his feet and they trade blows. Windham finally breaks the hold. Muta with an Irish whip, but Windham holds on to the ropes. Windham with a DDT. He kicks Muta. Muta spills out to the floor and Windham comes out after him and hits a belly to back suplex on the outside. Windham then suplexes Muta back into the ring. Scoop slam and a knee to Muta. A second knee to Muta. He gets a two count. Windham with an Irish whip and a sleeper. Muta starts to fade. He doesn't go out. Windham with a foot on the ropes for leverage. Muta trying to hold on. Windham gets caught and forced to break. Windham gets a two count. A side suplex gets another two count for Windham. He throws Muta out and then slaps him. Back in, they trade shots. Windham with a scoop slam and an elbow for a two count. He puts a reverse chin lock on Muta. Muta comes back. He tries to get Windham over, but can't. Muta with a crossbody for a two count. Muta reverses a piledriver attempt with a backdrop. Back and forth. Windham with a leg drop for a two count. Muta with a spin kick. Windham with a thumb to the eye. Windham setting up for the superplex. Muta fighting it. He chops Windham off. Muta with a chop to Windham from the top rope. Muta with a corner whip and a handspring elbow to Windham. Muta with a backbreaker. Muta goes for the moonsault, but Windham moves. Muta reverses a suplex attempt into a belly to back suplex. Muta with a gut buster and goes for the moonsault again, but Windham gets his knees-up. Windham with a clothesline and a DDT and he pins Muta to become the new NWA champion. Flair grabs the NWA title and brings it into the ring and straps it on Windham. Flair then leaves.
-Johnny, Eric, and Missy preview the Main Event.
-White Castle of Fear strap match. Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Sting: Vader is the WCW Champion, but the title is not on the line. Vader out first. Sting gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. Tony outlines the history between the two men. Referee Nick Patrick puts the strap on both men and the bell rings. They size each other up. Vader pulls Sting down with the strap a couple of times. They get face to face. Vader gets Sting down and drives an elbow into him. Vader hits Sting's back with the strap. Vader with a splash from the second rope. Sting up and the strap is between Vader's legs and Sting with a series of chops to knock Vader down. Sting with an enziguri to Vader when he gets up to knock him back to the mat. He follows it up with a clothesline from the second turnbuckle. Then a splash to Vader from the top rope. Then a second splash to Vader. Sting grabs the strap and whips Vader's back. Race up on the apron and he gets whipped off. Vader rolls to the outside to regroup. Sting comes out and pulls Vader into a ring post. Vader's back is bloody. Sting touches one post on the outside and then scoop slams Vader. He starts dragging Vader around and gets two posts before Vader pulls Sting into a barricade to break the count. Back in, Sting hits a crucifix. Vader comes back with body shots. Sting reverses a powerbomb attempt with a backdrop. He hits a series of forearms to a prone Sting. He gets Sting up on his back and does a fall away slam. He does a Swagger Bomb like move onto Sting from the second rope. Vader whips Sting. He gets Sting up on the second turnbuckle for another fall away slam. Both men down. Vader gets two posts before Sting breaks the momentum. Vader goes for another Swagger Bomb, but Sting moves. Vader goes up top, but Sting pulls on the strap to groin Vader and then pulls him off the top rope. Sting hitting Vader with a series of shots. Vader puts Sting on the top turnbuckle and superplexes Sting. Vader gets three posts before Sting breaks the momentum. Vader beating Sting down in the corner. Sting gets Vader up, but Vader's foot hits Patrick. Sting gets three posts, but trips over Patrick. Vader splashes down on Sting. He ties Sting up and gets three posts. Sting kicks Vader away, but towards the final post and Vader wins. Sting straps Vader after the match.
-Eric, Missy, and Johnny recap the night. Eric then interviews Barry Windham. Windham says he's on the prowl for championships. Tony and Jesse recap the night and sign off from Asheville.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. There was a lot of action and the final two matches were excellent.

Episode 215 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 13:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 8adbcb14-5376-4afe-8cd0-227f27045a54 My notes for Episode 215: No Mercy 2016. -Today we look at No Mercy 2016 from the WWE.
-No Mercy 2016 was a Smackdown only event shown on PPV and the WWE Network on October 9, 2016 from the Golden One Center in Sacramento, CA. There were 14,324 in attendance.
-Mauro Ranollo welcomes us to No Mercy. He, JBL, and David Otunga will be calling the action.
-The Main Event will be going on first because of the second presidential debate that night and they figured they would lose people halfway through the event.
-WWE Championship Match Triple Threat. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena: Cena out first and he is always professional. Ambrose out next. Styles out last. He gets a mixed reaction. Flashback to what led up to the main event. The bell rings and they stare at each other. They trash talk. They go for their respective signature moves, but all get cut off and all three down. Cena and Ambrose going at each other. Ambrose then goes after both Cena and Styles. He takes them both outside. Ambrose goes to give Cena a forearm from the apron, but Cena catches him and runs Ambrose into a ring post. Styles hits Cena with a plancha and a forearm. He gets Cena down in the ring. Then Styles and Ambrose exchange moves until Cena comes up behind them and double German suplexes them. Styles with a forearm that knocks Ambrose to the floor. Cena then catapults Styles into a turnbuckle. He then gets a cutter for a two count. Cena goes for the AA and Styles counters with a Pele kick. Ambrose and Styles go back and forth and then Styles with a DDT and a Scorpion Death Drop to Cena and Ambrose respectively. He gets a pair of two counts. Ambrose goes for a corner splash, only to get back dropped to the outside by Styles. Cena slams Styles down. Cena with a Code Red for a two count. Both men down. Styles with a tornado jackknife for a two count on Cena. Styles reverses an Irish whip and gets Cena in a sleeper. Cena fights out and Styles pushes Cena off into a sleeper from Ambrose. Cena runs Ambrose into Styles repeatedly to break the hold. Cena with shoulder tackles to Ambrose and goes for U Can't See Me, only to get cut off by a German suplex from Styles. Ambrose thrown outside and Cena with shoulder tackles to Styles. Ambrose with an elbow to break up the AA attempt and gets a two count. Ambrose ducks a forearm from the top rope from Styles that takes Cena out of the ring. Styles blocks a Dirty Deeds attempt. Styles with a top rope Frankensteiner to Ambrose, but Ambrose rolls through and gets a two count from Styles. Styles gets a roll up for a two count. Double clothesline and both men are down. Cena in and does U Can't See me and the 5 knuckle shuffle to both Styles and Ambrose. AA to Styles, but Styles quickly rolls out. AA to Ambrose for a two count. Cena with the STF to Ambrose. Ambrose trying to break the move. Styles breaks the hold. Styles reverses an AA attempt to suplex Cena on the apron. Styles with a 450 springboard to Ambrose for a two count. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm. Ambrose tries to counter into Dirty Deeds. Styles blocks it and hits the Styles Clash on Ambrose. Cena in and immediately puts Styles in the STF. Ambrose stops Styles from tapping. Ambrose attacks Cena to break the hold. Back and forth and Cena gets Ambrose and Styles in a corner and goes to AA them both at once. They get off before he can and he goes for Styles again. Styles goes up and kicks Ambrose in the head and then kicks Cena in the head. Ambrose with a lariat to Styles. Ambrose puts Styles on the top rope. Cena grabs Ambrose and powerbombs him for a two count. Styles with a crossbody on Cena, who rolls through and goes for the AA. Styles rolls through and gets the Calf Crusher on. Cena trying to hold on. Ambrose breaks it up. Ambrose puts a version of the Calf Crusher on Styles. Cena puts the STF on Styles. Styles taps, but referee Mike Chioda waves it off because you can only have one winner. Ambrose and Cena exchange blows. Cena with a clothesline. Ambrose counters an AA attempt into Dirty Deeds. Styles breaks the count by pulling Chioda out of the ring. Ambrose with a suicide dive out onto Styles. He then throws Styles on the GAT. Ambrose goes up top, but gets caught and Cena hits the AA from the top rope. Styles comes in with a chair and attacks Cena and gets the pin. Styles celebrates while Cena and Ambrose look on pissed.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Flashback to what has been going on between Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt.
-Nikki Bella vs. Carmella: Flashback to what led up to the match. The bell rings. Nikki goes after Carmella immediately and Carmella slaps Nikki. Nikki relentlessly attacking Carmella. Carmella rolls to the outside to regroup, only to be hit with a baseball slide by Nikki. Carmella runs Nikki into the LED board that's on the apron. Carmella wraps Nikki around the ring post and pulls back. She then gets in and covers Nikki for a two count. Carmella with a rear chin lock. Nikki tries to get away. Carmella grabs her by her hair and throws Nikki down before hitting a bronco buster. She gets a two count. Carmella goes back to the chin lock. Nikki gets out. Carmella grabs Nikki by the hair and pulls it on the ropes for a four count. Nikki comes out of the corner and tackles Carmella. Nikki with a string of offense. A springboard roundhouse kick gets a two count for Nikki. A Bella Buster gets another two count. Carmella with a headscissors on Nikki and a superkick for a two count. Both wrestlers down. They exchange moves for two count. Carmella gets the Code of Silence. Nikki gets to the ropes. Carmella attacks Nikki. Nikki gets the Rack Attack 2.0 to get the pin.
-Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan are shown in the back before they get interrupted by the Miz and Maryse. Miz needles Bryan while talking about retiring Dolph Ziggler.
-Rise above cancer ad.
-Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match. Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. The Usos Jimmy and Jey: The SAT and GAT are introduced. Rhyno and Jimmy start. They lock up and Rhyno with a side headlock. Push off by Jimmy and a shoulder block by Rhyno. Back and forth. Rhyno beating Jimmy down in the corner. Slater tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbow. Back and forth. Jimmy with a shot to get Slater down. Jey tagged in and scoop slams Slater twice. He keeps up the attack and gets a two count. Uso's double teaming Slater in the corner. They get another two count. Slater breaks free and tags Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline. Rhyno with a series of moves to Jimmy, who had tagged in. Rhyno sets up for the Gore, but gets distracted by Jey on the apron to allow Jimmy to hit a dropkick. Jey tagged in and gets a two count. Jey kicking Rhyno down for another two count. Jimmy tagged in. Back and forth. Jimmy with a rear chin lock. He drags Rhyno over and tags Jimmy in and Jimmy hits Rhyno with a missile dropkick to the back of the head. They exchange shots in the middle of the ring. Jey knocks Rhyno down and gets another two count. Jimmy tagged in and goes for a corner charge, but Rhyno hits him with a back elbow. Rhyno with a spinebuster and Slater tagged in. Jey also tagged in and Slater cleaning house. He hits Jey with a hang mans neck breaker for a two count. He and Jey trade two counts. Jimmy tagged in. He takes Slater and Rhyno out. He goes up top, but gets caught and Slater power slams Jimmy off the top rope. Slater gets a two count. Jimmy hits a superkick and Jey tagged in. They attack Slater's left leg and then Rhyno takes Jimmy out with a Gore on the outside. Jey has Slater in the Tequila Sunrise until Rhyno hits Jey with a clothesline. Rhyno tagged in. He hits Jey with the Gore to get the pin.
-Bray Wyatt shown in a dark room in a rocking chair. He spouts some nonsense words before singing he's got the whole world in his hands.
-Flashback to a match between Baron Corbin and Jack Swagger on Smackdown Live to set up the next match.
-Jack Swagger vs. Baron Corbin: The international announce teams are introduced. Corbin attacks Swagger right away. It goes outside and Swagger takes over. Corbin attacks Swagger and runs him into the ring steps before hitting Swagger with a running clothesline. Swagger's right hand appears injured and Corbin going after that hand. Swagger tries to fight back. Corbin slams Swagger down. He gets a two count. Corbin goes back to the injured hand. He rushes Swagger in the corner and Swagger slams Corbin down. Back and forth. Corbin with a corner whip, but misses the charge. Swagger with a flurry of offense. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb for a two count. Swagger goes for the ankle lock, but can't get it due to the injured hand. Corbin with the Deep Six for a two count. Corbin beats Swagger down. Swagger comes back with a clothesline for a two count. Swagger with the Patriot Lock. Corbin makes it to the apron and then pokes Swagger in the eye. He then hits the End of Days to get the pin. Flashback to what led up to the Dolph Ziggler/Miz match.
-Title vs. Career. Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler: Miz and Maryse out first. Ziggler comes out to a good ovation. David Otunga runs down Ziggler's accomplishments during his career. The bell rings and they slowly circle each other. They each duck the others moves. Ziggler with a roll up for a two count. Ziggler goes for a dropkick, but Miz catches him and catapults Ziggler to the outside. Ziggler lands on his feet, gets right back in, and hits Miz with a dropkick. They both go out after a Ziggler clothesline. Ziggler runs Miz into a barricade and then throws Miz back in. Back and forth. They trade two counts. Miz with a modified double chicken wing. Ziggler gets out. Miz hits a clothesline. He gets a two count. Miz stomps Ziggler on the apron. Miz drives down on Ziggler's legs while mocking Daniel Bryan. Ziggler fighting to come back. Miz with a combo neck and backbreaker for a two count. Miz with a running dropkick. He gets Ziggler down in the corner. He goes for a running splash, but gets caught by a Ziggler dropkick. Ziggler with some clotheslines, a splash, and a neck breaker. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Miz gets Ziggler down and uses the ropes, but gets caught by the referee. They exchange moves. Miz gets a DDT on Ziggler for a two count. Miz getting frustrated. Miz goes to hurt Ziggler's leg. Ziggler kicks off. Miz with a dropkick to the leg. Ziggler gets a small package for a two count. Miz with a clothesline. Miz goes up top, but gets caught. They fight on the turnbuckle. They fight off and Miz gets the figure four on. Ziggler trying to get to the ropes. He gets there. Maryse gets on the apron to distract the referee so Miz can take a turnbuckle cover off. Ziggler hits a Ruff Ryder for a two count. They trade moves again and Miz runs Ziggler into the exposed turnbuckle. Miz hits the slingshot powerbomb for a two count. A Ziggler chant goes out. Miz with a series of leg kicks. Ziggler ducks one and hits the Zig Zag for a close two count. Ziggler counters an SCF attempt with a roll up for another two count. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Miz. Miz gets to the ropes. Maryse sprays Ziggler again and Miz hits the SCF. Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope. Miz can't believe it. The crowd chants yes. Miz goes after the leg again and yanks Ziggler's boot off. Ziggler hits a superkick with the foot and crawls over to cover Miz. Maryse signals to the back and Kenny and Mikey from the Spirit Squad come out. They distract Ziggler and Miz hits the SCF. He gets another two count. The Spirit Squad and Maryese distract the referee again and he throws them out. Ziggler hits a super kick to Miz to get the pin and become the new Intercontinental Champion. Ziggler celebrates with the fans. Miz looking heartbroken.
-WWE Network ad.
-Randy Orton is shown in the back. They do some weird stuff with him looking in the mirror like he was Hulk Hogan in 1998 WCW.
-Renee Young and the PPV panel talk about what's happened and what's to come.
-Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi: Bliss gets on the mic and puts down Becky Lynch for not competing. She gets interrupted by Naomi's music. The bell rings. Naomi with a side headlock and a push off. Bliss with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Naomi with a series of stupid looking kicks. Ugh. She hits a nice split legged moonsault for a two count. Bliss comes back with a slap and they exchange blows. Bliss working on Naomi's arm. She gets a two count. Bliss goes back to the arm bar. Naomi goes for a corner whip. Bliss reverses it and drives Naomi into a turnbuckle. She rushes Naomi, who runs Bliss into the turnbuckle. Naomi with a face buster. Naomi with a dropkick and a rear view for a two count. Bliss with a cross arm breaker, but Naomi gets Bliss' shoulders down and gets the three count.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Preview of what led up to the next match. Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton: Orton gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and they just stare at each other before locking up. Orton pushes off and Wyatt does the backwards crawling move. Orton goes for the RKO, but Wyatt pushes off, rolls outside, and laughs at Orton. Back in, they trade shots. Back and forth with moves. Orton with a stomp. He follows it up with corner mounted punches. Wyatt comes back and goes for Sister Abigail, but Orton throws Wyatt outside before he can hit it. Wyatt guillotines Orton on the top rope. It goes outside. Wyatt throws Orton on the announce table. Orton goes for the RKO and Wyatt throws him over the table. Wyatt grabs the ring steps and sets them up in front of the announce desk, but gets clotheslined by Orton. Orton throws Wyatt in. Wyatt sends Orton into the barricade when he tries to get in. Wyatt stomps on Orton as soon as he gets in and hits a series of moves on Orton, but only gets a two count. They exchange blows. Wyatt with a corner splash. He gets a two count. Orton with a rear chin lock. Back and forth. They go out to the apron. Wyatt with a DDT to Orton on the apron. He gets a couple of two counts. A clothesline gets another two count. Wyatt with a scoop slam. Wyatt goes for a senton, but Orton moves out of the way. They exchange strikes. Orton with a series of lariats. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, but Orton pushes off and hits a power slam. He gets a two count. Orton goes for a DDT. Wyatt off and hits a forearm for a two count. Both men down. Wyatt gets up and they each block moves from the other. Orton with a roll up for a two count. Orton thrown outside. Wyatt follows. He puts Orton on the set up steps. He goes to senton onto Orton, but Orton moves and Wyatt hits the steps. Orton slams Wyatt's head on the desk. Orton then slams Wyatt back first on the barricade. Orton hits his ropes DDT on Wyatt and goes into his Viper routine. Suddenly, the lights go out and a Bray Wyatt video flashes on the screen. A light goes on over the ring and Luke Harper comes in and is face to face with Orton, allowing Wyatt to hit Sister Abigail and pin Orton. Harper helps Wyatt up and they hug. They replay what happened and sign off from Sacremento.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. It was weird to see the main event on first. Worth at least one watch.

Episode 214 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 1911c51d-9591-433c-aeea-1044646fe491 My notes for Episode 214: Nite of Champions II. -Today we look at Nite of Champions II from the AWA and NWA.
-Nite of Champions II took place December 29, 1985 from the Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ. There were 12,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone is shown talking about what happened between the Road Warriors and the Russian Team. He recaps what has happened and brings the Legion of Doom in. Paul Ellering says they have worked for everything they have got. They then say what they are going to do to the Russians. Schiavone then talks to Tully Blanchard with Baby Doll. Blanchard says he is coming for Magnum TA. He say the Gathering, now available in the archives, didn't finish it. He is coming after the US title because Magnum tried to put his eye out. Schiavone then talks to the Rock and Roll Express. They are coming to the Meadowlands to take on the Long Riders.
-Gary Michael Cappetta welcomes us to Nite of Champions II and then introduces the New Jersey State Athletic Commission officials.
-Ron Bass vs. JJ Dillon: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean. Another lock up and drive to the ropes. They exchange blows and Dillon gets knocked down. Bass with a hammerlock, but Dillon gets to the ropes. Bass with a wrist lock. He gets Dillon down. Into an arm bar. Dillon gets out and hits Bass, but keeps retreating every time Bass comes back. Bass goes back to the arm bar. Dillon gets to the ropes. He scratches Bass on the back and stomps him in the corner. He gets a nerve hold on Bass. He throws him into the corner and chokes Bass. Bass comes back with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Bass with another Irish whip and then he puts the claw on and Dillon submits.
-World's Midget Championship Match. Their words, not mine. Little Tokyo vs. Cowboy Lang: The bell rings and Tokyo runs from Lang. They lock up and drive to a corner and Tokyo hits Lang with a shot. Tokyo then hides behind the referee. Lang with some single leg pick-ups, but Tokyo keeps getting away. Tokyo with a side headlock. Lang goes for an atomic drop, but Tokyo holds on to get a takeover. Back and forth. Tokyo goes back to the side headlock. Lang gets out and hits a dropkick. A sunset flip gets a two count for Lang. Lang puts Tokyo on the ropes and makes fun of Tokyo. Tokyo comes back with a wrist lock, but Lang reverses it. All Lang so far as he gets Tokyo down but can't get the three count. Tokyo complains to the referee. Tokyo gets Lang down in the corner. Lang with a hip toss for a two count. He suplexes Tokyo for another two count. An atomic drop gets another two count. Tokyo works on the leg of Lang and gets a two count. Lang responds with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He stomps on Tokyo. Tokyo with a corner whip. He gets Lang down and pins him with a foot on the ropes.
-AWA Women's Championship Match. Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs: Martel doesn't want to be checked by the referee and yells at him. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive to the ropes and break clean. Another lock up and Martel gets a side headlock on. She guillotines Combs on the top rope. Martel keeps up the attack on Combs. She gets her in a front face lock. Combs gets to the ropes. Combs with a single leg into a spinning toe hold. She gets a couple of two counts. Martel reverses the hold, but Combs gets to the ropes. Martel throws Combs outside and the crowd cheers. She follows Combs out and chokes her with a mic cord. Combs comes back and slams Martel down on the mat. Combs slams Martel back in the ring from the apron. Combs with a scoop slam for a two count. Back and forth. Martel with a corner whip, but misses the splash when Combs moves. Combs then misses a splash when Martel moves and Combs spills to the outside. Combs slaps Martel down when Combs gets back in the ring. She is relentless. Combs with a front face lock. Martel gets to the ropes and does the guillotine slingshot move again. Martel rolls Combs up for a two count. Back and forth. This is a sloppy match, but the fans are yelling out cruel things. Martel guillotines Combs again. She slaps Combs down several times. Combs slingshots Martel out of the corner. She gets a two count. Martel gets an arm bar on. Combs gets out and throws Martel to the floor. Martel gets back in. Combs gets Martel in an airplane spin. She throws Martel down but as she does, Martel hooks the legs and pins Combs with a handful of tights. Martel hits Combs with the belt and leaves.
-Universal Championship Match. Carlos Colon vs. The Barbarian with Paul Jones: It takes a while for them to get started. Colon makes the referee have Barbarian take his spiked wristband off. They lock up. Colon attacks Barbarian. Barbarian pushes off. Colon with a side headlock. Barbarian pushes off again, but Colon keeps the side headlock on. Barbarian gets to the ropes and attacks Colon with knees and chops. Barbarian with a press slam. That was impressive, no pun intended. He gets a two count. Barbarian with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He gets a two count. Barbarian with a bear hug. Colon with a head clap to get out. Barbarian with an Irish whip and a clothesline for a two count. Barbarian misses a top rope headbutt when Colon moves. Colon with a headbutt. He then gets an Irish whip and a dropkick. Barbarian throws Colon to the outside. Jones attacks Colon. Barbarian comes out and slams Colon on the floor. Barbarian slams Colon into the ring from the apron, but Colon holds on and rolls through to get the pin. Jones gets on the mic and says they will be back.
-Buddy Roberts vs. Paul Ellering: Ellering very popular with the crowd. Roberts goes to attack Ellering as soon as the bell rings, but Ellering attacks him instead. Ellering wearing a neck brace. He brutalizes Roberts, who is bumping like crazy for Ellering. He ties Roberts up in the ropes and hits him and Roberts gets tangled upside down in the ropes. Roberts comes back and slams Ellering's knee down on Robert's knee. He then slams Ellering's knee on the ring post several times. Ellering gets away and walks around at ringside until he grabs Robert's leg and gets him down. He then slams Robert's knee against the corner post to the delight of the crowd. Back and forth. Roberts drops a knee on and stomps Ellering's neck. Ellering trying to get away, but Roberts keeps up the attack. Roberts working on the neck. He runs Ellering into a corner and then bulldogs him. The Road Warriors hit the ring and attack Roberts for the disqualification. Animal puts Roberts in a bear hug and Hawk clotheslines him. The crowd is loving every second of this. Hawk throws Roberts out. Roberts wins by disqualification and the crowd boos.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Long Riders Bill and Scott Irwin: Gibson and Scott start. They lock up. Gibson with a side headlock. Scott pushes off, but Gibson comes back with a forearm. Gibson goes back to the side headlock. Irwin pushes off again and Gibson comes back with a hip lock. He then takes both Long Riders down when Bill comes in with a headlock/leg scissors combo that the crowd just loves. It's all RNR as Morton is tagged in. He reverses a wrist lock on Scott. Scott with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Bill tagged in. Morton hits him with an arm drag and then a fist drop from the second rope. Gibson tagged in and gets a side headlock. He hits Bill with a dropkick and a side headlock takeover. Bill turns over for a two count. They go back and forth. Morton tagged in. They keep Bill down. Morton with a cover after a dropkick, but Scott breaks up the tag. Gibson tagged in. The tag champs are doing a good job of quick tagging. Morton in and hits a snap mare on Bill. He gets a wrist lock and Gibson hits a knee drop on the arm after tagging in. Gibson with a corner whip and Bill comes back with a stampede to knock Gibson down. Scott tagged in and he stomps Gibson down. Scott with an Irish whip and a high knee. He guillotines Gibson on the top rope and chokes him for a four count. Bill tagged in. He hits a splash from the second rope for a two count. He runs Gibson into Scott's boot and tags Scott in. Scott continues the assault. Long Rider's double team Gibson to goad Morton in so that they can double team some more while the referee deals with Morton. All four men in now and the referee has a hard time keeping them separated. Bill in and keeps up the assault on Gibson. Long Riders have really turned this around. Scott in after the phantom tag spot which I hate. Gibson fighting back, but can't make the tag. Gibson gets his knees-up on a Scott splash attempt. Bill and Morton tagged in. Morton cleans house on the Long Riders to the delight of the crowd. He hits a crossbody on Bill, but Scott breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Long Riders with a double Irish whip and back elbow to Gibson. Morton with a sunset flip to Bill to get the pin. Long Riders keep up the attack after the match. RNR leave and the Long Riders refuse to leave the ring. They finally do leave.
-Two on One Russian Death Match. Chris Markoff and Boris Zhukov vs. Sgt. Slaughter: The Russians attack Slaughter in the corner as soon as the bell rings. Slaughter fights back and throws Markoff into a turnbuckle. Russians grab Slaughter and beat on him. They get him in their corner and bite him. Slaughter fights out of the corner, but gets overwhelmed again. Slaughter with a corner whip to Zhukov, who gets caught in the ropes. Slaughter then takes his belt off and starts whipping the heels with it. Heels bumping big time. He chokes Markoff with the belt as a massive USA chant goes out. The heels get the belt and start choking Slaughter with it. Slaughter goes down to the mat. Markoff also puts the claw on Slaughter, who has been busted open. Slaughter trying to get back to his feet. A young Paul Heyman is there taking pictures at ringside. Slaughter down to the mat and the referee is checking on him. The hand doesn't go down the third time as Slaughter starts to make it back to his feet. Slaughter gets out of the belt, but the Russians continue to beat him down. They headbutt Slaughter and he falls out of the ring. They continue to beat and choke him on the apron. Slaughter bows up and tries to come back. Zhukov with an Irish whip and a clothesline for a two count. Zhukov goes back to choking Slaughter on the ropes. Heels get Slaughter down again for a two count. Crowd trying to get behind Slaughter, who hits Markoff with a backbreaker. Slaughter coming back. Slaughter gets the belt back and starts whipping the heels with it. The crowd cheers wildly. Slaughter with a running elbow to Markoff for a two count. Russians counter with a double Irish whip and back elbow. They follow it up with a double backdrop. Zhukov holds Slaughter for Markoff to clothesline, but gets clotheslined instead when Slaughter moves. Slaughter then hits Markoff to get the pin. The Russians try to attack Slaughter after the match, but he fights them off.
-NWA United States Championship Match. Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard with Baby Doll: They lock up and vie for position. They finally break in the corner. They exchange shots. Back and forth and they are being stiff with each other. Blanchard with a knee lift and a right hand. Magnum with a corner whip and a press slam. Blanchard rolls out and Baby Doll checks on him. Blanchard goes to get back in and the crowd yells I Quit to antagonize him. They lock up and drive to a corner again. Blanchard bumping for every Magnum shot. Magnum with a running forearm for a two count. Blanchard kicks Magnum to the outside and then goes after him. He drops Magnum on the barricade. He keeps preventing Magnum from getting back in. Magnum finally gets back in only to get kicked out by Blanchard again. Blanchard is relentless. Blanchard attacking Magnum on the floor. Magnum bloody and having trouble getting to his feet. They exchange punches outside as the crowd cheers. Magnum runs Blanchard into the guardrail. Back in, Magnum knocks Blanchard to the ground with a right hand. He hits Blanchard with a double ax handle. He knocks Blanchard to the ground. Blanchard is now bloody as he struggles to get back to his feet. Magnum with a suplex and he gets a two count. Blanchard throws Magnum to the outside. He follows and goes to suplex Magnum, who slips out and punches Blanchard. He throws Blanchard back in and goes to deliver a superplex, but Blanchard pushes Magnum off. Blanchard delivers a backbreaker to get a series of two counts. They slug each other in the center of the ring. They fight to a corner. Both get knocked to the mat. Blanchard choking Magnum on the second rope. Blanchard with an Irish whip and goes for a back elbow. Magnum ducks it and hits Blanchard with a dropkick for a two count. They trade shots again. Magnum gets another two count. He then hits a belly to belly suplex to get the pin.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes: The referee checks both men. The bell rings and they circle each other. They take turns strutting. They lock up. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair pushes off and Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. He hits Flair with an elbow and Flair goes outside to regroup. Flair getting the crowd riled up. He is so good at this. Flair chopping Rhodes in the corner and Rhodes coming back with a series of punches to Flair. He knocks Flair down a couple of times. Flair rolls back outside and takes his time getting back in. Flair with a side headlock and Rhodes reverses a hammerlock. Rhodes chopping Flair in the corner and hits a snap mare. Rhodes with a front face lock. They exchange reversals and Flair gets Rhodes down. Flair working on the leg of Rhodes. He chops Rhodes in the corner. He then gets Rhodes down and works on the leg again. The referee stops him and then Flair and the referee get into a shoving match. Flair puts Rhodes in the figure four. Rhodes fighting it. He reverses it and Flair quickly gets out of the move. Rhodes gets Flair down and puts on a leg lock. Flair rakes Rhodes' face to get out of the move. They go back and forth and Flair gets the sleeper on. Rhodes drops down to send Flair face first into the corner buckle and Flair does the Flair flop, so TASIYDAH. Flair begging off as Rhodes stomps him down in the corner. Rhodes pulls Flair out of the corner and goes to put the figure four on Flair, but Flair slips out. Rhodes with a running forearm to Flair. He gets a two count. He kicks Flair. Rhodes hits an elbow on Flair in the corner. He corner whips Flair, who bumps over the top rope to the outside. Rhodes comes after Flair, who is begging off. Rhodes knocks Flair down a couple of times. They trade chops. Flair begging off in the corner. His face is a bloody mess. He gets Rhodes down with a double leg pick up. Flair covers Rhodes with his foot on the ropes, but gets caught. Flair then goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so take another shot. Rhodes puts the figure four on. Flair fighting it. Flair gets out and Rhodes knocks him to the outside. Rhodes follows him out and they trade shots. They get back into the ring. Flair runs to crossbody Rhodes, who ducks and Flair takes out the referee. Rhodes rolls Flair up, but there is no referee to count. Flair pokes Rhodes in the eye and rushes Rhodes, who backdrops Flair out of the ring. Flair gets back in the ring and Rhodes covers him as another referee counts to three and I already know where this is going because I've seen this too many times. The crowd celebrates and Rhodes gets the title and the first referee takes it away from him and Flair wins by DQ. The fans are upset, but cheer Rhodes when he leaves.
-Australian Style Tag Team Match. Ivan Koloff and Krusher Khrushchev with Nikita Koloff vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Ivan and Animal start and Animal press slams Ivan. Hawk tagged in and Ivan bounces between the Road Warriors selling like nobody's business. Khrushchev tagged in. Test of strength. Khruschev with a wrist lock to Hawk. They both duck clotheslines and now Khruschev is bouncing back and forth. Hawk with a knee lift and a fist drop to Khrushchev. Animal tagged in and the Road Warriors double team and beat Khrushchev down in the corner. Animal reverses an Irish whip and Khrushchev goes to crossbody Animal, who just catches Khrushchev and slams him. Now all four men in and the Russians both get slammed. Hawk and Khrushchev in. Khrushchev gets Hawk in the corner and Ivan tagged in. He runs Hawk into several turnbuckles. Hawk comes back and runs Ivan into a turnbuckle. Ivan misses a leg drop. Hawk beats Ivan down and tags Animal in. Animal knocks Khrushchev off the apron and then runs to clothesline Ivan, who ducks and Khrushchev pulls down the top rope and Animal falls out to the floor. Khrushchev tagged in and hit a shoulder breaker on Animal. He gets a two count. The heels get the turnbuckle pad off their corner and double team Animal. Ivan chokes Animal with the tag rope. Ivan gets Animal down with a nerve hold. Animal fighting to get out. Animal goes for the leg, but Ivan moves and Khrushchev tagged in. Khrushchev cuts off the tag attempt. Double clothesline. Hawk and Ivan tagged in. Hawk with a back elbow. He throws Ivan out of the ring. Ivan brutalized. All four men in now. Ivan busted open. The referee is distracted, so Nikita comes in and hits Hawk with Khrushchev's Mid-Atlantic Championship and covers Hawk trying to pass as Ivan, but Ellering stops the referee from counting and shows that it's Nikita. The bell rings and now all 6 are in and the Russians attack Ellering. Animal runs them off and the Road Warriors win by DQ. They check on Ellering.
-AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen: The bell rings and they trade shots. Hansen concentrating on Martel's back. Martel comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Hansen goes outside to regroup. Martel with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hansen up and breaks the hold. Hansen keeps working on the back, Martel works on the arm. Martel's back is bothering him. Hansen hits the back of Martel. He throws Martel out and then back in the ring. Back and forth. Hansen with a back elbow. The crowd is screaming boring. Hansen with a belly to back suplex for a two count. A gut wrench suplex gets another two count. Martel gets his knees-up for a splash attempt. They trade two counts. Hansen with an abdominal stretch. Martel gets to the ropes and Hansen spills to the outside. Martel with an inside cradle for a two count. Hansen with a Boston crab. Martel is fighting it, but finally gives up and we have a new AWA World Champion. The crowd is mixed. Hansen gets some cheers. He is announced as champion and holds the belt high as we fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. The Flair Dusty match and the Road Warriors match both having disqualifications hurt it. It was interesting to see the title change though.

Episode 213 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 99aef0a6-7706-4a8c-9b85-bcbbe0722d22 My notes for Episode 213: Christmas Star Wars '82. -Rain and Christmas.
-Today we look at Christmas Star Wars '82 from WCCW.
-Christmas Star Wars '82 took place December 25, 1982 from Reunion Arena in Dallas, TX. There were 12,000 in attendance.
-Bill Mercer welcomes us to Wrestling Star Wars and runs down some of the matches we are going to see.
-David and Kevin Von Erich talk about the World Class 6-Man Titles and that the Freebirds are the better team going in tonight. Since Kerry is in the main event, they can't go for the 6-Man titles tonight, but they want to be next in line.
-6-Man Tag Team Championship Match. The Freebirds vs. Tom Steele and Mike and Ben Sharpe: Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy are there and Hayes says that Buddy Roberts isn't able to be there due to travel problems, but he and Gordy are willing to fight by themselves. David Von Erich comes out and says he's willing to be their partner. The crowd loves it. Mike Sharpe and Gordy start. They tie up and go to a corner. Break clean. Back and forth. They trade blows. Hayes tagged in. He gets Mike down with an elbow. Von Erich tagged in and hit Mike with a dropkick. He gets a front face lock on. Ben Sharpe tagged in and hip tosses David out of a corner. Back and forth. Gordy tagged in. He backdrops Ben. He slams Ben and drops a knee for a two count. Gordy with a suplex to get another two count. Hayes tagged in and he and Gordy hit a double back elbow to Ben. Hayes hits an elbow from the second rope to get another two count. Ben runs Hayes into a turnbuckle and Steele tagged in. Back and forth. Von Erich tagged in and hit a dropkick. Von Erich with a piledriver. Mike tagged in. Hayes also tagged in. He gets a corner whip and a backdrop. Mike bails to the outside to regroup. He gets back in and wants to shake Hayes' hand. Hayes hip tosses Mike out of the corner instead. Mike gets Hayes in the corner and Ben tagged in. Ben gets a chin lock on. The crowd yelling encouragement to Hayes. Steele tagged in. He gets Hayes in the corner. He continues the assault on Hayes. Heels triple teaming Hayes and Mike tagged in. Mike gets a bear hug on Hayes. Fans screaming encouragement to Hayes. Hayes trying to come back. Steele tagged in. He runs Hayes into Mike's knee and then puts a sleeper on Hayes. Hayes going down. He fights to hold on. Hayes gets loose and beats on Steele. Steele puts the hold on again. Hayes comes back with a snap mare, but misses an elbow drop. Steele with a fist drop. Steele misses a corner charge when Hayes moves. Gordy tagged in. Gordy with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Steele moves. Mike tagged in. Gordy tags Von Erich in. He cleans house and now all 6 men in. Von Erich hits a high knee on Mike and gets the pin and the Freebirds and David Von Erich are the new 6-Man tag champions.
-Bill Mercer interviews the champions. David relinquishes his third of the championship to Buddy Roberts.
-American Heavyweight Championship Match. Kevin Von Erich vs. King Kong Bundy: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. They drive to a corner and break clean. Another lock up and Von Erich with a side headlock. He turns it into a takeover. Bundy tries to turn Von Erich over, but he turns back. Bundy with a headscissors. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick. They lock up again. Bundy with an arm bar. Into a hammerlock. A go Kevin go chant breaks out. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick. Back and forth. Bundy throws Von Erich out to the floor. Von Erich tries to get in, but Bundy knocks him into the apron. Von Erich gets a sunset flip from the apron for a two count. Von Erich with a snap mare and goes for the claw. Bundy blocking Von Erich. Bundy with a finger to the eyes to break the hold. Bundy with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Von Erich gets the claw on. Bundy gets to the ropes. Von Erich goes up top, but Bundy pulls referee David Manning into the path and Manning gets hit instead. Bundy throws Von Erich out. Manning disqualified Bundy, but they continue to brawl after the match.
-Highlights of the first time Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich met in the ring. Bill Mercer interviews Kerry. He says he's excited and ready for Flair. Flair is then interviewed and said he is ready for Kerry and is the best wrestler in the world.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Cage Match. Ric Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich: Von Erich was mobbed by girls on his way to the ring. Security and the police had to push the crowd back to get Von Erich in the ring. Special guest referee is Michael Hayes. Terry Gordy will be the keeper of the cage door. David Manning is the other referee as they have two referees for some matches. Hayes says he brought Gordy out to be the gatekeeper. Hayes checks both wrestlers. The bell rings. They circle each other cautiously. Flair and Von Erich finally lock up and Von Erich with a single leg pick up. Flair comes back with a headlock and body vice. Von Erich works on the leg of Flair. Flair with a wrist lock. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick and Flair is back peddling hard. Flair covers up in the corner. Flair then chops Von Erich. Von Erich fights his way out and Flair does the Flair flop so TASIYDAH. Flair comes back and drops a knee on Von Erich. Flair chopping Von Erich up against the ropes and pushes both referees away when they try to stop him. Hayes pushes Flair back. Von Erich knocks Flair to the mat. Back and forth. Flair goes for a suplex, but Von Erich slips behind him and puts a sleeper on Flair. Flair with a side suplex to break the hold. Von Erich comes off with a knee to the head from the top rope. Back and forth. Flair with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Flair drops Von Erich throat first across the top rope. Flair pushes both referees again. Flair runs Von Erich into a turnbuckle. He follows it up with a snap mare and an elbow drop. He gets a two count and Von Erich fighting back. Flair with an Irish whip and Von Erich comes back with an abdominal stretch. Flair run into the cage twice and then Von Erich runs Flair's face across the cage and Flair comes up swinging. His face is a bloody mess. The referees separate them, but Flair then runs Von Erich into the cage again. Von Erich signals for the claw, but Flair blocks it with a knee to the stomach. Flair stomps Von Erich down to the mat. Flair wraps Von Erich's leg on the ropes. Hayes gets into it with Flair again. Flair goes back to working on the knee. Manning checks on the knee. Flair goes back to attacking Von Erich in the corner and focusing on the knee. Flair with a snap mare. Flair goes for the figure four, but Von Erich keeps kicking him away. Von Erich runs Flair into the cage again. Back and forth. Flair chopped to the mat, but Von Erich misses the knee drop. Flair gets the figure four on. Von Erich fighting it. Von Erich turns the move over. Von Erich gets out and goes to work on Flair. He wraps Flair's leg around a rope. Flair tries to climb out of the cage. Von Erich pulls him back by the trunks and there is a full moon in Dallas. Von Erich punches Flair repeatedly and he falls between the ropes and the cage. Flair run into the cage again and his face is a bloody mess. The referee's break up the two again. Flair goes up top, but Von Erich catches him with the claw as he comes off. The crowd goes crazy. Flair going down. Gordy calls Hayes over and says something to him as Manning checks on Flair. Manning and Hayes then argue on whether Flair's foot was on the ropes. Hayes thinks it did and wants Von Erich to break the hold. Hayes pulls Von Erich off Flair to break the hold. Von Erich upset and screaming at Hayes, who tries to explain himself to Von Erich. Flair hits Von Erich with a high knee. Von Erich runs into Hayes. Gordy opens the cage door. Flair attacks Von Erich. Hayes tries to stop him and Flair gets on Hayes, who punches Flair. Hayes tells Von Erich to cover Flair. Von Erich won't do it. Hayes pushes Von Erich and goes to leave the cage. Gordy opens the door again. Flair with another high knee to Von Erich, who runs into Hayes to knock him out of the cage. Gordy slams the cage door onto Von Erich. Hayes comes back in and shoves Manning out of the way and counts the pin for Flair, even though Von Erich kicked out at two. Manning throws the Freebirds out as Flair punches Von Erich repeatedly in the face. Von Erich run into the cage. Flair with a snap mare for a pair of two counts. Von Erich run back into the cage. Flair works on the bloody head of Von Erich. Now back and forth in the corner. Von Erich hits a discus punch, but then he collapses and Manning stops the match and Flair wins. He gets his belt and leaves as officials come in to check on Von Erich. Kevin and David also come out. David screams for the Freebirds on the mic. They get Kerry to his feet and out of the cage and recap what just happened.
-Bill Mercer talks to David Manning about the pole battle royal coming up.
-$10,000 Pole Battle Royal: The Spoiler, The Checkmate, The Magic Dragon, Frank Dusek, Ben Sharpe, Ton Steele, King Kong Bundy, Bill Irwin, Mike Sharpe, Ken Mantell, Bugsy McGraw, Al Madril, Jose Lothario, David Von Erich, and Brian Adias are your competitors. Elimination by pinfall, submission, or being thrown out to the floor. It starts and it's forearm city. People start to pair off. Von Erich was the first to be eliminated, which surprises me. McGraw eliminates Bundy with a dropkick to the delight of the crowd. Ben Sharpe pinned. Jose Lothario and Checkmate thrown out. Dusek Eliminated. Spoiler eliminated. Irwin eliminated. Bugsy eliminated. Magic Dragon pinned. Steele eliminated. Madril, Mike Sharpe, Brian Adias, and Ken Mantell are the final four. Madril eliminated. The match is stopped and David Manning puts the check on the pole. All three go for the check at once and all stop each other from climbing. Adias thrown out. Mantell climbs the pole, kicks Sharpe off, and grabs the check to win. Mercer interviews Mantell, who can't believe he won and it's going to help him and his family.
-Mercer recaps the night and signs off from Dallas. End Credits.

-Final Thoughts: Great show that kicked off one of the biggest feuds in wrestling. Highly recommended.

Episode 212 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 10:30:00 -0500 [email protected] e80e7149-89b9-4e37-83cb-3b0b403dc277 My notes for Episode 212: Loser leaves town Raw. -Today we look at the January 25, 1993 episode of Monday Night Raw.
-WWF Raw was shown on the USA network on January 25, 1993. It was recorded January 18, 1993 from the Manhattan Center in New York City.
-Sean Mooney is outside. The Repo Man comes up and Mooney tells him he is a little late. Repo Man has Randy Savage's hat he took the previous week. He says he's going to repo Randy Savage's career.
-Opening credits.
-Vince McMahon, Rob Bartlett, and Bobby Heenan run down what we are going to see tonight, including the Loser must leave the WWF match.
-The Repo Man vs. Randy Savage: Savage waits for Repo Man to get in the ring before he attacks him. He brings Repo Man to the outside and gets him down before throwing him back in. He drops a knee on Repo Man from the second rope. Repo Man throws Savage out, but he comes back in and hits a knee to Repo Man to knock Repo Man out of the ring. Repo Man goes to leave, but Savage grabs him and brings him back into the ring. He chokes Repo Man and it goes back outside. Repo Man throws Savage into the ring steps and the corner post. He throws Savage back in the ring. Repo Man with a guillotine rear chin lock. Savage trying to get out of the hold. He does and it goes back and forth. Repo Man with a snap mare and a leg drop for a two count. Repo Man with a leg vice. He follows it up with a clothesline. He then chokes Savage on the top rope and hits a side suplex. He gets another two count. Repo Man with a backbreaker. Savage comes back. He hits the flying elbow to get the pin.
-WrestleMania ad.
-Kamala with the Reverend Slick vs. The Brooklyn Brawler: Brawler attacks Kamala right away, but can't get Kamala down. Kamala with a chop and a slam to Brawler. Another chop, an Irish whip, and a kick to Brawler by Kamala. He chokes Brawler on the top rope for a four count. Another kick by Kamala. This match is all Kamala. Kamala with a corner whip and a splash to get the pin.
-Vince McMahon interviews Slick and Kamala.
-Royal Rumble report. Mean Gene Okerlund recaps what happened at the Rumble.
-Loser leaves the WWF. Ric Flair vs. Mr. Perfect: Bobby Heenan greets Flair when he comes to the ring. Perfect gets a great reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and they circle each other. They are being cautious. They slap each other. They lock up. Flair with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off. Flair with a shoulder block. Perfect with a drop toe hold. Back and forth. Perfect slaps Flair down. Flair rolls outside and confers with Heenan. Flair gets back in the ring. He gets a hammerlock. Perfect reverses it. Flair chopping Perfect in the corner. They chop each other and Flair does the Flair flop, so TASIYDAH. Bartlett says what was that and I laughed. They are being cautious. They circle each other again. Flair goes back to chopping Perfect in the corner. Perfect coming back with shots. Flair with a thumb to the eye. He throws Perfect out and goes to hit him with a chair, but the referee stops him before he can use it. They come back from a commercial break and Perfect is trying to get Flair down in the ring and Flair is fighting it. Flair with a corner whip and Perfect falls to the outside. The referee comes out to check on Perfect. He gets Perfect back in and Perfect is busted open. Flair going after Perfect. They trade shots in the center of the ring. Perfect gets a two count. They each go for backslides. Perfect wins and gets a two count. Flair begging off. Perfect with corner mounted punches. Flair with a roll up for a two count. Flair goes back outside. Perfect suplexes Flair in from the apron and gets a two count. Flair gets a sleeper on Perfect. The hand doesn't fall a third time though. Perfect runs Flair into the corner. Perfect gets a two count. Flair kicking out. Perfect with a sleeper. Flair with a suplex to Perfect to break the hold. Flair gets the figure four on. Flair using the ropes for leverage. Perfect trying not to get pinned or submit. Flair caught using the rope and breaks. Flair goes after Perfect's knee. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so TASIYDAH. Both men spent. Flair pulls something out of his knee pad and hits Perfect. He covers Perfect, but the foot is on the ropes. Flair punching Perfect. Flair chopping Perfect in the corner. Perfect coming back. He gets a corner whip and a backdrop. Perfect knocks Flair down. Flair goes up top, but Perfect hits him as Flair comes off. Flair covers Perfect with his feet on the ropes, but gets caught. Flair with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Perfect gets the Perfectplex on to get the pin. So long, Ric. The crowd goes crazy and Heenan loses it. He throws his headset down. Flair and Heenan walk to the back.
-WWF Mania Ad. Then they preview next week's show before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: A great show. Flair is bound for WCW.

Episode 211 Notes Fri, 12 Jan 2024 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] d718039f-fde3-44ae-b3fe-85d7d99d6c3d My notes for Episode 211: Royal Rumble 1993. -Finishing up for the year at work, rain, and A Christmas Story.
-Today we look at the 1993 Royal Rumble from the WWF.
-Royal Rumble 93 was shown on PPV on January 24, 1993 from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA. There were 16,000 in attendance.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan's last PPV together.
-Doink defeated Jim Powers in a dark match.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to the Rumble. He and Bobby Heenan run down some of the matches we are going to see. This is another show I got from my uncle that I watched multiple times.
-The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake: Steiner Brother PPV debut in the WWF. Scott and Beau start. Scott with a single leg. Beau gets to the ropes. Scott with a wrist lock. Beau gets back to the ropes. Scott with a hip lock out of the corner. Beau says Scott pulled his tights. Beau slams Scott down by the hair. Back and forth. Scott with a modified tilt a whirl slam. Beverly Brothers go outside to regroup. Blake tagged in. Rick also tagged in. Blake with the early advantage. Blake tries to leapfrog Rick, but gets caught and power slammed. Rick with an arm bar. Scott tagged in and hits a belly to belly suplex. Beau comes in with a clothesline to Scott. Beau tagged in and attacks Scott. Monsoon says he didn't see it but they did tag. Blake attacking Scott in the corner while the referee is distracted. Beverly Brothers double teaming Scott. Blake tagged in and gets a Boston crab on Scott. Now all four men in the ring. Scott suplexes Blake. Beau tagged in and cuts Scott off from making the tag. He punishes Scott. Scott comes back with a modified power bomb. Blake and Rick tagged in. Rick with several suplexes. He clotheslines both Beverly Brothers. Scott tagged back in. Beverly Brothers go for a version of the Doomsday Device, but Scott rolls Blake up for a two count. Scott hits the Frankensteiner to get the pin on Blake.
-Flashback to what led up to the IC title match.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty: Sensational Sherri is at ringside and they speculate which corner she will be in. Michaels invites Sherri into the ring, but she won't get in. The bell rings and Michaels pushes Jannetty. Jannetty punches Michaels, who then bails to the outside and Jannetty follows and chases Michaels back in the ring. Back and forth. Jannetty with a series of moves and Michaels has his bumping shoes on. A knee lift sends Michaels to the outside. Michaels gets in only to get clotheslined back out. Jannetty goes out and punches Michales to the ground. Jannetty goes up top for a fist drop, but gets caught. Michaels runs Jannetty shoulder first into the corner post. He then does it again. Michaels throws Jannetty in and does a shoulder breaker on Jannetty. Jannetty goes outside and Michaels follows him and clotheslines him down. Jannetty gets back in the ring and Michaels gets an arm bar on. Jannetty tries to come back, but Michaels hits an arm bar DDT to get Jannetty back down. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Michaels goes to the second rope for a fist drop, but Jannetty gets his foot up. Jannetty moves out of the way of a Michaels charge and Michaels gets his shoulder rammed into the post. Back and forth. Jannetty with some shots and Michaels pulls Jannetty and throws him out. Michaels tries to suplex Jannetty in from the apron, but Jannetty reverses it and suplexes Michaels from the apron to the floor. Sherri comes over to Michaels and slaps him. The crowd pops. Jannetty gets a two count after a suplex and Michaels bouncing all over the ring. Jannetty with an Irish whip and a power slam. He then goes up top and comes off, but Michaels moves and Jannetty lands on his feet and hits a DDT on Michaels and covers for a two count. Jannetty ducks a super kick attempt and gets one of his own for another two count. They exchange two counts and Jannetty catapults Michaels into the corner and Michaels hits his head on the ring post. Jannetty gets another two count. Michaels goes to throw a right hand and as he comes back, referee Joey Marella gets taken out. Jannetty gets Michaels in a full nelson and Sherri comes in and goes to hit Michaels with her shoe, but Michaels ducks and Jannetty gets hit instead. Michaels goes after Sherri. Sherri begging off. Michaels hits a super kick to Jannetty to get the pin.
-Mean Gene Okerlund tries to interview Sherri and it is shown on the video wall. Michaels sees it and takes off towards the back. Michaels gets in Sherri's face and Jannetty attacks Michaels. Officials come in to break them up.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Big Boss Man: Boss Man gets a good ovation when he comes out. Bigelow attacks Boss Man as soon as the bell rings. He hits a big corner splash. Another corner whip. A corner whip and Boss Man knocked to the outside. Bigelow runs Boss Man into the apron. Back in, Boss Man with some clotheslines to knock Bigelow down. Boss Man then with some punches to Bigelow. He follows it up with corner mounted punches. Boss Man with a side headlock. Back and forth. Bigelow throws Boss Man to the outside. Boss Man has hurt his back on the apron when he spilled out. Bigelow attacking Boss Man as he gets back in the ring. Bigelow with a waist lock. Boss Man comes back, but gets guillotined on the top rope. He gets a two count. Bigelow working on the back. Bigelow goes back to the waist lock. Boss Man coming back and gets a modified suplex on Bigelow. He doesn't get it all the way though. Bigelow with a headbutt. He misses a crossbody when Boss Man moves. Boss Man with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Leapfrog body guillotine. He hits Bigelow with a right hand. Bigelow with a clothesline and the flying headbutt to get the pin.
-Flashback to Razor Ramon attacking Owen Hart on WWF Mania. Ray Rougeau then interviewed Razor Ramon the previous night at the Sacramento Kings game and he says he's going to have gold around his waist after the match.
-WWF Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon: Mean Gene interviews Bret Hart. Hart says this now goes beyond personal. Hart shown at the Gorilla position waiting to go out. You see Jack Lanza and JJ Dillon. Hart gets a huge ovation when he comes out. Hart does his glasses presentation. Ramon throws his toothpick at the recipient of the sunglasses. Hart attacks Ramon as a result. Stu and Helen Hart at ringside. Back and forth. Ramon with a series of shots and a corner whip to Hart. He does another corner whip, but misses the charge when Hart moves. Hart attacking the left knee. Hart puts the figure four on. Ramon gets to the ropes. Hart breaks the hold, but goes back to working on the leg. He slams it into a corner post. Ramon comes back and runs Hart into the post. He starts stomping on Hart. He drops an elbow on Hart. He then starts stomping on Hart and runs him into a turnbuckle. Ramon with a fall away slam for a two count. Hart ran sternum first into the turnbuckle for another two count. Ramon with an abdominal stretch. Ramon takes his other arm and pounds on Hart. Hart reverses the hold. They go back and forth. Ramon with punishment to Hart. Hart comes back with a crossbody. They trade two counts from sunset flips. Ramon with a modified camel clutch. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a bear hug. Hart bites Ramon to get out of the move. He then backdrops Ramon out of the ring. Hart throws Ramon back in the ring. He hits Ramon with a series of rights. Hart goes for the 5 moves of doom. He gets a two count after each move. He hits a bulldog for a two count. Hart goes for the Sharpshooter, but Ramon gets to the ropes before Hart can get the move on. Hart drags Ramon back into the center of the ring and goes for the sharpshooter again, but they trip the referee as Hart was trying to turn Ramon over. Ramon gets out and goes after the ribs of Hart. He puts Hart on the top turnbuckle, but Hart rolls off behind Ramon and hits him with a belly to back suplex. Hart with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle, but Ramon gets his boot up. Ramon signals for the Razor's Edge. He goes for it, but Hart reverses it into a backslide for a two count. Ramon comes back with a corner whip. Ramon slapping Hart around. Hart gets a bow and arrow for a two count. He turns it into the Sharpshooter and Ramon gives up.
-Bobby Heenan unveils The Narcissist Lex Luger. Bobby kept saying Narcissus. It was so confusing at the time. Luger does the unveiling with the mirrors while Bobby fawns all over him. Luger is then interviewed by Heenan. He said he will be the most dominant force in the WWF. He puts down Mr. Perfect and does the usual Lex Luger mannerisms during his interview, so TASIYDAH.
-They have Caesar and Cleopatra actors come out to do the proclamation that WrestleMania IX will be at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.
-Howard Finkel introduces the Royal Rumble: 1. Ric Flair. 2. Bob Backlund. Backlund wants to shake hands, but Flair disses him. Backlund takes Flair down. Back and forth. Backlund attacking Flair in the corner. Backlund with a backdrop and an atomic drop. 3. Papa Shango. He attacks Backlund. Flair comes from behind and eliminates Shango. Flair then goes back to attacking Backlund. Backlund with a corner whip. 4. Ted DiBiase. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Backlund. He and Flair double team Backlund. Double back elbow to Backlund. 5. Brian Knobbs. Flair and DiBiase go after Knobbs, but he cleans house on them. Flair almost eliminated. They start to pair off. Knobbs runs DiBiase into a turnbuckle. Backlund with corner mounted punches to Flair. 6. Virgil. He goes after DiBiase. All the faces go after DiBiase and Flair. DiBiase drops down and Knobbs eliminated. 7. Jerry Lawler. He goes after Flair. Flair bails briefly. People are starting to pair off again. 8. Max Moon. He hits Lawler with a dropkick. Flair tries to eliminate Moon, but he holds on. Lawler eliminates Moon. 9. Genichiro Tenyru. He goes after Flair and they chop each other. They go back to pairing off. 10. Mr. Perfect. Heenan loses it on commentary. Flair immediately goes after Perfect when he gets in. Perfect knocks Flair down. Flair with a shot and goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. They go back and forth. Flair chops Perfect in the corner and Perfect goes for corner mounted punches. 11. Skinner. He had just pooped in Jerry Lawler's crown in the back. It's a long story. Skinner and Flair team up on Perfect. Perfect fights them off and then eliminates Flair. Flair goes crazy and screams at Perfect. The wrestlers pair off again after the crowd dies down. 12. Koko B. Ware. He starts hitting anyone. Perfect eliminates Skinner. 13. Samu. Forearms are flying. Lawler with a DDT to Perfect. 14. Berzerker. Perfect eliminates Lawler. Lawler grabs Perfect and DiBiase and Ware all eliminate Perfect. Virgil eliminated. 15. The Undertaker. He gets a massive ovation when he comes out. Backlund gets thrown through the ropes and Berzerker comes out and grabs a chair and attacks Backlund with it. Undertaker eliminates Samu. He then eliminates Tenyru. 16. Terry Taylor. DiBiase eliminates Taylor and Ware. Undertaker chokeslams and eliminates DiBiase. Berzerker attacks Undertaker. Harvey Wippleman comes down with the as yet unnamed Giant Gonzalez. Gonzalez gets in the ring as Undertaker eliminates Berzerker. 17. Damien Demento. Undertaker steps up to Gonzales. Gonzalez attacks and eliminates Undertaker. He keeps up the attack on Undertaker. He brings Undertaker back in the ring and chokeslams him. 18. IRS. Officials trying to get Gonzalez away from the ring. Gonzalez has been slamming Undertaker's leg against the ring post. Gonzalez finally leaves. Undertaker trying to sit up as Demento and IRS attack Backlund in the ring. 19. Tatanka. People start to pair off. Paul Bearer comes out with the urn. Undertaker struggles to get up and limps towards the back. 20. Jerry Sags. Forearms flying. 21. Typhoon. Backlund is trying to get rid of IRS. Sags trying to dump Tatanka. Several team up to try to get rid of Typhoon. 22. Fatu. He goes after everyone. Everyone hitting each other. 23. Earthquake. He goes after his partner and they mix it up. Typhoon rushes Earthquake, who ducks down and Typhoon is eliminated. 24. Carlos Colon. Gorilla calls him a youngster. Demento is close to being eliminated. He hangs on. Colon does eliminate Demento. 25. Tito Santana. Fatu eliminated. Santana trying to eliminate Backlund. 26. Rick Martel. He goes after Santana in their never ending feud. IRS eliminated by Earthquake. 27. Yokozuna. He eliminates Tatanka and Colon. Earthquake steps up to challenge Yokozuna. The crowd is behind Earthquake. They try to move each other. 28. Owen Hart. Yokozuna belly to belly suplexes Earthquake out. People pairing off again. 29. Repo Man. Everyone gangs up to try an eliminate Yokozuna. 30. Randy Savage. The crowd goes crazy when Savage comes out. He goes after Repo Man. Santana eliminated by Earthquake. Sags eliminated by Hart. Hart eliminated by Yokozuna. Repo Man eliminated. Martel eliminated by Backlund. Backlund goes after Yokozuna. Yokozuna eliminates Backlund. It's down to Yokozuna and Savage. Fuji down and waving the Japanese flag. Savage attacking Yokozuna. Yokozuna choking Savage up against the ropes. Back and forth. A double ax handle by Savage to Yoko. Another one brings Yoko to one knee. Yokozuna kicks Savage down with a thrust kick and a belly to belly suplex. Yokozuna with a leg drop. Savage struggling to get back to his feet. Yokozuna with a corner splash. Savage moves on the second attempt. Savage gets Yoko down and hits the flying elbow, but then goes to cover Yokozuna, which is not how any of this works. Yokozuna throws Savage out by kicking out. That's power. Yokozuna wins the Royal Rumble. Caesar and Cleopatra come out. They show highlights as they sign off from Sacramento.
-Final Thoughts: This was a solid show that sets up WrestleMania IX.

Episode 210 Notes Thu, 07 Dec 2023 18:00:00 -0500 [email protected] eceea015-dbf7-48b9-90c4-0b17d70e66a2 My notes for Episode 210: Clash of the Champions XXII/. -Today we look at Clash XXII from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XXII was shown on TBS on January 13, 1993 from The Mecca in Milwaukee, WI.
-My Clash story.
-Last Clash for Jim Ross.
-Clash Intro.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to the Clash. He is with Bill Watts. Watts runs down some of the people who have wrestled in Milwaukee and name-drops Ric Flair. They talk about Van Hammer being injured as well as the suspension of Erik Watts.
-Larry Zbyszko talks to Erik Watts, who mumbles his way through saying he will be vindicated. Shiavone and Watts then throw it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura. They talk about what we just heard.
-Cactus Jack vs. Johnny B. Badd: They show the two not getting along as partners at the Lethal Lottery. Jesse talks about Cactus Jack having a following from the Cactus Jack signs in the audience. They go back and forth. Cactus Jack beating Badd down in a corner. Badd moves on a corner charge. Badd with an arm bar. Cactus Jack comes back with forearms to try and break the hold. Badd runs Jack into a turnbuckle. Badd with an inside cradle for a two count. Badd goes for a sunset flip, but Cactus Jack ducks. Badd falls to the mat. Cactus Jack drops an elbow on him and covers Badd to get the pin.
-Tony Schiavone tells us that the Great Muta has defeated Masa Chono to become the new NWA champion.
-2 Cold Scorpio video with him and the kids and him asking them why they aren't in school and the kid saying they are going to the game room. They then dance to school over shots of Scorpio in action. I think about this video way too much in life.
-2 Cold Scorpio vs. Scotty Flamingo: They lock up. Scorpio with a wrist lock and a hip toss. Flamingo pushes off and Scorpio comes back with a shoulder block. Scorpio kicks Flamingo to the outside. Scorpio hits a chop to Flamingo on the floor from the apron. Scorpio throws Flamingo back in the ring. Flamingo catches Scorpio with a dropkick and Scorpio falls from the apron to the floor. Flamingo crossbody's Scorpio on the floor. Flamingo stomping Scorpio in the ring. Scorpio with an inside cradle for a two count. Flamingo with a suplex for another two count. Flamingo with a reverse chin lock. Scorpio comes out of the move and hits some forearms and a dropkick. He hits a scoop slam and a crossbody for a two count. Flamingo moves out of the way of a Scorpio splash and gets a two count. Scorpio with a superkick and a leg drop. He then hits the 450 splash to get the pin.
-A feature on what led up to the Thundercage Main Event with Cactus Jack being turned on and attacked by Harley Race, Paul Orndorff, and Vader with Cactus Jack coming back to attack them.
-Chris Benoit vs. Brad Armstrong: They lock up and Armstrong with a side headlock. Benoit pushes off. Armstrong misses a dropkick. Back and forth with holds and counters. Armstrong with a hip lock and a dropkick. Armstrong with an arm bar. More counters and this is an even paced match so far. Armstrong with a dropkick and back to the arm bar. Armstrong tries to pin Benoit to the mat and Benoit bridges up. Then Armstrong bridges out and goes back to the arm bar. Benoit back to his feet. Armstrong into a hammerlock and Benoit reverses. Armstrong goes down and forces Benoit to the outside. Back and forth. Benoit tries to get Armstrong out the same way, but Brad doesn't fall for it and dropkicks Benoit. Armstrong goes back to the arm bar. Benoit out and they exchange moves. Benoit with a front face lock and just drops Armstrong on the top rope. Armstrong on the apron and Benoit jumps up to the second rope and comes off with a clothesline to Armstrong to the floor in an impressive move. Benoit gets a standing ovation. Back in, Benoit gets Armstrong down. He gets a two count. Back and forth again. Benoit with a backbreaker. Then a scoop slam and Benoit goes for the flying headbutt, but Armstrong moves. Armstrong with a swinging neck breaker. Benoit comes back with a full nelson into a German suplex to get the pin.
-A feature on the Rock 'N Roll Express being back together in SMW. This would lead to the short talent exchange between SMW and WCW. They announce that Ricky and Robert will be on SuperBrawl III.
-Arm Wrestling contest. Vinnie Vegas vs. Tony Atlas: Vegas is left-handed and wants to go left-handed. Atlas says he doesn't care. They are even at first. Then both with a slight advantage. Vegas finally wins and calls out the injured Van Hammer.
-The Wrecking Crew Rage and Fury vs. The Z-Man and Johnny Gunn: The Wrecking Crew are Al Green and Mark Laurinaitis. Zenk and Rage start. They lock up. Zenk with a side headlock. Rage tries to waist lock Zenk off, but Zenk doesn't let go. Back and forth. Zenk with a crossbody for a one count. Zenk with a dropkick. The Wrecking Crew go outside to regroup. Gunn with a double clothesline to the Wrecking Crew. Rage back in with Zenk. Gunn tagged in. He runs Rage into Fury and gets an arm drag on Rage. Rage comes back and gets Gunn in a corner and Fury tagged in. Fury with a clothesline to Gunn. Back and forth. Zenk tagged in and this is an awkward match. Fury with a side slam. More back and forth. Gunn tagged in. He cleans house. He runs the Wrecking Crew's heads together. Double team forearm off the top rope they call the Wrecking Ball gets the win for the Wrecking Crew.
-Larry Zbyszko interviews Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. Not yet the Hollywood Blondes, but they are ready for Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. He gets a great ovation when he comes out. They have cut the White Castle of Fear movie, but Sting says he has no fear. He brings out Ron Simmons and Dustin Rhodes and says they are ready for the Thundercage tonight.
-Larry Zbyszko talks to Vader's team. Harley Race says Cactus Jack is going to pay for attacking them. He then fires the Barbarian for his association with Cactus Jack. Barbarian attacks Race and then gets attacked by the rest of the team.
-Jim and Jesse talk about what just happened and Jesse says it was stupid to get rid of a 4-3 advantage.
-A feature on SuperBrawl III.
-Larry Zbyszko talks to Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas. They want Pillman and Austin and are ready for them.
-Unified World Tag Team Championship Match. Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas vs. Brian Pillman and Steve Austin: Steamboat and Austin start and these two always have great matches. Back and forth and they are going at it fast and furious. All four men in and the faces with the advantage so the heels bail out to the floor to regroup. Austin gets a forearm and a kick to Steamboat and Pillman tagged in. He chops Steamboat in the corner. Steamboat comes back and hits a dropkick and an arm bar. Douglas tagged in and hits an elbow from the second rope before picking up the arm bar on Pillman. Steamboat and Douglas quick tagging to keep Pillman down. Pillman fakes an injury to surprise Douglas and goes to shoulder block Douglas from the apron, but Douglas catches Pillman and slams him. Austin tagged in and Douglas catches him with a drop toe hold and gets the arm bar on Austin. They exchange holds on the mat. Austin with a hammerlock as Jesse says Douglas is a big Rush Limbaugh fan so TASIYDAH. Austin coming back. Steamboat tagged in. He slams Austin in. Douglas back in and the champions are back to quick tagging. Douglas with a cover after a back elbow, but Pillman breaks up the tag. The tag champs double team Austin and Steamboat throws Douglas on Austin, but Steamboat is the legal man. All four men in and Steamboat throws Pillman on Austin. Steamboat with a wrist lock on Austin. Austin with a suplex and Pillman tagged in. JR brings up his football career, so take another shot. Pillman with a two count after a slam. Pillman goads Douglas in and then throws Steamboat out of the ring while the referee is getting Douglas out. Austin attacks Steamboat, which brings Douglas in. Pillman attacks Steamboat's throat on the apron. Pillman suplexes Steamboat in and gets a two count. Austin tagged in. Challengers quick tagging and keeping Steamboat in their corner. Steamboat trying to get out. Pillman runs Steamboat face first into the canvas and then chops him again. Steamboat gets Pillman down, but Austin had the referee distracted. Austin tagged in and hits a gut wrench suplex on Steamboat. Steamboat fighting back. Austin cuts off a tag attempt with a belly to back suplex. Austin with a reverse backbreaker over the shoulder. Pillman tagged in, but Steamboat ducks as Pillman comes off the top rope and Pillman takes out Austin. Steamboat with chops to both heels. Steamboat suplexes Pillman down. Steamboat finally tags Douglas in and Pillman begging off. Douglas cleaning house. All four men in again. Douglas hits a belly to belly suplex on Pillman as referee Mike Adkins was getting Steamboat out. Austin comes off the top rope and hits Douglas. Asutin puts Pillman on top, but Adkins is trying to get the illegal men out. Pillman only gets a two count. Austin grabs one of the tag belts and hits Douglas with it, but Adkins sees it and disqualifies Austin and Pillman. The heels attack after the match and Douglas is busted open. Wrestlers come out and the heels take off with the belts.
-Jesse is in the ring. He recaps Vader winning the WCW World title from Ron Simmons. Jesse then interviews Vader and Harley Race. They get interrupted by Ron Simmons. Simmons says the next time they meet, he will beat Vader again. Race tries to attack Simmons. Simmons grabs him and then Vader and Simmons go at it and Simmons hits the sidewalk slam on Vader. Simmons attacks Race and gets attacked by Vader from behind. Vader hits another two shoulder breakers on Simmons. Sting and Dustin Rhodes come out and Vader and Race leave.
-Thundercage. Dustin Rhodes and Sting vs. Vader, Paul Orndorff, and Barry Windham with Harley Race: Come dressed as you are street fight. They start to fight as soon as the faces get in the ring and Sting and Rhodes with the early advantage. Windham and Rhodes start. Back and forth. Rhodes with corner mounted punches. Windham with an Irish whip. Rhodes tags Sting. Sting drives Windham into the mat. He then press slams Windham. Vader tagged in. He pushes off and tries to taunt Sting. Back and forth. Sting with some right hands to try to get Vader down. Windham and Orndorff also go down when they come in. Sting with a corner whip and Vader goes up and over like he's Ric Flair. He lands on the apron and gives Sting a double clap on the ears. Vader goes up top and hits Sting with a clothesline. Vader goes for a splash, but Sting moves. Sting clotheslines Vader out. Orndorff in and he kicks Sting down. He hits a clothesline and an elbow. Windham tagged in and hits a double ax handle from the top rope. A float over suplex gets a two count. Heels cut Rhodes off from helping Sting. Vader tagged in and hits Sting with a splash and a forearm. Windham tagged in. He goes for the superplex, but Sting fighting Windham off. Rhodes tagged in. He cleans house on the heels and hits Windham with a lariat. He then gets a backdrop on Windham. Rhodes with corner mounted punches to Windham. Cactus Jack comes down with bolt cutters and gets the door open. Cactus comes in and hits the heels with his boot. All 6 in and fighting. Orndorff and Rhodes left in the ring after everyone else was thrown out. Cactus Jack comes off and hits Orndorff with his boot as Orndorff was trying to pile drive Rhodes and Jack covers Orndorff to get the pin.
-Jim and Jesse interview Cactus Jack. He says you can beat him, but you can never hurt Cactus Jack. He tells Paul Orndorff to bring it on. Jim and Jesse then plug SuperBrawl III before signing off from Milwaulkee.
-Final Thoughts: This show was all nostalgia for me. Good action from start to finish. Happy trails to Jim Ross who would be out and headed to the WWF in a few weeks.

Episode 209 Notes Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:00:00 -0500 [email protected] d82661f0-3f8e-4f3b-b2e8-161c7af56bfd My notes for Episode 209: ECW Tag Wars '94. -My Thanksgiving week.
-Today, we look at ECW Tag Wars '94 from ECW Home Video.
-Rated TV-MA.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to Tag Wars '94 and runs down some of what we are going to see.
-The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bruise Brothers Ron and Don Harris: They fight out in the crowd as soon as it starts. They take turns hitting each other with chairs. They fight in the bathroom. Roc pounded against the wall near the snack bar and then gets hit with a chair. They fight back to the ring. It goes back outside. It's hard to follow the action here. All Bruise Brothers so far as chairs are flying all over. Typical for ECW. Grunge gets hit with a running kick by one of the Bruise Brothers. They fight back towards the broadcast position and break the table Joey Styles is using. Roc thrown into some chairs. It goes back to the ring. Grunge throws powder into the eyes of one of the Bruise Brothers and hits the other with a 2x4 to get the pin.
-The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: Brawl Game Match. This is a different one than the one they had at Hardcore Heaven. Roc and Ian start. The crowd chants Jail Bird at Rock and Public Enemy go to leave, but get stopped by Tod Gordon. They come back to the ring. They lock up. The crowd continues to antagonize Roc. Roc with a shoulder block, but Ian doesn't move. Another shoulder block to the same effect. Ian ran into a turnbuckle. Grunge tagged in. He knocks Ian down. He gets a 5 count. Ian backdrops Grunge. Double clothesline. Roc tagged in. Axl also tagged in. Roc with a moonsault. Axl with a little flip, flop, and fly Dusty Rhodes style. Roc with a shot to Axl and Grunge tagged in. He hits Axl with a low blow. He gets an 8 count. Axl with a backdrop. Roc tagged in. He goes for Old School, but slips. It goes all over the building as all four brawl. Axl gets Grunge down for a 9 count. Ian with a top rope bulldog to Grunge. Grunge comes back with a clothesline. Roc tagged in. Axl tagged in. They hit the British Invasion. Roc counted down to 10 and the Bad Breed got the baseball bat. Axl hitting Public Enemy over and over with the bat. Axl loses the bat. Roc hits him with it. Rock hits Axl and they battle all over the crowd. Axl runs Roc into the concrete. Both teams fighting all over. It's hard to keep track of the action. Grunge hits Ian with a 2x4 and Ian is busted open. Grunge then runs Ian into a barricade. Ian with a low blow. Back and forth. Ian thrown into the crowd and then Grunge hits Ian with a crossbody. Ian throws Grunge back to ringside. Back in, the Bad Breed go for the British Invasion, but Grunge hits Axl with a bat as soon as he goes up top. He then hits Ian and Roc hits a victory roll to get the pin.
-The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten vs. The Pit Bulls: All four start to brawl as soon as the Pit Bulls get to the ring. Pit Bull #1 goes outside with Ian while Axl and Pit Bull #2 stay in the ring. Axl moves on a corner charge attempt and Pit Bull 2 spills to the outside. Axl with an Irish whip and a clothesline for a two count. Pit Bull 2 with a suplex for a two count. He throws Axl out of the ring and now all four brawling on the outside. Ian run into the guardrail by Pit Bull 1. Axl hits Pit Bull 2 with a chair. Pit Bull 2 then gets the chair and hits Axl. In the ring, Pit Bull 1 hits Ian with a flying shoulder tackle. Pit Bull 2 hits a sloppy looking double underhook suplex on Ian. Pit Bull 1 tagged back in and slingshots onto Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in and hits the Superbomb on Ian to get the pin. Axl comes in and attacks the Pit Bulls with their own chain. A we want blood chant goes out. Bad Breed attacking the Pit Bulls with both chains now. The Pit Bulls are cut open and pouring blood.
-The Pit Bulls with Jason vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: Dog Collar match. They get hooked up and start brawling. Pit Bulls choking Bad Breed with the chains to start. Pit Bull 2 and Axl go outside and Axl thrown into the barricade. He is then whipped into another barricade. Axl then run into a ring post and attacked with a chair. Axl and Pit Bull 2 get in the ring as Ian and Pit Bull 1 go to the floor. Ian hits Pit Bull 1 with a chair as the we want blood chant goes out. Ian was thrown into the crowd. Pit Bull 1 continues the attack. Back and forth. Pit Bull 2 hits Axl with the chain. Ian hits Pit Bull 1 with a chair. Pit Bull 1 hits Ian with a chair and they throw chairs at each other. Pit Bull 1 suplexes Ian onto the ringside table. Pit Bull 2 choking Axl with the chain. Pit Bull 2 then hits a leg drop on Axl for a two count. Axl attacks Pit Bull 2 with the chain, but gets attacked by a chair shot from Pit Bull 1. Pit Bull 2 then attacks Axl with the chain. Axl comes back with a suplex. Ian Irish whipped by Pit Bull 1, but comes back with a forearm to Pit Bull 1. Axl suplexes Pit Bull 2 from the ring to the floor. All four men out now. Pit Bull 1 and Ian battle out in the crowd. It goes all over. Pit Bull 2 with a snap suplex to Axl. All four fight back into the ring. Not for long as Pit Bull 2 and Axl go back outside. Pit Bull 1 misses a forearm from the second buckle on Ian. Ian goes up top, but Jason catches him with a kick. The Pit Bulls then hit a double superplex on Ian to get the pin.
-Taz and Sabu vs. Joe and Dean Malenko: They start brawling as soon as Taz and Sabu get to the ring. All Sabu and Taz to start as they just devastate Dean with moves. They then hit a flapjack on Joe. Sabu wrestling with a neck brace on due to the injury from Chris Benoit. The Malenko's come back. Sabu with a suicide dive onto Joe. Dean hits Taz with a dropkick to the back. Dean with a victory roll for a two count. Sabu sets up a table on the barricade and runs Joe into it. Sabu sets a table up in the ring and dives onto Joe, who moves and Sabu goes through the table. A Sabu chant goes out as Dean and Taz go back and forth in the ring. Taz with a gut wrench suplex. Both Malenkos now in the ring with Sabu and Taz. Sabu and Taz do the Doomsday Device on Dean. Taz hits the Taz plex on Dean to get the pin. Jason attacks Paul E after the match. The Pit Bulls come out as 911 grabs Jason. 911 gives the Pit Bulls choke slams. The Pit Bulls and Jason run and 911 chases them. The Malenkos and Taz and Sabu continue to fight. The Public Enemy hit the ring. Sabu moonsaults onto the Public Enemy while the Malenkos stretch Taz. Public Enemy stuff piledrive Sabu. Paul E comes in and attacks Public Enemy with the phone. Public Enemy bring a table into the ring. They put Paul E on the table and Roc moonsaults Paul E through the table. Malenkos continue to stretch Taz. Public Enemy bring another table in the ring and set it up. They put Sabu on the table. Roc cannonballs Sabu through the table. Taz breaks free and fights Public Enemy. He then checks on Sabu and Paul E. Officials come out to check on Paul E. They load him on a board. It then cuts to The Public Enemy and their match with Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan has turned on Jack and they set him on a table. He gets stopped by Taz, who comes out. Sabu also comes back out. Sullivan and Cactus brawl to the outside. Sabu puts Grunge on the table. He puts a chair on the turnbuckles and jumps off onto Grunge. Public Enemy grab their titles and leave as the crowd chants Sabu and they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. Nothing memorable, but worth a watch.

Episode 208 Notes Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 08320685-f041-4554-b749-7d747931f610 My notes for Episode 208: Starrcade '86. -Happy Thanksgiving!
-Today we take a look at Starrcade '86 from JCP. I went to see Song of the South Thanksgiving 86 when it was re-released in theaters.
-Starrcade '86: The Night of the Skywalkers took place November 27, 1986 from The Omni in Atlanta, GA and the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. The crowd from the two arenas was a combined 30,000. The event was shown on closed circuit.
-Longtime JCP announcer Tom Miller welcomes us to Starrcade '86 the Night of the Skywalkers and the National Anthem is played.
-Tony Schiavone and Rick Stewart welcome us to Starrcade and Atlanta before throwing it to Bob Caudle and Johnny Weaver in Greensboro.
-Tim Horner and Nelson Royal vs. Don and Rocky Kernodle: Quick tags by the Kernodle Brothers. Don with a running power slam on Horner for a two count. Royal tagged in. Back and forth. Horner tagged in. Fast paced opening match. Now Horner and Royal with the quick tags. Don trying to come back. Rocky tagged in. Horner also in. Horner and Rocky both go for leapfrogs and collide. Don tagged in. Now Rocky and Horner back in. Horner gets the pin after a reversal and the crowd boos the decision.
-Atlanta: Brad Armstrong vs. Jimmy Garvin with Precious: Crowd boos Garvin and Precious. They go back and forth. Lots of shoving and driving to the ropes. Lots of lock-ups and rest holds. They exchange wrist locks. Armstrong gets Garvin down in a chin lock. Into an arm bar. Precious distracts referee Scrappy McGowan so Garvin can grab Armstrong's hair and get a leg scissors. Armstrong gets out and goes back to a side headlock. Precious goes and distracts McGowan again so Garvin can get the leg scissors again. Armstrong gets out again. Back and forth. Garvin tries to get out of an Armstrong side headlock, but Armstrong won't let go. Garvin pulls the trunks of Armstrong, but gets caught. Garvin with a belly to back suplex to break the side headlock. He gets a two count. Garvin throws Armstrong out of the ring. Garvin keeping Armstrong from getting in while Precious yells at Armstong. Armstrong gets back in. Garvin keeps getting two counts. Both men down after colliding. Both men up and trading two counts. The match ends in a draw. Armstrong attacks Garvin after the match and Garvin bails. Precious gets in Armstrong's face so Garvin can attack Armstrong from behind, but Garvin gets caught and Armstrong nails him with a shot.
-Greensboro: The Barbarian and Shaska Whatley vs. Baron Von Raschke and Hector Guerrero: All four in to start the match. The faces run the heels into each other. Guerrero and Whatley start. All Guerrero to begin with high-flying moves. Barbarian tagged in. Guerrero ducks a big boot, but Barbarian grabs Guerrero and guillotines him. Whatley holds Guerrero so Barbarian can charge him, but Guerrero moves and Barbarian goes flying through the ropes. Guerrero hits a plancha to Barbarian on the outside to the delight of the crowd. Whatley and Barbarian run Guerrero into a ring post. They get Guerrero back in the ring and Whatley tagged in. He punishes Guerrero and Barbarian tagged back in. Barbarian hits a backbreaker. Barbarian with a headbutt to Guerrero off the ropes. Whatley tagged in and a double backdrop to Guerrero. Whatley gets a two count and cuts Guerrero off from tagging. Heels double teaming Guerrero. Barbarian in and Guerrero goes to the wrong corner to tag. Barbarian with a series of backbreakers and Whatley tagged back in. Guerrero gets away and Von Raschke tagged in. He cleans house on the heels. He gets an Irish whip and the claw on Whatley. Barbarian breaks it up and now all four men in the ring. Whatley with a corner whip, but misses the charge. Von Raschke drops an elbow and gets the pin. Heels attack Von Raschke after the match. Barbarian hits a top rope headbutt on Von Rashke. Guerrero runs the heels off.
-Johnny Weaver tries to interview Dusty Rhodes, but Rhodes tells Weaver to leave him alone.
-Atlanta: United States Tag Team Championship Match. No Disqualification. Ivan Koloff and Krusher Kruschev vs. The Kansas Jayhawks Dutch Mantell and Bobby Jaggers: Mantell and Koloff start. Lock up and go to a corner. Mantel with the early advantage. Jaggers tagged in. He gets an Irish whip and a back elbow. Jayhawks are quick tagging trying to keep Koloff down. Kruschev tagged in. He gets Mantell in a corner and punches him. Heels double teaming Mantell. Mantell comes back and gets Kruschev in the Jayhawk's corner. Mantell goads Koloff in and Jayhawks double team Kruschev in the corner while referee Scrappy McGowan was getting Koloff out. Jaggers tagged in and continues the assault. More quick tags, but Kruschev crosses Mantell up and Koloff tagged in. They trade corner whips and go back and forth. Jayhawks with a double Irish whip and back elbow. Russians get Mantell down in their corner. They run him into the announce table. They then atomic drop Mantell onto the barricade. Back in, Koloff continues the assault on Mantell. Kruschev holds Mantell while Koloff hits him with a forearm to the back from the top rope. Russians battering Mantell in their corner. He fights out and tags Jaggers in. Jaggers cleans house on the Russians. He gets a two count on Koloff and now all four men in. Koloff gets Jaggers in a bear hug. Koloff grabs his chain, but Mantell grabs Shoo Baby and whips Koloff to the delight of the crowd. He then whips Kruschev. Kruschev and Mantell fight to the outside while Koloff and Jaggers are inside. McGowan goes out and checks on Mantell. Kruschev grabs the chain and hits Jaggers and Koloff gets the pin.
-Greensboro. Strap Match. Wahoo McDaniel vs. Rick Rude with Paul Jones: They have this cheesy dubbed music for Rude when he comes out. McDaniel gets a huge reaction when he is introduced. Rude starts posing, so McDaniel straps him. He continues after they are strapped together and the match starts. McDaniel chokes Rude with the strap. Rude goes out and McDaniel drags him back in the ring. Rude with a side headlock. Back and forth. Rude starts strapping a fallen McDaniel in the corner. He chokes McDaniel with the strap. He slams McDaniel down and gets two posts. McDaniel stops him and McDaniel hits Rude in the corner. He straps Rude several times. He ties Rude up and gets three posts before Rude breaks it up. Rude hits a top rope fist drop. Back and forth. Rude goes back up top, but McDaniel yanks him off. McDaniel wraps Rude up and gets three posts. Jones climbs up on the apron and McDaniel chops him off. Rude attacks McDaniel from behind, but that pushes McDaniel into the last post and he wins. Jones and Rude attack McDaniel after the match. Baron Von Raschke and Hector Guerrero come out and the heels leave.
-Rick Stewart interviews Ivan Koloff and Krusher Kruschev. They talk about still being champions and about the Bunkhouse Stampedes coming up. Kruschev says if Nikita Koloff wins tonight, Kruschev demands the first title shot.
-Atlanta: Central States Championship Match. Sam Houston vs. Bill Dundee: They just stare at each other as the bell rings. They circle each other. Lock up and drive to a corner. They exchange holds. Dundee with a side headlock takeover. Houston gets to the ropes. Houston with a headscissors. Into a dropkick. Dundee gets Houston down and Houston complains that his hair was pulled. Back and forth. Houston with a side headlock takeover. Houston rolls Dundee up and Dundee grabs the trunks to get out of the move. Dundee slingshots Houston to the outside. Dundee comes out and Houston atomic drops him to the outside. Houston continues the assault back inside. Dundee catches Houston and hits a top rope fist drop on him. He gets a two count. Dundee continues to attack Houston. Back and forth. Houston won't stay down. Dundee with a Boston crab. Houston holds on and gets to the ropes. Houston thrown back outside. Dundee climbs up and walks along the ropes to attack Houston with a double ax handle as soon as he gets in the ring. He gets a two count. Dundee with a front face lock. Houston runs Dundee into a corner to break the hold. Houston drops a knee on Dundee. He misses a second one when Dundee moves. Dundee drops down on Houston's knee. Referee Scrappy McGowan taken out by a stray shot and Dundee hits Houston with Houston's own boot. He covers Houston, but McGowan calls for the bell and disqualifies Dundee.
-Greensboro: Jimmy Valiant with Big Mama vs. Paul Jones: Hair vs Hair. Manny Fernandez will be locked in Betty Lou, the mini cage that will hang above the ring. Fernandez refuses to go into the cage. He argues with the referee, then fights off several wrestlers until Wahoo McDaniel comes down and chops Fernandez into the cage. The crowd pops huge for that. The bell rings and Valiant attacks Jones right away and knocks Jones down several times and Jones begging off. Valiant rakes Jones front and back. He hip tosses Jones. Jones in the corner and the referee gets Valiant off, allowing Jones to grab something from his trunks and hit Valiant with it. He attacks Valiant on the mat and Valiant is bleeding. Jones gets a two count, but Valiant gets his foot on the ropes. Jones hits Valiant with the object again. Back and forth. Valiant gets the sleeper on Jones. Jones fighting it, so Valiant throws him into a corner. Whatever object Jones had goes flying and Valiant goes to pick it up. He hits Jones with it and pins him. The fans go wild. They shave Jones' head. The fans started chanting bald headed geek to Jones. Fernandez gets out of the cage. Fernandez attacks Valiant and is joined by Rick Rude. They DDT Valiant into a chair. They then cover Jones up and leave. McDaniel and Baron Von Raschke check on Valiant. They finally got him up and out of the ring.
-Atlanta: Tony Schiavone talks about the Bunkhouse Stampede and they do a feature on it. We then get an intermission and then Tony talks about the 2nd Annual Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup.
-Ron Garvin vs. Big Bubba with Jim Cornette: A Louisville Street Fight. They have knock off Peter Gunn music for Bubba's entrance. They just stare at each other. The bell rings and Garvin hits a shot to Bubba. He does it again. Bubba won't go down though. Bubba wants a test of strength. Garvin hits Bubba with a series of right hands to knock Bubba down to the mat, so he rolls out to regroup with Cornette. Bubba throws Garvin out of the ring. They said the fight can take place anywhere on the Omni floor, so why is Tommy Young counting? Bubba beats Garvin down with forearms and then throws him back in the ring. Garvin grabs a cup of soda from the announce table and throws it in Bubba's eyes. He then peppers Bubba with his right hands to knock Bubba down. He gets up and Garvin hits him repeatedly to drive Bubba back outside. Cornette hands Bubba something. Garvin with a front face lock to Bubba when he gets back in. Garvin then starts choking Bubba. Back and forth in a corner. Bubba gets the advantage when he hits Garvin with a roll of nickels. Garvin gets up on the 8 count and he is bleeding. Bubba knocks him down again. Garvin again back to his feet on the 8 count. Bubba with a scoop slam and an elbow for a two count. Garvin back to his feet on the 8 count yet again. Garvin pulls some green cord out of his boot and wraps it around Bubba. He tries to tie Bubba to the ropes. Bubba keeps coming after Garvin. He gets Garvin in a bear hug. Garvin headbutts Bubba to break the hold. Bubba goes back to the bear hug and Garvin starts to headbutt him again. Garvin gets out of the bear hug and knocks Bubba to the ringside area. Bubba back in the ring at 7 and Garvin keeps the attack up. They fight out to the floor. Garvin thrown back in. Bubba goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. Garvin covers, but Bubba kicks out so hard, Garvin goes flying and lands on Tommy Young. Garvin hits a piledriver and covers Bubba, but there is no referee. Cornette hits Garvin with the tennis racket. Young recovers and both men are down for the count of 10. Young says the first man to his feet wins the match. Young pushes Cornette off the apron. Garvin trying to get up, but Cornette clips him with the racket. Bubba up and wins the match. A bullshit chant goes out.
-Greensboro: NWA World's Television Championship First Blood Match. Dusty Rhodes vs. Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon: Blanchard and Dillon out first. Rhodes comes out with a short haircut with Tully written on the side of his head. He is shown walking from his dressing room to the ring. He has a Magnum TA shirt on. Dillon starts to put wrestling headgear on Blanchard. The fans chant at Blanchard to take it off. He does so and JJ then puts Vaseline on Blanchard's face. Rhodes and the crows protest that as well until it gets wiped off. Dillon gets in Rhodes' face and Rhodes hits him with the elbow and JJ bleeds. Blanchard checks on JJ. The crowd yells out Dusty. Rhodes with some shots to Blanchard, who is selling like crazy here. They go back and forth in a corner. Rhodes cocks his elbow and tells Blanchard to bring it. Blanchard avoiding the elbow. Back and forth with both men avoiding big blows. Blanchard rolls outside to confer with JJ. He gets in and Rhodes headbutts Blanchard. Blanchard begging off. He covers up. Rhodes unloading on Blanchard. He drops an arm on Blanchard. Blanchard bails to the outside again. Back in, Blanchard gets a snap mare and an elbow drop on Rhodes. Back and forth. Rhodes runs Blanchard into a turnbuckle. Referee Earl Hebner goes down. JJ throws Blanchard his shoe, but Rhodes catches Blanchard and suplexes him into Hebner and he goes back down. Rhodes throws the shoe away and works on the forehead and Blanchard is bleeding. But Hebner is still out. JJ works on the head of Blanchard cleaning it and rubbing Vaseline on it. He then hands Blanchard a roll of coins. Blanchard hits Rhodes with the roll of coins. Rhodes down. He comes up bleeding as the ref comes to. Blanchard wins and is the new TV champion. Rhodes screaming at the referee.
-Atlanta: Scaffold Match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette and Big Bubba: The MX out first and getting booed heavily. Road Warriors and Ellering out to a huge ovation. They immediately start to go up the scaffold. They tell the MX to come up and Cornette looks dejected. They do the introductions and the MX starts to climb. They take their time but eventually get up and the Road Warriors shake the scaffold. Road Warriors attack the MX as soon as the bell rings. It's forearms and holds here. Condrey hits Hawk with some powder. Eaton hits Animal with powder. Condrey trying to kick Hawk off. Hawk holding on. Eaton gets knocked halfway off and is holding on by the ladder. He climbs back to the scaffold. Both MX bleeding. Condrey tries to crawl down, but Hawk grabs him by the hair. Hawk follows and tries to kick Condrey off. They battle on one side. Condrey and Eaton trying to climb away on the rungs, but the Road Warriors kick them off to win the match. Ellering gets the racket and chases Cornette up the scaffold. Animal is up there. Cornette tries to get away and falls and messes his leg up forever, which is a story he has told countless times.
-Great American Bash Tour commercial. They then run the credits before the final two matches.
-Greensboro: Cage Match for the World Tag Team Championship. The Rock 'N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. Ole and Arn Anderson: The Anderson's come out looking all business. Rock N' Roll Express is extremely popular with the fans. Gibson and Ole start. Gibson using quickness to stay away from the Anderson's. All four men in the ring. Anderson's double teaming Gibson while Referee Earl Hebner was getting Morton out. Arn bumping for both members of the Rock N' Roll Express. Ole tagged back in. Back and forth. Morton tagged in. A Rock 'N Roll chant goes out. Arn tagged in. They trade moves. Gibson tagged in. Arn runs Gibson's knee into the cage after avoiding a running knee. Ole tagged in. He continues to punish the knee. Anderson brothers are quick tagging. Gibson trying to tag Morton in, but keeps getting cut off. Ole working on the injured leg of Gibson. Arn tagged in and he keeps Gibson down. Gibson finally tags Morton in and the place comes unglued. Ole runs Morton into the cage. Ole gets a two count. Morton is being punished and he is bleeding. Arn tagged in and the Anderson's are double teaming to perfection. Arn bites Morton in a corner and rubs his face into the cage. Gibson tries to come in, but gets cut off by Hebner. Ole tagged in and the Anderson's have cut the ring in half and keeping Morton in their corner. Ole with a corner whip and an arm bar. He then stomps the arm. Arn tagged in and keeps up the assault. Morton catches Arn with a shot as Arn was coming off the second rope and DDTs Arn. Now all four men in again. Hebner gets Gibson out, allowing the Anderson's to continue double teaming. Morton was sent into the cage again. Ole with a shoulder breaker for a two count. Arn tagged in. He beats on Morton's arm and Morton's face is a bloody mess. Ole tagged in. He goes back to the arm bar as the Rock & Roll chant goes out. Anderson's double teaming Morton again. Morton trying to fight back. Anderson's cut off another tag attempt. Arn back in. Morton starts to come back, but gets cut off by an Arn spinebuster. Gibson breaks up the pin attempt. Arn holds Morton while Ole comes off with a knee to the back of Morton from the top rope. Ole with an arm bar as the Rock & Roll chant goes out again. Morton comes back. A push off after an Ole side headlock and both collide in the ring. Arn tagged in and cuts off a Morton tag attempt. Morton attempting to come back. Back and forth. Ole tagged in and stops Morton from tagging. Morton gets a quick small package and Arn has to break up the pin attempt. All four men in now. Ole picks Morton up, but Gibson dropkicks Morton to cause him to fall on Ole and get the pin. The Anderson's attack the RNR and the referee after the match.
-Atlanta: NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Nikita Koloff: They have this whole pyrotechnic display go off for Flair. He has to stand there for it and his song plays through before he heads to the ring. He gets some boos, but also has his share of fans. They show a Magnum TA video. Weird placement for this in this show. Maybe they are tying this to Koloff? Koloff is then shown and a Nikita chant goes out. Koloff is the current US Champion, but his title is not on the line. Referee Tommy Young checks both wrestlers. They are face to face. The bell rings and they circle each other. Koloff just pushes Flair off. He does it again and Flair goes outside to regroup. Back in and Koloff wins a test of strength. Flair comes back with chops to no avail. Flair goes back outside. Back in and Koloff gets a side headlock. There is this annoying fan who keeps saying lets go Ric and she has the worst voice. Flair slammed down. Flair then slammed out of the corner. They lock up again and go to a corner. Flair repeatedly getting slammed off. Flair begging off. All Koloff so far as he gets a bear hug on Flair. Koloff gets Flair down on the mat for some two counts. They get to a corner and Koloff runs his shoulder into Flair several times. He corner whips Flair, but misses a charge when Flair moves. Flair with a suplex and when Koloff comes down, his penis pops out. That's a small bird on full display. Young, being the consummate professional, pulls Koloff's singlet back over. Koloff back to his feet and Flair begging off. Flair goes back outside. He gets back in and Koloff with a side headlock. Flair trying to break the hold and they finally get to the ropes. Flair chopping Koloff. Back and forth and Koloff hits the Russian Hammer. The momentum of a collision sends Koloff outside. Flair slams Koloff's leg against a ring post and then he clips Koloff's leg. He keeps up the attack on Koloff's leg. Flair gets the figure four on and uses the ropes for leverage. Koloff reverses the hold, but they are in the ropes. Flair goes back to attacking the leg and runs Koloff's head along the ropes. Flair then chops Koloff again. Koloff coming back and Flair begs off. Koloff pushes Flair. Back and forth. Flair throws Koloff to the outside. Flair comes out after Koloff and runs him into the scaffold. Back in, Flair with a snap mare and Koloff is bleeding. Flair gets a two count. Another two count and Koloff kicks out. Flair attacks the head with punches. Koloff up and stalking Flair and Flair begging off again. Koloff attacks Flair in the corner and then hip tosses Flair out of the corner. He corner whips Flair, who goes up and over and falls out of the ring and Koloff goes after him. He runs Flair into the scaffold and Flair is bleeding. Flair gets back in the ring and does the Flair flop. Flair with an Irish whip and Koloff comes back with a shoulder block and Flair runs into Young, who spills out to the floor. Flair with a corner whip and Koloff comes back with the Russian Sickle. Scrappy McGowan out to check on Young. Koloff comes over to get Young and Flair hits him with a knee from behind. McGowan counts and Flair gets a two count. Koloff goes for another Russian Sickle. Flair ducks and McGowan gets taken out. Koloff choking Flair. Young gets in to break it up and Koloff tosses him aside. He does it again and the bell rings. They keep fighting. Koloff takes everyone out with the Russian Sickle as they come in. Heels grab Koloff for Flair to hit. Other wrestlers split them up. Young says both men are disqualified. They break free and start fighting again. They finally get separated. Tony and Rick run down what we have seen and sign off from Starrcade with a highlight package.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fantastic show that capped off a fantastic year for JCP. Definite recommend.

Episode 207 Notes Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 1e974fa5-080e-439b-aaa4-19e3ae300a22 My notes for Episode 207: ECW November to Remember 94. -Today we look at November to Remember '94 from ECW.
-ECW November to Remember '94 took place November 5, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,000 in attendance.
-Bob Artese welcomes us to November to Remember. He outlines some of the people we are going to see on the show. They have a guy play the National Anthem on his guitar until Paul E. and 911 come out and 911 chokeslams the guy. Paul E. starts to say something into the mic to the guy and he says the mic is not on when it is. He gets mad and walks away. 911 then chokeslams the guy again. He then chokeslams the timekeeper. The crowd says one more time, so 911 does it again. The crowd chants 911. This segment went on way too long. They show the timekeeper being carried away.
-Hack Myers vs. JT Smith: Myers comes out looking like Tobias Funke from Arrested Development when he dressed up in leather. Smith wants Myers before the bell rings and the referee has to keep them away from each other. The bell rings. They circle each other. Myers with a side headlock. Smith pushes off. Myers comes back with a shoulder block. Smith with a hip toss, a fall away slam, and a dropkick for a two count. Myers comes back to beat Smith down in the corner. He then drops Smith down throat first on the bottom rope and Myers then drops the leg on Smith on the apron. He then hits Smith with a chair. Myers grabs another chair, but Smith recovers enough to hit a dropkick to the chair and Myers goes down. Smith grabs a chair and does an elbow drop with it. He Irish whips Myers into the guardrail and then clotheslines Myers and they both spill out into the crowd. They hit each other with chairs. They get back in the ring. Smith with a crucifix for a two count. Myers with an inside cradle for a two count. Back and forth. Smith with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge to get the pin. Myers attacks Smith with a chair and they fight to the dressing room.
-The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten vs. The Pit Bulls: Pit Bulls attack the Bad Breed as soon as they get in the ring. Pit Bull 1 and Ian on the outside while Pit Bull 2 with Axl in the corner of the ring hitting Axl with knees and kicks. Pit Bull 2 with a corner whip. Pit Bull 2 goes to splash Axl, who moves and Pit Bull 2 falls to the outside. He gets back in and Axl hits him with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Pit Bull 2 hits a dropkick and a standing suplex. Pit Bull 2 throws Axl to the outside. Pit Bull 1 and Ian have been fighting outside all this time. Pit Bull 1 throws Ian into the ring. Pit Bull 1 with a snap suplex to Ian. Ian with a corner whip, but Pit Bull 1 gets his boot up on the charge and hits a flying shoulder tackle to Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in. He hits Ian with a sloppy looking double underhook suplex. Pit Bull 1 tagged back in and hit a slingshot shoulder block on Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in and hits the Superbomb on Ian to get the pin. Axl gets the Pit Bull's chain and attacks them with it. The crowd chants we want blood. The Pit Bulls get busted open.
-Mr. Hughes vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: The crowd is into Scorpio when he comes out. Hughes yelling at the crowd. Hughes pushes Scorpio away. He does it again and then goes back to yelling at the crowd. Scorpio with a go behind. Hughes breaks the hold. Hughes with a wrist lock. Scorpio with a reversal. Hughes gets out. Scorpio reverses an Irish whip, leapfrogs Hughes, and punches him. Hughes knocks Scorpio down. Hughes with a hip toss and then a headbutt. Back and forth in the corner. Scorpio with a series of shots. Scorpio with a corner whip and a splash. Hughes comes back with a clothesline out of the corner. He follows it up with a snap mare and a head vice. Scorpio gets out, so Hughes with an Irish whip and slam to Scorpio. Hughes with an elbow drop and gets a two count. Hughes with an Irish whip. Scorpio comes back with a dropkick. Another dropkick knocks Hughes out of the ring. Scorpio with a baseball slide and a plancha to Hughes. Hughes runs Scorpio into the apron. Hughes with a sidewalk slam, but yells at the fans. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Scorpio with a kick and the 450 splash to get the pin. Hughes attacks Scorpio after the match. Hughes gets on the mic and says it is his house. Scorpio gets on the mic and tells Hughes he got hit with the diss that don't miss. Scorpio attacks Hughes with a chair and they fight to the back. It is a running theme tonight.
-Tommy Cairo comes to the ring making fun of the Sandman recently being blinded. Tommy Cairo vs. Tommy Dreamer: They start to fight as soon as Dreamer hits the ring. They brawl to the outside. They hit each other with chairs. They then trade shots. Dreamer hits a piledriver on Cairo. He throws Cairo back outside. Dreamer hits Cairo with a frying pan and a paddle that fans brought. They brawl out into the crowd, hitting each other with chairs. Cairo stomping Dreamer down. Cairo throws Dreamer back into the aisle. Cairo grabs a pallet and hits Dreamer with it. Cairo then hits Dreamer with the frying pan. Dreamer hits Cairo with the pallet and Styles doesn't know what a pallet is. They get back in the ring and Dreamer hits a neck breaker. Cairo comes back with a modified flapjack and goes back to mocking the Sandman. Cairo grabs the Singapore cane, but Dreamer hits Cairo before he can use the cane. Dreamer grabs the cane and hits Cairo with it several times. Cairo is busted open. Dreamer beats Cairo down. He then canes Cairo between the legs. He punches Cairo in the head and licks the blood. I could have done without that. Styles talks about Dreamer becoming hardcore. The referee calls for the bell as Cairo is out of it. Medical personnel come and load Cairo on a backboard and this also seems like a pattern tonight. Cairo gets back to his feet though. He limps back to the dressing room.
-ECW Championship Match. Shane Douglas vs. Ron Simmons: Simmons gets on the mic and says he never liked Philly. He just came to kick Shane Douglas' ass and win the title. The fans chant Flair is dead towards Simmons. Weird flex, but okay. The bell rings and they go at it. Douglas with a dropkick and a clothesline for a two count. Douglas out and going around the ring to regroup. He tells the referee to keep Simmons back. They lock up and drive to a corner. Simmons beats Douglas down in a corner. Back and forth. Douglas with a roll up for a one count. Douglas gets a crossbody for another one count. Douglas rolls back outside. Simmons follows. Douglas puts one of the photographers at ringside between him and Simmons as a shield. Simmons swings anyway and knocks Douglas down. Simmons beating Douglas down at ringside. Back in, Simmons with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Douglas runs Simmons face first into the mat. Douglas goes up top, but gets caught and Simmons power slams Douglas as he comes off. Simmons with a gut buster on Douglas. Simmons now in control. Simmons with an Irish whip and a suplex. Simmons goes for a diving headbutt, but Douglas moves out of the way. Douglas with chops and Simmons comes back with a chokeslam. Douglas with a crucifix out of nowhere to get the pin. Douglas hits Simmons with the title belt after the match. 2 Cold Scorpio comes out and dropkicks Douglas to save Simmons. They beat Douglas with the belt. Scorpio hits the moonsault on Douglas. They leave Douglas in the middle of the ring. The referees are out and checking on Douglas. Cactus Jack comes out and is at the apron talking to the referees. Douglas finally gets up on his own.
-The Sandman comes out for supposedly his retirement speech. He comes out in a suit with his eyes bandaged and wearing sunglasses. Tod Gordon helps him into the ring. Gordon says the Sandman is the epitome of Extreme and his best friend. The crowd half boos and half cheers. Sandman says he never thought he would be retiring at 31. He talks about all he has done in wrestling. He says he wouldn't change a damn thing. He says he's lost everything. He says he's lost his career, his manager, and his broad. His words, not mine. He goes on and on about losing Peaches to Tommy Cairo. Peaches then comes out. She kisses Sandman. They start to go back and forth with Sandman saying he realizes how much Peaches meant to him. They get interrupted by Woman. She canes Peaches. Gordon tells her to get out of the ring. Sandman swinging wildly and takes Gordon out. Woman goes after Sandman, but Tommy Dreamer comes out and stops her. Sandman takes off the glasses and the bandages and hits Dreamer from behind with the cane and the whole thing has been a setup. Sandman lights up a cigarette as the crowd cheers. He takes off his jacket and shirt and he has an ECW shirt on. He then whips Dreamer with his belt. The crowd cheers again. Gordon crawls over to check on Dreamer, who is bleeding profusely.
-Joey Styles brings out Shane Douglas. His ribs are taped up. He goes off on Hulk Hogan and talks about getting the ECW World Title. He then talks about Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio and what they did. He then says he has Sherri Martel on the phone and she will be with him in his corner on November 19th and that his partner will be Steve Austin. Austin would be injured before then and be replaced by Brian Pillman.
-ECW Television Championship Match. Dean Malenko with Jason vs. The Tazmaniac: Taz isn't in full Taz mode yet, but it looks like he is slowly getting there. The bell rings and they lock up and jockey for position. Taz with a single leg takedown. He then Irish whips Malenko. Malenko goes for a double underhook suplex and Taz turns it into a Northern Lights suplex. He gets a two count. Malenko comes back with a double underhook and a Boston Crab on Taz. Taz powers out. Malenko stomping Taz. Taz reverses a full nelson. Back and forth Taz with a t-bone suplex. Taz with a corner whip, but Malenko gets his boots up on the charge and gets a victory roll for a two count. Malenko goes for another victory roll, but Taz turns it into a German suplex. Both men down. Taz gets a two count. Malenko with a spinning kick. Malenko goes up top and gets caught. Taz goes for a top rope suplex, but Malenko pushes Taz off and out to the floor. Back and forth on the floor. Jason goes to attack Taz, but takes off when Taz comes after him. Malenko gets Jason's towel and puts it on Taz's face and pins Taz. Styles wonders what was on the towel as the crowd chants bullshit. Taz is out in the center of the ring. Officials out to check on Taz. Then the medics come out and Styles says he can smell chloroform. Taz comes to and suplexes Pee Wee Moore.
-ECW Tag Team Championship Match. Brawl Game Match where a baseball bat can be brought in after a wrestler has been down for a 10 count. Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck vs. The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge: Public Enemy out first and carry baseball bats to the ring. The crowd is rowdy and ready for this one. The crowd boos Whipwreck and cheers Cactus Jack. They then antagonize the Public Enemy. Roc gets on the mic to antagonize the fans, who just get on Public Enemy some more. Roc and Whipwreck start, but it takes a while for the match to get going because of the fans taunting Roc. Public Enemy then leave the ring and walk to the back. They yell that they have a 10 count to come back. Public Enemy tell the referee that they want people thrown out of the crowd. The match finally starts. Roc takes over on Whipwreck. He runs Whipwreck into Grunge's boot and Grunge tagged in. Public Enemy do their version of the Demolition Decapitation to Whipwreck. Whipwreck gets a four count, but gets up only to be kicked in the leg by Grunge and Whipwreck is down again. Grunge taunting Whipwreck by bringing him close to Cactus Jack but not letting him tag. Grunge with a face buster and Cactus comes in and cleans house. Cactus grabs Whipwreck and throws him into both Public Enemy. Whipwreck gets an 8 count, but gets up. Cactus with a double clothesline to Public Enemy. He then throws Whipwreck onto Public Enemy. Public Enemy double clotheslines Whipwreck and Grunge clotheslines Cactus Jack out of the ring via the ropes and they both go out. Jack crotched on the guardrail. Double elbow on Whipwreck. Cactus Jack attacks Public Enemy with chairs as Whipwreck gets back to his feet on the 9 count. Cactus Jack double arm DDTs Roc on a chair. Roc up at the 9 count and Jack then DDTs both Public Enemy members. Public Enemy up at 9 and Grunge throws powder in Cactus Jack's eyes. Whipwreck attacks Public Enemy, who throw him towards the blinded Cactus Jack, who DDTs Whipwreck because he doesn't know who it is. Jack tries to get Whipwreck up, but he gets counted down. Public Enemy gets the bat. Roc hits Whipwreck in the midsection. Grunge and Jack go back to the locker room. Roc and Whipwreck go to the Eagle's Nest. Roc hits Whipwreck with the bat. Roc then puts a table on top of another table. He puts Whipwreck on the top table. He goes to jump on Whipwreck, but gets stopped by Sabu. They push each other, but 911 and Paul E come out. 911 grabs Sabu, but Sabu get away and pushes Roc off onto Whipwreck and the tables. Whipwreck grabs a chair and starts hitting Roc. Grunge has a bat and comes and starts hitting Whipwreck, but gets attacked by Cactus Jack. Jack suplexes Roc onto a table and then drops an elbow on Roc through the table. They fight back towards the ring. Grunge with a sunset flip to Whipwreck and they trade two counts. Grunge gets Whipwreck down. He clotheslines Whipwreck with the bat off the top rope to get the pin and The Public Enemy are the new ECW Tag Team Champions. Cactus Jack helps Whipwreck up and out of the ring.
-Tod Gordon comes out. He announces some of what's coming up on the next show. He gets interrupted by Cactus Jack, who says he's going to bring Kevin Sullivan back to get even with Public Enemy. Gordon then announces more matches.
-Chris Benoit vs. Sabu with Paul E and 911: Sabu dives for Benoit's legs as soon as he gets in. Back and forth. Benoit drops Sabu down on the top rope. Benoit with a modified flapjack and Sabu lands on his head. 911, the referee, and Paul E all check on Sabu. He appears to be hurt badly. 911 steps in and Benoit immediately gets out. Benoit staying away from 911. Medical personnel came to check on Sabu. Benoit gets on the mic and says he never signed to face 911, he signed to take on Sabu. Benoit attacks 911 from behind. Benoit gets choke slammed twice. Public Enemy attack 911 from behind with baseball bats. Paul E gets in the ring and gets attacked. Cactus Jack comes out and goes after Public Enemy. 911 choke slams Public Enemy. The locker room empties out. Everyone is attacking each other. They start to fight all over the building. Taz is attacking the Public Enemy with a bat. Public Enemy raises Benoit's hand. Benoit says what happened to the great Sabu? 2 Cold Scorpio comes out and challenges Benoit. Public Enemy attack Scorpio.
-Chris Benoit vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Benoit keeps up the attack. He powerbombs Scorpio for a two count. Benoit with a snap suplex. Scorpio comes back with a thrust kick. Scorpio dropkicks Public Enemy. Benoit with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Benoit with a superplex for a two count. Benoit goes for a belly to back suplex from the top rope, but Scorpio shifts his weight and lands on Benoit for a count, but Johnny Grunge grabs the referee. Scorpio with another suplex for a two count. He gets another two count after a victory roll. Benoit hip tosses Scorpio and both men tumble to the outside. Benoit slams Scorpio into the timekeepers table and then slams Scorpio with pieces of the table. Both men are counted out and Styles signs off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show with a flat finish due to Sabu getting hurt.

Episode 206 Notes Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 7951857d-9e3f-4592-9934-e2ee0c7033b1 My notes for Episode 206: Starrcade '92. -Today we look at Starrcade '92 from WCW.
-Starrcade '92: Battlebowl-The Lethal Lottery II was shown on PPV on December 28, 1992 from the Omni in Atlanta, GA. There were 8,000 in attendance.
-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Starrcade. They run down some of what we are going to see before throwing it to Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says Rick Rude has a herniated disc and that Steve Williams will take his place against Ron Simmons. They then show the wrestlers standing by to be chosen for Battlebowl.
-Tony Schiavone, Bill Watts, and Hank Aaron are in the ring to present Sting with the Battlebowl ring from the previous year. Sting says he is looking to make it two in a row.
-Larry Zbyszko and Missy Hyatt are at the podium to prepare to draw names for the lethal lottery.
-1st lethal lottery bout. Van Hammer and Dan Spivey vs. Cactus Jack and Johnny B. Badd: Badd gets the biggest ovation when he comes out. Jack and Hammer start. Jack gets Hammer in the corner. Hammer comes back with a corner whip, but Jack takes him down with a double leg pick up. Hammer comes back with a corner whip and a clothesline. Hammer follows it up with a leg drop for a one count. Badd in. Back and forth. Hammer with an elbow drop for a two count. Badd with some nice arm drags and a Frankensteiner. Scott Who? He gets a two count. Badd with an arm bar and Jack tagged in. Spivey tagged in. Back and forth. Spivey with a clothesline. He punishes Cactus Jack and Hammer tagged back in. Badd tagged in. Spivey buries his knee into Badd after Hammer hits an Irish whip. Hammer asks what he is doing and Spivey tags himself in. Spivey with a sidewalk slam. He gets a bear hug on Badd. Hammer tagged in. He gets a two count. Spivey tagged back in. Quick tags by Hammer and Spivey. Cactus Jack tagged in and corner whips and then bulldogs Spivey down. He drops the elbow for a two count. Back and forth. Jack with a clothesline. Jack tries to tag Badd in, but he is still on the floor after being thrown there earlier by Spivey. Spivey with a side Russian leg sweep to Jack for a two count. Hammer in and delivers a flying shoulder block. Hammer covers, but Badd in to break up the pin. He goes to drop an elbow on Hammer, who moves and Cactus Jack gets the elbow instead. Jack pushes Badd, who then hits Jack with a left hook. Hammer rolls Jack up to get the pin.
-Tony, Larry, and Missy pull the next names out.
-Dustin Rhodes and Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Kensuke Sasake and The Barbarian: Vader and Barbarian start. They push each other. Vader trying to intimidate Barbarian. That is not going to work. They try to clothesline each other, but neither goes down. Barbarian scoop slams Vader. Vader returns the favor to Barbarian. Barbarian with some shoulder blocks. Vader blocks Barbarian down in response. Vader pounding Barbarian down in the corner. Barbarian comes back with some clotheslines to knock Vader down. Rhodes tagged in and Vader holds Barbarian in a bear hug for Rhodes to hit with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Barbarian with a clothesline for a two count of his own. Sasake tagged in. He and Rhodes go back and forth. Sasake with a clothesline. Rhodes with a dropkick. Vader tagged in and hits Sasake with a body press from the second rope. Vader follows it up with a clothesline and a power slam for a two count. Sasake comes back with a series of moves, but runs into the boot from Vader and Sasake's lip is busted open. Sasake counters a suplex attempt with a suplex of his own and that takes some strength. Barbarian and Rhodes both tagged in. Rhodes with a flurry of offense and gets a near fall from it. Sasake comes in to break up the pin and he and Rhodes start chopping each other. Barbarian rushes Rhodes, who moves and Sasake gets hit instead. Rhodes rolls Barbarian up to get the pin. Vader and Race attack Rhodes after the match.
-SuperBrawl III ad.
-The third team is drawn. Barry Windham and The Great Muta vs. 2 Cold Scorpio and Brian Pillman: This match should be interesting given the participants. Scorpio and Windham start. They trade moves. Scorpio with an arm bar. Muta tagged in. He and Scorpio circle each other. They trade waist locks and Pillman tagged in. He chops Muta. Pillman with a dropkick for a two count. Muta comes back with a shoulder block. He follows it up with a dropkick and a side headlock takeover. Windham tagged in. They go back and forth. They chop each other in the corner. Muta tagged back in. Pillman drives Muta into the canvas. Muta with a karate kick to the jaw. Pillman comes back and tags Scorpio. Scorpio with a big clothesline to Muta. Scorpio with a splash, but Muta gets his knees up. He tags Windham in. Windham hits a lariat and a leg drop for a two count. A float over suplex gets another two count. Muta tagged in and they hit a double dropkick to Scorpio. Scorpio coming back. He scoop slams and drops a leg on Muta. Scorpio with a 450 splash on Muta, but Windham breaks up the count. Windham plants Scorpio with a big DDT. Muta hits the moonsault to get the pin.
-4th match. Sting and Steve Williams vs. Erik Watts and Jushin Liger: Sting and Liger start. Liger with a side headlock. Back and forth. Williams tagged in. Watts also tagged in and hits a couple of arm drags. Williams knocks Watts to the mat. Watts comes back with a crossbody. Liger comes in and attacks Williams with kicks. Williams with a clothesline out of the corner. He gets a two count. Sting comes in and slams Liger up against a turnbuckle and gets a two count. Liger comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Williams tagged in. He guillotines Liger on the top rope. Sting tagged back in. He gets a clothesline and a two count. Sting misses the Stinger Splash when Liger moves. Williams tagged back in. He hits Liger with a big right hand. Sting tagged back in and gets a half crab on. Liger gets to the ropes. Williams tagged back in. He hits Liger with a forearm. Liger comes back with a sleeper. Williams with a backdrop and Sting tagged back in. He hits a suplex for a two count. Williams back in. Liger with a bulldog and Watts tagged in. Watts with a couple of dropkicks and gets the STF on, but Williams immediately gets to the ropes. Watts with a crossbody that Williams turns into a Stun Gun to get the pin. So Battle bowl has been set.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Battlebowl.
-Tony and Larry talk about the NWA Championship Match coming up.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Masa Chono vs. The Great Muta: The bell rings. Chono with a snap mare. Back and forth. Chono with a leg scissors. He hits a roundhouse kick. Muta rolls outside to regroup. Chono with a side headlock. Muta fights out. Chono with a shoulder block. Muta back out to regroup again. Back in, test of strength. They exchange moves with their hands locked together. Muta with an abdominal stretch. Chono comes back and gets out. Muta transitions into an arm bar. Back and forth. Muta with a headscissors on Chono. Chono with a counter into a version of the Scorpion Deathlock. Muta back to his feet. Chono throws Muta outside. Muta back in and Chono throws him back out and follows. Muta gets in the ring and it's like a game of cat and mouse. Chono with an arm bar into a hammerlock and gets Muta down. Chono back to the arm bar. Chono with a scoop slam. He goes up top, but gets caught and Muta with a superplex. Muta with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He follows it up with a half crab. Into a version of the Indian Death lock into a chin lock as well. Chono gets to the ropes. Chono with a suplex. Muta comes back with a spinning kick that knocks Chono to the outside. Chono back in and Muta catches him with a handspring elbow. He follows that up with a backbreaker. Muta goes for a moonsault, but Chono moves out of the way. Chono goes to work on Muta's leg. Back and forth. Muta with a close two count. They both go for dropkicks at the same time and both down. Muta counters a suplex attempt and falls on Chono for a two count. Muta goes for a dropkick after an Irish whip, but Chono holds on to the ropes and then gets the STF on Muta. Muta finally gives up.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Rick Rude's injury and give an update that Rude could be stripped of his US title. Rude comes out and says that a doctor has ruined the biggest day of his life and WCW wants to make it worse by stripping him of his title.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ron Simmons vs. Steve Williams: The bell rings and Williams extends his hand to Simmons. Simmons shakes the hand. They circle each other. Simmons with a side headlock. Williams tries to push off, but Simmons doesn't let go. Williams tries again to the same effect. Williams finally pushes off and Simmons comes back with a shoulder block and neither man moves. They face each other in three-point stance mode and charge and neither man moves again. Simmons catches Williams with a clothesline and gets a two count. Simmons with an arm bar. Williams gets out and rolls to the outside to regroup. Simmons picks a wrist lock up when Williams comes back in the ring. Williams grabs hair to break free. Simmons goes back to the wrist lock. Williams responds with a forearm. Simmons goes back to working on the arm. Simmons with another hair pull. They trade right hands. Williams with a corner whip, but Simmons catches him with a back elbow. Simmons slams Williams down. Simmons goes back to the arm bar. Simmons with a pump handle slam. Simmons goes up top, but Williams side steps him as he comes off. Williams stomping Simmons. Williams slams Simmons' knee on the apron area. Williams with a dropkick to the knee area. Williams with a half crab to the injured knee. He then slams his boot onto the injured knee several times. Williams attacks the knee every time Simmons gets back to his feet. Williams with a leg lock, but Simmons gets free. Williams gets him back down. Williams continues to concentrate on the injured leg. Williams with a backbreaker for a two count. Williams with an Irish whip and a clothesline for another two count. Williams goes back to a leg lock. Williams with a scoop slam. He follows it up with tackles to the injured leg of Simmons. Simmons catches Williams with a clothesline and then a sidewalk slam. He hits William's leg with a couple of tackles. He tries for a third one. Williams avoids it and Simmons spills to the outside but lands on his feet. Williams comes out after Simmons. Simmons rushes Williams with a clothesline, but Williams moves and Simmons hits the ring post instead. They both get counted out. They continue to fight outside and Simmons runs Williams into the ring post. Williams attacks Simmons again in the ring. They switch it to Williams being disqualified.
-SuperBrawl III ad.
-Tony and Larry talk about the Tag Team Championship match coming up.
-Unified World Tag Team Championship Match. Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas vs. Brian Pillman and Barry Windham: The crowd seems subdued for this one. Douglas and Pillman start. Jesse talks about Douglas being a Rush Limbaugh fan so TASIYDAH. Back and forth feeling each other out. Pillman chopping Douglas in the corner. Douglas with a right hand to Pillman. They circle each other again. They trade wrist locks. Pillman choking Douglas on the top rope. Douglas with a dropkick to Pillman and Steamboat and Douglas with a double dropkick to Windham when he gets in. They do a lot of double team moves to Windham, but Pillman is the legal man. Windham finally tagged in. Steamboat also tagged in and the crowd comes to life for that. They go back and forth. Steamboat with a double chop and a suplex. More right hands from Steamboat. Douglas tagged back in and gets a snap mare on Windham. Into a chin lock. Windham with a belly to back suplex to get out of the move. Steamboat tagged in and goes after Windham. Steamboat with a snap mare. Steamboat knocks Windham to the outside and slams him. Douglas comes out and slams Windham on the ramp. Back in, Steamboat hits a swinging neck breaker. He follows it up with a front face lock and Douglas tagged in. Douglas with a rear chin lock. Windham comes back with a jaw breaker. Pillman tagged in. He takes over on Douglas. He chops Douglas again in the corner. Pillman Irish whips Douglas into an elbow from Windham. Pillman gets to the apron and Douglas dropkicks him from the apron to the barricade. Windham down to check on Pillman. Douglas gets Pillman back in the ring and goes up top. Pillman dropkicks him while he is up top and Douglas falls from the turnbuckle to the floor. Windham then clotheslines Douglas. Pillman guillotines Douglas on the top rope as he tries to get in. The heels take over on Douglas. Windham in and headbutts Douglas. He is punishing Douglas and keeping him from tagging. Windham goads Steamboat in so Pillman can double team Douglas. Pillman tagged in. He chops Douglas down. Douglas comes back, so Pillman gets Douglas in a drop toe hold and tags Windham in. Windham throws Douglas back out and goes out to punch Douglas. Steamboat comes out and hits Windham with a chair. Jesse complains, but the crowd cheers. Windham tags Pillman, who cuts off a Douglas tag attempt. He gets a series of two counts. Pillman runs Douglas into Windham's boot. Windham tagged in and hits Douglas while Pillman holds him. The crowd trying to get behind Douglas, but he is fading. Pillman tagged back in. Pillman with a suplex and splash to Douglas. He gets a two count. Pillman goads Steamboat in again so the heels can double team Douglas while the referee is getting Steamboat out. Windham tagged in. Douglas counters a suplex attempt. Back and forth and Steamboat tagged in to big fan fare. He cleans house. Windham hits Steamboat with a power slam. He gets a belly to back suplex and tags Pillman in. Pillman goads Douglas in and throws Steamboat over the top rope as the referee was getting Douglas out. Windham runs Steamboat into the ring post. Steamboat comes back with a chop to Pillman for a two count. They exchange chops in the center of the ring. Pillman with a tilt a whirl headscissors for a two count. Windham in and hits a forearm to Steamboat from the top rope. Windham with some big right hands to Steamboat, but Steamboat won't go down. Windham with a boot to the abs and goes up top. Steamboat ducks the lariat attempt and hits a kick to Windham. Steamboat runs Windham's head into the mat. Douglas and Pillman both tagged in. Douglas hitting both heels. Now all four men in the ring. Steamboat clotheslines Windham out to the ramp and he ends up there too as a result. Pillman rushes Douglas, who catches Pillman with a belly to belly suplex to get the pin. One fan at ringside didn't like the result and boos.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the King of Cable final coming up.
-The King of Cable final. Sting vs. Big Van Vader with Harley Race: Vader and Race out first and Vader says it's time to go to war. Sting out to a massive ovation as he is easily the most popular wrestler in WCW. Vader gets on one knee and does his V sign to Sting. They circle each other. They lock up. Vader pushes off. Another lock up and Sting with a series of lefts and rights. Vader says no pain. Vader with a scoop slam. Vader does it a second time. Vader with a crushing blow as Sting rushes him. Vader guillotines Sting on the top rope. He does it again on the other side. Sting goes outside to regroup. He comes back in and hits a cannonball to Vader to knock him down. An enziguri knocks Vader down again and then Sting hits a suplex. He clotheslines Vader out and they both go over to the outside. The headgear comes off Vader. Race over to confer with Vader outside and Sting with a suicide dive to take them both out. The crowd taunts Vader as he gets back to his feet. Vader hitting Sting with left and right hands in the corner. Sting with an arm drag, but Vader kicks Sting in the face as Sting goes for a Stinger Splash. Back and forth. Sting hits a DDT. Sting gets Vader up and superplexes him to a massive pop from the crowd. Sting gets a two count. Sting gets the Scorpion Deathlock on, but Vader gets to the ropes. He rolls out to regroup, but Sting follows him out. He goes to splash Vader, but Vader moves and Sting hits the barricade. Sting struggles to get in the ring. He does get in, but collapses to the mat. Vader with a short clothesline. Vader hits a corner splash. He gets a two count. Vader with a series of rights and hits a belly to back suplex. Vader hits a splash for a two count. He puts Sting in a chin lock and then a submission on the arm and neck. He gets another two count. Sting gets a backslide in for a two count. Sting tries for a sunset flip. Vader goes to come down on Sting, but Sting moves. Vader with a side headlock that Sting counters with a belly to back suplex. Vader goes back to a chin lock. He then hits Sting with right hands in the corner. Sting trying to cover up. Vader puts Sting on the top rope. Sting fights off a superplex attempt with a thumb to the eye and Vader falls off the turnbuckle. Sting falls to the mat. Vader goes back to beating Sting in the corner and Sting tells him to come on. Vader with an Irish whip and Sting punches Vader. Another right hand knocks Vader down. Sting hits a fall away slam. Sting goes up top and hits a splash for a two count. Race gets up on the apron to distract Sting so Vader can hit Sting from behind. Vader with a chokeslam and a splash from the second rope. He goes up again. Sting catches Vader up there and power slams him off to get the pin and win the King of Cable trophy. Jesse interviews Sting and Sting says there is only one thing left and that's to win BattleBowl.
-Tony and Larry talk about what we just saw and about BattleBowl coming up. They show an interview Tony did with Paul Hornng from the Green Bay Packers about the importance of winning the Super Bowl and how important the BattleBowl ring is.
-BattleBowl: Dan Spivey, Dustin Rhodes, The Great Muta, Barry Windham, Sting, Big Van Vader, Steve Williams, and Van Hammer are your participants. Sting is the last one to come out and Vader attacks him on the ramp. Officials trying to separate them. Everyone else pairing off in the ring. Now all 8 in the ring. Forearms are flying. Spivey trying to get Hammer out. Sting hit with a clothesline from Vader. Spivey and Windham trying to eliminate Sting. Muta helps Sting. More forearms, but no one eliminated yet. Vader down and Sting tries to get the sleeper on him. Van Hammer eliminated. Rhodes bulldogs Windham out on the ramp. Spivey eliminated. Vader rushes Sting and they both spill out onto the ramp. Down to four men. Rhodes busts Windham open with a shot. Muta runs Williams into a turnbuckle. Rhodes with a DDT on Windham. Williams runs and hits Rhodes, but they both spill out to be eliminated. Two left and the crowd starts a Muta chant. Windham with a float over suplex. Muta holds on to the ropes to avoid being eliminated. Windham hits a suplex. He then hits a superplex and a standing dropkick. Muta with a series of dropkicks to eliminate Windham to win BattleBowl.
-Jim and Jesse recap the night and sign off from the Omni.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show as WCW is floundering at this point. Things would pick up some in 1993 for them. Worth at least one look.

Episode 205 Notes Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 86b11647-484a-47c6-bc25-3adc998153e1 My notes for Episode 205: Clash of Champions 2016. -Richard Moll and Matthew Perry.
-Memories of when I moved to Maine.
-Today we look at Clash of Champions 2016 from the WWE.
-Clash of Champions 2016 was a RAW Premium Live Event that was shown on the WWE Network and PPV on September 25, 2016 from the Bankers Life FieldHouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. There were 13, 467 in attendance.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Clash of Champions. He, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton welcome us and set up the first match.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Big E with Xavier Woods vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson: New Day out first to do their whole New Day rocks routine. It goes on too long for my taste, but the crowd digs it. The Spanish and German Announce Teams are introduced. Kingston and Anderson start. Gallows takes out Big E on the outside with a clothesline while Anderson hits one to Kingston on the inside. Anderson with a running Liger Bomb for a two count. Gallows takes out Woods on the outside. Anderson punishing Kingston in the corner and Gallows tagged in. He headbutts Kingston down. Kingston trying to fight out to tag Big E in, but Gallows and Anderson are keeping him far from his corner. Kingston with a dropkick to Gallows, but it gets him even farther away from Big E. Eventually, Anderson and Big E tagged in. Big E with a series of belly to belly suplexes to Anderson. He hits a big splash to Anderson and Big E throws Anderson out to the apron and looks like he is going to suicide dive onto Anderson, but Anderson gets a knee up and Big E runs straight into it. Anderson rushes Big E, who gets a sidewalk slam. That gets a two count. Back and forth. Gallows tagged in and hits Big E with a boot. Gallows and Anderson hit the Boot of Doom, but Kingston breaks up the pin attempt. Kingston thrown out by Gallows, but Big E throws Anderson out. Kingston tagged in and gets hit with a spinebuster by Anderson. Anderson gets a two count. Gallows tagged back in. He hits Kingston with a chokeslam. Anderson tagged back in. He and Gallows go for the Magic Killer, but Kingston able to fight them off before they can hit it. Big E tagged in and Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise. Big E hits the Big Ending and covers Anderson, but Gallows pulls Big E off before the three count. Big E runs Gallows into the ring steps and Kingston launches himself onto Gallows in the corner. Woods hits Anderson with Francesca when the referee isn't looking. Kingston and Big E hit the Midnight Hour to pin Anderson.
-WWE Network ad.
-Feature on TJ Perkins and the Cruiserweight Championship. Tom Phillips talks to Perkins about Brian Kendrick. Perkins says confidence got him here, it will help him keep the championship.
-Cruiserweight championship match. TJ Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick: Perkins gets a modest reception when he comes out. Kendrick refuses to shake Perkins' hand. The bell rings and they go back and forth. Perkins gets Kendrick down with a headscissors. He gets a two count. Kendrick gets Perkins in a corner and then brings him back to the center of the ring in a side headlock. Perkins pushes off. Kendrick stops and Perkins hits him with a shoulder block. Perkins goes for the knee bar, but Kendrick quickly gets to the ropes. Kendrick goes outside. Perkins tries to jump on Kendrick and Kendrick ties him up in the apron. Kendrick throws Perkins in and gets a two count. Perkins with a Muta Lock. Kendrick gets to the ropes. Kendrick drops Perkins' throat first on the top rope. He gets Perkins back in the ring and gets a two count. Kendrick with a submission on Perkins, but Perkins won't give up. Perkins thrown into the ropes, but moves when Kendrick charges him. Another charge by Kendrick into the corner and Perkins kicks Kendrick in the side of the head. Kendrick with a submission. Perkins won't give up. He comes back with a series of moves to get Kendrick down. Kendrick back to his feet and Perkins goes for a neck breaker. He doesn't get all of it, but Kendrick does go down. Perkins gets a two count. Kendrick catches Perkins going up top. Kendrick goes for a superplex, but Kendrick pushes off. Perkins hurricanranas Kendrick from the ring to the outside from the top rope. Both men beat the count back in the ring. Perkins with a 450 splash from the top rope, but Kendrick moves and goes for the Captain's Hook. Perkins counters into the Knee Bar. Kendrick reverses into a waist lock. Kendrick hits Sliced Bread for a two count. Back and forth again. Perkins gets the Knee Bar on, and Kendrick finally taps.
-Charly Caruso talks to Perkins. Before he can answer her question, Brian Kendrick comes in and shakes Perkins' hand and hugs him before attacking Perkins with a headbutt.
-Tom Phillips talks to Cesaro about coming back and tying the best of 7 series with Sheamus. He says he's shown he's tough by tying up the series and tonight he's going to win.
-Flashback to the first 6 matches of the best of 7 series.
-Final match in the best of 7 series. Sheamus vs. Cesaro: Sheamus out first to not much of a reaction. Cesaro getting a better reaction. The Portugese, Russian and Japanese announce teams are introduced. Sheamus attacks Cesaro as soon as the bell rings. Cesaro comes back with a clothesline to the outside. Sheamus comes back with forearms to the chest. Cesaro with an uppercut and they go back and forth on the outside. Cesaro goes up top, but Sheamus knocks him off and Cesaro hits the ropes hard. Sheamus works over the back of Cesaro. He hits the Irish Curse backbreaker on Cesaro. Cesaro comes back with an uppercut. Sheamus with a clothesline to Cesaro from the top rope. He gets a two count. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross, but Cesaro rolls through and gets a two count. Sheamus with a scoop slam for a two count. Sheamus working over Cesaro's shoulder in the corner. Back and forth again with uppercuts. Both men down. Cesaro with a series of corner whips and uppercuts to Sheamus. He then gets a tornado DDT for a two count. Cesaro sets Sheamus up and hits a 619. He goes up top and hits a crossbody for another two count. They trade blows again and Cesaro hits a springboard spinning uppercut to Sheamus for another two count. Cesaro signals for the Big Swing, but Sheamus catches him with a roll up for a two count. Another Irish Curse backbreaker gets a two count. Two more backbreakers for another two count and Cesaro will not stay down. Sheamus gets a cloverleaf on Cesaro. Sheamus drags Cesaro away from the ropes when he gets close. Cesaro turns and rolls Sheamus up for another two count. Another brutal backbreaker, but Cesaro kicks out again. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Cesaro ducks it and rolls Sheamus up for a two count. Cesaro then transitions to do the Big Swing. He then puts Sheamus in a Sharpshooter. The crowd yells tap, but Sheamus gets to the ropes. Cesaro gets Sheamus on the apron and tries to do a version of the superplex, but can't get Sheamus up. Sheamus gets Cesaro up on his back, but Cesaro breaks free, kicks Sheamus off the apron, and then suicide dives onto Sheamus. Cesaro looks like he landed on his neck. They get back in the ring and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick to get another two count. Sheamus attacking Cesaro with a series of knees to Cesaro's neck. Cesaro gets a clothesline and the Neatrualizer for another two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. They exchange blows in the center of the ring. Sheamus goes up top, but Cesaro catches him with an uppercut and a jaw kick. Sheamus kicks Cesaro to the ground and comes off onto Cesaro, only to get met with an uppercut from Cesaro as Sheamus was coming down. Cesaro runs Sheamus into a ring post and then they both fall over the barricade into the crowd after a clothesline. Ringside doctors checking on both men. The bell rings. Cesaro saying he can still go on. Both wrestlers want to go and the crowd yells let them fight. Cesaro gets in the ring and yells come on to Sheamus. Sheamus helped to the back. The match is ruled a no contest.
-Bayley is shown in the back. Charlotte Flair comes in and says Bayley weaseled her way into the match. Bayley says she earned her title shot tonight.
-Flashback to Sami Zayn on Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel.
-Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho: Jericho full heel as he comes out. Zayn rushes Jericho as soon as the bell rings and gets him in a corner. They go back and forth and Jericho with a shot that knocks Zayn down. He gets Zayn up with a leapfrog off a springboard and hits Jericho with some arm drags. Jericho bails to the outside to regroup, but Zayn follows him and hits Jericho with a clothesline. Jericho Irish whips Zayn towards a barricade, but Zayn leaps up and moonsaults off the the barricade onto Jericho. Jericho comes back with a springboard dropkick to Zayn. He then runs Zayn into the ring steps and drops Zayn on the barricade. He gets Zayn in and hits a flying back elbow for a two count. Jericho runs Zayn into the corner. Zayn comes back with chops. Jericho drops Zayn on the top rope and clotheslines him to the outside. Jericho then suplexes Zayn on the outside. Zayn gets back in the ring, only to get attacked by Jericho again. Zayn pushes Jericho off as Jericho was going for a bulldog. Back and forth. Jericho spills to the outside and Zayn hits a running tope on Jericho. Back in, Zayn hits a crossbody for a two count. A Michinoku Driver by Zayn gets another two count. Zayn goes up top, but gets caught. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Zayn blocks it and slams Jericho down. Zayn jumps down when Jericho moves and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Zayn blocks it. Jericho hits an enziguri. Jericho attacks Zayn with kicks to the head. Zayn comes back with a slap to the face. Jericho responds with a back elbow and a lionsault, but Zayn gets his knees-up. Zayn gets a two count. Zayn struggles, but hits a tornado DDT. Zayn then goes for the Helluva Kick, but Jericho bails to the outside. Zayn comes outside and launches himself through the ropes and hits a tornado DDT on Jericho. Back in, Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick again, but Jericho moves. Jericho goes for a Code Breaker and Zayn counters into an exploder suplex. Jericho counters a Helluva Kick attempt into the Walls of Jericho. Zayn trying to reach for the ropes. Zayn twists around and gets a small package for a two count. Jericho goes up top. Zayn catches him as he comes off with a Blue Thunder Bomb for another close count. Zayn can't believe it. Jericho with a Code Breaker to get the pin.
-Kevin Owens is shown in the back with Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. They say they are proud of him and all that he has accomplished. Owens says he's going to show everyone that he is the Main Event and Seth Rolilns is no longer the man, he is now their mistake for choosing Rollins number one in the draft.
-Flashback to what led up to the Raw Women's Title Match.
-Raw Women's Championship Triple Threat Match. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley: Bayley out first to a good reaction. Banks out next to a great reaction. Flair comes out with Dana Brooke. The bell rings and Banks attacks Flair immediately. They fight outside. Bayley goes out and grabs Flair and brings her back in for a couple of one counts. Banks and Bayley start to argue over who is going after Flair. Banks shoves Bayley, who rolls Banks up for a one count. They go back and forth. Flair throws Banks out. All three go at it and a triple dropkick happens. Banks and Bayley with double chops to Flair. Banks then knocks Bayley down. Banks and Flair go back and forth until Flair hits a neck breaker. Flair goes for a moonsault, but Banks catches her and puts Flair into the tree of woe. Banks hits Flair with running knees before Bayley takes out both Banks and Flair. Bayley gets a two count on Flair. Flair thrown out of the ring and Bayley takes over on Banks. Bayley guillotines Banks on the second rope. Dana Brooke grabs Bayley and throws her into the barricade. Flair with a running knee that pushes Banks into the turnbuckle. Flair trying to get Banks down, but can't pin Banks. Flair tears the tape off Bank's injured back and starts attacking the back by wrapping Banks around a ring post and pulling back. Bayley blasted by Flair when she comes over. Banks comes back with a headscissors on Flair. Banks mounting an offense on Flair. Back and forth. They both get taken out by a crossbody from Bayley. Bayley hitting both Banks and Flair with knees and back elbows in opposite corners until Banks moves and Bayley hits the turnbuckle instead. Banks gets both Bayley and Flair in a corner horizontally on the ropes and Banks hits double knees on Bayley while Flair moves out of the way and breaks up the pin attempt on Bayley. Banks with double knees to Bayley on the floor. Banks throws Flair in and Flair with a backbreaker into a slam. Flair goes for the Figure 8, but Banks kicks her off into a Bayley to Belly from Bayley. Banks breaks up the pin to cover Bayley and Flair breaks up that pin. All three take turns hitting each other. Flair runs Bayley into the turnbuckle. Banks with a series of strikes to Flair. Banks goes for a superplex on Flair, but Flair throws her off. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly from the top rope, but Flair guillotines her. Flair with a double moonsault onto her opponents, but Banks kicks out at two. She covers Bayley for a two count. Flair hits Natural Selection on Bayley. Banks breaks up the pin attempt and put the Bank Statement on Flair. Brooke comes in and pulls Flair out. Bayley and Banks trade two counts. Flair knocks Bayley to the outside and gets a two count on Banks. Banks hits the Backstabber into the Bank Statement. Brooke comes over and Banks kicks her off the apron. Bayley breaks it up. Banks hits the Backstabber into the Bank Statement on Bayley. Flair breaks it up. Flair throws Banks into the barricade. Bayley catches Flair with an inside cradle for a two count. Banks up on the apron and Flair runs Bayley into Banks to knock her off the apron. Flair hits a kick to pin Bayley.
-Renee Young talks to the PPV panel about what we have seen so far and shows Nia Jax defeating Alicia Fox on the kickoff show.
-Flashback to what led to the US Title Match between Rusev and Roman Reigns.
-United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Roman Reigns: They lock up and vie for position. Reigns dumps Rusev outside and then goes for a Samoan Drop, but Rusev fights him off. A right hand from Reigns forces Rusev back to the outside. Back in, they trade shots in the center of the ring. Rusev hits a spin kick for a two count. Rusev beats Reigns down to the mat for another two count. Back and forth in the corner. Rusev with a corner whip and then another one. As Reigns falls to the mat, the crowd has been doing dueling let's go Roman/Roman Sucks chants. When Reigns gets up, Rusev hits a right hand to knock him back down again. He does it a second time and Reigns looks like he is struggling. Rusev with knees to Reign's midsection and Reigns comes back with a clothesline. Reigns coming back. Rusev throws Reigns to the outside. Rusev throws Reigns into the ring post and then into the barricade. Rusev breaks the count to continue to punish Reigns. Reigns gets back in the ring and Rusev rolls out. Reigns follows and runs Rusev into the barricade. Rusev retaliates by running Reigns into the ring steps. Rusev gets Reigns in the ring and gets a two count. Rusev with a version of a chin lock and leaning down on Reigns, but Reigns makes it back to his feet. Rusev knocks Reigns down again. Reigns gets his boot up on a Rusev corner charge, but Rusev responds with a dropkick. Rusev goes for a flying headbutt, but Reigns moves out of the way. A Samoan Drop from Reigns gets a two count. Reigns with punches and a clothesline that sends Rusev to the outside. Reigns throws Rusev into a barricade and then into the ring steps. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but Rusev hits Reigns in the ribs as he goes for it. Back and forth and Rusev hits a Stun Gun on Reigns for a two count. A big kick to Reigns' head gets another two count. Rusev gears up for the Accolade, only to get hit with the Superman Punch from Reigns. He gets a two count. Reigns sets up for another Superman Punch, but Lana gets up on the apron to distract Reigns so Rusev can hit Reigns with a big kick. Rusev gets a two count. Rusev kicks Reigns' spine and goes for the Accolade. Reigns slips out and hits Rusev with a Spear. The referee starts counting, but Lana pulls the referee out before he can finish. She acts like she didn't do anything, but the referee throws her out. Reigns gets a roll up for a two count. Rusev pushes Reigns away as he was going for a Superman Punch and Reigns responds by throwing Rusev out of the ring. Reigns hits Rusev with the Drive By. Rusev avoids a second Drive By. Reigns throws Rusev back in the ring. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch again, but runs into a kick from Rusev instead. He gets a two count. Rusev gets the Accolade on. Reigns fighting it. Reigns powers out and Rusev rakes the eyes. Reigns hits the Spear and gets the pin to become the new US Champion.
-No Mercy and Ride Along ad.
-Seth Rollins is shown in the back and he is approached by Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. They wish Rollins well and he tells Stephanie to save it. He says Stephanie and HHH bet against the wrong guy when HHH helped Kevin Owens win the Universal Championship.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-WWE Universal Championship Match. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins: The reactions for each are mixed. The bell rings and Owens immediately rolls to the outside. Rollins rolls out and Owens rolls back in. Owens comes back out and attacks Rollins. Rollins reverses and runs Owens into the barricade. Back in, Rollins attacks Owens. Owens goes back outside to regroup. Rollins with a running knee from the apron to Owens. Rollins throws Owens back in the ring. He gets a one count. Rollins with a snap mare and another running knee to Owens. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Rollins with a blockbuster on Owens for another two count. Owens comes back with a Stun Gun on Rollins. They do several counters to each other. Owens answers a Rollins kick with a DDT. He gets a two count. Rollins rolls out and Owens follows. Rollins ran into the barricade. Owens throws him back in the ring. Owens continues the assault on Rollins. Back and forth. Owens hits Rollins with an elbow. He gets a two count. Owens attacking Rollins' leg. Rollins coming back. Owens backdrops Rollins out of the ring. He lands hard on the injured knee. Owens with a flying elbow to Rollins from the apron. Rollins back into the ring on the 8 count. Owens hits a snap mare and a senton for a two count. Owens with a rear chin lock. Owens runs Rollins into a turnbuckle. Owens with a corner whip. He does another one, but Rollins comes back with a clothesline to Owens. Back and forth. Owens with an Irish whip and Rollins comes back with a Sling blade. Rollins with a clothesline and forearm to Owens before running Owens face first into a turnbuckle. Rollins with a backbreaker for a two count. Rollins gets Owens out of the ring and throws Owens into a barricade. Then he runs Owens into the opposite turnbuckle and starts to take apart the SAT. Owens gets back in the ring. They go back and forth again. Rollins with a superkick for a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Owens backdrops Rollins. Rollins lands on his feet. Owens attacks the knee again and hits a cannonball for a two count. Back and forth. Rollins with an enziguri. They trade corner clotheslines. Rollins moves out of the way of a cannonball attempt. Rollins goes for the running knee, but Owens catches him and hits a shoulder breaker for a two count. Owens goes up top, but Rollins catches him with another enziguri. Owens responds with a headbutt to Rollins. Rollins jumps back to the top and Owens hits him with a gut buster from the top rope. Owens hits a frog splash. He gets a two count. Rollins rolls outside. Owens follows and puts Rollins on the SAT. Owens gets on the GAT, does the suck it gesture, and goes for the senton. Rollins moves out of the way and Owens crashes through the SAT. Rollins gets Owens back in the ring and hits the knee from the top rope. Rollins hits a frog splash for a two count. Rollins back to his feet and Chris Jericho comes to ringside to distract Rollins. Owens hits a powerbomb for a two count. Jericho on the apron and the referee trying to get him off. Rollins pushes Owens into Jericho and rolls Owens up for a two count. Rollins with a running knee and a Pedrigree to Owens, but Jericho puts Owens' leg on the rope. Rollins goes out after Jericho. Owens grabs Rollins and goes for the pop up powerbomb, but Rollins keeps going and takes out the referee. Owens with a kick and goes for the pop up powerbomb again. Rollins reverses it into the Pedigree. He covers, but there is no ref. Jericho comes in and Rollins backdrops him out of the ring. Rollins with a suicide dive on Jericho and then one on Owens. Rollins throws Owens into the ring. Stephanie McMahon sends another official down to the ring. Owens hits a pop up powerbomb to get the pin.
-They recap what just happened and sign off from Indianapolis.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. The main event was okay. Worth seeing at least once.

Episode 204 Notes Tue, 31 Oct 2023 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 80d30fd2-864a-44ad-ae9f-6f14f12b172d My notes for Episode 204: Survivor Series 1992. -Today we look at the 1992 Survivor Series from the WWF.
-The 1992 Survivor Series was shown on PPV on November 25, 1992 from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio. There were 18,000 in attendance.
-My Survivor Series story.
-Crush defeated Repo Man in a dark match.
-Survivor Series intro.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the Survivor Series and talk about some of the matches we are going to see. Heenan gets upset as McMahon brings up Mr. Perfect.
-High Energy Koko B Ware and Owen Hart vs. The Headshrinkers Fatu and Samu with Afa: Hart and Samu start. Samu pushes Hart away. Another push off. The crowd trying to get behind High Energy. Hart with some high flying moves to avoid Samu and gets a crossbody for a two count. He gets Samu in a wrist lock and Ware tagged in. Ware gets in the Headshrinkers corner, but ducks a shot from Samu and Fatu gets hit instead. Fatu in now and the Headshrinkers come and try to double team Ware, but he uses speed to get away from them. Afa hits Ware with his stick when the referee is distracted. Fatu with a scoop slam. Samu tagged in. He goads Hart in and the Headshrinkers double team Ware as the referee is caught up with Hart. Fatu in and keeps Ware down. Samu tagged in. He gets a nerve hold on Ware. He hits a big clothesline on Ware. Fatu back in and gets an Irish whip. Ware comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Fatu with a thrust kick. Back and forth. Samu tagged in, but the Headshrinkers cut off Ware's tag attempt. Samu battering Ware. Samu misses a corner splash when Ware moves. Ware trying to make it to his corner to tag and he does. Hart comes in and cleans house on the Headshrinkers. Hart hits Samu with a backdrop and goes up top. He gets a crossbody, but Fatu breaks up the pin. Hart hits Fatu with a spinning heel kick to knock him out of the ring. He goes to crossbody Samu, who catches Hart and power slams him. Fatu tagged in and splashes Hart from the top rope to get the pin.
-Sean Mooney interviews Nailz about the night stick match. Nailz says he's ready for his revenge on the Big Boss Man.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to the Big Boss Man. Boss Man says Nailz is not an innocent man and he is going to make sure Nailz serves hard time. He then sees that Nailz is in the ring and runs to the ring.
-Night stick on a pole match. The Big Boss Man vs. Nailz: Boss Man attacks Nailz as soon as he gets in the ring. Back and forth. Nailz punching Boss Man down. Nailz goes for the stick, but Boss Man stops him. They take turns both striking each other and dodging strikes. Boss Man hits a right hand to Nailz and goes for the stick. He almost has it, but Nailz grabs him and slams him off before he can get the stick. Nailz with a backbreaker and he starts choking Boss Man for a four count. Then Nailz with a rear chin lock on Boss Man. Back and forth. Nailz gets Boss Man down and goes for the stick. Boss Man grabs his leg and yanks Nailz down. Double clothesline and both men down. Boss Man goes for the stick. He gets it and uses it on Nailz. Nailz recovers and gets the stick from Boss Man. He attacks Boss Man with the stick. Boss Man ducks a blow and kicks Nailz, who drops the stick. Boss Man then delivers the Boss Man Slam and gets the pin. He goes to use the stick again, but Nailz takes off.
-Mean Gene talks to Ric Flair and Razon Ramon. They show a flashback of Randy Savage picking Mr. Perfect to be his tag partner and the fallout. Flair says this is an attempt to rub Ric Flair's face in it. He says Perfect will answer to Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. Ramon says they will prove no one is perfect and he is the only one oozing machismo. Flair says this is the Survivor Series and they have to survive.
-Rick Martel vs. Tatanka: Martel is in the ring and has Tatanka's sacred eagle feathers on. They lock up and drive to a corner. Back and forth and then Tatanka with a flurry of offense. Martel rolls to the outside to regroup. He gets back in and Tatanka grabs his leg and gives Martel an atomic drop. He clotheslines Martel to the outside again. McMahon accidentally refers to Martel as a former Intercontinental Champion. Martel gets back in and attacks Tatanka with strikes. Tatanka comes back and runs Martel head first into a turnbuckle. Martel comes back with a hot shot to Tatanka on the top rope. He then chokes Tatanka for a two count. Martel with a front face lock. Tatanka comes back with a suplex to get out of the move. Martel goes back to the front face lock as the recently arrived Doink is shown in the aisle making balloon animals and then popping them. They just call him the clown. Tatanka lifts Martel up and puts him on the apron to get out of the move and then slingshots Martel back in the ring. Martel comes back with a shot to the throat of Tatanka and a neck breaker to get a two count. Martell goes back to the front face lock. Tatanka comes back with a clothesline. Martel reverses a corner whip, but Tatanka moves on the charge and Martel hits the corner post with his shoulder. Tatanka with a wrist lock. Martel with a round house attempt that Tatanka ducks and gets a backslide for a two count. Then an arm drag and an arm bar by Tatanka. Martel throws Tatanka out of the ring. Martel goes out after Tatanka and runs him back first into the apron. Martel throws Tatanka back in and kicks Tatanka's back. He kicks and drops knees on Tatanka's back. He goes to the second rope for a double ax handle, but Tatanka catches him with a shot as he was coming off. Tatanka comes back with a chop from the top rope and the fall away slam to get the pin and get his feathers back.
-Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect. Perfect says it's got to be killing Ric Flair to see him standing there with Randy Savage. He says Flair wanted to be like Mr. Perfect. He says what Razor Ramon is oozing stinks and Bobby Heenan didn't want Perfect to face Flair or Ramon. Savage says he knows all about surviving. He says no one knows Ric Flair or Razor Ramon like Mr. Perfect and they can be the Perfect Tag Team.
-Ric Flair and Razor Ramon vs. Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect: Heels out first and they don't get all boos. Flair has his share of fans. There is a loud cheer when Savage comes out. He is introduced and then introduces Mr. Perfect. He comes out and gets a good reaction. They take their time getting to the ring. Perfect and Ramon start. They circle each other and Perfect swipes at Ramon. Ramon responds by throwing his toothpick at Perfect. They go back and forth, but largely duck each other. Perfect with a side headlock, but Ramon with a push off and a shoulder block to get Perfect down. Perfect comes back with a drop toe hold. Flair is livid on the apron. Ramon gets Perfect into the heels corner and Perfect fights out by chopping both Ramon and Flair. Flair tagged in. He's selling hard for all of Perfect's offense. Perfect chopping Flair in the corner. Perfect with a corner whip. Flair up and over in the corner, but gets attacked by Savage on the apron and they spill to the floor. Savage throws Flair back in the ring. Savage tagged in and Perfect holds Flair in a front face lock for Savage to hit a double ax handle from the top rope. Flair trying to get away from Savage. Savage cleans house on Flair and Ramon when he tries to come in to help, but Flair finally gets a shot in. Savage with a clothesline. Flair gets Savage in the heels corner. Ramon tagged in. Back and forth. Ramon gets Savage down and stomps Savage. He gets Savage in a front face lock and tags Flair in. Flair sends Savage into the corner and chops him. He then runs Savage into Ramon's knee. Ramon tagged in. He continues to punish Savage's back. He puts Savage in an abdominal stretch and Flair grabs Ramon's arm to increase the leverage when the referee isn't looking. Savage comes back with a hip lock. Ramon comes back with a front face lock and Flair tagged in. He throws Savage to the outside. Ramon throws Savage back in and Flair gets a two count. Flair drops a knee on Savage. The heels goad Perfect in so they can double team Savage. Ramon in without tagging. Perfect starts to leave. He stops halfway down. He comes back to the ring. He gets goaded in again. Flair gets a two count. Savage gets a backslide for a two count. All four men in again. Ramon in and kicking Savage. He gets a two count. He chokeslams Savage, but Perfect breaks up the pin attempt. Savage gets a small package for a two count and Flair tagged in. Flair attacking Savage in the corner. He corner whips and clotheslines Savage. Flair climbs up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Both Ramon and Perfect tagged in. Perfect with a hip toss and a rolling snap mare to Ramon. Perfect cleaning house on both heels. Savage and Flair fight on the outside. Flair grabs a chair and hits Savage with it. The heels double team Perfect on the inside. Perfect throws Flair out. He goes to clothesline Ramon, but Ramon ducks and the referee gets taken out. Ramon goes for the Razor's Edge as another referee comes down. Perfect counters the Razor's Edge into a backdrop. Perfect gets the Perfectplex on Ramon, but it takes the official a minute to get in and Flair breaks up the pin attempt. Ramon arguing with the second referee while Perfect puts Flair into the Perfectplex. The first referee starts the count, but Ramon breaks it up. Both referees argue with the heels, who shove them away. The bell rings as Flair puts Perfect in the figure four. Savage comes in with the chair. He gives it to Perfect, who breaks the figure four. Perfect hits the heels with the chair to clear the ring. The faces win by disqualification. Officials out to make the heels go back to the locker room. The faces high five in the ring and Savage holds the ropes open for Perfect.
-Mean Gene talks to Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. They are pissed. Ramon says he was double crossed before and now you can't find the guy. Flair says the Perfect Team is going to pay the price.
-Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Virgil: First look at Yokozuna for me. Yoko does his pre match ritual and the crowd is in awe. Virgil gets a good reaction. The bell rings and Yokozuna knocks Virgil down two times. Virgil with a series of dropkicks, but can't get Yokozuna down. Yokozuna with a back kick to Virgil. Yokozuna with a side slam and some chops to Virgil. Virgil comes back with a series of right hands, but Yokozuna comes back with a side slam and a leg drop. Virgil avoids a corner charge and goes to roll Yokozuna up, but Yokozuna just drops on Virgil. Yokozuna follows it up with a corner splash and a Banzai drop to get the pin.
-Sean Mooney talks to Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect. Perfect has two turkeys and a little chicken he says that reminds him of Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Bobby Heenan.
-The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with the Genius and Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon and The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags: Heels out first and IRS says pay your taxes. The Natural Disasters come out to a good reaction. The Nasty Boys come out to a great reaction. When a man is pinned, his partner is gone as well. Typhoon and Blake start. Blake making fun of Typhoon. Typhoon knocks Blake down and makes fun of him. Typhoon manhandling Blake. Earthquake tagged in and gets Blake in a bear hug. Earthquake gets both Beverly Brothers in the corner and Typhoon splashes them. Then both Natural Disasters do it again to the Beverly Brothers. Knobbs tagged in. He and Blake go back and forth. Knobbs slams Blake down and Sags tagged in. Beau also tagged in. Sags with a pump handle slam to Beau. Beau comes back with a butterfly suplex and DiBiase tagged in. Back and forth and Sags with a suplex. IRS tagged in and Money Inc with a double clothesline to Sags. Back and forth. Sags trying to fight both Money Inc. members off. Blake tagged in and power slams Sags. Beau tagged in, hits a leg drop, and gets a two count. Quick tags by the Beverly Brothers and a neck breaker gets a two count. Sags with a sleeper on Blake. Blake pushes off the ropes and both men down. Beau and Earthquake both tagged in. Earthquake with a corner whip and a back elbow. Now all 8 men in the ring. All of them thrown out as Typhoon gives Beau a fall away slam and Earthquake hits the sit down splash to get the pin and the Beverly Brothers are eliminated. DiBiase in against Earthquake. Earthquake with a shoulder block. The faces take turns tagging in and beating on DiBiase. Earthquake back in and hitting shoulder blocks to DiBiase, but misses the corner splash when DiBiase moves. IRS tagged in and he and DiBiase double belly to back suplex Earthquake. IRS gets a two count. IRS misses a charge and DiBiase tagged in. Money Inc beat Earthquake down in the corner. Heels overwhelming Earthquake. DiBiase chopping Earthquake. IRS in and gets Earthquake in a front face lock and DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase off the second rope, but Earthquake raises his foot and DiBiase hits that instead. IRS and Typhoon both tagged in. Typhoon comes in and hits both heels with clotheslines as they get in. Typhoon with a splash to IRS, but DiBiase breaks up the pin attempt. The Nasty Boys come in and clothesline DiBiase out. DiBiase trips Typhoon as he runs the ropes. Typhoon pinned by IRS, who had his foot on the ropes. The Natural Disasters are eliminated. Sags comes in and rolls IRS up to get a quick pin and the Nasty Boys are the Sole Survivors. The Nasty Boys clear the ring and celebrate. Jimmy Hart grabs the titles and Money Inc. leave.
-Flashback to what led up to the coffin match between the Undertaker and Kamala and shots of the Undertaker making the coffin.
-Coffin Match. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Kamala with Harvey Wippleman and Kim Chee: Kamala out first. Undertaker and Paul Bearer get a fantastic reaction when they come out rolling the coffin down the aisle. Kim Chee and Wippleman calm Kamala down. Undertaker takes his time taking his stuff off.
The bell rings and Kamala immediately gets out of the ring and Undertaker follows. Kamala raises his hand as if he was going to chop Undertaker, but Undertaker just keeps coming. Kamala gets back in the ring and attacks Undertaker with chops as soon as he steps back in the ring. Undertaker comes back with throat thrusts and does Old School. He runs Kamala into a turnbuckle and gives him a short arm clothesline. Undertaker with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Kamala hits him with a throat thrust. Kamala with chops and kicks. He knocks Undertaker out of the ring. Undertaker lands on his feet and grabs Wippleman and Kim Chee by their throats. Kamala attacks Undertaker from behind. Kamala hits Undertaker with Kim Chee's helmet. Kamala attacking Undertaker on the outside with chops, but can't knock Undertaker down. He runs Undertaker into the ring steps and hits him on the back with a chair. Back in the ring, Kamala scoops slams Undertaker, but Undertaker gets back to his feet. He does it again to the same effect. Undertaker keeps getting up. Kamala gets Undertaker down and splashes him. He keeps splashing Undertaker. Kim Chee grabs Paul Bearer and the urn flies into the ring. Kamala kicks the urn to Kim Chee. Kim Chee throws it back to Kamala, who drops it. Undertaker picks it up and nails Kamala with the urn. Wippleman has referee Joey Marella tied up on the apron arguing while this is happening. Undertaker pins Kamala. Undertaker then rolls Kamala into the coffin. He places the top on the coffin and nails it shut.
-Sean Mooney talks to Shawn Michaels. Michaels said he defeated the man who defeated Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Title. He has nothing to lose because his title is not on the line and Bret Hart's title is.
-WWF Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels: Michaels is the IC champion, but his title is not on the line. Mean Gene talks to Bret Hart. Gene talks about Bret taking on all challengers since winning the title. Hart says no one knows about giving thanks like he does. He says he has been surviving for 8.5 years. He has worked his way to the top and now he's there. He says tonight, they're going to find out who's going to survive as the WWF Champion. Hart gets a great reaction when he comes out. Hart kisses the belt and gives it to referee Earl Hebner. He then goes outside and gives his glasses away. Hart, Michaels, and Hebner will all be involved at Survivor Series again one day. Don't worry, we will get there. They lock up and battle for position. They get to the corner and Hebner has to separate them. They lock up again and do a series of reversals and get to the ropes again. Another lock up and they go back and forth. Hart gets an arm bar on. Michaels gets to his feet again and grabs Hart by the hair. More back and forth and these two are doing a lot of quick moves to each other. Hart with a hammerlock. Michaels on the mat trying to fight through the pain. He gets to his feet and reverses the move. Hart drops down and Michaels goes through the ropes to the floor. Michaels gets back on the apron and Hart slingshots him in. Hart goes back to the arm bar. Michaels gets out, only to hit a crossbody for a two count. A sunset flip gets another two count. Hart then goes back to the arm bar. Michaels with a right hand to break the move. Back and forth. Hart finally gets Michaels down with a clothesline for another two count. Back to the arm bar for Hart. Michaels reaching for the ropes. Michaels pushes off and Hart comes back with a shoulder block. They run the ropes and Michaels catches Hart with a stun gun. Hart then reverses a corner whip, but Michaels moves on the charge and Hart hits the corner post with his shoulder. Michaels starts working on the shoulder. Corner whip and Hart hits the corner with his chest and bounces back. Michaels gets a two count and then puts Hart in a side headlock. Hart gets back to his feet, only for Michaels to pull his hair and get Hart back to the ground. Michaels still has the headlock on. Hart gets to his feet and breaks free, but he runs right into a dropkick for a two count. Michaels with a backbreaker for another two count. Michaels with a side headlock. Hart back to his feet and gets a swinging neck breaker. Michaels with a punch to the throat and a front face lock. Hart gets to his feet and forces Michaels back into a corner. He runs his shoulder into Michaels midsection several times. Michaels reverses a corner whip, but Hart gets his boot up on the charge. Hart then bulldogs Michaels out of the corner, but misses the elbow from the second rope when Michaels moves. Michaels gets a two count. A back elbow gets another two count. Michaels goes back to the front face lock. The crowd getting behind Hart. Hart gets up and gets a small package for a two count. Michaels with a corner whip. Hart leapfrogs the charge and hits a belly to back suplex. Both men down. They both get up and Hart catches Michaels trying to leapfrog and slingshots him into the buckle. Double count going again. Hart back to his feet. He corner whips Michaels into the buckle and Michaels ends up on the ropes. Hart slings him off and hits a headbutt and a backdrop for a two count. Hart with a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Hart with a backbreaker and a elbow drop from the second rope for another two count. Hart with a superplex. Another two count. Hart ducks a roundhouse shot and gets a sleeper on Michaels. Michaels backs Hart into a corner and in the process, takes Hebner out. Back and forth with holds and reversals. Michaels drops down and Hart goes flying outside. Michaels out and runs Hart into the ring post. Michaels breaks the count and slams Hart on the outside. He then throws Hart back in the ring. He corner whips Hart into the corner and gets a two count. Michaels with a backdrop for another two count. Michaels with a superkick, but doesn't have the energy to cover Hart. Michaels goes for a move, but Hart thumbs him in the eye. Michaels with a belly to back suplex for a close two count. Michaels with an Irish whip. Hart comes back with a forearm. Michaels ties up in the ropes. Hart charges Michaels, who moves and Hart caught in the ropes and falls back in the ring. Hebner tells Michaels to stay away while he checks on Hart. Michaels up to the second rope and jumps, but Hart was to his feet and catches Michaels by the legs and puts him in the Sharpshooter and Michaels gives up. Hart gets his title and holds it up high. Suddenly, Santa Claus comes down and celebrates with Hart. They have snow falling in the ring. They celebrate with the fans as they sign off from Richfield.

-Final Thoughts: This was a solid show considering all the WWF was going through at the time.

Episode 203 Notes Tue, 31 Oct 2023 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b0439c30-d124-447a-80ea-3efa1b752b35 My notes for Episode 203: Hardcore Heaven '94. -Suzanne Somers.
-My Weekend.
-Today we look at ECW Hardcore Heaven '94.
-ECW Hardcore Heaven 1994 took place August 13, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,000 in attendance.
-Presented in the most complete form available and with a TV-MA warning.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to Hardcore Heaven '94 as Hack Myers makes his way to the ring.
-Hack Myers vs. The Rockin' Rebel: A Hack Myers sucks chant goes out. Myers with the early advantage. He puts Rebel's throat on the bottom rope and delivers a leg drop on the apron. Myers, with an Irish whip, drops his head too soon and Rebel hits a swinging neck breaker. Rebel chops Myers in the corner. He then hits a side Russian leg sweep. Rebel throw Myers to the outside. He hits Myers with a chair before throwing him back in the ring. Back and forth and Rebel hits a clothesline. He gets a two count. Myers takes over on Rebel with kicks. He then punches Rebel in the corner and them some headbutts and a corner whip, but Rebel moves on the charge. Rebel comes back with more chops and a kick to the jaw. Back and forth. Rebel with a clothesline. Rebel gets Myers down, but chooses not to cover. Myers coming back. Rebel goes for a belly to back suplex, but Myers shifts his weight to cover and pin Rebel.
-Tommy Cairo vs. Chad Austin: An Austin sucks chant goes out as the match starts. They lock up and push off. Another lock up and push off. Cairo just pushing Austin off with ease. He follows it up with a corner clothesline and forearm. Cairo with a suplex. He gets a two count, but Austin gets his foot on the bottom rope. Cairo with a press slam for another two count. Austin comes back with an Irish whip and goes for a leapfrog, but gets caught and Cairo hits an inverted atomic drop. Cairo with a spinning heel kick and it has been all Cairo so far. He hits an Irish whip and a backdrop on Austin. Austin reverses a corner whip, but Cairo moves on the charge and Austin hits the corner post. Cairo kicks Austin to the floor. Austin gets back in the ring. Cairo hits a belly to back suplex and covers, but Austin's leg was on the ropes. Cairo with a power slam. Cairo goes up top, but Austin ducks as Cairo comes off. Austin gets a two count from a sunset flip. Austin rolls Cairo up again and gets the pin with his feet on the ropes.
-ECW Television Championship Match. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Jason: No disqualification match, but I don't understand why they felt the need to say that, this is ECW. A Mikey chant goes out as he comes to the ring. They lock up. Jason with a shoulder block. The Mikey chant goes out again. Jason with a side headlock. Whipwreck pushes off and Jason comes back with another shoulder block. Whipwreck gets a quick roll up for a two count. Jason with a clothesline. Whipwreck comes back with a flurry of moves to Jason and the crowd cheers wildly as Jason bails out to the floor. Whipwreck hits him with a baseball slide. He then comes out and runs Jason into the guard rail. Whipwreck goes for a double ax handle from the apron, but Jason hits him with a kick as he comes down. Jason slams Whipwreck down on the table at ringside. Jason then leg drops Whipwreck through the table. Jason suplexes Whipwreck back in the ring. He drops a knee on Whipwreck. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Jason with a snap mare and a headlock. Whipwreck gets out and ducks a clothesline, but Jason hits him with a back elbow. Jason with a snap mare. Mikey gets out and ducks a clothesline, only to run into a boot in the face. Jason with a headlock. Whipwreck comes back and gets a sunset flip, but Jason is too close to the ropes. Whipwreck gets a crucifix for a two count. Another two count from an inside cradle. Whipwreck getting a series of two counts. Whipwreck tries for a roll up, but Jason holds on to the ropes. Whipwreck gets on the mat pretending he is hurt. Jason goes for a suplex, but Whipwreck holds him up. They take turns reversing for two counts. Jason hits an enziguri. Jason with a gut wrench powerbomb and gets a two count. Jason dumps Whipwreck to the outside. Whipwreck reverses an Irish whip and runs Jason into the barricade and then attacks Jason with a chair. Whipwreck throws Jason back in the ring and goes for a crossbody, but Jason ducks. Jason brings a chair into the ring. Whipwreck gets the chair and swings at Jason, who ducks and the referee gets taken out. Whipwreck then hits Jason with the chair. Whipwreck covers, but there's no referee. The referee recovers enough to count the pin. The Pit Bulls come in and attack Whipwreck. They put Jason on Whipwreck and referee John Finnegan counts the pin again. Joey Styles says he's confused and so am I. Referee Pee Wee Moore comes down as the Pit Bulls lift Jason up and he's been busted open. They announce Jason as the new champion. Taz and Jimmy Snuka come in and attack the Pit Bulls.
-The match between the two teams has started. Taz hits a nice belly to belly suplex on Pit Bull 2. Taz then hits a t-bone suplex on Pit Bull 1 while Snuka hits the Superfly splash on Pit Bull 2. They get double pins to win the match and the crowd goes wild.
-Mr. Hughes with Shane Douglas and Angel vs. 911 with Paul E. Dangerously: Hughes out first. The crowd cheers wildly when 911 comes out. 911 and Paul E circle the ring and Douglas tells them to get in. Hughes tells 911 to bring it. They circle each other as a 911 chant goes out. It takes a long time for them to lock up. They get nose to nose and then do double shoulder blocks and neither man moves. They exchange blows. Neither man gets the advantage. Hughes grabs 911 and delivers a chokeslam. He gets a two count. 911 gets to his feet and Hughes hits him with his right hands to no effect. 911 knocks Hughes down to his knees and Hughes responds with a low blow. Hughes takes over with punches and headbutts trying to get 911 off his feet as the crowd chants something derogatory towards Angel. Hughes goes for the sidewalk slam, but 911 blocks it and hits the chokeslam to get the pin. Douglas and Angel come in. Douglas knocks out Paul E. 911 goes after Douglas, who bails and leaves Angel with 911. She's already wearing a neck brace from the first chokeslam she took. She slaps and pushes 911. 911 chokeslams her again.
-Singapore cane match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Tommy Dreamer: Sandman and Woman out first. They interact with the crowd before getting in the ring and the crowd loves it. The Sandman lights a cigarette and stands on a turnbuckle. Dreamer comes out from under the ring and attacks Sandman from behind with the cane. He knocks Sandman down and then goes after Woman. He gets her cane away from her. He then grabs Woman and Kisses her. He goes back to caning Sandman and Woman attacks Dreamer from behind. Dreamer goes to cane Woman and the referee tells him no and gets between Dreamer and Woman. Dreamer then canes the referee and goes after Sandman again. The referee has disqualified Dreamer. Dreamer then canes Bob Artese for making the announcement. Dreamer then continues to cane Sandman. Sandman is prone in the center of the ring. Dreamer leaves the ring and Woman lights a cigarette for Sandman to revive him.
-ECW Tag Team Championship match. The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: This is a Baseball brawl match that says if your opponent is knocked out for 10 seconds, you can use a baseball bat on them. The crowd is really into Public Enemy. Roc goes out and grabs Hat Guy's hat and throws it in the ring. Grunge tears the hat up. Roc says if a fan calls him jailbird, he isn't wrestling. The fans chant it, so Public Enemy goes to leave. Pee Wee Moore starts counting Public Enemy out. They come back. Ian and Roc start the match. Back and forth. Roc hits a springboard moonsault for a two count. Another moonsault on Ian. Roc antagonizing the crowd. Ian hits a dropkick as Roc was coming off the top rope a second time. Rock rushes Ian, who dumps Roc over the top rope to the outside. Grunge comes over to check on Roc and Axl backdrops Ian onto the Public Enemy. All four men were brawling on the outside. They exchange shots at ringside. Axl hitting Roc with chair shots that make me wince. Chair shots are flying. Grunge throws Ian back in as Roc hits Axl with a frying pan. Axl fighting back and Ian coming back out to help. Back in the ring, Ian hits Roc with a chair and then a clothesline. Roc comes back with a clothesline that knocks both himself and Ian to the outside. Roc gets Ian back in the ring and continues to batter Ian as the Jail Bird chant goes out again. Axl tagged in. Axl reverses a corner whip and hits Roc with a splash. Grunge tagged in and attacks Axl. Grunge with a clothesline and then Grunge runs Axl into a turnbuckle. He follows it up with a rolling neck snap and Roc tagged in. He hits a spinning heel kick on Axl and gets a two count. Axl reverses an Irish whip and Roc comes back with a sunset flip attempt. Axl blocks it and Ian tagged in. He dropkicks Roc in a corner. Back and forth. Grunge tagged in and Public Enemy hit a modified version of the Demolition Decapitation on Ian. They only get a 6 count, so no baseball bat for them. Axl tagged in and throws Grunge out. Ian grabs a chair on the outside. Meanwhile, Axl has Roc in the ring and Irish whips Roc into the chair that Ian is holding. Bad Breed hit their version of the Doomsday Device they call the British Invasion. They get the 10 count, so they get a baseball bat. Grunge Irish whipped into a bat shot. Axl using the bat on both Public Enemy. Roc and Ian brawl to the ringside area while Axl continues to use the bat on Grunge on the outside. Roc dives onto Ian in the crowd as Grunge tries to come back on the inside. Grunge gets the bat and uses it on Axl. He comes off the top rope with the bat and connects. Meanwhile, Roc climbs some scaffolding in the crowd and hits a senton on Ian. The action spills out to ringside and since this is an ECW show, it's hard to keep up with the action since this is a one camera shoot. Ian and Roc battle with chairs out in the crowd. They climb up towards the broadcast booth and Styles bails. Roc hits Ian with a can of soda and some chair shots. He then wraps a rope around Ian's throat and gets him down. The action is crazy and hard to follow. Roc then goes back to ringside and hits Axl with the ring steps and a chair. Public Enemy get Axl down and hit the Drive By to get the pin.
-2 Cold Scorpio vs. Sabu with Paul E. and 911: Sabu runs and dives for Scorpio as soon as he comes out, but Scorpio dodges Sabu. He tries it again and grabs Scorpio's leg, but Scorpio quickly gets out. Back and forth with reversals. They lock up and vie for position. They get to a corner and break clean, but then slap each other. Scorpio with a snap mare and a headlock. He gets a pinning combination for a two count. Sabu with a scoop slam, but misses a slingshot leg drop. Scorpio with a side headlock. Sabu pushes off and Scorpio with a shoulder block. Scorpio with a standing dropkick. Sabu rolls to the outside and Scorpio hits a fist drop from the apron. They trade shots in the aisle before getting back in the ring. Sabu goes to sunset flip Scorpio from the apron to the floor, but Scorpio holds on to the ropes and Sabu goes crashing to the floor. Scorpio hits a running baseball slide and hits a plancha on Sabu. He then hits a splash from the apron for a two count. Scorpio gets a submission, but can't hold it. Scorpio with a piledriver. Scorpio with a spinning leg drop for a two count. He goes for a splash, but Sabu gets his knees-up. Sabu with a leg drop for a two count. Back and forth. Sabu with a reverse victory roll. Scorpio answers with a powerbomb. He gets a two count. Scorpio goes for a flying forearm, but Sabu ducks and Scorpio spills to the outside. Sabu sets up a chair and uses it to jump on Scorpio on the outside. Sabu grabs the timekeeper's table and sets it up against the barricade. He then shoulder blocks Scorpio off the apron and hits a suicide dive onto Scorpio and the table. They battle on the outside. Sabu sends Scorpio over the guard rail to the front row. He then hits Scorpio with a chair. Scorpio comes back with a superkick. Sabu sets Scorpio up on the table from before and goes for another suicide dive, but Scorpio moves. Scorpio hits Sabu with a chair. Scorpio slides a chair in the ring and goes to tombstone Sabu onto the chair, but Sabu reverses it and piledrives Scorpio instead. He goes to cover Scorpio, but Scorpio's leg is on the ropes. Sabu misses the moonsault when Scorpio moves. Scorpio with a belly to back suplex and hits a splash for a two count. Scorpio with a twisting leg drop from the top rope for another two count. Scorpio misses the moonsault when Sabu moves. Scorpio looks to be going for a superplex, but Sabu shoves Scorpio off and hits a shoulder block on Scorpio from the top rope. Sabu takes Scorpio to the outside and piledrives him on the floor. Scorpio put on a table. Sabu springboards off the table and hits a back splash onto Scorpio on the table. 911 rolls both men back in. Sabu gets a two count. Both men on their knees exchanging slaps. Scorpio hits a DDT for a two count. Sabu hits a dropkick. 911 distracts the referee so Paul E can put a chair on the prone Scorpio, and Sabu hits the face buster to get the pin.
-Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack: Funk out first. Cactus Jack comes out and the crowd is split between the two men. Jack gets on the mic and says they can agree there has been too much violence already and what the people in Philadelphia need is a good scientific match. The crowd boos. He tries to shake Funk's hand and Funk shakes it. Cactus Jack says they have teamed up before, but this is the first time they have ever faced each other and he has a lot of respect for Terry Funk. He says it's going to hurt him to kick Funk's ass all over the arena, but not as bad as it's going to hurt Funk. Funk says Cactus Jack has always been a dreamer. Funk swings at Jack as they circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes and Cactus chops Funk. They shake hands. Cactus chops Funk again against the ropes and Funk says he wants more. Funk starts slapping Cactus against the ropes and throws Cactus outside. Funk follows and hits Cactus with whatever is left of the table out there. He then runs Cactus Jack into and then over the barricade. He battles Cactus Jack in the crowd and of course you can't see much. Cactus Jack thrown back over the guard rail and Funk applies a sleeper to Cactus Jack, who comes back with a jaw breaker to Funk on the guard rail and that's one way to break the hold. Jack then runs and launches himself onto Funk. Cactus hits Funk with a chair. He gets Funk in the ring and hits a corner whip and a bulldog. Cactus runs at Funk, who ducks and Cactus goes over and gets tied up in the ropes the exact way he lost part of his ear just a few months before. I would never do that, but I have two ears and brains. I like Mick Foley, but his nickname should be 18 months, because he's got an ear and a half. Funk attacks Cactus while he is trapped. Back and forth at ringside. Funk runs Cactus into a ring post several times. Cactus thrown back in the ring and The Public Enemy come out and attack Funk. The crowd boos. Public Enemy throw Funk in and keep attacking him. They DDT Funk and grab Cactus Jack. They push Cactus and tell him to pin Funk. Cactus doesn't want it that way and Public Enemy come after Cactus Jack. They beat Jack down in the corner. They then place Cactus on Funk, but he doesn't stay on. They knock the referee out. They put Cactus Jack back on Funk and count the pin themselves. They then kick Cactus Jack out of the ring. A minor bullshit chant goes out. Funk climbs out of the ring and starts trying to take the busted table apart. He and Cactus grab pieces of the busted table and go after Public Enemy. Styles signs off from Philadelphia, but then Cactus Jack comes back out with Grunge and they keep rolling. Funk throws Roc out into the crowd and hits Roc with a frying pan. He then hits Grunge with the pan. They all battle out in the crowd. Funk then has two frying pans and hits Roc with them in the ring. Cactus Jack and Grunge also get in the ring and Cactus hits Grunge with a double arm DDT while Funk piledrives Roc on the frying pan. Funk covers both Public Enemy and Jack makes the three count. Then the iconic shot of chairs being thrown in the ring. LIke I said before, how did ECW stay in business for so long? Public Enemy are quickly covered and are now the most protected people in the building as they make the announcement not to throw things into the ring. They scream to stop throwing chairs, but they keep coming. Styles then signs off as Public Enemy gets up. They started to toss chairs around and I wouldn't do that. They yell that Terry Funk and Cactus Jack don't know what they started. They tell Funk and Cactus to get back in the ring. An ECW chant goes out as they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: We finally get the iconic chair throwing scene. ECW got a lot of mileage out of that one. Not a bad show. Worth seeing at least once.

Episode 202 Notes Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] e2d20580-afa9-4803-af2c-e9e13d9ea3fd My notes for Episode 202: Clash XXI. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXI from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XXI was shown on TBS on November 18, 1992 from the Macon Coliseum in Macon, GA.
-Clash Intro.
-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Clash. They show the Paul E. Dangerously/Madusa weigh in from earlier in the day and then throw it to Tony Schiavone who is with Bill Watts.
-Watts welcomes everyone to the clash. They then throw it to Teddy Long who is with Michael Hayes. They run down some of the matches we are about to see before Hayes says they are about to go collect the bounty on Erik Watts. Long says he has just heard that Brian Pillman is on crutches and injured. Long throws it to Jesse who is with Pillman at ringside.
-Pillman says now he is injured and can't face Brad Armstrong. He says he finally realizes what Armstrong was going through when he was injured. Armstrong comes out in what appears to be his Candyman jacket. You later see it's a jacket with the US flag on the back. Pillman suckers Armstrong in and attacks him with the crutch. He beats Armstrong senseless with the crutch at ringside. Referee Randy Anderson tells him he is disqualified. Pillman says the match hasn't started yet. Pillman then jumps into the ring. Armstrong struggles to get in the ring as the crowd cheer him.
-Brian Pillman vs. Brad Armstrong: The bell rings and Pillman attacks Armstrong as soon as he gets in the ring. Armstrong attacks Pillman. Pillman clips Armstrong's leg in response and pins Armstrong. That was quick.
-Jim and Jesse talk about what has happened between Paul E and Madusa and then flashback to all that has happened between the two. Michael Hayes then talks to Paul E. Paul E says it is going to be easy to take Madusa out.
-Bounty Match. Erik Watts and Kensuke Sasaki vs. Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton with Michael Hayes: Eaton and Watts start. Eaton with the early advantage. Watts comes back with reversals and a big slap to Eaton. Back and forth and you can tell that Watts is a rookie. Anderson and Sasaki both tagged in. They mix it up in the corner and Eaton tagged back in. Eaton with a monkey flip. Sasaki comes back with a dropkick. Eaton backs up to his corner. Sasaki gets Eaton into a corner. Anderson comes down the apron and pulls Eaton out of the corner just before Sasaki splashes him. Eaton throws Saski out, and Hayes kicks Sasaki. Hayes takes another shot as Sasaki after he gets back in the ring and Watts comes after Hayes and has to be restrained by the referee. The heels double team Sasaki. Eaton goes for a clothesline, but Sasaki catches him with a power slam. Watts tagged in. He gets a monkey flip and punches Eaton. Anderson comes in and Watts hits him as well. All four men in now. The referee trying to get Anderson and Sasaki out as Eaton comes off the top rope and Watts catches him with a shot as he comes down. Watters catches him with a shot as he comes down. Watts gets the STF on Eaton and Eaton quickly gives up.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Johnny B. Badd and Teddy Long. They say that Badd is ready to box Scotty Flamingo. After the break. Schiavone talks to Scotty Flamingo, who has Vinnie Vegas and DDP with him. He also has someone who from the back looks like Don King. That's all you see him from. Vegas struggles through an interview. It boils down to they are ready.
-Three round boxing match. Johnny B. Badd with Teddy Long vs. Scotty Flamingo with DDP and Vinnie Vegas: Round One-They talk about Badd's boxing record, but it is a boxing match, so take a half shot. Badd knocks Flamingo out of the ring with some jabs. All Badd as he knocks Flamingo down to the mat. Flamingo with an eye rake and a clothesline as Vegas distracts the referee. Flamingo taking over with right hand punches. They trade blows. Flamingo bouncing off the ropes as he gets hit repeatedly. Flamingo knocked to the mat as the end of Round one comes and get gets dragged back to his corner by DDP and Vegas. During the break, DDP fills Flamingo's glove with water.
Round Two-Flamingo has trouble getting off the stool. He comes out of the corner wobbly and Badd continues to pummel him with jabs. DDP comes up on the apron to distract Badd. The referee gets him down, allowing Flamingo to hit Badd with a shot from the loaded glove. Badd struggles to get back to his feet, but doesn't beat the count. Flamingo wins by TKO.
-Starrcade '92 ad. They take a look at the previous Battlebowl.
-Jesse and Missy Hyatt are in the ring to pull the first two teams for Battlebowl. They are Cactus Jack and Johnny B Badd vs. Dan Spivey and Van Hammer.
-Slam Jam album ad.
-Ghetto Odds match. Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Cactus Jack, The Barbarian, and Tony Atlas: First appearance for Scorpio. They don't even know his name as he and Simmons come in and clear the ring as the heels bail out. They confer on the outside and Scorpio jumps on them over the top rope. Simmons in against Barbarian. Back and forth. Simmons knocks Barbarian down and hits a spinebuster on Cactus Jack when he comes in. Cactus Jack and Scorpio both tagged in and Jim and Jesse don't have a name for him yet, so they just call him Ron Simmons' partner. They go back and forth and Scorpio hits a glancing blow to Jack from a moonsault. He gets a two count. Simmons tagged in. Cactus Jack reverses an Irish whip, but Simmons gets a back elbow and drives Cactus face first into the mat. Simmons goes for a dropkick, but Cactus had Atlas hook him after an Irish whip, so nobody home. Barbarian tagged in. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Atlas tagged in. Heels triple team Simmons in the corner. Cactus Jack tagged in. Back and forth. They goad Scorpio in to triple team on Simmons. Atlas tagged in. He batters Simmons and runs Simmons into Barbarian's knee. Barbarian tagged in and gets a two count. Simmons snap mared over and Cactus Jack tagged in. He goes for a move from the second rope, but Simmons gets a boot up. Scorpio and Atlas both tagged in. Scorpio cleans house and now all 5 men in. Atlas throws Scorpio out and the heels triple team Simmons. Atlas holds Simmons for Barbarian to kick in the face, but Atlas gets kicked when Simmons moves. Scorpio hits a 450 splash to get the pin and the crowd loved that move. Jesse interviews the winners and wants to know the name of Simmons' partner. Simmons doesn't tell him right away, but finally gets around to it.
-Video for Z-Man and Johnny Gunn. They are trying on clothes at a store and being waited on by a bunch of women. You can tell this was 1992 from the clothes.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Rick Rude. He says he will take Sting out to become the King of Cable.
-A feature on the Jesse Ventura strongest arm invitational.
-Michael Hayes talks to Paul E. Dangerously. He says he's ready for Madusa.
-5-minute Clash of the Sexes match. Paul E. Dangerously with Michael Hayes vs. Madusa: Paul E. attacks Madusa with the phone as soon as she gets in the ring. She is flat down on the canvas and Hayes says Paul E. has won. Paul E says he wants a kiss from Madusa. He bends down and the hair comes off as a wig and it's Mike Thor, an enhancement talent who had been doing training videos with Paul E in preparation for the match with Madusa. Madusa then comes in and kicks Paul E. in the face. She batters Paul E. repeatedly and he falls out of the ring. Hayes gets up on the apron and he gets kicked off by Madusa and Paul E goes to the back. Madusa takes off after Paul E. They go through the curtain and then Madusa comes back through with Paul E. on her shoulders and throws him in the ring. Hayes trips Madusa as she tries to get in. Paul E. climbs up top and hits Madusa with a double ax handle across the back. Color me impressed. Madusa comes back with a clothesline. Madusa driving knees into Paul E. Madusa hits a dropkick from the second rope. Madusa tries to strip Paul E. and he runs to the back. The 5 minute time limit expires and the match is a draw.
-Feature on the King of Cable tournament.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Harley Race and Vader. Vader says he is going to be the King of Cable.
-King of Cable semi-final. Sting vs. Rick Rude: Ole Anderson, Hiro Matsuda, and Larry Zbyszko are the ringside judges for the match. Rude does his pre match spiel. Sting gets a great ovation when he comes out. The crowd is excited for the match. They circle each other and Rude attacks Sting. He gets Sting down with some elbows to the neck. Sting reverses an Irish whip and slams Rude down to the mat. He follows that up with a gut buster and the crowd loves it. He kicks the ribs a couple of times. He then mocks Rude by gyrating. He then slams Rude down face first on the mat again. Sting keeping up the attack on Rude. He gets a one count. Sting with a reverse chin lock. He then works on the back and gets a camel clutch on. He then tries to get the abdominal stretch on. All Sting so far in the match. He comes back with an eye rake. He runs Sting into the top turnbuckle and Rude working on the lower back. Sting comes back and drops Rude stomach first onto the top rope. He then does it again. He flips Rude out to the apron and kicks him in the midsection. Sting goes to Stinger Splash Rude into the barricade, but Rude moves and Sting hits the barricade instead. Rude takes advantage and throws Sting back in the ring. He hits a forearm to Sting off the top rope and goes for a pin, but Sting was too close to the ropes. Rude keeps the attack up. He gets the camel clutch on. He then slams Sting and drops the knee on Sting for a two count. Sting tries to get up, but Rude slams him back down. Rude hits a suplex and then slams Sting again and goes back to the camel clutch. The crowd getting behind Sting and he moves as Rude tries to slam down on him again. Sting tries to slam Rude, but can't hold him and Rude falls on Sting for a two count. Another two count and Sting tries to avoid being pinned. 5 minutes left. Rude gets a modified bear hug on Sting. Less than 5 minutes remaining. Rude throws Sting back in the corner. He goes back to the waist lock. Three minutes left. Back and forth. Sting with a sleeper on Rude and Rude fighting it, but counters with a jaw breaker. Rude slams Sting down face first on the mat. Rude goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by Sting. 90 seconds left. Sting with an inverted atomic drop and no one sells like Rick Rude. Another atomic drop. He gets a two count. Sting with a crossbody for another two count. 45 seconds left. Rude catches Sting coming off a second time. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening. Sting breaks the attempt and hits the Stinger Splash on Rude. He goes for the Scorpion Death Lock as time expires. Sting lets go. The referee collects the score sheets. Anderson and Matsuda score the match for Sting and Zbyszko scores it for Rude. Sting advances to the finals. Rude tries to attack Sting, but Sting hits an atomic drop on Rude.
-Unified World Tag Team Championship Match. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham vs. Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas: Douglas and Rhodes start. They lock up and push off. Rhodes pushes off from a Douglas side headlock. Douglas comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Rhodes comes back with a backslide. Quick action to start. Douglas with a side headlock takeover. Rhodes comes back with a hammerlock. Douglas with a reversal and they are in the ropes. Break clean. They battle for position. They trade arm drags. Douglas with an arm bar. Rhodes reverses it. Back and forth. They both go for dropkicks simultaneously. Both Windham and Steamboat tagged in. They counter each others hip lock attempts and both spill to the outside. They start to shove each other and their partners come and hold them back. Jesse wants them to mix it up. Back in the ring, they exchange chops in the corner. Steamboat with an atomic drop and an arm bar. Douglas tagged in and he and Steamboat get a double Irish whip and back elbow. Douglas and Steamboat quick tagging to keep Windham off balance. Douglas counters a suplex attempt with one of his own. Douglas with an arm bar and Windham trying to get loose. Windham with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Douglas moves. Steamboat tagged in and kicks Windham in the ribs. Steamboat with an arm bar. He transitions to a rear chin lock and Windham gets back to his feet with Steamboat on his back. Douglas tagged in and he and Steamboat with a double Irish whip and Douglas with a backdrop. Douglas goes back to the arm bar. Back and forth. Douglas goes for a clothesline, but Windham ducks and Douglas guillotines himself on the ropes. Rhodes tagged in. Rhodes takes over and gets a two count. Windham tagged back in. Double dropkick to Douglas. Windham gets a two count. Windham tags Rhodes in, hits Douglas with a suplex, and Rhodes drops the elbow on Douglas. He gets a two count. Douglas comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Rhodes with a wrist lock and Windham tagged in. He gets a wrist lock and now the tag champs are quick tagging as Rhodes comes in. He hits an elbow from the second rope and gets Douglas into a hammerlock. Back to the arm bar and Windham back in and gets a two count. Rhodes tagged in. Double clothesline. Rhodes gets a two count. Reverse chin lock to Douglas. Douglas fights out of the move and hits a crossbody for a two count. Windham tagged in and hits a belly to back suplex on Douglas. He gets a two count. Windham with a lariat for a two count. Rhodes tagged in and the announcers talk about Steamboat having to come into the ring two times to try to break up pins. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. He gets an arm bar on Douglas. Douglas comes back with a reverse crossbody on Rhodes. Douglas holds on to the ropes as Rhodes was going for a dropkick after an Irish whip. Steamboat tagged in and gets a shoulder block after a lateral press. Back and forth. Rhodes gets a two count after an inside cradle. Steamboat goes for a leapfrog, but doesn't get high enough and Rhodes catches Steamboat in the groin. Windham reaches out to tag, but Rhodes checks on Steamboat instead of tagging or trying to cover Steamboat. Windham screaming at Rhodes to pin Steamboat. Windham tagged in and gets a two count. Windham with an inverted atomic drop for another two count. Rhodes and Windham yelling at each other. Another inverted atomic drop and Rhodes breaks up the pin attempt. The announcers don't believe it. The tag champs slap each other. Meanwhile, Douglas tagged in. Douglas catches Windham with a belly to belly suplex to win the match and we have new tag champions. They get some cheers, but it's not as big as I thought it would be. Rhodes comes over to check on Steamboat while Windham looks on in disbelief. Douglas and the referee help Steamboat to the back. Windham and Rhodes left in the ring. Rhodes leaves the ring. Windham yells out after him. Rhodes comes back. They get face to face. Rhodes pleading his case. Windham attacks Rhodes and hits a DDT on him. Windham shoves the ref down and hits a superplex on Rhodes. When they come back from commercial break, Jesse interviews the new tag champs. Steamboat says they won the belts, but Rhodes is still his friend. Windham comes in and attacks Steamboat and Douglas with a chair. Officials come in to break things up.
-Jim Ross signs off from the clash. End credits.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show to set up Starrcade. The Scorpio debut was good.

Episode 201 Notes Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a9c8e40c-beb7-41e5-9c81-9270ae9c7712 My notes for Episode 201: Backlash 2016. -Today we look at Backlash 2016 from the WWE.
-Backlash 2016 was a Smackdown Live only event shown on the WWE Network on September 11, 2016 from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, VA. There were 7,000 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-September 11 remembrance.
-Backlash Intro.
-Shane McMahon comes out as Backlash begins. Daniel Bryan also comes out. The crowd is in full Yes mode when he comes out.
-Mauro Ranello, David Otunga, and JBL welcome us to Backlash. They then introduce the SAT and the German Announce Team. McMahon welcomes everyone to Backlash. He talks about Team Blue and all that they are doing to become the best brand. They then talk about all of the matches coming up.
-Smackdown Women's Championship 6-Pack Elimination Challenge Match. Becky Lynch, Natalya, Naomi, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, and Nikki Bella are your participants. They show some of the heat and what has happened between Nikki and Carmella the last few weeks. This is going to be a cluster at the beginning with so many participants I'm sure. Referee Mike Chioda raises the Smackdown Women's title up. Half of the participants go to the outside so that there is a spotlight on some of the participants in the ring. Lynch and Naomi left in the ring. Naomi with a flurry of offense early, but Lynch throws her out of the ring. Lynch goes up top to come off on Naomi, but gets attacked by Carmella. I have a feeling this is how this match is going to go. They go back and forth and Carmella with a headscissors to Lynch off the top rope to get a two count. Lynch rolls out and it's Carmella and Nikki. I knew this was how this match was going to go. Bliss and Natalya come up behind Carmella and Natalya throws Carmella out. Nikki then throws them out of the ring and this is a cluster. Bliss attacks Nikki in the ring and gets a two count. They go back and forth and Nikki gets a two count after a kick to Bliss from the second rope. They exchange blows and two counts. Natalya with a dropkick and a two count on Bliss. It lets each person shine in the ring. Very formulaic. Nikki tackles Carmella in the ring. Back and forth. Nikki reverses the Code of Silence into an Alabama Slam for a two count. Nikki puts Carmella on the top rope and goes for a superplex, only for both to be powerbombed off by Natalya. All three down. Bliss covers Natalya for a two count. Bliss attacking everyone. She keeps getting two counts. Bliss frustrated she can't get a pin. Nikki in and goes to suicide dive onto a group on the outside, but gets stopped in mid run by a shot from Carmella. She throws Nikki out of the ring, but gets thrown out by Naomi. Naomi then jumps to the top rope and comes off on the group. They then go back to the one at a time, King of the Hill style or I guess I should say Queen of the Hill. Naomi and Natalya do a super blockbuster powerbomb on Bliss and Naomi pins Bliss. Down to 5. Naomi awkwardly headscissors Natalya out. Nikki hits Naomi with a big forearm, but Natalya breaks up the pin attempt to put Naomi in the Sharpshooter. Naomi taps. Down to four. Nikki hits an Argetine Backbreaker to Natalya to eliminate her. Carmella attacks Nikki right away to pin her and we are down to Carmella and Lynch. Nikki pissed and claps Carmells as she leaves. A Becky chant goes out. Carmella attacks Lynch. Lynch comes back with a group of suplexes to Carmella. Carmella comes back with a kick. Carmella goes to kick Lynch again, but gets caught in the Disarmer and tabs and Lynch is the new Smackdown Women's Champion. The crowd celebrates. Charly Caruso is in the ring to interview Lynch. Lynch thanks the fans for everything and it's because of them that she is the champion.
-Clash of Champions ad.
-We are then shown Bray Wyatt attacking Randy Orton in the back.
-The Uso's Jimmy and Jey vs. The Hype Bros Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley: Second chance match for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship. The winners face Rhyno and Heath Slater for the championship later tonight. Rawley and Jey start. Rawley with a backdrop. Jey goes outside to regroup. He comes back in and Rawley hits him with a hip toss. Ryder and Jimmy both tagged in and it has been all Hype Bros so far. Jimmy slaps and chops Ryder. Ryder responds with a face buster. They go back and forth. Ryder with a missile dropkick to both Usos on the ground from the apron. Rawley comes around the ring and takes both Usos down by just tackling them. Usos take over on Ryder by throwing him out of the ring and Jey takes him down with a short arm clothesline. Jey with the pendulum backbreaker to Ryder and Jimmy tagged in. He gets a suplex and a two count on Ryder. A roundhouse kick by Jimmy stops a Ryder comeback attempt. Jey tagged in and cuts off a Ryder tag attempt. Jey with a suplex. Ryder lands on his feet and counters with a hangman's neck breaker. Both wrestlers trying to tag. Jimmy tagged in and knocks Rawley off the apron. Usos keep Ryder in their corner. He fights the Usos off and tags Rawley. Rawley cleans house on the Usos. He hits Jey with several clotheslines. He hits him with a pair of Stinger splashes. Rawley then throws Jimmy out of the ring and hits Jey with a military press slam. Ryder tagged in and the Hype Bros go for the Hype Ryder, but Jimmy pulls Rawley out before they can do the move. Ryder and Jey exchange forearms in the corner. Ryder with a Frankensteiner off the top rope to Jey, but Jimmy stops the count. Ryder throws Jimmy out. Rawley goes to steamroll Jimmy on the outside, only for Jimmy to run him into the barricade. Usos double team Ryder and Jey clips Ryder's leg. Jimmy tagged in and gets a submission and Ryder has no choice but to tap.
-Renee Young talks to Heath Slater and Rhyno. Slater does a typical Slater interview embarrassing himself.
-Connor's Cure ad.
-Cruiserweight Classic finals commercial.
-Flashback to the Miz and Daniel Bryan confrontation on Talking Smack and the fallout to set up the next match.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler comes to the ring and gets in and then we see Miz in the back berating Daniel Bryan telling him he needs to bring something to the table. He says Smackdown Live needs him, so he wants to renegotiate his contract and be paid like the star he is. He then leaves and goes to the ring. The Russian, Portugese, and Japanese Announce Teams are introduced. The bell rings and they circle each other. Ziggler with a takedown, but they get into the ropes to force a break. Miz goes outside to regroup. Back in the ring, Miz gets a front face lock on and Ziggler bridges over to get a two count on Miz and that was impressive. Ziggler with a series of moves to get two counts. He gets on Miz, but Miz gets to the ropes to force a break. Miz comes back with a flurry of offense. He gets a scoop slam. He stomps on Ziggler. Back and forth. Ziggler with some clotheslines. Miz ducks a superkick and comes back with a modified stun gun on Ziggler. He catapults Ziggler into the rope. He then leapfrog body guillotines Ziggler for a two count. Ziggler in a backbreaker, but Ziggler flips over for a two count. Miz then catapults Ziggler outside and then baseball slides Ziggler when he tries to get in. Miz gets a two count when Ziggler does get in. Zigggler misses a Stinger splash and hits his head on the pose in the process. Miz gets another two count. Miz gets a modified surfboard on Ziggler. Miz with a series of corner dropkicks to Ziggler and Miz then taunts the fans with the Daniel Bryan point and chants. He then hits the Awesome clothesline. He hits a double ax handle from the top rope. Ziggler counters an SCF attempt with a roll up for a two count. He then hits a dropkick. Both men down and try to get back to their feet. Ziggler gets a back elbow and a series of clotheslines. He gets Miz in a swinging neck breaker and hits it. He drops an elbow on Miz after a spinebuster and gets a two count. Back and forth again and Miz hits a slingshot powerbomb for a two count and I can't believe Ziggler kicked out. Miz up and holding his shoulder. Miz looks to be going for a figure four, but Ziggler kicks him away. Ziggler gets a close two count after a famouser. Miz blocks a Zig Zag attempt, goes for a move, but Ziggler gets a sleeper. Miz falls down to break the hold and run Ziggler into the turnbuckle. Ziggler comes back with a DDT for a two count. Ziggler hurt, but sets up for the superkick. The Miz blocks it, hits a DDT, and puts Ziggler in the figure four. Ziggler fighting it and tries to get to the ropes. He does get to the bottom rope. Miz breaks the move on the four count. He hits a running kick to Ziggler's face and goes for the figure four again, but Ziggler kicks him off. Ziggler with a superkick, but Miz gets his foot on the ropes. Miz gets out of the ring and starts crawling up the aisle. Ziggler out and grabs Miz by the leg. He puts Miz back in. Maryes distracts Ziggler and then Miz and Ziggler exchange two counts from O'Connor Rolls. Ziggler kicks Miz away, but Maryse sprays Ziggler in the face with something and Miz hits the SCF to get the pin.
-Renee Young and the PPV panel talk about what we have seen so far and also show Baron Corbin defeating Apollo Crews on the kickoff show.
-Bray Wyatt comes out and they show his attack on Randy Orton earlier in the night. He gets in the ring as they make the announcement that Orton can't compete. Wyatt insists on a count to win the match and wins by forfeit. Wyatt goes to leave as they announce that he will compete in a no-holds barred match.
-Bray Wyatt vs. Kane: Kane comes out. Wyatt attacks him as soon as he gets in the ring. Kane gets Wyatt in a corner and clotheslines Wyatt. Wyatt rolls out and Kane follows. Kane throws Wyatt into the timekeepers area and then Kane takes apart the SAT. Wyatt hits Kane with the timekeepers bell. Wyatt grabs a chair, but Kane hits Wyatt in the jaw before he can use it. Back in the ring, Wyatt attacks Kane with a boot to the head. Wyatt goes to the outside and hits Kane with a shot as he comes over. Wyatt throws the chair into the ring. He attacks Kane with the chair. Kane gets back to his feet and Wyatt hits him again with the chair to get a two count. Kane with a back elbow and a DDT to Wyatt on the chair to get a two count. Kane takes over on Wyatt. Wyatt blocks a chokeslam attempt and pulls the top rope down. Kane spills to the outside, but lands on his feet and pulls Wyatt out. They fight at ringside. Wyatt gets Kane down with a right arm. Wyatt takes apart the English broadcast table. He puts Kane on the table and attacks him with fists. Wyatt gets on the English announce table and hits a senton to drive Kane through the SAT. A holy shit chant goes out. Wyatt rolls Kane back in and the crowd boos. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, but Kane counters into a chokeslam. He gets a two count. Kane puts a chair in the center of the ring and goes for a chokeslam, but Wyatt counters and hits Kane with a urinagi on the chair instead. He gets a two count. Randy Orton comes walking down the aisle as a Randy chant goes out. Orton comes in and hits Wyatt with an RKO. Orton then walks up the aisle. Kane then hits a chokeslam and pins Wyatt.
-AJ Styles is shown in the back. He comes across two prelim wrestlers and lectures them how he used to be like them, but they are destined for failure. But they can say they met AJ Styles on the night he became WWE Champion.
-WWE Network ad.
-Flashback to the Uso's match earlier in the night.
-Finals for the Smackdown Tag Teach Championship. The Uso's Jimmy and Jey vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater: Uso's out first. Rhyno and Heath Slater get a great reaction when they come out. Slater and Jimmy start as a let's go Slater chant goes out. Slater with the early advantage as he gets an Irish whip and a running forearm on Jimmy. Jey tagged in and Slater gets him in a front face lock. Rhyno tagged in. Rhyno with a shoulder block as the crowd chants ECDub. Back and forth. Slater tagged back in. The Uso's try to overwhelm Slater, but he is fighting them off. Jey throws Slater outside and the Uso's suplex Slater into the ring post. Jey then superkicks Slater while Jimmy holds him. Jimmy tagged in and covers, but only gets a two count. Jimmy then chokes Slater on the rope for a three count. Uso's double teaming Slater while the referee gets Rhyno out of the ring after he comes in to help his partner. Jey tagged in. He gets Slater in a rear chin lock. Jey with a corner whip, but Slater gets his boots up on the charge. Jimmy tagged in and stops Slater from tagging. The Uso's keep driving Slater into the corner. They then goad Rhyno in and keep the double team up while the referee gets Rhyno out. They can't get the pin on Slater though. A we want Rhyno chant goes out. Uso's almost let Slater get the tag before yanking him away. Uso's with quick tags. Jey in and he and Slater both collide and both men down. Then Rhyno and Jimmy both tagged in. Rhyno cleaning house. He batters Jimmy and sets him up for the Gore. Jimmy moves and Rhyno runs into the turnbuckle. Slater tags himself in and he hits neck breakers on both Uso's. He hits a leaping DDT on Jimmy and covers, but Jey pulls Slater out of the ring. Slater avoids a shot from Jey and knocks him down on the apron, only to run into a kick from Jimmy. Jimmy turns around and Rhyno Gores him. Slater rolls over and covers Jimmy to get the pin and he and Rhyno are the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions. They are presented with the belts and celebrate. Charley Caruso comes into the ring to interview them. Slater is ecstatic as now he gets a contract. He thanks Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon for letting him enter the tournament and now he gets a contract.
-KFC commercial.
-Clash of Champions commercial.
-Preview of the main event. AJ Styles now wears the arm band John Cena left in the ring at SummerSlam.
-Main Event for the WWE Championship. Dean Ambrose vs. AJ Styles: Styles comes out looking determined and confident. Ambrose gets a big ovation when he comes out. Jonny Fairplay is in the front row and you see him on camera for a second. The bell rings and they circle each other. Some reversals and they break. Styles with some quick covers for one counts on Ambrose. Ambrose gets to the ropes quickly after a waist lock takedown by Styles. Back and forth and Styles rolls to the outside to regroup. He gets back in the ring and gets Ambrose down with a double ax handle. They exchange shots and Styles with a forearm to knock Ambrose down. Ambrose comes back with some shots, an Irish whip, and a backdrop to Styles. Styles rolls back outside and Ambrose goes for a suicide dive. Styles gets back in the ring suddenly and drop toe holds Ambrose into the second rope. That was a great move. Styles follows it up with a neck breaker. Styles chokes Ambrose on the top rope for a three count. Referee Mike Chioda gets Styles off and Ambrose is gasping for breath. Ambrose comes back with some punches and headbutts. Styles answers with a dropkick for a two count. It has been mostly Styles in this match, but he can't get the pin. Ambrose finally gets Styles down in the corner and stomps him. Ambrose with a corner whip, but Styles moves on the charge and Ambrose hits the post with his shoulder. Back and forth. Styles misses a splash attempt when Ambrose moves. Ambrose puts Styles on the top rope and hits him with a belly to back suplex and both men are down. A double count going. Both up at 8. Ambrose with a series of clotheslines to Styles. Styles off the turnbuckle, but Ambrose catches him and performs a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Styles rolls to the outside as Ambrose climbs the turnbuckle, but Ambrose hits him with an elbow drop on the outside. They get back in the ring and Ambrose hits a sit out face buster for a two count. Ambrose goes for an attack from the top rope, but Styles moves towards Ambrose. Ambrose jumps to the mat and they do a series of moves to each other. Styles trying for the Calf Crusher. He does get a suplex into the turnbuckle on Ambrose. They keep countering each other's moves. Styles drives Ambrose's knee into the canvas and Ambrose looks in pain as the referee gets Styles off of Ambrose. Ambrose struggling to stand up. Styles continues to attack the leg. Styles with a leg lock on Ambrose, who responds with kicks trying to get Styles off. He breaks the hold and goes for a suplex, but Styles reverses it into the Calf Crusher. Ambrose finally makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Styles goes back to work on the leg with a leg lock and Ambrose responds by grabbing Styles' head and slamming it into the mat. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Ambrose grabs the ropes before he can get it on. Ambrose spills out to the apron, and Styles hits an enziguri. Ambrose reverses Styles on the apron and catapults him into the turnbuckle. That looked painful. Ambrose runs Styles into the barricade with a lariat and then throws Styles back in the ring. Ambrose hits a running clothesline and a bulldog on Styles. He gets a two count. Styles comes back with a forearm and a fireman's carry into a neck breaker. That gets a two count. Styles with the Torture RAck on Ambrose into a sit out powerbomb for a two count. Styles with a springboard 450 splash and cover for a close two count. Ambrose comes back with a neck breaker. Ambrose with a series of knee strikes and a baseball slide that drives Styles to the outside. Ambrose follows it up with a suicide dive that knocks Styles over the announce table. Ambrose throws Styles over the barricade into the crowd. Ambrose then climbs on the announce table and hits Styles with a double ax handle out in the crowd. Ambrose then throws Styles back in the ring and goes to hit him and Styles responds with a Pele kick. Ambrose comes back with a clothesline. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but backs into Chioda to take him out. Ambrose kicks Ambrose with a low blow and hits the Styles Clash. He pins Ambrose to become the new WWE Champion. They replay some of the highlights of the match and sign off from Richmond.
-Final Thoughts: This was a solid show. The main event was very good.

Episode 200 Notes Thu, 28 Sep 2023 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 0c462122-152a-4856-888b-d0065d864212 My notes for Episode 200: SNME November 1992. -200.
-Today we look at the SNME from November 1992.
-SNME XXXI was shown on the Fox network on November 14, 1992. It was taped October 27, 1992 from the Hulman Center in Terra Haute, IN. There were 4,300 in attendance. Last SNME on Fox and the last of the classic SNME.
-The new tag team champions Money Inc with Jimmy Hart come to the ring as we open the show. Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to SNME and say there are three title matches and preview the show.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. Money Inc Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Ultimate Maniacs, The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage: Money Inc attack the Ultimate Maniacs as soon as they get in the ring. All four in now. Warrior thrown out and Money Inc double teaming Savage in the corner. Warrior gets back in and cleans house. Ultimate Maniacs throw Money Inc out of the ring. DiBiase comes back in and he is selling like crazy. He gets guillotined on the top rope by Savage and then Warrior tagged in. Back and forth and Warrior gets a suplex and a two count. He then goes for the shoulder tackle, but DiBiase moves out of the way and slams Warrior down to the mat. IRS tagged in and cut off a Warrior tag attempt. IRS gets a sleeper on Warrior as Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect are shown watching from the dressing room. Flair says it doesn't matter who wins, because next week, the Ultimate Maniacs won't survive. Plans change as they say. DiBiase tagged in and gets the Million Dollar Dream on, but Savage comes in with a running knee to break that up. Double clothesline and both men down. Both Savage and IRS tagged in. Savage with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He hits the flying elbow drop, but DiBiase breaks up the pin and all four men are back in the ring again. Ultimate Maniacs clean house and throw Money Inc out. Hart grabs the tag belts and Money Inc leave and get counted out. The Ultimate Maniacs go after them in the aisle and get them down, only to be attacked by Flair, Ramon, and Perfect. Officials separate them all. Last appearance by the Ultimate Warrior for four years.
-They then cut a Bret Hart video because of music rights. It was the Makin' some Noise video I think.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. The British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels: They lock up and Bulldog pushes off. Another push off by Bulldog. Bulldog trying to get the fans into the match as Michaels gets a side headlock on. Bulldog pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block to no effect. You aren't going to move Bulldog that way. So he goes between the legs and sticks and moves. Now that is effective on Bulldog. Power moves don't work, but speed and illegal moves will work. Michaels gets a short arm scissors on Bulldog, who uses power moves to pick Michaels up and they mention Sherri isn't here because she had been hit with the mirror accidently by this time in the confrontation Michaels' had with a returning Marty Jannetty. Bulldog slams Michaels down to break the hold and the crowd cheers. Bulldog with power moves and he throws Michaels out to the floor. Michaels is working on selling everything in this match as Bobby Heenan talks about George Bush losing the presidential race as the 1992 election has just occurred. Michaels back in and gets Bulldog in the corner. They go back and forth with several reversals. Bulldog with an arm bar. Michaels with an eye rake and a back elbow. Bulldog with a shoulder block. He misses a second one when Michaels moves and Bulldog stumbles to the outside. Michaels trying to take the turnbuckle cover off. He loosens the cover to set something up. Bulldog back in and Michaels battering him with shots. Michaels gets an abdominal stretch on. Bulldog powers out. Michaels concentrating on the back. McMahon talking about Bulldog facing the Mountie at the Survivor Series and the plans, they continue to change. Michaels goes back to the abdominal stretch. Bulldog comes back with more power moves, but the turnbuckle is now exposed. Bulldog with a corner whip. Michaels goes up and comes back down and Bulldog hits him with a clothesline and Michaels selling his ass off here. Then a slingshot and another clothesline for a two count. A suplex gets another two count. Michaels reverses a corner whip, and Bulldog hits the exposed turnbuckle. Bulldog's back is hurt as he corner whips Michaels. Bulldog goes for a superplex, but his back gives out halfway through. Michaels falls on him to get the pin and become the new IC champion.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect. Flair talks about it now being champion vs. champion at the Survivor Series. He says he wants whoever wins. Ramon says he doesn't care who he fights. Flair says it's all about who will leave Survivor Series in one piece. This was the last appearance of the British Bulldog in the WWF for almost two years.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Papa Shango: Mean Gene talks to Hart before he goes out. Hart says growing up, working out and learning in the dungeon allowed him to climb the ranks in the WWF. Hart gets a great reaction when he comes out. He gives his glasses to a kid at ringside. Shango attacks him as soon as he gets back in the ring. Shango with power moves to dominate the beginning of the match. Hart comes back with wrestling holds. He gets a two count after a crossbody, but Shango kicks out so hard, Hart lands outside the ring. Hart gets back in the ring and clotheslines Shango out. Hart then with a suicide dive on Shango. Back in, Shango runs Hart into the turnbuckle. Shango gets a bear hug on Hart, who bites Shango to get out of the move and the crowd cheers. Shango with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Shango with more offense on Hart than I expected. He is overpowering Hart. He then gets a nerve hold on Hart. Hart starts to come back, but Shango gets a big clothesline on Hart and goes back to the nerve hold. Hart coming back. He gets a sleeper on Shango, but Shango powers out and slams Hart down. He hits a couple of elbow drops on Hart, but misses the third one when Hart moves. Hart comes back. He gets some two counts. He goes into the 5 moves of doom. He gets the win after applying the sharpshooter.
-The Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer. He talks about the Undertaker building the special casket for Kamala for their match at Survivor Series as they show clips of their SummerSlam match and the Undertaker building the coffin. The Undertaker then comes out of the coffin on the set. He tells Kamala not to fear the journey to come.
-Mean Gene talks to Bret Hart. They get interrupted by Shawn Michaels. This is to set up their match coming up at Survivor Series. Michaels says I've got news for you, Jack. TASIYDAH.
-They come back to McMahon and Heenan in front of a green screen and Heenan is on the phone and says Savage and the Warrior will not go to the ring as a team at Survivor Series. Now that's foreshadowing as they sign off from Indiana.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show to set up Survivor Series. They did what they could with what they had as things are changing for the WWF. It's a sad end for the old SNME.

Episode 199 Notes Thu, 28 Sep 2023 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] eadb3e31-d400-4c61-a02b-2fb620a48f1b My notes for Episode 199: Halloween Havoc 92. -Stitcher.
-I had a pretty good weekend. My wife and I went to a festival on Saturday and did some all day shopping on Sunday.
-Today we look at Halloween Havoc '92 from WCW.
-Halloween Havoc '92 was shown on PPV on October 25, 1992 from the Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA. There were 7,000 in attendance.
-Intro. This is pretty advanced computer graphics and animation for the time.
-Tony Schiavone and Bruno Sammartino welcome us to the show and Sammartino says he is excited to be here. They run down the matches that could happen for spin the wheel. They then run down some of the other matches that are going to happen on the show. They talk about two referees being assigned to the NWA World Title match and wonder who Rick Rude's referee is going to be. They then throw it to Missy Hyatt in the back. She says she hasn't found anything out yet, but hopes to get into Rick Rude's dressing room soon. She then throws it to ringside to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura.
-Jim and Jesse talk about some of what's going on the PPV, but I can't get over the fact that this is the second show in a row I've done that took place in Philly and I see the same people in the audience like super fan Vlad and Hat Guy. This despite the shows being two years apart from each other. They talk about the matches on the wheel. They then throw it to GMC.
-6-Man tag team match. Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Michael Hayes vs. The Z-Man, Johnny Gunn, and Shane Douglas: Oh look, two appearances in a row for Shane Douglas as well. Those people in Philly really know how to get around. Anderson and Gunn start the match. They lock up and drive to a corner. Break clean, but then Anderson slaps Gunn. He then hits Gunn with a big knee and a forearm and gets a cheer from the crowd. Anderson with a corner whip. Gunn with a leapfrog to avoid the charge and hits Anderson with a dropkick. Everything after the corner whip was sloppy looking, but Anderson sells like nobody else in the business, so he makes Gunn look like a million bucks. Anderson with a knee to the midsection of Gunn and Anderson goes up top, but Zenk comes in and hits a dropkick to Anderson and Anderson spills out to the floor. Douglas and Gunn hit the other two on the apron with dropkicks and the heels all spill out to the floor. Anderson gets back in the ring. They lock up and Gunn with a wrist lock to Anderson. He then tags Zenk in and Zenk comes off the second rope with an elbow to Anderson. Zenk picks up the wrist lock, but Anderson catches Zenk with a drop toe hold and tags Eaton in. Eaton runs Zenk into a turnbuckle. He then gets Zenk into the corner and hits Zenk with a big right hand to the cheer of the crowd. Zenk reverses a corner whip and goes for a hip toss, but Eaton blocks it and hits Zenk with a right hand to the midsection. Zenk with an Irish whip and then has drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Eaton. He then hits a backdrop to Eaton and Jesse says Eaton has tremendous fan support in Philadelphia. They love them some Bobby Eaton and the Midnight Express in Philly. Zenk follows that up with a dropkick and Eaton falls back into his own corner. Hayes comes in and he gets a big ovation and this crowd is feeling itself tonight. Hayes struts to the delight of the crowd. He attacks Zenk and gets him in a side headlock. Zenk goes to push off and Hayes holds on to the ropes. The referee tries to break the hold, but Zenk gets an Irish whip and hip tosses Hayes. Hayes gets up and complains that Zenk pulled his wrestling tights and the crowd cheers again. The referee asks Zenk who says no of course not but he asks the crowd and they say yes. Zenk with a wrist lock and Douglas tagged in. He is less than a year away from coming back to Philadelphia to be a part of ECW. Douglas with a forearm to Hayes from the second rope and picks the wrist lock up. Hayes comes back with a side headlock and Douglas pushes off. He then hits Hayes with an arm drag into an arm bar and Hayes gets to his knees and complains to the referee that Douglas pulled Hayes' hair. Hayes with a knee to the stomach and Eaton tagged in. Douglas catches him with an arm drag. Douglas then gets the arm bar on Eaton. Eaton drives Douglas to force the break and Douglas does and Eaton hits him with that big right hand in the corner. Douglas reverses a corner whip and gets a backdrop. Douglas then hits a headscissors on Eaton. Douglas then hits what Jesse refers to as an arm drag, but with a leg. Zenk tagged back in and they do the wishbone to Eaton. Zenk then gets a leg lock on and the referee asks Eaton if he wants to give up. Jesse calls Douglas a right wing Republican. He would mention this several times while Douglas was in WCW. Jim says he bets Jesse is right. Anderson tagged in and gets Zenk in a side headlock. Zenk pushes off and Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk responds with a sleeper on Anderson. Anderson with a belly to back suplex to get out of the sleeper and the crowd cheers wildly. Hayes tagged in. He drops an elbow on Zenk. Hayes then gets the reverse chin lock on Zenk. Zenk gets back to his feet as Jesse talks about handsome guys getting into wrestling and then after a few years they aren't handsome any more and gives Bruno as an example. Zenk with some elbows to get free. Hayes misses a clothesline, but catches Zenk with a boot to the stomach. Hayes with a nasty looking swinging neck breaker to Zenk. He gets a two count and tags Eaton in. He picks Zenk up and Zenk tries to fight Eaton off with punches to the stomach. Zenk goes over to the corner and hits Hayes and Anderson and then goes and atomic drops Eaton, but Eaton tags Anderson in as he was going up for the atomic drop. Zenk not aware of the tag and reverses a corner whip. He comes back and runs into an elbow from Anderson. Anderson gets a close two count. Anderson runs Zenk into Hayes' knee and tags Hayes in. Hayes with a shot to Zenk and a rear chin lock. Zenk blocks a suplex attempt and hits a suplex of his own. Anderson tagged in. Douglas also tagged in. He cleans house on the heels. He gets Anderson in a front face lock and Hayes distracts the referee while Eaton clips Douglas' leg to a roar from the crowd. Anderson goes after the injured leg and brings Douglas over to the ropes and comes down with all of his weight on Douglas' knee. Jim and Jesse talk about the clip and how that would be a 15 yard penalty in football. Anderson holds the leg and Eaton comes off the top rope with a knee drop to Douglas' leg to another roar from the crowd. They give Anderson a standing ovation as Eaton puts Douglas in a figure four. Hayes grabs Eaton's arms for extra leverage as the faces come in and the heels double team Douglas as the faces were being put out of the ring by referee Mike Adkins. The fans continue to cheer all of this. Douglas counters the figure four, so Eaton reaches up and tags Anderson in. Douglas hits an atomic drop on Anderson, who hits the turnbuckle and flies back and he and Douglas collide in the ring and both men are down. A double count going. Hayes and Gunn both tagged in. Gunn getting the better of Hayes and now all 6 men in the ring. In the middle of all the chaos, Gunn hits the Thesz Press on Hayes to get the pin. Mixed reaction from the crowd.
-Missy Hyatt is still outside of Rick Rude's locker room. She says she still can't get in. Harley Race approaches and she asks him what he is doing here. He says he's here to watch a world title match and tells Missy that she can't come in.
-Tony and Bruno talk about what they just saw and Bruno says something is up.
-Brian Pillman vs. Ricky Steamboat: As the newly turned Pillman makes his way to the ring, JR mentions his football career, so TASIYDAH. Steamboat comes out and JR runs down his credentials and says Steamboat is a four-time World Tag Team Champion, but forgets Steamboat's reign with Dustin Rhodes from just a little under a year earlier, so he is really a 5 time champion. The bell rings and they circle and approach each other slowly. they lock up and drive to a corner and Jesse says he likes the new cockiness of Pillman. Pillman breaks, but then backs Steamboat into a corner and chops Steamboat. Steamboat comes back and hits a chop of his own. He gets a side headlock on Pillman. Pillman pushes off and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block and immediately falls on Pillman. He gets a one count. Another shoulder block and cover. He gets a two count this time. Pillman goes and throws Steamboat out, but Steamboat grabs the rope and skins the cat, so TASIYDAH. Steamboat with a roll up for another two count. Pillman kicks out of the corner and that runs Steamboat face first into a turnbuckle and Pillman takes advantage and hits Steamboat with a scoop slam. Steamboat plays possum and gets Pillman down and gets an arm bar on Pillman. They get back to their feet and Pillman pushes off. Again, Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Steamboat then counters a hip lock attempt with one of his own. He then hits a big arm drag on Pillman and goes back to the arm bar. He transitions to a wrist lock and brings Pillman up and slams him back down to the mat. Pillman with a drop toe hold and floats over into a side headlock. Steamboat reverses into a hammerlock. Pillman back to his feet and hits Steamboat with several shots. Steamboat fires back with a chop. Steamboat follows that up with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Pillman comes back with a shoulder to Steamboat's midsection. Pillman follows that up with a rake to the eyes. He then slams Steamboat's head down to the mat. Pillman puts Steamboat's head on the top rope and then jerks the rope back to guillotine Steamboat back as the crowd starts a Brian sucks chant. I think I have been overusing the word fickle lately, so I have been trying to avoid it, but this truly is a fickle crowd. Pillman with shots to Steamboat, feeling that he has the advantage. Pillman with an Irish whip. Steamboat leapfrogs Pillman to avoid a shot. Jim and Jesse talk about the crowd chanting and Jim says he can't quite tell what the crowd is saying and Jesse says he can tell it, but he can't say it and I'll admit I laughed. Steamboat picks Pillman up by the throat and slams him down to the mat. Pillman back to his feet, only for Steamboat to slam him back down again. Steamboat goes back to chopping Pillman. He then runs Pillman into a turnbuckle. Steamboat goes to Irish whip Pillman, who falls to the mat. He tries it again and again, Pillman falls to the mat. Pillman begs off and then hits Steamboat with a forearm to knock Steamboat down. Pillman follows it up with a kick to the head and then rubs Steamboat's face in the mat. He then hits Steamboat in the face with a series of punches. He stomps on the throat area of Steamboat as the fans start a Cincinnati sucks chant towards Pillman. Steamboat runs Pillman into a turnbuckle and then Irish whips Pillman. Steamboat looks to be going for a backbreaker, but Pillman counters with a headscissors in a nice looking move. He gets a two count from it. Pillman with an Irish whip. Steamboat comes back and hooks the arms in a backslide to get a two count. Pillman comes back and slams Steamboat down to the mat. He then chops Steamboat down on the mat, but breaks on the four count. Pillman puts Steamboat on the top rope and slaps Steamboat. Pillman goes for the superplex, but Steamboat blocks the move. Steamboat slams Pillman down to the mat instead and jumps from the second rope to splash Pillman, but Pillman catches him with a dropkick as he is coming down. Pillman goes for some covers, but Steamboat gets his shoulder up. Pillman reverses an Irish whip. He gets Steamboat in a sleeper and then jumps on Steamboat's back. Steamboat goes towards a turnbuckle and drops down to run Pillman into the turnbuckle. Pillman holds on to the sleeper, so Steamboat goes to the opposite corner to do the same thing and this time it works. Pillman rolls out to the apron and then guillotines Steamboat on the top rope. Pillman goes up top, but gets caught with a throat thrust from Steamboat. Steamboat then slams Pillman off the top rope. Pillman begs off and then rolls to the outside. Steamboat follows Pillman out, chops him, and throws him back in the ring. Pillman with a knee lift and a chop to Steamboat as he tries to come inside. They exchange chops. Steamboat knocks Pillman down and Pillman begging off. He goes to the outside and Steamboat follows him out and throws Pillman back in again. He gets Pillman down with a single leg as Pillman came over to attack Steamboat again. Pillman catches Steamboat with a knee and comes off the second turnbuckle onto Steamboat with a crossbody. He gets a two count. Steamboat reverses a move and gets a backbreaker on Pillman. Steamboat with a sunset flip off the top. He can't hold Pillman down for the pin and Pillman goes to reverse with a roll up, but Steamboat hooks Pillman's shoulders down using his legs and pins Pillman.
-Teddy Long is in Masa Chono's locker room. He has Kensuke Sasaki, Hiro Matsuda, and the president of the NWA Mr. Sakaguchi with him. Matsuda says that Chono has chosen Sasaki to be his referee for the world title match.
-Tony Schiavone is with Bill Watts to talk about the US title match. Watts also says that Harley Race is going to be Rick Rude's chosen referee for the NWA title match. Watts then talks about Steve Williams and Steve Williams, I mean Austin, going after the tag team titles. Watts then says because of a threat from an injunction from Rick Rude, Big Van Vader will be Rude's surrogate in his match with Nikita Koloff, but Watts says Madusa is still barred from ringside and if Vader loses, Koloff will be the new US champion.
-United States Championship Match. No disqualification and Madusa is barred from ringside. Big Van Vader representing Rick Rude vs. Nikita Koloff: Vader comes out with Rude and Harley Race. Head of referees Ole Anderson informs referee Nick Patrick and GMC that Rude and Race are also barred from ringside. They leave the ringside area as Patrick holds the belt up high. The bell rings and Vader bows up at Koloff, trying to intimidate him. Koloff does the same to Vader. This is a heavy power match up. They exchange some heavy blows. Vader with big body and head shots to Koloff in the corner. Vader with a corner splash and a clothesline to rock Koloff down. The crowd is mixed on Vader, but he does have his share of fans. Vader throws Koloff out, but he lands on his feet. Koloff hits a crossbody to Vader's back for a two count after he turns Vader over and that's a unique move that I have never seen before. He follows it up with a headlock. Vader comes out and hits more body shots to Koloff. Vader with a corner whip and splash, but Koloff moves out of the way and rolls Vader up for a one count. Koloff with a crossbody for a two count. Vader rolls out to the floor to regroup. Koloff follows Vader out and hits him with a double ax handle to the floor. Vader runs Koloff into the barricade. Vader hits Koloff with a chair and some fan throws a beer at Vader and Jesse rightly chastises the fan. Koloff tries to come back in with a sunset flip, but Vader drops straight down on him and this match has been all Vader so far. He punishes Koloff. Koloff trying to come back. Vader chokeslams Koloff and then splashes him to get a two count. Jim and Jesse can't believe it. Vader gets a rear chin lock on Koloff. Koloff doesn't go out though. Koloff tries to get up and suplex Vader, who slams Koloff back down. Koloff then does hit a suplex and starts to come back. He can't get Vader down. It takes three shoulder blocks to knock Vader down and Koloff gets a two count. Koloff clotheslines Vader to the outside and that excites the crowd. Koloff goes out after Vader and goes to hit him with the sickle, but Vader moves and Koloff hits the post instead. His shoulder is hurting, but he does get back in the ring. Vader goes after the injured arm. Vader hits the powerbomb and pins Koloff. The injury to Koloff is authentic, and this is his last match. Happy Trails, Nikita! The crowd cheers Vader.
-Starrcade '92 ad.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the tag team championship match. Teddy Long talks to Steve Williams and Steve Austin. They say they are ready for the champions. Missy Hyatt talks to Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham. They say there is no problem between them and they are ready for Austin and Williams.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Williams and Steve Austin: Rhodes and Williams start. Rhodes tries to knock Williams down, but can't do it. Williams hits a series of three point stances and shoulder blocks, but Rhodes catches Williams with a lariat when he tries for it again. Windham tagged in. They battle for position. Even paced with both men trading moves. Rhodes tagged back in. Williams gets him down with a hammerlock. They trade moves and Williams with a wrist lock. Rhodes jumps over the top rope, causing Williams' hand to come down hard on the top rope as Rhodes lands on the ground. He follows it up back inside with a dropkick to Williams and Williams wisely tags Austin into the ring. They lock up and Rhodes quickly tags Windham in. Austin with an advantage early and hits Windham with a nice dropkick and I didn't think that Austin could do a dropkick. They go back and forth with an excellent series of moves. Windham and Rhodes hit Austin with some elbows and shots as he bounces between them in the middle of the ring. He falls outside after a right hand from Windham. Austin gets back in and Windham gets a side headlock on and tags Rhodes in. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover to Austin. There are two stories being told in this match. 1. Can Windham and Rhodes get along as the two had been having problems with each other and 2. Williams and Austin teaming up as a new team since Terry Gordy is now gone. Jesse talks about he and Adrian Adonis being a good team as the East-West Connection. Even though they didn't always get along, it's what they do in the ring that counts. Austin gets Rhodes over for some two counts. Austin gets back to his feet and pushes off and I noticed that here he isn't wearing knee pads even though his legs would start to bother him later in his career. They go back and forth. They are having a hard fought match so far. Rhodes gets a two count after a lariat. Windham tagged in and hits a lariat of his own and the tag champs are looking good so far. Austin trying to fight back to get to his corner. Williams finally tagged in. He and Windham hit each other with some hard shots that wakes the crowd up. More back and forth action and Austin tagged back in. Heels double team Windham to get him down. Austin gets several covers, but can only get two counts from it. Williams tagged back in. Windham gets Williams in a sleeper, and Williams gets to a turnbuckle and falls forward to get out of the hold, and it looks like Windham went head first into the steel post with the move. Williams takes advantage and gets Windham down. Austin tagged in and now they have cut the ring in half and are preventing Windham from making the tag. Austin gets Windham down, but only gets a two count. This is a good wrestling match, but the crowd isn't into it at all. Windham gets away, but is so out of it, he goes to the wrong corner and tags Williams. Austin then tags Williams and Windham is in a lot of trouble. Windham kicks out at 2.5 after a Williams power slam. Williams gets a sleeper on and Windham fights back to get to his feet and drives his head into Williams' jaw. Austin tagged in and goads Rhodes in so that Austin can set Windham up on the top turnbuckle while the referee is getting Rhodes out. Windham fights Austin off when Austin goes for the superplex. Windham gets a two count after a top rope lariat and the crowd came to life for that one. Rhodes finally tagged in and cleans house on both heels. The crowd does get up for that and the lariat that Rhodes hits Austin with. Rhodes hits the bulldog and covers Austin, but Williams breaks up the pin and now all four men in the ring. Williams hits Rhodes with a big clothesline while referee Randy Anderson is getting Windham out of the ring. Austin can only get a two count. Williams tagged back in. Back and forth. Austin tagged in. He gets a two count. Heels back to firmly being in control.. Austin gets Rhodes up in an over the shoulder backbreaker. A series of counters by both men does get some applause from the crowd. Williams tagged in. He and Rhodes exchange right hands in the ring. Williams gets Rhodes down and Austin tagged in. Rhodes goes for the flip, flop, and fly and gets caught with a shot for Austin and the crowd pops big for that one. He gets a two count and tags Williams in. He gets a two count after a float over suplex. Rhodes is bleeding. Rhodes fighting back, but can't make the tag. Austin tagged back in. Quick tags by the heels, but they still can't get the pin. 5 minutes remaining as Williams has Rhodes in a sleeper. Rhodes gets out of the sleeper, but Austin tagged in. He gets a half crab on and the announcers say the time limit is working against the challengers as there are three minutes remaining. Rhodes finally tags Windham in, but the referee didn't see it and won't allow it. Heels double team Rhodes and throw him over the top rope as Randy Anderson was trying to get Windham out of the ring. Windham picks Austin up and as he does, Austin's boots hit Anderson, knocking him out of the ring. Nick Patrick comes in to check on Anderson and then Austin pins Windham with two minutes remaining. Anderson waves it off as Rhodes was the legal man and Rhodes rolls Asutin up for a count and the crowd gets to its feet. They liked that, but the two count is anti-climatic. Back and forth. Rhodes hits a piledriver. 20 seconds left. The match is a draw.
-Tony talks to Harley Race, Vader, and Paul E. Paul E says he's the one who engineered the whole thing. He gets interrupted by Madusa, who thanks Vader and Race. Paul E says that he has had it with her. He goes off on her and calls her inferior. He says the only reason that she has a job is because the other hooker had a previous obligation. He then fires Madusa and hits her. She jumps on him and the crowd pops huge for it. Officials come out to restrain both.
-Jim and Jesse talk about what just happened.
-Sting comes out to spin the wheel. The wheel does look cool, I will give them that. A guy in a WCW shirt comes in and sets the wheel. Tony is over as Sting pulls the lever and comes up with a coal miners glove match. Jesse explains the match to the audience.
-GMC introduces some NWA officials and introduces Kensuke Sasaki and Harley Race as the two referees for the match.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Masa Chono vs. Rick Rude with Madusa: Rude out first and it is surprising seeing him come out with Madusa. He does his pre match spiel and you see a young Blue Meanie in the crowd. Jim asks what's going on with Rude and the Dangerous Alliance since he is with Madusa. Chono comes out with Hiro Matsuda. They do a coin toss to see which official will be in the ring and outside the ring. Jesse says he doesn't trust Ole Anderson as he checks both referees. Harley Race will be the inside referee and Kensuke Sasaki will be outside. Race holds the belt high and then checks both men. The bell rings. They circle each other and drive to a corner. This should be a good mat-based encounter as neither man is known for top rope moves. Rude with the early advantage. He hits Chono with some hard shots. Chono comes back with a side headlock takeover. The crowd chants we want Flair as Rude has Chono in a side headlock. I would tell them to wait a few months, but of course I didn't know that in 1992 and don't really care now. Chono with a waist lock suplex to get out of the move. Rude up and gyrates to the crowd. Chono with a hammerlock, but Rude reverses it. Chono with a drop toe hold to get Rude down and the crowd is whooing now. Anything to entertain themselves, I believe. Rude coming back with shots. He gets a two count and then gets Chono in a sleeper. Chono gets out and comes back with a hammerlock. Rude up and Chono kicks him in the kidneys, so Rude bails out. Madusa checks on him and Sasaki comes over and tells Rude to get back in the ring. Rude up on the apron and Chono hits him with a suplex and goes back to working on the lower back of Rude. He punishes Rude some more and tries to get Rude over for the STF. He gets the Boston Crab on instead and Jim says he's never seen Rick Rude submit. He gets to the ropes to force the break. Chono pulls Rude away from the ropes and works on the back some more before going for a rear chin lock. Chono continues to focus on the lower back. Rude comes back with a modified jaw breaker. They go back and forth in the ring. Rude gets Chono down and goes back to posing for the crowd. Rude working on Chono's neck. Chono in a rear chin lock, but makes his way back to his feet. Chono gets up and goes for the STF, but Rude quickly covers up. Chono clamps down harder on the leg. He keeps going for the head, but Rude keeps his head down. Rude finally gets up and they go back and forth. Rude hits a piledriver. He gets a two count, but Chono gets to the ropes. Rude goes up top, but Chono backs away as Rude jumps. Rude slows it down with a rear chin lock. He transitions to a sleeper. Chono gets back to his feet briefly, but Rude gets him back down as the crowd gets to its feet. There is something happening out in the audience, but they don't show it on camera. That usually means a fight. Jim says they can't see whatever it is. 20 minutes have elapsed in the match. Chono starts to get out of the sleeper, so Rude hits him with a shot and goes up top. Chono starts to move, but it looks like Rude at least partially hits the dropkick on Chono. Chono with a running kick that Rude ducks and Chono hits Race, who falls out of the ring. Sasaki goes over to check on Race. Rude goes to run Chono into a turnbuckle, but Chono reverses it and Rude goes flying over the top rope and lands on both referees. Chono tries to suplex Rude back in from the apron, but Rude slips behind Chono and hits the Rude Awakening. He covers Chono, but the referees are still down. Madusa over to try to get them up. Rude goes for the top rope knee drop, but Chono moves. Chono gets the STF on. Sasaki calls for the bell while Race waves it off. Controversial finish to keep this thing going. Sasaki raises Chono's hand. Race says no. Race says Chono is disqualified for throwing Rude over the top rope. Sasaki shoves Race and Race punches Sasaki. Rude throws Chono out. Sasaki takes out Race and Rude. He then rips off his referee's shirt and the crowd cheers wildly. Rude wins by disqualification, but Chono remains the NWA champion.
-Starrcade '92 ad.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the last match. They then talk about Cactus Jack training the Barbarian for his match against Ron Simmons.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ron Simmons vs. The Barbarian with Cactus Jack: When Simmons comes out, he has Teddy Long and a group of security bring him to the ring. Almost like Goldberg, only 5 years too early. The crowd seemed ready for this one. The bell rings and they slowly circle each other. They finally lock up and Barbarian pushes off. They get into a shoving contest. Barbarian with a side headlock and he may be the first man to compete for the WWF and WCW World Titles on PPV in the same year. Simmons pushes off and Barbarian comes back with a shoulder block. They do some shoulder blocks to try and knock each other down. Barbarian goes over to Cactus Jack for advice. Simmons finally with a series of moves to Barbarian to get him down and Barbarian rolls outside to regroup with Cactus Jack. Back in, Barbarian gets Simmons in the corner and hits him with forearms and right hands and knees to Simmons. Simmons reverses and hits some double ax handles to knock Barbarian down. He rolls out to regroup again. Barbarian hits a guillotine on Simmons on the top rope. Barbarian takes over with a series of power moves. Cactus Jack climbs up on the apron to distract referee Nick Patrick, which allows Barbarian to go to the outside and run Simmons into the corner post. Barbarian then sets Simmons up against the post and then clotheslines Simmons. Barbarian breaks the count to punish Simmons some more. They both finally get back in the ring. Barbarian continues to punish Simmons, who comes back with a sunset flip, but doesn't get the pin. Barbarian gets a version of the cobra clutch on Simmons. Simmons fighting to get out of the move. He gets back to his feet, but Barbarian gets him back down to his knees. Simmons back to his feet. He drives Barbarian back into the turnbuckle, but Barbarian doesn't let go of the hold. Simmons backs Barbarian into another corner and Barbarian finally releases the hold. Barbarian continues the assault on Simmons. Barbarian goes up top and goes for an elbow drop, but Simmons moves out of the way. Simmons hits the sidewalk slam for a two count. Cactus Jack gets back up on the apron to distract Patrick as Simmons hits a scoop slam. Simmons hits a shoulder block on Barbarian and then knocks Cactus Jack off the apron. A kick to the back of Simmons' head by Barbarian knocks Simmons out of the ring. Cactus Jack puts Simmons back in the ring. Barbarian goes up top and hits the headbutt to Simmons. He only gets a two count. Barbarian hits a clothesline for another two count. Barbarian goes for the big boot, but Simmons catches him with a power slam to get the pin.
-Tony and Bruno talk about the last match and talk about the youth movement in WCW. They then talk to Erik Watts and the crowd boos Watts. He talks about all the competition in WCW and he has his dad's trait of having the knot in his tie too small. They are joined on the podium by Ron Simmons after his match. The Erik Watts push is in full effect. Simmons says it's another step in the way to becoming a great champion and Erik Watts is on the way to becoming a champion.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the Coal Miners Glove match.
-Main Event Coal Miner's glove match. Sting vs. Jake Roberts: Roberts had threatened to bring his snake and have it bite Sting, so they say there are medical personnel standing by with anti-venom. Roberts comes to the ring without the snake bag though. Sting gets a great reaction when he comes out. Roberts starts yelling at Sting as soon as Sting gets in the ring. Roberts then immediately goes for the glove, but Sting slams Roberts down instead. They each take turns going for the glove and getting stopped by the other. Back and forth for a few minutes. Roberts finally gets a side headlock. Sting goes for a dropkick after pushing off, but Roberts holds on to the ropes. Roberts works on the lower back of the fallen Sting with knees. Roberts then throws Sting over the top rope in this non-sanctioned match. Roberts comes out after Sting and Sting runs him into a ring post. Sting grabs Robert's arm through the ropes and pulls him into the post a few more times and then Sting goes for the glove. He almost has it when he is pulled off the pole by Roberts. Roberts hits a belly to back suplex, but his arm is still hurting from being pulled into the post. Sting goes back to working on the arm with a hammerlock. Roberts gets out and goes for the glove, but Sting pulls him straight down and he lands on the post. Roberts falls to the mat. Roberts holds on to Sting's leg and Sting starts kicking Roberts. Sting goes back to working on the arm with an arm bar. Roberts makes his way back to his feet and then drops down by the ropes to break the hold and force Sting out of the ring. Roberts follows him out. Roberts grabs GMC's chair and hits Sting in the back with it twice before throwing Sting back in the ring. Roberts then takes the tape from his wrist and chokes Sting with it. Roberts goes for a knee lift, but Sting moves and Roberts falls to the mat and both men are down. Sting gets Roberts into the corner and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Roberts moves out of the way. Roberts hits the short clothesline and signals for the DDT. The crowd cheers and some chant DDT. He hits the DDT and Roberts also looks hurt. Roberts goes for the glove. Sting out on the apron and pulls Roberts down, but Roberts catches Sting with an elbow. Sting runs down the apron and swings around the pole to hit Roberts and knock him down. That was a cool move. Cactus Jack shown coming down the aisle with a bag. He throws the bag and a snake handler's glove to Roberts as Sting climbs the pole and gets the coal miners glove as Roberts pulls a cobra from the bag. We enter hokey territory here as they want it to look like as Sting hits Roberts with the glove, the snake turns and bites Roberts in the face as Sting pins Roberts, but it looks so phony, even for wrestling. Roberts gets up, but still has the snake on his face as they say it's still biting him. Cactus Jack pulls Roberts out and the snake is now biting him on the cheek for real and Roberts is bleeding. I admire his determination.
-This is pretty much it for Roberts in WCW as Cactus Jack and Roberts stumble to the back. They say someone needs to get medical care for Roberts. Tony Schiavone and Bruno Sammartino talk about the main event and wonder if this is just the beginning of the war between Roberts and Sting. Short answer, no. Moving on.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the main event and then talk about Starrcade. They sign off from Philadelphia. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a show that had a lot of potential, but couldn’t pay it off. So long to Jake Roberts as WCW is adrift at this point.

Episode 198 Notes Thu, 28 Sep 2023 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 5e68567d-8fe1-4342-8de9-208ff6a023b6 My notes for Episode 198: ECW Heat Wave 94. -RIP Adnan Al-Kaissie and Brett Sawyer.
-I had a relaxing weekend which was just what the doctor ordered.
-Today we look at Heat Wave '94 from ECW.
-ECW Heat Wave '94: The Battle for the Future took place on July 16, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were 850 in attendance. We get the viewer's discretion and presented in the most complete form intros. We then get the Heat Wave Intro.
-The Bad Breed Ian and Axl Rotten vs. The Rockin' Rebel and Hack Meyers: Meyers and Rebel out first as Joey Styles welcomes us to Heat Wave '94. Axl and Meyers start and Meyers slaps Axl. Not what I would have done, but I'm not in there with them. Axl returns the favor and they lock up and battle for position. Up on the ropes and the referee is trying to force a break. I would just let them go for it. They shove the referee away and go at it again. Meyers with a series of left hands to Axl. He finally knocks Axl down and the crowd seems to enjoy that. YMMV. Then a series of left hands and headbutts to Axl. Axl fighting back with a series of left hands of his own. Axl with a side headlock. Meyers shoves off and Axl comes back with a shoulder block. Meyers back to his feet and tries to hip toss Axl, who blocks it and Meyers gets tossed instead. Axl follows it up with a nice looking arm drag. Meyers gets back to his feet and Axl transitions to a wrist lock. Ian tagged in and Axl with a drop toe hold to Meyers and Ian follows it up with a splash and that was a nice double team move by the Bad Breed. Ian with a corner whip and dropkick to Meyers. Rebel breaks up the pin attempt. Rebel tagged in. He gets quite a few cheers. The same wouldn't be true today, but the less said about that the better. Moving on. He shoves Ian away and goes back to posing for the fans. Another shove off. Another lock up and Ian scoop slams Rebel and then mocks him by posing. Ian with a series of moves to keep Rebel down. Axl tagged in. Axl does his best Dusty Rhodes impression with some bionic elbows and Rebel comes back with an Irish whip and a knee to the midsection of Axl. Rebel drops an elbow and covers, but changes his mind and tags Meyers in. Double Irish whip and back elbow to Rebel. Meyers covers and gets a two count. The referee is distracted, allowing Ian to come in and break up Meyers choking Axl. While the referee is getting Ian out, Rebel does the phantom tag spot and comes in. Rebel with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Axl. He follows that up with a leg drop. Arrogant cover with Rebel just laying back on Axl with his hands behind his head, but he only gets a two count. Axl with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Rebel hits him with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Meyers tagged back in and Rebel taunts Ian in and the heels double team Axl while the referee is trying to get Ian out. Meyers attacking Axl with punches and kicks to knock him down to the mat. He gets another two count and the heels just can't seem to put the Bad Breed away. Meyers runs Axl face first into a turnbuckle. He hits Axl with some vicious looking elbows in the corner and Rebel comes down the apron to help Meyers after Ian is stopped from coming in to help by the referee. They do the phantom tag spot again and the referee asks the crowd if there was a tag and they say yes. Well, it is Philly and they are like that. Styles says the same thing on commentary. Rebel with a corner whip and Axl gets his boot up on the charge. Another boot to Rebel when he tries for another charge. Axl with a clothesline from the second turnbuckle. Ian tagged in. Ian cuts off a tag attempt from Rebel. Ian with a gut wrench suplex with a bridge for a two count and that was impressive coming from Ian because I quite frankly did not know that he had that in him, but to be fair to him, I have not seen that much of his work. Ian with an Irish whip, Rebel ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with a clothesline of his own. Meyers tagged in. Double Irish whip and a double kick to Ian. Meyers with an Irish whip, but ducks his head too early and Ian hits him with a double underhook DDT. Axl tagged in and he hits Meyers and Rebel with forearms. Axl cleaning house on the heels. He's fired up. He hits them head-to-head. He throws Rebel out of the ring, picks Meyers up, and tags Ian in. Axl hits an inverted atomic drop and Ian hits a bulldog off the top rope to Meyers and pins him. Meyers and Rebel start to argue before making up, but then Rebel clotheslines Meyers and you can't find loyalty in wrestling anymore. They start to fight in the center of the ring. Back and forth and Meyers starts to get the upper hand. Rebel blocks being thrown out and throws Meyers to the outside instead. They fight back to the locker room.
-ECW Television Title Match. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chad Austin: Austin out first and the crowd boos him heavily. Whipwreck out and gets a respectable ovation from the crowd. They dub his music over because Vince McMahon is never going to recoup the cost of licensing all the music that they used in ECW. I know the music was an important piece to what they did folks, but it's the wrestling business. Emphasis on the second word. Austin gets the mic and introduces his new manager, Jason. You knew that there had to be a flaw in the slaw somewhere folks. Styles says this is the official announcement, since he had told us about this just before it was announced. That's a big oops moment here. The crowd doesn't give Jason a rousing reception and he is milking it for all he is worth. Austin goes out to the apron and holds it open for Jason and I'm wondering if Whipwreck vs. Jason is going to become the Jimmy Valiant vs. Paul Jones' Army of ECW. Jason gets up in Whipwreck's face and says something before the match and I'm sure if wasn't how are you, nice to see you this evening, my best to your family. The referee checks both wrestlers and holds the belt up high. The bell rings and the referee tells Jason to get out of the ring. The two wrestlers circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Clean break. Styles is surprised and I am too as Austin goes and gets instructions from Jason. Another lock up and Austin with a side headlock. Whipwreck goes to push off, but Austin keeps the hold on. He pushes off a second time and is successful. Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Austin runs the ropes and Whipwreck avoids him several times before getting caught in midair and slammed down by Austin. Austin with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Austin follows that up with a wrist lock and an elbow by Austin. Whipwreck reverses the wrist lock. Austin with a series of flips and a bounce off the top rope to get out of the move and goes to hip toss Whipwreck, but Whipwreck blocks it and hip tosses Austin. Whipwreck with a dropkick to knock Austin out of the ring. Austin goes over to regroup with Jason as the crowd cheers Whipwreck. A Mikey chant goes out as the referee tells Austin to get back in the ring and Jason tells the referee to hold on a minute. Austin gets back in the ring and corner whips Whipwreck. He tries for a charge, but Whipwreck moves and Austin goes spilling to the outside again in a nasty looking bump. That had to hurt. Whipwreck comes out after Austin and chases him outside the ring. Austin gets back in the ring and as Whipwreck goes to follow him. Austin jumps him as soon as he gets in the ring. Austin with an uppercut. He then hits a brain buster on Whipwreck. He gets a two count, but Whipwreck gets his foot on the ropes. Austin also picked Whipwreck up simultaneously. It was very confusing. Austin with an Irish whip, Whipwreck comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Whipwreck follows that up with a slam and an arm bar to Austin. He then drops a let on Austin before going back to the arm bar. Whipwreck with an Irish whip and a backdrop that Austin sold so hard, the Rock would have told him that it was too much. He gets another close two count. Whipwreck with a rear chin lock and Austin reaches out for Jason. Austin gets to his feet and hits Whipwreck with some elbows to try and get out of the move. Austin off the ropes, Whipwreck drops his head and Austin hits him with a wicked looking power bomb. Austin gets another two count and picks Whipwreck up again. The crowd chants one more time to Austin and he goes for the power bomb again, but Whipwreck reverses it into a hurricanrana for a two count. Whipwreck follows that up with a corner whip and clothesline to Austin. Then a leg drop to Austin. He gets another two count. Austin throws Whipwreck out of the ring and distracts the referee for Jason to pick Whipwreck up and kick him in the side of the face. He then picks up a chair and hits Whipwreck with it. Austin picks Whipwreck up and runs him into the apron. He then brings Whipwreck into the ring and scoop slams Whipwreck. Austin then goes up top and comes off with a double ax handle, only to get hit in the midsection by Whipwreck. Whipwreck follows that up with a rolling snap mare. He only gets a two count. Austin reverses an Irish whip and goes up to maybe catch Whipwreck in a hurricanrana, but Whipwreck grabs his legs and slams him down in sort of a modified power bomb. He covers Austin, but Jason breaks up the pin attempt. Whipwreck goes up top while the referee is over admonishing Jason. Whipwreck hits a high crossbody and gets a close two count. Austin then spears Whipwreck into the corner and that looked brutal. Austin then throws Whipwreck out of the ring, where Jason attacks Whipwreck again. Jason picks Whipwreck up and slams him face first on a table at ringside. Austin picks Whipwreck up by the hair and drags him back through the ropes. Austin with a slingshot suplex to Whipwreck, who lands on the mat face first. Austin puts Whipwreck on his back and goes back up top and hits a top rope leg drop on Whipwreck and pins Whipwreck to become the new ECW Television Champion. Austin is presented with the belt and gets a chorus of cheers and boos from the crowd. Austin gives the belt to Jason to hold and gets on the mic. He says that if the crowd cheers him, he has let them down. He says Whipwreck was a heck of a champion and to beat him, he had to use these and shows a pair of brass knuckles. Joey Styles is confused and so am I. Styles says that he beat him clean with the leg drop. The referee reverses the decision and gives the belt back to Whipwreck as Styles and Jason wonder what Austin is doing. Austin throws the referee out of the ring and Austin and Jason both attack Whipwreck. This makes absolutely no sense. Someone make it make sense to me. Jason piledrives Whipwreck on the TV title belt. Referees come out and check on Whipwreck as Austin says listen up Jerkies, I hate you. Jason starts whipping Whipwreck with the TV title. Austin says he wants Jason to have the belt. Jason says that Whipwreck has the belt now, but he wants Whipwreck to have it the hard way and he hits Whipwreck in the stomach with the belt and Jason and Austin then leave.
-Challenge match. Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve Richards: Richards is just Steve here and he is very much an early Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels clone at this point. Dreamer comes out to a good ovation. He is still clean-shaven and wearing suspenders, but Styles says he is really starting to come into his own. Richards has Angel with him, but you wouldn't know it from the graphic. I had to look it up online. Bob Artese does give her a ring introduction at the start of the match. The referee checks both men and the bell rings to start the match. They circle each other and the crowd starts an Angel sucks chant. Richards goes outside and yells at the fans. Dreamer comes over and leans on the ropes and tells Richards to come on. Richards finally gets back in the ring. He puts his hand out for Dreamer to shake. Dreamer backs Richards into a corner and puts his finger in Richards' face to yell at him. Richards suckers Dreamer in and kicks him in the midsection. Richards then goes for some corner mounted punches and Dreamer just shoves Richards off. Richards starts to beg off and then goes to kick Dreamer again, but Dreamer grabs his leg and kicks Richards instead. A body press gets Dreamer a two count. Dreamer then chokes Richards on the top rope. He then hits a delayed vertical suplex on Richards. Dreamer then get an arm bar on Richards. Richards up and pushes off. Dreamer comes back with a shoulder block. Dreamer off the ropes and reverses a hip toss and hits Richards with a snap mare. Dreamer goes for another arm drag and Richards blocks it, so Dreamer just punches Richards in the face. Dreamer with an Irish whip, Richards comes back with a sunset flip. Dreamer grabs the legs and gets a two count. Dreamer with an Irish whip. Richards tries to hold on to the ropes, but Dreamer does manage to catch Richards with a back elbow and Richards lands out on the apron where Angel comes over and checks on him. Dreamer comes outside and grabs Richards. Richards reverses an Irish whip and runs Dreamer into a guardrail. Richards rushes Dreamer, who catches Richards and hits a Stun Gun on him on the guardrail. Dreamer throws Richards back in the ring. Richards reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and Dreamer hits him with a swinging neck breaker. Dreamer gets Richards in the corner and starts chopping him. Dreamer with a corner whip and Richards hits a super kick when Dreamer charges. Richards with an inverted atomic drop and another super kick to Dreamer. Richards then sets Dreamer up and hits a nice standing dropkick. Richards then chokes Dreamer on the bottom rope, but breaks on the four count. The referee gets Richards away, allowing Angel to come over and choke Dreamer. Richards backs Dreamer into a corner and starts chopping him. Richards with a corner whip, but waits a second too long and Dreamer gets his foot up on the charge. Dreamer then hits a belly to belly suplex on Richards. Dreamer follows that up with a leg drop and gets a two count. Dreamer with an Irish whip and a double clothesline and both men are down in the center of the ring. Dreamer up first and scoop slams Richards. Dreamer misses a splash. Richards goes up top and comes off with a fist drop to Dreamer that only gets a two count. Richards says one more time and goes back to the top again. He comes off, but Dreamer has gotten to his feet, catches Richards with a sleeper, and wins the match when Richards goes out. Dreamer gets on the mic and calls Angel a slut and I know this is in the past, but ECW is determined that I have to use the explicit label aren't they? He tells Angel that if she wants Richards, she can have him and Dreamer throws Richards out of the ring.
-Dreamer says they have other business to take care of. He says everyone came to see who will be the future of wrestling, Shane Douglas or Sabu. He says he doesn't care who wins the match. He then calls Douglas out using language that I won't repeat here. Douglas comes out and he is being held back by Mr. Hughes. Dreamer tells him to bring it. Douglas tells Hughes to take care of Dreamer. Hughes gets in the ring and Dreamer immediately jumps him. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hughes then gets Dreamer in the center of the ring and starts pounding Dreamer with his right hands. Dreamer falls to the mat and is hanging on to the second rope as Hughes starts to kick him. Hughes with a corner whip, but Dreamer gets his boot up on the charge. Back and forth in the corner. Dreamer starts to go after Douglas on the outside, but Hughes grabs Dreamer and runs him into the turnbuckle. Hughes hitting Dreamer with some shots. Hughes with an Irish whip. Dreamer comes back with a crossbody and Hughes catches Dreamer and hits Dreamer with a backbreaker. Dreamer hits Hughes with a couple of low blows. Dreamer follows that up with an Irish whip and a hip toss. Hughes blocks a suplex attempt and gets an Irish whip. Dreamer comes back with the sleeper. Hughes gets out and Irish whips Dreamer, who ducks a couple of clothesline attempts before Douglas hits Dreamer with a chair from outside and Hughes hits the sidewalk slam to pin Dreamer. Douglas gets on the mic to gloat. He then calls out Angel, who was helping the other officials get Richards to the back. Douglas calls Angel into the ring. Douglas says he can take care of Sabu and he has Mr. Hughes to take care of 911. He then offers Angel the opportunity to be in his corner to take care of Paul E. She agrees. Douglas then says he is the future of wrestling, not Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan. Douglas calling out Ric Flair in a promo? TASIYDAH. The trio then leave the ring.
-The Pit Bulls with Jason vs. The Tazmaniac and a Mystery Partner: The Pit Bulls out first and Jason has them by dog collars around their necks leading them to the ring. An unflattering chant that rhymes with Pit Bulls goes out towards them and I trust you all to be smart enough to figure it out on your own. Taz comes to the ring by himself. Tod Gordon is in the ring and says that Taz's mystery partner had transportation problems, so they are going to postpone the match. The Pit bulls instead jumped Taz and beat him down in the corner. They clothesline Taz and beat him with a chain. Gordon runs to the back. They are brutalizing Taz in the center of the ring. It looks like several wrestlers are trying to get to the ring, but Mr. Hughes is standing in the aisle and preventing them from getting to the ring. The fans start chanting 911. The Pit Bulls continue to punish Taz in the ring. Now it looks like the Rockin' Rebel and Hack Myers are fighting, continuing their issue from earlier in the night. 911 comes out to a big pop and he gets into Mr. Hughes' face in the aisle and Mr. Hughes starts hitting 911 with punches. He gets past Hughes and grabs Rebel and Chad Austin, who were at ringside beating up Myers. 911 goes to give them chokeslams, but he is hit from behind by Hughes. They beat 911 down to the ground with the chair as the beat down of Taz continues in the ring. Hughes then comes over to Jason, who hands Hughes some money. It looked to me like Paul E came out to check on 911, but got jumped by Jason, but you can't tell because they only had that one camera and the fans were in the way. Taz still getting beat up by the Pit Bulls in the ring, so not much has changed there. Sabu finally comes out and he is a house of fire. I believe he kicks Jason, throws a chair towards the ring, and then slides into the ring. Sabu and Taz start to fight back against the Pit Bulls. The Pit Bulls reverse corner whip, and Sabu and Taz run into each other. They look at each other briefly before they attack the Pit Bulls again. Taz belly to belly suplexes one of the Pit Bulls out of the ring over the top rope. Sabu then jumps out over the top rope onto the Pit Bulls and hurricanranas him out on the floor. The crowd cheers. Taz hits a belly to belly suplex on the other Pit Bull to get the pin. The crowd chants Sabu as he goes to the back with Paul E and 911.
-Dueling Singapore Cane match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Tommy Cairo with Peaches: Sandman and Woman out first and Sandman has his cane and is smoking. They get in the ring. Cairo and Peaches come out and he also has his cane and she is looking determined. As Cairo gets to the ring, Sandman takes a swipe at him with his cane from the turnbuckle, but doesn't hit Cairo. The referee makes Sandman get back. Sandman menaces Peaches and Cairo as they go around the ring and Cairo gets up on the apron. Cairo get into the ring and they are face to face. Bob Artese makes the ring introductions. Sandman helps Woman out of the ring and then goes after Peaches. Cairo is there to stop Sandman. This continues for several minutes and I just want to get this thing started. The bell rings and Sandman is on the outside. He slides in and Cairo immediately starts to hit him, which is what I would do. It's a smart strategy. Sandman gets back in. Cairo blocks a shot with the cane and starts hitting Sandman back. Sandman bails to the outside again and Cairo even hits him there with a shot over the top rope to Sandman and Cairo has got some reach. Sandman walks around the ring and is doing something to the end of his cane. The referee is slow counting Sandman because count outs isn't something they really do in ECW. He gets back in the ring and the two men stare at each other before Sandman rushes Cairo. He takes a wild swing at Cairo and misses and Cairo hits Sandman in the stomach with the cane. He hits Sandman across the back several times and then pulls Sandman's shirt up and hits him several more times across the back. Sandman takes his shirt off, which both Styles and I think is a bad move, so both of the Joey's are in agreement here. He goes outside and Cairo follows and hits Sandman some more across the back. They exchange blows with the canes and Sandman rolls back in the ring. Sandman taking swings at Cairo as he tries to get back in the ring and the crowd chants we want blood. That's on brand for ECW. The referee is trying to keep Sandman away so that Cairo can get back in the ring. The referee finally gets Sandman into a corner so that Cairo can get back in the ring. The two men take swings at each other and Cairo finally gets Sandman in the corner and hits him repeatedly with the cane. He hits Sandman until Sandman falls down-and-out of the ring where he falls on the timekeeper's table and turns it over. Cairo follows Sandman outside and the two men continue to cane one another. Sandman has been busted open and throws a chair at Cairo. Cairo responds by hitting Sandman repeatedly with shots from the cane. They get back in the ring and exchange blows with the cane there. Cairo is getting the better of the exchange. Sandman bails to the outside again. Sandman is walking around the ring and he is stalking Peaches again as she goes around the ring to get away from Sandman. Sandman then goes to his own corner to confer with Woman. Sandman gets back in the ring and Cairo hits him with the cane and drives Sandman down to his knees. He falls out of the ring and knocks the timekeeper's table over again as he falls. I know that guy must be getting pissed off. Unless they planned that spot out in advance. I know I would be getting pissed off if it were me. Cairo comes out after Sandman and hits him several more times until Sandman gets back in the ring to get away from Cairo. Cairo then goes up top, but misses Sandman when Sandman moves out of the way and Cairo crashes to the mat. That was the first halfway wrestling move of the match. Styles says that this is the opening that Sandman was looking for as they exchange shots with their canes and both men are now bleeding. A double shot and both men fall back to the mat. Both Peaches and Woman come in the ring and Peaches takes the cane from Cairo and threatens Woman with the cane. Peaches goes to hit Woman with the cane. As she swings back, she hits the referee and knocks him out. Sandman then grabs Peaches and runs her head first into a turnbuckle. He turned around and Cairo was about to cane Woman. Sandman hits Cairo from behind with the cane. He canes Cairo down, covers him, and gets the pin. Sandman lights up in the ring after the match. Sandman gets on the mic after the match and starts that stupid pay your bills crap towards Cairo.
-The battle for the future. Sabu with Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Shane Douglas with Angel and Mr. Hughes: Sabu makes quite an entrance as he crashes through the wall and comes towards the ring. Paul E and 911 rush out after Sabu to try and calm him down. Paul E introduces Sabu. Douglas then comes down with Mr. Hughes and Angel. Sabu starts diving to take down Douglas as soon as he gets in the ring. Douglas trying to stay away from Sabu. Douglas keeps managing to elude Sabu as a 911 chant goes out from the crowd. That guy was extremely over in 1994 and would go on to win the PWI Rookie of the Year award. Douglas is the one who eventually gets a single leg takedown on Sabu. Sabu quickly kicks Douglas off. Douglas then gets a front face lock on Sabu. Sabu gets back to his feet and pushes Douglas back to a corner and Douglas breaks clean. Sabu takes a swing which Douglas ducks and Douglas hits Sabu with a series of right hands. Sabu rolls out of the ring. Douglas goes out to the apron and kicks Sabu, who is on the floor. He then launches himself at Sabu head first into the barricade, throws Sabu back in the ring, and then hits Sabu with a double ax handle from the top rope. He covers Sabu, but only gets a two count as Sabu gets his foot on the ropes. Douglas tries again and gets another two count. Douglas gets Sabu up and in a front face lock. Paul E pounds the apron and gets the fans to chant Sabu as Sabu tries to get out of the front face lock. Sabu with some right hands to Douglas to get out of the hold and get Douglas in a side headlock. Douglas with a backdrop to get out of the move, but Sabu lands on his feet. He grabs Douglas from behind, but Douglas does a standing switch and tries a belly to back suplex on Sabu. He can't get him over, and Sabu switches it to a roll up for a close two count. Douglas comes back with a nice delayed vertical suplex to Sabu. Douglas follows that up with a headscissors to Sabu. 911 threatening Douglas from the apron, but Douglas has the headscissors locked in tight on Sabu. Paul E and 911 get the Sabu chant going again as Sabu is trying desperately to get out of the hold. Sabu finally gets out of the move and gets back to his feet, only to get rocked by a clothesline from Douglas. Douglas gets a two count. He tries again and gets another two count. I like that Douglas is trying for multiple covers. Douglas with an Irish whip and a backbreaker to Sabu. He then gets Sabu with a camel clutch. The crowd is encouraging Sabu as he fights to get out of the hold. Douglas grabs the nose of Sabu and pulls back and it looks like he is trying to rip the nose off. He breaks on the four count. He pushes referee Pee Wee Moore for counting, and poor Pee Wee can't catch a break, first being choke slammed multiple times by 911 and now this. Douglas with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, comes off the ropes himself towards Sabu, and Sabu kicks Douglas and hits a powerbomb on Douglas. He gets a close two count. Douglas gets back to his feet, but he is unsteady and tumbles back to the floor. Sabu goes out after Douglas and hits him with a chair. Douglas tries to get away, but Sabu grabs him, puts him in the chair, and starts punching Douglas in the face. Paul E comes over to hold Douglas for Sabu to get in the ring and hit Douglas with a suicide dive through the ropes. 911 and Paul E then distract the referee and Sabu brings the chair into the ring and hits Douglas with it when he gets back in the ring. He hits Douglas with the chair several times and then goes to set the chair up so that he can springboard off it onto Douglas, but the chair won't stand up since it is broken. Sabu just throws the chair at Douglas in the corner. Sabu gets another chair and sets it up and springboards towards Douglas in the corner, but Douglas moves out of the way and Sabu hits the corner and falls onto the first chair on the mat. Douglas picks Sabu up and atomic drops him onto the second chair. Douglas with a scoop slam to Sabu and then goes out to the apron and hits Sabu with a slingshot splash and covers Sabu, but Sabu gets his foot on the ropes almost immediately. Douglas then hits a piledriver on Sabu in the center of the ring for a 2.5 count. Then another two count. They exchange punches in the center of the ring. Douglas with an Irish whip. Sabu jumps to the second rope and comes back with a back elbow to Douglas. He slams Douglas down and goes out to do a 450 splash from the apron, but misses it when Douglas moves out of the way. Douglas rolls Sabu up and gets a two count. Douglas with a rear chin lock to Sabu. Sabu responds with an elbow to break the hold. Sabu goes for a hurricanrana, but Douglas grabs him and slams Sabu down for a powerbomb instead. He hits an elbow drop on Sabu from the top rope. Douglas turns Sabu over in a single leg crab. Savu trying to get out of the move while trying not to pass out from the pain. Douglas switches around and puts the STF on Sabu. 911 gets on the apron. Douglas lets go of the STF and puts on a rear chin lock. He then yells at Hughes to take care of 911, so Hughes gets up on the apron and yells at 911. The fans chant 911 and want to see the two big men go at it as Sabu gets back to his feet and mule kicks Douglas to get out of the hold. Sabu goes up top and hits Douglas with a spinning heel kick that knocks Douglas to the floor. Douglas gets back to his feet and Sabu goes to launch himself onto Douglas, who moves out of the way, so Sabu lands on the apron instead and runs and cannonballs himself onto Douglas on the floor. Both men get back to their feet and Sabu throws a chair at Douglas. Sabu then picks Douglas up by the head and runs and launches Douglas over the barricade and into the crowd. Sabu then launches himself from the barricade onto Douglas. They start to fight out into the crowd, but because of the one camera shot, you can't see everything. Douglas throws Sabu back over the barricade to ringside. Douglas then grabs a fans' sign and rips it up. Douglas then Irish whips Sabu into the barricade again. Douglas goes to suplex Sabu, but Sabu reverses it and crotches Douglas on the guardrail. Both wrestlers on the ground now as this match has taken its toll on both men. The crowd then breaks out into a scream of approval as 911 brings out a table and sets it up at ringside. Sabu grabs the table and leans it up on the guardrail. He grabs the table and as he does, the lights go out in the arena. The match is then edited to Douglas in the ring and Sabu has him in a sleeper. It looks like a spotlight or a flood light has been set up to provide light for the match. Sabu with a rear chin lock and the lights come back on. Paul E gets on the mic and tells Sabu to show that piece of crap who the future of wrestling is. Just as he does that, Douglas hits a jaw breaker to Sabu to get out of the chin lock. Douglas then runs Sabu into a turnbuckle and starts hitting Sabu with a series of jabs. They go to reverse a corner whip on each other and Douglas finally gets the better part of the deal with Sabu hitting the turnbuckle back first. Douglas with another corner whip and goes for what Styles calls a flying headscissors, but Sabu ducks and Douglas falls out of the ring to the floor. Sabu leans Douglas against the set up table. Sabu with a springboard moonsault, but Douglas moves and Sabu grazes the table and falls to the floor and the table doesn't even break. 911 and Paul E over to check on Sabu and Styles says that the referee is over counting out Sabu. Did the referee forget that this is ECW? Douglas comes over a couple of times and Styles says it's to look at Sabu, who may have knocked himself silly. Douglas climbs back in the ring and tells the referee to count Sabu out. Paul E screams at Douglas and the referee that Sabu may have broken his neck and knowing Sabu, this may be true. Douglas makes the referee count saying he doesn't give a damn if he is hurt and the referee counts Sabu out. Hughes gets in the ring and he and Douglas are over talking to the referee. Paul E comes from behind and hits Hughes with the phone. Hughes goes down, but immediately gets back to his feet. Hughes blocks another shot from Paul E and hits Paul E with a shot that Paul E sells like he has been shot. Paul E trying to get away from Hughes as the EMTs have carried Sabu away at this point. 911 gets in the ring and chokeslams poor Pee Wee Moore again. He then grabs Douglas by the throat and chokeslams him as Hughes is busy beating Paul E down in the corner. 911 then shoves Hughes, who slowly turns around and 911 says you and me to Hughes. Hughes takes down his suspenders and hits 911 and it looks like it doesn't even phase 911. 911 grabs Hughes by the throat and gets him up and chokeslams Hughes to the crowds delight. Angel comes from behind and hits 911 with a wooden chair. 911 doesn't go down. He indicates that he is going to chokeslam Angel, who backs away and begs off in the corner. He chokeslams Angel to the crowds delight. Douglas grabs Angel and gets her out of the ring as the crowd cheers 911. 911 gets Paul E back to his feet and the crowd is chanting 911. 911 raises his arms to the crowd as Douglas has to hold Hughes out of the ring to prevent him from going after 911.
-Barbed Wire Match. Terry and Dory Funk vs. The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge: The Funk Brothers come to the ring as Joey Styles explains that the ring ropes have been removed and barbed wire has been strung up around the ring and I will take things I wouldn't do for $100 dollars please. The Funk Brothers get a respectable reaction when they are introduced. The Public Enemy out next. They get almost to the ring and throw a couple of chairs into the ring. They run back from the ring and head towards the Eagle's Nest, which makes no sense to me. They get up there and a spotlight is thrown on them and fans start to toss chairs up at them. The camera pans out and you see that it is actually the Funk brothers who are below Public Enemy and throwing chairs. Terry gets on the mic and tells them they were the ones who wanted a barbed wire match so come on. He then calls them assholes. The crowd starts chanting assholes at Public Enemy and this is why we have explicit labels folks. The Public Enemy finally started to climb down from the Eagle's Nest. They get in the ring and they are pretty well covered up top, but still wearing those long basketball shorts as pants and if it is me, I'm covering up everything that I have on me. But as I said before, I wouldn't even do this match in the first place, so I guess this is a moot point. All four in the ring and the Funk brothers look ready and Rock tells them just to hold on for a minute. All four start to go at it and I don't know how I am going to keep track of all that is happening since this is not a traditional match, but I will do my best. They square off. Dory with an uppercut to Grunge in a corner as Rock scoop slams Terry a couple of times. The Public Enemy then double Irish whip Dory, but he slides down to the mat instead of going into the wire. All four facing each other again and the Funk brothers backing the Public Enemy into a corner and towards the wire. Terry scoop slams Rock while Dory is scoop slammed by Grunge. Terry then gets Grunge away from Dory with a clothesline. Dory back to his feet and the Funks corner whip the Public Enemy into each other. Grunge rolls to the outside at the Funks attempt to Irish whip Rock into the wire, but he slides down to the mat and rolls to the outside. Public Enemy on the outside and the fans start with the asshole chants again. Dory comes out after the Public Enemy and they jump him and start punching Dory. Terry comes over and attacks Public Enemy with a chair. Terry throws Rock back in the ring. Rock takes Terry and forces him down on the top strand of barbed wire. He gets Terry caught up in the wire and goes to jump on Terry, who moves out of the way and Rock lands up in the barbed wire. Grunge pulls Rock out over the wire to try to get him untangled. All four back out on the floor again and exchange blows. Terry runs Rock into the wire and runs Rock's face into the wire. Dory has a cowboy boot and is hitting Rock with it. Terry grabs a wooden chair and bashes it against a corner to break it apart and then starts hitting Grunge with the broken chair. Both Funks go after Grunge and start hitting him. Rock falls over the barricade to the crowd and Dory climbs over after him. Terry throws Grunge back in the ring and Grunge and Rock are both bleeding. Grunge attacks Terry with punches as soon as he tries to get in the ring, which considering the circumstances is actually a sound strategy on Grunge's part. Terry caught up in the wire and Grunge is now choking him. Grunge then kicks Terry repeatedly in the midsection. Rock comes over and tries to tie up Terry in the barbed wire. Rock rolls inside the ring and as the camera pans back, you see Dory already in the ring and he is bleeding from the head. Rock goes after him and Terry falls to the mat and Grunge goes after him. Rock drops Dory throat first across the barbed wire. Dory blocks it some with his hand, but you know it had to hurt. Grunge on top of a prone Funk hitting him in the face as Rock goes after Dory and they exchange blows in the corner. Dory gets his boot and hits Grunge to get him off of Terry. Rock goes to run Terry into the barbed wire, but Terry runs Rock into the wire instead. Rock gets to his feet, but he is tied up in the wire. Dory ties Grunge up in the wire as well as the fans in the front row are screaming at The Public Enemy like they are deranged. The Public Enemy must have really pissed off the fans. Terry takes the opportunity to hit The Public Enemy with Dory's boot. Public Enemy get themselves out of the wire, but they seem out of it with Rock taking wild swings at the air and Grunge crawling on his hands and knees before collapsing on the mat. Dory hits Rock with a butterfly suplex and Terry hits Grunge with a piledriver. Dory and Rock fight out into the crowd. Terry hits Grunge with another piledriver. Terry signals for the fans to throw chairs in. Poor Grunge! All he can do is cover up at this point. Don't do this at home kids! Terry piledrives Grunge onto the pile of chairs. Terry goes out of the ring as Bob Artese gets on the mic and tells the fans to stop throwing chairs. He should have told Funk that before the match. The fans should not be throwing chairs, but when it's celebrated and a clip of fans throwing chairs in the ring is on the opening of your TV show for years, what else are you going to expect? It's a wonder that ECW lasted as long as it did. Terry, Dory, and Rock fight out in the crowd and into the parking lot where you can't see anything because of the one camera shoot. They eventually made their way back towards the ring as referee Jim Molineaxu has subtlety started to slip some of the chairs out of the ring. I admire what he's trying to do, but to me, it's like throwing a deck chair off the Titanic. Dory and Rock get in the ring and Dory is holding a dented aluminum trash can. Dory hits Rock with the can as the fans chant Terry at something Terry is doing, but you can't see it as he is off camera. Dory beating Rock with the trash can in the corner. He then hits the referee when the ref tries to stop him. Grunge grabs Dory and Dory drops the trash can and punches Grunge. Grunge throws Dory out of the ring as Rock hits Terry repeatedly with the trash can. Grunge gets some wire cutters and cuts the wire strands on one side of the ring and Rock is wrapping Terry up with the strands at ringside. Rock then hits Dory with a chair at ringside. The Public Enemy then take the barbed wire wrapped Terry, throw him in the ring and throw the trash can on top of him and then cover him to get the pin. Dory comes in and hits The Public Enemy with a trash can and his face is a bloody mess. Dory keeps hitting them with the chair when they try to get up until Terry makes it back to his feet and runs his body with the wire and the trash can on it into Public Enemy. Terry signals to the fans again and you now what that means. It means that ECW can't have it both ways. I'm sick of the hypocrisy. It's time to end this. Public Enemy has been buried in chairs. Styles runs down what we have seen as the Funk Brothers throw chairs at Rock. Rock caught up in the wire as Dory throws another chair at him. Dory and some of the fans cut the barbed wire off Terry and I can't believe the ridiculousness of the statement that I just wrote in my notes. They can't get it off so Terry still has it on as he makes his way back to the dressing room as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: A good show with a horrible ending. The throwing of the chairs is too much. The Sabu/Douglas match was very good though.

Episode 197 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 19:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b196f1bf-a3b1-4edd-a352-3549cd9be0d8 My notes for Episode 197: Thursday Throwback SummerSlam 88. -RIP Jimmy Buffett and Steve Harwell.
-Life got complicated, so we are opening up the archives again to look at Episode 12 from April 2, 2020. We were in the midst of Social Distance restrictions and working from home. I overcaffeinated myself.
-If I never have another virtual meeting, I’m good.
-Two night WrestleMania? Good or bad thing? This is going to be a bizarre presentation to be sure. Multiple endings shot? Choose your own ending WrestleMania?
-I over caffeinated myself this week due to social distancing. Iced Coffees to go.
-Cabin Fever starts to set in.
-WWF SummerSlam 88 took place on August 29, 1988 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
-We start off with the classic WWF What the World is Watching promo.
-We then have our opening credits.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to SummerSlam and tells us we can cut the electricity with a knife so you can start drinking at home. He and Superstar Billy Graham are your announcers for the event. Crowd seems pumped. A lot of people complain about Billy Graham on commentary, but he is enthusiastic and earnest and that goes farther than all the polish in the world.
-The Fabulous Rougeaus Jacques and Raymond VS. The British Bulldogs Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith with Matilda: The Rougeaus have recently turned heel. Davey Boy Smith comes out attacking. Rougeaus come back. Quick tags by the Bulldogs and good sequences by both teams. The Rougeau’s cheat well. Crowd gets sucked into this match. Dynamite Kid can’t get the pin although he strings together a nice series of moves. Davey Boy hits a powerslam, but Jacques saves Raymond. Rougeau Brothers with some nice double teaming and tag team wrestling. Close pin attempts. They speed things up towards the end. Dynamite Kid has Jacques pinned but time expires so we get a draw.
-The British Bulldogs chase the Rougeau Brothers to the back.
-They flashback to Ron Bass attacking Brutus Beefcake, knocking him out of SummerSlam.
-Bad News Brown VS. Ken Patera: Bad News Brown attacks before Patera has a chance to get his ring jacket off. Patera looks like a jacked up Richard Simmons. Brown dominates. Patera fights back. Tries some pin attempts. Goes for the Full Nelson a couple of times, but Brown gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Patera rams his shoulder on the post and Brown hits the Ghetto Blaster for the win.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Mega Powers and Miss Elizabeth. Hulk Hogan is ready. The Mega Powers are ready. They talk about the secret weapon.
-Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan Vs. The Junkyard Dog: Rude has JYD airbrushed on his tights. JYD is past his prime but comes out hot. Rude comes back and grabs a chinlock. JYD comes back. Rude goes back to the chinlock. JYD powers out. Heenan interferes. Rude hits the neck breaker and a fist drop. He pulls his tights down and has Cheryl Roberts on a pair of tights underneath. Jake Roberts comes out and attacks Rude for the disqualification.
-Mean Gene interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. HTM says he’s ready to defend the Intercontinental Title against anyone.
-The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick VS. The Powers of Pain The Barbarian and The Warlord with The Baron: Volkoff does the Anthem Gimmick. The Powers of Pain come out hot. They dominate the Bolsheviks. Slick distracts the Warlord, heels cheat for the advantage. The Powers of Pain come back. Barbarian hits some big kicks and they hit the powerslam/headbutt combo for the win.
-The Brother Love Show Segment: Originally the guest was to be Ric Flair, then they talked about Jessica Hahn. Ends up being Hacksaw Jim Duggan. This degenerates quickly. Duggan eventually runs Brother Love off.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart VS. The Ultimate Warrior: Since Beefcake is out, HTM calls for anyone else to come out. The crowd goes wild when the Warriors music hits. A slam, tackle, and splash later, we have a new champion. This was absolutely the right thing to do.
-They take an intermission and when they come back, Bobby Heenan comes to the booth. He riles Gorilla and Superstar up.
-Don Muraco VS. Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin. Heenan stays on for commentary. Slow to start. Bravo on the offensive. Muraco coming back. Back and forth. Muraco starts a comeback, but Bravo hits a side suplex for the win.
-Sean Mooney interviews Jesse Ventura about his role as the special referee for the main event. Jesse says he is the only man who can be the ref. If the Million Dollar Man wants to give him money, who is he to refuse.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart. Harts have recently turned face. Jimmy Hart accompanies Demolition to the ring to continue the angle that he still owns part of the Hart Foundation contracts. Power VS. Speed Ax Vs. Bret to begin. Then Power VS. Power. The Hart Foundation winning early, but Demolition comes back. They are using great tag team moves. They also double team well. Bret Hart takes a beating, and finally Neidhart gets to tag in. He cleans house and Madison Square Garden comes alive. He only gets a two count. Fuji climbs up and gets nailed allowing Ax to hit Bret Hart with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone. Smash makes the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews HTM who is irate. He says it’s his belt and he’s going to get it back.
-The Big Boss Man with Slick VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Boss Man attacks Koko, who then comes back. Boss Man again dominates. He picks Koko up before the three count. He punishes Koko, who mounts a small comeback. He hits his top rope dropkick and the crown explodes. He can’t get the three count though. Boss Man hits the sidewalk slam and pins Koko.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He does a typical Warrior interview.
-Hercules VS. Jake Roberts: Hercules strikes early. Roberts goes for the DDT, but Hercules bails. Roberts grabs a headlock. Hercules comes back and batters Roberts and gets a 2 count. Throws a chin lock on Roberts powers out but gets thrown. Comes back and tosses Hercules out. Roberts hits the short clothesline. Hercules hits a backdrop. Roberts finally hits the DDT and gets the pin. He goes for Damien and puts it on Hercules.
-Flashback to what lead up to the main event for the show, including Jesse being assigned as special referee.
-Gorilla and Superstar talk about the upcoming event.
-Jesse gets announced as the special guest referee. He gets a nice crowd reaction.
-The Mega Bucks Ted DiBiase and Andre The Giant with Virgil and Bobby Heenan VS. The Mega Powers Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: The faces come out to Savage’s music. Jesse orders managers out of the ring and switches the tag rope corners. Savage and Andre start, but DiBiase quickly tags in. Then Hogan comes in. DiBiase sells for both Savage and Hogan. Andre cheats to get the advantage for the heels. Hogan chant goes out. Heels punish Hogan for a while. He comes back, then both men down after a double clothesline. Savage in and he goes after DiBiase. Andre comes in and punishes Savage with his huge girth. DiBiase in and also punishes Savage. He tags Hogan in. Hogan cleans house. Hogan puts the sleeper on DiBiase and gets taken out by Andre. Liz stalls Jesse while the Mega Powers are on the floor. Liz then takes off her skirt and shows her underwear. Hogan slams DiBiase and Savage gives him the elbow. Hogan then gives him the leg drop. Jesse reluctantly counts the pin. Crowd goes crazy, Hogan must pose. If you watch the celebration here, Randy Savage’s begins a subtle heel turn.
-Crowd is celebrating as we go off the air.

Episode 196 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 17:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7bf37aa2-2bad-4362-979c-67eb98debbee My notes for Episode 196: Clash of the Champions XX. -Arleen Sorkin.
-Bob Barker.
-Abe Jacobs. Former wrestler who was the oldest living pro wrestler.
-Promoter Carlos Elizondo, Monterrey Lucha Libre.
-Rich Landrum, JCP Announcer.
-Terry Funk.
-Bray Wyatt.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XX from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XX:20 years of wrestling on TBS, was shown on TBS on September 2, 1992 from the Center Stage Theater in Atlanta, GA.
-We start with an intro of some of the biggest moments in wrestling on TBS.
-Tony Schiavone and Missy Hyatt welcome us to the Clash. They are out in front of the Center Stage Theater with the crowd. They then bring on Gordon Solie and Andre the Giant. Andre is dressed well, but he is on crutches and this would be the final American appearance of Andre as he would pass away in a few months. Solie says he is very excited for the night. Andre says he's excited to be here to see all of his TBS wrestling stars. Ron Simmons then arrives with his wife. Simmons says like all past champions, he is there to take care of business and to keep that belt around his waist. Missy tells Simmons that everyone from FSU and all of the alumni are so proud of Simmons.
-Bill Watts, his wife Sandy, and Hank Aaron get out of the next limo. This would have far-reaching implications in the months to come, but Watts says it's a great night. Aaron says it's a great night as well. 20 years and he is happy to be here for WCW and TBS. Bill Shaw, the president of WCW, is then introduced and he says it's an exciting night for WCW.
-Jim Barnette then arrives and he says it's an historic night. Executive VP Bob Dhue is introduced. He says they are looking for an exciting evening. 20 great years on TBS. Bruno Sammartino is then introduced. Sammartino says that he is proud to be here for 20 years of wrestling on TBS and to be with an organization that presents his kind of wrestling. Missy then flirts with him in a hilarious moment.
-Sting drives up on a Harley and Missy goes wild. Sting gets off the bike and says this is unbelievable. He gets the crowd fired up and says that the Clash of the Champions is what it's all about. He then goes inside and Missy is all doe eyed and says she just wants to ride on the back of Sting's Harley. Tony says stay cool, Missy. He then throws it to Teddy Long on the inside with Dusty Rhodes and Bill Watts. Atlanta City Councilman Rob Pitts presents a proclamation to Watts proclaiming that day as WCW day in the city of Atlanta. Watts thanks Pitts on behalf of WCW. Rhodes then fires it up saying they are going to get funky like a monkey tonight, Teddy Long. He then quickly introduces The Assassin, Thunderbolt Patterson, and Magnum TA before throwing it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura and Patterson looked pissed that he didn't get a chance to say something on the mic.
-Jim and Jesse are dressed to the nines. They talk about 20 years on TBS and preview what's coming up on the Clash.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Steve Austin with Paul E. Dangerously vs. Ricky Steamboat: Austin is the current champion. Steamboat gets a great ovation when he comes out. After Austin and Paul E come out, GMC asks the crowd to rise for the singing of the National Anthem by 11 year old Megan Sheehan of Tulsa, OK. She is escorted to the ring by Johnny B. Badd in order to get everyone on the show I guess. She does a good job. GMC says there are no disqualifications allowed and Paul E will be suspended from a cage at ringside. Paul E tries to get away, but is caught and put into the cage. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner and Austin on offense early with shots to the injured midsection of Steamboat. Steamboat comes back with chops to Austin. Austin ducks a shot and comes back with some strikes of his own. They go back and forth like this and Steamboat with a hip toss to Austin out of the corner. Steamboat follows up with a side headlock takeover to Austin for a one count. Austin working to get back to his feet. He does and goes after Steamboat. He misses a big right hand to Steamboat and Steamboat gets Austin down with a drop toe hold. He then gets a side headlock on Austin. The crowd starts a Steamboat chant. All the TBS executives in suits are clapping along to the chant and laughing and I am embarrassed for them. Austin back to his knees and Steamboat claps his arms around Austin's head to drive Austin back to one knee. Austin back to his feet and pushes off and Steamboat misses a clothesline. They do a series of counter moves to each other. Austin finally gets a hip toss and an elbow drop in. Steamboat with a kick to Austin and a chop and Steamboat back to the side headlock takeover. Austin rolls Steamboat over to get a series of near falls on Steamboat. Steamboat goes back to a vertical sitting position with the side headlock still on. As Austin struggles to get back to his feet, Steamboat screams out how bout it to Paul E. Austin tries for a belly to back suplex, but Steamboat lands on his feet and goes back to the side headlock. Austin tries again to the same effect. Austin just throws Steamboat down to the mat this time. Steamboat blocks being thrown head first into the turnbuckle and throws Austin in instead. Austin gets Steamboat up on a turnbuckle and hits a modified belly to belly suplex to throw Steamboat off of the turnbuckle. Austin gets back to his feet as referee Nick Patrick checks on Steamboat, who is holding his injured rib. Austin concentrates on the ribs and rips the tape off Steamboat. Austin goes after Steamboat with some chops and kicks and Steamboat starts to chop Austin back. Austin comes back with some shots and a backbreaker to Steamboat to the injured ribs. He then hits another backbreaker and gets a series of two counts. Steamboat gets back to his feet and the crowd chants Steamboat again. Back and forth in the corner and Steamboat comes with the chops. Steamboat tries for a scoop slam, but drops Austin and grabs his side instead. Austin takes advantage and hits Steamboat with a clothesline. Austin follows it up with an Irish whip and an abdominal stretch. Steamboat is in tremendous pain and Austin takes advantage and drives an elbow into Steamboat's side. Steamboat gets to the ropes to break the hold and Austin pulls him away towards the center of the ring to reapply the hold, but Steamboat hits a hip lock to prevent it. Austin with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Steamboat slams Austin head first down to the mat. Steamboat follows it up with chops to Austin in the corner. Austin reverses a corner whip and Steamboat comes back with a crossbody, but Austin rolls through and gets a close two count. Austin goes for a dropkick, but Steamboat blocks it and grabs Austin's legs and catapults Austin into the corner buckle. Steamboat reaches up and hooks Austin's legs for a two count. Austin gets back to his feet, only for Steamboat to run him into the turnbuckle again. Austin gets a double leg pick up and goes to pin Steamboat with his feet on the ropes, but only gets a two count. Steamboat with a series of moves. Austin reverses a Tombstone piledriver attempt and Steamboat then counters back and hits the Tombstone. Steamboat can barely cover Austin and gets a two count. Austin runs Steamboat into the turnbuckle and gets an inside cradle with a handful of tights for another two count. Austin puts Steamboat back on the top rope and goes to superplex Steamboat and Steamboat counters by grabbing Austin and slamming him face first down on the mat. Steamboat goes for a chop from the second rope onto Austin, but Austin catches Steamboat with a shot to the midsection. Steamboat with an inside cradle for a two count. Austin with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. He gets another two count. Another shoulder block and two count. Austin goes to throw Steamboat out, but Steamboat grabs the ropes and skins the cat to come back in, only for Austin to hit him with a brutal looking elbow that knocks Steamboat to the outside. The referee checks on Austin and Steamboat climbs under the ring. Steamboat climbs out on the other side and climbs up top and hits a crossbody to pin Austin and become the new TV champion. The crowd cheers as Steamboat is presented with the belt and raises it high.
-WCW scrapbook of Mr. Wrestling II hitting the Million Dollar Knee Lift and pinning someone.
-Jim and Jesse take a look at some of the tag teams that have made up the history of wrestling on TBS. The teams include the Brisco Brothers Jack and Jerry and it misspells their last name. Man, WCW is going to find a way to WCW, won't they?
-Halloween Havoc spin the wheel, make the deal ad.
-Jesse interviews Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson, who are with Michael Hayes. Hayes says he's been hosting the Main Event on Sunday's with Jim Ross and everyone wants to know what he's been up to. He says he's taken the best of tag team wrestling from the 80's and put it all together as one unit.
-Greg Valentine and Dick Slater with Larry Zbyszko vs. Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton with Michael Hayes: Zbyszko with a broken arm due to the fallout from being in the Dangerous Alliance. This on paper looks to be a good match. Valentine and Anderson start and Anderson with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Valentine with a back elbow to break the hold. He gets a side headlock. Anderson pushes off and Eaton hits Valentine in the back with a forearm from the apron. Anderson, with forearms to Valentine's back and Eaton comes in and they double team Valentine. Now all four men in the ring. Slater gets Anderson and Eaton off Valentine and drives them to the outside where they regroup with Hayes. Anderson back in the ring and hits Valentine with a knee. Valentine reverses an Irish whip and Slater hits Anderson in the back from the apron and turnabout is fair play. Slater then comes in to double team Anderson with Valentine and that brings Eaton in and I believe we have seen this before. Referee Mike Adkins gets the extra men out of the ring and back to the apron. Eaton tagged in. Valentine with chops and a side headlock to Eaton and Slater tagged in. Slater gets Eaton in the corner and hits him with several shots and forearms. Eaton with a corner whip and goes to backdrop Slater, who hits Eaton with an elbow to the back. Slater follows that up with a reverse neck breaker to Eaton and then a side Russian leg sweep. Slater tries to get a pin with his legs on the ropes for additional leverage, but gets caught and Adkins stops his count. They lock up again and Eaton tags Anderson in. Double team slam to Slater in the corner and Anderson with a wrist lock to Slater. Slater comes back with a headbutt and tags Valentine in. Valentine gets Anderson in the corner and plants his shoulder into Anderson's midsection several times. Valentine with a suplex on Anderson for a two count. Valentine with a front face lock, but Anderson goes back towards his own corner and Eaton grabs Valentine. Eaton and Anderson take turns hitting Valentine until Adkins puts a stop to it. Eaton tagged in and runs Valentine headfirst into a turnbuckle. Eaton then takes Valentine down with a hammerlock. Eaton with an arm bar and Anderson tagged in. They exchange chops and Slater grabs Anderson and he and Valentine double team Anderson. Slater tagged in and he knocks Anderson down with a shot. Valentine and Slater have been effective during this match, I will give them that. Slater goes to the outside and grabs Anderson's leg and slams it down on the apron. Eaton comes over and hits Slater with some hard right hands to get him off Anderson. Valentine puts Anderson in the figure four, but Eaton comes in and drops an elbow on Valentine to break the hold. Anderson reverses an Irish whip and hits the spinebuster. Slater in to break up the pin attempt. Now all four men in. Slater throws Eaton to the outside. Valentine grabs Anderson from behind for Slater to hit, but the referee cuts Slater off and tries to get him out of the ring, so Valentine turns Anderson around for Zbyszko, who has gotten up on the apron, to hit with his cast. Anderson ducks and Valentine gets hit instead. Valentine falls to the mat and Eaton hits the Alabama Jam to Valentine from the second rope. Anderson then gets the pin.
-WCW Scrapbook of Jim Cornette threatening the Rock and Roll Express that his team will get their belts back.
-Jim Ross talks to Bruno Sammartino. Sammartino says he's thrilled to be here. He loved the Ricky Steamboat/Steve Austin match and he's anxious to see the title match between Cactus Jack and Ron Simmons. He says he's thrilled to be here in WCW because it was the kind of wrestling that he was used to. Larry Z on TV followed by Bruno? Some would think it was 1980 all over again. They say that Bruno is going to be a part of Halloween Havoc and he says he's excited about it being back in Philadelphia.
-Teddy Long is in the VIP Room with Gordon Solie and Andre. He talks to Bullet Bob Armstrong. Armstrong says he's thrilled to be here. He had the opportunity and wrestled on the very first card held on WTBS and all of his sons have had the opportunity to wrestle on WTBS and tonight, he is looking forward to Brad keeping his title. Long then talks to Thunderbolt Patterson. Patterson tries to do an old school Thunderbolt type interview and it's interesting. He said he's so glad that he's living and was invited to this occasion.
-They then go via satellite to some comments that Mr. Wrestling II made from his home in Hawaii. He congratulates Ted Turner and WCW for 20 years of wrestling on TBS and says if you want to watch real wrestling, watch WCW. He is glad to see them do real wrestling, the type of wrestling he is familiar with.
-They then go to comments from the boss himself, Ted Turner. He says that professional wrestling has been one of the longest running programs on WTBS. He says over the past 20 years, WCW has shown some of the greatest matches and Wrestlers in wrestling. He says he's glad to see wrestling return to legitimate athletic competition and congratulates WCW on continuing the tradition of bringing action-packed wrestling excitement to TBS.
-WCW Scrapbook of The Road Warriors doing a promo about snacking on danger and dining on death.
-Tony Schiavone is standing by with Cowboy Bill Watts, who has the Light-heavyweight title with him. Kids, have you ever seen a title be put out of its misery? Watts talking about Brad Armstrong being injured and unable to compete. He says a tournament to crown a new champion will be announced later, but it won't be.
-Jesse interviews Brad Armstrong. He says he is extremely let down at the decision. He says he tried to hold that title high and be a good champion. Brian Pillman comes in with a pissed look on his face. Jesse says he was the man Armstrong was supposed to defend his title against and it has to be disheartening to him. Pillman says it is disheartening because he worked very heard and trained for this world title shot. He says the more he thinks about it, the more of a disgrace it is because his fans wanted to see him regain his title. He then goes off on Armstrong, calling him broken down and pathetic. Pillman says Armstrong's father is up in the VIP room hanging his head in shame. Armstrong says he's let down too. That he's injured and can't compete. Pillman calls Armstrong scum and then slaps him. Pillman then leaves.
-WCW Scrapbook of Roddy Piper yelling at Ric Flair. Then a look back as some of the singles wrestlers on WCW.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Ron Simmons taking on Cactus Jack after a feature is shown on Simmons.
-WCW Scrapbook of special referee Ernie Shavers confronting Ric Flair.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ron Simmons vs. Cactus Jack: Simmons with a tremendous ovation as he comes out. Ole Anderson is the special referee for the match. They lock up and Simmons with a side headlock. Cactus Jack pushes off and Simmons comes back with a shoulder block and almost gets a count from it, but Jack back to his feet. Jack forced back to the corner and Simmons breaks. Another lock up and Simmons goes back to the side headlock. Jack tries to break the hold, so Simmons gets him over with a takedown. Cactus Jack briefly turns it over for a one count. Simmons goes back to the side headlock. Jack turns Simmons back over for a one count. Simmons goes to his knees with the side headlock still on Cactus. Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. Jack with a series of punches to Simmon's midsection to try to get out of the move. Cactus pushes off and then hits Simmons with a running headbutt. Jack then throws Simmons through the ropes to the outside. Jack goes out to the apron to jump on Simmons, but Simmons back to his feet and he tells Cactus Jack to bring it. Cactus Jack gets back in the ring and Simmons follows. They circle each other and lock up again. Jack rakes the back of Simmons and then bites Simmons on the forehead. Anderson warns Jack and then gets him away. Cactus Jack then punches Simmons and gets him to one knee with a chin lock. Into a choke, but breaks on the three count before going back to the choke. Anderson gets him off Simmons. He goes back to Simmons, who lifts Cactus Jack up on his back and slams backwards into a turnbuckle. Cactus catches Simmons coming in with a foot and then delivers a series of shots to Simmons. Simmons reverses and pummels Jack down in the corner with a series of shots. Anderson then gets Simmons away. Jack then catches Simmons with a shot as Simmons was coming in again. Jack then clotheslines Simmons and they both go over the top rope. Cactus Jack then hits a swinging neck breaker to Simmons on the floor. Jack then slams Simmon's head against the concrete as they both get back in the ring. Jack hitting Simmons with forearms as a go Ron go chant breaks out and Simmons starts to fight back. Cactus Jack responds by raking the face. Jack tries to go for the double arm DDT, but Simmons drives him back to a corner. Cactus Jack gets his foot up on the charge. Simmons catches Jack's foot and spins him around, only to get hit with a clothesline from Cactus Jack. Jack gets Simmons back to his feet, only to clothesline him back down again. Then a third clothesline gets a two count. Jack gets a headlock on Simmons. The go Ron go chants start again as the crowd starts to do the chop for the former Florida State Seminole. Simmons tries to break the hold. He does and gets back to his feet and hits Jack with some big shots. The two wrestlers exchange headbutts to each other in the center of the ring. Simmons gets the better of the exchange and then hits Cactus Jack with a couple of shots. He then goes to the second rope and comes off and drives Jack's head down to the mat. Simmons with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Jack hits him with a shot. Jack backs up and Simmons hits him with a forearm out of a three-point stance. Another forearm gets a one count for Simmons. Simmons gets a forearm. He then tries for a backdrop, but Cactus Jack grabs Simmons as he goes up and over, so Simmons slams down to the mat backwards, driving Cactus Jack to the mat for a two count. Simmons follows that up with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Simmons goes to grab Jack again, only for Jack to drop and drive Simmons out of the ring. Cactus Jack with a scoop slam to Simmons on the concrete in front of the TBS and WCW executives. Cactus Jack goes up to the apron and comes off with the elbow to Simmons. Both men get back in the ring. Simmons with an Irish whip and a spinebuster that JR calls a sidewalk slam. Simmons follows that up with another Irish whip and a power slam to get the pin. The crowd cheers as Simmons gets the championship belt and holds it up high.
-WCW Scrapbook of Bobby Eaton hitting a knee drop on an opponent.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Masa Chono becoming the NWA champion and show highlights of the finals of the tournament between Chono and Rick Rude. Then they go to an interview that Rude did and Rude wants a rematch with Chono.
-JR is joined by Cactus Jack, who has the Barbarian with him. Cactus Jack says he found out Ron Simmons has weaknesses, so he called up a man who can exploit them, the Barbarian's new partner, Butch Reed. Reed then comes in.
-The Barbarian and Butch Reed with Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes: Cactus Jack joins commentary as Barbarian and Rhodes start the match. Rhodes with a side headlock. Barbarian pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block, but can't drop Barbarian. A second shoulder block has the same effect, so Rhodes gets a side headlock. Barbarian goes to push Rhodes away, but Rhodes tags Windham in first. Rhodes pushes off and comes back with a sunset flip. Barbarian fights not going down until Windham hits him with a lariat. Then a double dropkick to Butch Reed. Then a double dropkick to Barbarian and the heels go out to the floor to regroup. Barbarian gets back in, locks up with Windham, and hits him with a knee to the stomach. Barbarian goes to press slam Windham, but Windham rolls behind and rolls Barbarian up. He gets a two count. They lock up again and Reed tagged in. Windham quickly escapes the corner before the heels start to double team him. Windham locks up with Reed. Windham then tags Rhodes and holds Reed and Rhodes hitting Reed with forearms. Reed drives Rhodes into a corner. Rhodes breaks and Reed attacks him with a series of forearms to the ribs and back. Reed with a corner whip, but catches a boot from Rhodes on the charge. Rhodes with some right hands and a corner whip to Reed in the opposite corner. Reed moves on the charge and Rhodes goes spilling to the concrete on the outside. Cactus Jack starts laughing at that on commentary and Windham goes over to check on Rhodes. Reed goes out and throws Rhodes back in. Reed cuts off the tag attempt by Rhodes to Windham. Windham tries to come in, but is cut off by referee Randy Anderson. The heels take advantage and double team Rhodes. Double Irish whip and clothesline by the heels. Barbarian tagged in and headbutts Rhodes in the midsection while Reed holds Rhodes. Barbarian follows that up with a backbreaker. Back and forth and Barbarian gets a shot that knocks Rhodes to his knees. Barbarian chokes Rhodes on the second rope for a three count and as Anderson takes him off, Reed comes over and kicks Rhodes. The heels doing some fantastic double teaming here. Rhodes trying to crawl towards his own corner, but crawls right into the Barbarian. Barbarian with a front face lock and Rhodes still trying to reach out to make the tag. Barbarian with a forearm and Rhodes starting to fight back. Reed tagged in. He continues to batter Rhodes as Rhodes continues to try to tag Windham in. Reed with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Reed with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Reed grabs a seated Rhodes by the head and starts punching Rhodes for a three count. Rhodes again fighting back. Reed again cuts off a tag attempt by grabbing Rhodes in a rear chin lock. Reed runs Rhodes into Barbarian's knee and Barbatrian tagged in. Barbarian picks Rhodes up and runs him into a turnbuckle. Rhodes fighting back with a series of shots to Barbarian. Barbarian is so powerful, he knocks Rhodes down with one shot. Barbarian with a scoop slam and drops an elbow on Rhodes. He gets a two count. Barbarian with a front face lock and Reed tagged in. Reed with a double ax handle from the second rope to Rhodes. He follows that up with a rear chin lock to Rhodes. Back and forth. Reed with an Irish whip. Rhodes comes back with an elbow to Reed and both men fall to the mat. Reed goes for a piledriver, but Rhodes reverses it into a backdrop. Reed cuts off another tag attempt. Reed with an Irish whip and both men go down after a double clothesline. Cactus Jack yells out from commentary that they proved their point and Reed should finish off Rhodes. Both Barbarian and Windham tagged in and Windham comes in a house of fire on Barbarian. He hits an Irish whip and a backdrop on Barbarian and then takes Reed out with a shot to Reed on the apron. Then an Irish whip and a dropkick to Barbarian and a lariat to Reed when he comes in. Irish whip and a lariat to the Barbarian. Windham then puts Barbarian on the top turnbuckle and hits the Superplex with the float over cover, but before Anderson can start counting, Windham is up and goes after Reed who had climbed up top to hit Windham with a double ax handle. Windham slams Reed down. All four men in the ring. Double dropkick to Reed. Anderson gets Rhodes out of the ring as Barbarian catches Windham with a kick to the face and pins Windham.
-Jim Ross talks to the Barbarian, Cactus Jack, and Butch Reed. Jack calls Barbarian and Reed the best tag team in WCW, but they don't stop there, they set their sights on Ron Simmons, because one of his men will get Simmons.
-WCW Scrapbook of Dusty Rhodes and Willie Nelson from the Superstars on the Superstation interview and that show is available for you in the archives. As they go to commercial, you see Jake Roberts peeking through the curtain towards the ring. JR asks Jesse what that's all about and Jesse says he doesn't know. Feature on the 8-Man Elimination match and what brought the match about.
-WCW Scrapbook to a look at an early WCW match from Sting.
-8-Man elimination tag team match. Sting, Nikita Koloff, and the Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Vader, and the Super Invader with Harley Race and Madusa: Heels out first to not much of a reception. The faces get a tremendous reaction when they come out. They try to figure out who is going to start for each team and it looks like it is going to be Rick Steiner and Vader. They look at each other before locking up as the crowd barks at Rick. Vader pushes off. Another lock up and Vader hitting Rick with some right hands and Rick comes fighting back. Rick with a corner whip, but Vader catches Rick with a boot to the face as Rick comes charging in. Rick comes back with a right hand that Vader ducks and Vader hits Rick with a short arm clothesline that must make Roberts happy on the apron since that is one of his signature moves. Vader with a corner whip and splash to Rick. Rick comes back with an impressive belly to belly suplex to Vader. That took a tremendous amount of strength. Vader bails out to the floor as Rick jogs around the ring and barks and the fans bark along with him. Vader gets back in the ring and tags Super Invader in. Koloff is also tagged in. They circle each other as a Nikita chant goes out. They lock up a couple of times and Nikita pushes off and Super Invader comes back with a shoulder block, but Koloff doesn't budge. Another shoulder block and again Koloff doesn't move. A series of back and forth moves, and Koloff with a pair of shoulder blocks that knock Super Invader down. Then a crossbody by Koloff gets a two count. Koloff follows that up with an arm bar and Super Invader comes back with a forearm to Koloff. Rude tagged in and this has been a clunky match so far. Rude with a shot and an Irish whip. Koloff comes back with a kick of his own and a wrist lock and Koloff just yanking on Rude's arm and it looks like he is trying to dislocate it. Scott tagged in and he picks the wrist lock up and gets Rude on the mat with an arm bar. Rude trying not to pass out from the pain of the move. Rude back to his knees and trying to take Scott off his feet or make his way over to his corner to make a tag. Scott hooks Rude's arms as Rude has made his way back to his feet and trying to reach to make the tag. Super Invader tagged in. Super Invader with a kick to Scott's stomach. He follows it up with a right hand and an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Scott with a double arm power bomb and an overhead belly to belly suplex. He then signals for the Frankensteiner, but Super Invader had tagged Rude in and Rude hits Scott from behind to knock Scott down. Rude follows it up with a swinging neck breaker to Scott. He hits a forearm to Scott and gets a two count. Roberts tagged in and hits Scott while Rude holds Scott for Roberts. Referee Nick Patrick gets Rude out and Roberts with a series of jabs to Scott and a shot to the midsection to knock Scott down. Vader tagged in. He gets Scott in the corner and hits him with some brutal looking forearms. He goes to take Scott out of the corner and Scott just collapses to the mat. Vader with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Scott. Vader then kicks Scott and tags Rude in. Rude with a double thrust to Scott's throat. Another throat thrust by Rude, but Scott reverses an Irish whip and hits a tilt a whirl slam. Both Roberts and Koloff tagged in and Koloff hits some forearms to Roberts in the corner. Koloff follows that up with a couple of corner whips and a back elbow to Roberts. Koloff with another Irish whip and a shoulder tackle to Roberts. Koloff goes over and starts hitting the heels on the apron and when he tries to run the ropes, Rude catches him with a knee to the midsection. Roberts takes advantage and rolls him up and Koloff is eliminated. Sting in and hitting Roberts with left and right hands. Roberts falls back to his own corner and Super Invader tagged in. Sting hits Super Invader with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Sting follows that up with a scoop slam and an elbow to Super Invader. Sting with a kick to the midsection and a bulldog to Super Invader. Sting gets the pin and Super Invader is eliminated and the teams are even at three men apiece. Vader in and Sting hits him with a series of right hands and Rick tagged in. Rick hits Vader, gets an Irish whip and a Steinerline on Vader. Rick follows that up with an overhead belly to back suplex and the crowd really comes to life for that move. Rick goes up to the second rope to come off on Vader, but Vader catches Rick and Vader power slams Rick. Then he gets Rick about halfway up for a chokeslam. It wasn't pretty, but it was effective. Vader then goes up to the second rope and splashes Rick. He gets a close two count and the crowd cheers wildly when Rick kicks out. Vader runs Rick into Rude's knee and Rude tagged in. Rude hits Rick with big shots that knock Rick to his knees every time that he tries to get up. Rude with a front face lock and Rick on his knees in the center of the ring and it doesn't look good for him as he is a long ways away from his corner. Roberts comes in to distract Nick Patrick as Rick pushes his way to his corner to tag Sting in, but the referee doesn't see it. Vader tagged in and slams Rick down. Vader goes up to the second rope, but Rick catches him and hits him with a few right hands and Vader responds with a right hand of his own and comes off on Rick, who catches Vader in midair and power slams Vader. Rude comes in to break up the count. Patrick goes to get Rude out and Rick gets Vader up on his shoulders for Scott to come off the top rope with a Steinerline to Vader. Now Patrick turned around and saw this and so Scott should be disqualified. Patrick does disqualify Scott. Rick and Vader both go over the top rope after Rick Steinerlines Vader. Rude and Roberts come into the ring and Sting also comes in and is fighting them off as Rick hits a big suplex to Vader on the outside. Rude thrown out of the ring and hits Rick with a Rude Awakening out on the floor. Vader gets back in the ring, but Rick is counted out. The second that Vader gets back in the ring, Sting jumps on him with kicks, which is a good strategy as Sting is all alone now. Vader reverses an Irish whip and Sting comes back with a sunset flip. He can't get Vader over and Vader goes to come down on Sting, but Sting moves. Vader back to his feet and Sting hits him with a big right hand and Roberts tagged in. Sting drives Roberts down to the mat. He then rubs Robert's face into the mat. Sting with a corner whip and a Stinger Splash to Roberts. Sting follows that up with the Scorpion Death Lock. Madusa gets up on the apron to distract Patrick and Rude hits Sting with a clothesline from the apron to break up the Scorpion Death Lock. Rude then tagged in. Sting ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Rude with a shot. He then hits the heels on the apron. Sting then hits Rude with a bulldog and gets a two count. Roberts has put on a black glove and has come into the ring. Sting hits Rude with an Irish whip and an inverted atomic drop. Sting hits Rude with a slingshot suplex. Patrick still tied up with Roberts and Vader climbs to the top rope and splashes Sting, but also catches Rude with the splash as well. Patrick saw the move and disqualified Vader. Roberts sneaks in and pulls Rude to the corner. Roberts tags himself in. The crowd starts chanting DDT. I bet Sting didn't like hearing that. Of course, DDT is easier to chant than Scorpion Death Lock or Stinger Splash, so I get it. Roberts hits the DDT on Sting in the center of the ring and gets the pin. The winners are Jake Roberts and Rick Rude and that fickle crowd boos the announcement of the winners.
-WCW Scrapbook of a Four Horsemen interview during the period where Lex Luger was a member. Jim and Jesse discuss the hotline voting that 88% want the top rope rule rescinded and preview what's coming up on WCW Saturday Night. They then show the Halloween Havoc mini movie of the Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal match announcement.
-When they come back from commercial, they have some executives and top stars from WCW on the podium and they have Freddie Miller do his Don't miss it, be there catch phrase in a nice nod to the glory days of GCW. They then wish everyone a good night and sign off from Atlanta. End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a great show with a nod to the past. Sad seeing Andre in his final US appearance though.

Episode 195 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 1db6cbb6-fd72-4485-bdf0-a9995579ef60 My notes for Episode 195: Insurrextion 2001. -Continuing to dig myself out of my work hole.
-Today we are looking at Insurrextion 2001 from the WWF.
-Insurrextion 2001 took place May 5, 2001 from Earls Court Exhibition Center in London, England. There were 16,284 in attendance.
-WWF Attitude Logo.
-William Regal is shown on the phone telling Kurt Angle that he has to come to the arena right away. He tells Kurt that all the matches have been changed. Everything is upside down. Vince McMahon comes in as Regal hangs up and says it’s all going to Regal’s head. He wants to know why Regal made all the changes to the matches and Regal says he didn’t do any of this. Vince asks who did and Regal says it was Linda. Vince says that’s it, no more changes. He doesn’t take orders from his wife. Linda McMahon appears behind Vince. Vince backs off but asks her why she made the changes and she says the UK fans deserve to see the best. She says that the Main Event hasn’t changed because the Undertaker wanted to get his hands on both HHH and Steve Austin. Vince puts on a happy face and ushers Linda out. Vince then pitches a fit after she leaves and you can hear the fans chant asshole. Vince says he’s worried about catching foot in mouth disease. Write your own jokes here.
-Michael Cole and Paul Heyman welcome us to Insurrextion and talk about the changes to the card.
-Eddie Guerrero VS. Grandmaster Sexay Brian Christopher: I’m going to refer to him as Brian Christopher because it feels weird for me to call him either Grandmaster or Sexay. Guerrero jumps Christopher before the bell. Guerrero with a snap mare. Grinds his boot on Christopher’s face. Guerrero puts on Christopher’s sunglasses. He then throws them out to the audience. Christopher comes back with an Irish whip and a power slam. Guerrero reverses a corner whip and Christopher gets his boot up on a Christopher corner charge. Christopher with a missile dropkick from the second rope. Guerrero rolls to the outside and Christopher hits a baseball slide to knock Guerrero down. Christopher starts dancing and Guerrero attacks him from behind. Guerrero then mocks Christopher by dancing. He isn’t paying attention and Christopher rolls him up and gets a two count. Guerrero with a clothesline. Guerrero with an Irish whip. Christopher slides through his legs. Guerrero grabs his leg. Christopher does an enziguri. Christopher with an Irish whip and a big back body drop. Christopher follows it up with a clothesline. Guerrero reverses a corner whip and flips Guerrero face first into the turnbuckle. Christopher with a super kick for a two count. Christopher with a power bomb. Christopher goes up top. He puts his goggles on, but Guerrero moves as he goes for the leg drop. An Eddie sucks chant goes out. Guerrero goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Guerrero moves on a Christopher corner charge. Guerrero rolls Christopher up and gets the pin with his foot on the ropes.
-HHH and Stephanie McMahon shown backstage. HHH says that tonight, the Undertaker is going to take his last ride.
-The Radicalz Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko and Terri VS. Crash, Hardcore, and Molly Holly: Terri gets on the mic and says this country didn’t have anything for her for wrestling boots or anything and she is not wrestling in a skimpy outfit. The bell rings and the men are fighting on the outside of the ring. Molly grabs Terri inside the ring. They slap each other and Molly takes Terri down with a suplex and then does the big swing on her. Saturn and Hardcore now in the ring slugging it out. Hardcore with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Saturn reverses an Irish whip, but Hardcore slips behind and delivers a back suplex to Saturn. Gets a two count. Saturn with a clothesline. Hardcore reverses an Irish whip and hits a dropkick. Hardcore goes for a rollup, but Saturn holds onto the ropes. Hardcore kicks Saturn in the groin. Crash tagged in. Corner whip and a clothesline to Saturn. Gets a two count. Saturn with a backdrop and Malenko tagged in. Crash with a drop toe hold. Crash with a corner whip, but Malenko gets his boot up on a charge. Crash with a power slam. Hardcore tagged in. Hardcore misses a corner charge and gets clotheslined by Saturn from the apron. Malenko stomping Hardcore. Saturn tagged in. gets a brain buster for a two count. Saturn with a rear chin lock. Crash runs Saturn into the corner to get out. Saturn with a release suplex. Saturn misses the top rope elbow drop. Hardcore with a backdrop. Hardcore pushes Saturn off and Crash tagged in. He hits a flying forearm to Saturn. He then hits a tilt awhirl leg scissors. Malenko comes in and Crash gives him a DDT. Saturn with a big clothesline to Crash. Saturn puts Crash on the top rope. Crash pushes off and hits a top rope hurricanrana. Malenko breaks up the count. Crash with a springboard bulldog. Terri comes in to break it up. Molly takes her down. The men pull them apart. Saturn hits a fisherman's suplex to pin Crash.
-William Regal shown touring England.
-William Regal shown on his phone talking to his uncle. He says he’s the only English hero left.
-Paul Heyman and Michael Cole talk about the next UK PPV, Rebellion. They then showed the Big Show injuring Test on Smackdown.
-The Big Show comes down to the ring. Linda McMahon had canceled his match with Test, but Big Show called him a coward and said Test should come down and face him. Test comes down dressed in street clothes, limping, and holding his ribs. Test gets on the apron and takes his shirt off and his ribs are taped up. Big Show attacks him. Test ducks a clothesline and hits some shots. Big Show grabs him and throws him into a corner. Test ducks a forearm and hits some shots and forearms. Big Show reverses a corner whip and hits a side slam on Test. Big Show then drops some knees on Test’s ribs. He drops an elbow on the ribs. He drives Test down with a forearm shot. More referees come out and tell Big Show to stay away as they check on Test. Big Show gets the mic and says this is an example to everybody that no one can stop him one on one. He starts to walk up the aisle and Bradshaw comes down to meet him. He and Big Show fight down the aisle. They get into the ring and it’s officially a match.
-The Big Show VS. Bradshaw: Big Show with a sidewalk slam to Bradshaw. Big Show with a big headbutt. Big Show with an elbow to the back of the head. EMT personnel come down to check on Test at ringside. Big Show with a corner whip and charge, but Bradshaw gets his boot up. Bradshaw with some big right hands and goes for an Irish whip, but Big Show reverses it and clotheslines Bradshaw in the corner. He misses an elbow drop. Bradshaw goes up top. Top rope shoulder block knocks Big Show down. Bradshaw tries for an Irish Whip, but TBS turns and grabs Bradshaw’s throat. He goes for the choke slam, but Bradshaw holds onto the top rope so Big Show knocks Bradshaw to the outside. Big Show clotheslines Bradshaw outside. Big Show grabs a chair. He shoves the referee into a barricade. He goes and headbutts Test again as they are taking him away. He throws Test into the ring and picks up the chair again. Test blocks being hit with a boot to the chair that hits Big Show. Bradshaw comes in and hits the Clothesline from Hell and gets the three count.
-Coach interviews Steve Austin and Austin asks how stupid the Undertaker is. He says the Undertaker’s career is going to end in a piece of crap country.
-D-Von and Bubba Ray Dudley VS. Edge and Christian VS. Matt and Jeff Hardy VS. X-Pac and Justin Credible with Albert. Four Team Elimination Match: Credible and Bubba Ray start. They trade shots. Bubba Ray corner whips Credible into the corner. Bubba Ray with a hip toss and slam to Credible. Credible tags Matt in. Bubba Ray tags Christian in. They lock up. Matt with a side headlock. Christian pushes off. Matt with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Christian with a leapfrog and a dropkick to Matt. Christian with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Matt kicks him in the head and gets a takedown. He tags Jeff in and they double kick Christian in the corner. Christian comes back with some forearm shots to Jeff. Edge tagged in. He punches and kicks Jeff. Irish whips Jeff, but misses a clothesline and Jeff comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Edge with a back elbow. He tags X-Pac in. X-Pac attacks Jeff. Jeff fights back and reverses an Irish whip. X-Pac reverses it back and misses a clothesline. Jeff comes back with a hurricanrana. Jeff tags Matt in and they hit X-Pac with a double back elbow. That gets a two count. X-Pac with a corner whip to Matt and Albert and Credible grab his legs and post him in the corner. Paul E. says that’s going to ruin Lita’s night and I laughed out loud. X-Pac hits a shoulder tackle to Matt in the corner. X-Pac with a Bronco Buster to Matt in the corner. He stomps down on Matt and tags Credible in. He beats Matt down and X-Pac tagged back in. Matt ducks a double clothesline and hits one of his own on X-Pac and Credible. Jeff tagged in. He dropkicks X-Pac and Credible. He then hits Edge and Christian in the corner with clotheslines. Jeff hits Poetry in Motion on Credible. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian in and fight each other to the outside. Jeff goes for Poetry in Motion to X-Pac, but he moves. X-Pac Irish whips Matt, who reverses it and hits the Twist of Faith on X-Pac. He covers X-Pac. Albert comes in to splash Matt who moves and Albert splashes X-Pac. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb on X-Pac. He pins X-Pac and X-Factor is eliminated. Credible and Albert pull Matt out of the ring and start beating him. Christian hits the Unprettier on Jeff. He pins Jeff. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian all battling in the ring. Edge and Christian corner whipped into each other and knocked down. Double flapjack by the Dudley’s on Christian. D-Von with a power slam on Christian. That gets a two count. D-Von punching Christian in the corner and Edge comes up and guillotines D-Von when the referee isn’t looking. Christian with a backbreaker to D-Von. Edge tagged in. Edge hits a standing dropkick. Gets a two count. Christian tagged in. D-Von in the wrong corner as a table chant goes out. Edge tagged back in. D-Von corner whipped. D-Von with some right hands to Edge who gets a drop toehold on D-Von and tags Christian in. A We Want Tables chant goes out. Christian with a front face lock and tags Edge in. Edge puts D-Von on the top turnbuckle. Edge goes for the superplex, but D-Von throws him off. D-Von with a top rope clothesline. Bubba Ray tagged in, but the referee didn’t see it. D-Von back in the wrong corner. Christian with a backbreaker. Gets a two count but Bubba Ray breaks it up. D-Von fighting back. Reverses a corner whip, but Christian gets his elbow up on a corner charge. D-Von with a reverse body slam. Both Bubba Ray and Edge tagged in. Bubba Ray cleans house. A stun gun to Edge. Irish whip and a back body drop to Christian. Sidewalk slam to Edge gets a two count. Bubba bomb to Christian. He slams Edge. He holds Edge and D-Von hits the whassup. Bubba Ray calls for the table. Edge and Christian go to baseball slide into the table, but the Dudley’s lift it and Edge and Christian spill to the outside. Then the Dudley’s hit Edge and Christian with the table. They set Christian up for the 3D, but Edge pulls Christian to the outside. Out of nowhere, Rhino comes in and Gores Bubba Ray while the referee isn’t looking, allowing Edge to pin Bubba Ray. Rhino sets the table up. Spike Dudley comes in to do the Dudley Dog on Rhino, but he counters. Christian goes for a corner charge, but Spike ducks and does the Dudley Dog on Edge using Christian and Rhino as a ramp. Dudley’s throw Christian out and do the 3D on Rhino through the table.
-Video of the Insurrextion Charity Dinner for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
-Coach interviews Kurt Angle. He says after he breaks Chris Benoit’s Ankle and will, he’s going to take his gold medals back.
-Right to Censor comes to ringside. Steven Richards says the country should be ashamed of themselves. He says that people should come to see Big Ben and the London Bridge, not to see a naked woman on the Daily News which is sold to children. He says he’s going to stand up for England. He says he’s going to censor the ladies battle royal so it’s cancelled. He calls the ladies to come out and show that they can change their ways. Miss Jackie out first. Then Trish Stratus. Lita out next. Ivory calls them all street corner slappers. Jackie dropkicks Ivory and Richards. Lita and Jackie give Ivory a double flapjack. The women then strip Ivory of her clothes and she runs to the back in her underwear. Richards gets on the mic and berates the crowd for cheering that and says the crowd needs him and not the encouragement of hussies. Status starts to come on to Richards before giving him a low blow. The ladies pulls his pants down to his ankles and Jackie gives him a DDT. Lita then does a moonsault on Richards. Richards then gets out of the ring and hobbles away.
-Flashback to the Chris Benoit/Kurt Angle Rivalry.
-2/3 Falls Match. Chris Benoit VS. Kurt Angle: Angle says he wants his medals back. Benoit says they’re in a very safe and warm place. They lock up. It goes to the corner and the referee breaks it up. They circle each other. Benoit with a hip toss. Angle with a takedown. A series of reversals with both trying to gain the advantage. Benoit with a waist lock. Angle drives him backwards and delivers a series of elbows to Benoit. They circle each other again. On the mat now both struggling for position. Benoit going for the Crippler Crossface. Angle rolls to the outside. Back in, they jockey for position again and Angle goes for the Ankle Lock. Benoit gets to the ropes then pushes off with his legs and Angle goes to the outside. Angle tells referee Tim White to make Angle get back until he can get in. Benoit with an Irish Whip and goes for a knee to the midsection, but Angle hooks the leg and rolls Benoit up for a one count. Benoit goes for the crossface, but Angle quickly gets to the ropes. Angle rolls outside and Benoit follows and gives chase. Angle slides back in and stomps Benoit when he gets in. Benoit reverses a corner whip, but Angle gets his elbow up on a Benoit charge. Benoit tries again and Angle gives him a stun gun on the corner turnbuckle. Angle drags Benoit’s head over the ring apron and delivers a shot to it. Angle sucks chant goes out. Angle with a snap suplex to Benoit. Gets another one count. Angle stomping Benoit. Benoit goes for a corner whip, but Angle holds on and delivers a belly to belly suplex. Benoit comes back with a belly to belly of his own. Both men down and the referee is counting. They trade shots then Benoit starts chopping Angle’s chest. Benoit goes for an Irish whip, Angle holds on and tries for a clothesline, Benoit ducks and delivers three snap suplexes ala Dynamite Kid, ending with slamming Angle down belly first on the top rope. Benoit drags Angle back in. Benoit with a corner whip and three German suplexes. Benoit goes up top and delivers a flying headbutt. He gets the first fall. 2nd fall: It goes outside and Angle sends Benoit into the ring steps. Angle rolls in to stop the count then goes after Benoit again. He brings Benoit back into the ring and puts him on the top rope and delivers a belly to belly off the top rope. Gets a close two count. Angle with a back suplex for another two count. Angle with a headlock. Benoit fighting on the mat to get out of it. Benoit gets back to his feet and delivers some chops to Angle. Angle reverses a corner whip, but Benoit gets a boot to Angle’s face on the corner charge. Benoit then comes out of the corner and walks into a belly to belly suplex. That gets a two count. Angle goes for a back suplex, but Benoit turns in midair and lands on Angle for a two count. Angle with some shots. Angle with an Irish whip, Benoit comes back and gets a small package for a two count. Angle with some shots to Benoit in the corner, Benoit reverse it and starts chopping Angle. Angle then reverses it and chops and hits Benoit. Benoit with some kicks to get out of the corner. Angle rakes the eyes. Angle with a whip, but he misses a clothesline. Benoit with a kick and a DDT. Benoit tries for an Irish whip, but Angle holds on and goes for the Angle Slam, but Benoit slides out. Benoit with a corner whip and three German suplexes. Benoit goes up to and goes for the headbutt, but Angle moves. Double count going as both men are down. Back up and Angle shoves Benoit into the ropes and does a drop toe hold and goes for the Angle Lock. Benoit turns and counters with the Crossface. Angle rolls out of it. Angle with a takedown, but Benoit rolls through to pin Angle in two straight falls. Angle dejected. Benoit gets on the mic and says he’s true to his word. He then pulls the medals from his pants. He puts the medals around his neck. Angle gives chase.
-Steve Austin, HHH, and Stephanie McMahon are shown backstage. Austin calls Debra in. He tells her to get him a water. HHH says to get him one too. Stephanie asks for a chamomile tea with lemon and one lump of sugar. Debra says she is not their little errand girl. She says they need to think about the Undertaker.
-Paul Heyman and Michael Cole talk about the Main Event as well as the Chris Jericho/William Regal match.
-Flashback to what has led up to the next match.
-Queens Cup Match. William Regal VS. Chris Jericho: Jericho with a good reaction coming out. They lock up and Regal with a side headlock. Jericho with a wrist lock. Regal tries to get out. Jericho with a takeover. Jericho with a shot to the face of Regal. Jericho with a side headlock. Jericho with a hammerlock. Regal reverses. Regal goes to throw Jericho out over the top rope, but Jericho holds on, climbs up top, and hits an elbow drop on Regal. Jericho with a baseball slide to Regal, who rolls out of the way. Jericho chopping Regal. He runs Regal into the barricade. He puts Regal back in, goes up top, and delivers a crossbody to Regal. Gets a two count. Jericho with kicks to Regal’s midsection in the corner. Corner whip by Jericho. Regal comes out and tries to roll Jericho up, but Jericho rolls through and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Regal pushes off. Regal with a boot to the midsection of Jericho and runs Jericho into the ring post shoulder first. Regal working on Jericho’s shoulder. Regal with an arm bar. Jericho fights back to his feet with a series of forearm shots. Jericho with a corner whip, but Regal gets his leg up. Regal goes to the second rope and waves to the fans, allowing Jericho to hit him with a dropkick. Jericho then performs a top rope hurricanrana to Regal. Gets a close two count. Jericho with some chops to Regal. Jericho with an Irish whip, but Regal ducks a clothesline and a dropkick and slingshots Jericho throat first onto the top rope. Regal with a release German suplex and Jericho dumped on his head. Regal with a series of knees to the head of Jericho. Regal waves to the crowd. Regal stomping Jericho’s head. Regal puts the Million Dollar Dream on Jericho. Jericho fighting it. Jericho with some elbows to get out, but Regal comes back with an elbow of his own. Gets a two count. Irish whip by Regal. He misses a clothesline, but hits a back elbow. Regal gets Jericho over by the apron and slams his head down. He delivers a forearm shot that knocks Jericho to the outside. He runs Jericho into the corner post. He throws Jericho back in the ring and stomps him. He drives his hands into Jericho’s midsection. Jericho coming back with some shots. Jericho reverses an Irish whip and comes back with a sunset flip. That gets a two count. Regal with a clothesline. Gets a two count. Back to the Million Dollar Dream. Jericho’s arm doesn’t fall the third time as he starts to mount a comeback. Jericho back up with some shots to the ribs. Jericho backdrops Regal. He rolls Regal up for a two count. Regal with a back elbow. Regal ties Jericho up in the ropes. He delivers punches to Jericho’s head. Jericho delivers a kick to Regal while still tied up in the ropes. Regal with a suplex. Gets a two count. Regal puts on a version of the abdominal stretch to a sitting Jericho. Jericho fighting to get out. He makes it to his feet and Regal delivers a forearm shot. Then they trade shots. Jericho with an elbow and a corner whip. Regal gets his knee up on the charge. Jericho hits an enziguri. Both men down. Double count going. Both up at 7. Jericho with some shots. Regal reverses an Irish whip, but Jericho with a kick when Regal drops his head. Jericho with a clothesline. He hits a missile dropkick. Gets a two count. Regal reverses a whip. Jericho coming back with a flying forearm. Jericho goes for the bulldog. Regal ducks. Jericho with a shot and gets the bulldog. Jericho goes for the lionsault, but Regal gets the knees up. Regal with a slam and a close two count. Jericho bashed in the corner and Regal goes for another release German, but Jericho counters with a roll up into the Walls of Jericho. Regal taps and Jericho wins the Queens Cup. Referee Teddy Long presents Jericho with the Queen’s Cup. Jericho lifts the cup up and Regal nails him from behind. He attacks Jericho with the Cup. He beats Jericho out of the ring to the floor and waves to the fans. We don’t deserve William Regal.
-Flashback to what led to the Main Event.
-Main Event Handicapped Match. The Undertaker VS. Steve Austin and HHH with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: HHH and Stephanie out first. Austin is out next. Undertaker comes out on a motorcycle to Rollin’. Austin and HHH waiting for him. Undertaker sizing them up before he gets in the ring. Undertaker grabs a chair. He comes into the ring and the other two bail out. Now they are trying to figure out how to get into the ring. HHH manages to get in and attack Undertaker from behind as the bell rings. Now Austin and HHH attacking Undertaker with stomps in the corner. They trade off hitting Undertaker with shots to the corner. Double team Irish whip to Undertaker who ducks the double clothesline and comes back with a double clothesline of his own. He trades off hitting both heels with shots. He hits a side slam to Austin and knocks HHH to the outside. Undertaker goes to choke slam Austin, but HHH drags him outside. Undertaker and HHH exchange shots outside. Undertaker bashes HHH’s head against the ring steps. They start fighting up the aisle. Undertaker with an elbow that knocks HHH down. Austin jumps Undertaker from behind. Austin bringing Undertaker up the ramp. Austin goes to piledrive Undertaker on the ramp, but Undertaker reverses it and backdrops Austin on the ramp. Undertaker starts hitting HHH again. HHH goes to run Undertaker into the barricade, but he blocks it and runs HHH in again. Undertaker starts taking the announce desk apart. HHH gets some kicks in. HHH tosses Undertaker back into the ring. Undertaker reverses an Irish whip and backdrops HHH. Undertaker then does Old School. He gets a two count. Undertaker with shots to HHH in the corner. HHH reverses an Irish whip and hits a hard right to Undertaker. Undertaker ducks under and comes back with a DDT. Double count going. Undertaker covers. Austin breaks it up. HHH with an Irish whip, Undertaker ducks a clothesline, but HHH hits him with a high knee. Austin tagged in. He stomps Undertaker. Austin delivers shots to Undertaker in the corner. Austin with an Irish Whip. Undertaker ducks a clothesline, but Austin hits the Thesz Press. Austin then drops an elbow on Undertaker. And then two more, but Undertaker grabs his throat on the last one. HHH comes in and gets a boot from Undertaker. Austin misses a shot and Undertaker goes for a chokeslam, but gets hit from behind by HHH. Irish whip and both Undertaker and HHH down after a double clothesline. Double count going. Stephanie gets in the ring to yell at referee Earl Hebner. Austin goes out and gets a chair. Austin nails Undertaker with the chair. HHH covers Undertaker, but he kicks out on two. Austin tagged in. He knocks Undertaker to the outside. HHH runs Undertaker into the ring post. He rolls Undertaker back in and Austin Stomps on him. Austin has his boot on Undertaker’s throat. The referee pulls him off and HHH takes a shot to Undertaker’s head on the apron. Austin covers, but Undertaker kicks out on two. Then another two count. HHH tagged in and hits Undertaker with a shot to the head. Then more shots to Undertaker in the corner. Undertaker coming back with right hands. HHH with an Irish whip and gets the sleeper on Undertaker. Undertaker slowly going down. Undertaker on the mas and HHH using the ropes for leverage behind the referee’s back. Undertaker trying to get out. A Taker chant goes out. Undertaker’s arm doesn’t go down for the third time and he gets a handful of HHH’s hair. He gets up. Austin tagged in and Undertaker goes to put the sleeper on him, but Austin counters with back suplex. Austin goes to the second rope, but Undertaker catches him with a shot coming off. Undertaker reverses an Irish whip, but Austin with a kick when Undertaker puts his head down too early. HHH tagged in. HHH with shots to Undertaker’s head. HHH with an Irish whip, and a back elbow. HHH goes up top, but Undertaker gets a boot to his head as he comes off. Austin tagged in. Undertaker with a back elbow. Undertaker with a corner whip and an elbow. He hits HHH with a clothesline. Austin knocked to the outside. HHH knocked to the outside. Undertaker runs Austin into the barricade. HHH comes over but Undertaker grabs him by the throat and choke slams him onto the announcers table which collapses. Austin attacks Undertaker from behind. They roll back in. Austin goes for the stunner. Undertaker pushes off and hits a big boot. Undertaker goes for the chokeslam. Austin with a boot to the gut of Undertaker and he does the leapfrog body guillotine to Undertaker. Undertaker reverses an Irish whip and choke slams Austin. Undertaker is bleeding on the side of his face. He gets a two count, but HHH breaks it up. HHH goes for the Pedigree. Undertaker counters and slingshots HHH into Austin. Undertaker with an Irish whip to HHH who comes back with a face buster. HHH with a clothesline. Vince McMahon comes down to ringside. He goes to hit Undertaker, but he ducks and HHH gets hit instead. Vince gets choke slammed. HHH gets choke slammed. Undertaker then pins HHH. Austin then choke slammed. Undertaker hits HHH and Austin and McMahon while they are prone on the mat. He collapses against the ropes exhausted. He then raises his arms to cheers as he gets out of the ring. He gets on his motorcycle. He rides to the top of the ramp and raises one fist as they sign off from England.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show and something for the crowd in England to get excited about.

Episode 194 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 79ea5dc3-751e-4d9c-93ab-a5b16a970ef1 My notes for Episode 194: Thursday Throwback January 2020. -With things being so busy, I decided to look back at the genesis of the show and everything that went into it.
The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
-Welcome to The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I am your host, Joey Harris.
-This is a podcast for the wrestling fan on the go. There are a lot of great podcasts out there, but you may not have 6 hours to listen to one. So, take your favorite beverage of choice as we look at some of the biggest shows on the WWE Network.
-Today we look at the first Saturday Night’s Main Event for 1988.
-SNME XIV was broadcast on NBC on January 2, 1988. It was tapes December 7, 1987 from the Capital
Centre in Landover, Maryland.
-I was 9 and 2 weeks away from turning 10 when this aired. As I record this, I just had my birthday this
past week. It was birthdays and business as usual at my job. This is the third busiest time for my job and due to some personnel decisions, I have been doing more than usual.
-Jake Roberts says 1988 is a new year for him and Damien. He invites Sika and Mr. Fuji to a New Year’s
party where he’s going to change their future.
-Greg Valentine and new/old manager Jimmy Hart say when you combine Koko B. Ware and Frankie
you get one bird and one bird brain.
-Strike Force says Bolsheviks beware!
-Slick and The Bolsheviks say there’s going to be a new Russian Revolution.
-King Kong Bundy, Bobby Heenan, and Andre The Giant say that Andre will officially be in the corner of
King Kong Bundy. Bundymania Lives!
-Hulk Hogan Says Bundymania makes him sick. Hulkamania lives forever!
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us and Jesse has to say his own Happy New Year greeting.
They then run down the card for the night.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan who’s getting ready. Hogan says the only way his New
Year gets any better is if he could get his hands on the big, stinky Giant.
-Mean Gene then interviews The Bolsheviks and Slick: Slick says he and The Bolsheviks had a meeting
with Gorbachev and they have a game plan. He says The Bolsheviks are peaceful not capitalistic.
-Slick says Gordy and not Gorby and Vince calls him out on it.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match 2/3 Falls: Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel VS. The
Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick: Nikolai does the Russian National Anthem
gimmick. They flashback to how Strike Force won the titles from The Hart Foundation.
-Mean Gene interviews Strike Force. They say this is the year of Strike Force.
-First Fall: Quick tags by Strike Force. The Bolsheviks slow it down and hit some power moves. Rick
Martel makes Boris Zhukov submit to the Boston Crab.

-Second Fall: Volkoff and Zhukov hit power moves again. Back and forth. Slick then throws his cane to
Volkoff to hit Santana, but he ducks and Zhukov gets hit instead and Santana pins him.
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji and Sika. They have a long bread roll and a jar of mustard. They say
Damien is dinner.
-Mean Gen interviews Jake Roberts. He says he’s not worried because you have to respect Damien and
the DDT.
-Sika with Mr. Fuji VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Roberts is quick here, but Sika is too powerful to be
moved. Fuji attacks Roberts with the cane. Sika gets Roberts in the corner and charges, but Jake moves then rolls Sika up for the pin. Jake then DDT’s Mr. Fuji and then puts Damien on him.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy, and Andre The Giant. Heenan says per
doctors’ orders, he can’t be at ringside, but Andre will be at ringside. Bundymania lives! They flashback
to the last SNME and the Bobby Heenan/Hulk Hogan confrontation and attack.
-Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He says lightning struck once in 1987 when King Kong Bundy
won, but he says Ronald Reagan is a Hulkamaniac, so he will win. A lot of political talk here since we are so close to Washington, D.C.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. King Kong Bundy with Andre The Giant:
Hogan come out hot. They go back and forth. Bundy takes control. He subtly cheats. Hogan slams him,
but he’s hurt. Hogan hulks up! Bundy charges, the ref gets in the way accidentally and gets knocked out. Bundy gets knocked outside. Other refs come down to check on the fallen ref. He gets taken away as the match continues. Hogan gets knocked outside of the ring. He does get back in as Bundy takes over again. He hits two avalanches. Hogan kicks out. He Hulks up, hits the leg drop, and pins Bundy. Andre come in. and Hogan taunts him. Andre backs down. Hogan must pose! Andre comes back in and head butts and chokes out Hogan. The British Bulldogs come out to help and get manhandled then Andre goes back to Hogan. More wrestlers come out and they struggle to get him off. Hacksaw Jim Duggan hits Andre with the 2x4. That does it. Hogan gets carried out.
-Jesse interviews Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine. Valentine is happy being back with Jimmy Hart.
-Mean Gene interviews Koko B. Ware and Frankie. Koko says Valentine and Hart are featherweights.
-Koko B. Ware with Frankie VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Valentine attacks early. Koko tries to
fight back. Brutus Beefcake comes down to ringside. Referee Joey Marella tells him that he has to leave. Greg Valentine Dominates again. Back and forth. Valentine gets the figure four on Koko and Koko submits. Beefcake comes back down and chases Valentine to the back. Beefcake then comes back and cuts some of Jimmy Hart’s hair.
-They replay the Andre attack on Hulk Hogan.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant. Andre says he enjoyed himself. Heenan
says Andre’s going to choke the belt away. He then says he is close to clinching a deal for Andre.
-Mean Gene is then back talking to Jesse Ventura, who loved the attack on Hogan. They say Hogan has a damaged windpipe.
-Vince, Jesse, and Mean Gene then close out the show.

Episode 193 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c777f605-f8b5-4cd6-85a2-5c24fc761d11 My notes for Episode 193: October 1992 Superstars. -Adrian Street.
-Pee Wee Herman.
-Shaw Library.
-Million Dollar Homes.
-Today we look at the episode of WWF Superstars from October 17, 1992.
-It was recorded October 12, 1992 in Saskatoon, Canada.
-They show Mean Gene Okerlund welcoming Bret Hart at the new WWF Champion for a podium interview. Hart comes out with the belt to a fantastic reception. He says this is the proudest moment of his life and it is dedicated to all the people who believe that the biggest dreams can still come true. Mean Gene says he could not agree more. He knows Bret's work ethic and has watched him throughout his career. He says Bret having the title is through determination, perseverance, and paying his dues. Hart says that his father taught him wrestling techniques and it all goes back to that. He says he's wrestled the greatest wrestlers in the world and he has learned. He says he wants to thank Ric Flair for stepping into that ring and giving Hart a chance. He then thanks his fans for supporting him all these years. He wants to thank his friends and his family who have been with him since the very beginning and finally he thanks God for the greatest moment. He says he's proud to be the WWF Champion. The crowd cheers.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to Superstars and Mr. Perfect doesn't look happy at all. McMahon updates us that Bret Hart did become the new WWF Champion in Saskatoon and Mr. Perfect says who ever heard of Saskatoon? Perfect says that he told Ric Flair not to take the match, but he signed for it anyway. He then says Flair was sick that night, but went out anyway and the rest is history. He then threatens McMahon and says this is serious business. He says that any Superstar can defeat any other Superstar on any given night. He says the next time that happens, Ric Flair will once again become the WWF Champion. McMahon then runs down what we are going to see this week.
-Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri vs. Steve Gillespie: Sherri helps Michaels take his ring gear off as Perfect and McMahon continue to argue over Flair and Hart. Michaels takes Gillespie down with a drop toe hold and just slaps him around. They lock up again. Michaels with a side headlock. Gillespie pushes off. Gillespie misses a clothesline and a back elbow attempt. Michaels slides to the center of the ring from the apron through Gillespie's legs. He then hits Gillespie and does an Irish whip and a back elbow to him. Michaels then performs a standing dropkick to Gillespie. He then gets Gillespie in a side headlock and brings him over so that Gillespie can see himself in the mirror that Sherri is holding up. He then hits Gillespie again and gets a snap mare. He then gets a headlock on Gillespie. Gillespie back to his feet and hits some elbows to get out of the move. Michaels responds with a running elbow to Gillespie. He then hits a flurry of punches in the corner to knock Gillespie back to the ground. He chokes Gillespie for a four count. Gillespie blocks being run into the turnbuckle and runs Michaels in instead. Gillespie with a pair of corner whips, but misses the charge when Michaels moves out of the way. Michaels hits a flying clothesline. He hits the super kick on Gillespie, so he must be using it as a finisher. But not so fast my friend. The theme for this episode. He does the side suplex and gets the pin.
-Tatanka vs. Brian Jewel: They lock up and Tatanka with a side headlock. Jewel pushes off and Tatanka comes back with a shoulder block. Jewel with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline and Tatanka hits Jewel with a chop. Tatanka with an Irish whip and a pair of shoulder blocks. Tatanka with a power slam. Tatanka then with a scoop slam and drops an elbow on Jewel. He then hits a suplex. He follows that up with a pair of corner whips and a clothesline. Tatanka with a wrist lock. He gets Jewel down and drops a leg on him. He then gets the wrist lock back on Jewel. He hits an Irish whip and a chop to Jewel to knock Jewel down to the mat. Tatanka goes into his war dance and knocks Jewel down with another chop. Then another chop and a scoop slam. Tatanka goes up top and hits a flying chop to Jewel. He hits an Irish whip and the fall away slam to get the pin.
-Update: Lord Alfred Hayes repeats the news that Bret Hart was the new WWF Champion. He then throws it to the Ultimate Maniacs of the Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. They congratulate Bret Hart before saying they are going after Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. Savage says don't call it a comeback and I didn't have him quoting LL Cool J on my bingo card for this week's show. Ric Flair and Razor Ramon are with Mr. Perfect. Perfect says Bret Hart being WWF Champion doesn't sit well with them because there is only one real World's Champion. Flair says once again, things are off kilter, but when things are off kilter, they stand by to offer up the cure and all that Bret Hart has done is fuel the fire that lies between the Ultimate Maniacs and Ric Flair and Razon Ramon. Ramon says some people thrive on intensity. They love to be in the spotlight. He says they are going to take out all the frustration, all the anger. They are going to bottle it up and bring it to Survivor Series. Flair says when something builds up inside of you that it just has to come out, he says you can just imagine what he is dealing with. And I think we now know why he has been married 5 times, but I digress. He says he's Ric Flair and he's used to being #1. He says they are coming after Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior.
-The Big Boss Man vs. Barry Horowitz: The bell rings and they circle each other. Boss Man goes to lock up, but Horowitz moves out of the way. It's an interesting strategy. He does it again when the Boss Man tries to lock up and I think he's just making Boss Man mad. Horowitz does the move a third time and then gets Boss Man in a side headlock. At least he gets a little offense in. Boss Man loose and going after Horowitz, who runs to the outside to get away, but Boss Man follows. Horowitz runs back into the ring and ducks some clothesline attempts before running into a big boot from Boss Man. Back and forth and Boss Man with a right hand to Horowitz to knock Horowitz down. Boss Man does the leapfrog body guillotine on Horowitz as an inset promo from Boss Man says he is coming after Nailz and that he is glad Sgt. Slaughter is now handling the officiating and that Boss Man is not the only man enforcing the rules and regulations in the WWF. Boss Man gets Horowitz down and slaps him again. He gets an Irish whip and the Boss Man Slam to pin Horowitz.
-Vince McMahon goads Mr. Perfect with the fact that Bret Hart is the WWF Champion. He goes on and on until Perfect knocks McMahon's headset off and says Ric Flair will get back what's rightfully his.
-Event Center: The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart say they have been through every team and there is only one team left, the Natural Disasters. They say they are the #1 contenders because of Jimmy Hart. This is called foreshadowing, folks. Harvey Wippleman is with Kamala and Kim Chee. Wippleman says he is so happy because it looks like their master plan is working like clockwork. He says that Paul Bearer and the Undertaker really believe that Kamala is afraid of the coffin, the urn, the body bag, and all the other effects of the Undertaker and he says that's what they wanted them to think. He says Kamala does not know the meaning of the word fear and I can buy that, but you can have emotions and not know what they are, Harvey. Get with the program, buddy. Wippleman says Kamala is not afraid of the Undertaker.
-The British Bulldog vs. Jim Peterson: Bulldog is the current IC champion. He locks up and then pushes Peterson off. Another lock up and push off. Peterson gets a side headlock. Bulldog pushes off and a double shoulder block, but neither man moves. Another shoulder block with the same result. Bulldog with a hip toss to Peterson. He follows it up with an arm drag into an arm bar. He follows that up with a delayed vertical suplex on Peterson. Into a snap mare and a headlock on Peterson. Bulldog then goes back to the arm bar. Peterson gets back to his feet and attacks Bulldog with a series of forearms to the back. Bulldog reverses a corner whip and gets a corner clothesline. He then gets the running power slam and the pin.
-Feature on Bob Backlund, who is returning to the WWF.
-Survivor Series report with Mean Gene. Gene runs down the card, although some things will change before we get there. Mean Gene announces a coffin match between the Undertaker and Kamala and the 8-man tag. This will also change. Change is in the air instead of love I believe.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. Jim Powers and Bobby St. Laurent: As Money Inc make their way to the ring, the video screen in the aisle flashes a picture of the Natural Disasters with the tag titles to piss Money Inc off but make the crowd happy. IRS does a bit about voting for the candidate who is going to raise taxes the most. IRS and Powers start. IRS pummels Powers in a corner. Powers comes back with a series of moves and hits IRS in the face with a knee to the crowd's delight. IRS reverses a monkey flip and Powers comes back with a monkey flip. He only gets a two count. IRS back to his feet, gets a wrist lock on, and tags DiBiase in. DiBiase picks the wrist lock up and turns it into a hammerlock. Then DiBiase with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Powers comes back with a crossbody for a two count. DiBiase goes back to the wrist lock. Powers counters and St. Laurent tagged in. DiBiase grabs St. Laurent and runs him into IRS's boot. IRS tagged in. He gets St. Laurent down and works on the leg before DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase works over the leg. Money Inc doing quick tags and attacking St. Laurent to keep him down. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a power slam. IRS follows that up with an Irish whip and a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Event Center: High Energy talks about working to get to the top and it's the first look at the team for me since I started to do the podcast. I always enjoyed them. Shawn Michaels and Sensational Sherri say it's almost a curse to be as good as he is, but it's something he's learned to live with. He says he wants the IC title.
-They run down what we are going to see next week before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: A good show. There were a lot of changes in the air and the WWF would look very different before the year ends.

Episode 192 Notes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] bee9d9ee-fad3-4a4d-9bee-489a8cfb17c7 My notes for Episode 192: September 1992 Superstars. -Rick Scaia.
-Williamsburg trip and being treated like we run the ferris wheel at the fair.
-Cheap Gas.
-AG, Lily Bay, and Good Pizza.
-The land of good coffee.
-Today, we look at the episode of WWF Superstars from September 12, 1992.
-We open with highlights of Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair for the WWF Title. Joined in progress. Savage outside the ring. Razor Ramon comes from behind and clips Savage's leg before stomping on Savage. They cut to Savage back in the ring and in Flair's figure four leg lock. Savage passes out as a result of the pain and Flair is once again the WWF Champion. Flair and Mr. Perfect celebrate in the ring as Flair is presented with the belt and raises it up high.
-Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect then welcome us to Superstars where Mr. Perfect is happy and dancing. Perfect says he has been celebrating all week and told McMahon before SummerSlam that he would be in the corner of the WWF Champion and he was right. He says he hardly has a whoo left in him after the partying that they have been doing. Razor Ramon comes to the ring for a match and McMahon says he is also responsible for Ric Flair becoming champion as part of Plan B.
-Razor Ramon vs. Gary Jackson: Ramon hands his gold to the ring attendant and threatens him not to have something happen to the gold before turning to Jackson and absolutely pounding him down. Ramon stomps on Jackson on the mat. He picks Jackson up like he was going to perform a tombstone piledriver, but instead runs Jackson into the corner. He then kicks Jackson down and then chokeslams Jackson. He then stomps Jackson some more. Ramon with an Irish whip and a back elbow and he can end this match at any time. He puts Jackson on the top rope and does a fall away slam. He then performs the Razor's edge and pins Jackson. The crowd gives Ramon the thumbs down and boos him.
-Mean Gene Okerlund with a special report on the Ric Flair/Randy Savage title match. He talks about Razor Ramon interrupting a Randy Savage interview earlier in the night and Razor Ramon throwing his toothpick at Savage and Savage punching Ramon. Mean Gene then shows highlights of the title match. He then shows Ramon attacking Savage again after the match before officials come in to stop it before the Ultimate Warrior comes out and carries Savage to the back.
-Razor Ramon interview. He says Savage isn't so Macho now. He calls Savage the dirt underneath Ramon's fingernails.
-The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon vs. Joe Turner and Doug Sommers: The Natural Disasters are the tag team champions. They come to the ring and hold the belts up high. Earthquake and Turner start. They tie up and drive to a corner. Clean break. Earthquake with a hip toss out of the corner and a dropkick to Turner. He then scoop slams both of his opponents. He snap mares Turner and then drops an elbow on Turner. Typhoon tagged in. Typhoon with a corner whip and splash to Turner and a clothesline to Sommers when he comes in. Earthquake tagged back in. Double splash in the corner to Turner while the referee gets Sommers out of the ring. Natural Disasters with a double Irish whip and shoulder block to Sommers. Earthquake and Typhoon both splash Turner to get the pin.
-Event Center. Money Inc and Jimmy Hart say they are going to get their titles back. Tito Santana says the race is on to the top and he is on his way up and doesn't care who he is going to face.
-Papa Shango vs. Justin Taylor: The crowd looks freaked out as Shango comes to the ring with a smoking skull. Shango takes over on Turner. He just pummels him to the ground and overpowers Turner every time he tries to get up. He covers and pulls Turner up after two as he wants to punish Turner some more. Shango hits the shoulder breaker to get the pin.
-Event Center with Crush, where he tells everyone that he is from Hawaii and works in just about every Hawaiian phrase you have ever heard of in the process. The Beverly Brothers and The Genius say they belong at the top of the WWF.
-The Big Boss Man vs. Iron Mike Sharpe: Boss Man extremely popular with the crowd. Sharpe yells at the referee to make Boss Man get the night stick and handcuffs out of the ring. He takes his time, but finally does put them away. They circle each other, but Sharpe gets to the ropes before they lock up and makes referee Joey Marella get Boss Man away. Sharpe then screams at the crowd. They finally lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean and Sharpe with a right hand to Boss Man. Sharpe with a series of right hands and an Irish whip. He goes to hit a big boot to Boss Man, who catches the leg and gets Sharpe down and drops a leg on Sharpe. Sharpe rolls to the outside to regroup. He yells at the fans some more and Boss Man comes out after him and hits Sharpe with a right hand to knock Sharpe down. Boss Man throws Sharpe back in the ring and Sharpe backing up and begging off. Boss Man with a series of body shots in the corner. Sharpe reverses a corner whip. Boss Man gets his foot up on the charge and scoop slams Sharpe. Sharpe rolls back outside. Boss Man slingshots Sharpe back in from the apron, but Sharpe responds with an eye rake. Sharpe with body shots. Boss Man reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop. He then hits the Boss Man Slam to get the pin and then handcuffs Sharpe to the bottom rope.
-Flashback to the celebration in the dressing room after Ric Flair's second WWF Title win. He has the belt and says they told you Plan B was going to work. He then dumps a glass of champagne that Mr. Perfect had poured for him on his head and calls himself Mr. WWF. Bobby Heenan comes in and they all celebrate. They gloat some more and Razor Ramon comes in. He says the gold looks good on Flair.
-The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags with Jimmy Hart vs. Greg Brown and Red Tyler: McMahon says Jimmy Hart is a little confused as to who is the #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles. Knobbs and Tyler start. Knobbs gets Tyler in the corner and just pounds on him. He hits a corner whip and a back elbow on Tyler. He gets an abdominal stretch on Tyler and Sags tagged in. Sags kicks Tyler down and Sags hits a pump handle slam and then goes outside to yell at the crowd as McMahon says he believes that the Ultimate Warrior will beat Ric Flair for the WWF Title soon and that Randy Savage will get revenge on Razor Ramon, but as they say, plans change. Knobbs also climbs down to yell at the crowd as they go to break and when they come back, Sags back in the ring and grabs Tyler and runs him into Knobb's arm pit. Sags then throws Tyler back to his own corner where he tags Brown in. Sags immediately throws Brown out. Knobbs goes down and slaps Brown around before throwing him back in. Knobbs tagged in. Double Irish whip and backdrop to Brown. Knobbs drops several elbows on Brown. Sags tagged back in and he also drops some elbows Knobbs tagged in and he and Sags double DDT Brown and Knobbs gets the pin.
-WWF Spotlight magazine ad.
-Event Center: Skinner says he has a problem with Jack Tunney banning his chew. That's a weird flex to have someone feud with the WWF President. An LOD Commercial. I believe that Hawk had been fired by this time, but I'm sure this had been recorded beforehand, so no harm, no foul.
-Preview of next week's episode of Superstars.
-The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Pat Rose: Rose looks like he would rather be anywhere else at the moment. Undertaker takes his time taking his gear off. Rose was immediately attacked by Undertaker. He runs Rose into the corner and gets Rose up for an ugly looking choke slam. Undertaker then grabs the arm and goes up top for Old School. Undertaker then hits the Tombstone for the pin. Undertaker and Bearer then put Rose in a body bag as they sign off from Superstars.
-Final Thoughts: This show flowed really well. The Flair win was a surprise that they played off what happened at SummerSlam. There are big changes coming.

Episode 191 Notes Thu, 27 Jul 2023 20:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c8b834cb-24a7-496a-9ab4-9c06388108cc My notes for Episode 191: SummerSlam 1992. -Finally back on a semi-regular schedule.
-Mantaur Mike Halac.
-I was on vacation and since this is a long show, I'm going to sprinkle in some of what happened to me over the next several shows to catch you up.
-July 4th: I think I'm finally over fireworks.
-Stately Maine Manor and the haircut.
-Today we look at SummerSlam 92 from the WWF.
-SummerSlam 92 was shown on PPV on August 31, 1992. It was recorded August 29, 1992 from Wembley Stadium in London, England.
-Intro of fans at Wembley. Included in this is the girl who says the British Bulldog's going to win, whether he wants to or not.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to SummerSlam. He and Bobby Heenan are the announcers for the evening. Heenan puts on a crown and says he is Sir Bobby, the King of England and McMahon says Henry VIII would be rolling over in his grave if he could see this. They discuss whose corner Mr. Perfect is going to be in for the main event.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering and heaven help us Rocco: Last appearance for the LOD in the WWF for several years. They and Ellering and the doorstop that is Rocco drive motorcycles to the ring. The crowd loves LOD. DiBiase and Hawk start. Hawk gets the fans to chant LOD. They lock up and DiBiase with a knee to Hawk's stomach. Hawk reverses an Irish whip and DiBiase bails out to the floor. That's a sound strategy. He gets met by Animal, who throws him back in the ring. and the LOD can do no wrong in the crowd's eyes. DiBiase screaming at Animal, only to turn around and get clotheslined to the outside by Hawk and then clotheslined on the outside by Animal and DiBiase certainly has his bumping shoes on here. He is also in all white, which is unusual for him in the WWF. Animal throws DiBiase back in the ring as the LOD chants start again. DiBiase scrambles over and tags IRS in. Hawk tags Animal in. They circle each other and IRS on the offensive early with strikes to Animal in the corner. Animal reverses a corner whip and IRS hits the post back first and falls to the ground. Animal grabs IRS by his tie and then press slams him down to the mat. DiBiase starts to come in to break up the pin attempt, but Animal only gets a one count. Animal up and telling DiBiase to come in and he will get press slammed by Animal as well, so DiBiase rethinks it and stays on the apron. Animal with a wrist lock and Hawk tagged in and hits a forearm shot to IRS from the top rope. IRS comes back with a rake to the face and an Irish whip and a sleeper. Hawk fighting the sleeper and trying not to go out. The crowd chanting Hawk, encouraging him. Hawk goes down to one knee and the crowd starts chanting LOD. The referee checks the arm, but it doesn't fall three times. Hawk makes it back to his feet and backs IRS into the buckle to break the hold. Hawk with a corner whip and clothesline. Hawk goes up top and goes for the top rope clothesline, but IRS ducks and Hawk goes spilling to the outside. Animal in the ring going after IRS and the referee trying to get him out, meanwhile, DiBiase down on the outside with a scoop slam to Hawk on the mat. DiBiase was tagged and I missed it I assume. He brings Hawk back in and runs him into IRS' boot and IRS tagged in. IRS with a snap mare and an elbow drop on Hawk. He only gets a two count and Hawk kicks out so hard, IRS almost takes referee Joey Marella out. Money Inc doing quick tags and keeping Hawk in their corner. IRS gets Hawk down on the mat with a rear chin lock. Ellering and Animal get the crowd to chant LOD. Animal gets in the ring and while Marella is getting him back out, DiBiase and IRS switch places without tagging. Heenan says if you are close enough, you don't have to tag. Marella lets it go like he's Elsa in Frozen. Animal comes in and we've seen this part before and what you think happens is exactly what happens here. McMahon and Heenan argue over the lack of tags as DiBiase is legally tagged in to the ring. Hawk flat on the mat and DiBiase attacking him. He only gets a two count. Hawk is run into a corner post, but reverses another attempt and DiBiase run into the post instead. IRS tagged in and cuts off Hawk tagging Animal in. IRS with several shots to Hawk. IRS with an Irish whip, Hawk ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with one of his own. It wasn't pretty, but it was effective. Both men down. I told you that it wasn't pretty. DiBiase tagged in and IRS holding Hawk by the boot so that DiBiase can kick him. They goad Animal in, and Marella has to get him out of the ring as DiBiase laughs at Animal and kicks Hawk. Animal goaded into the ring again and isn't in the corner as Hawk breaks free and goes for a tag. DiBiase brings Hawk over to the heel's corner and IRS is choking Hawk with something while Marella is busy trying to get Animal out of the ring and the heels are being very effective in this match. You see when Marella finally gets IRS out that he has been choking Hawk with the tag rope. DiBiase with a front face lock as the Hawk chant goes out again. Hawk lifts DiBiase up a little while still in the front face lock and gets closer to his corner, but doesn't get all the way there to make the tag. Hawk picks up DiBiase again and this time gets close enough to tag Animal in. But IRS distracted Marella long enough for him not to see the tag and the heels bring Hawk back over to their corner as Marella is getting Animal out of the ring. IRS tagged in. He Irish whips Hawk. Double clothesline and both men are down. Both DiBiase and Animal tagged in. The crowd popped big time for the Animal tag and Hawk begging off as soon as Animal steps through the ropes. Animal with an Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to DiBiase. IRS Comes in and Animal hits him with a dropkick. Money Inc. double teaming Animal in a corner. Double Irish whip to Animal, who comes back with a double clothesline to Money Inc. Now all four men in the ring at the same time. Animal atomic drops IRS out of the ring. Hawk with a corner whip to DiBiase and then a corner whip to Animal, who hits DiBiase with a corner clothesline. They signal for the Doomsday Device and of course the crowd wants to see it. Jimmy Hart gets up on the apron to distract Marella and IRS gets back in and dropkicks Animal. Animal knocks IRS to the apron and Hawk Irish whips DiBiase into IRS. Animal then power slams DiBiase to get the pin. It wasn't the Doomsday Device, but the crowd loved it anyway. Heenan says the ending wasn't fair.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair. It is a crying shame that Flair isn't wrestling on this show. He used to be the World Champion, and he is not wrestling on the biggest card they are going to have that year? Mean Gene says that Flair felt disgruntled when the main event was announced because Flair felt like he was the #1 contender. I agree wholeheartedly. Flair says it wasn't just him who was disgruntled. You tell him Ric! He says when you are talking about big events, you've got to be talking about Ric Flair. Mean Gene says he's noticed that Flair is wearing his wrestling attire. He asks Flair what is going on and Flair says that anyone who knows Ric Flair knows he's ready for any kind of action. Mean Gene asks Flair whos corner Mr. Perfect will be in. Flair plays coy, but doesn't answer the question.
-Sean Mooney interviews Virgil, who is going to be facing Nailz. Virgil rambles on about being ready for Nailz.
-Nailz vs. Virgil: Nailz is already in the ring and Virgil gets a great reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and immediately Nailz grabs Virgil. He chokes Virgil in the corner, breaks on the three count, and goes back to choking Virgil. He breaks on the counts, but goes back to choking immediately. Virgil fighting back. Virgil with a flurry of offense, but can't get Nailz off his feet. Nailz back to choking Virgil in the corner. Nailz with some eye rakes to knock Virgil to the ground. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Virgil being choked on the mat now, but Nailz still breaking on the four count. Nailz throws Virgil outside and then comes out after Virgil. Nailz runs Virgil into the ring apron. Nailz breaks the count before going out after Virgil again and slamming his head down on the apron again. Nailz throws Virgil back into the ring and Virgil starts to come back with a series of moves to Nailz. Nailz cuts him off with a clothesline. Nailz with an Irish whip and gets Virgil in a sleeper that McMahon says looks more like a choke hold. The referee rings the bell because Virgil goes out while still on his feet. Nailz gets the night stick after the match and chokes Virgil with it. Nailz then kicks Virgil out of the ring where officials are out to check on Virgil.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is in the back knocking on the door of the Macho Man to see if Mr. Perfect is in Randy Savage's dressing room. Hayes says he can't confirm the rumors that Perfect is in there, but can confirm that the door is locked and nobody is answering.
-Mean Gene interviews Sensational Sherri about the Rick Martel and Shawn Michaels match and I would not kick Sherri out of bed for eating crackers I will tell you that. Mean Gene runs down the events as we are shown in flashback what led up to the match between the two wrestlers. Sherri says that she asked for the stipulation and both men have agreed not to hit each other in the face.
-Rick Martel vs. Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri: Martel is already in the ring and Michaels gets a good reaction when he comes out despite being a heel. Heenan whistles Michaels' theme. Heenan and McMahon both say they don't think the wrestlers will comply with the no hitting in the face policy. Sherri helps Michales take off his ring gear. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Martel with a side headlock. Michaels goes to push off, but Martel will not let go. Michaels attacking Martel's midsection to try and get out of the move. He then pushes off and hits dropkicks and leapfrogs to avoid Martel. He goes to monkey flip Martel, who cartwheels out of the way to avoid the move. Sherri yells at Michaels to stay on Martel. Another lock up and Michaels with a side headlock. Martel pushes off, misses a clothesline attempt, and Michaels slips between Martel's legs and hits Martel with a dropkick. Michaels gloats, but gets hit from behind by Martel. Martel gets Michaels in the corner and hits Michaels with a knee to the midsection. Michaels reverses a corner whip, Martel comes back with a reverse crossbody, and Michaels drops down to avoid the move. He gets Martel down. Martel gets back to his feet. Michaels then snatches Martel by the hair to get him back down, but Martel kips up back to his feet again. They then take turns getting each other down, only to have their opponent get back up again. Back and forth. Michaels running the ropes after an Irish whip and Martel with dropdowns and leap frogs to avoid Michaels until he can time it right and throw Michaels to the outside of the ring. Martel taunts the fans while Sherri checks on Michaels. Martel goes outside and taps Sherri on her shoulder. He then hugs Sherri and she has a big smile on her face. Michaels trying to get back to his feet. Martel goes over and hits Michaels with a double ax handle before throwing Michaels back in the ring. Martel with another double ax handle to Michaels before getting an Irish whip and a backdrop. This has been a good match. Martel with another Irish whip. Michaels ducks a clothesline attempt and rolls Martel up. He pulls Martel's tights. but gets caught by the referee and Martel takes advantage of this and rolls Michaels up. He pulls the tights and gets caught, so Michaels takes advantage and rolls Martel up. Michaels gets caught again, but they are up in the ropes anyway. Michaels with a double ax handle as both men take the time to pull their trunks back up. There were two moons at Wembley. Michaels with some shots and a kick to Martel's chest. Michaels gets a two count. Martel with a shot to Michael's stomach. Michaels with a series of shots to Martel in the corner. Martel reverses a corner whip, but runs into Michaels' knee. Michaels rolls Martel up, but the referee sees Michaels have his feet on the ropes and stops the count. Michaels was struggling to get his feet on the ropes and nearly messed that spot up. Michaels up and arguing with referee Joey Marella. Martel with a roll up to Michaels to get a two count. Both get back to their feet and start to argue with each other and push each other. Michaels finally slaps Martel in the face. Martel slaps Michaels back as Sherri gets up on the apron. They shove each other and both men cock their fists as Sherri screams no at them. Sherri falls on the apron and Heenan says that she couldn't take the tension between the two men and she fainted. Martel goes over to the referee while Michaels goes over to Sherri to check on her. He prods her with his foot to see if she is okay and she falls off the apron to the floor. Michaels turns Sherri over and fans her to try and revive her. Martel comes over. He pushes Michaels out of the way and starts giving Sherri chest compressions. Michaels comes over and shoves Martel, asking Martel what his problem is before punching Martel in the face. They start fighting up the aisle and both men get counted out. Sherri starts to come to. She sees what they are doing and then pretends to be out again as officials come out to try and separate the two wrestlers. I see Dave Hebner, JJ Dillon, Rene Goulet, and Pat Patterson. Hey two SummerSlam's in a row for JJ as he was in the reception for Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage the year before. Poor Randy and Liz. I used to joke that the Match made in Hell lasted longer than their marriage. I admit now that it is a cruel joke, but in my defense, I was just a stupid teenager at the time. Officials keeping Martel away as Michaels goes back towards the ring to check on Sherri. Michaels picks Sherri up and puts her on his shoulders to take her back to the dressing room. Officials trying to get Martel back to the dressing room area, but he isn't going. Martel breaks free and runs and punches Michaels. Both Michaels and Sherri fall to the ground. The crowd cheers and they are a ruthless bunch here today. Martel picks Sherri up and starts taking her to the back and the crowd cheers and this is a fickle crowd. Michaels attacks Martel from behind and both Martel and Sherri fall. Sherri taking more bumps than most wrestlers in a match today. The officials finally get Martel and get him to the back as Michaels checks on Sherri. He grabs her and starts to carry her towards the back. Martel comes back out with a bucket of water and while I think this has now gone on too long, the crowd is really into it, so I guess they must be doing something right. Your mileage may vary. Michaels starts backing away from Martel as the crowd cheering for Martel to throw water on Michaels. Martel throws the bucket of water on Sherri and Michaels drops her and takes off after Martel and Heenan says Martel has revived Sherri. Sherri comes to and screams before taking off after Michaels and Martel.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart. They are laughing at what just happened to Sherri and make some jokes at her expense. They then turn serious and say they beat Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior and are the #1 contenders, so why don't they have a tag team title shot? They ask Jimmy Hart why they don't have a title shot. He looks worried for a second saying that there is Money Inc, but then says of course they will get a title shot. There is trouble in paradise and this is what they call foreshadowing, folks.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with the Genius: The Genius reads a poem before the match. The Natural Disasters get a great reaction when they come out. Beverly Brothers attack the Natural Disasters as soon as they get in the ring. They go to corner whip the Natural Disasters into each other, but the Natural Disasters turn it around on the Beverly Brothers and get them down instead with clotheslines. Then then squash both Beverly Brothers between them. Typhoon then starts the match against Blake and scoop slams Blake. Something tells me this isn't going to go well for the Beverly Brothers. He gets Blake down, but Blake moves on a leg drop attempt. Blake comes back with an eye rake, but tries for a scoop slam and that's a bad idea. He tries again and gets Typhoon up, but Typhoon then falls on Blake. Beau breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Referee Mike Chioda gets the two extra men out as Typhoon hits a corner whip and splash. Typhoon then holds Blake in the corner for Earthquake to splash, but Beau distracts and Blake moves out of the way and Typhoon gets splashed instead. The Beverly Brothers take over double teaming Typhoon as Chioda is trying to get Earthquake out of the ring. Beau tagged in and splashes Typhoon for a cover. He only gets a two count and Typhoon kicks out so hard, Beau lands on the outside of the ring. Beau back in the ring and stomping down Typhoon as Bobby Heenan announces that Shawn Michaels has left Wembley Stadium. Blake tagged in and hits a headbutt from the second rope to Typhoon. Blake hits a leg drop and brags to the crowd that he and his partner are going to win the tag team titles. Big blond guy with a mustache hits a leg drop in the WWF, yeah that tracks. Can't argue with the logic there. He only gets a two count though. Beau tagged in and comes down on Typhoon's lower back after leapfrogging Blake. Beverly Brothers have done a good job cutting the ring in half here. Beau kicking Typhoon in the midsection and choking him on the second rope. This brings Earthquake in for the Beverly Brother do double team Typhoon some more while the referee is getting Earthquake out. Blake tagged in and hits Typhoon with a double ax handle from the second rope. Beverly Brothers need to string some moves together and get a pin as Beau back in to deliver some more punishment. They double team Typhoon in their corner. This brings Earthquake back in and the third verse is the same as the first two verses. Blake back in with another double ax handle from the second turnbuckle. He then hits a headbutt off the ropes to get another two count. Blake with a front face lock. Typhoon struggling to get back to his feet. He does get back to his feet and struggling to get to his corner to make the tag to Earthquake. He does make the tag, but Beau had distracted Chioda so he didn't see it and won't allow it. All four men in the ring. Beau with a double ax handle to Typhoon's back. The Beverly Brothers have concentrated on that part of Typhoon's body. Beau choking Typhoon on the ropes, but breaks on the four count. Blake tagged in and he and Beau slamming Typhoon back into the corner and Typhoon comes out with a double clothesline to both Beverly Brothers. Blake cuts Typhoon off from making the tag with a headbutt. Typhoon with an Irish whip and Blake comes back with a crossbody attempt and Typhoon catches him. Beau climbs up on the top rope while Chioda is caught up with Earthquake who had come in. Beau dropkicks Blake on top of Typhoon, but he only gets a two count. Typhoon gets back to his feet and slams Blake head first down to the mat. Beau comes out and grabs Earthquake's leg and the Genius hands Blake his scroll. Chioda gets both wrestlers back to their respective corners as Blake has blasted Typhoon with the scroll. Earthquake gets in the ring and drops an elbow on Blake to prevent the pin before getting back out of the ring. A double count going. Both wrestlers struggling to get to their corners to make the tag. Both Beau and Earthquake tagged in and the crowd pops big time when Earthquake comes in. He hits some forearms to Beau and hip tosses him out of the corner. Beau begging off, but Earthquake hits him with a nice belly to belly suplex. The Beverly Brothers both in and attacking Earthquake. Typhoon tries to come in and gets cut off by Chioda. Double Irish whip to Earthquake, and he comes back with a double shoulder block to both Beverly Brothers to knock them to the mat. Typhoon in and he throws Blake out of the ring. Earthquake splashes Beau in the corner and then slams him down. Earthquake then does the sit down splash to get the pin and the crowd absolutely loves it. The Genius gets up on the apron to complain and the Natural Disasters grab him and throw him out of the ring to the roar of the crowd.
-Mean Gene interviews the Bushwhackers. They say they are having fun at SummerSlam and that we still don't know whose corner Mr. Perfect is going to be in. I'll tell you, they are going to run this Mr. Perfect thing into the ground aren't they? Mean Gene says there is a dentist in London trying to sell Luke a London Bridge. Luke says he don't need no London Bridge. They fly all those thousands of miles to do stand up comedy. Mean Gene says that the Bushwhackers have been invited to dine at Buckingham Palace and Butch says for Mean Gene to keep that to himself.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is now in front of The Ultimate Warrior's door. I find it odd that when they were in front of Randy Savage's door, that it said Macho Man, but the Warrior's door only has the Warrior face symbol on it. Two SummerSlam's in a row where they have someone in front of a door after Bobby Heenan challenged Hulk Hogan on behalf of Ric Flair the year before. Alfred says that he has reason to believe that Mr. Perfect is inside the Warrior's dressing room. He tries to open the door, but it slams closed again.
-The Repo Man vs. Crush: Demolition explodes, but I bet you a dollar to a doughnut that will not be mentioned. Repo Man already in the ring. Crush introduced and gets a respectable ovation as he comes out. Repo Man attacks Crush as soon as he gets in the ring with double ax handles to the back. Crush grabs Repo Man and military presses him several times. That is impressive to get someone of that size up there. He slams Repo down and Repo rolls to the outside to regroup and he is holding his back as he does. Crush comes out after Repo and clotheslines him on the outside. Crush then throws Repo back in the ring and hits him with several forearms and shots. Crush with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Repo comes back with a crossbody attempt and Crush catches Repo. Crush lays Repo on the top rope horizontally and attacks Repo's back with forearms. He then kicks Repo. Repo Man falls back in the ring and Crush kicks him again and then hits an Irish whip and a backbreaker to Repo Man. Crush goes in for another move, only to get met with an eye rake from Repo. Repo Man with a shot and a belly to back suplex to Crush. Crush comes back with a belly to belly suplex to Repo Man. Crush follows that up with a backbreaker and goes up top to come off with a knee drop, but Repo moves out of the way. Repo tries several forearms to the back of Crush to no avail, but then gets Crush with another poke to the eyes and that works every time. It is always effective. Crush reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Repo slams Crush face first into the mat. Repo Man gets a two count and Crush kicks out so forcefully, Repo Man goes flying to the outside and this has been the day for that. Repo Man goes up top to come off as Crush turns around, but Crush catches Repo as he comes off and power slams Repo Man. He gets a one count, but gets up and signals that he wants to do the Cranium Crush instead. He applies the hold and slams Repo Man down and Repo Man gives up right away. Smart move by Repo. The crowd cheers the win by Crush.
-Mean Gene narrates the flashbacks that led up to the world title match and in whose corner Mr. Perfect would be in.
-Vince and Bobby talk about the main event.
-WWF World Championship match. Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior: Warrior out first to a great ovation as he runs down the aisle at his usual pace. The announcers speculate that since Perfect isn't with the Warrior, he must be with Savage. Savage comes out by himself as well and the crowd goes wild for him. Heenan says something doesn't seem right or this could be a decoy. The referee gets the belt and holds it up high. The bell rings and they are face to face in the middle of the ring. They both still have all of their ring stuff on as Savage extends a hand out to the Warrior. Warrior indicates that Savage has sold out and gotten Mr. Perfect for his corner. Savage extends his hand out again and Warrior shakes it. Savage goes to pull away and Warrior brings him closer. They start shoving each other in the face. They then start tearing off their gear to the roar of the crowd. Their stuff is off and they start to circle each other. Both men pulling on the ring ropes to loosen up. The crowd does chant, but they aren't dueling, so you can't tell what they are saying. They lock up. They get to the ropes and break clean. Another lock up and Warrior shoves Savage off. Savage comes back with a knee to the midsection and a clothesline to Warrior. Then another clothesline from behind to Warrior. He gets a one count and Warrior with a powerful kick-out. Savage goes up top for a double ax handle, but Warrior hits Savage in the midsection as he comes off. Warrior follows up with an atomic drop to Savage. Warrior then picks Savage up and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Warrior with a clothesline as Savage was getting back to his feet to knock Savage down again. Warrior with a series of shoulder blocks to knock Savage down. He goes for an elbow drop, but Savage moves out of the way. Savage with a series of punches and a knee drop to Warrior. He gets a two count. Savage puts a sleeper on a seated Warrior. Warrior gets to his feet and then comes down with a jaw breaker to Savage to break the hold. Warrior grabs Savage by the hair and slams him face first into the mat. The crowd is more for the Warrior here. Warrior gets a two count. Warrior with a corner whip. He follows that up with a right hand that knocks Savage down to the mat. Savage gets back to his feet, only to get knocked down again. Warrior with a right hand to Savage, who lands up against the ropes this time. Warrior with a corner whip. Warrior with a series of kicks to Savages' chest. He kicks Savage down and the crowd cheers. Maybe they were more fans of Miss Elizabeth than they were of Savage? What a time to find out that the fans liked your ex-wife more than they liked you. Warrior with a short arm clothesline that he learned from Jake Roberts no doubt, to get a two count on Savage. Savage gets up, grabs Warrior by his outfit, and runs Warrior into a turnbuckle and gets booed. This is a fickle crowd. Warrior gets back to his feet and Savage clotheslines him out of the ring. Savage comes out after Warrior and throws him back in the ring. He gets a two count. Savage goes up top and hits a double ax handle to Warrior, but he doesn't go down. He starts to go into his the power of the Warrior routine I believe you would call it. I don't know what else to call it and I think you know what I mean. Savage goes back up top. Another double ax handle and this time Warrior does go down. He gets a close two count. Savage goes back to the top rope as Warrior gets to his feet and Savage goes for a crossbody, but Warrior catches him. Warrior raises one hand to the crowd and it looks impressive that he is holding Savage up like that until you realize that Savage is holding onto Warrior for dear life. Warrior slams Savage down with a backbreaker. He gets a close two count. Warrior gets Savage back to his feet and hits him with a right hand. Warrior then whips Savage into a buckle and then into the opposite buckle. Warrior does his air humping routine before knocking Savage down to the mat with another right hand. Warrior with another corner whip and if he keeps them up, we may have to start taking shots for each one he does. Another corner whip by Warrior. I say we ease into this since we still have a lot of show to go so take a half shot IYDAH. Another right hand and corner whip. Take a half shot. So we are one shot in at this point. Warrior follows that up with a bear hug. At least it isn't a corner whip as this match could endanger your liver. Warrior throws Savage to the ground and gets another two count. The crowd starts to chant Warrior. Warrior struggles, but does get Savage up for a side slam. He gets another two count. Warrior goes to lift Savage up again, only to get a small package from Savage for a two count. Warrior with an Irish whip, so no shot for you. He lowers his head too early and Savage with a swinging neck breaker that the Honky Tonk Man made famous as the Shake, Rattle, and Roll and there's a guy who would have tremendous insight on this match having been in the ring with the other two many times. Savage gets a two count. Savage does his patented over the top rope guillotine move to the Warrior. Savage only gets another two count. Savage goes to suplex the Warrior, but his back is hurting him too much. Savage grabs his back and falls to the mat. McMahon says that Warrior's neck is in bad shape and Savage's back is in bad shape as Warrior gets Savage up and starts hitting the injured back with blows. Savage falls to the mat in pain. Warrior picks Savage up and hits another forearm to the back. Warrior gets Savage up and into a front face lock. Warrior indicating by his movements that his neck is still bothering him. Warrior with a suplex and cover, but he only gets a two count. Savage scrambles to the ropes to try and get back to his feet. Savage up on his feet but just hanging against the top rope. Warrior runs to clothesline Savage out of the ring, but Savage ducks and Warrior spills to the outside. Savage climbs up top and hits the double ax handle to the outside on Warrior. Warrior spills off of the podium that the ring is on to the floor of Wembley. McMahon says that the Warrior will be counted out and Heenan says that Savage is going out after Warrior and that is what he is doing. Savage knocks Warrior down with a right hand shot. Savage runs Warrior into the ring steps. Savage breaks the count and goes out after Warrior again as the crowd starts their Warrior chant again. Savage runs Warrior into a ring post. Savage breaks the count again and goes after Warrior. He kicks Warrior down as McMahon says that Savage guaranteed that he would beat the Warrior 1,2,3 with a pin in the center of the ring. Savage throws Warrior back in the ring. He gets a close two count. You see Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair start to walk to the ring and Perfect has the worst looking tuxedo or suit on that I have ever seen. The jacket is open and it looks all loose. I don't know what the story is with that. Savage going for a piledriver as the crowd gets to it's feet to look at the two coming down the aisle. Warrior reverses the piledriver into a backdrop, but Savage hooks the legs and gets a two count. Warrior back to his feet and hits Savage with a clothesline of his own for a two count. Perfect and Flair still walking to the ring because it's a long way from the back. Warrior with a scoop slam and Warrior holds his neck and moves it back and forth trying to loosen it up as the announcers say that now we will find out exactly whose corner Perfect is supposed to be in. Perfect and Flair get to ringside just as Warrior goes for a splash and Savage gets his knees-up. Savage gets a two count, although they were very close to the ropes. Warrior reverses an Irish whip and both men are down with a double clothesline. A double count going as the announcers say that Mr. Perfect has to make a move to a corner soon as he and Flair are standing in the middle of ringside. Warrior struggles up and falls on Savage to get a two count. Savage then gets a two count. Savage backs to the ropes and Perfect trips him and McMahon says now we know whose side Perfect is on. Savage up and pointing to Perfect and indicating that Perfect took money from Warrior in order to help Warrior get Savage's title. Warrior back to his feet and knocks Savage down with a shot. Warrior lifts Savage up by the throat and then throws him down in a corner. Heenan says Savage hit his head on the bottom rope. Warrior with a corner whip back to the same corner Savage was in and Savage hits referee Earl Hebner. Warrior with a scoop slam and then goes up top and hits Savage with a double ax handle. He covers, but the referee isn't there to count. By the time that he gets there, Warrior only gets a two count. Warrior arguing with the official about the count. Savage hits Warrior with a high knee from behind, knocking Warrior into Hebner again and knocking Hebner to the outside. Savage hits a piledriver on Warrior. Savage then goes outside to revive Hebner and Perfect comes in and gets Warrior back to his feet and then holds Warrior for Flair to hit Warrior with some foreign object, although since they are in England, it may just be called an object. The announcers then say it must have been Savage that paid off Perfect. McMahon says he doesn't think Savage saw what happened as he was trying to revive Hebner. McMahon says he is confused as Savage scoop slams the Warrior. Savage goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop. He gets an extremely close two count. Perfect over and conferring with Flair on the outside. The crowd is cheering as Warrior is making his way back to his feet even though Savage is hitting him with shots. Flair has grabbed a chair from ringside. The Warrior is doing his ropes shaking move and the crowd is absolutely loving every minute of it. He hits Savage with a series of clotheslines. He then hits Savage with the flying shoulder block. Warrior lifts Savage up for the press slam. He hits it and then goes for the splash. Perfect trips him up a little bit, but he keeps going only to get hit by Flair with the chair. Both wrestlers down. Savage up and turns Warrior over. Savage looks around and then asks Hebner what happened to the Warrior since Savage knows he didn't cause the Warrior to go down like that. When Hebner isn't looking, Perfect grabs at Savage's foot trying to trip him and Savage kicks Perfect away. Hebner goes outside to get on Perfect for trying to interfere as Savage goes out to the apron and climbs up to the top. The crowd encouraging him. Savage up top looking at the Warrior before pivoting to jump on Flair, who hits Savage with the chair as he is coming down. Savage goes down and he is holding his knee and Heenan says he bet he tore his knee as he came down. Hebner counting Savage, who is crawling trying to make his way back towards the ring. Savage is counted out and as the referee calls for the bell, Perfect and Flair attack Savage and Perfect drops a knee on Savage's leg and McMahon says that they are trying to break the leg of Savage. Flair then puts the figure four on Savage on the floor. Hebner goes out to break it up as Warrior comes to in the ring. Perfect throws Hebner out of the way and continues to pound on Savage as Flair keeps the figure four on. Warrior up, but unsteady on his feet and he falls out of the other side of the ring. Flair lets go of the figure four, but he and Perfect keep up the assault on Savage. Flair gets the chair and goes to hit Savage with it, but Warrior comes around the ring and grabs the chair before Flair can use it. Warrior grabs the chair and chases Flair to the back with it and that's how Warrior also left SummerSlam '91. Well, we know he won't get fired by McMahon when he gets to the back this time at least. Flair and Perfect are running a 100 yard dash as Warrior throws the chair at them about halfway down, no doubt remembering what happened to him at the previous years SummerSlam. This is the last SummerSlam for both Savage and Warrior as competitors. Savage's record is 2-2 and Warrior is a perfect 5-0. Warrior gets back in the ring to check on Savage as Howard Finkel announces Warrior as the winner, but Savage as still being the champion as Warrior goes outside and grabs the WWF title and gets in the ring. He looks down at the belt before helping Savage up and presenting the belt to Savage. Savage falls back to the ground holding his knee. Warrior's last WWF PPV appearance for almost four years and Savage's last appearance as WWF Champion. Warrior helps Savage out of the ring and to the back as the crowd cheers both men. Savage's knee is either really hurt or he is selling it like he's been shot.
-Mean Gene interviews Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Gene screams at them asking them what the hell was going on out there. There was no deal and Perfect says there was a deal. It was a done deal between Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. A lot of people will be talking about the previous deal and how that didn't go down. That was Plan A and now Plan B is in full effect. Flair says he should have had the shot to begin with, not the Ultimate Warrior. Now you ask the Ultimate Warrior what he wants in life and its got to be Ric Flair and Flair says he is waiting on the Ultimate Warrior. He says maybe Plan A slid by, but now we are looking at Plan B. He says the two most perfect men alive today are himself and Mr. Perfect. Flair ends by telling Savage that the title is coming back to him.
-Vince McMahon announces the attendance as 80,355.
-Howard Finkel introduces Harvey Wippleman, who brings out Kamala and Kim Chee.
-Kamala with Harvey Wippleman and Kim Chee vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: When the Undertaker comes out, he is standing at the back of a hearse as Bearer leads Undertaker and the hearse to ringside. This is the beginning of the Undertaker's big entrances at PPV's I believe. The crowd is in awe. Undertaker takes his time getting into the ring and taking his stuff off. The bell rings and Kamala rushes Undertaker, who responds with throat thrusts to Kamala. He chokes Kamala in the corner to the roar of the crowd. He breaks on the four count. Kamala reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge when Undertaker moves out of the way. Undertaker with more throat thrusts and a wrist lock to Kamala. Undertaker then goes up top and hits Old School on Kamala. If you are going to do that move and Undertaker is one of those wrestlers who can do that, that's the way you are supposed to do it. Not grab the wrist, go up and go a little dance, make a little love, no you just get down tonight! This isn't the hokey pokey where you turn yourself around, this is wrestling. Okay, back off my soap box. I don't know who brought it all the way over here to London, but I'm not carrying it back with me when I leave. Kim Chee tries to get up on the apron to distract Undertaker, but it doesn't work as Undertaker continues with the throat thrusts. Undertaker grabs the wrist again to go for old school. Wippleman gets up on the apron to distract Undertaker and Kamala pulls Undertaker off the top rope. Wippleman gets off the apron as Bearer chases Wippleman away and Kamala chops Undertaker. Kamala clotheslines Undertaker to the outside, but Undertaker lands on his feet and grabs Wippleman and Kim Chee by their throats and chokes them before getting attacked from behind by Kamala, who hits Undertaker with shots and chops and a back kick. Kamala then runs Undertaker into the ring steps. Kamala keeps up the assault with more chops and a headbutt. Kamala then rolls Undertaker back in the ring and chops him. Kamala, with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Undertaker grabs Kamala by the throat. He then chokeslams Kamala to the roar of the crowd. Undertaker with an Irish whip and his patented flying chokeslam. Bearer signals to Undertaker to finish Kamala off as Kamala gets back to his feet. Undertaker goes to hit Kamala with the Tombstone as Kim Chee gets in and attacks Undertaker with his helmet, causing a disqualification. Undertaker grabs Kim Chee by the throat and throws him out of the ring. Kamala attacks Undertaker from behind and then gets Undertaker in the corner with a chop. He splashes Undertaker several times in the corner. Kamala scoop slams Undertaker and then splashes him as Howard Finkel announces Undertaker the winner by disqualification. Kamala then splashes Undertaker from the second rope. He then goes back and splashes Undertaker from the top rope. Kim Chee and Harvey Wippleman get Kamala and bring him to the corner on the outside, perhaps to climb up to the top rope again, but Undertaker sits up and looks at Kamala and Kamala looks scared to death. Undertaker gets up and goes out of the ring after Kamala, who starts going up the aisle towards the back looking over his shoulder with a frightened look on his face. Kamala falls down briefly, but gets back to his feet and keeps going as the announcers say that the Undertaker is stalking Kamala back to the dressing room.
-Sean Mooney interviews the British Bulldog about his upcoming match with his brother-in-law Bret Hart and how the match has torn the family apart. Bulldog says it has, but he didn't make the match, Jack Tunney did. The British Bulldog has fought hard two long years to be the #1 contender for the IC belt. I understand what he is saying, but he did fight the Warlord at all 5 WWF PPV's in 1991, and I love the Warlord as much as the next guy, but he isn't going to help you climb the rankings. He says Bret is the IC champion and his brother-in-law, but when they meet in the ring, he has never met Bret Hart and doesn't even know him. According to Bret, as high and as messed up as Bulldog was for this match, I can believe that he probably didn't know much of anything going into it. He says he hopes by the end of the match, the families reunite. Mooney says that brings him to his second point, that when the Bulldog steps out there, he will be among 80,000 of his fellow countrymen. Bulldog says that isn't pressure, that's a dream for the British Bulldog, and his next dream is at the end of the match that he will be the next WWF Intercontinental Champion.
-Mean Gene interviews Bret Hart. Gene says that he agrees with Sean Mooney that there is a lot of pressure in this match, but that it is different for Bret than it is for the British Bulldog. He either must pin Bret or make him submit and then there is the family pressure. Bret says that he has proven that he works well under pressure. He says what irks him is that Bulldog has the gall to say that when he steps in the ring with Bret that he's never met Bret. He tells the Bulldog to look him in the eye and tell him that he doesn't know Bret. Bret says he was the one to introduce Bulldog to his sister Diana in the first place. He says that as far as the British Bulldog's career in the WWF, Bret is the one who helped him the most and that the Bulldog wouldn't be where he was in the WWF if it weren't for Bret Hart. He says talk about gratitude. The Bulldog forgets that he's the one who wanted to challenge Bret. He's the one responsible for all the family tension. He's the one that wanted the shot at the gold. He wanted the big fight, he's got the big fight and as far as his dream, Hart says his big dream of winning the WWF IC title in front of 80,000 of his compatriots. Hart thinks this big dream of his is going to turn into a nightmare and tomorrow morning, when he wakes up, he's going to think he woke up in the dungeon at Windsor castle. I'm glad that he added that last part so that the Bulldog wouldn't be wondering how he got to Calgary.
-Howard Finkel introduces the Balmoral Highlanders. They play the bagpipes and Scotland the Brave. Finkel then introduces Roddy Piper to play with them and he comes out to a huge ovation. Piper's last appearance until WrestleMania 10. Piper gets his bagpipes and plays Scotland the Brave with the group. He gets a big ovation from the crowd.
-Sean Mooney out in the crowd to interview Diana Hart Smith and buckle up, folks, because here we go. The camera that is shooting them is out of focus. She says this is going to be difficult for her to watch. Bret and Davey have always been fiercely competitive with each other and she is sure that it has enhanced their wrestling ability to drive them to become two of the greatest wrestlers in the world. I don't like to speculate on what anyone is doing, so I will chalk her performance up to nerves, but I will state that this is becoming somewhat of a SummerSlam tradition to interview a member of Bret Hart's family on air during the show after Lord Alfred Hayes did that hilariously memorable interview with Stu Hart at SummerSlam 1991. Diana says that this is the biggest match in both of their careers and she is worried that she has become an obstacle in their path. She is worried about what they are going to do to each other. She's afraid that they are going to destroy each other. Mooney, bless his heart, tries to help her and asks her who she thinks will win and Diana says that she isn't concerned with who wins. She says she loves both and that their bond as a family is what's important to her and nothing can replace that. Not even the IC title. Mooney says it will certainly be a war. Diana agrees and says she has been given a great honor tonight. To be able to go to the front line with her husband in battle. She is rambling and this has gone on way too long. The bell rings for Howard Finkel to introduce the match and I am thankful.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog: Bulldog out first led to the ring by boxer Lennox Lewis holding the Union Jack high. Bulldog is simply high. Okay, that was harsh of me, I know, but I think I got it out of my system. He does get a fantastic ovation. Hart out next and he also gets a respectful reaction when he comes out. He has a determined look on his face as he comes to the ring. McMahon thinks Hart is just as popular as Davey Boy and I don't know about that. That might be stretching things just a bit here. Hart takes the championship off and kisses it. He then presents it to referee Joey Marella. Bret presents his glasses to a fan at ringside. The kid would be in his mid thirties now. Boy, time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? The crowd gets to its feet as the match starts and they circle each other. They are then face to face staring at each other. Bulldog pushes Hart. They then circle each other again. They lock up and Bulldog pushes Hart away again. They circle each other again. Another lock up and Bulldog with a side headlock. Hart pushes off. He drops down and leapfrogs Bulldog to avoid him before Bulldog crashes into Hart and Hart falls to the outside from the bump. Hart back to his feet and takes a moment to regroup before getting back in the ring. Heenan says he doesn't know why the Bulldog let Whoopi Goldberg do his hair. Hart with a side headlock takedown. Bulldog with a headscissors and Hart immediately kicks out. Hart goes back to the side headlock takeover, but Bulldog misses with the headscissors reversal this time. Bulldog gets back to his feet and pushes off. Hart comes back and Bulldog tries to slam Hart, but Hart slips behind Bulldog and rolls him up for a two count. Hart follows that up with a small package for another two count. Hart then goes back to the side headlock takeover. Bulldog struggling to get back to his feet. He gets to his knees and reverses Hart into a hammerlock. He takes the opportunity to drive some knees into Hart's back. Hart gets back to his feet and hits Bulldog with a back elbow to break the hold. Hart gets a wrist lock. Bulldog twists out of the move and reverses it. He turns it into an arm bar. The crowd cheers as Diana is seen looking worried. Probably wondering if her husband is going to tag her in since she is in the war with him and on the front lines, you know. Insert eye roll here. Hart gets to his feet and pushes off. Hart drops down and as he goes for a leapfrog, Bulldog catches him in midair and slingshots Hart into the corner. Bulldog picks the arm bar back on Hart, which is a smart strategy on his part. Hart gets back to his feet, still in the arm bar. Bulldog picks Hart up by the arm and slams him back down to the mat. Hart gets back to his feet and pushes Bulldog back by his chin and pushes off. Bulldog comes back with a crucifix and gets a two count. Bulldog goes back to the arm bar to get Hart down and Heenan says that is sound strategy to go back to basics and get your opponent down with the same hold you had him in earlier. They do a brief picture in picture of Diana and it looks like she is cos playing Gwyneth Paltrow from the end of Seven if you're up on your movies from 29 years ago. Hart gets back to his feet and gets a scoop slam, but Bulldog doesn't let go of the hold, so Hart ends back in the same position on the mat. Bulldog bends Hart's wrist backwards to increase the pain and Hart takes that opportunity to grab a chin lock on Bulldog with his free hand. Hart twists over to get to his knees, which brings Bulldog to his knees to keep the hold on. Hart makes it to his feet while still in the hold and pushes off. He drops down again, but this time he hits Bulldog with a knee to the stomach as Bulldog comes back. Hart goes and kicks the inside of Bulldog's leg and then delivers a leg drop to Bulldog. Hart with a headlock to the seated Bulldog. Bulldog gets to his feet and hits Hart with some elbows to break the hold. He rushes Hart with a shoulder block, only to get met with a back elbow by Hart that knocks Bulldog back to the mat. Hart drops an elbow on Bulldog. Hart follows it up with an inverted atomic drop on Bulldog. He follows that up with an Irish whip to Bulldog, who comes back with a crucifix attempt again, but Hart goes straight down with a sort of modified Samoan drop. He gets a two count and then Hart immediately transitions to a headlock. Bulldog with his arm up fighting the pain of the hold. Bulldog trying to get back to his feet, so Hart switches to a side headlock to keep the hold on. Bulldog gets to his feet and pushes off. Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Bulldog with a dropdown, a leapfrog, and a monkey flip to Hart. The crowd loved that series of moves and cheered Bulldog wildly. Bulldog with the momentum as he hits Hart with a headbutt. Bulldog with a series of corner whips, but Hart gets his foot up on the charge. Hart also gets his share of cheers from that move as he grabs Bulldog by his hair and hits a bulldog on Smith and Heenan says that the Bulldog just got bulldogged. Hart goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Bulldog then goes up top to splash Hart, but Hart moves out of the way. Hart slams Bulldog's head down on the mat. Hart goes to scoop slam Bulldog, but Bulldog slips behind Hart and goes to roll him up, but Hart drops down and Bulldog goes flying to the outside of the ring. The crowd boos, but it was a good move. You can hate the player, but you can't hate the game. Insert your own HHH joke here folks. I can't do everything for you. Bulldog back to his feet and Hart hits what I can only describe as a combination suicide dive/side headlock takeover on Bulldog. That was an awesome move. Diana looking worried. Hart picks Bulldog up and runs him into the ring post. Hart then throws Bulldog back in the ring. Hart hits a brutal corner whip to Bulldog, who comes out of the corner holding his back. Hart attacks the legs to get Bulldog down. Hart with a side Russian leg sweep. He gets a two count. Bulldog back to his feet and Hart hitting him with a series of forearms. Bulldog will not go down. A dropkick does make Bulldog go down. Hart follows that up with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Bulldog. He gets a two count. Hart gets a headlock on. The crowd trying to get behind Bulldog or get on camera. Either one. Dealers choice. Bulldog gets to his feet. Hart with a suplex. He gets a two count and immediately goes to the side headlock again. Hart with a headbutt. He follows it up with another forearm, but Bulldog grabs the arm and gets a backslide. He gets a two count. Hart comes back with an elbow drop to Bulldog. Hart follows that up with a backbreaker. Then a second rope elbow drop and we seem to be entering the 5 moves of doom area. He gets a two count. Hart hits Bulldog in the head with a shot. He then picks Bulldog up and slams him back down. He then headbutts Bulldog and Hart seems determined. He hits a snap mare and goes back to the headlock. Bulldog gets back to his feet, takes a shot from Hart, goes to hit Hart with a shot that Hart ducks and Hart gets the sleeper on Bulldog. Bulldog crawls and gets to the ropes. Hart holds on to the sleeper for a long time, but finally breaks. Hart up and kicking Bulldog. Hart with an Irish whip and goes back to the sleeper again. Bulldog goes down to his knees. Bulldog with his arm up fighting the move as Diana is shown again. Bulldog starting to fade. His arm doesn't go down three times though. He gets back to his feet with Hart on his back. He runs Hart into the corner to break the hold. Hart immediately comes out of the corner to apply the hold again. Bulldog goes down to his knees and Marella there to ask Bulldog if he wants to give up. Bulldog gets to his feet again and runs Hart into the turnbuckle to break the hold. They go back and forth in the center of the ring. Bulldog with an Irish whip and goes to press slam Hart as Hart tries to slip out of the move and Hart lands in the ropes and that looked painful to me. Hart collapses to the mat in pain as Bulldog shown leaning on the ropes and this match has taken its toll on both men. Bulldog with a corner whip and a clothesline. Then another clothesline as the crowd is sensing the momentum shift and gets louder. Another clothesline by Bulldog gets a two count. Bulldog with a press slam. He gets another two count. Bulldog with a delayed vertical suplex to Hart. He only gets another two count. Hart with a patented sternum first hit into the corner after a corner whip so TASIYDAH. Bulldog gets another two count. Bulldog signals to the crowd and Heenan says that he is wasting too much time. Bulldog gets Hart up for a power slam. He hits it, but only gets another two count. Hart out by the ropes and Bulldog pushes him out to the apron. Bulldog goes to suplex Hart back in, but Hart slips behind Bulldog and hits a belly to back suplex with a bridge to get a two count. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Hart goes for a suplex, but Bulldog blocks it and puts Hart on the top rope. Bulldog then hits a top rope superplex on Hart to a big pop from the crowd. He gets another close two count. Hart reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and then a double clothesline knocks both men down. Hart picks his leg up and starts to get Bulldog in the Sharpshooter while both men are down on the ground. He gets Bulldog over and goes to put the move on. He gets the move on Bulldog. Bulldog fighting to get to the ropes as Marella asks him if he wants to give up. He gets to the ropes to break the hold. Bulldog reverses an Irish whip, Hart comes back with a sunset flip, Bulldog hooks the legs and gets the pin to become the new IC champion as the crowd goes wild. Finkel announces Bulldog as the winner as Diana makes her way from her seat to the ring. Bulldog gets to his feet and is presented the belt. Hart still sitting down and looking stunned as Bulldog is crying. Bulldog comes over and extends his hand. Hart starts to get out of the ring twice as the crowd boos. He finally walks over and shakes Bulldog's hand in the ring and hugs Bulldog. He then raises Bulldog's hand as the Bulldog's music plays and the crowd cheers. Diana hugs her husband and her brother. Bret then raises all of their hands as the family is reunited again. Fireworks go off behind them as they sign off from London.
-Final Thoughts: This was an epic show. The crowd was hot and the company was headed towards an autumn of change.

COJWS Annual #3 Notes Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 9f188262-8da6-4b69-be7c-91df7ef94352 My notes for the COJWS Annual #3. -Welcome to one of my favorite shows of the year as we have reached our COJWS Annual edition #3 and this year we take a look at CWF Battle of the Belts.
-Championship Wrestling from Florida (CWF) was the corporate and brand name of the Tampa, Florida wrestling office existing from 1961, when Eddie Graham first bought into the promotion, until 1987, when it closed down.
-CWF Battle of the Belts took place on September 2, 1985 from The Sundome in Tampa, Florida. There were 7,600 in attendance and the show was shown live in syndication.
-Gordon Solie welcomes us to Battle of the Belts. He and Mike Graham will call the action. They threw it to Coach John Heath. He says he will be doing interviews tonight. Buddy Colt then does the same from his dressing room.
-Gordon & Mike discuss Hurricane Elena, which has sort of wreaked havoc on the card. 500,000 people in the Tampa area were evacuated from their homes a few days earlier and were only granted clearance to return to the city of Tampa this morning. Also, air traffic coming into the city is a nightmare, so Rick Martel will not be wrestling on tonight’s card as scheduled.
-Hurricane Elena was a tropical cyclone that affected eastern and central portions of the United States Gulf Coast in late August and early September 1985. Threatening popular tourist destinations during Labor Day weekend, Elena repeatedly deviated from its forecast path, triggering evacuations of unprecedented extent. The hurricane wrought havoc to property and the environment between southwestern Florida and eastern Louisiana, though lesser effects were felt well beyond those areas. Elena developed on August 28 near Cuba, and after traveling lengthwise across the island with little impact, it entered the Gulf of Mexico and continued to strengthen. Initially projected to strike the central Gulf Coast, the hurricane unexpectedly veered toward the east on August 30, then stalled just 50 mi (80 km) west of Cedar Key, Florida. Despite predictions that Elena would continue eastward across Florida, the cyclone remained nearly stationary for about 48 hours, causing damage all along the eastern gulf with high wind and waves, before slowly moving northwest and ultimately making landfall near Biloxi, Mississippi, on September 2 as a Category 3 major hurricane. The storm quickly weakened upon moving ashore and dissipated on September 4.
The hurricane's unpredictable shifts in direction created what was considered the largest peacetime evacuation in the nation's history. Evacuations occurred in sequence to follow the storm's forecast positions, and many residents and tourists along portions of the Gulf Coast were forced to leave twice in a matter of days. Preparations were generally timely and efficient, though accommodation and resources at storm shelters were stretched thin, and many refugees tried to return home against officials' orders. About 1.25 million people fled the storm in Florida alone, contributing to a region-wide total of nearly 2 million evacuees. Tropical cyclone warnings and watches were continuously issued and adjusted, and forecasters stressed the storm's destructive potential for days.
-The Grappler and The Crippler Rip Oliver vs. The Guerrero Brothers Chavo and Hector: They have the lights go out just as they start as Solie says they are still being battered by bad weather. The CWF was snake bitten in 1985. Hector and the Grappler start. Grappler battering Hector in the corner. Hector with some dropkick and headscissors to the Grappler. Chavo also in and headscissors Grappler out. Back in, Oliver and Chavo tagged in. They battle back and forth and I'm thinking as much as I love wrestling, I don't think I would go out after a hurricane to watch wrestling. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. Chavo with a tilt a whirl crucifix and that's one of the most unique moves that I have ever seen. That was spectacular by Chavo. Hector tagged in and splashes Oliver's arm. Fast paced match by the Guerrero's so far and the crowd appreciates it. Fast tags and moves by the Guerrero's on Oliver. The Guerrero's with a bunch of quick tags to keep Oliver off his feet and down. Chavo with an arm bar to Oliver in the middle of the ring. Back and forth and Hector tagged back in. He picks the wrist lock on Oliver up and Oliver down on the mat in pain. The Grappler tagged in as Solie apologizes again for the lighting. The crowd is very subdued here, which is understandable since I suspect many came just so they could come in out of the rain. Hector in with an arm bar on the Grappler. The Grappler with an eye rake to Hector and now all four men in the ring. The heels with a double corner whip and the Guerrero's meet, fall to their backs, and kick the heels away simultaneously. They then corner whip the heels together and then run the heels heads together in a variation of the Bushwhackers old Battering Ram move. The Guerrero's do the row boat action on the heels' legs and the crowd is loving this. The heels roll to the outside to regroup and I don't blame them. The Grappler back in with Chavo. Chavo with a side headlock. Hector tagged in and immediately picks the side headlock up. The Grappler pushes off and Oliver takes the opportunity to hit Hector in the back with his knee. Grappler gets Hector in the corner and slams him off the top rope. Grappler drops a knee and gets a one count. Oliver in and hits an elbow drop from the second rope. Heels have effectively cut the ring in half. Oliver with a backdrop to get a two count. Oliver gets Hector into a bear hug. Hector breaks the bear hug, but Oliver cuts him off from making the tag. Grappler tagged in and atomic drops Hector. Chavo breaks up the pin attempt. The referee gets Chavo out, allowing the heels to double team Hector. That brings Chavo back in, so wash, rinse, repeat with the heels double teaming hector. The power is then cut and the logo for the Battle of the Belts comes on. This promotion can't catch a break. They reestablish the link, but Hector is still getting punished. Oliver knocks Hector to the mat with a throat thrust. Hector thrown to the outside and Chavo came over to check on his brother. Hector up and the Grappler kicks at him as he tries to get back in. Oliver attacking Hector as he is up on the apron. Chavo comes in to get Oliver away, but gets grabbed by the referee and at this point, a blind man could see what was going to happen next as the Grappler attacks Hector while the referee is tied up with Chavo. The Grappler runs Hector into a Ringside Table. The heels get Hector back into the ring and Oliver Irish whips Hector. Hector with a flip to avoid a clothesline and comes back with a crossbody to Oliver. He gets a near fall and Oliver comes up with a front face lock and tags the Grappler in. Hector with a sunset flip for a two count. Grappler misses a falling headbutt when Hector moves out of the way. Grappler again cuts Hector off as he was going to tag. Oliver tagged in and comes off the second rope with a punch to Hector. Hector blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own to Oliver and I say suplex instead of the way Gordon Solie says it, which is soo play. Grappler tagged in and goes over to hit Chavo before Hector can get over and make the tag. Chavo goes after the Grappler, so he is not there when Hector comes over to tag. The heels playing the faces like fiddles so hard, Charlie Daniels would be jealous. Grappler with a headlock to a seated Hector. Hector gets to his feet and the crowd yelling and getting behind Hector. Hector knocks the Grappler down, but gets cut off before he can make the tag. Oliver tagged in and he gets a small package for a two count. Hector blocks an atomic drop and hits one of his own to Oliver, but Hector is out on his feet and unsure of where to go. He finally falls backwards towards his Corner and Chavo tagged in. The Grappler also tagged in and Chavo taking turns hitting both heels. Grappler reverses a corner whip, Chavo comes back with a moonsault attempt, but the Grappler moves out of the way and Chavo lands on his feet. Chavo with a victory roll on the Grappler as Hector comes off with a crossbody to Oliver and it is breaking loose here. Chavo runs Oliver into an abdominal stretch from Hector as the Grappler runs Chavo into the referee and then throws Hector over the top rope to the outside. Oliver holds Chavo as the Grappler loads his boot and goes to hit Chavo, who moves and Oliver gets hit instead. Chavo and the Grappler battle to the outside of the ring as Hector covers Oliver to get the pin.
-Cocoa Samoa with Lady Maxine vs. Rip Rogers with Miss Brenda: The graphic spells it Koko like Koko B. Ware, but the internet says Cocoa like the beverage. Your mileage may vary. They lock up and Samoa with an arm drag. Rogers complains that his trunks were pulled. Back and forth. Samoa with a leg scissors, but Rogers gets to the ropes. They circle each other again. Rogers with a side headlock. Samoa reverses into an overhead wrist lock that forces Rogers to the mat. Samoa transitions to an arm bar. Rogers gets back to his feet, only to be taken back down by an arm drag. Rogers back to his feet again and gets to the ropes, so Samoa is going to have to stop the arm bar that he had on. They circle each other again and the crowd is booing Rogers. Rogers comes back with a wrist lock to Samoa. Into an arm bar, but Samoa twists around to kick Rogers in the face to break the hold. Rogers complains to the referee that his hair was pulled. They lock up again and drive to a corner. Samoa reverses a corner whip, but Rogers moves on the charge. Rogers with a scoop slam. Samoa back to his feet and gets a single leg on Rogers. A roll up gets a one count for Samoa. They circle each other again. Another lock up and drive to the ropes. Samoa breaks clean, but Rogers with a cheap shot to Samoa. Rogers throws Samoa to the outside and Miss Brenda loved that move. Lady Maxine helps Samoa back to the apron. Rogers grabs Samoa on the apron and runs Samoa into a turnbuckle and then punches Samoa. Rogers then snap mares Samoa back into the ring. Another snap mare by Rogers to get a two count. Rogers follows it up with a rear chin lock. Samoa fighting to get back to his feet and out of the move. Rogers lets go of the move and starts to attack Samoa with forearms. Rogers with a face rake to knock Samoa back down. Rogers choking Samoa on the mat, but breaks on the three count. Rogers with a back rake and another snap mare. Rogers goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. Samoa tries to follow up with a splash, but Rogers moves out of the way. Miss Brenda encouraging Rogers. Samoa blocks a suplex attempt and hits a suplex of his own. Back and forth. Samoa with a headbutt and Rogers driven back and tied up in the ropes. Samoa attacking Rogers with shots as Rogers is tied up in the ropes. Samoa then runs to splash Rogers, who gets loose and moves out of the way and Samoa hits the ropes and bounces off. Rogers gets a two count. Rogers with an Irish whip and Samoa comes back with a sunset flip and Rogers fighting not to go over. He does go over and Samoa gets a two count. Samoa reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Rogers kicks him in the face. Rogers gets a two count. Rogers argues with the referee about the count and gets a shot in the stomach from Samoa. Samoa runs Rogers into a turnbuckle. Samoa hits Rogers with some headbutts and Rogers is selling his ass off. Samoa gets a two count as Rogers gets his leg on the ropes. Rogers tries to fight back, but gets knocked down again. Rogers backed away and called for a time out. Samoa hip tosses Rogers out of a corner and then hits him with a dropkick. Rogers again gets his foot on the ropes to avoid being pinned. Rogers comes back with an elbow to the head and then chokes Samoa on the top rope for a three count. Back and forth by the ropes. Rogers with a snap mare to Samoa, but misses an elbow drop when Samoa moves. Samoa with some chops to Rogers and an Irish whip and abdominal stretch. The referee's attention gets averted, allowing Miss Brenda to come in and hit Samoa with her purse. The referee goes to get Miss Brenda out and Rogers picks Samoa up and as he does, Lady Maxxine comes in and pushes Samoa down on Rogers and Samoa gets the win. Rogers and Miss Brenda complain to the referee after the match.
-Florida Heavyweight Championship Match. Jack Hart with Percy Pringle vs. Kendall Windham: Hart is of course Barry Horowitz. Kendall is of course Barry Windham's brother and Black Jack Mulligan's son. They go off the air again briefly before the match starts. Hart jumps Windham as soon as the bell rings. The referee sees this and shoves Pringle out of the ring as Hart gets an Irish whip. He hits Windham with a back kick. Hart all over Windham, hitting and Kicking Windham as he struggles to get back to his feet. Hart with a snap Mare and a leg lock and he has looked spectacular in this match so far, I will give him that. He gets a two count. Windham comes back with a double thrust to the midsection of Hart. More shots to the midsection and Hart backs off. He then comes back with a forearm and a snap mare to Windham. Hart then transitions to a rear chin lock. Windham gets back to his feet and then gets to the ropes. Hart breaks and hits Windham in the midsection again. Hart with an Irish whip, Windham ducks an elbow smash, and comes back with a flying shoulder tackle. Windham with another shot to the midsection and Hart responds with an eye poke like he's prime Roddy Piper. Hart follows it up with a knee lift to Windham. Then a bear hug to Windham and Hart's and Pringle's plan has worked to perfection so far. Hart hitting Windham with knees and forearms in the corner as Pringle gloats to the crowd, asking them what they think about what is going on. Hart with a corner whip, but Windham ducks the charge. Hart goes for a snap mare, but Windham hooks the arms and gets a backslide for a one count. Hart comes back with a forearm to Windham. Then a side headlock and punch followed by an eye rake to Windham. Back and forth in the center of the ring. He follows it up with another eye rake and Hart definitely showing a more killer spirit than I have ever seen from him. Pringle yelling encouragement to Hart from ringside. Windham on his knees after being choked on the second rope and he is coming back with shots to the stomach of Hart. Windham rushes Hart, who gets his knee up to drop Windham back to the mat. Hart follows it up with an elbow smash to Windham from the second turnbuckle. Hart gets to grab Windham, who fights back with shots to the stomach again and they have been just about the most effective things Windham has done in this match. Windham goes for a shot, but Hart buries his shoulder into Windham's midsection first. Hart then knocks Windham down with a shot. Hart goes back to choking Windham on the top rope for a three count. Hart with a forearm shot. Windham again trying to come back with shots to the stomach as Hart yells at him to get up. Hart with an Irish whip and Windham comes back with a sunset flip. He struggles to get Hart over, but Hart just falls down on Windham's chest instead. Hart with another Irish whip and a back elbow. Hart gets a couple of two counts, but he did impress me by trying for the cover again instead of giving up after one kick out. Hart puts an abdominal stretch on. Windham gets to the ropes, so Hart knocks him back to the mat with a shot. He follows it up with a snap mare, which seems to be one of his favorite moves and it is unbelievable to me that this was 10 years before Hart as Horowitz would upset Chris Candido on WWF Superstars for his most high profile thing done in the wrestling business. Hart goes for a leg drop, but Windham rolls out of the way. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hart with a bear hug. Hart brings Windham over to the corner and puts him on the turnbuckle. Windham blocks a shot and comes back with a sunset flip and the crowd loved that move. That's probably the loudest that they have been all night. Windham gets a two count. Back and forth again with both wrestlers hitting each other with shots to the midsection. Hart with a forearm shot to Windham in the corner. He follows that up with a thrust kick to Windham. Hart backs up for a moment for the referee to check Windham and Windham catches Hart with a punch to the midsection when Hart comes back in. Hart responds by choking Windham in the corner for a three count. The referee admonishes Hart, allowing Pringle to slap Windham in the face. Hart goes back to the snap mare, so you should at this point take a shot I believe. He follows that up with a rear chin lock and a knee to the back of Windham. Windham fighting not to give up or pass out. Hart takes one hand and grabs Windham's nose like Hart is trying to rip it off. Hart transitions into a camel clutch. Pringle yelling encouragement to Hart and then yells at the fans when they get on him. Windham beating on the mat trying to avoid passing out as of course this was well before tapping out was a thing. Hart gets Windham up and puts him in a corner and buries his knee in Windham's midsection. Windham reverses a corner whip. Hart comes back with a reverse crossbody attempt, but Windham ducks it. Windham coming back and Hart begging off. Windham jumps on Hart with punches to the head and the crowd is absolutely loving it. Windham with an Irish whip and a back elbow that looked really good. Windham with another Irish whip and a flying clothesline to Hart. Windham with a knee drop to Hart. He gets a two count. Windham goes for the bulldog, but Hart with another thumb to the eye. Hart then goes to the corner and slips something in his glove. Hart with an Irish whip, Windham ducks a shot with the gloved hand, and comes back with a crossbody to get the pin and become the new Florida Heavyweight Champion. Pringle was trying to get into the ring to cause a disqualification, but he was too late. Windham grabs the belt and goes around the ring with it held up high celebrating with the fans. Pringle and Hart crying and upset in the ring over the result.
-Coach John Heath talks to Harley Race. He calls the Road Warriors the Road Hogs and says that he and Larry Hennig were the AWA Tag Champions before the Road Warriors ever existed. He says he and Stan Hansen can have another title switch here tonight. His mic keeps cutting off because of course it does. He said what is utmost in his mind right now is the outcome of Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel. He says he doesn't like either man so he doesn't care who wins it. It all boils back to Harley Race and his opportunity to win title #8. He says he proved that he could dominate wrestling. He says there could be another title switch and then he says he's going to have a ringside seat for Flair-Wahoo. Well, there are plenty available, Harley! He says that 85 is going to bring #8 back home.
-Southern Heavyweight Championship Match. Rick Rude with Percy Pringle vs. Billy Jack Haynes: Haynes is one half of the CWF US Tag Team Champions with Wahoo McDaniel. They are face to face in the center of the ring. Pringle gets on the crowd for booing Rude before helping Rude take his robe off. It takes them a minute to get started. The bell rings and they circle each other and the crowd is clearly on Haynes' side. Rude tells Haynes to back up so that Rude can pose to the crowd. The crowd hates it. Haynes then poses and the crowd loves it. He then tells Rude to bring it and Rude wants a test of strength. They do the test of strength and neither man can gain the advantage. Rude goes to kick Haynes in the stomach, but Haynes catches his leg and hits an atomic drop and a dropkick on Rude. It was impressive to see Haynes get up that high. Rude rolls out to confer with Pringle before getting back in the ring. They are standing across from each other in the ring just looking at each other. Pringle screaming at the crowd to be quiet and Pringle was so good at what he did. Haynes with a side headlock into a takeover. Rude briefly turns Haynes over to get a one count before Haynes comes back with a side headlock again. Rude turns Haynes over again and gets a two count this time before Haynes can get back to a base with the side headlock. Rude gets back to his feet and pushes off. Haynes comes back with a shoulder block, but neither man moves. Another shoulder block and again neither man moves. Rude with a shoulder block with the same outcome. Rude goes for another shoulder block, only for Haynes to leapfrog Rude and get a backdrop on him. Haynes goes for the full nelson and the crowd pops loudly when he gets it on only for Rude to get to the ropes almost immediately. Rude falls to the outside and Pringle screaming at both Haynes and referee Bill Alphonso. They show a woman at ringside who is drawing a picture of the action and I have never seen anything like that before. It was interesting to me. Rude back in the ring and they circle each other again. Another lock up and Haynes goes back to the side headlock. Rude backs Haynes into the corner to force a break. Haynes does and Rude takes the opportunity to put some knees into Haynes' midsection. Rude with a corner whip, misses the charge, and Haynes gets the side headlock on again. Into a snap mare and then back to the headlock again. Haynes cranks the hold on and Rude struggling to get out of the hold and back to his feet. Rude gets to his knees and Haynes quickly switches to a front face lock. Rude gets to his feet and hits Haynes in the midsection, so Haynes goes back to the side headlock. There may not be a lot of variety to Haynes' offense, but I guess you can say for him that what he does, he does very well. Rude pushes off and then does some drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Haynes. He then hit Haynes with a wicked looking clothesline. Rude gets a two count. Rude follows that up with an elbow to the back of Haynes' head as Haynes gets back to his feet. Rude with a series of punches and forearms to the back of Haynes' head again. Rude beats and kicks Haynes through the ropes to the outside. Rude comes out after Haynes and Pringle gets up on the apron to distract referee Bill Alphonso, allowing Rude to run Haynes into the barricade. Haynes hits the barricade back first and falls to the ground and he is holding his head. Rude gets back in the ring and Pringle gets back on the apron and is screaming at Haynes and the crowd is booing Pringle. Haynes gets back to his feet, so Rude goes out after him again and hits Haynes with a forearm to the back. Rude then gets back in the ring and Alphonso is out trying to get Haynes back in. Haynes leaning on the barricade and holding his head. Haynes gets back on the apron and Rude grabs him and suplexes Haynes back in the ring. He gets a two count, but it was a lazy cover because you have to hook a leg, you can't just lazily hold a man like Billy Jack Haynes down without it. Rude goes up on the bottom turnbuckle and delivers a fist drop to Haynes. Then another one and Rude puts on a camel clutch that Solie keeps calling the Russian Sickle for some reason. Haynes trying to get out of the move. Rude is in tremendous shape here. Haynes slips out from under Rude. Rude maintains the chin lock on Haynes. Rude with a punch, an Irish whip, and a backdrop to Haynes. Back and forth. Rude concentrating on the lower back of Haynes and hitting him with forearm shots. Rude with a corner whip and Haynes hits the post back first and falls to the mat. Rude picks Haynes up and continues the assault on Haynes. Haynes trying to fight out of the corner with a series of right hand shots to Rude. Rude cuts Haynes off with a rake of the eyes. Haynes blocks a suplex from Rude and hits Rude with a suplex of his own. Rude goes for a top rope fist drop, but Haynes moves out of the way. Rude begging off and presents his hand for Haynes to shake, but instead, Haynes kicks Rude in the stomach. Haynes then runs Rude's head into Haynes' knee. Haynes then hits an Irish whip and a clothesline to Rude. Haynes follows that up with a backbreaker to Rude. Then a gut wrench suplex to Rude. He gets a two count on Rude. Rude back to his feet, but Haynes rocking Rude with punches and kicks. Haynes with a press slam to Rude and that's impressive getting Rude up like that. Pringle appears to have tripped Haynes because Rude falls on Haynes. Pringle then gets up on the apron and Alphonso goes to get Pringle down. Haynes also starts to go after Pringle and Rude nails Haynes from behind with the cane and gets the pin. There was a reason that Rude's music during this time was Smooth Operator, folks. The crowd boos and starts chanting bullshit. Solie and Graham say that the NWA Board will probably take a look at the footage and may hold the Southern title up.
-John Heath interviews Kendall Windham. Heath says that Windham is the youngest Florida Champion ever. Windham thanks Heath, his father and brothers, and all the Florida fans. They show the end of the match.
-Solie and Graham talk about Windham and his win and say the future looks bright for Kendall.
-Buddy Colt interviews The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. As Colt is introducing them and running down their match, Hawk is twitching. That's the best way that I know to describe it. He's standing in place, but moving so much that the spiked collar that he has around his neck comes off. Ellering says that their opponents have very impressive records, but if you want to talk about records, talk about their records. Two time tag team of the year and he has been manager of the year. He said he heard Harley Race. He was talking about Ric Flair, he wasn't thinking about this match 100% like he should be. Hawk says it's about time to play, Harley Race. That old line about this guy making coffee nervous certainly applies to Hawk. He says it's not time to talk about Ric Flair. It's time for Race and Hansen to quit talking. He says get in the ring and do your talking there. That's where they do their talking and that's why they wear the championships. Animal says Hansen is a big man, over 300 pounds. He says he and Hawk are big men too. Animal then says Race and Hansen are good wrestlers, but they aren't bad, they don't know what it's like to get their butt kicked by 10,12, or 15 guys in Chicago when they were a kid. I would like to point out that both guys being from Minnesota means that they don't know what that's like either, but Animal is on a roll here, so it's best not to interrupt him. He says that Race and Hansen are going down.
-AWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. Harley Race and Stan Hansen: Race and Hansen out first as the challengers. Hansen has his bull-rope and is swinging it wildly around himself as he comes to the ring. They play Iron Man as The Road Warriors and Ellering come to the ring. They kind of play their hand here as they start to make introductions of everyone before the Road Warriors even come out because as soon as the Road Warriors get to ringside, all four men start to brawl. Hansen takes Animal out into the crowd as Race starts to battle Hawk at ringside. Animal brings Hansen back towards the ring and all four men by each other and trading blows. I think I even saw Hawk and Animal hit each other a couple of times. Those two probably like that, well, more power to them. Hansen takes his vest off and gets Animal up against a ring post and goes to hit Animal, but Animal ducks and Hansen hits the post instead. Animal responds with some knees to the gut of Hansen and some forearms to the face. The Road Warriors get in the ring and Hawk reaches over to grab Hansen and bring him into the ring. But Race takes advantage of that and hits Hawk with Hansen's Cow Bell. Hansen drags Hawk out of the ring and slams his head on a ringside table. He goes to do it again, but Hansen blocks it and runs Hawk into the table instead. Hawk and Hansen going back and forth at ringside while Race battles Animal on the apron. Now all four get in the ring or up on the apron and it looks to be Race and Hawk starting out as Race grabbed Hawk in the middle of the ring. Race attacking Hawk with elbows and punches to the neck. Race with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Hawk kicks Race in the face. Hawk follows that up with a knee to Race's face and a fist drop. He only gets a one count though. Race comes back with a headbutt and Animal tagged in. Animal comes in with a side headlock. Now all four men in the ring. Referee Bill Alphonso trying to get things back under control and get the extra men out of the ring. Hawk reverses an Irish whip and hits Hansen with a back elbow. Hansen and Hawk spill to the outside of the ring and continue to fight there as Animal hits Race with forearm shots in the corner of the ring. Hawk and Hansen battle out in the crowd. They go back and forth and hit each other with everything that they can get their hands on, including chairs. Animal and Race exchanging shots in the center of the ring. Animal hits Race with a scoop slam. Race back to his feet and Animal gets him in a front face lock as the fighting continues outside the ring. Hansen gets back on the apron as Race hits Animal with a knee to the face. Race gets to the ropes. Animal tries to get a side headlock on, but Alphonso won't allow it. Animal drags Race off the ropes and tags Hawk in. Hawk with a rabbit punch to Race and gets a front face lock on. Race goes down briefly to his knees, but then gets right back to his feet and gets Hawk down with a double leg pickup. Race then drops an elbow on Hawk and Hansen tagged in. Hansen drops a knee on Hawk. He follows that up with a scoop slam and Graham says that he had been wrestling a few years when Hansen started and I would not have guessed that. You learn something new everyday. Hansen gets a two count. Hawk back to his feet and he and Hansen battle to the corner and Animal tagged in. He starts to get in, but I guess Alphonso didn't see the tag because Animal gets right back out. Meanwhile, Hawk and Hansen keep battling in the ring. Hawk hits a scoop slam and a leg drop on Hansen. He gets a one count. Animal tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbow to Hansen. Animal with a front face lock, but Hansen drives backwards to the corner. Alphonso calls for the break and gets it and Hansen with a corner whip. He misses the charge. Animal comes back with a modified hammerlock to Hansen. Hansen responds with an arm drag to get Animal off him. They go outside and Hansen grabs Animal in a side headlock to run Animal into the corner post, but Animal pushes off and Hansen gets run into the post instead. Hansen rolls back into the ring, where he is met by Hawk, who gets Hansen in a side headlock. Race and Animal battling on the outside and at this point, I don't even know who is legal anymore. I don't think that the referee knows either. Hansen with a side suplex to get out of the move. Race and Animal exchanging blows on the outside while Hansen runs Hawk's head into the mat. I assume the referee is just going to let that go as Hansen gets Hawk in a side headlock and Race tagged in. Race catches Hawk with a knee to the face and follows that up with a punch to the face. Hawk responds by grabbing Race by the throat and lifting him up and the crowd absolutely loves that move. He then throws Race down on the ground. Hawk follows that up with a snap mare and a rear chin lock on Race as Graham talks about how strong the Road Warriors are and how much they can military press and bench press. Hawk with a side headlock and Race responds with a belly to back suplex to get out of the move. Hansen tagged in and hits Hawk with a piledriver. He gets a two count from it. Hansen responds with knees and kicks to Hawk's head. Hansen then rams Hawk into Race's knee and tags Race back in. Hansen holds Hawk for Race to hit before getting out. Race with a suplex for a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hawk gets Race up for a military press slam. Animal tagged in and gets Race in a side headlock as Race gets back to his feet. Animal with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a two count and as soon as Race kicks out, Animal gets him in a rear chin lock. Hawk tagged in and he picks the rear chin lock up. Hawk with a headbutt to Race. He follows that up with an eye rake and a scoop slam to Race as Solie says it wouldn't be a good idea to try to exchange punches with Harley Race. Hawk misses an elbow drop. Race rushes Hawk and both spill out to the floor over the top rope. Now all four men outside brawling and Hansen throws Alphonso out of the way as he was headed out. The bell rings and Solie says that both teams were counted out as they go to commercial. They are still fighting when they come back from the commercial. But we go to the locker room where Buddy Colt is interviewing Ric Flair.
-Colt says that his match against Wahoo McDaniel will be 2/3 falls with a one hour time limit. Colt opens the interview by saying that Flair is the three time NWA Champion. Flair says forget three times, he is the current World Champion, the only World's Heavyweight Champion and that's all that matters right now. Flair says tonight, McDaniel got the match that he wanted. 2/3 Falls. Flair also says McDaniels like so many others have and it's annoying, once you realize that there isn't an S at the end of his name. Flair says when McDaniel says that there isn't a wrestler alive that can beat him 2/3 falls, Flair says he's just going to have to prove McDaniel wrong. Flair says he's the greatest conditioned athlete alive today. He is Ric Flair. The World Champion. A living legend and right here in Tampa, Florida, he says he is going to take it to Wahoo McDaniel all night long.
-They come back from the interview and The Road Warriors are still in the ring. I believe they want to live there now. They go to another commercial and when they come back, the Road Warriors are finally gone.
-Nick Bockwinkel vs. Frankie Lane: Bockwinkel is called the AWA Champion by the ring announcer, but that was Rick Martel at the time. The hurricane screwed all that up and Martel could not make it to the event. Solie corrects the record for the crowd as the referee goes over the instructions. They circle each other and lock up. They battle for position and Bockwinkel pushes off. Another lock up and push off by Bockwinkel. Another lock up and Bockwinkel with an arm drag. They lock up again and Graham says this is a tremendous opportunity for Lane. Bockwinkel with a hip toss to Lane. Bockwinkel with a scoop slam as the announcers make it clear that the weather was the reason Martel couldn't make it and he is not ducking Bockwinkel at all. They circle each other again and lock up and Lane with a couple of hip tosses of his own. He then hits a scoop slam and Bockwinkel backing away from Lane. Bockwinkel backs to a corner and regroups before coming out again. They lock up again and drive to a corner. Bockwinkel hits a series of head and body shots to Lane. Bockwinkel with a suplex. Lane ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to Bockwinkel. He gets a one count. They lock up and drive to the ropes and Bockwinkel with a shot to Lane. Another shot and Bockwinkel follows up with an Irish whip and a knee to Lane's stomach. Bockwinkel then drives Lane into a corner buckle and Lane gets back to his feet, only for Bockwinkel to knock him back down again. He knocks Lane back down again and then runs Lane into another buckle. Lane reverses a corner whip and catches Bockwinkel with a hip lock out of the corner. Lane with a series of forearms to Bockwinkel. Lane with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Bockwinkel and then hits the fastest cover on Bockwinkel or any other wrestler that I have ever seen. Bockwinkel was covered almost before he finished hitting the ground. That was impressive by Lane. He only gets a two count. Bockwinkel then catches Lane with a shot and gets an Irish whip. Lane again ducks the clothesline attempt and tries to come back with a crossbody, only to get hit with a forearm from Bockwinkel and knocked down and Bockwinkel gets the pin.
-Coach John Heath interviews Wahoo McDaniel. McDaniel says he got what he wanted, a 2/3 falls match. He says the fans deserve to know who the best man is. He thinks the best way is 2/3 falls and doesn't think that there is a man out there that can beat him in two falls in one night. He knows Ric Flair is a great champion, but McDaniel thinks it's time for a change and there is no better place to have it happen than right here in Florida.
-Main Event 2/3 Falls for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel: McDaniel is the other half of the US tag champs with Billy Jack Haynes at this time. The ring announcer says the NWA is the National World's Alliance and I am speechless. Flair takes his robe off and then Alphonso checks both wrestlers and they give out instructions. Alphonso presents the belt to the crowd.
-First Fall: Graham thinks Flair is going to make McDaniel chase him and Graham says that's to Flair's advantage since he is in better shape than McDaniel and McDaniel has to defeat Flair, Flair doesn't have to defeat McDaniel. Flair trying to psych out McDaniel as they circle each other by going into his styling and profiling routine. He taunts McDaniel by starting to lock up before backing up and circling McDaniel some more. They finally lock up and drive to a corner. Clean break and another lock up by Flair. McDaniel with a side headlock. Flair counters with an overhead wrist lock. McDaniel goes down to one knee. He gets back to both feet and starts to overpower Flair. McDaniel gets Flair down and gets a one count before Flair gets his shoulder up. McDaniel still has the wrist lock on. He transitions into an arm bar and Flair looks for ways to get out of the move. Flair cut on his forehead already for some reason and I don't know what that could be from. It could have been inadvertent or a hard way shot. Solie says it was an old laceration that has opened back up as Flair gets to his feet and McDaniel switches to a hammerlock and gets Flair into a corner. They break clean and Flair complains to Alphonso about the hold. He says McDaniel should have broken the hold sooner and Alphonso says that McDaniel has a 5 count to do it. Solie says that Flair is trying to intimidate the referee. They lock up again and Flair gets McDaniel into a corner and drives his shoulder into McDaniel's midsection and then chops McDaniel. McDaniel returns with chops that knock Flair down and Flair flips over from the force of the chop. Flair back away from the advancing McDaniel. They lock up again and Flair gets McDaniel back into a corner and unloading on McDaniel with shots and chops. McDaniel fights out of the corner with shots and chops of his own and these two are really going at each other here. Flair does the Flair flop, so TASIYDAH. Flair then backs into a corner and begs off as the crowd is encouraging McDaniel to hit Flair some more. Flair rolls out to the floor to try to regroup. They lock up back in the ring. They then exchange chops and Flair chops McDaniel to the ground. Flair picks McDaniel up and runs him head first into a corner buckle. They then exchange chops again and the crowd is really into this. McDaniel gets the better of the exchange and knocks Flair to the ground. Flair backing away from McDaniel while still in the seated position. He backs into a corner and McDaniel grabs Flair and brings him to his feet and starts to chop Flair again. Flair fights back and gets McDaniel to one knee and Flair starts dropping elbows to the back of McDaniel's head. Flair chops McDaniel down and starts stomping him on the ropes. Flair drops down and gets McDaniel in a front face lock. Flair gets some two counts on McDaniel while Flair's feet are on the ropes. Alphonso finally sees Flair's foot on the ropes and makes him get up. Alphonso and Flair get into a shoving match. McDaniel up and he and Flair lock up again. They get to the corner and McDaniel chopping Flair again. An overhead chop by McDaniel knocks Flair down and Flair is screaming and holding his face. Flair begs off and McDaniel chops Flair again, so Flair rolls back outside again. He steps over the barricade and walks towards the dressing room briefly before coming back into the ring with a determined look on his face. He locks up with McDaniel, who chops Flair down again and Flair once again begging off. Flair again rolls to the outside. Flair walks around the ring and yells at some fans who are yelling at him. Flair walks back up the ring steps and makes Alphonso keep McDaniel away so that Flair can get back into the ring. They lock up and Flair gets a side headlock and as soon as he does, McDaniel pushes off and Flair comes back with a shoulder block. Flair runs the ropes and McDaniel gets him down with a drop toe hold. McDaniel gets a leg lock on. Flair fighting to get out of the hold and not submit. McDaniel drives his knees into Flair's leg. Flair kicking with the other leg trying to get McDaniel off and McDaniel goes back to the leg lock. McDaniel pulls back and Flair grabs him by the neck. McDaniel clamps down on the leg lock and Flair lets go of it. Flair gets to the ropes to break the hold. McDaniel lets go of the hold and pulls Flair off the ropes and back in the center of the ring. McDaniel grabs Flair's legs and tries to force his shoulders down to get a three count. Flair kicks McDaniel down. Flair up, but he is limping. He chops McDaniel. He then gets McDaniel into the corner and starts punching him. He then chops McDaniel, who falls to the mat. Flair with a nice looking snap mare to McDaniel. Flair tries to drop an elbow, but McDaniel moves and the announcers say Flair is having trouble getting around on the injured leg. McDaniel up and grabs Flair by the leg. He puts the toe hold on Flair. Flair kicks McDaniel away. They then go back to chopping each other. McDaniel chops Flair down to his knees and Flair responds with a double leg to McDaniel. Flair slips his feet back on the ropes, but it still isn't enough to keep McDaniel down for a three count. McDaniel attacking Flair's head with shots to try and get Flair off him. Both wrestlers back to their feet and Flair is chopping McDaniel back. McDaniel responds with one chop that knocks Flair down. Flair back to his feet briefly before being knocked down by another chop. McDaniel gets Flair back to his feet and Flair kicks McDaniel and throws him out of the ring. Flair comes out after McDaniel and runs McDaniel into the corner post. They battle up on the barricade and Alphonso out and separates the two wrestlers. Both wrestlers then get back in the ring. Flair gets a wrist lock on McDaniel. Full arm drag and twist on McDaniel and Flair back to using the ropes as leverage. One of the cameramen is close and filming Flair and Flair yells at him to get out of Flair's face and that he is not going to tell the cameraman again. Flair can't get the three count though. Flair has the wrist secure and is now twisting around and applying tremendous pressure to it. McDaniel won't give up or have his shoulders go down for a three count though. Flair then kicks McDaniel in the side and away from him. Flair then grabs one of McDaniel's arms that is wrapped around the ropes and pulls back on it, but Alphonso is there telling him to break almost immediately. Flair breaks on the three count. Flair up and grabs the arm to bring McDaniel back towards the center of the ring. He then gets McDaniel down with a hammerlock. McDaniel trying to hold on and not pass out from the hold. Flair keeps the hammerlock on, but turns McDaniel over and gets a two count on him. McDaniel gets back to his feet, but Flair still has the wrist lock on and Graham says McDaniel should have at least gone for the double or the single leg to get Flair down and at least gone for a breather in order to give his body time to rest. He then says that it's easy for him to say because he's just sitting there in a nice air-conditioned gym and not actually competing and I thought that was a good, even tempered response from Graham. Flair has McDaniel back down with the arm bar and again using the ropes for leverage. Alphonso sees the ropes moving and questions Flair if he was using them and I will give you three guesses as to Flair's response. Insert eye roll here. McDaniel gets his leg over the rope to force the break. Flair forces McDaniel back into the corner. Flair hitting McDaniel with some stiff looking forearm shots. McDaniel grabs Flair by the hair and turns him into the same corner and headbutts Flair to the mat. The headbutt also seems to have taken its toll on McDaniel as well. Both men back on their feet and exchanging chops in the center of the ring. Flair picks up the wrist lock again and as he does, McDaniel goes back to chopping Flair with the other arm. He then Irish whips Flair and chops him again. Flair does the Flair flop again, so TASIYDAH. McDaniel covers Flair for a two count. McDaniel gets another two count. McDaniel gets the wrist lock on for another two count on Flair. The video I am watching has tracking problems here, but you can still see everything. McDaniel with a big chop to Flair in the corner. He follows that up with a corner whip to Flair, who then kicks McDaniel in the leg when he comes after Flair. They chop each other again. McDaniel reverses an Irish whip and gets Flair in a sleeper. The crowd cheers and jumps to its feet as Flair fights wildly to get out of the sleeper. Flair reaches for the ropes, but goes down to the mat. His shoulders go down and McDaniel wins the first fall.
-Second Fall: Flair is up and Alphonso is checking on him in the corner. The bell rings. They circle each other and Solie mentions that Flair is still staggering and feeling the effects of the first fall while Graham says you can see the confidence on McDaniel's face. They lock up and drive to a corner. Clean break and they lock up again. Another break and Flair hitting McDaniel with shots and chops and Flair is a man possessed. I mean he is really going after McDaniel hard. Flair with an Irish whip, McDaniel ducks a chop attempt and hits Flair with a chop that knocks Flair down and McDaniel covers Flair and gets a two count. They lock up again and McDaniel gets a side headlock on. He drives Flair down to his knees and gets Flair down on the mat. Flair turns and gets several two counts on McDaniel while still being in the side headlock. McDaniel twists back over so that he is now in a seated position. Flair gets to his knees and pushes back towards the turnbuckle to force a break. McDaniel breaks the hold and starts chopping Flair in the corner. He then hits a snap mare and gets Flair in a rear chin lock. He tries to get a sleeper on again, but Flair quickly gets to the rope. McDaniel breaks and chops Flair so hard he goes over the ropes and lands outside the ring. Alphonso admonishes McDaniel and then goes to count Flair. McDaniel comes over to the ropes and Flair grabs him by the leg and pulls McDaniel down and slams McDaniel's leg down on the apron. Flair then drags McDaniel over to the corner and slams his leg on the ring post. Flair then gets back in the ring and starts stomping on McDaniel until Alphonso gets him away. McDaniel gets back to his feet, only for Flair to get him down again with a single leg pick up to the injured left leg. He puts the leg on the bottom rope and then drops down on it. Alphonso gets Flair away as McDaniel gets back to his feet. Flair then starts chopping McDaniel in the corner. Flair then puts the injured leg over the ropes and starts attacking it until Alphonso pushes him away. Flair then punches McDaniel down to the mat. McDaniel then rolls to the outside to regroup and I would say that is a smart move on McDaniel's part. McDaniel gets back in the ring and Flair immediately gets him down and goes back to working on the injured leg to set up for the figure four. McDaniel's shoulders go down and Flair gets a couple of two counts. McDaniel fighting not to pass out or get pinned as the crowd shouts their encouragement to him. Flair reaches down and slaps McDaniel in the face. Flair gets the figure four on McDaniel. He gets a two count as Graham says that McDaniel might get his leg broken because he won't submit. McDaniel fighting the move and trying to avoid the pin and see how he can get out of the figure four. He's got all he can say grace over as the saying goes. Another couple of two counts as Graham says that McDaniel needs to get to the ropes in order to save the match and his leg. McDaniel manages to reverse the figure four and the crowd comes to life for that. Flair cries out in pain and breaks the hold. Both wrestlers struggle to get to their feet. Flair on the attack with chops and kicks to McDaniel. He then gets a snap mare to McDaniel. He gets him down and goes for the figure four again, but he is struggling with it and McDaniel grabs Flair's leg and stops him from applying it all the way. Flair stops trying to apply the move as McDaniel still has a hold of Flair's left leg. Flair up and punching McDaniel in the face as McDaniel is lying on the mat. Flair pounding on McDaniel's head, but stops at the three count. Flair with a snap mare to McDaniel. Flair then drops a knee on McDaniel. The announcers say that McDaniel's head has been split open and I can't see it yet, but I will take their word for it because I can't see that as being something that you would lie about. Flair is unsteady on his feet, but able to drop the elbow on McDaniel. He gets a couple of two counts on McDaniel. McDaniel keeps getting his shoulder up to avoid the three count. Flair up and drops another knee on McDaniel. He gets some more two counts. Flair with a suplex to McDaniel for another two count. He yells at Alphonso to count and gets yet another two count. Flair with an abdominal stretch on McDaniel. He struggles to get it on because as Graham says, McDaniel is a big man. McDaniel fighting the pain and Alphonso up and checking that McDaniel hasn't passed out from the pain. Flair pulls back to get McDaniel down for a pin and gets a two count before McDaniel can get his leg on the ropes for a break. Flair gets McDaniel in the corner and catches him with some forearm shots. McDdaniel comes back with some chops and the fans are absolutely digging that. They exchange chops and McDaniel gets Flair down. McDaniel with a side headlock and Flair pushes off. McDaniel comes back with a shoulder block that rocks Flair, but he doesn't go down. They exchange chops and Flair with a side headlock. McDaniel pushes off and Flair runs into Alphonso and knocks him down. Flair with an Irish whip and McDaniel comes back with a backslide to get Flair down, but there is no ref to count. Flair back to his feet and he throws McDaniel back to the floor. Flair comes out after McDaniel and he runs McDaniel into the ring post. Flair gets back in the ring as Alphonso gets to his feet again. Flair goes out again and grabs McDaniel by the head and smashes him against the ring post again. Flair throws him back in the ring and pins McDaniel with a handful of tights.
-Third Fall: The announcers say Alphonso has checked McDaniel's head from being run into the ring post and McDaniel is busted open pretty badly. Hello to Dave LaGreca and company. The bell rings and they circle each other again. They lock up and Flair with a knee to McDaniel and tries to suplex him. McDaniel blocks the attempt and suplexes Flair instead. He only gets a one count as Flair scrambles to his feet. They exchange chops and Flair goes down to his ass. McDaniel keeps chopping Flair. Flair responds by throwing McDaniel back outside again. Flair goes to run McDaniel into the corner post again, but McDaniel blocks it and runs Flair into the post instead. They exchange chops on the outside and McDaniel runs Flair into the post. Flair goes down to the floor. Both men get back in the ring and Flair busted open now as well. McDaniel chops Flair in the corner. McDaniel with a corner whip and Flair up and over the ropes and out to the floor so no shot for you. McDaniel gets Flair back on the apron and chops him again. Flair falls down on the apron and rolls back in the ring. McDaniel chops Flair again and goes into his war dance. He chops Flair down. McDaniel with an Irish whip and gets the sleeper on again. Flair fighting not to pass out. Flair reaches for the ropes, but he is starting to fade. Flair reaches the corner with his feet and pushes back and gets the pin on McDaniel. Solie says that McDaniel wasn't even aware that he was pinned. Ring Announcer Chet Tharp announces Flair as the winner, but the crowd doesn't care. They are upset that McDaniel lost and now would rather go back out into the remnants of a hurricane rather than listen to an announcement that Ric Flair won. Those left boo the result. Solie and Graham review the end of the match.
-Coach John Heath interviews Wahoo McDaniel. He says he is disappointed at the result, but promises Ric Flair that he will be back.
-Gordon Solie then sends out best wishes for the recovery of Mike Von Erich as this is when he had his unfortunate turn and then signs off from Tampa.

-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show with a few understandable under the circumstances hiccups. Too bad it was too little too late for CWF.

Episode 190 Notes Thu, 27 Jul 2023 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8dae03b3-b46f-459c-8ca7-37cb1c8274a5 My notes for Episode 190: Unforgiven 2005. -Today we look at Unforgiven 2005 from the WWE.
-Unforgiven 2005 took place on September 18, 2005 from the Ford Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. There were 8,000 in attendance and the show did 243,000 buys on PPV. There were $485,000 in ticket sales.
-Highlights of Kurt Angle attacking John Cena and everything that has led to the main event.
-Unforgiven intro.
-Fireworks go off as Jim Ross welcomes us to Unforgiven. He, Jerry Lawler,and The Coach are your announcers for the evening. They then introduce the Spanish Announce Team of Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Carlito VS. Ric Flair: Flair is going for his first IC Title. They show highlights of what has happened between the two. They start out slow. Flair strutting and whooing. They lock up and Flair with a takedown and a headlock. Carlito back up, but Flair goes back to the side headlock takedown. Carlito reverses into a leg scissors to get out and then both men back up. Flair with a hammerlock. Carlito gets to the ropes. Carlito with a headlock. Flair pushes off. Carlito comes back with a shoulder block. He then mocks Flair with a strut. They lock up and Flair goes back to the hammerlock. He pushes Carlito into the corner, slaps his back, and whoos. They lock up. Flair with a shoulder block. Flair back to the hammerlock and forces Carlito into the corner. Carlito with a back elbow and a fist to knock Flair down. Flair comes back with a big chop. It knocks Carlito down and makes the crowd come to life. Flair goes for the figure four, but Carlito scrambles away to the outside. Back in, they fight in the corner. Carlito with some shots. Carlito whoos, but gets the thumb in the eye by Flair. Flair goes back to chopping Carlito in the corner. Corner whip by Flair, but Carlito comes back with a clothesline. He delivers some punches to Flair in the corner. Flair coming back with an inverted atomic drop. He then chops Carlito to the mat. Flair goes for the figure four, Carlito kicks him off and Flair lands on the outside. He tries to get back in, but Carlito slams his arm down on the top rope to knock him off again. Carlito comes out and runs Flair into the corner post. Carlito rolls in to stop the count, then rolls out again. He drives Flair into the ring steps. He throws Flair back in. He gets a two count. Carlito with a wrist lock. Flair chopping him trying to get out. Carlito pushes Flair down, but Carlito is hurt. He starts punching Flair on the mat. A Let’s go, Flair chant starts. Carlito with some back elbows to Flair in the corner. Carlito with a corner whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count. Carlito with an Arm bar takedown. That gets another two count. Carlito goes back to the arm bar. Then some knees to Flair’s gut and a shot. Flair chops Carlito down. Then another one. Another chop and an Irish whip by Flair. He hits a back elbow. He drops the knee on Carlito. Flair goes up top. Carlito goes to throw him off, but he hits Carlito down and comes off the top rope with a move. You heard me correctly. Drink everything you have. The crowd gives him a standing ovation. He comes off the top rope a second time, but Carlito catches him with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Carlito rolls out and grabs his apple. He comes back in. He goes to spit apple into Flair’s face, but Flair hits him with a right hand. Carlito acts like he is choking as Flair puts the figure four on. Carlito finally taps. New Intercontinental Champion. Flair gets on the mic and says it’s an honor to win the Intercontinental title and it means as much as any world title he says he’s going to party all night long. He picks some ladies out of the audience.
-Todd Grisham tries to talk to Carlito, who shoves him away.
-Ric Flair gets four girls for his big party, then they leave.
-Edge and Lita are shown. They talk about how Matt Hardy would call them every night while he was out injured, never knowing they were together and having an affair. Edge says tonight, after he beats Hardy in a steel cage, all he’s going to have left is memories. Lita says Edge makes her happy, but right now she wants to make him happy. They start kissing.
-Victoria and Torrie Wilson with Candice Michelle VS. Trish Stratus and Ashley: Stratus and Wilson start. Stratus wants Victoria, so she tags in. Victoria with a waist lock takedown. Into a front face lock. Stratus comes back with headscissors to Victoria. Stratus with a modified Thesz press and punches to Victoria. Ashley tagged in. She kicks Victoria. Victoria with a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Ashley with a clothesline. Ashley with a low dropkick. That gets a one count. Wilson in and she throws Ashley hard to the outside. Candice Michelle attacks Ashley on the outside and chokes her with her robe. Stratus breaks it up. Back in, Victoria delivers a leg drop over the top rope. Victoria gets the headscisssors on, but uses the ropes and gets caught. Victoria with a headlock to Ashley. Ashley works to get out of it and Victoria pushes her down. Wilson tagged in. She slams Ashley’s face into the mat. Then she does it a second time. Victoria comes back in and she stops Ashley from making the tag. Victoria toying with Ashley, almost letting her make the tag before pulling her away. Victoria with a front face lock. Ashley pushes backwards and tags Stratus, but Wilson had distracted the referee and he didn’t see the tag. Victoria with a snap suplex. Victoria goes up top, but Ashley catches her and hits the ropes so Victoria falls on the top turnbuckle. Stratus tagged in. Stratus hurricanrana’s Victoria off the turnbuckle. Victoria reverses an Irish whip and Wilson grabs Stratus by the hair. Stratus with a shot that knocks Wilson to the floor. Victoria with a shot and then she puts Stratus in a fireman’s carry and goes for another move, but Stratus headscissors out of it. Stratus ducks a clothesline attempt by Wilson and double clotheslines Victoria and Wilson. Then individual clotheslines to both women. Stratus with a spinebuster to Victoria. Stratus goes to pin Victoria, but Candice Michelle gets on the apron to distract the referee. Stratus pulls Candice Michelle in by her hair so she gets back out of the ring. Ashley then rams Candice Michelle’s head into the apron. Stratus with a side headlock to Victoria. Wilson comes in. Stratus gets her in a headscissors and performs a double takedown to both heels. Stratus performs the Chick Kick to Victoria to get the pin.
-Ric Flair and his ladies are shown getting into a limo with champagne. The ladies get in and Flair is shown taking what I’m assuming is Viagra. He then gets in. Dusty Hill and Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top are shown in the audience.
-The Big Show VS. Snitsky: Big Show comes out and greets ZZ Top. They show Snitsky attacking Big Show with the ring bell on RAW. Big Show attacks Snitsky before the bell. He tosses Snitsky across the ring. He smacks Snitsky’s chest with a big right hand. He then slings Snitsky across the ring by his head. Big Show with a big headbutt. He then gets a boot on Snitsky’s throat. Snitsky rolls out. Big Show follows. Snitsky with a boot to the midsection of Big Show. Big Show shoves him off, but misses a clothesline and hits the corner post instead. Snitsky then focuses on the arm trying to dislocate it by pulling it into the post again. Snitsky throws Big Show back in and has an arm lock on. Big Show throws Snitsky over to get out of it. Snitsky with a boot to the gut of Big Show. Big Show goes for the chokeslam, but Snitsky breaks his grip. Snitsky goes back to working on the arm. Snitsky goes for an Irish whip. Big Show holds on and goes for the chokeslam. Snitsky counters and gets a front face lock on. Big Show pushes off. Big Show misses a corner charge when Snitsky moves and again injures his shoulder. Snitsky with an impressive belly to back suplex and Big Show lands on his injured shoulder. Gets a two count. Big boot to the face by Snitsky gets another two count. A Big Show chant goes out and Snitsky goes back to working on the injured shoulder of Big Show. Big Show pushes off and hits a spinebuster, but he is clearly hurt. Double count going on. Big Show does his version of a nip up and clotheslines Snitsky. Another clothesline and a headbutt. Then a corner charge and a shoulder block. Then a chokeslam and Big Show gets the pin. Big Show starts to leave, then goes for the ring bell and nails Snitsky with it. He then does it again.
-Ric Flair’s limo is shown and there is steam coming from the back.
-Highlights to what led up to the Shawn Michaels/Chris Masters match.
-Kerwin White VS. Shelton Benjamin: Highlights of White attacking Benjamin with a golf club. When Benjamin comes out, JR works in his athletic background IYDAH. Benjamin attacks White while he is taking off his sweater and polo on the outside. He throws White in. Benjamin with some forearms to the back of White’s head. Benjamin with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Another Irish whip, but White gets his boot up. Benjamin with a knee to the stomach of White. Benjamin with a shot and an Irish whip, but White slides through Benjamin’s legs. Benjamin with a scoop slam. Benjamin with a sliding clothesline to a seated White. White with shots and kicks to Benjamin. Benjamin slams White down and delivers a clothesline. Gets a two count from it. White clips Benjamin. White works on Benjamin’s knee. White with a forearm. Benjamin with a take down. White responds by wrapping Benjamin’s leg over his neck to hyperextend it. Benjamin with an Irish whip, but White comes back with a spinning headscissors. Gets a two count. White slams Benjamin’s knee on the bottom rope. White monkey flips Benjamin out of the corner, but he lands on his feet. Benjamin with a Samoan drop. White with a low dropkick to Benjamin’s kneecap which appears injured. Back and forth. Benjamin with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Benjamin with a back elbow. Benjamin with a backbreaker for a two count. White with a forearm. Benjamin with a backdrop. Benjamin with a belly to back suplex. Benjamin goes up top, but White slams into the turnbuckle to knock him down. White hits a top rope superplex. Gets a two count. Benjamin with two chops. White reverses an Irish whip into a drop toe hold. White with a half crab. Benjamin reverses it and slingshots White into the corner buckle. White grabs his 7 iron to hit Benjamin, who hits a T-Bone suplex out of nowhere to pin White.
-Todd Grisham talks to Matt Hardy. Hardy is angry. He says he called Lita what she is, a bitch. He says the only thing he cares about is making sure Edge doesn’t walk out of the cage.
-The cage is shown being lowered.
-Flashback to what has happened between Matt Hardy, Edge,and Lita.
-Steel Cage Match. Edge with Lita VS. Matt Hardy: Hardy comes out determined. Edge looks demented. Lita looks worried. Bell sounds and they are just staring at each other. They lock up and roll around the ring against the ropes jockeying for position. They trade shots. Hardy tries to run Edge into the cage, but he blocks it. Back and forth. Hardy with a big right that rocks Edge. Then another one. Edge starts to climb the cage and gets to the top. Hardy follows. He grabs Edge and headbutts him off the cage into the ring. Hardy with a double ax handle. Edge goes for the door, but Hardy drags him back. Hardy with a side headlock. Crowd chanting Hardy. Edge with a back suplex, but Hardy holds on to the suplex. Edge pushes off with an Irish whip. Hardy comes back with a shoulder block. Hardy back to the side headlock and a takedown of Edge. Edge gets out of it with a face rake. Edge with a headbutt and a right hand. Edge starts to climb the cage again, but Hardy drags him off and he gets guillotined on the top rope. Hardy with a clothesline. Gets a two count. Hardy runs Edge face first into the turnbuckle. Edge reverses a corner whip, but Hardy gets his elbow up on the charge. Hardy with a clothesline from the second rope. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Edge pushes Hardy into the cage. Edge then hits the Edge-O-Matic and gets a two count. Edge starts to climb the cage. He gets to the top, but Hardy grabs him. They both are on the top of the cage structure. Hardy goes for a move, but Edge rams his head against the cage. Hardy falls into the ring. Edge hits a missile dropkick to Hardy. Edge with a back suplex. Then another one. Edge then does the Matt Hardy Version 1 sign with his hand to a chorus of boos. Hardy swinging wildly at Edge. Edge with a knee to Hardy’s back. Edge with a running kick to Hardy’s face. Edge hits a DDT. He gets a two count. He tries again and again. More two counts. Edge with a powerbomb to Hardy onto the cage. A loud Hardy chant goes out. Another powerbomb by Edge, this time into the turnbuckle. Edge waits for Hardy to struggle to his feet, then hits him with a big boot to the face. Edge puts Hardy on the top turnbuckle. Hardy with back elbows to Edge. Hardy starts to climb. Edge comes up and hits a powerbomb from the top rope. Edge with a close two count. A Hardy chant goes out again. Edge goes for the cage door. Hardy grabs his leg. Edge grabs Hardy, who bites Edge’s fingers. Edge punches Hardy, who drops Edge with a stun gun. Edge goes for a corner charge. Hardy runs him into the turnbuckle and hits the Side Effect for a two count. Edge goes for the cage door. Hardy dives to catch Edge and grabs his legs. Lita hands the Money in the Bank briefcase to Edge. Hardy ducks the briefcase shot and hits some right hands to Edge. Edge gets tied up in the ropes as Hardy attacks him and the crowd comes to life. Hardy slingshots Edge into the cage. Hardy bulldogs Edge onto the briefcase. Edge then run into the cage over and over. Lita starts to climb the cage to get in, but Hardy pushes her off. Edge is bleeding. Hardy with a running boot to the face. Edge says no when the referee asks him if he wants to give up. Hardy keeps running his boot into Edge’s head. Hardy grabs the Money in the Bank briefcase and starts to climb. Edge shoves the referee into Hardy, who falls between the ring and the cage on the apron. Edge Spears Hardy into the cage. Edge starts to climb. Hardy follows and they trade shots on the top rope. Hardy drives Edge down to the mat. Lita grabs a chair. She tries to get in the cage. The referee at the door gets the chair and threatens to throw her out. Hardy goes for the pin, but Lita gets in the cage and breaks up the count at two. Hardy starts walking towards Lita as a Hardy chant rings out again. Edge starts crawling for the door. Hardy goes to stop him. Lita goes to hit Hardy with the briefcase, but he bats it away from her. Hardy does the Twist of Fate on Lita. Edge Spears Hardy. Hardy kicks out at two. Edge starts to climb. Hardy comes from behind and runs Edge headfirst into the cage. He falls down on the mat. Hardy climbs to the top of the cage. He does a leg drop onto Edge from the top of the cage. He then has an arm draped over Edge to get the pin.
Hardy celebrates and leaves the ring. Lita and Edge are both shown crumpled in the ring and they both have Edge’s blood all over them.
-John Cena is shown getting his ankle taped up. Eric Bischoff comes in. He says Cena is going to need that tape and a whole lot more. He says he’s been waiting for this moment for a long time. He says Cena can’t win with Bischoff here, he can’t even survive. Cena then puts a piece of tape on Bischoff’s mouth and leaves.
-Referees are shown trying to help Edge and Lita backstage. Edge is crawling up the ramp. He gets up, but falls back down.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hurricane and Rosie VS. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch: Cade and Murdoch say they beat the tag champs once, and they’ll do it again. Hurricane and Cade start. Cade with a big forearm shot. Cade with a scoop slam. Cade misses an elbow drop. Hurricane comes back with some right hands. Leapfrog by Cade and a back and forth. Hurricane with an arm drag to Cade and Murdoch. Rosie with a right hand to Murdoch and Hurricane with a headscissors to him and Murdoch and Cade roll outside to regroup. Hurricane with a side headlock to Cade who pushes off and comes back with a shoulder block. Murdoch tagged in. Hurricane with a forearm and a second rope missile dropkick to Murdoch. Rosie tagged in. Hurricane with a drop toe hold to Murdoch and Rosie with a headbutt to Murdoch. Gets a one count. Cade distracts Rosie. Murdoch with a kick and a headbutt. Rosie with a headbutt that knocks Murdoch down. Rosie with a running backside to Murdoch in the corner. Cade tagged in. He does a double ax handle to Rosie and drops a knee as Murdoch goes over to harass Lilian Garcia. Cade gets a two count. Cade with a front face lock. Hurricane comes over to save Lilian and gets some right hands to Murdoch. He goes to dive between the ropes in the corner on Murdoch, who catches him and gives Hurricane the DDT on the floor. Rosie with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Cade. Rosie then keeps going over to check on Hurricane. Rosie with a corner clothesline to Cade then one to Murdoch on the apron. Rosie goes for a big corner charge, but Murdoch pulls Cade out of the way and Rosie hits the turnbuckle hard. Murdoch tagged in and drops an elbow on Rosie. Gets a two count. Trainers and another referee come down to check on Hurricane as Murdoch drops an elbow. Gets another two count. Rosie rolls out and Cade attacks him and runs him into the barricade. He then runs him back first into the apron. Murdoch covers for a one count. Cade tagged in and attacking Rosie as Hurricane is shown being carried out. Cade hits a neck breaker. Murdoch tagged in. Double Irish whip. Rosie comes back with a double clothesline. Hurricane fighting to come back down the ramp to help his partner. Hurricane tagged in. Forearms to both Cade and Murdoch. Trying to fight both, but has no feeling in his left arm. Murdoch clotheslines Hurricane while Cade clips him and Murdoch pins him. New Tag Team Champions.
-Ric Flair’s limo is shown. One of the women gets out wearing Flair’s robe. You hear Flair’s voice coming from inside asking her to get back in. She flashes him, gets a Whoo, and gets back in.
-Maria interviews Chris Masters. He says Shawn Michaels will get broken by the Masterlock.
-Chris Masters VS. Shawn Michaels: Michaels with a great ovation coming out. Masters attacks Michaels as he gets in the ring and goes to put the Masterlock on him. He slings Michaels down. He then stomps Michaels down. The referee gets Masters away. The bell finally rings and Michaels slips out of another Masterlock attempt and kicks Masters. Masters then kicks Michaels and throws him in the corner. Michaels coming back with punches. Back and forth. Masters throws Michaels into another corner. Michaels comes back with chops. Masters reverses the Irish whip. Michaels comes back with a knee to the face. Michaels with a clothesline. Michaels with another clothesline that takes Masters to the outside. Michaels launches himself onto Masters on the outside and starts punching him. Michaels rolls in to break the count, then more chops to Masters on the outside. Michaels runs Masters into the ring steps. Michaels with a chop and then goes and grabs a chair. The referee stops him from hitting Masters with the chair allowing Masters to get a shot in and run Michaels into the barricade. Back in, Michaels hitting Master’s back with forearms. It goes back outside. Masters gets Michaels up for a power bomb, but Michaels punching Masters to get out of it. So Masters runs Michaels into the ring post. He does it again and then drops Michaels. Back in, Masters with a big forearm to Michaels back. Another forearm and an elbow to the back. A knee to the back and a leg drop by Masters. Masters with a delayed vertical suplex. Gets a two count. Another knee by Masters to the back. Double ax handle to the back. Several more shots to the back. Michaels comes back with a right hand and a chop. Masters reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop. Gets another two count. Irish whip and a backbreaker by Masters. Gets another two count. Masters with punches to the face. An HBK chant goes out as Masters hits another backbreaker. Then another backbreaker. He keeps Michaels down in the hold trying to get him to submit. Michaels punching Masters in the face trying to get him to break the hold. Masters finally lets go. Michaels with punches and chops to Masters. Michaels with a chop. Masters reverses an Irish whip. Michaels comes back with a crucifix, but Masters holding on. Masters reverses it and tries for the Masterlock. Michaels blocks it and hits some elbows. Michaels runs Masters backwards into the corner. Michaels with a back elbow and a chop. Masters reverses a corner whip and Michaels runs into the corner upside down. Masters gets the Torture Rack on. Michaels fighting to get out of the hold. Michaels turns it into a modified sunset flip for a two count. Masters with a clothesline. Masters bleeding from the nose. Masters scoop slams Michaels. He calls for the Masterlock. Michaels fighting getting put in the hold. Michaels reaches out and grabs the referee at the same time landing a mule kick to Masters to get out of the hold. Double count going. Both men up and going back and forth. Masters reverses an Irish whip. Michaels comes back with a flying forearm. Michaels kips up. Inverted atomic drop by Michaels. Clothesline by Michaels. Another clothesline. Scoop slam by Michaels. He goes up top and hits a big elbow to Masters. The crowd comes to life. He sets up for Sweet Chin Music, but misses and Masters goes for the Masterlock. He locks it in. An HBK chant goes out. Michaels tries to push off the ropes, but Masters doesn’t let go. He tries again on the opposite corner, but Masters still won’t let go. Michaels goes down to one knee. The HBK chant gets louder. Michaels goes for another corner, but gets his body over the ropes and onto the apron. Referee Jack Doan makes Masters break the hold. Masters comes over and Michaels guillotines him on the top rope. Michaels falls to the outside. Michaels climbs back up. He goes for a crossbody, but Masters catches him. Masters goes for the Masterlock, but Michaels wriggles free and hits Sweet Chin Music. Michaels gets the pin.
-The women are shown getting out of Ric Flair’s limo looking satisfied and disheveled. Flair is then shown getting out woozy. He takes a drink of champagne, then collapses from exhaustion.
-Flashback to what’s gone down between John Cena and Eric Bischoff leading up to the Main Event.
-WWE Championship Match. Kurt Angle VS. John Cena: Cena gets a great ovation coming out. Cena looking intense. Angle with a side headlock takeover. Cena pushes off. Angle with a shoulder block. Cena with a leapfrog and a hip toss. Angle rolls to the outside. Angle with an armbar hammerlock. Into an arm lock, trying to hyperextend the elbow. Cena comes back with a wrist lock to a headlock takeover. Angle fighting to get back to his feet. He gets to his feet and pushes off. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. Then another Shoulder block. Angle rolls to the outside again. Angle sucks chant goes out. Back in, Angle with kicks and right hands. Angle with forearms. Angle with shots to the corner. Cena corner whipped , but gets his foot up on the corner charge. Cena with a right hand and a scoop slam. Cena with an elbow drop. Then another one. That gets a two count for Cena. Cena runs Angle’s head into the corner turnbuckle. Cena with a side slam. That gets another two count for Cena. Angle with a belly to back suplex. He lands some kicks to Cena’s head. Angle with an uppercut. He then stomps Cena down in the corner. Angle with a suplex. Gets a two count. Angle goes back to a choke hold and punches to the face. Then Angle with a modified Camel Clutch. Angle with an Irish whip. Cena comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Angle misses a clothesline. Cena with another sunset flip. Angle with a corner whip and a belly to belly suplex. A big knee to Cena then another one. Angle with a reverse bear hug. Cena fighting to get to his feet. A big German suplex gets a couple of two counts for Angle. Angle with body scissors. That gets another two count for Angle. Cena fights out of it. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a DDT. Both men up. Back and forth. Cena knocks Angle down. Cena with two clotheslines and a shoulder tackle to Angle. Cena with a suplex. Gets a two count. Cena goes for the FU. Angle counters it into a sunset flip and into the Ankle lock. Cena counters to get out of it. Cena with a spinebuster. That gets a two count for Cena. Angle misses a corner charge so Cena goes for the FU again. Angle reverses it into an Angle Slam. Angle gets a two count. Angle gets the Ankle Lock on. Cena reverses and kicks Angle off. Cena with a sit down slam to Angle. U Can’t See Me and 5 knuckle shuffle to Angle. That gets a close two count. Angle reverses a corner whip, but accidently takes out referee Mike Chioda. Cena hits the FU. He covers but there is no referee. Angle comes back and hits a low blow. Angle then takes his gold medal and wraps it around his hand. He nails Cena with it. Angle drives a knee into Cena’s ankle, pulls the strap down, and puts on the ankle lock. Eric Bischoff comes down to ringside celebrating. He grabs the WWE title, gets in the ring, and tells Cena that he’s losing the title. Cena makes it to the ropes. Bischoff kicks his hand away. Bischoff turns to tell the timekeeper to ring the bell as Cena reverses the hold and drives Angle into Bischoff, knocking Bischoff to the outside. Cena hits Angle with the title as the referee recovers and goes to pin Angle as the bell rings. Lilian Garcia starts to announce the decision. Bischoff stops her and says not tonight. He doesn’t care what the rules say about a disqualification. Cena then gives him an FU before he can finish. Angle then attacks Cena as the bell rings again. It goes outside and Angle is attacking Cena by the barricade. Angle stomps Cena down. He runs Cena into the ring steps. He dismantles the Spanish Announce Table. Cena counters the Angle slam into an FU to Angle on the Spanish Announce Table. Angle bleeding from the mouth. They say Cena has been disqualified, but his music plays and he holds the title high. He looks back to the ring as they sign off from Oklahoma City.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show with some solid action.

Episode 189 Notes Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 754e92b7-50f4-46eb-91a9-2a2436135c68 My notes for Episode 189: July 6, 1998 Nitro. -WCW Monday Nitro July 6, 1998 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia.
-We start out with a clip from WCW Thunder as WCW Commissioner JJ Dillon announces that Hollywood Hulk Hogan must defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Goldberg on Nitro.
-The Nitro Girls dance in the ring, while Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Larry Zbyszko run down what is going to happen. Larry is over here.
-NWO Hollywood comes out. Hulk Hogan says the NWOites need not worry, he won’t let them down. He talks about him and Rodman VS. DDP and Karl Malone at Bash at the Beach. He says the Goldberg match ain’t going to happen. He says he has someone for Goldberg to fight and if Goldberg wins, then he gets Hogan.
-They show a fan who says Hogan is next for Goldberg.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Brian Murphy, last year’s winner of Mark Martin’s car, which is a promotion that they are doing again.
-WCW World’s Television Championship Match: Dean Malenko VS. Booker T: Solid mat wrestling here. Both men are so good. Booker hits the sidewalk slam and the crowd pops. Both men go outside and you hear a voice on a mic and Chris Jericho comes out. He wants Malenko tonight. That distracts Malenko and Booker hits the Axe kick for the win.
-Karl Malone says he is ready for Rodzilla.
-Kanyon VS. Raven with Lodi: Kanyon attacks early. Raven takes a beating. Lodi interferes. Raven takes over. Saturn comes in and attacks Raven. The bell rings. Saturn puts Raven on a table and it takes a long time. He hits a splash onto the table and the table doesn’t break.
-A limo arrives; Buff Bagwell gets out in a wheelchair. First time he’s been seen since his injury.
-The Nitro Girls dance. The Nitro Party Winner talked about. Tony, Mike, and Larry talk about Bash at the Beach coming up. They flashback to last week’s Nitro and Karl Malone slamming Hogan.
-Mean Gene is in the ring to interview DDP and Karl Malone. DDP talks Hogan/Goldberg before talking about Bash at the Beach and him and Malone VS. Hogan and Rodman.
-Malone says he’s gonna whip Rodman like Madonna should have whipped him. Then he says I’m gonna whip the paint out of your head, boy. Yikes! He’s the Rodzilla Killah.
-Steve McMichael talks about being a horseman and what he wants. Mike Ditka talks about Steve.
-Scott Putski comes to the ring looking like a Pirates of the Caribbean reject. He takes on Riggs who has an eyepatch to complete the pirate ensemble.
-Both men going through the motions. Announcers talk about Goldberg's streak and who Hogan’s man is. That is typical for this era. This is a clunky match at times. Scott Putski hits the Polish Hammer but waits too long, but he hits the Putski bomb to win.
-Goldberg preps. They show his first victory. As hour #2 starts, another limo pulls up. NWO Hollywood is out to meet Scott Hall, who is Hogan’s man.
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho is out. He says that the #1 contender to his title is Rey Mysterio Jr. JJ Dillon comes out. They say that Jericho brought out a mini wrestler dressed as Mysterio and that he is not the #1 contender. Dean Malenko comes out. JJ says they are to have no contact between them till Bash at the Beach. Jericho tries to bait Malenko. Then he says he just wants to talk to him but ends up goading him again. Malenko attacks him and they have to be pulled apart.
-WCW Cruiserweight Championship match: Chris Jericho VS. Ultimo Dragon: It takes them a couple of minutes but they finally find their rhythm. Malenko runs in for the disqualification. He rips some of Jericho’s hair out. They have to be pulled apart again. Malenko gets handcuffed and escorted out.
-Bobby Heenan joins commentary since we are halfway through the show. They plug Nitro parties.
-Johnny Swinger VS. Chavo Guerrero Jr. is next.
-They announce the attendance: 39,919.
-Chavo takes charge and wins with the tornado DDT. Chavo cuts some of Swinger’s hair to continue an angle he has with Eddie. He wants a hair VS. hair match at Bash at the Beach.
-They show Goldberg’s 25th win against Glacier. Then they show Goldberg training again.
-Disco Inferno and Alex Wright VS. The Public Enemy Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock: Tokyo Magnum comes out with Disco and Wright. Public Enemy come out with the tables. Public Enemy double teams. Alex and Disco come back. Alex and Disco sacrifice Tokyo Magnum. They then attack Public Enemy with trash cans for the disqualification.
-Mean Gene interviews Buff Bagwell whose mother Judy wheels him out. Because of the injury, he comes out to a big pop. He says he’s had a second look at life. He has to move on with his life.
-They show Goldberg’s 50th win over Rick Fuller.
-Scott Hall VS. Goldberg: The reaction Goldberg gets as he comes out is unreal. He is focused. Hall doesn’t look quite all there. Some stiff shots between the two. Becomes a shoving match. Hall takes over. Goldberg chants again. He is a Phenom. Hall waves someone down. NWO Hollywood comes down but are laid out by DDP and Karl Malone. Hall attacks again. Goes for the Outsiders Edge, but Goldberg powers out and spears him. Jackhammer and pin and that is win number 107 for Goldberg.
-The Nitro girls dance around the announcers as they talk about the Hogan match coming up.
-Psychosis VS. Juventud Guererra: They start quick. The announcers of course hype the upcoming title match. Psychosis hits a senton on Juvi. Back and forth. Juvi hits the Juvi Driver. The Flock comes out. Juvi hits the 450 splash for the win. The Flock hits the ring and attacks Juvi.
-They show Goldberg’s 75th win over Raven to win the US title. They talk about the LA Melee internet show coming up. They talk about Bash at the Beach and the Main Event between Hogan/Rodman VS. DDP/Malone.
-Hacksaw Jim Duggan VS. The Giant: Duggan strikes right away. Giant hits the big boot. Duggan tries to lift The Giant but fails. Back and forth. Duggan knocks Giant down. Giant hits the chokeslam and pins Duggan. The Giant then calls out Kevin Greene, who comes out. He spits on The Giant then clotheslines him out.
-Jim Neidhart VS. DDP with Karl Malone: Neidhart strikes first, DDP fights back. Goes for the Diamond Cutter, But Neidhart pushes off. Neidhart gets the full nelson on but DDP kicks back and gets the Diamond Cutter for the win.
-They show Goldberg’s 100th win against Konnan.
-The NWO Wolfpac comes out. Sting and Lex Luger VS. Kidman and Sick Boy: This is a total squash. Sting and Luger dominate.
-They replay Goldberg’s win over Scott Hall.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Goldberg VS. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: They show Goldberg’s long walk to the ring. The man is simply over! The entrance is awesome. Hogan comes out alone. They lock up. Goldberg grabs a side headlock. Hogan sells, then takes over. Back and forth working methodically. Test of strength. They brawl. Hogan uses his belt on Goldberg, who grabs it and throws it away. He puts a full nelson on. Hogan low blows to gain advantage. Goldberg hits a clothesline. Hogan rolls out of the ring and puts the belt back on. A Hogan sucks chant goes out. Goldberg gets thrown out. Hits the guardrail and Hogan hits him with a chair. Back in, Hogan hits the leg drop two times. Curt Hennig comes out, but so do DDP and Karl Malone. Malone gives Hennig the Diamond Cutter. Hogan is distracted, Goldberg hits the spear. He then hits the Jackhammer for the pin. New Champion! Bobby Heenan is ecstatic on commentary. Fireworks go off. Goldberg chants go out. He lifts both belts. Tony Schiavone caps it all off perfectly. Goodnight America, Goldberg’s the champ.

Episode 188 Notes Thu, 29 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8e57db22-00c0-4728-9c49-bfa0abe7c665 My notes for episode 188 on the August 8, 1992 Power Hour -Today we look at the episode of WCW Power Hour from August 8, 1992.
-The show was hosted by Jim Ross. Ross announces that Ron Simmons is the new World's Champion, Jake Roberts has assaulted Sting, and the war between Rick Rude and Nikita Koloff continues on the Power Hour.
-Van Hammer vs. Joe Cruz: Dear Lord, why would anyone want to start their Saturday with Van Hammer? Cruz with an early advantage. Hammer comes back with a wrist lock. Cruz gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Hammer just awkward and bad. He gets the pin after a Hammerlock suplex which is Tully Blanchard's old slingshot move.
-Missy does the mail. She says she is going to have the first interview with Ron Simmons later.
-Jushin Liger vs. Chris Sullivan: Sullivan gets a side headlock. Liger pushes off and gets Sullivan down. He hits a cannonball and gets Sullivan down again. Sullivan trying to come back. Liger hits a powerbomb and another cannonball off the top rope. Cartwheel to Sullivan gets a two count. Liger hits a piledriver on Sullivan. Liger with a corner whip and a dropkick to Sullivan. Liger knocks Sullivan out of the ring with a spinning heel kick and then a suicide dive on Sullivan. He pins Sullivan after a second rope moonsault.
-JR flashbacks to the previous Sunday in Baltimore. -Rick Rude vs. Nikita Koloff: Sting is on commentary with JR. Koloff dominating on Rude and keeps getting two counts. The referee is knocked out. Cactus Jack comes in and attacks Koloff with a chair. Sting comes in to save Koloff. He picks Rude up and throws him on Cactus Jack. Jake Roberts comes out of the crowd and attacks Sting. He attacks Sting with a chair and hits him with a short clothesline. He then DDT's Sting on the chair a couple of times. He goes to open his bag, but the other faces come out to drive him off.
-Because Sting was injured, he was unable to compete against Vader later in the evening. Bill Watts comes out with some of the top contenders. They go to pull the name out of the sack. Rick Rude demands that he get added to the list. Ron Simmons' name is pulled and he wants his match now. Harley Race comes to the ring to complain that it's not right that Vader has to wrestle an opponent he wasn't ready for, but Watts says it's going to happen.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Ron Simmons: Joined in progress. Vader bashing Simmons in the corner. Simmons reverses it and starts hitting Vader. He beats Vader down in the corner and the fans absolutely love that he did that. They are solidly on Team Simmons here. Simmons hits a clothesline and a belly to back suplex to Vader. They then cut to Vader beating Simmons down in the corner again. Back and forth in the corner. Vader with a corner whip and a splash. Vader follows it up with a big clothesline to Simmons. He then Vader bombs Simmons, but only gets a two count. They cut to Vader setting Simmons up for the powerbomb, but Simmons slips behind Vader and catches Vader in a power slam to pin Vader to become the new WCW Champion. This kid down front jumps to his feet and is so happy that Simmons won. The crowd goes insane when Simmons is announced as the winner. The kid in the crowd is crying. The other faces come out and celebrate with Simmons and strap the belt around his waist.
-Missy talks more about the win. They throw it to Tony Schiavone interviewing Ron Simmons. He says this is a dream come true for him. He said it was an opportunity that came up and he took advantage. He said that he is going to represent the championship. He was on top of his game. Anyone who wants it, can come and get it. Missy then recaps the end of the TV title match between Steve Austin and Ricky Steamboat. Paul E throws something to Austin, but Steamboat gets it and hits Austin with it and pins Austin. They cut to referee Nick Patrick disqualifying Steamboat and Austin wins.
-Brian Pillman and the Z-Man vs. Greg Valentine and Dick Slater: Pillman and Slater start. Back and forth. Pillman with a hip lock. Slater comes back with a side headlock takeover. Pillman responds with an enziguri. Zenk tagged in. He goes back and forth with Slater. They lock up and Zenk forces the break on the ropes. Valentine tagged in. He works on Zenk's arm. Zenk with a hammerlock. Valentine responds with a back elbow and gets Zenk in the corner. He chops Zenk. Valentine with a corner whip. Zenk avoids the charge and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Zenk with some dropkicks for another two count and Pillman tagged in. He gets an arm bar on Valentine. Into a hammerlock. Valentine comes back with chops and forearms. Pillman knocked to the outside. Pillman up on the apron and Valentine gets him back in with a belly to back suplex. Slater tagged in. Slater with an Irish whip and a back elbow and gets a two count. Pillman trying to get away. Back and forth. Zenk tagged in and a double dropkick to Slater. Zenk covers, but the referee was getting Pillman out and Valentine pulls Zenk off of Slater. Slater with a belly to back suplex. Valentine tagged in and hits Zenk with an elbow to the second rope. He drops another elbow and a backbreaker for another two count. The crowd encouraging Zenk with a let's go Z-Man, let's go chant. Slater tagged in. Slater gets a Boston Crab, but lets go and Pillman tagged in and takes on both heels. Slater out on the apron. Pillman goes to suplex Slater back in, but the Barbarian comes out and trips Pillman. The referee sees it and the heels are disqualified. Dustin Rhodes comes out and attacks the Barbarian. Now all 6 going at it and Barbarian hits a top rope headbutt to Pillman as Slater was holding Pillman.
-JR previews what's coming up on WCW Saturday Night before signing off from the Power Hour.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: A quick-paced show. The Simmons win was epic and the show never dragged.

Episode 187 Notes Mon, 26 Jun 2023 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8ee87df1-8c62-4f66-80ba-d65615086564 My notes for Episode 187 on The Great American Bash 92. -Ted Lasso
-Today, we look at The Great American Bash 92 from WCW.
-The Great American Bash 92 was shown on PPV on July 12, 1992 from the Albany Civic Center in Albany, GA. There were 8,000 in attendance.
-Opening Intro showing the teams still in the NWA Tag Team Tournament.
-This is the first WCW PPV I ever saw. A friend of my uncle's taped it and I watched it the next weekend.
-Tony Schiavone and Magnum TA welcome us to the Great American Bash. They discuss the matches coming up tonight. They show Terry Gordy and Steve Williams advancing by beating the Steiner Brothers at the Clash. They say that Nogami from the Japanese team has suffered an eye injury and is not here. They announce that Shinya Hashimoto will take his place and then throw it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura. They discuss Sting's title defense against Vader coming up.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Cowboy Bill Watts. Watts talks about the rule differences between WCW and the NWA and makes it clear as mud. Thanks Bill!
-Brian Pillman and Jushin Liger vs. Ricky Steamboat and Nikita Koloff: This match holds a special place in my heart and I will tell you why when we get to that moment. Liger and Pillman come out to a great reception. Steamboat and Koloff also get a great reaction when they come out. Pillman and Koloff start. They battle for position and Pillman with a side headlock. Koloff just throws Pillman off him. Koloff just too powerful for Pillman. Pillman with a front face lock and Koloff just powers up again and Ventura on Koloff's case about abusing Madusa and he flusters JR a bit. Pillman jumps over Koloff and dropkicks him and the crowd wakes up for that move. He tries to come with corner mounted punches, but Koloff easily overpowers Pillman with an inverted atomic drop. Speed vs. Power here and power is winning so far. Koloff charges Pillman and Pillman moves out of the way. Koloff puts on the brakes, only to get rolled up by Pillman for a two count. Liger tagged in to great fanfare from the crowd. He works Koloff over and Pillman tagged back in. Pillman and Liger have to use their quickness to their advantage. More quick tags as they work over the shoulder of Koloff. They each take the shoulder and run it into the corner trying to take away Koloff's ability to hit the Russian Sickle. Koloff powers up and shoves Liger off. Liger comes back with a shoulder block, but Koloff doesn't move at all. He needs to tag Steamboat in. Liger with a dropkick and another shoulder block and Koloff goes down this time. Pillman and Liger go back to the quick tags that have worked for them so far. Koloff gets a back elbow on Pillman and tags Steamboat in. The crowd comes to life for that. Steamboat a house of fire as he hits Pillman, brings Liger into the ring with a snap mare, and runs his opponents heads together. The crowd cheers and the Three Stooges would be proud. Pillman goes outside and Steamboat throws Liger through the ropes onto Pillman. Pillman gets back in the ring and Steamboat gets Pillman down on the mat. Pillman in and arm bar, but gets back to his feet. Pillman goes for a move after he gets out and Steamboat catches him with an inverted atomic drop. It's a wonder that Pillman had kids after this match. Steamboat gets Pillman back down with an arm drag. The crowd is only reacting to big moves here. Pillman comes back and Liger tagged on. Double dropkick by Pillman and Liger and the crowd loved that move. Steamboat comes back with some moves and Koloff tagged in. Koloff with a back elbow to Liger and Pillman tagged in. Good, even paced match here. Steamboat tagged in as well. Steamboat with a side headlock on Pillman on the mat and gets a few one counts when Pillman's shoulders go down to the mat. Pillman back to his feet and gets a backdrop. Pillman strings together some moves, but can't get the three count. Liger tagged in and gets Steamboat down and then it happens. Liger hits the first moonsault I ever saw in my life. The crowd popped and so did I. I saw my best friend later that same day and tried to explain it to him. Liger only gets a two count though. Liger hits a tombstone piledriver. Another two count. Liger can't keep Steamboat down. Steamboat with a side suplex and Koloff tagged in. Several elbow drops to Liger gets a two count. Koloff with a headlock. Liger comes back, but Koloff catches him with a knee to the midsection. Steamboat tagged back in. Steamboat hits a series of backbreakers to Liger. Steamboat with a running power slam, but Pillman breaks up the tag. Koloff tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbows to Liger. Koloff gets a two count. Jesse says Liger looks like the Predator, so TASIYDAH. Liger up on his feet and reaching towards Pillman. Koloff pulls Liger away before he can make the tag. Jesse then busts out close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and who knew it would be Jesse to get you drunk this early. Take a shot as Steamboat is tagged in. Steamboat gets a roll up for a two count. Steamboat with an Irish whip and drops his head. Liger kicks him and Pillman tagged in. Pillman cleans house. The fans are now into this match big time. Pillman slows it down with a side headlock on the mat. Liger tagged in and dropkicks Steamboat while Pillman was holding him. Liger with a barrage of moves and Steamboat comes up and starts hitting Liger like Liger owes him money. Koloff tagged in and Liger hits him with several shots and I wouldn't make Koloff angry for anything. Koloff hits a shoulder block. Pillman comes in and hits Koloff with a dropkick from behind. A little heelish from Pillman. Pillman then tagged in and keeps up the offense on Koloff. Double teaming by Liger and Pillman on Koloff, but they can't get the pin. Koloff is too powerful. A top rope dropkick to Koloff gets a close two count for Pillman. Pillman hooks a sleeper on Koloff. Koloff comes back with a jaw breaker. Double count going. Both Steamboat and Liger tagged in. Liger with an enziguri. The crowd is hot for action. Steamboat with an Irish whip. Pillman tagged in and gets a crossbody on Steamboat for a two count. A series of covers for two counts by both men. Pillman goes up top, but Steamboat falls back on the ropes. All four men in now and Pillman hits the crossbody, but Steamboat rolls through and gets the pin. The crowd goes wild.
-Eric Bischoff talks to the Steiner Brothers, who had been eliminated from the tournament at the Clash and then lost the World Tag Team Championship to Gordy and Williams the week before this at the Omni. They say they are going to regroup and that this isn't over with Gordy and Williams.
-Hiroshi Hase and Shinya Hashimoto vs. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Hayes and Hase start and a lot of attention has been made towards the subbing of Hashimoto and what that means for the tournament. Freebirds trying to get the crowd into the match. They have a feeling out process to begin. JR mentions that Hase was a college professor before becoming a pro wrestler and Jesse says I bet he even speaks Japanese and JR says fluently and that tickled me for some reason. Jesse says that's not an easy language to learn. Hayes doing some good wrestling here with Hase. Garvin tagged in. Hashimoto also tagged in. They do some moves and counters towards each other. Slow paced match so far. Hayes trying to get the crowd into the match. Hayes tagged in and Hayes working Hashimoto over. Hashimoto with a throat thrust and Hayes gasping for air and upset I'm sure because that's his drinking throat. Hase tagged in and working Hayes over. Hase hits a gut buster on Hayes and that also makes him mad because that's his drinking stomach. Hayes is like my wife when she's on vacation, he enjoys some day drinking. Hashimoto back in and hitting Hayes with some kicks. Hashimoto with an impressive heel kick, but Garvin breaks up the pin attempt. Hashimoto with a fall away slam into a bridge, but only gets a two count. Garvin trying to get the crowd into the match, but I think that's a lost cause at this point. The Japanese team double teaming Hayes and Garvin gets caught up with the referee when he tries to come in to help. Hayes able to run the Japanese team into each other. He is then able to hit both of his opponents with left hand strikes. Garvin tagged in and he is cleaning house and the crowd is into it. All four men in now and the fans are chanting for the DDT. The referee gets Hayes out allowing Hashimoto to kick Garvin in the face and Hase to hit the Northern Lights Suplex to get the pin.
-Tony Schiavone is with Bill Watts and Hiro Matsuda representing the Yamazaki Corporation, I mean New Japan Pro Wrestling and Watts is holding the big gold belt. Watts talks about the NWA tournament being held in Japan and I'm distracted by Watt's tie and his knot being too tight. Watt says they took Ric Flair's name plate off the belt and the new winners name will go on the belt. Someone should have told Watts that it's not a good idea to say Ric Flair's name at the Bash if he isn't there. Remember Bash 91? Watts says he hopes to have the winner wrestle Sting for a consolidation match to only have one world's champion. Somewhere in the back, Vader is taking that comment personally.
-Rick Rude and Steve Austin with Madusa vs. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham: Rude does his usual pre match speech. The faces come out to a fantastic reaction. Austin and Windham start and Austin is in tremendous shape here. They go back and forth as Jesse goes off about Windham's taped fist again. Austin gets a two count with a handful of tights. Windham gets Austin with a punch and the crowd goes wild and Jesse goes irate. He and JR argue over the fist as Madusa and Rude check on Austin, who was knocked to the apron. Austin back in. Austin being hit and bouncing back and forth between the faces and Austin is selling his ass off here. He goes to the floor to regroup. He then tags Rude in. Rude and Windham tie up and Rhodes tagged in. Rude hitting Rhodes with forearms in the corner. Rhodes comes back after an Irish whip with a boot to the face and a clothesline. They go back and forth and Rhodes hits a big belly to back suplex. Rhodes gets Rude down with an arm bar into a hammerlock on the mat. Rude back to his feet and runs Rhodes into the corner. He gets a rear chin lock on as Jesse says the only bad thing about Dustin Rhodes is his fat old man and JR says that Jesse is belligerent today and Jesse says he has to be his best today because of the tag tournament. Rhodes reverses a tombstone piledriver attempt to hit one on Rude. Austin breaks up the pin attempt. Rude gets his knees-up on a Rhodes splash attempt. Austin tagged in as the heels take over on Rhodes. Austin kicking Rhodes repeatedly in the stomach. Austin catches Rhodes with a clothesline after being corner whipped by Rhodes. Things are picking up here. Back and forth and Rhodes catching Austin with some knees and kicks of his own. Rhodes kicks Austin out to the floor and then follows him out. He throws Austin back in. Rhodes gets an abdominal stretch on. They go back and forth and Rhodes goes back to the abdominal stretch. Windham tagged in and hits a big lariat to Austin from the top rope and the crowd came alive for that move. He only gets a two count though. Austin was able to reverse an Irish whip and get a backdrop, but he needs to tag Rude in. Rude is tagged in and immediately attacks Windham's back. He follows it up with a belly to back suplex and some shots to Windham and Rude is acting methodically like a surgeon. He gets a two count, runs Windham into Austin's boot, and Austin tagged in. Austin gets Windham on the top rope and looks to take a page from Windham's book with a superplex, but before he can hit it, Windham hits a headbutt and Austin bounces halfway across the ring. Windham off the ropes with a crossbody for a two count. Madusa gets up on the apron and Anderson comes over to get her down. This allows the Dangerous Alliance to double team Windham and get him down. The referee is distracted by both Rhodes and Madusa as a result. This reminds me of my residents at work. Rude hits a top rope dropkick on Windham for a two count. Rude follows that up with a piledriver. He had trouble with that move because Windham is so tall. Rhodes breaks up the pin attempt. Austin tagged in and he hits Windham with a double ax handle and then goes over and hits Rhodes on the apron. Austin hitting anything that moves. I know some people who are like that at all you can eat buffets. A suplex gets another two count for Austin, who has to be wondering what do I have to do to put this guy away? The crowd finally came to life with a Barry chant. Austin tags Rude in and they both grab Windham to keep him from tagging Rhodes in. Windham run into the corner buckle. He finally reverses it and runs Rude in instead. Windham with a backdrop, but Rude tags Austin in and they keep Rhodes from being tagged in by keeping Windham away from the corner. Windham thrown to the outside and Rhodes comes over to check on him. Austin throws Windham back in. Windham coming back with a series of right hands to Austin. Austin catches Windham with a boot to the face and Austin gets a two count while his feet are on the ropes for leverage. Austin is not deterred, though he gets Windham down with a snap mare and a headlock. Austin puts his boots back on the ropes. Rhodes in to complain and Rude helping Austin while the referee is trying to get Rhodes out and the Dangerous Alliance are playing their opponents and the referee like a fiddle in this match. Rude in and picks up the headlock on Windham, but there was no tag made. The referee should make Rude get out. He does make Rude get out, but Austin and Rude still keep Windham in their corner. Austin with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He then hits Windham with a series of right hands to the face. Windham sneaks an inside cradle in, but only gets a two count. Double clothesline and both men down. My friend Billy once ran into a clothesline in the dark running at full strength and he went down like that, so it's an effective move. Austin with a belly to back suplex and Rude tagged in. Windham seems to not know where he is. Windham finally gets an inverted atomic drop on Rude and no one sells an atomic drop like Rick Rude. Windham goes for a clothesline, but they run into each other and both men down. Both get up and Rhodes and Austin tagged in. Rhodes with a bionic elbow and a lariat to Austin and a dropkick to Rude to knock him out of the ring. Rhodes sent in on a corner whip, jumps up to the second buckle, and hits a back elbow. Excellent move, but Rude breaks up the tag. Rhodes goes out with Rude and runs Rude into the corner post. Austin tries to piledrive Windham in the ring, but gets hit with a top rope lariat by Rhodes, who then pins Austin.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Vader and Harley Race. They say Vader is ready and soon there will be a lot of disappointed little Stingers.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Halloween Havoc coming up and preview the semi-finals.
-Ricky Steamboat and Nikita Koloff vs. Terry Gordy and Steve Williams: Williams and Gordy come to the ring wearing their newly won WCW Tag Team Titles. Gordy and Steamboat start and Gordy with a side headlock to get Steamboat down to the mat. They are slowing things down and the crowd doesn't want that. They want hard hitting action. Williams in and they exchange moves on the mat. They get to the ropes and break clean. The crowd sounds like they all went for popcorn. Gordy and Koloff both tagged in. Brief scramble and Williams tagged back in. Literally nothing happening in this match. It's just boring. They are doing a lot of mat-based stuff. Koloff hits Gordy with a shoulder block and that brings the crowd to life, but the wrestlers can't have that, so they go back to mat-based stuff. Crowd goes back dead. Tags made. No one cares though. Williams hits a clothesline to Steamboat, but no one cares. Heels quick tagging and goading Koloff in so that they can double team. Referee Mike Adkins makes Williams get out when he doesn't see a tag. He finally tags in and more mat-based stuff on Steamboat. Koloff tries to get the crowd into this match and they care for about 5 seconds, four seconds more than I would have. Koloff tagged in and the heels just took over on him. They guillotine Koloff a couple of times and then Williams tying Koloff up on the mat. Koloff gets one move, but misses the corner charge and Gordy gets him in the STF. Williams tagged in and he and Koloff exchange shots. Williams with a Boston Crab. Koloff fighting the move and the crowd chanting Nikita. Koloff fights out. Gordy tagged in and gets Koloff in the STF before Koloff can tag Steamboat in. Koloff fights out again, but Williams tagged in and again Koloff kept away from tagging. Koloff kicks out of a power slam, but it wasn't very forceful. Koloff pushes off from an Oklahoma Stampede attempt, but he and Williams crack heads and both men down. A double count going. Steamboat tagged in and hitting both heels with throat thrusts. He chops Williams and then runs both heels together. He gets Williams down, but Gordy keeps coming in and Steamboat keeps having to battle Gordy away. Now all four in and Koloff battling Gordy in a corner while Steamboat goes up top and hits a karate shot. He goes up top again for the crossbody. The referee is busy getting Koloff out and doesn't see Gordy push Steamboat into Williams' arms. Williams hits a modified Stampede to pin Steamboat.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the last match and preview the next match.
-Hiroshi Hase and Shinya Hashimoto vs. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham: The winner to meet Gordy and Williams in the finals: Rhodes and Hase start. Chain wrestling and clean breaks by both men. Rhodes with a wrist lock. He tags Windham in and Windham picks up the wrist lock. They exchange reversals and Windham gets an arm bar takedown. The crowd again deflated and not into this match at all. Test of strength and Hase won't go down, but able to bridge up and hit Windham with a back kick. Hashimoto tagged in. Hashimoto wants a test of strength. The crowd once again doesn't seem to care. A woman at ringside has rocked her baby to sleep. Another guy made his weekly grocery list. Three people paid their quarterly taxes. Anything but get into what WCW was presenting them in the ring. Rhodes tagged in. They do some shoulder blocks and neither man moves. Hase tagged in. Windham also tagged in. Nice even paced match, but again the crowd doesn't care. One guy in the crowd working on his doctoral thesis. Windham gets Hase down on the mat, but Hase keeps bridging out to avoid the pin. Hashimoto tagged in. Rhodes tagged in and the teams are just going through the motions. The Japanese team hits a scary looking spike piledriver, but Rhodes rolls out to the apron. Rhodes back in the ring and hitting Hase hard with some shots and I believe Rhodes is pissed about the piledriver. I remember Jim Cornette talking about Dusty Rhodes telling Big Bubba don't do shit you don't know how to do. Dustin is conveying the same message with the caveat that they shouldn't do things if they can't do them properly. Hashimoto in and the Japanese team hits a double shoulder block. Referee Nick Patrick makes Hashimoto get out because he didn't see the tag. Hase and Rhodes chopping each other hard and the crowd has come to life a little bit. They like the hard chops. Hashimoto comes in and that brings Windham in and now all four men going at it. Patrick gets Windham and Hase out of the ring. Hashimoto gets Rhodes down. Hase tagged back in and the Japanese team took advantage of the 5 count to double team Rhodes and keep him down. Hase goes for a double knee drop from the top rope, but Rhodes moves out of the way. Windham tagged in and he cleans house. He gets a couple of two counts on Hase. All four men in the ring again and this one is breaking down. Hashimoto thrown out to the floor and Windham hits Hase with a lariat to get the pin. The crowd comes to life to celebrate the win.
-Tony and Magnum talk about the finals coming up and then talk to Ron Simmons. He talks about becoming the World's Champion.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Sting vs. Big Van Vader with Harley Race: Vader out first and he is in full mask mode. He sets off the smoke when he gets in the ring. Sting gets the biggest ovation of the night when he comes out. The crowd goes wild for him. JR runs down all the former WCW wrestlers Sting has beaten including Ric Flair, Lex Luger, and Sid Vicious. They are face to face as the bell rings. They push each other to begin. Vader gets Sting in a corner and just pummels him. Referee Randy Anderson finally gets Vader away as Sting falls to the mat. Vader with a short arm clothesline to Sting as soon as Sting gets up and Sting rolls to the outside to regroup and I think that's a sound strategy. Back in, Sting ducks a clothesline attempt by Vader and hits Vader with one to no avail. Sting with a crossbody attempt, but Vader catches Sting and just throws him away. They show Tony Schiavone and Ron Simmons watching the match and I think that's a unique angle to watch from. Sting back to his feet and circling Vader, who tells Sting to bring it. Sting was my favorite wrestler at the time, so seeing this match not knowing what was going to happen was a thrill for me. Vader hitting Sting in the corner again. Vader with a corner clothesline, but Sting moves on the charge. Sting with a belly to back suplex and a pair of clotheslines to knock Vader out of the ring and the crowd comes to life unlike any other time of the night so far. Race complains that Vader went over the top rope. Vader wants a test of strength. The crowd doesn't want Sting to do it. They almost lock up twice before Vader gets Sting in the test of strength. Vader winning easily before Sting gets a thumb to the eyes and hits Vader and Vader is rocking. Sting knocking Vader down with right hands and dropkicks and the crowd pops huge for those moves. They've been wanting something to come to life all night. Vader out to the apron and Sting goes to clothesline Vader back in. He does and gets a two count. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Vader catches him with a double hand clap to knock Sting down. Vader with an Irish whip, but Sting holds on to the ropes and kicks Vader down. The crowd loving everything that Sting does here. He gets an inside cradle for a two count. Vader back to the outside to regroup. Vader reverses an Irish whip. Sting goes for a sunset flip and Vader comes right down on his chest. Vader poses and Jesse says Vader has a physique, he's just not as cut as a bodybuilder. JR says he heard bodybuilding's not doing so well and Jesse says there's no money in it. Vince McMahon can stay cool all summer long with the shade that's being thrown his way here. Vader punishing Sting with elbow drops. Vader gets a two count. Vader picks Sting up and just throws him across the ring like Sting was a rag doll. Vader with a step over toe hold. The crowd doesn't like that one bit. Vader gets the Scorpion Death Lock on Sting as we look over Tony Schianvone and Ron Simmons' shoulder again. Sting fighting to get out of the move. I'm getting distracted because there is a woman who looks like my ex-mother-in-law in the audience and she didn't ever tell me that she was a wrestling fan. What are you doing in the audience, Paula? Sting breaks the hold and the crowd cheers. Sting back to his feet, but Vader hits him with his right hands to knock Sting back. An Irish whip and a clothesline knock Sting down again as Race yells at him to quit. Vader with a power slam for a two count and the announcers can't believe that Sting kicked out. Vader takes Sting, puts him in a corner, and headbutts him down. Sting fighting back and the crowd is digging it. Sting runs and hits a cannonball to Vader and the crowd loved that move. Sting follows that up with a DDT. Sting then charges into Vader and both men down. Vader starts to go up top, but Sting gets up and kicks Vader horizontally onto the ropes. Sting gets Vader up on his shoulders and slams him back and the crowd pops for that one. They like everything that Sting does. He is about the only one they have reacted to all night. He gets a 2.5 count. Sting goes for a belly to back suplex, but Vader catches him with a back elbow. Sting gets a side headlock on. The referee gets hit accidentally and is momentarily down. Sting with a bridging belly to back suplex for another 2.5 count. Sting gets only one foot on a dropkick, but hits the Stinger splash and momentum has seemed to go Sting's way. Sting pushes Vader into another corner and splashes Vader again, but Sting gets higher on this one and hits his own head on the corner post. Vader falls back to the mat while Sting is laying flat across the ropes and the referee is checking on Sting. The crowd coming to and cheering on Sting. JR says Sting is bleeding from his forehead. Sting falls back to the mat as Race urges Vader to get up. Vader gets a two count. Sting gets up, but takes wild shots at Vader, misses them, and falls back to the mat. Vader powerbombs Sting and pins him to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. It's damning with faint praise I know, but this is the match of the night. The crowd mostly boos at the announcement, but Vader does have some fans in the audience. The referee checks on Sting as Vader grabs his belt, makes the V sign and says no pain and leaves with Race as Ron Simmons and some other officials come to the ring to check on Sting. Nikita Koloff also out to check on Sting as Jesse and JR talk about the match. The crowd cheers as Sting gets to his feet.
-Tony and Magnum talk about the last match. Eric talks to Vader and Race. Race says it went just like it was supposed to go. Vader is the man in wrestling today. Vader says he is standing on top of the world, but doesn't answer if he will give Sting a rematch.
-Finals of the NWA World Tag Team Tournament. Ole Anderson is the special referee for the match. Steve Williams and Terry Gordy vs. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes: The new tag team belts are shown. The faces get a good reaction when they come out, but the fans get loud when the faces get into the ring and you see that it's because the Steiner Brothers have come out and are walking towards the ring. Ole Anderson comes out and tells them they can't be at ringside and makes Doug Dellinger take them to the back. Ole explains the rules to the two teams. Windham and Williams start and vie for position. The crowd has gone back to silent for this match. Color me shocked. They trade wrestling moves. Gordy tagged in. Rhodes also tagged in and again both vie for position and the crowd wouldn't care if the wrestlers set themselves on fire in the ring. Gordy grabs a leg and Rhodes counters with some elbows. Jesse says that Ole is going to let some things go because these are grown men and they are professionals. Windham tagged in after Rhodes had gotten Gordy down and Windham with a figure four on Gordy. Gordy gets to the ropes. Williams gets tagged in. He gets Windham down with a belly to belly suplex. They go back to some mat based wrestling that is actually very good, but I think at this point if the crowd was set on fire themselves they wouldn't react. Jesse says the crowd is still stunned that Sting lost in the previous match and JR says he can understand that emotion. Williams runs Windham into the heels corner and tags Gordy in and then holds Windham for Gordy to hit which brings Rhodes in. But Ole gets Williams out before Rhodes can get in all the way but not before Gordy can hit Windham with a right hand. Gordy with a corner clothesline to knock Windham down. Rhodes tagged in and Gordy gets him down but Rhodes coming with back elbows to avoid going down for the pin. Rhodes grabs the leg and goes to work on it. Gordy drags Rhodes over to the corner and Williams tagged in. They trade moves again. Williams grabs some hair and gets Rhodes down. JR says it wasn't ethical, but it was effective. Jesse says who cares about ethics, this is wrestling. Rhodes with a series of moves, but Williams is so big he can almost reach the ropes from any position. Williams with a single leg to Rhodes and Gordy tagged in. Gordy gets the STF on. Ole asks Rhodes if he wants to give up and Rhodes tries to get out of the move. Rhodes is limping, but gets back to his feet and gets a sleeper on. Gordy reaches back and tags Williams in. Williams with a double ax handle off the top rope to Rhodes. He gets a one count and puts a full body vice on Rhodes. Rhodes with a jaw breaker to break away from Williams. He hooks Williams with his legs and gets a two count. Williams gets Rhodes down with a leg lock and Gordy tagged in. Gordy gets Rhodes into a Boston Crab, but Windham breaks up the hold. Williams tagged in. Williams with a power slam for a two count. Williams gets Rhodes with a drop toe hold, but Rhodes tags Windham in as he was going down. Nice move. Windham in and he is hitting both heels. HE hits a backdrop on Williams and hits Gordy with a lariat as he comes in. Windham gets a suplex and a two count on Williams. A gut wrench suplex gets another two count. Windham puts a sleeper on Williams, who responds by dropping Windham on the top turnbuckle when Williams drops down. Gordy tagged in. He gets a couple of two counts on Windham. He then puts a headlock on Windham. Windham with a side suplex. Williams tagged back in. Windham gets Williams down, but Williams grabs the foot of Windham to prevent the tag. Gordy tagged in. It breaks down and all four men in. Williams in with a front face lock into a modified abdominal stretch on Windham. Windham gets to the ropes. Gordy tagged in. Windham pushes off, but they collide in the middle of the ring and both men down. A Barry chant goes out and Rhodes and Williams both tagged in. Rhodes cleans house, but gets hit from behind by Williams. Williams gets Rhodes down on the mat with a front face lock. Rhodes gets back to his feet. Williams hits Rhodes with his knee and Gordy back in. Gordy gets a clothesline for a two count. The heels get Rhodes into their corner and he tries to fight them off to get to his own corner and tag. Williams hitting the corner buckles with Rhodes on his shoulder going for the Stampede. Windham in and dropkicks Rhodes onto Williams, but Ole is tied up with Gordy in the heels corner. He only gets a two count and all four men in again. Windham battles to the outside with Gordy. Williams misses a corner charge. Rhodes goes for a bulldog, but Williams pushes Rhodes off into Gordy's back as Gordy is on the apron battling Windham. Rhodes falls to the mat. Williams hits a clothesline and pins Rhodes and we have new NWA World Tag Team Champions. The crowd boos a little as GMC announces them the winners and they are presented the tag belts. They are dual champions and they raise both belts up high.
-Tony and Magnum talk about the night as Williams and Gordy come up on the podium, but no one cares as the place is emptying rapidly. Williams yells some stuff that I didn't understand. Gordy says they went out and did what they said they were going to do. Magnum says he wasn't as surprised as he was with Vader's win. JR and Jesse recap the night and set up for Halloween Havoc before signing off from Albany.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: It was nice seeing the first moonsault again as well as a good Sting match, but otherwise this is an avoidable show.

Episode 186 Notes Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c883b94a-c450-4cc0-a3c1-048fae496d08 My notes for SummerSlam 2016. -The Iron Sheik.
-Today we look at SummerSlam 2016 from the WWE.
-SummerSlam 2016 was shown on PPV and on the WWE Network on August 21, 2016 from the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York. There were 15,974 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-SummerSlam Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to SummerSlam. He will call the Raw matches with Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Enzo and Big Cass come out. That's as good of a way as any to get the crowd going. The crowd says their whole spiel along with them. As always, it goes on way too long.
-Enzo and Cass vs. JeriKO Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens: Jericho finally comes out to end my long national nightmare. The SAT is introduced. Jericho and Owens attack Enzo as soon as the bell rings and that's a good strategy. Owens gets out and Jericho continues the assault on Enzo. A stupid idiot chant goes out towards Jericho and he welcomes it. The man knows how to play a heel, I will give him that. Enzo comes back with a crossbody to Jericho. He gets a two count after a forearm. Cass tagged in and he comes over and throws Owens into the ring after Owens tagged in. Back and forth in a corner. Cass with a slam and Enzo tagged back in and Cass slams Enzo down on Owens and I will give Enzo and Cass credit. They do moves like that better than any team that I have seen. Owens with a knee and Jericho tagged back in and he sells for Enzo. Jericho knows how to sell to make others look good. Look at me giving compliments away like Tic-Tacs. Both Jericho and Owens get some double team moves and roll to the outside, where Cass launches Enzo onto them. The crowd loves that move. Back in the ring, Owens distracts Enzo for Jericho to take over on Enzo. Jericho and Owens double teaming Enzo and Owens mocks Enzo's little dance strut that he does. Owens tagged in and hit Enzo with a brutal looking chop. He gets Enzo down in the corner and Jericho tagged in. He gets Enzo down and gets a headlock on and the crowd tries to support Enzo by cheering him on. Enzo tries to go for a jaw breaker to no avail. Jericho in control, but only gets a two count after a dropkick. Of the four men in the ring, only Owens is still in the WWE. Owens tagged in and hits a gut buster and a senton to Enzo. Owens has really made me a fan with his work. Enzo in the heels corner and trying to fight out. Enzo keeps fighting the heels off, but they keep grabbing him to prevent the tag. It spills to the outside. Enzo hits Owens with an enziguri, but Jericho intercepts Enzo just as he was about to tag Cass in. Jericho knocks Cass off the apron and Owens tagged in. Owens hits the frog splash and gets a two count. Owens gets Enzo in a corner and starts slapping him and Owens is pissed off. Owens goes for the cannonball, but Enzo moves out of the way. Both Cass and Jericho tagged in. Cass cleaning house with a series of shoulder tackles to Jericho and Owens. Cass hits the Empire Elbow on Jericho. Jericho gets his boots up on the charge. Cass throws Jericho over the top rope, but Jericho lands on the apron and Cass catches Jericho with a big boot as Jericho comes off. Enzo tagged in and goes for their version of the Rocket Launcher, but Owens prevents it by grabbing Enzo's leg. Cass and Owens fighting on the outside. Cass driven into a ring post. Owens then cannonballs Cass. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Enso pushes him off. Enzo hits the DDG on Jericho, but Owens breaks up the pin. Owens backdrops Enzo into a Code Breaker and Jericho gets the pin.
-Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan are shown talking in the back. They run into Mick Foley. They talk about both Raw and Smackdown being the dominant show and each thinks their brand is the best. They get interrupted by Jon Stewart and his son. Stewart asks Foley how he could work with Stephanie McMahon and Foley says that she is misunderstood. Stewart goes off on Stephanie and she shows up behind him and says she doesn't appreciate the accusations. She then says what good is power if you can't abuse it. They get interrupted by the New Day. They say that they should all remember the power of positivity.
-Flashback to what led up to the Women's Championship Match.
-WWE Women's Championship Match. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair: Dana Brooke is barred from ringside. Banks is extremely popular with the crowd when she comes out. The announcers talk about the history that Banks has in the Barclay's Center with her battle with Bayley in NXT. Banks looks to end the match early with the Bank Statement out of the gate, but Flair rolls to the outside. Banks tells her she can catch her with that any time. These two work well together. They keep countering each other. Banks jumps up and grabs Flair by the head with Bank's legs while Banks was holding on to the top rope and Banks drives Flair into the turnbuckle with her legs. That was an awesome move. Flair responds by getting Banks flat on the top rope and choking Banks for a three count and both wrestlers going all out in this match. Flair grabs Banks and drives her down on the ropes and then Banks crashes down to the mat and that looked painful to me. The crowd even went quiet on that and the referee is checking Banks out. They do some awkward spots, but don't hit them all the way and I don't know if Banks was actually hurt, but it has definitely thrown their momentum off. Flair can't get the pin though. Banks comes back with several shots to Flair and maybe they can get this back on track now. Flair catches Banks on a charge and hits a backbreaker and then slams Banks down to the mat. Flair keeps up the assault on Banks. Flair concentrating on the back, but can't get the pin and Banks won't give up. Flair goes for a superplex. Banks counters into a headscissors, but Flair rolls through and goes for the figure 8, but Banks kicking Flair away. Flair hip tosses Banks into the tree of woe. Banks climbs up to try and get out and Flair starts pounding on Bank's back. Flair naturally adapts to every situation. Flair goes for a Razor's Edge from the top rope, and Banks counters into a hurricanrana and the crowd comes to life for that one and I can't blame them because that was an awesome move. The crowd does a standing ovation that I will go along with. They chant holy shit. They then start a this is wrestling chant that I'm sure Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn hated because they hate the word wrestling. Back and forth in the center of the ring. The referee puts his gloves on so one of the women must be bleeding but I can't see it yet. Flair goes to drive her shoulder into Banks in the corner, but Banks jumps up and Flair hits the corner post with her shoulder. Banks locks on a Boston Crab on the ropes. She breaks on the four count. Banks then uses her knees to drive Flair down to the mat and Banks gets a two count. A this is awesome chant goes out as you can see that there is a small cut opened up near one of Flair's elbows. Banks knocks Flair off the apron to the floor and delivers double knees to Flair on the floor from the turnbuckle and both women going all out here. Banks rolls Flair back in and gets a two count. Banks goes for the backstabber, but her back goes out. Flair goes for Natural Selection, but Banks counters into the crossface. Flair goes for the ropes, but Banks uses the ropes to push them back to the center of the ring and Flair is able to scramble away from Banks. Flair coming back with a series of moves to Banks focusing on the knees of Banks. Flair hits Natural Selection and only gets a two count and Flair can't believe it. Flair argues briefly with the referee before going for another cover and gets another two count. She keeps getting two counts, but I like the fact that she at least tries for multiple covers. She gets Banks up and knocks her to the mat with a forearm, while screaming I'm better than you and that's my title! Flair with an Irish whip and a tilt a whirl that Banks turns into the Bank Statement halfway through. The crowd comes to life on that. Flair twists backwards and actually pins Banks' shoulders down to the mat for a three count to regain the title and everyone in the crowd looks stunned. Flair rolls out of the ring, gets the title, and holds it up for the crowd to boo her and she has that aspect of her father's career and style down pat. Banks still looking stunned in the ring. Other referees down to check on Banks as they show a replay of the finish. Flair mocking Banks and the fans as she walks up the aisle.
-Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are in the back with specimen jars and they have lab coats on, but I don't care about this. My give a damn is busted. AJ Styles comes in and they do their we went to Japan hand gesture. They say they are all going to win and then turn around and Finn Balor is there. They do the we went to Japan hand signal towards him, but he leaves them hanging. I feel dumber for having watched that.
-Mauro Ranallo, JBL, and David Otunga welcome us to SummerSlam. They are calling the Smackdown Matches.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse vs. Apollo Crews: Miz and Maryse out first and when I saw Maryse, I dropped my pen. That Miz is a lucky guy. They show what happened between Miz and Crews on Smackdown. Miz attacks Crews as soon as the bell rings. All Miz to begin, but then Crews coming back. Miz with a DDT for a two count. They go back and forth as the announcers go over the credentials of both wrestlers. Miz brings Creed to the outside, but the crowd seems dead for this one after the excitement and the conclusion of the last match. Miz beats on Crews some before throwing him back in and Miz has some fans in the crowd. Miz goes up top, but gets hit with a dropkick from Crews as he comes off. It was an impressive move, but again nothing from the crowd. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Mauro Ranallo calls Crews doing a Stinger Splash into the corner. Crews follows that up with the Angle Slam for a two count, although they don't call it the Angle Slam. Crews blocks the SCF and comes back with an enziguri. He follows it up with a standing back flip, but Miz gets his knees up and again goes for the SCF, only for Crews to counter into the side press for a two count. They are kicking it up a notch, but the crowd are still not into the match. The two going back and forth in a very even-paced match with neither man gaining the upper hand for very long. Crews with the overhead belly to belly suplex and the standing moonsault for a two count and he just can't seem to put the Miz away. They talk about Pat Patterson being backstage and being the first Intercontinental Champion and then him winning the title in Rio De Janeiro in a tournament final against Johnny Rodz. I am going to have to leave here folks and go to put my boots on because the BS is getting deep in here. Crews picks Miz up and Miz scrambles to the outside and goes to leave, but Crews follows him out and throws Miz back into the ring. Maryse momentarily distracts Crews as he was getting back in to give Miz the advantage temporarily. Crews rolls through a pin attempt to get a two count. Miz ducks another Stinger Splash and hits the SCF to get the pin. The crowd is very apathetic, so they have that going for them, I guess.
-Flashback to the history that has gone down between John Cena and AJ Styles.
-AJ Styles vs. John Cena: Styles out first. He has his share of fans in the crowd. Cena comes out and he has both very vocal fans and a part of the crowd that chants John Cena sucks at him. He soaks it in though and doesn't let it deter him. Ranallo says it's John Cena's 13th SummerSlam, tying HHH for second place for most SummerSlam's behind the Undertaker. Unlike the last match, the crowd is into this one big time. There are loud dueling chants going out. The bell rings. They battle for position. They go back and forth as the announcers run down some of Styles' accomplishments outside of WWE. They have counters for each others moves. Dueling chants go out again. Styles hits a dropkick and gets on the turnbuckle to celebrate. This match is a long way from over, however, I must say if I were able to get up and hit a dropkick like that, I would immediately retire from wrestling because that would be the best that I could ever do because I have a thimble of athletic ability. Cena comes back with a right hand to Styles. He follows that up with a corner whip and Styles hits the corner chest first and falls to the ground. That looked painful to me and I'm 7 years removed from it. JBL quotes Mike Tyson saying everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face. Cena with another corner whip and Styles hits the corner with his back this time and falls to the mat. Cena says it's not all smiles, sometimes you have to get serious as he hits Styles with another right hand. Styles out to the apron as the fans start with John Cena sucks. Cena out to the apron and grabs Styles. He goes for an AA and Styles has gotten very good at hitting Cena with elbows to get out of that move since this is the third PPV in a row where I have seen it. Styles with a suplex on the apron and Mauro calls it the hardest part of the ring, so TASIYDAH. JBL says Cena got part of his foot caught in the ropes as he took the suplex. He reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop for a one count. Cena with a headlock. Styles gets away and Cena hits a dropkick and now we are tied in the dropkick department. Cena gets a two count. Cena trying to string a series of moves together as the dueling chants start again. Styles down and Cena headbutts him as he tries to get back up. It's uncommon that you see a headbutt from Cena. Styles comes back with a series of moves to knock Cena down and this has been an even paced match so far. Cena comes back with a slam to Styles. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA, but Styles lands on his feet and hits Cena with a Pele kick. Styles hits the Styles Clash. He gets a two count and that was a great series of moves. AA by Cena out of nowhere and he gets a close two count. Both wrestlers going hard in this match. Cena puts Styles up on the top rope and goes for another AA, but Styles comes back with elbows and tries to powerbomb Cena, but Cena holds on to the ropes, so Styles pivots to the Torture Rack and you hope that this SummerSlam is better for Styles than SummerSlam '93 was for Lex Luger. Styles transitions to a spin out powerbomb, but again only gets a two count. Cena comes back with a catapult to Styles and a cutter, but only gets a two count and both men appear to be frustrated that they can't put the other away. Back and forth and both wrestlers looking for a quick move that would stun their opponent long enough for a three count. Styles hits an AA on Cena, but only gets a two count. The crowd loved that he did that. Otunga says it looks like Cena's neck is hurt as Styles brought Cena down on Styles' knee when he did the AA. Styles out and does the springboard 450 splash, but Cena moves out of the way. He then hits a Code Red on Styles for a two count. Styles with a German suplex and a face buster and he seems to be going all out to get the win. Another two count. Both men down and both look exhausted. Styles out to the apron going for the springboard to hit the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena catches him and goes for the STF. Styles reverses the move and the crowd is loving this match and I am too. This is the match of the night so far. Cena using raw strength to lift Styles up and get him on Cena's shoulders. Styles twists around looking for the Calf Crusher. Cena goes for the ropes, but Styles turns him to keep Cena away from the ropes. Cena powers out and goes back to the STF and the crowd is going crazy over each move and reversal. Styles reverses and gets Cena down for a two count. Another Pele kick by Styles knocks Cena down to his knees. Cena up to the second rope and catches Styles with a Tornado DDT. He gets a two count. Both wrestlers down, so the crowd plays dueling chants again. Cena goes up and hits Styles with a top rope leg drop. He gets another two count. Cena puts Styles on the top rope and goes for the AA again, but Styles brings out the elbows like he's making macaroni to get out of the move. Styles hits a top rope Frankensteiner to Cena and the crowd popped for that move. Styles out to the apron and hits the Phenomenal Forearm and covers Cena, who kicks out at two and the crowd can't believe it and neither can I frankly. Styles wondering what he has to do to put Cena away. Styles goes to pick Cena up and Cena grabs Styles looking for the AA and that means it's time for the robo elbows from Styles. Styles kicks Cena's legs and Cena comes back with a clothesline and I don't see how both men are still going at it as by this point in the match, I would be sucking oxygen like Secretariat going down the stretch. Cena grabs Styles and goes back towards the top looking for that Super AA off the top rope. Styles with the robo elbows again, but Cena holds on and hits the AA off the top rope. He only gets a two count and now the crowd doesn't know what to think about this match. They are emotionally invested at this point. The crowd doing the Daniel Bryan Yes point and chant. Cena looks shocked that Styles kicked out. They are on opposite sides of the ring as Cena looks at Styles trying to use the ropes to get back to his feet. Cena gets Styles up for the AA, but Styles comes down on his feet and hits the Styles Clash. As Cena gets back to his feet, Styles rolls out to the apron, takes his forearm pad off, and hits the Phenomenal Forearm and pins Cena. This has been the match of the night so far. Referee Charles Robinson holds Styles' arm up and Styles is bleeding from the mouth. Styles goes up the ramp as Cena is shown just sitting in the middle of the ring. Cena takes off his Never Give Up arm band, kisses it, and leaves it in the ring. He gets a standing ovation as he leaves the ring. He salutes the ring as he gets to the top of the ramp.
-WWE Network Ad.
-Feature on the Cricket Wireless Summerslam Sweepstakes winners.
-Jon Stewart is introduced. He says the last match was epic. He says he has been asked by the New Day to take Big E's place. He brings New Day out. They show the attack on Big E by Anderson and Gallows.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods with Jon Stewart vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows: Anderson and Gallows come out with their lab coats and specimen jars again. I'm guessing based on context clues that these jars are where they collect their opponents' balls? The jars get progressively smaller, including one tiny one that they bring out for Jon Stewart. I feel dumber having written that down in my notes. Kingston and Anderson start and Anderson with the early advantage. New Day at this point has been the tag champions for 364 days as Kingston comes back with a back elbow. They go back and forth in a corner. The crowd tries to get behind the New Day as Anderson hits a corner whip and a monkey flip, but Kingston lands on his feet. He comes back with a dropkick to Anderson to get a two count. The Crowd is into this match, but they are drained from the previous match so they are quieter than usual. Woods tagged in and the New Day do some double team moves to Anderson. Woods can only get a one count. Anderson drives Woods over to the corner and Gallows tagged in. Woods with some quick moves to knock Gallows down and Kingston tagged in. New Day do the Unicorn Stampede stomps to Gallows in the corner. New Day with quick tags and strikes to Gallows to drive him out of the ring. Kingston goes out and throws Gallows back in the ring. Kingston goes up top, but Anderson distracts him long enough for Gallows to hit Kingston with a big boot. Anderson tagged in to continue the assault on Kingston. He hits some big moves on Kingston, but can't get the three count. Gallows tagged in. He keeps pushing Kingston down and calls him garbage. Kingston tries to fight back, but Gallows knocks him down with a right hand. Kingston moves to avoid a splash from Gallows. This is a perfectly serviceable match, but it's like all the excitement and energy has been sucked from the crowd. Both Anderson and Woods tagged in. Back and forth in the ring. Woods gets Anderson down and dropkicks Anderson in the spine to get a two count. Woods then hits an enziguri, goes up top, comes out on the ropes, and hits an elbow drop to Anderson. That was an awesome move, but he only gets a two count. The announcers say shades of the Macho Man there and Woods is wearing Iron Sheik inspired boots. Woods is climbing the charts of some of my favorite wrestlers here. Back and forth and Kingston tagged in. He hits the double stomp on Anderson and covers, but Gallows breaks up the pin attempt. Anderson and Gallows take out and double team Kingston. They hit the Magic Killer on Kingston. Jon Stewart comes in and tells Gallows and Anderson to stop. They head towards him and he does the we've been to Japan hand signal to them and they don't seem impressed. Woods comes in to save Stewart, but gets hit with a spinebuster by Anderson. They menace Stewart again and he says one second and tucks his shirt in, recalling something he said earlier about regretting not doing that the year prior when hit with the AA from John Cena. I'll admit I laughed at that. Anderson and Gallows grab Stewart by the legs and go to post him like they did Big E. The crowd starts the Daniel Bryan point and Yes chant. No Daily Show fans in the audience I see. They go to do it, and Big E comes out to stop it and Big E gets a huge reaction. He takes out Anderson and Gallows. The bell rings. Anderson and Gallows win by DQ, but the New Day retain the tag titles. A New Day Rocks chant goes out. Big E goes over to his specimen jar, drinks from it, and then spits the liquid into the air. I could have done without that to be honest with you but whatever. New Day and Stewart then celebrate in the ring.
-Feature on what has happened between Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler.
-WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler out first and he has his supporters in the crowd. Ambrose out and he has his fans as well. Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan in the ring as well and they and the referee having trouble keeping Ambrose and Ziggler away from each other as Greg Hamilton makes the ring introductions. The bell rings and Ambrose looks like he wants to play with Ziggler, but Ziggler looks all business. This is Ziggler's 50th PPV match. They go back and forth. Each of them looking to gain the upper hand. Moves and counters to each other and Ambrose finally slaps Ziggler. Ziggler attacks Ambrose. He drives Ambrose into the ropes and Ambrose kicks Ziggler in the midsection. Intense match so far. Ziggler comes back with a series of moves and goes for a neck breaker, but Ambrose pushes off and rolls to the outside. Ziggler comes out after Ambrose and splashes Ambrose on the barricade. Ziggler then hits the neck breaker to Ambrose on the outside. Ziggler throws Ambrose back in the ring. Ziggler gets back in the ring and Ambrose tries to go for Dirty Deeds, but Ziggler pushes away. Ziggler goes for a DDT, but Ambrose dumps him to the outside. Ziggler lands hard. Ambrose comes out and grabs Ziggler and runs him into the ring steps or more accurately, walks Ziggler over by the ring steps and puts his head on them. It wasn't violent looking by any means. It was just weird looking. He does it again and it looks better this time so if at first you don't succeed I guess. Both get back in the ring and Ambrose puts Ziggler on the top rope and hits a butterfly suplex for a two count. Ambrose on the offense, but it looks like he is just going through the motions. He has a lazy look on his face. Ambrose with a single leg crab, but Ziggler powers out and reverses into a cover for a one count. Back and forth. Ambrose trying to act like a "lunatic" and I put that in quotes because he is acting like someone who had a friend see The Dark Knight and then came back and described Heath Ledger's performance to Ambrose, but Ambrose didn't see the movie himself. How's that for a simile? Ambrose climbs up top and dives off, only to get hit with a dropkick in mid-air by Ziggler and the announcers loudly popped for that one and I don't blame them because it was an awesome move. Ambrose then avoids a follow up superkick by Ziggler and hits a face buster to Ziggler. He gets a two count. Ambrose argues with the referee about the count instead of going for the cover or doing another move to Ziggler. He then bends down and says something to Ziggler and slaps him. Why doesn't he do a move? This is very frustrating for me. Ambrose goes to the corner and starts stomping like Ziggler or Shawn Michaels setting up for Sweet Chin Music, but I believe he thinks he looks cool, but Mick Foley as Dude Love looked cooler doing that move than Ambrose. He starts beating his foot faster and the announcers say he is mocking Ziggler, but he now looks like Ernest T. Bass from TAGS. Another passion of mine. Ambrose goes to do Dirty Deeds, but Ziggler slips out and slaps Ambrose and throws him out of the ring and it's obvious that Ziggler doesn't believe that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Ambrose lands on his feet and comes back in, only to get planted with a DDT from Ziggler, who immediately covers and gets a two count and there are some boos in the crowd when Ambrose kicks out. Both men down and struggling to get back to their feet. They do get back to their feet and are exchanging shots. They each block some shots and Ziggler goes for the Famouser. Ambrose blocks it and rolls Ziggler up for a two count. The Crowd seemed very subdued for this match. Ambrose rushes Ziggler, who sidesteps Ambrose and pushes him shoulder first into the corner post. Ziggler hits the Famouser and Ambrose kicks out. Ziggler can't believe it and neither can I. God forbid one of the best wrestlers and performers in the WWE get a push. That might cause people to be interested again. Okay, I'm going to get off my soapbox. I don't know who keeps bringing that thing out and setting it up for me. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Double crossbody attempt and both men down and hit so hard that the referee is checking on them and Ranollo says there's a malfunction at the junction. Ambrose with punches and chops to Ziggler. He then hits a couple of running clotheslines and Ziggler reverses an Irish whip and Ambrose comes back with a clothesline to Ziggler. Ambrose with a clothesline and a bulldog and it looks like he's setting up for Dirty Deeds. Ambrose with a flying elbow for another two count. Ambrose then gyrates his hips like Rick Rude and now I'm scarred for life because that's something you can't un see. Ziggler hits a low blow and jumps on Ambrose's back with a sleeper on Ambrose. Ambrose runs himself to the outside between the ropes in order to get Ziggler off and now both men are on the floor. A double count going. Both men up and Ziggler hits Ambrose with a superkick that drives Ambrose up on the barricade. Ziggler grabs Ambrose and throws him in the ring. He gets another two count. Ziggler wondering what he has to do to put Ambrose away. Ambrose blocks a superkick attempt and goes for Dirty Deeds, but Ziggler counters with the Zig Zag. The crowd excited, but Ziggler only gets a two count. Ziggler jumps on Ambrose's back and gets a leg grapevine and a sleeper on Ambrose and Ziggler seems pissed. Ambrose gets back to his feet, but it looked like Ziggler had to let go of the leg grapevine because Ambrose didn't know how to get out of it. Both men back to their feet and do a little back and forth and Ambrose hits a clothesline. Ambrose goes back up top. No doubt he has never heard of insanity and doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Ziggler hits the ropes and Ambrose crotches himself on the top rope. Ranollo says Ambrose just had his eggs scrambled on the top turnbuckle. I laughed. Poor Renee Young though! Ziggler looking for the superplex, but Ambrose trying to fight him off. Ambrose with a headbutt to knock Ziggler off and now is the time for Ambrose to capitalize and try to end this thing. Ambrose hesitates though and Ziggler jumps up top and Ambrose holds on to the ring post with both arms trying to avoid coming off the top rope. Ziggler grabs Ambrose and goes off the top and both men land on their feet and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds and gets the pin. He gets some cheers, but not everyone is happy with the results.
-Highlights of WWE Superstars promoting SummerSlam on different shows.
-6-woman tag. Naomi, Carmella, and Becky Lynch vs. Natalya, Alexa Bliss, and Eva Marie: Naomi out first and you can see her entrance from space, and they are inside a closed building. An announcement says Eva Marie is suffering from exhaustion and is on vacation. Her replacement is Nikki Bella. The crowd loves this announcement. Bliss and Lynch start and Bliss tries to go for the quick roll up. Back and forth. The Crowd is even less into this match. 6 person tag matches are always tough to watch. Lynch hits a flapjack and gets a front face lock. Naomi and Natalya both tagged in and these multi-person tags are always rough because everyone always seems to be trying to get their stuff in. Naomi and Natalya go back and forth, each hitting some impressive moves on her opponent. The crowd just doesn't seem to care though. Carmella tagged in. She is fired up because this is not far from where she grew up. Bliss distracts Carmella and Natalya takes over. Nikki tagged in and the crowd finally came to life. They had been waiting for her. I'm not sure the WWE wanted that as she is on the heel side, but the crowd is channeling Cartman from South Park with whatever, whatever, I do what I want. Nikki with a rear chin lock on Carmella and Lynch and Naomi trying to get the crowd into this match by clapping, but they are having a hard time getting the crowd to respond. Nikki hits a pretty good looking spinebuster and you can color me impressed as Mauro talks about women winning gold medals in the Olympics that were going on at the time. That came out of nowhere. Must be some NBC Universal tie in. It seemed weird to me for him to bring it up out of nowhere like that. Nikki only gets a two count from the spinebuster. Nikki throws Carmella into the heel's corner, props her foot in Carmella's face, and Bliss tagged in. Carmella coming back, but Bliss grabs her to prevent her from making the tag. Bliss looked like she was going for a move and completely whiffed it, but then immediately did a back press for a two count and that was a nice cover if the first part was a mistake. I'll give her that. Natalya tagged in. Heels are effective so far in this match. Natalya goads Naomi in the ring so that heels can double and triple team Carmella in the ring. Natalya with a modified stretch. Carmella hip tosses her way out, but is still a long ways away from her corner. Natalya cuts her off again and brings Carmella back to the heels corner. Natalya choking Carmella for a three count and as the referee drags Natalya away, Carmella elbows Bliss and Nikki off the apron and starts to fight back against Natalya. Lynch finally tagged in and hit Natalya to little fanfare. Two things: 1. The crowd is drained and 2. This would be a totally different reaction today. Lynch hits some Becksploder's and Springboard side kicks on the heels. The crowd did like that move, I'm just worried it's too little, too late. Becksploder to Natalya and a cover, but Bliss starts to come in and Lynch grabs her and throws her out and Natalya comes from behind to roll Lynch up and get a two count. Lynch with a guillotine leg drop from the top, but Nikki cuts off the pin attempt. Bliss tagged in. Naomi also tagged in and hits Bliss with a Springboard crossbody. Naomi misses a split legged moonsault. Nikki in against Naomi. Carmella tagged in. She hits a superkick and a bronco buster on Nikki and now all 6 women in the ring. The four not legal get taken out. First the faces by the heels and then the heels are taken out by a dropkick from Carmella and as she turns around, Nikki hits her with a brutal looking running forearm. Nikki then hits a TKO to get the pin. She gets some cheers when she wins.
-Tap Out Gear commercial.
-Wale shown in the crowd.
-Flashback to what has transpired between Rusev and Roman Reigns. Maria Menounos interviews Rusev and Lana. They say Roman humiliated her, but Rusev will take care of him.
-Highlight package for Finn Balor and Seth Rollins.
-Universal Championship Tournament Final. Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins: The Universal Championship is shown. Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley at ringside to see the match. Rollins out first. The international announce teams are introduced. Balor comes out in his Demon persona. The crowd is into his entrance. Rollins outside as Balor comes in and then Rollins finally comes in. They get just about equal cheers with Balor having probably just a little more support. Ballor comes out hot, but Rollins rolls out of the ring before Balor can hit the Coup De Grace. Balor then launches himself onto Rollins with a suicide dive. Balor throws Rollins back in and Rollins coming back on Balor with some shots and these two seem to want to set a fast pace for this match. Blor concentrating on Rollins' legs and Rollins trying to keep Balor away. Rollins rolls to the outside and as Balor comes out to the apron, Rollins sweeps Balor's legs and Balor lands hard on the apron. Rollins keeps up the offense on Balor by attacking him and throwing Balor into the timekeepers area. Balor pops up from behind the timekeepers area like he is a 1980's horror movie and hits a forearm to Rollins from the barricade. Rollins thrown back into the ring, but starts attacking Balor as Balor gets in the ring. Back and forth in the center of the ring as both men are seeking an advantage. Balor with a leg lock on Rollins, who tries to crawl towards the ropes. Balor tries to go for a bow and arrow, but Rollins refusing to go up for it, so Balor just stomps down on Rollins' legs. Rollins kicks Balor away as the announcers talk about the injury that kept Rollins out of action for so long. Both wrestlers with moves to each other as well as counters. Rollins on the floor and grabs Balor and launches him with a powerbomb into the barricade. He throws Balor back in the ring, but only gets a two count. His strategy is sound, but Rollins can't close the deal. He then beats and kicks Balor down in the corner. A backbreaker by Rollins gets another two count. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Balor trying to get back to his feet and get some offense in because he has been on defense too long. Rollins with another two count. The crowd has been vocal with chants all through the match, but I haven't understood one of the chants yet. Back and forth. Rollins gets Balor in the corner and slaps him and says stay down. Demon King or not, doesn't matter to me. You didn't see that in 80's horror films. Rollins with a snap mare and a kick and then Rollins asks the crowd who's the man? Me, I would have gone for a cover and maybe get the pin and the title and show that I was the man instead of simply proclaiming it. Rollins with a series of moves and goes back to the chin lock and beating Balor in the head. That must be Rollins' strategy to counter Balor going after Rollins' legs. Rollins gets a leg vice and a sleeper on Balor. That is an effective move. He knocks out Balor and he becomes champion. Balor comes back with elbows to Rollins' knee, both trying to break the hold and concentrate on the legs of Rollins. Effective move by Balor. Rollins briefly wraps his wrist tape around Balor's face and pulls back in a crossface since you can't be disqualified. He kicks Balor. Rollins follows up with a chop to Balor. Balor fighting back with forearms. Rollins throws Balor into a corner, hits a running clothesline, and then goes up top and hits a glancing knee to Balor. Rollins with momentum. He goes to the opposite corner and hits a splash that Michael Cole says was 3/4 of the way across the ring. Color me impressed. He only gets a two count. Rollins follows up with a couple of short arm clotheslines, but he is wasting a lot of time between moves. Balor hits a DDT, but can he capitalize? Both men down on the mat, Balor with boots to a charging Rollins as let's go Balor/let's go Rollins chants go out and I can finally understand what they are saying. Yay me! Balor with a series of moves looking to regain the momentum. He keeps it up, finally hitting a dropkick that knocks Rollins out of the ring. Balor out to the apron as Rollins gets up and catches Rollins with a knee to the face. Balor throws Rollins back into the ring and hits the Sling-blade. Rollins comes back with a dropkick. Balor counters a Pedigree attempt with a backdrop. Rollins lands on his feet and hits a forearm. The pace has quickened tremendously here. Rollins with an enziguri and Balor responds with an overhead kick and both men are down. Referee checking on both men. Balor with a Dragon Sleeper. Rollins lifts up and hits a knee only to get planted by Balor. Balor hits the 1916, but only gets another two count. Balor goes for the Coup De Grace, but Rollins moves out of the way and gets a triangle choke on Balor and Balor puts Rollins' shoulders back and gets a two count before Rollins lifts his shoulder with the choke still on. Balor gets a foot on the rope, but there are no rope breaks. Rollins yells this to Balor and tells him to tap. Balor pulls himself to the apron and breaks the hold, but falls to the ground. Rollins rolls out after Balor. He throws Balor back in and Balor goes back to the leg of Rollins with kicks. At least he is following his game plan. Rollins gets Balor and hits a buckle bomb and a kick to Balor. Another two count. Rollins yelling at Balor as Balor is making his way back to his feet, telling Balor that it is his ring. They exchange moves. Rollins with a small package driver for a two count. Rollins goes up top, but gets hit with a kick from Balor to knock Rollins to the floor. Balor with a running dropkick and then throws Rollins back in the ring. Balor with a double stomp to Rollins from the top rope for a two count. Balor goes back to the top. He goes for the Coup De Grace, but Rollins rolls out of the way and hits the Pedigree. Another two count and the crowd can't believe that Balor kicked out, but they need to get their believer's fixed. Rollins up top with a corkscrew. Balor moves out of the way. Rollins lands on his feet and Balor drives Rollins into the corner with a dropkick. Balor goes up top, but gets caught and Rollins hits a superplex, rolls through, goes for the Pedigree, but Balor counters with a stomp and Balor dropkicks Rollins head first into the turnbuckle. Then a dropkick into the other side. Balor goes up top and hits the Coup De Grace to get the pin and become the WWE Universal Champion. Balor gets the title, celebrating and goes over and hugs his parents on the front row.
-Renee Young and the PPV kick off panel talk about the night so far.
-KFC Commercial.
-United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Roman Reigns: Rusev attacks Reigns as soon as he gets to the ring. It spills to the outside and Rusev runs Reigns into the ring steps as the referee tries to get them into the ring to start the match. Rusev then drives Reigns into the other ring steps. Rusev picks the steps up and hits Reigns with them. Rusev on the offense early, not giving Reigns the chance to recover. Rusev says it's for his wife, but Reigns throws Rusev into the timekeepers area. That area is getting a lot of play tonight. Reigns with a Superman Punch to Rusev as he goes to leave the timekeepers area and they say the match hasn't even started yet. Reigns goes into the timekeepers area to attack Rusev. A group of officials come out to try to separate the two men to get into the ring. Reigns and Rusev fighting to get control of a chair to beat their opponent with. Rusev drops the chair as Reigns attacks him with a series of headbutts and punches. Reigns throws Rusev back to the ringside area. Reigns hits Rusev with a chair as Rusev rushes Reigns. Reigns hits Rusev again as the referees still trying to separate the two wrestlers. They get them apart briefly before Reigns attacks Rusev again. They finally get Reigns back up the ramp as officials check on Rusev so I believe this is ruled a no contest? They announce that the doctor has ruled that Rusev is unable to compete. Rusev tells the officials to get off of him and goes to walk back up the ramp, but Reigns reappears and spears Rusev again.
-Holy Foley commercial.
-Preview of the Main Event.
-Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesner with Paul Heyman: Lesner and Heyman out first. The announcers run down Lesner's accomplishments. Heyman does his introduction of Lesner. Orton out to a great ovation. The bell rings and they circle each other. Lesner gets Orton in the corner and hits him with shoulders as Orton pounds on Lesner's back to try to get Lesner off. Lesner goes for a suplex, but Orton holds on to the ropes and hits some elbows to Lesner. He follows that up with a dropkick to knock Lesner down and this match will be quick and ugly I'm predicting. Orton goes for the RKO, but Lesner pushes off. Lesner hits the first suplex on Orton. Mauro says that's the 33rd suplex that Lesner has delivered at SummerSlam as the crowd chants Suplex City. Suplex #2. Orton up and kicking Lesner away, but Lesner overpowers Orton and pummels him in a corner. Suplex #3 and the crowd is counting along. Suplex #4. Lesner goes back to the shoulders into Orton's midsection in the corner. Suplex #5. Orton struggling to get to his feet as an RKO chant goes out. Orton finally collapses to the mat. Suplex #6. Orton rolls to the outside and Lesner follows him out and he is stalking Orton. Orton trying to fight back with a series of forearms. Lesner picks Orton up and slams him on the Smackdown announce table. Orton falls over the barricade and lands in the crowd. Lesner comes over and grabs Orton. He throws Orton back on the Smackdown table and it collapses. Mauro sounds like he is orgasmic as he says Mamma Mia. Lesner throws Orton back in the ring and hits Suplex #7. Lesner kicks Orton to the outside and starts tearing the Raw announce table apart. He then throws Orton on the table before climbing up on the table himself and picks Orton up and when he does, Orton hits an RKO on Lesner on the table. Orton gets back in the ring and Lesner crawls back towards the ring. As he climbs through the ropes, Orton grabs him and does the ropes DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine and the crowd is feeling this. He hits another RKO on Lesner. He gets a close two count. Orton backs into the corner looking to hit the punt, only to get grabbed by Lesner, who hits the F5 on Orton. Orton kicks out at 2. Lesner takes off his gloves. He starts pounding on Orton's head. He hits Orton until he bleeds. It looks like Orton is out. Referee Mike Chioda pulls Lesner off. Chioda checks Orton and the blood is pouring off of Orton's forehead. Chioda calls a medic into the ring and then puts his gloves on. Lesner comes over and shoves the doctor out of the way and starts pounding on Orton again. They again get Lesner away as more medical officials check on Orton. The bell finally rings. Lesner wins by TKO. The medics try to stop the bleeding, but Lesner jumps on Orton again and starts pounding him. Shane McMahon comes into the ring and confronts Lesner, who responds by hitting McMahon with the F5. Heyman begging Lesner to stop. Lesner walks up the ramp as they sign off from Brooklyn.
-Following the event, Randy Orton received ten staples to close a laceration on his forehead.[37] Reportedly, there was also a backstage confrontation between Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho. According to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Jericho questioned WWE producer Michael Hayes about whether the finish was planned or not. After getting no response from Hayes, Jericho became angrier. Lesnar confronted Jericho and the two exchanged words and tangled up against a wall before Triple H and Vince McMahon broke up the situation, with McMahon stating that the ending was planned.[38]
The following night on Raw, Finn Bálor vacated the Universal Championship due to a shoulder injury incurred at SummerSlam. On the same night, General Manager Mick Foley scheduled a Fatal 4-Way elimination match for next week's Raw to crown a new champion. Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Big Cass, and Roman Reigns each qualified for the match by defeating Sami Zayn, Neville, Rusev, and Chris Jericho, respectively. Owens subsequently won the WWE Universal Championship. Also on the post-SummerSlam Raw, Sasha Banks was declared to be out of action due to an injury, reportedly up to two months. However, Charlotte's victory celebration was interrupted by Bayley, who was announced by Mick Foley as the Raw women's division's newest member.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show with some great matches. Recommended.

Episode 185 Notes Mon, 12 Jun 2023 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2c571316-06bf-4ac6-93a4-741a76b8f954 My notes for Episode 185: Clash XIX. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XIX from WCW.
-Clash XIX was shown on TBS on June 22, 1992. It was taped June 16, 1992 from the McAlister Field House on the campus of The Citadel in Charleston, SC. There were 4,600 in attendance and the show did a 2.8 rating on TBS.
-Opening graphic of all the countries that have teams competing in the first round of the NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament.
-Tony Schiavone, Missy Hyatt, and Magnum TA welcome us to the Clash and holy moley does Missy look good here. I'm jealous of Tony and Magnum that they got to stand next to her 31 years ago. They talk about the tournament and Missy talks about NJPW being awarded the right to host a tournament to crown a new NWA champion. She says she is going to find out more and will update us later. Magnum and Tony then talk about the teams in the tag tournament. Tony then brings in Bill Watts to talk about the tournament. They throw it down to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura who are going to call the action. They say that Jesse will have an interview with Sting coming up.
-1st round of the NWA Tag Team Tournament. Ricky Steamboat and Nikita Koloff vs. Joe and Dean Malenko: GMC says the Malenko's represent Europe and Wikipedia says Hungary. Koloff is supposed to be representing Lithuania, and Steamboat the United States. So, it's four people from the US. Let's get it on! Joe and Steamboat start with some mat wrestling. Test of strength. They both do some impressive mat moves and counters and this is not a bad way to start a contest. The crowd really doesn't seem to be in the match at all. Dean tagged in and Steamboat hits him with those deep arm drags. Steamboat has the best arm drag I have ever seen. Surprisingly, Shane McMahon is number two. Koloff tagged in and the crowd does approve of that. Koloff with a corner whip and a bear hug and the crowd loves that move. Back and forth in the corner and JR mentions that off the top rope in the NWA is still legal. That's not going to get confusing at all and I will give you a moment to recover from my sarcasm. Dean comes off the top rope with a crossbody to Koloff, but Koloff catches him. Joe then dropkicks Dean onto Koloff. He gets a two count and Koloff kicks out so powerfully that Dean falls to the outside. Dean gets back in and hits a nice suplex that Koloff no sells and is back to his feet like the Incredible Hulk. The crowd loves everything that Koloff does so far. Back and forth and Koloff gets back to his feet on everything that Dean does. Steamboat tagged back in as the crowd is starting to get into the match. Dean with a back elbow and tags Joe in. Steamboat hits him with a drop toe hold and gets an arm bar on. Joe comes back with some vicious looking European uppercuts. Back and forth and the crowd now really into the match and cheering Steamboat on. Koloff and Dean go to a neutral corner on the apron and start arguing and referee Mike Adkins tells them to get back to their corners. Steamboat goes for a headscissors and Joe guillotines him on the top rope and that is certainly one way to break the hold. Your mileage may vary. Dean tagged in. They are double teaming Steamboat while Adkins is tied up talking to Koloff in another corner. Joe can only get a two count though. Dean tagged in. He gets a two count and then goes to work on Steamboat some more. He gets Steamboat in an arm bar/leg bar double submission. Dean impressive in this match so far. Crowd trying to get behind Steamboat to encourage him to get out of the hold. Joe tagged in and hits Steamboat with a short arm clothesline. Joe keeps going for falls and Steamboat keeps kicking out. Joe with an Irish whip and Steamboat comes back and goes to slam Joe face first into the mat. He didn't get all of it, but good enough for government work I guess. Dean and Koloff both tagged in and Koloff gets a big ovation when he comes in. Koloff with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Dean. The crowd wants to see the Russian Sickle or the Lithuanian Sickle as they now call it. A devastating and crowd pleasing maneuver by any name. Joe comes in and Koloff hits him with a clothesline before hitting Dean with the sickle to get the pin and Steamboat and Koloff advance.
-The Z-Man and Marcus Bagwell vs. Steve Austin and Rick Rude with Madusa: Madusa looking fantastic as well. 14 year old Joey would have loved this show between Missy and Madusa. Sadly, 14-year-old Joey didn't have cable. Bagwell and Rude start and Rude just overpowers and dominates Bagwell with forearms and knees to the midsection. Austin tagged in. Austin battering Bagwell in the corner until referee Randy Anderson makes him get away and you can see the star that Austin is going to become. Bagwell comes back and tags Zenk in. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Austin goes to tag Rude in and Zenk pulls him away from the corner. That's good tag team wrestling by Zenk. Austin wants a test of strength and the crowd become very vocal about Zenk not doing it. That's the loudest that the crowd has been all night. I thought they had mostly gone for popcorn or go to the bathroom. They lock up and Austin drives to the corner and Rude tagged in. Rude with an Irish whip and a dropkick that looked impressive considering that Rude is not known for doing dropkicks. Rude gyrates for the women in the crowd before lifting Zenk up in a suplex. He gets a two count and immediately gets up after Zenk kicks out and shoves Zenk into a corner and Austin tagged in. Back and forth in the center of the ring and Zenk gets a two count from an inside cradle and Austin looks pissed when he gets back up. Bagwell tagged in. Bagwell with a corner whip, but Austin kicks Bagwell in the face when he charges into the corner after Austin. JR works in Bagwell's high school so TASIYDAH. Rude tagged in and attacks Bagwell like Bagwell owes him money. Rude with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Bagwell kicks him in the face. Zenk tagged in and now with these two in the ring and Jesse at ringside commentating, I think the Citadel has just become part of Minnesota. I'm not sure about that, but I think so. Rude hits a brutal looking piledriver. He gets a two count, but Zenk gets a shoulder up. Rude had a very relaxed cover. You've got to hook a leg. Rude runs Zenk into Austin's boot and Austin tagged in. Austin hits Zenk with a modified Stun Gun and tells Zenk to get up and I believe that Austin is pissed off. Better than being pissed on, but I digress. I'm trying to keep it clean. Austin with a front face lock. Zenk tries to tag, so Austin hits Bagwell in the corner to goad him in so the Dangerous Alliance can double team Zenk while referee Randy Anderson is dealing with Bagwell. Double Irish whip and clothesline by the heels and the crowd does not like it. Rude in, but there was no tag made, so Anderson is making Rude get out of the ring. I assume he changes his mind though, because he let Rude stay in, but Rude tags Austin in anyway, so it's a moot point. Austin with an Irish whip. Zenk comes back with a superkick, but Austin grabs the leg to try and prevent the tag. Bagwell gets the tag and comes in all fired up like he's Tommy Rich in 1982. Bagwell with a nice series of moves and the crowd is really getting into the match. Rude tagged back in and Bagwell goes for a sunset flip, but Madusa gets up on the apron to distract Anderson, allowing Austin to grab Rude's hand, preventing Rude from going over. Zenk in and hitting Austin. He knocks Austin off the apron and Bagwell dropkicks Rude up against the ropes. Bagwell misses a second dropkick and Rude hits the Rude Awakening to get the pin.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Steve Williams and Terry Gordy. He asks them about their opponents and Gordy says who cares? He says they want the Steiner Brothers. In his own way, Williams says the same thing because talking has never been Williams' strong point.
-Larry and Jeff O'Day vs. Steve Williams and Terry Gordy: Don't get comfortable with this one folks, because I don't think it is going to last long. Larry and Gordy start. Larry is so pale, Casper the ghost thinks it's too much. They lock up and Larry with a side headlock. Gordy pushes off and gets a drop toe hold on Larry. Williams tagged in and misses a corner charge. Jeff tagged in. Williams just pounded him down to the mat. Williams hits a big suplex on Jeff. Gordy tagged in. Gordy hits a big corner clothesline. Gordy with an Irish whip and Jeff comes back with a sunset flip. Larry tagged in. Gordy hits him with a brutal looking suplex. Williams tagged in. Double shoulder block to Larry. Williams hits the Oklahoma Stampede and gets the pin.
-Jesse Ventura is in the ring to interview Sting. While Sting is coming to the ring, JR shows a replay of Vader attacking Sting and injuring the ribs. Jesse tells Sting that Vader is back and he is looking for Sting. Sting says this is a David and Goliath story, but he feels like Goliath after getting inspired from the cheers of the little Stingers. I understand what he is saying, but doesn't he know that Goliath was killed against David? He says he's ready for Vader.
-Jim and Jesse talk about Sting meeting Vader at the Great American Bash.
-Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton with Paul E. Dangerously: The Dangerous Alliance booed heavily when they come out. Paul E confers with Eaton and Anderson before the match starts. JR runs down the credentials of Anderson and Eaton. Anderson and Windham start and Jesse wonders why Windham still has the hand taped. Windham and Anderson fight for position. A lot of reversals in the opening moments as a Paul E sucks chant goes out. Windham finally hits a right hand shot to knock Anderson down on his ass. Anderson with a shot and goes up top, but gets caught and dropkicked to the floor by Windham in an impressive move, both Windham for getting up for the dropkick and Anderson for taking the bump to the outside. Eaton and Paul E come over to check on Anderson. Paul E wants Windham disqualified because he says it was over the top rope to no avail. Eaton tagged in. Windham gets a side headlock and tags Rhodes in. Back and forth and Eaton runs Rhodes into a turnbuckle as Jesse says that Dustin is so much better looking than Dusty. Back and forth and Eaton gets Rhodes down on the mat. Rhodes quickly back to his feet and catches Eaton with three bionic elbows and a big boot to knock Eaton to the outside and Eaton was bouncing all over the ring so much that Curt Hennig would be jealous. Jesse says that was an intentional move over the top and Rhodes should be disqualified. JR says it was a judgment call. The fans absolutely loved that move. Eaton gets back in the ring as a loud Paul E sucks chant goes out. Jesse says what are they saying and JR says that he can't quite make it out because I'm sure they couldn't say suck on the mic on TBS. Anderson tagged in and hits Rhodes with a series of left hands. Rhodes comes back with an atomic drop and Anderson falls into a right hand from Windham and now Anderson is bouncing all over the ring and Curt Hennig has to be like this is too much. Anderson confers with Eaton and Paul E in the corner before coming back and Rhodes gets him in a side headlock. Windham tagged in and the two former members of the Four Horsemen go at it. Eaton hits an enziguri from the apron to Windham after Windham is thrown to the ropes. The referee admonishes Eaton, but the damage is done as Windham is getting pummeled in the corner. Eaton tagged in and continues the assault with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Windham. Eaton gets a two count and continues the assault on Windham by putting him on the second rope and coming down with all of Eaton's body weight on Windham's back. The referee gets Eaton off and Eaton goads Rhodes in so that the Dangerous Alliance can double team Windham as the Paul E sucks chant goes out again. Anderson with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Windham hits Anderson with a knee to the face. The winner of this match meets Rick Rude and Steve Austin, so that has the potential to be interesting either way. Rhodes tagged in and he cleans house. Rhodes hits a lariat on Anderson as Paul E climbs up on the apron and the referee tells him to get down. While the ref is dealing with Paul E, Anderson goes for the DDT, but Rhodes holds on to the rope, only to get clotheslined by Eaton two seconds later. Anderson choking Rhodes on the mat, but breaks on the three count. Eaton tagged in. Rhodes goes for a crossbody, but Eaton ducks and Rhodes spills to the outside. A lot of high risk bumps taking place in this match, which is surprising to me considering the participants. Paul E sneaks around the ring and hits Rhodes in the kidneys with the phone. Eaton gets Rhodes back in the ring and goes up top to hit the Alabama Jam as the crowd is getting on Paul E. Eaton instead does the top rope knee drop, but only gets a two count. Anderson tagged in. Anderson stomping on Rhodes and Windham comes in and referee Mike Adkins trying to get him back out and as Jesse says, that doesn't help Rhodes because Anderson is now choking Rhodes with his boot. The referee turns around and makes Anderson stop. Rhodes with a jaw breaker to break an Anderson reverse chin lock, but Anderson falls backwards into his own corner and tags Eaton in. Eaton hits Rhodes with a bulldog, which is Rhodes' own move. He gets a two count and goes to do it again and Rhodes pushes off and Eaton hits the corner buckle face first. Windham tagged in, but Anderson was distracting the referee and wont allow the tag. All four men in now and Windham gets Eaton out on the floor. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Rhodes, but he isn't the legal man and the referee has gone out to deal with Windham and Eaton. Anderson hits Windham and Eaton gets back in the ring. Eaton only gets a two count as Rhodes gets a shoulder up. The crowd goes wild when the shoulder comes up. Eaton goes up top for the Alabama Jam, but misses it when Rhodes moves. Rhodes comes back with a bulldog and Eaton comes down and does a 360 and lands on his back and Rhodes pins him for the three count. The crowd cheers the faces as they embrace and GMC announces that they've won.
-WCW Poster book ad.
-Eric and Missy are back and say that the Puerto Rican team has been injured and more about that in a second, but first Missy updates us that the NWA title tournament will be held August 6-12 in Japan and all four members of the Dangerous Alliance will be competing in the tournament. Terry Gordy and Steve Williams come in saying that they Puerto Rican team is messed up. They say a "wreck" happened, but it is implied that they beat the Puerto Rican team up in order to have the Steiner Brothers advance so that they could face Williams and Gordy in the second round of the tournament. They say some very uncouth things that I will not repeat here, but say that they want the Steiner Brothers.
-Ad for the Great American Bash Tour.
-The Silver Kings I and II vs. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Freebirds are the current US Tag Champs, but those belts will be phased out by the end of July. Silver Kings are César Cuauhtémoc González Barrón and Juan Conrado Aguilar Jáuregui. Freebirds attack before the bell and all four men in and it's breaking loose here as Garvin and Silver King 2 go to the outside. Silver King 1 in the ring with Hayes and gets Hayes in the corner. Silver King 1 tries to corner whip Hayes to the corner so that Silver King 2 can hit Hayes with a top rope dropkick, but Hayes reverses the move and Silver King 1 gets hit instead and they need to slow this thing down because the pace is frantic so far. Garvin tagged in and gets a wrist lock as Jesse and JR argue over how to tell the Silver Kings apart. It might help if you call them by their names instead of Silver King 1 and 2. Silver King 2 in and he and 1 look nothing alike. Just give them names! Garvin with several moves and Silver King 2 has counters for each move and he is impressive. Silver King 2 goes up top and comes off for a double leg drop or a butt bump and it doesn't matter anyway because no one was home. Hayes on the apron clapping trying to get the crowd behind Garvin. Garvin gets a two count. Hayes and Silver King 1 both tagged in. Silver King 2 scoop slams Hayes and then slingshots Silver King 1 in on the ropes and Silver King 1 lands on Hayes. That was an impressive move. Silver Kings dropping elbows on the prone Hayes. Silver King 2 tagged back in. Silver King 1 scoop slams Hayes and Silver King 2 hits an elbow off the top rope, but can only get a two count. Silver Kings hit a double enziguri on Hayes. It was sort of like the Total Elimination that the Eliminators do, but the Silver Kings both hit the top of Hayes from the front and back. Hayes coming back. He is trying to string a series of moves together, but Silver King 1 keeps getting out. Hayes does the moonwalk to impress the crowd and gets a reaction despite this being 1992 and Michael Hayes not being Michael Jackson. The crowd behind the Freebirds, so Silver King 1 climbs up on a turnbuckle and yells Mexico while pointing to the crowd. He doesn't get a response, because this is 1992 and they are in South Carolina. Jim and Jesse talk about Lucha Libre. Both wrestlers in the ring scramble to get some moves, but neither can get a series of moves together against their opponent. Garvin tagged in. Garvin gets Silver King 1 down and gets a chin lock on. They go back and forth and Silver King 2 and Hayes both tagged in. They exchange moves in the center of the ring. Silver King 1 tagged back in and Silver King 2 holds Hayes for Silver King 1 to hit with a dropkick. The Silver Kings should wear scary masks and then they could be the Stephen Kings. Garvin breaks up the count, so Silver King 1 hits Garvin with a spinning heel kick to knock him out of the ring. Freebirds come back with some crafty veteran moves to get Silver King 1 down and double team him. Now all four men in the ring and referee Randy Anderson trying to get them out. Silver Kings reverse a corner whip and run the Freebirds together as a DDT chant goes out. A double dropkick knocks the Freebirds to the outside. Silver King 2 launches himself onto the Freebirds, who catch him and Garvin holds Silver King 2 for Hayes to hit and Silver King 2 ducks and Garvin gets hit instead. Silver King 2 then holds Hayes for Silver King 1 to hit from the top rope to the floor, but Hayes moves and the Silver Kings are both down. Hayes throws Silver King 2 back in the ring and hits him with an inside cradle to get the pin.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the Puerto Rican team being unable to compete and Jesse says it brings us the dream match everyone wants to see: The Steiner Brothers vs. Williams and Gordy.
-Tony Schiavone and Magnum TA talk about the pairings so far going into the next round of the tournament and also what happened to the Puerto Rican team. Ole Anderson comes in and says that the Puerto Rican team was attacked and the Steiners will be getting a bye. Stuff that we already knew. Thanks Ole!
-Brian Pillman and Jushin Liger vs. Chris Benoit and Beef Wellington: Biff Wellington becomes Beef here for some reason. I'm not going to go into the Benoit stuff because if you listen to this podcast, you know what happened, but Wellington's body was discovered on the same day that Benoit committed suicide. Wellington had been having serious health problems for years. JR goes into the great series of matches that Pillman and Liger have had. Liger and Benoit start. Back and forth. Each trying to gain an advantage. Liger powers Benoit off of him. They have a series of counters and are setting a fast pace. Liger with a nice pair of arm drags to Benoit. Both Pillman and Wellington tagged in. They yell and shove each other as JR says that they know each other from Stampede. Pillman with a dropkick to send Wellington to the outside. Wellington gets back on the apron, only to get hit with another dropkick by Pillman. The fans love to see the high-flying moves. Pillman runs the ropes looking to suicide dive onto Wellington, but before he can, Wellington jumps up on the apron and hits a flying clothesline over the top rope onto Pillman. That was an awesome move. Wellington follows it up with a snap suplex and then throws Pillman out to the floor. Pillman gets up on the apron and not wanting to be shown up, suplexes Welliington from the ring to the floor. Liger tagged in as Wellington gets back in the ring. Wellington gets Liger down on the mat. He gets a leg lock on and tags Benoit in. Benoit throws some chops and a brutal looking clothesline to Liger. Back and forth and Benoit with an enziguri to Liger. He runs Liger into a turnbuckle and Wellington tagged back in. Referee Randy Anderson is getting Benoit out and misses Wellington throwing Liger out. Pillman comes in to complain, but gets tossed back out by Anderson. Wellington goes to dive on Liger, who moves and Wellington hits the floor. Liger with a corner whip and then monkey flips Wellington out of the corner. Pillman tagged in and Wellington gets Pillman in the corner and Benoit tagged in. Benoit runs the ropes and Pillman sidesteps Benoit and propels him out to the floor and the crowd has been digging this match so far. Jesse says the concrete outside has been getting more use than the mat in this match. Benoit up on the apron and then goes to the top rope. Pillman jumps up there with him and hits Benoit with a belly to back superplex that pops the crowd so much that they jump to their feet. Pillman then hits a top rope dropkick on Benoit that knocks him to the outside. Pillman goes to hit Benoit with a dive. Benoit moves away, so Pillman jumps to the apron and hits Benoit with a crossbody on the floor. These Calgary veterans then take turns chopping each other on the floor. Pillman throws Benoit back in, but Benoit grabs Pillman's foot to get Pillman down and Wellington tagged in. Wellington misses an elbow drop, so Pillman grabs a front face lock and Liger tagged in. Wellington with a corner whip and Liger moves on the charge and Wellington spills to the outside and the wrestlers are spending more time on the floor than event security. Liger goes up top and hits Wellington with a crossbody to the floor. I think it's time to end this thing because it isn't going to get much better than that. Back in the ring, Wellington reverses an Irish whip. Liger goes for a crucifix and Wellington just slams back with a modified Samoan drop. Wellington only gets a two count. Wellington drives Liger back to the corner and Benoit tagged back in. JR brings up the history between Benoit and Liger as Benoit puts Liger on the top rope and goes for a belly to back suplex, but Liger turns in mid-air and lands on Benoit. Wellington breaks up the pin, but you can feel the crowd ready for this match to be over. Liger back to his feet and hits Benoit with a spinning heel kick to knock Benoit to the outside. Liger out to the apron and hits a moonsault off the second rope to Benoit on the outside. Crowd cheering wildly. Pillman tagged in. Benoit gets back in the ring and attacks Pillman with forearms. Pillman comes back with a waist lock, and Benoit pulls forward towards his own corner and Wellington hits Pillman with an enziguri from the apron. Wellington tagged in. Wellington goes for a top rope dropkick, but Pillman ducks. Liger tagged in. Liger with a suplex, but Benoit in to break it up before the cover. Now all four men in and Pillman and Benoit fight to the outside. Wellington choking Liger in the corner. Benoit gets Pillman back in and he and Wellington go to run Liger and Pillman's heads together, but Liger and Pillman push off and the Canadian team goes down instead. Pillman dropkicks Benoit to the outside. Liger slams Wellington down and hits the moonsault to get the pin. Match of the night so far.
-The Headhunters vs. Hiroshi Hase and Akira Nogami: Headhunters are Bob Cook and Joe Cruze under masks. I don't know what happened to the real headhunters, it wasn't my day to keep up with them. So this is what we've got. The Japanese team is the number two seed. Nogami and Headhunter 2 start. Jesse tells Jim to keep the Headhunters straight so that Jesse doesn't get confused. I'm with you Jesse. JR says they are still trying to sort out the mess in the locker room. They are pushing this attack or whatever it is on the Puerto Rican team like it's some sort of International Incident, not to be confused with an international objects, but let's not open that can of worms. It's just wrestling guys. It's supposed to be fun. Headhunters with the early advantage, but Nogami comes back with a nice Enziguri to Headhunter 2. Headhunter 1 in and catches Nogami with a stun gun like maneuver. Or a hot shot if you prefer. JR says Stun Gun but he says a page out of Steve Austin's book because Austin is in the promotion. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hase tagged in and JR says he is the senior member of the team. Hase with Headhunter 1 in the corner and then stomps him down in the center of the ring and Jesse says he's going to rough him up a little. Hase slams Headhunter 1 down. Nogami splashes him and then Hase goes for a double knee lift, but Headhunter 1 moves out of the way. Headhunter 1 comes back with some offense for a two count. Headhunter 2 tagged in. Double suplex and a two count. Hase comes back with a karate kick. Nogami comes in and the Japanese team does some double teaming on Headhunter 2. Now all four men in the ring. The Japanese team hit a pair of German suplexes to get the pin.
-Jesse in the ring to interview Ron Simmons. Jesse asks Simmons about his goal to be the first black world champion. Simmons says that he plans to go to the top and become that champion because people have doubted him his whole life and he has proved them wrong. They get interrupted by Harley Race and the Super Invader. Race says he heard Sting out here earlier and tells Simmons to tell Sting that they want him. Simmons says his name's not gopher, if Race wants Sting, he should go get him himself. Race says when he was world's champion, he had a boy like Simmons carry his bag and we have reached the cringe portion of our program. Simmons attacks Race. Super Invader attacks Simmons and they get Simmons down. Simmons comes back and knocks Super Invader down and hits Race with a football tackle and the crowd absolutely loves that. He hits the heels with a pair of clotheslines and they bail.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Bill Watts. Watts says the NWA and WCW representatives have been arguing in the back about what to do.. He says that the final determination is that Steve Williams and Terry Gordy and the Steiner Brothers are going to hook it up tonight at the Clash and the crowd goes wild for the announcement. That means round 2 starts at the Clash.
-Terry Gordy and Steve Williams vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Heels out to a chorus of boos. Steiner Brothers cheered when they came out. Rick and Gordy start. The two power men of the team. Although with Gordy and Williams, it's more of a toss up. They try for some takedowns and Rick looking all business here. More amateur moves and some clean breaks when they get to the ropes. Gordy working on the leg as he gets Rick down on the mat. Rick gets to the ropes and another clean break. Scott tagged in and the crowd can't help but cheer this guy. He mixes it up with Gordy and Williams tagged in. They battle for position and this is just like their match at Beach Blast with a lot of takedowns and counters. Also a lot of rope breaks. Williams complains about Scott to the referee and now all four men in as JR says that tempers are flaring. Rick tagged in and the fans are barking for the dog faced gremlin. Rick with a big overhead belly to belly suplex and Williams quickly rolls to the outside to regroup. Gordy out there with him. Williams gets back in and they vie for position again. Rick with a takedown as JR brings up both men being a part of the varsity club years ago. Williams gets Rick in a corner and slaps him and Rick responds with a brutal looking double leg takedown. Rick punches Williams wildly in the face and the crowd comes to life with that move. Williams comes back with a clothesline that spins Rick completely over to the mat. They are doing some hard hitting wrestling here. Gordy tagged in and waits for Rick to get back to his knees before clotheslining and covering Rick to get a two count. They are going at it hard here as Gordy hits Rick with a vicious looking corner clothesline. Rick comes back with a belly to belly suplex. Scott in and takes over on Gordy. Crowd comes to life on a modified powerbomb to Gordy by Scott. Gordy avoids the Frankensteiner by holding on to the ropes. Gordy gets Scott into the STF. Scott gets to the ropes to force a break. Williams tagged in and gets to one knee and Gordy just throws Scott straight down on the knee. Williams just brutalizing Scott. Scott tries to come back, but Williams puts a stop to that and Gordy tagged back in. Gordy with a body slam. Gordy with a leg grapevine trying to get Scott to submit. Gordy pulls Scott away to keep him from tagging Rick in. Williams tagged in and double shoulder block toss. Williams gets a two count. Scott gets up and kicks Williams away. Rick tagged in, but I don't think the referee saw it. Rick clotheslines Williams to the outside and Gordy comes in and he and Rick exchange blows. Heels double team Rick. Anderson gets Gordy away and he goes out after Scott, leaving Williams and Rick to brawl inside. Rick with a power slam and cover, but Anderson tells him he didn't see the tag so Rick has to get out of the ring. Scott gets back in the ring as Rick goes out with Gordy. Williams hits a shoulder block to Scott's knee on the outside. Anderson tries to get Rick out of the ring. Williams with a military press into a power slam on Scott, but only gets a two count. Scott goes to belly to belly Williams, but gets clipped from behind by Gordy and Williams pins Scott. The crowd is Irate at the decision. Tony and Magnum talk about the match. Jesse and Jim talk about the upset to the Steiner Brothers before signing off from Charleston. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show that sets up Gordy and Williams for the Bash.

Episode 184 Notes Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c289e238-bd7e-4e28-81e6-fc6cd30ce129 My notes for Episode 184: Hostile City Showdown 94. -Today we look at Hostile City Showdown 94 from ECW.
-Hostile City Showdown 94 took place June 24, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. 1,000 said to be in attendance. Presented in the most complete form possible due to technical difficulties.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to ECW.
-Hack Myers vs. Tommy Dreamer: Dreamer is popular with the crowd as he comes out and he still has the sparkles and suspenders and is still trying to find his place in wrestling. He is clean-shaven. Someone throws him a Rangers Jersey. He stomps on it and throws it back. Both wrestlers face to face and Myers slaps Dreamer. Dreamer slaps Myers back and hits Myers with a Japanese arm drag. Dreamer takes his ring jacket off and throws it on Myers' head. Myers reverses an Irish whip with the jacket still on his head. Dreamer comes back with a bulldog to Myers. Myers rolls to the outside to regroup. Myers walks around the ring and holding on to the guardrail. He signals that he wants a time out. Myers walks half-way back to the ring. Styles putting down both WCW and the WWF with some subtle shade on commentary. Myers back on the apron. Dreamer hits him with a couple of shots to the kidneys and Myers runs Dreamer into the corner buckle. Myers goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by Dreamer. Dreamer gets Myers into another corner and starts chopping him. Dreamer with a corner whip and a backdrop to Myers. Dreamer follows that up with a side headlock takeover. Myers twists over to get a two count. Myers pulls Dreamer's hair as a let's go Hack chant goes out. Myers with another twist over and another two count. Myers gets back to his feet while still in the side headlock as the crowd in the front row starts a Dreamer sucks chant. Dreamer with a double hand clap to Myer's head. Myers grabs Dreamer's foot, so Dreamer goes for an enziguri, but Myers ducks. Myers with some forearms to Dreamers back. Myers picks Dreamer up, but Dreamer shifts his weight to fall on him and get a two count. Dreamer with a neck breaker on Myers. He follows that up with a snap suplex to Myers. Dreamer with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Myers throws Dreamer backwards into the canvas. The crowd cheers. Styles says Myers has fans here in Philly and it could be the beginning of Hackomania. Myers with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Dreamer. He gets a one count. An elbow drop on Dreamer gets a two count for Myers. Myers drapes Dreamers head on the bottom rope and delivers a leg drop to the head from the apron. Myers with a snap mare and a nerve hold and Myers has impressed me in this match. Myers with an Irish whip. Dreamer ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to Myers. He gets a two count. Myers comes back with the nerve hold again. Dreamer with a mule kick to break the hold. Dreamer with a DDT to Myers. Dreamer misses an elbow drop. Myers goes for a scoop slam, but Dreamer slips behind Myers and goes to roll Myers up, but Myers holds on to the ropes. Dreamer with a second try and gets a two count. Myers slams Dreamer's head down to the canvas. Myers with a corner whip and Dreamer falls to the mat. Dreamer reverses another corner whip and hits the corner post sternum first. Dreamer goes up top and splashes Myers to get the pin.
-Chad Austin vs. Don E. Allen: Pee Wee Moore is the referee and as Bob Artese starts to make the ring introductions, 911 hits the ring followed by Paul E. Dangerously. 911 grabs Moore to chokeslam him as both of the wrestlers in the ring start to attack 911 with punches to the back. 911 chokeslams Moore and then grabs the two wrestlers by the throat. 911 then choke slams both wrestlers. Paul E gets in the ring and tells 911 to chokeslam Moore again, but Tod Gordon gets in the ring and pushes Paul E to the ground and 911 then slams Gordon. They get the other wrestlers out of the ring as 911 chokeslams Gordon again. Tommy Dreamer comes out to check on Gordon and 911 grabs Dreamer. Dreamer trying to fight back with punches to 911. 911 chokeslams Dreamer. Paul E delivers the last rites to Dreamer as the fans chant 911. 911 and Paul E then leave.
-The Pit Bull with Jason vs. The Tazmaniac: Dog Collar match and a rematch from When Worlds Collide. Jason and Pit Bull come to the ring. Pit Bull comes out with the chain. Taz runs to the ring and as soon as he gets in, Jason and Pit Bull clothesline him with the chain and Pit Bull starts beating on Taz. Pit Bull stomping on Taz before coming over and putting the collar on the prone Taz. Taz back to his feet and Pit Bull grabs some chain and starts wrapping it around his hand to punch Taz in the face. Pit Bull throws Taz over the top rope to the floor, but gets dragged out by the chain when Taz hits the floor. Pit Bull choking Taz with the chain on the floor as Jason is out there yelling at Taz. Taz grabs the guard rail and slams in into Pit Bull's midsection. Taz hits Pit Bull with the chain before running him into another guard rail. Taz then grabs a chair from the audience and hits Pit Bull with it. Taz grabs the chain and wraps it around Pit Bull's throat to choke Pit Bull with the chain. Pit Bull then reaches into the crowd for a chair and hits Taz with it. Pit Bull runs Taz into the apron head first and Taz responds with a head butt to Pit Bull. Taz throws Pit Bull over the barricade into the crowd. Taz follows Pit Bull and hits him with another chair. Taz then dumps Pit Bull back to ringside. Pit Bull grabs a sign from the crowd and hits Taz with it, not that the poster board did much damage. More psychological damage as it said Pit Bull was a dog from hell. Pit Bull throws Taz back in the ring. Pit Bull stomping on Taz as the crowd taunts Pit Bull with a Mikey chant, indicating the man that Pit Bull lost the TV title to thanks to interference from Taz. Pit Bull gets Taz in the corner and kicks Taz. Pit Bull then gets Taz down on his knees and wraps the chain around Taz's neck trying to choke Taz out. Taz gets back to his feet, only to get knocked back down by Pit Bull. The fans started chanting Shit Bull to Pit Bull in order to antagonize him. Pit Bull touches two corners. He gets the third corner, but is cut off by Taz as he goes for the last corner as Taz jerks the chain back and Pit Bull falls to the mat. Taz hitting and kicking Pit Bull. Taz with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Taz gets three corners before Pit Bull knocks Taz to the mat to break the count. Pit Bull choking Taz with his boot as Pit Bull holds on to the ropes for leverage. The fans are taunting Pit Bull with their unique taunt again as I am trying to keep this as clean as I can. Pit Bull with a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. I'm confused. I thought this was a tag all four corners match. Can you also win by pinfall? Taz hits Pit Bull with a t-bone suplex. Taz gets two corners. Pit Bull comes with a back kick to knock Taz down to the mat. Pit Bull hits a powerbomb on Taz. Pit Bull picks Taz up and grabs the chain where Taz and he are back-to-back. Pit Bull and Taz both touching the corners as they go around. As they go towards the fourth corner, Taz hits a belly to back suplex to pin Pit Bull. Suddenly, Pit Bull 2 hits the ring and attacks Taz with another chain. Styles identifies him and says that the Pit Bulls used to team up, but that he hadn't seen Pit Bull 2 in years and thought that he had fallen off the face of the earth. Pit Bull 2 with an Irish whip to Taz and Pit Bull 1 hits Taz with a running knee to knock him down to the mat. Double corner whip to Taz and then both Pit Bulls splash him in the corner. They put the collar back around Taz's neck and then throw Taz over the top rope and Taz holding on to the top rope to try and avoid being hung by the chain. Pit Bull 2 holds on to the chain while Pit Bull 1 grabs a chair and starts hitting Taz in the midsection with it. They finally stop and get back in the ring with Jason to taunt the fans.
-The Bruise Brothers Ron and Don Harris vs. Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes: Again, I know what you are thinking, and there is no relation between myself and the Harris Twins. Douglas and Hughes walk to the ring and Douglas is dancing and Hughes is all business. Douglas is the current ECW Heavyweight Champion and he tosses the belt to an attendant as soon as he gets to the ring and as soon as Douglas and Hughes step through the ropes, they are attacked by the Bruise Brothers. Douglas gets Irish whipped by I'm going to say Ron because they are identical and have not been identified. Douglas bails out to the floor and Ron follows. He runs Douglas into a ringside table. Douglas rolls back into the ring and the referee tells him that he needs to get in his corner. Hughes and Don battling in one corner of the ring and I assume they are going to be the legal men. That works for me since it happened almost 30 years ago and there would be nothing that I could do about it if it didn't work for me. Hughes with a series of right hands and Styles identifies that twin as Ron. Dammit, well, I said they were identical and that there was no relation. So Ron is in the ring, good to know. Hughes with a big right hand to knock Ron into the ropes. They go back and forth and Hughes gets Ron into a corner. Hughes grabs Ron by the hair and tags Douglas in. Douglas with a snap mare and then that Curt Hennig style snap mare where he jumps over the person. That move always looked cool to me. All four men in briefly before they all go outside to brawl and we saw this last month when they went to the outside and all of them got counted out. Douglas hits Ron with a chair on the outside and tries to scoop slam him on the concrete. He can't do it and now all four men are brawling in the aisle towards the dressing room and the referee is trying to get them back in the ring. Hughes and Don make their way to the ring. Don gets in and Hughes gets up on the apron and as he does, Ron comes up from behind and hits Hughes with a chair. Don guillotines Hughes on the top rope. Don rushes Hughes to knock him to the floor. Douglas comes in and attacks Don from behind to knock Don to the outside. Douglas comes out to the apron, grabs Don by the hair, and runs Don into a table by jumping from the apron to the floor. Douglas throws Don back in the ring. Don hits Douglas with a suplex. Ron tagged in. Ron with a corner whip, but Douglas moves on the charge. Douglas hits the belly to belly suplex. Hughes tagged in. Don comes in and attacks Douglas in a corner while Hughes is hitting Ron with punches. Ron comes up behind Hughes and throws him out to the floor. Don choking a prone Douglas on the floor. Hughes gets Don off Douglas, but Ron comes over and starts choking Douglas with a chair. Hughes gets Ron away. Hughes with an Irish whip to Ron, who ducks a clothesline attempt and Hughes catches him with a back elbow. Hughes then using his tie or his belt, I can't tell which, to choke Ron down on the mat. Don comes in to break it up, but Hughes gets to his feet and you see that it is his tie that he has around Ron's throat and drags Ron with the tie to the corner and runs Ron into a chair that Douglas is holding up. Douglas and Hughes, working over Ron and Don comes from behind and hits them with a chain. Don sends Douglas over the top rope to the outside. Now all four men on the outside. Ron throws Douglas over the barricade and out into the crowd. Hughes and Don exchanging shots. Ron brings Douglas back over the barricade to ringside. He then picks Douglas up and crotches him on the guardrail. Hughes and Ron get back in the ring and Hughes hits the sidewalk slam, but the referee is on the outside dealing with Don and Douglas. Don gets back in the ring and kicks Hughes off Ron. Ron rolls over on Hughes to get the pin. The fans taunting Douglas with a Pittsburgh sucks chant as Hughes complains to the referee about the count. He grabs the mic and says he wants the Bruise Brothers back for another match with another referee.
-Singapore cane on a pole match. Tommy Cairo with Peaches vs. The Sandman with Woman: Bob Artese explaining the rules as they show the pole and the Singapore cane and holy crap is that thing up there. It looks to be 12 or 13 feet up the pole. I hope it just looks that high up because of the perspective of the shot. Sandman and Woman out first and the fans taunt them as Woman lights a cigarette for Sandman as they get to ringside. Sandman does get some cheers. Sandman finally gets in the ring as the cigarette is half smoked. Cairo and Peaches come out and Cairo makes the referee get Sandman back so that Cairo can get into the ring. Bob Artese introduces the managers and then the wrestlers. Sandman flicks his cigarette at Cairo as they finish the introductions. The referee tells Woman to get out of the ring and she looks like she doesn't want to go. She finally gets out of the ring so that they can start the match. They circle each other and stare at each other. Sandman backs into a corner and tells Cairo to come on. Sandman turns around and starts to climb towards the cane when Cairo gives him a belly to back suplex. Cairo follows that up with a spinning heel kick. Sandman rolls to the outside where Woman is and Cairo follows and hits Sandman with an elbow drop from the apron. Cairo rolls Sandman back in the ring. Cairo goes up top and hits Sandman with a cannonball. Cairo covers Sandman, but the referee tells him pin falls don't count, he has to get the cane. Cairo starts to climb and gets to the top rope. Sandman grabs his leg, but Cairo kicks Sandman off and no cane in sight. Cairo tries to stomp Sandman away, but Sandman grabs Cairo's leg. Cairo kicks Sandman off and then comes out after him. Cairo throws Sandman out of the ring and Sandman lands on the table at ringside and breaks the table and the fans go crazy because it wasn't done on every show 30 times. Cairo then goes out to the apron and leg drops Sandman. Cairo gets back in the ring and Sandman is up, but he starts going around the ring to go after Peaches, so Cairo gets out of the ring and hits Sandman from behind with a running forearm. Then another leg drop onto Sandman from the apron. Cairo throws Sandman back in the ring and Sandman hits Cairo with a low blow as Cairo was getting back in the ring. Sandman then with a falling headbutt to Cairo as Woman looks on with approval. Sandman with an Irish whip and a back elbow and then follows that up with a scoop slam. Sandman with a slingshot body splash and that looked impressive coming from the Sandman. I didn't know he had that in him. Styles calls the Sandman someone who is deceivingly agile for a man of his size as Sandman slaps Cairo while Cairo is laying prone on the mat. Sandman starts to go for the cane, and they show it from a different angle and that bad boy is up there. Sandman starts to climb the pole, but is cut off by Cairo. Cairo drags Sandman down so that Sandman is sitting on the top turnbuckle and Cairo starts punching Sandman. He punches Sandman and goes to give Sandman a superplex and as he does, the Singapore cane falls from the pole to the ground. I don't know if that was planned, but it was certainly funny to me. Sandman gives Cairo a front face buster as Bob Artese hands referee John Finnegan the cane and Finnegan places it on a turnbuckle. Styles admits that it will be easier for one of the competitors to get the cane now and win the match. Cairo comes back with a DDT to Sandman. Cairo starts to go after the cane, but changes his mind to go after Sandman some more. Meanwhile, Woman reaches under the ring and grabs another Singapore cane and slides it in the ring to Sandman, who gets it and starts hitting Cairo with it. The bell rings. Artese says the match is a no decision as Sandman is beating a helpless Cairo. Peaches up on the apron yelling at the referee to do something. The referee gestures towards Sandman with the cane and says what do you want me to do? I agree with the ref. If you're matched up and called to do something to someone with a Singapore cane and you don't have one, the tie goes to the guy with a cane. I think it says that in the Constitution, or maybe the Magna Carta. I don't know, it's been a long time since I was in history class. Peaches gets in the ring and shoves Sandman, who responds by pushing Peaches down. Woman comes in and lights a cigarette for Sandman, who goes back to caning Cairo again. Peaches goes to check on Cairo. Sandman tosses the other Singapore cane to Woman. Woman starts caning Peaches as Sandman goes back to caning Cairo. Sandman grabs a mic and says Pay your bills, Tommy Cairo. This was because Cairo was insinuating that he was sleeping with Peaches and Sandman said that he hadn't paid for the privilege. This aged like milk. The crowd starts chanting pay your bills towards Cairo. Sandman and Woman then leave. Cairo up in a seated position and he is a bloody mess. Peaches still down on the mat. Cairo goes and checks on her. Cairo gets her back to her feet and he and Finnegan and Artese help her out of the ring.
The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. The Funk Brothers Terry and Dory: Flashback to what led up to this match. Public Enemy comes to the ring first. They are the tag team champions, but this is a non title match. The Funk Brothers come out looking serious as they come to the ring. Artese makes the introductions. He says it's the first time in 10 years since the Funk Brothers have teamed up in the United States, but that's not true as they teamed up in the WWF in 1986. If you want to stretch the point that Dory was known as Hoss Funk so that doesn't really count, then you're either crazy or an idiot because that totally counts. Okay, I'm going to get off my soap box now so that we can get this match started. The crowd gives the Funk Brothers a great ovation when they are introduced. Terry and Rock start. They circle each other. They lock up and Terry finally pushes Rock away. Another push off. Rock runs the ropes and double shoulder block and neither man moves. They start shoving each other. Terry spits on Rock. Rock pushes Terry and points at Dory and says he wants Dory in the ring. Terry obliges and tags Dory in. They lock up and Dory with a side headlock. Rock pushes off and they run the ropes. Dory hits Rock with an elbow to knock Rock down. Terry comes in. Double Irish whip and they go for the double back elbow, but Rock holds on to the ropes. Grunge tagged in. He locks up with Dory. They drive to the ropes. Dory with a side headlock. Grunge pushes off and runs the ropes. Dory drops down and then hits Grunge with a forearm to knock Grunge down to the mat. Grunge back to his feet in one of the corners and frustrated with Dory. They lock up and Dory with another side headlock. Terry tagged in. He elbows Grunge in the head. Terry then picks up the side headlock and it looks like he was trying to tear Grunge's head off his shoulders. Grunge gets to the ropes. Terry breaks on the four count and as he does, Grunge runs his shoulder into Terry's midsection. Terry goes back to the side headlock and Grunge pushes off. Terry comes back with a shoulder block to knock Grunge down. Terry picks Grunge up in order to throw him to the outside and Terry follows Grunge out. Public Enemy both out on the floor as Terry stops on the apron and some fans start yelling moonsault at Terry. Terry instead gets back in the ring and the fans yelling you suck to Public Enemy. Dory tagged in. Grunge finally gets back in the ring. He puts his fist up at Dory and Dory does his version of the Rock's bring it gesture. They finally lock up, but they are in a corner and the referee tells them to break the hold immediately. Grunge hits Dory with a series of forearms and Dory reverses Grunge into the corner and hits one forearm that knocks Grunge silly. He then brings Grunge out to the center of the ring and hits another forearm. He then hits an elbow to Rock when he comes in. The referee tells Rock to get back in his corner as Grunge has rolled out to the apron and when he gets up, Terry starts chopping him. Dory grabs Grunge on the apron and suplexes him back into the ring. Dory goes for a cover, but Rock breaks it up. Dory gets an arm bar on Grunge and Terry tagged in. Double Irish whip and forearms to Grunge by the Funk Brothers. Terry hits a powerbomb on Grunge and I think that it was a powerbomb because Terry couldn't hold Grunge up for a piledriver. Terry gets a two count. Terry throws Grunge to the outside and follows him out. He starts chopping Grunge on the outside. Grunge comes back with shots of his own to knock Terry into the barricade. This match took place one week before Terry Funk turned 50 just for a little context here. Terry does a kind of his version of Hulking up as Grunge is chopping him to no effect and Grunge is backing up. Rock comes over and Terry throws him over the barricade to the outside. Terry then throws Grunge over the barricade and now all four men are out at the ringside area and fighting. Rock tries to get back over the barricade to ringside and Dory holds him for Terry to hit Rock with a chair. Public Enemy started grabbing chairs and throwing them at both Funk Brothers. Public Enemy gets back over the barricade, but as Rock tries to get back in the ring, Terry throws a chair at him as he is coming through the ropes. Grunge and Dory brawling at ringside. Dory gets back in the ring and Grunge throws a chair at Dory. Terry grabs the chair and throws it at Grunge. Dory grabs that chair and starts hitting Grunge with it as Rock grabs a chair and hits Terry with it. Dory and Rock have dueling chairs briefly, but Dory knocks Rock's chair down and then throws his chair at Rock. Rock goes for a shoulder block, but Dory shoves him away. Dory throws Rock out of the ring and as Dory is climbing through the ropes to go after Rock, Grunge throws a chair at Dory. Rock grabs Dory and runs him into one of the ring posts. Grunge attacks Terry with a chair in the ring and then starts choking Terry. Rock grabs Dory and they brawl off camera as Grunge covers Terry and gets a two count as Terry gets his foot on the ropes. Grunge grabs Terry and throws him out of the ring and he lands on his feet near Rock, who is attacking Dory with a chair. Terry comes over and Rock hits Terry with a right hand as Grunge comes up and hits Terry with a chair from behind. Dory and Rock back in the ring as Terry and Grunge continue to brawl on the floor. Dory and Rock going back and forth in the ring as Rock holds Dory for Grunge to hit with a chair. Grunge hits Dory with the chair and Rock hits Terry with an elbow as he tries to come through the ropes to help. Rock gets down and Styles say they are trying to rip Dory open instead of going for a cover. Grunge goes outside after Terry. He runs Terry into a guard rail as Rock tries to keep Dory down with punches and kicks and Dory trying to get back to his feet. It's amazing to me that as I am writing these notes, both Funk Brothers are alive and both members of the Public Enemy are dead. Life is fickle like that sometimes. Rock hits Dory with a chair to knock him back down to the mat. Dory does get to the outside and Rock runs him into a barricade and then the camera pans out to the darkened arena floor where Terry and Grunge are fighting in the crowd and Grunge is hitting Funk with something. Rock picks up fighting with Terry and Grunge makes his way back towards the ring where Dory is on the mat. Grunge with a scoop slam and a cover. He gets a two count. Grunge follows that up with a roll up for another two count. Dory back to his feet. Rock has made it back to his corner. A Terry chant goes out as Grunge gets another roll up for a two count. Rock tagged in. Rock with a back elbow and a corner whip to Dory. Dory avoids the charge and rolls Rock up for a two count. Rock kicks out as Grunge was coming in to save Rock. Grunge grabs Dory and throws him to the outside. Grunge follows and grabs Dory. Rock runs to do a cannonball to Dory, who moves out of the way and Rock hits Grunge instead. Dory throws Rock back in the ring. Dory with a European uppercut to knock Rock down. He then gets Rock and starts punching him in the face. Grunge hitting Terry on the outside. Terry is bleeding. Rock busted open as well. Dory puts the spinning toe hold on Rock. Grunge comes in and clotheslines Dory to break the hold. Rock covers Dory, but only gets a two count. Dory kicks out after another two count. Grunge goes back out to fight Terry some more as Paul E and 911 come to the ring. Rock gets another two count and 911 gets in the ring to complain about the count as a 911 chant goes out. Both Public Enemy double teaming Dory as 911 chokeslams the referee. Double Irish whip and clothesline to Dory. Public Enemy counts to three and tells the timekeeper to ring the bell and Terry comes into the ring and attacks Public Enemy from behind. Terry drops the ringside steps on Rock. He then counts Dory covering Grunge. Rock and Terry continue to brawl after the match as Rock throws Terry over the barricade. Grunge wraps what looks like wrist tape around Dory's throat and is choking Dory on the inside. Dory gets out of that and starts punching Grunge in the corner. Dory knocks Grunge down with another uppercut and Grunge responds with a low blow. They brawl some more in the ring. Terry, Rock, and 911 have battled up to the Eagle's nest. Terry wraps some rope around Rock and hangs him upside down from the Eagles nest, and I don’t know what they paid Rock that night, but it wasn’t enough. Enough would be that I never had to work again in life. Rock is lowered until his arms reach the ground, but he is still upside down, and Terry throws a chair on him. Dory comes over and starts punching Rock. Terry has what looks like a bottle of beer and is spraying it on Rock. Grunge comes over with a chair to try and help his partner. The Funk brothers get Grunge down and then celebrate as they walk back to the dressing room.
-ECW Television Championship match. Mikey Whipwreck vs. the Rockin' Rebel: Rebel out first with Jason. Whipwreck comes to the ring. Jason holds up a sign in the ring that he got from a fan at ringside. It says beat Mikey hurt Mikey pin Mikey. It’s just that simple. Rebel attacks Whipwreck as the bell rings and pulls Whipwreck's shirt over his head. He then tears the shirt off of Whipwreck and chops him in the chest. He chops Whipwreck again and then scoop slams Whipwreck and stomps on him. He grabs Whipwreck by the head as a Mikey chant goes out. Rebel hits a short arm clothesline and then drops an elbow on Whipwreck. He then suplexes Whipwreck. He then sits Whipwreck on the ropes and chops him again. Rebel then hits a piledriver on Whipwreck. Rebel with an Irish whip and a spinebuster on Whipwreck. He again elects not to cover Whipwreck. Rebel with an Irish whip and a side suplex to Whipwreck. Rebel with another Irish whip. Whipwreck ducks a clothesline attempt, only to get tripped by Jason. Jason gets up on the apron to argue with the referee while Rebel Irish whips Whipwreck. Whipwreck leapfrogs Rebel and knocks Jason off the apron. Rebel clotheslines Whipwreck over the top rope. Rebel comes out after Whipwreck and hits him with a chair. He then throws Whipwreck back in the ring. Rebel holds Whipwreck as Jason gets up on the apron to hit Whipwreck with the chair, but Whipwreck ducks and Rebel gets hit instead. Whipwreck then brings Jason in the hard way and plants him face first into the mat. Whipwreck starts ripping the suit off Jason. Rebel and Jason then double team Whipwreck. They beat him with a chair. Taz then comes in and makes the save. The Pit Bulls come in and try to jump Taz. Taz was able to beat Jason's stable away. The numbers game finally gets to him and they get him down. They have Taz down in the center of the ring stomping him and hitting him with a chair. They then hold Taz for Jason to drop an elbow on and then Jason goes up top and splashes Taz.
-Main Event. Sabu with Paul E. Dangerously and 911 vs. Cactus Jack: Sabu comes out first and is wrapped up in chains by 911 as he leads Sabu to the ring, but it's a bright neon yellow plastic chains like you used to see everywhere and that really took me out of the moment. Paul E gets the mic and says this is the inter-promotional dream match of the century before introducing Sabu. Cactus Jack comes out to a great ovation from the crowd. Paul E keeps Sabu back so that Cactus Jack can get into the ring. Sabu circles Cactus Jack and then hits him with three enziguris and Jack finally falls to the mat and Sabu stomps on him. Sabu with an Irish whip and a spinning heel kick to Cactus Jack. Sabu follows that up with a front face lock. He then stomps and kicks Jack into a corner. He chokes Jack with his boot while Jack is on the bottom rope. Cactus Jack back up, so Sabu hit him with a side suplex. Cactus Jack back up again, so Sabu hits him with a spinning heel kick to knock Cactus Jack to the outside. Sabu goes for a suicide dive, but Cactus Jack moves to avoid it, so Sabu stops and climbs out of the ring instead. Sabu grabs a chair and hits Cactus Jack with it. He hits Cactus Jack repeatedly on the back with the chair. Sabu then sits Cactus Jack down in the chair and then gets back in the ring, and hits Cactus Jack with a suicide dive. Cactus Jack back to his feet again, so Sabu grabs another chair and comes back into the ring, and his Cactus Jack with the chair. Sabu sets the chair up, he runs and launches himself onto Cactus Jack in the corner from the chair. Sabu sets up to do it again, but this time Cactus Jack catches him with a back elbow. Cactus Jack grabs at Sabu‘s face and appears to be tearing it. Cactus Jack then hits his famous over the top rope clothesline and both men spill to the outside. Cactus Jack back to his feet and reaches in and grabs the chair from the ring. He hits Sabu several times across the back with the chair. Cactus Jack then drops the elbow from the apron to Sabu on the floor. Sabu gets back up as they go around the ring and Cactus Jack hits him with another chair to knock Sabu down again. Then someone from the crowd hands Cactus Jack a frying pan that he hit Sabu with. Cactus Jack then smacks himself in the face with the frying pan. Cactus Jack then threw Sabu back in the ring. Jack drops the elbow on Sabu again. Jack gets a two count. Cactus Jack goes up top and does a front flip to the mat, but Sabu moved out of the way. Sabu rolls to the apron and comes back in with what Joey Styles called a slingshot leg drop to Cactus Jack. He gets a two count. Sabu with a straight right hand and a leg drop to Cactus Jack. Sabu goes up top and looks to be going for moonsault, but gets caught by Cactus Jack. Jack goes for belly to back suplex, but Sabu shifts his weight in mid air and turns it into a splash on Cactus Jack. A double count going. Both men up and Sabu hits a standing dropkick. Sabu with an Irish whip. A series of reversals by both men and then they spill to the outside. Cactus Jack picks Sabu up and runs him into a guard rail. He throws Sabu over the guard rail and attempts to sunset flip Sabu, but Sabu holds on to the rail. Sabu grabs a table and sets it up in the aisle in front of Cactus Jack. He then grabs a chair and hits Cactus Jack with it. He puts Cactus Jack on the table and uses the guard rail to springboard onto Cactus Jack and breaks the table. Both men back to their feet, and Sabu throws Cactus Jack in the ring. Both men go back to the floor and Sabu rushes Cactus Jack, who hits Sabu with a stun gun on the guard rail. Cactus Jack stomped Sabu several times. Sabu comes back with a belly to back suplex on Cactus Jack. Sabu moves the guard rail out of the way, and then he and 911 set up a table out in the crowd and then 911 puts Cactus Jack on the table. Sabu then goes to the apron and hits a moonsault from the second rope onto Cactus Jack and they both go crashing through the table. Jack up and throwing remnants of the table into the ring. Jack then throws Sabu in the ring and covers him with an arm, but only gets a two count. Cactus Jack grabs a piece of the table and hits Sabu in the face with it. Jack gets Sabu in the corner. He goes to the opposite corner to charge Sabu. Paul E gets up on the apron. Cactus Jack charges Sabu and hits him with a running forearm. Paul E then nails Jack in the head with the phone. Sabu falls on Cactus Jack and gets the pin. The crowd boos as Bob Artese announces Sabu as the winner. 911 and Paul E get in the ring. 911 grabs Cactus Jack and holds him for Paul E to hit several times. Paul E goes to hit Cactus Jack with a corner clothesline, but Jack ducks and Paul E hits 911 and falls down. Cactus Jack back and throwing punches to 911's head. 911 grabs Jack by the throat and Jack kicks 911 between the legs to get out of the hold. Cactus Jack with a running dropkick to knock Sabu out of the ring. Jack grabs a chair and nails 911 with it. 911 and Cactus Jack brawl to the outside. Mr. Hughes comes to ringside and he and 911 start beating on Cactus Jack. And this after Cactus Jack and Mr. Hughes had teamed together some in WCW. There is no loyalty in the world, folks. Shane Douglas comes and pulls Hughes off Jack. Maybe Douglas remembers them teaming. Joey Styles is as confused as I am. Sabu and Cactus Jack battling by the ring ropes. Sabu gets in and sets a chair up by the ropes. The Bruise Brothers come out and attack Hughes and Douglas at ringside. 911 and Cactus Jack along with one of the Bruise Brothers and Hughes all together fighting and Sabu launches himself onto the whole group from the chair. Jack and Sabu going back and forth on the outside. Jack with a piledriver to Sabu on the concession stand to the delight of the crowd. They are fighting in the crowd again, but you can't see it because of the crowd which probably wouldn't meet the Alanis Morissette definition of Ironic, but I thought it was at least worth mentioning. Jack grabs Sabu and throws him back over the guard rail towards the ring. Jack throws Sabu back in the ring. When Jack gets in, he gets hit with a bottle from Sabu. The bottle breaks and the pieces go all over the ring. 911 throws a table in the ring and Sabu throws Cactus Jack into it and breaks the table. Jack laying on the broken table and Sabu hits a moonsault on Jack. Jack up and hits sort of a suplex with the table on Sabu. It was weird visually, but effective I believe. It fades to black and Cactus Jack with an interview. He was half of the WCW Tag Team Champions at the time and has his belt with him. He says it's the first title that he has had in a long time and it's very dear to him. He then spits on it and throws the title down and says not anymore. After tonight, he can choose three paths. Concede the title of the most dangerous wrestler to Sabu. He says never. Outdo Sabu but looking at his beaten body, it's not possible. The third path is the path less traveled that he must go down and that is to eliminate the competition. He says he's sick and tired of being a family entertainer. He says his contract in Atlanta doesn't mean anything to him because one way or another, Mrs. Foley's baby boy is coming home. Bang Bang! The camera fades and then shows Paul E and 911. Paul E says he's never seen anything like it. He recaps everything that happened to Cactus Jack during the match. He says he's never seen a man take pain and beg for more. Paul E says Sabu won nothing tonight because Cactus Jack is still breathing. He says he's obsessed with the downfall of WCW and Sabu is the man to get it done. Sabu is now here to take Cactus Jack out. They fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: An intense show. They set things up nicely for their summer run.

Episode 183 Notes Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a083484f-fd08-4cca-a66f-b4faedf3c837 My notes for Episode 183: Great American Bash 92. -Superstar Billy Graham. Insertion of ads on podcasts.
-Today, we look at Beach Blast '92 from WCW.
-Beach Blast '92 was shown on June 20, 1992 on PPV from the Mobile Civic Center in Mobile, AL. There were 5,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff welcome us to Beach Blast. They talk about what's going to happen before bringing in new WCW EVP Bill Watts. Watts runs down what we are going to see and says during the Iron Man competition, Paul E and Madusa will be barred from ringside.
-They then throw it to Jim Ross, who runs down the matches before throwing it to Jesse Ventura. A lot of throwing here at the beginning. Ventura is on a beach chair at the Beach set being waited on by women in bikinis that are rubbing his muscles. Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter. The women help Jesse up and escort him to ringside to call the action with JR. Jesse's pumped up for Beach Blast.
-WCW Light-heavyweight Championship Match. Brian Pillman vs. Scotty Flamingo: Pillman comes out and he's very popular with the crowd. The bell rings and they circle each other. Lock up and they drive to the ropes. They break and then circle each other again and Flamingo with a single leg pick up. He bows and waves to the crowd to a chorus of boos. Lock up again and Flamingo with a waist lock. Pillman counters with a waist lock of his own. Flamingo reverses. Pillman counters into a hammerlock. More counters in this match than an all night diner. Flamingo comes back with a drop toe hold to Pillman. Into a front face lock. Pillman counters back into the hammerlock. Don't take a shot for each counter, you'll never make it through the match. Flamingo back to his feet and hits Pillman with a back elbow to break the hold. He runs the ropes and Pillman hits him with a drop toe hold to get Flamingo down to the mat. Pillman transitions into an arm bar. He then drops a knee into Flamingo's elbow. JR brings up Pillman's college career and I will allow one shot for that as Jesse asks if Miami of Ohio is a junior college that kids go to before they go to Miami of Florida. Pillman pins Flamingo down, but Flamingo keeps bridging out to avoid the three count. Pillman transitions into a hammerlock, and Flamingo is able to get back to his feet and gets to the ropes. This is a solid mat based encounter so far. They fight for position on the ropes. Flamingo with a series of right hands and an Irish whip. Flamingo misses a clothesline attempt and Pillman comes back with a crucifix that he transitions into a sunset flip. That was a good move. Flamingo kicks out before the three count. Pillman back to the hammerlock. Flamingo backs Pillman into the corner to break the hold as JR goes into Pillman's football credentials with the Bengals so TASIYDAH. Pillman blocks a Flamingo back elbow, but Flamingo does get him down below and works on Pillman. Flamingo with a corner whip, but Pillman lifts up to avoid the charge and gets a hip lock and goes into a short arm scissors on Flamingo. Flamingo up and gets Pillman down for a couple of two counts. Flamingo was holding the tights, but doesn't get caught and Pillman gets him back down in the short arm scissors. Pillman then drops a leg on the arm and then goes for an arm bar. Flamingo up and Irish whips Pillman, who comes back with a shoulder block and then Pillman counters a Flamingo hip toss attempt with one of his own. Flamingo thrown into a corner and begs off. Flamingo up and Pillman with a wrist lock. Into an arm bar and Pillman has been steadily working on the arm the whole time as they were just instituting the top rope ban so that limited the amount of high flying moves that wrestlers would do. Flamingo up and gets Pillman down with Flamingo's hand on the ropes and gets a one count before Pillman can get Flamingo back down as Flamingo had been in the arm bar the whole time. Flamingo counters briefly into a side headlock, but Pillman goes back to the hammerlock. Flamingo up and backs Pillman into the corner to break the hold. Break clean. They lock up again and Flamingo with an Irish whip and goes for a backbreaker, but Pillman counters into a headscissors and then dropkicks Flamingo and Flamingo gets caught in the ropes and is hanging upside down. Pillman with a shot to knock Flamingo out on the floor where there are no mats. Another Bill Watts directive. I didn't mind that one so much because I was discussing this at the time with my cousin and my point was that the wrestlers always seemed to me to be tearing up the mats anyway in order to slam their opponents on the concrete. Jesse is upset that Pillman is supposed to be following the rules, yet does something like that. Pillman starts to go for a suicide dive, but Flamingo backs away, so Pillman jumps to the apron and hits Flamingo with a double ax handle from the apron to the floor. Pillman picks Flamingo up and chops him and Jesse still complaining about Pillman hitting Flamingo out to the floor. Pillman throws Flamingo back in the ring and Pillman goes up top and referee Mike Adkins stops him and reminds Pillman that it's a DQ and Flamingo takes advantage and hits Pillman and throws him to the canvas face first. Flamingo then throws Pillman out to the floor. Flamingo then goes over the top rope to crossbody Pillman on the floor. Flamingo throws Pillman back in the ring. Flamingo gets back in the ring and they go back and forth in the center. Flamingo bites Pillman and then stomps on him. Flamingo with a snap mare and a fist drop from the second rope onto Pillman. He gets a two count. Pillman rolls out to the apron and Flamingo kicks him a couple of times and then hits Pillman with a forearm across the chest. Then another forearm and Flamingo runs to knock Pillman off the apron, only to get hit with a crossbody over the top rope from Pillman for a close two count. Flamingo comes back with a clothesline. Flamingo sits on Pillman to cover him, so Pillman lifts his legs up and hooks Flamingo's arms for a two count. Flamingo comes back and rakes the eyes of Pillman. Then a snap mare and a rear chin lock to Pillman. Pillman trying to get out as Flamingo puts his boots on the ropes for leverage when the referee isn't looking. He then gets another two count. Flamingo goes back to the reverse chin lock. Pillman fights back with a series of elbows and a shoulder block to Flamingo to knock him down. Pillman goes to the far side, but Flamingo hits him with a knee to the stomach as Pillman comes off the ropes. Flamingo hits the corner post after Pillman moves on a charge. Flamingo comes back with another snap mare and goes back to the rear chin lock on Pillman. Flamingo then goes to choke Pillman, but breaks on the three count. Pillman up and on the ropes where Flamingo hits him with some right hands. Pillman reverses an Irish whip and catches Flamingo in a sleeper. He then jumps on Flamingo's back, but Flamingo drives forward and runs Pillman head first into the turnbuckle. Both up and hit each other with right hands at the same time and both knocked to the ground. A double count going and both to their knees right before the 10 count as Pillman grabs Flamingo by the tights and pulls them down some and the crowd squeals and both men exchanging blows while on their knees in the middle of the ring. Flamingo rakes Pillman's eyes and pushes Pillman's face into the mat. Pillman comes back by choking Flamingo and Flamingo again rakes Pillman in the eyes. Flamingo with a forearm to Pillman and goes for a double ax handle from the second rope to Pillman, who catches Flamingo with a dropkick as Flamingo was coming off. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Pillman ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Flamingo with a spinning heel kick. Flamingo backing off. Pillman runs Flamingo face first into the corner buckle. He then chops Flamingo in the corner and does a series of corner mounted punches to Flamingo. Flamingo reverses a corner whip and Pillman gets his foot up on a charge. Pillman rushes Flamingo, who catches Pillman in a power slam and gets a two count. Flamingo goes for an Irish whip a couple of times, but Pillman's knee appears to buckle each time. Flamingo slaps Pillman in the face and kicks him down. Flamingo goes up to the second rope, but Pillman catches him and hits a belly to back suplex on Flamingo. Pillman goes to cover Flamingo, but Flamingo has his foot on the ropes. Pillman chops Flamingo. Flamingo reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Pillman runs him face first into the mat. Pillman corner whips Flamingo Sternum first into the turnbuckle and then clotheslines him from behind. Pillman then clotheslines Flamingo out to the ramp. Pillman runs to dive onto Flamingo, but he ducks and Pillman lands on the ramp face first. Both crawl back into the ring, Flamingo crawls to the second rope and hits a knee to Pillman and pins him to become the new Light-heavyweight champion. The crowd boos as Flamingo is presented with the belt.
-Johnyy B Badd comes out to emcee the Bikini Contest. He explains the different rounds. The First round is the evening gown competition. Missy Hyatt out first. Madusa comes out in what looks like a wedding dress including a veil.
-A Great American Bash ad.
-Tony and Eric talk about the next match.
-Ron Simmons vs. The Taylor Made Man: Simmons is too powerful for Taylor. Taylor tries to get Simmons down, then gets Simmons out onto the ramp. Simmons clotheslines Taylor back in then out on the other side. All Simmons in the match so far. He gets a bear hug on Taylor. Taylor gets out and then ducks a Simmons running tackle and Simmons spills out to the ramp. Taylor with the advantage after a jaw breaker. He can't get the pin though. Taylor gets several two counts. Simmons with a spinebuster, but can't follow up. He chokeslams Taylor down. Simmons gets a power slam and the pin.
-Jim Ross interviews Simmons. Simmons says his goal is to be the best he can be and can beat the odds and he says he's going to be the World Champion.
-Marcus Bagwell vs. Greg Valentine: Bagwell with the early advantage. Valentine comes back due to the inexperience of Bagwell. Valentine making Bagwell look good. Nice competitive match. Valentine hitting Bagwell with brutal chops that I would see a little over a year later when I saw him and Wahoo McDaniel chop each other raw in front of me live on an independent show. Bagwell rolls out of the way of a Valentine forearm from the second rope. Valentine avoids a Bagwell knee drop. Valentine working on the leg looking to set up for the figure four. Bagwell kicks Valentine off as he was going for it. He goes for it again and Bagwell rolls Valentine up for a two count. Bagwell continues to fight and gets some covers for two counts. Valentine frustrated at Bagwell. Bagwell with a backdrop. Valentine goes for Bagwell's bad knee and gets the figure four on Bagwell and Bagwell gives up.
-Jim and Jesse show a replay of Cactus Jack vs. Van Hammer in the falls count anywhere match from January currently available for your listening pleasure in the archives to show how Cactus Jack is very good at these types of matches.
-Falls Count anywhere on the Gulf Coast. Sting vs. Cactus Jack: Sting is the current WCW Champion, but this match is non title. Cactus Jack out first and stays on the ramp as Sting comes out and they advance towards each other on the ramp. The bell rings and they are going back and forth on the ramp to the delight of the crowd. Cactus Jack goes to hip lock Sting off the ramp, but Sting blocks it and backslides Cactus Jack down for a one count. Sting kicking Cactus Jack in the midsection towards the ramp. Sting does a complicated looking, but cool spot of Irish whipping and backdrops Cactus Jack out on the ramp. Mick Foley has his bumping shoes on tonight. Cactus Jack back to his feet and Sting with his running bulldog like maneuver to slam Cactus Jack face first onto the mat. Sting gets a two count. Sting gets Cactus Jack on the ropes and runs to splash him from down the ramp, but Cactus Jack moves and Sting lands on the ropes and falls inside the ring. Sting rolls to the outside as Cactus Jack gets in the ring. Cactus Jack out to the apron and drops an elbow to Sting on the floor. Cactus Jack gets a two count. Cactus Jack with a swinging neck breaker on Sting from the concrete. He gets another two count. Cactus Jack with a sunset flip on Sting from the apron. Sting blocks being run into the barricade and runs Cactus Jack into it instead. He gets Cactus Jack up and runs him head first into the barricade again. Cactus Jack trying to get away, but Sting runs him into the barricade again. Cactus Jack kicks Sting and Irish whips him into the barricade. Cactus Jack then rushes Sting, who backdrops Cactus Jack to the outside. Cactus Jack comes out after Sting, who runs Cactus Jack into the barricade again. Sting then suplexes Cactus Jack onto the concrete. He gets a two count. Sting then Irish whips Cactus Jack back up and over the barricade to ringside. Sting throws Cactus Jack inside the ring. Sting with an Irish whip. Cactus Jack comes back with a boot, but Sting catches the boot. He swings Cactus Jack around, but Cactus Jack keeps the spin going and catches Sting with a clothesline. Cactus Jack with a double ax handle to the prone Sting. He picks Sting up and runs him face first into a turnbuckle. Cactus Jack with a corner whip and a running knee to Sting. Cactus Jack follows that up with a snap mare and a body scissors to Sting. He tells Sting to give it up as Sting fights to get out of the move. Sting trying to power out of the move as Cactus Jack slaps him repeatedly in the face. Sting with a series of elbows to break the hold as the crowd comes to life. Sting with a series of right hands to Cactus Jack on the mat. Both men up and Cactus Jack rakes Sting's face and then Cactus Jack clotheslines Sting and they both go over the top rope to the floor. Cactus Jack Irish whips Sting into the barricade. Sting gets his boot up on the charge and then clotheslines Cactus Jack. Sting falls to his knees as Cactus Jack grabs a chair. He hits Sting in the sternum and then in the back with the chair. He hits Sting several more times with the chair before throwing it away. Cactus Jack picks Sting up in a side headlock and starts to walk the ringside area with Sting, who comes back with a belly to back suplex to Cactus Jack on the concrete. Referee Bill Alfonso checks both wrestlers. Sting up and gets a two count on Cactus Jack. Back and forth on the floor. They trade two counts. Sting with some shots to Cactus Jack and runs to Stinger Splash Cactus Jack on the outside, but Cactus Jack catches him and guillotines Sting on the barricade. Cactus Jack goes for the piledriver to Sting on the concrete, but his knee gives way before he can hit it and both men down on the floor. Cactus Jack up and hits a double ax handle to Sting's back. Cactus Jack goes up to the second rope to hit a double ax handle to Sting on the floor, but Sting hits Cactus Jack with a shot as Jack comes down. Both men up and Sting throws Cactus Jack on the ramp. Sting with shots and chops to Jack on the ramp and then Sting scoop slams Jack. Sting grabs a chair and hits Cactus Jack with it. He hits him repeatedly and the last shot was to the legs to knock Jack down. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock, but Cactus Jack rolls to the side and they both fall off the ramp to the floor. Cactus Jack gets back up and runs Sting head first into the ramp before throwing Sting back on the ramp. Cactus Jack double arm DDTs Sting on the ramp. He only gets a two count. Cactus Jack going back towards the ring, so Sting runs and clotheslines Jack down on the ramp. Sting then goes inside the ring and then Sting Clotheslines Cactus Jack from the top rope onto the ramp and gets the pin. The crowd goes wild at the conclusion.
-Tony and Eric talk about the last match before setting up for the Iron Man Challenge.
-Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat. 30 minute Iron Man Challenge. Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa are barred from ringside: Rude out and does his pre match spiel. Steamboat out next and he has Bonnie and little Ricky with him and that has always worked out so well for Steamboat. Rude attacks Steamboat from behind as Steamboat was getting little Ricky out and Bonnie takes little Ricky and runs off down the ramp in her heels and for some reason I found that funny. Steamboat chopping Rude back and Steamboat is still in his karate GI and headband. Steamboat with an Irish whip and slams Rude face down on the mat as the clock appears. Rude lands on his stomach and they call it a gut buster as Steamboat takes his stuff off as Rude struggles to make it back to his feet. Rude back to his feet in the corner and Steamboat comes in and drives his shoulder into Rude's midsection. Steamboat goes to work on Rude's midsection, thinking it is where he is most vulnerable at the moment. Steamboat goes for an Irish whip, but it looks like Rude just gives out halfway through the move, so Steamboat just kind of launches Rude across the ring where he just falls to the mat. Steamboat with chops and kicks to Rude's midsection as Rude struggling to get back to his feet. Every time Rude gets back to all fours to get back to his feet, Steamboat kicks him again. Rude finally back to his feet and reverses an Irish whip and both men block a hip toss attempt and Steamboat goes back to the midsection of Rude with a shot. Steamboat with more shots to the midsection and then a modified waist lock, as Steamboat has grabbed Rude from the side. Into a bear hug from the side and JR points out that it's from the left side that the ribs seem to be damaged. Rude in tremendous pain, but fighting to get out of the move. Steamboat runs Rude back first into a turnbuckle. Steamboat then runs his shoulder into Rude's midsection several times. Rude gets his knee up into Steamboat to get him off. Rude follows that up with a forearm to the head. Rude with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline attempt and Steamboat gets Rude up on his shoulders and slams Rude down and then puts on sort of a modified bow and arrow to the left side of Rude. Rude trying to get to the ropes, but finally rakes the eyes of Steamboat to get out of the move, but I have been fascinated by this woman in the front row who has been digging in her purse for several minutes looking for something and I am wondering is she looking for a mint or some gum? Maybe some medicine? Maybe a cigarette so that she can go outside to smoke. Who knows what's in that purse? Rude kicks Steamboat off, but Steamboat comes back and grabs the legs and gets Rude in the Boston crab. Rude trying to power out as the woman has taken out some money and given it to the man sitting two seats away from her. She must be sending him for snacks. Rude up on his elbows and trying to inch his way towards the ropes. Rude finally gets to the ropes and the referee tells Steamboat to break the hold. Steamboat breaks the hold and pulls Rude towards the middle and splashes Rude on his back. Steamboat then dropping knees on Rude's back. Steamboat has a plan coming into this match and he is following it to perfection. Jesse says Steamboat is sadistic like Dr. No in the James Bond Movies. Steamboat kicks Rude in the side when he is getting up to knock Rude back to the mat. He does it again when Rude tries to get up while screaming at Rude to get up. Steamboat with some forearms to the ribs and then lifts Rude up like he is going to suplex him, only to drop Rude face first down to the mat. Steamboat with a karate thrust and a cover to Rude, but only gets a two count. Steamboat back to his feet and chopping Rude. Steamboat with a corner whip, but Rude gets his knees-up on the charge. JR says that the knee got Steamboat right on the face. Rude then gets a pin with a handful of tights to go up 1-0. Rude up and driving knees into Steamboat. Rude gets Steamboat up and drives a knee into Steamboat's midsection figuring what's good for the goose. Rude hits the Rude Awakening and gets another pin and suddenly Rude is up by two falls in less than a minute. Rude with a backbreaker. Rude then with a top rope knee drop onto Steamboat and gets disqualified, but still up 2-1. Rude gets an inside cradle to pin Steamboat and Rude is now up 3-1. Rude grabs Steamboat by the hair and Steamboat coming back with shots to the midsection. Steamboat comes back with a series of shots and chops and Irish whips Rude. Steamboat drops his head too early and Rude rams Steamboat face first into the mat. Rude quickly up and hitting Steamboat with forearms. It looked like Rude was going for another Rude Awakening, but quickly changed his mind and hits a snap mare on Steamboat instead. Rude with a camel clutch to Steamboat. Steamboat slapping the mat, but tapping out wasn't a thing yet so it doesn't mean anything. Rude is just straight up sitting on Steamboat's back as Steamboat is fighting not to give up. Steamboat trying to get back to his feet. Steamboat can get to his knees and starts to crawl towards the ropes. Steamboat almost gets to the ropes, so Rude breaks the hold and slams down on Steamboat's back with all of his body weight. Rude tries to gyrate, but his ribs are hurting him too much. Rude goes back over and drops a forearm on Steamboat. Rude goes back to the camel clutch on Steamboat. A Steamboat chant goes out. Steamboat gets to his knees and then to his feet with Rude on his neck. Steamboat then falls back and both men on the mat. Steamboat goes for a splash, but Rude gets his knees-up. Both up and Rude with a knee to the stomach and a swinging neck breaker to Steamboat, which is a departure for Rude as he usually does the Rude Awakening neck breaker. Rude gets a couple of two counts, but Steamboat won't stay down for the three count. Steamboat gets up and starts chopping Rude in the chest. Rude stumbles back into a corner. He gets his knees-up when Steamboat charges and hits Steamboat with a forearm. Rude with a snap mare and gets Steamboat in a rear chin lock. Steamboat trying to power out and get back to his feet. Steamboat does get back to his feet and hits Rude with some elbows to break the hold. Steamboat off the ropes and Rude catches Steamboat with a knee to the stomach to knock Steamboat back to the mat. Rude also had his game plan coming into this match and he is working it to perfection. Steamboat gets back to his feet, but he is leaning on the ropes. Rude runs Steamboat into another turnbuckle. Steamboat with a chop, so Rude rakes the eyes. Rude with a piledriver to Steamboat. Steamboat gets his shoulder up right before the three count and Rude up and complaining to referee Randy Anderson. Rude sets Steamboat up for the Tombstone piledriver, but Steamboat pushing up against Rude and working his way up trying to get out of the move. Steamboat up and reverses the move. Steamboat hits the Tombstone piledriver and gets a pin and Rude is now up 3-2. Steamboat rushes Rude, who has enough strength left to run Steamboat into a turnbuckle. Rude goes up top and the announcers say that if he comes off the top rope again for another DQ, it will be tied. Steamboat catches Rude up top and superplexes Rude off and JR says that was a legal move because both men were on the top rope. Steamboat up first, but he seems out of it. He finally turns around and covers Rude. He only gets a two count. Rude ducks a clothesline attempt. Double clothesline and both men are back down. A double count going. Rude gets a cover, but Steamboat bridges out and gets a backslide on Rude to get the pin and it is tied 3-3. Steamboat up and gets an inside cradle on Rude for a two count. Steamboat then with a roll up for another two count as both men are going all out with less than 10 minutes remaining. Steamboat with a crossbody for another two count. Rude comes back with a jaw breaker. Both men back down and a double count going again. Rude up and drives Steamboat face first into the mat. He then does it again and the announcers say that he could have broken the nose again. Rude grabs Steamboat by the hair and taunts Steamboat before driving him into the mat again. Rude gets a two count. Rude with a scoop slam and a fist drop onto Steamboat, but only gets another two count. Both men back to their feet and Steamboat chopping Rude. Rude counters with an eye rake and forearms to Steamboat. Rude with a clothesline, but then he poses instead of covering Steamboat. Steamboat back to his feet and Rude with a throat thrust to knock Steamboat back down. Rude choking Steamboat on the second rope, but breaking on the four count before going back to the choke. Back and forth now in the center of the ring. Rude going for the Rude Awakening, but Steamboat trying to block the move. Steamboat out of the hold, ducks a clothesline attempt, hits Rude with a back elbow, and hits a Rude Awakening on Rude. He only gets a two count, as Rude was able to get his foot on the ropes. Steamboat up and arguing with the referee before dropping a knee on Rude. Steamboat with a suplex. He only gets a two count. Steamboat with a side suplex. He gets another two count. Steamboat with a chop. Rude reverses an Irish whip and gets a sleeper on Steamboat. Rude jumps on Steamboat's back as he clamps the sleeper on. Steamboat drives Rude into a turnbuckle to knock Rude off his back, but Rude keeps the sleeper on Steamboat. Rude then jumps back on Steamboats back, so Steamboat runs Rude into another turnbuckle. Rude jumps back on Steamboat while still keeping the sleeper on. Steamboat looks like he is starting to fade as he tries to separate the hands to get out of the sleeper. Rude cinches the sleeper on tighter and Steamboat is fading. The sweat is just pouring off both men. A Steamboat chant goes out from the crowd as Steamboat tries to make it to the ropes. Rude off Steamboat's back, but still has the sleeper on. Steamboat tries to lift his arm up to grab the rope and Rude keeps putting his leg up to knock the arm of Steamboat away from the rope. Steamboat starting to fade and sinking down to the mat. Steamboat sinks down to a seated position on the mat. Two minutes remaining as Steamboat is down and trying not to pass out. Rude cranking on the sleeper as a Steamboat chant goes out. Anderson checking the eyes of Steamboat as there is one minute remaining. Anderson starts checking Steamboat's arm. It doesn't fall the third time. 45 seconds remaining. Steamboat works his legs up the turnbuckle and pushes back. He pins Rude and Steamboat is up 4-3 with 33 seconds left. Rude with a clothesline to get a two count. Then a shoulder block for another two count. Another clothesline and another two count. Rude with an inside cradle for another two count. 10 seconds left. Rude with a scoop slam and another two count as time expires and Steamboat wins 4-3.
-Jim and Jesse discuss the last match.
-Round 2 of the competition. Johnny B Badd out again to emcee the Bikini competition. Madusa out in a bandanna and a leather Harley jacket before revealing a black bikini. Missy comes out in a blue bikini and JR says that bathing suit defies's gravity. Badd says the itsy bitsy bikini competition is coming up.
-Jim and Jesse talk about the Great American Bash coming up.
-6-man tag team match with Ole Anderson as the special guest referee. The Dangerous Alliance Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Steve Austin with Paul E. Dangerously vs. Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, and Nikita Koloff: A Nikita chant goes out when he gets in the ring. Windham and Austin start. The bell rings and they lock up. Windham with an arm drag into an arm bar. Into a hammerlock. Austin rolls to get out of the move. They trade wrist locks and Windham with a fireaman's carry takeover. Austin back to his feet with some forearms to knock Windham down. Austin up to the second rope, but gets caught and Windham takes him down with a Japanese arm drag. Windham with a wrist lock and Rhodes tagged in. He hits Austin with a bionic elbow and Austin comes back with a side headlock. Rhodes pushes off and Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Austin runs the ropes and Rhodes hits him with a dropkick. He picks Austin up, only to hit him with a standing dropkick. Austin gets back to his feet, but goes to the wrong corner. He turns around, but Rhodes puts an arm bar on Austin before he can get back to his own corner. Austin was able to reach up and tag Eaton in. Rhodes gets Eaton in a side headlock. Eaton pushes off and Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes runs the ropes and Eaton catches him with a knee to the midsection. They reverse each other a couple of times on a corner whip before Rhodes sends Eaton into the corner. Eaton moves on the charge and gets Rhodes into a cradle, but only gets a two count. Eaton with a side headlock and Arn tagged in. Arn goes over to the faces corner and says he wants Koloff to come in. He then slaps Koloff. Koloff tagged in to the crowd's delight. Arn backs into his own corner and tells Koloff to come meet him. Koloff comes and Arn catches him with a knee to the stomach, a snap mare, and a knee drop in succession. He starts to go up top, but stops when warned by Ole that it will be a DQ if he comes off. Koloff up and it looks like Arn is trapped. Arn jumps down to the apron. Arn gets back in the ring and they lock up again. They get to the ropes. Arn hits Koloff with several shots before Ole can get him away. Arn with an Irish whip, but misses a running forearm to Koloff, who comes back with a roll up to Arn, but Arn holds on to the ropes. Arn turns around and Koloff is already back to his feet. Arn tries to get away, but Koloff clotheslines him from behind to knock Arn over the top rope to the outside and JR says Ole has to make a judgment call on whether that was intentional or not. Austin comes out to check on Arn and he and Paul E are screaming at Ole that it was deliberate and Koloff should be disqualified. Arn back in and Eaton tagged. They lock up and Jesse says Ole can't be manhandling wrestlers. Wrestlers are not allowed to touch referees and referees shouldn't be allowed to touch wrestlers. Jim Ross agrees as Eaton hits Koloff with elbows and forearms. Koloff comes back with an Irish whip and a bear hug. Austin and Arn come in to help Eaton. Ole trying to get them out as Arn actually gets a knee to the back of Koloff to break the hold, but that brings Rhodes and Windham into the ring. They get back out as it looks like Arn is getting out of the ring until he and Eaton double Irish whip Koloff, who comes back with a clothesline to Arn and an atomic drop to Eaton that drives Eaton into Arn. Austin comes in and Koloff scoop slams him and the faces are standing tall to the cheers of the crowd. Heels roll outside the ring to regroup with Paul E. Paul E says they are going with plan #2. They get back on the apron and Arn tagged in. Koloff with a side headlock. Koloff brings Arn over to the corner and Windham tagged in. Windham holds Arn for Koloff to hit, but Ole won't allow it, so Windham hits Arn and knocks Arn down. Windham with a scoop slam. Arn comes back with some left hand shots to Windham and Windham reverses a corner whip. Arn gets his foot up as Windham charges, but Windham puts the brakes on and grabs the foot. He spins Arn around and hits an atomic drop that runs Arn into the turnbuckle. Arn snaps back and he and Windham bump heads and both men down. Paul E over and hitting the apron urging Arn to get up. Arn climbs up top and the heels distract Ole so that Arn can come off the top, but Windham up first. Arn thumbs Windham in the eye to get him away and hits a forearm to Windham off the second turnbuckle. Arn with a corner whip and charge and he hits Windham with a series of left hands. Windham comes back with a knee to the midsection. Windham follows that up with a back elbow. Windham with a corner whip and kick to Arn. Windham then puts a sleeper on Arn. Arn shits and hits a belly to back suplex on Windham. Windham up and tags Rhodes in. He cleans house on all of the heels. Rhodes with an Irish whip and a lariat to Arn. Arn reverses a corner whip and Rhodes sent in to the heels corner. Rhodes elbows Austin and Eaton to get out of the corner. Arn then turns and runs Rhodes' head into Eaton's head and Eaton knocked down to the apron and I don't know if that was planned or not, but it looked painful. Paul E over to check on Eaton as Arn tags Austin in and Austin over to kick and stomp Rhodes. Austin with a right hand to knock Rhodes back down. Austin then choked Rhodes on the second rope. Ole gets Austin away and brings him over to the other corner, allowing Arn to take some shots to Rhodes on the ropes. Austin back and hitting Rhodes with some shots. Austin puts Rhodes in the heels corner and Arn tagged in. Arn with a snap mare to Rhodes. He then stomps Rhodes. The faces complain to Ole, but Arn saying that he is doing it with the flat of his boot, which is legal. Arn with a knee drop to Rhodes. He is up against the ropes, so Ole gets Arn off of Rhodes. Windham in after Austin comes down the apron to give Rhodes a cheap shot, but Windham gets back out after Ole gets the heels back in their corner. Rhodes gets Arn down in a backslide, but Eaton tagged in, so Ole stops the count. Eaton drags Rhodes over to the corner and is going to drive his leg into the post, but Paul E comes over and tells him not to do it as Ole would DQ Eaton. Eaton starts pounding a prone Rhodes on the apron. Eaton gets back in the ring and cuts off an attempt by Rhodes to tag. Eaton hits a clothesline and gets a two count. Eaton with an arm bar. Rhodes makes it back to his feet and is hitting Eaton with forearms trying to get out of the move, but Eaton tags Austin in. Rhodes with some big right hands to Austin in the center of the ring. Rhodes with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Austin comes back with a beautiful flying clothesline to knock Rhodes down to the mat. Austin gets a two count and tags Arn in. Rhodes blocks a left hand from Anderson and comes back with a series of right hands to Arn. Rhodes goes to make a tag, but Arn cuts him off with a drop toe hold and tags Eaton in. Eaton with an arm bar takedown and Eaton is just so smooth with everything that he does. Rhodes fighting the move and trying not to pass out from it. Eaton transitions into a hammerlock and Rhodes makes his way back to his feet and hits Eaton with some right hands to break the hold. Eaton with an Irish whip. Rhodes tries to come back with a crossbody, but Eaton ducks and Rhodes lands on the apron. Eaton stomps Rhodes on the apron and Ole gets him away, allowing Arn to drop down and attack Rhodes on the apron. Ole gets on Arn and tells him to get back on the apron, as Austin is tagged in. Rhodes rolls Austin up, but only gets a two count. Austin runs Rhodes into Arn's knee and Arn tagged in. Jesse says that if Rhodes doesn't make a tag pretty quick, he will lose this match. Arn gets an arm bar on. Rhodes down on the ground as Arn has the arm bar locked in securely. Rhodes up and hits Arn with elbows to break the hold. Rhodes runs Arn into Eaton on the apron to knock Arn down, only to get hit with a shot from Austin to knock Rhodes down. Rhodes going for the tag, but Austin tagged in and cuts Rhodes off before he can get to the faces corner. Austin hits Rhodes with the Stun Gun. Rhodes falls backwards towards his corner and Windham tagged in before Austin can cover Rhodes. Windham in and cleaning house on all three heels who have come in. Hip toss to all three and now all 6 men in the ring. Windham with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Austin and Arn climbs up to the top while Ole is distracted trying to get Koloff and Eaton out of the ring. Arn comes off the top, but Windham hits him with a shot as he comes down. Windham hits Austin with the superplex and covers Austin. Ole still trying to get Koloff and Eaton out of the ring. Arn comes off the top rope with a double ax handle to Windham, but Ole turns around and sees it and disqualifies the Dangerous Alliance. The Dangerous Alliance attacking Windham on the outside after the match. Now all 6 men battling on the outside.
-Jesse goes to look at the finals of the Bikini contest.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat thanks the fans who have stood by him the past several months. He said he proved tonight that he was the best and knowing that the Dangerous Alliance can't dodge him any more. Paul E. comes out and says that Steamboat has received his last shot at the US title forever. Cactus Jack comes from behind Steamboat and drags him off the podium and attacks Steamboat. Jack bites Steamboat and Steamboat trying to fight Jack off. Security out right away to separate the two wrestlers.
-Jesse says he should have been the judge of the contest all along. He then brings Johnny B Badd out and asks Badd if he even likes girls and Badd tells Jesse that he's just jealous. Madusa comes out with a red and blue bikini with white chaps. Badd says let's get Missy out here. Missy yells from her tent that they stole her suit. Jesse and Badd come over and Missy grabs Jesse's du-rag and scarf and "makes" a bikini out of it. Jesse says those are his scarves, not a bikini. Johnny says Missy wins the competition to the roar of the crowd, and Madusa gets into Badd's face. She slaps Badd and pushes him into her tent and goes in after him. Badd comes out with Madusa's bikini top, so Jesse hands Badd the mic and goes in the tent. Jesse pops his head out of the tent and says Madusa is the first lady of WCW, no doubt about it.
-Tony and Eric talk about the Cactus Jack attack on Ricky Steamboat before talking about the next match.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott vs. Terry Gordy and Steve Williams: Gordy and Williams out first. The Steiner Brothers get a fantastic reaction when they come out. The bell rings and Gordy and Steiner start. They lock up and break clean as they get to the ropes. Another lock up and Gordy with a waist lock takedown. Scott back to his feet as Gordy still has the waist lock on. Scott with a reversal. Scott with a go behind and gets a one count. They scramble and Gordy gets to the ropes. They break and back away from each other. Scott with a single leg pick up. Jesse says you should have seen what I saw back in that tent, Ross, we'll talk about it after this match and JR replies let do and that was funny to me for some reason. Scott gets a half nelson on Gordy and goes backwards and is trying to turn Gordy to get a quick count on Gordy. Gordy turns and gets to the ropes to break the hold. Both back to their feet and Scott gets a side headlock on and Gordy with a push off to the corner. Another lock up and Scott goes back to the side headlock. Gordy pushes off and Scott comes back with a shoulder block, but Gordy does not move. They take turns slapping each other in the middle of the ring and Scott goes for a double leg pick up to get Gordy on the ground and they are attacking each other on the mat, each one trying to go for an advantage. They roll to the ropes and referee Randy Anderson has to physically get between the two to separate them. Both wrestlers pissed off that he did that and both of their partners in to calm them down. Anderson gets the partners out. Williams tagged in. They vie for position as Williams tries several attempts to do a single or double leg pick up on Scott, but Scott keeps avoiding Williams. Scott with a waist lock. Williams gets to the ropes. They break and Jesse and JR talk about all of the amateur moves that both men are doing with a lock of blocking and counters. They lock up and Williams with a drop toe hold and it didn't look pretty, but it was effective. He tries to turn Scott over to get a pin attempt, but Scott up before Williams can try anything. Both do more switches and counters until they roll into the ropes and Anderson calls for them to break. Both get back to their feet and Scott with a side headlock. Williams gets to the corner to cause the break again and this is a very scientific match so far with the wrestlers trying to prove that they can actually wrestle and that it's not all going to be a hard hitting brawl. The problem is that I think the crowd wants to see a brawl. Williams with knees to Scott in the corner. Williams with a corner whip and goes to Oklahoma Stampede Scott, but Scott gets his boot up. Scott comes out of the corner. Williams kicks him in the stomach and goes to clothesline Scott, who ducks and gets a waist lock on Williams. Scott then goes for a belly to back suplex, but Williams holds on to the ropes. Williams comes back with another corner whip. He charges Scott again, who jumps up to avoid the charge and hooks Williams with a modified sunset flip. He gets a two count. Scott comes up with a side headlock takeover. Both men vie for position. They both get to their feet and Rick tagged in. They circle each other. Rick goes for an arm drag, but Williams avoids it. Another lock up and Scott blocks a hip lock attempt. They get to the corner and break. They lock up again and Rick with a belly to belly suplex. Williams lands on his lower back and he rolls to the outside to regroup with Gordy. Back in the ring, Williams with a scoop slam. Williams hits Rick with a couple of three point stances. He goes for a third one, but Rick catches him with a Steinerline. He gets a two count. Williams picks Rick up and forces him into the heel's corner. Gordy tagged in and throws Rick into the corner. Gordy with a corner whip and goes to hit Rick with an elbow to the corner, but Rick ducks. Rick goes for a belly to back suplex, but Gordy grabs the top rope. The referee makes Rick break the hold. He does and Gordy immediately grabs Rick and hits him with a belly to back suplex. Gordy gets a two count. Rick comes back with a belly to back suplex of his own. Williams tagged in and he and Rick going back and forth in the center of the ring. Williams throws Rick through the ropes to the ramp. Scott complains to referee Randy Anderson that Williams pulled the tights and Williams hits Rick with a shoulder block through the ropes to knock Rick back down. Scott comes over to help Rick back to his feet and Rick kicks Williams when he comes back over to the ropes. Rick with a sunset flip and Williams holds on to the ropes to try to avoid going over until Scott hits him with a forearm to knock him down. Rick gets a two count and Anderson warns Scott about using the forearm from the apron. Gordy tagged in. Gordy gets a single crab on Rick. Rick twists around and gets Gordy on his back. Rick gets Gordy's shoulders down for a couple of two counts, but he has gotten too close to the heels corner and Williams hits Rick to knock him back down to the mat. Gordy gets a spinning toe hold as Anderson now warns Williams about hitting someone from the apron. Rick kicks Gordy in the face to get out of the move. Rick hits a belly to belly suplex on Gordy. Scott tagged in. He kicks Gordy and gets a waist lock takedown. He gets a one count. Both men down on the mat and they both have the other in a leg lock and both trying to get their opponent into a pinning situation. Scott then with a front face lock to Gordy, but they had battled to the heels corner and Williams tagged in. He kicks Scott in the ribs and then to the face. Williams kicks Scott back to the mat as Scott was trying to get up. Williams runs Scott head first into a turnbuckle and then goes to do it to the opposite corner, but Scott blocks it. Scott goes for a belly to belly suplex, but Williams in the ropes. Williams with a snap mare to Scott. He then gets a headlock on Scott. Gordy tagged in. Gordy with an Irish whip, he misses a clothesline attempt and Scott comes back with a crossbody. He gets a two count. Gordy up and rakes Scott's eyes. Back and forth and they battle to the heels corner and Scott hits Williams on the apron. Rick complains and starts to come in, only to be cut off by Anderson, allowing Williams to come in and chop Scott several times while Gordy held Scott. Anderson tries to get Williams out and Williams points that Rick was trying to come in and then Williams kicks Scott in the knee when Anderson turned around to see if Rick had come in. Gordy with a step over toe hold on Scott. Scott trying to get to the corner to tag, but Gordy has the hold on deep and Scott is a long way from his corner. Gordy lets go of the hold and hits Scott with a brutal looking clothesline. He gets a two count. Gordy grabs Scott by the leg and Williams tagged in. He picks the leg lock up on Scott. Scott with kicks to the face to break the hold. Williams kicks Scott in the ribs. Williams with a forearm to Scott and a corner whip. Scott moves on the charge. Back and forth in the corner until Williams goes back to the knee to kick Scott down to the mat. Gordy tagged back in. Williams Goads Rick in and then clotheslines Scott down as Anderson was trying to get Rick out of the ring. Rick in to break up the count. Gordy with a suplex. He gets a two count. Gordy then goes back to the leg and the heels have been very effective so far by keeping Scott in the ring and concentrating on the leg. Gordy with a leg lock and Williams tagged in. He starts kicking Scott in the injured knee. Scott back to his knees and Williams slapping Scott in the face. Scott comes back with a slap to Williams in the face and Williams responds with a single leg pickup to knock Scott back down and then Williams grabs Scott's legs and turns him over into a half crab. Scott gets up on his arms to try to make it to his corner to tag. The fans trying to encourage Scott as Tony Gillam announces that 20 minutes have elapsed in the match and that 10 minutes remain. Jesse says it's not often you hear the Crimson Tide cheering for the Wolverines and JR chuckles and says you are right about that. Willams tells Anderson to ask Scott if he wants to give up and of course Scott says no. Williams slams the knee into the mat and Gordy tagged in. He grabs Scott by the injured leg and then goes back to the half crab on Scott. HE transitions into the step over toe hold as Scott reaches for his corner to tag and Jesse says when he sees moves like that, it makes him glad that he retired and JR says it makes him glad he never started and Jesse laughs and these two seem to be getting along, at least for this part of the broadcast. Scott reaching out to try to tag Rick. Gordy pulls Scott back and Williams tagged in. Williams picks Scott up by the legs and gets a two count as Scott's shoulders went down to the mat. Williams turns it into a Boston crab that is more like the Walls of Jericho. Scott up on his hand and trying to make his way towards his own corner. Williams puts on the brakes and drives Scott down to the mat again. Scott gets back on his hands and finally makes his way over and tags Rick in. Rick comes in and hits both heels. Rick with an Irish whip into a modified power slam. Rick with a bulldog off the second rope to Williams. Rick tries to set Williams up on his shoulders as Scott in and on the second rope, but Gordy in and knocks Scott off the second rope. Rick puts Williams down and goes after Gordy. Scott falls out of the ring as Anderson gets Gordy back. Rick turns around and Williams hits him with a brutal looking clothesline. Gordy up on the second rope. Gordy has been tagged in and Williams puts Rick on Gordy's shoulders on the second rope. Gordy slams Rick down. Anderson says there wasn't a tag and makes Gordy get out before he starts counting the cover. Williams only gets a two count and the crowd is really into this match. Williams gets another two count. Williams is frustrated and tags Gordy in. Gordy with a standing dropkick to Rick. He gets another two count as they show Scott getting back to his feet. Rick trying to get to his feet and Gordy hits him with a knee to the face. Rick up and he and Gordy exchange blows before Gordy gets Rick in a front face lock and Williams tagged in. Double Irish whip and shoulder block and Williams covers Rick for a two count as Gilliam announces 5 minutes remaining. Williams with a couple of backbreakers to Rick. He gets another two count. Gordy tagged in and hits Rick with a running forearm while Williams holds Rick. Gordy kicks Rick in the head. Gordy with a belly to back suplex for a two count. He hooks a leg and gets another two count. Four minutes remaining. Williams tagged back in. Rick fighting back with some right hands to Williams. Williams responds by kicking Rick down. Williams with a forearm and a rear chin lock. Rick back to his feet and hitting Williams with some elbows to try and get out of the move. Rick off the ropes, but gets hit by a knee to the midsection by Williams. Williams with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count. Williams with a front face lock. Rick trying to get back to his feet. Two minutes remaining. Both men exchange right hands and forearms in the center of the ring. Williams with a corner whip and tries to go for the Stampede. Rick tries to block it, but Williams gets Rick up on his shoulder. Williams runs Rick into one turnbuckle, but as he turns around to go to the other corner, Rick gets off and pushes Williams away and when Williams turns around, Rick hits him with a Steinerline and both wrestlers down. Gordy tagged in. Gordy with a corner whip and a clothesline. Gordy with another Corner whip and Rick catches Gordy with another Steinerline as he comes in to the crowd's delight. One minute remaining. 45 seconds left as Rick crawls towards his corner to make a tag and Gordy grabs Rick's leg to try to prevent the tag. Scott tagged in. Scott with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Gordy and a backdrop to Williams when he comes in as Gilliam says 30 seconds left. Scoop slams and clotheslines to both heels. Scott with a double arm powerbomb to Gordy with 15 seconds left. Scott hits the Frankensteiner to Gordy as the bell rings and the match is a draw. Rick and Williams battle on the outside. Gilliam announces the draw and that the Steiner Brothers are still the Champions.
-Tony and Eric review the night. Eric says the battle has just begun. Jesse and Jim review the PPV and preview the Great American Bash before signing off.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show but having two matches go 30 minutes drained the crowd.

Episode 182 Notes Fri, 19 May 2023 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2400baf4-6870-4dac-b628-c1e294d34e1a My notes for episode 182: Battleground 2016. -Today we look at Battleground 2016 from the WWE.
-Battleground 2016 was shown on the WWE Network on July 24, 2016, four days after my wedding day, from the Verizon Center in Washington DC. There were 15,109 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-Battleground Intro.
-Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley: Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton are introduced and the the Spanish Announce Team is introduced. The WWE draft was just reinstated, so there will be a lot of talk about that on this show talking about where certain wrestlers and championships are going. The German Announce Team is introduced. The crowd goes crazy when Bayley is introduced and comes out. A Bayley chant goes out. Flair and Brooke attack Banks and Bayley before the bell. They knock them off the apron to the floor to the boos of the crowd. Flair runs Bayley into the barricade. Brooke and Flair then get Bayley into the ring and beat her down with forearms. Referee Mike Chioda tries to get the women separated so that he can start the match. The bell rings and Flair is right back on Bayley with forearms as Banks gets back on the apron. Flair starts chopping Bayley in the corner. Bayley comes back with a kick to the face and a springboard elbow to Flair and Banks tagged in. Banks with forearms to Flair in the corner and Flair keeps pushing Banks off. Banks goes for a monkey flip out of the corner, but Flair grabs her and puts Banks on the top turnbuckle. Banks then kicks Flair away. Banks with a flying headscissors to take Flair down. Banks then knocks Brooke off the top rope. Flair with a kick to the midsection and runs Banks into the middle turnbuckle. Banks falls out of the ring. Flair comes out after Banks and screams I'm the Boss to her. She hits Banks and then throws her back into the ring. Flair gets a two count. Flair with a front face lock, brings Banks over to the corner, and Brooke tagged in. Brooke pulls Banks out of the corner and gets a two count. Brooke transitions to a rear chin lock. Bayley trying to get the crowd into the match. Banks gets back to her feet and runs Brook into the second rope. Banks trying to make it to the corner to tag Bayley in and Brooke grabs her by the boot. Banks slaps Brooke down and tags Bayley in. Bayley with a series of moves to Brooke. Bayley goes up to the second rope, but Flair comes down the apron to distract Bayley, allowing Brooke to yank her off the rope. The back of Bayley's neck bounces off the turnbuckle. Brooke with shots to Bayley on the mat and a cover for a two count. Brooke with her knee into Bayley's back and stretching Bayley's arms back for a submission, but Bayley won't give up. Brooke then gets Bayley into the corner so Brooke can run her Shoulder into Bayley. A let's go Bayley chant goes out from the crowd. Bayley grabs a leg and rolls Brooke up for a two count. Brooke runs Bayley face first into the mat. Brooke then gets a leg lock on Bayley's throat in the corner in an impressive move. She breaks on the three count. Double clothesline in the center of the ring. Both Flair and Banks tagged in and Banks knocks Flair down several times. Banks then with a dropkick to Flair. Banks catches Flair's leg when Flair is trying to kick her and delivers a knee to Flair's face. Banks rushes Flair in the corner, brushes Flair's legs out of the way and delivers double knees to the midsection and gets a two count. Banks goes up top, kicks Brooke away when she rushes Banks from the apron, and then Banks with a crossbody to Flair for another two count. Banks goes for the backstabber to transition into the Bank Statement, but Flair holds on to the ropes and then delivers Natural Selection to Banks. Bayley breaks up the pin attempts. Brooke comes in and throws Bayley out of the ring. Brooke goes out to the floor, but slips and lands face first. Flair goes for the Figure 8, but Banks grabs Flair and counters into the Bank Statement. Brooke pulls Flair out of the ring to save her and the crowd boos. Bayley with a kick to Brooke through the ropes to knock Brooke down only to get knocked down herself by Flair. Flair gets back into the ring and Banks hits her with the backstabber into the Bank Statement. Flair trying to hold on, but finally taps. They replay what just happened. Banks signals that she wants Flair's title. Bayley and Banks embrace after the match.
-Flashback to the issues the Wyatt Family and the New Day have been having.
-6-Man Tag. The New Day Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods vs. The Wyatt Family Bray Wyatt, Erik Rowan, and Braun Strowman: New Day comes out talking about being drafted to Raw as a group and the Wyatt Family being split up. They get interrupted by the Wyatt Family's music. The referee is trying to get things going as a New Day Rocks chant goes out. Big E and Strowman start. But before they lock up, Woods tags in. They talk about Woods being mesmerized by the Wyatt Family recently on Smackdown. When Woods gets in, Wyatt quickly tags in. They are about to lock up, but Kingston quickly tags in and hits Wyatt with a dropkick. Strowman back in and Woods still in the ring almost frozen in fear. Kingston tells him to get out of the ring before Strowman grabs Kingston and tosses him into a corner. Kingston comes out of the corner, only to get met with a big boot from Strowman. Strowman follows that up with a corner whip and splash. Rowman tagged in and Strowman holds Kingston for Rowan to hit. Rowan with a scoop slam and a running shoulder to the prone Kingston. He gets a one count. Rowan holds Kingston and drops a series of elbows to the top of Kingston's head. Rowan with a headlock and a head vice on Kingston while the announcers talk about Woods looking petrified on the outside. Kingston back to his feet and hits Rowan with a series of elbows to get out of the hold. He rushes Rowan, only to get hit with a wicked clothesline. Wyatt tagged in and started attacking Kingston. He hits a running senton on Kingston. He gets a two count. Wyatt switches to a headlock on Kingston. Kingston gets back to his feet and hits a jaw breaker to get out of the move. Wyatt hits a wicked looking clothesline to knock Kingston down. Wyatt then stares down Woods, so Woods goes down to the floor off the apron and the mind games that Wyatt is playing with Woods is the story of this match thus far. Woods and Wyatt just staring at each other. Strowman tagged in and choked Kingston down in the corner with his knee and breaking on the three count. He gets Kingston back down in the Wyatt Family's corner, starts choking him on the ropes with his knee again, and Rowan tagged back in. This match has been all Wyatt Family so far. Rowan stomping Kingston down in the corner and then goes after the referee when he tries to stop it. Wyatt tagged in. He gets Kingston in a corner and goes to charge, but Kingston gets his legs up and Wyatt runs into them. Kingston then on the ropes and Wyatt rushes him again and Kingston sends Wyatt to the outside. Strowman goes to the outside and grabs Wyatt as Kingston tries to get to his own corner to tag. Rowan and Big E both tagged in and Big E with a series of clotheslines. Big E ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Rowan with a belly to belly suplex. He follows that up with a splash to Rowan. Strowman gets up on the apron. Big E goes after him and Rowan takes advantage and rolls Big E up for a two count. Big E comes back with an overhead belly to belly. Big E covers, but Strowman breaks up the count. Woods comes in to help Big E and just gets manhandled down by Strowman. Rowan tries to roll Big E up while the referee is trying to get Strowman out. Big E holds on to the ropes though. Wyatt comes up to hit Big E and Rowan follows that up with a big side slam to Big E, but Kingston breaks up the cover. Strowman comes back in the ring and throws Kingston into a corner. He follows that up with a big boot, but Kingston ducks and Strowman goes over the top rope to the floor. Kingston runs and launches himself over the top rope onto Strowman. Kingston gets up on the apron and Big E tags him in. Big E tries to get Rowan up on his shoulder, but can't and Rowan runs Big E shoulder first into the corner post. Kingston comes and dropkicks Rowan from behind to drive him into the second turnbuckle. Wyatt tags in. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Wyatt ducks it. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, but Woods breaks that up. Woods and Wyatt again staring at each other in the ring. Woods starts slowly sinking to his knees. Kingston goes for a crossbody to Wyatt, but gets caught and Wyatt knocks Kingston to the ground. This seems to break the hold that Wyatt had on Woods as Wyatt hits Kingston with a chokeslam. Kingston falls out of the ring and Woods attacks Wyatt with a series of left and right hands. Woods runs and takes Wyatt down with a dropkick. The crowd is getting behind Woods. Woods with a running forearm to Wyatt in the corner. He follows that up with more left and right hands until Wyatt pushes him off. Wyatt backdrops Woods to the apron and Woods responds with an enziguri to the face of Woods. Woods with a splash to Wyatt. Rowan comes in and Woods superkicks him to the outside. Strowman gets up on the apron and Woods hits him with a series of strikes to try to knock Strowman off the apron and Strowman grabs Woods by the throat. Big E comes and spears Strowman through the ropes to the floor to break up the hold. Wyatt does his backwards crawling thing to freeze Woods in his tracks. Wyatt ducks a running boot by Woods and goes for Sister Abigail. Wyatt hits it and pins Woods. The crowd is stunned that the Wyatt Family won.
-Swerved commercial.
-United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Zack Ryder: Some of the International announce teams are introduced. Ryder rushes Rusev a couple of times and Rusev takes him down with some waist locks. Rusev transitions into a front face lock. He gets a one count. Ryder up and Rusev comes back with a takeover. Another kick out by Ryder and Rusev goes back the front face lock. Ryder up and Rusev forces him into the corner. Rusev breaks and Ryder comes back with a series of forearms to Rusev. Ryder gets back and Rusev rushes him only to get hit with a back elbow by Ryder. Ryder then rolls to the outside. Rusev comes out after Ryder, who runs around the ring and quickly gets back in, forcing Rusev to chase him. As Rusev comes around, Ryder kicks him in the face with a double kick through the ropes. Ryder throws Rusev back in the ring. Ryder with a flurry of offense on Rusev. Ryder goes for a missile dropkick from the second rope, but Rusev moves out of the way. Rusev kicks Ryder on the back of the neck. Rusev then gets on top of Ryder and starts punching him in the face. Ryder covers up, but Rusev doesn't stop punching. He gets up and finishes with a stomp to Ryder. Ryder up, only to get hit with a spinning heel kick from Rusev. Rusev gets a two count. He transitions to a waist lock. Ryder won't give up. Ryder makes it back to his feet as the crowd is clapping trying to encourage Ryder. Ryder with a back elbow to Rusev. Ryder with a series of elbows and Rusev responds with a knee to the stomach. Rusev rushes Ryder in the corner, but Ryder moves out of the way. Ryder with a series of forearms to Rusev. He gets Rusev down in the corner. Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but Rusev catches his foot as he comes in. Ryder hits Rusev with his right hands, only to get dropped by a knee from Rusev. Rusev goes for a suplex and Ryder counters with a neck breaker to Rusev. That was a pretty cool move. Ryder hits the Broski Boot and gets a one count. Rusev goes to the outside and Ryder follows. He rushes Rusev, who pivots and runs Ryder into the barricade. Rusev picks Ryder up and drops him on the barricade. Rusev breaks the count before going back out after Ryder. He rushes Ryder, who was still in the barricade. Ryder falls backwards and Rusev hits the barricade shoulder first. Ryder then climbs on top of the barricade and hits Rusev with a missile dropkick. A double count going. Rusev up and throws Ryder into the ring. He then gets into the ring himself, only to get caught with the Rough Ryder by Ryder. Ryder then goes up top for an elbow drop, but Rusev gets hts knees-up. Rusev then kicks Ryder in the back of the head. Rusev gets Ryder in the Accolade. Ryder fighting it and the crowd gets behind Ryder. He almost breaks the hold, but Rusev Cinches it on deeper and goes backwards so Rusev is on the mat and Ryder taps. Rusev keeps attacking Ryder after the bell. Mojo Rawley, Ryder's tag team partner from NXT as one half of the Hype Bros, comes out and gets in Rusev's face. He's screaming at Rusev, who just stares at Rawley. Rusev gets out of the ring.
-Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon are shown talking in the back and they get interrupted by Seth Rollins. They tell him tonight is his chance to prove that he's the best and the reason that they picked him #1 overall. Rollins says he doesn't have to prove anything. He's here to take back a title that he never lost. He says when he wins the title and brings that title back to Raw, the entire world is going to sing his praises.
-The announcers preview the Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens match coming up and the history between the two.
-Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens: Zayn comes out fired up. Owens comes out looking all business. Both wrestlers out wearing black and red as the announcers talk about how alike they are. The bell rings and Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick right away, but Owens gets out of the ring before Zayn can hit it. Zayn comes out after Owens and the two go at it with fists to each other on the outside. Owens runs Zayn into the barricade. Owens then goes in to break the count before rolling out again. Zayn reverses an Irish whip to run Owens into the barricade. Zayn gets Owens back up and then Irish whips Owens into another barricade. He follows that up with a clothesline to Owens. Zayn then throws Owens back into the ring. He runs his shoulder into Owens' midsection and hits a spinning heel kick to Owens. He covers Owens, but only gets a one count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Owens reverses an Irish whip, drops his head, and Zayn kicks him in the face. Zayn grabs Owens' hand and goes to the top rope for a move, but Owens yanks his hand away and Zayn lands on the top rope. Owens then hits a cannonball to Zayn in the corner. He gets a two count. Owens up and kicking Zayn. Zayn up, so Owens starts chopping him and knocks Zayn back down. He gets a two count. Owens starts stomping Zayn and crushes his boot down on Zayn's hand as Owens is mocking the crowd. Owens gets Zayn in a front face lock and starts mocking the Ole chant that Zayn and the crowd do when Zayn comes out. They each block a suplex attempt, so Owens drops Zayn down on the top rope. He follows that up with a kick to Zayn's back. The then runs and kicks Zayn in the face. He then does a senton, but doesn't get all of it as Zayn tries to get out of the way. Owens with a two count. Zayn trying to get away, but Owens grabs him and hits a snap mare. He goes to kick Zayn again, but changes his mind and puts on a headlock instead. The referee checking on Zayn as Owens screams for Zayn to give up. Zayn fights back to his feet as a Sami chant goes out. Owens doesn't let go of the hold and pulls Zayn back down to the mat. He then mocks the Sami chant. Zayn hitting Owens in the face trying to get him to let go. Owens hits Zayn in the face to get him back down prone on the mat. The referee asks Zayn if he wants to give up and Owens says that Zayn does, but Zayn says no. Zayn fighting back to his feet as the crowd claps to get behind him again. Zayn up to his feet and he and Owens exchange some blows. Owens knocks Zayn to his knees and runs to the ropes, but Zayn up and hits Owens with a clothesline to knock Owens down. Owens rushes Zayn again, only to get caught with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Owens rolls to the floor. Zayn goes to run the ropes, but Owens grabs his leg before he can. Zayn was dragged out to the floor by Owens. Owens goes to powerbomb Zayn on the apron, but Zayn grabs the ropes before Owens can hit the powerbomb. Zayn up and hits a modified split legged moonsault on Owens, but Zayn also hits the apron shoulder first and appears to have injured his shoulder. HARDLY SEEMS WORTH IT TO ME. Zayn back to his feet on the outside. He is holding his arm and shaking it to make sure that it is okay. Owens grabs the arm and slams it up against the ring post several times. Owens then puts Zayn back in the ring and goes to clothesline him, but Zayn ducks the attempt and hits Owens with a Blue Thunder Bomb. He gets a close two count. Zayn up and goes out to the apron and he is still holding on to his arm. Zayn goes up top, but gets caught by Owens. Owens looks to be going for a superplex, but Zayn punching Owens to try and prevent it. Zayn headbutting Owens, who is responding with blows to Zayn's midsection. Owens falls down. Zayn goes for a move, but Owens is back to his feet, so Zayn rolls through after he jumps off. He runs into a super kick from Owens. Owens gets a two and a half count. Owens gets the crossface on Zayn. Zayn struggles, but manages to get his foot to the bottom rope to force the break. Owens hits a corner clothesline on Zayn. He goes to do it again, only to get hit with an exploder suplex in the corner from Zayn. Zayn then goes for the Helluva kick, but Owens rolls to the outside. Zayn goes up top, but Owens up on the apron and grabs Zayn. It looks like Owens may have been going for a rolling senton off the apron, but Zayn hits him with elbows to get out of the move. Zayn hits a brain buster to Owens on the apron. A double count going. A this is awesome chant goes out. Zayn back in the ring at 5, but collapses in the middle of the ring. Owens just beats the count to get back in the ring. Zayn up and hitting some shots to Owens with the bad arm. Back and forth in the center of the ring and dueling chants go out. Zayn gets the better of the exchange as he beats Owens down and Owens covers up. Owens rolls to the outside and falls on the apron. Zayn comes out and goes for the spinning tornado DDT through the ropes on the outside, but as he goes for it, Owens hits him with a super kick. Owens follows that up with a cannonball to Zayn in the corner and then hits a frog splash. He hesitates for a second and then gets a two count. Owens goes for the pop up powerbomb, but Zayn holds on to the ropes and then grabs Owens by the hand and hits the tornado DDT off the ropes. Zayn goes for the Helluva kick again, only to get caught with another super kick from Owens. Owens goes for the pop up powerbomb, but Zayn leaps over Owens and hits two underhook suplexes to get another two count and Zayn can't put Owens away. The audience gives both men a standing ovation. Zayn setting up for the Helluva kick again and the fans doing the yes chant. Owens catches Zayn with a pop up powerbomb and covers Zayn, who gets his foot under the bottom rope. Owens doesn't know what he has to do to put Zayn away as the this is awesome chant goes out again. Zayn on his knees struggling to get up when Owens grabs him by the head and screams why won't you stay down? He then slaps Zayn. Owens says don't make me do this, stay down and slaps Zayn again. He says stay down and Zayn slaps him back this time. He rushes Zayn, who hits an exploder suplex into the corner. Then another one into the opposite side and Zayn setting up for the Helluva kick again. He hits it and catches Owens as he is out on his feet. He props Owens back into the corner and hits another Helluva kick and gets the pin. This has been the match of the night so far.
-Renee Young and the PPV Kick off panel talk about what we've seen so far and whats to come and show Breezango beating the Usos on the kick off show.
-Submission match. Natalya vs. Becky Lynch: They show flashbacks to what led up to the match. Natalya goes to attack Lynch as she tries to get into the ring and Lynch has the referee keep Natalya back so that Lynch can take off her jacket and get in the ring. The bell rings and they lock up. They battle for position and drive to the ropes. They finally break on the three count, but Lynch rushes Natalya before she can get out of the ropes and the referee grabs Lynch before she can get to Natalya again in order to allow Natalya a chance to get out of the ropes. Natalya tells the referee to keep Lynch away. Lynch ducks a clothesline attempt and takes Natalya down with a waist lock. Natalya keeps getting up, but Lynch keeps the waist lock on to keep taking Natalya down. Natalya gets to the ropes to break the hold. Natalya then rolls to the outside to regroup. Natalya then tells the referee to keep Lynch back so that Natalya can get back in the ring. She does get back in the ring and takes Lynch down. She only gets a one count. Natalya argues with the official, only to get rolled up from behind by Lynch for a two count. Lynch with an arm drag to Natalya and then a dropkick. Natalya rolls back to the outside to regroup. Natalya gets distracted by the fans outside and Lynch hits her with a baseball slide. Lynch follows that up with a running forearm to Natalya from the apron. Lynch throws Natalya back in the ring and Natalya rolls right back out and Lynch says oh come on. Lynch comes out to the apron and Natalya grabs her by the leg and knocks Lynch down. Natalya has Lynch caught up in the apron and pounding Lynch in the knee as Lynch tries to fight to get out. Natalya then runs Lynch into the ring steps. Lynch falls down and grabs her knee as Natalya taunts the crowd. Natalya throws Lynch back into the ring and wraps her leg around the bottom rope in the corner. She breaks on the three count. Natalya then goes back and starts stomping the knee to set up for the Sharpshooter. Natalya with a leg lock to get Lynch back towards the center of the ring as the announcers work in Natalya's famous family of wrestlers and bring up the Dungeon as well so take two shots IYDAH. Natalya with the leg lock as the announcers then talk about the history of the Sharpshooter and a Becky chant goes out from the crowd to encourage Lynch. Lynch gets her leg over Natalya and goes for the Disarmer, but Natalya quickly gets out of the move. Natalya sweeps the leg to get Lynch back down. Natalya goes to work on the leg. Lynch trying to get back to her feet and get away from Natalya, but having trouble. Natalya pulls Lynch to the center of the ring and goes to work on Lynch with a leg lock. Lynch responding with forearms to try and get out of the hold. Natalya responds by yanking the legs apart. She then picks Lynch up, only to slap her back down. She does a move and then bows to the crowd. She goes to an ankle lock on Lynch. Lynch comes back with forearms to try and break the move again and the two are exchanging shots in the middle of the ring. Lynch gets out of the move and goes for the Disarmer. Natalya grabs Lynch's leg. Lynch responds with an Enziguri. Natalya rushes Lynch, who hits Natalya with a forearm. Lynch with some back elbows and a clothesline to Natalya. Then another clothesline and a back elbow and Natalya backs away to a corner. Lynch with a forearm to Natalya in the corner. Then a shot and a Becksploder suplex out of the corner. She gets a two count. Natalya back up and hits Lynch with a back elbow as she rushes Natalya in the corner. Natalya goes for a spinning clothesline. Lynch tries to counter into the Disarmer. Natalya responds by getting Lynch down to the mat and goes for the Sharpshooter. Lynch counters and goes for the Disarmer. Natalya with a counter into a roll up for a two count. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Lynch gets to the bottom rope to force a break. Lynch rolls out to the floor. Natalya rushes her to put a shoulder into Lynch. Lynch sidesteps Natalya and kicks her in the face. Lynch then goes up top and hits Natalya with a missile dropkick. She gets a two count. Lynch attacks Natalya with forearms in the corner again. The referee gets Lynch away and as he does, Natalya kicks Lynch in the leg to get her down in the center of the ring again. Natalya then puts the Sharpshooter back on. Lynch tries to get to the ropes. Natalya gets Lynch to the center of the ring and Lynch taps. I was not expecting that.
-Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon greet Dean Ambrose in the back. They say that they are depending on Ambrose to keep the WWE Title on Smackdown. They say that Ambrose will walk out the WWE Champion because he wants it more than his opponents do. Bryan says he fought a lot of wars against the Shield and always worried about Ambrose because he was unpredictable. He is the best and that's why he was drafted #1. Ambrose says tonight he proves something to himself and will show why he was drafted #1.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse vs. Darren Young with Bob Backlund: Young and Backlund out first and Young is the #1 contender to the Intercontinental title. Miz and Maryse out next. The bell rings and they circle each other. Young going for the legs of Miz and Miz gets to the ropes to stop him. Young pushes Miz as the referee gets Young away. The referee looks a little like Nicholas Cage and it's a little distracting. Young comes back with a hip lock takeover. Miz up to his feet again and Young responds with a headlock takeover to get Miz back down. Miz counters into a hammerlock. Young takes Miz down. He gets a couple of one counts. Young up and gets a side headlock. Miz pushes Young back to the corner to break the hold. He then pushes Young as Young lets go. Back to the center of the ring, they lock up. Miz with a kick to the stomach and a side headlock. Young pushes off and Miz comes back with a shoulder block. Backlund up on the apron to give Young some advice. Another lock up and Miz goes for the kick again, but Young grabs his leg and spins him around. He follows that up with a waist lock takedown into a front face lock. He rolls through while still keeping the hold on. Miz up and Young transitions to a side headlock. Miz counters with a wrist lock. Miz with a side headlock. Young pushes off. Miz comes back with a shoulder block. Miz off the ropes and Young catches him with a forearm. He follows that up with a swinging neck breaker and a cover for a two count. Young runs Miz into a turnbuckle. Miz reverses a corner whip. Young gets his boot up on the charge. Young gets up on the second turnbuckle, but Maryse distracts him and Miz pushes Young off the turnbuckle to the outside. Miz comes out after Young and drops him on the barricade. Miz then runs Young back first into the apron. He then throws Young back into the ring and gets a two count. Miz with a headlock on Young. Young gets to his feet. Miz with a knee to the midsection and a side headlock takeover. Young struggling to get out of the move and back to his feet. Miz screaming at Backlund that he is the real hall of famer. Young rolls Miz over and gets a one count before Miz rolls back. Young gets to his feet and hits Miz with some forearm shots. He breaks the hold, but Miz goes for the backbreaker/neck breaker combo. Young able to hook Miz by the arms halfway through and goes to get Miz in a backslide, but Miz rolls through. Miz goes for a backslide of his own, but Young fighting it. Young up and reverses the move to get Miz in a backslide. He gets a two count. Miz with a brutal kick to Young as Young was charging Miz. Miz stomps Young. Miz charges Young, who catches Miz with a clothesline and both men are down. A double count going but both men get up and exchange blows in the center of the ring. Young with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Miz. Young with another clothesline after Miz got back to his feet. Miz rushes Young again and Young responds with a backdrop. Miz out to the apron and Young follows Miz out there and slams Miz down on the apron. Young gets a two count. and Backlund signals that Young should go for the chicken wing. Young goes for it and Miz immediately gets to the ropes and drives Young throat first into one of the ropes. Miz says to heck with this and goes to leave, but Backlund is blocking his way in the aisle. Miz yelling at Backlund as Backlund is forcing Miz back towards the ring. He gets close enough to the ring for Young to grab him by the hair and bring Miz back to the apron and into the ring. As he does, Maryse goes over to Backlund and slaps him to the ground. Maryse then falls to the ground and claims that Backlund hit her as Backlund starts tearing his clothes off. Miz goes outside and pushes Backlund down. Young comes out after Miz and puts Miz in the crossface chicken wing and Miz taps, but the bell rings and they are on the outside. Referees are trying to get Young off Miz. Young finally off and looking shocked by his actions.
-WWE 2K17 commercial.
-Flashback to the rivalry that has occurred between AJ Styles and John Cena.
-6-man tag team match. John Cena, Enzo, and Big Cass vs. The Club AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows: Cena out first to a massive ovation. Enzo and Cass came out next and I've said it before that they are not my cup of tea, but they are extremely popular with the crowd. Even John Cena tells them to do their thing when they get into the ring. Their spiel goes on too long for me. I'm going to be honest, after a while I fast forwarded to when the club came out because I only have one life to live. The referee tries to get the match started. The bell rings and Enzo and Anderson start. Before they lock up, the AJ Styles/lets go Cena chants start. Enzo says he wants Styles, so Anderson tags him in. Styles with a quick go behind and he pushes Enzo away. Another lock up and Styles with an arm drag. The crowd chants soccer mom to Styles. Another lock up and Enzo with a side headlock. Styles pushes off and avoids an Enzo charge to come back and dropkick Enzo. Cass tagged in. Styles backs up and Anderson tagged in. He attacks Cass with punches and kicks. He then rushes Cass, who knocks Anderson down with a shoulder block. Cass gets Anderson in the corner and slaps him. Enzo comes in and Cass throws him on Gallows, who had come in and then throws Enzo on Anderson in the corner. Faces doing well here so far. Enzo then runs and Cass throws him onto Gallows and Anderson on the outside. If you are going to do that move, that's the way to do it. Not 20 guys waiting to catch one guy coming off the turnbuckle. Styles then comes in after Cass, who lifts Styles up and launches him onto the group on the outside. Cass goes outside and throws Anderson back in the Ring. He scoop slams Anderson, then tags Enzo in and scoop slams Enzo onto Anderson. Enzo gets a two count. Anderson up and stomping Enzo. Anderson gets Enzo into the heels corner and tags Gallows in. Enzo trying to crawl back to his own corner, but Gallows standing in his way. Gallows picks Enzo up and hits a suplex into a slam and covers Enzo for a two count. Enzo trying to get away, but he is crawling in the wrong direction and Gallows hits him. Styles tagged in and he kicks Enzo down. Styles goes to pick Enzo up and Enzo starts hitting Styles and driving Styles backwards towards the faces corner. Styles then picks Enzo up and drives him backwards into the heel's corner. Anderson tagged back in. Anderson with a running kick to Enzo's head. He gets another two count. Anderson with a headlock. Enzo with a jaw breaker to get out of the move. Enzo goes to tag Cena in, but Anderson grabs him to cut the attempt off and hits Enzo with a backbreaker. Enzo thrown to the outside and Styles drives him into the barricade. Styles tagged in and throws Enzo back in the ring. Styles gets Enzo down in a corner and hits him until the referee steps in and gets Styles away. Anderson tagged in and Styles then rushes Enzo in the corner and Enzo backdrops Styles to the outside. Anderson is the legal man and he drags Enzo to the outside. Enzo trying to fight off Gallows and Anderson on the outside. Gallows rushes Enzo, who ducks and Gallows hits the ring post head first. Enso gets into the ring and dives to make the tag, but Anderson rushes into the ring and intercepts Enzo to cut off the tag attempt. He gets a two count. Anderson drags Enzo back to the corner and Gallows tagged in. Gallows goes to splash Enzo and Enzo moves out of the way. Cena and Styles both tagged in and the crowd goes crazy. Cena with a pair of shoulder tackles and a slam to Styles. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA. Styles lands on his feet and Pele kicks Cena. Styles up and knocks Enzo off the apron and goes for the Styles Clash, but Enzo breaks up the attempt and hits Styles with a spinning DDT. Anderson comes in and hits Enzo with a spinebuster. Cass in and hits Anderson with a fall away slam and it looks like everyone is trying to get their stuff in. With that in mind, Gallows comes in and hits a sit out powerbomb on Cass. Gallows and Cena start to battle. Enzo up on the top turnbuckle and goes to crossbody Gallows, but Gallows ducks and Enzo hits Cena instead. Cena rolls through and comes up holding Enzo and uses him as a battering ram to Gallows. Gallows tosses Enzo out of the way as Styles gets on the top turnbuckle to hit Cena with the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena ducks and he hits Gallows instead. Cena hits the AA on Styles, but Andeson pulls him off Styles before the three count. Anderson hits a spinebuster to Cena on the announce table and turns around, only to get hit with a DDT from Enzo from the apron. The referee checks on Styles and then starts counting Cena out. Cena gets in on the 9 count. Styles hits the Styles Clash on Cena. Styles covers Cena, but this time it's Cass who breaks up the cover. He hits Styles with a big boot on the outside before getting hit with a double ax handle from behind by Gallows. Gallows throws Cass in the ring and Cass gets Gallows up to go for the fall away slam, but Anderson comes in and hits a high knee to Cass's back. Anderson and Gallows then hit the Magic Killer on Cass. Enzo comes in, fired up, and says he will take both Gallows and Anderson on and the crowd likes it and gets behind Enzo. They chant how you doin? Anderson rushes Enzo, who sidesteps him and Anderson goes shoulder first into the corner post. Enzo ducks a clothesline attempt, but runs into a big kick from Gallows. Cena drags himself back into the ring and Gallows is waiting for him. He rushes Cena in the corner, but Cena moves out of the way and Gallows hits the turnbuckle. Styles climbs up to the top turnbuckle, but Cena hits the ropes causing Styles to crotch himself on the top rope and then Cena clotheslines Gallows to the outside. Cena then goes to AA Styles off the top rope, but Styles is fighting back with elbows to Cena. Cena comes back and hits the AA from the top rope. Cena then pins Styles.
-The Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho: Jericho out and tells the crowd to be quiet. He then brings out Randy Orton. Orton had been out 9 months due to a shoulder injury. Orton's music hits and he comes out and says he's been waiting 9 months for this. They announce that Orton will take on Brock Lesner at SummerSlam. Orton gets in the ring. He gets on the turnbuckle to look at the crowd. He then gets a mic as a Randy chant goes out. Orton says he spent 9 months at home enjoying his family, but something was missing and it was this. It was the WWE Universe. he then puts down Jericho. The crowd chants RKO. Jericho says that's all he has to say and you're going to chant RKO? The crowd chants it louder. Jericho says Orton should thank Jericho that he's in with the best of all time at what he does and the GOAT, Chris Jericho. Jericho says the fact that Orton is in the ring with Jericho puts Orton on a different level. He then says you're welcome to Orton. Orton says now Chris, I'm in a good mood. But don't think that won't change. You might provoke me to drop your ass. They go back and forth some more before Jericho says at SummerSlam, Orton will face Brock Lesner. He then shows a highlight package of Lesner. Jericho says although Lesner and Orton came up together, Orton has been avoiding Lesner because he fears Lesner. Orton says he's facing Lesner because he wants to make a statement. Jericho says at SummerSlam, Lesner will take Orton to suplex city. Orton says he knows that, but it only takes one RKO to get to Viperville. They go back and forth some more and Orton finally hits the RKO on Jericho and takes a bow.
-The announcers talk about the Main Event and the history between the men as members of the Shield and what led to the Main Event. Members of the newly split roster are shown watching in the back to see which brand is going to end up with the WWE Championship. Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon from Raw and Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan from Smackdown are introduced and come to ringside.
-Main event triple threat match for the WWE Championship. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns: Rollins out first. Michael Cole says that at MITB, all three members of the Shield were champion within the span of 10 minutes, but as we know because I covered it recently, that it was actually 5 minutes. Rollins gets a respectable reaction. There is an audible boo for Reigns when he comes out. He does get some cheers, but the boos are louder. There are cheers when Ambrose comes out with the championship. The three participants are introduced. Reigns booed heavily when he is introduced. Rollins gets some cheers, but Ambrose gets more when he is introduced. Referee Mike Chioda raises the belt. The bell rings and the former members of the Shield are in three corners and just staring at each other. A loud Roman sucks chant goes out. Rollins puts his fist out and tells the other two to put their fists in for old times sake. Reigns responds by pushing Rollins down. Rollins Rolls out of the ring to get away from Reigns. Reigns comes out after Rollins, who runs around the ring to get away from Reigns. Rollins slides into the ring, only to get clotheslined right back out where Reigns grabs him and runs Rollins into the apron head first. He then runs him into the barricade before throwing him back into the ring. Rollins ducks an Ambrose clothesline attempt only to be hit by a clothesline from Reigns over the top rope to the outside. Ambrose takes advantage and rolls Reigns up from behind for a two count. Reigns up and he and Ambrose circle each other and lock up. Ambrose with a waist lock and a go behind. Reigns pushes off and hits Ambrose with a shoulder block. Reighns runs the ropes and Ambrose knocks him down with a flying forearm. Ambrose goes to hit Reigns, but Rollins comes flying in so Ambrose lets go so that he is not hit and Reigns takes advantage and hits Rollins. Ambrose then clotheslines Rollins out to the floor and Reigns takes advantage and rolls Ambrose up for a two count, but it was a sloppy looking roll up and he was halfway back to his feet before the kick out. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Reigns responds by slapping Ambrose in the face. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Reigns with an Irish whip and Ambrose ducks two clothesline attempts before trying to crossbody Reigns, only to fall down as Reigns doesn't move and the announcers say it was like running into a brick wall. Rollins sneaks back in and attacks Reigns from behind as Reigns was going to attack Ambrose from behind. Rollins with kicks to the midsection of Reigns and drives him into another corner. Rollins stomps Reigns down in the corner. Rollins stomps Reigns and Stephanie McMahon yells out get him, as she wants the championship for her brand. Reigns reverses a corner whip, but Rollins gets his boot up on the charge. Rollins goes up to the second rope to dive on Reigns, who catches Rollins and puts him on his shoulders. Ambrose comes in with a dropkick to Rollin's chest, knocking both Reigns and Rollins down and Ambrose covers Reigns for a one count. Ambrose hits Reigns with forearms in the corner. Reigns reverses Ambrose and drives his shoulder into Ambrose several times. He then alternates the shoulders with forearms to Ambrose. Ambrose reverses Reigns into the corner and starts punching Reigns in the head and Reigns covering up. Ambrose then stomps Reigns several times to knock him down to one knee. Rollins comes up from behind and yanks Ambrose off of Reigns. Rollins then hits Ambrose with a backbreaker. Reigns comes up and Rollins hits him with a reverse lariat to knock Reigns out of the ring and Rollins then covers Ambrose. He gets a two count and Ambrose up against the ropes where he is attacked by Rollins again. Rollins hitting Ambrose with a series of elbows. Rollins then headbutts Ambrose and gets him into a corner. Rollins with a corner whip and Ambrose hits the post sternum first. Rollins picks Ambrose up and punches him in the head. Rollins gets Ambrose in the corner and then hits a running corner clothesline. Rollins then smacks Ambrose in the face several times. Rollins goes to the opposite corner, but Ambrose follows him to surprise Rollins, but Rollins sees it coming and drives Ambrose face first into the turnbuckle. Rollins up only to be met with a big boot from Reigns on the apron and then into the barricade. They battle on the floor and Ambrose launches himself onto them. Rollins sees it and gets out of the way and Ambrose lands on Reigns. Rollins gets up on the apron and hits a running knee to Ambrose as Ambrose gets up. Rollins grabs Ambrose and runs him into the ring steps. He then runs Reigns into the barricade. Rollins then rushes Reigns, who backdrops Rollins into the timekeepers area. Reigns then goes into the timekeepers area after Rollins. Ambrose gets on the announce table, runs, and launches himself onto both Rollins and Reigns. Ambrose throws Reigns back towards the ring and then goes up top. Ambrose waits for Reigns to get up and then hits him with a dropkick. Ambrose follows that up with a corner clothesline and a bulldog. Ambrose then goes back up and hits a flying elbow to Reigns. He gets a two count. Reigns kicks out and rolls away and when he does, Rollins hits a splash on Ambrose out of nowhere and gets a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree on Reigns, who powers up to avoid it and goes for a backdrop. Rollins shifts and goes for a sunset flip. Reigns stays on his feet and brings Rollins back to his feet. Reigns misses a clothesline and then catches Rollins with a right hand to the face. Then another right hand to Rollins. Reigns with a series of clothesline shots to Rollins in the corner. Ambrose rushes Reigns, who hits Ambrose with a clothesline. Rollins rushes Reigns and gets hit with a tilt a whirl slam. Reigns goes for a Samoan drop on Ambrose, who counters with elbows to Reign's shoulders to get out of the hold. Ambrose comes back off the ropes and Reigns catches him with a Superman punch. Rollins then tries a springboard and Reigns catches him with a Superman punch as well. Reigns goes for the spear. Ambrose and Rollins team up temporarily to double kick Reigns to stop him and Rollins then hits Ambrose with an enziguri. Reigns then hits Rollins with another Superman Punch. Ambrose then hits Reigns with a big clothesline and the crowd is really starting to get into the match. The GMs and Commissioners of each brand are trying to cheer their wrestlers back to their feet. All three men down and referee Mike Chioda is checking on them. A this is awesome chant goes out. All three up and taking turns punching each other. Ambrose and Rollins gang up on Reigns and the crowd cheers. They get him down and the crowd does the Daniel Bryan YES chant. Ambrose and Rollins appear to be going for the Shield power bomb on Reigns, but Reigns fights them off. Reigns hitting Rollins, only to get hit from behind by a high knee from Ambrose that knocks Reigns out of the ring to the floor. Ambrose then runs and hits a suicide dive to Reigns to run him into the announce desk. Rollins follows that up by hitting a cannonball to knock Reigns down. Reigns down and Rollins and Ambrose just staring at each other. Rollins and Ambrose powerbomb Reigns through the SAT. Rollins then pulls a chair out from under the ring and hits Ambrose with it from behind. Rollins then comes over and hits Reigns with the chair. Rollins then throws Ambrose back in the ring. Rollins at first goes for the Pedigree, but changes his mind and goes for the buckle bomb, but Ambrose counters with a modified hurricanrana. Ambrose goes up top, but Rollins back to his feet and goes up top as well and hits a superplex, floats over Ambrose, and hits the Falcoln's Arrow. He gets a close two count. The crowd can't believe it as the this is awesome chant goes out again. Rollins goes for the Pedigree again. Ambrose counters and catapults Rollins into the corner, but Rollins lands on his feet and goes up top and gets caught by Ambrose. Ambrose climbs up and goes for a superplex, but Reigns comes from behind and hits Ambrose with a powerbomb. Rollins jumps off the top rope, but gets met with a kick from Reigns as he comes down. Reigns then does a sit out powerbomb on Rollins and gets a close two count. Rollins rolls out to the floor and Reigns crawls to the corner and uses the ropes to pull himself up. He goes to Superman punch Ambrose. Ambrose ducks the shot and goes for Dirty Deeds. Reigns quickly gets away before Ambrose can hit the move. Reigns goes for a Razor's Edge, but Ambrose slips out. Ambrose hooks the arm and gets a backslide for a two count. Reigns comes back with a big right hand and a Superman punch. Ambrose falls to the outside though and Rollins comes up behind Reigns and grabs him. Rollins hits the Pedigree and covers Reigns, but Reigns kicks out right before the three count. Those at ringside, the crowd, and the wrestlers can't believe it. Rollins goes for another Pedigree, and Reigns just lifts Rollins up to block the move through sheer power. Rollins shifts and gets Reigns up and hits him with a buckle bomb. Reigns comes back with a Superman punch and a Spear. Ambrose comes in and hits Dirty Deeds on Reigns before he can cover Rollins. Ambrose then pins Reigns to retain the championship. Shane and Daniel Bryan run around the ring celebrating that the WWE Championship is coming to Smackdown. Stephanie and Mick look crestfallen. The two locker rooms are shown reacting to the news. Shane and Daniel Bryan come in and congratulate Ambrose. They review what happened as the Smackdown roster comes out to celebrate Ambrose retaining and they sign off from Washington DC.
-Final Thoughts: This was an excellent show with the Owens/Zayn match as well as the main event being the matches of the night and setting up things for SummerSlam.

Episode 181 Notes Thu, 11 May 2023 17:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c6836efa-12b7-48ca-97c4-f4f507969c0b My notes for Episode 181: Backlash 2001. -Today we look at Backlash 2001 from the WWF.
-Backlash 2001 was broadcast on PPV on April 29, 2001 from the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. There were 15,592 in attendance and the show did 375,000 PPV buys.
-WWF Attitude Intro.
-Backlash Intro.
-Jim Ross and Paul Heyman are the announcers for the evening.
-The Dudley Boyz Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Spike VS. X-Factor X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Albert: They brawl from the beginning and the Dudley Boyz throw X-Factor out of the ring. Bubba Ray and D-Von double suplex Albert and Spike does a whoopee cushion like move on him. Bubba and D-Von then throw Spike on X-Pac and Credible. Credible and Spike in now. Spike with a crucifix for a two count as a we want tables chant goes out. Albert tagged in and missed a leg drop. Spike goes for the Dudley Dog, but Albert pushes him off. Credible tagged in and kicked Spike down in the corner. Credible with a sit down powerbomb for a two count as an X-Pac sucks chant goes out. Credible misses a corner baseball slide and crotches himself. D-Von and X-Pac tagged in. D-Von with a shoulder tackle. Irish whip by X-Pac and Albert hits D-Von as he hits the ropes and D-Von is down. Albert tagged in. D-Von thrown outside. Albert goads Bubba to come in and he is stopped by referee Teddy Long. Credible and X-Pac run D-Von into the ring post on the outside. Albert whiplashes D-Von back on the inside. X-Pac tagged in and he slams D-Von. Running leg drop on D-Von and Bubba breaks up the count. X-Pac with a headlock on D-Von. D-Von with some elbows to X-Pac. X-Pac with a spinning heel kick. X-Pac with a shoulder block to D-Von in the Corner. Credible tagged in. Back and forth. Credible with a sidewalk slam. Another we want tables chant goes out. D-Von ran into X-Pac’s boot and Albert tagged in. He hits a delayed under hook suplex. Spike breaks up the cover. X-Pac then Credible tagged in and D-Von ducks a double clothesline and hits one of his own. Bubba tagged in. He cleans house and hits the Bubba Bomb on Credible. He hits a sidewalk slam on X-Pac. Gets a two count. Albert goes to splash Bubba, but he moves and Albert gets X-Pac. Credible corner whipped and slammed down. D-Von and Bubba then hit the What’s Up head butt to Credible. Bubba yells to get the table. Albert with a big boot to D-Von on the outside. Bubba misses a corner charge on X-Pac, but gets hit by one from Albert. Credible and X-Pac with a double shot on Bubba and X-Factor gets the pin. X-Factor brings the table in, but Spike does the Dudley Dog to Albert and D-Von runs Credible into the corner post. They do the 3D to X-Pac through the table.
-A limo is shown pulling up and the “Duchess of Queensbury” gets out and is met by William Regal. He has her guards take her to her quarters.
-Kurt Angle is shown polishing his medals. Lilian Garcia asks him why he is so calm since he’s moments away from his ultimate submission match. He says he’s confident because he knows he’s the best.
-Earlier tonight on Heat, Jerry Lynn is shown to have won the Light-Heavy title from Crash Holly.
-Hardcore Championship Match: Rhyno VS. Raven: Raven gets a good reaction coming out. He comes out with a trashcan full of plunder. Raven with a drop toe hold to Rhyno on a stop sign. Gets a two count. Runs Rhyno into the turnbuckle. Raven hits a corner charge with a trash can. Gets another two count. Rhyno hits a shoulder block into the corner. Rhyno hits Raven with the trash can, denting it. Rhyno with some rights. He goes for a running big boot, but Raven gets the trashcan up and Rhyno hits that but Raven still falls outside. Rhyno gets a two count on the outside. Rhyno sets the steel steps up and runs Raven’s head into it. He sits Raven down on a chair and climbs the steps to impale Raven, but Raven moves and Rhyno goes through the steps. Raven dives off the steps with a clothesline on Rhyno for a two count. Raven with some shots to Rhyno back in the ring. A big shot knocks Rhyno outside. Raven throws him into the barricade. Raven throws everything from his cart including the kitchen sink. Rhyno drives Raven into the corner post. Rhyno hits Raven with the trash can lid. Rhyno hits Raven with a barricade sign. He gets a two count as a Holy Shit chant goes out. Rhyno hits Raven with the sign again. Gets another two count. Back in, Rhyno puts the shopping cart into the ring and hits Raven with it. He runs it into him again. Raven drop toe holds Rhyno onto the cart. Raven hits Rhyno with a handicapped parking sign several times. Then hits a big shot with a NO PARKING sign. Raven with a corner charge and a bulldog on Rhyno. He gets a close two count. Rhyno with a thumb to the eye. Rhyno lifts the shopping cart, but Raven hits him with the trash can and the cart lands on him. Gets a two count. Raven sets the cart up and runs it into Rhyno. Rhyno corner whipped, but comes out of it with the handicapped sign and hits Raven with it. Gets a very close two count. Rhyno with a couple of shots with the trash can. Rhyno goes to Gore Raven who moves and Rhyno goes headfirst into the shopping cart. Raven hits the cart with a kitchen sink and gets a two count. Rhyno then hits the Gore for the three count.
-Paul Heyman and Jim Ross talk about the Shane McMahon/Big Show Last Man Standing Match and flashback to Shane reading Shane and the Beanstalk from Smackdown.
-Michael Cole starts to interview Shane McMahon backstage when Stephanie interrupts. She says that if Shane apologized to Vince, he might call off the match. Shane says no. Stephanie says he lives in a fantasy world.
-Steve Austin and Debra are shown arriving at the arena. Kevin Kelly approaches them talking about the Main Event. Austin says he’s not going to lose a damn thing.
-Coach interviews the Duchess. He tries to get her to tell him the rules of the match tonight. She starts to but gets cut off by William Regal. He yells at Coach to leave.
-Flashback to what has led to the William Regal/Chris Jericho Match.
-Duchess of Queensbury Rules Match. William Regal VS. Chris Jericho: Regal gets on the mic. An asshole chant rings out. He brings out the Duchess of Queensbury. She has a throne at ringside. Jericho gets a good reaction coming out. He insults the Duchess and Regal coming out. They start hot with big shots. Jericho with a side headlock. Regal pushes off. Jericho blocks a hip toss with a shot. Regal with a wrist lock. Jericho with a forearm. Jericho with chops. Regal reverses an Irish Whip. He throws Jericho to the outside, but Jericho holds on and hits an elbow smash from the top rope. Jericho with a dropkick. It goes outside. Regal ran into the barricade. Jericho chops Regal onto the barricade. Back in, Jericho goes for a top rope dropkick, but Regal moves out of the way. Regal with a suplex for a two count. He tries another pin, another two count. Regal with a knee to Jericho’s head. He kicks Jericho. He lands European uppercuts to Jericho. Jericho reverses a corner whip, but Regal gets the foot up on a Jericho charge. Regal goes to the second rope. Jericho dropkicks him. Jericho hurricanrana’s Regal off the top rope. Jericho with some shots. Regal reverses an Irish whip and Jericho hits a flying forearm. Regal ducks a clothesline. He grabs Jericho who elbows his way out of it. Jericho hits a modified bulldog. Jericho hits a lionsault. The bell rings. Howard Finkel announces that the time limit for Round 1 has expired. The crowd boos. Jericho comes over to complain and gets rolled up by Regal for a two count. Regal reverses an Irish whip and Jericho kicks Regal in the face at the beginning of Round 2. Jericho with a clothesline. Jericho goes for a second rope dropkick, but Regal catches his legs and catapults him onto the top rope throat first. Regal with a big release suplex. Regal gets the Regal Stretch on. Jericho inches and finally gets to the ropes. Regal with a corner whip. Jericho with a roll through going for the Walls of Jericho. He gets it on and Regal taps. The bell rings, but Howard Finkel announces that you cannot win a Duchess of Queensbury match by submission. Jericho goes outside towards the Duchess so her bodyguards come forward. Regal goes to attack Jericho from behind, so Jericho attacks him. He runs Regal into the announce table. Regal grabs the Duchess Scepter and bashes Jericho with it. The bell rings. Finkel announces that there is no disqualifications. Jericho rolled back in and Regal gets a two and a half count. Regal with uppercuts. Regal misses a clothesline, but hits a back elbow. Regal with an underhook suplex. That gets another two count. Then another two count. Jericho rolls away. He hits an enziguri and they are both down. Double count going. Both up and back and forth shots. Jericho kicking and stomping Regal in the corner. Jericho with a corner whip and a clothesline. He then kicks Regal in the groin and Regal rolls out. Jericho with a baseball slide to Regal whose head ends up in the Duchess’ lap. He gets up looking horrified and disgusted. Jericho attacks Regal and then the bodyguards. Jericho rolls the Duchess in the ring. Duchess is WWE employee and Warrior Award recipient Sue Aitchison. He puts her in the Walls of Jericho. Regal hits him with a chair shot three times and gets the pin.
-The Big Show comes into Vince McMahon’s office and McMahon asks him if he is ready for this task. He says he’s not going to hold back on Shane.
-Flashback to what led to the Ultimate Submission Match.
-Chris Benoit is shown warming up backstage.
-30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match. Kurt Angle VS. Chris Benoit: It’s weird to hear Angle’s music without the YOU SUCK chant as they hadn’t started doing that yet. Angle with some mic work to begin putting down the crowd and Chicago. The bell rings. Collar and elbow to the corner. Angle Sucks chant goes out. They lock up aggressively. Angle with a takedown. They break clean. Angle with an ankle lock in the ropes. Angle with a takedown going for the ankle. Benoit trying to hook an arm. Quick reversals. Benoit goes for the crossface, but Angle is at the ropes. Angle rolls out and regroups. Back in, Angle with a takedown. They again jockey for position. Benoit goes for the crossface again, but Angle again gets to the ropes. Angle rolls out. Benoit rolls out too but keeps his distance. Back in. Back and forth. Benoit with a waist lock takedown. Angle rolls out again, but Benoit won’t let go. Angle reverses it. Benoit reverses that. Benoit gets the crossface on and Angle taps, but it’s on the outside. Benoit argues with the referee and Angle takes a long time to get back in the ring. Angle grabbing a chair, but referee Mike Chioda screaming at him to put it down. Angle back in and acts like his shoulder is hurting. Angle with a right hand going into an ankle lock. He gets the knee in the lock and Benoit taps out. Rest period. Benoit with chops and Angle responds with kicks to the knees. He clips Benoit’s knee. Then he does it again. Benoit catches Angle and tries for the crossface and takes Angle over. Benoit with a cross arm breaker. Angle tapes and we are tied at one submission apiece. Rest Period. Benoit comes out with kicks and chops to the corner. Angle driven shoulder first into the ring post. Benoit back to the cross arm breaker. Angle turns and gets to the ropes. Benoit with a shoulder breaker. Angle corner whipped and chopped then corner whipped again. Angle in the ropes. Benoit shoves down Mike Chioda who’s trying to pull him away allowing Angle to hit Benoit with the chair he put down earlier. Angle applies the ankle lock and Benoit taps. Rest period. Angle attacking during the rest period. Angle puts Benoit in the crippler crossface and Benoit taps. Rest Period and Benoit down 3-1 falls. Bell rings and Angle has a front face lock on. Benoit in the ropes and being counted by Chioda. Angle punching and kicking. It goes outside. Benoit drove into the announcers table over and over. Back in, Angle back dropped over the top rope to the floor. Benoit attacking Angle on the outside. Angle reverses a whip and runs Benoit into the ringside steps. Angle applies the ankle locks on the outside. Chioda gets him off of Benoit. Back in, Angle going for the cross arm breaker. Benoit twists his arm so that he’s on top of Angle. Trying not to have his arm hyperextended. Benoit gets to the ropes. Angle with the abdominal stretch. Benoit counters. Benoit then rolls through and gets the cross arm breaker on Angle. Angle gets to the ropes. Angle kicking Benoit and Angle holding his right arm. Benoit gets Angle down and gets the Sharpshooter on. Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit rolls through a takedown and gets a half crab on and Angle taps. Rest period. Angle staying away from Benoit trying to run out the clock. Benoit attacks him on the outside. Runs Angle into the steps. Benoit rolls Angle in and he rolls right out on the opposite side. Back in, they exchange shots. Angle throws Benoit out. He is keeping Benoit at bay so he can’t get in. Benoit gets back in and Angle stomps him. Angle with a suplex on Benoit. Benoit gets his legs up on an Angle corner charge. Angle comes out with a drop toe hold and Benoit gets immediately to the ropes. It goes outside and Angle hitting some big shots. Angle with a suplex on the outside. Angle kicking Benoit back in and Benoit grabs his ankle and turns it over into an ankle lock, but Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit with an Irish whip and goes to dropkick Angle, but Angle holds onto the ropes. Angle hooks the arm and the leg on a submission move. Turned into a sleeper. Benoit holding on. Angle running out the clock. Angle with a body vice and Benoit elbowing him frantically to get out. Benoit gets to his feet. Benoit hits a Jaw Breaker to get out. Angle with a clothesline. Then a belly to belly suplex. Then another belly to belly with three minutes left. Benoit reverses a corner whip and hits a series of belly to back suplexes. Angle blocks one then a series of reversals of ankle locks. Benoit with a lock on the knee and Angle taps. It’s tied with 2:10 left. Rest period. Benoit attacking the knee of Angle. Benoit with another belly to back suplex, but Angle grabs the ropes to break the hold. Angle with a low blow to Benoit. Angle with an ankle lock but Benoit grabs the ropes. He does it again with the same result. Angle with a suplex into an ankle lock. Benoit holds on until the bell rings. Tied 3-3. Mike Chioda talks to Howard Finkel, who announces that the match continues to sudden death. Angle punches down Benoit. Angle with a belly to belly suplex. Angle Sucks chant goes out. Scrambling for position on the mat. Angle with a vertical abdominal stretch on. Benoit punched Angle’s head to get out of it. Angle using the ropes. Benoit pushes out and away and gets the crossface on. Angle finally taps.
-Undertaker and Kane are seen talking in a stairwell. Stephanie and HHH are shown watching them on a monitor. They discuss what Kane and The Undertaker are talking about as well as the Big Show/Shane match coming up.
-Flashback to what led up to the Shane/Big Show match.
-Last Man Standing Match. The Big Show VS. Shane McMahon: McMahon starts out on the run from Big Show. McMahon throws a chair into the ring. He climbs under the ring. Big Show looks for him, but McMahon comes out another side with a kendo stick and whacks Big Show several times with it. He then picks up the Shane and the Beanstalk book and hits Big Show with it. A Shane O Mac chant starts. McMahon goes back to the kendo stick and goes to jump hit Big Show with it, but gets caught for a chokeslam. McMahon whacks Big Show with the stick to get loose. He goes to beat Big Show with it again but Big Show grabs it and clotheslines McMahon. Inside, McMahon attacks Big Show with the chair. McMahon keeps hitting Big Show, but he won’t go down. Finally, He goes down with a shot to the head. Jack Doan counting. McMahon goes outside and reaches under the ring for a bag. He opens the bag, puts on a face mask, sprays something onto a cloth, and jumps on Big Show's back and covers his face with the cloth. Big Show fights it, but drops to his knees. Big Show face down. Shane O Mac chant going out. Referee counting. Vince McMahon comes down and attacks Shane with the chair. A double count going. Big Show gets up and picks Shane up. He throws him into a corner, then does a sidewalk slam to Shane. A count going. Shane trying to pull himself up. Shane up at 9. Big Show starts chopping his chest. Big Show puts him on the top turnbuckle, then slings him off. Then a driving back forearm and the referee is counting again. Big Show picks Shane up at 8. He choke slams Shane. Count starts again. Picks Shane up again at 8. Big Show puts Shane in a Torture Rack, but gets attacked by Test. Big Show throws Test to the outside and follows him out. Big Show throws Test into the ringside steps. Test and Big Show battling up the aisle and Big Show hit with a barricade sign. Big Show grabs Test and runs him into the set. Big Show with Test on some cases and Shane coming up the aisle. Shane hits Big Show with a barricade sign. Big Show grabs a pipe to hit Shane. Shane climbing the set to get away from Big Show. Big Show goes to follow him, but Test grabs his leg. Test hitting Big Show with a sign as the crowd chants Holy Shit as Shane climbs higher. Test puts Big Show on a platform and Shane jumps on him from easily 30 feet in the air maybe higher than 30 feet. Both men down and the referee is counting. Test grabs a crane and lifts Shane on it to have him stand. Big Show still down and Shane wins. JR says the fall was 50 feet.
-Vince McMahon shown backstage talking to HHH and Stephanie. They tell him to concentrate on the Main Event. Vince says that from now on, he only has one son, and his name is HHH.
-Heyman and JR talk to Steve Blackman, who’s at WWF New York, about the last match. He said that Shane taking that bump was crazy and he never thought he would be in another Hardcore Match. Grandmaster Sexay comes in and says some stuff.
-European Championship Triple Threat Match. Matt Hardy VS. Christian VS. Eddie Guerrero: Hardy attacks both men, who then gang up on him. Double back elbow to Hardy. They throw Hardy to the outside. Christian then jumps Guerrero from behind. Christian with a power slam on Guerrero for a two count. Guerrero Irish whipped, but came back with a hurricanrana. Guerrero puts Christian on top, but Hardy pulls Guerrero off. Hardy comes and attacks Christian. Guerrero comes from behind and puts Hardy on his shoulders and Christian goes for the Doomsday Device, but Hardy rolls Guerrero up as Christian jumps. Hardy gets a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate on Guerrero, but gets clotheslined by Christian. Guerrero backdrops Christian. Guerrero with a drop toe hold to Christian. Hardy with a sunset flip to Guerrero and they get into the ropes. Hardy tosses Guerrero to the outside. Hardy with a clothesline and a two count on Christian. Hardy Irish whipped by Christian and Guerrero pulls Hardy’s leg and pulls him outside. They are trading blows when they are both taken out by Christian with a baseball slide. Hardy charges Christian, who backdrops Hardy who hits the ropes and rebounds with a DDT. Guerrero suplexes Hardy back into the ring. Guerrero with a brain buster to Hardy for a two count. Hardy tears his shirt off and climbs the turnbuckle, but gets caught by Guerrero. Guerrero tries to hurricanrana Hardy off, but Christian comes up and holds onto Hardy. Christian tries to superplex Hardy, but Hardy slams him down on Guerrero. Hardy with a double clothesline from the top rope. Christian rushes Hardy, who ducks and Christian crossbodies Guerrero and Hardy throws Christian to the outside. Hardy slams Guerrero and hits a second rope leg drop. Gets a close two count. Christian pulls Hardy out and slams his head on the apron. Edge comes down and Spears Hardy and throws him back in. Christian goes to pin Hardy, but gets pushed out of the ring by Guerrero who gets a near fall on Hardy. Jeff Hardy comes in to attack Edge. Edge throws him outside the ring. Christian hits the unprettier on Guerrero. Jeff Hardy with a swanton on Christian. Jeff Hardy nails Edge. Matt Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Christian to win.
-They Show Shane McMahon’s fall again.
-Flashback to what led to the Main Event.
-Main Event Tag Team Match. All titles on the line. WWF Champion Steve Austin and Intercontinental Champion HHH VS. World Tag Team Champions The Undertaker and Kane: Each man gets his own individual entrance. Undertaker is in his American Bad Ass phase and comes out to Rollin by Limp Bizkit. Undertaker and Kane in the ring and Austin and HHH on the outside to start. HHH gets up on the apron, but punched off by the Undertaker. Taking a long time to get Austin and HHH in the ring. HHH in and gets hit by Undertaker again and rolls out. Austin and HHH go to leave, but Kane and Undertaker chase them down and they fight in the aisle. Undertaker gets Austin inside the ring while Kane slams HHH on the announce table. They then trade spots and Undertaker and Austin are on the outside and Kane and HHH on the inside. Kane reverses a corner whip as Undertaker hits Austin with a right hand. Kane chokes HHH down then grabs Austin when he comes in. Kane beating HHH down in the corner. Kane with a corner whip and charge to HHH. HHH reverses an Irish whip and lands a big knee to Kane. HHH slams Kane’s injured arm against the ropes. They trade shots and Kane hits a clothesline to HHH. Austin and Undertaker both tagged in and Austin bets off from Undertaker because he wanted Kane. Undertaker stomping down Austin in the corner. Austin then punching Undertaker in the corner. Undertaker blocks being driven into the corner, then drives Austin into the corner. Austin corner whipped four times in a row. Austin on his knees and extends his hand to the Undertaker. Undertaker responds with a boot to Austin’s head. Kane then nails Austin. Undertaker with a wrist lock to Austin and tags Kane in. Austin Irish whipped, but nails Kane with a kick when Kane drops his head too early. Undertaker and HHH both tagged. HHH goes to push Undertaker, but gets a right hand for his troubles. Undertaker corner whipped, but Undertaker gets his boot up on the corner charge. Undertaker does Old School on HHH. Undertaker slams Austin when he comes in. Undertaker then does Old School to Austin. HHH then clotheslined to the outside by Undertaker. Austin and HHH go up the aisle again, but get attacked from behind by Kane. HHH run into the barricade. Austin thrown back into the ring. Austin being set up for the Last Ride or the Tombstone, but HHH clotheslines Undertaker. Austin and HHH kicking and stomping Undertaker down in the corner. It goes outside and Austin clotheslines Undertaker. Undertaker slammed on the announce table. Back in, Austin does the Big Boss Man ropes leg spot on Undertaker. Austin with a snap mare and drops a knee on Undertaker. HHH tagged in. They double team Undertaker. Undertaker down. HHH with a front face lock and Austin tagged back in. Undertaker stomped in the corner again. HHH tagged back in. Undertaker coming back with right hands and elbow shots to Austin and HHH. HHH Irish whipped, but comes back with a face buster to Undertaker. Undertaker Irish whipped, but comes back and DDT’s HHH. HHH tags, but Undertaker won’t because he is concerned about Kane’s injured elbow. Austin knocks down Undertaker and hits a cheap shot to Kane. Austin hits a Thesz press on Undertaker. Austin with running shots to Undertaker who grabs Austin by the throat after the third one. HHH comes in and he gets grabbed too. They both kick Undertaker and send him for an Irish whip but he responds with a double clothesline. Kane tagged himself in. Big boot to Austin. Then one for HHH. HHH knocked outside. Kane with a sidewalk slam to Austin. Kane goes up top. HHH goes up top on the opposite side. Kane splashes Austin and then slams HHH off the turnbuckle. Kane goes to choke slam Austin, but HHH gets a shot in on his elbow. Irish whip reversed by Austin who goes for the Stunner, but Kane pushes off. Kane with a back elbow to Austin. Then one for HHH who has come in. Big boot to Austin. Clothesline to HHH, but Austin gets a modified arm bar takedown on Kane’s injured arm. Austin beating Kane down by the ropes. HHH tagged in. Kane’s injured arm dropped down on the top rope and he falls outside. Austin takes a chair to Kane’s arm and whacks it against the broadcast table. Undertaker grabs the chair and takes after Austin, but the referee takes the chair from the Undertaker. HHH runs Kane’s arm into the ring steps. Back in, HHH has an arm bar on Kane’s injured arm. He’s trying to hyper extend the elbow of Kane. Kane trying to come back so HHH wrenches his arm down and Austin tagged in. Austin stomping Kane’s elbow and punching Kane. Kane reverses and punches Austin, but HHH comes in and kicks Kane. Austin goes to an arm bar on Kane’s injured arm. Kane gets to his feet and delivers some elbows to Austin. Kane gets Austin up, but can’t hold him. Austin pushes off and runs Kane into the turnbuckle. The referee pulls Austin off allowing HHH to slam Kane’s arm into the apron bringing Undertaker over. The referee sends Undertaker back to his corner. HHH tagged in and Austin holds Kane for HHH to punch. HHH with an arm wringer on Kane. Then a modified wrist lock to Kane. Kane fighting back and pushes HHH to the outside. Kane collapses on the mat. HHH pulls Undertaker down so that Kane can’t tag him. Austin pulls Kane to the center of the ring then lays some big boots to him. Austin tags HHH since HHH had been the legal man. Kane reverses an Irish whip, but can only grab Austin because of his elbow. Austin gets a side suplex to Kane. HHH goes up top, but Kane gets hits boot up when HHH comes off. Austin tagged in. Gets Kane in a sleeper. Kane reverses it into a backdrop. HHH tagged in. Grabs Kane’s leg. Single leg pick up and then drops a knee onto Kane’s quad. Kane corner whipped and HHH goes for the Pedigree. He hits it. Austin tagged in. He goes to cover, but Undertaker breaks it up. HHH tries to come in but the referee keeps him out allowing Undertaker to get the choke slam on Austin. Stephanie climbs onto the apron. She argues with referee Earl Hebner, who pushes her off the apron. Kane covers Austin for a two count. HHH tagged in and he grabs Kane’s leg. Kane with an enziguri and HHH run into Hebner. Undertaker tagged in and cleaning house. The referee didn’t see the tag. Undertaker beating HHH down in the corner while the referee yells for him to get out of the ring. Austin corner whipped and the Undertaker delivering clotheslines to both Austin and HHH in opposite corners. Austin knocked outside. HHH goes up for the Last Ride, but Hebner won’t count because he didn’t see Undertaker tag in. Austin attacks Undertaker from behind, knocking Hebner outside of the ring. Low blow to Undertaker. Austin hits the Stunner on Kane. Undertaker hits Austin and throws him outside the ring and Undertaker follows. Stephanie gives HHH one of the tag belts. HHH goes to hit Kane with the belt, but Kane gets his boot up and HHH gets whacked with the belt. Undertaker slamming Austin down by the equipment storage area. Kane goes to chokeslam HHH, but Stephanie comes in so he gives her a big boot. Vince McMahon comes in with a sledgehammer, but Kane grabs him by the throat. HHH gets the sledgehammer and hits Kane’s elbow with it. Then he nails him again. Vince throws Earl Hebner back in to count the pin. New Tag Team Champions. Vince drags Stephanie to the back. Austin and HHH grab the tag titles and hold them up. Undertaker staring them down as they leave.
-They replay the ending and sign off from Chicago.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show with some solid action.

Episode 180 Notes Thu, 11 May 2023 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] d27cc393-8173-456e-8103-ee2298a0a9d3 My notes for Episode 180: WrestleWar '92. -Today we look at WrestleWar '92 from WCW.
-WrestleWar '92 was shown on PPV on May 17, 1992 from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida. There were 6,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff welcome us to WrestleWar '92. They talk about War Games and the injury that Sting has before throwing it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura, who are at ringside to call the action. They talk about War Games before talking about what's coming up.
-WCW United States Tag Team Championship Match. The Taylor Made Man and Greg Valentine vs. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Valentine started the year in the WWF and was in Royal Rumble 1992 and Taylor will end the year in the WWF and will be in the 1993 Royal Rumble. Freebirds chant goes out before the match even starts. Taylor and Hayes start. They both stall and strut to begin. They finally lock up. Hayes with a shoulder block to Taylor after a push off. Hayes with the early advantage. Hayes pushes off from a Taylor side headlock, unaware that Taylor had tagged Valentine in. Hayes drops down and the tag champs collide into each other. Hayes rolls Valentine up for a two count. A DDT chant goes out. Freebirds in control early. Hayes tries to counter a hip lock and Valentine clotheslines him to the mat. Valentine with some chops to Hayes. Valentine with an Irish whip and goes to kick Hayes in the stomach, but Hayes catches his leg and atomic drops Valentine. A pair of clotheslines gets a two count for Hayes. Hayes trying to get the crowd into the match as Jesse says both men need to tag their partners in. Hayes with some chops and Garvin tagged in. Valentine with a corner whip, but Garvin moves on the charge and Valentine hits the post shoulder first. Valentine comes back out and Garvin gets a wrist lock on Valentine. Valentine up and they go back and forth. Valentine holds on to the ropes as Garvin tries to roll him up, but Garvin moves out of the way when Valentine drops his elbow and Garvin goes back to the wrist lock. Gavin goads Taylor into the ring. Hayes comes off the top rope onto Valentine with an elbow and then picks the arm bar up. I've never liked that phantom tag spot. It is a dumb thing to do and makes the referee look bad. Jesse agrees with me as a DDT chant goes out. Valentine gets Hayes down and tags Taylor in. Freebirds with a wrist lock and they keep quick tagging to keep Taylor off balance. Taylor with an Irish whip and Garvin comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Garvin with an arm bar and tags Hayes back in. Hayes gets Taylor down. Taylor with a knee to the midsection and tosses Hayes to the outside. Taylor sets Hayes up to clothesline him back in, but Hayes backdrops Taylor into the ring instead. Hayes with an elbow drop for a two count. Garvin tagged in. He gets an arm bar on as the DDT chant goes out again. Taylor with a drop toe hold that drives Garvin to the outside. Valentine comes out and attacks Garvin with chops. Taylor brings Garvin back in and hits a jaw breaker before tagging Valentine in. Valentine comes in with a series of chops. Valentine with a corner whip, but Garvin gets his boot up on the charge. Valentine with his version of the flop. Garvin trying to make it to the corner to Hayes. Valentine knocks Hayes off the apron to prevent the tag. Garvin counters a suplex and gets his legs up on a splash attempt. Valentine grabs Garvin's leg to prevent the tag and tags Taylor in. Taylor with a corner clothesline. Taylor gets at two count. Taylor with a chin lock. Garvin up and the two collide in the ring. Both Hayes and Valentine tagged in. Hayes with a backdrop to Valentine and then Hayes runs the tag champions heads together. All four men in now and as referee Bill Alphonso is getting Garvin out, Hayes goes for the DDT on Valentine, only to get hit with a five arm from Taylor. Hayes gets his shoulder up before the three count. Valentine with a backbreaker for another two count. Valentine tries to force Hayes' shoulders down as a Freebirds chant goes out. Valentine with some splash attempts and Hayes gets his legs up on one of them. Taylor tagged in. Taylor rakes Hayes' eyes, bringing Garvin in so the heels can double team while Alphonso is getting Garvin out. Taylor with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count and Valentine tagged back in. Valentine working on the legs to get the figure four on. Garvin in to break it up. Valentine transitions to an arm bar. Valentine with a corner whip and Hayes hits the mat. Taylor tagged in. Hayes runs Taylor into a turnbuckle. Hayes blocks being run into the buckle and hits Taylor with a big left hand. Garvin tags in and cleans house. Heels with a double Irish whip, and Garvin comes back with a double clothesline. Taylor reverses an Irish whip and Valentine trips Garvin from the outside. Taylor drops a knee on Garvin and goes to cover him, but Hayes breaks up the pin attempt and all four men in the ring. Garvin hits a DDT and pins Taylor and we have new US Tag Team Champions. The crowd goes wild for the announcement.
-Tracy Smothers vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd comes out and the fans love him. JR brings up Badd's boxing career so TASIYDAH. He puts his kiss sticker on a fan at ringside and then shoots off his Badd blaster. The bell rings and they circle each other. Smothers with a side headlock into a hammerlock. Badd counters into a roll up for a one count. Smothers says he had a handful of tights. They exchange waist locks. Smothers with a back elbow and Badd responds with a hip lock and an arm drag. Badd gets the fans into the match. Badd with another arm drag and a crossbody for a two count. Badd with a series of moves back into an arm bar and Badd has been impressive in this match. Smothers gets Badd to the corner to break and then buries his shoulders into Badd's midsection several times. Badd reverses and hits some left hands and corner whips Smothers, but Smothers gets his boot up on the charge. Smothers comes back with a modified dropkick. Smothers gets a two count. Smothers with a back rake and drags Badd's face on the top rope. Smothers with a throat thrust to knock Badd down and Smothers goes up top. He hits the top rope back elbow to Badd and gets a two count. Smothers goes back and hits another back elbow to Badd, but Badd continues to roll through and gets a two count of his own. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Smothers with a side kick to Badd for another two count. Smothers with a reverse chin lock. Badd gets out and goes for a sunset flip, but can't get Smothers over. They do a couple of counters for two count. Smothers goes into a headlock on Badd. Badd gets out and hits Smothers with a high knee. Badd then runs Smothers face first into the mat. He follows that up with a power slam. Badd with a sunset flip from the top rope for a two count. Badd ducks a kick from Smothers and hits him with the left hand to pin Smothers and Jesse complains that the left hand is illegal.
-Missy Hyatt interviews the Freebirds about being the new tag team champions. And look, they have Precious with them. She is introduced as the brains behind the Freebirds, but I don't believe she was out there with them and if she was, they didn't show her or mention her. They say they are climbing the stairway to heaven back to the top.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff talk about Scotty Flamingo and Marcus Bagwell before throwing it to Gary Michael Cappetta.
-Marcus Bagwell vs. Scotty Flamingo: Jesse kids JR about his age and JR reminds Jesse that he's older than JR. The two wrestlers battle for position. They push off. Another lock up and push off. They take turns slapping each other. Flamingo rushes Bagwell and gets him down with a waist lock. He then throws Bagwell out to the floor. This was the first PPV I remembered being advertised by WCW as I had only started watching it in April as one of my local channels started carrying Worldwide the week that Jesse joined as color commentator. Bagwell gets back in and nails Flamingo from behind. They go back to slapping each other. Back and forth and Bagwell catches Flamingo with a right hand. Bagwell with a corner whip and a belly to back suplex for a two count. Bagwell counters a suplex attempt with one of his own for a two count. Flamingo with a drop toe hold that sends Bagwell out to the floor. Flamingo throws Bagwell back in the ring. Flamingo goes for a knee to the midsection, but Bagwell hooks it for a two count. Flamingo hits a modified belly to back suplex. Flamingo drops a fist onto Bagwell from the second rope. He gets a two count. Flamingo with a headlock to Bagwell. Flamingo choking Bagwell, but breaks after the two count. Flamingo gets a few two counts. Flamingo goes back to the headlock. Bagwell gets back to his feet and hits some elbows to Flamingo. They trade shoulder blocks and Flamingo with a crossbody that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. They get back in the ring and Bagwell counters a hip toss. Bagwell with a clothesline. Bagwell with a series of right hands to knock Flamingo down. Flamingo with a corner whip, and Bagwell with a back elbow. Bagwell with a double ax handle. Bagwell with a fisherman's suplex, but Flamingo is up in the ropes. Bagwell with a roll up, but Flamingo rolls through and pins Bagwell with a handful of tights.
-Beach Blast '92 ad.
-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura talk about JYD coming out of the crowd to help Ron Simmons at SuperBrawl II.
-Mr. Hughes and Cactus Jack vs. Ron Simmons and JYD: Cactus Jack leaves the ramp when he comes down, only to pop back up and attack JYD from behind as he was coming down to ringside. JYD and Cactus Jack attacking each other by the ramp and Ron Simmons and Mr. Hughes fighting in the ring. Cactus Jack runs JYD into the ramp and then drops an elbow on JYD off the ramp. Simmons comes out and backdrops Cactus Jack on the ramp. Officials out checking on JYD. Simmons calls for some help as a JYD chant goes out. Cactus Jack says to the camera that he took JYD out and then yells for Simmons. Simmons comes to ringside and gets attacked by Hughes and Cactus Jack as he gets in the ring. Double Irish whip and Simmons comes back with a double clothesline. Referee Bill Alphonso declares it a one-on-one contest between Hughes and Simmons and informs Cactus Jack that he has to get off the apron. Hughes with a corner whip. Simmons comes back with a clothesline. Hughes reverses an Irish whip and Simmons reverses a hip lock. Hughes rolls out of the ring to regroup and confer with Cactus Jack. Back in, Hughes attacks Simmons as Jesse takes shots at Bill Watts playing for Oklahoma when they would lose to Texas every year. Watts had either just come in or was about to and wanted to cut Jesse to save money and offered Jesse 10% of his contract to leave and Jesse said you must be crazy and counter offered 90%. So Bill Watts was stuck with Ventura and Jesse didn't care because Jesse wasn't intimidated by Watts. Hughes with a clothesline and then he drops an elbow on Simmons. He gets a two count. Hughes with a scoop slam. He follows it up with a knee drop for another 2 count. Hughes with a corner whip and Simmons catches him with an elbow on the charge. Hughes chokes Simmon on the top rope, but breaks on the one count. Hughes with an Irish whip and Simmons comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Hughes goes back to choking Simmons on the rope and breaking at the three count. The referee gets Hughes away, allowing Cactus Jack to hit Simmons with a forearm. Simmons comes back with an Irish whip and a hip toss. Hughes goes over to tag Cactus Jack, but the referee disallows it. Jesse has been arguing with JR for the past few minutes about it being a two-on-one match and you can tell JR is getting irritated and that Jesse knows it. Hughes goes back to choking Simmons on the ropes. Hughes goes for the leapfrog body guillotine, but Simmons moves and then hits Hughes with a clothesline. Simmons follows that up with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Hughes comes back with an eye poke. Simmons reverses an Irish whip and catches Hughes with a spinebuster. Cactus Jack comes into the ring and Simmons gets him out with a shoulder block and then hits a running tackle to the knee of Hughes. He gets the pin and Jesse complains about the knee. Simmons takes out Cactus Jack with a clothesline after the match. Tony and Eric discuss the match and then preview the next match.
-Todd Champion vs. The Super Invader with Harley Race: Super Invader is Hercules under a mask. Super Invader attacks Champion with chops and throat thrusts as the bell rings. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He then drops an elbow on Champion. Then a pair of corner whips by Super Invader and a test of strength with Champion. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Super Invader with some karate thrusts to knock Champion to his knees. Super Invader with a side slam. He follows that up with a throat thrust and chokes Champion in a corner for a four count. Champion comes back with some right hands and Super Invader responds with a rake to the face. Super Invader with a belly to back suplex. He then gets a snap mare and a chin lock on Champion. Champion trying to get back to his feet. He does and then gets some forearms to Super Invader to get free, but Super Invader knocks him back down with a clothesline. Super Invader throws Champion out of the ring and Champion hits the barricade. Super Invader comes out to the apron and hits Champion with a chop. Champion kicks Super Invader, who responds with a scoop slam to the floor. Champion gets back in the ring and Super Invader scoop slams him again. Super Invader goes up top, but Champion catches him with a leg as he comes off. Champion with some right hands, Super Invader reverses an Irish whip and Champion comes back with a clothesline. Champion tries to Irish whip Super Invader, who slips off the Irish whip, but Champion catches him with a back elbow. Champion rushes Super Invader, who guillotines Champion on the top rope. Super Invader hits a powerbomb and pins Champion.
-JR and Jesse talk about the War Games before going back to Gary Michael Cappetta.
-Richard Morton vs. Big Josh: Morton replaces the Diamond Studd, who had departed WCW to debut shortly for the WWF as Razon Ramon. The bell rings and Josh rushes Morton, who backs into the ropes to avoid getting hit. Morton keeps backing into the ropes every time Josh gets near. Morton finally rushes Josh, who responds by pushing Morton down and then getting a side headlock on. Morton pushes off and Josh comes back with a shoulder block and a cover for a two count. Josh with a hip toss and a scoop slam. He then does his log roll move to Morton. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Morton comes back with a right hand and a running knee lift and both of these men wouldn't be in WCW for too much longer as Josh would depart for the WWF to become Doink and Morton would reunite with Robert Gibson in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Morton ripping Josh's flannel shirt off him. Josh pushes Morton into a corner and hits Morton with a series of left hands. Morton tries to get out and Josh shoves Morton back into the corner and chops Morton. Josh with a corner whip and a running forearm to Morton. Josh with another chop and a corner whip. Morton moves on the charge. Morton with a belly to back suplex. Morton follows that up with an Irish whip and an inverted atomic drop. Morton drops a knee on Josh and then chokes Josh with his boot for a two count. He then runs Josh into a corner and Josh comes back with a chop. Josh reverses an Irish whip. Morton comes back and slides between Josh's legs and goes to roll Josh up. Josh holds on to the ropes through. Josh then goes to drop an elbow on Morton, but Morton rolls out of the way. Morton gets a two count. They go back and forth in the corner. Morton with a snap mare. He then drops a knee on Josh. He gets a two count. Morton comes up with an arm bar on Josh. He gets Josh down on the mat and tells the referee to ask Josh if he wants to give up. Josh makes his way back to his feet and breaks the hold with a knee to the midsection. Josh then chops Morton. Back and forth and Josh stomps down on Morton's head as he was going for a monkey flip. Josh drops an elbow for a two count. Morton drops Josh with a fist. Morton works the arm over. Then into a front face lock. Into a bear hug, but Josh gets to the ropes to break the hold. Josh hits a belly to belly suplex. Josh with a corner whip and a double arm suplex. He gets another two count. Morton comes back with a shot to the eyes. Morton off the second rope, but gets caught and Josh hits an inverted atomic drop. Josh with a big shot to the chest of Morton to knock him down and Josh hits the Northern Exposure to pin Morton.
-Tony and Eric preview the Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. They replay the confrontation that Z-Man and Brian Pillman had on WCW Saturday Night.
-WCW Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. Brian Pillman vs. The Z-Man: Both get good reactions, but Pillman is more popular with the crowd. JR goes over the history between the two men. The bell rings. Pillman offers his hand and Zenk shakes it and then slaps the hand away. They circle each other. Pillman with a wrist lock. Zenk reverses the hold. Into a hammerlock to a side headlock. Pillman pushes off. Zenk comes back with a shoulder block. They both do leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid each other. They both go for dropkicks simultaneously. Both back to their feet and circling each other again. Pillman with a drop toe hold. He gets an arm bar on Zenk. Into a hammerlock on Zenk. Zenk gets back to his feet. They rush each other and both go for flying clotheslines, only to hook each others arms. Very fast paced match here. They circle each other again. Pillman with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Pillman with a snap mare. He then gets a side headlock. Zenk pushes Pillman into the corner, but Pillman jumps up to avoid the charge. Zenk then counters an arm drag and covers Pillman for a one count. Zenk goes back to the hammerlock. Both men back to their feet and Zenk has an arm bar on. They go back and forth and Pillman catches Zenk in a headscissors. Pillman then gets an arm bar on. Pillman with a snap mare into a leg scissors as JR works in Pillman's football background so TASIYDAH. Zenk gets to the ropes to break the hold as Jesse can't believe that Pillman played nose tackle in college. Pillman with an Irish whip and Zenk comes back with a backslide and gets a two count. Zenk with an inside cradle for another two count. Pillman with an Irish whip and Zenk comes back with a sunset flip for another two count. Pillman up and hits Zenk hard in the chest twice before getting a drop toe hold on Zenk. Pillman with a leg lock and working over the leg of Zenk as Zenk reaches for the ropes to try and break the hold. Pillman then back to his feet and grabs the other leg. He works over the leg and drops an elbow on the knee. Pillman then goes to hyper extend the knee of Zenk, who backs away from Pillman. Zenk gets back to his feet, only to be knocked back down by Pillman when he hyper extends the leg again. Pillman goes to cannonball onto the leg, but Zenk moves. Zenk kicks the lower back of Pillman. Zenk with a suplex for a two count. Zenk works the back over. Zenk with a backbreaker and a corner splash, but Pillman gets the knees up on the charge. Pillman goes back to work on the leg of Zenk. He drops some elbows on Zenk. Pillman with a single leg crab to Zenk. Zenk hyper extending the leg as he makes his way back to his feet. Zenk comes back with an Enziguri as Pillman grabs his leg. Zenk gets a two count. Zenk chopping Pillman's chest. Zenk with an Irish whip and goes for the high knee to Pillman, who moves out of the way and Zenk hits the corner post. Pillman gets the figure four on Zenk. They take turns slapping each other while Pillman has Zenk in the move. Zenk tries to get to the ropes before reversing course and turning the other way to reverse the move on Pillman. Pillman turns the move back over, but that puts them in the ropes and the referee breaks the hold. Both men hurting and having trouble getting back to their feet and Pillman chopping Zenk in the corner. Pillman with a corner whip and charge. Zenk responds with a backdrop and Pillman lands on his feet on the apron. Pillman goes for a flying shoulder tackle from the apron, but Zenk catches him and power slams Pillman. Zenk gets a very close two count. Both men back to their feet and Zenk chopping Pillman. Zenk with an Irish whip and Pillman comes back with a crucifix for another two count. Pillman sets Zenk up on the top turnbuckle and slaps Zenk in the face. Pillman goes for the superplex, but Zenk hitting Pillman in the ribs trying to avoid the move. Zenk pushes Pillman off. Zenk hits Pillman with a crossbody. Zenk with a cover, but only gets a two count. Zenk with an Irish whip. They go to avoid each other, but collide in midair. A double count going. Both men up at 8. Zenk reverses an Irish whip and does almost a modified flapjack to Pillman. Zenk gets a two count. Zenk goes to drop an elbow, but Pillman moves out of the way. Pillman gets Zenk up twice, but Zenk's leg gives out both times and he falls to the mat. Pillman goes up top, but Zenk up quickly and catches Pillman with a kick as Pillman comes off the top. Zenk was faking his injury. Zenk covers Pillman, but Pillman was in the ropes. Zenk kicks Pillman away from the ropes and goes for his dropkick off the top rope, but misses it when Pillman moves out of the way. Pillman rolls Zenk up to get the pin and retain the Light-Heavyweight title. Pillman and the crowd celebrate before he grabs his title and leaves.
-Beach Blast ad.
-JR and Jesse preview the tag team match coming up.
-Match to determine the number one contenders for the IWGP Tag Team Championship. Tatsumi Fujinami and Takayuki Iizuka vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: The Steiner Brothers are extremely popular with the fans as they come out. Fujinami and Scott start and Fujinami was in the main event of SuperBrawl I in the same building one year previously almost to the day. The bell rings and they lock up. They get to the ropes and battle for position. They break clean. They lock up again and Fujinami with an arm drag. They lock up again and Scott with a double leg pick up. He twists Fujinami over, but Fujinami gets to the ropes. They circle each other again. Scott with a fireman's carry takeover. Fujinami up to his knees and Scott with a front face lock. Fujinami reverses an Irish whip and Scott comes back with a shoulder block. Scott runs the ropes. Scott goes to do a float over Samoan drop on Fujinami, but doesn't really get it. Iizuka comes in and Scott does get it on him. Scott with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Fujinami. Iizuka tagged in. Iizuka with knees to Scott in the corner and then a corner whip to Scott. Iizuka then catches Scott with a shoulder to the midsection on a corner charge. Iizuka follows that up with a scoop slam. Iizuka then goes up and hits Scott with an elbow off the second rope. He then hits Scott with a 360 cannonball off the top rope. He gets a two count. A USA chant goes out. Iizuka with a Boston Crab on Scott. Scott trying to get out of the move. Iizuka switches around to get a cover and Scott bridges out of the move. Scott comes back with a double underhook powerbomb. Scott gets Iizuka up on his shoulder and tags Rick in. Rick hits the elbow off the top rope and covers Iizuka for a two count. Rick with a reverse chin lock. Fujinami tagged in. They lock up. Fujinami with a side headlock takeover. Rick gets back to his feet. Both men battle for position and Rick with an overhead belly to back suplex Rick drops an elbow on Fujinami and gets a one count. Rick with a side headlock and Scott tagged in. Scott with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Scott follows that up with a single crab. Fujinami gets to the ropes as Jesse says that Iizuka is bleeding from the move that Rick put on him earlier.. Scott and Fujinami lock up again and drive to the ropes. Then to the corner and Rick tagged back in. Fujinami attacking Rick with fists and kicks to knock Rick down to the mat. Fujinami gets Rick up on his shoulders and tags Iizuka in. Iizuka with a crossbody to Rick off of Fujinami's shoulders, but Rick catches him and turns him over in mid-air. Fujinami breaks up the pin attempt right before the three count and now all four men in the ring. IIzuka fighting off Rick in the ring with chops as referee Randy Anderson gets the other two out of the ring. Rick comes back with a side headlock. Iizuka pushes off and Rick comes back with a shoulder block. Rick drops an elbow on Iizuka for a two count. Fujinami tagged in and targets Rick's legs with brutal looking kicks. He then puts Rick in a leg lock. The crowd clapping trying to get Rick back in the ring. Rick turns on his shoulders to get Fujinami down for a two count. Fujinami switches back over to get the move back on Rick. Fujinami drags Rick by the leg over to the corner and jumps off to hyper extend the leg. Iizuka tagged in and Fujinami holds the leg for Iizuka to run and splash down on before Fujinami gets out of the ring and Iizuka picks up the leg lock. Rich grabs Iizuka by the waist to turn him over and gets a two count. Iizuka keeps the move on as the USA chant goes out again. Rick then turns Iizuka over to get another two count. Rick attacking Iizuka with some big shots. He gets a front face lock on Iizuka and tags Scott in. Scott with an Irish whip and a tilt a whirl slam. Scott goes over to trash talk Fujinami, who then comes in and Randy Anderson tells him to get out as Scott goes to cover IIzuka. He gets a two count. Scott goes for a chin lock. Scott transitions to a double chicken wing and gets a two count. Iizuka up and Scott with a single leg suplex. Rick tagged back in. He picks up a leg lock and gets a one count and JR says that Iizuka is hurt badly. Fujinami climbs up on his turnbuckle and Anderson tells him he has to get down. Rick cranking on the hold and Iizuka struggling to get out of it. Rick picks Iizuka up on his shoulder and runs him into the corner post. Rick grabs Iizuka again and tags Scott in. Scott with a pump handle slam on Iizuka. Scott then drops an elbow and gets a two count. Scott with an arm lock and gets another two count. Iizuka trying to get out of the move, so Scott ties him up and goes for a cover, but they are in the ropes. Fujinami tagged in while Scott has a waist lock on Iizuka and unaware that a tag was made. Fujinami hits Scott with a forearm from the second rope. Fujinami then goes over to the corner and nails Rick, who comes in and they start to fight each other. All four men in briefly before the referee gets the two not tagged in out of the ring and Fujinami with an abdominal stretch to Scott. Fujinami gets Scott down on the mat while still in the move and gets a two count. Fujinami pivots to a front face lock. The USA chant goes out again. Scott gets back to his feet. Fujinami hits Scott with some right hand and Scott responds with an elbow to the ribs. Scott with a knee to the stomach and a modified hip toss and Rick tagged in. Rick with some big forearms to Fujinami, who responds by pushing Rick back to the corner and Iizuka tagged in. Iizuka hitting Rick with a series of kicks and Rick responds by getting Iizuka down with a double leg pick up. He gets a two count. Rick with a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count before Fujinami comes in and kicks Rick in the head. Scott tagged back in. Scott snap mares Iizuka back to his own corner and Fujinami tagged in. They lock up and Fujinami with a wrist lock. Iizuka comes in to help and Scott flips out of the move and flips the two Japanese wrestlers over. They duck a Scott clothesline attempt only to get hit with a top rope Steinerline from Rick and the crowd loved that move. Scott gets Iizuka up on a turnbuckle to suplex Iizuka off, only to get hit with a belly to bell suplex from Fujinami while Randy Anderson was getting Rick out of the ring. Iizuka goes for a belly to back suplex with a bridge to pin Scott, but he can't hold the move. He gets a two count. Fujinami tagged back in. He and Iizuka hit a spike piledriver on Scott. Fujinami holds Scott while Iizuka hits Scott with a top rope dropkick. Fujinami follows that up with an Irish whip and a sleeper on Scott. He gets Scott down and then gets the dragon sleeper on Scott. Scott gets to the ropes. Fujinami pulls him away from the ropes and applies a sleeper once again. He gets Scott down on the mat again and Scott kicks him in the face. Scott follows that up with a clothesline to Fujinami. Scott with an Irish whip. Fujinami comes back with a shoulder block and both men down. A double count going. Both Rick and Iizuka tagged in and the crowd is really into this match now. Rick with an Irish whip and a Steinerline. He drops an elbow on Iizuka and gets a two count. Rick with a belly to belly suplex. Fujinami breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Rick gets Iizuka on the top rope and hits a belly to belly off the top rope to get the pin.
-Jim and Jesse talk about War Games and The Match Beyond. Tony and Eric talk about War Games and Sting's broken ribs. They also talk about both teams and the Dangerous Alliance being a team vs. Sting's Squadron being a series of individuals. They throw it to GMC to say let the War Games begin and the cage is lowered.
-Main Event War Games. GMC announces the rules of War Games. The Dangerous Alliance Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko with Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa vs. Stings Squadron Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, and Nikita Koloff: Sting's Squadron is very popular with the crowd when they come out. Both teams conferring on the outside to determine who will start the match. Steve Austin and Barry Windham start. Windham starts with big right hands to Austin. Windham with a side headlock and Austin pushes off. Windham comes back with a shoulder block. Austin back to his feet and goes to run Windham into the cage, but Windham catches himself before he is run in and Austin begging off. Windham with a series of right hands to Austin. Windham follows that up with a scoop slam and goes for an elbow, but Austin moves out of the way as Jesse complains about Windham's hand being taped up. Austin comes back with a right hand to Windham. he then runs Windham face first into the turnbuckle. Austin runs a couple of shoulder's into Windham's midsection and Windham responds with a rake to Austin's eyes. Windham goes for a suplex, but Austin counter it into a backdrop. Austin follows that up with an elbow drop to Windham. Windham up and throws Austin between the two rings and then follows Austin. Austin rolls into the second ring. Windham goes to throw Austin into the cage, but Austin gets his arms up to avoid going in face first. Windham switches tactics and hits Austin with a DDT. Windham brings Austin over to the cage and Austin fighting not to have his head run into the cage. Back and forth in the ring. Jesse and JR arguing about the taped fist of Windham as Austin clotheslines Windham between the rings as a Paul E sucks chant goes out from the crowd. Austin runs and clotheslines Windham over the ropes and into the other ring. Austin goes up to the second rope and grabs the top of the cage to swing and kick Windham, but gets caught and slammed down to the mat. Windham hits Austin with a right hand and runs Austin into the cage. He runs Austin into the cage again and Austin just falls straight down onto the apron this time. Windham comes over and rubs Austin's face into the side of the cage like he was a head of cabbage. Jesse says Steamboat spit on Austin and JR says that he didn't see that and the two argue. They really didn't like each other and it shows. JR admits that it was his fault because he was jealous that Jesse was making more than him while doing less work, which he now admits wasn't Jesse's fault and he should have been more mature about the whole thing. Austin falls back from the cage and he is bleeding. One minute left in the period. Windham runs Austin into the turnbuckle. Windham brings Austin over to the camera and bites him on the forehead. Austin with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Windham kicks him in the face. They get ready for the coin toss on the outside. The Dangerous Alliance wins the coin toss and Rick Rude goes in. Rude attacks Windham with forearms to the back. Rude and Windham going back and forth in the center of ring two. Rude gets Windham in the corner and runs his shoulder into Windham several times as a Barry chant goes out from the crowd. Rude goes to run Windham into the cage, but Windham blocks it. Rude holds Windham for Austin to hit a clothesline from the second rope. Auustin and Rude then throw Windham into the cage. They get Windham down and Rude gets a modified camel clutch on Windham as the timer counts down and Ricky Steamboat comes in. He attacks both Rude and Austin to get them off Windham. Steamboat runs Austin into the cage and then hits Rude with shots and chops. He then runs Rude into the cage and DDT's him. Then a DDT on Austin and the crowd is really into this match. Steamboat runs Rude into the turnbuckle repeatedly until Austin hits Steamboat from behind. Austin with a corner whip, but Steamboat moves on the charge and Austin hits the corner post with his shoulder. Steamboat grabs the top of the cage and kicks Austin away. He then wraps his legs around Rude and hurricanranas him over and starts punching Rude. The faces have the heels down on the mat and punching them. Rude fighting back Steamboat as Windham runs Austin into a turnbuckle and Austin falls between the rings. Windham and Austin are now fighting in ring one. The timer goes down and Anderson comes in. Anderson hits Windham with a DDT. He then hits Steamboat from behind, Irish whips Steamboat, and hits a spinebuster on him, and nobody does a spinebuster better than Anderson. Anderson and Rude then get a double Boston crab on Steamboat. Windham comes over to break it up as Jesse says that Steamboat is screaming for all the girlfriends that he has ever had here in Jacksonville and that could be 10-12 in the crowd and Jim Ross says that's not true and you know it. Anderson and Rude double team Windham as Austin goes after Steamboat. Then Austin comes after Windham as Windham had gotten in a shot on Anderson and Rude hits a piledriver on Steamboat. Jim Ross works in that it looks like a car wreck on 95, so TASIYDAH. Rude and Anderson throw Steamboat into ring one. Rude goes after Steamboat while Austin and Anderson throw Windham into the space between the rings. Rude Irish whips Steamboat and they clothesline each other down as the timer counts down and Rhodes comes in. He attacks Anderson with a series of left and right hands. Anderson with a corner whip, but Rhodes gets his knees-up on the charge. Rhodes then catches Anderson with his boot as Anderson charges again and then hits an elbow on Anderson. Rhodes then unloads on Austin when he comes over and hits Austin with an inverted atomic drop after an Irish whip. He follows that up with a wicked looking clothesline to Austin and then gets Austin on his shoulders. He goes backwards to slam Austin down on the mat. Windham gets Anderson's head down in the area between the two rings and slams him down repeatedly. Rhodes on Austin punching him in the face as Steamboat has a figure four on Rude. The timer counts down and Zbyszko comes in. Rhodes meets him at the door as he comes in and hits Zbyszko with a series of right hands. Madusa gets Paul E's cell phone and climbs up the side of the cage. She gets on top of the cage and passes the cell phone to Anderson. Sting climbs up to the top of the cage and goes after Madusa. Madusa climbs down to get away from Sting as Anderson is hitting all of the faces with the telephone. Rude puts his fingers in Steamboat's nose and it looks like he is trying to rip the nose off. Austin punching Windham in the face as Anderson knocks Rhodes to the ground. Anderson throws Windham into the cage. Rude runs Steamboat into the cage and then gets on Steamboat's back and gets a sleeper on. The timer counts down and Sting comes in to a big ovation. He goes after Anderson and slams him down to the mat. He then hits a jaw breaker on Rude. He then military presses Rude into the top of the cage. He throws Anderson into the cage. Then an Irish whip to Austin and Sting backdrops him into the cage. Sting runs Anderson's head repeatedly into the cage as Madusa is shown taping up Eaton's fist on the outside. The heels and faces are paired off in the ring. Austin with a flying shoulder tackle to knock Rhodes to the mat. Zbyszko and Windham knock each other down. Sting and Steamboat have Rude between the two rings and have grabbed his legs and pulling them apart like he is a wish bone. The timer counts down and Eaton enters the match. Eaton runs Steamboat into the cage as JR says that the Dangerous Alliance is at full strength, 5-4. Eaton hitting each of the faces and the camera has not shown a close up of everyone, but from my vantage point, shout out to Joe and Quinn, it looks like everyone is bleeding. Eaton runs Windham into the cage as Steamboat clotheslines Rude to get him off Sting. Zbyszko and Rude over in the corner loosening one of the turnbuckles. Sting comes over and grabs Rude before he can loosen it all of the way. Windham gets Anderson in a figure four. Zbyszko runs Steamboat into the cage and Steamboat comes back with chops to Zbyszko. Blood and bodies are everywhere as the timer gets down to 30 seconds and the crowd starts chanting Nikita in anticipation for Koloff coming in. The fans count along with GMC as he counts down from 10 and JR says there has been a lot of speculation as to what Koloff will do. Koloff comes into the cage to a massive cheer as the timer counts down and the Match Beyond begins. Koloff goes after Anderson and knocks him down. He runs Anderson into the cage and Anderson is a bloody mess. Koloff helps Sting up and they are just staring at each other. Ross mentions that these are two former adversaries. Koloff pushes Sting out of the way of an Anderson/Austin sneak attack and takes the clothesline instead. Austin and Anderson with Irish whips to Sting and Koloff, who both duck clothesline attempts and come back with clotheslines of their own. Sting and Koloff then high five and hugged to the delight of the crowd. Sting and Koloff beating down Anderson and Austin. Rude comes over and he and Koloff start going at it as Sting starts to stomp on Anderson. Windham runs Zbyszko into Rhodes' boot. Blood is everywhere. Rude back to working to loosen the turnbuckle until he gets cut off by Steamboat. Sting with a splash to Anderson in a corner. Sting gets the Scorpion on Anderson. Eaton comes and hits Sting to break the hold as Rude has gotten the turnbuckle loose and it's down on the ground. Rhodes and Koloff with a double Irish whip and back elbow to Zbyszko. Rhodes with a figure four on Zbyszko. Koloff running Austin repeatedly into the turnbuckle. Rhodes goes up top, but misses the elbow drop on Austin. Zbyszko and Eaton beating on Sting and Zbyszko tells Eaton to hold Sting while he hits Sting with the turnbuckle hook. Zbyszko swings the hook, but Sting ducks and Zbyszko hits Eaton in the shoulder. Zbyszko knocked down by Sting, who then immediately puts an arm bar on Eaton. Eaton has no choice but to submit and the referee has them ring the bell. GMC announces Sting's Squadron as the winners. They open up the cage and Paul E comes in and immediately starts yelling at Zbyszko. The rest of the Dangerous Alliance come over and yell at Zbyszko as well. Zbyszko defending himself saying he didn't mean to do it. The crowd cheers Sting's team as they leave while the Dangerous Alliance is still in the cage yelling at Zbyszko. A Paul E sucks chant goes out as they take a look at the replay of what happened.
-Tony and Eric talk about what we just saw and review the PPV as a whole. They then preview Beach Blast. Jim and Jesse talk about the end of the match and the PPV before signing off.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fantastic show and one of the best PPV's I have ever seen with perhaps the best War Games. Highly recommended.

Episode 179 Notes Thu, 27 Apr 2023 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 734b2c7e-4832-43f1-ba42-0f827b00ef10 My notes for Episode 179: WrestleMania VIII. ?The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
-Welcome to the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I’m your host Joey Harris and we are broadcasting from MakeShift Studios in the shadow of south central Virginia.
-Follow the show’s Twitter: @CupofJoepod
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-Bidet People.
-Today, we look at WrestleMania VIII from the WWF.
-WrestleMania VIII took place on April 5, 1992 from the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, IN. There were 62,167 in attendance.
-Dark Match. The Bushwhackers defeated The Beverly Brothers by pinfall.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to WrestleMania VIII. Heenan says he's looking for the centerfold pictures Ric Flair said he was going to put on the big screen and Monsoon tells him don't start. They then run down some of the matches we are going to see.
-Howard Finkel introduces Reba McIntyre to sing the National Anthem. Heenan makes his Tito's sister joke. She does an awesome job and gets a big ovation.
-Tito Santana vs. Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri: The crowd boos Michaels and Sherri when they come out. Michaels and Sherri milk taking his stuff off and stalling to start the match. Michaels poking Santana in the chest before the match begins. They push each other and Santana with the early advantage with punches. He gets a crossbody for a two count. More shoving and Santana with a side headlock. Michaels gets to the ropes and Santana breaks. Michaels with punches to Santana and Santana reverses an Irish whip. Michaels avoids Santana by grabbing the ropes. He turns around and Santana clotheslines him to the outside. Sherri checks on Michaels. He gets up on the apron and Santana grabs him in a side headlock and brings him back into the ring. Michaels gets to the ropes and Santana breaks the hold. Michaels with some shots to Santana. Back and forth. Santana with a side headlock takeover for a two count. Michaels shifts over and gets a two count of his own. Michaels gets up, but Santana gets him right back down still in the headlock. Santana with another two count. He gets several two counts. Michaels gets up and pushes off and goes to backdrop Santana, who rolls Michaels up for another two count. Back to the side headlock for another two count. Michaels up and pushes off again and then throws Santana out of the ring when he comes back. Santana gets back to the apron, where Michaels attacks him again. Michaels brings Santana in and hits a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Michaels gets a headlock on Santana. Santana gets to his feet and breaks the hold. He comes off the ropes and Michaels catches him with a superkick. He picks Santana up and Santana hits him with a right hand. Santana with an Irish whip, drops his head, and Michaels kicks him in the face. Michaels with an Irish whip and Santana comes back with his patented flying forearm. Michaels falls out of the ring. Santana comes out after Michaels and runs him face first into the ring steps. Santana throws Michaels back in the ring. Santana hits Michaels with a flying shoulder tackle over the ropes. Santana with a series of moves and Michaels doing his best over sell job. Santana with another flying forearm and Michaels falls to the outside. He gets back on the apron. Santana grabs him to bring him back in, and Michaels falls down on Santana and pins him and it was very awkward. Heenan calls Michaels the star of the 90's.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is out on the podium at the arena floor. He brings out the Legion of Doom, who have new/old manager Paul Ellering with them. They are back after Hawk was suspended for a drug violation. Ellering says he has returned. He says it is revenge that reunites them once again. He says he came not to get rich, but to get even. Animal says Jimmy Hart cheated on his own team and he says they are going to get Money Inc. He gets the crowd to chant LOD. Hawk says that the fans are where their hearts lay and that's why they are the best. Ellering says the LOD is great because they dare to be great and then they are good, they're very good, and when they are bad, they're very bad. He rambles on. This should have been shorter. Hawk finally says What a Rush to end it.
-Sean Mooney interviews Jake Roberts. He asks him about the rumor that he plans to bring a snake to ringside and Roberts says that's how rumors get started. They then show Roberts appearing on the Funeral Parlor and trapping the Undertaker's hand in the coffin and hitting the DDT on Paul Bearer and hitting the Undertaker with a chair. Roberts finishes with trust me.
-Jake Roberts vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: Roberts' last WWF appearance for four years as he holds Vince McMahon up for his release as he says he didn't want to be there anymore after being denied Pat Patterson's place as a member of creative. Undertaker and Paul Bearer get cheered as they come out, but the entrance isn't as grand as it would become. The bell rings and Undertaker stalking Roberts. He goes to hit Roberts with a forearm, and Roberts moves. He avoids Undertaker's shots and hits him with a right hand. Roberts' strategy is stick and move. A right hand knocks Undertaker to the outside, but he lands on his feet. Undertaker pulls Roberts to the outside and the crowd cheers wildly. He runs Roberts shoulder first into the ring post. He throws Roberts back into the ring and Roberts hits Undertaker with a knee lift as Undertaker was getting back in. Roberts with a corner whip. Undertaker blocks being corner whipped and hits Roberts with a throat thrust. He grabs Roberts by the throat and chokes him in the corner. Heenan says Undertaker may be Lurch from the Addams Family. Undertaker with a corner whip and then drives Robert's back into the corner by the throat. Roberts falls to the mat. Undertaker picks Roberts up and hits him with another throat thrust. Undertaker with another corner whip and Roberts falls to his knees as Undertaker goes to grab him again by the throat, so Undertaker gets on his knees to do it. Undertaker drops an elbow on the prone Roberts. Undertaker does his flying throat thrust move to Roberts. Undertaker goes for the Tombstone, but Roberts slips behind Undertaker and hits the DDT. Roberts celebrating, but the crowd cheers wildly when the Undertaker sits up. Undertaker grabs Roberts by the throat as Roberts was going for another DDT and Roberts counters with a knee lift. Short arm clothesline by Roberts. He hits another DDT. Roberts goes out after Paul Bearer instead of pinning Undertaker. Undertaker sits up and comes out after Roberts as Roberts grabs Bearer. Undertaker Tombstones Roberts on the outside. Undertaker puts Roberts back inside the ring and pins him. So long, Jake! Undertaker is 2-0 at WrestleMania. There is a Super fan Vladimir sighting!
-Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper and Bret Hart about their match. Piper talks about the history with Bret and his family. He gets some shots in on Bret, who is looking solemn. Hart says he's only concerned with getting his belt back and things get a little testy as the two shove each other and Piper gets fired up and has one of my favorite lines ever after Hart says they can do it here. Piper says why do it here when he can have a million people watch him rip Bret's head off.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Roddy Piper vs. Bret Hart: Hart gets a good reaction when he comes out. Piper also gets a great reaction. He comes to the ring looking determined. Piper takes his time taking his stuff off. Then they are face to face just staring at each other. They lock up and battle for position. Piper with an arm drag. Another lock up and Hart with an arm drag. Another lock up and Piper with a drop toe hold and a go behind. Hart gets back to his feet and goes towards the ropes and then drops down and uses the leverage to drop Piper to the outside. Piper is angry and he gets back into the ring and gets into Hart's face and Hart shoves Piper. Piper responds by spitting on Hart. About 2/3 of the crowd stand up and applaud the move. Test of strength. They then trade wrist locks. Hart with the wrist lock on and they trade shots while Piper is trying to get out of the hold. Piper runs Hart into the turnbuckle and starts chopping Hart, but Hart won't let go of the hold. Hart drags Piper down to the mat and puts a hammerlock on Piper. Piper gets back to his feet and drives Hart to the ropes. Piper with an Irish whip, Hart ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back to hit Piper with a dropkick. Both men down and Hart favoring his shoulder and Monsoon wonders if he hurt it on the way down. But he was faking it and when Piper comes in, Hart catches him with a small package for a two count. Piper gets up and slaps Hart. Hart comes back and shoves Piper, who then gets Hart in a side headlock. Hart reverses it. Piper pushes off and drops down. Hart comes back with a crossbody. It was sloppy looking as Piper wasn't close enough to the ropes, but they make it work and both spill to the outside. Piper then gets back inside. He goes over to the ropes and holds them for Hart to get back in. Hart gets back inside. Hart asks the referee if he can adjust the lace on his boot and Piper hits Hart with a sucker punch to the face as Hart was adjusting the lace. Piper attacking Hart with shots and Hart is bleeding. He had cut himself with a blade, but as he didn't do it on camera, told Vince McMahon that it was a hard way shot that made him bleed. Remember that for later. Piper runs Hart into the turnbuckle and then bulldogs Hart. He only gets a two count. Piper gets Hart in the corner and is biting him. Piper with a corner whip and Hart hits the turnbuckle back first this time instead of sternum first and falls to the mat in pain. Piper comes over and slaps Hart in the face. Piper gets Hart up and hits him with a knee lift for another two count. Hart gets up and Piper punches him in the face. Piper with an Irish whip and Hart comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count and Piper comes up with punches to Hart's face. Piper with a series of punches to knock Hart down. He gets another two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring and as an aside, this week I learned that Vince McMahon doesn't like the term back and forth and it's on his list of banned words and phrases, but I don't work for Vince McMahon, so I'm going to use it. Hart with a shot to Piper and then hits him with a flying forearm to knock Piper to the outside and Tito Santana is in the back, but he looks up and smiles that Hart used his move and feels proud, because that's the type of guy that Tito Santana is. Piper gets back in the ring. Double clothesline and both men are down. Double count going. Piper up first and a massive cheer goes out from the crowd. Piper goes outside and climbs the turnbuckle. Hart jumps to his feet and hits Piper with a right hand to the stomach and Piper crotches himself on the top rope. Hart grabs Piper by the hair while he is still up top. He pulls Piper out and slams him down to the mat. Hart follows that up with an inverted atomic drop and a suplex for a two count. Side Russian leg sweep gets another two count. Hart's face is a crimson mask. He hits Piper with a backbreaker. He wastes time going for the Sharpshooter and Piper blocks the move, so Hart drops an elbow on Piper. He goes up to the second rope to drop another, but Piper gets his boot up as Hart comes off. Both are spent, but exchanging slaps on their knees. Back to their feet, Hart headbutts Piper and gets a side headlock on. Piper pushes off, but unfortunately the referee was in the way and Hart runs into him and knocks him down. Piper clotheslines Hart to the outside and follows him out. Piper then runs Hart head first into the steps. Piper then throws Hart back into the ring and goes over and grabs the ring bell. He brings the bell into the ring. Hart struggling to get back to his feet as Piper hesitates using the ring bell on him. He looks out to the crowd and they are begging Piper not to hit Hart with the bell. He throws the bell to the outside without using it as the crowd cheers. He grabs Hart and hits him. Hart fires back and Piper ducks and that spins Hart around and Piper gets him in a sleeper. Hart makes his way over to the corner and pushes off with his feet while still in the sleeper and pins Piper to win the match and once again become the Intercontinental Champion. Piper up first and kind of stumbles around as Howard Finkel announces Hart as the winner and new champion. The referee has the belt. Piper takes the belt from the referee as Hart struggles to get back to his feet. Piper helps Hart back to his feet and straps the belt to his waist as the crowd cheers. The two wrestlers then embrace in the ring.
-They show Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan up in the sky box. Heenan says he has a surprise as he says he's going to take us to the home of the newest member of the WBF and the next WBF Champion, The Total Package, Lex Luger. Luger is shown on the screen and he is massive. Even bigger than he was at SuperBrawl II. Luger cuts a heelish promo about the WBF and the WBF Championship. He insults Gorilla and the other WBF Body Builders. This was called giving Lex Luger something to do while his WCW contract runs out. He wouldn't even compete in the Championship as he would have a motorcycle accident before then and miss the PPV and the WBF doesn't last through the year.
-They show Mountie, the Nasty Boys, and the Repo Man and they cut a promo on their opponents in the 8-man tag team match coming up. The faces then respond with a promo of their own.
-Ray Combs from Family Feud is introduced to be the ring announcer for the next match and he does some jokes on the heels before announcing them.
-The Mountie, The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags, and The Repo Man with Jimmy Hart vs. Virgil, Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan, and The Big Boss Man: The heels get tired of Combs' insults and go to attack him, but he rolls out just in time and now all 8 men brawling in the ring as the bell rings. Faces all get Irish whips and back elbows in before all grabbing hands and clotheslining the heels all at once. The heels go to the outside to regroup as Heenan announces that Shawn Michaels has left the building and Monsoon says, who cares? Sags and Duggan start and Duggan gets the crowd into the match. Sags attacks Duggan from behind and runs him into the turnbuckle. Duggan comes back with some clotheslines and an atomic drop. Slaughter tagged in. Sags regains an advantage and Knobbs tagged in. Slaughter comes back with a corner whip and a clothesline. He dominates Knobbs. Boss Man tagged in and hits a big boot to Knobbs. Boss Man with a flurry of shots to Knobbs in the corner. He corner whips Knobbs, who moves on the charge and Boss Man hits the post. Repo Man in and the heels are beating Boss Man up in their corner. Repo Man with an Irish whip. Boss Man comes back with a shoulder block. Boss Man misses a splash attempt. Boss Man low blows Repo Man as he tries to come down on Boss Man. Virgil tagged in. Heels come in to knock Virgil down. The heels keep goading the faces in so they can double team Virgil while Danny Davis is trying to get the faces out. Sags in and punishing Virgil. He hits a pump handle slam for a two count. Mountie in and up to the second rope. Boss Man in and catches Mountie and hits a spinebuster. All 8 men in now. Knobbs in and holds Virgil for Sags to hit, but Virgil ducks and Sags hits Knobbs and Virgil covers Knobbs for the pin.
-Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair. Perfect has a poster with him that he says is the prize pin up picture of Elizabeth. This was the infamous she was mine before she was yours storyline that they had about 6 weeks to develop. Perfect says they are going to put the picture up on the big screen at the Hoosier Dome. This was silly. Everyone knew that nothing like that was going to happen, because everyone knew how Randy Savage was. He and Elizabeth were having problems at the time and would separate and divorce later in the year. He wouldn't let that happen if things were great in their marriage, he certainly wouldn't do it now. Plus, this wasn't the era where they would do risque stuff like that anyway. Okay, I am going to get off my soapbox now. Flair says that the picture is the real deal. Flair says it's WrestleMania VIII. It's the big time. Bright lights, big cities, long limousine. Women lined up around the block to take a shot at Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Randy Savage's attempt to walk the aisle to defend the honor of his lady and to try to capture the WWF Championship. Flair says after Savage has taken the beating of his life, look up to the big screen, because the foldout will be shown.
-Mean Gene is shown outside Randy Savage's door. Gene says Savage is not granting interviews to anybody. Gene speculates what's going through Savage's mind.
-The first of two Main Events. WWF Championship Match. Ric Flair with Mr. Perfect vs. Randy Savage: Flair out first. When Savage is introduced, he comes out looking intense. He gets a great ovation. He runs to the ring and Flair rolls to the outside as Savage gets in. Savage takes his stuff off and goes out after Flair, who stays away from Savage. Flair throws the WWF Championship inside the ring and leaves. He starts walking down the aisle towards the dressing room and Savage comes out after him. He gets Flair down in the aisle and starts pounding on him. He runs Flair's head into the concrete. Perfect comes, grabs Savage, and pulls him back towards the ring, and then throws Savage down. Savage up and going after Perfect around the ring as Flair rolls back to the inside and referee Earl Hebner is trying to get Savage into the ring. Savage gets back in the ring. Flair with an Irish whip. Savage ducks a clothesline and hits Flair with a clothesline. Savage follows that up with a running knee to Flair's back to drive him headfirst into the corner. Savage then with corner mounted punches to Flair. Flair tries to come back with an inverted atomic drop, but Savage counters with a clothesline. Savage with a corner whip and a back elbow. He gets a two count. Savage grabs Flair by the nose. Savage gets Flair up on the ropes and then Savage takes Hebner and pushes him gently back to the opposite side. I'm assuming so Hebner won't stop whatever it is that Savage is about to do. Savage rushes Flair, who backdrops Savage to the outside. Flair rolls out after Savage and picks Savage up. He chops Savage and then runs him into the apron. Flair then stomping Savage on the outside. Flair gets back in the ring. He stomps Savage as he tries to get back in. Flair starts chopping Savage. Flair then with an impressive delayed vertical suplex. He only gets a two count. Flair with a belly to back suplex for another two count. Flair gets Savage back in the corner and starts chopping him again. Flair with a corner whip. Then another corner whip and a chop to Savage. He gets a two count. Flair drops a knee on Savage. Savage tries to roll away and Flair kicks Savage to the outside. Savage struggling to get back in the ring and Flair comes out after Savage. Flair picks Savage up and runs him into the apron again. He then punches Savage, who drops back down to the ground. Flair gets back in the ring as Heenan tells Monsoon to give him a whoo. Savage gets on the apron and Flair grabs him. He then suplexes Savage back in the ring. He gets another two count. Flair up and arguing with Earl Hebner about the count. He then corner whips Savage. Flair punches Savage in the corner and Savage sagging against the ropes. Another Flair punch knocks Savage to the mat. Flair gets Savage back in the corner and hits him with another chop and Savage starts to fight back. Savage with a series of rights and lefts coming out of the corner. Flair with an Irish whip. Flair drops hits head too early and Savage hits him with a neck breaker. Flair up and goes to hit Savage with a shot, but Savage breaks it and unloads on Flair with some punches. Savage drives Flair to the corner and Flair comes back with a thumb to the eye. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and I am going to try to hide my surprise while you can TASIYDAH. Savage slams Flair off the turnbuckle. Flair backing away and begging off from Savage. Savage with a corner whip and a backdrop to Flair. Savage with a pair of clotheslines and Flair on his knees begging off. Savage with a corner whip and Flair goes over the ropes to the apron where he runs and jumps off the other turnbuckle, but Savage hits him with a shot as he comes down. He gets hit, but actually did get to jump off the turnbuckle, so take a half shot. Savage gets a two count. Flair reverses a corner whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and gets clotheslines to the outside by Savage. Savage climbs up top and hits Flair with a double ax handle that drives Flair into the barricade. Flair going around the ring and falls to the floor. He is bleeding when Savage picks him up and Vince McMahon would fine Flair for cutting himself because he didn't make it look like an accident like Bret Hart. That wouldn't be the last time that Hart would be able to cut himself on PPV without getting in trouble. But we will cover that when we get there. Savage runs Flair head first into the ring steps. He then runs Flair into the ring post and Flair falls to the ground. Savage with a suplex to Flair on the concrete. Flair is busted open and bleeding profusely. Savage rolls Flair back in the ring and starts punching Flair while Flair is down on the mat. Flair struggles and gets back to his feet, only to get hit with a double ax handle from the top rope by Savage. Savage gets another two count. Savage with a scoop slam. Savage hits the flying elbow, but Perfect drags him off before the three count. Savage goes out after Perfect. The referee comes out to try to get Savage back in the ring as Savage is stalking Perfect. Perfect rolls into the ring and the referee is between the two trying to get Savage away. The referee gets knocked down briefly and Perfect throws something from his pocket to Flair before getting out of the ring. Flair nails Savage with the object. Flair then passes the object back to Perfect. Savage kicks out at two and the crowd loves it. Flair gets up and starts stomping and punching Savage. Savage gets to the ropes and Flair starts choking him as a Macho chant goes out from the crowd and I realize something, you don't hear a lot of Macho chants in life. The referee gets Flair away, and Perfect takes that opportunity to hit Savage in the ribs with a chair. Savage tries to get up and falls back to the mat. We then get a shot of the aisle and Elizabeth is trying to make her way down to the ring. Dave Hebner is trying to stop her and he is wearing a dark suit and the whitest pair of sneakers that I have ever seen. If this event wasn't being held in a dome, I'm sure you would be able to see these sneakers in space. This would have been a great opportunity for the centerfold to be shown, but like I said before, there was no way that Savage was going to go for something like that. A young Shane McMahon was also out in his suit trying to stop Elizabeth from going to the ring. I think I also see Billy Red Lyons and Rene Goulet out there, but Elizabeth does make it to the ring as Flair has Savage's leg on the ropes and comes crashing down on it trying to set Savage up for the figure four. Flair lifts Savage up by the knee and slams him down across Flair's knee as the officials are pleading with Elizabeth to go to the back. Flair puts the figure four on Savage and Perfect grabs Flair's arm for extra leverage. Savage trying not to submit or be pinned and Monsoon commenting on Elizabeth being out there and Heenan saying that she doesn't want them to show the pictures and God Bless Bobby Heenan for still trying to get this mess over. Flair reaches up and slaps Savage several times in the face as Savage tries to get out of the move. Savage with his arm up and the crowd cheers as Elizabeth claps. The referee sees Perfect grab Flair's hand and kicks the hand away as Savage turns the figure four over and the crowd cheers wildly. Savage up and hopping around as Flair comes after him. Flair goes to scoop slam Savage, who catches Flair in a small package for a two count. Flair brings Savage over to the corner closest to Elizabeth and tells her this is for her as he attacks Savage again. He chops Savage and kicks at the bad leg. Flair continues to chop Savage in the corner. He then picks Savage up by the bad leg and then slams it down against his own knee. Flair still with the bad leg in his hands as Savage is hopping on his other leg and taking swipes at Flair. Flair hitting the bad leg with right hands. He stops to Whoo and as he goes back, Savage blocks the shot and hits Flair to get out and then rolls Flair up using a handful of tights and pins Flair to once again become WWF Champion and the crowd goes wild at the three count. The referee hands Savage the belt as Elizabeth comes in to celebrate with Savage as Flair and Perfect are in the ring and going crazy protesting the pin. Heenan says he has to leave and go see Flair. Perfect and Flair screaming at the referee and then Flair goes over to Elizabeth and says what about me? Elizabeth looking extremely uncomfortable here. Flair grabs her and kisses her and she slaps him and pushes him away. Savage comes over and attacks Flair, but is so quick about it, he almost takes out Elizabeth in the process. The agents get in and separate the two. Mr. Perfect and Flair throwing agents out of the way so that they can get to Savage. Agents separate the two again as a Hogan chant goes out and there is no way that Hulk Hogan is coming out there for any of this. You only get one Hogan appearance per dome show, folks. Flair drops a knee on Savage. The agents have blood on their suits. It is messy. Flair and Perfect finally go to the outside. The crowd boos as they leave. The agents follow them towards the back to make sure that they actually leave as Savage is still down in the ring. Finkel announces Savage as the winner and once again the WWF Champion. The crowd cheers as Savage gets the belt again and Elizabeth joins him in the ring. The crying girl from WrestleMania VII is there in the crowd holding up a homemade poster of the two. It's a perfect coda for Elizabeth and Savage as this is their last WrestleMania together.
-Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair. They are understandably livid and talk about the trunks being pulled. Heenan comes in and he is also upset. Flair calls Elizabeth a Jezebel, but says they are going to reassemble and will get the Championship back. They show a replay and promise that Flair will get his title back.
-Mean Gene talks to Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage says he got a piece of what he wanted from Flair. He says that the title isn't all he wants from Flair. He wants the whole package, as opposed to the Total Package, who we just saw drinking milk in Atlanta earlier, but I digress.
-Flashback to the WrestleMania Press Conference where the bad blood between Sid Justice and Hulk Hogan started and all of the fallout between the two leading up to WrestleMania.
-A group of Lumbee Indians from Tatanka's own tribe perform a dance in the ring.
-Sean Mooney interviews Rick Martel. He says Tatanka has no style.
-Tatanka vs. Rick Martel: Heenan comes back to the booth. Monsoon trying to make him upset. Heenan makes a statement that they are going to regroup and regain the title, but gets more upset the longer he speaks. Classic Heenan. The bell rings and they circle each other. Martel gets Tatanka in the corner and hits him with a knee to the midsection. Tatanka reverses a corner whip and hits a hip toss. He then hits Martel with a couple of hip tosses. He chops Martel and Martel rolls to the outside to regroup. He comes back in as Heenan tells Monsoon to put em up as Monsoon has been goading Heenan. Martel with a series of knees to Tatanka. He goes to run Tatanka into a turnbuckle, but Tatanka blocks it and runs Martel in instead. He then chops Martel in the corner. Martel comes back with a corner charge, but Tatanka moves and Martel hits the post shoulder first. Tatanka with a wrist lock and some chops to Martel. Martel pushes off. Tatanka blocks a hip lock attempt. Martel gets Tatanka down and chokes him for a two count. Martel throws Tatanka to the outside. Monsoon calls Martel Ric Flair again so I'm going to count it TASIYDAH. Martel out and hitting Tatanka on the outside. Martel throws Tatanka back in the ring. He picks Tatanka up and gives him a backbreaker. Martel goes up top, but Tatanka gets up and shakes the ropes and Martel falls and crotches himself on the top rope. Tatanka chopping Martel in the corner with some brutal looking chops. He follows it up with a corner whip and a backdrop to Martel. Tatanka with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Martel kicks him in the face. Martel with a scoop slam and Monsoon calls him Ric Flair again and I didn't think it would be this match that would get you drunk, but here we are. TASIYDAH. Monsoon corrects himself and says he has Flair on his mind, much like James Taylor and Carolina I guess, but as much as I love and admire Gorilla, I don't want to hear him sing. Martel with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Martel with another Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and Tatanka comes back with a crossbody to pin Martel. Tatanka had fallen out of the ring and the referee comes out and raises his hand. The crowd cheers. Unfortunately, this feud would continue for 6 more months.
-Sean Mooney interviews Money Inc with Jimmy Hart. Hart says he knows all about the Natural Disasters. Money Inc says that they aren't taking the Natural Disasters lightly, but they will take them.
-Mean Gene talks to the Natural Disasters. Typhoon says that they have a special present for Jimmy Hart and Earthquake says they are going to take what is rightfully theirs.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon: Natural Disasters come to the ring looking determined. IRS and Earthquake start, but DiBiase says he wants Earthquake and tags in. They lock up and Earthquake pushes DiBiase back into a corner. Another lock up and Earthquake pushes DiBiase to the corner again. Earthquake then does it a third time and DiBiase comes out with his fist cocked. DiBiase with an overhead wrist lock and Earthquake easily gets out by shoving DiBiase down. DiBiase back to his feet and goes over to confer with IRS. They then go to lock up and DiBiase hits Earthquake with a knee to the midsection. Earthquake reverses an Irish whip and hits a big clothesline. IRS comes in and Earthquake hits him with a clothesline too. Then another pair of clotheslines for both members of Money Inc. Typhoon comes in and he and Earthquake run Money Inc's heads together. Money Inc. rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in the ring, IRS with a wrist lock to Earthquake. Earthquake reverses the hold and hits the arm with several elbows. Typhoon tagged in. He picks the wrist lock up and IRS with a knee to the stomach to break the hold. IRS follows that up with a shot to the throat and Typhoon reverses an Irish whip and hip tosses IRS. IRS backing off from Typhoon. He backs into the wrong corner, but quickly gets out when he realizes it. Typhoon with a brutal corner whip. Typhoon runs IRS face first into the turnbuckle several times. Typhoon attempts an avalanche in the corner, but IRS moves out of the way and DiBiase tagged in. DiBiase with shots and chops to Typhoon in the corner. Typhoon reverses a corner whip. Typhoon runs DiBiase into the Natural Disaster's corner buckle, but doesn't tag Earthquake in. He instead does an Irish whip, but DiBiase holds on to the ropes. Typhoon comes over and hits a couple of headbutts. Typhoon rushes DiBiase, who drops down and Typhoon teeters on the ropes for a bit before falling to the outside. DiBiase distracts the referee, allowing IRS to come outside and run Typhoon head first into the ring steps. IRS then rolls Typhoon back in the ring, where DiBiase takes over by kicking Typhoon while the referee is getting IRS back in his own corner. DiBiase then tags IRS in. Double Irish whip and clothesline. IRS gets a two count. DiBiase tagged in. He hits Typhoon a few times and IRS tagged back in. Money Inc. in control. Double Irish whip and back elbow. IRS with a front face lock. Typhoon powers his way over and tags Earthquake in, but the referee doesn't see it and Money Inc. double teaming Typhoon while the referee is getting Earthquake out. DiBiase in with Typhoon. Double clothesline and both men down. Double count going. Both up and IRS and Earthquake both tagged in. Earthquake with several shoulders to IRS in the corner. Earthquake with a corner whip and a clothesline to IRS. Then one to DiBiase when he comes in. Both Natural Disasters in and corner whip Money Inc. into each other. Earthquake clotheslines DiBiase out of the ring. Typhoon with a splash and cover to IRS, but he isn't the legal man. Earthquake goes for his sit down splash, but Hart pulls IRS out of the ring before Earthquake can hit the move. Money Inc. grab their titles and leave. Natural Disasters win by count out, so Money Inc. keeps the titles.
-Mean Gene talks to Brutus Beefcake. Beefcake says he is Hulk Hogan's friend, he is the #1 Hulkamaniac and there to support Hulk Hogan. If this is his last match, he wants Hogan to know that Hulkamania will live forever.
-Owen Hart vs. Skinner: Hart now a single as Jim Neidhart had been fired, so no more New Foundation. Owen gets on the top rope and moonsaults off. He lands on his feet and as he turns around, Skinner spits tobacco juice in Hart's face. He then runs Hart face first into the turnbuckle and rips his jacket off. Skinner follows that up with a corner whip and a shoulder breaker. Skinner with several right hands and a headbutt. Skinner with a series of moves to Hart. He gets an Irish whip and a boot to Hart. Skinner with a death drop and cover. He only gets a two count. He then throws Hart out of the ring, but Hart holds on and skins the cat to come back in. Hart comes back and rolls Skinner up from behind to pin Skinner and win the match.
-Mean Gene talks to Sid Justice and Harvey Wippleman. Justice says it's going to be Hulk Hogan's last match. He says he makes that promise. As Hulk Hogan makes his way down the aisle, he has to remember that Sid is the master. They then show Hulk Hogan's sit down with Vince McMahon and show McMahon asking Hogan if it is his last match. Hogan says that question makes him sweat. He says he's the only one that can make that decision and he won't know until he comes out of that ring at WrestleMania. He and McMahon do their thank you for Hulkamania thing that they would have a match based on it 11 years later. Seeing that, Justice tells Mean Gene to shut up and that he doesn't give a damn about Hulk Hogan. The only thing to remember is Sid Justice is the man who ended Hulkamania.
-Second Main Event. Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice with Harvey Wippleman: Howard Finkel introduces Wippleman, who harasses Finkel and will continue to do so for years. Wippleman then introduces Justice. Monsoon calls him Psycho Sid, setting a trend for years to come. Hogan gets a great ovation when he comes out. Hogan looking determined as he comes to the ring. Justice attacks Hogan as soon as he steps through the ropes. He Irish whips Hogan and then drops down. Hogan stops and hits Justice with a series of right hands. He knocks Justice out of the ring to the delight of the crowd. Justice gets back on the apron and Hogan grabs him, bends him backwards, and hits him with a forearm to knock Justice back to the floor. Justice gets back on the apron and Hogan clotheslines him off and then goes into his shirt tearing routine. Justice regroups with Wippleman on the outside of the ring. He then gets back into the ring and he and Hogan are face to face and the crowd is getting into this match. Justice with a knee to the midsection. He then kicks Hogan in the midsection and tears at his face in the corner and then hits Hogan with a forearm to the back. Hogan holding on to the top rope and selling his back being hurt. Justice then kicks him in the stomach again and Hogan falls to the mat. A Hogan chant goes out as Justice tells the crowd to be quiet. They do the Irish whip, drop down, and Hogan punching spot again and the crowd loves that move. Justice falls through the ropes to the outside and the crowd roars. Justice goes down the aisle a little ways and he and Wippleman confer again. Justice tells the crowd to be quiet as he gets back in, so you know they do the Hogan chant. Justice and Hogan back eye to eye. Justice indicates that he wants a test of strength. They lock up. Justice forces Hogan down to his knees. The crowd cheers wildly as Hogan makes his way back to his feet. Justice forces Hogan back down to one knee. Hogan powers back to his feet and the crowd is going wild. Justice still has Hogan by the hands and forces him back to a corner. He then hits a knee to the midsection. Then another knee. Hogan reverses a corner whip and hits a corner clothesline. Wippleman gets up on the apron to distract Hogan temporarily and when he turns around, he runs into a choke slam from Justice. Justice poses to the crowd as they boo and the referee checks on Hogan. Justice goes over and kicks Hogan in the back as he tries to get up. Hogan gets up and Justice hits him with a forearm to the back. He targets the back for punishment. Justice then kicks Hogan through the ropes and out to the floor. Justice then goes out after Hogan. Wippleman up on the apron to distract referee Earl Hebner while Justice hits Hogan in the back with Wippleman's medical bag. Justice throws Hogan back in the ring and puts a nerve hold on Hogan. Hogan fighting to get out of the hold, but he is fading as the crowd gets behind Hogan to come back. Justice tells him to give up. The referee checks the arm and the crowd cheers when it doesn't fall a third time. Hogan fights back to his feet to the cheers of the crowd. He hits Justice, who responds with a side slam. He does the last rites to Hogan and hits a powerbomb. Hogan kicks out at two and starts to Hulk up. He runs Justice into opposite turnbuckles and then Irish whip, big boot, and Justice doesn't go down. Hogan with a slam to the roar of the crowd. Now here is the interesting part. Leg drop by Hogan. Wippleman gets up on the apron and starts to come through the ropes as Justice is forced to kick out of the leg drop before the three count. The reason will be clear in a second. Hebner goes over to Wippleman, who has now gotten into the ring. Hogan grabs Wippleman and throws him at Justice as the bell rings. Papa Shango is seen coming out to the ring at this point and my man is taking his time and doing the San Antonio stroll coming to the ring. He was supposed to hit the ring during the pin attempt to cause the DQ, but my man just doesn't care. Hogan and Justice going back and forth. Shango hits the ring and he and Justice attack Hogan and have him tied up in the ropes. Justice goes outside and grabs a chair and as he does, the Ultimate Warrior's music hits. He comes running down to the ring to the roar of the crowd. He gets in the ring and clotheslines Shango to the outside. Justice hits Warrior with a chair to the back. Justice goes to hit Warrior again, but Hogan grabs the chair first. Justice bails to the outside. Finkel announces that Hogan is the winner by DQ. Hogan and Warrior celebrate in the ring and Warrior raises Hogan's hand. Hogan grabs a sign from a fan that says bring back the Warrior and holds it high. Hogan and Warrior then must pose. The crowd loves it. They cheer both Hogan and Warrior as they pose. Gorilla puts over both wrestlers as the sparklers go off in the ring and they sign off from Indianapolis.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show as wrestling was entering a down time in the business and this show was a mix of old and new stars. Final WrestleMania appearance for Miss Elizabeth. Check it out.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
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-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from the Heart of Virginia.
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-Filter Curve: Bass boost
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Episode 178 Notes Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 3fd2ee35-6a25-4511-97f0-76f8de580823 My notes for Episode 178: WCW SuperBrawl II. -I had a pretty good weekend. I’m 5th Grade Famous.
-Today we look at SuperBrawl II from WCW.
-SuperBrawl II took place on February 29, 1992 from the Mecca, now the Miller High Life Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There were 5,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff welcome us to SuperBrawl II. They preview some of what we are going to see tonight. They throw it to Missy Hyatt, who is going to be backstage getting interviews. Tony and Eric then throw it to Jim Ross in the ring.
-Ross welcomes us to SuperBrawl II and then brings out his partner for the night, Jesse Ventura. Jesse comes to ringside on a Harley and a Jesse chant goes out. He says when you are in Milwaukee, you ride a made in the USA Harley Davidson. He says WCW is what's happening and that's why he's back. They run down some of what we are going to see tonight and Jesse says if Jim Ross had a cowboy hat on, he would look just like JR Ewing and somewhere Vince McMahon looks up and says there's an idea. They throw it back to Tony and Eric, who set up the first match.
-WCW Light-heavyweight Championship Match. Jushin Liger vs. Brian Pillman: JR runs down Pillman's athletic career so TASIYDAH. They both get good reactions when they come out. The bell rings and they circle each other before locking up and Pillman with a wrist lock. Liger spins out and reverses the move. Pillman gets out and gets a side headlock on. Liger pushes off and Pillman comes back with a shoulder block. Both avoid moves until they both go for dropkicks. Both land on their feet. The crowd applauds and they circle each other again. Pillman with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Into a hammerlock on the mat. Liger gets to his feet still on the mat. He gets to the ropes and Pillman breaks. Liger chops Pillman. He then corner whips Pillman, who gets his boots up on the charge and headscissors Liger over. Pillman follows that up with a dropkick. Liger out to the floor and Pillman comes over with boots to Liger's face through the ropes. The referee holds Pillman back so Liger can get back in the ring. Liger with a single leg takedown into a leg lock. Pillman pushes Liger back and drives an ankle into Liger's face to break the hold. Both up and Pillman chopping Liger in the corner. Pillman with a corner whip, but Liger jumps up to avoid the charge, runs to the opposite corner, and moonsaults off onto Pillman. He gets a two count. Liger follows that up with a dropkick to knock Pillman out of the ring. Liger runs to do a suicide dive, but Pillman moves out of the way and Liger lands on his feet in the middle of the ring after bouncing off of the ropes. The crowd on its feet applauding that move. Pillman back in with a snap mare and an abdominal stretch on the mat. He then transitions to a headscissors on Liger. Liger shifts to get out of the move and goes for a surfboard and Pillman quickly gets to the ropes. Liger goes for a drop toe hold and the surfboard again and Pillman again gets to the ropes. They lock up again and drive to a corner. Liger buries his shoulder into Pillman's midsection. Liger with a corner whip and hits Pillman with a brutal looking dropkick. Liger with an Irish whip and Pillman comes back with a crucifix as Jesse says Liger reminds him of the Predator. Pillman gets a two count. He gets an Irish whip and Liger slips behind Pillman. He twists over to get a sunset flip on Pillman. Pillman comes back with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Pillman with a chop and a corner whip. He goes for a flying knee to Liger in the corner and Liger moves out of the way. As Pillman comes out of the corner, Liger targets the injured leg with kicks. He then goes to hyperextend the leg. Liger picks Pillman up by the legs and brings him down over Liger's knee. Liger puts Pillman in the figure four in the middle of the ring. Pillman fighting the move and also to not get pinned. The crowd trying to get behind Pillman to give him some encouragement. They take turns slapping each other while Pillman is still in the move. A USA chant goes out as JR documents how many throat operations Pillman had as a kid. Pillman turns the figure four over. They turn over again and they are in the ropes and referee Mike Adkins breaks the hold. Pillman having trouble trying to get back to his feet. He hits Liger with some elbows to keep him away while Pillman struggles to get back to his feet. As he gets up, Liger kicks his leg again and Pillman goes back down. Liger drags Pillman to the center of the ring and puts on a modified half crab. Pillman fighting not to give up. Pillman makes it back to his feet and hits Liger with an Enziguri. Liger gets up and kicks Pillman in the injured leg to respond. Liger with an Irish whip and it looks like he was going for a backbreaker, but Pillman counters into a headscissors. Pillman rushes Liger, who backdrops Pillman to the floor and goes up top and hits Pillman with a cannonball to the floor, although JR called it a moonsault. The fans loved that move. Pillman up on the apron and they battle trying to suplex each other from there. Pillman avoids being run into a turnbuckle and runs Liger into it instead. Pillman with a clothesline to Liger from the top rope. Pillman suplexes Liger from the apron to the floor. Pillman then hits a crossbody to Liger from the top rope to the floor and the fans are really getting into this match. Pillman gets Liger up and goes for a clothesline to Liger from the apron, but Liger moves and Pillman hits the barricade. Liger throws Pillman into the ring and goes up top. Liger goes off the top and Pillman catches him with a dropkick in mid-air. Pillman then goes up top and they catch each other with dropkicks. Double count going. Both up and hit each other with spinning heel kicks. Pillman reverses a crossbody and hits a power slam. He gets a two count. Liger reverses a waist lock and hits a suplex with a bridge for a two count. Liger then puts Pillman on the top rope. He goes for a suplex and Pillman counters by slamming Liger face down on the mat from the top rope. Pillman with a crossbody off the top rope for a two and a half count. Pillman with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Liger hits a powerbomb for a two count. Liger goes for another powerbomb, but Pillman rolls through and covers for another two count. Liger with a knee lift and an Irish whip, but drops his head and Pillman hits him with the DDT. He covers, but Liger reaches out and grabs the rope. Pillman with an Irish whip. They dodge some moves and both appear to hit flying forearms and Jesse wonders if we will get a double count out. Pillman rolls to the apron and climbs to the top, but Liger falls on the ropes and Pillman crotches himself on the turnbuckle. Liger hits a superplex. He still only gets a two count. Liger goes back up top and dives, but Pillman moves. Pillman comes over to bridge Liger and pins him to become the new WCW Light-Heavyweight Champion. The crowd celebrates Pillman winning as Liger comes over to congratulate Pillman and raise his hand.
-Tony and Eric recap what we just saw. Missy interviews the Taylor Made Man. He says he's going to teach Marcus Bagwell how to lose.
-They have the winner of the ring announcer contest announce the next match. He has a tuxedo shirt, bow tie, studs, cuff links, and a tuxedo jacket on over basketball shorts. It's a look. Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs. The Taylor Made Man: Terry Taylor doing his Million Dollar Man cosplay. They lock up and Taylor with the early advantage. They shove each other. Taylor with a right hand in the corner and Bagwell comes back with a right of his own. It goes out to the ramp and Bagwell with a couple of atomic drops and clotheslines Taylor back into the ring. Bagwell with a string of moves, but can't get the pin. Taylor comes back and tosses Bagwell to the outside, but Bagwell lands on his feet and gets right back in the ring. He does a couple of more moves to Taylor for a two count. Taylor goes out to the ramp to regroup. Back in, Bagwell slips behind a suplex attempt and puts the sleeper on Taylor. Taylor gets to the ropes. Taylor throws Bagwell to the outside and runs him into the barricade. Back in, Taylor with a jaw breaker. Taylor in control, but Bagwell coming back. Taylor with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count. Taylor punching Bagwell in a corner. He drops a knee on Bagwell. Bagwell comes back from an Irish whip with a sunset flip for a two count. Taylor slams Bagwell and goes up top. He splashes Bagwell, but only gets another two count. Bagwell reverses a piledriver attempt with a backdrop. Taylor with Curt Hennig's float over snap mare on Bagwell. Bagwell counters a roll up attempt with a roll up of his own and pins Taylor. Taylor with a flying forearm to Bagwell after the match.
-Missy tries to interview Lex Luger. Harley Race says Luger is in the best shape of his life and will still be the champion after SuperBrawl II.
-Cactus Jack vs. Ron Simmons: They lock up and drive to a corner. Cactus Jack comes out with a flurry of offense on Simmons. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Simmons with a corner whip, but Cactus gets his boot up on the charge. Cactus Jack does his charge spot, so Simmons moves and Cactus Jack gets hung up in the ropes in the move that he liked to do until it lost him his ear in Germany against Vader. Referee Randy Anderson trying to get Cactus Jack out as Simmons hits him with some right hands on the outside. Simmons gets up on the apron and gets Cactus Jack loose. Cactus Jack spills out to the floor. Simmons comes out and slams Cactus Jack into the barricade before throwing him back in. Cactus Jack with an Irish whip, drops his head, and Simmons slams him down on the canvas. Simmons with a leg drop for a two count. Cactus Jack with a back elbow and a clothesline out of the corner. Cactus Jack with a modified DDT as JYD is shown watching the match from the crowd and he is wearing a white tuxedo. Jesse wonders if he is an usher. Cactus Jack with a leg drop for a two count. It goes outside and Cactus Jack slams Simmons on the floor and goes to the apron. He drops an elbow on Simmons from the second rope. Cactus Jack then guillotines Simmons on the top rope. Simmons tries to come back with an Irish whip and a dropkick, but Cactus Jack holds on to the ropes. Cactus Jack gets a two count. Cactus Jack with a headlock. Simmons comes back with a takeover. Simmons hits the Irish whip and dropkick the second time. Simmons goes for the running shoulder block, but Cactus Jack drops down and Simmons spills out to the ramp. Cactus Jack rushes Simmons on the ramp and Simmons hits a spinebuster. Simmons throws Cactus Jack back in. Cactus Jack with a corner whip and a bulldog. Cactus jack goes up top, but Simmons catches him as he comes off with a power slam to get the pin. Simmons is attacked by Cactus Jack after the match and Abdullah the Butcher comes from the back. He attacks Simmons with the stick he carries and Abdullah and Cactus Jack attacking Simmons. JYD comes from the stands to the ring. He attacks Cactus Jack and Abdullah and the crowd loves it. The heels retreat as a JYD chant goes out.
-Tony and Eric recap the last match and preview some of the upcoming matches.
-Vinnie Vegas and Richard Morton vs. Van Hammer and The Z-Man: Hammer comes out with his guitar and he plays guitar as well as I do and I don't know how to play guitar. He does get the crowd to stomp and clap so that's something I guess. Vegas and Hammer start and vie for position. They finally get to the ropes and break. Vegas with a thumb to the eye for the advantage. Hammer comes back with right hands. They exchange blows. Back and forth. Zenk tagged in and hits a dropkick and covers, but Morton breaks up the pin attempt. Morten tagged in. Zenk clotheslines Morton out of the ring and it looks like he hit his knee on the apron as he goes out. Zenk hits Morton with a suicide dive and follows that up with a hip lock to Morton on the floor. Morton gets back in and begs off. He then hits Zenk with an eye poke. Morton with a front face lock and Vegas tagged in. Vegas throws Zenk towards his corner and tells him he wants Hammer who obliges and tags in. Hammer with a side headlock. Vegas comes back with a belly to back suplex and a clothesline. He runs Hammer into Morton's knee and Morton tagged in. Morton with a flurry of offense to get Hammer down. Vegas tagged back in and slams Hammer face first into the mat. He gets a two count. A gut wrench suplex gets another two count for Vegas. Irish whip and a big boot to Hammer. Morton tagged in and Vegas holds Hammer for Morton to hit a fist drop from the second rope. Morton gets a two count after a suplex. Vegas in and drops an elbow as the referee is getting Zenk out after he comes in to complain. Vegas gets a two count. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Vegas holds Hammer and tags Morton in and Morton with a chop to Hammer. Hammer comes back with an Irish whip and a power slam to Morton for a two count. Heels goad Zenk in and double team Hammer while the referee is trying to get him back out. Vegas with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Vegas with a two count on Hammer after a suplex. Morton tagged in and gets Hammer down. Vegas back in and both men down after a shoulder block. Zenk and Morton tagged in. Zenk dropkicks Vegas off the apron and gets a two count on Morton after a power slam. Zenk gets the pin with a roll up after avoiding a corner charge.
-Flashback to Larry Zbyszko breaking Barry Windham's hand.
-Larry Zbyszko and Steve Austin with Madusa vs. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes: All four going at it as the bell rings. Windham throws Zbyszko out to the ramp. He throws him off the ramp onto the barricade as Rhodes and Austin battle inside the ring. Rhodes unloads on Austin and he falls out onto the ramp. Windham grabs him and throws him back into the ring. Rhodes gets Austin into a backslide for a two count. Rhodes goes to monkey flip Austin out of the corner only for Austin to push him off. Austin comes off the top rope only to get caught by a lariat from Rhodes for a two count. Austin rolls to the ramp to regroup. Rhodes comes out after him and throws Austin back into the ring. Rhodes tags Windham in and holds Austin for Windham to hit a forearm from the second rope. Windham with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Windham throws Austin into the heel's corner and tells Zbyszko to tag in. He does, but hesitates getting in and the crowd gets on his case and Zbyszko having a fit on the apron not wanking to come in. He finally comes in and they lock up. Zbyszko drives Windham out to the ramp and goes for a piledriver, but Windham counters it into a backdrop. Windham then hits a lariat. He brings Zbyszko back into the ring and hits another lariat. Windham starts to pin Zbyszko, but pulls him up and punches Zbyszko on the head several times. Windham hits a big DDT on Zbyszko. Rhodes tagged in and a double Irish whip and backdrop on Zbyszko. Rhodes gets a two count. Rhodes hitting Zbyszko with a flurry of right hands in the corner. He hip tosses Zbyszko out of the corner and punches his hand several times and Jesse says they're trying to break his hand like he broke Windham's hand. Zbyszko up and tries to push Rhodes into a turnbuckle. Rhodes blocks it and pushes Zbyszko in instead. Rhodes runs Zbyszko into a shot from Windham. Windham in and hits a gut wrench suplex on Zbyszko and gets a two count. Windham goes for a piledriver, but Austin comes in and cuts it off with a clothesline to Windham. All four in and the heels double team Windham while Patrick is trying to get Rhodes out of the ring. Zbyszko throws Windham over the top rope. Austin comes off the apron with a double ax handle to Windham on the floor. He then runs Windham face first into the barricade. Zbyszko then out and puts Windham down crotch first on the barricade. Windham falls off the barricade and Zbyszko hits him with a forearm to the back from the apron. Zbyszko then throws Windham back into the ring where Austin takes over on him. Austin with a short arm clothesline. Austin with a nice suplex. He only gets a two count. Windham with an Irish whip and goes for a lariat. Austin ducks and Windham spills over the top rope to the outside. Zbyszko goes out and runs Windham back into the barricade as Rhodes comes in to check on his partner. The heels double team Windham some more as Zbyszko throws him back into the ring. Austin runs Windham into Zbyszko's knee and then tags Zbyszko in. Austin grabs Windham by the leg to prevent him from tagging Rhodes. Austin then gets out of the ring as Zbyszko attacks Windham on the mat. Zbyszko with a nice swinging neck breaker and cover, but Rhodes breaks up the pin attempt. Patrick gets Rhodes out of the ring and Rhodes tries to get the crowd into the match as Zbyszko scoop slams Windham. He gets a two count. Zbyszko runs Windham into Austin's knee and Austin tagged in. Austin with a belly to back suplex. He gets a two count and Jesse chides him for not hooking the leg. Austin with a snap mare and a rear chin lock as a minor Barry chant goes out for Windham. Windham gets back to his feet. Windham with a side suplex to break the hold. Zbyszko tagged in and Irish whips Windham. Zbyszko with a sleeper to Windham. Windham starting to fade. Windham up and hits a modified jaw breaker to Zbyszko to break the hold. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Windham with a right hand and a side headlock. Zbyszko pushes off. They collide and both men down. Austin and Rhodes both tagged in. Rhodes with an inverted atomic drop and a dropkick. He gets a two count. A Lariat and cover by Rhodes brings Zbyszko in to break up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Windham knocks Zbyszko out to the ramp and they start fighting out there. Austin goes for a roll up, but Rhodes holds on to the top rope only to get leveled by a clothesline from Austin. Austin with a brutal corner whip to Rhodes, who collapses in the corner. Zbyszko tagged in and continues the punishment. A swinging neck breaker gets another two count. Back and forth in a corner. Rhodes with an Irish whip and Zbyszko comes back with a DDT for another close two count. Rhodes with a kick to Zbyszko's face after Zbyszko drops his head after an Irish whip. Rhodes collapses to the mat from exhaustion, only to get slapped by Madusa. Austin tagged in as Rhodes rolls to the outside to go after Madusa, who starts down the aisle to get away from Rhodes. Austin catches Rhodes with a clothesline on the ramp as Windham battles Zbyszko in the ring and the referee is trying to get them out. Austin throws Rhodes back in and starts choking him on the second rope and does a leapfrog body guillotine on him after another close two count. Austin with a snap mare and a chin lock as the crowd is taunting the heels. They start a Larry sucks chant. Rhodes up and they trade blows. Austin with an eye rake. They both duck clotheslines and Rhodes with a crossbody for a two count. Austin catches Rhodes again with a clothesline. Austin with a leg lock and Zbyszko tagged in and Austin holds the leg lock while Zbyszko punishes Rhodes. Zbyszko with a backbreaker. He gets another two count and the heels frustrated that they can't get the pin. Rhodes counters a suplex attempt with one of his own. Zbyszko counters a Rhodes offense barrage with a drop toe hold and tags Austin in and the heels have been very effective at cutting the ring in half. Austin goads Windham into the ring so the heels can double team Rhodes while Patrick is getting Windham out. Rhodes with a roll up, but only gets a two count. Austin with a headlock. Austin with his feet on the ropes for leverage. He almost gets caught by Patrick. Rhodes works himself up to a base. Rhodes, with an Irish whip, ducks a clothesline, and catches Austin with Austin's own move, the Stun Gun. It looks like he didn't get it fully, but enough to be effective. Zbyszko and Windham both tagged in. Windham hits Zbyszko and Austin with his taped fist. Windham with a lariat and cover, but Austin breaks up the count. Rhodes and Austin fight on the outside as Windham puts Zbyszko on the top rope. Windham goes for the superplex, but Zbyszko pushes him off. Zbyszko goes to jump off onto Windham, but gets pushed off the top rope by Rhodes. Windham hits Zbyszko with a top rope Lariat from the opposite corner and gets the pin.
-Tony and Eric preview the next match. Missy Hyatt tries to interview Ricky Steamboat, but is stopped by the Ninja. Missy then tries to interview Madusa, who blows her off as Madusa tries to see Steamboat and the Ninja stops her as well. Madusa slaps the Ninja, who then takes off after Madusa.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton with Paul E. Dangerously vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Before the match starts, GMC announces that Paul E has been barred from ringside. Officials come out and drag Paul E back to the dressing room and Madusa comes out to be in the corner of Anderson and Eaton. Jesse says Michigan should be investigated immediately because Rick Steiner is too stupid to pass any classes. Scott and Eaton start. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Clean break and another lock up. Scott with a wrist lock and a fireman's carry takeover. Scott follows up with a headlock into a leg lock on Eaton. Eaton gets to the ropes. Another lock up and Scott gets a side headlock on. He transitions to a leg lock and then hits Eaton with an elbow. Scott with an Irish whip and Eaton comes back with a swinging neck breaker. Eaton comes off the top rope, but gets caught by Scott, who hits an overhead belly to belly on Eaton. Eaton then rolls to the outside to regroup. Anderson tagged in. He slowly circles the ring and trash talks Rick telling him to come in. Rick comes in and is cut off by referee Randy Anderson. Scott then tags Rick in to the delight of the fans. They finally lock up. Rick with a side headlock. Anderson pushes off and drops down. Rick drops down beside him to make fun of him and then kicks Anderson into the corner turnbuckle as Anderson was trying to get away. Another lock up and Rick with a side headlock. Anderson pushes off and Rick comes back with a shoulder block. Rick runs at Anderson, who goes to leapfrog, but Rick catches him in midair and power slams him. Anderson gets back to his corner and signals for a time out. Rick goes into the heels corner and starts punching both out. Anderson rolls back outside. Heels visibly frustrated. He finally gets back in the ring. Rick with a side headlock and Scott tagged in. Scott gets an arm bar on Anderson. Anderson reverses into an overhead wrist lock. Anderson drives Scott down to the mat, but Scott bridges up to keep his shoulders off the mat. Eaton comes in to help Anderson and Scott power flips them both over and Rick in with a double Steinerline to send both heels to the outside. The crowd loves it. Anderson back up on the apron and tells Randy Anderson to get Rick out of the ring before he comes in and Randy Anderson does. Anderson puts his knee into Scott's midsection and throws him out of the ring. Anderson then goads Rick in so the heels can double team Scott on the outside while the ref is trying to get Rick back in his corner. Scott avoids getting hit and knocks both heels down on the outside. Back in the ring, Scott gets a chin lock on Anderson. Anderson gets to his feet and drives Scott out to the ramp. Scott reverses an Irish whip and hits Eaton with a tilt a whirl slam on the ramp. Scott then guillotines Eaton back into the ring and hooks the arms. Then Scott with sort of a modified camel clutch and some fans start chanting break his back. Scott transitions to an arm bar before tagging Rick in. Rick picks the arm bar up, but Eaton rakes his eyes to get out of the move. Eaton with a scoop slam and then Eaton goes up top, but gets caught and Rick puts him on his shoulders and that brings the crowd back to life. Scott gets on the second rope and hits Eaton with a Steinerline in the inversion of the Doomsday Device. All four men in and Rick runs the heels heads together. Randy Anderson trying to get Arn out of the ring and misses Eaton hitting Rick with a low blow. Eaton gets a two count. Anderson tagged in and kicks Rick while Eaton is holding him. Anderson attacking Rick after a snap mare. Eaton then tagged back in and he drives Rick to the mat with a hammerlock. Rick back to his feet and hits some back elbows to break the hold as Eaton tags Anderson back in. Eaton pushes Rick off and he runs into an elbow by Anderson when he comes back in. Anderson gets a two count. Rick blocks a Anderson suplex attempt, so Eaton comes in to help Anderson and now all four men in again and the Steiner Brothers both hit belly to belly suplexes on their opponents. Randy Anderson trying to get the extra men back out as Eaton hits Rick with a right hand. Anderson with a snap mare and then he goes to the second rope, but gets caught with a Steinerline from Rick as he comes off. Scott tagged in. Irish whip and a backdrop to Anderson. He then hits a suplex. He gets a two count and immediately gets Anderson in a front face lock. Anderson gets out and hits Scott with some left hands. Scott comes back with some right hands to both Eaton and Anderson, so Anderson runs Scott into Eaton and knocks Eaton off the apron to the floor. Anderson slams Scott down and drops the knee on Scott. He gets another two count. Eaton tagged in and hits Scott with a right hand. Eaton then hits a top rope knee drop on Scott. He gets a close two count. Anderson tagged in and hits Scott with a forearm to the back. Anderson with a knee to the face of Scott. Scott reverses an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Anderson hits a brutal looking DDT on Scott. He gets another two count. Several two counts and Anderson complains that it's a slow count. Anderson goes to slam his weight down on Scott and gets caught with a body scissors. Anderson turns it over into a Boston Crab and uses Eaton for leverage before tagging Eaton in and Eaton drops an elbow on Scott. Eaton gets a camel clutch on Scott. Scott working his way to his own corner while still in the move. As he gets close, Eaton hits Rick with a cheap shot to goad Rick into the ring so that the heels could double team Scott while referee Randy Anderson was getting Rick out of the ring. Eaton throws Scott over the top rope so Anderson can attack him on the outside. Anderson hits Scott with a backbreaker on the ramp and Eaton then hits Scott with the Rocket Launcher on the ramp. Scott falls off the ramp. Eaton comes down after him and runs Scott into the barricade. Scott blocks a second attempt and runs Eaton into the barricade instead. Back and forth and Eaton throws Scott back into the ring. Anderson tagged in and attacked Scot with a forearms to the back. Anderson goes to run Scott into Eaton's boot, but Scott reverses it at the last second and runs Anderson in instead. Rick tagged in and hits both heels with right hands. Then a Steinerline to both. Rick puts Eaton on the top rope for a move, but Anderson catches him and the Dangerous Alliance go to do the Doomsday Device on Rick, who turns in midair to cover Eaton and gets a close two count. Anderson in. Rick goes up top after reversing a corner whip and hits a top rope bulldog. Eaton breaks up the pin attempt. Scott and Eaton fighting in the ring and as the referee is trying to get them out, Anderson gets some powder from Madusa and throws it in Rick's eyes. A blinded Rick then gives Randy Anderson a belly to belly suplex. Rick then throws Anderson to the outside and Scott hits Eaton with a powerbomb. Scott then pins Eaton after a Frankensteiner and it appears that the Steiner Brothers have won the tag team titles, but you know that there has been a flaw in the slaw. Randy Anderson having a conference with Mike Adkins and Nick Patrick. Patrick then comes over and explains that the Steiner Brothers were disqualified and Eaton and Anderson are still the tag team champions.
-WrestleWar 92 ad.
-Jesse and Jim Ross review what happened in the last match. Missy Hyatt is then shown going to Ricky Steamboat's door and we see him and the Ninja come out for the match. Tony and Eric preview the next match.
-United States Championship Match. Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat with the Ninja: Rude comes out first and goes into his pre match spiel on the mic, but the crowd is booing him heavily. He finally goes into it. Steamboat comes out with the Ninja and gets a good reaction. Jesse wonders how Steamboat can have the Ninja if Rude can't have Paul E at ringside. The bell rings and they warily look at each other. They lock up and then push off. Another lock up and they drive to the ropes and circle the ring each looking for the advantage. The referee finally separates them in a corner and Steamboat comes at Rude with some right hands. Steamboat, with an Irish whip, does some drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Rude before hitting him with some arm drags. Steamboat then picks Rude up by the neck and Jesse says he didn't know Steamboat had that kind of strength. Steamboat ducks a clothesline attempt and drives Rude face first into the mat. He gets a two count and transitions to an arm bar. Rude tries to break the hold. Steamboat with a back kick and goes back to the arm bar. He drives Rude to his knees. Steamboat goes to the corner dragging Rude behind him and then slams Rude's arm on the ring post. He then does it again before going back inside and getting another arm drag before going back to the arm bar. Some guys who look like George RR Martin and Jimmy Hart are sitting on the front row opposite the hard camera and it's distracting. I would like to be at a party that those two were at though. Steamboat gets an arm bar on. Rude with some forearms to Steamboat to break the hold. Back and forth in a corner. Rude with a series of forearms to Steamboat in the corner until referee Mike Adkins pulls Rude away. Steamboat comes back with kicks to Rude. Steamboat ducks a clothesline attempt and goes back to the arm bar. Steamboat with a scoop slam and a throat thrust to Rude before going back to the arm bar. Rude back to his feet and gets out of the move. Steamboat runs the ropes and both men do leap frogs to avoid the other before Steamboat gets a crossbody on Rude. He gets a two count and arm drags Rude again. Steamboat goes back to the arm bar figuring it has worked for him so far. Rude makes it back to his feet again. Steamboat with a series of chops to Rude. Steamboat with an Irish whip. Rude ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody attempt and gets caught by Steamboat, but it looks like they were both supposed to go over the top rope to the outside but mistimed the move and both of them land on the mat. Rude up and stomps Steamboat out of the ring to the floor. Rude follows him out and drops Steamboat throat first onto the barricade. Steamboat gets up on the apron and Rude just hits him with a forearm to the chest. Rude with another forearm and Steamboat comes back with a knee to the midsection. Rude suplexes Steamboat into the ring. Back and forth in the corner of the ring. Rude with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Rude's arm is hurting. Rude with a snap mare and a headlock. Steamboat starting to fade, so he twists around trying to get out of the move. Steamboat with a push off, but drops his head and Rude kicks him in the face. Rude follows that up with a clothesline, but he used his injured arm. Rude then drops Steamboat throat first on the top rope. Rude follows that up with a swinging neck breaker. Rude with a textbook piledriver to Steamboat. He gets a two count and Rude complains that the count was slow. Steamboat comes up with a shot, so Rude responds with a belly to back suplex. Rude gets another two count. Rude with another snap mare and headlock. Steamboat up to his feet and picks Rude up by the leg and slams it down on his knee before getting Rude down on the mat. Steamboat gets a figure four on. Rude reaches for the ropes and gets there and Steamboat breaks the hold on the three count. Steamboat drags Rude back to the center of the ring and goes for the move again, but Rude kicks Steamboat off and Steamboat hits the turnbuckle head first. Rude goes up top and comes off with a forearm to Steamboat. Rude poses and his right arm is hurting him. Rude with a snap mare and then goes back up top. He hits a clothesline and gets another two count. Rude goes back to the rear chin lock. Rude with a forearm and gets a modified camel clutch on. Steamboat fading, but gets to his feet while Rude still has the hold on. Steamboat falls back driving Rude to the mat to break the hold. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Steamboat running the ropes and Rude avoids him until they collide in the center of the ring and both are down. A double count going. Both up and Rude reverses an Irish whip and gets a sleeper on Steamboat. Steamboat fading. His arm doesn't fall the third time. They trade holds and Steamboat gets the sleeper on. Rude drops down and hits Steamboat with a jaw breaker. Rude goes up top, but Steamboat catches him and kicks Rude's leg out and Rude crotches himself on the top turnbuckle. Steamboat with a top rope superplex. Steamboat gets a two count. He follows that up with a series of clotheslines. Steamboat with an enziguri to Rude and then mocks Rude by shaking his hips. Steamboat with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Rude in a seated position on the mat and Steamboat hits him with a clothesline. Steamboat with another Irish whip and a flapjack to Rude. Steamboat goes up top and chops Rude. He goes back to the corner to go up again and the ninja climbs up on the apron, pulls out a cell phone, and hits Steamboat with it. Rude covers Steamboat and pins him.
-Jim Ross says the ninja has to be Paul E. They show a replay of what happened before throwing it to Tony and Eric. They talk about the last match before throwing it to Missy Hyatt in the back. She goes to the dressing room of Rick Rude and opens the door and the Dangerous Alliance is in there, including Paul E with the ninja suit on, but without the mask. They yell and push her out and close the door.
-Jim and Jesse talk about what we just saw and Jesse credits JR with being right about the ninja. They then talk about the main event.
-Main Event for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Lex Luger with Harley Race vs. Sting: Sting out first and he is extremely popular with the crowd. Luger is out and he is gassed to the gills. They talk about him bulking up on commentary. They list him at 282 pounds. Jim Ross talks about their history as Luger starts to run the ropes to loosen up but stops almost immediately because I think he realizes he would be blown up before the match starts. The bell rings and they circle each other. They stare at each other as Jim and Jesse discuss their credentials. Sting says what's your problem, Luger? They are talking face to face, but you can't make out what they are saying to each other. Luger finally shoves Sting. Sting shoves Luger back and the crowd is enjoying this. They finally lock up and drive up against the ropes to a corner each looking to gain the advantage as JR says that Luger must be over 300 pounds and not the 295 that he was billed at. Referee Nick Patrick steps in between them and separates the two. Luger circles the ring. They lock up and Luger gets the advantage with a knee in the midsection and a forearm. He follows that up with some right hands in the corner. He runs Sting into a turnbuckle and gets a corner whip, but Sting moves on the charge and Luger hits the turnbuckle sternum first. Sting comes back with a corner whip and a Stinger Splash, but Luger comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Luger has some support from the fans, which is surprising to me. Luger with an Irish whip and a power slam. Luger then signals for the Torture Rack. He gets Sting up, but Sting slips behind Luger and hits him with a belly to back suplex. Sting then gets Luger up in the Torture Rack and the crowd can't believe it and quite frankly, neither can I. Luger shifts his weight and they both fall to the mat, but Sting with the momentum. Luger gets to the corner and kicks Sting in the stomach when he comes in. Luger with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Sting hits him with a DDT. Luger rolls out to the apron and falls to the floor and Race over to check on him. Race gets up on the apron to distract Sting so that Luger can grab Sting by the feet and bring him to the outside. Sting blocks being run into the barricade and runs Luger into it instead. They get back in the ring and Luger backing up and begging off from Sting. Sting gets Luger in the corner and puts his foot into Luger's throat. He breaks on the four count. Sting with a corner whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count and then goes for the Scorpion Death Lock. He goes to lock it in, but Luger gets to the ropes first. Luger gets back to his feet, but has to hold on to the ropes and has Patrick hold Sting back and obviously Luger is blown up already and hasn't been able to do much in the ring so much so that they bring it up on commentary with Jesse saying that Luger is sweating profusely and Sting is not sweating that much. They lock up in the corner and as Nick Patrick is separating them, Luger hits Sting with a thumb to the eye. Luger with some shots to Sting and runs Sting's face along the top rope. Sting is reeling and Luger hits him with a right hand to knock him to one knee. Luger with a series of kicks to Sting's chest. He gets Sting down to the mat as the Luger fans in the audience cheer and Race signals for Luger to use the piledriver. Luger pushes Sting into the corner. JR mentions Luger paying Cactus Jack and Abdullah the Butcher to attack Sting and Jesse saying oh how do you know that? JR says Luger admitted it and that was funny to me for some reason. Back and forth by the turnbuckle. Sting chokes Luger to the opposite corner. He starts chocking Luger down to the mat and Luger hits a low blow to Sting as Patrick was separating them again. Luger with a double leg pick up to get Sting down. He then hits an inverted atomic drop. Luger mocking Sting. Sting up and Luger kicking him trying to knock him back down. Luger with an Irish whip and a gorilla press slam to Sting. Race signals for the piledriver and Luger hits it on Sting. Sting kicks out at two and Jesse thinks Luger didn't get the piledriver all the way. Luger drops an elbow on Sting as Race comes over and tells Jesse that the referee could have counted to 10 on that last cover. A series of elbows to Sting and another two count, but Luger not hooking the leg on the cover. Sting up and trying to hit Luger with some wild shots as he looks to be out of it. Sting comes back with another series of shots to knock Luger down to the mat. He then kicks Luger and drives him face first into the mat. He rubs Luger's face into the canvas and kicks him away. Sting then runs Luger's face along the top rope. He then drops Luger throat first on the top rope and Luger struggling to get away. Sting rakes the back. Sting with a series of right hands. Sting rushes Luger, who drops down and Sting flies over the top rope to the outside, but lands on his feet. Luger goes out after Sting. Luger runs Sting into the barricade. Patrick gets Luger away and back into the ring and Race goes for a piledriver on Sting, who counters it with a backdrop. Sting goes up top and hits a crossbody to pin Luger and become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. This would be Luger's last match and appearance in WCW until September 1995 when he appears on the first episode of Nitro that I covered in episode 135 available in the archives. The crowd cheers the win. Sting presented with the belt and holds it high for the crowd to see. Jim and Jesse talk about the finish as Sting bows to the crowd. They recap some of what we've seen before signing off from Milwaukee.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show in the middle of the Kip Frey era between Jim Herd and Bill Watts. Worth at least one look.

Episode 177 Notes Thu, 27 Apr 2023 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6ad3d0cf-498c-4068-8df9-6365306fb02a My notes for Episode 177: ECW When Worlds Collide. -The last show and my weekend.
-Today we look at When Worlds Collide from ECW.
-When Worlds Collide was presented by ECW on May 14, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,558 in attendance.
-The Rockin' Rebel with Jason vs. Tommy Dreamer: Dreamer comes out and this is early Dreamer. Clean cut, sparkly ring attire. The bell rings and Rebel puts his finger in Dreamer's chest right away. Dreamer does the same and they are face to face yelling at each other. Rebel offers a handshake and then tries to be cute by switching hands, so Dreamer slaps him and they lock up. Rebel gets Dreamer up against the ropes, but Dreamer reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and they go back and forth in the center of the ring. Dreamer hits a nice spinning kick on Rebel. Rebel chopping Dreamer in a corner. Dreamer comes out of the corner and Rebel gets him in another corner and chops him. They each reverse and Dreamer corner whips Rebel and hits a corner shoulder tackle driving his shoulder into Rebel's midsection. A suplex and an elbow drop gets a two count for Dreamer. Dreamer rakes the eyes. He follows that up with a scoop slam and a knee drop. Dreamer with a front face lock, so Rebel backs Dreamer into a corner. He breaks the hold, gets a corner whip, but Dreamer moves on the charge and gets an arm drag. Into an arm bar on Rebel. Rebel comes back with an Irish whip and Dreamer responds with a modified sunset flip for a two count. Rebel puts Dreamer on the top rope and Jason hits Dreamer when Rebel distracted the referee. Dreamer takes off after Jason, only to get cut off by Rebel. Rebel with a wicked looking corner whip. Rebel gets a one count. Dreamer shifts his weight on a belly to back suplex to get a one count. Dreamer hits a low blow and a DDT. Dreamer goes up top for a splash, but Rebel moves. Rebel hits a leg drop to the area between Dreamer's legs. I cleaned that up there for you. He gets a two count. Dreamer reverses the Irish whip, but drops his head and Rebel hits a swinging neck breaker. Another leg drop and a two count for Rebel. Rebel with a spinebuster, but looks to have hurt his knee. He gets another two count. Rebel with an Irish whip, but Dreamer comes back with a Thesz press to get the pin. Jason and Rebel argue in the ring after the match. Jason pays off Rebel, but it looks like an uneasy alliance.
-ECW Television Championship Match. Mikey Whipwreck vs. 911 with Paul E. Dangerously: Whipwreck comes out to a Mikey chant. The bell rings and 911 is stalking Whipwreck, who is backing away from 911. 911 grabs Whipwreck and choke slams him. Instead of covering Whipwreck, 911 choke slams him again. 911 grabs Whipwreck to choke slam him again and the referee tells him not to do it, so he grabs the referee. He choke slams them both and gets disqualified. 911 throws the belt on Whipwreck and choke slams the referee again. Paul E administers the last rites to the referee. The fans yell one more time, so 911 grabs the referee again and choke slams him. Paul E and 911 then leave the ring. A ring crew member helps Whipwreck to the back.
-Kevin Sullivan with Woman vs. Jimmy Snuka with Hunter Q. Robbins III: This match makes you feel bad about life if you think too deeply about it, so I wouldn't. Snuka attacks Sullivan as soon as he comes through the ropes and then the bell rings. Snuka chops Sullivan out of the ring and then follows him outside. Sullivan then starts throwing chairs at Snuka. A fan hands Sullivan a frying pan and he hits Snuka with it. He then throws another chair at Snuka. Sullivan then grabs the ring hammer and hits Snuka between the legs with it. Back in the ring, Sullivan has his spike out and puts it in Snuka's throat. Sullivan chops Snuka several times before throwing him back outside. Sullivan grabs a metal crutch from a fan and hits Snuka with it. Sullivan then grabs some rope and chokes Snuka with it. He then hits Snuka with the crutch again. Sullivan then gets back in the ring and gets Snuka up on the apron. Snuka blocks a shot and headbutts Sullivan. Snuka chopping Sullivan in a corner. Sullivan corner whipped, but gets his boot up on the charge. Sullivan chopping Snuka down, but becomes distracted when the Sandman comes out and takes Woman back to the dressing room. Robbins trips Sullivan and holds his leg for Snuka to get the pin. Sullivan grabs Robbins as he and Snuka were leaving and throws Robbins into the ring. Sullivan grabs Robbins' cane and hits him between the legs with it. He rips off Robbins' pants and hits him with the cane again and stomps Robbins. He then starts chasing the photographers at ringside.
-Singapore Caning Match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Tommy Cairo with Peaches: This was a topical match because of the Michael Fay case of an American sentenced to receive 6 lashes with a cane from vandalizing cars. Sandman comes to the ring with Woman and she lights a cigarette for him. The loser will receive 6 lashes. Sandman tries to grab the cane before the match. The bell rings and they circle each other. Sandman with a kick to the stomach and Cairo responds with a belly to belly suplex. Sandman goes after Peaches, who is up on the apron. He grabs Peaches by the wrist. That brings Cairo over and he gives Sandman another belly to belly suplex. Cairo with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Sandman rolls to the outside to regroup. Cairo comes out after Sandman and hits him with a double ax handle from the apron. Cairo then suplexes Sandman on the floor. He then throws Sandman back into the ring and hits him with a double ax handle from the top rope. That only gets a two count. Double underhook suplex to Sandman by Cairo. Sandman kicks out before the one count. Sandman comes back with an Irish whip and a back elbow as Joey Styles takes shots at the WWF and WCW on commentary. Sandman looks at Peaches before hitting Cairo with another suplex. Sandman cannot get the pin, so he hits Cairo with a scoop slam. Sandman goes up top and drops an elbow on Cairo. It takes him a minute, but Sandman hits Cairo with a piledriver. Sandman choking Cairo instead of covering him. Sandman with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Cairo knees him in the face. Cairo follows that up with a brutal looking clothesline to Sandman. Cairo with an Irish whip and a power slam to Sandman. Cairo with a DDT. That brings Woman into the ring after Cairo and Peaches into the ring after Woman. The fans and Joey Styles cheer the cat fight going on. Cairo up and grabs Woman, allowing Peaches to score the pinfall on Sandman. Sandman now gets caned per the pre match stipulation. The referee gives Peaches the cane and Cairo grabs Sandman in a front face lock so that she can hit him. She pulls his pants down part way and starts caning Sandman. She gets two shots in before Woman comes in and throws powder in Peaches eyes. Cairo drops Sandman and goes after Woman. Woman backs away and Sandman low blows Cairo. Sandman grabs the cane and starts caning Cairo with it. He gets Cairo down and inadvertently hits Peaches in the head as he is swinging one time. Both Peaches and Cairo are down as Sandman canes Cairo repeatedly. Sandman then gives Woman the cane and hits Cairo a few times while Sandman grabs Peaches and holds her for Woman to hit a few times. Sandman then hits Cairo a few more times and then throws the cane down. Sandman and Woman leave while officials check on Cairo and Peaches. Cairo up and bleeding from the forehead as he checks on Peaches and carries her back to the dressing room.
-The Pit Bull with Jason vs. The Tazmaniac: This is early Taz before he became the Taz from prime ECW. John "Pee Wee '' Moore is the referee and when he is announced, 911 comes back out and grabs him by the throat again and choke slams him. Paul E tells 911 to stop, but he choke slams Moore again. The other referees carry Moore to the back as the fans chant 911. John Finnegan is now the referee for the match. Jason and Pit Bull out first and Taz cost Pit Bull the TV title just the night before against Mikey Whipwreck. Taz comes to the ring and gets attacked by Pit Bull as soon as he gets in the ring. and the two trade blows in the center of the ring. Taz headbutts Pit Bull to the outside and then follows him out there. He runs Pit Bull into the guard rail and then over it into the crowd. Taz goes and hits Jason a couple of times before going out after Pit Bull. He hits Pit Bull with forearms and chairs before throwing him back over the guardrail to ringside. He runs him into a ringside table and throws a chair at him. Pit Bull grabs another chair as Taz was swinging it and hits Taz with the chair. Pit Bull hits Taz on the back with the chair again. He then rolls Taz back into the ring. Pit Bull hits a belly to belly suplex on Taz. He only gets a two count. He gets a rear chin lock on Taz as a Pit Bull chant goes out. Taz gets to his feet and gets a takeover on Pit Bull to get out of the move. Pit Bull comes back with a poke to the eye. Pit Bull follows that up with a low blow. The Pit Bull chant goes out again. Then where's your belt and a Mikey chant go out to torment Pit Bull. Pit Bull with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Taz. He gets a two count. Pit Bull with a nerve hold and tells Finnegan to ask Taz if he wants to give up. The fans chant Mikey again and Pit Bull tells them to shut up. Taz makes his way to his knees and then to his feet and breaks the hold. Taz then misses a clothesline. Pit Bull comes back with a back elbow to knock Taz down. He then yells at the crowd, who respond with where's your belt? Pit Bull with a shot to Taz and a scoop slam. He then drops a knee on Taz. He then starts choking Taz on the bottom rope. Finnegan gets him away and they start to argue over what Pit Bull was doing. While they are arguing, Jason sneaks over and starts choking Taz. Pit Bull with a leg lock submission hold to Taz. Taz fighting to get out of the hold. Pit Bull breaks the hold and works over the knee of Taz. He hits a snap mare and a leg drop on Taz. He only gets a two count and gets Taz in a headlock. Taz gets to his feet still in the headlock. He breaks the hold and Pit Bull grabs Taz by the hair to drive him back down to the mat. Pit Bull with some fist drops to Taz. Pit Bull with a side headlock and Taz hits him with a suplex to break the move. Taz follows that up with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Taz goes up top, but Pit Bull gets to his feet and runs over and hits Taz with an Enziguri to knock him off the turnbuckle to the floor. Pit Bull goes outside and throws Taz back into the ring. Pit Bull with a back kick to Taz to knock him to the floor. Taz ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Pit Bull with a t-bone suplex. Taz runs Pit Bull into a turnbuckle a couple of times and then hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Jason gets up on the apron. Taz grabs Jason and suplexes him inside. Referee John Finnegan checks on Jason and Pit Bull takes advantage and hits Taz with his chain and pins Taz. Pit Bull then comes over and helps Jason out of the ring and carries him to the back.
-8-Man elimination tag match. Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes, and The Public Enemy vs. JT Smith, and the Bruise Brothers: Hawk was supposed to be in the match, but had to withdraw due to a lingering knee issue. Douglas's team attacks Smith and the Bruise Brothers in the aisle as they come out. They brawl in the aisle towards the ring. Smith in the ring with Hughes and hitting him with a series of punches. Douglas comes in and grabs Smith so that Hughes can punch him. One of the Bruise Brothers comes in and he and Hughes exchange blows. Hughes drives the Bruise Brothers into the corner and Rocco Rock tagged in. The other Bruise Brother in to help his twin, but the referee gets him out, allowing the heels to double team the other twin. Styles identifies the twin in the ring as Ron so we are going with that. Rock gets him down on his knees in the corner and is punching him. Ron fights back and puts Rock in a front face lock and Rock tags Douglas in. He hits Ron with a running knee lift. Douglas then tags Hughes in and holds Ron for Hughes to hit. Hughes kicks Ron. Hughes then tags Grunge in and holds Ron for Grunge to hit. They double Irish whip and clothesline Ron. Grunge Punching Ron, who is coming back with punches of his own. Rock comes in to goad Don in and as the Referee was getting him out, the heels beat up Ron some more. Douglas tagged back in. He hits Ron with left and right hands and Rock tagged back in. He hits Ron with a shoulder block in the corner while Douglas holds him. Rock then drags Ron's head across the top rope. Ron comes back and gets Rock in a corner and hits him with a series of knees in the corner. Ron with a corner whip, but Rock moves on the charge. Rock grabs Ron by the hair and brings him back to the heels corner and Hughes tagged back in. He starts kicking Ron in the chest several times while the other heels hold him. Ron fights back and knocks the heels down that are on the apron. Rock down. Grunge down. Hughes with an Irish whip and a dropkick. It wasn't pretty, but he hit it. Hughes brings Ron back to the heels corner and tags Douglas in. Hughes and Grunge hold Ron for Douglas to kick. He gets Ron down after attacking the knee and gets a spinning toe hold on. Don comes in and clotheslines Douglas to break the hold and the referee gets him right back out. Grunge comes in and starts dropping knees on Ron. Ron gets an opening and rolls Grunge up for a two count. Grunge gets Ron back down and Hughes tagged back in. He stomps away on the leg. Hughes goes and punches Don on the apron and then drives Ron back to the heels corner. Douglas tagged in and he rakes Ron's eyes and hits a snap mare. Douglas then puts a single crab on Ron. Rock grabs Douglas's hand for extra leverage. Don comes in, but the referee sends him back out. Douglas and Rock keep changing places as the referee is tied up with the faces as they try to come in to help or complain about what the heels are doing. Ron kicks at Rock trying to break the hold. He does break it and starts choking Rock by the ropes and Douglas comes down the apron and kicks Ron. Rock gets the single leg crab back on. Heels goad the faces in so Grunge and Rock can switch places. Crowd getting angry at the heels. Rock tagged back in and drops an elbow on the leg. Ron powers Rock over and gets a two count on a cradle. Heels goad faces in and Douglas grabs Ron by the leg and puts a leg lock on as the Public Enemy is enticing the crowd. Ron fights and finally kicks Douglas off. Douglas with a standing dropkick to Ron. Douglas follows that up with a flying headscissors. Douglas goes to do another headscissors and Don hits him with a clothesline from the apron. Don tags in and he grabs Douglas. Don comes in and is cleaning house on the heels. Don with an Irish whip that knocks Douglas into Grunge to knock Grunge off the apron. Don then clotheslines Douglas. Don stomps Douglas and then scoop slams him. Don then drops a series of elbows to Douglas. Don with an Irish whip and a big boot to Douglas. Don with a series of right hands to Douglas. Douglas tags Rock and Don grabs him and brings him on over the top rope. Grunge and Smith both tagged in. Smith gets Grunge down with a series of right hands and Rock comes in and clips Smith from behind to knock him down. Grunge grabs the injured leg and starts working on it. Grunge hyper extends the leg and Rock tagged back in. He continues to work on the leg. Smith gets to the ropes and uses them to try to get back to his feet. Rock kicks Smith's legs to knock him back down as soon as he gets up. Rock then does it again. Ron throws a chair into the ring. Rock drops some elbows on Smith and gets a leg lock on Smith. Smith with some forearms to try to get out of the move. Rock stomps Smith and tags Hughes in. Hughes goes up to the second rope and splashes Smith on the leg. He then stomps the leg several times. He then puts Smith in a leg lock. The crowd with a JT chant as Smith tries to avoid submitting or getting pinned. Rock tagged in and hit Smith with a headbutt. Rock scoop slams Smith and Grunge tagged in. Rock holds Smith on the ground and Grunge splashes him. Now all 7 in the ring. The referee gets everyone not tagged in out and Rock hits Smith with a snap mare. Rock continues to work the leg of Smith over. Hughes tagged in as the referee keeps the faces from coming in. Hughes scoop slams Smith. Hughes goes up top, but misses the splash when Smith moves. Ron and Douglas both tagged in and Ron gets an Irish whip and a big boot on Douglas. Rock comes in and gets a big boot. Hughes and Don both come in and Hughes Irish whipped and back dropped by Ron. Rock comes in and Ron throws him out to the floor. Rock back in the ring as Smith tagged in and Rock immediately takes Smith down and Styles says it made no sense to tag Smith in. Grunge comes in as well and the Public Enemy hyper extends both legs. All the other wrestlers had left the ringside area to fight in the crowd presumably. Douglas, Hughes, and The Bruise Brothers have been counted out, which isn't something you see every day in ECW. They are all still fighting in the crowd. The crowd is paying attention to what is happening outside instead of what's happening in the ring where Rock is pummeling Smith and covers him for a two count. Rock with another two count as the other participants brawl back towards the ring. Rock snaps Smith over and he lands on his injured knee as Bob Artese announces that the other wrestlers have been counted out. Rock tells Smith to get up and then clips Smith's leg when he does. Grunge tagged in and goes up top while Rock holds Smith on the ground. Grunge splashes Smith. Grunge pulls Smith to the side of the ring and smashes his leg on the apron. He then grabs a chair and smashes the knee with it. Smith tries to crawl away and as he does, Rock comes in and crashes down on the knee. Grunge grabs Smith by the leg and drags him over to the heels corner and tags Rock in. He drops elbows on the injured knee. Rock puts the spinning toe hold on and Smith kicks him off. Unfortunately, he kicked him towards his own corner, so Rock tags Grunge in. He comes in and drops an elbow on Smith. Rock back in and again goes for the spinning toe hold. Into the figure four. Smith fighting hard not to give up. Smith trying to turn the move over. Grunge grabs Rock's hand to stop the momentum and Smith back on the mat. Smith goes to turn it over, and once again Grunge grabs Rock's hand to stop the momentum. Smith screams to the referee that he is not going to give up. Smith finally reverses the hold and Rock screams and gets out of the hold quickly. Rock up and clotheslines Smith. Rock up and arguing with the fans. Smith comes up behind Rock and pushes him into Grunge to knock Grunge off the apron and Smith rolls Rock up to pin him. Grunge comes in and clotheslines Smith. Rock gets up on the apron and grabs Smith for Grunge to hit. Grunge with a big running forearm. He goes for another one and Smith ducks and Grunge hits Rock instead to knock him off the apron. Smith rolls Grunge up to pin him and win the match. Rock comes in and attacks Smith, hitting him repeatedly in the leg. Public Enemy with a double suplex to Smith. Public Enemy with a double suplex to Smith. Public Enemy then leave the ring as the fans taunt them.
-Main Event. Sabu and Bobby Eaton with Paul E. Dangerously vs. Terry Funk and Arn Anderson: 911 comes out with Eaton, Sabu, and Dangerously. Paul E grabs the mic and introduces Sabu and Eaton. Funk and Anderson get a tremendous reaction when they come out. Eaton and Anderson are contracted WCW wrestlers at this time. The bell rings and Funk and Sabu start the match. Eaton comes in and he and Sabu start to both go for Funk, so he bails out to the floor. Sabu rolls to the outside and starts hitting Funk with forearms. Sabu gets Funk back in the ring and hits him with a corner clothesline. Funk falls down and Sabu covers him for a two count. Sabu attacks Funk again and drops a knee on him for a two count. Sabu follows that up with a side headlock. Sabu brings Funk over to the corner and Eaton tagged in. Eaton with some right hands to Funk, who swings back wildly on Eaton. Eaton clotheslines Funk over the top rope. Eaton comes out after Funk and hits him with an elbow. Funk attacked by both heels on the outside as Sabu kicks him and Eaton throws a chair at him. Anderson comes around the ring to drive Eaton away with a chair. Sabu grabs Funk and dumps him over the top rope onto a table and Funk goes through the table. Anderson comes around and checks on Funk. Eaton comes around and hits Funk with a chair as the referee was getting Anderson back to his corner. Sabu goes out and throws Funk back into the ring and smashes a chair into Funk's head. Sabu puts Funk in the corner, hits him with the chair again, then sets the chair up and runs and hits a dive onto Funk off of the chair. Eaton tagged in and hits Funk with some right hands. He then runs Funk into a turnbuckle. Funk comes back with a thumb to the eyes. Both Sabu and Anderson tagged in. Anderson takes Sabu down with a single leg and attacks the leg of Sabu with knee drops. Anderson then points at Eaton and tells him he wants him. Sabu tries to attack Anderson and Anderson knocks him down with a straight left hand. Anderson with a scoop slam and a knee drop to Sabu. He then knocks Eaton off the apron with a left hand. He throws Sabu into the corner and tells Eaton to tag in. Instead, Funk comes over and grabs Eaton and they start fighting on the outside as Anderson drags Sabu along the top rope. Sabu thrown to the outside. Anderson brings Eaton in and does the figure four on him. Paul E. hits Anderson to break the hold as Funk comes in and sets a piece of the broken table up against the ropes and piledrives Eaton through it. Eaton gets to his corner and tags Sabu in and Anderson slingshots Sabu in over the top rope. Anderson scoop slams Sabu and goes up top, but gets caught and Sabu dropkicks Anderson off the top rope to the floor. Funk in and scoop slams Sabu. Funk goes up top and moonsaults off, but Sabu moves out of the way. Eaton counters an Anderson piledriver attempt on the outside with a backdrop. Sabu with a leg drop to Funk on the inside for a two count. Sabu hits a moonsault on Funk for another two count. Funk comes back with a powerbomb for Sabu for a two count. Funk then hits a neck breaker on Sabu for another close two count. Funk with a DDT to Sabu. Funk up and swings at Eaton on the apron and they start to fight in the corner. Anderson in and he grabs Sabu and brings him down to the mat by the throat. Anderson goes to cover, but the referee says he's not the legal man and Sabu gets his knees-up as Anderson tries to crash down on him. Funk headbutts Sabu and then Funk falls to the outside. Sabu launches himself over the top rope onto Funk. Anderson comes over and hits both Eaton and Sabu with a chair. Anderson then runs Sabu into a ring post. Anderson then tagged in. He gets hit with several shots and a dropkick from Sabu. Sabu then hits a moonsault on Anderson, but doesn't cover. Eaton tagged in. He slams Anderson and goes up top and hits the Alabama Jam on Anderson. Funk breaks up the pin attempt and drags Eaton to the outside. Sabu comes in and kicks Anderson and puts a headlock on Anderson. He slams Anderson and does a rolling bomb over the top rope onto Anderson. Sabu then hits a slingshot moonsault on Anderson as Eaton and Funk brawl towards the back. Sabu gets a two count. Anderson up and Sabu hitting him with his right hands and kicking him. Sabu throws Anderson to the outside and hits him with a forearm to the back. He runs Anderson into a barricade, but Sabu misses a double ax handle from the apron when Anderson moves. Anderson gets Sabu back in the ring and hits the DDT. He signals that he is going to do it again. He hits a second one. They then show Terry Funk climbing up towards the Eagle's Nest. Eaton is up there as well and they are brawling. Anderson hits Sabu with another DDT. Funk hits a piledriver on Eaton in the Eagle's Nest. Back in the ring, Anderson hits Sabu with a spinebuster. Funk climbs down to the aisle and gets attacked there by the Public Enemy. Anderson comes to his partner's aid by grabbing a chair and running the Public Enemy off. Anderson brings Funk back to the ringside area. He rolls Funk back in and then the Public Enemy attack Anderson on the outside and Sabu attacks Terry Funk on the inside. Sabu gets a spinning toe hold on Funk. Funk grabs Sabu and rolls him up for a two count. Sabu goes back to the spinning toe hold as Funk starts punching Sabu to get out of the move. Sabu lets go and goes outside to get a chair as Funk collapses after trying to stand on his leg. Sabu hits Funk with the chair, but then Sabu is grabbed from behind and held by Anderson. Funk grabs the chair, but Sabu ducks and Anderson gets hit with the chair instead. Funk then turns and hits Sabu several times with the chair and puts the spinning toe hold on Sabu. Sabu then hits Funk with the chair. Funk holds on to the spinning toe hold, so Sabu hits him again to try to break the hold. Sabu hits Funk in the back of the knee to knock him down and Anderson comes in and grabs the chair from Sabu. Anderson then turns and nails Funk in the legs with the chair several times. Funk trying to get up, but falls down again. Sabu puts Funk in a half crab and Funk finally gives up. Paul E taunts Funk after the match.
-They cut to Paul E paying off Public Enemy and cutting a promo on Funk and wondering who Funk is because he refuses to quit wrestling. Funk says who are we? We're the Funk Brothers as they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show to set up Hostile City Showdown.

Episode 176 Notes Tue, 11 Apr 2023 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b6c9b195-d46b-484e-ab5a-411f26c5e8c4 My notes for Episode 176: MITB 2016. -Butch Miller and WWE sold.
-Today we look at the 2016 Money in the Bank PPV from the WWE. The 2016 Money in the Bank PPV was shown on PPV and the WWE Network on June 19, 2016 from the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, NV. There were 14, 150 in attendance and everyone treats this as being from Las Vegas so we will just roll with it.
-WWE Intro and Money in the Bank Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Money in the Bank and will call the action along with Byron Saxton and JBL.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Big E with Xavier Woods vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Enzo and Cass vs. The Vaudevillians Aiden English and Simon Gotch: Enzo and Cass out first and do their spiel. Vaudevillians out next. The Spanish and German Announce teams are introduced. Gallows and Anderson out and then the New Day comes out. New Day is extremely popular with the fans. They make fun of the other teams. Kingston and Anderson start. Anderson with a side headlock. Push off by Kingston and Anderson with a shoulder block. Back and forth and Kingston with a back elbow. Gallows tagged in and The Good Brothers double teaming Kingston in the corner. Enzo and Kingston with dropkicks to both Good Brothers. Vaudevillians come in and they also get dropkicks. Kingston rolls Enzo up for a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Big E and Cass both tagged in. Cass backs up and English tags himself in. Big E with a bear hug on English. Big E hits the Vaudevillians and the Good Brothers and Kingston tagged in. Big E splashes English and Kingston goes to cover him, but it gets broken up by the other teams. All four teams in and fighting. Good Brothers and Vaudevillians clotheslined to the outside. New Day and Enzo and Cass go at it in the center of the ring. English back in and Enzo runs Kingston into English's boots. Vaudevillians double team Kingston in the corner. Gotch tagged in and gets a two count. English tagged in and he gets a two count. Anderson tagged in. He and Kingston battle in the Good Brother's corner. English and Enzo tagged in. They battle in the center of the ring. Enzo gets English down, but Gallows pulls down the ring ropes as Enzo was running them and Enzo spills to the outside. Gallows tagged in. He hits a big kick to Enzo. Gallows picks Enzo up and Enzo counters into a DDT. Anderson and Cass in. Cass cleaning house as he comes in. He hits the Empire Elbow on Anderson and a big boot to English. He then launches Enzo to a group on the outside. Big boot to Anderson. Enzo tagged in and they do the Rocket Launcher, but Gallows pulls Enzo out before the three count. Cass comes out and everyone fighting on the outside. Kingston in as Enzo was fighting Gotch. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but doesn't really get it as it appears there was some miscommunication. Gotch in and takes it to Kingston. English tagged in and hits the Rolling Dervish on Kingston, but Anderson breaks up the pin. Gotch grabs Anderson and Big E goes to spear Anderson, but he moves and Big E spears Gotch instead. Kingston rolls through an English move to hit a DDT on English. Big E in and picks English up, but as he does, Anderson tagged in. Big E hit with a knee from behind by Anderson. Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on English, but Big E breaks up the pin. New Day hit the Midnight Train on Anderson and Kingston pins English to retain the titles.
-Tom Phillips interviews Kevin Owens about being in the Money in the Bank ladder match when they get interrupted by Chris Jericho. Jericho and Owens insult each other. They get interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. They get insulted too.
-Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler: The Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese announce teams are introduced. The bell rings. Ziggler goes for the early advantage. Corbin keeps getting to the ropes. Corbin avoids a superkick, but Ziggler hits a dropkick and jumps on Corbin. Corbin comes back with a right hand and a forearm. Corbin hits a wicked looking clothesline for a two count. Corbin with a rear chin lock. Ziggler fights back to get out, but is then caught in a bear hug. Ziggler then gets dropped on the top rope. Corbin then puts his boot on Ziggler for a four count. Corbin with another right hand to Ziggler. Ziggler coming back with a flurry of offense culminating in a neck breaker for a two count. Corbin counters a Famouser attempt by dropping Ziggler face first on a turnbuckle. Ziggler avoids the charge and hits the Famouser for a two count. Corbin avoids the superkick again. Ziggler comes out after Corbin, but stumbles coming around the ring steps and Corbin catches him and hits a Deep Six outside the ring. Corbin goes back in the ring and Ziggler gets in just before the 10 count. Corbin continues the attack on Ziggler. Ziggler avoids End of Days and hits a superkick on Corbin, but only gets a two count. Double count going. Ziggler goes up top, but gets caught. Ziggler blocks a superplex attempt, but Corbin hits the ropes and knocks Ziggler off. Corbin hits End of Days and pins Ziggler.
-Gold Bond commercial.
-Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke vs. Becky Lynch and Natalya: Natalya and Brooke start. Natalya with the early advantage. Brooke keeps getting to the ropes to avoid Natalya. Natalya with a series of moves and Flair tagged in. Natalya gets a front face lock on and tags Lynch in. She and Natalya do the Hart Attack on Flair. Brooke comes in to help and they hit her with a double hip toss. Then a double baseball slide to the heels on the outside. Lynch throws Flair back into the ring. Lynch with a front face lock and Natalya tagged in. Back and forth. Brooke grabs Natalya's leg to allow Flair to kick Natalya in the face when the referee wasn't looking. Flair gets a two count. Brooke tagged in and a double slam to Natalya. Brooke gets a one count. Flair back in with a modified front face lock. Flair taunting the crowd. Natayla goes for a tag, but Flair knocks Lynch off the apron. Flair chopping Natayla in the corner. Lynch distracts Flair and Natalya knocks Brooke off the apron. Natalya avoids a Flair charge. Flair back in and cuts Natalya off before she can tag Lynch in. Natalya kicks Flair off and tags Lynch in. Lynch cleans house on both heels. Becksploder on Flair. Brooke breaks up the pin attempt. Lynch goes up top and hits a double missile dropkick for another two count. Natalya in and double suplex to Flair, but she lands on her feet and kicks Lynch. Natalya with a clothesline and punches to Flair in the corner. Flair runs Natalya into the corner and goes for a pin on Natalya with Flair's feet on the ropes, but Natalya kicks out. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on Flair. Brooke breaks that up and Lynch comes in to grab Brooke. Brooke runs Lynch into Natalya. Flair then hits Natural Selection on Natalya and pins her. Natalya attacks Lynch from behind after the match.
-Commercial for AJ Styles being on the Stone Cold podcast.
-Tom Phillips interviews Dean Ambrose. He rattles on about the laws of the jungle and the Money in the Bank briefcase.
-Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews: Flashback to how their rivalry came about. Sheamus attacks Crews before the bell sounds. It finally rings and Sheamus with a side headlock. He does some takedowns, but Crews won't stay down. Crews with a side headlock. Sheamus goes to push off, but Crews keeps the hold on. Back and forth. Sheamus clotheslined to the outside. Sheamus hits an Irish curse off the apron to the floor. All Sheamus when they get back in the ring. A headlock gets Crews down to the mat. Crews gets back to his feet. Sheamus pushes off and Crews comes back with a boot to the face. Sheamus shoves Crews back down. Sheamus with a rolling senton for a two count. Crews comes back with a roll up for a two count. Crews with a reverse jaw breaker and a boot to the face. Then a series of moves to Sheamus and Crews is on a roll here. He gets an enziguri to Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus rushes Crews, who hits a belly to belly suplex on Sheamus to send him to the outside. Crews hits a moonsault off the apron to Sheamus back in, Crews hits an Olympic slam for another two count. Sheamus with a slam for a two count. Back and forth and Crews goes up top. He gets caught and Sheamus hits White Noise from the top rope to get a close two count. Sheamus argues with the referee and Crews rolls him up and gets the pin. This was the right thing to do here. Sheamus continues to argue with the referee.
-Battleground commercial.
-Preview for AJ Styles and John Cena and how the match came about.
-AJ Styles vs. John Cena: Styles out first. Cena comes out and he seems to get a bigger ovation. Dueling chants, but they can't get the flow right, so you don't understand what they are saying. Then it's AJ Styles/Let's go, Cena, but the flow would be better if it were the other way around. The bell rings and they circle each other. Lock up and battle for position. Styles with a side headlock. Cena pushes off and Styles just rolls through to land on his feet. Styles yells to Cena that the ring is his house. Dueling chants go out again. Cena with an arm bar into a wrist lock. Styles with a reversal into a side headlock. Cena pushes off and then leapfrogs Styles, who responds with a single leg pick up to get Cena down. Both back to their feet and circling each other. Another lock up. Styles with a side headlock. Cena pushes off and does another leapfrog and then pushes Styles away when he goes for another single leg. Cena comes back with an arm drag. Another arm drag and Cena with a monkey flip to Styles, who lands on the other side of the ring. Cena goes for the AA, but Styles slips behind him. Cena does U Can't See Me to Styles, who responds with a forearm to Cena's face. Styles with a series of moves to Cena. He hits an elbow to the back of Cena's head. Cena reverses an Irish whip, but Styles flips over him to avoid a move as the dueling chants start again. Styles ducks Cena's offense and hits Cena with a flurry of right hands to drive him to the ropes. Styles turns his back to Cena to do his arms out AJ pose, but Cena comes up behind Styles and hits a belly to belly suplex for a one count. Styles rolls to the outside to regroup and Cena follows him out. Styles kicks Cena in the midsection and goes to run Cena into the ring steps, but Cena blocks it and hits Styles with a back elbow. Cena Irish whips Styles towards the ring steps, but Styles jumps over them to avoid them. Styles gets back in the ring and yells to Cena that he can't beat Styles. Cena gets back in the ring only to be met by a series of forearms from Styles to knock Cena down. Styles follows that up with a stomp. Styles picks Cena up only to hit him with a forearm to knock him back down. He then drops a knee on Cena. He gets a two count. Styles runs Cena into a turnbuckle. Styles with a suplex to Cena. Styles asks out loud if this is all that Cena has. Cena starts to get up and hits Styles with a right hand that rocks Styles a little bit. Cena with several moves to Styles. Cena with a corner whip, but Styles moves on the charge. Styles comes over and kicks Cena. Dueling chants are back and louder than ever. Cena reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop on Styles. Cena avoids a clothesline attempt and hits Styles with a shoulder block. Styles comes back with a dropkick to Cena. Styles with a rear chin lock. Cena gets back to a vertical base, but Styles keeps the hold on and drives Cena back to the mat. Cena appears to be fading, so he finds the strength to get back to his feet. Cena pushes off, ducks a clothesline attempt, and hits another shoulder tackle. Then a third one. He goes to lift Styles up, but Styles slips behind Cena and catches him with an enziguri. Styles charges Cena in the corner, but Cena moves and slams Styles. He goes for U Can't See me, but Styles lifts up and hits a headscissors to send Cena out of the ring. Styles launches himself over the top rope and catches Cena with a forearm. Styles then goes to hit Cena with a suicide dive, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena throws Styles back in the ring. Cena goes for the AA, but Styles hitting him with a series of elbows to stop it. Styles hits Cena with a flurry of kicks and strikes. Styles with a corner clothesline and a snap mare to Cena. Cena dodges another forearm and gets Styles into the STF. Styles makes it to the ropes. Cena breaks on the two count. Styles out on the apron and guillotines Cena on the top rope when he comes over. Styles goes to the top, but gets caught by Cena. Cena goes for a superplex and they exchange blows as Styles attempts to block the move. Styles slips under Cena and pulls Cena's leg out, causing Cena to hit the turnbuckle head first. Styles pushes Cena, who backdrops Styles onto the top rope, where he bounces off to the mat. Cena puts Styles back on the top rope. He gets Styles up on his shoulders, but Styles hits him with elbows to try to get out of the move again. Styles gets out and pokes Cena's eye to get Cena off. Styles falls out to the apron. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena catches him and puts him on his shoulders for the AA. Styles rolls through and gets the Calf Crusher on Cena. Cena tries to get to the ropes and Styles doing everything that he can to block Cena. Cena finally gets to the ropes. Both on the ropes and looking absolutely exhausted. Both back to their feet and Cena favoring one leg, so Styles attacks that leg with kicks. He kicks Cena down to the mat. Styles runs the ropes and Cena catches him with a big clothesline. U Can't See Me and Cena drops a fist on Styles. He goes for the AA, but Styles with a series of elbows and Cena appears not to have enough in him to deliver the AA. He suddenly summons the strength and hits the AA, but only gets a two count. Both men on the mat spent. Cena up and goes to the top, but gets caught by a powerbomb from Styles as he comes off the top rope. Styles get a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Styles ducks a shot and hits a Pele kick. Styles then hits the Styles Clash, but Cena kicks out at two. This awesome chant goes out as Styles goes out to the apron. Styles goes for the 450 splash, but Cena gets his knees-up. Cena goes for the AA, Styles counters going for the Styles Clash, Cena counters back into the AA. Styles lands on his feet and goes for another Pele kick, but Cena moves. Cena goes for the STF, but Styles gets to the ropes before Cena can put the move on. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena ducks and goes for the AA again. Styles' leg accidently hits the referee and he goes down and outside the ring. Cena hits the AA and covers Styles, but there is no referee. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hit the ring and hit Cena with the Magik Killer and put Styles on Cena and then leave the ring. The referee recovers and counts the pin. The announcers argue over the finish and whether Styles knew what happened that led to his victory.
-Another Gold Bond Commercial. The announcers talk about the last match and preview the Money in the Bank Ladder Match before throwing it to a feature on the match.
-Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Chris Jericho, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Dean Ambrose are your participants: Jericho out first. He is followed by Cesaro, Zayn, Del Rio, Owens and finally Ambrose. Jericho, Cesaro and Ambrose are all in AEW now, Del Rio is a commentator for the UFC and Owens and Zayn are still with the WWE. The bell rings and they all start attacking each other with forearms. Everyone but Ambrose and Jericho spill to the outside. Ambrose with a crossbody and punches to Jericho. Ambrose with a corner whip and Jericho responds with a boot to the face. Jericho with an Irish whip, Ambrose ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Owens with a suicide dive on the outside. Jericho goes to the outside and grabs a ladder, but gets hit by a European uppercut from Cesaro as he gets back in. Del Rio attacks Cesaro and hits him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Cesaro responds with two backbreakers of his own and a European uppercut. Del Rio with an Irish whip to Cesaro, who lands on the apron and catches Del Rio with a big boot. Cesaro then hits a cannonball dive off the apron onto Jericho, who had grabbed another ladder. Back in the ring, Del Rio hits Zayn with a suplex. Del Rio then runs to dropkick Zayn, who moves out of the way and Del Rio lands on his feet on the outside and immediately gets attacked by Owens and Ambrose. Zayn with a suicide dive onto the group to take them out. Owens and Zayn grab both ends of a ladder and Owens runs Zayn into the ring apron. Owens then superkicks Zayn into the face. Owens grabs a ladder, but gets attacked by Ambrose as he was trying to get it into the ring. Owens fights Ambrose away and grabs the ladder again, but Jericho dropkicks the ladder into Owens. Jericho grabs another ladder and brings it into the ring. Cesaro comes off the top rope, but Jericho moves and Cesaro crossbody's the ladder. Jericho picks the ladder up and runs it into Cesaro. He then throws the ladder on Cesaro. Jericho then gets attacked by Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose unloads on Jericho with some chops. Ambrose then scoop slams Jericho onto a ladder. Jericho blocks and then reverses a suplex to suplex Ambrose on a ladder. Jericho then opens up the ladder and slams it down on Ambrose several times. Del Rio throws Jericho on the ladder. Del Rio then places the ladder in the corner where the top of the ladder is pointed in towards the ring. He goes to run Cesaro into the ladder, but Cesaro responds with an uppercut to Del Rio and then one to Jericho and Ambrose. He then takes turns hitting Jericho, Del Rio, and Ambrose with back elbows as all three are in different corners. He gets cut off by a superkick from Owens, who runs Cesaro face first into the set up ladder. Owens then hits a cannonball to the three still in their respective corners. He gets cut off by Zayn, who hits an overhead suplex to Owens, who lands on Jericho. Zayn with a Helluva Kick to Ambrose, Owens, and Jericho. Zayn grabs a ladder and sets it up in the ring. He gets pulled off the ladder and superkicked by Del Rio. Del Rio puts Zayn into the Tree of Woe. Del Rio goes outside and attacks Ambrose with another ladder. Del Rio then sets the ladder cross ways on the ropes to block Zayn in. He then kicks the ladder on Zayn several times. Owens gets on the apron and Del Rio hits him with an enziguri before drop kicking the ladder into Zayn again. Zayn falls out of the ring and Del Rio grabs Cesaro and puts him in the Tree of Woe in the same corner, Cesaro lying on the ladder though and not all the way upside down. Del Rio climbs up the same turnbuckle and does a double stomp on Cesaro. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder, but Jericho grabs his leg. Del Rio kicks Jericho away and then does the double stomp on Jericho off the ladder. Del Rio goes up top and reaches for the briefcase. Cesaro climbs up the other side of the ladder and attacks Del Rio with right hands. Del Rio gets Cesaro in the Cross Arm Breaker on top of the ladder and that is impressive. Owens with a kick to Del Rio that knocks him off the ladder. Cesaro does a springboard corkscrew uppercut to Owens off the ladder in another impressive move and the wrestlers in this match are really showing me something. Cesaro climbs the ladder and as he does I realize that Cesaro is the only one that climbs the ladder like a regular person would and not like a turtle with arthritis. Ambrose pulls Cesaro off the ladder and hits Dirty Deeds. Jericho grabs Ambrose and throws him outside and then Jericho starts to climb the ladder. Ambrose gets back in and grabs Jericho by the leg. He pulls him off and starts to climb, but Jericho grabs Ambrose off the ladder and hits the Code Breaker on Ambrose. Jericho climbs the ladder again. As he is grabbing for the briefcase, Zayn comes up the other side of the ladder. They exchange right hands. Owens knocks the ladder over and they both hit the top rope throat first. Owens sets the ladder up and starts to climb. He gets grabbed by Del Rio, who hits the Backstabber on Owens. Even the O'Jays were jealous of that. About three people will get that joke, but that's okay. Del Rio goes to reposition the ladder, but Cesaro hits him with an uppercut. Cesaro then does the big swing on Del Rio. Jericho goes for the Code Breaker on Cesaro, but Cesaro catches Jericho's legs and does the Big Swing and after 5 turns slams Jericho into one of the ladders. Cesaro grabs a ladder and sets it up in a corner. Ambrose hits Cesaro with a forearm and starts to climb the set up ladder and hits Cesaro with an elbow off the ladder. Ambrose trying to get back to his feet as a this is awesome chant goes out. Ambrose tries to set up the ladder again and Owens throws another ladder at Ambrose. Owens then puts Ambrose on a ladder laying on the mat and Owens goes up top and frog splashed onto Ambrose. Zayn comes in and he and Owens exchange blows in the center of the ring. Zayn elbows Owens when Owens gets Zayn up on his shoulders and Zayn hits a scoop slam to Owens on a ladder. The ladder bends in half and a holy shit chant goes out. Zayn grabs another ladder and positions it in place. He climbs the ladder and reaches for the briefcase. Del Rio comes in with another ladder and beats Zayn in the back with it. Zayn trying to hold on, but being driven off the ladder by Del Rio. Del Rio grabs Zayn off the ladder and hits him with a DDT. Del Rio then sets one ladder horizontally on another ladder and the corner turnbuckle. Zayn climbing over Del Rio trying to climb up the ladder while Jericho starts climbing up the other side. Cesaro picks up another ladder and slams it on Jericho as he is climbing. Cesaro sets up the ladder horizontally on his side. Ambrose and Owens get on the horizontal ladders on either side so all 6 men on a ladder in some position. Ambrose knocks Cesaro off. Owens knocks Del Rio off. All four men left on the ladders at the top and fighting each other to try to get to the briefcase. Cesaro up and sets another ladder up in the ring next to the one the others are fighting on. He and Del Rio climb that ladder and now all 6 reaching for the briefcase. Someone tilts the second ladder and both Cesaro and Del Rio go over. Del Rio guillotines himself and Cesaro crotches himself on the top rope. Jericho trying to headbutt Ambrose off the ladder while Zayn hits Owens with elbows trying to knock him off. Both Ambrose and Jericho fall off. Owens knocked off and the crowd starts to cheer as Zayn climbs the ladder towards the briefcase. Jericho runs up the ladder bridge to knock Zayn down. Ambrose grabs Jericho's leg and hits him with Dirty Deeds off the ladder. Zayn starts to climb again only to be stopped by Owens grabbing his leg. He drags Zayn off and powerbombs him on one of the ladders. Owens then gets on the ladder and screams It's Mine to Zayn before throwing Zayn off and starting to climb. Ambrose climbs to the other side and the two start fighting on top of the ladder. Ambrose reaches through the ladder and grabs Owens and runs him into the ladder. Owens falls back onto one of the set up ladders and it falls down two notches as a result in a cool looking visual. Ambrose climbs up and grabs the briefcase to win Money in the Bank. The crowd cheers wildly.
-Summerslam Ad.
-Renee Young and the PPV kick off panel are introduced. They review what has happened so far and show the Golden Truth defeating Breezango in the kickoff show.
-Then Lana is introduced. She introduces Rusev. United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Titus O'Neill: O'Neill goes over to greet his sons sitting at ringside. The bell rings and Rusev rolls out and goes over to O'Neill's suns. O'Neill gets out and the two collide after a double clothesline. O'Neill then attacked Rusev on the outside. He beats down Rusev in front of his sons and then throws him back in the ring. Rusev rolls back out trying to get away but O'Neill catches him and runs him into the barricade. Rusev comes back with a shot to O'Neill. Both get back in the ring and Rusev attacks O'Neill immediately. Back and forth in the ring. Rusev with a spin kick for a one count. Rusev takes over on offense. A forearm on O'Neill gets a two count. Rusev with a headlock trying to wear O'Neill down. He points O'Neill towards his sons and said do you see your children? O'Neill fires up out of the move and coming back on Rusev. O'Neill with a flurry of offense. O'Neill with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and gets hit with a knee in the face by Rusev. Rusev with a corner whip, but misses the charge. A O'Neill slam gets a two count. Another flurry of offense by O'Neill gets another two count. O'Neill blocks Rusev going for the submission with a pump handle slam for another two count. Rusev goes to leave and O'Neill follows and slams Rusev on the apron. He throws Rusev back in. Rusev comes back with some big kicks to O'Neill. He gets the submission on and O'Neill taps out. Rusev grabs a mic and goes over to O'Neill's kids and calls O'Neill and loser and says Happy Father's Day!
-WWE Network ad. The announcers preview the Main Event.
-Main Event for the WWE Championship. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins out first and he is all business. He is intent on reclaiming the title that he never lost. Reigns out to a mixed reception. He is much better suited to the role he has in 2023 as the Tribal Chief and head of the table. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break clean. Another lock up and drives to a corner and Reigns is aggressive. He finally breaks on a three count. Exchanging holds and both men trying to gain a position. Rollins with a side headlock takeover. Reigns battles to get back to his feet. Reigns pushes off and hits Rollins with a shoulder block. He then stares at Rollins and motions for him to get up. Rollins gets back to his feet only to get hit with another shoulder tackle by Reigns. Reigns runs the ropes and Rollins hits him with a dropkick. Rollins with a high knee to Reigns to knock him out of the ring. Rollins follows that up with a suicide dive to Reigns and lands on his feet on the outside in an impressive series of moves. Both back in the ring and Rollins hits a couple of corner charges only to get hit with a Samoan Drop by Reigns. Reigns with a stomp to Rollins as a Roman sucks chant starts. Reigns with a headbutt and a suplex. He gets a one count. Rollins blocks being run into the turnbuckle and hits some right hands to Reigns. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Reigns with a clothesline. Reigns bad mouthing Rollins while kicking him. Reigns with a series of right forearms to Rollins in the corner. Another headbutt by Reigns. Reigns with a corner whip and a big slam to Rollins. He gets a two count. Reigns throwing Rollins around the ring. Rollins responds by slapping Reigns in the face. Reigns gets Rollins back in the corner and keeps hitting him with forearms. Referee Mike Chioda grabs Reigns by the waist and pulls him away. Rollins comes out of the corner with slaps to Reigns's face. He then kicks Reigns in the midsection several times and Reigns responds by throwing Rollins into a turnbuckle. He puts Rollins on the top turnbuckle and hits Rollins with a big right hand to knock him off the turnbuckle outside to the floor. Reigns comes out after Rollins and runs him into the apron. He runs his shoulder into Rollins' midsection. Reigns runs Rollins into and over the SAT. Reigns rolls back into the ring to break the count and then runs Rollins face first into the English announce table. Reigns starts to take the table apart and Rollins rolls back in the ring. Reigns comes in as well and Rollins immediately rolls outside. Reigns goes back out after Rollins and runs him into the apron. Rollins turns the tables by running Reigns into the ring steps. Rollins throws Reigns into the ring. Rollins goes to the top. Reigns up and spins Rollins around on the top rope. Reigns with a Razor's Edge into a powerbomb for a close two count. Rollins counters a Superman Punch attempt by running Reigns into a turnbuckle. Reigns drags Rollins up to his feet only for Rollins to catch Reigns with an enziguri. A dropkick by Rollins knocks Reigns to the outside. Rollins with a suicide dive that drives Reigns into the barricade. Rollins then with another dive onto Reigns to knock Reigns to the floor. Both men down on the outside. Rollins throws Reigns back in the ring and ducks a Superman Punch attempt to catch Reigns in a Sling blade. He only gets a two count. Rollins out to the apron and goes for a knee. Reigns avoids it and goes for a Superman Punch. Rollins ducks the attempt and goes for a Pedigree. Reigns counters with a backdrop and Rollins lands on his feet. Reigns with a Superman Punch for a close two count. Reigns tells Rollins to stay down and goes for the Spear, only to get caught with a knee to the face by Rollins. Rollins then rushes Reigns in the corner and Reigns backdrops Rollins to the apron. Rollins catches Reigns with an enziguri from the apron and then a knee to the side of the face when Rollins springboards off the ropes. Rollins does the 5 Star Frog Splash to get a close two count. Rollins goes up top, but gets caught and hit with a big right hand by Reigns. Reigns headbutts Rollins and goes for a superplex. Rollins trying to block the move by hitting Reigns with his right hands. Rollins then makes his way over Reigns, grabs Reigns and hits a buckle bomb on Reigns in the opposite corner. I like Rollins, but there is no way that I would let him do that move on me. Rollins follow up with a superkick and gets another close two count. Reigns up in the corner and Rollins hits him with a forearm. Then another forearm and Reigns slowly sinking to the mat but trying to hold on to the ropes. Rollins with a third forearm. Rollins puts Reigns on the top turnbuckle, but Reigns pushes Rollins off. Rollins gets up and hits Reigns with another forearm. Reigns again pushes Rollins off. Reigns trying to go up top, but Rollins catches him and superplexes Reigns. Rollins hold on to Reigns and then hits the Falcons Arrow. He gets a 2.5 count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree again and Reigns trying to fight him off. Reigns with a right hand. Rollins responds with a series of kicks. Reigns avoids one and rolls Rollins up. He gets a two count, lifts Rollins up with one arm and gets a powerbomb for another two count. Both men down on the ground. The two exchange blows while on their knees. Then both up and going back and forth in the center of the ring. Rollins avoids a Superman Punch, kicks Reigns in the midsection, and goes for the buckle bomb again. He hits it, but Reigns comes out of the corner with a Superman Punch and both men down again. Reigns can only get a two count. Rollins falls to the outside and crawls to the barricade. He lifts himself up and is going towards the timekeepers area. Reigns gets out of the ring. Reigns goes to Spear Rollins, who moves out of the way and Reigns crashes into the barricade instead. The officials and a doctor out to check on Reigns. Reigns trying to get back to his feet. Rollins comes over and throws Reigns back into the ring. Referee Mike Chioda over in the corner asking the doctor if Reigns is okay. Rollins goes for the Pedigree and Reigns drives him backwards and hits Chioda. Reigns hits Rollins with a Spear. Chioda crawls over, but Reigns only gets a two count. Reigns goes for another Spear and Rollins catches him with a Pedigree, but only gets another two count and Rollins can't believe it. Rollins with another Pedigree and he gets the pin and is the new WWE Champion. Chioda gives Rollins the championship and raises his hand. Rollins screams I told you, signals that his knee is 100%, and raises the championship. Dean Ambose's music hits and Rollins turns towards the ramp. Ambrose comes from the crowd and hits Rollins from behind with the briefcase. Ambrose gives Chioda the briefcase and cashes in MITB. Lillian Garcia informs the crowd as Chioda gets the championship out of the ring and Rollins struggles to get to his feet. The bell rings and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds right away and pins Rollins to become the new WWE Champion. The crowd celebrates. All three members of the Shield were the World Champion in the span of 5 minutes. Ambrose celebrates in the ring with the Championship. He climbs up on the announce table to celebrate. They recap what happened before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show with the MITB, the Cena/Styles match, and the main event and the aftermath. Give it a shot.

Episode 175 Notes Tue, 11 Apr 2023 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a283ae44-3823-4f3b-9212-699d7f0feb0c My notes for Episode 175: SNME February 1992. -My Weekend. -What I’m watching and reading.
-Today we look at the first Saturday Night's Main Event shown on Fox as we look at the SNME from February 8, 1992.
-SNME XXX was shown on Fox on February 8, 1992. It was recorded January 27, 1992 from the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas. It did an 8.2 rating on Fox.
-SNME Fox Intro.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to SNME. They preview what is coming up on the show.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Roddy Piper vs. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart. Piper with a great ovation when he comes out. He holds the title up high before giving it to the referee and Hart grabs it out of the referee's hands. He gives it to the Mountie, who holds the title up high. Hart and the Mountie take turns attacking Piper as the referee gets the title and gets it out of the ring. Mountie throws Piper out of the ring, but he lands on his feet. He comes back in and hits both heels with a double clothesline. Hart driven to the outside and Piper covers Mountie for a two count. Mountie rolls to the outside to regroup. Piper follows him and runs Mountie and Hart's heads together. Piper throws Mountie back in the ring as they announce the winner of the match will meet Bret Hart for the title at WrestleMania. Piper tries to get back in the ring, but Hart grabs his boot, allowing Mountie to get an advantage. Mountie kicking Piper. Mountie puts Piper in the Tree of Woe and kicks him several times as we see an inset promo of Bret Hart talking about meeting the winner at WrestleMania. Mountie gets a two count. Mountie with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Mountie gets another two count. Mountie with a scoop slam. Mountie goes for a scoop slam, but Piper gets his knees-up. Piper comes back with some right hands and goes for a bulldog, but Mountie pushes off and runs Piper into the referee to knock the ref down. Mountie with a piledriver on Piper. Hart grabs a cup of water from the timekeepers table and gives it to the Mountie. Mountie dumps the water on Piper and then gets the shock stick from Hart. He shocks Piper, but it has no effect on Piper. He gets up and hits Mountie with a right hand and gets the shock stick. Piper throws Hart out of the ring. Mountie begging off, but gets shocked by Piper. The referee comes to and counts the pin. Piper takes his shirt off and he has a shock proof vest on. He says I don't think so, cause Roddy don't play that! Vince says and neither does Homie, Hot Rod and I am embarrassed. Vince has to kiss up to the Fox executives I guess.
-Flashback to the end of the Royal Rumble. They play the re dubbed commentary that is total BS. They then replay the WrestleMania VIII Press Conference and it was pointed out on Between the Sheets several weeks ago that Jack Tunney totally looked at Sid Justice before saying Hulk Hogan's name. They then show the fallout from the press conference and Sid Justice's subsequent apology.
-Sean Mooney interviews Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice. They say they are a team and on the same page.
-Tag team match. Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice with Brutus Beefcake vs. Ric Flair and The Undertaker with Mr. Perfect and Paul Bearer: A Hogan chant goes out. Justice and Flair start and spoiler alert, Justice is at ringside with the two men he will main event WrestleMania with in Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker. The bell rings and Flair stalls and avoids locking up with Justice. They finally lock up and Flair rakes the eyes. Justice with a reversal of a corner whip and a backdrop. He follows that up with a hip toss and Flair rolls to the outside. He finally gets back in and Hogan tagged in. He gets a corner whip and a backdrop on Flair. Then a hip toss to Flair and Undertaker when he comes in. Hogan runs Undertaker into Justice's knee pad and Justice tagged back in. Undertaker tries to lift Justice, but can't. Justice then scoop slams Undertaker. Justice runs Undertaker into Hogan's knee pad and Hogan tagged back in. He slams Undertaker and then slams Flair when he comes in. Very formulaic match. Hogan then clotheslines both heels and they are reeling so he takes the opportunity to pose to the crowd. The heels roll to the outside to regroup. Hogan with a side headlock to Undertaker when Undertaker gets back in. Hogan then tags Justice in. Justice with a running kick to Undertaker and then an Irish whip to Undertaker. Justice drops his head and Undertaker jabs his throat. The heels double clothesline Justice. Hogan breaks up a Flair pin attempt on Justice. The heels with a double atomic drop to Justice. Hogan again breaks up a pin attempt, this time by Undertaker. Undertaker with a throat thrust and then Flair and Undertaker double team Justice so now all four men in the ring. Double big boot to Flair and a double clothesline to Undertaker. Hogan then poses as the crowd goes wild and Justice is just staring at Hogan. When they come back from the commercial, Hogan wants Flair to come into the ring while Undertaker sneaks in the ring and attacks Justice from behind. The heels double teaming Justice in their corner. That brings Hogan in and the referee gets him out. Undertaker hits Justice in the throat from the top rope while Flair holds him. Heels continue to double team Justice every time Hogan attempts to get in and is cut off by the referee. Justice finally gets the upper hand and runs the heels heads together. Justice grabs Flair, tags Hogan in, and holds Flair for Hogan to hit. Hogan taking turns to hit both heels. He then goes over to where Paul Bearer has gotten up on the apron to knock him off. Mr. Perfect grabs Hogan by his leg, allowing Flair to clip Hogan's knee from behind. Flair going to work on the knee to set Hogan up for the figure four. He puts the figure four on Hogan. Vince McMahon saying Hogan reaching for the tag and Justice had turned around to adjust his knee pad and Heenan says Hogan wasn't close enough, which is exactly correct. There is no way that Hogan could have made that tag. Hogan turns the move over. Flair releases the hold and tags Undertakeer in. Hogan trying to get to his corner and at this point I will concede that Justice is making no effort to tag Hogan. Undertaker with a throat thrust to Hogan. Undertaker with an Irish whip and a flying clothesline. Flair tagged in and chops Hogan. Flair goes up top and gets caught and thrown off so TASIYDAH. Hogan again tries to tag, but Justice won't and Undertaker drags Hogan away. Undertaker has Hogan in the heels corner while the crowd boos Justice and he calls it music to his ears. Hogan gets away, but goes to the wrong corner as Flair is tagged in. Flair chops Hogan in the corner, but Hogan Hulks up. He goes after Flair, but gets double teamed when Undertaker comes in. Hogan comes back with a double clothesline after being corner whipped. Hogan goes for the tag. He finally gets to the corner and Justice drops down instead of tagging. Justice then leaves the ringside area. Beefcake goes and pleads with Justice to come back. Justice threatens Beefcake and Heenan says if Justice hits Beefcake, it'll be like a hockey game with a face off. Justice tells Beefcake to have Hogan help himself. The heels double team Hogan and Flair throws referee Earl Hebner to get disqualified. Beefcake comes in and the heels start to come after him, but he gets away and Hogan cleans house on the heels. Flair goes up and over the turnbuckle and clotheslined off the apron so you can take another shot.
-Sean Mooney interviews Sid Justice and asks him why he turned on Hulk Hogan. Justice tells him to shut up. He's still mad that Hulk Hogan was made the number one contender and says Hogan couldn't beat Ric Flair on his best day and couldn't beat Sid Justice on his worst day because he's the man who rules the world. Hulk Hogan says he wants Justice while making his way back to the dressing room.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. Hogan calls Sid Justice a liar and says Justice turned his back on Hulk Hogan, but he then says thank God for Brutus Beefcake. They then lay it on thick about Beefcake's accident and Hogan being there for him.
-Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with The Genius: Duggan and Blake start and it's all Blake at the beginning. Corner whip to Duggan, but Slaughter cushions the blow and Duggan comes out with a clothesline. Duggan with a side headlock. Blake pushes off and Beau uses the Genius's scroll to hit Duggan in the back. That brings Slaughter in. The Beverly Brothers double team Duggan while the referee was getting Slaughter out. Beau tagged in and gets a one count. Beau with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Duggan kicks him in the face. Both Slaughter and Blake tagged in. Slaughter with a corner whip and a backdrop. All four in briefly as Slaughter has an abdominal stretch on. Then Slaughter with a backbreaker and a pin attempt and all four in again. The Genius passes the scroll in again and Slaughter gets it and hits Blake with it. Duggan clotheslines Blake and Slaughter gets the pin.
-Flashback to the history between Jake Roberts and Randy Savage. Roberts then says if Elizabeth shows up tonight, he will slap her again. Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage. He says he knows what he is going to do to Jake Roberts tonight.
-Jake Roberts vs. Randy Savage: Savage gets a great reaction when he comes out. He attacks Roberts and runs him into the ring post on the outside. Roberts trying to get away, but Savage is intense here. It looks like he is trying to rip Robert's face off on the outside. He then throws Roberts in the ring and then throws a chair in, but referee Earl Hebner throws the chair back out. Savage choking Roberts with his boot. He then brings an elbow down on Robert's throat. Robert's nose is broken and he is bleeding from it as Savage hits him with a high knee from behind. Roberts gets an advantage and throws Savage over the top rope. Savage back in and Roberts runs him into a corner post. He throws Savage out again. Roberts then comes out and throws Savage into the ring post. He picks Savage up and runs him in again. They get back in the ring and Savage reverses a corner whip and gets a back elbow. He goes up top, but gets caught and Roberts with a shot as Savage comes off. Roberts hits a DDT. Roberts then sits in a corner as Hebner is counting Savage. Savage up at 8, so Roberts hits him with a short clothesline. Roberts goes for another DDT, but Savage backdrops him to the outside. Savage with a double ax handle that drives Roberts into the guardrail throat first. Savage throws Roberts back in, hits the flying elbow, and pins Roberts. He goes up top again, but the ring fills up with officials trying to stop him. He hits Roberts with another elbow drop and then grabs the ring bell. Roberts crawling up the aisle as Savage pushes officials aside to get to Roberts. Elizabeth comes out to a big ovation. Roberts is shown through the curtain saying it's not over yet. They wonder what that means as they sign off from Texas. A week later during Superstars, it was revealed that Roberts prepared to hit Miss Elizabeth with a steel chair as soon as she stepped backstage, only for The Undertaker to prevent the attack and allow Savage to hit Roberts with a chair of his own.
-Final Thoughts: This was a quick show with it only being an hour with commercials. A total set up show for WrestleMania.

Episode 174 Notes Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7ad19a35-1a3e-438f-b726-5b9faf1c1559 My notes for Episode 176: Extreme Rules 2016. -Jeff Gaylord.
-Today we look at Extreme Rules 2016 from the WWE.
-Extreme Rules 2016 took place on PPV and on the WWE Network on May 22, 2016, from the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. There were 15,963 in attendance.
-Then, Now, Forever logo.
-Extreme Rules Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Extreme Rules. He, JBL, and Byron Saxton are our announcers for the evening.
-Tornado tag team match. The Uso’s VS. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson: The German announce team and Spanish announce teams are introduced. The Uso’s attack Gallows and Anderson in the aisle. Jimmy and Jey double team Anderson. They both splash Gallows in the corner. They battle on the outside. Anderson and Gallows attack Jimmy and Jey launches himself over the top rope onto Gallows and Anderson. Jey goes up top and hits Anderson with a crossbody for a two count. Gallows runs Jimmy into a corner post. Gallows holds Jey for Anderson to hit him with the Boot of Doom from the apron. Gets a one count. Gallows with some body shots to Jey. Anderson with a bicycle kick to Jey in the corner and Gallows follows it up with a splash. That gets a two count. Gallows knocks Jimmy off the apron. They set up Jey for the Boot of Doom again, but Jimmy knocks Anderson off the top rope and Jimmy rolls Gallows up for a two count. Anderson pulls Jimmy outside and hits a clothesline. Gallows hangs onto Jey’s leg and Anderson hits a knee lift. That gets a two count. Anderson holds Jey for Gallows to hit with a big boot. Gets another two count. They go for the Boot of Doom again and Jimmy pulls Anderson out of the ring. The Usos hit Gallows with a double superkick. They go for a double splash and Anderson pushes Jimmy off. Jey jumps down. He hits a forearm to Anderson and a back elbow to Gallows. Jey misses with a corkscrew off the top rope. Gallows hits the Gallows Pole on Jey, but Jimmy hits a Samoan Drop on Gallows. Anderson with a spinebuster to Jimmy that gets a two count. All four men down. Jey kicks Anderson in the jaw on the outside. He follows it up with a backsplash to the barricade. Gallows clotheslines Jey. He throws Jey over the barricade to the aisle. Gallows grabs the ring bell. He goes to hit Jimmy with it, but Jimmy hits a superkick. Jimmy goes up top for a splash, but Gallows moves and Jimmy lands on the ring bell. Anderson and Gallows then hit the Magic Killer to get the pin.
-Camp WWE Ad.
-Flashback to Rusev attacking Kalisto.
-Lana is introduced to introduce Rusev.
-The Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese Announce Teams are introduced.
-United States Championship Match. Kalisto VS. Rusev with Lana: Kalisto starts out with kicks. Rusev misses a kick. Kalisto goes back to kicking the legs. Kalisto pushes off. Rusev misses a clothesline. Kalisto goes for a corkscrew and gets swatted away. Rusev stomps Kalisto down on the mat. Rusev with a brutal corner whip. Rusev with a kick to Kalisto’s face. Rusen drops an elbow on Kalisto. Gets a one count. Let’s Go Rusev/Rusev Sucks dueling chants go out. Rusev with an Irish whip. Kalisto comes back with a kick to the thigh. Rusev with a big clothesline. Rusev with a bear hug. Kalisto fights to hang on and not pass out. Rusev drops a knee on the back of Kalisto. Rusev puts Kalisto in the torture rack. Kalisto with knees to Rusev’s face to get out of the hold. He slips behind Rusev and puts him in a sleeper hold. Rusev starts to fade before slamming Kalisto down backward in a vertical Samoan drop like hold. Kalisto with a boot to the face and a swinging DDT from the second rope. Kalisto goes back to kicking Rusev in the legs. Kalisto pushed off. Rusev catches him and pitches him behind Rusev. Kalisto lands on his feet and ducks two clotheslines and hits the corkscrew. Follows that up with a hurricanrana. Gets a two count. Rusev ducks a springboard attempt and rushes Kalisto, who pulls the top rope down and Rusev goes tumbling out. Kalisto with a tope into a hurricanrana like move that runs Rusev into the ring steps. Splash off the top rope gets a two count for Kalisto. Kalisto goes for Salita Del Sol, but Rusev pushes off. Kalisto hits a moonsault on Rusev on the outside. He puts Rusev in. He heads up top, but gets caught and slammed on the apron. The referee and officials come over to check on Kalisto, but Rusev pulls him to the center of the ring. He is stomping Kalisto’s back and puts on the Accolade to become the new United States Champion. He raises the championship belt and celebrates with Lana.
-WWE Network ad for the Shane McMahon tells all special.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day VS. The Vaudevillians: Flashback to The Vaudevillians attack on The New Day on RAW. New Day does their opening spiel. It goes on too long, but the crowd enjoys it. Xavier Woods and Aiden English start. Woods with a clothesline and forearms to start. English reverses an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline. Woods comes back with a hurricanrana. Then a big shot to English’s chest. English with a backdrop. Woods comes back with a shot to the head. English runs Woods into the corner post to the outside. Grimm tagged in and he attacks Woods on the outside. He then throws Woods back in and attacks him with knee drops. He gets a one count. English tagged back in. Double punch by the Vaudevillians. Gets another one count. English with a fist drop for another one count. English with a headlock. English then with a back elbow and he gets a two count. Grimm tagged back in with a front face lock. Woods fighting it. He comes back with a right hand and tries to tag in Big E. Grimm with a back suplex. Woods with an enziguri. Both men down. English and Big E both tagged in. Big E with a belly to belly and then another one. Grimm comes in and he gets one too. Another one for English. A big splash to English. English with a couple of back elbows. English backdropped to the apron. Big E goes to spear him off the apron. English counters with a knee to the face and Big E driven face first into the mat for a two count. Big E and Woods goe for the Big Ending, but Grimm with a shove to break it up. It goes to the outside. Grimm drives Big E into the ring steps. Back in, Grimm tagged in. They hit the whirling dervish. That gets a two count. Woods gets his boot up on a Grimm charge. Woods blocks getting suplexed to the outside and Big E. does a Flying Unicorn to English through the ropes to the outside. Kofi Kingston gets up on the apron and hits Grimm with an enziguri when the referee was distracted. Woods with a kick and he pins Grimm for the New Day to retain the titles.
-Renee Young talks to AJ Styles. He says tonight, he will walk out WWE Champion, and he will be phenomenal.
-The New WWE Shop commercial.
-Money in the Bank PPV ad.
-Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and JBL preview the upcoming Fatal 4-way Intercontinental Championship Match.
-Fatal 4-way Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse VS. Kevin Owens VS. Cesaro VS. Sami Zayn: Zayn starts out by delivering an Ole kick to Owens. Cesaro hits Miz with an uppercut to knock him outside. Zayn with an arm drag. Then another one into an arm bar. Cesaro kips up and gets his own arm drag. Zayn with a shoulder to Cesaro’s midsection. Zayn with a headscissors takedown and a dropkick. Gets a one count. Zayn with a front face lock. Zayn with an Irish whip. Cesaro catches him in a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Zayn misses a clothesline, but pulls the rope down on a Cesaro charge and Cesaro falls to the outside. Miz comes from behind to try to roll Zayn up. Zayn hits him with a back elbow. Cesaro catches Zayn with a guillotine on the top rope and Miz tries to go for the SCF. Zayn pushes off knocking Miz into Cesaro on the apron and then Zayn clotheslines Miz to the outside. Zayn then does a tope to the outside to take out Cesaro and Miz. Back in, Zayn gets a one count on Miz. Miz drives Zayn into the corner and starts to stomp him. Miz with a corner clothesline. He goes up top but Zayn catches him with an uppercut and goes for a superplex. Cesaro comes from behind and goes for a super powerbomb. Owens comes from the outside and hits a forearm to Cesaro and pushes Zayn off and knocks Miz off. Owens then runs Cesaro shoulder first into the turnbuckle. He then attacks a prone Zayn with punches to the head. He screams it’s my title and kicks Zayn. Owens with a short arm clothesline. Then a boot to the back of Zayn. He then stomps Zayn’s head. Punches and chops to Zayn. A boot to Cesaro to knock him back down to the floor. Owens with a cannonball splash to Zayn for a two count. Owens knocks Miz off the apron. He then takes Zayn and drives him into Cesaro on the apron to knock him off. Zayn tries to hit Owens, who easily dodges the attempt, yells it’s my title again, and kicks Zayn. Owens lifts Zayn in a fireman’s carry. Zayn with elbows to get out. Back and forth. Zayn goes up top. Owens with a shot and Zayn crotches himself on the top rope. Owens goes up top, but gets caught by Miz. Miz goes for the superplex. Owens fights out of it with a headbutt. Zayn up top for a superplex attempt on Owens, who blocks it. Headbutt to knock Zayn off. Miz back with some shots. He and Zayn go for the double superplex as Cesaro comes in and does the super powerbomb. He gets a two count on Miz. He then tries to pin Zayn and gets a two count. Cesaro with a delayed vertical suplex to Zayn, who hits him with knees to the head while he is being held up. Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb to Cesaro, but gets hit with a kick to the face by Miz. Miz gets a two count on Cesaro. He then gets a two count on Zayn. Miz grabs Zayn by the face and knees him. Miz with a corner whip. Zayn with a back elbow to Miz when he charges in. Zayn goes for a kick. Miz catches his leg and starts to go for a suplex. Cesaro comes from behind and belly to back suplexes Miz while he does an exploder suplex to Zayn. All four men are down in the ring. Cesaro hits uppercuts to the other three. He goes to do the Big Swing on Miz, but Owens hits a German suplex on Cesaro before he can. Owens then clotheslines Miz in the corner. He Cannonballs Cesaro in the opposite corner. Then a cannonball to Miz and one to Zayn. Owens yells It’s my title. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb on Zayn who lands on his feet and hits a German suplex to Owens. Zayn then gets hit with an Uppercut by Cesaro. Miz then hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Cesaro. He gets a close two count. Miz keeps slapping Cesaro. Cesaro slaps Miz back. Cesaro hits an uppercut off of a corkscrew to Miz. Cesaro does the Big Swing to Miz and goes for the sharpshooter. Miz gets to the ropes, but it doesn’t cause a rope break in a fatal four way match. Maryse grabs her husband’s arms and gets dragged in when Cesaro pulls Miz back to the center. The referee gets her out, but while he is doing that, Miz is tapping and the referee is missing it. Cesaro thinks he’s won so he lets go and Owens rolls him up for a two count. Cesaro throws Owens out of the ring. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale on Cesaro, but he gets out of it and sets Miz up for the Big Swing again, but Miz holds onto the ropes. Owens takes the opportunity to splash Miz from the top rope. Cesaro then does the Gotch Neutralizer to Owens to get a two count before Zayn breaks it up. Cesaro goes for an uppercut to Zayn, who ducks it and turns it into a backslide for a two count. Zayn dodges a clothesline and does a rolling sunset flip for another two count. A This is Awesome chant goes out. Zayn goes to charge Cesaro, who hits him with a massive uppercut. Zayn hits a big belly to belly overhead suplex to Cesaro in the corner. He sets up for the kick again, but gets cut off by a superkick from Owens. Owens with a Pop Up Powerbomb to Cesaro. Miz breaks up the pin attempt. Owens runs him into the ringside barricade. Maryse distracts Owens and Miz does the Skull Crushing Finale on him on the outside. Miz goes back in to pin Cesaro, but he kicks out on two. A This is Awesome chant goes out again. Miz charges Cesaro in the corner and Cesaro tosses him to the outside, but Zayn is right behind him and hits him with the kick. Owens pulls Zayn to the outside to break up the pin. Zayn runs Owens into the barricade. He is incensed attacking Owens. While this is happening, Miz gets in the ring to pin Cesaro to retain the title.
-Renee Young and the panel are shown. Corey Graves says the fatal four way was unbelievable. Jerry Lawler says Rusev is the real deal winning the United States Title. Booker T says The New Day showed that it was their time. They show highlights from the preshow and Big Cass taking on both of the Dudley Boyz and Dolph Zigglar taking on Baron Corbin in a No DQ match. Corbin with a low blow to gain the advantage and eventually the pin.
-Preview of the Asylum Match coming up.
-Asylum Match. It is a cage match with weapons hanging above the cage. Dean Ambrose VS. Chris Jericho: Ambrose attacks Jericho in the corner to begin. He keeps running Jericho head first into corner turnbuckles. Jericho gets away and screams open the door. Ambrose running Jericho’s face into the side of the cage. Ambrose with a short clothesline. Ambrose with a forearm. Jericho comes back with a back elbow. Jericho starts to climb the side of the cage, but Ambrose stops him from going out. Jericho reverses an Irish whip. Ambrose comes back with punches to Jericho. Ambrose runs Jericho into the cage. Ambrose then does it again. Ambrose goes for one of the weapons, but Jericho pulls him off. Jericho climbs for the weapons, but Ambrose follows and they exchange shots on the top rope. Jericho gets a mop. Ambrose grabs it and runs the end into Jericho’s ear. He clotheslines Jericho with the mop handle. He then whacks the mop handle over Jericho’s back. Ambrose then with a side Russian leg sweep with the mop. He drives the end of the mop into Jericho’s face before throwing it away. Ambrose with a corner whip. Jericho gets his boot up on the corner charge. Jericho hits a dropkick from the second rope. Gets a two count. Jericho kicks Ambrose in the face. He grabs the mop and hits Ambrose in the face with it. Jericho goes for the barbed wire covered 2x4. Ambrose comes from behind and hits Jericho in the kidneys. He suplexes Jericho off. The referee checks on Jericho who lands on the back of his head. They both climb up for weapons again. Jericho goes for the barbed wire 2x4. Ambrose goes for the nunchucks. Jericho calls Ambrose an Idiot for grabbing nunchucks against his 2x4. Ambrose responds by swinging the nunchucks. Jericho swings the 2x4. Ambrose ducks. Jericho drops the 2x4 and Ambrose attacks him with the nunchucks. Ambrose Irish whips Jericho and hits him with a clothesline using the nunchucks. Ambrose corner whips Jericho who starts to climb the cage. He goes over, but Ambrose comes and grabs him to keep him from dropping down. Both Jericho and Ambrose on top of the cage and Jericho grabs a kendo stick. He uses it on Ambrose who falls back into the ring. Jericho jumps off the top rope smashing the stick on Ambrose again. Jericho grabs the nunchucks and hits Ambrose in the back with them. Jericho with a suplex. He gets a one count. Jericho kicks Ambrose and climbs the cage. He grabs a leather strap. He straps Ambrose on the back several times. Jericho climbs to the second rope and goes to strap Ambrose again, but Ambrose grabs the strap and drags Jericho off the second rope with it. Ambrose grabs the strap and straps Jericho on his back. He straps him on the front and back several more times. He then hits several right hands to Jericho. Ambrose wraps the strap around the neck of Jericho and goes to Irish whip him, but Jericho reverses it and runs Ambrose hard into the cage. Jericho tells the referee to open the door. The referee says it stays locked, so Jericho calls him an idiot. Jericho starts to climb. Ambrose grabs him. They exchange rights on the top rope. Ambrose stomps down on the top rope, causing Jericho to crotch himself. Ambrose pulls down a fire extinguisher. Jericho going for a straitjacket. He gets it and falls into the ring. Ambrose goes to hit Jericho with the extinguisher. Jericho throws the straitjacket on Ambrose’s head and dropkicks him. That gets a two count for Jericho. Jerich runs Ambrose head first into the cage. Jericho with a springboard dropkick. Jericho punching Ambrose in the head. Jericho putting the straitjacket on Ambrose. Ambrose is fighting it. He gets out of it. He hits Jericho with shots and chops. Ambrose with a running forearm to Jericho in the corner and goes for the running bulldog, but Jericho pushes off. Ambrose comes back with a stiff clothesline. Jericho hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker. That gets another two count. Jericho with a corner whip and goes for the running bulldog, but Ambrose pushes off. Ambrose with a forearm shot and a running bulldog. Jericho and Ambrose fighting on top of a turnbuckle. Jericho knocked off. Ambrose climbs to the top of the cage and hits an elbow to Jericho. Gets a very close two count. Ambrose climbed for a plastic 5 gallon bucket. He gets it, opens the bucket and takes out a sack. He opens it up and pours thumbtacks on the mat. Jericho starts to climb the cage. Ambrose grabs him and has Jericho on his shoulders. Jericho rolls through and gets a two count. Ambrose scoops Jericho up and goes to slam him on the tacks, but Jericho again slips out. Ambrose fights out of being slammed and gets Jericho up again. Jericho rolls out of it again and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Ambrose pushes off. Ambrose with a kick and Jericho runs him into the cage again. Jericho does a Lionsault, but Ambrose gets his knees up. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, Jericho counters again. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho on. Ambrose trying to power out. Ambrose grabs the kendo stick and beats Jericho with it until he lets go. Jericho with a corner charge, but Ambrose gets his boot up. Ambrose climbs the turnbuckle to hit Jericho with the kendo stick again but as he comes off, Jericho sprays him with the fire extinguisher. Jericho hits the Code Breaker. Gets another close two count. Jericho grabs the barbed wire 2X4 and hits Ambrose in the stomach with it. He then hits him in the back. Jericho goes for another Code Breaker, but Ambrose catches him and slams him down on the thumbtacks. There are thumbtacks all in Jericho’s back as a holy shit chant goes out. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on the thumbtacks. Ambrose gets the pin to win the match. EMTs come down to check on Jericho, who is screaming.
-WWE Network Originals ad.
-Flashback to what has happened between Charlotte and Natalya.
-Charlotte and Ric Flair are shown talking backstage.
-WWE Women’s Championship Submission Match. Ric Flair is banned from ringside. Charlotte VS. Natalya: They lock up. Charlotte pushes Natalya in the corner and then breaks. Natalya with two headlock takedowns of Charlotte. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter, but Charlotte pushes off. Natalya with a leg vice, Charlotte counters. She adds a chin lock, but Natalya won’t give up. Natalya with an inverted Stun Gun on Charlotte. Natalya gets a surfboard on. Charlotte corner whipped, but spins over and lands on the apron. Natalya with a discus clothesline. Charlotte rolls out of the ring. Natalya follows. Charlotte attacks Natalya on the outside. Natalya runs Charlotte into the ring post. Both roll back into the ring. Natalya attacks Charlotte in the corner. Charlotte with a back elbow. She follows it up with a big boot to Natalya. Charlotte goes for the Figure 8, Natalya counters into an Arm bar. Charlotte fights back and lifts Natalya up. She hits a powerbomb on Natalya. Charlotte concentrates on Natalya’s leg to soften it up. Gets Natalya in sort of a reverse Figure Four. Natalya makes it to the bottom rope to break it. Charlotte starts kicking Natalya. Charlotte with a suplex. Charlotte hits a moonsault on Natalya. Charlotte gets a half crab on Natalya. Natalya fights out of it and hits a German suplex on Charlotte. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Charlotte gets to the ropes. Natalya pulls her to the middle of the ring and puts the Sharpshooter on again. Ric Flair’s music hits. Dana Brooke comes out dressed as Ric Flair, distracting Natalya. Charlotte goes for the Figure 8, but Natalya pushes off. Brooke gets on the ropes and tussles with Natalya allowing Charlotte to attack her from behind. Charlotte gets the Figure 8 on. Natalya finally taps. Ric Flair comes out to celebrate with Charlotte and Brooke.
-Camp WWE ad.
-Flashback to what’s happened between AJ Styles and Roman Reigns.
-WWE World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match. Roman Reigns VS. AJ Styles: Styles comes out to a pretty good reaction. Reigns gets a mixed reaction. They lock up and Reigns throws Styles into a corner. Goes for a charge, but Styles moves. They battle for position. Styles with a big right hand. Reigns throws Styles into the corner again and again misses the corner charge when Styles moves. Styles with kicks and right hands to Reigns who finally grabs Styles leg. Reigns with a series of arm shots to Styles in the corner. Reigns misses a right hand. Styles comes back with rights of his own. Reigns hits a high knee. Styles rolls outside and grabs a chair. Reigns knocks Styles down. He rolls Styles back in and grabs the chair. He goes to hit Styles, who rolls out of the way. Styles tries to drag Reigns out of the ring, but Reigns kicks him into the barricade. Reigns goes to hit Styles with the chair, but Styles moves and Reigns hits the ring steps with the chair. Styles slams Reigns onto the German Announce Table. Styles hits a big shot to Reigns and starts tearing the English Announce Table apart. He clotheslines Reigns over the barricade into the crowd. They battle out into the crowd. Reigns runs Styles into some chairs. Styles runs a chair into the gut of Reigns and hits him with a right. They continue to battle in the crowd. They battle into the set that the kickoff panel used. Reigns slams Styles onto the table the panel used. A loud Roman Sucks chant goes out. Styles hits a kick to Reign’s head. Styles hits the phenomenal forearm off the table onto Reigns. Styles runs Reigns into a barricade. They trade shots. They approach ringside. Styles runs Reigns into the ringpost. Styles takes the padding off of the barricade and runs Reigns into it. Styles rips up the floor mat at ringside. He goes for the Styles Clash, but Reigns fights out of it. Reigns slams Styles into the ring steps. Reigns tears the German table and picks Styles up to slam him through it, but Styles is fighting it. Styles goes for the Styles Clash on the table, but Reigns knocks him off with a right hand. Styles falls over the barricade. He jumps over the barricade and rushes Reigns, who backdrops Styles onto the English table, which collapses. A You Still Suck chant goes out against Reigns. Reigns puts Styles back in the ring, but only gets a two count. Reigns with a big sitout powerbomb on Styles for another two count. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch. Styles ducks and backdrops Reigns, who lands on his knee. Reigns drives Styles into the corner. Styles suplexes Reigns into the corner, driving his knee into the turnbuckle. Reigns rolls outside. Styles hits him with a knee from the apron. Styles jumps onto Reigns from the apron, but Reigns catches him and bashes his head against the ring apron and the barricade. He throws Styles onto the Spanish Announce Table and it collapses. Reigns goes to Spear Styles on the outside, but Styles moves and Reigns drives himself through the barricade. Styles puts Reigns back in the ring as dueling AJ Styles/Roman Reigns chants go out. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm and Reigns hits the Superman Punch on Styles as he jumps to the top rope. Reigns then Spears Styles on the outside. Reigns rolls Styles into the ring and Anderson and Gallows show up to attack Reigns. They do the Boot of Doom to Reigns. They put Styles on Reigns, but Reigns kicks out at two. Gallows and Anderson grab a chair, but the Uso’s come down and Attack Gallows and Anderson. They then superkick Styles and Splash Styles. Styles kicks out at 2.5. Anderson and Gallows and the Uso’s brawl on the outside. Anderson goes back in the ring and Reigns hits him with a Superman Punch. Then one to Gallows on the apron. He goes for the Spear on Styles who counters and goes for the Styles Clash. He hits it and gets a very close two count. Styles grabs a chair and puts it on the mat. He goes for a Styles Clash onto the chair, but Reigns backdrops Styles onto the chair. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch, but Styles hits the Pele kick. Styles hits the Styles Clash onto the chair. The Uso’s pull Styles off of Reigns. Styles kicks them away but only gets a two count. Styles attacks Reigns’ back with the chair. He then hits the Uso’s with the chair when they come into the ring. Styles has snapped as he hits Reigns and the Uso’s with the chair over and over again. Styles takes off his elbow pad and goes for the Phenomenal forearm, but Reigns Spears him in midair to get the pin. All of a sudden, Seth Rollins appears out of nowhere and hits a pedigree on Reigns. He picks up the title and looks at it as a holy shit chant goes out. Rollins raises the title to cheers as they sign off from New Jersey.
-Final Thoughts: Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.

Episode 173 Notes Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ebc54a3e-5a71-49e6-8cfa-32f3c670411c My notes for Episode 173: Clash of the Champions XVIII. -Arn Anderson’s family.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XVIII from WCW. Clash XVIII was shown on TBS on January 21, 1992 from the Kansas Expo Center in Topeka, Kansas. There were 5,500 in attendance and the show did a 3.7 rating.
-Intro of Paul E. Dangerously assembling The Dangerous Alliance and the challenge to Sting's Team.
-Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone welcome us to the Clash. They run down some of what we are going to see before throwing it to Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt. They welcome us before throwing it to Gary Michael Capetta to announce the first match.
-Big Van Vader and Mr. Hughes with Harley Race vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: This should be a hard hitting match. Steiners are extremely popular with the crowd. Vader and Scott start, but as the bell rings, Mr. Hughes tags in. Scott with a single leg pickup, a wrist lock and a takeover and the crowd is into it. Hughes goes over to Race for some advice. Another lock up and Hughes with a big right hand. Hughes dominating. He gets a side headlock. Scott pushes off. and Hughes comes back with a shoulder block. Scott with a leap frog and hits Hughes with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Hughes goes outside to regroup before locking up with Scott again. Heels double teaming Scott in the corner, bringing Rick in. Hughes throws Rick outside. Vader throws Scott outside as well. The Steiners climb up to the top rope and Steinerline both heels as they turn around. The crowd loved that move. Vader and Rick now in and Rick gets a side headlock. Vader just picks Rick up and hits a belly to back suplex. Vader takes over on Rick. He gets Rick up in a military press and slams him. He then corner whips and splashes Rick. Vader with another corner whip and Rick comes back with a Steinerline and an overhead belly to belly suplex. Another Steinerline sends Vader to the floor. Rick jumps out onto Vader, who catches Rick and slams him into the ring post. Vader throws Rick back into the ring and Irish whips him. Rick ducks a clothesline attempt, but Vader catches him with another one. Vader goes up top, but gets caught by Rick, who hits a belly to belly suplex to Vader from the top rope. Scott tagged in. Steinerline to Vader and cover to get a two count. Scott goes for a belly to back suplex. Vader fighting it and as he gets close to the ropes, Rick hits him with some right hands. Scott hits the suplex. He goes up top for a crossbody and Vader catches him and power slams him. Vader with an Irish whip and a clothesline attempt that Scott ducks. Scott with a sunset flip attempt. Vader comes crashing down on his chest. Hughes tagged in. He power slams Scott for a two count. Hughes hits a clothesline but misses a corner splash. Rick tagged in. He hip tosses Hughes and then hits Hughes with a backdrop. Now all four men in the ring. Rick thrown to the outside. Hughes holds Scott for Vader, but Scott ducks and Vader clotheslines Hughes. Scott and Vader fight to the outside as Rick climbs up top and hits the bulldog to get the pin.
-Tracy Smothers and the Taylor Made Man vs. Brian Pillman and Marcus Alexander Bagwell: Pillman and Taylor start. Taylor with an early advantage. He slaps Pillman and chops him in the corner. Pillman comes back. Taylor feeding both faces to punch him. Taylor comes back with a backbreaker to Pillman and gets a two count. Heels in control and they have the most experience in this match. Pillman with a headscissors to Taylor. He gets a two count and Bagwell tagged in. He cleans house. All faces with a series of moves on the heels and the crowd is excited. Faces hit twin dives over the top to the heels on the floor. Smothers in and dropkicks Bagwell. Smothers with a back elbow. There is a good ebb and flow to this match. A two count for Smothers after a clothesline. Taylor in to continue to punish Bagwell. Heels know that Bagwell is the weak link and cut the ring in half to punish him. Bagwell gets his knees up on a splash attempt by Smothers. Pillman tagged in. Taylor breaks up a Pillman pin attempt after a spinning heel kick. Double team to Pillman brings Bagwell in. Taylor suplexes Pillman from the ring to the floor. Smothers follows that up by running Pillman into the barricade and the corner post. Smothers throws Pillman back in and covers him, but only gets a two count as the fans try to get behind Pillman. Taylor tagged in and hits Pillman with a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Taylor beating Pillman down in the corner. Smothers tagged in. He gets Pillman on the apron and hits a back elbow to knock Pillman into the guardrail. Smothers distracted by Bagwell, allowing Pillman to hit a clothesline from the top rope. Bagwell tagged in and cleaning house. All four men in now. Pillman thrown out. Double team on Bagwell. Bagwell gets a sunset flip on Smothers to get the pin.
-A feature on Jushin Liger.
-Richard Morton vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd comes out shooting confetti off the walkway. They show a child in the audience with a bow in her hair and a boa around her neck screaming Johnny B. Badd and waving a dollar bill in the air and I don't mind telling you folks, I don't like the implication. Yet Jim Ross says she wants to put a dollar in Badd's garter and then she drops her dollar. The bell rings and they circle each other and Badd takes a swipe at Morton. Lock up and a side headlock by Badd. Morton pushes him down. Another lock up and push off exchanging holds in the middle of the ring. Badd up throwing punches and Morton gets to the ropes. Morton gets a shot on Badd, but Badd runs Morton into a corner. Double ax handle off the second turnbuckle by Badd. Back and forth. Badd thrown outside, but lands on his feet and rolls Morton up for a two count. Morton with a clothesline and an inverted atomic drop. He throws Badd out and runs him into the corner post. Badd comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. They exchange two counts then. Morton hits Badd with a crossbody, but Badd rolls through to get the pin.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Brian Pillman and Johnny B. Badd about Jushin Liger. Pillman cuts a heelish promo against Japanese people as Badd puts his kiss sticker on Bischoff. He then puts it on Pillman and Pillman punches Badd.
-Diamond Dallas Page vs. PN News: News raps before the match. Page attacks him and I thank DDP for that. They do a criss cross spot. News hits a butt bump and dropkicks Page to the outside. Back in, News hits a corner splash and then hits a couple of body rolls to Page. He misses an elbow drop. News reverses a corner whip, but misses another corner splash. Page with a clothesline for a two count. He hits a side Russian leg sweep on News for another two count. He tries to lift News up, but News falls on him for a two count. News guillotined on the top rope by Page. He follows that up with a crossbody for a near fall. News reverses a corner whip and hits a belly to belly suplex. News with the Rap master Splash to get the pin.
-WCW Top 10: 10. Larry Zbyszko 9. El Gigante 8. Big Van Vader 7. Dustin Rhodes 6. Cactus Jack 5. Rick Steiner 4. Ricky Steamboat 3. Steve Austin 2. Sting 1. Rick Rude WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Lex Luger
-Tony Schiavone interviews new WCW Executive Vice President Kip Frey. Jim Crockett Jr. is also one of the people standing out there and at this point, he has to be thinking why did I buy that second jet? Frey announces Lex Luger will defend his title at SuperBrawl II. He then announces Jesse Ventura will be the announcer for SuperBrawl II. Jesse then comes out. He gets a great ovation. He is wearing his Jesse du rag from Summerslam '89. He says he's pumped up because WCW is the wrestling of the future. He says he's back to tell it like it is. They then announce that Lex Luger will defend his title against Sting. Sting comes out and high fives Jesse. They show a Luger interview where he talks about his seclusion, which was actually they had used up his dates on his contract and he was waiting it out.
-Falls count anywhere match. Cactus Jack vs. Van Hammer: Cactus Jack comes out to meet Hammer only for Hammer to shoot something from his guitar into the face of Cactus Jack. Hammer then hits a crossbody to Cactus Jack over the top rope as the bell rings. He gets a two count. Hammer with a corner whip and a clothesline. He then hits a bulldog and a leg drop for a two count. Hammer goes up to the second rope, only to get hit with a clothesline as he comes off. He gets a two count. Cactus Jack hits his patented clothesline over the top rope. He gets a two count on the floor. Hammer thrown into the barricade and then Jack takes the ringside mats up. Hammer run face first into the concrete. Cactus Jack then hits a sloppy looking sunset flip to Hammer, but does get him down. Hammer runs Cactus Jack into the barricade. Then Hammer power slams Cactus Jack on the ramp. He gets a two count. Cactus Jack with a front face lock, but Hammer gets an inside cradle for a two count. Cactus Jack comes back with a clothesline. Hammer hip tosses Cactus Jack off the ramp to the concrete. Hammer then clotheslines Cactus Jack off the ramp back to the concrete after he climbs up again. He gets a two count. They battle on the concrete to the backstage area. When they come back from commercial break, they are fighting in the parking lot and Cactus Jack hits Hammer with a section of a traffic horse. He throws a traffic cone at Hammer as they start to fight towards the bull pen where they are going to have a rodeo. Missy Hyatt is out there to help cover the match. Hammer choking Cactus Jack with a piece of rope. They fight over the rails into the holding pen. Suddenly, Hammer is attacked by a big cowboy who is Abdullah the Butcher. They fight out to the arena area and Abdullah hits Hammer with a shovel. Cactus Jack gets the pin. Abdullah and Cactus Jack start to fight each other. Abdullah sticks Cactus Jack's head into the watering trough. Abdullah then picks Missy up and throws her into the water. Cactus Jack and Abdullah then continue to fight.
-The Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin vs. Brad Armstrong and Big Josh: The match is underway as they come back from commercial. Armstrong and Hayes start. Hayes with a side headlock. Armstrong pushes off. Armstrong with a hip toss. Hayes kicks off and goes back to the side headlock. Armstrong pushes off again. Hayes with an up and over. He rolls up Armstrong for a two count and Garvin tagged in. Garvin with a clothesline and Armstrong misses a clothesline of his own and Garvin hits a running forearm. Garvin hits a crossbody and gets a two count. Garvin with an Irish whip. Josh tagged in and Armstrong dropkicks Garvin. Josh with a running power slam and then does his log rolling routine on Garvin. Josh pushes off from a side headlock and Garvin tags Hayes back in. Josh ducks a clothesline and slams Hayes and then does the log roll on Hayes. Josh kicks out of a sunset flip. He gets an arm drag. Garvin tagged back in. Josh with corner mounted punches. Garvin with a corner whip and they collide in the ring. Hayes and Armstrong both tagged in. Armstrong with a backdrop and then a dropkick for both Freebirds. Freebirds double team Armstrong and throw him to the ramp only to get double clotheslined by Josh. The referee gets Josh out allowing the Freebirds to get the Double DDT on Armstrong and pin him.
-A feature on the Steiner Brothers. Eric Bischoff then interviews the Steiners. They say they are ready to reclaim the titles they never lost.
-Thomas Rich vs. Vinnie Vegas: Welcome Kevin Nash's latest persona. Vegas goads Rich and then attacks him. He slams Rich head first into the mat. He then clotheslines Rich. He picks Rich up and hits Snake Eyes and pins Rich.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Paul E Dangerously. Paul E says every single prediction he has made since he returned has come true and one of WCW's top 5 heroes will go down tonight. He says one of them will wind up in the Magnum TA Wrestling Retirement Home. Damn, Paul E has no chill.
-6-man tag. Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko with Paul E. Dangerously vs. Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, and Ron Simmons: Eaton and Anderson are the newly crowned tag champions. Windham gets in and immediately goes after the heels causing them to bail out on the floor. Paul E screams at the referee to check Windham's hand to make sure the cast is properly covered up. Windham and Eaton start. Eaton tries to attack Windham as soon as the bell rings, but Windham kicks Eaton in the stomach. Windham with an Irish whip, but Eaton comes back with a neck breaker. Eaton gets Windham up and hits a superplex. Windham gets up immediately and hits a lariat to Eaton. He then hits another one. Windham then hits a superplex on Eaton. He gets a two count and now all 6 men in and the faces all put figure fours on the heels. The heels break free. Zbyszko in with Simmons. Zbyszko with an overhead wrist lock to try to force Simmons to the mat. Simmons fighting back. Rhodes tries to come in and gets stopped by the referee as Anderson comes in to help Zbyszko, but Simmons is too powerful. He flips out of their grips and flips them both over. Rhodes and Windham then hit them both with elbows and Simmons hits them with double shoulder blocks. Eaton tries to jump on Simmons from the top rope, but gets caught in a bear hug. Heels triple team Simmons while the referee is dealing with the faces wanting to come in to help Simmons. Simmons takes out Eaton with a clothesline. Anderson ducks the same clothesline attempt, only to get power slammed by Simmons, who then gets Zbyszko with a clothesline when he comes in. Zbyszko covered, but his foot was under the ropes. Simmons tags Rhodes in and holds Zbyszko for Rhodes to kick in the arm. Eaton tagged in. Eaton rakes the eyes. Eaton takes Rhodes down in the corner, but Rhodes comes back with a right hand and throws Eaton out onto the ramp. Rhodes then hits a lariat to Eaton from the ring to the ramp. Eaton then thrown back into the ring and Zbyszko and Windham both tagged in. A Barry chant goes out as Windham attacks Zbyszko. Windham goes for a lariat, but Zbyszko holds on to the ropes. Zbyszko goes for a piledriver, but Windham reverses it into a backdrop. Zbyszko rolls to the outside. Eaton goes up top, but Windham hits a dropkick to knock him off. Windham then runs Anderson face first into the mat. Zbyszko comes back in, but doesn't see Windham tag Rhodes in and Rhodes hits Zbyszko with a series of right hands. Rhodes goes for a lariat, but Eaton pushes Zbyszko out of the way and Rhodes goes flying out over the top rope to the ramp. Anderson distracts the referee while Eaton holds Rhodes on the ramp for Paul E to hit with the telephone. He does and Windham goes out to the ramp after Eaton and Paul E and the referee comes out trying to get them back in. Meanwhile, Zbyszko grabs Rhodes back in the ring and hits a swinging neck breaker. He then runs Rhodes into Anderson's boot. Anderson tagged in. Rhodes ducks a clothesline attempt, but Anderson catches him with a spinebuster. He gets a close two count. Anderson with a snap mare and goes for a splash from the second rope, but Rhodes gets his knees-up. Rhodes goes for a scoop slam, but Anderson slips behind and hits Rhodes with a brutal looking DDT. He gets another close two count. Anderson drags Rhodes towards the heel's corner and tags Eaton in. Eaton with a scoop slam. He goes up top and hits a flying elbow to Rhodes. He gets another close two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Eaton with a corner whip, but Rhodes moves on the charge. Anderson tagged in. He gets Rhodes down and goes to the second rope for an ax handle, but Rhodes gets his boot up. Eaton and Windham tagged in. Windham catches Eaton with a top rope lariat. He then hits Eaton with another lariat and a backdrop. He gets a close two count. Zbyszko in. Windham Irish whips him, but as Windham goes for the lariat, Anderson gets a knee to Windham's back. All 6 in and Eaton goes up top, but Windham catches him with a right hand as he comes off and pins Eaton.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, and Ron Simmons in the locker room. Windham says he has a list of names to go after and Larry Zbyszko is #1.
-Back at ringside, Jesse Ventura joins Jim Ross for commentary on the last match. They preview the Main Event.
-Sting and Ricky Steamboat vs. Steve Austin and Rick Rude with Paul E. Dangerously: Rude does his pre match spiel. Rude is the US champion and Austin is the TV champion. Ventura says Rude and Austin remind him of himself. Jesse has been a Rude fan for a long time. Sting and Steamboat get a great reaction when they come out. Austin and Steamboat start. They lock up and go to a corner. Back and forth up against the rope. They break and circle each other again. Austin pushes off and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Austin gets Steamboat in the corner and hits a right hand. Back and forth in the corner and Steamboat with some chops to get out of the corner. Austin backs up to the opposite corner. They circle each other again. Steamboat with a side headlock. Austin pushes off. Steamboat comes back and hooks Austin's arms for a backslide. He gets a two count. Steamboat then grabs the legs and rolls up for another two count. Steamboat then with an inside cradle for another two count. Austin with an Irish whip. Steamboat with a karate kick to Austin and then one to Rude when he comes in. Heels go out to the floor to regroup. Back in, Austin gets a side headlock and Rude tagged in. Rude comes over and says he wants Sting and then slaps Sting but you don't see it because WCW. Sting tagged in and Rude immediately backs off. Rude out and he attacks Sting with some hard right and left hands. Back and forth in the center of the ring and Sting gets an atomic drop. He then hits an inverted atomic drop and Rude doing his usual sell job on those. Austin comes in and Sting hits him with a right hand to knock him back to the outside. Sting rakes Rude's back and then hits a double ax handle to the back. Sting with a corner whip and goes for a gut wrench suplex. Rude blocks it, so Sting just drops him stomach first onto the mat. Sting gets a single leg pick up and gets a modified camel clutch. Rude tries to get up, so Sting slams his body down to drive Rude back down to the mat and then mocks Rude's moves by gyrating. Paul E gets up on the apron and Nick Patrick goes over to get him down. Sting and Steamboat use this opportunity to change places to the crowd's delight and the heel's chagrin. Patrick questions them and they claim they tagged. Jesse is irate and Jesse is correct. Steamboat is now mocking Rude, bringing Austin in only to get cut off by Patrick, which allows Sting and Steamboat to switch places again but at least this time the right man is back in the ring. Sting jumps up to knock Rude back down again, but Rude is able to turn over and get his knees up as Sting comes down. Rude puts a knee into Sting's midsection, tags Austin in, and holds Sting for Austin to hit. Austin runs Sting into a turnbuckle as the crowd starts a Sting chant. Sting blocks a second attempt and runs Austin into the turnbuckle. Austin with a knee to the midsection. An Irish whip and a back elbow to Sting. He gets a two count. Rude tagged in and Austin holds Sting for Rude to hit as the Sting chant goes out again. Rude with a front face lock. Sting trying to move towards his corner to tag Steamboat in. Austin distracts Patrick, so Rude knocks Steamboat down on the apron and then knocks Sting down. He gets a two count. Rude runs Sting into Austin's boot and Austin tagged in. Austin with a belly to back suplex. Austin with an Irish whip and Sting comes back with a sunset flip. Austin fighting not to go over. He goes to punch Sting, but Sting moves. Steamboat tagged in and he cleans house, hitting both heels when he comes in. He then runs their heads together. Steamboat with a shoulder block and then gets a two count on Austin. Rude comes over and Steamboat hits him with a thrust kick. Steamboat with an Irish whip and a karate thrust to Austin. Paul E up on the apron and Sting comes in to go after him. Patrick gets Sting out. Meanwhile, Steamboat gets a victory roll, but there's no referee to count, so Rude hits Steamboat from behind with a forearm. Austin then with an elbow to the neck and an Irish whip to Steamboat. He hits a back elbow and then runs Steamboat into Rude's knee. Rude tagged in. He scoop slams Steamboat. Austin then tagged back in and Steamboat trying to come back with chops. Austin reverses an Irish whip. Steamboat comes back with a go behind and goes to roll Austin up, but Austin holds on to the ropes. Steamboat with an inside cradle for a two count and now all four men in the ring. Rude throws Sting out to the ramp as Austin hits a backbreaker to Steamboat. Sting gets Austin out of the ring and they battle on the ramp until Austin throws Sting off the ramp. Rude hitting Steamboat until Austin gets back in the ring and then Austin hits Steamboat with a backbreaker. Austin picks Steamboat up for another backbreaker, but Sting comes off the top rope with a crossbody and both Sting and Steamboat pin Austin. Jesse is livid that Patrick counted the pin. All four brawl after the match. Rude with a Rude Awakening to Steamboat. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash on Austin, but Austin moves. Rude hits another Rude Awakening. Rude then whips Steamboat with Paul E's belt. Security trying to stop it, but the heels keep them away.
-Jesse and Jim Ross talk about what just happened and then talk about SuperBrawl II before signing off from Kansas.
-Final Thoughts: An enjoyable little show. It was good to see and hear Jesse again as this show was used to set up SuperBrawl II. WCW was trying something new.

Episode 172 Notes Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8c08f868-9fbb-45cd-8e23-4bace116ef03 My notes for Episode 172: 1992 Royal Rumble. -Jessica.
-Buying a car and losing a TV.
-This week we look at the 1992 Royal Rumble from the WWF. It took place on January 19, 1992 from the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York. 17,000 in attendance.
-Classic Royal Rumble intro with Vince McMahon's introduction.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the Royal Rumble. Heenan says he is still betting on Ric Flair to be the champion after the Royal Rumble. They then talk about the Mountie being the new Intercontinental Champion after defeating Bret Hart and taking on Roddy Piper. They then run down some of the other things we will see.
-The Orient Express Kato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji vs. The New Foundation Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart: New Foundation gets a nice ovation when they come out. They have unique outfits if you can remember them. Like a new age checkered cab type thing going there. Heenan says they look like they have pajamas on. Hart starts out with Kato. Back and forth. Hart with the early advantage with some mat work and wrist locks. Kato comes back, but can't get Hart down. Owen breaks a wrist lock by jumping on the rope, flipping off, and hitting a hip lock on Kato and the crowd loves it. Tanaka and Fuji going crazy in their corner. I wasn't a fan yet when Owen was the Blue Blazer, so this was the first time I saw him and I was impressed from the start. Neidhart tagged in to a big ovation. He gets an arm bar on, Kato tries to get out. Neidhart hip tosses Kato out of the corner, and it has been all New Foundation thus far. Neidhart too powerful. Tanaka tagged in. Crowd clapping to get behind the New Foundation and Tanaka tells them to be quiet. Tanaka tries to get Neidhart down, but it is unsuccessful because Neidhart is too powerful. Hart tagged in and he and Neidhart do a power slam/flying elbow combo on Tanaka. In my make believe wrestling federation at this time, I had a guy who was a combo of Owen Hart and Roddy Piper that I called the Missile. I was not very original. Hart only gets a two count. Tanaka with an eye rake and he comes back on Hart. He hits a corner whip, but Hart flips up and backdrops Tanaka. Neidhart tagged in and Hart corner whips him into Tanaka and he hits a shoulder into Tanaka. New Foundation looking good so far, but this match is going on for a long time. Orient Express both in and double teaming Neidhart, who comes back with a double clothesline to the Orient Express. Hart tagged in and goes up top. Neidhart runs the Orient Expresses head's together and Hart crossbodies both for a two count. Hart with some more moves and another two count. Hart goes after the mask of Kato, who slips outside. I've always thought that was a dumb move. Kato back in as the crowd clapping for the New Foundation again. Tanaka hits Hart with a kick to the back as Hart was running the ropes and all four men in. The referee trying to get Neidhart out allowing Fuji to hit Hart with his cane. Orient Express taking over. Tanaka in and hitting Hart with throat thrusts. Tanaka holds Hart, tags Kato in, and Kato hits Hart with a thrust kick. Neidhart comes in again and the heels again take advantage and double team. They have successfully cut the ring in half. Hart corner whipped and hits the post sternum first. Tanaka only gets a two count. A crescent kick gets another two count and Kato tagged back in. Hart gets a crucifix for a two count. Tanaka tagged back in. He hits a leg drop on Hart. He follows it up with a rear chin lock and the crowd trying to get behind Hart. Hart gets up and hits a couple of moves on Tanaka, who comes back with a flying forearm to get Hart down. He gets a two count. Tanaka rushes Hart in the corner. Hart gets his boots up on the charge and hits Tanaka with a bulldog. Neidhart tagged in, but the referee doesn't see it as he was trying to get Kato out. Fuji sets his cane up in the corner and the Orient Express corner whip Hart into it. Kato then throws the broken cane out to Fuji. Hart manages to get his foot over the bottom rope. Kato punishes Hart and Tanaka tagged in. It's been all Orient Express for the past few minutes. Diving headbutt by Tanaka. Hart tries to come back. Hits a belly to belly suplex, but Kato cuts off the pin attempt. Kato tagged in and again goads Neidhart in so they can double team Hart while the referee tries to get Neidhart out. Tanaka tagged in. He kicks Hart and again they goad Neidhart into the ring and you know what happens next. It's a loop. They only get a two count. Hart hits a double dropkick. Neidhart tagged in and Hart slingshots him over the top rope onto the Orient Express. Neidhart cleans house. He then Irish whips Hart through the ropes onto Kato on the outside and you didn't see moves like that in 1992 WWF. Owen back in and the New Foundation hit the Rocket Launcher onto Tanaka to get the pin.
-Lord Alfred Hayes recaps the Mountie winning the Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart two days earlier and the set up to the Mountie/Roddy Piper match. Sean Mooney interviews The Mountie and Jimmy Hart. Mountie wants to know how Piper could get a title shot so quickly, but promises he will do to Piper what he did to Bret Hart.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Roddy Piper. Classic Piper interview. He says he came here to win two titles and he can't do that until the wins the first one.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart vs. Roddy Piper: Mountie out first. The crowd goes insane when the bagpipes hit and Piper comes out. He looks to be in fantastic shape. He gets in the ring and a Roddy chant goes out. Mountie comes at Piper with his shock stick as referee Joey Marella tries to get the stick and Jimmy Hart out of the ring. Piper still has his kilt and a t-shirt on as he goes out to the apron. Piper takes his kilt off. Hart yells at Piper with the megaphone, so Piper rushes Mountie and wraps the kilt around his head and gets Mountie down and starts kicking him. Hart runs away and the bell rings. Mountie tries to get away as Piper hits him with left and right jabs. Piper with an Irish whip. Mountie grabs the ropes and goes outside to regroup. Piper goes out on a different side, runs around to Mountie, and hits him with a right hand to the face. Mountie gets behind Hart and then pushes Hart into Piper. As Piper sidesteps Hart to avoid getting hit, Mountie hits Piper with right hands. Mountie throws Piper back into the ring. Mountie choking Piper on the ropes. Mountie Irish whips Piper and leapfrogs him a couple of times. Mountie then drops down to avoid Piper. Piper counters by stopping and dropping a fist on Mountie. Piper then rams Mountie into a couple of turnbuckles. Piper then with a bulldog to Mountie. The fans are digging this match so far. Piper gets a two count as Mountie gets his foot on the ropes. Piper gets Mountie up and pokes him in the eye in a classic Piper move. Piper with a side headlock. Mountie pushes off. Mountie follows that up with a double ax handle to the back. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Piper with an Irish whip and goes to dropkick Mountie, who holds on to the ropes. Mountie covers, but only gets a two count. Mountie with a half nelson/hammerlock combo on Piper as a Roddy chant goes out. He then runs Piper's head into the turnbuckle 6 times. Mountie then slaps Piper and bites his forehead. He breaks on the three count. Mountie with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Mountie gets another two count. Mountie then throws Piper to the outside. Piper gets up on the apron, hits Mountie in the midsection with his shoulders, and then sunset flips Mountie for a two count. Mountie with a couple of punches and Piper unloads on Mountie. Mountie grabs Piper by the trunks and throws him to the outside of the ring. Piper gets right back in and jumps on the Mountie punching and biting Mountie. He follows that up with Irish whipping and punching Mountie in the face. Then another Irish whip and a backdrop to Mountie. Another Irish whip and a shot to Mountie's midsection. Mountie with a roundhouse that Piper ducks and hits Mountie with an atomic drop. Mountie skins the cat and comes back in unknown to Piper, who has gone over to the other side to deal with Hart, who has climbed up on the apron. Mountie rushes Piper, who turns around, sidesteps Mountie, who runs into Hart and knocks him off the apron. Piper puts a sleeper on Mountie. Hart grabs the shock stick as Piper has Mountie down on his knees and Mountie is fading. Mountie goes out and Piper is declared the winner and new Intercontinental champion. Hart comes in and rushes Piper with the shock stick, but Piper gets the stick and pushes Hart away. Piper asks the crowd if they want him to shock Mountie and they say yes. Piper shocks Mountie and they have that awful shocking sound play over the loudspeakers. The crowd loves it and cheer wildly when Finkel announces Piper as the winner and new champion.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is outside Hulk Hogan's dressing room. He goes in to talk to Hogan about the Royal Rumble. Hogan says in the Rumble, he isn't going to have any friends. He's going to get the WWF title back.
-Mean Gene talks to the Bushwhackers and Jameson about the Beverly Brothers and the Genius and it's about as good as you think it would be.
-The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch with Jameson vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with The Genius: Genius stars out with a poem that is more interesting than this match will be I'm sure. Bushwhackers and Jameson come out and they are popular with the fans. Heenan is hilarious on commentary about Jameson and the Bushwhackers. Beverly Brothers in control early with double teaming. Bushwhackers come back with double teaming of their own. They run the Beverly Brothers together as the Genius comes over to menace Jameson. Blake gets back in control by kicking and hitting Butch with double ax handles. Butch comes back with a knee to the stomach. He follows it up with a bulldog and all four men in the ring. Bushwhackers clear the ring. Beverly Brothers try to avoid getting hit, but keep getting outsmarted by the Bushwhackers and that's not a sentence that I ever thought I would write or say. Beverly Brothers take advantage of Luke and hit him with a double ax handle to the back. Beau covers Luke, but he gets his foot on the ropes. Beau runs Luke into Blake's boot and the Beverly Brothers double team Luke in their corner. Butch comes in and referee Danny Davis trying to get him back out allowing the Beverly Brothers to continue the double team. Blake hits a backbreaker on Luke as Butch tries to get the crowd into the match. Blake gets a two count. Blake goads Butch in again, so the double team can continue. Lather, rinse, repeat. Beau in and Luke catches him with a knee lift. Blake comes back in and he's choking Luke, but breaking before the 5 count. Beverly Brothers cutting the ring in half to stop the tag. Beau tagged in and covers Luke with his boot for a pin attempt and Luke takes advantage and rolls Beau up for a two count. It spills to the outside, giving the Genius the opportunity to go slap Jameson. Butch breaks up a pin attempt. Blake with a nice neck breaker/leg drop combo for a two count. Luke catches Blake with a clothesline out of the corner. Butch tagged in and he cleans house. He goes for a count on Blake. Beau breaks it up. All four men in. Luke clotheslines Beau to the outside before the referee gets Luke out but Beau takes advantage and trips Butch. Luke breaks up the pin attempt and I know you'll be shocked to learn that the Beverly Brothers take advantage by double teaming. Blake gets the pin after Luke is too late with the save. The Bushwhackers beat up the Beverly Brothers and the Genius after the match and hold the Genius for Jameson to kick in the shin.
-Mean Gene interviews the Legion of Doom. They say they aren't concerned with the Natural Disasters.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal vs. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon with Jimmy Hart: LOD with a monstrous ovation when they come out. Pure power match. Hawk and Typhoon start. Hawk with some power moves and a flying clothesline takes Typhoon down. Earthquake wants Hawk so he tags in. A standing dropkick by Hawk doesn't faze Earthquake. Earthquake with a dropkick, but Hawk moves out of the way. It was impressive to see him try it though. Animal in. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Double clothesline and both men are down. Animal lifts Earthquake up, but Earthquake shifts his weight and falls on Animal for a two count. Typhoon in and hits Animal with an avalanche in the corner. He tries it again and Animal clotheslines Typhoon. Hawk in and battering Typhoon. He hits Typhoon with several clotheslines to no effect. Hawk goes for a crossbody, but Typhoon catches him and does several backbreakers on Hawk. Earthquake in and he continues the assault on Hawk. He gets a two count. Typhoon back in and the Natural Disasters are double teaming to perfection. They work on Hawk's lower back. Typhoon with a bear hug. Hawk with some right hands to get out of the move. He goes for a move off the second rope, but gets caught and slammed into a turnbuckle by Typhoon and Earthquake tagged back in. He continues the assault on the lower back. He then steps on Hawk's sternum. Earthquake with a bear hug. Earthquake with a corner clothesline, but Hawk moves on the avalanche attempt. Animal tagged in and knocks Earthquake down with a shoulder block. Natural Disasters try to double team Animal, but he hits them with a double clothesline. It goes to the outside with all four brawling. Typhoon gets back in and the LOD is counted out. They grabs the titles, but LOD come in with a chair and take Earthquake out with it.
-Sean Mooney talks to Jimmy Hart and the Natural Disasters. They are highly pissed that they aren't the champions.
-Mean Gene talks to Roddy Piper. He says only in America can something like this happen. He says one down, one to go.
-Sean Mooney talks to Shawn Michaels. Newly turned after throwing Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window. They replay the scene. Michaels says he saved Jannetty 29 other beatings.
-Lord Alfred Hayes talks to Ric Flair, who says he drew number three. This was a Coliseum Video Exclusive because Heenan and Monsoon don't know what number Flair drew.
-They show some of the participants and get their thoughts and I'm sure this will surprise you, but they all say they are going to win.
-Howard Finkel announces the rules for the Royal Rumble and that the winner will be the new WWF Champion. He introduces Jack Tunney, who gets booed. He says the same thing as Finkel.
-1992 Royal Rumble: 1. The British Bulldog. 2. Ted DiBiase. They go at it as soon as DiBiase gets in. DiBiase takes advantage early. He throws Bulldog out, but Bulldog holds on and comes back in. He clotheslines DiBiase out. 3. Ric Flair. Heenan loses his mind when Flair comes out this early. Flair says DiBiase said see you at the bar as he passed him headed to the back. Flair goes at it with Bulldog, who presses Flair several times. Flair corner whips Bulldog, who comes out with a clothesline to Flair. Flair comes back with an eye rake. He then begs off. Bulldog goes and throws Flair over, but he hangs on and lands on the apron. 4. Jerry Sags. Bulldog with corner mounted punches. Sags attacks Bulldog. He then holds Bulldog for Flair to chop and a double team to Bulldog. Double corner whip and Bulldog comes back with a double clothesline. Bulldog throws Sags out, but he lands on the apron. He taunts the crowd from the apron, only to get dropkicked to the ground by Bulldog. Bulldog goes after Flair again, who gets Bulldog in the corner and chops him. Bulldog with a corner whip and a power slam. 5. Haku. He and Flair double team Bulldog and get him down. Haku then attacks Flair. Flair chops Haku, then runs when Haku comes after him. Flair is no dummy. He rolls outside. Haku piledrives Bulldog and Flair takes advantage and then attacks Haku. He drops a knee on Haku. Bulldog attacks Flair in the corner. Haku hits Bulldog with a thrust kick. Haku then attacks Flair. He falls to the mat and Haku and Bulldog attack each other. Bulldog dumps Haku out. 6. Shawn Michaels. Flair attacks both Bulldog and Michaels. Michaels comes back with a series of lefts and rights on Flair. Michaels then corner whips and backdrops Flair and then hits him with sweet chin music although it wasn't his finisher at the time so it was nothing special here. Michaels with an Irish whip to Bulldog, misses a clothesline attempt, and Bulldog presses Michaels and power slams him. Bulldog then clotheslines Michaels several times and the last time over the top rope, but Michaels hangs on and lands on the apron. Michaels comes back with Sweet Chin Music to Bulldog, and Flair attacks Michaels. Flair with Michaels up on the ropes trying to eliminate him. Michaels comes back and he is hitting both Flair and Bulldog. Bulldog reverses a corner whip, and Michaels lands up on the ropes. Bulldog kicks Michaels while he is up there and Michaels crotches himself on the top rope. Bulldog shakes the ropes adding insult to injury and Michaels falls to the mat. Flair attacking both Michaels and Bulldog. 7. Tito Santana. Flair throws Michaels over the ropes, but again he lands on the apron. He and Flair go at it as soon as Santana gets in. He goes to work trying to get Flair up and over and Flair hanging on for life. Michaels grabs Santana and tries to eliminate him. Bulldog attacks Michaels from behind. He tries to get Michaels out as Flair pairs off with Santana after attacking him from behind. Flair with a back suplex to Santana and Bulldog gets Michaels over the ropes and Michaels trying hard not to get eliminated. He lands on the apron again as Bulldog and Flair start to fight. Bulldog choking Flair down and Flair low blows Bulldog. Santana runs Michaels into the turnbuckle. Flair trying to throw Bulldog out, but gets hit from behind by Santana. Flair with an Irish whip to Santana, misses a clothesline, and Santana comes back with a flying forearm to Flair. 8. The Barbarian. Santana attacking Flair with corner mounted punches until Michaels pulls Santana off. Barbarian goes after Bulldog. He tries to get Bulldog over the top and Flair comes over to help and Bulldog holding on to the top rope for dear life. Bulldog gets to the apron, so Flair goes and attacks Michaels from behind. He then goes back and forth with Santana. Then Barbarian and Bulldog and Santana and Michaels pair off and Flair takes a breather in the corner. Santana tries to dump Michaels, who again lands on the apron and crawls back in. Flair takes advantage and tries to dump Santana out, and Santana responds with an eye poke to Michaels. 9. Texas Tornado. He and Flair go at it like it's Texas Stadium in 1984. Tornado hits Flair with the discus punch and Flair does the patented Flair Flop. Michaels then comes over and he and Tornado go at it and Michaels gets a discus punch too. He oversells the punch and I will give you a second to recover from the shock of that statement. Bulldog slingshots Michaels into the turnbuckle. Flair with an inverted atomic drop to Tornado and Santana trying to Irish whip Barbarian, but there are too many bodies in the way. Everyone pairing off and trying to eliminate each other. Santana stomping Flair down on the canvas as Michaels trying to eliminate Bulldog in the opposite corner. 10. Repo Man.
-He sneaks into the ring, but doesn't have to as no one is paying attention to him as they are all paired off. Flair trying to get rid of Bulldog as Santana ducks a clothesline from Barbarian and hits a crossbody on Barbarian. Pairs break off as Flair and Barbarian go after Santana and Bulldog goes after Repo Man. 11. Greg Valentine. He and former tag partner Flair go after each other and start chopping each other. Then Bulldog holds Flair for Valentine to chop. Tornado and Bulldog trying to eliminate Michaels. He is hanging upside down over the top rope trying not to be pushed out. He is able to go under the ropes. 12. Nikolai Volkoff. Flair and Valentine go back to chopping each other in the corner. Flair with a snap mare and a knee drop to Valentine. Save your livers folks, do not drink every time the words fair to Flair are said. Valentine puts Flair in the figure four. Volkoff eliminated. 13. The Big Boss Man. He goes after Flair and everyone else. Valentine eliminated. Repo Man eliminated. Flair eliminates Bulldog. Tornado eliminated. Shawn Michaels and Tito Santana both go over together as the buzzer sounds. 14. Hercules. Flair and Barbarian team up and high five each other and then Flair starts chopping Barbarian. Barbarian power slams Flair. Barbarian trying to eliminate Flair. Hercules comes from behind to eliminate them both. As they go over, Flair grabs the ropes and lands on the apron and Barbarian is eliminated. Big Boss Man eliminates Hercules. Just Flair and Boss Man left. Flair begging off as Boss Man comes after him. Flair with an eye poke. Boss Man off the ropes and comes back with a crossbody. Boss Man rushes Flair, who drops down and Boss Man eliminated as he goes over on his own momentum. It isn't commented on now, but remember it for later. Flair the only man left in the ring for the time being. He does get some cheers and immediately does the Flair Flop from exhaustion. 15. Roddy Piper. He gets a massive cheer as he gets in and Flair immediately begging off. Piper jumps on Flair and attacks him with left and rights in the corner as the crowd cheers wildly. Piper with a corner whip and a backdrop. Piper follows that up with a knee lift and Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. Piper comes out after Flair and clotheslines him. Piper runs Flair into the barricade and then throws Flair back in the ring. Flair guillotines Piper on the top rope as Piper was trying to get in. Piper no sells it though to a massive ovation. He hits Flair with corner mounted punches. Flair comes back with an inverted atomic drop and Piper comes back with his patented eye poke. He then gets Flair up in a fireman's carry into an airplane spin. He gets a sleeper on Flair and the crowd is cheering wildly and Heenan is apoplectic on commentary. Flair starting to fade. 16. Jake Roberts. He comes out and is booed heavily. Roberts goes after Piper. He chokes Piper with his boot in the corner as a Roddy chant goes out. He then hits Flair with a short clothesline. Roberts signals for the DDT. He goes for it and gets cut off by a clothesline from Piper. Heenan thanks Piper and says it's a kilt, not a skirt. Flair puts Roberts in the figure four. Piper attacks both men and Heenan calls him a skirt wearing freak. You have to love the Brain. All three take turns attacking each other. Roberts trying to get Piper out. 17. Jim Duggan. He goes after Flair to a big ovation. Roberts dumped to the apron, but doesn't go to the floor. A USA chant goes out as Duggan battles Flair. He then battles Roberts before Piper and Duggan battle each other and it's every man for himself. Flair hits a back suplex on Piper. Roberts with an inverted atomic drop on Duggan. Piper and Flair going back and forth. 18. IRS. Roberts and Flair trying to eliminate Piper. People start to pair off again. Piper trying to eliminate Flair. 19. Jimmy Snuka. Flair has a history with most of the people in the Rumble and he and Snuka go back to Mid-Atlantic. He goes after Flair and hits him with a headbutt. He follows that up with an Irish whip and a chop to Flair. Piper then slapping and chopping Flair in the corner. He goes to eliminate Flair, but he doesn't go over. Roberts then trying to push Flair out. 20. The Undertaker.
-He takes his time getting to the ring. He gets in and eliminates Snuka and then goes after Flair. He chokes Flair in the corner. Duggan comes over and Undertaker mule kicks him. IRS then holds Duggan for Undertaker to hit. Piper eye pokes Roberts and tries to throw him out. Duggan and Flair team up to take on Undertaker, who had IRS up on the second rope looking to eliminate him. 21. Randy Savage. Roberts immediately slithers out of the ring on the other side as Undertaker grabs Duggan and Flair by the throat. He slams them down and Undertaker and IRS attack Savage as soon as he gets in. Roberts gets back in and he and Undertaker take turns attacking Savage. Roberts goes for a short clothesline to Savage, who ducks it and attacks Roberts. He hits a double ax handle from the top rope. Savage with a high knee to eliminate Roberts, but then messes the whole thing up by jumping over the top rope to go after Roberts, thus eliminating himself accidently. They go to cover for him saying you can't eliminate yourself, even though Boss Man did it earlier. I'm getting down off my soapbox now. Heenan and Monsoon say that he has eliminated himself before being corrected by the people in the back, probably Vince McMahon. Undertaker comes out to grab Savage. Undertaker throws Savage back in. He comes out after Roberts again before being put back in and now they are floating the thrown out by someone else theory that doesn't hold water. 22. The Berzerker. People pairing up again. Flair on the apron trying to suplex Savage to the floor. Savage suplexes Flair inside. Piper and Undertaker both choking Flair and Undertaker grabs Piper by the throat with his other hand. 23. Virgil. Heenan says he's been going through people's bags in the back. Undertaker trying to dump Flair over. Piper goes after Virgil. 24. Col Mustafa. Mustafa goes after Duggan. Savage goes after Undertaker. Flair tries to dump Piper and Monsoon calls him Rick Martel. Savage hits Undertaker and Flair. 25. Rick Martel. Flair goes after Martel and they battle in the corner. He and IRS try to dump Flair out. Mustafa eliminated by Savage. Duggan gets a USA chant going. 26. Hulk Hogan. The crowd goes crazy for Hogan, but they will turn on him in just a few moments. Don't let Vince McMahon tell you otherwise. He goes after Flair and Undertaker. The heels take on Hogan. Berzerker holds Hogan for Undertaker to hit. Virgil eliminates Martel as the heels gang up on Hogan in the corner. Upon further inspection, Martel went through the ropes so he comes back in as Hogan clotheslines Undertaker over the top rope. He lands on his feet as Hogan also eliminates Berzerker as the crowd goes crazy and Hogan tears his shirt. Hogan choking Martel with his shirt. Virgil and Duggan eliminated. 27. Skinner. Hogan trying to eliminate Flair. Flair lands on the apron as Heenan is begging God to let Flair win. Skinner rakes Hogan's eyes. Flair and Martel try to eliminate Piper. Hogan clotheslines Flair and Skinner. 28. Sgt. Slaughter. Skinner eliminated. Slaughter going after Flair. Piper and Hogan going after each other like it's 1985. Hogan chopping Flair in the corner. 29. Sid Justice and he gets a great ovation coming out as the worm is about to turn for Hogan. Hogan being double teamed by IRS and Flair. Justice goes after Flair to the crowds delight. 30. The Warlord. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by Hogan. He and Hogan go to the outside under the bottom rope. Hogan suplexes Flair on the outside. Justice corner whips Slaughter and he does his patented bump to the outside to be eliminated. Hogan throws Flair back in. Irish whip and big boot. Piper eliminates IRS. Hogan and Justice eliminate Warlord. Justice eliminates Martel and Piper. Flair and Justice eliminate Savage and it's down to Flair, Justice, and Hogan. Flair and Hogan chopping each other in the corner. Hogan gets Flair over the top rope to the apron. Justice throws Hogan over to the outside and gets cheers from the crowd. Hogan arguing with Justice. Hogan then grabs Justice's hand. This allows Flair to come from behind and dump Justice to win the Royal Rumble and become the new WWF Champion. Heenan is ecstatic. Flair celebrates with Hennig and Heenan leaves to go celebrate with them. Justice and Hogan pushing each other in the ring. They get separated by officials and a Justice chant goes out. Gorilla admits that he didn't think Flair could do it, but was wrong. They throw it to Mean Gene, who presides over Jack Tunney presenting Flair with the World Championship. Then Flair, Perfect, and Heenan gloat. Mean Gene does his put that cigarette out line. Flair says all have to pay homage to the man. Mean Gene signs off from Albany with a highlight package.
-Final Thoughts: The greatest Rumble of all time and it's not close. The rest of the card is unforgettable other than the Piper IC win. Watch that and the Rumble.

Episode 171 Notes Wed, 08 Mar 2023 12:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 780683d0-d74a-4ccf-9128-e85aefc28844 My notes for episode 171: Project 45: 1996 ECW. -Today, we finally made it folks. Project 45 concludes with an episode from the day I turned 18 as we look at the ECW Hardcore TV episode from January 16, 1996.
-ECW Hardcore TV was shown on January 16, 1996 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA.
-The show starts out with highlights of Shane Douglas returning to ECW and interrupting a Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie promo.
-ECW Intro.
-Joey Styles is in the ring and as he introduces himself, he gets cut off by Bill Alphonso and his whistle. He screams that he hates everything and asks Joey why he doesn't do more interviews with Taz. Alphonso then gets mad at Anti Fonzie signs that fans are holding up in the crowd. Styles finally tells Alphonso to shut up and that he has had enough of Alphonso. They start arguing. Taz comes in and tells Styles to keep his hands off Alphonso. He then tells Styles not to disrespect Alphonso ever again as a Sabu chant goes out from the crowd. They get interrupted by 911. He gets in the ring and Alphonso gets in his face and screams at him. Tod Gordon comes out and decks Alphonso taking him out. Taz grabs Gordon only to get stopped by 911. They are face to face. Alphonso and Gordon separate the two men. Other referees come in to help separate the two men. The crowd chants let them go. Wrestlers then come in and separate the two and the crowd boos. The ring empties except for one wrestler who Alphonso berates and Taz hits a vicious looking suplex on. Styles says stop it Taz, you're going to break his neck. Taz goes after Styles again until 911 gets in the ring and I feel like we've seen this. 911 gets clipped from behind and beaten down by the Eliminators, who then do Total Elimination on 911. Jason and Alphonso hug and apparently it has all been a set up. Rey Mysterio comes off the top rope onto Kronus, who catches Mysterio and slams him. Both Eliminators miss the moonsault when Mysterio moves. Mysterio with a springboard moonsault onto both Eliminators. Mysterio grabs Kronus by the wrist, goes up top, and hits the Eliminators with a headscissors/arm twist combo to take them both out. Mysterio takes off his football jersey, gets back into the ring, and Saturn goes to hit Mysterio with a powerbomb, but Mysterio reverses it into an arm drag. Saturn reverses an Irish whip and Mysterio turns it into a headscissors on Saturn. Mysterio then with a springboard enziguri to Saturn. Kronus then grabs Mysterio from behind and Saturn goes to clothesline Mysterio, who ducks and Saturn takes out Kronus. Mysterio rolls up Saturn for a two count. Mysterio runs the ropes. Saturn grabs him for a press slam and Mysterio reverses into a headscissors. Mysterio attacks Saturn in the corner and Saturn kicks Mysterio down. Saturn throws Mysterio out as 911 has gotten back on his feet in the corner, so Saturn attacks him. The Eliminators attacking 911 on the inside while Jason attacks Mysterio on the outside. Taz comes back in and starts choking 911 with a T-shirt. The crowd chanting Sabu. Mysterio battles Saturn on the outside and hits Saturn with a cookie sheet that someone hands him from the crowd. The Eliminators get Mysterio back in the ring and scoop slam him. Kronus with a standing moonsault to get a two count as 911 brings Saturn back into the ring. 911 with a suplex to Saturn. Kronus powerbombs Mysterio. Saturn then hits a low blow on 911. They then hit Total Elimination on 911. Taz then comes back to choke 911 with the t-shirt again. Taz drags 911 out to the floor with the t-shirt around his neck, but 911 will not go out. Mysterio thrown back in the ring and Saturn powerbombs him. The Eliminators with a double Irish whip to Mysterio, who comes back with a double DDT to the Eliminators. 911 gets back in the ring and Mysterio climbs up on 911's shoulders and challenges the Eliminators to a chicken fight. So Saturn gets on Kronus's shoulders. Mysterio then hops up on 911 and hurricanrana's Saturn off Kronus's shoulders. Mysterio then pins Saturn. The Eliminators attack 911 and Mysterio after the match and do Total Elimination on Mysterio. The Pit Bulls come out and go after the Eliminators and Francine goes after Jason. 911 going after Taz in the aisle. The Eliminators get The Pit Bulls down, pull Francine off Jason, and hit her with Total Elimination. The Pit Bulls come in to check on Francine and Jason comes in with a chair and hits one of them, so they attack Jason. They throw him out of the ring onto the Eliminators. Francine is taken away on a stretcher.
-Joey Styles hypes the House Party 96 video. He then recaps what we just saw.
-Styles then talks about Shan Douglas returning and previews Jimmy Del Ray with Mr. Hughes vs. Bubba Ray Dudley with Sign Guy, DW, Chubby, and Big Dick Dudley: This is the early stuttering hickish version of Bubba Ray. He grabs the mic and the crowd chants what's your name? He starts to go into his stuttering routine and Del Ray dropkicks him from behind. Back and forth and Bubba Ray gets Del Ray into the corner. Del Ray begs off. Styles making references to Tom Prichard becoming Zip of the Bodydonnas on commentary. Bubba Ray with a series of forearms to Del Ray in the corner. He follows that up with an Irish whip and a dropkick to Del Ray. Bubba then mocks Del Ray. Del Ray comes back with a strike to Bubba Ray. Bubba reverses a corner whip and hits Del Ray with a corner splash. Del Ray down on the mat. Bubba gets a two count. Bubba arguing with the ref over the count. Del Ray with a low blow kick to Bubba. He follows that up with a scoop slam. He then hits a swinging DDT off the second rope on Bubba. This match is clipped and next shows Bubba go for the Bubba Bomb and Mr. Hughes gets up on the apron and Bubba goes after him. Del Ray takes advantage and gets an Irish whip, but he drops his head too early and Bubba comes back with a DDT to get the pin. Hughes gets in the ring and they cut to him with a mic and he tells Bubba that he can teach him proper English. He says come on out here and Shane Douglas comes out. He gets a good ovation. He gets in the ring and grabs the mic. He mocks Bubba's stuttering and says what in the hell is that? He then says there are a whole lot of things that need fixing around here. He says he is the world's greatest wrestler and the world's greatest English teacher. He then says he is going to teach Bubba some proper English and slaps Bubba. He said that there are a lot of things to fix around here and it starts tonight because the Franchise is back.
-Rey Mysterio with a promo in Spanish, but he gets cut off by DW Dudley. He talks in a mixture of Spanish and English about how great Mysterio and Psychosis are while Mysterio keeps trying to leave.
-Joey Styles is in the ring to interview Stevie Richards who has The Blue Meanie with him. Richards says he is now Studly Stevie Richards and the King of Swing. They then showed Beulah in the ring. The entire show is only 37 minutes long on the network so there had to have been some music cut. They show Missy Hyatt making out with Richards and he tells Styles that he is the original babe magnet. He then says that Beulah has been neglected by Raven. He says that right here Studly Stevie Richards is going to be kissed by Beulah but Beulah says no, she doesn't want to be touched. He says oh come on and she says she is serious, she doesn't want to be touched. He tells her she is making him look bad in front of everybody and she says he doesn't understand. She doesn't want to be touched. He tries to kiss her and she pushes him away and screams no. Stop it and this is uncomfortable to watch. He says oh, whats the matter, is it because you're Raven's girlfriend? She says no, I'm pregnant. The crowd is shocked. Richards starts screaming this is awesome and jumping up and down. Raven gets in the ring, pushes Richards, and says you're what to Beulah. He says what are you, stupid? The pills say one at a time moron. Are you an idiot? She says what do you care, it's not yours and Raven immediately attacks Richards thinking it must be his. Beulah says stop it, it's not his either. She says it's Tommy's and Raven grabs her by the throat and pushes her into the corner. Tommy Dreamer comes into the ring and attacks Raven from behind and gives him the DDT. Dreamer then attacks Richards and Meanie and clotheslines Raven over the top rope and they both spill out to the floor. One of the fans gives Beulah a frying pan and she hits Meanie and Richards with it as a Beulah chant goes out. Dreamer grabs a chair and hits Raven with it. Dreamer then runs Raven into the barricade. He then hits Raven with a metal sign and throws him back in the ring. He grabs a sign that says Tommy, use my sign, hits Raven with it, and tears away the sign to reveal a stop sign underneath. He then DDTs Raven on the sign. He grabs a slice of pizza from someone, takes a bite, and piledrives Raven onto the slice. Beulah then comes back into the ring and they hug.
-They cut to a shot of Dreamer in what looks like a hotel hallway. He says he can learn to love Beulah and he will be there for his kid. He then says not like Raven, who abandoned Dreamer. He says you want to play a game of one upmanship, well he is up one. He goes into a room and Beulah is there in bed. She says she wants to feel his pain. Dreamer then tells the camera operator to go and they back out of the room and the door closes as the credits come up.
-Final Thoughts: ECW was very much of its time. A lot of this stuff didn't age well, but it was worth seeing Shane Douglas return to ECW.

Episode 170 Notes Wed, 08 Mar 2023 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] e64eeccd-0f8d-4f5f-b9f8-6c2856c18b3b My notes for episode 170: Project 45: 1982 All-Star Wrestling. -RIP Jerry Jarrett and Richard Belzer.
-My accident.
-Today, Project 45 goes back to the day I turned 4 as we look at WWF All-Star Wrestling from January 16, 1982 from the WWF.
-WWE All-Star wrestling was shown on January 16, 1982. It was recorded January 6, 1982 from Hamburg field house in Hamburg, PA.
-Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson are the announcers for the show and welcome us to All-Star Wrestling. Patterson looks like a deer in the headlights here. They say this week we will take a look at Jesse The Body Ventura and then run down the rest of the card. McMahon is very quiet and hoarse here as if he has a sore throat. Gary Michael Cappetta is the announcer and he runs down the State Athletic Commission, timekeeper, doctor and the referees before introducing Jesse Ventura with Fred Blassie vs. Steve King: This is the wrestler Steve King, not the famous writer or crackpot former congressman. Ventura has an earring in, a beret with a feather in it, and a peacock like robe that he takes off. Also he has sunglasses on. The bell rings and they slowly circle each other. They lock up and Ventura pushes King into a corner. They circle each other again and another lock up and a wrist lock by Ventura. He then pulls King down to the mat by his trunks when the referee isn't looking. King gets back to his feet and Ventura denies pulling him down by his trunks when asked by the referee, but does it again when the ref isn't looking. Ventura again denies it as King makes his way back to his feet. King with a series of forearm smashes to Ventura only to get rocked when Ventura comes back with a forearm smash of his own. Ventura then runs King into a turnbuckle. Ventura then runs his shoulder into King several times. Ventura with another forearm to King, who was driven to his knees by the series of shoulders from Ventura. Ventura then grabs King and runs him head first along the top rope. Ventura then steps on King's throat and gets admonished by the referee. McMahon and Patterson talk about Fred Blassie not having managed a WWF Champion and how it eats at him. Just wait less than two years to remedy that guys as we went over the Iron Sheik/Bob Backlund match in the archives on episode 149. Ventura with a right hand to knock King back down. Ventura picks King up and delivers a shot to the kidney area and King goes back down. Ventura then drops a knee/ankle down on King's back. Ventura then flexes and poses for the crowd. The crowd boos. Ventura with another shot to King's kidneys. Ventura concentrates on that area as he delivers another right hand there. Ventura with a backbreaker to King, but lifts him up at the two count. Referee Dick Worley warns Ventura to pin his man. Ventura with a throat thrust and a corner whip to King. Ventura then does the over the shoulder backbreaker and King gives up. Ventura drops King down. Ventura poses and the crowd boos.
-Steve Travis vs. Victor Mercado: The bell rings and they circle each other as someone in the crowd yells don't take no shit. This isn't ECW in the 90's sir. For goodness sake. They lock up and Travis with an arm drag. They lock up again and Travis with another arm drag. Mercado up and Travis comes back with a side headlock takeover. Mercado counters briefly with a headscissors before Travis pushes off and both wrestlers get back to their feet. They then repeat the headlock takeover/headscissors spot and I didn't expect us to be in reruns so soon. Mercado rushes Travis, who catches him in a drop toe hold. Travis rolls Mercado over and gets a one count. Mercado trying to avoid getting pinned and finally makes his way over to the ropes. Both wrestlers back to their feet and circling each other again. Travis gets a waist lock. He then takes Mercado down. He tries to get Mercado down and Mercado fighting for all he is worth to avoid getting pinned. They grapple on the mat until Mercado reaches the ropes again. They break and both get back to their feet. They lock up again. Mercado drives Travis to a corner and rakes his eyes. Mercado then runs Travis head first into the turnbuckle a couple of times. Mercado then hits a dropkick on Travis. Mercado gets Travis in a front face lock, but Travis counters with a scoop slam. Travis then drops on Mercado for a two count. Travis with an Irish whip and a back elbow to pin Mercado.
-Tony Atlas vs. Jose Estrada: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Estrada with a side headlock. Atlas fighting to get out of the move. He finally wriggles free. Estrada complains that Atlas has something in his hair and the referee checks Atlas. Estrada then has his head checked by the referee and he doesn't like that at all. They lock up again and Estrada with a front face lock. Atlas lifts Estrada up while still in the move and puts Estrada on the top rope. Estrada visibly frustrated as Atlas just leaves him on the tope rope. Estrada jumps down to the mat. They lock up again and Estrada hits Atlas with a couple of eye rakes and a forearm. He gets Atlas down to the mat with kicks and stomps. He rakes the eyes again and then goes back to stomping Atlas. He gets a two count and Atlas throws Estrada off when he kicks out. Estrada comes back with knees to Atlas' head before Atlas can get back to his feet. Estrada is relentless with forearms, but Atlas powers through the pain to get back to his feet. Estrada keeps pounding Atlas with forearms. Atlas comes back with a shot to Estrada's midsection. Atlas comes back with more shots and pushes Estrada down. Estrada back to his feet only to get an elbow by Atlas. Atlas runs Estrada into a turnbuckle. Then into another turnbuckle. Estrada falls face first to the mat. Atlas picks Estrada up and punches him in the back of the head. Atlas then punches Estrada in the throat. He then delivers an elbow to the head and Atlas is on a roll here. Atlas with a gut wrench suplex. Atlas then drops an elbow on Estrada. Atlas picks Estrada up and runs him into a turnbuckle again. Estrada comes back with a shot to Atlas. Estrada with a series of knees to Atlas. He then starts kicking Atlas in the stomach. Atlas back to his feet and trying to shake off the barrage by Estrada. Estrada with a headlock and a punch to Atlas. Atlas comes back with a shot to Estrada, but it looks like Estrada has really done some damage to Atlas as Atlas looks out of it. Estrada headbutts Atlas in the stomach in a unique move that drives Atlas to his knees. Estrada follows that up with a series of knees to the forehead. Estrada with a forearm to the back, but Atlas is making his way back to his feet. Atlas coming back with a barrage of offense. Atlas with a headbutt that knocks Estrada to the mat. Estrada gets back to his feet and Atlas hits him with another headbutt. Atlas then pins Estrada and the referee took about a second and a half to count to three.
-Pat Patterson is with Lou Albano and the World Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji and Mr. Saito. Patterson says there is a lot of controversy about how they won the championship. Albano says it was an optical illusion that looks like they threw salt at Rick Martel. Albano is hilarious here. Fuji says Patterson needs to go see an eye doctor because there was no salt. Fuji then talks about his father torturing American G.Is during WWII and that took a dark turn. Saito says it's easy to make money in America because American wrestlers are easy to beat.
-Non Title Tag Team Match. WWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji and Mr. Saito with Captain Lou Albano vs. Charlie Brown and Dominic Denucci: Denucci gets a good ovation when introduced. The champions and Albano are booed heavily. Fuji does his salt routine before the match starts. Saito and Denucci start. The bell rings. Saito aggressively chasing Denucci around the ring. They lock up and Denucci gets Saito into the ropes. Clean break and another lock up. Saito with a side headlock. Denucci reverses into an overhead wrist lock. Saito comes back with a waist lock takedown. They grapple on the ground for a minute. Both get back to their feet. Denucci with a forearm. Saito counters with a front face lock and Denucci down to his knees. Denucci spins and reverses the hold. Saito breaks the hold. They circle each other again and Denucci with a side headlock. Fuji tagged in and the champions double team Denucci briefly before Saito gets out. Fuji drops an elbow on the back of Denucci's head. Fuji with a takedown into an arm bar. A couple of reversals with wrist locks and Fuji gets Denucci back down to the mat. Denucci kicks Fuji off and they lock up again. Fuji with a shot to the ribs as Denucci gets a side headlock on. Fuji pushes off and Denucci comes back with a shoulder block. Fuji gets back to his feet and hip tosses Denucci. Denucci kicks Fuji as he comes over. Denucci follows that up with an arm drag. Denucci comes up with a wrist lock and hits Fuji with a forearm. Denucci then hold Fuji for Brown to hit and then Brown tags in. Brown hits Fuji with some forearms as the referee tries to get Denucci out. Fuji comes back with some strikes to Brown. Fuji chops Brown, tags Saito in, and then holds Brown for Saito to hit. Saito hits Brown with a forearm from the second rope. Brown tries to get away but keeps getting hit with forearms from Saito. Saito chops Brown into the heels corner. Saito beats Brown down like he is a McDonalds window after hours. Saito gets Brown down and then hip tosses him over. Saito kicking Brown and then tags Fuji in and holds Brown for Fuji. Fuji kicks Brown and then drops an elbow on Brown as Saito gets out. Fuji with a scoop slam and a nice diving elbow that was impressive to see. Saito tagged back in. He hits a side suplex and pins Brown.
-Non Title Match. WWF Champion Bob Backlund with Arnold Skaaland vs. Hans Schroeder: Backlund still popular here. The bell rings and they circle each other. Backlund with a brief waist lock and Schroeder gets free. Another lock up and they do a couple of standing switches. Backlund with a hammerlock, but Schroeder gets to the ropes. Another lock up, hammerlock, ropes combo. Another lock up and Schroeder with an overhead wrist lock. Backlund counters into a hammerlock, but Schroeder gets back to the ropes and I think it is time for them to learn something new. Another lock up and Schroeder with a snap mare. Schroeder follows that up with a scoop slam. Backlund comes back with a delayed scoop slam. Backlund with a quick pick up to Schroeder to knock him off his feet. Another lock up and Schroeder with a single leg. Backlund comes back with boots to the face of Schroeder to knock him down. Lock up and Schroeder with a side headlock. Backlund reverses it into an arm bar. A series of reversals and both get back to their feet. Backlund with a quick takeover back to the arm bar. Schroeder up and gets to the ropes. Schroeder has Backlund up in the ropes and it takes him a three count to break and Backlund comes up with his fist raised to Schroeder. They lock up and do the same ropes spot and Backlund is getting frustrated. Backlund with a side headlock. Schroeder pushes off. Backlund with a shoulder block. Schroeder with a hip lock and Backlund kicks Schroeder away. A series of side headlocks and head scissor reversals by both men. Backlund finally gets a side headlock and a two count before Schroeder gets his shoulder up. Schroeder up and gets to the ropes and hits Backlund with a knee to the stomach as Backlund let's go of the headlock. Schroeder unloading on Backlund with a right hand and then runs Backlund into a turnbuckle. Schroeder follows that up with a snap mare and a rear chin lock. Backlund gets out of the hold and stomps Schroeder while he is on the ground. The crowd loves that so Backlund does it again. Backlund with an arm bar and he is getting rough with Schroeder. They trade wrist locks and Schroeder drops a leg on Backlund. McMahon and Patterson talking about Skaaland and his habit of swallowing tobacco juice when he chews tobacco. Back and forth and Backlund goes back to the arm bar. Into a hammerlock and Schroeder gets to the ropes. Backlund breaks on the three count. They trade blows. Backlund gets a side headlock on. Schroeder pushes off. Backlund with a shoulder block and both men down. Both up at 7. Schroeder charges Backlund, who catches Schroeder in a rolling bridge to get the pin. They shake hands after the match and Schroeder raises Backlund's hand.
-Charlie Fulton vs. Jeff Craney: The bell rings and it takes them a minute to get ready and lock up. Fulton on offense early with knees to Craney. Fulton then Irish whips and knees Craney again. All Fulton as he gets a scoop slam on. Irish whip and a back elbow by Fulton. He then gets Craney in a snap mare and drops a knee on Craney. Craney tries to come back with some left and rights, but Fulton knocks Craney down with a forearm. Fulton with a corner whip and shoulder blocks to Craney. All Fulton at this point as Craney falls out to the floor. Fulton power slams Craney back in from the apron. Fulton gets the pin after a leg drop.
-They preview what's coming up next week and sign off from Hamburg.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show. Nothing flashy but it was effective.

Episode 169 Notes Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] a5a8a3a3-1cf1-4859-bf6d-3b56929b2f10 My notes for Episode 169: Project 45 2016 Roadblock. -Jerry Lawler
-Today, Project 45 stops in 2016 as we look at Roadblock from the WWE.
-WWE Roadblock took place on March 12, 2016 from the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The even had 9,000 in attendance and was shown live on the WWE Network.
-Then, Now, Forever Intro.
-Roadblock intro featuring what has happened between HHH and Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt.
-The New Day come out. Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton welcome us to Roadblock. New Day gets in the ring. They do their spiel. They then show a box of Booty O's. They finally get cut off by the League of Nations music.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods vs. The League of Nations Sheamus and King Barrett: Sheamus and Kingston start. Kingston with a go behind. Sheamus tosses Kingston over and goes for a waist lock. Kingston takes Sheamus down with a headscissors. Both up and battle for position. Kingston slaps Sheamus several times upside the head and runs away. New Day do their New Day Rocks routine with the crowd in the corner. Kingston jumps off the second rope only to get hit with a clothesline from Sheamus. Sheamus follows that up with a European uppercut. He then hits Kingston with another one and Barrett tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbows. Barrett kicking Kingston down in the ring. Big E tagged in. He catches Barrett as he was going for a crossbody. Big E then hits a backbreaker to Barrett. Big E beating down Barrett in the corner. Kingston tagged in and he continues the beat down in the corner. New Day continue to tag in and out to keep stomping on Barrett in the corner. Big E then Irish whips Kingston into the corner so that he can baseball slide into Barrett. Kingston rushes Barrett again, only to get caught with the Winds of Change. Barrett with a series of right hands to Kingston. Sheamus tagged in. He hits a backbreaker on Kingston. Sheamus gets Kingston into the ropes and Barrett tagged back in. Barrett keeps Kingston in the ropes and hits him with a series of knees before tagging Sheamus back in. Barrett and Sheamus doing a good job cutting the ring in half and keeping Kingston on their side. Sheamus pulls Kingston back over the ropes and hits several devastating forearms to the chest. Sheamus then hits Kingston with a shoulder tackle off the top rope. He gets a two count. Barrett tagged back in. He gets a rear chin lock on after kicking Kingston's back. Kingston fighting to get back to his feet. Kingston with some double ax handles to Barrett to break the hold. Barrett reverses a corner whip attempt. Kingston sent to the corner and jumps up to avoid the charge, only for Barrett to catch his legs. Barrett throws Kingston's legs up and kicks Kingston right in the midsection. Another two count, so Sheamus tagged back in. He goes up top again, but gets hit by a dropkick from Kingston as he comes off. Woods gets a New Day Rocks chant going. Big E and Barrett both tagged in and Big E hits a belly to belly suplex on Barrett. He then hits another one. Big E ducks a clothesline attempt before hitting another belly to belly. Big E then hits a big splash on Barrett. He then clotheslines Sheamus off the apron. Barrett kicks Big E when Big E charges him in the corner. Barrett with a suplex and cover for a one count. Kingston and Sheamus both tagged back in. Kingston with a series of kicks. Sheamus pushes Kingston into a corner. Kingston kicks Sheamus as he comes charging at Kingston. Kingston with a reverse crossbody on Sheamus to get a two count. Sheamus throws Kingston into a corner and runs his shoulder into Kingston's midsection. Sheamus follows that up with a running knee into Kingston's midsection. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Sheamus catches his legs. Sheamus puts Kingston into the cloverleaf. Kingston trying to get to the ropes as the New Day Rocks chant goes out again. Kingston reaches out to Big E to tag, but Barrett comes over and knocks Big E off the apron and goes to drive Big E into the ring post, but Big E reverses the Irish whip attempt and Barrett goes into the post instead. Kingston reaches for the tag again, so Sheamus eases up to drag Kingston back to the center of the ring, but Kingston uses the momentum to swing through and get Sheamus on his back. Kingston gets a two count. Kingston hits an SOS. Big E tagged in. Big E gets Sheamus up on his shoulder to go for the Big Ending, but Sheamus pushes off. Kingston goes up top and comes off with a knee to Sheamus, but lands hard on his head. Sheamus gets Big E in a front face lock and tags Barrett back in. Barrett kicks Big E in the face, but Woods gets up on the apron to distract the referee as Barrett goes to cover Big E. Sheamus comes out after Woods as Barrett gets up to complain to the referee. Sheamus takes off around the ring after Woods, only to get blasted by Kingston as Sheamus rounds a corner. Big E hits the Big Ending on Barrett in the ring and pins him.
-Paul Heyman is shown in the back. He talks about Toronto being the new capitol for suplex city and Brock Lesnar warning Bray Wyatt that he would take revenge and that is happening tonight.
-The announcers discuss what just happened and the fallout between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Jericho comes to the ring and gets in and he has a mic. He tells Toronto to shut their mouths. They had the chance to cheer for him and instead cheered for AJ Styles. He tells them to go to hell and that he is the greatest hero in the history of the country. The crowd chants we want Bret and Jericho says you're never getting him again. Jericho says he is the greatest Icon in the history of this country and he is ashamed of that because he is ashamed to be Canadian. The crowd boos. Jericho says so must so that he moved from this country several years ago and it was the smartest move he has ever made. He says he moved because Canada stinks. He says Canada stinks and Toronto is the anus. An asshole chant goes out. Jericho tells the fans they just cheer the flavors of the month and runs down AJ Styles and Jack Swagger. So he tells them to shut up. That he's not the next big flavor, he's the only thing that matters because he's the best in the world at what he does. He gets cut off by Jack Swagger's music. He comes out to a good ovation doing his We The People gimmick.
-Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger: The bell rings and they briefly lock up. Jericho slaps Swagger. Swagger comes back causing Jericho to roll to the outside to regroup. Swagger comes out after Jericho and chases him around the ring. They get back in the ring and Swagger hits a back elbow. He follows that up with corner mounted punches. Jericho with a cheap shot to Swagger as the referee was getting Swagger away. Jericho chopping Swagger in the corner. Swagger briefly gets away before Jericho stomps him down in another corner. Jericho with a baseball slide to knock Swagger to the outside. The crowd taunting Jericho with an AJ Styles chant. Jericho goes out after Swagger. Jericho runs Swagger shoulder first into the barricade. Swagger gets back in the ring and Jericho kicks him in the ribs. Jericho gets a two count. Jericho with a rear chin lock. Swagger trying to break the hold. He gets out, but Jericho hits Swagger with a dropkick. That gets another two count for Jericho. Jericho comes back with a hammerlock. Swagger gets an arm out and hits Jericho with a back elbow. Jericho reverses a corner whip as the crowd chant CM Punk at him. Fickle crowd here tonight. Jericho goes to bulldog Swagger, but Swagger pushes off and Jericho lands on the second rope groin first. Swagger follows up with a series of clotheslines. Then a pair of corner whips and another corner clothesline. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb, but Jericho gets his boots up. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Swagger moves out of the way. Swagger then hits the Swagger Bomb, but only gets a two count. Swagger with a corner whip. Jericho with a boot up on the charge. Jericho struggles a bit, but gets Swagger set up for the Walls of Jericho. Swagger uses momentum to push Jericho off him. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock, but Jericho kicks him off before he can get it locked in. Jericho ducks a clothesline attempts and hits Swagger with an enziguri. Jericho goes for the Code Breaker, but gets caught and slammed down by Swagger. He gets an extremely close two count. Jericho goes for a crossbody off the ropes, but Swagger catches him again and goes for the Patriot Lock. Jericho reaches for the ropes and then grabs the referee's leg. He uses that for momentum to get to the ropes. Swagger has to break the hold. Swagger rushes Jericho, who sidesteps Swagger and Swagger crashes into the turnbuckle. Jericho with a double leg pickup. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho on and Swagger taps out.
-WrestleMania commercial.
-Feature on The Revival and Enzo Amore and Big Cass.
-Enzo and Cass come out with Carmella and go through their spiel. They aren't my cup of tea, but they are popular.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Revival Dash and Dawson vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass with Carmella: Enzo and Dash start. Both men go after their opponents partner in the ring and now all four in the ring. The referee gets Cass out of the ring allowing The Revival to double team Enzo to get him down. Dash gets Enzo down and then corner whips him. Enzo jumps up to avoid the charge and hurricanranas Dash out of the corner. Enzo follows that up with a crossbody off the ropes. Dawson comes in and Enzo hits him with a dropkick. Enzo then grabs Dash in a wrist lock and drives him face first into the mat. Cass tagged in. He gets Dash into the corner and chops him in the chest. Another chop to Dash and then Cass corner whips Dash and then sidewalk slams him. He gets a one count. Cass then gets Dash up on his knees and gets an arm bar on. Dawson tries to tag himself in, but gets cut off by the referee. Dash takes back over, but Cass reverses a corner whip and backdrops him. Dawson comes off the top rope onto Cass, who hits Dawson with a right hand to knock him out of the ring. Cass gets Dash in the corner and tags Enzo in. Dawson comes in so Cass launches Enzo at him to knock Dawson down. Cass then throws Enzo into Dash to hit Dash with a flying forearm and Cass then lifts Dash up and throws him on Dawson. Dawson tossed outside and Dash thrown on him and Michael Cole says the champs are reeling. The Revival get back to their feet and Cass launches Enzo onto them on the outside. An NXT chant goes out. Back in the ring, Enzo rolls Dash up, but he tags Dawson in as he is rolled up. Enzo ducks a clothesline attempt and rolls Dawson up, but Dash grabs Enzo and throws him shoulder first into the corner post. Dawson grabs the arm of Enzo and starts dropping elbows on it. Dash tagged back in and Dawson holds Enzo for Dash to come off the second rope onto Enzo. He gets a two count. Dawson tagged back in. Dash with a snap mare to Enzo and Dawson stomping Enzo several times. Dawson gets an arm bar on Enzo. Carmella trying to get the crowd into the match. Dawson gets Enzo down on the mat. Enzo works his way back to his feet and tries to get to Cass to make the tag. Dawson picks Enzo up and brings him back to the Revival's corner and puts him in the Tree of Woe. Dash tagged in. He hits a running knee to Enzo. Enzo falls to the mat and then off the apron to the floor. Dawson drops down to clothesline Enzo, who ducks the attempt. Dash throws Enzo back in the ring, where he gets hit with a flying shoulder tackle by Dawson. That was an impressive move. Dawson then throws Enzo back into the ring. Dawson gets Enzo back in the Tree of Woe and kicks him several times. Dawson runs to drive his shoulder into Enzo, who lifts up and Dawson hits the post shoulder first. Cass and Dash both tagged in. Cass cleaning house on the Revival. He clotheslines and hits Dash with a scoop slam. Cass with an Empire elbow and a big splash. Dawson comes in and Cass clotheslines him over the top rope, only to get rolled up by Dash for a two count. Cass hits a big boot to Dash and one to Dawson when he gets up on the apron. Cass hits the East River Crossing on Dash. Enzo tagged in and goes for the Rocket Launcher. Dawson comes up and knocks Enzo off and he lands on the top rope. Cass comes out after Dawson. Dawson bumps into Carmella. He then puts Carmella in front of him. The crowd boos heavily. Carmella slaps Dawson. Cass rushes Dawson, who throws Cass into the post. Cass comes back and the Revival hit the Shatter Machine on Cass. Dawson tagged in. He goes over to Enzo, who is still on the top rope. Enzo battles Dawson and pushes him off. Dash comes in and Enzo takes him out coming off the top rope. Enzo then rolls up Dawson. He gets a close two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. They go back and forth with wild shots in the middle of the ring. The referee has put gloves on as Dawson has been cut on the top of his head and is bleeding. Dash tagged in. He gets Enzo down and the Revival then hit the Shatter Machine on Enzo to get the pin.
-Earlier in the day, Greg Hamilton is shown interviewing Natalya. She says she is dedicating her match to her Uncle Bret Hart. Charlotte and Ric Flair come in laughing at Natalya. They think it's cute that Natalya thinks she's going to win. Charlotte says she has a triple threat match at WrestleMania coming up and Natalya is just a warm up. Natalya says if she's just a warm up, then Charlotte won't have any problem putting up the title. Charlotte says weeks away from WrestleMania? Don't think so. Natalya says what Bret says about the Flair's is true, they are cowards. Ric gets angry and Charlotte has to calm him down. Charlotte then says Natalya wants a title shot? She's got one, but she will never win a Diva's title again.
-Diva's Championship Match. Charlotte with Ric Flair vs. Natalya: Charlotte out first. Natalya gets a big ovation when she comes out. Michael Cole brings up the match the two had at Takeover as the match that many say made Charlotte. That match is in the archives. The crowd boos Charlotte and cheers Natalya when announced. Natalya with the early advantage with takedowns and arm bars. Charlotte comes back with a standing switch and leg scissors. A series of reversals by both wrestlers. They exchange chops. Natalya gets a surfboard on. All Natalya early, but she can't get the pin or submission. Charlotte goes outside and drags Natalya out to regain the advantage. Charlotte beating Natalya down in the corner for a two count. Charlotte then drives Natalya into the mat face first several times and then gets her into a headscissors. Natalya forces Charlotte's shoulders down for a two count. Charlotte gets loose and gets a two count of her own. Natalya counters with a roll up for a two count. Competitive match so far. Charlotte with a neck breaker and a Flair strut, but only gets a two count. Charlotte goes to working on the legs of Natalya. Natalya gets a small package for a two count as Charlotte goes for the Figure 8. Natalya slams Charlotte down face first to the mat. Charlotte then gets Natalya back down and targets the legs again and wraps Natalya's knee against the ring post. Natalya runs Charlotte into the post. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Natalya with a clothesline and goes for the Sharpshooter, but Charlotte rolls her up for a two count. Charlotte hits a big boot to get Natalya down. Charlotte gets the figure four on, but Natalya fighting it and briefly turns it over. Charlotte screaming for Natalya to tap and Natalya screams no. Charlotte goes under the rope, but finally breaks the hold. Charlotte back in and she hits Natural Selection on Natalya and gets a two count. Several two counts, but Natalya keeps kicking out. Charlotte with a suplex. Charlotte goes up top, but gets caught and Natalya hits a sit out powerbomb for an extremely close two count. The this is awesome chant goes out again. Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter. Charlotte reverses it, but Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Charlotte grabs Ric Flair's hand. Natalya gets up and takes a swipe at Flair and Charlotte rolls Natalya up and pins her with Charlotte's feet on the ropes.
-WWE Network ad.
-Flashback to the problems Brock Lesnar has had with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt comes out and says he and Luke Harper will slay Brock Lesnar. The crowd chants suplex city, so it looks like it's two on one.
-Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper: Heyman does his usual pre match spiel. Harper starts with Lesnar. The bell rings and Lesnar gets Harper in the corner and drives his shoulder into Harper over and over. He hits Harper with several forearms before hitting the first suplex on him. Harper falls out of the ring. Wyatt checks on Harper and then Lesnar comes after Wyatt. Harper gets back in the ring and hits a tope to Lesnar on the outside. Harper then throws Lesnar back in the ring. He hits a series of right hands to Lesnar. He then gets Lesnar into the corner and drives his shoulder into Lesnar several times. Lesnar with a quick reversal to go for another suplex, but Harper grabs the ropes and uses the ropes for leverage to run Lesnar into the corner post. Harper then hits Lesnar with a big boot. A super kick temporarily drops Lesnar down to one knee. Another kick by Harper brings Lesnar down again to one knee. Harper with a spinning discus clothesline and cover to Lesnar, but only gets a two count. Harper follows that up with a side headlock. Into a sleeper. Lesnar slips out and suplexes Harper again. Harper comes back with a big boot to drop Lesnar to one knee. Lesnar up and Harper hits him with another super kick. Harper goes for another discus clothesline that Lesnar ducks and hits Harper with another German suplex. Then two more and someone from the crowd yells out that they want 12 suplexes. Another two suplexes. Lesnar then hits the F5 and pins Harper. Wyatt starts backing up the aisle and Lesnar calmly starts stalking Wyatt up the aisle.
-The Edge and Christian Show ad.
-Sami Zayn vs. Stardust: Stardust is, of course, Cody Rhodes and this match would take on a very different meaning if it took place in 2023. The bell rings and the crowd is solidly behind Zayn. They lock up and Stardust with an arm drag. The crowd chants Cody and Stardust loses his mind. They lock up again and Stardust with a wrist lock. Zayn trying to break the hold. Stardust drives Zayn back to the mat. Zayn up and reverses the hold to drive Stardust to the mat. Stardust up and pushes off. Zayn leapfrogs off the ropes and hits Stardust with a couple of arm drags and gets Stardust down in an arm bar. Stardust up and gets to the ropes to force Zayn to break. Stardust with a corner whip. Zayn up and over the ropes and drives a shoulder into Stardust's midsection. Stardust hits Zayn and then goes outside to grab Zayn's body and pull it by the ring post. Stardust then runs Zayn into the apron kidney first. He then gets Zayn back into the ring and beats him down in the corner. Stardust slams Zayn face first into the mat for a one count. Stardust with a waist lock as a let's go Sami chant goes out. Zayn drives backwards to run Stardust into a corner and break the hold and Stardust counters with a double ax handle to the head to knock Zayn down. Stardust kicks Zayn in the ribs when he tries to get up. Stardust drops some knees on Zayn and goes back to a waist lock. Zayn tries to get back to his feet and finally tosses Stardust off his back. Stardust hits Zayn with a knee lift to knock Zayn back to the ground. Stardust gets a two count. Stardust pushes Zayn into a corner and Zayn comes back with some forearms. Stardust comes back with a short arm clothesline to knock Zayn back down to the mat. Stardust with a reverse Boston Crab. Zayn won't give up so Stardust stomps on his back and then goes for a back suplex. Zayn lands on his feet and hits Stardust with a back elbow and then a boot to the face as Stardust rushes Zayn in the corner. Stardust comes back with a side slam. Stardust gets a couple of two counts. Another series of two counts, but Zayn won't stay down. Zayn gets a quick roll up of Stardust to get a two count of his own. Stardust comes back with a series of stomps to Zayn. Stardust grabs Zayn and runs him into the corner post. Stardust then puts Zayn on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Zayn blocks it and pushes Stardust off. Stardust pops up and goes right back to the top for the superplex as we look at two of the most popular performers in 2023 WWE and I don't know of anyone who was thinking that in 2016. Stardust hits the superplex. He gets a close two count. Zayn has a glazed look on his face. Stardust takes one glove off and hits Zayn with a series of kicks. Stardust runs the ropes and Zayn pops up and hits a clothesline on Stardust. Zayn with another clothesline as Saxton says Zayn is trying to will himself back into this match. Zayn with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Stardust kicks him in the face. Zayn comes back with a clothesline. He then hits Stardust with a series of corner mounted punches. He follows that up with a scoop slam and goes up top. Stardust pops up, so Zayn leapfrogs over him to avoid getting hit. Stardust rushes Zayn, who drops down and grabs the bottom rope to cause Stardust to spill to the outside. Zayn runs and hits a suicide dive to Stardust on the outside. Zayn throws Stardust back in and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn goes for a suplex. Stardust spins out. A couple of standing switches. Stardust goes for the Queen's Crossbow. Zayn hits a snap mare instead. Stardust hits a Disaster Kick for an extremely close two count. Zayn rolls to the ropes to try and pull himself up. Stardust rushes Zayn, who catches Stardust with an intense suplex into the corner. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick and pins Stardust.
-Someone in the crowd keeps passing by with a Trump/McMahon campaign sign and all I can think is please God no!
-Higlight package for the Main Event.
-Main Event for the WWE Championship. HHH vs. Dean Ambrose: HHH out first and does his usual water routine and he looks intense. Ambrose is shown walking through hallways before he comes out. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. He gets up in HHH's face as he comes in. They separate and the introductions are made. The referee presents the belt and the bell rings. Dueling let's go Ambrose/Triple H chants go out. They lock up and HHH with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Then into a side headlock takeover. Ambrose pushes off. HHH comes back with a shoulder block. Ambrose gets up and goes to a corner. Another lock up and HHH transitions back to the hammerlock and then hip locks Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose gets back to his feet quickly. They circle each other again. HHH with a quick jab to Ambrose's face. The dueling chants go out again as they lock up. HHH with a wrist lock. Into a standing arm bar to drive Ambrose to his knees. Ambrose spins out of the move and gets a side headlock takeover on HHH. HHH back to his feet and hits a knee to Ambrose's midsection. HHH with a side headlock. Ambrose pushes off. HHH comes back with a shoulder block. HHH runs the ropes and Ambrose hits him with a hip toss. Ambrose with an arm drag into an arm bar on HHH. Ambrose pats HHH on the head and then goes over and lays over the top rope to piss HHH off. Ambrose then mimes the suck it chant to HHH. Ambrose transitions into a side headlock as a CM Punk chant goes out. HHH goes to push off and Ambrose grabs HHH's nose. That's a unique move that I haven't seen before. Ambrose then hits HHH with a jab. HHH rushes Ambrose, who hits HHH with a series of arm drags into an arm bar. Ambrose then sticks his fingers into HHH's nose trying to break it. Insert your own HHH nose joke here folks, I can't do everything for you. Ambrose gets to his feet and starts working on HHH's fingers looking to break them. Ambrose with a front face lock, but HHH drives Ambrose to the corner. Let's go Ambrose/Triple H chants go out. HHH drives his shoulder into Ambrose repeatedly. HHH with a right hand to knock Ambrose up against the ropes. Back and forth with right hands in the center of the ring. HHH with a knee to the stomach and then runs Ambrose head first into the turnbuckle. HHH with an Irish whip. Ambrose ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to HHH. Ambrose then clotheslines HHH over the top rope. Ambrose comes out after HHH, who knees Ambrose in the stomach and then throws him into the ring. Ambrose spins on the apron and comes back with a clothesline to HHH on the outside. A double count going. HHH gets back in the ring and Ambrose clips his leg. HHH gets up limping and Ambrose clips the leg again and the announcers say that Ambrose has found a weakness in HHH. Ambrose gets HHH in the corner and wraps the injured leg around the ropes. Ambrose runs and dropkicks the injured leg. Ambrose pulls HHH's legs between the ring post and runs the injured leg into the post. HHH tries to get back to his feet and Ambrose goes up to the second rope and drops a fist on the injured leg and HHH goes down again. HHH rolls to the outside looking to regroup and he is limping badly. Ambrose comes out after him and HHH kicks him in the stomach and goes for the Pedigree and Ambrose with a double leg pick up to knock HHH to his back. HHH kicks Ambrose into the ring steps. HHH picks Ambrose up and drops him stomach first on the barricade. HHH gets back in the ring and Ambrose makes it back on the 8 count and HHH drops a knee on Ambrose as soon as he gets back in the ring. HHH then chokes Ambrose on the bottom rope. He breaks on the four count. HHH then slingshots Ambrose throat first into the second rope. HHH gets a one count. HHH with a face first suplex to Ambrose. HHH kicks Ambrose and drops an elbow to his back. Ambrose tries to roll away, but HHH drops another elbow. HHH puts Ambrose into a modified crossface. Ambrose refuses to give up. HHH tells him to quit. HHH frustrated and starts dropping elbows on Ambrose. HHH with a corner whip. Ambrose hits the turnbuckle back first and falls to the mat. HHH comes over and grabs Ambrose by the hair and Ambrose trying to fight back with punches to HHH's midsection. Ambrose with right and left hands. He then rushes HHH, who hits Ambrose with a spinebuster. He gets a two count. The crowd boos. HHH gets Ambrose in a front face lock and then puts him on the top rope. HHH goes up, but Ambrose headbutts and hits a forearm to HHH to knock him off the turnbuckle. Ambrose comes off the top rope with a flying elbow. Double count going. Both up at 7 and HHH with a right hand to Ambrose to knock him down. Ambrose up and the two exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Ambrose with a flurry of left and right hands to HHH to drive him into the corner. He then chops and stomps HHH down in the corner. He follows that up with a flying forearm. HHH gets back to his feet, but he is reeling. Ambrose with a bulldog. He gets a two count. HHH drags himself up by the ropes in a corner and begs off. Ambrose with corner mounted punches. HHH comes back with an inverted atomic drop and goes for the Pedigree. Ambrose counters with a double leg pick up and a roll up for a two count. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but HHH blocks it. Ambrose reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and HHH drives his knee into Ambrose's face. Ambrose off the ropes and comes back with a clothesline. He gets a close two count. HHH up in a corner and comes out with a clothesline as Ambrose rushes him. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose backdrops him over the top rope. Ambrose runs to hit a suicide dive, but runs into a right hand by HHH as he gets to the ropes. HHH starts taking the announce table apart. He goes to grab Ambrose, who drives HHH into the ring steps on his bad leg. Ambrose throws HHH back in the ring and climbs up top. HHH falls on the ropes and Ambrose crotches himself on the ropes. HHH with a Pedigree attempt and Ambrose again gets a double leg pick up figuring that if it's not broke, don't fix it. Ambrose gets a figure four on. Don't tell Flair. HHH is fighting to get out, but he's in the middle of the ring. HHH reaching up towards Ambrose, who slaps HHH a couple of times. HHH comes back with a series of punches to Ambrose. HHH breaks the figure four and hits a belly to back suplex, but Ambrose lands on his feet. Another double leg pick up and Ambrose gets HHH into the Sharpshooter in Canada. Someone may need to check on Bret Hart. JBL wonders if this makes Ambrose an honorary Hart as HHH is fighting desperately to get out of the move. HHH trying to power his way to the ropes. Ambrose pulls him back to the center of the ring. HHH pulls himself by pure force back to the ropes and grabs them. Ambrose finally breaks the hold on the four count. HHH rolls out to the apron and Ambrose grabs him as he gets up. HHH guillotines Ambrose on the top rope. HHH then comes back inside and as he gets close to Ambrose, Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. The referee counts three, but the ref then waves it off because he says Ambrose's feet were under the bottom rope. Ambrose arguing with the referee in the corner as the crowd chants bullshit. HHH rolls Ambrose up with his feet on the second rope and Ambrose still kicks out at two. Ambrose with a corner whip that drives HHH up and over to the outside. Ambrose then drives HHH into the barricade. Ambrose then throws HHH back in the ring as a this is awesome chant goes out. Ambrose goes up top as HHH falls out to the floor. Ambrose hits a flying elbow on HHH. Ambrose then mocks HHH with the suck it gesture. Ambrose puts HHH on the announce table. He hits him with a series of punches and then goes back in to break the count. Ambrose then goes back outside and climbs up on the barricade. He goes to deliver a flying elbow, but HHH moves and Ambrose goes crashing through the table. A holy shit chant goes out. HHH rolls back in and Ambrose gets back in the ring just before the 10 count only to run into a Pedigree from HHH. HHH then pins Ambrose. That was a great match. HHH grabs the WWE Championship. He falls out of the ring and crawls towards the back. The announcers review what just happened and preview WrestleMania before signing off from Toronto.
-Final Thoughts: This was a really good show that suffered from being too close to WrestleMania so that nothing of importance was going to happen. It's still worth at least one watch.

Episode 168 Notes Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:30:00 -0500 [email protected] dc8e1650-7ffa-4b79-a49b-cecf7d03eaf0 My notes for Episode 168: Project 45: 2009. -Lanny Poffo , Charlie Norris, and Kenny Jay.
-Today, Project 45 continues as we look at the April 13, 2009 episode of Monday Night Raw.
-Monday Night Raw was shown live on the USA Network on April 13, 2009 from the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, GA. There were 16, 341 in attendance.
-WWE Intro. Flashback to what has been happening between Randy Orton and HHH and the McMahon Family and Batista returning to take out Legacy.
-WWE Raw Intro.
-Pyro goes off as Michael Cole welcomes us to Raw as he says the WWE Draft will be tonight. They then throw it to Todd Grisham and Jim Ross from Smackdown who talk more about the draft and how it will work. They then throw it to Josh Matthews and Matt Striker from ECW, so all three brands are represented. They also talk about the 15 man tri-brand battle royal that is coming up and the Champion vs. Champion match as John Cena, the World Heavyweight Champion, takes on ECW Champion Jack Swagger.
-The crowd roars as Batista's music hits and he comes out to a huge ovation. He gets a mic and says I can't tell you how good it feels to be back. He says I missed you guys way more than you missed me. He says it took him almost four months to get back into this ring and the one thing that drove him was retribution for this and they show him being attacked by Randy Orton and taken out. Batista says he has replayed that in his head everyday for the last four months repeatedly. He says the worst part was just sitting around waiting. Counting the days, counting the hours, counting the minutes. Waiting to get his hand on Randy Orton. He says he's tired of waiting and he is back. No more waiting, so Orton, stop being a little punk and get out here and face him like a man and if you don't, he will tear apart every inch of the arena to find Orton. He says fine, have it your way when Orton doesn't come out. Batista goes to leave the ring when Shane McMahon's music hits. Shane tells Batista welcome back. He says, but I need to remind you that it was with malicious intent that Randy Orton tried to separate his head from his shoulders just like he did Batista. But he also did it to Shane's father and the physicality that he did to Shane's sister is so reprehensible, he does not have the words to describe what he wants to do to Randy Orton. SO if anybody's getting retribution tonight, it's him. Batista says no, I don't think so. They argue back and forth until HHH's music hits and he comes out and gets in the ring and grabs the mic. He says Shane, you've got to understand something. The reason for all this stuff with Orton. Everything that's gone down with your dad and with you. It's because of me. Orton has been trying to get to him. It's all his fault. Randy Orton tried to get to the WWE Championship and here's the thing. Dave, with all due respect to you and everything Orton has done to you and put you through. Randy Orton tried to take out HHH's wife. He tried to take out the mother of HHH's kids while HHH watched. He says this is all because of him, he started it and he is damn well going to finish it. He says I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Randy Orton is his. They all start arguing until they are cut off by Vickie Guerrero with her excuse me gimmick. She is rolled out in a wheelchair by Chavo to the top of the ramp and the crowd boos her. She says the only person who will determine if and when anyone will face Randy Orton, it is her. The New General Manager of Raw. The crowd boos. She says now the three of you will have your chance at revenge against Orton when you team up and face Legacy in a 6-man tag team championship match at Backlash. She then says may I remind you that if you are going to be overzealous in that match just like you are tonight. You could be counted out or disqualified, which means that Randy Orton could be the new WWE Champion. Now if the three of you want a piece of Orton before Backlash, I have an opportunity. But, it's just for one of you. Now Randy Orton, I have given him a well-deserved night off. The crowd boos. She says so tonight, we will have a three on two handicapped match. The three of you will team up and face Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. If team Legacy wins, no one will face Randy Orton, but if your team wins, the one that scored the pinfall will earn a one on one match next week against Randy Orton.
-Match for the #1 pick in the 2009 Draft. Rey Mysterio from Raw vs. Evan Bourne from ECW: Mysterio is the current Intercontinental Champion, but this is a non-title match. The bell rings and they lock up. They battle for position. Test of strength. Mysterio turns around and flips over Bourne. Mysterio with a single leg takedown. Bourne responds with a monkey flip. Mysterio holds on and gets a modified sunset flip. Bourne rolls through and goes for a Boston Crab. He can't get it on, so he slingshots Mysterio out to the apron. Bourne follows that up with a shot to the midsection and goes for a sunset flip. Mysterio holds on and counters with a double stomp to Bourne. Bourne with a forearm. Bourne rushes Mysterio, who hits Bourne with a drop toe hold to the barricade. Mysterio throws Bourne back inside and gets a two count. Mysterio goes for an Irish whip, but Bourne holds on and kicks Mysterio in the stomach. Bourne with a chop to the chest, misses a clothesline attempt, and Mysterio comes back with a flying forearm. Bourne comes back with a headlock. Mysterio gets back to his feet and elbows Bourne in the stomach to try and get out of the move. He punches Bourne a few times and Bourne responds with a spin kick to knock Mysterio down. Bourne with a standing moonsault for a two count. Bourne goes up top, but Mysterio up and catches Bourne with a forearm. Mysterio with a hurricanrana to Bourne off the top turnbuckle to get a close two count. Bourne with a sudden strike and Mysterio responds by setting Bourne up for the 619. Mysterio hits it and goes up top and splashes Bourne to win and Raw gets the first draft pick. The first draft pick is the US champion MVP. He comes out and is pumped up.
-Kane is shown walking in the back.
-WWE Hall of Famer Chief Jay Strongbow is shown at ringside and takes a bow.
-Kane comes out. He is facing The Brian Kendrick (No Relation) with Ezekiel Jackson: Kendrick slaps Kane. Kane goes after Kendrick, who takes off out of the ring and Kane follows. Jackson steps up to Kane, who takes Jackson out with a big boot. Kendrick comes over to try to take advantage, but Kane drops Kendrick with one shot. Kane throws Kendrick back into the ring. Kendrick begging off in the corner, but hits Kane with a shot when he comes over. Kendrick comes over and goes for an Acid Drop like move from the top rope, but Kane pushes off. Kane then hits a choke slam on Kendrick and pins him.
-Raw gets another draft pick. The Big Show is drafted to Raw and he comes out.
-Vickie Guerrero and Chavo are shown in the back. She is excited about being the new GM of Raw and says it's a new start for her. Randy Orton comes in. He is upset that she made the match with the stipulation that the title will be on the line next week if one of HHH's team wins. Guerrero says what if, if Legacy wins, whomever gets pinned will have to face Legacy in a three-on-one match next week. Orton then leaves.
-John Cena is shown in the back. He gets approached by Jack Swagger. He says tonight, he's going to show everyone why he is the future of this company and after he beats Cena, he will be the new WWE Poster Boy. Cena makes fun of Swagger and tells Swagger that tonight, he gets a lesson in respect.
-6-Diva tag team match. Diva's Champion Maryse, Natalya, and Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, and WWE Women's Champion Melina: The Smackdown Divas are arguing over who starts and they get jumped by the Raw Divas. The referee separates them and James and McCool start. McCool with a takedown and punches to James and then grabs her by her hair to lift James back up. James responds with forearms to McCool. McCool comes back with a knee to the midsection to knock James down. McCool with a European uppercut to James. McCool with a forearm shot and an Irish whip. James ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a snap mare. She follows that up with a baseball slide to knock McCool down. She gets a one count. McCool pushes James into a corner, but James with a back elbow when McCool charges. McCool charges again and James headscissors McCool to the center of the ring. James goes up top, but McCool hits her with a kick to the midsection. McCool then pins James.-Smackdown gets Melina in the draft.
-WWE Rewind of John Cena on the Cutting Edge and begging Edge to hit him and Edge walking away.
-Champion vs. Champion match for two draft picks. ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena: Cena out first to a big ovation. Swagger comes out all business. The bell rings and they stare at each other. They lock up and Swagger with a single leg takedown. Cena up and Swagger tells him to come on. Swagger with a waist lock and Cena won't go down, so Swagger just picks Cena up and slams him down. Cena rolls over as soon as he hits the mat to avoid the pin and Swagger counters with a front face lock. Cena rolls back and forth to try and break the hold, but Swagger keeps the hold on and just rolls with Cena. Swagger lets go and gets up and tells Cena to get up so they can wrestle as a Cena chant goes out. Cena jumps up and catches Swagger with a forearm and a shoulder tackle to knock Swagger down. Swagger rolls to the outside and Cena comes out after him. He clotheslines Swagger on the outside. He rolls Swagger back in the ring and gets a one count. Cena, with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Swagger kicks him in the face and hits a big clothesline to Cena. Swagger gets a two count. Swagger runs Cena head first into a turnbuckle. Swagger corner whips Cena, who hits the turnbuckle back first and falls to the mat. Cena gets up and immediately gets clotheslined down by Swagger. He gets a two count. Swagger gets Cena down in the corner and gets his knee into Cena's throat for a three count. Cena with a right to Swagger's midsection as a let's go Swagger chant goes out. Cena punches Swagger into a corner and corner whips Swagger. Swagger moves on the charge and Cena stops right before he crashes into the turnbuckle. Swagger gets a full nelson on. Cena trying to break the full nelson and has his left arm reaching towards the rope. Swagger pulls Cena back. Cena breaks the hold. Cena with an elbow to Swagger, ducks a clothesline attempt, and hits Swagger with a series of shoulder tackles. Cena ducks a clothesline attempt and scoop slams Swagger. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Swagger grabs the ropes. Cena drops him and Swagger hits him with a big boot. Swagger gets a two count. Swagger runs Cena shoulder first into a corner post. When they come back from commercial break, Cena backdrops Swagger. Cena with a clothesline. Both men down and a double count going. They show Cena being knocked from the apron to the announce desk during the commercial. Both up at the 8 count and going back and forth in the center of the ring. Swagger avoids a Cena blow and hits a modified DDT. It was sloppy looking but effective. Swagger gets a two count. Swagger with a knee lift to Cena. He gets another two count. Swagger with a scoop slam attempt, but Cena slips behind and rushes Swagger who power slams Cena. He gets another two count. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb and Cena catches him and goes for the AA. He then gets the STF on Swagger. Swagger taps and Raw gets two draft picks. The picks are Matt Hardy, who comes out and mocks Cena. The second pick is HHH. He comes out with the WWE title. Cena looking at HHH when he gets attacked from behind by Edge. Edge with a corner whip, but Cena moves on the charge. Cena goes for the AA, but Edge slips out and leaves the ring.
-The announce teams highlight what has happened in the draft so far.
-Randy Orton talks to Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase about what is going to happen in the match and what their plan is going to be.
-Santino Marella vs. The Great Khali: Before the bell rings, Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez come out. Phoenix tells Marella that she had a conversation with Vickie Guerrero earlier and there is more on the line than just a draft pick. If Marella loses then his twin "sister" Santina will be a guest on the Khali Kiss Cam next week and Marella looks nervous. The bell rings and Marella immediately asks for a time out. Marella walks up to Khali and only gets to his chest. Marella attacking Khali with left and right hands. Khali grabs Marella by the head and throws him into a corner. Khali grabs Marella by the throat and Marella grabs the ropes and latches himself to them with his arms and legs. Marella rushes Khali but falls down when he hits him. Marella gets up, only to be chopped down again by Khali. Khali then covers Marella with a foot and pins him. Smackdown's draft pick is CM Punk. He comes out with the MITB briefcase.
-The Miz with John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston: The bell rings and they lock up. Miz with a side headlock. Kingston responds with a takeover. Another lock up and Kingston comes back to the side headlock. Miz pushes off. Kingston comes back with a shoulder block. Another lock up and Miz goes back to the side headlock. Kingston pushes off and Miz comes back with a forearm to knock Kingston down. Kingston with some leapfrogs to avoid Miz and hits Miz with a back elbow. He gets a one count. Kingston with an arm bar to Miz. Miz gets to the ropes. Miz with a forearm and kicks Kingston to get him down. He drives Kingston down and applies a wrist lock. Kingston keeps kipping up and Miz keeps trying to drive him back down to the mat. Kingston twists out of the move and arm drags Miz to the floor. Morrison helps Miz up. Kingston goes to dive out on them, but they move so Kingston just bounces off the ropes and stays in the ring. He then runs and hits Miz with a baseball slide to the outside. Kingston comes out and he comes after Morrison, allowing Miz to hit a baseball slide to Kingston. Miz then picks Kingston up and drops him head first on the apron. Miz mocking Kingston with a boom boom sound and then throws Kingston into the ring. Miz gets a one count. Miz with a modified rear chin lock where his hands are over Kingston's face. Kingston makes his way back to his feet. Miz with some knee strikes and a side headlock to force Kingston back to the mat. Kingston trying to keep his shoulder up to avoid getting pinned. Miz up and hitting a series of knee strikes to Kingston. Miz with a headlock to Kingston. Kingston trying to get out as a let's go Kofi chant goes out. Kingston gets back to his feet and hits some elbows to Miz to try and break the hold. Miz spins around and bulldogs Kingston into the turnbuckle. Miz gets a two count. Miz choking Kingston on the second rope for a four count. Miz with a float over guillotine on Kingston which was impressive. He gets a two count. Miz goes to a headlock. Kingston responds with some elbows and runs Miz back into a turnbuckle. Kingston flips Miz over to get Miz off him. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Kingston ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a clothesline of his own. Miz rolls out of the way to avoid a move so Kingston pivots. Miz reverses a corner whip, but Kingston hits a Pele kick to Miz over the ropes. Kingston with a crossbody off the top rope, but Miz rolls through and gets a close two count. Miz hits a modified SCF, but I don't believe it was his finishing move yet. He gets a two count. Miz with an Irish whip. Kingston comes back and slides through Miz's legs and catches his legs and Miz struggling not to go down. Miz goes for a clothesline and Kingston with a side Russian leg sweep that Matt Striker calls a side Jamaican leg sweep, but I'm not getting on board for that. Kingston hits the Boom Drop, but Miz still kicks out at two. Kingston misses an enziguri and Miz gets a two count. Kingston lifts Miz up, but Miz slips behind and rolls Kingston up. Kingston rolls through and gets a two count. Miz reverses a corner whip, but Kingston gets his boots up on the charge. Morrison goes to push Kingston off the apron, but gets caught and referee Charles Robinson disqualifies Miz. Miz upset at Morrison. Raw's draft pick is The Miz. Like we couldn't see this coming. Miz looks shocked. He and Morrison hug and then Miz turns on Morrison and kicks him in the stomach and then hits Morrison with a Reality Check neck breaker.
-Tri-brand 15 man battle royal for two picks in the draft. Raw superstars: MVP, Cryme Time, Big Show, Mike Knox. ECW: Finlay, Tyson Kidd, Mark Henry, Paul Burchill, Ricky Ortiz. Smackdown: Carlito, Primo, R-Truth, Chavo Guerrero, Edge: The bell rings and the forearms fly. People start to pair off. Ortiz eliminated. Guerrero eliminated. Burchill eliminated, Shad Gaspard eliminated. Knox eliminated. Primo then eliminated. R-Truth and Kidd eliminated. JTG eliminated. Carlito eliminated by Big Show. MVP eliminated by Henry. Finley eliminated. It's getting down to the nitty gritty now. It's down to Mark Henry, Big Show, and Edge so each brand represented. Big Show choke slams Edge and Henry attacks Big Show trying to eliminate him. Big Show picks Henry up and puts him on the apron. Henry holds on and it doesn't take a psychic to see what is going to happen next. But they surprise me as Big Show knocks Henry to the floor. Big Show stalking Edge. Big Show rushes Edge, who does the patented drop down ropes spot to eliminate Big Show and get two draft picks for Smackdown. Big Show visibly frustrated at ringside. The draft picks are Kane and Chris Jericho.
-Chili from TLC is shown in the crowd and Matt Striker sings part of Waterfalls and says stay away from Andre Rison's house. Striker has no chill.
-Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin: Benjamin with a T-Bone suplex right out of the gate as the bell rings. He follows that up with a knee and a forearm. He then hits a snap mare and it has been all Benjamin so far. Benjamin with a running kick and gets a two count. Christian comes back with some right hands to Benjamin. Benjamin stops a corner whip with a knee to the stomach of Christian. Benjamin with a forearm and Christian responds with a drop toe hold that lands Benjamin throat first into the second rope. Christian to the outside and he slaps Benjamin across the face. Christian goes up top and Benjamin jumps to the top rope and tosses Christian off in one fell swoop. Christian rolls outside to regroup and Benjamin comes out after him. Benjamin rolls Christian back in and gets a two count. Benjamin follows that up with a scoop slam. Benjamin runs his knee into Christian's back and then pulls back on Christian's arm and neck trying to get a submission. Benjamin gets Christian on the ground and applies the arm bar. Christian gets back to his feet and hits Benjamin with some right hands to try and break the hold. Christian with a corner whip. He does another corner whip and Benjamin with a reverse crossbody, but Christian drops down to avoid the move. Christian coming back with a series of right hands. He knocks Benjamin to the ground. Benjamin reverses an Irish whip. Christian slides through Benjamin's legs to avoid a clothesline and then avoids a heel kick. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Benjamin slips out and hits a backbreaker to Christian for a two count. Christian pushes Benjamin into a corner and goes for a monkey flip. He hits it, but Benjamin lands on his feet. Benjamin with a back elbow and goes for a corner splash, but Christian moves. Christian hits the Kill Switch and pins Benjamin and ECW finally gets a draft pick. ECW gets Vladimir Kozlov.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler recap what has happened between HHH and Randy Orton.
-HHH and Shane McMahon are shown in the back. They are joined by Batista. They all argue over who is going to get Orton.
-CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy: The bell rings and they lock up. Punk with a quick roll up for a one count. They lock up and break when the ref separates them. Punk with a set of kicks to the legs of Hardy. Punk goes for an Irish whip, but Hardy holds on and gets a wrist lock on Punk. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Punk pushes off. Punk gets Hardy up for the GTS, but Hardy slips behind Punk and Punk with a kick and a knee to Hardy. He follows that up with a suplex and cover and gets a one count. Punk with a series of knees to Hardy in the corner. Hardy reverses a corner whip. Hardy then charges in and Punk lifts his boots to avoid the charge, but Hardy grabs Punk's legs and drives him face first down to the mat. Hardy gets a two count. Hardy follows that up with a kick to the ribs. He gets another two count. Hardy with a side slam and another two count. Hardy with an abdominal stretch. Hardy also hitting Punk in the ribs, trying to force him into submitting. Punk elbowing Hardy in the knee to try and break the hold. Punk ducks a clothesline attempt and responds with a spin kick. Punk with a knee lift to Hardy. Punk follows that up with a clothesline and an Irish whip to Hardy. Punk with a heel kick and cover, but only gets a two count. Punk gets Hardy in the corner and hits him with an elbow to the head. Hardy reverses a corner whip and hits a corner clothesline. Hardy goes for a bulldog, but Punk pushes off and hits a running knee to Hardy in the corner. Punk then hits a bulldog on Hardy. He gets a two count. Punk kicks Hardy in the stomach and again tries for the GTS and Hardy slips out of the move again and goes for a move. Punk ducks and goes for a clothesline. Hardy ducks and hits a Side Effect. As Hardy gets back up, Jeff Hardy hits the ring and attacks Matt causing the DQ. Jeff slams Matt down and goes up top. Matt rolls out of the ring to avoid getting hit. Matt takes off and Jeff follows him. Punk left pissed off in the ring at being disqualified. Raw draft pick is Divas Champion Maryse.
-Chris Jericho vs. Tommy Dreamer: Smackdown vs. ECW here. The bell rings and they lock up. Jericho with a side headlock. Dreamer pushes off. Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. Jericho runs the ropes and Dreamer with a hip toss. Then an arm drag to Jericho. Dreamer then clotheslines Jericho to the outside the ring. Dreamer goes out after him and throws Jericho back into the ring. Jericho kicks Dreamer as he is getting back in the ring. Jericho with some shots and a snap mare to Dreamer in the ring. Jericho then kicks Dreamer when he is down. Dreamer blocks a suplex attempt. Dreamer then suplexes Jericho. Dreamer with a corner whip, but Jericho gets his boot up on the charge. Jericho puts his heel on Dreamer for a three count. Jericho with a running knee to Dreamer's back while Dreamer was draped on the second rope. Jericho with a snap mare and a headlock. Dreamer up and breaks free. He kicks Jericho in the face and clotheslines Jericho down. Another clothesline and corner whip to Jericho, who lands on the top rope and Dreamer kicks him in the stomach. Jericho then falls into the Tree of Woe position. Dreamer with a running baseball slide to Jericho. Dreamer with a front face lock and Jericho counters with a double leg pickup and tries to turn Dreamer over for the Walls of Jericho, but Dreamer gets a roll up for a close two count. Jericho with a kick to the stomach and a forearm. Dreamer with a modified powerbomb and another close two count. Dreamer goes up top, but Jericho falls on the top rope, causing Dreamer to crotch himself on the top rope. Jericho goes for a superplex and Dreamer with strikes trying to prevent it. He pushes Jericho off. Dreamer off the second rope only for Jericho to hit him with the Code Breaker to get the pin. Smackdown draft pick is Rey Mysterio.
-The draft so far is reviewed.
-Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase vs. HHH, Shane McMahon, and Batista: The entrances take up some time so there is less than 10 minutes left by the time the bell rings. As soon as the bell rings, McMahon out and hitting both members of Legacy. He kicks Rhodes down in the corner. McMahon with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Rhodes. He gets a one count. McMahon hitting Rhodes with some shots and as he is dancing around, Batista tags himself in and McMahon asking him whats up with that? Batista clotheslines DiBiase, who had tagged in. Batista runs his shoulder into DiBiase in the corner. Batista with a snap mare and then hits him with a running kick. Batista gets DiBiase up on his shoulder, but HHH grabs DiBiase's leg and pulls him off of Batista's shoulder to fall on the ropes and HHH tags himself in. HHH beating DiBiase down in the corner. DiBiase reverses an Irish whip and drops his head, so HHH hits DiBiase with a knee lift. HHH follows that up with a clothesline and starts to cover DiBiase, but gets up when Rhodes indicates he was coming in but changes his mind when HHH gets up. DiBiase to a corner and gets a leg up when HHH charges. DiBiase out of the corner only to get hit with a spinebuster from HHH. HHH covers DiBiase, only for Batista to break up the pin. HHH staring at Batista as referee Mike Chioda gets Batista out of the ring and DiBiase takes advantage and clips HHH in the leg. Rhodes tagged in and beating HHH down in the corner. DiBiase tagged back in and he and Rhodes split HHH's legs. DiBiase dropping a series of elbows on the HHH's leg. DiBiase grabs a leg lock and HHH fighting out with strikes to DiBiase. DiBiase up and Irish whips HHH. He drops his head early and gets kicked by HHH. DiBiase responds with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Rhodes tagged in. He works on HHH's leg. He puts a leg lock on. Rhodes covers and gets a one count. He covers again and gets another one count. Rhodes with a front face lock and DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase rams HHH's leg down on the apron. DiBiase back in, beats HHH on the mat and gets a two count. DiBiase with a leg lock, but HHH kicks him off to a corner. DiBiase cuts off a tag attempt. Rhodes tagged in. He beats HHH down and gets a two count. HHH reverses into a backdrop. Both DiBiase and Batista tagged in. Batista with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He clotheslines DiBiase and then clotheslines Rhodes off the apron. Batista with a power slam, but Rhodes breaks up the cover. McMahon clotheslines himself and Rhodes over the top rope. Batista hits a spinebuster on DiBiase. He follows that up with a Batista Bomb. Batista covers, only for McMahon to break up the pin attempt. Batista shoves McMahon hard. HHH then tags himself in. He and Batista argue and McMahon tackles Batista. HHH takes advantage and Pedigrees DiBiase and pins him. McMahon, HHH, and Batista staring at each other. Randy Orton's music hits and he appears on the ramp. He stares at the three men in the ring as they sign off from Atlanta.
-Final Thoughts: This was a dense show. It was clear at this point that they didn't care anything about ECW as a brand and even then three hours was too long.

Episode 167 Notes Mon, 13 Feb 2023 15:15:00 -0500 [email protected] 28d136a9-6d94-423a-9b6f-826478c68d6f My notes for Episode 167: Project 45: 2019 Evolve. -Today Project 45 goes to the year 2019 as we look at the Evolve 10th Anniversary show from July 13, 2019.
-This was the day my wife was released from the hospital after surgery.
-From Wikipedia: Evolve Wrestling (stylized as EVOLVE) was an American professional wrestling promotion founded in 2010 by former Ring of Honor booker and Dragon Gate USA vice president, Gabe Sapolsky.[1]
The company featured a roster of wrestlers from all over America, as well as several competitors from Japan. The promotion had a close working relationship with sister promotion Dragon Gate USA until Dragon Gate USA's closure in August 2015.
In 2015, Evolve formed a relationship with WWE, allowing WWE to scout Evolve talent and potentially sign them.[2] On July 2, 2020, Evolve was officially purchased by WWE.[3]
-The Evolve 10th Anniversary Celebration took place on July 13, 2019 from the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA. and was shown live on the WWE Network.
-Then, now, forever intro.
-Footage of WWE Superstars competing in Evolve.
-Evolve Logo.
-Live shot of Lenny Leonard in the ring with some of the Evolve wrestlers to welcome us to the Evolve 10th Anniversary Special. Several of the wrestlers try to attack each other. Josh Briggs is left in the ring. The fans chant Josh Briggs. He says tonight is about opportunity. His name is Josh Briggs and tonight, he is taking his opportunity. He then points outside the ring and says his opponent, Anthony Greene, is standing right there. He then tells Greene to get in the ring so they can get the show started.
-Josh Briggs vs. Anthony Greene with Brandi Lauren: I have seen both men wrestle in person many times. The bell rings and Greene rushes Briggs. They lock up and Briggs just tosses Greene away. Greene up in the corner and Briggs then tosses him out of the corner. Greene rushes Briggs in the corner again and Briggs backdrops Greene to the apron. Briggs blocks a shot. He brings Greene back into the ring and into a backbreaker. Briggs, with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and Greene comes back with a hurricanrana. Briggs grabs Greene, gives him a backbreaker/sidewalk slam combo, and splashes him. He gets a two count. Briggs goes for a choke slam. Greene gets away, but then runs into a boot from Briggs. Briggs on the apron and Lauren grabs his boot. He has to shake her off before he can get back into the ring. As he is coming through the ropes, Greene hits him with a knee lift. Greene with a leg sweep. He jumps out to the apron, where Briggs grabs him by the throat. Greene kicks Briggs repeatedly to knock him off the apron. Greene then with a tope on Briggs, who grabs Greene by the throat as he lands. Briggs then choke slams Greene on the apron. Lauren comes over to check on Greene and Briggs just stares at her. Lauren backs off as Josh Briggs/AG dueling chants go out. Briggs gets up on the apron. Greene swats his leg into the ropes and then kicks Briggs in the thigh. Greene with a superkick and a Diamond Cutter on Briggs on the apron. Outside the ring, Greene with a right hand to Briggs and does this promotion not have count outs? Greene runs Briggs head first into the apron and then rolls Briggs back in. Greene goes up top and hits Briggs with a reverse crossbody. He gets a two count. Greene chopping Briggs in the corner. Briggs block a corner whip attempt. Briggs gets Greene in the corner and Greene gets his elbow up on the charge. Greene with a snap mare to Briggs in the corner. Greene stomping Briggs in the corner. The referee gets Greene away, allowing Lauren to come off and slap Briggs. Greene pulls Briggs away from the ropes and gets another two count. Both back to their feet and Briggs shoves Greene down to the mat. Greene with a jaw breaker/neck breaker combo to Briggs. Greene gets another two count. Greene goes for a suplex, but Briggs counters, picks Greene up, and just throws him away. Greene rushes Briggs, who hits Greene with a back elbow. Greene rushes Briggs, who gets out of the way and Greene tumbles out to the floor. He gets right back in and Greene hits him with a clothesline that doesn't affect Briggs, who comes back with a flying clothesline to Greene. Briggs with a running back elbow to Greene in the corner. Briggs then charges Greene again and Greene hits him with a superkick. Briggs powers up and hits Greene with three running kicks. Briggs then grabs Greene and hits two backbreakers. He gets another two count. Lauren shouting encouragement to Greene as Briggs gets up looking pissed. Greene blocks a belly to back suplex attempt. Greene with elbows to the back of Brigg's head. Greene with a single leg pick up. Briggs turns over to sling Greene off him. Greene with a running forearm to Briggs. He runs the ropes and Briggs catches him with a big boot. A sort of modified powerbomb by Briggs gets another two count. Briggs can't believe Greene kicked out. Briggs with an Irish whip, drops his head and Greene hits him with a knee to the face. Greene with a step up enziguri, but Briggs still won't go down. Greene pushes off and hits yet another step up enziguri. Greene follows that up with a belly to back suplex. Greene with a side slam. He gets a two count, so Greene transitions to a single leg crab. Briggs able to get to the ropes. Greene stomps on the leg of Briggs. Greene goes to the top. He goes for the 450, but Briggs moves so Greene rolls through. Briggs gets Greene in the corner and grabs his let, but Greene with another enziguri to get out of the move. He rolls Briggs up to slam Briggs up against the ropes. Greene goes up top but gets caught and punched by Briggs. Briggs also climbs up top and puts Greene on his back. Lauren grabs Greene's boots to keep him down, but gets caught and yelled at by the referee and thrown out. Greene takes advantage of the distraction and does a victory roll from the top rope for another two count. Greene can't believe that Briggs kicked out. Greene with a superkick. Then another superkick, but Briggs won't go down. Briggs blocks a third attempt and hits the Go to Hell on Greene. Briggs goes for a choke slam, but Greene slips away and hits a single leg to knock Briggs to the mat. Greene looks for the single leg crab, but Briggs kicks him away. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Briggs finally hits the choke slam and pins Greene.
-A feature on the Unwanted.
-Four way Freestyle Match. Sean Mulata vs. Curt Stallion vs. Stephen Wolf vs. Harlem Bravado: Wolf wins after a shooting star press.
-Feature on Anthony Henry.
-Arturo Ruas vs. Anthony Henry: The bell rings, but they both avoid strikes. Ruas with a double leg pickup. He goes for an arm bar, but Henry scrambles for and gets to the ropes. They circle each other. Henry with several strikes. Ruas covers up in the corner. Henry with a pick up and slam to Ruas. Henry gets an arm bar on Ruas and Henry's nose is bleeding. Ruas rolls out of the move and is trying to get Henry down on the mat. Henry swings around and hooks Ruas with his leg to reapply the arm bar. Ruas lifts Henry up and slams him down. Ruas then attacks Henry with left and right hands and gets a two count. Ruas then attacked Henry with a leg strike to drive Henry into the corner. He then hits Henry with a series of left and right hands until the referee gets Ruas away. Ruas comes back to choke Henry for a three count. Ruas follows that up with a knee to the chest. Back and forth in the middle of the ring until Henry rolls through and hits a double stomp to Ruas. Henry with a spinning heel kick to Ruas. Henry with knees to Ruas' face and Ruas reverses a corner whip and sends Henry into the turnbuckle. Henry gets his boots up on the charge, but Ruas grabs them and flips Henry over the top rope. Henry then jumps to the top rope and Hits Ruas with a missile dropkick. Both up and the crowd is applauding Henry. Henry with a running forearm to Ruas in the corner. Henry with a belly to back suplex to Ruas, hangs on to the arm, and then hits a northern lights suplex and floats over into an arm bar looking for the submission. Ruas trying to block the submission and hold on. Ruas lifts up and counters into a roll up for a near fall. Ruas rolls to the outside to regroup. Henry goes to the apron and hits Ruas with a running knee to the outside. Henry rolls Ruas into the ring and then Henry goes up top. He goes for the double stomp, but Ruas moves out of the way. Henry goes for a running kick, but Ruas moves out of the way. Ruas with a series of strikes to Henry in the middle of the ring. He gets Henry into a seated position and hits a running kick to Henry. He gets another two count. Ruas attacking Henry with right hands on the mat while Henry covers up. Ruas gets Henry up on his shoulder, but Henry slips behind and gets a sleeper on Ruas while still on his back. Ruas backs into a corner and runs Henry into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Henry jumps back on Ruas' back to reapply the hold. Ruas again drives Henry into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Henry again jumps on Ruas' back and reapplies the sleeper. Third verse same as the first and second I guess. Ruas goes down. Henry goes for a running kick, but Ruas rolls out of the way. Ruas up and hits an enziguri on Henry and hits a German suplex on Henry for a two count. Henry up and Ruaz attacking him with body shots. Henry trying to kick Ruas away. They shove each other. Ruas with a kick to knock Henry to his knees. Ruas goes for a knee strike to Henry, who grabs Ruas by the leg. A series of leg strikes by Henry knocks Ruas to the ground. Henry goes to the top rope, but gets caught and hit with a right hand from Ruas. Ruas climbs up and looks to be going for a superplex, but Henry tries to prevent it with a series of body shots to Ruas. Henry knocks Ruas to the mat and then hits a double stomp to Ruas. Henry goes for the tornado DDT, but after repositioning, Henry hits it. Henry goes up top and hits the double stomp, but Ruas kicks out at two. Henry gets the ankle lock on. Ruas fighting the pain and trying to make it to the ropes. Ruas twists around and counters into the knee bar on Henry. They then trade slaps on the mat. I hate contrived spots like this. If I were in that hold, yeah you might reach up and slap me so I would slap you back, but then I'm not going to just sit there so we can do it over and over. This isn't a slap fight. They both release the holds and struggle back to their feet. Back and forth in the center of the ring. They are hitting each other with absolute bombs and Lenny Leonard puts it and the crowd is getting into it. Henry gets the better of the exchange and drives Ruas to his knees where Ruas covers up. Henry rushes Ruas, who gets a spinning heel kick to Henry out of nowhere to get the pin.
-Feature on the rivalry between Shotzi Blackheart and Brandi Lauren.
-No Disqualification match. Brandi Lauren vs. Shotzi Blackheart: The bell rings as they go to lock up. Natalya Markova comes out of nowhere to attack Blackhears from behind. She holds on to Blackheart while Lauren gets on the mic and says you wanted no DQ, well you've got it. Markova hits Blackheart with a running kick to the face. Markova then hits Blackheart with a spinning X Factor. Markova then hits Blackheart with a spinning heel kick in the corner. Blackheart blocks a shot and comes back with a series of chops to Markova. Blackheart then kicks Markova in the face and follows that up with an enziguri over the top rope. Blackheart hits a 619 to Markova. Blackheart goes up top and hits Markova with a missile dropkick. Markova goes out to the floor to confer with Lauren and Blackheart hits them both with a tope. You see that Blackheart's nose is bleeding as she gets up and a Shotzi chant goes out. She runs Lauren head first into the apron. Blackheart reaches under the ring and pulls out some chairs. Blackheart setting up the chairs at ringside as the fans chant we want tables. You can't make people happy. Lauren grabs a chair and goes to hit Blackheart with it only to get kicked in the midsection by Blackheart. Blackheart throws Lauren back in the ring and grabs a chair, but Lauren does a running baseball slide into Blackheart, driving the chair into Blackheart's face. Lauren runs Blackheart into the apron head first as an ECW chant goes out. Lauren then whips Blackheart into the apron. Lauren then sets four chairs up and faces them towards each other. She then goes to suplex Blackheart onto the chairs, but Blackheart blocks it and goes to run Lauren into the corner post. Lauren reverses it at the last second and runs Blackheart in instead. Lauren with a forearm shot and then she grabs another chair. She sets it up and says you Blackheart I'm giving you exactly what you wanted and Blackheart hits Lauren with a palm strike to the face. She then kicks Lauren into a seated position in the chair and then does a running splash into the chair and Lauren. Blackheart gets Lauren up on the apron and looks to bulldog Lauren into the post, but Lauren pushes Blackheart into the post instead and then powerbombs Blackheart into the apron. Lauren throws Blackheart back into the ring and gets a two count. Lauren runs Blackheart head first into a turnbuckle and then corner whips Blackheart. Blackheart gets herself up to avoid a charge. She spins out of the corner and hits a running knee to Lauren's midsection. Lauren pushes Blackheart off, but misses a clothesline attempt and Blackheart hits a rolling elbow to Lauren. A step up enziguri by Blackheart finally knocks Lauren off her feet and into the corner buckle. Blackheart then nails Lauren with a cannonball to the corner. Lauren rolls under the bottom rope to the apron sliced bread, but doesn't set it up right so has to stop and Lauren kicks off. Lauren grabs Blackheart, but Blackheart reverses and runs Lauren into the apron. Blackheart then runs Lauren into the set up chairs. Blackheart goes under the ring, pulls out another chair and sets it up as the fans chant we want tables again. There is no pleasing this crowd at all. Blackheart stacks the set up chair on the other chairs. Blackheart sits Lauren on the top chair and hits Lauren with a flurry of forearms. Blackheart goes back into the ring and runs as if she is going to do a suicide dive onto Lauren and the chair, but Anthony Greene comes out and Blackheart hits him with a baseball slide instead. Blackheart then goes for the dive again, but Greene pulls Lauren out of the way and Blackheart goes crashing into the stack of chairs. The crowd chants Holy Shit. Greene then throws Blackheart back into the ring and tells Lauren to pin her. Lauren gets a two count and Greene can't believe that Blackheart kicked out. A Shotzi chant goes out. Greene pulls out a kendo stick and hands it to Lauren. Curt Stallion comes out and he and Green brawl to the back. Lauren hits Blackheart with the kendo stick several times and then pins her. Referees come out to help Blackheart to the back and the crowd gives her a standing ovation and chants Shotzi. Lauren is mad at the crowd telling them to shut up and that she won.
-Upcoming Evolve event information.
-Colby Corino with Sean Mulata vs. Babatunde: The bell rings and there is a clash of styles here and a remarkable height difference. Corino screams I don't care who you are and slaps Babatunde in the chest. He does it again and Babatunde grabs his hand as the crowd chants you fucked up to Corino. Babatunde twists the hand of Corino, driving him down to the mat. Corino gets back to his feet and hits Babatunde with a right hand. He goes for another right, but Babatunde grabs his throat and drives Corina into the corner. Babatunde then throws Corino across the ring. Corino rolls to the outside to regroup and Mulata comes over to check on him. Babatunde comes out after Corino and gets into Mulata's face. He then gets distracted by Mulata and Corino tries to take advantage, but Babatunde grabs Corino by the throat and places him on the apron. Babatunde then slaps Corino across the chest. Babatunde then grabs Corino, lifts Corino up, and press slams Corino over the top rope into the ring. Babatunde goes to get back in the ring, only to get hit with a running knee by Corino. Mulata then attacks Babatunde as he is trying to get back in the ring. Corino attacking Babatunde with forearm shots to the back as Babatunde tries to get back in the ring. Babatunde shoves Corino away and Corino hits a top rope cannonball onto Babatunde and a minor Colby chant goes out. Corino gets a two count. Corino goes up top. He comes off and Babatunde catches him by the throat. Babatunde lifts Corino up and throws him into a corner. Babatunde then hits a corner splash onto Corino and then open hand slaps Corino down to the mat. Babatunde then drops an elbow on Corino. Babatunde then hits a big splash and pins Corino. Babatunde's music plays and as he is getting his hand raised, Eddie Kingston comes out with a mic and says cut that music. This ain't happening.
-Kingston and the rest of The Unwanted check on Corino. Kingston then introduces the Unwanted to the crowd. They send Corino to the back and then Kingston says they have a beef with Babatunde. He says people like Babatunde make him sick because he gets handed everything because he played football and he is 7 feet tall while Kingston traveled the road. Joe Gacy travels the road. Sean Mulata has traveled the road. They did it the right way. Kingston then tells the cameraman to get out of his face. Kingston tells Babatunde that the Unwanted did things the right way, while Babatunde had everything handed to him at a Performance Center. Kingston says his Performance Center is East 237 Street. He says to Babatunde, I'll tell you right now, just like we did with the Street Profits, you're welcome. They are going to take Babatunde out and take his spot. He then calls Babatunde a goofy Bastard. The Unwanted surround the ring when the music hits and AR Fox and Leon Ruff with Ayla Fox and The Skulk come out. They are scheduled to take on the Unwanted for the tag team titles. Fox and Ruff run to the ring and then hit twin suicide dives onto the Unwanted on the other side of the ring. The crowd loves it and Ruff and Fox get back in the ring.
-Tag Team Championship Match. Eddie Kingston and Joe Gacy vs. AR Fox and Leon Ruff: Fox and Ruff go for another suicide dive, but the Unwanted move out of the way, so Fox and Ruff put on the brakes. The Unwanted move to opposite sides of the ring, so Fox and Ruff hit suicide dives to Kingston and Gacy then. Fox and Ruff then get back in the ring, but Kingston and Gacy drag them back to the outside again. Gacy then gets in and goes to hit a suicide dive on Fox, who moves and Gacy hits Kingston instead. Ruff then goes up top and hits a cannonball on Kingston and Gacy and looks like he injured himself more than them. He gets up as the fans start to chant AR Fox. Ruff and Gacy start. Ruff grabs Gacy by the hand and goes up top. He does some sort of convoluted moves into a hurricanrana on Gacy. Fox then hits Gacy with a superkick. Fox and Ruff then hit a series of moves on Gacy. They need to remember that less is more sometimes. Ruff with a norther lights suplex, but Kingston breaks up the pin attempt. Kingston goes for a double clothesline, but Ruff and Fox duck it as Leonard says this match is being held under relaxed rules. Double dropkick to Kingston from Fox and Ruff. Ruff grabs Kingston and holds him for Fox to go up top and hit a fall away cutter on Kingston, but Kingston pushes Ruff into the cutter instead. Gacy then hits a handspring Ace Crusher on Fox. The Unwanted with a back elbow side suplex combo on Fox. The Unwanted then with running corner clotheslines to Ruff. Double forearm shot to Ruff and Kingston gets a two count. A let's go Ruff chant goes out. Kingston with a scoop slam. Kingston then goes up top while Gacy hits Ruff with another scoop slam. Gacy then lifts Ruff up on Kingston's shoulder and Kingson hits a second rope powerbomb on Ruff. He gets a two count. Kingston and Gacy then hit an STO on Fox. Ruff comes back and hits both Kingston and Gacy with forearms. The Unwanted then get Ruff in the corner. They take turns chopping him. Kingston then headbutts Ruff down and then puts Ruff on the top rope and he and Gacy do a superplex into a powerbomb combo and still just get a two count. Gacy goes up top and motions for Kingston to give him Ruff and Kingston picks Ruff up, but Fox grabs Ruff and saves him. Ruff and Fox then hit a pair of Enziguris on the Unwanted. Ruff goes up top with Gacy. He and Fox have a double team move for Gacy in mind, but Kingston takes out Fox. Ruff then punching Gacy on the top rope. Kingston comes over to Ruff, who hits Kingston with a tornado DDT off the top rope. Fox hits the Lo Mein Pain on Gacy, but only gets a two count. The crowd chants AR Fox. Fox and Kingston get into a tug of war with each other over who will get an Irish whip on the other person. Kingston spins out and chops Fox down. Ruff goes for a crucifix on Gacy, but gets caught and held by Kingston and Gacy and Kingston hit a lariat belly to back suplex combo on Ruff. They only get a two count and Gacy can't believe it. Gacy goes outside and pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside. Kingston gets Ruff up on the top rope. Fox hits a Coast-to-Coast on Gacy. Ruff pivots around and hits the Ruff Ride on Kingston. Ruff then runs across the ring and launches himself onto Gacy and they both go crashing through the set up table. Fox then hits a 450 splash on Kingston to pin him and we have new Evolve tag team champions. They all celebrate in the ring. The Skulk are leading the celebration with the crowd as the Unwanted are shown going back to the locker room.
-Feature on Catch Point and its history and the match coming up between Drew Gulak and Matt Riddle.
-Non-title Catch Point Reunion Match. Matt Riddle with Curt Stallion vs. Drew Gulak: Riddle has never been my cup of tea, but he is talented and popular with many. He gets a great reaction. A group of men in Catch Point hoodies circle the ring and then line the aisle as Gulak comes out. He is the current WWE Cruiserweight champion. The hoodie guys go to the back as soon as Gulak gets to the ring. He also gets a good reaction and a Gulak chant as he is introduced. The bell rings and both men are being cautious and circling each other. They try to lock up and each try takedowns as the crowd starts a profane pro Gulak chant that I will spare you. Back and forth in the center of the ring with holds and counters. Riddle with a takedown, but Gulak kicks off. Both up and Gulak tries some kicks and Riddle deflects. Riddle with a waist lock takedown and Gulak trying to get a front face lock on. Riddle twists around and tries to get a submission move on. Gulak gets free and gets an ankle lock on. Riddle kicks off and quickly gets back to his feet. Both up and lock up again. Gulak gets to the ropes. Clean break. Riddle goes for another waist lock takedown. He gets it and slams Gulak down. Riddle with a hammerlock. Gulak gets back to his feet. Riddle cranks the hold on to drive Gulak to one knee. Gulak twists around and looking for the Gulock, but Riddle counters and goes for an arm bar. He is too close to the ropes though. Clean break and Riddle backs away to allow Gulak the opportunity to get up. Another lock up and drive to the corner. Riddle with some body shots. He finishes his barrage off with a forearm to Gulak's head. Riddle with a kick to the head and a push to Gulak in the corner. More kicks to Gulak, who holds on to the ropes and comes back with a double kick of his own to Riddle. Gulak goes up to the second rope to come off with a move, but gets hit with a knee life from Riddle as he comes off. Riddle hits the Riptide splash on Gulak. He gets a one count and immediately transitions to an arm bar on Gulak. Riddle gets the Bromission on, but Gulak quickly counters into a cover for a one count. They back to opposite corners and the crowd gives them a round of applause. Both get back to their feet. Dueling Gulak/Bro chants go out as they trade shots and strikes. They battle and Gulak gets a front face lock on. He hits a brutal looking snap suplex and gets a one count. Headlock into a snap mare by Gulak. Gulak with a hard slap to Riddle's body that made people at ringside wince. Gulak with a headscissors. Riddle works himself up to his feet and out of the move. He goes for a brutal looking kick to the head of the seated Gulak, who ducks out of the way at the last second. They circle each other and both go for shots against the other. Back and forth and Gulak with a waist lock takedown. Riddle gets back to his feet and Gulak transitions to a headlock. Gulak with a side headlock takeover. Pretty good traditional wrestling match taking place here. Riddle again gets back to his feet and hits Gulak with some right hands. Riddle trying to break the waist lock. Gulak rolls Riddle up, but he rolls through to avoid the pin. Riddle shows a tremendous amount of power with a powerbomb to Gulak, but only gets a one count. Riddle goes for another knee strike, but Gulak blocks it and hits a powerbomb of his own. He gets a two count and counters immediately into a half crab on Riddle. Riddle makes it to the ropes. The crowd gives them another round of applause. Gulak with a series of European uppercuts to knock Riddle down and into the ropes. Riddle comes back with a series of open hand chops to Gulak's chest. Gulak misses a clothesline attempt and Riddle gets a waist lock into a knee strike to knock Gulak to the mat. He gets a close two count. A Broton across the back and Riddle goes up top and Gulak up and hits a belly to back superplex on Riddle. He gets a two count. A double count going as the dueling chants start again. They go back and forth on their knees in the middle of the ring. Gulak tries to grab a single leg and Riddle gets him in a front face lock and hits a series of forearms to Gulak's back. Then a series of kicks to Gulak's back. Riddle with a Celtic kick to the chest for another two count. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring as a this is awesome chant goes out. Gulak with a couple of headbutts to knock Riddle to the mat. Gulak goes for a full nelson and Riddle counters into a Bromission. Gulak slips out. Riddle transitions into a triangle choke, but Gulak quickly gets to the ropes. Riddle breaks on the three count. Riddle gets a front face lock on the seated Gulak, who gets a quick small package on Riddle to get a two count. Riddle with a running forearm and a fisherman buster and gets a two count. Another round of applause and I must say this is a hard fought match. Gulak out to the apron and crawls to the turnbuckle to pull himself up by the ropes. Riddle grabs him and gets a sleeper on over the ropes. The referee starts counting Riddle. Gulak drops down to guillotine Riddle on the top rope to get out of the sleeper. Riddle up and hits Gulak with a release German suplex over the top rope. That was an impressive move. Riddle goes up top and comes off with a twisting splash straight into the Gulock by Gulak. Riddle counters into the Bro Derek to get the pin. The crowd chants Bro at Riddle. Gulak gets the mic. Gulak says Catch Point was founded on three things. Competition, Opportunity, and Respect. He then says Matthew Riddle, I stand here as the WWE Cruiserweight Champion in the middle of an Evolve ring and bro, you are a hell of a competitor. I respect you and it is always an honor. They shake hands and then hug. They do the Catch Point sign and then Gulak calls out Curt Stallion. He introduces himself and says I've got news for you, Matthew Riddle hand-picked you to be his opponent tomorrow at Evolve and I hope you are equally up to the task.
-Feature on the rivalry between Austin Theory and JD Drake.
-Title Unification Match. Evolve Champion Austin Theory vs. WWN Champion JD Drake: Bryan Idol comes out as the special guest ring announcer. He tries to make the announcement but keeps coughing and I don't know where this is going. The lights go out and when they come back on, Paul Heyman is in the ring. The crowd erupts into an ECW chant. Heyman bows to all four sides of the ring as a holy shit chant goes out. Then a welcome back chant as Heyman grabs a mic. He says ladies and gentlemen, in case you haven't heard, my name is Paul Heyman and to be blunt, I'm honored and I'm privileged. A thank you Heyman chant goes out. He says no, thank you, because I'm honored and I'm privileged to be back home. Another ECW chant goes out. He says I have for many years been offered different guest spots on different shows. He says I don't do conventions, I don't do guest appearances on things and to be very honest with you if you would indulge me to be personal for a moment, I wasn't invited to come to this show. The crowd boos and Heyman says NO NO NO. Because they know I always turn these things down. So they didn't bother to invite me to be very blunt with you. I asked to be here. The crowd cheers. Heyman says the reason I asked to be here tonight and someone yells something out and Heyman says I'm sorry, in case you didn't understand. You're the schmuck yelling things out and me, I'm just the extreme due with the microphone. He continues and says the reason I asked to be here tonight is because this right here, you, everyone in that locker room. This promotion is the future. He says I do not want to be one of those old time boxers sitting watching the black and white film of Jack Dempsey going that used to be me. I like to go into that locker room, take all of that youth, rub it all up against me and when I get out of here tonight, I'm going to know more about the future of the industry than when I walked in the doors earlier. So, for that reason because I'm fat and I'm sweating my ass off right now. If you don't mind, I'd like to hang around just a little bit, indulge, and ring announce the next match. Because 5 years from now on YouTube or whatever the hot platform will be then, when you watch the video you're going to watch this match and you're going to say to yourselves that was the moment we all knew this industry was going to Evolve.
-Theory out first. He is the Evolve Champion. Drake out next and he is the WWN Champion. Heyman makes the introductions and he is spectacular. The bell rings and they stare at each other. Dueling lets go chants. Drake shoves Theory. Theory responds by slapping Drake. Theory ducks a shot and kicks Drake in the stomach and goes for Ataxia, but Drake counters and goes for the Drill Bit. They then exchange blows. Drake with a corner whip, but Theory jumps up to avoid the charge. Drake misses a clothesline attempt and Theory hits him with a dropkick. Drake misses another clothesline attempt, but then hits Theory with a dropkick of his own. They go outside. Theory throws a forearm at Drake, who ducks and Theory hits the corner post instead and Drake with a slap to Theory's chest and Theory goes to the floor. Theory up and Drake keeps chopping Theory in the chest. Theory starts crawling up the aisle trying to get away from Drake. Drake goes for a move, but Theory reverses it into a backdrop. Theory screams at Drake as the referee says to Theory that he has to get Drake into the ring as there are no count outs in Evolve. Theory stomps on Drake. Theory yells at Drake that it took 15 years to get here and it took Theory three years. Theory then throws Drake back in the ring. He only gets a one count. Theory screams that it was 5 channeling his inner King Kong Bundy I guess. Drake hits Theory, who comes back with forearms to the head of Drake. Drake comes back with a chop that knocks Theory down. Theory gets up with a kick and a forearm to knock Drake down. Theory with more kicks and stomps to Drake and a kick to the ribs while Drake is hanging on the second rope. Theory with a snap suplex. He gets a two count. Theory takes Drake's own hand and puts it around Drake's throat and puts an arm bar on Drake. Drake slapping at Theory with his other hand to try to get out of the move. Drake gets up and goes to kick Theory, who blocks the kick and hits Drake with a belly to back suplex. Theory with a standing moonsault to get another two count. Theory with a forearm to Drake's ribs. Drake gets to his feet in the corner and hits a chop to Theory. Theory responds with a running charge to Drake. Another forearm by Theory knocks Drake to one knee. Theory with more forearms, but Drake starting to come back. He gets back to his feet. He screams to Theory You can't hit me harder than life has. Drake then comes back with a chop that knocks Theory to one knee. Theory up and hitting Drake with a series of short clotheslines, but Drake won't go down. He gets Drake down to one knee, but Drake gets up quickly and hits Theory with a clothesline to knock Theory to the ground. The referee checking on both me. Drake rushes Theory, who hits Drake with a back elbow. Theory rushes Drake, who catches Theory with a scoop slam. Both down and a double count going. Both up and Drake rushes Theory, who drop toe holds Drake into a turnbuckle. Theory with a Rolling Thunder dropkick to Drake. Theory with a crossbody to Drake and Theory floats over the top rope to the apron. He goes for a double stomp on Drake, who rolls to the outside and grabs Theory by the leg. He pulls Theory out and then throws Theory up against the ropes and as Theory bounces off and comes back, Drake hits him with a big right hand. Theory slowly collapses. Drake throws Theory back into the ring. Theory keeps rolling and goes back out to the floor on the other side, so Drake hits him with an impressive tope, and rolls Theory back in. Drake chops and scoop slams Theory. Drake goes up to the second rope and does a Beer Bomb Splash to get a two count. Drake goes up to the second rope again, but Theory up and comes after Drake. Drake with some back elbows to knock Theory off and hits a leg lariat from the second rope. He follows it up with a running splash in the corner, but Theory moves at the last moment. Theory hits a Blockbuster and gets a close two count. Theory bleeding from his nose. Theory goes for Ataxia, but Drake picks Theory up and drives him into a turnbuckle. Drake with a chop and both men are spent. Drake picks Theory up and puts him on the top rope and then chops Theory on the chest. Drake goes up top and looks to be going for a superplex, but Theory with some right hands to Drake to try to stop it. Theory slips through Drake's legs. He goes for a powerbomb, but Drake with a right hand to stop it. Theory gets Drake up on his shoulders and does a three seconds around the world bomb for another close two count. Theory goes for a move that Drake counters with a back body drop. Drake with a charge, but gets a boot to the face by Theory. Drake gets a Stunner out of nowhere that Theory oversells to the point that even the Rock would say it's too much. Drake then hits a cannonball and the Drill Bit, but only gets another two count. Drake hits a moonsault and gets yet another two counts. Both up on their knees and Drake with a right hand. Theory responds with a forearm. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Theory again goes for Ataxia, but Drake rolls through and hits a brutal looking lariat. Drake goes up top but misses the moonsault when Theory moves. Theory with a series of superkicks and hits Ataxia to get the pin and unify the two championships. Theory gets both belts and grabs a mic. He says everyone knows that Evolve wrestling is where it's at and everybody's going to try their hardest to get here. They're going to chase their dreams. He then throws the WWN Championship down and steps on it. He says they're going to chase their dreams and realize the Evolve Championship symbolizes that your dream must go through me if you want to get where you want to go. Because Austin Theory is the measuring stick of Evolve. Austin Theory is the Standard of Evolve. Austin Theory is the real superstar. As soon as he says that, the lights go out. When they come back on, Josh Briggs is standing behind Theory. Briggs grabs Theory and choke slams him. Briggs then grabs the Evolve Championship and holds it up high. He then throws the championship down and leaves the ring.
-A feature on Josh Briggs.
-Main Event. NXT Championship Match. Adam Cole vs. Akira Tozowa: The bell rings. They lock up. Battle for position and drive to the corner. They break clean. Cole taunts Tozowa. They circle each other again and Cole with a go behind waist lock. Tozowa counters into a wrist lock. A series of counters until Tozowa gets a side headlock on Cole. Cole trying to get out, so Tozowa cranks it on harder. Cole manages to apply a headscissors. Tozowa rolls through to escape and goes back to the side headlock. Cole gets back to his feet and gets a side headlock on. Tozowa pushes off. Cole comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Tozowa gets the Octopus Submission on. Cole gets to the ropes. Tozowa with a corner whip. He charges Cole, who backdrops Tozowa to the apron. Tozowa with an enziguri and goes up top. Cole grabs Tozowa's leg and yanks him off the top rope. Tozowa looks like he hit his head on the top turnbuckle. Tozowa waves the referee off as he gets up and Cole hits him with a running kick. Cole then hits a neck breaker. Tozowa up and Cole hits him with a forearm shot. Cole follows that up with a corner whip and Tozowa hits the corner buckle hard. Cole with a snap mare. He follows that up with some driving knees into Tozowa's back. Cole goes back to the side headlock. Tozowa reaching for the ropes, but Cole pulls him back. Tozowa gets back to his feet and breaks free with a series of elbows. Cole hits Tozowa with a back elbow as Tozowa charges Cole. Cole screams I'm going to be NXT champion forever and you suck to Tozowa, who responds with a slap to the face. They trade forearm shots. Tozowa with a series of forearms and Cole responds with a knee to the face and runs at Tozowa, who catches Cole up on his shoulders and Cole with a series of elbows to try to get out of the move. Tozowa throws Cole to the mat and hits a big boot to Cole's face and Cole rolls to the outside to regroup. Tozowa responds with a tope suicida on Cole on the outside. Tozowa goes for another one, but Cole wisely moves out of the way. Tozowa goes to the apron. He then runs along the apron and hits Cole with a senton on the floor. Tozowa's leg gets caught in the guard rail. Tozowa frees himself and throws Cole back into the ring. Tozowa goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Cole. He gets a two count. Tozowa with a waist lock. Cole with a standing switch. A series of reversals. Cole gets an enziguri and double knees to the back of Tozowa. He gets a two count. Cole gets Tozowa up in a fireman's carry, but Tozowa with a series of forearms to get out of the move. Tozowa runs the ropes and Cole hits him with a big kick and hits a backbreaker. He gets another two count. Cole with a forearm shot. Tozowa responds with an elbow to Cole. Back and forth. Tozowa beating Cole down with a series of forearms. Tozowa runs and Cole hits him with a bicycle kick, but Tozowa shakes it off and charges Cole again only to get hit with another kick and Cole charges Tozowa, who gets a bicycle kick of his own in. Cole responds with an enziguri. Cole rushes Tozowa, who has his hands up to block a strike. Cole stops and Tozowa psych's him out and hits Cole with a big right hand. Cole hits a big superkick at the charging Tozowa. Both men down. Tozowa's mouthpiece went flying on the kick. Tozowa goes up top. Cole up and hits Tozowa with a forearm while he is on the top rope. Cole goes for a superplex, but Tozowa blocking the attempt. They trade chops. A forearm by Tozowa knocks Cole off the top rope. Tozowa comes off the top rope and Cole hits him with a superkick. Cole hits a brain buster on Tozowa by driving Tozawa's head into Cole's knee. Another two count. Cole rolls out to the floor, grabs the NXT Championship, and goes back into the ring. Tozowa struggling to get back up as the referee warns Cole to put the belt down as he tells Cole that he will disqualify him. Cole heads towards Tozowa, but Johnny Gargano comes out, distracting Cole, allowing Tozowa to get the roll up and a two count on Cole. Tozowa comes back with a snap German suplex on Cole. Tozowa grabs Cole from behind and Cole responds with a series of back elbows to break the hold. Tozowa hits a snap German suplex. Tozowa gets a waist lock on. Cole with a series of back elbows to break the hold. Cole ducks an enziguri attempt. Tozowa connects with a second attempt. Tozowa goes up top and comes off for a back splash, but Cole gets his knees up. Cole goes up top and hits the Panama Sunrise. He then hits the Last Shot on Tozowa and gets the pin. Cole grabs his title. Gargano comes into the ring and Cole slides out. Cole lifts the championship up and tells Gargano that it's his title, he's the champion. Gargano checks on Tozowa. A Johnny Wrestling chant goes out.
-Gargano gets the microphone and says let's hear it for Akira Tozowa. The crowd cheers. Gargano says every time he steps into this building, he's reminded of what they do and this is awesome. Gargano says he was at the very first Evolve event back in 2009 in this building and now 10 years later, he's back in this ring, in this building. Live on the WWE Network and that tells him two things. 1. He's getting old. 2. Professional Wrestling in 2019 is pretty freaking cool. And it is because of the fans. They are making it what it is and he thanks them so much for that. He then says back in the day, they used to close these things by asking a very particular question to the audience. He brings the mic over to Tozowa, who asks did you enjoy the show? The crowd cheers. They then do the Daniel Bryan point and Yes chant. He says there would be no Akira Tozowa, no Adam Cole, no Johnny Gargano, if it wasn't for the fans. Seriously, they all started here and the fans let them live their dreams and they can't thank the fans enough for that. He says he's going to ask them for one more think because tonight, it isn't about those guys in the locker room. It's about the future of professional wrestling. It's about JD Drakes, the Austin Theory's. It's about the Shotzi Blackhearts, it's about Josh Briggs. It's about every single one of them and he wants the fans to support them as much as they supported him and the others who came before. The crowd cheers and does an Evolve Wrestling chant. Gargano thanks the crowd and tells them he loves them and he loves Evolve Wrestling as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show. You saw rising stars mixed with current stars. Recommended.

Episode 166 Notes Tue, 31 Jan 2023 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] bb27aa13-3204-4671-98f7-f822f33473b0 My notes for Episode 166: Project 45 2004 Raw. -RIP Jay Briscoe
-Today, Project 45 goes back to 2004 as we look at the Raw from October 4, 2004.
-WWE Monday Night Raw was shown on Spike on October 4, 2004 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
-WWE Intro.
-Flashback to Ric Flair calling out Randy Orton about being the legend killer. Orton tells Flair that he is the man and it's so tragic to see what he's become. This generation is going to remember Ric Flair for kissing HHH's ass. It then flashes to Flair in the back and Batista asking Flair if he is ready and Flair looking contemplative. Flair says he hears Batista, but he doesn't answer to HHH or Batista. They then show highlights of Randy Orton vs. Batista and HHH and Flair attacking Orton during the match.
-Raw Intro.
-Pyro goes off as JR welcomes us to NYC and Monday Night Raw live from MSG. He and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the evening. They preview what's coming up on Raw. HHH and Ric Flair come out wearing suits and HHH has the World Championship with him. They get in the ring and Flair says let me clarify something. Last week, he came out here on Raw and he said that HHH was the greatest wrestler alive. He then says he was wrong because he wants everyone to understand that HHH is the greatest wrestler of all time and Flair says he is the only man in this great business that gets to say that because Randy Orton, wherever he is, the legends he thinks he has disposed of, and first off Randy, the reason you're not here tonight is because Eric Bischoff, for safety reasons, has barred Orton from the building. Safety and purposes of recuperation after last week's ass whipping. Flair then says let me go on to say this. Orton, let's get something straight. You can never be a legend. Let's go back to Shawn Michaels. Not a legend. Foley? Not even great, but sure not a legend. So, in his eyes, Randy Orton, look at him and say legend. He looks at Orton and says virgin. You are a virgin at killing legends. Flair then says he's got Orton at Taboo Tuesday. It's Orton and Flair. Flair then says one slight problem. Some genius has chimed in and said the fans should decide whether it's a falls count anywhere match, a submission match, or God forbid, the steel cage. 16 feet high. One way or another, Orton, It will be you and Ric Flair at Taboo Tuesday and you will be Flair's all night long. Okay then and now I feel awkward. He then Whoo's and hands the mic to HHH. HHH Whoo's and then he and Flair hug. HHH then says Taboo Tuesday, huh? What is deemed the most revolutionary concept in PPV history. The first interactive PPV ever is going to be a complete disaster because there is no way you can rely on people like you to make those kinds of decisions. The crowd boos. Just like any election, this whole thing could come down to one vote. HHH says and let me get this straight. He's supposed to rely on somebody like you as he points to someone in the crowd, to make that decision? He then points to someone else and says he's supposed to rely on them to make that decision? He says and you people like that? The crowd cheers and HHH then says you like the fact that you can decide what happens to the Nature Boy? You like the fact that you get to decide the fate of the Game? You like the fact that you have the power? Well, to quote an overrated Hollywood actor, it doesn't matter what you like. Okay, I will give him that one, it was pretty funny. HHH then says you people are in over your heads. Just like Randy Orton is against Ric Flair. And just like Ric Flair is qualified to tell everyone that HHH is the best, HHH is qualified to tell you that Taboo Tuesday is a joke. It is a sham. He gets interrupted by Christ Jericho's music.
-Jericho comes out and he is the current Intercontinental Champion. He poses and he has a mic and HHH is not happy that Jericho has come out. Jericho stays at the top of the ramp and says attention viewers. Do not adjust your sets, this is not a repeat despite the fact that HHH is whining and complaining about Taboo Tuesday yet again. Listen Trips, this ain't Tuesday, this is Monday. This is live. This is New York City, baby and this is Raw is Jericho. Jericho says it seems to him that HHH is a little uncomfortable with the whole Taboo Tuesday concept. Jericho says he just wants to tell HHH that an interactive PPV is not a bad thing. Jericho says everybody has the right to make a choice. Everybody has the right to vote. As a matter of fact, he thinks they should have a little poll of their own. With all these Jericholics right here at MSG tonight. A Y2J chant goes out. Jericho says let's start the poll, who here thinks HHH is the greatest wrestler today? The crowd boos. Jericho says okay. Now, who thinks HHH is the greatest wrestler of all time? The crowd again boos. Jericho says all right, well, who here thinks that HHH is the biggest horses ass that ever walked the face of the earth and the crowd cheers wildly. Jericho says it looks like we have a winner. Jericho then says seriously Trips, if you want to keep complaining about Taboo Tuesday, well take your show on the road, Jack, because nobody here gives a damn about what you have to say. But if you want to know who it was that first came up with the idea of the people voting for a PPV, well, that was him, Y2J. And if you want to know who it was that inspired Vince McMahon to create an entire PPV based on that concept, well, that was also him, Y2J. But, most importantly of all, if you want to know who it is that's going to be laughing and smiling while watching HHH lose that championship at Taboo Tuesday, well that's also going to be him, Y2J, you sanctimonious son of a bitch. Flair takes off his jacket, grabs the mic, and says Jericho, you can't talk like that to him as HHH starts to take off his jacket. He then says get out here, come here. Right now, you're going to learn some manners and some respect. Come on, Jericho, right now. HHH has taken off his tie and loosened his shirt. Jericho shakes his head no and walks to the back. Flair tells him to go run and hide. The announcers say it's not like Jericho to walk away like this. Flair said you see, he's a coward as Jericho comes back holding a chair. HHH and Flair back to the far side of the ring as Batista attacks Jericho from behind. Batista throws Jericho in and HHH and Flair attack him. Chris Benoit comes in to save Jericho. Evolution then gangs up on Benoit. Edge then comes out to attack Evolution and he and HHH square off. Jericho and Benoit get Batista and Flair down and then set HHH up for Edge to Spear him. Flair and Batista get HHH out. HHH is holding his ribs and pointing at Edge, who is holding HHH's belt.
-Ad for THQ's Day of Reckoning for the Nintendo Game Cube.
-Coach talks with Christian, who has Tomko with him, about his match coming up with Shawn Michaels. Christian asks Coach why is everyone making a big deal about MSG? The Mecca. Shawn Michaels home away from home. See, all that tells him is how ignorant New Yorkers are. See, why does Shawn Michaels get so much credit for his match here at WrestleMania X. A ladder match that he lost than Christian does for his match at WrestleMania XX? A match that Christian won? You see, what it is, is people all over the world hold the torch for Shawn Michaels. Well, coming up next, after he beats Shawn Michaels. The Heart Break Kid again. He's taking that torch and there's nothing HBK can do about it. He then says to Tomko, lets get out of here. It's time to steal the show.
-Shawn Michaels vs. Christian with Tomko: Michaels out first. The bell rings and they are face to face. Christian pokes Michaels in the chest and Michaels responds with a slap to the face. Christian misses a clothesline. Michaels chops Christian to the mat. He gets a one count. Michaels with a side headlock. Christian pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block. Michaels runs the ropes. Christian with a leapfrog. He does another leapfrog, but Michaels stops short and chops Christian back down. Michaels with another one count. Michaels with a side headlock takeover. Michaels gets a couple of counts on Christian as an HBK chant goes out. Christian gets back to his feet and goes to back suplex Michaels, who keeps the side headlock on and takes Christian back to the mat. He gets another two count. Christian twists around to get a two count on Michaels. Both work their way back to their feet with Christian still in the side headlock. Christian finally throws Michaels to the ground. Christian with a forearm and a kick to the back of Michaels. Christian runs Michaels face first into a turnbuckle and then chops Michaels in the chest. More kicks and punches to Michaels, who gets out of the corner. Christian with an Irish whip and Michaels comes back with a modified Thesz Press. Michaels then chopping Christian. Michaels with another side headlock. Christian pushes off and hits Michaels with a back elbow. Christian gets Michaels down near the ropes and then steps on Michael's throat. He breaks on the four count. Christian then runs Michaels into a corner post. He punches Michaels down to the mat. Michaels up and Christian punching him again. Christian grabs Michaels and runs him into another corner. He punches, kicks, and then chokes Michaels in the corner for a four count. He screams I'm Captain Charisma and then slaps Michaels. He punches and then corner whips Michaels, who moves on the charge and Christian crotches himself on the second rope. Tomko gets up on the apron and Michaels punches him off. Michaels setting up for Sweet Chin Music. He goes for it and Tomko pulls Christian out of the ring to avoid the hit. Referee Mike Chioda yelling at Tomko and Michaels comes out to the floor and hits Christian with a neck breaker. He then gets up and hits Tomko with Sweet Chin Music to knock him out. When they come back from commercial break, both wrestlers are back in the ring and Christian has a rear chin lock on Michaels. They show Tomko being assisted to the back during the break. They show Michaels missing a high risk move during the break allowing Christian to gain the advantage. Michaels gets to his feet again. Michaels with a series of right and left hands. He gets Christian into a corner and Christian with a thumb to the eye of Michaels and then hits a reverse DDT off the ropes to Michaels. He gets a two count. Christian frustrated and attacking Michaels with kicks and then drapes him on the second rope. He then steps on Michaels back and chokes him on the rope for a three count. Michaels comes back with a chop. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Michaels reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Christian kicks him in the face. Christian with a backbreaker to Michaels. He gets a two count. Christian is frustrated, but goes to a side headlock. They exchange blows. Christian with another backbreaker. Another two count. Christian frustrated as he goes for another backbreaker, but Michaels flips out of it. Double shoulder block and both men knocked down. Double count going. Both men up at the 9 count. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Christian with an Irish whip and Michaels comes back with a flying forearm. Michaels nips up, hits Christian with an inverted atomic drop, then another one. He gets Christian into a corner and hits some corner mounted punches. He then corner whips and backdrops Christian and gets another close two count. Michaels with an Irish whip. Christian slips behind and goes for the Unprettier. Michaels slips out and rolls Christian up for a two count. Michaels with an Irish whip and goes for a hip lock, but Christian blocks it and again goes for the Unprettier. Michaels blocks that and misses a clothesline attempt. Christian then hits the Unprettier. It takes Christian a minute to cover so he only gets a two count. Christian crawls to a corner. Michaels grabs Christian, who hits him with a back elbow to knock Michaels off. Christian goes up top, but gets caught with punches from Michaels. Michaels then backdrops Christian off the top rope. Michaels then hits an elbow drop off the top rope, but he also gets hurt doing the move. He finally gets up and hits Sweet Chin Music and pins Christian.
-Earlier in the day, Todd Grisham talked with Lita. She says the last 6 months, she has gotten herself into a predicament with both Matt Hardy and Kane and she regrets that, but she doesn't regret her pregnancy. When she found out Kane was the father, she was devastated. But then, she started to feel her baby move inside of her and she wanted nothing more than to give birth to her baby. Her baby was the only thing innocent in all of this and now she will never know what her baby looks like. Why are they doing this? This has never worked and isn't going to sell tickets or increase ratings. It's just dumb. Lita says she will never hold her baby boy. Her baby boy was taken away from her. Snitsky took him away from her. Grisham says, speaking of Snitsky, they talked to him and he says Lita losing her baby isn't really his fault. Lita gets angry and stands up and yells it isn't his fault? Whose fault is it then? Do you know why she went into the ring? She was tired of seeing people hurt. Kane was going to crush Snitsky's throat and what does he do? Snitsky hits Kane in the back with a chair, causing her to lose her baby. She has no love for Kane, but for once, she hopes Kane does exactly what he says he's going to do. Make no mistake, Snitsky's a dead man.
-Eric Bischoff is shown and he says wow, you do bring up some very good points, but you can trust me, my word is my bond. So I need to know, do we have a deal? A woman's hand comes out and they shake. Bischoff says very good and think of it this way, we both get something we want. You get the match you want at Taboo Tuesday and I get what I need. So, I'll see you in the ring later and they get interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Bischoff stands up and it's Coach. He points and says boss, why is she here? You honestly don't believe that you can trust her do you? Bischoff says Coach, trust me. What I need you to do is go out in the arena and find my nephew Eugene because I've got a major announcement regarding my match with Eugene at Taboo Tuesday. Coach says okay, so Bischoff goes back to his guest and says all right, now where were we? I did want to talk to you about...Coach is still there and Bischoff asks him why? Coach says, you know, boss, here's the thing. You know, I'm scheduled to interview Gene Snitsky in the ring next. Coach says with Gene Snitsky here and Kane here tonight, things are sure to get a little volatile and you know that isn't the Coach's scene. Bischoff says let me get this straight, you're telling me you're afraid to go out there? Because things may get a little volatile, you're afraid to go out and do your job? Bischoff says I can understand that. Bischoff then says I've got it, let's have JR do it. Boy am I happy that I missed this show. Coach says now you're talking. Bischoff says now where were we.
-When they come back from commercial break, JR is in the ring to interview Gene Snitsky. Snitsky comes out pushing a stroller. He gets in the ring with the stroller. JR says to Snitsky, there are a lot of questions and Snitsky shushes JR. He mimes that the "baby" is asleep as the fans chant baby killer at him. JR says I know you have denied and Snitsky grabs the mic and says look, it wasn't my fault. JR says well, I think there are a lot of people here in Madison Square Garden that would disagree. Way to go for the cheap pop there, JR. Just then, Kane's music and pyro hit and he comes out. He stands on the ramp for a minute and then marches down the ring towards Snitsky. Snitsky throws the stroller at Kane, who dodges it and rushes Snitsky. Snitsky attacks Kane with a steel pipe. Snitsky then stares at the pipe and then chokes Kane with the pipe and Kane is bleeding from the forehead. Snitsky chokes Kane down to the mat. Snitsky then leaves Kane in the ring.
-When they come back from commercial, they replay what just happened.
-Chris Benoit vs. Batista with Ric Flair: Over an hour into the program and they are finally getting to their second match. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive back to a corner. They break and Batista screams come on and Benoit pushes him. Batista rushes Benoit, who grabs his arm and goes for the crossface, so Batista quickly rolls to the outside. The referee makes sure that Benoit stays back while Batista gets back in the ring. Batista with a kick to the midsection and runs Benoit into a turnbuckle. Batista hitting Benoit with head and body shots in the corner. Batista with an Irish whip. Benoit comes back and slides between Batista's legs to avoid Batista and grabs Batista's leg to do a takedown. Benoit grabs Batista's leg and repeatedly comes down on it, trying to injure the leg. Batista rolls back outside and Benoit follows and clips Batista's leg. Benoit rolls Batista back into the ring and attacks him with punches until Batista pushes Benoit off. Benoit back to attacking Batista and again Batista pushes him off. Benoit rushes Batista again and Batista hits a brutal looking spinebuster. Batista attacking Benoit with kicks and a knee to the back. Batista with a backbreaker and gets a two count on Benoit. Batista picks Benoit up and runs his knee into Benoit's midsection several times. Batista then gets Benoit up on his shoulders and Benoit slips behind Batista and gets Batista down and goes for the Sharpshooter. Batista kicks off and rushes Benoit, who moves out of the way and Batista hits the corner post with his shoulder. Benoit follows up with three German suplexes. Benoit starts to go up top, but he sees that Batista is starting to get up and goes over and hits Batista with another couple of German suplexes. Flair gets up on the apron, so Benoit comes over and knocks Flair off the apron. Benoit with an arm bar on Batista. Batista pushes Benoit away so hard that he lands outside the ring. The referee is checking on Batista, so Flair low blows Benoit and runs him into a ring post. Batista gets Benoit back into the ring and goes for the Batista Bomb, but Randy Orton comes out of nowhere to attack Batista and cause the DQ. Flair comes in and Orton takes him out as well. Flair falls to the outside and Orton gets on him and punches him. Bischoff comes out with a bunch of security guards yelling Orton, I gave you the night off! He then tells security to get Orton out of here. Security grabs Orton and take him up the ramp as a Randy Chant goes out. Batista knocks security down and he and Flair attack Orton again. Security tells Flair and Batista to get out as they are restraining Orton to keep him away from Flair and Batista. When they come back from commercial break, Bischoff is in the ring and says I just wanted you all to know that Randy Orton has been successfully thrown out of my building. The crowd boos.
-Biscoff then says as long as he is out there, he will update the crowd on Taboo Tuesday. You know, the PPV where the people have all the power. He says for the record, He still hates the idea, but if they are going to do it, then dammit, he's going to make sure that it's done right, He says now you all know for the World Heavyweight Championship, HHH is going to face one of three men. And you all know you people are going to decide just what match Randy Orton and Ric Flair are going to have. But what you don't know is that Gene Snitsky is going to face Kane and after seeing Snitsky in action tonight, Bischoff has decided it's going to be a weapon of choice match. You people will decide if it's going to be a lead pipe, a steel chair, or a steel chain. Either way, one of those weapons will be legal in that match. No questions asked. And that brings him to Chris Jericho. Now, if you think HHH has it tough preparing for three different individuals, wait until you hear this. Bischoff has decided that every Raw superstar on the roster who is not involved in a match at Taboo Tuesday will be on the ballot and eligible to face Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship. He says by the way, that's almost 20 people. He says as a matter of fact, he would like to see those people in his office in about 15 minutes because he's got one hell of a big surprise for everyone tonight. Bischoff then says last, but not least, is his match with his nephew Eugene. He says you know, the match where you great fans get to decide the punishment for the loser. He means is the loser going to have to be a servant for the winner. Is the loser going to have to wear a dress or is the loser going to get his head shaved. He says well, I'll tell you something, I've got something very important to say to Eugene. Eugene get down here right now. Eugene comes out and I don't care how popular the character was with the crowd, it was in poor taste and Nick Dinsmore deserved better. He gets in the ring and waves at the crowd. Eugene tries to touch Bischoff's head and Bischoff keeps swatting his hand away and says Eugene, I've got something very important to say to you. I know this is going to sound impossible. But somebody backstage has a crush on you. What's even more amazing is she's absolutely determined to come out here and meet you tonight. But I'm sure you don't want to meet her, do you Eugene? Eugene nods his head. Bischoff says oh you do want to meet her? Well, okay Eugene, please meet the runner up in the Quarter Million Dollar Diva Search, Carmella! Carmella then comes out and nobody can believe it. She blows a kiss at Eugene as she comes down. She gets in the ring and Bischoff says, see Eugene, who I think should have won the Diva's Search. Carmella has a match with Christy at Taboo Tuesday. You know Christy, the one that all of these people voted for. But the difference between Carmella and Christy is Carmella used to be in Playboy. You know Playboy, that's the magazine where he then whispers into Eugene's ear and Eugene looks shocked and points at Carmella. Bischoff says that's right, you get to see everything. Carmella is here tonight because she just wants to tell you how much she likes you. Go ahead, Carmella and Bischoff hands her the mic. Carmella says Eugene, I'm just a little embarrassed right now, but I just need to tell you something. I think that you are so hot. Your face, your body, I think everything is so hot. Everything, except for one teensy thing. You see, Eugene, I love bald men and if you were bald, You'd be perfect. Eugene looking confused as Bischoff asks him if he heard that Carmella said if he was bald, he would be perfect. And hey, all these fans, if they vote for us to have the head shave stipulation and think about it, if you lose on purpose to Uncle Eric and you get your head shaved? Carmella would think you're perfect. So what do you say, Eugene? Do you want to lose on purpose so Carmella can be your girlfriend? Eugene says yeah. He then says but one condition, I want my girlfriend to kiss me now. Eugene then puckers up and gets ready to be kissed. Carmella looks pissed. Bischoff tells her to do it. She starts to then stops and says I just cannot do this. Eric, I cannot do this. No I'm not doing it. Eugene then says I want to see her boobies and Carmella looks shocked and covers herself with her arms. Carmella screams Eric, this was not part of the deal. Newsflash, Eugene, you and all these people are not in the same league as me. The crowd boos. Carmella says I am the Playboy Playmate of the year. Bischoff says, you know Carmella, this hasn't turned out the way that I like, but I've got to admit I admire your style, so I'll tell you what. Your match at Taboo Tuesday is still on. Eugene, he then says, I'm sorry I had to lie to you, if it makes you feel any better, Carmella's not the only one that doesn't like you. Nobody likes you. He gets interrupted by Christy Hemme's music as she comes out. She gets in the ring and she and Carmella go face to face. Christy pushes Carmella down. Carmella gets up and Bischoff has to keep her away from Christy. Bischoff tells her to stay away as Christy goes over and kisses Eugene as the crowd cheers. She then jumps up into Eugene's arms and starts making out with him. They then leave to the cheers of the crowd while Bischoff holds Carmella back in the ring.
-When they come back from commercial break, La Resistance is in the ring and Sylvan Grenier is singing the Canadian National Anthem badly.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. La Resistance Sylvan Grenier and Rob Conway vs. The Hurricane and Rosey: Hurricane and Conway start. The bell rings and they lock up and drive back to a corner. Conway charges Hurricane, who ducks out of the way. They lock up again. Conway with a wrist lock into a side headlock. Hurricane with some forearms to try to break the hold. Hurricane pushes off. Conway comes back with a shoulder block. Hurricane with leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid Conway. Hurricane hits a neck breaker. Both Grenier and Rosey come in and Rosey clotheslines Grenier out of the ring and the referee tries to get Rosey out as Hurricane gets Conway down with a double leg. Hurricane and Rosey with a leg drop on Conway and Hurricane goes up top as the referee gets Rosey out. Grenier grabs Hurricane and he crotches himself on the top rope and falls to the outside. Grenier then throws Hurricane back in. Conway gets a two count. Conway with a front face lock and tries to tag Grenier in. Hurricane pushing towards Rosey though. Grenier comes in and knocks Rosey off the apron. Rosey goes after Grenier and is not there to tag as Hurricane has made it to the corner. Conway gets Hurricane back to the center of the ring as the referee is trying to get Rosey back to his corner. Grenier sneaks into the ring and La Resistance hits Au Revior and Conway gets the pin. Rosey attacks La Resistance after the match. He splashes Grenier in a corner and then Conway jumps on Rosey's back. Hurricane gets Grenier out of the ring. Conway turns Rosey's mask around before Rosey shakes Conway off and Hurricane checks on Rosey, who thinks Hurricane is a member of La Resistance and sidewalk slams Hurricane. The referee helps Rosey with his mask and Rosey checks on Hurricane.
-Feature on the make a wish foundation's leadership conference and WWE receiving the Celebrity Wish Giver award.
-The Simon System with Simon Dean promo in the style of an infomercial.
-Recap of Edge spearing HHH earlier in the night.
-Coach brings Edge in and asks him why should the fans vote for him as opposed to Shawn Michaels or Chris Benoit for the right to face HHH at Taboo Tuesday for the WHC? Edge says unlike Michaels and Benoit, who've face HHH about a million times apiece. He has face HHH 0 times. Never. And unlike Michaels and Benoit, who have had about a million world title matches each. He has had Zero. Nada, nilch. It's not that he is undeserving. He's been here for a long time. Paid a lot of dues and he is about due. He's a 10 time tag team champion, US Champion, King of the Ring, 5 time Intercontinental Champion. Wrongfully stripped of the title he might add. He has been through hell and back. Rehabbed through countless injuries just to make it on this ballot. So you ask the question, why should the fans vote him in to face HHH for the WHC at Taboo Tuesday. Well, he would say to the fans whether they are Edge fans or not that deep down inside, they know out of the three contenders, he's the only one that actually deserves it.
-Everybody not booked are shown in Eric Bischoff's office. Bischoff says all right, listen up, make way please. He says all of you were called here for a very specific reason. He then says as you know, you are all on the ballot to face Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship at Taboo Tuesday. Bischoff says he has decided to give each and every one of them an opportunity to see Mr. Jericho up close and personal and to observe the audience because he is asking each of them to serve as lumberjacks for tonight's match between HHH and Chris Jericho. He says Jericho likes to take credit for kicking off the first ever WWE Interactive PPV where the consumer gets to get their choice of matches and stipulations. Well, he has decided that each and everyone of those gathered will get an opportunity to interact with Chris Jericho. He says now go out there and impress this audience.
-Stacy Keibler is shown stretching in the back.
-Trish Stratus joins JR and the King for commentary. They show Stratus, Gail Kim, and Molly Holly triple teaming Christy Hemme the week before and stripping her down to her underwear in a 3 on 1 bra and panties match. They then show Hemme showing off her bra and panties and Stratus calls her a slut.
-Stacy Keibler vs. Molly Holly: The bell rings and Holly starts out pushing Keibler. Holly then yelling and pointing her finger at Keibler and Keibler bites Holly's finger. Keibler then kicks Holly and grabs her by her hair. She runs Holly into a corner turnbuckle. Keibler then kicks Holly in the corner and holds her boot against Holly's throat for a four count. She breaks and then immediately goes back to choking Holly for a three count. Keibler then grabs Holly by the hair and throws her across the ring. Holly comes back with a shot to knock Keibler down and then hits a nice snap suplex and gets a two count. She then chokes Keibler on the second rope for a four count. She then gets Keibler down and chokes her with a boot to the throat for a four count. Holly then slams Keibler face first into the mat. Keibler tries to get up, so Holly slams her down again. Back and forth with slaps in the middle of the ring as Keibler tries to get back to her feet. Holly with a double ax handle to Keibler's back. She follows that up with a slap to the face. Then another slap to the face. Holly with a corner whip and a knee lift to Keibler. Holly goes for a second knee lift and Keibler moves out of the way. Keibler with a stiff kick to Holly. Holly rushes Keibler, who ducks and Holly goes flying out of the ring to the floor. Keibler goes out after Holly and Stratus leaves the announce desk and runs down to ringside. Keibler throws Holly in. Stratus grabs Keibler's leg, but Keibler kicks Stratus off. Keibler asks Stratus what she is doing there. Holly tries to roll Keibler up, but Keibler twists around and catches Holly by the legs, drops down, and pins Holly. Stratus gets in the ring and she and Holly go after Keibler, who gets out of the ring laughing and celebrating as she goes up the aisle. Holly and Stratus start to argue over Holly losing.
-Lumberjack Match. HHH vs. Chris Jericho: The lumberjacks are the wrestlers on the ballot to face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday. After the entrances and everything, there are less than 7 minutes left in the show. Jericho attacks HHH from behind before he can take the WHC belt off as the bell rings. Jericho gets HHH in the corner and kicks him over and over. Jericho then hits a corner whip and a backdrop and HHH still has his title belt on. Jericho then clotheslines HHH out of the ring. As HHH gets up, William Regal and Shelton Benjamin take turns punching him. They then throw HHH back in. Jericho attacking HHH with shots and chops. He chops HHH and Irish whips him. Jericho drops his head too early and HHH kicks him in the face. HHH throws Jericho to the outside. Jericho starts punching the lumberjacks, who then all jump Jericho. Jericho fights back to the apron, drives his shoulder into HHH when he comes over, and does a roll up on HHH over the top rope and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. HHH won't go over, so Jericho catapults him face first into the top turnbuckle. He gets a two count. Jericho with a chop, HHH reverses an Irish whip and throws Jericho back to the outside. Steven Richards and Sylvian Grenier both kick Jericho. Christian and Richards throw Jericho back into the ring. HHH runs Jericho into the top turnbuckle. Back and forth by the turnbuckle. HHH with a corner whip. Jericho gets his boot up on the charge. Jericho with an enziguri to HHH. Both men down and a double count going. A Y2J chant going out. Tajiri not familiar with the concept of wanting to face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday as he is also clapping and chanting Y2J. Jericho ducks a clothesline attempt and gets a double leg pickup and goes for the Walls of Jericho. HHH kicks Jericho off and he lands outside where he is attacked again. Rhyno fights the others off and throws Jericho back in the ring. Jericho runs and baseball slides Rhyno, thinking that Rhyno was the one that attacked him. Jericho with a bulldog to HHH. Jericho goes for a lionsault, but HHH moves out of the way so Jericho lands on his feet. Batista gets up on the apron and Jericho knocks him off. He turns around and HHH sets him up for the Pedigree. Jericho counters and goes for the Walls of Jericho. He gets it on and HHH fighting it, trying to get out. Ric Flair arrives and gets up on the apron. Jericho lets go and hits Flair with a springboard dropkick. Jericho goes up top and crossbodys a group of wrestlers just huddled up on the outside to catch him. A Y2J chant goes out. Jericho goes up top again and hits HHH with a back elbow as he is getting up. Christian gets up on the apron and referee Earl Hebner tries to get him down, allowing Rhyno to come in and Gore Jericho. HHH crawls over and pins Jericho. Evolution gets in the ring and attacks Jericho. The other lumberjacks get in the ring and start brawling. Randy Orton comes in and attacks Evolution. Evolution slides out of the ring and Orton attacks the lumberjacks with RKO's. He then RKO's Coach when Coach comes into the ring. Orton clears the ring as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: This was a dense show as they were throwing everything trying to get people to buy Taboo Tuesday. It was too much so you can skip this one.

Episode 165 Notes Thu, 19 Jan 2023 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] da6dc8c4-615a-45ba-ba41-321e90bfda7c My notes for Episode 165: Project 45: 2003 Smackdown. -I have finally reached 45.
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2003 as we look at the September 18, 2003 episode of WWE Smackdown.
-Me in 2003: I started teaching and found out rather quickly that it wasn't for me.
-WWE Smackdown was shown on UPN on September 18, 2003. It was recorded September 16, 2003 from the RBC Center in Raleigh, NC.
-WWE Intro.
-Vince McMahon is shown on video. He says whether you're an avid WWE fan or not, tonight for the first time ever on broadcast television, you'll witness two world-class athletes attempt to raise the bar on their predecessors and challenge those who dare to follow. Tonight, Smackdown presents the one-hour Iron Man match up. Tonight, you'll see the first Olympic gold medalist in WWE history, Kurt Angle, the champion, challenged by Brock Lesnar. McMahon then looks to his right and The Undertaker enters the room. He says he just thought he would take this time to reassure McMahon that he's not here to interfere in the Iron Man Match. He's got too much respect for the championship for that. But he has no respect for Vince McMahon. He knows it was McMahon who sent Brock Lesnar after Undertaker in his Title Match against Kurt Angle. He says and you know me well enough, Vince, I don't forgive and I sure don't forget. Undertaker then leaves.
-Smackdown Intro.
The pyro goes off and Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to Smackdown and hype the Iron Man match coming up.
-Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno and Tajiri: Tajiri and Benoit start. They lock up and Benoit with a side headlock. Tajiri pushes off. Benoit comes back with a shoulder block. They avoid shots from each other until Benoit hits Tajiri with a chop. He chops Tajiri down. Tajiri by the ropes and trying to get up. Benoit with a choip and a corner whip. Tajiri jumps up on the charge and gets Benoit in the tarantula. Mysterio distracting referee Jimmy Korderas. Benoit finally gets out. Rhyno hits a spinebuster on Benoit for a two count. Rhyno up and kicking Benoit over and over. Rhyno with a corner whip and a shoulder tackle to Benoit. He gets another two count. Mysterio trying to get the crowd into the match. Benoit coming back with a series of chops to Rhyno. Rhyno reverses a corner whip and Benoit hits the corner chest first. Rhyno goes for a belly to back suplex, but Benoit shits in midair and gets a two count. Benoit ducks a clothesline attempt. Benoit hits a back suplex. Mysterio tagged in. He hits a springboard on Rhyno. Rhyno with a corner whip. Mysterio hits a back elbow on Rhyno. Mysterio hits a moonsault on Rhyno. Mysterio comes over and hits Tajiri with a right hand only to get kicked in the stomach by Rhyno when he turns around. Rhyno with an Irish whip and Mysterio comes back and gets a flying front face lock on Rhyno to drive him down to the mat. Tajiri breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Benoit gets Tajiri down and kicks him over and over as Korderas tries to get Benoit out of the ring. Rhyno gets Mysterio up for a powerbomb, but Mysterio rolls through and Tajiri comes in to blow the mist on Mysterio while Rhyno holds Mysterio. Mysterio ducks and Tajiri hits Rhyno instead. Tajiri goes to hit Mysterio, but gets cut off by Benoit, who hits a series of German suplexes on Tajiri. Tajiri tries to get away and gets by the ropes, only to get hit with the 619 and another German suplex. Tajiri rolls out of the ring and Mysterio hits Rhyno with the 619 and the West Coast Pop to get the pin. Tajiri comes out after Mysterio, who rolls out of the ring to avoid Tajiri.
-They show the Rock on the cover of GQ magazine.
-Two on One women's match. Torrie Wilson and Nidia with Dawn Marie vs. Shaniqua with the Basham Brothers: Nidia and Wilson attack Shaniqua as soon as she gets into the ring. They get Shaniqua down rather quickly, so she rolls to the outside. Wilson and Nidia then hit Shaniqua with a double baseball slide. They then go to the outside and attack Shaniqua. They roll her back in and Nidia keeps kicking Shaniqua. Shaniqua back up. Nidia rushes her, but Shaniqua hits a power slam on Nidia. She gets a two count. She gets up and Wilson hits her with a jaw breaker and Nidia rolls Shaniqua up and gets a two count. Shaniqua comes back with a double clothesline. Shaniqua then scoop slams Wilson on Nidia. Shaniqua then throws Wilson to the outside. Shaniqua then hits a powerbomb on Nidia and pins her. After the match, Snaniqua attacks Dawn Marie, who had come in to check on Nidia. She then throws Dawn Marie to the outside. Shaniqua then picks Dawn Marie up and runs her head first into a ring post.
-Stephanie McMahon is shown in the back talking about the Iron Man Match on the phone while drawing a beard on a Sable poster with a marker. She gets interrupted by Vince McMahon, The Big Show, and Sable. Vince says I didn't bother knocking and Stephanie says you never do, dad and he says because I don't have to do I now? He then says he was surprised at her decision-making last week. Rather than quit, she actually chose to get in the ring with Brock Lesnar. Stephanie says it might not have been the smartest thing to do, but Vince can't make her quit. Big Show grabs Stephanie's arm and Vince McMahon says easy, Show, easy. Vince says he's got it. He will handle this. He then says he is going to make Stephanie quit. That's the one thing he will do. As a matter of fact, he says that Stephanie wanted to play rough and kick him in the groin last week. Stephanie interrupts him and says dad, why don't you just fire me and get it over with? Vince says because he does what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Insert your own jokes here, folks. He says he doesn't want to fire Stephanie, he wants her to quit of her own volition. She says, well, I'm not going to. He says oh yes, you are. You played rough last week and kicked him in the groin. He's now going to start playing rough and when he starts playing rough, one day she's going to wish in fact she might even beg him to quit.
-A preview of the tag team title match coming up.
-They show highlights of the previous two meetings between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar.
-Los Guerreros are shown in the back. Eddie is the current United States champion. He asks Chavo how he pulled it off. Chavo says he went to Stephanie and he talked to her about Los Guerreros being back together and Eddie says that's Familia. She agreed and gave them the title shot tonight. Their match is up next and Eddie tells Chavo that he is proud of him. Thinking of La familia like that and Chavo says he's not only thinking of La familia, he's thinking about Eddie. Eddie says why him and Chavo says because after tonight, Eddie is not only going to be the United States champion, he's also going to be one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions with Chavo. Eddie says he could use some more gold. He thinks he would look good. Chavo says no, he would look great, so let's stop talking about it and go out there and kick some butt and bring home that WWE Tag Title to grandma. Eddie says for La Raza and for Mi familia.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs. Los Guerreros Eddie and Chavo: An earlier today graphic is shown as John Cena says he underestimated the Guerreros. He then does a rap about the Guerreros and the US title. Los Guerreros come to the ring in a low rider. Haas and Benjamin already in the ring. The bell rings. Benjamin and Eddie start and the crowd is solidly behind Los Guerreros. They circle each other and lock up. Eddie with a go behind waist lock. A series of reversals and Eddie finally gets an arm bar on and tags Chavo in. He hits Benjamin with some kicks and European uppercuts. He then runs Benjamin into the corner and Eddie tagged back in. Double Irish whip and back elbow to Benjamin. Eddie with a front face lock and Benjamin drives Eddie to a corner. Haas tagged in and he chokes Eddie with the tag rope for a three count before getting in. Haas with a corner whip. Haas kicks Eddie in the midsection and tags Benjamin back in. Back and forth in the corner. Eddie hits Benjamin with punches and hits Haas with a back elbow. Then another right hand to Benjamin and another back elbow to Haas. Eddie with a big suplex to Benjamin and tags Chavo in. Chavo runs Benjamin into a corner and attacks him with a series of punches and kicks. Haas comes in and Chavo hits him with a shot. Benjamin reverses an Irish whip and Chavo comes back with a monkey flip to Benjamin and a dropkick to Haas when he comes in. Chavo comes back with a tilt a whirl spinning headscissors to Benjamin and the crowd really liked that move. Eddie tagged in and Los Guerreros each with a crossbody onto Haas and Benjamin on the outside. When they come back from commercial break, Chavo is in and Eddie is choking Haas with the tag belts as referee Mike Chioda is trying to get Benjamin out of the ring. Eddie tagged in as the crowd starts an Eddie chant. Eddie hits Haas with a thumb to the eye. He then hits Haas with a chop and an Irish whip and a back elbow. Eddie with a front face lock and Chavo tagged in. Chavo drops a knee on Haas. Eddie with a snap mare to Haas and then Chavo hits Haas with a baseball slide. Chavo with a cover, but Benjamin in to break up the pin attempt. Haas back up and hitting Chavo with knees and forearms. Haas with a front face lock and Benjamin tagged in. Benjamin continues with right hands and forearms to Chavo. Chavo fights out of a corner with right hands and kicks. Chavo then throws Benjamin into Los Guerreros corner. Chavo hits Benjamin with several shots and an uppercut. Eddie tagged in. and goes for a belly to back suplex, but Benjamin shifts in the air to hit Eddie with a forearm and lands on Eddie for a two count, but Chavo breaks up the pin attempt. Benjamin goes for a powerbomb attempt, but when he gets Eddie up, Eddie rolls through and gets a two count on Benjamin. Double clothesline and both men down. Chavo and Haas both tagged in. Chavo with a shot and a corner whip. Haas gets his boots up on the charge. Eddie tries to grab at Haas, but gets cut off by Chioda, allowing Benjamin to sneak in and hit Chavo with a super kick. Haas with a shot to Chavo's shoulder and that's what Haas and Benjamin seem to be concentrating on. Haas runs Chavo head first into a corner post. Haas then wraps Chavo's arm around the ropes, but breaks before the 5 count. Chioda gets on Haas, allowing Benjamin to grab the arm and yank straight down on it. Haas and Benjamin are cheating to perfection. Haas with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Benjamin tagged in. Benjamin with an arm bar to the injured arm and this is a smart plan by Haas and Benjamin to target the injured arm of Chavo. The crowd starts a Chavo chant. Haas tagged back in. He kicks Chavo down in the corner. Haas with an under arm spin to drive Chavo down to the mat and drops some knees on the arm. Chavo fighting back with some right hands and a flying forearm. Chavo tries to go for a tag, but Haas grabs his ankle and Benjamin comes in and hits Chavo with a forearm to the back of the head to knock Chavo down. Chavo gets the tag, but Mike Chioda didn't see it and won't allow it. Haas and Benjamin go to double team Chavo. Double Irish whip and Benjamin backdrops Chavo to Haas and Chavo takes advantage and hits Haas with a dropkick. Chavo charges Benjamin, who backs up, but Chavo reaches out and tags Eddie in. Eddie comes in and cleans house and clotheslines both Haas and Benjamin. He gets an Irish whip and a backdrop on Haas. Three amigos suplexes to Benjamin. Haas with a forearm to Eddie's back halfway through to cut it off. Haas hits a German suplex on Eddie for a two count. Haas goes for an inverted atomic drop. Eddie with forearms to Haas to counter. Benjamin comes in with a super kick, but accidentally hits Haas in the head. Eddie grabs Benjamin's arm, goes up top, and hits an arm drag/headscissors combo to flip both Haas and Benjamin over. The crowd loved that move. The Eddie chant goes out again. Eddie goes up top. Benjamin comes up and they exchange right hand shots with Eddie on the top rope still. Eddie finally pushes Benjamin off. Eddie starts to go for the frog splash, sees that Haas is starting to get up, so Eddie just rolls through as Haas rushes towards him in the corner. Eddie backdrops Haas out of the ring. Haas grabs a couple of chairs from ringside and goes around to try to get in the ring. Chioda and Eddie are both distracted as Benjamín grabs the other chair and sneaks into the ring. Eddie avoids one chair shot. Benjamin kicks Eddie down. Chavo comes out of nowhere and clips Benjamin in the knee and throws the chair out of the ring. Benjamin rolls out of the ring and Haas comes over and checks on Benjamin. Haas gets back in the ring and Los Guerreros double Irish whip him and hit the flapjack and Haas just bends in half like a pretzel. Chavo with a suplex to Haas and Eddie goes up top and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash on Haas and pins him. New Tag Team Champions!. Los Guerreros celebrate in the ring.
-WWE Smack of the night of Brock Lesnar attacking Stephanie McMahon the previous week.
-Tazz and Michael Cole talk about what is happening between Stephanie and Vince McMahon and then preview the Iron Man match.
-Superstars are shown gathered in the back around a TV monitor and talking about the match.
-Main Event. 60 minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar: This is the rubber match between the two as Lesnar won at WrestleMania and Angle won at SummerSlam. Both look intense. Lesnar on the apron before the match starts and the crowd chants you tapped out at him. Lesnar gets in the ring. He attacks Angle with a cheap shot right before the bell rings and stomps Angle down in the corner. He breaks on the four count. He then presses his boot on Angle's neck for a four count as Cole says Lesnar is obsessed with winning the WWE Championship. Angle gets back to his feet, but Lesnar still kicking him in the corner. Lesnar with a corner whip and drives his shoulder into Angle's midsection. He then puts his boot back in Angle's neck for another four count. Angle struggles, but gets back to his feet and Lesnar runs his shoulder into the midsection again. Lesner then Beals Angle out of the corner and halfway across the ring. Lesnar with a right hand, but Angle fighting out of the corner with right hands of his own. Lesnar with a knee to the chest. Lesnar with a corner whip, but Angle hits a back elbow on the charge. Angle follows it up with a clothesline. Another clothesline and Lesnar still won't go down. Angle charges Lesnar and ducks a clothesline attempt. Angle with a short dropkick to the back of Lesnar's knee to stagger him. Angle follows that up with a clothesline to knock Lesnar down. Angle with an overhead belly to belly suplex as momentum has swung his way. Lesnar rolls to the outside to regroup. Fans taunting Lesnar with the you tapped out chant. The referee is counting Lesnar, who gets back in on the 7 count. They circle each other. Lesnar stops and it appears that his leg is bothering him. He asks for a time out. He backs off and the crowd starts to boo him. Angle comes in and Lesnar catches him with a kick. He then hits a forearm and another kick to drive Angle to his knees. Lesnar starts to kick Angle down in the corner. He then hits a big forearm to the back of Angle and Angle reverses an Irish whip and hits an arm drag to Lesnar. A series of arm drags and Lesnar goes out to the floor again. Lesnar is visibly pissed and he grabs the ring steps and starts to look like he is going to bring them in then throws them away and briefly slides in to break the count at 9. He starts to get up on the apron and Angle rushes him so he backs off and referee Brian Hebner is frustrated that his count keeps getting broken. Lesnar screams at Hebner to keep Angle back so that he can get in and Angle screams come on. Angle staying back and Lesnar slowly getting up on the apron. The crowd is booing Lesnar. Angle rushes Lesnar again, so he drops back down and they are really stalling in this match. Larry Zbyszko would be proud. Angle finally goes to a corner and Lesnar gets back in the ring. They circle each other again. They are wary of each other and Angle goes for a single leg takedown. Lesnar gets out of the ring to avoid it and complains to Hebner about Angle. Lesnar visibly angry as Angle pacing in the ring waiting for him. Lesnar gets up to the apron and Angle comes over to grab him, allowing Lesnar to guillotine Angle on the top rope. Lesnar gets Angle down with kicks and forearms. He then steps on Angle's throat for a four count. Lesnar with a shot to Angle and goes for an Irish whip. Angle holds on and hits Lesnar with a belly to belly suplex. Angle then clotheslines Lesnar back to the outside. Lesnar grabs his injured knee on the outside. Angle goes out stalking Lesnar and knocks him back to the ground. Angle with forearms to keep knocking Lesnar back to the ground. Angle then picks Lesnar up and runs him head first into the ring steps. Angle goes in briefly to break the count. He comes back out and attacks Lesnar with forearms. Lesnar comes back with a knee to the stomach of Angle. Lesnar grabs Angle and drives him backwards into the ring apron. Lesnar then lifts Angle up and drives him into the corner post. A double count going as Lesnar limps towards Angle. Lesnar throws Angle back into the ring. Lesnar grabs a chair and brings it into the ring as the you tapped out chants grow louder. Lesnar hits Angle with the chair and gets disqualified. This was my strategy when playing iron man matches on Smackdown vs. Raw. You pick up multiple pins while sacrificing only one pin yourself. Rest period. Lesnar attacking Angle with the chair, repeatedly hitting him with it. Hebner grabs the chair and Lesnar laughs. Lesnar goes over to Tazz and Cole and asks them if they have any water. Cole hands him a bottle. Lesnar drinks half of it and pours the other half over himself and then gets back into the ring. He goes over and slaps and kicks Angle. Angle trying to get back up, but Lesnar screaming at him to stay down. Lesnar gets Angle up and hits the F5. He then pins Angle and it's tied 1-1. Tazz says he understands Lesnar's strategy now. Rest period. Lesnar comes out and kicks Angle. He gets down and screams at Angle asking him if he wants to tap out. He then kicks Angle every time he attempts to get up and then puts the Ankle lock on Angle. Angle quickly taps and Lesnar up one fall. When they come back from commercial break, Angle is back up and rushing Lesnar. He ducks a clothesline attempt, but Lesnar catches him with a shot to the stomach when he comes back. They show Lesnar using the Angle slam on Angle to get a two count during the break. Lesnar with a corner whip and then drives his shoulder into Angle's midsection. Lesnar then drives his shoulder repeatedly into Angle in the corner. He then headbutts Angle. Angle starts to get up, so Lesnar headbutts him again. Lesnar then kicking Angle down in the corner. Lesnar with another corner whip, but Angle moves on the charge and Lesnar hits the ring post with his shoulder. Angle attacking Lesnar with some right hands trying to get him down. Lesnar reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and Angle comes back with a shot to knock Lesnar down. Angle then grabs Lesnar and hits three German suplexes. Lesnar tried to grab the ropes, but Angle kept pulling him off. Both men down. Angle comes over to Lesnar, who throws Angle out of the ring in desperation. Lesnar comes out after Angle and Irish whips him into the barricade. A double count going. Lesnar goes in briefly to break up the count. He comes back out and Angle attacks Lesnar with left and right hands. Lesnar with a knee to the stomach and hits an F5 on Angle on the outside. A holy shit chant goes out. Lesnar gets back in the ring and wins the fall by count out. Lesnar up 3-1. After the commercial break, Angle back in the ring and hitting Lesnar with punches. They show Angle hitting Lesnar with two belly to belly suplexes during the break. Lesnar reverses an Irish whip and shoulder blocks Angle out of the ring. Angle gets back in the ring and Lesnar kicks him down in a corner. He then drives his boot into Angle's neck for a four count. Lesnar pulls Angle to the middle of the ring and drops an elbow on him. He then drops another elbow and gets a close two count on Angle. Both back to their feet and Lesnar with a big right hand. Lesnar then kicks Angle in the corner as an Angle chant goes out. Angle stops a corner whip attempt with a kick to the stomach and hits an Angle slam on Lesnar. He gets the pin and it's 3-2 in favor of Lesnar. Rest Period.
-Michael Cole announces if it is tied at the end, They have permission from UPN to go to overtime. Angle back on the attack after the rest period punching Lesnar while he is down. Angle with a leg drop. He kicks Lesnar and then suplexes him. He gets a two count. Lesnar trying to back away, but Angle kicking him repeatedly. Lesnar trying to beg off, but Angle stalking him and will not let Lesnar rest. Angle with right hands in the corner, Lesnar comes back with a knee to the stomach. Angle ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a German suplex on Lesnar. Angle pulls the straps of his singlet down and goes for the Angle Slam. Lesnar counters with a kick to the stomach and goes for the F5. Angle swings around and through and gets the Ankle lock on Lesnar. Lesnar kicks off and Angle almost runs into Hebner. He turns around and ducks a Lesnar clothesline that takes Hebner out. Angle then hits an Angle Slam and covers, but Hebner is still out. Angle checks on Hebner and then goes back to Lesnar, who hits Angle with a blatant low blow. Lesnar rolls to the outside. He scatters stuff and throws a ring crew member around. He then grabs the WWE Championship and brings it back in and nails Angle with it. Lesnar then throws the WWE Championship out. He picks Hebner up and tosses him to the center of the ring to count the pin. Lesnar up 4-2. Lesnar points to himself as they go to commercial. When they come back, Angle is on the outside holding his ribs. Lesnar comes over to grab Angle, who takes advantage and grabs Lesnar and pulls him to the outside. Angle with a right hand to Lesnar and then runs him into the ring steps. Angle rolls back into the ring. Angle then goes up top and hits Lesnar on the outside with a double ax handle. Angle throws Lesnar back in the ring and gets a close two count. Angle then goes up top and hits a missile dropkick to Lesnar. That was impressive. He gets another close two count. Angle with a scoop slam. Angle with a top rope moonsault, but Lesnar moves out of the way. Double count going. Lesnar misses a clothesline. Angle rolls him up with a school boy and gets another two count. Angle up and Lesnar rocks him with a clothesline. Lesnar with a big overhead belly to belly suplex. He gets a close two count. A double count going. Both men get back up. Lesnar goes for a belly to belly. Angle with a single leg takedown and goes for the Ankle Lock. He gets it on, but Lesnar is able to spin through, sending Angle crashing to the outside. Hebner counting Angle. Lesnar goes out after Angle and knees him in the stomach. Lesnar drives Angle into the ring steps. Lesnar then throws Angle back in and he gets another close two count. Lesnar goes outside and grabs the ring steps. He tries to bring them into the ring, but Angle baseball slides the steps into Lesnar, knocking him down. Angle goes out and throws Lesnar back in and gets a couple of two counts. Angle with a forearm to Lesnar. He gets Lesnar down in the corner and puts his boot into Lesnar's throat in a what's good for the goose moment. He releases just before the 5 count and Irish whips Lesnar. He hits him with a back elbow and gets a two count just as they go to commercial. During the break, Lesnar hit a superplex on Angle and pins him to go up 5-2. When they come back to live action, both wrestlers are on the outside and both are hurting. Lesnar with right hands to Angle near the announce desk. He then goes over and gets Angle up to do an F5 into the corner post, but Angle slips behind him and slams Lesnar into the post and then F5's Lesnar into the post. The crowd loved that. Angle breaks the count and goes back to kick Lesnar in the ribs. Angle throws Lesnar back into the ring. He gets a single leg crab on and Lesnar trying to make his way to the ropes. He makes it to the rope, so Angle pulls him away and gets the ankle lock on. Lesnar makes it back to the ropes, but Angle keeps the Ankle lock on and Lesnar tries to kick Angle off him. Angle breaks the hold and goes back to kicking Lesnar in the ribs. He then kicks the knee. He gets Lesnar up and Lesnar hits him with an elbow that knocks Angle halfway across the ring. Angle rushes Lesnar, who catches Angle with an F5 out of nowhere. It takes Lesnar a minutes to cover, and he only gets a two count. Lesnar up first, but he is struggling. Lesnar starts to go up top, he is climbing the ropes slowly. He finally gets up top, but Angle rushes the corner, jumps up, and hits an amazing belly to belly suplex on Lesnar. He pins Lesnar, who is now up 5-3. A double count going. Both up and going back and forth in the middle of the ring and both wrestlers are just spent at this point. Angle with a series of right hands to force Lesnar into the corner. He then beats Lesnar down. He does and then backs towards the middle of the ring in pain as the crowd tries to encourage him with a USA chant. Angle with a suplex to Lesnar. Angle gets fired up and starts stalking Lesnar looking for the ankle lock. He goes for the Angle Slam, but Lesnar pushes him away and hits a DDT on Angle. He gets a close two count. Lesnar up and urging Angle to also get up. He does and hits Lesnar with some big right hands. Lesnar ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a big German suplex to Angle. He then picks Angle up again and hits another German suplex. He gets Angle up and hits yet another German suplex. A double count going and Lesnar grabs Angle. He goes for another German suplex, but Angle blocks it, does a standing switch, and hits Lesnar with a German suplex. He then does it again. Lesnar blocks a third attempt and goes for one of his own, but Angle rolls through the attempt and gets the ankle lock on Lesnar. Lesnar scrambling to reach the ropes. but Angle keeping him in the center of the ring. Lesnar finally taps and he is up 5-4 with four minutes left. After the next rest period, Angle goes right back to the ankle lock. Lesnar rolls through. Driving Angle into the second rope where he bounces off. Angle gets Lesnar into an STF. The crowd is screaming make him tap to Angle. Lesnar elbows Angle repeatedly to get out of the hold. Lesnar rolls out of the ring and Angle follows him with two minutes left. Angle gets the Ankle Lock on Lesnar on the outside where it does him no good. He releases the hold and gets Lesnar back in the ring with 95 seconds left. Lesnar rolls back out of the ring and Angle follows and slams Lesnar's head down on the ring steps. Angle throws Lesnar back into the ring. Lesnar attempts a clothesline. Angle ducks and locks in a German suplex. He hits four of them. 45 seconds left. Lesnar grabs the referee out of desperation, so he can't see Lesnar hit Angle with a low blow from a kick. 30 seconds left. He comes over to Angle, who grabs Lesnar and gets the Ankle Lock in with 15 seconds left. Lesnar holds on until the time runs out. Lesnar announced the winner and new WWE Champion and the crowd boos. He falls out of the ring with the title. Angle looks dejected and Lesnar looks back at him in the ring as they sign off from Raleigh.
-Final Thoughts: This was a unique show. You had never seen a match like that on network TV and it was a nice change of pace. Give it a look.

Episode 164 Notes Fri, 13 Jan 2023 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] a8b013c6-35b9-4dd7-91f1-e4101fb4344d My notes for Episode 164: Project 45: 1999 Raw. -Today Project 45 lands in the year 1999 as we look at the episode of Raw from January 4, 1999 that really put some butts in seats.
-Monday Night Raw was shown on the USA Network on January 4, 1999. It was recorded December 29, 1998 from the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, MA.
-WWF Intro.
-Footage of Vince McMahon firing Shawn Michaels and Michaels superkicking McMahon. A video package of Michaels is shown until you hear Vince McMahon say get that sentimental crap off the Titantron. McMahon then comes out with the Corporation, which includes Shane McMahon, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, the Big Boss Man, Test, Kane, and Patterson and Brisco. They get into the ring as the crowd chants asshole at McMahon. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the show as Jim Ross had just had another Bell's Palsy attack and was off TV and producing the announcers from the back. McMahon gets a mic and says that Shawn Michaels has threatened to show up tonight on Raw. He would suggest that none of the crowd hold their breath waiting for it because if they do they are likely to turn blue and pass out due to oxygen deprivation. Because Shawn Michaels will be a no show here tonight. He says you see, Shawn Michaels has a lot of admirable qualities. However, bravery is not among them. And he hopes they will forgive him for firing Shawn Michaels as the commissioner. Again, he did what he had to do. He had to make an example of Shawn Michaels and dammit, he did. While McMahon is speaking, Gerald Brisco has been trying to tape a sign that says Brisco Brothers Body Shop to Kane's back with little success. McMahon goes on to say, you see, no one and he means no one, will ever disparage his son Shane. McMahon says and indeed, anyone, and he means anyone, who even remotely had anything at all to do with the recent emotional scarring of his son Shane will indeed pay. That is a lot of indeed there. They will be derided, They will be humiliated and they will be punished by him. So then, let that be a warning. As he talks, the Titantron shows Shawn Michaels walking in a hallway back stage. It looks like he is headed to the arena and McMahon can't believe his own eyes. He tells the corporation to take Michaels out, to kick his butt, to dismember him. To break his bones.
-Shawn Michaels' music hits. He comes out to the stage with a mic.He says Vin Man, obviously, the sheriff is back in town, and this time, Vinnie, I brought the cavalry with me. DX's music then hits and they come out to a big ovation. McMahon is visibly pissed. The Rock holds open the ropes and tells DX to bring it. Michaels says now Vince, according to my over priced lawyers, his contract as WWF Commissioner is ironclad. He says in fact, it was McMahon who said on national TV that this commissioner would answer to no one, including Vince McMahon. So guess what, Vinnie? You can't fire me, in fact, the only way that Shawn Michaels would be incapable of being the WWF Commissioner, would be if he were to resign and Vince, there is no way in hell that is ever going to happen. So Vince may safely assume that you will be singing to the tune of Sweet Chin Music for a long, long time. So now that he's back in office, let's get to business. Vince, you have said that you can make dreams come true. Well, Vin Man, you've made Shawn Michaels come true, so now he's going to make Vince McMahon's dreams come true. He then says roll the footage. They show the drawing on Raw from three weeks ago and Shane pulling the number for Vince McMahon's entry into the Royal Rumble and McMahon saying he hopes it's the number two. They stop the footage and Michaels says now Vince, you know I have say so over all WWF competitors with the exception of Stone Cold Steve Austin. He says well, Vinnie Boy, when you entered the 1999 Royal Rumble, you yourself became a WWF competitor. McMahon is looking apprehensive. Michaels says so Vince, It is I that has control over you. Vince McMahon will not be entering the Rumble as the 30th competitor as he picked. Stone Cold Steve Austin will be the first man to enter the Royal Rumble and the second man who will be entering the Royal Rumble will be Vince McMahon. The crowd cheers and McMahon closes his eyes in disbelief. Michaels says as best he can tell, that ought to give old Stone Cold all night to open a can of whop ass on you. He says now Vince, before he leaves, he wants to leave McMahon with just one small detail. Some time this evening, some time within the next two hours, the Heart Break Kid is going to leave this building and go out and get McMahon a surprise and that surprise is going to drive McMahon Stone Cold crazy and the crowd cheers wildly. McMahon is visibly pissed and mouths you son of a bitch at Michaels. Michaels says now hit our music and the DX theme starts again.
-Cole and Lawler discuss what we have just seen. McMahon and the corporation circle up and put all their hands in as a unified front.
-Ken Shamrock with the Big Boss Man vs. Steve Blackman: Shamrock is the current Intercontinental Champion, but this is a non-title match. The bell rings and Shamrock attacks Blackman with a right hand and a back elbow. Shamrock rushes Blackman, who hits Shamrock with a back elbow of his own. Blackman ducks a roundhouse kick attempt. Blackman catches Shamrock with a roundhouse kick to the midsection. Blackman dropkicks Shamrock into a corner and attacks Shamrock in the midsection with right hands and kicks. Blackman follows that up with a scoop slam. Blackman then drops an elbow on Shamrock. Blackman gets Shamrock backed into a corner and attacks his midsection with shots and chops. Shamrock comes back with some stiff right hands and runs Blackman's head into the corner turnbuckle. Blackman comes back with a shot to the head of Shamrock to get out of the corner. Blackman follows that up with a kick to the midsection. Blackman with a corner whip and Shamrock hits the corner buckle hard. Blackman follows that up with a right hand punch to the stomach and an elbow to the back of the head and Blackman with an Irish whip. He goes for a leapfrog and Shamrock catches him and hits a power slam as Dan Severn is shown walking down the ramp to ringside. Shamrock gets a two count. Shamrock with a suplex and drops an elbow as Severn walks around the ring. Shamrock gets another two count, so he lifts Blackman up and hits him with a knee lift. Shamrock gets Blackman set up for another suplex, but Blackman rolls Shamrock up for a two count. Shamrock comes back with a clothesline to Blackman. Shamrock gets up and sees Severn and just stares at him for a few seconds. Blackman reverses a corner whip and Shamrock hits the corner sternum first and Blackman follows that up with a dropkick from behind. Blackman then does a Randy Savage style top rope guillotine to Shamrock. Blackman with a backbreaker to Shamrock. Blackman with an Irish whip and Shamrock drops down to avoid a knee from Blackman. Shamrock gets up and hits Blackman with an excellent belly to belly suplex. Shamrock then goes over and yells at Severn, who then gets up on the apron. Referee Tim White comes over to tell Severn to get off the apron and Shamrock hits Severn with a forearm to knock him off. Severn gets up on the apron and tries to get in the ring and White trying to keep him out, allowing Billy Gunn to sneak in and hit a Famouser on Shamrock. Gunn leaves the ring as Blackman goes over to pin Shamrock to get the win. Shamrock gets out of the ring and runs up the ramp.
-They show the Rock and Mr. McMahon on the cover of Southwest Spirit magazine. Then the 10-10-220 Rewind of what just happened and I had forgotten all about those 10-10 numbers from the late 90's and now I feel old.
-Shamrock and Gunn are shown going at it in the locker room. Gunn runs Shamrock into a wall. Officials come in to try to break it up. Shamrock throwing officials to the side to try to get to Gunn.
-Mankind makes his way to the ring and Cole wonders what he is doing because he is not scheduled for a match. They show Mankind taking on Shane McMahon and the Stooges from two weeks previously as Mankind grabs a mic. Mankind says it's been a crazy couple of weeks and he thinks he's learned a little about himself. He says he has done a couple of things for the first time. Maybe you saw it on Raw, but he swears that's the first time he ever grabbed another man's testicles in his life as they had shown him grabbing Pat Patterson by the groin and he says Patterson, I've got to tell you in a rugged manly sort of way, I enjoyed it. He says it was also the first time that Mick Foley ever used the words suck it without a please in front. He says he also has a new hobby that he likes best of all and it's called kicking the McMahon family's asses. He then says so Vince McMahon, although you hate my guts and I hate every single inch of you. He says I guess I've got a little favor to ask. He says you see, I would like a shot at the Rock's title at the Royal Rumble PPV and he think he deserves it. Not because he made your son Shane cry and whimper like a two-year old with a poop in his pants. Not because he bounced your head on those beer kegs like Ricky Ricardo playing Babloo on the bongos, but because he sees all those signs out here that say Foley is God but he thinks they got one letter wrong. You see, Foley is not God, but he is pretty damn good and he beat the Rock and he stuffed the sock down his throat and he deserves a shot at the Royal Rumble. So what he is humbly asking you right now is to get your...He then asks if he can say ass on television. Get your ass out here now Dad! He then says I'm waiting for you, Mr. McMahon. Vine McMahon comes out to the ramp with a mic. He says lest anybody thinks he will be surprised, he won't be. The Corporate team is right behind him. He says as far as you go, Mankind. You're nothing but a disillusioned, decrepit, disfigured monster. You asking to be the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation title simply stains that sacred honor. Your name connected with the WWF Title stains indeed the World Wrestling Federation itself. You see, you had your opportunities in the past and quite frankly, you blew it. You didn't listen to me. Had you listened to me, you may be the WWF Champion now but no, you had to do what you always did and you listened to them. What is it with you? All the cheap motel rooms, all the bad food you eat, all the sacrifices you put your physique through and for what? Just for the roar of them? God, how pathetic! How pathetic! Mankind says he likes that roar. McMahon says you see, you crossed over the line, because what you did was you stained, you soiled the good McMahon name when you put your stinking, slimy hands on his son Shane and at this point my wife was getting ready for work and she said he put his hands on his little boy? I said no, his son was in his mid-20's at the time and she said well sir, at that point your son can fend for himself. McMahon says and you've got the guts to ask me to be the number one contender against the Rock at the Royal Rumble? I'm amazed. He says let me say this, you know and everyone in this building knows you don't deserve the right to be the number one contender. The crowd boos. He says you haven't paid your dues. Mankind, Mick Foley, Cactus Jack, Dude Love, whatever the hell your name is if you even know, you haven't paid your dues have you? Maybe one day you can climb up the ladder to try to take the hardcore title away, but you've even failed in that as of late. You, the number one contender for the WWF? He starts to laugh then says no, that's not even funny. That's not laughable at all. You see Mick, not only will you not have an opportunity to win the World Wrestling Federation title at the Royal Rumble, as far as he is concerned, Foley will never again have that accolade. McMahon then says however, being the benevolent individual that he is, he will tell Foley what he is going to do for him and he will do it tonight. He will have the opportunity to enter the Royal Rumble. He says Mankind can get close to the title, but no cigar, the story of Foley's life. Mankind and HHH can go at it in that ring tonight. Whoever wins the match is entered into the Royal Rumble. He says however, there is one other thing and he wants to direct Mankind to the Titantron, there is a piece of footage McMahon wants to remind him of and they show Mankind attacking Shane two weeks ago. McMahon says the match tonight, Mankind vs. HHH, the winner gets to go to the Royal Rumble, there's only one thing, there will be a guest referee. That guest referee will be impartial, that guest referee will call it right down the line that referee will be his son Shane. McMahon then says just one other thing, Have a nice day!
-They show Chyna and her girlfriend in the back talking.
-Mark Henry vs. Goldust: The bell rings and they lock up. Henry pushes Goldust down. They circle each other. They lock up again and drive to the corner. They break clean and Henry goes for a forearm shot, but Goldust ducks it and hits Henry with a right hand. Henry charges Goldust and they lock up again and Henry with a knee to Goldust's midsection. Then a forearm to the back to drive Goldust into the ropes. Henry with a forearm and an Irish whip to Goldust, misses a clothesline attempt. Goldust comes back with a series of kicks to Henry's upper leg. Henry cuts Goldust off with a rake to the eyes. Henry rushes Goldust, who hits an impressive spinebuster on Henry. He gets a two count. Goldust picks Henry up and slaps him. Henry reverses an Irish whip and hits a power slam on Goldust. Henry then kicks Goldust while he is trying to get up. Henry with a left hand shot to Goldust's stomach. They are trying everything to get Henry over since they had signed him to a long term contract. Henry with a scoop slam. Henry then drops an elbow on Goldust. He then kicks Goldust. Goldust comes back with strikes to Henry's midsection and then a shot to the chin. He rushes Henry, who picks Goldust up and drops him straight down. Henry follows that up with a leg drop. He goes for a cover, but Chyna and her friend appear at the top of the ramp. Henry comes over to the ropes and asks them what they are doing there. Goldust comes from behind and drives Henry backwards into the mat. Henry driven into the turnbuckle head first and then Goldust starts hitting right hands to Henry. He sets Henry up for Shattered Dreams. He hits Shattered Dreams and Henry falls to the floor. Goldust is disqualified and leaves the ring. Henry is still on the mat and Chyna and her friend come down to ringside. Chyna gets the mic and says I hope you're not hurt too bad, Mark. She says I have something I need you to listen to. She says the other night with you was incredible. Henry looks around and she says, no, I'm serious it was. Chyna then says but I'm afraid I'm not enough woman for you and my wife said she is plenty woman for him. Chyna says no I'm series. You're too much man for one woman sexually. She says so I want you to meet my friend Sammi. She says now I know you like tall women and I know you like exotic dancers. She says so I have a little proposition for you. Chyna says she thought, and only if it's okay with Henry, that Sammi and Chyna could help Henry take a load off his mind. Henry responds by fainting. That was pretty funny.
-Dennis Knight is shown hanging in some dungeon somewhere.
-The Godfather and his hoes then come out to the ring and I realize that wrestling was sometimes ridiculous in the 90's. They show the corporation attacking the Godfather the week before. The Godfather does his pimpin ain't easy routine.
-The Godfather vs. Test: The bell rings and they go back and forth in the middle of the ring. They drive to the corner and Test with some kicks to the midsection. He then runs Godfather head first into another turnbuckle. A series of right hands and an Irish whip to Godfather. Test drops his head too early and Godfather kicks him in the face. Godfather follows that up with a clothesline. Godfather with a scoop slam and a leg drop to test and he gets a two count. Godfather then runs Test headfirst into a turnbuckle. He then kicks Test several times in the stomach. Godfather then hits the Ho Train splash to Test in the corner. Val Venis comes out and stands at the top of the ramp. Godfather ducks a clothesline attempt by Test, but Test catches Godfather with a big boot. Godfather rolls to the outside and Test following. Godfather hits Test with a boot to the midsection and runs Test into the barricade. Godfather hits Test with some right hands as referee Mike Chioda tries to get them back in the ring. Godfather then runs test head first into the apron and then the ring steps. Test reverses an Irish whip and runs Godfather into the ring post. The referee calls for the bell and Venis runs down to the ring and Test runs to meet him. They go back and forth on the outside the ring. Referees and officials come down to try to separate the two. They separate the two and Test being led back up the ramp. Venis breaks free and attacks Test and they start fighting up the ramp.
-Shawn Michaels is shown in the back with DX.
-Mankind vs. HHH: Winner goes to the Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon is the special guest referee. HHH out first and Chyna is with him. McMahon comes over to the announcers and says he is going to call it right down the middle. Mankind gets a good ovation as he comes out. The bell rings and both HHH and Mankind are looking at Shane. HHH still in long tights at this stage of his career. They lock up. Mankind with some right hands to knock HHH down. He then batters HHH to the ropes and scratches his back when he comes off. Mankind grabs the arm of HHH, puts it on his own shoulder, and then cranks down on the arm trying to dislocate it. He does it again and then brings HHH around with a wrist lock and HHH hits him with some right hands to break the hold and Mankind falls to the mat. HHH then grabs Mankind and runs him head first into the corner post. HHH now with a wrist lock. HHH working on the arm as Shane goes down and checks if Mankind wants to quit. Mankind makes his way back to his feet and hits HHH with a right hand to try and break the hold. Mankind breaks the hold and corner whips and then hits a bulldog on HHH. Mankind with a side headlock. HHH pushes off. He then hits Mankind with a back elbow. He then clotheslines Mankind. Mankind on the ropes and HHH hits him with a series of right hands. Mankind grabs HHH and throws him to the outside. Mankind then hits HHH with a baseball slide to drive HHH into the barricade. Mankind with a forearm to HHH as HHH gets back up on the apron to drive HHH to the floor again. HHH gets back up on the apron and runs his head into Mankind's midsection. HHH with a sunset flip over the ropes. Mankind holding on to the ropes. Shane kicks his arms away and goes to count the pin. He fast counts and HHH pins Mankind. He needed to show Nick Patrick how to count so that he wouldn't mess up the main event of Starrcade '97, but that's a whole political mess that I won't get into today. HHH grabs a mic and says Mick, Hey, I'm sorry, but business is business. A win is a win and when it comes to the WWF title, I'll take it any way I can get it. He then says I will say one thing, Happy New Year. HHH then kicks and Pedigrees Shane. HHH then tells Mankind that he's all yours. Mankind then goes down and hooks Shane and says he's going to break Shane's shoulder. Shane screaming out as Vince McMahon comes out with Patterson and Brisco. Mankind says stay right there Vince or I'll break it off. I'll break it off, God help me I'll break his arm. Vince screaming let him up. Let him up, you son of a bitch. Mankind says Vince, I've changed my mind. You see, I no longer desire a title shot at the Royal Rumble. I want a title shot tonight. McMahon says okay. Mankind confirms that he said okay and Vince says yes. Mankind says let me think it over as Vince screams let him go. Mankind says not got enough dad. I want a stipulation, no DQ as Vince continues to scream at Mankind to let Shane go. Mankind says what do you say dad and McMahon says all right no DQ and Mankind says I've guess we've got ourselves a little deal. Mankind then lets Shane go. Patterson and Brisco get Shane out of the ring. Mankind yells out Hey Rock, I'll see you later tonight. Vince and the Stooges help Shane up the ramp as the Rock comes out and asks Vince what's up? The Rock asks Vince how he could do this? The Rock is not prepared, he is not ready, and Vince says that's my son, dammit. The Rock says but I'm the champ, all of a sudden, I have to face Mankind? They argue up the ramp to the back.
-They review what just happened when they come back from commercial break.
-Edge vs. D-Lo Brown: They highlight the problems Brown and Mark Henry have been having with PMS and D-Lo telling them to back up and calling them ring rats the previous week. The bell rings and they lock up. Brown with a side headlock. Edge pushes off and Brown comes back with a shoulder block. Edge up and had drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Brown. Edge with a dropkick and he follows that up with a kick to the midsection and an Irish whip. Brown blocks a hip toss attempt and grabs Edge by the throat. Edge counters with a knee to the midsection and a hurricanrana to Brown. Edge then clotheslines Brown to the outside. Edge then runs and hits a tope on Brown on the outside. Edre rolls inside briefly, but then goes back outside after Brown. He rushes Brown, who guillotines Edge on the barricade. Brown puts Edge back in the ring and drops a leg on Edge. Edge gets up and Brown drops him back down with a right hand. Brown gets into it with the referee briefly before grabbing Edge by the hair and takes him to a corner and slaps him in the chest. He does it again and looks around. he goes for a third one and Edge reverses it and chops Brown. He follows that up wit a corner whip, but Brown gets his boot up on the charge. Brown hits a running powerbomb on Edge. Brown then gets up on the turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd. This is peak D-Lo and he is very entertaining, but he is wasting too much time here. Brown goes over to pin Edge, but only gets a two count. Brown with a kick and a scoop slam to Edge. Brown comes off the top rope with a double ax handle, but Edge moves out of the way. Edge with some right hands to Brown. He follows that up with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He follows that up with a corner whip and charges Brown in the corner, but Brown backdrops Edge to the apron. Brown showboating, but Edge reaches out and pulls Brown to the ground and then Edge goes up top and hits Brown with a crossbody. He gets a two count. PMS are shown walking down the ramp. Edge goes up top, but Brown catches him with a powerbomb as he comes off. Terri gets up on the apron. Brown comes over to her. Terri backs up some and slips on the stairs and falls to the floor. This was supposedly during the time that Terri was "pregnant". The referee and Jackie come over to check on Terri. Brown looking shocked in the ring. This whole storyline should never have been done. Brown climbs out of the ring and is standing by Terri looking shocked. Jackie screams at Brown and then yells for help. Officials and paramedics come down and check on Terri, who is holding her stomach. They have a gurney and load Terri onto it and the crowd is booing. This whole angle deserves to be booed.
-They replay what happened when they come back from commercial break. They have some guy with a stethoscope checking Terri on the gurney while D-Lo paces and looks worried in the background. Terri asks about her baby and the doctor says he doesn't know.
-Back in the arena, the lights go out and Kane's music and pyro goes off and he comes out with Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, and Gerald Brisco. Kane has the Brisco Brothers Body Shop sign still on his back which I think is pretty funny. Shane holding his arm that was injured by Mankind earlier. Patterson and Brisco are mocking the newest member of the Corporation behind his back. Shane says there is a special event tonight, a handicapped match. Tonight, you will see Kane take on Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson. They are stunned and Shane says it's payback. Vince McMahon then comes out with a mic and says remember he said everyone who was responsible for his sons emotional scarring had to pay. He then says, Kane, make them pay! Kane with a wrist lock to Brisco to drive him to the mat. Kane then goes after Patterson, who backs away. Patterson then offers Kane a cigarette. Kane swats the pack away. Kane grabs Patterson by the throat as Patterson takes some money out and tries to bribe Kane. Kane then swats the money away, which I think was Canadian money, which would be pretty funny. Brisco attacks Kane from behind. Kane goes after Brisco and grabs him by the throat as Patterson goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Shane calling the "match" in the ring as Kane chokeslams Brisco. Shane tells Kane to watch the chair, Kane turns around and Patterson opens the chair and offers it to Kane to sit down. Kane swats the chair out of the ring and chokeslams Patterson. Kane then drags Brisco to the corner and posts him. Kane then drops an elbow on Patter's groin. Kane then grabs Shane by the throat and Vince says wait a minute Kane. He tells Kane no as Kane drags Shane to the side of the ring closest to Vince. Vince then threatens to send Kane back to the insane asylum. Kane then lets Shane go. Vince then proclaims Kane the winner of the match. Shane then tells Patterson and Brisco that's what happens when they don't take care of him and then says let's go, Kane. Shane and Vince hug at the top of the ramp and Kane just keeps walking. Kane stops at the entrance and both McMahons tell him to go on as Patterson and Brisco yell at each other in the ring.
-Dennis Knight still shown in the dungeon. The Acolytes come in and he screams no, but Farooq says it's all right, it's time.
-Hardcore Title Match. Road Dogg vs. Al Snow with Head: Snow out first He puts Head on the ramp and Head now has no hair and tape or something around its mouth. Snow then goes back through the curtain and gets on the floor and peeks through. He is still wearing the blood soaked shirt from the Brood attack two weeks previously. Road Dogg comes out with the title. He drops the title on the ramp and goes to pick up Head and when he does, Snow comes out and attacks him from behind. The bell rings and Snow is kicking Road Dogg repeatedly in the head. They start to go down the ramp and Snow hits Road Dogg with a forearm shot. Road Dogg rolls halfway down. He gets to the bottom of the ramp and Snow kicks him. Road Dogg then grabs Snow and runs him head first into the corner buckle. Road Dogg then reaches under the ring and pulls out a table and some other things including a chair. Snow gets up on the apron and runs towards Road Dogg, who throws the chair at Snow to knock him off the apron to the floor. Snow knocks Road Dogg down and then hits him with the chair. Snow hits Road Dogg in the midsection with the chair. Snow then sets the chair up and runs and hits Road Dogg with a leg sweep. Snow then sets the table up and hits Road Dogg with a chair to the head. Snow then sets Dogg on the table and Snow goes up to the barricade and moonsaults off, but Road Dogg moves and Snow goes crashing through the table. Road Dogg gets a two count. Road Dogg then hits Snow with a cookie sheet and bends it in half. Road Dogg straightens the sheet and then hits Snow with it again. Snow tells him to bring it and Road Dogg hits him with the sheet again to knock Snow down. Road Dogg gets a two count. Road Dogg grabs Snow by the hair and runs him into the barricade by the ramp. They start to fight in that little area between the barricade and the ramp. Snow with a series of right hands to Road Dogg. Snow grabs Road Dogg by the neck and starts choking him. He then hits Road Dogg with a right hand and they are in the area by the ramp that the announce desk would be later. Snow runs Road Dogg into a piece of scaffolding. Snow tries to climb up to the ramp only to get attacked from behind by Road Dogg. They continue to fight and Road Dogg jumps Snow from behind as Snow was attempting to set up a table. Road Dogg then grabs the table and leans it up against a barricade. He then hip tosses Snow into the table and breaks it. Road Dogg then climbs halfway up the stairs to the ramp and hits Snow with a double ax handle as Snow was trying to get up. Both up now and Road Dogg hitting Snow with some forearm shots as they work their way even farther to the back. Snow runs Road Dogg into a crate as they make their way to the back of the arena. Snow runs Road Dogg into an area that looks like a janitors closet but larger. He takes a hose and wraps it around Road Dogg's throat and starts choking him with it briefly. Snow then turns the water on and hoses Road Dogg down with it. He then throws a box of toilet paper and Michael Cole says he hopes that is two ply toilet paper. Road Dogg stumbles out of that area and Snow follows and breaks a broom over Road Dogg's back. Road Dogg up and he throws a cardboard box of something at Snow to knock him down. Road Dogg then runs Snow into a flower cart that is there for some reason. Back and forth. Lawler says the cart is full of old Christmas Poinsettias as Snow picks one up and throws it at Road Dogg. He then hits Road Dogg across the head with another one. Snow runs Road Dogg into some "steel poles" as Michael Cole calls them, because whenever a wrestler runs into something outside the ring, it has to be made of steel. I don't know why, I don't make the rules, I just obey them. Snow picks up a pole and runs it into Road Dogg's midsection. He then hits Road Dogg with the pole a couple of more times. Snow picks Road Dogg up and punches him, but Road Dogg reverses an Irish whip and runs Snow into some beer kegs. He then runs Snow into a steel case and they exchange some blows. Road Dogg Irish whips Snow into some barricade sections and then goes to spray Snow with a fire extinguisher but it is empty, so he hits Snow in the head with the extinguisher. Snow falls through an emergency exit and the alarm goes off. They battle to the outside of the arena and it is snowing outside. Road Dogg hits Snow with a snow shovel and he falls into a cart. Road Dogg then rolls the cart into the entrance to the building where the trucks unload and Snow crashes into the door. They trade blows in the snow. Snow Irish whips Road Dogg into the chain link fence around the generators for the building. Snow then hits Road Dogg with a traffic cone. Road Dogg with a kick to the midsection and a piledriver on some pallets. He then pins Snow to win and the match never got into the ring. Road Dogg then shown heading back into the arena. He gets into the ring and celebrates.
-The Acolytes are shown throwing Dennis Knight into a room filled with bright light and Knight screams.
-Shawn Michaels is shown with DX as they are walking down a corridor and Michaels says have I got a plan for McMahon tonight. HHH hands Michaels some car keys as he gets to an exit and says see you guys, I will be right back. Michaels trying to get into his car, then yells out, Hey Hunter, you gave me the wrong keys. Hey guys, I'm locked out here as he pounds on the door and someone says hey Shawn and Michaels turns around as they go to commercial break. When they come back from the break, Michaels has been beaten and is lying on the hood of the car. Officials are out there with a stretcher working on him. They show the Corporation as the ones who attacked Michaels and threw him on the car. Michael Cole says he thought he heard Mr. McMahon's voice out there and wonders if this is the dismemberment of Shawn Michaels that he promised. Michaels is loaded into an ambulance and taken away.
-WWF Championship Match No Disqualification. The Rock vs. Mankind: Mankind out first and as he gets into the ring, DX comes down the aisle. The Rock comes out with both McMahon's and the rest of the Corporation. The Rock still appears to be upset at Vince that they are still even having this match. Mankind goes to say something to Vince between the ropes and gets jumped from behind by the Rock as the bell rings. Rock with several shots to Mankind to knock him to the apron. More kicks to Mankind knock him to the floor. Ken Shamrock goes and kicks Mankind, only to get stopped by the Rock, who says he's got this. Rock goes to run Mankind into the announce desk, but Mankind blocks it and Rock gets thrown into the desk instead. Mankind with some right hands to Rock. Then some forearms to Rock as they battle on the outside by the barricade. Rock reverses an Irish whip and tosses Mankind over the steps to the barricade. Rock then hits Mankind with punches and kicks. Rock then picks up the ring steps and hits Mankind with them. They fall on Mankind and so Rock picks up the bottom half of the steps and hits Mankind with them. Vince shrugs and says no disqualifications as Rock grabs Mankind and hits him as a Rocky Sucks chant goes out. Rock suplexes Mankind on the outside. Rock comes over and grabs Michael Cole's headset and puts it on and starts commentating on the match saying that he has checked Mankind into the Smackdown hotel. He goes to spit some water at Mankind, but Mankind hits Rock with his right hand before he can do it. Mankind climbs over the announce desk to attack the Rock. He throws the Rock to the side and Mankind gets on the headset to do some commentary only to get hit by the ring bell from the Rock. Rock then wraps a mic cord around Mankind to choke him. They then climb up on top of the announce desk as referee Earl Hebner tries to get them back into the ring and the Rocky Sucks chant goes out again. The Rock then Rock Bottoms Mankind through the announce table. A small Rocky chant goes out as Rock grabs Mankind and throws him back into the ring. Rock knocks Mankind down and gets a two count as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler finally get back on their headsets to resume commentary. The Rock then chokes Mankind on the second rope. Hebner admonishes the Rock, allowing Shane to come over and continue to choke Mankind. The Rock hits a nice side Russian leg sweep. He gets another two count. The Rock with a right hand and a corner whip to Mankind. Mankind with a back elbow to Rock when the Rock charges Mankind in the corner. Rock follows that up with a clothesline. Mankind with some right hands. Rock reverses an Irish whip and hits Mankind with a back elbow. Rock with a scoop slam and he sets up the Corporate Elbow. He hits is and still only gets a two count. and everyone looks stunned. Rock with a right hand and an Irish whip. He misses a clothesline and Mankind comes back with a neck breaker. Both men down. Mankind up first and Boss Man grabs his foot as Test slides the WWF Championship in to the Rock. Even though this is a no DQ match, Shane distracts the referee so Rock can hit Mankind with the belt and then Rock throws the belt out to Boss Man. Another close two count. DX and the crowd cheer and the Corporation looks stunned. Rock gets the belt again and goes to hit Mankind with it. Mankind ducks the show and kicks Rock in the midsection and then double arm DDTs Rock on the belt. Mankind gets a two count. Mankind pulls out Mr. Socko. Mankind puts it on and applies the mandible claw. The Rock fades to the mat. Shamrock comes in with a chair and hits Mankind with it. Gunn comes in and takes out Shamrock. DX and the Corporation start fighting on the outside. Suddenly, the glass breaks and Steve Austin comes out. The crowd loses its mind. He is dressed in street clothes and wearing a hat. He grabs the chair in the ring and hits the Rock with it. He puts Mankind on the Rock and Hebner counts it. The crowd cheers wildly as we have a new WWE Champion. Vince is screaming at Austin as DX gives Mankind the championship and Hebner raises his hand. The Corporation grabs the Rock to help him to the back as Mankind and DX celebrate in the ring. Austin taunts McMahon and flips him off before leaving and Vince calls Austin a bastard. Mankind gets on the turnbuckle and lifts the Championship high. He then turns to the ramp and Vince says no, not him. DX has them cut the music and Road Dogg announces Mankind as the new World's Heavyweight Champion. Vince says to the Rock that he will get the championship back. Mankind gets the mic and says hey Vince, I've gotta tell ya, this feels pretty damn good. He then says at the risk of not sounding very cool, he would like to dedicate this match to his two little people at home and say Big Daddio did it! He then takes the belt and runs around the ring with it as they sign off from Worcester.
-Final Thoughts: An epic night in the saga of the Monday Night Wars. This and the Finger Poke of Doom the same night reversed WCW's fortunes. Recommended for so much.

Episode 163 Notes Tue, 10 Jan 2023 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] f332253e-ab58-46ce-8813-2bcafd17d93a My notes for Episode 163: Project 45: 2007 New Year's Raw. -The state of the show.
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2007 as we look at the New Year's Day 2007 edition on Monday Night Raw from the WWE.
-WWE Monday Night Raw was shown on the USA Network on January 1, 2007 from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. There were 15,169 in attendance.
-WWE intro.
-Flashback to Kevin Federline on Raw and attacking John Cena and Challenging John Cena.
-Raw Intro.
-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to Raw. JR has mentioned that he asked for the night off in order to go see Oklahoma play Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl only for Vince McMahon to tell him that it had to be all hands on deck for the important match up of John Cena vs. Kevin Federline.
-John Cena's music hits and he comes out to a big ovation. Kevin Federline gets booed heavily when he is introduced. When he comes out though, not much reaction. He gets up on the stage and says Hey Cena, I've got some news. He says he's been talking to Coachman and there has been a little change in their match. He says he doesn't want anything to stop him from beating Cena's ass. So tonight, it's going to be no DQ. He then brings out his trainer and friend, Johnny Nitro. They come to the ring.
-No Disqualification match. John Cena vs. Kevin Federline with Johnny Nitro: Federline and Cena face to face in the ring. A Cena chant goes out. Federline goes over to his corner and warms up throwing punches to Nitro's hands. Federline puts in a mouth piece as a we want Britney chant goes out referring to Mr. Federline's other half at the time. Federline putting on padded gloves. Cena getting upset as the crowd starts to chant K-Fed sucks. Federline then takes his robe off and puts headgear on and they are really milking this thing for all that it's worth. The bell finally rings and they circle each other. Cena bends over and tells Federline to take a free shot at his head. Federline puts Cena into a side headlock. Cena picks Federline up and throws him off. Nitro gets up on the apron and says time out, so he and Federline confer. Federline then throws the gloves away as the Cena chants go out again. Nitro slides a chair into the ring. Federline says something to referee Mike Chioda, who then talks to Cena who motions to go ahead, so Chioda sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. Cena sits in the chair and Federline does the Master lock Challenge on Cena. He gets him in the Master Lock or the Full Nelson I guess since it isn't Chris Masters doing it. Cena easily breaks the hold and pushes Federline away. Federline then takes the headgear off and takes out his mouthpiece. Nitro tries to pump him up in the corner. Federline comes to the center of the ring and asks for a test of strength. Cena grabs one arm and then Federline takes the other arm and forces Cena down and gets a cross arm breaker on Cena. Cena then gets up with Federline still on his arm. He then sets Federline on a corner turnbuckle. Nitro comes in and Cena clotheslines him and tosses Nitro out of the ring. Federline takes advantage and comes up behind Cena and hits him with a low blow. Cena then gets up and gets Federline up on his shoulders for the FU, but Umaga comes in and attacks Cena. Armando Alejandro Estrada grabs the WWE Championship and hands it to Umaga. Umaga hits Cena with the WWE Championship. Estrada then yells see you on Sunday, Cena. Federline then covers Cena nonchalantly to get the pin. Federline and Nitro celebrate as they leave and the crowd boos them. When they return from commercial break, JR and Lawler recap what just happened.
-Federline is shown in the back with Nitro and a group celebrating his victory. They go into his dressing room. Maria comes over and knocks on the door to try to get an interview. Melina comes up to her to ask her what she is doing and they start arguing. Melina then challenges Maria to a match and then slaps Maria before walking away.
-JR and Lawler talk about Rated RKO attacking DX a couple of weeks ago and then DX is shown in the back.
-They go back to Kevin Federline's dressing room and everyone is celebrating when the Coach comes in and says he can't believe it. Kevin Federline defeated John Cena. He just can't believe it. Coach then addresses Johnny Nitro and Melina by saying Cena has made a habit out of humiliating all of them in the last year. He says well this year is time for payback. He says you see John Cena's night is not even close to being through. He says you see we need a main event, don't we? So tonight, what he has decided is it's going to be John Cena vs. Umaga plus his partners Armando Estrada, The Coach, and Johnny Nitro in a four on one handicapped match. He said Kevin Federline started all of this and they are going to finish it. you see John Cena's in for a very Happy New Year.
-Shaq and some members of the Miami Heat are shown in the crowd.
-Cryme Time Shad and JTG and The Highlanders Robbie and Rory vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin: Cade and Robbie start. They lock up and drive to a corner. Cade drives some knees into Robbie's midsection. Cade then with a forearm to the back to drive Robber to his knees. Cade with a corner whip and Robbie hits him with a back elbow when he charges him. Robbie with a crossbody to Cade from the second rope for a one count. Robbie with a wrist lock and JTG tagged in. He comes in and tells Cade to come on and Cade responds with a kick to the midsection and a forearm to knock JTG down. Cade runs the ropes and JTG hits him with a nice drop toe hold. JTG with an arm bar. Cade with a forearm to break the hold and Haas and Rory arguing in a neutral corner and the referee is over trying to get them back to their respective corners. JTG with a forearm to Cade and runs the ropes, but gets tripped by Murdoch when he gets to the ropes. Cade takes advantage by dropping an elbow on JTG. Haas tagged in and corner whips JTG into the turnbuckle and he falls to the mat. Haas with a double arm suplex and he gets a two count. Haas with a front face lock and tags Benjamin in. Haas then runs JTG into a Benjamin knee. Haas then clotheslines JTG before he gets out of the ring. As Benjamin goes by, Murdoch slaps Benjamin's back to tag in and Benjamin gets mad and asks Murdoch what he thinks he's doing? Murdoch comes in and scoop slams JTG. Cade then tagged in. He grabs Murdoch as if to atomic drop him, but instead slams Murdoch's leg down on JTG. Cade goes up to the second rope and comes off with an elbow drop, but JTG moves. Shad and Murdoch both tagged in. Shad clotheslines both Murdoch and Cade. A big boot to Cade knocks him out of the ring. Shad with a back suplex to Murdock which gets a two count, but Benjamin and Haas come in to break up the pin attempt. The Highlanders come in and start going at it with the World's Greatest Tag Team. Robbie spears Haas to the outside and Cade clotheslines Robbie out after Haas. Rory backdrops Benjamin to the outside. Cade then rushes Rory to dump him to the outside, but Rory grabs the top rope and drops down and Cade spills to the outside. Murdoch then hits Rory from behind to knock him out. Shad blocks a shot from Murdoch and hits him with a Jaw Breaker. Murdoch staggers back and JTG hits him with a reverse Hot Shot to allow Shad to pin Murdoch.
-WrestleMania Recall moment of Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III.
-Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Conway: Hardy is the Intercontinental Champion here, but Lillian Garcia doesn't say it's a title match. Hardy out first. Conway then comes out to the stage with a mic and says this is a brand new year and Rob Conway is tired of being everyone's whipping boy. So he made himself a New Year's Resolution, from now on, he's going to be a winner. So what that means is if he can't beat Jeff Hardy tonight, he will quit Monday Night Raw. He then comes down to the ring and gets in. The bell rings. They go to lock up and Conway with a boot and a forearm to knock Hardy down. Then a series of forearms as a Hardy chant goes out. Conway with a corner whip and then charges Hardy, who lifts up and rolls Conway up to pin him. That was quick. Hardy celebrates. Conway complains to referee Mike Chioda that it was just a two count.
-Vince McMahon's music hits and he comes out. He gets in the ring with a mic and Conway shakes his hand. McMahon says it's that time of the year where people make New Year's Resolutions, but by the end of the year, 99.9% of them will have broken their New Year's Resolutions. He then tells Conway it took him around a minute to break his New Year's Resolution. McMahon then says he has a couple of resolutions himself and everybody knows that he doesn't break his. He says he will share a couple of them. He's going to stop being so damned nice. He's going to stop letting people take advantage of him. Such as his good friend and fellow billionaire Donald Trump. He says Donald actually has his troubles and has his hands full as of late and they show an unflattering picture of Rosie O'Donnell on the screen as this was the time of the Rosie/Donald feud. McMahon doesn't help matters by saying it's Yokozuna! He then corrects himself to say it's Rosie O'Donnell. McMahon then says that Donald Trump is credited many times with a certain phrase that he uses on his hit show, The Apprentice. Everybody knows that Donald did not originate that phrase. That phrase originated right here on Monday Night Raw. He then says to Rob Conway, I'm not going to allow you to quit Monday Night Raw. He says Rob Conway, you're fired and Conway looks mortified. McMahon then leaves.
-Todd Grisham interviews Kenny Dykstra. Grisham says Ric Flair tried to extend his hand and shake Dykstra's hand and Dykstra says that Flair is trying to save face. He beat Ric Flair and now Flair wants to turn it around and make the story be about how much of a classy guy Ric Flair is. Dykstra says well that's not what the story's about. The story is about Kenny Dykstra. He's not even 21 years old. He's the future of Raw. He asks Grisham if he has heard that death comes in threes and Grisham says yeah. Well, he's going to show you how death comes in fours. James Brown, President Ford, Sadaam Hussein, and now Ric Flair's career. Dykstra then leaves.
-JR and Lawler talk about Ric Flair being decimated by Team Rated RKO and then Rated RKO decimating DX two weeks ago. DX is then shown walking down a hallway.
-After a commercial break, DX comes out to a tremendous ovation. They get in the ring and HHH says speak to me, Miami, are you ready? The crowd cheers wildly. He says then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home and Shawn Michaels grabs the mic and says I cannot do this. I can't come out here and pretend what I just saw didn't happen. Randy Orton and Edge for the last 5 years, HHH or myself individually or collectively have faced everybody this company have put in front of us. Good, bad. Talented. No talent. The ones he likes best are the futures of the WWE or the stars of tomorrow. His favorite of all time is the greatest in ring performer of his generation. He is still waiting to face that guy. You want to know what all those guys have in common? Either they're no longer here or they're jerking the curtain someplace. While HHH and the Heart Break Kid, Degeneration X, stand the test of time right here in the WWE. And then, finally, he doesn't know whether to be ecstatic or thrilled, but finally a couple of guys come along who at least appear to have a set. Randy Orton and Edge, several weeks ago, you jumped Ric Flair from behind. You drag his nearly lifeless, bloody body out here in front of the world and you nearly beat him within an inch of his life and that new-found set of juevos that you have seemed to grow even bigger and then you do the unthinkable. You managed to drop Degeneration X. You take the Heart Break Kid, double RKO on a chair, split his head open, and then you take the Game. You lay him out on that announce table. You give him a double conchairto, and you split him from ear to ear. Doing something to us that nobody's ever done, and that set grows bigger and bigger. Randy Orton and Edge, this Sunday, New Year's Revolution, you're going to find out there's a big difference in having a set and knowing what to do with them. Because this Sunday, DX is going to take yours and kick them down your throat. HHH takes the mic and says he's disappointed tonight. Because he thought they were going to fly all the way down here from Miami on New Year's Day and get themselves in one hell of a fight. But the two girls, Edge and Orton, didn't show up. He shrugs his shoulders and says it happens. Double yeast infection is what he heard. Yikes that is uncomfortable right there and didn't age well. But HHH knows that they're going to be there Sunday for the PPV because they think they've got DX right where they want them. They think they've got DX in the palm of their hand. Do you know what happened to the last guy who thought he had them in the palm of his hand? They beat him bloody and then shoved him up Big Show's ass, talking about Vince McMahon. He says you see, Edge and Orton can't figure out that they're different. They're not like your regular group of guys. They've got different sides, they're kind of like frosted Mini-wheats. They've got two different sides. You've got the frosted side where you get the sugary goodness. Michaels says he likes the sugary side. HHH says everybody likes the sugary side, Shawn. It's sweet. It makes you laugh, it entertains you, You have a good time. That's the sugary side, but then there's the other side. There's the side that Edge and Orton are going to get. There's the side where the two most ruthless bastards to ever set foot inside this ring live. Edge, Orton, welcome to the other side. We are going to beat your ass on Sunday. We are going to tear flesh, we are going to break bones. We are going to make you bleed. And we are going to leave you lying in a broken, twisted, bloody heap in the middle of this ring because we are the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. The Game, HHH. We are Degeneration X and if you're not down with that, we've got two words for you and the crowd says suck it.
-Melina vs. Maria: Maria comes out holding her face from the slap and wants to start before the bell rings. Before they start, Victoria comes to the ring and sits down at the announce desk as the bell rings and the match gets started. They attack each other and roll around on the mat. They go back and forth and Melina gets a front face lock on. Maria reverses and runs Melina face first into the mat. Victoria says she has done everything for this company and keeps getting screwed over by other divas so she has a blank space on her list for another name. Melina with a forearm and a kick to Maria. Melina ties Maria's hair up in the ropes and then attacks her again. Melina then rushes Maris, who gets her boot up at the last second to knock Melina down. Maria then runs Melina throat first into the ropes. Maria attacks Melina with kicks and slaps and then Irish whips Melina. She goes to dropkick Melina, who holds on to the ropes and Maria falls to the mat. Melina with a roll up for a two count. Melina then rolls Maria up again and gets the pin. Victoria then gets up in the ring. Melina leaves the ring and Victoria suddenly gets out of the ring and attacks Lillian Garcia. She throws Lillian into the ring. She goes to put Lillian up in the Widow's Peak, but gets attacked by Mickie James. James with an Irish whip to Victoria, who bails out of the ring. Victoria says she will see James at New Year's Revolution.
-Recap of the Tribute to the Troops from the week before.
-Ric Flair and Carlito with Torrie Wilson vs. Chris Masters and Kenny Dykstra: Carlito and Dykstra start and Dykstra with a kick to the stomach. Dykstra attacking Carlito with right hands. Dykstra with an Irish whip and Carlito ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Dykstra with a hurricanrana. He then stomps on Dykstra and starts to go after Masters in the corner. He turns back to Dykstra, who then kicks Carlito and slams the back of Carlito's head down to the mat. Masters tagged in. He goes to drop an elbow on Carlito, but Carlito moves. Flair tagged in. He chop blocks Masters in the knee and then chops Masters several times. He then gets Masters in a figure four. Flair gets a two count until Dykstra comes in to break up the hold. When they come back from commercial break, Masters has Carlito in a backbreaker. They show Masters tripping Carlito for his team to gain the advantage during the break. Carlito and Dykstra going back and forth in the middle of the ring. Dykstra with a front face lock and Masters tagged back in and hits Carlito with a double ax handle from the second rope. he then gets Carlito down and drags him back to the corner and Dykstra tagged back in. Dykstra makes a cover and Carlito kicks out. Dykstra with a rear chin lock. Wilson on the outside cheering Carlito on trying to get him to come back. Carlito makes it back to his feet, breaks the hold, and chops Dykstra. Carlito runs the ropes, but Dykstra hits him with a stiff looking back elbow. Dykstra gets a two count. Dykstra then drags Carlito over and Masters tagged in. He drops an elbow on Carlito. Masters then drops down on Carlito's back. Masters drives Carlito into the heel's corner and hits him with several right hands while Dykstra holds Carlito's trunks behind the referee's back. The referee gets Masters away. Flair tries to come in, but the referee holds him back. Carlito punches Dykstra down to get out of the corner and starts brawling with Masters. Masters pushes Carlito back into the corner where Dykstra guillotines Carlito on the top rope. Masters then hits a double underhook suplex. He gets a two count. Masters then gets a headlock on Carlito. Carlito gets back to his feet and hits Masters with some elbows to the stomach to break the hold. Carlito again runs the ropes, but Masters catches him and military presses Carlito. He gets another two count. Carlito up and Masters hits him with a forearm and Irish whips him and Carlito comes back with a springboard back elbow. Both men down and a double count going. Dykstra comes in and runs across the ring to knock Flair off the apron. Dykstra then goes out after Flair and runs him into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Masters hits Carlito with a hard clothesline. Masters then signals for the Master Lock. He gets the move on Carlito The crowd and Wilson cheering on Carlito to break the hold. Carlito appears to be fading. Flair comes in and clips Masters leg so that he falls down and frees Carlito and the crowd loves the dirtiest player in the game. Dykstra tagged in. Corner whip to Carlito, who moves out of the way of a Dykstra splash attempt and Dykstra hits the corner post. Flair tagged in. He comes in and chops Dykstra down. He then gets Dykstra in the corner and hits him with left and right hands. He then chops Dykstra down to the ground and the crowd absolutely loves it. Dykstra up and Flair Irish whips and chops him down again and JR says it is shades of Wahoo McDaniel. Masters tries to come in and Flair chops him down for his troubles. Flair chops Dykstra down and goes to put him in the figure four, but Masters comes in and clotheslines Flair down. That brings Carlito into the ring and he clotheslines Masters to the outside the ring. Carlito and Masters start to fight up the ramp. Dykstra goes to put Flair into the figure four, but Flair kicks Dykstra off. Flair comes after Dykstra, who gets Flair down and pins Flair using the ropes for leverage. Dykstra gets out of the ring, lifts his arm in celebration, and then leaves. Flair grabs a microphone and gets back in the ring. Flair says it's not over yet kid, if he wants Flair's respect and you want the respect of the audience, then he needs to get out there and keep this going. Edge and Randy Orton appear out of the crowd. Edge distracts Flair while Orton comes up behind Flair and hits an RKO on Flair. They then go outside and grab some chairs. They slide back into the ring with the chairs and put Flair's head on one of the chairs and do a horrible looking conchairto to Flair. They then get out of the ring and leave through the crowd as they chant you suck to Rated RKO.
-They replay what happened to Flair after the commercial break. JR and Lawler talk about what happened and run down the card for New Year's Revolution. K-Fed comes back out with his arms up. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic. He says he doesn't like to say he told you so, but two weeks ago, he told everyone that the real Kevin Federline never backs down from a challenge, overcomes every obstacle, and takes pride in shocking the world, when he beat John Cena. The crowd boos. He says he had such a good time earlier, he's going to take a seat at ringside and watch Cena get his ass beat again. He then says Cena, I can see you, but you can't see me. K-Fed then joins commentary.
-Four on One Handicapped Match. Jonathan Coachman, Johnny Nitro, Armando Estrada, and Umaga vs. John Cena: Cena comes out last and gets a great reaction. Cena runs to the ring and he and Umaga exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Coach tries to attack Cena from the apron, so Cena takes a shot at his other three opponents who all get down off the apron. Umaga tries to rush Cena in the corner, but Cena moves and hits Umaga with a running shoulder block. He gets a one count. Umaga rushes Cena again, so Cena drops down and grabs the top rope and Umaga spills to the outside. Nitro comes in and tackles Cena and hits him with some right hands until Cena flips Nitro off him. Cena follows that up with a clothesline and then another clothesline and a suplex. Cena then throws Nitro into a corner post. Cena turns around only to get hit with a Samoan drop from Umaga. The crowd chants Cena. Umaga drags Cena over to the corner and goes to do a version of the Banzai drop on Cena, who gets his knees-up. Nitro comes in and Cena hits him with a clothesline. Cena then grabs Coach and brings him in. He then brings Estrada in. Another clothesline to Nitro to knock him back down. Cena then grabs Coach and hits him with a big right hand. He then hits a drop toe hold to Umaga and gets the STFU on. Estrada comes in with a chair. Cena kicks him and gets the chair and hits Umaga in the head with it to get disqualified. Umaga doesn't go down from the chair shot. Another chair shot to Umaga. He falls out of the ring and lands on his feet. Nitro tries to attack Cena and gets hit with an FU. Coach then gets an FU. Cena then goes outside and grabs K-Fed and throws him into the ring. He hits K-Fed with an FU. Cena then grabs the WWE Championship and points at it while screaming at Umaga, who Estrada is holding back on the top of the ramp. Cena then holds the WWE Championship up high. They replay what happened before signing off from Miami.
-Final Thoughts:This was interesting. The Federline stuff was to bring in viewers on a high profile and busy TV night. They do a good job setting up New Years Revolution but I would rather watch that than this.

Episode 162 Notes Sat, 07 Jan 2023 16:00:00 -0500 [email protected] dff15275-33f8-471e-a0e7-f577c77d650c My notes for Episode 162: Project 45: 1988 WCCW. The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
From MakeShift Studios in the shadow of south central Virginia, this is the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show. I am your host, Joey Harris.
-Follow the show’s Twitter: @CupofJoepod
-Email the show at [email protected].
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 1988 as we look at the final days of WCCW as they are transitioning to something else with the WCCW show from December 17, 1988.
-As we open the video, Kevin Von Erich is trying to make it to the ring, but is getting mobbed by fans. he is still popular here in 1988. Marc Lowrance and Frank Dusek are your announcers for the event.
-Kevin Von Erich vs. The Super Black Ninja: Ninja attacks Kevin before the bell. Kevin throws Ninja to the outside. He goes out after Ninja and gets attacked with a chair from Ninja. Ninja then throws Kevin into a ringside table, but Kevin blocks it and runs Ninja into the table instead. Kevin then hits Ninja with a chair. The match hasn't even officially started yet I don't think and Kevin still has his ring jacket on. Back in the ring and Kevin with some right hands to Ninja in the corner. He then throws Ninja out again and goes back out after him. He scoop slams Ninja on the floor and they battle through the crowd and out to the parking lot door emergency exit. Ninja is halfway out of the door when Kevin puts the Claw on him. He then kicks Ninja through the door and heads back towards the ring. Referee Bronco Lubich had already counted both men out. I don't know when this was taped, but Kevin says remember Pearl Harbor day, I just took care of him for you. We have reached the insensitive portion of our program so early.
-Lorance and Dusek talk about the injuries that Eric Embry has sustained. They then cut to Marc Lowrance interviewing Buddy Roberts who is with the SST. Roberts says we are going to see who is the toughest team in the sport. He says blood does not stop his men and that Skandor Akbar is broken down. He says Akbar better get on his camel named Clyde because his SST are nothing to laugh about. He feels safe around his boys and he has a good reason. He then calls out Michael Hayes and says that Hayes has a match with Roberts the next night and Roberts is going to show everybody who invented the Badstreet Match. It wasn't Michael Hayes or Terry Gordy. It was Roberts and he is going to show all of the people right there in Dallas who is the King of Badstreet and who is the King of the Managers and who is the greatest tag team in the world today.
-WCCW had been having an agreement with the CWA that would lead to Jerry Jarrett buying into the promotion, so they show a match from the WMC studios of The Stud Stable Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden with Sylvia and Downtown Bruno vs. Tommy King and Alan Reynolds: Dave Brown and Lance Russell on the call. Fuller and Reynolds start. All Fuller to start, but Reynolds comes back with a double shot to the midsection out of the corner. Golden tagged in and he starts to beg off. Reynolds with a side headlock and King tagged in. Golden takes him down with a handful of hair. Golden then kicks King. Golden with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Golden with a scoop slam and a neck breaker to King. King trying to come back, so Golden gets him in the corner and slaps him. He then hip tosses King out of the corner. He kicks King out of the ring where Sylvia attacks him with the kendo stick. Fuller goes out and throws King back in the ring. While this has been going on, Bruno has been going on nonstop on the mic until Lance Russell finally cuts him off. Golden with a double underhook suplex. He then runs King head first into the corner several times. The referee admonishing Golden, allowing Fuller to attack King in the corner. Golden then with an Irish whip and a dropkick to King. Fuller tagged in and while Golden was distracting the referee and Reynolds, Fuller kicks King in the head with his loaded boot. Fuller then pins King. The Stud Stable then attack Reynolds.
-Video on Sid Vicious.
-Cactus Jack Manson and Gary Young vs. Chris Adams and Jeff Jarrett: Young brags about the attack he and Skandor Akbar's crew did on Eric Embry. Adams and Jarrett cheered when they came to the ring. Young and Jarrett start. Young screaming at Adams on the apron and Adams tells Young to take a shot at him. Akbar crowing in the corner about all that he has done. Young and Jarrett lock up. Young hip locks Jarrett to the mat. He then struts around. They circle each other again and Jarrett diving for Young's legs. They lock up and Jarrett with a side headlock. Young pushes off. Jarrett comes back with a shoulder block. Jarrett runs the ropes and then both block hip lock attempts. Young rushes Jarrett, who hits Young with a scoop slam. Jarrett then hits Young with a flying headscissors. Then another one and then a dropkick by Jarrett to Young. Cactus Jack comes in and Jarrett dropkicks him to the outside. Young gets back in the ring. They lock up. Jarrett with a wrist lock, tags Adams in, and holds the wrist lock for Adams to come off the top rope with a double ax handle to Young. Adams with an arm bar to Young. Into a wrist lock. Adams really working on Young and gets him down to the mat with a hammerlock. Young makes it back to his feet. Adams still working on the arm. Young pushes off. Adams comes back with a pair of shoulder blocks. Adams then leapfrogs Young and gets an arm drag. He goes back to the arm bar and Jarrett tagged back in. A double Irish whip and a back elbow to Young. Jarrett gets a one count. Jarrett with an arm drag and goes back to the arm bar. Young gets back to his feet and hits a forearm to Jarrett to break the hold. Young with a scoop slam and Cactus Jack tagged in. Jarrett arm drags him and gets an arm bar on. He brings Cactus Jack over to the corner and Adams tagged in. He kicks Cactus Jack's arm. Adams working on the arm of Cactus Jack, twisting it and yanking down on it. He hits a modified snap mare to Cactus Jack and drops a knee on Cactus Jack. Adams gets the arm bar, but Cactus Jack makes it back to his feet and forces Adams into the corner. Cactus Jack with some right hands to Adams in the corner. Back and forth in the corner. Adams reverses Cactus Jack into the corner and hits him with some right hands. Cactus Jack reverses a corner whip and nails Adams with a knee to the stomach. Cactus Jack then runs Adams into Young's boot and Young tagged in. Double Irish whip and clothesline to Adams. Young drops a fist on Adams. Adams trying to get up and Young hits him with a right hand. He then tags Cactus Jack back in and Cactus Jack with a full nelson like move, but Cactus Jack's hands are on Adam's face. He then clotheslines Adams to the mat. Cactus Jack with a corner whip, but Adams moves on the charge and Cactus Jack spills out to the floor. Young in and stomping and hitting Adams as Akbar complains to the announcers that Cactus Jack went over the top rope and Adams should be disqualified. They say his own momentum took him over. Young grabs Adam's leg and Adams hits an enziguri to get out of the move. Jarrett tagged in and he comes in and cleans house. All four in the ring going at it. The heels are Irish whipped into each other. Akbar gets up on the apron and gets nailed by the faces and goes to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Iceman King Parsons comes in and attacks the faces for a disqualification. Brickhouse Brown comes in and attacks Parsons. The heels bail out to the floor.
-Marc Lowrance interviews the faces. Jeff Jarrett says the action is non-stop and he is proud to be a part of it. Adams says look at this crowd and suddenly, Parsons and Brown start going at it in the ring again. Brown gets the advantage and Parsons bails out to the floor. Adams then talks about becoming a promoter as he had started promoting spot shows around this time and was pretty successful at it.
-Iceman King Parsons with Skandor Akbar vs. Brickhouse Brown: The bell rings and Parsons doesn't want to get in the ring. Brown is in the ring and ready for Parsons. He taunts Parsons, who finally gets in the ring and when he does, Brown rushes him and hits some big right hands to Parsons in the corner. Brown pulls Parsons out to the center of the ring and hits him with some more right hands to knock him down. Parsons begging off, but Brown gets him up and hits him with a double throat thrust. Parsons falls back to the corner and Brown comes in with knees to Parsons to knock him to the ground. Brown with some right hands to Parsons, who hits Brown with a low blow to knock him to the ground. Parsons runs Brown into the mat head first several times and then gouging Brown in the face. Parsons then hits a suplex on Brown. He then kicks Brown in the midsection as Brown tries to get up. Parsons then choking Brown on the top rope for a four count. He then jerks Brown with the top rope to drive him back first into the mat. Parsons with a clothesline as the fans cheer go Brick Go. Brown back up and swinging wildly. Parsons with a kick to knock Brown back down. Parsons goes for a piledriver, but Brown reverses it into a backdrop. Brown coming back with rights and lefts to Parsons. Brown then drives Parsons into the corner turnbuckle head first. Brown with some chops to Parsons in the corner. He then chokes Parsons on the top rope to get a little payback. Brown with an Irish whip and a sleeper to Parsons. Parsons goes to his knees. Akbar gets up on the apron to distract the referee, who makes Akbar get down. Parsons starting to fade. Parsons reaching up to try to gouge Brown's face. He gouges the eyes to get out of the sleeper. Parsons with a right hand to knock Brown to the mat. Brown reverses an Irish whip and gets an abdominal stretch on Parsons. Parsons flips Brown over to get out of the hold. Brown back up and gets the sleeper on and Gary Young and Cactus Jack get in the ring to attack Brown and bring about a DQ for Parsons. They hold Brown for Parsons to attack. Akbar throws the referee out of the ring. Jeff Jarrett and Chris Adams hit the ring to help Brown. All 6 going at it in the ring. Eric Embry comes out to a big ovation and he attacks Akbar and the heels all ball out to the floor. The faces come out after them and everyone is fighting on the floor now. -They show earlier in the evening Embry about to take on Akbar in a match and a woman comes up to ringside to ask Embry for an autograph and then nails Embry with a brick. Cactus Jack comes in and also attacks Embry and the woman is revealed to be Gary Young. Back to live action and Marc Lowrance interviews Embry, who's hair is stained with blood and he is holding his left arm with his right arm. The video is very muddy so you can't really make out clearly what he is saying, but he is vowing revenge on Gary Young and the rest of Akbar's men.
-Ad for the pre Christmas Star Wars Bash happening the next night.
-Jerry Lawler comes to the ring. He has both the AWA and the WCWA belts as a result of winning the match with Kerry Von Erich at SuperClash III which you can listen to in the archives. Lawler not very popular with the crowd. The audio is still terrible. Kerry Von Erich comes to the ring and he is very popular with the crowd.
-Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship Match. Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich: Kerry gets on the mic and says he has defeated Lawler three times and everyone knows what happened in Chicago. Lawler gets on the mic and says Kerry has talked enough and when Lawler comes down the aisle, everyone should stand up for the king. Lawler knows how to play the heel. Kerry gets back on the mic and says these people are stupid like the people in Tennessee. These people saw you down and in the Iron Claw in Chicago. The audio isn't getting any better so I wish they would just start the match. Lawler goes out to the apron while Kerry takes his robe off and referee Bronco Lubich trying to get Lawler back in the ring. Kerry rushes Lawler on the apron, so Lawler drops down to the floor. Lubich gets Kerry back, so he starts strutting around the ring. Lawler is still on the floor. Lawler yelling and pointing at people in the crowd. Lawler gets up on the apron and tells Lubich to keep Kerry away from him so Lawler can get into the ring. Lawler comes through the ropes and as he does, he bumps his head on the top rope, so he bails out to the floor again and somewhere Larry Zbyszko is worried about gimmick infringement. Lubich counting Lawler out. Kerry says come on coward, step into the ring. Lawler finally gets into the ring. Lawler tells the crowd to be quiet and tells Lubich to make them shut up, which of course causes them to be louder. Lawler playing the crowd like a fiddle. Kerry urging the crowd on and Lawler says he can't hear to wrestle. Kerry dives for Lawler's legs and Lawler barely gets away in time. Kerry rushes Lawler again and Lawler barely makes it to the ropes. They finally lock up and drive to a corner. They break and Lawler goes to hit Kerry with a right hand and Kerry ducks. Lawler then covers up and tells Lubich to get Kerry away. They circle each other and Lawler tells the crowd again to be quiet. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break clean. Lawler then goes for a shot that Kerry blocks and then he knocks Lawler down with a right hand. Lawler stumbles to the apron. Another lock up and drive back to the corner and I have seen this before. Another clean break and Lawler again tries to punch Kerry, who blocks it and punches Lawler. A series of punches knocks Lawler onto the top rope in the corner and Kerry applies the claw. Lubich trying to get Kerry away, but Kerry then applies the claw to the stomach of Lawler. Lubich finally gets Kerry away and Lawler falls out to the floor. Lawler hesitates, but finally gets back in. They lock up and immediately go back to the corner. If you have been taking a shot every time they do this, enjoy your buzz. Out of the corner and Lawler kicks Kerry a couple of times in the stomach. Lawler then hits Kerry with a piledriver, since it is legal in WCCW. Kerry no sells it and gets up and clotheslines Lawler. Kerry punching Lawler in the face and then picks him up and throws him to the outside. Kerry goes out after Lawler and goes to run Lawler into the corner post, but Lawler blocks it and runs Kerry in instead. Lawler gets back in the ring as the video ends abruptly, but the results say it was a TV time limit draw.
-Final Thoughts: This was typical of WCCW at the time. Not setting the world on fire, but there are worse ways to spend an hour.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
-If you like the show, please leave a review on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. I would really appreciate it.
-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from the Heart of Virginia.
-Edit: Duplicate. Make Stereo track. Noise Reduction: Get noise profile from 5 seconds of silence. Select all, leave presets. Compressor Normalize Filter Curve: Bass boost Filter Curve: Treble boost Normalize again Limiter: Hard Limit: -4db
Amplify: Allow clipping

Episode 161 Notes Sat, 07 Jan 2023 15:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 6e9d1710-89d8-4a34-95a9-ff48afb4b760 My Notes for Episode 160: Project 45: 2010 Tribute to the Troops. -Today, Project 45 goes back to 2010 as we look at the Tribute to the Troops from that year.
-The WWE 2010 Tribute to the troops was recorded December 11, 2010 from Ft. Hood in Killeen, Tx. A one-hour version of the show aired on December 18 on NBC and a two-hour version of the show aired December 22 on the USA Network. President Barack Obama with a message to the troops thanking them for their service and sacrifice.
-Shots of the WWE Superstars entertaining the military over the years.
-Tribute to the troops intro.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to Tribute to the Troops and Ft. Hood.
-15 man Battle Royal: John Morrison, Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Chavo Guerrero, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Chris Masters, Cody Rhodes, Vladimir Kozlov, Santino Marella, The Nexus Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Husky Harris, and Michael McGillicutty are the participants. The Nexus gets up on the apron but are hesitant to get in. They finally do and the other superstars surround Nexus as the bell rings. The other superstars all attack Nexus. Nexus all retreat under the bottom rope to the outside. Everyone else pairing off and forearms are flying. Masters trying to get Sheamus in the Masterlock. Sheamus gets out and eliminates Masters. Sheamus dumps Bryan on the apron and Bryan punches him away. Bryan starts to go up top, but Sheamus knocks him back to the apron. Jackson knocks Rhodes over, but Rhodes holding on and reaches up and grabs Jackson by the head with his legs and Rhodes and Guerrero eliminate Jackson. Sheamus trying to eliminate Guerrero, who elbows Sheamus to try to avoid being thrown out. Marella trying to throw Morrison out and gets him on the apron. Morrison gets back in the ring. Marella hits the Cobra on Guerrero, Morrison, Rhodes, and Bryan. Everyone still in the ring down except Marella. Sheamus gets up and hits Marella with a double ax handle. Henry up and he and Sheamus face each other. Sheamus attacks Henry and when he does, the Nexus come in and attack both men. They then attack all the other men in the match while those men are all down. They eliminate Marella. Then they eliminate Kozlov and Guerrero. Rhodes tries to suck up to the Nexus, but he gets thrown out as well. The people left in the ring line up and go at it with Nexus except for Sheamus, who lays back. Bryan eliminates Gabriel. Sheamus hits Bryan with a Brogue kick and eliminates him. Henry hits a three point stance on Sheamus. Morrison eliminates Otunga. McGillicutty and Harris throw Morrison to the apron, but he hangs on. McGillicutty hits him with a forearm shot to eliminate Morrison. Henry then eliminates Slater. Henry then eliminates McGillicutty and Harris. Sheamus clips Henry while he was eliminating Harris. Sheamus attacking Henry on the ground. The crowd boos Sheamus. Sheamus goes to run Henry into a turnbuckle, but Henry blocks it. Henry with a forearm to knock Sheamus down. He follows that up with a clothesline and the crowd is cheering Texas native Henry. Henry rushes Sheamus, who gets his boot up on the charge. Sheamus goes up top, but gets caught and Henry grabs him and throws him over the top rope to win the battle royal. The crowd cheers him wildly.
-Taylor Swift wishes the service members Happy Holidays.
-Diddy Dirty Money performs I'll be missing you live.
-Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih is introduced. She is the guest ring announcers for Kofi Kingston and The Big Show vs. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler and TBS start and Ziggler tries to attack TBS, who headbutts Ziggler to the mat. TBS picks Ziggler up, puts him in a corner, and slaps him in the chest to knock him back down. TBS then steps on Ziggler's stomach and Kingston cheers in the corner. TBS throws Ziggler into the corner and then scoop slams him out of the corner. Kingston tagged in and does a float over leg drop to Ziggler from the apron. He gets a two count. Swagger starts to come in, but the referee warns him to stay on the apron. Kingston with an arm bar to Ziggler. Ziggler gets up with a knee to the stomach and an elbow to the back of the head. Ziggler with a shot and an Irish whip. Kingston ducks a clothesline attempt. He blocks a shot and monkey flips Ziggler halfway across the ring. He then hits Ziggler with some corner mounted punches. Kingston then flips Ziggler out of the corner and Irish whips him. Kingston goes for a dropkick, but Ziggler holds on to the ropes. Ziggler backdrops Kingston to the apron. Swagger tries to come over. Kingston kicking at him. He kicks Swagger off the apron and buries his shoulder into Ziggler's midsection and tries for a springboard. Swagger grabs his leg and pulls him off and Kingston hits the apron head first and falls to the floor. The Big Show complains to the referee, who gets The Big Show out and then starts counting Kingston. Swagger rolls Kingston back in where Ziggler gets a two count. Ziggler with a rear chin lock that Kingston tries to twist out of. A Kofi chant goes out as Kingston gets back to his feet and hits Ziggler with some shots to try to get out of the hold. Ziggler with a shot and goes for the famouser, but Kingston counters into a powerbomb. Swagger and The Big Show both tagged in and Big Show clotheslines Swagger down. Big Show with an Irish whip and a back kick to Swagger. He gets Swagger in a corner and splashes him and then hits a running shoulder block to knock Swagger to the mat. Ziggler comes in and Big Show tosses him up and then plants him. Kingston then clotheslines Ziggler to the outside. Big Show then choke slams Swagger and pins him.
-Kobe Bryant is shown wishing the troops Happy Holidays.
-Trace Adkins performs I got my game on.
-R-Truth and Eve come out to the ring singing What's up. He is taking on Ted DiBiase Jr, who comes to the ring with Maryse. The bell rings. R-Truth ducks a clothesline attempt. R-Truth gets DiBiase in a corner and kicks him. DiBiase reverses a corner whip and R-Truth jumps up to avoid the charge. R-Truth with a spinning heel kick to knock DiBiase down. DiBiase up, but gets hit with a right hand by R-Truth to go back down. DiBiase reverses an Irish whip, but R-Truth gets his boot up on the charge. R-Truth rushes DiBiase, who hits R-Truth with a stun gun. DiBiase then drops a knee on R-Truth at ringside. He then gets R-Truth down on the mat. DiBiase with a headlock. The crowd urging R-Truth on with a What's up chant as he makes his way back to his feet. R-Truth with a back suplex to break the hold. Both men down and a double count going. Both up and R-Truth blocks a shot. Back and forth in the center of the ring. R-Truth with a series of clotheslines and an Irish whip. He then hip locks DiBiase down. Maryse gets up on the apron to yell at R-Truth, who comes over to her and the referee is yelling at Maryse to get off the apron. Eve comes over and yanks Maryse off the apron. DiBiase comes up behind R-Truth looking for Dream Street. R-Truth counters with a Jaw Breaker. R-Truth with a shot and a scissors kick to pin DiBiase.
-Diva's Santa's Helper match. The Bella Twins Nikki and Brie, Natalya, and Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox, Melina, and LayCool Layla and Michelle McCool: Fox and Nikki start. Fox with a back elbow and a wrist lock. She then hits an Irish whip and a backbreaker on Nikki. She gets a two count. She then corner whips Nikki into the heels corner. Melina tagged in and she kicks Nikki down in the corner. Brie tries to come in to save her sister, allowing all of the heels to attack Nikki when the referee cuts Brie off. Melina drags Nikki to the center of the ring and hits her with a stiff looking forearm. Melina then with a corner whip to Nikki. She then gets Nikki in the corner, but Nikki comes back with a snap mare to Melina. Kelly and McCool both tagged in and Kelly hits a Thesz press on McCool and slams her head down on the mat several times and I can't believe that I just wrote that last sentence in my notes for this episode. Kelly ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a spinning headscissors to McCool. Kelly with a kick to McCool and then rams her face into the mat several times. Kelly with a boot stomp to McCool and goes to cover her, but Layla comes in to break up the pin attempt. All 8 Divas in and take turns throwing each other out. McCool throws Natalya out, only to get slapped by Kelly and Kelly hits a face buster to pin McCool.
-The cast of 30 Rock wish the service members a happy holiday season.
-Earlier today, Sherri Shepperd is shown coming out dressed as Santa with Hornswoggle dressed as an elf. They throw out gifts to the crowd.
-Former president George W. Bush with a holiday message for the troops.
-Diddy Dirty Money back out to perform coming home.
-Lindsey Vonn, USA Olympic Gold Medalist, thanks the troops for their service.
-William Grimsley, the Commander of Ft. Hood, is in the ring. He is going to take on Kane in an open arm wrestling challenge. Referee Mike Chioda gets them ready. They lock hands. The Major General tells Kane if he is scared, he can back out. They start. The Major General with an advantage. Kane coming back. Kane with an advantage and the Major General tells him he can quit at any time. The Major General coming back. Edge's music hits and Kane lets go. Edge comes out and gets in the ring. Kane grabs him by the throat. Edge slips out, ducks a clothesline attempt, and spears Kane. Edge and Major General Grimsley then celebrate.
-Cedric the Entertainer comes out to entertain the troops.
-Jimmy Fallon is shown making some jokes until the Miz comes in and scoops slams him and says Happy Holidays everybody.
-Trace Adkins performs Whip a Man's ass for the crowd, which loves it.
-General George Casey Jr, the Army's chief of staff, thanks WWE for Tribute to the Troops. He also thanks the troops for their service and sacrifice.
-6-man tag team match. Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, and John Cena vs. Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, and WWE Champion the Miz with Alex Riley: The crowd loses its mind when Cena comes out. The Today Show cast wish the service members Happy Holidays. A Cena chant goes out as the match begins. Cena and Miz start. Cena with some right hands and runs Miz into a corner turnbuckle. Cena with a corner whip and a bulldog. He gets a two count. Cena with an Irish whip, drops his head too early and Miz kicks him in the face. Miz with a right hand and Del Rio tagged in. Del Rio with a running kick to Cena's ribs. Del Rio beating Cena down in the corner as the Cena chant goes out again. Barrett tagged in. He kicks Cena, who comes back with some right hands and a double clothesline and both men down. Mysterio and Orton try to get the crowd into the match. Orton tagged in. He clotheslines Barrett. Another clothesline to Barrett, who comes back with a clothesline attempt that Orton ducks. Orton then hits a power slam to Barrett. Barrett rolls out to the apron. Orton grabs Barrett and does the ropes DDT. Orton briefly does his Viper routine and goes for an RKO. Barrett pushes Orton off towards the heels corner, so Orton punches the Miz and Del Rio off the apron. He then turns around and runs into a big boot from Barrett. Barrett starts stomping Orton. The Miz tags in and he takes over stomping Barrett. Alex Riley looking on from the outside as Miz gets Orton in a corner and kicks him. A Randy chant goes out. Miz yells out at the crowd and runs towards Orton to do a corner clothesline, but Orton comes out of the corner and clotheslines Miz down to the mat. Mysterio tagged in and gets Miz down and then hits a crossbody off the ropes for a two count. Mysterio with a tilt a whirl headscissors to set Miz up for the 619. He goes for it and Riley grabs his legs and pulls Mysterio out of the ring. Barrett tagged in and he comes out and drives Mysterio into the ring apron. Cena and Orton encouraging Mysterio from their corner. Barrett with a corner whip and a backbreaker to Mysterio. He gets a two count. Mysterio jumping to make the tag, but Barrett grabs his leg before he gets there. Barrett drags Mysterio back to the heels corner and Del Rio tagged in. He kicks Mysterio while he is down on the mat. Del Rio with a back suplex. He gets a two count as a USA chant breaks out. Del Rio with a sunset flip. Mysterio rolls through and delivers a dropkick to Del Rio. Del Rio up and kicks Mysterio. Del Rio with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Mysterio. Barrett tagged in. He punches Mysterio in the face until referee Mike Chioda pulls him away. Barrett argues with Chioda. Barrett puts Mysterio on the top rope. Barrett sets up for a superplex, but Mysterio blocks it. Mysterio knocks Barrett off the ropes to the mat. Mysterio then hits a crossbody to Barrett. Cena and Del Rio both tagged in. Cena with a shoulder tackle. Then another one. Scoop slam to Del Rio. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA, but Miz comes in to break it up. Orton comes in and slams Miz down. He goes into the Viper routine. Orton sets up for the RKO, but Riley pulls Miz out of the ring before he can hit it. He then hits a backbreaker to Barrett. Cena pushes Del Rio into the ropes and Mysterio hits Del Rio and Barrett with a 619. Barrett gets an RKO and Del Rio gets an AA and Cena gets the pin. The faces celebrate in the ring. The fans love it. They sign off from Ft. Hood with a highlight package.
-Final Thoughts: This is a great tradition that the WWE does for the armed forces every year and an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.

Episode 160 Notes Sat, 07 Jan 2023 14:30:00 -0500 [email protected] faf17e7c-2f9f-4c6c-89e7-acab44028723 My notes for Episode 160: Project 45 2017 UK Championship Special. -Things are slowing down at work but it gives me the opportunity to catch up on personal projects.
-Brian Gewirtz There’s Just One Problem book.
-This week, Project 45 stops in 2017 as we look at the UK Championship Special from the WWE.
-The UK Championship Special was filmed May 2, 2017 and shown on the WWE Network on May 19, 2017 from Epic Studios in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Jim Ross and Nigel McGuinness are the announcers for the event.
-WWE Then, Now, Forever intro.
-Highlights of Tyler Bate becoming the first WWE UK Champion. Some of the participants from the tournament talk about how the tournament has changed their lives.
-JR and Nigel welcome us to the UK special and run down what we are going to see on the show.
-Wolfgang vs. Joseph Conners: Feature on both wrestlers airs before the match. The bell rings. They slowly circle each other. They lock up. Conners with a go behind. Wolfgang reverses it into a side headlock. Conners reverses back into a wrist lock to drive Wolfgang down to the mat. Wolfgang back up and Conners with a side headlock. Wolfgang pushes off. Double shoulder block and neither man moves. Conners runs the ropes and Wolfgang hits him with a dropkick which was impressive by the big man. Wolfgang with an Irish whip, drops his head early, and Conners hits him with a forearm to the back of the head. Wolfgang with a clothesline to come back. Wolfgang with a corner charge, but Conners moves out of the way. Conners with a kick and he goes for a suplex, but Wolfgang blocks it several times. Conners with forearms to knock Wolfgang down. Wolfgang comes back with a delayed vertical suplex of his own. He finally drops Conners. He gets a two count. Wolfgang with a forearm and a scoop slam. Wolfgang goes up top and gets caught and pushed off by Conners. Wolfgang up on the 5 count only to be hit by a baseball slide from Conners. Conners comes out after Wolfgang. He runs Wolfgang back first into the apron. He then throws Wolfgang back into the ring with his head hanging out over the apron and hits Wolfgang with several forearms. He then slams Wolfgang's head on the apron and then briefly rolls back in to break the count before rolling out again. He then lateral presses over the top rope onto Wolfgang for a two count. Conners slams a knee down onto Wolfgang. Conners pummeling Wolfgang down in the corner. Wolfgang into the ropes so the referee gets Conners away. Conners pulls Wolfgang into the corner post and stretches him there for a three count. Then a running baseball slide into Wolfgang to knock him back to the floor again. Dueling chants go out as Conners gets Wolfgang back in the ring. Wolfgang pushes off and gets a knee to Conners. Conners ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a modified tilt a whirl slam. Another two count. Conners targeting the ribs of Wolfgang with a series of punches. Then Conners stretching Wolfgang on the mat trying to get him to give up. He gets another two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Wolfgang with a couple of corner whips and a backdrop onto Conners. Another corner whip and a corner crossbody by Wolfgang onto Conners in a unique move that I have never seen before. Wolfgang goes up top and hits Conners with a double ax handle. Wolfgang gets a close two count. Wolfgang gets Conners up in a fireman's carry, but Conners with a series of forearms to Wolfgang to slide out of the hold. Wolfgang grabs Conners from behind, but again Conners slides out of the hold. Conners goes up to the second rope and comes off like he's going to spear Wolfgang, who gets his knees up and hits a backstabber like move on Conners. Wolfgang goes up top to go for the Howling, but Conners rolls away so that he is too far for Wolfgang to hit the move. Conners out on the apron. Wolfgang comes over and Conners hits him with a shoulder to the chest. Conners with a sort of float over the ropes DDT move on Wolfgang to get a two count. Conners with some elbows to Wolfgang's ribs. Wolfgang with a reverse elbow counter to get out of the move. Wolfgang gets Conners up in a military press, but again Conners slips behind. Conners is more slippery than a divorce lawyer. A powerbomb gets a two count for Conners. Conners attacking Wolfgang's ribs with a series of double ax handles. Conners goes up to the second rope and comes off only to be speared out of nowhere by Wolfgang. Wolfgang goes up top and hits the Howling to pin Conners. That was an intense match.
-WWE Network ad.
-Mark Andrews is shown in the back getting ready. Tyler Bate is then shown getting ready as well.
-TJP and The Brian Kendrick (no relation) vs. Dan Moloney and Rich Swann: Moloney and Kendrick start. The bell rings. Kendrick tries to attack Moloney from behind when he briefly turns his head, but backs off when Moloney turns back. Kendrick with a kick to the stomach. Into a side headlock. Moloney lifts Kendrick up and throws him off. Moloney rushes Kendrick in the corner, but Kendrick moves out of the way and gets an arm bar on Moloney around the top rope for a three count. He reapplies a wrist lock in the center of the ring and Moloney trying to get out of the move. Kendrick brings Moloney over to the corner and tags TJP in. He picks the wrist lock up and slams it down on the top rope. TJP with a snap mare and a dropkick on Moloney. He then goes over to taunt Swann in the corner. A lock up and TJP with another wrist lock and Kendrick tagged back in. Kendrick slams Moloney's arm down on the top rope and comes in. He gets Moloney in a front face lock and then delivers several forearms to the back. Moloney gets out of the front face lock and gets Kendrick in a waist lock, but Kendrick tags TJP back in. TJP comes in and gets a front face lock on Moloney. Moloney tries to lift TJP up to break the hold, but TJP reverses it into a suplex. He gets a one count. TJP brings Moloney over to Kendrick and Kendrick slams Moloney's arm on the top rope several times. Kendrick then tagged in. Kendrick with an elbow to the back of the head of Moloney. TJP turns around and Kendrick goes to put Moloney's arm there so they can do their rope spot again, but Moloney pushes Kendrick into the spot instead so TJP is unknowingly hurting his own partner. Moloney and Swann go to the outside and go over to TJP's corner so he sees them and then realizes what he is doing. TJP and Kendrick start arguing in their corner. Moloney gets TJP back in and runs him head first into a turnbuckle and Nigel says Moloney should have used that opportunity to make a tag to Swann. Moloney gets TJP on the second rope and goes out to the apron to deliver a running kick to TJP's face. He gets a two count. Moloney with a front face lock to TJP and Swann tagged in. Double atomic drop to TJP. Double slam to TJP, who rolls out of the ring to avoid more punishment. Kendrick comes in and Swann gets him in a waist lock and slams Kendrick down and he rolls out of the ring as well. Swann runs and Moloney backdrops Swann onto Kendrick and TJP on the outside. He then rolls TJP back in the ring and gets a one count. Swann with an Irish whip to TJP, who avoids a clothesline attempt and tags Kendrick in without Swann knowing. TJP pushes Swann towards Kendrick, who guillotines Swann on the top rope, Kendrick comes into the ring and kicks Swann in the head. Kendrick then hits Swann with a knee to the head. He gets a two count. Kendrick with a corner whip and Swann hits the corner sternum first. Kendrick lifts Swann up and Swann tries to come back with a series of right and left hands. Swann jumps to try and tag Moloney in, but Kendrick grabs Swann by the waist to cut off the tag attempt. Swann still going for the tag and Kendrick has him by the ankle to keep him away from the corner. Swann kicks Kendrick away, but Kendrick grabs Swann by the head before Swann can tag. Then Kendrick grabs Swann by the wrist and both men reach towards their respective corners to tag. Swann with an enziguri to break the hold and both TJP and Moloney tagged in. Moloney comes in and clears the ring knocking both TJP and Kendrick down. He chops both men, runs TJP into Kendrick and then hits a scissor kick to TJP. Moloney with a series of chops and an Irish whip to TJP. He then slams TJP down and goes for the pin, but Kendrick breaks up the attempt. Moloney clotheslines Kendrick out of the ring. Moloney with more right and left hands to TJP in the middle of the ring. He goes to run the ropes, but Kendrick grabs his leg from the outside. Moloney looks down at Kendrick, giving TJP the opportunity to hit him with a spinning kick. TJP grinds his heel into Moloney's face as the crowd starts to taunt TJP. TJP covers his ears and kicks Moloney repeatedly. TJP with a wrist lock and Kendrick tagged in. Moloney hitting some punches on Kendrick to try to get out of the corner. Kendrick comes back with a drop toe hold. Kendrick gets on Moloney and hits a series of forearms. Moloney immediately grabs the ropes, so Kendrick gets up and plants his boot in Moloney's neck and stands on his back. TJP tagged back in. He scoop slams Moloney and hits a slingshot senton. He only gets a two count. TJP with a combination hammerlock/ chin lock combo on Moloney. Moloney lifts TJP up and hits a belly to back suplex. Kendrick tagged in and runs to Swann to try to knock him off the apron, but Swann punches Kendrick and Moloney then backdrops him. Swann tagged in and he cleans house on TJP and Kendrick. He hits a back kick to Kendrick and then a modified Harlem Hangover to Kendrick to get a close two count. Swann goes up top, but gets caught by Kendrick and Kendrick attempts a superplex, but Swann holds Kendrick and comes off the ropes with an inverted atomic drop to Kendrick. TJP breaks up the pin attempt. All four men in and Moloney gets TJP in the ropes and rushes him, but TJP moves and Moloney goes flying to the floor. Swann goes for a move on TJP, only to get caught in the Captain's Hook by Kendrick. Moloney gets back in the ring to break up the submission. Moloney tagged in. He hits Kendrick several times and then gets some corner mounted punches in. Kendrick with a shot to Moloney to get out of the ropes. Kendrick arguing with the referee, so TJP comes in to attack Moloney. Moloney pushes TJP to the outside. Moloney picks Kendrick up and goes to slam him, but TJP grabs Kendrick's arms from the apron. The referee counting TJP, who finally breaks the hold. Kendrick rolls Moloney up and pins him with a handful of tights.
-Bring it to the table ad.
-They show Wolfgang taking on Trent Seven from night one and Seven getting injured.
-Charley Caruso interviewed Trent Seven after the match. Seven says his arm is not that good, but it is not broken. It's annoying, but there's no way he's giving up this opportunity. Pete Dunne then comes in and Seven says I'll see you tomorrow. Dunne then attacks Seven and slams his arm up against the wall. Dunne then leaves.
-JR and Nigel discuss the attack and the upcoming match.
-Number one contenders match for the UK Championship. Trent Seven vs Pete Dunne: They show a feature on Dunne and Seven before the match. Dunne comes out. He is the current Progress champion and has the belt with him. Seven comes out with his arm taped up. Moustache Mountain/Bruiser-weight chants go out. The bell rings. They circle each other. Seven drives Dunne into the ropes. The referee breaks it up. They circle each other again. They lock up and drive to the ropes again. Again they break. Dunne with a knuckle lock. Into a wrist lock and Seven goes down to the mat. Seven thus far has been trying to protect his right arm. Dunne working on the wrist while Seven is fighting to get back to his feet. He does and breaks the hold. Another lock up. Dunne grabbing for Seven's injured arm, so Seven chops Dunne. Dunne goes down to his knees. Seven with another chop as Dunne gets back up. Dunne in the corner, but gets his boot up on a Seven charge and goes to the second rope. Seven pulls him off the rope and clotheslines Dunne. Seven with a cover, but only gets a one count. Seven gets Dunne in a headlock on the mat. Dunne gets to his feet and reverses into a waist lock. Seven gets to the ropes. Dunne releases the hold and chops the bad arm of Seven. Dunne grabs the injured arm and gets Seven down on the mat. He then kicks the injured arm. Seven rolls to the outside to regroup. Dunne comes out after Seven. He hits Seven with a hard European uppercut. Dunne then puts Seven's arm up in the ring step gap by the ring post and then kicks the ring steps to injure the arm further. Dunne then kicks Seven down and a double count going. Both men finally get back in the ring and Dunne immediately attacks Seven when he is down. Dunne with his knee on the injured arm and punching Seven. He slams down on Seven, then rolls him over and puts his foot on Seven's head and starts to pull off the tape on Seven's arm. Dunne attacking the arm methodically and forces Seven down for a one count. Dunne then slams the injured arm on the mat. Dunne then gets an arm lock on, but Seven gets his feet on the ropes. Dunne with a running kick to the head and gets a two count. Dunne goes back to working on the injured arm. Seven gets back up and starts chopping Dunne with the injured arm. Seven acts like he is going to chop Dunne again and Dunne covers up, but Seven was faking and DDTs Dunne. Dunne rolls out of the ring to regroup, but Seven runs and hits a tope between the ropes on Dunne. Seven throws Dunne back in the ring. Dunne kicks the injured arm as Seven was trying to get back in the ring. Dunne grabs the injured arm and starts kicking Seven in the head. Dunne gets Seven up and tries for the Bitter End, but Seven reverses with a go behind and goes for the 7 star. Dunne pushes off, so Seven hits him with a big lariat. He gets a close two count. Both men down on the mat and hurting. Both men using the ropes to pull themselves up. Seven rushes Dunne, who sidesteps him and hits a release German suplex. Dunne goes over to Seven and grabs him, but Seven reverses it into a scoop slam for another close two count. The referee checking both men. Seven rushes Dunne in a corner. Dunne sidesteps and throws Seven shoulder first into the ring post. Dunne hits a backdrop driver into an x-plex. He gets a very close two count. Dunne goes back on the attack as he grabs Seven's injured arm and works it over again. Seven works his way over and gets his feet on the ropes again. Seven out on the apron and the referee is checking on him. Dunne comes out after Seven and runs him into a barricade. Dunne comes over and attempts to break the fingers of Seven with joint manipulation as he has been doing all match long and is a master of it. He breaks when the referee counts, then gets Seven up on the apron and kicks him in the head several times. Back and forth on the apron. Seven hits a dragon suplex on Dunne on the apron and they both fall to the outside. Double count going. A holy shit chant goes out. Both men get back in the ring right before the 10 count. This is awesome chant goes out. Dunne goes up top, but gets caught by Seven, who chops him. Seven gets up on the second rope and grabs Dunne, who keeps elbowing Seven to try to get him off. Seven falls off the ropes, but lands on his feet and chops Dunne. Dunne turned around and Seven gets him in a full nelson and suplexes him off and Dunne lands on his feet. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Dunne comes off the ropes and Seven hits him with a big lariat for a near fall. Both men down and a this is awesome chant goes out again. Then a British Wrestling chant goes out. Seven goes for a move, but Dunne gets a double wrist lock with a body scissors on. Seven powers back up and hits a snap dragon suplex. Seven gets Dunne up on his shoulders, but Dunne slides off and hits the Bitter End on Seven to get the pin to become the #1 contender for the WWE UK Championship. Dunne gets on the mic and says I told you people would get hurt. The goal remains the same and at NXT Takeover Chicago, he takes what's rightfully his. By any means necessary.
-WWE 24 special on Finn Balor ad.
-WWE UK Championship Match. Feature on both wrestlers in the main event. Tyler Bate vs. Mark Andrews: Unique entrances for both participants. Andrews booed when announced. Bate is mostly cheered when announced. The bell rings and they are just staring at each other. The crowd is chanting something towards Bate, but you can't make out what it is. They lock up and Andrews with a go behind into a roll up for a one count. Both get back to their feet. They circle each other again. Bate with a wrist lock to force Andrews down. Andrews gets back up and reverses the wrist lock on Bate. Into an arm bar and Bate down on the ground. Bate then works his way back to his feet and some good British-based mat wrestling going on. Andrews goes back to the wrist lock. A series of counters by both men. Both out and back to their feet and the crowd applauds both men. Bate with a single leg takedown into a leg lock. Then back to the wrist lock. Into a hammerlock. Andrews manipulates his own foot behind himself to break the hold and flips Bate down to the mat and gets a two count. Bate goes for a single leg float over into a front face lock and Bate lifts Andrews up and puts him on a turnbuckle showing an incredible amount of strength. He then breaks clean and extends his hand to Andrews. Andrews shakes his hand and another lock up and Bate with a go behind. Andrews breaks the hold so Bate transitions into a full nelson. Andrews slips out, but flips around so Bate simply reapplies the hold. A this is wrestling chant goes out. Andrews again slips out and flips and again Bate simply reapplies the full nelson. Andrews needs to dry something else because this is not working out for him so far. Andrews with a break and transitions to a hammerlock. Bate drops to the ground and gets a drop toe hold on Andrews. Into a leg grapevine by Bate. Andrews reaches for and grabs the ropes. Bate breaks and both men back to their feet. Bate with a go behind and gets a snap mare on Andrews. Andrews flips through and lands on his feet. Both men are impressing me. Andrews flips around one attack, but Bate hits him with an arm drag. Andrews blocks another arm drag attempt, so Bate simply switches arms and tries for the other side and gets an arm drag. Andrews back up and Bate hits him with a flying headscissors and Andrews cartwheels out of it to remain on his feet. Both men try for dropkicks at the same time. Both men also kip up at the same time and the crowd applauded them. Face to face trash talking each other. They push each other. Andrews pushes Bate into the ropes. Bate comes back with a sunset flip. Andrews rolls through and dropkicks Bate. He gets a two count. Andrews gets an arm bar on Bate. Bate works back to his feet. Andrews works him back down with the arm bar and goes for another cover. Another two count and JR calls it a mildly epic near fall. Andrews goes back to the arm bar since it keeps Bate down. Andrews goes for the Octopus Stretch. He gets it on, so Bate slowly trying to inch his way to the ropes. He almost gets there, so Andrews shits to go for a pin and gets a two count. Bate comes with a back elbow to knock Andrews down. Bate follows that up with a scoop slam. Bate with a rolling splash on Andrews and gets another two count. Bate with a reverse Boston Crab. Bate also grabs Andrew's arms and swings him like a pendulum. Andrews shaking his head no furiously when asked if he wants to give up. Bate lets the hold go and flips Andrews over for another two count. Bate gets Andrews in the corner and hits a stiff looking European uppercut to him. He then hits another one. Bate then works on Andrews legs by delivering a series of kicks. Bate then runs Andrews into another turnbuckle head first. Bate follows that up with a running elbow. He then charges Andrews, but gets caught with an enziguri from Bate. Andrews follows that up with a hurricanrana. Bate rolls to the outside. Andrews runs and hits an over the top suicide dive on Bate and Andrews then lands on his feet. Andrews then throws Bate back into the ring. Andrews gets a roll through and a double stomp on Bate. Andrews follows that up with a Northern Lights suplex and he wastes time as he gets up so Bate rolls him up and gets a two count. Andrews ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a couple of kicks to Bate. Bate ducks an enziguri attempt. Andrews ducks a shot and flips onto Bate to get a two count. Andrews goes for an Irish whip, but Bate holds on to the ropes. Bate hits Andrews with a forearm. Andrews rushes Bate, who jumps to avoid him and Andrews spills out to the floor. Bate then runs and hits Andrews with a tope. Back in the ring, Bate goes for the Tiger Driver, but Andrews reverses it into a bridge for a two count, but Bate has the strength to bridge out of that and goes for the Tiger Driver again. Andrews rolls through and hits sort of a modified Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Andrews rushes Bate, who backdrops Andrews to the apron. Andrews with a shoulder and it looks like he is going for a sunset flip from the apron, but Bate hits him with an uppercut. Bate goes for a move, but Andrews moves and Bate flips out to the apron where Andrews hits him with an enziguri. Andrews hits Bate with a standing Sliced Bread #2 on the apron. Andrews falls out to the floor as a holy shit chant goes out. Andrews tries to follow up, but Bate rolls to the outside. A this is awesome chant goes out. Andrews goes out to the apron to moonsault onto Bate, who catches Andrews, but Andrews counters that into a DDT onto the floor. A double count going as Andrews tries to get Bate back into the ring, but Bate is out and is dead weight. He finally gets Bate in and goes for a cover and gets a close two count. Andrews tries to go up to the top rope, but Bate grabs his leg before he can do it. Andrews kicks Bate away, Bate comes back with a forearm to Andrews. Bate goes up and Andrews hits Bate with an enziguri. Andrews goes for a hurricanrana from the top rope, but Bate pushes him off and Andrews crotches himself on the top rope. Bate then hits Andrews with another European uppercut from the top rope while Andrews is still up on the rope itself. He gets another close two count. Both men on their knees and Bate hitting Andrews with a series of forearm shots. Both make it back to their feet and are exchanging chops in the middle of the ring. Bate with a shot to the jaw to knock Andrews down. Bate goes to throw Andrews out, but Andrews hits a 619 on Bate. Andrews then rolls back in and Bate hits him with another uppercut. Bate with an airplane spin. Bate slows and Andrews hits him with a reverse hurricanrana. He gets an extremely close two count. A holy shit chant goes out. Andrews goes to the top rope. Bate runs and catches him with an enziguri. Bate goes up and gets Andrews on his shoulders and Andrews reverses it and hits Bate with a hurricanrana off the top rope. Andrews follows it up with a running shooting star press for another two count and Andrews has to be thinking what do I have to do to put this guy away? Andrews with a front face lock. Bate comes back with a superkick. Bate runs and uses the top rope for momentum to hit a lariat on Andrews. Bate goes for a suplex and Andrews turns it into a stunner in midair. Andrews goes up top and comes off with a shooting star press, but Bate gets his knees-up to counter. Bate up as Andrews tries to will himself to get back to his feet. He does only to be hit with a rolling kick by Bate. Bate follows that up with the Tyler Driver '97 to get the pin. The crowd gives the match a standing ovation. JR and Nigel go over some highlights of the match as the referee helps Andrews out of the ring and back up the ramp. They get to the top of the ramp and Pete Dunne is there. He clotheslines Andrews to the ground. William Regal and Pete Dunne then get in the ring with Tyler Bate. Dunne puts his hand out but Bate won't shake it. JR and Nigle then plug the two men meeting at Takeover as they sign off from Norwich.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fantastic show with a variety of unique styles. Well worth checking out.

Episode 159 Notes Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:15:00 -0500 [email protected] 3b2469b9-5e65-4453-a594-71dfbe3eea14 My notes for Episode 159: Project 45: 1997 Raw from MSG. -Today, Project 45 lands in the year 1997 as we look at the episode of Raw from Madison Square Garden.
-WWF Raw is War was shown on the USA network on September 22, 1997 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
-WWF Intro.
-Highlights of wrestling at MSG.
-Raw Intro.
-Watching this come on, this hits all the feels for me. The pyro goes off and Vince McMahon welcomes us to MSG. He and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the event.
-The Nation of Domination theme hits. Rocky Maivia comes out with the rest of the Nation. Rocky has just joined the Nation here. Maivia is in a first round match for the vacant Intercontinental Championship. Sgt. Slaughter is out as commissioner to get the rest of the Nation to the back as a Rocky Sucks chant goes out. Ahmed Johnson comes out, and it's going to be Ahmed Johnson vs. Rocky Maivia: Maivia attacks right away. Back and forth. Johnson with an Irish whip and a power slam. He follows that up by clotheslining Maivia to the outside. Johnson arguing with referee Tim White. Maivia tries to attack Johnson from behind, but Johnson grabs Maivia by the throat and tosses him into the corner. He then beats Maivia down in the corner. Johnson with a corner whip. Maivia moves on the charge as the Rocky sucks chant goes out again. Rocky ducks a clothesline attempt and turns it into a DDT. He gets a two count. Lou Albano shown at ringside taking notes. Maivia choking Johnson. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Johnson with a shoulder block. He rushes Maivia again and Maivia throws him to the outside. Maivia comes out after Johnson and they fight right in front of the announce desk. Maivia runs Johnson into the ring steps. Johnson gets up and his hand is bleeding from the steps. Maivia comes out after Johnson again. to attack him. He throws Johnson back in the ring and rolls him up for a one count. Maivia with a shot to knock Johnson down. Maivia rushes Johnson, who hits Maivia with a spinebuster. A double count going. Both back up and Maivia reverses an Irish whip. Double shoulder block and both men down again. Another double count going. Both back up at 8 and Maivia slaps Johnson across the face. Maivia tries for an Irish whip, but Johnson reverses it into a Pearl River Plunge attempt. He hits it and gets the pin.
-The announcers are running down what we are going to see tonight when the glass break sound hits for Steve Austin and the crowd loses its mind. He appears up in the crowd and says there ain't no way you can have a Monday Night Raw in New York City without Stone Cold Steve Austin. Tonight, somebody's going to get their ass whipped and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so. He then leaves.
-Lazer Tag commercial featuring Sable and Howard Finkel.
-Floyd Patterson is shown in the crowd. He was the chairman of the NYSAC at the time.
-Highlights from the One Night Only PPV.
-The Undertaker's music hits and the lights go out. He appears to a massive ovation. He gets in the ring where he is interviewed by Vince McMahon. McMahon asks him about Hell in a Cell between him and Shawn Michaels. It is announced that the winner will face the WWF champion at Survivor Series. I'm sure that's going to go well. Undertaker says Bret Hart, the day will soon come when the reaper will be calling, but before you have your judgement day, Shawn Michaels has his date with destiny. At HIAC, there's only one way out and that's over his dead body. Unfortunately for Shawn Michaels, he can never rest in peace. He can enjoy watching Michaels' rotting corpse burn in eternal damnation. Shawn Michaels music hits and he comes out. He says is it his imagination or is the World Wrestling Federation once again trying to give the Heart Break Kid the shaft? First, you stick him in SummerSlam in a no-win situation as the special referee. He does his job and everybody comes down on HBK. Then you try to stick him in a match with the Undertaker in the hopes that he can bury Michaels alive. Now, you stick him in a cage with death itself and then conveniently decide that the winner of that match will get a shot at the WWF champion. Why don't you just give him a WWF championship match? He says just because I am the only man in the WWF to hold every title, you still have the nerve to ask him to earn it? Do you know who the hell he is? He says Dead Man, I've got news for you. Unless you are a real hot mama, which you ain't, I don't lay down for anybody. And the Heart Break Kid is looking for a Garden Party my friend, and HBK is in the house and I've got news for you pal. This is getting wordy from Shawn. At HIAC, the Heart Break Kid is going to do what he always does and that's be one step ahead of you, one step ahead of you as he points to McMahon, and one step ahead of each and every one of you. At HIAC, I'm going to bring the pain and Dead Man, all you've got to do is show up.
-After a commercial break, Sunny comes out as the special guest ring announcer. She says it's nice to be back in NYC. She announces The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal vs. Farooq and Kama from the Nation: Hard hitting action. All Hall of Famers in this match. The Nation with the early advantage. LOD then coming back. Farooq goes up for the Doomsday Device, but D-Lo Brown comes in for the DQ before Hawk can come off the top rope. Rocky also comes in. Ahmed Johnson comes in to help fight the Nation off, but the Nation get him down as well until more referees and officials come down.
-An MSG moment of Jimmy Snuka coming off the top of the cage onto Don Muraco.
-Intercontinental Tournament Match. Owen Hart vs. Brian Pillman with Marlena: Hart comes out flanked by policemen because of Steve Austin. Hart instructs the officers to each cover a corner. Marlena is with Pillman because Goldust lost the match to Pillman at Ground Zero. Pillman comes out with his arm in a sling. Pillman gets on the mic and says he slipped in the bathtub and broke his arm. He has to forfeit the match. Sgt. Slaughter comes out and asks where his paperwork is. Pillman hems and haws and Slaughter then proves Pillman is lying and says the match will go on as scheduled. The referee rings the bell. They go through the motions of having a match like they are at half speed. When they come back from the commercial break, Hart had been hit in the head by Marlena's purse and he and Pillman would start going at it for real. Goldust comes in and hits Owen Hart trying to get to Pillman. Officials keep Goldust away as Pillman and Marlena leave. Goldust takes off after them as Hart gets on the mic and dedicates his win to his brother Bret. He then gets attacked by Steve Austin from behind. Hart yells for the cops to arrest Austin.
-Vince McMahon gets up from the desk and says no. McMahon gets in the ring with a mic. He asks Austin what's the matter with him. McMahon says he understands that Austin is upset he had to forfeit the IC title, the tag team title. Everyone can understand that, but don't break the law. McMahon says don't you understand why you are not allowed to compete. Can't you get that through your head? Don't you know you're not physically able to compete. Your doctors say you're not ready. If you compete, you could injure yourself for good. You could wind up paralyzed and the WWF is not going to stand by and let you do that to yourself. He gestures to the crowd and says these people don't want you to wind up in a wheelchair. they want to see you compete. Everybody wants to see you compete. But in due time, Steve, in due time. Austin looks at his watch. McMahon tells him to get a hold of himself. McMahon says listen, don't you know people care? In the World Wrestling Federation, we care. They care about you, that's all that is. You've just got to go with it, that's all that is. In other words, you've simply got to work within the system. That's all you've got to do. Austin says you know as well as I do that this is what I do for a living. This is all that I do and can't nobody tell me I ain't the best in the whole world. He then tells McMahon not to say anything. He says to sit there and tell him to work within the system. You ain't the one sitting at the house like he is. But if that's what it takes to make you or the World Wrestling Federation happy. Hell, he feels like Cool Hand Luke and he will work within your stupid little system. McMahon starts to say that's all these people ask before Austin brings the mic back to himself. He says he appreciates the fact that you and the World Wrestling Federation care. And he also appreciates the fact that, Hell you can kiss his ass. Then the Stone Cold Stunner heard round the world as Austin stuns McMahon. Then the classic footage of Austin in McMahon's face while McMahon is on the ground. Officials come down to check on McMahon as the cops "arrest" Austin. The crowd loves it.
-In memoriam video of Bulldog Brower who had recently passed away. This was unusual for the WWF to do at the time.
-War Zone Intro.
-JR and Jerry Lawler welcome us back and run down Austin stunning McMahon, but there is a woman behind them wearing a distracting outfit.
-Falls count anywhere match. Hunter Hearst Helmsley with Chyna vs. Dude Love: Helmsley and Chyna out first. Lawler tries to talk to the woman I mentioned earlier, but he is having mic problems. He gets another one and the woman is Rhonda Shear who was the host of Up All Night on the USA Network and she was on to plug that show. This show was huge at the time. Helmsley waits for Dude Love to come out. His music hits but he doesn't come out. He's on the video screen. He says falls count anywhere isn't his bag. It's more of his main man's bag and he brings on Mankind. This took a lot of time for them to do this with Foley at the time. Mankind says as much as he wants to get Helmsley, he knows someone who wants it even more and is willing to do more than even he can and he brings out Cactus Jack. He gets a tremendous ovation when he comes out. This was the early days of the internet at my college and I used to go to the library to listen to a sound file of the Cactus Jack entrance that someone made from this show. Cactus Jack has all of these weapons and things with him and comes out holding a trashcan. Helmsley goes to attack him on the ramp and Cactus Jack hits him with the trashcan. He then spills the trash on Helmsley and hits him with the can again. Helmsley tries to get away and drops the chain that he had in his hands. Cactus Jack runs Helmsley into the ring steps as an ECW chant goes out. Cactus Jack rips up a section of the padding at ringside. Helmsley trying to get away and Cactus Jack rakes his back. He then runs Helmsley into the barricade. He then hits Helmsley with a neck breaker on the exposed floor. He gets a two count. Cactus jack then gets Helmsley back into the ring and hits him with a headbutt. Cactus Jack then rushes Helmsley and clotheslines him where they both fall to the outside as Cactus Jack puts up a bang bang to the crowd. Helmsley tries to get away from Cactus Jack again, who follows Helmsley and runs directly into a shot from Chyna. The referee is trying to get Chyna away from Cactus Jack, but there really isn't anything he can do as Chyna clotheslines Cactus Jack over the barricade into the crowd. The referee argues with Chyna as Helmsley climbs over the barricade and attacks Cactus Jack in the crowd with punches. They fight through the curtain back to the locker room area. Helmsley scoop slams Cactus Jack in the back for a two count. Helmsley walks back through the curtain into the arena thinking he has won, but the referee tells him it was only a two count. Helmsley argues with the referee that it was a three count. Helmsley then goes back towards the curtain only to be hit by a shot from a fire extinguisher from Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack then Irish whips Helmsley into the barricade. Cactus Jack comes up and bites Helmsley on the forehead and the section of barricade collapses to the ground with Helmsley falling on it. Cactus Jack gets Helmsley back into the ring as the ECW chants go out again. Cactus Jack corner whips Helmsley, who flies up and over the opposite corner to the outside. Helmsley tries to get up and Cactus Jack hits him with the garbage can. Cactus Jack goes up top and comes off with an elbow, but Helmsley moves and Cactus Jack hits the trash can instead. The referee checks on Helmsley, so Chyna grabs Cactus Jack and runs him into the ring steps. Helmsley hits Cactus Jack with the trash can as they go to commercial and when they come back, they are both in the ring and Cactus Jack is down. There is a chair in the ring and Helmsley has grabbed a mop. He hits Cactus Jack in the back several times with the mop. Helmsley chokes Cactus Jack on the second rope and Cactus Jack goes out to the apron and Helmsley guillotines Cactus Jack on the top rope and Cactus Jack falls to the floor. Helmsley grabs the chair in the ring as Chyna gets Cactus Jack on the apron. Helmsley snap mares Cactus Jack over the top rope back into the ring and grabs the chair again. He runs the chair into Cactus Jack's ribs. They both go back out to the apron and Helmsley runs Cactus Jack into the turnbuckle. He goes and does it again, but when he goes back for the third time, Cactus Jack hits him with a mule kick. Helmsley falls out to the floor and Cactus Jack hits him with a sunset flip off the apron. He gets a close two count. Cactus Jack rushes Helmsley, who runs Cactus Jack into the barricade. Helmsley rushes Cactus Jack, who backdrops Helmsley onto the ramp. Cactus Jack does his patented bang bang and Chyna hits him on the head with the chair. Cactus Jack goes after her and gets his hands up and grabs the chair before she can hit him again. Helmsley runs Cactus Jack into the ring steps, but Chyna goes down as well. Chyna is out and the referee goes to check on her as Cactus Jack and Helmsley continue to battle on the ramp. Cactus Jack with a right to knock Helmsley down. They both get two counts on the ramp. Helmsley hits Cactus Jack with a belly to back suplex on the ramp. He gets another two count. Another referee down to check on Chyna, who is still out by the ring steps. Helmsley goes to the top of the ramp, grabs another trash can, and hits Cactus Jack with it. He then hits him with it again and covers him. Another two count. Helmsley then hits Cactus Jack with a snow shovel and then goes to the back through the curtain. Cactus Jack crawls toward the curtain as well. He goes through the curtain and Helmsley attacks him right away. He slams Cactus Jack backwards down the ramp. Helmsley then sets up a table and he and Cactus Jack both get on it and Helmsley goes to Pedigree Cactus Jack on the table, but Cactus Jack hits Helmsley with a low blow and piledrives Helmsley through the table. Cactus Jack falls on Helmsley to get the three count as Chyna rushes to break up the pin but she is too late.
-Survivor Series Super Supper Sweepstakes ad.
-More highlights from MSG, this time footage from WrestleMania and Andre the Giant slamming Big John Studd.
-Replay of the Austin stunner on McMahon earlier in the night.
-Highlights from One Night Only of the British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels match.
-Shawn Michaels comes out and says what's happening NYC? He has the European Championship and a chair with him. He gets in the ring and takes his shirt off. He says have I got a story for you. Of how HBK became the one and only grand slam winner of the World Wrestling Federation. But before he does, he doesn't think he made himself clear a little while ago. He wants Undertaker to bring his dead ass out here and face Shawn Michaels like a man. He wants him out there right away. Michaels then gets into it with an audience member who calls him gay. Undertaker comes down the ramp. Hunter Hearst Helmsley then runs down the ramp to attack Undertaker. He gets hit by Undertaker and goes down only for Michaels to attack Undertaker with the chair. Michaels and Helmsley attack Undertaker and are joined by Rick Rude and Chyna. Undertaker gets up so the heels take off.
-Badd Blood ad.
-Non-title match. Bret Hart vs. Goldust: Hart comes down first and grabs the mic. He says he doesn't give a crap who wins the cage match between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels because he faces whoever wins at Survivor Series. Oh, Bret, you silly boy. You will care. Your life is about to change forever. This is also the night that Vince McMahon told Bret that he could no longer afford to keep paying him his contract and to see if he could still get a deal from WCW. He says he's the best there is, was, and ever will be and they know it. The bell rings and Goldust is stalking Hart. Hart backs to a corner, so referee Earl Hebner makes Goldust back off. They lock up and back to another corner. Goldust with a series of right hands to Hart. He then hits Hart with a series of corner mounted punches. Goldust with a corner whip and Hart hits the turnbuckle hard and goes down. Hart comes back with a series of punches. Hart with an elbow and an Irish whip. Hart drops his head too early and Goldust kicks him in the face. Goldust follows that up with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Test of strength. Hart kicks Goldust and gets a wrist lock on. Hart drives Goldust to a turnbuckle and attacks the back of his knee with kicks. He focuses on the knee and kicks Goldust down. Goldust begging off and then grabs Hart's leg. Hart gets Goldust to back up and gouges his eyes. Hart with some forearm shots to Goldust, who is trying to walk it off and get back into this contest. He gouges Hart's eye. He then kicks and chops Hart. He then runs Hart into the corner and slaps him. Then back and forth in the corner. Hart gets Goldust down, puts his leg on the bottom rope, then crashes down on the leg. Hebner checks on Goldust and Hart sets the leg up and crashes down on it again. Goldust back up and trying to get away. A fan says something to Hart to make him angry and he flips the fan off. Hart gets Goldust in the ropes in the opposite corner and Hebner is trying to get him to break the hold. Hart with a snap mare and then does a snap mare like move to the leg to try an hyperextend it. Hart drops an elbow on Goldust. He then does the figure four to Goldust around the ring post. Hebner telling Hart to let Goldust go and counting Hart. He breaks the hold right before the 5 count. As he does, Shawn Michaels appears at the top of the ramp. When they come back from commercial break, Hart has Goldust down in the ring. He works Goldust over to set up for the Sharpshooter as Michaels is still at the top of the ramp. Hart drops an elbow on Goldust, who grabs Hart to try to stop him from doing more damage to the knee. Hart cranks on the knee hold though. Michaels taunting Hart from the top of the ramp and someone from the crowd throws what appears to be a water bottle at him that he has to dodge. Hart grabs Goldust's leg perhaps looking to put the Sharpshooter on. Goldust trying to kick Hart off of him. Goldust gets to the ropes, but Hart pulls him back towards the center of the ring. Hart pulling the leg trying to injure the knee even more. Goldust grabs Hart by the hair and elbows him in the head to break the hold. Back and forth in the corner. Hart stomping away on the knee. Goldust reverses a suplex attempt. Goldust gets back up, but he is having difficulty standing. Back and forth and Goldust with a big European uppercut. Then a big right hand to knock Hart down. Hart with a single leg takedown. He drags Goldust over to the ropes and drops down on the leg again. Hart then drops an elbow on Goldust. Then another elbow. Hart tries to go back and drop another leg on Goldust, who kicks Hart over the top rope to the outside. Goldust goes out after Hart and hits him with a big right hand. He then runs Hart head first into the ring steps. He attacks Hart some more and they both get back in the ring. Goldust runs Hart head first into the turnbuckle. Then a corner whip and a bulldog to Hart. He gets a two count. Another corner whip, but hart gets his boot up on the charge. Hart goes up top. Goldust puts his leg up as Hart comes off, but Hart grabs the legs and puts the Sharpshooter on. Goldust gives up. Hart won't break the hold. Michaels comes down and attacks Hart from behind. Back and forth in the ring. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna come down. Helmsley and Michaels attacking Hart in the ring. Owen Hart comes in to save Bret. The British Bulldog and Rick Rude both come down and all of them are going at it. Jim Neidhart comes in and hits Rick Rude from behind, which pissed Rude off in real life because he isn't supposed to be hit like that any more because of his insurance settlement. The Undertaker comes down to the ring. All of them go at it until it's just Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker left in the ring. Undertaker grabs Bret and Shawn and choke slams them both as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: Wow. One of the most action packed episodes of Raw ever both in front of and behind the scenes as this night is pivotal for what happens the rest of the year. The drama with Bret Hart starts behind the scenes. Austin stuns McMahon. Cactus Jack returns. Badd Blood is being set up and Survivor Series looms. The highest recommendation from me.

Episode 158 Notes Thu, 08 Dec 2022 16:00:00 -0500 [email protected] ff6d9f2c-f35f-4e46-b712-e9479a887068 My notes for Episode 158: Project 45: 2002 Smackdown. The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
From MakeShift Studios in the shadow of south central Virginia, this is the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I am your host, Joey Harris.
-Follow the show’s Twitter: @CupofJoepod
-Email the show at [email protected].
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2002 as we look at the episode of Smackdown from September 12, 2002.
-Hat tip to for their help with the recap.
-The invitation is shown for Billy and Chuck's Commitment Ceremony.
-WWE Intro.
-Recap of the previous week of what happened between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker.
-Smackdown Intro.
-Smackdown is coming from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minn. Tazz and Michael Cole welcome us to Smackdown.
Opening Contest: Smackdown World Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly: Lesnar gets in Holly’s face and they begin to trade strikes. Lesnar tosses Holly with an overhead suplex and locks in a front face lock, but Holly reaches the ropes. Lesnar knee lifts Holly, but Holly tackles Lesnar to the floor and Lesnar continues with strikes to the back. Lesnar drives Holly back first into the ring post and hits an overhead suplex on the floor. Lesnar rolls Holly back into the ring for a two count. Lesnar leg sweeps Holly with a clothesline. Lesnar lifts Holly into the air with a vertical suplex and drives Holly down to the mat. Lesnar uppercuts Holly and Holly fires back with strikes. Lesnar shoulder rams Holly in the corner and locks in a bear hug. Holly elbows out of the bear hug, but Lesnar connects with a back suplex for a two count. Lesnar runs into a boot in the corner and Holly goes to the middle rope missing a missile dropkick. Lesnar delivers a backbreaker, but Holly wiggles free. Lesnar dangerously drops Holly on his head with a powerbomb (Holly legit broke his neck). Lesnar tries for another powerbomb, but Holly dropkicks Lesnar. Holly kicks Lesnar between the legs, but misses a clothesline. Holly counters a German and almost wins with a roll up. Lesnar finishes Holly with the F5 after countering an Irish whip. (**. There’s some hard hitting action here and it’s an enjoyable start to the show. There was never a doubt as to who would win here. Lesnar was reckless with the botched powerbomb that injured Holly. This was better than I was expecting.) It was a really physical match. It was more competitive than I thought it would be. The crowd went crazy for the F5.
-The Undertaker and his wife Sara are shown arriving at the arena.

Second Contest: Edge & John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero: This is early Cena and not at all like the character we would come to know. Eddie and Chavo attack before the bell to get the cheap advantage. Cena is trapped on the floor, but Edge drops both Chavo and Eddie to the mat gut first. Cena slides in and clotheslines both Guerrero’s. Cena legally starts with Eddie and pulls Eddie into the ring by his hair from the floor. Cena tries for a suplex, but Eddie counters with knee lifts. Cena arm drags the Guerrero’s and Edge hits a double clothesline. Chavo pulls the ropes down causing Cena to crash to the floor. Cena is double teamed on the floor with stomps. Chavo uppercuts Cena and stomps Cena. Chavo connects with a short arm clothesline. Eddie works over Cena with right hands in the corner. Eddie misses a clothesline and Cena press slams Eddie to the mat. Cena attempts a press slam, but Chavo chop blocks Cena. Cena tags in Edge and Chavo legally tags in. Edge cleans house with strikes and a backdrop to Chavo. Eddie trips Edge and drives Edge groin first into the post. Chavo dropkicks Edge in the corner for a two count. Eddie beats on Edge with elbow strikes and a vertical suplex for a near fall. Eddie decks Cena on the apron and Edge is briefly double teamed. Eddie kicks Edge and hits a head scissors off the ropes for a near fall.
Chavo knee strikes Edge from the apron and Edge fires back with right hands. Chavo knee lifts Edge coming off the ropes. Edge hammers away on Chavo and hits a face buster. Eddie and Cena are tagged in with Cena cleaning house. Cena backdrops Eddie and nails Chavo with a flying forearm and a spinning suplex on Eddie. Edge leaps off the top to clothesline Eddie. Edge spears Chavo in the corner, but misses a spear in the corner on Eddie. Chavo plants Cena with a brainbuster and Eddie hits the frog splash for the clean win. (1/2. A solid tag match and I love the clean finish for the Guerrero’s, which would be expected to take place on Cena. Eddie and Chavo as a team on SD could be a lot of fun.) After the match, Chavo wants Eddie to rub Edge’s face into his ass. Eddie is met with a low blow and Edge puts Eddie into Chavo’s ass. Chavo has his pants around his knees and trips trying to get Edge. Eddie shoves Chavo for being embarrassed.
Backstage, Eddie Guerrero is yelling at Chavo Guerrero for being embarrassed. Chavo is apologizing.
-Mark Lloyd interviews The Undertaker and says people are surprised that Undertaker brought his wife Sara to the arena. Undertaker says that not that it's any of Lloyd's business, but Sara happens to have friends and family in Minneapolis. They get interrupted by Matt Hardy. He says he wants to congratulate Undertaker on his wife being pregnant. How cool will it be to have a little Undertaker running around the house? He says hopefully one day, he might have a little Matt Hardy running around. Undertaker says that maybe they should have this conversation some other time. Undertaker goes to leave, but Hardy grabs his arm and keeps talking. Undertaker doesn't like that. Hardy says he just wanted to see the mother to be and congratulate her. Undertaker says the mother to be don't need your congratulations, so why don't you just get the hell out of here? He pushes Hardy into another dressing room door and Hardy falls down. Undertaker goes back into his dressing room and Hardy says it looks like someone definitely needs a Mattitude Adjustment. A little of Matt Hardy's character at this time went a long way with me.
-Rico is shown on his phone trying to get details of the wedding cake straightened out. He then goes to Stephanie McMahon's office and asks her to reconsider being a part of the commitment ceremony. Stephanie says she has really bad luck at weddings and doesn't want to be a jinx. Rico talks about how everything has gone wrong and he needs a witness for the ceremony, so Stephanie says she will attend.**
-Kurt Angle comes down to the ring with a microphone to cut a promo. Angle makes a joke about Mysterio being short and the fact that they are in “Minny”. Angle says what he’s about to do to Rey isn’t going to be funny. Angle warns Chris Benoit that if he ever sees him laugh again there will be a union between Benoit’s face and Angle’s fist. Angle tells Mysterio that he’s a boy in a man’s world and he’s a man who loves to play with boys. Angle realizes what he says and backtracks that. Angle says that he’s a man and he’s gonna love to manhandle Rey, but that doesn’t come across well. Angle is getting frustrated that all his taunts are sounding sexual.
Third Contest: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Kurt Angle: Angle slaps Mysterio to look at him. Angle slams Mysterio to start the match and doesn’t follow up on the advantage. Angle takes Mysterio down and slaps the back of Mysterio’s head. Mysterio drop toe holds Angle and tosses Angle with a fireman’s carry. Angle shoves Mysterio down and is met with a slap. Rey runs away and sends Angle through the ropes to the floor. Mysterio head scissors Angle into the corner. Angle misses a spear hitting the post shoulder first. Mysterio hits a split-legged moonsault for a near fall. Angle tries for the Angle Slam, but Mysterio arm drags Angle. Mysterio sends Angle into the corner and almost wins with a roll up. Angle tosses Mysterio with a German suplex and Mysterio lands on his stomach. Angle drives Mysterio down with a backbreaker. Angle drives Mysterio down with a backbreaker. Mysterio avoids a suplex and hits Angle with a spinning heel kick. Angle tosses Mysterio overhead with a suplex for a near fall. Angle controls Mysterio on the mat with a body scissors. Mysterio almost wins with a roll up. Angle tosses Mysterio with a German suplex and holds on to deliver several in a row. Rey counters with a bulldog. Rey boots Angle in the corner and kicks Angle. Mysterio hits a moonsault off the top for a near fall. Mysterio hits a running crossbody to send Angle over the top to the floor. Mysterio takes Angle out with a corkscrew dive on the floor. Mysterio connects with a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Angle switches to the ankle lock, but Mysterio kicks free. Mysterio hits the 619! Rey hits a head scissors for a near fall. Mysterio heads to the top rope but Angle hits the Angle Slam off the top rope. Angle goes for the cover and wins the match.
-A limo arrives and security says they're with the wedding party.

Fourth Contest: Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi: Watching Benoit matches always makes me feel uncomfortable. Benoit tries to attack before the bell, but Rikishi decks Benoit with several right hands. Rikishi decks Benoit with a forearm strike. Benoit avoids a belly to belly suplex with a headbutt. Rikishi plants Benoit with a sit out choke slam. Benoit low blows Rikishi while the referee is out of position. Benoit chops Rikishi to the mat and gets a two count. Benoit locks in the crossface, but Rikishi doesn’t give in. Rikishi lifts Benoit into the air to drop Benoit face first to the mat. Rikishi drags Benoit to the corner, but Benoit has Rikishi on his shoulders to hit an electric chair slam. Benoit heads to the top rope, but Angle shoves Benoit off and the referee throws the match out. Rikishi superkicks Angle to avoid an Angle Slam,. Rikishi back splashes Benoit in the corner and Rikishi tries for the Stink Face. Angle holds Benoit’s arm back allowing Rikishi to perform the Stink Face.
-They are setting up for the commitment ceremony.
-Backstage, Chris Benoit is with Stephanie McMahon and Benoit demands a match at the PPV. Matt Hardy enters the scene and wants to speak with Stephanie. However, Stephanie tells him to wait and she makes the match between Benoit and Angle at Unforgiven. Hardy demands a match with the Undertaker. Stephanie reminds Matt that Taker is busy at the PPV. Hardy wants Taker tonight on Smackdown. Stephanie books the match for Hardy tonight against the Undertaker. Hardy guarantees victory tonight.
-It’s time for the commitment ceremony between Billy & Chuck. Rico makes his way out and he’s complaining about the presentation. After a commercial, Stephanie McMahon has made her way to the ring for the ceremony. They cut off the singers singing It's Raining Men for licensing reasons. Rico says this is a groundbreaking moment. Billy and Chuck make their way out. The host asks them to proceed with their written vows. Chuck starts off and says all he knew about Billy was that he was a great tag wrestler and his name was Mr. Ass. Chuck says that Billy has captured his heart, which is better than tag gold. Billy tells Chuck that was corny. Billy is happy to ask Chuck to be his tag team partner forever. Rico presents a video that highlights their union. The video is called “Our Love Story”. The crowd is booing this segment big time. Rico has been waiting for this moment for a long time. The question of anyone objecting is asked and the entire crowd erupts.
The Godfather’s music hits. Godfather comes out with a bunch of hoes and Rico is shocked. Godfather says he’s back in business and needed to be at the party. Godfather is here to stop the ceremony because the truth must be heard. Godfather asks Billy what happened and knows that Billy still has the pimp in him. Godfather says that Chuck was a legendary skirt chaser. Godfather says that Chuck loved the bigger girls. Godfather asks what the hell is going on here. Rico says he will not take this interruption. Rico doesn’t think the fans want to see Godfather and his good time girls. Rico threatens security to escort them out. Godfather tells Rico he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on and they proceed to leave.
Rico assures Billy and Chuck that everything is under control. Rico wants to go right to the end. Billy looks to be nervous as Rico is pressuring Billy. Billy says yes. Chuck doesn’t look to be confident and Rico tells Chuck to not get cold feet. Chuck says yes, as well. Chuck cuts off the ceremony and tells Rico this wasn’t supposed to go this far. Billy says this was supposed to be a stunt. Billy reveals they aren’t gay and there’s nothing wrong with gay people. Billy says if he was gay that he probably would marry Chuck. Rico knew that they’d back out of this. Rico is pissed that they blew this. The host chimes in and tries to calm them down. He says that a commitment is a special thing and their bond is sacred. It doesn’t matter how long it lasts, fifty years, sixteen months or three minutes. Wait a minute, did I hear myself say three minutes?! It’s ERIC BISCHOFF in a disguise! Stephanie is stunned! Rico low blows Billy and Bischoff has Stephanie. Jamal and Rosey attack Chuck and Billy. Jamal hits a Samoan Drop on Chuck and Rosey splashes Billy in the corner. Jamal plants Stephanie with a Samoan Drop! Stephanie is out cold and Jamal heads to the top rope, but the locker room empties to run the heels through the crowd. Kurt Angle is checking on Stephanie. That was a fantastic segment.
-Fifth Contest: Torrie Wilson vs. Nidia: Wilson baseball slides Nidia before the start of the match. Nidia gets a two count following a clothesline. Wilson kicks Nidia followed by a scoop slam for a near fall. Nidia stops Wilson with a jawbreaker. Nidia decks Wilson over the back. Nidia kicks Wilson in the ribs. Nidia slaps Wilson and rams Wilson into the corner face first. Nidia boots a charging Wilson in the corner. Wilson delivers a swinging neck breaker to win the match.
-Backstage, Undertaker leaves Sara in the locker room all by herself telling her that he will be right back. Matt Hardy gets Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman as they make their way towards the ring.
-Main Event: The Undertaker vs. Matt Hardy: Heyman slides a chair into the ring, but the referee gets rid of it. Taker works over Hardy in the corner with strikes early on. Taker power slams Hardy and signals for the Last Ride, but Heyman gets on the apron to cause a distraction. The referee ejects Heyman. Hardy low blows Taker and hammers away on Taker. Taker stops Hardy with a big boot and is distracted by Lesnar. Hardy decks Taker from behind to the floor. Lesnar nails Taker with a clothesline outside the ring. The referee ejects Lesnar from ringside, too. Hardy keeps control hammering away on Taker on the mat. Hardy clotheslines Taker in the corner. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate, but Taker counters with a clothesline. They begin to trade strikes with Taker getting the advantage. Taker clotheslines Hardy in the corner. Taker drops Hardy over the top rope. Paul Heyman is gone to the locker room that Sara is in. Heyman tells Sara he never realized how attractive she is. Taker is running to the locker room. Taker storms into the room and grabs Heyman. Lesnar enters and whacks Taker over the head with a steel chair. Lesnar backs Sara against the wall and puts his hand on her stomach. Lesnar says “life is a bitch” and backs away as Sara is frozen in fear. Sara checks on Taker as the show ends.
-Final Thoughts: Fast paced show. You couldn't do the ceremony today, but the Bischoff reveal was great.

Episode 157 Notes Tue, 29 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 362da1ba-5112-4867-bc48-4e032d68b3ed My notes for episode 157: SNME November 1987. -Today we look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from November 1987.
-Saturday Night's Main Event XIII was broadcast on NBC on November 28, 1987. It was taped November I l, 1987 from the Seattle Center Coliseum in Seattle, Washington.
-Randy Savage says we are entering the Danger Zone. He talks about what The Honky Tonk Man and The Hart Foundation did last SNME. Tonight, he says, vengeance is his.
-Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy say Rise and Shine, everyone! History is going to be made tonight. Bundymania lives!
-Hulk Hogan says something about Weasel Heenan but I can't pay attention because he is wearing his ridiculous bandanna that he had at Survivor Series even though this show was taped before.
-We go to the Intro.
-No Survivor Series talk here because this was taped previously to that broadcast.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. They run down that night's card. They had this spot on Thanksgiving weekend for a few years. Jesse says there's nothing like spending his Thanksgiving weekend with a turkey in a tuxedo.
-They show Danny Davis hitting George the Animal Steele with the ring bell from a few shows previous.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews George Steele and it's as useful as ever, meaning not very.
-They show a clip of Jesse interviewing Danny Davis earlier. They say if Jack Tunney banned Danny Davis for his behavior, why not ban George Steele for his?
-Dangerous Danny Davis VS. George the Animal Steele. Neither man really does anything for me. George Steele, I'm sure, was a nice man, but his character annoys me. Lots of stalling in the match. Davis uses a foreign object. Steele gets the flying hammerlock on and Davis's leg accidently kicks the ref and he gets disqualified. Steele does the turnbuckle spot, then chases Davis.
-They review the HTM/Randy Savage match from the last SNME.
-Mean Gene interviews The Hart Foundation and Jimmy Hart. They say they are going to finish what they started. Then they show the aftermath of the HTM/Randy Savage match with Liz getting shoved and Savage getting hit with the guitar.
-Mean Gene then interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth: Liz says she is fine after the attack but Randy Savage says he is not. He will not rest until he gets those cowards.
-Macho Man Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Bret The Hitman Hart with Jim The Anvil Neidhart and Jimmy Hart: Vince McMahon drools over Liz as usual. The Boz shows up as he was playing for Seattle at the time and Jesse says he follows him everywhere looking for an autograph. There is then a Honky Tonk Man insert. He doesn't want Bret to finish Savage off. He wants a little piece left so that he can beat Savage and take Liz home.
-Two great athletes in action here.The Hart Foundation on the outside with Jimmy Hart and Savage comes out after them. Bret tries to get back in the ring and Savage grabs his leg. Savage drags Bret out, hits him with an elbow and runs him into a ring post. Savage gets back in the ring and Jimmy and Neidhart come over and check on Bret. Bret finally gets in the ring and Savage gets him and hits him with an elbow in the corner. He hits Bret with a shot to the stomach and then rakes the eyes. He breaks on the four count. Double reversal of the corner whip and Savage drives Bret into the same corner he was in and charges Bret, who moves and Savage hits the corner turnbuckle hard. Bret takes advantage and attacks Savage back. Bret chokes Savage for a three count. Bret with a snap mare and drops an elbow on Savage's head. Bret with an Irish whip, but he drops his head too early and Savage kicks him in the face. Savage with an elbow to the head of Bret. Bret out on the apron and Savage bends him backwards across the ropes, but the referee pulls him away before he can do anything. Savage backs off, but then runs into the ropes catapulting Bret from the apron into the ringside barricade. Neidhart checks on Bret before getting up on the apron. Savage tells him to bring it, but Jimmy tries to get Neidhart off the apron. Savage then runs Neidhart and Hart's heads together. Savage then goes up top to hit a double ax handle to Bret on the floor, but Bret catches him with a shot to the midsection as he comes down. Liz tries to come over to check on Savage, but Neidhart attacks Savage first. He then throws Savage back into the ring. Back in the ring, Bret with an Irish whip and a kick to the stomach to knock Savage down. He comes over to the ropes and says something to Elizabeth before doing a leg drop on Savage and Hulk Hogan just became alarmed that someone is doing his move and is furiously going around looking for someone to show him how to do The Hart Foundation Hart Attack move. Bret puts Savage into the tree of woe. He then kicks Savage several times in the midsection. Savage gets down and Bret grabs him and hits a piledriver on Savage. He gets a close two count. Bret with a corner whip and Savage gets out of the way at the last second and Bret hits the turnbuckle. Savage then grabs Bret by the hair. He then drives Bret shoulder first into the opposite turnbuckle. Savage follows that up with a snap mare and comes off the top rope with a double ax handle to Bret. He gets a two count. Bret with a shot and a backbreaker to Savage. Bret goes up to the second rope and goes for an elbow drop, but Savage moves at the last second. Savage with a kick to Bret and then does his patented over the top rope guillotine to Bret. He gets a close two count. Savage goes after Bret on the ropes. The referee makes him back off. Savage backs the referee to the opposite ropes and rushes Bret, who backdrops Savage to the outside over the top rope. Savage lands and grabs his left ankle like he is hurt. Elizabeth tries to come over and check on Savage, but he swats her away. Neidhart and Jimmy are ecstatic. Savage tries to stand up on the injured leg, but immediately falls down again. Elizabeth then comes over and takes some of the tape off Savage's leg to alleviate the pain and to check the leg. Bret then comes over. Referee Jack Krueger comes in and yells at The Hart Foundation to get back or he will raise Savage's hand right now. Elizabeth has taken the boot off Savage to help with the pain and Savage is trying to get back into the ring. He does get back in before collapsing on the mat in pain. Krueger keeps Bret away and goes over to check on Savage. After Savage says he wants to continue, Bret immediately goes for the ankle. He stomps on the ankle. Krueger briefly pulls him away. Bret drags Savage over to the corner and slams his leg against the ring post. Bret gets back in the ring and starts dropping knees on the ankle of Savage. Bret then applies a step over toe hold to Savage. Savage finally kicks Bret away. Savage struggles and puts Hart on the top rope and lifts up on the rope catapulting Bret backwards. Savage gets a two count. Bret goes back to working on the ankle and Savage immediately grabs the ropes. So Bret breaks the hold and stomps the elbow. Bret pulls Savage out towards the center of the ring and puts a single crab on. Savage crawls and gets under the rope so the referee tells Bret that he has to break the hold. Savage goes out to the apron and gets back to his feet and Bret comes over and snap mares Savage back in. Bret hammering away on the ankle, so Savage reaches up and rakes Bret's face. Savage goes back out to the apron and Bret comes over and scoop slams Savage into the ring, but Savage holds on and rolls through to pin Bret. Neidhart comes in and Savage manages to kick him away. Bret holds Savage for Jimmy to hit with the megaphone, but Savage ducks and Bret gets hit instead. Savage then grabs the megaphone and starts to go after Jimmy, who bails to the outside. Savage on the mat in pain, but he gets a tremendous reaction when he is announced as the winner.
-They show some Seattle Seahawk players in the crowd.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby the Brain Heenan and King Kong Bundy. They don't care about Hogan or the Hulkamaniacs, they have a surprise in store for them tonight.
-Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy come to the ring. Heenan announces that Andre the Giant will be in King Kong Bundy's corner for the match. Andre then comes out.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Bo Derek's stand-in says it's 3 VS. The 24-gun salute in the pythons. He talks about power packs and blue tinge. That bandanna is wrapped too tight. He comes out and Hogan is still over here.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship match: Hulk Hogan VS. King Kong Bundy with Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant: Andre says that's my belt right before the match begins. Jesse complains that Joey Marella is the ref in the match. This is a rematch from WrestleMania 2 while simultaneously continuing the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant WrestleMania Ill issue. Jesse points out that King Kong Bundy is staying within the rules while Hulk Hogan is breaking them, Hogan gives the big boot to King Kong Bundy, goes for the leg drop, and gets tripped by Andre the Giant. The bell then rings. The ref then throws Andre the Giant out. Andre doesn't want to go, Bundy and Heenan plead with him to leave. He knocks a cameraman down on his way out. The match then continues. Hogan batters Bundy. Hogan again gives the big boot, goes for an elbow drop but misses. Bundy takes over and gets a 2 count. Bundy decimates Hogan, but can't get the pin. They brawl on the outside, Hogan throws Bundy in, but Heenan grabs Hogan's leg so he gets counted out. That's the same way Hogan got out of the Survivor Series match, so if you saw both, you saw it happen twice in two days. Not a good turkey weekend for Hogan. King Kong Bundy wins by count out. Hogan beats up Heenan and Jesse gives Hogan a verbal lashing because of it. And then, Hogan must pose!
-Mean Gene interviews Hercules. He must go it alone because Heenan is hurt. He says that's okay, Bam Bam Bigelow gets the full nelson tonight.
-Mean Gene then interviews Bam Bam Bigelow and Oliver Humperdink. They say Bam Bam is better than Hercules and Oliver Humperdink is better than Bobby Heenan.
-Hercules VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Oliver Humperdink: This was a big weekend for Bigelow with a prominent spot at Survivor Series and then this match. This is a big man power match. Hercules knocks Bigelow over the ropes. They brawl outside. Boz and the Seahawks like it. Both men get counted out. Bam Bam is not happy with a draw. The match continues. Moves of strength. Hercules goes up top. Bam Bam catches him. Hits the splash and gets the pin.
-We come back from a commercial and Boz wants Jesse. Jesse leaves the booth supposedly to go see Boz.
-Mean Gene interviews King Kong Bundy and Andre the Giant. They talk about Bobby Heenan and about Bundy's victory over Hulk Hogan. He wants a rematch with Andre in his corner. Jesse comes in and congratulates Bundy, then says Bundy should be the champion.
-Hulk Hogan is interviewed by Mean Gene. He can't deny that Bundy won and says he is ready for a rematch and wants Andre the Giant in the corner.
-Vince, Mean Gene, and Jesse then close out the show.
-Final Thoughts: This was the heyday of Hulkamania and the fans can't get enough. They are laying the seeds for The Main Event in February.

Episode 156 Notes Tue, 29 Nov 2022 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] cf17fae2-4754-49ca-bc5f-e244c4e74cce Joey takes a look at Starrcade '85 from JCP. -Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that you are spending time with loved ones and doing something that makes you happy this holiday.
-I want to talk about a strange encounter I had one Thanksgiving as I was driving to my parents' house for the holiday. It was a couple of days before the incident with the woman who jumped into my car that I told last year.
-Exploding Cooter story.
-We continue our Thanksgiving tradition by looking at Starrcade '85: The Gathering from JCP.
-Starrcade 85 Subtitled The Gathering, was promoted by the National Wrestling Alliance and Jim Crockett Promotions and took place on November 28, 1985 from two locations, the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina and The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia. A combined 30,000 saw the card live with many more watching via closed-circuit.
-Starrcade Intro.
-Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone are the announcers for the evening and welcome us to Starrcade '85. They are broadcasting from the Omni in Atlanta and Johnny Weaver is in Greensboro and will be interviewing people there. Weaver says the atmosphere in Greensboro is unbelievable. Bob and Tony talk about Dusty Rhodes and when Tony mentions his name, the crowd cheers wildly. Schiavone then talks about the I quit match. Weaver says they are going to go at it hard. Tony then says except for the TV title, all major titles are on the line tonight. They go to Tom Miller in Greensboro. He welcomes us to Starrcade and asks for people to stand for the National Anthem.
-Mid-Atlantic Title Match. Sam Houston vs. Krusher Khruschev: The title is currently vacant. The crowd loves Houston. Sonny Fargo is the referee. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes. They get off the ropes and battle for position. Back to the ropes and Houston drops down as Khruschev lunges for him and Khruschev falls to the outside. Khruschev gets back in and misses a clothesline attempt as Houston hits him with several shots. Khruschev points at Houston and says he is going to break him in half. They lock up and Khrushchev with a knee to Houston. He then picks him up by the throat with both hands and slams him down to the mat. Khruschev goes to drop an elbow and Houston moves. Another lock up and drive back to the ropes. Khruschev with an Irish whip and a backdrop, but Houston lands on his feet. Khruschev tries for a couple of clotheslines, but misses and Houston hits him with quick shots to the face. Khruschev backs away visibly frustrated. They lock up again and Houston gets a side headlock on and Khrushchev gets to the ropes and pushes off. Drop downs and leapfrogs on each other. Houston reverses a hip lock attempt, but can't get Khruschev over, so he takes him over with a headscissors. He keeps the head scissors on and Khruschev fighting to try to get out of the move. Khruschev grabs the hair, but referee Sonny Fargo stops that immediately. Khruschev lifts up to drive Houston's shoulders into the mat for a two count, even though Khruschev is still in the hold. Another two count and Houston claps Khruschev in the ears and reapplies the hold to get Khruschev down to the mat. Khruschev lifts Houston up and drives him into a turnbuckle. Houston blocks a shot and hits Khruschev in the face to the delight of the crowd. Khruschev rushes the turnbuckle, but Houston leapfrogs him to avoid the charge. Houston then hits Khruschev with a dropkick and an arm drag. Into an arm bar. Khrushchev keeps his arm raised to avoid getting pinned. He works his way back to his feet, even as Houston keeps the hold on. Khruschev makes it to the ropes. Khruschev reverses an Irish whip. He throws Houston up and then just drops him down. The crowd boos Khruschev. Khruschev picks Houston up and hits him with a right hand and Houston falls back to the mat as Fargo warns Khruschev. Khruschev gets a two count as the crows roars its approval when Houston kicks out. Khruschev picks him up and press slams Houston back down. Khrushchev with an Irish whip. Houston avoids a clothesline attempt and goes to hit Khruschev, but Khruschev knocks Houston down with one shot. Khruschev runs Houston into a corner buckle. Khruschev with an Irish whip and a bear hug to Houston. Houston trying to gouge Khruschev's eyes to get out of the hold as a USA chant goes out. Houston with a shot to the face of Khruschev to break the hold. Khrushchev with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Houston kicks him in the face. Khrustchev comes back with a scoop slam and then climbs up top, but Houston catches him with a dropkick and Khruschev crotches himself on the top rope. Khruschev laying prone across the top rope. Houston kicks him off the top rope to the apron and then brings him in and hits him with corner mounted punches. He follows that up with a corner whip and a bulldog. Houston covers Khruschev, who gets his foot on the ropes. Houston jumps up and thinks he's won the belt. Khruschev hits him with a Russian Sickle to pin Houston and become the new Mid-Atlantic Champion. The crowd boos the result.
-We switch to Atlanta and a Mexican Death Match. Rodger Kent is the ring announcer and he introduces Manny Fernandez vs. Abdullah the Butcher with Paul Jones: The object here is to get a sombrero off a pole in the corner. Fernandez comes to the ring with the sombrero on. He then takes it off and gives it to the referee. The referee climbs the corner to put the sombrero up there and Abdullah attacks Fernandez right away. I would be mad if I were the referee because they were right by him. I would be like I'm working here! Abdullah hits Fernandez several times to knock him down. Abdullah's head already looks bloody with some sort of bandage on it and the match has just started. He has his fork out and sticks it in Fernandez's forehead before putting it back in his own pants. Ugh. Abdullah then headbutts Fernandez down to the mat. Fernandez gets back up and Abdullah hits him with his fork again to knock him back down. Abdullah throws Fernandez out to the apron and then gets down and starts choking Fernandez. He gets the timekeeper's bell hammer and hits Fernandez with it. Fernandez keeps getting up and Abdullah keeps knocking him back down. Fernandez finally holds on the ropes and hits Abdullah with a kick to the stomach. Abdullah back up and Fernandez kicks him again, but he didn't get all of it and Abdullah starts choking him on the ropes. Fernandez gets away and starts hitting Abdullah with punches and kicks. He then gets Abdullah over in a monkey flip. I am not a fan of either man, but that was an impressive move. Both men down and woozy. Fernandez gets his boot off and jumps three quarters of the way across the ring to hit Abdullah in the head with it in what was also an impressive move. Fernandez hits Abdullah with his boot several more times and both are bleeding freely. He knocks Abdullah down to the mat with some more boot shots. Fernandez runs to hit Abdullah with the boot again, but Abdullah gets a shot in on Fernandez's midsection first. He hits Fernandez a couple of more times, but Jones tells him to go for the sombrero, so Abdullah tries to climb up to get it. He almost has his hands on it when Fernandez attacks him with a shot from behind. Abdullah falls backwards off the turnbuckle and the crowd goes wild. Jones is irate outside the ring and gets up on the apron and the referee is trying to pull him off the apron. Fernandez hits Abdullah in the head with the boot several times. Fernandez then starts climbing the turnbuckle to go after the sombrero. Abdullah grabs the boot and attacks Fernandez from behind to knock him off the turnbuckle. Abdullah then starts climbing up going for the sombrero. Fernandez takes his belt off and comes over and starts whipping Abdullah in the back with it. He then wraps the belt around his fist and punches Abdullah with it. Abdullah blocks a shot and attacks Fernandez with punches and kicks. He grabs Fernandez and headbutts him to the ground. Abdullah then goes to drop an elbow on Fernandez, but Fernandez moves. Fernandez goes and hits a flying forearm with the buckle to Abdullah. Abdullah leaning heavily up against the ropes. Fernandez gets back to his feet and hits Abdullah in the head with the buckle again. Fernandez punching Abdullah in the back with the buckle as Abdullah tries to get back to his feet. Fernandez then suplexes Abdullah in another impressive move. Fernandez then crawls to the corner with the sombrero and drags himself to his feet with the ring ropes. Jones urging Abdullah to attack Fernandez. Both men physically spent as Abdullah on the ropes trying to make his way towards Fernandez in the corner. Abdullah hits Fernandez with the fork between the legs to knock him off the turnbuckle to the mat. The fans are trying to encourage Fernandez. Abdullah picks Fernandez up and headbutts him several times. Abdullah with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Fernandez comes back with a flying forearm. Fernandez then gets up on the second rope and hits a flying clothesline to Abdullah to knock him down. Fernandez goes up top and comes off with a splash, but Abdullah rolls out of the way. Abdullah picks Fernandez up and corner whips him, but Fernandez moves out of the way of the charge and Abdullah hits the corner post shoulder first. Fernandez takes advantage and climbs the turnbuckle and grabs the sombrero as Jones tries to get in the ring to stop him, but he is too late. Fernandez gets out of the ring and holds the sombrero high while Jones is livid inside the ring. They then show highlights of the match.
-Johnny Weaver interviews Krusher Khruschev. Khruschev says he's the happiest man in the world. He says thanks to Ivan and Nikita Koloff, they made him what he is today. A Russian athlete and he knows his motherland Russia is proud of him too. He says he is willing to go anywhere in the world to defend that title. He says he's going to show everyone that Russians are superior athletes and he will keep that belt. Weaver says the Russians have a lot of titles, but two of them are in jeopardy later in a cage match against the Rock & Roll Express. Weaver calls it a fence match though. Khruschev says the Rock & Roll have done a lot of things to the Russians just like the prejudiced American referees. However, out in front of all these people at Starrcade '85, they will take the Rock & Roll Express out. The American fans will look at the Russians and say yes you are superior. He points at the Mid-Atlantic belt and says this is why. Khruschev says he isn't taking anything away from Sam Houston. he was trained by the best, Dusty Rhodes and Magnum TA. But Sam Houston, Johnny Weaver, and everyone knows that he is the Mid-Atlantic Champion now and he is going to remain that way because he is bigger, stronger, and a Russian athlete. He then leaves.
-From Greensboro. Texas Bull rope Match. Ron Bass vs. Black Bart with JJ Dillon: If Bass wins, he gets a 5-minute Bull rope match with JJ. When JJ and Bart come to the ring, JJ has a tuxedo t shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots on. Referee Sonny Fargo attaches the bull rope to both men. The bell rings and they both start pulling on the rope to try to gain access to the cow bell on it and Bass gets it first. Bass kicks Bart and hits him on the head with the cow bell. He knocks Bart down to the mat. He gets Bart back up only to knock him down again. He gets Bart back up and into a corner and pushes the bell into Bart's face. Bass then hitting Bart in the face in the corner. Bart is busted open already and bleeding from the face. He then gets Bart out of the corner and wraps the rope around Bart's throat and pulls the rope, driving Bart to his knees. He then hits Bart on the head as Bob Caudle brings up to Tony Schiavone that the two men used to be partners. Bass then brings Bart over to a corner, holds the cow bell on the top turnbuckle pad, and then runs Bart face first into it. The two men exchange punches in the corner. Bass chokes Bart with the rope. He then Irish whips Bart and hits him with a right hand to knock Bart to the mat. Bass wraps the rope around his fist several times and punches Bart with it over and over. Bass then comes over to where JJ is and holds up 5 fingers and says to JJ 5 minutes. He then goes back to Bart, who hits Bass with a low blow to knock him down. Bart then grabs the cow bell and attacks Bass with it. JJ gets up on the apron to tell Bart how to attack Bass, but Fargo makes him get off the apron. Bass back up, only to get knocked back down again by a shot from Bart and the cow bell. This happens a second time and Bass is busted open at the forehead. Bart hits him several times in the head and JJ yells out that Bass will never get his 5 minute match with JJ. That it is never going to happen. Bass is bleeding profusely and down in a corner as Bart hits him over and over with the cow bell. He then punches Bass down to the mat. Bass gets back to his feet and the two men are exchanging punches in the middle of the ring. Bart gets Bass up against the ropes and hits a couple of elbows to Bass. Bass fights back with chops to get out of the corner. Bass with a big shot to knock Bart off of his feet. Bass then slams Bart's head into the mat. He then runs the bull rope into Bart's forehead. Bart comes back with an uppercut and more shots to Bass in the corner. He grabs the bell and tries to run it into Bass's head, but Bass grabs the bell first to keep it away. Bass keeping the bell away with everything he has until finally he can hit Bart in the stomach with a knee. Back and forth in the ring. Bart gets Bass up against the ropes and hits him. He then runs to clothesline Bass, who drops down and Bart spills over the top rope to the floor. Bass comes out after Bart and hits him with the cow bell from the apron to the floor. They are fighting on the outside the ring again as Bass hits Bart with the cow bell again. Bart rolls back into the ring and Bass follows him in. He hits Bart in the face with the cow bell again and Bart's face is just a bloody mess. Bass then wraps the bull rope around Bart's neck, holds him up, and punches him in the face several times. He keeps Bart from falling to the mat by holding him up. He finally hits Bart again and he lets him fall back to the mat. Bass gets a close two count. Bart gets back up and drives his shoulder into Bass's midsection. Bart with a shot and an Irish whip. Bass comes back with a shoulder block and both men down. JJ pleading with Bart to get up. Bart up and grabs the cow bell to drive it into Bass's head, but Bass moves as he attempts it. Bass then grabs the bell and hits Bart with it to knock him on his back. Bart up, but the bull rope is between his legs, so Bass pulls on it to knock Bart back down. Bart again gets back up, only for Bass to hit him again with the ring bell. Bass gets another two count. Bart back up and has Bass in the corner. Bart goes for a clothesline, but Bass moves out of the way. Bass up on the second rope and comes off with the cow bell to the head of Bart and pins Bart. As soon as he does, JJ enters the ring and attacks Bass to knock him down which is actually a good idea. JJ then takes his shirt off, which is not a good idea. JJ kicking and stomping Bass several times with his boot as Fargo tries to put the Bull rope on JJ.
-Ron Bass vs. JJ Dillon: Special 5-minute bull rope match. As Tom Miller announces Bass as the winner of the previous match, JJ has Bass down on the mat and is grinding his boot into Bass's throat. JJ gets Bass up and hits him in the head with the cowbell to knock Bass back to the mat. JJ gets a two count and can't believe that Bass kicked out. Bass back up, so JJ hits him in the head with the cowbell again to knock him back down. JJ then drives the cowbell into Bass's forehead as he is on the mat. JJ then wraps the bull rope around Bass's neck and is choking him. Bass almost out, but powers back to a sitting position as JJ tightens the rope to try to put Bass out. Bass makes it back to his feet and he turns around. JJ drops the rope and looks around. He then moves around the ring and begs off. JJ then tries to get out of the ring, but is jerked back in by Bass with the bull rope. Bass has the cow bell and JJ is on his knees and pleading with Bass. Bass hits JJ in the head with the cowbell. Bass picks JJ up and hits him with the cowbell again and JJ is woozy and seems to be out on his feet. He finally does his version of the Ric Flair flop. JJ on his knees and Bass hits him in the head with the bell again. Bass then wraps the rope around JJ's neck. Bass then hits JJ several times. Bass gets the bell and swings it around to hit JJ, but as he swings he also takes out Fargo. Bass covers JJ but there isn't a referee to count. Black Bart comes in and attacks Bass. Bart then hits a piledriver on Bass. He puts JJ on top of Bass and Fargo comes to to count the pin.
-Atlanta. Superstar Billy Graham vs. The Barbarian with Paul Jones: $10,000 Arm wrestling match. Graham comes out to a nice ovation. Jones tells Graham and the referee that Barbarian's right hand is broken and he has to use his left hand. Graham says that one's going to be broken too. He is ready. They both sit down and it is taking forever for them to start. The referee sets them and they go. It is an even match. Barbarian then gets an advantage and has Graham about three quarters of the way down. Graham battles back to the even position. Barbarian starts to force his hand down again. Graham fighting the pain and trying to come back. He gets back to the even position again. Barbarian again starts to force the hand down. Graham battles back as the crowd cheers him on. Both competitors kick their chairs away and are on their knees. Graham gets the advantage and the crowd really comes to life encouraging Graham. Graham finally gets Barbarian's hand down and wins the contest and the crowd roars its approval. Jones hits Graham with his cane and Barbarian attacks him with his cast. The referee is getting the table out of the ring and Barbarian gets Graham down on the mat. He kicks and punches Graham down and Graham is already bleeding. Barbarian gets Graham back up and bites him on the forehead as Graham tries to hit Barbarian with some forearms to the back. Barbarian bites Graham several times and then drops him to the ground. He then gets Graham back up and hits him with a throat thrust to knock him back down to the mat. He then gets his knee into Graham's back and tries to tear his mouth open. He breaks on the three count. He then runs Graham into a turnbuckle and bites him again. Caudle says it has been all Barbarian so far and I would have to agree. Barbarian then headbutts Graham. Barbarian with a thrust kick and Graham falls against the ropes. Barbarian follows that up with an Irish whip and a back kick to Graham. Barbarian goes for a leg drop, but Graham moves. Graham with a series of right hands and a corner whip to Barbarian. Barbarian comes out with a thrust to knock Graham down. Barbarian goes up top for the flying headbutt. Graham moves out of the way at the last second. Graham up and stomping Barbarian in the head. Graham with an Irish whip and a bear hug and the way that Barbarian came off, it looked like Graham had trouble getting the bear hug on. Jones on the outside screaming at Barbarian to break the hold. Graham gets the hold on tighter, so Jones comes in and attacks Graham with the cane to draw the disqualification. Graham comes back and gets the cane and the crowd wants him to hit Jones with it. He gets Jones in the corner and goes to hit him, but Barbarian attacks Graham from behind and knocks him out of the ring to the floor. Barbarian comes out after him and runs Graham into the corner post and he falls backwards over the barricade. Barbarian goes out over the barricade after Graham. Barbarian grabs a chair and hits Graham with it. The referee gets the chair away, but Graham is a bloody mess. The referee finally gets between them and raises Graham's hand.
-Back to Greensboro for the National Heavyweight Championship Match. Terry Taylor vs. Buddy Landel with JJ Dillon: Landel out first and Budro looks to be in fantastic shape here. It is well documented that he was about to get a huge push and royally screwed it up because as others who know him best and Landel himself would say, he was his own worst enemy. Taylor comes out and he is also in tremendous shape. Referee Sonny Fargo holds up the title and then checks both wrestlers. The bell rings and they circle each other. Landel goes to lock up and then brushes Taylor off being a natural heel. They lock up and Landel drives Taylor back to a corner. Landel tries to tie Taylor up, but Taylor breaks out of it and they are face to face as they come out of the corner. They lock up and drive to the ropes as Tony Schiavone mentions that JJ is supposed to be with Landel, but he was in the bull rope match and will probably show up later on. They break on the ropes and Landel complaining to Fargo. They circle each other again and lock up. Drive back to the ropes again and I feel like I'm having Déjà vu again with this match. They break and Landel shoves Taylor, who shoves Landel right back and Landel falls on his ass and immediately starts scooting away from Taylor. Landel backs to a corner and makes Fargo keep Taylor away. The crowd starts to get on Landel. He finally comes out of the corner and locks up with Taylor again. Landel with a wrist lock. He really cranks it on and drives Taylor to his knees. Landel was doing his Real Nature Boy gimmick at this time and was going to feud with Ric Flair going into 1986 as they had been trading insults on TV and had a few matches with each other. Like I mentioned earlier, Landel went and messed it up for himself not long after this match and would be in Memphis shortly after that where he would have a fantastic run with Bill Dundee and draw the last sell out of that promotion with Dundee against Jerry Lawler and Dutch Mantell in a Texas Death Match. Taylor fighting to try and get out of the wrist lock. Taylor fights to his feet, so Landel transitions into an arm bar. Taylor with an arm drag to Landel. Another lock up and drive to the ropes. They break and Landel tries to hit Taylor, who blocks the strikes and knocks Landel down with a shot to the face. Landel again backs to the corner and complains about the fists to Fargo and makes Fargo keep Taylor away. They lock up again and Landel with a side headlock takeover. He gets a one count, but Taylor gets his shoulder up. Taylor shifts Landel over a couple of times for two counts, but Landel shifts back. Taylor gets back to his feet, but Landel still has the headlock on. Taylor reverses the move into an overhead wrist lock and forces Landel down to the mat. Taylor cranks on the hold and tries to force Landel's other shoulder down. He does a few times for some two counts. Taylor runs his knee into Landel's arm and they are both back up to their feet with a wrist lock. Landel drives Taylor to the corner. He runs his knee into Taylor's stomach and hits him in the face. He then chops Taylor several times in the chest and if this were 1995 or later, the fans would be whooing with every chop. Landel with a corner whip, but runs into Taylor's boot when he charges in and falls face first into the mat. He gets back up and turns around, only to get hit by a right hand from Taylor. Taylor with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Taylor then drops a knee on Landel, but only gets a one count. Taylor then puts a wrist lock on Landel to drive him back to his knees. Landel gets back to his feet and reverses the hold. Taylor reverses it back and Landel hits him with a stiff looking shot to knock Taylor to the mat. Landel then stomping Taylor to keep him down on the mat. Landel picks Taylor up and hits him with a big right hand to knock Taylor woozy. Landel gets Taylor back in the corner and delivers shots and chops to Taylor. He then snap mares Taylor out of the corner and gets a headlock on him. He gets Taylor down on the mat and is trying to put him out with the headlock. JJ finally comes to ringside in a gaudy tuxedo with his head bandaged up saying come on Nature Boy, I've never let you down to Landel. This is funny considering the Four Horsemen are just about to come together and what JJ's role would be with that group. Taylor with a side suplex to Landel to break the hold. Both wrestlers get back to their feet. Taylor with a backbreaker. Taylor follows that up with a leg drop and I'm not sure if Hulk Hogan was wrestling that day, but wherever he was, I can assure you he isn't worrying about Terry Taylor doing a leg drop to Buddy Landel at Starrcade '85 for the National Heavyweight Championship. Taylor gets a one count, but Landel gets his leg on the ropes. Taylor drives Landel into a corner and hits him with a big right hand. Landel reverses a corner whip and clotheslines Taylor. He gets a close two count. Landel up and kicking Taylor as JJ encourages him. Landel with another shot and goes for a suplex, but Taylor catches him with a small package for a two count. Landel up and hits Taylor and then gets on his back and gets a rear chin lock on Taylor. Taylor gets up to his knees and is crawling towards the ropes. He finally flips Landel off his back and Landel lands hard in the corner. Back and forth in the middle of the ring as Taylor blocks a right hand shot and hits Landel with a right of his own. Taylor with a right hand, a kick, and a chop to Landel. He follows that up with a snap mare and then steps on Landel's throat. Taylor with a big suplex to Landel. He gets a two count. Taylor with another shot and a corner whip. He then runs Landel head first into the top turnbuckle several times. Fargo trying to get Taylor away and when he does it the second time, JJ passes Landel his shoe and Landel hits Taylor with it and Taylor hits Fargo as he is falling. Something happens though and Taylor and Fargo are both back up quickly so Landel shoves Taylor into Fargo again and both go down as Landel gets JJ's shoe again. JJ gets up on the apron. Taylor reverses an Irish whip to run Landel into JJ, which knocks JJ off the apron to the floor. Taylor with an Irish whip and hits Landel with the five arm, although I don't believe he was calling it that yet. Taylor picks Landel up and puts him on the top rope for the superplex. Taylor goes for the superplex, but as he is coming off, JJ grabs Taylor's leg and Landel falls on top of Taylor. Fargo comes to and makes the count and we have a new National Heavyweight Champion. Landel is ecstatic in the ring and the crowd doesn't like the decision at all. Fargo presents Landel with the belt and he holds it up high and the fans boo him.
-Back to Atlanta for the National Tag Team Championship Match. Ole and Arn Anderson vs. Wahoo McDaniel and Billy Jack Haynes: McDaniel and Haynes are the NWA United States Tag Team Champions here, a title that despite its name was a Florida centric tag title. Haynes would get pissed off at Jim Crockett over his Starrcade payoff and would quit JCP in December and eventually make his way to the WWF the next year. Haynes and Arn start. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Haynes pushes Arn off so hard that he lands in the corner. They lock up again and battle for position. Haynes again pushes Arn off into the corner. Arn is visibly frustrated. Another lock up and Haynes gets a side headlock on. Arn pushes off. Haynes comes back with a shoulder block. Haynes rushes Arn, who leapfrogs Haynes to avoid the hit. Haynes then stops and military presses Arn down. Arn backs to his corner and Ole tagged in. He and Haynes lock up and push off a couple of times. Ole goes for a side headlock, but they are in the ropes. Haynes gets Ole off the ropes and hits him with some big right hands. Ole falls down against the ropes. He then goes after Haynes again and again. Haynes hits him with big right hands. Ole wanders into the wrong corner and McDaniel hits him and he spins around only to get hit by Haynes again and knocked down. McDaniel tagged in. He Irish whips Ole and chops him to the mat. McDaniel then goes over and chops Arn in the corner. Ole gets up, but McDaniel hits him with a snap mare to knock him back down. McDaniel drops an elbow on Ole and Ole then tags Arn in. Arn is hesitant to get in, but finally does. They do a brief test of strength and Arn pushes off. They then lock up and drive back to the ropes. They break and Arn goes to punch McDaniel, who ducks and comes back and slaps Arn so hard in the chest that my chest started hurting. Arn back up and is avoiding McDaniel with all that he has. They do finally lock up again and McDaniel gets a side headlock. Arn trying to get out, but McDaniel turns it into a side headlock takeover. Ole starts to come in to break it up, but the referee gets him out almost right away. The referee then goes back and is checking that Arn's shoulders don't go down. Arn then cheats to reverse the hold into a headscissors. The referee asks him if he cheated and of course he denies it. The referee is checking, but McDaniel is not giving up. McDaniel works back to his knees and powers out and gets the side headlock on again. He gets a one count and Arn briefly gets the headscissors on again before they both get back to their feet and start circling each other again. Ole was about to come in and break all this up. Arn goes over and acts like he wants Ole to tag by putting his hand out, but Ole doesn't tag and Arn and McDaniel lock up again. Arn gets a side headlock and then tags Ole in and Ole comes in and hits McDaniel in the side several times as Arn holds him. The referee makes Arn get out of the ring and Ole left to hit McDaniel with some hard shots in the corner. Ole follows that up with a snap mare and then gets McDaniel in an arm bar. McDaniel is trying to work his way back to his feet, so Ole kicks him in his arm pit to get him back down. McDaniel then does get back to his feet and starts chopping Ole with his other arm. He chops Ole down, but Ole locks his own legs around McDaniel's legs to prevent him from getting to his corner to tag Haynes in and at the same time, Ole tags Arn in and Arn knocks McDaniel to the ground. Arn starts stomping McDaniel's arm and gets a standing leg lock on the arm and McDaniel is screaming out in pain. Arn grabbing the ropes for leverage behind the referee's back. He has McDaniel down on his stomach in a hammerlock. McDaniel gets back to his feet and Arn tags Ole in and Ole knocks McDaniel down to one knee. Ole gets him down and attacks McDaniel with stomps and kicks. Ole backs up too far one time and Haynes takes a swipe at him, but Ole is just out of Haynes' reach. Ole with a scoop slam and an elbow to McDaniel. He gets a two count and that is the first attempted pin in the match to my recollection. Ole runs McDaniel into Arn's knee, tags Arn in, and holds McDaniel for Arn to hit several times. Ole lets McDaniel go right before the referee counts to 5. Haynes comes in to save McDaniel and all four men going at it as the crowd cheers wildly. The referee gets Haynes out while the Anderson's double team McDaniel in their corner. Arn gets McDaniel in a wrist lock and yanks McDaniel's arm down several times, trying to dislocate the shoulder. McDaniel comes back with chops to Arn to try and break the hold. He chops Arn down, but Arn gets a leg lock as he falls and tags Ole in at the same time and the Minnesota Wrecking Crew has done a tremendous job keeping McDaniel on their side of the ring during this match. Both men on their feet. Ole gets a wrist lock on and McDaniel chops his chest over and over to try and break the hold. He finally does and both Arn and Haynes tagged in. The Anderson's attack Haynes as he is coming through the ropes and Haynes is hitting both. He then runs their heads together and both Andersons fall to the ground. All four men in now exchanging blows and the referee gets McDaniel out so the Anderson brothers go back to double teaming Haynes. Ole finally gets out as Arn gets a snap mare to Haynes. Double A is a good nickname for Arn, because he is like the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps going. Haynes tags McDaniel back in and Arn attacks him with some right hands as he is coming through the ropes. McDaniel comes back with some chops and Anderson is just swinging wildly trying to respond. McDaniel with an Irish whip and a chop to knock Arn down. He gets a two count before Ole gets in to break up the pin. That brings Haynes in and Ole gets out and the referee then gets Haynes out. McDaniel with a side headlock. Arn pushes off. Ole hooks McDaniel's leg as he reaches the ropes and Arn gets a two count. Haynes gets back in and as the referee is trying to get him out, Arn and McDaniel are exchanging chops by the Anderson corner. Ole goes down and grabs McDaniel by the leg and holds it out of the referee's sight as Arn pins McDaniel.
-When they come back, Johnny Weaver interviews JJ Dillon and Buddy Landel. JJ says this is the greatest night in his wrestling career. He thinks history will show that the gathering will be the greatest event in wrestling history. He says that JCP is professional wrestling everywhere in the world. He came here tonight believing that Bart could take down Bass, but he was prepared for the worst. He took a physical beating from Bass that he hopes he never has to take again, but he summoned up a lot of Intestinal fortitude that he didn't know existed, gave Bass the beating of his life, and now JJ is the uncrowned champion of the bull rope match. If that wasn't enough, Nature Boy Buddy Landel went out and proved all the nay Sayers wrong when they said he wasn't championship material. They said that JJ was wrong because he was so high on Landel and now he is the new National Heavyweight Champion. A title that he is going to hold for a long time to come. He then shakes Landel's hand and says congratulations to Nature Boy. Landel says that Johnny Weaver and everyone else out there knows that JJ Dillon turned his whole career around. The 9 months that he has been here, he has been playing possum. He says you want to be a champion, you've got to live like a champion. He has watched Tully Blanchard, Ric Flair, Arn and Ole Anderson, and he has modeled his life after them. He is a champion. He is the National Heavyweight Champion. Now all these guys can come out here and they can run off the mouth about this and that, but the bottom line is this, when he goes to bed and wakes up every morning, he can look at himself in the mirror and he can say, Nature Boy Buddy Landel, you are the National Heavyweight Champion and he will take on anybody at any time and in the famous words of Ric Flair, he said it.
-I Quit cage match for the United States Championship. Tully Blanchard with Baby Doll vs. Magnum TA: It goes without saying, but I am going to say it anyway, if you only watch one match from this card, you have to watch this match. Blanchard and Baby Doll out and Blanchard looking determined as he gets in the ring. Magnum is already in the ring and he looks determined as well. Tom Miller introduces both men and he says the vastly popular Magnum TA and Magnum gets a great reaction from the crowd. Baby Doll and Blanchard both booed when introduced. Referee Earl Henber gets the mic with the cord through the cage as the door is closed. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Blanchard drives Magnum to a corner. He goes to hit Magnum, who blocks the shot and hits Blanchard with a big right hand that knocks him back and to the mat and Blanchard scrambles away. Magnum goes to grab Blanchard, who catches Magnum with a single leg takedown. Magnum pushes Blanchard off with his boot. Both get back up and Blanchard catches Magnum with another single leg. They roll back and forth on the ground trying to battle for position. Magnum finally pushes Blanchard off of him. Both back up and Blanchard hits a big forearm to Magnum. Magnum shakes it off, but Blanchard hits him again. Back and forth near a corner and they are hitting each other with big chops. Magnum getting the better of it and Blanchard goes down to one knee briefly. He gets hit again and falls on his ass and through the ropes so that he is between the ropes and the cage. Blanchard gets back up and Magnum grabs him and bends him backwards across the ropes and hits him with a big forearm to the chest. Magnum then goes to run Blanchard's head into the cage. Baby Doll looking very concerned as Blanchard gets a shot on to get Magnum down. Blanchard then climbs up the ropes and comes off with an elbow to Magnum. He then hits Magnum with kicks and elbows while he is down on the mat. Blanchard then gets Magnum up and throws him into the cage. Magnum trying to get up and Blanchard quickly gets a rear chin lock on and Magnum is starting to bleed from the forehead. Magnum reaching up and trying to hold on. Magnum makes it back to his feet and breaks the hold. As he breaks it, Blanchard hits him with a knee to the stomach to get Magnum down on the ropes. Blanchard with an elbow, Magnum reverses an Irish whip and then he presses Blanchard up and drops him throat first down on the top rope. Magnum hits Blanchard, who is woozy for a second and then comes back against Magnum with a knee to the stomach and other to the face to knock Magnum down to one knee and I realize that I use the word woozy a lot. Magnum back up and hits Blanchard with some big right hands. A side headlock and another right hand to the face knocks Blanchard to his knees. Magnum goes to pull Blanchard up, so Blanchard takes advantage and pulls Magnum into the cage. Blanchard grabs the mic and tries to get Magnum to say I quit, but he won't. They go back to hitting each other as referee Earl Hebner grabs the mic and blows into it a couple of times and you can hear it. I guess Hebner thought it wasn't working because he says is it on to somebody and says no it isn't working. He talks to someone on the outside and feeds the mic back through the cage. Then he has to jump out of the way quickly as Magnum takes Blanchard and runs him into the cage right where Hebner was standing. He hits the cage hard and lands back in the middle of the ring. Magnum picks Blanchard up and slams him into the cage again. Magnum gets Blanchard up and he is bleeding from the forehead to the arm. Magnum works on the arm for a minute before going over to the mic and asking Blanchard if he wants to quit. Blanchard screams no and headbutts Magnum in the stomach. Both men on their knees and Magnum hitting Blanchard in the shoulder with his right hand. He then covers Blanchard and you can't tell from where they are shooting the match, but it looks like Magnum is Biting Blanchard in the arm. That's one way to make someone give up I guess. Blanchard with an eye gouge to Magnum and Blanchard says oh shit and they bleep it out. Both men are covered in blood. Blanchard rushes Magnum, but gets caught with a kick to the stomach. He goes after Blanchard, who catches Magnum with a quick shot to knock him down to the ground. Blanchard gets up and kicks Magnum in the head to knock him back down to the mat. Blanchard up again to kick Magnum to make sure that he stays down. Blanchard grabs the mic and brings it over to Magnum and screams at Magnum for him to say it, but Magnum says no. So Blanchard hits Magnum in the head with the mic. He then screams again for Magnum to say it, but Magnum says no again. Blanchard throws the mic away and punches Magnum in the face. He then covers Magnum, but realizes that he can't win that way and grabs Magnum by the hair and hits him with a stun gun like move that drives him both into the cage and on the top rope. Blanchard then climbs to the top rope and comes off with a forearm to Magnum. Baby Doll is loving what she is seeing. Blanchard goes back to the corner and grabs the mic again. He gets back on Magnum and screams into the mic for him to say it and Magnum again says no. Blanchard hits Magnum in the head with the mic again. Blanchard drops an elbow on Magnum. He goes to drop another one and Magnum moves. Both back up to their feet and Magnum with a right hand to Blanchard. Blanchard wobbly on his feet and goes down to his knees. Magnum pulls him back up by his hair and chops Blanchard in the throat, but both men fall down. Magnum grabs the mic and hits Blanchard with it before screaming at Blanchard to say it, but Blanchard won't. Baby Doll looking worried on the outside as Magnum stomps Blanchard. Magnum gets Blanchard up and hits him with the mic to knock him back down again. Magnum yells at Blanchard to say I quit, but again Blanchard won't say it. They grab each other by the head and Blanchard on top of Magnum and it looks like they are trying to tear each other apart. Both get up to their knees and Blanchard hits Magnum with a big right hand to knock Magnum woozy TASIYDAH and up against the ropes. Magnum with a right hand to knock Blanchard to the mat, but both men are absolutely spent here. Magnum up and grabs the mic again. He hits Blanchard with the mic and yells at him to say I quit, but again Blanchard won't say it and at this point, I know it was the mid 80's and we weren't as aware of things then as we are now, but I would have thrown that microphone away and gotten a new one. Blanchard kicks Magnum to get away and the mic goes flying as a result. Back up and exchanging blows in the corner. Magnum gets the better of it and hits Blanchard with some corner mounted punches until Blanchard grabs Magnum and hits him with an inverted atomic drop. Blanchard grabs the mic and hits Magnum with it again as Baby Doll looks on with glee. He then almost grinds the mic into Magnum's face screaming at him to say it, but Magnum won't. Blanchard goes to work on Magnum's leg. He's dropping knees on the leg and then takes Hebner and throws him halfway across the ring for some reason. Blanchard drops an elbow on Magnum and then Baby Doll throws a chair into the ring. It is a wooden chair and when he gets it, Blanchard slams it down on the mat and it breaks apart. He grabs a piece of the chair, kicks Hebner away, and goes after Magnum with the chair piece. He goes to stab Magnum in the face with the chair piece, but Magnum grabs the piece at the last second and the crowd cheers wildly. Blanchard desperately trying to stab Magnum with the chair piece and Magnum doing everything that he can to stop Blanchard. Magnum using all of his strength to keep the chair away from his face and eyes. He hits Blanchard with a knee to get him off. He hits him with more knees to get free of Blanchard. Magnum grabs the chair piece and stabs Blanchard in the forehead with it. He screams at Blanchard to say it and Blanchard finally screams yes. The referee calls for the bell and the fans are ecstatic as Magnum is the new United States Champion. Baby Doll looks worried and rushes inside the cage as soon as they open the door. Magnum still has the chair piece and grabs Blanchard like he is going to stab him again before throwing the chair piece away. Magnum grabs the US title and leaves as Baby Doll checks on Blanchard. They show a replay of the finish as Tom Miller announces Magnum the winner.
-Atlanta. Jimmy Valiant and Miss Atlanta Lively with Big Mama vs. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette in an Atlanta Street Fight: Cornette introduces the MX. They come out and all of them are wearing tuxedos. The faces come out and MAL is of course Ronnie Garvin in drag. They dub over the Boy from New York City when the faces come out. Valiant and MAL extremely over with the crowd. Heels conferring in the corner as the bell rings and they try to get the match started. The heels try to jump the faces, but Valiant knocks Eaton down and MAL sprays Condrey in the face with hair spray or powder or something. Eaton trying furiously to get away from MAL. MAL kicks Eaton down in the corner. MAL takes a necklace off and chokes Eaton with it which is legal since this is a street fight. Valiant grabs a chair and hits Condrey with it on the outside of the ring. Condrey falls down on the outside and Eaton falls down on the inside and things are not going well for the MX so far in this match. Eaton gets to a corner and hits MAL with a kick to the stomach. Eaton then kicks the leg trying to get MAL down as Valiant is choking Condry on the outside with the chair and Condrey is already bleeding. Condrey finally gets away from Valiant. All four in the ring now exchanging blows. Valiant knocks Eaton down with a big right hand. Valiant and Eaton go outside over the barricade and Valiant throws Eaton and he goes down and slides about 6 feet. He then picks Eaton up and hits him with another big right hand as Big Mama cheers on. Condrey has MAL in the corner and Valiant comes to pull Condrey off. A right hand from Valiant knocks Condrey to the mat. Valiant and MAL run the MX's heads together. Valiant punching Condrey in the head repeatedly. Valiant with an Irish whip and he gets Condrey in a sleeper. Cornette is over with Eaton and hands Eaton something. Eaton hits MAL with it and MAL goes down. The MX throws powder into Valiant's eyes and then hits him with something and he goes down. All four look to be bleeding now as the MX have cheated their way to an advantage. Condrey has a belt that he whips Valiant with and then wraps the belt around Valiant's neck as Eaton battles MAL in the corner. MAL hits Eaton in the head with the purse as Condrey gets Valiant down and starts kicking him. The MX the try to pull MAL's pants down. Valiant comes and punches the MX off of MAL. Valiant gets Eaton's jacket off and starts choking him with it. Valiant then gets the shirt off and starts choking him with it. MAL gets the coat off of Condrey as Eaton throws Valiant to the outside and comes over to help Condrey with MAL. The MX hold MAL by the arms as Cornette comes in and prepares to hit MAL with the tennis racket. He hits MAL square on top of the head. Condrey holds MAL for Eaton to hit a shot from the second rope. Valiant gets up to the apron only to get knocked back down by Eaton. Valiant back up and gets back in the ring and all four going at it again. Eaton grabs Valiant and throws him back to the outside. The MX get MAL down as Valiant gets back into the ring and is trying to fight back. MX with a double Irish whip and clothesline to Valiant. Condrey holds Valiant in place for Eaton to go up top and come off with a splash, but MAL hits Eaton with a right hand as he comes off. MAL then covers Eaton to get the pin. Cornette comes in and attacks MAL. Valiant and MAL get Cornette down and start undressing him. The Street People hold Cornette for Big Mama to hit, but the MX break up the attempt and they and Cornette leave ASAP. Valiant, Big Mama, and the referee are over checking on MAL, who is bleeding heavily in the face.
-Johnny Weaver interviews Magnum TA. Weaver congratulates Magnum, who says that the belt is back where it belongs. He says Tully Blanchard should have never been in any I quit match. That ain't wrestling. That's what it took to get back what was rightfully his. But now things start all over again. The United States Championship. The most prestigious belt in the world bar none, except the World Heavyweight Championship, is back where it belongs and I have figured out that Magnum TA doesn't know what bar none means. He then says he and Tully Blanchard have done it all over the country and when you consider that Magnum TA went on to marry Tully Blanchard's ex-wife and help raise his kids, that brings about a creepy undertone to this interview. He says they have wrestled many times and he is not putting the belt up in any closet somewhere. Nikita Koloff, Buddy Landel, anybody out there, Arn Anderson. He says this belt right here is a fighting champions belt. He's had the taste of it before and he just went through the battle of his life. He thinks he left a little something of himself in that ring. Maybe something he will never get back again. But he can assure anybody out there. Anybody that has had any aspirations of taking the belt away from him. You better think twice. The United States belt and Magnum TA are going to be together for a long, long time. Anybody out there who thinks they can do something about it, put your name on the dotted line brother. He's not a hard man to find. He's Magnum TA, the United States Heavyweight Champion.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match. Ivan and Nikita Koloff with Krusher Khrushchev vs. The Rock & Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson with Don Kernodle: The Russians come out to the Soviet National Anthem and enter the ring first. The crowd goes crazy when the Rock & Roll Express and Kernodle come out. The bell rings and Nikita and Morton are going to start. Slow to start as the crowd starts the USA chant before they even lock up. They lock up and Nikita pushes Morton off and he goes flying halfway across the ring. They lock up again and Morton gets a side headlock on. Koloff pushes off and Morton comes back and tries a shoulder block, but Nikita just pushes Morton to the ground. Morton back up and does drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Nikita. Nikita tries for the Russian Sickle, but Morton ducks the attempt and hits Nikita with a dropkick that has him stagger to the corner. Ivan tries to come in to interfere, but gets stopped by referee Earl Hebner right away. They circle each other slowly and Nikita with a boot to the stomach and a forearm to the back to knock Morton to his knees. Morton back up and Nikita throws him into a corner turnbuckle. Nikita with a kick to the chest and Morton goes back down. Morton tries to come back with a shot, but it doesn't have much of an effect on Nikita as he grabs Morton by the hair and tags Ivan in. Nikita holds Morton in a front face lock for Ivan to hit. Nikita then gets out. Ivan with a forearm to the back. He goes to run Morton into the corner and Morton fights back with a shot to the midsection of Ivan. Morton with a side headlock. Ivan pushes off and Morton runs the ropes. Ivan tries to use Morton's momentum against him to propel him into the cage, but Morton gets his foot up into the cage to stop the momentum. He then ducks a clothesline attempt from Ivan and then runs and hits Ivan with a crossbody. That gets a two count and the crowd comes alive and cheers any offensive move that Morton makes. Morton gets a side headlock. Ivan picks Morton up and dumps him on the top rope to break the hold. Ivan stomping Morton on the mat. He gets a two count. Ivan goes to throw Morton into the cage, but Morton stops it by getting his boot up on the cage and they go back and forth in the corner. Gibson tagged in. Double Irish whip to Ivan and Gibson hits him with a dropkick. Ivan back up and Gibson hits him with a scoop slam. Gibson then drops a knee on Ivan's head. He gets another two count. Gibson gets a side headlock on Ivan and tags Morton back in. Morton hits Ivan in the midsection and snap mares him over. Morton drops a fist on Ivan's head and gets another two count. Morton gets a front face lock on and drives him to the cage, where unknown to Ivan, Morton makes the tag to Gibson. He comes in and gets a two count on Ivan. Gibson with a front face lock. Ivan gets to the ropes. Morton tagged back in. The Rock & Roll are doing a good job with the quick tags early in the bout. Morton comes in and grabs Ivan by the throat for a three count and then punches Ivan. Morton gets Ivan in a front face lock, tags Gibson back in, and holds Ivan for Gibson to come off the second rope with an elbow to Ivan's back. He gets another two count. Gibson gets a side headlock and Ivan comes back with an eye rake. They battle for position and Ivan drives to the ropes, but breaks right before the 5 count. Ivan with a right hand and an Irish whip, but Gibson ducks a clothesline attempt and goes to roll Ivan up, but Ivan hits the cage head first and just falls backwards onto the mat. Nikita tries to come in, but gets cut off by the referee and Gibson runs Ivan head first into the cage again. Gibson then holds Ivan for Morton to come off the top rope and hit Ivan with a fist drop. Nikita starts to come into the ring, but again gets cut off by Hebner. Morton tagged in and he knocks Ivan down again. He then goes back up top and hits Ivan with another fist drop. He gets another two count and Ivan is bleeding. Gibson tagged in and Morton holds Ivan for Gibson to hit Ivan with a shot to knock him back down. Gibson gets another two count. Nikita tagged in and Gibson hits him with a drop toe hold and gets him into a headlock. Nikita up and pushes off. Gibson ducks a Russian Sickle, but Nikita gets him in a bear hug. Nikita then drops Gibson straight backwards face first into the cage. Morton comes in, but Hebner gets him right back out. Nikita picks Gibson up and throws him back into the cage. He then does it again. Gibson reaches out to Morton, but he is too far away. Nikita comes over and hits Morton with a back elbow, bringing Morton into the ring where he hits Nikita a couple of times before Hebner gets him out of the ring. This allows Ivan to hit Gibson from the top rope. He comes in and Khruschev yells at Ivan to run Gibson into the cage. Ivan gets Gibson up in the corner and runs his shoulder into Gibson several times. Ivan then grabs Gibson and runs him face first into the cage. Gibson falls backwards to the mat and he is busted open. Ivan then drops an elbow on Gibson. Ivan gets a two count. Ivan with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Gibson hits him with a boot to the face. Nikita tagged back in and he attacks Gibson with boots to the head. Nikita then bites Gibson in the forehead for a three count. Nikita with a scoop slam and the crowd is solidly behind Gibson, urging him to tag Morton in. Morton gets taunted and comes in. Hebner cuts him off, allowing Ivan to come off with a fist drop to Gibson while Nikita holds Gibson. Ivan goes for the cover, but Morton breaks up the pin attempt. Ivan with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Gibson. Ivan then goes for a leapfrog body guillotine to Gibson, but Gibson moves and Ivan lands on the ropes hard and bounces off to the mat. Ivan up and gets Gibson in his corner. Nikita holds Gibson for Ivan to punch, which brings Morton in and all four men now going at it. Hebner gets Nikita and Morton out. Nikita with a boot and an Irish whip to Gibson. He follows that up with a snap mare and a leg drop. That gets a two count. Ivan goes for another leg drop and Gibson moves out of the way. Nikita tagged in and he attacks Gibson. Nikita with a snap mare and a headlock to Gibson. Gibson's face is a bloody mess. Morton and the crowd solidly behind Gibson trying to get him to get up and make the tag. Kernodle on the outside yelling get him Robert as Gibson is hitting Nikita in the head with right hands trying to break the headlock. Ivan tagged in after Gibson breaks the hold and Ivan drops a knee on Gibson. He then gets Gibson up against the ropes and headbutts Gibson down again. Gibson reaching out to Morton to tag, but he is a long way from the corner. Ivan kicks Gibson in the back to knock him down to the mat. Ivan then drops a knee on Gibson and gets a two count, but Gibson gets his foot on the ropes. Gibson up and hits Ivan with a double ax handle. Gibson is woozy TASIYDAH, but trying to make it back to his corner to tag, but Nikita tagged in and cuts Gibson off before he can get there. Nikita runs Gibson head first into the cage. Nikita goads Morton into the ring and then chokes Gibson while Hebner is getting Morton out. Nikita then goes over to pin Gibson, but Morton is in to break up the pin attempt. Khruschev is shown urging Nikita on from ringside. Kernodle tries to get a USA chant going as Ivan is tagged back in. Ivan with an Irish whip, but Gibson slides through his legs and avoids the Russian Sickle. Gibson then hits a dropkick and the crowd comes to life, screaming for Gibson. Ivan takes out Hebner when Ivan was falling from the dropkick. Gibson covers Ivan, but there is no referee to count the pin. Nikita and Morton both in and Nikita hits Morton with the Russian Sickle. Nikita then hits Gibson with the Russian Sickle and puts Ivan on top of Gibson, but the referee is still down and they are all tangled up in the ropes. It's a whole mess. Fans on their feet urging Gibson to tag Morton in. Both wrestlers back up and Ivan grabs Gibson and Irish whips him, but Gibson tags Morton right before the Irish whip and Ivan backdrops Gibson and as he does, Morton rolls Ivan up for the pin and we have new World Tag Team Champions! The crowd goes wild at the result and the Russians attack Gibson inside the cage. Morton climbs up and over the cage. Nikita tries to stop him, but Morton slips away from Nikita. Morton is a bloody mess down on the floor. Khruschev gets in the ring. The Russians throw Hebner down and clothesline Gibson with the chain. They then do a version of the Doomsday Device on Gibson with Khruschev holding Gibson and Nikita and Ivan both coming off the top rope to double clothesline Gibson. Kernodle is down on the floor on the outside, but we don't see what happened to him. The Russians are whipping Gibson with the chain on the inside. Other wrestlers are coming from the back and the Russians are attacking them as they try to get in the cage. The Russians finally leave to a loud chorus of boos and a USA chant as the other wrestlers check on the Rock & Roll Express and Don Kernodle. They then show a replay of the end of the match.
-Back to Atlanta for the Main Event. Two years in the making. NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes: The two had met the year previously of course in that disappointing main event at Starrcade '84. They had been feuding off and on but the feud intensified when Flair broke Rhodes' ankle in September with the help of Arn and Ole Anderson. Rhodes out first. He has an early version of pyro and the dry ice smoke. He is loose and ready as he has his white satin jack on that says Dusty on the back and he gets a tremendous ovation as he comes to the ring. Flair is then shown and he looks to be in a purple robe looking cool, calm, and collected as he waits to be introduced. The robe may not be purple as there is a purple spotlight on Flair. The lights and pyro go off for Flair as the 2001 theme plays and he makes his way to the ring. You see that he is actually wearing a white robe with purple sequins. The crowd is white-hot as Rodger Kent announces the main event and the participants. Both wrestlers looking determined. Flair booed heavily when he is introduced. Referee Tommy Young checks both men. The bell rings and Rhodes is there just staring at Flair. He then struts and mocks Flair, who just stares at Rhodes. They circle each other. They lock up and drive to the corner. They break and start exchanging shots and chops in the corner. Rhodes fired up as he comes out of the corner, hitting Flair with left and right hands. He knocks Flair down to the mat to the crowd's delight. Flair back up and Rhodes hits him with an elbow and a right hand to knock him back down. Flair rolls out of the ring and steps out over the barricade to regroup and Bob Caudle wonders if he is leaving the arena. Flair then gets back in the ring. Another lock up and Flair hits Rhodes in the stomach with a knee. He then chops Rhodes several times. Rhodes comes back with a series of elbows to Flair's forehead. They lock up and Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. They run the ropes and Rhodes catches Flair with an elbow to knock him down to the mat. Flair backs away and rolls back outside to regroup again. Flair finally gets back in the ring. He screams come on at Rhodes. They lock up and Flair with a side headlock. He shifts into a hammerlock, but Rhodes reverses the hold and drives Flair to the mat. Flair slowly works his way back to his knees and then gets Rhodes off him. They do a test of strength briefly, but break it off and both men are wary. Flair drives Rhodes back to a corner and starts chopping him. Flair then snap mares Rhodes out of the corner and drops a knee on his forehead. Flair gets a one count as the crowd gets behind Rhodes to urge him to get up. Rhodes up and Flair gets him in a wrist lock and kicks the back of his knee and Rhodes goes to the outside in pain. He also goes out beyond the barricade. Flair keeps breaking Young's count and then grabs Rhodes when he gets up on the apron. Rhodes blocks a punch and hits Flair on the back of the head with an elbow. He hits a series of elbows, but breaks right before the 5 count. Flair down and Rhodes puts his leg on the bottom rope and comes down on it. Rhodes gets back in the ring and motions that he is going to break Flair's leg. He pulls Flair back to the center of the ring and drops an elbow on the knee and locks the leg up. Flair screaming in pain, but won't give up and tries to grab Rhodes by the hair to get out of the hold. Flair in a tremendous amount of pain, but not giving up. He grabs Rhodes by the head briefly. Rhodes gets up with the leg still in his hands and looks out to the crowd, who encourage Rhodes to hurt Flair. Rhodes drops an elbow on the knee and goes back to the leg hold. Flair gouges Rhodes in the face to break the hold and get back up. Flair limping as he tries to get Rhodes up in a suplex, but Flair's leg gives out on him. Rhodes reverses it and suplexes Flair. Rhodes then goes back to the leg and drops an elbow on it. Then back to the leg lock as Young checks to see if Flair wants to give up and he doesn't Rhodes pulls back on the move, allowing Flair to grab Rhodes' head to try to force him to break the hold. Both men back to their feet and exchange chops before Rhodes gets a side headlock on. Flair pushes off and Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes rushes Flair, who catches Rhodes in a sleeper. Rhodes starting to fade and in desperation, he falls forward and drives Flair face first into the corner turnbuckle. Rhodes rolls to the outside and grabs Flair's leg and drives it against the ring post. He then drives an elbow into the ankle. Rhodes gets back in the ring on the 7 count and stomps the ankle over and over. Young gets Rhodes away briefly, and when Rhodes comes back, Flair headbutts Rhodes in the stomach as Flair is trying to stand. Flair chopping to get out of the corner. Rhodes pushes Flair back to the corner and starts chopping him. Rhodes with a snap mare. Rhodes goes to drop an elbow, but Flair moves out of the way. Flair limping and goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off so TASIYDAH. Happy Thanksgiving cocktail for you. Rhodes goes to put Flair into a figure four, but Flair kicks Rhodes off. Rhodes falls and grabs his ankle in pain. A double count going. Both back up and Flair chops Rhodes down and goes for the figure four, but Rhodes kicks Flair off. Flair tries again and Rhodes kicks him off again. Flair comes back and stomps on Rhodes' leg. Rhodes back up and Flair gets him into the corner and goes to wrap Rhodes' leg around the rope. Rhodes headbutts Flair to stop him. Back and forth in the corner. Rhodes corner whips Flair up and over to the outside. Rhodes goes out after Flair and runs him into the corner post. Rhodes then runs Flair head first into the barricade. Rhodes gets back in and Young puts him in a corner so that he can start the count on Flair. But much like Baby in Dirty Dancing, Rhodes doesn't stay in the corner and he meets Flair as Flair is getting on the apron. Flair's face is a bloody mess. Rhodes has Flair on the apron and is hitting him with elbows to the head. Rhodes gets Flair back in the ring and slaps him hard on the chest. Young gets something in his eyes and doesn't see Flair throw Rhodes over the top rope. Rhodes gets up and then goes up top and hits a crossbody on Flair. It wasn't the prettiest move, but that was something you don't see everyday. He gets Flair down, but Young comes over late to count and Rhodes only gets a two count. The crowd booing the late count. Both men back up and Flair goes for a right hand to Rhodes. Rhodes blocks it and hits Flair with a right hand of his own to knock Flair down. Rhodes gets on top of Flair and punches him in the face for a three count. Flair back up only to get an elbow from Rhodes to knock him back down. Rhodes gets Flair in the corner and hits him with elbows to the head and there is a guy in the crowd who has been making this whoo like sound all match long. He is so annoying. He sounds like a crow with laryngitis. Rhodes then hits Flair with corner mounted punches. He stops at the three count and Flair does the Flair flop for those of you keeping score at home. Rhodes looking out at the crowd and he has them in the palm of his hand. Flair back up and they go back and forth in the middle of the ring with Rhodes getting the better of the encounter. Rhodes with a little flip, flop, and fly on Flair to knock him down. Flair begging off as he slides back to the corner and Rhodes stalking him. Rhodes with a corner whip. Flair up and over and runs to the opposite corner. He goes up top and actually comes off, but Rhodes catches him with a shot as he is coming down. Rhodes goes to kick Flair in the ribs, but Flair moves out of the way and Rhodes kicks the corner post and both men are down. A double count going. Flair gets back up. He drapes Rhodes' leg on the bottom rope and drops down on it. Rhodes writhing in pain on the ground and Flair screaming come on to Rhodes. Flair then drops a knee on Rhodes' ankle to try to re injure the leg. Rhodes is in tremendous pain and Young asks him if he wants to give up and Rhodes says no. Flair punches Rhodes and gets the figure four on. Rhodes in pain but fighting it. Rhodes goes back on the mat and Flair gets a couple of two counts. Flair really cranking on the hold trying to get Rhodes to give up. He tells Young to ask Rhodes if he wants to give up. Rhodes says no and calls Flair a son of a bitch. He raises his arm, gives Flair the bird, and then turns the move over and Flair is screaming out in pain. Flair gets to the ropes and Rhodes lets go of the hold on Young's four count. Both men up on an 8 count and Flair chopping and hitting Rhodes up on the ropes and Rhodes doing his version of Hulking up. He comes back and hits Flair with a series of elbows. Rhodes with an Irish whip, but Flair with a go behind as Rhodes went for what looked like a backdrop. Rhodes runs and hits Flair with a clothesline. Rhodes gets a two count. Flair kicks out, throwing Rhodes on top of Young. Young gets back up just as Rhodes throws Flair into the corner and Flair runs into Young and knocks him out to the floor. Rhodes goes for the figure four. Flair kicks him off. He tries again and again Flair kicks him off. Rhodes hits Flair with an elbow and then gets the figure four on Flair and the crowd comes to life. Arn Anderson comes out and hits the ring. Rhodes knocks him down. Ole Anderson comes in and hits Rhodes with a high knee to the back to knock him down. Ole then goes outside to check on Arn. Another referee comes out as Flair covers Rhodes and gets a two count. Flair goes for a scoop slam but Rhodes gets an inside cradle to pin Flair and the crowd explodes just like that cooter did. New heavyweight champion. Rhodes holds the belt up high as other wrestlers get in the ring to celebrate. They lift Rhodes up as he lifts the championship up. Ole and Arn shown helping Flair to the back. They are screaming at the wrestlers in the ring. You can't make out what they are saying, but I'm sure it's not Happy Thanksgiving. The Omni is emptying out quickly as they announce Dusty Rhodes as the new champion. The hoarse crow has not left though.
-Tony Schiavone is back in the locker room to talk to Dusty Rhodes. The other wrestlers spray Rhodes with champagne as he starts to talk. They are in a good mood. Rhodes says we're back. When he said this one's for the textile workers, auto workers, all the blue collar people across this great land. The American Dream came back from the bottom and is now World's Heavyweight Champion. And he is going to be that way for a long time. Wahoo McDaniel is there and Rhodes says my man Chief. Nobody can beat the people, nobody can beat the world. Nobody can beat the American Dream. He then walks off as they celebrate around him.
-Tony and Bob then talk about the night and the new champions crowned. They then thank everyone for the success JCP has had and sign off from Starrcade '85 with a video package of the event.
-After Starrcade, Rhodes' victory was reversed by Tommy Young. The match was changed to Rhodes winning by disqualification due to interference from Arn Anderson and Flair remained the NWA champion. Soon after, in January 1986, Flair formed the Four Horsemen stable with Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard, along with James J. Dillon as their manager.
-Final Thoughts: This was a great show with a disappointing ending. Rhodes should have won the championship outright as fans were starting to tire of the so-called "Dusty Finish".

Episode 155 Notes Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 8ba4ad28-4eae-4307-91f0-2842547cb722 My notes for Episode 155: Project 45: 2015 Beast in the East. -Today, Project 45 jumps to the year 2015 as we take a look at the WWE Network Beast in the East special.
-WWE The Beast in the East Special was shown on the WWE Network on July 4, 2015 from the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan. There were 8,646 in attendance.
-Then, now, forever intro.
-The Beast in the East intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to The Beast in the East. He and Byron Saxton are the announcers for the event.
-Chris Jericho vs. Neville: The bell rings and they just stare at each other across the ring. A Y2J chant goes out. They lock up and drive to a corner. Break clean and then circle each other again. Another lock up and Jericho with a go behind. Neville reverses the hold. Jericho counters with a wrist lock and Neville reverses out and goes for a snap mare. He finally gets it and then sweeps the leg of Jericho to get him down. Only gets a one count. Neville jumps to avoid a Jericho sweep and dropkicks Jericho down. Jericho rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in the ring, they lock up and Jericho with a go behind takedown. He gets Neville in a modified STF, but Neville won't give up. Jericho then gets Neville up in a surfboard. Neville flips out and lands on Jericho for a two count. They face each other again as the crowd applauds them. They lock up again and Neville with a wrist lock. Jericho reverses the hold and gets an arm bar on Neville. Neville gets to his knees, so Jericho goes back to the wrist lock. Neville gets to his feet and flips out of the wrist lock, so Jericho clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. Jericho goes to run to hit a tope on Neville, but Neville gets the ring and hits a dropkick on Jericho first. Neville goes for a tope, but Jericho gets back in the ring and backdrops Neville to the apron and Jericho dropkicks Neville off the apron from the second turnbuckle. Referee Charles Robinson starts to count Neville out as the Y2J chant starts again. Jericho goes outside and runs Neville into the apron. He then chops Neville and throws him back into the ring. Jericho goes up top and hits a crossbody on Neville and gets a two count. Jericho with a headlock and gets Neville down on the mat. Let's go Neville/Y2J dueling chants go out. Neville battling back to his feet. Neville gets to his feet, so Jericho hits him with a knee to the stomach and Irish whips Neville. Neville comes back with a single leg takedown for a two count. Jericho responds with an enziguri and gets a two count of his own. Jericho gets Neville in the corner and chops him. Neville reverses a corner whip. Jericho hits Neville with a back elbow as he charges. He gets a one count. Jericho with a snap mare and a kick to Neville's back. He gets Neville in a headlock. Neville fights back to his feet and hits Jericho with some punches. Jericho responds with a knee to the stomach and some chops. Jericho with an Irish whip. Neville comes back and slides through Jericho's legs and hits Jericho with a back kick. He kicks Jericho several times, but Jericho sidesteps a running kick so Neville Irish whips Jericho and goes to throw him over the top rope. Jericho jumps over the top rope, lands on the apron, and then goes up top and comes off with a double ax handle to Neville. Jericho follows that up with a bulldog. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Neville flips out of the attempt. Neville with a modified flying forearm to Jericho. Then another forearm to Jericho in the corner. Neville kicking Jericho in the corner. Neville with a corner whip, but Jericho hits him with a back elbow when he charges in. Neville ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Jericho with a mule kick. Neville goes up top, so Jericho rushes the corner and hits the ropes and Neville crotches himself on the top rope. Jericho climbs up to the second rope, gets Neville in a front face lock, and then goes for a top rope superplex. Neville blocks the move and slams Jericho off face first onto the mat. Neville attempts a Red Arrow, but Jericho moves. Neville then goes for a hurricanrana, but Jericho holds on and turns it into the Walls of Jericho. Neville trying to power out of the move. Neville reaches and finally grabs the bottom rope. Jericho breaks but starts stomping on Neville. Jericho rushes Neville, who sidesteps the charge and throws Jericho to the outside. Neville then runs and dives over the top rope onto Jericho. A this is awesome chant goes out. Neville throws Jericho back in. Neville goes up top and hits Jericho with a dropkick. Neville then hits a running shooting star press on Jericho for a two count. Jericho up to his knees and Neville chopping him. Neville then charges Jericho, who responds with a forearm to Neville's face. Jericho with more forearms. Neville reverses an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Jericho holds on to the ropes. Jericho then hits a Lionsault. He gets a close two count. Jericho with a corner whip, but Neville gets his boot up on the charge. Neville goes up top, but Jericho hits him with a Code Breaker as he comes off. He gets another two count and Jericho can't believe it. The dueling chants go out again as Jericho gets Neville by the hair and hits him with forearms to the back. Neville does a standing switch and hits Jericho with a belly to back suplex. Neville then hits a superkick to Jericho. Jericho gets back to his knees and Neville hits him with another kick. Neville goes for the Red Arrow again and Jericho counters with knees to the midsection and gets the Lion Tamer on Neville and he taps.
-Brock Lesnar is shown arriving at the building earlier in the day.
-Divas Championship Triple threat match. Nikki Bella vs. Paige vs. Tamina: The bell rings and they all look at each other wondering and plotting how they are going to start. Tamina then attacks both Bella and Paige. Bella rolls Tamina up for a two count, but Paige breaks up the pin attempt. Paige covers Bella for a one count, then Tamina clotheslines Paige and Bella. Tamina throws Bella out. Paige superkicks Tamina in the stomach. Paige then puts Tamina through the ropes, goes out to the apron, and attacks Tamina with knees to the face. Tamina pushes Paige down on the apron. Tamina drags Paige in and covers her, but Bella breaks up the pin attempt. Bella grabs Tamina, who headbutts Bella away. Bella goes up to the second rope and kicks Tamina in the head as she comes off. She gets a two count. Tamina headbutts Bella down. Tamina with a suplex. Paige breaks up the pin attempt. Paige and Bella with a double suplex to Tamina. Then a double dropkick to knock Tamina to the outside. Bella then gets Paige down and hits her with forearms to the face. She gets a two count. She goes to run Paige into the corner, but Paige reverses it and runs Bella in instead. Paige rushes Bella, who hits Paige with a back elbow. Paige gets Bella down and gets a two count. Bella with a takedown to Paige and she gets a two count of her own. Paige reverses a move to get Bella down and hits a running knee to Bella who was sitting on the mat. She gets a two count. Paige with a corner whip and a running knee to Bella. Paige then with a series of knees to Bella in the corner. Tamina tries to get back in the ring, but Paige hits her with a forearm to knock her back to the floor. Paige goes back to Bella, who kicks Paige away. Bella picks Paige up and slams her into the corner. She then runs her shoulder into Paige several times. Bella then puts Paige on the tope rope and Paige tries to fight Bella off. Bella goes for a superplex on Paige, but Tamina gets in and powerbombs them both off the top rope. Tamina covers Bella, but the referee was checking on Paige, so Tamina comes over and covers Paige. She only gets a two count. Tamina screams at the referee to count faster. She covers Bella again only to get another two count. Tamina with a corner whip to Bella. She then corner whips Paige into the same corner and goes to double splash them, but they both move out of the way and Tamina hits the turnbuckle hard. Bella with a knee lift to Tamina and Paige then hits Tamina with a superkick. Bella then slams Paige down. She gets a close two count on Paige. Bella grabs Paige, who rolls Bella up for a one count. Paige follows that up with a back kick to the stomach of Bella. Paige then hits a modified DDT for another two count. Paige screams to the crowd that this is her house. Paige then puts Bella in the PTO. Tamina comes in and superkicks Paige in the face. Tamina then hits the Samoan Drop on Bella. Tamina then goes up top and comes off with a Superfly Splash, but Bella rolls out of the way. Bella comes in with a forearm to Tamina to pin her and retain the Divas Championship.
-A feature on Brock Lesnar.
-Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston: Kingston out first and the crowd likes him, but they are absolutely mesmerized by Lesnar when he comes out. They show highlights from The Authority attacking Lesnar on Raw two weeks previously. Kingston wisely gets out of the ring when Lesnar gets in. He finally gets in and the bell rings. Kingston takes off around the ring and Lesnar following him. Kingston trying to use his quickness to his advantage. They get back in the ring and Kingston attacks Lesnar with kicks and punches and Lesnar responds by grabbing Kingston and hitting him with knees to the stomach. Lesnar drives Kingston into a corner and then corner whips him out of that corner. Kingston jumps to the top rope and does a reverse crossbody to Lesnar, who just catches him and puts him up on his shoulder, but Kingston slips behind Lesnar. He dropkicks Lesnar from behind and goes to splash Lesnar in the corner, but Lesnar just catches him. Lesnar turns Kingston around and hits him with a German suplex, but Kingston lands on his feet. Kingston off the corner turnbuckle with a dropkick to Lesnar. Kingston concentrating on the legs of Lesnar to try to get him down. Another dropkick to Lesnar, who does not go down. Kingston attacks again and Lesnar catches him and hits another two German suplexes. The crowd is in awe of Lesnar. Lesnar stalking Kingston and waits until he is almost up before hitting him with another German suplex. A Kofi chant goes out and Lesnar smirks and shakes his head no. Lesnar picks Kingston up and hits an F5 on Kingston and pins him. After the match, Lesnar hits another German suplex on Kingston. One more time goes out from the crowd, so Lesnar goes up and hits another F5 on Kingston. Big E and Xavier Woods come in to help Kingston and Lesnar takes them both out with clotheslines. F5 to Woods and then an F5 to Big E. Lesnar then looks at the fallen New Day and leaves the ring.
-Kevin Owens shown in the back getting ready to come out and defend his NXT title.
-Feature on Finn Balor, the success he has had in Japan, and his rivalry with Kevin Owens.
-NXT Championship Match. Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor: Balor out first in his Demon persona. The fans are really into him. Owens comes out looking all business. Hideo Itami is shown in the crowd. The traditional Japanese flower ceremony happens before the match and as Brandi Rhodes introduces the competitors, Owens throws his flower bouquet out to the crowd. The fans throw streamers into the ring when Balor is introduced. The bell rings and Balor rushes out with a dropkick to Owens right away. Balor then goes up top looking to hit the Coup De Grace. Owens rolls out of the ring, so Balor hits him with a crossbody on the outside. Balor follows that up with a shot before throwing Owens back into the ring. Owens attacks Balor with punches and kicks when Balor gets back in the ring. An NXT chant goes out. Owens with an Irish whip. Balor ducks a clothesline attempt and Owens with a back elbow when Balor comes back. Balor reverses an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Owens holds onto the ropes. Owens rolls to the outside, but Balor runs the ropes and hits Owens with a baseball slide. Balor then runs Owens into the barricade. He sits Owens in a chair at ringside and then puts Owens back in the ring. Balor with shots and chops to Owens in the ring. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Owens with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Balor kicks him in the face. Balor with more shots and chops to Owens. Owens reverses an Irish whip attempt. Balor comes back with a crossbody, but Owens catches him in midair. Owens swings Balor around with a modified slam and gets a two count. Owens stomping Balor down on the mat. He then presses his boot down on Balor's chest. Balor up but hurting in the corner. Owens chopping Balor in the corner. Owens then kicks Balor. Owens blocks a shot from Balor and knocks Balor to the mat. More punches and kicks to Balor. Owens taunting the crowd. Owens with a corner whip and Balor hits the turnbuckle hard and goes down to the mat. Owens back to taunting the crowd. Balor coming back with some forearms to Owens. He runs the ropes, but Owens catches him with a back elbow. Owens gets a two count. Owens with a rear chin lock. Balor fights back to his feet. Forearms to Owens to break the hold. Owens responds with punches and a corner whip. Owens moves before the charge in. Balor out on the apron to do what looks like a springboard, but Owens hits him with a forearm to knock him down. Owens goes out after Balor and runs him into the ring steps. The referee starts counting Balor out. Balor gets back in the ring right before the 10 count. Owens with a back splash and he gets a two count. Owens picks Balor up and throws him back outside. Owens yells out for everybody to count Balor our. Balor gets back in the ring on the 7 count. Owens with a snap mare. Owens runs the ropes and Balor braces for a big hit, so Owens instead puts Balor in a headlock. Balor battling back to his feet. Owens drives him back down to the mat. Back and forth in the ring. Owens with an elbow shot to Balor. Balor with a reversal of an Irish whip. Owens comes back with a sunset flip. Balor rolls through and kicks Owens in the face. Balor with a kick and a forearm. He follows that up with a corner whip and a chop. Balor with a fist to Owens from the second rope and gets a two count. Exchanging shots in the middle of the ring. Owens ducks a shot and comes back with a shoulder block. Then another one. Owens mocking John Cena, who he has a match with for the United States title on Raw two weeks after this match. He does U Can't See Me and the 5 knuckle shuffle to Balor. Owens goes for the AA, but Balor slips out of it and hits Owens with a stomp to the chest. Balor with a chop, a corner whip, and another chop to Owens. Owens reverses another corner whip attempt and Balor goes to leap up to avoid the charge, but Owens catches him on his shoulders and goes for the AA. Balor slips behind, but Owens grabs him by the head and gets a snap mare. He then hits Balor with a forearm. Balor then hits a Claymore Kick out of nowhere to Owens and both men are down. Double count going. Both up and Owens rolls to the outside. Balor with a running cannonball over the top rope to Owens. Balor rolls Owens into the ring and goes up top as an NXT chant rings out. Balor with a double stomp to Owens from the top rope. Balor hits the Reverse Bloody Sunday for a close two count. Balor goes for the Coup De Grace, but Owens rolls away from it. Owens hits a German suplex. Owens with a cannonball splash to Balor in the corner and he gets a two count. Owens with a powerbomb for another two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. Owens with an Irish whip, but Balor holds on to the ropes. Owens charges him, but Balor gets his boot up and hits a sling blade to Owens. Balor goes up top, but Owens gets back to his feet and comes over to hang on to Balor's leg while he is on the top rope. Balor with fists to Owen's head to try to free himself. Owens responds with a headbutt that knocks Balor to the apron. Balor with a Pele kick to Owens and Balor goes back up top and hits the Coup De Grace on Owens. He gets an extremely close two count. A double count going. Balor up and grabs Owens and puts him in the corner and just pummels him with right and left hands. He tries to put Owens on the top rope and Owens is headbutting Balor trying to prevent it. Balor with several right hands and finally gets Owens on the top rope and climbs up. They trade shots from the top rope. Owens gets a front face lock and it looks like he is trying to suplex Balor to the outside from the top rope, but Balor slips out and hits another Pele kick to Owens. Balor goes back up to. Owens grabs him and delivers a senton to Balor from the top rope and he gets a close two count. Owens is visibly frustrated and he goes back up top and goes for a diving splash, but Balor gets his knees-up at the last second. Balor hits the 1916, but again Owens kicks out before the three count. Balor rushes Owens, who catches him with a kick. Owens with a big release suplex, but Balor again kicks out. Owens up and screaming you can't beat me to Balor. He starts slapping Balor as he says it over and over. Balor comes back with a slap of his own. Owens counters that with a kick to Balor. Owens with an Irish whip and goes for the pop up powerbomb, but Balor jumps over Owens and hits Owens with a clothesline. Balor with a running dropkick that drives Owens into the corner. Balor with a running dropkick to a seated Owens to knock him down to the mat. Balor goes back up top and hits another Coup De Grace to Owens. He then pins Owens to become the new NXT Champion. This was one hell of a match and among the very best wrestling matches that I have ever seen. The crowd loves it and Balor is presented with the belt. Tatsumi Fujinami comes out and congratulates Balor. Owens and Balor are face to face in the ring. The NXT chant goes out again. Balor puts his hand out, but Owens ignores it and just leaves the ring. Balor then celebrates with the fans.
-Highlights of Tatsumi Fujinami being honored the night before.
-Tag team match. King Barrett and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and John Cena: Cena comes out last and the crowd goes crazy when he comes out. Cena is the United States Champion here. Let's go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chants go out even here in Japan. Ziggler and Barrett start. The bell rings and they circle each other. Ziggler goes for a single leg takedown. Barrett fights it, but Ziggler gets him down and gets a front face lock on. He turns Barrett over and gets a one count. Barrett with a go behind and a takedown. He covers for a one count of his own. Battling for position and Ziggler gets a hammerlock on. He gets Barrett back over for another one count. Ziggler with a side headlock. Barrett pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Ziggler with a go behind and a roll up. He gets a two count. Ziggler with a dropkick. That only gets a one count. Ziggler with a front face lock and Barrett with some right hands to Ziggler's side to try and get out of the move. Barrett breaks the hold, grabs Ziggler, and tags Kane in. Barrett gets a front face lock and gets Ziggler down so Kane can take over with shots to Ziggler. Kane with an Irish whip, but Ziggler comes back and slides under Kane's legs. He tags Cena in and the dueling chants go out again. They lock up and Kane pushes Cena off. Another lock up and Kane pushes off again. Kane tells Cena to bring it. They go to lock up again, but Cena slips behind Kane and gets a side headlock on. Kane trying to break the hold, but Cena won't let go. Kane pushes off. Cena comes back with a shoulder block, but Kane doesn't move. Another shoulder block and again, Kane doesn't move. Cena goes for a third shoulder block and Kane knocks Cena down with a shot. Barrett tagged back in and attacks Cena with a flurry of shots in the corner. He beats Cena down and starts stomping him in the corner. Barrett with a knee to the midsection and a snap mare to Cena. He then gets a headlock on and Cena reaching for Ziggler, but he is a long way from the corner where he can tag. Cena gets to his feet and is reaching for the tag. Barrett jumps on Cena's back and Cena is starting to fade. Cena up and drives backwards into the turnbuckle to get Barrett off. Barrett goes over and tags Kane, who comes in and cuts Cena off from making the tag. Cena back up and Kane hits him with a right hand to knock him back down to the mat. Cena back up and hits Kane with a right hand to the stomach. Cena goes and tries to scoop slam Kane, who just falls on Cena. He gets a two count. Kane with a scoop slam. Cena up and Kane hits another scoop slam. Another two count. Kane goes for another scoop slam, but Cena slips behind Kane, knocks Barrett off the apron with a shot, and goes for Kane, who stops Cena cold with a right hand. He gets another two count. Kane brings Cena over to the corner and tags Barrett back in and Barrett starts stomping Cena down in the corner again. He gets Cena down and starts slamming the full weight of his body onto Cena's back. Cena reaching out towards his corner again, but Barrett won't let him tag. Barrett gets a two count. Barrett with a forearm to Cena and asking him what he had. More right hands to Cena, who starts to battle back. Cena gets Barrett to the corner. Barrett reverses a corner whip. Cena jumps up to avoid the charge, but Barrett catches his legs. He throws Cena up and kicks him in the midsection. Barrett with another two count. Barrett with a knee to the back and a headlock on Cena. The crowd gets behind Cena, who makes it back to his feet and reaches to tag Ziggler. Barrett not letting go of the hold through and Cena back to his knees. Barrett gets Cena down to the mat and referee Charles Robinson checking that Cena hasn't gone out. Cena battles back to his knees. He then gets back to his feet and is reaching for the tag. Barrett jumps on Cena's back to prevent him from tagging. Cena shifts Barrett on his back and hits an AA. Kane tagged in. He grabs Cena by the throat. Cena breaks the hold and gets Kane up on his shoulders to go for an AA, but Kane falls down on top of Cena. Kane gets a two count. Kane with a short clothesline to Cena. Kane then goes up top and clotheslines Cena from the top rope. He gets a two count and Kane can't believe that Cena keeps kicking out at two. Kane with a rear chin lock. Cena battles to his feet and kicks Kane several times. He breaks the hold, knocks Barrett off the apron, and walks into a side slam from Kane for a two count. Barrett tagged back in. Barrett with kicks and an elbow to Cena from the second rope. He gets another two count. Barret goes back to the second rope, but Cena moves when he goes for the elbow drop. Ziggler finally tagged in and hits a clothesline on Barrett. He follows that up with a big splash and a neck breaker. He drops an elbow and gets a two count on Barrett. He goes for a knee lift, Barrett pushes him away and Ziggler hits Kane to knock him down on the apron, but turns around and gets a big kick by Barrett to the face. Barrett gets a shoulder hold on and tags Kane back in. Kane kicking Ziggler over and over. He then kicks Ziggler to the outside. Kane goes out after Ziggler and dumps him on the barricade. Kane puts Ziggler on the apron and smacks Ziggler in the face. He gets a two count. Kane gets Ziggler up in a delayed vertical suplex as the crowd starts a let's go Ziggler chant. Kane gets another two count. Kane drags Ziggler over to the corner and tags Barrett in. Barrett runs Ziggler into the corner and then drapes him across the turnbuckle. He hits several forearms to Ziggler's back and kicks Ziggler off and gets another two count. Cena reaching for the tag. Barrett with a knee in Ziggler's back and pulling back on the arms. Ziggler battling back to his feet as Barrett gets him in a headlock. Ziggler with several shots to try and break the hold. Ziggler pushes off. Barrett looked to be going for the Winds of Change, but Ziggler twists all around and gets a crucifix on Barrett for a two count. Barrett with a big clothesline to Ziggler and both men down. Kane tagged in and covers Ziggler for a two count. Kane with a corner whip and clothesline. That gets another two count. Kane follows that up with a rear chin lock. Ziggler fighting not to go out. Ziggler battles back to his feet and hits Kane with a jaw breaker. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag and Kane catches Ziggler and powerbombs him. He gets a close two count. Barrett tagged in. He chokes Ziggler on the second rope for a four count. He then ties Ziggler up in the ropes and hits a series of knees to him. He follows that up with a running kick to knock Ziggler to the outside. Robinson gets Barrett back, allowing Kane to sneak down and put the boots to Ziggler. Barrett then goes outside and runs Ziggler into the apron. Barrett then rolls Ziggler back to the inside. He gets another two count. Barrett with a rear chin lock to Ziggler. Ziggler battling back to his knees. Barrett cranks on the hold to drive Ziggler back down. The let's go Ziggler chant goes out again. Ziggler battles back to his feet and hitting Barrett with shots to the stomach to try to get out of the move. He kicks Barrett in the face. Barrett responds by hitting the Winds of Change. Another close two count. Barrett is frustrated and Kane is tagged in. Kane with kicks and chops to knock Ziggler down. Kane slams his entire weight down on Ziggler's back. Ziggler finally gets around and Kane slams down on his knees. Ziggler goes for the tag, but Kane cuts him off with a big boot and Barrett tagged back in. Barrett attacking Ziggler with right hands to the face while Ziggler is down on the mat. Barrett gets another two count. Barrett runs Ziggler into the corner and Kane tagged back in. Double clothesline and a back elbow by the heels and Kane gets another two count. Kane with a corner whip. Ziggler gets a back elbow when Kane charges. Ziggler goes for a double ax handle off the second rope, but Kane catches him and goes for the choke slam. Ziggler slides away from him and hits a DDT on Kane. Both men down and finally both Cena and Barrett tagged in. Cena with a shoulder block. Another one and a slam to Barrett. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA, but Barrett pushes Cena off into Kane, who grabs Cena by the throat. He goes for the choke slam, but Cena pushes Kane into a kick by Ziggler. AA to Kane. Cena ducks a shot by Barrett, who then gets kicked by Ziggler. Barrett then gets an AA from Cena, who pins Barrett. The faces celebrate in the ring. The crowd gives them a great ovation. Cole and Saxton review the night before signing off from Tokyo.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fun little show. The crowd was great and really appreciative of the action. Recommended.

Episode 154 Notes Thu, 10 Nov 2022 08:00:00 -0500 [email protected] d4f36236-6e52-4acc-975f-61a771f4b4a6 My notes for Episode 154: Project 45: 2008 SNME. -Have you ever just wanted to go on a mental vacation? I realized that I needed to do just that when someone thought they were entitled to my time.
-Project 45 goes back to 2008 as we look at the final SNME on NBC from August 2, 2008.
-The show aired on NBC on August 2, 2008. It was recorded July 28, 2008 from the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. There were 14,722 in attendance and the show did a 1.4 rating on NBC.
-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are our announcers for the evening. They welcome CM Punk, the current World Heavyweight Champion, to the desk to commentate on the first match with them.
-8 man tag team match. JBL, Kane and The Legacy Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Jr vs. John Cena, Batista, and Cryme Tyme Shad Gaspard and JTG: Kane and Batista start the match. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline. Batista reverses another corner whip and hits a clothesline of his own. He then drives his shoulder into Kane several times. He then follows that up with a snap mare. He follows that up with a big boot and a cover. Kane comes back with a right hand and Rhodes tagged in. Rhodes with some right hands. Batista reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and Rhodes kicks him in the face. Rhodes rushes Batista, who picks Rhodes up and drives him to the corner. JTG tagged in. JTG with some forearms. Rhodes reverses an Irish whip. JTG comes back with a shot to Rhodes' face. JTG forces Rhodes back to the corner and Gaspard tagged in. Gaspard then catapults JTG into Rhodes. Gaspard then military presses Rhodes. That gets a two count. Rhodes rushes Gaspard, who catches Rhodes and puts him on his shoulder and does snake eyes on Rhodes. DiBiase distracts referee Mike Chioda so JBL can attack Gaspard from the apron and Kane tagged in. Kane hits a big clothesline on Gaspard. When they come back from commercial break, JBL has tagged in and is stomping Gaspard, who is down on the mat. JBL throws Gaspard to the outside where he is attacked by Kane. Kane drops Gaspard on the barricade. JBL throws Gaspard back in while the faces complain about the cheating to Chioda. JBL covers Gaspard with his feet on the ropes, but only gets a two count. DiBiase tagged in and JBL holds Gaspard for DiBiase to punch and kick. Chioda finally gets JBL out and DiBiase hits a nice suplex on Gaspard. DiBiase goads Batista in and hits a fist drop on Gaspard as Chioda was trying to get Batista out. DiBiase then hits a clothesline on Gaspard. He gets a two count. DiBiase then gets a camel clutch on Gaspard. Gaspard powers out, so DiBiase transitions to a side headlock. Gaspard powers out with punches, so DiBiase responds with a knee to the stomach. DiBiase drives Gaspard head first into the corner turnbuckle and beats him down. Referee Mike Chioda admonishes DiBiase, allowing Kane to attack Gaspard from the apron. Rhodes tagged in. He punches and kicks Gaspard down. Gaspard trying to fight back with some wild punches, but he seems to be out on his feet. Rhodes runs Gaspard into a turnbuckle. Rhodes rushes Gaspard, who gets his boot up at the last second. Gaspard trying to get to his own corner to make a tag, but gets cut off by a dropkick from Rhodes. Rhodes pulls Gaspard across the ring and gets a leg lock on Gaspard. Rhodes then tags JBL in and keeps the leg lock on so JBL can stomp Gaspard. JBL drops some elbows on Gaspard. He only gets a two count. JBL with a big forearm to the back. Kane tagged in and kicks Gaspard. He then snap mares Gaspard and hits him with a running kick to the head while Gaspard is in a seated position. He only gets a two count. Kane then gets a leg scissors on Gaspard while John Cena and the rest of his team try to encourage Gaspard to just hold on. DiBiase tagged in and stomps Gaspard. Gaspard reverses a suplex attempt. A double count going. Cena and JBL both tagged in. Cena hits a couple of shoulder tackles to JBL. Cena ducks a clothesline attempt and slams JBL. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for the FU, but Kane comes in and kicks Cena in the stomach. Batista comes in and takes out Kane and Rhodes and DiBiase when they come in. Batista then clotheslines Kane to the outside. JTG tagged in and goes up top and Cena helps him hit a rocket launcher on DiBiase. JBL comes in and hits JTG with the Clothesline from Hell and pins JTG. The crowd boos JBL heavily. JBL comes over and points to CM Punk at ringside.
-The Great Khali is shown walking in the back.
-Jeff Foxworthy and Carman Electra talk about autism awareness.
-The Great Khali with Rajeen Singh vs. Jimmy Wang Yang: They show a video package on the Great Khali. Yang attacks Khali with punches and kicks. Khali pushes Yang off and then clotheslines him. Khali then power slams Yang. He then throws Yang into the corner. Yang comes back with a kick and gets on the second rope and comes off and Khali just swats him out of the air. Khali hits a big choke slam and pins Yang with one foot on his chest.
-More Generation Rescue talk as Jenny McCarthy is introduced and talks about Generation Rescue.
-Feature on all that has happened between Vickie Guerrero and Edge. They recycle that Together song from SummerSlam '91. They show Vickie booking Edge vs. The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell Match at SummerSlam. They then preview matches scheduled for SummerSlam.
-Highlights of Edge taking out Mick Foley on Smackdown. This was to write Foley off the show as he was tired of Vince McMahon screaming in his ear as he was trying to do commentary. I don't blame Foley.
-Edge vs. Jeff Hardy: The bell rings. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break clean. Edge goes for a shot in the corner. Hardy ducks it and arm drags Edge out of the corner. They circle each other as a Hardy Chant goes out. They lock up again and Edge with a wrist lock. Hardy reverses the hold. Hardy with a knee to the stomach and a shot to Edge. Edge returns the favor with a shot of his own and a corner whip. Hardy jumps up to avoid the charge and arm drags Edge out of the corner. Hardy gets Edge down and gets an arm bar on. Edge gets to his feet again and pushes off and Hardy slides out of the ring. Edge comes out after Hardy and when he does, Hardy gets back in the ring and kicks Edge through the ropes. Hardy then hits a crossbody over the top rope onto Edge. Hardy gets back in the ring as the Hardy chant goes out again. Hardy rolls out again and comes over and kicks Edge in the stomach. He then Irish whips Edge into the barricade. Hardy then runs to Swanton Edge off the ring steps, but Edge moves and Hardy hits the barricade instead. Edge gets back in the ring and referee Jimmy Korderas goes out to check on Hardy. When they come back from commercial break, Edge has Hardy down on the mat in the ring. He is targeting Hardy's legs. He gets a leg lock on Hardy. Hardy fighting not to pass out and not to have his shoulders go down to the mat for a three count. A Hardy chant goes out again. Edge cranking on the hold and punches the leg of Hardy. Hardy fights and finally gets to the ropes. Both men back to their feet and Hardy kicks Edge in the midsection. Hardy looks like he was going for an enziguri, but Edge pushes him away. Korderas checks on Hardy as Edge gloats to the crowd. Hardy up but favoring one leg heavily. Edge with a forearm to knock Hardy back to the mat. Edge drags Hardy over to the corner and drives his leg into the ring post. Korderas gets Edge in the opposite corner so that he can check on Hardy. Hardy trying to get back up and holding onto the ropes to help himself. Edge comes over and kicks Hardy in the leg. Edge goes for an Irish whip and Hardy reverses it into a clothesline. Both men down and a double count going. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Hardy ducks a shot and puts Edge on the top turnbuckle and into the tree of woe. Hardy tries to run and baseball slides into Edge, who lifts up to avoid the charge. Hardy hits Edge and drives both of his feet into Edge's midsection. Hardy with a cover, but only gets a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, Edge reverses it into an Impaler DDT. He gets a close two count. Edge goes for a Spear, Hardy side steps it. He rushes Edge, who hits Hardy with a back elbow. Edge goes to the second rope and jumps off. Hardy avoids Edge and goes up top and hits the Whisper in the Wind. He gets a close two count. Hardy hits a sit out powerbomb on Edge and goes back up top to go for the Swanton, but Edge moves out of the way. Hardy jumps down. Edge kicks Hardy in the midsection, goes to Spear Hardy, but Hardy jumps over Edge to avoid it and Edge spills to the outside. Korderas counting Edge out. While he does that, MVP comes out of nowhere to attack Hardy and then disappears back out in the crowd again. Edge rolls back in the ring at the 9 count and Spears Hardy and pins him.
-JR and Lawler then sign off from SNME.
-Final Thoughts: It is sad that this was the last SNME. Although it wasn't anywhere near as revolutionary or popular as it was in its prime of the 1980's, it was still something that people could look forward to.

Episode 153 Notes Thu, 03 Nov 2022 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] e9cc7ab8-8b8e-4809-a6dc-4cb52aec1cbb My notes for Episode 153: Project 45 1981 Mid-South Wrestling. -I took the day off this past Friday and enjoyed myself. I went and walked around a bookstore for an hour and then went to visit my family for the weekend.
-Today, Project 45 blasts back to 1981 as we look at an episode of Mid-South Wrestling from December 12, 1981.
-Boyd Pierce welcomes us to MSW and he is with Ernie Ladd to call the action. Pierce says what we're going to see on the show and then gives details of the dream card contest.
-The Monk vs. Bryan Blair: Blair's first name is spelled with a Y here. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Monk with a go behind and a takedown. Blair with a sit out to get out of the move. Another lock up and Blair with a roll up, but Monk's feet were in the ropes. They break, circle each other, and lock up. Monk gets a side headlock on. Blair counters with a leg sweep to get Monk down and gets a front face lock on Monk. Monk twists out and gets back to his feet. Another lock up and Monk goes back to the side headlock. Into a takeover, but Blair counters with a leg scissors. He pivots to a pinning position, but only gets a two count. Monk pulls Blair's hair to get him down and puts an arm bar on. Blair fights a wrist lock attempt. He hits Monk with several forearms to knock him down. Blair follows that up with a scoop slam and a leg drop. He only gets a one count. Blair with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He gets a two count. Blair with another Irish whip and dropkick. He gets a one count, so Blair with another Irish whip and an abdominal stretch. He brings Monk straight back and pins him.
-King Cobra vs. Tom Renesto, jr: The bell rings. They circle each other and lock up. Renesto pushes off. Another lock up and Cobra with a side headlock. Renesto pushes off and they run the ropes a bit. Cobra with a dropdown and then a back flip to Renesto. Cobra follows that up with an arm drag and into an arm bar. Renesto won't give up and gets back to his feet. Cobra keeps the arm bar on and Renesto pushes off. Cobra comes back with a pair of shoulder blocks that knock Renesto to the ground. Renesto gets back up while Cobra is running the ropes, so Cobra stops and dropkicks Renesto. Another dropkick and an arm drag right back into the arm bar. Cobra then drives his knee into Renesto's arm before applying pressure to Renesto. Renesto gets back to his feet, so Cobra hits him with another takeover to drive him back down to the mat. Renesto trying not to give up or be pinned in the move by Cobra. Renesto gets back to his feet and slams Cobra down. Renesto runs the ropes and Cobra catches him and scoop slams him. Cobra goes for a dropkick, but Renesto backs to a corner to avoid getting hit. Renesto following it up with punches to Cobra. Renesto with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Cobra kicks him in the face. Cobra with a shot to Renesto and Irish whips him and hits him with a backdrop. He gets a two count. He then hits Renesto with a headbutt and pins Renesto.
-Jim Garvin vs. Ed Wishkowski: Wishkowski is the Polish Prince here and will go on to be the future Col. DeBeers. Garvin will of course go on to be Gorgeous and a Freebird when no one cared about the group. The bell rings and they lock up. Wishkowski pushes off. They circle each other again and lock up. Wishkowski pushes off again. Another lock up and Wishkowski with a side headlock. Garvin with a forearm to the back to try to get out of the move and Wishkowski cranks on the move harder. Garvin powering out of the move. Wishkowski powers right back into the move and drives Garvin down to his knees. Garvin goes back to throwing forearms to the back to get out of the move. Garvin goes back to working on the arm to try to power out of the move again. Wishkowski with a foot to the back of Garvin's knee to drive him down, but Garvin does not let go of the arm and turns it into a hammerlock on Wishkowski on the ground. Wishkowski makes it back to his feet while still in the move. Wishkowski with a back elbow to break the hold and a shoulder block to knock Garvin down. Wishkowski running the ropes, but Garvin catches him with a drop toe hold and gets the hammerlock back on. Wishkowski trying to get a back elbow to Garvin to break the hold. Wishkowski back to his feet, but Garvin keeps the hold on. Wishkowski picks Garvin up and puts him in the tree of woe. He kicks Garvin several times before the referee gets Wishkowski away and gets Garvin down. Wishkowski goes back to kicking Garvin until Garvin is on the mat. Garvin tries to get away, but Wishkowski hits him with several forearms to the back. Garvin gets to a corner turnbuckle, but Wishkowski keeps hitting him with forearms. Wishkowski drives Garvin face first into the turnbuckle and hits him with another forearm. He beats Garvin down to his knees before the referee gets him away. When Wishkowski comes back over, Garvin hits him with right hands to the stomach. Garvin reverses a corner whip and hits Wishkowski with a flying forearm. He gets a two count. Garvin jumps on Wishkowski's back and puts a sleeper on and Wishkowski immediately goes to the ropes and spills Garvin to the outside. Wishkowski grabs Garvin as he gets up on the apron and body slams him back in the ring, but Garvin holds on and rolls through and gets a two count. Garvin up and runs the ropes. Wishkowski hits him with a high knee and hot shots Garvin on the top rope. Wishkowski drops Garvin down stomach first in sort of an inverted backbreaker move and pins Garvin.
-Boyd Pierce shows highlights of what happened in the match between JYD and Terry Orndorff. Paul Orndorff comes in and gives Terry something to put in his mask. JYD headbutts Terry and they both go down and when JYD falls, he falls into the referee and takes him out. Bob Orton Jr. comes down and puts the mask on and gets in and tries to piledrive JYD. JYD throws him out over the top rope and gets disqualified.
-Jerry Novak and Aaron Holt vs. JYD and Mike George: They dub over Another One Bites the Dust when JYD and Mike George come out. Novak and George start. They lock up. Novak with a hammerlock. George comes back with a go behind and Novak immediately gets to the ropes. They break. Back to the center and they lock up again. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. All four men in the ring now. Faces run the heels into each other. Novak knocked out of the ring. JYD and George with a double Irish whip and shoulder block to Holt. JYD then hits the big thump power slam on Holt to pin him.
-The Iron Sheik with Skandor Akbar vs. Buddy Ryan: They misspell Sheik's name on the graphic and this is not the former defensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears that he is facing. The bell rings. They circle each other and when they go to lock up, Sheik kicks Ryan in the stomach. He then hits a forearm to Ryan's back. More shots to Ryan's back and stomach and he goes down. Sheik hits a high knee to Ryan's face. Sheik hits a suplex. He then drops an elbow on Ryan. Sheik with a double underhook suplex. He goes to cover Ryan, but Akbar says not yet, so Sheik gets up and kicks Ryan some more. Sheik picks Ryan up only to knock him back down with a right hand punch. He then does it again. Sheik then hits a nice belly to belly suplex. He goes to pin Ryan and again Akbar says not yet. Sheik with a belly to back suplex and finally pins Ryan.
-Mixed Tag Team Bout. Diamond Lil and Rick Ferrara vs. Barbie Doll and Tony Charles: Lil and Doll start. The bell rings. They circle each other, lock up, and drive to a corner. Lil with a slap to Doll before backing off. Another lock up and again they drive to the ropes and Lil with another slap. This time, Doll pushes Lil back and knocks her down. Lil complains to the referee. They circle each other again. Doll with a single leg pick up to knock Lil to the mat. Doll follows that up with a step over toe hold. Lil knocks Doll to the mat to get out of the hold. Doll goes back to the single leg and the toe hold. Lil kicks Doll off and Doll falls to the outside. Doll gets back on the apron and Lil grabs her and throws her in. Lil then slingshots Doll across the ring. Lil comes over and gets another slingshot on Doll. Doll with a shot to Lil when she comes over and Charles tagged in. Ferrara also in and they face off. They lock up and Charles pushes off. They circle each other again. Another lock up and Ferrara with an arm drag into an arm bar. Charles up and trying to power out of the move. He powers up off his feet and takes Ferrara down with a headscissors. Ferrara flips around to cover Charles, but only gets a one count. Back up and they lock up again and Charles with another arm drag and an arm bar. Ferrara comes back with a headscissors. Charles eases out of the move and gets Ferrara in a side headlock. Ferrara pushes off and drops down. Charles tries to catch Ferrara with a dropkick, but Ferrara grabs his legs when he does and turns Charles over into a Boston Crab. Charles flips out of it immediately with tremendous leg strength. Lil and Doll both tagged back in. They lock up and Lil slaps Doll to the ground. Lil continues the assault on Doll. Lil with a corner whip and continues the assault on Doll with kicks and chops. Doll with a big corner whip and gets a two count on Lil. They run the ropes and Doll with a backdrop. Doll grabs both legs and gets the pin.
-Mid-South North American Heavyweight Championship Match. Ted DiBiase vs. Paul Orndorff: The bell rings and they circle each other. Orndorff dives for DiBiase's legs, but DiBiase avoids him. They circle each other again and DiBiase goes for Orndorff's legs and Orndorff avoids him. They lock up and drive to the ropes and jockey for position. The referee breaks it up and they circle each other and lock up again. Orndorff with a side headlock and DiBiase pushes off. Orndorff comes back with a shoulder block. Orndorff with an Irish whip. DiBiase with a leap frog. Orndorff with a roll up, but only gets a two count. Orndorff complains and they circle each other again. They lock up and DiBiase with a side headlock and Orndorff pushes off. Orndorff with a side headlock and DiBiase pushes off. Orndorff with a shoulder block. Orndorff with a sunset flip, but DiBiase drops down and gets a two count. They lock up again and DiBiase with a wrist lock into a hammerlock. Orndorff with a flip over to get out of the move. DiBiase comes back with a headscissors. Orndorff gets out, so DiBiase comes back with a drop toe hold into the hammerlock again. DiBiase also driving his shoulder into Orndorff's back. Orndorff trying to get out of the hold and back to his feet. He does and hits DiBiase with several back elbows. DiBiase reverses a corner whip. Several reversals and DiBiase goes to push Orndorff into the corner and DiBiase goes head first into the top turnbuckle. Orndorff attacks DiBiase several times with knee drops. DiBiase reverses an Irish whip and hits a dropkick. DiBiase with several forearms and an Irish whip. He hits Orndorff with a knee lift. DiBiase with another Irish whip and a power slam. He puts Orndorff in the figure four. Orndorff fights and turns the move over. DiBiase in tremendous pain, but fighting it. DiBiase won't give up and the crowd chants go, Ted, go. The people in Mississippi today are chanting the same thing at DiBiase, but for different reasons. One minute left. DiBiase trying to hold on. 30 seconds left. The match is a draw. The referee tries to break the hold, but the announcers stress that DiBiase did not pass out.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a great hour of television. The program was dense, but the time moved quickly. You saw several current and future stars. Recommended.

Episode 152 Notes Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 87bd9922-2538-4a9a-a5f7-88246cac480f My notes for Episode 152: Project 45 2018 WWE Evolution. -You’ve got mail.
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2018 and a look at the first all-women's WWE PPV, Evolution.
-WWE Evolution took place on PPV October 28, 2018 from the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, New York. There were 10,900 in attendance.
-Hat tip to for their review of this event.
The opening video package focused on the evolution of women’s wrestling in WWE featuring comments from several of the women that are in matches on this show. It also featured clips promoting the key matches on the show.
There was a shot of the live crowd at Evolution with Michael Cole welcoming us to the show.
A musical performance took place with guitarist Nita Strauss in the ring and a singer named Lzzy Hale in the aisle singing about evolution, revolution and all that stuff. There was a guy on the drums too. They played for about three minutes with the crowd cheering them when it was over.
The announce team of Michael Cole, Renee Young and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix were at ringside to call the action. Beth had a Bull Nakano shirt on under her jacket.
The show began with Lilian Garcia in the ring to do the introductions for the first match, so it’s good to see her back.
Trish Stratus was up first to a huge ovation. She did her pointing routine that Alexa Bliss likes to make fun of. Lita joined Stratus for the opener. Good reaction for Lita as well. They are both in their early 40s and still in incredible shape. Trish has a son and daughter while Lita has no kids.
Alexa Bliss made her entrance to do a promo. She was taken out of the tag team match due to a concussion that prevented her from being cleared. Bliss was dressed like Alice in Wonderland. Bliss did old jokes telling them to turn their hearing aids up while introducing Alicia Fox dressed as The Mad Hatter and my favorite Mickie James was dressed as the Queen of Hearts.
Just a quick moment to point out the entrance area isn’t much because it is just three screens kind of like what you see at a WWE live event. The main Raw TV stage is in Charlotte, NC for Raw on Monday. For the matches, they used house show style lighting with a spotlight on the arena and dark on the crowd. It’s similar to what WWE does for NXT Takeover specials as well.
Trish Stratus and Lita vs. Mickie James and Alicia Fox (w/Alexa Bliss)
Lita worked over James with punches. Fox tagged in, Lita tossed her across the ring by the hair and Lita hit a running clothesline against the turnbuckle. Lita tossed James into the ring, Stratus went down on all fours and Lita hit a running clothesline Hardy's style on Fox and James against the turnbuckle. Stratus took down Fox with a snap mare while telling her that she said she wanted to face James. That led to James tagging in for the big showdown with Stratus. The fans cheered their showdown between two women with 13 championships in WWE. Stratus took control with a Thesz Press leading to punches, James with a kick and James blocked a Trish move against the turnbuckle. They got into a slug fest on the top rope won by Trish leading to a hurricanrana off the top by Stratus for two. Lita got the tag, James bailed to the floor and the heels teased leaving. Trish and Lita brought them back in the ring. Fox missed a kick on Lita and the kick hit James. Lita went up top, but Bliss went into the ring to pull Lita down while the ref was checking on Fox. That drew big boos from the crowd. That led to the heels working over Lita in their corner of the ring for a few minutes with James grounding Lita with a headlock. Trish went into the ring to help Lita with a headscissors spot, but James took down Lita with a neck breaker for two. Fox tagged in with her Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Lita hit a reverse DDT on Fox leading to Stratus tagging in against James. Stratus with a punch, two headlock takeovers and Stratus hit a sit out spinebuster for two. Stratus worked over James with chops. James with a kick and a roll up for two. Stratus connected with the Stratusfaction, she covered, James yelled “Foxy” and Fox was too late to break it up, so the referee just stopped counting. The fans booed because they could tell something went wrong there. Lita hit a Twist of Fate on Fox. Lita went up top and hit a moonsault on Fox and James at the same time. Stratus hit a Chick Kick on James for the pinfall.
The Bella Twins were interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. The Bellas said that they were dedicating their match to Ronda Rousey’s mom and said that she deserves so much better while claiming that Ronda’s mom can be in the Bella Army. Nikki said that when she walks out of her show she’s walking out as the new Raw Women’s Champion.
There were comments from Sasha Banks, Asuka, Kelly Kelly and Lilian Garcia talking about WWE’s evolution of women’s wrestling.
Lilian Garcia was in the ring to announce the 20-woman battle royal. The women were given an entrance. The Spanish and German announce teams were shown at ringside. The Miz was seated in the front row behind the German announce table.
Analysis: It was 21 women earlier in the week, but with Alicia Fox in the tag team match, that meant it was 20 women here.
Here’s the order of entrants: Naomi, Michelle McCool , Sonya Deville, WWE Hall of Famer Alundra Blayze in her first WWE match in 23 years and about 18 years overall, Carmella (R-Truth was shown in the crowd to support his Mixed Match Challenge partner), Zelina Vega , Kelly Kelly, Tamina, Ember Moon, Lana, Maria Kanellis (they showed husband Mike Kanellis in the crowd with their daughter), Mandy Rose, Molly Holly, Dana Brooke, Nia Jax, Ivory, Asuka (winner of the Royal Rumble this past January as they showed Miz and Maryse supporting her in the crowd), Terrie Wilson, and the IIconics duo of Peyton Royce and Billie Kaye were up last.
There was a promo from Royce and Kay ripping on Long Island. They spoke about how they saw some of their childhood heroes that helped pave the way for tonight, so they will pay them back by tossing them over the top rope and back to obscurity. Royce said that it was their last chance in the spotlight and Kay said that soon it will all be over. Kay told them they can go back to doing what losers do. They said that the future is iconic followed by their pose.
Battle Royal to Earn a Future Championship Match
The match started with Kay and Royce getting attacked by the legends in the match leading to the Iiconics getting eliminated easily. The part-timers were surrounded by the current stars. Rose and Deville worked together against Molly Holly and eliminated Molly with Sonya kicking her out of the ring. Rose and Deville also worked as a team to eliminate Kelly. Wilson tried to eliminate Deville, so Rose made the save and hit a knee that knocked Wilson out of the ring to eliminate her. Deville was on the apron after going over the top, so Rose punched Deville out to turn on her partner. I doubt that will lead to a split of the duo, but it was just a spot to do in the match. Blayze hit a double clothesline to take out Asuka and Naomi. Jax picked up Blayze and gently put her over the top to the floor. I thought that Blayze could have done more. Maria hit a DDT on Jax and a jawbreaker on Tamina. Maria hit the most gentle bronco buster ever on Tamina. Jax gently placed Maria on the apron followed by a headbutt to eliminate her. Tamina with a super kick on Vega and a Samoan Drop on Carmella. That set up the Nia showdown with Tamina, but instead of fighting each other, they beat up the other women in the match to knock them all down. Tamina with a body slam that eliminated Lana. That led to a contrived spot in the ring where four women suplexed four other women at the same time. Carmella went back into the ring leading to a dance break spot with R-Truth cheering it. Ivory joined Carmella in the dance break. Rose tried to eliminate Ivory, but Ivory held on, so Carmella eliminated Mandy. That doesn’t make me happy. Brooke with an elbow on Moon against the turnbuckle, but Moon suplexed Brooke out of the ring to eliminate her. Moon went for a springboard attack, but McCool stopped her with a boot to the face. Moon with a back body drop that sent McCool to the apron and Moon kicked McCool to eliminate her. Asuka and Naomi worked together on Tamina with Naomi hitting a dropkick, but Tamina hit a back body drop to send Naomi over the top to the floor. There were six women in the ring, plus Zelina Vega, who was out of the ring. Moon hit a DDT on Jax. Moon and Carmella completely messed up some headscissors spot with Cole saying “rather unique” to try to explain it. Moon sent Carmella to the apron and punched her out. Tamina hit a running splash on Moon against the turnbuckle. Ivory was impressive as she hit a cross body block on Tamina. Ivory celebrated on the middle rope, she got knocked to the apron and Asuka hit a running butt splash that knocked Ivory out of the ring.
The final showdown featured Asuka, Ember Moon, Tamina, Nia Jax and also Zelina Vega, who was not in the ring. The fans chanted “NXT” as Asuka and Moon faced off since they had great matches in NXT. Moon with a super kick to the face of Asuka and Moon sent Asuka over the top to eliminate her. When Moon turned around, Tamina wanted a super kick, but Moon was ready for it. Tamina with a spinning slam on Moon. Tamina with a super kick on Jax. The crowd was fully behind Moon chanting “Let’s go Ember” as she battled against the two bigger women. Moon up top and she hit an Eclipse on Tamina. Moon picked up Tamina to eliminate her. It’s down to Moon with Jax, plus Zelina Vega, who was not in the ring. The fans chanted “Let’s go Ember” as Jax tossed Moon across the ring. Jax sent Moon to the apron. Moon managed to power Jax over the top to the apron where Zelina Vega showed up to try to eliminate both women. Vega thought she eliminated both women, but they held on. Jax picked up Vega and tossed her over the top, right onto Tamina in the aisle to help Vega break her fall. Moon with a dropkick on Jax, two clotheslines, Moon charged and Jax dropped Moon with a spinebuster. Jax easily tossed Moon over the top to eliminate her at 16:10 to win the match.
Nia Jax celebrated the win. They showed Ata Johnson in the crowd, who is The Rock’s mother and Nia’s aunt.
Nia Jax was interviewed in the ring by Charly Caruso, who told Jax that she was making history. Jax said she did this for her family while adding this is about the championship, she knows what it’s like to be the champion and now she’s closer to that championship again. Jax said that whoever wins between Ronda and Nikki should enjoy the moment as champion because it won’t last long. Jax hugged Ata at ringside.
A video aired about WWE superstars working with a program called Girl Up. Go to GirlUp.Org for more info. There were women representing GirlUp that were shown in the crowd.
The video package aired about this year’s Mae Young Classic tournament with the finals of Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai.
The winner of the Mae Young Classic gets a trophy. Toni Storm entered first followed by Io Shirai.
Mae Young Classic Finals: Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai
There was some mat wrestling early on followed by a handshake. The fans were cheering for both women, but it sounded like more support for Storm. Dropkick off the ropes from Storm. Shirai with a cartwheel to avoid an attack leading to a dropkick. Knees to the ribs by Shirai got a two count. Shirai grounded Storm by hooking on the arms and Storm got her foot on the bottom rope to break free. Storm with a suplex that sent Shirai right on the back of the neck followed by a running butt splash against the turnbuckle. Storm went up top, but Shirai got back to her feet and dropkicked Storm off the top to the floor. Shirai went up top and connected with an impressive moonsault to the floor that took out Storm on the mat. That was awesome. They battled on the apron with Storm hitting a headbutt followed by a German Suplex on the ring apron. Ouch. It’s the hardest part of the ring as Beth pointed out so TASIYDAH. The crowd was chanting for both women as Shirai got back in the ring before the ten count. They exchanged forearms with Shirai beating her down followed by an uppercut palm strike, but Storm hit a clothesline. Storm hit the Storm Zero sit out Power bomb for a two count as Shirai kicked out at the last moment with Storm selling it like she was stunned by Shirai kicked out. Shirai drove Storm throat first into the middle ropes followed by a 619 double boots to the face. Shirai with a sunset flip off the top into a pin for two. That was a great near fall. Shirai charged with a double knee attack against the turnbuckle. Shirai went for her moonsault off the top, but Storm got the knees up to block. Storm hit the Storm Zero sit out Power bomb for the pinfall win at 10:20.
Winner by pinfall and Winner of the Mae Young Classic 2018: Toni Storm
After the match was over, Storm celebrated the win. Storm and Shirai hugged in the ring. The trio of Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Sarah Amato were in the ring with flowers for the women. Triple H gave Storm a hug. Stephanie gave Toni the flowers and a big hug. Sarah gave Shirai the flowers. Storm was handed the Mae Young Classic trophy by Triple H as well. This was the match of the night so far. That was a really good final sequence leading up to the pin.
A commercial aired for Crown Jewel airing this Friday, November 2 on WWE Network.
There was a video with women talking about evolution of women’s wrestling in WWE. There were comments from Alundra Blayze, Naomi and Eve Torres.
The Riott Squad trio made their entrance. The international announce teams were shown from their announcer’s row in the arena. Sasha Banks, Natalya and Bayley made their entrances with all of them getting good ovations. Finn Balor was shown in the crowd with a “Hugger Section” sign for his buddy Bayley, who is his Mixed Match Challenge partner.
Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan
There was a nice double team move by Natalya and Banks that was like a Hart Attack clothesline like the Hart Foundation of Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart used to do. The faces were in control as Bayley hit a dropkick on Logan on the floor. Bayley went for an attack against Riott, but Logan hit a dropkick that sent Bayley into the ring post. Cole did his usual thing of saying that Riott is a future champion. Morgan grounded Bayley with an arm bar. Logan worked over Bayley a bit, Riott with a slingshot into a forearm from Logan for a two count. Logan worked over Bayley with kicks against the turnbuckle. Bayley sent Logan face first into the top turnbuckle two times. Bayley tried to tag out, but Logan stopped her. Bayley knocked Riott and Morgan off the apron, but Riott tripped up Bayley. Bayley managed to fight out of the corner with a punch on Morgan and a clothesline on Riott. Bayley tossed Logan out of the ring, so Logan tripped up Natalya and hit a clothesline. Bayley finally broke free by kicking away Riott and Banks got the hot tag with a dropkick on Riott. Banks with a knee lift on Riott, Banks up top and she hit a Thesz Press into a two count. Riott with a kick to the gut, Banks with a roll up for two, another knee to the face and Riott with a kick. Bayley got the tag, Banks with a Backstabber and Bayley hit a Bayley to Belly for two as Morgan shoved Banks onto Bayley to break up the pin. Morgan tagged in against Banks with Banks hitting double knees to the face of Logan. Banks went for a somersault dive over the top that looked like she did not make it far enough and the heels caught her on the floor. The Riott Squad sent Banks into the barricade. Morgan off the top with a clothesline, Logan slammed Riott onto Banks and Natalya broke up the pin. Logan sent Natalya out of the ring. Morgan back in with a kick to the head of Banks. Riott up top and Bayley went into the ring to cover Banks, so Bayley hit a senton splash off the top onto Bayley and Banks for a two count. Why would Bayley not just push Banks out of the way instead of laying on her? Anyway, Riott was mad that wasn’t enough to win.
Banks avoided a kick by Morgan, Logan lifted up Riott and a slam missed. Natalya got the tag against Logan with Natalya hitting a spinning clothesline, a German Suplex and a face first slam while Riott and Morgan each made tags. Natalya slapped Riott onto Logan and went for a double Sharpshooter, which looked good. Morgan got back in the ring with a jumping knee attack to the face of Natalya for a two count. There was a shot of Banks and Bayley out on the floor outside the ring. Morgan with a jumping stomp to the back of Natalya. Bayley tagged in, Natalya with a Power bomb on Morgan, Bayley with a Macho Man elbow drop off the top on Morgan, Banks tagged in and Banks hit a Frog Splash like Eddie Guerrero on Morgan for the pinfall win at 13:10.
The winning trio of Banks, Bayley and Natalya celebrated the win while the Riott Squad left together looking disappointed. This seemed like a by the numbers match where everyone got their moment.
There were comments from Stephanie McMahon, Molly Holly, Alicia Fox and Nia Jax talking about Evolution.
The video package aired for the NXT Women’s Title match with Kairi Sane defending against Shayna Baszler.
Shayna Baszler made her entrance first. There were NXT women shown watching the match. Kairi Sane made her pirate entrance with Cole nothing that she was a yachting expert. Sane had the NXT Title in a treasure chest.
NXT Women’s Championship: Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler
There was some good mat wrestling to start with Baszler trying to slap on a choke, but Sane broke free and hit a sliding clothesline against the turnbuckle. Sane with two boots to the ribs of Baszler. When they left the ring, Sane with a hard slap to the face of Baszler. Baszler took control sending Sane face first into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Baszler with a knee to the face against the turnbuckle and a spinning slam got a two count. Baszler stepped on the hand of Sane and Baszler stopped on the left arm of Sane. That’s a spot that Baszler has done before, which is an effective way to work on a body part. Baszler slapped on a key lock submission on the left arm of Sane, but Sane got a roll up for two. Baszler with an arm bar on Sane and then she wrenched back on the left arm of Sane. They got into a slug fest as they exchanged forearms in the center of the ring. Baszler with a running knee, but Sane stopped her attempt at a repeat with a spinning back fist to the face. The fans chanted “NXT” for both women. Sane pulled back on Baszler’s legs, but Baszler broke free and kicked at the left arm of Sane. Sane came back with punches, Baszler whipped Sane into the turnbuckle and Sane hit a Spear that looked very impressive. Sane with a running shoulder tackle followed by a flipping neck breaker for a two count. Sane with an Alabama Slam out of the corner. Baszler got back into it by grabbing the arm of Sane in another arm bar. Baszler tried a lifting slam, but Sane countered with a DDT. Sane went up top, Baszler rolled to the floor to avoid the attack and Sane hit a cross body block off the top onto Baszler on the floor. That was awesome. Baszler sent Sane into the barricade, Baszler charged and Sane hit a back body drop that sent Baszler over the top to the floor onto other NXT women in the front row. Jessamyn Duke, who is an ally of Baszler, grabbed Sane, so Sane hit her with a backhand. Marina Shafir distracted and Sane hit a back fist to take her out. Baszler with a Kirifuda Clutch submission, Sane countered into a pin attempt (the finish they did at Takeover in August for the title change) and Baszler kicked her off leading to a kick from Duke to Sane that the referee never saw. Baszler slapped on the Kirifuda Clutch again, Sane tried to fight out, but she passed out and Baszler won the match to become NXT Women’s Champion again. It went 12:10.
After the match was over, Baszler celebrated with the NXT Women’s Title. Baszler is the first ever two-time NXT Women’s Champion. Baszler’s friends Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir left with Baszler. Those three along with Ronda Rousey are the Four Horsewomen from MMA that all have WWE deals now.
There were more comments from WWE superstars about Evolution. This time it was Ember Moon, Ata Johnson (The Rock’s mom), Vickie Guerrero and Maryse, who was holding her baby daughter.
The video package aired for the Last Woman Standing match for the Smackdown Women’s Title featuring Becky Lynch defending the title against Charlotte Flair. Great video. It was notable that they edited in boos for Lynch, which is lame on WWE’s part.
Charlotte Flair was up first wearing her usual peacock robe. It looked like a new robe for her, which isn’t surprising for a special occasion like this match. Michael Cole bringing up that Ric Flair was in the first Halloween Havoc 29 years ago that day. They don't bring up the fact that they own WCW intellectual property a lot.
Becky Lynch made her entrance as the Smackdown Women’s Champion with the fans giving her a huge ovation. They were chanting “Becky, Becky, Becky” for her. The woman stood in the ring for the championship intros done by Jojo the announcer.
Smackdown Women’s Championship in a Last Woman Standing Match: Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair
The fans chanted “let’s go Becky '' as the match began. The referee is Mike Chioda, who is the most experienced referee in WWE. Lynch said it was her time, Flair shoved her down and Lynch came back with a clothesline. Lynch with a running forearm, a leg drop, Lynch mocked the Flair strut and hit another running leg drop. Flair with a shoulder block to the ribs, Lynch followed Flair to the top rope and hit a slam off the top. Lynch hit a Bexploder Suplex leading to the ref counting. I’m not going to mention every ref count because there are a lot in a match like this. Flair avoided an attack, Lynch hit the mat hard and Flair hit a running boot to the face. Lynch sent Flair face first into the turnbuckle. Lynch dumped Flair out of the ring. Lynch followed Flair out of the ring and Lynch hit Flair with a kendo stick five times in the back. Flair was writhing in pain from it, but Flair blocked it and Lynch kicked Flair in the ribs. The fans chanted “we want tables” so Lynch grabbed a chair from under the ring. Flair tossed a chair into the ring. Each woman tossed about six chairs each into the ring, so there was a pile of chairs in the ring. Flair grabbed a table from under the ring, which led to a Lynch forearm off the steps. Flair came back with an overhead belly to belly suplex on Lynch on the floor. Lynch grabbed a chair and hit Flair in the back with it. Lynch jabbed Flair in the ribs with the chair followed by a chair shot to the back of Flair. Back in the ring, Lynch tossed Flair back first onto the chairs. Lynch put some chairs in a pile, Flair countered Lynch and hit a belly to back suplex that sent Lynch onto the chairs. The ref counted Lynch down for about an eight count. Flair pulled out a table from under the ring. Flair on the apron and Lynch hit a jumping kick that knocked Flair down. Flair got back up while Lynch set up a table in the ring. Lynch picked up Flair and slammed her back first onto the chairs. Flair was back at eight with Lynch hitting her with a forearm. Lynch set up Flair on the table by the turnbuckle. Lynch went up top, Flair got back up and tripped up Lynch leading to boos from the crowd. Flair worked over Lynch with forearms to the chest. Flair went up top and jumped off with a moonsault onto Lynch on the table, but the table did not break. I assume it was supposed to break, but it didn’t break. Flair set up the table again. Flair put Lynch on the table. Flair went to the apron to climb the ropes regular style and Flair hit a Swanton Bomb onto Lynch through the table. That was an impressive move by Flair. Lynch was down for about a nine count.
Flair brought a ladder into the ring, which seems like a weird weapon to use in this match, but Lynch found a way to use it with a body slam onto the ladder that was folded in the ring. Flair came back with a chop block to the back of the leg of Lynch. Flair picked up the ladder sideways, put Lynch’s feet against the ladder and stomped on the right knee. Flair wrapped up the legs of Lynch around the ladder and Flair slapped on a Figure Four variation that she turned into the Figure Eight submission. That’s a very creative spot. I guess that’s why they wanted to bring the ladder into it. Lynch was tapping out, but that can’t end this match. Lynch grabbed a steel chair (the ref gently kicked it closer to her) and hit Charlotte’s legs with it to break the hold. Lynch landed on her feet on the floor to break the count at seven. Lynch drove Flair back first into the steel steps. Lynch was favoring her right leg as she whipped Flair face first into the steel ring post. Lynch grabbed her Smackdown Women’s Title and tried to limp her way out of the building. Flair chased after Lynch in the crowd. Flair hit Lynch with about a dozen chops to the chest and they made their way back to the ringside area. Beth Phoenix claimed that Becky bailed on Charlotte when Charlotte’s dad was sick and she needed him most. Actually, Ric Flair was sick in the summer of 2017 not this year, so I’m not sure what Beth was going for there. The match was around 20 minutes at this point.
The women made their way back to the announcers’ area with Flair clearing off the German announce table at ringside Flair brought a ladder out from under a ring and set it up beside the announce table. Lynch got back into it with the title to the head. Lynch sent Flair face first into the announce table. Lynch put Flair on the announce table. Lynch climbed the ladder, you could see referee Chioda holding the ladder to steady it for her and Lynch hit a leg drop off the ladder through Charlotte, which broke the announce table. That was impressive. The referee counted them both down as fans chanted “this is awesome” at them. Flair was back to her knees around eight, so Lynch charged at Flair with a kick. Lynch dumped three leather chairs from ringside onto Flair. Lynch put half of a broken table on Flair. The referee counted Flair down under the chairs. Flair was back up around nine although it was very close. Lynch freaked out as Flair unloaded on Lynch with six kendo stick shots to the back. Flair hit a Spear on Lynch on the floor. Flair went over to the table that was set up on the floor. Flair placed Lynch onto the table, Flair tried to climb to the top, but Lynch hit a Power bomb off the middle ropes that sent Charlotte through the table to the floor. Ouch. That was a rough landing. Flair got back to her knees, but she couldn’t stand up and Flair collapsed at the nine count to give Lynch the win at 28:40.
After the match was over, Lynch walked up to the entrance area where she held up her Smackdown Women’s Champion as a confident champion. Meanwhile, Flair managed to get back up to her knees and nodded her head as if to say Lynch got the better of her this time.
A commercial aired for A commercial aired for Kay Jewellers.
The announcers promoted Crown Jewel this Friday, November 2 at 12pmET with the main show. Some fans booed as they saw the Crown Jewel logo. The announce team went over the matches. The brackets for the World Cup tournament will be announced on Raw and Smackdown this week.
The video package aired for the Raw Women’s Championship with Ronda Rousey defending against Nikki Bella with Brie. The Bellas turned on Ronda about three weeks ago to set up this match.
The Bella Twins duo of Nikki Bella and Brie Bella made their entrance. They received some cheers and boos. Brie had a flag that said “The Bellalution” on it.
Ronda Rousey got a huge reaction as she made her entrance with the Raw Women’s Title on her shoulder. They stood in the ring for the championship intros.
Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella (w/Brie Bella)
The match began at 10:03pmET with Rousey taking down Nikki easily and toying with her on the mat with some trash talk. Rousey with an arm drag that took down Nikki, who went to the floor, Brie distraction and Nikki shoved Rousey into the ring post. While Nikki was distracted by the referee, Brie whipped Rousey into the ring post. Back in the ring, Nikki slapped on a chin lock and Nikki also did a leg scissors around the neck of Rousey. Rousey kicked Nikki away, Brie with a cheap shot punch that the referee didn’t see and Nikki sent Rousey face first into the ring post. Renee claimed that the Bellas have “built an empire,” which is a bit of a stretch. Back in the ring, Nikki tried an abdominal stretch and Rousey did her best to fight out of it. Rousey broke free, Nikki with a back elbow and Nikki hit a springboard kick to the face of Rousey. The fans were chanting for both ladies. Nikki went for a superplex, Rousey punched her down and Rousey went up top and Rousey went for a cross body block, but Nikki moved out of the way leading to Rousey crashing to the mat. Rousey avoided a baseball slide dropkick leading to Nikki landing out of the ring. Back in the ring, Rousey tripped up Nikki, Rousey put Nikki on her shoulders and Brie got involved, so Ronda had both Bellas on her shoulders. Rousey hit her twisting Samoan Drop takedown that took out both Bellas with the crowd cheering it. Rousey fired up, Rousey with a kick to the ribs leading to punches by Rousey. More punches from Rousey with Nikki trying to block. Rousey with two arm wringer takedowns. Nikki begged off, so Rousey slapped her in the face. Rousey picked up Nikki, asked “you ready?” and tossed Nikki across the ring with Nikki going to the floor. Brie with a punch, Rousey blocked another punch and Ronda tossed Brie over the announce table. Nikki came back with an Alabama Slam for a two count. Nikki sent Rousey into the steel ring post and Nikki hit the Rack Attack 2.0 for just a two count. Good near fall. Nikki threw a tantrum and argued with the referee about it. Nikki went to the middle ropes, Rousey met her up there and took down Nikki aggressively. Rousey grabbed the right arm of Nikki leading to the arm bar submission and Nikki tapped out at 14:15 to give Ronda the win.
Rousey celebrated with her title. Replays aired of the key spots in the match.
Rousey walked around ringside with the Raw Women’s Title on her shoulder. She greeted some fans at ringside. Somebody must have told her to go back in the ring because Rousey went back into the ring to hold up the Raw Women’s Title again. There was a shot of Nia Jax watching Rousey on a TV backstage. Rousey shook hands with fans as she walked to the back.
The other women that appeared on the show were by the entrance and Rousey posed with them to end the show at 10:21pmET.
-Final Thoughts: This was a huge show in terms of showing the diversity and evolution pardon the pun of the women's brand and women's wrestling. I really enjoyed it and hope they do more events like this in the future.

Episode 151 Notes Thu, 20 Oct 2022 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 46993d3c-5310-43a9-9ca1-f8997b1330a5 My notes for Episode 151: Project 45 1992 WWF Superstars -I had a pretty good weekend. Took a brief trip to see my family, celebrate my dad’s birthday, and to go to homecoming at my old church. The guest speaker was the pastor when I was around 10. He and his wife both said I look the same, just with gray hair.
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 1992 as we take a look at a very special episode of WWF Superstars from December 12, 1992.
-In December 1992, I was a freshman in high school. Bill Clinton had just been elected president and my wrestling fandom was huge.
-This episode of WWF Superstars was shown on December 12, 1992. It was recorded on November 24, 1992 from the Ervin J. Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to Superstars. McMahon says that the main event of the Royal Rumble will be announced and Heenan says he's excited because if you want to talk about royalty, he is excited to bring on the man who is royalty himself, The King Jerry Lawler. Hell has frozen over as Lawler makes his debut as the Superstars color commentator. He thanks Heenan for the introduction and says Jack Tunney begged him to come here to share his knowledge of wrestling. They run down what we are going to see this week.
-The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags vs. John Rechner and The Brooklyn Brawler: Rechner is the future Balls Mahoney. Knobbs and Brawler start as McMahon puts over the Nasty Boys, who have recently turned face. Brawler drives Knobbs into the corner. Knobbs reverses it and hits Brawler with some big forearms. Brawler reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge when Knobbs moves. Knobbs hits him with a clothesline. Knobbs hits Brawler and runs him into Sags' outstretched boot and Sags is tagged in. Sags with an elbow to the midsection. Sags with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He follows that up with a pump handle slam. Brawler comes back with a rake to the eyes and Rechner is tagged in. He hits Sags several times and Irish whips him, but Rechner drops his head too early and Sags hits him with an elbow to the back of the head. He runs Rechner into Knobb's arm pit. Sags then steps on Rechner's face. Knobbs tagged in. Sags with a corner whip to Rechner and then whips Knobbs in after him to hit Rechner in the corner. Knobbs follows that up with a bulldog. Sags tagged back in and he climbs up top and hits the pit stop on Rechner to pin him.
-Update with Mean Gene Okerlund. Mean Gene has a Royal Rumble update and announces Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon for the WWF championship. Mean Gene then shows highlights from past Royal Rumbles and announces the winner will face the WWF Champion at WrestleMania.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jean Paul: Paul with some early offense. Bigelow takes over as Doink is shown in the audience. He doesn't have a name yet. Bigelow wins after a flying headbutt. Doink throws a bucket of confetti at Bigelow.
-Event Center with Sean Mooney. The Big Boss Man talks about being an instrument of Justice in the WWF. Money Inc. and Jimmy Hart talk about being the tag team champions again and how aware they are of the Nasty Boys and will handle them. Reverend Slick with information and a sermon about the Royal Rumble. He preaches hope and tells people to have a happy day.
-Marty Jannetty vs. Duane Gill: Jannetty with a wrist lock into a hammerlock and a double leg takedown of Gill. Jannetty turns that into a front face lock as the clown is shown again down the aisle. Gill comes back with a wrist lock of his own. Jannetty with a go behind into a monkey flip on Gill. Jannetty with a flying leg scissors to Gill. Shawn Michaels is shown on the split screen and Vince McMahon asks him where Sensational Sherri is and he says he doesn't know as Jannetty has changed to a waist lock on Gill. Jannetty with a corner whip and Doink is back at ringside. Gill with a reversal and he hits Jannetty with several right hands. Gill with a corner whip, but Jannetty moves on the charge and Gill hits the corner post. Jannetty kicks Gill a couple of times while he is up on the turnbuckle. Jannetty pulls Gill down off the ropes and Gill reverses an Irish whip. Jannetty comes back with a front face slam and then pins Gill after a top rope fist drop. Doink throws a pail of water on Jannetty as he is leaving.
-Nailz vs. Mike Collins: Last appearance of Nailz on your TV screen folks as the next day at the Green Bay tapings is when he confronts and then attacks Vince McMahon. Nailz starts out by choking Collins. He stops after the three count, but starts back in the opposite corner. He then throws Collins halfway across the ring. Nailz with some left and right hand punches to Collins to knock him back down. He chokes Collins on the ground for a three count before picking him up and corner whips him. He then kicks Collins in the midsection while he is trying to get up. They were starting to push the never realized Undertaker/Nailz feud that instead gave us Giant Gonzalez at the Royal Rumble. Thanks a lot, Kevin Wacholz. Nailz with an Irish whip. Collins ducks a clothesline attempt, but Nailz hits him with another clothesline as soon as he comes back. Nailz with an Irish whip and a sleeper and Collins immediately goes out. Nailz then throws Collins out of the ring.
-Vince McMahon talks about Super WrestleMania for the Sega Genesis.
-Mean Gene is on the platform and brings out Bret Hart for an interview. Mean Gene says to Hart that he has a date with Razor Ramon, but he has to defend his title also until then against Ric Flair, who says Hart is defending the title too much and is going to lose his title. Hart says there are a lot of people in the WWF that think he is setting some kind of crazy pace. That he is going to burn himself out as the WWF Champion. But he is not because it was one big accomplishment for him to be the World Wrestling Federation Champion. It goes a lot deeper than that. He wants to be the greatest WWF Champion of all time. Heenan, McMahon, and Lawler are shown looking at Bret. Heenan says he's going to go set this guy straight about a few things. Hart says he's not worried about Ric Flair. He never has been and he's never going to be and Razor Ramon doesn't scare him a bit. They are then joined by Heenan on the podium and Mean Gene asks him what he is doing there. Heenan says he is a broadcast journalist and he can go anyplace that he wants. He turns to Hart and says but I want to talk to you champ, first of all, you are wrestling Razor Ramon at the Royal Rumble, correct? Hart says yes. Heenan says what makes you think when the Royal Rumble gets here, you'll even be packing this gold champ? Because you're going to be meeting Ric Flair along the way. And if by some fluke you should get by Ric Flair, you will never survive the match with Razor Ramon at the Royal Rumble. Hart says you think so? You think Ric Flair intimidates me? He gave up to the Sharpshooter and as far as Razor Ramon goes, machismo, he doesn't have the technical ability to beat the Excellence of Execution in the Royal Rumble. Heenan gets the mic back and says I was talking. He tells Hart that Hart needs to understand something. If the right one don't get you then the left one will, and at this time, let me introduce the right one and he brings out Ric Flair. Flair gets on the mic and asks Hart if he heard Hart say that Flair was breathing down his neck? Flair says buddy, I'm in your king-sized bed with your girlfriend in my arms. I'm that close. He says two times I have been all there is. He tells Hart he better listen up, this isn't a long story, it's a short story. How Hart won the title and where Hart won the title means nothing. He will guarantee Hart this, there is an arena in the world that has this ready to pop up on the marquee. It says Ric Flair, World Wrestling Federation Champion for the third time. Hart tells him it's nice to dream isn't it. Flair says in closing, some little girl somewhere some night told Flair that Hart implied that Hart was the man. That to be the man you had to beat the man. He says well, I've got a new one for you. Being the man and staying the man are two different things, Mr. Hart. Heenan then brings out Razor Ramon. Ramon gets up in Hart's face and says Hitman, you're the Excellence of Execution, chico? He says Razor Ramon knows all about Execution. He already proved that he's the only man in the WWF who is oozing machismo and Hitman, everybody knows that Razor Ramon is the only man in the WWF who looks good in gold. After the Royal Rumble, he's going to have Hart's gold around Ramon's waist. He then flicks his toothpick into Hart's eyes, so Hart punches him. Flair and Ramon then both attack Hart and beat him down. Mr. Perfect comes out to save Hart and he and Ramon start going at it. Ramon and Flair then leave the podium. Referees and officials come out and separate the four men.
-Lance Cassidy vs. Gus Kantarakis: Cassidy is Steve Armstrong in a singing cowboy gimmick. Kantarakis with some early offense. He gets an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Cassidy comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Cassidy takes over and ties Kantarakis up in some moves for another two count. Cassidy with a corner whip and a hip lock out of the corner. Cassidy then goes up top and hits a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Highlights of the Make a Wish Foundation fundraiser at Planet Hollywood with some of the WWF Superstars.
-The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Barry Horowitz: Horowitz attacks Undertaker right after he gets his stuff off, but it doesn't affect the Undertaker, so Horowitz rolls to the outside and yells and points to the Undertaker. Horowitz finally gets back in the ring. Undertaker attacks Horowitz with a kick and a throat thrust to knock Horowitz to his knees. A short clothesline knocks Horowitz to the mat. Undertaker with an Irish whip, Horowitz ducks a clothesline attempt. Undertaker grabs Horowitz by the throat and choke slams Horowitz and pins him. They then put Horowitz in a body bag.
-Event Center with Sean Mooney. Papa Shango says all WWF wrestlers should beware of Papa Shango. Then blink and you'll miss it, a Max Moon promo. He says he has finally landed here in the World Wrestling Federation. He's ready to blast his opponents out of the ring and into orbit. The Beverly Brothers say they are the biggest fish in the pond and they are the best.
-They preview what's coming up next week on Superstars.
-Bret Hart says Ric Flair and Razor Ramon tried to jump him like a pack of wild jackals, but it's not going to make any difference. Flair has already made one mistake and underestimated Bret Hart once before and says Ramon has to have some wrestling background to beat the Excellence of Execution. He doesn't care if it's one or two. They are both going to pay because he wants them bad. Fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: This one hits my sweet spot of being a young wrestling fan in his early teens. Added bonus of Lawler's first appearance. Highly recommended.

Episode 149 Notes Thu, 13 Oct 2022 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2eb86332-3ac2-46e9-a3be-21bd53f7e702 My notes for Episode 149: Project 45: 1983 WWF on MSG. -Project 45 goes back to 1983 this week as we look at the WWF on MSG show from December 1983 and the night that changed a lot of things.
-This was not a great time for me as I had just started school and was just miserable with a bad teacher.
-The WWF on MSG was broadcast on the MSG network and took place December 26, 1983 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 22,000 in attendance.
-Old School Intro.
-We start with Jose Luis Rivera in the ring. Gorilla Monsoon and Pat Patterson are our announcers for the evening.
-Jose Luis Rivera vs. Rene Goulet: Howard Finkel announces all of the New York Athletic Commission people in attendance. Referee Gilberto Roman goes over the rules as the bell rings. They lock up briefly and Goulet pushes off. Another lock up and Rivera pushes off. Another lock up and Goulet with an arm drag into an arm bar. Rivera reverses it into a headscissors. Both back up and Goulet complains that his hair was pulled. Another lock up and Rivera with a side headlock and Gorilla and Pat are foreshadowing what is going to happen later by saying Bob Backlund injured himself attempting the Persian club challenge. Goulet pushes off and Rivera comes back with a shoulder block. Goulet avoids a shot, but not a side headlock takeover. Goulet grabbing Rivera's head and nose trying to get out of the move. They get back to their feet. Goulet pushes off and lands a knee into Rivera. He goes to drop an elbow on Rivera, who moves and gets another side headlock takeover on Goulet. Goulet back up and gets to the ropes and hits Rivera with a big forearm. He follows it up with a snap mare and a rear chin lock. Rivera with an arm drag to get out of the move. Goulet with a knee to the stomach and a dropkick. He then does a snap mare and into another rear chin lock. Rivera back to his feet and trying to break the hold. Goulet with a handful of hair to drive Rivera back to the ground. Rivera back up and gets to the ropes. Goulet up on the second turnbuckle and biting Rivera. Goulet then attacking the back with forearms. He then runs Rivera face first into a corner turnbuckle. Rivera reverses a corner whip and gets a nice hip toss on Goulet. Goulet begging off. He then covers up in a corner and Rivera is hesitant to go in. Another lock up and Rivera with a side headlock takeover. Into a hammer lock. Goulet biting Rivera on the side to get out of the move. Goulet with a kick and a snap mare. He then stomps Rivera in the stomach. He gets a two count. Goulet with a headscissors. Rivera rolls out of the move. Goulet drives Rivera down to the mat for a two count. He gets a few two counts, but Rivera bridges out. Back to their feet and Rivera wins a test of strength. I wonder if this was the best way to start the evening. Goulet with a side headlock and a punch to the face of Rivera. He drives Rivera head first into a turnbuckle. Another side headlock and punch and then Goulet choking Rivera on the top rope. Goulet with a series of forearms to Rivera's back. Rivera with a corner whip and Goulet goes head first into the turnbuckle. Rivera with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Rivera with a flying headscissors, hooks the leg, and gets the pin.
-Salvatore Bellomo vs. Tiger Chung Lee: The bell rings and they circle each other. Lee with a side headlock takeover. Bellomo back to his feet quickly. Back to the side headlock for Lee. Another takeover. Bellomo back to his feet. Lee with a throat thrust. Bellomo back up and gets a side headlock on. Lee pushes off and Bellomo comes back with a shoulder block. Bellomo with a dropkick. Lee out on the apron after that shot. Lee with a waist lock takedown into an arm lock when Bellomo gets back up so Lee pulls the hair to get him back down. Bellomo gets back to his feet. Bellomo with a hammerlock. Lee with a drop toe hold back into the arm bar. Into a takeover and Lee kicks Bellomo in the throat. Into a throat and shoulder hold. Bellomo trying to break the hold. An elbow to the midsection breaks the hold. Double chop by Lee knocks Bellomo back down and Lee goes back to the throat and shoulder hold. Bellomo moving around the ring to try to break the hold. Lee double downs on the hold. Bellomo again moving around to try to get out of the hold. Bellomo breaks the hold, so Lee with a shot to the throat. Back to a nerve hold. Lee runs Bellomo into a turnbuckle. Bellomo fights back to his knees and then to his feet. An elbow to Lee breaks the hold. Lee comes back with a shoulder block. Bellomo with a backdrop. Bellomo attacking Lee in the corner. Bellomo with a corner whip and Lee upside down in the other corner as a result. Bellomo then comes over and stands on the neck of Lee. Lee then begging off. Bellomo with a dropkick and a snap mare. Double stomp to Lee. Big forearm and another dropkick to Lee. Lee with a kick to Bellomo. Bellomo with a headbutt. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Lee with an Irish whip and a chop to Bellomo. Lee with an elbow to the throat for a two count. Lee goes back to the nerve hold. Lee then drops an elbow on Bellomo. Back to the nerve hold. The referee tries the arm, but it doesn't fall a third time. Bellomo back to his feet and throws big right hands to Lee to try to get out of the move. He does and Lee is unsteady on his feet after the blows. Bellomo with a snap mare and he goes for a nerve hold on Lee. Lee appears to be fading. He is fighting to get back to his feet. A chop to Bellomo breaks the hold. Lee with another chop and a thrust kick to knock Bellomo down. Bellomo with a kick to keep Lee away. Bellomo with a knee lift to Lee. Another knee lift by Bellomo and he goes back to the nerve hold. Lee gets Bellomo up on his back in a modified fireman's carry position while still in the nerve hold. He places Bellomo on the top turnbuckle and hits him with a chop that knocks Bellomo around and he lands on the apron. Lee drapes Bellomo backwards over the top rope and chops him hard. He then does it again and the referee makes him move back. Bellomo gets back inside the ring and Lee attacks him with a kick to the face. Lee with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Bellomo kicks him in the face. Bellomo with a big right hand to the top of the head. Lee comes back with a double throat thrust. Bellomo comes back with a double leg takedown. He then headbutts him a couple of times in the groin region. Lee begging off. Bellomo with a corner mounted punch and a snap mare. Into a sleeper. Lee gets out of it and hits a couple of shoulder blocks. Bellomo does a nice move that looks like he's going to do a flying forearm, but he lands on Lee's back and reapplies the sleeper. Lee immediately runs Bellomo into a corner to break the hold. Lee follows that up with a kick and a double underhook suplex. He gets a two count. Lee with a backbreaker for another two count. Bellomo reverses into a gut wrench suplex. Back and forth with headbutts and chops. Lee with a belly to back suplex. Bellomo gets an abdominal stretch on. Lee hip locks his way out of the move. Bellomo follows that up with a half crab. Lee powers out with the help of a handful of tights. Bellomo with a European uppercut. back and forth again with shots and chops to each other by the ropes. Lee with a chop to the throat to knock Bellomo down. Lee with an Irish whip and a chop to the stomach. He follows that up with a knee drop and gets a two count. Bellomo with a shot and a two count. Exchanging shots by the ropes. Bellomo with a snap mare and a boot stomp to Lee. Bellomo goes back to a nerve hold on Lee. He goes into a chin lock with a step over that Lee reverses into a bow and arrow. Bellomo breaks the hold and falls on Lee, but he kicks Bellomo off before the referee can start counting. Bellomo with a single leg pick up and comes crashing down on Lee's leg. He gets a two count and Lee kicks out as the bell rings and time has expired. Lee beating Bellomo in the corner. Bellomo exploding on Lee, who bails to the outside. The match is ruled a draw.
-Tag match. Jimmy Snuka and Arnold Skaaland vs. Don Muraco and Lou Albano: Muraco is the current Intercontinental champion and he and Albano are booed heavily. Patterson and Monsoon make fun of Albano and his weight. Skaaland and Muraco start. Muraco making fun of Skaaland. They lock up and drive to a corner. Muraco hits Skaaland several times and then corner whips him. He goes for a corner charge, but Skaaland moves and Muraco hits the corner post. Skaaland follows that up with a couple of arm drags. Muraco comes back with a side headlock. Skaaland pushes off and drops down. Muraco stops to avoid getting hit and Skaaland scoop slams him. Albano comes in and Skaaland hits him with a big right hand. The crowd chants beach bum to Muraco. Muraco irate at the crowd. Skaaland with a side headlock. Muraco pushes off. Skaaland nails Albano on the ropes and then gets a small package on Muraco. He gets a two count and the crowd is going crazy. Muraco rolls to the outside. Back in the ring, Skaaland gets by Muraco and tags Snuka in. Albano wandering down the apron, so Snuka gives him a shot. Muraco and Snuka lock up. Muraco with a side headlock. Snuka pushes off and Muraco comes back with a shoulder block. Snuka with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Muraco. Snuka with a karate thrust to knock Muraco down. He follows that up with a headbutt to get a two count. Snuka with a headlock. Muraco gets to the corner and Albano tagged in. Snuka with some chops. Albano gets a shot of his own in. Albano attacking Snuka in the heel's corner. Snuka trying to come back with some shots of his own. Albano distracts the referee, so Muraco can go to the top holding Snuka and drive his knee into Snuka's throat. Albano with some shots to Snuka before tagging Muraco back in. Muraco attacking Snuka and driving his taped thumb into Snuka's throat. Muraco attacking Snuka with kicks to the stomach while Snuka is down as the beach bum chant goes out again. More chops and thumbs to Snuka as he struggles to get to his feet. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Snuka with a headbutt and a chop to knock Muraco down. Snuka then goes over to do the same thing to Albano on the apron and Muraco dropkicks him from behind. Albano tagged in. He attacks Snuka. Muraco tagged in and gets Snuka in a full nelson for Albano to hit, but Snuka ducks and Muraco gets hit instead. Skaaland comes in and punches Albano to keep him in the corner. Snuka comes off the top rope with a crossbody to Muraco to get the pin. Albano takes a whack at Patterson as he goes by and Patterson goes after him temporarily.
-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Arnold Skaaland and Jimmy Snuka. Skaaland says the reason he did so well was because he had such a great tag team partner. Snuka wishes everybody out there a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He tells Buddy Rogers that he hopes he is doing well and that he had a good partner to take his spot and it looks like Snuka is out of his mind on some substance here.
-Sgt. Slaughter vs. Chief Jay Strongbow: The bell rings and they run the ropes. Strongbow gets the sleeper on Slaughter. Slaughter gets out of it and bails to the outside to regroup. Strongbow comes out to the apron to yell at Slaughter. Back in, they lock up and Strongbow with a side headlock. Slaughter pushes off and Strongbow comes back with a shoulder block. They avoid each other with dropdowns and baseball slides until Strongbow chops Slaughter down. Strongbow with an arm drag into an arm lock on Slaughter. Slaughter trying to get back to his feet. He does but Strongbow still has the hold on. Slaughter finally pushes off and gets a drop toe hold on Strongbow. Slaughter with a punch to Strongbow, who comes back with an arm drag and back to the arm bar. Slaughter again trying to get back to his feet. He does and sends Strongbow into a corner and hits him with a back elbow. Slaughter hits Strongbow with some forearms to the back. He then stomps Strongbow down by the ropes. Strongbow goes to the outside to regroup. Slaughter attacking Strongbow with stomps as soon as Strongbow gets back in the ring. Slaughter then hits a backbreaker on Strongbow. He gets a two count. Slaughter then hits another backbreaker. He gets another two count. Slaughter gets Strongbow into a corner and hits him with several forearms. Slaughter with a corner whip, but misses the corner charge when Strongbow lifts up to avoid the pin. Both men go for a side headlock and collide head-to-head and both are down. A double count going. Both up at 5 and Slaughter goes for a scoop slam, but Strongbow just falls on him for a two count. Slaughter gets the Cobra Clutch on, but Strongbow is close to the ropes and grabs them. Slaughter chokes him on the top rope for a bit before letting go. Slaughter attacking Strongbow, but Strongbow is starting to go into his "war dance" routine. I put that in quotes because he is Italian and not from Oklahoma as billed. Strongbow hits a chop and a high knee lift. Strongbow with an Irish whip and a sleeper, but Slaughter is close to the ropes and grabs them. Slaughter with a big boot and goes for an Irish whip, but Strongbow reverses it again and again gets the sleeper on. Slaughter trying to get to the ropes, but he is starting to fade. He goes down to his knees, but finally does reach the ropes. Strongbow argues with the referee. Slaughter pushes the referee to the side, hits Strongbow with a cannon clothesline, and pins him.
-The Masked Superstar vs. Ivan Putski: The bell rings and they lock up and push off. Another lock up and Putski with a side headlock. He cranks it on and Superstar goes down to his knees. Superstar gets back to his feet and pushes off and Putski comes back with a shoulder block. Putski goes right back to that side headlock. Superstar pulls the hair, so Putski hits him in the face and gets admonished by the referee, who didn't see the hair pull. Putski goes back to the side headlock. Superstar down to one knee. Another hair pull and punch. Putski is visibly frustrated, but goes back to the side headlock. Superstar gets to the ropes and attacks Putski with punches and kicks as soon as he lets go. Superstar with a shot to the throat. Another thrust to the throat knocks Putski down. Superstar with a rear chin lock to Putski. Putski gets back to his feet and pushes off and Superstar comes back with a shoulder block. Superstar with a side headlock takeover, which Putski quickly reverses into a leg scissors. Superstar trying to get out of the hold. Fans trying to get Putski to take the mask off. Putski breaks the hold and puts on a reverse double chin lock. Superstar fighting the move, grabs Putski by the ear to break the hold, punches Putski in the throat to knock him down. He then throws Puski to the outside. Putski gets back in and Superstar throws him out on another side. Superstar goes out to the apron and kicks Putski as he is trying to get back in. He does it several times until the referee can get him away. Superstar then lifts Putski up on the apron and gets him back in the ring. Superstar hits an atomic drop on Putski. Superstar goes for a neck breaker, but Putski gets his hand on the top rope. Superstar beats on Putski and goes for the neck breaker again, but again Putski gets the top rope. Superstar with an Irish whip. Putski comes back and hits Superstar with the Polish Hammer. A big right hand by Putski knocks Superstar back to his knees as Putski mimes that he is going to try to take the mask off. Superstar starts to climb out of the ring, but gets yanked back in by Putski. He goes to pull the mask off. The referee tries to stop him and gets pushed aside by Putski. Superstar kicks Putski to get away. Putski goes back to pulling the mask off by the ropes. The referee tries to get between the two and gets pushed to the ropes and Putski and Superstar both get disqualified. Superstar holds his mask in place and immediately goes back to the dressing room area.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship Match. Bob Backlund with Arnold Skaaland vs. The Iron Sheik with Fred Blassie: Sheik booed and Backlund gets some respectable cheers as they are introduced. A USA chant goes out as the announcers talk again about Backlund being injured by the Persian clubs. Sheik attacks Backlund before the bell or before Sheik even gets his stuff off. He takes his head covering off and puts it around Backlund's neck. He takes the rest of his stuff off and the ref gets the head covering away from him. Sheik puts the boots to Backlund. He keeps kicking Backlund's back over and over. Sheik puts an arm bar on Backlund. Backlund with an arm drag to get out of the move, but grabs his arm and goes down. Sheik back with some kicks and goes back to the arm bar. Sheik working hard on the arm. Backlund lifts Sheik over to break the hold. Sheik with another kick and goes right back to the arm bar. Backlund pushes off and Sheik comes back with a shoulder block. Backlund with an arm drag and both arms seem to be hurting Backlund. Sheik goes right back to the arm bar. Backlund fighting it as Sheik pours on the hold. Sheik with right hand blows to the arm and then goes right back to the arm bar. He then gets a front chancery on as well as the arm bar. Backlund gets his shoulder up. Backlund pushing Sheik away to avoid trying to get pinned. Backlund with a kick to break the hold and a shot to keep Sheik away. Back and forth in the ring and Sheik gets a big right hand to the shoulder. Sheik with a surfboard to Backlund. Backlund drops down and kicks Sheik to break the hold. He then headbutts Sheik in the midsection. He then hits Sheik with a right hand to knock him down. Backlund with a running elbow to Sheik. Backlund with a double leg clap to Sheik's head. Backlund tries for a belly to back suplex, but collapses to the mat in pain. Both men down and a double count going. Sheik up and gets a side headlock and back to the arm bar on the prone Backlund. Backlund trying to get back up. He gets to a seated position. He twists around and headbutts Sheik in the chest to break the hold. Another shot knocks Sheik down when he tries to get back up. He then twists his boot on Sheik's face. Sheik begging off on his knees and Backlund kicks him in the face. Backlund picks Sheik up for a scoop slam, but Sheik falls on him for a two count. Sheik goes back to the surfboard and applying tremendous pressure. Backlund powers out and reverses it, but Sheik turns it right back around again. Backlund gets back to his feet and again reverses the hold and again Sheik turns him right back over into the same position. Backlund flips Sheik over and hooks both legs, but the Sheik immediately kicks out of the move. Sheik with a side headlock takeover. Backlund with a leg scissors into a sitting bear hug like maneuver. Bridge out of the move and Backlund turns it into a back slide. He can't hold onto Sheik though and Sheik immediately goes back to kicking the arm. Sheik then hits several right hands to Backlund. he goes to drop an elbow, but Backlund moves. Sheik goes for a suplex, but Backlund slips behind and rolls Sheik up for a two count as the Sheik powers out of the move as Backlund was going for a bridge. Backlund holding his neck. Sheik gets him in the Camel Clutch. Backlund fighting it. Skaaland throws the towel in to submit for Backlund and the Iron Sheik is the new WWF Champion. Skaaland checks on Backlund. Blassie puts the belt on Sheik as Howard Finkel announces the result to the crowd.
-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Fred Blassie and the Iron Sheik. Blassie says that he predicted that this would happen tonight. Sheik says that Backlund could have beaten an American, but he's not American, he's from Iran.
-Tony Atlas, Rocky Johnson, and SD Jones vs. the Wild Samoans Afa, Sika, and Samula 2/3 falls match: Afa and Atlas start pushing each other. All 6 men in and fighting now. The faces clear the ring. Atlas puts on one of the sarongs to the delight of the crowd. Throw in a woman's high heel shoe and you've got Tony Atlas's perfect evening planned. Samula comes in and Atlas hits him with a couple of arm drags and he bails out again. Sika comes in and Atlas power slams him. Samoans regroup in the corner. Atlas and Sika now lock up. Atlas with an arm wringer and Jones tagged in. He picks the arm wringer up and then tags Johnson in. He holds the arm wringer and tags Atlas back in. Faces tagging quickly to start. Then Jones tagged back in. It's like they are calling a square dance here. They get Sika down on the mat. Atlas back in. Sika up and tags in Afa. Afa doesn't want to lock up, so Atlas runs his and Samula's heads together. Atlas getting the crowd into the match. Afa and Atlas lock up and drive to the ropes. Sika grabs Atlas for Afa to chop, but Atlas ducks and Sika gets chopped instead and falls to the floor. This whole match has been a three-stooges skit so far. Atlas runs Afa into Jones' boot and then he is tagged in. Sika comes in and attacks Atlas from behind. Faces triple teaming Afa in the corner while the referee is busy trying to get Sika and Samula out of the ring and back to the apron. Jones runs Sika and Afa into each other head first. Jones and Johnson switch off. Afa with an Irish whip, Johnson hits the other Samoans on the apron, but Afa nails him when he turns around. The crowd chants Rocky as Afa knocks Johnson to the apron. Samula tagged in and hits Johnson with a headbutt to the midsection. Sika tagged in and he headbutts Johnson down and tags Afa in. Afa with an Irish whip and Johnson comes back with a sunset flip. He only gets a two count as Sika comes in to break up the pin attempt. All 6 men in briefly as Jones and Atlas get the other two Samoans out. Johnson with an Irish whip and both men collide and both down. A double count going. All 6 men back in the ring now. Johnson goes to scoop slam Afa, who falls on him but only gets a two count. Jones slams Samula off the top rope as he goes up. All 6 men were brawling and the referee called for the bell. They are still brawling as Howard Finkel tries to get in the ring to announce the decision. Finkel announces a double disqualification so both teams have one fall apiece. When they come back. Jones and Samula are battling back and forth in the middle of the ring. Jones finally gets the upper hand. He gets Samula down. Samula gets back up and Jones headbutts him down again. He runs Samula into the faces corner and Johnson tagged in. Johnson comes in and hits Samula with a flurry of left and right hands and then does some foot work after he knocks Samula down. Samula keeps trying to attack Johnson, who keeps avoiding him. Sika comes in and Johnson hits him for his troubles. Atlas tagged in. Johnson with an Irish whip to Samula and a double shot to the stomach by the tag team champions. Atlas hits a piledriver on Samula. Patterson says he has a hard head and it won't affect him very much as we have reached the insensitive part of our program. Samula low blows Atlas, who falls down. Faces try to get in, but the referee keeps them back and Afa comes in to do a falling head butt to Atlas on the apron. Afa attacking Atlas with strikes. Sika tagged in and Afa holds Atlas for Sika to hit before the referee forces Afa out. Atlas trying to fight back, but Sika gets him in a full nelson for Samula to chop then Samula tagged in. He nails Atlas again to knock him down to the ground. Atlas fights back to his feet, but doesn't know where he is and wanders into the wrong corner and gets nailed by a shot from Afa. Samula with a cover, but only gets a two count. Afa tagged in and the Samoans with a double Irish whip and clothesline. Afa then hits a flying headbutt on Atlas. Another two count. Atlas comes back with a suplex to Afa. Both men down and a double count going. Samoans trying to double and triple team Atlas. Johnson comes in to complain. Referee gets him out. Sika tries to come in and drop a headbutt, but Atlas moves. Afa attacking Atlas, who is trying to get back to his feet, but doesn't look like he knows where he is. He is knocked out to the apron and onto the floor. Johnson comes over to try to get his partner back in the ring. Samula comes over and smashes Atlas head first onto the apron. Johnson finally gets Atlas back into the ring. Sika in and hits Atlas, who tries to come back with a shot of his own. Atlas goes towards his own corner to tag, but Sika clips his knee to cut off the tag attempt. Another shot knocks Atlas back down and Afa tagged in. Afa with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Atlas kicks him in the face. Atlas then dropkicks Afa down. Jones tagged in. He Irish whips Afa into Samu who tried to come in. Jones with a shoulder block to Afa. He rushes Afa, who catches Jones with a hot shot from the top rope. Samu tagged in. Falling headbutt to Jones. Another headbutt and Afa tagged back in. He hits a diving headbutt to Jones and gets the pin.
-Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Arnold Skaaland and Bob Backlund back in the dressing room area. Skaaland is applying ice to Backlund's back. Backlund appearing very injured. Skaaland says Backlund was a tremendous champion. He went into the match injured and they advised him not to go into the ring, but he didn't want to let the fans down because that's the champion he is. He had to go in there and prove himself. Skaaland says he kept watching him and he knew he was hurt. He's the type of guy who would never give up. Once the Iron Sheik got the camel clutch on him, he knew Bobby was hurt but would never quit. But he didn't want him to get hurt worse than he was so that's why he threw in the towel. It hurt him worse than anything. Hayes says they applaud the courage of Backlund, but maybe it was a little fool hearty to risk him at that stage. Jesus, Alfred, read the room, man. Hayes asks Skaaland if he thinks the new champion is a worthy champion. Skaaland says anybody that wins the title is a worthy champion, but he thinks Backlund was a greater champion. He was a greater champion by going in the ring and not letting the people down. He wanted to show them what kind of champion he was. Hayes asks what is the extent of Backlund's injuries? Skaaland says they don't know yet, they had the doctors looking at him, they can't tell for a while yet. They have the ice on him until the swelling goes down. Hayes asks Backlund how he feels and at first he appears to be in too much pain, but finally says that he feels like he let everybody down. He wanted to fight for his country. He doesn't even want to go home, because he feels like he let everybody down. Both Skaaland and Hayes try to comfort him.
-Ivan Koloff vs. Tito Santana: The fans start right away saying Russia sucks. This is Koloff's last match in the WWF as he would go to Mid-Atlantic and debut there the next week. Koloff goes out to the apron to yell at the fans. They circle each other. Lock up and go to the ropes. Koloff pulls Santana's hair, so Santana gets Koloff up against the ropes and threatens to punch him and the crowd wants him to. Another lock up and Koloff with a side headlock. Santana counters into a takeover. Both back to their feet and both complaining to the referee that the other is cheating. They are both wary of locking up with the other. They do finally lock up and Santana with a waist lock, but Koloff gets to the ropes. Another lock up and Koloff with a standing arm bar. Santana pushing Koloff away by the face to try to get out of the hold. Koloff with a takedown. Santana pushes him off with his legs. They circle each other again. Another lock up and Koloff with a full nelson. Santana indicates to the referee that Koloff is pulling his hair, but of course Koloff denies it when asked. Santana reverses the hold. Koloff gets to the ropes. Santana runs him into the top turnbuckle before letting go. They lock up again and Koloff with a side headlock. Santana forces Koloff back to the ground. He gets a couple of two counts, but can't get the pin. Koloff with a head scissors to get out of the move and both men back to their feet. They circle each other. Koloff spits towards Santana and tells him to come on. Another lock up and Santana with a side headlock. Santana cranks on the hold and when he lets go, Koloff does his best Ric Flair impersonation and falls face first to the mat. Santana kicks him as he is trying to get up. He then punches Koloff several times in the head. Koloff comes back with kicks and knee lifts to Santana. He covers Santana and gets a two count. He hits Santana with another knee and then runs him into a turnbuckle. Koloff then chokes Santana on the second rope, but stops right before the 5 count. Koloff grabs Santana and clotheslines him with the top rope. He follows that up with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He covers Santana, but only gets a two count. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Santana with a knee to the forehead to knock Koloff down. Santana with a side headlock takeover. Koloff with a handful of tights where the referee can't see him to turn Santana over, but Santana keeps the hold on and goes right back where he was. The same thing happens again and Santana complains to the referee. Koloff trying to power out of the hold while avoiding getting pinned. Koloff back to his feet, but Santana still has the side headlock on. Koloff gets a belly to back suplex on to break the hold. Koloff goes to drop an elbow, but Santana moves out of the way. Santana with a single leg takedown and goes right back to the side headlock. Santana cranking the hold on as Koloff trying to get out. Koloff gets back to his feet and drives Santana into the corner. Koloff with a heavy blow to the midsection and follows it up with a double ax handle to knock Santana to the ground. Koloff with punches and kicks to Santana. He Irish whips Santana and kicks him in the stomach again and Santana is hurting. Koloff then grabs Santana's head while he is down on the ground. Santana back to his feet and Koloff kicking him again. Koloff follows that up with an atomic drop. He gets a two count. Koloff with a backbreaker and another cover. He gets a two count and Gorilla Monsoon says it's because he didn't hook the leg and Monsoon knows more about covers than a tribute band. Koloff kicks Santana in the back and then applies the bear hug. Santana fighting trying not to pass out. Santana with elbows to the head to break the hold temporarily. Koloff back to the bear hug and the referee is checking Santana's arm. It doesn't fall the third time. Santana with a double head clap to break the hold. Koloff comes back and Santana catches him with some big right hands to knock Koloff down. Koloff kicks Santana away, so Santana runs Koloff into a corner turnbuckle. Koloff reverses a corner whip, but Santana moves on the charge and Koloff hits the top turnbuckle head first. Santana starts to work the knee of Koloff over by dropping the full force of his body weight on it. Koloff kicks Santana off, but he is visibly hurt as he gets back up. Santana with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He follows it up with a splash, but Koloff gets his good knee up at the last second. Koloff with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and Santana comes back with a flying forearm and gets the pin and the crowd goes crazy. So long, Uncle Ivan, tell Nikita hello for me.
-Iron Mike Sharpe and Butcher Vachon vs. The Invaders I and II: Invader 2 and Sharpe start. They lock up and Sharpe with a push off. Another lock up and a push off. They go to lock up again and Invader 2 with a go behind into a full nelson. Sharpe powers his way out of the full nelson. They go for another lock up and Sharpe with a big forearm to Invader 2. He then runs Invader 2 into a corner turnbuckle. Sharpe then hits several right hands to Invader 2 in the corner. Invader 2 reverses a corner whip and then hits a monkey flip. He follows that up with an arm drag. Another arm drag and a wrist lock and Invader 1 tagged in. He picks the wrist lock up and twists it several times and then tags Invader 2 back in. They do this several times. Invader 2 in and Sharpe with an arm drag to try to get out of the move, but Invader 2 holds on to the move. Sharpe gets back to his feet. Invader 1 tagged in. Sharpe with a side headlock. Invader 1 gets to the ropes. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Invader 1 with an arm bar. Invader 2 tagged in. He works the arm, but Sharpe with a big forearm shot to break the hold. Vachon tagged in. Vachon attacking Invader 2 with kicks while invader 2 was still down on the ground. He follows it up with a double stomp to Vachon. Sharpe comes in and Invader 1 tagged in but the referee didn't see it so he won't allow it because he was trying to get Sharpe out. Sharpe and Vachon change places and the Invaders try to tag again and the referee has lost control of this one. Vachon and Sharpe change places again and Invader 1 finally tagged in. Invader 1 with a corner whip, an Irish whip, and a backdrop. Invader 2 tagged in and Invader 1 hip locks him onto Vachon to get the pin.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Pat Patterson recap the night before signing off from MSG.

-Final Thoughts: Capitol night in the history of the WWF/WWE. The Backlund to Sheik title change sets up the switch to Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania the next month and the rest is history. This is a piece of history that has to be seen.

Episode 150 Notes Thu, 13 Oct 2022 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] f55d299d-33b8-4307-ac0a-92d340aa782e My notes for Episode 150: 1991 SuperTape 3. -The man at the post office.
-No steak for your burrito.
-Today, Project 45 stops in the year that I became a fan, 1991, with a look at SuperTape 3 from the WWF.
-The SuperTape series was one of several series that Coliseum Video and the WWF would release around their "Big 4" PPV releases. This one was released January 24, 1991.
-SuperTape 3 Intro.
-Sean Mooney and Lord Alfred Hayes are the hosts and they are doing a lame routine where they are "pilots" of an airliner.
-WWF Hasbro commercials.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. The Texas Tornado vs. Mr. Perfect: Perfect comes in and does the gum swat. Tornado comes out to a good ovation. The bell rings and they are just staring at each other. They lock up and Tornado with a push off and Perfect goes flying in a classic Curt Hennig sell job. Another lock up and Tornado pushes off again. Another lock up and drive back to a corner. Break and they both try for punches and both are blocked. Another lock up and drive to a corner where Perfect unloads some chops on Tornado. Tornado reverses a corner whip and Perfect comes back with a sleeper. Tornado starting to fade. He gets back to his feet and then breaks the hold. Perfect with a knee to the back of Tornado's head and reapplies the hold. Tornado back down on his knees and trying not to pass out. Tornado gets back to his feet again and breaks the hold. Perfect pushes off and when Tornado comes back, Perfect again puts him in the sleeper. This time, Tornado goes down to his back and is almost out. Just as Perfect tells the referee to be ready to ring the bell, Tornado makes it back to his feet. He gets to the corner turnbuckle. Perfect on offense. He chops Tornado in a corner, then does a snap mare and his patented rollover snap mare to Tornado. He then gets a small package for a two count. Perfect then hits Tornado with some big right hands. He then drops an elbow on Tornado. He gets another two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Perfect with an Irish whip, goes for a dropkick, but Tornado holds on to the rope. Tornado comes back with some big right hands. Perfect comes back with a right hand and goes for a double ax handle from the second rope, but Tornado catches him in the claw when he jumps off. Perfect fighting it, but he is starting to fade. He does make it to the ropes, so Tornado breaks the hold and hits Perfect with the spinning discus punch. Perfect falls to the outside of the ring. Tornado follows him out and chops him down. He hits Perfect several times and goes to run him head first into the corner post, but Perfect pushes Tornado into the post instead. Perfect gets back in the ring and the bell rings right before Tornado gets back in. Perfect wins by count out but of course doesn't win the title. Perfect grabs the Intercontinental Championship and holds it up like he has won it anyway. The ring announcer tells everyone that the Texas Tornado is still the Intercontinental Champion so Perfect drops the belt and as Tornado picks it up, Perfect attacks him. They go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Tornado gets an Irish whip and goes to put the claw on again, but Perfect bails to the outside of the ring. Perfect arguing with the referee on the outside.
-Jimmy Snuka vs. The Barbarian: This match looks like it took place at the same taping as the last match. Mooney mentions that they are in Toronto, Canada. The bell rings and they are slow to start. They are circling each other. They finally lock up and Barbarian pushes off. Snuka comes back with his Whoo Whoo Whoo sound to piss Barbarian off, which I would personally never want to do. Snuka must be channeling 2011 Zack Ryder. I wouldn't be surprised if he busted out with a you know it to the crowd, but of course they would be confused so I digress. They lock up again and drive back to the ropes. They break and Barbarian pushes Snuka down. They circle each other again and Snuka looking out to the crowd. This is a boring match so far. Another lock up and Barbarian with a side headlock. Snuka trying to break the hold, but Barbarian puts it on tighter. Snuka pushes off and Barbarian comes back with a shoulder block. Barbarian runs the ropes and Snuka hits him with a big chop. Another couple of chops and Barbarian will not go down. Snuka goes to the second rope and comes off with a double chop to Barbarian's shoulders. More chops to Barbarian and Snuka runs and finally knocks Barbarian down with a shot. Barbarian rolls to the outside to regroup and the crowd is booing him. Back in the ring, Snuka gets a side headlock on. Barbarian pushes off and they do a double shoulder block and neither man moves. Snuka dodges a clothesline attempt and comes back with a flying body tackle to Barbarian. He gets a one count. Snuka follows that up with a dropkick. Barbarian rolls back outside to regroup and he yells at the referee. Back in the ring, they circle each other again. Barbarian asks for a test of strength. Snuka Whoos the crowd again. More circling each other. In this case, I wish the circle was broken and that they would get on with it. They finally lock up and Barbarian with a knee to the midsection. He follows that up with a forearm to the back. He then stomps on Snuka while he is down on his knees near the ropes. Another stomp and Snuka is just hanging on the second rope. Barbarian with a forearm to Snuka and grabs Snuka by the hair. Barbarian with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Snuka kicks him in the face. He chops Barbarian a couple of times and then gets a wrist lock on. Barbarian gets an Irish whip and goes for a hip lock, but Snuka blocks it. Snuka tries to hip lock Barbarian, but Barbarian blocks it and clotheslines Snuka down. Barbarian then poses for the crowd and then attacks Snuka. He Irish whips Snuka, misses a back elbow, but catches Snuka with a knee to the stomach. He then kicks Snuka to the outside of the ring. Barbarian then comes out to attack Snuka with kicks. He then picks Snuka up and runs him back first into the ring post. Barbarian rolls back into the ring to break the count and then runs Snuka into the barricade. Barbarian back in and threatens the referee. Snuka gets back on the apron and Barbarian comes over to hit him with a forearm to knock him down. Snuka comes back with a shoulder to the midsection and a sunset flip and Barbarian fighting hard not to go down. Barbarian drops down for a two count, but Snuka gets his legs up and hooks Barbarian's shoulders and gets a two count of his own. Barbarian comes back with a kick. Barbarian with a corner whip and a bear hug to Snuka. The referee checks the arm, but it doesn't go down a third time. Snuka with a double chop to the shoulders to break the hold. Barbarian with a kick to the stomach. Barbarian then goes back to the bear hug. Again, the arm doesn't fall three times. Barbarian keeps the hold on though. Snuka with a couple of double chops to break the hold. He then headbutts Barbarian. Snuka runs to the ropes. Barbarian puts his head down to backdrop Snuka, so Snuka headbutts the back of Barbarian's head instead. Snuka then gets Barbarian in the corner and delivers a couple of chops to Barbarian's shoulders. He then chops Barbarian in the chest and Barbarian is woozy. Snuka with a diving thrust to knock Barbarian down to the mat. Snuka hesitating looking around to the crowd before delivering a falling headbutt to the Barbarian. He gets a two count. Snuka with some shots to Barbarian's stomach, but Barbarian reverses a corner whip. Snuka rushes and comes back with a reverse crossbody on Barbarian, but Barbarian rolls through and gets a two count on Snuka. Snuka with a corner whip, but Barbarian gets his boot up on the charge. Barbarian then rolls Snuka up and uses his feet on the second rope for leverage to pin Snuka.
-Earthquake with Jimmy Hart vs. Tugboat: Mooney is being coy when he announces this match saying it is a tag team match with only two men, signifying their future as a tag team. I see what you did there, Sean. Tugboat does get a great reception when he comes out. He attacks Earthquake as soon as he gets in the ring. Tugboat with a corner whip and a clothesline. He then hip tosses Earthquake out of the corner. Earthquake rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in the ring, Tugboat kicks Earthquake, puts him in a side headlock, and then starts punching him in the face. Earthquake pushes off and a double shoulder block and neither man moves. Another lock up and Earthquake with a side headlock. Tugboat pushes off and again, they have a double shoulder block and neither man moves. Earthquake tries the shoulder block again and Tugboat doesn't move. Earthquake then does a dropkick to knock Tugboat down in an awesome looking move. He then stomps Tugboat while he is down and then stands on him for a few seconds. He then grabs Tugboat from behind and runs him into the corner. He then stomps Tugboat again. He then chokes Tugboat for a four count. Referee Joey Marella gets him away and then Earthquake goes back to choking for another four count as a Tugboat chant goes out. He then stomps and steps on Tugboat again and this has not been a good night for uncle Fred. Earthquake drops an elbow on Tugboat. Then another elbow and he gets a two count. Earthquake gets Tugboat up against the ropes and hits him with a big forearm. Earthquake with an Irish whip and they are back to the double shoulder block and again neither man moves. Earthquake goes for another shoulder block, but Tugboat catches him with a clothesline. Tugboat follows that up with a big splash, but Marella is busy with Jimmy Hart, who has climbed up on the apron, so Tugboat goes after him. Hart slips away and starts yelling at Tugboat from the floor. Earthquake comes to and Tugboat turns around and hits Earthquake with a dropkick of his own and Earthquake gets knocked back and tied up in the ropes. Marella trying to get him untied. Tugboat starts beating on Earthquake and Hart gets back up on the apron, so Tugboat goes after him. He grabs Hart and drags him inside the ring. Dino Bravo appears out of nowhere and attacks Tugboat and the bell rings. Earthquake and Bravo with a double slam to Tugboat. Earthquake goes to do the sit down splash on Tugboat, but he rolls out of the way and out of the ring. He grabs a chair and gets back in the ring, so the heels bail to the outside.
6-Man Tag Team Match. Demolition Ax, Smash, and Crush vs. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal and The Ultimate Warrior: They are at MSG for this encounter and that is not really the venue for the Warrior. He does his running to the ring routine, but the aisle is too short. There are too many people around the ring. He knocked at least one guy down. It's a whole mess. Warrior gives his belt to the referee as this was taped at the time he was WWF Champion. As soon as he does, the faces each give clotheslines to Demolition, who bail out to the floor. Warrior posing on all of the turnbuckles as the referee is trying to get the match started. Animal and Smash start and Smash attacks Animal from behind with a clothesline and then a double ax handle when he is down. Animal gets back up and Smash attacks him with more shots to the stomach. Animal reverses an Irish whip and power slams Smash. He gets a two count. Animal drops an elbow on Smash. Smash with a thumb to the eye and Crush tagged in. Animal gets Crush in a wrist lock, tags Hawk in, and holds the wrist lock for Hawk to land a forearm shot from the second rope. Crush and Hawk pushing each other in the center of the ring. They lock up and then break almost immediately. Another lock up and break and then they circle each other. Crush with a thumb to the eye and then a throat thrust to Hawk. Crush follows that up with a backbreaker. Crush chops Hawk and then corner whips him. He then hits a running forearm to Hawk's back. Hawk reverses an Irish whip, Crush ducks one clothesline attempt, but Hawk hits him with another clothesline attempt. Hawk follows that up with a dropkick to finally knock Crush down. Hawk with an Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to knock Crush back down. Hawk then drops a fist on Crush while he is down. He gets a two count. Crush gets back up and Hawk chops him several times. He gets Crush in a side headlock. Crush with an eye gouge to break the hold and Ax tagged in. Hawk kicks Ax and tags Warrior in. Ax immediately starts to beg off. Warrior kicking Ax in the corner. Ax reverses a corner whip, but Warrior gets his boot up on the charge. He follows that up with a clothesline. Smash comes in and Warrior scoop slams him down. Crush comes in and he too gets scooped slammed. Scoop slam to Ax and Warrior goes for the big splash, but Ax moves out of the way. Ax hits Warrior with some powerful right hands while he is down on the ground. Ax then throws Warrior to the outside. Smash and Crush then attack Warrior on the outside. Warrior runs their heads together and Crush comes back with shots to Warrior. Warrior gets back on the apron and Ax drapes him backwards over the top rope and hits some big forearm shots to Warrior. Smash tagged in. He hits Warrior with some shots. Warrior comes back and guillotines Smash on the top rope. Smash comes back with double ax handles to the back and Crush tagged in. He grabs Warrior by the throat and Warrior responds in kind. Ax holds Warrior for Crush to hit several times. Smash tagged in. He gets Warrior up on the ropes in the heels corner. Hawk comes over and hits Demolition to get Warrior down and Demolition throws Hawk out of the ring. Ax and Smash go for the Demolition Decapitation on Warrior, but Animal breaks it up before they can do it. Animal tagged in. He Irish whips Ax and hits him with a back elbow. Smash comes in and Animal clotheslines him as well and Gorilla Monsoon keeps calling Animal Hawk on commentary. Animal runs Ax into Smash and then goes to put Ax in position for the Doomsday Device. Smash hits Animal before he can do it, so Hawk comes off the top rope onto Smash. Crush in and he Irish whips Animal and gets him in a bear hug. Crush breaks the hold and Smash tagged in. He gets Animal down by the ropes and attacks him. Ax then tagged in and he hits Animal with a series of right hands. He gets an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Animal hits him with a double ax handle to the top of the head. Both men down. Crush tagged in and he comes over and hits Hawk in the head to goad him in so that Demolition can gang up on Animal. They get Animal in the heels corner and choke him, which brings the faces in, but they are cut off by the referee. The referee gets the faces out of the ring while the heels work Animal over. Smash with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Smash with a chin lock on Animal as Warrior and Hawk try to get the crowd into the match. Animal with some elbows to the stomach to try to get out of the move. He does get out, but falls towards the heels corner. They grab him and Ax tagged in. Ax with a snap mare and a chin lock to Animal. Animal gets to his feet and hits Ax. Animal goes to tag, but Ax cuts him off with a drop toe hold. Crush tagged in and runs Animal into a corner turnbuckle. He hits Animal with shots and chops and then corner whips Animal. Animal comes out of the corner with a big clothesline. Warrior and Smash tagged in. Warrior knocks Smash down. The then clotheslines Smash and then clotheslines Ax off of the apron. LOD come in to take out the other members of Demolition allowing Warrior to hit Smash with the flying shoulder tackle and splash to get the pin. The crowd goes crazy at the result and Howard Finkel announcing the winners. We then go to a promo by the LOD. Hawk says that their dream is a nightmare for Demolition, but it's not a dream, it's reality. Demolition is going to hurt, the LOD is going to like it. Animal says there's no better nightmare than what they are going to do to Demolition.
-Demolition Smash and Crush with Mr. Fuji vs. The Legion of Doom Animal and Hawk: From an early 1991 Wrestling Challenge taping. Demolition has lost Ax but picked Fuji back up as a manager. Fuji yells at referee Earl Hebner to make the LOD take their spiked shoulder pads off. I get it but it makes no sense since that is what they were in the middle of doing anyway. Animal and Crush start. They trade blows and Animal with some forearms and a scoop slam to Crush. He goes to drop an elbow, but Crush moves. Crush with a scoop slam and goes for a leg drop, but Animal moves and I'm sure Hulk Hogan is somewhere concerned that someone attempted his move, but it wasn't here because there is no way in the world that Hulk Hogan was working a Wrestling Challenge taping. All four men in now and Hawk cuts Smash off with a clothesline. Animal with a nice belly to belly suplex to Crush. Demolition roll to the outside to regroup. They confer with Fuji before getting back in the ring. Smash in and he wants Hawk, so Animal tags him in. Smash wants a test of strength. Hawk goes for it. Smash goes to hit Hawk, who blocks the shot and unloads on Hawk. He hits Smash with a series of rights and then goes over and hits him with a series of corner mounted punches. Smash comes out of the corner and goes toward Animal not knowing where he is and Animal hits him. Hawk knocks him down with a clothesline. Hawk with an Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to Smash. Smash comes back with a right hand and a wrist lock that Hawk reverses into a wrist lock of his own. Hawk with a clothesline. Hawk with a suplex attempt. Crush and Animal both come in but the referee gets them out quickly as Hawk hits Smash some more and Smash reverses an Irish whip. Fuji trips Hawk with his cane. Smash attacks Hawk from behind and he spills to the outside right by Fuji. Animal comes in, but he is cut off by Smash and the referee, allowing Crush to come over, get Hawk in a front face lock, and Fuji hits Hawk in the back with his cane. Hawk goes down. Crush steps on him and then throws Hawk back in. Smash attacks Hawk with a double ax handle. He then asks Fuji how he likes that and Fuji looks happy. Smash then chokes Hawk for a four count until the referee gets him off, allowing Fuji to then choke Hawk with his cane. Smash gets Hawk in a front face lock, tags Crush in, and Crush hits Hawk on the back with a double ax handle from the top rope. Crush gets Hawk up in a bear hug. Crush drives Hawk into the heels corner and Smash tagged in. Smash with some shots. Hawk blocks one and comes back with a shot of his own. Crush grabs Hawk's arms so he can't get away, allowing Smash to resume hitting him. Smash with a snap mare and a chin lock. Hawk fighting not to go out. He grabs Smash's wrists and powers out of the move and back to his feet. Smash with a knee to Hawk to knock him back down. Smash then goads Animal in by hitting him, allowing Demolition to double team Hawk while the referee is getting Animal out of the ring. Crush in and he continues to beat Hawk down. Hawk trying to get back to his feet and tag Animal in. Crush gets Hawk in a front face lock and hits a forearm to the back. Only Smash and referee Earl Hebner are still alive from all of the participants in the match. Smash tagged in. He picks Hawk up and guillotines him on the top rope. Both Animal and Crush in and the referee has to get them both out again. Crush tagged in and they do the Demolition Decapitation to Hawk. Not as powerful as when Ax and Smash would do it, but your mileage may vary. Crush goes for the cover, but Animal comes over and pulls Crush to the outside. Hawk ducks a clothesline attempt by Crush and then hits a clothesline of his own. Both men down and a double count going. Both Animal and Smash tagged in. Animal with an Irish whip and a power slam. Crush tries to come in and Animal hits him and then goes and kicks Smash in the stomach. Crush comes in and they attempt a double atomic drop, but Animal flips behind them and then clotheslines both members of Demolition. He signals for the Doomsday Device and goes to put Smash on his shoulders, but Fuji comes over and hits Hawk with his cane and Hawk falls to the ground. Crush comes in and clotheslines Animal from the back to keep him from tagging. Smash hits a backbreaker to Animal. Crush then hits a knee drop to Animal off the top rope. He only gets a one count as Hawk comes in and breaks up the pin attempt. Crush then clotheslines Hawk to the outside. Crush then goes outside after Hawk. Smash with a belly to back suplex. Smash tries to go for a piledriver, but Animal simply turns around and Hawk hits Smash with the Doomsday Device and pins Smash.
-WWF Call of the Action feature on Shane Douglas.
-Marty Jannetty vs. Paul Roma with Hercules: Shawn Michaels is injured and not in attendance, so Power and Glory flip a coin to see who takes on Jannetty and Roma wins. Jannetty attacks Roma before the bell rings. Roma with an Irish whip and Jannetty ducks a clothesline attempt and grabs Roma's leg when he goes for a kick. Jannetty hits an atomic drop and follows that up with corner mounted punches. Jannetty then takes Roma into the opposite corner and runs him into the turnbuckle there. Jannetty follows that up with a hurricanrana to the delight of the crowd. Jannetty with some big right hands, so Roma pulls Jannetty towards him and drops down and Jannetty spills to the outside. Jannetty gets back up on the apron and Roma hits him with a running knee to knock him off again. He does it again when Jannetty tries to get up, so Jannetty pulls Roma to the outside. Roma runs Jannetty into the side of the ring. Jannetty finally gets back in the ring, but Roma attacks him with kicks as soon as he gets in. Roma with an Irish whip and Jannetty comes back with a sunset flip attempt. Roma fights going down and finally gets the momentum to stay up and goes to punch Jannetty in the face, but Jannetty moves and Roma punches the mat. Jannetty out on the apron. He blocks a Roma shot and slides back in between Roma's legs. Jannetty with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Roma hits him with a forearm to the back. Roma stomping Jannetty. Roma follows that up with a couple of corner whips to knock Jannetty down to the mat. Roma hits Jannetty with a forearm to the back from off the top rope. He gets a two count. Roma follows that up with a couple of backbreakers and then gets Jannetty up on his shoulder and hits a running power slam. He comes over and high fives Hercules. He then covers Jannetty with a casual cover, but only gets a two count. Roma with an Irish whip and goes for a hip lock, but Jannetty reverses it into a backslide, but only gets a two count. Roma gets up and starts stomping Jannetty. He goes to pick Jannetty up, but Jannetty gets a small package on Roma for a two count. Roma goes for a side headlock. Jannetty trying to get out of the move. A small Marty chant goes out. Jannetty moves to his knees and hits Roma with a series of shots to the midsection to try to get out of the hold. Jannetty gets out and ducks one clothesline attempt, but then Roma hits him with a clothesline from behind. Roma goes back to the rear chin lock. Jannetty trying to get back to his feet and he finally does. He gets up and gets Roma on his back as Roma still has the hold on Jannetty. Jannetty heads backwards and runs Roma into the turnbuckle a couple of times to get him to release the hold. Jannetty reverses a corner whip, but Roma moves when Jannetty goes to splash him and Jannetty hits the turnbuckle instead. Roma drops an elbow on Jannetty and goes back to the rear chin lock, figuring that it has worked for him for the most part so far. The referee goes down and checks on Jannetty, allowing Roma to put his feet on the ropes for leverage. He does it again when the referee goes back to check on Jannetty. The referee checks Jannetty's arm, but it doesn't fall a third time and Jannetty is trying desperately to get out of the move. Jannetty gets back to his feet and hits a couple of elbows to Roma to break the hold finally. He ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Roma with a big right hand. Roma comes back and tries for a suplex, but Jannetty blocks it and turns it around and gets a suplex of his own. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Jannetty gets an inverted atomic drop on Roma. Jannetty follows that up with a clothesline and he is fired up. Jannetty with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Roma. Jannetty with an Irish whip, a shot to the midsection, and a knee lift to the face of Roma. Jannetty with a corner whip and a strike to Roma. Roma reverses another corner whip and Jannetty gets his boot up on the charge. Jannety with a face slam to Roma from the second rope. Jannety then hits a fist drop from the top rope. He covers Roma, but Hercules pulls Jannetty out of the ring before the three count. Jannetty grabs Hercules and runs him into the apron. Back in the ring, Jannetty hits Roma with a super kick. Jannetty goes for a scoop slam, but Roma uses the leverage to fall on Jannetty and Hercules grabs Jannetty's boot so he can't kick out and Roma gets the pin. Jannetty complaining to referee Joey Marella and Roma and Hercules denying that they did anything wrong and livid that they are even being asked if they cheated. They keep arguing and Jannetty attacks Hercules, leading to Power and Glory jumping Jannetty. More officials come in to break it up and to get Power and Glory back to the locker rooms.
-Fan Favorite Match. The Humphrey Family requests the Big Boss Man vs. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: This match was recorded in Providence, Rhode Island. Recorded at a Superstars of Wrestling taping. Boss Man comes in a house of fire and immediately goes after DiBiase before the bell rings and DiBiase bails to the outside. Boss Man follows him out. He gets back in, but won't let DiBiase come in. DiBiase says you're a big man with that stick as Boss Man has his nightstick to keep DiBiase out. DiBiase says to heck with this and starts to go to the back. He tells the referee to get the stick away or he is leaving. The referee gets the stick and Boss Man says to DiBiase come in here, you're about to get your ass kicked. DiBiase finally up on the apron. The referee tries to get Boss Man away. Virgil climbs up on the apron and Boss Man starts to go after him. DiBiase tries to jump Boss Man from behind, but Boss Man runs him head first into the buckle instead. He runs him in several times. DiBiase begs off, but Boss Man won't let up. He gets an Irish whip and a shot to the stomach of DiBiase and then hits him with an inverted atomic drop. He follows that up with a big right hand and DiBiase rolls to the outside and Boss Man comes out to follow him. He hits DiBiase with several rights and runs him head first into the apron. He then runs DiBiase head first into the apron. He then runs DiBiase head first into the ring steps. He goes after Virgil briefly before taking his belt off and choking DiBiase with it behind the referee's back. He then whips DiBiase with his belt a couple of times before throwing the belt away and throwing DiBiase back into the ring. Mooney and Lord Alfred ponder if the Boss Man used to do that to prison inmates when he was a guard and conclude probably so. Maybe Nailz had a point all those years ago. Boss Man rakes DiBiase's back and hits him with a right hand to the face. He then headbutts DiBiase, who falls to his knees. Boss Man with another right hand to DiBiase and goes for a splash, but DiBiase moves out of the way. While the referee checks on Boss Man, Virgil slips the nightstick to DiBiase, then distracts the referee so DiBiase can hit Boss Man with the nightstick. The referee comes over to question DiBiase, who claims Boss Man is out because he hit him with a forearm. Boss Man gets back up and DiBiase pummeling him with more shots to the midsection. DiBiase knocks Boss Man to the outside. DiBiase comes out and stomps Boss Man from the apron and then runs him into a ring post. He then runs Boss Man into the ring steps. DiBiase then throws Boss Man back into the ring and Boss Man hits him with a chop, but DiBiase returns the favor to drive Boss Man back to his knees. DiBiase with a series of double ax handles to the back of Boss Man. Then a double ax handle from the second rope to knock Boss Man back to the ground. He then stomps Boss Man a couple of times and then corner whips Boss Man. When he comes out of the corner, DiBiase drives him back first into the corner again. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Boss Man. He tells Boss Man to get up, but Boss Man hits DiBiase with a flurry of shots to knock DiBiase down while Boss Man was still on his knees. He comes over to DiBiase, who hits Boss Man with several shots to the stomach. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a bear hug on Boss Man. Boss Man trying to hang on. The referee checks the arm, but it doesn't fall the third time. Boss Man with a thumb to the eye to break free. DiBiase reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and then they clothesline each other and both are down in the middle of the ring. A double count going. Both up at 7. DiBiase goes up to the second rope and Boss Man hits him with a shot to the midsection as he comes off. Boss Man then clotheslines DiBiase as he gets back up. Another couple of clotheslines and an inverted atomic drop. Then another clothesline and Boss Man slingshots Virgil into the ring when he gets up on the apron. Boss Man with a clothesline and a big boot to Virgil. He then slams Virgil's and DiBiase's heads together and clotheslines Virgil out of the ring. He then atomic drops DiBiase out of the ring as the bell sounds. DiBiase wins by disqualification. The crowd is not happy about the result. DiBiase and Virgil attack Boss Man in the ring after the match and then grab the nightstick. Boss Man rolls away and hits DiBiase to avoid getting hit with the stick. DiBiase and Virgil then leave.
-WWF Outrageous HIts Feature on some devastating moves.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan vs. Jake Roberts with Damien: Heenan reaches for Damien's bag, so Roberts dives towards the bag in the corner, allowing Perfect to attack Roberts from behind. Roberts comes back after a Perfect corner charge misses. Roberts with a wrist lock and he locks the fingers and backdrops Perfect over. Roberts back to an arm bar while Perfect is on the mat. Roberts turns Perfect over and gets a hammerlock and drives his knees into Perfect's back. Perfect gets back to his feet, but Roberts still has the wrist lock on. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Roberts goes right back to the arm bar. He drives Perfect down to the mat and then puts the arm bar back on. Perfect struggling to get out of the move. Perfect with an arm drag to get Roberts off him, but Roberts goes right back to the move. Roberts turns it into a hammerlock. Perfect reverses it, but Roberts with an elbow to break the hold. Roberts goes right back to the arm bar. Perfect reverses it back to a hammerlock, but again Roberts with an elbow that knocks Perfect to the outside. Heenan comes over and they confer. Roberts grabs Perfect by the wrist and drags him back in the ring. Perfect with a thumb to the eye to break the hold. Perfect with an Irish whip, Roberts grabs the ropes and backdrops Perfect out when he rushes Roberts. Roberts goes out and gets Perfect and throws him back inside. Heenan momentarily distracts Roberts as he goes to get back in, allowing Perfect to hit Roberts from behind. Perfect runs Roberts into a ring post. Perfect stomping Roberts on the outside. Back in, Perfect continues to stomp on Roberts while he is down. He gets Roberts in an arm bar. He grabs the second rope for leverage when the referee isn't looking. Perfect with a wrist lock as Roberts has gotten back to his feet. Perfect drags him back down and keeps the hold on. Roberts gets back to his knees. Roberts gets back up. He Irish whips Perfect, but drops his head ear.y and Perfect kicks him in the face. He gets a one count. Perfect with a couple of corner whips. Roberts gets his boot up on the second one. A series of right hands knocks Perfect down. A clothesline and the crowd chants DDT. Roberts goes for it and Heenan comes in for the disqualification. Roberts goes to put Heenan in the DDT, but Perfect jumps Roberts from behind. The referee is thrown out of the ring. They grab Damien's bag and attempt to Perfectplex Roberts onto Damien, but Roberts grabs the top rope. He then DDTs Perfect. Heenan bails. Roberts gets Damien and Heenan drags Perfect out of the ring.
-They then sign off from SuperTape 3.
-Final Thoughts: This just brought me back to 1991 and my early days as a wrestling fan. If you are nostalgic for that time, I highly recommend this.

Episode 147 Notes Thu, 29 Sep 2022 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] db53061d-5dbe-48c9-a71e-fb81d26703b1 My notes for Episode 147: Project 45 WCW Thunder 2000 -Weekend trip away to celebrate my Parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
-We went to Dollywood and Pigeon Forge, TN. You know it's weird as this week is also what would have been my 20th wedding anniversary. I got married way too young the first time.
-Project 45 lands in the year 2000 as we look at a critical time in WCW as we are watching Thunder from April 12, 2000.
-WCW Thunder was broadcast on TBS on April 12, 2000 from the World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There were 3,118 in attendance.
-Flashback to the WCW "reset" from Nitro with Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff and the fallout from that.
-Earlier today graphic of Russo and Bischoff arriving in a Porsche.
-Thunder intro.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Thunder. He and Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay are the announcers for the evening. David Arquette is shown in the crowd. Kids, this is what's known as foreshadowing.
-Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, and the rest of New Blood come out and head towards the ring and get in. Bischoff says did they surprise you or what? On Nitro, the story, the intrigue, the suspense. Classic screw jobs and those car wrecks. He asks if Hulk Hogan can hear him but says he can't because he's in a hospital bed. Billy Kidman then says in one night, he pinned Hulk Hogan. He busted him wide open, then he took the Hummer and ended his career. He says get out your scorecards, you marks, because it's flea market champion 3, Hulk Hogan 0. The crowd boos and Kidman says you shouldn't be booing me, you should be thanking me because you don't have to sit through any more of his boring ass matches. He's proud to say that the New Blood has Hogan's old blood all over their hands and it feels great. Russo gets the mic and says by the roar of the crowd, this almost sounds like New York, but you know what, this ain't New York because this town sucks. He says what person lives in Colorado Springs, John Denver? Shane Douglas whispers into Russo's ear. Russo says he's dead? Am I supposed to care? Last night, you people and Ric Flair learned two things about Vince Russo. 1. I am the bat man as he holds up the baseball bat he's holding. 2. New Yorkers have respect for nobody. He says Ric Flair when all is said and done, with the help of The Franchise, Ric Flair will be his New York Bitch. Shane Douglas gets the mic and says Nature Boy Ric Flair. For 7 years, I have called your ass out and you have finally bitten the bait. Listen here Flair, Nature Boy, you're about to get your ass Franchised, because I plan on retiring your ragged millionaire ass. Bischoff says let's get down to business. He says Spring Stampede, exclusively on PPV this Sunday. All new world champions in every division. It will be the day the title picture changes the way it should change. He says tonight, they have to think about the world title situation and the only fair thing for them to do was give Jeff Jarrett the night off because Vince Russo told him it has to be a level playing field. Since it is a level playing field, they are also giving DDP the night off. But that presents a problem, because people came here to see the very best entertainment in the world and if you ask Kimberly, she is the very best talent in the world. So they are going to give her an opportunity to prove that. Tonight, Kimberly is going to wrestle Madusa. Bischoff says think about it, Kimberly, you've seen her in Playboy and tonight you get to see her in this ring head-to-head with Madusa. Bischoff says wait a minute, I've got an idea, check this out. He then goes over and starts whispering with Russo. He says Page, no matter what happens, I want you to stay positive, because you're positively Page. It'll be great. DDP comes out. He says Bucky, yeah I'm talking to you, Bischoff. I'm glad he said that because I didn't have a clue that he was talking about Bischoff. He says I don't know what you're trying to prove, because if you've got a problem with me, I ain't got a problem with that. Let it be between me and you. But you leave my wife Kimberly out of it. DDP says he has an idea. Let's give all these people here what they'd really like to see and that's Eric Bischoff vs. DDP in that ring. Kicking your ass from one side to the other. Bischoff says first of all Page, you haven't earned that spot yet and second, It'll be a lot more fun to see what stripper outfit your old lady wears to the ring tonight. DDP says stripper outfit huh? He says he's going to come down there and kick Bischoff's teeth down his throat right now. He says he's not the only one that wants a piece of your ass Bischoff, but then DDP gets jumped from behind by Bam Bam Bigelow. He beats up DDP and throws him in the ring. The New Blood start kicking DDP. He falls out of the ring. The Millionaires Club come out to help DDP and everyone is fighting. They are going at it and Bischoff and Russo trying to get away. Security comes in, but they get tossed around the ring. Bischoff and Russo sneak off down the aisle as they go to break.
-After the break, the announcers talk about Spring Stampede coming up on PPV.
-Chris Candido, Jueventud Guerrera, and The Artist with Paisley vs. Lash LeRoux, Crowbar, and Shannon Moore with Daffney: Moore dropkicks the Artist. LeRoux in with Candido. LeRoux with a side headlock. Candido pushes off. LeRoux comes back with a shoulder block. Candido with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid LeRoux. LeRoux slides through Candido's legs and Candido hits him with a power bomb. Paisley gets up on the apron. Candido knocks her off the apron. David Flair catches her and starts dancing with her until Daffney hits him in the balls with her crowbar. Paisley then slaps Flair. Guerrera then hits Moore with some back elbows and chops. Guerrera then hits Moore with some corner mounted punches. Moore then reverses an Irish whip and buries a knee into Guerrera's midsection. Moore then hits a famouser. Crowbar tagged in. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Guerrera misses a clothesline attempt. Crowbar goes for an atomic drop, but Guerrera slips behind him. Guerrera with a waist lock, Crowbar with a reversal. Guerrera with a series of back elbows to try to get out of the move. They switch around and Crowbar gets a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. He then chops Guerrera up against the ropes. Crowbar with an Irish whip. Guerrera comes back with a headscissors that drives Crowbar out of the ring. Flair comes over to put him back in the ring and they start fighting on the outside. Candido goes up top and hits Crowbar with a crossbody to the outside. Candido then holds Crowbar for the Artist to baseball slide into, but Crowbar moves and Candido gets hit instead. Candido and the Artist then start brawling on the outside. Crowbar then flips to the outside and lands on top of them. LaRoux then runs and lands on Candido and Crowbar. Back in, Moore hits Guerrera with some forearms. Guerrera reverses an Irish Whip. Moore jumps over the ropes to the apron to avoid a charge. Guerrera charges again and dives onto the crowd on the outside when Moore moves out of the way. Moore hits a springboard moonsault onto the group on the outside. Crowbar runs Moore into the apron and then throws him back inside. Shane Helms comes and gets on the top rope, but Flair gives him a low blow and Daffney Frankensteiners him off the top rope. Guerrera and Crowbar go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Guerrera hits the Juvi Driver for a one count. Candido throws him outside and grabs Crowbar. Crowbar hits a jaw breaker on Candido. Candido and the Artist then hit Crowbar with a double DDT. The Artist pulled Candido off from covering Crowbar. Tag partners all turning against each other. Referee Charles Robinson gets tied up with the Artist. Candido goes up to and hits Crowbar with a diving headbutt. He only gets a one count when the Artist breaks up the count. The Artist hits Candido with a jumping DDT. Crowbar hits a front suplex to Candido to pin him.
-Mean Gene interviews DDP. DDP says Jeff Jarrett wants to take his wife's head off with a guitar. He's going to rip Jarrett's head off at Spring Stampede. Mean Gene says Kimberly is signed to meet Madusa. DDP says it's not happening. He doesn't care what they say. Mean Gene says apparently someone paid Bam Bam Bigelow to attack DDP here tonight. DDP says Bam Bam, Jersey Style, Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Bada Bang!
-Harlem Heat 2000 are shown in the board room. Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo come in. Bischoff says to Big T, we haven't had the chance to meet, and you're in my chair. Russo says to Tony, that's Eric Biscoff, brother, this ain't New York. Bischoff says and if I were you, I wouldn't look at me like that. Big T moves but stares down Bischoff hard. Bischoff says anyway, let's get down to business. The business tonight is all about Sid. It's about beating Sid. It's a fantastic opportunity for all of them to put the man out. If they don't, he will do whatever he can to keep you down, to keep us down. Bischoff says do me a favor and do not disappoint us.
-Highlights from the Ready to Rumble movie premiere.
-Shawn Stasiak is shown in the back getting ready. He is in the makeup chair and says he needs to look perfect. The makeup artist says she has something for it and leaves and when she does, Curt Hennig comes in and attacks Stasiak from behind. Security comes in to separate the two of them.
-Sid Vicious vs Harlem Heat 2000 Stevie Ray, Big T, and Cash with J. Biggs: Sid comes out to a big ovation. This is a no disqualification street fight. Vicious has to win to qualify for the US title tournament. Vicious clotheslines Big T down as the bell rings. He then clotheslines Stevie Ray. He then clotheslines Big T out of the ring. He then clotheslines Stevie Ray out of the ring. Cash comes in and rushes Vicious, who ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Cash with a big boot. Biggs gets up on the apron. Vicious grabs him by the throat and goes up to choke slam him, but gets hit from behind by Harlem Heat. Harlem Heat with a double Irish whip and clothesline. They pick Vicious up as a Sid chant goes out. Another double Irish whip and a double scissor kick to Vicious. Another double Irish whip and drive to the mat in a modified power bomb like move. Cash hits a big splash, but only gets a two count. Biggs comes up in the ring to yell at referee Nick Patrick. The Sid chant starts again as Harlem Heat double team him in one corner and Cash and Biggs are still arguing with Patrick in another corner. Booker comes out. Cash rushes him, but Booker pulls the rope down and ducks and Cash goes flying to the outside. He superkicks Stevie Ray and hits a spinebuster to Big T. He hits Stevie Ray with the Book End. Vicious then kicks Stevie Ray in the stomach, hits him with the power bomb, and then pins him. The Wall then attacks Vicious from behind with a chair as Bischoff and Russo are seen looking disgusted in the back. Russo says they give the guy an opportunity on a silver platter and he does this? Bischoff says damn you, Booker! He then says I'll fix this. Patrick checks on Vicious in the ring as the Sid chant goes out again and Harlem Heat is shown walking to the back. Bischoff walks to the ring with a mic. He checks that Vicious is still out and says he is going to make an executive decision. He says that due to outside interference, Vicious is disqualified. Harlem Heat is the winner and when Sid wakes up, tell him he doesn't have to go to Chicago this Sunday. He can go back to West Memphis and watch his pigs breed. Bischoff then leaves.
-Jimmy Hart is shown in the back, asking people if they have seen Bischoff.
-Bischoff is then shown in the locker room screaming at Booker T asking him what in the hell was he thinking? They had given him an opportunity and he blew it. Bischoff then says you better wipe that look off your face or I'll hire somebody to wipe it off for you.
-Shane Douglas vs. The Total Package with Elizabeth: Until I watched this episode, I had forgotten that they tried to remake Lex Luger by calling him just the Total Package. Douglas is shown beating up Ric Flair on Nitro. Total Package attacks Douglas in the corner. He runs his face along the top rope. Package takes his shirt and wraps it around Douglas's shirt. He chokes him with the shirt and then clotheslines him with it. Package with a corner whip and clothesline. He then runs Douglas's face along the top rope again. Package with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He hits Douglas with several more clotheslines and gets a close two count. Package with another corner clothesline, but Douglas gets his boot up on the charge. Douglas comes out of the corner with a clothesline to Package. Douglas with punches and a belly to belly suplex to Package. Douglas goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. I guess he is obsessed with Ric Flair. Douglas rolls to the outside and Package follows him out. He grabs Douglas and Irish whips him into the barricade. He then clotheslines Douglas again. Package throws Douglas back in the ring. Douglas begging off. Package kicks Douglas and Irish whips him again and Package drops his head too early and Douglas kicks him. He then clotheslines Package and goes to hit him with a flying forearm, but Package ducks and Douglas hits the referee instead. Package comes up behind Douglas, who hits him with a mule kick. Douglas starts stomping Package when Ric Flair comes from the back and attacks Douglas, chopping him in the corner. Flair corner whips Douglas and then low blows him. Package then gets Douglas up in the torture rack and he gives up right as referee Billy Silverman gets up to signal for the bell.
-Jimmy Hart finally finds Eric Bischoff in the back and tells him that he needs 5 minutes of his time. Bischoff says he will give him 5 minutes in 5 minutes. Hart asks him why he did that to Hulk Hogan and Bischoff mocks him as Hart pleads to talk to Bischoff as Bischoff walks away.
-When they come back from commercial break, Tony Schiavone informs us that Vince Russo is irate that Ric Flair interfered to give the Total Package the win. The announcers then tell us the ultimatum that Russo has given, later tonight, Ric Flair takes on Buff Bagwell and if Total Package interferes, there's going to be suspensions for Team Package. They then talk about and show Hulk Hogan's limo being hit by the Hummer and that Hogan will be hospitalized for about two weeks.
-Jimmy Hart is shown coming to the ring with a mic. He gets in the ring and says you know I've been chasing Eric Bischoff in this building all day long. He says Eric, I need some answers. I need you to come out here right now. You need to come out here, I'm telling you. I'm not going to leave the ring until you come out here. I need to know why you did what you did to Hulk Hogan on Nitro. Eric, for 6 years, when you tried to get Hulk Hogan in here, Jimmy Hart was the one who made the negotiations. Any time Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan had a problem, Jimmy Hart was the one Eric Bischoff called to smooth everything over. Eric, how can everything that was so good, go straight to Hell? Bischoff finally comes out and he has Billy Kidman with him. They talk to each other on the ramp for a second. Bischoff goes to the back while Kidman runs to the ring and attacks Hart. He beats Hart down and rips his jacket off. A Hogan chant goes out. He then spray paints a red NB on Hart's back. Bischoff comes back out and claps and points at Kidman.
-Kimberly and DDP are shown in the back talking while Kimberly gets ready for her match. DDP tells her there is no way he is going to let her get into that ring with Madusa. She says let me? Page, I'm going to get in that ring tonight. I want to do this, I need to do this. He says do what? She says I'm going to step up to the plate and I'm going to deliver. He says on Monday Night, she was hit on the head by Jeff Jarrett with the guitar and DDP doesn't want her to get into the ring hurt. She says work hurt? You're one to talk. She's constantly begging him not to work hurt. One person she needs to be supportive of her is him. She tells him not to doubt her and to be positive. He says positive, positive of what, you're going to get your brains bashed out?
-Colorado Collision match. Scott Steiner, The Wall, Vampiro, Booker, The Cat, and Billy Kidman are the participants. Two men start. One man comes in every minute. Pin, submission, or count out is how you get eliminated. Last man standing. Booker comes to the ring first. The Wall comes out with a table. Booker attacks Wall as soon as he gets in the ring. Wall gets Booker into a corner and starts stomping him. Booker goes to reverse a corner whip, but the Wall powers him back into the same corner. Booker gets his boot up on a Wall charge. Booker hits Wall with a Harlem side kick. Wall goes to reverse an Irish whip and Booker hits him with the Book End. Booker then hits the Axe kick and does the Spineroonie. He kicks the Wall to the outside. The Cat is the next one to come in and he hits Booker with a standing side kick to knock him to the outside. The Wall choke slams Booker through the table on the outside. Both men get counted out as the Cat gets on the mic and says he's going to show all of the rednecks why he's the baddest man in WCW. He then threatens to beat up someone from the crowd. He puts on his red shoes and starts to dance as the timer expires and Scott Steiner comes to ringside. He gets behind the Cat and clotheslines him when he turns around. Steiner takes Cat's red shoes off and throws them at the Cat. Steiner with an Irish whip, Cat ducks a clothesline, and hits Steiner with a standing side kick. The Cat then dances and drops an elbow on Steiner. The timer expires again and Billy Kidman comes out with Torrie Wilson. Steiner and Cat going back and forth in the ring. Steiner hits Cat with a backbreaker. Kidman walks to the ring really slow as Steiner hits the Cat with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Steiner then gets up on a turnbuckle to yell and pose and Kidman comes in and pins the Cat. Steiner then clotheslines Kidman. Steiner then lifts Kidman up in a press slam and slams him down to the mat. Steiner hits a belly to belly and pins Kidman as Vampiro's timer expires and he comes out. The Cat and Kidman fighting at ringside as Vampiro comes down. The referee and Steiner are over looking at Cat and Kidman and when Vampiro comes in, Sting comes behind him and hits him with a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting then spits on Vampiro and then leaves. Steiner then turns around and puts Vampiro in the Steiner Recliner. Referee Mickey Jay then signals for the bell and Steiner wins the Colorado Collision match.
-Madusa and Kimberly are both shown walking down corridors of the arena. Kimberly takes off her trench coat and says Hey Eric, this one is for you as she shows her outfit.
-Mean Gene interviews Team Package with Elizabeth. Gene says you heard Vince Russo early on. If Team Package interferes, both will be suspended without pay. Ric Flair says Russo, learn to love it pal. He says you see this as he takes off his coat. It's Hugo Boss. Stylin and profilin. That's my life. Tonight, I'm wrestling as I'm taped up from your bat. He says to Russo, I'm Mickey Mantle in your lifetime.
-Madusa vs. Kimberly: Madusa out first. Kimberly comes out and I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers. I would bring her crackers in bed as a matter of fact. The bell rings and they are facing each other in the center of the ring. They are talking to each other, but we don't know what they are saying, but you can be assured that it's probably not greetings and salutations. Madusa tells Kimberly to get out of the ring and Kimberly shoves Madusa. Madusa then shoves Kimberly and knocks her down. Madusa then goes over to Kimberly and screams you want to wrestle me? You are not a wrestler as DDP is shown watching in the back. Madusa then grabs Kimberly by her hair and drags her to the center of the ring and rubs her face into the mat. She then pulls Kimberly back by the hair and yells at her as we see DDP come to the ring. He gets in the ring and throws Madusa off Kimberly. He backs Kimberly away from Madusa and Madusa kicks him in the midsection. She kicks him several more times until he gets her in a front face lock and then hits her with a Diamond Cutter. He and Kimberly then leave. Kimberly doesn't look too happy. Madusa wins by DQ.
-Hardcore tag team match. Norman Smiley and Terry Funk vs. Meng and Hugh Morrus vs. Brian Knobbs and Fit Finley: Knobbs and Meng start brawling in the crowd as soon as the bell rings. Funk and Smiley get Finley down and try to pin him. Morrus and Smiley then fight to the outside. Morrus runs Smiley into a barricade and then bites him. Meng and Knobbs make their way to the balcony. Morrus goes towards the back and grabs a table. Back in the ring, Funk hits Finley with a trash can. Morrus sets Smiley on the table and then gets up on the entrance way and jumps off, but Smiley moves and Morrus goes through the corner of the table. Smiley grabs the corner of the table that broke off and starts hitting Morrus with it. Knobbs and Meng fighting on the concourse and Knobbs runs Meng into a door. He then runs him into a wall near the concession area. Knobbs grabs a cup of beer, drinks some of it, and throws the rest on Meng. Knobbs then throws a trash can on Meng. Knobbs grabs a pizza tray, takes a bite of pizza, and then hits Meng with the tray. Knobbs goes to run Meng into the condiments table, but Meng runs him in instead. Meng then picks up a Stanton and hits Knobbs with it. There is a cardboard cut out of Goldberg there, so Meng spears it. Meng grabs the cut out and turns around as Knobbs sprays him with a fire extinguisher, but the cut out blocks the spray and Meng hits Knobbs with the cut out. They go out to the balcony and Knobbs rushes Meng, who moves out of the way and Knobbs goes over the side and the announcers scream that he had to have dropped 30 feet and that they need EMTs. Meanwhile, Morrus takes Smiley and starts him towards the backstage area as the announcers beg someone to call an ambulance. Smiley runs Morrus into a box in the back. Finley hits Funk with a trash can lid. Morrus and Smiley go back and forth in a hallway. Morrus scoop slams Smiley onto a trash can. He then hits him with a broom as Finley attacks Funk with a chair back in the ring. Morrus and Smiley attack each other with crutches and trash cans in the back. Morrus Irish whips Smiley into a giant tiger's head that is used by the hockey team when they play there. Morrus goes to rush Smiley, who moves and Morrus breaks one of the teeth on the tiger. Smiley grabs it. Smiley throws it at Morrus. Finley takes up the protective mat at ringside. He then DDT's Funk on the concrete floor. Finley then grabs a table from under the ring and throws it in the ring. He then throws Funk back in the ring. Finley then sets up the table in the corner. Funk hits Finley in the stomach and then runs him into the set up table, breaking it. Funk then piledrives Finley on the broken table. Funk starts climbing the turnbuckle to do a moonsault, but Dustin Rhodes comes to the ring and hits Funk with a low blow. Rhodes then posts Funk in the corner and then low blows him again with a running knee. Finley then hands Rhodes a chair and he hits Funk with it. Rhodes then runs Funk's head into the chair on the mat several times. Finley and Rhodes then go outside to grab another table and Smiley comes in and pins his own partner to win the match.
-Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo are in the back talking to the Villanos telling them to beat Sting to a bloody pulp. Sting is then shown walking down a hall.
-How many times in wrestling is someone shown walking down a hall?
-Villano III, IV, and V vs. Sting: Sting comes to the ring as the announcers send out condolences to Scott Hudson, who recently lost his father. All three Villanos attack Sting as he gets into the ring. They Irish whip Sting, triple kick him, and beat him down again. Sting gets back to his feet and gets tripled head butted to go back down. Sting powers back and knocks all three down. He then double clotheslines two Villanos and now all three down again. Sting hits double dead drops on two Villanos to pin them. The last Villano attacks Sting from behind and pushes him into referee Charles Robinson, who goes down. Sting reverses an Irish whip and hits the Villano with an inverted atomic drop. Sting then hits a pair of clotheslines. Sting then with an Irish whip and a leapfrog, but doesn't get up high enough and Villano grazes him and Sting goes down. The Villano then low blows Sting and goes to the outside. He grabs a guitar from under the ring and hits Sting with it. He then unmasks and it's Jeff Jarrett. DDP comes in and hits Jarrett with a Diamond Cutter. he then puts Sting on top of Jarrett and Sting gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Jeff Jarrett. Gene says we thought you had the night off? Jarrett says don't be a wise ass with me, Gene, I'll knock your liver spots off. DDP wants to jump me from behind? Well, he ain't done working tonight and I ain't either. And also here is that slap ass David Arquette. Mr. Cox is in the house. Well, I've got something for him too. It looks like the Chosen One is going to serve up a double dose of payback. and then to top it all off, four days from now at Spring Stampede. The man with all the Stroke is going to be crowned the new WCW champion. Choke on that, slap nut! Arquette is shown in the crowd saying bring it on.
-Buff Bagwell vs. Ric Flair: Flair comes to the ring in his street clothes. Bagwell poses for the crowd. Flair then struts. They lock up. Flair gets Bagwell in a corner and chops him. Bagwell reverses a corner whip. Bagwell backdrops Flair. Bagwell with a couple of clotheslines. He beats Flair down and then poses some more. Bagwell beating Flair down in a corner. He rakes Flair's eyes and then runs him head first into another corner. Flair comes back and then chops Bagwell a couple of times. Bagwell gets Flair down and drops his knee down on Flair a few times. He goes to slam Flair, who kicks Bagwell low to get him down. Flair drops an elbow on Bagwell. Flair then hits Bagwell with some shots in the corner. He then kicks Bagwell out to the apron. He then runs Bagwell into a barricade and a fan dressed as Sting hits Flair with a baseball bat. The fan then climbs over the barricade and takes off the coat and mask to reveal that it's Vince Russo. The bell rings and Bagwell is disqualified. They throw Flair back into the ring and Shane Douglas comes in and attacks Flair with punches. Total Package comes in to clear the ring and get the New Blood off of Flair. Bagwell hits Luger in the back with the baseball bat. The referee tries to get the New Blood out as the bell rings repeatedly. Finally, New Blood leaves.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. DDP with Kimberly: They lock up and back to a corner. Bigelow beats DDP down and stomps him. DDP pops back up and throws Bigelow in the corner and starts pounding on him. DDP goes to kick Bigelow, who catches Bigelow with a clothesline. He gets a two count. DDP goes up top and hits Bigelow with a flying clothesline. He gets another two count. Bigelow reverses an Irish whip and hits DDP with a fall away slam. He gets a two count. Bigelow hits DDP with some falling headbutts. Bigelow then puts on a rear chin lock. DDP fighting out of so Bigelow slams his own weight down on DDP and goes up top. He hits DDP with a diving headbutt. He gets a close two count. Bigelow goes for a power bomb, but DDP fights him and lands on Bigelow for a two count. DDP with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter, but Bigelow pushes off and DDP hits the referee and takes him out. Bigelow hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Bigelow then goes for another diving headbutt, but DDP rolls out of the way. DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter. Bigelow pushes off and goes for a suplex that DDP turns into the Diamond Cutter. He goes to cover Bigelow, but the referee is still out. Bischoff comes in and counts to two, but then stops his count. DDP gets up to confront him. DDP starts choking Bischoff until Jeff Jarrett comes from behind and hits DDP with the guitar. David Arquette comes in and jumps on Bischoff's back. Jarrett grabs Arquette and throws him out of the ring. Jarrett throws Arquette on the barricade. He then brings Arquette back into the ring and hits the Stroke on him. Kanyon comes in and hits Jarrett with a swinging neck breaker. Bischoff comes in and hits Kanyon with a chair. Bischoff and Jarrett pose as the New Blood comes in and spray paint DDP. The announcers plug Spring Stampede and sign off from Colorado.

-Final Thoughts:This was an interesting show. They were trying to right the ship, but it was in many ways too late. You can skip this one.

Episode 148 Notes Thu, 29 Sep 2022 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b21d5a0c-cb91-428c-868a-c78c5644b2ac My notes for Episode 148: Project 45-2011 Monday Night Raw Halloween Edition. -Today, Project 45 stops in 2011 and looks at the episode of Monday Night Raw from Halloween Night, October 31, 2011.
-This was a hard night for me as this was the night that my first marriage for all intents and purposes, ended.
-Monday Night Raw was broadcast October 31, 2011 from the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia on the USA Network. The show did a 3.1 rating.
-WWE Intro.
-Raw Super show.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Monday Night Raw. He and Jerry Lawler will be the announcers for the evening.
-The Rock is shown on the titan tron. He says John Cena, you want The Rock to be your tag team partner? You want to team up with The Rock at Survivor Series? Can it be done? Could it be done? Should it be done? For one epic night, one epic encounter. John Cena, you and the Rock are polar opposites on this planet, this earth, under God's hot sun. You represent, John, an era and a generation. The Rock represents an era and a generation. Last Monday on Raw, John, you asked the Rock to be your tag team partner. You asked from the heart. He saw it and he felt it. Well, here's the Rock's answer back to you from the heart. Hell no! He says it two more times. He says you want the Rock, the People's Champion. The same one you've been knocking on the Rock's door for years. When the Rock opened it and came back. You see John, for you and the Rock to be a tag team. This is the way tag teams work. You stick your hand out and the Rock slaps it. But he doesn't want to do that. Why would he do that? Why would he slap the skin on your hand when he wants to slap the lips off your face, punk. You want Team Bring It. Millions upon millions, upon millions worldwide. Team Bring It to team up with you and the Fruit Loop Troop? No, Hell No! No way. But then, John, the Rock started to think about it. But more importantly, the Rock started to listen. Every single morning when the Rock gets up. 3,4 o'clock in the morning. Ready to whip that ass millions upon millions of tweets coming across the Rock's Twitter saying you've got to team up with John Cena, Rock, you've got to do it for one night. But here's the reason and here's the reason John, that hooked me. Because we, the world, Team Bring It, we hate and despise the Miz and R-Truth. So, you see John, it ain't about what you want, it ain't about what the Rock wants, It's about what the people want. And what the people want is to see Miz and R-Truth get their asses kicked like they've never been kicked before at Survivor Series. So in that thought and in that space, John Cena, your wish just came true. The Rock is going to give the people what they want. For one night, you and the Rock will be a tag team and we will face the Miz and R-Truth at Survivor Series. Miz and R-Truth, you've run around, you've become two bad asses. You've become the most hated men in the WWE, but you're running around, you're kicking everybody's ass in a cowardly way from the back. Well, why don't you try facing the Great One. One on one. See what happens then, why don't you come and try to do that to the Rock. He then says John Cena, you've got your wish. The Rock is your partner. Right now, I know you're so happy. Right now, I know all your fans. Millions of little kids are running around the house right now. They are on his Twitter saying thank you, Rocky! He says slow it down, little cowboys, slow it down. Don't get too happy yet. Slow it down. He says John Cena. There's another reason why the Rock is doing this. Outside kicking the Miz and R-Truth's asses at Survivor Series and that reason is this, John. The Rock wants you to witness, on that night, the Rock wants you to stand on that apron and be one foot away from the most electrifying man in the world doing exactly what he does best and that is putting boots to asses all damn day and all damn night. John Cena, what the Rock does to the Miz and R-Truth that night. NYC. MSG is just going to be a taste of what the Rock is going to do to you at WrestleMania. Just a taste. John, you stand on that ring and you witness the Rock and you watch and you respect and you damn sure learn and you watch how a real man gets it done and you watch the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, ready to strike on the attack. John Cena, call your fat ass mama because the Rock is back. The Rock. John Cena. Survivor Series. Never before. Never again. If you smell what the Rock is cooking. Now that's a promo!
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler review what happened and preview what we are going to see tonight. CM Punk comes to the ring.
-CM Punk vs. Mark Henry: Henry is the World's Heavyweight Champion. Punk has to defeat Henry to get a title match against Alberto Del Rio at Survivor Series. They then replay what happened to the ring in the Big Show/Mark Henry match at Vengeance. John Laurinaitis comes out. He goes through his pre match spiel. He states to the crowd that CM Punk has to win to get his title shot. A CM Punk chant goes out. The bell rings and they lock up. Henry hits Punk with some forearms and headbutts Punk down. He gets him down in a corner and then picks him back up and whips him into the same corner. Punk gets his boots up and kicks Henry. He then jumps on Henry's back and hits him with some elbows. Henry readjusts Punk on his shoulder and drives him down to the canvas for a two count. Punk up and hitting Henry with some kicks. Henry grabs Punk and throws him out of the ring, but Punk holds on to the ropes and lands on the apron. He kicks Henry in the head and then hits him with a flying clothesline. Punk then hits the top rope elbow for a two count. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez come to ringside. Del Rio sends Rodriguez in to hit Henry I assume to make CM Punk lose by disqualification. Henry wins by DQ. Punk is livid and runs and dives on Del Rio on the outside. Rodriguez pulls Punk off Del Rio and Punk pushes Rodriguez away. He grabs Rodriguez as Del Rio has run away. Punk throws Rodriguez inside of the ring. Henry grabs him and gives him the World's Strongest Slam. Del Rio comes back down the aisle. Punk takes off after him to the back.
-The Muppets are introduced. Kermit and Miss Piggy are introduced. They come up from the stage and start to say how happy they are to be here before they are cut off by Vickie Guerrero with her excuse me routine. She comes out with Jack Swagger. She said it was bad enough when Hugh Jackman took over their show. Now they have to share their air time with a bunch of livestock. Kermit is worried, especially when Swagger tells him it ain't easy being a plate of frog legs. He then tells Kermit that they should get off the stage before he starts craving a ham sandwich. Wocka wocka. Miss Piggy says why don't you make us, Frankenstein? Kermit says hold up, listen. What Piggy tried to say, Mr. Swagger, is that we understand and we don't want any trouble from you or your mother. Guerrero is livid. She and Piggy get into a chest bumping fight, both saying excuse me to each other. Santino Marella comes out and says okay. Everybody here is officially excused. He then tells Swagger that if he were him, he wouldn't be picking on the Muppets, he would be warming up. He says that John Laurinaitis told him that he and Swagger have a match in the ring tonight. Kermit tells Marella good luck and Swagger grabs Kermit's mouth and says cram it, frog. He tells Marella he doesn't care about that. He's a former Division I champion, an all American American, and he is going to have Dolph Ziggler in his corner. Marella says Ziggler is not going to be in his corner because Ziggler has a match of his own tonight against Zack Ryder. Kermit says Woo Woo Woo and Miss Piggy says You know it! Kelly Kelly's music hits and she comes out. Piggy asks if she is dressed as a cowboy or a pirate and she does look like she is dressed as both. She comes over and kisses Kermit. Piggy looks shocked and Guerrero laughs at her. Kelly then goes to the ring. A special Divas Halloween Battle Royal is coming up next.
-Battle Royal: Kelly Kelly, Eve, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Rosa Mendes, AJ, Kaitlyn, Tamina, and The Bella Twins are your participants. Betho Phoenix is the special guest commentator. Eve wins, last eliminating Natalya. Phoenix and Natalya come in to menace Eve, but Alicia Fox and Kelly come in to back Eve up.
-Bunsen and Beaker are shown in the back. Bunsen tells Beaker he has created a Muppet Energy Drink and he must get it to Santino right away. Beaker leaves with the drink. Beaker goes out and bumps into Christian. Christian grabs the drink and pours it out to the horror of Beaker. He tells Beaker better luck next time nerd and then turns around and Sheamus is there. Sheamus asks if there is a problem here? Christian says no problem at all and then leaves. Beaker "talks" to Sheamus, who says he can't make the family reunion this year. That's actually pretty funny. But to tell aunt Theresa that he loves her. He then styles Beaker's hair and leaves.
-Air Boom Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne vs. Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes: Bourne and Rhodes start. Rhodes with a wrist lock into an elbow lock. Rhodes with an knee to the stomach and a forearm to Bourne. He misses a clothesline attempt. Bourne kicks Rhodes in the stomach and tags Kingston in. Bourne Irish whips Rhodes and Kingston hits a second rope clothesline to Rhodes and gets a two count. Back and forth. Rhodes reverses a corner whip. Kingston gets a kick in on the charge. Barrett comes over, but Kingston elbows him off the apron. Kingston then goes for a springboard, but Rhodes comes down on the top rope to knock him off. He gets a two count. Rhodes runs Kingston into a corner and then hits a Russian leg sweep. He gets another two count. Barrett tagged in and kicks Kingston while he is down. Barrett with an Irish whip and follows it up with a tilt a whirl slam. That gets a two count. Barrett with a double underhook chin lock. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Barrett with a big right hand to knock Kingston down. He gets another two count. Rhodes tagged back in. He kicks Kingston in the midsection while Barrett holds him down before referee Mike Chioda makes Barrett get out of the ring. Rhodes gets Kingston in a corner and just stomps him down to the mat. The crowd boos Rhodes. Rhodes with a snap mare to Kingston. Rhodes goes into a rear chin lock. Kingston with punches and kicks to try to break the hold. He does, but Rhodes gets a drop toe hold on Kingston before he can make the tag to Bourne. Rhodes drags Kingston back to the opposite corner and Barrett tagged in. Barrett with a kick to Kingston. Barrett gets Kingston back into a corner and kicks him. Barrett kicking and stomping Kingston down in a corner. Chioda gets Barrrett away from Kingston, allowing Rhodes to attack Kingston. Rhodes tagged in as a Cody sucks chant goes out. Rhodes knocks Kingston down with a right hand punch. A series of punches knock Kingston off his feet. Rhodes goes for a hip toss and Kingston reverses it into a modified Monkey Flip. Both men down and crawling for pins. Both Barrett and Bourne tagged in. Bourne ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a kick to the head. He then goes for what appears to be a hurricanrana into what appears to be Wasteland. Bourne reverses that into a DDT. Rhodes breaks up a pin attempt. Kingston comes in and hits Rhodes with a flying forearm. Kingston comes in for a running splash, but Rhodes backdrops him to the outside. Bourne goes up top for Air Bourne, but Rhodes distracts him for Barrett to grab him and hit Wasteland and get the pin. Christian comes out and he, Barrett, and Rhodes attack Air Boom. They get interrupted by Sheamus' music and he comes running to the ring. He pulls Christian out of the ring and then clotheslines Rhodes in the ring. Barrett bails out of the ring allowing Sheamus to hit a Brogue Kick to Rhodes.
-Statler and Waldorf make fun of the show from the balcony.
-John Laurinaitis is shown in the back looking at his phone. CM Punk approaches him and asks him if he was texting or did he see that? Laurinaitis said he did. Punk says he's okay with Rodriguez interfering so that he doesn't get his match with Alberto Del Rio? He says what are you going to make me do now, carry your bags, skateboard through hoops, give you your chapstick before you go in for your meeting with the board of directors? He says he knows Laurinaitis would like him better if he frosted his hair like it was 1999 and bought a cheap suit and completely sold out. Laurinaitis stops him and tells him he has his WWE Championship match as long as Alberto Del Rio agrees to give him one. He says now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to do.
-Feature on Broadus Clay.
-Alberto Del Rio vs. The Big Show: They show a replay of what happened to Rodriguez earlier. They then show another replay of the ring collapsing at Vengeance. They sure are going to get their money's worth from that spot aren't they. The bell rings and Big Show rushes Del Rio, who moves and kicks Big Show. Del Rio attacks Big Show with punches and kicks until Big Show throws Del Rio into the corner and punches him repeatedly in the midsection. He then slaps Del Rio's chest hard. Del Rio with some chops and Big Show responds with a big headbutt to knock Del Rio down. Big Show then gets Del Rio in a corner and hits him with another big chop. Big Show starts choking Del Rio with his knee on another rope for a three count. Del Rio coming back with stiff kicks to the legs. Big Show cuts it off with another headbutt. Big Show stays on offense with a big shot to the stomach of Del Rio and an Irish whip, but he drops his head early and Del Rio kicks him in the face. Big Show comes back with a clothesline and a big suplex. He gets a two count. Big Show then chokes Del Rio on the bottom rope with his boot. Big Show with a corner whip, but Del Rio moves on the charge. Big Show comes back with another clothesline. A knee to Del Rio knocks him back down. Big Show with a corner whip. Del Rio gets his boot up on the drive. Del Rio attacking Big Show with kicks to the knees and then jumps on his back trying to get him down. He puts a sleeper on Big Show. He goes down to one knee as a Big Show chant goes out. Big Show trying to fight not to go out. He gets back to his feet and finally slings Del Rio off. Big Show is struggling afterwards though. It goes outside and Big Show hits Del Rio with some right hands by the barricade in what looked to be a clunky spot there like they didn't realize what they were going to do. Big Show goes back in to break the count before they start fighting again. Big Show chops Del Rio's chest some more. Del Rio kicks Big Show before delivering a step up enziguri. They take turns breaking the count but this has gone on too long. Back in, Del Rio gets Big Show down, but he kicks out at two. Del Rio with a front face lock. Big Show on his knees in the move and trying to apply a bear hug to Del Rio. Del Rio leans down on him and forces Big Show back down to the mat. Del Rio slides around to go for a sleeper and Big Show counters with a side slam. A double count going. They both get to their knees and trade slaps. Del Rio goes down each time he is slapped. Del Rio covers after a slap, but Big Show kicks out at one. Del Rio with a front face lock. Big Show tries to get back to his feet. He picks Del Rio up and just throws him off. He then clotheslines Del Rio to the outside. When they come back from a commercial break, Del Rio has Big Show in a leg lock. Big Show with a chin lock while still in the hold. Big Show breaks the hold, but Del Rio starts kicking Big Show. Big Show gets to his feet and goes for a chokeslam, but Del Rio kicks him and DDT's him. He gets a two count and Big Show kicks out so hard that Del Rio flies out of the ring. Del Rio gets back in the ring and it looks like he is going for a step up enziguri, but Big Show just swats him away and pins Del Rio. Del Rio is knocked out in the middle of the ring. CM Punk's music hits and he comes out. He and Big Show stop and look at each other for a second before each passes the other. Punk gets a bottle of water and a mic and gets in the ring. Punk dumps the water on Del Rio to revive him so that he can speak with him. Punk tells Del Rio that he is going to put him in the Anaconda Vice until Del Rio consents to giving him his match at Survivor Series. He then does it and Del Rio says he has his match at Survivor Series. Punk gets on the mic and says he says yes and they cut his mic. He gets it back on and says he said yes, I'll see you at Survivor Series, Amigo.
-Excellent piece of business there. It keeps Punk strong without burying Del Rio.
-Fozzie and Gonzo are shown in the back. Gonzo says he could be a WWE Superstar if he put his mind to it. They get interrupted by Vickie Guerrero, Jack Swagger, and Dolph Ziggler. They tie Gonzo's arms around his face and say to tell their friends not to interfere in their match tonight before leaving. Gonzo says how did they know he needed an adjustment?
-Animal is introduced as the special guest timekeeper.
-Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero vs. Santino Marella: The bell rings and they lock up. Swagger pushes Marella down to the ground. Marella gets back up and Swagger clotheslines him back to the ground. Swagger attacks Marella with forearms while he is down. He then attacks him with elbows. He then embarrasses Marella by doing push-ups on him. Swagger with a corner whip and Marella falls to the mat again. Swagger hits Marella with a corner charge as he gets back up. Another charge, but Marella gets his boot up. A we want Ryder chant goes out. Marella attacks Swagger, who comes back with knees and right hands to Marella. Marella ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a hip toss. He then does a falling headbutt on Swagger for a two count. Swagger with a single leg takedown. Swagger then goes for the ankle lock. Marella rolls through to get out of the move, knocking Swagger throat first into the top rope. While he is down, Beaker comes over to Marella by the ropes and gives him some more of the energy drink. Marella starts to drink it, holds his throat like it burns, Swagger comes over to him, Marella spits the drink in his face, and rolls him up for the pin.
-Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero: They lock up and Ziggler with a side headlock. Ryder pushes off and Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Ryder with a couple of arm drags, ducks a Ziggler clothesline attempt, and rolls Ziggler up for a two count. Ziggler comes back with a clothesline. Ziggler stomps Ryder while he is down. A big right hand from Ziggler knocks Ryder back down after he gets up. Ziggler goes for a neck breaker. Ryder pushes off and hits Ziggler with a right hand and a clothesline. Ziggler reverses a corner whip. Ryder with a back elbow when Ziggler tries to charge him. Ryder with a missile dropkick from the second rope. Ziggler rolls to the outside. Ryder launches himself to land on Ziggler on the outside. He puts Ziggler back in, but when they come back from the commercial, Ziggler has Ryder in a modified chin lock. The fans start a let's go Ryder, woo woo woo chant. Ryder gets back to his feet and hits Ziggler with a couple of shots before Ziggler drives him back down by the hair. Ziggler drops an elbow on Ryder for a two count. Ziggler hits a neck breaker. Ziggler goes for a dropkick, but Ryder catches his legs and catapults him into the top rope. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Ryder with a flapjack in the middle. He runs Ziggler into a corner post and punches him repeatedly. A running forearm knocks Ziggler to the mat. Ryder hits Ziggler with a running knee for a two count. Ziggler with a modified jaw breaker. Ziggler with a corner charge only to get met with a double knee to the jaw. Ryder gets the pin, but Ziggler got his foot under the bottom rope right before the three count. The bell rings, but the referee waves it off. Ziggler takes off around the ring with Ryder following him. Guerrero grabs Ryder's leg as he goes to get in the ring after Ziggler, allowing Ziggler to take advantage and kick Ryder. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Ryder holds on to the ropes and pushes Ziggler off. Ryder then hits the Rough Ryder and gets the pin. Guerrero screams no in disapproval.
-Flashback to Kevin Nash attacking HHH on Raw the previous week. The announcers then say that John Laurinaitis has resigned Kevin Nash.
-Michael Cole gets on the mic and says some things about JR not being there to take the Michael Cole Challenge and makes some silly jokes about JR. This has always been and always will be cringe to me. Statler and Waldorf are shown and say there is nothing worse than listening to Michael Cole.
-Miss Piggy is shown in the back with John Morrison. Piggy wants him to go out to dinner with her, but Morrison says he's busy. He says he has a friend who is free. He brings back Hornswoggle, who shows Piggy his Muppets tattoo before kissing her. Piggy attacks him with a karate chop and leaves. Kermit comes in to see if he is okay. Hornswoggle loved it. Kermit says and I thought our show was weird. Cody Rhodes comes in and puts a paper bag over Kermit's head.
-WrestleMania 27 Main Event rematch. The Miz vs. John Cena: The bell rings and they lock up. Cena with a side headlock takeover. He follows that up with kicks and punches to Miz. He then runs Miz into a corner buckle and then corner whips and suplexes the Miz. Cena with a dropkick to Miz for a one count. Miz moves out of the way of a corner charge and hit a big boot on Cena. Miz with kicks and stomps to Cena and then hits Cena. Another kick and Miz gets a two count. Miz with a rear chin lock as the let's go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out again. Miz with another big boot to knock Cena down again. Miz with a big corner clothesline to Cena. Miz goes up top and hits a double ax handle coming off the top rope. He gets a two count. Miz stomps Cena down on the mat over and over. Miz gets Cena in a headlock. Cena gets back to his feet to get out of the move. He ducks a Miz clothesline attempt and hits some shoulder blocks to Miz. He then slams Miz down. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA, but Miz counters that into a Death Drop. He gets a two count. Miz goes for a big boot. Cena grabs his leg and goes for the STF, but Miz kicks off. A backbreaker/neck breaker combo gives Miz another two count. Miz goes for the SCF. Cena pushes off and hits a big clothesline for another two count. Cena goes up top, but gets caught as Miz hits him with several shots. Miz goes for a superplex, but Cena fighting it and he headbutts the Miz off. Cena hits a top rope leg drop to Miz across the back of the neck. He gets a close two count. Cena goes for the AA, Miz with elbows to fight out of it and hits a big DDT but he also only gets a two count. Miz rushes Cena, who backdrops Miz to the outside. Cena goes out after Miz and throws him into the corner barricade. He goes after Miz and someone in a scream mask grabs Cena and attacks him. Miz takes advantage and runs Cena into the apron. Miz goes for the SCF, but Cena counters it into the STF and gets Miz to tap. The scream guy comes in and Cena gives him the AA. He pulls off the mask and it's R-Truth. He puts on the mask and does U Can't See Me to R-Truth. He the celebrates in the ring as they sign off from Atlanta.
-Final Thoughts: A decent show. They furthered several storylines as they pivot towards Survivor Series. The Muppets were fun, but a little over done in my opinion. Mild recommendation.

Episode 145 Notes Thu, 15 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] d63809bf-bbdf-4ea0-ae24-847308a69f16 My notes for Episode 145: Project 45 1990 Prime Time Wrestling. -Today, Project 45 lands in the year 1990 as we look at the episode of WWF Prime Time Wrestling that aired on January 1, 1990.
-WWF Prime Time Wrestling was aired on the USA Network on January 1, 1990.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to Prime Time. They say it's a new decade here at Prime Time as the set is decorated for the New Year. Gorilla says Heenan has been fined $5,000 for his actions the previous week and is on probation for a year. Roddy Piper is gone from PTW. This all stems from Heenan dressing up as Santa and Piper attacking him. Heenan says he would like to clear something up. He said that what happened was a ploy to suck Piper into his trap. He tells Monsoon that they don't need Piper.
-Bad News Brown vs. Mark Young: Young is Chief Jay Strongbow's son. He gets some early offense in. Brown rolls to the outside to regroup. After more offense by Young, Brown starts to go towards the back, but changes his mind and comes back. Brown takes over. He wins after the Ghetto Blaster. Really competitive match.
-Monsoon and Heenan talk about the Royal Rumble.
-Mean Gene Okerlund with a Royal Rumble update. They show highlights of the 1989 Royal Rumble.
-Monsoon and Heenan talk about Ted DiBiase buying a higher number and how there will be extra security this year.
-Hercules vs. John Justice: Pre-recorded comments by Hercules about the Royal Rumble. All Hercules and he wins with the backbreaker.
-Heenan and Monsoon talk about the controversy between the cable companies and the WWF. They were pushing this hard at the time on all WWF Shows as some companies had said they were not going to carry the Royal Rumble.
-Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake vs. Reno Riggins: Bravo in against my Facebook friend Reno Riggins. A USA chant goes out at the beginning of the match as they show pre-recorded comments from the Ultimate Warrior who was feuding with Bravo at the time. Bravo totally dominates. He hits some side suplexes, but lifts Riggins up several times before the three count. A minor Warrior chant goes out. Warrior comes out and attacks Bravo to the delight of the crowd. He clotheslines Bravo to the outside. Warrior goes out after him and Earthquake gets into the ring. Warrior gets up on the apron and Bravo hits him on the back with a chair. Warrior falls to the floor. Bravo beats and stomps on Warrior. A Warrior chant goes out as more officials come down and get Bravo off Warrior.
-Monsoon and Heenan discuss what just happened. After a break, Monsoon and Heenan hypothesize what would happen if the Rockers picked the first two numbers in the Royal Rumble. Or Haku and Andre?
-The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty vs. Pat Rose and Arvil Hutto: This match was from the same taping as the No Holds Barred Cage Match. Rockers hit some impressive double team moves. Michaels gets the pin after a top rope fist drop.
-Heenan and Monsoon talk some more about the Royal Rumble before throwing it to some of the participants for comments. Mr. Perfect, Koko B. Ware, Honky Tonk Man, The Hart Foundation all talk about the Royal Rumble.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Al Perez vs. The Brooklyn Brawler: Match joined in progress from MSG. Gorilla Monsoon and Hillbilly Jim on the call. Perez wins after a spinning suplex.
-Heenan and Monsoon talk about some of the other things happening at the Royal Rumble.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. Demolition Ax and Smash vs. The Colossal Connection Andre the Giant and Haku with Bobby Heenan: Ax and Haku start and Haku attacking immediately. He chokes Ax on the top rope as a Weasel chant goes out towards Heenan. Ax comes back with some shots. Haku with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Haku runs Ax into Andre's head. The referee pulls Haku away, allowing Andre to kick Ax. Haku with some throat thrusts to Ax in the corner. The referee drags Haku away, allowing Andre to choke Ax. Smash comes in, but gets cut off by the referee. Andre comes in to continue choking Ax in the corner. Smash again tries to come in and then goes after Heenan. Haku and Andre double teaming Ax during all of this. Ax is trying to come back and he and Haku exchange shots in the center of the ring. Haku hits a backbreaker and gets a two count. Haku gets up and kicks Ax several times in the back. Andre tagged in and he hits Ax with a shot that knocks him down. Smash complains to the referee, allowing Andre to go back to choking Ax. Andre manhandling Ax. He gets Ax in the corner, tags Haku in, and then goes back to smashing Ax in the corner while the referee is tied up with Smash. Andre moves as Haku goes for a three point stance, but Ax moves and Haku hits the corner post. Haku cuts off a tag attempt. Haku with forearms to Ax in the corner. Haku with a corner whip, but Ax hits him with a back elbow when he charges him. Haku again cuts off a tag attempt. Haku misses a shot, Ax picks him up and atomic drops Haku, but as he was being lifted up, he tagged Andre in. He grabs Ax and headbutts him a couple of times. All four men in now. The referee gets Smash out, allowing Haku to hit Ax with a thrust kick while Andre holds him. Andre then drops an elbow on Ax and pins him. New tag team champions! Andre attacks Ax with his belt and body until Smash comes in and attacks Andre with a chair.
-Gorilla and Bobby talk about the match and Heenan gloats and is brilliant.
-The Brother Love Show with guest Jake Roberts. He comes out with Damien wrapped around him. Brother Love asks Roberts about the Royal Rumble. Jake says he doesn't care when he comes in. Brother Love says Roberts could have a lot of enemies in the Royal Rumble. It breaks down and Roberts insults Brother Love before leaving.
-Mean Gene has a Royal Rumble report.
-Heenan and Monsoon talk about the Ronnie Garvin/Greg Valentine submission match coming up at the Royal Rumble.
-Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan vs. Mario Mancini: Rude wins quickly with the Rude Awakening.
-Sean Mooney with another Royal Rumble report, followed by a Royal Rumble ad. They are selling this thing like crazy.
-The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov vs. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart: Volkoff does his Russian National Anthem gimmick, but gets cut off by the Hart Foundation coming out. It takes a while to get started. Hart and Zhukov start. Hart misses an elbow. Zhukov with a scoop slam and he misses an elbow when Hart moves. Hart with a roll up for a two count. Zhukov misses a clothesline attempt and Hart hooks his arms for a backslide. He gets a two count. Hart with a scoop slam. Hart with a stomp to the crotch area as Neidhart was distracting the referee. Volkoff tagged in. A USA chant goes out. Volkoff distracted by the chant. They lock up and Volkoff knees Hart in the stomach. Volkoff with a double ax handle. Volkoff lifts Hart up, but Hart slips behind and rolls Volkoff up for a two count. Volkoff wants to lock up for a test of strength. Hart stalling to play mind games with Volkoff. He starts to go for it before tagging Neidhart in. They do the test of strength. After the commercial break, Volkoff has Neidhart down and stomps him. He picks Neidhart up, gets a side headlock on, and hits Neidhart with a shot to the throat. Zhukov tagged in. Volkoff holds Neidhart for Zhukov to hit in the face. Zhukov then hits Neidhart with a double throat thrust. He then picks him back up and headbutts him. Volkoff tagged back in. Zhukov holds Neidhart for Volkoff to kick in the stomach. Volkoff with an Irish whip and a knee to the midsection. He then kicks Neidhart in the head several times. Zhukov tagged back in and the Bolsheviks with a double Irish whip and a double clothesline. Zhukov gets a two count. Zhukov misses some shots and Neidhart comes back with shots of his own. Zhukov with a side headlock. Neidhart pushes off. Zhukov comes back with a shoulder block and both men go down. A double count going. USA chant goes out again. Volkoff comes in to distract the referee so he doesn't see Neidhart tag Hart in and the referee won't allow the tag. Volkoff Irish whips Neidhart, who comes back with a sunset flip. The referee was tied up trying to get Hart out, so Neidhart only gets a one count. Volkoff with a double ax handle to Neidharts back. Volkoff gets Neidhart in the corner and Zhukov tagged in. Double team to drive Neidhart back into the corner. Zhukov with a front face lock. Neidhart trying to push his way out of the heels corner. Volkoff tagged back in. He kicks and hits Neidhart several times. Double Irish whip, Neidhart ducks a double clothesline attempt and comes back with a double clothesline of his own on the Bolsheviks. Hart finally tagged in and he comes in and hits Zhukov with some shots. He clotheslines both Russians and runs their heads together. He atomic drops Volkoff. He does the second rope elbow for a two count. Small package for another two count. Hart with an Irish whip and a shot to the midsection. Neidhart tagged in and Hart slingshots him into Volkoff. He gets a two count, but Zhukov breaks up the pin attempt. Hart comes in and while referee Mike Chioda tries to get him out, Zhukov takes his boot off and goes to the second rope while Volkoff holds Neidhart. He hits Neidhart with the boot, but Chioda sees it and calls for the disqualification. The Russians attack Hart, but Neidhart gets the boot and starts hitting both Russians with it. They both roll out of the ring.
-Bobby and Gorilla talk about the Royal Rumble before signing off from Prime Time.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: A nice little palate cleanser of a show. The tag switch is good to see if you haven't seen it. Nice to give Andre a title in his last year as a competitor. Recommend.

Episode 146 Notes Thu, 15 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 421164b9-dcbd-4a4e-abc3-1a216f7fd89a My notes for Episode 146: Project 45 2013 Raw after WrestleMania. -Today, Project 45 goes back to 2013 as we look at the April 8, 2013 edition of Monday Night Raw.
-Monday Night Raw was shown on the USA network on April 8, 2013 from the Izod Center in New Jersey. There were 16,173 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-Raw Intro.
-Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler are the commentators for the event and welcome us to Raw.
-Highlights of WrestleMania 29.
-John Cena's music hits. He gets on the mic and says it should be goal of every wrestler to be in the Main Event and win at WrestleMania. He is getting a mixed reaction from the partisan crowd. Cena is having fun with the crowd, especially when they won't cheer him. Let's go Cena/Cena sucks chants go out. He says the crowd seems a little angry. He says he knows they may be upset, but this is the Monday Night Raw after WrestleMania. The crowd chants boring at him. He says it's more than that. How about last year when Brock Lesnar came back to whip his ass? He says hell I'm feeling pretty good tonight! He says he may do a dance tonight. He tries some dance moves out. So he proudly says tonight, the champ is here! The crowd boos. He says that his post WrestleMania celebration starts today. He wants to fight tonight and he doesn't care who it is: CM Punk, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler. Mark Henry's music hits and he comes out. He gets in the ring and says the problem with coming out here and asking for trouble is trouble just might find you. The crowd chants Sexual Chocolate. Henry says look at me when I'm talking to you. Cena says it's a raucous crowd, they want to have sex with chocolate. Henry says pay attention to me, not them. He says he destroyed Ryback at WrestleMania. He says with all that talk, he thinks he and Cena need to have a match. The crowd chants feed me more. Cena says first they want to have sex with chocolate, then they want to have some more. He says Mr. World's Strongest Man, allow me to introduce myself, John Cena WWE Champion. He says you're right I'm afraid, I'm afraid to tell you that you have the breath of 1,000 asses. He says you want a fight, you've got one tonight, Mark Henry faces John Cena for the WWE Championship. GM Booker T comes out and says wait a minute. Booker says he appreciates John Cena, but he can't have him come out here making WWE championship matches. He says now the deal is, The Rock is entitled to a rematch. Cena says the best out of three? Booker says the Rock is the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Booker says however, the Rock suffered an injury last night and he will not be here tonight. The crowd chants bullshit at Booker T. Booker says if Mark Henry wants a shot at the WWE Championship, he is going to have to earn it. If he can beat John Cena in the middle of the ring tonight, he will get his shot. But only if he can beat John Cena. Henry tells Booker T to get his hands off of him and tells Cena that he has jokes. He says all those jokes are going to get him tonight is entered into the Hall of Pain. Henry then leaves the ring.
-The announcers preview some of what is coming up tonight. Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee, and Big E are shown in the back. Big E has his Raw debut later.
-More flashbacks to what happened at WrestleMania.
-Daniel Bryan with Kane vs. Big E Langston with Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee: The bell rings and Bryan attacks immediately with a high knee and a flurry of shots and kicks. Big E pushes him off. Bryan rushes Big E, who hits him with a sidewalk slam. He then spears Bryan in the corner. A knee to Bryan and another Spear in the opposite corner. He kicks Bryan as a Daniel Bryan chant goes out. Big E lifts Bryan up. Bryan keeps the momentum going and gets a sunset flip on Big E and gets a one count. Bryan with a series of Yes kicks. Bryan goes up top, so AJ gets on the apron to distract the referee so Ziggler can get up on the apron and pull Bryan, who crotches himself on the top rope. Ziggler turns around and Kane grabs him by the throat and goes to choke slam him on the floor, but Big E throws Bryan on Kane. Bryan gets back in. Big E hits the Big Ending and pins Bryan.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett: Rematch from WrestleMania. Barrett attacks right away with kicks and forearms to Miz. He kicks Miz down in the corner. Barrett with a corner whip. Miz jumps up to avoid the charge and hits Barrett with a clothesline. He gets a one count. Miz with a suplex. Miz gets a side headlock on as a let's go Barrett chant goes out. Barrett up and gets to the ropes. Miz reverses a corner whip. Barrett ducks a corner clothesline and gets a sort of modified sunset flip on Barrett. He gets a two count. Miz runs Barrett into the corner face first and then does some corner mounted punches. He follows that up with a high knee for another two count. Miz goes back to a headlock. Into a wrist lock. Barrett punches Miz to get out of the hold. He drops an elbow on Miz and gets a two count. Barrett with a headlock on Miz. Barrett up and goes to backdrop Miz, who lands on his feet. Barrett rushes Miz, who throws Barrett out through the ropes. Miz rushes Barrett and hits him with double boots when he tries to get back in. He then hits Barrett with a double ax handle from the apron. Miz throws Barrett in and goes up top. Barrett moves out of the way. Miz lands on his feet. Barrett rushes him and Miz backdrops Barrett to the apron. Barrett hits Miz with a knee to the face and then hits a neck breaker on Miz from the apron to the floor. The crowd cheers Barrett as they go to a commercial break. After the break, both men are back in the ring. Miz rushes Barrett, who hits Miz with the Winds of Change slam for a two count. Barrett throws Miz to the outside again. Barrett goes outside to the floor and delivers an homage to Cactus Jack with a Bang Bang and an elbow to the floor to Miz. He throws Miz inside and gets a close two count. Barrett goes back to a headlock. Miz gets back to his feet, hits a couple of elbows and a side slam to get out of the move. A double count going. Both men up and Miz swinging wildly and hitting Barrett with some big shots. Barrett reverses an Irish whip, Miz comes back with a flying forearm. He then hits a high knee to Barrett and a running kicks to Barrett. Miz goes for a neck breaker/backbreaker combo. Barrett slips out halfway through and they accidentally knock heads. Miz gets a two count Barrett rushes Miz, who runs Barrett head first into the corner. Miz hits Barrett with a running clothesline. Miz hits a double ax handle from the top rope. Miz gets a 2.5 count. Miz goes for the figure four, but Barrett kicks him off. Miz kicks Barrett's knee and hits him with a DDT for a two count. A double count going and Barrett is bleeding from the mouth. Barrett gets Miz up to go for Wasteland. Miz with elbows to slip out and Barrett pushes Miz to the corner. Miz jumps up to avoid the charge. Barrett grabs Miz's legs, shoves him to the side and goes to kick Miz. Miz grabs Barrett's legs and puts the figure four on. Barrett trying to get to the ropes. He does and the referee forces Miz to let go of the hold. Miz and Barrett in opposite corners and both are in pain. Miz rushes Barrett, who hits Miz with a big boot. Barrett gets up on the second rope, but Miz quickly gets back to his feet and hits Barrett with a shot to the midsection. Miz goes for a superplex. Barrett fights to get out of the attempt. Barrett runs Miz head first into the steel ring post. Barrett then hits the Bullhamer Elbow to pin Miz and become a three time Intercontinental Champion.
-Vickie Guerrero is in the back talking with Brad Maddox. Sheamus comes in saying did you see WrestleMania last night? Did you see Big Show knock him out after the match was over? For weeks he's been telling people that Big Show can't be trusted. He says he's not going to waste any time here, tonight, he wants a match with the Big Show. Maddox says you realize if we give you this match, we're not going to forget that you owe us one. Sheamus says he doesn't care, all he wants is to kick the head off of that giant piece of crap. Guerrero says Sheamus, you've got it. She will give Sheamus a match. He says thank you and leaves.
-More highlights from WrestleMania.
-Booker T is in the back. He is approached by Randy Orton, who says congratulations on being a Hall of Famer. Booker says he appreciates it. He shows Orton his Hall of Fame ring. Orton says very nice and that his dad has one of those before asking Booker for a favor. He says he needs a match tonight against TBS. He told Sheamus that he could trust TBS and he was wrong, he was dead wrong. He needs to right that wrong. Booker tells Orton that it is his understanding that Vickie Guerrero already made a match, Sheamus vs. TBS. Orton tells him he is a hall of famer and an actual GM, if anyone can overrule Vickie Guerrero, it's him. Booker says you're right, and Orton has his match. Orton says thank you and they shake hands.
-Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter come out. Coulter says Fellow Americans, our country is in bad shape and after what happened last night, it just got worse. And don't say he didn't warn you about it because he did. But he wants to ask you for something right now that he has never asked you for before. He wants to ask them for their support. He says years ago, he volunteered for the war in Vietnam because he loves his country. Tonight, he's going to stand in the same ring with Jack Swagger for the very same reason. He says our country is on the verge of tyranny and on the verge of anarchy and when that Alberto Del Rio comes out on that aisle, he wants them all to stand up as one and give them a roaring rendition of USA. Some people in the crowd started to chant it.
-Recap of Mark Henry/John Cena segment.
-Two on One Handicapped Match. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter: Rodrigues is introduced to bring out Del Rio. He comes out and he is the current World Heavyweight Champion. Swagger and Del Rio start. They lock up and drive to the ropes and then to a corner. They break and circle each other again. Another lock up and another drive to the corner. They break and Swagger attacking Del Rio in the corner with shots. Del Rio fights out of the corner and corner whips Swagger into the buckle chest first. Del Rio follows it up with a kick to the back. Swagger back up and Del Rio clotheslines him to the outside. Del Rio then runs and dives through the ropes to run Swagger into the announce table. Swagger then falls to the ground in pain. Del Rio then stomps Swagger as a Del Rio chant goes out. Del Rio throws Swagger back in and goes up top. He hits a crossbody for a two count. Del Rio backs up and Colter hits him with a cheap shot. That distraction allows Swagger to clip Del Rio's knee to knock him down. Swagger starts softening up the leg for the Patriot Lock. A USA chant goes out. Swagger keeps dropping elbows on Del Rio's knee. He gets a one count. Swagger attacking Del Rio in the corner. He runs Del Rio into another corner head first. He runs his shoulder and his knee into Del Rio's chest as referee Scott Armstrong tries to get him away. He gets Swagger away and Colter uses that opportunity to attack Del Rio. Swagger with a snap mare. Swagger puts a leg lock on. Del Rio kicks him away. Del Rio goes for a step up enziguri, but misses it. Double reversal of a belly to back suplex attempt. Swagger gets Del Rio down to go for the Patriot Lock. He gets the Patriot Lock on. Del Rio gets to his feet and breaks the hold. Del Rio puts the Cross Arm Breaker on Swagger over the top rope for a four count. Swagger knocks Del Rio off of the apron into the barricade. When they come back from the commercial break, Swagger hits a backdrop on Del Rio. He gets a two count. Swagger gets a leg lock on as Colter encourages him. Del Rio kicks Swagger repeatedly to get him to break the hold. Swagger rushes Del Rio in the corner, but Del Rio moves and Swagger hits the post shoulder first. Del Rio hits a couple of clotheslines. Del Rio hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Del Rio hits a super kick to Swagger's jaw. He gets a two count. Del Rio is hurting. He pulls himself up by the ropes as the crowd is trying to encourage him with a Si chant. Swagger reverses a rolling Cross Arm Breaker attempt into a belly to belly suplex. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock again. Del Rio gets to the ropes. Swagger breaks but then immediately applies the hold again. Del Rio kicks Swagger repeatedly and continues into the Cross Arm Breaker. Swagger tries to get to the ropes before finally tapping out. Del Rio tries to get up before collapsing in pain. He then pulls himself up by the ropes. He collapses in pain again and Rodriguez and a doctor come in to check on Del Rio and his injured leg.
-Del Rio gets to the corner and pushes people away as he tries to get up. All of a sudden, Dolph Ziggler's music hits and the crowd explodes as he comes out with AJ and Big E. He gets into the ring, tells the extra people in there to get out, and presents his MITB case to referee Scott Armstrong. Armstrong tells the others to leave as Justin Roberts tells the audience Ziggler is cashing in his contract and the reaction is tremendous. The bell rings and Ziggler attacks Del Rio immediately with kicks and punches to the leg. He hits a famouser and gets a close two count. Ziggler can't believe it but goes right back to punching Del Rio on the mat. A massive let's go Ziggler chant goes out as he goes for a splash in the corner, but Del Rio moves. Del Rio somehow hits a step up enziguri. He gets a two count. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker on Ziggler in the middle of the ring. Ziggler grabs the bad leg while in the hold to break it. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag and pins Del Rio to become the new World's Heavyweight Champion. The crowd cheers wildly when it is announced. AJ and Big E come in to celebrate with Ziggler.
-After the commercial break, the Undertaker's music hits and he comes out. They show highlights of his win the night before. An Undertaker chant goes out as he gets in the ring and tries to speak. He says last night at WrestleMania, he dedicated that match to the memory of Paul Bearer. He starts to say something else as the Shield's music hits and they show up. They make their way to the ring through the crowd. As they surround the ring, Undertaker takes off his coat and hat for a fight. The Shield get up on three sides of the ring. Undertaker with his head on a swivel trying to keep an eye on all three members. Suddenly, pyro goes off and Kane and Daniel Bryan come out to even the odds. The Shield back off and leave through the crowd.
-More highlights of WrestleMania.
-The announcers recap the Ziggler cash in and win.
-Josh Matthews interviews Dolph Ziggler and congratulates him. Ziggler says thank you and he knows it's the day after, but this is his WrestleMania moment. He's the Show Off. He's going to take his new championship, shine it up and show it off because it's about damn time.
-6-man tag match. R-Truth, Santino Marella, and Zack Ryder vs. 3MB Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal: Slater and R-Truth start. They lock up and R-Truth with a side headlock. Slater pushes off. R-Truth comes back with a shoulder block. R-Truth runs the ropes, but holds on when Slater goes for a dropkick and then hits Slater with a shot to knock him down. Marella tagged in. He dances and Slater hits him with a shot, so he tags Ryder in. That Marella is no dummy. Mahal also tagged in. Ryder with some shots. Mahal reverses an Irish whip, but Ryder comes back with a face plant. Mahal goes to throw Ryder out and Ryder lands on the apron. He hits Mahal with a right hand to knock him down. He then hits McIntyre on the apron with a right hand while the referee was distracted with Slater. Mahal comes back with a forearm to knock Ryder to the floor. McIntyre comes down and slams Ryder up against the apron and then throws him back into the ring. McIntyre with a running kick to Ryder in the ring. McIntyre throws Ryder into 3MB's corner and tags Slater in. Slater stomps Ryder down in the corner. McIntyre tagged back in. He gets Ryder down in an arm bar. Ryder gets back to his feet and hits McIntyre with some right hands to try to break the hold. McIntyre with a suplex. Ryder lands on his feet and counters with a neck breaker. Slater and Marella both tagged in. Marella with a series of punches. Slater misses a clothesline attempt. Marella comes back with a hip toss. He follows that up with a falling headbutt. He gets a one count at the same time as Mahal comes in to break up the count. R-Truth comes in and clotheslines Mahal over the top rope and they both fall to the outside. Marella pulls the cobra out and puts it on. McIntyre gets up on the apron and grabs the arm. Marella elbows him away and hits Slater with the Cobra to pin him.
-Highlights of WrestleMania Axxess. The crazy way they spell it causes havoc when I am typing it out.
-Randy Orton and Sheamus argue in the back about the Big Show match and who's match it should be. Sheamus says you know what, I've got this. TBS is asked why he turned on Orton and Sheamus. he says he wouldn't say he turned on them. He would say that they turned on him. Instead of everyone saying they are worried about if you can trust TBS, he should have been worried if he can trust Orton and Sheamus. From the very beginning, they didn't want him in that match. Yes he did tag himself in. He sacrificed himself in some Hail Mary collision crash. All he wanted was to get that tag. To prove himself. To prove that he could be there for his team, for himself, for the WWE universe and Randy Orton decided to take his thunder. Nobody takes his Thunder any more. TBS should have said nobody takes his Nitro because it was the more popular show back in the day. Never again. He tried this route and he doesn't want any more of it. There's only one thing in the world that's important to TBS and that is TBS.
-Sheamus comes to the ring first. He gets on the mic and asks the crowd who wants to see him kick Big Show's ass tonight? The crowd cheers. He says let's bring Vickie Guerrero out here to sort this out right now, but instead, Randy Orton's music hits. He gets in the ring and says while Sheamus is out here pleading his case and asking for support, TBS is his tonight. Orton asks the crowd who wants to see him kick TBS's ass and they cheer. Fickle crowd. They leave it to the audience to decide if it will be Orton or Sheamus by tweeting out their preference. After the commercial break, Orton is ahead in the voting 77-23. Vickie Guerrero comes and does her excuse me gimmick. Booker T also comes out. Booker says both men have legitimate reasons to want to get TBS in the middle of that ring. Booker says he has conferred with Vickie about a fair and impartial way to settle this and she says tonight it's Sheamus vs. Randy Orton and the winner of that match will face TBS. Booker tells the referee to get in the ring and start the match now.
-Sheamus vs. Randy Orton: They circle each other and lock up. Back to a corner. Battle for position on the ropes to another corner. Referee Mike Chioda counts them and finally gets them to break the hold. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side headlock. Orton pushes off and Sheamus comes back with a shoulder block. They get up and circle each other again. Sheamus with a side headlock and Orton pushes off. Orton with dropdowns and leapfrogs to avoid Sheamus. Orton finally hits Sheamus with a back elbow. Orton with a snap mare. He goes to drop a knee, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus drops a knee. Then another knee and he gets a one count. Sheamus with a wrist lock. Sheamus with a corner whip and Orton comes out with a clothesline to Sheamus. Orton with some European uppercuts to Sheamus. Orton with an Irish whip. Sheamus blocks a hip lock attempt and clotheslines Orton. He gets a two count. Sheamus then works on the arm and gets an arm bar on. Orton works back to his feet and yanks Sheamus down to the mat by his hair to break the hold. Orton drops a knee on Sheamus. He gets a two count. Orton with a headlock. Sheamus fighting not to go out. Sheamus with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Sheamus with a running knee to get a two count. Sheamus gets a headlock on. Orton struggles to get back to his feet to break the hold. He does and hits a belly to back suplex of his own. The crowd has been chanting some weird stuff all night long and are currently chanting RVD. Orton up and doing the Orton Stomp on Sheamus. No word on whether the kids in Bristol like it. About halfway through Sheamus gets Orton up and does a rolling fireman's carry senton. He gets a two count and now the crowd is chanting JBL. Sheamus goes up top. The crowd is chanting Jerry towards Lawler. As Sheamus comes off, Orton hits him with a dropkick. The crowd chants Michael Cole as they go to break. When they come back, Orton has Sheamus in a headlock and Sheamus with big left and right hands to break the hold. Sheamus off the ropes and Orton hits him with a knee to the midsection. Orton choking Sheamus on the second rope for a four count. He then runs his elbow into Sheamus' face for a three count. As Orton comes back towards Sheamus, he kicks Orton to keep him away. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Sheamus reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Orton kicks him in the face. Orton rushes Sheamus, who hits the Irish Curse backbreaker on Orton. He gets a two count. The crowd has started doing the wave. Sheamus hits a couple of clotheslines and runs his shoulder into Orton in the corner. Sheamus with a running knee to Orton. He goes to throw Orton out of the ring, but Orton lands on the apron. Sheamus grabs him. He hits some forearms to Orton's chest as he is bent back over the ropes. Sheamus then clotheslines Orton back into the ring. Sheamus gets Orton back up into a fireman's carry, but Orton slips out and hits an over the back backbreaker. A Randy Savage chant goes out. This is a wild crowd here tonight. Orton with a couple of clotheslines, ducks a Sheamus clothesline attempt, and power slams Sheamus. Orton with a suplex as an HBK chant goes out. Orton hits an apron DDT and then goes into his viper routine. He goes for the RKO and Sheamus pushes off. Sheamus hits White Noise and sets up for the Brogue Kick. He goes for it, but Orton ducks out of the way as he is kicking and Sheamus goes up and over the ropes to the outside and as he hits the floor, the Big Show's music hits. He comes down to the ring and looks to be in a bad mood. He picks Sheamus up and runs him into a ring post. Big Show then gets into the ring and the crowd chants thank you, Big Show. Orton gets up and Big Show KO punches him. Big Show then drags Orton out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. Orton trying to get up and Big Show stalking him and hits him with a spear as he gets up by the announce desk. Big Show then throws Orton over the announce desk into the barricade behind it. Big Show then goes behind the desk and starts launching the desk chairs towards the ring. He stomps Orton behind the desk. Big Show then leaves. Referee Mike Chioda checks on Orton.
-Flashback to what happened when the Undertaker came out earlier.
-Fandango comes out and dances to the ring.
-Fandango vs. Kofi Kingston: The bell rings. Kingston goes to lock up, but Fandango dances away. They lock up and drive to a corner. Break clean and Fandango goes to the apron. He gets back in and goes to kick Kingston, but Kingston catches his leg. Kingston with an Irish whip. He drops his head and Fandango drives him to the mat. Fandango stomps Kingston. Suddenly, Chris Jericho runs to the ring and attacks Fandango and the referee calls for the bell. Fandango wins by disqualification. Jericho is unloading on Fandango, getting him up and chopping him. Fandango reverses an Irish whip. Jericho holds on to the ropes and throws Fandango over the top rope when he rushes Jericho. He then runs Fandango into the barricade. He then runs Fandango into the timekeeper's area and then begins to take apart the announce table. He then throws Fandango into the barricade again and then into the announce table before throwing him into the ring steps. Jericho throws Fandango into the ring and beats on Fandango some more before putting on the Walls of Jericho. Officials in the ring trying to get Jericho to give the hold up and let go. They finally get the hold broken. Fandango gets up and Jericho hits him with the Code Breaker. The fans hum Fandango's theme as he finally gets up and limps towards the back.
-They show HHH undergoing some tests after his match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.
-Josh Matthews interviews Paul Heyman. Josh says last night was not a good night for Paul Heyman guys and Heyman says it's nice to see that ignorance is still bliss in New Jersey. He says he chooses to look at things from an intelligent perspective. Last night his client got knocked out cold in his match with HHH, but it still took HHH 23 minutes to survive with Brock Lesnar. Why aren't you asking Shawn Michaels about last night? Because he got his face smashed in by Brock Lesnar. Why aren't you asking HHH about last night? Because HHH is still getting x-rays and MRI's on his arm which he still can't use today thanks to Brock Lesnar. His client Brock Lesnar is ready for a fight tonight. But he doesn't let his client fight for free. So why doesn't Josh ask him about the Undertaker vs. CM Punk? Heyman says he shouldn't be the one to tell you how CM Punk feels. CM Punk should be the one to tell you how CM Punk feels and CM Punk is going to tell you how he feels next week right here on Raw. The crowd boos when they hear that.
-8-Person Mixed Tag Team Match. Rhodes Scholars Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow and The Bella Twins Brie and Nikki vs. Tons of Funk Brodus Clay and Sweet T and The Funkadactyls Naomi and Cameron: When they come back from the commercial break, Naomi hits Brie with the Rear View and Rhodes tagged in. He mocks Naomi, so she hits him with a hurricanrana and Sweet T comes in and hits Rhodes with a corner charge. He then hits Rhodes with a running back splash. Sweet T goes to drop an elbow, but Rhodes moves. Rhodes hits a step up enziguri. Sandow comes in and attacks Sweet T while he is on the ropes and referee Charles Robinson gets him off of Sweet T allowing the Bella Twins to attack Sweet T. Sandow drops an elbow on Sweet T. He gets a front face lock on Sweet T, who fights back to his feet. Sandow misses a right hand and Sweet T hits a belly to back suplex. Clay tagged in. He clotheslines Sandow. He knocks Rhodes off of the apron, clotheslines and headbutts Sandow. Clay with a big splash and a T-Bone suplex. The Bella Twins come in to break up the pin bringing the Funkadactyls in. Now all 8 are in the ring. Sweet T clotheslines Rhodes out. Sandow attacks Sweet T. Sweet T and Clay with a double bump to Sandow. Clay then pins Sandow.
-WWE Rockpocalypse game ad.
-Challenge Match. John Cena vs. Mark Henry: Henry out first looking determined. Cena out to a mixed reaction. The bell rings and they circle each other. Cena ducks a charge and does a little dance. Cena with shots to Henry and Henry charges him to knock him down. Henry kicks and pushes Cena to keep him down. He picks Cena up and headbutts him. He then kicks Cena while he is down. Henry with a corner whip. Henry misses a splash when Cena moves. Cena comes back with some shoulder tackles, ducks a clothesline attempt, and knocks Henry down with another shoulder tackle. Henry rolls outside. Cena comes out after him and Henry kicks him down. Henry runs Cena head first into the announce table. Henry starts to take the announce table apart and goes for the World's Strongest Slam, but Cena slips out and goes for the AA. Henry runs Cena into the corner post. Cena then reverses an Irish whip attempt and runs Henry into the ring steps and slides back into the ring. Henry gets counted out and the crowd boos. Cena gets his championship and as he is holding it up, he is attacked from behind by Henry. Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam. Henry grabs the WWE Championship and holds it up high. Ryback's music hits and he comes out. They go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Ryback then knocks Henry down. He then hits a spinebuster on Henry. Ryback then leads the crowd in a chant of Feed Me More. Ryback then looks at Cena in the corner. The crowd wants Ryback to attack Cena and boo when he extends his hand and helps Cena up. They are face to face in the ring, then Cena gets up on a corner post and poses. Ryback gets the crowd to chant Feed Me More again. Ryback then clotheslines Cena and the crowd cheers. Ryback then hits Shell shock to Cena. He holds up the WWE Championship while the crowd cheers. They chant feed me more as the credits come up and they sign off from New Jersey.
-Final Thoughts: This was a wild show. The Ziggler win was unexpected and the crowd helped make this show interested. Recommended.

Episode 144 Notes Thu, 01 Sep 2022 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8114a4f1-271f-4acd-8d0b-b4946a34355e My notes for Episode 144: Project 45 2022 Royal Rumble. -Today we stop on the current year as Project 45 lands us in 2022 as we look at the 2022 Royal Rumble from the WWE.
-Thanks to for help with the recap.
-WWE Royal Rumble 2022 was held January 29, 2022 from The Dome at America's Center in St. Louis, MO. There were 44,390 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-Royal Rumble Intro.
-Pat McAfee and Michael Cole from Smackdown welcome us to the Royal Rumble.
-WWE Universal Championship Match. Roman Reigns (c) vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins made an entrance through the crowd dressed in Shield attire and with the former group's music playing, immediately playing head games with the champion. They mention the Shield, but obviously not Jon Moxley. This is that weird time when Paul Heyman is not with Reigns. Rollins immediately used his quickness to counter Reigns repeatedly before knocking the champion from the ring and hitting a pair of suicide dives. Rollins' early dominance continued as he powerbombed Reigns through the announce table and even countered a spear with a kick to the face. Rollins almost won the match with a stomp but Reigns was able to kick out. Reigns was finally able to get the upper hand with a clothesline and a bit of offense before Rollins locked him in a triangle choke. Reigns continued fighting back and scoring near falls, including with a Superman punch. After a spear outside the ring, Reigns tried for another in the ring but ran into a Pedigree from Rollins for another two-count. After Reigns managed another spear, Rollins laughed at him and offered a fist bump only for Reigns to lock in a guillotine choke. Rollins tried to crawl to the ropes to break the hold, finally getting to the ropes. Reigns refused to break the hold, drawing a disqualification. Reigns continued holding the choke far after the disqualification. Reigns then stood in shock in the ring as the crowd booed and chanted "Roman sucks." Reigns left the ring, grabbed a chair and used it to lay out Rollins, calling back to Rollins' chair attack that broke up The Shield several years ago. The post match went on too long.
-WWE Championships ad.
-Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton take over.
Women's Royal Rumble Match: Sasha Banks was out in the No. 1 spot before Melina at No. 2, making Melina the first "legend" in this year's match. The two traded words but Banks scored the elimination just seconds later. The next legend out was Kelly Kelly at No. 4, joining Banks and Tamina in the ring. Banks scored her second elimination of the match when she managed to counter a hurricanrana by Kelly Kelly before sending the legend to the floor. Banks, one of the favorites coming in, was eventually eliminated by Queen Zelina. The 2021 winner, Bianca Belair, entered at No. 8. Michelle McCool was another among the legend entrants, and even managed to score an elimination, tossing Dana Brooke. Sonya Deville was out at No. 11, but kept her "WWE official jacket" on and joined commentary rather than immediately entering the match. Deville eventually joined the match to attack Cameron, trying to get a dig in at Naomi by eliminating her former tag partner, which she did.
Naomi was the next woman out and immediately began brawling with Deville before eliminating her rival. Another favorite was out at No. 17 when SmackDown women's champion Charlotte Flair entered the match. Deville would get back in the mix despite the elimination, helping pull Naomi from the ring apron as Flair attempted to eliminate her, resulting in Naomi's elimination. Ripley scored her third elimination of the match when she bounced WWE legend Ivory from the match as soon as Ivory entered. The first of the Bella Twins came into the match at No. 19 when Brie Bella entered. Brie was followed by Impact women's champion Mickie James. James eliminated McCool in a callback to their long rivalry. They continued to play up rivalries, with Nikki A.S.H. entering the match from the timekeeper area to attack Ripley from behind, only to fail to score the elimination. Nikki Bella was out at No. 24 as it continued to feel like there were more legends than current members of the current WWE roster in the match. Sarah Logan was a big surprise entrant at No. 25, a point at which there were 10 women still in the match. Logan was immediately eliminated by the Bella Twins and the Twins then quickly eliminated Morgan. Lita entered at No. 26, quickly eliminating James from the match.
No. 28 was Ronda Rousey, receiving a massive pop and drawing an intense stare from Flair. Rousey ran through everyone in her way before eliminating Nikki A.S.H. Brie Bella eliminated her sister after faking that she was going to save Nikki from Rousey but Brie was then eliminated by Rousey. The final entrant to the match was Shayna Baszler, who immediately joined forces with her old friend, Rousey. Rousey continued to score eliminations as she dominated the match. The final four in the match were Rousey, Flair, Belair and Baszler. Flair simultaneously eliminated Baszler and Belair, leaving her alone with Rousey to determine a winner. Flair charged at Rousey and Rousey caught her, suplexing her over the top rope for the win. Rousey does her contractually obligated point to the WrestleMania sign as Flair looks stunned.
-WWE Community Ad.
-WWE TikTok Ad.
Raw Women's Championship -- Becky Lynch (c) vs. Doudrop: Doudrop tried to use her power to take the fight to Lynch immediately, getting off to a strong start before trying to cannonball Lynch against the ring steps. Lynch moved out of the way, sending Doudrop crashing into the steps and allowing Lynch to get the upper hand. Doudrop continued to fight back as the match went on, including hitting Lynch with some massive powerbomb and splashes in the corner. Lynch nearly won the bout with a flipping senton onto a standing Doudrop for a two-count. Doudrop again countered the Manhandle Slam, as she'd done every time Lynch tried to hit the move before the match, turning it into a Big Ending-style slam for a near fall. Lynch finally hit the Manhandle Slam, needing to take Doudrop off the second rope to hit the move. An unsurprising finish but a nice little match to get there. Doudrop is a very serviceable monster heel, which is a high-value position in professional wrestling. The crowd did not care at all about the match.
-WWE Replica Championships Ad.
-The attendance is announced.
Flashback to what led up to the WWE Championship Match.
WWE Championship -- Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Bobby Lashley: After tense early moments, Lesnar was the first man to score with offense, hitting a German suplex before laughing at Lashley. Lashley returned the favor, hitting Lesnar with a German of his own. Lesnar came back with a pair of suplexes as both men continued to try to prove a point as much as doing any damage. Lashley delivered two spears after slipping out of an F-5 attempt from Lesnar. Lesnar was able to see Lashley coming with a spear attempt outside the ring, moving out of the way and letting Lashley crash through the ringside barricade. This opened Lesnar up to hit a long string of German suplexes. Lesnar went for the F-5 again and again Lashley countered, this time locking in the Hurt Lock in the middle of the ring. Desperate to escape, Lesnar drove Lashley backward into the referee before then hitting the F-5 and again hitting the ref, knocking him down and out of the ring as Lesnar covered for what would have been the match-winning pin. As Lesnar paced the ring waiting for a new referee, Roman Reigns ran to the ring to deliver a spear to Lesnar. Reigns then stared down Heyman before asking for the WWE championship belt. Heyman handed the belt over and Reigns used it to lay out Lesnar. Heyman then walked off with Reigns as Lashley pinned Lesnar for the three-count from the new referee. Heyman is back with Reigns, Lashley is the WWE champion and Lesnar is on his own once again.
-Replay of Ronda Rousey entering the Women's Rumble and winning.
-Flashback to what led up to the mixed-tag match.
Miz & Maryse vs. Edge & Beth Phoenix: Maryse ran from Phoenix to start the match, as expected, leading to Miz and Edge spending much of the early section of the match battling with little threat of the women getting involved. Maryse delivered a few cheap shots to Edge as Miz was in control but an Edge DDT allowed him to tag in Phoenix, who dominated Maryse until Miz broke up a pin. Phoenix then got in Miz's face, drawing some harsh words from Miz. Phoenix then slammed Miz into the corner and landed several shots before Maryse struck from behind with the loaded purse. Phoenix kicked out of the follow-up pin, however, and eventually managed the hot tag to Edge. Phoenix provided an assist to Edge again, this time hitting Miz with a powerbomb to set up an Edge elbow drop and a near fall. Maryse pulled Phoenix from the apron, setting up some chaos where Maryse hit Edge with a hurricanrana and Phoenix with a DDT before Miz hit Edge with a skull-crushing finale before Edge kicked out at two. Phoenix came back into the ring to hit a double spear with Edge on Miz before the pair hit simultaneous Glamazon Slams for the win.
-Feature on Drew McIntyre.
-Feature on Flo Groberg, MOH recipient in attendance.
Men's Royal Rumble Match: AJ Styles was the No. 1 entrant into the match. Shinsuke Nakamura was in at No. 2, bringing two long-time rivals together to start the match. The first man eliminated was Robert Roode, who was knocked from the ring by Styles just moments after entering the match. Styles also eliminated Nakamura moments later, getting the former multi-time world champion off to a strong start from the No. 1 spot. The ring filled up for a while without much meaningful action happening until Johnny Knoxville entered at No. 9. Knoxville went right at Sami Zayn, taking him down before landing a few punches and pointing at the WrestleMania sign. Knoxville delivered a forearm to Styles before Styles blasted him with a combination of strikes and Montez Ford hit a frog splash before Zayn eliminated Knoxville with a kick. Styles then dumped Zayn from the match. Omos was the first true "giant" entrant to the match at No. 11, immediately taking out anyone he could get his hands on and eliminating both Street Profits. Omos was eventually eliminated through the combined efforts of six men.
Styles continued to not only survive, but dominate, as he piled up eliminations. Styles was finally eliminated through the combined efforts of Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss. Styles had scored six eliminations to that point. After a prolonged middle section of the match, the favorites started rolling in late, starting with Drew McIntyre at No. 21. McIntyre quickly took out both Corbin and Moss before following both men outside the ring to deliver a few shots with the ring steps. The back-end of the match was loaded with bigger names and former world champions, including Kevin Owens (No. 22), Rey Mysterio (No. 23) and Kofi Kingston (No. 24). Kingston tried for one of his classic Royal Rumble moments to avoid elimination but as he was launched from the ring apron by Owens, his feet hit the ground before he grabbed onto the ring barricade.
Bad Bunny was in the match at No. 27. He immediately took out Sheamus, Owens and then Riddle before Sheamus took him out from behind. Sheamus tried to score the elimination with a Brogue Kick but Bad Bunny pulled down the top rope, sending Sheamus to the floor for the elimination. Shane McMahon entered the match at No. 28 and quickly eliminated Owens from the match in an odd run that saw three of four eliminations scored by either Bad Bunny or McMahon. Randy Orton was in at No. 29 and immediately worked with Riddle to eliminate Big E and Otis.
Brock Lesnar entered at No. 30, immediately in the final six with Orton, Riddle, McMahon, Bad Bunny and McIntyre. Lesnar took out everyone with suplexes before eliminating Orton. Lesnar then hit Bad Bunny with an F-5 and tossed him over the top rope. Riddle was out next and then McMahon, leaving it down to McIntyre and Lesnar. Lesnar blocked a McIntyre Claymore and then hit an F-5 over the top rope on McIntyre to win the Rumble. WrestleMania sign point and pyro as they sign off from St. Louis.
-Final Thoughts: Some nice surprises, but not a great Rumble overall. It served its purpose headed towards what they were going to do at WrestleMania.

Episode 143 Notes Thu, 01 Sep 2022 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 64845d2f-172c-4b1b-b64e-c91db66bc05d My notes for Episode 143: SNME October 1987. -Today we take a look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from October 1987.
-SNME XII was broadcast on NBC on October 3, 1987. It was recorded September 23, 1987 from the Hersheypark Arena in Hershey, PA. There were 9,000 in attendance and the show did a 9.7 rating on NBC.
-The Honky Tonk Man is with Jimmy Hart and says two things are going to happen tonight when he defends his title against the Macho Man. He says he's going to Shake, Rattle, and Roll the Macho Man leaving him curled up in the ring like a pretzel and he's going to steal Miss Elizabeth from Randy Savage. He knows she likes the Honky Tonk Man. She wants to be with him. She likes the way he walks and the way he talks. She likes a winner.
-Randy Savage is with Elizabeth and says freak out, freak out! The dime store Elvis impersonator has uttered his last insults ever about the Macho Man and Elizabeth. Macho Madness is ready tonight more than anytime before. Honky Tonk Man, you have a big mouth. The Macho Man Randy Savage in front of SNME and zillions of people all around the world is going to shut it for you.
-Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy say Paul Orndorff was nothing before Heenan managed him and groomed him. Bundy says you even gave him his name, Mr. Wonderful. Heenan says that's right, Mr. Blunderful got his name from Bobby Heenan and tonight he's going to get a lot more from one of the biggest members of the Bobby Heenan Family, King Kong Bundy.
-Mr. Fuji is with Sika and says he's the Wild Samoan. Of all his men, Sika is a savage and he will eat anything. Sika appears to be eating a live chicken. Don't tell PETA or the World Wildlife Fund. Fuji says tonight, he will eat Hulk Hogan.
-Hulk Hogan says you can eat all the chicken necks you want, Sika, but you won't be able to take a bite out of these 24 inch pythons. Tonight, the hunter becomes the hunted as you cross that great territorial divide and enter his jungle.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to SNME and brings on Bobby Heenan to be his co host and I couldn't find out why Jesse wasn't there as Predator was already out and The Running Man was about to come out. They run down what we are going to see on the program. There will be three title matches on the program. McMahon says Heenan doesn't manage any of the title holders and Heenan gets angry with McMahon. He says he has a big surprise for McMahon and the humanoids out there. He tells us all to get ready for it.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is with Jimmy Hart and The Honky Tonk Man, who is demanding to enter the ring first. Mean Gene asks HTM why? HTM says his fans have come here tonight to see a real entertainer. A real champion, not some cheap imitation. He's going to get out there as soon as he can so he can thank them all for their support of the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. Hart says he is not concerned because he's the only manager in the WWF managing World Champions. Mean Gene says HTM seems very cocky tonight. HTM says that's cool, cocky, and bad and don't forget, HTM is going to steal Randy Savage's woman because he knows she likes the way HTM walks.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart vs. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: HTM and Jimmy Hart make their way to the ring. Mean Gene is with Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Mean Gene says Savage has been living in a whirlwind of threats and conflict. Savage says he likes that. Mean Gene must be psychic. He's been in the Danger Zone. East of the Pacific, West of London, England, South of Mars, North of Hell. I wonder if you can find that on Google Maps? He then brings out a Jimmy Hart doll and bites on its head. He's been listening to the glorious soothing music of the real Elvis Presley, not that dime store imitation that doesn't know the difference between a guitar string and a G string. Mean Gene says that's funny and Savage says no, that's not funny. Everybody is super serious in the Danger Zone. The Macho Madness is in the Danger Zone. They then leave as Savage says the time is now, Mean Gene Okerlund, Macho Madness into the Danger Zone. Savage and Elizabeth get a great reaction when they come out. McMahon goes crazy over Elizabeth as usual. Heenan says Savage has been frustrated ever since he lost the Intercontinental Title and McMahon actually says it's easy to get frustrated with Elizabeth around. What? You better be glad it is late at night Vince. The bell rings and they lock up. Back and forth rolling up against the ropes all around the ring. Referee Dave Hebner is trying to get between them to break it up. As he does, HTM hits Savage in the face with a cheap shot. HTM then kicks Savage down in the corner. HTM brings Savage out of the corner and hits him with an elbow to the back of the head. HTM with an Irish whip. He drops his head too early and Savage kicks him in the face. Savage grabs HTM and guillotines him on the top rope. HTM begging off and Savage choking him down on the mat. Hebner warning Savage to stop doing that. Savage runs HTM into a corner turnbuckle. Savage with a snap mare. He then drops a knee on HTM. HTM begging off again as Heenan says Liz has a glazed look in her eye as she looks at HTM and McMahon says you can't be serious. Savage kicks HTM. Savage pushes HTM into a corner. He hits HTM with some shots. Then a corner whip and a back elbow to HTM. Hart goes after Elizabeth on the outside. Savage comes out after Hart, allowing HTM to hit Savage from behind with a double ax handle as Hebner tries to get both of them back into the ring. The crowd is booing. HTM throws Savage back into the ring. HTM hits Savage with some right and left hands. HTM with an Irish whip. Savage ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a running elbow to HTM. Savage with a series of right and left hands to HTM. Savage with a snap mare and goes for a fist drop, but HTM moves. HTM with a double ax handle to Savage. He drops a knee on Savages' back. He then shakes his hips for Elizabeth. Back and forth over by the ropes. HTM with a big right hand to Savage. HTM with a snap mare. HTM with a second rope fist drop like his cousin Jerry Lawler. I wonder if Carl Fergie does a fist drop? Welcome to the all in the family portion of the show. HTM then goes to the outside and starts to go after Elizabeth telling her I know what you want. He shakes his hips for her as she backs away. He gets attacked by Savage with a double ax handle from behind. Savage with an elbow to HTM. Savage then goes back into the ring and climbs up top and hits HTM with a double ax handle. Savage then throws HTM to the outside. He runs HTM head first into a turnbuckle. Then another turnbuckle. Then a roll up, but HTM is near the ropes and Jimmy Hart grabs his leg. Savage is livid and points at Hart. Savage with a belly to back suplex. Another cover, but they are still by the ropes, so Hart grabs Savage by the hair to break up the count. Savage with an elbow to the head of HTM. Savage then goes up top and Hart again grabs his leg and Savage kicks him away. Savage with a double ax handle off the top rope to HTM. Another two count, but again Hart grabs HTM's leg and puts it on the ropes. Jimmy is really earning his paycheck on this night. Savage goes after Hart and grabs him and brings him into the ring by his hair. He punches Hart, who falls out of the ring to the floor. Hart is out cold on the floor. Savage then throws HTM out to the apron. He then kicks HTM a couple of times. Savage with an Irish whip, HTM comes back with a sunset flip. Savage fighting going over in the move with his arms waving. He punches HTM in the head. HTM bails to the outside and the crowd is cheering everything that Randy Savage does. Hart is still knocked out cold on the outside. HTM goes over and is trying to revive Hart as The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart are shown coming down the aisle. They come over to where Jimmy Hart and HTM are on the outside. Savage comes over and grabs HTM up and snap mares him back into the ring. Savage then chokes HTM on the top rope for a three count. Savage then with a kick and choking HTM with his knee for another three count. The Hart Foundation is still trying to revive Hart on the outside. A couple of jabs from Savage knocks HTM to the outside. He comes over to The Hart Foundation who have Jimmy Hart up and are going to take him to the back. HTM follows them to the back as Savage gets on the top rope looking at them. When they come back from the commercial break, both HTM and The Hart Foundation are shown coming back towards the ring. HTM gets back in the ring. Savage hits HTM and runs him into another turnbuckle. Savage with a right hand jab to HTM as he has him in a side headlock. Savage with a snap mare. Savage then drops an elbow on HTM. Then back and forth in the center of the ring. Savage with some elbows to HTM in the corner. Savage with a corner whip, but HTM moves on the charge and Savage hits the corner turnbuckle hard. HTM with a kick. HTM with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He then shakes his hips for Liz again. The crowd boos. Savage comes back with a double leg pick up. He lands on HTM and gets a one count. HTM drives Savage face first into the mat. HTM with a series of corner mounted punches. Then a kick and a snap mare to Savage. He misses a second rope fist drop this time when Savage moves. Savage with a couple of elbows to HTM. Savage with an Irish whip and a backdrop. HTM begging off. Savage with a kick. Another punch and an elbow by Savage. He then gets HTM down in a corner and pushes his knee into HTM. He then starts choking HTM as the referee tries to get him out of the corner. Savage breaking on a three count from the referee. Savage with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a two count. Savage with a suplex. Another two count. HTM rakes the eyes. He then throws Savage to the outside. The Hart Foundation attack Savage on the outside. HTM distracts the referee while The Hart Foundation drop Savage throat first on the barricade. They then kick Savage several times and throw him back into the ring while HTM continues to distract the referee. HTM drops an elbow on Savage. He gets a two count. HTM gets Savage in a front face lock and goes for the Shake, Rattle, & Roll, but Savage counters with a backdrop. He follows that up with a scoop slam. Savage then goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop on Savage. He gets a two count before Bret Hart comes in to break up the count and HTM gets disqualified. The Hart Foundation start to beat Savage down as the bell rings. Neidhart throws the referee to the outside. The Hart Foundation hold Savage as HTM attacks him. HTM slapping Savage over and over. HTM goes out on the apron and grabs his guitar. He winds up as Elizabeth starts to look around frantically. HTM goes to hit Savage, but Liz jumps in front of Savage and HTM hesitates. He tells her to get out of the way. She begs him not to hit Savage. HTM finally shoves Liz out of the way and the strap breaks on her dress. She has to hold it up. HTM taunting Liz as she slides back towards one corner of the ring. He tells her to get out and she does and runs to the back. HTM then picks the guitar back up and then he taunts Savage as The Hart Foundation continue to hold him. He then blasts Savage over the head with the guitar and Savage collapses to the mat. The crowd boos. All three then start kicking Savage. HTM shaking his hips in front of Savage as all of a sudden, the crowd goes wild and start to cheer as we see that Elizabeth has come back out and has brought Hulk Hogan back out with her. Hogan looking around like he doesn't know why he is out there until he looks toward the ring. He runs to the ring and the heels attack him as soon as he gets in. They triple team Hogan and the crowd is losing their minds. Hogan fighting the heels off with his right hands as Savage has slowly made it back to his feet. Hogan and Savage run the heels out of the ring to the roar of the crowd. As Bret Hart is thrown out and Hogan and Savage are the only ones in the ring, they back into each other and are face to face in the ring for the first time. They both put their fists up at first and look at each other warily. Liz is shaking her head no. Savage extends his hand in gratitude. Hogan still has his fist up, but looks at the crowd as if asking them should he trust Savage. They finally shake hands in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers them on. Hogan then comes over and gets Elizabeth and then goes back to the center of the ring and raises both Savage's and Elizabeth's hands as the crowd cheers all three. They then go to all four sides of the ring and raise their hands as Bobby Heenan and Vince McMahon show a replay of Liz getting shoved by HTM and HTM hitting Savage with the guitar. Savage and Hogan then shake hands again.
-When they come back from the commercial break, Sika is in the ring for his match. They then show an interview that Mean Gene conducted with Sika and Mr. Fuji earlier. Gene asks Fuji what he thinks about what they have just seen and Fuji says he loves it. He says he's so happy because Hulk Hogan is tired. Mean Gene asks if Sika is ready for the Heavyweight Champion of the world. Fuji says yes, Sika is a savage and Mr. Fuji trains him four hours a day in his torture chamber. He gives him raw crab, raw fish, and he loves chicken. They show Sika eating the chicken again. Fuji says imagine the chicken and he bites and he bites. He'll bite the head until the brain will be dripping out slowly and the eyes will fall out and Mean Gene looks disgusted. Fuji says he loves it. Gene says that's enough. They then show Sika in the ring with Mr. Fuji and Kim Chee.
-Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan. Gene asks him about the Macho Man. Hogan says everybody knows that Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe. But when the Madness and the Mania got together, it was unbelievable. And now that he's climbing into the jungle, he needs to stay hungry and that's what it's all about in the jungle. Gene asks him if his head is ready for Sika. He says he knows all about the wild Samoan. How he survives, how he lives, and in the jungle it's survival of the fittest. The bigger animals gobble up the little ones and right now, Sika, now that we're both kings of this jungle so far, he's hungrier than you are man. He's ready to take Sika, Kim Chee, and Mr. Fuji. The whole tribe and tear them apart. Mean Gene asks him about Mr. Fuji, who is going to be in Sika's corner. Hogan says it is his jungle though, Mean Gene. They crossed the great territorial divide. All his natives, all his Hulkamaniacs are surrounding the jungle zone.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship Match. Hulk Hogan vs. Sika with Mr. Fuji and Kim Chee: Hogan comes out to a big reaction from the fans and Heenan says that Hogan is tired and out of gas. He went over the hill one too many times. This man is going to lose the championship of the world tonight. McMahon disagrees and says Hogan must be sky-high with what we saw him do with the Macho Man. Hogan gets into the ring and does his shirt tearing routine. McMahon says that HTM and the Hart Foundation must have done some damage, but can you imagine the momentum Hulk Hogan has coming into this title defense? Hogan threatens to hit Sika and company with his title belt. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive back to the ropes and into a corner. Referee Jack Kruger gets between them to break it up and Sika hits Hogan with a cheap shot when he does. Sika with forearms and stomps to Hogan. He kicks Hogan down and starts stomping on him. Kruger gets Sika away and as he does, Mr. Fuji chokes Hogan with his cane. Sika comes over to Hogan. He knocks him back down with a shot. He then kicks and stomps Hogan on the mat. Kruger again gets Sika away from Hogan and Fuji takes the opportunity to hit Hogan in the throat with his cane. Hogan falls back to the middle of the ring. Sika goes for a falling head butt, but Hogan moves out of the way. Hogan starts Hulking up to the delight of the crowd. Hogan with his right hands to Sika. Hogan then clotheslines Sika to the outside of the ring. Sika gets back in the ring and rushes Hogan, who drops down to avoid the charge. He then hits Sika with the big boot. Hogan drops an elbow. Another elbow. Hogan picks Sika up and hits him with several right fists. He winds up and hits Sika with another big right hand and Sika is knocked up against the ropes. Kim Chee gets up on the apron and Hogan comes over and knocks him off of the apron. Hogan turns around and Sika hits him with a throat thrust to knock Hogan up and over the ropes to the outside. Sika comes out after Hogan. He hits him with several right hands. Kruger counting both men. Sika goes to run Hogan into the corner post, but Hogan pushes off and runs Sika into the post instead. Fuji hits Hogan from behind with his cane and Hogan turns around. Fuji goes to swing the cane again and Hogan grabs it. Hogan gets the cane, kicks Fuji in the stomach, and goes to hit Fuji, but another referee grabs the cane before he can do it. Hogan pushes the referee away, takes the cane inside the ring. He tells the heels to get in the ring as both referees come in and beg him to put the cane down. One of the refs gets the cane away from Hogan as Sika gets back in the ring. Sika rushes Hogan, who moves out of the way and runs Sika head first into the corner post. Hogan then goes for a big splash, but Sika gets his knees-up. Sika with a falling head butt to Hogan. Sika then starts choking Hogan for a three count. Hogan struggling to get away as Sika rakes his back. Sika with a shot to Hogan's throat. Sika with a head butt. He then stomps Hogan. He goes back to choking Hogan for a four count. Fuji then chokes Hogan with his cane when the referee admonishes Sika. Sika with a double throat thrust to Hogan. He gets a 2.5 count. Sika with a nerve hold on Hogan. Heenan says that was a lousy count just like at WrestleMania III, but he doesn't want to go into that. Hogan shaking from the nerve hold. A minor Hulk chant goes out as the referee checks Hogan's arm. It doesn't go down a third time though. Hogan starting to Hulk up. He hits Sika with some right hands. He hits Sika with a shoulder block. Sika with a shot and a headbutt. Then another headbutt. Then a third headbutt. He gets another two count. Hogan Hulking up. A series of right hands and a scoop slam. Leg drop and pin. The crowd goes crazy as both Mr. Fuji and Kim Chee get up on the apron. Hogan knocks Fuji off of the apron. Hogan drags Kim Chee into the ring. Hogan then with an atomic drop to Kim Chee to knock him to the outside. Hogan must pose.
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff and Oliver Humperdink. Gene asks Orndorff why he has publicly declared war on Bobby Heenan and his entire family. Orndorff says that Heenan got up on national TV and tried to get Paul Orndorff to take a second seat to someone else in the Heenan Family. Orndorff says he takes a second seat to no one, so he fired Heenan. Not once, but twice. Humperdink says that's right, Mr. Wonderful was tired of lying for that no good weasel and tired of lying to the fans too. Orndorff says he's tired of lying to himself. Everybody out there knows the way that Bobby Heenan manipulates people. He's the type of man that would sell his own mother's soul. Mean Gene says you seem obsessed with Bobby Heenan, but remember tonight, it's King Kong Bundy and not Bobby Heenan in the ring. Orndorff says he's going to make that fat lady sing the blues when it's over.
-Vince McMahon asks Bobby Heenan what's the surprise that he promised us earlier in the evening? Heenan says it's simply none of your business. He says he's not going to tell us or the humanoids.
-Mean Gene interviews King Kong Bundy. Gene says Heenan has opted to stay in the broadcast booth and not join KKB at ringside and Gene says that Heenan is a very foolish man in his opinion for doing so. Bundy says first of all, who cares about your opinion. He says Heenan is not a foolish man. He has a lot of confidence in his ability and a lot of confidence in KKB's ability. Mean Gene says it can get tough in that ring when you go it alone and the Heenan Family is not infallible. Bundy says everyone knows the Heenan Family, when something is going badly, they stick together and don't forget it's a big family. A very big family. Now it's time for him to go to the ring, little man, and for you to shut up.
-Paul Orndorff with Oliver Humperdink vs. King Kong Bundy: Bundy comes to the ring alone and Vince McMahon tells Bobby Heenan that he's making a mistake by staying at the broadcast booth. Heenan says it's none of his business. The bell rings and Orndorff attacks Bundy immediately. He runs him head first into the turnbuckle. Orndorff with an Irish whip, but misses a dropkick when Bundy holds on to the ropes. Bundy attacking Orndorff. They trade shots in the corner and Bundy choking Orndorff on the second rope for a three count. Bundy knocks Orndorff to the canvas and puts his knee into Orndorff's back. Bundy with an Irish whip and Orndorff comes back with a sunset flip attempt. He finally gets Bundy over for a two count. Bundy with an elbow and an Irish whip and a back elbow to Orndorff. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Bundy rakes the eyes and scoop slams Orndorff. He goes to drop an elbow on him, but Orndorff moves. Orndorff with an eye rake. McMahon says that Bobby Heenan is looking worried and Heenan tells him to shut up and they start arguing as Orndorff unloads on Bundy. Orndorff runs Bundy's face along the top rope. He then hits him with an elbow from the second rope. Bundy falls down and Orndorff hits a fist drop on Bundy. He gets a two count and Heenan is shown standing up and looking worried in the broadcast booth. He then leaves the broadcast booth as Orndorff is stomping Bundy on the mat. Orndorff with a splash for a two count. Suddenly, Andre the Giant is shown coming to the ring. Orndorff hits Bundy with a knee lift as Heenan comes back to the broadcast booth. Heenan asks McMahon how's that for a surprise? Orndorff with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Bundy goes out and confers with Andre. When they come back from the commercial break, both men are back in the ring and circling each other. They lock up. Drive back to a corner. Bundy misses a forearm shot when Orndorff moves. Orndorff comes back with some right hands. Bundy comes back with a knee and a forearm. Bundy then runs Orndorff into a turnbuckle. Bundy with a snap mare. Bundy drops a knee. He gets a two count. Bundy picks Orndorff up and hits him with a forearm. Bundy with an Irish whip, drops hit head too early, and Orndorff hits him with a boot to the face. Orndorff kicks Bundy in the stomach. Then a series of left and rights to Bundy. He knocks Bundy down and drops an elbow on Bundy. Then another Elbow. He takes too long and Bundy moves when he tries to drop a third elbow. Bundy hip tosses Orndorff down to the mat. He drops a knee on Orndorff. He gets a two count. Bundy with a headlock on Orndorff. Orndorff trying to fight to get out as the crowd gets behind him by clapping. Orndorff slowly fading. His hand does not go down a third time though. Orndorff makes it back to his feet and elbows Bundy in the side and Bundy comes back with a forearm. Bundy with a corner whip, but Orndorff moves out of the way when Bundy goes for the Avalanche. Orndorff coming back with a series of right hands. Orndorff runs Bundy into the corner turnbuckle. Bundy reverses a corner whip. Andre reaches up and grabs Orndorff's tights and Bundy hits the Avalanche on Orndorff. Bundy then pins Orndorff. The crowd boos the decision. Humperdink comes in and argues with the referee. They show a replay of the finish.
-Mean Gene interviews The Hart Foundation. Gene says their sneak attack during the IC title match was repugnant. He then says that event will live in infamy like Pearl Harbor. Bret Hart says are you nuts? That was totally justified. Their manager was attacked and knocked out. Jim Neidhart says that was their meal ticket and now they have to go back out to the ring without him. Mean Gene says let's talk about this match. They're going to be challenged by The Young Stallions, Jim Powers and Paul Roma. Neidhart laughs and says they're pretty boys. So young, so sweet, so innocent. Bret says just the type they like to punch and slap around. Neidhart then laughs maniacally. Gene calls them a menace to the sport that he loves, throws down the mic, and walks away in disgust.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart vs. The Young Stallions, Paul Roma and Jim Powers: The Hart Foundation get booed heavily as they come to the ring without Jimmy Hart. The bell rings and Neidhart and Roma start. They circle each other and lock up. Neidhart pushes off. Another lock up and Neidhart pushes off again. Neidhart rushes Roma in the corner, but Roma moves. Roma with an arm drag. Into an arm bar and then into a wrist lock and Powers tagged in. He hits Neidhart on the arm with a double ax handle. Powers with a wrist lock. Neidhart comes back with a scoop slam. Hart tagged in. Powers with a backdrop. Powers runs Hart into Roma's boot. Hart reverses an Irish whip. Powers comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Powers goes back to a wrist lock. Hart pushes off. Powers ducks a shot and comes back with a crossbody. He gets a two count. Powers comes back with a shoulder block. Hart hits a knee to Powers. Hart then hits a backbreaker on Powers. Neidhart tagged in. He hits some forearms on Powers. Neidhart with a throat thrust to knock Powers down. Referee Dave Hebner gets on Powers, allowing Hart to come in and attack Powers. Neidhart then runs Powers into Hart's boot. Neidhart gets Powers in a front face lock and tags Hart in. Neidhart then Irish whips Powers and Hart hits him with a shot to the back. Hart with a second rope elbow drop. Hart follows that up with a headbutt. He then chokes Powers for a three count. Neidhart tagged in. Hart holds Powers for Neidhart to hit. Neidhart then guillotines Powers on the top rope. Neidhart stomps Powers. Neidhart bites Powers on the forehead. Hart tagged back in. He hits Powers in the midsection. Hart with a shot to knock him down. Hart Irish whips Powers, who comes back with a leapfrog. Roma tagged in. He cleans house on both members of the Hart Foundation. All four men in the ring. The Young Stallions run the Hart Foundation into each other. Double dropkick to Neidhart. Powers Irish whips Hart and Roma hits Hart with a power slam. He gets a two count, but Neidhart breaks up the pin attempt. Referee Dave Hebner tries to get Powers out of the ring, allowing the Hart Foundation to hit the Hart Attack and Hart pins Roma.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. Gene says earlier in the night, they saw Macho Madness meet Hulkamania. Gene says two Mega Powers are meeting here tonight. Hogan says he's a little worried about locking up here because they just might blow the whole planet up. Hogan says everybody knows that Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe. But when he hit that ring and he saw what the Madness was all about, he realized there was a whole nother universe out there and the power of the Madness and the Mania just blew his 24 inch guns out. Savage says he's still in a state of shock right now. In fact, he doesn't think he's going to be coming down for a long period of time. Reckless abandon is what he used to be, but Elizabeth opened up his eyes to the Big Man right here. He endorsed Macho Madness and he gave Randy Savage direction with the Mega Powers. Savage says he feels the power right there and he and Hulk Hogan do their infamous handshake. Mean Gene asks him if he has been hit in the head and he says no he is all right in fact he has never been better. Hulk Hogan says don't worry about the hit on the head, just wonder where they are going next. Is it the stratosphere? The Ionosphere? With the Madness and the Mania as the guiding force, they could go ahead and take the whole WWF.
-The World premiere of the Piledriver video.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan recap what has happened that night before signing off from Hershey.
Final Thoughts: A fun show. Highly recommended to see the formation of the Mega Powers.

COJWS Annual #2 Notes Thu, 18 Aug 2022 14:45:00 -0400 [email protected] f7777dfa-f26a-4724-a643-398a3c84bf28 My notes for COJWS Annual #2: Crockett Cup '86. -It is time for our annual summer tradition, the COJWS Annual!
-COJWS Annual #2 looks at The First Annual Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament, otherwise known as the 1986 Crockett Cup.
-The 1986 Crockett Cup tournament took place on April 19, 1986 from the Superdome in New Orleans, LA. It took place in two sessions. There were 3,500 for the afternoon session and 13,000 for the evening session.
-The teams in the tournament were Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard from JCP, Giant Baba and Tiger Mask from All Japan, The Barbarian and Baron Von Raschke from JCP, The Batten Twins from Central States Wrestling, Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin from JCP, Dino Bravo and Rick Martel from Lutte Promotions in Montreal, Bill Dundee and Buddy Landel from the CWA, The Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn and Stan Lane from CWF, The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers from the UWF, Manny Fernandez and Jimmy Valiant from JCP, Ronnie Garvin and Magnum TA from JCP, Los Guerrero's Chavo and Hector from CWF, Sam Houston and Nelson Royal from the UWF, The Italian Stallion and Koko Ware from the UWF, Bobby Jaggers and Mike Miller from PNW, Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood from JCP, The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton from JCP, DJ Peterson and Brett Wayne from the UWF, The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal from JCP, The Rock 'N' Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson from JCP, The Russian Team Ivan and Nikita Koloff from JCP, Buzz Sawyer and Rick Steiner from the UWF, The Sheepherders Luke Williams and Butch Miller from the UWF, and Terry Taylor and Steve Williams from the UWF.
-The video picks up with Match #6 of the first round.
-The first 5 matches are:
-Mark Youngblood and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Bobby Jaggers and Mike Miller in 7:35.
-Nelson Royal and Sam Houston defeated Bart and Brad Batten in 8:17. The Batten Twins were the most recent Central States tag team champions.
-Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez defeated Baron Von Raschke and The Barbarian with Paul Jones and Shaska Whatley. No time given.
-Steve Williams and Terry Taylor defeated Bill Dundee and Buddy Landel. No time given.
-The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Jack Victory defeated Chavo and Hector Guerrero in 9:07.
-Bruce Prichard is the ring announcer in the ring when the video starts to announce the 6th match of the first round.
-The Fabulous Ones Stan Lane and Steve Keirn vs. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: The Fantastics are the current UWF Tag Team Champions. Lane and Fulton start. The bell rings and they circle each other. Fulton starts clapping his hands to get the crowd into the match. They lock up and drive back to a corner. They break clean, but are smack talking to each other face to face. Lane pushes Fulton. they lock up again and again drive back to the corner. Break clean, but they push each other hard. All four men in now, but the referee keeps them all separated. Rogers and Keirn get out of the ring and Lane and Fulton lock up again. Fulton with a side headlock. Lane pushes off. Fulton comes back with a shoulder block. Drop downs and leapfrogs by Lane to avoid Fulton. Fulton stomps on Lane as he does a drop down. Fulton then does the Fargo Strut. The crowd loves it. They lock up again. Lane with a wrist lock. Fulton reverses it and tags Rogers in. He leapfrogs Fulton to come down on Lane's arm still in the wrist lock. Rogers picks up the wrist lock. Lane with a drop toe hold. He goes for a headlock, but Rogers reverses into a hammerlock. He then drops a knee on Lane. Then another knee. Lane gets back to his feet. Rogers with a roll up for a one count. Keirn complains that Rogers pulled Lane's tights, which Rogers denies. The crowd agrees with Rogers. They lock up again and Lane with a wrist lock. He gets Rogers down and gets an arm bar on. Rogers twists around to get back to his feet and Keirn tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock and Rogers threatens to punch him. Keirn calls this out to the referee and gets Rogers down in an arm bar. Rogers fighting to get back to his feet. A go Tommy go chant goes out. Rogers flips out of and reverses the wrist lock. He elbows the arm and tags Fulton in. Fulton gets on the second rope and hits an elbow on Keirn's arm. Fulton picks the wrist lock up, gets Keirn down to his knees, and drops a leg on Keirn's arm. Fulton with an arm bar. Keirn gets to his knees and reaches out to his corner as a fan yells out, come on Steve. Keirn hops towards his corner and almost makes it before Fulton drags him away and back down to the mat. Keirn again makes it back to his feet and actually gets Fulton's shoulders to the mat. The referee drops down to count while Lane grabs Keirn's arm for leverage. Keirn gets a two count and Fulton kicks out so hard it actually brings Lane into the ring as he was still holding on to Keirn's arm. Fulton goes back to the wrist lock and tags Rogers in. He picks the wrist lock up. Keirn pushes off. Rogers comes back with a shoulder block. Rogers reverses a hip lock attempt. Rogers with an arm drag. He goes back to the wrist lock, tags Fulton in, and holds the arm for Fulton to do a running splash on Keirn. Fulton gets an arm bar on. Keirn gets to his knees. Rogers tagged back in and hits an elbow on Keirn's arm before picking the arm bar up. The Fantastics are doing a great job quick tagging so far. Keirn trying to push Rogers away, so Rogers cranks on the move as a go Tommy go chant goes out. Keirn flips Rogers over, but Rogers doesn't let the hold go and flips Keirn right back over. Rogers keeps the arm bar on. Keirn gets back to his feet as a come on, Steve call goes out again from some fan. Keirn rakes the face to break the hold. Lane tagged in. He rushes Rogers who hits an arm drag and gets Lane in an arm bar. Fulton tagged in and picks the arm bar up. Lane gets back to his feet and gets a single leg takedown. Fulton kicks off and hits an arm drag on Lane. Back to a wrist lock for Fulton and Keirn comes in to complain to the referee who tries to get Keirn out of the ring. Rogers comes in and picks the hold up as Lane complains that there was no tag. They switch again and Fulton picks the hold up. Lane with some thrust kicks to knock Fulton up and over the ropes to the outside. Rogers comes over to check on his partner. He helps Fulton to his feet and back to the ring. Keirn drops down and tries to drag Fulton back outside, which brings Rogers back over. While they are over arguing with the ref, Lane kicks Fulton right in the crotch. Lane with a neck breaker as a go Bobby go chant goes out. Lane with a JYD style Thump headbutt to Fulton on the mat. Keirn tagged in. He kicks Fulton and taunts Rogers to come in. Keirn with a rake to the face. He then bites Fulton on the forehead in the corner. Rogers comes over to complain and as the referee tries to get him back to his corner, Keirn guillotines Fulton on the top rope. Keirn puts his boot down on Fulton's neck for a three count. Rogers tries to get a Go Bobby Go chant going as Keirn gets a rear chin lock on Fulton near the corner. Fulton gets to the ropes. Keirns rakes his face. The referee admonishes Keirns and Fulton gets a boot to Keirn. Keirn with an Irish whip and a hot shot to Fulton. Keirn struts and then puts his foot on Fulton's throat again. Fulton gets up and hits Keirn with a right hand. Fulton tries to get to his corner to make the tag, but Keirn grabs him by the trunks to stop him. He tags Lane in while getting a four count from the referee. Lane drops an elbow on Fulton. Lane with an Irish whip and a back thrust kick. Keirn comes in which brings Rogers in. The Fabulous One's double team Fulton while the referee is getting Rogers back out. Lane throws Fulton over the top rope and he lands outside of the ring. Rogers comes down to check on Fulton and tries to fire the crowd up after Fulton says he's okay. Fulton gets back in the ring and gets met by Keirn, who had tagged in. Keirn with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. He gets a two count. Lane tagged in. Lane with an Irish whip. He drops his head, so Fulton comes back with a sunset flip attempt. He gets a one count. The Fabulous One's goad Rogers in again so that they can double team Fulton while the referee gets him out. Keirn tagged in and gets a leg lock on Fulton. He bends down and gets a two count on Fulton while still having the hold applied. Keirn gets more two counts while holding the tights. He gets caught and the referee makes him break the hold. Keirn drops a knee on Fulton's leg. Fulton rakes Keirn's face. Lane tagged in and slingshots Fulton throat first into the bottom rope. Fulton with a kick to try to get away as Lane grabs his boot to try to prevent him from making a tag. Lane with a kick and a throat thrust to Fulton. Lane with a side headlock. Fulton pushes off. Fulton with a dropdown and then they both collide in the ring. Rogers finally tagged in. Keirn tagged in. Rogers cleaning house with dropkicks to both Fabulous One's. He then runs their heads together. Fulton tagged back in and then Keirn reverses an Irish whip on Rogers. Fulton goes up behind Keirn, Rogers gets back dropped and just rolls off of Fulton, and Fulton rolls Keirn up for the pin. The Fabulous One's complain that their tights were pulled.
-Match 7: Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer vs. The Italian Stallion and Koko B. Ware: The referee checks both teams. Ware and Sawyer start. They lock up and Sawyer pushes off. They lock up again. Drive back to a corner. Sawyer with some hard looking forearms in the corner to Ware. Ware reverses a corner whip and backdrops Sawyer. He then hits a nice dropkick to Sawyer that knocks him out to the apron. Ware with a shot to Steiner that knocks him to the outside when he comes in to try to interfere. Ware and Sawyer lock up again. Ware with a side headlock. Sawyer tries to go to the corner, so Ware climbs the turnbuckle with his feet and gets a side headlock takeover on Sawyer. Sawyer with a rollover for a two count. Sawyer back to his feet, but Ware keeps the side headlock on. Sawyer with a belly to back suplex, but Ware doesn't let go of the hold. Sawyer gets a one count. Ware gets back to his feet with the hold still applied. Sawyer keeps trying to push off, but Ware won't let go of the hold. Sawyer with another belly to back suplex to break the hold finally. Steiner tagged in. He does a falling headbutt to Ware, but Ware moves. Ware with a side headlock. Stallion tagged in. Stallion punches Steiner and continues the side headlock. Stallion with a side headlock takeover. Steiner gets to his feet and drives to the ropes. Stallion breaks the hold and Steiner hits him with a big forearm. Steiner with an Irish whip. Stallion comes back with a shoulder block. Criss cross and Stallion with a hip lock to Steiner. Stallion with a dropkick. Stallion with a side headlock and Ware tagged back in. Ware picks up the side headlock. Steiner drives to his own corner and Sawyer tagged in. They try to double team Ware, who keeps them both at bay with right and left hands. Then a series of right hands to Sawyer. Sawyer goes down, he pops right back up, but goes to the wrong corner and Stallion hits him with an elbow. Sawyer falls down and backs away as referee Earl Hebner warns Ware about the closed fist. Sawyer tells someone in the crowd to shut their mouth. A lock up and Ware goes back to the side headlock. Sawyer pushes off and leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid being hit. Ware comes back and hits a crossbody on Sawyer for a two count. Ware then goes back to the side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Stallion tagged in. He hits a double ax handle off the second rope to Sawyer. He then gets a side headlock takeover on Sawyer. Sawyer with a brief turnover for a one count. Sawyer gets back to his feet and pushes off. Stallion comes back with a shoulder block. Stallion goes back to the side headlock takeover. He cranks on the hold and Sawyer pulls on the hair to try to get out of the move. Stallion gets to his feet with the side headlock still on Sawyer. Someone yells out break his neck and there's a tough crowd here tonight. Sawyer with a waist lock and then he reaches out to his corner, but Stallion will not break the hold. Sawyer with a shot and then a shoulder block. Sawyer with a waist lock. Stallion with a sit out. They scramble for position and then lock up. Stallion goes back to the side headlock takeover. Figuring it has worked for him so far. Sawyer drives to the corner and Steiner tagged in. Steiner goes over and pushes Ware. Stallion and Steiner lock up. Stallion with the side headlock. Ware tagged in. Ware with a double thrust to Steiner's midsection. Ware with an Irish whip and a power slam. He gets a two count. Ware goes back to the side headlock. Steiner drives to the corner and Sawyer tagged in. They trade shots. Ware again goes back to the side headlock. Sawyer pushes off. He drops down and then hits Ware with a flying forearm. Ware falls to the outside. Sawyer goes out after him while Steiner and Stallion battle in the ring. Sawyer suplexes Ware on the floor. Sawyer with a double stomp to Ware from the apron. Stallion tries to come over to help Ware back in the ring, but gets stopped by the referee. Sawyer drives Ware into the barricade. Sawyer then gets in the ring and yells at Ware to come on as a go, Koko, go chant goes out. Sawyer gets Ware on the apron and then suplexes him back into the ring. He gets a two count. Steiner tagged in. Steiner gets a bear hug on as they announce that 10 minutes have gone by. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a close two count. Steiner keeps the bear hug on the mat and gets a couple of more two counts. Steiner with a scoop slam and Sawyer tagged in. Sawyer with a stomp and a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Sawyer gets the bear hug on Ware on the mat as the go, Koko, go chant breaks out again. Sawyer sneaks his leg onto the bottom rope for leverage as Stallion and the crowd get irritable over this. He does it a couple of more times and finally gets caught. Sawyer then gets up in the referee's face. Ware with a small package on Sawyer for a two count. Sawyer picks Ware up, drives him into the turnbuckle, and tags Steiner in. Steiner with a side slam for a two count. Steiner goes back to the bear hug on the mat. Ware trying to avoid getting pinned as Stallion yells out come on, Koko! Ware with some forearm shots to the back to try to get out of the hold. Referee Earl Hebner tries his arm, but it doesn't fall a third time. Ware makes it back to his knees, then back to his feet. He double claps Steiner's head to break the hold. Ware goes for a scoop slam, but Steiner hits him with a forearm to the back to knock Ware back to the ground. Sawyer tagged back in. He hits Ware with a delayed vertical suplex. Sawyer then climbs up top and goes to splash Ware, but he moves. Stallion tagged in. He hits Sawyer with shots and kicks. Stallion with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Stallion follows that up with a scoop slam. He goes to drop an elbow on Sawyer, who moves. Sawyer with a side headlock, Stallion pushes off. Stallion goes for a high knee, Sawyer catches him and power slams him and pins him.
-Match 8: Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Dave Peterson and Brett Sawyer: Black Bart is the current Mid-Atlantic Champion. Bart and Sawyer start. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive back to a corner. They break and Bart hits Sawyer with several shots. Bart with an Irish whip. Sawyer ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody and gets caught by Bart and falls on him for a two count. They lock hands and Bart with a kick to the stomach. Bart gets Sawyer in the corner and hits him with several shots. He hits him in the face and then elbows him in the back of the head. Sawyer with a corner whip and a hip lock. Sawyer follows that up with a flying headscissors. Then another one. He gets a one count while keeping Bart in the headscissors on the mat. Garvin tagged in. Sawyer gets him in a side headlock and tags Peterson in. He picks the side headlock up and Garvin pushes off. Peterson comes back with a shoulder block. Peterson runs the ropes and Garvin hits him with a knee to the stomach. Garvin runs Peterson into Bart's knee. Bart tagged in. He runs Peterson's head into the turnbuckle. Peterson comes back with a shoulder to Bart, but he's being double teamed in the heel's corner. A go, DJ, go chant goes out as Bart hits Peterson in the throat with a thrust. Bart with a European uppercut. Peterson with a shot to the stomach to try to get away from Bart. A series of shots into a hammerlock on Bart. Sawyer tagged in and he goes up top and comes off with a flying leg drop off the top rope into Bart's arm. Sawyer picks up the wrist lock and tags Peterson right back in. Peterson leapfrogs Sawyer and comes down on Bart's arm. Peterson picks the wrist lock up and tags Sawyer in. I've heard of quick tags, but this is almost ridiculous. Sawyer goes up top and drops a knee on Bart's arm. Sawyer picks the wrist lock up and Bart rakes his face to get out of the move. Bart runs Sawyer into Garvin's boot. Bart picks Sawyer up and guillotines him on the top rope. Garvin tagged in. He Irish whips and backdrops Sawyer. He gets a two count. Sawyer reverses a corner whip. He comes out of the corner and clotheslines Sawyer. He gets a two count. Garvin runs Sawyer into Bart's boot. Bart tagged in. He punches Sawyer right in the throat. Bart with a backbreaker. A go Brett go chant goes out. Bart gets a two count, but Sawyer gets his foot on the ropes. Garvin tagged in. He chops Sawyer down. Garvin with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Garvin with an Irish whip. Sawyer comes back with a high knee. Peterson tagged in. Bart tagged in. Peterson with a kick to the stomach, a clothesline, and a backdrop. Peterson with another Irish whip and goes for a backdrop, but Bart holds on to the ropes. Bart with a scoop slam and a leg drop. Garvin tagged in and hits a brain buster and gets the pin.
Second Round.
-The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette vs. Sam Houston and Nelson Royal: The Midnight Express are the NWA World Tag Team Champions coming into this event. Condrey and Houston start. They circle each other. The bell rings. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes. Houston with several right hands to Condrey. Condrey backs off. They lock up again. Condrey with a face rake and a knee to the gut. He runs Houston into Eaton's knee. Eaton tagged in. Eaton runs Houston into a turnbuckle post. Eaton with a right hand to Houston. Then a series of right hands. Eaton with a corner whip and a back elbow. Condrey tagged back in. Condrey with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He stomps Houston and Eaton tagged back in. He runs Houston into a turnbuckle. Condrey tagged back in and he Irish whips Houston, but drops his head too early and Houston hits him with a knee to the face. Royal tagged in. He hits and kicks Condrey down. Royal hitting both members of the MX and now all four men in. Royal with an Irish whip and an abdominal stretch as the referee is having a hard time getting the other two out of the ring. As he is getting Houston out of the ring, Eaton comes off the top rope with a forearm to Royal and Condrey gets the pin.
-Ron Garvin and Magnum TA vs. Buzz Sawyer and Rick Steiner: Magnum is the current NWA United States Champion. The bell rings. Garvin and Sawyer start. They circle each other and lock up. Battle for position and push off. Sawyer screams and they lock up again. Drive to a corner. Magnum tagged in. He hits Sawyer with some right hands and gets an arm bar on. Sawyer with a scoop slam, but Magnum hangs on to the hold and Sawyer goes down. Sawyer tries to get back to his feet and hang on to the hold. He gets back to his feet and pushes off. He leapfrogs Magnum, who stops, arm drags Sawyer, and gets the arm bar back on. Sawyer gets back to his feet again. Garvin tagged in and gets a wrist lock on Sawyer. Sawyer reverses the hold, so Garvin goes down to one knee and gets Sawyer with a single leg takedown. Steiner tagged in. They lock up. Steiner pushes off. Double shoulder block and neither man goes down. Another shoulder block and again neither man goes down. One right hand from Garvin knocks Steiner down. Another right hand and Steiner is rethinking all of his life decisions up to that point. Another slap and Garvin gets a side headlock and tags Magnum in. Magnum with a double ax handle off the top rope to Steiner. Magnum with a fireman's carry takeover into an arm bar. Steiner gets to his feet and drives Magnum over to the heels corner and they double team Magnum. Sawyer tagged in and he bites Magnum. Sawyer with several shots to Magnum in the corner before the referee gets him away. Garvin comes in and while the referee is trying to get him out, Sawyer runs Magnum into the corner turnbuckle. Sawyer with a headlock and Magnum struggling to get back to his feet. Magnum with a couple of elbow shots to get out of the move, but Sawyer hooks Magnum's leg with his own and Magnum can't get away. Steiner tagged in and knocks Magnum down. He gets Magnum in a headlock. The referee checks the arm of Magnum, but he starts to come back. He makes it back to his feet. Magnum with a sort of modified drop toe hold to run Steiner into a corner turnbuckle. Steiner does grab Magnum's boot to prevent him from tagging before Steiner tags Sawyer in. Sawyer hits a delayed vertical suplex and gets a two count. Magnum gets a small package for a surprise two count. Sawyer goes for a snap mare, but Magnum hooks his arms and gets a backslide for a two count. The heels pull Magnum back to their corner before he can tag. Steiner tagged in and he Irish whips Magnum. He drops his head early and Magnum kicks him in the face. Garvin tagged in. He comes in and hits both heels with big right hands. He Irish whips and backdrops Sawyer. He Irish whips Steiner, tags Magnum in, and Magnum hits the belly to belly suplex on Steiner and pins him. The crowd loved the finish.
-Many wrestlers who participated in the Crockett Cup also wrestled in the WrestleRock '86 show the next day for the AWA. Wahoo McDaniel, Tiger Mask, The Fabulous One's, Giant Baba, Rick Martel, The Road Warriors, and Jimmy Garvin were on both cards.
-Evening Session. Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross are in the ring. Tony says on behalf of JCP and the UWF, welcome to the evening session. Jim Ross then welcomes us and goes over some of the rules that will govern the tournament. 20 minute time limit. If it's a draw, both teams are eliminated from the tournament. A double disqualification or a count out, both teams are eliminated. Only one save is allowed. The piledriver and off the top rope are legal moves. Throwing an opponent over the top rope and foreign objects are banned and if teams do that, they will be disqualified and eliminated. They go down the pairings.
-The National Anthem is played. Jim and Tony then leave the ring and Bruce Prichard continues with announcing duties.
-Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: McDaniel and Youngblood are booed heavily because they are taking on the Road Warriors and they are extremely over with the crowd. Youngblood and Animal start. The bell rings and they lock up. Animal with some stiff forearms to Youngblood. Animal with an Irish whip. Youngblood with a leapfrog. He comes back with a crossbody, but Animal just catches him and hits a backbreaker. Animal goes to drop an elbow, but Youngblood moves out of the way. They lock up again. Animal with a wrist lock and Hawk tagged in. He hits Youngblood with a second rope fist drop. Hawk then hits a knee lift on Youngblood. McDaniel tagged in. He and Hawk lock up. McDaniel pushes off. They lock up again. Another push off. Another lock up and drive back to a corner. Back and forth with hard shots in the corner. Hawk with a side headlock. McDaniel with a takedown, but they are by the ropes. Test of strength in the middle of the ring. McDaniel goes down to his knees. He gets back to his feet and butts Hawk's chest with his head and gets a wrist lock on. Hawk pushes him off. Another lock up and Hawk with a side headlock. Animal tagged in. He gets an Irish whip and a back elbow on McDaniel. He gets a two count. Animal with another Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and McDaniel hits him with a brutal looking chop. Youngblood tagged in. Lock up and Animal with a side headlock. Hawk tagged in. Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to Youngblood. Youngblood with some chops and an Irish whip. He hits a dropkick on Hawk. Youngblood with another Irish whip, but Hawk ducks a back elbow attempt and hits a flying clothesline from the second rope and pins Youngblood. McDaniel had come in, but Animal also came in and they just stood there and stared at each other while Hawk pins Youngblood.
-Paul Jones and Shaska Whatley get into the ring and Whatley says he has something to say. He holds up some of Jimmy Valiant's hair that he had cut and says he is going to destroy Jimmy Valiant. He's going to whip him like he's a dog. The Honky that he is. He's a yellow coward and a white uncle Tom as some in the crowd start chanting pussy to Whatley. He says all you funky people need to sit down. Jimmy Valiant don't like no ugly women. He's rambling now. He tells someone that she's the ugliest woman in the house. He says they are looking for Jimmy Valiant and can't find him no where. He says Jimmy Valiant come get your hair. He says Shaska Whatley is waiting on you. A weasel chant goes out towards Jones. Whatley says where's the coward at? He has been waiting on him. He says the next time you see Jimmy Valiant, I won't be able to stand up here because I'm going to be laughing at the whipping that he puts on his ass. There is an edit here and suddenly, Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez are there and Paul Jones is trying to get Shaska Whatley away from ringside. They finally leave.
-Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez vs. Ivan and Nikita Koloff with Eddie Gilbert and Korchenko: A loud USA chant goes out as the Russian team comes to the ring. The bell rings. Fernandez and Nikita start. Nikita stalling by talking to Ivan in the corner. A Russia sucks chant goes out. They tease a test of strength for several minutes. They finally start it. Nikita getting the better of it as Fernandez fights the pain. Fernandez backed to a corner and gets up on the second rope and kicks Nikita and jumps over him. Fernandez with a drop toe hold. He then drops an elbow on Nikita's knee. Nikita fighting to get out of the hold. Nikita reaches and gets a rear chin lock on Fernandez. Fernandez cranks on the leg hold until Nikita lets go. He reaches up and Ivan tagged in. He stomps on Fernandez and runs his head into a turnbuckle. Fernandez reverses a corner whip and hits Ivan with a back elbow. Ivan gets up, but wanders into Valiant's corner and Valiant punches him. He then turns around and Fernandez punches him and he falls down. Ivan back up and punches Fernandez. Ivan with an Irish whip. Fernandez comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a one count. Fernandez with a double leg takedown. Valiant tagged in. He stomps Ivan in the crotch. Fernandez then posts Ivan in the corner when the referee isn't looking. Ivan in some serious pain. Valiant with a side headlock and a thumb to the throat of Ivan. Ivan goes for a kick, but Valiant catches his foot. He spins Ivan around and hits him with a shot to knock him down. He gets a two count, but Nikita breaks up the count. Fernandez tagged in. Ivan Irish whipped and a double back elbow by the faces. That gets a two count. Fernandez with an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Ivan holds on to the ropes. Nikita tagged in. Nikita picks Fernandez up and guillotines him on the top rope. Nikita runs Fernandez into a corner turnbuckle. He then runs him into the opposite turnbuckle. Nikita goes to hit Valiant with a back elbow on the apron, but Valiant moves out of the way. Nikita tags Ivan in, gets Fernandez in a front face lock, and Ivan hits a forearm shot to Fernandez's back off of the second rope. Ivan with a leg drop. Gets a two count. Ivan gets a bear hug on Fernandez. Fernandez in a tremendous amount of pain, but trying to fight it. Fernandez with some right hands to Ivan trying to get out of the move. He hip locks Ivan to break the hold. Nikita tagged in. He hits a double ax handle to Fernandez's back. Nikita with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Nikita gets a bear hug on. Valiant trying to get a cheer going for Fernandez in the corner. Fernandez trying to reach out to tag Valiant in. Ivan comes in and the referee has to get him out causing Nikita to drive Fernandez further into his corner. Ivan tagged in. He hits a right hand to Fernandez's back. Then a forearm and an eye rake to Fernandez in the corner. Fernandez reverses a corner whip. Ivan gets his boot up on the charge. Ivan goes up top and gets caught and slammed off. Ivan doing both Hulk Hogan's and Ric Flair's signature moves in one match. Valiant tagged in. He hits a series of running right hands to Ivan. He then hits Nikita on the apron and Irish whips Ivan and gets a sleeper on him. Ivan fighting not to be put to sleep. All four men in now. Fernandez knocks Nikita to the outside. The referee gets Fernandez out as Ivan Irish whips Valiant and Valiant ducks an Ivan clothesline attempt, but runs into one from Nikita on the apron. Ivan then pins Valiant. The crowd boos heavily at the decision. Fernandez checks on Valiant after the match as the Russians leave quickly. They finally leave the ring and the crowd gives them a round of applause.
-Terry Taylor and Steve Williams vs. Rick Martel and Dino Bravo: Taylor is a substitute for the injured Ted DiBiase. Martel gets in the ring and he is still in his street clothes. He talks to the referee and Bruce Prichard. Taylor comes over and listens in. The crowd is wondering what's going on. Prichard makes the announcement that Dino Bravo has been seriously injured and is in the hospital with appendicitis. Martel is here as a gesture of good faith. Taylor and Williams will advance by forfeit. They come over and shake Martel's hand and he leaves.
-The Rock 'N' Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Sheepherders Luke Williams and Butch Miller with Jack Victory: The Sheepherders salute the New Zealand flag, so the RNR get an American flag and hold it up high. Williams and Gibson start and lock up. Williams with a knee to the midsection and lock up in the corner. Double teaming on Gibson by the Sheepherders. Gibson fighting out of the corner. Morton comes over to help. All four men in now. Morton corner whips Williams into Gibson, who kicks him. Williams rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in, Gibson with a wrist lock. Miller tagged in. Gibson gets him in a wrist lock, so Willimas tagged back in. He runs Gibson to a corner. He tries to do it in the opposite corner, but Gibson blocks the shot and runs him in instead. He runs him in a couple of more times and Williams falls back to the mat. Gibson gets a front face lock on and tags in Morton. Morton with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Miller comes in and he gets dropkicked too. Sheepherders both fall to the outside of the ring. Victory comes over to check on them as the crowd cheers wildly. Sheepherders screaming at the crowd. Morton and Williams back in and circling each other as a woman in the crowd tries to get a Rock and Roll chant going. A USA chant goes out as they lock up and Williams picks Morton up by the hair and tosses him into a turnbuckle. Williams with an Irish whip, Morton ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Miller tagged in. He and Morton lock up. Miller with some stiff looking shots to the body. Williams with an Irish whip, Morton ducks a back elbow attempt and comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Gibson and Williams both tagged in. They lock up and drive to a corner. Williams with some shots to Gibson. Gibson reverses a corner whip, but Williams moves on the charge and Gibson goes shoulder first into the post. Williams grabs him by his injured arm and headbutts it. Miller tagged in and he goes after the injured arm. He grabs it and tags Williams back in. He attacks the injured arm. He drapes the injured arm over the top rope and yanks down on it. He then gets Gibson in an arm bar to cut off the tag attempt that Gibson was doing. Gibson gets to his feet, but Williams pulls him back down. Miller tagged in and stomps Gibson in the arm as Williams holds him down. He then picks the arm bar up. Gibson gets up to his feet and drives Miller back. Williams tagged in. He stomps Gibson and throws him to the outside. Miller drops down and runs Gibson into the corner post. A go Robert go chant breaks out. Back in, Williams with a scoop slam. Then a falling chop from the second rope on Gibson. He gets a two count. Sheepherders come in and cut off an attempt by Gibson to tag. Miller in and he Irish whips Gibson, who leapfrogs Miller and then hits a dropkick. Morton tagged in. He runs the Sheepherders heads together and all four men in now. Double dropkick to Williams. Morton goes to cover him. The referee is tied up trying to get Miller and Williams out of the ring. Victory comes in with the flag trying to hit Morton with the pole, but Morton hits him with a shot. He then grabs the pole and hits Victory with it. The referee sees this and calls for the bell. The Sheepherders win by disqualification. The crowd is visibly pissed. A loud bullshit chant goes out.
-The Fantastics Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton vs. Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson with JJ Dillon: Blanchard and Anderson are representing the Four Horsemen. Blanchard was the current National Heavyweight Champion and Anderson was the NWA World Television Champion at the time. Blanchard and Rogers start pushing each other before the match starts. They start the match and circle each other as the bell rings. They lock up and drive back to a corner. Back and forth with hard chops and slaps to each other in the corner. Rogers with an Irish whip and a shot that knocks Blanchard down. Blanchard backs away. He makes referee Earl Hebner get Rogers back. A go Tommy go chant goes out. They lock up again. Rogers with a side headlock. Blanchard with a forearm shot to the back to break the hold. Blanchard with some right hands to Rogers. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. They both miss shots and Rogers gets an atomic drop. Blanchard goes for an atomic drop of his own and Rogers rolls behind Blanchard and hits him with a dropkick. Blanchard falls down-and-out of the ring. He tries to tag Anderson in from the outside, but Hebner won't allow it. Blanchard gets up on the apron still mad at the referee, so Rogers slingshots him in. They face each other warily almost but not quite locking up. All four in. The Horsemen are visibly frustrated. Anderson tagged in and says I'm going to enjoy this. Rogers mimes that Anderson can kiss his ass. JJ yells to Anderson, AA teach him some respect. They lock up and Anderson with a side headlock. Rogers pushes off. Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Anderson screams at Rogers to get up. He then hits him with a left hand punch to knock Rogers back down. Anderson knocks Rogers down again with another shot. Fulton trying to inspire Rogers to tag him in. Anderson with shots to Rogers in the corner. Rogers reverses a corner whip and gets a hip lock on Anderson. Then a dropkick to Anderson. Then another dropkick and Anderson bails to the outside to regroup. The Fantastics strut and taunt the Horsemen from the inside of the ring. Anderson confers with JJ on the outside. The crowd is digging the Fantastics. Fulton tagged in as Anderson also comes back in. They circle each other. They scream at each other, but don't lock up yet. Fulton yells at Anderson that he doesn't like him and then at JJ and says he doggone doesn't like JJ. He doesn't even know JJ! They circle each other again and finally lock up. Anderson with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Fulton with a reversal. Anderson gets to the ropes and tells referee Earl Hebner to get Fulton off of him. They lock up again. Horsemen get Fulton near their corner and do some double teaming which brings Rogers in. All four men in and Hebner trying to get Rogers out. Blanchard tagged in and hits a knee to Fulton's stomach. He hits some European uppercuts to Fulton. Blanchard runs Fulton into Anderson's knee and then tags Anderson in. Blanchard goes over and hits Rogers with a shot before getting out while Anderson is stomping Fulton on the mat. The referee is having a hard time keeping control in this one. Rogers comes in after Blanchard as Anderson throws Fulton to the outside. JJ and Blanchard both come over and stomp Fulton while he is down on the floor. Rogers comes over to check on Fulton. Hebner comes over to try to get Rogers back to his corner and Fulton back into the ring. Anderson gets Fulton up on the apron and hits him with some shots. Fulton hits Anderson in the midsection and then hits a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Anderson cuts off a tag attempt and tags Blanchard in. Blanchard stomping Fulton in the Horsemen's corner. Fulton trying to fight back with some shots to Blanchard. Blanchard pulls Fulton's trunks and Fulton goes flying through the ropes to the outside. That brings Rogers in to complain, allowing Anderson to go to the outside and hit Fulton with some shots. Fulton falls back against the barricade hurt. Referee Earl Hebner trying to get Rogers back to his corner and JJ comes over and hits Fulton. Fulton holding his eyes and stumbling around at ringside bumping into the barricade. Rogers comes over to get Fulton in and pointed towards the ring as Hebner is counting him out. Blanchard runs Fulton into Anderson's knee and Anderson tagged in. Anderson hitting Fulton with some head and body shots. Anderson with an Irish whip, Fulton ducks a back elbow, but Anderson hits him with a spinebuster when he comes back. He gets a two count. Anderson punching Fulton in the head as Fulton gets back to his feet. Anderson gets a modified drop toe hold to prevent Fulton tagging Rogers as Blanchard had been tagged in. Blanchard hits a right to Fulton's face and gets a two count. He keeps getting a series of two counts. Blanchard pulling the trunks and still can't get but a two count. Blanchard is visibly frustrated that he can't pin Fulton as Rogers is trying to point out that Blanchard is pulling the trunks. Blanchard runs his boot laces across Fulton's face and then throws Fulton back outside the ring. Rogers comes in again and Hebner goes to get him out, allowing Blanchard to drop down and try to suplex Fulton. Rogers comes over to stop it, bringing Anderson down off of the apron and all four men brawling on the outside. Fulton slaps Blanchard when he tries to suplex him again. Back in the ring, Fulton goes for the tag again, but Blanchard grabs his trunks to cut him off. Fulton turns over and kicks Blanchard away, but Blanchard tags Anderson in and he cuts Fulton off before he can tag Rogers in. Anderson with a corner whip, but Fulton moves on the charge and Anderson hurts himself. Anderson tries to prevent the tag but can't and Rogers kicks Anderson in the head when he comes in. Rogers with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Anderson. Then an Irish whip and a backdrop to Blanchard when he comes in. Rogers with another Irish whip to Anderson, but drops his head too early and Anderson hits him with a front face buster. He gets a two count, but Fulton comes in to break up the tag, which brings Blanchard in. Hebner trying to get Blanchard out. Anderson picks up Rogers for a scoop slam, but Fulton dropkicks Rogers in the back and he falls on Anderson to get the pin and the crowd goes absolutely nuts over the outcome. The Horsemen and JJ are going crazy in the ring over the result. The crowd boos the Horsemen as they leave.
-1st evening intermission.
-Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Giant Baba and Tiger Mask: The referee checks all four men. Tiger Mask and Bart start. They slowly circle each other. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes. Bart with a big slap to Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask complains and Garvin yells that it was an open hand slap. Lock up again and another drive to the corner. Tiger Mask pushes Bart. Bart goes over to confer with Garvin. Test of Strength. Tiger Mask goes down to his knees. Tiger Mask breaks and goes to a wrist lock. Garvin tagged in. They circle each other. They lock up and Garvin with a side headlock. Tiger Mask reverses it. Then a couple of reversals by both men. Tiger Mask with an arm bar. Garvin with a takeover, but Tiger Mask doesn't let go of the hold. Tiger Mask dropping elbows on Garvin's arm. Garvin with a side headlock and Tiger Mask pushes off. Garvin comes back with a shoulder block. Garvin runs the ropes. Tiger Mask with drop downs and leapfrogs before hitting Garvin with a dropkick. Garvin goes to the outside and Tiger Mask hits him with a baseball slide to knock him into the barricade. Precious comes over to check on Garvin. Tiger Mask flips over the ropes and lands on the apron to scare Precious. Tiger Mask then flips back over the ropes to land in the ring. The crowd cheers. Precious gets up on the apron to complain to referee Earl Hebner about Tiger Mask. Garvin finally gets back into the ring. Bart tagged in and Baba tagged in. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes and trade chops. Baba hits a knee to Bart. Then a chop knocks Bart to the ground. Baba with a side Russian leg sweep. Bart up. He gets Baba in a side headlock and hits him in the throat with a thrust. Back to the side headlock and Garvin tagged in. He comes in with lefts and rights to Baba. Baba chops Garvin on the top of the head and he goes down. Baba then runs Garvin into a corner. Baba hits a piledriver on Garvin and tags Tiger Mask in. Garvin rolls to the right and tags Bart back in. They circle each other as Precious checks on Garvin on the apron. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Tiger Mask with an Elbow drop. He gets a two count. Bart with a throat thrust and Bart runs Tiger Mask into Garvin's boot. Bart with a suplex. Garvin tagged in. He gets a two count. Garvin guillotines Tiger Mask on the top rope. Garvin runs Tiger Mask into Bart's knee. Bart tagged in. He hits Tiger Mask with some shots to the corner. Bart then choking Tiger Mask in the corner. He breaks and Hebner admonishes him, allowing Garvin to attack Tiger Mask. Bart then goes back to attacking Tiger Mask. Very effective double teaming maneuvers by the heels. Bart with a side headlock and another shot to Tiger Mask in the throat. Garvin tagged back in. He kicks Tiger Mask. He gets a small package for a two count. Garvin with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask comes back with chops and kicks to Garvin. He runs Garvin into the corner and tags Baba in. Baba with a kick and a snap mare. He stomps Garvin and chops Bart down when he comes in to interfere. Baba with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Baba comes back with a shoulder block. Bart tagged in. Baba with a side headlock. Bart pushes off. Baba comes back with a shoulder block and Bart is teetering. Another shoulder block and a chop finally knocks Bart down. Baba with an Irish whip and a chop to knock Bart down and Tiger Mask tagged in. Tiger Mask with a flying crossbody for a two count, but Garvin breaks up the pin attempt. Baba tagged back in. Irish whip and a big boot by Baba and he gets the pin. Both cheers and boos at the result. Precious comes in to complain and gets into Baba's face.
-Quarterfinals: The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Condrey and Animal start. They circle each other warily. They lock up. Condrey with a side headlock. Animal with a push off. He shoulder blocks Condrey and almost knocks him down. Condrey runs the ropes. Animal with drop downs and leapfrogs and finally he hits Condrey with a back elbow. Condrey stalling and they finally circle each other again. They lock up and Animal with a side headlock. Eaton yells out that Animal is pulling Condrey's hair. Condrey pushes off and Animal comes back with a shoulder block. Condrey runs and Animal hits him with a dropkick. Condrey rolls to the outside as the crowd cheers. Eaton and Cornette come over to check on Condrey as Cornette yells time out! It is hilarious. Condrey gets in the ring and tells the referee to keep Animal back. Condrey gets on one knee and poses to taunt the crowd. Condrey with an overhead wrist lock. Cornette gets up on the apron to distract the referee while Eaton comes over to double team Animal with Condrey and Animal single handedly tosses them both across the ring. He then tags Hawk in and Hawk clotheslines both members of the MX to a big pop. MX roll to the outside. Cornette comes over to check on them. Back in the ring, Condrey and Hawk lock up. Condrey with a side headlock. He hits Hawk with a piledriver. Condrey then goes over to high five Eaton and doesn't see Hawk get up until he turns around and Hawk headbutts him. Hawk stomps Condrey's back. Condrey falls to the outside. Eaton and Cornette come over to check on Condrey and Cornette complains to the referee that Hawk is cheating. Condrey tags Eaton in and Eaton is ready for Hawk. They lock up and drive back to a corner. Eaton with a slap and an eye gouge. Eaton gets a side headlock on. Hawk pushes off. Hawk drops down and looks like he's going for a clothesline, but Eaton grabs the ropes and goes to the outside. Animal attacks him from behind and throws him back inside the ring. Hawk with a clothesline that knocks Eaton back to the outside. Animal then clotheslines him on the outside and the crowd is just loving this. Cornette and Condrey check on Eaton and Condrey gets up on the ropes to argue with the referee about what is happening. Condrey tagged in. They lock up. Condrey gouges the eyes and hits a scoop slam on Hawk. Eaton tagged in. A Rocket Launcher to Hawk, who catches Eaton and slams him down. Hawk with a shoulder breaker. Hawk with a fist drop. Animal tagged in. Double Irish whip and clothesline. Dropkick to Eaton when he comes in to help Condrey and the MX roll to the outside to confer with Cornette. Back in the ring, Condrey complains to the referee about Animal again. Condrey with a knee to Animal's stomach. Condrey gouges Animal's eyes and then comes over and taunts Hawk so he gets in. The referee is trying to get Hawk out so the MX double team Animal as Eaton hits him in the throat and Condrey runs him into a turnbuckle. Animal reverses an Irish whip and power slams Condrey. He then runs the ropes and Cornette hits him on the back with the racket and the MX are disqualified. MX jump Animal in the ring while Ellering and Hawk chase Cornette. The MX grab their titles and leave as Prichard announces the decision.
-Ivan and Nikita Koloff with Korchenko and Eddie Gilbert vs. Steve Williams and Terry Taylor: The bell rings. Ivan and Taylor start. They lock up. Ivan with a wrist lock. Taylor reverses it. Two more reversals. Drive back to a corner. Ivan with a forearm. Taylor reverses a corner whip and monkey flips Ivan out of the corner. Taylor with a dropkick and Ivan rolls to the outside. Back in, they lock up and Ivan with a knee to the midsection. Taylor goes back to the wrist lock. Williams tagged in. He hits a double ax handle to Ivan's arm. He gets Ivan down and puts on an arm bar. Ivan complains that Williams pulled his trunks. Ivan back to his feet. Ivan pushes off. Williams ducks a clothesline attempt. Williams picks Ivan up in a military press and then slams him down. Ivan gets up to tag, but goes to the wrong corner and Taylor hits him with a right hand. Williams then knocks him down to the mat with a right hand. Nikita distracts the referee, so Williams only gets a two count. Williams with a wrist lock and Taylor tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock. He then drops a knee on Ivan's arm after he drives him down to the mat. He keeps driving the knee in and Ivan trying to get up. Ivan flips over so Taylor adjusts to a hammerlock. He then drives his knee into Ivan's back. Williams tagged back in. He hits Ivan in the back with a falling headbutt. He gets Ivan to his feet, gets a hammerlock on, and just throws Ivan into a turnbuckle. Williams with a scoop slam. Ivan's shoulder is hurt. Williams drops a leg on the injured arm. Ivan gets back to his feet. He throws Williams into a corner, but misses the charge in when Williams moves. Ivan hits his shoulder on the corner post. Nikita screams encouragement to Ivan in the corner. Williams gets an arm bar on and tags Taylor in. Taylor holds Ivan for Williams to hit, knocking Ivan to the mat. The referee is still trying to get Nikita out, so Ivan kicks out before he can start counting. Taylor with an arm drag and drops his knee on Ivan's arm. Ivan fighting to get out of the hold. Taylor keeps dropping knees on Ivan. He gets a two count, but Ivan gets his arm up. Taylor with a wrist lock and tags Williams in. he keeps the wrist lock on. Ivan trying to make his way over to tag Nikita in. Nikita has made his way down to the apron to complain to the referee about what has gone on, so by the time that Ivan gets there, Nikita is not there and Williams pulls Ivan away before Nikita can get back to the corner. Taylor comes in and picks up the wrist lock while the referee was dealing with Nikita. The referee asks about the tag which they totally didn't do, but totally said they did and the referee has totally lost control. Ivan gets back to his corner, but again Nikita is down the apron and Taylor yanks Ivan back before Nikita can tag in. Nikita is losing it on the apron as Ivan gets an Irish whip. Taylor ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a one count. Ivan gets up, but is confused and wanders to the wrong corner. Williams tagged in. He picks the wrist lock up. He scoop slams Ivan. He gets a two count. Williams gets the wrist lock on and slings Ivan down to the mat. A USA chant goes out while Ivan is down on the mat. Williams with a hammerlock and tags Taylor in. Taylor picks the wrist lock up. He yanks down on the arm. Ivan gets an Irish whip and a boot to the stomach. He then kicks Taylor down. He goes to drop an elbow, but Taylor moves. Taylor with an arm drag. He gets a two count. Ivan reverses into a headscissors. Williams yells out to the referee that Ivan pulled the hair. Williams tagged in. He holds Ivan for Taylor to punch. Ivan staggers around and Williams gets a wrist lock on. He headbutts Ivan several times in the head. Ivan gouges Williams in the eye and finally tags Nikita in. Nikita comes in and poses to Williams to intimidate him. Williams then poses to Nikita to the delight of the crowd and to piss Nikita off. A large USA chant goes out. Nikita gets pissed off at the crowd and goes out to the apron. The crowd gets louder and someone has a large American flag at ringside as they announce that 10 minutes have gone by. They circle each other as someone yells take him out, Doc! They briefly lock up and break. Another lock up and push off again. Another lock up. Williams with a side headlock. Nikita trying to get out or push off. He keeps grabbing Williams' hair. Nikita pushes off. Williams comes back with a shoulder block, but neither one moves. Another shoulder block and the same thing happens. Nikita poses again and as he does, Williams hits a big dropkick to knock Nikita to the outside in an awesome move that the crowd just loves. Nikita screams and mimes that he wants a test of strength. Williams wary. They finally lock up and neither one moving on the test. They go at it several times and still no one moving. They then take turns kicking each other in the stomach while still in the hold. They break and Williams ready to go again. They lock up. Nikita with a kick and a forearm. He gets Williams in a front face lock and tags Ivan in. The Russians take turns hitting forearms to Williams' back for a few seconds before Nikita gets out. Ivan with a snap mare. He then drops a leg on Williams and gets a two count. He hits a knee to William's back and runs him into Nikita's boot again. Nikita tagged back in. Nikita with a double ax handle to the back. He gets a two count. Nikita with a front face lock and Ivan tagged back in. He hits a forearm to the back and gets a front face lock on Williams. Williams picks Ivan up while still in the front face lock. They announce 15 minutes gone in the match as Williams puts Ivan on the top turnbuckle. Ivan goes to hit Williams with a forearm, but Williams blocks it and slams Ivan off of the top rope. Ivan goes to kick Williams in the stomach at the same time that Williams goes to dropkick Ivan and they both go down to the mat. Williams gets a one count. Ivan with a front face lock on. He hits a swinging neck breaker on Williams. Nikita tagged in. He drops an elbow on Williams and gets a two count. Nikita goes for a front face lock. Four minutes remaining as Taylor and the fans yelling out to Williams to get behind him and get him to make a rally. Williams makes it to his feet and hits Nikita with a series of right hands. They get to the ropes and both Russians in and hitting Williams. Ivan tagged in. Williams reverses an Irish whip and power slams Ivan. He gets a two count. Both men down on the mat and a double count going. Taylor tagged in. A series of right hands, a corner whip, and a backdrop to Ivan. Three minutes remaining. Taylor goes over, hits Nikita, and then hits Ivan with a dropkick. Ivan wobbly on his feet as he kicks Taylor. Nikita tagged in. He scoop slams Taylor. He throws Taylor through the ropes to the outside where he hits the barricade hard and falls down. Ivan then runs him head first back into the barricade. Williams comes over to help Taylor back into the ring as they announce two minutes remaining. Nikita guillotines Taylor on the top rope. Ivan tagged in. He stomps Taylor in the back and drops a leg on him. Ivan with an Irish whip. Taylor ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Ivan runs Taylor into Nikita's boot and Nikita tagged in. Nikita with an Irish whip and a bear hut. Taylor trying to drive to tag Williams in. One minute remaining. Williams tagged in just as Nikita pulls Taylor away, but the referee didn't see it, allowing Ivan to come off the top rope onto Taylor as the referee is getting Williams out. 45 seconds remaining. Ivan tagged in and gets a two count. 30 seconds left. Ivan with a scoop slam. He misses a knee drop when Taylor moves. Ivan goes for another scoop slam and Taylor gets him in a small package for a two count as 15 seconds remain. Nikita tagged in and Irish whips Taylor as the bell rings. Nikita hits the Russian Sickle and covers Taylor but the referee waves it off as time has expired. Nikita throws Taylor out over the top rope. Williams comes in and starts hitting both Russians. Korchenko comes in and attacks Williams. Nikita and Korchenko then Irish whip and clothesline Williams with the chain. The Russians attack both faces while Gilbert is there directing traffic. They are choking Williams with the chain as the bell rings over and over. Other refs come in to try and stop the Russians. The Russians finally start to leave as the crows boos them. Gilbert gets on the mic and says let's show a little respect for some real men as the crowd boos harder. Prichard announces that the match is a draw and both teams are eliminated. Referees checking on Taylor and Williams. They help them out of the ring and the crowd gives them a standing ovation.
-The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Jack Victory vs. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: Fulton gets a USA chant going. Sheepherders holding the New Zealand flag, so Fulton gets on the mic and says please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. They do that and then the Fantastics come in and attack the Sheepherders, who bail out to the floor. Fulton and Williams start. They lock up and Williams with a side headlock. Williams with a right hand to break the hold. Fulton comes back with a wrist lock. Miller tagged in. A couple of right hands to Fulton to knock him down. Fulton goes back to the wrist lock, but Williams tagged back in. He gets a side headlock on. Fulton reverses it into a hammerlock. He drives Williams back to the ground, but Miller tagged back in. Miller with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. He then stomps Fulton on the ground and hits a double ax handle. He then runs Fulton into William's elbow. Williams tagged back in. Back and forth in the ring. Williams with a side headlock and punches to Fulton. He gets Fulton into a corner and Fulton kicks to try to get out of the corner. Williams drives his shoulder into Fulton. Williams with a side headlock. Fulton pushes off. Williams comes back with a shoulder block. Williams runs the ropes. Fulton with drop downs and a monkey flip to Williams. Fulton follows that up with a dropkick. Then another dropkick. All four in, but the Fantastics dropkick both Sheepherders to the outside. A count going on the Sheepherders as Fulton tries to get a USA chant going. Williams finally back in against Rogers. Rogers with a drop toe hold into a side headlock on the mat. Williams drives to the ropes. Williams with an Irish whip and misses a clothesline and Rogers comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Miller tagged in, but stays on the apron until slingshot in by Rogers while a USA chant goes out. Rogers runs Miller into Fulton's boot and tags Fulton in. Rogers then Irish whips Miller into a Fulton clothesline. Williams tagged in. They lock up. Williams with a kick and runs Fulton into a turnbuckle. Williams with a right fist to Fulton's head. He then puts his boot into Fulton's neck in the corner for a four count. Williams with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Fulton moves. Back and forth with shots in the ring. Fulton with an atomic drop that knocks the Sheepherders into each other. Victory checks on the Sheepherders as the referee starts his count. Williams gets back in the ring on the 9 count. Miller tagged in and gets the side headlock on. Fulton counters that into an overhead wrist lock. Miller throws Fulton to the outside. Back and forth on the outside and Fulton hits a dropkick on Miller. All four men fighting on the outside now. Fulton is bleeding and is run into the turnbuckle. People at ringside yelling that the Sheepherders need to be disqualified as Rogers checks on Fulton. He tries to revive Fulton and says come on ref as the referee is counting Fulton out. Fulton trying to get back to his feet. Fulton rolls back into the ring on the 6 count and is attacked immediately by Miller. Fulton's face is a mess. He falls back out of the ring and the fans are encouraging him and Rogers comes over to check on him again. Some guy at ringside is encouraging Fulton to, and I quote, get up and go get those homosexuals. I have no words. Fulton gets back in the ring and Miller with an Irish whip. Fulton ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody. Williams tagged in, but Miller cuts off the tag attempt by Fulton. Williams with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. Williams drops a fist on Fulton's head. Williams then drops a knee and bites Fulton on the forehead for a four count and Fulton falls to the apron. Williams with some knees to Fulton to knock him off the ring to the floor. Sheephearder's then run Fulton head first into the barricade. He then collapses to the ground. Rogers comes over to check on him. He complains to the referee when he is told to get back to his corner and the referee starts counting Fulton out. 10 minutes are announced as going by in the match. Fulton gets back to his feet, but he is punch drunk. He gets back in the ring and starts kicking at Williams' back. Miller ties the referee up so that he doesn't see Rogers tagged in and won't allow it. Miller holds the New Zealand flag up for Williams to run Fulton into the flag pole, but Fulton blocks it and runs Williams in instead. Rogers tagged in as the crowd is going crazy for the tag. He hits Williams with some big right hands as he has been busted open from being hit with the flag pole. Rogers hits Williams with a fist drop from the second rope. Rogers bites Williams, hits some fists on him, and scoop slams him. He hits another second rope fist drop on Williams. Fulton comes in to stop Miller and gets Miller in a side headlock. Miller pushes Fulton off right into the referee and both Fulton and the referee get taken out onto the floor. Miller then takes out Rogers, but there is no referee. MIller then goes outside to pound on Fulton. Rogers hitting Williams with left and right hands in the ring and Fulton doing the same thing to Miller outside. Victory sneaks up behind Fulton to hit him with the flag pole, but Fulton catches him and Victory is begging off and retreating from Fulton. Miller attacks Fulton from behind with a double ax handle as he is going after Victory. They get Fulton down and start to stomp on him. They then run him into a ring post as Rogers is hitting Williams with corner mounted punches in the ring. Miller dismantles the flag pole and goes into the ring. He attacks Rogers with it from behind. Rogers falls to the ground as Fulton is trying to get back to his feet at ringside. Sheepherders hit Rogers with the flag pole. They go to do it again and Fulton grabs Miller's leg to pull him down. The Fantastics then get the flag pole. They hit Miller with it. Victory comes in, so they hit him with the flag pole as another referee comes to ringside to check on the first referee. Both teams fighting over possession of the flag pole. The bell rings. Referee Tommy Gilbert has disqualified both teams. The teams are still brawling as the bell continues ringing and referees are trying to separate both teams. The Fantastics finally get the Sheepherders out as a USA chant goes out. Fulton gets on the mic and tells them to get back in the ring because they aren't finished with them. They start brawling through the ropes as referees try to get the Sheepherders away. The crowd gives the Fantastics a standing ovation. Bruce Prichard is booed when he says both teams are eliminated. The Fantastics argue with the referees when they hear the ruling.
-Ronnie Garvin and Magnum TA vs. Giant Baba and Tiger Mask: The bell rings. Garvin and Tiger Mask start. They lock up. Tiger Mask with a go behind. Garvin reverses into a hammerlock. Tiger Mask reverses the hammerlock. They drive to a corner and break. Another lock up and Garvin with a wrist lock. Tiger Mask reverses it. Tiger Mask with an elbow. Garvin flips out and gets Tiger Mask down in a single leg. Garvin then gets a single leg crab on Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask gets to the ropes. Garvin gets a front face lock on and tags Magnum in. Magnum with a side headlock takeover. Tiger Mask tries to turn Magnum over on the mat while still in the side headlock. Tiger Mask gets back to his feet and pushes off. Magnum comes back with a shoulder block and then goes back to the side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Then a two count. Tiger Mask gets back to his feet. Magnum with a front face lock. Garvin tagged in. He rolls Tiger Mask up for a couple of two counts, but can't get him down for the three. Tiger Mask makes his way to the ropes. They break and both men back to their feet. Tiger Mask with a kick to the midsection and a forearm to Garvin. Then an elbow to the back and Baba tagged in. They lock up. Baba with an arm bar. Garvin won't give up. Baba drives Garvin down to the mat. Garvin gets back to his feet, so Baba drives him to the corner and arm drags Garvin over. Garvin still won't give up. Garvin reverses the arm bar and tries to force Baba's shoulders down to the mat. Baba gets back to his feet. Magnum tagged in. He gets a wrist lock on Baba. Into an arm bar. Baba pushes off and chops Magnum. He runs Magnum into the corner and tags Tiger Mask in. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Tiger Mask follows that up with a scoop slam. He then drops an elbow on Magnum and gets a two count. Magnum blocks a suplex attempt and gets one of his own. Tiger Mask stomps Magnum and then tags Baba back in. Baba with a front face lock. Magnum trying to drive back to tag Garvin in, but doesn't quite get there. Baba with an awful looking swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask tagged in. He Irish whips and dropkicks Magnum. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask with a headlock. Magnum fighting not to go out. He gets to his knees and then to his feet. He takes Tiger Mask over to break the hold. Tiger Mask gets a front face lock on. Magnum starting to fade. Tiger Mask cranks on the hold and Magnum trying to get back to his feet. He won't give up. Magnum lifts Tiger Mask up and hits an inverted atomic drop. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip. Magnum comes back with a sunset flip. Tiger Mask kicks out at two. Baba tagged in. He gets a roll up for a two count. He gets several two counts, but can't keep Magnum's shoulders down for a three count. Magnum finally kicks out to break the hold. Baba gets an arm bar on, but Magnum tags Garvin in. He chops Baba in the chest several times. Baba chops Garvin on the top of the head. Another two head chops and Tiger Mask comes in to hold Garvin for Baba to chop. All four men in and Magnum and Garvin cleaning house. Magnum and Garvin reverse corner whip and drive the Japanese wrestlers into each other. Garvin then gets behind Baba for Magnum to push Baba causing him to trip. Magnum gets a two count. Tiger Mask then Irish whips Garvin and hits a crossbody for a two count. Magnum tagged in. Tiger Mask with a side headlock. Magnum pushes off and someone from the crowd screams belly to belly. Magnum drops down to avoid Tiger Mask, but Tiger Mask cartwheels over Magnum and dropkicks him. Tiger Mask with a running back splash to Magnum. He gets another two count. Tiger Mask goes off the top rope for a crossbody, but Magnum catches him and turns it into a belly to belly suplex to get the pin. The crowd loved the finish.
-Bruce Prichard announces that because four teams have been eliminated, Magnum TA and Ron Garvin will meet the Road Warrior in the Finals.
-UWF North American Championship Match. Jim Duggan vs. Dick Slater: Referee Earl Hebner checks both men. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break and Duggan with a big right hand. The referee gets on Duggan as they circle each other again. They lock up again and another drive to the corner. Slater with a right to Duggan, who reverses Slater into the corner and unloads on him with lefts and rights. Duggan with a corner whip and a clothesline to Slater. Slater rolls to the outside to regroup. Slater gets back in the ring on the 5 count. They lock up again and Slater with a side headlock. Duggan with some right hands to try to get out of the hold. Duggan reverses into an overhead wrist lock and Slater pulls some hair to get out of the hold. He goes to drop an elbow, but Duggan moves. They lock up again. Duggan with a side headlock. They get to the ropes. Slater with a right hand and a clothesline. Duggan with a leapfrog and comes back with an elbow to the back of Slater's head. Duggan runs Slater into a turnbuckle. He hits him with a right hand that knocks Slater onto the top rope. Duggan hits him with a forearm shot while he is up there. He then hits Slater with an elbow to knock him off of the top rope. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Slater throws Duggan to the outside. Slater runs Duggan backwards into the barricade, knocking the barricade over. Duggan is lying on the turned over barricade and is trying to slowly get up as the crowd gets on Slater. A Duggan chant goes out as referee Earl Hebner is trying to keep Slater away so that he can start counting Duggan out. Duggan gets back in the ring and as he is coming back through the ropes, Slater attacks him with an elbow to the back. He then kicks Duggan in the back several times. Slater with a snap mare. He drops another elbow on Duggan. Slater gets a headlock on. Duggan starting to fade. Duggan fighting not to go out. He gets back to his feet. Duggan with a left and a right. Slater goes outside and Duggan follows him. Back in the ring, Slater hits Duggan with a headbutt. He gets the announcers mic and hits Duggan with it. Slater then hits a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. He goes back to the headlock. Duggan trying to push Slater away before he fades. Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't go down three times. Slater with a diving headbutt. Slater goes up top, but Duggan hits him with a shot as he is coming off. A series of left and right hands from Duggan knocks Slater down. More lefts and rights knock Slater down again. Duggan with a scoop slam. Duggan drops a knee on Slater and gets a two count. Duggan goes for an atomic drop, but doesn't get it and Slater spins behind with a big elbow. He gets a two count, but Duggan's kick out knocks Slater on top of Hebner so he drops a knee on Hebner. Duggan with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Slater moves. Slater hits a top rope elbow smash and then gets Hebner up to count. He only gets a two count. Duggan reverses a piledriver attempt into a backdrop. Duggan with some left and right hands, but Slater gets him tied up in the ropes. Hebner tries to get Slater away and pushes him off of Duggan, Duggan gets the three point stance tackle and pins Slater. Duggan gets the North American title and holds it up high while Slater is on the outside looking dejected.
-Jim Ross introduces Paul Boesch who is going to do the introductions for the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
-NWA World Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes with Baby Doll: Rhodes is cheered and Flair is booed loudly as they are introduced by Boesch. Referee Tommy Young checks both men. He then holds the championship up for everyone to see. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Rhodes with a side headlock. They drive to a corner and they break clean. Rhodes with a little jab to Flair as Young separates them. Another lock up and Flair with a side headlock. Rhodes reverses it into a hammerlock. Into a wrist lock. Flair drives back to the corner as Baby Doll is shown giving Rhodes encouragement. Another clean break. They then stare at each other from across the ring. They circle each other again. Another lock up. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair reverses into an over head wrist lock. They battle for position as Baby Doll screams at Rhodes. Rhodes gets Flair down and gets a wrist lock on. Flair quickly gets back to his feet and drives Rhodes back to the corner. They break, but then Flair runs his shoulder into Rhodes' midsection. He does it again as Young starts to count him. Flair then starts chopping Rhodes. He then punches Rhodes in the face as Young then steps in and breaks it up. Flair then goes back to chopping Rhodes in the corner. Rhodes reverses it and starts chopping Flair in the corner. Flair comes out of the corner and a jab from Rhodes knocks him down. Rhodes jabs Flair each time he gets up to knock him down again. Rhodes then does a little Flip, Flop, and Fly on Flair to knock him down again. Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. The crowd loves what has happened so far and Baby Doll is cheering loudly. Flair screams I got something for you, baby at someone in the crowd as Tommy Young starts to count him out. Flair finally gets back in the ring and they look at each other before locking up again. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Flair with a drop down and a leapfrog. Rhodes hits him with an elbow. Flair grabs his head and backs off into a corner. Flair screams at Baby Doll to shut up as he gets back to his feet. Test of strength and Flair screams out in pain. Flair with a wrist lock. Rhodes reverses it and Flair goes to the mat. Flair gets back to his feet with his fist raised to punch Rhodes. Rhodes goes to twist the wrist lock and Flair with a high knee to the back to break the hold. Flair yells at Young that Rhodes is pulling his tights and punches Rhodes in the face when Young goes to check the tights. Flair chopping Rhodes in the corner. Flair snap mares Rhodes out of the corner. Flair then drops a knee on Rhodes. He then taunts Baby Doll in the corner. He then drops another knee on Rhodes. Then then throws Rhodes out of the ring. Rhodes is bleeding and Flair goes out to ringside after him. He runs Rhodes into a ring post. They get back into the ring and Rhodes is kicked in the ribs and he is bleeding heavily. Flair attacking Rhodes' head with punches. Rhodes powers his way back to his feet and slaps Flair. Flair grabs Rhodes by the throat and drives him back to the corner and starts chopping him again. Flair snap mares Rhodes out of the corner and goes to drop another knee on him, but Rhodes moves at the last second. Rhodes slides out of the ring, grabs Flair by the leg, drags him over to the corner and posts Flair in the corner by pulling both legs. Flair rolls down the apron in pain. Rhodes gets back in the ring and gestures that he is going to break Flair's leg. Flair begging off in the corner. Rhodes starts chopping Flair in the corner. Flair gets a double leg takedown and tries to pin Rhodes with his feet on the ropes for leverage. Baby Doll points this out to Tommy Young, who grabs Flair's legs and throws them off of the ropes. Flair tries to do a flying forearm, but Rhodes blocks it and hits Flair with an elbow. He then grabs Flair's leg and drops an elbow on it. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring. Rhodes with some head claps and a headbutt. Rhodes gets a side headlock on and Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Flair comes back with a sleeper. Rhodes fighting not to go out, but he is fading. He falls to his knees. A go Dusty go chant goes out as Baby Doll looks worried. His hand does not go down the third time. Rhodes pushes forward to run Flair into the corner turnbuckle. Flair does a Flair flop so TASIYDAH. Double count going. Flair up at 7 and attacks Rhodes' leg. Flair pushes Young away and Young pushes Flair back. Flair goes back to punishing the leg of Rhodes. He drops a knee on it. Flair yells out now we go to school and puts Rhodes in the figure four. Rhodes fighting not to pass out or give up. Flair gets a two count. Rhodes working to reverse the hold as Baby Doll encourages him telling him that he can do it. Rhodes reverses the hold. Flair gets out of the hold and Baby Doll comes over to check on Rhodes as Flair limps over to him. Flair with a chop and a snap mare. Flair drapes Rhodes' leg over the ropes to come down on again, but Rhodes moves his leg at the last moment. Rhodes grabs Flair by the legs to drag him out to the center of the ring, but Flair panics and grabs the ropes. They go outside and Flair goes to ram Rhodes' head into the ring post, but Rhodes blocks it and Flair gets run in instead. A double count going as Flair is run into the post again. Flair falls to the ground as Rhodes gets back in the ring. Flair gets on the apron and plants a shoulder into Rhodes' midsection. Flair with a sunset flip and Rhodes fighting not to go over. He hits Flair with a punch to the head instead. Flair gets to a corner and begs off. Rhodes with some corner mounted punches. He finishes with a Bionic elbow and both Flair and Rhodes are busted open. Rhodes with a corner whip and Flair hits the corner and goes upside down in the tree of woe. Rhodes running his boots against Flair's head as Tommy Young tells him to get off of Flair. Flair finally falls to the mat. Flair goes to rush Rhodes, who hits him with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Rhodes attacking Flair's head with punches. Flair comes back with a shot and Rhodes reverses a corner whip. He gets Flair in a sleeper when he comes out of the corner. Baby Doll encourages Rhodes to hold on. Flair fading as he goes down to his knees. Flair struggling to get to the ropes. He collapses to the mat and Rhodes covers him, but he gets his feet on the ropes at two. Flair goes out to the apron and Rhodes suplexes him back in. Another two count, but Flair still gets his leg on the ropes. Rhodes visibly frustrated. Back up, Flair with a knee to the stomach and a shoulder block to knock Rhodes down. He tries another shoulder block, and Rhodes clotheslines him. He gets the figure four on Flair. Flair screams out in pain as he fights it. He gets a two count, but Flair gets back up. Rhodes says shit as Baby Doll urges him on. Another two count and Flair again back up. Flair gets to the ropes. Young has the hold broken. Flair back to begging off again by the ropes in the corner. Rhodes stomps his leg. Young gets Rhodes away and when he comes back, Flair hits him in the midsection. He knocks Rhodes down. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so TASIYDAH. Rhodes with a shoulder tackle that knocks Flair into Young and Young to the outside. Flair kicks Rhodes and tries to slam him, but Rhodes gets Flair into a small package, but there is no referee to count. Baby Doll is trying to get Young up as Flair kicks out after several seconds. Baby Doll trying to get Young into the ring. Flair takes Rhodes' boot off and hits him with it. Young gets on the apron and Flair drags him into the ring. He covers Rhodes and gets a two count. Baby Doll gets up on the apron. Flair goes over and attacks her. Young gets them separated. Rhodes grabs the boot and attacks Flair with it and gets disqualified. Rhodes attacks Young and Flair with the boot as the bell rings. Rhodes goes outside and grabs the NWA title and leaves even though Flair won the match. The crowd boos the decision when it is announced.
-Crockett Cup Finals. Magnum TA and Ron Garvin vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Magnum and Garvin shown getting into the ring first. Both teams with good reactions, but the Road Warriors are the clear favorites. Magnum and Animal start. Magnum goes for a waist lock as they lock up and Animal gets a side headlock on. Magnum gets to the ropes. Animal reverses an Irish whip and misses a clothesline. Animal with a drop down and a hip toss. He misses an elbow drop when Magnum moves. Magnum with an arm drag. He follows that up with a dropkick. Both up and staring at each other from across the ring. They lock up again and Animal with an overhead wrist lock. He tries to force Magnum down, but Magnum is fighting it. He finally gets Magnum down on the mat. Magnum comes back with a hammerlock. He drops a knee on the back. Back to a wrist lock and Garvin tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock. He gets Animal down and gets a front face lock on. Hawk tagged in. He and Garvin lock up. Drive to the corner and Garvin with a hard slap to Hawk's chest. They lock up again and back to the ropes. Hawk with some hard right hands to Garvin. Lock up and back to a corner. Hawk with a gouge to the face. Kicks and forearms to Garvin. More forearms and Garvin falls down in the corner. Hawk stomping down on Garvin. Hawk with a snap mare and a headlock. Garvin slowly fading. Back up and Hawk military presses Garvin and slams him down. Hawk goes for a splash from the second rope, but Garvin moves. Garvin gets an inside cradle for a two count. Garvin with several slaps to Hawk. He rakes Hawk's face and bites him. Garvin goes for a front face lock and Magnum tagged in. He hits Hawk with several shots. Magnum with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He gets a cover, but Hawk is too near the ropes. Magnum goes back to the front face lock. Hawk lifts Magnum up while still in the move and tags Animal in. Animal with a double ax handle to the back to free Hawk. He then stomps Magnum. More stomps and double ax handles to Magnum in the corner. Animal with an Irish whip and a bear hug. Magnum in tremendous pain, but fighting it. Magnum with an elbow to Animal's head to break the hold and Hawk tagged in. Hawk with a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. Hawk with a back breaker over the shoulder. He slams Magnum down and gets a two count. Hawk with an Irish whip and a big boot. Animal tagged back in. He gets a rear chin lock on. Referee Earl Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't fall three times. Magnum powers back to his feet and gets a wrist lock on, but Animal gets him back down on the mat. Back to the headlock and Magnum is complaining that his hair was pulled. Hawk tagged in. Irish whip to Magnum, who comes back with a sunset flip. Hawk doesn't go down and delivers a fist to Magnum's face. Hawk goes to drop a leg, but Magnum moves. Hawk with a headbutt and a fist drop to Magnum. Animal tagged in. Irish whip and a power slam to Magnum. He gets a two count. Animal with kicks and punches to Magnum's back. Magnum reverses a corner whip and hits Animal with a belly to belly suplex. Hawk breaks up the pin attempt. Double count going. Hawk tagged in. Garvin tagged in. Garvin with punches, kicks, and a headbutt. They headbutt each other. Garvin with an Irish whip and an abdominal stretch, but can't get it on and Hawk twists out of it. Garvin crawls through Hawk's legs and hits him with a right. He hurts his hand though and Magnum comes in to look at it. Hebner gets Magnum out, allowing Animal to come in and clothesline Garvin. He then pins Garvin and the Road Warriors win. The crowd loves the outcome. The Road Warriors hold the Crockett Cup high. Tony Schiavone announces them as the winners. Jim Crockett Sr's widow comes out to make the presentation. She calls them the Road Runners and it's all been work it. They are presented the cup and the check. They are announced again and raise the cup high. They then take photos with the check and Mrs. Crockett as they sign off from New Orleans.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good, but long show. I don't know if it was profitable for JCP, although I don't think it was. They tried something different though and the show was better than WrestleRock '86 the next day.

Episode 142 Notes Mon, 15 Aug 2022 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8807ee03-6840-493e-b633-dc4242089360 My Notes for Episode 142: Project 45: 1998 Sunday Night Heat. -Vince McMahon retiring and HHH and Stephanie taking over and what that will look like. Hopefully the end of the multiple camera takes.
-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 1998 as we take a look at the first episode of Sunday Night Heat from the WWF.
-1998: First year working in Student housing as an RA. A field I am still in.
-The premiere episode of Sunday Night Heat was shown on the USA Network on August 2, 1998. It was recorded July 27, 1998 from the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, CA.
-WWF Intro.
-Heat Intro.
-Vince McMahon comes to the top of the ramp and the crowd boos him. He says allow me to introduce to you the host and the star of Sunday Night Heat, Shane McMahon! Shane comes out and hugs his dad. He then goes back and gets two beautiful ladies to escort him to ringside where he will do commentary with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. Shane and his two companions get settled as we see Edge come down through the crowd.
-Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett with Tennessee Lee: Jarrett has the sparklers that say JJ go off. That's a lot of pyro. Jarrett attacks Edge before he gets his jacket off as the bell rings. Jarrett pulls the jacket over Edge's head and gets him down. He then gets Edge in the corner and the jacket comes off. Jarrett with a corner whip and a series of right hands. Edge reverses an Irish whip and hits Jarrett with a face first flapjack. Edge then hits a spear. He runs the back of Jarrett's head into the mat several times. Edge goes out to the apron, but gets distracted by Lee and is hit from behind by Jarrett and knocked off of the apron onto the barricade. Jarrett with a baseball slide to knock Edge back into the barricade. Jarrett brings Edge back in and continues to assault him. Edge reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and hits a reverse Russian leg sweep. Jarrett goes up top and hits a crossbody. Edge rolls through and gets a two count. Jarrett attacks Edge with a kick. Jarrett with a DDT. Jarrett choking Edge. Edge with some right hands to Jarrett as Shane McMahon's own personal makeup lady reapplies some makeup to him. Edge with an Irish whip, drops his head early, and Jarrett kicks him in the face. Jarrett then kicks Edge down. Jarrett goes for a suplex. Edge slips behind him. He then kicks Jarrett and hits two snap suplexes and hits the Impaler for a two count. Edge with an Irish whip and an inverted atomic drop. He then clotheslines Jarrett to the outside. Jarrett gives Tennessee Lee a signal and Lee goes for Edge's leg to hook it, but gets caught by the referee and Edge suplexes Jarrett back in. Jarrett with some punches. Edge reverses an Irish whip and Lee hooks Jarrett's leg by accident. Edge then pins Jarrett. Tennessee Lee gets in the ring livid as Edge is announced as the winner. Edge then leaves through the crowd. Jarrett and Lee arguing in the ring. Jarrett then walks off.
-Amy Hunter Cornelius and Mario Lopez from Pacific Blue are shown in the audience.
-HHH, X-Pac, and Chyna are shown in the back.
-DX comes out after the break. They are going to be interviewed by Jerry Lawler because the next night on Raw, Mr. McMahon has said that HHH and X-Pac have to wrestle each other. HHH does the are you ready suck it chant. Lawler asks X-Pac about the match the next night. X-Pac says HHH and X-Pac are nothing but pros. They're going out on Raw and they're going to rip it up and then afterwards they're going to shake hands and Vince McMahon can suck it. HHH says from the very beginning of DX when he and Chyna and HBK formed DX, Vince McMahon couldn't stand it could he? Because they did exactly what they wanted. They said what they wanted. They kicked what ass they wanted to. They showed their ass when they wanted to. But the bottom line is they were the most titillating sections of that show every week. And when he says titillating, he pauses and the crowd cheers wildly. He says I think you know what I mean. Who's got the goods, because he's got the time. He singles out a woman in the crows and asks the crowd who wants to see the goods? She then flashes the crowd in the most 1998 shot of the night. Her friend flashes the crowd as well. Shane McMahon is cheering his future brother-in-law on as we have reached the creepy portion of our show. He and HHH then do the suck it gesture to each other.
-Vignette on Droz.
-The Headbangers Mosh and Thrasher and Droz vs. Kaientai with Yamaguchi: They show Kaintai promising to chop Val Venis' pee-pee off as yes folks, we are in that era. Val Venis' music hits before the match starts and he comes out arm in arm with Mrs. Yamaguchi. Kaintai trying to keep Yamaguchi away and cover his eyes. Mosh and Funaki start. Mosh with a side headlock. Funaki pushes off. Mosh comes back with a shoulder block. Mosh runs the ropes. Funaki with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid him. Mosh with an arm drag into an arm bar. He then kicks Funaki in the back several times. Droz tagged in. Mosh holds Funaki on the top rope for Droz to come down on Funaki's back. He gets a two count. Funaki rakes Droz's eyes and tags Togo in. Droz ducks a clothesline before hitting a clothesline of his own. Droz with a right hand. Droz with a kick and a corner whip. Togo gets his boot up on the charge. Teioh tagged in and he and Togo with a double Irish whip and boot and a double bulldog to Droz. Teioh gets a two count, but Droz with an impactful kick out. Teioh tries to scoop slam Droz, but can't lift him up so Droz scoop slams him down instead. When they come back from a commercial break, Togo has tagged in and hits a big leg drop on Thrasher, who was also tagged in. He gets a one count. Togo with a fist drop on Droz. Togo with a rear chin lock on Thrasher, but has his hands on Thrasher's eyes instead of his chin as referee Mike Chioda counts him, they keep showing Val Venis and Mrs. Yamaguchi on the top of the ramp. Togo with a corner whip, but Thrasher moves on the corner charge and Funaki hits him from behind. Togo gets a front face lock on and tags Teioh in. Teioh with shots and chops before tagging Funaki in. He scoop slams Thrasher. He goes up top for a flying elbow drop, but Thrasher moves. Both Droz and Teioh tagged in. Droz clotheslines all the members of Kaientai. He then scoop slams them as all 6 men are in the ring now. The Headbangers and Droz run all the members of Kaientai together in the middle of the ring. Then everyone but the legal men get out and Droz scoop slams Teioh. Droz hits a sit out power bomb to get the three count. Val Venis then sends Mrs. Yamagucho to the locker room area. He and Kaientai face off outside the ring. Kaientai leaves and Venis goes over to Amy Hunter Cornelius of Pac Blue. He pushes Mario Lopez out of the way. Lopez comes over the barricade and hits Venis with a double leg takedown as the referees try to get him away. They get separated.
-Flashback to the bikini contest between Sable and Jackie at Fully Loaded and its fallout.
-WWF European Championship Match. D-Lo Brown with Mark Henry vs. Ken Shamrock: D-Lo tries to attack Shamrock before the bell rings, but he ducks it and hits D-Lo with a back elbow. Shamrock with a right. D-Lo reverses an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Shamrock holds on to the ropes. Shamrock with an Irish whip and a flip to D-Lo. Shamrock with another right hand and an Irish whip and a kick to D-Lo. D-Lo throws Shamrock to the outside. D-Lo points to his knee and asks referee Tim White to look at it, allowing Henry to clothesline Shamrock on the outside. Back in, D-Lo hits Shamrock with a clothesline as Dan Severn is shown coming to ringside along with Steve Blackman. D-Lo hits Shamrock with a thrust kick. D-Lo with some head and body shots to Shamrock and a scoop slam. D-Lo goes to the second rope and hits Shamrock with an elbow. He gets a two count. D-Lo chopping Shamrock in the corner. Shamrock reverses a corner whip and hits a belly to belly suplex, but Shamrock is too hurt to cover D-Lo. A double count going. Both up and exchanging blows. Shamrock reverses an Irish whip and hits a Frankensteiner on D-Lo, who rolls to the outside woozy. D-Lo shoves Severn trying to get back in the ring and Severn grabs him and attacks him in the ring and Shamrock is disqualified. Blackman tries to get Severn off of D-Lo. D-Lo is angry. He grabs his title and leaves. Shamrock is pissed and Blackman is trying to keep him and Severn apart. Severn gets out of the ring and walks back up the aisle. Shamrock tears up the ringside area.
-Highlights from the Brawl for All.
-Steve Austin is shown in the back watching a monitor.
-Kane and Mankind with Paul Bearer vs. The Rock and Owen Hart: A Rocky Sucks chant goes out as Rock and Hart make their way to the ring. The bell rings and Hart and Mankind start. Hart with a wrist lock. Mankind reverses it. He then brings Hart's arm over his shoulder and pulls down on it. He does it again. Hart flips out and reverses the move. Mankind comes back with a big right hand to Hart. Mankind with an Irish whip. He drops his head and Hart kicks him in the face. Mankind comes back with a clothesline. Mankind with a running elbow to Hart, but Hart moves out of the way at the last second and Mankind hits the mat. Rock tagged in. He hits Mankind with several right hands. He drives Mankind's head into the turnbuckle and hits him. Mankind rakes the Rock's face. Mankind with a right hand and runs Rock into Kane's outstretched boot. Kane tagged in. Kane runs Rock into the turnbuckle. Kane with some right hand shots to the Rock in the corner as Hart looks on. Kane choking Rock in the corner. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline to Rock. Kane drops an elbow on Rock. Then a right hand thrust to the Rock. Kane with an Irish whip. Rock spins around Kane and hits a DDT as the chant of nugget goes out towards Hart. Rock gets a two count. Rock clotheslines Kane out of the ring as Hart covers his ears to keep the chant out. Kane lands on his feet on the outside. Kane gets up on the apron and the Rock comes over so Kane guillotines him on the top rope. Kane goes up top and comes off with a flying choke slam to Rock. When they come back from the commercial break, Mankind is in and getting beat down by Hart in the Nation's corner and referee Earl Hebner is trying to get Kane out of the ring. The Rock tagged in. The Rock stomping Mankind on the ground. He then chokes Mankind on the top rope before slingshotting him back in. Rock gets Mankind in the corner and hits him with a series of head and body shots. Mankind comes back with a series of right hands. Mankind tries to run Rock into the turnbuckle, but Rock blocks it and runs Mankind in instead. Rock then runs Mankind into Hart's boot and Hart tagged in. He hits Mankind with a headbutt and Irish whips him. He misses a spinning heel kick when Mankind ducks. Mankind with a double arm DDT to Hart. Kane tagged in. He hits Hart with several right hands in the corner. Kane with a corner whip to Hart and then just lifts him up by the neck when he comes out of the corner. He slams him down. Kane with an Irish whip and a big boot. Kane with an Irish whip, Hart ducks a clothesline attempt, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Hart with several kicks to get out. Kane grabs his leg and Hart hits an enziguri. Hart goes up top and hits a missile dropkick and gets a two count. Kane with a choke slam. Kane goes for the tombstone, but the Rock comes in and hits Kane with a forearm to break it up. Mankind drags Hart to the outside and starts to beat him up. Kane comes out as well. All four fighting on the outside now. Hart slides back into the ring before the 10 count to win the match for his team.
-Michael Cole interviews Steve Austin. He asks Austin why he threw the Undertaker a beer on last week's episode of Raw. Does that show a sign of solidarity? Austin says he looked thirsty, so he threw him a beer. It didn't mean anything else to him. Cole says that brings him to his next question. He drank the beer, but had turned his back when Austin was attacked by Kane and Mankind on the outside. Austin says it was stupid of him to drop his guard, but by the same token, Undertaker did lift a finger to help him out. None. Not that Austin need his help. He has all the respect for Owen Hart and the Rock as a tag team. When the bell rings, someone's going to get their ass beat. And whether it's Rocky, Owen Hart, or the Undertaker, it doesn't make any difference to him, they're still going to be the tag team champions whether he likes it or not when the match is over. That's all Austin has to say to Michael Cole because he's starting to piss him off.
-They then sign off from Heat.
-Final Thoughts: Not a bad first show. Shane did okay on commentary for it to be his first time. An interesting show that gets lost in the shuffle one year later after Smackdown debuts.

Episode 141 Notes Mon, 08 Aug 2022 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] d89b5e79-0952-451e-9b7a-5b2a27bcefcd My Notes for Episode 141: Project 45 1989 WCW. -Project 45 lands in 1989 this week as we take a look at World Championship Wrestling from January 21, 1989.
-1989- At this time, I was in 5th grade and was getting into comic books heavily.
-Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross welcome us to the show. They preview some of what we are going to see before bringing in Eddie Gilbert. He says he's more confident than ever because his mystery partner is here today. He says to call somebody and tell them to watch the Superstation because they are going to see the biggest shock of their life today.
-Michael Hayes vs. Russian Assassin 2 with Paul Jones and Russian Assassin 1: Hayes gets a good ovation coming out. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break and threaten to punch each other. They circle each other again and the fans get behind Hayes. Assassin 2 with a wrist lock and he hits some forearms to Hayes. Hayes rolls out and kicks Assassin 2 away. He then struts to the crowd's delight. They lock up again. Hayes with a wrist lock. He then hits Assassin 2 with a forearm. Assassin 2 pushes off and Hayes comes back with a shoulder block. Hayes with an arm bar. A Badstreet chant goes out. Assassin 2 drives to a corner. Hayes breaks the hold and Assassin 2 hits him with a shot. A series of right hands to Hayes. Then a forearm and a corner whip. Hayes moves on the charge. He chops Assassin 2. Hayes goes back to a wrist lock. He gets Assassin 2 down on the mat. Assassin 2 with an eye gouge. He run's Hayes' face along the top rope. Assassin 2 throws Hayes to the outside where he is attacked by Assassin 1 while referee Teddy Long chastises Assassin 2. Hayes gets back in the ring. Assassin 2 with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Assassin 2 goes back to the arm bar. A let's go Micheal, let's go chant goes out. Hayes with some right hands to try and get out of the hold, but Assassin 2 grabs his hair to pull him down to the mat. He denies it to Long when he is asked. Assassin 2 keeps the arm bar on. Jones comes over to the desk and tells Jim and Tony that it's a different story here tonight without the Junkyard Dog here to interfere. Assassin 2 still has the arm bar on. Hayes trying to twist out of the move. Hayes gets to his feet and gets an Irish whip and a back elbow. Hayes goes to drop an elbow, but Assassin 2 moves and drops an elbow on Hayes. He gets a two count. He goes back to the arm bar. Hayes up and backs to a corner. He hits Assassin 2 with a double leg takedown but he's holding the ropes, so referee Teddy Long doesn't count the pin. Assassin 2 thinks he's won and Jones gets up on the apron. Hayes rolls Assassin 2 up for the pin.
-Butch Reed with JJ Dillon vs. George South: Weird to see Reed with Dillon. They were toying with the idea of making Reed a Horseman. They lock up. South with a wrist lock. Reed drives him down to the mat by the hair. They lock up again as JR gives Reed's athletic credentials so TASIYDAH. South goes back to the wrist lock. Reed pulls the hair again to drive South back to the mat. South pops back up and Reed punches him and drives him into the turnbuckle. Reed with a big right hand. Reed with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Reed scoop slams South. Reed with a fist drop to South. Reed with some knee drops to South. He then chokes South with his knee on the second rope. South with a shot to the stomach. Reed with an eye rake and a double ax handle. Reed with an Irish whip and a knee to the stomach. Reed with a series of punches to South's head. Reed with an elbow and an Irish whip. He hits South with a flying shoulder tackle and then goes up top and hits South with a flying clothesline. He then puts a knee on South and pins him.
-Jim Ross interviews Mike Rotunda and Kevin Sullivan. Rotunda says he's going to regain his Television Title. He says he gave Rick Steiner a piledriver as a little taste of what's to come because he's going to get his title back because he's earned it. He owns it and he owns Rick Steiner now. The day is coming real soon. JR asks Sullivan that also coming really soon are the Road Warriors. Sullivan says obviously the Road Warriors are the favorites. He says he isn't afraid of them because fear left him a long time ago. When he was strapped to the tree of woe for 6 days and 6 nights. When they sent him to the sweat box for four days and four nights. He says the only time he's gone into a bar and seen guys with makeup on their faces is when he took a wrong turn and went into the wrong bar. He says they may be the fastest bullies on the block, they may be fearsome and the toughest around. That was until the Varsity Club came about. He says Dr. Death and Kevin Sullivan. The Road Warriors like to say they dine on danger and snack on death. He says they're going to snack on death all night long. He says the doctor is going to deliver it and right here is danger. He says he's singling Hawk out and he's going to reach down and pluck out Hawk's heart because he's not so fearsome to him.
-The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotundo vs. Randy Hogan and Gene Miller: Hogan and Sullivan start. Sullivan with a waist lock takedown. Sullivan drops an elbow on Hogan and then gets a wrist lock on him. Sullivan with a scoop slam. Rotundo tagged in. He drops an elbow off the top rope to Hogan. Rotundo with an arm lock on Hogan. Sullivan tagged back in. He does a running kick to Hogan's arm while Rotundo is holding it. Sullivan then stomps Hogan's arm. Sullivan with a snap mare, he holds the arm and tags Rotundo in. Rotundo with a double leg drop. Rotundo with a hammerlock and runs Hogan into a turnbuckle. He then runs Hogan into another turnbuckle and Sullivan tagged back in. Sullivan with a hip lock. Miller tagged in. Sullivan hits him with shots and chops. Sullivan with a wrist lock and more shots to Miller. Rotundo tagged in and he stomps Miller. Rotundo with an arm bar takedown and he lifts Miller up after a one count. Rotundo with a hammerlock and dropping knees on Miller. Sullivan tagged in. He stomps Miller's arm. He gets Miller up and Rotundo tagged back in. He hits Miller with a vicious looking European uppercut. He drops an elbow and pulls Miller up after a two count. Rotundo with a front face lock into a hammerlock. Sullivan tagged in. Rotundo puts Miller into the tree of woe. Sullivan hits a running knee to Miller. He then hits another one. Sullivan with a snap mare. He double stomps Miller. Sullivan then works on an arm bar. Rotundo tagged back in. He hits a double arm suplex and gets the pin.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Eddie Gilbert. They show Ric Flair and Barry Windham attacking Gilbert in the ring. Gilbert says he's waited until this moment to embarrass the four horsemen. He says Ric Flair always says to be the man, you must beat the man and he says he has a man that can beat Ric Flair, Barry Windham, and JJ Dillon.
-Ric Flair and Barry Windham with JJ Dillon vs. Eddie Gilbert and a Mystery Partner: When they come back from the commercial break, everyone is in the ring except for the mystery partner. Flair is yelling out where's this partner? Where's the big man? The music starts to play and Ricky the Dragon Steamboat comes out. Flair is livid. An Eddie chant goes out. Steamboat and Windham start. They lock up and Steamboat with an arm drag. Then another one. Three arm drags and Windham backs away to the corner. They circle each other again and lock up. Steamboat with a side headlock. Windham pushes off. Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Steamboat runs the ropes. Windham with a series of drop downs to avoid being pinned. Steamboat slides between Windham's legs and scoop slams him. Flair comes in to atomic drop Steamboat, who slips behind Flair and picks him up and throws him into Windham. The Horsemen roll to the outside to confer with JJ. The crowd cheers the faces as referee Teddy Long starts counting the heels out. Back in, Flair and Steamboat lock up. Steamboat with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Steamboat comes back with a brutal shoulder block. Flair backs to a corner. They lock up and Flair reverses Steamboat into the corner and starts chopping him. Steamboat comes back with chops of his own to knock Flair down. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Steamboat pushes off. Flair with a shoulder block. Steamboat comes back with an overhead press slam. Flair rolls back to the outside. Flair gets back in on the four count. Steamboat goes over to where Jim and Tony are and tells Flair on the mic that if he wants to play, stay in the sand box. Back in the ring, they lock up again. Back to a corner and Flair starts chopping Steamboat again. They then go back and forth in the corner of the ring. Windham comes in. Steamboat fights him off and runs Windham and Flair's heads together. He then gets a corner whip and a backdrop on Flair. Flair backs away and then kicks Steamboat in the midsection. Back and forth in the corner and Steamboat chops Flair to the mat. Flair is mad and screaming at Steamboat before rolling outside again. Steamboat yells out at Jim and Tony to tell Flair to get back into the sandbox. They lock up again. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover. A Steamboat chant goes out. Steamboat with a front face lock and goes over and tags Gilbert in. Gilbert picks up the side headlock. Flair pushes him back into the corner and chops Gilbert. Gilbert fighting back and hits a flying mare out to the center of the ring. Then a flying headscissors to Flair. Flair falls head first into the mat and then tags Windham in. He and Gilbert push each other in the center of the ring. They lock up and drive to a corner. Windham with a series of right hands and kicks to Gilbert. Back and forth. Gilbert with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Windham stumbling to get up and wanders over close to Steamboat, who guillotines him on the top rope. Gilbert goes back to the side headlock. Windham picks Gilbert up and hits a belly to back suplex. Windham drives Gilbert to a corner and hits him with a right hand. Gilbert reverses a corner whip and gets some right hands and a side headlock on Windham. Windham with a right and gets Gilbert in a front face lock and tags Flair in. He kicks Gilbert in the ribs. Back and forth in the corner. Gilbert with a corner whip and Flair goes up and over and collapses on the apron. He falls to the floor and backs away. The Horsemen regroup again on the outside. Back in, Flair hits Gilbert with a kick and an elbow. He then chops Gilbert and gets a side headlock on. Gilbert pushes off and Flair comes back with a side headlock. Gilbert gets a drop toe hold on Flair. Gilbert then gets a figure four on Flair. JJ gets up on the apron to distract Teddy Long and Flair rakes Gilbert in the eyes and goes to reverse the figure four and Gilbert gets an inside cradle on Flair. He gets a two count. Windham tagged in and Windham gets an Irish whip and a power slam on Gilbert. Windham with a shot and goes for a scoop slam, but Gilbert rolls him up in a small package for a two count. Windham with another shot and an Irish whip. Gilbert ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody on Windham for a two count. Windham rakes the eyes, gets Gilbert in a front face lock, and tags Flair back in. Flair comes in with shots and chops. Flair goes to suplex Gilbert, who slips behind Flair and rolls him up for a two count. Flair with an Irish whip, misses an elbow strike, and Gilbert comes back and hits Flair with a clothesline. Flair rolls to the outside. Gilbert tries to make a tag, but Windham comes in and cuts him off and throws him to the outside. Flair chopping Gilbert out on the floor. Flair runs Gilbert into the corner post. Back in, Windham gets Gilbert in a front face lock and hits a nice float over suplex for a two count. Windham with a big right hand to Gilbert. Back and forth in the middle of the ring with Gilbert hitting Windham with everything he has. Windham with an atomic drop on Gilbert, who comes back with a brutal clothesline. Flair tagged in. He hits a nice double arm suplex. He then drops a knee on Gilbert. He gets a two count. Flair gets into a shoving match with referee Teddy Long. Flair cuts off Gilbert from tagging and hits him with a forearm to the back. Flair with a driving foot to the back of Gilbert. Flair with a back suplex. Gilbert kicks out at two. Flair punches Gilbert as the let's go Eddie chant starts again. Windham tagged in. Flair with an Irish whip to Gilbert and Windham hits him with a lariat. That gets another two count. Windham is frustrated. He hits Gilbert with a big right hand. He then hits him with an inverted atomic drop. He follows that up with a scoop slam. Windham then goes up top and comes off with an elbow drop, but Gilbert moves. Flair and Steamboat both tagged in. Steamboat attacking Flair with right hands. Steamboat with an Irish whip and a flying shoulder block. Another Irish whip and a backdrop to Flair. Steamboat then attacks Windham when he tries to come in. Steamboat chops Flair and Irish whips him. Then another backdrop. Then a scoop slam to Flair. Then a karate thrust to Flair's throat. Steamboat then runs Flair face first into the mat. He then does it again and is fighting off Windham when he tries to come in. He then Irish whips and press slams Flair and goes up top. He hits Flair with a high crossbody and pins him. The crowd celebrates the faces winning. JJ arguing the call with referee Teddy Long.
-Jim and Tony interview Eddie Gilbert and Ricky Steamboat. Gilbert says he has the man who beat NWA champion Ric Flair. Steamboat says he's always had a quest in his life to be a world champion. He says he's been all around the world, even to other federations, but he came back to his home. They then show the replay of some moments from the match. Steamboat says Gilbert took a tremendous amount of punishment. Steamboat says he's got a tremendous amount of motivation to be the world champion. Steamboat says he thanks the NWA fans for the support they gave while he was away. But he's coming home. Gilbert says there's a lot of people he could have picked, but there's only one man in his mind that could beat Ric Flair and he's proud to have Steamboat as his partner. The Horsemen then come out and Flair gets into Steamboat's face to tell him he has no business here and asks him what he is doing? Steamboat says this is the land of opportunity and he made his deal. JJ Dillon and Flair are livid. JJ says they weren't prepared for Ricky Steamboat and this will never go down in the record books. Flair screams that he's a multi-millionaire and that this doesn't happen to millionaires. His days are planned, scheduled, and detailed. He says if he's to wrestle Ricky Steamboat, he knows about it in advance. Everyone else tries to calm Flair down. Flair says he doesn't care if Steamboat has a kid and a wife. This is wrestling, don't walk out here in public saying he's after Ric Flair's belt. You aren't going to get it. They then sign off.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: A great show to set up the Flair/Steamboat rivalry that was the highlight of the first half of 1989 NWA and WCW. Highly recommended.

Episode 140 Notes Thu, 28 Jul 2022 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a3705974-e622-4dc7-8080-f8702bc01637 My Notes for Episode 140: Project 45 2021 WrestleMania 37. -Today, Project 45 continues and we have landed in the year 2021 with a look at the first event back in front of fans, WrestleMania 37.
-Shout out to for help with the recap.
-WrestleMania 37 took place on April 10-11, 2021 from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. This was the first event streamed exclusively on Peacock in the United States. This was the first WrestleMania since 2002 to not feature John Cena in any capacity and the first since 2012 to not feature Brock Lesnar. This was also the first WrestleMania since 1988 to not feature at least one of the following as an in-ring competitor: Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and HHH, although the latter appeared on the stage at the beginning of night 1 to welcome fans back. The attendance for Night 1 and 2 was 25,675 each night for a total of 51,350, although this is disputed.
-Night 1: Open on a shot of the stadium. Vince McMahon is introduced. He is on top of the entrance with the WWE Superstars. He welcomes the fans back to live wrestling. He says thank you and welcome to WrestleMania in his old school Vince way.
-WWE Intro.
-Bebe Rexha in the ring to sing America the Beautiful.
-WrestleMania Intro. They have some fun with the cold open.
-Titus O'Neill and Hulk Hogan, who are co-hosts for the event, come out. They welcome fans back live and welcome us to WrestleMania! They say we got two nights of WrestleMania and we are going to start out with the WWE Championship Match.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to WrestleMania. He, Samoa Joe, and Byron Saxton are calling the Raw matches.
-Flashback to what led up to the match between Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre.
-WWE Championship Match. Bobby Lashley with MVP vs. Drew McIntyre: A Bobby chant goes out. The bell rings and they lock up. They battle for position. They break. Another lock up and Lashley with a go behind. McIntyre comes back with a wrist lock. Lashley pushes off. Lashley with a shoulder tackle. McIntyre pops right back up. They circle each other. Test of strength. McIntyre with a kick and a wrist lock. McIntyre with a side headlock. Lashley pushes off. McIntyre off the ropes and Lashley leapfrogs him. McIntyre pushes off and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. He then gives Lashley the up yours gesture. Lashley pushes McIntyre away by his face. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Lashley drives McIntyre back to the corner. McIntyre reverses and kicks Lashley in the corner. He then hits a series of forearms to Lashley. Lashley with a throat thrust to McIntyre. Lashley with a series of right hands and forearms. McIntyre reverses an Irish whip. He clotheslines Lashley to the outside. MVP comes over to check on Lashley. McIntyre follows Lashley outside. Lashley drives McIntyre into the barricade. McIntyre starts to come back and Lashley drives him into the barricade again and again. Lashley throws McIntyre back into the ring. Lashley with a running shoulder charge to McIntyre in the corner. Lashley with a neck breaker. He gets a one count. Lashley with a series of right hands to McIntyre. Lashley choking McIntyre on the second rope and hitting him with elbow strikes at the same time. The referee pulls Lashley off of McIntyre. Lashley goes back to choking McIntyre on the bottom rope by driving his boot into McIntyre's throat back up against the ropes. McIntyre coming back with a series of chops and shots. Lashley drives McIntyre back to a corner. McIntyre moves on the charge and Lashley hits the corner post shoulder first. McIntyre targets that arm and puts Lashley in an arm bar. Lashley pounds on McIntyre to release the hold. Lashley slaps McIntyre. Lashley gets McIntyre in the corner and runs his shoulder into McIntyre's midsection. Lashley with a corner whip. McIntyre comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Another clothesline. Lashley reverses an Irish whip. McIntyre ducks a clothesline attempt. McIntyre with another overhead belly to belly suplex. McIntyre drives Lashley into a corner and then hits a third suplex. Lashley misses a clothesline and McIntyre hits a neck breaker. McIntyre kips up. The crowd comes to life on that move. McIntyre goes for the Future Shock DDT, but Lashley pushes him back to the corner. McIntyre gets an elbow up on a Lashley charge in. McIntyre goes for a German suplex, but Lashley blocks it and McIntyre transitions into a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. MVP yells at Lashley to focus. McIntyre goes back to working on the arm and Lashley responds with knees to the midsection of McIntyre. Lashley with forearms and he pushes McIntyre off. McIntyre responds with a kick to the face of Lashley. Lashley with a clothesline. He picks McIntyre up in a thrust spinebuster and gets a two count. Lashley goes for it again, but McIntyre slips out and hits a shoulder block to Lashley, McIntyre rushes Lashley, who choke slams McIntyre in response. He gets another two count. Lashley goes for the Hurt Lock, but McIntyre is fighting it. Lashley with knees to McIntyre's stomach. Lashley gets McIntyre on his shoulders, but McIntyre is able to punch his way out of it. McIntyre pushes Lashley away. McIntyre charges Lashley, who hits him with a back elbow. McIntyre charges again and Lashley gets his boot up. McIntyre with some back elbows. McIntyre with some chops and a forearm. McIntyre slams Lashley down face first. He gets a two count. McIntyre puts Lashley on the top rope. He then chops Lashley. McIntyre with mounted punches and Lashley trying to come back. McIntyre with a series of forearms. McIntyre goes for a top rope superplex, but slips and crotches himself. Lashley hitting McIntyre with some forearms. McIntyre grabs the arm and puts the Kimora on. Lashley with punches trying to get out of the move. Lashley punches McIntyre into the tree of woe. Lashley stomping McIntyre while still on the top rope and McIntyre lifts up and throws Lashley off of the top rope. McIntyre rushes Lashley, who hits McIntyre with a choke slam. McIntyre kips up again and the crowd comes to life again. McIntyre says bring it, bitch and they go back and forth in the middle of the ring. McIntyre with a reversal and another overhead belly to belly suplex. McIntyre ducks a clothesline attempt and hits the Future Shock DDT. McIntyre then hits a second one and then a third one. He gets a close two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. McIntyre goes for the Claymore kick, but Lashley slips out of the ring to avoid it and confer with MVP. McIntyre with a rolling dive out of the ring onto both of them to a big reaction. Back in the ring, McIntyre climbs up top, but Lashley catches him when he comes off and goes for the Hurt Lock. Lashley knees him in the stomach and does a release German suplex on him. Lashley with an even flow like move and yells to McIntyre to get up. Lashley goes for the Hurt Lock. McIntyre is fighting it. McIntyre trying to power out. McIntyre pushes forward and drives Lashley into a corner post. McIntyre rushes Lashley. Lashley goes for the spinebuster, but McIntyre rolls through. McIntyre with the Kimora again. Lashley fights through the pain and gets to the ropes. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. McIntyre driven to the corner. Lashley rushes McIntyre and runs into a kick by McIntyre. McIntyre with the Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre gets distracted by MVP as he goes for the Claymore and Lashley ducks it. Lashley with a running punch and gets the Hurt Lock in. McIntyre fighting it, but he is fading. McIntyre rallies back to his feet. McIntyre gets to the turnbuckle and kicks off, but Lashley doesn't release the hold. McIntyre fading. The referee calls it off and Lashley retains the WWE Championship. Lashley and MVP celebrating in the center of the ring. They show a replay of the finish.
-New WWE Hall of Famers the NWO are shown in the back with Titus when they are interrupted by Bayley. She says well look who it is the two hosts of WrestleMania. She says if they needed help at WrestleMania, that would be too sweet, if they know what she is talking about. This is embarrassing. They all blow her off and leave.
-Tag Team turmoil match. Lana and Naomi vs. Billie Kay and Carmella: They are going to start the match. Corey Graves joins Michael Cole at commentary since this is a Smackdown event. Naomi and Carmella start. The bell rings. Naomi with kicks. Carmella knocked down. Carmella thrown into the corner and Lana tagged in. She bulldogs Carmella. Lana with double knees to Carmella. Carmella fights back and drives Lana down to the mat. Kay tagged in and Carmella runs Lana into Kay's shoe. Kay with punches to Lana. Kay with an Irish whip and looks like she goes for a tilt a whirl back breaker, but messes it up. Lana with a side Russian leg sweep. Naomi tagged in. She knocks Carmella off of the apron and knocks Kay down. Naomi tags Lana in and then kicks Kay with a reverse kickoff the ropes. Lana misses a kick, but knocks Kay down and Naomi tagged back in. Double face buster to Kay and Carmella breaks up the pin attempt. Nia Jax and Shayna Bazsler are shown looking on as Naomi throws Carmella out to the apron and gets rolled up by Kay to get pinned with an assist by Carmella for leverage. The Riott Squad Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan come to the ring. Morgan starts. She knocks Carmella off of the apron and then dropkicks Kay down. Riott tagged in and rolls Kay up for a two count. Riott runs Kay into a turnbuckle and tags Morgan back in. Kay backdrops Riott to the outside and hits Morgan with a back elbow. Kay punches Morgan down. Carmella tagged in. She kicks Morgan down in a corner. Carmella then moonwalks out of the corner and the crowd boos. Carmella then with a bronco buster to Morgan. Kay tagged back in. Kay with a gut wrench suplex. Carmella with a super kick. Kay with a two count, but Riott breaks up the pin attempt. Carmella comes in and throws Riott to the apron. Riott with a knee to Carmella and Kay kicks Riott off of the apron to the floor. Morgan with a waist lock. Kay reverses it and rolls Morgan up and Carmella goes to help her again, but gets caught this time. Morgan with a forearm to Kay. Riott tagged in. Morgan hits double knees to Kay. Riott hits a senton off the top onto Kay and pins her. Carmella comes in and super kicks Morgan. Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke are the next team and Riott tells them to bring it. Riott knocks Brooke off the apron, but Rose knocks Roitt down. Brooke tagged in. She goes up top and hits a blockbuster on Riott, but Morgan breaks up the pin attempt. Brooke punching Riott. Riott with kicks and a throat thrust to Brooke. Brooke responds with a kick and a spinning neck breaker. She gets a two count. Rose tagged in. Rose beating Riott down in the corner. Riott gets her boots up on a charge. Riott tries to tag Morgan in, but Rose intercepts her. Riott rolls Rose up and gets a two count. Riott rolls through and tags Morgan in. Morgan with a clothesline and a step up Enziguri and then stomps Rose down. Morgan gets a two count. Riott tagged in. Morgan hits double knees to Rose and Riott hits the Riott Kick. Brooke breaks up the tag. Riott throws Brooke to the outside. Morgan tagged in. She and Rose going back and forth in the middle of the ring. Rose with a corner whip and she drives her shoulder into Morgan in the corner. Riott comes in and Rose suplexes her out of the ring. Morgan goes to the second rope. Rose comes up as well and they battle on the turnbuckle. Brooke tagged in. Rose superplexes Morgan. Brooke hits a swanton on Morgan. Brooke gets a two count, but Morgan gets a reversal to pin Brooke. Natalya and Tamina are the next team out. Natalya in and goes for the Sharpshooter right away. Morgan rolls her up for a two count. Natalya guillotines Morgan on the top rope. Tamina tagged in. She beats Morgan down in the corner. Natalya tagged back in. She hits a power bomb on Morgan, but Riott breaks up the pin attempt. Tamina knocks Riott down-and-out. Natalya drives Morgan into the corner. Tamina tagged in. She hits Morgan with stiff knees to knock her down in the corner. Tamina lifts Morgan up on her shoulders. Morgan grabs the ropes to get off. She beats Tamina off. Morgan knocks Natalya off the apron when she comes over. Riott tagged in. Morgan jumps when Tamina charges in and Morgan drives Riott into Tamina. Riott with a running kick to the face and Morgan tagged back in. Morgan with double knees and Riott again with the senton off of the top rope. Gets a two count. Riott tagged back in. She gets a wrist lock on. Tamina with the corner whip and then with a kick to Morgan when she gets in. Tamina goes over to her own corner and kicks Riott away when she comes over. Natalya tagged in. She and Tamina hit a Hart Attack on Riott. Natayla starts to go for the Sharpshooter, but instead tags Tamina back in and Tamina hits the Superfly Splash and gets the pin. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler still shown looking.
-WWE Covid Vaccine Commercial.
-Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro: Flashback to the buildup to the match. The bell rings and Cesaro with an uppercut out of nowhere. He goes for the Swing, but Rollins kicks him off. Rollins with a kick to the stomach and goes for a running kick, but Cesaro catches his leg. Cesaro with a dragon screw takedown. Cesaro again goes for the Swing, but Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins gets out on the apron and runs his shoulder into Cesaro. Rollins swings over Cesaro, who comes back with a corkscrew springboard uppercut to Rollins. Rollins rolls to the outside. Cesaro gets him up and slams him into the ropes. Rollins grabs Cesaro's arm and slams it down on the top rope as he jumps off. Rollins goes up top and Cesaro hits him with a top rope dropkick. Cesaro climbs up and goes for the gut wrench suplex. Rollins slips behind and hits a buckle bomb on Cesaro. Gets a two count. Rollins focusing on the shoulder of Cesaro, trying to take the Swing away from him. Cesaro trying to come back with European uppercuts. Cesaro rushes Rollins, who backdrops Cesaro out to the apron. Cesaro with a forearm. Cesaro goes up top, Rollins jumps to the rope and hits a superplex and floats through and hits a Falcon Arrow on Cesaro. Gets a two count. Rollins goes for a neck breaker. Cesaro hooks the arms and goes for a backslide. He gets another two count. Cesaro with an uppercut. Cesaro with a series of uppercuts and a clothesline to get a two count. The crowd signals for Cesaro to swing Rollins. He goes for it and Rollins counters into a roll up. He gets a two count. Cesaro goes for the Swing again, but Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins with a step up enziguri. Rollins goes for the Stomp, but Cesaro picks him out of the air. Cesaro gets the Swing and goes 9 times before his arm starts to bother him. Cesaro gets the Sharpshooter locked in. Rollins gets to the ropes. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer. Rollins counters into a backdrop, but Cesaro lands on his feet. Cesaro goes for another uppercut, but Rollins moves and Cesaro hits his bad arm on the turnbuckle. Rollins over the ropes and hits Cesaro in the jaw with a knee. Rollins with a Sling blade. Rollins goes up top and hits a corkscrew splash and gets a two count. Rollins goes for a move that Cesaro counters into the Neutralizer. He gets a close two count. Cesaro with some uppercuts to Rollins, who reaches the ropes to pull himself up. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer again and Rollins counters it into the Pedigree. Rollins gets a two count. He screams at Cesaro that he survived the Neutralizer and the Swing. Rollins gets Cesaro up for the Stomp. Cesaro ducks his head, but Rollins kicks Cesaro in the back of the neck. Rollins goes for the Stomp and Cesaro counters with an uppercut. Cesaro gets Rollins up in the UFO. Cesaro signals for the Swing and then spins Rollins around 23 times. Cesaro hits another Neutralizer and gets the pin. Cesaro celebrates as the announcers show the replay of the finish.
-Flashback to the Andre the Giant Bittle Royal that Jey Uso won.
-Kayla Braxton interviews the Smackdown Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. Ziggler says there's nothing like WrestleMania now that the two aces have arrived. He says it finally feels like WrestleMania. Roode says for a couple of dirty dogs, they clean up quite nice. Braxton asks them what they think about New Day challenging Omos and AJ Styles for the Raw Tag Team Championship? Ziggler says New Day is one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Ziggler says even he had Kofimania for a minute. He says rainbows and unicorns can only get you so far when you're staring across the ring at AJ Styles and Omos. Roode says he's known AJ a long time and you never bet against the Phenomenal One. They then say that they have to go because the 2020 Hall of Fame Class requests pictures with the champs.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. AJ Styles and Omos: Big E comes out with Kingston and Woods before going back to the dressing room area. Kingston in first and he wants Styles to start. Styles comes in. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Styles with a go behind. Kingston with a single leg takedown. Styles with a headscissors takedown. He follows that up with an Irish whip. Kingston spins over him. Lots of counters between the two in the center of the ring. They trade one counts. Styles back dropped face down in the ring. Kingston with a dropkick and another one count. Styles with a throat thrust. Styles with an Irish whip. Kingston tags Woods in. Woods trips Styles and drops an elbow on him. Gets a one count. Woods screaming at Styles telling him what they are doing to him and calling him a bad wrestler. It's pretty funny. Kingston tagged back in. He kicks Styles down in the corner. New Day doing the Unicorn Stomp on Styles in the corner. Kingston then corner whips Woods into Styles. Woods gets a two count. Woods with a side headlock. Into a takeover. Styles gets close to tagging, so Woods takes him over again. Back to their feet and Styles trying to move Woods closer to Omos so that he can tag him in. Woods moves him back to the center of the ring and takes him down again. He gets another one count. Kingston tagged in. Double wrist locks and double chops by the New Day. Double kicks and a double bulldog to Styles. Another two count. Styles back up and trying to figure out how to get by Kingston to tag Omos in. Styles rolls out of the ring to go around to tag Omos in, but Woods cuts him off and pushes him back outside the ring. Woods with a running kick to drive Styles back to the barricade. Kingston with a double stomp to Styles from the top rope and he gets another two count. Woods tagged in. He gets Styles up on his shoulders and Styles trying to get out by elbowing Woods in the head. Styles ducks a clothesline attempt and almost tags Omos in before getting grabbed by the back of his tights by Woods. Woods backdrops Styles, who lands on his feet and crawls through Wood's legs before being cut off again. Styles goes for an enziguri, but Woods ducks and holds onto Style's leg. Styles kicks Woods off, but he tags Kingston. Kingston hits a springboard crossbody onto Styles and gets a close two count. Woods tagged in and goes up top where Kingston holds Styles. Styles kicks his way out before Woods can jump and Styles tags Omos in. Woods looks horrified and starts to back away as the crowd comes to life. Woods attacking Omos' legs with kicks trying to knock him down, but they appear not to be having any effect. He then tries a dropkick, but that doesn't have any effect either. Woods running, tags Kingston in, and then hits Omos with a crossbody, but Omos doesn't move and Woods falls to the mat. Kingston jumps off the top rope, but Omos catches him. Omos just slings Kingston down. Omos screams at the New Day that he has been waiting for this. Omos kicks Woods away and then grabs Kingston and throws him into a turnbuckle. Omos then hits Woods with a charge in the corner. He then hits Kingston with another charge in the opposite corner. Styles yells at Omos to break his neck. Omos picks Woods up and delivers a backbreaker to him. He then goes to put the claw on Woods, who fights it but Omos finally does get the move on. Woods collapses to the mat. Omos then picks Kingston up and slams him down. Styles then jumps from the top rope off the shoulders of Omos and hits Kingston with the Phenomenal Forearm. Omos grabs a shaken Kingston and choke slams him down and pins him with one foot. New Raw tag team champions. The announcers then show some highlights of the match.
-Another WWE Covid Vaccine ad.
-Sasha Banks is shown in the back.
-The steel cage is shown being lowered for the next match.
-Flashback to what led up to the next match.
-Steel cage match. Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman: Jerry Lawler is introduced as a special guest commentator. McMahon out first. Then Strowman out. He gets a good reaction. Lawler with some lame Braun Stroman is dumb jokes. As Strowman comes to the door, Elias and Stryker attack him from behind with chairs. Strowman crawls inside the ring and Elias hands McMahon a chair through the cage door. The bell rings and McMahon attacks Strowman from behind with the chair. He keeps hitting him from behind with the chair. He goes to hit him in the head, but Strowman grabs the chair. McMahon kicks Stroman's bad leg before he can use the chair. McMahon grabs the chair again and calls for the door to be opened. Strowman grabs McMahon and pulls him back in the ring before he can walk out. McMahon then starts to climb out of the cage, but again Strowman grabs him. Strowman screams I told you no running. Nowhere to run. You're going to get these hands. McMahon hits Strowman with a series of punches and kicks. McMahon ducks a Strowman shot and then hits and kicks him again. McMahon gets Strowman in the corner and kicks him several times. Then a series of shots to Stroman's midsection until Strowman just pushes McMahon away. McMahon again tries to climb the cage and again Strowman pulls him down. Strowman grabs McMahon and McMahon tries to kick Strowman away. McMahon kicks Strowman away and then McMahon rips a piece of sheet metal off of the top of the cage. He starts to attack Strowman with it. He hits Strowman in the head to knock him down. McMahon rushes for the cage door, but Strowman grabs him by the leg before he can get out. McMahon grabs the ropes, but Strowman just flings him back to the center of the cage. Strowman then throws McMahon back into the cage. He then does it again. Strowman then kicks McMahon in the stomach. McMahon gets up and Strowman attacks him again. McMahon then up on the apron between the ropes and the cage. Strowman rushes him and squashes him against the cage. Strowman grabs McMahon and hits a big forearm to the chest. Strowman tries to get McMahon up for the running power slam, but his bad leg gives out and McMahon pushes off. McMahon keeps ramming Strowman into the cage. McMahon hits a DDT. McMahon gets Strowman down and climbs to the top rope and hits coast-to-coast on Strowman. McMahon gets a two count. Elias and Ryker are back and start to climb the cage to get in. They grab McMahon by the arms to try to help him out of the cage. Strowman runs and hits the cage to knock Elias and Ryker off of the cage. McMahon falls from the top back into the cage. McMahon tries to climb the cage again, but Strowman grabs him. McMahon gets to the top of the cage and Strowman trying to stop him from climbing over. There is a bag up there and McMahon pulls out a tool box from it and hits Strowman with it and Strowman falls back inside the ring. McMahon starts to taunt Strowman as he climbs to the outside and Strowman grabs his hand through the cage. Strowman starts to peel apart the cage and drag McMahon through it. Strowman bashing McMahon against the cage and punching him in the midsection over and over. Strowman puts McMahon on top of the cage and then climbs up there himself. Strowman stands up on top of the cage, grabs McMahon, and screams I told you, who's stupid now? He then throws McMahon off the top of the cage back into the ring. Strowman climbs down into the ring. He picks McMahon up and hits the running power slam to pin McMahon.
-The announcers recap the match.
-Byron, Cole, and Samoa Joe talk about the 2020 Hall of Fame being recognized when they are interrupted by Bayley. She then introduces the highlight package. William Shatner, JBL, The British Bulldog, The Bella Twins, Warrior Award winner Titus O'Neil, Jushin Liger, and the NWO are your inductees.
-WrestleMania 38 announced for Texas.
-Booker T is announced as the special guest commentator for the next match. A group of people dressed as bunnies come down to ringside. They get in the ring and jump around.
-Miz and John Morrison vs. Damien Priest and Bad Bunny: A feature on Bad Bunny and how this match came about. Priest out to a great ovation. Bad Bunny shown coming to the stadium on the back of a semi trailer. He gets a great reaction from the crowd. The bell rings. Miz wants Bad Bunny to start and tells him that he's scared. Bad Bunny tagged in. Miz taunting Bad Bunny daring him to hit him. He taunts Priest and turns around and Bad Bunny drops Miz with a right hand. Miz goes to lock up and Bad Bunny with a go behind. Miz goes for a back elbow, but Bad Bunny ducks and hits Miz with another right hand. Miz drives Bad Bunny to the corner and goes for a big right hand, but Bad Bunny ducks and hits some body shots to Miz. Miz throws Bad Bunny into the corner and starts choking him on the top rope. He stops and Bad Bunny hits him with a double leg takedown in the middle of the ring. Miz comes back with a knee to the midsection and some kicks to knock Bad Bunny down. Miz with stomps and forearms to the fallen Bad Bunny. Miz runs Bad Bunny into a turnbuckle. He then runs Bad Bunny face first along the top rope. Miz with an Irish whip and a hip toss. Bad Bunny lands on his feet and arm drags Miz to the outside of the ring. The Miz is stunned. Miz gets back in and Bad Bunny gets a drop toe hold on him. Bad Bunny with a roll up for a two count. Miz comes over for a pep talk from Morrison. Bad Bunny taunts Miz. Miz goads Bad Bunny in for a test of strength and then kicks Bad Bunny. Miz with a forearm to the back. Miz throws Bad Bunny into the ropes and he slides out to the apron and to the ground. Miz then goes over and taunts Priest. Miz rushes Bad Bunny, who runs his shoulder into Miz. He then slides under Miz's legs. He ducks a Miz clothesline attempt and does a flying headscissors to Miz. Morrison tags in. Bad Bunny kicks Morrison in the stomach and headbutts him. Bad Bunny with a back elbow to Morrison in the corner. Morrison catches Bad Bunny with a back elbow when he tries it again. While Morrison has the referee distracted, Miz hits Bad Bunny with a cheap shot. Miz tagged in. He hits Bad Bunny with a running kick to the head. Miz then taunts Priest. Miz drops down on Bad Bunny to stop him from going for the tag. Miz with a rear chin lock. Miz runs Bad Bunny into the heels corner and goes to hit him, but Bad Bunny blocks the shot and hits Miz. Bad Bunny hitting both Miz and Morrison to try to get out of the corner. Miz cuts Bad Bunny off from making the tag, but Bad Bunny turns it into a sunset flip attempt. Gets a two count. Miz with a big kick to knock Bad Bunny down. Miz with a DDT. Miz drags Bad Bunny back to the corner by his hair. He kicks Bad Bunny to the outside of the ring. Morrison runs Bad Bunny into the announce desk. He throws Bad Bunny back into the ring. Morrison tagged in. Morrison kicking Bad Bunny while he is down. Morrison mocks Booker with the Spineroonie and then Priest. Miz tagged back in. Miz punches Bad Bunny in the stomach. Miz goads Priest in and then attacks Bad Bunny as Priest is cut off by the referee. Miz grabs Bad Bunny and runs him into a turnbuckle. He kicks Bad Bunny as a let's go Bunny chant goes out. Miz choking Bad Bunny up on the ropes and finally breaks at the four count. Bad Bunny gets his boot up on a Miz charge and then hits Morrison when he comes over. Bad Bunny with a tornado DDT to Miz off of the ropes. Both men down and the crowd trying to motivate Bad Bunny into making a tag. Miz tries to stop the tag, but Bad Bunny dives and tags Priest in. Priest hits Miz and then drags Morrison in. Miz misses a kick and Priest hits him with a kick to the side of the head. Priest with a spinning heel kick. Priest with a series of kicks to Miz and Morrison. A clothesline to Morrison. Running back elbows to Morrison and Miz in opposite corners. Priest suplexes Miz into Morrison. Priest hits a South of Heaven choke slam on Miz, but Morrison breaks up the cover. Priest comes in and he and Morrison start fighting. Bad Bunny and Priest with stereo Falcon Arrows, but Morrison and Miz both kick out at two. The heels slide outside and Bad Bunny Irish whips Priest so he can hit a dive on them on the outside. Bad Bunny then goes up to the top rope and hits a crossbody to Miz and Morrison and the crowd goes crazy for the move. Back in the ring, Miz blocks a move and hits a SCF, but Bad Bunny breaks up the pin attempt. A Bunny chant goes out. Priest kicks Miz off of him and goes to tag, but Morrison pulls Bad Bunny off of the apron. Bad Bunny hits sort of a reverse Canadian Destroyer to Morrison on the outside and the crowd can't believe it. Miz rushes Priest, who kicks Miz down. Priest puts Miz on his shoulders and tags Bad Bunny in. Bad Bunny with a crossbody to Miz and pins Miz. The crowd loves it. Priest and Bad Bunny celebrate afterwards.
-WWE Championship Replicas ad.
-Recap of the WWE Championship Match.
-Preview of Night 2 of WrestleMania.
-Flashback to what has led up to the Main Event.
-WWE Smackdown Women's Championship Match. Sasha Banks vs. Bianca Belair: Belair out first to a fantastic ovation. Banks out looking serious. Dueling EST/Let's go Sasha chants go out. The bell rings and Belair looking very emotional. The crowd stands up and cheers her. They circle each other. They lock up. They back to a corner and break clean. Another lock up and Banks pushes Belair down. Belair nips up and they both say that they are the best. Belair pushes Banks away. Banks then pushes Belair back. They take turns pushing each other. Banks pushes off. Belair cartwheels and catches Banks. Banks tries to reverse into a sunset flip. Belair tries to flip onto Banks, but Banks moves out of the way. They taunt each other. Banks with a go behind and a rear chin lock. Belair with a snap mare to get out of the move. Belair gets Banks up in a fireman's carry, but Banks slips out of the hold. They trash talk each other. Banks kicks Belair in the stomach. Then a forearm to Belair. Banks rushes Belair, who catches Banks and lifts her up, but Banks rolls out of the move and pushes Belair outside to the floor. Banks with a baseball slide to Belair when she tries to get in the ring. Belair gets up on the apron and blocks a right hand by Banks when she tries to stop her from getting in. Belair grabs Banks as if to drag her out, but Belair guillotines Banks on the top rope. In response, Banks drives Belair into the ring post and Belair falls to the outside. The referee starts counting Belair and Banks hits her with a suicide dive. Belair rolls through and picks Banks up to the roar of the crowd and the unbelief of the announcers. Belair presses Banks over the head, walks up the ring steps, and dumps Banks back inside the ring. Banks ducks a clothesline and hits Belair with a dropkick as an EST chant goes out. Banks gets a one count. Belair with a running shoulder tackle and Belair tells Banks to get up. Belair lifts Banks up, yells that she is the EST, and slams Banks down. Belair with a moonsault off the ropes, Banks blocks it and grabs Belair by the hair. Banks with a series of kicks to Belair and then hits Belair with a running kick. Gets a two count. Banks gets on top of Belair and starts punching her. Belair covering up. She pushes Belair's arms down and gets a one count. Belair backs off, but Banks gets her into a corner and goes to choke her with her boot. The referee pulls her away after a four count. Banks throws Belair into another corner. Banks snap mares Belair out of the corner and applies a rear chin lock into a submission. Banks reverses a corner whip, Belair flips Banks to the outside when she charges in. Banks with a knee to the jaw of Belair. Banks goes for the double knees. Belair intercepts and choke slams Banks down hard on the mat. Banks rolls out, grabbing the long braid of Belair again and they are on opposite sides of the ring steps and Banks pulling the braid through the corner of the ring. Belair pulls the other side of the braid and runs Banks shoulder first into the ring post. Belair up against the barricade. Banks goes for running knees to Belair, who moves and Banks hits the barricade. Double count going. Both women back in at 8. Inside cradle into a vertical suplex by Belair. She slingshots Banks into two ropes. Banks trying to reverse, but each time Belair pushes her back to a vertical hold. Banks tries to fight back with punches, but Belair completes the suplex. Both wrestlers down on the mat. A double count going. Both wrestlers grab each other and struggle to their feet. Banks with a slap to knock Belair to one knee. Banks goes up top for the arm drag, but Belair hangs on. They both have the braid and Belair uses it to clothesline Banks. Belair with a series of shoulder tackles. Then a dropkick to Banks. Belair with a kip up. Belair hits a standing shooting star press. Belair with a running shoulder into Banks in the corner. The referee pulls Belair back after a three count. Banks kicks Belair and rushes her. Belair picks Banks up and slams her down face first. Belair goes up top and comes off with a 450 splash, but Banks gets her knees up. Both wrestlers down again. Belair gets Banks' shoulders down for a two count. Banks with a backslide. Gets a two count. Banks kicks Belair. Banks runs at Belair, who catches Banks and power bombs her. She then lifts her up and power bombs her again. She gets a two count. Belair goes for a third one, and Banks counters with a face buster. Banks kicking Belair down in the corner. Banks hits a tornado DDT off of the ropes. She gets a two count. Banks goes up top. She hits a splash for a two count. Belair goes out to the apron and Banks drapes the arm of Belair over the bottom rope and pulls back. Belair is hurting. It goes outside. Banks runs Belair into the ring steps. Banks throws Belair back in the ring. She screams It's Boss Time to the announcers. Banks goes for the Bank Statement using Belair's hair braid. Belair fighting to get to the ropes. Banks rolls her back to the center of the ring, but Belair rolls back and reaches the ropes. Banks wraps the braid around the rope and starts stomping Belair in the head for a four count. Belair puts Banks on the top rope and Banks pushes Belair off. Belair rushes Banks to kick her, but Banks grabs the legs and gets Belair in the tree of woe. Banks stomping on Belair's knee. Banks jumps off and rolls through. She goes to deliver running knees to Belair, who lifts herself up and Banks hits the corner post. Belair hits the 450 splash and gets another two count. Belair can't believe it. Belair lifts Banks up. It looks like she is going for the KOD, but Banks lands on her feet and grabs the braid again. Belair pulls it away and whips Banks with it. Belair goes for the KOD, Banks tries to counter with the Backstabber, but Belair is too strong. Belair gets the KOD and pins Banks. The crowd goes crazy. Belair's family is shown celebrating at ringside. Fireworks go off as they sign off from night 1.

-Night 2: Intro. Ashland Craft sings America the Beautiful.
-WrestleMania Intro.
-Titus O'Neiil and Hulk Hogan welcome us to Night Two of WrestleMania. They come out dressed like pirates.
-Flashback to what led up to the match between The Fiend and Randy Orton.
"The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton: Before the match, The Fiend was shown "burning" and returning to his original form, no longer appearing burned. Alexa Bliss cranked a giant Jack-in-the-box next to the ring before The Fiend emerged. I don't like the red light. The Fiend dove off the box, nailing Orton with a clothesline and then hitting a uranage suplex. Orton attacked The Fiend on the outside of the ring, dropping him on the announce table, but his offense had no effect before The Fiend locked in the mandible claw. Orton escaped back into the ring and hit the hanging DDT, again to no effect as The Fiend came back to continue his assault.
After sending The Fiend face-first into the box, Orton finally was able to start doing some damage. As Orton built momentum, he tried to hit the RKO but The Fiend countered into the mandible claw. The Fiend attempted to hit Sister Abigail, but fire shot from the ring posts and The Fiend looked at Alexa Bliss, who was seated on the box with black goo shooting down her face. The distraction allowed Orton to hit the RKO and score the pinfall victory. After the match, The Fiend stared down Bliss before the lights went out. When the lights came back, both had disappeared. This was very odd all around. The pre-match spectacle of The Fiend's entrance was great, but the match itself didn't really do much before the sudden, very odd ending. Stupid ending and they wasted Bray Wyatt and The Fiend both. You should not be losing to Randy Orton at WrestleMania.
-WWE Championship Ad.
-Titus and Hulk are talking to Eric Bischoff and get interrupted by Bayley. Hulk and Bischoff bail and then Titus leaves.
-Daniel Bryan shown getting ready in the back.
Women's Tag Team Championship -- Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Natalya & Tamina: Natalya was able to go hold-for-hold with Baszler early, leading to Jax tagging in. Jax called for Tamina, who took the tag from Natalya. Jax and Tamina traded headbutts before Tamina tried for a body slam, but Jax was able to counter before being floored with a tandem backdrop. The challengers continued their hot start, isolating Baszler through a series of tags, leading to a near fall when Natalya hit a slingshot into a Tamina super kick.
Baszler was able to hit a knee to Natalya's face to finally take over the match, going to work on Natalya's knee after putting her down. Jax was in for a moment and tried to lock in a stretch muffler but Natalya attempted to counter into an arm bar before she ate another knee from Baszler. Jax hit Natalya with the one-arm spinebuster before Tamina made the save. Tamina got the hot tag and took the fight to Baszler, getting the upper hand before Baszler took her out on the top rope. Jax came off the second rope with a double crossbody to the challengers for a near fall on Tamina. After absorbing some insults from Jax, Tamina finally managed to hit a body slam on the bigger woman. Tamina came off the top rope with a splash, but Jax was able to move out of the way. Natalya tagged in and locked Jax in the sharpshooter, but Baszler was the legal woman in the match. Baszler slid in and locked in the Kirifuda Clutch to score the win. A perfectly good tag match with no real rough spots other than Tamina's slam of Jax not really hitting the way it was intended. Baszler should be a bigger star than she is. I have never been impressed with Nia Jax. There was too much time spent on Tamina and Jax. Baszler and Natalya made the match.
-Flashback to what led to Zami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens.
-JBL introduced as the special guest commentator.
Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn: Owens has won me over as a fan with his work. A fired-up Owens hit a pop-up power bomb just seconds into the match, but Zayn rolled out of the ring. Owens looked to power bomb Zayn onto the ring apron, calling back to their feud in NXT, but Zayn was able to escape back into the ring where he was met by more offense from Owens with a cannonball into the corner. Zayn was eventually able to hit a brainbuster on the apron to finally get some offense flowing, looking to Logan Paul at ringside for approval before hitting a Michinoku driver for a near fall.
Owens fought back on the top rope, knocking Zayn to the mat and hitting a frog splash for his own two count. Owens tried for the package piledriver but was countered into an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles from Zayn. Zayn countered another big move from Owens, avoiding a stunner to hit the Blue Thunderbomb. Zayn then went on a flurry of suplexes before a brainbuster for yet another near fall. As Owens came back with a superplex and a series of clotheslines in the corner, Zayn countered into a Helluva Kick, but Owens came back with a pair of super kicks and a stunner for the three count. After the match, Paul tried to shake Owens' hand, but Zayn got angry, claiming Paul was his guest of honor, leading Paul to shove him to the floor and raise Owens' hand. The crowd booed Paul and immediately began cheering when it became clear that the inevitable stunner was incoming. Owens delivered by dropping Paul. This was an excellent match between guys with a lot of history -- and the chemistry that comes with it. The Logan Paul business was what it was. At least he ate a stunner. This was the match of the night so far.
-Matt Riddle and The Great Khali are shown in the back. They are joined by RVD. I just don't get Riddle.
-WWE Covid-19 vaccine ad.
United States Championship -- Riddle (c) vs. Sheamus: Flashback to how the match came about. Sheamus got off to a fast start, trying to work the arm of Riddle before resorting to a punch to the stomach and stomp of the head after Riddle mounted an early comeback. Sheamus continued the physicality with clubbing forearms, but Riddle came back with a huge flipping belly-to-belly suplex from the top rope. That was a nice move. Riddle flurried with strikes and hit the Pele kick into an exploder suplex and senton as he made his big comeback. Riddle hit a jackhammer for a near fall in a subtle call out to Goldberg. The match seems clunky at times and I don't know if it's just a clash of styles.
Sheamus finally cut off Riddle's offense with a big knee as Riddle flipped over the top rope and followed up with an Alabama slam for a near fall. The big moves kept coming, with Riddle hitting a twisting springboard moonsault to the outside before finally slowing things down a bit with an arm bar attempt, which Sheamus was able to counter into a power bomb. The second big botch of the match came when Sheamus slipped from the top rope as he was trying to hit White Noise. That was a clunky moment. After a diving knee, Sheamus scored a near fall and then set up for the Brogue Kick, but Riddle countered and tried to hit a springboard moonsault but was caught by a midair Brogue Kick by Sheamus for the pin. This was a surprisingly sloppy match. There were multiple botches throughout and the final Brogue Kick caught Riddle square in the mouth, drawing a good amount of blood. Despite the issues, the bulk of the match was a solid, hard-hitting affair. That was a nice ending sequence that surprised me.
-WWE Championship ad.
Intercontinental Championship -- Big E (c) vs. Apollo Crews (Nigerian Drum Fight): Flashback to how the match came about. Wale performs Feel the Power before the match. Big E gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. Big E immediately went to work with a kendo stick, wearing out the ribs of Crews before sending him crashing into some of the drums at ringside. Crews managed to get his hands on the kendo stick for a bit of retaliation before Big E hit the spear through the ropes to the floor. Big E tried to set up some of the ring steps, allowing Crews to get back into the match, eventually trying to drop the steps on Big E. Big E was able to move and hit a uranage suplex from the ring apron onto the steps set up on the outside.
Crews fired up and came back with a flurry of shots with a kendo stick but missed when trying to hit a splash on Big E from the top rope through a table. Big E hit the Big Ending and was seemingly on his way to retaining the title, but Dabba Kato ran in and took out Big E, hitting a choke slam and placing Crews on top for the three count. This was short, but very brutal. Every bit of offense was heavy and meaningful before the Dabba Kato run-in. The only big knock here is that the announcers acted as though they'd never seen Kato, despite him being a fixture on Raw Underground in 2020 and someone selected in the draft. That was a shocking ending.
-Recap of Night 1 of WrestleMania.
-Replay of the WrestleMania 38 announcement.
-2021 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony recap. RVD, Molly Holly, The Great Khali, Ozzy Osbourne, Warrior Award Recipient Rich Hering, Eric Bischoff, and Kane are the members of the HOF. The Hall of Fame members are then introduced.
-A look at Asuka and Rhea Ripley and the lead up to their match.
They perform Ripley's theme live.
Raw Women's Championship -- Asuka (c) vs. Rhea Ripley: Asuka is fired up and ready to start. The crowd loves Asuka. Dueling let's go, Asuka/Let's go, Rhea chants go out. Asuka hit a dropkick and flurried with strikes before trying for a quick roll-up and then backslide, neither even getting to a one count. Ripley hit with a chop but was sent into the turnbuckle, which Asuka then kicked into her face. Ripley battled through the continued knees and kicks of Asuka before Asuka missed with a hip attack, allowing Ripley to start grinding away. Ripley hit a series of short-arm clotheslines before Asuka caught a kick and turned it into a leg lock. Ripley was able to muscle out of the hold to hit a German suplex for a near fall.
Ripley took Asuka to the top rope, but Asuka was able to fire off a series of elbows to set up a missile dropkick. Asuka hit her own German suplex and a hip attack before a flurry of kicks to set up another hip attack. Ripley got a reprieve from Asuka's attack after dropkicking the champion from the top rope to the outside and then driving Asuka from her shoulders into the ring apron. Asuka was able to drive Ripley into the floor with a DDT from the apron and tried for an arm bar back inside, continuing to go back to the arm of the powerhouse. Ripley countered an Asuka Lock into a pin, forcing Asuka to break the hold. Seconds later, Ripley was able to hit Riptide after ducking a kick to win the title. A good enough match, but not quite to the level of Asuka's best and certainly not on the level of Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks from Night 1. The crowd loves Rhea's win.
-Another Covid Vaccine Commercial.
-Recap of what happened between The Fiend and Randy Orton.
-Titus and Hulk out again to thank everyone watching and the fans at Raymond James Stadium. Bayley comes out again. She says she's been carrying WrestleMania on her back for two nights. She gets interrupted by The Bella Twins. She tells them John Cena is not here tonight. Oh snap and they attack her.
-WWE Network commercial.
-Flashback to how the main event came about.
Universal Championship -- Roman Reigns (c) vs. Edge vs. Daniel Bryan: Reigns went right at Bryan, landing a right hand before Edge jumped on the champion. The action quickly spilled out to the floor with Reigns trying to set up the announce table for violence, but Bryan landed a suicide dive. Jey Uso took out Bryan with a super kick and Edge took out Reigns to be the only man standing amid the chaos. Edge took out Uso with a DDT on the ring steps, taking away Reigns' ace in the hole. Edge and Bryan went at it in the ring before Reigns grabbed Edge from the apron. Bryan slid between the legs of both men and drove Reigns face-first into the edge of the ring before a flurry of offense on Edge. Bryan tried to hit Reigns with another suicide dive but was caught and dumped on the floor by the champion.
Edge countered a Reigns Superman punch with a DDT before setting up for a spear. Reigns hit his own counter, drilling Edge with a Superman punch and setting up for his own spear, but Edge countered with a sunset flip before the men hit spears simultaneously. This allowed Bryan to get back in the match with diving headbutts on both men before a near fall on Reigns. Bryan hit both men with Yes Kicks before a running knee to Edge and a kick to Reigns' head for another near fall. Bryan's hot run continued as he locked Reigns in the Yes Lock until Edge broke the hold. Bryan responded by putting Edge in the same hold, this time with Reigns making the save.
Reigns pummeled Bryan before taking him to the outside and powerbombing Bryan through the announce table. As Bryan was laid out, Edge drove through Reigns with a spear. Reigns and Edge ended up back in the ring with Reigns ripping a chair away from Edge. Edge responded by taking Reigns to the ground and locking in a cross face, then grabbing a piece of the now-broken chair and putting it in Reigns' mouth to pull back on the hold. As Reigns was about to tap, Bryan caught his hand and locked in the Yes Lock. Bryan and Edge traded headbutts, both holding Reigns in their respective holds before they broke and Bryan unleashed a flurry of strikes. Bryan went for the running knee on Edge but was hit by a spear before Edge hit Reigns with a spear, but Bryan pulled the referee from the ring before the three count. Edge snapped and attacked with a steel chair before looking to hit both opponents with a con-chairto. He managed to hit Bryan with the move, but Uso ran to the ring to attack Edge before getting speared. Reigns got back to his feet, took out Edge with a spear and hit his own con-chairto, placing Edge on top of Bryan and pinning both men to retain the title.
A thriller in the main event with all three men delivering in a wild match. All three men had believable moments where they had the match won and the double-submission spot was especially good. For the second night, WrestleMania had a worthy main event. I would have preferred Reigns vs. Edge, Reigns vs. Bryan, or Bryan vs. Edge to this, but your mileage may vary. Hate is not a strong enough word for how I feel about those quick cuts though.
-Final Thoughts: Good show. It's too long though even stretched over both nights. It's a good show to watch for the fact that it's the first show back in front of fans.

Episode 139 Notes Thu, 21 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c7ac77f3-4170-45b9-9b80-85739656afaa My Notes for Episode 139: Project 45: 1985 MACW. -Big changes are coming. More about that at the end of the show.
-Today Project 45 finds us in the year 1985 as we look at the August 24,1985 episode of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.
-1985: I was just starting the Second grade.
-Presented in the most complete form possible due to original production technical difficulties.
-MACW was shown on August 24, 1985. It was recorded from the Greenville Memorial Auditorium in Greenville, South Carolina.
-Bob Caudle and Johnny Weaver are the announcers for the event.
-The episode opens on someone injured and being removed from ringside and helped to the back by other wrestlers and you see that it is Sam Houston.
-Ron Bass vs. The Golden Terror: The bell rings. They lock up and Terror drives Bass back to the corner. Terror with some shots and tries for a corner whip, but Bass holds on. Terror tries a clothesline and Bass ducks it and does an atomic drop on Terror that drives him into a turnbuckle. There was something wrong with Johnny Weaver's mic, but they got it fixed. Bass working on the arm of the Golden Terror. Terror tries to scoop slam Bass, but can't get him up. Bass then scoop slams Terror. Weaver and Caudle say that it was Sam Houston that had to be taken out of the ring at the opening after being attacked by Tully Blanchard and The Andersons. They say his arm is in a cast as Bass has an arm bar on Terror. Terror drives Bass back to the ropes and hits him with a forearm. Bass comes back with a shot to knock the Terror down. Bass with a side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Terror up and pushes off and Bass comes back with another side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Terror gets back to his feet. Back to the corner. Terror rushes Bass, who moves. Bass arm drags Terror over and goes back to the arm bar. They trade wrist locks. Terror kicks Bass off and hits him with several forearms in the corner. Terror runs Bass into a turnbuckle. Bass reverses a corner whip and gets the claw hold on Terror. Terror goes out and Bass wins.
-Bob Caudle interviews Dusty Rhodes, Magnum TA, and Sam Houston. Houston has his arm in a sling. Houston says broken bones and getting busted up is something you come to expect in professional wrestling. He just wants the chance to wrestle these men again. It happened after the match and was uncalled for. He's been taught to stand on his own two feet and fight his own battles. Rhodes says you don't have to worry about fighting your own battles. This was directed at Dusty Rhodes and Magnum TA. They then show highlights of what happened to Houston. Rhodes then says let's go way back, Ole Anderson, to 1976. The parking lot in Atlanta, GA and when he got out of his car. Ole and Gene Anderson decided to take a tire tool to his head. That's how far it goes back. So now by doing this, it made Dusty Rhodes know what it's all about. So now you have to prepare yourself for the battle of your life because Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes, and Sam Houston are going to take care of business and that's going to be some broken bones on your body.
-Abdullah the Butcher and The Barbarian with Paul Jones vs. Jim Jeffers and David Deaton: Deaton and Jeffers get a Weasel chant going against Jones. Jones gets Abdullah onto the apron. Barbarian and Jeffers start. Barbarian with a kick to the midsection. A shot knocks Jeffers down. A forearm knocks Jeffers down as they talk about Paul Jones putting this team together to go against Jimmy Valiant because that's what Jones did between 1983-1987. Barbarian with a big stomp on Jeffers. Barbarian with an Irish whip and a chop to knock Jeffers down. Abdullah tagged in. He hits Jeffers with a shot. He then puts Jeffers on the second rope and puts all of his weight on Jeffers. Jones comes over and slaps Jeffers. Abdullah rips and claws at Jeffer's face before tagging Barbarian back in. A double headbutt to Jeffers. Barbarian with a leg drop to Jeffers and somewhere Hulk Hogan is watching and keeping his opinions to himself because he doesn't want to mess with the Barbarian. Barbarian with a headbutt. Barbarian with an Irish whip and a thrust kick to knock Jeffers down. Abdullah tagged back in. Barbarian holds Jeffers up for Abdullah to deliver an elbow drop. He then delivers another one. He then pins Jeffers. Abdullah won't get off of Jeffers. Deaton comes in to complain, but Jones shoves referee Tommy Young away and Barbarian kicks Jeffers over and over.
-Jim Cornette is in the ring when they come back from commercial break and tells the crowd they are getting their first look at the greatest tag team of today. He introduces The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton. They are taking on Denny Brown and Gerald Finley: Johnny Weaver and Bob Caudle are putting over Cornette and the MX hard on commentary as this is the first time that they have appeared on MACW. Eaton and Brown start. They lock up and drive back to the corner. They get tied up in the ropes and Brown reverses a hold. Eaton complains to Tommy Young. Brown comes over and yells at Cornette. They tie up again and go to a corner. Brown with an arm drag. Eaton complains that Brown pulled his hair. They lock up again and Eaton with a side headlock. Condrey tagged in. He hits Brown with kicks and forearms. Condrey with a snap mare and a headlock. Brown with a reversal into a hammerlock. He drops a knee on Condrey and gets a front face lock on. Finley tagged in. Finley and Brown have Condrey trapped in their corner and Eaton comes from behind and hits Finley with a high knee. Condrey with a scoop slam to Finley. Condrey with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Finley. He runs Finley into Eaton's knee and Eaton tagged in. He hits Finley with an elbow off the top rope. Eaton then chokes Finley on the second rope right in front of Cornette, who berates Finley. Referee Tommy Young gets on Eaton, allowing Condrey to choke Finley with his knee. Eaton drapes a knee on Finley. Eaton with a forearm and a corner whip. Eaton with a scoop slam. He hits a knee drop off of the top turnbuckle. Condrey tagged in. Eaton Irish whips Finley into a clothesline from Condrey and Condrey pins Finley.
-Bob Caudle interviews Tully Blanchard and Baby Doll. Blanchard says he heard poor Sam Houston out here talking about wanting to fight his own battles. This is funny to me considering Baby Doll and Houston were either in a relationship at this point or about to be in a relationship. Blanchard says remember the 25 stitches? That was a message to Dusty Rhodes. The arm, with a little help from the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, was a message to America's Team. He says Magnum TA is a former United States Champion and he kind of likes that word former. Blanchard says Dusty Rhodes saved him some money when Baby Doll took off on the horse and Dusty Rhodes didn't know where she went. She took Rhodes' credit card and went to Hawaii. Blanchard says he's going to send Dusty Rhodes some money because he saved Blanchard $10,000 because Baby Doll is an expensive woman. He says he told Dusty Rhodes when the whole thing started that he couldn't handle it. He says Rhodes tried to seduce Baby Doll, but she got down on her hands and knees and swore she was faithful. He says Rhodes tried to harm her and he and Magnum TA will pay. The screen goes black. Then another Bob Caudle interview with Tully Blanchard and Baby Doll. Very weird but must have been inserted into different markets that way. It's a variation on the last interview though talking about Houston and Rhodes and Magnum TA.
-Manny Fernandez with Jimmy Valiant vs. Joel Deaton: They start out hot. Fernandez with an arm drag and a dropkick. Deaton rolls outside, but right into Valiant who sends him back inside. Deaton with some forearms. Fernandez comes back with kicks and chops. Deaton with an eye gouge and Fernandez comes back with a chop up against the ropes and does an Irish whip and a back elbow. Fernandez with a snap mare. Fernandez with a rear chin lock. Deaton tries to get out of the move, so Fernandez attacks him with punches. Fernandez with another snap mare and a knee drop. More punches and another snap mare by Fernandez. Back to the rear chin lock. Into a headlock. The crowd is really behind Fernandez and Valiant. Deaton drives Fernandez back to the corner. He pushes off. Fernandez comes back with a shoulder block and a thrust kick. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Fernandez with another snap mare and back to the chin lock. Fernandez with a chop and Deaton reverses an Irish whip. Deaton with a leapfrog, but Fernandez comes back with the flying forearm to get the pin.
-Bob Caudle interviews Jim Cornette. Caudle admits that the Midnight Express are pretty impressive. Cornette says they are the greatest thing to ever step into a wrestling ring and that there is no competition. He says the other teams are no match for the Midnight Express. He told the Rock 'N Roll Express that for one year they have been getting ready. They are going to get rid of every team until they are recognized as the best.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Rock 'N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Rising Sun 1 and 2: Gibson and Sun 1 start. The bell rings and they lock up. Gibson with a side headlock. Sun 1 pushes off. Gibson comes back with a shoulder block. Criss cross and Sun 1 with a hip toss. Gibson pushes Sun 1 off with his legs. Gibson with an arm drag. Morton tagged in. He gets a side headlock on. Sun 2 comes in and Morton does his patented headlock/head scissors takedown move. Then both R'n'R dropkick both Rising Suns. Gibson in and has a side headlock on Sun 1. Morton tagged back in. He picks up the side headlock. Sun 2 tagged in. They lock up. Back to a corner. Morton back to the side headlock. Morton hip tosses Sun 2 out of the corner. Morton with a backbreaker as Bob Caudle says the Minnesota Wrecking Crew has come out onto the stage to watch the Rock N' Roll Express. Morton goes for a tag, but Sun 2 kicks out. Morton with a side headlock, but Sun 2 picks him up. Morton with a takeover. Sun 2 back up and pushes off. Morton comes back with a shoulder block. Morton ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Gibson tagged in. Double team on Gibson in the corner. Gibson tumbles out of the corner and tags Morton in. Morton with an Irish whip and a rib shot. The Rising Suns get Morton back in the corner and double team him. Then Sun 1 with a shot to the back of the head of Morton. Sun 1 with a corner whip and Morton comes back with a reverse crossbody. Sun 2 breaks up the pin attempt. Morton tags, backdrops Sun 1 and Gibson gets the Gibson leg lock on to get the pin. The crowd goes crazy.
-Bob Caudle talks to the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Ole and Arn Anderson. Arn says he wasn't impressed with the Rock N' Roll Express. He says he and Ole won't have any problem smacking a couple of David Bowie look alike’s around. He says concerning Sam Houston. You throw anybody in the ring and they are subject to getting hurt. He says Magnum TA and Dusty Rhodes both take that as a personal insult and he agrees with them that's how it was meant. He said they should take the advice as a little warning. He says they are after them and will get to them any way they have to. Bob Caudle asks Ole why he attacked Sam Houston like that. Ole says it was during a wrestling match. He didn't sneak anywhere. He didn't jump anybody in an alley. He didn't have 43 people with him. It was a 6-Man tag. Tully Blanchard and Arn and Ole Anderson against three men. Three against Three. Nothing illegal about it. The contract was signed, sealed, and delivered. He, Arn, and Tully were just too good for their opponents. Any time you get in the ring against them, you're going to be in trouble. They don't stop at winning, they stop when they hurt somebody. You want to find out how good they are? Ask Sam Houston. Look at his arm. Then another interview with the Andersons. Variation on the previous interview.
-Superstar Billy Graham with Paul Jones vs. George South: Graham runs South into the corner and then to another turnbuckle. Graham with several knees to South. He puts his knee on South's neck for a three count. Graham puts South in the tree of woe. He runs several knees into South's midsection. Jones distracts Tommy Young so Graham can choke South with his knee again. Graham with an Irish whip and a back elbow on South. He then kicks and chops South. Graham with a chin lock on South. Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez come over to the announce desk and Jones becomes distracted by them. Graham hits South in the chest with several forearms. He then starts choking South, but breaks on the four counts. He then hits South with some karate thrusts. He then goes back to choking for four counts. South makes it to his knees and hits Graham with a shot to the stomach. Graham with forearms to South. Graham throws South to the outside. Graham distracts referee Tommy Young so Jones can come over and slap South. South gets up on the apron and Graham hits him with some forearms. South collapses to the mat. South slaps Graham, who runs him into another turnbuckle. He runs a knee into South's back. He drops a series of knees on South. Another karate thrust knocks South to the mat. Graham drives South into the mat again. Graham with an Irish whip and a throat thrust to knock South down. Graham with a corner whip and gets the full nelson on. Young calls for the bell.
-Bob Caudle interviews Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez. Fernandez says you talk about all the teams that come to this area. He says when the Boogie Man and the Bull come together, they ain't frightened of no evil hiding in the closet. Fernandez says he was born scared of nothing. He tells Paul Jones to get anyone he wants because no one pulls the load better than the Bull and the Boogie Man. Valiant calls himself and Fernandez Cheech and Chong. Where you see one, you see the other. He says Paul Jones has the biggest people, but they don't have them.
-Bob Caudle then signs off.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a nice relaxing show to watch. Good to be able to see Jim Cornette and the MX first match on MACW. Highly recommend.

Episode 138 Notes Thu, 14 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ba832ded-da41-4c5e-8c2d-a43a9a119c32 My Notes for Episode 138: Project 45: 1980 Champions Collide. -RIP ref Tim White.
-Today we go back to 1980 as Project 45 takes a look at Champions Collide from Madison Square Garden.
-NWA Champion Harley Race vs. WWF Champion Bob Backlund took place on September 22, 1980 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 20,000 in attendance.
-Arnold Skaaland is introduced. Backlund gets a great introduction. The referee holds both championships up high after the introductions. The referee checks both wrestlers. Race puts his finger in Backlund's face and says something to him, so Backlund does the same thing to the crowd's delight. They lock up. Drive to the ropes. Backlund with a side headlock. Race pushes off. They both do leapfrogs to avoid each other. Backlund with a hip toss. Backlund with a scoop slam. They lock up again. Backlund goes back to the side headlock. Race goes down to one knee. Backlund cranking on the hold. Race back on his feet. Race with a waist lock while still in the headlock. Race pushes off. Backlund comes back with a Thesz Press. He gets a two count. Backlund with a delayed scoop slam. Backlund with a side headlock takeover. Race fighting it and won't give up. Race makes it back to his feet only for Backlund to drive him back down again. Backlund gets a two count. Race again fighting not to go out. Race gets back to his feet. He pushes Backlund off. Backlund blocks a hip lock attempt and hits one of his own. Backlund with a sunset flip for a one count. Backlund with a side headlock takeover. Race turns it briefly and they trade two counts. Race gets up, but Backlund bridges up while still applying the hold and forces Race back down to the mat. They trade one counts. Race fighting not to pass out or let his shoulders go down for a three count. The referee asks Race if he wants to quit and he says no. Another brief reversal and Race gets a two count on Backlund. Race gets back to his feet and drives Backlund to the ropes. Backlund breaks the headlock. Race headbutts Backlund. Backlund reverses a suplex attempt and gut wrenches Race. He gets a one count. Backlund with a scoop slam. Race up and falls backwards into another Backlund side headlock takeover. He gets a two count. Race again fighting not to go out. Someone in the crowd yells out hey Howdy Doody. Must be an NWA fan. The referee asks Race if he wants to give up and of course the answer is no. Race back up to his feet. Race pushes off and goes for a roll up, but Backlund holds on to the ropes. Backlund goes to drop an elbow, but Race moves. Backlund moves when Race goes for his falling headbutt. Backlund goes back to the side headlock takeover, figuring that it has worked for him so far. He gets a two count. Race gets a reversal for a one count. Then another one count. Then a two count. Backlund balls up his fist to punch Race in the head, but pauses and the crowd wants him to do it. The referee admonishes Backlund. Backlund goes back to cranking on the headlock. Race gets back to his feet. He gets to the ropes. Race buries a knee into Backlund's midsection. Race with an Irish whip and a high knee to Backlund. Backlund reverses a suplex attempt with a nice delayed vertical suplex of his own. He gets a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring and Backlund goes back to the side headlock takeover. He gets a two count. A brief reversal. Backlund threatens to punch Race again and the crowd still wants him to do it. Race working his way back to his feet. He gets to the ropes again. Race with some shots to Backlund. Race with an Irish whip. Backlund comes back with an abdominal stretch. Race fading, but fighting the move. Race finally breaks the hold. He drops a knee on Backlund. Race goes for a suplex, but Backlund slips behind and hits a bridging German suplex and gets a two count. Backlund misses an elbow drop. Backlund goes back yet again to the side headlock takeover and it's Groundhogs day! He gets a two count. Backlund cranks on the hold and Race gets a reversal for a two count. Backlund threatens to punch Race and I'm looking for Puxatawnie Phil and Bill Murray in the crowd. Race back to his feet and gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Backlund with a side headlock and Race responds with a belly to back suplex. Race climbs up top, but Backlund catches him and throws him off and Ric Flair is somewhere taking notes. Backlund with an atomic drop that knocks Race to the outside on the floor. The referee is trying to count, but Backlund keeps breaking up the count. Race gets back in on the 8 count. Race begs off in the corner, but Backlund attacks him. Race headbutts Backlund in the stomach. Race then drops a knee on Backlund. Then another knee. He gets a two count. Race with a piledriver. Race with a diving headbutt. A double count going. Race with a knee to Backlund's head. Race with a snap mare to Backlund. Race with another diving headbutt. Backlund reverses a piledriver attempt into a backdrop. Both men down on the mat. Backlund gets up and hits a piledriver. Both men down. Race rolls over on Backlund and gets a two count. A double count going. Both up and Race with a knee lift to knock Backlund back down. Race goes up to the second rope for a diving headbutt, but Backlund rolls out of the way. Both men down. Backlund drapes his arm over Race for a two count, but Race gets his foot on the ropes. Race with a side headlock. Backlund pushes off. They collide in the ring by the ropes and Race takes a bump over the top rope to the floor. A double count going, but they are both up and Race is in the ring on the 7 count. Backlund with a snap mare and a leg drop for a two count. They are both exhausted and take turns rolling over on the other for two counts. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Backlund with a double underhook suplex. He gets another two count. Back and forth again. Race stumbles and takes out Backlund's leg and Backlund tumbles out of the ring. The referee admonishes Race. As Backlund gets back up on the apron, Race runs him into the corner ring post. A man at ringside threatens Race with his cane. Race goes out to the apron, grabs Backlund by the head, and punches him. Race finally gets back in the ring so the referee can start counting. Race keeps breaking the count and comes over and grabs Backlund and punches him and Backlund falls back into the ring. Race grabs Backlund and goes to run him in, but Backlund blocks it and runs Race into the post instead and Race falls to the floor. Race rolls into the ring on the 8 count. Backlund punches him several times. He gets a two count. They trade blows and Backlund unloads on Race and hits a backbreaker. He gets another two count. Backlund with a neck breaker. He gets another two count. Backlund with a corner whip and a gut wrench suplex. Another two count. Race goes for a suplex. Backlund dips behind him and puts on a sleeper. The crowd comes to life as Race struggles to get to the ropes. The referee kicks his hand away. Race starting to fade. As the referee checks his hand, Race pulls the referee in and headbutts him. The referee calls for the disqualification and raises Backlund's hand. The crowd loves it. Backlund celebrates. Since the belt can't change hands on a disqualification, Race keeps his title. Howard Finkel announces the decision to the fans and the screen fades to black.
-Final Thoughts: This was a great match. Race was phenomenal and Backlund had his working shoes on as well. It's a shame that due to the nature of the match, you couldn't have a clear winner. Highly recommended.

Episode 137 Notes Thu, 07 Jul 2022 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 475dc182-3dea-4c09-bf6f-99ef116c1214 My Notes for Episode 137: Starrcade 1991. -Dave Hebner
-Today we look at Starrcade '91 from WCW.
-Starrcade '91: Battlebowl The Lethal Lottery was shown on PPV on December 29, 1991 from the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, VA. There were 9,000 in attendance.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to Battlebowl and Starrcade. He and Tony Schiavone are the announcers for the evening. They talk about the Lethal Lottery and the Battlebowl concept. They then throw it to Eric Bischoff. All of the wrestlers are then shown on the stage. Bischoff then introduces Missy Hyatt and Battlebowl Commissioner Magnum TA. Magnum gets a fantastic reception being from Norfolk. They then draw the first team.
-Michael Hayes and Tracy Smothers vs. Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Jimmy Garvin: Freebirds on opposite teams. Bagwell and Smothers start. They face each other in the ring. Smothers pushes Bagwell. Bagwell pushes back. They lock up. Bagwell with a side headlock. Smothers pushes off. Bagwell with a shoulder block. Smothers backs away. Fans antagonizing Smothers with the chop. The crowd chants DDT. They lock up again. Bagwell with an arm drag. Smothers complaining to referee Mike Adkins that Bagwell pulled his tights. They circle each other. They lock up. Smothers with a hammerlock. Bagwell with a takedown and Smothers complains to Adkins again. Smothers taunting Hayes in the corner. A Michael chant goes out. Smothers with a waist lock go behind. Bagwell reverses the move. Smothers with a back elbow to break the hold. Smothers with a shoulder block. Smothers with a run and Bagwell with a leapfrog. Bagwell with a hip lock and a dropkick to Smothers. Then an arm drag to Smothers and Smothers backs away from Bagwell. Smothers then says he wants Garvin. Garvin tagged in. Smothers making fun of Garvin. A DDT chant goes out again. Garvin struts when he gets in. Smothers attacks him from behind. Smothers with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Drop downs and leapfrogs by Garvin to avoid Smothers. Garvin with a hip toss to Smothers. Garvin with a dropkick. Smothers out to the apron. Garvin, with a running kick to the face, knocks Smothers to the floor. The crowd cheers wildly. Hayes goes down to check on Smothers as another DDT chant goes out. Back in the ring, they shake hands and Smothers goes to kick Garvin in the stomach, but Garvin catches his leg. Garvin with an atomic drop that knocks Smothers back outside the ring again. He lands on his back and audibly says oh shit. Smothers gets back in the ring and they lock up again. Garvin with a wrist lock and Bagwell tagged back in. Garvin keeps the wrist lock on, allowing Bagwell to hit a double ax handle off the top rope. Bagwell picks the wrist lock up. Smothers with a knee to the stomach to break the hold. Smothers with a knee to the face to knock Bagwell down. Smothers runs Bagwell into the turnbuckle and Hayes finally tagged in. He chops Bagwell. Hayes with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Hayes then does some strutting. Hayes with an arm bar on Bagwell. Bagwell with a reversal and an arm bar takeover to Hayes. Hayes with a counter to get Bagwell down with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Hayes with a wrist lock and a forearm to Bagwell's arm. A series of forearms to Bagwell and Smothers tagged back in. He kicks Bagwell in the stomach. Smothers with a wrist lock. Bagwell with a reversal. He gets Smothers down to the ground and drops a leg on the wrist. He gets Smothers in an arm bar. Smothers drives back to a corner to break the hold. Smothers then drives his shoulder into Bagwell's midsection. He does it a couple of times and punches Bagwell. Bagwell gets out of the corner. Bagwell rushes Smothers, who catches Bagwell with a knee to the stomach. Bagwell reverses an Irish whip and gets an arm drag on Smothers. A Tracy sucks chant goes out. They lock up again. Smothers with a knee to the midsection. Smothers picks Bagwell up, but Bagwell slips behind Smothers and scoop slams him. Smothers backs away and Garvin tagged in. Smothers jumps over and tags Hayes in and the two Freebirds meet for the first time. Garvin ready for Hayes, who reluctantly gets in. They shake hands. They lock up and then break. They circle each other again. Another lock up. Hayes shoves Garvin off. Another lock up and they make their way to the ropes. Break clean. Fans clapping as they circle each other again. Another lock up. Back to the ropes as another Tracy sucks chant goes out. Hayes starts to break clean, then arm drags Garvin off the ropes. They cautiously circle each other. Another lock up and Garvin with an arm drag. Garvin then does some strutting. Hayes with a rolling cradle for a two count. They lock up again and Garvin with a side headlock takeover. Hayes counters with a headscissors. Both men get back to their feet. They then both do some strutting and Bagwell and Smothers both tagged back in. The crowd gives the Freebirds a round of applause. Smothers with a kick to the stomach of Bagwell. Smothers with a forearm. Smothers with a back kick to Bagwell. He then scoop slams Bagwell. Smothers goes to drop an elbow on Bagwell, who moves at the last second. Garvin tagged in. He knocks Smothers down with a punch. Garvin with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Garvin runs the ropes and hits Smothers with a running forearm. Bagwell tagged back in and hits Smothers with a top rope crossbody. He gets a two count. Bagwell jumps up and punches Hayes in the corner. Hayes comes in and punches Bagwell. All four men in now. Hayes turns around and accidentally hits Garvin. The Freebirds are arguing and the referee tries to get them out as Smothers scoop slams Bagwell. Smothers goes up top for a reverse crossbody, but Bagwell gets his knees up. Bagwell gets a fisherman's suplex to pin Smothers. The Freebirds are still arguing. Bagwell and Garvin are announced as the winners and The Freebirds make up by shaking hands and hugging.
-Jim and Tony talk about the last match.
-Eric, Magnum, and Missy draw the next match.
-Steve Austin and Rick Rude vs. Van Hammer and Big Josh: Dangerous Alliance members teaming up here. It is a little confusing as they show both locker rooms for reactions, but they must not be able to hear anything because they just stand there. Austin and Hammer start. They lock up. Hammer pushes off. They lock up again. Back to the corner. Austin finally breaks. They lock up again. Hammer with a scoop slam. They go to lock up again and Austin kicks Hammer in the stomach. Austin with a series of forearms to Hammer's back. Austin with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Hammer kicks him in the face. Austin comes back with a kick of his own. Hammer blocks two suplex attempts and hits a suplex of his own. He gets a two count. Austin with a drop toe hold into a front face lock on Hammer. Hammer reverses it into a hammerlock. Hammer drops a knee on Austin. Austin gets to his feet. Austin with three snap mares. Hammer reverses a corner whip. Austin moves on the charge and hits Hammer with a shot to the stomach. Austin with a series of shots. Austin with another snap mare and Rude tagged in. Rude with a kick to the midsection. Rude with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Rude then does his gyrations to taunt the crowd. Rude with a knee to Hammer. Rude with a forearm to Hammer. Back and forth with right hands in the middle of the ring. Hammer with a shot and Rude rakes the eyes. Rude with an Irish whip and a knee to Hammer in the stomach. Rude puts his boot into Hammer's back and tags Austin back in. Austin with a short clothesline. Austin with a gut wrench suplex. Rude tagged back in. Rude with a forearm as some fans try to get a Hammer chant going. Rude with some forearm shots to Hammer's back. Rude with a front face lock. Hammer trying to push his way to the corner to tag Josh in. Josh then tagged in. Josh with a couple of left hands to Rude and an Irish whip and a power slam. He then does the log roll move on Rude's stomach. It doesn't hurt Rude at all. He gets up and taunts Josh, who hits Rude in the stomach several times to no effect. Josh with a clothesline to knock Rude down. He gets a two count. Another clothesline and another two count for Josh. Austin comes in and Josh catches him with a clothesline. Josh runs Rude and Austin's heads together. The crowd gets fired up for that. Austin and Rude go to the outside to regroup with Paul E. Back in, Rude with a hammerlock. Josh with a back elbow and an arm drag into an arm bar on Rude. Austin tagged in. He comes in and Josh hits him with an arm drag into an arm bar. Austin trying to get back to his feet. He does and they go back and forth in the ring. Josh reverses an Irish whip. Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Austin runs the ropes, but gets caught by Josh. He drops Austin throat first on the top rope. Josh with a clothesline to knock Austin down. Josh gets a two count. Josh with a wrist lock and tags Hammer in. Hammer with a shot and an arm bar. Into a hammerlock. Austin makes it back to his feet. Hammer with a wrist lock. Josh tagged back in. Josh with a kick to the stomach. Austin with a couple of shots and Josh reverses an Irish whip. Josh drops his head early and Austin hits him with a kick to the face. Austin goes for a scoop slam, Josh slips behind him and goes for a roll up, but as he pushes forward, Austin runs him into a clothesline from Rude in the corner. Rude tagged in. Rude goes up top and hits a clubbing blow to the head. He gets a two count. Rude with a double thrust to the throat of Josh. Rude tags Austin back in. Rude and Austin double team to get Josh into the corner. Austin with a series of kicks to the midsection of Josh. Austin choking Josh on the second rope. Referee Nick Patrick makes him stop, so Austin goes over and hits Hammer, allowing Rude to continue to choke Josh in a brilliant use of double teaming as a Paul E. sucks chant goes out. Hammer tries to come in, but is cut off by Patrick, allowing Austin to hit a leapfrog body guillotine on Josh. Austin gets a close two count. Austin with a front face lock and Rude tagged in. Rude with a shot, but Josh comes back with a chop. Rude with a snap mare. Rude with a rear chin lock as Hammer tries to get the crowd to rally around Josh. Josh gets back to his feet and Paul E. gets up on the apron to distract Patrick. Austin comes in and hits Josh from behind. Austin tagged in and gets an Irish whip and a back elbow. Austin kicking Josh while he is down. Austin throws Josh to the outside. Rude attacks Josh on the outside. He runs Josh into the barricade. Back in, Austin with a snap mare as both locker rooms are shown looking at the match in the back. Austin with a rear chin lock. Josh gets to his feet as the fans start to get behind him. Josh breaks the hold. Josh with an elbow to the stomach. Josh breaks away and catches Austin with a power slam. Josh goes to drop an elbow and Austin moves. Austin choking Josh on the second rope. Paul E. comes over to hold Josh as Patrick tries to get them off of Josh. Rude distracts Patrick as Austin goes for another leapfrog body guillotine as Paul E. holds Josh, but Josh moves and Austin hits Paul E. instead. The crowd cheers wildly as Paul E. falls off of the apron. Austin tries to stop Josh from tagging Hammer in, but he does and Hammer starts punching Austin. Hammer with an Irish whip and a power slam. Hammer follows that up with a belly to back suplex. Hammer with another Irish whip and a shoulder tackle. Hammer goes for the pin, but Rude comes in and breaks it up. All four men in now. Referee Nick Patrick gets Rude and Josh out. Hammer with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Austin, but Austin tagged Rude in when he hit the ropes. Rude hits Hammer with a knee to the stomach and hits a Rude Awakening on Hammer to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony cover the replay of the end of the match before throwing it to Eric and company to draw the next match.
-Dustin Rhodes and Richard Morton vs. Larry Zbyszko and El Gigante: Zbyszko comes down with Madusa. Rhodes and Zbyszko start. A Larry sucks chant goes out. They lock up and back to a corner. They break and Zbyszko yelling at referee Randy Anderson that Rhodes didn't break soon enough. Zbyszko goes over and tries to explain to El Gigante what he is trying to do and Tony surmises that El Gigante doesn't know what he is saying. Zbyszko and Rhodes lock up again. Rhodes with a side headlock. Zbyszko pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Zbyszko comes back with a hip lock. Rhodes kicks Zbyszko off. Rhodes goes back to the side headlock. Zbyszko pushes off again. Criss cross. Rhodes with a drop down and then a knee to Zbyszko in his stomach. Morton tagged in. El Gigante tagged in. Morton turns around and tags Rhodes back in. El Gigante goes to grab Rhodes, who ducks out of the way. Morton gets in to hit El Gigante, who picks Morton up and slams him hard back to the mat. Morton crawls back to his corner. Rhodes with a dropkick to El Gigante to no effect. Rhodes then tries for a drop toe hold and El Gigante won't go down. Zbyszko yelling at El Gigante, who scoop slams Rhodes. El Gigante with a wrist lock and Zbyszko tagged in. Zbyszko comes in with a series of forearms to Rhodes. Zbyszko with a scoop slam and a double boot stomp to the sides of Rhodes' face. Zbyszko with a swinging neck breaker. He goes for the cover, but Morton breaks up the pin attempt. Zbyszko with a front face lock. He tries to push Rhodes towards the corner that El Gigante is in. Zbyszko goes for a scoop slam, but Rhodes gets him in a small package for a two count. Zbyszko with a spinning heel kick to Rhodes. Zbyszko screams at El Gigante to put his knee up so that Zbyszko can run Rhodes into it. El Gigante won't do it and starts to scream at Madusa at ringside who had been yelling at him. Zbyszko then kicks Rhodes into the corner and starts to choke him. Rhodes comes back with an elbow to the head of Zbyszko. Rhodes with a series of Bionic Elbows to Zbyszko to try to get out of the corner. Zbyszko rakes Rhodes' eyes, but Rhodes reverses a corner whip and hits Zbyszko with a corner clothesline. Rhodes then hip locks Zbyszko out of the corner. Rhodes then signals for the bulldog and goes for it, but Zbyszko pushes off. El Gigante tagged in. Zbyszko yells at El Gigante to take advantage of Rhodes and El Gigante comes over to Zbyszko and they start to argue. Zbyszko slaps El Gigante and drops down off of the apron, but El Gigante grabs Zbyszko by the head and brings him back up on the apron. El Gigante throws Zbyszko into the ring. El Gigante Irish whips Zbyszko into a double dropkick by Morton and Rhodes and Rhodes gets the pin. El Gigante and Rhodes hug after the match. He goes to shake Morton's hand, but Morton says heck no and leaves the ring.
-Jim and Tony cover the ending of the match and then Eric, Missy and Magnum pull the next match.
-Bill Kazmaier and Jushin Liger vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Mike Graham: As they show the wrestlers in the locker rooms, Zbyszko is shown coming back from the ring and he pushes Morton. He then kicks the lockers. The bell rings as both teams try to figure out who is going to start as Jim tells us that Liger pinned Pillman in a controversial match Christmas Night to win the Light-Heavyweight Championship. Liger and Graham start. Liger starts with spinning heel kick attempts, but Graham stays away. They circle each other. They lock up and Graham with a fireman's carry takeover. Graham with an arm bar. Liger turns in towards the pressure to try and alleviate it some. He gets back to his feet and reverses the move into a wrist lock on Graham. Liger with a hammerlock and Graham with a hip lock to get out of the move. They circle each other again. They lock up and drive to a corner. Break clean and Graham with a shot to Liger's midsection. Graham with a corner whip and Liger goes to the corner and jumps up and headscissors Graham over. Graham up in the ropes as he falls and rolls to the outside to regroup. Graham gets back in the ring. Liger with an Irish whip. Liger goes for a back elbow, but Graham just stops and Liger falls to the mat. Graham gets a two count. Kazmaier tagged in. They circle each other. They lock up and Graham goes for a wrist lock and Kazmaier just pushes off. They circle each other again and lock up. Graham with a side headlock. Kazmaier picks Graham up and throws him across the ring. Graham gets back to his feet and DDP tagged in. DDP asks for a test of strength and then kicks Kazmaier in the stomach. He hits Kazmaier with a forearm to the back and goes to scoop slam Kazmaier, but can't pick him up. DDP then pushes away. Kazmaier does the bring it gesture to DDP. DDP attempts to rush Kazmaier, who shoulder blocks DDP. He tries it again and ducks a clothesline attempt from Kazmaier. DDP comes back off the ropes and Kazmaier picks him up and slams DDP down to the mat. Kazmaier rushes DDP, who throws Kazmaier over the ropes, but Kazmaier holds on and skins the cat to come back in. Kazmaier then clotheslines DDP and gets a two count. A gut wrench suplex gets another two count for Kazmaier. Kazmaier with a scoop slam. Kazmaier goes up top for a splash, but DDP moves. DDP kicking Kazmaier. DDP with a rear chin lock. DDP then chokes Kazmaier on the top rope for a couple of four counts, but breaks before the 5. DDP then jumps over the top rope and guillotines Kazmaier on it like Randy Savage does. Kazmaier tags Liger in. DDP with a knee to the stomach and a side Russian leg sweep to Liger. He gets a two count. DDP with an Irish whip, Liger comes back with a spinning heel kick. Graham tagged in. Liger knees him in the stomach as soon as Graham gets in. Liger with a side headlock. Graham pushes off. Liger comes back with a shoulder block. Liger runs the ropes. Graham with a drop down. Liger slides between his legs. Graham catches one of Liger's legs, so Liger hits him with an enziguri. Liger rushes Graham, who backdrops Liger over the top rope, but Liger lands on his feet on the apron and runs his shoulder into Graham. Liger then splashes Graham over the top rope for a two count. Graham backs to a corner and Liger follows him in and gets a knee to the stomach. Liger with a side headlock and runs Graham into Kazmaier's boot. Kazmaier then tagged in. They circle each other. Graham goes for a single leg takedown. Kazmaier just tosses Graham across the ring. They circle each other again and lock up. Kazmaier with a wrist lock. Graham goes and pulls Kazmaier and makes the tag to DDP. DDP with some forearms to Kazmaier and Kazmaier reverses an Irish whip and hits a clothesline to DDP. DDP comes back with an eye rake and goes for a scoop slam, but Kazmaier falls on DDP and gets a two count. Graham tagged back in. They lock up and Kazmaier with a wrist lock. Liger tagged in and comes off with a chop to Graham's arm off the top rope. Liger with an Irish whip and gets a drop toe hold on Graham and gets Graham up in a Mexican surfboard. Graham won't give up and Liger lets go. Graham pushes off and gets a rolling Boston crab on Liger. Liger counters into a sit out and Graham counters that into a sunset flip, but Liger is under the ropes. Graham pulls back and gets a two count. They circle each other and shake hands. They lock up and Liger with a side headlock and a takeover. He gets a two count. Graham reverses into a headscissors. Liger twists around and gets a pinning predicament that Graham bridges out of. Graham with a rollover and a backslide. He gets a two count. Kazmaier tagged back in. DDP also tagged back in. They lock up and Kazmaier with a wrist lock. DDP rakes the eyes to get out of the hold. DDP with an Irish whip and a back elbow. That knocks DDP down and he tags Graham back in. Liger also tagged back in. They lock up. Liger with a spin through kick to knock Graham down. Liger then hits a flurry of kicks that is just impressive to see. Liger brings Graham over to the corner and Kazmaier tagged in. Liger holds Graham for Kazmaier to hit a shot to the midsection. Kazmaier picks Graham up and just throws him across the ring. He gets a two count. DDP tagged back in. DDP with a knee to the stomach and a front face lock to Kazmaier. He then hits a forearm to Kazmaier. Graham tagged back in. DDP holds on to Kazmaier for Graham to hit him with a kick to the midsection. Another kick and Graham gets a front face lock. Kazmaier picks Graham up while still in the move and tags Liger in. Kazmaier sets Graham down and Liger and Graham circle each other. The crowd cheers the sportsmanship. They lock up and drive back to a corner. Liger with a shot and Graham reverses a corner whip. Graham charges in with a flying knee lift, but Liger moves and Graham spills out to the floor. Liger then flips over the top rope to land on Graham and the crowd loves the move. Liger then gets back in the ring. The crowd still cheering. Graham gets back up on the apron and Liger suplexes Graham back into the ring. He gets a two count. Liger with a backbreaker. Liger hits a second rope moonsault on Graham. He gets a two count, but DDP comes in to break up the pin. Kazmaier also comes in. All four in and Kazmaier and DDP fighting in one corner. Liger runs Graham into the opposite turnbuckle. Liger and Kazmaier run Graham and DDP into each other. Kazmaier then throws Liger on DDP to get the pin even though Graham was the legal man. I hate stuff like that.
-Jim and Tony watch a replay of the end of the match.
-SuperBrawl II Ad.
-The next match is drawn. It is Lex Luger and Arn Anderson with Harley Race vs. The Z-Man Tom Zenk and Terrance Taylor: Anderson and Zenk start. Anderson goes over and knocks Taylor off of the ropes. They lock up. Anderson with a side headlock and Zenk pushes off. Zenk with a dropdown and Anderson grabs the ropes to avoid being punched. Anderson then rolls to the outside and Taylor punches him as payback for knocking Taylor off of the apron earlier. Taylor then throws Anderson back in the ring. Zenk punches Anderson, who turns around and Taylor then punches him. Zenk then goes to kick Anderson, who catches Zenk's leg, so Zenk hits Anderson with an enziguri. Zenk goes for a pin, but Luger breaks it up. Now all four men in and fighting. Anderson and Luger both get knocked down, so they roll to the outside to regroup. Race complaining to the referee. Anderson then tags Luger in. They circle each other and lock up. Luger with a side headlock. Zenk with body shots to Luger. They drive back to the ropes and Zenk pushes off. Luger comes back with a shoulder block. Luger then runs the ropes and Zenk with a dropdown, a hip lock, and a dropkick to Luger. Luger gets back up and Zenk hits him with an arm drag. Into an arm bar for Zenk. Luger gets back to his feet. Zenk with a wrist lock and Taylor tagged in. Taylor with a kick to the stomach and picks the wrist lock up. Luger with a shot to the face to try to get out of the move and Taylor cranks it on harder. Luger with another shot and a series of shots to Taylor. Luger gets an Irish whip, Taylor ducks a clothesline attempt and a gorilla slam to Taylor. Luger then flexes to the crowd. He picks Taylor up and Taylor uses the top of his own head to do a jaw breaker on Luger. Then a kick and a snap mare to Luger. Then a running reverse snap mare to Luger. That gets a two count. Running neck breaker to Luger. Gets another two count. Taylor with a hammerlock to Luger. Luger goes down to one knee. Luger backs to the ropes and hits Taylor with a back elbow. Taylor falls to the apron. Luger comes over and Taylor runs his shoulder into Luger's midsection and tries for a sunset flip. Luger struggling to stay up and punching Taylor. As Luger is falling over, he tags Anderson in. Anderson drives a knee into the back of Taylor. Anderson then drops a knee on Taylor. He then runs Taylor face first along the top rope. Anderson then runs Taylor into the corner and rams his fist into Taylor's stomach. Taylor reverses a corner whip, but Anderson hits him with a back elbow when he charges in. Anderson goes to snap mare Taylor, who catches Anderson's arms and goes for a backslide. Taylor gets a two count. Anderson gets up and Taylor hits him with a clothesline. That gets a two count. Taylor with a wrist lock. Anderson reverses a corner whip and Taylor hits a back elbow when Anderson charges in. Taylor then goes up to the second rope and hits a reverse splash on Anderson. That gets another two count. Taylor gets a wrist lock on Anderson and tags Zenk in. Taylor holds Anderson for Zenk to hit a crossbody on Anderson. He gets a two count. Anderson with a shot to Zenk. They go back and forth in a corner and Zenk mounts the corner and punches Anderson. Anderson lifts Zenk off of him and then collapses to the mat. Zenk runs the ropes but Race trips him and he runs into a DDT by Anderson. Anderson goes to pin Zenk, but Taylor breaks up the pin and all four men in the ring now. Patrick gets Taylor out of the ring, allowing Anderson to run Zenk into Luger's knee. Luger tagged in and he suplexes Zenk. He gets a two count. Luger hits Zenk with a couple of knee lifts. He then runs Zenk into Anderson's boot and tags Anderson in. Anderson runs Zenk along his boot laces. Anderson with an Irish whip and drops his head early and Zenk runs Anderson's head into the mat. Zenk crawling to try to tag Taylor in, but Anderson tags Luger in and he cuts Zenk off. Luger with a shot to Zenk. Luger with an Irish whip and a power slam. He gets a two count. Luger tags Anderson in and holds Zenk for Anderson to hit a knee to Zenk's stomach. JR works in Luger's college Credentials so TASIYDAH. Anderson with a corner whip, but Zenk gets his knee up on the charge. Anderson goes in again and Zenk gets his boot up. Zenk goes for a double ax handle off of the second rope, but Anderson hits him with a shot to the stomach. Anderson then goes up to the second rope, but as he comes off, Zenk gets his boots up. Anderson collapses. Zenk and Anderson both crawling to tag. Both Taylor and Luger tagged in. Taylor hits a series of shots and a forearm. Taylor then cleaning house on both of his opponents. Luger misses a clothesline when Taylor ducks. Taylor then atomic drops Luger into Anderson and rolls Luger up for a two count. Taylor with a crossbody for another two count. Taylor off the ropes. Luger goes for a hip lock, but Taylor blocks it into a backslide. Gets yet another two count. Luger comes back with a thumb to the eyes. Luger with an Irish whip, drops his head early. Taylor with a gut wrench power bomb. Anderson breaks up the pin attempt. All four men in. Nick Patrick trying to get Zenk out, allowing Anderson and Luger to try to double suplex Taylor, but Zenk breaks loose and starts kicking both men. Patrick gets Zenk out and Taylor with an inside cradle, but Patrick was distracted. Luger kicks out. Luger hits a piledriver on Taylor to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony look at a replay of the finish and show who has advanced to Battlebowl so far before throwing it to Eric for the drawing of the next match.
-Ricky Steamboat and Todd Champion vs. Cactus Jack and Buddy Lee Parker: Parker stands up before his name is called. Abdullah the Butcher attacks Parker before he can get out of the locker room. He runs Parker into some lockers and attacks him with a chair. He then runs his head into the lockers several times. Abdullah then breaks a broom over Parker's back. Cactus Jack says where's my partner and laughs when Abdullah comes out. The officials grab Abdullah and try to stop him from coming in. Abdullah finally goes towards the back. Parker makes his way out and Abdullah attacks him with his stick on the rampway. Referee Randy Anderson trying to start the match. Steamboat and Cactus Jack start. They lock up and Cactus Jack with a knee to the stomach. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. They trade shots. Cactus Jack is choking Steamboat on the top rope. They trade blows in the corner. Cactus Jack with a series of left hands. Cactus Jack biting Steamboat. Cactus Jack with a series of shots to get Steamboat down. Parker has rolled to the rampway. Cactus Jack gets a two count. Steamboat coming back with a series of chops. Back and forth. Champion momentarily distracts referee Randy Anderson so he doesn't see Cactus Jack throw Steamboat over the top rope, but Steamboat holds on and skins the cat to get back in. Cactus Jack goes to clothesline Steamboat out, but Steamboat ducks and Cactus Jack goes spilling to the outside. Cactus Jack turns around and Steamboat dives through the ropes onto Cactus Jack. Steamboat then runs Cactus Jack into the barricade. Both men get back in the ring and someone from the audience says rip his head off, Steamer! Back and forth in the middle of the ring again. Cactus Jack with an Irish whip and misses a clothesline when Steamboat ducks and Steamboat slips through Cactus Jack's legs. Steamboat with a back thrust kick. Steamboat with an enziguri. Champion tagged in. Steamboat with a front face lock to hold Cactus Jack for Champion to hit with a double ax handle from the second rope. Cactus Jack tries to kick Champion away. Cactus Jack with a headbutt. Cactus Jack with a forearm to Champion. Champion with a series of shots to Cactus Jack's stomach. Champion with a scoop slam. Champion follows that up with a leg drop and I want to believe that Hulk Hogan is watching at home and is very concerned. Champion with a rear chin lock on Cactus Jack as Parker is inching his way towards the ring as a Buddy chant goes out. Cactus Jack gets to the ropes and hits Champion with an elbow. Cactus Jack with a right hand, but Champion gets him in a bear hug. Cactus Jack rakes the eyes to get out of the move. Cactus Jack throws Champion to the outside. Cactus Jack then hits the elbow from the second rope. He then runs Champion into the barricade head first. Champion trying to fight back, but Cactus Jack kicks him in the ribs and runs him back into the ring. Cactus Jack with a kick and a snap mare. Cactus Jack with a headlock as they show that Parker has made it to the empty ring. Champion gets back to his feet and hits some elbows to try to get out of the move. Cactus Jack comes back with a forearm to Champion. Cactus Jack off the ropes and Champion hits him with a power slam. He gets a two count. Champion goes for a leg drop, but Cactus Jack moves as Parker finally makes it to his corner. Cactus Jack goes up top to come off with a double ax handle, but Champion hits him in the stomach when he comes off. Champion with a series of punches and a side headlock. Cactus Jack pushes off. They collide in the ring. Cactus Jack tags Parker and hip locks him into the ring. Steamboat also tagged in. Steamboat with an Irish whip and a power slam. A Buddy chant goes out again. Steamboat hits a crossbody to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony replay the end of the last match as officials help Parker out of the ring. The next match is then pulled.
-Sting and Abdullah the Butcher vs. Brian Pillman and Bobby Eaton: Abdullah comes out smiling and then he attacks Sting. He keeps hitting Sting with his stick on the rampway. Pillman comes from the back and tackles Abdullah to get him off of Sting. Pillman then grabs the stick and hits Abdullah with it. Eaton then comes out and attacks Pillman. All four men fighting now. Abdullah knocks Pillman off of the ramp onto the barricade. Abdullah comes down after Pillman as Eaton has Sting on the ramp. Eaton throws Sting inside the ring. Eaton attacks the leg of Sting. He then rushes Sting and Sting backdrops him onto the ramp. Sting then splashes Eaton out on the rampway to a big pop from the crowd. Sting with a standing dropkick on Eaton. He then attacks Eaton from behind. Sting then throws Eaton back in the ring. The crowd gets behind Sting. Eaton begging off in the ring. Eaton with an eye rake to Sting. Eaton with a wrist lock to Sting and then goes over and slaps Pillman. Sting reverses the wrist lock. Abdullah comes in and hits Sting, his own partner. Eaton with a thumb to the eyes of Sting. Eaton with a snap mare. He gets a two count. Sting gets to his feet and hits Eaton in the ribs with some elbows. Abdullah has grabbed a pencil from the announce desk. Eaton drops a knee on Sting then runs Sting into Abdullah's pencil even though Abdullah is Sting's partner. PIllman comes in and dropkicks Abdullah off of the apron to the roar of the crowd. Eaton knocks Sting to the mat with a shot. Sting out on the apron. Eaton trying to slingshot Sting back in, but Sting blocks it with shots to Eaton. Sting slingshots Eaton to the outside. They fight on the floor. Eaton rakes the eyes. Sting responds with a slap. Sting runs Eaton into the ring post. Pillman body slams Abdullah in the ring, but you don't see it because the camera was focused on Eaton and Sting. Pillman then splashes Abdullah from the top rope. Eaton goes for the tag, but Pillman won't tag him in. Eaton tags Abdullah in, but of course referee Mike Adkins doesn't allow it. Sting and Eaton lock up again and Sting goes back to a wrist lock. Into an arm lock. Eaton with a knee to the stomach, an Irish whip, and an abdominal stretch. Sting reverses into a tombstone piledriver attempt, but Eaton blocks it. All four men in now. Pillman battling Abdullah in the corner. Sting with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Eaton. Adkins trying to get Pillman out of the ring, allowing Abdullah to grab Sting and hold for Cactus Jack to try to come in and hit Sting, but Sting ducks and Abdullah gets hit instead. Sting gets a crossbody off the top to Eaton to win and Pillman celebrates despite not winning the match.
-Jim and Tony replay the ending before coming out of the replay and Cactus Jack and Abdullah are fighting on the rampway. Security keeps trying to break them up, but they keep breaking loose. Cactus Jack breaks loose and bites Abdullah in the head. They elbow the security guys to try to get at each other. They start to fight the security guys who are trying to keep them separated. Security finally gets them separated. They fight over to where Gordon Solie and Lance Russell are commentating on the WCW Hotline.
-Jim and Tony recap what has happened so far before throwing it to Eric and company to choose the next match.
-Rick Steiner and The Nightstalker subbing for The Diamond Studd vs. Big Van Vader and Mr. Hughes: Referee Nick Patrick sends The Diamond Studd back to the dressing room. Steiner and Vader start. They lock up. Vader pushes off. They lock up again. Vader with some right hand shots to Steiner. More head and body shots to Steiner and Vader with a short clothesline. Vader with an Irish whip and a body tackle to knock Steiner down. JR works in their athletic careers so TASIYDAH. Vader with some forearms and elbows to Steiner in a corner. Vader with a corner whip, but Steiner comes out with a Steinerline to knock him down. Then Steiner hits Vader with an overhead belly to belly suplex. The crowd loves it. Steiner then with another Steinerline to knock Vader to the outside. Steiner then goes outside and jumps on Vader and punches him. Steiner with some right hand shots to Vader. Vader comes back with a clothesline. Vader picks Steiner up and runs him into the ring post. Vader then throws Steiner back into the ring by his headgear. Vader gets up on the apron to try to suplex Steiner to the outside. Steiner blocks it twice and finally gets Vader up and over on a suplex. Double count going. They lock up in the corner and Hughes tagged in. Hughes with several right hands to Steiner. Hughes with a scoop slam and drops an elbow on Steiner and gets a two count. Steiner reverses an Irish whip and backdrops Hughes. He gets a two count. Hughes with some more right hands to Steiner. Hughes with a series of knees to Steiner in the corner. He then chokes Steiner on the second rope for a four count. Hughes with a corner whip, but Steiner moves and hits Hughes with a belly to back suplex. He gets a one count. Steiner with an Irish whip and they collide in the ring. Nightstalker reaches over and tags himself in and then climbs to the top. He then clotheslines Hughes from the top rope, driving Hughes back into his own corner and Vader tagged in. Hughes rushes Nightstalker, who ducks a clothesline attempt and Steiner guillotines Hughes on the top rope. Nightstalker ignoring Vader, who hits Nightstalker and knocks him down. Steiner on the top rope and hits a bulldog on Hughes and goes to pin him, but they aren't the legal men. Vader splashes Nightstalker and pins him.
-Jim and Tony show the end of the match.
-Another SuperBrawl II ad.
-The next match is drawn.
-Scott Steiner and Firebreaker Chip vs. Johnny B. Badd and Arachnaman: Badd and Chip start. They circle each other and lock up. Back to the ropes. Badd with an Irish whip. Chip runs the ropes. Badd with dropdowns and leapfrogs to avoid being hit. Chip hits a couple of arm drags to Badd. JR works in Badd's boxing career so TASIYDAH. Chip yells out, hey, you want to box? Badd hits him with some stiff body punches. Badd with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Badd then drops an elbow on Chip. He gets a one count. Badd goes back to body punches. Badd with some more body shots. He corner whips Chip, who comes back with a reverse crossbody. He gets a two count. Chip with a side headlock into a wrist lock. Arachnaman tagged in. Chip puts him in an arm bar. Steiner tagged in. The crowd goes crazy. Steiner with a fireman carry takeover into an arm bar. Arachnaman gets up and pushes Steiner off. Steiner runs the ropes and Arachnaman with dropdowns and leapfrogs to avoid getting hit. He tries for another leapfrog, but Steiner catches and power slams him. Steiner with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Steiner with a clothesline that sends Arachnaman to the outside. He gets back in and tags Badd. They lock up and drive back to the ropes. Badd with a big right hand to knock Steiner down. Steiner comes back with a kick to the stomach. Steiner with an Irish whip, he drops his head too early and Badd leapfrogs him, turns around, and hits Steiner with a big right hand to knock him down. Steiner comes back with a double leg takedown. Steiner picks Badd up and runs him into the corner post. Steiner picks Badd up and slams him hard to the mat. Chip tagged in. Snap mare to Badd. Chip with a headlock. Badd reverses it into a hammerlock. Chip spins out into a wrist lock on Badd. Badd reverses the wrist lock and works on the arm. Arachnaman tagged in. Arachnaman with an arm bar on Chip. Arachnaman pushes off. Chip comes back with an arm drag takeover. Steiner tagged in. Steiner with a snap mare to Arachnaman. Badd tagged in and Steiner attacks him with forearms as soon as he comes through the ropes. Steiner with an Irish whip and a big clothesline. Steiner with a double under hook power bomb. Chip tagged in. He goes for a move, but stops and Badd tags Arachnaman in. That was a weird moment. Chip reverses a hammerlock and Arachnaman hits a back elbow to get out of the move. Arachnaman runs Chip into a turnbuckle. Arachnaman with a series of forearms in the corner. What I find interesting about Arachnaman is that anyone can see that it's obviously a Spider-Man rip off. Marvel lawyers didn't have to work very hard at this one, yet Marvel and WCW went ahead a did a comic book together! Chip counters and reverses and hits some forearms of his own. Chip with a corner whip and goes to splash Arachnaman, who ducks and Chip goes up and over out on the apron. Chip drives his shoulder into Arachnaman and slides back in. He hooks Arachnaman's legs and gets a two count. Arachnaman with a knee lift. That gets a two count. Arachnaman with a headlock. Chip gets back to his feet as the crowd starts to get behind him. Arachnaman with an Irish whip and hits a dropkick. He goes for another dropkick, but Chip catches the legs. He turns Arachnaman over into the Boston Crab. Arachnaman powers out of the move and goes to pin Chip, but Chip hooks Arachanaman's legs and gets a two count. Arachnaman gets a front face lock on, tags Badd in, and Badd hits Chip with several body shots. Badd with a front face lock and a couple of forearms to Chip as a Johnny chant goes out. Badd with a snap mare. Badd with a reverse chin lock. Steiner trying to motivate Chip from the apron. Chips arm falls twice, but not the third time. Arachnaman tagged back in. Arachnaman with a knee to Chip's back. Chip gets a side headlock. Arachnaman pushes off. They both run the ropes. Chip with a blind tag to Steiner. Steiner gets in and hits a Steinerline to Arachnaman and a tilt a whirl suplex to Arachnaman. He then scoop slams Badd when he comes in. Steiner with an Irish whip to Arachnaman, drops his head, and Arachnaman kicks Steiner in the face. Arachnaman comes off the top rope, but Steiner catches him. Steiner with an overhead belly to belly suplex to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony go over the end of the match.
-The final match is drawn. Ron Simmons and Thomas Rich vs Steve Armstrong and PN News: Rich and Simmons arguing over who is going to start. Simmons and Armstrong start and Armstrong just turns his back on Simmons. Simmons taps him on the shoulder and Armstrong backs away. Simmons with a kick to the stomach and a gorilla press slam. Simmons with some forearms and an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Armstrong hits him with a forearm to the back. Armstrong with an Irish whip, Simmons ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with a shoulder block. Simmons with a wrist lock and a shot to the triceps. Rich tagged in. He Irish whips Armstrong and hits him with a shot. Armstrong reverses a corner whip and follows it up with a kick to the stomach. Another kick and a right hand to Rich in the corner. Armstrong with an elbow to Rich. Rich reverses a corner whip and backdrops Armstrong. Rich misses an elbow to Armstrong. Armstrong with an arm drag. News tagged in. Armstrong holds Rich for News to hit, but News says let him go because he doesn't want to take a cheap shot. They lock up. Rich tries for a slam, but can't pick News up. News then scoop slams Rich. They lock up and Rich with a side headlock. News picks Rich up and throws him off. A we want Ron chant goes out. News throws Rich off again. Simmons tagged in. News and Simmons slap hands and then circle each other. They lock up. Drive back to the corner. Break clean. They circle each other again. Another lock up. Back to the ropes to the corner and News with some shots and a corner whip to Simmons. He then hits a big splash to Simmons in the corner. He goes for another splash and Simmons catches him with a back elbow. Simmons with a bulldog. He gets a two count. Simmons with a big shoulder block and he gets another two count. He runs the ropes and News catches him with a clothesline. News with a body press to Simmons off the ropes. Gets a two count. Armstrong tagged in. A we want Tommy chant goes out and Rich is hesitant to make the tag. Crowd chants puss at him. Tough crowd here tonight. Simmons and Armstrong lock up and Simmons with a series of shots to Armstrong. Simmons with a wrist lock and Rich finally tags in. Rich wraps his wrist tape around the throat of Armstrong to choke him. Rich with a corner whip and Armstrong gets his boots up on the charge. Armstrong gets Rich down and starts to rip the tape off of Rich's wrist. He then uses the tape to choke Rich in the corner. Armstrong with a corner whip and then clotheslines Rich with the wrist tape. Rich tags Simmons in. Simmons doesn't want to come in and argues with Rich in the corner. Armstrong jumps Simmons from behind. Armstrong with a big right hand to Simmons. Armstrong runs Simmons into the turnbuckle head first. Simmons reverses an Irish whip and hits Armstrong with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Rich tagged back in and hits a belly to back suplex. Rich then hits a fist drop from the second turnbuckle. He then drops a knee on Armstrong. Rich with a corner whip, but Armstrong gets his boot up on the charge and then punches Rich. Armstrong runs Rich into News' knee and tags News in. News with an Irish whip and hits a flying clothesline. He gets a two count. Another we want Ron chant goes out. Armstrong tagged back in. Armstrong goads Simmons in so he can hit Rich while referee Mike Adkins gets Simmons out of the ring. Armstrong with a corner clothesline and flying splash to Rich. Armstrong with another clothesline. Rich moves when Armstrong goes for another Splash. Rich goes to drop an elbow, but Armstrong moves and tags News in. Armstrong holds Rich for News to kick. News with a scoop slam. Armstrong tagged back in. He goes for a splash, but Rich gets his knees up. Double count going. Armstrong blocks a Rich shot and hits one of his own. Armstrong with a throat thrust to Rich. He then kicks Rich down in the corner. Armstrong chokes Rich down on the apron with his foot. Adkins counting him, but Simmons comes in to protest and breaks up the count as Adkins stops to get him out of the ring. News comes over and stops Armstrong from choking Rich and the two teammates start to argue. Armstrong with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. The crowd is trying to get into the match by clapping. Armstrong with a rear chin lock. He then drives his knee into Rich's back. Rich gets up and hits a jaw breaker on Armstrong. Rich gets up and hits Armstrong with a forearm. Rich with a kick to Armstrong. Simmons tagged in. Simmons comes in and kicks Armstrong. He power slams Armstrong. News comes in and Simmons power slams him too. Armstrong rushes Simmons and Simmons hits him with a spinebuster to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony replay the end of the match and then discuss Battlebowl and how crazy Abdullah the Butcher has been all night. Eric, Missy, and Magnum then talk about who's going to be left standing before throwing it to Gary Michael Cappetta. He goes over the rules to Battlebowl before announcing the participants as they come out.
-Big Van Vader, Marcus Alexander Bagwell, Jimmy Garvin, Dustin Rhodes, Bill Kazmaier, Jushin Liger, Steve Austin, Richard Morton, Todd Champion, Abdullah the Butcher, Firebreaker Chip, Thomas Rich, Ron Simmons, Ricky Steamboat, Mr. Hughes, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, and Sting are the participants. The crowd goes crazy when Sting comes out. As soon as Sting gets in, people begin attacking each other. Forearms flying. Anderson and Steamboat battle out on the rampway and Anderson scoop slams Steamboat. Steamboat then atomic drops Anderson. Vader and Mr. Hughes dump Kazmaier into the space between the two rings. He gets back into the first ring. Steamboat and Austin pair off, as do Anderson and Sting. Vader nails Simmons, knocking him to the rampway. He then scoop slams Simmons on the rampway. Vader then goes for a splash, but Simmons moves. Simmons chops Vader and he falls back into the ring. Liger just hitting people and moving around. Champion choking Rich in a corner. It is hard to write what is happening because there are so many people in the ring. Vader headbutts Simmons down. Simmons nails Mr. Hughes. Rich and Rhodes are fighting in the corner. Austin choking Sting on the ropes. Vader military presses Steamboat out to the ramp. Vader then drops an elbow on Steamboat. Vader then throws Steamboat back into the ring. Liger blasting away at Abdullah in one corner. Abdullah then attacks Kazmaier while Rude holds him. Rhodes climbs up top, but falls and crotches himself on the top rope. Rich is thrown to the second ring. Sting and Luger start fighting in the corner and the crowd comes to life. Bagwell thrown into the second ring and Rich attacks him right away. Bagwell and Rich going back and forth. Mr. Hughes attacking Steiner in Ring 1. Mr. Hughes dumped out onto the ramp as Paul E. comes over to bother Jim and Tony. Mr. Hughes throws Firebreaker Chip into the second ring. Rich runs Bagwell and Firebreaker Chip's heads together. Liger thrown to the second ring and Morton follows him over like an idiot. Morton comes off the top rope onto Liger, who catches Morton and power slams him. Liger with a rolling splash onto Morton. Liger with a second rope moonsault. Morton reverses a corner whip, but Liger gets his boot up on the charge. Liger with a modified victory roll. Morton ducks a spinning heel kick attempt. Liger hits him with a second attempt. Liger runs and crossbody's Morton and they both go over the top and are eliminated. Vader throws Rhodes to the outside and hits him with a double ax handle from the apron. Anderson and Steamboat just beating the hell out of each other. Mr. Hughes with a running dive to Simmons, who ducks and Hughes lands in the second ring. Rich eliminated from Battlebowl. Anderson and Steamboat are in ring 2, but you don't know how they got there as the cameras are having a hard time tracking the action. Luger and Simmons fighting on the ramp. Garvin and Champion are thrown to the second ring. Anderson choking Steamboat on the ropes. Steiner and Austin tossed into ring 2. Champion with a flying corner splash to Mr. Hughes as he was attacking Bagwell. Garvin eliminated from Battlebowl. Kazmaier and Abdullah eliminated to ring 2. Rude backdrops Simmons to Ring 2. Luger ducks a Rhodes charge and Rhodes lands in ring 2. Sting and Rude battling in ring 1 to the delight of the crowd. They go back and forth. They both go over into ring 2. Vader and Luger are the only ones left in ring 1. Vader body blocks Luger down to the mat. He then splashes Luger. Vader with a corner whip to Luger as Steamboat starts to go outside after Paul E who runs away. Vader with a corner splash to Luger. Luger falls to the mat. Firebreaker Chip eliminated. Vader tries another corner splash, but Luger gets his boot up on the charge. Luger with a clothesline to Vader to knock him into ring 2. Luger the winner of ring 1. Abdullah eliminated. Champion and Kazmaier both eliminated. Steiner with a modified camel clutch on Hughes as Sting is attacking Rude up against the bottom rope as Rude is down. Steamboat and Simmons try to eliminate Vader as Rude grabs Sting's legs to try to eliminate him. Anderson climbs up top, but Rhodes hits him with a shot and Anderson crotches himself on the top rope. Steamboat hits Vader with a top rope knife chop. Rhodes with a dropkick to eliminate Anderson. Rhodes hitting Austin with some elbows and Austin backdrops Rhodes out. Simmons hits Hughes with a crossbody and both fall to the outside and are eliminated. Bagwell eliminated by Austin and Sting and Steamboat double clothesline Vader to eliminate him. Steiner eliminated. Sting pairs off with Austin and Rude and Steamboat pair off. Rude and Austin go to corner whip Sting and Steamboat into each other, but Steamboat ducks and Sting clotheslines Rude. Steamboat chopping Austin. Sting corner whips Rude into Austin. Rude and Sting double reversal of the corner whip allowing Sting to Stinger Splash Austin in the corner. Steamboat chops Rude. A thrust kick by Steamboat knocks Rude down. Sting runs Austin's face into the mat. Rude and Austin double team Sting in the corner. Steamboat runs Austin and Rude's heads together. Rude goes to clothesline Steamboat, who moves and Rude hits Austin to eliminate him. Rude goes to throw Steamboat out. Steamboat holds on, skins the cat to catch Rude with a headscissors to eliminate him. Rude grabs Steamboat by the legs to eliminate him and Sting is the winner of Ring 2. Rude runs Steamboat into the barricade and comes back in and attacks Sting and hits a Rude Awakening on Sting. He then spits on Sting as the crowd starts booing. Steamboat rolls inside to check on Sting as Luger comes over from Ring 1 to Ring 2. Sting is trying to pull himself up by the ropes. Referee Nick Patrick forces Luger back to Ring 1. Luger grabs Sting as he gets into Ring 1. He hits Sting with a clothesline. Luger then mocks Sting's yell. Luger with an inverted atomic drop. Luger then runs and kicks Sting in the ribs. Back and forth near the corner. Luger runs Sting along the top rope. Luger with a right hand to Sting's midsection in the corner. He then hits a forearm to Sting's back to knock him down. Luger then kicks him in the ribs and tells him to get up. Luger screams at Jim and Tony and then goes to throw Sting out. He throws him through the ropes to the ramp. Nick Patrick struggles to keep Luger away, allowing Race to attack Sting. Sting blocks a Race shot and scoop slams Race onto the ramp. Luger comes over, attacks Sting, and throws him off the rampway to the floor below. Luger goes to run Sting into the barricade, but Sting blocks it and runs Luger into the barricade head first. He runs Luger into the barricade again and Luger falls down at ringside. They get back in the ring and Sting is stomping Luger. Sting rubs Luger's face into the mat and then rakes Luger's face. Sting tries to dump Luger over the top rope, but Luger holds on to the top rope. Sting punching and kicking Luger to try to get him off the top rope. Race comes into the ring and Sting suplexes him. Sting goes back to kicking Luger. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash, but Luger moves and Sting is balancing on that top rope. As Luger starts to get up, Sting falls back to the canvas. Luger goes to throw Sting out, but Sting holds on to the ropes. Sting attacks Luger with right hands and kicks. Sting hits a bulldog on Luger and the crowd comes to life. Sting clotheslines Luger, who holds on until Sting shoves him over and Sting wins Battlebowl. The crowd goes crazy. Sting collapses back on the mat as fireworks go off. Sting goes to leave and Race is yelling at Sting. Sting posing and screaming on the rampway.
-Jim and Tony recap Sting's victory. They then recap the night and sign off from Norfolk.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show concept that was just too long and boring on execution. Another Starrcade, another gimmick tournament. I would pass on this one unless you're a completest like me.

Episode 136 Notes Thu, 30 Jun 2022 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] bbe12e70-6d3c-401b-ba83-25d095f9f0d9 My Notes for Episode 136: Project 45 WWECW. -Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2006 as we look at the first episode of WWECW on Sci-fi.
-ECW on Sci-fi was broadcast on Sci-fi on June 13, 2006 from the Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey.
-Highlights of the second One Night Stand and John Cena saying he will show up to ECW.
-Let the bodies hit the floor intro.
-Paul Heyman is shown coming to the ring. Joey Styles and Tazz are our announcers for the evening and they welcome us to ECW on Sci-fi. Paul E. introduces Rob Van Dam. He is the current WWE Champion. RVD thanks everyone for supporting him. He says he hopes John Cena does show up because he's excited for the new ECW and to be the face and champion of ECW. Paul E. then presents RVD with the new ECW World Heavyweight Championship. RVD says he can't think of a greater honor in his career than that. He says he's going to keep both championships. He gets interrupted by Edge and Lita. Edge thanks Paul E. for inviting them. Edge tells RVD that they are more alike than they think. They both won championships and broke through the glass ceiling because of their ability. Edge says it's going to be an honor to face RVD and tear the house down at Vengeance. He and Lita then shake RVD's hand. RVD then raises both championships high and as he does, he gets Speared by Edge. Paul E. screams what the hell are you doing at Edge. Edge and Lita start to leave through the crowd and as they turn around to look back at the ring, John Cena comes up behind them. As Edge turns around, he gets attacked by Cena. Cena runs Edge back over the barricade at ringside. He then runs Edge into the announce desk. RVD then pushes Cena out of the way and attacks Edge. Cena and RVD then take turns pushing each other away and attacking Edge. RVD and Cena then face each other until Edge attacks RVD from behind. Edge then hits RVD with a low blow. Edge and Lita leave through the crowd. Cena then knocks Paul E. down with a shot and takes off after Edge. A bunch of guys from the locker room come out to check on Paul E.
-After a commercial break, they come back to Paul E. in the back surrounded by wrestlers saying how dare they. Edge ruined the celebration and Cena screwed ECW. Paul E. says if that's how they want to play. If Monday Night Raw wants to bring Raw to ECW, then they are going to bring ECW to Monday Night Raw. This Monday, they are going to Raw and Paul E. is going to bring ECW.
-The Zombie vs. The Sandman: Tazz and Joey Styles have no idea who the Zombie is. He was actually played by the late wrestler Tim Arson. He gets on the mic and just moans into it. He gets cut off by Sandman's music thankfully. It isn't Enter Sandman, but it isn't bad. Sandman gets in the ring and just bashes the Zombie with the Kendo stick. He then hits the white Russian leg sweep and pins the Zombie. Sandman then beats the Zombie with the Kendo stick all the way to the back.
-They then show Kelly in the back who says her name and that she's an Exhibitionist, which means she is going to take off all of her clothes for us tonight.
-Flashback to Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz at One Night Stand.
-Kurt Angle vs. Justin Credible: Credible rushes Angle, who gets him in a double leg takedown. He then gets Credible in a rear chin lock. Credible gets to the ropes. Angle hits a German suplex. Angle then dumps Credible to the outside. As he gets back in, Angle hits a single leg and dumps Credible with a backdrop. He then gets on top of Credible and slaps him in the back of the head several times. Credible gets up and gets into Angle's face, only to get head butted by Angle several times. Angle then applies the rear choke to Credible and Credible taps. Angle then grabs the mic and tells Randy Orton that he will meet him under ECW rules, WWE rules, or No rules at all. He's going to do the same thing to Orton at Vengeance that he did at One Night Stand. He's going to make his ass tap out because you're looking at the face of the new ECW.
-Paul E. is shown in the back. He says you want extreme? You want to feel extreme? You want to learn what extreme is all about? Tonight, he's going to show you extreme. Tonight, everything he had planned for this show is out the window. He's going to take 10 of ECW's best and they're going to go out to the ring tonight for an Extreme Battle Royal. Anything goes. You want to talk about extreme. All weapons legal. And the winner is going to face John Cena at Vengeance. And almost as importantly, is going to join us this Monday night when ECW takes this fight to Monday Night Raw.
-Tazz and Joey Styles discuss what Paul E. just said.
-Kelly is back and says when we return, I'm going to show you all of my assets. When they come back from the commercial break, a man with fangs is shown outside staring at the marquee and I don't get it.
-Flashback to what happened earlier when Edge came out.
-Kelly is introduced. She gets up on a platform and starts to dance. She then takes off her skirt and then her top and she is down to wearing her bra and panties. She then covers herself and lifts her bra.
-Extreme Battle Royal: Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Big Guido, Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Roadkill, Danny Doring, Balls Mahoney, and The Big Show are the participants. When Big Show gets in, he starts throwing guys out so that they can get the weapons placed at ringside. Big Show picks up Roadkill and hits a fall away slam on him. When they come back from commercial break, everyone is in with various forms of weapons. Dreamer attacks Big Show from behind with a sign. Big Show decimated with shots in the corner. It's a melee with signs, trashcans, and forearms flying. Sabu goes outside, gets a table and sets it up and gets on it. Al Snow and Doring eliminated. Richards eliminated by Big Show. Roadkill then eliminated by Big Show. Big Show with a sad slam to Balls before eliminating him. Dreamer and Sabu team up for Sabu to launch himself at Big Show, who catches him. He dumps Sabu over, but Sabu lands hard on the apron. Big Show throws Dreamer onto the set up table to eliminate him. Big Show eliminates Mamaluke and Little Guido. Big Show and Big Guido square off. Big Show pushes Big Guido out, but Big Guido won't let Big Show go. Sabu sets up a chair, grabs another chair, and runs and jumps off the chair to hit Big Show in the back and eliminate him. Sabu wins and will face John Cena at Vengeance.
-Highlights of some of the moments from the battle royal. Tazz and Joey Styles recap what has happened and sign off from New Jersey.
-Final Thoughts: Although there were a few interesting moments, this is definitely not the ECW of old. Nostalgia can help you some, but everyone had moved on by this point. Interesting place and time though.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
-If you like the show, please leave a review on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. I would really appreciate it.
-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from Stately Maine Manor.

Episode 135 Notes Thu, 23 Jun 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 59d061e5-1be1-4801-8441-6c2443987bf5 My Notes for Episode 135: Project 45: 1995 Monday Nitro. -My wife met Michael Learned from The Waltons and had no idea who she was.
-Today, Project 45 goes back to 1995 and the start of the Monday Night Wars with the debut episode of WCW Monday Nitro.
-In September 1995 I had just started my senior year of high school.
-WCW Monday Nitro was broadcast live on TNT on Monday, September 4, 1995 from the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
-Classic Intro.
-Eric Bischoff welcomes us to the debut edition of WCW Monday Nitro. He brings on the newest member of the WCW Broadcast Team Steve Mongo McMichael. Mongo is excited to be here. They get interrupted by Bobby Heenan. He and McMichael start sniping at each other. They kick things off big time.
-Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Liger: They lock up. Pillman with a wrist lock. Liger reverses the hold. Into a side headlock. Pillman reverses a corner whip. Liger jumps to avoid the charge. Liger goes back to the opposite corner and hits a moonsault on Pillman for a two count. Liger with a rear chin lock. Back up and drive to a corner and Liger with a knee to the stomach. Liger with a chop and a corner whip. Pillman with a head scissors takedown. Pillman with some chops. Liger reverses an Irish whip. Pillman gets his leg up on the charge again. He hurricanranas Liger out of the corner. He gets a two count. Pillman with a snap mare. Pillman with a forearm. Liger reverses an Irish whip. Liger with a drop toe hold. Liger gets Pillman up in a surfboard. Into a face lock, but Pillman won't give up. Liger with an Irish whip. Pillman runs, but Liger ducks and Pillman stumbles to the outside. Liger comes off onto Pillman off of the apron to the floor. Liger tries to suplex Pillman in, but Pillman reverses it and suplexes Liger to the outside. Pillman then dives onto Liger from the top rope to the floor. He then throws Liger back in the ring. Pillman climbs up top, but Liger hits the ropes causing Pillman to post himself on the top rope. Liger superplexes Pillman off the top rope. He gets a two count. Liger goes up top, but as he comes off, Pillman hits a dropkick in midair. Pillman gets a two count. Pillman chops Liger. Pillman Irish whips Liger, but drops his head and Liger hits him with a forearm. Liger hits a power bomb and gets another two count. Liger puts Pillman on the top rope and hurricanranas him off. He gets a close two count. Liger puts Pillman on another turnbuckle, but Pillman fights back with shots. Pillman with a tornado DDT. He gets a two count. A couple of reversals and Pillman gets a roll up to get the pin.
-Eric Bischoff interviewed Hulk Hogan earlier in the day at Pastamania. Hogan says he is putting the WCW title on the line in the Main Event of Nitro against Big Bubba.
-WCW United States Championship Match. Sting vs. Ric Flair: Both men get their share of cheers when they come out. Right before the bell rings, Lex Luger is shown coming down the aisle and looking at the ring in that iconic shot that started the Monday Night Wars as Luger had been in the WWF up until that point. A Luger chant goes out. Sting and Flair are just staring at him. Bischoff yelling at security to get Luger out of here. They pan away from him to the ring and they finally lock up. Back to the corner and break. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Sting pushes off and Flair comes back with a shoulder block. Sting with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Flair. Sting then military presses Flair and slams him down. Flair backing off. Sting Irish whips Flair and presses him again and slams him. Flair backing off. Sting hip tosses Flair out of the corner. Sting follows that up with a dropkick. Flair rolls out to the floor to regroup. He collapses on the outside. A Sting chant goes out. He then gets back in. Test of strength. Flair with a poke to the eyes. Flair then chops Sting in the corner. Then a right hand to Sting's jaw. Sting comes back. Flair begs off. Sting with another military press slam. Flair kicks Sting in the stomach. Flair with an Irish whip. Sting ducks a clothesline, Flair rushes Sting and they both spill to the outside. He then rushes Sting and Sting lifts him up and throws Flair back in. Flair begging off. Sting with a corner whip and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Flair moves. Sting comes out and bulldogs Flair. Sting with another corner whip, but Flair hits a back elbow when Sting comes in. They both collapse. Flair chops Sting down. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off so TASIYDAH. Sting with an Irish whip and another press slam. He gets a two count. Arn Anderson is shown coming to ringside. Sting goes for a top rope splash, but Flair moves. Heenan says Flair and Anderson, who have been having problems, have patched things up. Flair with a nice delayed vertical suplex. Sting gets back up as Flair struts. Sting clotheslines Flair. Another clothesline. Sting with a corner whip. Flair up and over, but gets clotheslined on the apron right by Anderson. Flair back in and begging off. Sting with corner mounted punches to Flair. Flair hip locked out of the corner. Sting lifts Flair up on a turnbuckle and Flair is trying to fight back. Back and forth on the turnbuckle. Flair pushes Sting off. Flair with an Irish whip and they both block hip lock attempts and Flair with a side headlock takeover. Flair with a cover that Sting bridges out of. Sting with a backslide. He gets a two count. Sting puts Flair on the top rope. Sting hits a top rope superplex. Sting looks at Anderson and tells him to come in if he wants some and Flair clips Sting's knee. Flair gets the figure four on. Sting trying to reverse it and Flair grabs the ropes for leverage as referee Randy Anderson checks on Sting. Flair gets caught and refuses to break the hold and gets disqualified. Anderson comes in and breaks the hold. Flair gets to his feet and extends his hand to Anderson. Anderson takes his jacket off instead to fight. They start to brawl and Anderson knocks Flair down to the mat. Anderson then jumps Flair and they fight out to the floor. They then fight towards the back until Doug Dillenger holds Anderson back from going after Flair.
-Scott Norton comes up to the announcers screaming that he signed a contract and that he needs an opponent. He and Mongo start screaming at each other until Randy Savage comes in and tells Norton that he will wrestle him. Norton says what are we waiting for and Savage says lets do it right now. Savage gets in the ring, but they hold Norton back and Bischoff throws it to a video package of Sabu.
-When they come back, Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring to announce Mike Hill from Cullman, Alabama for being the Harley Davidson Sweepstakes Winner.
-Preview of WCW Saturday Night.
-A look at VK Wallstreet, who has returned to WCW.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Hulk Hogan with Jimmy Hart vs. Big Bubba: Hogan gets a good ovation coming out. The bell rings. They circle each other. They lock up and Hogan pushes off. Another lock up and Bubba with a side headlock. Hogan pushes off. Hogan with a shoulder block. A Hogan chant goes out. Test of strength. Bubba with a boot to the stomach. Bubba attacking Hogan in a corner. Bubba with a corner whip and a corner splash. Bubba choking Hogan in the corner. Hogan blocks being run head first into the corner and runs Bubba in instead. Referee Randy Anderson pulls Hogan away allowing Bubba to get an eye poke in. Bubba with a shot and a backbreaker. Bubba with head and body shots to Hogan in the corner. The crowd is booing Bubba. Hogan gets his boot up on a Bubba corner charge. Another boot and a shove knocks Bubba down. Hogan punches Bubba and goes after Anderson when he tries to stop him. Bubba with an uppercut to Hogan. Bubba hits his patented leapfrog body guillotine. Bubba then slides to the outside and goes after Hart. Hogan comes out after Bubba and punches him. He throws Bubba back in the ring. He drapes Hart's jacket around Bubba's head while Hart distracts Anderson. Hogan with corner mounted punches to Bubba. Hogan with a corner whip and a clothesline. Hogan with an eye rake and punches to Bubba in the corner. Hogan with a scoop slam. He drops elbows on Bubba. Bubba comes back with more shots. Bubba with a scoop slam. he runs Hogan into the corner, but misses the charge when Hogan moves. Hogan comes off the ropes and gets the sidewalk slam from Bubba. Hogan kicks out at two and the crowd goes mild. Hardly any reaction at all. Hogan Hulks up! Punches, big boot, leg drop, pin. The Dungeon of Doom attack Hogan. Lex Luger comes in and helps Hogan clear the ring. Randy Savage and Sting come out to separate Luger and Hogan. Hogan asks Luger what he's doing here. Mean Gene gets in the ring. A Luger chant goes out.
-Fall Brawl ad.
-Hogan tells Luger he has no business in his backyard. Luger says he's here for the WCW Championship. Hogan says he's going to stay champion. Hogan says that Luger doesn't have to wait, if he shakes Hogan's hand, he'll get a title shot next week on Nitro.
-The announcers talk about what happened and whats coming up before signing off from Minnesota.
-Final Thoughts: This kicked off one of the most successful eras of the business and the Monday Night Wars. The Luger appearance was huge at the time. Things would get crazier over the next few years.

Episode 134 Notes Fri, 17 Jun 2022 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 09cf5bc8-06c1-478e-a9f1-7a2dc479cec5 My Notes for Episode 134: Project 45: 1984. -I finally saw Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I had been spoiled by a plot point of the movie that I thought would come at the end but thankfully came at the beginning so I was able to enjoy the movie. I also went in the middle of the day and there was only one other person in the theater so I did my hourly step goal walking in the back of the theater without missing any of the movie.
-Project 45 continues today as we go back to 1984 and look at the WCCW from January 21, 1984.
-1984: I was miserable in Kindergarten.
-WCCW was recorded from The Sportatorium in Dallas, TX.
-Bill Mercer welcomes us to WCCW. He is the announcer for the evening.
-Highlights of Iceman King Parsons getting burned by Skandor Akbar.
-Kimala with Skandor Akbar and Friday vs. Rick Rudd: It is actually pre ravishing Rick Rude in what must be an early match of his. The bell rings and they lock up. Kimala chops Rudd down. Kimala picks him up to chop him down again. He then picks Rudd up in a choke hold and slams him down again. Kimala chokes and chops Rudd down again. Rudd comes back with a forearm and a dropkick. Another dropkick, but Kimala won't go down. Rudd tries a shoulder block, but Kimala double chops him down. Kimala then splashes Rudd twice and pins him. He starts to go up top to splash, but gets stopped by Friday and Akbar.
-Flashback to Jimmy Garvin attacking Chris Adams.
-Bill Mercer interviews Chris Adams and Sunshine. Adams says Garvin always tries to attack him time and time again. Adams says he can play tricks too. He had to even pretend to be the Masked Avenger to prove that he could beat Garvin. He says things are coming to a head and he aims to get that American Title. Sunshine says forget the title. He needs to be hurt and that tramp and Garvin need to be sent out of there. Adams says he tried to put me out, I'm definitely going to put him out.
-Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Kevin Von Erich: The crowd goes crazy when Von Erich is announced. Because he wrestles barefoot, Von Erich has what I like to call grocery store feet. A huge we want Sunshine chant goes out. They lock up and Von Erich pushes Garvin off. Garvin complains that Von Erich pulled his hair. Garvin then backs to a corner and makes Von Erich get away. They lock up again and Garvin with a wrist lock. Von Erich twists out of it and hits a dropkick to the delight of the crowd. He then mocks Garvin's strut. Garvin bails out to the floor to regroup. He hugs Precious. The we want Sunshine chant goes out again as Garvin gets back in the ring. Garvin backs into a corner again. They lock up. Back to a corner and Von Erich climbs a turnbuckle like he is going to hit Garvin. He breaks clean though. Garvin taunts the crowd. They lock up again and Garvin with a side headlock takeover. Von Erich twists into a head scissors lock on Garvin. Garvin screaming in the move. The Sunshine chant starts again. Garvin gets to the ropes so the hold is broken. Garvin backs to a corner again. Precious comes over and gives him a kiss. They lock up again. Von Erich with a side headlock. Into a snap mare. The crowd chants we want the claw. Into an arm bar. Von Erich attacking the arm as a Precious Sucks chant starts. Von Erich with a scoop slam and a big splash. He gets a two count. Garvin rolls to the outside and collapses to the floor. Precious helps Garvin back into the ring. Von Erich attacks him with big right hands and a snap mare into a headlock. Garvin fading as the we want Sunshine chant goes out again. Garvin reverses into an arm bar as Precious gets up on the apron. He drops the leg on the arm several times. He misses it one time when Von Erich moves. Von Erich runs Garvin head first into a turnbuckle. Von Erich with a corner whip and hits Garvin with a running knee into the corner. Von Erich hits Garvin with an elbow from the second rope. Gets a two count. Von Erich with another scoop slam. Into a chin lock. We want the claw chant goes out again. Garvin battling not to go out. The hand does not go down the third time. Garvin trying to get back to his feet. Von Erich trying to keep him down. Chris Adams and Sunshine come to ringside to a huge ovation. Garvin has Von Erich in a corner and hitting him with knees as Adams gets up on the apron. Referee Bronco Lubich comes over to try to get Adams off the apron. Garvin throws Von Erich out, but he holds on and skins the cat to get back in as Garvin goes over to Adams. Adams pushes Garvin into Von Erich, who rolls Garvin up to get the pin. Precious gets into the ring and wants Adams and Sunshine to get in. They come in and the heels bail.
-Bill Mercer interviews Iceman King Parsons. Parsons says they had the Super D's going and Akbar stuck his nose in where it didn't belong and threw fire. They then show the Super D's hitting Parsons with the superplex. Parsons says he has a big surprise for Akbar and the Super D's as Andre the Giant comes out and says big surprise. Andre says Parsons asked him to come and be his partner. Andre says he's going to stay in the corner and let Parsons do what he wants to do and Andre is there to make sure everything goes well. Parsons says Andre just gave him the go ahead. Anything he wants to do, Andre is big enough to back him up.
-Iceman King Parsons and Andre the Giant vs. The Super Destroyers with Skandor Akbar: Referee David Manning tries to keep everyone apart as he tries to go over the instructions. Andre picks Manning up and moves him out of the way. The bell rings. The Super D's tell Manning to get Andre out of the ring. Andre and Parsons taunting the Super D's to the delight of the crowd. Parsons and Super D 1 lock up. Parsons with a side headlock. An Andre chant goes out as Super D 1 pushes off. Parsons comes back and Super D 1 leapfrogs him. Parsons stops and scoop slams Super D 1. Super D 2 tagged in. They lock up and Parsons gets another side headlock. Super D 2 pushes off. Super D 2 drops down to avoid Parsons. Parsons comes back with a shoulder block. Parsons then goes back to the side headlock. Super D 2 pushing against Parsons trying to break the hold. Super D 2 pushes off. Parsons comes back, slips behind Super D 2 and scoop slams him. Super D 1 tagged and Parsons gets a side headlock on him. Super D 1 drives Parsons into a corner and hits him with a series of knee lifts. Super D 1 with a corner whip, but Parsons gets his boots up on the charge. Parsons with a headbutt to Super D 1. Andre tagged in to the delight of the crowd. The Super D's back up and go out to the floor with Akbar. Super D 2 sneaks back in and goes and jumps on Andre's back and tries for a sleeper, but Andre just backs him into a corner. Andre then throws the other Super D into the corner and runs his shoulder into both. Andre corner whips Super D 1 to Parsons, who chops him. Andre with a forearm to Super D 2 to knock him down. Super D's go back outside. Super D's hesitating getting in and while they argue, Andre comes over and runs their heads together. He throws Super D 2 into the ring. He then steps on his hand and Super D 2 can't get up. Andre then runs his knee into Super D 2's back. He picks Super D 2 up and Super D 2 takes the opportunity to grab Andre in a side headlock. Andre pushes off, drops down, and butt bumps Super D 2 when he comes back. He then does a little dance move to the delight of the crowd. Andre chops Super D 2. Andre with an Irish whip, drops his head early, and Super D 2 kicks him in the face. Super D 1 tagged in. Super D's double team Andre for a bit. Super D 2 tagged back in and continued to pound Andre. Andre comes back with a forearm to knock Super D 2 down. He then headbutts Super D 2 and Parsons tagged back in. Parsons with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Parsons runs Super D 2 into Andre's boot. Parsons gets a two count. Super D 2 comes back with some shots to Parson's midsection and a throat thrust. Super D 1 tagged in. He guillotines Parsons on the top rope. He then steps down on Parson's throat for a three count. Super D 1 with an Irish whip and a double chop to Parsons. Super D 1 then drops a knee across the throat of Parsons. Super D 2 tagged in and Super D 1 holds Parsons for Super D 2 to hit a fist drop from the second rope. Super D 2 with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Super D 2 grabs Parsons and then goes over and kicks Andre which brings him in. Manning trying to get Andre out, allowing the Super D's to double team Parsons. Super D 2 with a knee drop for a two count. Super D 2 with a headlock. Super D 2 runs Parsons into Super D 1's boot and Super D 1 tagged in. Irish whip and a knee to Parsons. Then a series of forearms to Parsons who is trying desperately to tag Andre in. Super D 1 with a corner whip and a running knee to Parsons. Another corner whip, but misses the splash when Parsons moves. Andre tagged in. Andre comes in with chops to Super D 1. Then a big headbutt. A big forearm to Super D 1 and chops to Super D 2 when he tries to come in. He runs the Super Destroyers into each other. Parsons gets on the top rope and Andre tosses him into both Super Destroyers. Kimala comes in to attack Andre for the disqualification. Andre headbutts Kimala out of the ring. Andre throws Super D 1 out of the ring and grabs Akbar but he escapes. Andre has Akbar's headdress and he uses it to shine Parson's boot. Parsons then cleans Andre's boot. They show a replay.
-Bill Mercer recaps what has happened and some of the things coming up for WCCW before signing off from Dallas.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a nice way to spend an hour. It was fun seeing early Rick Rude and Andre outside of the WWF. Recommended.

Episode 133 Notes Sun, 12 Jun 2022 20:30:00 -0400 [email protected] ab1e5557-3df3-4b18-90d1-d33c8e512a38 My Notes for Episode 133: Project 45: 2012 Smackdown. -Smoking at the gas tank.
-Project 45 lands in 2012 this week as we take a look at Super Smackdown Live Blast from the Past.
-Super Smackdown Live: Blast from the past was shown on Syfy on April 10, 2012 from Hampton, VA. The show did a 1.5 rating.
-WWE Intro.
-Blast from the past intro.
-Smackdown Intro.
-Fireworks go off as Josh Matthews welcomes us to Smackdown. He and Michael Cole and Booker T are the announcers for the evening.
-Flashback to last week's breakup between AJ and Daniel Bryan. Tonight, Bryan will be on Piper's Pit.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring. He brings out Sheamus. He gets a great reaction coming out. He is the World Heavyweight Champion. He hugs Mean Gene and says it's an absolute honor to be in the ring with a legend such as yourself. Sheamus says, you know, honor is a very important word around here. When you represent the WWE as World Heavyweight Champion, there's a code of Honor you have to adhere to. Last week, he didn't respect that code, and he let everybody down. The referee made a bad decision in his match, and he let his emotions get the better of him. There is no excuse for his actions. There's no excuse for his behavior. So right now, he would like to apologize to referee Chad Patton, to all the WWE officials, and everybody all over the world. He's sorry. He says I hope you all accept the apologies of a red-headed Irishman, because we all make mistakes and we all try to learn from our mistakes. Let's be honest, some learn the easy way and some learn the hard way. He says he always tends to learn the hard way. He is interrupted by John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis says hold on just a minute. He says before Sheamus says another word, he wants to show everybody what Sheamus did last week. Sheamus attacks Chad Patton with a Brogue Kick after a bad call. Laurinaitis says to Sheamus how dare you. Laurinaitis says he's the GM of Raw and Smackdown and he's going to take some action. Laurinaitis says I want you to apologize to referee Chad Patton. Sheamus says I just did. That's what I've been out here doing for the last 5 minutes. Laurinaitis says well I didn't hear it, do it again. Sheamus says I would like to again publicly apologize to referee Chad Patton. The crowd boos. Laurinaitis says I want you to apologize to all the WWE referees. When Sheamus says he already did, Laurinaitis says do it again. The crowd boos again. Sheamus says he would like to apologize to all the WWE Officials. Laurinaitis says now it's time to apologize to the world. Sheamus smiles and Laurinaitis says you think this is funny? Do you see a smile on my face? Apologize now. Sheamus says I would like to apologize to everybody all over the world. Laurinaitis says that's not good enough. As of right now, you're on permanent probation and if you touch a referee, by accident or otherwise, you're fired. And I'm going to fine you the largest fine ever in WWE history, $500,000, and oh by the way, good luck in your match tonight. Oh, I didn't tell you did I? Tonight, you're in a match. Daniel Bryan will be tagging up with Alberto Del Rio to face you and your tag team partner, him. He points to Mean Gene and says nice to see you again, Gene. Laurinaitis then leaves. Sheamus goes over and comforts and reassures Mean Gene.
-Randy Orton is shown in the back. His dad comes in and says you be careful out there tonight, but buddy, you've got to take it to him. Orton says I'll be all right, dad. They hug and Bob says good luck as Randy leaves.
-Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry: The bell rings They lock up and Henry throws Orton into the corner. Orton comes out of the corner with a series of right hands. Henry then throws Orton into the opposite corner. Henry charges in, but Orton moves and hits Henry with more right hands. Referee Charles Robinson pulls Orton off of Henry and Henry comes out of the corner and headbutts Orton. Henry picks Orton up and Orton with right hands to Henry. Orton tries for a corner whip, but Henry reverses and throws Orton into the opposite corner. He misses the charge in when Henry moves. Orton with a series of right hands to Henry in the corner mounted on the second turnbuckle. Henry picks Orton up and delivers a running power slam for a two count. Bob Orton seen looking at the match from the back. Henry has Orton in a rear chin lock. Orton trying to fight out of it. Henry with a headbutt to knock Orton down. Henry gets a two count as they show that during the commercial break, Orton with a drop toe hold to Henry into the ring steps and Henry powering out of the pin attempt and hitting Orton with a clothesline. Henry goes back to the chin lock and Orton with a clothesline. Henry goes back to the chin lock and Orton with some shots to try to get out of the move. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Henry with a scoop slam. Henry with a big splash. He gets a two count. Henry kicks Orton. Henry gets Orton in the corner and drives his shoulder into Orton several times and then hits some forearms to Orton. Henry then splashes Orton and Orton falls to the mat. He gets a two count. Henry goes for another splash, but Orton moves. Orton gets back to his feet in a corner and gets his boots up on a Henry charge. Orton with a clothesline, but Henry doesn't go down. Orton stomps his leg and Henry goes down to one knee. Orton hits a DDT. He gets a two count. Henry rolls out to the apron. Orton grabs his arm through the ropes and kicks him. He gets Henry in a front face lock and brings him back through the ropes. Henry grabs Orton for the World's Strongest Slam. Orton slips behind and goes for the RKO. Henry pushes off and Orton goes flying out between the ropes to the floor. Henry goes out after Orton and lifts him up to run him into the ring post, but Orton slips behind and pushes Henry into the post instead. He does it again and then hits Henry with a European uppercut. Henry down at ringside and Orton slips back in the ring. Pyro goes off on the ring posts and the arena turns red and Kane's music hits. Kane is shown on the screen. He says Randy, I told you I had to beat you at WrestleMania to become whole. To once again be the monster that I was always meant to be and I did that. But last week, you proved you can be every bit as savage. Every bit as vicious as I can be. You showed the world why you truly are the one and the only viper. Randy, it would be a sham if this were to end now. After all, I'm having so much fun. The kind of fun that the entire family can enjoy. He bends down and Bob Orton is shown laid out on the floor. Randy takes off up the aisle towards the back. Randy Orton shown in the back looking for Kane. He tries different doors and they are locked. He finally finds his father at the bottom of a stairwell. Kane comes from behind and attacks Orton with a pipe. He beats Orton down, then leans over him and says I'm a sucker for family reunions. They recap what just happened when they come back from commercial.
-Tony Atlas and Ted DiBiase are shown looking at a monitor in the back. Atlas says this is going to be a good old-fashioned squash match. DiBiase says you know what, Tony, I think you're right. This is going to be priceless. They see Hillbilly Jim and Pat Patterson and invite them over to watch as well.
-Benny Camer vs. Ryback: Camer gets on the mic and says since Smackdown Blast from the Past is tonight, he would like to take this opportunity to say a few words. This is his first match in the WWE. He gets cut off by Ryback's music. He comes out looking intense. The bell rings. Ryback hits a big clothesline. He lifts Camer up and drops him with a Samoan Drop to get the pin.
-Tyson Kidd and Heath Slater are shown in the back. Slater says tonight is Blast from the Past. If they beat the Uso's tonight, it could open up doors from anywhere. However, Slater says he found a Hall of Fame Manager just for tonight and he says Slater could be the next Honky Tonk Man because he's the One Man Southern Rock Band. Kidd says so you think the whole HTM thing is a compliment? Slater says Heck Yeah! Slater says that he even knows about Tyson Kidd and all that Hart Family stuff you talk about. Kidd says who do you have? Jimmy Hart comes in. He says Kidd and Slater have the enthusiasm. He has the age and experience. It's a winning combination. Hart and Slater are excited and leave.
-Mick Foley is introduced and comes out to a big ovation. He joins commentary.
-Heath Slater and Tyson Kidd with Jimmy Hart vs. The Uso's: Jimmy and Kidd start. They lock up. Jimmy with a side headlock. Kidd pushes off. Jimmy comes back with a shoulder block. They keep trading hip lock attempts until Kidd ends up on the apron. Kidd with a sunset flip and a roll up. Mick Foley is just burying Vince McMahon being in his ear when he was on commentary as outlined in his book Countdown to Lockdown. Jimmy reverses into a roll up. Slater comes in to break up the pin attempt as he had tagged in during the sunset flip. Slater stomps Jimmy. Jimmy with a corner whip. Slater moves on the charge in and hits a neck breaker on Jimmy. He gets a two count. Slater gets a headlock on. Jimmy gets to his feet and hits some elbows to try to break the hold. Jey tagged in and hit Slater with some shots. He hits a big flying forearm. He hits a big corner back splash. He gets a two count until Kidd breaks up the tag. The Uso's with the Samoan drop to Kidd. Jimmy Hart has been annoying Mick Foley all match and Foley finally gets up and pulls out Mr. Socko. Hart runs away. Slater asks him where he is going and gets caught by Jey with a Samoan Drop. Jimmy tagged back in. He hits the splash from the top rope to get the pin. Jimmy Hart gets in the ring to check on Slater, who throws him into Mr. Socko.
-Flashback to Daniel Bryan breaking up with AJ.
-Pipers Pit with Rowdy Roddy Piper. Piper comes out to a massive ovation. God I miss that man. He gets up on the apron and takes it all in with a smile on his face. He gets in the ring and grabs the microphone and says I miss you. I do. The crowd starts chanting Roddy. He says tonight on Piper's Pit. He says tonight, he has Daniel Bryan as his guest. He is the man that lost the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 28 in 18 seconds and he blames it on his girlfriend. Piper says there's a piece of footage I want you to see. He shows the break up again. Piper then brings out Daniel Bryan. The crowd boos him heavily when he comes out. He gets in the ring and Piper tells him he seems very happy for a man who lost the WHC in 18 seconds. Bryan says he just had a meeting with Mr. Laurinaitis and he granted Bryan his rightful return match for the WHC. An 18 seconds chant goes out. Bryan says, well guess what everybody? This new match Sheamus will not be able to fluke his way out of like he did at WrestleMania. This match will clearly prove who the better man is. Because not only does he want to pin Sheamus 1,2,3, he wants to make the Great White tap out and now he can do both. Because at Extreme Rules, they are going to have a 2/3 falls match. The reason that he lost his title, AJ, will be nowhere to be found. Piper says he doesn't know about that if AJ will be at Extreme Rules, but he knows that AJ is in the building and he likes AJ and it's his show. So AJ, come on down. AJ comes out to a nice ovation. AJ says she can't believe she's on Piper's Pit right now while Daniel Bryan is stoned face. She says thank you, Roddy. He says it's a pleasure. She then says Hi Daniel. Piper says you're saying Hi to him after what we just saw there? AJ says I know what it looks like and I know how he can come off sometimes. But Daniel really is, deep down, a good person. Piper says a good person? This is Piper's Pit where you leave the politically correct answers at the door. We're talking about a guy that in front of the entire WWE Universe dumped you. We're talking about a guy who says you're dead weight. We're talking about a guy and this must have taken a big man to say that your kiss is the kiss of death and you're calling him a nice guy? Come on! AJ says no it's my fault. I made a mistake at WrestleMania and I'm so sorry. But I know if we could just talk, we could work it out. I know I could make it up to you. Piper says little lady? Make it up to him? Piper says listen, I think this, I have been watching you since your debut. I saw when The Big Show just mowed you down and you know what you did? You finally got back up, so you're strong and it's not easy folks to be a lady and be here so you're smart. And you know something else? You're beautiful and you don't need to make anything up to Mr. Daniel. Let me tell you a secret. All he's doing is using you. He's using you. Bryan interrupts and says he's had enough of you dragging my name through the dirt and I have had enough of you, pointing to AJ, airing your dirty laundry. AJ, if you meant it when you said that you love me, you would leave this ring right now. Piper says AJ, you don't need to listen to him at all. Bryan says AJ. Piper says AJ. An AJ chant goes out. AJ gets out of the ring and walks back up the aisle and the crowd boos. Bryan laughs and goes to leave and Piper says I'm not finished with you. Piper says I see YES, YES, YES on your t-shirt. Because of this fine universe, the WWE, I have four children, three of them who are girls, ladies. Let me tell you some No's. You don't tell a lady to shut up. That's a No. You don't yell at a lady. That's a No and you don't use a lady as a human shield to protect yourself because that's a coward and that's you and that's a No. Piper says now the only bright light that I see is the fact that at Extreme Rules, Sheamus, the World Heavyweight Champion, because of you, has a 2/3 falls match. What the bright side is he's going to watch Sheamus kick Bryan's head off his shoulders not once, but twice. Bryan says at Extreme Rules the fact that he's better than Sheamus is going to slap him and everybody else, including you, pointing at Piper, right across the face. He then slaps Piper and leaves. Piper tells him to come back to fight, but he doesn't.
-Edge DVD set ad.
-The Great Khali, Alicia Fox, and Natalya are shown dancing in the ring as they come back from commercial. They are across from Drew McIntyre and The Bella Twins for a Mixed Tag Team Match. McIntyre and Khali start. They lock up. Khali pushes off. Khali follows that up with a forearm. McIntyre tags Nikki in and screams I'm better than this and leaves. Nikki in with Fox. Nikki goes for a scoop slam, but Fox slips behind. She goes for a waist lock. Nikki goes for a back elbow, but Fox ducks. Fox with a bridging suplex to get the win. Quick pinfall. The Great Khali, Fox, and Natalya then dance back up the aisle where they are joined by Mae Young at the top of the ramp. Young kicks Khali in the leg to get him down on one knee so that she can kiss him. Young then dances and celebrates.
-Damien Sandow is then shown giving the definition of sophistication. He says fortunately for us, he embodies all of these qualities. He then says sadly in these fast moving times, sophistication has become both a lost art and collateral damage. Take for example the realm of Social Media. You are constantly bombarded by a never ending attack of tweets and posts. These serve not only to propagate your consciousness, but further feed your moral decay and ethical inadequacies. No longer are your minds captured by the soft subtlety of a novel or the philosophical ideologies therein. Instead, you choose to govern your ideas by mantras that are used in 140 characters or less. But fear not, for it is not only his duty but his destiny to be your beacon of light in your harbor of iniquity. A light that will shine true and steadfast and you can govern your lives by for years and years to come. You're welcome.
-They flashback to Kane's attack on Bob and Randy Orton.

-Raw Rebound focusing on the John Cena and Brock Lesner history and their upcoming match at Extreme Rules.
-Mean Gene and Sheamus are shown in the back and Mean Gene says to Sheamus, I don't mind telling you, I don't like our chances tonight. However, I'm checking out that smile on your face. Have you got something up your sleeve? Sheamus says Gene, I'm not going to lie to you. We're probably not going to win tonight. Mean Gene says then what's that smile all about? How can you smile? Sheamus says you think I'm going to give John Laurinaitis the satisfaction of seeing me sweat over this match? No way. Plus, how often is it that I get to tag with the legendary Mean Gene Okerlund? I used to watch you as a kid. This is great. So no matter what happens, this is all pretty cool and if we survive tonight, the first pint's on me. Mean Gene says did you say if we survive tonight? Sheamus says Gene, we'll either drink to remember or we'll drink to forget. Mean Gene looks pained.
-Don't try this at home ad.
-Jim Duggan vs. Hunico with Camacho: Hunico comes out and says who cares about the past? Nobody cares about these legends. These old timers. He says he's the future of the WWE. He then gets into the ring. The bell rings. Duggan with a series of lefts and rights. He knocks Hunico to the outside. Camacho comes over to check on him and gets between Duggan and Hunico when Duggan also comes to the outside. Duggan rolls back inside and says he wants both. He then motions to the back and Sgt. Slaughter comes out. Hunico gets inside and Slaughter throws Duggan his 2x4 and Duggan hits Hunico with it and gets disqualified. Slaughter then puts Hunico in the Cobra Clutch. They then lead the crowd in a USA chant.
-When they come back from the commercial, Cody Rhodes is in the ring. Cody says what are we calling this night, a Blast from the Past? And what a blast it's been. I think it's a waste of our collective time. Why not turn our attention to the future? A future where I am once again the Intercontinental Champion? A future where The Big Show doesn't get to bask in the glow of a single lucky punch. A future where these so-called legends don't hog the spotlight from those of us who actually can and will. He gets cut off by Dusty Rhodes' music. He comes out to a big ovation and a Dusty chant. He gets in the ring. Cody says I'm sorry dad, this doesn't concern you in the least. Dusty says actually it does concern me in the least. You know I love you and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. But, you know, you came into this industry as the most naturally talented athlete to step into a WWE ring since Shawn Michaels and what did you want to do? You wanted to poke the bear. You wanted to poke a grizzly bear, Big Show. Cody interrupts and says Dad, hold on. You are embarrassing me. You and me, we can talk about this in the back. Cody starts to leave and The Big Show's music hits. He comes out on the stage with a mic and says The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes baby. Coupon clipping, Copenhagen dippin', son of a plumber, if you will daddy. He says Cody, that's the American Dream. I know you've had a lot of embarrassing moments lately. I know I keep showing the clips of me knocking you out at WrestleMania. But tonight, I'm going to show the real Cody Rhodes. He then shows a Dashing Cody Rhodes video of Cody applying a moisturizing lip gloss. Big Show says now that, Cody Rhodes, that's embarrassing. The Big Show then leaves. Another Dusty chant goes out. Cody then leaves the ring as Dusty dances to his theme song again.
-Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Sheamus and Mean Gene Okerlund: When they come back from the commercial, Bryan is already in the ring. Rodriguez introduces Del Rio, who comes out in a 1960 Rolls Royce. Howard Finkel then comes out to introduce Mean Gene and Sheamus. Sheamus and Del Rio start. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Del Rio with a stiff kick and Sheamus reverses an Irish whip and hits a back elbow. Sheamus then goes after Bryan, who drops down off the apron. Del Rio with a stiff back kick to Sheamus. He then stomps Sheamus down and Bryan tagged in. Del Rio drops down and puts Sheamus in a front face lock for Bryan to kick before Del Rio gets out of the ring. Bryan with Yes kicks to Sheamus while Sheamus is up against the ropes. Bryan with a European uppercut to Sheamus. Then more Yes kicks to Sheamus back in the corner and Bryan drags Sheamus over to his corner and tags Del Rio in. They then double team Sheamus with stomps until referee Charles Robinson gets Bryan out of the ring. Del Rio with a front face lock on Sheamus. Sheamus makes it back to his feet and backdrops Del Rio. Bryan tagged in. Bryan kicks Sheamus up against the ropes again. Bryan charges Sheamus and gets hit with a forearm shot. Sheamus starts to pick Bryan up and then drops him and runs Del Rio out of the ring when he tries to get in to interfere. Sheamus ducks a clothesline attempt and Bryan ducks a Brogue Kick attempt. Bryan with a dropkick that knocks Sheamus to the outside. Del Rio comes over and kicks Sheamus while he is outside. Del Rio and Bryan come around and force Mean Gene into the ring. They and Rodriguez all surround Mean Gene and taunt him. Then they push him. A Gene chant goes out. He mimes that he is an announcer and not a wrestler. They back Mean Gene into the corner and then the bagpipes hit and Roddy Piper and the other legends come out from the back. Legends surround the ring. Piper and Pat Patterson get up on the apron and yell at Bryan. He then turns around and runs into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus, who gets the three count. The legends then get into the ring and beat up Rodriguez before Sheamus hits him with a Brogue Kick. The legends celebrate in the ring. Michael Cole gets into the ring. He says give it up to the legends. Then he says I know you guys have got to get back to the retirement home. So lets do a little photo op before we say good night. The legends surround Cole who says he was only kidding. Patterson grabs him and punches him out and he falls out of the ring as they sign off from Hampton.
-Final Thoughts: A fun little show to watch. It was good to see all of the legends and sad that so many of them are no longer around.

Episode 132 Notes Thu, 02 Jun 2022 06:30:00 -0400 [email protected] 85bd150b-9582-44a5-9a20-49358252c646 My Notes for Episode 132: Project 45: 2005 Monday Night Raw. -Top Gun: Maverick
-Project 45 continues as we take a look at the Monday Night Raw from May 2, 2005.
-Monday Night Raw was shown on Spike TV live from the TD Garden in Boston, MA.
-WWE Intro.
-Batista is shown in the back with Christy Hemme. He tells her he enjoyed her Playboy cover. She says thank you and that she enjoyed watching him last night. He did an outstanding job. They are interrupted by Eric Bischoff who asks Hemme to give them a few moments. She says okay but Batista tells her not to go anywhere. Bischoff says he's here to congratulate Batista. He had a phenomenal title defense against HHH and it was an amazing match. Bischoff says he thought it would be a perfect night to announce a tournament to announce a new #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. He thought he would call it the Gold Rush Tournament. He says the 8 men know they are in the tournament, but not who their opponent is going to be until the ring announcer announces their name. The first match tonight on Raw is going to begin the tournament. He then tells Batista to take the night off. Batista says he's on a roll and he thinks he wants a match tonight. And he wants someone brave and powerful. Someone brave enough to take on Vince McMahon in the Monday Night Wars. Bischoff shakes his head no. Batista says since HHH got to wrestle JR, maybe Batista would like a match with Eric Bischoff and maybe we can start that match right now and Bischoff screams NO NO NO and Batista laughs. Batista tells him to relax and lighten up. He then tells Bischoff that he needs the night off.
-Raw Intro.
-Fireworks go off. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to Monday Night Raw.
-Gold Rush Tournament 1st Round. Christian with Tomko vs. Kane with Lita: Lita comes out using a crutch. Christian rolls out of the ring as Kane gets in. Christian gets in the ring and gets up in Kane's face or as much in his face as he can, seeing that Kane is several inches taller than Christian. Christian is trash talking Kane. They lock up and Kane pushes Christian off and outside of the ring. Christian gets back in the ring and hits Kane with several shots. Christian tries to rush Kane and gets a boot to his face for his troubles. Christian then clotheslined to the outside. Kane follows Christian out. Tomko starts to come around to that side, but the referee keeps him away. Christian rolls in and distracts the referee, allowing Tomko to run Kane head first into the apron. Christian then hits a springboard crossbody onto Kane on the outside. Christian rolls Kane back inside and gets a two count as some in the crowd start chanting we want Matt at Lita as the real life situation between Matt Hardy, Edge, and Lita had started around this time. Christian puts Kane throat first on the second rope and starts hitting his back with forearms. Christian then gets Kane up against the ropes and slaps Kane's chest. Kane comes back with a series of right hands that knock Christian down. Christian gets Kane down in a corner and hits Kane with a series of kicks. He stomps Kane and then gets him back down throat first on the second rope again and pushes Kane down on the rope with his boot. He then puts both feet on Kane's back and stands on him as the referee counts. He breaks on the four count as Kane falls to the mat. Christian hits a death drop for a two count. Christian starts to take a turnbuckle pad off, but the referee stops him and fixes the pad as Christian starts attacking Kane with forearms to the back. He then goes to rush Kane, who knocks Christian down with one shot. Kane with an Irish whip and a slam that knocks Christian to the mat. Kane with a corner clothesline. Kane tries for a corner charge, but Christian gets his boot up. Kane goes to choke slam Christian, who slips behind Kane. He jumps on Kane's back and applies a sleeper to Kane. Kane turns it into a side slam. Kane goes up top, but Tomko pushes him off when the referee isn't looking and Kane guillotines himself on the top rope. Christian goes for the unprettier, but Kane pushes off. Kane catches Christian, but Christian slips behind Kane. Christian with a thumb to the eye of Kane. Tomko gets up on the apron, but Kane reverses an Irish whip and Christian runs into Tomko, knocking him off of the apron. Kane with a choke slam and a pin to Christian. Tomko grabs Christian and starts to carry him away. Kane turns his back and Tomko attacks Kane from behind. Kane reverses an Irish whip and hits Tomko with a big boot. He then hits a choke slam on Tomko.
-Christian is shown walking backstage looking over his shoulder and gasping for breath. He runs into Ric Flair. Flair laughs at Christian and asks him if he just lost that match. Flair says better yet, were you rapping last night at Backlash? He said he's been thinking all day about this and he is going to rap for Christian. You lost the match, kid. So take it from the Naitch. The winner of this tournament will be Triple H. He then Whoos Christian and leaves. I was embarrassed to type that in my notes.
-Backlash recap of Hulk Hogan coming back for one more match.
-Muhammed Hassan and Daivari come down to the ring. Daivari introduces Muhammed Hassan. Hassan says he is out here tonight because he will not let this injustice go without confrontation. He's talking about the fact that he was undefeated on Raw and he is excluded from the Gold Rush Tournament. Just like he was excluded from WrestleMania by the prejudiced administration staff of the WWE. A you suck chant goes out. And why was he excluded? Was it because of what happened last night at Backlash? What happened to him at Backlash was a travesty. And he blames Shawn Michaels and he blames your so-called American hero, Hulk Hogan. The crowd cheers wildly. But most importantly, he blames every single one of you as he points to the crowd. He says but there is one more person that needs to be held accountable for their actions and he points to Daivari. Daivari mouths who me and Hassan says last night, he had Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan on their knees and Daivari blew it and he knows it. He says last night, he could have been a legend. He could have become an Icon and Daivari blew it. Daivari says he was just trying to help Hassan and Hassan slaps him. He comes back and gets slapped again and falls to the mat and Hassan yells at him that Hassan could have been a legend. The audience yells one more time and Hassan kicks Daivari in the head. Hassan spits on Daivari and gets out of the ring as a Hogan chant goes out. Hassan then goes back up the ramp and Daivari follows him struggling back up the aisle.
-Viscera comes out after the commercial break. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about Viscera splashing Trish Stratus at Backlash. Viscera gets the mic and says last night, he proved how physical he can be and he also proved his hunger for love. He then turns and says which brings me to you, Lilian Garcia. He goes over and says yeah, because I'm a big man and I like to eat spicy. He says and seeing that you're a spicy Latina and Lilian looks as horrified as I feel. He says why don't you let me go south of the border tonight. He says you like that and Simon Dean's music hits and he says Woah, Vis, hold on man. Dean says women don't want men who are out of shape like Viscera or David Wells and the Boston crowd boos. Dean says they want men who are in shape, Greek gods like him. He says Vis should use his system, so that when he showed up at a woman's front door, he wouldn't cause a solar eclipse. Dean gets in the ring and says instead of them having a match tonight, how about he gives Vis a lifetime supply of his patented Simon System? He says because just like the people of Boston, it would take him a lifetime of getting in shape. He then calls Vis a disgusting, ugly, fat and then Vis grabs Dean by the throat and slaps his chest as the bell rings.
-Viscera vs. Simon Dean: Viscera slaps and Irish whips Dean. Dean slips through Viscera's legs and hits him. Viscera pushes Dean down. He then scoop slams Dean. He then puts Dean into the tree of woe. Dean grabs Viscera by the leg. Viscera picks Dean up by his hair and slams him back on the turnbuckle. Viscera back splashes Dean in the corner. Dean falls to the mat. Viscera misses an elbow drop when Dean moves. Dean gets a two count. Dean with punches and kicks and goes for a double ax handle on Viscera from the second rope, but Viscera catches and slams Dean down in midair. Viscera with a big splash and a pin. Viscera then goes to ringside and grabs the mic from Lilian. He says that he wants Lilian and every woman in the world to know that Big Vis is back on the market. He then makes Lilian jump and leaves.
-Backstage, Candice Michelle and Stacey Kiebler are looking at Stacey's pics in Stuff magazine which I had a subscription to at the time. Eric Bischoff comes up to them and tells them we are going to have to get those pics on the show next week when the issue comes out. He then goes into his office and HHH is in there. Bischoff says what in the hell are you doing here? HHH says I just thought I would come hang out in your office for a little bit and see if I can drum up any answers to the questions I have. Questions like what in the hell do you think you're doing, Eric? A tournament? A fricking tournament? For what? HHH says he should be the World's Heavyweight Champion. Bischoff says maybe we should talk about this and HHH says talk about nothing. You were at Backlash last night. You saw it, I did what I said I was going to do. I Pedigreed Batista's ass right in the middle of that ring. He was beaten, but your fricking incompetent referees weren't there to do their job. I got screwed out of the World's Heavyweight Championship. Now there is no need for any tournament. You need to give me a rematch and you need to give it to me now. You owe me that. Bischoff says HHH, the way I see things, I don't owe you anything and after you Pedigreed one of my referees faces right into the mat, you're lucky you're even in the tournament. Look, all you've got to do is win the tournament and you get another crack at Batista. But until then, we're going to do things my way, understood? HHH says you tell Batista he's on borrowed time. I don't care who I have to go through, I will get my rematch and I will be the World's Heavyweight Champion again.
-Maria Kanellis interviews Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin is the current Intercontinental Champion. Maria asks him if he is nervous about not knowing who he is going to face. Benjamin says me, nervous? Come on, I'm the champ. I've got to be ready to go toe to toe with anyone at any time. Day or night. Benjamin looks up and Chris Jericho is standing there. Benjamin says I don't see your guitarist. No concert? Jericho shakes his head no. Benjamin says what do you want? Jericho says here's the deal, Shelton. I challenged you for that championship and last night, you beat me. Fair and square and on top of that, you did things in that ring that no one else can do and it was amazing and for that, I respect you. Fact is, Shelton, you're nobody's bitch. Benjamin says is that what you came out here for? Is that supposed to mean something to me? I'll tell you what it does. Jericho goes to leave and Benjamin says one second. This Gold Rush Tournament, are you in it? Jericho says, Oh, I'm in it. I don't know who I'm wrestling, I don't know when. I could be wrestling against you next segment, wouldn't that be peculiar? Benjamin says, wouldn't it? Jericho says the deal is this, Shelton. I have to win that tournament. I haven't had a one-on-one title match for almost three years. Three years. This could be my last chance. I've been playing rock concerts with Fozzy and hosting the Highlight Reel. It's all been great, but I'd give it all up for the chance to be the world champion one more time. Benjamin says he can respect that. He extends his hand to Jericho and says best of luck and they shake hands. Benjamin then leaves.
-In memory of Chris Candido comes on the screen as he had just passed away.
-Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Michaels: Benjamin out first. The crowd goes crazy when Michaels' music hits and he comes out. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Michaels with a go behind and a waist lock takedown. Benjamin with a sit out and a reversal. A series of reversals and Michaels gets to the ropes. Benjamin breaks. An HBK chant goes out. They circle each other again. They lock up again. Michaels with a side headlock into a hammerlock and Benjamin reverses. Michaels reverses that. Michaels with a waist lock takedown. Benjamin with a sit out and a series of reversals by both men. Benjamin with a waist lock and Michaels again gets to the ropes. Another clean break. The HBK chant starts again. They lock up again and Michaels with a side headlock takeover. Benjamin makes it back to his feet. Benjamin pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block. Michaels runs the ropes and reverses a Benjamin hip lock attempt. Benjamin with a couple of kicks to knock Michaels down. Benjamin follows that up with an arm drag. Benjamin with another arm drag. Michaels backs off and appears frustrated at Benjamin. They lock up again and Benjamin with a side headlock into a takeover. Gets a two count. Michaels rolls over and gets a two count of his own. Benjamin keeps the hold on and Michaels rolls over and gets another two count. Michaels gets back to his feet. Michaels with some shots to the midsection to break the hold. Michaels gets a side headlock. Benjamin pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block. Benjamin drops down and Michaels with a unique modified roll up to get a two count. Michaels with a big forearm shot to Benjamin. Michaels with a chop. Michaels with an Irish whip and goes to slam Benjamin, but Benjamin slips behind Michaels and goes to roll Michaels up, but Michaels holds on to the ropes. Benjamin rolls through and clotheslines Michaels outside. They both go over the top rope. When they come back from the commercial, they are battling on the top turnbuckle and Michaels goes for a belly to back suplex off the top rope, but Benjamin turns in midair and hits Michaels with a shot. Double count going. They both get up as Batista is shown watching the match from a big monitor in the back. Michaels ducks a big Benjamin swing. Michaels chopping Benjamin. Benjamin keeps swinging. Michaels keeps ducking and Michaels comes back with chops. Michaels off the ropes and Benjamin hits him with a Samoan drop. Another double count going. They get up and go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Benjamin with a series of right hands to Michaels. Michaels reverses an Irish whip and Benjamin comes back with a flying forearm. Then a clothesline to Michaels. Benjamin with an inverted backbreaker. He gets a close two count. Benjamin with an Irish whip. Benjamin drops his head too early and Michaels kicks him in the face. Michaels with a chop and Benjamin reverses an Irish whip. Michaels comes back with a flying forearm. Double count going. Michaels kips up on the 8 count. Benjamin then kips up. Michaels catches Benjamin's leg when he goes for a kick and goes for a move, but Benjamin slips around him and gets a victory roll. Michaels keeps rolling and rolls Benjamin up. Benjamin flips up and counters that for a close two count. Fantastic series of moves there. Michaels with a hard chop to Benjamin. An HBK chant goes out as Michaels pushes Benjamin back into a corner. He then chops Benjamin in the corner. Benjamin reverses a corner whip. Benjamin follows it up with a corner splash. Benjamin goes for a suplex, but Michaels counters with elbows to get out of the move. Michaels with a backdrop to Benjamin. Another double count going. Both get up at the same time. Benjamin ducks a super kick attempt. Benjamin goes for a kick, Michaels catches his leg, so Benjamin hits Michaels with a spinning heel kick. He gets an extremely close two count. Benjamin puts Michaels on the top turnbuckle. Benjamin gets on the second rope and Michaels trying to knock him off with some forearm shots. He knocks Benjamin off of the turnbuckle. Michaels hits a top rope elbow drop. Michaels hurting and using the ropes to get up and he is bleeding from the mouth. He starts stomping in the corner setting up for Sweet Chin Music. Benjamin blocks it and hits an enziguri. Benjamin gets another two count. Benjamin can't believe Michaels kicked out. Michaels grabs Benjamin from behind and Benjamin hits Michaels with several back elbows. Benjamin jumps to the top rope and hits a reverse flying forearm. He gets another close two count. Benjamin rushes Michaels, who side steps and pushes Benjamin, who jumps over the ropes. Benjamin with a springboard leap, and Michaels catches him with a super kick in midair to get the pin. Michaels then checks on Benjamin.
-Todd Grisham talks to Edge, who is the current Money in the Bank briefcase holder and in the Gold Rush Tournament. Grisham asks him why? Edge tells him not to gloss over the fact that last night, Edge beat Chris Benoit in a last man standing match. Benoit, who everyone says is the toughest man in the WWE. The Rabid Wolverine. Well, Edge left him in an unconscious heap and he guesses that makes Mr. Money in the Bank the toughest man in the WWE. So you ask him the question why? Why would he want two title matches? His answer is that no one, not even Batista, can withstand two title matches against Edge. Grisham says then the only thing that could stop you would be if you were drafted to go to Smackdown later this month, then your guaranteed title match would be useless. Edge says what are you trying to say chump stain? Grisham says you have a guaranteed world title shot which is on Raw. However, on Smackdown, they have the WWE Championship. Edge says all that matters is that he will be champion. Bank on it, this interview is over. He walks away and runs into Victoria and Lita talking and says what the hell are you looking at? Victoria tells him absolutely nothing.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The Hurricane and Rosey vs. La Resistance Sylvain Grenier and Rob Conway: Rosey and Grenier start. Rosey pushes Grenier down. Grenier kicks Rosey in the stomach and punches him several times. Rosey reverses an Irish whip. Grenier comes back with a sunset flip, but Rosey drops down on Grenier. Rosey with a side headlock. Grenier pushes off. Conway pulls the rope down and Rosey spills to the outside. Hurricane comes in and the referee is trying to get him out. Conway drops down off of the apron to attack Rosey. He runs Rosey into a ring post. Hurricane comes out after Conway, but gets attacked from behind by Grenier. La Resistance throw Rosey back into the ring. Grenier gets a two count. Conway tagged in. He attacks Rosey with punches to the face. Conway drops an elbow on Rosey for another two count. Grenier tagged back in. He attacks Rosey with forearms. He kicks Rosey and forearms him again and then goes over and knocks Hurricane off of the apron. Grenier gets Rosey in a front face lock and tags Conway back in. Grenier lifts Rosey up for Conway to hit him with a clothesline. Gets a two count. Conway slams Rosey into the corner and tags Grenier back in. Rosey fighting back against La Resistance with punches and back elbows. He gets out of the corner and tags Hurricane in. He comes in and cleans house. Hurricane with a corner whip. Grenier comes back with a back elbow on the charge. Grenier gets on the second rope. Hurricane hurricanranas Grenier off the top rope. He goes to make the cover, but Conway breaks up the pin attempt. Conway with a corner whip to Hurricane. Hurricane backdrops Conway out of the ring when he goes to charge in. Grenier goes to charge and Hurricane hits him with a vicious looking European uppercut. Then a double team shining wizard by the Super Heroes gets the pin.
-Gold Rush Tournament Match. Edge vs. Chris Jericho: The bell rings and they lock up. Drive to the corner. They break clean. They circle each other as a you screwed Matt chant goes out towards Edge. Edge with a waist lock. Jericho reverses into a wrist lock. Into a hammerlock. Edge reverses the hold. Into a side headlock on Jericho. Jericho responds with an overhead wrist lock. Edge pulls the hair to get out of the hold. Jericho quickly back to his feet. Edge pushes Jericho. Jericho slaps Edge. Jericho then chops Edge a couple of times and runs him head first into the ring apron several times. Edge falls backwards onto the mat. Jericho starts kicking Edge. He gets Edge backed into a corner and starts to chop him again. Edge reverses a corner whip. Jericho climbs to the second rope, but Edge dumps him over the ropes to the outside. Jericho holding his wrist on the outside as the you screwed Matt chants start again. Edge goes outside and rams Jericho back first into the barricade. Edge rolls into the ring to break the count before going out after Jericho again. He then throws Jericho back into the ring. Edge stomping Jericho on the back. He gets a one count. Edge slapping Jericho. Edge with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Edge puts his knee into Jericho's back and pulls back on Jericho's arms. Batista is shown at the back looking at the monitor again. Jericho gets to his feet and knees Edge in the gut. Jericho with a forearm to Edge. Jericho chops Edge. Edge responds with a poke to the eyes. Edge gets Jericho on the ropes and chokes him. Edge goes to body guillotine Jericho, who turns around and hits a Hot Shot and a clothesline to Edge. Y2J chant goes out. Jericho with a couple of chops and Edge reverses a clothesline. Jericho comes back with a flying forearm. Jericho with a shoulder block. Jericho misses a clothesline, but hits a nice drop toe hold. Jericho hits a body guillotine on Edge. Jericho hits a hurricanrana for a two count. Jericho with a running enziguri. Gets a two count. Jericho with a chop and an Irish whip. Edge kicks Jericho in the face when Jericho drops his shoulders too early. Jericho with a takedown. Jericho with a couple of shots and a corner whip. Jericho goes for a bulldog, but Edge pushes off and kicks Jericho in the face. Edge goes to the outside and grabs the MITB briefcase. He gets up on the apron and the referee warns him not to bring the briefcase in the ring. Meanwhile, Jericho goes up and hits Edge with a springboard dropkick. Jericho then hits a crossbody onto Edge on the outside. Jericho takes the padding off of the barricade and runs Edge into it. He then goes and throws Edge back inside the ring. Jericho goes up top and jumps, but Edge moves out of the way and hits the Edgecution for a two count. Edge goes to the corner and sets up for the Spear. A boring chant goes out. Jericho leapfrogs to avoid the Spear and Edge hits the corner turnbuckle and Jericho with a roll up into the Walls of Jericho. Edge manages to get to the ropes. Jericho releases the hold and Edge falls to the outside. The referee trying to get Jericho away from the ropes so that he can count and Edge hits Jericho with the briefcase. Edge then hits a missile dropkick. It only gets a two count and Edge can't believe it. Edge sets up for the Spear again. He hits the spear and gets the pin to advance. Edge holds up the briefcase in the aisle and gloats as he is leaving the ring.
-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler with the Rock a Happy Birthday.
-Chris Masters comes out and poses. He makes his way towards the ring. JR and Lawler get into a discussion about a person from the night before and their gender as we have reached the cringe portion of the evening. Masters says this has been easier than he first thought because there hasn't been a man or woman for that matter that has even come close to breaking the Masterlock. He was even thinking about not having the challenge tonight. Seeing how some tough New Yorker can't even break it. Why would he think that anybody in Boston could? The crowd boos. He says he's being serious. But he says he's been thinking about it to up the offer. So tonight what he has is $4,000, a Curt Schilling jersey, and a Tom Brady autographed football. He picks a guy in a Backlash shirt to do the challenge. The guy gets in the ring. The guy says his name is James Defalco from Boston. They set him up and Masters gets the Masterlock on. He passes out in like 10 seconds.
-HHH and Ric Flair are shown backstage making their way to the ring.
-Final Gold Rush Tournament First Round Match. HHH with Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit: HHH comes out looking determined. Benoit looks all business coming to the ring. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. Push back to a corner. HHH misses a clothesline attempt and Benoit with a hard chop to HHH's chest. They circle each other again. They lock up again. Benoit with a side headlock. HHH pushes off. Benoit comes back with a shoulder block. They run the ropes. HHH with a kick to the midsection. Benoit slips out and goes for the Cross face. HHH fights going into the move. HHH pushes off and hits a back elbow. HHH goes for a belly to back suplex, but Benoit rolls out of it and gets a double leg pick up on HHH. He tries to turn HHH over, but HHH struggling to get to the ropes. He reaches the ropes. HHH reaches for the top rope and Benoit slams him down to the mat as he lets go. Benoit with a snap suplex. He then goes for the Cross face again, but HHH slips out of the ring to regroup. Benoit follows him out and hits HHH with a forearm from behind. They go back into the ring. Benoit with kicks and chops to HHH in a corner. Then a series of chops. HHH reverses a corner whip and Benoit hits the corner sternum first. HHH then hits a clothesline from behind. Benoit falls to the outside. They come back from commercial break and HHH has Benoit in the ring and knocks him down with a shot. HHH pushes off and hits Benoit with another clothesline from behind. He gets a two count. They say that Benoit may be concussed and that the doctors came down to check on him during the break as we have reached the uncomfortable part of the show. HHH drops a knee on Benoit. He gets another two count. Benoit struggling to try to get back to his feet. He gets up and starts chopping HHH. He goes to shoulder block HHH and HHH gets a sleeper on. Benoit sinks to one knee. Benoit fading quickly. Benoit's arm doesn't fall the third time. Benoit rushes forward and drives HHH head first into the corner turnbuckle. A double count going. HHH goes for a sleeper. Benoit counters into a side suplex. Another double count going as Flair tries to motivate HHH to get up. Both up at 5 as Benoit ducks a HHH clothesline attempt and hits a German suplex. He goes for a second one, but HHH hits him with a mule kick and a back elbow. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Benoit counters into three German suplexes. Benoit signals and then goes up top. He hits the diving head butt on HHH. He gets a close two count. They both get back to their feet. HHH rushes Benoit, who gets a double leg pick up on HHH and goes for the Sharpshooter. Flair gets up on the apron. Benoit brings him into the ring over the top rope and starts chopping him in the corner. The referee pulls Benoit off of Flair and HHH hits Benoit from behind with a forearm and knocks both Benoit and the referee out. Flair attacks Benoit. Flair and HHH attack Benoit until Batista's music hits and he comes out. He knocks Flair down and goes back and forth with HHH. He hits HHH with a sidewalk slam. He Irish whips and backdrops Flair. He then takes Flair out with a clothesline. HHH goes for a Pedigree on Batista, who pushes off. Batista hits a spinebuster on HHH. Batista rolls out of the ring and tries to get Benoit up. Both HHH and Benoit get up at the same time. Benoit with another double leg on HHH and puts the Sharpshooter on. HHH tries to get to the ropes, but Benoit pulls him back. He tries it again and Batista pulls the rope away. HHH calls Batista a son of a bitch and then finally taps. Batista celebrates. HHH in agony trying to go after Batista as they sign off from Boston.
-Final Thoughts: Worth watching at least the Benjamin/Michaels match.

Episode 131 Notes Fri, 27 May 2022 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 5ee818e0-e759-426e-a346-852e9c771e26 My Notes for Episode 131: SNME May 1987. -Today we look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from May 1987.
-Saturday Night's Main Event XI was broadcast on NBC on May 2, 1987. It was taped April 28, 1987 from the Edmund P. Joyce Center in Notre Dame, Indiana. There were 9,345 in attendance and the show did a 9.5 rating on NBC.
-There was a dark match: Hulk Hogan and Ken Patera defeated Andre the Giant and Hercules with Bobby Heenan.
-Randy Savage says remember when George Steele kidnapped Elizabeth and how that ape cost him his Intercontinental title at WrestleMania III? He says tonight's the night. The last confrontation. One on one with 15 of the strongest men in the world surrounding the ring in lumberjack fashion. No escape. Only one man will survive and he says he will survive.
-Ricky Steamboat says Randy Savage will never learn. That is why the dragon wears the championship belt and for the first time tonight, he will defend it against Hercules. Watch the dragon melt his chain.
-Jimmy Hart is with The Hart Foundation and Danny Davis. He says we're the Hart Foundation and we're sick and tired of those crying Bulldogs saying that they cheated them out of the WWF tag team titles. Bret Hart says so tonight, they get the title rematch that they say they dreamed about. Jim Neidhart says but what they'll really get is a nightmare.
-Jim Duggan says he's proud to be an American and tonight, he has a ringside seat and if that commie Nikolai Volkoff tries to sing the Russian National Anthem, he'll show him what cracked the Liberty Bell.
-Bobby Heenan is with Andre the Giant. He says listen up all you humanoids. He says he's going to show everyone how in WrestleMania III, Andre defeated everyone in Pontiac, Michigan. He defeated Hulk Hogan in that ring and Heenan has the footage to prove it. Andre says he is the champion.
-Hulk Hogan says all the Hulkamaniacs out there know who won at WrestleMania III. Andre knows. Heenan knows. The whole world knows. He met the giant enemy and he was all his and tonight exclusively on SNME, he shows the greatest challenge of his career.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to SNME and brings Jesse Ventura on to talk about what they are going to see that night. Jesse says they have two titles on the line and a brutal final lumberjack match between George Steele and Randy Savage. They show Bobby Heenan attacking Ken Patera and Patera injuring Heenan's neck. They then go to Mean Gene Okerlund.
-Mean Gene is with Kamala, Kim Chee, and Mr. Fuji. Gene asks Fuji why he would sign a match between Kamala and Jake Roberts when he knows Kamala is afraid of Damien. Fuji says he understands the snake and will help Kamala. Fuji makes a snake sound and a motion like a snake with his hand and Kamala runs away.
-Kamala with Kim Chee and Mr. Fuji vs. Jake Roberts with Damien: They flashback to the Honky Tonk Man's attack on Jake Roberts on the Snake Pit. Mean Gene interviews Roberts who is holding Damien. Mean Gene asks him why he would sign a match with someone like Kamala. Roberts says maybe because Damien wants to. Gene says what would Damien want with someone like Kamala and Roberts says why don't you ask him yourself? Gene says you've got to be kidding me. We are out of time, back to you Vince. Roberts comes to the ring to a big ovation. Roberts gets in the ring and takes Damien out of the bag and Kamala takes off. Kamala outside and Kim Chee trying to get Kamala calmed down. Referee Joey Marella makes Roberts put Damien back in the bag. A DDT chant goes out. As Roberts is putting the snake back in the bag, Kamala jumps him from behind. He chops Robert's back a couple of times. Kamala with an Irish whip and a back kick to Roberts. Roberts gets to the corner and kicks Kamala when he tries to come over. Then Roberts with some short right jabs to Kamala. Roberts goes for a clothesline and Kamala jabs him in the throat. He then chops Roberts back again after Roberts falls to the mat. Another chop to the back, then Kamala picks Roberts up in a bear hug and squeezes him. Roberts punching Kamala in the face to try to get him to break the hold. Roberts then kicks Kamala, who tries to run to get away from Roberts. Roberts with a wrist lock. Kamala with a chop to knock Roberts to the ground. He chokes Roberts for a four count. Roberts makes it to the ropes where Kamala gets his foot down on Robert's throat up against the ropes. He stops at the four count, but starts again as Kim Chee yells out instructions to Kamala. Kamala with the foot to the throat again. The referee makes Kamala stop and Roberts with a shot to Kamala's stomach. The crowd is getting behind Roberts as he kicks Kamala in the stomach. Then Roberts with an uppercut to Kamala. Kamala comes back with a headbutt to Roberts. Kamala picks Roberts back up and hits him with a chop. Roberts swinging wildly, but misses Kamala. Kamala with a headbutt to knock Roberts back down. Roberts rolls outside and gestures to Kamala to follow him out. Kamala comes out after Roberts. Kamala chasing Roberts around the ring. Roberts rolls to the inside. Roberts hits Kamala with a knee lift as soon as he gets in the ring. Roberts then climbs to the second turnbuckle and comes off with another knee lift to Kamala. The crowd comes to its feet as Roberts signals for the DDT. Fuji distracts the referee as Kim Chee comes into the ring and attacks Roberts. He gets out of the ring as Kamala hits the big splash to get the pin. The crowd boos heavily. Kim Chee then disrobes and takes off the mask to reveal the Honky Tonk Man. He drops an elbow on Roberts. He then hits the Shake, Rattle, and Roll on Roberts. HTM then gets on the mic and says Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, you've been a beautiful audience. He then kicks Roberts and leaves the ring.
-Lumberjack Match. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth vs. George Steele: Mean Gene interviews George Steele. Another colossal waste of my time as you don't learn anything from Steele. HTM and Kim Chee come out as two of the lumberjacks so you know they are two separate people. They go to Mean Gene and Ricky Steamboat comes in with George Steele and Steamboat says George says that Mean Gene was trying to confuse him and I am so upset. Steamboat says he's there to help Steele to the ring and help him out. Steele comes to the ring with Steamboat and I do have to admit that he's very over with the fans. Mean Gene talks to Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage tells Mean Gene that he is the true Intercontinental Champion forever after Mean Gene says that he's the former Intercontinental champion. Savage says that first Steele kidnaps his manager and then he costs him his title at WrestleMania III. Mean Gene says what about Ricky Steamboat? He's going to be one of 15 men outside of the ring as lumberjacks. Savage says the Dragon is on his mind every second of every day until he loses the Intercontinental title to the Macho Man. Savage and Elizabeth then leave. Steamboat is still in the ring and Hercules hooks his leg to knock him down. They start to go at it. Vince loses his mind over how beautiful Elizabeth is and Jesse tells him to keep his mind on wrestling. Elizabeth holds the ropes for Randy Savage and after Savage gets in Steele comes over to Elizabeth and rubs his head on her body. Savage comes over and attacks Steele. Steele turns around and knocks Savage down and the crowd cheers. Steele with a hip toss to Savage. Savage finally gets his robe off and starts to climb to the outside, but Steele grabs him by the trunks and Savage slithers away and goes out to the floor and confers with the heel lumberjacks. Savage finally takes his sunglasses off. The face lumberjacks come and throw Savage back into the ring. Steele attacks Savage with a series of forearms. Steele throws Savage head first into a turnbuckle. Savage tries to get away, but the face lumberjacks keep him from exiting the ring. Steele bites Savage and hits him with a forearm. Savage gets Steele up against the ropes and hits him with an elbow. Savage kicks Steele, who reaches up and grabs Savage by the face. Steele with a right hand shot. Savage goes outside and the face lumberjacks bring him back inside the ring. Steele kicks Savage and goes to run him back into the turnbuckle, but Savage runs Steele in instead. Savage with a series of right hands to Steele. Steele tied up in the ropes briefly and Savage takes advantage to drop some elbows on Steele. The lumberjacks push Steele back in and Savage gets him in a front face lock. Savage drives Steele back into the corner. He then drives his shoulder several times into Steele's midsection. Steele comes back with a shot to Savage's face. Steele with a right hand to Savage. Savage comes back with a kick to Steele's face. Savage goes up top and hits Steele with a flying double ax handle. Savage then throws Steele to the outside. The heel lumberjacks start kicking Steele. Jim Duggan gets his 2x4 and chases all of them away from Steele. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff get in the ring to get away, but Duggan follows them in. They get out of the ring. Referee Dave Hebner gets Duggan out of the ring. Other referees come out and they take Duggan from the ringside area. Savage kicks Steele to the outside. Danny Davis goes to attack Steele, who in turn knocks Davis down. Steele with a scoop slam to Savage. Steele picks Savage up by the throat and slams him down again. Steele then bites a turnbuckle cover and tears it apart. He throws some stuffing into Savage's face. He then goes to throw some more on Savage, who drives Steele into a turnbuckle head first. Back and forth in the corner. Steele draped face down over the second rope in the corner and Savage kicks him over and over. Savage with a suplex on Steele. Savage drops a knee on Steele's throat. Savage picks Steele up and throws him to the outside. The lumberjacks put Steele back in the ring. Steele then runs and throws Savage out of the ring. Steamboat picks Savage up and throws him back into the ring. Steele tries to throw Savage out of the ring again, but Savage holds on to the top rope. Steele with punches to Savage to drive him into a corner and starts biting Savage again. Steele then throws Savage to the outside over the top rope. Savage stands up and Steamboat comes over to put him back into the ring and Savage punches Steamboat. Steamboat gets back up and punches and chops Savage until jumped from behind by Hercules. Steamboat starts to fight back with Hercules. All of the lumberjacks start fighting. While they do, Danny Davis sneaks in with the ring bell and hits Steele with it from behind while the referee is distracted. Savage climbs up to the top and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count. Steamboat comes in and attacks Savage, only to get attacked from behind by Hercules. All of the lumberjacks get into the ring to the roar and approval from the crowd. Jake Roberts comes back to the ring with Damien to scatter everyone who run when they see Damien. Robert's ribs are heavily taped from the earlier splash. Kim Chee is left. Roberts puts Damien on him and Kim Chee falls down and Damien is all over him before he gets away.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant. They say that Andre is the real champion and that he was cheated out of the title at WrestleMania III. They show the controversial count. They say this means Andre is the champion and Hulk Hogan should be stripped of the championship and the belt given to Andre.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. 2/3 Falls. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart with Jimmy Hart and Danny Davis vs. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Tito Santana and Matilda: Mean Gene tries to interview The Hart Foundation, but says that they cheated to get the titles and is attacked by Davis and The Hart Foundation drag Davis away. Jimmy Hart gets in the ring and Matilda immediately goes after Hart. Hart jumps to the outside. Matilda chews on the megaphone while The Hart Foundation go to the outside and check on Jimmy. The crowd cheering wildly for Matilda. Smith and Bret start. Smith pushes Bret away. Bret comes back with a wrist lock. Smith reverses the move. He picks Bret up by the arm and slams him down. Smith slams his knee down on Bret's arm. Then another knee drop on the arm. Bret reverses into a side headlock. Smith with a push off and a leapfrog. He then monkey flips Bret off of the ropes. Smith with a wrist lock. Bret pushes off. Smith comes back, ducks a clothesline attempt, and gets a crucifix on Bret. He gets a two count. Smith with a shoulder block. Smith runs the ropes and Bret plants a knee into his midsection. Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart picks Smith up by the head and slams him down again. Neidhart with a shot to the midsection. Then a forearm to the back to knock Smith to the mat. Neidhart drives Smith into the heels corner. Referee Joey Marella gets on Neidhart, allowing Bret to choke Smith in the corner. Marella turns around and catches Bret, but the damage has been done. Neidhart with a forearm to the back. A series of forearms to Smith. Bret tagged in and Neidhart holds Smith for Bret to hit. Bret with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Bret with a leg drop. Bret runs Smith head first into the corner turnbuckle. Bret with a corner whip, but Smith gets his boot up on the corner charge. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Dynamite Kid with a corner whip and Bret hits the corner chest first. Dynamite Kid picks Bret up by the hair and slams him down. Dynamite Kid with a short clothesline to Bret. He gets a two count. Dynamite Kid with a snap suplex. He gets another two count. Dynamite Kid with a falling headbutt to Bret. Neidhart comes in. Smith also comes in and Neidhart throws him out. Davis comes over and attacks Smith until Santana chases him away. Meanwhile on the inside, both members of the Hart Foundation are attacking Dynamite Kid. The bell rings. Santana chases Davis into the ring. Santana then gets the Hart Foundation off of Dynamite Kid. The Hart Foundation are disqualified. 2nd Fall: Bret runs Dynamite Kid into Neidhart's boot and Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart kicks Dynamite Kid in the stomach and chokes him on the top rope. Neidhart with a front face lock. Bret tagged in. Neidhart puts Dynamite Kid on his knee and Bret comes off the second rope with an elbow drop. Bret gets a two count. Bret complains about a slow count. Dynamite Kid hits Bret with some shots to the midsection. Dynamite Kid fighting to get over and make the tag. Bret tags Neidhart in and he gets Dynamite Kid in a front face lock. Dynamite Kid is shown reaching for Smith and Dynamite Kid's nose is busted open. Bret comes in and comes over to hit Smith in the face on the apron. Referee trying to get both out. They take off around the ring on each other. Neidhart hammering away on Dynamite Kid's face, concentrating on the broken nose. Neidhart gets Dynamite Kid up against the ropes and bites him. The referee berates Neidhart allowing Bret to attack Dynamite Kid on the ropes. Bret tagged in. He hits Dynamite Kid in the stomach. Bret ties Dynamite Kid up in the ropes and goes to hit him, but Dynamite Kid gets loose and Bret gets tied up in the ropes. Smith tagged in. He dropkicks Neidhart. Smith with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Neidhart. Smith with a dropkick. Smith with another Irish whip and a clothesline. He gets a two count. Smith with a suplex. He gets yet another two count. Smith with another Irish whip, drops his head, and Neidhart kicks him in the face. Neidhart picks Smith up and Bret holds him for Neidhart to hit. Neidhart goes for a running elbow smash, but Smith moves and Neidhart hits Bret to knock him off of the apron. Smith with a shot to knock Neidhart down. Davis gets up on the apron, Santana comes in and knocks him off of the apron. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Smith throws Dynamite Kid onto Neidhart to get the pin, but The Hart Foundation retain the titles since one of the falls was a disqualification.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan about his WrestleMania III match with Andre the Giant. He and Mean Gene then look at the same footage from earlier where Hogan then gives his version of the events. Hogan says have an investigation or a rematch. He and the Hulkamaniacs fear no man nor beast. He says they have to beat Hulk Hogan 1,2,3.
-Hercules and Bobby Heenan are shown in the ring and the crowd is chanting weasel at Heenan.
-Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. He asks Steamboat if he is ready to defend his title for the first time on SNME. Steamboat says my first time on SNME. You can bet this dragon is breathing fire. He says Hercules, I am ready to burn. Mean Gene then asks him if he is ready for the antics of Bobby Heenan. Steamboat says this dragon came too far breathing fire for any man to stop him, including the cheating likes of Bobby The Weasel Heenan.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Ricky Steamboat vs. Hercules with Bobby Heenan: Steamboat with a great ovation coming out. Randy Savage is shown looking at a monitor in the back with Elizabeth and Mean Gene. He keeps saying that's his belt and that he's the true champion. Mean Gene asks him if he wants Steamboat to win and Savage says no, let him slide by tonight, but he wants to take the belt from Steamboat himself. The bell rings. Hercules getting warmed up. They lock up and Hercules with a forearm. Steamboat comes back with a chop. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Hercules with a knee to the stomach. He follows that up with another forearm to Steamboat and a punch to his face. Hercules runs Steamboat head first into a turnbuckle. Hercules with an Irish whip. Steamboat slides under Hercules' legs and dropkicks Hercules. Then another dropkick. Steamboat with a chop to Hercules. A series of chops knocks Hercules to the outside. Steamboat with a chop to Hercules and an atomic drop on the outside. Both men back in the ring before the 10 count. Steamboat with a series of chops and a back elbow to Hercules. Hercules reaches and grabs Steamboat by the trunks and runs him head first into the turnbuckle. Savage looking on and telling Steamboat to get up. Hercules kicking Steamboat in the head while Steamboat is still down on the mat. Hercules continues to pound on Steamboat with kicks and stomps. A Steamboat chant goes out. Hercules with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hercules drops an elbow on Steamboat. He gets a two count. Hercules with another Irish whip, but drops his head early and Steamboat kicks him in the face. Steamboat with a thrust to Hercules' face. Steamboat with a snap mare. Steamboat with a chop to the top of the head. Hercules responds with a shot to the stomach and an uppercut to knock Steamboat off of his feet to the mat. Steamboat gets to a corner, lifts himself up, and hits Hercules in the top of the head with the boot. He then runs Hercules into the opposite corner. Steamboat with a swinging neck breaker. Back and forth in the middle of the ring and Hercules gets the full nelson on Steamboat. Savage tells Steamboat to fight it, then heads out to ringside. He pulls Hercules' ankle. Hercules breaks the hold and Hercules and Heenan ask Savage what he thinks he is doing? Referee Dave Hebner trying to send Savage to the back. Savage stops in the aisle as Hercules goes up top and comes off to splash Steamboat, but Steamboat gets his knees up at the last second. Hercules with a scoop slam. He drops an elbow, but Steamboat moves out of the way. Hercules goes for a corner charge on Steamboat, but Steamboat moves out of the way. Steamboat with a series of chops to the body. Steamboat with more chops and shots to Hercules. Steamboat chops Hercules down. More chops to Hercules in the corner. Steamboat with some corner mounted punches to Hercules. Hercules responds with an inverted atomic drop out of the corner. Heenan gives Hercules the chain and Hercules wraps it around Steamboat's throat. Hercules swinging Steamboat around by the chain. Hercules is disqualified. Hercules puts his foot on Steamboat's back and pulls back with the chain. Heenan gets in the ring to urge Hercules on and the crowd is begging Savage to help Steamboat. Hercules shoves Hebner out of the way. Hercules finally stops and Savage says Steamboat is the winner. Savage, Hercules, and Heenan exchange some words as Hercules and Heenan go back to the dressing room. Savage goes into the ring and turns Steamboat over. Hebner ordering Savage out of the ring. Savage goes up top and hits a flying elbow drop on Steamboat.
-Mean Gene interviews Jim Duggan who is at ringside. Duggan says he loves the USA and he hates anybody who doesn't. Mean Gene tells him he's been barred from ringside and Duggan says he bought a ticket with his own money and if Nikolai Volkoff tries to sing the Russian National Anthem, he's going to stop it.
-The Can-Am Connection Tom Zenk and Rick Martel vs. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff with Slick: Pre recorded comments from the heels. Slick says America, you cannot deny these men their freedom of speech and as a great American, he will stand with them for the rights of the party, the Communist party. The heels get in the ring and ask Howard Finkel to have everybody rise for the Soviet National Anthem. The camera is on Duggan. Volkoff starts to sing and Duggan jumps over the barricade. He gets in the ring and hits Volkoff with the 2x4. Duggan gets on the mic and says understand one thing, you two commies, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. He then starts a USA chant. The bell rings and they finally get started. Volkoff and Martel start. Volkoff with a corner whip, but Martel with a backwards leapfrog to avoid the charge. Martel with a dropkick to Volkoff. Another dropkick and both Zenk and Sheik tagged in. Zenk with a leapfrog and a double hip lock by the Can-Ams to Sheik. Zenk with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Sheik kicks him in the face. Sheik runs Zenk into the corner turnbuckle. He then runs Zenk into Volkoff's boot. Sheik with a gut wrench suplex to Zenk. He gets a two count. Volkoff tagged in. Volkoff with an Irish whip and a boot to the stomach of Zenk. Volkoff with a double stomp to the back and a quick tag to Sheik. Sheik with a boot to Zenk. Sheik with a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. Abdominal stretch by Sheik. Duggan starts a USA chant. Zenk hip locks out of the move. Sheik with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Zenk thrown to the outside. Volkoff comes over and attacks Zenk. Martel thrown out as well. Sheik and Volkoff attacking Zenk right in front of Duggan. Duggan up and yelling at Volkoff and Sheik. Duggan grabs his 2x4 and comes over the railing towards Sheik. Martel tagged in. Sheik distracted by Duggan getting in the ring and gets rolled up for a pin. Jesse can't believe that they would allow that. Sheik, Slick, and Volkoff are irate in the ring. They attack Duggan. A USA chant starts again. The Can-Ams and Duggan chase the heels out of the ring.
-Vince and Jesse recap the night and sign off from Notre Dame.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show without much of a Hogan presence. The crowd so badly wanted to cheer Randy Savage, but it would be a while before they get what they want.

Episode 130 Notes Thu, 19 May 2022 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] cef1a1aa-c686-4b97-b616-79e8fa86e25d My Notes for Episode 130: Project 45 1987 AWA All-Star. -Bigfoot and the man with the gun.
-Project 45 continues this week and we have landed in the year 1987 as we look at the AWA All-Star Wrestling from January 25, 1987.
-AWA All-Star Wrestling was shot from the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nevada. There were 1,500 in attendance.
-AWA Intro.
-Larry Nelson and Gary Ron welcome us to All-Star. Ron runs down what we are going to see in the program.
-Shawn Michaels with Marty Jannetty vs. Frankie Defalco: They lock up. Rod Trongard and Lord James Blears on the call. Back to the ropes. Break clean. They circle each other. They lock up again. They battle for position. Michaels with a side headlock. Defalco pushes off. He drops his head too early and Michaels kicks him. Michaels with an Irish whip. Michaels drops his head. Defalco goes to kick him, but Michaels moves and Defalco falls down. Unique move. Defalco rolls out of the ring. Jannetty comes over and tells Defalco to get back in the ring. Defalco wants to fight Jannetty. He then walks around the ring. He gets back in the ring. They lock up. Michaels with a wrist lock. Into an arm bar. Defalco pushes off. He misses a clothesline. Michaels with a leapfrog. He hooks Defalco's shoulders for a backslide and gets a two count. Michaels with a scoop slam and gets a one count. Michaels with another arm bar. Michaels with a knee to Defalco's arm. Defalco in pain, but trying to fight it. He gets up and hits Michaels with a right hand. A series of right and left hands to Michaels. Defalco then choking Michaels in the corner. He picks Michaels up in the corner and slams him down. Defalco goes up to the second rope for an elbow drop, but misses it when Michaels moves. Michaels with a series of left hands. Michaels with a spinning punch to knock Defalco down. Michaels with a snap mare. Michaels then hits an elbow drop from the second rope and gets the pin.
-Larry Nelson interviews The Midnight Rockers. Jannetty says everyone wants to know who is the best tag team in professional wrestling? He says well, Buddy Rose and Doug Somers are the AWA Tag Team Champions. He says The Midnight Rockers have done everything that they can to catch up with them and 1987 is their year. Michaels says that's right. They have chased these guys in 1986 all over the country. They had just got back from Australia where they thought they were going to find them. He said they had a tournament there that they won, but there was one team missing and that was the World Champions. Last year, they followed them to Japan. They beat every team there, but guess who wasn't there? They have chased them all over the United States. They are finally going to catch them and face them to see who is the best team, whether it be a title match or a steel cage match or any other match they can dream up. The Rockers are going to get the world champions in the ring one way or another and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who is the best team in the world today. Buddy Rose and Doug Somers or The Midnight Rockers.
-Mike Richards vs. The Super Ninja with Larry Zbyszko: A Larry sucks chant goes out. They lock up. Back to the corner. Super Ninja goes for a forearm. Richards ducks out of the way. Richards wary of locking up again. Super Ninja with a right hand shot that knocks Richards to one knee. Super Ninja with another forearm shot. Super Ninja throws Richards to the outside. Zbyszko comes over the commentary table and says if he doesn't get his shot at Nick Bockwinkel, Stanley Blackburn might find Super Ninja at his house one night. Richards gets back in the ring and Super Ninja chokes him on the top rope for a four count. He then drags Richards' face along the top rope. The referee admonishes Super Ninja as Richards falls to his knees. Super Ninja with a kick to Richards' chest. Richards with a shot to Super Ninja's stomach. Then another shot. Several more shots and a knee to Super Ninja. Another knee lift by Richards and Super Ninja knocks Richards to the mat. Super Ninja with a nerve hold to Richards. Richards trying to get back to his feet. He then tries to reach the ropes with his feet to break the hold. Richards gets back to his feet and elbows Super Ninja in the midsection to try and break the hold. Richards breaks the hold and runs the ropes. Super Ninja with a super kick. Super Ninja with a karate thrust to the throat of Richards. Gets a two count and then lifts Richards up. Super Ninja with an Irish whip and another kick to Richards face. Super Ninja with a double under hook bridging suplex to get the pin.
-Larry Nelson interviews Larry Zbyszko and Mr. Saito about their attack on Scott Hall and Nick Bockwinkel. Super Ninja then pops in out of nowhere. Saito says he's been gone for two years and now he's back in the AWA. His body was more powerful and strong now. He told Bockwinkel in two years everything changed now. He says he told Larry Zbyszko that he didn't understand Nick Bockwinkel. Zbyszko says what Saito is saying is he can't believe Bockwinkel sold his soul for a few bucks and his ego. Zbyszko says if Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, Greg Gagne want it, to bring it on.
-Larry Nelson and Gary Ron talk about the Nick Bockwinkel/Curt Hennig match before throwing to the match itself joined in progress.
-AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig: Hennig is bleeding from the head and is on the outside. Bockwinkel is on the inside of the ring. He reaches down and rams Hennig's head into the apron. The referee is counting. Bockwinkel reaches through the ropes and punches Hennig in the head. Hennig finally gets up on the apron and Bockwinkel comes over and grabs him. He punches and kicks Hennig off of the apron back to the floor. Bockwinkel reached through the ropes and rams Hennig's head on the apron again. He repeats the pattern several times before bringing Hennig back into the ring. He runs Hennig into a turnbuckle and he hits the ring post with his head. Hennig's head and face are a mess as they announce 7 minutes left in the match. Bockwinkel punches Hennig until Hennig collapses to the mat. He gets a close two count. Hennig back on his feet. Bockwinkel punching Hennig, first in the corner and then in the middle of the ring. He knocks Hennig down and gets another two count. Hennig fires a shot to Bockwinkel and Irish whips him. He then hits him with the Ax forearm made famous by his dad, Larry Hennig. Bockwinkel falls to the mat. Another Irish whip and another Ax to Bockwinkel to knock him down again. The referee comes over and checks Hennig's face as Hennig starts to punch Bockwinkel in the head. 5 minutes remaining and both are covered in blood as Hennig is hitting Bockwinkel in the corner. Hennig with another Irish whip and Ax to Bockwinkel. Hennig starts to go for a cover, but Bockwinkel is too close to the ropes. Hennig picks Bockwinkel back up. He then kicks Bockwinkel in the head. Bockwinkel falls down and lands up against the ropes. Hennig does a modified leapfrog body guillotine to Bockwinkel. Hennig with a corner whip and another Ax to Bockwinkel. Hennig covers Bockwinkel, but Bockwinkel is face down on the mat. Hennig runs Bockwinkel into the corner. He runs Bockwinkel into the top turnbuckle repeatedly as three minutes remain. Bockwinkel on his knees in the middle of the ring. Hennig with a suplex to Bockwinkel. Hennig manages to roll over and get a two count. Both men back to their feet and Hennig double claps the side of Bockwinkel's head. Hennig runs his knee into Bockwinkel's head as two minutes remain. He then hits a running kick to Bockwinkel's head. He gets another two count. Hennig puts a figure four on. Bockwinkel trying to break the hold as they have entered the final minute of the match. Bockwinkel trying to hold on as 30 seconds remain and the crowd is getting into the match. Bockwinkel reaches out and grabs the referee's arm. 15 seconds. The bell rings and the match is a draw. Bockwinkel retains the title.
-Larry Nelson interviews Curt Hennig. Nelson says 1986 must have been frustrating for Hennig, but on New Year's Eve they saw him go 60 minutes with Nick Bockwinkel on ESPN. Hennig says he disagrees with Nelson about 1986. He and Scott Hall went for the tag belts and got them. When Col. DeBeers cost them the titles, they never got a rematch. They didn't cry or moan. They kept their nose to the grindstone. They kept working out and striving for the top. And now he has worked his way to the top and got his shot at Nick Bockwinkel. The thing he has wanted since he was a kid. He says he got 27 stitches in his head and now he is going to go to Japan for 5 weeks. The best wrestlers in the world are going to be in a tournament in Japan and when he comes back, he's going to be like a racehorse and be in the best shape of his life. He's going to be more determined and whoever is holding the World Heavyweight Championship in 1987, Curt Hennig is going to get it.
-Jimmy Snuka vs. Rick Gantner: Gantner up in the ropes and taunting the crowd. They circle each other. They lock up. They push back to the ropes and break clean. They lock up again. Snuka with a side headlock. Gantner gets back to the ropes. Another clean break. Another lock up. Snuka with a wrist lock. Gantner makes his way back to the ropes. Break clean. Gantner taunting the fans again by pointing to himself. They circle each other again. They lock up. Gantner with a side headlock. Snuka pushes off. Gantner comes back with a shoulder block. Gantner runs the ropes. Snuka with a leapfrog. Then an arm drag to Gantner. Another arm drag and Gantner goes out to the floor to regroup. He takes an 8 count before getting back in the ring. He then goes right back out of the ring after breaking the count. He then spits in Snuka's face. Gantner gets back up on the apron and Snuka swings at Gantner, who ducks the attempt before being slingshot back in by Snuka. Snuka with a side headlock. Into a takedown. Gantner makes his way back to his feet. He gets Snuka up against the ropes, but breaks on the four count. Then shots to Snuka and an Irish whip. Snuka ducks a clothesline attempt. Snuka comes off the ropes with a double sledge to Gantner. Snuka then climbs to the top rope. He hits the Superfly and pins Gantner.
-AWA World Tag Team Championship Match. Doug Somers and Buddy Rose with Sherri Martel vs. Earthquake Ferris and Tom Rocky Stone: Rose and Ferris start. Rose making fun of Ferris's weight to get heat as an Earthquake chant goes out. Martel tells the crowd to shut up. Rose runs the ropes. Ferris with a shoulder block. Another run and Ferris knocks Rose down with another shoulder block. Rose gets up holding the back of his head and stumbles out of the ring to the crowds delight. Rose is so great here. Martel comes over to check on Rose. Somers tagged in. Ferris with an Irish whip and he scoop slams Somers. Ferris drops an elbow on Somers. He gets a two count. Somers with a side headlock. Ferris gets to the ropes. Somers finally breaks the hold. Somers slaps Ferris on the chest. Back and forth with slaps up against the ropes. Ferris with a series of forearms and Stone tagged in. Stone holds Somers for Ferris to hit before he gets out of the ring. Stone with a side headlock into a takeover. He gets Somers down and cranks the side headlock on. Somers gets back to his feet while still in the move. Ferris tagged back in. He gets a side headlock takeover on Somers. Somers working back to his feet. He pushes off. Ferris comes back with a big shoulder block. Ferris with a scoop slam. Stone tagged in and gets a front face lock on. Somers with a belly to back suplex to get out of the move. Rose tagged in. Rose stomps on Stone. Rose picks Stone up and runs him into the corner turnbuckle. Rose with a corner whip. Somers tagged back in. He hits a knee lift to Stone. Somers with a side headlock and a punch to the face of Stone. He runs Stone into a turnbuckle. Somers distracts the referee, allowing Rose to choke Stone on the top rope. Somers then drapes Stone over the rope and drops him. Rose tagged back in. Stone reverses a corner whip. He then punches Rose in the corner. He snap mares Rose out of the corner. Stone drops a knee to Rose's face. He gets a two count. Stone with an Irish whip. He drops his head too early and Rose gets a front face lock and hits a DDT to get the pin.
-Gary Ron talks to Boris Zhukov. Zhukov says Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse is back in Iraq trying to solve the problems America has caused there. He says another man responsible is Sgt. Slaughter. He says he knows that Slaughter is behind this because he can't stand Zhukov or the Sheik. He says Slaughter, I want you in the ring. Mr. G.I. Joe, what a joke. He then spits on the ground. He says sign the contract Slaughter, and when it's over, you will get down and kiss the most beautiful flag in the world, the Russian flag. He leaves and Buddy Rose and Doug Somers come in. Rose says that Zhukov means business and they mean business also. He tells the cameraman to check out the tan and the body. He says he's down to 210 pounds. He's down to the greatest shape of his life and so is Doug Somers and he heard that the Midnight Rockers were out here saying they chased them all over the world. Rose says that's a couple of coyotes chasing the road runners. Rose says someplace, somewhere, they are going to face off against the world tag team champions. He says a lot of people want to face them and he starts to name some Rose says they are the best in professional wrestling. He says they and their manager have all the belts and in 1987, they are going to continue to hold all of the belts.
-Larry Nelson and Gary Ron then recap everything that happened that week before signing off.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: Although nowhere near as good as it used to be, this wasn't the worst way to spend an hour and the few minutes of the Bockwinkel/Hennig match that we saw were outstanding.

Episode 129 Notes Fri, 13 May 2022 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 30a6257a-f7e8-43a1-8cfc-f797603b095a My Notes for Episode 129: This Tuesday in Texas. -Flying in and out of Newark.
-Today we look at the This Tuesday in Texas PPV from the WWF.
-This Tuesday in Texas was shown on PPV on December 3, 1991 from the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, TX. There were 8,000 in attendance and the show did a 1.0 buy rate.
-There were a series of dark matches:
The Harris Brothers defeated Brian Costello and Brian Donahue.
Sir Charles defeated Dale Wolfe.
Chris Walker defeated Brian Lee.
Chris Chavis defeated J.W. Storm.
Greg Valentine defeated The Brooklyn Brawler.
The Nasty Boys defeated The Bushwhackers.
The Legion of Doom defeated The Rockers.
The Legion of Doom defeated The Natural Disasters.
Ric Flair defeated Roddy Piper.
-They replay the end of the Survivor Series with Mean Gene in the basement of the Joe Louis Arena with Paul Bearer and The Undertaker.
-Live shot of the crowd as Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to Texas and This Tuesday in Texas. He and Bobby Heenan are the announcers for the event. They talk about the main event. They then talk about the Jake Roberts/Randy Savage match and about how there can be no snakes in Jake's corner.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Skinner: Hart with a good ovation coming out. Skinner has his chewing tobacco in. Gorilla says Skinner for all intents and purposes is undefeated in the WWF which is a weird statement to make. Hart gives his sunglasses to a fan at Ringside who loses her mind because of it. Hart and Skinner circle each other. They lock up. Hart with an arm lock takeover. They circle each other again. They lock up again. Another takeover. Into an arm bar to Skinner. Skinner pushes off. Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Skinner with a leapfrog. Hart stops, picks Skinner up and hits an atomic drop. Then an inverted atomic drop to Skinner. Hart with a clothesline to Skinner. Skinner falls to the outside. Back in, they lock up and Hart with a wrist lock. Hart with a series of forearms to the back. He then arm drags Skinner over into an arm bar. Skinner gets back to his feet. Skinner with an arm drag to Hart, but Hart keeps the hold on and flips Skinner over. Hart drops a knee on the arm. Hart drags Skinner back to the center of the ring. He drops a leg on Skinner's arm. Then Hart goes back to the arm lock. Skinner gets to the ropes. Hart breaks the hold. Hart advances and Skinner gets to the ropes. They lock up. Skinner with a side headlock into a hammerlock, but Hart with a reversal. Skinner then with a reversal. Hart with a headbutt. Hart with a kick to the stomach. Hart then goes back to an arm bar. Skinner with a headbutt. Skinner throws Hart shoulder first into the corner post. Hart hanging halfway out of the ring. Skinner kicks Hart out of the ring. Hart gets back in and Skinner kicks him over and over. He then kicks him back to the floor. Skinner goes out after him. He chokes Hart on the floor. Skinner then rolls back in to break the count. Hart gets back in and Skinner kicks him again. He hits Hart with a double ax handle and Irish whips him. Skinner with an abdominal stretch. He uses the ropes for leverage when referee Danny Davis isn't looking. Gorilla Monsoon says he doesn't have it on all the way and Gorilla is insane. He has it on correctly. Gorilla is having a bad week between the Survivor Series and this. He must not have gotten enough Peanut Butter Pie for Thanksgiving. He is being ornery. Skinner with a double ax handle to the back of the Hitman. Skinner with a shoulder breaker. He gets a two count. Skinner with a forearm. Skinner with a corner whip and Hart gets his boot up on the charge in. Hart goes for the second rope elbow drop and Skinner moves. Skinner grabs his spit can, but Davis takes it away from him, allowing Skinner to get his alligator claw necklace and nail Hart with it. Davis asks Skinner what happened and Skinner says he hit Hart with a forearm. Skinner punches Hart. He then chokes Hart on the second rope for a four count. He then kicks Hart to the mat. He then puts his foot on Hart's throat for another four count. Skinner yelling at Davis. Skinner with a corner whip and Hart goes chest first into the corner. Skinner going for the leg. He's stomping the legs of Hart and starts to choke him again. He slams Hart face first on the mat. He gets a side headlock on and punches Hart back down. Skinner then running his boot across Hart's face. Skinner with a double ax handle. Skinner with his death drop neck breaker. Gets a two count. Skinner on the second rope and comes off and Hart gets a boot up to hit Skinner in the face. Hart with a shot to the stomach. Several shots and a headbutt. Hart with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Another shot and an Irish Whip and a shot to the stomach. Side Russian Leg Sweep. Gets a two count. Hart with a suplex. Another two count. Hart hits a backbreaker. Hart with a second rope elbow drop. Another two count. Hart argues with Davis. Skinner rolls him up for a two count, but Hart kicks out, knocking Skinner to the outside. Skinner runs Hart head first into the apron. Skinner suplexes Hart in, but Hart slips behind Skinner. He goes to roll Skinner up, but Skinner holds on to the ropes. Skinner stomping Hart. Skinner goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off and Ric Flair is very concerned in the back because that's his spot. Hart gets the Sharpshooter on and Skinner gives up.
-Sean Mooney interviews Jake Roberts about his match with Randy Savage with reptiles banned from ringside. Roberts says so what, the last time he saw Randy Savage he was flailing like some helpless child drowning from the very poison that was running through your veins as the snake chewed on that arm. For some time he did chew and you look into my eyes Randy Savage and you see two black holes in the sky. But you look at that snake's eyes and you will see something so cold and so devilish and so deliberate. Yes, he takes care of what he has to and does what he has to just like him. He says to Randy Savage your eyes weren't ever there man, you were out, you were gone. But you know whose eyes he enjoyed the most? Elizabeth's pupils. So small, so intent. So scared for the man that she loved and what a rush he got. Up and down his back. It felt so good his hair felt like it was tingling. He had goosebumps all over his body. Listening to her squeal for a man who could not do anything but flail around and couldn't help himself at all. And Jack Tunney barring the snake from the corner? He says when he was brought into the world. He could not rob, he could not steal or lie or even cheat. But boy did he have help learning. You have taught him so well. So you see, It's not his fault anything he does out there, you have given him the right. You have pushed the button to make him do it. You have pulled the trigger so anything that he does is your fault. Snake in the corner. Trust him.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage says Jake Roberts wants Savage to trust him? He says Roberts taught them not to trust him. Because they all realize that he gets a rush when the snake bit Savage. He told them that and then told them to trust him. Savage says nobody trusts Roberts. He says Roberts said he also gets a rush when he looks into Liz's eyes and he sees fear. Savage tells Roberts he had better not trust Savage and Savage is not going to trust him. Savage says they're going to get in a situation where he is standing on top of that turnbuckle and point to the sky and jump off and he crushes Roberts with that elbow. 1,2,3 count. He says that's when he is going to get the rush. His rush is going to be when he looks into Elizabeth's eyes. After the three count and Roberts is down and defeated and destroyed and love and admiration is flowing from Elizabeth's eyes. Roberts' music starts to play and Savage says he has a date with destiny.
-Randy Savage with Elizabeth vs. Jake Roberts: Savage comes down the aisle to attack Roberts as he is coming down the aisle. He runs Roberts into the ring steps and then punches him in the head. Savage throws Roberts into the ring. Savage also gets in and kicks Roberts in the midsection. He runs him into a corner and punches Roberts several times. He gouges Roberts' eyes for a three count. He then runs Roberts along the top rope. He then corner whips Roberts and hits a back elbow. Savage goes up top and hits a double ax handle to Roberts. Savage then takes his jacket and hat off. Roberts gets out of the ring and starts going down the aisle. Savage goes out after him and hits him with another double ax handle. Savage then punches Roberts. Savage rakes the eyes and punches Roberts again. He puts Roberts back in the ring and Roberts backing up and begging off. Referee tries to hold Savage back. Savage pushes him to the side and Roberts attacks Savage. Roberts throws Savage to the outside. Roberts goes out to the ringside area. Savage gets up on the apron to get back in the ring, but Roberts grabs him and pulls him back outside. Savage punches Roberts, who pushes Savage into the corner post. Savage has his arm hurt and Gorilla says that's the same arm the 14 foot King Cobra was gnawing on and the award for hyperbole is retired immediately. Roberts grabs Savage's arm and rams it into the post again. He runs the arm into the post one more time. Both men get back into the ring. Savage goes back outside. Referee Earl Hebner goes outside to check on Savage, who takes a swing at Hebner. Hebner asks Savage if he wants to give up. Savage gets back in the ring and hits Roberts in the midsection with a shot. Then another shot. Then an uppercut to Roberts. Roberts with a shot to Savage in the throat. Roberts with an inverted atomic drop. Roberts drops a series of knees on Savage's arm. Savage grabs Roberts by his hair. Roberts ripping at the bandages on Savage's arm. He then drops a knee on the arm. He punches the arm and Savage gets to his feet. Roberts rams the arm down on the top rope. Savage goes to ram Roberts into the top turnbuckle, but Roberts blocks it and runs Savage in instead. Roberts with a hammerlock. Savage with a back elbow to break the hold. Roberts with a forearm. Roberts with an Irish whip. Savage comes back with a kick to the face when Roberts puts his head down too early. Roberts with a double ax handle to Savage's back. Roberts misses a short clothesline. Savage comes back with an elbow smash. Double reversal of the corner whip and Hebner has to dive out of the way to avoid getting hit. Roberts gets his knee up on the charge in. Roberts hits a short clothesline. Roberts gets up on the second rope and signals for the DDT. He goes for it and Savage drives Roberts backwards into a turnbuckle. Roberts falls down holding his ribs. Savage goes to the top rope and drops the elbow on Roberts and pins him. The crowd cheers like crazy. Savage goes outside and grabs a chair. Officials and the referee are trying to stop him. He kicks agent Tony Garea away with the chair. Savage grabs the ring bell. He gets in the ring with the bell. The referee grabs the bell as Savage goes to pick Roberts up. Roberts grabs Savage and hits the DDT. Roberts goes to the corner and waits for Savage to get back to his feet. A Macho chant goes out. Roberts hits another DDT. The referee telling Roberts that it's all over to get out of the ring. Roberts goes out to the apron. The crowd is booing Roberts as he stops in the aisle and looks around. Roberts smiles and turns back towards the ring. Hebner checking on Savage. Roberts says to the camera I gave you my word Tunney, the snake wasn't in the corner. He then lifts the ring skirt up and brings out a bag. He throws the back into the ring. Roberts goes over to Savage. Roberts taunting Savage with the bag. Elizabeth comes running to ringside. Elizabeth gets in the ring and tries to cover up Savage and tells Roberts to stop it. She's pleading with Roberts. Roberts slapping Savage in the face and Elizabeth screams to Roberts to leave Savage alone. Savage struggles to sit up. Roberts up and Elizabeth gets between Roberts and Savage. Roberts grabs Savage by the hair. He tells Elizabeth to look at him. Roberts puts Savage into a front face lock and hits another DDT. Roberts goes back to the bag as both Elizabeth and Hebner yell at him to stop it. Roberts unwraps the bag. He puts the black glove on. Roberts kicks Savage in the head. He tells Elizabeth to beg. He tells her if she wants to save Savage's ass, she better start begging. She begs him to leave Savage alone. Roberts says Savage makes him sick. Then he grabs Elizabeth by her hair. He then slaps Elizabeth. He then grabs the bag again as Danny Davis comes into the ring as well. Jack Tunney comes to ringside. He tells Roberts to leave immediately. He yells at Roberts as he leaves. Officials are out to check on Savage. Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan arguing over what happened and Monsoon says Roberts should be suspended for life for striking Elizabeth. Let's see where he is in an hour from now when another woman gets hit. They finally get Savage out of the ring and take him to the back.
-Mean Gene is with Jake Roberts, who says congratulate me, Gene. Mean Gene calls Roberts a bona fide sicko. Roberts says no man wants a woman who's going to lay down and grovel and beg for somebody's life. If it's a woman that he wants he wants her to stand up. Stand up and be that. Be what he wants. As far as slapping her, yeah, he slapped her but he'll slap himself and he'll slap Mean Gene. He says I'll tell you something, Randy Savage. DDTing you was fine, that really felt good. But the best feeling he's ever had in his life is when he grabbed hold of Elizabeth's hair and jerked her up off of her knees. That was good and then when he put his hand across her face my man that felt so good, he should have to pay for that. He would pay to do that. So the next time he thinks about crossing the snakes path, and a snake chooses its own path, where nobody else wants to go, you think about it again. But if you decide to, please do him one little favor, he's begging you. Please bring her back. Let him touch her again. He says he could cultivate her into something even he would want as Mean Gene is disgusted. Roberts says he could do that, trust him.
-The Warlord with Harvey Whippleman vs. The British Bulldog: It is 1991 WWF PPV after all. The bell rings. Slow to start. Whippleman not getting out of the ring. Bulldog raises his arm to get the crowd into the match. Whippleman finally gets out of the ring. Warlord pushes Bulldog back. They lock up. Warlord pushes Bulldog back again. They lock up again. Bulldog pushes Warlord back. Warlord confers with Whippleman. Warlord asks for a test of strength. Bulldog goes for it and Warlord kicks him in the face. Warlord with a forearm to Bulldog and an Irish whip. Warlord drops down and goes to kick Bulldog, who catches his leg. Bulldog pushes Warlord down and delivers a headbutt to the crotch. Warlord with a shot to Bulldog's stomach. He then runs Bulldog into the turnbuckle. Warlord with an Irish whip. Bulldog ducks a clothesline attempt. Bulldog with a clothesline. Warlord doesn't go down as Gorilla Monsoon says irresistible force meets the immovable object line IYDAH. Another clothesline knocks Warlord to the outside. Warlord lands on his feet. Bulldog flies over the top rope to crossbody Warlord, who catches him and rams his back into the turnbuckle. He then dumps Bulldog on the ground. Whippleman taunting Bulldog, telling him to get up. Bulldog gets up on the apron. Warlord grabs him and tries to run him into a turnbuckle. Bulldog blocks it and runs Warlord in instead. He runs his head in repeatedly. Bulldog then hits a top rope dropkick to Warlord. Bulldog then clotheslines Warlord, who falls against the ropes. Warlord tied up in the ropes. Bulldog goes for the leapfrog body guillotine, but Whippleman moves Warlord out of the way and Bulldog gets tangled in the ropes. Warlord kicking Bulldog. Warlord with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Warlord with an inverted atomic drop to Bulldog into a corner. He then lifts Bulldog with an atomic drop. Warlord with a corner whip and a bear hug to Bulldog. Bulldog trying to rally to get out of the move. Crowd trying to get behind Bulldog. He hits Warlord with some shots. A headbutt to Warlord breaks the hold. Warlord with a kick to the stomach. Warlord with a belly to belly suplex. He then steps on Bulldog. Warlord with a forearm to Bulldog's back. A Davey chant goes out. Warlord with a fist drop to Bulldog. Gets a two count. Warlord disputes the count with referee Joey Marella. Warlord with an Irish whip. He drops his head early again and Bulldog kicks him in the head. Bulldog goes for a piledriver. Warlord reverses it into a backdrop. Bulldog holds on to go for a sunset flip. Warlord drops down to go for a pin. Bulldog lifts his legs up to hook Warlord by the shoulders. He gets a two count. Warlord with a clothesline. Warlord stalking Bulldog looking to put the full nelson on him. Gorilla Monsoon studies it like the Zapruder film when Warlord gets the move on of course saying he doesn't have the fingers locked. Bulldog starting to fade. Bulldog goes down to one knee. Marella checks the arm. It doesn't go down the third time. Bulldog starting to move to try to get back to his feet. He finally does stand up and tries to break the hold. Warlord throws Bulldog down. Marella checking on Bulldog to see if he wants to give up. Bulldog over by the ropes trying to get up. Warlord runs Bulldog head first into a turnbuckle. He does it again. Corner whip by Warlord. Bulldog gets his boot up on the charge in. Bulldog hits a clothesline from the second rope. Bulldog with a delayed vertical suplex. He gets a two count. Bulldog with a corner whip and a corner clothesline. Bulldog gets Warlord up for the power slam. Warlord grabs the ropes to try to prevent the move. Bulldog pulls backwards and Warlord falls on him. He gets a two count. Warlord with an Irish whip. Bulldog comes back with a crucifix and gets the pin.
-Sean Mooney is with Randy Savage. Mooney tries to recap everything that happened between Savage and Jake Roberts and Savage tells him to shut up. Savage says that Roberts degraded Elizabeth. Savage says he will never forgive himself. It is the worst day of his life. He tells Roberts, you laid your hands on Elizabeth. He starts hitting himself saying it's his fault. He says Roberts said something about hanging with you show you the dark side. Let me tell you something, man, let me tell you something right now. He says I'm going to get you man. I'm going to get you and there ain't going to be no stopping him. I'm going to get you. You already got what you wanted and Savage didn't get a piece of you. He then goes down to one knee in anguish and says he blames himself. He gets on the floor and keeps saying he touched Elizabeth. Unbelievable, that's it, it's over, no control, but he's going to get you. He's begging right now. Roberts made her beg and he hasn't seen anything right now. He says that he's going to get Roberts and that it isn't over. It ain't even started. You understand that he blames himself and he has started to bleed over one eye. He screams I am going to get you. He tells Mooney to get out of here and then leaves. Very intense, emotional, and weird interview.
-Ted DiBiase and The Repo Man with Sensational Sherri vs. Virgil and El Matador Tito Santana: Sherri screams at the faces. Santana and Repo Man start. They lock up. Go back to the ropes and break. Repo Man kicks Santana in the stomach. He punches Santana up against the ropes. Repo Man with a waist lock. Santana reverses the move. Repo Man reverses it back. Santana then reverses that back. Santana with a hammerlock. Repo Man with an elbow to get out of the move. Repo Man with an Irish whip. Santana comes back with a shoulder block. Santana with an arm drag. Into an arm bar. Santana reverses an Irish whip. Santana keeps ducking clothesline attempts and punches Repo Man. Repo Man in the faces corner being punched by both. Santana with a wrist lock. He drops an elbow on the arm. Repo Man grabs a handful of hair. Repo Man with an Irish whip. They each block a hip lock attempt. Santana finally hip locks Repo Man to the outside. Referee Danny Davis gets Santana back and Repo Man sneaks back into the ring. He misses a clothesline attempt when Santana ducks and Santana clotheslines Repo Man. Repo Man gets to the ropes. DiBiase tagged in. Fans want Virgil to tag in and Sherri screaming no. Virgil tagged in. DiBiase up against the ropes and makes Davis keep Virgil back. Virgil goes to lock up and DiBiase hits him with a knee to the midsection. Then a series of forearms to Virgil's back. DiBiase runs Virgil head first into the corner. Then a series of shots to Virgil in the corner and an Irish whip. Virgil comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. DiBiase misses a clothesline. Virgil with an atomic drop that sends DiBiase up and over the ropes to the outside. Santana comes over and punches DiBiase. DiBiase gets back in and yells at Santana only to be clotheslined out by Virgil again. Santana comes down and punches DiBiase again and throws him back into the ring. Virgil chops DiBiase in the corner and then corner whips him. DiBiase hits Virgil with an elbow when he charges in. Repo Man tagged in. Repo Man with a punch to the prone Virgil. Repo Man with a scoop slam. He then punches Virgil again. He then runs Virgil into DiBiase's boot. Repo Man choking Virgil up on the ropes for a four count. Davis gets on Repo Man, allowing DiBiase to choke Virgil in the corner and wraps the tag rope around Virgil's throat. Santana tries to come in to help, only to get cut off by Davis, allowing the heels to double team Virgil. DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a clothesline. DiBiase then goes over and spits on Santana. Santana comes in and Davis cuts him off again, allowing more double teaming. Repo Man tagged in. He hits a snap mare and punches Virgil in the head. He then picks Virgil up and knees him in the stomach. Virgil blocks a shot and hits Repo Man with a shot of his own. Repo Man comes back with another knee to the stomach and DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase kicks Virgil in the midsection. DiBiase with a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. DiBiase with an Irish whip, but he drops his head too early and Virgil hits a swinging neck breaker. Repo Man tagged in. Santana then tagged in. Santana with a series of right hands and an Irish whip. Back elbow by Santana. Santana with a dropkick. Then another one. He then hits the flying forearm. Santana then knocks Dibiase off of the apron with a punch. Santana goes for another flying forearm, but DiBiase grabs his leg when he bounces off the ropes to knock Santana down. Virgil comes in to complain, but gets cut off by Davis, allowing Repo Man to clothesline Santana to the outside. DiBiase runs Santana's head into the ring steps. He then does it again. DiBiase throws Santana back into the ring. Repo Man goes to pin Santana, but he is too close to the ropes. Repo Man picks Santana up and plants a knee into the midsection. He then punches Santana and Irish whips him. He plants a boot into the stomach. He gets a two count. DiBiase tagged in. DiBiase with a double ax handle from the second turnbuckle while Repo Man holds Santana. DiBiase then stomps Santana. DiBiase with a front face lock and Santana trying to fight out of it. Santana drives backwards and finally tags Virgil in, but Repo Man had distracted Davis, who doesn't allow the tag. The heels double suplex Santana. Repo Man drops a fist on Santana. Repo Man with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Santana comes back. Double clothesline and both men are down. A double count going. The crowd trying to get behind Santana to urge him to get back to his feet. Repo Man tags DiBiase in and Virgil is also tagged in. Virgil with a corner whip and a clothesline. Repo Man comes in and gets a clothesline as well. Another clothesline for DiBiase. Virgil with a side Russian Leg Sweep on DiBiase. Gets a two count, but Repo Man breaks up the pin attempt. All four men in now. Davis distracted with Repo Man and Santana, allowing Sherri to get on the apron. DiBiase holds Virgil for her to hit with her shoe, but Virgil moves and Dibiase gets hit instead. Virgil goes to hit Sherri and Repo Man hits him with a high knee from behind. I guess Gorilla Monsoon was okay with Sherri getting hit as he says nothing at all. DiBiase gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says as far as him and all his Hulkamaniacs go, this is going to be the happiest day in the history of Hulkamania. At Survivor Series, he and all the little Hulksters felt the Undertaker slowly stalk Hulkamania. They saw him slowly squeeze the life and breath out of Hulk Hogan. Right after Ric Flair interfered and they dropped him in the Tombstone for the 1,2,3. Like the shot heard around the world, the real survivors were all those little Hulkamaniacs out there. That they saw Hulk Hogan writhing in pain on that canvas in the center of the ring. The real survivors were the little teeny Hulksters that still had their heads high brother. That still had smiles on their faces and still believed in the four demandments: Training, saying your prayers, eating your vitamins, and believing in ourselves and because we believe in ourselves, Jack Tunney took recognition immediately and rebooked this match. Tuesday in Texas with Jack Tunney watching their backs, Hulkamaniacs. Ric Flair stay out of his face. It's between him and The Undertaker as far as all of his little Hulksters go. He's Hulk Hogan, the designated Hitman (Bret Hart's ears just perked up) for all his Hulkamaniacs. All these years, he's been leading the pack. And he promises to all those little Hulksters that stood by him in the Survivor Series, that This Tuesday in Texas when the largest arms in the world brother come crashing down on the Undertaker the WWF title will be back right where it should be, right around the waist of Hulk Hogan. And Undertaker, whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan buries you right here in Texas?
-WWF World Championship Match. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Hulk Hogan: Hulk gets a big reaction when he comes out and rips his t-shirt on the way to the ring. He runs to the ring and slides in and gets attacked by the Undertaker and Paul Bearer as soon as he is in. Hogan runs Undertaker and Bearer's heads together. Bearer rolls out of the ring. Hogan with a corner whip and a corner clothesline. Hogan gets on the second turnbuckle and attacks the Undertaker with his bandanna and bites him. Jack Tunney finally shown sitting at ringside. Hogan with an inverted atomic drop. Undertaker sits right back up. Hogan with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Undertaker doesn't go down. Hogan with a boot to the midsection. Hogan with an eye rake. Hogan goes to scoop slam Undertaker, who hits Hogan with a forearm to the back. Hogan with an eye rake, a clothesline, and a scoop slam. Bearer gets up on the apron and Hogan punches him off. Hogan with a series of punches to Undertaker. Undertaker clotheslined over the top rope, but lands on his feet. Bearer comes over to the Undertaker with the urn. Hogan grabs Undertaker by the hair and brings him up on the apron. He hits Undertaker off of the apron. Undertaker gets back on the apron and Hogan hits him several times. He knocks Undertaker back down to the floor. Undertaker grabs Hogan by his feet and drags him out. Undertaker with a shot to Hogan's throat. Another shot knocks Hogan to the ground. A Hogan chant goes out from the crowd. The Undertaker grabs Hogan by the throat. He chokes him up against the apron. Hogan goes down to his knees. Then all the way to the floor and Undertaker is still choking him. They get back in the ring and Undertaker is choking Hogan down on the mat. Hogan gets back to his feet and Undertaker hits him with another throat thrust. Hogan back to his feet and Undertaker grabs him by his throat up against the turnbuckle. Bearer distracts the referee so that the Undertaker can continue to choke Hogan. Hogan starting to go down to the mat. Bearer keeps breaking the referee's count. The Undertaker gets on the turnbuckle to choke Hogan more and Hogan lifts him up by the legs and slams him into the opposite corner. Then Hogan with a corner clothesline, but the Undertaker gets his boots up on the charge. Undertaker grabs Hogan's arm and goes up for Old School. Hogan falls down to his hands and knees. Undertaker with a throat thrust. Hogan down and Undertaker goes back to choking him on the mat. Hogan rolls to the outside when Undertaker breaks the hold. The Hogan chant goes out again. Hogan grabs Undertaker's legs and drags him out. He then hits him with a series of right hands. Undertaker reverses an Irish whip and Hogan goes directly into the corner post. Undertaker throws Hogan back in the ring. Undertaker puts the claw on Hogan and somewhere, Kerry Von Erich is worried. Hogan goes down to one knee. Hogan starting to fade. He is down on the mat. Hogan's shoulders go down a couple of times for one counts. Hogan tries to extend his arm and hand into the Undertaker's face to try to keep him back. Hogan starting to go out. Bearer raises the urn up and the Undertaker draws his power from the urn. The arm of Hogan does not drop the third time when referee Joey Marella checks it and Hogan fights back to his feet. He breaks the grip that Undertaker has on his arm. Hogan with a kick to the stomach. Another kick and an arm rake to Undertaker. They both bounce off the ropes, but Undertaker hits the ropes weirdly and almost falls through. They quickly recover and Hogan hits Undertaker in the face with a right hand. Hogan with a corner whip and Undertaker gets his boot up on the charge in. Undertaker with an Irish whip and a flying clothesline. Undertaker stalking Hogan. Undertaker goes back to Old School, but Hogan pulls him off the top rope. Undertaker comes back up. Hogan starting to rally as well. Ric Flair comes down to ringside. Hogan starts Hulking up. Jack Tunney tries to stop Flair. Hogan with a series of right hands to Undertaker. Hogan clotheslines Undertaker outside of the ring. Hogan goes out to the floor. Hogan grabs a chair and hits Flair in the back and Flair collapses into Tunney and they both go down. Both Hogan and Undertaker get back in the ring. Hogan with an Irish whip and a running elbow smash to Undertaker. He then chops Undertaker and Undertaker still won't go down. Another right hand. An Irish whip to Undertaker and a chop. Undertaker with an eye rake. Hogan with a big boot and an eye rake. Undertaker with a throat thrust. Flair gets up on the apron with the chair. Undertaker goes to run Hogan into it, but Hogan runs Undertaker in instead. Hogan then clotheslines Flair off of the apron. Hogan with an Irish whip. Big boot. Undertaker with a throat thrust. Flair trying to get Tunney up. Bearer gets up on the apron and Undertaker holds Hogan for Bearer to hit, but Hogan ducks and Bearer gets hit instead. Hogan knocks Bearer off of the apron and grabs the urn. Flair drags Tunney up to see it. Hogan opens the urn up and hits the Undertaker with some ash. Hogan then rolls Undertaker up to pin him. New WWF Champion! Hogan grabs the WWF Championship and hits the Undertaker with it. Undertaker and Paul Bearer leave. Hogan must pose. Jack Tunney is shown talking to referee Joey Marella as they sign off from San Antonio.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting experiment in running a PPV sometime other than Sunday night. It wasn't successful and it would be over a decade before the WWF tried something else on an odd night. A fun little show with a main event setting up for the title to be declared vacant and the winner of the Royal Rumble to be the new champion.

Episode 128 Notes Thu, 05 May 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c4ffe691-c554-4e84-a44b-b84277621550 My Notes for Episode 128: WCW Saturday Night. -I've been reduced to making bidet talk with the Post Office Guy.
-Today, we continue Project 45 and land in one of my favorite years of 1993 as we look at an episode of WCW Saturday Night from May 15, 1993.
-In 1993, I was 15, and finally going through puberty. It was one of my favorite years in wrestling despite it being viewed as a down year for the sport.

-This episode of WCW Saturday Night was shown on May 15, 1993 from Atlanta, GA.
-Intro of some of what we are going to see. Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Saturday Night. He and Larry Zbyszko are our announcers for the evening as we see Maxx Payne come out playing a guitar.
-Maxx Payne vs. ??: They don't give his opponent's name. Payne with a series of forearms and a corner whip and a back elbow. Payne with a double ax handle. Payne with an Irish whip and a power slam. Payne with the Payne Killer arm bar to win by submission.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Davey Boy Smith. One week away from his match with Vader, he says on his mind are Joe Thurman, Ron Simmons, Sting, and Cactus Jack. All those men have been hurt by the same man, Big Van Vader. He says he's coming for Big Van Vader and he is going to be the next Heavyweight Champion of the world.
-Tony and Larry talk about Rick Rude leaving with the US title. They show the end of the Dustin Rhodes/Rick Rude match from Worldwide and the controversial ending where both men's shoulders come up.
-Keith and Kent Cole vs. The Blackhearts: Blackhearts are David Heath, the future Gangrel, and Tom Nash. Keith double Irish whipped, but ducks a double clothesline attempt and comes back to double clothesline the Blackhearts. Blackhearts go outside to regroup as a whoomp there it is chant goes out from the crowd. 1993 in a nutshell. One of the Blackhearts in against Keith, who reverses an Irish whip and hits an elbow. Blackheart rolls back outside. The other Blackheart gets in the ring and the Coles complain, but there really is no way to tell. Keith gets the Blackheart down with a hammerlock and switches with Kent while the referee isn't looking. The other Blackheart complains and Keith Cole back in behind the referee's back. Keith with a one count and an arm drag to a Blackheart. Into an arm bar. Kent tagged in as the Blackheart gets back to his feet. Kent and Keith with a double Irish whip and shoulder block. Gets a one count. Kent with an arm drag. The referee getting Keith out of the ring allows the other Blackheart to come in and dropkick Kent. The legal Blackheart with shots and chops. He drives Kent down with the back of his leg. Blackheart with an elbow drop to Kent. The other Blackheart in and they double Irish whip and shoulder block Kent. Blackhearts tag again and drive Kento back first into their corner. Blackheart with an Irish whip and Kent ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with one of his own. Keith tagged back in and he knocks the Blackheart down with several left hands. Keith scoop slams the Blackheart and then scoop slams the other Blackheart when he comes in. All four men in the ring now. One of the Blackhearts throws Kent outside over the top rope and gets disqualified. The Blackhearts then double Irish whip and shoulder block Keith. They attempt to hit Keith from the top rope, but Kent comes in and breaks it up and the Blackhearts bail.
-Slamboree '93 control center with Eric Bischoff. Sting vs. Scott Norton is announced, but doesn't end up happening. Other matches are then run down. Gordon Solie is then brought on to talk about some of the legends appearing.
-Van Hammer vs. Unknown: Again we don't get the opponents name. He attacks Hammer when he tries to get in the ring. He hits Hammer with several right hands. Hammer reverses an Irish whip and backdrops the opponent. Col. Rob Parker is shown bringing a stretcher to ringside. Hammer with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hammer with a knee lift as Parker starts to watch the match. Hammer with a front face lock and a slingshot suplex and gets the pin.
-Tony Schiavone goes to interview Parker, but Hammer grabs the mic before he can and tells Parker he doesn't like him bringing the stretcher out and making light of what happened to Cactus Jack. Hammer says it shows bad taste. Parker says Hammer is confused about him. The stretcher isn't for Cactus Jack, it is for him. Hammer says he told him last week that if he didn't get out of his face, he would be the one riding the stretcher out. Hammer then leaves. Parker says after their altercation last week, he went back to his hotel and he had his normal mint julep that usually calms him down. But this time, it didn't work. It didn't help him at all. So he called Elvis and Elvis told him Colonel, maybe what you're looking for is not there. Elvis said when he couldn't find what he was looking for, he went home, so that's exactly what Parker did. He went home to Memphis and it was like a lightning bolt struck him in his forehead. It was like a king, it was like a Greek god. It was like no human being he had ever seen in his entire life. He is going to bring this individual to WCW. He is going to appear here with the greatest star of all. He then tells Tony good day.
-Thunderbolt Patterson talks about Slamboree next weekend. He tells everybody to come and call somebody.
-A Flair for the Gold with Ric Flair: Flair comes out to a big ovation. Fifi gives him a drink. Arn Anderson is also there at the bar. Flair says we are one week out from Slamboree. Missy Hyatt comes in yelling at Flair. She screams that he left her on the side of the road. Flair says he didn't know she got out of the limo. Anderson says they are aware of her many talents. Hyatt tells Anderson not even on his best day could he be a 60-minute man. Hyatt tells Flair to tell Fifi if she wants to look good in that outfit, she needs to see a doctor. She then throws her shoes at them and leaves. Flair then brings on The Hollywood Blondes. Flair is very complimentary towards both as they sit down. Flair says they have the straps now and they are on top. Austin says it feels good to be on top, but before they get started, he just wants to say that he and Brian Pillman have been on sets everywhere and the Flair for the Gold set is top-notch. It's the best they've seen. Austin then says you've done well for yourself, old man. Flair says old man? Pillman says it feels a little stuffy to him like he's in a museum. Austin points to Anderson and says how much did you pay for that statue over there? He asks Flair for his autograph, saying it's not for him, his grandmother is a big fan. Flair says we all grow old, but very few grow great. Austin says speaking of old, he was looking in the history books and saw that Flair and Anderson were part of some group called the four clovers or the four horse backs and Flair says it was the Four Horsemen and holds up the sign. Pillman says you mean the famous back field from Notre Dame and Anderson is shown getting very upset. Flair says they did the same thing for wrestling as they did for Notre Dame. They blazed their own path. They dominated. Austin agrees that they dominated, but that was yesteryear. That's all in the past. He says if they were around today, the Four Horsemen wouldn't stand a chance. The Hollywood Blondes are the team of the 90's. Flair says look, I didn't bring you out here to run you down or anything else. He wants to talk about Slamboree '93. They've got Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas in a steel cage. Pillman says they've already given Steamboat and Douglas a brush with greatness. He says let's not lose sight of why they are having Slamboree. Thanks to the generosity of Steve Austin and himself, they are flying in all those has beens. Washed up old timers. These so called legends who have fallen on hard times. They are going to bring a nice home cooked meal to them and he wants to believe that Anderson might be first in line at the buffet because obviously he hasn't missed too many meals lately and Anderson says that's it. Flair calms things down by saying let's just let things go tonight. They've got a hot show here. Flair tells the Hollywood Blonde's to remember that they are guests on his show and Pillman says no, they are the stars. Anderson says they are out of line and out of their league on this deal. Flair says forget it, just sit down, we'll forget this whole thing ever happened. Austin says they will be there too. After the meal, Anderson and Flair can get together with the rest of the old codgers and play checkers. Maybe soak their dentures. Flair says maybe we should talk about this more seriously as he takes his jacket off and Anderson rolls up his sleeves. Austin asks Flair if he is going to break out the wool trunks or the pterodactyl robe and get back in the ring or can he cut the mustard any more? Flair says maybe he should break that stuff out right now and show Austin how he can cut the mustard. They say Flair needs Geritol and he loses it, telling them it's his show and he's 9 time world champion. They leave. Anderson tells Fifi to calm him down and she sits Flair down and calms him.
-After the commercial, Tony Schiavone talks to the Hollywood Blondes. Steve Austin says the Flair for the Gold is old news and they brushed Ric Flair and Arn Anderson with greatness just like they said they would. Austin says as far as he's concerned, it's a Flair for the Old. Brian Pillman says everybody saw that the Blondes were violated. WCW has allowed Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas to make a complete fiasco out of their tournament. They tried to provide an opportunity, but no, Ricky Steamboat has to perpetrate a second rate grade school prank and come out masquerading like two Mexico River Rats high on Tequila as we have reached the insensitive portion of our program. Pillman says it's over. No more matches for Dos Hombres. Schiavone says WCW has signed a return match for tomorrow night on the Main Event and Pillman says no way, Schiavone. Schiavone says yes they have. Pillman says the Blondes will not be crucified any more. WCW can talk to their attorneys because they won't be crucified any more.
-Bobby Eaton vs. Arn Anderson: Former tag team champions wrestling each other. Eaton slaps Anderson to begin. They lock up in the corner. Anderson with a side headlock. Eaton with knees to the back of Anderson's legs to break the hold. Eaton with a side headlock. Anderson pushes Eaton down to break the hold. Anderson then stomps Eaton. Anderson then runs Eaton face first on the top rope. Anderson with a side headlock. Eaton pushes off and a back elbow to Anderson. Eaton goes to drop an elbow on Anderson, who moves. Anderson rolls to the outside to regroup. Eaton goes to grab Anderson by the hair to bring him in and Anderson hits Eaton with a shot. Anderson gets up on the apron and runs his shoulder into Eaton. He goes to do it again and Eaton catches him with a knee to the head. Eaton stomps his boot on Anderson up against the ropes for a four count. Eaton goes to run Anderson into the turnbuckle, but Anderson blocks it and runs Eaton in instead. Anderson goes up top. Eaton catches him with a shot. Anderson comes back with an eye rake. Anderson comes down and puts Eaton in a sleeper. Eaton drives Anderson back into the turnbuckle to break the move. Eaton with a back elbow. Eaton with a shot to knock Anderson down. Eaton drops an elbow on Anderson's leg. He drags Anderson over to the apron and slams the leg down on the apron. He then does it again. Eaton comes in and clips the knee to knock Anderson back down. Eaton with a leg lock. Anderson with a face rake to get out of the move. Eaton with a right hand and Anderson rolls to the outside. Eaton comes out after Anderson and Anderson backdrops him on the concrete. Anderson goes to scoop slam Eaton on the outside, but his leg gives out and he falls down. Eaton throws Anderson into the ring. Eaton with a shot and a kick to the face. Anderson spins Eaton around and hits a DDT. Anderson then catapults Eaton into the bottom rope. Anderson with a corner whip, but Eaton hits a back elbow when Anderson tries to charge. Eaton comes out of the corner and Anderson catches him with a spinebuster for the pin.
-Tony Schiavone interviews NWA champion Barry Windham, who drives a Harley into the arena. Windham says to Schiavone I know you want to talk about Ric Flair. Let's hear what you have to say. Schiavone says he was going to talk about the return of Ric Flair. Windham says Flair has had his chance. He had his run as NWA champion. He has been in the lights for his time. Now, it's Barry Windham's time. Anderson seems to think he's going to step in and take the NWA championship away from Barry Windham. He says Flair wants to start the Horsemen all over again, but the Horsemen are a thing of the past and they don't stand for anything that he stands for any more. The only things he cares about anymore are the NWA championship, himself, and his motorcycle. He says Arn Anderson, remember on the 23rd, when you step into the ring remember this is your first time to step up to the altar. This time you're not going to make it through. He's the NWA champion. But he's going to leave you standing because his old man told him, Barry, they're all penned up, but you get to run free. He says he's a lone wolf, he's not a four horseman any more. He leaves as they sign off from Center Stage.
-Final Thoughts: A nice comfortable show setting up for Slamboree.

Episode127 Notes Thu, 28 Apr 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] bb6c58f6-40bd-4f33-bb5e-12bc58ab2f58 My Notes for Episode 127: Project 45: 1979 WWF on MSG. -Post Office Chronicles continue. The machine in the lobby is down half the time and I am not good at charades in the parking lot.
-We continue Project 45 and today we land in 1979 as we take a look at the WWF at Madison Square Garden.
-The WWF on MSG took place December 17, 1979 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
-Presented in the most complete form possible due to original production technical difficulties.
-WWE Old School Intro.
-Dick "Bulldog" Brower vs. Larry Zbyszko: Howard Finkel wishes us a very pleasant good evening and welcomes us to MSG. He introduces all of the New York State Athletic Commission Officials and the referee. Vince McMahon is the announcer for the evening. The bell rings and they lock up. Back to the ropes and break. Brower headbutts Zbyszko as they break. He then hits a couple of hard right hands. He kicks Zbyszko down, hits him with a knee, and snap mares him. He then picks Zbyszko up and slams him down by his hair. Referee Dick Kroll gets Brower away and admonishes him about his behavior. Brower goes over and kicks Zbyszko, then lifts him up and slams him down by the hair again. He then stomps Zbyszko. Then he gets a headlock on Zbyszko. Zbyszko gets back to his feet and tries to break the hold, only to be yanked back down to the canvas by Brower. He goes back to the headlock. Zbyszko gets back to his feet and breaks the hold and again Brower yanks him back down by the hair. He gets Zbyszko in a headlock again and swears to the referee that he didn't yank the hair. There are some annoying horns or whistles that someone has in the background that keep going off and it is very distracting. Zbyszko is now struggling to get back to his feet. Zbyszko counters into a hammerlock. Brower with a back elbow to break the hold. Brower with a right hand that Zbyszko ducks and comes back with a series of right hands of his own. Brower backing away and begging off. Zbyszko with a series of right hands and Brower headbutts him down. Zbyszko on his knees trying to get up and Brower hitting him with a series of right hands. More knees and punches knock Zbyszko down. Brower picks Zbyszko up and punches him in the face and then hits a series of body shots. Brower with a side headlock and Zbyszko down on one knee struggling to get out of the move. Zbyszko reverses the hold into a hammerlock. Brower hits Zbyszko on the side of the head with an elbow and they go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Zbyszko with a series of rights to Brower's midsection and knocks Brower down in a corner. Then Zbyszko with knees to Brower while he is in the corner. He backs off when the referee gets to a four count and Brower holding the side of his head. Zbyszko goes back to stomping Brower and gets him in a side headlock. Brower pushes off. Zbyszko come back with a shoulder block that knocks both men down. Double count going. Both up at 5 and Brower goes for a scoop slam and Zbyszko falls on him and gets the pin. The crowd loves it.
-Japanese Tag Team Championship Match. Riki Choshu and Seiji Sakaguchi vs. Bad News Allen Coage and Joe Joe Andrews: The future Bad News Brown making an appearance here. Coage also has hair here. The referee is looking over Coage's padded right hand and he is objecting to it, saying that he hurt it in a match and needs to have the glove or padding on. Choshu and Andrews start. The bell rings and they lock up. Back to a corner. Break clean. They lock up again and Choshu with a hammerlock. Andrews gets to the ropes. They break. Lock up again and Choshu with a side headlock. Into a takeover. Choshu keeps the headlock on and Andrews gets back to his feet. Coage tagged in. He kicks Choshu and punches him several times in the midsection. He snap mares Choshu and drops a knee on him. He gets a one count, but Choshu quickly gets the arm up. Coage with a throat thrust and an arm to the back. Coage with a scoop slam. Another one count and a quick kick out by Choshu. They lock up again. Choshu with a side headlock and Sakaguchi tagged in. He attacks Coage with a series of chops. Then a snap mare to Coage. Sakaguchi with a rear chin lock to Coage. He lifts Coage up and Sakaguchi with a knee to the face of Coage. Coage comes back with a rake to the face of Sakaguchi. Then an uppercut to Sakaguchi. Coage with a judo strike to Sakaguchi and Sakaguchi down to the mat. Coage with a front face lock and tags Andrews in. He kicks Sakaguchi in the midsection and punches Sakaguchi several times. Headbutt toss. More punches, kicks, and headbutts. They lock up again by the ropes and Choshu tagged back in. Sakaguchi with an Irish whip and Choshu with a dropkick. Choshu with a scoop slam and he gets a two count. Choshu with a snap mare. Into a chin lock. Coage getting mad at the crowd while on the apron yelling at them. Sakaguchi tagged back in. Choshu with an Irish whip and Sakaguchi gets Andrews in a sleeper when he comes back. Andrews gets to the ropes. Sakaguchi breaks the hold. Snap mares Andrews and gets him in a headlock. Sakaguchi rams his knee into Andrew's back several times. Coage tagged in. Test of strength. Coage with an arm bar takedown. Sakaguchi counters with a head scissors. Coage fighting to get out of the hold. Coage rolls over and gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Coage with a waist lock into a German suplex, but Sakaguchi tagged as he was going over and Choshu comes in while Coage is trying to pin Sakaguchi. Choshu kicking Coage while he is down. Coage trying to get up, but Choshu grabs his leg and extends it backwards and then Choshu goes and punches Andrews on the apron. Back and forth between Choshu and Coage. Coage knocks Choshu down and runs Choshu into Andrews' boot. Coage and Andrews double teaming Choshu in their corner. Coage with a big right to knock Choshu down. He then runs his boot across Choshu's face. Coage with a front face lock and Andrews tagged in. Andrews attacks Choshu from behind while Coage was still holding him. Andrews with a throat thrust to Choshu. Andrews pushes Choshu back to the corner and gets admonished by the referee, allowing Coage to attack Choshu in the corner. Sakaguchi tries to come in, only to be cut off by the referee allowing the heels the opportunity to double team Choshu in the corner. Andrews and Coage using the tag rope wrapping it around Choshu's throat. They continue the attack as the referee becomes distracted by Sakaguchi continuing to come out of his corner to protest. Andrews with a couple of headbutts to knock Choshu down to the mat. Andrews goes to drop an elbow, but Choshu moves at the last minute. Choshu stomping on Andrews. Choshu runs Andrews into the corner turnbuckle and tags Sakaguchi in. He open hand slaps Andrews several times. Then a snap mare to Andrews. Sakaguchi with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Sakaguchi runs Andrews into the mat face first a couple of times. Sakaguchi runs Andrews into Choshu in the corner, who buries his shoulder into Andrews. Choshu tagged in and stomps Andrews several times. He hits Andrews with a series of forearms. A knee lift knocks Andrews down to the mat. Choshu Irish whips Andrews to the corner, tags Sakaguchi in. Sakaguchi comes in and grabs Andrews as Coage threatens to come in and interfere. Sakaguchi with a knee lift to Andrews. Sakaguchi with an Irish whip and Sakaguchi with a flying knee to knock Andrews down. Sakaguchi gets a Boston Crab on. Coage trying to come in, but gets hit with a dropkick from Choshu. Andrews gives up. Coage trying to fight Sakaguchi after the bell. Coage then helps Andrews out of the ring.
-Johnny Rodz vs. Mike Graham: Rodz trying to fight the ref as he checks Rodz' boots. The referee goes over the instructions with both wrestlers. The bell rings. Rodz distracting and taking his time raising his fist and yelling out to avoid locking up. Rodz says he wants to inspect Graham's boot. The referee lifts it up and Rodz attacks Graham. Rodz grabs Graham and rams him head first into the turnbuckle. Rodz attacking Graham with shots to the head and Graham trying to fight back. Graham comes back with a scoop slam to Rodz. Rodz complaining about a closed fist to the referee. They lock up again and Rodz gets Graham in a corner and headbutts him. Another headbutt knocks Graham down. Graham with a single leg takedown into a leg lock. Rodz with a rake to the face to get out of the move. He yanks Graham down by the hair and drops a knee on Graham. Rodz gets Graham up and delivers a knee to the face of Graham. He then attacks and chops Graham's back. Rodz with a snap mare. Rodz drops a knee on Graham. Rodz picks Graham up and delivers a headbutt to Graham. Rodz with a headlock and Graham counters with a fireman carry takedown. Rodz with a right hand as they get back up. Rodz with a hip lock into a front face lock. Graham with a sit out. They lock up and go back to a corner. Break clean and they lock up again in the center of the ring. Graham with a wrist lock. Rodz comes back with a shot to the stomach. Then a series of right hand punches to Graham's face. A series of punches and forearms to Graham, who doesn't fall down. Rodz with an eye rake. Rodz with a scoop slam to Graham. He then kicks Graham in the head. He chokes Graham on the ropes for a three count and then snaps Graham back. He then goes back to choking Graham on the ropes and delivering a forearm to the back. Graham coming back as they exchange blows and Graham with a scoop slam, but Rodz kicks out before the referee gets down to count. Rodz grabs an ankle and is trying to get Graham down. Rodz appears to be biting Graham on the leg. He keeps breaking when the referee counts, but then goes right back to it. They get back to their feet and Rodz biting Graham's arm. Rodz drapes Graham's arm over the top turnbuckle. He wraps it around the rope and pulls the arm. Rodz with a forearm and then they battle for position on the mat. They get back to the ropes with neither man getting the advantage. They get back to their feet and lock up again. Rodz with a strike to the face and a headbutt. Back to the corner and Rodz with a series of right hand punches to Graham. He then headbutts Graham again. Rodz with a corner whip and follows it up with a knee to Graham. Another corner whip, but Graham moves when Rodz comes in with the knee. Graham gets a figure four on. Rodz tries to fight it, but eventually gives up. The crowd cheers and the referee assists Rodz with getting out of the hold.
-Hulk Hogan with Fred Blassie vs. Ted DiBiase: Hogan's MSG debut and of course before DiBiase was the multi million dollar man in Hulk Hogan vernacular. DiBiase is also clean shaven here. Vince McMahon calls Hogan a big monster on commentary. The referee checks both men and tries to get Blassie out of the ring. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. Hogan pushes DiBiase back to a corner. They circle each other again. DiBiase with a waist lock. Into a full nelson. Hogan powering out of the full nelson and breaks it. They circle each other again. Test of strength and Hogan pushes DiBiase off into a corner. Slow paced match. They circle each other again. They lock up. Hogan with a waist lock takedown. DiBiase with a sit out to get out of the move. Hogan is livid and rushes DiBiase, who arm drags Hogan twice. The crowd cheers and Hogan rolls to the outside to regroup. Hogan holding his back and complaining that DiBiase pulled his tights. He gets back in the ring and the crowd is booing him. Hogan again telling the referee that DiBiase pulled his tights. They lock up again. DiBiase with a side headlock. Hogan trying to push off, but DiBiase won't let go of the hold. Hogan finally does push off, comes back, and Hogan with a shoulder block. DiBiase tries it again and Hogan pushes him out of the ring and he falls on the floor. Hogan posing in the ring while the referee counts. DiBiase struggling to get back to the ring and finally gets up on the apron. Hogan with a knee to DiBiase to knock him off the apron. Hogan taunting and kissing his left bicep. DiBiase again gets up on the apron and knocked off by Hogan. Again Hogan taunting the crowd and I wouldn't be upset if he stuffed that whistle down the throat of whomever is blowing it. But I digress. DiBiase gets back up on the apron and the referee is keeping Hogan back. Hogan suplexes DiBiase into the ring. Hogan with a leg drop. Since the power of Hulkamania wasn't a thing yet, Hogan only gets a two count. Hogan can't believe it. Hogan with a scoop slam. He drops an elbow on DiBiase. Another two count. Hogan picks DiBiase up, elbows him in the back again, and Irish whips him. Hogan with a back elbow. Hogan with a headlock and DiBiase struggling to get out of it. The bell rings, but the referee is waving it off. DiBiase raises his arms and the crowd comes to life. He gets to his knees and then to his feet. Hogan forces him back down to the mat. Hogan wants the referee to check DiBiase again. DiBiase's hand does not fall down the third time. DiBiase gets back to his feet and struggles over and drops down to run Hogan's head into the turnbuckle. The crowd cheers, but DiBiase falls back to the mat exhausted. Hogan misses an elbow drop. DiBiase with a series of head and body shots as the fans are getting into the match. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a dropkick to Hogan. Then another dropkick to Hogan. DiBiase with a corner whip and drives his shoulder into Hogan's midsection. DiBiase with another corner whip, but Hogan moves and DiBiase hits the corner post and falls to the apron. He is lying there motionless. Hogan comes over and grabs DiBiase by the hair. Hogan with a backbreaker. He picks DiBiase up in a bear hug. The bell rings and the crowd boos Hogan winning. Howard Finkel announces Hulk Hogan the winner to a chorus of boos.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship return Texas Death Match. Bob Backlund with Arnold Skaaland vs. Bobby Duncum with Lou Albano: Backlund gets a good reaction coming out. Vince McMahon calls Arnold Skaaland perhaps the most successful manager in wrestling because he managed Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund for so long probably. Howard Finkel announces WWF President Hishashi Shinma who has the WWF Title and holds it up high. He then shows the title to Duncum and then Backlund. Shinma gets out of the ring and the bell rings. Finkel announces the match, the managers, and the participants. Albano trying to rile the crowd up with his antics. The referee checks both competitors. They slowly circle each other. They finally lock up. Backlund throws Duncum up against the ropes. They lock up again. Backlund throws Duncum into the corner. Duncum comes firing out of the corner, but Backlund doesn't back down. Duncum complains to the referee that Backlund pulled his hair. They lock up. Drive to the ropes. Duncum with a body shot. Backlund with a right hand. Duncum lunges at Backlund, who ducks and takes Duncum down with a single leg takedown. Duncum tries it again and again Backlund with the single leg. Duncum back up and another lock up and drive back to the ropes. Backlund backs Duncum off. Another lock up and Backlund with a side headlock. Drives back to the ropes and Duncum with a knee to the stomach. Duncum with a forearm shot and Backlund comes back with one of his own. Backlund with a knee lift and a double ear stomp with Duncum between Backlund's legs. They back away from each other. They lock up. Backlund with a side headlock. Duncum trying to break the hold. Duncum goes to push Backlund off, but Backlund keeps the hold on. Duncum goes down to his knees still in the hold. Backlund intensifies the hold. Duncum again tries to push off, but Backlund again keeps the hold on. Duncum now on the mat still in the hold. Duncum gets back to his knees. Duncum gets to and through the ropes, but Backlund drags him back through the ropes to the inside. The referee asking Duncum if he wants to give up. Backlund cranks the hold on. Duncum gets back to his feet. Duncum pushes off. Backlund comes back with a shoulder block. Backlund with a dropkick. He follows that up with a side headlock takeover. Gets a one count. Then a two count. Duncum gets back to his knees. Then to his feet. He drives Backlund to the ropes and drives a knee into his midsection. Duncum with a side headlock and Backlund pushes off. Duncum with a shoulder block. Duncum off the ropes. Backlund waiting for him and hits Duncum with a scoop slam. Backlund with a dropkick. Backlund with a side headlock takeover. Gets a two count. Duncum, still in the hold, gets back to his feet. Duncum pushes off. He hits Backlund with a back elbow, and both men go down. Both back up and Backlund with a forearm to Duncum. It knocks Duncum to the ground. Backlund with a side headlock takeover. He gets a two count. Duncum reaches over and forces Backlund over into a pinning predicament for a two count. Backlund back over and Duncum with another twist for another two count. Duncum gets to his feet while still in the hold. Backlund cranking on the hold. Backlund forces Duncum down with a shot from Backlund's knee and Duncum falls to the mat. Backlund with a leg drop. He gets a one count. Backlund goes back to the side headlock. Duncum with a knee lift to Backlund. Duncum throws Backlund into a turnbuckle. Duncum with a headlock and a right hand to Backlund to knock him back down to the mat. Duncum choking Backlund down on the mat. He stops for a minute, then goes back to choking Backlund. Backlund trying to find a counter. Backlund fighting it, but starting to fade. Duncum drives a knee into Backlund and gets a two count. Backlund with a backdrop to get out of the hold. Both wrestlers back to their feet. Backlund reverses a corner whip and monkey flips Duncum out of the corner. Backlund follows it up with a forearm smash and corner whips Duncum again. He goes to monkey flip Duncum again, but Duncum holds on to the ropes and Backlund goes flying back and hits his head. Duncum gets a two count. Duncum with a side headlock. Backlund lifts Duncum up and hits a back suplex. He gets a two count. Then another two count. Backlund with a piledriver to Duncum. Backlund gets a two count. Backlund with an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Duncum comes back with a kick to the face. Duncum hits a backbreaker on Backlund. He gets a two count. Duncum goes for a scoop slam, but Backlund slips behind Duncum. Backlund with a roll up for a two count. Duncum picks Backlund up and bulldogs him to the mat. He gets a two count. Duncum drops a knee on Backlund. Gets a one count. Duncum picks Backlund up and hits another bulldog. Gets another two count. Duncum with a knee to the face. He then throws Backlund outside. Backlund sitting on the floor and appearing dazed. Backlund leans up against the apron and Duncum kicks him in the face. Then another kick to the face. Backlund gets up on the apron and Duncum runs him head first into the ring post and Backlund goes flying out onto the floor and over the barricade. Backlund on the floor and holding his back. Backlund comes back over the guardrail to ringside. Backlund gets up on the apron and Duncum comes over and punches him. He then kicks Backlund off of the apron and back to the floor. Backlund gets back on the apron and hits Duncum with a shoulder block as he comes over. Backlund sunset flips Duncum and gets a two count. Duncum with a kick and a corner whip. Backlund jumps over a Duncum charge and gets a sunset flip on Duncum to get the pin. The crowd goes crazy for Backlund. He lifts the WWF Championship up high. He gets on the mic and says Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He then says I love all of you, thank you.
-Japanese Heavyweight Championship. Antonio Inoki vs. The Great Hussein: Hussein is the future Iron Sheik. He says I don't like American wrestlers on the mic. He says some other things, but doesn't talk directly into the mic so it isn't really heard. He then attacks Inoki. He runs him head first into the turnbuckle and then hits him with a right hand. He then chops him a couple of times in the throat. The bell finally rings as Hussein hits Inoki with a forearm to the back. Inoki comes back with a kick to the stomach and a series of right hands to the face. Inoki with a scoop slam. Inoki chokes Hussein on the top rope and then chokes him with Hussein's own headdress. He then tears the headdress before going back to choking Hussein with it. The referee gets it away from Inoki. Inoki grabs the headdress back and rips it again. He picks Hussein up, puts him in the corner, puts the headdress around his neck, and tosses him out of the corner. Inoki ripping the headdress to shreds. He then throws it out to the crowd. He comes over to Hussein, who kicks Inoki in the stomach. Hussein with a side headlock. Inoki pushes off. Hussein comes back with a shoulder block. Inoki hip tossed Hussein off the ropes. Inoki with a series of arm drags into an arm bar on Hussein. Hussein gets up to his knees and then to his feet. Hussein pushes off. They criss cross and Inoki then hits a hip lock. Then another arm drag to Hussein and back to the arm bar. Hussein again gets back to his knees and then to his feet. Hussein pushes off. Hussein with a scoop slam. Hussein off the ropes, but misses a elbow drop. Hussein goes up for a headscissors, but Inoki catches his legs and gets a leg lock on. Hussein gets up, runs Inoki into a turnbuckle, then delivers a thrust to Inoki's throat. Hussein with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count. Hussein with a snap mare into a headlock. The referee is warning him that it's turning into a choke as an Iran sucks chant goes out. Inoki trying to get back to his feet. He does and breaks the hold. Hussein gets Inoki back down into a headlock. Inoki gets to one knee. Inoki trying to power his way out of the hold. He flips Hussein over and then hits a dropkick. They trade shots and then Inoki with severe kicks to Hussein. He knocks Hussein down and gets a one count. Hussein with a face rake. Hussein with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He gets a two count. Hussein with an abdominal stretch. Inoki works around and reverses the hold. Hussein grabs a handful of hair to get out of the hold. Double count going, but both get up on the three count. Hussein with a side headlock. Inoki pushes off. They collide in the middle of the ring and both men down. Another double count going. Hussein up and gets a suplex on Inoki. Gets a two count. Hussein tries for another suplex and Inoki with a reversal. Inoki drops a leg on Hussein and Hulk Hogan is very concerned in the back that Bob Backlund and now Antonio Inoki have used his hold. He gets a two count. Hussein with a gut wrench suplex. Gets a two count. Hussein with a chop. Hussein with an Irish whip and a backdrop that Inoki turns into a sunset flip. He gets a two count, but Hussein kicks out. Inoki turns it around into a version of the Scorpion Death lock. He is cranking into it and Hussein is fighting the pain. He then lifts Hussein up into a bow and arrow, but Hussein breaks the hold. While the referee is checking on Inoki, Hussein loads the boot up. He grabs Inoki, takes him over to the corner, puts his boot on the turnbuckle, and goes to drive Inoki into it, but Inoki blocks it and gets Hussein in a single leg takedown and works on getting the boot off. Hussein kicks off with the other boot. Inoki with another single leg takedown and goes back to working on the boot. The crowd comes to life for this and Inoki gets the boot off and holds it up to the roar of the crowd. Hussein loads the other boot up and kicks Inoki in the stomach with it. Hussein picks his other boot up and grabs Inoki and brings him over to the turnbuckle and runs Inoki into the boot. He then rams Inoki's forehead into the boot. The referee checks on Inoki who is bleeding. Hussein hits Inoki with the boot again. The referee goes over to Hussein to admonish him and take the boot away, allowing Inoki to hit Hussein with an enziguri to get the pin. Hussein gets the boot away from the ref, knocks the ref out, and attacks Inoki with it. He then attacks another referee who comes in to stop him. Hussein then leaves to a chorus of boos.
-NWA World's Heavyweight Championship Match. Harley Race vs. Dusty Rhodes: The referee checks both men. Rhodes taunting Race and getting the crowd fired up. They start to circle each other and Rhodes bobbing and weaving. The referee had not finished checking them so he does that. The bell rings and they circle each other and Rhodes stalking Race and being very aggressive. Race backs to a corner. They lock up and back to the ropes. Race with a left hand and Rhodes comes back with a series of lefts and rights. He then does a throat thrust and Race falls to the canvas. The crowd loves it and Rhodes points to the crowd. They lock up again and Race drives Rhodes back to the ropes and gets a side headlock on. Rhodes pushes off. Race comes back with a shoulder block. Race runs the ropes and Rhodes catches him in a backdrop. Rhodes drops an elbow. He gets a two count. Race saying that the referee is counting too fast. They lock up again and Rhodes with a side headlock. Race pushes back to the ropes and Rhodes breaks the hold. Race hits a shoulder block on Rhodes. Race goes for a suplex, but Rhodes slips behind and hits an atomic drop on Race. Race falls down and Rhodes hits another elbow drop. Rhodes goes for a cover, but Race has his feet on the ropes. Rhodes with a double stomp to Race. The referee admonishes Rhodes and keeps him away. Race back up. They lock up and Rhodes with a side headlock. Race pushes off. Race goes for a scoop slam and Rhodes falls on him. He gets a two count. Race back up and woozy, so he backs to a corner. They lock up again. Back to the ropes. Break and Race with a knee to the stomach of Rhodes. Rhodes falls to his knees. Rhodes back up and Race hits him with another knee to the stomach. Race goes for his falling headbutt move, but Rhodes moves. Rhodes drops another elbow. Rhodes with a front face lock to Race on the mat. Race struggling to get out of the hold, but won't give up. Rhodes cranking on the hold. Race gets up on his knees and then up to his feet. Race goes for a suplex, but Rhodes blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Rhodes misses an elbow drop when Race moves. Race then misses a headbutt. Rhodes gets a front face lock on the fallen Race. Race trying to roll over onto his back. Rhodes trying to roll him over as well trying to get him in a pinning predicament. Rhodes gets a two count. Race on his side trying to get out of the hold. Race gets back up and drives Rhodes to the corner. Rhodes breaks the hold. Race drives his shoulder into Rhodes. Then another one. Race with a stiff right hand to Rhodes. Rhodes reverses a corner whip. Race goes up and over the ropes to the outside. Rhodes goes out after Race. The referee stops Rhodes while he is still on the apron. Rhodes goes out and grabs Race. He drops an elbow on Race. Both wrestlers get back into the ring. Rhodes hits a delayed piledriver on Race. Another two count for Rhodes as Race gets his feet on the ropes. Race gets to his knees and Rhodes hits him with another elbow. Race drives his head into Rhodes' stomach. Rhodes doubles over and Race with another headbutt to the top of Rhodes' head. Rhodes falls to his knees. Race with another falling headbutt. Race stomps Rhodes in the head. Then a devastating knee drop. He gets a one count. Rhodes trying to start mounting a comeback. He gets back to his feet and hits Race with some moves. He winds up and hits Race with an elbow. Race falls back to the mat. Rhodes gets a two count. Race with another diving headbutt. Then another diving headbutt to Rhodes on the mat. Race with a suplex. He hits a headbutt from the second rope on Rhodes. He then drops the knee on Rhodes' head. Rhodes rolls out to the apron and Race comes over and rams Rhodes' head on the apron. Rhodes back up and he is bleeding. He gets back inside and Race punches him back to the apron. Race rams Rhodes head first into the corner post and he falls off of the apron out onto the floor. The referee counts. Rhodes gets back in the ring. Race attacks him in the corner with some left hands. Rhodes comes back with some elbows and a series of right hands. Then a knee lift by Rhodes to knock Race down. The referee is trying to take a look at Rhodes' head to check the cuts, but Rhodes gestures him away and keeps going after Race. Race with a side headlock. Rhodes pushes off. Rhodes with a double ax handle and both men are down. Race tries to get up and he stumbles out to the apron and falls down again. The referee goes out and checks Rhodes and signals for the bell. Race wins by referee stoppage and Rhodes trying to get back in the ring to keep going. Rhodes angry and a loud bullshit chant goes out. Race grabs the NWA title and hits Rhodes on the head with it. Rhodes gets up and kicks Race to the apron and out onto the floor. Rhodes leaves dejected and the crowd boos when Howard Finkel announces Race as the winner.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Pat Patterson vs. Dominic DeNucci: The referee checking both men. The bell rings and they are still taking their stuff off. They circle each other and lock up. Drive to the ropes and break. They lock up again and get back to the ropes and break again. They lock up again. DeNucci with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock on Patterson. Patterson gets to the ropes to break the hold. They lock up again. Patterson with a side headlock. DeNucci reverses into a wrist lock. Patterson reverses that into a hammerlock. DeNucci tries a roll out. Patterson blocks it. They get to a corner and then break. Patterson with a big right hand. They lock up again and back to the ropes. Patterson breaks and hits DeNucci with another right hand. DeNucci comes out after Patterson, who backs away to the ropes to avoid trying to get hit. Patterson goes outside on the apron. He then gets back in the ring. They lock up again. DeNucci with an arm drag. They both get back up. They lock back up and Patterson with a knee to the stomach. DeNucci goes towards the ropes and Patterson hits him with another shot to the ribs. DeNucci back in a corner and Patterson hitting him with a series of right hands. He then gets DeNucci in a front face lock. DeNucci threatens a low blow to Patterson, but doesn't do it. DeNucci lifts Patterson up and puts him on the top rope. DeNucci goes to hit Patterson, but takes too long and Patterson kicks him and comes off the rope with some punches. Patterson with a series of forearms to DeNucci. Then a knee to DeDucci's face. DeNucci back to a corner and Patterson moves in with a shot, but Patterson hits him with a headbutt. They lock up and drive to another corner. DeNucci with a right to Patterson. DeNucci with a corner whip and Patterson hits hard and falls to the mat. DeNucci grabs Patterson by the legs. He kicks him in the thigh and gets a spinning toe hold on. He hooks the leg down some and gets a two count. Patterson trying to fight through the pain. DeNucci with another two count and Patterson reaches up and grabs DeNucci's nose. He then punches DeNucci's nose as he gets back to his feet. Patterson then knees DeNucci in the face. He is kicking and punching DeNucci and running his knee into DeNucci's back. DeNucci firing up. He punches Patterson in the midsection, then makes it back to his feet and goes after Patterson. DeNucci with a punch to Patterson and then an Irish whip by DeNucci and gets Patterson up in an airplane spin. He then drops Patterson to the canvas and gets a two count. DeNucci with a shot and a side headlock. DeNucci with another Irish whip and a roll up and gets another two count. DeNucci off of the ropes and goes for another roll up, but Patterson continues to roll through and gets the pin to retain the title. DeNucci unsure of what happened and can't believe that he has been pinned. Patterson leaves and the referee has to yell at him to stop so that he can give Patterson the Intercontinental title.
-WWF Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match. Tatsumi Fujinami vs. Johnny Rivera: The referee checks both men. The bell rings. They shake hands and circle each other. They lock up and shove off. They circle each other again and lock up again. Fujinami with a side headlock. Rivera pushes off. Fujinami comes back with a shoulder block. Fujinami comes off the ropes and Rivera catches him with a hip lock. Then Rivera off the ropes and Fujinami with a hip lock. Fujinami with an arm drag and Rivera with a headscissors and both men get back to their feet. The crowd applauds the exchange. They shake hands again and circle each other. They lock up and Fujinami with a waist lock. Rivera with a reversal. Fujinami with an arm lock. Rivera reverses Fujinami with an arm bar takedown. Fujinami with an arm bar. Rivera nips up back to his feet and arm drags Fujinami over. Gets a one count. Then another one count, but can't keep the shoulder down. Another one count and Fujinami reverses into a front face lock. Fujinami tries to hook his hands and shoves Rivera back into the ropes and they break. The crowd applauds again. They lock up and Rivera with a fireman's carry takeover and into an arm bar on Fujinami. Fujinami gets back to his feet and takes Rivera down with a leg, but Rivera holds on to the arm bar. Fujinami gets back to his feet again and does another takedown and Rivera again holds on to the arm bar. He gets a one count. Fujinami gets back to his feet and they drive to the ropes to break the hold. Clean break and another round of applause by the crowd. Another lock up and Fujinami with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Then scoops the legs and gets Rivera into a Bow and Arrow. Back into a Scorpion Death Lock. Rivera with a reversal and into an arm bar on Fujinami. Rivera into a front face lock on Fujinami. Into a backslide on Fujinami. Gets a two count, but Fujinami flips out of the move and gets Rivera into a front face lock and they get up in the ropes. They break. Another handshake between the two men. They circle each other again and go for a test of strength. Fujinami goes down to his back. He spins Rivera around into a sunset flip like pin and gets a one count. They circle each other again. They lock up and Fujinami with a takedown. Into a leg lock on Rivera. Fujinami then hyper extends the legs and goes to a front face lock. He then hooks the leg of Rivera and takes him over. Rivera with a headscissors. Rivera hooks the arm with his legs. Fujinami makes it back up to one leg. Rivera keeps the move on and drives Fujinami back down to the mat. Fujinami trying to stay off of his back and pounding the mat to fight through the pain. Rivera lifts up and does a takeover of Fujinami with his legs. Both men back to their feet and they lock up and do a test of strength. Rivera forces Fujinami down. Fujinami powers back to a vertical base. Rivera down and he powers back to a vertical base. Fujinami grabs a leg and gets a takedown. He gets a one count. Fujinami cranks on the hold and Rivera grabs Fujinami by the back of the neck. Fujinami with a step over working on the leg of Rivera. Rivera hooks the other leg and rolls over into a pinning predicament. He gets a one count. Then a two count, but Fujinami bridges out of the move. He spins Rivera over and gets a two count. Rivera with another counter into a two count. Gets another one count and Rivera trying to force Fujinami's shoulders down to the mat, but Fujinami fighting it. Rivera then gets the legs and spins around and gets another one count, but can't get the shoulders down for a three count. They circle each other again. They lock up and Rivera with a side headlock. Fujinami pushes off. Rivera comes back with a shoulder block. Rivera off the ropes. Fujinami with a leapfrog and a roll. Fujinami off the ropes and Rivera with a leapfrog. Fujinami cartwheels out of the way. Fujinami with a forearm and a European uppercut. Fujinami with a corner whip. Rivera comes back with a reverse crossbody off of the second rope. He gets a two count. Rivera with a suplex. Gets another two count. Rivera with a waist lock. Fujinami reverses into a waist lock of his own. He bridges into a German suplex to get the pin. Really good match. They shake hands and hug after the match.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. Ivan Putski and Tito Santana vs. Victor Rivera and Swede Hanson: Rivera and Putski start. The bell rings and they lock up. Test of strength. Putski pushes off. Putski with an arm drag. Then another arm drag. Another lock up and drive back to the corner. Hanson tagged in. Rivera hits Putski with a couple of shots before getting out. Hanson with a couple of shots and a side headlock takeover. Putski gets back to his feet. Hanson still has the side headlock on. Putski powering out of the hold. Putski with an elbow to the midsection to break the hold. Then Putski with a side headlock and a shot to Hanson's face. Hanson shaken up. They circle each other again. They lock up. Putski with a side headlock. Putski with a punch to the face to knock Hanson down. He then stomps Hanson on the mat. Putski with a side headlock and tags Santana in. He drives Hanson head first into the mat. He then repeatedly drives his head in. He gets a two count. Hanson back up and Santana with a side headlock. Hanson pushes off and hits Santana with a knee to the midsection. Rivera tagged in. He runs Santana into the corner turnbuckle. Rivera with punches to Santana's midsection while he is on the ropes. Rivera with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Rivera then stomps Santana. He then whips Santana into Hanson's boot. Hanson tagged in. He hits Santana with several chops. Santana comes back with a shot. They go back and forth. Hanson with a knee to the stomach. Rivera tagged back in. Rivera with a forearm. Santana comes back with a forearm of his own. They trade shots. Santana run into Hanson's knee. Hanson tagged back in. Hanson with a series of forearms to Santana's head. Then a knee to Santana who has gone down to his knees. Santana coming back with right hands to Hanson. Rivera tagged in. Rivera with a snap mare. He then stomps Santana. Rivera with an elbow to Santana's head. Santana trying to come back. Hanson tagged back in. Hanson with an Irish whip and a kick to Santana's midsection. Hanson drops a knee. Then another knee. Hanson runs Santana into Rivera's boot. Rivera tagged in. Rivera with a suplex. Gets a two count. Santana run into Hanson's knee. Hanson tagged in. Santana coming back with punches. He crawls through Hanson's legs and tags Putski in. He unloads on Hanson. He runs Hanson into Rivera who has come in and knocks Rivera out of the ring. Santana tagged in and Putski with an Irish whip. Putski hits the Polish Hammer and Santana hits a flying body press to get the pin. The crowd loves it.
-Vince McMahon shows a replay of the finish of the match and signs off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: In interesting look at this period in WWF history with Vince McMahon as a straight down the middle annoucer. Worth it for the Jr. Heavyweight match.

Episode 126 Notes Sat, 23 Apr 2022 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 49392930-d7b9-4218-8562-3a9e6cfeb98d My Notes for Episode 126: Elimination Chamber 2020. -I have hit a busy season in my life. Trying to get a lot done in a short amount of time.
-Project 45 continues and we have landed in 2020. What a year. We take a look at the 2020 Elimination Chamber from the WWE.
-WWE Elimination Chamber 2020 took place on PPV and on the WWE Network on March 8, 2020 from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA. There were 14,853 in attendance.
-This was the last big event before the pandemic.
-Pre show: The Viking Raiders defeated Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.
-WWE Intro.
-Elimination Chamber Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Elimination Chamber. He and Corey Graves are the Smackdown announcers for the evening.
-Daniel Bryan vs. Drew Gulak: Bryan comes down to a massive ovation from the crowd. They do the yes chant and point with him all the way down to the ring. Gulak comes out looking determined as they flashback to how the match came about this past Friday Night on Smackdown. Marcello Rodriguez and Carlos Cabrera from the Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Calvin Knie, Carsten Schaeffer, and Tim Haber from the German Announce Team are introduced next. The bell rings and they stare at each other from across the ring as a Daniel Bryan chant goes out. They lock up and Gulak with a fireman's carry takedown. They lock up again. Bryan with a wrist lock. Gulak reverses into a fireman's carry takedown. Gulak with a wrist lock. Into a side headlock. Bryan pushes off. Gulak comes back with a shoulder block. Bryan goes over to a corner to regroup. They lock up again. Bryan with a side headlock takeover. Into a headlock. Gulak spinning around trying to get out of the move. Reverses into a headscissors. Michael Cole just said that Gulak was from Philadelphia and pronounced it funny. Weird. Bryan keeps twisting and turning trying to get out of the hold. He gets out and gets a half crab on Gulak. Gulak turns around and kicks Bryan and grabs the leg trying to get a half crab of his own. Bryan kicks Gulak in the face trying to get him down to the mat. They are down on the ground with Bryan still in the hold kicking each other as a Daniel Bryan chant goes out. They roll over to the bottom rope and the official breaks the hold. I have concluded that Cole just says Philadelphia weirdly. Gulak telling Bryan to come on, but Bryan rolls to the outside to regroup. Bryan finally gets back in the ring. They start to lock up. Bryan gets a single leg takedown. He tries to get Gulak into a surfboard, but Gulak just powers out of the move. Gulak grabs a leg to go for a submission move. Gulak gets the surfboard on. Bryan gets out and attacks Gulak with kicks. They briefly lock up and then Bryan hits a kick to Gulak, who then grabs Bryan's leg. Gulak drives Bryan to the corner and starts hitting Bryan with shots and chops. Bryan reverses and hits Gulak with chops and kicks. Gulak catches the leg and takes Bryan over to the mat. Gulak with a leg lock and the referee is down checking on Bryan. Bryan powers up and over and gets Gulak in a side headlock. Gulak with a head scissors. Bryan raises his legs up so Gulak lifts his knees up and drops Bryan on his head. Bryan rolls away and is holding his head. Gulak gets Bryan in a position that looks like he is going for a Rude Awakening, but then lifts Bryan up by his neck. He then spins Bryan around and around and finally comes down with the neck breaker. He gets a two count. Gulak drives Bryan to a corner and hits him with a knee to the midsection. Into a wrist lock and then chops Bryan a couple of times and goes for a sleeper. Bryan blocks it several times. Gulak with some body shots. Another block by Bryan. Gulak with more body shots. Bryan then gets a suplex and they both spill to the outside. A double count going. They both get back in on the count of 8. Bryan with a front face lock by the corner. Gulak with a knee to the stomach to get out of the hold. Bryan gets a couple of kicks to Gulak's face. Bryan goes to the second rope and comes off, but Gulak catches him and gets a full nelson reversal and back Saito style suplexes Bryan hard. He gets a close two count. Bryan grabs his neck. Gulak gets a full nelson on. Bryan powers his way back to his feet. He flips down and rolls through to get a pinning predicament on Gulak for a two count. Bryan gets a full nelson. Gulak slips out and flips around. Bryan gets a dragon suplex for a two count and the crowd comes to life on that move. Gulak with a German suplex for a two count. Gulak keeps the waist lock on. Bryan gets a waist lock on. Gulak with a back elbow and a reversal. Gulak with another German suplex and Bryan lands hard on his neck. Gulak gets a two count. Bryan rolls out of the ring and collapses to the floor. Bryan being counted out. Bryan gets back into the ring just before the 10 count and Gulak immediately covers him. He gets a two count. Gulak with a corner chop and a whip. Bryan runs up the opposite corner and flips over the charging Gulak. Bryan running the ropes and hits a running elbow and both men are down. A Yes chant goes out. Bryan hits a couple of forearms and runs Gulak into a corner turnbuckle head first. Bryan with a series of Yes kicks to Gulak in the corner. Bryan puts Gulak on the turnbuckle and Gulak slips underneath and pushes Bryan, causing him to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle. Gulak with a top rope face buster and Gulak keeps the hold on after landing and is trying to go for the Gulock, the Dragon Sleeper. Gulak with elbows to the injured neck of Bryan. Gulak goes back to the Gulock and Bryan rolls through and counters into the Yes Lock. Gulak passes out from the pain and the referee has them ring the bell and Bryan wins. They show a replay of some of the big moves of the match. Bryan gets up on the turnbuckle and the crowd starts doing the Yes chant.
-Kayla Braxton interviews Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler about the Elimination Chamber and them coming in last. Roode says it's not if they win, but when they win. The other teams are going to wear each other out. Ziggler and he are going to enter the match last, pick up the pieces, and walk out the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions. And when that happens, it's going to be absolutely glorious. Kayla says good luck. Ziggler says they don't need luck, they know the whole world is going to be watching this match purely because of this talent. He says someone special will be watching of course. Shout out to his babe, Mandy Rose. But back to tonight, they will do what they do best, steal the whole show.
-United States Championship Match. Andrade with Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo: Tom Phillips, Jerry Lawler, and Byron Saxton take over for the Raw Match. They show Andrade taking Humberto out and then Humberto attacking Andrade to set up the match. The bell rings and Andrade hits an elbow and gets a two count. Andrade with a series of kicks. Andrade with a backdrop. He stomps Humberto by the ropes. Andrade with more kicks and forearms. Andrade with a corner whip, but Humberto moves on the charge in. Back and forth near the corner. Andrade with a forearm and goes to the ropes. When he comes back, Humberto hits a dropkick on Andrade. Humberto clotheslines Andrade to the outside. He bounces off of the barricade. Humberto follows Andrade out and chops him at ringside. He then throws Andrade back in the ring. He gets a one count. Andrade with a knee to the midsection. Andrade with a corner whip and Humberto comes back with a reverse crossbody. He gets a one count. Humberto with a waist lock. Andrade with some back elbows to try to get out of the move. Humberto switches to the side headlock and Andrade with more back elbows to try to get out of the move. He does and Andrade pushes off. Humberto with a springboard arm drag to send Andrade out to the floor. Humberto reaches through the ropes to grab Andrade. Andrade gets on the apron and guillotines Humberto on the top rope. Back in, Andrade hits a running dropkick. Andrade grabs Humberto by the arm and extends it over Andrade's shoulder, and hits Humberto with a back elbow. He then alternates driving the arm down on the shoulder with the back elbows. He then drives Humberto down to the mat and applies an arm bar. Humberto gets back to his feet and hits Andrade with some forearms trying to get out of the move. Andrade with an Irish whip. He drops his head too early and Humberto kicks him in the face. Humberto with an arm drag and Andrade comes back with a back elbow. Andrade then throws Humberto out of the ring. He then follows Humberto out and starts to pull up the protective mats along the floor. Humberto comes to attack him and Andrade with a kick to the face. Back and forth at ringside. Andrade picks Humberto up and runs him into the corner post. Andrade rolls to the inside to break the count. He comes back out and Irish whips Humberto into the barrier by the timekeeper's table. Humberto collapses and Andrade rolls inside the ring. Andrade with a running kick. Humberto gets back in the ring and Andrade gets him in an arm bar. He gets Humberto down and pulls back on the arm as Vega yells at Humberto that he better give up. Vega then tells Andrade to rip the arm off. Humberto makes it back to his feet and hits Andrade with kicks and forearms. Andrade responds with knees to the midsection. Andrade with a series of forearm shots to Humberto. Andrade then charges Humberto, who dumps him over the top rope to the outside. Vega tries to get Andrade to get back up as the referee is counting him out. Andrade gets back in on the count of 6. Humberto with a jaw breaker on Andrade. Andrade misses a clothesline attempt. Humberto with a Pele kick. Then Humberto with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Humberto with an enziguri to Andrade off the ropes. Humberto goes for a spinning move, but Andrade pushes him neck first into the corner buckle. Humberto dodges a running back elbow and hits a charging Andrade with a kick to the face. He backdrops Andrade to the apron. Andrade with a forearm to Humberto. Andrade goes to the top rope and Humberto hits him with an enziguri to the side of the head. Humberto goes up and tries for a superplex, but Andrade grabs the rope to block it. They are chopping each other up on the ropes. Humberto hits a hurricanrana off the top rope. He gets a close two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. He goes up for a moonsault, but Andrade moves, so Humberto lands on his feet and Andrade hip tosses him into the corner turnbuckle. Andrade then hits double knees in the corner to Humberto. He gets a close two count. Vega rips up a portion of the ringside mat. Andrade throws Humberto out onto the floor. Andrade goes for a double arm DDT, but Humberto reverses it into a back body drop. The referee is counting Andrade out as Humberto gets back into the ring and hits a running dive over the referee onto Andrade on the outside. Humberto throws Andrade back in. Humberto with a crossbody from the top rope onto Andrade, who rolls through and gets a two count on Humberto. Humberto with a roll up for a two count of his own. Humberto with a sunset flip for a two count. Andrade reverses for a two count. They both do counters for two counts. Andrade gets a roll up of the pin with a handful of tights. Humberto complains to the referee about the pin.
-Charly Caruso talks to AJ Styles about his upcoming no disqualification match against Aleister Black. AJ asks Charley if she feels as sorry for Aleister Black as he does. He says I mean let's think about this guy. He has no friends. He locks himself in a dark room. He listens to really sad music. Probably with some scented candles all around him. Probably watching old reruns which he enjoys too. He thinks the real question she wants to ask is are Gallows and Anderson going to join him at ringside? And the answer is yes they are. He says they wanted to buy tickets, but it was all sold out. So what are you going to do? He wishes that everyone had friends like him that they're just giving him their support. Charly asks him if Gallows and Anderson are going to be in his corner, is this even a fair match? He says Charly, it's me, AJ. The Phenomenal One. No, it's not going to be a fair match when anyone is in the ring with him. Listen, if anyone's going to get disqualified from this match, it's going to be him. Like, did he say that right? He then awkwardly leaves.
-WrestleMania ad. WrestleMania would look very different by the time they get there.
-Elimination Chamber match for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship. The Miz and John Morrison vs. The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston vs. The Usos Jey and Jimmy vs. Heavy Machinery Otis and Tucker vs. Lucha House Party Lince Dorado and Gran Matalik vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode: Miz and Morrison out first. They get locked in their pod. Roode and Ziggler come out next. They will come out last after winning a gauntlet match on Smackdown. Lucha House Party out next. Then Heavy Machinery comes out. Otis comes over and just stares at Ziggler because of the Mandy Rose situation. New Day out next and they are extremely over with the crowd. They are going to start the match with The Usos. Usos come out looking determined. The bell rings and they are just staring at each other. Usos talking smack and New Day attack them. Big E running his shoulder into Jey in the corner and Kingston Irish whips Jimmy. Jimmy comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth with leapfrogs and dropdowns and Kingston hits a back elbow on Jimmy. He gets a two count as Jey is now punching Big E in the corner. Jimmy reverses a corner whip and monkey flips Kingston out of the corner. Kingston lands on his feet. Kingston with a dropkick to Jimmy. Jey comes over and slaps Kingston down. Big E with a side headlock to Jey. Jey pushes off. Big E comes back with a shoulder block. Big E with a belly to belly suplex to Jey. Jimmy Hits a crossbody on Big E for a two count. Kingston makes a misstep on the top rope, but twists into a shoulder tackle to get a two count on Jimmy. Jey hits a super kick to Kingston and then punches him with an uppercut. Usos put Kingston on the top rope and slap him. Usos go for a double superplex to Kingston, but Big E breaks it up. He throws Jimmy to the outside and goes for a power bomb on Jey, but Jimmy pulls Jey to safety and the two teams are standing off against each other. The countdown starts. Lucha House Party comes out next. New Day rushed them and Lucha House Party hit stereo enziguris to them. Lucha House Party jump over the Usos and hit hurricanranas to New Day before hitting the Usos with super kicks. Lucha House Party then sent Big E and Kingston to the outside. Jey Uso corner whipped by Lucha House Party. Gran Metalik with an Enziguri to Jey and Lince Dorado hits a springboard Stunner to Jey. That was a cool move. Gran Metalik then uses Lince Dorado as a platform to splash Jey. Jimmy breaks up the pin attempt. Jimmy with a corner whip to Gran Metalik, who sprints up to the ropes and dropkicks Jimmy. Lince Dorado hits a moonsault on Jimmy from the bottom rope. Gran Metalik moonsaults Jimmy from the second rope. Lince Dorado then moonsaults Jimmy from the top rope. Lucha House Party double pin Jimmy, but Jey breaks up the count. Big E comes in and Lucha House Party double team him with chops. Double Irish whip by Lucha House Party, but Big E holds on to the ropes. Lince Dorado Irish whips Gran Metalik into Big E, who hip tosses Gran Metalik to the outside platform. Lince Dorado then launched to the outside as well. Big E then launches Kingston into Lucha House Party. Kingston throws Lucha House Party into the ring. Kingston slams both members of Lucha House Party down next to each other. Kingston launches himself for a leg drop on Lucha House Party, but they both move. Big E goes to drive his shoulder into Lince Dorado in the corner, but Lince Dorado moves and Big E goes shoulder first into the ring post. Jimmy Uso launches Lince Dorado into the structure and Lince Dorado just sticks there like Spider-Man. His leg had gone through. He then starts scaling the chamber. He gets on top of the pod that Lucha House Party were in and Jey tries to come up after him and Jimmy starts coming up too and Lince Dorado is trying to keep them both away with kicks. He kicks them off, but Kingston gets to the top of the pod. Gran Metalik then climbs the pod and Lucha House Party has Kingston in a sandwich with them as the bread. They beat Kingston off and he falls and hits the top of the pod with his jaw in what had to be a painful move. Lucha House Party then stomped on Kingston's hand to knock him off the pod. Lince Dorado then launches himself onto the Usos with a crossbody and Gran Metalik launches himself onto the New Day to take them out. All participants down as the clock starts again. Miz and Morrison are released. They throw everybody in the ring out onto the platform. Miz runs Big E into the structure while Morrison is kicking and punching Kingston. Miz then runs the Usos into the structure. Miz and Morrison then pick Lince Dorado up and slam him down. They then hit Lince Dorado with a running knee and a running boot to the face. They get a two count, but Gran Metalik breaks up the pin attempt. They put Gran Metalik in the tree of woe and Miz is kicking Gran Metalik. Miz kicks Gran Metalik with Yes kicks and Morrison hits him with a spinning enziguri. They hit a double DDT to Jimmy Uso, but Jey breaks up the pin attempt. They corner whip Jey. Miz corner whips Morrison into Jey, who backdrops Morrison, but Morrison lands on his feet. Jey then gets his feet up on a Miz charge. Jey slaps Morrison and hits Miz with a European uppercut. He tries again and Miz catches him in a backwards face lock and Morrison stomps on Jey from the top rope. He gets a two count. Morrison throws Lince Dorado back into the ring. Back and forth between the two. Morrison with a spinning power slam on Lince Dorado, but Gran Metalik breaks up the pin attempt. Morrison goes to corner whip Gran Metalik into Miz for Miz to backdrop, but Gran Metalik lands on his feet on the ropes and climbs up to the top of a pod. He then hurricanranas Morrison from the top of the pod. That was an awesome move. Gran Metalik goes to cover Morrison, but Miz breaks up the pin attempt. A this is awesome chant goes out. Kingston hits Miz with an elbow smash from the top rope. Kingston with a back elbow to Miz. Then a chop and a dropkick to Kingston. Kingston with a clothesline. Boom Drop to Miz. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise. Miz ducks. Morrison with an Enziguri. Miz with a pin attempt that Big E breaks up. Morrison punching and kicking Big E. Big E catches Morrison and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex. Miz kicking Big E. Big E grabs Miz for Kingston to hit a top rope knee drop. They cover, but Morrison breaks up the pin attempt. Countdown starts for Heavy Machinery to come in. An Otis chant starts. Otis and Tucker come in and clean house. They get the Usos up against the chamber structure and just squash them over and over. Usos collapse on the platform. Lince Dorado climbs to the top of a pod and Tucker with an Irish whip and a sidewalk slam to Gran Metalik and gets a two count. Big E comes in and hits a clothesline on Otis. Tucker then clotheslines Big E. Heavy Machinery with a double squash to Big E in the middle of the ring. Big E staggering but still standing. He finally falls down. Otis does the Caterpillar on Big E. Kingston breaks up the pin attempt. The Usos, Heavy Machinery, the New Day, and Miz and Morrison all fighting in the ring while Lince Dorado is shown climbing to the top of the structure. He dives onto everyone else in a really cool move. A holy shit chant goes out. Heavy Machinery does the Trash Compactor on Gran Metalik to eliminate the Lucha House Party. Everybody else is down as the countdown starts and Heavy Machinery is looking at Roode and Ziggler. They are begging the other teams to get up and attack Heavy Machinery. Ziggler and Roode try to keep the pod closed, while Heavy Machinery is trying to open them. Miz and Morrison come and attack Heavy Machinery. Ziggler and Roode finally come out and go after Heavy Machinery. Ziggler and Miz run Otis into the chain link structure. Ziggler screaming you wanted it so bad, Otis as an Otis chant goes out. Morrison corner whips Roode into Tucker, who hits Roode with a back elbow. Morrison rushes Tucker, who backdrops Morrison onto the outside platform. Ziggler keeps trying to scale the structure to get away from Otis, who keeps grabbing Ziggler. Ziggler gets on top of a pod and taunts Otis, not seeing Tucker climb up the other side. Tucker attacks Ziggler and runs him into the structure. He then throws Ziggler to Otis. Otis guillotines Ziggler on the top rope. Tucker dives onto the New Day and the Usos on the outside platform. Roode jumps Otis from behind after he goes after Ziggler again. Ziggler and Roode double teaming Otis and stomping him down. They point that they are going to run Otis into the structure. He blocks it and delivers back elbows to both Roode and Ziggler. Otis clotheslines Roode and then Ziggler. He hits Ziggler with a right hand and then grabs him by the hair. He picks Ziggler up and puts him on his shoulder, but Roode comes and pulls Ziggler off. Roode then kicks Otis in the stomach. He goes for the Glorious DDT, but Otis counters it into a backdrop. Otis rushes Ziggler, who moves out of the way and Otis plows through the pod to the outside. Another holy shit chant goes out. Tucker and some referees come over to check on Otis, who is still down. A this is awesome chant goes out. Tucker, angry at what happened to his partner, attacks Ziggler and Roode. Ziggler goes for the Famouser, but Tucker pushes off. He blocks a right hand by Roode and hits a right hand of his own. Ziggler hits a super kick on Tucker. Roode then hits the Glorious DDT to pin Tucker and Heavy Machinery has been eliminated. Ziggler and Roode taunting Otis as he is carried out. An asshole chant goes out. Kingston sneaks up on Ziggler and hits Trouble in Paradise on him. Big E picks up Roode and hits the Big Ending. The Usos then hit the splash on Ziggler and Roode from the top of the pods to eliminate them. The crowd chants the Na Na Na Goodbye song to Roode and Ziggler. The three remaining teams are all in the ring and staring at each other. Miz and Morrison back off as the New Day and the Usos stare at each other and then all four turn to Miz and Morrison. Both teams attack Miz and Morrison. They stomp them down. They are then both thrown out onto the platform. New Day and the Usos then attack each other and the Usos get Kingston in a Samoan drop. They get a two count. Big E hits a Uriagi on Jey, but gets hit with a Samoan drop from Jimmy. Jimmy gets a two count. Kingston and Jimmy battle on the ropes. Kingston with an enziguri and a headbutt. Jimmy goes for a superplex. Kingston blocks it at first and slams Jimmy down. Kingston climbs on top of a pod. Kingston jumps off, but Jimmy moves out of the way. Miz and Morrison come over and cover Kingston for the pin and New Day is eliminated. All four remaining competitors fighting in the center of the ring. Miz and Morrison both thrown out onto the platform and both land on their feet. They both try for springboards and both get super kicked by the Usos. Morrison covered for a two count. Usos go up top for the double splash. They hit the splash, but Miz gets his knees up and a double count is going, but both kick out at two. Miz gets a single leg takedown on Jey and goes for the figure four. Jey kicks Miz away and the Usos go for the double super kick, but Miz ducks and pushes Jimmy into Jey. Miz hits the SCF on Jimmy and gets a close two count. Miz gets the figure four on. Miz grabs the ropes which is legal and Morrison goes up top and hits Starship Pain. He gets a two count. Jey rolls Morrison up to break the count and gets a two count of his own. Jey then super kicks both Miz and Morrison. He gets a two count on Morrison. Miz by the ropes. Jey Irish whips Morrison into Miz, but Morrison leapfrogs as Miz goes through Jey's legs and hooks his legs as Morrison comes over with the roll up and Miz uses the ropes for leverage which is legal and Miz and Morrison get the pin to retain.
-Michael Cole and Corey Graves show a replay of some of the biggest moments of the match. The Usos are looking dejected as they leave the chamber and Miz and Morrison taunt them.
-WWE Network ad.
-Shayna Bazler looking determined as she gets ready backstage. Asuka looking to get hyped up in the back.
-Charly Caruso talks to Natalya. Charly first asks her how her friend Beth Phoenix is doing since being RKO'ed by Randy Orton on Raw this past Monday. Natalya says Beth is one of the strongest women that Natalya has ever known and she is going to pull through this, but Natalya can't say the same thing for Randy Orton when Edge gets his hands on him this Monday on Raw. She is so disgusted by the fact that Randy RKO'ed Beth, but not only that, Randy also questioned Beth's role as a mother. There is nothing that Edge and Beth take more pride in than being amazing parents. Beth and Edge are family to her and family is everything to her. That's why tonight when she enters the Elimination Chamber, she's going to unleash her legacy, because she was born to do this. She then leaves.
-No Disqualification Match. AJ Styles with Gallows and Anderson vs. Aleister Black: The bell rings and they stare at each other from across the ring. They circle each other. Black wants to lock up. Styles gets to the ropes. They lock up again. Styles with a side headlock. Black goes to push off, but Styles keeps the hold on, driving Black to his knees. Black gets back to his feet and then pushes Styles off. Styles gets to the ropes and holds on. They circle each other again. Styles grabs a leg to try to get Black down. Black grabs the ropes and kicks Styles off with his other leg. They circle each other yet again, both men being wary here. Styles grabs a leg again. Black gets out and tries a roundhouse kick, but Styles ducks. Styles then grabs a leg to force Black down. Black with a series of elbows to Styles' head to get out of the hold. They circle each other again. Styles goes back to try to grab the leg again. Black spins around Styles and rolls him up. Styles spins through to avoid the cover. Black with a running kick to knock Styles down. Black gets Styles in the corner and hits a series of head and body shots. He attacks the leg with a series of brutal kicks. He then stomps the leg several times while Styles is on the ground. Black picks Styles up and hits a big European uppercut. Then a single leg pickup and a brutal kick to Styles' inside thigh. Gallows gets up on the apron. Black comes over and Gallows drops off the apron and backs away. When he comes back, Styles starts for a single leg takeover, but low blows Black halfway through the move since it is completely legal in this match. Black comes back with a roundhouse kick to knock Styles down. Anderson gets up on the apron but gets off when Black comes over. Black turns around and Styles with a chop block to Black. Black in the corner and Styles runs his shoulder into Black's injured leg. Styles then drapes the injured leg on the ropes and starts kicking it. Styles with a knee to the leg knocking Black off. Black rolling away as Styles tries to kick the leg again. Black grabs Styles, but Styles stomps down on the leg to get the hold released. Styles grabs the leg and pulls back on it. Black gets his other leg up and drives it into Styles to try to get out of the hold. He then kicks Styles in the face to try to release the hold. Styles rolls to the outside. He reaches under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. He comes in and hits Black's injured leg with it. He does it a second time. Black dodges a third shot and kicks Styles in the side of the head. Black grabs the kendo stick. Styles hits him with a dropkick and he drops the kendo stick. Black staggers back and falls outside the ring. Styles comes over and launches himself over the top rope onto Black, who hits a knee strike to Styles in midair. Black goes under the ring and comes out with a table. He sets the table up at ringside. He goes to grab Styles, who has a chair and hits Black with it. He hits Black in his injured leg and on the back with it. Styles tosses Black back in the ring. Styles then wedges the chair in one of the corners on the ropes. Styles grabs Black by his injured leg and pulls him back to the center of the ring. Black with a punch to Styles to get him to release the leg. They go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Styles goes to run Black into the set up chair. Black pushes off and hits Styles with a back elbow. Then another elbow. Styles hits a Pele kick to knock Black down. Styles drops a knee on the left leg of Black. He then does a running knee to Black. Then a series of punches and kicks to Black. Styles stops and yells that he's the wrestler of the decade and Black drives a shoulder into Styles' midsection. Styles tries to come back with a shot that Black blocks and hits Styles with a series of knees and a back elbow. Then a kick to Style's knee to knock him down. Then a knee strike to Styles' face to knock him to the mat. Styles gets to a corner. Black comes limping over and Styles gets the Calf Crusher on Black. Black screaming but trying to fight giving up. Black grabs the kendo stick and presses it into Styles' face. He gets out of the move and attacks Styles' leg with the kendo stick. Black swinging the kendo stick like a baseball bat hitting Styles in the knee and the back. He keeps swinging the stick and hitting Styles in the chest. The stick is splintering as Styles falls to the floor. He goes to hit Styles again, but Styles kicks the knee of Black to stop him. Styles with a Pele kick to knock Black down. Both men down on the mat. Styles gets to his feet and Anderson points to the table. Styles picks Black up and sets him up for a power bomb, but Black rolls through and throws Styles out over the top rope. Styles holds on to the ropes and gets up on the apron. Black comes over and hits Styles with some forearms. Styles kicks Black through the ropes to drive Black to one knee. Styles hits Black with a flying forearm from over the top rope. He gets a two count. Styles hits a brain buster on Black. He gets another two count. Black looking dazed on the mat. Referee checking on Black. Styles wedges the chair back through the ropes. Styles comes over to Black. He lifts Black up and runs his knee into Black's midsection. Styles goes up top, but takes too long and Black runs and hits Styles with a running knee on the top rope. Styles falls to the apron. Black struggles back to his feet. Black comes over and hits Styles with some forearm strikes. Black ducks a shot from Styles and hits him with some more strikes. He kicks Styles in the leg and then sweeps the leg to knock Styles down. Then a running knee to Styles' face. Black hits a moonsault off the middle rope onto Styles. He gets a two count. Black fighting through the pain. He goes to a corner. He stomps his leg to try to fight through the pain. Black with a snap German suplex for a two count. Black with a kick to Styles' head to knock him down again. Then a knee to Styles to knock him back down when he tries to get up. Black is still hurting though. Black goes for another knee to Styles, who catches Black and hits a shoulder breaker. Both men down in the ring. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Black counters it into a backdrop. Styles holds on to get Black down. Black rolls through. He kicks Styles in the face. Black goes for another moonsault from the second rope, but Styles catches him and goes for a piledriver, but Black rolls him up for a two count. Black with a knee to Styles. Black with a running kick to Styles to drive him into the set up chair. Styles down on the apron. He then falls to the floor. A we want tables chant goes out from the crowd. Black comes out and punches Styles by the German announce table. Styles grabs Black's knee and drives it into the announce table. Styles runs and drives Black up and over the announce table. Styles clears the desk and the German announcers have jumped over the barricade and are announcing the match in the crowd. Styles gets up on the desk and grabs Black. He goes to suplex Black off, but Black kicks and pushes Styles off and Styles guillotines himself on the edge of the announce table. Black then hits a meteora to Styles, driving him into and through the set up table at ringside. Black holding his left leg. Black throws Styles back into the ring. Black goes for the Black Mass, but Gallows comes in. Black ducks a shot from Gallows and hits him with a roundhouse kick. Anderson comes in and Black hits him with a running knee. Black then swarmed by all three members of the OC. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Black. They pick Black up and bring him over to Styles, who has gone to the apron to set up for the Phenomenal Forearm. The lights go out and The Undertaker's bong hits to a roar from the crowd. When the lights come back on, the Undertaker is in the ring holding Gallows and Anderson by the throat. Styles springboards off to hit Undertaker. Undertaker lets Gallows and Anderson go and catches Styles by the throat and choke slams him. He looks at Styles and the lights go out again. When they come back on, Black and Styles are in the ring. Black struggling to get back to his feet. He gets up and goes towards Styles who's also up and when he turns around, Black hits him with the Black Mass and gets the pin. Black goes to the top of the ramp and looks around, while Styles struggles to leave the ring.
-Flashback to what led to the Raw Tag Team Championship match.
-The Street Profits are shown in the back. Montez Ford says that Elimination Chamber has been taken into uncharted territory. The Undertaker is back claiming and taking souls. Angelo Dawkins says Yeah, and on Raw they got that tag title drip. Ford says everybody is focused on March Madness, but what they need to focus on is that the Street Profits are not just one and done. Dawkins says trust the process. Ford says because it's simple, the Street Profits are up and we want the smoke.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The Street Profits Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford vs. Seth Rollins and Murphy with The Authors of Pain Akam and Rezar: The bell rings and Rollins and Dawkins start. Rollins tries to drag Dawkins to the corner, but Dawkins breaks the hold. A we want the smoke chant goes out. Rollins with a waist lock. Dawkins breaks it. Rollins frustrated. Murphy tagged in. Dawkins with a waist lock. Murphy reverses it. Dawkins with a wrist lock. Murphy breaks that and gets a side headlock on. Dawkins pushes off. Double shoulder block. Murphy slaps Dawkins. Murphy runs the ropes. Dawkins with a drop down and leapfrogs to avoid getting hit. He hits a shoulder block to Murphy to knock him down. Dawkins with a wrist lock. Ford tagged in. He drops an elbow on Murphy from the second rope. Ford with an arm bar. Dawkins tagged back in. He drops a double ax handle on Murphy from the second rope. He puts Murphy in a wrist lock. Street Profits start another we want the smoke chant. Dawkins drives Murphy to the ground every time the crowd says smoke. Ford tagged back in. Street Profits tagging in and out to perfection. Ford drops down on Murphy's arm from the top rope. Ford with a wrist lock. Murphy comes back with a forearm shot. He throws Ford into the turnbuckle and Rollins tagged in. Rollins stomping Ford down in the corner. He then drives him head first into another turnbuckle He chops Ford in the corner. He then chokes Ford on the rope while having his knee in Ford's back for a four count. Rollins with a corner whip, but Ford jumps up to avoid the charge. Rollins runs the ropes and Ford with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid him. Ford with a couple of leapfrogs and an arm bar on Rollins Into a wrist lock and Rollins punches Ford to break the hold. Murphy tagged in. Ford arm drags Murphy as soon as he gets in the ring. Into an arm bar and Murphy trying to get out of the hold. Murphy with an arm drag to get out of the hold. Ford with another arm drag back into an arm bar. Ford with a wrist lock. Dawkins tagged in. Ford with an Irish whip and Dawkins hits Murphy with a dropkick. Double hip toss by the Street Profits. Rollins comes in and also gets double hip tossed. Rollins and Murphy on the outside. They get up on the apron and the Street Profits hit a double dropkick to knock them back down to the floor. Dawkins goes out and throws Murphy back in the ring. Murphy rolls out to try to get away and Dawkins follows. Murphy gets back in the ring, tagging Rollins as he does and Dawkins didn't notice it, allowing Rollins to clip Dawkin's knee from behind. Rollins with a neck breaker that takes the headband off of Dawkins and Rollins throws it at him. Rollins drives his knee into Dawkins' leg. He then slaps Dawkins in the head while he is down. Rollins says you want the smoke, Dawkins? He gets Dawkins in a front face lock and drives him into the corner. He wraps Dawkins' leg around the ropes and pulls it for a three count. He tags Murphy in, who starts kicking that same leg of Dawkins. Dawkins falls into the ring. Murphy puts Dawkin's leg on the bottom rope and drops down on it. He then does it again. Rollins says show them how it's done, Murph as Murphy sets up to do it again, but as Murphy goes to jump up, Dawkins gets his foot up and pushes Murphy over the top rope to the outside. Dawkins makes the tag and Ford hits a crossbody on Murphy. He then hits Rollins with a forearm to knock him off of the apron. Murphy with a backdrop. Ford tries to land on his feet but slips. He gets to the corner. Murphy tries for a splash, but Ford moves. Ford then jumps over Murphy and comes back with a flying forearm to Murphy. Ford spins out of a move and hits a DDT on Murphy. Ford ducks a clothesline attempt and throws Rollins to the outside. Ford with a standing moonsault to Murphy for a two count. Murphy rolls to the outside to regroup and Ford runs and flips over the top rope to take both out. Ford throws Murphy back in. Rollins distracts the referee as Ford is trying to get back in, allowing the Authors of Pain a chance to attack Ford. They throw him hard into the barricade. Rollins congratulates the AOP when the Viking Raiders appear and Rollins sends the AOP after them. The two teams fight in the aisle. They brawl to the back as Rollins throws Ford back into the ring. Rollins gets back in and Ford covers him for a two count. Rollins with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Rollins with a headlock. He gets Ford down on the mat. Ford gets to his feet and pushes to try to get to Dawkins to tag. Rollins hits a Falcon Arrow and gets a two count. Rollins with a wrist lock and tags Murphy in. Murphy with forearms to Ford in the corner. He puts his knee in Ford's back and gets a chin lock. Ford trying to get to his feet. He gets some elbows to Murphy's midsection to try to break the hold. Murphy with a forearm to the back. Ford in the heels corner. Murphy goes to charge Ford, who gets his boot up to hit Murphy in the face. Ford with a back elbow to Rollins to get out of the corner. Ford tries to dive to reach Dawkins, but gets caught by Murphy. Ford with a sunset flip. Murphy rolls through. Double knees by Murphy to Ford's face. He gets a two count. Rollins tagged in. Double corner whip to Ford. Rollins then whips Murphy into Ford, who backdrops Murphy out of the ring. Ford then flips over a charging Rollins. Ford tries to tag Dawkins, but Rollins catches him and tosses him backwards. Ford lands on his feet again and ducks a clothesline attempt to tag Dawkins in. He clotheslines both Rollins and Murphy and hits a back elbow on Murphy. He then dropkicks Murphy. He then dropkicks Rollins. Flapjack on Murphy. Then corner splashes to both Murphy and Rollins and finally a bulldog to Rollins. Ford tagged back in. He gets Rollins in a headlock and kicks off of Dawkins to drive Rollins head first into the mat. Gets a close two count. Dawkins tagged back in. He gets Rollins on his shoulders for Ford to drop down on, but Rollins slips out and Ford just jumps over Dawkins. Dawkins tagged in. Rollins with a Sling blade to Ford. Murphy tagged in. Murphy goes for the super kick and Dawkins catches his leg. Rollins with a super kick to Dawkins. Murphy with a high knee to Dawkin's face. Double super kick to Dawkins. Ford jumps off the top rope and he gets hit with a double super kick. Murphy gets a two count on Dawkins. Murphy asks Rollins what can he do? Murphy goes for the Pedigree. Dawkins reaches down and hooks Murphy's legs and slingshots Murphy into the corner. Rollins tags himself in. Dawkins jabs Rollins in the throat as he was jumping in and Dawkins tags Ford in. Ford with a frog splash from the top rope and Rollins gets his knees-up. Rollins rolls into a cover to Ford and gets a two count. Rollins goes for a stomp, but Ford pushes him away. Murphy tagged in. Rollins hits a forearm shiver on Ford. Rollins with a buckle bomb while Murphy kicks Ford in the face. Then Murphy with a driving knee to Ford. Pin attempt broken up by Dawkins. Rollins comes in and throws Dawkins out. Rollins then runs and dives onto Dawkins through the ropes, but Dawkins catches him. Dawkins then hits an overhead Belly to Belly suplex to Rollins on the outside. Ford backdrops Murphy onto the apron. Murphy with a kick to the face of Ford. Murphy goes up top. Ford hits a forearm to Murphy's midsection. Ford going up top. Ford goes for a superplex. Murphy hangs on and hits shots to Ford's back as the we want the smoke chant goes out again. Murphy pushes off and Dawkins tagged in. The Street Profits go for a double superplex, but Rollins slides in and slams both Street Profits down while they superplex Murphy. Everybody is down. Kevin Owens is shown coming down the staircase through the crowd eating some popcorn. He comes over the barricade and sits on the front of the SAT. Rollins turns around and sees him. Rollins comes over and Owens throws popcorn in his face. This distracts Rollins and Dawkins comes over and just plows into him to take him out. Street Profits then take Murphy and throw him into the barricade. They then throw Murphy inside and Dawkins hits him with the corner splash and Ford tagged in. Dawkins slams Murphy down and Ford goes up top and hits the frog splash to win. Rollins in the ring screaming at Murphy on the outside what happened to you? Owens gets in the ring and hits Rollins with the Stunner. Owens then grabs his popcorn and leaves, spilling some popcorn on Murphy on his way out.
-3 on 1 Handicapped Match for the Intercontinental Championship. Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro, Shinsake Nakamura, and Sami Zayn: Flashback to what led to the match. Strowman out first. They hit his music as Greg Hamilton was trying to announce the stipulations. Kayla Braxton interviews Zayn, Nakamura, and Cesaro. Zayn says his confidence is high. He says he has no reason to be anything but confidant. He knows what these bloodthirsty savages want here in Philadelphia. They want another Braun Strowman bash em smash em Monster Truck rally. Where he plows through everything on his way to victory. But he's sorry to inform Strowman and everyone else, that's not what's going to happen tonight. Do you realize that in months that they are going back and forth with Braun Strowman after months and months of brutality, that Braun Strowman has not gotten to him even once? Not even once. All he wants is for Sami Zayn to get these hands? Zayn mocking Strowman left and right. He hasn't been able to lay one little finger on Sami Zayn. Not one hair on his pretty little head has been harmed. This entire time. That is, until tonight. Tonight, all that changes. Because tonight, he goes toe to toe with Braun Strowman. He tells Cesaro and Nakamura not to worry. It is something that he has to do. He is going to look him dead in the eyes and he is going to go face to face with him. man to man and he asks Cesaro and Nakamura out of respect, please just hold their posts and stay on the apron and there's a chance that they might end up standing on the apron all night long. Because tonight he is going to make sure that justice is finally served. He is going to make sure that the Intercontinental Championship comes back where it belongs. Cesaro out first, then Nakamura, and Zayn last. The Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Indian, French, and Mandarin Announce Teams are introduced. Zayn starting off against Strowman. He is bobbing and weaving against Strowman until Strowman takes a step towards him, then he backs into the corner to keep Strowman away and tags Nakamura in. Strowman goes after Zayn, who drops down to the floor to avoid Strowman. Strowman and Nakamura lock up. Strowman pushes Nakamura down. Strowman then again goes towards Zayn, who again drops down to the floor. Nakamura with a waist lock. Into a side headlock. Strowman stands straight up lifting Nakamura off of the ground. Strowman pushes off. He misses two clothesline attempts and Nakamura hits a clothesline, but Strowman doesn't move at all. Strowman then hits a dropkick to Nakamura which flips him over. Strowman lifts Nakamura up and headbutts him. He runs Nakamura head first into a turnbuckle. He starts to go for Zayn's corner, then goes back and corner whips Nakamura. Nakamura hits the turnbuckle hard and falls to the mat. He picks Nakamura up and delivers another corner whip. He then hits a big corner splash on Nakamura. He acts like he's going to the opposite corner, but swerves and almost gets Zayn before he falls to the floor to get away. Nakamura with a running dropkick to the knee of Strowman and an enziguri. Cesaro tagged in. Cesaro with a running uppercut to Strowman and then starts choking Strowman on the second rope. He gets a three count and referee Charles Robinson pulls him away allowing Zayn to come up and slap Strowman. Zayn tags in and starts kicking and stomping Strowman on the mat. He chokes Strowman with his boot for a three count and then stops and the camera cuts are insane. I don't know how people watch this stuff. It would make me sick with nausea. Nakamura tagged in. Nakamura dropping knees on Strowman's leg and midsection as Strowman tries to make it to his feet. A series of knees and a forearm to Strowman's midsection. Nakamura gets Strowman's head on the second rope and chokes him with his boot as referee Charles Robinson counts. Strowman falls to the ground and Zayn tagged back in. Zayn with some right hands to Strowman and Strowman is lying face up in the corner and Zayn steps on him and pushes the full force of his body into Strowman for a four count. Cesaro tagged in. He comes over to Strowman, who hits Cesaro with a shot to the stomach. Cesaro with a running kick to the face of Strowman. He gets a one count. Zayn tagged in and he hits some jabs to Strowman. He hits Strowman with a right and Strowman is barely fazed and gets up and Zayn quickly tags Nakamura back in. Strowman picks Nakamura up. Nakamura slips behind Strowman to get on his back and puts a sleeper on. Strowman goes down to one knee then to a seated position. Robinson asking him if he wants to give up. Strowman fighting not to go out. Strowman starting to fade. Strowman gets back to his feet and belly to back suplexes Nakamura to break the hold. Nakamura's back is hurt. Cesaro tagged in. Strowman blocks a right hand and hits a right hand of his own. Strowman with two shoulder blocks. He throws Cesaro from one corner to another. Then back to the first corner. Cesaro bouncing all over the ring. Cesaro thrown into a corner, but gets his boot up on the charge. Nakamura tagged in. Cesaro picked up and dropped by Strowman. Nakamura tries to attack Strowman, who grabs Nakamura and delivers a brutal forearm across the chest to knock Nakamura down. The ring cleared. Zayn tries to attack Strowman from behind. Strowman slowly turns around. Zayn tries to retreat and Strowman is following him. Zayn runs from Strowman and Strowman following him around the ring. Strowman plows through Nakamura and Cesaro. Zayn goes under the ring and Strowman attempts to follow him and gets attacked by Nakamura and Cesaro. Zayn comes back out from under the ring and Strowman is driven into the ring steps shoulder first. He gets thrown back into the ring and Nakamura hits him with a running knee. He gets a two count. Cesaro tagged in. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but Strowman counters and gets Cesaro up on his shoulders. Strowman comes over and slaps Nakamura in the face. Zayn comes in, pulls Cesaro off of Strowman's shoulder, and runs out of the ring again. Strowman starts to run after Zayn, but changes his mind and charges Cesaro in the corner. Cesaro sidesteps him and runs Strowman shoulder first into the corner post. Cesaro then dropkicks Strowman from behind, driving his shoulder back into the post. Referee Charles Robinson pulls Cesaro off of Strowman, allowing Nakamura to deliver a brutal looking running knee to Strowman on the apron. Nakamura tagged in. Then Zayn tagged in. Nakamura and Cesaro suplex Strowman up for Zayn to hit a Hellava Kick. Zayn then pins Strowman to become the New Intercontinental Champion. Cesaro and Nakamura lift Zayn up on the ramp and Strowman in the ring saying I'm going to get my hands on you, you son of a bitch.
-Another WrestleMania ad.
-Raw replay of the confrontation between Drew McIntyre and Brock Lesnar. Then a rundown of some of the matches coming at WrestleMania.
-Elimination Chamber match to see who will earn a shot against Becky Lynch at WrestleMania. Shayna Baszler, Natalya, Liv Morgan, Asuka, Ruby Riott, and Sarah Logan are the participants. Feature on Women's Elimination Chamber Matches. Asuka out first with Kairi Sayn. They are the Women's Tag Team Champions. Sarah Logan out next. She headbutts Asuka's pod before getting into her own pod. Liv Morgan out next. She comes over and stares at Sarah Logan before getting in her own pod. Shayna Baszler out next. She goes to the other pods to stare at them before getting into her own pod. Ruby Riott out next. Natalya out last. She is the veteran in this match. She looks at each of the pods as Byron Saxton says that although the longest tenured veteran in the match, this is the first time she has competed in the chamber. The bell rings. Riott with a kick to Natalya's stomach. Natalya with a backdrop. Riott holds on and turns it into a sunset flip. She gets a one count. Riott with a forearm shot and runs Natalya into a turnbuckle. Then a series of forearms as the announcers talk about Riott trying to go for a quick elimination. Natalya pushes off. Riott with a corner charge. Natalya moves out of the way and Riott hits the turnbuckle chest first. Natalya dumps Riott out on the chamber floor. She then runs Riott into the structure. She asks Riott if she liked that before doing it again. She then rubs Riott's face up against the chain. She then suplexes Riott onto the chamber floor. Natalya then puts Riott into the Sharpshooter on the chamber floor. Riott powers out of it, running Natalya into Morgan's pod. Riott stomping on Natalya as Becky Lynch is shown watching the match in the back. Riott climbs up the structure and hits a reverse cannonball onto Natalya. They both roll back into the ring. Riott gets a two count. Riott then throws Natalya back out onto the structure floor. Riott then choking Natalya on the chain link with her boot. Riott drops Natalya hard onto the chamber floor. She then runs Natalya back into the chamber itself. She then chokes Natalya back up on the chain link with her boot again. Natalya slips under Riott's leg and gets Riott up on her shoulders. Riott trying to hold onto the chain link and punching Natalya as the same time. Natalya runs Riott into the chain as the timer counts down and Sarah Logan is released. She comes in and hits Natalya with double knees. She then runs Natalya into Morgan's pod. She keeps slamming Natalya into the pod while screaming look at me, Ruby, look at me. Riott starts climbing up the chamber and Logan asks her where she is going. Riott goes on top of Morgan's pod and Logan follows her. Riott kicking Logan while on top of the pod. Logan with a shot to knock Riott back so that she can get on top of the pod. Back and forth on top of the pod. Logan with a pop up headbutt on Riott. Riott knocked off of the pod and is just hanging on by a thread. Natalya trying to pull Riott off of the chamber. Logan kicking at Riott's hands. Natalya power bombs Riott off of the chain link onto the chamber floor. Both wrestlers down. Logan with a crossbody off of the pod to take out both Natalya and Riott. Logan and Riott get back inside the ring. Logan stomping Riott in a corner. She puts Riott on a turnbuckle and hits some forearms to her. She then attempts to superplex Riott and as she does, Natalya comes and power bombs Logan. Logan and Riott both down. Countdown starts and Shayna Baszler is chosen. She comes out and runs Natalya into a corner post shoulder first. She hits Logan with a Yokusuka driver and a rear naked choke and Logan taps. She hits Riott with a Yokusuka driver and a knee strike and a rear naked choke and Riott taps. Baszler comes over to Natalya in the corner. She throws Natalya into the empty pod and beats Natalya down on the floor of the pod. She then lifts Natalya up and sets her in the doorway and slams the pod door into Natalya repeatedly. She then puts Natalya in the clutch and Natalya taps. Asuka taunting Baszler from her pod. Baszler says what are you going to do about it? Baszler pacing back and forth waiting for the next pod to open. The countdown starts and Liv Morgan is next. Baszler meets Morgan at the pod door and slams her into the chain link. Morgan kicks Baszler to keep her away. She grabs Morgan's legs and runs her into the cage. She slams her by the legs into the cage several times and then into the pod in a wicked looking move. The referee comes over to check on Morgan. Morgan rolls into the ring. Baszler comes over to Asuka's pod and Asuka is screaming at her as Becky Lynch is still watching the match in the back. Baszler with a forearm and a clothesline to Morgan. Morgan goes over to a turnbuckle and lifts herself up. Baszler with a running knee to Morgan. Morgan falls out of the ring by Asuka's pod and Asuka is screaming at Baszler. Baszler brings Morgan over to Asuka and screams at Asuka to look at Morgan. Baszler gets on the top rope, grabs Morgan, and brings her up and puts the choke on Morgan. Morgan passes out and the referee waves Baszler off. Baszler breaks the hold while still staring at Asuka. Asuka continues to scream at Baszler, who calmly paces the ring. Lynch shown still watching in the back. The countdown finally starts and Asuka is released. She gets into the ring and Baszler is on the other side. They face each other and Asuka goes for a roundhouse kick that Baszler ducks. Baszler with a kick and she gets a piece of Asuka. Asuka with a hip attack. and Baszler is knocked down. Asuka with a series of knee strikes to Baszler. Then a back kick to Baszler. She tries for a running kick to Baszler, but Baszler catches her leg. Baszler with a single leg takedown and a series of knees to Asuka. Baszler with a double under hook to Asuka and lifts her up, but Asuka slips out and goes for a backslide. Baszler blocks, so Asuka with a headlock. She grabs Baszler by the hair and shakes her. She brings her back for the Asuka lock, but Baszler rolls through. Asuka with a go behind and gets the Asuka lock on. Baszler rolls under the ropes and out onto the platform. She gets to the chain link and pulls herself up. Asuka hanging on for dear life. Baszler drives Asuka back into the chain link. She slams Asuka into the chain over and over. Asuka rushes Baszler, who catches Asuka's arm and twists it around the top rope and puts her leg into Asuka's armpit and pulls. Asuka kicks Baszler, who lets go and Asuka falls down. Both back in the ring and Baszler going for the clutch. Asuka twists around into a pinning predicament on Baszler. Baszler trying to keep her other shoulder from going down. Baszler gets up and kicks Asuka. She works on Asuka's injured wrist with a wrist lock. She hits a Yokusaka driver to Asuka and then kicks her. She gets Asuka in the clutch and Asuka passes out. Baszler wins the Elimination Chamber. Baszler says even if they wanted to, they couldn't stop her as they replay what happened with her eliminating everyone. She then does her contractually obligated point at the WrestleMania sign as they sign off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: A fascinating look at a show taking place just before life changed forever.

Episode 125 Notes Sun, 17 Apr 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a6fee8bf-5389-4be5-b926-47b4613cd160 My Notes for Episode 125: NXT Takeover. -Back from vacation. Flying alone was interesting. The Admiral. I don’t want to go to New York. -Lunch with Nan. Getting Sick. Walking back to the terminal.
-This week, Project 45 lands us in the year 2014 with a look at NXT Takeover.
-2014 for me: My niece was born on the day that I predicted and my sister was livid.
-NXT Takeover was shown on the WWE Network on May 29, 2014 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. There were 400 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-A video of WWE Superstars and Champions over the years.
-Takeover Intro.
-Tom Phillips, William Regal, and Byron Saxton are your announcers for the evening and welcome us to Takeover.
-Adam Rose is shown leading the AR Experience Party into Full Sail.
-Camacho vs. Adam Rose: The bell rings. They circle each other. Rose ducks a clothesline attempt. They circle each other again. Camacho with a waist lock. Into a full nelson. Rose grinds backwards to get out of the hold. Rose ducks a clothesline and jumps up into Camacho's arms. Camacho pushes him off. Camacho hits a forearm to knock Rose down. He then stomps Rose down. Double under hook suplex by Camacho. He gets a two count. Camacho with a modified chin lock. The crowd gets behind Rose who is trying to get back to his feet. Rose with a takeover to get out of the hold. Camacho stomps Rose. He punches him. Camacho with a running kick. Gets a two count. Camacho with a series of forearms to Rose's chest. He goes back to the chin lock. The crowd starts chanting Party Time all the Time to get behind Rose. Camacho with a knee to the stomach and a forearm to Rose. Camacho taunts Rose and then delivers a leg drop to him. He gets a one count. Camacho with a headbutt. Camacho with an Irish whip and he drops his head too early and Rose kicks him in the face. Camacho misses a corner charge. Rose with a series of left hands to Camacho and then a big right hand to knock him down. Camacho holds on to an Irish whip attempt and kicks Rose in the stomach. Rose hits a spinebuster. Rose hits a corner back elbow and a back kick. He then hits a Bronco Buster and hits a Party Foul and gets the pin. The party then continues and the group come down and take Adam Rose away and you can see future WWE Superstars like Braun Strowman and Simon Gotch among the people.
-A look at Sami Zayn.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Ascension Konnor and Viktor vs. Kalisto and El Local: The Ascention attack their opponents as soon as the bell rings. They Irish whip their opponents, who come back with hurricanranas to even the score. The Ascension on the outside. Kalisto and El Local run to dive between the ropes and the Ascension hits them with European uppercuts to the head as they are diving through. Back in, Viktor and Kalisto start. Viktor with some stomps and a brief choke to Kalisto. He picks Kalisto up and throws him in the corner. He beats him down with forearms and tags Konnor in. Double takedown by the Ascension. Konnor with an elbow drop to Kalisto. Gets a two count. He lifts Kalisto up and Viktor with a shot to the ribs. Viktor in now. He continues to stomp Kalisto. He grabs Kalisto by the top of the mask and pulls for a four count. He chops Kalisto down. Gets another two count. He picks Kalisto up and Kalisto with a series of chops and a forearm to the back. He picks Kalisto up and puts him on the turnbuckle. He then hits a series of forearms to the back of Kalisto. Kalisto hung in the tree of woe. Konnor tagged back in. He kicks Kalisto several times. Viktor tagged in. He drives Kalisto down to the mat with a forearm to the chest. He gets a two count. Viktor with a headlock. Kalisto coming back with a series of elbows to try to break the move. Viktor with a forearm to the back and throws Kalisto to the outside. Konnor goes out and slams Kalisto to the outside. Konnor goes out and slams Kalisto into the ropes so hard that he bounces back and hits the barricade. He picks Kalisto up to do it again and Kalisto hooks his arms onto the ropes and kicks Konnor in the stomach. He then uses his legs to grab Viktor by the neck and run him into the apron. Kalisto then falls back inside the ring. Back in the ring, Konnor puts Kalisto on his shoulder and drives him into the corner. Viktor tagged back in and he chops Kalisto hard. Viktor with a corner charge, but Kalisto hits him with a back elbow. Kalisto hits a reverse hurricanrana. El Local tagged in. He hits Viktor in the head with a flying forearm and goes over and hits Konnor on the apron. El Local with a back elbow. He ducks a clothesline attempt by Viktor and hits a back elbow. El Local hits a springboard double ax handle on Viktor off the second rope. Viktor reverses a corner whip. El Local comes back with a Pele' kick to Viktor when he tries to charge in. El Local hits a second rope moonsault. Konnor breaks up the pin attempt. Kalisto comes in and rolls up Konnor and hits him with a wicked looking kick. Viktor throws Kalisto to the outside. Viktor ducks El Local coming off the top rope and hits an STO on El Local. Konnor tagged in and he and Viktor hit the Fallen Man on El Local and Konnor pins him.
-Sami Zayn is shown getting ready for his match.
-Tyler Breeze is then shown checking himself out in a mirror.
-A feature on Tyler Breeze.
-Number One Contenders Match. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze: The bell rings. A Sami chant goes out. They circle each other. They lock up and Breeze with a go behind. Zayn reverses into a wrist lock. Breeze reverses into a wrist lock of his own. Zayn reverses and gets Breeze down on the mat with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Breeze reverses into an arm bar of his own. Breeze pushes off. Zayn with a backwards leapfrog to avoid Breeze and then with an arm drag to Breeze. Several more arm drags to Breeze. Into an arm bar on Breeze. Breeze gets to his feet and drives Zayn into a corner. They grab each other by the hair and go back and forth. Zayn with a side headlock in the corner of the ring. Breeze with a series of shots to the stomach to get out of the move. Zayn with a forearm to the back. Zayn with an Irish whip and a dropkick to Breeze. Breeze reverses a corner whip. Zayn with a back elbow when Breeze charges him. Zayn goes to the second turnbuckle. Breeze grabs his boot and throws him to the outside. Zayn gets back into the ring on 7. Breeze runs Zayn into a ring post. Breeze stomping Zayn down in the corner. He then puts his boot on Zayn's throat up against the turnbuckle. Breeze pulls Zayn into the middle of the ring and drops knees on his chest and face. He gets a two count. Zayn in the corner and Breeze punching him. Breeze with a bulldog to Zayn in the corner. He gets a one count. Breeze with a series of elbows to Zayn's head. Breeze runs Zayn's face into the mat. He gets a two count. Breeze with a front face lock. Zayn trying to get back to his feet. Breeze pulls him back down. Zayn finally lifts Breeze up and pushes him off. Breeze misses a clothesline attempt. Breeze rushes Zayn, who pulls the rope down and Breeze goes crashing to the outside. Zayn on the apron and hits a split legged moonsault off the ropes onto Breeze. Zayn picks Breeze up and throws him back in as the crowd does an NXT chant. Zayn with a top rope crossbody to Breeze. He gets a two count. Breeze with a side headlock and some elbows to Zayn. Breeze tries to get away, but Zayn pulls him back and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. He gets a two count. The crowd is chanting one more time. Zayn goes up top. Zayn goes to jump off right as Breeze gets up, so Zayn flips off and charges Breeze, who hits him with a super kick. Breeze with a DDT and gets a two count. Zayn in the corner. Breeze pulls him out. He lands hard and Breeze gets a two count. Breeze attacking Zayn in the corner, but the referee makes him get away. Breeze tries to get Zayn out of the corner, but Zayn reverses into an exploder suplex into the corner. Double count going while a this is awesome chant goes out from the crowd. Back and forth with punches in the middle of the ring. A double reversal of a corner whip and Zayn stops himself before he runs into the referee, but Breeze rolls Zayn up from behind. He gets a close two count. Zayn goes for another Blue Thunder Bomb. There are a couple of reversals. Breeze gets to the ropes and shrugs Zayn off. Breeze hits a super kick. He gets another close two count. Both men down on the mat. Breeze with some punches to Zayn. Both are spent and are barely standing. Zayn slaps Breeze, who retaliates with a series of forearms to Zayn on the ropes until the referee forces him to back up. Breeze goes for an Irish whip, but Zayn hangs on to the ropes. He tries it again, but the same thing happens. Zayn goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze has hung on to him and hooked him and both are trying to battle for position. Zayn hits a modified Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze kicks out again. The NXT chant starts again. Zayn goes for a corner charge, but Breeze slips out of the ring. Zayn dives over the top rope onto Breeze. A holy shit chant goes out. Zayn throws Breeze back into the ring. Zayn goes for a kick to Breeze in the corner. Breeze gets his arms up and Zayn gets hit hard in the crotch. Breeze hits the Beauty Shot to Zayn and gets the pin. They show a replay of some of the big moments of the match.
-Preview of NXT Fallout and a special airing of Legends House after Takeover.
-Bret Hart shown in the back talking to Natalya and Tyson Kidd.
Preview of what is still to come at Takeover.
-Lana is introduced. She tells NXT to rise for the Super Athlete, Rusev. He gets in the ring and Lana says much like Russia has expanded her power across Europe to be the next superpower, so has Rusev expanded his power to Raw and Smackdown. And now he received and come back to NXT to receive adulation from all the peasants that he stepped on their heads to reach the top and now you will rise in respect and receive this great man. Much like Russia has received their great leader, Vladimir Putin. A picture of Putin appears on the screen and the crowd boos. Boy, is this timely looking at this? She then says NXT, rise for the Iron Fist of Russia, Rusev! Rusev says some things in Russian and then starts waving the flag again. Mojo Rawley comes out waving the US Flag. Rawley has a mic on the stage and he says hold on one second, Rusev. He says he's hearing a lot of hype right now about Russia, but right here, we're in the USA. In the USA, we don't get hyped, we stay hyped and he thinks right about now, it's time that someone came down to that ring and shove that flag right up your Putin. Rawley then rushes into the ring and Rusev hits him with a wicked looking kick. Rusev gets Rawley down and hits him with several devastating right hands. He rips Rawley's t shirt off. He then beats Rawley down. He then puts Rawley in the accolade. He then raises his arm to the crowd. He then throws Rawley out of the ring. Rawley out of the ring and Lana sends Rusev out after him. Rusev puts the accolade on Rawley again. Rawley screaming out in pain until Lana tells Rusev to let go. He then poses with his foot on the fallen Rawley. The announcers review what happened.
-Ric Flair and Charlotte are shown in the back.
-Flashback to how Charlotte and Natalya made it to the finals of the NXT Women's Championship Tournament.
-Comments from Charlotte, Natalya, Bret Hart, and Ric Flair about the match.
-Kris Kristofferson is shown in the crowd.
-Paige comes out with the Diva's Championship. Paige says it is great to be home at NXT and she knows this is going to sound cheesy and cliche, but she wants the thank each and every person in the crowd. She wants to thank each and every one because she wouldn't be where she is today without the fans and NXT and she wouldn't be the WWE Divas Champion. But talking about championships. She couldn't be prouder to be the first ever NXT Women's Champion. But tonight, they are going to be crowning a new champion and this new champion, she has to have strength, she has to have character, and she has to have grace. Because while holding the NXT Championship, she is holding the key to the future. Believe her, holding that can lead to this as she holds up the Diva's Championship. The crowd cheers. She says so thank you, thank you every single one of you and enjoy the rest of the show because it's going to be memorable. The crowd gives her a great reaction.
-Final for the NXT Women's Championship. Charlotte with Ric Flair vs. Natalya with Bret Hart: Natalya gets right in Charlotte's face. Charlotte Whoos Natalya. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and battle for position. Natalya with a takedown. She gets a one count. They circle each other again. Natalya with a go behind. Natalya with a takedown. Natalya with a front face lock. Charlotte with a reversal into a hammerlock. Natalya spins around to a sitting position. Natalya gets back to her feet. Natalya with a takeover. Into an arm bar. Let's go Charlotte/ Let's go Nattie dueling chants go out. Charlotte with a head scissors. Natalya kips up to get out of the hold. They lock up again and Natalya with a side headlock takeover. She keeps the side headlock on and Charlotte tries to twist around to get out of it. Natalya keeps the side headlock on. Charlotte twists around out of the move and throws Natalya off. They circle each other again. They lock up. Natalya reverses a go behind into a wrist lock. Charlotte reverses that into a wrist lock of her own. Into an arm bar. She gets Natalya down on the ground. Natalya reverses and takes Charlotte down with a leg lock. Charlotte punching Natalya's back trying to get out of the move. Charlotte gets a leg around Natalya to get out of the move. Charlotte catches Natalya's leg when Natalya goes for a kick. Natalya reverses into a modified Sharpshooter, but Charlotte reaches back and gets Natalya in a headlock. Natalya gets back to her feet. Natalya reverses into a headlock of her own. Into a front face lock. Natalya then Whoos at Ric Flair. Charlotte reverses into a front face lock. A lot of reversals in this match. Both back to their feet and Natalya with a wrist lock. Charlotte with an Irish whip. Both with drop downs and leapfrogs. Natalya with a roll up for a two count. Natalya with a leg scissors. Charlotte fighting to get out of the hold. She gets turned around and starts choking Natalya. Natalya gets a Cross Arm Breaker, but Charlotte scrambles away to the ropes. Charlotte smacks Natalya. Natalya slaps Charlotte back. Natalya with a waist lock go behind. Natalya with a roll up. Charlotte with a series of chops to knock Natalya down to the mat. Ric Flair then Whoos at Natalya. Back up, Natalya chops Charlotte. Charlotte reverses a corner whip, but a backwards leapfrog to avoid the charge. Natalya with a waist lock on Charlotte. Charlotte drives Natalya backwards into the turnbuckle to try to get out of the move. Then a series of back elbows to Natalya to break the hold. Natalya gets on Charlotte's back and gets a sleeper on. Charlotte hits a backpack Stunner to get out of the hold. Gets a couple of two counts. She then drives Natalya's head into the mat several times. Natalya in the corner and Charlotte pulls her out. She gets another two count. Charlotte with a rear chin lock into a head scissors. Figure four headlock. Charlotte turns the move over and slams Natalya's head into the mat several times. Natalya twists around so Charlotte flips her hard down on the mat. That gets another two count. Charlotte with an abdominal stretch. Natalya reverses the hold. Natalya then with a backslide. Charlotte slips out and dropkicks Natalya. Charlotte gets a two count. Charlotte with a corner charge, but Natalya moves. Natalya with a butterfly suplex and a clothesline. Natalya with a snap mare. Natalya with a running head stomp and a baseball slide dropkick. That gets a two count. Natalya with a corner whip and Charlotte flips over and lands on the apron. Natalya knocks her off of the apron to the floor with a forearm. Referee Charles Robinson keeps Natalya away so that he can start counting. Natalya goes out to the apron and Charlotte grabs Natalya's legs. Charlotte slings Natalya to the ground by her legs. Both wrestlers are getting counted. Charlotte throws Natalya back in and gets a two count. Ric Flair gets on Robinson for a slow count as Charlotte kicks Natalya. Charlotte goes up top for a moonsault, but Natalya moves out of the way as she goes to hit it. Both wrestlers down. A this is awesome chant goes out. Natalya with a spinning clothesline. She gets another two count. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Charlotte trying to make it to the ropes. Natalya pulls her back to the center of the ring. Charlotte flips around and gets a figure four on Natalya. Natalya rolls over, reversing the pressure for a moment, but Charlotte keeps rolling to get back in control and Natalya reaching for the ropes. Natalya reaching for Charlotte to slap her in the face and Charlotte is taunting Natalya. She can't get to the ropes one way so she starts trying to roll the other way. She reaches up and slaps Charlotte in the face. Charlotte then reaches over and slaps Natalya. Charlotte screaming at Natalya to give up. Charlotte then rolls over to the apron and then off to the floor with Natalya tangled up in the ring ropes still in the move. Charles Robinson goes out and breaks the hold. Both wrestlers collapsed on the floor. Charlotte clips Natalya and she falls knee first into the ringside steps. A double count going as Ric Flair checks on Charlotte and asks her if she is okay and she nods yes. Back in the ring, Charlotte grabs Natalya's legs and gives a Whoo. Charlotte puts the Sharpshooter on Natalya while locking eyes with Bret Hart, taunting him. Natalya trying to fight the pain and not tap. Natalya counters the move and tries to get Charlotte in the figure four, but Charlotte kicks her off. Charlotte then hits Natural Selection and pins Natalya to become the new NXT Women's Champion. Charlotte and Ric Flair kiss and hug in the ring as she gets the championship. She and Natalya then hug in the ring and Bret Hart and Ric Flair shake hands. Natalya then hugs Ric Flair and Bret Hart congratulates Charlotte. Natalya then raises Charlotte's hand and points at her as the crowd cheers. Ric Flair and Charlotte then celebrate some more and then leave.
-Adrian Neville is shown getting ready.
-A feature on Adrian Neville and his rivalry with Tyson Kidd.
-Christian and Cesaro are shown in the crowd.
-Natalya is shown wishing Tyson Kidd good luck in the back.
-Main Event. NXT Championship Match. Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd: Kidd out first looking determined. Neville out to a good ovation. William Regal calls Adrian Neville an absolute sensation. Neville gets in Kidd's face, but Kidd is all business. The bell rings. They just stand and stare at each other. They lock up and battle for position. They get to the corner and battle off to the opposite corner. They battle up against the ropes to a third corner. Neither man giving up. They finally break clean on the third corner. Kidd extends his hand. Neville shakes it. Kidd with a wrist lock into a side headlock takeover. Into the side headlock. Neville back up on his feet. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd goes back to the side headlock. Neville back to his feet again. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd with a wrist lock. Neville with a reversal. Kidd goes back to a takeover. Neville reverses into a head scissors. Kidd kips up out of it. They then stare at each other again. Kidd then pats Neville on the back. The crowd chants you got served to Neville. They lock up again. Kidd with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Neville fighting it. Neville trying to get out of the hold, but Kidd forcing him down. Neville fighting and gets back to his feet. Kidd goes back to a wrist lock. Neville spins out of the move and flips Kidd over. Kidd gets back to the ropes. Neville with an arm bar to Kidd. Kidd trying to get out of the hold by pushing Neville with his legs and by twisting away. Neville keeps the hold on. Kidd gets back to his feet. Neville with a suplex back into the arm bar. Kidd pulls himself and gets to the ropes. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd with a side headlock. Neville pushes off. Kidd comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Kidd with a baseball slide that Neville leapfrogs. Kidd with a monkey flip, but Neville lands on his feet. Neville with an arm drag. Kidd comes back with a dropkick of his own and they both try dropkicks at the same time. They both then kip up at the same time. They then trash talk each other. Kidd with a big forearm to knock Neville down. He then stomps Neville. Kidd with a corner whip to Neville, who hits the turnbuckle hard. Kidd then puts Neville in the tree of woe. He then picks Neville up by the hair and kicks him in the back. He then does it again. Kidd then goes over to the opposite corner and hits Neville with a running dropkick. Kidd with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a one count. Kidd goes back to the side headlock. Neville fighting to get out of the move. Kidd drives him back down to the ground after Neville tries to get up. Kidd screams to Neville that he needs this as William Regal is giving a play by play of what is happening to Neville and the agony that he is in and I have decided that we don't deserve William Regal. Kidd telling Neville to give up, but he won't. Neville gets back to his feet and hits Kidd in the kidneys trying to break the hold. He then punches Kidd in the stomach a couple of times and Kidd finally lets go. Kidd guillotines Neville on the top rope and then dropkicks Neville to the outside, but Neville lands on his feet. Kidd runs and dives through the ropes onto Neville. Kidd throws Neville back in the ring. He gets a two count. Kidd then drops a knee on Neville. Kidd with a headlock and into a sleeper. Neville trying to battle back to his feet. Kidd with a corner whip. Neville gets his boot up on the charge in. Neville running. Kidd misses a clothesline attempt. Both try for crossbodys and collide in the center of the ring. Double count going. Back and forth as both men back up in the ring. Neville with a forearm. Kidd with a spinning kick. Neville with a pair of forearms. Kidd keeps getting back up. Neville with a mule kick. A knee and another kick knocks Kidd down. Then a sliding dropkick to Kidd. Kidd rushes Neville, who catches Kidd and puts him in the tree of woe. Neville then kicks Kidd in the back a couple of times as payback to what Kidd had done. Neville then goes to the other corner and delivers a beautiful running dropkick to Kidd. An NXT chant goes out. Neville goes out to the apron and hits a flying forearm to the top rope. Gets a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Kidd with a kick to the face. Neville with a dropkick to knock Kidd out to the floor. Neville goes to run and dive onto Kidd on the outside, but Kidd gets on the apron and catches Neville with a kick to the side of the head. Kidd gets a two count. Kidd goes up top, but Neville jumps up and hits Kidd with a forearm. Neville then trying for a top rope superplex, but Kidd trying to fight him off with punches to the midsection. Kidd then drives Neville's head into the top turnbuckle. He then tries for a sunset flip from the top rope, but Neville keeps spinning and lands on his feet and Kidd can't believe it. Kidd goes for a hurricanrana, but Neville catches him and turns it into a power bomb for a two count. Neville with a kick to the ribs. Then another one. Kidd then reverses an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Neville kicks him in the face. Neville goes to run the ropes, but Kidd follows him and hits a modified side Russian leg sweep off of the second rope. Kidd gets a two count. A double count going. Kidd rolls out to the apron. He goes back to the top rope. He starts to jump. Neville gets his boots up, so Kidd lands on his feet and grabs Neville's legs. Kidd goes for a submission move, but Neville flips him over and gets a two count. Kidd up and hits a Pele kick to Neville. Kidd with a dropkick to Neville. Kidd goes for a suplex, but Neville reverses it into a suplex of his own and they both go over the top rope to the outside. The NXT chant goes out. A double count going. Both men get in on the 9 count. Both on the mat and another double count going. They grapple for position trying to get up as dueling lets go Neville, lets go Kidd chants go out. Kidd goes for a clothesline. Neville ducks it and chops Kidd. Neville charges Kidd, who takes Neville down by the legs and goes for the Sharpshooter. Neville tries to counter. Kidd goes for the Dungeon Lock. Neville fights it. Neville gets to the bottom rope. Neville out on the apron. Neville with a shoulder to Kidd's midsection. Kidd responds with a kick to the head. Neville caught up in the ropes. Kidd climbs up top and performs a spinning leg drop to Neville. Kidd gets a two count. Kidd goes back up top. Neville comes over. Kidd with some forearms to try to knock Neville down. Kidd kicks Neville off. Kidd heads back to the top rope and again Neville keeps coming back. Another forearm by Kidd knocks Neville down. Kidd gets to the top rope. Neville jumps up and hurricanranas Kidd off the top rope. Kidd down. Neville climbs the opposite corner and hits the Red Arrow and gets the pin. The crowd gives a standing ovation. Neville grabs the NXT title and climbs a turnbuckle and holds it high. Kidd looking dejected. The announcers look at a replay of some of the biggest moments of the match. Neville celebrating. Kidd finally gets back to his feet. Neville comes over to him and extends his hand. Kidd ignores his hand, bumps his shoulder, and limps out of the ring and back up the aisle as the crowd boos. Neville looks confused at first, then nods his head like okay, if this is the way it's going to be. He then gets back on the ring apron and celebrates with the crowd again. They then show the Red Arrow and sign off from Full Sail.
-Final Thoughts: A fun show from the early days of NXT. It shows that they were trying to do something different.

Episode 124 Notes Thu, 07 Apr 2022 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a5b0d0f3-e6b9-40f7-99f1-74bf1484d801 My Notes for Episode 124: SMW 1994. -Today, Project 45 takes us to the year 1994 as we take a look at an episode of Smoky Mountain Wrestling from February 19, 1994.
-1994: I turned 16 and was in tremendous shape. I got my first job bagging groceries at a store and starting to come into my own.
-This episode of Smoky Mountain Wrestling was broadcast on February 19, 1994. It was recorded on February 7, 1994 from Jellico High School in Jellico, TN. There were 300 in attendance.
-Bob Caudle welcomes us to SMW. He and Dutch Mantell are our commentators for the event. Dutch pulls the name of Larry Santo out of his hat to face Robbie Eagle for the Beat the Champ TV Title. They say they have a lot coming up and Dutch says he has a special contract signing on Down and Dirty with Dutch. Bob says the Dirty White Boy has an announcement that's going to set Tammy Fytch on her ear. Dutch says her rear? Bob says no, her EAR, Dutch! I love the interplay between these two. They get interrupted by Chris Candido and Larry Santo. Candido says Santo has a great win/loss record here in SMW and it was the biggest upset of all time when Robbie Eagle beat him and he shouldn't even say that since it took two people to beat him and now that he knows that Larry has a match against Robbie Eagle for the TV Title, he's got his money on Santo. He's going to go to the back and in 5 minutes, teach Larry how to beat Robbie Eagle. Larry says he's ready and he's going to beat the champ.
-Anthony Michaels and Bobby Blaze vs. Well Dunn Timothy Well and Steven Dunn: Dunn and Blaze start. They lock up and Dunn with a knee to the stomach. Dunn with a right hand punch to the face. Dunn with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Blaze with an arm drag. Blaze with a wrist lock. Dunn with an eye poke. Dunn with another Irish whip. He drops his head and Blaze kicks him in the face and then gives him a spinning heel kick. Michaels tagged in. He hits a second rope double ax handle on Dunn. Michaels gets a wrist lock on. Dunn with a poke to the eye and an Irish whip. Dunn drops down. Well pulls Michaels down as he gets too close to the ropes. Dunn stomps Michaels and tags Well in. Double Irish whip and a double back elbow to Michaels. Well with a belly to belly suplex to Michaels. Dunn tagged back in. Double Irish whip and a double clothesline to Michaels. Dunn drops a knee on Michaels. Michaels tries to come back with a shot, but Dunn rakes his eyes. Dunn with a suplex. Dunn with a savate kick. Well tagged in. He chokes Michaels on the ropes. Blaze comes in and gets stopped by referee Mark Curtis allowing Well Dunn to double team Michaels. They guillotine Michaels on the ropes. Dunn drops a fist on Michaels. Well Dunn with a double Irish whip and backdrop. Well with a scoop slam. Dunn tagged back in. He chokes Michaels on the mat. Well tagged back in. Dunn with a front face lock. Well hits Michaels in the back with a double ax handle. He picks Michaels up and punches him in the face. Well Dunn with Michaels in their corner choking him. Blaze comes in and attacks both members of Well Dunn, despite trying to be held back by Curtis. All four men in now. Curtis gets Blaze out and Well Dunn double teams Michaels. Well Dunn with a Corner whip to Michaels and Well charges him and hits a nice spinning heel kick in the corner. Wells then corner whips Michaels into a flying forearm by Dunn. Dunn gets the pin.
-Bob Caudle interviews Well Dunn and they are very complementary to each other. Well says they've held titles everywhere they've been and they think that SMW has some of the best tag teams. Dunn says they've got the best tag teams in the world right now, and that's what they are doing here. But make no mistake about it. When Well Dunn comes to town, they walk away with the gold. They are used to wearing the gold. They then compliment each other again and leave.
-Bob and Dutch then take a look at the chain match between the Dirty White Boy and Brian Lee from Sunday Bloody Sunday. Joined in Progress. DWB and Lee both bleeding and DWB with the chain wrapped around the throat of Lee. DWB with a corner whip, but Lee moves on the charge. DWB hits the corner hard. Lee with a clothesline. He hits a shot to DWB. He wraps the chain around DWB's throat. Lee gets one post and DWB also hits a post. They then both get the second post. DWB gets back to his feet. They both get three posts. Tammy Fytch gets up on the apron and gets in the ring. Referee Mark Curtis tries to get her out allowing Ron Wright to come in and hit Lee with his loaded shoe knocking him out. DWB hits the final post to win.
-Bob Caudle interviews the DWB with the Dirty White Girl. DWB is the SMW champion and says to Lee that he has something that Lee thinks belongs to him. DWB says if you want it tough guy, all you've got to do is come through him to get it. He says Lee and that dirty, dog walking tramp Tammy Fytch have put their hands on the DWG once too many times. They show a video of Lee attacking DWG. Fytch then says her match with DWG will start now and she pins DWG. DWB says he has gone to SMW and asked the Board of Directors for a mixed tag match. He tells Lee and Fytch to cinch it up real good and tight and come on because this is far from being over. Because the DWG is going to get her hands on Tammy Fytch. DWG says it will be a cold day in hell before Tammy Fytch beats her when she's conscious. DWB says they are going to teach Fytch how to take a royal butt kicking.
Highlights from Terry Funk with Jim Cornette vs. The Bullet Texas Death Match. Funk stacks chairs and broken tables in the ring. He scoop slams Bullet on the pile and Funk goes up and hits a moonsault on the Bullet to win that fall. Double count going. Both get to their feet. Funk goes for a piledriver, the Bullet reverses it into a backdrop. The Bullet with a DDT to Funk on the stack Funk had put in the center of the ring. The Bullet gets the fall. Bullet gets back to his feet and wins the Texas Death Match, so Bob Armstrong is the commissioner of SMW again. Bullet goes after Terry Funk. Cornette hits him with the racket from behind. Dory Funk also comes in and all three attack the Bullet. Cornette gets on the mic and says the Bullet is going to kiss his feet. Anthony Michaels and Tracy Smothers run in and chase the heels away.
-Brian Matthews is at a hotel in Knoxville where a meeting has been called by Bob Armstrong. Armstrong kicks someone out and throws his stuff out after him and says that's the crooked Board of Director that Jim Cornette and his mama paid for and Armstrong threw him out on his ear. He says there's going to be some changes made. He has signed himself and Jim Cornette to a cage match one on one. He says Jim Cornette said he couldn't do it one on one. It needed to be a handicapped match and he needed a partner, so he picked Captain Redneck Dick Murdoch. Armstrong says bring it on, he will wrestle both. He will do whatever he has to do to get Cornette. He wants to show everybody in the Smoky Mountains how to drop that hog. To get to Jim Cornette, he will have it done. He's not through yet, there are some more things he has taken care of.
-Jim Cornette is then shown. He says Bob Armstrong, I guess your idea of a joke your sick sense of humor. He says here is the paperwork to have the decision reversed on appeal to have Armstrong replaced as commissioner. He says he did everything he could to make sure Bob Armstrong was never the commissioner of SMW again. But Bob Armstrong foiled him again. When you beat Terry Funk in Knoxville, not only have you assumed the commissioner role again, but you've also got passed a little ruling that you shoved through with your little buddies that you shake hands with on the board of directors that you can wrestle as well as be the commissioner. Cornette says that smacks to me like conflict of interest, Bob Armstrong. That smacks to me of bribery. And he is going to prove that Bob Armstrong is a crooked politician one way or another yet and he will tell you something else he's going to do. He is going to get Dick Murdoch, because if Bob Armstrong wants him the only way Bob Armstrong is going to get him is in a handicapped match where Cornette has a partner because Jim Cornette has never claimed to be a wrestler. But remember this Armstrong. The men that he manages and him put Bob Armstrong in the hospital before and they can do it again. Captain Redneck beat Bob Armstrong right in the middle of the ring 123 in the Knoxville Civic Coliseum on Christmas Night and he's one of the baddest men in wrestling and one of the baddest men walking the face of the planet, so that's the way it's going to be at Golden Week '94. He and Dick Murdoch in a handicapped match against Bob Armstrong and one way or another, he's going to see that Dick Murdoch gives Armstrong that Brain Buster and breaks that big fat neck of Armstrong and sends him back to the hospital and relieves him once again as the commissioner of SMW and as for the Armstrong Family Reunion. Marietta, Georgia, Cobb County Civic Center. He realizes that Bob Armstrong is attempting to mutilate him, but they don't call him Houdini Cornette for no reason and one way or another, Armstrong, he will live to see the following day, but he's not sure that Armstrong will. Have a good family reunion, because it might be the last time the whole gang is all together ever again.
-Dutch and Bob argue over the outcome of the Bullet/Terry Funk match. They get interrupted by Tracy Smothers and Robbie Eagle. Smothers says Chris Candido, I heard you running your mouth out there and you were hollering how you were going to put your money down on Larry Santo. Well, right here is the TV champion, how about a hand for Robbie Eagle here and the crowd cheers. Smothers says if you're a better man, you want to put some money down? Well, let me tell you something, he's got $2,500 on Robbie Eagle and he is saying Robbie can beat your boy Larry Santo so put up or shut up. He's going to retain the TV Title and Smothers and Candido are going to have a side bet.
-Bob and Dutch talk about that challenge from Smothers to Candido.
-Jeff Jarrett says Thursday, March 10, Armstrong boys, not only is JJ going to give you the wrestling lesson, he's going to give you the singing lesson of your life. They are hyping up the Armstrong Family Reunion event on the 10th.
-Down and Dirty with Dutch: Dutch says SMW has signed a new tag team described by experts as one of the greatest teams of all time and more than likely the team of the 90's. Dutch then throws it to a contract signing of The Thrillseekers Lance Storm and Chris Jericho. Dutch is shown sitting at a table with Storm, Jericho, and SMW Commissioner Bob Armstrong. Behind them are Tim Horner, Pam Lawson, Cat Collins, Sandy Scott, and Mark Curtis in attendance. Armstrong says this is going to be great for SMW and from the film that he has seen, he thinks this is going to be the hottest team to come down the pike in the past 20 years. He thinks this team is good to go. Storm says everybody knows Smoky Mountain Wrestling is the most tag team rich promotion in the world today. Teams like the legendary Rock 'n' Roll Express and The Heavenly Bodies. That's why Chris and he are happy to be there. So that they can prove themselves against the best and show the people that they are the tag team of the future. Jericho says that's right, Lance, we're very impressed by all the officials and all the referees and everybody has treated us here and we're thrilled to be coming to the promotion because we want to show everybody out there in Tennessee and all the surrounding areas wrestling Thrillseekers Style because we're going to go 100 mph nonstop we like to live on the edge and we're going to show everybody out there that we can do that. You know we're going to rock SMW and we're going to rock America. Watch out people because we're coming to your town. Dutch says no event would be complete without the signing. Jericho and Storm sign. Armstrong then signs and it is official the Thrillseekers are on their way to Smoky Mountain Wrestling.
-Bob Caudle interviews Tammy Fytch and Brian Lee. Fytch is upset. She screams I don't want to do this Brian. I don't want to have this match. I'm not a wrestler. I shouldn't be in the ring, I'm a student for God's sake. I don't want to do this. She's going to bite me and give me rabies or something. Lee is trying to calm her down. Bob tells Lee that Fytch is hysterical. Lee says I know she's hysterical and Bob says well stop her. She won't stop so Lee picks her up on his shoulder and tells Bob that this isn't as bad as it seems. Bob then throws it to a Rock 'n' Roll Express/Heavenly Bodies 2/3 falls match from Harlan, KY. Joined in Progress. Ricky Morton with a suplex to Jimmy Del Ray. He gets another two count. Tom Prichard with a kick to Morton and the Heavenly Bodies double Irish whip Robert Gibson. Gibson comes back and tries a sunset flip on Prichard, but Del Ray holding on to Prichard's hand trying to stop him from coming over. Morton with a shot to Del Ray's stomach to break it and Prichard goes over. He gets a two count. Gibson with a small package for a two count. Morton with a sunset flip for a two count, but Prichard breaks up the count. Morton reverses a suplex attempt into a small package for another two count. Morton slams Del Ray into a turnbuckle head first. Morton with a hip toss. Gets another two count. Then another pinning combination, but the bell rings. Time limit draw.
-The Rock 'n' Roll Express are shown in the locker room. Ricky Morton says well, Heavenly Bodies, now you see what it's like to go an hour inside that squared circle. You see, just a few more minutes in that match and those belts would have been theirs. Because the tongues were hanging down to the ground and you were gasping for air. Well, they want to have a match to separate the boys from the men. You call yourselves the true Smoky Mountain Tag Team Champions. Well brother, they want a match that goes for an hour. They want a match to show you Prichard and Opie Taylor that they are the true Smoky Mountain Tag Team Champions. You see, you come out here and run your mouth, but you've got to prove it when you step inside that ring just like they did tonight. You said an hour passed by and to them they had another hour in them and the Heavenly Bodies were down to their last breath. They were sucking for air. So, boys, come on prove to them that you are the Smoky Mountain Tag Team Champions, they don't think so. So be ready for a match with an hour time limit brother and before that match is over with, they're going to go all night long and that's in and out of the ring.
-Bob Caudle talks to Jim Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies. Bob says 2/3 Falls to a draw and Cornette says yeah, that's exactly right because as you can see from that piece of videotape they just showed right there, the Rock 'n' Roll Express Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton like the shameless cowards that they are ran from the Heavenly Bodies for 58 minutes and 30 seconds and finally, even though we cornered them in the last few seconds and were pounding their brains out they were running for too long and the match went to a draw. But let me explain something to you, Rock 'n' Roll. I want you to listen real good. You went to Smoky Mountain Wrestling and you came up with the idea for this marathon match. That's exactly what they've got signed, a contract for a marathon match. The match has to go for an hour, it's got to go 60 minutes because if you quit, you're the losers and whoever wins the most falls during that hour is the winner of the match. The tag team titles are going to be on the line and you think you've done something Rock 'n' Roll. The only thing you've done is dig yourself an early grave, because these men right here can go an hour brother and then some just ask any woman in the Smoky Mountain area, right Tom? Tom Prichard says from the very inception of SMW, the Heavenly Bodies have ruled the tag team scene, whether it took us 5 minutes, whether it took us 10 minutes or whether it's going to take us an hour. We're going to show everyone in SMW who the real marathon men are. Jimmy Del Ray says you're exactly right, you know, a long time ago, they wrote a song about my cousin and I. The 60 minute men. That's him and I because we can go 60 minutes all night long. Cornette says and let me explain something to you Rock 'n' Roll, I want you to dig back in your memory. I want you to think about all the times that the Rock 'n' Roll Express and the Midnight Express went 60 minutes to a draw. The times that the Rock 'n' Roll Express went 60 minutes with Ole and Arn Anderson. I was there and I saw it. The times the Rock 'n' Roll Express went 60 minutes with the Russians. I was there and I saw it. I know every one of your tricks. I know every one of your moves and I know the ways that you can be beat so when this marathon match comes about the final result is going to be 14 falls for the Heavenly Bodies and a big fat goose egg for the Rock 'n' Roll Express. Because, believe me, I've got enough aggravation in my life I don't need these two punks on my trail like this. We're gonna finish this thing once and for all brother and in the process we're going to retain the SMW tag team titles.
-When they come back from commercial break, Dutch has his feet up on the desk and Bob says Dutch, don't put your feet up on the furniture. Bob then shows a clip of Robbie Eagle winning the Beat the Champ TV Title. They show Chris Candido get Eagle up on the turnbuckle for the suicideplex and Tracy Smothers come and knock Candido off of the turnbuckle. Eagle then covers Candido to win the Beat the Champ title. Smothers and Eagle celebrate afterwards.
-Beat the Champ TV Title Match. Robbie Eagle with Tracy Smothers vs. Larry Santo with Chris Candido: The bell rings. They circle each other. Santo up against the ropes like he doesn't want to lock up with Eagle. Eagle tries to lock up again and Santo back to the ropes. Santo starts arguing with the crowd. They finally lock up. Eagle with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Santo struggling, but finally reverses the hold. He gets Eagle down. Eagle gets up and out of the hold and reverses it into a wrist lock. Santo reverses that into a wrist lock of his own. Santo with a hip toss. Santo with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Eagle moves. He hip tosses Santo out of the corner. Back to an arm lock. Santo grabs Eagle's hair and forces him down to the mat and applies a wrist lock. Eagle gets back to his feet and Santo hits him with forearms. Eagle staggers up against the ropes and Santo smacking him hard on the chest. Santo then biting Eagle. Santo gets Eagle into a corner and rams his shoulder in several times. He then chops Eagle in the chest. He then hits Eagle with some forearms. He then shows off to the crowd and Eagle comes behind and rolls him up for a two count. Eagle with an arm drag. Eagle with a dropkick. Santo rolls to the outside to regroup with Candido. Back in, Santo with a boot to the stomach and a chop and then a forearm to the back of Eagle. He then applies a chin lock to Eagle. Santo with an Irish whip. He misses a clothesline when Eagle ducks it, but gets Eagle on the comeback and throws him outside. Candido comes over and smacks Eagle in the face. Eagle gets up on the apron and rams his shoulder into Santo and sunset flips him. Candido gets up on the apron and grabs Santos arms trying to prevent him from going over, but Smothers comes in and breaks the hold and Santo goes down and Eagle pins him.
-Lex Luger says he is looking forward to seeing all his friends at the Marietta Civic Center on Thursday, March 10 for the Armstrong Family Reunion.
-Bob Caudle talks to Chris Candido. He is having a fit over losing $2,500 to Tracy Smothers in a side bet. Candido says it is his money and he wants Smothers out there. He says he wants Tracy Smothers to put that money up again. That's his money. Smothers comes out. Candido says that's still his money and Smothers has to put it back up. Smothers says you want another shot at this money? Smothers says maybe he will and maybe he won't. He'll let Candido know next week. They then sign off from Jellico.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fun little show, but came at a weird point in the taping schedule as evident by the clips of matches and interview heavy show. But the Thrillseekers are on their way and it is the first look many people got of Lance Storm and Chris Jericho.

Episode 123 Notes Sat, 02 Apr 2022 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2e6a1ad2-da8d-48f2-a2be-43b1b28d98ef My Notes for Episode 123: The Last Nitro. -Today we continue Project 45 and land in the crazy wrestling year of 2001 as we look at the last ever WCW Monday Nitro.
-2001 for me. I was engaged to be married for the first time. I was working in security and radio. September 11th.
-WCW Monday Nitro: The Night of Champions was shown on TNT on March 26, 2001 with a simulcast on TNN during the last segment. It was from Panama City Beach, Florida and the show did a 3.0 rating on TNT.
-WCW Intro.
-Hell freezes over as Vince McMahon is shown on WCW television. He says Imagine that, him, Vince McMahon on WCW television. Hey, I just said that! He asks how can that happen? He says it was just a matter of time before he bought his competition. He says that's right, he owns WCW. He says therefore on its final broadcast tonight on TNT, he has the opportunity to address the WCW fans, the WCW superstars. He asks what is the fate of WCW? He says well tonight on a special simulcast, we will find out, because the fate of WCW is in his hands.
-Monday Nitro Intro.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to a landmark night in the industry. He says he has seen it and he still can't believe it. Scott Hudson and Tony Schiavone are the announcers for the evening. Scott wonders what Mr. McMahon is going to say. Tony says they are stunned and they are floored. They are going to be addressed by Mr. McMahon on the very last telecast of WCW Monday Nitro on TNT. Tony says it has been an emotional four or five days for all involved in World Championship Wrestling. This is the Night of Champions! Tony says tonight, all 5 titles in WCW will be decided. Scott says Vince McMahon is going to address the troops in a simulcast. Scott wonders what does McMahon have to say to them and what's in store for WCW? Tony says the fate of WCW is in Vince McMahon's hands. Tony says it has been a surreal day in WCW. A historic day in sports entertainment. Scott says this is the last Nitro on the Turner Network and they are going out with a bang. All the titles are on the line, including a unification match United States vs. World Title. Scott Steiner and Booker T later. Tony says that's all to come later. This is Spring Breakout 2001 as Ric Flair's music hits.
-Flair comes out in a suit holding a mic. Tony says who means more to WCW? Who means WCW any more than Ric Flair? He gets to the top of the ring steps and looks around taking it all in. Scott says he is identified as the face of WCW more than any other. Flair gets in the ring and looks around. Flair says did he happen to hear Vince McMahon say he was going to hold WCW in the palm of his hands? Is that what he said? Does that mean that you are going to hold Jack Brisco, Dory Funk, Harley Race, The Road Warriors, Sting, Luger, The Steiners, Bagwell, Ric Flair, Steamboat, does that mean you're going to hold us all in the palm of your hands? To coin a phrase, He doesn't think so. You know, at 12:00 today, someone very special to him said do not go out on that show tonight knowing it's the last time that you'll ever be on TNT or TBS knowing it's the last time. She said to him don't go out there and cry. Don't go out there and say you're sorry. Because he's not. He's been 14 times the world's champion and in his eyes the greatest wrestling organization in the world, WCW. They, and he's talking about the Stings, Lugers, The Steiners, The Road Warriors. He's talking about his best friend, Arn Anderson and the Four Horsemen. They have been on par and equal to any wrestling organization in the world. As a matter of fact, they have run neck and neck with Vince McMahon for years, and just for trivia Vince McMahon, you know that in 1981 when you were trying to become an announcer, your dad was on the board of directors and voted for Flair to be the World Champion. He then Whoos. How bout that? And ever since that day, he's been a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, son of a gun. That along with the whole WCW have kissed the girls worldwide and made them cry. Cause you see, they were every bit the force they were WCW. They lived, they breathed, they sweat, they paid the price to be the best. It's never been about the boys. It's always been WWF vs. WCW in the office. The boys that have gone out there, night in and night out. Doing everything that they could to be the very best and when they chose to do in their life, these boys are here tonight. They're not going anywhere. You can't hold them in your hands and predict their lives. They are WCW. They've bled and they've sweat. When was the last time you wrestled for an hour? Cut yourself 5 times? Bled for 45 minutes? When were you there? You weren't! You were never in the dressing room. On the road. 40 days and 40 nights. Bleeding and sweating. Going to the next town. You weren't there. You can't hold peoples lives in your hands. We are the greatest wrestling company of all time. He wants to say it again. You can't control them or their future and in closing let him say this. In all his years in the sport, his greatest opponent in this company has been Sting. So tonight, if they are going out. If they are going out on a high note, Stinger, the Nature Boy wants you, right here because his greatest opponent Sting, it's your last chance to be...a Sting chant goes out. To be the man, you've gotta beat the man, and Sting, he's the man. Whoo! What a promo!
-Tony says we have not seen Sting since November and Ric Flair has challenged Sting to wrestle on the Night of Champions here tonight on Monday Nitro live but coming up next title vs. title, champion vs. champion. Scott Steiner vs. Booker T is next.
-World Title vs. US Title. Scott Steiner with Midajah vs. Booker T: The bell rings and they lock up. Booker with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Steiner with a back elbow. Scott goes for a right hand. Booker blocks and hits a right hand of his own. Then a series of right hands. Scott reverses an Irish whip. Booker ducks a Steinerline and hits a Harlem side kick. He gets a two count. Booker with an arm bar. Steiner pushes back to the corner. Steiner with a knee to the stomach of Booker. He then chops Booker. Then a forearm to Booker. He then knocks Booker to his knees with another forearm and Steiner starts yelling at the crowd. Steiner with a corner whip and Booker hits him with a back elbow on the charge. Booker with a clothesline out of the corner. He gets a two count. Booker with a corner whip and a corner clothesline. Booker then hits Steiner with punches in the corner. Steiner picks Booker up and slams him down. Steiner gets a two count. Steiner throws Booker to the outside. Midajah kicks and attacks Booker. Steiner drops a double ax handle on Booker from the apron. Steiner grabs his lead pipe and swings at Booker, who ducks and Steiner hits the post. Steiner grabs Booker and throws him back inside. Steiner with an Irish whip and clotheslines Booker. He then drops an elbow on Booker. Steiner then shows off by doing some push-ups. He wants referee Nick Patrick to count them. He slams Booker into a turnbuckle as a Booker T chant goes out. He chops Booker in the corner. Booker fights back. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. Steiner mad at Patrick over the count. Steiner grabs Booker's arms and pulls back while having his boot in Booker's back. Booker is fighting it and won't give up. Booker fighting to get back to his feet again as a Booker T chant goes out again. Booker almost has the hold broken and Steiner hits him with a knee to the back. Steiner goes to run Booker into the corner, but Booker blocks it and hits a back elbow to Steiner. He then punches Steiner several times. He Irish whips Steiner, but drops his head too early and Steiner hits him with a forearm to the back. Steiner goes for a backdrop. Booker lands on his feet. Booker dropkicks Steiner. Steiner goes to punch Booker, who blocks it and punches Steiner. Steiner tries to reverse an Irish whip, but Booker holds on and hits a knee to the stomach. Booker hits the ghetto blaster scissors kick. Booker hits a flapjack on Steiner. Booker with a spinaroonie and hits another Harlem Side Kick. Booker goes for the Book End. Steiner reverses it into a northern lights/Fisherman's suplex. He gets a two count. Steiner goes for a power bomb. Booker spins, lands on his feet, and hits the Book End. He gets the pin. New WCW World Heavyweight Champion! Booker gets up on a turnbuckle and raises both championships high.
-Scenes from Spring Breakout 2001.
-Vince McMahon is shown on the phone. He says you're the attorney. He says of all the locations they could choose, they chose their final broadcast to be some redneck beer joint down at someplace in the panhandle of Florida. Now how appropriate is that?
-They then show the finish of the last match and Booker T becoming the new WCW Champion.
-3 Count Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore vs. The Jung Dragons Kaz Hayashi and Yang vs. The Filthy Animals Rey Mysterio and Kidman: The action is fast in this one. Karagias with a slam on Hayashi. Yang with a slam on Karagias. Rey with a springboard kick to Yang. Then Rey with a Springboard flip to Yang on the outside. Everybody hitting moves to other wrestlers on the outside. Moore with a corkscrew dive from the top rope to the other wrestlers on the floor. Kidman hits the kamikaze onto the group. Rey and Yang are back in the ring. Rey with a tilt a whirl headscissors. Rey goes for another move, but Yang drives him jaw first into the turnbuckle. Yang goes up top and hits Yang Time onto Rey. Kidman dives and breaks up the count. Kidman goes for the Kid Crusher on Yang, but Karagias grabs Kidman. He hits the famouser, but gets hit with a super kick by Hayashi. Jung Dragons with a double team power bomb, but Karagias makes the save. Karagias with a neck breaker. Then a scoop slam and a 450 splash to Kaz, but Kidman makes the save. Kidman with an Irish whip, Karagias hangs on, so Kidman comes and hits Karagias with a crossbody to knock them both over the top rope to the floor. Rey puts Moore in the corner of the ring and goes for a splash, but Moore gets his boot up. Moore with an Irish whip. Rey spins around and backdrops Moore over the ropes. Moore lands on the apron and hits Rey with a forearm. Moore with a shoulder block. Rey hits him with some forearms and goes and hits a top rope dropkick and gets the pin.
-Vince McMahon is shown on the phone again saying he is a good talent when someone knocks on the door. Trish Stratus comes in with champagne and two glasses. Vince tells whomever is on the phone that he will have to call them back. He welcomes Trish who says she thought a celebration toast would be in order. Vince says look at the pair of glasses you have here and you know if we really want to celebrate though, this is a very special occasion. So if they want to celebrate, the real way to celebrate is this baby. He then starts kissing her. The camera pans away.
-Tony Schiavone shows highlights of Chavo Guerrero and Shane Helms wrestling.
-WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match. Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero jr: The bell rings and Guerrero attacks and gets a waist lock right away. He drives Helms into the corner and hits some forearms to the back. He then kicks Helms several times in the stomach. Helms blocks a right hand shot and hits several right hands of his own. Helms reverses and puts Guerrero in the corner and slaps him several times. Guerrero reverses a corner whip. Helms comes out of the corner and sends Guerrero face first into the knee and then Helms hits a flying neck breaker. He gets a two count. Helms with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Guerrero kicks him in the face. Guerrero with a clothesline to Helms over the top rope to the floor. Guerrero goes outside and throws Helms back into the ring. He gets back inside the ring and hits Helms with a belly to back suplex. Guerrero with a kick to Helms in the corner and puts Helms on the top rope. He tries to superplex Helms off the top rope, but Helms blocks it and slams Guerrero to the mat. Helms gets a sunset flip for a two count. Helms ducks a clothesline attempt. Helms with slaps to Guerrero. Guerrero reverses an Irish whip and clotheslines Helms for a two count. Guerrero chops Helms out to the apron. Guerrero tries to suplex Helms back into the ring, but Helms blocks it and Guerrero hits Helms with some right hands. Helms runs Guerrero into the turnbuckle. Helms goes up top and hits a crossbody on Guerrero. He gets a two count. Guerrero ducks a clothesline attempt. Helms hits a kick to the midsection. Helms goes to scoop slam Guerrero, who slips behind and T-bone suplexes Helms. He gets a two count. Helms blocks a suplex attempt and slips behind Guerrero. Several reversals by both men. Guerrero hits a Northern Lights suplex. He gets a close two count. Guerrero chops Helms up against the ropes. Helms reverses an Irish whip and Guerrero comes back and slides through Helms's legs. Guerrero tries for a sunset flip. Helms sits down on Guerrero and hooks his legs. He gets a two count. Helms with a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Guerrero. Helms with a series of right hands to Guerrero. Helms with a corner whip and goes for a super kick. Guerrero ducks it. Several reversals. Helms shoves Guerrero into a corner. Helms hits the Sugar Smack super kick. Helms goes for the Vertebreaker, but Guerrero slips out of it. Guerrero goes for a suplex, but Helms slips out of it. Helms hits the Vertebreaker and pins Guerrero.
-They show Booker T backstage. He says he has a lot of mixed emotions right now, but now being the World Heavyweight Champion, the US Heavyweight Champion, closing WCW, he would like to say this may be the end of a chapter, but there are many more pages left in this book. So let me tell you this, from this point on, he will prove that he is the best that this business will have to offer and if anybody wants to test him, step to him like a man. But he will tell you this, he will prove that he is the best to each and every sucka and like he always says each and every time, don't hate the playa, hate the Game.
-Mr. McMahon and Trish Stratus are shown on the couch as Michael Cole comes in. Vince says you would interrupt me at a time like this? Cole apologizes, but says he just wanted to get Mr. McMahon's reaction. Quite frankly, many people, WCW fans are concerned that they may never see their brand of Sports Entertainment again and WCW wrestlers are concerned that they may never compete again. Vince says is that right? He then asks Cole how he feels about his job security? He then tells Cole to get the hell out of here. He does and Trish says she loves that he was so forceful like that. Vince says he'll toast to that. He says here's to being forceful.

-WCW World Tag Team Titles Match. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. Team Canada Lance Storm and Mike Awesome: O'Haire and Storm start. Storm gets a side headlock. O'Haire reverses into a wrist lock and throws Storm into a corner. Palumbo tagged in and he slaps Storm. Palumbo reverses an Irish whip. Palumbo leapfrogs Storm, who comes back with a crossbody attempt, but Palumbo catches him. Palumbo with a fall away slam and then hits Awesome on the apron. He turns around and gets hit with a super kick by Storm. Awesome tagged in. Storm with a snap mare and Awecome slingshots himself onto Palumbo for a two count. Awesome with a corner whip, but Palumbo leapfrogs backwards to avoid the charge in. Palumbo with a big forearm to Awesome. Palumbo with a corner whip, but Awesome jumps to the second rope and hits a wicked looking back elbow. Awesome then turns around and hits O'Haire. O'Haire tries to come in, but gets cut off by the referee. Storm comes in and hits Palumbo several times. Palumbo with a huge smack to Storm. Storm goes to dropkick Palumbo, who catches his legs and sends him jaw first into the turnbuckle pad and gets a modified sunset flip for a two count. Storm rolls out and kicks Palumbo in the face. A double count going. Both O'Haire and Awesome tagged in. O'Haire cleaning house, hitting both Storm and Awesome. O'Haire with an Irish whip. Awesome ducks a clothesline attempt. He comes back and O'Haire catches him and drives him down on the mat. He gets a two count, but Storm breaks up the pin attempt. Palumbo comes in and punches Storm. All four men in now. O'Haire and Palumbo try to corner whip Team Canada into each other, but Awesome reverses his and O'Haire tries to clothesline Storm, who slides out of the way. Awesome clotheslines O'Haire and tries to clothesline Palumbo, who ducks but runs right into a super kick by Storm. Team Canada with a double Irish whip. Palumbo ducks a double clothesline attempt and O'Haire grabs Storm's legs and pulls him out of the ring. Awesome ducks a clothesline attempt and goes for an Awesome Bomb. Palumbo slips out and ducks a couple of clotheslines attempts and super kicks Awesome. O'Haire hits the Seanton Bomb and pins Awesome.
-Stacey Kiebler gets in the ring. She asks how many young, tanned college hunks want to see her dance right now? They cheer. She says you want to see me take it off? They cheer again. She says well, sorry she's not here to dance tonight. She's here to once again introduce us to the Shawn and Stacey Show and now she wants to introduce us to the man that rocks her world. The Mecca of Manhood, Shawn The Star Stasiak.
-Tattoo Match. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shawn Stasiak with Stacey Kiebler: Loser gets a tattoo. Stasiak tells the people to shut up, listen, and learn. He gets interrupted by Bigelow's music. He comes out with a case that contains the tattoo tools. He gets in the ring with the case, but the referee grabs it before he can hit Stasiak with it. Stasiak attacks Bigelow. The bell rings and Stasiak with forearm shots to Bigelow. Stasiak with an Irish whip, but Bigelow catches his leg. He spins Stasiak around and then clotheslines him. Bigelow with a corner whip. Stasiak moves on the charge in and hits Bigelow with a big clothesline. Stasiak climbs up top and goes for a crossbody, but Bigelow moves out of the way. Bigelow with a scoop slam and goes up top and hits a flying headbutt. Kiebler gets up and distracts referee Billy Silverman on the apron. Bigelow gets up to see what's happening. He ducks a Stasiak clothesline attempt. He picks Stasiak up and puts him on his shoulder for Greetings from Asbury Park, but Kiebler grabs Stasiak's legs to stop it. Stasiak slips out, hits a high knee on Bigelow and hits the Hangman's Noose neck breaker to get the pin.
-William Regal shows Mr. McMahon his WrestleMania shirt. Vince says it's a very nice shirt, now you wanted to see me? Regal says he heard McMahon was buying WCW and asked him if he was really sure he wanted to do that. He says he knows quite a lot about that place. It's a bloody awful place. The nonsense that goes on there is unbelievable. He means he doesn't want to second guess Vince McMahon, but is he certain? It has a stench in the air and he wouldn't want to cause Vince McMahon any trouble or to get above himself. Vince says thank you very much commissioner, I'm on the case though. Regal says I'm sure you are. He then thanks McMahon and leaves.
-DDP is shown from earlier in the day and says in the words of The Grateful Dead, what a long, strange trip it's been. But he has loved every second of it and wouldn't trade it for anything. Tonight on this historic eve, he thought he needed to thank all the wrestling fans from around the world for letting a kid from the Jersey Shore, Page Joseph Falkenberg, become Diamond Dallas Page. The guy they said would never make it, but did. And that only proves one thing; that if you want it bad enough and you're willing to work for it, anything is possible. It's not really the promoters who decide who's over, it's the fans. So not just the fans in general, he wants to thank the WCW wrestling fans and his wife Kimberly for believing in him and helping him live his dream. Is that dream over? He doesn't think so. He thinks now is the time to take it to another level. He then looks at the camera and says thank you.
-A look at WCW Champions and wrestlers through the years.
-Vince McMahon shown on the phone. He says whatever you say, I'm with you on that. He then says it's just about that time. He's going to go get ready and hangs up.
-WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship Match. Prime Time and Kid Romeo vs. Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman: Tony Schiavone rips William Regal as the match begins as a rib to Regal who he is great friends with. Prime Time and Kidman start. Prime Time with a forearm in the corner. Prime Time with a corner whip. Kidman goes to leapfrog the charge in. Prime Time catches his legs and Kidman headscissors out of the move. Kidman with a forearm. Prime Time reverses an Irish whip and Kidman grabs Prime Time and holds him up for Mysterio to hit a flying dropkick. Kidman goes for a pin attempt, but Romeo breaks it up. Prime Time reverses another Irish whip and belly to belly suplexes Kidman. Romeo tagged in and double team splash on Kidman. Romeo then knocks Rey off of the turnbuckle. That brings Rey in, only to get cut off by the referee allowing Romeo to kick Kidman. Prime Time also comes in and kicks Kidman. Romeo with a corner whip. Kidman gets his foot up on the charge. Kidman comes out of the corner and Romeo kicks him in the midsection and does a power bomb like suplex to Kidman. Prime Time tagged in. He hits a couple of forearms to Kidman and Irish whips him. Kidman ducks a clothesline attempt. He ducks another one and Kidman comes back with a crossbody. He gets a two count but Prime Time bridges out. Spinning heel kick to Kidman by Prime Time. Kid Romeo tagged back in. Romeo goes up top, but gets dropkicked by Kidman in midair as he comes off. Rey and Prime Time both tagged in. Rey with a top rope springboard. Romeo in and he gets Irish whipped by Rey. He kicks Romeo and tilt a whirl DDT's Romeo. He then covers Romeo for a two count, even though Prime Time is the legal man. Prime Time Irish whips and backdrops Rey into Romeo's arms. Rey punches Romeo in the head and they both go outside and to the floor. Kidman forearms Prime Time in the corner. Then he gets down on all fours to allow Rey to run and jump off of Kidman to hit Prime Time with a flying forearm. Rey then nails the Bronco Buster on Prime Time. Romeo comes in, knocks Kidman down and knocks Rey to the outside. Romeo with a double under hook drop on Kidman. He gets a two count, but Rey in to make the save. Rey hits a power bomb on Romeo. Rey with a swan dive headbutt. Prime Time breaks up the pin attempt. Prime Time picks Rey up, then several reversals by both looking for position. Prime Time gets Rey in a bridging German suplex for a two count, but Kidman breaks up the pin. All four men in the ring. Rey headscissors Romeo out of the ring. Kidman escapes the Play of the Day and hits the Kid Crusher on Prime
Time to get the pin. New WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions, The Filthy Animals.
-Sting is in the back in a room with a bunch of baseball bats hanging from the ceiling. He says surprise surprise, Sting is back. Did you think I was going to miss this night? Not for nothing would I miss this night. This is an historic night. One more dance with the Nature Boy Ric Flair. We started it years ago Ric, and tonight, we're going to end it once and for all. And for all you fans out there who are wondering what the future holds for Sting, well, the only thing for sure about Sting, is nothing's for sure. It's showtime, folks.
-More 2001 Spring Breakout video.
-Vince McMahon is shown walking down the hall.
-Ric Flair vs. Sting. One last time: Flair out first. He didn't want to wrestle that night and comes out in a robe, tights, boots, and a t shirt. They talk about all that Sting has done for WCW over the years and the loyalty he had for WCW. The bell rings. Flair Whoos. Sting yells as well. Good times. They circle each other and lock up. They break. They lock up again. They go to the corner. Sting pushes Flair off. Flair complains to referee Charles Robinson and pushes him and Robinson pushes back. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Sting pushes off. Shoulder blocks Flair down. Flair with another rush and Sting with another shoulder block. Test of strength and Sting makes Flair cry out in pain. Flair with an eye poke. Flair drives Sting to the corner and chops him. Then a shot to Sting. Then chops him several more times. Sting reverses it and starts to kick Flair in the corner. He hip locks Flair out of the corner. Sting then dropkicks Flair. Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. A Stinger chant goes out. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Sting pushes off. Flair comes back with a shoulder block. Flair runs the ropes. Sting tries to leapfrog, but Flair backs away and begs off. Sting just smiles and Flair struts. They lock up. Flair with a kick to the midsection and Sting reverses an Irish whip. He gorilla presses Flair and slams him down. Flair backs to a corner and Sting hits a series of corner punches. Flair does the face first flop IYDAH. Flair chops Sting. Sting grabs Flair by the throat. Flair low blows Sting. Sting falls to the mat in pain. Flair stomps Sting. He then chops Sting in the corner. He snap mares Sting out of the corner. He then drops a knee on Sting. He chops Sting back down. Sting comes back. Flair with another chop and snap mare. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Sting then clotheslines Flair a couple of times. Sting with an Irish whip, but misses the dropkick when Flair holds on to the ropes. Flair puts the figure four on. Sting fighting it and Flair uses the ropes for leverage when Charles Robinson isn't looking. Flair gets a two count. Sting still fighting it. Another two count. Sting drags Flair to the middle of the ring so he can't use the ropes anymore. Sting reverses the move so Flair breaks the hold. Flair chops Sting. Shots and chops are not having any effect on Sting. Sting hitting Flair in the corner. Corner whip to Flair. He goes upside down in the corner. Sting puts Flair on the top rope and hits a superplex. Sting gets the Scorpion Death lock on. Flair gives up and Sting wins the last WCW match on Turner Television. Sting helps Flair up and they embrace in the ring. They shake hands and embrace again as the announcers put both men over hard.
-It switches to the Raw feed for the simulcast abruptly. Vince McMahon is introduced by Lillian Garcia. McMahon says for the first time ever in Sports Entertainment history, this broadcast is not only being seen here on TNN and Cleveland, Ohio, but it's also being seen on TNN. Vince goofs here meaning TNT. He does say Turner Network Television. He says now there's only one way that can happen. There's only one way and one man that can make history like this happen. Obviously, you all know that he has acquired WCW. That's right, he bought his competition. Now then, that's not exactly final. It is and it isn't. You see, the only thing is Time Warner can't sell that property to anybody else because nobody else knows what to do with it. So, therefore, this is what's going to happen. Time Warner is practically begging him to buy WCW and he has agreed. There's only one small caveat that they're hearing for the first time and that is this; Time Warner, they've signed the contract and he will sign the contract. But he will sign it this Sunday on PPV at WrestleMania. And he will sign it when Ted Turner himself walks down the aisle at WrestleMania and delivers the contract in front of him. He says some would say jeez, Vince, how did you do it? How did you do it, Vince? You were up against this media conglomerate, Time Warner. You were up against a billionaire. How could you possibly do this? Well, some might say he had a little help along the way. With certain WWF Superstars and things of that nature, but quite frankly, the truth is he did it all on his own. The crowd boos mildly. It was his effort, he says. It was his money and it was like okay, Vince, how could you possibly beat a billionaire. Well, there's only one answer to that and that's become one yourself. So now, you have to understand, when Ted Turner walks down the aisle at WrestleMania and practically begs him to sign the contract, he's going to do it and then reserve a seat for Ted. He's going to put him right over here right in the corner because he wants Ted Turner to watch what he does to his very own son, Shane. Some would say come on now Vince, Don't boo him, some would say Vince you can't do that to your son. He's your flesh and blood. But you got to understand what it means to be a competitor. Nobody understands that better than he does. Because you've got to grab your competition by the throat and you've got to squeeze the life out of your competition, just like he did to WCW and just like he's going to do to his son Shane this Sunday. Also, by the way, may he add, in his corner will be his charming and lovely daughter Stephanie, his companion Trish, and Trish will wheel down in the wheelchair, his very own wife Linda, and they are going to park Linda right over here in this corner and Linda's going to watch what he does to Shane McMahon this Sunday at WrestleMania. He says what should he do with WCW? Well, there are a lot of things he could do with it. He might like to have some input from the fans here in a moment. He says he could take WCW and put it on the shelf. He says he could watch tapes of Hogan posing and then makes fun of Hogan. He said he could watch them say how they are going to bury the WWF. He would get a great deal of pleasure just sitting there watching night after night. Because there is an old expression. They used to laugh at the WWF, but the old expression says he who laughs last, laughs best. And you can see he's not exactly laughing but he's got a real big smile on his face. Then again if we don't take WCW and put it on the shelf, we could do something else with it. We could take WCW and turn it into this huge media conglomerate just like World Wrestling Federation Entertainment is today. They know how to do that. But if they do that, he's wondering well who should be a part of this WCW? Maybe the crowd should help him out here. When he gives you a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Assuming they would want to acquire some of those stars. Let's start with Hulk Hogan. The crowd is mostly positive. Lex Luger. The crowd is mostly negative. Buff Bagwell. The crowd is positive. Booker T. Positive. He says they are a mixed group. Big Poppa Pump. Positive. He says he doesn't know if the crowd has helped him, but let him say this. The crowd starts chanting Goldberg. He says there are a few others, all right. Sting. Positive. Goldberg. Overwhelming positive. He says well this is very interesting because he had a choice to make tonight and that choice was coming here before you in Cleveland and quite frankly gloating. He thinks he's doing a very good job of at the moment or he could instead of gloating what he could have done was get in his plane and assuming they have an airport there, fly down to the Redneck Riviera, Panama City Beach, Florida and walk out there and give every WCW star a piece of his mind. Because that's what he really wants to do. How appropriate is it that WCW's last broadcast is in a beer hall? How appropriate is that? Surrounded by a bunch of beer drinking rednecks. The crowd cheers and Vince says there are obviously a few here tonight. But nonetheless, he's opted to come before the crowd. He came here instead of going there, lining all those stars up, so that he can look right in their face and say Goldberg, Booker T, and all the rest of them, to look them right in the face and say, you're fired! That's exactly what's going to happen because WCW is going on the shelf. It's going nowhere. WCW is buried. WCW will remain buried. Just like anybody here in this arena or anyone in the world that gets in his way. Every single one of you when you attempt to compete with him and that includes his son Shane and he's not too proud to say it, every single one of you will be buried. Just like WCW is buried. The crowd starts chanting asshole and he says don't you start with that! Dammit, he's Vince McMahon, dammit he owns WCW, he owns the WWF and you will treat him with respect. The crowd boos. He threatens to walk out of the arena. Vince's music hits and Shane's entrance video is on the Titan tron. Vince thinks he is there and wants him to come to the ring and fight. They then show Shane walking to the ring at Nitro. Paul Heyman and Jim Ross on commentary on Raw can't believe Shane is at Nitro. Vince says Shane, where are you? Shane says what's up, Vince? Surprise dad. You're in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm here in Panama City Beach, Florida standing in a WCW ring and as usual, dad, your ego has gotten the best of you. Your ego has gotten the best of you, he means that. You wanted to finalize this deal for WCW at WrestleMania. You had the audacity to ask Ted Turner himself to come down and finalize that deal? Well dad, that's just the opportunity that he was looking for. Because the deal is finalized with WCW, and the name on the contract does say McMahon. However, the contract reads Shane McMahon. JR says he doesn't believe it. Shane says that's right, I now own WCW. The crowd cheers. He then says and Dad, just like WCW did in the past, how it kicked your ass in the past and it will again. That's exactly what's going to happen to you this Sunday at WrestleMania. he then raises his fist and JR says I can't believe what I just heard. Shane McMahon has bought WCW and Mr. McMahon is in shock.
-Nitro copyright credit and Vince looking shocked. They preview what's coming up on TNN for the rest of Raw.
-Then the Good Night and Goodbye Satellite Sign as the end of an era comes.
-Final Thoughts: Even though WCW had fallen hard the past few years it was around, this was really sad to see. Many shut off their tv sets and never watched wrestling again.

Episode 122 Notes Tue, 29 Mar 2022 05:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 56fa35d2-6fe1-4f1a-a451-243c3f1c32ea My Notes for Episode 122: WrestleMania III. -My post office saga never seems to end. We have had a slow period and then things picked back up and I was shipping out more packages. I went in this week for the first time without a mask and the guy was like I don’t think I’ve ever seen the bottom half of your face. He then wondered if my wife had any clothes left or if she was down to wearing potato sacks.
-Today we are going to be looking at the event that shaped wrestling for the next 30 years, WrestleMania III.
-Hat tip to Wikipedia here for filling in some of the information for me.
-WrestleMania III was the third annual WrestleMania pro Wrestling pay per view event produced by the WWF. The event was held on March 29, 1987, at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan. WrestleMania Ill is particularly notable for the WWF's claiming a record attendance of 93, 173 and the largest recorded attendance of a live indoor event in North America at the time. This record itself stood until January 27, 1999 when it was surpassed by the Papal Mass presided over by Pope John Paul II, held at the TWA Dome in St. Louis MO, which drew an audience of 104,000 people. The only WWF/E event with an official higher attendance was WrestleMania 32, held at AT&T Stadium. The event is considered to be the pinnacle of the 1980s wrestling boom. The WWF generated $1.6 million in ticket sales. Almost one million fans watched the event at 160 closed-circuit locations in North America. The number of people watching via pay-per-view was estimated at several million, and pay-per-view revenues were estimated at $10.3 million, setting a record for the time.
-A live shot of the crowd and there are a substantial number of people there.
-Vince McMahon is in the ring to welcome us to the magnificent Silverdome, and then welcomes us to WrestleMania III! He then does that classic introduction of Aretha Franklin to sing American the Beautiful. She does a good job with the song, but apparently did not make any friends backstage because Gorilla Monsoon buries her on an episode of Prime Time Wrestling a few weeks after this. The crowd cheers her.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to the broadcast booth. He is with Bob Uecker, Mary Hart, and Jesse Ventura. Uecker says he's so happy to be here. Jesse says he's pumped up for WrestleMania III. Hart says she has always wanted to stand in the broadcast booth with the Body, the Gorilla, and the Uek! They are all having fun.
-Don Muraco and Bob Orton, Jr. with Mr. Fuji vs. The Can-Am Connection Rick Martel and Tom Zenk: The bell rings. Muraco and Martel start. They lock up and Muraco pushes off. They lock up again and again Muraco pushes off. Another lock up and Martel goes for a side headlock. Muraco pushes off. Martel comes back with a shoulder block to knock Muraco down. They lock up and drive to a corner and Muraco with a knee to the midsection of Martel. Corner whip to Martel, who leapfrogs backwards to avoid the charge in. Martel hip locks Muraco as he comes out of the corner. Martel goes for another leapfrog in the middle of the ring and gets caught by Muraco halfway through, so he turns it into a proto Frankensteiner. They lock up and Muraco gets a side headlock. Martel moves backwards, tags Zenk in, then pushes Muraco off. Zenk with a leapfrog and then a double monkey flip to Muraco. Orton comes in and gets hip tossed over by the Can-Ams. Orton tagged in after the heels regrouped on the floor with Mr. Fuji. They lock up again and Orton gets a side headlock on. Zenk pushes off. Orton comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk with a scoop slam. Orton comes up and goes to the wrong corner and Martel punches him. He then gets arm dragged by Zenk. Into an arm bar. Orton gets to his feet and Gorilla says Zenk has excellence of execution as he would about several wrestlers before it was exclusively used to talk about Bret Hart. Orton goes over to the turnbuckle and tries to run Zenk head first into the turnbuckle, but Zenk blocks it and Orton goes in instead. Zenk arm drags Orton out of the corner and goes back to the arm bar. Orton gets back to his feet and hits Zenk with a knee to the stomach. Orton with a full nelson. Zenk reverses it. Muraco comes in. Referee Joey Marella goes to get him out as Orton reverses the move again. Muraco goes to hit Zenk, who slips out and Muraco ends up hitting Orton. He gets a two count. Zenk tags Martel in and holds the arm for Martel to hit an elbow drop from the second rope. Martel with a wrist lock. Orton grabs the hair to force Martel down to the mat. Orton goes to tag Muraco in, but Martel holds on to his arm and forces Orton back down to the mat. Martel drops a leg on Orton's arm, then goes back to an arm bar. Zenk tagged in. He hits Orton and gets a wrist lock on him. Muraco tagged in. Zenk scoop slams Muraco. Zenk goes back to the wrist lock. Muraco pushes off and drops down and Orton buries a knee to Zenk's back as he hits the ropes on the far side. Muraco tags Orton in, then delivers a neck breaker to Zenk, and Orton drops an elbow on Zenk from the second rope. Gets a two count. Orton with an elbow smash. Zenk pushes off and then a double collision in the center of the ring and both men are down. Both Muraco and Martel tagged in. Martel unloads on Muraco with punches. Martel with a corner whip and Muraco goes up and over in the corner. All four men in now. Martel slingshots Muraco back over the top rope. Muraco and Orton get the Can-Am Connection in opposite corners and go to corner whip them into each other. Can-Am's reverse both Orton and Muraco and Muraco accidently backdrops Orton. A double dropkick to Muraco. Zenk dropkicks Orton to the outside of the ring. Muraco reverses an Irish whip. Martel comes back with a crossbody as Zenk gets down and Muraco trips over him. Martel gets the pin.
-Gorilla and Jesse replay the finish.
-Flashback to what has happened between Billy Jack Haynes and Hercules.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Bobby Heenan and Hercules. Heenan says it's Billy Jerk Haynes. Hercules says it's like thousands of years ago when he took his chains and pulled down the pillars of Rome. Then he talks about Atlas and Sampson. You aren't that Hercules, dude. He says they are going to find out who the true master of the full nelson really is at the Silverdome. Heenan says it's Billy Jerk Haynes before Okerlund corrects him.
-Full Nelson Challenge Match. Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules with Bobby Heenan: This is our first look at the carts that they use to bring the competitors to the ring. A weasel chant goes out. The bell rings and they are nose to nose in the ring. They butt heads like two bulls until referee Dave Hebner separates them. They go to different corners before circling each other. They lock up and jockey for position before letting go. They lock up again. They drive to a corner. Hebner gets in between them to try to get them to break and Hercules sneaks a knee into Haynes' stomach. Then another couple of knees to knock Haynes down. Hercules with some forearms to the back of Haynes when he gets back up. Hercules with a corner whip, but he misses the charge when Haynes moves. Haynes with some chops to Hercules. Haynes with a press slam to the roar of the crowd. Haynes goes for the full nelson, but Hercules quickly slips out of the attempt and gets to the ropes. Haynes grabs Hercules' leg when he tries a kick to the stomach and spins Hercules around. He then chops Hercules. He drives Hercules back to the corner with shots and chops. Haynes with a corner whip. Hercules comes out of the corner with a big clothesline. Both men down. A double count going. Both get back to their feet on a 7 count. Haynes falls back down and Hercules attacks him with kicks. Hercules with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Hercules with a corner whip to Haynes driving him back first into the corner. Then another corner whip to Haynes. Hercules with a suplex. He gets a two count, but picks Haynes up before the three count. Jesse and Gorilla can't believe it. Jesse says that's a dangerous move and Monsoon says that's a big mistake in his book. Haynes coming back with shots to the midsection. Hercules blocks a suplex attempt and hits a forearm to Hayne's back and Haynes appears hurt. Hercules with a backbreaker. Hercules with some right hand punches to Haynes. Hercules with another body slam to Haynes. Hercules goes for the suplex. He gets the move on, but the fingers aren't locked as Monsoon is quick to point out. Haynes trying to break the hold. Haynes sinks to one knee. Dave Hebner is checking to see if Haynes is out. The arm doesn't fall three times as Haynes fights to come back. He makes it back to his feet and breaks the hold. Hercules with a forearm to the back. He then hits an elbow to the back and Irish whips Haynes. Double clothesline and both men are down. Double count going. Both up by the count of 8. Haynes blocks a shot and comes back with a right hand. Haynes hits an inverted atomic drop. But Haynes back is still bothering him. Haynes with a clothesline and an Irish whip. He plants a foot into Hercules' stomach. He then chops Hercules and clotheslines him. He then does a leg drop on Hercules and Hulk Hogan is very concerned in the back. Then a fist drop to Hercules and Haynes climbs to the second rope to drop another fist on Hercules. Haynes goes for the full nelson. Hercules fighting it trying to get to the ropes. He gets to the ropes and both men spill through the ropes to the outside. Haynes gets the full nelson back on at ringside. Both men get counted out. Heenan hits Haynes with a cheap shot from behind. Haynes starts to go after Heenan who quickly backs away. Heenan goads Haynes into the ring, where Hercules attacks him with the chain. Haynes is bleeding. Hercules hits him with the chain again as Dave Hebner is screaming at him. He hits him a couple of more times to knock him out. Hercules picks Haynes up and puts his full nelson on Haynes. Hercules finally lets go and grabs his chair. Hercules and Heenan then leave. They review the end of the match.
-Mean Gene interviews King Kong Bundy. He is with Lord Littlebrook and Little Tokyo. Bundy says big trouble comes in 450 pound packages, like King Kong Bundy. He wants Hillbilly Jim most of all. If the other two get in his way, he will squash all three of them.
-Bob Uecker joins commentary.
-Mixed Tag Team Match. King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo, and Lord Littlebrook vs. Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver, and the Haiti Kid: The heels get booed heavily when they get announced. Mean Gene interviews the faces. Hillbilly Jim says he's concerned about his little buddies and he is going to do everything to make sure that they're okay. The faces get a great reaction when they come out. Hillbilly Jim does a cartwheel when he gets in the ring. Big men are supposed to be in together and small men in together. Haiti Kid and Little Tokyo in first. Haiti Kid with an arm drag. Little Tokyo with a side headlock. Haiti Kid goes for an atomic drop, but Little Tokyo keeps the side headlock on and does a takeover to Haiti Kid. Haiti Kid with a push off. All four of the little guys in and they do a criss-cross. Heels hit each other and the faces do some rowboats with them. Haiti Kid with an atomic drop to Little Tokyo. Haiti Kid with a front face lock and tags Little Beaver in. He gets the front face lock on. Little Tokyo with a knee to the stomach, gets a side headlock on, and punches Little Beaver in the face. Little Beaver slaps Little Tokyo in the face. Littlebrook tagged in. They lock up, get to the ropes, and break. Littlebrook drives Little Beaver to the heel corner. Referee Jack Lotz admonishes Littlebrook, allowing Little Tokyo to choke Little Beaver in the corner. Little Beaver gets out and punches Bundy in the stomach before going back to the center of the ring and locking up with Littlebrook again. Bundy tagged in. He goes after Little Beaver, who crawls between Bundy's legs. He then dropkicks Bundy to no effect and then tags Hillbilly Jim in. The crowd roars when he gets in. They lock up and Bundy with a forearm to the back. Bundy with an Irish whip. Hillbilly Jim ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a clothesline of his own. Hillbilly Jim drops an elbow on Bundy. He covers Bundy and asks Haiti Kid and Little Beaver to cover Bundy with him also. Bundy kicks out at two. Bundy with a kick to Hillbilly Jim's stomach and a forearm to the back. Bundy with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He knocks Hillbilly Jim down. Bundy with a front face lock to Hillbilly Jim. Little Beaver comes in and hits Bundy with his slipper to break the hold. Bundy can't catch Little Beaver. Hillbilly Jim with a forearm shot to Bundy. Bundy with a corner splash. Bundy with a kick and a boot to Hillbilly Jim in the corner. Little Beaver comes back in to break it up and Bundy grabs him. Bundy with a scoop slam to Little Beaver. Bundy then drops an elbow on Little Beaver. The bell rings. Bundy goes for the big splash. He has been disqualified. Haiti Kid drags Little Beaver out of the way and Bundy's own partners have even turned on him for what he has done. Bundy yells at them and gets out of the ring. Howard Finkel announces Hillbilly Jim, Haiti Kid, and Little Beaver as the winners to the roar of the crowd. Hillbilly Jim picks up the prone Little Beaver.
-Mary Hart interviews Miss Elizabeth. She asks Elizabeth if she is trepidatious and Randy Savage comes in and says that trepidatious is the word and says that Mary Hart must be fascinated with the Macho Man and if she wants to ask him any questions he'll answer them one by one. Mary says to tell him the truth, she was really looking forward to talking to Elizabeth. He says he's the Intercontinental Champion. Mary asks Elizabeth if it is always this way? Savage says he can't believe it. Fascination is the word of the day and enthusiasm is where he goes. He then says Elizabeth, down that aisle and tells Mary Hart that his phone number is on the back of his license plate.
-Flashback to what led up to the Harley Race/Junk Yard Dog match.
-Mean Gene talks to Harley Race, The Fabulous Moolah, and Bobby Heenan. Mean Gene says there could be a new King in the JYD or a re coronation of the current king, Harley Race. Race says that's right, a re coronation, keep it that way. Moolah says it will be her pleasure to crown Harley Race again and to have JYD bow to Race like he is supposed to. Heenan hands her the crown saying he is giving her the crown jewels.
-Bob Uecker sees Moolah and bails on the broadcast position to chase after her.
-Mean Gene interviews the Junk Yard Dog. Gene asks him after the smoke clears in this one, does he feel like he's going to be wearing the crown? JYD says just as sure as he is black and the day is sunny, Mean Gene. He's going to be wearing that crown because Harley Race has been sitting on the throne for too long. It's time for him to move along and let the Dog sit on the throne with the crown on his head.
-Winner will be the King of Wrestling, loser must bow to the king. Harley Race with Bobby Heenan and The Fabulous Moolah vs. The Junk Yard Dog: JYD gets a tremendous reaction when he gets in. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and get to the ropes. Race with a shot that JYD blocks and goes for a shot. Race blocks that one, but JYD catches him with a short right hand. Heenan grabs JYD's leg so JYD goes out after him. Heenan lures JYD back into the ring and straight into a knee by Race. He hits JYD with an elbow. JYD comes back with some right hands and a headbutt. JYD comes over and Race rams his head into JYD's midsection. Race throws JYD to the outside. Race comes out on the apron and kicks JYD down to the floor. Race goes for the headbutt to the floor, but JYD moves. JYD rolls back into the ring. Heenan helps Race get back in the ring. JYd grabs Race on the apron. He turns Race around and clotheslines him back in the ring. JYD puts Race's head between his legs and stomps down driving Race back over the top rope to the outside. Race gets back up on the apron and JYD grabs him again and scoop slams him in. JYD gets an abdominal stretch on. Race flips out of it with a takeover to JYD. Race headbutts JYD but does more damage to himself. JYD with a corner whip and Race falls up and over to the outside. Race gets back in and JYD immediately thumps him with a headbutt. JYD with several headbutts. Heenan gets up on the apron distracting JYD, allowing Race to hit him with a belly to belly suplex and pin JYD. Heenan and Moolah put the robe on Race while Howard Finkel announces that JYD must now bow and kneel. They get a chair and Race sits down. Moolah and Heenan demanding that JYD get down and bow. JYD does a little curtsy and then a little bow. Race gets up and celebrates. JYD starts to go after the crown, but Heenan gets that and runs away, so JYD grabs the chair and hits Race with it. JYD grabs the robe as Moolah checks on Race. JYD gets the robe and leaves on the cart.
-Vince McMahon interviews Hulk Hogan.
-Hulk Hogan: Well you know they said it was my last ride man! Yesterday when I finished hanging and banging. When I jumped on the Harley man. As I went thru the intersection. As I headed for the mountains, some of the nonbelievers in the gym said, "See ya later Hulkster, man! This is your last ride." It ate me alive brothers. When I felt the fury as I ripped, as I tore this shirt, as I headed for the sunset man, I looked down brothers, and as the sun beamed off the gold in my eyes, Irealized that sooner or later, you gotta live and die and you gotta face the truth. And for you, Andre the Giant, it's time to face the truth brother. Because when I think about what you and I have to do man. What I have to do is nothing. All I have to do is merely beat a seven foot four 550-pound giant. But Andre, you've gotta face the truth brother. In its purest form man. The purest truth there is man. The training, saying your prayers, eating the vitamins. And to beat me man, you’ve got to beat every little Hulkamaniac, every little Hulkster in the world. Everyone that plays it straight. All the ones that don't take any shortcuts brother. And they usually say "If the dirty air don't get you, the politicians will." But in this case. It's going to be Hulkamania. And the reason it's going to get you man, it's the purest form of the truth there is. And I can't wait to see you go down at the feet of Hulkamania in front of 90,000 plus in the Silverdome. What you gonna do Andre the Giant when the real truth, the 24 inch pythons and Hulkamania runs wild on you? Hogan is intense here.
-The Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond vs. The Dream Team Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine with Johnny V and Dino Bravo: Mean Gene interviews the Dream Team and this is the infamous Parley Vous scrambled eggs, grandma promo from Johnny V. Jesse and Gorilla discuss Greg Valentine's new robe, the boas that Jesse used to wear, and the fact that the Federettes won't leave Jesse alone. Beefcake and Raymond start. They briefly lock up, but break just as quickly. Beefcake with a wrist lock into a hammerlock. Raymond flips behind Beefcake to get out of the move and atomic drops Beefcake. Jacques tagged in. Double dropkick by the Rougeau Brothers. Valentine tagged in and knees Jacques in the stomach. Back and forth with shots in the ring. Raymond tagged in. The Rougeau Brothers do some leapfrogs on Valentine and Raymond hits him with a crossbody. He gets a two count. Jacques tagged back in. Raymond with an Irish whip and Jacques hits a back elbow. Gets a two count. Gorilla works in his nightmare for the Dream Team in the Rosemont Horizon at WrestleMania 2 line IYDAH. Valentine reverses a corner whip. Jacques goes for a reverse crossbody, but Valentine ducks. Valentine drops an elbow on Jacques, then another one. Valentine with a scoop slam. Beefcake tagged in. He stomps on Jacques. Gets another two count. Valentine tagged back in. Beefcake lifts Jacques up and Valentine hits him with a shot from the second rope and Beefcake hits a backbreaker on Jacques as Bobby Heenan has joined Gorilla and Jesse in the broadcast booth. Valentine puts the figure four on Jacques. Jesse welcomes Bobby to WrestleMania III. Heenan says he's 2 for 2 at WrestleMania. Monsoon says he's 1 for 3. They bicker over his record at WrestleMania III. Valentine tries for a sunset flip. Jacques hits him and tags Ramond in. Ramond with a couple of shots and a back kick. Raymond with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Raymond with a sleeper to Valentine. Beefcake comes off the second rope with a double ax handle, but Raymond moves and he hits Valentine instead. Raymond holds Valentine for Jacques to come off the top rope and hit him and Raymond rolls him up. The referee gets tied up with Jacques and Beefcake allowing Bravo to come off the second rope and hit Raymond. He puts Valentine on top of Raymond and Valentine gets the pin. Valentine, Bravo, and Johnny V leave Beefcake in the ring and yell at him. They then left in the cart without him.
-Flashback to what led up to the Roddy Piper/Adrian Adonis match.
-Roddy Piper retirement match. The loser gets his head shaved. Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart: Piper interview. He says do you think for one second on his way out that he was going to be humiliated? He says no retreat/no surrender. Adonis and Hart booed heavily as they come out. Adonis brings hedge clippers out and Hart has a mirror. Both will come into play later. Previously, Mean Gene interviewed Hart and Adonis. They say Piper is going to look like a baboon's behind after he gets his head shaved. They say after Piper gets Goodnight, Irene, it's going to be good night Roddy Piper with a haircut. Piper walks to ringside instead of taking a cart in a classic move. He says come on M-F-ER if you can read lips as he gets in the ring. He gets a standing ovation as he gets in. A Roddy chant goes out. They go back and forth in the ring with shots to begin. Piper takes his belt and starts whipping Adonis with it. Hart gets up on the apron and Piper wraps the belt around Hart's neck. Adonis hits Piper from behind with a forearm. Adonis gets the belt and starts whipping Piper. He straps Piper in the corner. Piper reverses a corner whip and Adonis goes upside down-and-out to ringside. Piper grabs Adonis to drag him back in. Hart grabs Adonis by his other arm and Piper drags him in too. Piper knocks Hart's and Adonis' heads together. He then Irish whips Hart into Adonis and they both go over the top rope to the outside. The crowd cheers wildly. Piper drags Adonis back into the ring and unloads on him. Piper with a corner whip to Adonis. Hart climbs up on the apron, so Piper grabs him and throws him into Adonis. Piper with a side headlock. Adonis pushes off and Hart trips Piper when he gets to the ropes. Adonis goes for Good Night, Irene and Piper scrambles to the ropes to get away. Adonis scratches Piper's chest. Adonis with an Irish whip and a big clothesline. Adonis with a right hand to knock Piper up against the ropes. Adonis with another shot and Piper comes back with an eye poke. Adonis with an elbow shot. Piper falls to the mat and falls to the outside. Adonis goes out after him. Adonis rams Piper head first into the timekeeper's table. Piper gets up and Hart hits him in the stomach with the atomizer. Piper falls to the ground. Jesse then makes his "Barry Team" Braverman and Bloom comments about his managers and it took me 30 years to figure out what he was saying. Adonis hitting shots on Piper up against the ropes and Piper telling him to just bring it. Adonis with a chop to Piper. Back and forth in the ring. Piper knocked up against the ropes but grabs them to get back to his feet. Adonis gets the referee distracted so Hart climbs up on the apron and sprays Piper in the face with the atomizer. Adonis puts the Good Night, Irene sleeper on Piper. Piper with a hip lock takeover, but Adonis still has the sleeper on. Adonis gets back to his feet and Piper drives him back into the corner to try to break the hold. He does it a second time, but Adonis still has the hold on. Piper goes down to a seated position. Piper starts to go out and the referee is checking on him. The arm drops twice and Adonis turns it loose before it drops a third time. Adonis goes over to celebrate with Hart and Brutus Beefcake comes out of nowhere to revive Piper. This builds off of an earlier 6-Man tag where Adonis accidently cut some of Beefcake's hair during the match. Piper gets back up. He hits Hart and ducks a shot from Adonis with the hedge clippers. The clippers hit the ropes and come back to hit Adonis. Piper puts Adonis into a sleeper of his own. Adonis goes out and Piper wins the match. The crowd cheers wildly for Piper. Beefcake hands the hedge clippers to Piper. Beefcake starts to shave Adonis' head and The Barber is born. Piper gets Hart down on the mat and puts a boot on him so he can't interfere. Piper grabs some of the shaved hair and blows it away. Adonis gets up and Piper goes behind him with the mirror and Adonis turns around and punches the mirror and says WTF if you can read lips. I've seen this show dozens of times and have never noticed this before. Adonis goes after Piper who keeps easily avoiding him. Hart covers up Adonis' head with his jacket and they leave. The crowd gives Piper another standing ovation as Howard Finkel announces him the winner in his farewell match. Piper kisses Finkel on his bald head. A fan comes in the ring to celebrate with Piper who shakes his hand before security comes in to tackle the guy and take him away. Agents congratulate Piper as he leaves the ring and he celebrates on the cart on the way back to the locker room.
-When they return, Mary Hart and Bob Uecker are with Gorilla and Mary wants to know where Jesse is. Gorilla says he has insisted on being introduced to the crowd from inside the ring. Bob says that Jesse got jealous that he was with The Fabulous Moolah and that's where he is right now. Howard Finkel introduces Jesse to the crowd and he gets a good ovation as he climbs up on the apron. Jesse shakes the hands of Jimmy Hart, The Hart Foundation, and Danny Davis who are already in the ring for their match.
-6-Man tag team match. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart and Danny Davis with Jimmy Hart vs. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid and Tito Santana with Matilda: They play an interview that Mean Gene did with The Hart Foundation from earlier. Hart says the whole world knows that The Hart Foundation are the world tag team champions. The greatest team in wrestling today. Now they are going to unleash their newest member Danny Davis. He tells Tito Santana that if he wants a war, he's got a war. The British Bulldogs are the biggest crybabies that he has ever seen. He says when they finish with them, there's going to be nothing left. The faces come out to a good reaction. Gorilla tries to explain that Davis was responsible for all of the faces losing their titles. As the British Bulldogs get in the ring, Matilda goes after Jimmy Hart. Santana and the Dynamite Kid run Neidhart and Bret into each other at ringside. Then the British Bulldogs throw Davis on top of the Hart Foundation at ringside. Santana and Bret start. Santana with some right hands to Bret. Santana with a corner whip. Bret tries to get his legs up to avoid the charge, but Santana grabs his legs and slams him down to the mat. Jesse is shown taking Matilda to the back in the motorized cart. Santana runs Bret face first into Smith's boot and Smith tagged in. Neidhart tagged in. They lock up. Neidhart breaks it. They lock up again and Smith with a side headlock. Mary Hart clears up the face that she is not related to Jimmy Hart at all, but doesn't say anything about Bret. Neidhart pushes off. Smith runs into Bret, who is on the apron. He grabs Bret and runs him and Neidhart together. Dynamite Kid tagged in and headbutts Neidhart down. Santana tagged in and gets an arm bar. Neidhart pushes Santana back to the heels corner and the referee admonishes him allowing Bret and Davis to double team Santana. Neidhart with a forearm to Santana. Another forearm and an Irish whip to Santana. Santana comes back with a leapfrog. Smith tagged in. Smith with some forearms, an Irish whip and a backdrop. Neidhart comes back with a double ax handle to Smith on the back to knock Smith down. Neidhart tags Bret and then slams Smith down. Hart misses the elbow drop from the second rope when Smith moves. Dynamite Kid tagged in. He picks Bret up by the hair and just slams him down. Dynamite Kid with a corner whip and Bret takes the move sternum first. Dynamite Kid with a clothesline. Dynamite Kid with a headbutt to a prone Bret. Neidhart breaks up a pin attempt and Santana comes in and beats Neidhart back to his corner. Bret with some right hands to Dynamite Kid in the corner. Bret beats Dynamite down in the corner and goes to tag someone in, but Dynamite Kid comes back with a headbutt and goes for a suplex until Neidhart comes in and hits Dynamite Kid in the back with a double ax handle. Santana comes back in to drive Neidhart back to his corner. Bret with a right hand to Dynamite Kid's face. Neidhart tagged in and has Dynamite Kid in a chin lock. He then hits a forearm on Dynamite Kid who is reaching out to help. Bret tagged in and Neidhart holds Dynamite Kid on his knee for Bret to hit an elbow drop from the second rope. Davis tagged in and kicks a stomps down Dynamite Kid. Bret tagged in and the fans are booing Davis. Bret with some right hand shots to Dynamite Kid. Neidhart tagged in. Bret holds Dynamite Kid for Neidhart to hit with a right hand. Dynamite Kid trying to make it back to his corner. holding on to the ropes as Neidhart hits him with a forearm. Bret tagged in and Neidhart holds Dynamite Kid for Bret to hit him in the stomach. Bret with a headbutt. Davis tagged in. He kicks Dynamite Kid. Bret tagged back in. Bret with a right hand to knock Dynamite Kid down. The Hart Foundation slingshots Davis in to land on Dynamite Kid, who gets his knees up. Santana tagged in. He unloads with left and rights on Davis. Santana with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Santana knocks The Hart Foundation off of the apron and Santana with an Irish whip and a flying forearm on Davis. Santana hitting Davis with right hands. Santana goes for the figure four, but Neidhart comes in and hits him from behind. Smith tagged in. Irish whip and a clothesline to Davis. Smith runs Davis into Dynamite Kid's knee. Smith with a piledriver to Davis. Then a delayed suplex to Davis. Smith gets Davis up on his shoulder and hits a power slam. Neidhart breaks up the cover. Santana comes in and hits a flying forearm to Neidhart. All 6 men in. Referee tries to get them out, allowing Davis to hit Smith with Jimmy Hart's megaphone to get the pin. They replay the finish of the match and then Bob and Mary depart the broadcast booth.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant. Heenan says Andre is going to become the Heavyweight Champion of the World. Heenan says the man is undefeated in over 15 years as a professional athlete. Hulk Hogan has never been in the ring or met a man bigger than him. Stronger than him. Taller than him. That weighs more than him, and with a burning will inside of him more than Andre the Giant. A few short hours from now. That clock is ticking, and it is ticking in their direction, not Hulk Hogans. Hulkamania is over. It's dead. The door's gonna be shut on the history books of Hulk Hogan once and for all. There is a new heavyweight champion of the world. The odds on favorite in Las Vegas and all over the wrestling world, they're picking Andre the Giant. Nobody can defeat this man. Nobody can even come close to defeating this man. And Hogan, he knows what is happening to you because it is happening to him. The butterflies are in his stomach. The adrenaline is flowing through his veins and he is getting ready. Because he's going to manage the Heavyweight Champion of the world. You had three good years, you have nothing to look back on, but it's over. Andre the Giant, the new Heavyweight Champion of the World.
-Butch Reed with Slick vs. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Slick and Reed yelling at Ware before the match. Jesse says of course the B stands for Buckwheat and he has a brother named Stymie who wears a derby as we have reached the insensitivity portion of our program. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. Go to the ropes. Reed goes for a right hand. Ware moves, goes to hit Reed with a right hand and Reed ducks out of the way. They lock up again. Back to the ropes and break again. Lock up again and Monsoon says Slick calls himself the Master of Style when it's the Doctor of Style and Gorilla needs to respect Slick's education credentials. Back to the ropes and Reed with a right hand to Ware. Then a forearm to Ware. Reed with another forearm and an Irish whip. Ware ducks a back elbow and slips out of a scoop slam attempt. He goes to roll Reed up, but Reed holds on to the ropes. He turns around and Ware hits him with a dropkick to knock Reed to the outside. Reed regroups with Slick briefly before getting back in. Ware with an Irish whip and a right hand to Reed's midsection. Another one knocks Reed to the mat. Back up, Ware with an Irish whip, but Ware drops his head early and Reed hits him with a forearm to the back. Reed with a side headlock and a shot to Ware's throat. Boot to Ware's head. Ware run into the turnbuckle head first. Ware reverses a corner whip and hip locks Reed out of the corner. Ware hitting Reed with right and left hands. Then a dropkick to knock Reed down. Gets a two count. Ware with a side headlock and a right hand. Reed reverses an Irish whip. Ware ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to Reed, but Reed rolls through and pins Ware with a handful of tights. Ware hits Reed with a right hand to knock him to the outside. Slick with a shot to Ware's back with the cane. Tito Santana shows up and goes after Slick. He grabs Slick and starts ripping his clothes off. Slick runs away down the aisle and Ware and Santana double dropkick Reed. He runs away and the faces celebrate in the ring.
-Flashback to what has led up to the Ricky Steamboat/Randy Savage match.
-Randy Savage is in the interview area alone with the Intercontinental title. He says he was in a state of shock when Ricky Steamboat came back. He says this time in front of the largest audience in the world. He will not only embarrass Steamboat, not only pin him with the 1,2,3, but he's going to put Steamboat out of wrestling for good. He says he is the lord and master of the ring and Steamboat is going to find that out. One athlete to another, right now. History beckons the Macho Man.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth vs. Ricky Steamboat with George Steele: Savage and Elizabeth out first. Gorilla and Jesse Acknowlege that Savage is getting some cheers. Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. Mean Gene says this could be Steamboat's last shot at Randy Savage and the Intercontinental Title. Steamboat says his last opportunity. Randy Savage, the day has finally come. The minutes, the seconds, we have reached our moment. As we climb into the ring, we clash like two titans. But there will be only one winner. One winner, Savage. This dragon is breathing fire, this dragon will scorch your back. He will come away with the championship belt and see new horizons. Steamboat out next with Steele. Steamboat with a big reaction from the crowd when he comes out. The bell rings. Slow to start. Savage bounces off the ropes. They start to circle each other. They lock up. Savage goes to pull the hair, but Steamboat pushes off. They lock up again. Savage with a go behind. Steamboat with a takeover to break the hold. Both back to their feet. Savage goes to the outside by Elizabeth when Steele gets too close. Savage moves Elizabeth to another corner of the ring. Savage back in the ring. They lock up again. Savage with a knee to the stomach. Savage with an Irish whip. Steamboat ducks underneath a clothesline attempt and hits a nice looking arm drag. Steamboat goes off the ropes. Savage goes to punch him and Steamboat slides through Savage's legs. Then, another arm drag by Steamboat and then he lifts Savage up by the throat before throwing him down to the mat. Savage rolls to the outside to regroup. Steamboat goes out after him and Savage hits him as soon as he gets back in. Savage kicks Steamboat in the chest. Savage then grabs Steamboat by the hair and pushes him throat first down on the top rope choking him. He then slingshots him backwards off the rope. He gets a one count. Savage with an elbow to Steamboat. He gets Steamboat in the corner and grabs his face. Referee Dave Hebner breaks it up. A Steamboat chant goes out. Savage charges into the corner, but Steamboat moves out of the way. Steamboat grabs Savage by the arm, lifts him up, and slams him down. Steamboat takes Savage over to the ropes, drapes his arm over the ropes, and drops off the apron driving the arm down. Steamboat gets back in the ring and gets a wrist lock on Savage. He drives his hand into the arm. Savage grabs a handful of hair and pushes off. He hits Steamboat with a back elbow. Savage grabs his own elbow and he is hurt. Savage grabs Steamboat and throws him up and over to the outside from the corner. The referee starts counting Steamboat out. Steamboat tries to get up onto the apron, but gets cut off and kicked back to the floor by Savage. Hebner goes back to counting Steamboat out after being interrupted by Savage. Savage reaches down and grabs Steamboat by the hair and pulls him up onto the apron. He turns Steamboat over and drives an elbow into his throat. Steamboat goes down on the apron and Savage comes over and kicks him and Steamboat falls back to the floor. Savage gets Steamboat back on the apron and snap mares him in. Savage gets Steamboat up on his knees and delivers another elbow to the head. Hooks his shoulders down and gets another two count. Savage drops a knee on Steamboat's throat. Gets another two count. Savage grabs Steamboat by the hair and goes to ram him into the turnbuckle head first, but Steamboat blocks it and runs Savage in instead. Steamboat with several karate thrusts to Savage in the corner. Steamboat hitting Savage with chops and thrusts until they reach the far side of the ring and Savage gets tied up in the ropes. Steamboat hits Savage in the head with Karate thrusts until Hebner counts to three, then Steamboat backs off. Hebner tries to get Savage loose and Steamboat hits him again. Steamboat tries it again, but Savage kicks him at the same time as Hebner gets Savage loose. Steamboat reverses an Irish whip. Savage stops and then reverses another Irish whip. Steamboat comes back with a crossbody. Gets a two count. Steamboat with an arm drag. Steamboat comes up with a wrist lock. Savage pushes off and Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Gets a quick two count. Steamboat with another two count. Steamboat goes for another shoulder block, but Savage grabs him by the hair and throws him towards the ropes. Steamboat runs chest first into the ropes and Savage hits him from behind with a high knee. Savage grabs Steamboat by the hair and throws him out, but Steamboat grabs the ropes and skins the cat to come back in. Savage sees this and immediately clotheslines Steamboat to the outside. Steele comes over to check on Steamboat. Savage comes from behind as Steamboat gets up and hits Steamboat with a high knee from behind to drive Steamboat into and across the timekeepers table and Steamboat lands over the barricade into the crowd. Hebner reprimands Savage in the ring and Jesse says he should be counting Steamboat. Steele picks Steamboat up and brings him back over the barricade and onto the apron. Savage grabs Steamboat. Savage drives Steamboat across the ring and out on the other side. Savage climbs to the top rope and hits Steamboat with a double ax handle. Savage goes back inside to break the count and Jesse complains that Hebner is counting slow. Savage goes outside and grabs Steamboat and throws him back in the ring. Savage climbs to the top rope. He hits Steamboat with another double ax handle. Then a running elbow to Steamboat's head. Gets a two count. Savage takes Steamboat by the hair and guillotines him on the top rope. Savage gets another two count. Savage with an atomic drop. He gets another two count. Savage hits a suplex. Gets another two count. Savage goes to hit Steamboat with an elbow, but Steamboat blocks it and hits Savage with some karate strikes. Savage comes back with an eye gouge. Savage hits a gut wrench suplex and gets a two count. Steamboat with a shot to Savage's midsection. Savage goes for another atomic drop, but Steamboat slips behind him. Steamboat with some more karate thrusts. Steamboat with an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Savage kicks him in the face. Savage rushes Steamboat, who backdrops Savage outside to the floor. Steamboat goes out after Savage and drives his head into the apron. He throws Savage back in and climbs up to the top. He hits him with a knife chop to the top rope. Steamboat gets a two count, but Savage gets to the ropes. Steamboat with an Irish whip and a shot to the chest of Savage. Gets another two count. Steamboat with a karate thrust to the face. Steamboat with more chops to Savage as Savage rolls away trying to avoid the chops. Savage gets to the apron. Steamboat with another Karate thrust to knock Savage down. Savage falls to the outside. Savage gets up. Steamboat comes out after him, so Savage goes to another side of the ring to get back in. Steamboat gets up on the apron, shoulder blocks and sunset flips Savage. Savage holding on to the rope to try to avoid going down. He can't hold on and Steamboat gets a two count. Steamboat ducks a clothesline attempt and rolls Savage up for another two count. Steamboat with a reverse double leg hook for another two count. Steamboat with a small package for another two count. Steamboat with a scoop slam. Steamboat slingshots Savage chest first into the turnbuckle. Steamboat hooks the legs from behind for another two count. Steamboat rolls Savage up for a two count. Savage reverses it and gets a two count with a handful of tights. Steamboat pushes Savage off with his legs. Steamboat with more karate thrusts to Savage's face as Gorilla and Jesse argue over the job Dave Hebner is doing as referee. Savage grabs Steamboat and runs him shoulder first into the corner post. A double reversal of a corner whip and Savage sends Steamboat straight in to Dave Hebner to knock him out. Savage with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Savage goes to the top rope. He hits an elbow on Steamboat and covers him, but there is no referee to count. Savage goes over to check on Hebner. Savage goes out and gets the bell away from the timekeeper. He goes to climb up to the top, but Steele grabs the bell away from him. Savage hits Steele with a knee from the apron. Savage grabs the bell again and climbs to the top rope, but Steele pushes him off into the ring. Savage goes to pick Steamboat up, but Steamboat gets a small package to pin Savage. New Intercontinental Champion! The crowd goes wild. Howard Finkel announces Steamboat as the new champion. Steele raises Steamboat's hand and Steamboat raises the Intercontinental Championship with the other hand. Savage is arguing with Dave Hebner as Steele and Steamboat leave on a cart. Savage and Liz then leave on a cart and Savage is looking dejected as Gorilla and Jesse argue over Steele interfering in the match.
-Mean Gene interviews Alice Cooper and Jake Roberts. They show the clip of The Honky Tonk Man hitting Roberts with a guitar on The Snake Pit. Roberts says of course he remembers it and puts it all on Jimmy Hart because he says HTM isn't smart enough to come up with it on his own. He tells HTM when he takes a shot at a man like him, you better make that shot count and HTM didn't. Roberts is still walking and that's all he needs to do is to get in that ring and have his way with HTM. Alice Cooper says he's going to be watching Jimmy Hart and that this is also his hometown and the hometown of heavy metal.
-Jake Roberts with Alice Cooper and Damien vs. The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart: Roberts and Cooper get a huge ovation when they come out. Mean Gene interviews HTM and Jimmy Hart. HTM says 90,000 people are waiting to hear him sing and dance. They are going to listen to his music and not some nightmare song by Alice Cooper. If Alice Cooper thinks he's going to put his hands on The Colonel, you'll never get the chance. HTM is going to sing and dance for everybody who has supported him. Gorilla says he doesn't want to hear HTM sing. Jesse asks him if he wants to hear Alice sing and Gorilla says yes or anyone else for that matter. The crowd boos HTM and Hart on their way to the ring. Roberts attacks HTM on the apron before he can get his jumpsuit off. Roberts with a series of short jabs to HTM. Several more shots knock HTM down, but Roberts picks him right back up. HTM reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Roberts hits him with a knee lift to the face. HTM rolls to the outside to regroup and get his gear off. Roberts follows him to the outside and starts tearing the jumpsuit off. A series of jabs knocks HTM to the ground and Roberts pulls the jumpsuit off. Roberts then throws HTM back inside the ring. HTM quickly goes across the ring and out on the other side, but Roberts follows. Roberts scoop slams HTM on the outside. He then hits him in the face and throws HTM back in. Roberts with a corner whip and HTM gets his knees up on the charge. HTM with a double ax handle to Roberts on the back. HTM grabs Roberts by the arm and kicks him in the ribs. HTM then punches Roberts several times in the face as Roberts makes it back to his feet. Roberts finally ducks a shot and hits a shot of his own. He then follows that up with a short clothesline to HTM. Roberts signals for the DDT and you can see Damien wriggling in the sack to be let out. Roberts goes for the DDT, but HTM rolls to the outside to avoid it. Roberts follows him out and nails him on the floor. Hart provokes Roberts, who starts to go after him, but changes his mind and catches HTM with a shot when HTM was coming up from behind to hit Roberts with a shot. HTM reverses an Irish whip attempt and sends Roberts straight into the ring post. Roberts falls over the barricade. Cooper comes over to help Roberts as HTM celebrates back in the ring. Roberts climbs up on the apron and HTM comes over and drops a knee on Roberts to drive him back to the floor. HTM brings Roberts back up to the apron and hits another knee to drop him back down to the floor again. Roberts finally gets back in the ring as a Jake chant goes out. Scoop slam by HTM. HTM hits a fist drop from the second rope. Roberts back up and HTM kicks him in the ribs. Then another kick. He then punches Roberts twice. Roberts swings wildly and HTM hits him with another shot to knock him down. HTM drops a double ax handle on Roberts. HTM with an Irish whip and a back elbow. HTM drops another elbow. HTM picks Roberts back up and starts to go for the Shake, Rattle, and Roll. Roberts counters and backdrops HTM. HTM shoulder tackles Roberts on the backside in a corner and starts punching Roberts on the turnbuckle. Roberts comes back with an inverted atomic drop as a DDT chant goes out. HTM goes for a double ax handle and Roberts trying to keep him away with kicks. Then a series of punches knocks HTM to the ground. HTM begging off. Roberts with an Irish whip and a backdrop to HTM. A right hand by Roberts knocks HTM out to the apron. HTM gets caught between the ropes and it catapults him when Roberts punches him. HTM finally falls in the ring and Roberts signals for the DDT. He grabs HTM, but Hart grabs Roberts legs before he can hit the move. HTM rolls Roberts up from behind and pins Roberts holding on to the ropes. Roberts goes out and grabs HTM's guitar and goes to hit him with it, but HTM ducks and Roberts breaks the guitar on the ring post. HTM takes off towards the back. Hart is in the ring and Cooper comes in to a big ovation. Hart acts like he wants to take Alice on and Roberts grabs Hart from behind and puts him in a full nelson. Cooper gets Damien and goes to put it on Hart, who is kicking wildly trying to get away. Roberts then throws Hart down. He throws Damien on Hart, who quickly gets out of the ring. HTM grabs him and they run back down the aisle. Roberts and Cooper celebrate in the ring.
-Howard Finkel then introduces Mean Gene, who announces the attendance record of 93,173. The crowd cheers loudly and Jesse says wow as Gorilla repeats the number and the graphic shows the number and says World Indoor record. Jesse says it broke the record of The Rolling Stones set in New Orleans. Jesse says he and Gorilla weren't counted and it should be 93,175. There have been numerous claims since WrestleMania Ill that the quoted attendance figure of 93, 173 which established a world record attendance for an indoor event was false and that the real attendance figure was only around 78,000. This is based on claims by Dave Meltzer upon receiving information from the events promoter Zane Bresloff, and that wrestling promoters (including Vince McMahon) were known to regularly inflate attendance figures to make things look better. While the WWE and Silverdome management have always maintained that the 93, 173 figure is correct, debate continues among wrestling fans as to what the true attendance was on the day. Also, Meltzer claimed that the 1992 SummerSlam at Wembley did 79, 127, more than WrestleMania Ill. The record would be decisively broken by WrestleMania 32 in 2016.
-Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik with Slick vs. The Killer Bees B Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell: Heels are heavily booed as they come down to the ring. Sheik does his Iran #1, Russia #1 gimmick. Slick asks Finkel to make everyone stand and respect the singing of the Soviet National Anthem. He starts to a chorus of boos until Jim Duggan comes down with his 2x4. Duggan clears the ring and it is full of trash that people have been throwing in. Duggan gets on the mic and tells Volkoff that he's not singing the Russian National Anthem because this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. The Killer Bees get a good reaction when they come out. Heels jump the Bees as soon as the bell rings. They get the Bees in opposite corners and start to pound on them as the referee tries to get some control and Duggan is marching around with the 2x4. The Bees reverse double corner whips and send both heels crashing back into opposite corners. Bees then with corner whips, but the heels do si do in the middle of the ring and charge back, but both Bees punch them. Volkoff tossed out. Blair atomic drops Sheik and Brunzell does a double clap against his ears. Blair picks Sheik up, tags Brunzell in, and they double Irish whip and double back elbow Sheik. Brunzell with a wrist lock and tags Blair in. Blair with an elbow smash to Sheik from the second rope. Blair with a wrist lock and Brunzell tagged in. He continues the wrist lock and tags Blair back in. A lot of quick tags by the faces. Double Irish whip and a double hip toss. Brunzell puts Sheik's head between his legs and jumps down. Brunzell with a wrist lock and Blair tagged back in. Blair off the ropes with another elbow smash. Brunzell tagged in. Blair with an Irish whip to Sheik and Brunzell hits him with a dropkick. Volkoff comes in to break up the pin attempt. All four men in and the referee makes Blair get out allowing the heels to double team Brunzell. They get him down and Volkoff starts to stomp him. Volkoff with an Irish whip and a knee to the stomach of Brunzell. Then a running kick to Brunzell and a forearm to the back. Sheik tagged in. Sheik with an Irish whip and a throat thrust. Gets a two count. He runs Brunzell into Volkoff's boot and Volkoff tagged in. Volkoff with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, Brunzell attempts a flying elbow coming off the ropes, but Volkoff catches him in a bear hug. Brunzell punching Volkoff in the face trying to get out of the move. A double clap on the head makes Volkoff break the hold. Sheik tagged in. He hits a gut wrench suplex. Gets a two count. Sheik hits another suplex. He gets a two count. Sheik with another Irish Whip and Brunzell comes back with a high knee. Volkoff comes in and the referee tries to get him out, missing Brunzell tagging Blair in. He tries to get Blair out and Volkoff comes back in and the heels are double teaming Blair. Double Irish whip and back elbow to Brunzell. Blair knocked off of the apron. Slick comes over to Blair, bringing Duggan over to chase Slick away. Duggan then starts chasing Volkoff around the ring. Sheik gets the camel clutch on Brunzell in the ring. Volkoff gets chased into the ring by Duggan, who stops and nails the Sheik with the 2x4 and the heels win by disqualification. What a stupid move by Duggan. Howard Finkel announces the winners and Duggan gets on the mic and tells the Sheik and Volkoff an eye for an eye and a took for a tooth. He says if they don't want to play by the rules, then neither do they. No word on whether he was also speaking for The Killer Bees. Duggan says understand one thing. There is a new spirit in America and you can hear it now. He then starts a USA Chant. They replay the ending of the match.
-Mean Gene interviews Andre the Giant and Bobby Heenan. Andre says he's going to go to the ring. It won't take him too long, and he is going to come back here in front of the cameras with the World Championship Belt around his waist. Heenan says he can feel it. The adrenaline is going. Andre is going to make him famous. He's going to become the heavyweight champion of the world, and Bobby is going to go down in the history books as the manager of the World's Heavyweight Champion. He says he's ready and Hulk Hogan better be ready.
-They recap the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant Feud.
-Savage/Steamboat may have stolen the show, but Hogan/Andre is what brought them there.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan.
-Howard Finkel introduces Bob Uecker as the special guest ring announcer. Jesse does his Terry, Tyrell, and Jade WrestleMania greeting. Uecker comes in and introduces Mary Hart as the special guest timekeeper. She and Uecker check things out and are overwhelmed at the people.
-Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant with Bobby Heenan: Jesse gives the tale of the tape for both competitors as they come out. Hogan gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. They are face to face and Andre is staring at Hogan with disdain. Andre shoves Hogan, who shoves Andre back. Hogan blocks a right hand from Andre and hits one of his own. Several more right hands, but Andre will not go down. Hogan goes for a slam, but Andre falls on Hogan. He gets that early controversial two count that they will use to continue the feud for another year. Hogan trying to get up, but Andre kicks him from behind in the back. Andre gets Hogan in a front face lock and hits him with a forearm to the back. Andre focuses on the back with forearm shots as Heenan keeps screaming at referee Joey Marella that the previous count was a three count. Hogan collapses to the mat in pain after the forearm shots to the back. Andre telling Hogan to get up. Hogan struggles to get back up and Andre hits him with a forearm. He then slams Hogan's head down on Andre's knee. Andre with a scoop slam. Hogan's back is hurting. Andre says get up. Hogan gets back to his feet. Andre slams him again. Andre then steps directly on Hogan's back. Andre picks Hogan up and corner whips him. He then corner whips him to the opposite corner and Hogan hits the corner back first. Andre comes over and drives his shoulder into Hogan several times. Andre then turns around and drives his whole body backwards into Hogan. Andre with a headbutt. Andre goes to headbutt Hogan again, but he slips away from Andre. Hogan with some punches to Andre. Off the ropes with a big punch. An elbow to Andre off the ropes. Hogan chopping Andre in the corner. He rams Andre head first several times in the corner. Hogan goes for a clothesline in the corner, but Andre gets his boots up on the charge. Heenan screams at Andre are you all right and Andre nods at Heenan. Andre chops Hogan and gets him in a bear hug. Hogan is fighting to get out of it. Marella checks closely to see if Hogan wants to give up. Heenan yelling to ring the bell. Hogan getting weaker, but trying to Hulk up. Hogan's arm drops twice, but not the third time. Hogan fighting back, hitting Andre with several punches. He finally breaks the hold. Hogan off the ropes and collides with Andre, but doesn't knock him down. Another shoulder block and Andre still will not go down. He tries it a third time and Andre drops Hogan with one chop. Andre with an Irish whip and nails Hogan with a big boot that knocks Hogan to the outside. Andre follows Hogan out and chops him. Andre has Hogan up against the post and goes to headbutt him, but Hogan moves and Andre headbutts the post instead. Hogan crawls around to the other side and pulls the blue mat up from the ringside area. He goes to piledrive Andre into the floor, but Andre reverses it and backdrops Hogan on the concrete. Andre throws Hogan back in the ring. Andre with an Irish whip, Hogan avoids the big boot and comes back with a clothesline to knock Andre down. Heenan comes over to check on Andre as Hogan starts to Hulk up. The crowd comes to life. Hogan picks Andre up and slams him to the roar and approval of the crowd. Leg drop and pin. The crowd goes crazy. Gorilla and Jesse can't believe it. Heenan is throwing a fit and Andre looking stunned as Marella raises Hogan's hand and presents him with the championship. Hogan thanking the Big Guy upstairs as Uecker announces Hogan as the winner. Hogan must pose. Heenan and Andre shown leaving on the cart and Heenan looking dejected.
-Jesse and Gorilla discuss the main event. Hogan shown leaving on a cart. They replay the end of the main event. Jesse and Gorilla then discuss some of the things that have happened that night before signing off from the Silverdome.
-Shots from the event are shown over Aretha Franklin singing.
-Final Thoughts: What can you say about this show that hasn't been said already? It set the stage for the next 30 years in wrestling.

Episode 121 Notes Fri, 25 Mar 2022 22:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b26bc797-fa7d-4fde-8d66-d7ff284d9730 My Notes for Episode 121: Project 45- 1986 Superstars on the Superstation. -RIP to Scott Hall. He passed away after I had recorded the last show. My condolences to his family, friends, and fans.
-Get well, Big E! A bad landing from a suplex and a broken neck and we wish him well and a full and speedy recovery.
-Today we continue Project 45 and have landed in the year 1986 as we look at The Superstars on the Superstation from Jim Crockett Promotions and TBS.
-1986: I had just turned 8 and this was the year that I found two pro teams to root for as the Bears won my heart and the Super Bowl and the Red Sox broke my heart in the World Series. My parents announced that they were going to have another baby and my grandmother passed away.
-Superstars on the Superstation was shown on TBS on February 7, 1986. It was recorded February 2, 1986 from the Omni in Atlanta, GA. There were 10,000 in attendance and the show did a 3.2 rating on TBS.
-Dark Matches before the event:
Ron Bass and The Barbarian fought to a draw. Baron Von Raschke defeated The Italian Stallion and Jimmy Valiant defeated Arn Anderson by disqualification.
-Presented in the most complete form possible due to technical difficulties.
-Magnum T.A. welcomes us to the Superstars on the Superstation and introduces his co host for the event, Linda Curry and I have no idea who she is or why Magnum T.A. is not wrestling, but what can you do? Magnum says that they have a lot of great wrestling on the way and a special interview with his friends Dusty Rhodes and Willie Nelson. Linda is ecstatic and so excited to be here. She says she is becoming a fan fast tonight. She asks him if he would rather be wrestling than sitting up there with her in a tux. He says he feels pretty comfortable sitting up there with her. They throw it to David Crockett and Tony Schiavone at ringside. Instead it shows Tom Miller welcoming us to the Superstars on the Superstation. David and Tony then welcome us to Superstars on the Superstation. They talk about the dream matches that we are going to see tonight that fans have written in and requested.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Rock 'n' Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: The Rock 'n' Roll Express come out to a good ovation. The music having to be dubbed out hurt it though. Midnight Express jump the Rock 'n' Roll as they are being introduced. Gibson thrown to the outside and then Morton thrown down to the ground. Midnight Express double team Morton and knock him back down to the ground. They then pick Morton up and throw him to the outside. Gibson up on the apron and they slingshot him back into the ring. Midnight Express double team Gibson on the inside. Midnight Express go over to slingshot Morton from the apron, but he instead slingshots both out to the floor to a big pop. Rock 'n' Roll go out after them and start to beat the Midnight Express on the floor. All four men in the ring. Midnight Express Corner whipped into each other. Condrey hip locked out of the corner. Eaton monkey flipped out of the corner. The Midnight Express then atomic dropped into each other. Midnight Express roll to the outside to regroup with Cornette. Eaton back in with Gibson. They lock up. Drive to the corner. They break and Eaton slaps Gibson, who slaps Eaton back. A Rock 'n' Roll chant goes out. They lock up again. Back to the corner. Eaton tries to hip toss Gibson out of the corner, but Gibson blocks it. He blocks it a second time, switches with Eaton, and hip tosses Eaton out of the corner. He then takes Eaton over with a head scissors. Morton tagged in. Morton with a kick to the ribs of Eaton. He then goes over and punches Condrey, who tries to come in, but gets cut off by referee Randy Anderson while Morton drops a fist on Eaton. Morton with a leg lock on Eaton. Eaton grabs Morton's hair and then punches him to get out of the move. Eaton then throws Morton out to the floor. Eaton goes out after him while the referee is tied up with Gibson who had come in to complain about Eaton. Back and forth out on the concrete. Morton backdrops Eaton on the concrete. Morton then kicks Eaton. They are trading blows in the corner. Gibson and Condrey in the ring fighting and Anderson is trying to get them out. Morton and Eaton finally back in the ring. Condrey and Gibson both tagged in. Gibson with a leg trip to Condrey. Into a leg lock. Morton then tagged in. He does a leg drop onto the legs of Condrey. Morton with the leg lock and tags Gibson in. He drops a knee on the leg of Condrey. He gets a one count. Gibson goes back to the leg lock. Condrey grabs Gibson by the head and tries to break the hold, but Anderson makes him let go. Condrey then rakes Gibson's eyes to break the hold. Morton tagged in. He and Gibson do a double knee breaker move to Condrey and then go and punch Eaton in the corner. Morton then goes back to the leg lock on Condrey. A Jim Cornette chant goes out. Condrey gets back to his feet and hits Morton with some right hands. Condrey with an Irish whip and a knee to Morton. However, Condrey is hurt and Morton grabs the leg of Condrey and tags Gibson in. Gibson comes over the top rope with a boot to the injured knee of Condrey. Gibson drops an elbow on the knee and goes back to the leg lock. Morton tagged in. He hits a fist drop to Condrey's knee from the second rope. Morton drives the leg of Condrey backwards. Eaton tagged in. He and Morton lock up and drive back to the corner. Break and Eaton starts slapping Morton and chopping him in the mouth. Eaton with an Irish whip and Morton ducks a back elbow attempt and comes back with a suplex on Eaton. Morton drops a knee on Eaton's back. Gibson tagged in. Gibson gets a one count. Gibson with a front face lock, but Eaton gets to the rope to break the hold. Eaton with an Irish whip, ducks a clothesline attempt, and goes for a dropkick, but Eaton grabs his legs. Eaton slingshots Gibson into a Condrey clothesline. Good teamwork by the Midnight Express. Condrey tagged in. He drops an elbow on Gibson. Condrey choking Gibson on the second rope. Morton tries to come in, but gets cut off by Anderson. Condrey also comes over to Anderson allowing Eaton to continue choking Gibson on the ropes. Cornette comes over and starts whipping Gibson with his belt. Condrey then gets a two count. He hits Gibson in the head with a punch and tags Eaton in. Eaton with a snap mare. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam to Gibson. All four men in now as Morton had come in after Eaton allowing Condrey to attack Gibson on the mat. Eaton gets a two count on Gibson. Condrey tagged in. Condrey with an Irish whip and Gibson reverses an abdominal stretch. Condrey with a hip toss to get out of the move. Condrey with a slap to Gibson and Eaton tagged in. Condrey with the Irish whip and Eaton hits a back elbow. Eaton with a snap mare. Eaton with a top rope knee drop. Condrey tagged in. Condrey hits a big clothesline on Gibson. Gets a two count. Gibson trying to tag. Eaton tagged in and punches Morton off of the apron. Morton comes in and Anderson tries to get him out so the Midnight Express double team Gibson. Cornette comes over and whips Gibson up against the ropes again. Eaton with a snap mare. Gets another two count. Eaton goes for a headlock. Gibson pulling hair to try to get out of the move, but Anderson makes him stop. Condrey tagged in and hits Gibson on the head with a shot. Condrey with a headlock. Gibson is trying to come back and the crowd starts to make some noise to help him. Gibson makes it to his feet still in the headlock. Gibson almost out of the hold and Condrey pulls the hair to get him back down to the mat. Morton comes in and Anderson grabs him to get him back out and Eaton comes off the top rope with an elbow drop. Condrey gets another two count. Condrey goes back to the headlock. Gibson gets back to his feet. He punches Condrey to get out of the hold. Condrey with a knee to the stomach of Gibson. Condrey with an Irish whip, puts his head down, and Gibson goes towards the wrong corner before collapsing. Condrey with an eye rake to Gibson before tagging Eaton in. Eaton stops Gibson from making the tag by gouging his eyes and kicking Gibson in the stomach. Condrey tagged back in. He drops a knee on Gibson. He drops another knee and chokes Gibson, but stops before the 5 count. Condrey runs Gibson into Eaton's knee in the corner before tagging Eaton in. Eaton with a front face lock. Eaton with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Eaton goes back to a headlock. Gibson is struggling to get back to his feet. He does, but Eaton tags Condrey in. Double Irish whip and Gibson comes back to try to sunset flip Eaton who is still holding on to Condrey. Morton comes in to dropkick Condrey, allowing Gibson to complete the Sunset flip. Gibson gets a two count, but Condrey is the legal man. He punches Gibson. Gibson punches back. Condrey hits a backbreaker. Eaton tagged in. He goes up top and the Midnight Express do the Rocket Launcher, but Gibson moves out of the way. Morton tagged in and he comes in and cleans house. He takes turns hitting both members of the Midnight Express. He Irish whips Eaton into Condrey. Then another Irish whip and a crossbody to Eaton. He goes for the pin, but Gibson and Condrey have both come in and Anderson becomes distracted trying to get them out of the ring. The Rock 'n' Roll Express punch Condrey and hit a double dropkick to Eaton, who falls backwards into Anderson to knock him out. They double dropkick Condrey out of the ring. Cornette gets up on the ring apron and Morton slingshots him inside. Gibson gets the racket and hits Eaton with it. Morton gets the belt and David Crockett tells Morton to whip Cornette like a dog in a great moment. He goes to hit Cornette with the belt when Condrey hits Morton from behind with the racket as Tom Miller announces three minutes remaining. Condrey drags Gibson to the outside and Cornette puts Eaton on top of Morton. Cornette goes out and gets Anderson, who comes back and counts the pin. New NWA World Tag Team Champions! Gibson complaining to Anderson about what happened as Tony and David look at a replay.
-Magnum and Linda talk about the last match.
-The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. Ivan and Nikita Koloff: The Russians are booed heavily when they are introduced. The Road Warriors are cheered heavily. A USA chant goes out. The bell rings. Nikita and Animal start. They lock up. Back to the corner. Nikita drives his shoulder into Animal several times. Then a forearm to Animal. Animal reverses a corner whip. Nikita gets his boot up on the charge in. Nikita goes to the second rope. He comes off with a double ax handle, but gets caught in midair by Animal. Animal has Nikita in a bear hug. Nikita gouges Animals eyes to get out of the move. Nikita with a scoop slam. Nikita goes to drop an elbow, but Animal moves. Animal with a scoop slam. Animal misses a leg drop when Nikita moves. Both back up and looking at each other. Hawk tagged in. He and Nikita lock up and push off. Another lock up and push off. Hawk blocks a right hand and hits a right of his own. Nikita comes back with a shot to Hawk's stomach. Nikita with a front face lock and Ivan tagged in. Ivan hits Hawk with a double ax handle from the top rope. Ivan with a throat thrust. Hawk reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge when Ivan moves. Ivan goes back up top, but Hawk catches him with a shot to the stomach as he is coming off. Hawk with a shoulder breaker to Ivan. Hawk with an Irish whip and a big boot to Ivan. Animal tagged in. He military presses Ivan. He then slams him down. Hawk tagged back in and hits Ivan with a fist drop. He gets a two count. Hawk with a head butt. Ivan wanders over to the wrong corner and Animal hits him with a shot. Hawk then hits Ivan with a shot to knock him down. Hawk with a fist to Ivan to knock him against the ropes. Another fist to Ivan against the ropes and Animal tagged back in. Ivan reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Animal kicks him in the head. Animal drops a fist on Ivan and gets a two count as Baron Von Raschke has come to ringside. Hawk tagged in and Animal holds Ivan for Hawk to come off the second rope and hit him with a fist drop. Hawk with a shot and a shoulder bock to Ivan. Hawk rushes Ivan, who sidesteps him and then pushes Hawk into Nikita and referee Tommy Young. Nikita tagged in. Nikita with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Hawk driven to the heels corner. Young gets Nikita off of Hawk allowing Ivan to choke Hawk with the chain. Nikita snap mares Hawk out of the corner. Nikita misses an elbow drop when Hawk moves. Ivan tagged in. Ivan with a leg drop on Hawk. He gets a two count. Ivan with a swinging neck breaker on Hawk. Gets a two count. Ivan with a corner whip. Nikita tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbows. Nikita hits Animal with an elbow on the apron. Animal starts to come in, but gets cut off by Young. The Russians get Hawk back in their corner and choke him some more with the chain. Nikita then goes back and shoves Animal again creating a diversion. Ivan then tagged in. Ivan punching Hawk in the midsection in the corner. Ivan with forearms to Hawk's back. Hawk with a shot, Ivan comes back with a knee lift. Ivan with an Irish whip, Hawk ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Ivan with a shoulder block. He gets a one count, but Nikita breaks up the pin attempt. All four men in now. Young distracted by Animal and Nikita. Von Raschke comes in and knocks Hawk down and drops an elbow on him. Ivan gets a two count. Hawk with a scoop slam. Hawk drops a fist. Hawk goes for the ropes to come off, but gets tripped by Nikita. Von Raschke comes in and he and Ivan hit Hawk with their forearms and get disqualified. All men fighting in the ring now. Nikita throws Animal to the outside. Ellering comes in and Nikita attacks him. Hawk thrown to the outside and all three attacking Ellering. Nikita goes over and grabs the chain. Nikita and Ivan go to hit Ellering with the chain, but the Road Warriors pull him to safety and the Russians fall to the outside. All four brawling on the outside now. Hawk has the chain and all of them are back in the ring. Hawk with the chain wrapped around his fist and hits Nikita with it. Animal Irish whips Ivan into Hawk in the chain. Ellering then does the same with Von Raschke. Tommy Young declares the Road Warriors the winners by disqualification. A USA chant goes out again. Tony and David watch a replay of the finish.
-Magnum interviews race car driver Benny Parsons. BP says he's a fan and his son is a great Magnum TA fan. BP says he has a new car this year, an Oldsmobile, and he is looking forward to the season. He says that Bill Elliot had a superior car the previous year and there was nothing that they could do with him. The GM cars this year all have new cars, new sheet metal, and he thinks they can do something with them this year. Magnum says that he always wanted to race, but to race with 10 to 15 other guys would make him nervous. BP says it's just like wrestling. You start out in the minor leagues and work your way up to it. Magnum says some time he wouldn't mind getting into one of those race cars and riding around the track. BP says on February 23 in Richmond, he is commentating on a race on TBS and if Magnum comes up, BP will take him around the track. Magnum thanks Parsons for stopping by. Magnum then throws it to an interview with Willie Nelson and Dusty Rhodes that Tony Schiavone conducted.
-They are on a movie set. Willie says its a remake of the classic John Wayne movie Stagecoach and it's a good western and he and Dusty think it's time for some of those films to come back. Tony asks Dusty about his long time love and friendship with Willie Nelson and Dusty says that's a fact. Dusty says growing up in Austin, TX, this is where he was born and raised. His dad was a plumber and he always loved going to wrestling and going to hear music. He remembers seeing Willie Nelson at a place called Big Gills. Dusty says him and some kids from Johnson High School went out and in the back because they weren't old enough to get in. They had a 6 pack of beer listening to Willie Nelson before it was fashionable. Willie was his man for a long time. Then their paths crossed on the road a lot and they enjoy a lot of the same things and entertaining a lot of the same people. Dusty thinks it's important that the relationship between people like him and Willie is that people know that there ain't nothing fancy about what they do. They were just doing it really well before it was fashionable. Dusty says when he first started wrestling, he went to a 20 minute draw with Reggie Parks and he got 25 dollars and he had to go back to Austin. He said he bought a 6 pack of beer and headed back to Austin and listen to the Bill Mack Show and he would play Willie Nelson songs. It helps get him through the night and down the road. Even though he only sees Willie once or twice a year, he respects him and he loves Willie Nelson. Tony asks Willie about Dusty trying to walk on the stage and try to take over the show, what about that? Willie says have you ever tried to stop Dusty Rhodes? He says Dusty has become a regular at their Summit New Year's Eve show and he looks forward to it every year. He says he does get to see him in Atlanta and other places around the country. They travel and they entertain. So they run across each other occasionally. Tony asks Willie about his music plans for the future. Willie says he has a new album coming out called Living in the Promised Land. He then says some lyrics to the title track to finish the interview.
-National Heavyweight Championship Match. Dusty Rhodes with Baby Doll vs. Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon: Referee Tommy Young checks both men before the match. The bell rings. They circle each other. Blanchard goes for Rhodes' legs. They start to lock up and then back off. Then they do lock up. Get to the ropes. They break clean. When they come back from commercial break, Blanchard is back in the corner and begging off from Rhodes. Baby Doll is at ringside screaming at Blanchard. Rhodes and Blanchard lock up. Rhodes with a single leg takedown. Rhodes has a leg hold on. He then drops an elbow on Blanchard. Rhodes now on top of Blanchard with the leg hold still on. Blanchard gets a chin lock on Rhodes to try to get him from applying the hold. Rhodes gets a one count when Blanchard's shoulders fall to the mat, but Blanchard comes back up and goes back to the chin lock. Rhodes goes back to his feet, but still has the leg lock on Blanchard. The crowd is getting behind Rhodes. He then drops another elbow on the leg. Blanchard hitting Rhodes in the head with forearms to try and break the hold. Rhodes then gets up and puts Blanchard in the figure four. The crowd goes crazy and Blanchard trying desperately to get to the ropes. He does get to the ropes. Young makes Rhodes break the hold. Blanchard crawls out to the apron and Rhodes stomps on his knee. Blanchard crawls out to the floor. JJ helps him off of the apron and Blanchard just collapses to the floor. Blanchard grabbing his right leg. Blanchard back up to his feet, but conferring with JJ as Young tries to keep Rhodes away so that he can count. Blanchard starts to try to get up on the apron, but he is in too much pain. Blanchard finally gets back in the ring, but he is limping and begging off. He keeps hobbling away from Rhodes and tries to get out of the ring again, but Rhodes grabs his leg before he can get out. Rhodes drags him back to the center of the ring. Rhodes goes for a spinning toe hold. Blanchard makes it to the ropes. Blanchard then kicks Rhodes off. Rhodes goes back to the spinning toe hold. He then drops an elbow on Blanchard's knee. Rhodes has been focused on that one body part the whole night. The crowd is yelling break it to Rhodes. Wow. Rhodes gets up, drags Blanchard over to the apron, and slams Blanchard's knee down on it. Rhodes then drags Blanchard over to the ring post and slams Blanchard's knee against it. Rhodes then chops Blanchard. He then hits Blanchard's face with an elbow. Blanchard trying to get away. Rhodes hits him with another elbow to the top of the head and Rhodes then starts to go up top. He dives off and hits Blanchard with an elbow smash. But Rhodes comes off wrong and lands on his own injured left leg. He is on the apron writhing in pain and Baby Doll comes over to check on him. Blanchard comes over and drops a knee on Rhodes' injured leg. He then drops another knee on the leg and Rhodes cries out in pain. Blanchard working over the injured leg. He applies a leg lock to Rhodes. He gets a one count when Rhodes shoulders go down. Then another one count and Blanchard is trying to force Rhodes' shoulders down. Rhodes with an eye rake to get out of the hold. Tom Miller announces that there are 10 minutes remaining in the match. Both men get back to their feet, but Blanchard sweeps the leg to knock Rhodes back down. Blanchard then drops another knee on Rhodes' leg. Blanchard then applies a leg lock to Rhodes and also gets a one count. Then he gets a two count and Rhodes is in a tremendous amount of pain. Blanchard then goes backwards and really cranks on the hold. He gets another two count. Fans screaming come on Dusty as Blanchard gets another two count. Baby Doll and the fans screaming that Blanchard has Rhodes' trunks and Tommy Young goes to check. Young forces Blanchard to break the hold. Blanchard kicks Rhodes in the injured leg. Rhodes falls to the mat. Blanchard gets Rhodes in the figure four. Rhodes fighting the pain. He is holding himself up by his arms so he doesn't get pinned. Young asks Rhodes if he wants to give up and Rhodes pushes Young down. Rhodes goes to his back and Blanchard gets a two count. Rhodes trying to roll over so that he can reverse the move. He does reverse it and Blanchard trying to get to the ropes. JJ pulls Blanchard to the ropes when Young isn't looking. Young makes Rhodes break the hold. Both men still down on the mat. Blanchard back up first and drops an elbow on Rhodes' head. Blanchard drives Rhodes back to a corner. Rhodes reverses a corner whip and Blanchard comes back with a crossbody off the turnbuckle, but Rhodes catches him. Rhodes hits a backbreaker. Rhodes hits a belly to belly suplex on Blanchard, but JJ has Young distracted by the ropes. Rhodes gets up to see what happened to Young, and Blanchard hits a high knee to Rhodes back. Rhodes falls to the outside. Blanchard crawls out to the apron to punch Rhodes as he was trying to get back in. He then drives Rhodes head first into the apron. Rhodes finally gets back to the ring. Blanchard attacking Rhodes as Miller announces 5 minutes left in the match. They go back and forth in a corner. Rhodes with several shots to Blanchard. A flurry of jabs by Rhodes and Blanchard is starting to go down. A right hand by Rhodes knocks Blanchard to the ground. Blanchard crawls out to the apron. Rhodes grabs him and suplexes Blanchard back inside. He gets a two count, but JJ puts Blanchard's leg on the ropes. The fans are screaming at Young what JJ did. Rhodes goes after JJ. Blanchard attacks Rhodes through the ropes as he is going after JJ. Blanchard then kicks Rhodes while he is on his knees by the barricade. Blanchard with an elbow to Rhodes' head. Blanchard then Irish whips Rhodes into the apron. Blanchard rolls Rhodes back into the ring. Blanchard then drops a knee on Rhodes from the second rope. He tries to pin Rhodes, but he is too close to the ropes. Blanchard picks Rhodes up as Miller announces that four minutes remain. Blanchard punches Rhodes. A second punch and Rhodes is reeling in one corner. A series of left hands to Rhodes. Rhodes goes down in the corner. Blanchard goes for a snap mare. Rhodes reverses in a backslide attempt. He gets Blanchard down, but his leg is hanging through the ropes. Back up, Blanchard takes a wild swing that Rhodes ducks and Rhodes hits an atomic drop as three minutes remain. Blanchard collapses with his face up against the second turnbuckle. Rhodes picks Blanchard up and punches him. He then headbutts Blanchard. Blanchard goes down to one knee. Rhodes goes to a three point stance and hits Blanchard hard and Blanchard goes down. Rhodes with a slap to knock Blanchard back down. Rhodes gets a two count. Rhodes with a right hand as two minutes remain. Blanchard staggering up against the ropes. Rhodes drops an elbow on Blanchard's head in the corner. Another elbow and a chop to Blanchard in the corner. Rhodes with a corner whip. He then hits the Bionic Elbow and Blanchard falls down. Rhodes chops Blanchard in a corner. Rhodes pushes Young away and JJ pulls Rhodes down by the leg and Blanchard gets a two count. Rhodes goes out after JJ. Miller announces one minute left. Blanchard comes over to get Rhodes, who slaps Blanchard. Back in the ring, Rhodes hits Blanchard with a right hand. Another left and right to Blanchard. Another left and right knocks Blanchard down. Rhodes with an elbow. Blanchard responds with a knee. Miller says 30 seconds left. Rhodes with a side headlock. Blanchard pushes off. Rhodes comes back. Blanchard drops down. Blanchard tries for a crossbody, but Rhodes catches him. Rhodes rolls Blanchard over in a Boston crab. Young checking on Blanchard and the bell rings. The match is a draw. JJ gets in the ring and Rhodes goes after him. Blanchard catches Rhodes with a shot to the knee. Blanchard hits a piledriver on Rhodes. JJ grabs the National title and gives it to Blanchard, who raises it high. Blanchard and JJ leave and Baby Doll and Tommy Young check on Rhodes.
-Magnum TA interviews Jim Crockett, Jr. Mr Crockett talks about the Bunkhouse Stampede. Crockett then talks about The Crockett Cup. The Cup is then shown. They then show Bob Johnson, the Executive Vice President of the Superdome talking about wanting the Crockett Cup for the Superdome. Magnum then thanks Jim Crockett for coming.
-Tony Schiavone is at ringside with Gaylord Perry. Perry says it has been a great night so far and has been very entertaining. Perry talks about checking in with the Braves. He and Tony talk about the wrestlers and how athletic they are.
-NWA World's Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Ron Garvin: The sound goes out briefly when Flair is introduced. He is sporting the 10 pounds of gold here, but it wouldn't be too long before he would get the big gold belt. Tommy Young checks both wrestlers. He then delivers the instructions and holds the title up high. The bell rings and Garvin immediately goes after Flair. They get to a corner. Flair reverses and chops Garvin in the corner. Garvin slaps Flair back in the chest. Flair backing up. They lock up again. Get to the ropes. Garvin with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Garvin comes back with a shoulder block. Garvin off the ropes. Flair drops down. Garvin comes back. Flair leapfrogs. Garvin slaps Flair's chest to knock him down. Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. He is angry. Flair getting on the fans at ringside as he gets up on the apron. Flair gets back in the ring. They lock up again. Garvin goes back to the side headlock. They drive back to a corner and Flair drives his shoulder into Garvin's midsection. He then chops Garvin in the chest. He then hits a forearm to Garvin's back and Garvin comes back with a slap to the chest. He hits a series of chops to Flair driving him back. He then headbutts Flair, who falls down. Garvin punches Flair in the face as he is trying to get up. He gets back up and Garvin slapping him in the chest. He then punches Flair with his right hand to knock him back down to the mat. Garvin goes for a pin and gets a one count. Flair backs away and begs off. He makes Young get Garvin away before he will come out of the corner. They lock up and Garvin twists Flair's wrist. Flair grabs Garvin by the throat. He drives him back to the opposite corner. Flair then chops Garvin. Garvin comes back with a right hand punch. Flair choking Garvin. Garvin gouging at Flair's eyes. Young trying to separate the two of them. Garvin with a series of hard right hand slaps to Flair. Then a punch and a slap to Flair. Flair pushing Garvin back by the face. Garvin grabs Flair by the nose. Flair falls to his knees. He rips at Flair's nose and Flair rolls away and he is livid. Young gets between them and Garvin calmly moves him out of the way. Again Young comes in and tries to count Flair to come out of the corner. Flair stalling not to come out and meet Garvin again. Flair back to his feet and begging off. They lock up and Flair with a knee to the stomach of Garvin. He then chops Garvin in the corner. Garvin slapping Flair back. Flair grabbing Garvin by the throat. They battle for position in the corner. Garvin slaps him hard several times. Garvin with a corner whip and backdrops Flair out of the corner. Flair in pain. He is begging off from Garvin. Garvin with a wrist lock. He puts the hand down and stomps on it a couple of times. He turns Flair over and slaps him. He slaps him several times and Flair gets up and drives his shoulder into Garvin's midsection again. Flair with a forearm to Garvin as Young tries to break them up. Garvin comes back with a right hand. Flair falls out of the ring and down to the floor. Garvin starts to go after him, but is restrained by Young. Garvin keeps coming over to break the count because he doesn't want a count out victory. Flair rolls back in. Garvin stomps Flair as soon as he gets back in the ring. He grabs Flair and chops him again. He chops him several times. He corner whips Flair, who slams into the turnbuckle sternum first. Garvin grabs Flair with a wrist lock that drives Flair to the mat on his back. He twists the arm up. Flair in pain but fighting it. Someone yells out break his arm to Garvin. Young asking Flair if he wants to give up, but he doesn't. Garvin twisting the arm backwards. Someone in the crowd yelling out, "Twist it, Ronnie, twist it!" Vicious crowd here tonight. Flair back to his feet. Garvin goes to twist the arm again, but Flair puts his knee in the back of Garvin to break the hold. He then chops Garvin up against the ropes. Flair punching Garvin. Flair grabs Garvin and throws him out of the ring. Garvin lands on his feet and gets right back up on the apron and into the ring. Flair grabs him and drives Garvin into the corner and chops him. He chops Garvin several times. Garvin reverses it and starts punching Flair in the corner. He slaps his chest several times. He punches Flair and the momentum drives Flair over the top rope and out to the floor. Young tells Tony and David it was the momentum and not a disqualification. Young makes Garvin get back so he can count Flair. Flair struggling to get back to his feet. Flair gets to his feet and back to the apron. He crawls through the ropes. Garvin grabs him as soon as he gets through the ropes. Garvin with an Irish whip and a sleeper to Flair. Flair is fighting it, but slowly starts to fade. Flair spins around and hits a belly to back suplex on Garvin. Both men down on the mat and a double count going. Flair up to his feet first. He double stomps Garvin on the stomach. Garvin in a tremendous amount of pain on the mat. Flair with a suplex. He gets a two count. Flair drops a knee on Garvin's head. Flair then Whoo's the crowd. He sits on Garvin to pin him while also slapping Garvin. He gets another two count. He chokes Garvin, who reverses it and has Flair by the hair. He slaps Flair. He punches him several times. Several forearms to Garvin's head. He then sits down on Flair's chest and gets a two count. He and Flair get up and Flair with a knee to Garvin's chest. Flair with several chops to Garvin's chest. Garvin chopping Flair back. They trade chops back and forth in the ring. Garvin with several punches to Flair. He finally knocks Flair to the ground. Garvin gets a two count. Flair gets to a corner and begs off. Garvin grabs Flair and headbutts him several times. Garvin with a corner whip and Flair goes upside down and falls inside the ring. Garvin punches Flair and gets him in a front face lock. Flair goes for a suplex. Garvin blocks it. He blocks it a second time. Garvin delivers a suplex. He gets a two count. Another two count. Garvin picks Flair up by the hair. He goes to punch Flair, but Flair punches him first. Flair with a side headlock takeover. Garvin hooks Flair in a leg scissors. Flair rolls out on top of Garvin. Garvin bridges out of the hold. Garvin spins around and goes for a backslide. He gets the backslide. Gets a two count. They lock up again. Back to a corner and Flair chops Garvin. Flair with an Irish whip, Garvin ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody. He gets another two count. Garvin punches Flair. Flair with a takedown. Garvin drives Flair back to the corner and chops him. He hits him several times. Flair corner whipped, he goes up and over to the apron, goes up top, and actually jumps off, but Garvin catches him with a shot to the midsection as he comes off. Garvin with a small package for a two count. Flair with a kick to the midsection. Garvin with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Garvin ducks a forearm shot and Flair responds with a kick and a chop to knock Garvin down. He gets a two count. Flair goes over to Young to complain and gets rolled up by Garvin, but as he does, Young accidentally gets taken out and lands outside the ring. Garvin has Flair rolled up, but no one to count the pin. Flair eventually kicks out and chops Garvin. Garvin reverses an Irish whip. He punches Flair out. He goes and covers him again as Young is shown getting back to his feet. Garvin tries to help Young get into the ring and Flair hits him with a high knee from behind and covers him. Garvin gets his foot on the rope, but Young doesn't see it. David and Tony try to tell Young that Garvin's foot was on the ropes and Flair screams at them to shut up.
-Magnum TA and Linda wrap things up and sign off from the Omni.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: 1986 is rolling right along for JCP. They would head towards the Crockett Cup and a very successful Great American Bash tour as the year goes along until the Fall when Magnum has his car accident.

Episode 120 Notes Fri, 18 Mar 2022 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 4ab5557f-31c8-49b4-aaeb-868fdef59343 My Notes for Episode 120: Project 45- 1978 WWWF at the Spectrum. -My post office saga continues as I finally broke down and tried the machine in the lobby. It was okay but more difficult than I think it needs to be.
-Today, we start Project 45 by looking at a WWWF Show from the year I was born, 1978.
-WWWF at the Philadelphia Spectrum took place on March 25, 1978.
-WWE Old School Intro.
-Vince McMahon and Dick Graham are the announcers for the evening.
-WWWF Heavyweight Championship Match. Bob Backlund with Arnold Skaaland vs. Spiros Arion: Backlund gets a good ovation as he is announced as champion. Backlund's first defense in Philadelphia. Backlund extends his hand, but Arion won't shake it. They go to their respective corners. They circle each other and finally lock up. They break. Circle each other and lock up again. Backlund pushes Arion off into the ropes. Backlund with a go behind and they mention that Backlund is only 28 here. Arion gets to the ropes and Backlund releases the hold. They lock up again and Arion with a go behind. Backlund trying to break the hold. Backlund reverses the hold. Arion again makes it to the ropes. Another lock up and Backlund goes immediately to the ropes. Arion trying to reach back for a leg to get out of the hold. He tries a sit out, but can't get it. Arion gets to the ropes. Backlund picks him up and brings him back to the center of the ring while never letting go of the go behind. The referee still makes him break the hold. Arion with a side headlock into a go behind which Backlund reverses. Arion reaches for the ropes, but is fading down to the mat. Backlund gets Arion down and his shoulders to the mat for a two count. Arion is still in the hold and Backlund gets him back down for another two count. Arion gets back to his feet and gets a side headlock on Backlund. He punches Backlund, who lifts Arion up. Backlund goes back behind Arion. Arion goes back to the side headlock. Backlund lifts Arion up before slamming him back down to his feet. He does it a second time. Arion with a modified bulldog to run Backlund into the turnbuckle. Arion with a snap mare. Backlund gets a backslide for a two count. Arion complains about the speed of the count. They lock up and Backlund with a modified takedown. Arion gets Backlund down and chokes him a couple of times, but breaks before the count of 5. Arion stomps Backlund down on the ground. Arion with a scoop slam on Backlund. He stomps him again. Backlund gets Arion into a small package for a two count and Arion rolls out to the floor. He finally climbs back in after stalling for a couple of minutes. They start to circle each other again. Test of strength. Backlund goes down to one knee. He then climbs through Arion's legs to break the hold. Backlund wants Arion in the center of the ring. Arion goes for a kick, but Backlund catches his leg. He kicks Arion's thigh. Arion gets in the ropes to try and force Backlund away from him. They circle each other again. Arion goes to kick Backlund again and again, Backlund catches his leg. Arion scratching and clawing at Backlund's face trying to get out of the hold. He finally punches Backlund down. Arion kicks Backlund in the back. Arion with an Irish whip and a kick to the stomach. Arion with a knee to the face. Arion with another Irish whip. Backlund comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Arion goes to a corner and tries to beg off. They circle each other again. Test of strength in the center of the ring. Arion pulls Backlund towards the corner and tries to kick him and again Backlund catches his leg. Backlund with a leg hook to try to hyperextend the leg. He then drops a leg on Arion's leg. Backlund with a leg hold. Backlund sits down still holding the leg. The referee asks Arion if he wants to quit and Arion says no. Arion falls back to the mat still in the hold and Backlund gets a two count. Another two count. Arion fights through the pain to try to get out of the move. Arion finally reaches the ropes. Backlund kicks Arion and releases the hold. Arion rips the turnbuckle pad off and runs Backlund's head into it. He then runs it into the exposed buckle again. Arion kicks Backlund down in the corner until Backlund is halfway out of the ring. Arnold Skaaland gets up out of his chair to complain to the referee that Arion kicked Backlund in the groin. Backlund slowly comes back around. Arion punches Backlund in the stomach while he is still out. He then kicks Backlund off of the apron. Backlund struggling to get back in. He gets on the ring apron at the count of 8 before being kicked by Arion again. Arion gets Backlund up in almost a gut wrench suplex move, but slams him down on his stomach in an inverted backbreaker like move. Backlund kicks out at two. Arion runs Backlund into the ring post. Arion gets into it with the referee, allowing Backlund to hit him with a mule kick. Arion with a kick to the stomach and he gets Backlund up in a backbreaker. Backlund kicks his leg and reverses it into a backslide, but Arion slides off before the count. Backlund runs Arion into a corner turnbuckle. He then puts Arion's head between his legs and stomps down. Backlund with a piledriver. Backlund with a bulldog to Arion in the corner. Backlund gets an atomic drop on Arion, but as he was going up, Arion's boot hit the referee and knocks him out. Backlund goes to cover, but there is no referee. Backlund gets up looking for the referee, who is out on the floor. Arion nails Backlund from behind. They exchange blows in the center of the ring. Chief Jay Strongbow and Peter Maivia both come in to try to separate the two. More wrestlers separate the two and another referee comes in. The bell rings. They take referee Dick Kroll out on a stretcher as Backlund and Arion break loose and start punching each other again. They finally get Arion out of the ring and the crowd boos him. Gary Michael Cappetta announces the match as a double disqualification.
-Vince and Dick take a look at a replay of the atomic drop that took Kroll out.
-Bruno Sammartino with Arnold Skaaland vs. Ken Patera: Sammartino with a great ovation as he comes out. Patera jumps him as soon as he comes through the ropes. He hits an elbow to Sammartino's head. Patera drops an elbow on the prone Sammartino. A series of elbows to Sammartino and then forearms to his chest. Patera with a boot to Sammartino from the second rope. He drops another elbow to the back. He then stomps Sammartino's back. Patera taunts Sammartino briefly before stomping him again. Patera with a scoop slam. Patera picks Sammartino up and hits him with a right hand. He gets Sammartino in the corner and hits him with a right hand. Sammartino comes back with a boot to the midsection and he rams Patera's head into the turnbuckle. Sammartino with another kick and a side headlock. Patera pushes off. Sammartino comes back with a shoulder block. Sammartino comes off the ropes again. Patera leapfrogs him. Sammartino turns around and scoop slams Patera and then hits a couple of arm drags to Patera, who falls out of the ring on the second one. Patera's back is hurting. He walks around the ringside area. The referee starts to count Patera out. Sammartino comes over to taunt Patera and the referee has to get him back as Patera climbs the steps to get back in the ring. Back in, they circle each other again. Sammartino approaches and Patera goes out to the apron. He gets back in on the 7 count and they lock up in the corner. Patera with a couple of kicks to the stomach to knock Sammartino down. Another kick and he drops a knee on Sammartino. He misses a second knee when Sammartino moves out of the way. Sammartino gets up and kicks the leg several times before getting Patera in a single leg crab. Patera is fighting it. Patera flips Sammartino over and starts punching him. He picks Sammartino up and drives him to the corner. Patera with a corner whip. He picks Sammartino up and scoop slams him. Patera goes to drop the elbow, but Sammartino moves. Sammartino with an arm drag. Patera keeps going through the ropes to the outside. Patera walks around the ringside area. He makes the referee keep Sammartino away as he climbs back through the ropes. Back in, They lock up again. Sammartino goes for the side headlock. Patera pushes off. Patera leapfrogs Sammartino as he comes off the ropes. He then hits Sammartino with a high knee as he comes back. Patera drops an elbow on Sammartino. Gets a two count. Patera gets the full nelson on Sammartino, who immediately runs Patera into the corner turnbuckle to break the hold. Sammartino with a knee to Patera's back. More knees and stomps to Patera's back. He then has Patera's head on the bottom rope and steps on it. Sammartino then runs Patera head first into the turnbuckle. Sammartino with an Irish whip and a boot to the stomach of Patera. Sammartino with a rear chin lock and a knee to Patera's back, but Patera won't give up. Patera is in tremendous pain, but still won't give up. Sammartino then picks Patera up and applies a full nelson. Patera gets to the ropes to break the hold. Sammartino hits Patera, who falls on the broadcast table at ringside. Patera walks around the ring before getting in. Back in, they exchange punches. Patera with a wild right that misses and Sammartino hits him with a series of jabs. He then kicks Patera down to the ground. He gets a two count. Sammartino with a front face lock. Patera gets to his feet and carries Sammartino over to the corner and slams him into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Patera hits several rights to the jaw of Sammartino in the corner. Patera with an Irish whip and a bear hug. Sammartino falls to the ground still in the bear hug. Gets a two count. Sammartino won't give up. Gets back to his feet and hits a couple of headbutts to get out of the hold. Sammartino goes back to a corner and kicks Patera when he tries to come in. Sammartino punches and kicks in the center of the ring. More kicks to knock Patera down. He kicks Patera in the head. Patera comes back with kicks of his own to knock Sammartino down. He then kicks Sammartino, dropping down from the top turnbuckle. Sammartino falls halfway out of the ring and Patera choking him and pushing down on his head. He stops at the referee's count and then goes back when the referee stops counting. Sammartino collapses back inside the ring. Patera puts his knee down on Sammartino's throat then breaks on the three count. Patera hits Sammartino with a knee from the second rope as Sammartino is struggling to get to his feet. Patera gets the bear hug on. Sammartino with a hip lock to break the hold. Sammartino stomps Patera's back. Then knees to the back to knock Patera down. Sammartino then gets a bear hug on Patera. Patera rakes the eyes to get out of the hold. Patera rolls to the outside to regroup. Sammartino attacks Patera whenever he tries to get back in the ring. Patera grabs Sammartino's legs and drags him to the outside. Sammartino shoves Patera into the ring post. Sammartino throws Patera back into the ring. They exchange right hands. A knee to the face knocks Patera down-and-out. Sammartino follows him out. Sammartino grabs a chair at ringside and hits Patera with it. The bell rings. Sammartino runs Patera into the ring apron. Patera tries to get back in the ring, but Sammartino hauls him out again. He hits Patera several times before throwing him back in the ring. Sammartino gets into the ring and Patera rolls out again. Patera raises his arms and the crowd boos him. Patera gets in the ring and everyone who was in the ring clears out except the referee. Patera then gets out of the ring to boos again. Patera then walks back to the dressing room. Gary Michael Cappetta announces that both wrestlers were counted out.
-Haystacks Calhoun vs. Nikolai Volkoff: Volkoff announced as being from Mongolia at this point in his career. Volkoff starts to attack Calhoun before the ring announcer gets out the introductions. He does finish them before running out of the ring. They circle each other. Volkoff pushes Calhoun back against the ropes. He rakes the face, headbutts, and hits a forearm to Calhoun. He is stomping Calhoun up against the ropes. Calhoun comes back with forearms to Volkoff. He then runs Volkoff into the corner. Calhoun with an Irish whip and a shoulder block to knock Volkoff back. He drives Volkoff to the ropes. Volkoff trying to avoid Calhoun. Calhoun with a go behind, but Volkoff gets to the ropes. Calhoun with an arm lock. Volkoff with an eye rake to get out of the move. Back and forth up against the ropes. Calhoun gets Volkoff in the corner and squashes him over and over. Volkoff with fingers to the eyes to get out of the hold. He bites and punches Calhoun in the corner. He goes for a high knee in the corner, but Calhoun moves. Volkoff falls down and Calhoun splashes him to get the pin. Volkoff complains to the referee. Volkoff then threatens the referee as Calhoun leaves. They show a replay of the finish before it fades to black.
-Final Thoughts: A fun little show. You can see how different wrestling was then compared to today.

Episode 119 Notes Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 673c0e80-a086-4b19-aee9-fb4f489041ad My Notes for Episode 119: Survivor Series 1991. -My Post Office Saga continues. Not even a bag and do you know about the machine?
-Big announcement: Next week, Project 45 begins. 45 years in 45 weeks. I will also do bonus shows as we finish the look at 1991 in wrestling as well as 1987 WWF and some other shows.
-Today we look at the 1991 Survivor Series from the WWF.
-Survivor Series 1991: The Gravest Challenge was shown on PPV on November 27, 1991 from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. There were 17,500 in attendance.
-Dark Match: Chris Chavis defeated Kato. How I pronounce Chavis vs. how other people pronounce it.
-Survivor Series Intro.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to the Survivor Series.
-Flashback to the attack on Randy Savage by Jake Roberts and Roberts’ cobra biting Savage. They then show Jack Tunney saying he can’t in good conscience allow Savage to compete at Survivor Series. Tunney says he accepts full responsibility for what has happened. He says the King Cobra and all reptiles are banned from ringside. He then reinstates Savage and sets a match for This Tuesday in Texas. Remember those words, you will be hearing them a lot.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan are then shown to talk about everything that has gone down. A Weasel chant goes out when Heenan talks.
-Ted DiBiase with Sherri, The Mountie with Jimmy Hart, The Warlord with Harvey Whippleman, and Ric Flair with Mr. Perfect VS. Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Virgil, and The British Bulldog: Flair gets in the ring and they distort his belt as he holds it up, but you can tell it’s an old WWF Tag Belt. All managers are supposed to return to ringside, but Sherri sticks around. You will find out why shortly. Piper and DiBiase start. A huge Roddy chant goes out. Flair comes in and plants a knee in Piper’s back. Piper Irish whipped, ducks a clothesline, and hits one of his own. Piper crotches DiBiase on the top rope. Sherri comes after Piper, who kisses her to get rid of her. He hits a series of left jabs that knock DiBiase down. Piper with a wrist lock into a hammerlock. Bulldog tagged in. He drops knees onto DiBiase’s back and tags in Virgil. He drops knees on DiBiase’s back and tags in Hart. He drops a leg on DiBiase and more knees to DiBiase. They all keep DiBiase down with the wrist lock while they do this. Piper tagged in. He does a fist drop to DiBiase’s back. Bulldog tagged in. More knees to the back. Virgil tagged in. He goes up and drops a double ax handle to DiBiase. DiBiase back up. Virgil with shots to DiBiase’s arm. Hart tagged in. Shoulder throw. DiBiase back down. DiBiase comes back with knees and chops to Hart in the corner. Hart with a corner whip, but misses the charge when DiBiase moves. DiBiase with a toe hold. Hart pushes off. Into a monkey flip. Into a pinning predicament. DiBiase reverses. Hart reverses that into a pinning hold for a two count. Hart with a hip toss into an arm bar. DiBiase with an Irish whip, Hart with a shoulder block. DiBiase with a hip toss. Flair tagged in. Misses an elbow drop. Hart with a head butt. Inverted atomic drop by Hart. Bulldog tagged in. He hits a slingshot. Flair comes back with chops. Bulldog with an Irish whip and a military press slam. Piper tagged in. Flair begging off. They go back and forth with slaps and chops. Piper battering Flair with blows, so Flair falls to the outside and collapses. Piper runs him into the steps. Then he runs him into the barricade. He throws Flair into the ring. He tags Warlord in. He wants a test of strength. Piper stalling as a Roddy chant goes out again. Piper tags Bulldog in because he and Warlord are contractually obligated to wrestle each other on a 1991 WWF PPV. He starts running shoulder blocks to Warlord trying to knock him down. He ducks a Warlord clothesline and hits him with a dropkick. Bulldog with a corner whip. Warlord gets a boot up on a corner charge. Warlord runs Bulldog into DiBiase’s boot. Mountie tagged in. Mountie chops Bulldog and then Irish Whips Bulldog and hits a nice back elbow. Hart tagged in and the Mountie bails to the outside. DiBiase tagged in. They tie up in the corner. Hart with some shots. Hart with a backbreaker. Then a second rope elbow drop. Gets a two count. Double clothesline and both men down. Mountie and Bulldog both tagged in. Bulldog with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Another Irish whip and a back elbow by the Bulldog. Another Irish whip and a military press slam. All 8 men in now and Flair is chopping Bulldog in the corner. DiBiase and Flair try to double clothesline Bulldog, but he gets both of them. They act like Flair is the legal man, but you don’t see a tag. Bulldog with a power slam to Mountie, but Flair comes off the top rope (Drink Everything) and hits and pins Bulldog. Piper in. He’s in the heels corner fighting all of them. They get him down and DiBiase kicking Piper. Flair with a snap mare to Piper. He drops the knee on Piper. He taunts Virgil then goes to drop the knee again and Piper moves. Piper gets Flair in the figure four. DiBiase breaks the hold and tags in. He attacks the leg of Piper. He gets the spinning toe hold on. Piper grabs him in a small package for a two count. Mountie tagged in. He gets a Boston Crab on Piper. Piper fights over to his corner and tags Virgil in. Virgil attacks Mountie. Virgil with a corner whip and a clothesline. Mountie goes to tag, but no one will tag in. Virgil with a clothesline and a back elbow. Flair tagged in. Back and forth with slaps to each other. Virgil with a corner whip and a backdrop. DiBiase tagged in. Virgil is ready. Virgil blocks getting run into the corner, but runs DiBiase in repeatedly. DiBiase reverses a clothesline into a powerslam and Warlord tagged in. He throws Virgil to the outside. Flair attacks Virgil on the outside and runs him into the steps. Back in, Warlord runs Virgil into the corner. Big forearm by Warlord. He puts Virgil in a Full Nelson. Everybody in. Hart hits Warlord with a shot from the second rope and Piper pins Warlord despite not being the legal man. This show is a mess. Piper rolls DiBiase up for a two count. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Piper blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. Virgil tagged in. Virgil with an Irish whip and a clothesline. DiBiase with an eye rake, but misses a clothesline. Virgil puts the Million Dollar Dream on. DiBiase runs Virgil into the turnbuckle to get out of it. Flair tagged in. He chops Virgil. Back suplex. Mountie tagged in. Irish whip and a dropkick to Virgil. He then holds Virgil for DiBiase to chop. DiBiase tagged in. DiBiase with an elbow drop from the second rope. DiBiase with a gut wrench suplex. Flair tagged back in. He and DiBiase double clothesline Virgil. Flair gets a two count with his feet on the ropes. DiBiase tagged in. Irish whip and a clothesline to Virgil. A Virgil chant goes out. DiBiase with an Irish whip and DiBiase drops his head too early. Virgil with a swinging neck breaker. Flair and Piper tagged in. Flair attacks Piper who responds with an eye poke. He does corner punches to Flair who tries to come back with an inverted atomic drop, but Piper comes back with another eye poke. Piper rams Flair’s head into the turnbuckle. Heels come in to try to break it up. Flair climbs the turnbuckle but gets caught and thrown off so you can take a shot IYDAH. Heels and faces in now. Flair corner whipped to the outside. Everybody is still fighting on the inside. The bell rings. Everyone but Flair is disqualified. Sole Survivor: Ric Flair. Piper and Hart throwing the heels out. The faces celebrate.
-Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon are shown and Heenan is ecstatic. Monsoon almost cracks up at Heenan, but tries to put over that he’s mad at Heenan. God, those two were so good together.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is on the platform. He brings out the reinstated Randy Savage. They talk about the reinstatement as well as the cobra biting Savage. He says it was a living hell. He couldn’t see or hear anything but Elizabeth crying. They then talk about This Tuesday in Texas and about all reptiles having been barred from ringside. He says he’s going to be all over Jake Roberts like melting butter. Mean Gene asks Savage what Elizabeth thinks about all of this. Savage says why don’t you ask her yourself? Elizabeth is then brought out. She says she wants to thank everyone who voted for Randy and when he returns, she is going to be there. She predicts victory for the Macho Man This Tuesday in Texas. They leave to a good ovation.
-Col. Mustafa with General Adnan, The Berzerker with Mr. Fuji, Skinner, and Hercules VS. The Texas Tornado, Tito Santana, Jim Duggan, and Sgt. Slaughter: Slaughter has turned face and regained his country. A USA chant goes out before they begin. Santana and Skinner start. Skinner slaps Santana, who pushes Skinner down. Santana follows that up with a clothesline and a side headlock. He gets Skinner down, Skinner rolls over briefly to get a two count, but Santana keeps the headlock on. Skinner pushes off. Santana comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth with leapfrogs and Santana hits a flying forearm that knocks Skinner to the outside. Back in, Santana goes back to the side headlock. Skinner pushes off, Santana ducks a clothesline and a back elbow. Skinner ducks a crossbody. Berzerker tagged in. He goes to double stomp Santana from the second rope, Santana moves and tags Tornado in. They go back and forth. Berzerker misses a clothesline and a dropkick. They get Tornado in the heels corner and attack him. Mustafa tags in and holds Tornado for the others to hit. Hercules then tagged in. Duggan tagged in. Hercules with a side headlock. Shoulder block by Duggan. They slug it out. Irish whip by Hercules. Duggan ducks the clothesline. Berzerker grabs Duggan by the hair. Heels beating on Duggan in their corner. Duggan finally gets away, but he acts like he’s out of it. Berzerker in and he’s kicking Duggan. Berzerker with an Irish whip and an elbow. Mustafa in. He kicks Duggan and gets a headlock on. Duggan coming back with some shots and a shoulder block. Duggan with a charge and Mustafa just hits him in the throat. Gets a two count. Mustafa runs Duggan into a turnbuckle. Then an eye rake and Duggan comes back with a right hand. Then some shots to Mustafa in the corner. Mustafa with a shot and a kick. Gets a two count. Duggan blocks a suplex attempt and gets a suplex of his own. Slaughter tagged in. He ducks Mustafa’s shots and hits an atomic drop and a clothesline on Mustafa. He pins Mustafa. Berzerker in and Slaughter runs him into the turnbuckle. Berzerker reverses a corner whip and hits a clothesline to Slaughter. Berzerker with another corner whip and Slaughter hits the turnbuckle hard. Berzerker runs Slaughter into the turnbuckle again. Berzerker with an Irish whip and a big boot. Gets a two count. Hercules tagged in. He runs Slaughter into the turnbuckle and Slaughter hits the corner post with his head. That gets another two count. Berzerker tagged back in. A USA chant goes out. Slaughter reverses an Irish whip. Berzerker comes back with a big boot. He misses a clothesline and Slaughter drops him on the top rope crotch first. Slaughter then shakes the ropes up and down until Berzerker falls off. Berzerker with an eye rake and a kick. Slaughter comes back with an eye rake and a kick causing Berzerker to do a split. Duggan tagged in. Berzerker with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Duggan comes back with a kick to the head. Duggan with a clothesline that knocks Berzerker to the outside. He comes back in and Duggan backdrops him to the outside again. Berzerker comes back with a headbutt to the stomach of Duggan. Berzerker with a corner whip. Duggan tags Tornado in. He hits some big rights to Berzerker. Discus punch to Berzerker. Tornado in the wrong corner and the heels are attacking him. Hercules in. He gets an Irish whip. Tornado with a leapfrog and a roll over Hercules and Santana tagged in. He hits an Irish whip and a shot to Hercules’ Stomach. Big flying punch and Hercules is pinned. Skinner in and choking Santana. Berzerker tagged in. He hits some shots to Santana. Irish whip and a clothesline to Santana. Front face lock to Santana and Skinner tagged in. He hits a scoop slam to Santana. Santana with some shots, but he misses a clothesline. Skinner goes to atomic drop Santana, who tags Slaughter in as Skinner is doing it. Slaughter rolls Skinner up for a pin. Berzerker with an Irish whip, but misses a dropkick. Slaughter runs Berzerker into a turnbuckle and the pad has somehow come off. Berzerker blocks a corner whip until Slaughter gets a shot in and then he corner whips Berzerker. Duggan tagged in. He hits the three point stance and clothesline to get the pin. Slaughter, Duggan, Santana, and Tornado are the Survivors. Duggan does a funny little dance here. Very strange.
-Mean Gene talks to Jake Roberts. He is so good here. He says that what happened was an accident. Mean Gene says he can’t wait until Roberts meets Randy Savage This Tuesday in Texas (take a shot). Roberts says those responsible are the people who voted for the Macho Man to be reinstated, The WWF, and Jack Tunney, not him. Mean Gene then reminds him that no reptiles will be allowed at ringside. Roberts says the thing in the bag has always been a toy, he’s always been the snake you should worry about. He says at This Tuesday in Texas (take a shot), Elizabeth has a one way ticket to the end of the beginning. This is a money promo. It brought chills to me.
-They announce that This Tuesday in Texas (take a shot) will be available on PPV.
-Flashback to what has led to the WWF Championship Match.
-WWF Championship Match. Hulk Hogan VS. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: Hogan gets a good ovation coming out. Monsoon works in greatest athlete in the world today IYDAH. Hogan turns over the Hulkamania casket at ringside. He throws his bandana at the Undertaker and his belt at Earl Hebner. Hogan intensely focused on Undertaker. They lock up and Undertaker pushes Hogan in the corner. Follows it up with a corner charge, but Hogan moves out of the way. They lock up again and Hogan with a side headlock. Undertaker pushes off, Hogan ducks a clothesline. Undertaker with a shoulder block. Hogan rolls to the outside to regroup. A Hogan chant goes out as he comes back in. Undertaker grabs Hogan by the throat. Then shots to Hogan’s throat. A shot to Hogan’s face knocks him down. Undertaker with Hogan on the top rope choking him for a four count. Undertaker distracts the referee while Paul Bearer attacks Hogan. Undertaker with a big scoop slam. Undertaker misses an elbow drop. Hogan with some shots and a clothesline. Undertaker doesn’t go down. Hogan goes for a slam, but Undertaker with a forearm to his back. Hogan with an eye rake, a boot, and another eye rake. Hogan with an Irish whip and an elbow smash to try to knock Undertaker down. Then Hogan with some chops, an eye rake, and then he runs Undertaker into the corner turnbuckle. Two right hands and a clothesline that knocks Undertaker to the outside, but he lands on his feet. He drags Hogan to the outside and attacks him with a throat thrust. He runs Hogan into the ring steps. He then wraps a mic cord around Hogan’s neck and starts choking him with it. Back in, Undertaker stomps Hogan. He goes back to choking Hogan. The referee starts counting. Undertaker breaks the hold and distracts the referee so Paul Bearer can choke Hogan. Undertaker back to attacking Hogan as a guy in the front row dressed like Hogan tries to get a Hogan chant going. Undertaker with a claw on. A Hogan chant starts. Hogan goes down. Undertaker gets a two count. Then Undertaker gets another two count. And another one. Hogan won’t stay down though. Hogan trying to fight back. The referee checks to see if Hogan has passed out. It doesn’t go down a third time. Hogan fights to get to his feet. He hits Undertaker with a shoulder block. Then another one. Undertaker comes back with a flying chokeslam. Undertaker hits the Tombstone Piledriver on Hogan. Hogan coming back. Big right hands to Undertaker. Undertaker will not go down. He finally goes to one knee. He gets back up. Hogan with an eye rake. Hogan signals that he’s going to slam Undertaker as Ric Flair comes to ringside. Hogan slams Undertaker and goes for the leg drop. Paul Bearer grabs Hogan’s leg. Hogan goes after Bearer. Flair is holding the WWF Championship. Hogan punches Flair. Hogan with an Irish whip and a big boot to Undertaker. He again goes for the leg drop and Bearer again grabs his leg. Undertaker with another throat thrust to Hogan. Bearer distracts the referee while Flair puts a chair into the ring and Undertaker Tombstones Hogan on it. Fortunately, you have a camera angle that shows Hogan never coming near the chair, unfortunately for Hogan who tried to claim that Undertaker hurt him for real with the move. Undertaker pins Hogan. New WWF World’s Heavyweight Champion. Undertaker and Paul Bearer leave with the championship as officials come down to check on Hogan. They show upset fans in the audience. Hogan gets to his feet and walks out on his own. He gets a good ovation.
-Mean Gene says he can’t believe Undertaker is the WWF Champion. He brings Roddy Piper on to opine about the situation. He can’t believe it either. He cuts a really weird promo on the Undertaker and Ric Flair.
-Sean Mooney interviews Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Flair says he did what he said he was going to do. Make Hulk Hogan a short lived champion. He says he’s the only World’s champion and Hogan is on his way to the hospital.
-Mean Gene resets the deck after the Intermission. He then talks to Earthquake, Typhoon, and IRS with Jimmy Hart. Earthquake says the LOD and The Big Boss Man are in for a Natural Disaster. Jimmy Hart says it should be 4 on 3. It’s not Jake Roberts' fault that Randy Savage was bitten by a snake. IRS Says that Jack Tunney is going to get an audit this year. Kind of hard since Tunney lives in Canada but I don’t know what kind of tax form he gets from the WWF. Typhoon says they are going to reign supreme.
-Sean Mooney talks to the Legion of Doom and the Big Boss Man. Animal says Jack Tunney’s decision never had any bearing on this match. Boss Man says their opponents are nothing but trash. Hawk says Jake Roberts is the luckiest man alive for not being in the match. Mooney tries to interrupt What a Rush, Hawk says don’t ever do that before finishing.
-Mean Gene talks to Jack Tunney. Tunney says notwithstanding. Take a shot. He orders a rematch for This Tuesday in Texas between Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker. Take a shot.
-The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake and The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch and The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Butch and Knobbs start. They lock up. Back and forth. Exchanging stiff shots. Butch with a stiff knee to the gut of Knobbs. Luke tagged in. Double clothesline to Knobbs. Sags comes in to help and they run the Nasty Boys into each other. Double clothesline to both Nasty Boys. Beverly Brothers come in and Bushwhackers start to punish them. They hit both Beverly Brothers with the Battering Ram. The Rockers then come in with a double dropkick to the Nasty Boys. Heels roll out to regroup. Michaels and Blake in. They battle in the corner. The referee tries to separate them, but Blake with a big left hand to Michaels. Michaels reverses a corner whip, but gets a back elbow when he goes for the charge. Blake with an Irish whip. He drops his head and Michaels hits a swinging neck breaker. Blake comes back with an inverted atomic drop and a backbreaker. Knobbs tagged in, but misses an elbow drop. Michaels with a high knee. Luke tagged in. Knobbs reverses a corner whip, but misses the corner splash. Knobbs then hits a flying clothesline to pin Luke. Michaels with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Knobbs does a double ax handle. Sags tagged in. He hits a suplex on Michaels. Sags with a corner whip, but Michaels moves on the corner charge. Michaels with a crossbody. Gets a two count. Michaels with an arm drag. Jannetty tagged in. He does a splash on Sags and gets him in an arm bar. Jannetty reverses an Irish whip, Sags comes back with a shoulder block. Jannetty with an arm drag. Then another arm drag. Jannetty back to an arm bar. Sags moves Jannetty into the heels corner. Beau tagged in. Running neck snap by Beau. Irish whip by Beau. Jannetty rolls over and hits Beau with a superkick. That gets a two count for Jannetty. Front face lock by Jannetty. He turns that back into an arm bar. Beau drives Jannetty into the corner. Jannetty comes out with a drop toe hold. Back to the front face lock. Beau puts Jannetty on the top turnbuckle. He goes to charge Jannetty, who leapfrogs over him to avoid getting hit. Beau with a corner whip. Gut wrench suplex to Jannetty. Gets a one count. Beau with a side headlock. Reverses an Irish whip. Jannetty with a back elbow and both men are down. Blake and Butch tagged in. Butch cleans house. The Beverly Brothers double team Butch. They hit the Shaker Heights Spike on Butch and pin him. Jannetty in and gets a front face lock on Beau. Corner whip and a monkey flip to Beau. Hurricanrana to Beau. That gets a two count for Jannetty. Back to a front face lock. Beau pushes off into an Irish whip. He drops his head. Jannetty goes to kick him. Beau catches his leg. Jannetty hits an enziguri. Blake tagged in. Jannetty with an arm drag. Then an arm bar to Blake. Michaels tagged in. Blake comes back with some shots and a knee lift. He then chokes Michaels on the ring ropes. Jannetty comes in to help, causing the referee to get him out allowing Blake and Knobbs to choke Michaels some more. Blake puts Michaels on the top rope head first. He tags Beau in who leapfrogs over Blake to land on Michaels back. That gets a two count. He throws Michaels to the outside. Knobbs runs Michaels into the ring apron. Beau brings Michaels back in. Irish whip and a back elbow to Michaels. He drops an elbow to Michaels back. A corner whip and a backbreaker to Michaels. Another corner whip to Michaels, who comes with a backslide to Beau to get the pin. Blake in with double ax handles to Michaels. He picks Michaels up and runs him into a turnbuckle. He then slams Michaels down. He gets a two count. Knobbs tagged in. Irish whip, but Michaels comes back with a sunset flip and gets a one count. Sags tagged in. Gorilla says Jannetty didn’t really reach for the tag. He was looking at the wrong time I think. Sags with an Irish whip. He goes to throw Michaels out. Michaels holds on. He dropkicks Sags to the outside. Michaels with a flying clothesline from the apron. Superkick to Knobbs when he comes over. Rolls Sags back in. Sags with a shot to Michael’s throat when he comes off the top rope. Blake tagged in and he leg drops Michaels. He hits a Stun Gun on Michaels then Irish whips him, but Michaels comes back with a kick to the face when Blake drops his head. Knobbs and Jannetty tagged in. Jannetty cleans house. Back elbow to Knobbs. Snap mare to Knobbs. That gets a two count for Jannetty. Forearm shots by Jannetty. Knobbs responds with an eye rake. Blake tagged in. Jannetty arm drags him. Jannetty with an arm bar. Blake tries a shot, but Jannetty rolls away. Blake misses a clothesline. Blake blocks one roll up attempt. Jannetty tries again with a modified monkey flip. He gets a two count. Blake with a headbutt and tags Knobbs in. Knobbs with a double ax handle. He runs Jannetty head first into the turnbuckle. Jannetty corner whipped hard. Knobbs with a body slam. He gets a one count. Sags tagged in. Sags with a pump handle slam. Sags with a back suplex. Knobbs tagged in. He tries for a second rope splash, but Jannetty gets his knees up. Michaels tagged in. Knobbs reverses an Irish whip. Michaels comes back with a clothesline. All 5 men in. The Rockers corner whip both Nasty Boys into Blake. Jannetty goes to scoop slam Sags and when he does Sags legs hit Michaels who gets rolled up by Knobbs. Michaels visibly pissed. He yells and pushes Jannetty before leaving. Knobbs runs Jannetty into the corner ropes. Jannetty corner whipped, but Jannetty gets his boots up on the charge. Monsoon and Heenan wonder why Michaels left. I guess they didn’t see the pin. I’m yelling at the TV he was pinned. This is driving me crazy. Sags throws Jannetty to the outside. Back in, Blake power slams Jannetty. Knobbs tagged in. Heenan asks if Michaels was pinned. Monsoon says not to his knowledge. Someone should be telling them via headset that he was pinned. Jannetty escapes an arm bar and drags Knobbs to the outside. He runs Knobbs into the corner post. Sags comes over to help and Jannetty dives onto both of them from the top rope. Back in. Jannetty slams Blake face first into the mat. He ducks a Nasty Boys double clothesline, kicks Knobbs, and rolls Sags up in a small package. The referee is being distracted by Blake. Knobbs rolls Sags over onto Jannetty. Sags gets the pin. Sole Survivors: Blake Beverly and The Nasty Boys. They show the hit to Michaels, but not the full pin and I’m still upset. They had a chance to fix it.
-Gorilla and Bobby plug This Tuesday in Texas so take a shot.
-The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon and IRS with Jimmy Hart VS. The Big Boss Man and The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal: IRS does his tax cheat spiel. The faces get seperate entrances. An LOD chant goes out. IRS and Boss Man start. IRS with a knee to the gut. Irish whip and Boss Man slides to the outside. He trips IRS. Headbutt to IRS. A shot and a corner whip to IRS. IRS reverses another corner whip and Boss Man slides to the outside again. Boss Man misses a clothesline, but hits a big boot to IRS. Then a big shot to IRS. Earthquake tagged in. He points that he wants the LOD. Animal tagged in to big cheers. They shoulder block each other. Animal goes for a crossbody. Earthquake catches him and puts a backbreaker on him. Earthquake misses a splash. Animal with a dropkick. Earthquake reverses an Irish whip. Earthquake misses a clothesline. Animal comes back with a shoulder tackle. Gets a two count. IRS tagged in. Hawk tagged in. Hawk with a big shot to IRS. IRS with an eye rake and big right hands of his own. Typhoon tagged in. Hawk military presses IRS onto Typhoon, who catches him. Hawk then dropkicks IRS and he and Typhoon fall down. Typhoon trapped in the faces corner and Animal and Boss Man take some shots. Hawk with kicks and punches to Typhoon in the corner. Earthquake tagged in. Hawk with a side headlock. Earthquake picks Hawk up and brings him into the heels corner. IRS tagged in. Hawk with a back suplex. Hawk drops a fist. Boss Man tagged in. He hits a shot that knocks IRS down. He gets IRS on the ropes and does the leapfrog body guillotine on him. He stands on IRS’s tie. He hits a big shot to IRS. The referee is distracted and IRS hits Boss Man with his briefcase. Boss Man pinned. An LOD chant goes out again. The Natural Disasters double teaming Animal. Earthquake with a belly to belly suplex to Animal. He gets a two count. A forearm to Animal. IRS comes off the top rope hitting Animal with a shot while Earthquake holds him. IRS tagged in and drops a leg on Animal’s groin. He kicks Animal in the stomach and distracts the referee so the Natural Disasters can beat on him in their corner. Typhoon tagged in. Irish whip and a bear hug to Animal. He runs him into the corner several times. He corner whips Animal, but Animal gets his boot up on the charge. Animal comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Hawk tagged in. He hits everyone. Irish whip to Typhoon. Shoulder tackle to Typhoon. He goes for corner punches, but IRS is in and punching Hawk. He grabs the briefcase to hit Hawk, who ducks and Typhoon gets hit instead. Typhoon gets pinned. Earthquake comes in to check on Typhoon. He is mad at IRS. Earthquake and Typhoon then leave, both mad at IRS. Earthquake gets counted out. IRS Irish whipped and power slammed by Hawk. He runs IRS head first into the turnbuckle. He corner whips IRS, who moves and Hawk hits the corner post with his shoulder. IRS throws Hawk to the outside. He runs Hawk into the ring steps. An LOD chant goes out. They exchange chops on the outside. Back in, IRS with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Headlock to Hawk. IRS with an Irish whip, but it looks like they mess up a spot and both collide and are down. Hawk blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Animal tagged in. He kicks IRS, Irish whips him, and hits a shoulder block. Irish whip and a power slam to IRS. Double clothesline by LOD. IRS rolls to the outside. He starts to leave. The Big Boss Man is shown coming back up the aisle. He drives IRS back towards the ring. Animal suplexes IRS back inside. Hawk hits a flying clothesline. Animal pins IRS. Sole Survivors: LOD.
-Sean Mooney says he just left the dressing room of Hulk Hogan, who vowed he would get his title back This Tuesday in Texas. Take a shot.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan say good night and plug This Tuesday in Texas when they get word Mean Gene has found The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. They are in the bowels of Joe Louis Arena. Paul Bearer says nothing is immortal, not even Hulkamania. It died here in Detroit. Undertaker says they warned Hulk Hogan what was in store for Hulkamania. It died tonight. This Tuesday is the burial as they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: A filler show just to push the new Tuesday PPV concept. The action was okay, but the show felt a little flat to me. Gorilla was off his game especially with the Rockers stuff. Interesting to see at least once.

Episode 118 Notes Sun, 06 Mar 2022 21:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 11a9d2f3-9373-462a-952b-e440b480dee5 My Notes for Episode 118: SNME March 1987. -I realized something tonight. My wife doesn’t pay any attention to anything that I do. She uses me as an example to her students all the time and I bet they go home and tell their parents that Mrs. Harris is married to the biggest goober in the whole world.
-I am a creature of habit. They have a new worker at the post office and she handed me four separate receipts for my packages instead of one large receipt the way that God intended and it knocked me off of my game the rest of the day.
-They have installed a new machine to allow you to check all of your mail in yourself in the lobby, but it looks too complicated for me to handle and be assured that my belongings are going to get to their desired location correctly.
-We got snow on Friday and the maintenance guys did a fantastic job of clearing everything out and it was all wiped away in 15 minutes because we had a squall last night and snow came from every direction.
-Today we look at the March 1987 SNME from the WWF.
-SNME X was shown on NBC on March 14, 1987. It was recorded February 21, 1987, from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. There were 21,000 in attendance and the show did a 11.6 rating on NBC.
-Hulk Hogan says in the battle royal, he has no friends. The most dangerous match in professional wrestling. It means each man out for himself. His main objective is to get even with Andre the Giant. When he tore the shirt and cross off of Hogan's chest. When he tore the heart and soul out of all those little Hulksters. That was the reason he got into the battle royal. He says Andre broke the rules. Now there are no rules. Survival of the fittest. Bodies flying over the top everywhere. He says his focus will be on Andre and sooner or later it's just going to be him and Andre.
-Andre the Giant and Bobby Heenan are shown. Heenan says that's right you're going to have your eyes on Andre the Giant. But that's all you're going to have on him. He's going to have his eyes on you and his hands all over you. Because this is the greatest athlete in the history of sports.
-Elizabeth says tonight is the first time she's ever been a prize in a match. If Randy Savage wins, she will stay with him. If George Steele wins, he gets the title and gets to keep Liz. Tonight is definitely the scariest night of her life.
-Jimmy Hart and The Hart Foundation are shown. Hart says if she thinks she's scared, imagine how Tito Santana and Danny Spivey feel when they meet The Hart Foundation for the first time? Jim Neidhart says it may be our first time and Bret Hart says but it will be their last time.
-Jake Roberts says it's a fact, men get hungry, but Damien hasn't eaten in over a month. So he's really ready to feast on 400 pounds of white meat known as King Kong Bundy.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to Motown, Detroit, the Motor City. He then brings Jesse Ventura on and asks if Jake Roberts knows he's wearing Damien's sister because Jesse has on a snakeskin coat. Jesse says you're real funny McMahon for someone who double Burgess Meredith as the Penguin on Batman. They talk about Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant both being in the battle royal before throwing it to Mean Gene Okerlund, who is with Hulk Hogan.
-Mean Gene asks Hulk Hogan why he is in the battle royal. Hogan says a lot of people are asking him why he is doing it, why doesn't he wait for a one on one confrontation. He says the few people who say that aren't Hulkamaniacs. The Hulkamaniacs know he likes living in the danger zone as they show Andre ripping the shirt and cross off of Hulk Hogan on Piper's Pit. He doesn't care if there were 450 men in that battle royal, he would still have his sights set on Andre. He doesn't care if all of Heenan's men came after him at the same time. He would still have his eyes set on Andre. This is the first confrontation, Andre and he hopes he gets his hand on Andre and anybody else that's in the Heenan Family. He doesn't care how dangerous it is. He'll get you for what you did, Andre!
-Vince and Jesse talk about Hulk Hogan being in the battle royal. They then flashback to what happened between George Steele and Randy Savage on the last SNME.
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Mean Gene asks Elizabeth if she is fearful that Steele is going to try something tonight and Savage says what do you mean scared? He says that he is the Macho Man Randy Savage and he will prevail because he's psyched up. Mean Gene asks him if he has ever had more on the line than he has tonight with his belt and his manager on the line, although some say she is more than a manager. Savage threatens to slap Mean Gene and throw him through the SNME sign. He tells Mean Gene not to worry about his relationship with Elizabeth. He says the important thing is he's going to take that hairy bozo out there and put him down and pin him 1,2,3 and hurt him real bad, real intense. He starts to grab Elizabeth to go, but Gene tells him not tonight. Tonight, Elizabeth enters last. Savage says rules were made to be broken, along with necks.
-Intercontinental Championship match. Randy Savage vs. George Steele: The title and Miss Elizabeth are on the line. Savage out first. He looks determined. Mean Gene interviews Elizabeth. She says it's a big night. She's just worried that somebody might get hurt. Mean Gene says that happens and George Steele wanders in and says Elizabeth. Mean Gene says you're drooling, George, please. It's a painfully uncomfortable scene. Steele says manager to Elizabeth. Gene says that's right George, she is the manager of the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage. Steele says manager again and I am embarrassed for him. Steele then says George's manager. Gene says not yet George, you're gonna have to win Elizabeth in the match tonight, do you understand that? Steele says win and this has been a waste of my time. He then says bye bye and I am thankful. Gene says Elizabeth is in a no win situation really. Steele then goes to the ring. Savage threatens to hit Steele with the belt as Jesse says Steele should be in Attica for kidnapping Elizabeth on the last SNME. They go back to Mean Gene who is with Elizabeth and says it's a very scary situation that she is in tonight. He says best of luck to her. She says thank you, Gene. Elizabeth makes her way to the ring. Jesse calls Mean Gene a pervert. They have set up a lifeguard chair for Elizabeth at ringside to sit on while the match is taking place. Steele gets out of the ring and goes over to Elizabeth. Savage climbs the top turnbuckle and hits Steele from behind with a double ax handle. He slams Steele down on the barricade. Savage grabs Elizabeth from the chair and sends her to the back. On their way to the back, Ricky Steamboats music hits and he appears and blocks their way. Steamboat and Savage point at each other, but Savage and Elizabeth start backing their way towards the ring. The referees are trying to get Steamboat to go back to the dressing room. They are inching closer and closer to the ring. Savage gets back in the ring and Elizabeth is led back to the chair. Savage is facing Steamboat on the outside and Steele hits him with a double ax handle from behind. Steele attacks Savage in the corner. He bites Savage on the forehead. He then grabs Savage by the hair and runs him into the turnbuckle. He then bulldogs Savage into another turnbuckle. Then a forearm to the back to knock Savage down. He hits Savage with his right hand. Savage takes a blind swing and almost takes out the referee. Steele bulldogs Savage into another turnbuckle. It's been all Steele so far in the match. Steele tears apart a turnbuckle pad. He throws the stuffing around allowing Savage to hit him with a high knee from behind. Savage with a scoop slam. He climbs to the top rope. He hits Steele with a flying double ax handle. He gets Steele with a front face lock. Savage stomping Steele. He drives his knee into Steele's neck on the ropes, but breaks before the referee counts to 5. They grab each other by the face. Steele pushes Savage back to the ropes. He hits Savage with a forearm. Savage with an Irish whip and goes for a clothesline, but Steele bites his outstretched arm. The crowd loves it. Steele lifts Savage up by the neck and slams him down. Steele goes to tear apart another turnbuckle pad. He throws the stuffing into Savage's face. He then throws it in the face of the referee and then goes outside towards Elizabeth. He takes her out of her chair. He starts to leave with her before getting hit with a double ax handle from behind by Savage. Savage then takes the chair that Elizabeth was sitting in and hits Steele from behind with it. Steele gets counted out. Savage wins. Steele grabs the chair and throws it into the ring. Savage goes to hit Steele with the Intercontinental title, but Steele hits Savage with a right hand before he can do that. Steele hammering away at Savage before throwing him over the top rope to the outside. Steele then puts the Intercontinental title over his shoulder to the cheer of the crowd. Steele then goes after the referee with the Intercontinental title. They replayed the last minutes of the match and then showed Steele with a poster of Elizabeth in the ring.
-Hulk Hogan is shown preparing for the Battle Royal, naming members of the Heenan Family but saying Andre every other name.
-The Battle Royal is next and Vince runs down all the participants as a graphic is shown of all of their names. Hillbilly Jim, Outlaw Ron Bass, Sika, Haku, Tama, Lanny Poffo, Hercules, The Natural Butch Reed, Paul Orndorff, Billy Jack Haynes, Koko B. Ware, Nikolai Volkoff, Black Jack Mulligan, Demolition Ax and Smash, The Honky Tonk Man, The Killer Bees Jumping Jim Brunzell and B. BrianBlair, Andre The Giant, and Hulk Hogan are your participants.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant. Heenan says he wants to be as close to that ring as he possibly can because he wants to see Andre throw Hulk Hogan over that top rope to the cement floor. He says for three years, Hulk Hogan has hidden from Andre. Didn't once offer him a championship match. He says tonight, he knows Hulk Hogan's strategy. He is going to try to hide behind all those other wrestlers. He says if Andre has to walk over the other wrestlers. Throw everyone out single handedly. He's going to get his hands on Hulk Hogan tonight. Andre says Hogan, I want you!
-Andre gets booed heavily when he comes out as Vince details the history between Andre and Hulk Hogan. Hogan gets an amazing reaction as he comes out. He looks determined. Andre blocks the entrance as Hogan tries to get into the ring. Hogan shows Andre the title and Andre does a version of the bring it taunt. The other participants step back as Hogan says he wants Andre and Andre starts advancing towards Hogan. However, Orndorff jumps Hogan from the side and then everyone starts going at it. Forearms flying everywhere. HTM eliminated. Sika eliminated. Andre bashes the heads of Blackjack Mulligan and Hillbilly Jim together. Haku eliminated by Andre. Andre headbutts Poffo and throws him out and Poffo is busted open. A series of heels have Hogan up and trying to force him out over the top rope. Hogan gets out of the move. Referees come down to check on Poffo and to take him out on a stretcher. Hogan with an elbow to Hercules as they show an up close picture of Poffo's face and it is the proverbial crimson mask. Bass eliminated by Hogan. Mulligan eliminated by Andre. Volkoff eliminated by Hogan. Orndorff trying to run Hogan into the corner turnbuckle where the pad is broken, but Hogan is blocking it. Andre eliminates B. Brian Blair. Orndorff and Hogan go back and forth as Andre chokes Koko B. Ware down with his boot. Orndorff and Hercules take turns punching Hogan in the corner. The Heenan Family is trying to get rid of Hogan while Andre tangles with Hillbilly Jim. Andre headbutts Hillbilly Jim down to the mat. Other faces come to Hogan's aid. Andre runs Hillbilly Jim and Billy Jack Haynes together by their heads. Orndorff and Hercules corner whip Hogan straight into Andre. Andre and Hogan face to face. Andre with a right hand that Hogan blocks. Hogan with a series of right hands to Andre. Koko B. Ware tries to attack Andre, who shoves him out of the way. Other heels cut Hogan off and start to beat on him. Hogan eliminates Orndorff. Andre grabs Hogan by the hair from behind. He headbutts Hogan and throws him out to the floor. Vince can't believe it. They show a replay of the elimination. A bunch of referees trying to get Hogan to go to the back when Hogan wants to get back in the ring. Andre tells him to come back into the ring. Andre eliminates Jim Brunzell. A whole group of wrestlers come over to try to get Andre out. They eliminate Andre to the cheers of the crowd. Tama eliminated. Ax eliminated. Hillbilly Jim was eliminated. Butch Reed eliminated by a dropkick from Koko. Koko then eliminated. Billy Jack Haynes double clotheslined by Hercules and Smash. They Irish whip Haynes, who comes back and eliminates Smash with a shot. Haynes and Hercules go back and forth with a series of right hands to each other. Heenan gets on the apron. Haynes goes over to get him off and gets eliminated by Hercules.
-The official order of elimination from the start: Honky Tonk Man eliminated by Hogan; Sika eliminated by Andre; Haku eliminated by Andre; Lanny Poffo eliminated by Andre; Ron Bass eliminated by Hogan; Black Jack Mulligan eliminated by Andre; Nikolai Volkoff eliminated by Hogan; B. Brian Blair eliminated by Andre; Paul Orndorff eliminated by Hogan; Hulk Hogan eliminated by Andre; Jumping Jim Brunzell eliminated by Andre; Andre the Giant eliminated by Hillbilly Jim, Demolition, Billy Jack Haynes, Butch Reed, Tama, and Koko B. Ware; Tama eliminated by Hercules; Ax eliminated by Hillbilly Jim; Hillbilly Jim eliminated by Smash; Butch Reed eliminated by Koko B. Ware; Koko B. Ware eliminated by Hercules; Smash eliminated by Billy Jack Haynes; Billy Jack Haynes eliminated by Hercules and Bobby Heenan.
-Mean Gene is with Andre the Giant. Andre says it took 8 wrestlers to eliminate him and it only took one giant to get Hulk Hogan out of the ring. Bobby Heenan comes in and they celebrate. Heenan says like Andre said it took 8 other men to eliminate him. One giant took Hulk Hogan and threw him out. He said until Hulk Hogan was ejected he hid and he hid well, but Andre walked through all the wrestlers and eliminated Hulk Hogan and he is going to defeat Hulk Hogan and become the next heavyweight champion of the world.
-Vince and Jesse replay the Hogan elimination.
-Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. Roberts says everybody knows he's facing King Kong Bundy, but he and Damien have timed his cycle where Damien is starving. He's hungry tonight. They are ready for Bundy. Mean Gene says King Kong Bundy could leave Damien a little flat. Roberts says you know better than that, Gene. Damien and I will always be on top. That's the way it is. That's the way it always will be. Well, at least until Earthquake squashes Damien in 1991, but I digress. He says now it's time for Damien and I to go satisfy our hunger.
-Jake Roberts with Damien vs. King Kong Bundy with Bobby Heenan: The bell rings. They lock up and Roberts with a wrist lock. Bundy with some right hands to break the hold. They lock up again. Back to the corner. Bundy goes for a forearm, but Roberts moves out of the way. Bundy gets out of the corner quickly when he realizes that's the corner that Damien is in. They lock up again and Roberts with a side headlock. Bundy pushes off. Roberts holds on to the ropes. They lock up again. Bundy with an arm lock. Roberts with a series of kicks to get out of the move. They circle each other again. Test of strength. Bundy drives Roberts to the mat. He gets a two count. Gets a few more close counts, but can't get the three count. Roberts kicking Bundy in the thigh to get out of the move. They lock up again and Bundy with a forearm to knock Roberts down. Bundy runs Roberts into the corner. Bundy with shots to Roberts in the corner. Bundy with a front face lock. Roberts is weakening. Bundy with a forearm and an Irish whip. Roberts comes back and hits Bundy with a knee lift. Roberts with a series of rights and a left. Off the ropes and another punch knocks Bundy down. Roberts goes for Damien in the bag, but Bundy grabs him from behind. Heenan grabs the bag and runs to the back with it. Roberts takes off after Heenan. When they come back from commercial break, Roberts is coming back with the bag. Bundy attacks Roberts with kicks as soon as he comes in. Bundy with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Bundy with a shoulder block to Roberts as he gets up. Another shoulder block to knock Roberts down again. Bundy goes to charge Roberts, who sidesteps the move and sends Bundy into the corner. Both men down and a double count going. Both men up and Roberts with a series of shots and a shoulder block to knock Bundy down. He goes for Damien and hits the referee with a knee when he tries to stop him. Roberts and Bundy exchanging rights. The bell rings. Bundy scoop slams Roberts. Bundy goes for the elbow drop, but Roberts moves. Roberts signals for the DDT to the roar of the crowd. He DDT's Bundy. The crowd loves it. He signals and goes for the bag. Heenan comes back out and gets Bundy out. The referee grabs Roberts to keep him away and Roberts goes after the referee with Damien.
-They show a replay of how The Hart Foundation beat The British Bulldogs for the tag team titles.
-Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and The Hart Foundation. They get upset with Mean Gene when he says if it wasn't for Danny Davis, they would not have won the titles. Jimmy Hart says their first title defense is tonight, and they are instituting an official observer at ringside and it's going to be Danny Davis. Color me shocked. Mean Gene asks Davis what qualifies him to be an official observer? He says his proven impartiality. Mean Gene is disgusted.
-The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart with Jimmy Hart and Danny Davis vs. Tito Santana and Danny Spivey: They tried to tie in Santana losing the Intercontinental Title to Randy Savage to Davis who happened to be the referee in that match, but it really was a coincidence. Neidhart and Spivey start. They lock up and Spivey with a side headlock. Neidhart pushes off. Spivey comes back. Neidhart drops down. Spivey comes back with a crossbody and hits Neidhart. He gets a two count. Spivey goes back to the side headlock. Another push off and Neidhart catches Spivey with a clothesline. Spivey reverses a corner whip driving Neidhart into a Bret Hart raised boot. Spivey with an atomic drop to Neidhart who then tags Bret in. Spivey hits him with a couple of right hands and whips him into Santana who hits Bret with a right hand. Santana tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbows by the faces. Santana with a side headlock. Bret pushes off. Santana comes back. Bret leapfrogs him. Santana stops and scoop slams Bret. Spivey tagged back in. Santana Irish whips Bret and Spivey hits him with a shoulder block. He gets a two count, but Neidhart breaks up the pin attempt. Bret drops an elbow on Spivey. Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart holds Spivey for Bret to hit. Neidhart then hits Spivey with a series of right hands. He then guillotines Spivey on the top rope. The referee gets on Neidhart, allowing Bret to come in and kick Spivey. Bret then tagged in. Bret with a backbreaker to Spivey. Bret tags Neidhart and then slingshots Neidhart onto Spivey for a two count. Neidhart runs Spivey head first into the turnbuckle, then tags Bret back in. Back and forth between Spivey and Bret. The Hart Foundation double team Spivey when Santana comes in to help him and gets cut off by referee Joey Marella. Bret with the elbow drop from the second rope. Spivey kicks out at two. Bret with a front face lock. Spivey pushing to tag Santana in. Neidhart tries to come in, but gets cut off by Marella just as Spivey tags Santana in. But Marella didn't see the tag and won't allow it, giving The Hart Foundation the perfect opportunity to double team. Neidhart holds Spivey for Bret to run and hit, but Spivey moves and Neidhart gets hit instead. Santana tagged in. Back and Forth. Santana with a corner whip and Hart takes the corner sternum first. Classic Bret Hart. Santana with a flying forearm to Neidhart when he tries to come in to interfere. Davis gets up on the apron and Santana hits him as well. Irish whip and a flying forearm to Bret. Then a figure four to Bret. Davis grabs Jimmy Hart's megaphone. Neidhart comes in only to get cut off by Spivey. The referee is distracted, allowing Davis to hit Santana with the megaphone. Bret gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. He is taking on The Iron Sheik. Mean Gene says in light of his crushed larynx at the hands of Randy Savage last year, is Steamboat 100%? Steamboat says he is 100% and ready. It's something he has to think about every time he climbs into the ring. He says every wrestler around the world is going for his throat. He says they know that's the weak point on this dragon. Every night he breathes fire, and every night, this fire gets hotter.
-The Iron Sheik with Slick vs. Ricky Steamboat: When they come back from commercial break, Randy Savage has come to the ringside and gotten up on the apron. He leaves and comes over to the announce desk as the match begins. He gets on commentary and says that Steamboat can't tie his shoes. Jesse says he had every right to come out after Steamboat came out earlier for his match. Sheik runs Steamboat's head into one of his curled boots. Sheik goes to throw Steamboat out, but Steamboat skins the cat to come back in. He slides through Sheik's legs and hits a back suplex. A throat thrust and reverse knife edge knocks Sheik down. Steamboat with a side headlock. Sheik pushes off. Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Criss cross. Steamboat with a hip lock. Steamboat with a headlock into a front face lock, but Sheik gets to the ropes. They roll to the outside and Sheik pushes Steamboat into the ring steps. Sheik gets Steamboat on the apron and goes to suplex him in. He does and gets a two count. Back and forth in the corner. Sheik gets an abdominal stretch. Steamboat hip tosses himself out of the move. Steamboat with a scoop slam. Steamboat with a knife-edge from the top rope to knock Sheik down. He then pins Sheik. Savage is incredulous. He challenges Steamboat, who yells at Savage to come down to the ring. Steamboat goes out to the apron. Savage picks his chair up. The referee is trying to hold Steamboat back. Steamboat finally leaves.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan about Andre the Giant. Hogan says you don't become a champion by doing things half-way. You don't stab friends in the back. You don't throw people over the top rope from behind. He asks Andre if his whole life has been a lie? 15 years undefeated. Did you cheat every single time you got your hand raised? He said when they were in the battle royal, he had a chance to test Andre. He said it was all the spark he needed to take Andre on one on one. Mean Gene says when they met in that battle royal, it was like a collision at 100 mph. Hogan says now that he knows where Andre is coming from, the next time they lock up, not only will Andre feel Hulkamania and the 24 inch pythons. He said to be the world heavyweight champion, Andre has to beat him face to face. You have to put him on top of that mountain. You'll feel the power of Hulkamania. Don't slip and fall, because it's a long way down.
-Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper about his retirement. Piper says he's real proud of his sport. He says he's going out and he's going to give 110%. Every time he went out, he gave 110%. Sometimes they were chucking eggs at him and sometimes they were chucking roses. It didn't matter to him.
-Roddy Piper tribute video. Generic music here, but it originally was My Way by Frank Sinatra. Very well done.
-Vince and Jesse close the show recapping what happened that night before signing off from Detroit.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: A nice little show that sets up and continues the build towards WrestleMania III.

Episode 117 Notes Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 4187c8c9-7570-452a-b33d-8af8c4fdfaab My Notes for Episode 117: Clash of the Champions 17 from WCW. -I feel like I am getting a lot accomplished every day, but my to-do list isn’t getting any shorter.
-I had my 9 month post Gastric Bypass surgery visit last Friday. I had a metabolism test done and a follow up with the psychologist.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XVII from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XVII took place on November 19, 1991 from the Savannah Civic Center in Savannah, Georgia. There were 6,922 in attendance and the show got a 4.3 rating on TBS.
-Intro with an announcer running down the championships on the line tonight.
-Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are the announcers for the evening and they welcome us to the Clash. They run down some of what we're going to see before throwing it to Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt.
-Missy says she is going to be interviewing Marcus Alexander Bagwell later. They then throw it to Gary Michael Cappetta.
-Lumberjack Match. Thomas Rich with Alexandrah York vs. Big Josh: Rich jumps Josh as soon as he starts to enter the ring. He pulls his flannel up over Josh's head and hits him with some forearms. He then kicks and punches Josh. Josh is starting to come back. He shrugs off some shots from Rich. He throws off the flannel and hits a shoulder block. Rich tries to find a side of the ring he can go out, but before he does, Josh grabs his ponytail. He then chops Rich down to the mat. He atomic drops Rich into the corner turnbuckle. He tells Rich to get up and once again you see Rich try to go outside only to be met by lumberjacks. Josh hits a belly to belly suplex on Rich. Josh then does log rolling on Rich. A chop knocks Rich down. He then punches Rich on the mat. Rich rolls out and The Freebirds and Todd Champion come over to put him back in and the lumberjacks start to fight. They push Rich back into the ring. Josh with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He then drops an elbow on Rich. Back and forth in the ring. Josh tossed to the outside. Other members of the York Foundation pound on him on the outside. He finally gets back in the ring. Josh then tossed back outside where he gets hit again before being thrown back into the ring. Rich with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Rich uses some of his wrist tape to choke Josh. Rich with another Irish whip and a back elbow. Rich drops an elbow on Josh. Gets a two count. Josh with a series of left hands to Rich. He then chops Rich in the corner. Rich wraps his wrist tape around his throat again. Referee Randy Anderson gets on Rich and pulls him away allowing Steve Armstrong of the Young Pistols an opportunity to climb up on the apron to choke Josh. Rich with a suplex. Josh coming back with shots and chops. Josh with a corner whip, but Rich gets his boot up on the charge. Rich climbs up top, but gets caught and tossed off. Josh with a kick and a chop to Rich. Josh with a snap suplex. He gets a two count. Side headlock by Josh into a push off and they do a criss-cross. Terrance Taylor trips Rich and Josh hits the Northern Exposure sit down splash to win.
-Firebreaker Chip vs. Bobby Eaton: Eaton gets a great reaction when he is announced. The bell rings and they lock up. Back to the corner. Break clean. They locked up again. Again back to the corner. Eaton hip locks Chip out of the corner. They locked up again and Chip gets a side headlock. He then takes Eaton over. Eaton turns and gets a quick two count before Chip shifts back to a headlock. Eaton with another quick two count. Eaton gets back to his feet and pushes off. He misses a back elbow. Chip goes up top, but Eaton moves out of the way when Chip jumps. Chip shifts tactics and hits Eaton with a crossbody from the opposite ring post. He gets a two count. They lock up again. Chip back to the side headlock. Eaton counters with an overhand wrist lock. Chip goes back to the side headlock. Into a takeover. Eaton again shifts and gets a two count. Chip shifts back to the headlock. Eaton again going for a two count when he shifts. Eaton up and drives Chip back to a corner. He then drives him into a second corner. Chip reverses a corner whip, but Eaton moves and Chip hits the turnbuckle chest first as he was attempting a crossbody. He adjusts and goes up top and hits Eaton with a top rope clothesline. He goes for the cover, but Eaton is up under the ropes. Back up and they lock up again. Chain wrestling moves by Eaton into a single leg pick up. He has Chip down with a hammerlock. Chip reverses it. Gets a two count, but Eaton is fighting it. Chip with another two count. Chip picks Eaton up and goes back to the side headlock. Back to a corner. Chip with a corner whip, but Eaton comes out with a clothesline. Eaton with an Irish whip and a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Chip reverses an Irish whip. Eaton comes back with a crossbody. Chip rolls through and gets a two count. Eaton with an Irish whip. Chip blocks a hip lock attempt and turns it into a backslide. Gets a two count. Eaton reverses a corner whip. Chip slides out of a backdrop attempt. He rolls Eaton up for a two count. Eaton kicks out and that drives Chip into the turnbuckle. Eaton with a belly to back suplex to get the pin.
-Starrcade '91 Battlebowl ad.
-Tony Schiavone is on the ramp to interview Sting. He is to receive his final mystery box tonight. Sting comes out to a great ovation. He said this is just like a party. A bunch of oiled up men bring out the final box. Medusa comes out of the box. She gets on her knees and touches Sting's legs. Then up to his chest. It's very reminiscent of Sensational Sherri and The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble. She turns him around and continues to rub his chest. He says ``where are we going and where do you want me to go "? His back is to the box and Lex Luger comes out of the box and clips Sting to knock him down. Luger attacks the knee and Jim Ross says on commentary that it has been Luger all along sending the boxes to Sting. Luger is supposed to attack the leg that Sting had surgery on, but grabs the wrong one at first and Sting has to tell him that he grabbed the wrong one. LOL Luger makes up for it though, repeatedly hitting the other leg. Other wrestlers finally come out to drive Luger off.
-The Diamond Studd vs. The Z-Man Tom Zenk: Both men are already in the ring as they come back from commercial break. Zenk with a corner whip, but Studd gets his boot up on the charge. Studd with a bulldog from the second rope. Gets a two count. Studd is beating Zenk in the corner as they show Sting being looked over in the back. He is on a stretcher. Bobby Eaton telling Sting you've got plenty of time, you should get that knee examined. Back in the ring, Zenk posts Studd in the corner. Zenk with a sunset flip for a two count. Sting is being loaded into an ambulance as Studd hits Zenk with a clothesline. Studd with an Irish whip and Zenk ducks a clothesline attempt as Sting is shown being carried away by the ambulance. Zenk with a super kick. Zenk gets the pin with a crucifix. Studd choke slams Zenk after the match. He then hit the Diamond Death Drop. He yells out that he's the Bad Guy already ready to be Razor Ramon I guess.
-WCW Television Championship Match. Steve Austin with Lady Blossom vs. PN News: Austin attacks News before the bell rings. He hits News with his right hands. News reverses an Irish whip and choke slams Austin down. Austin gets to the corner and begs off. News hitting Austin with some right hands. News with a corner whip. He then splashes Austin in the corner. He then clotheslines Austin from behind. Austin begging off. Austin goes to go outside, but News grabs him as he is going through the ropes and drags him back to the center of the ring. News with a scoop slam. News drops an elbow on Austin. Austin rolls to the outside. News follows him and Austin attacks him on the outside. News Irish whips Austin into the barricade. News throws Austin back into the ring. Austin goes to pick News up, but can't do it. He gets him up finally, but falls back with News on top of him. News gets a 2.5 count. News with an Irish whip and a sloppy looking dropkick. News with a suplex, but Austin is in the ropes when News goes to pin him. News with a snap mare. Gets a two count. Austin throws News to the outside. They then started fighting on the ramp. Austin rushes News, who backdrops Austin back into the ring. Austin gets to the corner and is begging off. News with an Irish whip and a splash to Austin. Another Irish whip and a bear hug by News. Into a belly to belly suplex. A two count, but Lady Blossom puts Austin's foot on the ropes. News goes out after Lady Blossom. While he is going after her, Austin launches himself over the top rope onto news. He then runs News into the barricade. Austin then throws News back inside the ring. He drives his shoulder into News in the corner. News reverses a corner whip. He misses the charge when Austin moves. Austin gets the pin with his feet on the ropes.
-The network skips over Missy Hyatt interviewing Marcus Bagwell. I'm sure we didn't miss much.
-Cactus Jack vs. Van Hammer: Hammer comes to the ring with a guitar that shoots off sparks, but he still doesn't know how to play the thing. Cactus Jack jumps Hammer in the corner of the ring as he turns his back. He kicks Hammer several times in the stomach. He hits him with a short right. He then bites Hammer on the forehead. Hammer with a belly to back suplex. Hammer follows that up with a dropkick. Cactus Jack falls to the outside. Hammer over the top rope with a double ax handle to Cactus Jack on the outside. Hammer then runs Cactus Jack into the barricade head first. He then throws Cactus Jack back into the ring. Back in, Hammer with an Irish whip. He hits Cactus Jack with a big boot. He then stomps on Cactus Jack. Leg drop on Cactus Jack. He gets a two count. Cactus Jack reverses a corner whip. He then bulldogs Hammer. Cactus Jack then clotheslines Hammer and they both go over the top rope. Cactus Jack climbs to the second rope on the apron and drops an elbow on Hammer. He beats Hammer down on the outside, but then throws him back in. Cactus Jack stomping Hammer down in the ring. Hammer back up and Cactus Jack hitting him with some forearms. A Hammer chant goes out. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hammer reverses a corner whip. Hammer then clotheslines Cactus Jack from behind. Hammer goes up and hits Cactus Jack with a knee to the back of the head. He gets a two count. Hammer with an Irish whip. They collide and Cactus Jack goes out of the ring. Hammer comes over and Cactus Jack drives Hammer's guitar into his throat as the referee is trying to get Hammer out of the ropes. He then pins Hammer. Cactus Jack then picks Hammer up, Irish whips him, Hammer ducks a clothesline attempt and clotheslines Cactus Jack. Hammer then throws Cactus Jack out of the ring. Hammer then slingshot suplexes Cactus Jack on the ramp. He then hit Cactus Jack with a shoulder block. They start fighting beside the ramp towards the back.
-Jim Ross is on the phone trying to establish a connection with Eric Bischoff who had left in the ambulance with Sting. Bischoff says Sting is being examined and says an orderly has just given him the thumbs up sign and he hopes that means good news. Eric says in the ambulance, Sting's knee swole up to three or four times its normal size and Sting was in a tremendous amount of pain.
-Back from commercial break, Jim and Tony talk about the situation with the tag team titles. They show the video of The Enforcers attacking Barry Windham at Halloween Havoc and then Windham re injuring the wrist in another match.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Enforcers Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko vs. Dustin Rhodes and a mystery partner with Barry Windham: The Enforcers are out first. Rhodes and Windham come down and Windham is wearing street clothes. Windham gets on the mic and says he isn't going to be able to wrestle because this past week, he had reconstructive surgery on his right hand. But he and Rhodes didn't come alone and he wants to introduce Dustin Rhodes' new tag team partner. A man wearing a black robe with a dragon's head on it comes out. Tony says maybe it's someone from Japan who is here. He takes his time getting to the ring. Zbyszko and Anderson complaining about the situation to referee Nick Patrick. Anderson yelling at Jim and Tony about the situation. Rhodes takes off the robe and head to reveal Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat had just been in the WWF. The crowd goes crazy for Steamboat. The Enforcers are going crazy in their corner. They don't want to give the titles to Patrick. They finally do and he lifts the titles up high for people to see. Anderson getting mad and signaling that he wants Steamboat. All four men in and Patrick trying to get two of them out. The bell rings and it is Anderson and Steamboat starting. Steamboat clapping to get the crowd into the match. They lock up. Anderson drives Steamboat to a corner and Steamboat comes out with a flurry of chops to drive Anderson back. Anderson comes back with a rake to the eyes and runs Steamboat into the heels corner. Both Enforcers taking turns hitting Steamboat. Steamboat fighting out of the corner, hitting both Enforcers. All four men in now. They all four battle to the outside. Steamboat chops Zbyszko hard right by the announce desk. Rhodes runs Anderson into the corner post. Back in, Zbyszko goes to run Steamboat into a turnbuckle, but Steamboat pushes Zbyszko into it instead. Steamboat with a back elbow. Anderson comes in and gets hit by Rhodes and atomic dropped by Steamboat. Steamboat then dropkicks Anderson out of the ring. Enforcers go outside to regroup. Zbyszko back in. They lock up. Steamboat goes to a side headlock. Zbyszko tries to push off, but Steamboat won't let go of the headlock. Zbyszko finally pushes off. Steamboat comes back with a shoulder block. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover. Zbyszko gets a pinning predicament for a two count. Steamboat goes back to a side headlock. Rhodes tagged in. He drops a leg on Zbyszko's arm. Zbyszko reverses and scoop slams Rhodes, but Rhodes holds on to the arm bar he had on and Zbyszko goes back down. Steamboat tagged in and hits Zbysko with a hand thrust from the top rope. Steamboat then drags Zbyszko over to a corner and drives his arm into the ring post. He then does it again. He drags Zbyszko back to the faces corner and tags Rhodes. Rhodes drops a knee on Zbyszko's arm while Steamboat is holding it. Rhodes with an arm bar. He gets back to his feet and drives back to tag Anderson in. Anderson with a forearm to Rhodes' back. Anderson with his left hands to Rhodes and then shoving him into a corner to deliver some kicks. He then punches Rhodes several times right above his eye. Rhodes reverses a corner whip, but Anderson gets his knee up on the charge in. Anderson goes up top, but Rhodes catches him and goes to throw him off, but Anderson gouges Rhodes' eye. Anderson hits a double ax handle off of the ropes. He runs Rhodes' face into his boot laces. Anderson with a corner whip, but Rhodes gets his boot up on the charge in by Anderson. Anderson tries it again and Rhodes hits him with another boot to the face. Rhodes with a bionic elbow to Anderson. Anderson wanders over to the wrong corner and Steamboat hits him at the same time as Zbyszko comes in and Rhodes hits him and both Enforcers roll to the outside to regroup. Zbyszko then tagged in. He says he wants Steamboat. Steamboat tagged in. They lock up. Steamboat with a wrist lock. Into a back thrust kick. They lock up and then go back and forth with blows. Zbyszko goads Steamboat to the outside where Steamboat chases Zbyszko around the ring. Back in the ring briefly, but Zbyszko goes out and Steamboat grabs him by the hair to bring him back in allowing Anderson to hit Steamboat from behind with a knee. Rhodes comes in and gets cut off by Nick Patrick allowing the Enforcers to double team Steamboat. Zbyszko with a suplex. He gets a two count. He then runs Steamboat into Anderson's knee. Steamboat chopping Zbyszko. Zbyszko with a reverse thrust kick. Anderson tagged in. He hit Steamboat with a right hand. Anderson with a corner whip driving Steamboat back first into a turnbuckle. Anderson with some left hands. Steamboat coming back with chops. Karate kicks and chops. Anderson runs his shoulder into Steamboat's chest. Anderson with an Irish whip. Steamboat comes back with a sunset flip. He finally gets Anderson over, but Anderson tagged Zbyszko before he went over and Zbyszko hits Steamboat from behind. Zbyszko with a scoop slam. Zbyszko with a boot clap to Steamboat. Zbyszko with an abdominal stretch. A Steamboat chant goes out. Patrick distracted, so Anderson grabs Zbyszko's hand for added leverage. They do it again as soon as Patrick isn't looking. Rhodes tries to come in, but gets cut off by Patrick. Anderson tagged in. Steamboat with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Anderson hits him with an elbow. Belly to back suplex by Anderson. Gets a two count. They exchange shots in the corner. Anderson with an Irish whip, but he drops his head and Steamboat sends it crashing down to the mat. Anderson grabs Steamboat's leg and tags Zbyszko in. Zbyszko with a boot to Steamboat. Gets a two count. Zbyszko gets a backbreaker. He then gets another two count. Steamboat counters with an eye gouge. Steamboat goes for a scoop slam, but Zbyszko falls on him. He gets a two count. Zbyszko gets a front face lock on Steamboat. Zbyszko with a drop toe hold. Anderson tagged in. He stomps Steamboat and then goes and punches Rhodes on the apron. Rhodes comes in and again cut off by Patrick as Anderson gets a bear hug. Steamboat goes to chop Anderson to get out of the move and Anderson cranks the hold on to stop it. He then does it again. Steamboat falls to his knees and then to his back while still in the hold. Gets a two count. Then another two count as Steamboat is having trouble keeping his shoulder up not to get pinned. Anderson goes to drive his knees into Steamboat, but Steamboat wraps his legs around Anderson's waist. Anderson turns that over into a Boston crab. Zbyszko gives added leverage again, bringing Rhodes back in to be cut off by Patrick yet again. The Enforcers are double teaming to perfection. Zbyszko tagged in and picks the Boston Crab up. The Enforcers are keeping Steamboat in their corner. Steamboat crawling to get back to his corner to make the tag. Steamboat makes the tag, but Anderson had distracted Patrick so he doesn't allow the tag. Anderson tagged in and corner whips Steamboat. Steamboat ducks an Anderson punch and hits an atomic drop. Anderson goes forward and hits the ring post and then his and Steamboat's heads crack together. Both men down. A double count going. Anderson crawls out to the apron. Anderson goes up top, but Steamboat gets his legs up to hit Anderson as he was coming off. Another double count going. Anderson calls for Zbyszko to get in and cut off the tag, but Steamboat gets it just before Zbyszko gets there. Rhodes in and cleaning house on both Enforcers. He hits a lariat on Zbyszko. He then scoop slams Anderson. Anderson reverses an Irish whip. Rhodes tags Steamboat as he gets close and bulldogs Anderson on his way back. Zbyszko comes in and goes to throw Steamboat out, but he holds on to the top rope, climbs back in, and goes up top and hits the crossbody to win. New WCW World Tag Team Champions!
-Jim and Tony talk about the last match and the fact that The Enforcers are protesting the outcome in the back.
-Feature on Jushin Liger.
-Jim Ross talks to Paul E. Dangerously. He says he's sorry about what happened to Sting, but business is business and the contract for the US title says that if Sting doesn't appear in the ring by bell time, Rick Rude automatically becomes the US champion.
-Tony recaps what just happened while Jim tries to get Eric Bischoff on the phone again. Bischoff says they are done and Sting is making his way out. Bischoff tells him about the loophole that Paul E. had put in the contract. Sting says he doesn't care about his leg, he's going back to the arena right now. Bischoff says Sting has commandeered an ambulance to drive back to the building. No word on how Bischoff got back to the building.
-WCW World Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. Brian Pillman vs. Johnny B. Badd with Teddy Long: The bell rings and they circle each other. Badd with some jabs that Pillman stays away from. They lock up and drive to the corner. Badd breaks and hits some jabs to Pillman's midsection. Pillman chops back and he Irish whips Badd and backdrops him. Pillman with a dropkick. Badd up and over to the ramp. Pillman hops to the top rope and hits Badd with a clothesline. Badd reverses a piledriver attempt into a backdrop and Pillman holds on to try to get Badd down. Badd punches Pillman to get him to let go. Badd grabs Pillman by the hair and jumps off the ramp to drive him throat first into the barricade. Badd gets back in the ring and Pillman is struggling to get back there as well. Badd goes to double ax handle Pillman as he gets in and Pillman buries his shoulder into Badd's midsection. Pillman launches himself over the top rope to crossbody Badd. He gets a two count. Pillman reverses an Irish whip and power slams Badd. Pillman goes up top and goes to splash Badd, who gets his knees up. Badd with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Badd gets a two count. Badd with a scoop slam. Badd goes off the top rope and Pillman hits him with a dropkick as he is coming off. Pillman slaps Badd's chest, Irish whips him and hits a clothesline. Badd reverses an Irish whip. Pillman ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a spinning heel kick on Badd. He gets a two count. Pillman with an Irish whip, Badd ducks a clothesline attempt and Badd comes back with a clothesline of his own. Badd goes up top and hits a sunset flip. Long has the referee distracted so he can't count the pin attempt. Badd comes over to tell Long to get off the apron. He turns around and takes a punch at Pillman, who ducks it and goes to roll Badd up, knocking Long off of the apron. He rolls Badd up and gets the pin. Long and Badd start arguing in the ring. Badd punches Long and leaves the ring.
-WCW United States Championship Match. Sting vs. Rick Rude with Paul E. Dangerously: Rude and Dangerously out first. They get in the ring and Paul E. grabs the mic. He says a horrible tragedy has happened here tonight and that is that Sting has let each and every one of his fans down. He says the little Stingers mean nothing to that bottled blond US Champion. He doesn't care about the little children who look up to him as you see the ambulance coming back to the arena. He says if Sting does not appear in the ring by the time the bell rings there will be a new United States Champion. They see Sting coming into the building and Paul E. screams for them to ring the bell. Sting is trying to get in the building and the bell rings and Paul E. wants Sting counted out. We want Sting chant goes out. Patrick is starting to count, but gets interrupted by Paul E. and has to start over again. Sting makes his way into the ring. Rude comes out on the ramp to meet Sting and they start brawling. Sting picks Rude up and slams him down. Sting is hurting. They brawl back towards the ring. Rude is knocked down again. Sting kicks Rude off of the ramp and then follows him down. Sting throws Rude into the ring. Rude hits Sting and goes up top. Sting catches Rude with a shot to the stomach as he jumps off. Sting hits Rude with some right hands. He kicks him and then Irish whips Rude. He backdrops Rude. Sting then limps over to Rude. He then drives Rude several times into the corner turnbuckle. Another right hand knocks Rude down. Sting Irish whips Rude, but Rude holds on to the ropes. Sting then clotheslines Rude over the top rope. Rude grabs Sting by the legs and pulls him down and drives the injured knee into the ring post. He then does it again. Rude climbs up top and clotheslines Sting from behind off of the top rope. He then does his hip gyration taunt. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening, but Sting is fighting it. Sting goes for a clothesline, but Rude ducks and pokes Sting in the eye. Rude with some right hands. Sting tries to hit a right hand of his own, but Rude easily ducks it. He does it again, but Sting waits the third time and hits Rude after he ducks. Sting fired up and making a comeback. He knocks Rude up against the ropes and Rude seems out of it. Rude bounces off the ropes and as he falls down, he clips Sting's injured leg because Sting had turned around. Nick Patrick goes to check on Rude, allowing Paul E. to climb up on the apron and hit Sting with the cell phone. Rude rolls Sting over and gets a 2.5 count. The crowd is going crazy really getting into the match. Sting kicks Rude and hits a DDT. Paul E. gets on the apron. Sting comes over to him and grabs him, allowing Rude to clip the knee again. Rude rolls Sting up and pins him with a handful of tights. New United States Champion! Paul E. grabs the belt and gives it to Rude. Rude raises the belt up high as Paul E. hugs him. Nick Patrick checks on Sting, who is still on the mat and holding his knee in pain. Rude and Paul E. leave with the belt. The crowd is booing them.
-Another Starrcade ad.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Paul E., Madusa, and Rick Rude. They are celebrating. Paul E. admits it was a set up and a conspiracy. He says now WCW answers to them. Now the Dangerous Alliance calls the shots because there is a new United States Champion without even breaking a sweat and his name is Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude says and the walls come tumbling down. A gallant effort for a very noble cause Sting. Fighting to keep the hopes and prayers of all the little Stingers alive. Well, the hopes and the prayers, Sting? They died and what Ravishing Rick Rude has to say to you, what Rick Rude the US Champion has to say to you Sting is nice guys finish last.
-Another Starrcade ad.
-Jim Ross talks to Ron Simmons, who is out with a broken wrist. Simmons says it's always a pleasure to be back in his home state and to put on one of the best shows right there in Savannah and he is sure everyone is enjoying it as much as he is. He also wants to thank everyone who has sent in get well cards and best wishes to him. His broken wrist occurred at Halloween Havoc some time during the match. He doesn't know when because his mind was on one thing, winning the World Heavyweight Title. This is going to be a great match here tonight and he is here for one thing like any good coach or boxer would do and that is to scout this match and whoever comes out the victor, Ron Simmons is still going to give out that promise and uphold his word. He is going to be the first black man to wear that belt one day.
-Flashback to the altercations that have taken place recently between Rick Steiner and Lex Luger.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Lex Luger with Harley Race and Mr. Hughes vs. Rick Steiner with Scott Steiner: Referee Randy Anderson sends Mr. Hughes from the ringside. The bell rings and they lock up and go to a corner. They break on a four count. They circle each other. Lock up again. Back to another corner. JR works in the college athletic credentials IYDAH. They break and circle each other again. They lock up again and Rick with a single leg takedown. Luger gets to the ropes. They circle each other again as the crowd is starting to get behind Rick. Rick with a double leg takedown. Rick goes for the pin, but Luger grabs the ropes. They circle each other again. Luger with a waist lock. Rick with a reversal. They go to the mat and Luger grabs the ropes again. Rick breaks on the 4 count. They lock up again. Rick with a side headlock. Luger pushes off. Rick comes back with a shoulder block. They circle each other again. Luger stalling and not wanting to lock up with Rick. They finally lock up and Luger with a knee to the stomach. Rick with a side headlock. Luger pushes off. Luger drops down. He attempts a leapfrog, but Rick catches him and power slams him. He gets a two count. Rick with a Steinerline that knocks Luger out of the ring to the floor. Rick gets down in the referee's position ready for Luger to come back in. Luger pacing around the ring. He finally gets up on the apron and tells Randy Anderson to get Rick back. Luger gets in the ring as the crowd starts to clap, getting behind Rick. They circle each other again and Luger keeps near the ropes. Luger with a kick to the stomach of Rick. Luger with an elbow to the back of Rick. Luger runs Rick into a corner turnbuckle. Rick fired up and starts toward Luger who is backing away and begging off. Rick with a corner whip and a backdrop. He hits Luger with his right hands. Luger comes back with a thumb to the eye. Luger with an Irish whip. Rick ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a belly to back suplex. He gets a two count. Luger near the ropes and begging off. Luger buries his shoulder into Rick's midsection when he gets closer. Luger with a forearm to Rick's back. Back and forth near the corner. Rick hits Luger a couple of times to drive him to the opposite corner. Luger reverses a corner whip. Rick hits the corner chest first and as he comes back, he hits Randy Anderson, who goes down momentarily allowing Luger to pick Rick up and crotch him on the top rope. Luger knocks Rick down with a clothesline. The crowd is booing Luger. He kicks Rick. Luger runs Rick's head along the top rope. He then runs his knee pad into Rick's eyes. Luger goes for a suplex, but Rick blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Luger with an eye poke and a scoop slam to Rick. He then drives an elbow into Rick's throat. He gets a two count. Luger with a headlock and a shot to Rick's face. Luger throws Rick to the outside. Race runs his knee into Rick's face. Scott starts to come over. Anderson gets on him to go back to his corner. Luger runs Rick into the barricade. He then throws Rick back into the ring. Gets a two count. Luger with a forearm shot to Rick. Then a double ax handle. Then another one and Rick is groggy. Another one and Rick comes back with a right hand of his own. Then several more and Rick with an Irish whip and hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. Rick goes up top for the bulldog. He hits it and the crowd goes crazy. He gets a two count, but Luger gets his foot on the ropes. Rick puts Luger on the top rope. He then hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on Luger. Mr. Hughes comes out and he and Scott are fighting on the ramp and Scott backdrops Hughes into the ring. He Irish whips Hughes and hits the Frankensteiner. They get out of the ring as Rick hits another belly to belly suplex on Luger and Race gets up on the apron. Rick gets up and hits Race with a right hand and suplexes him into the ring. Anderson gets Race out of the ring, allowing Luger to grab the title and hit Rick with it. Luger then pins Rick. Luger raises the championship as he and Race and Hughes leave.
-Jim and Tony say they will have on the Wrestling Hotline whether Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes can keep the tag team titles. They then sign off from Savannah.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: The Sting/Rude stuff is interesting and a unique way to get the US championship off of Sting so that he can pivot to Luger.

Episode 116 Notes Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 426bcc02-b673-47d7-a8e9-2a85831fffca My Notes for Episode 116: Halloween Havoc 1991. -I ordered a Valentine’s Day gift for my wife and somehow it got shipped to my parents.
-We have a big thaw going here in Maine and as a result there is slush and water flowing everywhere. Then it refreezes every night so you have an ice rink in the mornings.
-Today we look at Halloween Havoc 1991 from WCW.
-Halloween Havoc 1991 was shown on PPV on October 27, 1991 from the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, TN. There were 8,900 in attendance.
-Opening Credits. This is a pretty fancy graphics package of a graveyard and a spooky house for 1991.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to Halloween Havoc 1991. He and Tony Schiavone will be the announcers for the evening. They discuss some of the matches we will be seeing tonight and discuss and show the injury to Barry Windham that happened earlier in the day.
-They go to a video of Eric Bischoff interviewing some of the wrestlers as they arrive. First up are Cactus Jack and Abdullah the Butcher. Cactus Jack says Bang Bang and they walk off as Bischoff says they are ready for the Chamber of Horrors. Diamond Dallas Page and The Diamond Studd arrive next. DDP says they have Bischoff parking cars now and they leave. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes arrive next and as they pull up, Windham opens his door and The Enforcers come up and slam Windham's hand in the door. Rhodes comes around to chase them. They leave and he checks on Windham. He says we've got to get you to the hospital. He puts Windham in the car and they drive off.
-Chamber of Horrors Match. It is a cage match where the object is to put your opponent in an "Electric Chair '' and shock them to win. El Gigante, Rick and Scott Steiner, and Sting VS. Big Van Vader, Cactus Jack, The Diamond Studd, and Abdullah the Butcher: Cactus Jack and Abdullah leave the cage to attack Sting on the ramp. He fights both on the ramp. Rick comes out to help Sting. Sting reverses an Irish whip and sends Cactus Jack into the cage. El Gigante and Vader exchange headbutts in the center of the ring while Studd and Scott battle in the corner. Everyone is in the cage now and Sting is hitting the heels with Abdullah's stick. They have caskets set up in the corners of the cage and a masked man comes out of one of them. He attacks Scott, who scoop slams him on the fallen casket. Scott gets a kendo stick and hits the heels with it. El Gigante with knees to the Diamond Studd in a corner. Sting with a dropkick and a clothesline to Vader. He knocks Vader to the outside. Diamond Studd starts to climb the cage and El Gigante pulls him down. Sting dives over the top rope onto Vader. The mini cage starts to lower with the chair. The Steiner brothers bulldog Cactus Jack off the top rope and he almost gets mashed under there. Vader puts Rick in the chair, but no one is near the lever. Rick Steinerlines Vader to the outside. Sting throws a coffin lid at Cactus Jack and hits him in the face. A group of men dressed as ghouls come down the aisle with a stretcher and wait. Scott and Vader trade shots with the kendo stick. In 15 months, half of the participants would be in the WWF. Scott breaks the stick over Cactus Jack's head and Cactus Jack is busted open. Rick runs Diamond Studd into the cage and then hits him with some right hands. Vader using the stick on El Gigante. Sting and Cactus Jack climb the cage. Sting runs Cactus Jack into the cage. Cactus Jack drops down. Abdullah is hanging on the cage. Scott is punching him. Sting and Cactus Jack get into the ring. They are trying to chain Abdullah to the cage. Sting runs Cactus Jack into the cage to a big pop. They show an extended shot from the "Refer-eye" camera that Nick Patrick has on his head and it is making me sick. Diamond Studd and Sting fighting in the ring. Sting gets put in the chair, but Scott comes to his aid and gets him out of the chair. Everyone goes outside and around the cage and the forearms are flying as you don't really have the room to do anything else. Diamond Studd climbs the cage. El Gigante hits him until he falls off. Abdullah is jabbing Sting with an object and both are bleeding. Rick is attacking Abdullah with a stick. Cactus Jack goes up near the switch. Sting pulls him off and the switch falls which means the chair is supposed to be electrified, but the switch has been falling all night long. Diamond Studd and Abdullah nail Rick until he goes down. They push Rick into the chair. Scott and El Gigante come over to try to help. Referee Randy Anderson is shown climbing the outside of the cage to try to fix the switch. Rick is hit back into the chair as Cactus Jack is up by the switch. Rick gets up and belly to belly suplexes Abdullah into the chair as Cactus Jack flips the switch and Abdullah gets "electrocuted." Sting's team wins. The ring mat catches on fire. Cactus Jack comes to check on Abdullah as the cage rises. Abdullah rises up and attacks Cactus Jack and the ghouls who brought the stretcher down. He grabs Cactus Jack in a headlock and they go to the back.
-Jim and Tony throw it to Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt in the back. Missy tells Eric she knows who the WCW Phantom is, she just isn't going to tell him because she doesn't like him. Wait a few years Missy, and you will be suing him and WCW in court, but I digress. The Young Pistols show up and Tracy Smothers says they don't give a hoot who the Phantom is. They say they are interested in the US Tag Titles currently held by the Patriots. Steve Armstrong says they are tired of playing the good way and this is professional wrestling.
-The Creatures VS. Big Josh and PN News: The Creatures are Joey Maggs and Johnny Rich under masks. News gets on the mic to do his Yo Baby Yo routine. Christine Valver is shown. She is WCW Magazine's PN News Rap Contest winner and she looks like my friend Bekah when she was a teenager. Big Josh and Creature 1 start. They lock up. Big Josh shoves Creature 1 off. They lock up again. They get up against the ropes and Creature 1 comes back with a series of shots. Creature 2 tagged in. He hits a series of forearms to Big Josh's back. He corner whips Big Josh. Big Josh gets a kick in on the charge. Big Josh reverses a corner whip and Irish whips News into Creature 2 in the corner. They then slam Creature 1 and The Creatures roll out to the floor to regroup. News with an Irish whip and a dropkick to Creature 1. News with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Creature 1 kicks him in the face. Creature 2 tagged in. He punches News in the head. Creature 1 tagged back in and kicks News while Creature 2 holds him. Creature 1 goes for an Irish whip, but News holds on to the rope. He Irish whips Creature 1 and belly bumps him. News holds on to Creature 1. Big Josh tagged in. He jumps off of News's shoulders and knocks down Creature 2. He then hits a belly to back suplex on Creature 1. He stomps Creature 1. He chops Creature 1 in the corner. Creature 2 comes and hits Big Josh so Creature 1 can regain control. He hammers Big Josh in the corner until Big Josh reverses it and starts chopping Creature 1. Corner whip and a backdrop to Creature 1. News tagged back in. He headbutts Creature 1. He then suplexes Creature 1. News with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Creature 1 moves. Big Josh tagged in. Creature 2 tagged in. Big Josh belly to belly suplexes him. Big Josh with a front face lock. Creature 1 tagged back in. He hits Big Josh with a forearm and rakes his back. Big Josh hits a Razor's Edge like move. He hits a forearm and a chop to Creature 1. Big Josh with an Irish whip and a double ax handle. He hits the Northern Exposure sit down splash and tags News in. News hits the Rap Master Splash and pins Creature 1.
-Jim and Tony preview the next match.
-Bobby Eaton vs. Terrance Taylor with Alexandrah York: As Taylor is taking his ring gear off, a Bobby chant goes out. Pushing match to start. They lock up. They go to the corner and shove each other in the face before they break. Eaton presents his face to Taylor and dares him to hit him. They lock up again. Taylor with an arm drag. Another lock up and another arm drag. Eaton blocks a third arm drag attempt and hits one of his own and then another one. Then a clothesline to Taylor. Taylor rolls out to confer with York. They lock up again. Taylor with a shot to the face. Eaton comes back with a right of his own. They lock up again. Taylor with a knee to the gut. He throws Eaton out to the floor. He goes out after him. He runs Eaton into the barricade. Taylor goes towards him and Eaton backdrops him over into the crowd. They get back in the ring and Taylor goes to kick Eaton again, but Eaton catches his leg. He spins Taylor around and hits him with his right hand. He gets a two count. Eaton with a shot to the throat. Taylor with an Irish whip and Eaton reverses a hip toss attempt. Eaton goes back to the hammerlock. He drives knees in to Taylor's back. Taylor fighting the move. Taylor up and hits Eaton with a jaw breaker. Eaton ducks his right hand and hits Taylor with an atomic drop. Scoop slam to Taylor on the ramp. Eaton goes up top and drops a knee on Taylor. Eaton with a right hand that knocks Taylor back into the ring. Eaton comes in after him and Taylor grabs him and throws him outside of the ring on the other side. Eaton climbs up on the apron to get back in, and Taylor runs him into the corner post. Taylor then runs and drives a knee into Eaton to knock him off of the apron and into a barricade. Taylor comes out after him and hits a clothesline. He then goes over to confer with York. Eaton comes back in as a Bobby chant goes out again. Taylor with a corner whip and a clothesline. He then drops a knee on Eaton. He gets a two count. He picks Eaton up. Eaton with a right hand. He charges Taylor, who throws Eaton off and out to the ramp. Taylor with a gut wrench power bomb to Eaton on the ramp. Back in, Taylor keeps driving a knee into the lower back. He scoop slams Eaton and climbs up top. He hits a splash from the top rope. He gets a 2.5 count. Taylor with a rear chin lock. Eaton is fighting to get back to his feet. He does and hits Taylor with some right hands. Taylor drives a knee into Eaton's abdomen. Eaton rolls to the apron. Taylor takes his legs and pushes Eaton to the floor. Eaton gets on the apron and hits Taylor in the stomach as he comes over. Eaton gets a sunset flip for a two count. Taylor with a clothesline. Taylor then drops a knee on Eaton for another two count. Taylor with a camel clutch. The Bobby chant starts again. Eaton gets to his feet and hits some elbows to Taylor to break the hold. Taylor gets the sleeper on. Eaton drops down to break the hold. Eaton tries for a splash, but Taylor gets the legs up. Taylor goes for a splash from the second rope, but Eaton gets his legs up. Back and forth. Eaton with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Eaton punching Taylor on the turnbuckle. Taylor goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Eaton drops it and goes for a suplex. Gets a two count. Eaton gets a neck breaker and goes up top. Taylor dives and hits the ropes and posts Eaton on the top. Taylor goes for a suplex from the turnbuckle, but Eaton knocks him off. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam and gets the pin.
-Jim and Tony talk about the next match.
-Jimmy Garvin with Michael Hayes VS. Johnny B. Badd with Teddy Long: The Freebirds are wearing Braves gear so they are popular with the crowd. A Freebirds chant goes out. Then a DDT chant goes out. It takes a while to get going. They lock up and go to a corner. They break and Badd with some punches to Garvin's midsection. Another lock up and they go back and forth with drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid each other. They counter each other several times until Garvin hip tosses Badd outside to the floor. Hayes hits Badd with a right hand while he is on the outside. They lock up again. Badd with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Badd comes back with a shoulder block. Garvin then catches Badd in a power slam. Garvin runs the ropes and finally hits Badd with a forearm. Badd rolls outside to confer with Long. Back in, they lock up. Garvin with a wrist lock. Into an arm bar. Badd with some shots to the face to break the hold. Badd gets Garvin down on the ropes with some forearms. Then some jabs to the stomach and an Irish whip as a DDT chant goes out. Badd with a flying clothesline. Long gets up on the apron to get the referee's attention while throwing something to Badd to choke Garvin with. Badd throws it outside where Hayes picks it up and tries to tell the referee what happened. Badd with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Garvin reverses a corner whip, but Badd gets his boot up on the charge in. Badd with a clothesline coming out of the corner. Badd goes up top and gets a sunset flip for a two count. Badd with a scoop slam. Badd goes back up top and hits an elbow off of the top rope. That only gets a one count. Badd with another scoop slam. He goes up top again, but Garvin catches him with a forearm to the stomach. Hayes pounding the mat to get the crowd behind Garvin. Garvin runs Badd into a turnbuckle. Badd reverses a corner whip. Badd goes for a running elbow in the corner, but Garvin moves and Badd goes up and over the apron. Badd appears to be bleeding from the mouth. He gets back up on the apron and Garvin slingshots him back in. Garvin goes to drop an elbow, but Badd moves as the DDT chant goes out again. Badd with an Irish whip. He then tries to leapfrog Garvin and they collide in the center of the ring. Long gets on the apron and referee Mike Adkins comes over to him at the same time that Garvin hits the DDT. Garvin then goes to attack Long who climbs down just before he is hit. Badd comes over and hits Garvin. He goes to pin Garvin who gets his foot on the ropes, but Long pushes it off and Badd gets the win. Hayes chases Long into the ring and punches him out. Hayes then wants Badd to come back inside the ring. Hayes and the crowd try to explain to Adkins what happened with Garvin's foot being on the ropes.
-Missy Hyatt is in the back and pleads with Bobby Eaton to tell her who the WCW Phantom is. Eaton has a pumpkin with him and says he is going to go celebrate because he just won a match.
-WCW World Television Championship. Steve Austin with Lady Blossom vs. Dustin Rhodes: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Rhodes drives Austin into the corner. They break. They lock up again. Austin with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Rhodes reverses it. He hits Austin with an elbow. Austin comes back and grabs Rhodes by the leg to force him down. Rhodes reverses it into a single leg crab. Austin gets to the ropes. Austin with a side headlock. Rhodes pushes off. Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Austin goes back to the side headlock. Another push off by Rhodes and another shoulder block by Austin. Criss-cross and Rhodes catches Austin with a clothesline. He follows that up with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. That gets a two count. Austin reverses into a headscissors. Rhodes's grandma is shown cheering for him in the crowd. Rhodes reverses into a leg vine. Austin gets to the ropes to break the hold. They circle each other again. Lock up and Rhodes with a side headlock. Austin pushes off and they do a few running the ropes and drop down spots to avoid each other. Austin catches Rhodes with a boot to the stomach. Austin with a headlock takeover. Then a series of reversals. Rhodes with a drop toe hold. Into a front face lock. Austin counters into a hammerlock. Rhodes gets back to his feet and they trade wrist locks. Rhodes with a side headlock. Austin pushes off. Rhodes with a shoulder block. Austin comes back with a hip toss. He misses an elbow drop when Rhodes moves. Rhodes tries for a roll up, but Austin holds on to the ropes and pushes Rhodes off. Rhodes clotheslines Austin out of the ring. Rhodes puts Austin back in the ring. Austin with an Irish whip. Rhodes with a go behind into a side headlock. Austin with another Irish whip. He drops his head and Rhodes catches him with a knee to the face. Rhodes goes for the bulldog, but Austin blocks it and pushes Rhodes off. Rhodes with a right hand to Austin. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. He gets a two count. Austin shifts over and gets a two count. Rhodes shifts back and cranks the side headlock. Austin grabs the tights and shifts over for another two count. Austin works his way back to his feet. Austin pushes off and Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes gets a crossbody for a two count. Goes back to the side headlock takedown. Gets another two count. Austin with a headscissors, but denies to the referee that he pulled the hair to get it. Rhodes gets to his feet and gets a side headlock back on. He gets a two count. Back to their feet and Austin pushes off. Austin with a couple of drop downs. Rhodes goes for a crossbody. Austin drops down again and Rhodes goes flying out of the ring. Austin goes out after Rhodes. He punches Rhodes several times while he is on the floor. Austin goes back in to break the count before going out again. Rhodes is busted open. Rhodes gets up, but Austin runs him into the apron. Austin goes up top and hits a double ax handle to Rhodes on the outside. He throws Rhodes back in the ring. Rhodes comes back with a right hand to the face. Austin with a gut wrench suplex. Austin with a side headlock. Austin uses the ropes for leverage as it is announced that there are 5 minutes remaining. He finally gets caught and has to break the hold. Austin complains to the referee and then turns around to get hit with a right hand from Rhodes. Rhodes with a corner whip and goes for a monkey flip, but Austin pushes him off. Austin comes out of the corner and hits a clothesline on Rhodes. That gets a two count. Rhodes with an inside cradle for a two count. Austin reverses it for a two count. Rhodes reverses that for a two count. Austin misses a clothesline and Rhodes hits a lariat for a two count. Rhodes with an Irish whip and goes for a clothesline, but Austin holds on to the ropes. That gets another two count. Austin chokes Rhodes on the second rope for a four count. The referee gets Austin off allowing Lady Blossom to come over and slap Rhodes while he is still hanging on to the ropes. Austin then comes over and chokes Rhodes again with the ropes but breaks on the three count. Austin goes for a leapfrog body guillotine, but Rhodes moves and Austin hits the ropes. Rhodes with an atomic drop and a lariat. Rhodes gets a cover, but he's too close to the ropes and Austin gets his foot up. Rhodes throws Austin to the outside. Rhodes runs Austin into the corner post. Rhodes punches Austin and he has been busted open. Rhodes punches Austin again and throws him back in as two minutes remain. Rhodes with an Irish whip and a power slam. That gets a two count. Rhodes with a snap mare. He punches Austin several times. Rhodes with an Irish whip and a bionic elbow. That only gets another two count. Rhodes gets Austin in the corner. and hits him with punches and elbows. Austin collapses inside the ring with 30 seconds left. Rhodes with an Irish whip. Austin leapfrogs Rhodes and they exchange right hands. Rhodes with a flurry of offense. He only gets a two count. Rhodes goes up top. He hits a flying lariat and covers but the bell rings before the three count. Austin retains the television championship. Rhodes dropkicks Austin after the bell rings. Austin falls out of the ring. The crowd boos the announcement of the draw.
-Starrcade '91 ad featuring Battlebowl.
-Oz vs. Bill Kazmaier: They lock up. Oz pushes away. They lock up again. Another push off. Another lock up and Kazmaier goes for a side headlock. Oz with an elbow and a knee to the midsection to get out of the move. Kazmaier tries to knock Oz down with some shoulder blocks, but can't. He finally gets him down with a clothesline. Kazmaier with a scoop slam. Oz wants a test of strength. They do and it's even. Oz with a shoulder and a boot to the midsection of Kazmaier to get the advantage. Kazmaier coming back. He drives Oz down to his knees. Kazmaier then stomps on Oz's fingers. Oz comes back with forearms and knees to Kazmaier. Kazmaier reverses a corner whip and hip locks Oz out of the opposite corner. They lock up again. Oz goes back to the knees and forearms on Kazmaier. Kazmaier reverses a corner whip. Kazmaier misses the charge in when Oz moves. Oz with a belly to back suplex. He gets a two count. Kazmaier out on the apron. Oz attacks him with forearms. Kazmaier lifts himself up and over back into the ring by the ropes in a spectacular maneuver. Kazmaier with a forearm and gets Oz up in a backbreaker. Oz gives up.
-Jim and Tony talk about Van Hammer.
-Van Hammer vs. Doug Somers: Hammer comes out again holding, but not playing, the guitar. They lock up and Hammer gets a side headlock. They get to the ropes and Somers reverses the move. Hammer pushes off. He goes to clothesline Somers, who ducks the move and falls down. Hammer with a clothesline. Hammer with an Irish whip and a power slam. He picks Somers up and hits him with a forearm. Hammer with a corner whip and a backdrop. Hammer drops an elbow on Somers. Then a leg drop on Somers. Hammer with a slingshot suplex to get the pin.
-Brian Pillman says many athletes go their entire careers without ever having a world title. He says just a few months ago, he wasn't even in WCW. The great fans brought him back. He's dedicating the match to his family and the great fans of WCW.
-AlexandraYork is with Richard Morton. She says this is Halloween Havoc. The night for the York Foundation to get its first title, but they will not stop there. Morton says it's been a long, hard road. He says the road Brian Pillman is taking is coming to a dead end because all his life he's been a champion and tonight is no different because he's coming to be the Light-heavyweight champion.
-Finals of the WCW Light-heavyweight Championship tournament. Brian Pillman vs. Richard Morton with Alexandra York: JR gets Pillman's athletic career in IYDAH. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. Drive to a corner. Morton goes for a shot, but Pillman ducks and goes for a shot and Morton ducks. They lock up again and Morton with an arm drag. They lock up again and Morton with some forearms to Pillman. Pillman reverses an Irish whip. Morton slips through Pillman's legs. Morton then rolls to the outside. He confers with York and the computer. Back in, another lock up. Morton with a side headlock and a punch to Pillman's face. Pillman reverses an Irish whip. They each try for a hip lock, but both block it. Pillman blocks a shot and slams Morton. Pillman with a spinning heel kick. Morton falls to the outside. York checks on Morton. Back in, they circle each other again and lock up. Into the corner and Morton with some knees to Pillman's stomach. Morton with a corner whip, but Pillman leapfrogs Morton on the charge in. Pillman goes to the other corner and fakes a reverse crossbody. He then hits Morton with a double ax handle. He gets a two count. Pillman with a side headlock takedown. Back up, Morton with a push off. Pillman comes back with a shoulder block. He gets a two count. Pillman with another side headlock takeover and another two count. Morton with a headscissors. Pillman comes back with another takeover. Morton reverses back into the headscissors. Back up, Pillman with some forearm shots. Pillman with a corner whip and a couple of arm drags. Side headlock by Pillman and he gets a two count. They get back to their feet. Morton pushes off and drops down. He hits Pillman with a back elbow. Morton then goes to drop an elbow, but Pillman moves. Pillman with a headlock takeover. He gets another two count. Morton gets back to his feet. Morton pushes off. Pillman comes back and leapfrogs Morton. Morton catches Pillman in an inverted atomic drop. Morton starts to work on Pillman's shoulder. He drops a fist on Pillman. Pillman comes back with an elbow to Morton. A series of elbows by Pillman and Morton responds with an eye rake. He throws Pillman out, but Pillman lands on his feet and gets right back in. He rolls Morton up. He gets a two count. Morton with an arm bar. Pillman trying to get back to his feet. Morton drives him back to the mat. Pillman fighting to get out of the arm bar and not get up. Pillman breaks the hold and gets a shoulder block. Morton with a knee to the stomach. Morton goes back to the arm bar. Pillman gets back to his feet and Morton drives him to a corner. Morton with a corner whip. Pillman comes out with a clothesline that Morton ducks. Pillman catches him with a second clothesline. Morton gets an eye rake. Morton runs Pillman on the top rope. Morton with a back suplex. Gets a two count. Morton with a choke for the four count. Pillman reverses an Irish whip. Morton catches Pillman's leg so Pillman hits an enziguri. Pillman then runs Morton into the corner turnbuckle. Pillman with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Morton with a kick to the stomach. Morton with a series of head and body shots. Morton with a corner whip and Pillman comes back with a big slap to Morton's chest. Then two more and Morton finally goes down. Morton with a push off. Pillman comes back with a shoulder block. Both men collide and both fall to the outside. Pillman goes for a headlock on the outside and Morton runs him into the ring post. Pillman makes it back to his feet and climbs up top as Morton gets back in the ring. Pillman hits a crossbody. He gets the pin to win the Light-heavyweight Championship. The crowd cheers as he raises the championship high.
-Jim and Tony talk about the next match involving the WCW Halloween Phantom.
-The WCW Halloween Phantom vs. The Z-Man Tom Zenk: Phantom comes out trying to cover himself with his cape. When he gets in the ring, he attacks Zenk right away. He hits Zenk with some forearms and then Irish whips him. He then clotheslines him. He scoop slams Zenk. The Phantom rakes Zenk's eyes and then his back. Another Irish whip by Phantom and a running knee to Zenk's stomach. He then drops Zenk abdomen first across the knee. He then drops an elbow on Zenk. Then another elbow. Another forearm and an Irish whip to Zenk. He drops his head too early and Zenk kicks him in the face. Then several punches by Zenk to the face. Zenk with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Phantom with a knee to the face and a neck breaker to get the pin. Tony does some foreshadowing by saying that's the Rude Awakening.
-Starrcade '91: Battle Bowl ad.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Enforcers Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko vs. The Patriots Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion: The Patriots are the United States Tag Team Champions. Zbyszko and Chip Start. They circle each other. They are very slow to start. They finally lock up. Chip with a side headlock. Zbyszko pushes off. Chip comes back with a shoulder block. Zbyszko gets the abdominal stretch. Chip counters it with one of his own. Zbyszko counters and hip tosses his way out of the move. He tries to drop an elbow, but Chip hits him with a boot to the face. Single leg pick up and a scoop slam by Chip. Gets a one count. Zbyszko goes for a neck breaker. Chip powers out of it into a backslide. Gets a two count. Zbyszko says Chip pulled his tights. Zbyszko very irritated. Anderson tagged in. Anderson with a go behind. Waist lock takedown. Chip sits out and they tangle in the ropes and Anderson stumbles to the outside. Back in, Chip gets a side headlock. Anderson complaining that Chip is too oiled up. Anderson pushes off. Chip comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up again. Anderson with a side headlock into a hammerlock. Chip reverses the hold. Champion tagged in. He hits a double ax handle from the second rope while Chip is still holding Anderson. Champion with a wrist lock. They get to a corner. Anderson with a knee to the stomach. Anderson with a left hand to knock Champion down. He then stomps Champion. Champion goes out to the apron and Anderson slingshots him back in. Anderson drops a knee on the collarbone of Champion. Champion back on the apron and this time he slingshots Anderson to the outside. Champion drops a flying forearm to Anderson on the outside. Anderson rakes Champion's eyes and goes for a piledriver, but Champion reverses it into a backdrop. Chip throws Anderson back into the ring. Champion with an Irish whip. He catches Anderson in a bear hug. Chip goaded in, bringing the referee over allowing the Enforcers to double team Champion. Double corner whip to Champion who comes out of the corner with a double clothesline to the Enforcers. The Enforcers roll to the outside to regroup. Zbyszko tagged in. They lock up and get to the ropes. Champion breaks clean and Zbyszko slaps him. Zbyszko goes outside. He makes Champion chase him around the ring and then gets back in. Anderson tagged in. Zbyszko hits a thrust kick on Champion. Chip goaded in and referee Randy Anderson comes over allowing Anderson to throw Champion out over the top rope. Zbyszko runs Champion into the barricade. Back in, Anderson runs Champion's head into his knee. Anderson with an Irish whip and drives a fist into Champion's stomach. Anderson with a snap mare. Anderson drives the knee into Champion. Zbyszko tagged in. Zbyszko stomping Champion. Zbyszko with a scoop slam. That gets a one count. Zbyszko with a swinging neck breaker. Gets a two count. He stomps Champion again and runs his head into Anderson's knee in the corner. Anderson tagged in. He hits Champion with several left hands. Champion coming back with a series of right hands. Back and forth. Anderson misses a left hand and gets atomic dropped, but while he was going up, he tags Zbyszko in. Zbyszko hits Champion from behind with a second rope double ax handle. Zbyszko with a backbreaker for a two count. Zbyszko with a rear chin lock. Champion reverses a suplex attempt. Anderson and Chip both tagged in. Chip knocks both Enforcers down with right hands. He then scoop slams them both. He dropkicks Anderson and then Zbyszko. Chip with an Irish whip and a bear hug on Anderson. He waist locks Anderson, gets him up, and slams him down. He goes for the pin, but Zbyszko comes in to break up the pin. All four men in now. Champion going after Zbyszko. Anderson runs Chip into Zbyszko, who is knocked outside, but Anderson hits a spinebuster on Chip to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony talk about the last match before throwing it to Eric Bischoff who is on the ramp. He brings in Paul E. Dangerously and Medusa. Paul E. talks about being thrown off of WCW. He says now this means war. He says he is going to start right at the top with Sting because what would WCW do without Sting? He says he went and got Medusa and told her to find the man who can eliminate Sting for good. He then brings out the Phantom. He is unmasked as Rick Rude. Rude gets the mic and says it's known that all he cares about is himself, his women, and his money. He says Paul E. his money man, has a problem with the World Championship Committee. He says the way to solve this problem is to dismantle WCW brick by brick. He says what better way to start off than with a low-life scum bag like Sting? He says that since he has never stood face to face with Sting, he's wondering if he's as small as he looks on television. He wants to know if he is the lowlife, garbage collecting scum bag that he portrays on TV. He says Sting, your days are numbered. He's going to tear apart the WCW and he's going to take Sting's US title.
-Jim and Tony talk about what just happened.
-Feature on Ron Simmons going back to Florida State to train for his match tonight.
-Main Event. 2/3 Falls for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Lex Luger with Harley Race and Mr. Hughes vs. Ron Simmons with Dusty Rhodes: Referee Nick Patrick sends Mr. Hughes to the back. Patrick then goes over the rules. The bell rings and they are just staring at each other. They circle each other. They lock up and JR mentions their football careers IYDAH, including the fact that the two men were teammates at one time for the Tampa Bay Bandits of the old USFL. They break and then lock up again. Another push off. Another lock up and Luger with a side headlock. Into a takeover. Gets a one count. Simmons reverses into a head scissors. They get back to their feet and lock up again. Luger with a hammerlock. Simmons with the reversal. Luger gets to the ropes. They circle each other again. They lock up and again drive to the corner. Luger finally breaks. Luger goes for a right hand, but Simmons ducks and hits a right hand of his own. Simmons with a couple of more rights and Irish whips Luger. He goes for a dropkick, but Luger holds on to the ropes. Luger hitting Simmons with a series of kicks and an elbow to knock Simmons down. Luger with a double ax handle and then another one. Then a forearm to Simmons' back. Simmons falls against the ring ropes. More forearms by Luger, but Simmons comes back with a kick to the stomach. Then another one. A series of kicks and punches to Luger. Luger reverses an Irish whip. He drops his head too early and Simmons drives him face first into the mat. Simmons with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Then another Irish whip and a power slam. Then another Irish whip to Luger and a spinebuster. Simmons gets the pin to win the first fall. 2nd Fall- Luger stalling and doesn't want to come out of his corner. Jim and Tony surmising that there may be something wrong with his back. Luger finally comes out of the corner, but he is holding his back with one hand and holding on to the rope with the other hand. Luger circles the ring holding on to the ropes. They finally lock up again and Luger drives a knee into Simmons' stomach. Simmons blocks two suplex attempts and hits one of his own. Simmons with two corner whips and a backdrop. Focusing on the injured back. Luger gets to the corner and begs off. Luger gets an eye rake in. Luger with a corner whip, but Simmons hits a back elbow on the charge in. Simmons with a bulldog. He gets a two count. Luger gets to the ropes and forces the referee to get Simmons back. Luger with a shot to the face and stomach. Simmons blocks a scoop slam attempt and gets an inside cradle on Luger. Gets another two count. Luger goes back to the ropes. Simmons goes for Luger who grabs him and throws him to the outside. Simmons gets on the apron and buries a shoulder into Luger's stomach. Simmons with a sunset flip on Luger coming back in and gets a two count. Simmons hits a clothesline. Simmons goes after Luger, who again throws Simmons to the outside. Rhodes comes over to check on Simmons. Luger kicking at Simmons trying to prevent him from getting back in the ring. Simmons rolls back in and Luger starts kicking him almost immediately. He chokes Simmons with his boot for a four count. He runs Simmons' head against his shoelaces. Simmons tries to come back with a boot to the stomach. Luger runs Simmons' head along the top rope. He then chokes Simmons on the top rope before hitting a slingshot to him off of the ropes. Luger drops an elbow on Simmons. Gets a two count. Race yelling at referee Nick Patrick that the count was slow. Simmons with a punch to the midsection. Simmons with kicks and shots to Luger. Luger reverses an Irish whip. He power slams Simmons. Slow to count and only gets a two count. Luger kicks Simmons. He kicks him back down. Back and forth. Simmons gets Luger into a corner. Simmons with a corner whip. Luger gets his boot up on the charge. Luger with a clothesline. Gets a two count. Luger is frustrated. Luger with a suplex. Another two count. Luger has been slow to cover. Luger with a headlock. The crowd is trying to inspire Simmons to get up. Luger getting a boot on the ropes for leverage. Patrick checks Simmons' arm. It doesn't fall a third time and Simmons trying to get back to his feet. Simmons coming back with a series of punches to Luger. Luger reverses a corner whip, but Simmons moves out of the way on the charge. Simmons rolls Luger up for a two count. Luger up and hitting forearms to Simmons. Luger with a double ax handle. Luger with an Irish whip. Simmons blocks a hip lock attempt. He turns it into a backslide for a close two count. Simmons with a shoulder block. He goes for another one and Race grabs his leg. Dusty comes over and punches Race to the ground. Simmons punching Luger. Back and forth. Luger rushes Simmons, who gets grabbed by Race and only Luger goes over the ropes and Patrick disqualifies Simmons because it looked like Simmons threw Luger over the top rope. Third Fall: Simmons and Dusty complain about the call and about Luger poking the eyes. Luger is holding on to the ropes again and doesn't want to come out to meet Simmons. Luger hits Simmons with a cheap shot. He attacks Simmons over and over and Luger is bleeding from above his eye. He runs Simmons into a turnbuckle. He hits Simmons with a double ax handle. Simmons gets fired up and Luger is begging off. Simmons unloading on Luger in the corner. Simmons with corner mounted punches. Luger picks Simmons up and goes to hit an inverted atomic drop on Simmons, but Simmons blocks it and clotheslines Luger. That gets a close two count. Simmons with a corner whip and a backdrop. Gets another two count. Then yet another two count. Luger gets his shoulder into Simmons's midsection. Simmons reverses an Irish whip and gets an inverted atomic drop. Simmons puts Luger on a turnbuckle. Simmons hits a superplex. Another close two count. Simmons with an Irish whip and a power slam. He mounts the second rope and hits Luger with a shoulder block. Luger rolls to the outside. Simmons goes out after him and runs Luger head first into the barricade. Luger pokes Simmons in the eye. Simmons gets down in a football stance and charges Luger, who moves and Simmons hits the post with his shoulder. Luger rolls Simmons back into the ring. Luger hits a piledriver and pins Simmons. Race grabs the title and he and Luger leave as Dusty checks on Simmons.
-Jim and Tony look at a replay of the end of the match. They then talk about the main event. They then talk about Rick Rude arriving and wanting Sting and about Brian Pillman winning the Light-heavyweight title before signing off from Chattanooga.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This show was all over the map. The Chamber of Horrors Match was a disaster. The Pillman-Morton match was good, the Austin-Rhodes match was great, and the Main Event was good. Mildly recommend.

Episode 115 Notes Thu, 10 Feb 2022 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 93c58489-fcdf-4cdc-b11d-8a007faba1eb My Notes for Episode 115: TLC 2011. -I’m tired of snow. I was cooped up all weekend and finished two books.
-I have to take gentle Iron on the weekend. I’m a gentle weekend warrior Iron Man I guess.
-I had a better week than Shane McMahon apparently.
-Today we look at TLC 2011 from the WWE.
-WWE TLC 2011 took place on PPV on December 18, 2011 from the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, MD. There were 9,000 in attendance and the show did 179,000 buys on PPV.
-Dark Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Alex Riley.
-WWE Intro.
-PPV intro in the style of 'Twas the night before Christmas talking about what is happening in the WWE and what we are going to see tonight.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to TLC. He and Jerry Lawler are going to be our announcers for the evening.
-Vickie Guerrero comes out with a mic and says Merry Christmas everyone to a loud chorus of boos. She then goes into her excuse me gimmick. She then introduces Dolph Ziggler.
-United States Championship Match. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero vs. Zack Ryder: Carlos Cabrera and Marcelo Rodriguez of the Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Ryder comes out to a great ovation. The bell rings. They circle each other. Ziggler with a single leg takedown. Ryder pops back up. Ziggler with another single leg takedown. They lock up again and Ryder with an arm drag. Then another one. Ryder with a corner charge, but Ziggler hits him with a back elbow. Ziggler with a side headlock. Ryder pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. A series of dropdowns and leapfrogs. Ziggler blocks a hip lock attempt. Ryder ducks a roundhouse attempt. Ziggler goes for a dropkick, but Ryder catches his legs in midair. He slingshots Ziggler into the corner and Ziggler hits the turnbuckle head first. Ryder then clotheslines Ziggler to the outside. Ryder then dives over the top rope onto Ziggler. He runs Ziggler's head into the apron. Back and forth on the apron and Ziggler drives Ryder's head down on the apron. Ryder gets back in the ring on the 9 count. Ziggler attacks Ryder with stomps. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Ziggler drops an elbow. A series of elbows to Ryder. Only gets a two count. Ryder coming back with a series of right hands. Ziggler with a kick, an Irish whip, and a back elbow. Ziggler with a headlock on as the Let's go, Ryder chants start again. Ryder gets back to his feet. Ziggler pushes him down and does sit ups showing off. Guerrero loves it. Ziggler gets another two count. Ziggler with a headlock. Ryder makes it back to his feet and hits some elbows. Ryder with a corner whip. Ziggler with a back elbow when Ryder comes charging in. Ziggler with a fall away slam. He gets a two count. Ziggler puts Ryder on the top turnbuckle. He slaps Ryder, who slaps Ziggler back and hits a missile dropkick. That gets a two count. Ziggler rushes Ryder, who hits him with a back elbow. Ryder ducks a clothesline attempt and knocks Ziggler down. Ryder with a clothesline. Ziggler reverses an Irish whip. Ryder slams Ziggler head first down on the mat. Ryder with a running forearm to Ziggler in the corner. Ryder hits the Broski Boot to Ziggler in the corner. Ryder goes to cover, but Guerrero puts Ziggler's foot on the bottom rope. The referee catches her and throws her out. Ziggler looking dejected. Ryder rolls him up for a two count. Ziggler reverses it and grabs the ropes, but Ryder still kicks out at two. Ziggler out on the apron. Ryder comes over to get him back in and Ziggler guillotines him on the top rope. Ziggler goes for the famouser, but misses and Ryder rolls him up for a two count. Ziggler then hits the famouser for another two count. Ryder up and Ziggler jumps on his back going for a sleeper, but Ryder pushes him off. Ziggler with a dropkick. Gets another two count. Ziggler climbs up top, but Ryder pushes him down so he crotches himself on the top rope. Ryder with a hurricanrana off the top rope. He gets a close two count. Ryder goes for the Rough Ryder, but Ziggler counters and rolls Ryder up for a two count. Double count going as the let's go, Ryder chant starts again. Ziggler with a charge to Ryder in the corner, but Ryder gets both knees-up. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder. Ryder gets the pin. New United States Champion! The crowd loves it and Ryder can't believe that he has won. Michael Cole is speechless as Ryder celebrates with the crowd.
-Booker T is shown talking backstage with Alicia Fox when he is attacked by Cody Rhodes. Rhodes beats Booker T down until they are finally separated.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne vs. Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendez: Bourne and Epico start. They lock up and Epico goes for a quick roll up. Bourne immediately kicks out. Another lock up and Bourne with a hammerlock. Epico turns it into a backdrop. Bourne continues to roll through to get a one count. Epico with a snap mare. Bourne tries a spin kick. Epico ducks. Bourne with a hurricanrana. Bourne with some kicks to Epico. Kingston tagged in. Double Irish whip and leapfrogs by Air Boom before Kingston hits Epico with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Epico with a kick to the stomach and Primo tagged in. Double Irish whip. Kingston ducks a double clothesline attempt and hits a dropkick to both of his opponents. Gets a one count on Primo. Back and forth in the corner. Primo with a corner whip. He follows that up with a shot and a monkey flip out of the opposite corner. Kingston lands on his feet and hits a monkey flip of his own on Primo. Gets a two count. Bourne tagged in. Flying headscissors to Primo. Gets a two count. Epico tagged in. Double Irish whip to Bourne, who comes off of the ropes with a reverse crossbody, but Primo and Epico catch him and throw him to the outside. Primo goes outside and tosses Bourne back in. Epico gets a two count. Beat down in the corner and Primo tagged back in. He continues the beat down in the corner. Epico back in. Then Primo. They have Bourne firmly in their corner. Primo gets a two count. Primo with a front face lock. Bourne is trying to push his way to Kingston to make the tag. Bourne with some kicks and tries to jump to tag Kingston in. He almost gets there before being grabbed by Primo and driven back first into the opposite corner. Epico tagged in and Primo corner whips Bourne into an Epico dropkick. He gets a two count. Bourne trying to fight back with kicks. Epico with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. He gets a two count. Epico with a series of belly to back suplexes. Another two count. Epico has Bourne on Epico's back in a submission like move and Bourne is fighting to get out of it. He flips through to get a two count. Bourne with a kick and double knees to Epico. Both Kingston and Primo tagged in. Kingston with a top rope shot to Primo. Kingston knocks Epico off the apron and hits Primo with a clothesline. A knife edge and a dropkick to Primo. Primo ducks a clothesline and Kingston knocks Epico off the apron again. A clothesline to knock Primo down. Boom Drop on Primo. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Primo gets his leg up on the charge. Kingston with a top rope reverse crossbody. Gets a two count before Epico can break up the pin attempt. Bourne comes in to knock Epico to the outside. Bourne then climbs to the top rope and hits a crossbody to Epico on the outside to the delight of the crowd. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise to Primo to get the pin.
-Josh Matthews with a report from backstage that Booker T is being evaluated by WWE trainers and medical staff. Josh says that Cody Rhodes walked by earlier with a smile on his face and says he would assume that their match is off, although that is not official.
-Teddy Long dressed as Santa is looking over a Christmas tree. He is interrupted by Hornswoggle dressed as an elf. Long says he's glad Hornswoggle finally showed up and since he's been a good little boy this year, Long has a present for him. Hornswoggle says little boy? For God's sake Teddy I have a beard. I have mature testes. I'm dressed ridiculous Teddy. and by the way since when has Santa been black anyway? Long says the neighborhood he came from, no fat, jolly white man would ever come down his chimney. Hornswoggle says I feel you Teddy, now why am I here? Long says I'll tell you why you're here. I saw you last Monday on Raw trying to talk jive and it was just horrible and that's why I've got this present for you right here. He hands Hornswoggle a present from under the tree. Hornswoggle opens it up and it's a Rosetta Stone Ebonics Book as we have reached the cringe portion of the PPV. Long says with this you can never embarrass yourself any more. Hornswoggle says thank you and asks Long to come in for a hug before stomping his foot and running away.
-Tables Match. Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: Orton gets a fantastic ovation coming out. Michael Cole runs down the history between the two men. The bell rings. They circle each other. A Randy chant starts. They trade right hands. Orton with a kick in the stomach. Forearms to Barrett. Barrett with a kick of his own. Orton ducks a clothesline attempt. Orton with an over the back backbreaker on Barrett. He stomps Barrett's head and goes outside for a table. He starts to set it up at ringside and Barrett comes and kicks the table into Orton. Barrett drives Orton into the apron then throws him back into the ring. Barrett goes to put a table in, but Orton kicks it into Barrett. Orton then slams down on the table causing it to hit Barrett under the chin and knock him down at ringside. Orton runs Barrett into the ring steps and you can see that Barrett is bleeding from his forehead. Orton setting a table up at ringside. Orton with a forearm. Barrett going back up the aisle away from Orton. Orton follows, but Barrett hits him with a back kick. Barrett with a front face lock. He goes to put Orton through one of the tables set up along the aisle. Barrett goes for the pump handle slam, but Orton counters so Barrett quickly turns the table over to avoid being put through it. Barrett starts to head back towards the ring and Orton follows. Orton runs Barrett into the ring apron. He then brings Barrett up the ring steps by the hair. He is looking to suplex Barrett through the table set up at ringside, but Barrett fights free and runs Orton into the corner post. Orton then falls down into the ring steps. Orton then pushed into the corner post. Barrett with a running kick to knock Orton down. Barrett sets up another table at ringside as a Randy chant goes out again. Back and forth at ringside. Barrett with an elbow to Orton and slams Orton's head down on a table. Barrett puts Orton on the table. Barrett gets on the apron. Orton gets off before Barrett can jump on him. They exchange right hands. Barrett drives Orton into the ring apron. He then does it again. Barrett throws Orton back into the ring. Barrett delivers an elbow to Orton from the second rope. He then puts Orton on the second rope and pushes down with his knee. He then has Orton wound through the ropes and continues to choke him. Barrett with a series of knees to Orton's head. Barrett with a running kick. Orton lands on the apron instead of the set up table. Barrett sets up a table in the corner of the ring. He goes to run Orton through it, but Orton slips out and then clotheslines Barrett. Another clothesline and a power slam on Barrett. Orton goes for the apron DDT. Barrett backdrops Orton on to the apron. Barrett goes for the running kick again, but Orton moves and Barrett gets crotched on the top rope. They exchange right hands on the apron and Barrett gets Orton up for Wasteland. Orton with elbows to get out of it and Orton hits the apron DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine. He goes for the RKO. Barrett pushes off and Orton stops himself before he runs into the table. He turns around and Barrett hits him with a spinning sidewalk slam. Barrett slams the table down on top of Orton. Barrett sets a table up in the ring as a Randy chant goes out again. Barrett sets Orton up on the table. Barrett climbs to the second rope and jumps, but at the last second Orton turns and hits an RKO on Barrett through the table to win the match. Orton celebrates after the match.
-The Bella Twins are with Santa Teddy Long arguing over who deserves a gift. Long says they both deserve gifts and gives them a card with his direct line in case they ever want to play any reindeer games. They both slapped him and leave. He yells out call me. He turns around and Jack Swagger is there. He tells Long that he makes the most ridiculous Santa ever and Long says I do not. Swagger says yes you do, you make the most ridiculous General Manager ever. He asks Long if he is really going to let Mark Henry get away with hitting him with a steel chair on Smackdown? What are you going to do about this, Teddy? Long says he's not going to do anything about it. Swagger says well Vickie says and Long says I don't care what Vickie says, I'm the General Manager of Smackdown, not her, and Swagger is the one who ticked Henry off in the first place. Long says I tell you what, why don't you come here and sit on my lap and let's figure this out. Swagger says Teddy, I think someone spiked your eggnog. I'm 6'6", 270 pounds, if I sit on you, I'll break your hip. Now listen, Teddy, I'm a former world champion. They then get interrupted by Sheamus who wishes Long a Merry Christmas. Sheamus says I heard you were looking for me, Teddy. Long says yes and Swagger gets upset that Long wants to talk to Sheamus and not him and he and Sheamus start arguing. Long says he's going to give everybody a Christmas present and make a match between the two men.
-Divas Championship Match. Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly: They show Phoenix and Kelly getting into it at the Slammy Awards. The bell rings and Phoenix begs Kelly to slap her in the face again like she did at the Slammy Awards. Phoenix goes to slap Kelly, who ducks and slaps Phoenix. Phoenix rushes Kelly, who drops down and pulls the ropes and Phoenix spills to the outside. Kelly then bulldogs Phoenix from the apron to the floor. Kelly with a body vice on Phoenix on the ropes. Back in the ring, Kelly ducks a clothesline attempt. Kelly headscissors Phoenix into a corner. She goes to monkey flip Phoenix out of the corner, but Phoenix picks Kelly up and guillotines her on the top rope. Phoenix gets Kelly down and delivers several elbows to her back. Gets a two count. She then wraps Kelly up and pulls her hair back for almost a four count before breaking the hold. Phoenix then slams Kelly down on the mat and it looks like Kelly has hurt her shoulder. Phoenix gets Kelly into a camel clutch and has the referee ask her if she wants to give up. She then slams down on Kelly's back. Kelly with a small package for a two count. Phoenix with a kick and goes for a scoop slam, but Kelly reverses it into a bulldog. Kelly then slams Phoenix's head down on the mat several times. Phoenix pushes Kelly back into a corner. Kelly gets her boots up on the charge. Kelly goes for a second rope crossbody, but Phoenix catches her and slams her down. She gets several two counts. Phoenix slams Kelly down and goes up top. She goes to do a top rope leg drop, but Kelly moves. Kelly goes for a move. Phoenix blocks it and goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly rolls through. A couple of reversals and both wrestlers get two counts. Kelly goes for a hurricanrana, but Phoenix catches her and slams her backwards to get the pin.
-Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are shown backstage. Del Rio is berating Rodriguez, saying that he had one job; to make sure Del Rio's car was ready. How can he make his entrance without his car? He then tells Rodriguez to go get him some food. Rodriguez leaves and Del Rio turns around and The Miz is there. He tells Del Rio that he wants to make one thing clear. When they weakened CM Punk, it was for the greater good of one of them becoming the WWE Champion. But when the bell rings, this alliance... He gets cut off by Del Rio who tells Miz not to insult his intelligence. He says you don't think I know our alliance is dead? In fact, there was no alliance in the first place. He was just using Miz. Miz says really? I was being used by a guy who's title reign was as uneventful as the Raven's Super Bowl run. You are talking to the man that defended the WWE Championship and defeated John Cena in the Main Event of WrestleMania. What did you do last year at WrestleMania? You lost to Edge when his neck was hanging on by a thread. Del Rio says something in Spanish, then translates: that means you are a stupid little boy. A guy who comes from a reality TV show. A guy who thinks he's a bad ass when he's not. Because I know you can't hurt anybody. You're weak. You're pathetic. You couldn't even take Ricardo or my pool boy. Is that clear? Ricardo comes back with food and Miz shoves the plate in Ricardo's face and leaves. Del Rio then shoves Ricardo down and also leaves. Poor Ricardo!
-The Maryland National Guard is shown with a holiday message from Iraq earlier in the month.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T: Booker T out first and as he is walking down the aisle, he gets jumped from behind by Rhodes. He runs Booker into the barricade and kicks him down. Referees come out and separate the two of them. They take Booker to the back to take a look at him.
-Preview of what has happened between HHH and Kevin Nash.
-Sledgehammer Ladder Match. Kevin Nash vs. HHH: HHH gets a great reception coming out. Nash staring at him intently. The bell rings and Nash attacks immediately with a knee to the stomach. A punch knocks HHH to the ground. Nash gets HHH in the corner. HHH ducks an elbow shot. HHH with several shots to Nash. Nash comes back with another knee to the stomach. Nash with an elbow to HHH in the opposite corner. HHH comes back with right hands. Nash throws HHH into the corner and delivers several knees to HHH. Then a forearm knocks HHH to his knees. Another forearm to the back as a Triple H chant goes out. HHH with a shot and a running shoulder block to knock Nash to the outside. HHH comes out after Nash and runs Nash head first into the announcers table. HHH goes and grabs a ladder to bring inside and Nash hits him with a big boot to the back. Nash then grabs a ladder and runs it into HHH, knocking him into the timekeeper's table. Nash then puts the ladder in the ring. HHH gets on the announce table and takes out Nash at ringside with a double ax handle. HHH then punches Nash in the head. HHH then sets Nash up against the barricade and clotheslines him over. HHH then tries to stop Nash from coming over the barricade, but Nash hits him with a wicked elbow. Nash runs HHH head first into the ring steps. HHH reverses an Irish whip and runs Nash face first into the corner post. HHH rolls Nash into the ring. He then grabs another ladder and puts it in the ring. He runs the ladder into Nash's leg when he tries to stand up. He does this several more times. He drives the ladder down on the knee several times. He puts his knee between the sides of a ladder and then stomps down on the ladder. He then sets Nash's leg through the ladder and puts the figure four on him. Nash screams out in pain. HHH gets up and puts one of the set up ladders in the corner. He then takes another ladder and almost suplexes it onto Nash. He picks Nash up and Nash puts a knee into HHH's stomach and corner whips him into the set up ladder and HHH then goes flying to the outside. HHH starts to get up and Nash runs the ladder into him to knock him down again. Nash then places a ladder across the ropes in a corner of the ring. He then goes outside and grabs HHH. He rolls HHH back in the ring, then drives elbows into HHH's head as it is out on the apron. Nash then side slams HHH onto a ladder. He then sets HHH under the ladder set up on the ropes and then slingshots him into that ladder. HHH falls out of the ring. Nash then comes out and starts to take apart the announce table while the announcers tell him to just end the thing. That he has made his point. He goes to jackknife HHH onto the table, but HHH reverses it and backdrops Nash onto the table. HHH gets back in the ring and starts to set up a ladder. He starts to climb the ladder, but Nash pulls him off the ladder. He then clotheslines HHH down. Nash sets that ladder up in the corner and then goes outside before changing his mind and corner whipping HHH into the set up ladder. He then choke slams HHH. He then goes outside and goes under the ring and brings out a table and puts it into the ring. Nash sets the table up in the ring. He goes to jackknife HHH onto the table, but HHH drives Nash back into the ladder set up in the corner. HHH then picks up the ladder and runs it into Nash to knock him outside. HHH then sets up the ladder. He climbs up one side. Before he can unhook the sledgehammer, Nash climbs up the other side and starts punching HHH. HHH uses the sledgehammer to knock Nash off of the ladder and through the table. HHH then unlatches the sledgehammer to a massive cheer from the crowd. Nash stands up and HHH hits him with the sledgehammer to the knee. He does it several more times. HHH then hits the Pedigree. The crowd chants one more time! HHH picks up the sledgehammer and goes over to Nash. Nash is on his knees and flashes the clique sign. HHH responds with the suck it gesture and hits Nash in the head with the sledgehammer. He then pins Nash. Medics come down and put Nash on a backboard to haul him off to a medical facility.
-Matt Striker interviews CM Punk. They show Punk being attacked by Miz and Del Rio on Raw. Punk says he has had 6 days to watch that scene over and over and as painful as it was, something caught his eye that was 10 times more painful than Del Rio butchering the English language, Miz trying to talk like a tough guy, or two hours of Michael Cole commentary. It was John Laurinaitis accepting the Slammy Award for Superstar of the Year on his behalf. He says who has that guy even beat? He has yet to receive that Slammy and he is not hard to find. He then says speak of the devil as Laurinaitis appears. Punk says where's my Slammy? Laurinaitis says I mailed your Slammy to you, but with the holiday season, it may take a while to get to you. But if I were you, I'd be more worried about your Championship Match tonight than your Slammy. Punk says, Well, if I were you, I'd wish myself luck in my future endeavors. But you wouldn't do that, you're not going to do that. Just like Punks is not going to lose the title tonight. So when TLC is over with, you're still going to have to put up with CM Punk as your WWE Champion. Laurinaitis says you know what Punk? I'm going to be the bigger man right now, after all, I am taller than you. Good luck tonight, and Merry Christmas. Punk says Johnny, luck is for losers. Punk then walks off. Laurinaitis then takes out his phone and starts texting someone.
-Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero vs. Sheamus: They lock up and Swagger with a knee to the midsection and a forearm shot. Swagger with a series of rights and Sheamus tells him to come on and bring it. Sheamus ducks a clothesline attempt and knocks Swagger down with a forearm shot. Sheamus drops a series of elbows. Gets a one count. Sheamus with a forearm and an Irish whip. Sheamus with a shoulder block. Another Irish whip and Swagger ducks a clothesline attempt and goes for an abdominal stretch. Sheamus tries to get out with an elbow to the head of Swagger. A forearm then knocks Swagger into the ropes. Sheamus pulls Swagger through and up in the ropes and delivers several forearms to Swagger's chest. Sheamus then clotheslines Swagger to the outside. Sheamus grabs Swagger as he gets on the apron and tries to suplex him in, but Swagger blocks the attempt. They trade blows. Swagger knocked to the outside. Sheamus starts to go out after Swagger. Guerrero screaming at Sheamus to distract him, allowing Swagger to drive Sheamus into a corner post. Swagger then runs Sheamus into a barricade. He then stomps on Sheamus while he is down. Swagger then puts Sheamus back in the ring. Swagger hits a Swagger bomb. He gets a one count. Swagger with a forearm to the back. Then another one to knock Sheamus to the mat. He goes to throw Sheamus out, Sheamus comes back with a clothesline to knock Swagger down. Sheamus with a double ax handle. Then another one and a corner clothesline. Sheamus with several forearms in the corner. Sheamus with a scoop slam. Gets a two count. Sheamus starts to go up top, but Swagger knocks him off the ropes to the outside of the ring. Swagger goes out after him, and Sheamus picks him up and drives him into the corner post. Sheamus then runs Swagger into the barricade. Sheamus then puts Swagger back in and hits the battering ram from the top rope. Gets a 2.5 count. Swagger ducks a Brogues kick attempt, and clips the knee of Sheamus. He goes after the knee again, knocking Sheamus down. Swagger hits another Swagger Bomb. Swagger goes for the ankle lock submission. Sheamus tries to get to the ropes before flipping over to drive Swagger into the corner turnbuckle. Swagger goes for the leg again, but Sheamus moves out of the way and goes for the Brogue kick. Sheamus gets the pin. Sheamus celebrates and then leaves.
-Josh Matthews interviews The Big Show. Josh asks him if he has any final thoughts. He says final thoughts? I'm feeling it, Josh. When I looked into Mark Henry's eyes Friday Night. I've got him beat. Ever since I've been back, he hasn't been able to beat me, he's tried every underhanded thing he can do to try to get over me. It hasn't happened. Tonight, I've got chairs. I've got the freedom to hit him with a steel chair as often as I want. As hard as I want. You know what I'm feeling, I'm feeling Mark Henry's reign of terror is over. I'm feeling my 9 year drought from World Heavyweight Champion is over. I'm feeling that tonight is going to end in a Giant way.
-Chairs Match for the World's Heavyweight Championship. Mark Henry vs. The Big Show: Big Show out first. Henry coming out looking determined. Henry slams the World Heavyweight Championship down on the ring steps. The bell rings and Big Show immediately goes to the outside and starts throwing chairs into the ring. The ring is full of chairs. Big Show picks another one up and gets into the ring. Henry also picks one up. Then Henry throws his chair down and gets out of the ring. He tells Big Show to just wait. He tells the timekeeper to give him his title. That Big Show must be crazy and that this ain't happening. Henry gets his belt and starts to leave. Big Show grabs a chair and climbs out of the ring. Henry goes to hit him with his belt, but Big Show ducks and nails Henry with a chair several times. He then unloads with some rights and lefts to Henry. Henry with a headbutt and a knee to knock Big Show down. Henry grabs a chair and nails Big Show in the back with it. He then slams Big Show's hand down on the ring steps. Henry then picks up a chair to hit Big Show again as Big Show crawls into the ring to try to get away from Henry. Big Show picks up a chair and Henry has a chair and they both swing. The chairs collide and Big Show drops his chair because of his injured hand. Henry then nails Big Show with his chair. He then knocks Big Show down and then drives the chair into him. Henry throws the chair down and says welcome to the Hall of Pain to Big Show. Big Show up on his knees trying to hit Henry with both hands, but his right hand appears useless. He goes for a choke slam, but Henry easily breaks the attempt. Henry with a right hand to knock Big Show down. Henry grabs a chair and hits Big Show with it. He puts Big Show's hand in the chair and stomps down on it. Henry then runs a chair into Big Show's ribs. He then tries to scoop slam Big Show, who is fighting it with elbows to Henry. Big Show then tries for the choke slam again and again Henry breaks the hold. Henry goes and grabs a chair, but as he goes to swing it, Big Show connects with his right hand to knock Henry out. Big Show rolls him over and pins Henry. New World Heavyweight Champion. Big Show is presented with the belt and raises it up high. He gets hit by a chair from Henry from behind. Big Show down to one knee. Henry starts to stack chairs in the center of the ring. He then DDT's Big Show on the stack of chairs. Big Show is knocked out. A Daniel Bryan chant starts. His music hits and he runs down with referee Scott Armstrong to cash in his MITB briefcase. The bell rings. Bryan pins Big Show to be the new World Heavyweight Champion. Bryan comes over and gets into Michael Cole's face. Cole can't believe what has happened. Bryan says into the camera for the people who've supported me the last 12 years, this is for you. Bryan celebrating with the fans.
-Booker T is shown in the back. Josh Matthews interviews him saying he understands Booker is going to try to go out and compete tonight. Booker says you heard right, Josh. Josh says Booker doesn't have anything to prove by going out there tonight. Everyone knows who he is and what he has done. Everyone knows he is one day going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, but Booker cuts him off and says look Josh, it ain't about that. It's about him not going out like some sucker. Right now, he's in a whole lot of pain, but after tonight, Cody Rhodes is going to be in a lot more pain. He didn't ask for this fight, but he damn sure is going to finish it.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T: The bell rings and Rhodes rushes Booker, who kicks and chops Rhodes. He drives Rhodes into the corner and continues to chop him. Booker then Irish whips Rhodes and hits a back elbow. Booker with a scoop slam. Then another scoop slam. He goes for one more as the fans chant you still got it. Rhodes slips behind Booker and goes to roll him up, but Booker grabs the ropes. Rhodes rushes Booker, who hits him with a side kick. He gets a two count. Booker then throws Rhodes out over the top rope. Booker goes out after Rhodes as a let's go Booker chant starts. Back and forth on the outside. Booker runs Rhodes into the barricade. Booker throws Rhodes back into the ring. Rhodes attacks Booker as he was trying to get back in. Rhodes goes to suplex Booker in, but Booker blocks the attempt. Rhodes blocks a Booker suplex attempt. Rhodes drops down and guillotines Booker on the top rope. Rhodes with a running forearm to knock Booker off of the apron to the floor. Rhodes yells at referee Scott Armstrong to count Booker out. Booker gets up so Rhodes goes to the outside to attack him. He runs Booker into the barricade. He then throws Booker back into the ring. Rhodes with a snap mare and an arm bar submission to Booker. Booker is struggling to get back to his feet. He breaks the hold and chops Rhodes. He Irish whips Rhodes, but drops his head and Rhodes kicks him in the face. Rhodes kicks Booker down and gets a two count. Rhodes gets Booker in a full nelson. Booker breaks the hold. Booker with a back elbow and a chop. Rhodes with a corner whip, but Booker hits a back elbow when Rhodes charges him. Double clothesline and both men are down. A double count is going. Both up at 7 and Rhodes hits a running punch to Booker. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Booker finally drives Rhodes to the corner. Rhodes fights his way out and Irish whips Booker, who comes back with a forearm shot to knock Rhodes down. Booker with a side slam. Gets a two count. Booker with an Irish whip and a spinebuster. Booker hits the spineroonie. Booker goes for the scissors kick, but Rhodes ducks out of the way. Booker ducks a Rhodes shot. Rhodes ducks a kick from Booker and hits the Beautiful Disaster. Booker kicks out at two. Rhodes with another kick to the head off of the second rope. He gets the pin.
-Steve Austin DVD set ad.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler recap some of what has happened so far at TLC.
-Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Championship. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz: Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Del Rio. Miz out next. When he gets in the ring, a huge CM Punk chant goes out. Punk gets a fantastic ovation when he comes out. He looks determined coming down to the ring. He gets on a turnbuckle as the CM Punk chant gets louder. The bell rings and both Miz and Del Rio try and attack Punk. He fights both off. Miz attacks Punk from behind as Punk is attacking Del Rio. Both Del Rio and Miz start kicking down Punk. They get Punk draped over the second rope. Then a double clothesline attempt, but Punk ducks it and dropkicks Miz and Del Rio. A knee to the stomach of Miz and a snap mare by Punk. He then kicks the spine of Miz and goes after Del Rio. He kicks Del Rio, but gets attacked from behind by Miz. Miz and Del Rio kick Punk down and start to stomp him. Double flapjack to Punk and he lands on the top rope. Double suplex to Punk. They then take turns stomping Punk. Miz and Del Rio then both go outside and watch each other warily. Miz goes to grab a ladder and then chases Rodriguez away as Del Rio grabs a chair. He drives the chair into Miz's stomach. He then hits Miz in the back with the chair to drive him down to the ground. Del Rio then grabs a ladder. He goes to bring it into the ring and Punk flies through the ropes and hits the ladder into Del Rio as he is holding it. Punk then slams the ladder onto the fallen Del Rio. Punk then throws Miz inside the ring. Punk grabs a chair and goes to get in the ring, but gets kicked by Miz on his way in. Miz grabs the chair and hits Punk in the stomach with it. Miz drives Punk into a corner and then sets the chair up. He runs and uses the chair to launch himself to splash Punk, but Punk moves at the last minute. Punk hits a running knee to Miz in the corner. He goes to bulldog Miz on the set up chair, but Miz stops him and side slams Punk through the chair. Miz rolls to the outside to grab a ladder as the broken chair is shown. Del Rio goes to attack Miz as he was trying to bring the ladder in. Miz goes to put Del Rio through the ladder with the SCF, but Del Rio with some back elbows to get out of it. Del Rio then backdrops Miz onto the ladder. Del Rio then kicks a chair into Miz and grabs the ladder again. Punk goes to baseball slide into it, but Del Rio raises the ladder and Punk slides to the outside, ducks a ladder shot, and kicks the ladder into Del Rio as he is holding it. Punk with a running knee into Del Rio and the ladder. Punk then runs Del Rio into the barricade. Punk goes to suplex Del Rio into a table as the crowd chants we want tables. Del Rio slips behind Punk and goes to belly to back suplex Punk into the table, but Punk blocks it. Punk with some back elbows and a neck breaker. Punk gets up and Miz buries a chair in his stomach. Miz swings the chair, but Punk ducks and the chair hits the corner post. Punk attacks Miz with kicks to the leg. Punk picks the chair up and buries it in Miz's stomach. He then hits Miz on the back with the chair several times. Punk puts Miz on the barricade, sets the chair up, and hits Miz on the back with the chair several times. Punk puts Miz on the barricade, sets the chair up, and hits Miz with a running high knee to knock Miz into the crowd. A CM Punk chant goes out as Punk grabs a ladder and he sets it up in the middle of the ring. Punk climbs the ladder and Rodriguez gets in the ring trying to knock Punk off of the ladder. Rodriguez has a pair of handcuffs and uses them to attach Punk to the ladder he was climbing. Del Rio comes in and kicks Punk and knocks him down. Del Rio then starts to climb the ladder. Punk gets up and kicks the middle section of the ladder he is attached to out, freeing himself and knocking the ladder over. He then uses the handcuff as a weapon hitting Del Rio with it. Punk then sets the ladder up against the ropes and flapjacks Del Rio onto it when he rushes Punk. Del Rio rolls out. Punk goes out to get another ladder just as Miz comes in with a ladder. Miz goes to set the ladder up. Punk goes to stop him, so Miz uses the ladder as a battering ram on Punk. He knocks Punk down and slams the ladder on him. Miz then sets the ladder up. Miz climbs the ladder and has one hand on the belt when Punk grabs his leg. Punk pulls Miz off and goes for the GTS. Miz elbows Punk to slip out and gets a front face lock on Punk. He hits Punk's back with forearm shots. Punk rams his shoulder into Miz to break free. Punk tosses Miz out, but Miz grabs the ropes and lands on the apron. Punk goes out on the apron, grabs Miz, and starts climbing the turnbuckle. Del Rio runs and jumps on the turnbuckle and hits Punk with an enziguri and Punk goes crashing through the set up table at ringside. Del Rio then goes outside and runs Miz into a chair set up on a table in the aisle. Del Rio then picks up a ladder and throws it at Miz. Del Rio then picks up a chair and hits Miz on the back with it. Del Rio then places the ladder down on the head of Miz and chokes him with it. He then puts the Cross Arm Breaker on Miz through the ladder. Miz is tapping, but it doesn't count at TLC. Del Rio finally stops. Del Rio then heads back towards the ring, grabbing two chairs while he is headed that way. He goes to Punk, still motionless on the broken table at ringside, and places one of the chairs on him. He then hits Punk with the other chair. He then stomps on Punk and then puts his arm through one of the chairs and puts the Cross Arm Breaker on Punk. Del Rio then gets into the ring and starts to climb the ladder that is set up. He climbs the ladder and almost gets to the top when Punk and Miz both get in the ring and push the ladder over and Del Rio crotches himself on the top rope. Del Rio then falls out of the ring. A referee is checking on Del Rio. Punk and Miz exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Punk with a couple of kicks to Miz. Double clothesline and both men down. Rodriguez gets the ladder up and starts to climb. Miz and Punk tip the ladder over and Rodriguez goes flying to the outside through a set up table. Punk with a kick and a headbutt to Miz. Punk goes for the GTS, but Miz counters and goes for the SCF. Punk drives Miz backward into a corner. Punk with a series of back elbows to Miz in the corner. Punk goes for a running shoulder charge, but Miz moves and Punk hits the ring post. Miz grabs the handcuff and cuffs Punk to the corner post. Miz taunting Punk standing just outside of his reach. Miz tries to showboat and Punk catches him with a kick to the head. Punk still handcuffed to the corner. Del Rio grabs a ladder and puts it in the ring as Punk takes the turnbuckle pad off trying to figure out how to free himself. Punk is trying to undo the rope from the turnbuckle as Miz is now also setting up a ladder. A huge CM Punk chant goes out. Miz and Del Rio both climb the ladder at the same time as Punk gets loose. Punk climbs up the second ladder. He rams Miz's head into the ladder to knock him off and then climbs over to that ladder. Del Rio reaching for the championship. Punk kicks Del Rio off of the ladder. Miz then pulls Punk off of the ladder. Miz climbs the ladder and has one hand on the title before being pulled off by Punk. Punk hits the GTS on Miz. Punk climbs the ladder and grabs the title to win the match and retain the WWE Championship. He celebrates on top of the ladder. They replayed the last few minutes of the match before signing off from Baltimore.

-Final Thoughts: Fantastic show and a great way to end 2011 for the WWE. Both the Bryan and Punk wins were big crowd favorites. Highly recommend.

Episode 114 Notes Thu, 03 Feb 2022 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 79f73e5d-c281-4970-8e42-f940ac732b71 My Notes for Episode 114: Clash 16. -We had a blizzard on Saturday and got a foot and a half of snow. It is pretty to look at but I don’t like being out in it.
-We got our first box of HelloFresh. So far, so good.
-Acid reflux got me the past few days. I feel like that Jim Cornette story when he thought he was having a heart attack.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XVI from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XVI: Fall Brawl was broadcast on September 5, 1991 from the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center in Augusta, GA. There were 2,800 in attendance and the show did a 3.7 rating on TBS.
-Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone welcome us to the Clash. They are the announcers for the evening. They run down what we are going to see in the show. They throw it to Eric Bischoff, Missy Hyatt, and Paul E. Dangerously on the rampway. Missy says she is going into the locker room to get an interview with Lex Luger. Paul E. says he is going to speak to Ron Simmons.
-Georgia Brawl Battle Royal. Tom Zenk, Thomas Rich, Bobby Eaton, Ranger Ross, Tracy Smothers, OZ, PN News, Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, Steve Austin, Dustin Rhodes, Terrance Taylor, Big Josh, Barry Windham, One Man Gang, and El Gigante are your participants. The match starts and forearms are flying. It takes a while before anyone is eliminated. Bobby Eaton and Steve Austin both go over the top, but land on the apron. They exchange blows before getting back in. Smothers hitting Parker with shots in the corner. Taylor, Big Josh, and Ranger Ross eliminated. Thomas Rich then eliminated. Parker eliminated. OMG in the corner and people are just running into him. Z-Man eliminated. Smothers eliminated. OZ jumps El Gigante. Rhodes attacking OZ in the corner. Eaton Irish whipped into OMG who backdrops him out of the ring. PN News eliminated. Windham and Austin eliminated. Windham nails Austin on the outside with a right hand. OMG corner whipped into Rhodes. El Gigante fighting back against OZ and OMG. El Gigante runs OMG and OZ together. OZ and OMG double team and eliminate Rhodes. El Gigante with a double clothesline to eliminate OZ and OMG to win the Georgia Brawl.
-Semi-final for the WCW Light-Heavyweight Championship. Badstreet with The Fabulous Freebirds VS. Brian Pillman: Pillman’s first appearance since the ill-fated Yellow Dog experiment. Referee Randy Anderson throws the Freebirds out. Pillman with a side headlock. Badstreet pushes off. Pillman with a shoulder block. Badstreet attacks with kicks and punches. Pillman with a headscissors takedown. Pillman with a victory roll for a two count. Pillman with an arm bar. Pillman with a corner whip and someone on the crew is too close to the mics and keeps getting picked up. Badstreet with a backdrop and Pillman lands on the apron. Pillman with a sunset flip for a two count. Pillman with a dropkick and Badstreet rolls to the apron. Pillman tries to suplex him in. They try to counter each other. Badstreet suplexes Pillman to the outside. They both land in a heap on the outside. Badstreet rolls back in and starts choking Pillman on the top rope as he gets up on the apron to get back in. Badstreet then kicks Pillman from the apron to the floor and he hits the barricade. They exchange blows on the outside. They climb up on the apron and Badstreet runs Pillman into the turnbuckle post back first. Pillman gets on the apron and hits a shoulder into Badstreet and then hits a crossbody over the ropes for a two count. Badstreet hits a neck breaker. He gets a two count. Badstreet with a scoop slam. He goes up top, but Pillman catches him with a standing dropkick. He then dives through the ropes to hit Badstreet on the outside and almost takes himself out by hitting the barricade. Pillman goes up top for a missile dropkick. As he goes to hit it, Badstreet goes for a dropkick of his own and they collide in midair. Both slow to get up. Badstreet with an Irish whip, drops his head, and Pillman slams it down on the mat. Pillman with a spinning heel kick. He gets a two count. Pillman with an Irish whip, but he drops his head and Badstreet hits a DDT. He gets a two count. Pillman gets Badstreet in a backslide for a two count. Badstreet with an Irish whip. Pillman comes back with a crucifix. Badstreet comes back with a Samoan drop. Badstreet puts Pillman on the top rope. Badstreet climbs up. Pillman headbutts him off. Pillman hits a flying crossbody to get the pin.
-WCW Top Ten: 10. Bobby Eaton 9. Tom Zenk 8. Diamond Studd 7. One Man Gang 6. Dustin Rhodes 5. Steve Austin 4. El Gigante 3. Barry Windham 2. Ron Simmons 1. Sting WCW Champion: Lex Luger.
-Sting VS. Johnny B. Badd with Theodore R. Long: Sting is the new United States Champion, but doesn’t have the belt with him and apparently this is a non-title match. Flashback to Sting being presented with a box from WCW TV, and Abdullah the Butcher coming out of the box to attack Sting. The bell rings and Badd takes a left swing at Sting, but misses. They lock up and Sting with an Irish whip. He leapfrogs and drops down to miss Badd. He backdrops Badd. Sting with a scoop slam. Sting goes for a second rope splash, but Badd gets his knees up. Sting with another scoop slam. He goes for an elbow drop from the second rope, but Badd moves. Badd with a sunset flip from the top rope. He gets a two count. Sting gets an inside cradle for a two count. Sting with a sunset flip for another two count. The crowd is extremely vocal as they lock up again. They get to the corner. They break clean. They lock up again. Sting with a wrist lock. Badd reverses it into a wrist lock of his own. Sting with a side headlock. They get to the corner. Badd with some stiff body shots and a corner whip to Sting. Badd misses the charge in when Sting moves. Sting goes back to the wrist lock. Sting with a suplex. Badd up quickly and he jabs at Sting. He misses, but Sting is surprised that he is up quickly. They lock up as the announcers say that a box has been delivered to the ramp. Sting with a corner whip, but Badd collapses to the mat. Sting tries the corner whip again and hits it. Long climbs up on the apron. Sting goes for the Stinger Splash. Badd moves out of the way. Sting hits the corner turnbuckle. Badd goes for a left-hand jab, Sting blocks, but Badd catches him in the ribs. Badd sees the box and thinks it’s for him and Long tells him to go finish Sting off. Badd taking too long. The match is virtually stopped because both men are looking at the box. Sting gets Badd with an inside cradle to pin him. Cactus Jack comes out of the box to attack Sting. He throws him to the outside. Then Cactus Jack climbs to the top rope and drops the elbow on Sting. He rolls Sting inside the ring. Cactus Jack then hits Sting with the double arm DDT. Other wrestlers come to help Sting and Cactus Jack retreats.
-Jim and Tony replay and recap what just happened between Sting and Cactus Jack.
-WCW Light-Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final. Mike Graham VS. Richard Morton with Alexandrah York: They lock up. Graham with a side headlock. Morton pushes off. Graham comes back with a shoulder block. Morton backs up. They lock up again. Graham comes back to the side headlock into a headlock takeover. Morton reverses into a headscissors. They lock up again and Graham goes back to the side headlock. Morton pushes off. Morton trips Graham up and tries to go for a Boston crab. Graham reverses it to a sit-down pinning predicament. Morton reverses that. He gets a two count. Graham with a leg rollup for a two count. They push each other. Morton rolls to the outside to confer with York. Morton goes back in and gets a side headlock. Morton with a takeover. Graham with a headscissors counter. Morton fighting to get out of it. Morton rolls over to get Graham in a pinning predicament. Graham bridges out of it. Graham with a backslide for a two count. Morton backs up to regroup. They lock up. Go to a corner. Graham with a forearm shot. Graham corner whips Morton, but Morton gets his boot up on the charge in. Morton goes up top, but gets caught by Graham on the second rope and catches him in a German suplex for a two count. Morton with a big right hand. Then another one. Morton rakes Graham’s face on the top rope. Graham comes back with a chop. Graham with a big right hand. Morton with a back kick. Morton runs Graham into the top turnbuckle. Graham gets a figure four on, but Morton immediately grabs the ropes. Graham with a fireman’s carry takeover. Morton gets an arm bar on. Graham gets to his feet and pushes off. Morton comes back with a shoulder block. Graham with a drop toe hold. Graham then grapevines the leg. Morton finally got out of the hold. Back and forth in the corner. Morton with a corner whip and an inverted atomic drop. Morton with a body slam. He misses an elbow drop when Graham moves. Graham gets a horizontal half nelson and hooks the leg for a one count. York climbed up on the apron. Graham with a scoop slam. York distracts referee Nick Patrick. Morton with a push off and Graham catches Morton and slams him down. Graham with a rollup. Nick Patrick is still distracted. Morton pushes off and Graham hits the turnbuckle. Morton rolls Graham up and pins him.
-Jim and Tony show and talk about the new issue of WCW Magazine that was on newsstands and then talk about Bill Kazmaier being the world’s strongest man as recognized by the Guinness Book of World’s Records.
-Eric Bischoff is in the ring. He brings out Bill Kazmaier who is going to try to break a new record. He’s going to attempt to bend a steel bar over his head. They say that it wasn’t gimmicked at all and he starts to bend it. The Enforcers Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko come in the ring from behind and run a steel plate into Kazmaier’s ribs. Rick Steiner comes down and The Enforcers leave, but it is way too late.
-The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin VS. The Patriots Todd Champion and Firebreaker Chip: The Freebirds are the US Tag Team Champions, but this is a non-title match. They are scheduled to have a match for the Tag Titles the following Saturday that the Patriots would win. Chip and Hayes start. Chip with a side headlock. Hayes pushes off. He throws Chip out and Chip lands on his feet and gets right back in. Chip attacks Hayes with right hands. Chip with a power slam on Hayes. Garvin climbs up top, but gets caught and Chip slams him off. Chip dropkicks both Freebirds. The Freebirds go outside to regroup. Garvin tagged in. He locks up with Chip. Garvin with a big right hand in the corner to Chip. A series of right hands and Chip then reverses a corner whip. He hip tosses Garvin out of the corner. Then a dropkick to Garvin. Chip with an Irish whip. He gets Garvin in a sleeper. Hayes comes in and he gets put in the sleeper. Chip lets go of Hayes and starts working on Garvin. Chip with a wrist lock. Garvin with an Irish whip as the announcers inform us that Bill Kazmaier is refusing to go to the hospital. Garvin drops his head early and Chip with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Chip with an arm drag. Garvin comes back with a forearm shot to the back. Chip with a go behind and he rolls up Garvin for a two count. Hayes hits Chip with a big left hand from the apron. Garvin with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Chip drives Garvin to the mat by his hair. Hayes tagged in. Champion tagged in. Champion with an Irish whip. Scoop slam to Hayes. Scoop slam to Garvin when he comes in. Another scoop slam to Hayes. Irish whip and a back elbow by Champion to Hayes. He hooks Hayes’ leg, but Garvin breaks up the pin attempt. Garvin then hits Chip to knock him off the apron. Freebirds miss a double clothesline attempt on Champion, who comes back with a double clothesline of his own on the Freebirds. Chip tagged in. Double clothesline to the Freebirds from the top rope. The Patriots with a double back elbow to Hayes. Then a double backdrop to Garvin. Then a double clothesline to Garvin. The referee is trying to get Champion out. Hayes with an elbow to the head of Chip. Garvin then pins Chip to win.
-Paul E. Dangerously interviews Cactus Jack. He asks Cactus Jack who paid him the money, who masterminded the plan for him and Abdullah the Butcher to attack Sting? Cactus Jack says everyone in the arena and at home should put their hands together for Sting because he had a good career, but it’s all over now. You are looking at the man who did it to him and yes that thought makes him smile. He says to Sting that it was nothing personal. Strictly Business as another box is wheeled down the aisle. Cactus Jack says he can see one of his business partners is here, but he has already gotten the job done himself. Paul E. asks him what Abdullah is doing here and he says he doesn’t know. He says Abdullah is his friend and business partner and he thinks he’s going to go give him a Cactus Jack hug. Cactus Jack goes over and hugs the box, but instead of Abdullah, Sting comes out of the box and attacks Cactus Jack. He Irish whips Cactus Jack into the ropes and backdrops him on the aisle. He then hip tosses Cactus Jack off the rampway. Sting grabs Cactus Jack by the hair and hits a standing dropkick. Cactus Jack hits Sting with a trash can as Sting tries to break it up. Sting attacks Cactus Jack with the trashcan as they go to commercial.
-Jim and Tony talk about Ron Simmons and show the retirement of his jersey at Florida State. Coach Bobby Bowden talks about Simmons and his football career.
-The Diamond Studd VS. Ron Simmons: Studd attacks Simmons as soon as he gets to the ring. They go back and forth. Simmons reverses an Irish whip. He drops down and goes to leapfrog Studd, but Studd grabs Simmons and slams him down. Simmons reverses a corner whip. Studd gets his boots up on the charge in. Studd with a second rope bulldog to Simmons. Studd kneels on Simmons to cover, but Simmons lifts his legs up and hooks Studd’s arms for a two count. Studd attacking Simmons in the corner. Simmons reverses a corner whip. Studd puts his boots up on the charge in, but Simmons slides underneath to the outside and pulls Studd crotch first into the ring post. Simmons with an inverted atomic drop. Then another atomic drop. Then Simmons with a clothesline. Studd with an eye poke. Simmons reverses an Irish whip. Simmons with a spinebuster. Simmons with a shoulder tackle and he gets the pin.
-Paul E. interviews Ron Simmons. Paul E. says Simmons wants to be the world champion, but to do that, he must beat Lex Luger and contend with his entourage of Harley Race and Mr. Hughes. Simmons says he has contended with himself all his life. Dreams are not impossible for him or anyone out there. He will prove to the world if Lex Luger is man enough to sign the contract for Halloween Havoc, that Ron Simmons is the man to beat. Any time you want it, come get it. He’s not afraid of you or your entourage. Mr. Hughes and Harley Race come to ringside. They get in the ring and Simmons tells them he’s sick and tired of looking at their faces and if Lex Luger isn’t man enough to come out here himself, then Ron Simmons will go and find him. Simmons gets out of the ring. They go to a commercial.
-Terrance Taylor with Alexandrah York VS. Van Hammer: This is Hammer’s first appearance in WCW and Gary Michael Cappetta calls him Heavy Hitter, not Heavy Metal. JR says Heavy Metal. Hammer is just holding his guitar up and marching in place. It is obvious that he doesn’t know how to play the guitar. Taylor hits him with the laptop from behind right as the bell rings. Taylor with some right hands. Hammer pushes Taylor down. Hammer with a scoop slam. Then another scoop slam. Hammer with a clothesline. Another clothesline. A third clothesline. Hammer with a front suplex. Hammer with a top rope knee drop and you can tell this guy is green as grass. He gets the pin.
-Missy Hyatt is in the locker room with Lex Luger. She is about to interview Luger when Ron Simmons comes into the room and gets in his face. Simmons says its time they had a talk and Luger says wrong again. I’m done talking to you and he pushes Simmons out of the dressing room. He slams the door. Simmons with a three-point stance and bursts through the door to get to Luger. A group of wrestlers hold him back and drag him out of the door.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Steve Austin with Lady Blossom VS. The Z-Man Tom Zenk: Tony talks about Austin and Zenk being in the Georgia Brawl earlier and fighting back to the locker room after they were eliminated. They lock up. They go to the ropes. Finally, they break clean after a three count. Another lock up and go to the corner. Break clean. Austin with a side headlock. Zenk with a waist lock. Austin counters it with a hammerlock. Zenk reverses it. Austin with a snap mare. Zenk with a hammerlock on the mat and drives his knees into Austin’s back. Austin gets to the ropes. Austin with a side headlock. Zenk pushes off. Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk goes back to a side headlock. Austin pushes off. Zenk comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up again. Zenk back to the side headlock. Austin pushes off. Zenk with another shoulder block. This match is clunky. Austin with a kick to the stomach. Austin with a headlock takeover. Zenk with a headscissors reversal. They tangle up in the ropes. Zenk breaks on the four count. They lock up again. Austin goes back to the side headlock. Another takeover by Austin. He gets a couple of one counts. Austin breaks out of a headscissors. Zenk with an arm drag. Zenk with an arm bar. Zenk with the wrist lock. Austin with an eye rake. Austin with a right hand to the face. Austin goes back to the side headlock. Zenk pushes off. Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk with a superkick. Zenk with a backdrop. Zenk gets a two count. Austin falls out of the ring. Zenk goes to follow him out. Referee Nick Patrick stops him. Austin crawls to the rampway and Zenk hits a crossbody onto Austin from the ring in an awesome move. He throws Austin back in the ring. Zenk goes up top, but Austin drops down as Zenk jumps off. Austin with a kick to the head. Austin with a right hand to Zenk. Austin with a snap mare. He follows it up with a headlock. The announcers start talking about the time limit. Austin maneuvers to use the ropes for leverage. Patrick catches him. Austin with a right hand. Austin with an Irish whip. Zenk ducks a clothesline, but Austin hits him with the Stun Gun. Instead of covering, Austin picks Zenk back up and Zenk with an inside cradle. He gets a two count. Zenk reverses an Irish whip. He gets Austin in a sleeper. Austin gets to the ropes and Lady Blossom slips him something. Austin swings, but Zenk ducks it and lifts Austin up in a back suplex and Austin hits him with the object while he is up and lands on him to get the pin.
-They show a tape of Ron Simmons giving a speech at the Atlanta Boys Club. They then show Simmons taking two buses of students to see him wrestle at the Omni.
-Press Conference and Contract Signing for the WCW Heavyweight Championship Match at Halloween Havoc: Ron Simmons is there with his wife and Dusty Rhodes and Grizzly Smith representing WCW and everyone is waiting on Lex Luger. Eric Bischoff finally starts the press conference. They play Luger’s music and he finally comes out with Mr. Hughes and Harley Race and a bunch of WCW officials. Rob Garner of WCW presents both men with the contracts. Ron Simmons signs the contract. Harley Race looks over the contract and whispers in Luger’s ear. Luger says this truly is an historic occasion. He has to give the man credit where credit’s due. What a glowing tribute to the man and to the athlete. A pillar of the community, Ron Simmons. He says he had no idea. Retirement in front of 65,000 people, your jersey. Your locker plexiglassed in. What a feeling that must be. The Boys Club. All the community service that you do. It’s a real tribute to you, and because of that, Ron Simmons, I’m going to give you the opportunity to become the first black World’s Heavyweight Champion. Luger then signs the contract. Mr. Hughes then whispers in Luger’s ear. Luger then says as a side note, Ron. When it’s all said and done and the Total Package is still the World Heavyweight Champion. He says we started a great team here. Because of the kind of man you are, you’ll always have a position with me. A lot of fringe benefits. A lot of perks. He points to Race and says I’ve got my mentor. He points to Hughes and says I’ve got my bodyguard. He says to Simmons I’ve got in mind for you to be my driver I need a real good chauffeur and Simmons attacks Luger. Security trying to separate the two. Hughes and Race usher Luger into a waiting limo. Simmons attacking the limo as it pulls away from the arena.
-Jim and Tony talk about the two teams who are meeting for the tag team championship and how the two teams made it to the finals. They then show The Enforcers attacking Kazmaier earlier.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Final. The Enforcers Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko VS. Rick Steiner and Bill Kazmaier: The Enforcers are escorted to the ring by what looks like a riot squad. Kazmaier comes out with his ribs heavily taped. Steiner attacks both members of The Enforcers to begin. He chases Zbyszko both inside and outside of the ring. He hits Zbyszko with a right hand as he gets back in the ring. He hip tosses Zbyszko out of the corner. Anderson jumps Steiner from behind. Anderson with an Irish whip. He misses a left hand and Steiner catches Anderson and powerslams him. He gets a two count, but Zbyszko breaks up the pin attempt. Steiner attacks Zbyszko until Anderson grabs him and holds him for Zbyszko to attack. Zbyszko with a spin kick to the gut of Steiner. Zbyszko slams Steiner down and stomps his face as the camera shows Kazmaier in the corner. Zbyszko puts an arm bar on. Zbyszko tags Anderson in. Anderson attacks Steiner with big right hands. Anderson with a wrist lock. Steiner fighting back with right hands. Zbyszko tagged back in. He gets a front face lock on Steiner. Steiner with shots to the ribs. Zbyszko comes back with forearms. Zbyszko with a kick to the stomach. Zbyszko suplexes Steiner. He gets a two count. Zbyszko runs Steiner into Anderson’s boot. Anderson tagged in. Steiner blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Zbyszko tagged back in. Zbyszko with a shot and runs Steiner into the corner turnbuckle of The Enforcers. Steiner trying to fight out of the heels corner. Both Enforcers double team Steiner. Double Irish whip. Steiner comes back and kicks Zbyszko. He hits Anderson with a Steinerline. Crowd comes to life for that. Steiner puts Anderson on the top rope. He goes to belly to belly Anderson off the top rope, but Zbyszko hits Steiner with a forearm to stop it and knocks Steiner off the ropes. Anderson hits a clothesline on Steiner from the second rope. Kazmaier tags himself in as Steiner passes near him. Kazmaier with a shoulder block to Zbyszko and a scoop slam to Anderson. He then military presses Zbyszko. Steiner tries to come in to help, but gets cut off by the referee so Anderson attacks Kasmaier’s injured ribs. Zbyszko falls on Kazmaier and pins him. The Enforcers are the new World Tag Team Champions.
-Tony and Jim talk to The Enforcers. Anderson says tonight they proved the theory of navigation. The biggest, strongest sailboat in the world can’t budge one inch if it doesn’t have any wind. They say Kazmaier is the strongest man in the world, but if he can’t breathe, he can’t win. They say tonight the belts returned to two wrestlers. Zbyszko says he and Anderson proved it doesn’t matter how many muscles you have. It doesn’t matter how many takedowns you learned at some jerkwater college. If you want the belts you must go through The Enforcers.
-JR then signs off from Georgia.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: Not a bad show, but certainly a filler show. The Kazmaier stuff wasn’t good at all.

Episode 113 Notes Thu, 27 Jan 2022 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] e444c39f-4822-4f79-9e46-07ffbb10e189 My Notes for Episode 113: Survivor Series 2011. -I celebrated my birthday a week late as I had to work on my birthday with breakfast out at my favorite breakfast establishment, then a local small theater rented out to watch The Goonies, which has a wrestling theme with The Goonies are good enough video.
-Find whatever makes you happy in this world and hold on to it.
-Today we look at Survivor Series 2011 from the WWE.
-Survivor Series 2011 was shown on PPV on November 20, 2011 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 16,749 in attendance and the show did 281,000 buys.
-Santino Marella defeated Jinder Mahal in a dark match.
-WWE Intro.
-Survivor Series Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to MSG and the Survivor Series. He, Booker T, and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the evening. John Laurinaitis comes out and gets booed. He says not only is it the 25th anniversary of the Survivor Series, but his 10th anniversary in the WWE. He says sit back and enjoy the show.
-United States Championship Match. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guererro VS. John Morrison: Carlos Cabrera and Marcello Rodriguez of the Spanish Announce Team are announced. The bell rings and they lock up. Ziggler with a go behind takedown. He gets a front face lock on and then slaps Morrison several times before going to the outside. The crowd chanting we want Ryder at Ziggler. Zach Ryder had a petition going on Twitter at the time to get a US title match. They lock up again and Morrison with a hammer lock. Ziggler reverses it. Morrison drops to his knees and does a fireman's carry takedown. Morrison with an arm bar. Ziggler with a kick to break the hold. Ziggler with several kicks and forearms. Ziggler with a corner whip, but Morrison jumps the charge in and Ziggler comes back with a big standing dropkick. Ziggler with a headlock takeover. He keeps the headlock on and gets a one count. We want Ryder chant go out again. Morrison with a push off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Both men with leapfrogs to avoid the other. Ziggler attempts a standing dropkick. Morrison catches him by the legs and slingshots him into a turnbuckle. He then clotheslines Ziggler to the outside. He then runs and launches himself onto Ziggler on the outside. He throws Ziggler back in. Guerrero comes over to him and screams "Who do you think you are?" and he yells, "Stay away from me!" to her. As Morrison gets back in the ring, Ziggler hits him with a neck breaker. He gets a two count. The we want Ryder chant starts again and Guerrero yells at the crowd to be quiet. Ziggler drops an elbow and nips up and Guerrero loves it. Ziggler with a takeover for a two count. Ziggler with a side headlock. The we want Ryder chant gets louder as Morrison makes it back to his feet. Ziggler drives Morrison back down to the mat by his hair. Ziggler keeps slapping and kicking Morrison to keep him down. Morrison gets back to his feet and drives Ziggler into a corner. Ziggler avoids the charge and hits a pump handle power slam. He gets a 2.5 count and Guerrero jumps all over referee Charles Robinson about a slow count. Ziggler goes for the sleeper. Morrison throws Ziggler off. Ziggler with a kick. Morrison with a series of clotheslines. He then hits a dropkick on Ziggler and then a neck breaker for a two count. Ziggler rolls Morrison up and has a handful of tights, but Morrison keeps rolling and so Ziggler lets go and Morrison with a jump off of the second rope and a kick to the side of Ziggler's head. He gets a 2.5 count. Morrison goes for a neck breaker. Ziggler pushes off. Morrison comes back with a running elbow to Ziggler. Ziggler spins around Morrison to avoid a shot and applies a sleeper. Morrison pushes off and then applies a sleeper of his own. Ziggler drops down to break the hold. Morrison spins around in a Ziggler hold to get a DDT on Ziggler. Guerrero rushes over and puts Ziggler's leg on the rope to avoid the pin. Robinson throws her out as a result. She throws a fit as she leaves. Ziggler blocks a suplex attempt and gets a small roll up for a two count. Ziggler ducks a Morrison running knee and a small package for a two count. They then trade near falls. Morrison goes for the flying kick again. Ziggler ducks and then hits a famouser. He gets a close two count. The Ryder chant starts again. Ziggler goes for the sleeper again, but Morrison throws him off and hits a running knee. Morrison goes for Starship Pain, but Ziggler gets his knees up. Ziggler with a jumping neck breaker. He gets the pin. Guerrero runs back out to the ring to celebrate. Guerrero gets on the mic with her excuse me gimmick. Ziggler says he has been accused of becoming a showoff, but it's not showing off if you can back it up. We want Ryder chant starts. Ziggler says he's not here and it's not showing off if you can prove it. Zack Ryder's music hits and he runs to the ring. Ziggler attacks him as he gets into the ring. Ryder fights back and hits the Rough Ryder on Ziggler. Ziggler bails.
-Lumberjill Match for the Divas Championship. Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres: Lumberjills are Kelly Kelly, AJ Fox, Caitlyn, Aksana, Nikki and Brie Bella, Tamina, Rosa Mendez, and Maxine. Phoenix has Natalya with her. They lock up and Phoenix pushes off. Eve comes back with a forearm. Phoenix misses a clothesline. Eve goes for a crossbody. Phoenix catches her and throws her down. Phoenix goes to drop an elbow and Eve moves. Eve kicks Phoenix and gets a quick one count. Eve with another kick and then twerks over Phoenix. Phoenix rolls out, but quickly gets thrown back in by the other wrestlers. Eve hits a neck breaker. Eve with a standing moonsault for a two count. Phoenix backdrops Eve to the apron. Natalya tries to grab Eve's leg, but Eve kicks her away. Phoenix grabs Eve's legs and slingshots Eve into the bottom rope throat first. She gets a two count. Natalya yells cry, Eve, cry! Phoenix with a modified camel clutch. Eve with an elbow to get out of the move. Phoenix with a fist to the stomach of Eve. Phoenix with a clothesline. Eve holds on to the ropes and kicks Phoenix when she gets close. Eve with a leg scissors roll through to drive Phoenix into a corner turnbuckle. Eve with a dropkick. Eve with a back elbow. Eve with a kick and a running knee. Eve with a clothesline. Eve with a rolling splash, but Phoenix gets her knees-up. Phoenix goes for a Glam Slam, but Eve with a series of elbows to get out of the move and applies an arm submission to Phoenix. Phoenix starts to sink down and finally goes to the mat. Eve has the triangle choke locked in. Natalya tries to grab Phoenix by the hand, but the referee warns Natalya to stay back. Eve pulls Phoenix away, but Phoenix rolls and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Eve is distracted by Natalya, so Phoenix rolls Eve up for a two count. Eve counters and gets a two count. Phoenix pushes her off and into a corner. Eve with an elbow and a kick to the side of the head when Phoenix comes in. Eve starts to climb up, but Phoenix gets to her feet and knocks Eve onto the top rope. Phoenix climbs to the second rope. Back and forth on the turnbuckle. Phoenix gets Eve's arms and hits the Glam Slam from the top rope to get the pin.
-CM Punk is shown backstage. David Otunga comes in and says well if it isn't Chicago's unwashed other son. He says he comes with a message from Mr. Laurinaitis. Last Monday, Punk unlawfully put his hands on Michael Cole. He says where he's from at Harvard Law, they would call that assault and battery as well as intentional infliction of emotional distress. Punk says where he's from and at MSG, they call it loud mouth dork getting what he deserves. Otunga says cute, anyway, Laurinaitis wants you to do the professional thing and apologize before you compete tonight. Punk says he doesn't want to get on Laurinaitis' bad side and respect his wishes, so he'll think about it. Right after he beats Alberto Del Rio and becomes the new WWE Champion. He then tells Otunga nice bow tie and leaves.
-The Rock is shown backstage with a mic to a big ovation. A Rocky chant goes out. He says MSG, let me tell you something MSG. 1977, 5 year old Dwayne Johnson is sitting in the seats. Front Row watching his grandfather, the High Chief Peter Maivia, take on Superstar Billy Graham for the WWE Title. 7 years later, the Rock, 12 years old, hanging out in the back in the dressing room with Andre the Giant, watching his dad The Soul Man Rocky Johnson, defend his WWE Tag Team Title and in 1996, this very arena, this magical arena, the Rock makes his debut at Survivor Series. November 1996. And despite having a hideous outfit and the worst haircut known to man, this was the place. Where the people chanted the Rock's name. The crowd starts chanting Rocky again. Rock says that night started an odyssey, an epic odyssey that will go down in WWE history. From know your role to shut your mouth, to all the way to layeth the smacketh down. All the way from one on one with the Great One all the way back to do you like pie? To it doesn't matter what you think all the way back to the Rock becoming IC champion, Tag team champion, 7 time WWE Champion, but above all that, more importantly that the Rock became the People's Champion. Becoming the People's Champion. Finally, after 7 long years, the Rock has come back. The new era begins tonight because finally, finally the Rock has come back to New York City. A Rocky Chant goes out. Rock says Miz and R-Truth, it's as simple as this. Boots to asses, Miz and R-Truth, boots to asses. He says now onto the Rock's tag team partner, John Cena, and the crowd boos. A Cena sucks chant goes out. Rock says John, you called the Rock out. You wanted the Rock to be your partner. You got your wish. But what you didn't count on, you never count on, the Rock didn't come alone. What you can hear and what your monkey ass is clearly going to see is that the Rock brought 17,000 strong and what we are going to do is take a lightning bolt and stick it right up your ovulating lady parts. A lady parts chant goes out. Rock says New York City, you and the Rock know just how magical MSG is. Frank Sinatra gave the performance of a lifetime out there. Not only Blue Eyes himself, but Ali-Frazier delivered the fight of the century in this very arena. Boots to asses all night long. New York City, it's on! If you smell what the Rock is cooking.
-Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match. Team Barrett-Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Hunico, and Cody Rhodes vs. Team Orton-Randy Orton, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, and Mason Ryan: Orton comes out to the biggest ovation. Kingston and Ziggler start. They lock up. Kingston with a go behind waist lock. Ziggler reverses it. Kingston reverses that into a hammerlock. Ziggler with a back elbow to break the hold. He gets a side headlock. Kingston pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Kingston leapfrogs to avoid Ziggler a couple of times and then spins out of another move. Kingston misses a kick. Ziggler hits a standing dropkick. He gets a one count. Ziggler with a series of forearms to Kingston's back. Kingston goes for the SOS. Ziggler counters by pushing off. Kingston comes back with a flying forearm. Orton tagged in. He hits an RKO on Ziggler, drags him to the center of the ring, and pins him. Team Barrett drops down to ringside to regroup and strategize. Orton comes over with forearms to everyone to break it up. Orton gets Barrett inside the ring and clotheslines him back out. Rhodes tries to jump Orton and gets back dropped out. Hunico and Swagger come in and get met by Sheamus and Ryan. They get sent to the outside and get hit with stereo somersaults by Kingston and Sin Cara from the inside of the ring to the floor. Sin Cara appears to be injured and Sheamus and Kingston keeping the heels away while the referee checks on Sin Cara. It looks like he got hurt on the move and hyper extended his knee. A we want Ryder chant goes out. Sin Cara is eliminated. The referee is trying to determine who continues. Rhodes and Orton in. Orton with kicks and forearms to knock Rhodes down. Orton with a wrist lock. He tags Ryan in. Orton with an Irish whip to Rhodes and Ryan with a shoulder block. He picks Rhodes up and drives him into the corner and then drives his shoulder into Rhodes a couple of times. Ryan with a corner whip and a running knee to Rhodes. Rhodes then rolls to the outside to avoid being hit again. Rhodes then gets back in and tags Hunico in. Ryan tosses Hunico in over the top rope. He then tosses him into the face corner and knocks him down. Kingston tagged in and kicks Hunico. He gets a one count. Kingston with a corner whip, but Hunico dodges the charge and tosses Kingston over his head and Kingston's head hits the corner post. He gets a two count. Barrett tagged in. Barrett with a forearm to knock Kingston down. He gets a two count. Barrett with a headlock. He drives Kingston back to the ground. He then gets a one count. He goes back to the headlock. Kingston with some shots and a kick to get out of the headlock. Double clothesline and both men down. Hunico and Ryan both tagged in. Hunico with a clothesline. Ryan with an Irish whip, catches Hunico. He hits several backbreakers, but doesn't let Hunico go. He then hit Hunico with a fall-away slam. He then military presses Hunico and just drops him down. Hunico hits Ryan with a back elbow and tags Rhodes in. Ryan gets Hunico in a full nelson. Rhodes hits Ryan with a Beautiful Disaster off the ropes then hits Cross Rhodes to pin Ryan. A Cody chant goes out. Sheamus in. He and Rhodes lock up and get to the corner. They break. They trade forearm shots and Sheamus knocks Rhodes down. Sheamus with a series of forearms to get Rhodes in the corner and follows that up with a clothesline. He gets a two count. He then runs Rhodes head first into a turnbuckle. Sheamus with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Rhodes kicks him in the face. Sheamus with a back elbow. Sheamus ties Rhodes up in the ropes and hits a series of forearms on Rhodes. Sheamus with a suplex on Rhodes. He gets a two count. Sheamus choking Rhodes on the bottom rope for a two count. Sheamus with a charge to Rhodes, who drops down and pulls the bottom rope down. Sheamus goes over but lands on his feet on the apron. He drives his elbow into Rhodes and knocks Barrett off of the apron. Rhodes with a running dropkick to knock Sheamus to the floor. Barrett with a clothesline to Sheamus on the floor. He then runs Sheamus into the apron. Barrett throws Sheamus in and he must have tagged because he covers for a one count. Barrett with a series of punches to Sheamus. He kicks Sheamus. Barrett tags Hunico in and holds Sheamus for Hunico to hit with a shot. Hunico in and kicking Sheamus. Hunico with a front face lock and a series of forearms to Sheamus' back. Back and forth with a series of hard right hands and forearms. Sheamus with a backdrop. Barrett and Kingston both tagged in. Kingston with a shot off the ropes to Barrett. A dropkick and a flying forearm knock Barrett down. Kingston with the Boom Drop on Barrett. Rhodes with a cheap shot allowing Barrett to attack Kingston, who spins around and gets a one count on Barrett. Barrett with a running charge. Kingston hits him with a Pele kick, then delivers a back elbow to Swagger on the apron when he gets too close. Kingston with a kick to Swagger, but gets hit with the Barrett Barrage running kick. Barrett then hits Wasteland to pin Kingston. Orton attacks Barrett immediately. He tries for the apron DDT, but Barrett counters with a backdrop to drive Orton over the top rope to the outside. Hunico tagged in and hits a running dive to Orton on the outside. Hunico throws Orton back in the ring and gets a two count. Hunico with a front face lock and tags Swagger in. He drops a series of elbows on Orton. He then stomps Orton several times. Swagger with a front face lock and Rhodes tagged in. He stomps Ortown down and snap mares him. He delivers fists to Orton's head. Rhodes with a rear chin lock. Orton with a headbutt. Rhodes responds with a front suplex. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a hammerlock headlock combo. Orton gets back to his feet and delivers a series of shots to break the hold. Rhodes with a kick to the stomach and a corner whip. Rhodes goes for a running bulldog, but Orton pushes off. Sheamus and Swagger both tagged in and Sheamus with a series of running hammer blows to the head of Swagger. Sheamus gets Swagger in the corner and knocks him down with a series of forearms. Sheamus with a corner clothesline and climbs up to the top. He hits a battering ram shoulder tackle on Swagger. Hunico tries to come in to help Swagger, but Sheamus throws him over the top rope to the other side. Irish Curse backbreaker by Sheamus. Rhodes runs in to help and Sheamus kicks him in the ribs and he rolls out of the ring. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross. Swagger slips out of it and Barrett comes in to help. Sheamus hits him with an ax handle and throws him out. Sheamus drops a series of knees on Swagger. Swagger up against the ropes, but Sheamus won't stop and the referee disqualifies him after a 5 count. Sheamus argues with the referee. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Swagger on the way out and Orton pins Swagger. Rhodes stomps Orton in the corner. He breaks when asked and then goes back to it. He then mocks Orton with some of his mannerisms. Rhodes with a corner whip and Orton comes out and hits a clothesline on Rhodes. He then knocks Hunico and Barrett off of the apron and then power slams Rhodes. He hits the apron DDT and goes into his viper routine. Barrett climbs up on the apron and distracts him. He goes after Barrett who climbs down to the floor. Rhodes tags Hunico in. Hunico climbs up on the top rope and jumps and Orton catches him with an RKO in mid-air. He pins Hunico. Barrett comes in and Orton with a backbreaker. Orton goes into the viper routine. Rhodes comes in and gets an RKO. Barrett hits Wasteland and pins Orton. Survivors- Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes.
-Alberto Del Rio is seen talking backstage with the Bella Twins. They say shopping was so fun. He says you know what we should do? Go to this restaurant that he knows here in NYC. John Laurinaitis interrupts, so the Bella twins leave. Laurinaitis wants to know that Del Rio is taking this match as seriously as he should be. Del Rio says did you even watch Raw last week? He's been attacking CM Punk for weeks. In fact, he beat him up last week in the middle of the ring. Tonight will be the first of many title defenses in MSG. Plus he has his entire country, Mexico, supporting and counting on him so please don't ask him if he is taking this seriously. He says I think you are forgetting who you are talking to here, Johnny. My name is Alberto Del Rio and I will leave the WWE champion because there is no way I will lose the title to someone who should be sleeping on the sidewalk of Wall Street. Del Rio then leaves and Laurinaitis takes out his phone and starts texting someone.
-Officials are shown reinforcing the ring as they flashback to Vengeance and the ring collapsing and the fallout between Mark Henry and The Big Show.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Mark Henry vs. The Big Show: They lock up and Big Show pushes Henry down. They lock up again and Henry pushes Big Show off. They lock up a third time. Henry breaks and rolls to the outside. Back in, Henry with a go behind. Big Show reverses and hits a takedown. He transitions to a front face lock. Henry gets to the ropes. Henry rushes Big Show, who arm drags Henry across the ring. Henry rolls out of the ring visibly frustrated. Referee Charles Robinson tells Henry to get back in or he will be counted out. Henry says you let him pull my tights on purpose. Henry slowly gets back in the ring. He goes into the ropes as Big Show rushes him and Big Show kicks and punches him anyway. He backs off after the two count. Henry complains to Robinson about his treatment. Henry threatens to leave if the Big Show doesn't back up and the crowd starts to boo. Big Show with a kick to the gut and shots to Henry. Henry reverses an Irish whip and tackles Big Show on his left knee. Henry picks Big Show's leg up and slams it down on the injured knee. He then slams an elbow down on the knee and applies a leg hold. He cranks on the hold, but Big Show won't give up. Henry gets back up and slams his elbow back on the knee again. Big Show eventually gets his other leg around the neck of Henry. He then kicks back with his heel to break the move. Henry clotheslines Big Show. He then picks Big Show up, but Big Show surprises him and hits a DDT. He gets a two count. Big Show with a headbutt and then another and then two clotheslines. A Daniel Bryan chant goes out as he had been attacked by Henry on Smackdown. Big Show with a corner splash and then a shoulder block to knock Henry down. Big Show signals for a chokeslam. He goes for it, but Henry kicks him and delivers the World's Strongest Slam. He gets a close two count. Henry with a big splash. Gets another close two count. Henry with a big elbow drop. Another two count and Henry is frustrated that he can't get the pin. He kicks Big Show. Big Show rolls to the outside. Henry follows and runs Big Show into the corner post. Robinson tells Henry to get in the ring. Henry runs and drives Big Show through the barricade. Henry rolls into the ring. Robinson starts counting. Big Show trying to get back to the ring. He rolls in at 9. Henry stomps him as he gets back in. He picks Big Show up on the apron and headbutts him. Henry tries to get Big Show up on the top rope, but Big Show punches Henry and pushes him off the ropes. Big Show with a super kick to the jaw of Henry. An HBK chant goes out. Big Show climbs to the top rope. He drops a flying elbow on Henry. The crowd can't believe it. That gets a close two count. A Randy Savage chant goes out. Big Show goes to hit Henry with the WMD right hand, but Henry ducks and low blows Big Show to get disqualified. Henry goes out and grabs a chair. He kicks Big Show Down. He puts Big Show's leg in the chair. Big Show moves at the last second. He then knocks out Henry with the WMD. The Daniel Bryan chant goes out again. Big Show grabs the chair and puts it on Henry's leg. He then drops a leg on the chair. EMS personnel come down to check on Henry. He tells them to stop and leave him alone.
-Matt Striker interviews Wade Barrett. Barrett says he proved that the Barrett Barrage is completely unstoppable. He has said from day one that the reason he's here is to be England's first ever World Heavyweight Champion. He gets interrupted by The Miz. Miz says really? Then R-Truth says is that what tonight is all about? The Barrett Barrage? Barrett says yeah. He says I believe your American Charlie Sheen calls it winning. Barrett leaves and Miz says this is the problem. The focus is everywhere but where it should be. The Barrett Barrage, the Hall of Pain, the Most Charismatic tag team of all time. R-Truth says the most charismatic tag team of all time is standing right here. In the flesh. In living color. Why aren't we on the side of NYC buses? The crowd says what? R-Truth says stop whatting me. Why don't we have our own billboard in Time Square? No, it's Rock and Cena. He says he was outside of MSG and saw all these pigeons staring up at the Rock and Cena. He said to them, hey pigeons, the Rock and Cena are gonna lose tonight. Do You know what those pigeons said to him? Nothing, they're pigeons. Pigeons can't talk. All they do is crap. Miz says that's exactly what Rock and Cena are, a load of crap. R-Truth says remember, crap is crap, and tonight, crap is gonna get got.
-National guard soldiers in attendance are introduced. A USA chant goes out.
-Flashback to what has happened the last three months between Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk. WWE Championship Match. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez vs. CM Punk: Rodriguez is introduced. Del Rio comes out in a car valued at $200,000 but I don't know cars that well so I don't know what kind of car it was. A CM Punk chant goes out. Justin Roberts introduces CM Punk's personal ring announcer, Howard Finkel. He comes out to a massive pop and a Howard Finkel chant. The announcers are just crapping all over him though. It was a totally tasteless move I'm sure they were told to do. Punk comes out to a massive pop. The CM Punk chant starts again. Referee Scott Armstrong raises the title as the CM Punk chant starts again. The bell rings. We want ice cream chant goes out. They lock up. Get to the ropes. They finally break. They lock up again. Punk with a side headlock. Del Rio pushes off. Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Starts to cover Del Rio, who kicks out right away. A Colt Cabana chant goes out which cracks Punk up. Del Rio with a side headlock. He takes Punk down. Punk pushes off. Del Rio comes back with a shoulder block. Criss-cross and leapfrogs. Punk with an arm drag. Punk then with an arm bar. Punk drives a knee into Del Rio. Then a wrist lock on Del Rio. Snap mare to Del Rio and a stomp. Punk goes back to the side headlock. Del Rio pushes off. Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Punk with an arm drag. Back and forth looking for position. Del Rio rolls out and confers with Rodriguez. Armstrong counting Del Rio. They lock up back in the ring and go to a corner. They break and Del Rio kicks Punk in the ribs. He then kicks Punk down. He goes to charge Punk, who moves and kicks Del Rio. Punk with a corner whip and a hip toss. Punk with a dropkick. Del Rio rolls to the outside again. Punk with a dive through the ropes onto Del Rio on the outside. He then throws Del Rio back into the ring. Punk climbs to the top rope and hits a crossbody on Del Rio. He gets a two count. Punk with an arm lock. Del Rio drops down and drives Punk into the ropes. Del Rio with a running kick. He punches Punk several times until Armstrong drags him off and admonishes him, allowing Rodriguez to attack Punk. Punk rolls out and goes after Rodriguez. Rodriguez runs away and Punk follows. Del Rio hits Punk with a double kick through the ropes as he comes around. Del Rio stomps Punk on the outside as Armstrong is counting them out. Del Rio drives Punk's arm down on the ring steps. He throws Punk back inside the ring. Del Rio climbs up top. He hits a double ax handle on Punk. He gets a two count. Del Rio goes into an arm bar. Punk fighting through the pain. Punk gets back to his feet and starts to punch Del Rio. He arm drags Del Rio. A CM Punk chant goes out. Del Rio gets his legs up on a Punk corner charge. Punk goes for the GTS, but Del Rio slips out. Del Rio with an arm bar DDT. Gets another two count. He then drives several knees into Punk's arm. He stomps Punk. Gets another two count. He gets an arm bar on Punk. Punk gets back to his feet. He punches Del Rio, who responds with a headbutt. Punk gets his boot up on a Del Rio corner charge. Punk charges Del Rio, who catches him in a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Gets another two count. He climbs back up top. Another double ax handle to Punk. Another two count. Del Rio kicks Punk. Del Rio goes for a running kick, but Punk moves and Del Rio spills to the outside. Rodriguez comes over to check on Del Rio. Armstrong counting Del Rio out. Punk comes over and Del Rio guillotines him on the top rope. Del Rio rushes Punk. Punk hits Del Rio with his boot. Double count going as a CM Punk chant starts again. Back and forth with shots in the middle of the ring. Punk with several shots, an Irish whip, and a spinning heel kick to Del Rio. Punk with a clothesline. Punk with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Punk with a running knee to Del Rio in the corner. Punk with a running bulldog. Gets a close two count. Punk with a top rope clothesline. Gets another two count. Punk signals for the GTS. Del Rio slips out and hits a jumping back cracker. Gets a two count. Punk reverses a waist lock into a roll up for a two count. Del Rio avoids a Punk running knee in the corner. Del Rio with an enziguri on Punk. Another two count. Del Rio with an arm bar DDT. Another two count. Del Rio visibly frustrated that he can't put Punk away. Del Rio puts Punk on the top rope. He goes for a superplex. Punk punching and headbutting Del Rio on the top rope. He pushes Del Rio off and goes for a Randy Savage style elbow drop, but Del Rio posts Punk on the top rope and he is hanging upside down. Del Rio with a charge, but Punk lifts up and Del Rio hits the corner post shoulder first. Punk then gets up and hits the Savage elbow drop. Close two count. A Randy Savage chant goes out. Punk signals for the GTS. Del Rio goes up, but cranks on Punk's injured arm to slip out of the move. They each duck shots by the other. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker. Punk fighting to get out of it and not tap. A massive CM Punk Chant goes out as the crowd rallies around Punk. Punk finally gets to the bottom rope. Del Rio rushes Punk who picks him up for the GTS, but Del Rio slips out again. Del Rio pushes Punk at the same time Rodriguez gets up on the apron and Punk gets his boot up and kicks Rodriguez off of the apron. Del Rio with a roll up for another close two count. Punk ducks a Del Rio shot and kicks him in the side of the head. Del Rio kicks out at 2.5. Punk gets the Anaconda Vice on. Del Rio fights it, but finally taps. New WWE Champion! The crowd loves it. Punk jumps into the crowd to celebrate as the Fink announces him as the New WWE Champion. Punk grabs the WWE Title and jumps back into the crowd. He then gets back in the ring and raises the championship high.
-Preview of the Main Event.
-Main Event. The Rock and John Cena vs. Awesome Truth The Miz and R-Truth: Awesome Truth come out doing the You Suck Remix. Cena comes out to a mixed reaction. He says he's New York's favorite son. They love him here. Rock comes out to a huge ovation. He comes out looking all business. He gets in the ring to a big Rocky chant. Cena goes out and gives his hat to and greets Arnold Skaaland's widow. Rock and Miz start. The Rocky chant starts again. They lock up. Rock with a side headlock. Miz tries to get out of it by punching Rock in the side. Miz pushes off. Rock comes back with a shoulder block. Miz leapfrogs Rock's charge. The Rock comes back with an arm drag. Then one for R-Truth and another one for Miz. He then throws R-Truth out of the ring. He then rolls Miz up for a two count. Miz rolls out to regroup with R-Truth. Miz is frustrated and kicks the Spanish Announce Table and the ring steps. A You still got it chant from the crowd to the Rock. Miz is back in, but R-Truth says he wants Rock. Rock signals for R-Truth to bring it. R-Truth tags in. They lock up. The Rock goes back to the side headlock. Transitions into a hammerlock. They trade wrist locks. R-Truth drives Rock down. Rock kips up and drives R-Truth into the corner. R-Truth jumps up to avoid the charge in. They take turns avoiding the others moves. Rock with a right hand to knock R-Truth down. Rock ducks a shot and hits a fisherman's suplex, but referee Mike Chioda is busy with Cena who had come over to knock Miz off the apron as Miz was trying to come in to interfere. Rock jumps up mad at Cena for ruining a pin attempt. They have words in the corner. Miz yells to get back in so R-Truth tags him. A Fruity Pebbles chant goes out directed at Cena. Miz yells at Rock that he wants Cena. Cena tagged in. They lock up. Cena with a snap mare. Then another one. Corner whip to Miz and Cena monkey flips him out of the corner. Cena with a dropkick. R-Truth tagged in and the crowd chants you still suck to Cena. R-Truth pushes Cena. Cena ducks an R-Truth shot and comes back with a series of shoulder tackles. Big slam to R-Truth. He goes over to Rock and says U Can't See Me. Rock comes in. Chioda starts to get him out, but Cena waves him off. They are face to face. Cena then turns around as R-Truth clotheslines him. Miz and R-Truth both attack Cena in their corner. Miz tagged in and nails Cena while R-Truth was holding him. He stomps Cena down. Miz with a running kick to Cena. Gets a two count. R-Truth tagged in and he and Miz with a double Irish whip and shoulder block. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth gets a chin lock on. Cena fighting back. R-Truth with a kick to the stomach and drives Cena shoulder first into the corner post. Cena falls out of the ring. R-Truth follows Cena and hits him and runs him head first into the apron as a let's go, Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. R-Truth rolls Cena back in. Gets a two count. R-Truth with a leg vice. We want Rocky chant goes out. Cena powers out of the hold, but R-Truth kicks him off. Cena falls out of the ring. R-Truth goes out after Cena. He rolls him back in and gets a two count. Miz tagged in. Cena gets Miz up. He goes for the AA, but Miz elbows him, slips out, and hits the SCF. Cena kicks out at 2.5. A Miz is awesome chant goes out as he hits Cena with a corner clothesline. Cena stumbles towards the heel's corner and R-Truth hits him with a cheap shot to knock him down. Miz gets another two count. Miz gets Cena in a front face lock and tags R-Truth in. Double suplex to Cena. Another two count. R-Truth gets a front face lock. A Rocky chant goes out. Cena gets back to his feet and is trying to push his way to the corner to make the tag to Rock. R-Truth pulls Cena back towards the heel corner. He beats Cena down and referee Mike Chioda admonishes him, allowing Miz to drop down and choke Cena on the ropes. Miz tags in. Miz hits Cena with his left hands as Cena tries to get back to his feet. Cena comes back with right hands to Miz. He knocks R-Truth off of the apron. He goes after Miz, who clotheslines him. Miz gets a two count. Miz with a figure four. He tags R-Truth in, who drops an elbow on Cena. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth drops a couple of legs on Cena. Another two count. R-Truth goes up top. He hits Cena with a crossbody, but Cena rolls through and picks R-Truth up. He goes to throw R-Truth behind him. R-Truth lands on his feet and kicks Cena. R-Truth with a front face slam. Another two count. Miz tagged in. He hits Cena with a running kick while taunting Rock. Miz does the Bring It gesture to the Rock. Another kick to Cena while taunting Rock. He goes for a third kick, but Cena ducks it and applies the STF to Miz. R-Truth comes in and breaks it up. R-Truth tagged in. Cena gets him in the AA. Cena then collapses to the mat. Double count going. Miz tagged in and comes over and cheap shots Rock off of the apron to prevent the tag. Miz gets Cena in a headlock while R-Truth comes over and attacks Rock at ringside. R-Truth drops Rock throat first on the barricade. Rock comes into the ring to go after the heels, but gets cut off by Chioda. Miz and R-Truth taunt Rock, telling him he's got to get out of the ring. They then hit a flapjack on Cena. R-Truth covers and gets another two count. Another Rocky chant goes out. R-Truth with a front face lock. Cena struggles to get back to his feet. R-Truth with a forearm to the back to knock Cena back down. R-Truth goes for another leg drop, but Cena moves. Double count going again. Rock and Miz both tagged in. Rock unloads on Miz. MIz starts to reverse an Irish whip, Rock grabs him and hits a DDT. He then attacks R-Truth when he tries to come in. He hits a Rock Bottom on R-Truth. Leg drag to Miz and he puts Miz in the Sharpshooter. Miz is fighting it and trying to get to the ropes. R-Truth runs in to break up the hold and Cena comes in to take out R-Truth. They roll with momentum to the outside. Miz attacks Rock with punches. He gets him down and starts to stomp him. He screams at Rock that he's the one. He kicks Rock and goes to kick him again, but Rock catches him and hits a spinebuster. The crowd jumps to its feet. Rock takes off his elbow pad and hits the People's Elbow. He gets the pin. Rock gets on the turnbuckle to celebrate. Cena in the aisle clapping. Rock asks for the music and the ovation to die down as he looks and gestures to Cena. Cena walks back towards the ring. Cena gets on a turnbuckle and the crowd boos. Cena laughs. Rock tells Cena to listen. He climbs on a turnbuckle and the crowd cheers. A Rocky chant goes out. Cena does it and gets booed. He laughed again. Rock does it again and tells Cena to look and listen. The crowd cheers. The announcers say that Cena and Rock stayed on the same page tonight, but what's going to happen when the next chapter is written? They are face to face. Cena goes to leave and Rock hits him with a Rock Bottom. Cena rolls outside to the aisle. Cena walks to the back while Booker T says The Rock is going to get his at WrestleMania because payback is you know what. The Crowd cheers Rock. He thanks the crowd and climbs another turnbuckle as they sign off from Madison Square Garden.
-Final Thoughts: A really solid show that builds on some of the things happening and also builds towards WrestleMania with the Rock/Cena stuff.

Episode 112 Notes Thu, 20 Jan 2022 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] bf11ad9c-510a-4759-aeba-8611a0bb6e66 My Notes for Episode 112: SummerSlam 1991. -It’s our 2nd anniversary and the start of our 3rd year doing this podcast. It continues to grow and for that, I am humbled.
-Another birthday. I turned 44. But it’s like the archeologist/philosopher Henry Jones, Jr. said, it’s not the years, it’s the mileage. 44 doesn’t bother me since when I turned 30, I had someone ask me how it was to be 52.
-I got my booster shot last week. Sore arm.
-Today we look at SummerSlam 1991 from the WWF.
-SummerSlam 1991 took place on PPV on August 26, 1991 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 20,000 in attendance.
-Classic VKM SummerSlam Intro.
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to SummerSlam. He and Roddy Piper and Bobby Heenan are our announcers for the evening. They talk about the Main Events coming up. Crowd chants Roddy when he’s talking.
-6-Man Tag Team Match. The Dragon, The British Bulldog, and The Texas Tornado VS. Power & Glory Paul Roma and Hercules and The Warlord with Slick: Roma and Dragon start. Roma with a scoop slam and a dropkick. Roma yelling at the crowd. Dragon arm drags him off the turnbuckle into a wrist lock. Dragon with a thrust kick back into a wrist lock. Roma with some shots in the corner, but misses a corner charge and Dragon hits a big arm drag. Then a big dropkick and snap mare to Roma. Hercules tagged in and gets hip tossed by Dragon. Dragon follows that up with an arm drag and Tornado tagged in. He works on Hercules' wrist. Hercules goes to push Tornado into the turnbuckle but Tornado blocks it. He bashes Hercules' head in repeatedly. He then does corner punches to Hercules. He does a discus punch and goes back to the wrist lock. Warlord and Bulldog both tagged in because it’s 1991 WWF PPV and it’s the law. Two shoulder blocks and clotheslines by Bulldog knocks Warlord down. Bulldog hits a standing suplex on Warlord. Gets a two count. Dragon tagged in and delivers a chop from the top rope. Warlord reverses a corner whip, but Dragon leapfrogs out of a corner charge and goes to monkey flip Warlord out but he holds on. Roma comes in and hits a big shot to the Dragon’s back. He then hits a clothesline. Dragon with a roll up and Hercules comes and Dragon ducks a clothesline attempt but Warlord hits his clothesline. Roma with a snap suplex and gets a two count. Roma with several delayed backbreakers. Hercules in with a delayed body press and slam on the Dragon. He runs the Dragon into the turnbuckle and tags Warlord in. He hits a big slam. Roma tagged in and comes in with a sit down on Dragon’s back. Front face lock applied to Dragon and Hercules tagged in. He Irish whips Dragon off but he slips through the legs coming back and chops Hercules. Irish whip and reversal and Hercules stun guns Dragon on the top rope. Dragon slammed down. Warlord goes up top to hit Dragon but takes too long and Dragon gets his legs up. Tornado tagged in. He cleans house. Warlord gets a sunset flip, but Tornado fighting it and Bulldog tagged in. He goes off the top rope on Warlord but gets caught. Tornado discus punches Warlord and Bulldog falls on him for a two count. Roma tagged in. Bulldog hits a power slam for a one count. Dragon tagged in. He gets the crossbody on Roma to get the pin.
-Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and his new manager The Coach who is John Tolos. He says to be a champion you have to be Perfect and Bret Hart is not perfect.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Mr. Perfect with The Coach VS. Bret Hart: Stu and Helen and Bruce Hart shown in the crowd. Bret is cheered coming out. Perfect it is a wonder he is even walking as his injuries were severe to his back. They lock up briefly taking their time. Hart with a shoulder block and a hip lock. Perfect rolls outside. Heenan and Piper doing some classic banter here as Hart hits a crucifix for a two count. Hart with a side headlock. Perfect goes to push off, but Hart holds onto the hair and reapplies the headlock. Perfect with an Irish whip. Hart comes back with a crossbody. He gets a two count but Perfect knocks Hart to the outside with the kick out. Hart sunset flips Perfect coming back in. That gets another two count. Back to the side headlock. Perfect pulls the hair getting back up. Perfect with a shot. Perfect with an Irish whip, but Hart catches his leg. Hart with a stomp, but Perfect gets a corner whip and a big slam. Hart responds with a kick and a scoop slam. Perfect thrown outside. He goes to leave and you can see that he is hurt. Hart goes out after him and throws him back in. They lock up in the corner. The referee separates them and Perfect hits a cheap shot. Perfect with some kicks to Hart and he lands outside. Perfect comes out after him and chops him. Hart pushed off the apron onto the barricade as he tried to get back in. Back in, Hart with some shots to the corner. Perfect reverses the corner whip but Hart leaps over the corner charge with a rollup for a two count. Perfect with some chops. Perfect with a corner whip and Harts hits the corner hard. That gets a two count. Perfect with a snap neck breaker and a reverse sunset flip for a two count. Perfect with a shot and a dropkick. Hart back outside. Perfect out after him. They fight on top of one of the turnbuckles. They both fall off. Perfect lands on top for a two count. Perfect slings Hart across the ring by his hair. Perfect gets a sleeper on. Hart going down but fighting it. Hart with some elbows to the stomach and a crucifix. Perfect does a backdrop to get Hart off. That gets a two count. Perfect chops Hart in the corner. Hart sent into the turnbuckle chest first. Perfect gets the perfectplex, but doesn’t lock the fingers and Hart kicks out. Hart with two atomic drops. He swings Perfect by his hair and Perfect gets crotched on the corner post. Hart with a suplex for a two count. Small package gets a two count. Side Russian leg sweep. Another two count. Perfect with a roll up for a two count, but Hart pushes him to the outside with the kick out. Perfect run into the ring post. Back in, Hart kicking Perfect’s leg to set up for the Sharpshooter. He goes for the Sharpshooter. Coach climbs up on the apron and Hart slugs him off. Perfect hits the ropes and Hart gets a groin hit. Perfect with a kick to the groin as the crowd chants let’s go Bret. Perfect goes to drop a leg on Hart’s groin, but Hart blocks it and turns it into a Sharpshooter. Perfect gives up and Hart is the new Intercontinental Champion. He rips the rest of the singlet off of Perfect. He raises the belt up to all four sides of the ring.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is standing by where the Harts are and tries to talk to Stu but Bret arrives and hugs his family at that moment. Stu does manage to say that it’s wonderful.
-Promo for the Hot Ticket discounted PPV Specials they used to do.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant. They flashback to Earthquake clipping and injuring Andre on Superstars. Bushwhackers say when they finish with the Natural Disasters, they are going to throw them to Andre and he says that will be his chance to get even.
-The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch with Andre the Giant: Bushwhackers get a great reaction coming out. Earthquake and Typhoon come outside and yell at Andre but the Bushwhackers come over and give them an eye poke. Butch and Typhoon start. Butch bites Typhoon. Earthquake comes over, but Butch ducks and Earthquake hits Typhoon. All four in and the Bushwhackers corner whip the Natural Disasters into each other. They use Earthquake as a battering ram on Typhoon. They double clothesline Earthquake. The Natural Disasters roll outside to regroup. Earthquake jumps Butch. He slams his back onto the turnbuckle. He goes to drop the elbow on Butch, but Butch moves. Earthquake keeps Butch from tagging. The referee stops Luke from coming in. Earthquake drops the elbow on Butch this time. Typhoon tagged in. He does a backbreaker on Butch. He runs Butch into the turnbuckle again. Earthquake tagged in and has Butch in a bear hug. Bobby Heenan announces he’s heard that Hulk Hogan has arrived in his dressing room and he’s going to confront Hogan about something. He says it’s put up or shut up time for Hogan. Heenan then leaves. Earthquake with a backbreaker and Typhoon tagged in. Typhoon hits a back elbow. That gets a close two count, but Luke breaks it up. Typhoon holds Butch for Earthquake to hit, but Butch ducks and Typhoon gets hit. Luke gets tagged in and hits some clotheslines on Typhoon. A shoulder block gets Typhoon down. All four in and the Bushwhackers nail both Natural Disasters with battering rams. They run Typhoon into Earthquake who goes outside by Andre who threatens Earthquake with his crutch. Luke gets a two count on Typhoon. Earthquake does a backbreaker on Butch on the outside. Then he and Typhoon do a crushing sandwich on Luke. Earthquake tagged in and does the sit down splash on Luke to win. They then go after Andre who holds his brace up as a weapon. The Legion of Doom come out to protect Andre and get a huge MSG pop. Natural Disasters surrounded on all sides so they go and leave and Andre hits them with his cane as they leave. Last WWF appearance for Andre.
-Bobby Heenan is shown at Hulk Hogan’s dressing room. He pounds on the door. And he is holding the Big Gold Belt. This was huge at the time. The door is opened but of course you don’t see Hogan. Heenan says on behalf of the Real World’s Champion Ric Flair he would like to challenge Hogan for a match. The door is slammed on Heenan, who does some shtick before saying he wouldn’t do that if Ric Flair were here and to turn the camera off.
-They show Randy Savage talking on the Superstar Line.
-Sean Mooney talks to Ted DiBiase and Sherri about the Million Dollar Championship Match coming up. They show the past abuse that DiBiase did to Virgil. He says all that will pale in comparison to the gutter he will leave Virgil in with a crying towel.
-Million Dollar Championship Match. Ted DiBiase with Sherri VS. Virgil: Roddy Piper hugs and kisses Virgil on the head for luck as he comes down. Virgil attacks DiBiase early with shots to the corner. DiBiase to the outside after a Virgil clothesline. Virgil stops the count then goes after DiBiase. He runs DiBiase into the steps. Back in, Virgil hits some fancy footwork and shots to DiBiase. DiBiase misses a clothesline and Virgil hits an atomic drop. DiBiase back outside. Bobby Heenan returns to commentary. Virgil misses a dive over the top rope. A Virgil chant goes out. Virgil run into the steps. Back in, DiBiase hits a clothesline. Fist drop by DiBiase. DiBiase stomping Virgil. He hits a double ax handle. Gets a two count. DiBiase with a chop in the corner. Virgil gets the Million Dollar Dream on so Sherri comes in and hits Virgil with her purse. The bell rings. Howard Finkel makes an announcement that the referee could disqualify DiBiase, but instead Sherri is thrown out and the match continues. Both up. Virgil blocks being thrown into the turnbuckle and throws DiBiase in several times. Virgil with 10 corner punches. Double reversal into the corner whip and Virgil is run into the referee who goes down. DiBiase with a suplex then another one. And another one. He keeps yelling at Piper between each one and a Roddy chant goes out. DiBiase hits a piledriver. DiBiase unties the top turnbuckle pad. Virgil blocks it and runs DiBiase into it. They both collapse. Virgil crawls over and pins DiBiase. Crowd loves it. New Million Dollar Champion.
-Mean Gene is with The Mountie outside by a padded wagon to talk about the Jailhouse Match. They show Mounties attack on The Big Boss Man on Superstars. Mountie insults the officers telling them what he wants them to do to Boss Man after he loses.
-Sean Mooney talks to the Big Boss Man. He says Mountie’s going to be the one going to jail.
-Jailhouse Match. Loser spends a night in a New York City jail. The Big Boss Man VS. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart: Boss Man hits a big right hand to Mountie to start and Mountie is knocked down. He hits some more shots. Mountie up. Back and forth. Boss Man with a back elbow. Hits a splash on Mountie. Gets a two count. Gets Mountie on the ropes and does his leg drop on the ropes move. Goes for it again but Mountie moves so Boss Man slides outside. Back in, Mountie gets a thumb in the eye. Goes for a second rope move, but gets caught by Boss Man. Boss Man with a chin lock. Hart lures Boss Man to the outside. Mountie attacks from behind and pushes Boss Man into the ringside steps. Back in, Mountie hits a back elbow. Mountie with a fist drop. He hits a corner whip on Boss Man. That gets a two count. Boss Man reverses a corner whip but misses an elbow. Mountie with a snap mare. Two elbow drops. Another two count. Mountie with a dropkick to Boss Man. Another two count. Mountie drops Boss Man with an elbow on the apron. Back and forth. Mountie with a piledriver. Hart distracts the referee while Mountie goes to zap Boss Man with the shock stick. He misses and Boss Man hits a shot. Mountie with an Irish whip, a couple of misses and Boss Man hits a shot. Boss Man hits the Boss Man Slam for a two count. Mountie trips Boss Man to get him down. Boss Man blocks a piledriver into a big slam and gets the pin. He waves the police down and they handcuff Mountie and drag him to the wagon. They throw him into the wagon and leave. The camera follows the wagon out.
-Mean Gene is with Ted DiBiase and Sherri. They are irate at the result and the referee’s actions.
-Sean Mooney interviews Bret Hart. He says Mr. Perfect found out what the Excellence of Execution is all about.
-Mean Gene interviews the Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart. Hart is worried about the Mountie. The Natural Disasters say the Legion of Doom stuck their noses where they didn’t belong.
-Sean Mooney talks to the Big Boss Man. He says that Mountie is a jailbird. He says he is the law and order of the WWF.
-Mean Gene checks in with Randy Savage who is talking on the hotline again.
-Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, and Roddy Piper reset for the second half of the show.
-The wagon pulls up at the jail. Jacques Rougeau is so good here.
-Sean Mooney interviews Jimmy Hart and the Nasty Boys. The Nasty Boys say no more crying and whining. The heat is on and they are going to win.
-The Mountie gets his picture taken.
-Mean Gene talks to the Legion of Doom. They talk about the upcoming no count out, no disqualification match. They say that’s right up their alley. They also talk about the Natural Disasters.
-The Mountie gets his fingers printed.
-Sean Mooney talks to Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan, and Colonel Mustafa. They talk about the match made in Hell and how they might have one more surprise in store.
-Mean Gene talks to newcomer Sid Justice. He says he stands alone. Mean Gene shows a video of the Triangle of Terror approaching Justice. He says they did approach him, but he didn’t promise them or anyone else anything at all.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. No disqualification, No count out. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs with Jimmy Hart VS. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal: LOD gets a big pop coming out, but the announcers put over the Nasty Boys as being fighting champions. LOD attacking immediately. It goes outside. Animal throws Knobbs in the ring. Hawk and Sags fighting on the outside. Animal with a squat power bomb on Knobbs, but Sags breaks up the pin. Hawk and Sags mess up an Irish whip spot. Sags then catches Hawk’s foot so Hawk does an enziguri to get out of it. LOD chant goes out. Sags spraying something in Hawk’s eyes but the announcers are bickering so they don’t see it. It goes outside and Sags slams a tray of drinks on Hawk. Knobbs tagged in and double clothesline to Hawk. LOD chant goes out again. Hawk in the Nasty Boys corner getting choked with the tag ropes. Sags runs Hawk into the ring steps. Beating Hawk down in the corner again. Knobbs with a corner charge on Hawk. Sags tagged in and hits an elbow drop from the top to Hawk. That gets a two count as Animal breaks up the count. Knobbs goes for a shot, but Hawk gets his leg up. Animal tagged in and cleaning house. He gets a power slam on Knobbs, but Sags makes the save. All four in. Hawk thrown out. Hart throws the motorcycle helmet to Sags to hit Animal while Knobbs holds him. Animal ducks so Sags hits his back instead. Gets a two count, but Animal kicks out. Hawk comes around and gets the helmet from Hart and nails Knobbs with it. They then nail Sags with the helmet and go for the Doomsday Device. He hits it and Animal pins Sags. New Tag Team Champions.
-Mountie is shown getting thrown into a cell.
-Survivor Series ad.
-IRS VS. Greg Valentine: Valentine with a side headlock and a shoulder block. Pro Wrestling Spotlight guy John Arezzi shown going back to his seat. Another shoulder block by Valentine. Valentine with a hip toss and a clothesline. IRS rolls outside. Back in, he gets a knee to Valentine’s stomach. Valentine gets a sunset flip for a two count. Gets a scoop slam and IRS rolls out again. Back in, IRS kicking Valentine. IRS with an abdominal stretch holding onto the ropes. He denies it to the referee. He finally gets caught as Valentine hip tosses IRS. Misses a knee drop and IRS hits a clothesline. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Gets a headlock. Backbreaker to Valentine. Goes up top but gets caught. Valentine slams him off. Valentine with chops and slaps. IRS reverses the corner whip, but misses the charge coming in. Valentine setting up for the figure four. He gets it on. IRS gets to the ropes. Misses an elbow drop. Valentine goes for it again and IRS gets the win with a rollup.
-Another Hot Ticket ad.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior. Hogan says they have to take out Sgt. Slaughter and company. Warrior says the recent snake bite by Jake Roberts Cobra isn’t enough to take him out and he and Hulk Hogan will be successful.
-Sid Justice is introduced as the special guest referee.
-Match Made in Hell. Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior VS. Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan, and Colonel Mustafa: A USA chant goes out as Slaughter and Company come out. Warrior gets a big ovation coming out. Hogan gets an even bigger ovation. Another USA chant goes out. Gorilla Monsoon says Hulk Hogan is the greatest WWF Champion in history bar none. That might or might not be debatable up to that point but both Warrior and Slaughter are right there, Gorilla. Just chill, dude. Slaughter has his belt off to hit Hogan, but Justice rips it out of his hands and throws it away. Slaughter with big shots to Hogan in the corner. Hogan reverses a corner whip, but Slaughter doesn’t go over the ring post to the floor like he usually does. Slaughter ping ponging back and forth in the faces corner getting hit by both Hogan and Warrior. Warrior tagged in and he and Hogan do a double clothesline on Slaughter. Warrior hits an atomic drop and Hogan tagged back in. Double big boot. Slaughter run into the ring post by Hogan. Gets a two count as Mustafa comes in to break it up. Hogan with a running elbow. Warrior tagged back in and hits a running shot to the stomach of Slaughter. He runs Slaughter into Hogan’s boot. Hogan tagged back in. Hogan with a double ax handle for a count that Adnan and Mustafa break up. Hogan with a corner whip and clothesline. Hogan with some corner punches and a choke. Justice drags him off and yells at him to break it. He goes back and Justice breaks it up again. Slaughter with an eye poke. He runs Hogan into Mustafa’s boot. Slaughter with shots to Hogan and Warrior. Adnan tagged in. He rakes Hogan’s back. A Hogan chant goes out. Hogan in the heels corner and they all take their shots. Mustafa tagged in. He hits a gut wrench suplex on Hogan. Mustafa with the camel clutch on the man he lost the WWF title to in 1984 in the building that he lost it in. There’s some trivia for you. Warrior kicks Mustafa to break it up and Slaughter tagged in. He does a backbreaker on Hogan for a two count. Slaughter with some shots and chokes in the corner, but Justice breaks it up. Hogan corner whipped into Justice and they have words as Slaughter hits a double ax handle to Hogan’s back. Adnan tagged in and he hits Hogan’s back with several double ax handles. Adnan with a back rake and an eye gouge. Adnan biting Hogan and Slaughter tagged in. Slaughter goes up top, but Warrior pushes him off. Warrior tagged in. He unloads on Slaughter. Four clotheslines to Slaughter. Warrior runs into Sid Justice. Hogan comes in to plead Warrior’s case as Warrior and Justice are staring at each other. Slaughter runs Warrior into Mustafa’s boot. Adnan tagged in. Slaughter diverting Justice’s attention while Adnan rakes Warrior’s back. Mustafa tagged in. He tries a suplex but Warrior blocks. Warrior reverses the suplex. Slaughter tagged in and lures Hogan in. Justice takes Hogan out while Slaughter and company stomp and choke Warrior. Slaughter with a clothesline to Warrior. Warrior ducks a clothesline, hits one of his own and starts humping air for some reason. Very strange. He’s going to make me have to put the explicit tag on this episode. He then collapses. A double count going. Slaughter up. Warrior makes the tag to Hogan. The You point. Punches, Big Boot, Punches to Adnan and Mustafa. Warrior takes them out. Slaughter run into the corner post. Warrior gets a chair and chases Mustafa and Adnan back to the locker room and then promptly quits or gets fired depending on who you believe. Hogan throws some powder on Slaughter. Leg drop and pin. Hogan must pose. Hogan motioning to someone in the back. Sid Justice comes back to the ring. Hogan rips his shirt off and they pose together.
-They take a final look at the Mountie. You wanna fight me buddy?
-Flashback to the Macho Man proposing to Elizabeth.
-Elizabeth and Macho Man Tribute Video. Not the original music on the Network. The Together Forever Video is on the WWE’s YouTube page however.
-Randy Savage comes out and gets a great ovation. Bobby Heenan is hilarious here. 2021 Warrior Award recipient Rich Hering is the official. Elizabeth comes out looking lovely. Agents and security line the aisle so she isn’t touched. They play it absolutely straight and there are no shenanigans at all. Crowd gives them a big ovation as it ends. They wave to the crowd as they leave. Streamers and confetti falling. They say I love you as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: A classic show. Warrior was gone for a while after this so they pivot Roberts from Warrior to Savage with the cobra in the box at the wedding reception and Justice is the new big face of the company. Wrestling world is changing as Flair is about to come in.

Episode 111 Notes Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:00:00 -0500 [email protected] f85443e6-143b-480f-8aed-c6d1daf1d194 My Notes for Episode 111:Vengeance 2011. -A 24 hour virus made me think that I had COVID again. We got a rare snow day at work that I couldn’t even enjoy.
-Today we look at Vengeance 2011 from the WWE.
-Vengeance 2011 was shown on PPV on October 23, 2011 from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX. There were 8,000 in attendance and the show did 121,000 buys.
-We open on the dictionary definition of Vengeance-Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution.
-Intro showing HHH being removed as C.O.O., John Cena being locked out of the Cell, and everything that has happened between Mark Henry and The Big Show. It also shows The Miz and R-Truth being reinstated.
-Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T welcome us to Vengeance. They are our announcers for the evening.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Vickie Guerrero comes and introduces Swagger and Ziggler. Carlos Cabrerra and Marcelo Rodriguez from the Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Kingston and Ziggler start. Kingston with a waist lock. Ziggler with an elbow to get out of the move as a Kofi chant goes out. Ziggler gets Kofi down by pulling his hair. Kingston reverses into a hammerlock. Ziggler with a reversal. Ziggler with a side headlock takeover. Kingston pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Ziggler runs the ropes. Kingston with a couple of leapfrogs to avoid him. Kingston finally catches Ziggler with a back elbow. Kingston monkey flips Ziggler out of the corner. Gets a two count. Kingston with a front face lock. Bourne tagged in. He hits Ziggler with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Swagger tagged in and Bourne ducks a clothesline and counters into a pinning predicament for a two count. Bourne attacks Swagger's knee with kicks. Kingston tagged in. Bourne holds Swagger against the ropes for Kingston to come off of the top rope with a stomp. He gets a two count. He gets Swagger in the face corner and tags Bourne back in. Air Boom stomps Swagger down and delivers a double baseball slide to Swagger. Bourne gets a two count. Kingston tagged back in. Air Boom with a double bulldog maneuver to Swagger. Kingston with a forearm shot to Swagger. Swagger reverses a corner whip, but Kingston catches him with a back elbow on the charge in. Kingston with a reverse crossbody, but gets caught by Swagger. Swagger with a big slam. Ziggler tagged in. He gets a one count. Ziggler with a standing dropkick. He gets a two count. Ziggler with an arm bar submission on Kingston. Kingston gets back to his feet. Ziggler drives Kingston down to the mat by his head. Swagger tagged in. He gets a snap mare on Kingston. Swagger with a headlock. Kingston with a takeover and tags Bourne in. Bourne with a hurricanrana and kicks to Swagger. He hits a big knee to Swagger's face. He knocks Ziggler off of the apron. Swagger ducks a kick from Bourne, who then nails Swagger with the reverse kick. He gets a two count. Bourne goes for Air Bourne, but Ziggler goes to knock him off of the apron, so Bourne just jumps down. Bourne dropkicks Swagger into Ziggler, knocking Ziggler off of the apron. Bourne goes for Air Bourne again, but Swagger gets his knees up. Ziggler tagged in as a Vickie sucks chant goes out. Ziggler gets a two count as Kingston comes in to break up the cover. Ziggler with forearm shots to Bourne. Ziggler with a front face lock chicken wing on as Bourne is pushing to tag Kingston in. Bourne breaks the hold and rolls Ziggler up for a two count. Ziggler counters. He gets a two count. Ziggler with a running clothesline. That gets another two count. Ziggler pushing Bourne's throat down on the bottom rope as he tags Swagger in. Swagger keeps kicking Bourne. Swagger hits a Swagger bomb. He gets another two count. Swagger with a front face lock. Bourne trying to push back to his corner as the crowd tries to get into it by clapping for Bourne. A forearm by Swagger knocks Bourne down and Swagger goes after Kingston on the apron but Kingston blocks the shot and punches Swagger into a roll up by Bourne for a two count. Swagger goes for the ankle lock and Bourne flips him around and out of the ring. Ziggler gets in the ring prompting the referee to come over and try to get him out allowing Swagger to pull Kingston off of the apron before Bourne could tag him. Swagger drags Bourne over to the heels corner and tags in Ziggler. Ziggler stomping Bourne while Kingston tries to stop it and gets cut off by the referee. Ziggler hits a neck breaker on Bourne. Swagger tagged in. He stomps down on Bourne. Bourne tries to come back with kicks, but Swagger grabs his leg. Swagger with a scoop slam. Swagger goes for another Swagger bomb, but Bourne gets his knees up. Both Ziggler and Kingston tagged in. Kingston unloading on Ziggler. Kingston with a standing dropkick. Ziggler blocks a move, but misses a corner charge when Kingston moves and hits him with a Pele kick. He then kicks Swagger on the apron when he comes over. Kingston kicks Ziggler again. Kingston with a big crossbody to Ziggler for a close two count. Kingston hits the Boom Drop. Ziggler ducks the Trouble in Paradise, but Kingston hits the SOS. Swagger comes in for the save, but hits Ziggler when Kingston moves. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Swagger grabs his ankle and starts to apply the ankle lock. Bourne climbs up top and hits double knees to Swagger. Ziggler gets a two count with a handful of tights. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise and tags Bourne in. Bourne hits Air Bourne and gets the pin.
-WWE United States Championship Match. Dolph Ziggler VS. Zack Ryder: Ziggler has to defend his title right after the previous match. Ziggler misses a clothesline. Ryder pounds Ziggler. Ryder with an Irish whip and a double ax handle to Ziggler. He gets a one count. Ryder with a headbutt. Ryder with a corner whip and Ziggler hits the turnbuckle and does the Curt Hennig memorial selling job. Ryder gets a two count. Ziggler with a kick to the stomach and a Rick Rude style Neck Breaker. I would call Ziggler Mr. Minnesota with all the tributes but I think Jerry Lynn had that gimmick for a short time in 2001. But I digress. A lets go Ryder chant goes out. Ryder reverses an Irish whip and hits a clothesline. Ziggler bails to the outside. Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, and Jack Swagger have all stayed for the match. Ziggler starts to climb back up the ramp, but Air Boom grabs him and throws him back in the ring. Vickie Guerrero complains and the referee throws Air Boom out. As they leave, a Vickie sucks chant goes out. Ryder with a series of running forearms to Ziggler. Ziggler with an Irish whip and a flapjack. He gets a two count. Ryder goes for a crossbody, but Ziggler moves and Ryder hits the ropes. Both men down. Ziggler stomps Ryder in the head. A let's go Ryder chant goes out again. Ziggler drops an elbow on Ryder for a two count. Ziggler with a shoulder lock/Camel Clutch combo on Ryder. He then drops an elbow on Ryder's back. He gets another two count. Ziggler with a corner splash on Ryder. He misses the second splash attempt. Ryder goes for a big kick to Ziggler's head, but Ziggler moves and Ryder ends up in the ropes. Ziggler hits the famouser on Ryder. He gets a two count. Ziggler attacking Ryder with punches and kicks in the corner. Ziggler goes for the charge, but Ryder gets his knee up. Ryder hits the running kick on Ziggler. Swagger grabs Ryder's leg to pull him out of the ring, but Ryder kicks off. Ziggler goes for a jumping backbreaker, but Ryder holds on to the ropes. Ryder then kicks Swagger away when he tries to hit Ryder again. Ziggler hits a super kick. Ziggler gets the pin.
-CM Punk is shown talking to Ted DiBiase Jr. backstage when HHH comes in and asks if he can talk to Punk. HHH says he wants to clear the air about this past Monday. Punk says he understands. 5 years ago, even 5 months ago, he would have thought that HHH was trying to screw him, but he now sees that someone else is pulling the strings. HHH says good, then we can forgo the usual rah rah speech. Punk says no, you got a good rah rah speech for me? HHH says not really, that's why I was hoping we could skip it. Punk says that's fine, I don't have the time any way. Listen, Miz and Truth say when you were running Raw, it was an unsafe working environment. I would like to prove them wrong, I would like to show them that now it's an unsafe working environment. HHH says that he's with that. Let's do it.
-WWE Divas Championship Match. Beth Phoenix VS. Eve Torres: They showed earlier in the day Natalya attacking Kelly Kelly as she was answering questions for As a result, both Kelly and Natalya are banned from ringside. The bell rings and they attack each other. They get to the corner and the referee is forced to break them apart. Eve had been placed on the top turnbuckle. She hits Phoenix with a knee to the face as she comes in. Eve climbs up to the top rope and sunset flips Phoenix. She gets a two count. Phoenix with an Irish whip and a double ax handle to Eve. She gets a two count, but Eve bridges out of the pin. Another cover and another bridge out. Eve up to her feet. She puts a wrist lock on Phoenix and attacks her with kicks to the legs. Phoenix pushes Eve to the ropes. Phoenix with an Irish whip. Eve spins over Phoenix when she drops her head early. Phoenix grabs Eve's leg. Eve hits Phoenix with an enziguri. Eve takes part of Phoenix's outfit and ties her to the ropes with it. Eve kicks Phoenix in the back while she is still tied up. Phoenix finally gets loose and Eve hits her with a running forearm. Phoenix rolls to the outside. Eve goes after her and Phoenix trips Eve on the apron. Phoenix military presses Eve and drops her down on the barricade. Phoenix then kicks Eve in the stomach. Phoenix runs Eve into the ring. She then drags Eve into the ring. She gets a two count. Phoenix with a rear chin lock. Eve won't give up. Eve with a series of elbows to try to get out of the move. Eve gets out and hits a kick to Phoenix. Phoenix catches Eve and drives her shoulder into Eve's stomach. Gets a two count. Phoenix is getting frustrated. She gets Eve in a leg scissors. Eve won't give up. Phoenix screaming at Eve to cry. Phoenix smacking Eve's back. Eve hitting elbows to Phoenix to try to get out of the hold. Eve switches around and starts punching Phoenix down on the mat. A series of kicks then to Phoenix as they both get back on their feet. Then Eve with a clothesline. Eve with a sit down back splash on Phoenix for a two count. Eve with a series of forearms to Phoenix on the ropes. Phoenix reverses an Irish whip. Eve holds on to the ropes. Phoenix charges Eve, who hits Phoenix with a back elbow. Eve climbs up with a leg vice on Phoenix. Phoenix trying to spin around to shake Eve off. Eve grabs an arm and forces Phoenix down to her knees. She then gets her down to the mat. Phoenix panicking trying to get out of the hold. Phoenix pushing with her legs trying to get to the ropes. Phoenix on the apron trying to get back to her feet. Eve grabs her and runs her into the turnbuckle. Phoenix grabs Eve by the hair and guillotines her on the top rope. Back in, Phoenix picks Eve up and goes for the Glam Slam. Eve rolls through though and pushes Phoenix off. Phoenix hits the ropes and bounces off and Eve rolls her up for a two count. Phoenix gets up and kicks and punches Eve. Phoenix with a corner whip. Eve hits Phoenix with a back elbow when she tries to charge in. Eve with a back kick and Phoenix just falls to the floor. Eve goes up and moonsaults off, but Phoenix moves. Phoenix picks Eve up and hits the Glam Slam. Phoenix then gets the pin.
-Matt Striker interviews The Big Show. Striker says Mark Henry put Big Show on the shelf for three months. He's only had one match to get ready for tonight. The question on everyone's mind, is he prepared? Big Show says why don't you ask Mark Henry if he is prepared? Mark Henry thought he had taken everything away from the Big Show. Cut his career short. He thought he ended any chances of Big Show becoming a champion again. He thought he was just going to be a giant bust, hanging in the Hall of Pain. Mark Henry found out the hard way that bigger isn't better, better is better. It took Mark Henry 15 years to win his first World Title. Three seconds to end 15 years of bitterness. Three seconds to end 15 years of failure. It will take the same three seconds for Big Show to take away that Heavyweight championship and watch Mark Henry's Hall of Pain crumble like a house of cards. See, Mark Henry is going to experience what The Big Show has experienced the last three months. He's going to experience a man who is going to take away everything he's expected his whole life. Everything that he has strived for. Everything that has defined him as a man. He then says vengeance will be mine, so will the World Heavyweight Championship.
-Christian VS. Sheamus: They show highlights of what has happened between the two men the last few weeks. Christian rolls to the outside when Sheamus comes into the ring. He takes his time getting in the ring. The bell rings and Christian slaps Sheamus. Christian gets Sheamus in the corner and hits him with several slaps. Sheamus pushes Christian down and hits him with a knee to the stomach. Then a forearm knocks Christian down. He then drops a knee on Christian. Sheamus with a scoop slam. Sheamus goes to drop an elbow, but Christian moves. Christian with a slap. He charges Sheamus, who shoulder blocks Christian to the ground. Sheamus unloads on Christian with punches in the corner. He then stomps him to the ground. Sheamus picks Christian up and hits him with a forearm. Sheamus with an Irish whip, but Christian slides under Sheamus' legs to avoid the blow. He hits Sheamus with his right hand. Christian with a side headlock. Sheamus picks Christian up and puts him on the apron. Sheamus then hits Christian's chest with several forearms. Sheamus with a standing suplex on Christian. He keeps him up for a bit before slamming him down. He gets a two count. Sheamus with a shot and an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Christian kicks him in the face. Christian with a shot to Sheamus' knee. Christian with a swinging neck breaker. Christian with another reverse neck breaker. Christian stomping Sheamus while he is down. He then starts slapping Sheamus again when he is down. They trade shots. Christian is trying to keep Sheamus down. Christian with a foot on Sheamus' neck while his head is on the bottom rope. A let's go Sheamus chant goes out as Sheamus gets up and rams his shoulder into Christian's midsection in the corner. He does it several times then backs up to run into Christian, but Christian moves and Sheamus' shoulder hits the post. Christian rolls Sheamus up with a handful of tights, but only gets a two count. Christian with a chin lock. He then drives an elbow into Sheamus' neck. He then does it several more times driving Sheamus down into the mat. Christian goes back to a headlock on Sheamus. Sheamus gets up with Christian on his back. Sheamus then falls back and slams Christian to the mat. Sheamus rushes Christian, who gets a drop toe hold on Sheamus, who lands head first on the ropes. Christian steps on Sheamus' back. Christian goes outside and slaps Sheamus in the face. Christian goes to the second rope and hits Sheamus with a back elbow as he comes in. Christian hooks the leg, but only gets a one count. Christian goes to the second rope. He hits Sheamus with a dropkick. Christian goes up top. He goes to splash Sheamus, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus hits Christian with a running forearm. Then a clothesline to Christian. Scoop slam to Christian. He goes to charge Christian in the corner, but Christian gets his knee up on the charge. Christian comes off the second rope on Sheamus, who catches Christian and hits Christian with a fall away slam. He gets a two count. Christian goes out to the apron. Sheamus goes to suplex him back in. Christian blocks it and guillotines Sheamus on the top rope. Christian gets up on the apron. Sheamus goes to rush him. Christian drops and pulls the rope down and Sheamus spills to the outside. Sheamus gets back up on the apron and hits Christian with a shoulder tackle. He gets a two count. Sheamus presses Christian, who slips out of it. He slaps Sheamus. Christian blocks Sheamus' kick and hits a death drop for a one count. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus blocks it and goes for a power bomb. Christian slips out and moves as Sheamus goes for the corner charge. Christian goes for a Pele kick up against the ropes, but Sheamus catches his legs. He slams Christian down and drives his knee into Christian's throat. He gets a two count. Christian blocks a move and goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus reverses it and goes for the Celtic Cross. Christian slips out. Sheamus with a corner charge, but Christian moves. Christian then hits a Pele kick. Then another one. Christian goes for a reverse crossbody, but Sheamus catches him and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for another two count. Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick, but Christian hits him with a Spear. He gets a close two count. Sheamus goes out on the apron and he and Christian exchange blows. Sheamus with a knee to Christian's face. Sheamus goes up top, but Christian pushes him and Sheamus posts himself on the top turnbuckle. Christian then slaps Sheamus several times. Christian hurricanrana's Sheamus off the top rope. Christian sets up for the Spear. He goes for it, but Sheamus hits the Brogue kick and he gets the pin. That was a fun little match.
-David Otunga is shown talking to John Laurinaitis. Otunga tells Laurinaitis that this is a big deal. The first PPV as the Interim General Manager of Raw. Laurinaitis says it sure is and it's Vengeance. He said he came up with the name. Otunga says you did? They are interrupted by Miz and R-Truth. Otunga leaves as Miz says they wanted to thank Laurinaitis for reinstating them. They say he is doing a much better job than HHH. They say Raw has become a much safer and a better working environment and he has their word that they will live up to the letter of the law. He tells them he appreciates that. R-Truth says they are curious. They heard the rumors, but want to know why Laurinaitis reinstated them? He says they have the greatest charisma. They are superb athletes and he believes that they could be the world's greatest tag team of all time. Miz says really? Laurinaitis says not really, but he does like the way that they suck up. He says they suck up well. He then says good luck tonight. He leaves. R-Truth says did you hear that? He said we suck up good. Miz says no, he said we suck up well. R-Truth says well, I suck up a lot better than you do. Miz says no you most certainly do not suck up better than me. He says at least we don't suck like HHH. R-Truth says yeah, we may be suck ups, but they suck. Miz says yeah HHH sucks. He thinks he's the Game. Miz starts mocking HHH. He says you know who else sucks? CM Punk. He says Punk sucks so bad, Booker T says he's a sucka. Now that was funny. R-Truth says you know who else sucks? The state of Texas. He says he's beginning to not feel safe any more. Miz says Punk and HHH shouldn't feel safe. R-Truth says it sucks to be them.
-Highlights of what has happened with CM Punk, HHH, Miz, and R-Truth.
-Awesome Truth Miz and R-Truth VS. HHH and CM Punk: Awesome Truth out first and they do the You Suck Remix to the crowd. Punk out next. He says it's clobberin' time! HHH out to a good ovation. He looks intense. All four men are staring at each other. Punk and Miz start. Bell rings. A huge CM Punk chant goes out. They circle each other. Punk goes after Miz, who gets in the ropes, so Punk has to back up. Punk does before reaching in and smacking Miz. Referee Scott Armstrong admonishes Punk. MIz trying to stay away from Punk. He gets too close to the corner and HHH slaps him in the head. Punk then attacks him with punches and kicks in the corner. Punk with a snap mare. Punk with a running kick to Miz's back. Punk drags Miz to the corner and HHH tagged in. Miz runs and tags R-Truth in. R-Truth taunting HHH, so HHH turns and knocks Miz off of the apron. They lock up. HHH with a side headlock. R-Truth pushes off. HHH comes back with a shoulder block. R-Truth gets to the ropes and tells the referee to back HHH up. They lock up and HHH hits R-Truth with a knee. HHH with a shot and a corner whip. R-Truth jumps up to avoid the charge in. He does a split to show off and HHH punches him when he finishes. HHH runs R-Truth into Punk's boot. Punk tagged in. Punk with a sit out suplex. That gets a one count. R-Truth with a kick to the stomach. Miz tagged in. Punk catches him in a drop toe hold. Punk runs Miz into HHH's boot. HHH tagged in. Double suplex on Miz. Gets a one count. Miz with a knee to the face. HHH with a go behind. HHH clips Miz's leg. HHH with a figure four to Miz. HHH grabs Punks arms for leverage when Scott Armstrong is distracted by R-Truth. HHH gets a two count. HHH and Punk do the leverage move again when R-Truth tries to come in. Another two count. They keep doing it, but Miz finally gets to the ropes. Punk tagged in. Double split to Miz's legs. Punk gets a one count. Punk with an arm bar. He and HHH do the leverage move again. Punk with a corner whip. Miz with a back elbow on the charge in as a You Suck chant goes out. Punk wanders over to the wrong corner and R-Truth hits him and knocks him down. Miz then stomping Punk down. R-Truth tagged in. R-Truth with a shot to knock Punk back down after he gets up. Gets a one count. R-Truth with a headlock as a CM Punk chant goes out. Punk up and gets R-Truth in a belly to back suplex to break the hold. A double count going. HHH tagged in. Running knee lift to R-Truth. HHH throws Miz into the ring. HHH with a spinebuster on R-Truth. Miz reverses an Irish whip. HHH comes back with a knee left. Double clothesline knocks Awesome Truth to the outside. HHH goes out and throws R-Truth back in. Miz goes to attack HHH, who blocks it and knocks Miz down. R-Truth with a baseball slide to knock HHH down. Referee Scott Armstrong trying to keep R-Truth away, so Miz attacks HHH on the outside. R-Truth goes out and slaps HHH as he gets back to his feet. R-Truth with shots to HHH as he is up against the barricade. R-Truth throws HHH back in and tags Miz in. Miz stomping HHH as a Triple H chant goes out. Armstrong pulls Miz back so R-Truth drops down and chokes HHH. R-Truth tagged in. Double elbow smash to HHH. That gets a one count. R-Truth with a front face lock. HHH chant goes out again. HHH gets to his feet and trying to break the hold. HHH with an Irish whip. R-Truth comes back with a spinning back elbow. That gets a two count. Miz tagged back in. Knee lifts to HHH. Miz with a running knee lift. Another two count. Miz with a headlock. HHH with shots to Miz's stomach to try to break the hold. Miz with a backbreaker/Neck breaker combo. He gets a two count. Miz with a front face lock and R-Truth tagged back in. Double kick by the heels to HHH's head. Gets another two count. R-Truth with a head scissors to HHH. HHH lifts up and stands with R-Truth on his shoulders. HHH with a fall away slam. Double count going. Miz tagged in. HHH hits a clothesline on Miz. They both go down and another double count as a HHH chant goes out again. R-Truth tagged in. HHH ducks a bicycle kick. HHH with a DDT. Both Miz and Punk tagged in. Punk with a clothesline to Miz from the top rope. More clotheslines to Miz. A dropkick to R-Truth when he comes in. Punk with a swinging neck breaker to Miz. Punk with a high knee to R-Truth. He then grabs R-Truth and bulldogs him while he clotheslines Miz. Definitely the move of the night so far. He gets a two count on Miz. Punk with a scoop slam to Miz. Punk goes up top. R-Truth tries to interfere, but Punk kicks him. HHH comes over and drags R-Truth off of the apron. He throws R-Truth over the barricade. Punk with the flying elbow drop Ala Randy Savage on to Miz. Punk signals for the GTS. HHH hits R-Truth, but gets nailed out of nowhere by Kevin Nash, who comes out of the crowd. Punk goes for the GTS, but R-Truth stops him and R-Truth and Miz hit the Little Jimmy/SCF combo on Punk. Miz gets the pin. Nash assaulting HHH on the outside. He runs him into the ring steps. HHH gets in the ring. Nash follows him. He hits HHH with some knees in the stomach. He then clotheslines HHH and jackknife power bombs him. Nash gets out of the ring and goes back into the crowd. Booker T yells at him asking him why he did it. They show a replay of the attack and power bomb as HHH is being checked by Armstrong. Referees help HHH to the back.
-John Laurinaitis is shown talking on his phone telling the other person that he will get to the bottom of it. He is approached by Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio asks Laurinaitis if he is trying to avoid him. Laurinaitis says didn't you see what just happened out there? I am the EVP of Talent Relations and the Interim General Manager of Raw. I've got a lot on my plate. Del Rio tells him to wait. As WWE Champion, he should be Laurinaitis' top priority. Instead, Laurinaitis let John Cena put Del Rio in a Last Man Standing Match. He says he's never been in that match before and do you know how much punishment John Cena can absorb? Laurinaitis tells him to calm down. Laurinaitis asks him how many Hell in a Cell matches had he been in before he walked out the WWE Champion. Del Rio says none. Laurinaitis says exactly. You went into HIAC and still found a way to win and come out WWE Champion. The same applies tonight. Laurinaitis says he gives opportunities. Tonight, Del Rio has an opportunity. Del Rio says he's right. He will find a way to win that's why he's the WWE Champion and John Cena isn't. He says it's his job to the talent and the WWE Universe to make the best show possible. Del Rio then leaves and Laurinaitis is shown texting on his phone.
-Randy Orton VS. Cody Rhodes: Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion, but this is a non-title match. They show what has led up to the match. Orton out first to a great ovation. Rhodes comes out with his bag men. The bell rings and they circle each other with Rhodes trying to stay away from Orton. Rhodes with a single leg grab. Orton punches him in the face. Orton with a clothesline. Rhodes reverses a corner whip and goes to bulldog Orton, but Orton pushes off. Orton clotheslines Rhodes to the outside. Orton runs Rhodes head first into the ring steps. Back in, Rhodes goes to hit Orton with a knee from the second rope, but Orton ducks and clotheslines Rhodes. He gets a one count. Rhodes slips out of the ring and pushes Orton's throat down on the second rope when he tries to follow. Rhodes back in and stomping Orton while he is down. Rhodes with a front suplex. Rhodes with a second rope knee drop to Orton. Rhodes stomping Orton while he is down again. Rhodes punches and kicks Orton while he is in the corner. Rhodes with an Irish whip and a knee to the gut of Orton. Then an elbow to Orton's head. Orton coming back with a right hand to Rhodes' face. Orton pushes Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes comes out with a clothesline. Gets a two count. Rhodes with a headlock. Orton tries to get back to his feet. Orton with a backdrop. Rhodes with a standing dropkick. Gets a two count. Rhodes dropping knees and boots to Orton. Rhodes going for a Boston crab. He gets it locked in. Orton trying to get out of the move. He is fighting to not tap as a Randy chant goes out. He spins over and kicks Rhodes in the face. Orton runs Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes comes out with a right hand. Rhodes with a corner whip. Orton lifts up on the charge in and rolls Rhodes up for a two count. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Rhodes with a slam down of Orton. That gets a close two count. Rhodes moonsaults off the top rope, but Orton moves. Orton with a clothesline and then another. Orton ducks a Rhodes clothesline attempt. He power slams Rhodes. Rhodes goes up top, but Orton hits him with a standing dropkick as he comes off. He gets a two count. Orton with a gut wrench, but Rhodes slips out of it and hits Orton with a Disaster Kick. He gets a two count. Orton backdrops Rhodes to the apron. Orton goes for the apron DDT. Rhodes slides through the ropes to counter, but Orton counters into a backbreaker. Orton gets a two count. Orton with a gut wrench. Gets a two count. Orton puts Rhodes on the top rope. He slaps him and hits him with right hands. Rhodes headbutts Orton. He then connects with the moonsault. He gets a close two count. Rhodes goes to hit Orton with a knee from the second rope, but nobody home. Orton with an uppercut to Rhodes. One of the bag men gets on the apron and Orton knocks him off. Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes on Orton and gets a very close two count. Rhodes is shocked. Rhodes mocking Orton's viper routine. Rhodes looking to go for an RKO, but Orton dropkicks him. Orton hits an Apron DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine. The other bag man gets up trying to distract Orton so Rhodes can jump him from behind and Orton runs Rhodes into the bag man. Orton then hits the RKO and gets the pin. Orton gets on the turnbuckle to celebrate.
-Feature on Mark Henry winning the World Heavyweight Championship and his Hall of Pain and The Big Show coming back to challenge Henry.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Mark Henry VS. The Big Show: The Bell rings and they lock up immediately. Henry pushes off. They lock up again. Henry pushes Big Show back to the corner. They break. Big Show with a big right hand. He throws Henry into the corner and hits him with his left and right hands. He gets Henry down and starts stomping him. Henry rolls to the outside. Henry tells the referee to make the Big Show get back so that Henry can get back in the ring. Big Show comes over and pulls Henry back into the ring over the top rope. Big Show with a headbutt. Big Show with a super kick to Henry's jaw. Henry rolls to the outside to regroup. Henry goes over to the timekeeper and says give me my title. He gets it and starts to leave. Big Show grabs him from behind as he is leaving and puts Henry back in the ring. Henry hits Big Show's leg as he was coming back through the ropes. Henry kicks Big Show down. Henry with a scoop slam to Big Show. Henry drops an elbow on Big Show. He picks Big Show's leg up and slams it down. He drops another elbow on Big Show. He then drops another elbow and Big Show is in some pain. He gets Big Show in a leg vice, but Big Show won't give up. Big Show reaching for the ropes. Henry gets back up and drops the elbow again before putting the leg vice back on. Big Show turns his body and kicks Henry to break the hold. He goes to slam Henry, but his leg gives out and Henry lands on Big Show for a two count. Henry with a leg lock on Big Show. Big Show kicks Henry off. A Big Show chant goes out. They stare at each other from opposite corners of the ring. Double clothesline and both are down. Double count going. Back and forth with both men on their knees. Big Show with a series of headbutts. A couple of clotheslines to Henry, but he keeps getting back up. Big Show with a back splash in the corner. And then a shoulder block to knock Henry down. Big Show with a scoop slam. He signals for the choke slam. He choke slams Henry. He gets a two count. Big Show loads up the right hand, but gets kicked by Henry. Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam. He gets a two count and the crowd can't believe all of these kick outs. Henry climbs up to the top rope, but gets caught and choke slammed off. Another two count. Big Show climbs up top, but gets caught by Henry and superplexed off and the ring collapses in an awesome looking spot. The crowd can't believe it. Both wrestlers and the referee are down. The doctor comes down. They signal for the stretcher. The doctor says there is no way that Big show will fit on the stretcher, to get the cart. Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis come down to ringside. A Big Show chant goes out as they try to get both men out of the ring. They back the cart to the ring and ease Big Show onto it. He leaves and they go to ease Henry out of the ring, but he falls to the floor. He pushes the EMS personnel away and tells them to get away from him. Long tells Henry they are trying to help him to get him to a hospital. Henry says he doesn't need anybody's help as he keeps trying to leave the arena and falling down. Laurinaitis gets on the mic. He says they will have the WWE Championship here tonight. The announcers wonder how the match is going to happen.
-Flashback to what has led up to the main event.

-Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez VS. John Cena: Rodriguez is introduced. He announces Del Rio who comes down to ringside. He looks at the destroyed ring. He argues about the ring with referee Mike Chioda, who says that there is nothing that he can do. Cena gets a big reaction when he comes out. He starts his run to the ring but stops short when he sees the ring itself. He goes and stands next to a guy wearing a We hate Cena shirt in a pretty funny moment. Cena gingerly steps into the ring over the broken ring ropes. Del Rio goes out of the ring. Cena looks ready and determined. A let's go Cena/Cena Sucks chant goes out and Cena is genuinely amused by that. The bell rings. Del Rio pushes Rodriguez into Cena, who lifts him up and Del Rio kicks Cena. Del Rio stomping a fallen Cena. He hit Cena several times. Del Rio with a suplex. Cena starts to get back up and Del Rio hits him with a running kick. He does it again when Cena starts to get up and Cena falls out of the ring. Del Rio goes out after Cena and runs him into the corner post. Chioda comes out to check on Cena as the dueling chants go out again. Cena back up at 5 and crawls into the ring. Del Rio hits him with a couple of kicks. Cena back up, but Del Rio attacks him again but this time Cena gets a backdrop on Del Rio. Cena with a scoop slam. He drops an elbow on Del Rio. Then several more elbows. Chioda counting Del Rio. He's up at four and Cena starts punching him. Del Rio gets up and delivers a kick to Cena's back to knock him down. Del Rio with a double kick to Cena. Del Rio confers with Rodriguez as the dueling chants go out again. Del Rio with a belly to back suplex. Then another one. He is a man determined. Chioda counting again. Cena up at 7. He ducks a Del Rio clothesline attempt and clotheslines Del Rio. Both men down and a double count going. Both up at four and Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio comes back with a jumping backbreaker. Del Rio goes over to hold on to a corner post while Chioda counts Cena. Cena up at 5 and blocks a suplex attempt, but Del Rio gets it on the second attempt. Del Rio hits another one and goes for a third, when Cena blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Double count going. Dueling chant starts again. Both men up at four and Cena with a shoulder block. Then another one. Big Slam. U Can't See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. He goes for an AA, but Del Rio with an elbow to slip out of it. Del Rio with a German suplex. Cena up on the 5 count and kicks Del Rio in the stomach. Cena with a gut wrench suplex. Chioda counting Del Rio. He's up at the four count. Cena misses a clothesline. Del Rio with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Del Rio kicks Cena's back. Del Rio picks Cena up on the count of four. He punches Cena back down. He puts Cena up against one of the damaged ring posts. He double stomps down on the ring post. Cena rolling to the center of the ring. He is up on the 8 count and Del Rio rushes him. Cena picks him up and hits the AA. Double count going. Cena up at 6. Del Rio up at 8. Cena picks Del Rio up for another AA, but Rodriguez attacks him from behind. Cena kicks Rodriguez out of the ring. Del Rio kicks Cena from behind. Del Rio tries and then locks Cena in with a sleeper and a body vice. Chioda checks on Cena. Cena is out. Chioda starts to count. Cena up at 8. Del Rio tries to throw him out of the ring, but Cena reverses it and throws Del Rio out. He lands up against the ropes. A double count going. Cena up at three. Del Rio uses the barricade to pull himself up just before the count of 7. Cena comes out and runs Del Rio into the barricade again. Del Rio reverses an Irish whip and runs Cena shoulder first into the ring steps. Cena up at the 5 count. Rodriguez tries to interfere again and Cena posts him on one of the broken ring posts. Del Rio attacks Cena with a series of kicks back in the ring. Del Rio goes for a running kick, but Cena drop toe holds him onto Rodriguez and the broken post. Rodriguez and Del Rio fall to the outside. Cena goes to throw the ring steps at Del Rio, who ducks them and attacks Cena. He runs Cena into the stairs. He picks the stairs up and hits Cena to knock him down. Cena up at 8 and Del Rio attacks. Back and forth at ringside. They fight up the aisle towards the back. They go to the back. Cena throws Del Rio into a table. Cena pushes a large rolling case over on Del Rio, but he slides out of the way and attacks Cena. He throws Cena up on the overturned case. He scoop slams Cena on the case. Chioda is counting Cena down. Cena makes it to his feet on the 7 count and stumbles and collapses by the interview area. Del Rio pushes a screen on Cena. Then another one while Chioda tells him not to do it and to let Chioda count. Then another screen. Finally the last screen falls on Cena. He's buried under four screens. Chioda starts to count. Cena is trying to get out. He's up at the 8 count. Del Rio attacks him immediately. He runs Cena back into the arena. Cena fighting back with rights and lefts. Rodriguez comes in and jumps on Cena's back. Del Rio then hits Cena in the head and runs him into the V in Vengeance sign and through the V. Del Rio pulls out a table and sets it up. He puts Cena on the table. Del Rio starts to climb a lighting grid. Cena gets up off of the table and pulls Del Rio off of the grid and through the table. Del Rio up on the 8 count. They start to fight through the crowd. Cena throws Del Rio back over the barricade to the ringside area. Del Rio reverses Cena into the announce table and the announcers scatter. Del Rio starts to take apart the SAT. He goes to run Cena into it, but Cena blocks it and hits Del Rio with a back elbow. Cena then runs Del Rio into the barricade on the other side of the ring. He then clotheslines Rodriguez. Del Rio pushes Cena into a ring post and goes to hit him with an enziguri, but Cena ducks and Del Rio hits the ring post. Cena picks Del Rio up. He climbs the set up ring steps and hits the AA through the SAT. Cena gets back in the ring for Chioda to count. R-Truth and Miz come out of nowhere to attack Cena in the broken ring. Chioda had not started his count yet. Miz with the SCF and R-Truth hits Little Jimmy on Cena. Miz and R-Truth then leave. Double count going. Booker T and Jerry Lawler are irate because Del Rio should have been counted out already, but the referee's attention was distracted. Del Rio up. Cena trying to get up and gets up at 9. Del Rio hits him with the WWE Championship. Del Rio falls out of the ring. Another double count going. Del Rio pulls himself up by the barricade. Cena gets counted out. Del Rio retains the title. Del Rio celebrates and gets his hand raised. Cena looking stunned. The announcers talk about everything that happened before signing off from San Antonio.
-Final Thoughts: A really enjoyable show. The ring falling apart spot was awesome.

Episode 110 Notes Thu, 06 Jan 2022 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 115b09a2-c3b9-41b1-8759-3a1e6bcf2ba8 My Notes for Episode 110: The Great American Bash 1991. -How was your Christmas and New Years?
-I had to get out of Maine. Me and my friend Michelle stayed ahead of the snow.
-Breakfast Christmas Eve sign.
-I saw Sing 2 and Spider Man: No Way Home. Man behind us narrated the movie.
-Today we look at the Great American Bash 1991 from WCW.
-The Great American Bash 1991 took place July 14, 1991, from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. There were 9,300 in attendance.
-The camera pans through the fans outside and goes into the arena. It pretends to be a person ordering two tickets and going into the arena. Then a live shot of the crowd and Gary Michael Cappetta welcomes us to The Great American Bash.
-Special Scaffold match. They added this match, then found that no one wanted to take the fall, so they added a capture the flag stipulation. PN News and Bobby Eaton VS. Steve Austin and Terrance Taylor with Lady Blossom: Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone welcome us to The Great American Bash. Austin and Taylor don’t want to climb up. They are very hesitant. Eaton and Taylor Start. Taylor quickly changes his mind and Austin comes out. They swipe at each other for a while without touching. Back and forth in the middle of the scaffold with right hands. Eaton with a kick and slams Austin down on the scaffold. Austin’s legs are dangling over the side as Taylor comes over to help his partner. Eaton backs up and News comes out and the heels back up. Taylor comes out of his corner and News pushes him back in and the flag in the corner almost gets knocked off the scaffold. Taylor on his back on the scaffold and News on top of him trying to get the flag. Eaton comes over. News gets over Taylor and is battling Austin on the heels side of the scaffold. Taylor and Eaton fighting in the center of the scaffold. Taylor and Eaton fight over to the faces side and a Bobby chant goes out. Austin gets News down and Eaton knocks Taylor down by slamming his head into the side of the scaffold. Taylor gets away and comes over to help Austin try to push News off the scaffold. Eaton comes over to help News. News on his knees fighting Taylor. Eaton grabs the heels flag and brings it back to the faces corner. Austin climbs halfway down and Lady Blossom hands him something. He climbs back up and sprays Eaton in the eyes as it was hair spray. News gets sprayed and Austin drops the hair spray back down to Lady Blossom. All four start to climb down and Eaton kicks Taylor and he falls into the ring. All four start to fight in the ring.
-Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are then shown and they talk about the Lex Luger/Barry Windham match and the Ric Flair Situation.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Paul E. Dangerously and Arn Anderson on the ramp. A Paul E sucks chant goes out. Paul E says he’s made a phone call that guarantees that tonight is Missy Hyatt’s last night in WCW and Rick Steiner will never lay a hand on Paul E because his partner is the Enforcer, Arn Anderson. Anderson says if they are locked in a cage like criminals, then they are going to act like criminals and commit a crime like aggravated assault on Rick Steiner.
-Jim and Tony talk more about the Lex Luger/Barry Windham match coming up. They then talk about the Russian chain match between Sting and Nikita Koloff and the match between El Gigante and the One Man Gang and briefly talk about Richard Morton VS. Robert Gibson.
-The Diamond Studd with Diamond Dallas Page VS. The Z-Man: DDP has a girl from the audience rip the outer gear of the Diamond Studd off, then berates her. Z-Man comes down with a group of women. He runs down the ramp way, jumps over the top rope, and double clotheslines Studd and DDP. Z-Man with an Irish whip. Studd drops down and DDP pulls the top rope down causing Z-Man to spill to the outside. Z-Man goes after DDP on the outside and gets ambushed from behind by Studd. Studd pushes Z-Man into the barricade. Back in the ring now. Back and forth with right hands. Studd gets Z-Man down and chokes him on the second rope. Studd with an Irish whip, but Z-Man ducks the right hand and a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody for a one count. Z-Man gets Studd in the corner and hits him with chops and shots. Studd reverses a corner whip and runs his shoulder into Z-Man’s stomach. Studd goes for an abdominal stretch. Studd using the ropes for leverage. Referee Nick Patrick finally catches it and forces Studd to release the hold. Z-Man misses an elbow drop. Studd responds with kicks. Studd reverses an Irish whip. Z-Man reverses a hip lock, but Studd blocks the move. Studd with a choke slam. He goes to pin Z-Man, who lifts his legs up and covers Studd for a two count. Studd with a clothesline. Studd with some rights and an Irish whip. Z-Man counters with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Studd with some kicks. Z-Man with a super kick. Studd rolls to the outside. Z-Man follows him out and runs him into the ring apron and the barricade. Back in, Z-Man hits a missile dropkick. He goes to pin Studd, but DDP grabs Z-Man by the hair and drags him up onto the apron. Z-Man super kicks DDP out, but this allows Studd to hit a belly to back suplex with a bridge to get the pin.
-Oz with the Great Wizard VS. Ron Simmons: They lock up and Oz pushes Simmons to the corner. They break clean. They lock up again and again break clean. Oz with a side headlock. Simmons powers out of it. Simmons with a shoulder block. Double shoulder block next. Neither man going down. Oz with a shot and another shoulder block and Simmons goes down. Simmons up and Oz with another shoulder block to knock him down again. Simmons with a drop toe hold. Oz back to his feet and he rakes the eyes of Simmons. He hits Simmons with a series of forearms and right hands. Oz with a knee to Simmons in the corner. A boring chant goes out from some guy. Oz with a corner whip, but Simmons gets the knee up on the charge. Simmons with a clothesline to knock Oz to his knees. Simmons with two more clotheslines to knock Oz over the ropes to the outside. Back in, test of strength. Oz with a kick to the stomach of Simmons. Oz drives Simmons to his knees. Simmons works back to his feet, kicks Oz in the stomach, and backdrops Oz over. Simmons misses a dropkick and Oz hits him with a clothesline. Oz with double ax handles to Simmons’ back. Oz with a side slam. He gets a one count. Oz throws Simmons outside. Wizard attacks Simmons. Simmons up on the apron and attempts to get Oz down with a sunset flip, but Oz hits Simmons with a double ax handle to get out of the move. Oz with a bear hug. Oz with an Irish whip. Simmons ducks a clothesline and hits a dropkick. Simmons hits a couple of three point stance blocks to Oz. He then runs and hits a big shoulder block to pin Oz.
-Jim and Tony talk about the Richard Morton/Robert Gibson match coming up.
-The WCW Top 10 is revealed: 10. Johnny B. Badd 9. Ron Simmons 8. Diamond Studd 7. El Gigante 6. Arn Anderson 5. Bobby Eaton 4. Steve Austin 3. Sting 2. Barry Windham 1. Lex Luger WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Vacant.
-Robert Gibson VS. Richard Morton with Alexandrah York: They start fighting on the ramp. Gibson with a big right hand and they finally get in the ring. Gibson with an Irish whip and Morton rolls to the outside to confer with York. Back in, Morton gets Gibson in the corner and drives a knee into his midsection. Morton with big right hands. Gibson reverses a corner whip. Morton slides under the bottom rope and Gibson slings Morton in by the top rope. Morton reverses an Irish whip and Gibson blocks a hip toss attempt. Gibson body slams Morton. Morton rolls to the outside. York comes over to check on Morton. They confer on the outside. Morton finally climbs back into the ring. Morton tries to get Gibson to shake his hand, but Gibson won’t. They lock up. They get to the corner. Referee Bill Alfonso separates them and Morton goes to the outside again. Back in, Morton runs Gibson into the second turnbuckle head first. He then slams Gibson’s knee against the second turnbuckle. Then he slams the knee on the apron. Gibson fights back, but Morton gets Gibson down by the leg again. Morton working on the leg. Gibson is by the ropes and grabs Morton by the hair as he tries to get out of the hold. Morton trying to take Gibson’s knee brace off. Morton with a spinning leg lock that Gibson turns into an inside cradle for a two count. Morton working on Gibson who gets Morton over in a sunset flip for a two count. Morton gets Gibson in a figure four as a Morton Sucks chant goes out. Gibson fighting the figure four. Gibson trying to turn the move over. Gibson finally turns it over. Morton gets to the ropes to break it up. Morton drops a knee on Gibson’s leg again. He then repeatedly slams Gibson’s knee on the mat. He then drags Gibson over to the edge of the ring and slams the leg on the apron. He exposes the brace on Gibson’s leg and slams the knee on the apron again. Gibson hops away from Morton and hits him with some right hands when he follows. They get tangled up in the ropes. Gibson using the ropes to help him stand. Morton kicks Gibson’s leg and he goes down again. Morton goes back to work on the leg of Gibson. Gibson with a series of right hands to Morton. Gibson slams his knee brace down on Morton to break the hold. Morton goes back to kicking the leg to knock Gibson down. Morton dropping knees on Gibson’s leg. Morton lifts Gibson up and Gibson hits a DDT on Morton. Gibson backdrops Morton, but also falls down. Gibson goes for a dropkick, but misses it. Morton tries to hyperextend the knee. Morton goes back to dropping down on the knee. Morton goes up top, but Gibson catches him and slams him off the top. Morton gets Gibson’s leg, so Gibson hits an enziguri to Morton. It goes out to the ramp. Both try for dropkicks at the same time and both go down. Back in, Morton hits Gibson with the computer while York has the referee distracted. Morton gets the pin.
-Eric Bischoff talks to the Young Pistols and Dustin Rhodes. Tracy Smothers says they are ready for the Fabulous Freebirds. Steve Armstrong talks about the elimination stipulation of the match. Dustin does his best Dusty impersonation as he talks about this being the biggest night of his young career.
-6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin, and Badstreet with Big Daddy Dink VS. The Young Pistols Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong and Dustin Rhodes: Freebirds are both the United States Tag Champions and the World 6-Man Tag Champions, but this is a non-title match. Hayes and Rhodes start. Hayes stalling. Freebirds suck chant goes out. Rhodes mocks Hayes and Hayes responds with a kick and a chop to Rhodes. Hayes with a corner whip and follows it up with a right hand in the corner. Rhodes reverses another corner whip attempt to scoop slam Hayes and then Garvin when he comes in to interfere. Then elbows to Hayes and Garvin and then Badstreet tries to come off the top rope. He doesn’t hit Rhodes, but does avoid the elbow. Freebirds roll out to the floor to regroup. Freebirds suck chant goes out again. Back in, Rhodes gets Hayes in a side headlock. Hayes pushes off and drops down and Garvin plants a knee into Rhodes’ back as he hits the ropes. Hayes and Garvin double team Rhodes as Badstreet knocks the Young Pistols off the apron. Rhodes takes Garvin and Hayes down as the Young Pistols get on opposite corners and deliver shoulder blocks to the Freebirds at the same time. Garvin and Smothers both tagged in. Garvin stalls for a bit before locking up with Smothers. Garvin with knees to the midsection and drives Smothers back to the corner. Smothers reverses a corner whip and backdrops Garvin. He then dropkicks Garvin when he gets back up. Smothers misses a second dropkick. Garvin with an Irish whip. Smothers tags Armstrong in, then delivers a back elbow to Garvin. Armstrong climbs to the top rope. Badstreet tagged in. Armstrong hits him with a top rope clothesline. Hayes tags in and locks up with Armstrong. Armstrong with a wrist lock and tags Smothers in. Smothers with a top rope elbow smash. Smothers with a side headlock on Hayes. Garvin tagged in. Smothers keeps trying to hit the Freebirds, who leapfrog and duck his attempts until Badstreet pulls the top rope down and Smothers spills to the outside. Badstreet then Irish whips Smothers into a clothesline from Big Daddy Dink. Badstreet then scoop slams Smothers. Back in, Hayes Corner whips Smothers. Smothers jumps to the apron to avoid the charge, but Hayes hits him with a big left hand to knock Smothers into the barricade. Rhodes helps Smothers back to the apron, but a Garvin kick knocks him to the barricade again. Badstreet goes after Smothers again, but gets run off by Armstrong. Armstrong then rolls Smothers back in the ring. Garvin scoop slams Smothers and drops a knee on him. Garvin then Irish whips Smothers and drives a knee into him. He hits Smothers with a couple of boots and tags Badstreet in. He corner whips Smothers and clotheslines him. Badstreet tags Hayes in and then holds Smothers. Hayes kicks Smothers in the stomach. Hayes with an Irish whip and a sleeper on Smothers. Smothers fighting to get out of it with shots to the stomach. Smothers reverses a corner whip and punches Hayes in the corner. He whips Hayes out and goes for a clothesline. Hayes ducks and hits Smothers. Garvin tagged in. He runs Smothers into the corner turnbuckle. Garvin with a snap mare. He gets a two count. Garvin gets a sleeper on. Smothers trying to get out of the hold. Garvin gets him back down. He gets a headlock on Smothers as a Gordy chant goes out. I can’t see Terry Gordy as a member of that version of the Freebirds. Garvin goads Rhodes and Armstrong into the ring so the Freebirds can double team Smothers. Badstreet in and hits a shot to Smothers from the second rope. Badstreet then hits a swinging neck breaker on Smothers. That gets a two count. Badstreet with an Irish whip. Smothers comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Hayes tagged in. He chops Smothers in the corner. Smothers tries to fight back, but Hayes hits him with a stiff left hand to knock him down. Smothers finally gets away from Hayes and Armstrong tagged in. He Irish whips Hayes and backdrops him. Then Garvin in and Armstrong dropkicks him and then Badstreet when he comes in. The Young Pistols double team Hayes to get him down. Garvin and Rhodes fighting on the outside. Young Pistols with a double shoulder block. Armstrong trying to rip the mask off of Badstreet. Hayes clotheslines Armstrong and then he and Badstreet double DDT Armstrong. Hayes then pins Armstrong to eliminate him. Smothers rushes Hayes who backdrops him to the outside. Referee Randy Anderson sees it and disqualifies Hayes for the move. Badstreet scoop slams Smothers. Badstreet hits a top rope double ax handle. Garvin tagged in. Freebirds double teaming Smothers in their corner. Smothers fighting back. Dink climbs up to distract Randy Anderson as Smothers makes the tag and Rhodes comes in, but Anderson doesn't see the tag. Garvin and Badstreet double DDT Smothers and Garvin pins him. Rhodes comes in and quickly clotheslines Garvin. He then pins Garvin. Badstreet hitting Rhodes with a big right hand. He follows it up with a kick to the head of Rhodes. Badstreet with a top rope double ax handle. Badstreet runs Rhodes head first into the top turnbuckle. He follows that up with a snap mare to Rhodes. Badstreet then drops an elbow on Rhodes. He gets a two count. Badstreet with a kick and then he tries to go up top, but Rhodes catches him in the ropes with a big right hand. Back and forth. Badstreet with a scoop slam. Badstreet goes up top again, but Rhodes catches him coming off with a shot to the midsection. Rhodes then hits a lariat and covers Badstreet, but Dink has climbed up on the apron to distract the referee. Rhodes gets a two count. Badstreet reverses a corner whip, but Rhodes comes back with a bulldog that also takes out Dink who had climbed back up on the apron and was getting into the ring and Rhodes hits him with his legs while he is doing the bulldog in a dropkick like maneuver. Rhodes gets the pin.
-Jim and Tony talk about the World Title Match and the Sting/Nikita Koloff match coming up.
-The Yellow Dog VS. Johnny B. Badd with Teddy Long: Dog is of course Brian Pillman under a mask. He comes down to the ring with a yellow lab. Super Fan Vlad is shown in the audience. They say that the video has technical difficulties here. This is the part of the video that Dog says to the camera something to the effect of Johnny ain’t Badd, Johnny B. Gay. They lock up. They get to the corner and break clean, but then Dog slaps Badd. Badd with an Irish whip and a hip lock. Then a scoop slam by Badd. Dog with an Irish whip. Badd comes back with a shoulder block. Dog with a hip lock. Dog follows that up with a dropkick. Badd rolls to the outside to regroup with Long. Back in, they lock up. Dog with a side headlock. Badd pushes off. Dog with a crucifix into a sunset flip like move. He gets a two count. Dog with a wrist lock. Badd counters with a rake to the eyes and shots to the back of Dog. Badd pushes off. Dog with a go behind and attempts a roll up. Badd avoids it by holding onto the ropes. Badd ducks a clothesline. Long climbs up on the apron and Dog dropkicks Badd into Long. Dog goes after Long and gets clotheslined by Badd on the outside. Back in, they trade big shots to the chest. Dog goes up for a reverse crossbody, but Badd ducks. Badd goes up and hits a sunset flip for a two count. Dog with an arm drag into an arm bar. Badd reverses it into a reverse chin lock. Long yelling to take the mask off and Badd is trying. Dog with a jaw breaker. Badd with an Irish whip and a high knee. Badd misses a left punch. Dog with a belly to back suplex. Dog with a chop. Then another one. Badd comes back with forearms to the back of Dog. Badd with an Irish whip, misses the clothesline, and Dog comes back with a spinning heel kick. Dog with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Dog goes up top and hits a flying body press and Long comes in and jumps on Dog’s back to cause the disqualification. Long going after the mask. Dog Irish whips Long and hits a shoulder tackle. Badd hits Dog with the left hand to knock him out of the ring. Badd and Long then get away from Dog.
-Eric Bischoff is in the locker room to try to interview Missy Hyatt. Right before he goes in, Hyatt’s attendant reads her a good luck card by Jason Hervey. Bischoff then goes in looking for her. He hears a shower running behind a door. He opens it and calls out to Hyatt. She screams and starts throwing things at him and calling him a peeping Tom.
-Lumberjack Match. Big Josh VS. Black Blood with Kevin Sullivan: Black Blood is Billy Jack Haynes under a mask. He comes out by himself without Sullivan. Blood attacking early with forearms to Josh. Blood throws Josh outside and the heel lumberjacks attack him before throwing him back in. Blood hits a chop and a slap and throws Josh out again. He gets back in and attacks Blood with some chops. He chops Blood in the corner. He hip tosses Blood out of the corner and then dropkicks him. He pushes Blood outside. He lands on the heels side and they let him rest until the face lumberjacks come over and Blood goes back inside. Josh with a snap mare. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring. Josh with a corner whip and a shot to knock Blood down and then does a log roll on Blood. He knocks Blood outside and the lumberjacks put him back in. Josh chops Blood down. Josh punching Blood in the corner when Blood drives Josh straight down into the corner turnbuckle. Blood guillotines Josh on the top rope. Blood with a knee to Josh’s face. He then does a double thrust to the chest that knocks Josh out. The lumberjacks start to fight on the outside. Blood suplexes Josh in from the apron. Blood drives Josh face first into the mat as the crowd cheers the lumberjacks fighting. Blood dropping knees on Josh. Blood with a leg drop. Blood goes for a fist drop, but Josh lifts his loggers boot up at the last second. Josh with a series of chops and forearms to Blood. Josh with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Back and forth. Josh with a corner whip, but Blood gets his boot up on the charge in. The lumberjacks start fighting again. Blood hits a belly to back suplex to Josh on the inside as the crowd is more into the lumberjacks fighting. The referee is distracted by the lumberjacks fighting, so Blood picks up his axe to hit Josh, but Dustin Rhodes, who is one of the lumberjacks hits Blood with Josh’s ax handle to get him to drop the axe. Josh rolls Blood up in an inside cradle to get the pin.
-Jim and Tony talk about the El Gigante/One Man Gang match coming up.
-Come as you are battle of the giants. One Man Gang with Kevin Sullivan VS. El Gigante: Eric Bischoff talks to One Man Gang and Sullivan on the ramp way. He says the Giant is going down and a lot of other stuff that makes no sense. El Gigante comes down with four mini wrestlers. OMG goes after the mini wrestlers who attack and evade him. The bell rings and OMG and El Gigante go out to the ramp. El Gigante throws OMG back into the ring. El Gigante with big forearms to OMG’s back. OMG tries to knock El Gigante down several times. El Gigante ducks a clothesline and gets a hip lock on OMG. El Gigante with a forearm to OMG’s back and drives his shoulder into OMG several times in the corner. El Gigante with a corner whip. OMG moves on the charge in. OMG with a second rope clothesline. Sullivan distracts referee Bill Alfonso while OMG hits El Gigante with a metal wrench. OMG then passes the wrench back to Sullivan. OMG then attacks El Gigante. OMG working on El Gigante’s leg. Sullivan distracts the referee while OMG hits El Gigante on the knee with the wrench again. He then stomps the knee. OMG then distracts the referee while Sullivan hits El Gigante in the sternum with the wrench. OMG then attacks the lower back of El Gigante. OMG hits the 747 splash, but El Gigante kicks out at two so hard that it throws OMG to the outside. OMG guillotines El Gigante on the top rope. OMG goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by El Gigante. El Gigante with an Irish whip and an elbow to OMG. El Gigante with a corner whip and a shot to the stomach of OMG. El Gigante with a suplex. Sullivan climbs to the top rope, but gets caught by El Gigante who runs Sullivan and OMG’s heads together. El Gigante puts the claw on Sullivan, but OMG hits a shot to El Gigante’s back and Sullivan hands OMG some powder. OMG goes to use it, but El Gigante kicks it into OMG’s face. El Gigante then clotheslines and pins OMG.
-Jim and Tony talk about the Sting/Nikita Koloff match coming up.
-Flashback to what has happened between Sting and Nikita Koloff.
-Russian Chain Match. Nikita Koloff VS. Sting: Sting with a good reaction coming out. They are slow starting out. They then go eye to eye. They push each other and Koloff kicks Sting. Sting then kicks and punches Koloff. He runs Koloff into the corner post. It goes outside. Sting drops Koloff down on the barricade. He then does it again. Sting throws Koloff back in. Sting rams Koloff into the corner turnbuckle repeatedly. Koloff then falls to the outside. Sting choking Koloff with the chain. Sting then hit Koloff in the stomach with the chain. Sting throws Koloff back in and gets one turnbuckle, then the second turnbuckle. Koloff breaks the momentum. Koloff then clotheslines Sting with the chain. It goes back outside and Koloff runs Sting into the barricade. He clotheslines Sting with the chain again. Sting blocks being run into the barricade and runs Koloff in instead. Sting pulls Koloff shoulder first into the ring post with the chain. Sting wraps the chain around his fist and hits Koloff’s shoulder with it. Back inside, Koloff is trying to knock Sting down. Koloff gets Sting down and wraps the chain around his elbow and drops it on Sting. He then does it again. Koloff choking Sting with the chain. Koloff wraps the chain around his elbow again and drops it on Sting. He tries it again and Sting moves. Sting with a right hand. He hits Koloff with a series of forearms and then crotches him with the chain. Back and forth against the ropes. Sting rakes the eyes. Koloff comes back with an elbow and an eye rake of his own. Koloff then attacks Sting’s stomach with the chain. Koloff with a snap mare. Koloff gets three turnbuckles before Sting breaks the momentum. Koloff drives his head into Sting’s midsection and then applies a bear hug. They battle into the corner and both touch the corner. Then they both get two corners. Koloff and Sting hit each other with low blows. A USA chant goes out. They both touch the third corner. Sting tries to slam Koloff on the top rope, but Koloff grabs the top rope to break the fall. Sting trying to go for the fourth corner, but Koloff is holding onto the middle rope. Koloff kicks Sting, rakes his eyes, and hits the Russian Sickle. Koloff hesitates. Sting hits a Stinger Splash onto Koloff, driving both of them into the final corner. Koloff hits first to win the match. Sting and Koloff fighting after the match. Sting atomic drops Koloff onto the chain.
-Jim and Tony talk about the World Heavyweight Championship Match coming up.
-Feature on Lex Luger and Barry Windham.
-Jim and Tony talk some more as a We Want Flair chant goes out. Jim and Tony talk about the history between Lex Luger and Barry Windham.
-Cage Match for the vacant WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Lex Luger VS. Barry Windham: They show the title belt they have because the new title was not ready yet and Ric Flair still had the Big Gold Belt. As both men finally get in the ring, the We Want Flair chant goes out again. They lock up. Windham with a side headlock. Luger pushes off and hits a shoulder block as Windham comes back. They lock up again. Windham with a right hand and they both attempt suplexes, but neither man can get it. Luger shoots Windham off and Windham comes back and knocks Luger down with a shoulder block. Luger comes back with a hip toss. A Barry chant goes out. They lock up again and Luger with a side headlock. Windham pushes off. Luger comes back with a shoulder block. Windham leap frogs Luger and comes back with a dropkick. Luger with an inside cradle for a one count. Luger with a scoop slam. Goes to drop the elbow, but Windham moves. They lock up again. Windham with a right hand and Luger retaliates with a flurry of shots. Windham reverses an Irish whip and backdrops Luger. The We Want Flair chant starts again. Windham with a headlock takeover, but Luger counters with a leg scissors to Windham. Windham breaks free and slaps Luger in the face. Luger blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Windham with a scoop slam. Windham goes for a figure four, but Luger pushes off. Luger hits an atomic drop. Windham with a side headlock. Luger pushes off. Windham comes back with a shoulder block. Windham comes back with a sleeper. Luger drops down and runs Windham head first into the corner turnbuckle. Luger with a DDT. He gets a two count. Luger goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Windham then drops a knee for a two count. Windham goes up top, but misses the elbow drop when Luger moves. Luger with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Luger follows that up with a couple of clotheslines. Then another one and he gets a two count. Luger with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets another two count. Luger with another Irish whip and a power slam. Luger gets Windham up in the Torture Rack. Windham gets near the ropes and pushes off to get out and then belly to back suplexes Luger. Double count going. Both men up at 7. Luger puts Windham on the top turnbuckle. Luger goes for the superplex. Windham pushes him off. Windham hits a top rope lariat on Luger. Windham with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He hits another lariat on Luger. Windham with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Windham goes up top. He does a modified dropkick to Luger from the top rope and gets another two count. Harley Race and Mr. Hughes are shown coming down the ramp way. Windham goes over to Hughes and Race talks to Luger. Luger jumps Windham from behind after Race tells him that now’s the time. Luger hits a piledriver on Windham and pins him. New WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger. Luger gets the title and leaves with Race and Hughes.
-Jim and Tony recap what just happened.
-Mixed Tag Team Match. Paul E. Dangerously and Arn Anderson VS. Rick Steiner and Missy Hyatt: The Hardliners grab Hyatt before she can get in the ring and take her away. This was because the Maryland State Athletic Commission would not allow mixed tag matches. Steiner and Anderson start. Anderson trying to run Steiner into the cage. Steiner with a side headlock. Anderson pushes off. Steiner comes back with a clothesline. Steiner catches Anderson with a big power slam. Steiner goes after Paul E and gets a knee from behind by Anderson. Steiner reverses an Irish whip and gets Anderson up in a bear hug. Paul E hits Steiner from behind with the cell phone. Paul E takes off his boot and gives it to Anderson. Anderson climbs to the second rope and Paul E holds Steiner for Anderson to hit. Steiner shrugs off Paul E and hits a Steinerline to Anderson as he is coming off the second rope with the boot. Steiner then hits Paul E with a Steinerline and pins him to win.
-Jim and Tony talk about the match and also wonder what the relationship is between Lex Luger and Harley Race and Mr. Hughes. They push the rest of the Bash tour and remind everyone that the next PPV is Halloween Havoc before signing off from Baltimore as the end credits are shown.
Final Thoughts: Interesting to see once, but not up to multiple viewings. The We Want Flair stuff is interesting.

Episode 109 Notes Thu, 30 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 077281f2-ef26-4576-9904-5aa02b06fd83 My Notes for Episode 109: SNME January 1987. -New Years Eve 2011 and the corkscrew.
-Today we look at the SNME from January 1987 from the WWF.
-SNME IX aired on NBC on January 3, 1987. It was recorded December 14, 1986 from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, CT. There were 10,000 in attendance and the show did a 10.6 rating.
-Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorff say Hulk Hogan, you've got nowhere left to go and nowhere left to hide. Orndorff says Hulkamania dies tonight.
-Hulk Hogan is shown inside the big blue cage. He says nowhere to run? Nowhere to hide, Mr. Wonderful, I like that idea man. The supreme part of pro wrestling, the cage. Let it be the judge and if a mere mortal man like Hulk Hogan goes down, let it be, but Hulkamania, Mr. Wonderful, will live forever.
-Jimmy Hart says Roddy Piper, do you remember this when you did it to Adrian Adonis as they showed the clip of Piper hitting Adonis with his crutch on a previous edition of SNME. Adonis says tonight, I'm back and it's payback time for Adorable Adrian. Happy New Year Roddy.
-Mean Gene Okerlund is with George Steele and asks him what he has in store for Randy Savage. Steele says Surprise!
-Harley Race says he is the King of wrestling and the Junk Yard Dog just like every other man, will learn to bow to him in servitude.
-The Junk Yard Dog says Harley Race, you want the Dog to bow down to you? The Dog don't bow down to no man but the good Lord above.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura talk about the show. Jesse says Hulk Hogan can't run in a cage and there will be a new champion tonight. Vince says it's the first time a steel cage match has been on Network television. Jesse says only one man is going to walk out of the cage and it ain't going to be Hogan. Jesse says it's good they are in Hartford because Bobby Heenan has taken out a large insurance policy on Paul Orndorff's new championship belt. They then throw it to Mean Gene who is with Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorff.
-Mean Gene asks Heenan if he has purchased Championship belt insurance and Heenan says you bet I have. Mean Gene says since Orndorff refuses to be interviewed, let's go back to the time Orndorff betrayed Hulk Hogan. Heenan is irate, saying Orndorff didn't betray anybody. All he did was wrestle Hulk Hogan in Cleveland. He beat that man, he left him laying and when he finishes with Hulk Hogan tonight, he's going to be like an old newspaper, lining the bottom of a birdcage. They then leave.
-Steel Cage match for the WWF Championship. Hulk Hogan VS. Paul Orndorff with Bobby Heenan: As Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorff come to the ring, they Show referee Joey Marella at the cage door. Then referee Danny Davis shows up, building on his heel referee gimmick that he was doing at the time. This is called foreshadowing.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Mean Gene says it's been a long and winding road as the Beatles put it. Hogan says well Mean Gene, it has been a long road, but I can promise you, it all stops here. All the Hulkamaniacs, they're ready for a new start and a New Year and the steel cage is a dead end for Mr. Wonderful. Mean Gene says in the last year, Hulk Hogan, you established yourself as the finest practitioner ever in steel cage competition. Why didn't you settle this feud with Orndorff earlier? Hogan says Mean Gene, the steel cage is the most brutal arena of human competition. It is the last resort man, as Mr. Wonderful is about to find out.
-Hulk Hogan gets a great reaction as he comes out. Jesse says he's already heard this music. Vince says that's because Paul Orndorff stole the music and tonight he'll try to steal, cajole, whatever possible to get the WWF title. Hogan goes around and tests the strength of the steel cage. Jesse says nothing will be stolen in a steel cage. Hogan climbs over into the cage and tears his t-shirt. He gets attacked by Orndorff as soon as his feet hit the mat. Orndorff hitting Hogan with forearms to the back. He rips the title off of Hogan and starts to hit him with it. He then starts kicking Hogan while Hogan is face down on the mat. Orndorff then goes for the door. Hogan hangs onto his ankle. Orndorff drops an elbow on Hogan. He goes for the door again and again Hogan grabs his ankle. Orndorff rakes the eyes. Orndorff with some boots and a clothesline to Hogan. Orndorff then drops an elbow on Hogan. Orndorff then starts to climb up. Hogan grabs him by his hair. Hogan choking Orndorff on the top of the cage. Jesse says Hogan would not be the champion if Orndorff was bald. Hogan punching Orndorff in the head. Hogan dragging Orndorff over the top back into the cage. Hogan rams his head against the cage. Orndorff falls between the ropes and the cage. Hogan takes off his headband and chokes Orndorff with it and Jesse is irate. Orndorff down to his knees and Hogan hits him with a right hand. Another right knocks Orndorff down and Hogan starts to climb the cage. Orndorff rushes over and grabs Hogan's leg. Orndorff with a shot to Hogan's stomach. An uppercut knocks Hogan down to the mat. Orndorff dropping knees on the prone Hogan. Orndorff starts to crawl for the door. Hogan grabs his leg. Orndorff goes to drop the elbow on Hogan, but Hogan moves. Hogan hulking up! Orndorff starts to climb the cage. Hogan drags him off the cage. A big right hand drops Orndorff to the mat and Hogan goes for the cage door. They have trouble unlocking the door and Orndorff grabs Hogan. Orndorff clips Hogan's knee. Orndorff drops a knee on Hogan. Orndorff drops another knee on Hogan. Orndorff headbutts Hogan on the mat. Orndorff runs Hogan's head into the mat. Orndorff goes to run Hogan into the cage. Hogan blocks it and runs Orndorff into the cage instead, but Hogan also goes into the cage with the momentum and both men are down on the canvas. Both men struggle to get to their feet., then both start to climb the cage on opposite sides. They both drop down. Jesse says Orndorff hit first. Vince says Hogan won. Joey Marella raises Hogan's hand and Danny Davis raises Orndorff's hand. The referees start to argue and Davis shoves Marella down. Hogan starts to argue with Davis. Hogan grabs Davis, but gets attacked by a high knee from Orndorff from behind. Orndorff runs Hogan's head into the cage. Orndorff arguing with Marella. Howard Finkel announces to the crowd that the match is a tie. He says that the match must continue. When they come back from commercial break, Orndorff has Hogan by the hair and is trying to drag him back in the cage. He throws Hogan back in. Orndorff climbs up top and hits Hogan with a shot off the top rope. Orndorff rubs something in the eyes of Hogan as Davis is shown being carried away. Orndorff drops a knee on Hogan. Orndorff drops a fist on Hogan. Then another fist drop on Hogan. Orndorff with a clothesline to Hogan as Jesse accuses Vince of biased announcing towards Hogan. Orndorff drops a fist on Hogan. Hogan hulking up again. Orndorff hammers away at Hogan to no effect. Hogan blocks a shot and hits Orndorff with big right hands. Then a series of chops to Orndorff. Hogan runs Orndorff into the cage. He runs him into the cage several times. Orndorff selling hard. Hogan with a backbreaker. Leg Drop. Hogan starts climbing the cage. Heenan gets through the door. He grabs Hogan by the leg. Hogan kicks Heenan off. Orndorff starts to climb, but Hogan pulls him off of the cage. Hogan with two big right hands and an atomic drop to Orndorff. Hogan then runs Heenan into the cage. Hogan goes over the top of the cage as Orndorff goes for the door. Hogan gets to the floor first. Jesse calls it an atrocity as he says that Orndorff won the match earlier. Hogan goes back in the cage and nails Heenan again. He atomic drops Heenan through the cage door. Hogan must pose as Jesse and Vince look at the raw footage from earlier showing Hogan and Orndorff hitting the ground at the same time. Jesse says Orndorff was 300th of a second quicker. Vince says both men will never be the same again. Jesse agrees with that. Jesse says it's better to be lucky than good and that Hulk Hogan is lucky.
-Highlights of what has happened between Randy Savage, Elizabeth, and George Steele.
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Gene asks Elizabeth what she thinks the surprise is. She starts to answer, until being told to shut up by Savage. He says he's the champion and nobody cares about Elizabeth. He tells her to get moving and threatens Gene as they leave.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Randy Savage with Elizabeth VS. George Steele: Mean Gene interviews George Steele about his "surprise". We get absolutely nothing from this video as he says surprise, Elizabeth, and see. Steele comes to the ring and gives his LJN figure to Elizabeth. Jesse thinks that is the big surprise and is unimpressed. Savage rips the doll away and it bounces hard on the mat and Steele attacks Savage from behind. He lifts Savage up by the throat and slams him down. He gets Savage in a headlock and runs him into a corner turnbuckle. Steele with a scoop slam. Then another scoop slam. Steele then signals to someone in the back. Savage attacks Steele from behind. He chokes him with the top rope, but Ricky Steamboat's music hits and he comes racing down to ringside, tears his shirt off, and points at Savage. Savage is distracted by Steamboat and gets slammed off by Steele. Steele throws Savage over the top rope to the outside. Steele grabs Elizabeth at ringside and takes her away down the aisle to the roar of the crowd. Jesse says that is kidnapping. Savage gets up and sees what's happening and starts to go after Elizabeth, but Steamboat is standing in his way. A group of referees are keeping Steamboat away from Savage as they show a flashback of Savage injuring the throat of Steamboat. When they come back from commercial, Steamboat is still trying to get in the ring at Savage. Steele comes back to the ring without Elizabeth. Steele runs Savage into a turnbuckle. Steele then tears the top turnbuckle apart. He throws some of the stuffing into Savage's face. He then throws some into the referee's face. He then scoop slams Savage. Steele then tears another turnbuckle apart. Savage gets Steele against the turnbuckle and hits him with a series of jabs. Savage throws Steele into another corner, but Steele gets his boot up on the charge in. Steele follows that up with a series of right hands. Steele then bites Savage on the forehead. Savage comes back with some boots to the gut of Steele. Savage with an Irish whip and goes for a clothesline, but Steele bites his arm. Savage with a right hand that knocks Steele outside. Steele takes an object out of his pants and hits Savage with it. Savage is knocked to the outside and the referee is looking for the object on Steele. Steele pushes the referee down as Jesse says he is going to talk to President Jack Tunney about this situation. Savage picks up the ring bell and hits Steele with it from behind. Savage then gets the pin. Savage goes up top with the bell, but Steamboat runs back down again and blocks him from using it. Savage leaves to go look for Elizabeth while Steamboat brings Steele back to consciousness. The crowd gives Steele and Steamboat a great ovation.
-Mean Gene interviews Harley Race and Bobby Heenan. They flashback to Race being proclaimed the King of Wrestling. Heenan says he is a superior athlete and Race says he's the King of Wrestling, the King of all Wrestling, and everyone should bow to him in servitude. Mean Gene starts to ask another question, but Race says I said bow and makes Gene get on his knees. Gene says you'll never get JYD to bow like that. Heenan says he's going to be on his hands and knees and he will guarantee that. Heenan and Race then left. As Heenan and Race come to the ring, Vince and Jesse talk about Race winning the King of the Ring Tournaments that were held.
-Mean Gene interviews the Junk Yard Dog. JYD says this country has never had a King or Queen. I get what he is saying even though it isn't true. He says his parents told him to bow down to the good Lord and no one else. He says Harley Race, who do you think you're dealing with?
-The Junk Yard Dog VS. Harley Race with Bobby Heenan: As JYD gets in the ring, Vince is upset that Danny Davis is the referee. Race with a cheap shot while JYD was distracted talking to Davis. Race with a side headlock and a shot to JYD's throat. Race then drops an elbow on JYD. He gets a two count. Race with another shot. Race with an Irish whip and a high knee to JYD. He drops a knee on JYD. Gets another two count. JYD coming back with some right hand jabs. JYD with a corner whip and Race goes shoulder first into the post. JYD with a headbutt. Race with an eye rake. Race with a belly to belly suplex. Race with a headbutt and they say it hurt Race worse as we have reached the 80's insensitivity portion of the show. JYD with two headbutts and a corner whip and Race goes up and over to the outside. Heenan goes to check on Race and a weasel chant goes out. JYD grabs Race's crown and robe and brings them into the ring and puts them on. The crowd loves it. Jesse says he can't do that until he wins the match. Heenan comes in and attacks JYD from behind. Heenan backs up when JYD turns around. JYD nails Heenan with a right hand and Heenan spins around. JYD continues to hit Heenan allowing Race to hit him from behind with a forearm from the top rope. Race drops an elbow on JYD. Heenan and Race both attacking JYD. The bell rings. Race continues to drop knees on JYD as the bell rings. JYD wins by DQ, but keeps getting beat down by Race. Heenan puts the robe and crown on Race. Heenan gets JYD by the arms when he is on his knees and he and Race try to get JYD to bow. JYD starts to go after Race, but get grabbed by Davis. JYD headbutts Davis.
-They show Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorff in the locker room. Orndorff is mad and says he should be the champion. Heenan tells him he is going to get the footage, go to Jack Tunney's office, and in less than a month, Orndorff will be declared the champion. Mean Gene comes in and says this can't be the way that they wanted to start the new year. Orndorff gets irate, but Heenan calms the situation down by saying he's taking the footage to Toronto. They show the footage again and Jesse says they are more doctored than the Watergate tapes.
-Mean Gene interviews Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart. They showed Roddy Piper injuring Adonis with the crutch again. Adonis says that would have put out an ordinary wrestler, but he can take a lickin and keep on tickin. He says Piper what he is going to put on you, not even Ajax will get off. Hart says you couldn't keep Adonis out of the ring for a million bucks.
-Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. Piper says Adonis has humiliated him. He says he's made a lot of mistakes in his time. It ain't a shame to get knocked down. The shameful part is not getting back up. Piper says the fact that Adonis is prostituting his sport eats him inside. The fact that he has a chance to go get Adonis in the ring, that eats him inside. He ain't fighting for money, he's fighting for pride.
-Roddy Piper VS. Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart: Piper with a fantastic ovation coming out. Piper throws his kilt on Adonis and bites his head. Piper with a hip toss out of the corner. Piper with a right hand and another hip toss. Piper with a knee lift. Adonis up and over and caught in the ropes. Piper with a kick to knock Adonis down. Piper with a corner whip and Adonis flips upside down in the corner. Piper bites Adonis' forehead. Adonis falls down on the mat. Piper slings Adonis across the ring as they announce Elizabeth has been released from George Steele's protective custody. Piper slams Adonis' injured arm down on the top rope. Adonis with two uppercuts to Piper's midsection. Adonis attacking Piper in the corner. Adonis ripping Piper's flesh with his fingernails as a Roddy chant goes out. Back and forth. Piper coming back with some right hands. Piper running Adonis face first into the mat. He looks to the crowd for approval before doing it again. Adonis reverses an Irish whip and gets Piper in the Goodnight, Irene sleeper. They tumble to the outside. Piper with some right hands and then grabs Hart when he tries to come over to interfere. Piper punches Hart. Adonis then grabs the atomizer and hits Piper with it and then squirts him in the eyes. He sprays it over and over. Piper can't see to get back in the ring and gets counted out. Piper finally does make his way back in the ring and hip tosses referee Joey Marella thinking it is Adonis. The other referees come in with a towel for Piper and lead him out of the ring.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says it feels great to have beaten Paul Orndorff. Mean Gene tells him that Bobby Heenan is planning on disputing the end of the match. Hogan says he hit the ground first and then went on to beat Orndorff again. He is looking forward to the new year, new challenges, and bigger and better things. Be careful of what you wish for, Hogan.
-Blackjack Mulligan VS. Jimmy Jack Funk: Billed as the battle for Texas. Funk complains that Mulligan still has his spurs on. Funk attacks Mulligan as he takes them off. Mulligan reverses a corner whip. Mulligan with a corner clothesline that knocks Funk to the outside. Funk goes to attack Mulligan on the outside, but gets back body dropped by Mulligan as they go to an interview Mean Gene did with Mulligan earlier. He talks about his New Years Party and says that it has been decided that Jimmy Jack Funk doesn't even belong in Texas. Mulligan with a clothesline. Mulligan with a corner whip and a back elbow to get the pin. Mulligan gets Funk's noose and goes to hang him over the top rope, but Funk slips out of it pretty quickly.
-Vince and Jesse recap what happened that night, including Roddy Piper being sprayed in the eyes, Ricky Steamboat coming back, and the controversy surrounding the cage match before signing off from Hartford.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: A fun little show to waste an hour on. The cage match was good. The George Steele/Randy Savage feud went on forever, but at least we got Ricky Steamboat coming back out of the match.

Episode 108 Notes Thu, 23 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 72d69c49-87f0-461a-ba2a-6b13e413b595 My Notes for Episode 108: AWA Christmas 1982 -I’m doing my annual Christmas show viewing of the season. Frosty is strange. Hocus Pocus is the underrated hero of that story. The naming of Frosty is weird. They throw out Harold and Bruce first. Then some kid flashes the peace sign and says Christopher Columbus. The other kids must know that he is problematic even then because they shoot that down right away. Then the little kid says Oatmeal and they turn on him and say Oatmeal? Like he had suggested Lucifer as the name. His suggestion is just as valid as anyone else's.
-Today we look at the 1982 Christmas Night show from the AWA.
-Christmas 1982 was a cold one. My dad still talks about trying to get us to my grandparent’s house on Christmas Eve and there being ice on the inside windshield.
-AWA Christmas Night Show took place 12/25/82 from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.
-Presented in the most complete form possible due to technical difficulties.
-Baron Von Raschke VS. Jacques Goulet: Joined in Progress. Goulet with his boot to the throat of a fallen Von Raschke. Curt Hennig is the referee and he is trying to separate the two as they are tangled up in the ropes. Goulet picks Von Raschke up only to knock him back down. Goulet rakes his face with his boot. Goulet with a face lock. The crowd comes to life trying to motivate Von Raschke. Von Raschke fighting to get to his feet. They trade shots and Von Raschke falls back down. Goulet drops an elbow. That gets a two count. Goulet with a chin lock. Von Raschke not giving in and fighting to get out of the hold. Hennig checking the arm. It falls twice, but not the third time. Hennig checks and catches Goulet with the choke hold, so he has him break it. Goulet slaps Von Raschke who is trying to get back to his feet. Goulet then spits on Von Raschke. Goulet grabs Von Raschke by his ears. Von Raschke with a kick and a big right hand to Goulet. He runs Goulet into the corner turnbuckle. Goulet with a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Von Raschke goes in. Goulet hits him with a boot to the stomach. Goulet gets Von Raschke down and stomps him in the groin. Goulet stomps Von Raschke again while he is down on his knees. He drives him into a corner with a bear hug. He hits him a few times and goes back to the bear hug. Von Raschke with a series of forearms to try and break the hold. Von Raschke with an Irish whip. He misses a back elbow and Goulet hits him with a dropkick. Goulet applies his scorpion headlock submission to Von Raschke, who is fighting it. Von Raschke starts to go out and the fans are trying to make some noise to get behind him. Goulet has him down and gets a two count. Goulet can’t make Von Raschke submit. Von Raschke is starting to come back. Goulet gets another two count. Hennig checks the arm, but it doesn’t fall three times. Von Raschke makes it back to his feet. Von Raschke puts the claw on Goulet. Goulet goes backwards after having his hold broken. Goulet goes up and over the ropes and Von Raschke still has the claw on him. Hennig makes Von Raschke break the hold. He does and drives Goulet into the corner turnbuckle. Von Raschke with a forearm and slingshots Goulet back into the ring. Von Raschke with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Goulet hits a dropkick. Goulet goes for a scoop slam, but Von Raschke gets him in an inside cradle and gets the pin.
-Ken Patera VS. Steve Olsonoski: Joined in progress. Olsonoski has Patera down with an arm lock. Patera gets out and hits a couple of knee lifts to Olsonoski. Patera throws Olsonoski out. He goes out after him and throws him back in. Patera goes up top and thinks about going off, but doesn’t. He kicks Olsonoski. Olsonoski reverses a corner whip and Patera driven to the mat. Olsonoski drops a fist on Patera. Olsonoski throws Patera to the outside. Olsonoski goes out after him. He slams Patera’s arm against the corner post. Olsonoski rolls in to break the count, then goes back outside again and slams Patera’s head into the ring apron area. Patera kneeling in the corner and begging off. Patera with a couple of fists to Olsonoski to knock him down. Patera with a knee to the back of Olsonoski. He drops an elbow on Olsonoski. That gets a one count. Patera gets a bear hug on Olsonoski. Olsonoski is fighting it. He hits forearms to Patera’s back to try to get out of the hold. Referee Jim Mitchell is checking to see if Olsonoski wants to submit. Olsonoski trying to break the hold by punching Patera. Mitchell checking the arm, but it doesn’t go down three times. Olsonoski growing weaker as he is trying everything to break the hold. Olsonoski with a double clap to the ears to break the hold. Olsonoski falls down afterwards and Patera hits him with a stomp. Back and forth with a series of shots. Olsonoski hits some boots to the midsection. He runs Patera into the corner turnbuckle. They both end up on the apron before coming back in. Olsonoski dragging Patera back out. Olsonoski drives Patera’s head into the ring apron. Olsonoski with an atomic drop to Patera on the outside. They are fighting on the outside of the ring and Patera runs Olsonoski’s head into the ring apron. Patera gets Olsonoski back in the ring and then hits him with a suplex. Both men down. Double count going. A Steve O chant goes out. Patera goes for another suplex, but Olsonoski slips behind him and puts a sleeper on Patera. Patera drives Olsonoski back into a turnbuckle to break the hold. Patera with a boot to the stomach. Patera with an Irish whip. Olsonoski comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Olsonoski with a shot to the midsection. Then a kick to the midsection. Olsonoski with a scoop slam to Patera. He drops an elbow on Patera. He gets a two count on Patera. Patera begging off. Olsonoski with a right hand to Patera. Olsonoski with a backbreaker. Gets a two count but it was an extremely slow count. Olsonoski with a neck breaker. Olsonoski with an elbow smash from the second rope. Gets another two count. Olsonoski goes for another neck breaker, but Patera holds on to the ropes. Patera drops an elbow. Patera then pins Olsonoski with his feet on the ropes. Olsonoski disputes the finish and is trying to tell the referee what happened. Patera throws a chair in the ring, but Olsonoski grabs it before Patera can.
-Rick Martel VS. Bobby Heenan: Joined in progress as Martel is working over Heenan’s leg. Heenan gets to the ropes. Martel stomps his leg. Martel stomping the back of the knee of Heenan. Heenan rakes the eyes to get Martel off of him. Martel swinging wildly trying to hit Heenan. Heenan attacks the face again. Heenan with a rear headlock. Curt Hennig is the referee again. Martel with a takeover on Heenan to break the hold. Heenan kicks Martel in the gut. Then an elbow to Martel. Heenan with a corner whip, but Martel moves on the charge in. Martel goes back to working on the leg. Martel gets Heenan tied up in the corner and hits him in the groin or inside thigh a couple of times. Martel finally breaks on the four count. Heenan hits Martel with an illegal object. Heenan with knees to Martel’s back. Heenan with an Irish whip and a double shot to Martel. Gets a two count. Heenan with another Irish whip, but Martel ducks the double shot and comes back with a crossbody. He gets a close two count. Martel with some right hands to Heenan. Heenan gets tied up in the ropes. Martel with a shoulder block to Heenan while he is tied up in the ropes. Heenan ducks when Martel tries it again and Martel spills to the outside of the ring. Heenan goes out to the apron and stomps on Martel as he tries to get away. He then runs Martel head first into the apron. He then does it again when Martel tries to get back in the ring. He then stomps Martel’s fingers trying to do anything to prevent Martel from getting back in. Martel tries to come in another way, but Heenan again slams his head down. Martel finally gets back on the apron and Heenan attempts to run his head into the turnbuckle, but Martel blocks it and runs Heenan into the turnbuckle instead. Heenan begs off, but Martel unloads on him. Martel with a corner whip and a backdrop to Heenan. Martel with a dropkick, then another one. Martel with an atomic drop. He then dropkicks Heenan shoulder first into the corner post. Martel then pins Heenan. The crowd loves it.
-For some reason, the last two matches featured are from the 1981 Christmas Card.
-AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Nick Bockwinkel VS. Billy Robinson: Joined in progress. Robinson with a side headlock. Bockwinkel pushes off. Robinson with a shoulder block. Robinson goes back to the side headlock. He gets Bockwinkel back down on the ground. Robinson has the hold in snug, but Bockwinkel won’t give up. Bobby Heenan now at ringside to second Bockwinkel and a weasel chant goes out. Robinson bridges up when Bockwinkel tries to get out of the hold to drive him back down again. Bockwinkel gets out and Robinson hits him with a forearm and a side headlock takeover. Heenan gets up on the apron claiming Robinson grabbed hair and the referee shoves him off. Bockwinkel pushes off and then slams Robinson. Robinson kicks out and hits a series of European uppercuts. Robinson goes back to the side headlock takeover. Bockwinkel slowly gets out of the hold and applies a front face lock to Robinson on the mat. Robinson lifts his legs up and claps Bockwinkel on both ears to break the hold in an awesome move. Robinson then attacks Bockwinkel on the back. He gets a one count. Robinson with a headlock, but Bockwinkel gets his foot on the ropes. Bockwinkel rolls outside to regroup with Heenan. Back in, test of strength. A good back and forth with moves and counters. Robinson with a hamstring pull on Bockwinkel. Goes back to the headlock. Bockwinkel gets back to the ropes to break the hold. They circle each other. They lock up and Bockwinkel with a side headlock. Robinson with a leg move to reverse the hold. Side headlock takedown to Bockwinkel and Robinson is awesome. Robinson gets a one count. Robinson cranks the hold. Robinson gets several one counts, but Bockwinkel keeps getting his shoulder up on the hold. Robinson finally starts to get two counts while applying the hold. Bockwinkel struggles to get back to his feet while Robinson still has the hold on. Bockwinkel makes it back to his feet and reverses into a hammerlock. Robinson reaches down and gets Bockinkel’s leg to force him back down on the mat. Robinson is really impressing me. He gets up. Bockwinkel goes to hit him and Robinson cartwheels by him. Bockwinkel gets him with a body drop the second time. Robinson with a hip toss, but hurts his arm in the process. Robinson by the ropes. Bockwinkel trying to work over the shoulder while the referee is trying to get him away. This happens a couple of times. Robinson finally rolls to the outside. Bockwinkel comes over and hits Robinson with some forearms through the ropes. Robinson struggles to get back in the ring and Bockwinkel attacks him as soon as he gets to the ropes. Robinson goes around the ring and gets in another way. Bockwinkel on the attack. Robinson with a right hand to Bockwinkel, but Robinson’s shoulder is injured. He falls to the ground holding it. Bockwinkel kicking the shoulder. Bockwinkel puts a hammer lock on the injured arm. Robinson makes it to his feet. Bockwinkel adjusts and gets an arm bar on. Robinson down to one knee. Robinson comes back and tries to break the hold. Robinson tries a Beal throw, but Bockwinkel holds on to reapply the hold. A Billy chant goes out as he tries to get out of the hold. Robinson reverses into a chicken wing like maneuver. Bockwinkel gets to the ropes. Bockwinkel knocks Robinson to the outside. Robinson gets back in the ring and hits Bockwinkel with a European uppercut and a neck breaker. He then drops a knee on Bockwinkel. He goes to pin Bockwinkel, who gets his foot on the ropes. Robinson with a backbreaker. Bockwinkel kicks out at two. Back and forth. Robinson goes for an enziguri, but misses and goes out over to the apron. Bockwinkel applies a sleeper. Robinson gets his legs up and pushes back on the top rope. He and Bockwinkel fall back in the ring and it appears as if Robinson has Bockwinkel’s shoulders down as the referee counts to three. The crowd goes crazy. Heenan comes in irate. The referee all of a sudden comes over and raises Bockwinkel’s hand and he is announced as the winner. It is very confusing. Heenan and Bockwinkel get out of the ring suddenly. The ring announcer says both men’s shoulders were down, but at the last second, Bockwinkel raised his shoulder. The crowd is not happy with the result. They are about to become even unhappier. As we go to...
-Hulk Hogan and Tito Santana VS. Bobby Duncum and Ken Patera with Bobby Heenan: Joined in progress. Hogan gets Duncum down and drops a leg on his arm. Santana tagged in. Hogan holds Duncum’s arm so Santana can kick him. Santana with a wrist lock. Duncum with a scoop slam. He misses the elbow drop when Santana moves. Santana with an arm drag. Hogan tagged back in. He kicks Duncum and applies an arm bar. Duncum makes it back to his feet and to the ropes to break the hold. Duncum with an Irish whip, he misses the clothesline. Hogan with an elbow smash to Duncum. Hogan with another leg drop to Duncum’s arm. Hogan goes back to the arm bar. The referee is tied up with Patera, so Hogan and Santana take the opportunity to switch places, confusing the referee. The referee makes Hogan get back in. Hogan with a big forearm. He reapplies the arm bar. Duncum gets to the ropes. Patera tagged in. The crowd comes to life waiting for the match. Lots of stalling going on. They lock up. Hogan pushes Patera back to the turnbuckle. Patera charges Hogan, who drops down, and Patera runs directly into a punch from Santana. He turns around and Hogan punches him. He bounces between the two getting punched as the crowd cheers. Patera finally falls face first on the mat. Hogan with an eye poke and the crowd is roaring its approval. He runs Patera into the boot of Santana. Santana tagged in. Patera misses a wild swing and Santana hits an atomic drop. Santana then punches Duncum on the apron. Patera comes back with punches to the stomach and jaw. Patera with a knee to Santana knocking him down. Patera grabs Santana by the trunks and hits him with a knee to the back. A Tito chant goes out. Patera with a big slam to Santana. Patera then goads Hogan into coming in, allowing Duncum to attack Santana. Duncum then tagged in. Double inverted stomach buster. Hogan tries to break it up. Duncum choking Santana while the referee is getting Hogan out. Santana trying to come back with punches to Duncum’s stomach. Patera grabs him to deliver a forearm blow. The referee is counting. Santana tries to tag Hogan in, but gets cut off by Duncum. A punch to the throat knocks Santana to the mat. Duncum drops some knees on Santana’s back. Duncum runs Santana into Patera’s boot in the corner. Patera tagged in. Hogan comes in and goes after Duncum. The referee gets Hogan out as Patera has Santana in a front face lock. Patera with a suplex on Santana. He gets a two count. Patera kicks Hogan’s hand out of the way so he can’t tag. Patera with a bear hug. Santana with a clap to the head to get out of the hold. Duncum tagged in. Duncum with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Hogan breaks up the tag. Hogan goes after Patera on the outside while Duncum and Santana battle inside the ring. Hogan goes after Patera with a chair, so Patera retreats. The referee stops Duncum from choking Santana in the ropes. Duncum with a backbreaker. Patera tagged in. Santana coming back with some right hands to Patera. Hogan tagged in. He slams both Patera and Duncum, who has gotten into the ring. Big boot to Duncum. Patera gets scoop slammed. Hogan drops an elbow on Patera. Then another one. He runs Patera into Santana’s knee. Santana tagged in. Santana goes for a dropkick, but Patera holds on to the ropes. Santana lands on his feet and hits Patera with a second dropkick. Patera reverses a corner whip. Patera misses the charge in. Santana drops an elbow on Patera’s knee. Hogan tagged in. He drops the leg on Patera’s knee. Santana tagged back in. Santana with a step over toe hold and pinning predicament. Heenan gets up on the apron. Hogan goes over and grabs him, which brings the referee over and allows Duncum to come in and attack Santana. Duncum Irish whips and clotheslines Santana. Hogan brings Heenan in and runs him into Duncum. Hogan then throws Patera out of the ring. The bell rings. Hogan throws Heenan down. Hogan with an Irish whip and a running elbow smash to Duncum. The referee disqualified Hogan for throwing Patera over the top rope. Hogan then throws Heenan out. He throws Duncum out. Patera tries to come in, but drops to the floor when Hogan goes after him. The crowd cheering Hogan as the heels leave. Hogan checks on Santana as they sign off from St. Paul.
-Final Thoughts: A decent way to spend an hour if you’re into classic wrestling.

Episode 107 Notes Thu, 16 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] e5ca4e0f-5bb0-4459-a113-bcfda75097d6 My Notes for Episode 107: Clash of the Champions 15.
  • -My kingdom for a doughnut. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XV from WCW. -Clash of the Champions XV: Knocksville, USA was shown on TBS on June 12, 1991 from the Civic Auditorium in Knoxville, TN. There were 5,000 in attendance and the show did a 3.9 rating on TBS. -Clash intro. -Missy Hyatt welcomes us to the Clash. She is interrupted by Paul E. Dangerously asking why she didn’t tell him they were coming on live. She gives him the mic and walks away. He throws it to Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone at ringside. -They welcome us and talk about some of the matches we are going to see tonight. -The Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin and Badstreet with DDP and Big Daddy Dink VS. The Young Pistols Tracey Smothers and Steve Armstrong and The Z-Man Tom Zenk: Zenk and Garvin start and lock up. They break clean on the ropes. Zenk with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Zenk comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk reverses a hip lock. Then Hayes comes in and Zenk hip locks him. Zenk dropkicks both Freebirds. Smothers and Armstrong with crossbodies on the Freebirds from opposite corners. The faces clear the ring. Freebirds outside to regroup. A Freebirds suck chant goes out. Hayes tagged in and Smothers also tagged in. Hayes with a kick to the gut and a chop to Smothers. Corner whip, but Smothers jumps to the outside to avoid the charge in. He then kicks Hayes in the face getting back in. Garvin comes in and Armstrong slams him off of a turnbuckle. The Young Pistols slingshot Zenk in who double clotheslines the Freebirds. Garvin tags in. Smothers with a side headlock. Garvin tags in Badstreet and then pushes off. Freebirds with a series of ducks and leapfrogs to cross Smothers up and Badstreet clotheslines Smothers to the outside. Badstreet with a corner charge to knock Zenk and Armstrong off the apron. Freebirds Irish whip and guillotine Smothers on the outside barricade. They keep Smothers from trying to get back in the ring. Badstreet throws Smothers back in. Garvin holds Smothers for Hayes to punch. Badstreet also punching Smothers. Armstrong comes and attacks Badstreet while Zenk attacks Hayes. All 6 men in. The heels throw the faces out. They come back in and attack the heels again. Heels again throw the faces out. The faces come back with triple sunset flips to the heels to get the pin. -Hokey ending with the sunset flips. -The Great American Bash Sweepstakes commercial. All about living like Ric Flair. This does not age well considering what’s about to happen between Flair and WCW. -Oz with The Great Wizard VS. Johnny Rich: Oz with a knee to the gut and pushes Rich into a corner. Another knee to the gut of Rich. Hip toss out of the corner. Oz with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, but hits a shoulder block. Oz with a clothesline. Oz picks Rich up on the two count and he Irish whips and hits a big boot. Forearm to Rich’s back. Side slam to Rich. Spinning powerbomb to Rich to get the pin. -A feature on PN News. -Dan Spivey VS. Big Josh: They lock up and Spivey with a forearm on the ropes. Big Josh counters it with some big lefts. Back and forth with shots. Spivey with an eye rake and a headbutt. Spivey with a corner whip and a big corner clothesline. Spivey with some shots. Big Josh responds with a waist lock takedown. Spivey reverses an Irish whip and takes Big Josh down with a Japanese arm drag. Spivey with a big boot. Kick to Big Josh. Big Josh blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Spivey comes back with a clothesline to Big Josh. Spivey with another corner whip, but Big Josh moves on the charge in. Big Josh hits a belly to back suplex. Big Josh slams Spivey. Kevin Sullivan comes down the aisle with a crutch. He breaks the crutch on the back of Big Josh. Spivey with a clothesline and a German suplex to pin Big Josh. -WCW Top 10: 10. Steve Austin 9. One Man Gang 8. Barry Windham 7. Arn Anderson 6. Sting 5. Nikita Koloff 4. Bobby Eaton 3. El Gigante 2. The Great Muta 1. Lex Luger World Champion: Ric Flair -Paul E. Dangerously presents The Danger Zone with Jason Hervey. Paul E. starts to ask Hervey questions, but cuts him off before he can answer. He then asks Hervey if he is dating Missy Hyatt and Hervey says yes. He asks him if he has a new car and house and Hervey says yes what this has to do with anything. Paul E. mentions his dad being a lawyer and something about prenuptial agreements before asking Hervey if he and Missy are in love. Hervey asks him how it felt to get his butt kicked by a woman. The crowd cheers. Paul E. comes back and asks if everything in his life is new, how come his girlfriend is used merchandise? Hervey says he didn’t come out to get insulted by Paul E. He then ends the interview and goes to leave and Paul E. attacks him from behind with the phone. Missy Hyatt comes out to go after Paul E. who jumps out of the ring and to check on Hervey. -Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talk about the attack on Jason Hervey. -Dustin Rhodes VS. Terry Taylor with Alexandrah York and Mr. Hughes: They lock up and Taylor runs Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes pushes his way out. Taylor kicks him in the leg. Rhodes reverses a corner whip and hits a corner clothesline. He gets a two count. Taylor rolls to the outside to regroup and Rhodes screams at him to get back in. Back in, Rhodes with a big right to knock Taylor down. Taylor goes for a kick, but Rhodes catches his leg. Rhodes nails a right hand and an inverted atomic droop. Then a regular atomic drop. Rhodes with two right hands and a corner whip, but misses the charge when Taylor moves and Rhodes hits his shoulder into the post and falls to the outside. Taylor follows him out. Taylor runs Rhodes head first into the barricade. Taylor suplex Rhodes back inside the ring from the apron. He gets a two count. Rhodes trying to come back with right hands. Taylor with an inverted jaw breaker on Rhodes. A modified powerbomb gets a two count. Taylor with an Irish whip. Rhodes turns it into a sunset flip for a two count. Taylor goes for a neck breaker. Rhodes counters into a backslide for a two count. Taylor with a big right hand to Rhodes. Taylor with a corner whip, but Rhodes gets the boot up on the charge. Back and forth. Rhodes with an atomic elbow drop. Rhodes with punches to Taylor in the corner. He beats Taylor to the ground. Rhodes drops an elbow for a two count. Rhodes with an inverted atomic drop. Rhodes hits a bulldog as Mr. Hughes gets on the apron distracting the referee. Rhodes comes over and hits Hughes to get him off as Ricky Morton comes into the ring. The referee signals for the bell. Hughes hits Rhodes in the kidneys with his black gloved hand and Morton attacks Rhodes. Hughes holds Rhodes’ legs down as Taylor and Morton kick him. Big Josh comes in with the ax handle to drive the heels off. -A feature on Johnny B. Badd. -Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talk about what happened between Sting and Nikita Koloff at SuperBrawl. -Nikita Koloff VS. Sting: Sting with a great ovation as he comes out. He sprints to get into the ring and is attacked by Koloff as he gets in. Koloff with a series of forearms to Sting’s back. Koloff with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Koloff with a scoop slam. A USA chant goes out. Koloff with another Irish whip and a shoulder tackle to Sting. Koloff throws Sting to the outside. A double ax handle to Sting by Koloff on the outside. He runs Sting into the barricade. Koloff throws Sting back into the ring. He wastes too much time screaming to the crowd and pointing at Sting. Sting lands a knee into Koloff’s stomach. Sting hits a piledriver on Koloff. Koloff no sells it and stands right up. He knocks Sting down. Koloff with a forearm and a kick to Sting’s face. He kicks Sting several times while he is down. Koloff yelling at the crowd again. Koloff hits a tombstone piledriver on Sting. He gets a close two count. Koloff kicking Sting in the rib cage. Sting makes it back to his feet. Koloff with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Sting goes for a sunset flip. Koloff doesn’t go down however and hits Sting in the head. Koloff poses over Sting’s body. So Sting raises his legs and hooks Koloff’s arms and hooks him for a two count. Koloff goes back to kicking Sting. Koloff with shots to Sting’s gut. Koloff with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Koloff yelling at the crowd. Koloff with more shots to Sting’s midsection. Koloff with shots to Sting’s face in the corner. More kicks to the midsection of Sting. They say Sting may have cracked ribs. Koloff has Sting up against the ropes. He then takes Sting and lands blows on his midsection. More kicks and punches to the midsection. Koloff is focusing on the midsection. Koloff with a snap mare. Koloff drops an elbow. He throws Sting to the outside. Koloff follows. Koloff goes to Irish whip Sting into a barricade, but Sting reverses it and Koloff goes into the barricade instead. Sting tries to get back in the ring. Koloff with a shot to Sting’s back before rolling him back in. Koloff goes for another tombstone, but Sting reverses it and hits a tombstone on Koloff. Sting making a comeback with chops and kicks. He punches Koloff into a corner. He corner whips Koloff and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Koloff moves. Koloff goes for the Russian Sickle, but Sting ducks and Koloff hits the corner and Sting rolls him up for the pin. -Tony Schiavone is in the ring to welcome PN News who is joined by Peppa and Spinderella from Salt N Peppa. PN News does a rap. The crowd gets into it. Schiavone starts to interview him, but they get interrupted by Teddy Long and Johnny B. Badd. Long says Badd is the original rap master and Badd says News is nothing but a big old ugly bear. News says no and if Badd wants some, he’s right here. News then pushes Badd and Badd and Long leave. -Feature on The Diamond Studd. -Loser leaves WCW match. Barry Windham and Arn Anderson VS. Brian Pillman and El Gigante: Anderson and Pillman start. Pillman blocks a shot and chops Anderson. Pillman then blocks a hip toss and gets a backslide. Anderson kicks out and goes for a scoop slam and Pillman falls on him. He gets a one count. Windham tagged in. They exchange shots in the corner. Windham reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Pillman comes back with a spinning heel kick. Windham with a headlock takeover. Pillman reverses into a headscissors. Windham with a right hand to break the hold. Windham with a DDT. He gets a two count. Windham runs Pillman into Anderson’s boot and Anderson tagged in. Anderson runs Pillman’s face along the top rope. Pillman reverses a corner whip. Anderson gets a knee up on a Pillman corner charge. Anderson goes up to, but gets dropkicked off by Pillman and Anderson falls to the outside. Pillman then knocks Windham off the apron. He then jumps on the top rope and delivers a blow to Anderson on the outside. He rolls Anderson back in. Anderson wanders into the wrong corner, punches El Gigante in the chest, and El Gigante grabs Anderson by the throat. Anderson almost choked out before referee Randy Anderson can break the hold. Pillman with a power slam on Windham. He then gets up on El Gigante’s shoulders to deliver a crossbody to Windham. Anderson breaks up the pin attempt. Pillman reverses an Irish whip attempt by Anderson and power slams Anderson. Pillman goes up top, but Windham trips him as he starts to jump off. El Gigante puts the claw on Anderson on the outside. Windham kicks Pillman in the face and pins him. Pillman has to leave WCW. He would emerge shortly thereafter in a mask as the Yellow Dog. -Paul E. Dangerously with a Great American Bash Report. He outlines some Bash tour dates before talking about the PPV and showing highlights of last year’s PPV. -Jim and Tony talk about the IWGP Tag Team Championship Match coming up and show how the Steiner Brothers won the titles. -IWGP Tag Team Championship Match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. Hirosi Hase and Masahiro Chono: Scott and Hase start the match. They battle for position. Scott with a waist lock. Hase makes it to the ropes. Hase with a single leg pick up. Scott flips to get out of it. Scott then gets a single leg and boots Hase in the face. Hase reverses an Irish whip, leapfrogs Scott and Scott goes back to the single leg takedown. Hase hits an enziguri to knock Scott out of the ring. Back in, Hase with some big chops to Scott. Scott reverses an Irish whip and hits a hot shot. He gets a two count. He gets a couple more two counts, but Hase won’t stay down. Hase bridges out of the move. Hase with a back thrust kick to put Scott on his back. He goes to pick Scott up and Scott hits a belly to belly suplex. Rick tagged in. Chono also tagged in. Rick with kicks and forearms to Chono. Rick with an Irish whip. Chono holds onto the ropes and delivers a big kick to Rick’s face that shatters his head gear. Another kick to the head. Several more kicks and Rick comes back with a Steinerline. Scott tagged in. Scott with a forearm blow. He picks Chono up on his shoulder and Rick tagged in again. He drops the elbow driving Chono into the mat. Back and forth as they exchange blows. Hase tagged in. Rick reverses a waist lock with one of his own. Rick with a belly to back suplex. JR works in the Steiner Brothers athletic careers IYDAH. Hase reverses an Irish whip and does a fireman’s carry slam. Chono tagged in and hits a top rope shoulder block to Rick. Chono then hits a fall away slam on Rick. Chono puts the STF on. Scott and Hase fighting on the outside distracting referee Nick Patrick. Scott gets on the top rope to break up the hold but slips and then breaks the hold on Rick. Rick reverses an Irish whip. Double clothesline and both men down. Scott and Hase tagged in. Scott with an Irish whip and a Steinerline. Scott with another Irish whip and a tilt a whirl slam. Hase reverses an Irish whip and Scott hits a double under hook powerbomb. Scott hits a top rope belly to belly on Hase. Chono breaks up the pin attempt. Hase slips out of a suplex attempt and gets a full nelson on Scott and into a full nelson suplex and pin attempt that Rick breaks up. Chono in and hits Rick with an enziguri to knock him outside. Double clothesline to Scott. Double Irish whip and clothesline attempt by Hase and Chono. Rick grabs Chono by the leg and Scott hits the Frankensteiner on Hase to get the pin. The Hardliners Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater come to the ring and attack everybody. -The Diamond Studd with Diamond Dallas Page VS. Tommy Rich: A woman from the crowd removes Studd’s outerwear. The match starts and Studd attacking Rich. Studd with slaps and chops to Rich in the corner. Back and Forth. Studd reverses an Irish whip and they both block hip lock attempts. Studd with a choke slam. Studd slamming Rich face first into the turnbuckle. Studd with a side slam on Rich. Studd with a second rope splash attempt, but Rich gets his knees up. He runs Studd into the turnbuckle. Studd does a corner whip, Rich goes for a crossbody, but Studd ducks the attempt. Studd hits the Diamond Death Drop. He gets the pin. -Jim Ross interviews the winner of the Sting lookalike contest. His name is Ben and he is from Knoxville. He has his face painted like Sting and a Sting t-shirt on. They bring out Sting to meet Ben. Sting picks Ben up and talks about how excited he is. He puts Ben down and gets attacked by Nikita Koloff and his chain. He starts to go after Ben, but gets stopped by security and officials. Koloff leaves and Ben goes to check on Sting. -Bruise Cruise commercial. -Winner wrestles for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash. The Great Muta VS. Lex Luger: Bill Kazmaier is shown in the crowd. Muta sprays green mist into the air to start. They lock up. Muta to the ropes. Break clean. Another lock up to the ropes and another break clean. Luger with a side headlock takeover. Muta counters with a headscissors. Both back to their feet. They lock up again and Luger back to the side headlock. Muta pushes off. Luger comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Muta with a big chop that Luger no sells. Muta misses a round house kick. Luger hits a back suplex. Gets a two count. Luger with a scoop slam. Luger misses an elbow drop when Muta moves. Muta with kicks and chops to Luger. Muta with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Luger reverses an Irish whip. Luger with a big press slam. Luger with a corner whip, but Muta moves on the charge in. Muta with a spinning heel kick. Muta rams Luger into the corner turnbuckle. Muta goes for a handspring elbow, but Luger moves and Muta goes tumbling to the outside. Luger goes to suplex Muta back in, Muta slips behind Luger and goes to spray him with mist. Luger has his arm up though and blocks most of it. Luger hits a power slam to get the pin. -Feature on Steve Austin. -Steve Austin with Lady Blossom VS. Joey Maggs: Austin with some punches and an Irish whip to begin. Austin with a stun gun to get the pin. Quick match. -Feature on Black Blood. -Tony Schiavone in the ring as the York Foundation officially unveil Ricky Morton as their newest member. They call him Richard Morton and he comes to the ring dressed in a suit. He gets confronted by Robert Gibson in the ring. Gibson wants to know what the deal is. Morton says it’s all about the money. He then attacks Gibson. He piledrives Gibson and attacks him until Dustin Rhodes drives Morton away. -Main Event World Heavyweight Championship Match. Two out of Three Falls. Ric Flair VS. Bobby Eaton: Flair’s last Clash for two years as he would leave WCW in a couple of weeks after being fired by Jim Herd over a contract dispute. It’s a well-known big mess. 1st Fall: They lock up. In the corner and break clean. Another lock up. Back to the corner and Eaton slaps Flair. Another lock up and Flair with a side headlock. Eaton pushes off, but Flair holds and starts chopping Eaton in the corner. Back and forth. Flair pushes off. Eaton comes back with a shoulder block. Eaton drops an elbow on Flair. He clotheslines Flair to the outside. Flair stalls on the outside to regroup. Back in, They lock up and Flair with some forearm shots. He gets Eaton back in the corner to chop him. Eaton fighting back with right hands. Eaton with a corner whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count. Flair with a kick to the stomach. Eaton with a push off and a hip lock. He gets a short arm scissors and gets a couple of two counts. He keeps flipping Flair over so that he can’t break the hold. Flair finally gets to the ropes. Eaton with some right hands in the corner and working on Flair’s arm. Eaton with a Hammerlock. Flair with a drop toe hold to get out of it. Flair chops Eaton in the corner and Eaton responds with a big right hand that knocks Flair down. It goes outside. Flair ambushes Eaton as they are about to go back in. It causes Eaton to fall back outside from the apron. A Bobby chant goes out. Flair chops Eaton when he gets back in the ring. Flair throws Eaton into a corner and his head hits the post. Flair stomping and choking Eaton down in the corner. Flair with a snap mare. Flair drops a knee on Eaton. He gets a two count. Then another one. Flair with an under hook suplex. Flair gets a two count with his feet on the ropes. Flair goes back to chopping Eaton in the corner. Eaton fighting back with right hands. Flair with a kick and an elbow and Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Flair corner whipped and goes over to the apron to the floor. Eaton brings him back in. Eaton with an Irish whip and a backbreaker. Eaton with a swinging neck breaker. Eaton with a scoop slam. Eaton goes up top and hits the Alabama Jam and gets the pin. Second fall: Eaton attacking Flair with shots in the corner. He slings Flair out of the corner. Flair with a kick to Eaton’s stomach. Back and forth. Eaton counters a hip lock attempt with a back slide. He gets a two count. Flair tries to slam Eaton who falls on him for another two count. Eaton with another neck breaker. Eaton starts to go up top, sees Flair start to get up, and climbs down to punch Flair. Eaton goes up top. Flair hits the ropes and Eaton falls to the outside. Eaton’s knee hits the floor. Eaton gets counted out. Third fall: Flair goes out after Eaton and chops him. He throws Eaton back in the ring. Eaton comes back with a right hand. He sets Flair up on the top rope. He superplexes Flair off. That gets a two count. Flair with a back suplex. Flair with the figure four on. He uses the ropes for leverage and gets caught. He drags Eaton to the center of the ring and goes for the figure four again, but Eaton rolls him up for a two count. Flair with a shoulder block to the knee. Flair gets the figure four on. Eaton trying to get out of it. Flair using the ropes again. Eaton gets counted down. Flair retains the title. -Tony and Jim put Eaton over hard. They then recap what has happened before signing off from Knoxville as the end credits roll. -FINAL THOUGHTS: Interesting main event. Card overall is a mess as WCW really didn’t have a direction at this point and the Flair drama behind the scenes wasn’t helping.
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    Episode 106 Notes Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 8f2a5567-141c-4a3b-bfbb-74cf0d74ad27 My Notes for Episode 106: SuperBrawl
  • -The Funeral story We went to the wake for a woman I didn’t know. I know 7 people here. I’m minding my own business when I am put in a situation that made me uncomfortable. My wife is oblivious. Do you still live at the lake? -The rest of Thanksgiving week and flying home. -The BBQ Shirt. -Today we take a look at the first SuperBrawl from WCW. -SuperBrawl took place May 19, 1991 from the Bayfront Arena in St. Petersburg, Florida. There were 6,000 in attendance. -Intro. -Gary Michael Cappetta introduces Brandy Brown to sing America the Beautiful. The video messes up here at the beginning. She does a good job. -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes are our announcers for the evening and welcome us to SuperBrawl. They preview some of what we are going to see tonight. -Match for the vacant United States Tag Team Championship. The Young Pistols Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Diamond Dallas Page and Big Daddy Dink: DDP has a headset mic on and he’s annoying right out of the gate. Hayes with an arm drag and Armstrong responds with a roll up for a two count. Hayes throws Armstrong to the outside. Freebirds throw Armstrong to Dink, but Armstrong takes him out then hits the Freebirds with a double clothesline. Armstrong with a side headlock. Hayes pushes off and Dink trips Armstrong allowing Hayes to kick him while he’s down. Brad Armstrong comes to the ring and says if they want to go three on three then he and the Pistols are ready. Armstrong leaves as the referee ejects Dink from ringside. Smothers and Garvin both tagged in. Freebirds beating down Smothers who ducks and goes to his corner. Freebirds follow only to see Armstrong on the top rope. They put the brakes on only for Smothers to clothesline Garvin and Armstrong to crossbody Hayes. The camera misses most of this because WCW. Smothers with a baseball slide to Garvin on the outside. Garvin goes after Smothers who tags Armstrong in. Armstrong with a rollup, but Garvin holds on to the ropes. Double shoulder block by the Young Pistols to Garvin. Hayes tagged in. Smothers tagged in. Smothers with a side headlock. Hayes pushes off. Hayes with a leapfrog and Garvin pulls the rope down and Smothers goes crashing to the outside. Freebirds drop Smothers face first onto the barricade. Smothers makes it to the apron, but Garvin kicks him off again. Smothers gets back in. Garvin with a scoop slam. Gets a two count. Garvin punching Smothers in the face as a Badstreet chant goes out. Smothers coming back. Garvin with a boot to the stomach. Hayes tagged in. Hayes with a chop. Smothers reverses a corner whip and does some punches to Hayes from the turnbuckle. Hayes misses an inverted atomic drop, but hits Smothers with a slap. Garvin tagged in. Smothers with a big karate kick to Garvin. Hayes and Armstrong tagged in. Armstrong with a backdrop. Armstrong with shots to both Garvin and Hayes. Scoop slams to both Freebirds and now all four men in the ring. Both Young Pistols go for the top rope dropkick but both miss. A DDT chant goes out. Garvin throws Armstrong out, but Smothers hits both Freebirds with a top rope double clothesline. Another double clothesline knocks the Freebirds outside the ring. Armstrong with a double crossbody to the Freebirds on the outside. Hayes back in and Armstrong picks him up and Smothers delivers a top rope back elbow to Hayes. They then slingshot Garvin back in and Smothers picks him up and Armstrong delivers a top rope dropkick, but the referee is also accidently taken out. A masked man comes in and attacks the Young Pistols. It’s Fantasia soon to be Badstreet because we don’t want to get on the bad side of Disney’s lawyers. It’s also Brad Armstrong under the mask so he actually interfered for both teams during the match. He does a second rope DDT to both Young Pistols. The referee recovers as Hayes pins Smothers. New US Tag Team Champions. -Ricky Morton VS. Dan Spivey: Spivey with big forearms in the corner to Morton to begin. He tosses Morton out, but he lands on his feet and delivers shots to Spivey’s head. Spivey throws him out again, but again he lands on his feet and comes back in and delivers more shots to Spivey’s head. Spivey tosses him out yet again and goes out after him, but Morton back into the ring immediately and delivers shots to Spivey again. Morton with an Irish whip to Spivey, but Spivey comes back with a DDT. Spivey with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Morton. Gets a two count. Spivey with a delayed power bomb. Morton trying to come back with some shots to Spivey. Morton shot off into an Irish whip, but ducks a clothesline and goes for a crossbody but gets caught by Spivey. Spivey with a slam and a leg drop. Gets a two count. Spivey with a left hand and a scoop slam. Morton hits a Japanese arm drag. Spivey with a corner whip, but misses the corner charge. Morton rolls him up for a two count. Morton goes for a dropkick, but Spivey holds onto the ropes. Spivey misses an elbow drop. Spivey blocks a Morton shot and delivers a power bomb to Morton and pins him with one foot. -Tony Schiavone and Missy Hyatt interview the Z-Man. He says he’s been out 6 weeks with a torn bicep, but it’s healing and he wouldn’t miss all the great action. Then Tony talks to Missy about going back into the dressing room and shows what happened to her at WrestleWar ’91. Missy asks Tony what he’s laughing at. She says she is going back because she knows what she’s doing and it’s her job. That was certainly a segment, not a necessarily good one, but a segment. -Tommy Rich VS. Nikita Koloff: Koloff comes out with the black singlet, shaved head, and a Russian chain around his neck as God intended. Rich with a quick body press, but Koloff throws him off. Koloff with some shots and forearms to Rich in the corner. Koloff misses a corner charge and Rich gets a roll up for a two count. Rich gets a side headlock on. Koloff responds by driving his shoulder into Rich in the corner. Rich reverses it with some right hands. Rich hits a running elbow. Rich misses a second one and his face hits the ring post. Koloff with a scoop slam. Koloff running his shoulder into Rich in the corner again. Koloff with a snap mare. Koloff drops an elbow on Rich. Gets a two count. Rich comes back with a back elbow and a European uppercut. Rich runs Koloff’s head into the turnbuckle. Rich then mounts the turnbuckle and delivers blows to Koloff. Koloff reverses a corner whip and Rich tries a reverse crossbody, but Koloff ducks. Koloff hits the Russian Sickle and gets the pin. -Tony Schiavone interviews newcomer Johnny B. Badd and manager Teddy Long. Badd comes out and you can tell that he is a Dusty Rhodes creation because he is pushing him heavily on commentary. Badd is not good starting out, but credit to him for getting better. Very much a Little Richard clone including voice here. JR and Dusty talk about Badd and Dusty talking about his left hook. -Dustin Rhodes VS. Terrance Taylor with Alexandra York and Mr. Hughes: Dustin chant goes out as they lock up. Dustin with a shoulder block. Gets a two count. Shoving match. Another lock up. Taylor with a hip toss. Dustin with an arm drag. Dustin with an arm lock. Taylor rolls out to confer with York and her computer. Back in, Taylor with a wrist lock, Dustin counters with a back elbow. They exchange punches in the corner. Dustin with a hip toss. Taylor goes for a crossbody as Dustin goes for the Bionic Elbow so Dustin swings around into a side headlock. Dustin with an arm drag into an arm bar. Taylor gets to the ropes. Taylor goes outside again. Dustin blocks a suplex attempt and gets one of his own. That gets a two count. Dustin with a shoulder block. Dustin leap frogs and goes for a crossbody but Taylor ducks and Dustin lands on the outside on the ramp. Taylor goes after him. Runs Dustin’s throat on the top rope. Taylor suplexes Dustin back in the ring. Taylor drops a knee on Dustin to get a two count. Taylor with a scoop slam. Taylor goes for a shot from the second turnbuckle, but Dustin gets his foot up. Dustin with some shots to Taylor and then he backdrops Taylor. Dustin hits a lariat. Then Dustin with an Irish Whip into an inverted atomic drop. He gets a two count, but Taylor is by the ropes. Dustin hits a bulldog, but York has the referee distracted. Mr. Hughes comes up on the apron and holds Dustin for Taylor to hit. Dusty getting angry on commentary. Hughes puts a glove on and Taylor holds Dustin for him to hit, but Dustin ducks and Taylor gets hit, and Dustin nails Hughes and pins Taylor. -Dusty and JR talk about the next match coming up. -Big Josh VS. Black Bart: Bart is a sub for Larry Zbyszko, who is recovering from a knee injury. Big Josh brings a couple of bears down to ringside with him. Josh is of course Matt Borne. Lock up and Bart with some shots. Josh reverses a hip toss. Then another one and a clothesline by Josh. Bart with some big shots in the corner. Josh with some kicks and a wrist lock. Bart with a hip lock takeover, but Josh keeps the hold on as he rolls through. Back up, Bart with some chops and slaps to Josh in the corner. Bart with a snap mare. Back and forth. Bart with Josh against the ropes in a choke. Josh with an arm takedown of Bart. Then another one. Josh with a double ax handle and a sit down splash to win the match. -The Danger Zone with Paul E. Dangerously. He comes out with khaki shorts, a pink shirt, and a cowboy hat on. He brings on his guest, Stan Hansen, who has the chewing tobacco in and coming out of his mouth and running down. Not a fan. He says he’s standing here and nobody came forward to wrestle him tonight. He challenges Dustin Rhodes to come and fight him. Then he leaves. Paul E. berates the sound guy then throws the microphone down to a Paul E. chant. -Then, as much as you might want to avoid it, next we have the debut of OZ. A green strobe light flashing in my face and smoke on the ramp way. Kevin Sullivan comes out dressed as the Great Wizard. They have people dressed as Dorothy and company. Sullivan has a real monkey on his shoulder. It is quite the spectacle. Sullivan keeps saying Welcome to OZ. I have no words. Credit to Kevin Nash for overcoming this. OZ with the Great Wizard VS. Tim Parker: OZ has powder in his hair and beard to make it look gray. He does some shoulder blocks and a helicopter slam to win. -Missy Hyatt is shown going into the locker room to get an interview. She interviews Taylor about his loss and he is frustrated. He said the situation between Dustin Rhodes and the York Foundation is not over. He then tells her that Z-Man might be in the shower, but it is Stan Hansen. Ray Charles could have seen where this was going. He spanks her with his hat and kicks her out of the locker room. -Taped Fist Match. Brian Pillman VS. Barry Windham: JR gets Pillman’s stats in football in IYDAH. They lock up and Windham with a shoulder block. Windham with an Irish Whip. Pillman with a shoulder block. Windham with a leapfrog. Pillman counters a hip toss. Fast paced match. Pillman with a shoulder block and Pillman punching Windham’s head. Pillman attacking Windham in the corner. Windham covering up. Windham with a big boot and some right hands. Windham goes up top, but Pillman dropkicks him off the top rope. Pillman then hits a right hand from the top rope to Windham on the outside. Windham runs Pillman into the ring post. Both men bleeding. Windham throws Pillman out onto the ramp. He then drops him onto the barricade from the ramp. Back in, Windham misses a clothesline and Pillman hits a spinning heel kick. Pillman with some chops and Windham rakes the eyes. Pillman dropped down throat first on the ropes again. They trade shots. Windham with a belly to back suplex. Windham with a side headlock. Pillman pushes off and they collide head first. Pillman reverses a suplex on Windham. Pillman goes up top, but gets caught by Windham with a nut shot. Windham hits the superplex for the win. -The Diamond Mine with DDP. He still has his headset mic on and doesn’t know we can hear him asking if he’s on. He has two diamond dolls with him. He shows a video of Sting and Lex Luger. They say they are ready for the Steiner Brothers. He then brings out The Diamond Studd played by Scott Hall. DDP’s interview skills would get a lot better. -Stretcher Match. Sid Vicious VS. El Gigante: El Gigante brings the stretcher down with him. Sid is on his way out so the finish should be predictable. They lock up. Vicious with a boot to the gut and some shots. El Gigante reverses an Irish whip and gets a clothesline. Vicious rolls out. Back in, Vicious with some shots to El Gigante’s leg. El Gigante gets his leg up on a Vicious corner charge. El Gigante puts the claw on Vicious and pins him. The One Man Gang and Kevin Sullivan attack El Gigante as Vicious rolls out of the ring not on a stretcher but on his way to the WWF. El Gigante puts Gang on the stretcher as Sullivan throws powder in his face. They attack him with a chain and the stretcher, but run when he gets back up. -Thunderdoom Cage Match. Ron Simmons VS. Butch Reed with Teddy Long: Long will be suspended above the ring in a cage. JR gets all the football credentials in IYDAH. They slug it out to begin. Simmons with an atomic drop and a clothesline. Reed Irish whipped into the cage. Simmons goes for the shoulder block, but Reed drops down and Simmons goes shoulder first into the steel. Simmons reverses a corner whip. Simmons with a belly to back suplex. A peanut head chant goes out. Reed with an elbow drop from the second rope. Simmons runs Reed into the cage. Reed running Simmons into the cage head first. Reed biting Simmons and Simmons appears to be bleeding. Reed with a snap mare. Reed with some shots to Simmons in the head. Reed with a double ax handle to Simmons. Simmons with an Irish whip, but Reed holds on to the ropes as Simmons goes for a dropkick. Reed choking Simmons up to a four count. Reed run into the cage. Simmons with some shots. Reed runs Simmons into the cage to get out of being hit. Reed drops Simmons on the top rope throat first. Reed with a piledriver to Simmons. Gets a two count. Reed choking Simmons with the top rope. He picks Simmons up and runs him into the cage. Reed with some big shots. Gets another two count. Reed with a rear chin lock. A go Ron go chant from the crowd. Simmons back up and hitting some elbows to Reed to get out of the hold. Simmons with an Irish whip, but Reed comes back with a swinging neck breaker. Reed then hits a top rope shoulder block. Simmons gets his foot on the rope to stop the count. Reed with a kick to the gut and goes for a splash, but Simmons gets his knees up. Simmons with a backdrop. Reed reverses an Irish whip and hits a knee to the jaw of Simmons. Double clothesline and both men down. Long throws something down. It’s a chain and Reed gets it. Simmons ducks Reed’s shot and hits a spinebuster to get the pin. -Dusty and JR talk about the next match. The Steiners VS. Sting and Luger. Video package of both teams. -WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. Sting and Lex Luger: Rick and Luger start. Crowd barking along with Rick. They lock up and battle for position. Lock up and Luger with an arm drag. Rick then with a takedown. Luger gets to the ropes. Lock up and Luger with a side headlock. He takes Rick down and Rick counters into a leg scissors into a double leg pickup. Luger gets to the ropes. Break. Rick with a side headlock. Back to the ropes and another break. Luger shot off and comes back with a block that knocks Rick out. Luger with a power slam. Luger gets a power slam for a two count. Luger with a corner charge, but misses when Rick moves. Rick with a belly to back suplex. Rick with a Steiner Line. Gets a two count. Rick with a corner whip and a backdrop to Luger. Luger comes back with a big clothesline of his own. Luger with a big press body slam. Sting tagged in. Sting clotheslines Rick to the outside, then does a tope to Rick on the outside and that fires the crowd up. Back in, Sting with some kicks and a bulldog to Rick. Sting picks Rick up and runs him into the corner. Sting misses the Stinger Splash as JR mentions that Sting and Rick used to be partners in the UWF. Scott tagged in. Double arm power bomb. Scott with a tilt awhirl on Sting. Sting reverses an Irish whip and hits a stun gun on Scott. Luger tagged in and suplexes Scott. Sting tagged back in. Scott with an inverted atomic drop. Scott with a belly to belly from the top turnbuckle. Gets a two count. Puts Sting on the turnbuckle again. Scott goes for a clothesline, but Sting ducks and Scott lands on the broadcast table. Luger tags in and suplexes Scott back into the ring from the apron. Gets a two count. Irish whip to Scott and Luger goes for the rack, but Scott turns it into a takedown. Luger reverses an Irish whip into a power slam. Luger goes for the Torture Rack and Scott counters with a side Russian leg sweep. Luger Irish whips Scott, but he tags Rick halfway through. Rick hits Luger with a bulldog off the top rope. Elbow drop by Rick that gets a two count. Sting hits a dropkick off the top rope to Rick. Referee gets Scott and Sting out of the ring and Luger and Rick exchanging rights. Back and forth. They both avoid moves after an Irish whip and collide in a double knockout. Double count going. Sting and Scott both tagged in. They exchange right hands. Sting with a fall away slam. Sting with an Irish whip but drops his head. Scott with a shot to Sting’s back. Sting reverses a tombstone piledriver with one of his own. Rick makes the save. Luger comes to take Rick out and gets both Rick and the referee accidently. Sting hits the Stinger Splash. He goes for the Scorpion Death lock. Nikita Koloff comes sneaking down the aisle looking to hit Luger with his chain. Sting pushes Luger out of the way and gets hit by the chain. Scott covers Sting to get the pin. Match of the night. -Tony Schiavone tries to interview Nikita Koloff as you see Sting running towards the back. Koloff says Sting was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sting attacks Koloff and they start to go at it. They are fighting all through the building and then go to the outside. Koloff grabs a chair, but Sting takes it from him. -World Television Championship Match. Arn Anderson VS. Bobby Eaton: A Bobby chant goes out. Slow to start. Back and forth. Eaton with a big right hand. Anderson with a kick to the stomach. He drags Eaton’s face across the top rope. Anderson with some shots. Anderson reverses a corner whip and Eaton with a knee and a boot to Anderson. Eaton with a clothesline to Anderson. That gets a two count. Eaton with an arm bar. Anderson gets to the ropes. Anderson with some shots that knock Eaton to the outside. Anderson runs Eaton into the top turnbuckle as he tries to get back in. Anderson throws Eaton off the turnbuckle face first on the ramp. Eaton reverses a piledriver attempt on the ramp into a backdrop. He backdrops him back into the ring. Eaton goes up top and delivers a double ax handle to Anderson. That gets a two count. Eaton with an arm bar. Anderson gets to the ropes. Anderson wraps Eaton’s leg around the ring post to injure it. Anderson continues to focus on the leg. Anderson with a leg lock standing and using the ropes for leverage when the referee isn’t looking. Eaton finally pushes off and Anderson goes chest and head first into the corner. Eaton runs Anderson’s head into three turnbuckles. Anderson striking the knee and Eaton down again. Anderson bangs Eaton’s leg down on the apron. Eaton with some right hands. Both men down. Anderson with a leg lock on Eaton while Eaton has a chin lock on Anderson. Anderson comes down on the knee again. Eaton reverses a suplex, but can’t get Anderson fully over. Anderson goes back to the leg. Eaton kicks the back of Anderson’s head to get out of it. Eaton with a big right hand. Anderson with a snap mare. Anderson with a splash from the ropes, but Eaton gets the knees up. Anderson catches Eaton in a spinebuster. He gets a two count. Anderson goes for a second rope double ax handle, but Eaton gets a right hand to Anderson’s stomach. Eaton hits a neck breaker. He slams Anderson down and goes towards the top rope. Barry Windham comes out to stop Eaton, but gets caught by Brian Pillman. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam. He then pins Anderson to be the new TV Champion, but you don’t see it because the camera cuts to Pillman chasing Windham to the back. Typical WCW. Take a shot IYDAH. The crowd loves it. A Bobby chant goes up. -Tony Schiavone is outside of Tatsumi Fujinami’s dressing room. Schiavone talks to Hiro Matsuda. He says that the belt is going to go with them back to Japan that it belongs to them. -WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair VS. Tatsumi Fujinami: Flair looks all business coming to the ring. Bill Alfonso is the backup official. Tiger Hitori is the main official. They shake hands as the bell rings. Back and forth. Fujinami with a shoulder block. Amateur wrestling. Flair with a takedown. Flair with a front face lock. Fujinami with a hammer lock. They are in the corner and those chops come out as Flair has Fujinami in the corner. They chop each other from corner to corner. Fujinami with an Irish whip and a high backdrop. Fujinami with a drop toe hold. He turns it into a bow and arrow. JR works in Flair’s broken back in an airplane crash IYDAH. Flair kicks Fujinami back into the corner. He comes back with a flip and grabs Flair’s legs. Flair flips over and has Fujinami’s shoulders down. He gets a two count. Fujinami trying to reverse it, but Flair grabs some hair and they trade chops again. Fujinami gets the Boston crab on. Fujinami then has Flair in the Sharpshooter. Flair with a modified suplex. Flair with a thumb to the eye. Fujinami with a flying forearm. He gets a two count. Fujinami suplexes Flair back in from the apron. Fujinami with two shots to Flair that send him over the ropes. They exchange shots on the outside. Flair drops Fujinami crotch first on the barricade. They trade more shots. Back in, Flair attacks Fujinami’s leg. He drops down on Fujinami’s knee. Flair gets the figure four on and the crowd comes to life. Flair slaps Fujinami’s face while in the hold. Fujinami reverses it. Flair breaks the hold. They trade chops again. Fujinami gets the Sharpshooter on again. Flair gets to the ropes. Fujinami gets a couple of two counts. Flair in a side headlock and counters with a belly to back suplex. Flair drops a knee on Fujinami. Flair gets a side headlock. Flair trying to bridge out of a pinning situation. Flair tosses Fujinami to the outside. Fujinami runs Flair into the barricade. He then runs Flair into the post. Back in, and Flair is busted open. Back and Forth. Fujinami with a big chop. He hits a big corner whip to Flair. Flair run into the top turnbuckle. They trade shots. Fujinami tosses Flair out of the corner. Flair goes for the Oklahoma Roll but misses it. Flair falls out of the ring and collapses. Flair with a thumb to the eye. He goes up top but gets caught so take a shot IYDAH. Flair slammed off. Fujinami goes for the Octopus. A USA chant goes out. Flair finally breaks the hold. Flair then collapses again. Both referees checking Flair’s head to see if he can continue. Flair chopping Fujinami in the corner. They trade shots. Flair collapses again. They collide again and both knocked outside to different sides. Back in, Flair goes to slam Fujinami, who just falls on Flair for a two count. Flair with some more chops. Fujinami Irish whipped and comes back with an inside cradle. He gets a two count. Fujinami with another roll up. Flair pushes off and Fujinami butts heads with Tiger Hitori. Flair rolls Fujinami up and Bill Alfonso counts the pin. A minor bullshit chant goes out. Fujinami is extremely upset and wants Flair to come back and fight. Fujinami’s chest is purple from all the chops he received. Gary Michael Cappetta announces Flair as the winner and still champion. -Dusty Rhodes and Jim Ross recap what we have seen tonight. They show the last few minutes of the main event. They sign off from St. Petersburg and show the PPV credits.
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    Episode 105 Notes Thu, 02 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 83d77c82-3536-4f6b-9d07-c1598c3bf90f My Notes for Episode 105: Hell in a Cell 2011. -Hello again everyone, I am back and I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. I had a very memorable time.
    -My wife and I left Bangor late Friday the 19th. We took an Uber to the airport. The airline offered to check our suitcases for free. We flew out of Bangor fine but our flight from Philadelphia to Raleigh was delayed.
    -We ate at Geno’s.
    -We flew into Raleigh. 6 planes arrived at once and it took us over an hour to get our luggage as my parents and my uncle circled the airport waiting for us.
    -On Tuesday, I got to visit my friends TJ and Jill. If you look on my Social Media, you will see pictures of our meeting.
    -We have partnered with the Marine Toys for Tots program this year to raise money to give those less fortunate Toys for Christmas.
    -Today we look at Hell in a Cell 2011 from the WWE.
    -Hell in a Cell 2011 took place on PPV on October 2, 2011 from the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, LA. There were 9,400 in attendance and the show did 182,000 buys.
    -Dark Match: Daniel Bryan defeated JTG.
    -The intro is as if the cell is speaking. It is very creepy, but well-done video. Live shot of the crowd as Michael Cole welcomes us to Hell in a Cell. He, Booker T, and Jim Ross are our announcers for the evening. They say Jerry Lawler is still recovering from injuries suffered at the hands of Mark Henry.
    -Christian VS. Sheamus: They show highlights of what has happened between Christian and Sheamus the past few weeks. The Miz and R-Truth are shown coming through the crowd and show that they have tickets to the event so they can’t be thrown out. John Laurenitis is shown walking down the aisle. He comes over to Miz and R-Truth who say they bought tickets so they aren’t going anywhere. Laurenitis signals security to kick them out. Miz says they will have to kick everyone out. The crowd around them start to chant let them stay as they are escorted out. The Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Carlos Cabrerra and Marcelo Rodriguez are your Spanish announcers for the evening. Christian and Sheamus lock up. Drive to the corner. Break after a three count. Christian goes out to the apron for a moment before climbing back in. Christian with a go behind. Sheamus with a back elbow. Sheamus with a go behind takedown. They circle each other. Sheamus with a side headlock. Then a takeover. He gets a two count. Back to the side headlock. Christian makes it to his feet. Sheamus with another takeover. He gets another two count. Then a one count. Christian fighting to keep his shoulders up. Christian fights out of the hold and slaps Sheamus. Sheamus comes back with a forearm shot. Sheamus with an Irish whip. Christian blocks a hip toss. Sheamus blocks the reversal attempt. Sheamus with a big clothesline. He gets a two count on Christian. Christian tries to go outside. Sheamus catches him in the ropes. Christian with elbows to Sheamus’ head. Christian goes to the outside. Sheamus follows him to the outside. They both roll back to the inside. Christian with a big slap to Sheamus. Sheamus knocks Christian down. Sheamus goes for a scoop slam. Christian slips behind. Christian with a drop toe hold onto the second rope. Christian goes to the outside to hit Sheamus in the face. Sheamus blocks the shot and hits Christian. Sheamus drags Christian up on the apron and hits him on the chest with forearms. He hits him with 10 forearms and throws him back in the ring. That gets a two count for Sheamus. Sheamus with a corner whip, but Christian gets his boot up on the charge in. Christian jumps from the second rope, but Sheamus catches him. Sheamus hits a fallaway slam. Sheamus goes up top. Christian catches him and pushes him to the outside. Christian goes outside and stomps Sheamus. He slaps Sheamus and Sheamus tries to get away from Christian and Christian follows. Back in the ring, they trade shots. Chrisitan with several forearms and then he puts Sheamus throat first onto the top rope. Christian breaks on the four count. They trade right hands. Christian goes to the second rope and hits a back elbow to Sheamus. Christian jumps on Sheamus’ back and attempts to put a sleeper on Sheamus. Sheamus slams back to get Christian off. Sheamus with a scoop slam. Sheamus goes to drop an elbow, but Christian moves. Christian kicking Sheamus. Sheamus tries to fight back, but Christian easily dodges his shots. Sheamus finally hits Christian in the stomach. Christian hits a running knee to Sheamus’ stomach. Christian with a missile dropkick from the second rope. That gets a one count. Sheamus hits several forearms to Christian to knock him down. Sheamus hits a couple of clotheslines. Sheamus tries a corner charge, but Christian gets the boots up. Sheamus with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Sheamus with a big kick and military presses Christian. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus with a back elbow. Christian with a reverse guillotine on Sheamus on the top rope. Christian with a back kick. Christian goes for a reverse crossbody. Sheamus catches Christian. Sheamus hits a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Sheamus goes for the powerbomb. Christian crawls through his legs. Christian then slaps Sheamus. Then a couple of more slaps to Christian. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. Sheamus climbs to the second rope and gets Christian in a front face lock. Christian with body shots to try to get out of the move. He hits Sheamus in the temple to knock him off the rope. Sheamus tries for a corner charge, but Christian hits a Pele kick to Sheamus’ head. Christian with a tornado DDT. He gets a one count. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus pushes off. Sheamus hits a corner clothesline. Sheamus with a running knee to Christian’s face. Christian with a series of kicks to knock Sheamus to his knees. Christian goes after Sheamus, who kicks Christian to his knees. Sheamus pulls himself by his arms up to the top rope and hits Christian with a shoulder tackle. The crowd loved that spot. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Christian drops down and throws Sheamus to the outside. Christian goes to dive on Sheamus through the ropes, but Sheamus gets a shoulder to the gut. Sheamus with a suplex attempt, but Christian with a couple of right hands to get out of it. Christian slips out of the ring and pulls Sheamus’ feet out from under him so Sheamus goes jaw first into the apron. Christian goes for a baseball slide, but Sheamus grabs his legs. He throws Christian to the outside. Sheamus goes to slingshot Christian into the corner post, but Christian kicks off. Christian hits a Spear on Sheamus. The referee starts counting Sheamus out. He rolls back in on the count of 8. Christian hits Sheamus with another Spear. He gets a close two count on Sheamus. Christian goes for a diving headbutt, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross. Christian counters and goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus counters into a backdrop, but Christian lands on his feet. Christian goes for another Spear, but Sheamus ducks it and hits a Brogue Kick to get the pin.
    -Matt Striker interviews Mark Henry. He starts to ask Henry a question. Henry tells him to shut up and starts to mock Striker asking him how he is going to do since he’s never been in Hell in a Cell. Henry says it’s a different time and he’s a different champion. He doesn’t care where he faces Randy Orton whether its Hell in a Cell or a back alley. Randy Orton is going to join the Hall of Pain.
    -Sin Cara VS. Sin Cara Black: Battle to who will be the real Sin Cara. The bell rings and they lock up. Sin Cara Black with a waist lock and a takedown. Sin Cara Black with a Bow and Arrow like move. Sin Cara flips around to a pinning situation. Gets a one count. Sin Cara with a wrist lock. Sin Cara Black reverses it. Sin Cara reverses it into an arm drag. Several reversals. Sin Cara with a flip out. Sin Cara tries to get the crowd into it. Sin Cara Black with a test of strength. Sin Cara Black going for a pinning predicament, but Sin Cara bridges out to avoid it. Both try moves that the other avoids. Sin Cara Black with a kick to the gut and an Irish whip. He tries a tilt awhirl. Sin Cara lands on his feet. Sin Cara Black with a head scissors takedown. Sin Cara with a head scissors of his own. Sin Cara Black with a kick to the leg. Sin Cara Black with a forearm. Sin Cara Black with an Irish whip. Sin Cara comes back with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara with an arm drag move that throws Sin Cara Black with force to the outside. Sin Cara with a dive onto Sin Cara Black on the outside. Sin Cara with a baseball slide to Sin Cara Black when he tries to get back in the ring. Sin Cara with a moonsault off the ropes, but he misses and Sin Cara Black hits him with his boots as he comes down. Sin Cara Black with a dive onto Sin Cara from the ropes. He gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with a headlock. Sin Cara goes for a back elbow. Sin Cara Black with a dropkick to cut it off. Sin Cara Black runs Sin Cara into the top turnbuckle. Sin Cara Black with some chops to Sin Cara in the corner. Sin Cara Black hits Sin Cara off of the apron. Sin Cara Black with a dive onto Sin Cara on the outside. Sin Cara Black puts Sin Cara in the ring and covers him. He gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with shots and chops to Sin Cara up against the ropes. Sin Cara Black with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Sin Cara Black gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with a headlock again as he seems frustrated that he can’t get the pin. Sin Cara tries to get back to his feet, but Sin Cara Black knocks him back down with a forearm shot. He then kicks Sin Cara in the back. Sin Cara Black with a waist lock. Sin Cara with a back elbow to try to get out of it. Sin Cara Black pushes off and hits Sin Cara with a flying forearm. Both men down. Back and forth with kicks and chops. Sin Cara Black reverses an Irish whip. He misses a springboard elbow. He hits Sin Cara Black with a head scissors on a second attempt. Sin Cara Black rolls outside. Sin Cara with a crossbody to Sin Cara Black on the outside. He gets a two count. Sin Cara with a roll up for a two count. Superkick by Sin Cara. Sin Cara tries for a hurricanrana, but gets caught in a modified powerbomb by Sin Cara Black for a two count. Sin Cara Black goes up top, but gets caught and Sin Cara gets a top rope arm drag on Sin Cara Black. Sin Cara with a corner charge, Sin Cara Black with a backdrop. Sin Cara lands on the apron. Sin Cara hits an enziguri from the apron. Sin Cara goes up top, goes for a diving bomb on Sin Cara Black, who moves so Sin Cara rolls through. Sin Cara Black misses a clothesline. Sin Cara with a rolling sunset flip to get the pin. Sin Cara can now call himself the real Sin Cara.
    -CM Punk is shown putting his wrist tape on. David Otunga comes in. He asks Punk if he can chat with him about something. Punk says no, doesn’t he have an ambulance to chase or something? Otunga says he loves a good lawyer joke. He says he’s not here in that capacity. Otunga says he does have a JD from Harvard and asks Punk where he went to school again? Then he says it doesn’t matter. He’s representing the rights of all WWE Superstars and frankly, that includes Punk. Punk says he doesn’t need some bourgeois lawyer from Harvard representing him. He has his own voice. Otunga says if Punk wins the WWE Championship tonight, he might change his mind. Punk says not if, how he wins the WWE Championship tonight and he won’t change his mind and besides he loves Otunga’s argyle sweater and bow tie, but he hates lawyers. He then tells Otunga to vanish.
    -WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero. After Air Boom comes out, Justin Roberts introduces Vickie Guerrero who comes out with her excuse me gimmick. She then introduces Ziggler and Swagger. Ziggler is the current US champion. Kingston and Swagger Start. They lock up and Swagger with a side headlock. Kingston gets to the ropes. Kingston with a go behind and a side headlock of his own. Swagger pushes off. Swagger knocks Kingston down. Swagger with a back and forth. Kingston with a leapfrog. Kingston with a face smash to Swagger. He gets a one count. Kingston with a European uppercut. Bourne tagged in. Kingston holds Swagger up against the ropes for Bourne to do a stomp on Swagger’s chest. He gets a one count. Swagger with a scoop slam. Ziggler tagged in. Bourne comes back with kicks to Ziggler’s leg to knock him down. He gets a one count. Kingston tagged in. Bourne corner whips Ziggler. Bourne with a back elbow. Kingston follows it up with a flying fist drop. He gets a two count. Bourne tagged back in. Double team head scissors on Ziggler. Bourne with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Ziggler gets the boot up on a Bourne corner charge. Swagger tagged in. He kicks Bourne in the stomach. Swagger runs his shoulder into Bourne several times. He hip tosses Bourne out of the corner. He gets a two count. Swagger slaps Bourne in the head. Swagger pushes Bourne to the apron and tags Ziggler back in. Ziggler stomps Bourne. Ziggler with a snap mare. Ziggler drops an elbow on Bourne. Gets a two count. Ziggler goes for a splash in the corner, but Bourne moves out of the way and Ziggler hits the top turnbuckle head first. Kingston tagged in. He ducks a Ziggler clothesline attempt but falls through the ropes to the outside when Swagger pulls the rope down. Ziggler goes outside to try to get Kingston back in the ring. He slams Kingston’s head down on the apron. He rolls Kingston back in. Gets a two count. Ziggler with a side headlock on the mat. Turns it into a crossface. Kingston fighting to get back to his feet. Ziggler slams Kingston back down by his hair. Ziggler stomps Kingston in the head. Ziggler with a standing dropkick to Kingston. He gets a two count. Ziggler choking Kingston on the bottom rope. Referee Mike Chioda stops him and admonishes him allowing Swagger to also choke Kingston on the ropes. Bourne comes in and gets cut off by Chioda allowing Ziggler to choke Kingston with his boot. Classic heel cheating tactics. Kingston with a shot to the gut of Ziggler. Back and forth. Ziggler pulls Kingston to the heels corner and tags Swagger in. Swagger with shots and stomps to Kingston. Kingston with a kick to Swagger’s head. Kingston with an elbow to Swagger’s gut trying to get out of the heels corner. Swagger with a front face lock and a forearm to Kingston’s back. Swagger pushes Kingston down and back so he can’t make the tag. Swagger then goes over and pushes Bourne off of the apron. Bourne comes in to complain causing Chioda to try to get him out allowing Ziggler to stomp Kingston on the opposite apron. Swagger with a side suplex for a two count. Ziggler tagged in. Ziggler with a snap mare. Ziggler drops an elbow on Kingston. Gets another two count. Swagger tagged back in. A let’s go Kofi chant goes out. Swagger gets the ankle lock on, but Kingston flips over to get out of it. Swagger lifts Kingston up to prevent him from getting the tag to Bourne, so Kingston hooks Swagger’s neck and DDTs him. Both Ziggler and Bourne tagged in. Bourne with a hurricanrana and a shin kick to Ziggler. He hits more kicks to Ziggler to knock him down. He goes after Swagger, who drops down to the floor to avoid getting hit. Bourne climbs the turnbuckle. He hits double knees to Ziggler. That gets a close two count. Ziggler goes for the famouser, but Bourne flips him away. Bourne with a standing moonsault. He gets a two count. Swagger comes in and applies the ankle lock. Chioda starts counting him. Kingston comes in with a crossbody to Swagger to break the hold. Ziggler hits a backstabber on Kingston. Bourne with an inside cradle, but Chioda was distracted. When he finally starts counting, he only gets a two count. Ziggler with a clothesline. Swagger tagged in. Swagger climbs and sits on the top turnbuckle and Ziggler hands him Bourne. Bourne counters it with a hurricanrana and pins Swagger while Kingston grabs Ziggler’s leg to prevent him from interfering. Guererro screaming at Swagger after the match that he can’t do anything right and she doesn’t want to hear about his neck.
    -The Cell lowers for the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
    -Flashback to the people Mark Henry has put in the Hall of Pain and Randy Orton going insane on opponents.
    -Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Mark Henry VS. Randy Orton: Henry out first. A Randy chant goes out. He comes out to a great ovation. They talk about Orton’s experience in the Cell. They circle each other as the match starts and a Randy chant goes out again. Orton attacks and kicks Henry. Then a forearm to Henry. Then punches to Henry in the corner. He kicks Henry out of the ring. Orton follows him out. He goes to run Henry into the structure, but Henry blocks it. Henry picks Orton up on his shoulder to run him into the Cell, but Orton slips behind and pushes Henry into the Cell. He then does it again and then hits Henry with a clothesline. He then stomps Henry in the head and goes back inside the ring. Back in the ring, Orton stomping Henry. He drops a knee on Henry. Orton goes for an apron DDT, but Henry headbutts him to stop it. Henry runs Orton into a turnbuckle. Orton rolls out. Henry grabs him through the ropes and runs his shoulder into the corner post. Orton gets on the apron and starts to stomp Henry at ringside. He jumps on Henry who catches him. He runs Orton into the Cell and the corner post. Orton tries to fight back. Henry picks him up and slams him down on the mat. He gets a two count. Henry headbutts Orton, who falls out of the ring. Back and forth at ringside. Henry picks Orton up and slams him down at ringside. Henry tears apart the ring steps as Booker T says Henry could just roll in the ring and take the count out win and Cole reminds him that it’s Hell in a Cell and there are no count outs. Booker T says my bad, you ain’t got to get hot. Orton up against the Cell. Henry throws the steps at Orton, but he moves. Orton with kicks and punches to Henry. Henry picks Orton up and runs him into the Cell. Henry screams at Orton, “Welcome to my Hell, you understand me?” Henry pushing Orton into the cell. Back in the ring, Orton with kicks to Henry. Henry reverses a corner whip and hits a big corner clothesline on Orton. Henry with a big splash. He gets a two count. Henry with a series of forearms to Orton’s back. Henry with a backbreaker. Then another backbreaker. Gets another two count. Henry with a bear hug. He’s wearing Orton down. A Randy chant goes out. Orton with a series of headbutts trying to get out of the move. Henry picks Orton up and drives him into the corner turnbuckle. He then steps on Orton. Henry with a corner whip and Orton collapses when he hits the corner turnbuckle. Henry goes back to the bear hug. He also headbutts Orton, who is slowly fading. Orton fighting back with punches to try to get out of the hold. He breaks the hold, but Henry then headbutts him. Henry throws him back outside the ring. Henry picks Orton up to slam him on the ring steps, but Orton grabs the Cell and starts to climb it to get away. Orton comes back down and DDTs Henry on the ring steps. Orton then runs Henry into the corner post. He then runs him into another corner post. He rolls Henry into the ring. Orton ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a modified Thesz press on Henry. He punches Henry repeatedly in the head until Henry just pushes him off. The Randy chant goes out again. Orton with a standing dropkick. Orton hits the apron DDT on Henry. Orton goes into his viper routine. He hits the RKO on Henry. He only gets a two count. Orton goes for the punt, but Henry gets him up and hits the World’s Strongest Slam. He then pins Orton. The Cell then raises up. Henry gets his belt and starts to leave, then stops and goes under the ring. He pulls out a chair. Henry does another World’s Strongest Slam on Orton. He then puts the chair on Orton’s ankle. He goes to splash down on the ankle, but Orton moves. Orton hits Henry a couple of times with the chair. Henry goes back up the aisle, but Orton follows and hits him again with the chair. He hits him several more times until Henry is prone on the ground. He goes to hit him again, but Henry kicks Orton. Henry then runs to the back.
    -Josh Matthews interviews Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio says what is happening is not fair. He can beat John Cena and besides he shouldn’t be in this brutal, barbaric match. He’s not an animal, he’s not a criminal. When an animal is trapped, he becomes more deadly, more vicious, and that’s what he’s going to do tonight. So, he is warning John Cena and CM Punk. Tonight, you will see a side of Alberto Del Rio you didn’t know existed. Tonight, he is coming back from Hell with the WWE Title.
    -Cody Rhodes comes to the ring dressed in a suit with his bag men following him and he is holding the Intercontinental Championship. He says that he knows there are millions of you at home watching with bags over your head trying to hide your hideous features and there are many here tonight in New Orleans. He says we haven’t even hit Halloween yet and he wouldn’t let most of those at the arena on his street. If they refuse a paper bag, they should be figuratively euthanized. Just as the current Intercontinental Championship should be put to rest. He then puts the IC belt in a paper bag. He then gets a velvet bag from the other bag man and takes out the classic IC belt design. He says this is the very same title that was held by the greats like Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, Bret the Hitman Hart, the late Macho Man Randy Savage, even Stone-Cold Steve Austin, and in honor of those men, he will wear this classic Intercontinental Title belt. And he will wear it with more pride and dignity than any of them. The crowd boos. He then has one of the bag men strap the title around his waist. He says unlike those gentlemen, he will defend it feverishly. He will defend it against any man, any time, any place. The name Cody Rhodes will be synonymous. He then gets cut off by John Laurinaitis. He says sorry for the interruption. He then introduces himself to the crowd to a big chorus of boos. He says that HHH told him to come out and tell Cody that he will be defending the Intercontinental title tonight. Rhodes says no, he’s not ready, but Laurinaitis cuts him off again. He says he’s sorry, but Cody is going to defend his title tonight, right now. Against this man. John Morrison’s music hits. Rhodes reluctantly hands the IC title to the referee. He does not want to wrestle though. Rhodes takes off his jacket, but he is pleading with the referee not to start the match. The bell rings and Rhodes immediately goes to the ropes to avoid locking up with Morrison. The referee pulls Morrison away and Rhodes goes for a clothesline that Morrison ducks and he rolls Rhodes up for a one count. Morrison with a single leg takedown. He gets another one count. Morrison with a headlock takeover. Morrison cranking down on the headlock. Rhodes fights back to his feet. Rhodes pushes off and drops down. Morrison ducks a clothesline attempt and holds on to the ropes when Rhodes goes for a dropkick. Morrison with a rollup. Morrison with another headlock takeover. Gets another one count. Rhodes fights back to his feet. Rhodes pushes off. Morrison comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes rolls to the outside. Rhodes takes his shirt off and Morrison hits him with a baseball slide. Morrison throws Rhodes’ shirt out into the crowd. Morrison hits a European uppercut to Rhodes. Morrison rolls Rhodes back into the ring. Rhodes rolls out and starts to walk back up the aisle. Morrison hits him from behind. Morrison goes to throw Rhodes back into the ring, but Rhodes blocks it with his foot. Rhodes hits Morrison with a back elbow. Rhodes grabs the ring post. He kicks Morrison away so Morrison kicks Rhodes into the ring post. Morrison throws Rhodes into the ring. Rhodes pushes Morrison down as soon as he gets in the ring. Rhodes with a front face slam. Rhodes then stomps on Morrison’s face. Rhodes with a knee to the stomach. Rhodes with a snap mare. Rhodes with a side headlock. Morrison makes it back to his feet and hits Rhodes in the stomach trying to get out of the hold. Rhodes gets him back down with the side headlock. He has him in a kind of reverse crossface. Morrison tries to get back to his feet. Rhodes with a forearm shot. Morrison ends up head first on the top rope and Rhodes kicks him. Morrison counters a slam attempt into a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a big clothesline. He slaps Morrison several times. Rhodes puts the figure four on Morrison. Morrison gets to the ropes. Rhodes with a series of right hands to Morrison. Rhodes drops an elbow on Morrison. Rhodes with a side headlock and a right hand to Morrison’s head. Morrison drives Rhodes into the corner and delivers a series of elbows to Rhodes’ head. Morrison with a clothesline. Then another one as Morrison has started to rally. An enziguri to Rhodes. Morrison hits a standing shooting star press. Gets a close two count. Morrison goes for Starship Pain, but Rhodes grabs his leg. Morrison stomps Rhodes in the midsection. Morrison misses a running knee. Rhodes misses a clothesline. Rhodes rolls out of an atomic drop attempt. Rhodes grabs Morrison by the hair and Morrison hits Rhodes with a backwards Pele’ kick. Rhodes ducks down to avoid a Morrison enziguri off the ropes. Rhodes rolls through and rolls Morrison up to get the pin. Rhodes grabs his belt and walks back up the aisle. Morrison looking dejected.
    -HHH is shown on the phone saying I’ve about had it with him when John Laurinaitis comes rushing in saying Hunter, we have a problem. HHH tells him to shut up. He then says to Laurinaitis what did I tell you about making matches? Don’t make the matches. I make the matches. Laurinaitis says Miz and R-Truth are beating up talent, he tried to stop them. HHH says where? They take off down a hallway. You see Superstars scattered all over a locker room and security trying to control Miz and R-Truth. HHH says get them out of here. Other wrestlers come in to check on the fallen wrestlers. HHH says to Laurinaitis, I told you to get police, real cops. Not security guards. I’m telling you if this happens again, it’s your ass. HHH then leaves. It’s Air Boom on the ground.
    -WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly-Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Beth Phoenix with Natalya: Bell rings and Kelly comes over and hits Phoenix who was talking to Natalya by the ropes. Kelly with a series of forearms. Kelly with a modified Thesz Press and punches to Phoenix. Phoenix gets her off and Kelly hits another Thesz Press and punches. Phoenix pushes Kelly into the corner, but Kelly gets her Boots up on the charge in. Kelly goes up top and hits a crossbody on Phoenix. Gets a two count. Kelly ducks a clothesline attempt. Kelly goes for a head scissors that Phoenix turns into a backbreaker. Phoenix drops an elbow on Kelly. Then another one. Gets a two count. Phoenix picks Kelly up and rams her back into a corner turnbuckle. Kelley in the tree of woe. Phoenix with a running baseball slide into Kelly. Phoenix puts her boot to Kelly’s neck for a two count. Phoenix with a snap mare. Phoenix with a reverse front face lock. Kelly makes it back to her feet and hits Phoenix with some forearms trying to get out of the move. Phoenix slams her down. Phoenix driving her elbows into the small of Kelly’s back. Kelly rolls over. Kelly rolls her back over and spanks her. Kelly with some forearm shots. Phoenix with a backbreaker. She holds Kelly in the move and the referee is asking her if she wants to quit. Kelly fighting the move. Eve trying to get the crowd into it. Kelly with some knees to Phoenix to get out of it. Kelly with an inside cradle for a two count. Phoenix with a knee to the stomach of Kelly. Phoenix with a slingshot suplex. Phoenix gets a two count. Phoenix goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly turns it into a hurricanrana for a two count. Phoenix with a clothesline. Phoenix with some punches and a hook of the leg for a two count. Phoenix clearly frustrated. She kicks Kelly in the stomach. She chokes Kelly on the second rope for a four count. She goes for the leapfrog body guillotine, but Kelly moves. Kelly with a neck breaker to Phoenix. Kelly with kicks and forearms to Phoenix. Kelly tries for a modified sunset flip, but Phoenix comes straight down on her to get a two count. Kelly reverses for a two count. Kelly goes for a bulldog, but Phoenix breaks free and grabs Kelly by the arms from behind. Kelly runs up the turnbuckle and flips behind Phoenix to get out of the move. Kelly goes for a backslide, but Phoenix overpowers her and runs her into the turnbuckle. Phoenix with a series of back elbows to Kelly. Kelly sidesteps a Phoenix charge in and slams Phoenix’s Head into the turnbuckle. Kelly hits the Kelly Killer in the corner. Kelly climbs up on the ropes to protest to the referee, but Eve drags her off. Natalya runs Eve into the barricade hard. Kelly goes for the K2, but Phoenix slams her down on the top rope in a guillotine. Phoenix with a brutal leg submission. Natalya gets on a mic and tells Kelly to scream and be loud about it. She asks her if she is going to cry. Kelly makes it to the ropes. The referee pulls Phoenix off of Kelly and Natalya hits Kelly with the mic. Phoenix hits the Glam Slam and gets the pin. New Diva’s champion. Phoenix is crying and celebrating with Natalya.
    -The Cell is being lowered again.
    -Flashback to everything that has happened with the WWE Championship the last few months.
    -Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. John Cena VS. CM Punk VS. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez: Rodriguez is introduced. Del Rio rolls out in a silver Mercedes. Del Rio comes to the ring looking determined and taking his time. Punk gets a great ovation coming out. Cena with a fantastic reaction when he comes out. He says it’s now time for Hell in a Cell. He runs down to the ring but stops when he gets to the Cell. He puts his hat on the head of a young fan. He gets in the ring and raises the championship up high. Another referee locks the cell as a CM Punk chant goes out. The bell rings and Punk goes after Del Rio who slides out of the ring. Del Rio trying to avoid Cena and Punk. Cena comes out of the ring, so Del Rio rolls in. Punk and Cena jump Del Rio. Cena gets Del Rio in a front face lock and unloads on him. Punk pulls Cena off and then attacks Del Rio himself. Cena then pulls Punk off and stomps down Del Rio. Punk then pulls Cena off and drops a series of knees on Del Rio. Cena throws Punk off and stomps down Del Rio. Punk rolls Cena up from behind for a two count. Punk ducks a Cena clothesline. Cena ducks a Punk roundhouse kick. Cena goes for the AA, but Punk kicks out. Punk goes for the GTS, but Cena slips out of the move. Cena with a drop toe hold. Cena starts to go for the STF, but Punk kicks off. Cena lands on the outside of the ring. Del Rio tries to come behind and hit Punk with a running knee, but he misses and Del Rio almost lands on Cena. Cena picks Del Rio up on his shoulders. Punk then dives between the ropes onto the both of them. Punk Rolls Del Rio back into the ring. Punk with a series of kicks to Del Rio. Punk with a neck breaker. He gets a two count. Let's go Cena/CM Punk dueling chants go out. Punk with a corner whip. Punk goes under the ring and grabs a chair. He slides it into the ring and Cena comes over and attacks Punk. He throws Punk towards the ring steps. Punk jumps on the ring steps and does the Bring It gesture to Cena only to get blindsided by Del Rio on the left and thrown into the Cell. Cena and Del Rio both go after the chair in the ring. Cena pushes it out of the ring. Cena with a kick and a series of forearms to Del Rio. Del Rio reverses a corner whip, but Cena gets his legs up on the corner charge. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Cena. He gets a two count. Del Rio with punches to Cena’s head. Del Rio then kicks Cena when he is down. Del Rio goes for something under the ring and pulls out a chair. He puts it in the ring and then goes to stomp Cena. Del Rio wedges the chair into one of the turnbuckles. Cena coming back with big right hands and body shots to Del Rio. He knocks Del Rio down. Cena with a shoulder block. Cena blocks a clothesline attempt. Cena with a slam on Del Rio. U Can’t See Me. 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Del Rio slips out and kicks Cena as Punk slips back into the ring. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena until Punk kicks Del Rio’s Head. Punk goes to put a Rude Awakening style neck breaker on Cena when Del Rio comes up and Punk puts him in a front face lock and hits the DDT at the same time as the neck breaker. He gets a two count on Cena and on Del Rio. Punk throws Del Rio out of the ring. Punk with a leg drop on Cena. Punk then pulls out a table from under the ring. Punk sets up the table at ringside. Punk with a running knee to Cena on the apron. Cena then pushes Punk straight into the Cell. Punk is bleeding. Cena gets back into the ring and gets hit with a chair by Del Rio. Del Rio with kicks to Cena’s head and back. Del Rio sets the chair up in the ring. Del Rio with a back suplex to Cena onto the chair that just buckles under his weight. Gets a close two count. Del Rio starts kicking Cena’s back. He starts pushing Cena’s neck into the bottom ring rope and holding it there with his knee. Del Rio then mocks Cena with U Can’t See Me. Del Rio put Cena up on the top turnbuckle and hitting Cena’s back until he is upside down in the Tree of Woe. He kicks Cena’s stomach a few times. Then he puts his boot to Cena’s throat and pushes. The let’s go Cena/CM Punk chants start again. Del Rio with a big corner charge. Cena lifts up and Del Rio goes shoulder first into the corner post. Del Rio collapses to the mat. Cena climbs up to the top rope, but before he can jump off, Punk grabs the top rope and knocks Cena to the outside to the floor. Punk with a side suplex for a two count. Punk with another suplex for another two count. Punk stomps Del Rio on the back. Del Rio hits a clothesline on Punk. He gets a one count. Del Rio with a headlock. Punk starts to get to his feet when Cena hits a leg drop on both men that was kind of ruined when they showed a wide shot of the Cell and you saw him climb to the top rope. Thanks a lot, Kevin Dunn! Cena gets a two count on Del Rio. He gets a two count on Punk. He goes for the AA on Del Rio, who slips behind Cena and hits a backbreaker. Punk with a running kick to Del Rio. Del Rio rolls out of the ring and Cena hits Punk with a clothesline. Rodriguez has his towel and is trying to fan Del Rio through the Cell. Punk and Cena go back and forth. Punk goes for the GTS. Del Rio comes in and hits Punk with a chair. He then hits Cena. Del Rio gets Cena down. He puts the chair on top of Cena and Punk on top of the chair. He then goes up top and does a back splash on Punk and Cena. Del Rio gets a two count on Punk. He gets a two count on Cena. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker on Punk, who slides out of it. Del Rio goes to corner charge Punk, who backdrops Del Rio out of the ring and he hits the ring steps. Cena hits the AA on Punk. Del Rio breaks up the pin attempt. Del Rio with a running enziguri to Cena. He gets a two count. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena. Cena blocking the move being fully applied. Punk with a flip over the ropes onto Cena and Del Rio to break up the hold. Punk with a baseball slide to Del Rio to knock him out of the ring. Punk hits the GTS on Cena. Punk gets a two count on Cena when Del Rio pulls Punk out of the ring. Del Rio runs Punk into the Cell. Del Rio then runs Punk into the ring steps. He then throws a chair at Punk. He goes back in the ring and Cena gets an inside cradle on him for a two count. Del Rio hits a clothesline on Cena. Del Rio with a baseball slide to knock Cena out of the ring. He runs Cena into the ring steps. He then runs Cena headfirst into the Cell. He then hits Cena with a chair. He tries to bring Punk into the ring until Punk guillotines Del Rio on the top rope. Punk with a clothesline to Del Rio. Then another clothesline to Del Rio. Punk with a scoop slam to Del Rio. Punk climbs to the top rope. He hits a Randy Savage style flying elbow drop. He gets a close two count. Cena comes in and ducks a Punk clothesline attempt and hits a shoulder block on Punk. Then another shoulder block. He then slams Punk down. U Can’t See Me to Punk, who kicks Cena in the head. Punk scoop slams Cena. Punk climbs to the top, but Del Rio pushes him off and he crashes through the table he set up earlier. Cena gets a drop toe hold on Del Rio and then applies the STF. Rodriguez knocks out the referee at the door and opens the Cell. He has a steel pipe on his hands and climbs on the apron. Cena knocks him off. Cena picks Rodriguez up and AA’s him out of the Cell. He turns around and Del Rio hits him in the stomach with the pipe. Cena is outside of the Cell and Del Rio locks it again. He then throws the key under the ring. Cena locked out of the Cell. Del Rio goes over and kicks Punk who is still on the broken table. Del Rio picks Punk up and puts him back in the ring. Del Rio hits a German suplex for a two count. He tries it again, but Punk reverses it into a roll up for a two count. Del Rio goes for a corner charge, but Punk gets his boot up. Punk goes to the second rope. Del Rio jumps up and hits an enziguri on Punk. That was an impressive move. He gets a two count. Cena slowly recovering, but he doesn’t realize that there is no way in. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Punk pushes off. Del Rio pushed head first into the top turnbuckle. Punk with a series of kicks to Del Rio. Punk with an Irish whip and a leg lariat. Cena trying to get back in the Cell. Punk with a running knee to Del Rio in the corner. Punk with a bulldog. Cena checking Rodriguez’ pockets for the key. Punk with a forearm from the top rope for a two count. Cena trying to force open the Cell door. Del Rio rolls out of the ring and grabs the steel pipe from earlier. Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe. Del Rio and Cena staring at each other through the Cell. Del Rio taunting Cena through the Cell. Del Rio goes to hit Punk with the pipe, but Punk ducks and goes for the GTS. He gets Del Rio up, but Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe. He then hits Punk with the pipe again. Del Rio then pins Punk to win and become the new WWE Champion. The Cell starts to raise and Cena slides under and attacks Del Rio. Two men with hoodies on hit the ring and assault Cena. You see that it is Miz and R-Truth. They then beat down the referees that come into the ring. HHH, John Laurinaitis, and more referees come to the ring. The Cell has been lowered back to the ground. HHH sends Laurinaitis back to raise the Cell. The operator says it’s not him that’s doing it. There’s no way to get the Cell open. The locker room empties and wrestlers are pushing the Cell trying to open it. Miz and R-Truth assaulting everyone in the Cell. R-Truth is attacking the cameramen inside the Cell. Police are down at the door now. They finally bring down some bolt cutters. And cut the chain. The cops get in the Cell and R-Truth and Miz get on their knees with their hands behind their heads and surrender. The crowd is booing. They are handcuffed and led out of the ring. Security separates the wrestlers in the aisle and hold them back as Miz and R-Truth are led out of the cell. HHH breaks free and jumps both Miz and R-Truth while they are handcuffed. Laurinaitis pulls HHH off, so HHH knocks Laurinaitis down so he can continue to beat Miz and R-Truth. More officials grab HHH and pull him off. He is fighting them so he can go attack Miz and R-Truth again. Everybody being held back as R-Truth and Miz are taken out. It is chaos as they go off the air.
    -Final Thoughts: A really fun show that continues a lot of the current storylines in unique ways.

    Episode 104 Notes Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 64c502ce-3aa0-4388-9a2d-4c1abde0d21a My Notes for Episode 104: Starrcade;'84. -Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you are enjoying your day with loved ones and good food.
    -Get out of my car!
    -Today we take a look at Starrcade ‘84: The Million Dollar Challenge from the NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions.
    -Starrcade ‘84 was shown via closed circuit on November 22, 1984 from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. There were 16,000 in attendance.
    -We open with footage from Starrcade ‘83 of Ric Flair winning the NWA title. We then go to a live shot of Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie who welcome us to Starrcade ‘84. They will be our announcers for the evening. They talk a little about the main event. They go to Tom Miller who welcomes us to Starrcade ‘84. The crowd is ready for the action and the excitement is electric.
    -NWA World's Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match. Mike Davis VS. Denny Brown: Davis is extremely over with the crowd. They must know something I don’t. They lock up and Davis with a side headlock. Brown pushes off and Davis comes back with the shoulder block. Brown with a hip toss. Brown with a headscissors takeover. Then another one. Brown with an arm drag. Brown with an arm bar. Davis fights back to his feet. Davis goes for a scoop slam, but Brown slides behind him. Brown tries a rollup, but Davis holds onto the ropes. Brown with another arm drag. He goes back to the arm bar. Brown then with a takedown. Then another takedown when Davis tries to get back up. Davis finally does get back to his feet. He Irish whips Brown. Brown comes back with a shoulder block. Brown goes for another shoulder block. Davis drops down and Brown very awkwardly spills to the outside. Davis goes out and checks on Brown and holds the ropes open for him to climb through. They lock up and Davis with a scoop slam. Then another scoop slam to Brown. Davis follows that up with a backbreaker. Davis gets a couple of two counts, but Brown gets his shoulders up. Brown reverses an Irish whip. Brown follows it up with a flying forearm. Brown favoring his lower back. He comes over and Davis surprises him with an inside cradle for a two count. Davis with a right hand to Brown. Davis with a corner whip. Brown comes back with a reverse flying forearm off the second rope. Both down and Brown the first to get back to his feet. Brown with an Irish whip and a backdrop on Davis. Brown with a dropkick. He gets a two count on Davis. Brown with a right hand and an Irish whip to Davis. Brown with a drop down and they collide in the middle of the ring and both men down. A double count going. Both get back up and Brown with a forearm shot. Brown with a series of European uppercuts to Davis. Davis' reversal of a Brown corner whip runs Brown straight back into the turnbuckle and Davis hits a belly to back suplex and gets the pin. Brown lifted his shoulder up at the last moment and there is some confusion as Tom Miller and the announcers both think that Davis has won, but referee Earl Hebner gives the belt to Brown. The announcers are confused and watch the replay. New World Jr. Heavyweight Champion!
    -They throw it to Tony Schiavone in the dressing room. Tony talks about being in the dressing room and what happened last year as Ric Flair is pacing behind him. Tony says that tonight, he will be talking to all the wrestlers, then he talks about the main event for one million dollars and the NWA title.
    -Mr. Ito VS. Brian Adias: Adias is mistakenly referred to as Brian “Adidas” here. Adias gets a fantastic reception when he comes out. The bell rings and they lock up. Up against the ropes and break clean. Lock up again and Adias with a side headlock. Transitions to a hammerlock. Ito reverses the hammerlock. Adias reverses it back. Ito with a drop toe hold. They lock up again. Ito with a side headlock. Adias pushes off. Adias drops down and leapfrogs Ito. Adias catches Ito with a dropkick. Adias with a side headlock takeover. Ito reverses positions for a two count. Adias keeps the side headlock on. Adias cranks it on Ito. Ito gets back to his feet and hits Adias with elbows to try and get out of the headlock. He breaks it into a top wristlock. Ito gets Adias down and into an arm bar. Adias back up and Ito pulls his hair to get him back down. He does it again. Ito back to the wristlock. They trade arm wringers. Adias drives a knee down on Ito’s arm. He drops another knee and then does a leg drop on the left arm. Adias then goes back to the arm bar. Ito back to his feet and gets Adias with a scoop slam, but Adias holds on to the arm bar throughout. Ito with a series of punches to the stomach of Adias. Then a shot to Adias’ jaw. Then a chop to Adias’ throat. Adias fighting back. Adias with an Irish whip. He gets Ito up in an airplane spin. He spins him down and gets the pin.
    -NWA Florida Championship Match. Jesse Barr VS. Mike Graham: Bell rings and they lock up and get into the ropes. Break clean and lock up again. Graham with an arm drag. Barr counters with a leg scissors. Graham back up and hits a drop toe hold. Graham with a single leg lock. Barr reaches back and gets Graham with a chin lock. Graham is fighting to get out. Graham with another arm drag to get out of the hold and gets a two count. Barr counters with an arm bar. Graham fights back to his feet again and Barr grabs the hair to get Graham back on the mat. Graham gets back up and Barr with a wristlock. Graham with a back elbow to break the hold and comes back with a shoulder block. Graham with an arm drag and gets a two count and Barr counters with the wristlock. They get to the ropes. Barr with a knee to the stomach of Graham. Barr twisting Graham into the ropes and takes the four count. He does it several times. Graham reverses a corner whip and gets a drop toe hold. He turns it into sort of an inverted Indian Deathlock. Graham goes for a figure four, but Barr rolls out of the way. Barr stalling for a bit and not locking up. They do finally lock up and Barr goes to the ropes and uses them for leverage to drive Graham back to his knees. Graham fighting back to his feet again. Barr with a boot to the midsection. Graham comes back with a shoulder to the stomach of Barr. Graham with a fireman’s carry takeover into an arm bar. Barr drives Graham back to the ropes. Barr with an Irish whip. Graham ducks a double ax handle attempt and Barr leapfrogs Graham. Graham stops and hits a shot to Barr. Graham gets the figure four on. Barr gets to the ropes and pulls himself out of the ring to regroup. Back in the ring, they lock up again. Barr with a side headlock. It takes him a few tries, but Barr with a headlock takeover to Graham. Graham rolls it into a pinning predicament for a one count before Barr shifts back and says that Graham pulled his trunks. Graham trying to fight back to his feet. Graham tries to push off, but Barr keeps the hold on. The crowd says he grabbed a handful of hair, but Barr denies it. It happens again. Graham lifts up and hits Barr with a knee breaker to get out of the hold. Graham working on the left leg of Barr. Barr reaches up to try to grab Graham by the hair to get out of the hold, but Graham keeps chopping him back down. Graham drives his knee several times into the leg. Graham gets the figure four on. Barr fights it and gets to the ropes again. Barr with an Irish whip. Graham comes back to the side headlock. Barr pushes off and runs Graham into the referee. Graham gets Barr rolled up into a small package, but there isn’t a referee to count. Barr with a side headlock. Graham pushes off. Barr comes back with a shoulder block. They run the ropes and Graham grabs Barr and rolls him up for a two count until Barr reverses it and gets a two count. Graham ducks a clothesline attempt. Graham with an atomic drop. Barr runs into the corner turnbuckle. He gets Graham down and pins him using the ropes.
    -Flashback to Rick Steamboat and Dick Slater facing the Long Riders and Slater being tied up and Steamboat being attacked by Tully Blanchard and the Long Riders.
    -Tag Team Elimination Match. The Zambuie Express Elijah Akeem and Kareem Muhammed with Paul Jones VS. The Assassin #1 and Buzz Tyler: Assassin tries to get a weasel chant going against Jones. All four in and fighting to begin. Tyler and Muhammed start. They lock up and get to the ropes. Muhammed with a big right hand and an Irish whip. Tyler ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a right hand to knock Muhammed out of the ring. Assassin and Akeem both tagged in. They lock up. Akeem drives Assassin to the ropes and hits some right forearms on Assassin. Assassin reverses a corner whip and hits a right hand to knock Akeem down. Akeem in the wrong corner as the faces take turns hitting him as he bounces back and forth between them. He gets knocked down and rolls out to regroup. Tyler and Muhammed both tagged back in. They lock up and Muhammed with a side headlock and punching Tyler. Muhammed Irish whips Tyler into a back elbow by Akeem in the heels corner. Akeem tagged in and hits a shoulder block to Tyler. Akeem with a headbutt and Tyler trying to come back with some shots. He fights out of the corner and knocks Akeem down and gets a two count. All four men in now. Akeem and Tyler go to the outside. Muhammed with an Irish whip to Assassin and they collide in the ring and Muhammed falls down. Jones gets up on the ropes and referee Earl Hebner comes over to tell him to get down. Tyler pushes Assassin onto Muhammed and Assassin gets the pin. The Assassin then goes after Paul Jones. Akeem and Tyler had been counted out. It’s very confusing, but the faces win.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about some of the things we’ve seen so far tonight.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes is sitting down dressed very casually in a t-shirt, jeans, glasses, and a truckers cap with a satin Dusty jacket draped over him. Tony asks him if this is the biggest match of his life. Rhodes says Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair’s names have been etched in stone throughout the world. He says there is no more talking. The time for talk and show business is over. He says a short time from now, $1,000,000 and the world title are coming to him. He tells Joe Frazier not to stick his nose in Dusty Rhodes’ business.
    -NWA Brass Knuckles Championship match. Black Bart with JJ Dillon VS. Manny Fernandez: They lock up and trade shots. Fernandez with a big right hand. Fernandez with a series of left jabs to Bart. Then a hard right hand and a chop and Bart is knocked down. They lock up again and Bart with a knee to the stomach. They trade jabs and chops. Fernandez knocks Bart down again. They lock up again and Bart with a side headlock. He hits Fernandez with a couple of right hands. Fernandez with a back kick and a back elbow. Fernandez misses a right hand when Bart ducks. Bart with an Irish whip and a right hand. Bart keeps knocking Fernandez down, but Fernandez keeps getting back to his feet. He hits him with three hard right hands and Fernandez is bleeding from the forehead. Bart with an elbow to the head. He knocks Fernandez down again. He knocks him back down as soon as Fernandez gets back up. Fernandez comes back with a chop. Fernandez with an Irish whip and a big chop coming off of the ropes. He hits several shots to Bart to knock him over the ropes to the outside. Fernandez hits Bart with a shot to the floor from the apron. Dillon comes over to give Bart some encouragement and get him back in the ring. He gets back in the ring and Fernandez is ready for him and hits him with a right hand. Both men are bleeding. Fernandez with an Irish whip and another right hand to knock Bart down. Fernandez with a snap mare. Fernandez with a floatover right hand to Bart on the mat. He gets a two count. Fernandez with another right hand from the second rope to knock Bart down again. He gets another two count. Bart with a low blow to knock Fernandez to his knees. Bart with two right hands. He knocks Fernandez down as soon as he can get back up. Bart drops an elbow on Fernandez. He gets a two count. Bart guillotines Fernandez on the top rope. Bart shoves the referee away and Dillon throws him his rope, but Fernandez rolls him up and gets the three count. JJ is irate at referee Sonny Fargo.
    -Highlights from Starrcade ‘83.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat says everyone has talked about this evening all year long. He talks about his past year and his difficulties with Tully Blanchard. He is also subtly talking about his differences with head booker Dusty Rhodes.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about the Ricky Steamboat/Tully Blanchard match.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon. JJ says the last match his man got a raw decision and it’s just one of the things around here that he is objecting to. He says it looks like somebody has taken the opportunity to slander himself, The Long Riders, and Tully Blanchard. He said there is a lot of difference between pride in being from Texas and some conspiracy to do away with Ricky Steamboat. Blanchard says he is a superior wrestler to Steamboat. Steamboat has had to make excuses over the last three or four months. He has taken Steamboat to the time limit several times over the last months and now Steamboat wants to cry. He has Blanchard backed over the corner. If he gets disqualified, he loses the title. If he runs or stalls, Steamboat wins the title. Blanchard says it doesn’t matter. Steamboat is going down and then after that, it’s Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair and the World’s Championship. He is on a path to destiny.
    -Bob and Gordon talk more about the Steamboat/Blanchard confrontation. They then preview some other matches coming up.
    -Tuxedo Street Fight Loser Leaves Town. Paul Jones with Elijah Akeem VS. Jimmy Valiant with Assassin #1: Valiant kisses Tom Miller as soon as he gets in the ring. The referee is trying to get the Assassin and Akeem out of the ring. Jones is running trying to get away from Valiant. Valiant wrapping a rope around Jones’ throat. He ties him to the top rope. Valiant takes off his own jacket and attacks Jones. He hits several right hands to Jones. He takes the flower out of Jones’ lapel and stuffs it in his mouth. He starts ripping off the coat of Jones. He goes after Jones' vest and coat. He rips the pants off of Jones. He still has what looks like his shirt and a little of his vest, his underwear, and his socks and shoes on. Valiant rips the shirt off. Jones gets free and attacks Valiant from behind. Jones drops knees and fists on Valiant. Valiant starts coming back. He hits Jones with a double ax handle. Valiant with an Irish whip and a sleeper on Jones. Jones is busted open at the forehead. Akeem gets up on the apron. Valiant comes over to hit Akeem and the referee gets taken out in the melee. The Assassin and Valiant go after Akeem. JJ Dillon comes out, hits Valiant in the head and knocks him out and puts Jones on him. Jones then gets the pin.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about the last match while watching a replay.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair. They talk about the upcoming match with Dusty Rhodes. Flair says the greatest honor of any wrestler in the world today is to be the world champion. The only honor greater than that is to win the world championship and hang onto it for a period of time. Whether fans like or dislike him they know he is the best wrestler today. One million dollars. The biggest purse ever put up in a wrestling match. He’s going in that ring gunning. Flair tells Rhodes he better be half the man that he told people he is, because he’s jumping on the number one stud.
    -Mid-Atlantic Championship Match. Ron Bass with JJ Dillon VS. Dick Slater: Slater comes over and shoves Bass as he is trying to take off his chaps. They lock up and go to the ropes. They trade shots. Slater with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Slater then goes out after JJ. JJ runs in across the ring to get away and gets admonished by referee Sonny Fargo. They lock up again. Bass with an Irish whip and goes for a chop, but Slater ducks and rolls out of the ring. Slater goes after JJ again. Bass jumps Slater as soon as he gets back in the ring. Slater rolls to the outside to regroup. Slater finally gets back in the ring. Bass in the middle of the ring saying come on, wrestle me. He charges Slater in the corner and Slater moves. Slater with a chop to the throat and a hip lock takeover. Bass shifts to try to get a pin. He doesn’t and Slater goes back to the takeover. Bass fighting to get up. Bass pushes off. He hits Slater with a back elbow. Bass misses an elbow drop. Slater with a headbutt and another headlock takeover. Bass shifts and gets a two count. Slater with an atomic drop. Slater starts to go after JJ, who hightails it away. Slater gets on all fours and headbutts Bass as he tries to come through the ropes. Slater then snap mares Bass back in from the apron. Fargo catches Slater’s foot as he was going to bring it down on Bass. Bass hits Slater with a high knee. Bass runs Slater into the corner. He runs his head in several times. Slater falls to the ground. Bass has Slater caught up in the ropes and has him swinging up and down and hitting him as he comes up. Fargo pulls Bass away allowing JJ to attack Slater. Bass with a suplex. He gets a two count. Bass gets a bulldog. Slater comes back with a series of left and right hands. He gets a one count. Slater with a snap mare. He twists his boot into Bass’ face. Bass throws Slater to the outside. JJ attacks Slater on the outside. He then throws Slater back inside. Bass with a right hand to Slater’s neck. Bass with a fist to Slater’s jaw in the corner. He hits Slater with an uppercut. Slater tries to get away but Bass is following him. Bass with a corner whip. Slater grabs Bass in a bear hug on the charge in and turns him into the corner and hits him with several right hands. He shoves the referee out of the way. Slater with a belly to back suplex. He covers Bass and JJ comes in and hits Slater in the head. Slater scoop slams JJ. He knocks JJ out of the ring. Scoop slam to Bass. He drops a leg on Bass. He tries to cover again, but no referee is there to count. The referee disqualifies Slater for shoving him down. Slater goes after JJ and Bass.
    -The US flag is shown as a USA chant goes out. The National Anthem is played on a horn.
    -Ole Anderson and Keith Larson VS. Ivan and Nikita Koloff: Don Kernodle is in the corner of Anderson and Larson in a neck brace and crutches. The faces attack the heels right away. Larson knocks Ivan down with an elbow. Anderson kicks Nikita out of the ring. Larson with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Ivan. Larson with some forearms to knock Ivan back down. He gets a two count and attacks Ivan’s head with punches. Larson with big right hands to Ivan. Larson with another Irish whip and a dropkick. Ivan being nailed back and forth with right hands. Ivan ran into Anderson’s boot. Anderson tagged in. Anderson with a wrist lock to Ivan. Larson tagged back in and hits Ivan with a second rope elbow smash while Anderson holds him. Larson with a wrist lock and Anderson tagged back in. Anderson with an arm lock on Ivan and gets him down. Anderson tags Larson back in and holds Ivan for Larson to drop some knees on. Larson goes back to the arm bar as Ivan struggles to get back to his feet. Larson with some forearms to Ivan. Anderson tagged back in. He gets a hammerlock on Ivan. He scoop slams Ivan. Anderson stomps on Ivan several times. He delivers several forearms to Ivan. Larson tagged back in. Faces have done a good job in this match cutting the ring in half. Larson with a wrist lock. Larson with a snap mare. He drops a knee and an elbow on Ivan. Anderson tagged back in. Anderson puts on an arm bar. Anderson drags Ivan to the corner and tags Larson back in. Larson with a wrist lock. Ivan with an Irish whip. Larson comes back with a hip toss. He gets a two count. Anderson tagged back in. He Irish whips Ivan and he and Larson deliver a double back elbow. Anderson drops another elbow on Ivan for a two count. Ivan gets to the ropes to break Anderson’s hold on him. Anderson runs him shoulder first into the opposite corner. Larson tagged in. He has Ivan in a wrist lock. Ivan falls to his knees and is begging off. Ivan sinking to the mat. Larson drops some knees on Ivan. Ivan runs Larson into a corner. Larson reverses a corner whip. Ivan gets his knee up on the charge. Ivan goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off by Larson. He gets a two count. Larson gets a wrist lock and tags Anderson in. Anderson continues with the wrist lock. Larson tagged back in as the faces continue to keep Ivan in their corner. Larson has the arm lock on Ivan. Ivan is fighting the move. Anderson tagged in. He takes Ivan to a corner and ties him up in the ropes for a four count. Anderson with shots to Ivan’s lower back. Ivan rakes Anderson’s eyes. He runs Anderson into the turnbuckle and tags Nikita in. He and Anderson tangle up in the ropes. Anderson with a chop. Nikita runs his shoulder repeatedly into Anderson’s midsection. Nikita with a corner whip and drives his shoulder into the midsection again. Anderson starts to fight back with right and left hands. Nikita with an Irish whip and he gets Anderson up in a bear hug. Anderson trying to break the hold. The crowd is really getting into the match. Anderson hits Nikita with some right hands trying to break the hold. Ivan gets on the top rope. Larson tries to come in to stop him, but gets cut off by referee Tommy Young. This allows Ivan to come off and hit Anderson with a double ax handle. Anderson with a double clap to Nikita to break the hold. Ivan tagged in and gets an Irish whip and a back elbow to Anderson. Ivan with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Nikita tagged in. Anderson fighting Nikita off on his knees trying to make a tag. Nikita goes back to the bear hug. A loud USA chant goes out. Anderson with big right hands to Nikita’s face to try to get out of the hold. Anderson finally breaks the hold. Larson tagged in and attacks Nikita. Ivan comes in and Larson runs his and Nikita’s heads together. Larson with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Nikita. Larson with another Irish whip, but Nikita holds on to the ropes. Nikita with an Irish whip and a modified choke slam on Larson. Ivan tagged back in. He guillotines Larson on the top rope. Ivan tries it again and Larson rolls him up in a small package. Nikita breaks up the pin attempt. All four men in now. Nikita dumped to the outside. Larson hits some big right hands to Ivan as Nikita comes around and attacks Don Kernodle. Anderson attacks Nikita. Ivan covers Larson for the pin as Anderson and Nikita battle on the outside. Nikita picks Larson up and puts him in a backbreaker as Ivan goes to come off the top rope with the chain as Kernodle comes and attacks both Russians with his crutch. The Russians retreat. Kernodle checks on Larson.
    -Gordon and Bob review the last match. They then talk about the next match coming up.
    -NWA Television Championship Match. Tully Blanchard VS. Ricky Steamboat: $20,000 winner takes all match. Disqualification has been waived and the no run rule is in effect. Steamboat gets a good reaction coming out. Blanchard takes his time getting in the ring. JJ Dillon is not out with Blanchard. They lock up and get to the ropes. Blanchard with a big right hand. Blanchard attacking the rib area of Steamboat. He hits an elbow on Steamboat. Back and forth. Steamboat knocks Blanchard down. He tries to go out of the ring, but Steamboat catches him in a snap mare. Steamboat with a chop to the throat of Blanchard. Blanchard out on the apron and Steamboat suplexes him back inside. Steamboat then drops another chop on Blanchard’s throat. He gets a two count. Steamboat then covers Blanchard’s back and has some kind of hold on him. It is a modified rear chin lock. Blanchard with a side headlock takeover, but Steamboat holds on and doesn’t break the hold. Blanchard gets to the ropes. They battle for position. Steamboat with a high knee lift to Blanchard. They circle each other and Steamboat is holding his ribs. Blanchard with right hands to the rib cage. Blanchard with a backbreaker. Blanchard then kicks the ribs. Blanchard with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Blanchard drops a knee on Steamboat’s back. Then a series of knees to the back while Steamboat is on the ropes. Blanchard with a knee to Steamboat and then drives him back first into the turnbuckle. Steamboat lifts up and kicks Blanchard from the corner. Steamboat with a headbutt. Steamboat with an elbow and a karate shot to knock Blanchard down. Two more chops and Blanchard falls back down. Steamboat drops a knee on Blanchard. Then another one. He gets a two count. Steamboat with a headlock. Blanchard gets into the ropes and Steamboat tries to hold on. Blanchard plants a knee into his ribcage and the hold is broken. Blanchard with a belly to back suplex. Blanchard with a running fist drop to Steamboat’s back. He gets a one count. Steamboat reverses back into a chin lock. Blanchard too close to the ropes. They circle each other for a minute. Blanchard spits on Steamboat. Steamboat with an Irish whip and he leapfrogs Blanchard a couple of times and then powerslams him. He gets a two count. Steamboat runs Blanchard into a turnbuckle. A double chop knocks Blanchard down. He gets a two count. He hits a right hand to Blanchard. Steamboat with Blanchard pinned in the corner and hitting shots to Blanchard. He gets a four count from the referee and Blanchard falls down on the mat. Steamboat drops a knee. He picks Blanchard up by the hair and Blanchard is swinging wildly. Steamboat with a chop to Blanchard’s head to knock him down again. He gets another two count. Blanchard swings wildly at Steamboat. Blanchard busted open. Steamboat spits in his face. Steamboat with chops to Blanchard. Another series of chops to Blanchard in the corner. Steamboat with a swinging neck breaker. Blanchard kicks out at two. Steamboat with a slingshot suplex on Blanchard. That gets another two count. Steamboat with a standing dropkick for another two count. Another chop knocks Blanchard down again. Blanchard goes out to the apron and Steamboat hits him with another right hand. Blanchard has something in his hand and goes to hit Steamboat with it. Steamboat ducks and belly to back suplexes Blanchard back inside. While Blanchard is being suplexed, he hits Steamboat with the object and a double count is going. Blanchard with a jumping crossbody to get a two count. Blanchard hits Steamboat with a right hand and Steamboat swings wildly as he falls to the mat. Blanchard drops a knee on Steamboat and then puts him on the top turnbuckle. Blanchard goes to superplex Steamboat, but Steamboat pushes Blanchard off. Steamboat hits a big splash. He gets a close two count. Blanchard reverses an Irish whip. Steamboat comes back with a sunset flip. Blanchard takes something out of his tights and hits Steamboat with it. Blanchard then pins Steamboat. Blanchard raises the TV Championship high.
    -Bob and Gordon review the end of the match.
    -United States Championship Match. Wahoo McDaniel VS. Billy Graham: This is karate era Graham. The bell rings as referee Tommy Young is checking both participants. They finally lock up and McDaniel breaks the hold. They lock up again. and McDaniel with a wrist lock. Graham with a hair pull to knock McDaniel down. They lock up again and McDaniel pushes Graham away. Another lock up and Graham pushes McDaniel away. Another lock up and they go to the corner. McDaniel with an eye rake. Then the hardest chop in the business. McDaniel with a series of forearms and chops. McDaniel with some right hands to Graham. A couple of chops and a corner whip by McDaniel. Then he follows it up with some forearms. Graham reverses a corner whip. He gets a full nelson on McDaniel. McDaniel gets to the ropes. Graham breaks the hold on the three count. Graham gets McDaniel down and goes for the full nelson again. McDaniel starting to fade. Graham covers him and gets a two count. Graham with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He then drops an elbow on McDaniel. He gets another two count. McDaniel with a left hand to the gut of Graham. McDaniel with some shots. Graham gets a side headlock on. McDaniel pushes off. Graham comes back with a shoulder block. McDaniel with a chop to knock Graham down. He then pins Graham. This was a clunky match. Graham claims that his tights were pulled, but the replay shows both of McDaniel’s hands on Graham’s chest during the pin.
    -They show the ending to Starrcade ‘83 again. They love showing this clip.
    -Bob and Gordone talk about the main event.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Duke Keomuka, Kyle Petty, and Smokin Joe Frazier. If the match goes 60 minutes, the three will get together to decide the winner. Keomuka says they are two great wrestlers and whoever wins it, wins it. Frazier says they know it’s a championship fight. Frazier is punchy. He says he will call it fairly. Petty says like in NASCAR, you’ve got to be aggressive. He says they will have to see who’s the most aggressive. It will be a tough decision, but he thinks the judges will make the right one.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about the judges having to decide the match should it go the full hour.
    -Main Event for $1,000,000 and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair VS. Dusty Rhodes: Smokin Joe Frazier is the referee. Rhodes comes out in a purplish robe with a hood to a great ovation. He is tremendously over with the crowd. Flair is mobbed coming to the ring. It takes several cops and referees to actually get him there. He is wearing a pink robe. Tom Miller makes the introductions. The crowd boos Keomuka, but gives Petty a great ovation when he is introduced. Frazier gets a good ovation when introduced. The crowd is mixed on Rhodes when he is introduced. Flair gets mostly cheers with a smattering of boos as he is introduced. They meet with Frazier in the center of the ring. He goes over the rules. The Bell rings. They circle each other. They lock up. They go to the corner. Break clean. They lock up again. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Rhodes with a shoulder block. Rhodes with an elbow. Rhodes goes back to a headlock. Flair driven down to one knee. Flair gets back to the ropes. They break. They lock up again. Flair drives a knee into Rhodes’ stomach. Flair with a chop. Flair now chopping Rhodes in the corner. Rhodes coming back with jabs in the corner and Flair backpedaling. Rhodes goes back to the headlock as Gordon is channeling his inner Jim Ross and talking about Rhodes’ athletic career IYDAH. Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Flair leap frogs a charge. Rhodes comes back with another elbow. Flair chops Rhodes in the corner. He then starts working on Rhodes with some jabs in the corner. Flair with a snap mare. Flair drops the knees on Rhodes’ head. He gets a two count and Frazier has a fast count. I think it caught both Flair and Rhodes off guard because Rhodes kicked out quickly. Flair with a knee to Rhodes. Flair runs Rhodes head first into one of the turnbuckles. Flair with a snap mare. Flair goes to drop a knee on Rhodes, who moves out of the way. Rhodes gets Flair in the figure four. Flair fighting to get out of the move. Frazier almost counts Flair down twice. Flair tries to reach the ropes, but he is too far away. He pulls himself some to get to the ropes. Rhodes breaks the hold. Rhodes drops an elbow to the knee to soften it up. He puts a leg lock on Flair, who grabs Rhodes in a headlock. Flair turns Rhodes over and starts punching him in the face. Both get back to their feet. Flair comes over to Rhodes visibly limping. They lock up again. Rhodes with a side headlock on. He then switches that to a wrist lock trying to drive Flair down to the mat again. Flair back up and drives Rhodes to the corner. Flair drives his shoulder into Rhodes’ midsection. Rhodes reverses and starts chopping Flair in the corner. Rhodes with another elbow to knock Flair down. Flair with a knee to the stomach and a charge off the ropes to Rhodes, who catches Flair in a scoop slam. Rhodes catches Flair in a chop and Flair does his falling face first spot IYDAH. Another elbow by Rhodes. Flair responds with a chop in the corner. They go back and forth on each other in the corner. Rhodes with a corner whip and Flair goes up and over the corner and out to the floor. Frazier moves Rhodes back to the corner so that he can start to count Flair out. Flair up on the apron and Rhodes grabs him, but Frazier keeps getting in the way. Despite this. Rhodes suplexes Flair in. He gets Flair down. He gets a two count and Frazier’s count is much slower this time. Both men to their feet. They trade chops. Rhodes with a headlock. Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes with a charge off the ropes. Flair with a back elbow. Flair whoos and struts. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Rhodes goes to drop an elbow, but misses. Flair goes for a right hand to Rhodes, who blocks it and hits Flair with a right of his own. Flair reverses an Irish whip and gets Rhodes in a sleeper. Rhodes drops down near the ropes and Flair goes tumbling to the outside. Flair pulls Rhodes out of the ring and starts chopping him. Back and forth on the floor. Flair runs Rhodes into the corner post. Flair gets back in the ring and Frazier tries to keep him back so that he can count Rhodes. Rhodes up against the barricade and he is busted open around his eye and blood is everywhere. Rhodes gets back in the ring and Frazier keeps Flair back so that he can check the eye. Flair jumps on Rhodes and snap mares him. He then starts punching Rhodes in the bad eye while Rhodes is down. Rhodes fires back with shots and elbows to Flair, knocking him down. Flair drives Rhodes to the corner and drives his shoulder into Rhodes’ midsection. Frazier pulls Flair off and checks Rhodes’ eye again. Frazier refers with Keomuka as Flair and Rhodes go at it again. Frazier then separates the two again. He checks Rhodes’ eye again and then signals for the bell. He stops the match due to the cut to the eye. Rhodes starts to go after Frazier but is restrained by other wrestlers. Flair is presented with the million dollar check by Jim Crockett on the outside of the ring. Flair kisses the check. Manny Fernandez is in the ring helping Rhodes to treat his eye. He has a towel wrapped around the eye. Rhodes finally makes his way out of the ring.
    -Gordon and Bob review the match and watch some of the replay of the end of the match.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair. Flair shows off his check. He says it may be unfortunate the way that it happened, but he said that when he got in the ring he was going 120%. He says Rhodes was doing the same and whether Joe Frazier should have stopped the match or not is not his business. All he had to do was make sure that he walked out with the check and the title which he did. He’s thankful to be the world’s champion. He’ll be back here next year.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about the great job the crew have done and then talk about how disappointed Dusty Rhodes must be. A fan wanders behind them and sees himself on TV and just stands there. They switch shots to the arena emptying out.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Dusty Rhodes in the dressing room. Rhodes is with Manny Fernandez. Rhodes says he has never had a match stopped by any means before yelling this is wrestling, Joe Frazier! This isn’t boxing, these are men. We are talking a million dollars. This is what we have to offer and stitches in his head don’t mean a thing to him. He tells Frazier that some time, some place he is going to get him. He tells Flair that if he calls this a victory, he needs to go home and kiss his mama. This ain’t no victory, this ain’t over. He tells Flair to spend his money well, don’t throw it away. He says the American Dream lives and continues to live. He then tells Tony Schiavone to get out.
    -Bob and Gordon talk about Dusty Rhodes being very disappointed. They sign off and throw it to a highlight package of the evening.
    -Tony Schiavone then interviews Joe Frazier. Frazier rambles through an interview saying people are looking at the money, but it was a serious cut. They were hitting each other from the beginning and he was trying to warn them and get between them. It was over the eye and a bad cut and he talked it over before he got in the ring that if one of them got injured, he needed to stop the match because he was closest to the cut.
    -Tony then signs off from Greensboro.
    -Final Thoughts: An okay show. Not as good as Starrcade ‘83. The main event was disappointing.

    Episode 103 Notes Thu, 18 Nov 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 53579276-c943-4c84-8b6c-2ef516e63659 My Notes for Episode 103: SNME November 1986 -It’s the time of the year to start putting some shows in the can because of the busy holiday schedule.
    -My wife and I joined a gym to try to get into better shape.
    -Today we look at the SNME from November 1986 from the WWF.
    -SNME VIII was shown on NBC Thanksgiving weekend, November 29, 1986. It was recorded November 15, 1986 from the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. There were 16,000 in attendance and the show did a 9.7 rating on NBC.
    -Jesse Ventura welcomes us to his town, Hollywood. It’s Saturday Night’s Main Event and the pleasure will be all ours.
    -Jake Roberts with Damien says you have to squeeze harder when you squeeze the Macho Man. He says we have to squeeze the champion’s air out of his body. We have to squeeze the fight out of the man, that's the only way you’re going to squeeze the title off of a champion. But they have ways to do it. He says Macho Man, try me if you feel lucky.
    -Randy Savage is with Elizabeth and says freak out freak out. He says he’s the #1 wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. He’s the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. The Macho Man Randy Savage. He says isn’t that right, Elizabeth? She says that’s right, Randy and he tells her to shut up and keep polishing his belt. He tells her if he loses tonight, it’s her fault.
    -Koko B. Ware is with Frankie. He says he’s got Nikolai Volkoff and tonight brother, when he flies, he’s going to drop some bombs all over you.
    -Roddy Piper says he’s probably the toughest son of an unnamed goat you’ve ever seen in your life. You want to see him fight? Put grandma to bed, make yourself a bologna sandwich and watch him squish a couple of worms, Bob Orton and Jimmy Hart. It won’t be a pretty sight, but he will be when it’s finished.
    -Jimmy Hart and The Hart Foundation say tonight they face The Killer Bees in a tag team match. They say the three best ways to kill a bee? 1. Swat them. 2. Spray them. 3. Give them a Hart Attack.
    -Hulk Hogan says tonight, the Hulkster faces his Ultimate Challenge. (That’s actually three years away, but I digress.) He says he knew that someday a super human like Hercules would come along. The body of a god. The power of all the thunder and lightning in the heavens. He says Hercules, I accept your challenge. Hercules, I’m ready for you. And whatcha gonna do when the 24 inch pythons challenge you?
    -Opening credits.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us to the L.A. Sports Arena. He then brings on Jesse Ventura and says apparently he has grown a great deal of hair as Jesse has a wig on. Jesse says he is Hollywood and a professional sports announcer and he’s not going to dignify McMahon’s remarks with an answer.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jake Roberts with Damien. Roberts says turn your back to me again, fool as he had come up behind Gene and scared him with Damien. Roberts says some people reach out to him and shake his hand but few people shake them a second time. Nobody wants to trust a snake. He says he shook the world and they all made a noise when he challenged the Macho Man. He says how can you know where he is headed when you don’t know where he’s been? He says some people are content in life to sit in their own stinking home town. In their own backyards playing in the sand box. Waiting for life to bring them something by. He says he’s not that kind of man. He’s not content with that. Like Hayley’s comet, nothing is stopping him, so Macho Man, tomorrow morning when they’re dry cleaning your hair, you think back. I’m the one your mother always warned you about.
    -Vince and Jesse discuss the Macho Man. Jesse says Savage ain’t no fool. He won’t underestimate the snake, but he certainly isn’t going to be shaking like Mean Gene. Jesse says he couldn’t tell if Mean Gene was holding a microphone or a vibrator. Jesse Ventura in 1986, People! Moving right along.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Macho Man and Elizabeth. He asks Elizabeth if she is afraid of snakes and Savage says forget her. He’s the Intercontinental champion. Mean Gene then asks Savage if he’s afraid of snakes. Savage says it’s totally impossible that he can be intimidated. After the match, he’s going to make some boots and belts out of that creature. Mean Gene says you’re going to skin Damien? Savage says no forget about that, he’s going to make a Jake skin belt and unless Mean Gene starts to respect him, he’s going to make a belt buckle out of him. He then says Elizabeth, down that aisle.
    -This is a very interesting match for the time. Both men are heels but both are getting their share of cheers in this match. If I had to pick who got more cheers, I would give the slight advantage to Jake the Snake.
    -Intercontinental Championship Match. Randy Savage with Elizabeth VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Savage gets a good ovation coming out considering he’s a heel. Roberts goes after Elizabeth with Damien as a big DDT chant goes out. Savage points his finger at Roberts then backs up and hides behind Elizabeth when Roberts comes back with Damien. The bell rings and they circle each other. Savage points at Damien’s bag. They both go for punches, but stop short of hitting each other. They lock up and Savage gets a wrist lock. Roberts reverses it. Savage yanks Roberts down by the hair. Then another one. Roberts then returns the favor. Roberts with an arm drag. Savage backs up and steps on Damien’s bag and freaks out. They lock up again. Roberts with a side headlock. Roberts with a takeover. Savage yanks the hair to take back the advantage. They go back and forth. Savage goes to drop an elbow and misses. Roberts goes for the DDT, but Savage slips out of it and goes to the outside. Roberts comes out after Savage. Roberts stalks Savage until they both climb back in. Savage goes off the ropes and Roberts stops him short with a boot to the ribs. Roberts goes for the DDT, but Savage runs him into the corner. Savage with a series of left hands. Roberts reverses a corner whip, but Savage gets his boots up on the charge. Roberts falls down like he is out of it. Savage gets a two count. Savage drives Roberts face first into the mat. Another two count. Savage with a snap mare. He then drops a knee on Roberts. He gets another two count. Roberts with a shot to the midsection of Savage. Then an uppercut to Savage. Savage comes back with an elbow to the head of Roberts and Savage then hits Roberts with a double ax handle. Savage gets another two count. Savage choking Roberts on the top rope. He then snaps him off and covers him again for a two count, but Roberts gets his foot on the ropes. He goes to pin him again but can’t get him. Savage drops another double ax handle on Roberts and gets a one count. Roberts coming back with shots of his own. Savage with an elbow shot. He ties Roberts up on the ropes. Savage grabs Damien’s bag. He puts the bag under the ring. Savage on the apron as Roberts gets loose and he hits Savage with a knee lift as Savage was coming through the ropes. Roberts goes after the bag. Savage with a shot to the stomach as the DDT chant goes out again. Savage with a wrist lock. Roberts with a boot to the stomach. Roberts with a short clothesline. Roberts gets a two count, but Savage gets his foot on the ropes. Roberts hits a face buster. The crowd wants the DDT. Another two count, but Savage gets his foot on the ropes again. Roberts with a series of left jabs. Then a right hand knocks Savage down. Roberts with an Irish whp, but drops his head too early and Savage kicks him in the face. Savage with a side headlock, but Roberts blocks a shot to the face and hits a big right hand to knock Savage down. Roberts goes for the DDT, but Savage is caught up in the ropes. Savage goes outside. Roberts goes outside after Savage. Savage puts Elizabeth back in front of him again. Roberts goes for Damien in the bag, so Savage hits him with a high knee from behind. He then climbs up to the top rope and hits a double ax handle to Roberts on the outside. He then puts Roberts on the inside and then climbs back up to the top rope. He hits Roberts with another double ax handle. He gets a two count. Savage climbs up top again, but gets caught by Roberts with a shot as he comes off the top rope. Roberts with left jabs. Savage fights back with a knee to the stomach of Roberts. Roberts drags Savage to the outside. He hits him and pushes him back in the ring. Savage attacks Roberts with boots to the midsection as he rolls back in. Referee Dave Hebner tries to stop Savage, so Savage throws him across the ring. Roberts hitting Savage with right and left hands. Hebner comes back over and Roberts also pushes him. Savage throws a chair into the ring as Hebner signals for the bell. Hebner tries to stop Savage from using the chair as Roberts grabs Damien and puts it on Savage so Savage and Hebner take off. Howard Finkel announces that both men have been disqualified.
    -They show Bobby Heenan buying the contract of Hercules from Slick for a pile of money.
    -The WWE really missed an opportunity several years ago to cash in on the whole Rick Rolled thing by doing Slick Rolled for a few weeks.
    -Mean Gene talks to Bobby Heenan and Hercules. Hercules says everybody knows Bobby Heenan is the smartest manager in professional wrestling. The kind of manager he wants to manage his career as the world heavyweight champion. Mean Gene says wait a minute, you’re not the champion yet. Heenan says let me tell you something, Okerlund, don’t you get down on my champion. Show a little respect. Hercules says I am the champion over and over.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says the pythons are ready. He says he’s checked Hercules out. He’s got the body of a god. He even looks like the real Hercules. He says Hercules could have been a Greek god, he could have been an immortal. Since he’s led by Bobby Heenan, he’s trained for the dude like he’s an immortal. He starts spouting gibberish about hanging in the garden of Eden with Eve and spending time on the Titanic to get ready for Hercules. He holds up his hand and says Hercules, this is where the power lies. Mean Gene asks him about Hercules’ new manager, Bobby Heenan. Hogan says it's the same old story with the weasel. He keeps throwing them at Hulk, and Hulk keeps throwing them down. He tells Hercules he is top shelf talent, but he’s in Hulk’s way. He’s on Hulk’s hit list. He’s going to feel the wrath of Hulkamania. He holds his hand up again and says this is where the power lies.
    -WWF World Championship Match. Hulk Hogan VS. Hercules with Bobby Heenan: Hogan gets a huge reaction when he comes out. Hogan gets in the ring and does his ear cupping thing to all four sides to a great ovation. They lock up for a test of strength. Hogan driven to his knees. He’s fighting it. He makes his way back to his feet. Hercules drives his head into Hogan’s midsection. He picks Hogan up on his shoulder and runs him into the corner. He hits Hogan with an elbow to the head. Hogan reverses a corner whip and follows it up with a corner clothesline. Hogan with a series of right hands to Hercules. Hogan with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and then hits Hercules with a high knee. Heenan gets up on the apron, so Hogan takes off after him. Heenan goes into the ring to get away from Hogan. Hercules jumps Hogan, but Hogan knocks him down. Hogan then slams Hercules down. Then Hogan goes to drop the elbow, but Hercules moves. Hercules drops a knee on Hogan. Hercules with a corner whip. Hogan falls to the canvas and Hercules drops the knee again and again. Jesse complains that Dave Hebner is reffing again after being knocked out in the previous match. Hercules gets Hogan in a bear hug. He picks Hogan up and delivers a backbreaker. He gets Hogan up in what they call the Hercules Backbreaker or as it is better known, the Torture Rack. Jesse says he heard Hogan quit. Hercules drops Hogan to the ground and raises his hand. Hebner puts Hercules' hand down and waves him off. Hercules arguing with Hebner. Hercules covers Hogan and gets a two count. Hogan hulks up. Hercules attacks with a right hand. No sell. Hogan coming back. Hogan blocks the right hand. He punches Hercules. He knocks Hercules down. A running elbow smash to Hercules. He then runs Hercules into the corner turnbuckle. Then into the opposite buckle. Then back to the first turnbuckle. He runs Hercules into it several times. He knocks Hercules down. Then the big boot, leg drop, and pin. Jesse says Hulk Hogan’s power is in his hand meant that he had the referee in his back pocket. Since the ref is Dave Hebner and considering what will go down 14 months from now, that's funny. Hogan must pose.
    -I must say I didn’t expect to see the Torture Rack on WWF TV from 1986!
    -Roddy Piper comes up on a video screen and says when we come back, you’ll see what it’s like to pay the Piper.
    -In a pre-tape, Jesse interviewed Bob Orton and Jimmy Hart. Jesse says we saw what Roddy Piper did to Adrian Adonis on the last SNME. He says Piper said it’s now their turn. Hart says he hurt Adonis. That lunatic Piper used a heavy wooden crutch. Jesse says that’s right he used a foreign object, but what’s to say he won’t do that again? He says to Bob Orton that he and Roddy Piper were best of friends. How is that going to determine the outcome of tonight’s match? Orton says they were not friends, Piper used him. He did all of the dirty work while Piper stood back and got all the glory. Piper has never been a good wrestler, he always hid behind Orton. He then points to the camera and says Piper, you have no one to hide behind tonight. Tonight, you have no friends.
    -Video of the Roddy Piper/Bob Orton friendship. Generic music here, but it was originally You’re a Friend of Mine by Clarence Clemons and Jackson Browne.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. Mean Gene says that Bob Orton says there was never any friendship between them. Piper says never any friendship huh? Piper says he got women to go out with Orton. He picked him up out of the gutter. He stood him up, put a hat on him, and made him something. Now he has Magnificent Muraco with him. The Fat Albert of professional wrestling. They think they are so tough. So tough that Adrian Adonis comes and starts hitting him upside his head. Orton starts hitting him from the other side. Muraco starts to hit him from the front. It doesn’t matter to him. Tonight he takes care of Orton, because he was Rowdy before Rowdy was cool.
    -Roddy Piper VS. Bob Orton with Jimmy Hart and Don Muraco: Piper gets a great ovation as he comes out. They lock up and go to a corner. Break clean and Piper gets away as Muraco tries to grab his legs from the outside. Muraco gets up on the apron and Piper spits at him. Piper goes to hit Muraco, who jumps off the apron. The referee throws Muraco out. Piper and Orton go back and forth with right hands. Piper hits a lot of body shots and hits a bulldog on Orton. Orton begging off. Piper grabs Orton and bites his face. Piper with a corner whip that leaves Orton upside down in the corner. Then a classic Piper eye poke. Then Piper with an uppercut. Then a big right hand knocks Orton down. Piper with a knee lift to Orton. That gets a two count for Piper. Piper with an Irish whip, but Piper drops his head and Orton hits a big right hand. Orton with a shot and an inverted backbreaker. That gets a two count as a Roddy chant goes out. Orton drops an elbow for another two count on Piper. Orton misses another elbow drop. Hart climbs up and grabs Piper for Orton to hit. Piper moves and Orton stops short of hitting Hart. Piper with a double ax handle that knocks Orton into Hart and Piper rolls Orton up to win. Crowd goes insane at the win.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. Mean Gene says he’s got to be pleased with his performance. Piper says he’s pleased he got the pink cowboy hat off of him he guesses. Not pleased that Adrian Adonis is still hitting him in the head. Don Muraco is still out there. The work has just begun. A small victory like that isn’t worth it. Mean Gene says all of a sudden, you have become a crowd favorite. He says he knows Piper didn’t set out to win any popularity contests, but he has. Piper says I don’t know, when I was in high school, I was voted most likely to marry the cheerleading squad. He says he’s not running for president. He fights to feed people. What Orton and Muraco wear are dresses, he wears a kilt. When it comes right down to it, When he’s good he’s good, when he’s bad, he’s much better.
    -Tag Team Match The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart with Jimmy Hart VS. The Killer Bees Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair: Mean Gene talks to The Hart Foundation. He says if they beat The Killer Bees tonight, they will be that much closer to a title shot with The British Bulldogs. Jimmy Hart says that is their goal. Bret Hart says we are the world. Jim Neidhart says no, we are the champions. Mean Gene says that’s easier said than done, exactly how are you planning on defeating the Killer Bees? Jimmy Hart says we are going to clip their wings. Bret Hart says snap their stingers. Jim Neidhart says and when we’re done with them they won’t be called the Killer Bees, they’re going to be called the Ween Bees. Bret and Brunzell start. Lock up and push off. Another lock up and Bret with a forearm to the back. Bret with an Irish whip. He misses a clothesline. Brunzell comes back with a high knee. Brunzell with an arm drag. Blair tagged in. He hits an elbow smash to Hart. Blair with a wrist lock. They go to an inset promo that Mean Gene did with the Killer Bees earlier while they were wearing their masks. They confuse Mean Gene by both claiming they are Brian Blair. While this is going on, both Blair and Bret get two counts from roll ups. Neidhart tagged in. Blair does an arm drag and a wrist lock on him and tags Brunzell back in. Killer Bees with a double back elbow on Neidhart. Brunzell then goes back to the wrist lock on Neidhart. Neidhart with an Irish whip. Bret plants a knee into Brunzell’s back when he hits the ropes. Brunzell in the heels corner and Bret tagged in. Neidhart holds Brunzell on his knee so that Bret can drop an elbow on his throat from the second rope. Bret covers, but the referee was out of position so Bret only gets a two count from it. He tries again and only gets another two count from it. Neidhart tagged in. He hits a standing dropkick on Brunzell. Neidhart with a rear chinlock on Brunzell. Brunzell tries to get out of it with elbows to Neidhart. Bret tagged back in. He hits Brunzell with an elbow and a headbutt. Back and forth with shots. Bret with a big forearm. They get Brunzell in their corner. Bret distracts the referee while Neidhart chokes Brunzell with the tag rope. That brings Blair in trying to stop it. The referee cuts Blair off allowing The Hart Foundation to double team Brunzell. Neidhart tagged in and guillotines Brunzell on the top rope and Bret then puts his boot on Brunzell’s throat. Neidhart goads Blair into the ring so that the referee will stop him so the Hart Foundation can double team again. Bret drops an elbow on Brunzell to prevent him from making the tag. Hart hits a backbreaker. Bret misses another elbow when Brunzell moves out of the way. Bret throws Brunzell to the outside where he lands hard. They go to a commercial break and when they come back, Brunzell is finally making his way back into the ring. He hits Bret with a shoulder block from the apron and then sunset flips into the ring. He gets a two count on Bret. Bret with a stomp to the hamstring. Neidhart tagged in. He hits Brunzell with a forearm to the back. He then gets Brunzell in a front face lock. Bret tagged back in. They go back and forth with shots. Bret goes for a European uppercut. Brunzell hooks both arms and goes for a backslide. He gets a two count. Bret with a side headlock. Brunzell pushes off. Brunzell drops down and then hits a big dropkick to Bret. Neidhart tagged in and trying to cut off Brunzell from making the tag. He gets the tag but the referee didn’t see it. He doesn’t allow Blair in. The Hart Foundation take advantage and throw Brunzell to the outside. Neidhart then knocks Blair off the apron. The Killer Bees go under the ring and put their masks on. Blair then gets in the ring and punches Neidhart. He knocks Neidhart down and then hits Bret Hart. Blair taking both members of The Hart Foundation on in the ring. He hits Bret with an atomic drop. Bret walks into the wrong corner and Brunzell claps both of his ears. Brunzell runs Neidhart into Bret. Blair with a sleeper on Neidhart. Bret climbs up top. That brings Brunzell in. The referee cuts Brunzell off allowing Bret to hit Blair from the second rope with a double ax handle. The referee goes to get Bret out of the ring, so Brunzell takes Blair’s place on the mat. Bret tagged in. He tries to set Brunzell up for something, but Brunzell gets him in an inside cradle to get the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Koko B Ware with Frankie. Koko says he and Frankie are both fired up. He says they want to go all over the world and Frankie wants to go to Russia. Mean Gene asks to Moscow? Koko says everywhere and blow. Weird interview.
    -Nikolai Volkoff with Slick VS. Koko B Ware with Frankie: Koloff in the ring to do the Soviet National Anthem gimmick. Jesse interviewed Volkoff and Slick earlier. Slick says to wrestle good, you’ve got to feel good. To feel good, you’ve got to look good. To look good, it takes money. To get money, you’ve got to have the guiding hand of the Slickster over your career. Slick says he doesn’t know Koko from a coconut, but he’s the one who better beware, cause the only way the Slickster likes his bird is deep fried. I see what you did there, Slick. Volkoff says Slick’s not like most Americans, he’s an honest man. Slick #1, Russia #1, Nikolai Volkoff #1. Sheik is going to go after Volkoff with his clubs if Volkoff keeps infringing on his gimmick. Volkoff attacks Ware before the bell as the referee tries to get Slick out of the ring. He drops knees on Ware in the corner. He keeps beating him down in the corner. The referee tries to get Volkoff off. Volkoff with a corner whip, but Ware leapfrogs over the charge in. Ware with body shots to Volkoff. He knocks Volkoff down. Ware hits a proto Frankensteiner on Volkoff. Then a pair of dropkicks to Volkoff. He gets a two count. Volkoff picks Ware up and drops him throat first on the top rope. He hits Ware with a scoop slam. He misses the knee drop. Ware goes up top and hits a missile dropkick to Volkoff. He gets a two count. Volkoff with knees to Ware. He hits a backbreaker on Ware. He picks Ware up after a one count. Scoop slam to Ware. Slick calls Volkoff over to give him some advice and Ware rolls him up for the three count.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Mean Gene says Jesse Ventura saw some weaknesses in Hulk. Hogan says some of what Jesse sees, he misinterprets. If you talk about weaknesses, he’s dead wrong. A man of equal strength, equal wrestling ability. He said against Hercules, the deck is stacked in his favor. When the going gets rough, he reaches for his Hulkamaniacs. They turn him from a mere mortal to Superman. Anyone who gets in his way. The big wheels of Hulkamania are going to grind you and eat you alive. The Hulkster won’t be here forever, but Hulkamania is going to live forever.
    -Mean Gene interviews Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji. Mean Gene asks Muraco that it’s his second appearance in the ring tonight, does he think it will hurt his chances? Muraco says he took the match for two reasons. He said so that he could protect Bob Orton and Jimmy Hart from that lunatic Roddy Piper. The second reason is they like that Rebel song and Mr. Fuji starts singing Dixie and now that is going to be burned in my brain forever.
    -Don Muraco with Mr. Fuji VS. Dick Slater: Muraco rams Slater’s head into the turnbuckle. Then a double head clap and a throat thrust to Slater. Muraco with a corner whip. Muraco follows it up with a right hand and a back elbow. Muraco goes for an airplane spin, but Slater slips off and goes for a rollup. He gets a two count. Slater with a right hand. Then another right hand by Slater. Slater with an elbow to the head. Slater with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Slater with a boot heel to the eyes of Muraco. Slater with an elbow smash from the top rope. He gets a two count, but Mr. Fuji puts Muraco’s foot on the ropes. Slater with a throat thrust and a side headlock. Slater comes off the ropes, but Mr. Fuji trips him. Muraco misses an elbow drop. Muraco hits a clothesline and gets the pin.
    -Vince and Jesse recap what has happened that night and say they will be back on New Year’s weekend before signing off from Hollywood.
    -End credits.
    -Final Thoughts: A fun little show that is worth it for the Savage/Roberts match alone.

    Episode 102 Notes Thu, 11 Nov 2021 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 3d39081c-f502-42b8-9aab-11c076f022c8 My Notes for Episodes 102: SNME April 1991. -I went away for the weekend to a wedding in Tennessee.
    -First time flying in 25 years. My first flightI had no issues going through security. We get on the plane and the seats across the aisle from me are empty. About 90 seconds before we take off, this guy appears from the back of the plane and sits down and I don’t know where he came from.
    -We finally get to Tennessee and rent a small SUV that my wife nicknamed Smoosh.
    -We get to our rental and we can’t get in the door. The woman we rented it from thinks it’s user error and doesn’t want to come out. She finally does and discovers it’s not user error.
    -My wife falls down on a step and hurts her knee.
    -We go to the wedding venue to set up.
    -Italian for lunch and my kingdom for a shirt!
    -I burned my arm on a steamer.
    -Rehearsal Dinner.
    -Wedding day: The sign was just a suggestion.
    -Father In Law’s birthday: Andrew Johnson Museum and Pioneer’s Daughter.
    -Flight home: Poor Jospeh! Unpack everything, buddy!
    -Today we are looking at the SNME from April 1991.
    -SNME XXIX was shown on NBC on April 27, 1991. It was recorded April 15, 1991 from the Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, Nebraska. There were 9,400 in attendance and the show drew a 7.7 rating on NBC. Last episode of the original NBC run.
    -Vince McMahon and Randy Savage welcome us to SNME and run down that night’s card. Savage is still a bit heelish.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Randy Savage interviews Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa, and General Adnan. Slaughter talks about beating The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble and how Hulk Hogan may have won the battle at WrestleMania VII, but Slaughter plans to win the war as they show a clip of Slaughter throwing fire at Hogan after their match at WrestleMania.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund talks to The Ultimate Warrior. They talk about The Undertaker attacking Warrior and locking him in a casket. Warrior says neither Sgt. Slaughter nor The Undertaker has sealed his fate. He says tonight he brings the Ultimate Battle.
    -Sgt. Slaughter with Colonel Mustafa and General Adnan VS. The Ultimate Warrior: Warrior comes to the ring full throttle. Savage still doesn’t like Warrior. Warrior hits two clotheslines on Slaughter. A shot from the Warrior knocks Slaughter to the outside and Warrior follows him. Back in, Slaughter backs off before hitting Warrior with a cheap shot. Slaughter throws Warrior outside. Mustafa attacks Warrior while Slaughter distracts the referee. Slaughter comes outside and runs Warrior into the post. He then kicks Warrior several times before throwing him back in. Slaughter concentrating on Warrior’s lower back. He then hits a backbreaker on Warrior and then a bear hug. Warrior comes back and slams Slaughter. He then sells the pain to his back. Slaughter goes back to the bear hug. They focus on this as you can now see the aisle and something is being rolled down to ringside. They then show it as Paul Bearer pushing down a casket. Warrior concentrates on the casket and gets hit from behind. Back in, Slaughter concentrates on the back as Warrior tries to get back up. He does finally get back up and hits several clotheslines. He hits the shoulder block as Paul Bearer opens the casket and The Undertaker is in there. Warrior goes to slam Slaughter but sees Undertaker. Slaughter attacks Warrior from behind. Mustafa, Adnan, and Undertaker come into the ring to attack the Warrior and the bell rings. Slaughter is disqualified. Hulk Hogan comes out to make the save. He hits Undertaker with the WWF title, but it has no effect. You see the doubt in Hogan’s eyes when he does this. Slaughter then attacks Hogan, who chases Slaughter outside. Undertaker goes to drop an elbow on Warrior, but Warrior moves. Hogan chases the others to the back while Warrior and Undertaker square off. Warrior finally knocks Undertaker over the top rope, but he lands on his feet. Some officials come out and separate the two.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys. They say that they are Nasty, but not disgusting like The Bushwhackers.
    -Roddy Piper interviews The Bushwhackers. They say that they can get Nasty, then they proceed to lick Piper.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Luke and Knobbs start. Back and forth. Knobbs with some hard shots. Luke reverses a clothesline and hits a shot. All four in. Bushwhackers hit a double clothesline. They clear the ring. Sags jumps Butch. Butch reverses a clothesline and hits a knee to Sags. Then a knee to the face and Luke is tagged in. He hits a clothesline and gets a two count. They hit the battering ram to both Nasty Boys, but knock them outside. Sags shoots Luke with a clothesline and Knobbs hits him with a boot to the back of the head. Some subtle cheating. Knobs drops several elbows to Luke. Gets a two count. Williams sells a hard corner clothesline. Sags drops an elbow on Luke. Butch saves Luke from being pinned. Knobbs and Butch both tagged in. Sags saves Knobbs from being pinned. Luke clips Knobbs and Butch pins him as there is some miscommunication as there should have been a three count, but Sags was late breaking it up. What are you going to do? Knobbs then pins Butch with an assist from Sags. Terrible match.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. They say the Warrior will be their biggest prize and that Undertaker will not rest until the Warrior Rests in Peace.
    -20 man battle royal: Mr. Perfect, Greg Valentine, Paul Roma, Marty Jannetty, The British Bulldog, Tanaka, Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, The Warlord, The Texas Tornado, Jim Duggan, Earthquake, Kato, Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Hercules, The Big Boss Man, Haku, Shawn Michaels, and The Barbarian are your participants.
    -Mean Gene interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They flashback to Earthquake squashing Damien. Earthquake says he hates snakes and will squash Jake Roberts and finish Hulk Hogan.
    -Randy Savage interviews Jake Roberts four months before their big feud. Roberts says no one knows what he has lost. He is so intense. He says he has Damien’s brother Lucifer, the Devil himself. Roberts gets a good reception coming out.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says the Hulkamaniacs know that they are in battle mode. He says he has no friends in the battle royal, but he is focused on getting through it and onto Sgt. Slaughter. He knows he is going to be gunned for.
    -Savage picks Earthquake to win. Hogan gets a huge ovation as he comes out. He goes right after Earthquake. Forearms flying as Perfect hangs out on the apron. Roberts and Hogan double team Earthquake. Jannetty and Roma eliminate each other. Hogan chokes Earthquake with some tape. Perfect fighting being eliminated by Hogan and Bulldog. Perfect bouncing around and selling for Valentine and Hogan. Warlord eliminates Bulldog. Tanaka thrown out. Snuka eliminated. Roberts eliminated by Earthquake. Roberts then brings out Lucifer. Everyone backs up. Roberts then leaves. Tugboat hits Hogan from behind. They get into a shoving match. Then they start going at it. Warlord attacks Hogan, who throws him over. Barbarian eliminates Texas Tornado. Earthquake eliminates Duggan. Hogan then tosses out Earthquake. Hogan tosses out Kato and Tugboat comes from behind and eliminates Hogan. Shawn Michaels then eliminates Tugboat and it looks like Hercules eliminates himself. Perfect dropkicks Boss Man for Barbarian to toss out. Perfect holds Michaels for Haku to hit but Michaels ducks and Haku hits Perfect and Michaels dropkicks Haku out. Michaels trying to eliminate Perfect who hangs on. Michaels gets propelled out and a Perfect elbow knocks him off the apron. Valentine hitting both Barbarian and Perfect. Double team on Valentine. Valentine ducks a Perfect dropkick and Perfect hits Barbarian who was holding Valentine and Barbarian is gone. Perfect chops Valentine. Valentine chops back. Perfect selling hard. Valentine atomic drop and elbow on Perfect. Perfect goes over the top but rolls back in. Then they both tumble over but Perfect holds on. Mr. Perfect is the winner.
    -Bret Hart VS. Ted DiBiase with Sensational Sherri: Roddy Piper joins commentary. Mean Gene interviews DiBiase and Sherri. DiBiase says Bret has a lot of Heart, but money will get you there quicker. DiBiase and Hart lock up. Hart with the early advantage. He clotheslines DiBiase to the outside. He then launches himself out after DiBiase. Back in, Hart gets a side headlock. Sherri then trips Hart. Hart goes after her, allowing DiBiase to go for a high knee, but Hart ducks and DiBiase hits Sherri. Hart gets a two count. DiBiase then hits a stun gun. A DiBiase piledriver gets a two count. It goes outside. Sherri hits Hart. She then chokes him with her jacket. She then punches Hart in the throat. Hart then does his patented body charge into the corner. DiBiase then goes for the sleeper, but Hart runs him into the corner. Hart lands a punch on DiBiase’s stomach. Hart then knocks DiBiase down and DiBiase begs off. A Hart back elbow gets a two count. Side Russian leg sweep gets another two count. Hart then hits a back breaker and a second rope elbow for another two count. Sherri trips Bret again, who goes after her. DiBiase jumps him from behind. Roddy Piper leaves the booth to help. The crowd erupts when Piper comes out. Piper surprises Sherri. He gets a broom and chases Sherri with it. She runs to the back. DiBiase goes after them and Hart follows. They fight down the aisle and both get counted out.
    -Tito Santana VS. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart: Santana starts out hot with a hard right and an atomic drop and two dropkicks. Mountie rolls out to regroup. Santana goes after him and they slug it out. Santana brings Mountie in. Santana tries a monkey flip, but gets pushed off. Mountie runs Santana into a turnbuckle. Santana gets his knees up on a Mountie splash. Santana hits the flying forearm. Hart climbs in the ring and Santana hits him with a flying forearm too. Mountie then gets the cattle prod and nails Santana in the neck with it including that fake zapping overdub that they do. Mountie then gets the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews, Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa, and General Adnan. Slaughter says that Hulk Hogan interfered and that Hogan will get another fireball and when he does, Slaughter is going to dig his fingers into Hogan’s burned flesh. He says Hogan may have won the battle, but he is going to win the war.
    -Roddy Piper interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says while Slaughter started the war, Hogan will take it to the end. He says all Slaughter has done is add fuel to the fire.
    -Vince and Randy then recap the night before signing off from Omaha.

    Episode 101 Notes Thu, 04 Nov 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 71c1dae7-d919-417c-82ac-de55db107d15 My Notes for Episode 101: Night of Champions 2011. -I hope you all had a Happy Halloween. Scott Vaughan, 20 Halloweens at age 14.
    -Losing weight while you have a wedding to attend is no fun. None of my old clothes fit anymore and I hate shopping for clothes.
    -This will be my first time flying in 25 years.
    -Today we look at Night of Champions 2011 from the WWE.
    -Night of Champions 2011 took place September 18, 2011 from the First United Center in Buffalo, New York. There were 11,000 in attendance and the show did 161,000 PPV buys.
    -Dark Match. Daniel Bryan defeated Heath Slater.
    -Michael Cole welcomes us to Night of Champions. He, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T are our announcers for the evening. Booker says this is the one night every championship is going to be defended and it’s going to be awesome. Lawler says by the end of the night, they may have a new C.O.O. in the WWE.
    -WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston VS. Awesome Truth: The Miz and R-Truth: Bell rings. Kingston and Miz start. They lock up and battle for revenge. Miz drives Kingston in the corner and breaks on four. Kingston comes back with a big forearm. That gets a two count. Bourne tagged in. Kingston with a big forearm to Miz and holds Miz’ legs as Bourne stomps down on Miz’ chest from the top rope. Bourne gets a two count. Bourne with a big right hand and tags Kingston back in. Bourne with a corner whip and a back elbow. Then he gets down on all fours for Kingston to deliver a flying fist drop to Miz. Gets another two count. Miz with a knee to the stomach and tags R-Truth in. Kingston with a hip toss. Bourne tagged in. Kingston with a knee to the stomach and flips Bourne up to do a headscissors on R-Truth. Air Boom with a double dropkick to Miz. Awesome Truth roll to the outside. Air Boom with crossbodies onto them from opposite corners. Bourne rolls R-Truth back in and gets a one count. R-Truth with a series of punches to Bourne on the mat. Bourne grabs the rope. R-Truth attacks him. The referee pulls R-Truth away allowing Miz to kick Bourne in the head. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth slaps Bourne. Miz tagged in and delivers a running kick to the head of Bourne. Gets a two count. Miz with a rear chin lock. Bourne spins around and hits Miz with some punches to the stomach and kicks to the leg. Bourne goes for a big kick but Miz swipes him away for a two count. R-Truth tagged in. Double shoulder block by Awesome Truth. R-Truth gets a two count. Then another one. R-Truth with a front face lock. Bourne trying to come back with some elbows to the stomach. Bourne with a backdrop to get out of the hold. Double count going. Miz tagged in and cuts Bourne off from tagging Kingston in. Miz with punches to Bourne’s head. Breaks on the four count. Miz with big right hands to Bourne. Bourne comes back with kicks and slaps to both members of Awesome Truth. Big kicks to Miz, but again Miz cuts Bourne off from making the tag. Miz goes for the SCF. Bourne slips through his legs and pushes off to tag Kingston in. Kingston cleans house. He hits the Boom Drop on Miz. R-Truth tries to ambush Kingston, but gets cut off. Miz goes for a DDT, but Kingston counters it into the SOS. He gets a two count. Kingston goes for a suplex. Miz slips behind and goes to roll Kingston up. Kingston holds onto the ropes and hits Miz with an elbow. R-Truth sneaks up and guillotines Kingston on the top rope. Miz hits a reverse DDT. He gets a close two count. Kingston goes for the tag. Miz cuts him off. R-Truth comes in and the referee gets him out. This allows Bourne to hit a flying knee on Miz. They pretend that Bourne tagged in and Michael Cole is irate. Miz argues with the referee about the tag. Bourne comes from behind and rolls Miz up for a two count. Bourne with a high knee and a roundhouse kick to take out both Miz and R-Truth. Bourne goes up top and goes for Air Bourne. Miz moves and Bourne lands on his feet. Miz hits a DDT. Kingston breaks up the count. R-Truth tags in, but the referee didn’t see it and won’t allow it. R-Truth argues with the referee. Miz hits the SCF, but the referee is still arguing with R-Truth. When the referee finally starts to count, he only gets a one count. Miz is angry at the referee and pushes him down by the face hard. The bell rings and Miz is disqualified. Miz and R-Truth are irate. Miz confronts the referee and pushes him down again. R-Truth calms Miz down. He goes over to the ref, picks him up and says sorry about that. Then he slaps the ref. They both yell at the ref that he is the conspiracy and that they are sick of it.
    -Miz and R-Truth then are shown backstage and R-Truth is yelling that they are going to pay for this and he is sick and tired of it. They get interrupted by Matt Striker. He asks them if they know putting their hands on a WWE official is tantamount to a fine or a suspension. Miz says who do you think you are telling us about rules? R-Truth says besides, that wasn’t a referee, that was a conspirator out there. They said they don’t give a damn what HHH thinks. After tonight, he may no longer be the C.O.O.
    -Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes VS. Ted DiBiase: This is of course, Ted Jr. Rhodes comes out with two men who pass out paper bags for people to put on their faces. Flashback to DiBiase coming out of the crowd to attack Rhodes on Smackdown. Bell rings and they lock up and go to a corner. DiBiase delivers a knee to the stomach. He corner whips Rhodes, but misses the charge in when Rhodes leaps out of the way. Rhodes with a drop toe hold. Rhodes goes for a headlock. DiBiase reverses. Rhodes pushes off. He goes for a hip toss. DiBiase rolls out of it and kicks Rhodes in the face. He gets a one count. Rhodes with a kick and a front face lock. DiBiase comes back with a short clothesline. He gets another one count. DiBiase with an arm bar. Rhodes comes back with some slaps to the face and a kick to the groin of DiBiase. DiBiase comes back with a dropkick. He gets a two count. They go back and forth. DiBiase with a takedown and punches to Rhodes. Rhodes with a knee to the stomach of DiBiase. Rhodes then hits a Beautiful Disaster to the skull. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a front face lock slam. Rhodes stomps down on DiBiase. Rhodes with a modified Indian Death lock. He gets DiBiase on the corner with punches. Rhodes with a wristlock and a kick to the stomach of DiBiase. DiBiase drives Rhodes into a corner and monkey flips him out. Both men’s shoulders down and they get a one count, but both bridge out of the count at the same time. Both up and Rhodes overpowers DiBiase and knocks him on the ropes. Rhodes starts slapping DiBiase in the head. The referee drags Rhodes off of DiBiase. Rhodes with a right hand to DiBiase. Rhodes with a corner whip. He misses the charge in when DiBiase moves. DiBiase with an arm drag. DiBiase with a series of right hands to Rhodes DiBiase avoids a Rhodes right hand and hits a backbreaker. DiBiase with an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Rhodes holds onto the ropes. Rhodes with a kick to the head of DiBiase. Rhodes gets an abdominal stretch. DiBiase with a hip toss to get out of the move. Rhodes comes back with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a wristlock/headlock combo on DiBiase. DiBiase trying to come back. Elbows to Rhodes to break the hold and then DiBiase with an Irish whip. He drops down too early and Rhodes drops to the mat and punches DiBiase in the face. DiBiase catches Rhodes with a clothesline. DiBiase with an inverted atomic drop to Rhodes. He slaps Rhodes. Rhodes misses a clothesline. DiBiase with a running knee to the face of Rhodes. He gets a two count. Rhodes gets his boots up on a corner charge. DiBiase hits a spinebuster for a two count. DiBiase goes for Dream Street. Rhodes with a takeover to avoid the hold. Rhodes starts to go for a move from the second rope, but gets hit with a dropkick from DiBiase. He gets a two count, but Rhodes grabs the ropes. DiBiase stomping Rhodes in the corner. He puts Rhodes on the top rope. He goes up to do a move on Rhodes, who headbutts DiBiase several times with his mask. DiBiase comes back with a right hand and arm drags Rhodes off the top rope. DiBiase then trying to rip the facemask off of Rhodes. He rips it off and goes to hit Rhodes with it. Rhodes ducks and rolls DiBiase up for a pin with a handful of tights.
    -The Spanish Announce Team is introduced. Carlos Cabrera and Marcelo Rodriguez are your Spanish Announcers for the evening.
    -Christian comes out. He addresses the WWE Universe and says he talked to Teddy Long and HHH. He says they are too self-absorbed to do the right thing, so he will do the right thing. He says he’s been in this business for 17 years and over that time, he’s amassed a laundry list of amazing matches. The stuff of legend. The type of matches that people will be talking about for years to come and because of that he deserves one more match to become the World Heavyweight Champion. He says whoever wins the Randy Orton/Mark Henry match, he deserves to face them immediately when they finish competing. Right here, tonight. He says Buffalo, you’ve never won the Super Bowl. You’re probably never going to win the Super Bowl. But Christian has won the Super Bowl, twice. He is a champion and this is the Night of Champions. He says that those who can feel his cause should stand up and let their voices be heard. He gets them to chant one more match. He gets cut off by Sheamus’ music. Sheamus comes out. Sheamus tells Christian that this is the Night of Champions, not the night of the squinty eyed, crying, moaning, complaining little weasel. Christian says this doesn’t even concern Sheamus. Sheamus says actually it does concern him. He’s been a world champion too and he would give his Uncle Fergus’ lucky left green testicle to compete here tonight. Christian says you’re what? Sheamus repeats it. Christian says at least he has the testicles to stand up like a man and tell the entire world that he deserves one more match. Sheamus says he has a point, so he’ll tell Christian what he will do. If he helps Christian get one more match and he wins the championship, he has to promise Sheamus that his first title defense will be against him. Christian says he has a deal. Sheamus says all right everyone here in attendance who agrees should say in unison One More Match. The fans start to chant and then Sheamus hits Christian with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus then leaves Christian laying in the middle of the ring.
    -Fatal Four Way match for the United States Championship. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero VS. John Morrison VS. Alex Riley VS. Jack Swagger: Ziggler is the current US champion. They pair off as the bell rings. Morrison with Swagger and Riley with Ziggler. Morrison runs Swagger into the corner turnbuckle and punches him. Riley runs Ziggler into another turnbuckle and then Ziggler reverses a corner whip. Ziggler misses the corner clothesline and Riley comes back with a clothesline of his own. Riley throws Ziggler to the outside. Morrison also thrown outside by Swagger. Riley goes after Swagger who hits him with a back elbow. Swagger with a shoulder block to Riley. Swagger with forearms to Riley. Swagger with an Irish whip. He misses the clothesline. Riley with a takedown on Swagger for a two count. Riley then kicks Swagger. Riley then punches Ziggler off of the apron. Riley then goes to launch himself onto Ziggler on the outside, but Ziggler sidesteps it and Riley hits the steps with his face. Morrison tries to roll Swagger up inside the ring and gets a two count. Swagger goes for a back suplex and Morrison rolls through and kicks Swagger in the head. Ziggler breaks up the count. Morrison dropkicks Ziggler out of the ring. Morrison gets a two count on Swagger. Swagger pushes off. Morrison comes back with a kick to the face. Swagger hip tosses Morrison to the outside. Ziggler in the ring and screaming at Guerrero about Swagger, whom Guerrero had been trying to recruit, saying Guerrero didn’t need Swagger, she needed Ziggler. Swagger clotheslines Ziggler. Swagger with an Irish whip and a big kick to Ziggler. He then knocks Morrison off of the apron. Riley hits the Final Score on Swagger and goes to cover him. Guerrero puts Swagger’s leg on the rope to stop the count. Ziggler dropkicks Riley from behind. Ziggler asks Guerrero if she just cost him his match. Morrison with an enziguri to Ziggler. He gets a two count. Ziggler blocks a suplex attempt and knocks Morrison down with a kick to the leg. Ziggler with a famouser for a two count. Ziggler with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline. Morrison with a forearm shot. Morrison puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle. Morrison goes for a superplex. Ziggler fighting to get out of it. He hits Morrison into the tree of woe. Riley leaps over Morrison to go after Ziggler. Morrison reaches up and suplexes Riley off the corner turnbuckle. Swagger leaps up and hip tosses Ziggler off the top turnbuckle. Morrison had fallen to the outside and may have hyperextended his knee. Swagger stomping Riley. Morrison back in the ring attacking Swagger. Morrison ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a clothesline on Swagger. Morrison attacking both Swagger and Riley. Swagger reverses a corner whip and Morrison reverses a slam attempt into a DDT on Swagger. Morrison with a Moonlight Drive on Riley. He gets a close two count. Morrison goes for Starship Pain and Riley gets his legs up. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Morrison. Swagger with an ankle lock on Riley. Morrison gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Riley pushes off. Swagger runs into Ziggler and knocks him to the outside. Riley with a jumping DDT for a two count. Swagger pushes Riley into the turnbuckle and then goes back to the ankle lock. Morrison goes for a crossbody to Swagger off the ropes, but Swagger ducks. Swagger with a gut wrench powerbomb to Morrison. Ziggler pushes Swagger off and pins Morrison to win the match.
    -Josh Matthews interviews Mark Henry. Josh says that people are saying that Mark Henry has had opportunities in the past, maybe he can’t win the big one. Henry grabs the microphone. He says he has 15 years of frustration built up and he’s going to take it out on Randy Orton. He says as for all the doubters and the haters, he wants Josh Matthews to come out there and interview him. The New World Heavyweight Champion.
    Vickie Guerrero is shown walking backstage saying yes, we won. Matt Striker approaches her for an interview. She said it was exhilarating. Tonight, she saw her future. The US champion works for her. Jack Swagger wants to work for her. Every Superstar in the locker room is buzzing because they all want to work with her. Finally, her talents have been recognized. Things are about to happen. In fact, if HHH loses tonight and has to step down. She knows she will make a great C.O.O. She then kisses Striker and walks away.
    -The announcers plug Hell in a Cell coming up in two weeks.
    -Flashback to Mark Henry’s path of destruction the past few months and previewing his match with Randy Orton.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Mark Henry: Orton gets a huge ovation when he comes out. The bell rings. Slow to start. A Randy Orton chant goes out. They lock up and Henry just throws Orton into a corner. Henry charges in and Orton hits him with some right hands. Orton then ducks a Henry right hand. He kicks Henry in the knee. That drives Henry to his knees. Then a kick to the head to knock Henry down. Then the dumbest move in the business: The Orton Stomp. Then a knee to the temple of Henry. Henry rushes Orton who throws Henry to the outside. Henry starts tearing the Spanish Announce Table apart. He gets back in and lifts Orton up in a military press. Orton slides behind and goes for the RKO. Henry pushes off. A big kick to Orton’s face by Henry. Henry with a corner whip and charges in and hits Orton with a splash. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam. Orton slips behind and puts a sleeper on Henry. Henry runs Orton into the corner turnbuckle to break the hold. Orton hits several forearms to Henry. Henry with a big right hand that knocks Orton off of the turnbuckle to the floor. Henry goes out after Orton. He slams Orton into the ring apron. He gets Orton back inside the ring and headbutts him. Henry wraps Orton back first into the corner post and pulls back on him. He breaks on the four count. Henry gets back in the ring and scoop slams Orton. He then hits Orton with a big splash. He gets a two count. Orton comes back with a series of right hands. Henry comes back by driving a shoulder into Orton’s midsection. He delivers a forearm to Orton’s back. Henry then drops an elbow on Orton. He gets another two count. Henry with a kick to Orton’s leg. He follows that up with a clothesline. Henry grabs Orton by the throat as he is laying on the ground and tells him that he told him it was going to be like this. Orton coming back with a right hand. Then punches and kicks to Henry. Then a series of forearms to Henry. Henry comes back with a headbutt to knock Orton back down. Henry goes for the big splash, but Orton moves. Orton with punches to Henry in the corner. The then clotheslines Henry. Then another. Henry attempts a clothesline of his own which Orton ducks. Orton with a dropkick to knock Henry down. Henry rolls out to the apron. Orton goes for a ropes DDT, but Henry headbutts him. Henry then with a clothesline. Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam. Orton kicks out on two. Henry pulls Orton over to the corner and starts to climb up. He goes to splash, but Orton gets his boots up. Orton goes to take out Henry’s leg. He then DDT’s Henry. Orton goes into his Viper routine. Henry rolls to the apron. Orton goes for the apron DDT and hits it. He gets a two count, but Henry gets his hand on the ropes. Orton comes over to Henry, who pulls Orton’s shoulder into a rope. Henry then kicks Orton down. Orton uses Henry to pull himself to his feet. Then Henry pulls him down again. Orton pulls himself back up again. Orton goes for the RKO and Henry pushes off. Henry hits another World’s Strongest Slam. He then pins Orton to become the new World’s Heavyweight Champion. Henry grabs the title.
    -Josh Matthews interviews Mark Henry. Henry grabs the mic and says you didn’t believe, did you? You didn’t believe that he would be holding the biggest prize in professional wrestling. Did you? He tells the crowd not to start cheering because none of them believed it either. They are all doubters and haters. He would like to welcome us all to the Hall of Pain. This is his moment and he is not sharing it with anyone. They don’t deserve this. He’s going to be the most dominant champion of all time. He’s taking on all comers. He isn’t running from anybody and he’s never ever losing this title. He then throws the mic down. He walks back up the aisle with the title on his shoulder.
    -Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are shown talking backstage with John Laurinaitis about what happened on RAW this past Monday. Having to team up with Ricardo, a ring announcer. Laurinaitis says do you want my opinion? He says he agrees with Del Rio, but last week’s main event was HHH’s call, not his. Del Rio says Laurinaitis was just doing his job. He says he was just doing his job, but doesn’t Del Rio have a more important job to do tonight? Del Rio says listen Johnny, you don’t tell me what to do. He says tonight after he beats Cena, this company better start treating him with the respect that he deserves. Laurinaitis wishes him good luck tonight. He then turns and says good luck to you too and the camera pans and we see he is talking to CM Punk. Punk stands there and smirks at Laurinaitis. Punk says you know that almost sounded pretty sincere coming from you. Considering I’m the guy that’s always challenging your authority and questioning your integrity and of course there’s the one time I kicked you in the head, on accident of course. Laurinaitis says he’s the Executive VP of Talent Relations and when he says good luck, he means it. Punk says yeah good luck like best of luck in your future endeavors? He then walks away.
    -WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Beth Phoenix with Natalya: Phoenix gets a great reaction when she comes out as she is from Buffalo. The bell rings and they lock up. Kelly with a side headlock. Phoenix pushes off and hits Kelly to knock her down. Phoenix goes to drop an elbow, but Kelly moves. Kelly tries for an Irish whip, but Phoenix overpowers and goes for an Irish whip of her own. Phoenix tries a hip toss. Kelly lands on her feet. Kelly with a wrist lock as a Kelly Sucks chant goes out. Kelly with a modified hurricanrana roll up for a two count. Kelly with a headscissors vice on Phoenix. Then Kelly climbs up top and goes for a crossbody, but Phoenix catches her. Inverted backbreaker on Kelly and Phoenix spanks her. Then a kick to Kelly’s stomach. She then chokes Kelly with her boot for a three count. Phoenix then gets a two count. Phoenix choking Kelly against the ropes. Phoenix with a guillotine slingshot to Kelly on the bottom rope. Gets another two count. Kelly gets back up and hits Phoenix with some forearms. Phoenix comes back with a knee to the stomach of Kelly. Phoenix with an Irish whip. She then goes for a tilt a whirl, but Kelly hits her with a knee to the midsection. Kelly with a bulldog. Natalya pulls Phoenix out to safety and then Eve attacks Natalya. Phoenix then slams Eve down at ringside. Phoenix then rolls back in. She goes to grab Kelly, who gets a small package on Phoenix for a two count. Kelly with a crucifix roll up for another two count. Phoenix pushes Kelly into a corner. Kelly moves at the Phoenix charge. Kelly with a kick to Phoenix. Phoenix with a clothesline. The crowd cheers. Phoenix puts Kelly on one of the turnbuckles. She hits her with a big right hand. Phoenix hits a top rope superplex on Kelly. Both women down. A let’s go Beth chant goes out. Phoenix gets a two count. The crowd boos. Phoenix goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly rolls through and rolls Phoenix up for the pin. She grabs the title and she and Eve hug and they leave.
    -Michael Cole is berating Beth Phoenix on commentary, saying she choked.
    -Be A Star Campaign ad.
    -Preview of the WWE Championship Match and the history of the WWE Title.
    -WWE Championship Match. Alberto Del Rio VS. John Cena: Justin Roberts introduces Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio walks to the arena instead of driving out like he normally does. He gets in the ring and asks Rodriguez where his keys are. Rodriguez says he doesn’t know. Cena’s music hits and he comes out driving the car. He runs to the ring to a big ovation. Del Rio clears the ring. Cena is pumped up. Roberts starts to introduce the participants. Del Rio grabs the mic and says he doesn’t want to hear Roberts and his horrible English accent. He then brings Rodriguez back in to introduce him in Spanish. He does. Roberts then starts to introduce Cena, who grabs the mic. Cena asks Del Rio do you know what I hate the worst about you? A small Cena sucks chant goes out. He says Del Rio thinks he's in a class by himself. Not because he’s more talented. Just because he has money and nice stuff. He honestly thinks he’s better than all these people. He says Del Rio thinks he’s the only one who can drive fancy cars down to the ring. Cena then says I stole your Ferrari and drove that to the ring. How does that make you feel? He said you think you’re special because you have your own ring announcer. Well, I’ll give it a try. Cena then introduces himself. The bell rings. Cena with a headlock takeover into a side headlock. Back up and Del Rio pushes off. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. Del Rio goes to the ring apron. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. Del Rio with a side headlock. Cena pushes Del Rio off. He follows it up with a shoulder block to knock Del Rio down. Del Rio rolls back to the ring apron. Del Rio with a kick to the stomach. He then hits Cena with kicks and forearms. Del Rio with an Irish whip. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. Cena runs Del Rio into the turnbuckle. Cena with a corner whip and a bulldog. Cena with a charge and Rodriguez trips him. Referee Charles Robinson catches him and throws Rodriguez out. Del Rio arguing with the referee about the call. Cena comes back with right hands. Cena with a corner whip and a charge, but Del Rio moves out of the way. Del Rio with a running kick to Cena’s back. Then another kick to the kidneys to knock Cena to the outside. Del Rio rolls out after Cena. Del Rio pushes Cena back first into the Spanish Announce Table as the Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks chants go out again. Del Rio rolls Cena back into the ring. Del Rio goes up top. He hits a double shot to Cena. That gets a two count. Del Rio with a rear chin lock to Cena. Cena fights back to his feet. He breaks the hold. Cena with a knee to the stomach and a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. Cena runs Del Rio into a turnbuckle. Then a corner whip and a suplex to Del Rio Gets another two count. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio with an arm crunch on Cena’s arm looking to soften it up for the Cross-Arm Breaker. He gets a two count. Del Rio with a running kick to Cena’s head. Dueling Cena chants start again. Another kick to Cena’s head. Del Rio gets a two count. Another kick to Cena’s head. Del Rio working on Cena’s arm. Another two count. Del Rio with a headlock. Cena gets back to his feet. Cena picks Del Rio up for a big slam. A double count going. A You Can’t Wrestle chant goes out. Both men up at an 8 count. Double clothesline and both men down again. Double count going again. Both men up at 8 again. Cena misses a clothesline. Del Rio goes after Cena’s legs with big kicks. Cena goes down. Del Rio kicks Cena to the apron. Cena holding on. Cena blocks a shot and guillotines Del Rio on the top rope. Cena gets back in the ring and Del Rio hits him with a clothesline. Del Rio gets another two count. Del Rio with a charge. Cena moves and Del Rio goes through the ropes to the outside. Referee counting Del Rio. Cena suplexes Del Rio back in from the apron. Both men back down and a double count going. Both men up at 5. Two shoulder blocks by Cena. Cena with a big slam. U Can’t See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio slips out. Del Rio counters with a modified Code Breaker. He gets a two count. Del Rio with a kick to the kidneys. He goes for the Cross Arm Breaker. Cena ducks and corner whips Del Rio. Cena with a corner clothesline. Cena with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Cena goes up top. Del Rio with an enziguri off the ropes to Cena. Gets a two count. Del Rio misses another running kick. Cena goes for the STF. Del Rio kicks off. Del Rio with a backbreaker. Gets another two count. Del Rio stomping Cena. Del Rio puts Cena on the top turnbuckle. Then forearms to Cena’s back. Cena in the tree of woe. Del Rio goes for a shoulder tackle. Cena lifts up and Del Rio audibly hits the corner post. Cena with a top rope leg drop. Gets a two count. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio slips out and goes for a German Suplex. Gets another two count. Del Rio dragging Cena to a corner. Del Rio goes up top and hits a back splash on Cena. Gets a two count. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena. Cena starts to block it. Del Rio tears his hands away. Cena gets to his feet still in the move and gets a two count. Cena lifts Del Rio up while still in the move. He slams Del Rio down to get out of the hold. Cena hits the AA. Rodriguez runs back down to ringside. Cena runs him into the turnbuckle. Cena gets the STF on Del Rio. Del Rio fighting it hard. Del Rio finally taps. New WWE Champion! Cena celebrates. He comes over to the commentary table and tells the announcers he never gave up and the champ is here!
    -The announcers preview the upcoming HHH/CM Punk match.
    -Flashback to what led up to the match.
    -Main Event. No disqualifications. HHH’s job as C.O.O. is on the line. HHH VS. CM Punk: Punk out first to a great reaction. He gets in the ring and sits down facing the entrance. HHH comes out. He looks determined. Punk attacks HHH right after he does his water spit move on the apron. Jerry Lawler and Booker T call the match pretty much from this point on as Michael Cole has lost his voice. Punk runs HHH over the barricade. Punk starts to tear the announce table apart. HHH hits him with a forearm from behind. He throws Punk through the ropes to the other side of ringside. He then throws Punk over the announce desk. He stomps Punk down behind the announce desk. HHH delivering punches to Punk. HHH goes for the Pedigree. Punk slips out and goes for the GTS. HHH slips out and pushes Punk off. Punk gets into the ring and does a bring it signal to HHH. A CM Punk chant goes out. Back and forth in the ring. Punk with stomps to HHH in the corner. HHH comes back with a knee to the stomach and he throws Punk into the corner. HHH with a corner whip. He goes for the Pedigree again. Punk fighting it and drives HHH into the corner. He then drives his shoulder several times into HHH’s abdomen. Punk with a corner whip. He misses a running knee when HHH moves. Punk falls to the outside. HHH rolls to the outside as well. He runs Punk head first into the barricade. He then runs him into the apron and rolls him back into the ring. He drives Punk’s leg into the ring post. He then does it again. He then runs Punk into the barricade again. HHH with a right hand. Punk comes back with a kick. Then several right hands to HHH. He runs HHH into the barricade. Then a running knee to HHH on the outside. Punk goes for a bulldog, but HHH pushes off and Punk goes over the barricade. HHH with a double ax handle on Punk from the barricade. HHH with a forearm to Punk. HHH with stomps and punches to Punk. Fighting into the crowd. They fight through the crowd. Punk throws a trash can at HHH. He then throws HHH into a barricade. He kicks HHH in the ribs. Then elbows to HHH’s head. HHH then gets Punk down and slingshots him into the video board. Punk then runs HHH into the video board. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Punk reverses into a backdrop. Punk with a double ax handle to HHH from the front video board. He then throws an equipment bag on HHH. Then another equipment bag. He runs HHH head first into another video board. They fight back down the aisle toward the ring. Punk with punches and kicks. A big roundhouse kick to HHH. Punk puts HHH back in the ring. Punk gets a chair from under the ring. He hits HHH in the back with it. He gets a two count. He sets the chair up in the ropes in the corner. HHH trying to fight back with punches. Punk with several knees to HHH’s face. HHH with a spinebuster out of nowhere. He gets a two count. HHH runs Punk into the set-up chair. Punk falls to the outside. HHH goes outside and clips Punk’s knee. HHH puts Punk back in the ring and slams his leg against the ring post again. He then takes a chair and hits the knee of Punk with it. HHH goes to put the figure four on Punk at ringside, but Punk kicks HHH off into the ring steps. HHH grabs a TV monitor. Punk with a kick to the head of HHH. HHH laid on the Spanish Announce Table. Punk climbs to the top rope and hits an elbow drop onto HHH on the table and the table collapses. They both finally make it back into the ring and R-Truth and the Miz run to ringside. They attack Punk and HHH. Miz hits the SCF on HHH. R-Truth hits the What’s UP on Punk. They put Punk on HHH and tell referee Scott Armstrong to count the pin. It gets a two count. R-Truth and Miz can’t believe it. They go after Scott Armstrong. Miz pushes Armstrong. Armstrong blocks a Miz shot and punches him. R-Truth attacks Armstrong from behind and they beat Armstrong down. Armstrong falls out of the ring. John Laurinaitis comes to ringside. Punk and HHH both up and attacking R-Truth and Miz. HHH with a spinebuster to Miz and Punk throws R-Truth over the top rope. HHH then hits Punk with the Pedigree. He goes to pin Punk, but there is no referee. A replacement referee comes down, but Laurinaitis stops him and tells him to check on Armstrong. HHH crawls over to find out what’s going on. He screams for the referee to get in the ring. Punk hits the GTS. He goes to pin HHH and Laurinaitis has the referee count the pin but R-Truth breaks it up. Punk hits R-Truth with the GTS. Punk goes up top, but HHH catches him with a shot as he is coming off and hits another Pedigree. He only gets a two count. Laurinaitis takes out his phone and starts texting someone. The crowd comes to life with a CM Punk chant. Kevin Nash is shown coming through the crowd. He gets in the ring and attacks Punk and then HHH. He hits big knees to HHH in the corner. Nash goes to powerbomb HHH, but gets attacked by Punk. Punk with shots to Nash in the corner. Nash responds with knees to Punk. Nash then powerbombs Punk. Nash then goes outside and attacks HHH again. Nash then starts taking apart the announce table. HHH hits Nash with a sledgehammer. Triple H chant goes out. It turns into a CM Punk chant. HHH hits another Pedigree on Punk. He gets the pin on Punk. Booker T and Jerry Lawler try to recap everything that happens in the match as they sign off from Buffalo.
    -Final Thoughts: Worth checking out at least once. The HHH/CM Punk storyline progressed as well as what is happening with R-Truth and Miz.

    Episode 100 Notes Thu, 28 Oct 2021 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 52ca3612-c665-439c-ba22-504bf1c3a8e4 My Notes for Episode 100: WrestleMania VII. -This is the show that made me a fan of professional wrestling for good.
    -I was in a bad place in my life as a screwed up 13 year old kid.
    -Watching Wrestling provided me with an appropriate outlet.
    -A $30 copay tube of cream?
    -Today we are looking at WrestleMania VII from the WWF.
    -WrestleMania VII took place on March 24, 1991 from the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. There were 16,158 in attendance. Let’s turn to Wikipedia for a bit of history: WrestleMania VII was originally scheduled to be held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, but the WWF decided to move the event to the adjacent Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. The WWF's stated reason for the venue change was that it had security concerns in the wake of Sgt. Slaughter’s portrayal of an Iraqi sympathizer during the Gulf War. This was dismissed by outlets such as SLAM! Sports of Canada, who chalked up the venue change to poor advanced ticket sales, and the company having difficulty filling the estimated 100,000 seats available. According to former WWF executive Bruce Prichard, both were accurate statements. In his podcast, Something to Wrestle With, Prichard said that even if the WWF had sold out the Coliseum the scope of the event was too large for police to ensure its security. Prichard explained further in an interview with Kayfabe Commentaries that the WWF would have had to foot the entire bill for the amount of security necessary to keep the wrestlers and fans safe from all potential issues, citing both the possibility of an outside attack and the crime rate of the surrounding neighborhood. Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter wrote that between 11,900 and 15,000 tickets were sold before the move. He also reported that no tickets had to be refunded, indicating that sales were under 15,500. Comp tickets were believed to help fill the show's crowd.
    -Superstars and Stripes Forever! The tagline for the event was "Superstars and Stripes Forever," and is remembered for its theme of American patriotism in the wake of the Gulf War. American flags were hung all over the arena and the ring apron and banners were colored red, white, and blue, which was the basis for the main event between Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter for the WWF Heavyweight Championship. This was the first WrestleMania not to feature Jesse Ventura as a color commentator. Gorilla Monsoon hosted the event with Bobby Heenan.
    -Classic Vince McMahon introduction. This gives me chills.
    -Howard Finkel introduces Willie Nelson to sing America the Beautiful. He does a great job and is wearing one of the toy championship belts that they were selling at the time.
    -Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to WrestleMania VII! The USA chant goes out. Monsoon then brings out Jim Duggan who is going to help him do commentary on the opening match. Duggan is decked out in Red, White, and Blue with the Uncle Sam hat. He gets a nice ovation. He and Gorilla preview some of the matches coming up.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Rockers. They say that while The Barbarian and Haku are big and strong, The Rockers are tag team specialists. Shawn Michaels says that they will turn heads, turn on crowds, and come out on top.
    -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Barbarian and Haku with Bobby Heenan: The Rockers get a nice pop when they come out. Speed VS. Power. Haku and Michaels start out. Haku catches Michaels in a bear hug as a weasel chant goes out. Michaels is selling for Haku. They do a nice sequence. Michaels gets a shoulder block. Jannetty tagged in and he and Michaels do a double hip toss. Barbarian comes in and hits both Rockers with a double clothesline. He tries it again and the Rockers duck and hit a double superkick. Heels regroup outside. Barbarian beating on Jannetty, who tries a sunset flip, but Barbarian won’t go down. Barbarian catches Jannetty, but Michaels kicks Barbarians back allowing Jannetty to do a hurricanrana to Barbarian. Double headbutt by the heels and Haku is tagged in. Haku chops Jannetty. Michaels tries to get in and referee Danny Davis stops him. Barbarian and Haku do a stun gun on Jannetty. They gesture to the crowd instead of going for a pin. Barbarian in and he gorilla presses Jannetty. Heels double teaming. Jannetty sneaks a crossbody for a two count. Jannetty selling hard for Haku. Barbarian in. Gets a bear hug on Jannetty. Jannetty gets caught coming off the top rope and is power slammed by The Barbarian. Barbarian misses a top rope headbutt. Michaels and Haku tagged in. Michaels hits a back elbow. He then hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Michaels and Jannetty double team to get Haku down in a sunset flip. Rockers double dropkick Barbarian outside and Michaels gets a crossbody on Haku to win.
    -Duggan bails when he finds out that Bobby Heenan is going to join the commentary booth.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Regis Philben, Marla Maples, and Alex Trebek. Regis is scared of Earthquake and the story of him tipping over the pizza truck. Marla is excited to be a locker room reporter. Mean Gene and Alex Trebek do a variation on the Abbot and Costello Who’s on First routine when talking about Trebek’s role as a guest ring announcer.
    -Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart VS. The Texas Tornado: Heenan is upset that he’s not the only celebrity at WrestleMania. Tornado gets a nice ovation coming out. Bravo attacks as the bell rings. He clotheslines Tornado outside of the ring. Back in, Tornado gets an atomic drop and a clothesline. Bravo then fights off the claw. These two would die less than three weeks apart in 1993. Bravo with some chops and a let up on a Tornado charge. Bravo drops an elbow for a two count. Bravo hits a side suplex for a two count. Bravo goes for a blow off the top rope, but gets caught in the claw. Tornado then hits the discus punch and gets the pin. The crowd gives him a good ovation.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Warlord and Slick. They say it would take a whole pack of dogs to take down The Warlord, not just one dog. The Warlord says no wrestler has escaped his full nelson.
    -Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldog who has Winston the Bulldog with him. Mean Gene asks him if this is his day and he says yes because every dog has his day.
    -The British Bulldog with Winston VS. The Warlord with Slick: Heenan says you can see the fleas jumping off of Winston and Gorilla gives one of his classic Will You Stop to Heenan before telling the audience that we won’t be seeing a lot of flying head scissors or dropkicks. This is a power match. The Warlord focuses on Bulldog’s back. They do a move me spot and Bulldog knocks Warlord to the outside. Warlord continues to work on the back. Bulldog does a crucifix and Warlord counters by dropping back. Warlord then drops three elbows for a two count. Warlord gets a bear hug on. Then does a stun gun on Bulldog. They trade blows. Warlord hits a belly to belly suplex. He then hits a snap mare and gets a chin lock. Bulldog comes back with some big blows and a dropkick. He then gets a right hand and a crossbody for a two count. Bulldog tries for a piledriver, Warlord reverses it to a back drop. Bulldog turns it into a sunset flip. Warlord drops to his knees for a two count. Bulldog gets a double under hook for a two count. Warlord gets a foot up at a Bulldog charge. Heenan says that England sent Bulldog over during the Gulf War and they sent him back as Warlord gets the full nelson on. Monsoon of course says the fingers aren’t locked. Bulldog breaks it. He then gets Warlord up on his shoulder for the power slam. He hits it and gets the pin.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys. They say that now is the time and that they will be the new champions because they are going to crack the Foundation.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Hart Foundation. I don’t think Anvil drinks decaf because he is so intense here. Bret calls The Nasty Boys scum.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart VS. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs with Jimmy Hart: They show Macaulay Culkin and Gorilla Monsoon says he wouldn’t be home alone watching this. I see what you did there, Gorilla! Sags and Bret start. Sags in control. Bret then evens the odds on both members of the Nasty Boys. Knobbs tagged in. Neidhart then tagged in. They slug it out and Knobbs is tossed outside. Back in, the Nasty Boys double team Neidhart in their corner. Bret in against Sags. Russian Leg Sweep and fist drop on Sags. Knobbs comes in and hits Bret and knocks him out. Bret is just brutalized. Sags gets a back breaker and then a camel clutch. Knobbs then tagged in and he picks up the camel clutch. Quick tags by the Nasty Boys. Sags hits a neckbreaker. Bret then comes back with a neckbreaker of his own. Knobbs in. Bret breaks the hold. Knobbs misses a corner charge. The referee misses the Bret tag to Neidhart and won’t allow it. Knobbs goes to hit Bret with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone and hits Sags instead. Neidhart then tagged in and he cleans house. He gets a two count on Knobbs. It breaks down. Bret nails Jimmy Hart on the outside. The Hart Foundation then hit the Hart Attack finisher on Knobbs. The referee goes to get Bret outside and Sags hits Neidhart with Jimmy Hart’s Helmet. Knobbs rolls over and pins Neidhart. We have new tag team champions. Jimmy Hart is ecstatic.
    -Flashback to what has happened between Rick Martel and Jake Roberts that led to the blindfold match.
    -They do a weird cut here to Jake’s promo, but it is money. The blind leading the blind promo.
    -Blindfold Match: Jake Roberts with Damien VS. Rick Martel: A lot of people hate this match and I don’t know why. It’s an entertaining match. It isn’t Rocket Science, It’s Wrestling! Martel should be more appreciated than he is. Roberts is so over, yet he turns in a few months and becomes arguably the biggest heel of 1991. Roberts and Martel both react perfectly to having the hoods on. I have used Robert’s tactic of pointing while blindfolded to play Marco Polo in the pool and it is more effective than you would think it would be. Both Heenan and Monsoon are great in this match. Roberts momentarily finds Martel and the crowd comes alive. Martel backs into Roberts and trips and Roberts gets a two count. Martel grabs Roberts and hits him then Irish Whips him but Roberts wanders right by. The two wander around and bump into each other and run the ropes but Martel falls. Roberts gets on all fours. More pointing by Roberts, but Martel keeps moving. Roberts bumps into him, so Martel gets a body slam, but misses an elbow drop. They both individually grab the referee thinking it is the other person. Roberts gets Martel briefly, but he gets to the ropes. DDT chant goes out. Martel goes into the corner that Damien’s bag is in and freaks out when he feels it. Great verbal interplay by Monsoon and Heenan here. Martel grabs Roberts. Roberts bumped outside. Martel makes his way out, gets a chair and starts jabbing the air with it. He backs into a post and swings the chair and hurts his hand. Roberts feels him and drags him back in. Martel gets a backbreaker and goes for the Boston Crab, but Roberts powers out. Martel wanders over, right into a DDT and Roberts gets the pin. Crowd loves it. Roberts busts up the Arrogance atomizer. He then releases Damien. He puts Damien on Martel, who bails quickly.
    -Marla Maples interviews The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart who are celebrating with the rest of Hart’s Stable of men. The Champagne is flowing freely.
    -The Undertaker with Paul Bearer VS. Superfly Jimmy Snuka: The Beginning of The Streak, although it would be a long time before it was even acknowledged. For a little perspective, the combined ages of the two men who would beat him at WrestleMania on this date is 18. Monsoon calls Snuka The Phenom. Undertaker gets some cheers as he comes out. They just stare at each other to start. Undertaker attacks. He does his patented flying throat slam to Snuka. Undertaker gets a boot up at a Snuka corner charge and Snuka falls to the outside. Undertaker suplexes him back in from the apron. Undertaker misses an elbow drop. Undertaker ducks a Snuka crossbody attempt and Snuka lands stomach first onto the ropes and falls outside. Coming back, Snuka goes for a clothesline from the ropes, but Taker catches him. He puts the tombstone on him and pins him. Undertaker is 1-0 at WrestleMania.
    -Flashback to what has led to the Career VS. Career match between The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. They show Gorilla and Bobby on camera and as Gorilla is talking about the match, something catches Bobby’s eye. He glances over and has this look on his face. He gets Gorilla’s attention as Howard Finkel starts the introductions for the match. This is a masterful job by Heenan and Monsoon here. Heenan has the director follow to where he is pointing. He has seen Miss Elizabeth in the crowd. Heenan says that’s a low move to come and see if Savage is going to lose. Randy Savage and Queen Sherri are brought to the ring on a throne carried by 6 men. Savage throws an arm up and gets some cheers. Queen Sherri’s outfit awakened some feelings for a 13 year old that I will cherish forever. When the Warrior’s music hits, he doesn’t come out right away. He then walks to the ring instead of running to show the magnitude of the match. Both Gorilla and Bobby comment on it. When he gets to the ring, he does shake the ropes. A Warrior chant goes out. Both men preen to the crowd from a turnbuckle. They do a brief lockup but break it up as Donald Trump has finally made it to his seat. Warrior pushes Savage down. Savage doing some bumping early for the business. Savage rolls out to regroup, but flies back in when he sees Warrior turn his back to look at Queen Sherri. Warrior comes back and clotheslines Savage. He then gives Savage two atomic drops. Queen Sherri comes in but Warrior throws Savage on her and they both go rolling out. Savage gets tied in the ropes for a minute and Warrior kicks him. Savage coming back. Double clothesline. Savage goes for a crossbody, but Warrior catches him. He sets him down and slaps him. Savage goes outside and throws a chair in and attacks Warrior when the referee throws the chair back out of the ring. Blow for blow Savage is selling hard. Warrior kicking Savage in the corner. Savage moves as Warrior misses a corner charge and goes flying out. Queen Sherri attacks Warrior on the outside and Savage hits a top rope double ax handle to the outside. Queen Sherri attacks again. Warrior pushes Queen Sherri down and Savage hits Warrior from behind. He then runs him into the corner post. Queen Sherri attacks again. A Savage knee drop gets a two count. A Warrior backslide then gets a two count. Savage backs up and spits on the Warrior. Queen Sherri comes up on the apron to distract Warrior, but Savage gets caught and Warrior clotheslines him. Warrior runs the ropes and goes to shoulder tackle Savage but Savage stays low and slams Warrior down on the canvas. He gets a two count from it. Savage gets a sleeper on. Queen Sherri up on the apron pounding her hands and the referee pushes her off. Warrior fighting back. Another double clothesline. Queen Sherri trying to revive Savage. The referee again goes to yell at Queen Sherri while Warrior gets a small package on Savage. Warrior gets up to argue the call and Savage hits Warrior with a high knee to the back that knocks Warrior into the referee. Savage holds Warrior for Queen Sherri to take her shoe off and hit him with it from the top rope, but Warrior moves and she hits Savage. Warrior then goes after Queen Sherri. He gets her on the apron, but Savage rolls him up for a two count. Savage runs Warrior into the corner. Savage hits a stun gun on Warrior. Savage then does his patented jump the top rope guillotine the other guy move. Savage slams Warrior for a two count. Savage then delivers 5 consecutive flying elbow smashes from the top rope on Warrior. He then covers him and gets a 2.5 count. Savage can’t believe the Warrior kicked out and neither can the crowd or the commentators. Savage argues with the referee. Warrior starts his comeback. He’s shaking the ropes. He clotheslines Savage several times. Liz is looking worried. He press slams Savage and hits him with the big splash. He then gets a 2.5 count and the crowd doesn’t know what to do. The Warrior looks up and asks his gods or higher power or little warriors or whatever if it is time for him to step aside or continue. Donald Trump also looked up and I laughed. Queen Sherri is almost halfway into the ring beating the mat trying to get Savage to get up. The Warrior steps halfway through the ropes as if he were leaving. The referee asks him if he knows what he is doing as his career would be over if he gets counted out. Savage climbing and trying to make his way up and knocks Warrior to the outside of the ring. He gets Warrior over a barricade and gets Queen Sherri to hold him as Savage goes to the top rope to double ax handle Warrior but Warrior moves at the last second and plants a fist into Savage’s midsection. Warrior throws Savage back in and says now I know. He shakes the ropes. He hits a big shoulder block that knocks Savage back outside. Warrior throws him back in. He hits another shoulder block that knocks Savage back outside. Warrior throws him back in. A third shoulder block. He then pins Savage with one foot standing on him. The crowd loves it. Queen Sherri is in utter shock. Warrior grabs his jacket, gets up on the turnbuckles to salute the crowd, and then puts his foot back on Savage, who hasn’t moved, to acknowledge the cheers. Warrior then leaves. Queen Sherri throws the referee out of the way. She is just berating Savage. She takes off the chain part of her outfit and kicks Savage. Even Heenan is like Sherri, he did his best, and he survived longer than anyone else could have. She kicks him over and over as they show Elizabeth in the crowd and Monsoon calls Sherri an ingrate. More kicks and then Queen Sherri runs Savage’s head into the mat. Liz comes over the barricade. As more people realize who it is, the ovation gets louder. She grabs Sherri by the hair and tosses her out to a big ovation. She goes to check on Savage, who swats her away without seeing who it is. He crawls to the corner and finally gets up. He goes to punch Liz thinking that it is Sherri before realizing who it is. He asks her why she is here. She’s crying. Sherri is screaming at ringside as the referee is dragging her away. The ref tells Savage what happened. The crowd is cheering Savage and Liz. They are encouraging him. Savage is unsure, then they embrace to a big pop. People are weeping in the crowd. He lifts her up and puts her on his shoulder. They show the guy with the yellow thing on his head and glasses and I realize that he is dressed like the Macho King. It took me thirty years to realize that. Women in the audience are weeping and cheering. Liz holds the ropes for Savage and he says not this time and holds the ropes for her. The fans give him a standing ovation before he leaves the ring.
    -If you plot the story of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth at WrestleMania, it would be from WrestleMania’s 2-8. Two is our introduction to the two kind of with George Steele, then 3 with the Ricky Steamboat match which also includes Steele, then as you show that Savage is a great wrestler at 3, he has to put on the ultimate wrestling exhibition at 4, then you have his downfall leading to 5, his time in the darkness that also brings Elizabeth back at 6, then finally redemption and a return to the good side with him and Elizabeth reuniting at 7 before you have him regain the championship at 8. A solid story of those two at WrestleMania.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan talk about the Intercontinental Title Match. They then talk about the WWF Title Match and the career ending match that just occurred.
    -Regis Philben is with The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. He tries to interview them and they are busy measuring him.
    -Alex Trebek is with Demolition and Mr. Fuji. They say that Mr. Fuji is the only one with all of the answers and Fuji says soon Jap opponent will know all about it. Yikes. Then Alex repeats it to add gravitas. Double Yikes.
    -Regis is talking to Tenyru and Kitao. Regis says they are straight from Japan Connie Chung eat your heart out. This part of the show doesn’t age well and isn’t getting any easier is it? Regis tries to interview them about strategy but they don’t say anything. He finally gets them to acknowledge Toyota, Isuzu, and Columbia pictures. They finally ask for Kathie Lee.
    -Alex is with Jake Roberts and Damien. Alex is scared of snakes, but Jake says Damien is a big fan of Jeopardy.
    -Demolition Smash and Crush with Mr. Fuji VS. Tenyru and Kitao: Monsoon says Ax and Smash as they come to the ring, but I will give him a pass for that as Ax and Smash were a team for a long time. Demolition attack before the bell. This is a bathroom and popcorn match as there are a lot of empty seats. Kitao takes on both members of Demolition. All four in. Fuji hits Kitao with his cane. Lots of stereotypical jokes by Heenan in this one. Demolition double teaming on Kitao. Heenan says I smell Kikkoman. I thought it was a Japanese cologne for a long time and didn’t understand Monsoon’s filling your belly comment. Tenyru tagged in and unloads on both members of Demolition. Crush hits a backbreaker on Tenyru. They set Tenyru up for the Demolition Decapitation but Kitao pushes Crush off. Tenyru then does a powerbomb on Smash to get the pin. Heenan bails to get ready for the next match.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man. Boss Man is probably in the best shape of his life. He says that he will be the champion and get revenge for Bobby Heenan making fun of his mother.
    -Sean Mooney talks to Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan. Heenan makes reference to the Rodney King beating that took place shortly before this and says he will provide the same thing at WrestleMania for free when Mr. Perfect takes on The Big Boss Man.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan VS. The Big Boss Man: Boss Man gets a nice ovation coming out. Lord Alfred Hayes joins Gorilla Monsoon at commentary. Perfect throws his towel at Boss Man who wipes it on his butt and throws it back. They then spit on each other. Then, Perfect slaps Boss Man then bails to the outside but Boss Man follows and slaps Perfect who oversells the slap. Boss Man in control. He and Perfect are working their asses off. A weasel chant goes out. Boss Man gets his leg on the opponents head on the ropes move in IYDAH. Boss Man takes his belt off. He lashes Perfect with it. Perfect then gets the belt and wraps his hand with it and nails Boss Man. They trade shots. Big corner whip on Boss Man by Perfect. Perfect gets an abdominal stretch on and Heenan says to ring the bell as he goes over to the timekeeper. Standing dropkick by Perfect. He then does his patented rolling snap mare. Perfect goes for the Perfectplex, but Boss Man blocks it and turns it into a small package for a two count. Perfect then does a reverse rolling snap mare. Perfect goes up top, but Boss Man gets a leg up. Perfect then bumping all over for Boss Man. He posts Perfect. It goes outside and Perfect throws Boss Man into the ring steps. Heenan then kicks Boss Man. Andre the Giant comes out in what would be his final WrestleMania Appearance. Heenan does a retreat. Andre grabs the IC belt as he continues to stalk Heenan. Boss Man knocked out and as Perfect goes over to Andre and the referee is distracted, Andre nails Perfect with the belt. Both men are down and the referee is counting both down. Boss Man gets up first. He struggles over and gets a close two count. Haku and The Barbarian come in for the disqualification. Andre nails Perfect while Boss Man takes care of Haku and Barbarian. Boss Man raises his arms victorious, but of course doesn’t win the title. Boss Man thanks Andre, and then they leave. Lord Alfred leaves the announce position.
    -Mean Gene interviews Donald Trump. He says he is here enjoying WrestleMania with some friends and hopes to host WrestleMania again real soon. Gene then interviews Chuck Norris. Norris says the wrestlers are great athletes. Henry Winkler is then interviewed and says he is happy that The Ultimate Warrior got his ultimate win. Lou Ferrigno is interviewed. He says it’s like real life superheroes.
    -Earthquake with Jimmy Hart VS. Greg Valentine: Heenan is back at the announce table and says that he and Donald Trump are going out later. Earthquake gets a two count after a big slam. Valentine comes back as Earthquake misses a big slam and Monsoon pulls out his it takes Greg Valentine 15 minutes to get warmed up bit IYDAH. Heenan talks about Andre showing up and being bewildered because they are “good friends”. Gorilla doesn’t buy it of course. Valentine trying to knock Earthquake down. He finally gets him down and goes for the figure four. Hart climbs up on the apron to taunt Valentine, who goes after Hart and gets attacked from behind by Earthquake. Earthquake drops the elbow then does the sit down splash for the pin. He goes for another one but Valentine rolls out of the ring.
    -Sean Mooney interviews the Legion of Doom. Animal says they should be the new tag champs, but they got screwed by Power & Glory. Hawk then does a variation on the Sour & Gory line that he made famous in the Coliseum Video version of the show.
    -The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal VS. Power & Glory Hercules and Paul Roma with Slick: Power & Glory double team the LOD as the ring introductions are made. Hawk then hits a double clothesline. Hawk and Hercules battle outside. Roma knocks Animal down. He goes off the top rope but Animal power slams him after catching him. Animal then picks Roma up for Hawk to do the Doomsday Device. Quick pin. They mime that they want the tag titles around their waists.
    -Flashback to what led to the Ted DiBiase and Virgil match.
    -Ted DiBiase VS. Virgil with Roddy Piper: DiBiase comes out first, then they announce Piper who comes down on a crutch due to a real life motorcycle accident. Piper calls out Virgil who gets a nice pop coming out. Virgil chant goes out and he is hitting DiBiase to start with. DiBiase rolls out to regroup. Virgil hits a back elbow and gets a two count. DiBiase then gets a back elbow and a clothesline. He then hits a piledriver and a suplex for a two count. A gut wrench suplex also gets a two count. DiBiase throws Virgil out and then pushes Piper down. The crowd boos. Back in, DiBiase hits a power slam as Piper fights to get back to his feet. Piper uses his crutch to pull the top rope down and DiBiase falls out. He then punches Piper. DiBiase doesn’t pay attention and gets counted out. DiBiase attacks Virgil and puts the million dollar dream on him. Some fans help Piper up and he gets in the ring. He hits DiBiase with his crutch. Sensational Sherri comes down and grabs the crutch and she and DiBiase attack Piper. They go after the bad leg. Virgil grabs the crutch and the heels leave. Piper is telling everyone to stay away from him. Virgil says to Piper to get up. Piper finally does.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. Mooney shows highlights of what led to the title match. Adnan says some stuff in Iraqi and then Slaughter says he’s the champ and he plays by his own rules and he will see Hulk Hogan on his back defeated. He says he is willing to be disqualified or counted out to remain champion.
    -The Mountie with Jimmy Hart VS. Tito Santana: Santana hits the flying forearm early and then runs Mountie and Hart into each other before throwing Mountie back in. Santana in control. Mountie gets the cattle prod on Santana's stomach to get the pin when the referee wasn’t looking.
    -Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan. Hogan says Sgt. Slaughter will never burn the Hulk Hogan symbol again and that Hogan has secret weapons. Hogan says he isn’t the same person that was attacked by Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. He tears his shirt towards the end.
    -Alex Trebek, Marla Maples, and Regis Philben are introduced. Heenan says he and Monsoon don’t need Regis to join them.
    -People hiss Slaughter and Adnan as they come out. Hogan gets a huge ovation as he comes out. A USA chant goes out. Slow to start. Slaughter is slow in taking his stuff off. Hogan chant goes out. Collar and elbow. They shove the referee as they are against the ropes. USA chant again as Hogan shoves Slaughter off. Slaughter rolls out to regroup with Adnan. Hogan comes out after Slaughter and Adnan goes to attack him and Hogan then goes after Adnan. Slaughter gets a chair to hit Hogan. It has no effect on Hogan. Slaughter sticks his finger into Hogan’s eye and takes over. USA chant starts again. Slaughter misses an elbow smash. Heenan asks Regis to his victory party and Regis says he can’t make it that night but perhaps Kathie Lee Gifford could come and Bobby says they’re full. LOL. Hogan nails Adnan. Hogan hits a corner charge. Hogan then hits an atomic drop for a two count. It goes outside and Hogan rakes Slaughter’s back. Back in, a Hogan running elbow gets a two count. Hogan then hits a back drop. Slaughter does his patented corner bump off of an Irish whip. Hogan hits a high knee. Hogan then hits a slingshot into the corner on Slaughter then delivers several punches. Hogan hits another Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Hogan beating Slaughter from pillar to post, but can’t get the three count. Slaughter catches Hogan coming off of the second rope, but Hogan recovers and slams Slaughter. Hogan goes up top, but Adnan grabs his leg and Slaughter slams him off the top rope. Slaughter clotheslines Hogan outside. Slaughter hits Hogan several times with a chair. He then wraps a TV cable around Hogan’s neck. Hogan chant goes out. Back in, Slaughter focuses on Hogan’s back. Slaughter hits a backbreaker for a two count. Slaughter gets a Boston crab on. Hogan gets to the ropes and Slaughter thinks he has won. Slaughter focuses on the back again. He drops a knee on the kidney area. Adnan distracts the referee but messes up a Slaughter pin attempt. Slaughter only gets a two count. Hogan is busted open. The crowd is really getting into it. Slaughter gets the camel clutch on Hogan. Hogan hulking up! He gets to his feet but Slaughter rams Hogan into the post. Slaughter gets the Iraqi flag and drapes it over Hogan. Hogan Hulks up again! Hogan rips the Iraqi flag. Punches Slaughter. Big Boot, Leg Drop, and Pin. New WWF Champion! The crowd loves it. Hogan brings Old Glory into the ring and waves it as Gorilla Monsoon says that the Gulf War is officially over. Hogan Must Pose. Gorilla wishes us a good night and signs off from Los Angeles.

    Episode 99 Notes Fri, 22 Oct 2021 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c8a69456-a2ce-4d64-ba29-8666a4cfe8ea My Notes for Episode 99: ECW The Night the Line was Crossed. -Passing out in the kitchen Tuesday/Wednesday.
    -Slowly getting back to normal.
    -Going to Wrestling Friday night.
    -Today we look at The Night the Line was Crossed from ECW.
    -ECW The Night the Line was Crossed took place February 5, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,000 in attendance.
    -Dark Match: 911 defeated Chad Austin by pin fall.
    -Tod Gordon is shown and addresses that ECW has been accused of being the bloodiest and goriest federation in America. He says February 4, 1994 was the night the line was crossed. Watch and we will see what he means and that Eastern Championship Wrestling is not for everyone.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Sal Bellomo VS. Mr. Hughes with Jason: Bellomo comes out tossing toys into the crowd. He gets a good reaction. Mr. Hughes and Jason bully ring announcer Bob Artese when they get into the ring. It takes a while to get started. They finally lock up and Mr. Hughes pushes Bellomo down to the ground. They lock up again. Bellomo with a wristlock. Mr. Hughes takes him down again. Bellomo with a head and body lock, but Mr. Hughes gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Mr. Hughes with an eye rake. A big right hand knocks Bellomo down. Then a headbutt to knock Bellomo down again. Bellomo attempts to fight back, only to get another eye gouge by Mr. Hughes. Bellomo comes back with some shots. Mr. Hughes with a corner whip and hits a big splash on Bellomo in the corner. He hits Bellomo with some right hands. Mr. Hughes with another corner whip, but misses the corner charge when Bellomo moves. Bellomo coming back with right hands to Mr. Hughes. Bellomo with a shoulder block. Then another one. Mr. Hughes still on his feet. He goes for a third one and Jason trips Bellomo. Jason then climbs up on the apron and Bellomo grabs him. Mr. Hughes hits Bellomo with a high knee from behind. Mr. Hughes with an Irish whip and a sidewalk slam to pin Bellomo.
    -Double Dog Collar Match. The Sandman and Tommy Cairo VS. The Pitbull and Rockin’ Rebel with Jason: Sandman and Cairo come to ringside with the chains already around their necks. Cairo will be hooked to the Pitbull and Sandman will be hooked to Rebel. Bell rings and Cairo and Sandman pull their opponents by the collar and hit them with shots. Cairo throws Pitbull over the top rope and chokes him as Sandman and Rebel go to the outside to fight. Sandman runs Rebel into the corner post. Pitbull yanks Cairo over the top rope to the outside while Sandman has Rebel wrapped around the ring post with a chain. Pitbull grabs a chair and hits Cairo with it. Pitbull then wraps the chain around the throat of Cairo. Sandman drops Rebel over the barricade and follows him. They start fighting in the audience and Rebel runs Sandman back over the barricade towards the ring. Rebel grabs a chair. He hits Sandman with it. Rebel hits a side suplex on the Sandman as all four are back in the ring. Rebel drops the chain on Sandman’s crotch as Pitbull is punching Cairo in the corner. Sandman and Rebel go back outside. Jason with a cheap shot to the Sandman on the outside as Pitbull drops a leg on Cairo on the inside. Sandman and Rebel fighting in the crowd. Sandman hits Rebel with a chair. Sandman then sets up a table. He slams Rebel's head on the table, but then Rebel backdrops Sandman on the table. Pitbull gets a two count on Cairo in the ring. Rebel throws Sandman back over the barricade towards the ring. Pitbull with another leg drop on Cairo. Gets a two count. Rebel piledrives Sandman on the table. Cairo with a double under hook suplex on Pitbull. Rebel has Sandman in one corner and Pitbull has Cairo in the opposite corner. Sandman and Cairo run into each other. Cairo then turns around and hits Pitbull with the belly to belly suplex to pin Pitbull while Sandman had his legs down. Rebel attacks and chokes Sandman over the ropes while Pitbull hits a double under hook suplex to Cairo. The heels then double suplex Cairo.
    -The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge VS. The Bruise Brothers Ron and Don Harris (no relation). Public Enemy attack the Bruise Brothers as soon as they come through the ropes. Bruise Brothers throw Public Enemy to the outside and then go out after them. Bruise Brothers grab chairs and hit the Public Enemy with them. The two teams fight in the crowd. Grunge hits Ron with a chair. Ron comes back with a kick to the stomach and a knee to the stomach. Cameraman is having a hard time keeping up with all of the action. Ron slams Grunge head first into the wall. Rock shown trying to climb to where the HVAC system is but is dragged down by Don. He knocks Rock down by the snack bar. Don then throws a chair at Rock. He then chokes Rock with the rope that separates the aisle from the crowd. Don brings Rock back to the ring and delivers a power slam. He then clotheslines Rock and throws him to the outside. He then follows and slams Rock down on a ringside table. Ron and Grunge also back in the ringside area. Don and Rock then go over the barricade into the crowd. Ron choking Grunge against the ring apron. Rock hits Don with a chair. Don and Rock battle to the back of the arena and Don grabs a chair. He throws it at Rock and starts punching him. Grunge trying to get away from Ron at ringside. Ron hits Grunge with another chair. Ron with a running kick to Grunge’s face. Don runs Rock into the barricade. Rock starts to climb towards the broadcast booth to get away. He attempts to use a soda can to fight Don off, but Don pulls him back down to the ground. He then starts choking Rock and then slams him down on Joey Styles’ broadcast table. Don then throws Rock into a row of set up chairs. They then go back in the ring while Ron is choking Grunge with a chair at ringside. Rock being choked out by Don who has his boot on Rock’s throat. Grunge hits Don with a handful of powder to get him off of Rock. Ron attacks Grunge in the corner. Rock hits him with a 2x4 from behind. The Public Enemy then cover Ron to get the pin.
    -Tommy Dreamer VS. Jimmy Snuka with Hunter Q. Robbins III: Snuka looks out of it coming to the ring with everything I know about Jimmy Snuka, he probably was out of it. A very young Dreamer here looking very different than he eventually will with his better known persona. Fans taunting Robbins with a K-Mart Suit chant. It takes a while to get going. Snuka yelling at the crowd. They finally lock up and Dreamer pushes off. Someone holds up a Wet Dreamer banner in the crowd. I probably would have thought that was clever in 1994, but I was only 16 at the time. The crowd really getting on Snuka and Robbins. Match is almost 5 minutes old and they have only locked up once. Dreamer goes to the outside to stick up for the fans at ringside. He puts on a fan's snow hat and gets back in the ring. Snuka preoccupied with the fans and they still haven’t locked up again. They finally do lock up again. Snuka with a side headlock. Dreamer pushes off and Snuka comes back with a shoulder block. Dreamer comes back and catches Snuka with a scoop slam. Then another one and Snuka rolls to the outside to regroup. Fans are chanting Piper at Snuka. They lock up again and go back and forth with shoves to each other. Dreamer goes for a big splash onto Snuka, who ducks and Dreamer goes crashing to the outside. Snuka goes out after Dreamer. He hits him on the back with a chair. Back in, Snuka stomping on Dreamer. Snuka with an Irish whip and a chop to the throat. Snuka with a backbreaker. Snuka goes to the top rope to do the Superfly and he hits it. Dreamer kicks out at two. Snuka can’t believe it and stomps Dreamer. Snuka drops an elbow on Dreamer. Snuka goes back to the top rope and hits another splash. He then punches Dreamer instead of covering him. He then hits a third splash. He then pins Dreamer. Snuka headbutts the referee. Dreamer is busted open. Snuka delivers another Superfly. Snuka stomps on the referee. Tod Gordon comes out. Snuka climbs up top again. Gordon comes in to stop him from jumping and Snuka hits him with a double ax handle to knock him down. A bunch of wrestlers come into the ring to stop Snuka from attacking Dreamer again. Snuka and Robbins finally leave.
    -Kevin Sullivan and The Tazmaniac with Woman VS. The Original Sheik and Pat Tanaka: Sheik comes out knocking things over and trying to menace the crowd. He and Sullivan brawl in the aisle while Tanaka, who is in street clothes, attacks Taz in the ring. Sheik is 67 here, almost 68. Tanaka with a corner whip and a clothesline. Sheik runs Sullivan into the sound booth and Sullivan is busted open. Taz has a submission hold on the leg of Tanaka. Sullivan and Sheik brawling by the ringside barricade. Taz has a single leg crab on Tanaka. Sheik and Sullivan hitting each other with objects. Sheik puts Sullivan’s head in a folding chair. Sheik throws a fireball at Taz and Tanaka covers him for the pin. The Sheik then throws fire at Sullivan. They are still fighting in the crowd. Sheik breaks a mop over the head of Sullivan. He then hits Sullivan with the mop handle.
    -JT Smith VS. Mike Awesome: Smith jumps Awesome as he is introduced. Awesome hits Smith with a big right hand. Awesome with a clothesline. Awesome with a big splash. Awesome with an Irish whip and another clothesline. Awesome with another Irish whip and an overhead belly to belly suplex. Awesome then clotheslines Smith out of the ring. He then does a running dive on Smith on the outside. He puts Smith back inside as an Awesome chant goes out. Awesome goes for the powerbomb, but Smith quickly rolls him up to get the pin. Awesome then beats up and powerbombs the referee twice. He then goes up top to do a high risk move, but the top rope snaps and he falls. He then hits the referee with the broken turnbuckle. And leaves.
    -ECW Heavyweight Championship Match. Terry Funk VS. Shane Douglas with Sherri Martel VS. Sabu with 911 and Paul E. Dangerously: Douglas and Sherri out first. As Sabu is introduced, Paul E. runs out and hits Sherri from behind with his phone. Douglas then hits Paul E. Sabu then attacks Douglas from behind. Sabu with a corner whip and a clothesline. Presented in its most complete form as you can’t hear Joey Styles at times. Sabu with another corner whip, but Douglas gets his boots up on the charge in. Douglas with a side suplex. Douglas with an Irish whip and a backbreaker. Douglas with a knee lift to Sabu. Douglas suplexes Sabu in from the apron. He gets a two count. Douglas with a side headlock. Sabu with elbows trying to get out of it. Sabu breaks the hold, misses a clothesline. Douglas with a snap mare and goes back to a headlock. Sabu breaks the hold as a Sabu chant goes out and you see the ring crew working furiously on the turnbuckle that broke earlier. Douglas runs Sabu face first into a corner. He then runs Sabu into another corner. Then a third turnbuckle. Then the last turnbuckle. Sabu comes back with a right hand. Then several more rights and a spinning heel kick. Douglas falls out to the floor and Sherri comes over to check on him. Sabu with a running baseball slide to knock Douglas down again. Sabu throws Douglas back in again. Sabu with an elbow and a scoop slam to Douglas. Sabu with a twisting leg drop to Douglas off the second rope. He gets a two count. Sabu with a nerve hold. Sabu with an inverted headlock. Douglas makes it back to his feet. Douglas reverses the hold into a neck breaker. Douglas misses an elbow drop. Sabu with a stomp to the back. Sabu with an arm bar. Douglas fighting it hard. Douglas breaks the hold. Sabu reapplies the hold. A we want Funk chant goes out. Sabu gets up and turns it into a wristlock. He kicks Douglas while he is in the hold. Sabu then puts his knee down on Douglas’ arm while still applying the hold. Sabu pulling back on the arm and slamming his whole body down on it. Sabu gets Douglas back down into the arm bar. Douglas lifts Sabu up to get out of the hold. Sabu with a shot to Douglas’ shoulder and a corner whip. Sabu then with a flying side splash into Douglas. Sabu with a takeover for a two count. Sabu comes back with an arm bar, but Douglas won’t give up. Douglas gets up and dumps Sabu on his back. Douglas drops an elbow on Sabu. Douglas with an inverted atomic drop. Douglas with an Irish whip and a super kick. Douglas with another Irish whip and a foot to the face. Douglas gets a two count. Sabu with a wrist lock and punches to Douglas. Sabu misses a clothesline, but then reverses a waist lock and elbows Douglas’ back. Sabu runs Douglas into the corner. Sabu with punches and kicks. Douglas reverses a corner whip. Douglas with a right hand and another Irish whip to throw Sabu to the outside. Douglas follows Sabu to the outside. He runs Sabu into the barricade. He then runs Sabu head first into the apron. Sabu then reverses and throws Douglas over the ringside barricade into the crowd. Sherri goes over to check on Douglas. Sabu comes over and 911 comes over with a chair. Sabu sets the table up and puts Douglas on it. Sabu then goes and does a moonsault off the second rope, but Douglas moves and Sabu goes crashing through the table. 911 goes over to check on Sabu. Douglas throws Sabu back into the ring. Douglas picks Sabu up and slams his injured leg down on Douglas’ knee. Terry Funk then enters the match as the first 15 minutes have expired. He goes after Douglas and unloads with some big left hands. He throws Douglas to the outside. Funk follows him to the outside. He throws Douglas over the barricade to the crowd. Funk follows and hits Douglas with more left hands. They then get back in the ring and Douglas with punches and right hands to Funk in the corner. Douglas gets a bear hug on Funk. Funk puts a side headlock on Douglas and punches him with his taped left hand. Funk then throws Douglas to the outside. Funk follows. Funk then hits a piledriver on Douglas on the floor. Sherri goes over to check on Douglas until Funk starts to go after her. Funk throws Douglas back in the ring. Funk with a DDT on Douglas. He then picks Douglas up and DDT’s him again. He signals that he is going to do it again. He instead goes to pin Douglas, but Sherri grabs Funk by the hair to break up the count. Funk punches Douglas on the outside. Funk grabs a chair from a fan and smacks Sherri away. He DDT’s Douglas on the chair. Funk throwing chairs and the ring bell into the ring. Then fans throw chairs into the ring. Funk stacks some chairs up. He brings Douglas back in and DDT’s him on the chairs. Funk injures his back as well. Douglas goes up top and drops an arm on the small of Funk’s back. Funk is in pain and Douglas is limping. Douglas hits a belly to back suplex on Funk. He gets a two count. Douglas punches Funk to the outside and Douglas follows. Douglas runs Funk into the ringside barricade. Douglas then hitting Funk with right hands. They then head back down the aisle towards the dressing room. Douglas runs Funk face first into a ladder standing up against the wall. They make their way back towards ringside and Douglas runs Funk head first into the barricade. Funk out of it and swinging wildly and hits the corner post. Sherri takes off her boot and Douglas hits Funk with it. Douglas then DDT’s Funk. Douglas gets a two count and Funk is busted open. Funk rolls Douglas up for a two count. Funk goes for the spinning toe hold. Douglas grabs him in an inside cradle and gets a two count. Douglas clotheslines Funk. Douglas punching Funk and they end up in the corner. Douglas runs Funk into the turnbuckle. Douglas removes the top turnbuckle pad while Funk swings wildly and accidently takes out the referee. Douglas runs Funk headfirst into the exposed turnbuckle. Douglas running Funk head first repeatedly into the exposed buckle. Funk starts to fall to the outside, but gets caught up in the ropes and Sherri slaps him. He falls to the outside and Douglas follows. He stomps Funk on the forehead from the apron. Douglas throws Funk back in the ring. He goes to run Funk into the exposed buckle again, but Funk reverses it and Douglas gets run into the buckle instead. Funk then slaps Douglas in the face over and over. He then knocks Douglas down with a big left hand. He then hits Douglas with a series of left hands in the corner. Douglas finally goes down to the mat. Funk then gets Douglas up and attacks him with slaps and chops. Funk with an Irish whip and a chop to Douglas. He then throws Douglas to the outside. He then throws Douglas over the barricade. Funk again goes out after him. They go out into the crowd and up in the bleachers. You can’t see anything at all. 30 minutes in the match have elapsed as we see them again and Funk gets an atomic drop on Douglas. He seats Douglas on the barricade and pulls his pants down. Douglas then falls to the ground, thankfully Sherri had run over and pulled his pants back up. Douglas gets back in the ring and starts to go towards Sherri, but Funk comes over and starts choking Douglas with a length of wrist tape. Douglas pushes off. Funk comes back with a shoulder block to knock Douglas down and Funk falls to the outside of the ring. Sherri goes into the ring to check on Douglas as Sabu makes his way back towards the ring. His knee is heavily taped up. A Sabu chant goes out. Douglas and Sabu battle at ringside as Funk goes through the crowd throwing chairs. Joey Styles bails as Funk gets on the broadcast table and gets on the mic and berates both Sabu and Douglas. Funk then makes his way back into the ring and he and Douglas start to battle. Douglas goes to clothesline Funk out, but Funk drops down and Douglas hits the ropes. Funk does the spinning toe hold on Sabu. 911 comes in to menace the referee as Paul E. hits Funk with the telephone. Funk starts head-butting Sabu and Douglas. Funk hits a neck breaker on Douglas. Then a neck breaker on Sabu. He goes to pin Sabu, but Paul E. puts Sabu’s foot on the bottom rope. Funk pushes the referee. Douglas punches Funk who ends up on the second rope. Douglas gets Sabu down and attacks his injured leg by kicking it. He gets a leg lock on Sabu, who grabs Douglas in a sleeper as Sherri is attacking Funk. Douglas elbows Sabu to get out of the hold. Funk comes over and tries to pin Sabu while Douglas still has the leg lock on. He gets a two count. Paul E. starts pounding on the ring and a Sabu chant starts again. Sabu misses a swing and Douglas gets him in a sleeper. Funk gets Sherri on the apron and headbutts her off. Funk gets Douglas in a sleeper while he still has Sabu in the sleeper. The referee is busy checking both Sabu and Douglas. Sabu gets out of his sleeper. Douglas with an elbow to Funk to get out of his. Douglas with a running clothesline to knock Funk to the outside. Douglas stomps at Sabu’s leg. He puts the figure four on Sabu. Sabu trying to poke Douglas’s eyes trying to get out of the hold. Douglas’s shoulders went down for a two count as he has Sabu in the hold. Sabu distracts the referee so Paul E. can sneak into the ring and rake the eyes of Douglas. This breaks the hold. Sabu attacks the leg of Douglas. Sabu gets Douglas in the corner and stomps on him and also stomps Funk when he tries to get back in the ring. Sabu goes for the springboard moonsault but misses the rope and falls down. He tries it again and hits the move this time. He gets a two count. Sabu starts to go back to the top rope. Sherri comes in to stop him. Sabu goes after Sherri. Douglas hitting Funk on the outside with a chair. Axl and Ian Rotten come out to check on Funk. Douglas hits a fisherman’s suplex on Sabu. He gets a two count. Sabu misses a reverse victory roll up on Douglas as Bad Breed start to carry Funk out. Sherri comes over and slaps the hat off of Paul E. who runs away from her. Sabu hits a leg drop on Douglas. He gets a two count. Sabu gets a camel clutch on as a Sabu chant goes out yet again. The Rotten brothers come back in with chairs to attack Douglas and Sabu. They run Douglas and Sabu into each other. Axl throws Sabu to the outside while Ian has a chair and is choking Douglas with it. Axl gets Douglas in a drop toe hold while Ian delivers a leg drop to Douglas. Axl goes after Sabu with a chair while Ian continues to beat up Douglas. Sherri comes in and rakes the back of Ian. Ian goes to clothesline Douglas, who drops down and Ian falls to the outside. Axl clotheslines Sabu to the outside. Axl sends Sabu over the barricade into the crowd. Axl takes Sabu and runs him into the wall by the dressing room. He then throws him behind a curtained off area and we can’t see them anymore. Sabu then heads back towards the ring but is cut off by Ian. They then head towards the back where Sabu runs Ian into the wall then Sabu makes his way back towards the ring. Douglas meets him and throws Sabu back in the ring. Douglas with an Irish whip and Sabu just collapses three steps into it because of his injured leg. Funk slowly making his way back to the ring. Sabu can’t stand on his leg. Douglas attacks Funk with punches as he tries to get back in the ring. Douglas goes to the outside and Funk headbutts him. 911 holds Ian at ringside for Paul E. to hit with the phone. Sabu, Funk, and Douglas have battled through the crowd to the outside and the crowd is following them, but unfortunately we can’t see anything. They slowly make their way back towards the ring. Douglas hits an atomic drop on Sabu at ringside. Funk headbutts the referee. Douglas grabs Funk, who mule kicks Douglas. Funk then mule kicks Sabu. Funk headbutts Sabu and Douglas. Funk then collapses. Sabu clotheslines Douglas. Paul E. gets the Sabu chant going again as Sabu clotheslines Funk. Sabu with a scoop slam to Funk. Sabu tries to do a moonsault off the ropes but can’t get it right so he goes to the corner. He then hits the moonsault on Funk. He then scoop slams Douglas. He hits a moonsault on Douglas. Funk crawls over to cover Douglas, but the referee is still out. Funk goes over to check on the referee. Douglas recovers and hits a piledriver on Funk. Douglas then throws Sabu on top of Funk. Douglas then goes over to try to revive the referee. He gets a two count on Funk. Sabu kicking both Douglas and Funk. He then splashes Funk twice. He gets a two count on Funk. Douglas with a snap mare to Funk. Douglas then with a leg drop to Funk. Then a suplex to Funk. Sabu then splashes both men. He gets a two count on both men but they both kick out. Sabu with a rear chin lock on Funk and Douglas with a rear chin lock on Sabu. Funk headbutts Sabu and gets a spinning toe hold on Douglas. Sherri jumps on Funk’s back. Funk throws her off and suplexes Sherri. He then puts the spinning toe hold on Sherri. Douglas with a clothesline to Funk. Douglas with a belly to back suplex to Sabu with four minutes remaining. Paul E. gets up on the apron and Douglas punches him off. Funk has Sherri’s boot. Douglas goes for a piledriver on Sabu, who blocks it and backdrops Douglas. Funk then low blows Sabu with the boot. Funk then puts the heel of Sherri’s boot into the ear of Douglas as three minutes remain. Douglas gets away. The video cuts out momentarily and then they announce that two minutes remain. All three are on the outside as Funk drops an elbow on Sabu and then goes after Paul E. He atomic drops Paul E. on the outside. Funk covers Sherri for some reason. Douglas goes up top and hits Sabu with a crossbody and his legs hit Funk off of Sherri. Funk comes over and tries to pin both Sabu and Douglas, but there isn’t a referee to count. Douglas and Sabu exchange chops and Sabu falls down. Douglas covers Sabu, but still no referee. Paul E. tries to throw the referee back into the ring. Douglas holds Funk for Sherri to hit, but Funk ducks and Sherri hits Douglas. Sabu jumps on Douglas and Funk jumps on Sabu. Douglas gets his foot on the ropes. Sabu gets Funk in a pinning position for a two count as time expires. The crowd gives all three men standing ovations.

    -Joey Styles interviews Terry Funk after the match in what they describe as a press conference. Funk is very emotional as he speaks. He says he loves wrestling and he’s not real proud of the way that it’s evolved in some areas like WCW and the WWF. He’s not talking about the guys individually, but the way they belittled his profession. He thinks of himself as an athlete and he was with competitors who were wrestling with their heart. He doesn’t like the opponents he was against, but they damn sure gave the fans their money’s worth and he thinks he did too. He thinks ECW has come a long way. He says you’ve got guys who have come from nowhere like the Sandman, old timers like Jimmy Snuka. We’ve all seen this organization grow and he is really proud of it and very proud to wear the ECW Championship around his waist. He says he is an old man, but he is making his stand and he’s making it with ECW and those other people can go to hell. Because we’re here and we’re here to stay and we are going to be producing something that’s not for kids. Athletic sports, there are a lot of guys wrestling their heart out and he’s not trying to take anything away from anyone else. He has a lot of respect for Shane Douglas and Sabu and all of the guys of ECW and he wants to thank the people for being hardcore fans and that’s what they’re playing to the hardcore fans. He wants them to know that he loves them and thank them for supporting him and he really appreciates it. That was a quality promo. They pretend that it’s actually a press conference, but you don’t see any media there.
    -Tod Gordon says Sabu and Paul E. Dangerously will be coming to the microphone next. They come in and 911 and another wrestler are trying to control and hold back Sabu. Paul E. says Sabu has nothing to say about the match. Shane Douglas is absolutely the most disgusting human being he’s ever met in his life. As for Terry Funk coming out and acting like a crybaby, this does not impress Sabu. Sabu should still be the ECW Heavyweight Champion. It was a conspiracy between Terry Funk and Shane Douglas and he’s not so emotional about a 60 minute draw. The referee was unconscious too long. Terry Funk was eliminated. We all saw Terry Funk get eliminated and if the referee played favorites to protect Terry Funk, as far as he is concerned, Terry Funk should have been eliminated there and then. Sabu had Shane Douglas all to himself and Shane Douglas cannot fight man to man with Sabu and that’s all he has to say to anyone and they want their money. He waves and says thank you very much to the members of the media he hopes they all go to hell.
    -Shane Douglas and Sherri Martel then come in. Douglas says he has some words for Tod Gordon. Tonight he took Terry Funk and he beat his ass right in the center of the ring. He took Sabu, the crazy man of wrestling and he beat his ass in the center of the ring. He sent them both back to the dressing room and as a result of that, he wants Tod Gordon in front of the TV camera and the entire world to declare that Shane Douglas is the ECW Heavyweight Champion to prove that he is the Franchise. Sherri saw it, the whole world saw it, and Philadelphia witnessed it live. Professional wrestling as it was meant to be. Ass kicking, take no names, beat the hell out of whatever is in front of you. He says Terry Funk, I smashed your knee to oblivion. (Actually, he says to oblithiary, but that’s not a word.) When he took Funk with that chair outside the ring, even the crazy man Sabu and his people took one look and said Oh my God, it’s the end of an era. Finally, put to rest the beeped out Funk Family. Tod Gordon says that’s not allowed there is media here. Douglas says he doesn’t care and tells Gordon to keep his mouth shut. He says Gordon can fire him, run him out of the territory, but you can’t stop the Franchise. Some place, sometime he will be Heavyweight Champion. Now for Joey Styles and all of the other beeped out sitting out there today, he’s had it up to here. He’s come to Philadelphia to watch piece of beeped in the audience hold up signs that call him every name in the book. He’s seen people outside the arena call him names. Say things about his family, about Sherri. He then says what do you want as the camera pulls back and we see Terry Funk enter the picture. Funk asks Douglas what’s wrong with him. He asks Douglas if he is some kind of fool or what? Douglas takes his cap off and says am I some kind of fool? He tells Funk what he was 10 years ago was a legend. He says Funk today is an old man and a shell of himself. He says Funk’s legs after tonight certainly aren’t what they used to be. Muhammed Ali knows what it’s like when the legs go. He says to Funk look at your face. Take a look in the mirror around you. Ask the media how does this face look? He says to Funk you’ve been beat to a pulp. Douglas says he’s been beat up tonight. He says take a look Philadelphia. Look at his face and then look at my face. Look whose standing tall. He says Terry Funk you were a beaten man tonight. Terry Funk says he’s listened to Douglas call him an old man, ridicule him, and yeah maybe he’s had better days. He says Douglas had no right to say that. He came in and paid compliments to Douglas. He paid compliments to Sabu. He paid compliments to everybody because he thinks that Douglas is a good athlete and a heck of a guy. But Douglas didn’t walk out of there with the championship around his waist and he knows he didn’t. Douglas says let me tell you something. Funk says don’t call me an old man. Douglas says you let me talk. As the Franchise of ECW, he has every right to come out here and say what he wants to say. Paying compliments to Shane Douglas and Sabu don’t pay the bills. The gold pays the bills. He wants Tod Gordon to declare him the champion because Terry Funk was dragged out. He was carried out of the arena tonight by his own men. That’s not a champion to him. Sabu was carried out by his own men. Both of them by the hands of the Franchise. To him, that means he’s the heavyweight champion. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, Mr. Funk. Terry Funk says you want this belt so bad? He said earlier that he’s drawn a line and he’ll tell you something. You made a mistake by calling him an old man because what is it going to look like whenever this old man whips your butt? And as far as the belt is concerned. He can have the belt. Funk is giving it to him. He hands Douglas the belt. Gordon starts to protest and Funk tells him to hold on a minute. He knows that’s silly and not very respectful to Gordon, but he’s telling him that Shane Douglas can take that belt and you know why you can take that belt? Because it’s going to be the biggest thrill for him whenever he takes it back from Douglas. That’s what’s going to give Funk the biggest elation. Because he’s going to show Douglas that this old man is not as easy to push around as Douglas things he is. Because Douglas should have found out tonight. Shane Douglas says you don’t have to give me any belt, Terry Funk. You don’t have to give me a belt you old and the rest is bleeped out. He says you don’t have to give me the belt because I’m taking the belt and throws the belt and it hits Terry Funk upside the head and Douglas says how’s that, huh? How’s that you bleeped out. Funk then slaps Douglas and they start fighting right there. They roll around on the floor hitting each other as other wrestlers try to break it up and Tod Gordon yells to get security in here and call the police as it fades to black.
    -This really was a one match show.

    Episode 98 Notes Mon, 18 Oct 2021 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] cfa77284-36f2-4541-a800-9e552069603e My Notes for Episode 98: SummerSlam 2011. -I got Covid. It is awful.
    -Today we look at SummerSlam 2011 from the WWE.
    -SummerSlam 2011 took place August 14, 2011 from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. There were 17,404 in attendance and the show did 296,000 PPV buys.
    -Adam Jones from Tool plays the National Anthem on his guitar.
    -SummerSlam Intro.
    The Miz comes out. He says The Miz has returned to SummerSlam. He goes on and on until getting interrupted by R-Truth. He comes to the ring talking about conspiracies. Then Alberto Del Rio comes out. They are taking on Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Rey Mysterio in a 6-Man tag team match.
    -Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T are the announcers for the evening. They introduce the Spanish Announce Team Carlos Cabrera and Marcelo Rodriguez.
    -Miz attacking Rey Mysterio on Raw is shown. Kingston and Miz start. Miz with a side headlock. Kingston reverses it. Miz pushes off. Kingston with a shoulder block. Kingston with a dropkick. Morrison tagged in. Double Irish whip and a flapjack to Miz. Spinning leg drop to Miz by Morrison. Morrison with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Miz delivers a kick to it. R-Truth tagged in. Morrison with a takedown and punches to R-Truth. He runs R-Truth into a turnbuckle. Morrison with a head kick to R-Truth. R-Truth comes back with kicks. He kicks Morrison down. Morrison with a kick to R-Truth’s face. Del Rio distracts the referee so R-Truth and Miz can push Morrison off the turnbuckle to the floor. R-Truth with a snap mare to Morrison. Miz tagged in and slams Morrison to the mat. Running kick to Morrison. Miz with a headlock. Morrison with some elbows to get out of the hold. Miz grabs Morrison by the hair to bring him down, but Morrison kicks Miz as he is going down. A double count going. Kingston tagged in. He knocks Miz down. Dropkick to Miz. Miz pushes Kingston into a corner. Kingston gets his boot up on a corner charge. Top rope crossbody onto Miz. That gets a two count. Kingston slams Miz down. Kingston hits a Boom Drop on Miz. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Miz ducks and goes for the SCF. Kingston hits the SOS, but Del Rio breaks up the cover. Del Rio knocks Mysterio off the apron. Kingston dropkicks Del Rio. Miz hits an Overdrive. Kingston kicks out on two. R-Truth tagged in and kicks Kingston. R-Truth with a face buster. Gets another two count. Del Rio tagged in. He does a running kick to Kingston’s ribs. Del Rio with a back suplex. He gets a two count. Kingston kicked by Del Rio but comes back with kicks of his own. Miz tagged in and cuts off a Kingston tag attempt. Miz with a suplex. Kingston gets Miz in a roll up for a two count. Miz with a clothesline. Gets another two count. Miz with a rear chin lock. Kingston with a takeover to break the hold. Kingston with a sunset flip. A double stomp on Miz. Mysterio and R-Truth both tagged in. Mysterio with a seated senton and then a crossbody to R-Truth. Gets a two count. Corner whip by Mysterio. R-Truth flips out of the corner before the charge. R-Truth with a sunset flip. Mysterio flips out of that and delivers a kick to R-Truth. Gets a two count. Head scissors to R-Truth to set up for the 619. Miz comes in and is also set up for the 619. Del Rio runs away. Del Rio grabs Mysterio’s leg as he goes for the 619. Morrison hits a crossbody to Del Rio on the outside and Mysterio goes to hit a double 619 to Miz and R-Truth but Miz slips under the legs of Mysterio. A flying knee to Miz by Kingston on the outside and Mysterio hits a plank splash onto R-Truth to get the pin.
    -John Laurenitis is talking to CM Punk in the back and saying he wants to know if that kick was accidental because he can’t have his authority challenged. He wants a public apology. Punk does a condescending apology to Laurenitis. Laurenitis leaves and Stephanie McMahon shows up. She says she came to wish Punk good luck tonight. He said she should go wish her husband or her daddy good luck. She said she has already spoken to both of them, but what would she know, she’s just Vince McMahon’s clueless daughter, right? Punk says he didn’t say that, she did. He called her idiotic. She sticks out her hand and says good luck. He says he would shake it, but he knows where that hands been.
    -A look at the destructive path Mark Henry has been on and Sheamus accepting Henry’s challenge.
    -Mark Henry VS. Sheamus: They lock up. Sheamus with a side headlock. Henry pushes off and hits a shoulder block. Back and forth. Sheamus with some forearms. Henry with a headbutt. Henry pushes Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus comes back with kicks to Henry’s stomach. Sheamus with a series of right hands. Henry with an Irish whip. Sheamus comes back with a back elbow. Sheamus with shots and a knee to Henry. Sheamus with forearms. Henry pushes him away. Sheamus grabs Henry. Henry delivers elbows to Sheamus and throws him outside. Henry goes outside, picks Sheamus up, and throws him back in the ring. Henry hits Sheamus with a clothesline. Henry with a big splash. He gets a two count. He puts Sheamus up against the ropes and splashes into him. He gets a one count. A let’s go Sheamus chant goes out. Sheamus comes back with some right hands to Henry. Henry with a backbreaker. Henry then with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Sheamus battles out of it. Sheamus with forearms to Henry’s back. Henry drives Sheamus head first into the corner. Henry goes for the big splash in the corner, but Sheamus moves. A double count going. Both men up and Sheamus hitting Henry with a double ax handle. He hits a series of them, ducks a Henry clothesline and comes back with another ax handle to knock Henry down. Sheamus dropping knees on Henry. He ties Henry up in the ropes and delivers several blows to Henry’s chest. Sheamus with a knee to Henry’s face. A mid ring collision and both men are down. Henry goes for a corner charge, but Sheamus gets his boot up. Sheamus goes up top and hits a shoulder block to Henry. He gets a two count. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Henry ducks and hits Sheamus with a clothesline. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam, Sheamus slips out of it and hits the Brogue Kick. Henry falls out of the ring. Sheamus follows Henry outside and Henry runs Sheamus into the corner post. He then runs Sheamus through the ringside barrier into the crowd. Henry rolls back into the ring. The referee counting as Sheamus crawls back towards the ring. Sheamus gets counted out.
    -Josh Matthews interviews Christian. Christian says Randy Orton is not leaving SummerSlam the World Heavyweight Champion. He says he has an insurance policy and the entire WWE is the benefactor. He says he’s a summer blockbuster and Orton is an overrated flop.
    -Justin Roberts introduces C-Lo Green, who comes out to perform. Some of the Diva’s come out and dance when he sings Forget You.
    -Be a Star Campaign ad.
    -WWE Diva’s Championship Match. Kelly Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Beth Phoenix with Natalya: The bell rings and Kelly attacks Phoenix right away with forearms. Kick to Phoenix in the corner. Phoenix pushes Kelly away. Phoenix reverses a corner whip. Kelly with a foot up on the charge, but Phoenix grabs the foot. She flips Kelly backwards, but Kelly lands on her feet. Phoenix misses a clothesline. Kelly with a spinning headscissors that sends Phoenix to the apron. Kelly with a standing headscissors to Phoenix. Kelly rushes Phoenix and runs her off the ring apron to the floor. Kelly with a crossbody to Phoenix from the apron. Kelly throws Phoenix back in the ring. Phoenix blocks a Kelly backslide and goes to overpower Kelly, but Kelly flips out of it and Phoenix clotheslines her. She guillotines Kelly on the top rope. That gets a two count. Phoenix throws Kelly into a corner. Phoenix drives a boot into Kelly’s face. Phoenix with a running backwards splash in the corner. Phoenix with a snap mare. That gets a two count. Phoenix with a rear chin lock. Phoenix with an over the shoulder backbreaker to Kelly. Kelly fights out of it and hits a neck breaker on Phoenix. Kelly with a series of forearms. Phoenix picks Kelly up and runs her into a turnbuckle. She hangs Kelly up in the tree of woe and slams her head down. She kicks Kelly and goes to charge her, but Kelly lifts herself up and rolls Phoenix up for a two count. Phoenix with some forearms and a side suplex for a two count. Phoenix grabs Kelly by her hair and drags her over to the second rope. She punches Kelly on the back of the neck. Kelly avoids a running kick by Phoenix on the apron and guillotines Phoenix on the top rope. Kelly repeatedly smashes Phoenix’s head into the ring canvas. Kelly goes for a somersault back elbows to Phoenix in the corner, but Phoenix grabs her and goes for the Glam Slam. Kelly gets a roll up to pin Phoenix.
    -Stephanie McMahon is shown coming out of John Cena’s dressing room.
    -R-Truth is shown muttering about conspiracies. He then turns and there is Jimmy Hart. He asks Hart what he thinks. Hart says R-Truth needs someone to manage him and take him to the top. Hart lists some of the men he’s managed. He says he could manage R-Truth. R-Truth says he’s right, you got to think big in this business. Big and not little Jimmy. He then accuses Hart of being Little Jimmy which Hart denies. R-Truth says there are conspiracies everywhere. Ron Artest and his daughter are then shown and she says they say Artest needs counseling?

    -Flashback to Daniel Bryan winning MITB and Wade Barrett attacking Bryan on Smackdown.
    -Wade Barrett VS. Daniel Bryan: Barrett attacks with punches and kicks to begin. Headbutt to Bryan. Barrett with a side headlock. Bryan pushes off. Barrett comes back with a shoulder block. Bryan with a running knee to Barrett’s stomach. Bryan with a forearm as a Daniel Bryan chant goes out. Bryan with a wrist lock and working on the shoulder of Barrett. Barrett with a right hand to break the hold. Barrett with a wrist lock. Bryan with a spin to get out of the hold and dropkicks Barrett. Bryan gets Barrett in a horizontal hammerlock and is hyperextending his other arm out. He turns his shoulder and gets a two count. Barrett gets back to his feet. Barrett with a back elbow to Bryan. Barrett running the ropes but Bryan keeps leapfrogging and ducking him. Bryan finally hits a dropkick to Barrett. He gets a two count. Barrett comes back with a shot to Bryan’s stomach. Barrett with a corner whip, but Bryan crawls under Barrett’s legs when he crawls away. Bryan with a leg drag. Bryan with a running dropkick to Barrett in the corner. Gets a two count. Bryan goes to do a surfboard, but can’t get it on, so he stomps on Barrett’s legs instead. Running kick to Barrett’s chest. Gets a two count. Bryan with a forearm and a corner whip. Barrett reverses it, but Bryan does a flip out of the corner to avoid the charge. Barrett with a big sidewalk slam. That gets a two count. Barrett punching Bryan. Barrett with a slingshot backbreaker to get a two count. Barrett with a chin lock to Bryan. Bryan gets to his feet and delivers Elbows to Barrett’s stomach to break the hold. Barrett pushes off, Bryan ducks a clothesline, and comes back and hits one of his own. Bryan with a series of forearms to Barrett. Barrett hits a flying forearm to Bryan. Gets a two count. Barrett drapes Bryan’s head over the second rope and puts his leg on the back of Bryan’s head to choke him. He then turns Bryan around in the ropes and delivers a series of knees to Bryan’s face. Big running kick to knock Bryan to the floor. Barrett throws Bryan back into the ring and gets a two count. Barrett with a headlock. Bryan coming back with a series of kicks to Barrett. Bryan flung to the apron and Barrett goes for another running kick. Bryan pulls the rope down and Barrett gets caught up in the ropes. Back and forth on the apron. Barrett spills Bryan back inside. Bryan with a dropkick that knocks Barrett to the floor. Bryan with a running knee to Barrett from the apron to the floor. Bryan pushes Barrett back in the ring. He hits a top rope dropkick to Barrett. He gets a two count. Barrett reverses an Irish whip. Bryan ducks a clothesline. Barrett hits a super kick. Barrett goes for a pump handle slam, but Bryan slips behind and delivers a series of kicks to Barrett. Bryan with a knee to Barrett’s chest. Then a series of kicks to the chest. Then a kick to Barrett’s head to knock him down. That gets a two count. Barrett ducks a corner charge and delivers a running kick to Bryan. Barrett sets Bryan up for Wasteland. Bryan fighting it with elbows to Barrett. He slips around and puts a submission move to Barrett. When Barrett sinks to the ground, Bryan puts on the LaBell Lock. Barrett gets to the ropes. Bryan goes back to kicking Barrett’s chest. He puts Barrett on the top rope and climbs up with him, but Barrett pushes Bryan and he crotches himself on the top rope. Barrett then clotheslines him off the top rope. Barrett hits Wasteland. He gets the pin.
    -California National Guard Soldiers in attendance are shown.
    -Flashback to what has happened between Christian and Randy Orton since MITB.
    -World’s Heavyweight Championship Match. No Holds Barred. Christian VS. Randy Orton: Christian out first. He gets the mic. He says he can’t wait for this moment. He says he has someone to be in his corner, Edge. Edge comes out. Edge says as everyone knows, he can’t compete anymore, but when he left he was glad because he cracked the door open for Christian and he kicked it down and came through and won the World Heavyweight Championship. He said that it was unfair that Christian had to defend the title 5 days after a ladder match, but Christian kept complaining and whining and moaning day after day and week after week. He said that Christian finally won the World Heavyweight Championship back, but he did it by DQ? Edge says he did some heinous things in the ring, but he always did it with style. He didn’t do it with lawyers, suits and clipboards. But, somewhere along the way, he lost himself. He didn’t know his best friend would become a moaning, whining, crying little bitch. Edge then leaves. Orton gets an outstanding ovation as he comes out. The bell rings. They circle each other. Back and forth with shots. Orton runs Christian into the corner post. He beats Christian down in the corner. Orton puts Christian into another corner and Christian fighting his way out of it with kicks. Christian with a corner whip, but Orton comes out of it with a clothesline. Christian with a back elbow to Orton from the second rope. He gets a one count. Christian beating Orton down in the corner. Orton reverses a corner whip and hits a backdrop to Christian. Orton stomps that only the kids in Bristol love. Orton drops a knee across Christian’s throat. He gets a two count. Christian drapes Orton over the second rope and stands on his back. Christian goes outside to punch Orton in the face, but Orton pulls away and sets Christian up for a ropes DDT. Christian counters by backdropping Orton to the outside. They exchange blows on the outside and Orton pushes Christian into the barricade. Orton starts dismantling the announce table. They battle to the top of the announce table. Orton goes for the RKO, but Christian pushes off and goes and grabs the World Heavyweight Championship. He takes off through the crowd and Orton follows. He catches Christian on the steps and delivers forearms to him. He knocks Christian down on the aisle. He throws Christian back over the barricade to ringside. He then throws Christian back into the ring. He punches Christian on the turnbuckle. He goes to charge Christian, but he sidesteps it and runs Orton into the corner shoulder first. Orton’s shoulder appears to be hurt and he rolls out of the ring. Christian comes and throws him back in. Let’s go Christian/Christian Sucks dueling chants go out. Christian pulls a kendo stick from under the ring. He hits Orton with it. He gets a two count. Orton in the corner. Christian goes to hit him with the kendo stick. Orton moves and hits Christian with kicks and forearms. Christian reverses an Irish whip and pushes Orton down. Christian gets a two count. Christian with a corner charge. Orton gets his leg up on the charge in and rolls Christian up for a two count. Orton goes back to kicks and forearms. Christian reverses an Irish whip and hits a spinebuster. He gets a two count. Orton bleeding from the mouth. Christian gets the kendo stick again and goes to the second rope to hit Orton with it, but Orton dropkicks Christian as he is jumping. Orton with a clothesline. Christian misses a clothesline, Orton with a power slam. Orton grabs the kendo stick. He goes to hit Christian in the corner, but Christian gets his boots up. Christian goes to dropkick Orton from the ropes, but Orton avoids it and rolls Christian up for a two count. Christian with a right hand. Orton with a Thesz Press and punches. Orton goes for an apron DDT. Christian counters and goes for the Kill Switch. Orton turns that into a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Orton goes for the punt, Christian rolls outside and grabs Orton’s legs and goes to pull him into the corner post, but Orton raises his legs and Christian goes headfirst into the post. Orton with kicks and knees to Christian on the outside. Orton pulls out two tables. A we want tables chant goes out. Christian slams Orton against the ring apron. Christian sets up a table at ringside. Orton blocks being slammed into it and slams Christian into it. Orton then superplexes Christian onto a table in the ring. The table was not set up. He gets a two count. The table is cracked as we see as Orton sets it up in the corner. Orton goes to run Christian into the set up table. Christian counters with a death drop. He calls for the Spear. Orton leapfrogs the Spear attempt and goes for the RKO. Christian pushes off and throws Orton to the outside. Orton reverses being run into the ring steps and Christian goes flying over them. Orton takes the ring steps apart. Christian blocks being run into them and runs Orton head first into the steps. Christian drags Orton over to the Spanish Announce Table. He takes it apart and hits Orton with a television monitor. Christian then mocking Orton’s Viper routine. He gets Orton up and goes for an RKO, but Orton blocks and hits an RKO on Christian through the table. A Randy chant goes out. A this is awesome chant then goes out. Christian trying to crawl back into the ring. They both are in the ring. Orton goes for the RKO again, Christian blocks and hits the Kill Switch. He gets a 2.5 count. Christian goes outside and grabs two chairs. He slides a chair under Orton’s head and goes for a conchairto. He spits on Orton, but Orton moves as Christian swings the chair. Orton grabs the chair and hits Christian with it. Christian on the apron. Orton hits him again and Christian goes through the table set up at ringside. Orton rolls outside and puts the ring steps in the ring and then throws garbage cans and kendo sticks in the ring. He goes to curb stomp Christian on the ring steps, but Christian moves. Christian misses a clothesline. Orton power slams him into and through the table set up in the corner. Orton hitting Christian with the kendo stick. Orton then apron DDT’s Christian through a garbage can. Orton goes into his Viper routine and Christian hits him with a kendo stick. Christian goes for a crossbody and gets the RKO by Orton onto the ring steps. Orton falls on him and gets the pin. New World Heavyweight Champion.
    -SummerSlam Axxess highlights shown.
    -Be a Star Campaign event highlights.
    -Stephanie McMahon and HHH shown talking backstage.
    -Highlights of the Money in the Bank Main Event.
    -They show HHH relieving Vince McMahon of his duties and John Cena pinning Rey Mysterio to become the new WWE Champion. Then they show CM Punk returning and HHH announcing that they will settle this at SummerSlam and that he’s going to be the special guest referee.
    -Jenny McCarthy is shown in the crowd.
    -HHH comes to the ring.
    -Main Event. WWE Championship Match. CM Punk VS. John Cena with HHH as the Special Guest Referee: Punk comes out to a big ovation. He sits in the ring facing the stage waiting on John Cena. Cena comes out and says to the camera, “This is where I started. I just walked the concourse of this place in gimmick.” He gets a good ovation. HHH holds up both championships. HHH checks Punk, and then Cena. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. Into the corner and break clean. Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chants go out. Cena with a wrist lock. Punk reverses it into a side headlock. Cena pushes off. Punk with a shoulder block and a one count. They battle for position. Punk with a waist lock. Cena reverses into a side headlock into a takeover. Punk pushes off. Cena with a shoulder block. A CM Punk chant goes out. Cena with a single leg takedown. Cena with an arm bar. Cena with a snap mare into a headlock. Punk pushes off and dropkicks Cena. He gets a one count. Punk with a headlock. Punk with a body vice. Cena breaks the vice. Cena breaks the headlock and hits a knee to Punk’s stomach and then hits a gut wrench suplex. He gets a one count. Cena with a headlock. Cena with a suplex. He gets a one count. Cena back to the headlock. A Fruity Pebbles chant goes out. Punk trying to get to his feet. Cena with a scoop slam and he drops an elbow on Punk. He gets another one count. Cena goes back to a headlock. Punk with a takeover and a kick to the face of Cena. A CM Punk chant goes out again. Punk with a series of knees to the stomach of Cena. An Irish whip and another knee to the stomach. He gets a two count. Punk with a falling headbutt to Cena. Then another one. He gets another two count. Punk with a body vice on Cena. Cena bridges out of the move and goes for the STF, but Punk pushes off with his legs. Cena on the apron. Punk tries to suplex him back in. Cena blocks it and tries to suplex Punk out of the ring so Punk guillotines Cena on the top rope. A let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chant goes out again as Punk climbs to the second rope and then dropkicks Cena to the outside. Cena rolls into the ring and Punk covers him for a one count. Punk runs an elbow into Cena’s stomach. Then a seated senton to Cena. He gets a two count. Punk with a chin lock. Cena lifts Punk up and side slams him. Cena with a shoulder block as a Fruity Pebbles chant starts again. He goes for another shoulder block, but Punk hits a high knee to Cena. He gets a two count. Punk misses a running knee in the corner when Cena moves. Cena with two shoulder blocks, ducks a Punk clothesline attempt, and goes to slam Punk down. Punk holds on and takes Cena over. Punk with a running knee. Punk with a side headlock. Cena slams Punk down. Cena goes for U Can’t See Me. Punk goes to catch Cena’s head in a body vice. Cena lifts Punk up and goes for a slam. Punk plants Cena in a DDT like move and applies a submission move to Cena’s neck and head. Punk screaming tap to Cena. Cena gets some leverage and turns the move into an STF. Punk counters it into a sitting side key lock. He gets a two count while still applying the hold. Another two count and Cena counters it into the crossface. Punk makes it to the ropes. Cena goes for a clothesline and Punk dumps him to the outside of the ring. Punk with a tope to Cena on the outside. HHH counts both men until he gets to 9, then he goes outside himself to tell them to get back in the ring. He picks both men and throws them back in the ring. They finally both make it back to their feet. Back and forth. Punk misses a roundhouse kick to Cena who picks Punk up for the AA. Punk slips out and goes to charge Cena, who dropkicks Punk. U Can’t See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk counters into a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Cena with a jackknife cover. Punk bridges out of it. Punk goes for a back slide. Cena slips out. Punk with a big kick to the back of Cena’s head. Gets a two count. Punk goes for the GTS. Cena slips out and corner whips and splashes Punk. Big slam to Punk. Gets a two count. Cena starts to go up top. Punk hits him with a running knee. Punk with a bulldog from the second turnbuckle. Gets a two count. Punk launches himself off the top rope. Cena avoids him and catches him in the STF. Cena screaming tap. Punk fights and gets to the ropes. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk slips out and goes for the GTS, but Cena slips out. Cena hits the AA. He gets a close two count. Cena argues with HHH over the count. Cena goes for the top rope leg drop. Punk moves. Punk hits the GTS. Gets a 2.5 count. Punk goes up top. He hits an elbow drop ala Randy Savage. Gets another two count. A Randy Savage chant goes out which is pretty cool. Cena grabs a quick roll up for a two count. Punk with a running knee to Cena. Cena with forearms and kicks to Punk. Punk with kicks to come back. Another running knee by Punk. Another GTS by Punk. Cena has his foot on the ropes as HHH counts the pin. Announcers are screaming to HHH that Cena’s foot was on the ropes. Punk given the title. Cena screams at HHH about his foot being on the ropes. Punk sits on the announce table with the title. He raises the title as he goes to leave. He circles the ring with the belt, then goes back to the ring. HHH still in the ring and explains that Cena says his foot was on the ropes, but HHH didn’t see it. He then puts his hand out to Punk to shake. Punk doesn’t shake, but HHH raises his hand to show that he’s the winner. HHH leaves the ring. Kevin Nash comes in from the crowd and clotheslines Punk in the ring. He powerbombs Punk. HHH comes back towards the ring. Nash leaves back through the crowd. Alberto Del Rio appears with the MITB briefcase and a referee. He cashes in the contract. The bell rings. Del Rio with a running kick to the back of the head of Punk. He pins Punk to become the new WWE Champion. He raises the championship up. HHH looks confused. Punk still on the mat. The announcers try to figure out what’s going on as Del Rio celebrates and they sign off from Los Angeles.

    Episode 97 Notes Mon, 18 Oct 2021 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ba116436-59bf-4552-9f47-79eb48c47082 My Notes for Episode 97: SNME October 1986. -Meeting Mick Foley and Mickie James.
    -Today we are going to be looking at Saturday Night's Main Event from October 1986.
    -Saturday Night's Main Event VIl was shown on NBC on October 4, 1986 and was taped from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio outside of Cleveland on September 13, 1986. There were 21,000 in attendance and the show did a 9.4 rating on NBC.
    -Jesse Ventura is back with no hat or head covering, just a moustache, and he says he's back with a new look for a new season of Saturday Night's Main Event and of course, the pleasure will be all ours.
    -Jake Roberts is in the showers with Damien. He says to Ricky Steamboat that there are two types of people in the world. Winners and losers. In tonight's Snake Pit Match, Steamboat will be the loser.
    -Johnny V says The Dream Team will regain the titles tonight.
    -The Wizard is with Kamala. He says all the wrestlers should look long and hard because this is their destiny.
    -Bobby Heenan is with Paul Orndorff. They say Orndorff is the next WWF champion and the only Real American.
    -Hulk Hogan says tonight's the night Orndorff goes down. Orndorff had it all and now it’s all over. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?
    -Opening credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to SNME. Jesse says he saw the last SNME and Vince is nothing without Jesse Ventura. They then talk about the injury to Roddy Piper before throwing it to Mean Gene Okerlund who is with Roddy Piper.
    -They show footage of Piper being injured by Adrian Adonis, Don Muraco, and company. Piper goes off on the people who injured him and the Doctor’s who say he can’t wrestle. He says he’s not going to sit back and not wrestle.
    -Vince and Jesse then talk about Paul Orndorff turning on Hulk Hogan. Hogan talks about how he and Orndorff were so close and he can’t believe Orndorff sold him out for nothing. He says Orndorff’s time is tonight. He’s loyal to his Hulkamaniacs.
    -Paul Orndorff and Bobby Heenan tell their side of the story to Mean Gene. Heenan calls Hulk Hogan a liar. Orndorff says he’s going to rip his tongue out of his mouth and put it on his championship belt. Heenan says they’ve got the music to prove Orndorff is the best. Mean Gene asks him if he means Real American and Heenan tells him not to concern himself with that. They then head to the ring.
    -WWF Championship Match. Hulk Hogan VS. Paul Orndorff with Bobby Heenan: Orndorff and Heenan do come out to Real American. Orndorff gets in the ring and poses like Hogan. Hogan is shown in the back with Mean Gene. Hogan picks Mean Gene up and puts him aside because he doesn’t have time to talk. He heads to the ring determined. Hogan gets a great reaction coming out. Hogan rushes Orndorff, who moves out of the way and attacks Hogan with a series of right hands. Heenan gets up on the apron to distract Hogan who comes over but Orndorff clotheslines him from behind to knock Hogan to the outside. Orndorff follows him out and kicks and stomps Hogan. He goes to run Hogan’s head into the apron. Hogan blocks it and runs Orndorff into the apron instead. Back in, Hogan with some chops. Hogan with a right hand to Orndorff. He runs him into the corner turnbuckle. Then into another turnbuckle to knock Orndorff down. Heenan gets up on the apron and reaches into his pocket like he’s going for something. Hogan knocks him off the apron with a punch. Orndorff hits Hogan with a right hand to the throat. Orndorff dropping knees on Hogan. A Hogan chant goes out as Orndorff drapes Hogan’s head over the apron and kicks his head. Hogan falls to the floor taking out the timekeeper and several other people sitting at ringside. Orndorff wraps a mic cord around Hogan’s throat and is choking him. Ordorff posing again. Orndorff dropping knees on Hogan again. Then a thrust to the throat. That gets a two count. Orndorff suplexes Hogan. He then Kicks Hogan. Hogan reverses an Irish whip and hits Orndorff with a high knee. A scoop slam to Orndorff. He goes to leg drop Orndorff, but Heenan grabs his leg and won’t let go. Orndorff goes to charge Hogan, but he ducks and Orndorff goes over the top and takes out Heenan as well. The referee throws Heenan out of the match so a group of cops come and grab Heenan and throw him out. When they come back from the commercial, Heenan is shown banging on the door to the arena screaming to be let in. Back in the arena, Orndorff on the outside and Hogan comes out to follow. He chases Orndorff back into the ring, but gets attacked by Orndorff as he tries to get in. Orndorff drops a forearm on Hogan. He then drops an elbow on Hogan. He chokes Hogan up to a four count. Orndorff with a backbreaker. He drops an elbow on Hogan for a two count. Orndorff with a short clothesline. Orndorff signals for the piledriver. Hogan counters into a backdrop. Orndorff attacks Hogan, who Hulks up. A series of right hands knocks Orndorff down. A short clothesline to Orndorff. Hogan sets up a piledriver when someone from the audience comes in and attacks Hogan. Hogan tears the hat and wig off and it’s Adrian Adonis. Orndorff attacks Hogan from behind. Orndorff and Adonis attacking Hogan. Roddy Piper is shown limping towards the ring with his crutch. Piper attacks Adonis with the crutch. He then attacks Orndorff. Piper and Hogan almost go at it with blows with Jesse yelling to Piper to hit Hogan with the crutch. Piper throws his crutch down and limps towards the back. Hogan must pose.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jake Roberts in the showers. They talk about the DDT to Ricky Steamboat on the floor on the last SNME and about Steamboat beating Roberts at The Big Event. Roberts says there’s no way Steamboat beats him again.
    -Mean Gene then talks to Ricky Steamboat. He has a Komodo Lizard he calls a dragon to even the odds.
    -Snake Pit match. Jake Roberts with Damien VS. Ricky Steamboat with a dragon: They lock up. Steamboat with a waist lock. Roberts comes back with a wrist lock. Steamboat reverses and chops Roberts. Steamboat with a wrist lock. He backdrops Roberts. That gets a two count for Steamboat. Steamboat with an arm drag. He turns that into an arm bar. Steamboat drags Roberts over to the bag with the dragon in it. Steamboat reverses an Irish whip and slams Roberts down. That gets another two count for Steamboat. It goes outside. Back in, Steamboat with another arm drag. Back to an arm bar for Steamboat. Roberts is near Steamboat’s corner. He reaches his foot out to touch the bag and it moves. Roberts scoots away quickly. Roberts with a shot to the eyes. Corner whip to Steamboat and Roberts misses the charge when Steamboat moves. Steamboat slingshots Roberts into the turnbuckle. He then slams Roberts down to the mat. Steamboat goes up top. He goes to splash Roberts, but Roberts gets his knees up and Steamboat is hurt. They each go to their own corners towards their bags. Roberts rushes over and cuts off Steamboat from going for his bag. Inverted backbreaker like move as Roberts slams his knee into Steamboats stomach. That gets a two count for Roberts. Roberts with an Irish whip and drives his shoulder into the midsection. A Steamboat chant goes out. Roberts with a short clothesline. Roberts with a scoop slam. Roberts drives knees into Steamboat. Then Roberts choking Steamboat, but breaking on the count of three. Back and forth. Roberts with a knee lift to knock Steamboat down. Roberts with a throat thrust and Steamboat is wobbly. Roberts with a snap mare. He gets a two count. Steamboat slams Roberts headfirst on the mat. Roberts with an inverted atomic drop. Roberts with an Irish whip. Steamboat comes back with a crucifix to get the pin. Roberts hits a knee to the back to knock Steamboat to the outside. Roberts goes out and rams Steamboat back first into the corner post. He puts Steamboat back in the ring. Roberts goes and gets Damien, but backs up when Steamboat comes at him with the Dragon.
    -Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan about his title defense against Paul Orndorff. Hogan says he was Judge Hogan and passed sentence on Orndorff and Bobby Heenan. He then warns Roddy Piper not to come into his courtroom. Even though Piper was looking for Adrian Adonis and took him out, he stared at Hogan with tombstones in his eyes. He says he’s going to process Orndorff and Heenan guilty as charged.
    -Vince and Jesse talk about what Hogan said and Jesse says he still has questions.
    -Pre tape of Jesse Ventura talking to Slick and The Iron Sheik. Slick says Sheik is going to be the next Heavyweight Champion of the world. They are ready for Roddy Piper or whoever the WWF wants to substitute for him.
    -The Iron Sheik with Slick VS. Pedro Morales: Morales is in as a substitute for Roddy Piper. Before they start, Piper comes to ringside again. He orders Morales out of the ring and says he’s going to fight Iron Sheik. Sheik goes to attack Piper. Piper hits him with his crutch and then the bell rings and Piper is unloading on Sheik. Piper goes after Slick, who bails to the outside. Sheik goes after the injured leg of Piper and sets him up for a suplex. Piper reverses it and gets the win with a handful of tights.
    -Mean Gene talks to Johnny V and The Dream Team. They show the finish of the WrestleMania 2 match where the Dream Team lost the titles. They say they were robbed and they are going to get their titles back tonight.
    -Back from commercial, Mean Gene talks to Roddy Piper who’s sitting in the locker room drinking what looks to be a Coke. Mean Gene asks him how he can go out and wrestle Iron Sheik after the doctors told him no. Piper pours the Coke over his own head and says he does exactly what he wants to do. He says he couldn’t stand back and allow Adrian Adonis to think he took care of Piper because he’s a man.
    -Mean Gene talks to the British Bulldogs. Dynamite Kid says the Dream Team underestimated them at WrestleMania 2 and tonight is going to be like World War III.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match 2 out of 3 Falls. The British Bulldogs Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith VS. The Dream Team Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake with Johnny V: Dynamite Kid and Valentine start. Dynamite Kid grabs Valentine’s leg and hits an atomic drop. Both Bulldogs hit Valentine, who falls down face first. Valentine coming back with chops. He gets Dynamite Kid in the corner, drapes his leg over the ropes, and attacks it with his knee. He then stomps Dynamite Kid. Beefcake tagged in. He hits a suplex on Dynamite Kid. He snaps Dynamite Kid’s leg back trying to hyperextend it. Smith tagged in. He gets a wrist lock on Beefcake. Back and forth with reverses. Smith gets Beefcake down with the wrist lock. He turns it into a hammerlock. Beefcake with a reversal. Beefcake with stomps to Smith. Valentine tagged in and hits an elbow smath as Beefcake holds Smith. Valentine drops an elbow and gets a two count. Smith comes back with elbow shots to Valentine who tags out to Beefcake. Valentine with a drop toe hold to Smith and Beefcake takes over stomping Smith. Beefcake with a high knee. He gets a two count. Valentine tagged back in. He misses an elbow drop. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Dynamite kid with forearms to Valentine. A chop from Dynamite Kid knocks Valentine Down. Valentine comes back with an inverted atomic drop. Valentine with a shoulder breaker for a two count. Valentine with a clothesline. He gets another two count. Beefcake tagged back in. He hits Dynamite Kid with forearms. He gets a two count. Valentine tagged in. Shots and chops to Dynamite Kid. Irish whip to Dynamite Kid who comes back with a forearm to Valentine. Dynamite Kid with a headbutt and sets up for a suplex, but Valentine with a shot to stop it. Valentine gets the figure four on. Smith comes in to break up the hold, but Beefcake cuts him off and throws him outside. Dynamite Kid gives up.
    -Mean Gene reports that he talked to a doctor about Adrian Adonis. Adonis may have a separated shoulder. They then show Roddy Piper hitting Adonis with his crutch.
    -2nd Fall: Valentine continues to drive knees into Dynamite Kid’s legs. Valentine goes for the figure four again, but Dynamite Kid kicks off. Beefcake tagged in and he is stomping Dynamite Kid. Beefcake and Valentine tagging in and out and both attacking Dynamite Kid’s legs with kicks and stomps. Beefcake goads Smith in. The referee tries to get him out, so the Dream Team can double team Dynamite Kid. Beefcake gets a two count. Beefcake with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Valentine tagged in. Scoop slam on Dynamite Kid. Valentine gets on the second rope. He misses the elbow drop when Dynamite Kid moves. Smith tagged in. Irish whip and a clothesline to Valentine. He dropkicks Beefcake, headbutts Valentine. Smith with a suplex. He gets a two count. Smith hits a running powerslam. Beefcake comes in. Smith gets him up on his shoulders, tags Dynamite Kid in and Dynamite Kid launches himself off of Beefcakes shoulders to hit a diving headbutt on Valentine. Dynamite Kid gets the pin.
    -3rd Fall: Valentine attacks Dynamite Kid’s injured knee and then chops him. Dynamite kid comes back with chops to knock Valentine down. Dynamite Kid with a snap suplex. Dynamite Kid misses a diving headbutt. Valentine drops an elbow on Dynamite Kid. Valentine then drops a forearm. Jesse says he’s been handed a note that Adrian Adonis has suffered a shattered elbow. Dynamite Kid makes a no look tag to Smith, but the referee doesn’t see it. Beefcake hits a forearm shot to Dynamite Kid from the second rope. Valentine covers and gets a two count. Valentine working on Dynamite Kid’s leg. He goes for the figure four and Dynamite Kid kicks off. Beefcake and Smith both tagged in. Beefcake gets Smith down for a two count. Beefcake with an Irish whip and a backdrop for another two count. Beefcake with another Irish whip and a clothesline for another two count. Headbutt to the groin of Smith and another two count for Beefcake. Beefcake with an Irish whip. Smith comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Beefcake stomps Smith in the head and comes over to taunt Dynamite Kid. The Dream Team then guillotines Smith on the top rope. Valentine tagged in and dropping knees onto Smith in the heels corner. Valentine with a suplex. He gets a two count. Beefcake tagged back in. Beefcake with a high knee after an Irish whip. Dynamite Kid breaks up the cover. All four men in. Smith corner whips Beefcake and gets a fisherman’s suplex for the three count.
    -Mean Gene talks to the Wizard who has Kamala and Kim Chee with him. The Wizard says Kamala is covered with ancient tribal signs and that no one knows the signs but him and the people of Kamala’s tribe.
    -Kamala with the Wizard and Kim Chee VS. Lanny Poffo: Poffo trying to stay away from Kamala and back flips away from a shot. Kamala tosses Poffo across the ring. Kamala gets Poffo in the corner and hits him with a shot. More hits and kicks knock Poffo down. Kamala with an Irish whip and a chop. More kicks to Poffo and Kamala runs him into the corner turnbuckle. He chokeslams Poffo. Another chop to Poffo. Irish whip, but Poffo ducks the clothesline and hits Kamala with some shots. Kamala with an eye rake and Irish whips Poffo and hits him with a double shot to the throat. Kamala with a scoop slam and a splash to pin Poffo. Kamala climbs to the top rope, but they stop him from splashing Poffo.
    -Vince and Jesse recap what has happened. They then sign off from Richfield and say the next time they will be coming from Hollywood, Jesse’s town, as the end credits play.

    Episode 96 Notes Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 3b87aa01-9961-49ec-a26a-b73882df6c10 My Notes for Episode 96: WrestleWar '91. -100 pounds lost.
    -Extreme Rules.
    -Did you ever notice that your idea of an emergency might differ from mine?
    -I think I saw Noel Paul Stookey at a Pizza Place, but I don’t know the folk singer protocol for pizzerias.
    -Today we will be looking at WrestleWar ’91 from WCW.
    -WrestleWar ’91: We Want You! Was broadcast on PPV on February 24, 1991 from the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona. There were 6,800 in attendance.
    -Shots of Arizona and the desert as Tony Schiavone voices over a Welcome to WrestleWar and what we are going to see.
    -Tony then welcomes us and runs down some of the matches that are scheduled to take place. He then throws it down to Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes. They talk about War Games.
    -6-Man Tag Team Championship Match: State Patrol Buddy Lee Parker and James Earl Wright and The Big Cat VS. Tommy Rich, Ricky Morton, and The Junk Yard Dog: The Faces are over with the Crowd. JYD and Big Cat start. JR brings up their football careers IYDAH. They trade shots. JYD hits a clothesline and a head butt. Wright tagged in. Morton tagged in. Morton hits a hip toss on Wright. He then hits multiple arm drags on Wright. Rich tagged in. Arm drag on Wright. Parker tagged in. Rich works an arm bar. Morton tagged in. Parker coming back. Morton cuts that off though. JYD tagged in. Big Cat tagged in. Test of strength. Big Cat gets a two count. Parker tagged in. Morton tagged in. The State Patrol double team him with a version of the Demolition Decapitation, but where he stays on the knee. Wright gets a two count. A double shoulder block gets a two count. Big Cat tagged in. He hits a dropkick on Morton. Big Cat misses an elbow. Parker tagged in and slams Morton for a two count. Quick tags by the heels, but Morton won’t stay down. Big Cat hits a backbreaker. Heels triple teaming Morton in their corner. Parker tagged in and JYD gets the tag from Morton. JYD hits the thump power slam for a two count. Morton tagged in and gets the pin.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Alexandra York and Terrance Taylor. They say that the York Foundation is flourishing and will continue to expand. Taylor says that Z-Man doesn’t have the fighter instinct and that Taylor will win. They say Taylor will win in under 15:28.
    -Brad Armstrong VS. Bobby Eaton: They talk about Armstrong’s brother currently fighting in Iraq and that is Brian Armstrong, the future Road Dogg. Dusty predicts that Eaton will win a singles title in 1991. Armstrong hits a series of moves off the bat. Works an arm bar. Eaton comes back and hits a hard right hand. Armstrong goes back to the arm bar. Eaton throws him out. Eaton goes to ram Armstrong into the guardrail, but he reverses it and runs Eaton into the post. Back inside, they start a shoving match. Test of strength. Armstrong makes his way up Eaton’s body to break the hold and hits a crossbody for a two count. Back to the arm bar for Armstrong. Eaton comes back with a big right hand. Armstrong reverses a slingshot suplex. Back to the arm bar. They show Jason Hervey in the crowd. Eaton hits a big clothesline. Follows up with a back breaker. Gets a two count. They show The Great Muta in the crowd. Eaton hits a sling shot back breaker for a two count. Eaton hits a modified Camel Clutch. Drops Armstrong onto the outside railing. Back in, Eaton gets the abdominal stretch on and holds the rope for leverage. He gets caught and has to break. Misses a corner charge when Armstrong moves. Armstrong hits a drop kick and a side Russian leg sweep. Gets a two count. Eaton gets a neck breaker and the top rope leg drop for the pin.
    -SuperBrawl PPV ad.
    -Miss A and Miki Handa VS. Itsuki Yamasaki and Mami Kitamura: This is a brutal, very physical match. Quick Tags. Dusty loves Miss A. Yamasaki hits a big dropkick on both of her opponents from the top rope. Yamasaki gets the pin with a rollup of Miss A.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Missy Hyatt. She says she is going to conduct interviews from the men’s locker room.
    -Buddy Landell VS. Dustin Rhodes: Dustin comes out hot. He hits a big clothesline for a two count. Dustin works the arm. Landell coming back. He goes up top but gets caught. Landell sucks chant goes out. Dustin misses a corner charge and hits the post. Landell takes advantage, but can’t get the three count. Landell punching Dustin. Dustin then fights back. Landell gets the sleeper, but Dustin reverses it. Landell fights out but catches a boot from Dustin. Dustin clotheslines Landell out of the ring but goes out and throws him back in. Dustin then hits the bulldog and gets the pin.
    -Missy Hyatt is then shown in the dressing room. She runs into Stan Hansen who runs her off.
    -The Royal Family Jack Victory and Rip Morgan VS. The Young Pistols Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong: Royal Family starts out hot. Armstrong hits a double crossbody. The lights go out in the arena and they rig a spotlight on the ring. Back and forth. Smothers tagged in and gets a double shoulder block. Smothers then works an arm bar. Armstrong in and misses a crossbody on Jack Victory. Morgan tagged in. Royal Family double teaming. Smothers tagged in and cleans house. The Royal Family then run him into the barricade. Back in, he gets nailed by Victory. Morgan in and he goes for a bear hug. Morgan hits a spinebuster and gets a two count. Royal Family is doing quick tags. Armstrong breaks up the count. The Royal Family go for the face first suplex and Armstrong dropkicks Smothers onto Morgan and Smothers gets the pin.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Diamond Dallas Page. DDP talks about Teddy Long being tricked into giving the Fabulous Freebirds a Championship match and he says that WCW has been overlooking the Freebirds. Teddy Long comes out. He says Doom is going to win and are not splitting up.
    -Terry Taylor with Alexandra York VS. The Z-Man Tom Zenk: No disqualification match: Zenk hot early. He hits a big dropkick. Taylor rolls out. Zenk gets a headlock on. Taylor keeps rolling out to consult with York. Zenk back to the side headlock. Lots of rest holds. Taylor coming back. It goes outside and Taylor chokes Zenk with a TV cord. Back in, Taylor gets a two count. Zenk then gets a sunset flip for a two count. It goes back outside. Back in, Taylor gets a two count. Zenk hits a neckbreaker and a super kick but Taylor gets a foot on the ropes. Nikita Koloff is shown sitting in the crowd. Lots of near falls. York distracts the referee as Zenk hits a crossbody. Zenk gets up to complain to the ref and Taylor gets the pin with a roll up holding the tights. Zenk attacks Taylor after the match.
    -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about El Gigante being a guest on The Danger Zone and Dusty is a trip saying El Gigante.
    -The Danger Zone: Paul E comes out dressed like a cross between a matador and a waiter with a sombrero. He makes an illegal alien crack and it isn’t PC but it does get heat. He brings out El Gigante. He gets a nice pop. Paul E insults him but he’s smiling the whole time. Paul E is trying hard but this is going nowhere fast. Paul E hits him with the sombrero and El Gigante body slams him and leaves wearing the sombrero.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Hiro Matsuda and The Great Muta. They talk about WCW’s Rolling Thunder tour coming to the Egg Dome and about the match between Muta and Sting. Muta sprays the green mist.
    -Grudge match: Stan Hansen VS. Big Van Vader: Rematch of their famous Japan match. Vader is in full headgear and mask. Hansen rushes Vader who grabs him in a bear hug and brings him outside. They are just pounding on each other. Vader hits a big clothesline. He gets a two count. He then follows it up with a corner splash on Hansen. Hansen dumped outside. They brawl some before coming back in. Hansen gets a belly to back suplex for a two count. It goes back outside. They start hitting each other with stuff around ringside. Vader slams Hansen on the barricade. Hansen slams Vader on the stairs. They trade shots and Hansen pulls referee Randy Anderson away so that they can continue. They won’t stop so both are disqualified. Vader hits a top rope forearm. He misses the big splash. Hansen then tackles Vader and attacks him with the bull rope. Vader reverses it and pulls the rope around Hansen’s throat and drags him to the back.
    -Another SuperBrawl Ad.
    -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about the US title match coming up.
    -United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Dan Spivey: They mention that a new title belt has been made and that Nikita Koloff will help present it after the match. They start out slow. Spivey working on Luger’s back. Luger hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. Jim Ross brings up both men’s athletic backgrounds IYDAH, take a shot. Spivey gets a Luger boot on a corner charge. Luger goes for a charge, but Spivey ducks and Luger goes flying into the other ring. Spivey suplexes him back into the correct ring. Spivey hits an inverted piledriver for a two count. A Spivey neckbreaker gets another two count. Spivey then gets a DDT for a two count. He can’t seem to get the three count on Luger. Luger coming back. Spivey hits a big corner clothesline for a two count. Spivey misses a corner charge and Luger gets a roll up for a two count. Luger blocks and then reverses a suplex. Spivey hits a top rope fall away elbow but Luger kicks out again. Luger then kicks out of another Spivey neckbreaker. Spivey then works on Luger’s neck. A big boot gets a two count for Spivey. Spivey hits another piledriver for yet another two count. Luger coming back. Spivey hits a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Spivey working a headlock. Luger catches Spivey and hits a stun gun like move where Spivey’s stomach hits the top rope. Luger hits a clothesline from the second rope. He then hits a powerslam. The crowd comes to life. Spivey drops down on a Luger sunset flip. Double clothesline. Then Luger climbs up top and Spivey catches him and slams him off but Luger rolls it into a pinning position for a three count.
    -Tony Schiavone is with Nikita Koloff and Grizzly Smith for the presentation of the new US Title. Koloff congratulates Luger on his victory before hitting Luger with the new belt. Tony asks Koloff why he did this and Koloff says he has been home for two years and seeing all the titles change hands and how he never held the world title but the championship committee said he had been retired and had to prove himself. He says that Luger stole the title from him and he’s going to bring the belt back where it belongs. He then takes off the durag that he has been wearing and he is bald. Shades of the old Nikita Koloff.
    -Word Tag Team Championship Match: Doom Ron Simmons and Butch Reed with Teddy Long VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Diamond Dallas Page and two Diamond Dolls. Dusty calls the Diamond Dolls some nice brown sugar and I can tell that it is going to be a long night folks. DDP says that he is so busy that he is bringing a road boss in for the Fabulous Freebirds: Big Daddy Dink. It’s Sir Oliver Humperdink in new clothing. Doom then comes out looking all business. DDP and the dolls then depart. Freebirds suck chant goes out. JR works in Simmons and his athletic career IYDAH, take a shot. Slow to start. Simmons gets a spinebuster on Hayes for a two count. A Hayes bulldog on Simmons gets a two count. Simmons power slams Hayes and then catches Garvin coming off the top rope and power slams him. Freebirds roll out and regroup with Big Daddy Dink. Freebirds suck chant gets louder. Garvin and Reed go at it. Reed hits a big clothesline. A Garvin sunset flip gets a two count. Back and Forth. Reed hits a backbreaker. Simmons hits a leg drop on Garvin. Garvin gets the DDT on Reed, but he’s unable to make the tag. Simmons hits a big spinebuster on Garvin. Hayes breaks up the pin. All four men in. Simmons holds Hayes as Long throws something to Reed to hit Hayes with. Hayes ducks, and Reed nails Simmons. Garvin then falls on Simmons and gets the pin. New tag team champions. The Fabulous Freebirds celebrate. Doom starts arguing and Simmons pushes Teddy Long down. Butch Reed then nails Simmons with Brass Knuckles. Long and Reed leave Simmons laying in the middle of the ring.
    -Another SuperBrawl ad.
    -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes are then shown with the winner of the sweepstakes that WCW ran. He is nervous and says Doom is his favorite team.
    -They show the Horsemen injuring Brian Pillman the previous night, but say that Pillman will be in the War Games. They also talk about Arn Anderson being injured and being replaced in the match by Larry Zbyszko.
    -War Games: Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, and Larry Zbyszko with Arn Anderson VS. Sting, Brian Pillman, and The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Tony Schiavone goes over the rules of War Games. Pillman’s shoulder is heavily taped. Windham starts out and Pillman breaks away and gets in the cage. Pillman hits a clothesline. Pillman is very impressive to begin. He’s hitting dropkicks and head scissors. Have no fear, JR works in his athletic background so take a shot. Pillman hits his injured shoulder going for a splash. He hits Windham with a low blow and runs him into the cage. Windham is busted open. Pillman hits him with a clothesline. Pillman is totally dominating. Windham fighting back. Coin Toss. Horsemen win. Flair in. He and Pillman open dueling Chop Houses. The crowd comes alive. Flair and Windham double team Pillman and run him into the cage several times. They throw Pillman into the other ring. They are trying to break Pillman’s shoulder. Sting in and he cleans house. The crowd loves it. They pair off. Pillman with Windham and Flair with Sting. Faces with the advantage. Zbyszko in and Sting flies and hits Zbyszko with a splash from the other ring as Pillman has Windham in the figure four. Zbyszko hammering Sting. Flair kicks Pillman’s shoulder. Rick Steiner in. He hits Flair and Windham with Steinerlines. He then hits Flair with a belly to belly suplex. He runs Flair into the cage. Flair is then busted open. Vicious in. He goes after Rick Steiner. Vicious levels Sting. Rick Steiner runs Zbyszko into the cage. Heels with a slight advantage as Scott Steiner comes into the ring. It then progresses to The Match Beyond: Scott Steiner hits Windham and Flair with a double clothesline. He then hits Zbyszko with an under hook powerbomb. He hits Vicious with a Steinerline. Sting splashes Flair and gets the Scorpion Death lock on Flair. Vicious then goes after Pillman. Vicious runs Pillman’s shoulder into the corner post. He rips the tape off of Pillman’s shoulder. The faces then get figure four’s on the heels. The crowd comes alive. Heels get out. Sting military presses Flair into the roof of the cage. Rick Steiner gets Vicious down. Vicious then coming back. He and Windham double clothesline Rick Steiner. The Horsemen double team Pillman, but he keeps fighting back. Vicious slams Pillman down to the mat. He then hits what looks like the worst Powerbomb ever on Pillman. Vicious doesn’t have enough room to do it and it just looks nasty. When they did the War Games at Fall Brawl ’93, they used footage of this to hype the match and I got chills looking at this bump. Vicious picks Pillman up and Pillman is clearly out of it. Vicious then hits another powerbomb that at least looks better than the first one. Pillman is unconscious. Anderson is on the outside and says ask him if he wants to quit. El Gigante runs out. He rips the door off of the cage. He checks on Pillman and asks the referee to stop the match. Flair, Windham, Vicious, and Zbyszko are declared the winners. El Gigante then carries Pillman out of the cage and to the back. They show a replay of the powerbombs. The crowd boo the heels. Referee Nick Patrick says he stopped the match because Pillman was unconscious.
    -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about the match, the call, and the spirit of Brian Pillman. They then talk about the Nikita Koloff attack on Lex Luger. They then recap the night and sign off from Phoenix.
    -End Credits.

    Episode 95 Notes Thu, 23 Sep 2021 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 81800ddf-53bf-4a9b-a3f4-af7553bceb6d My Notes for Episode 95: The Main Event V. -Plane Ride from Hell Dark Side of the Ring.
    -Norm McDonald.
    -Today we are looking at The Main Event V from the WWF.
    -The Main Event V was shown on NBC on February 1, 1991. It was recorded January 28, 1991 from the Macon Coliseum in Macon, Ga. It did a 6.7 rating.
    -We start off with still shots of Hulk Hogan’s USO tour.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to The Main Event. They run down what’s going to happen that night. The crowd is hot for the action.
    -Earthquake and Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart VS. Hulk Hogan and Tugboat: The faces get separate entrances. Tugboat gets a nice response. Hogan comes out and the crowd goes crazy. Hogan is pumped up and ready. Hogan and Bravo start. Hogan in control. Hart tries to interfere and gets nailed by Hogan. Hogan cleaning house. Tugboat tagged in. Earthquake then tagged in. Earthquake misses an elbow on Tugboat. Hogan tagged in and the crowd is ready for him and Earthquake to face off. Several punches by Hogan to Earthquake. Bravo comes in and gets slammed. Hogan then slams Earthquake. Earthquake being pounded. Hogan clotheslines him into the corner. Hogan then with some corner punches. Tugboat tagged in. Double big boot. Earthquake kicks Tugboat on a charge. Tugboat down. Choking Tugboat on the ropes. They then choke Tugboat with the tag ropes. Earthquake hits the elbow on Tugboat but Hogan makes the save. Bravo tagged in. Double team on Tugboat. Tugboat reverses a corner whip and splashes Earthquake. He goes to splash Earthquake, but Bravo hits him with Hart’s megaphone. Tugboat being battered. A two count on Tugboat. More double teaming. Bravo tagged in. Hogan tags in, but the ref doesn’t see it. More double teaming on Tugboat. Earthquake sets up his big sit down splash, but Hogan clotheslines him to stop it. Both Tugboat and Earthquake down. Bravo and Hogan then tagged in. Hogan hits a big boot, but does a rollup immediately to get the pin instead of the leg drop. Hogan (and Tugboat) must pose!
    -Flashback to how Sgt. Slaughter became the WWF champion at the Royal Rumble and the role that Queen Sherri and Randy Savage played in the change.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. Slaughter says the only thing that matters is that he is champion and that he plays by his own rules. He says he’s going to show Jim Duggan and everyone how he plays by his rules.
    -WWF Championship Match: Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan VS. Jim Duggan: Slaughter comes out first, then Duggan comes out with Hulk Hogan behind him waving Old Glory. The crowd is really into these two. The Referee sends Hulk Hogan backstage since he isn’t a legal corner man or manager. A USA chant goes out. Slaughter comes out hard. He’s choking and punching in the corner. Duggan coming back. Slaughter clotheslined out and he takes a bump on the apron that looks bad. Adnan grabs Duggan’s leg as he was bringing Slaughter back in and Slaughter gets a two count. Duggan takes a swing at Adnan, who ducks and grabs Duggan for Slaughter. Duggan then ducks and Slaughter hits Adnan. Duggan coming back, but Slaughter quickly regains the advantage. Adnan distracts the referee and Slaughter hits Duggan with his own 2X4. He batters Duggan all around the ring. The crowd is booing heavily. Duggan coming back. It goes outside. Duggan has Slaughter down. Adnan attacks Duggan, so Duggan goes after him. Slaughter then attacks Duggan with a chair outside the ring and Slaughter gets disqualified. They bring Duggan into the ring where Slaughter continues to hit him with a chair while Adnan holds the referee back. Slaughter then whips Duggan with his riding crop. Hulk Hogan comes down to save Duggan and gets hit with the chair. Slaughter then spits on Hogan and Duggan. Slaughter and Adnan then leave. A USA chant goes out. Hogan helps Duggan up and Hogan waves Old Glory.
    -The Orient Express Kato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji VS. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal: Mean Gene interviews the LOD. They are sick of the Japanese VS. American comparisons. USA #1 is their point. The LOD come out to a good reaction in NWA country. Animal and Kato to start. Kato gets a front face lock. Animal just picks him up and tosses him. Kato tries a chop to no avail then takes off outside the ring with Animal following. Back in, Kato attacks. Back and forth. Animal powerslams Kato. All four men in. Orient Express bail to the outside. Hawk and Tanaka tagged in. Hawk knocks Tanaka down. Kato grabs his foot as he goes to the ropes. Orient Express double team Hawk. He overpowers both. Both LOD just overpower The Orient Express. Tanaka and Animal tagged in. Animal hits a clothesline and all four in again. Fuji comes up and hits Animal with salt. Orient Express double team Animal, who comes back and double clotheslines them. Hawk tagged in and cleans house. He hits everything moving including Mr. Fuji. They get Kato up and hit him with the Doomsday Device. Hawk gets the pin.
    -Back from a commercial, Mean Gene is in the ring and introduces President Jack Tunney, who announces who is going to be in the Main Event at WrestleMania. Mean Gene runs down some of the top contenders. Tunney announces that it is going to be Hulk Hogan.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Sgt. Slaughter. He says it doesn’t matter who he is going to face at WrestleMania. He says Hulk Hogan has never faced an opponent like Sgt. Slaughter. He says he is keeping his belt no matter what.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan in the ring. Hogan says Slaughter and Adnan can already feel Hulk Hogan and the Hulkamaniacs breathing down his neck. He talks about the USO tour that he has been on. He says everyone understands why we are fighting for freedom, including Sgt. Slaughter. He says they’ll all come after Slaughter at WrestleMania VII. He says Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe. He pledges that he will be the next WWF champion. He then leads everyone in the pledge of allegiance. He then waves Old Glory.
    -Vince and Roddy talk about what has happened that night and what is going to happen at WrestleMania VII before signing off from Macon.

    Episode 94 Notes Fri, 17 Sep 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 0b69a4fa-47ee-4943-afd2-4f8619ea8cee My Notes for Episode 94: Clash of the Champions XIV, Dixie Dynamite. -Today we are looking at Clash of the Champions XIV from WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions XIV: Dixie Dynamite took place on January 30, 1991 from the Georgia Mountain Center in Gainesville, Georgia. There were 2,200 in attendance and the show did a 3.9 rating on TBS.
    -Opening Credits with a JR voiceover of some of the matches coming up.
    -This is a nice opening package graphics and video.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta announces the playing of the National Anthem. Jim Ross and returning booker/commentator Dusty Rhodes welcome us to the Clash. Rhodes is pumped up and I’m sure that being back was like a breath of fresh air. They preview some of what we are going to see.
    -Sting and Lex Luger VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons: Teddy Long is not there but they don’t know where he is. Reed and Sting start. A Go Sting Go chant goes out. Faces dominate as Luger tags in. Simmons is also in. Power VS. Power here. Luger hits a big suplex on Simmons. Simmons hits a stun gun on Luger. Heels are dominating Luger. Luger finally slams Simmons down, but Reed hits a shoulder block on Luger, knocking him towards Sting allowing Luger to tag. While Sting cleans house, Dan Spivey comes out to attack Luger. Spivey then leaves. Doom misses Sting and hits the referee. Reed then throws Sting over the top rope for the DQ. They continue to fight after the bell.
    -Missy Hyatt reads the results of the sexiest wrestler contest. The Z-Man is the winner.
    -WCW Television Championship Match: The Z-Man VS. Bobby Eaton: Z-Man had actually lost the WCW TV championship on January 7, 1991, but the match had not yet aired, so Zenk was recognized as champion. Shoving match to start. Even paced match. Eaton works an arm bar. Both are working a slow styled match. Eaton hits a back elbow, but Z-Man slams him off the top rope. Eaton gets another back elbow and hits a knee from the top rope. Back and forth. Z-Man wins with a quick backslide.
    -Alexandra York says later tonight, we will see the newest member of the York Foundation.
    -Tommy Rich and Allen Iron Eagle VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: All faces to begin. Freebirds come back with quick tags. Hayes with a headlock on Iron Eagle. It goes outside. Back in, Garvin continues to batter Iron Eagle, but misses a corner charge, and Iron Eagle takes over. Freebirds try to come back, Iron Eagle does get the pin, but the referee doesn’t see it. Freebirds hit the double DDT and pin Iron Eagle.
    -WrestleWar ’91 ad.
    -Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes throw it to Tony Schiavone and Paul E. Dangerously. Paul E. talks about his arm wrestling contest coming up. Rhodes needles him about it. This is of the time as they talk about Paul E. going to lose to “a girl”, but it does not age well.
    -Joey Maggs VS. Sid Vicious: Crowd pops huge for Sid when he comes out. Vicious just brutalizes Maggs. He hits a brutal powerbomb on him. The EMT’s put Maggs on the stretcher, Sid throws him off.
    -Wrestling Hotline ad.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Sid Vicious. Vicious says he smells the fear of everyone that they will be stretchered out via the powerbomb.
    -Ricky Morton VS. Terry Tayler: They start out with scientific moves. JR talks about the two being friends for a long time. Morton gets a headlock on. Taylor gets out of it, Morton hits a clothesline and Taylor rolls out of the ring to regroup. Back and forth. Alexandra York comes to ringside. Taylor hits a forearm to the back and an inset promo from York says that Taylor is the newest member of the York Foundation. Morton pulls his knees up from a Taylor splash. Morton fighting back. Taylor drops down and Morton hits the ropes and gets pinned.
    -Feature on the Japanese women who are going to be at WrestleWar.
    -Bill Apter presents Sting with the 1990 Inspirational Wrestler of the Year Award.
    -Feature on Sting.
    -Dusty Rhodes says that the country is thankful for the men and women fighting in the Persian Gulf.
    -Ranger Ross VS. El Cubano: Ranger Ross is here because we are at war with Iraq. Cubano is David Canal, BKA The Cuban Assassin Fidel Sierra. Inset promo of Ranger Ross sending his best to those serving. Cubano gets a little offense in, but Ranger Ross comes back with an arm bar. Back and forth. Ross goes outside after Cubano. Ranger Ross wins with a sunset flip.
    -Another WrestleWar ad.
    The Renegade Warriors Mark and Chris Youngblood VS. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham: Renegade Warriors attack at the start. Both Windham and Anderson are bumping for both of the Warriors. Chris gets a two count on Anderson. Windham tagged in. He gets battered and Anderson comes back in. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Chris and then Windham back in. Windham hits a big DDT. Anderson back in with a headlock. Chris comes up with a knee from an Anderson splash. Mark comes in and cleans house. All four then in. Windham hits Mark with a lariat and hits a superplex. Anderson gets the pin on Mark.
    -Another WrestleWar 91 ad.
    -Tony Schiavone presents the footage of Stan Hansen/Big Van Vader from Japan and then talks to Stan Hansen. Hansen says in the US, fans aren’t prepared and used to that type of match, but they will get it at WrestleWar 91.
    -Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker VS. Brian Pillman: Pillman in firm control as Rhodes and Ross put him over on commentary. Pillman hits a flying head scissors and Parker goes to the outside. Back in, Pillman hits Parker on the outside with a crossbody from the top rope. Pillman then wins with another crossbody.
    -WCW official fan club ad.
    -Arm Wrestling Match: Paul E. Dangerously VS. Missy Hyatt: Rhubarb Jones is the special ring announcer for this match. Hyatt extremely over with the crowd. Her outfit is all the way live and Paul E. is distracted by her cleavage and loses immediately.
    -The Horsemen and some other heels are shown partying and eating dinner with Lawrence Taylor.
    -Wrestling Wrap Up Magazine ad.
    -WCW World Championship Match: Ric Flair VS. Scott Steiner with Rick Steiner: Flair comes out with a group of women. Hiro Matsuda is shown as a representative of NJPW. El Gigante is then introduced and he comes in and offers to shake Flair’s hand. Flair refuses. Nick Patrick shows the title to the crowd as JR reminds everyone how Ric Flair won the title earlier in the month in the Meadowlands Arena. Dusty calls Flair the greatest champion ever and puts Scott Steiner over as the future. Slow to start. They feel each other out. Scott has the power, but Flair is the wily veteran. Scott gets a two count with a side slam. Flair slows it down. Flair selling for Scott hard. Scott gets several holds, but Flair keeps getting to the ropes. Scott gets a Steiner line, and Flair again crawls outside. Scott suplexes him back in. Flair gets an atomic drop in, then a second one. Flair tosses Scott out, he lands on his feet and gets a sunset flip on Flair coming back in. Flair goes to pin Scott with his feet on the ropes and Rick Steiner pushes them off. Scott gets Flair in the figure four. Flair gets out and goes to crossbody Scott and the spot was for them to both go over, but Scott mistimes it so he just pushes himself over the rope. Awkward spot. Flair breaks the count and goes to work on Scott’s leg. Flair gets the figure four on, but is using the ropes. Scott reverses it, but Flair gets out of it. Scott hits a neckbreaker. Flair tossed outside. Scott hits a Steiner line on the outside. Back in, Flair goes for a figure four, but Scott rolls him up for a two count. Scott gets a sleeper on Flair. Steiner line drives Flair over the ropes. Back in, Flair keeps trying to pin Scott. Several two counts. Scott bridges up and suplexes Flair, who rolls out. Rick Steiner puts him back in. Steiner line! Flair gets caught coming off the top rope. Belly to belly, but the pin comes after the bell has rang. Really intense match.
    -Time is running out, so JR and Dusty quickly say goodnight before signing off from Gainesville.

    Episode 93 Notes Thu, 09 Sep 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ddc3c1ee-cd81-4bdb-b68b-2b76eb1a978a My Notes for Episode 93: Smackdown September 13, 2001. -As many of you know, Shannon Spruill, better known as Daffney, passed away this past week. It is a hard time in the wrestling community. If you’re hurting and thinking of doing harm to yourself, please know that help is available. Call 800-273-8255 or reach out to someone.

    -Today we look at the Smackdown from September 13, 2001 from the WWF.
    -WWF Smackdown was shown live on September 13,2001 from the Compaq center in Houston, TX. It was the first large public gathering in the United States since September 11.
    -WWF logo.
    -We start out with a live shot of the crowd. Jim Ross welcomes us to Houston for a special live edition of Smackdown.
    -A USA chant goes out. Vince McMahon is shown in the ring. He addresses the crowd. He sends out condolences to the friends and families of the terrorist attack victims. He says the government has encouraged us to get back to living our lives. McMahon is very good at this kind of thing as he talks about not being afraid. He says the USA is a beacon of freedom that will never be extinguished. He thanks everyone for the honor and privilege of performing before them.
    -Smackdown intro: The Beautiful People.
    -Jim Ross and Paul Heyman welcome us to a special edition of Smackdown as the WWF Superstars are shown coming down the aisle. Many of them are emotional as they stand there. Howard Finkel asks that people rise for the singing of the National Anthem. Lilian Garcia sings the anthem and it gives you chills. Huge Ovation when she finishes then a USA chant. Lilian is crying.
    -Superstars Speaking out: Edge goes first. He says this will never be forgotten, but if they can do their jobs and entertain for a few hours then this show was the right thing to do. Ricky Santana sends his condolences out. He says he’s mad and the USA is the home of the free and he’s not going to hide his head and live in fear. He commends the WWF for stepping up. He sends out a message to his family that everything is going to be okay and dad is coming home.
    -The Hardy Boyz Matt and Jeff with Lita VS. The Hurricane and Lance Storm with Ivory: Matt and Hurricane start. They lock up and Hurricane with a fireman's carry takeover. Matt with an Irish whip. Hurricane with a shoulder block. Matt comes back with a hip toss. Matt with some rights. Now all four men are in. The Hardy’s go to run Hurricane and Storm into each other. They stop before colliding, but Jeff dropkicks Storm into Hurricane, who gets rolled up by Matt for a two count. Jeff throws Storm outside. They double clothesline Hurricane and deliver an elbow drop and a splash to him. Matt goes to shoot off the ropes and gets tripped up by Storm. Storm then tagged in. Double back elbows by the heels. Storm with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Hurricane tagged back in. Storm slams Matt while Hurricane puts his cape on. Hurricane hits a crossbody for a two count. Matt hits a side Russian leg sweep. Jeff tags in and cleans house. He hits a jawbreaker on Storm. Jeff hits Poetry in Motion to Hurricane. Then goes to hit it on Storm, who moves out of the way. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate on Storm, who pushes Matt into a superkick by Hurricane. Storm covers for a two count. Hurricane launches himself onto Jeff on the outside of the ring. Lita hits a hurricanrana to Hurricane from the ring steps. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Storm. Jeff then hits the Swanton Bomb on Storm and pins him.
    -Superstars speaking out: Terri says that as a mother, she thought of all the children that lost a loved one and it breaks her heart. The Rock says he can’t fathom the pain or suffering the families are going through. It’s difficult to talk about. He offers his condolences and says everyone is in his heart and in his prayers and to everyone out there, just stay strong. Jim McIngvale “Mattress Mack” is then shown. He says everyone in Houston tells those affected that their prayers are with them. He says they are also there to celebrate the freedom they enjoy as Americans.
    -Rob Van Dam VS. Spike Dudley with Molly Holly: RVD is the Hardcore Champion at this time, but this is a non-title match. RVD starts with kicks and forearms to Spike. A flurry of kicks knocks Spike down as an RVD chant goes out. RVD puts Spike’s head between his legs, but pauses to do his pointing to himself and saying Rob Van Dam gimmick, allowing Spike time to knock RVD down.
    -My RVD Story.
    -Spike with a dropkick and a headscissors that throws RVD out of the ring. Spike launches himself onto RVD from the apron to the floor, but RVD catches him. RVD sets Spike on the barricade and delivers a leg drop to him from the apron. He gets a two count. RVD throws Spike into the ring and grabs a steel chair. Back and forth. RVD picks Spike up and Spike reverses it into a victory roll for a two count. RVD reverses an Irish whip, Spike with a go behind. RVD misses a clothesline and Rolling Thunder. He picks up the chair and dropkicks it into Spike. RVD goes up top and hits the 5-star frog splash. He gets the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out: Chris Jericho says he’d rather be in NYC trying to help. He says to love your loved ones a little harder, be kind to a stranger on the street. Michael Hayes says Americans are not perfect people, but we are good people. He says it feels real and people will never stop fighting for their freedoms. He says we are more united than ever. Shawn Stasiak says his heart and prayers go out to all the relatives and friends and we will come out of this stronger. Lita says she has this numbness over her and she’s trying to discover these emotions over her. She says it’s become more of a reality for her. She says she hopes the entertainment they provide tonight can help people relax.
    -Christian VS. Chris Jericho: Before Jericho comes out, Christian grabs the mic and says to the crowd that was the greatest entrance they’ve seen and soon he will be the Intercontinental Champion, but he gets interrupted by Jericho’s entrance. Jericho says the crowd is thinking, Junior, will you please shut the hell up! He then makes fun of Christian’s theme music and says Christian will receive a Y2J beating he will never forget. Match starts and Jericho hits a flying forearm. Jericho with reverse knife edges to Christian in the corner. Christian reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Christian fighting it. He gets out of it and goes to charge Jericho, who gets his boot up. Jericho misses a clothesline and Christian gets a boot up and then runs Jericho into the ring post by the shoulder. Christian with an arm bar takedown. Gets a two count. Christian works on Jericho’s shoulder with shots and Jericho comes back with a flapjack. Double count going. Both men back up as a Y2J chant goes out. Back and forth. Christian reverses an Irish whip, Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. Jericho goes for a bulldog, Christian ducks. Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho then with a takedown and goes for the Lionsault. Christian gets his knees up. Christian gets a death drop for a two count. Christian argues with referee Charles Robinson and gets rolled up by Jericho for the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out: Kanyon says his cousins are NYC cops and part of the rescue effort and he’s very proud of them. He’s proud of the people of NYC. He’s proud of his country. Tazz says it’s scary to be in Houston and so far from his family. His family is in New York and he just wants to be there to protect them. The people who did this are going to pay. He says don’t bring them to justice, bring them down. Torrie Wilson gives her heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost loved ones. She says God bless you. The Hurricane sends out his respect to the families and those who have tried to help their fellow man. Bubba Ray Dudley says that that does not kill us makes us stronger. A lot of people died, but you can’t kill America or the American Spirit. Somebody is going to pay for this.
    -The Rock comes to ringside. He is the reigning WCW Champion. He says finally The Rock has come back to Houston. He says since we are live The Rock is issuing a challenge to anyone in the back who wants to go one on one with the Great One. A Rocky chant goes out as Shawn Stasiak comes out with Stacy Kiebler. Stasiak runs in to attack Rock, who throws him over the ropes to the other side. Rock says anybody who wants a shot can come out. Stasiak tries to attack again and the same thing happens. Rock says again if anyone would like to challenge The Rock to come out. Stasiak tries again and The Rock says woah, what is the matter with you? He says Stasiak is always embarrassing himself and The Rock knows he doesn’t like it. He says let’s you and The Rock talk about pie. Stasiak says he hates pie. The Rock asks him if he likes strudel. Stasiak shakes his head no. The Rock then turns to Kiebler on the ramp and asks her if she likes the People’s Strudel and she nods her head yes. Stasiak interrupts and says he wants his WCW title shot now. The Rock says he’s going to get his shot because that title means everything to The Rock. A Rocky chant goes out again. He says before they begin, he wants Stasiak to shake his hand and then they will have their match. Stasiak does and Rock says let me introduce you to the Lone Star State and Rock Bottoms Stasiak and pins him.
    -Superstars speaking out: Ivory says we send our prayers out to the victims and their loved ones, the survivors and the rescue teams. She says she doesn’t want the children to be afraid or judgemental and that there are far more good people in this world than there are bad. America is made up of people of all different beliefs. We will become a stronger and more united nation. Bradshaw says some maniac has now attacked Americans because of misguided belief, but you cannot bend the fiber of America and to the critics of running this show, go to Hell. He loves his country and we will find those responsible. This is very much of the time, but the crowd absolutely loved this promo.
    -The X-Factor X-Pac and Albert VS. The APA Farooq and Bradshaw: Farooq and X-Pac start. Farooq with a big kick and shots to the back of X-Pac. Farooq with a corner whip and a backbreaker to X-Pac. Farooq with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline and X-Pac hits a spinning heel kick. He then takes a shot at Bradshaw to lure him in and the referee stops Bradshaw, but Farooq tags him in. Albert also tagged in. Albert reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and Bradshaw pounds on his back. Albert asks if that’s all he has and Bradshaw hits him with a running boot. Bradshaw knocks X-Pac off the apron. Albert reverses a corner whip and hits a corner splash. Scoop slam to Bradshaw, but Albert misses a second rope splash when Bradshaw moves. Farooq tagged in. Double shoulder block by the APA. Gets a two count. Irish whip by Albert. He misses a clothesline, but hits a bicycle kick. X-Pac tagged in and he’s kicking Farooq in the corner. X-Pac goes for a bronco buster, but Farooq hits him with a spinebuster. Bradshaw tagged back in. He knocks down X-Pac and delivers another shoulder block to Albert. He hits a DDT on Albert. X-Pac tries a running attack on Bradshaw who catches him. Bradshaw hits a fallaway slam on X-Pac. Albert comes to splash Bradshaw who moves and splashes X-Pac instead. Farooq knocks Albert to the outside and Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hell to get the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out: Kurt Angle says his heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the victims and their families. He says he always wanted to be an American hero. He says the real heroes are the helpers that helped those in need.
    -A replay of Vince McMahon saying we will not live our lives in fear.
    -Booker T VS. The Big Show: Big Show attacks Booker right away, getting him in a corner and hitting a big right hand. Then an Irish whip and a big boot to Booker. It goes outside and Big Show slams Booker on the barricade. Back in, Big Show is raining blows down on Booker. Booker stops an Irish whip attempt and hits Big Show with a back kick. Big Show hits a clothesline. Then another clothesline. He throws Booker into a corner and follows it up with a clothesline charge to Booker. Big Show goes for a chokeslam and Booker hits him with knees to stop it. Big Show throws Booker into another corner. Booker tries to get Big Show into a sunset flip, but Big Show just sits down on Booker. He picks Booker up with both hands on the throat and slams him down. Big Show goes for a big boot by the ropes, but Booker moves and Big Show’s leg goes over the top rope. Booker hits a dropkick from the second rope. Big Show goes for a clothesline, but Booker ducks it and comes back with a clip to Big Show's knee. Booker hits a scissor kick. Gets a close two count. Booker hits another scissor kick. Gets another two count. Booker with a rolling leg drop to Big Show to get the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out: Lance Storm says this isn’t an attack on the USA, it’s an attack on the world. He says it affects us all and it’s a very sad day. D-Von Dudley says it hits close to home when you realize that this stuff is real and this should bring us all together. Retired Naval Lt. Commander and Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Michael Thorton says he would like to thank the WWF for stepping up and having the show. It’s his honor to be here tonight.
    -Lita VS. Ivory: Lock up and Ivory slams Lita down. She then stomps on her. A Lita chant goes out. Lita reverses a corner whip and then backdrops Ivory. Lita with an arm drag. Ivory with a wrist lock. Lita with a clothesline to get out of it. Gets a two count. Ivory with a headbutt. Ivory with an Irish whip to Lita, then takes her down by her hair. Ivory gets a two count. Ivory with an Irish whip, drops her head early, Lita with a sunset flip. Ivory doesn’t go down and grabs Lita by her hair. Ivory drives a knee into the back of Lita’s head. Gets another two count. Ivory with snap mare into a headlock. Lita with a corner whip and a rollup for a two count. Ivory with a clothesline. Ivory goes back to a headlock. Lita won’t give up. Lita comes back with elbows to the ribs and a back suplex. Back and forth. Ivory reverses an Irish whip into a headscissors takedown. Lita with a Twist of Fate and a moonsault to get the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out. Stacy Kiebler says this is something her generation has only read about. She says we are getting a reality check right now. She says she has a new respect for the word freedom. She says we need to stick together. Steve Austin says the people who did this are complete cowards and his heart goes out to anyone who lost loved ones. He says it feels strange coming back to work but it’s the right thing to do. Booker T gives his condolences. He is very somber. He says we will always remember the heroes and that this will make us better people. Stephanie McMahon chimes in with the stupidest take in the world. Imagine the most tone deaf response and magnify it 10,000 times. She equates the 9/11 tragedy with the steroid trial of her father. Rant time.
    -Robert Horry of the Los Angeles Lakers is shown in the crowd.
    -Test and The Dudley Boyz D-Von and Bubba Ray VS. Scotty 2 Hotty, Tajiri, and William Regal with Torrie Wilson: Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top is shown in the crowd and Paul Heyman says it’s the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant. I laughed. Regal and D-Von start. They lock up and they exchange wrist locks. Regal escapes and does a takedown into a front face lock. D-Von blocks an Irish whip into a headlock. Regal with a push off, but lowers his head and D-Von goes for a sunset flip. Regal doesn’t go down and plants a knee into D-Von’s back. Scotty 2 Hotty looks to tag in and bounces off the apron. Tajiri tagged in. A stiff kick to D-Von’s midsection. D-Von with an Irish whip and Tajiri ducks a clothesline and hits a devastating superkick. Tajiri with chops to D-Von in the corner. He kicks Bubba Ray off the apron when he tries to interfere. Test then clotheslines Tajiri from the apron. Test tags in and nails Tajiri with a right hand to the ribs while D-Von holds him. Test beating down Tajiri in the corner. Test with a corner whip and a brutal clothesline to Tajiri. Bubba Ray tagged in. He hits some right hands and forearms. He puts Tajiri in the corner and slaps his chest hard. Then another slap. Scoop slam to Tajiri. Bubba Ray goes to the second rope for a back splash, but Tajiri moves and Bubba Ray lands hard on his tailbone. Scotty 2 Hotty and Test both tagged in. Scotty 2 Hotty with some shots, ducks a Test right hand and hits a superkick. He backdrops D-Von and ducks a shot from Bubba Ray when they come in. Bubba Ray reverses a corner whip. Scotty 2 Hotty with a boot up on the charge. Scotty 2 Hotty goes for the Worm, but Test grabs his feet and drags him outside. Regal in and Bubba Ray reverses an Irish whip and Slams Regal down. He gets Regal in position for the Whassup, but Tajiri comes in and sprays mist in D-Von’s face. D-Von falls down. Tajiri with a spinning heel kick to Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray with an Irish whip. Tajiri comes back with a back elbow. Test pulls Tajiri out of the ring. Scotty 2 Hotty slams Bubba Ray’s head down and does the Worm. Test comes in and hits the big boot on Scotty 2 Hotty to get the pin.
    -Superstars speaking out: Lilian Garcia says this has been a roller coaster of a week. She lives in NYC and prays for everyone that they are okay. Ron Simmons says there’s no way you can describe such an act of terrorism and cowardice of what has happened and his heart, his best wishes, and his sympathies go out to the families that have lost loved ones in this terrible act and he knows the American people will prevail in this and it’s time that we showed these cowards that we mean business. William Regal says you can’t explain his feelings of anger and it’s great to see that people are rallying around and doing their best to help out so that life can continue. Albert says waking up to turn the TV on to see what was happening left a feeling of disgust in his stomach. He hopes that America can pull together to overcome this tragedy. We pray for the victims and the families who lost their loved ones, for the people who are helping and that swift justice is brought to the cowards who did this.
    -Rhyno VS. Kurt Angle: Angle is a total babyface here. A USA chant goes out as they lock up. Angle pushes off. Rhyno comes back with a shoulder block. Angle with a drop toe hold. Angle with right hands. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip. Angle ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody. Gets a one count. Rhyno lands a knee to the stomach of Angle. Angle reverses an Irish whip and throws Rhyno out of the ring. Angle follows. Rhyno outside and runs him into the barricade. He then throws Rhyno back inside the ring and chops him hard in the corner. Rhyno reverses a corner whip and drives his shoulder into Angle’s injured ribs. Rhyno drops his knee on Angle’s back. He does it again. Angle coming back with right hands. Rhyno gets Angle up in a fireman’s carry and does an airplane spin and a takedown. He gets a two count. Rhyno with a headlock. Angle fighting to get out of it as a USA chant goes out again. Angle with elbows to get out of it and right hands to Rhyno. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip and buries a knee into Angle’s midsection. Angle grabs the knee and rolls Rhyno up for a two count. Rhyno with a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno sets up for the Gore. Angle sidesteps it and runs Rhyno into a turnbuckle. Angle goes for the Angle slam, but Rhyno side steps that and then a double clothesline and both are down. Double count going. The USA chant goes out again. Both up and exchanging blows. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip and Angle comes back with a flying forearm. Rhyno goes for another suplex, but it’s countered by Angle into a series of German suplexes. Rhyno trying to fight his way out with a series of elbows to Angle’s head. Angle ducks one and belly to belly suplexes Rhyno. Gets a two count. Rhyno counters an Irish whip attempt into a spinebuster. Rhyno sets up for the Gore again. He hits it. Angle kicks out at 2.5 to a massive cheer. Rhyno with big right hands to Angle’s head. Angle comes back with right hands and Rhyno counters with a boot to the gut. Angle counters into an Angle Slam and gets the three count to a massive pop. He gets up on the turnbuckle to celebrate as the crowd cheers and they sign off from Houston as Angle starts a USA chant on the mic.

    Episode 92 Notes Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 835653df-ced4-40e5-8f4c-7d5359b4166f My Notes for Episode 92: The 1991 Royal Rumble. -Back after a couple of weeks of pre recorded shows. The craziness of life never stops though.
    -I got a new laptop.
    -Today we look at the Royal Rumble from 1991 from the WWF.
    -Royal Rumble ’91 was broadcast on PPV on January 19, 1991 from the Miami Arena in Miami, Florida. There were 16,000 in attendance.
    -We have our opening on a US flag as the National Anthem is played. They show shots of the crowd standing. The Gulf War had just started three days before this on my 13th birthday. I had a sleepover the night before, but no cable in my hometown so I couldn’t have gotten this on PPV even if I had wanted to.
    -Classic Royal Rumble opening with Vince McMahon announcing the participants.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper welcome us and Roddy is pumped up and patriotic as he has his yellow ribbon around his arm.
    -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Orient Express Kato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji: The Rockers get a huge reaction coming out. Orient Express attack early. Rockers attack with stereo topes to the Oriental Express on the outside. USA chant goes out. Jannetty with a side headlock on Kato. Nice series of moves to start and a nice, quick paced match. Rockers doing some quick tags. Tanaka hits a flying forearm on Michaels. Michaels does a long choreographed sequence with the Orient Express. Michaels gets a sleeper on Tanaka and Kato comes in and nails Michaels. Tanaka takes over. Michaels comes back and hits a moonsault on Kato. Rockers hit a double dropkick and then hit a double crossbody to the outside. Jannetty with a side headlock on Kato. Michaels tagged in and gets a two count. Kato hits an assisted stun gun on Michaels. Fuji hits Michaels with his cane. USA chant goes out again. Kato gets a two count. Tanaka with a nerve hold on Michaels. Orient Express in control and punishing Michaels, who is bumping all over for them. Michaels knocks down Tanaka, but the Orient Express get a sash to clothesline Michaels, who falls into it and the Orient Express hit each other’s heads. Jannetty tagged in and cleans house. He rolls out of a Kato backslide. Then Kato kicks out of a Jannetty backslide. Tanaka hits Michaels as he was trying for a rocket launcher. Oriental Express do a slingshot knife edge on Jannetty. Michaels stops a second one as Jannetty gets a sunset flip on Kato to win. The crowd loves it.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage. He says he’s the greatest champion ever and the #1 contender so he doesn’t care who wins. He has a commitment from Sargent Slaughter for a title shot and he says that Queen Sherri is going to get the same commitment from The Ultimate Warrior. They show Mean Gene Okerlund and Queen Sherri coming out to the platform. She challenges The Ultimate Warrior to come out and promise Randy Savage a title shot if he wins tonight. She says she doesn’t think he is honorable and baits him to come out. He finally does to a good pop. He is in full outfit and face paint with a leather USA jacket on. Queen Sherri comes on to him. It gets a little risqué for 1991 WWF. She gets down on her knees at one point and the guys around the podium in the crowd lose it. He spits on the ground and tells her no before beating his chest and leaving. Savage tears his locker room apart and races out, but Warrior is already gone.
    The Barbarian with Bobby Heenan VS. The Big Boss Man: Boss Man rushes out to a big ovation and clears the ring. Barbarian and Heenan are hesitant to let Barbarian get in. Weasel chant goes out. Barbarian in control at first. Boss Man comes back with a back elbow that knocks Barbarian outside. Boss Man follows and runs Barbarian into the corner post. Barbarian comes back but gets caught coming off the top rope. Back and forth. Boss man gets his leg caught in the rope. Barbarian then slams Boss Man into the corner post. Heenan gets a shot in while Boss Man is down. Barbarian gets a bear hug on. Boss Man hits his shoulders to get out. Barbarian gets a two count, then goes back to the bear hug. Boss Man won’t give up. Boss Man bites him to get out. Barbarian grabs a leg, but Boss Man gets an enziguri to get out. Boss Man gets a two count. Barbarian then gets a two count. A stun gun like maneuver gets a two count for Boss Man. Barbarian hits a top rope clothesline, but Boss Man gets a foot on the ropes. Boss Man reverses an Irish whip into a Boss Man Slam but gets only a two count. Barbarian hits a piledriver. Then goes up for a high crossbody, but Boss Man rolls through to get the pin.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. General Adnan speaks in Iraqi. Slaughter says he will be the new leader for kids after he beats The Ultimate Puke.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says his warriors would never follow Sgt. Slaughter and he will walk away the champion.
    -Gorilla Monsoon says the views of Sgt. Slaughter don’t represent anyone but Sgt. Slaughter.
    -WWF Heavyweight Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan: Warrior comes out a house of fire against Slaughter. Slaughter and Adnan try to clothesline Warrior with the Flag Pole, but he clotheslines both of them and breaks the pole. Adnan then leaves and Slaughter is being battered by the Warrior. Slaughter is really selling hard for the Warrior. It takes a couple of times, but Slaughter does his patented corner charge and bump. Queen Sherri comes to ringside. She grabs Warrior’s leg and he follows her back down the aisle and gets blindsided by Randy Savage. Warrior struggles to get back to the ring. Slaughter stops the count because he wants to win the title. Huge USA chant goes out. Slaughter attacks Warrior to a chorus of boos. Slaughter attacks and spits on Warrior after a back breaker. Double Clothesline. Slaughter back up first, but falls down again. Slaughter stalks Warrior as they get back up and puts a bear hug on Warrior. Warrior won’t give up. Warrior fights it. He breaks out. Slaughter back on the offensive with a backbreaker. Slaughter then gets the camel clutch on, but Warriors feet are already out of the ring under the ropes, so he has to break it. Warrior mounting a comeback. He hits the clothesline and the shoulder tackle. Queen Sherri comes down and the Warrior goes after her. He presses her and throws her on Randy Savage who has come down. Slaughter distracts the referee and Savage hits Warrior with the scepter. Slaughter gets the pin and the title. The crowd, Gorilla Monsoon, and Roddy Piper are stunned. A bullshit chant goes out. Warrior takes off looking for Savage. The crowd boos when Slaughter is announced as the new champion and Piper loses his mind. Piper and Slaughter are close friends in real life.
    -Slaughter and Piper comedy show story.
    -WrestleMania VII promo showing the LA Coliseum because the venue hasn’t changed yet.
    -Koko B. Ware with Frankie VS. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart: The announcers can’t let go of the last match, but Piper gets censored as they cut the sound of him saying WWF as this was the weird time where they hadn’t made their deal with the World Wildlife Fund yet. Koko in control to begin. Hart distracts the referee so the Mountie can use the shock stick on Koko. Mountie in control. Back elbow by Mountie. Koko gets a sunset flip for a two count. Mountie then throws Koko out. Koko reverses a piledriver. Koko hits a reverse neckbreaker. He hits the top rope dropkick. He gets a two count, but Mountie hits a sidewalk slam to win.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage says no one says no to the Macho King and let the Warriors cry. He and Queen Sherri hear The Ultimate Warrior coming and they bail.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper talk about what happened in the title match.
    -Mean Gene interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. Slaughter says that he did what he said he was going to do. He says he has no boundaries and deserves respect.
    -Roddy Piper says Slaughter can stick it in his ear. Hot Rod is fired up here.
    -Fans send out messages to the soldiers serving overseas.
    -They talk about Hulk Hogan going on a tour of US bases.
    -Some of the participants in the Royal Rumble match speak out about competing in the Rumble.
    -Gorilla and Roddy talk about the next match coming up and Hot Rod says that he and Virgil had lunch together and that they talked about values and folks, the foreshadowing is strong!
    -Sean Mooney talks to Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase talks about money and how he has bought a bodyguard and a tag team partner all in one and that money can buy anything.
    -Dusty and Dustin Rhodes VS. Ted DiBiase and Virgil: Dusty’s last hurrah in WWF before taking the booking job in WCW. No polka dots at all. This is going to be about the angle that will take place after the match and not the match itself. All four brawl to start. The Rhodes family clears the ring. DiBiase orders Virgil to take Dustin out. Dustin does a nice clothesline and dropkick on Virgil. DiBiase again orders him in. Dustin keeps showing Virgil up. DiBiase finally tags in. DiBiase working over Dustin and Dusty wants in so badly. Dustin strings some nice moves and DiBiase is selling for both of the Rhodes men as Dusty is finally tagged in. Rhodes gets the sleeper on, but Virgil breaks it up. Virgil and Dustin tagged in and Dustin blows his knee out when Virgil ducks a charge. Virgil gets him up but clotheslines him. They get him in the corner. DiBiase tags in and he and Virgil continue to punish the knee. Dustin ducks and Virgil hits DiBiase accidently. DiBiase slaps him and throws him out. Dusty in and he brutalizes DiBiase, but misses a charge in the corner and DiBiase pins him. So long Dusty and Dustin.
    -The Rhodes Team quickly leave, selling Dustin’s injury. DiBiase gets on the mic and berates Dusty, Dustin, and Virgil. He orders Virgil to go get the Million Dollar Belt and strap it around his waist. Virgil stares at him, but goes for the belt. He comes in and looks at the belt and throws it down. DiBiase tells him to pick it up and berates him. Virgil bends down and nails DiBiase with the belt. The crowd and Roddy explode with excitement. Everyone loves this. They give Virgil a standing ovation.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says it’s time for everyone to unite. He dedicates his performance to those serving. As he says he’s going to win the Rumble, Mean Gene gets a report in his earpiece that says Sgt. Slaughter has defaced an American flag. That sets Hogan off so much that he flubs his lines.
    -Howard Finkel announces The Royal Rumble: 1. Bret Hart 2. Dino Bravo. Hart goes right to Bravo. He almost gets Bravo out. It’s a slugfest as number 3 comes out. 3. Greg Valentine. Valentine goes after Bravo and they chop each other. Valentine then berates former manager Jimmy Hart and Bravo jumps him. Valentine then dumps Bravo. Bret Hart then goes after Valentine, trying to eliminate him. 4. Paul Roma and he jumps Bret Hart. Double team on Bret. Then Roma jumps Valentine. All three trade blows till Bret retreats to the background for a while. 5. Texas Tornado. He goes after Roma and Valentine. Bret Hart then squares off with Roma and Tornado with Valentine. 6. Rick Martel. Everyone is brawling and it is forearms galore. Martel avoids being eliminated. 7. Saba Simba. Martel again almost eliminated. He keeps holding on. 8. Bushwhacker Butch. Saba Simba grabs Martel and they both go over but Martel holds on and slides back in. 9. Jake Roberts. He goes right after Martel. Martel goes under the bottom rope and out to the floor and Roberts follows. The referees at ringside make them get back in. Martel goes to the outside ropes and Roberts attacks him trying to knock him off of the apron, but Martel gets back in. 10. Hercules. He and Roma go after Butch. Bret Hart and Rick Martel are teetering in the corner, but neither gets eliminated. Roberts tied up in the ropes. 11. Tito Santana. Roma tries a charge on Roberts, who ducks and Roma is eliminated. Santana goes after Martel of course in the continuation of their never ending feud. 12. The Undertaker. He eliminates Bret Hart. Tornado and Jake Roberts take shots at him. 13. Jimmy Snuka. Undertaker eliminates Butch. 14. The British Bulldog. All of the faces are taking shots at Rick Martel 15. Smash. He goes after The British Bulldog. Martel is on the apron after avoiding being eliminated and pulls the rope down and Jake Roberts is eliminated.
    -16. Hawk. He hits everyone as he comes in and gets ganged up on. 17. Shane Douglas. Tornado and Jimmy Snuka get eliminated. 18. No one comes out. They wonder who it could have been. The announcers then say they will figure it out. 19. Animal. The LOD team up and eliminate The Undertaker and then Rick Martel and Hercules eliminate Hawk. Gorilla Monsoon then says his “It takes Greg Valentine 15 minutes to get warmed up” line IYDAH. 20. Crush. Everyone is now just beating on each other. 21. Jim Duggan, who comes out to a big ovation. People start to pair off. 22. Earthquake. Animal goes after him and gets eliminated. Martel again avoids elimination. 23. Mr. Perfect. Perfect eliminates Duggan. 24. Hulk Hogan. The crowd goes wild when Hogan comes out. He throws out Smash. He goes after Earthquake. Earthquake tries to eliminate Hogan. 25. Haku. Valentine is finally eliminated. 26. Jim Neidhart. Earthquake eliminates Tito Santana. 27. Bushwhacker Luke. Earthquake immediately eliminates him and he does his Bushwhacker walk back up the aisle. 28. Brian Knobbs. A group immediately attacks him. He eliminates Hercules. 29. The Warlord. He immediately goes after The British Bulldog because it’s 1991 WWF PPV. Hogan eliminates Crush. Hogan then eliminates The Warlord. 30. Tugboat. That means Randy Savage was #18. They say maybe The Ultimate Warrior ran him out of the building. Douglas gets eliminated. Hogan eliminates Tugboat. Mr. Perfect eliminated. Martel eliminates Neidhart. The British Bulldog eliminates Haku. He then eliminates Rick Martel to a big pop. The British Bulldog is then eliminated by Earthquake and Knobbs. A Hogan chant goes out. Earthquake hits a splash on Hogan. Hogan Hulks up and clotheslines them and a big boot eliminates Brian Knobbs. He knocks down Jimmy Hart from the apron. Earthquake falls on Hogan and then lands the elbow. He slams Hogan who then Hulks up again. Big Boot. He slams Earthquake and clotheslines him out to win. Hogan Must Pose! He holds up a peace in the Middle East and a Saddam and Slaughter will surrender poster.
    -They sign off from Miami.

    Episode 91 Notes Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6dda3e1b-3b92-4af4-904c-3451e015ab02 My Notes for Episode 90: The Big Event. -RIP Peggy Lathan.
    -It is hot and humid here.
    -Today we are going to be looking at The Big Event from the WWF.
    -The Big Event took place on August 28, 1986 from Exhibition Stadium in Toronto, Canada with 61,470 in attendance.
    -Gorilla Monsoon, Ernie Ladd, and Luscious Johnny V are your announcers.
    -We start out with a helicopter shot of Toronto with Mean Gene Okerlund commentating about the city interspersed with shots from the event.
    -The Killer Bees B. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell VS. Hoss and Jimmy Jack Funk with Jimmy Hart: Blair and Hoss start. Hoss with a side headlock. Blair pushes off. Hoss back with a shoulder block. Blair with a hip toss. Blair with a scoop slam to Hoss and another one for Jimmy Jack when he comes in. Then one to both of them again. The Funk’s roll outside to regroup. Back in, HOss with a knee to the gut and forearms to Blair. Blair in the heels corner and trying to get out with punches and elbows to the heels. He runs their heads together. Funks roll outside again. You see people smoking because it's the '80's baby! Jimmy Jack and Brunzell both tagged in and Jimmy Jack gets a headlock on. Brunzell pushes off and leapfrogs Jimmy Jack and scoop slams him. Shoulder block and Jimmy Jack rolls to the outside. Back in, Hoss tagged back in. He hits Brunzell with some forearms. Irish whip, Brunzell ducks a shot and comes back with a crossbody. Gets a two count. Arm Drag by Brunzell and Blair tagged in. Blair with a flying elbow shot. Gets a wrist lock on Hoss. Turns it into a hammerlock. Gets a one count when the shoulders are down. Back to the wrist lock. Hoss comes back with a scoop slam. Blair responds with a kick to the face. Blair with a scoop slam. Another slam into an arm bar. Brunzell tagged in. Hoss working out of the arm bar. Hoss with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Jimmy Jack tagged in and Brunzell with a hip toss. Blair tagged in and Brunzell holds Jimmy Jack for an elbow smash from the second rope. Blair with a hammerlock. Jimmy Jack reverses it. Blair with a reverse into a fireman’s carry. Into an arm bar and Brunzell tagged back in. He gets a sleeper on Jimmy Jack. Jimmy Jack starts to go down. Hoss comes in with a shot to break it up while the referee was distracted with Blair. Hoss tagged in and hits some forearm shots. Hoss throws Brunzell to the outside. Jimmy Jack attacks Brunzell on the outside. He slams Brunzell on the outside. Blair comes over and they put on their masks. Blair rolls inside the ring. He knocks Hoss down and runs Jimmy Jack into Hoss when he comes in. Blair with an atomic drop to Hoss. Blair with a clothesline. He also clotheslines Jimmy Jack when he comes in to help Hoss. Irish whip into an abdominal stretch by Blair. Jimmy Jack with a clothesline to break up the hold. Brunzell rolls in to take Blair’s place while the referee gets Jimmy Jack out of the ring. Jimmy Jack tagged in. Brunzell rolls Jimmy Jack up to get the pin.
    -King Tonga VS. Magnificent Muraco with Mr. Fuji: Johnny V does his grandma shtick which cracks me up. There seems to be a slight edit as we start. They lock up and Muraco gets a side headlock on. Tonga pushes off and gets a hip toss and then another one. Tonga with a scoop slam. Muraco rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in, they lock up. Muraco with a knee to the midsection. Back and forth. Tonga dropkicks Muraco over the top rope to the floor. They mention that King Tonga wants to be called Haku now as Muraco gets back in the ring. They lock up. Haku with a hammerlock. Match is clipped, but it goes back to Haku with a wrist lock on. Muraco driven to his knees. Muraco with a monkey flip to Haku, who doesn’t let go of the hold. Haku adds pressure to the shoulder to try to make Muraco give up. Muraco gets back to his feet. Muraco with an Irish whip and Fuji trips Haku. The crowd boos Fuji. Muraco with a forearm to the back of Haku. Muraco with a knee lift. Muraco lifts Haku up and throws him to the outside. Muraco argues with the referee while Fuji attacks Haku with his cane. Muraco slams Haku back into the ring. Muraco with a nerve hold on the back of Haku’s neck. Haku fights it, but he is fading. The referee checks him and lets his hand fall about 6 times which is weird. Haku finally comes back. Haku back to his feet. Haku with some elbows to Muraco’s stomach. Back and forth again. Haku with some stiff shots. Haku with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Boots to the stomach and a corner whip. Misses the corner charge when Muraco moves. Muraco with some kicks to Haku while he is down in the corner. Muraco goes outside and wraps Haku’s leg around the corner post and slams it into the post. He does it again. Muraco rolls back in and picks Haku up and slams his knee down on Muraco’s leg. Haku in some pain. Haku holding his leg. Muraco tries to hyper extend Haku’s leg by doing a takeover with it. Muraco with a stepover toe hold. Haku with a kick to Muraco’s face to get out of it. Muraco with a kick to the stomach of Haku. Muraco places Haku throat first on the top rope then jerks the rope back. Muraco fall away chop to Haku’s gut. Muraco runs his taped up thumb into Haku’s thigh. Muraco gets the figure four on. Haku gets to the bottom rope. Muraco with a throat thrust. Muraco with another backwards takeover to Haku’s leg. Muraco goes out to the apron to bow to Fuji and then to the crowd before going to the top rope. He gets caught and slammed off. Haku with shots to Muraco’s stomach. Then chops and shots to the face. He knocks Muraco down and climbs to the top and hits a crossbody and the referee goes to count the pin as the bell rings to show that time has expired. The match is ruled a draw.
    -Ted Arcidi VS. Tony Garea: Test of strength to begin which Arcidi easily wins. Arcidi pushes Garea off easily on three lockups. Garea with a side headlock. Arcidi pushes off and Garea tries to shoulder block Arcidi, but he doesn’t move. Garea goes back to the side headlock. Arcidi gets to the ropes. Arcidi with a violent push off that knocks Garea down and across the ring. Arcidi with a scoop slam. Arcidi with a corner whip and a back elbow. Arcidi runs Garea into the corner. Arcidi with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Garea gets a boot to the face . Garea with a shoulder block and a dropkick to finally knock Arcidi off of his feet. Garea with a leapfrog and then he runs into a bear hug by Arcidi. Garea tries to fight it, but eventually gives up. Arcidi finally lets Garea go.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart. Hart says tonight is the night he gets even with the Junk Yard Dog. He and Adrian Adonis make their way to the ring.
    -Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. The Junk Yard Dog: Adonis tries to crowd JYD into the corner. JYD with a shot to knock Adonis down. Adonis is bumping like crazy for JYD’s shots. JYD busting Adonis open with shots from his chain. Adonis down and JYD hits a headbutt. Adonis driven shoulder first into the ring post. Corner whip and Adonis up and over and falls to the outside. Adonis is run across the top rope on the apron by JYD. Another headbutt to Adonis. The referee shoved out of the way by JYD, so Hart comes up on the apron and sprays JYD in the face with the atomizer. Adonis with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Adonis with a knee drop, then another one. Adonis with another shot to JYD from the second rope for a two count. JYD is thrown to the outside. JYD hit with a shot when he gets back on the apron. Hart attacks JYD with the atomizer. Hart jumps on JYD’s back as Adonis climbs up top, but Adonis falls and gets caught in the ropes and JYD shakes Hart off. JYD with a headbutt to knock Adonis to the outside and shots to Adonis’ head. Back and forth. They both get back in. Hart gets up on the apron and JYD runs Adonis into Hart spilling both of them to the outside. The bell rings and the referee raises JYD’s hand. He wins by countout.
    -Dick Slater VS. Iron Mike Sharpe: Slater with a wrist lock into a hammerlock on Sharpe. Sharpe gets to the ropes. Test of strength. Sharpe with a kick to the gut of Slater. Slater responds with his own kick to the gut driving Sharpe down to his knees. Slater then stomps Sharpe’s fingers. Sharpe rolls to the outside to regroup. Sharpe back in with a shot to Slater. Sharpe with a side headlock. Sharpe then waving off Slater. Slater with a shot to the midsection. Then a forearm shot and a headbutt in the corner. Sharpe with an Irish whip, misses the clothesline, and Slater catches the boot from Sharpe and spins him around. Slater with a swinging neck breaker. Slater misses the elbow drop. Sharpe goes for a scoop slam, but Slater slips behind. Slater with a Russian leg sweep. Slater with a top rope elbow smash. Slater wins with a rollup.
    -Mean Gene talks to Bobby Heenan. Heenan says in the 6-man tag, the masks are coming off of the Machines, and then in the main event, you are going to see him strap the title around the waist of Paul Orndorff, the new Champion. Mean Gene says with this crowd, Bobby Heenan is a part of history. Heenan says he makes history. He says it’s because of the Heenan Family that there are 70,000 people here. He then winds everybody up with interplay with he and Mean Gene.
    -6-Man Tag Team Match. Super Machine, Big Machine and Captain Lou Albano with Giant Machine VS. Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, and Bobby Heenan: Some background on this match. Andre the Giant had been in storylines suspended for no showing a match against Bundy and Studd. In reality, he was taking time off to film The Princess Bride. To get around his suspension, he put on a mask and became The Giant Machine, who was going to come to America to wrestle with Super Machine, who was Bill Eadie under a mask. It was evident that this was Andre, which drove Bobby Heenan crazy. They then introduced Big Machine, who was Blackjack Mulligan under a mask. He was brought in to help alleviate the work on Andre, who was starting to have severe back issues at the time. Later on, more Machines were brought in for special events: Animal Machine (George Steele), Hulk Machine (Hulk Hogan), Piper Machine (Roddy Piper), and Crusher Machine (The Crusher). They are slow getting everyone out of the ring as a weasel chant goes out. Heenan is irate at the chant. Studd and Super Machine start. Studd backs Super Machine into the corner and pushes him. Super Machine pushing back. Back and forth with shots. Super Machine picks Studd up which brings Heenan in, but Studd is too close to the ropes and grabs them. The Weasel chant goes out again. Super Machine with a side headlock. Studd pushes off and Super Machine comes back with a shoulder block that doesn’t move Studd. Super Machine comes back with a series of clotheslines. He finally knocks Studd off of his feet. He rolls to the outside to regroup. Giant Machine attacks Studd on the outside and rolls him back in. Big Machine tagged in. Bundy also tagged in. They circle each other. They finally lock up and Bundy with a side headlock. Big Machine shoots him off and Bundy comes back with a shoulder block that doesn’t move Big Machine. Big Machine with a shoulder block that doesn’t move Bundy. They exchange shots. Bundy driven into a corner. Bundy reverses a corner whip, but misses the corner charge. Big Machine with a big forearm to knock Bundy down. They lock back up and Bundy with a knee to the gut of Big Machine. Then a big forearm shot to Big Machine driving him to his knees. He knocks Big Machine down and Studd tagged back in. Studd gets Big Machine into the corner and hits some elbow shots. Forearm and elbow shots drive Big Machine back down to his knees. Studd with some boots to Big Machine. Heenan tagged in. He hits Big Machine with some shots and tries to take his mask off. Super Machine comes in and nails Heenan who quickly tags out to Studd. Studd with an Irish whip, but drops his head, and Big Machine hits a boot to the face. Super Machine tagged in and he unloads on Studd. Corner whip and a back elbow to Studd. Studd comes back with an elbow of his own. Bundy tagged in. He delivers kicks to a prone Super Machine. Heenan and Studd grab Super Machine and work him over while the referee is distracted with the other faces. Super Machine gets out and hits Bundy with some shoulder blocks trying to knock him down. As he goes for a third one, Studd plants a knee in his back. That gets a two count for Bundy. Studd tagged in. Irish whip and a back elbow by Studd. Another elbow and Super Machine is down. Heenan tagged in. Albano also tagged in. Albano gives Heenan a free shot and he slaps Albano, who then unloads on Heenan. Corner whip by Albano and Heenan ends up upside down in the corner. Albano kicking Heenan in the corner. Heenan comes back with an eye gouge and punches to Albano. Studd tagged in. They get Albano in the heels corner and Studd goes over and knocks Super Machine and Big Machine down off of the apron with elbows. Giant Machine comes in and headbutts all of the heels, who win by disqualification. Giant Machine cleaning house on the heels.
    -Snake Pit Match. No disqualifications, anything goes. Jake Roberts VS. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat with a good ovation as he comes out. Roberts goes to attack Steamboat before they get their robes off or anything, but Steamboat ducks a short clothesline attempt and returns with chops to Roberts. Irish whip and a backdrop by Steamboat. Roberts rolls out to regroup. They then take their stuff off. Some fans by ringside yell DDT. Back in, Steamboat with chops and slaps to Roberts. Irish whip and a throat chop by Steamboat. Gets a two count. Steamboat with a wrist lock. He lifts Roberts up by his arm and slams him down with the wrist lock still applied. Roberts fights back to his feet. Steamboat with an Irish whip, Roberts ducks the throat chop attempt. Steamboat ducks down and gets it the second time. That gets another two count. Steamboat with a hammerlock and he drops a knee on Roberts’ back. Back to the hammerlock. Steamboat goes back to the wrist lock. Roberts misses a thrust. Steamboat comes back with a chop. Then another one and Roberts is wobbly on his feet. Steamboat with a reverse kick to Roberts. Roberts rolls to the outside. Steamboat comes out and Roberts drives his shoulder into Steamboat’s midsection. They trade shots on the outside. Roberts scoop slams Steamboat on the outside. Roberts drags Steamboat over the support platform and plants a knee on his head. Then Roberts does it again. Steamboat coming back with some shots. Roberts grabs a chair, but Steamboat hits him with a shot before he can use it and uses the chair on Roberts. He throws Roberts back in and hits him with a chop from the top rope. That gets a two count for Steamboat. Steamboat goes for an arm bar with Roberts on the mat. Roberts makes it back to his feet and Steamboat runs him into a turnbuckle. Steamboat climbs to the second turnbuckle and delivers punches to Roberts in the corner. Roberts reverses a corner whip and Steamboat goes up and over the other corner. It goes outside as Roberts delivers a shot to Steamboat. He slingshots Steamboat into the corner post. Steamboat looks seriously dazed and falls off of the platform. Roberts runs Steamboat into the barricade. Roberts with a shot to Steamboat and runs him into the platform. Roberts throws Steamboat back in and we can see that Steamboat is bleeding. Roberts is jabbing Steamboat in the head. Steamboat falls down and Roberts signals for the DDT. Roberts with a short clothesline. He goes for the DDT, but Steamboat pushes Roberts into a corner. Roberts with a knee lift. Back and forth. Roberts with an inverted Atomic Drop. Reverse backbreaker by Roberts. Roberts pins Steamboat's shoulders down and as the referee goes to count, Steamboat brings his legs up and gets Robert’s shoulders and pins him. The crowd goes crazy.
    -Billy Jack Haynes VS. Hercules: Gorilla is announcing this one after the fact in a studio somewhere, but pretending he’s live and doesn’t know where Johnny V or Ernie Ladd are. They lock up. Monsoon then says since this match went down, Slick has bought half of the contract of Fred Blassie’s men. SMH at Gorilla. Haynes with a side headlock. Hercules pushes off, Haynes comes back with a shoulder block. Hercules hits a clothesline. Hercules with a bear hug. Haynes with a head clap to get out of it. Hercules with some shots to knock Haynes down. Hercules drops an elbow. Then two more elbows. That gets a two count for Hercules. Hercules runs Haynes into the turnbuckle. Haynes reverses a corner whip, but they block each other and both men down. Double count going. Both up and Haynes with a kick to the gut. More kicks and shots to Hercules. Haynes with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Haynes with a backbreaker. A forearm to Hercules from the second turnbuckle. That gets a two count for Haynes. Haynes goes for the full nelson, but Hercules fights and gets out of it before Haynes can hook the fingers. Hercules throws Haynes to the outside. Haynes gets on the apron and Hercules hits a shot to his throat. He does it again when Haynes gets back on the apron. Hercules suplexes Haynes back in from the apron. Hercules gets a two count. Hercules with a clothesline. He gets a two count, but Haynes gets his feet on the ropes. Hercules thinks he’s won, and Haynes rolls him up from behind for a two count. Haynes then gets a backslide to pin Hercules.
    -The Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond VS. The Dream Team Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake: Dream Team attack before the bell rings. The Rougeau Brothers turn the tables and gain the advantage. They throw the Dream Team outside the ring. Raymond with a tag to Jacques and then Irish whips Valentine into a sunset flip by Jacques. That gets a two count. Jacques with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Valentine. Jacques with a snap mare. Jacques drops a knee on Valentine. Raymond tagged in. Jacques with an Irish whip so Raymond can hit a superkick on Valentine. That gets a one count. Jacques with a back elbow to Valentine after he is tagged back in as Gorilla works in his Nightmare for the Dream Team at WrestleMania 2 comment IYDAH. Jacques gets a one count. Jacques with an abdominal stretch. Valentine with a hip lock and Beefcake tagged in. Beefcake with a scoop slam. Raymond tagged in. He shoots Beefcake off and catches him with a chop. Raymond with a snap mare. Double leg drop and cover gets a one count. Beefcake gets Raymond in the corner and drives his shoulder into the man’s midsection. He runs his knee into Raymond several times. Beefcake runs Raymond into Valentine’s boot. Valentine tagged in and goes up top and hits a shot to Raymond’s head as Beefcake holds him. Valentine drops a shot to Jacques on the apron when he isn’t paying attention and then drops a shot on Raymond. That gets a one count. A scoop slam by Valentine gets a two count. Valentine with an Irish whip, but Raymond ducks the clothesline and hits a high crossbody for a one count. Raymond runs Valentine into Jacques’ boot and Jacques tagged in. Double dropkick to Valentine. Jacques gets a rollup for a two count. Valentine chopping Jacques in the heels corner. Beefcake tagged in. He and Valentine drive Jacques back first into the corner. They do it again. Valentine tagged back in. Snap mare to Jacques. Jacques responds with boots to Valentine’s face. Valentine with an atomic drop. Beefcake tagged back in. He kicks Jacques’ thigh while he is down. Back and forth. Jacques fighting out of the heels corner with punches and elbows. All four men in. The Dream Team ran into each other. Beefcake slammed down. Raymond back flipped onto Beefcake. Jacques misses a dropkick on Valentine. Valentine breaks up the pin. It goes outside. Valentine rams Raymond on the apron. He does it again. Jacques comes over to break it up. Then both members of the Dream Team ram Raymond into the apron. Jacques starts a Go, Ray, Go chant.Valentine knocks Raymond down with a punch back in the ring. Beefcake with a backbreaker on Raymond. That gets a two count for Beefcake. Valentine tagged back in. He lands a high knee to Raymond’s back. Valentine with a forearm to Raymond’s back. Then another forearm shot to the back. Valentine gets another two count. Then another two count for Valentine. He can’t get the pin though. Beefcake tagged in. Valentine with an inverted atomic drop. Beefcake with a double stomp. Then another one. Back and forth. Beefcake with a suplex. Gets another two count. Valentine tagged back in. Gets Raymond in a bear hug. Raymond with punches trying to get out of the hold. He breaks it and Valentine comes back with a chop to knock Raymond down. Valentine goes back to the bear hug. Beefcake tagged in and lands a double ax handle to the lower back of Raymond. He gets a one count. Beefcake hooks a leg on Raymond and gets a two count. A double ear knocker to Raymond who responds with a punch. Dream Team double teaming in their corner while the referee is dealing with a protesting Jacques. Valentine tagged in. Valentine misses an elbow drop. He misses again as Raymond keeps rolling away. Jacques tagged in. He hits a dropkick on Valentine. Then one to Beefcake. Then two more dropkicks for each member of the Dream Team. Valentine scoop slammed. Then Beefcake scoop slammed. Valentine attacks Jacques from behind. Back and forth with punches. Beefcake in and Jacques ducks a double clothesline and comes back and dropkicks both Dream Team members at once. Jacques misses a knee drop from the second turnbuckle when Valentine moves. Valentine goes for the figure four. Jacques kicks him away. Valentine with a shot and gets the figure four on. Jacques is fighting it. Raymond in to break up the hold then all four men in. Raymond and Beefcake fight to the outside. Valentine goes back to the figure four. Raymond comes in and sunset flips Valentine and gets the pin. Johnny V is beside himself in the broadcast booth.
    -Harley Race VS. Pedro Morales: Battle of two former world champions here. They lock up and Race with a knee to the gut of Morales. Morales coming back with big left hands. He hits one and Race spills to the outside. Race drapes Morales’ head over the apron and drops some elbows on him. It goes to the outside and Race drives Morales into the timekeeper’s table. Race rolls in to break the count, then goes after Morales again. Diving headbutt to Morales. He runs Morales into a ring post. Morales finally rolls back in. Morales blocks a suplex attempt and gets a suplex of his own in. Morales with a small package for a two count. Morales with more left hands. Race reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge when Morales raises his legs. Morales with a Sunset Flip out of the corner for a two count. Morales with more shots to Race. Race rolls Morales up in the corner and pins him with his feet on the ropes. A bullshit chant goes out.
    -The main event between WWF Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff had been building up all summer. Hat Tip here to Wikipedia. Hogan and Orndorff’s friendship had been emphasized on WWF programs throughout the summer, and eventually Adrian Adonis, who had started to host The Flower Shop Interview Segment, began to say that Orndorff was living in Hogan's shadow. He would call Orndorff Hulk Jr. and say that he had gone soft. A series of seemingly minor incidents involving Hogan irritating Orndorff, he and Hogan accepted the challenge of a match with Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy, managed by Orndorff’ s former Manager Bobby Heenan. Orndorff allowed Studd and Bundy to illegally double team Hogan before he would come in and run them off. Orndorff then helped Hogan to his feet, only to finish Hogan off with a clothesline and his finishing maneuver, the piledriver. Shortly thereafter, Orndorff announced that he had rehired Heenan and demanded a title shot against Hogan. He also started to come out to Hogan's Real American music and began to mock some of Hogan's mannerisms.
    -WWF Heavyweight Championship match. Hulk Hogan VS. Paul Mr. Wonderful Orndorff with Bobby Heenan: Ordorff comes out to Real American, which gets some heat. Security has to surround Orndorff and Heenan and escort them to the ring. Hogan gets a fantastic ovation coming out. A Wonderful chant goes out when the referee is checking Orndorff. Orndorff with a clothesline while the referee is checking Hogan. Orndorff stomps on Hogan. Orndorff is intense with punches to the prone Hogan. They roll around the mat looking for position. Hogan with some punches to Orndorff while the crowd cheers. The referee drags Hogan off, which Gorilla Monsoon doesn’t like. They trade punches. Hogan with a big right hand to knock Orndorff down and out. Back in, Hogan ducks a clothesline and hits a back elbow to knock Orndorff out again. Orndorff pulls Hogan to the outside. He hits some punches and drives Hogan into the apron. Hogan blocks a second drive attempt into the apron and delivers an elbow to Orndorff and drives him into the apron. He throws Orndorff back in and delivers big right hands to Orndorff. Irish whip and a clothesline to Orndorff. Hogan lands a big elbow drop to Orndorff. He tells Orndorff to get up. Hogan with a corner whip and a clothesline. Hogan works to the crowd allowing Orndorff to get a shot to the stomach. While the referee is checking on Orndorff, Heenan gets a shot in on Hogan. Hogan blocks a shot and hits a right hand and an atomic drop. Orndorff is run into the corner from the atomic drop. Hogan goes after Heenan, who takes off around the ring. Heenan comes into the ring to get away and Orndorff attacks Hogan when he follows. Orndorff dropping knees to Hogan’s head. Orndorff with kicks and more knees to Hogan’s head. A Hogan chant goes out, then an Orndorff chant goes out. Orndorff with a clothesline that knocks Hogan out. Orndorff with a suplex to Hogan outside the ring. Orndorff gets back in the ring and poses. Orndorff with a running knee to Hogan when he tries to get back in the ring. Orndorff arguing with the referee. Orndorff stomps on Hogan when he tries to get back in the ring. Orndorff with an elbow to Hogan with Hogan’s head draped over the ring apron. Orndorff drops more elbows. Another elbow drop from the apron knocks Hogan to the outside. Orndorff says this is a world champion as he points to himself. A Hogan chant goes out again. Orndorff drapes Hogan over the top rope and delivers a forearm. Orndorff with a rake to the face. Orndorff with a throat thrust to Hogan. Orndorff arguing with the official and drops a knee on Hogan. That gets a two count for Orndorff. Orndorff arguing with the referee. Orndorff with a scoop slam on Hogan. Orndorff drops another elbow. Gets another two count. Orndorff with a top rope punch to the sternum of Hogan. Orndorff signals for the piledriver. Hogan reverses it into a backdrop. Crowd comes to life. Orndorff with a kick and he attacks Hogan’s face. Orndorff then biting Hogan in the face. Then Orndorff argues with the referee. Orndorff with a back suplex to Hogan. That gets a two count for Orndorff, but Hogan’s foot is under the ropes. Orndorff thinks he’s won. Hogan starts to Hulk up. Hogan with a high knee to Orndorff, who runs into the referee and knocks him down. Hogan with a short clothesline. Hogan goes for a piledriver on Orndorff, but Heenan comes in and hits Hogan with a stool. Orndorff covers Hogan, but the referee is still out and there’s no one to count the pin. The referee comes over and taps Orndorff’s shoulder and Orndorff thinks he’s won. Heenan brings the championship belt in and Orndorff raises it high. The bell rings. Heenan straps the championship around the waist of Orndorff. Howard Finkel announces Hulk Hogan the winner by disqualification. Orndorff is livid. He pushes Finkel out of the ring. Orndorff attacking Hogan. Orndorff goes to attack Hogan with the belt. Hogan blocks it and kicks Orndorff. Hogan with a right hand to knock Orndorff down. Then a clothesline to knock Orndorff down again. Big boot to Orndorff, and he rolls to the outside. Hogan raises the championship, and Orndorff attacks him from behind. Hogan runs Orndorff out of the ring.
    -They show a replay of what happened, then the end credits roll as they sign off from Toronto.

    Episode 90 Notes Thu, 19 Aug 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 62ab2dc8-b26a-4f95-88eb-adf22cbddb24 My Notes for Episode 90: Money in the Bank 2011. -RIP Bobby Eaton and Marty Ricker.
    -Today we look at Money in the Bank 2011 from the WWE.
    -Money in the Bank 2011 took place on PPV on July 17, 2011 from the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. There were 14,815 in attendance and the show did 195,000 PPV buys.
    -Highlights of what has happened between CM Punk and John Cena and Punk saying he’s the best and he’s leaving the WWE with the Championship.
    -Money in the Bank intro.
    -Michael Cole welcomes us to Money in the Bank. He and Jerry Lawler and Booker T are your announcers for the evening. They talk about the Money in the Bank ladder matches and about the main event.
    -Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Sin Cara, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Heath Slater, Daniel Bryan, and Kane are your participants: The Spanish Announce Team is announced. The match starts and forearms are flying. Kane, Sheamus, and Barrett throw the others to the outside. Sheamus and Barrett team up to take on Kane. They Irish whip him and he comes back with a double clothesline to them. He then clotheslines them both to the outside. Kane goes outside and grabs a ladder to bring inside, but Bryan baseball slides into the ladder to knock Kane down. Bryan grabs the ladder, but Slater and Gabriel baseball slide into the ladder to knock Bryan down. They have a tug of war with the ladder as Sin Cara comes to slide, but they lift the ladder and hit Sin Cara with it. Slater pushes Gabriel down and sets up the ladder. Gabriel grabs his hair and pushes him off the ladder. Bryan dropkicks Gabriel off the ladder. Rhodes runs Bryan into the ladder. Rhodes tries to climb and gets attacked by Sheamus. Sheamus goes to power bomb Rhodes off the ladder, but he slips away. Rhodes goes to hit Sheamus with a running knee from the second turnbuckle, but he moves and Rhodes takes out Slater. Sheamus knocks down Bryan and Rhodes. Sheamus throws the ladder at Rhodes. Kane grabs Sheamus and Rhodes by the throat and pushes them out of the ring. Barrett attacking Kane with kicks and shots in the corner. Kane reverses a corner whip and runs Barrett into a ladder set up. Kane then throws the ladder on Rhodes and Sheamus on the outside. Slater attacks Kane. Kane reverses an Irish whip and sidewalk slams Slater. Kane goes up top and Sin Cara hits an enziguri on Kane before he comes off. Gabriel kicks Sin Cara to the outside. Bryan hits Gabriel with a forearm and Gabriel reverses an Irish whip. Bryan ducks a clothesline attempt by Gabriel and does a tope to Barrett on the outside. Gabriel does a somersault onto Kane on the outside. Slater hits Rhodes and then does a dive to him on the outside. Sin Cara hits Sheamus on the outside with a crossbody from the top rope. Sin Cara then hits a springboard crossbody to Bryan on the inside. Sin Cara leap frogs Gabriel and dropkicks Slater. Gabriel with an Irish whip to Sin Cara who comes back with a flying back elbow. Sin Cara with a hurricanrana to Gabriel to the outside. Sin Cara kicks Bryan on the top rope. He then does the Spanish Fly to Bryan from the top rope. Barrett attacks Sin Cara as he is getting a ladder from ringside. Barrett sets the ladder between the ring and the Spanish Announce Table. He picks Sin Cara up to slam him on the ladder but Sin Cara slips out. Barrett goes to clothesline him. Sin Cara ducks and Barrett hits the ring post. Sin Cara gets back into the ring and runs into a brogue kick from Sheamus. Crowd comes to life for that. Sheamus and Sin Cara on the apron and Sheamus powerbombs Sin Cara through the ladder set up. EMT’s checking on Sin Cara who is convulsing. Sheamus takes a ladder and runs it into some of the other participants at ringside. They bring a stretcher down for Sin Cara. Kane with blows to Sheamus to knock him down. Sheamus and the ladder fall to the outside with Kane following. Then Bryan, Rhodes, and Kane all in the ring, each with his own ladder. Rhodes and Bryan double team Kane. They knock him down in a corner, then Rhodes turns on Bryan. Back and forth. Kane uses a ladder to knock them both down. Sin Cara taken to the back on the stretcher. Kane sets a ladder up. He climbs the ladder, but Barrett, Slater, and Gabriel stop him. They team up to get Kane off the ladder. While they are distracted, Rhodes starts to climb the ladder. Gabriel and Slater knock him off and start to beat on him. Bryan starts to climb the ladder. The former members of The Corre drag him down and start to beat on him. They kick Bryan out of the ring. Barrett starts to climb after talking to the other two. He gets to the case before the other two drag him off. They throw him out and both start to climb the ladder. They both reach for it. Rhodes comes up behind Slater, who kicks him away. Rhodes knocks the ladder over. Rhodes hits CrossRhodes on Slater. Rhodes starts to climb the ladder. Barrett pulls him off. Barrett starts to climb and Rhodes pulls him off and does CrossRhodes to Barrett. Rhodes then starts to climb. Sheamus pulls him off and does a backbreaker to Rhodes. Sheamus starts to climb. Bryan on the same side trying to climb and Sheamus trying to push him off. Bryan slamming Sheamus against the ladder. Sheamus has Bryan on his shoulders. Kane climbs to the top rope and does a Doomsday Device on Bryan. Kane then gets clotheslined by Sheamus. Sheamus attacking Kane with big right hands. Sheamus sets a ladder up horizontally between another vertical ladder and the corner turnbuckle. He goes to slam Kane through it, but Kane throws some elbows to get out of it. Kane chokeslams Rhodes. Gabriel goes to double ax handle Kane from the top rope and gets chokeslammed for his troubles. Kane starts to climb the ladder and Bryan stops him. They are exchanging blows on the ladder. He knocks Kane off the ladder. Kane grabs his throat to chokeslam him off. Bryan puts his leg around Kane’s arm to turn it into a submission forcing Kane to let go. He goes to jump on Kane and Kane catches him in mid-air. He goes to slam Bryan, who grabs Kane’s head and turns it into a DDT. Slater starts to climb the ladder. Bryan also starts climbing again. Slater with a neck breaker to Bryan off the ladder. Slater starts to climb the ladder again. Barrett pulls him off the ladder. Barrett with a corner charge, but Slater moves and Barrett hits the ropes and Slater crotches himself. Barrett then goes after Sheamus who has come back into the ring. Barrett goes outside and gets another ladder. Sheamus grabs the other end of it and they use it as a battering ram on Slater on the top rope. Slater holding on until they dump him onto Kane on the outside. Barrett pulls the ladder away from Sheamus who Brogue kicks the ladder onto Barrett. He then Brogue kicks Rhodes. Gabriel misses a top rope attack on Sheamus, who clotheslines Gabriel down. Sheamus sets another ladder up horizontally across the ring ropes in a corner. He slams Gabriel’s head into a ladder. He then guillotines Gabriel on another ladder. Then a Brogue kick for Gabriel. He then points to the briefcase and starts to climb the ladder. Kane climbs up the other side and stops Sheamus from grabbing the briefcase. They trade shots on the ladder then Kane goes down and grabs Sheamus by the foot. Sheamus tries to kick him away, but Kane grabs him by the throat. He chokeslams Sheamus on one of the set up ladders. Kane goes to climb the ladder, but gets stopped by Barrett, Rhodes, and Bryan. Rhodes then hits Kane with a Disaster Kick. Barrett then hits Wasteland on Kane. Gabriel gets on the other set up ladder and does a 450 splash onto Kane. Barrett attacks Gabriel while Rhodes attacks Bryan. Barrett throws Gabriel on Slater on the outside. Barrett then pump handle slams Bryan and Rhodes. Barrett starts to climb, but Rhodes drags him off the ladder. Rhodes clotheslines Barrett outside the ring as Bryan starts to climb the ladder. Bryan and Rhodes fighting on the ladder. They fight on top of the ladder. Barrett starts to climb on the other side. Barrett grabs for the briefcase, as Bryan has Rhodes in the guillotine while sitting on top of the ladder. Bryan then starts elbowing Barrett and punching Rhodes. Rhodes falls off. Barrett grabs Bryan to do Wasteland to him off the ladder. Bryan starts hitting Elbows to get out of it. He then kicks Barrett off the ladder and starts to climb as the crowd comes to its feet. Crowd cheers as Bryan gets the briefcase down. Bryan is crying as he gets down and looks at the briefcase. A Daniel Bryan chant goes out. Bryan climbs the ladder and raises the briefcase.
    -Earlier today graphic is shown as a limo is pulling up and Vince McMahon, John Laurenitis, and a WWE attorney are shown getting out of the limo.
    -WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Brie Bella with Nikki Bella: Kelly starts out by slapping Brie. Then a Thesz press and punches to Brie. Kelly misses a clothesline, but takes Brie down with an awkward looking headscissors. Brie rolls outside to confer with Nikki, and Kelly clotheslines them from the apron to the floor. She throws Brie back in. Kelly with a headscissors to Brie, who pushes her off to the outside. Nikki attacks Kelly on the outside, bringing Eve over. Brie throws Kelly back in. Gets a two count. Brie steps on Kelly. Brie with a leg vice on Kelly. Kelly with some back elbows to get out of the hold. Brie stomps Kelly Brie puts Kelly on the second rope and drives both knees into her back. Breaks on a three count. She then guillotines Kelly on the second rope. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Brie drives Kelly down to the mat. Gets another two count. Brie with a rear chin lock to Kelly. Kelly with a jaw breaker to get out of the hold. Kelly slamming Brie’s face into the mat over and over. She slings Brie across the ring by her hair. She then clotheslines Brie. Brie Misses a clothesline and Kelly hits a neck breaker. Gets a two count. Brie ducks a famouser attempt and they battle for position over a backslide. Kelly plants Brie face first into the mat. Gets a two count. A leg slam by Brie gets a two count. Kelly with a shot and a famouser. She gets the pin. Nikki and Brie bickering going back up the aisle.
    -The Best of Monday Nitro DVD Collection ad.
    -Flashback to what has happened between The Big Show and Mark Henry.
    -The Big Show VS. Mark Henry: Henry comes out aggressive with punches and kicks. Big Show comes back with slaps and chops. Henry reverses an Irish whip. Big Show comes back with a shoulder block that knocks Henry to the outside. It then goes outside. Big Show clotheslines Henry. Big Show goes to slam Henry on the Spanish Announce Table. Henry blocks and goes for the World’s Strongest Slam. Big Show blocks and runs Henry into the ring steps. Big Show rolls inside to break the count before going back out after Henry. Henry dropkicks the ring steps into Big Show’s knee taking him down. Back in, Henry clips Big Show’s knee knocking him down again. Henry keeping Big Show down with kicks. Gets a two count. Henry picks Big Show’s leg up and slams it on the mat. Henry gets Big Show in a single crab. Big Show fighting to get out of it. Big Show gets to the ropes. Big Show kicks Henry off when he comes back to the leg. Henry with a corner charge and clothesline. Big Show gets his boot up on a second charge. Big Show goes to the second rope and hits a shoulder block. Big Show goes for the chokeslam, but Henry kicks his knee to stop it. Henry hits the World’s Strongest Slam, but Big Show kicks out at two. Henry hits another World’s Strongest Slam. he follows that up with two splashes. He gets the pin. Henry goes outside and grabs a chair. He puts Big Show’s leg in the chair and goes to the second rope and splashes down on the leg. EMTs come to ringside with a stretcher to check on Big Show. They get a cart for Big Show to ride on as for some reason, a CM Punk chant goes out.
    -Vince McMahon and John Laurenitas are shown talking about trying to get CM Punk to sign a new contract. Josh Matthews comes in and asks if Punk has resigned. McMahon says no. McMahon calls Punk an ingrate. He offered Punk the biggest contract ever, and he turned him down. McMahon says that it isn’t on him, Punk told him to simply get out. He then says John Cena’s the reason they have this problem to begin with, he brought all of this upon McMahon. He said this is what the fans wanted. McMahon says if Punk leaves the building with the WWE Championship, may God have mercy on John Cena’s soul.
    -RAW Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Alex Riley, The Miz, and Rey Mysterio are your participants: All competitors grab a ladder and bring it to the ring with them. They all target Del Rio with them to begin. They force him outside and begin to pair off. They hit each other with the ladders as Swagger goes outside with his and targets Del Rio. He knocks Del Rio down and the others throw their ladders on Del Rio. Miz throws Mysterio onto the ladders and Del Rio. Riley backdrops Swagger to the outside. He then throws a ladder onto Swagger. Miz knocks Riley to the outside then a standoff between R-Truth and The Miz. Swagger back in with a ladder and knocks both of them down. He starts to set up the ladder, but Kingston and Bourne start to climb either side before he can set it up. They push each other off and have a tug of war with the ladder. They run the ladder into Swagger, then try to run it into R-Truth, who ducks it but gets hit the second time. They continue to fight over who gets the ladder. Mysterio jumps on the ladder they are fighting over and hurricanranas Swagger to the outside. Kingston pushes Bourne to the outside with the ladder. R-Truth bashes Kingston into the ladder. Riley atomic drops R-Truth into the ladder. He then dropkicks R-Truth. Riley sets the ladder up, but it’s too short. Miz slams Riley off the ladder. Riley pushes the ladder into Miz. Riley launches himself over the top rope onto Miz and Swagger. R-Truth launches himself onto Miz, Riley, and Swagger. Mysterio and Kingston climb two turnbuckles and launch themselves onto the group outside at the same time. Bourne climbs the ladder on the outside and does Air Bourne onto the group outside. Bourne then sets a ladder in the ring and starts to climb. The Miz climbs up the other side and they are battling up on the ladder. Bourne hits Miz with an enziguri and grabs the briefcase, but Miz holds on and keeps fighting. Del Rio knocks the ladder over by charging through it and both men fall down. Miz grabs his knee like it’s hurt badly, but screams at the referee’s to get off of him when they come over to check on him. They think he hyperextended his knee when he came off the ladder. Trainers and EMT’s come down as Del Rio and Mysterio go at it in the ring. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder. R-Truth climbs up behind him to stop him. He pulls Del Rio off of the ladder and kicks him. EMT’s take Miz to the back. R-Truth climbing the ladder. Del Rio and R-Truth fighting on the ladder until dragged off by Mysterio and Bourne, respectively. Bourne and Mysterio climb over their opponents going up the ladder. Bourne grabs the briefcase until Mysterio hits him in the stomach. R-Truth and Del Rio grab Mysterio’s and Bourne’s legs, so Mysterio and Bourne do double hurricanranas to them in a cool move. Swagger takes out Bourne and Mysterio and starts to climb, but Kingston springboards over him onto the ladder. Swagger grabs Kingston’s leg on the ladder and applies the ankle lock. He pulls Kingston down the ladder rung by rung as Kingston fights to stay on and as he gets him off the ladder, Riley starts to climb. Swagger and Riley battling on top of the ladder. R-Truth pushes their ladder over spilling them on the mat. R-Truth sets a ladder horizontally on the ring ropes in a corner. Mysterio attacks R-Truth from behind and slams R-Truth against a ladder. Mysterio slides under the ladder R-Truth placed a moment ago and R-Truth dropkicks the ladder into Mysterio’s chest. R-Truth climbs up on the ladder in the corner, Mysterio pushes him off and R-Truth hits his head on the ladder going down. Kingston comes from behind and hits Mysterio’s head against the ladder. Kingston jumps from the top rope to the ladder, then does the Boom Drop onto R-Truth. He rolls R-Truth out of the ring. Kingston sets the ladder up and as he does so, Del Rio goes to take him out like earlier, but Kingston lifts his knees and Del Rio goes crashing outside of the ring. Kingston kicks Riley away as he is setting the ladder up and then Mysterio does the 619 on Kingston through the set up ladder. Swagger batters Mysterio with another ladder. R-Truth uses that ladder as a ramp and then stomps on it to hit Swagger in the jaw. Mysterio then hits R-Truth with a 619. Mysterio sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Riley climbing up the other side. Riley with some shots. Bourne comes up behind Riley. Riley and Mysterio knock Bourne off. Riley and Mysterio continue to battle on the ladder. Swagger and Bourne coming up with ladders. Del Rio knocks Swagger to the floor as Bourne sets his ladder up. Del Rio sets a ladder up and he and Bourne climb their respective ladders as Mysterio and Riley trade shots. Swagger pulls Del Rio off. R-Truth and Kingston are also going to climb. All 7 competitors on one of four ladders and all going for the briefcase. Del Rio pushed off and hits another ladder face first and falls out of the ring. Swagger thrown off and outside. Bourne’s ladder gets tripped and he flies outside. All the others grabbing for the briefcase and trading shots. Riley pushed off and outside. R-Truth pushed off. Kingston dropkicks Mysterio off and is prone between two ladders on the top. Kingston goes to unhook the briefcase and Swagger sprints up a ladder in order to stop him. Kingston elbowing Swagger as he tries to get the briefcase and both fall off. The Miz is shown limping back down the aisle to a big ovation. He starts hopping on one leg up the ladder. Mysterio comes and slams Miz’s injured leg against the ladder. Mysterio then powerbombs Miz off the ladder. Mysterio starts climbing the ladder. Del Rio Grabs him. Mysterio trying to kick Del Rio off. He does and then Mysterio grabs the briefcase. As he is trying to unhook it, Del Rio comes up the other side of the ladder. They fight over the briefcase with Mysterio using it as a weapon to hit Del Rio. Del Rio rips Mysterio’s mask off and throws Mysterio on top of another set up ladder. That ladder tips over and all of the other ladders fall as well like dominos. Del Rio sets the ladder back up, climbs it, and grabs the briefcase to win.
    -Flashback to what has happened between Christian and Randy Orton.
    -Josh Matthews talks to Alberto Del Rio. He said he proved himself even though he shouldn’t have had to be in the match in the first place. The briefcase is just a formality, his destiny is to be the new WWE Champion.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: If Orton is disqualified, he loses the championship. Orton with a fantastic ovation as he comes out. Bell rings. Christian rolls to the outside. He throws a steel chair into the ring. Orton says he would love to hit Christian with the chair, but he throws it out. Orton strikes with shots and kicks to Christian. He runs Christian head first into the corner. Orton with a corner whip and a backdrop. Orton with stomps and he drops a knee on Christian’s neck. Christian gets Orton in the corner and delivers a big right hand. Christian with a corner whip and Orton comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Christian dumping Orton to the outside. He goes to dive on him, but Orton Moves. Orton runs Christian into the ring steps. He rolls Christian back in. He gets Christian in the ropes and goes to punt him, but Christian Moves and grabs Orton. He reverse guillotines Orton on the ropes and hits a flying back elbow to Orton from the second rope. That gets a one count. Christian with stomps on Orton and has his leg on Orton’s throat. Christian with shots to Orton in the corner. Christian with an Irish whip and a back Elbow. Gets a two count. Christian on top of Orton punching him. Orton back up and punches Christian. Back and forth. Orton on the ropes and Christian just stands on him. Christian goes outside to deliver a shot to Orton’s face. Christian with a modified chinlock. Back and forth. Christian with a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Orton rolls Christian up for a two count. Christian with a spinebuster. Gets a two count. Christian visibly frustrated. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Orton counters with a backdrop. Orton clotheslines Christian over the top rope and both men tumble to the outside. A double count going. Orton rolls back in. Christian goes up top. Christian misses a top rope shot. Orton goes for the RKO and Christian pushes off to avoid it. Orton with a corner charge, but Christian gets his boot up. Christian misses a top rope dropkick. Orton with a jackknife cover. He gets a two count. Christian with a right hand. Orton with a Thesz press and punches. Christian rolls to the apron. Orton goes for an apron DDT. Christian counters, Orton pushes off. Christian with a back kick and goes up top, but Orton hits him with a dropkick as he comes off. Gets a two count. Christian guillotines Orton on the top rope. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. They exchange blows with Christian on the top rope. Orton goes for the superplex, but Christian blocks it. Christian pushes Orton off. Christian with a diving headbutt. Gets a two count. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian counters and goes for the Kill Switch. Orton with a back elbow. Orton with a couple of Clotheslines. Christian misses a clothesline and Orton misses a forearm. Orton with boots and forearms to Christian. He goes for the RKO a third time. Christian blocks and goes for the Kill Switch. He hits the Kill Switch, but Orton kicks out at 2.5. Christian can’t believe it. He’s visibly frustrated. He signals for the Spear. He goes for it, but Orton leapfrogs him to avoid it and Christian’s shoulder hits the corner post. Orton with a gut wrench suplex into a neck breaker. He gets a close two count on Christian. Orton goes for the punt, but Christian gets to his feet. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a power slam to Christian. Orton with an apron DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine. Christian begs off then spits into Orton’s face. Orton attacks Christian with punches, risking a disqualification. Orton then kicks Christian with a blatant low blow to get disqualified. New World Heavyweight Champion. Orton attacks Christian at ringside. He tears apart the Spanish Announce Table and hits Christian with a monitor. The referees and Teddy Long try to stop and calm down Orton. He RKO’s Christian on the table, but it doesn’t break. Orton starts to leave then comes back after Christian again. He RKO’s Christian on the Table again. Trainers and referees check on Christian as Orton leaves. Christian gets helped to the back by officials as he holds the World’s Heavyweight Championship.
    -Be A Star Campaign commercial.
    -A paid message by CM Punk outlining everything that has happened to lead up to the main event.
    -WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. CM Punk: Punk promises to leave the WWE as the champion. When the video ends, a loud CM Punk chant goes out. He gets a huge ovation when he comes out. He gets to the ring and sits down in the middle of it. He gives his shirt to a fan at ringside, then sits back down in the ring facing the stage waiting on Cena. Cena is booed loudly when he comes out. He is all business coming out. He wastes no time. Introduction then the CM Punk chant starting again. The bell rings and they circle each other. Punk tries to kick Cena, who dodges it. Punk tries again with the same result. They lock up. Punk with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Cena reverses it into a snap mare. He then has a headlock on Punk. Punk pushes Cena into the ropes as a You Can’t Wrestle chant goes out. Punk goes for a head kick and Cena ducks. Cena with a takedown. Punk with an Anaconda Vice. Cena reverses it into an arm bar. Cena back up into a wrist lock. He forces Punk back down into the arm bar. Punk with an Irish whip. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up and Cena with a side headlock. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. Cena with a side takedown. Punk with another Irish whip and Cena with another shoulder block. Punk with a hip toss and a dropkick. Punk with a side takedown into a side headlock. Cena with an Irish whip and Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Punk mocks Cena. Punk with running takedown attempts, but Cena leapfrogs to avoid it. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk slips out and goes for the GTS, but Cena slips away. They start for a test of strength, but Punk kicks Cena. Cena down and Punk stomping on him. Punk kicks Cena into a corner and continues to kick him. Cena reverses a corner whip and hits a bulldog on Punk. Cena goes for a cover and Punk squirms out. Cena with a front face lock. Punk punches to get out, backs up, and Cena hits him with a stiff clothesline. Cena with a headlock, Punk fighting to get out of it. Punk with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Punk with a corner whip. Cena hits the turnbuckle chest first. That gets a two count for Punk. Cena drives Punk into a corner and delivers body blows and forearms. Cena with a corner whip, a boot to the gut, and a fisherman’s suplex to Punk. Gets a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk counters it into a DDT. Another two count. Punks with a body vice on Cena. Cena rises up while still in the hold with Punk on his shoulders and Punk starts hitting his head with elbows. Punk throws Cena to the outside. He puts Cena halfway on the apron hanging over the side, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and delivers a knee to the back of Cena’s neck. He rolls Cena back in and gets a two count. Punk with knees to Cena’s gut in the corner. Punk with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Cena moves and Punk hits the ring post shoulder first. Cena pulls Punk out to the center of the ring. Punk kicks Cena off and delivers a clothesline. Punk gets another two count. Punk with a snap mare. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out again. Punk with a side headlock and Cena fighting to get back to his feet. Cena gets back to his feet and delivers a kick to the gut of Punk. Cena with a corner whip, but Punk gets his boot up on the corner charge. Punk with a top rope crossbody to Cena. Gets another two count, but Cena grabs his knee like he’s hurt. Cena over by the ropes. Punk tries to suplex Cena into the ring from the apron, but Cena blocks it and suplexes Punk to the outside. Cena puts Punk back in the ring and covers and gets a two count. Another fisherman’s suplex by Cena. Cena drops an elbow and gets another two count. Cena picks Punk up, but Punk slips out. He picks Punk up again and does a modified Attitude Adjustment and gets a close two count. Both men up and exchanging rights. Back and forth. Cena gets an abdominal stretch on. Crowd cheering Punk to get out of it which he does with a hip toss. Double clothesline and both men down. Double count going and both men up at 6. Cena with two shoulder tackles and a backdrop. Punk with a sudden roll up for a two count. Punk reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge in and hits his knee on the turnbuckle. Cena with a slam on Punk. Cena goes to do U Can’t See me and Punk kicks him in the head. Punk with a knee to Cena’s back, knocking him to the outside. Punk with a running dive onto Cena on the outside. Punk breaks the count, then throws Cena into the ring. Punk goes for the crossbody again, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena does U Can’t See Me. Then a 5-knuckle shuffle to Punk. He then does the Attitude Adjustment to Punk, who lands on his feet and starts kicking Cena. He sweeps Cena’s legs and gets a two count. Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Cena slips out and gut wrenches Punk. That gets a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment again, Punk slips out and delivers a running knee to Cena’s face against the ropes. Another knee to the jaw and a running bulldog by Punk. Punk with a flying clothesline and a cover for a two count. Punk with kicks to Cena’s chest. Cena ducks a kick and turns it into the STF. Punk scrambling and crawling pulling himself by his fingernails to the ropes. He gets to the ropes and the crowd cheers. Punk with a kick to the back of the head of Cena. Gets another close two count. Punk climbs to the top rope. He hits a crossbody. Cena catches him and rolls through and picks Punk up. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk counters and goes for the Go To Sleep, Cena grabs the knee as it comes up and puts the STF back on. Punk tries to get to the ropes and Cena pulls him back to the center of the ring and reapplies the STF. Punk fighting it again. Punk counters out of it into a side headlock for a massive pop from the crowd. It’s actually like a modified Million Dollar Dream. Crowd starts chanting tap to Cena. Cena battles to his feet and gets Punk with the Attitude Adjustment. Punk kicks out at two to cheers. Cena climbs to the top rope. Punk hits a powerbomb to Cena as he jumps for a two count. Punk signals for the Go To Sleep. He goes for it, but Cena grabs the ropes, pulls himself off, and guillotines Punk on the top rope. Cena goes up top again and hits a leg drop on the back of Punk’s neck. That gets another two count. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment again. Another two count. Cena argues with the referee over the two count. Cena puts Punk on the top rope. He puts Punk on his back as to set up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Punk punches Cena’s back trying to get out. He then hits elbows to Cena’s temple. Punk then turns and hurricanrana’s Cena to the mat. Cena rolls to the opposite corner after he hits the mat. Punk runs/limps over to Cena and hits a knee lift. Punk delivers Go To Sleep to Cena and he tumbles out of the ring. Punk goes outside and rolls Cena back in. Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis appear on the rampway. Punk stares at them for a moment. Cena applies the STF to Punk as he comes back in the ring, and McMahon calls for the bell. He sends Laurinaitis over to tell the timekeeper to ring the bell, but Cena rolls out and punches Laurinaitis down. Cena says that’s not how he’s going to win this fight. He rolls back in and Punk hits the Go To Sleep and gets the pin. The crowd loses their minds. McMahon closes his eyes as Punk is declared the winner and given the title. He raises the title to huge cheers from the crowd and a look of horror on Vince McMahon’s face. Punk gets up on a corner turnbuckle and raises the title as McMahon comes over to the announce table. He grabs Jerry Lawler’s headset and yells at them to cut the music. He says to get Alberto Del Rio out here to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. A CM Punk chant goes out. Del Rio comes out with the briefcase. He slides in the ring and Punk hits him with an enziguri to knock him down. Punk grabs the title, goes to the barricade, and blows a kiss to McMahon. He then leaves through the crowd. McMahon looking pained as CM Punk raises the WWE title from the top of the arena as they fade to black.

    Episode 89 Notes Fri, 13 Aug 2021 20:00:00 -0400 [email protected] be91cfea-b128-401a-88dc-7f384cc92cc2 My Notes for Episode 89: Monday Night Raw June 27, 2011. -RIP Jody Hamilton and Bert Prentice.
    -Why are people so loud?
    -Today we look at the Monday Night RAW from June 27, 2011 from the WWE.
    -Monday Night Raw was shown on the USA Network from the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    -WWE Intro.
    -Monday Night Raw Burn it to the Ground Intro.
    -Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to RAW as RAW Roulette returns with Booker T as host. Shawn Michaels comes out to a good reaction. He said he tried to stay away but couldn’t. He goes on to plug his show debuting on the OLC and his Twitter before getting interrupted by CM Punk. He comes out with Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga. The announcers talk about Punk saying he isn’t going to resign with the company but leave after Money in the Bank with the title. He asks if everyone is happy to see Shawn Michaels. He says July 17th he is leaving. He said when Shawn Michaels left, he left a loser unlike CM Punk. He says he’s leaving the WWE champion and one of the reasons he’s leaving is because of the WWE fans. He said they would rather applaud Shawn Michaels than beg Punk to stay. Shawn Michaels says they cheer because they know he’s better than Punk. A One More Match chant goes out. Punk says that sounds like a challenge because Shawn Michaelf was better than Punk, but not anymore. HBK says that they each have their own style before he delivers Sweet Chin Music to Otunga. The anonymous RAW GM chimes in. He says since Punk is leaving he’s going to make the time count. Punk has the first match tonight on RAW Roulette.
    -Booker T goes over some of the match types before spinning the wheel. He gets mystery opponent before announcing Kane as the opponent. Shawn Michaels then does Sweet Chin Music to McGillicutty. He then tells Punk good luck.
    -CM Punk VS. Kane: Kane attacks Punk right away. He throws him to the outside. He goes out after Punk and drops him on the barricade. He puts Punk back in and rams his head against the apron. He then runs Punk’s head into the turnbuckle. He beats Punk down in the corner. Kane with a snap mare and a low dropkick. That gets a two count. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline. Then another clothesline and a side slam to Punk. That gets another two count. Punk rolls to the apron and guillotines Kane as he comes over. Punk springboards to Kane, but gets caught by Kane for a chokeslam, but Punk kicks Kane in the head to get out of it. Punk now kicking Kane down near the corner. Punk punching and kicking Kane, who tries to battle back, but is being overwhelmed. Kane up and they go back and forth. Kane goes for a chokeslam. Punk kicks Kane’s leg to break the hold. Punk goes back for what looks like a running clothesline, but gets a big boot from Kane. Kane goes up top, but gets caught. Punk with elbows on the top rope. Kane blocks a superplex attempt. Kane punches Punk off the turnbuckle onto the mat. Kane gets ready for a top rope move, but Punk rolls out of the ring. Punk walks up the aisle and gets counted out. ad.
    -Sin Cara VS. Evan Bourne: Booker T and Eve spin the wheel and this is a No Count Out Match: They lock up. Bourne with a waist lock and a snap mare. Then they trade arm drags. Bourne with a headlock. He turns it into a hammerlock. Sin Cara with back elbows and a snap mare. Sin Cara with some fancy moves on the attack with some kicks to Bourne. Sin Cara with a pop up top arm drag that sends Bourne to the floor. Sin Cara slides out to follow. They then both get back in. Back and forth with some stiff kicks. Bourne reverses an Irish whip. Sin Cara comes back with a sunset flip. Bourne rolls through and hits a double stomp to Sin Cara for a two count. Bourne with an Irish whip. Sin Cara with a bounce off the ropes into a back elbow that Bourne ducks. Bourne with a spinning kick that Sin Cara ducks. Sin Cara with a hurricanrana that knocks Bourne to the outside. Sin Cara with a tope onto Bourne. Sin Cara lifts Bourne up on the aisle, but Bourne counters with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara misses a dropkick as they come back in. Bourne with Sin Cara’s shoulders down on a rollup for a two count. Sin Cara counters with a roll through and he rolls Bourne up for a two count. Sin Cara gets the boots up on a corner charge and springboards onto Bourne. Another two count. Sin Cara with kicks. Bourne responds with a standing moonsault for a two count. Bourne goes for Air Bourne. Sin Cara rolls out of the way, so Bourne lands on his feet. Sin Cara hits a hurricanrana driver to get the pin.
    -Kofi Kingston is with Booker T by the wheel. Booker says the RAW GM has given him the chance to spin to see what kind of match he’s going to have against Dolph Ziggler. Kofi starts to spin the wheel, but they are interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. She spins, but it lands on player's choice. Kofi says in his match, Vickie is going to be banned from ringside.
    -Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the Money in the Bank PPV coming up in three weeks.
    -Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler: Vickie Guerrero comes out to introduce Ziggler, but the referees send her back to the dressing room. Ziggler comes out. He’s the United States Champion, but this is a non title match. Ziggler rolls out as soon as the bell rings. Kingston follows and nails Ziggler from behind with a forearm. Kingston throws Ziggler back into the ring. Ziggler with a boot to the stomach of Kingston. Then a forearm by Ziggler and another boot to Kingston. Ziggler pushes Kingston away, he comes back with a forearm. It goes outside and Kingston scoop slams Ziggler on the mat. Ziggler runs Kingston into the corner post. Back inside, Ziggler with a side headlock to Kingston. A Let’s Go, Kofi chant goes out. Back and forth. Kingston reverses a corner whip. Ziggler moves as Kingston goes for the corner splash. Ziggler with a famouser. Gets a close two count. Ziggler attacking Kingston’s face. Kingston with a kick to Ziggler’s head. Then a kick to Ziggler’s knee. Then shots to Ziggler’s midsection. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Kingston with a rollup for a two count. Kingston with punches and kicks to Ziggler. Ziggler hits Kingston with a stiff kick after a charge. He goes to throw Kingston out, but he holds on and hits Ziggler with Trouble in Paradise. He gets the pin.
    -Booker T and Maryse are talking by the wheel. They get interrupted by Alberto Del Rio who wants to know why he has to wrestle The Big Show again. Maryse agrees with him. Booker says he doesn’t make the matches, just the spins. He spins the wheel and Maryse is flirting with Del Rio and they don’t notice the wheel. It lands on a steel cage match. Booker says Del Rio has bad luck.
    -Steel Cage Match. The Big Show VS. Alberto Del Rio: Del Rio comes out in a Lamborghini. He isn’t the same without Ricardo Rodriguez to announce him. Big Show gets a good reaction coming out. Del Rio starts climbing the cage as soon as the bell rings. Big Show drags him back down. Big Show then headbutts Del Rio. Then a huge slap to Del Rio’s chest. He runs Del Rio into the cage. Big Show with a corner whip, but he misses the corner charge. Del Rio attacking with kicks to the knee and chest of Big Show. More kicks knock Big Show Down. Del Rio gets a one count. Del Rio with a low dropkick to the injured knee of Big Show. He concentrates on that knee. Mark Henry walks down the aisle. He tells the referee by the door and the announcers not to look at him, he does what he wants to do. Big Show goes for a chokeslam. Del Rio kicks him back to his knees. Del Rio then DDTs him. Gets a two count. Del Rio starts to climb the corner turnbuckle, but gets caught by Big Show with a big slap to the back. Big Show slams Del Rio into another corner. Del Rio standing on the top turnbuckle while Big Show has him in a front face lock. He superplexes Del Rio. Both men down. Henry breaks the cage door open. He brings the cage door inside. He attacks Big Show with a kick. Del Rio escapes through the door to win the match. Big Show is between the ring ropes and the cage on the apron and Henry slams the cage door into Big Show breaking the cage open and Big Show spills to the outside. A Holy Shit chant goes out. Back from commercial, the announcers recap what happened.
    -WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly VS. Nikki Bella with Brie Bella: They get a submission match. Michael Cole says it’s a non-title match, but Justin Roberts had said it’s for the title. Nikki with a hammerlock and she runs Kelly into the corner. Nikki then gets Kelly down and into an arm bar. Kelly screaming, but not tapping. Michael Cole then clarifies that it is a non-title match. Kelly breaks the hold and gets a Boston Crab on Nikki. Nikki then taps. Brie and Nikki attack Kelly from behind. Eve comes out and attacks the Bellas and runs them out of the ring.
    -A feature on Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine.
    -Rey Mysterio is at the wheel and he gets a tornado match for him and Alex Riley VS. Jack Swagger and The Miz. DDP comes in to promote the Very Best of Nitro DVD Set. Drew McIntire appears and calls DDP and Booker T relics. He gets superkicked by Shawn Michaels.
    -Be a Star commercial.
    -Tornado Tag Team Match. Alex Riley and Rey Mysterio VS. Jack Swagger and The Miz: Miz and Riley and Swagger and Mysterio pair off. Riley beating Miz down in one corner and Swagger drives Mysterio into another corner. Mysterio corner whipped. Miz clotheslines Mysterio before getting taken out by Riley. Swagger with a backbreaker to Mysterio while Riley and Miz fight on the outside. Swagger Bomb gets a two count on Mysterio. Mysterio set up for Miz to do a doomsday device, but Mysterio slips behind and pushes Swagger into Miz who gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Riley then clotheslines Swagger into the same corner. Mysterio with a baseball slide to Swagger in the corner. Swagger rolls outside. Mysterio jumps on him from the apron to knock him down. Riley on the top rope with Miz and slams him off to the mat. Gets a two count. Miz with a big kick to Riley. Miz and Swagger beating Riley down. Double clothesline. Riley with a kick to Swagger’s head. Riley rolls Miz up, but it’s broken up by Swagger before the three count. Mysterio goes for a crossbody, but Swagger catches him and slams him on Miz’s knee for a two count. Miz with a DDT on Mysterio for another two count. Riley Irish whipped, but holds onto the ropes. Swagger goes to clothesline Riley, who backdrops him to the outside. Miz then knocks Riley to the outside. Miz goes to superplex Mysterio, who blocks it and knocks Miz off and does a seated senton. Swagger back in and Mysterio runs him into Miz. Swagger goes after Mysterio, but falls to the outside after Riley pulls the top rope down. Big kick by Mysterio gets a two count on Miz. Back and forth. A kick by Mysterio sets Miz up for the 619. Swagger grabs Mysterio’s legs as he goes for it. Back in, Riley hits a spinebuster on Swagger. Miz breaks up the pin. Miz with a Death Drop for a two count. Riley clotheslines Miz and they both fall outside. Swagger with a big kick to Mysterio for a close two count. Swagger goes for a gut wrench powerbomb. Mysterio counters and sets Swagger up for the 619. Swagger catches him as he goes for it. Mysterio dropped on the second rope as Swagger has him in the ankle lock and Miz has him in a front face lock. Riley takes Miz out and slams him on the barricade. Mysterio hits the 619. Riley hits a DDT. Then Mysterio with the plank splash on Swagger to get the pin.
    -Preview of Shawn Michaels show MacMillan River Adventures.
    -R-Truth shown at the wheel. He spins it and gets a tables match. He then starts acting weird so Booker leaves.
    -Tables Match. John Cena VS. R-Truth: Cena with a huge ovation coming out. R-Truth attacks immediately. Announcers mention that Cena has lost a tables match before. Dueling Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks chants go out. R-Truth with big rights in the corner. Cena reverses a corner whip. He hits a fisherman’s suplex on R-Truth. Cena goes outside for a table, but gets attacked by R-Truth. R-Truth with a knee to Cena’s back and holding Cena’s arms to get leverage. Cena trying to get out of it. Dueling chants get louder. Cena with a snap mare to get out of it. Cena with a dropkick. Both men are down. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. R-Truth slips out and counters with a jaw breaker. R-Truth goes out for a table. He sets the table up in the corner. R-Truth tries to suplex Cena through the table, but Cena reverses it. R-Truth with a charge. Cena pulls the rope down and R-Truth spills to the outside. Cena goes and gets another table and brings it into the ring. As R-Truth gets back in the ring, Cena grabs him and does the Attitude Adjustment, but CM Punk comes to ringside and pulls the table away so R-Truth doesn’t go through it. Punk taunts Cena, who then goes after Punk. They battle on the outside. It goes inside. Cena lifts Punk up for the Attitude Adjustment, but he slides out and R-Truth drives Cena through the table set up in the corner to win the match. R-Truth then leaves. The crowd booing.
    -Punk grabs a mic. He goes up the aisle and sits down. Pibe Bomb Time.
    -They finally cut his mic as RAW ends.

    Episode 88 Notes Thu, 05 Aug 2021 06:30:00 -0400 [email protected] 381794be-c3ac-42ef-8b45-04bf482aed63 My Notes for Episode 88: Capital Punishment 2011. -I’ve finally gotten below 300 pounds.
    -Today we look at WWE Capital Punishment 2011.
    -WWE Capital Punishment 2011 was shown on PPV on June 19, 2011 from the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. 9,850 in attendance and the show had 170,000 PPV buys.
    -Intro showing R-Truth and John Cena highlighting what led to their match tonight.
    -Opening Credits.
    -United States Championship Match. Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler: Booker T, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole welcome us to Capital Punishment. They welcome Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Savinovich of the Spanish Announce Team. Ziggler has Vickie Guerrero with him. Back and forth to begin. Kingston with a hip toss into a side headlock. Ziggler pushes off and gets a side headlock. Kingston reverses it into a head scissors. Ziggler with a shot and a side headlock. Kingston pushes off. Ziggler hits a shoulder block. Back and forth. Kingston with a nice back elbow. Ziggler with a low blow and raining blows to Kingston’s back. Kingston with a corner whip and then a monkey flip to Ziggler. Kingston goes for trouble in paradise and Ziggler turns and drops Kingston on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler hits a famouser. That gets a two count. Kingston hits some body shots while Ziggler has him in a front face lock. Kingston reverses a Ziggler neck breaker attempt into a backslide. He gets a two count. Ziggler with a standing dropkick. Ziggler drops an elbow for a one count. Ziggler with a rear chin lock. Back and forth. Kingston with a rollup for a one count. Kingston counters a Ziggler pick up with a rollup for a two count. Kingston misses a corner charge and Ziggler hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. Ziggler with an arm bar. A Kofi chant goes out. Ziggler goes for the sleeper. Kingston counters with a jaw breaker. Ziggler misses a corner splash. Kingston with a couple of big chops. Kingston misses a corner charge but hits a splash from the top rope. That gets a two count. Kingston hits the boom drop. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise but counters a Ziggler pump handle slam into the SOS for a close two count. Kingston then gets another two count. Ziggler reverses a third into a rollup holding the tights, but Kingston kicks out anyway. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Kingston counters. Back and forth. Kingston goes up top, but Ziggler catches him and tries for a superplex. Kingston holding on. He slams Ziggler down and hits a crossbody and Ziggler again kicks out on two. Kingston goes for another SOS and Ziggler counters with a sleeper again. Kingston makes it to the corner and Ziggler is run into it head first. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler goes for a backbreaker, but Kingston holds onto the ropes. Vickie Guerrero attacks Kingston. Ziggler locks on a sleeper. Kingston goes for the ropes, but Ziggler pushes off the ropes so they are in the middle of the ring. The referee stops the match as Kingston is out. Some confusion as to whether Kingston submitted, Ziggler was disqualified for using the rope, or the referee stopped it because Kingston is out. They announce Ziggler as the new United States Champion. Vickie Guerrero comes into the ring and they celebrate.
    -A limousine pulls up in the back of the arena. R-Truth gets out and Josh Matthews interviews him. R-Truth still has John Cena’s WWE Title. He says he has a big party to attend. He then comes across Eve. She says she doesn’t even know who he is anymore. He says nobody does.
    -Todd Grisham asks The Miz if he has what it takes to beat Alex Riley. Miz says he is sick of hearing about Alex Riley. He says Riley is a reject and he is the only one that ever mattered.
    -Flashback to what led up to the Miz/Riley match.
    -The Miz VS. Alex Riley: Riley gets a nice ovation coming out. Miz screams at Riley saying no one cares about him while holding the briefcase and Riley kicks the briefcase into Miz’s stomach. Miz takes Riley down. Riley reverses it and starts punching Miz. Miz takes off around the ring and Riley follows. Riley beats Miz down. Miz in the corner. The referee pulls Riley off of Miz allowing Miz to kick Riley. Miz with knees to Riley’s face. Miz hits the million dollar knee lift. He follows that up with a running kick to Riley’s face. He rains down punches to Riley’s face. Riley swinging for Miz but not connecting. Let’s go Riley/Let’s go Miz dueling chants go out. Miz with a DDT for a two count. Miz attacks Riley’s back. Miz with a big kick to Riley’s face. He keeps knocking Riley down. He calls Riley nothing and tells him to stay down. Riley misses a corner charge and hits his shoulder on the post. Riley falls out of the ring. Miz hits him with a running boot to the face. Back in, Miz gets another two count. Riley finally hits a shot to Miz’s face. Miz jumps on Riley’s back and applies a headlock. Riley down to one knee and then all the way down. Miz applies a body vice. Riley gets back to his feet. Miz with a death drop for a two count. Miz hits the running clothesline in the corner. A top rope double ax handle gets a two count. Miz gets Riley in the tree of woe. He delivers kicks to Riley’s stomach. Riley ducks a Miz Baseball slide and the Miz crotches himself in the corner. Riley gets an elbow and a charge in. He runs Miz into two corners. He hits a spinebuster for a two count. Big kick to the head of Miz. That gets another two count. It goes outside. Riley runs Miz into the ring and the barricade. He runs Miz into the announce table and Cole is just berating Riley. Riley grabs Cole by the tie and pulls him over the table. Miz gets a shot in and grabs the briefcase. The referee grabs it away from Miz allowing Riley to hit the Pump DDT for the pin.
    -A President Obama lookalike is shown talking to Sgt. Slaughter. Vickie Guerrero tries to interrupt. She sings Happy Father’s Day to Obama mimicking the old Marilyn Monroe/JFK thing. The Secret Service drag her off.
    -Flashback to what led to the Big Show/Alberto Del Rio match.
    -Alberto Del Rio VS. The Big Show: Big Show attacks Del Rio as he is coming down the aisle. He drives Del Rio into the barricade. He throws Del Rio in the ring, but is attacked by Mark Henry who he had attacked on Smackdown the previous Friday. Henry slams The Big Show through the Spanish Announce Table. The referee goes to check on Big Show as Del Rio begs the referee to start counting. Henry comes back and attacks the left knee of Big Show. He leaves and Big Show struggles to get in the ring as the referee starts to count. Big Show gets in at 7 and the referee asks if he is sure. The bell rings. Big Show flings Del Rio into the corner. Irish whip to Del Rio. He tries to go for a chokeslam, but Del Rio attacks the leg. He clips the knee and then hits it with a kick. He gets a two count. Big Show catches Del Rio’s foot and pushes him off. Big Show hits a chokeslam on Del Rio but falls as well. Del Rio on the outside but Big Show brings him up on the apron by his head so Del Rio drops down and guillotines Big Show. Del Rio goes up top and gets caught by Big Show. Del Rio goes back to the knee. Del Rio goes for the cross arm breaker and Big Show counters with a backdrop. Del Rio with a kick to Big Show’s knee. Cross Arm Breaker. Big Show gets to the ropes. He gets up but falls down again. Referee calls it off because Big Show can’t defend himself. Del Rio wins.
    -R-Truth tries to work with a photographer to take his picture. The photographer points out the name plate says John Cena so R-Truth grabs him and yells at him.
    -Matt Striker tries to interview Wade Barrett who grabs the microphone and starts walking around backstage. He says that D.C. needs a king. He gets booed as he walks to the ring. He says the USA is a hollow shell much like Ezekiel Jackson. A USA chant goes out. He says everyone is going to witness him destroy Jackson.
    -WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. Wade Barrett VS. Ezekiel Jackson: Slow to start as a USA chant starts back up. Back elbow by Jackson gets a one count. Jackson goes for the Torture Rack, but Barrett slips out and goes to the outside. Back in, Jackson hits some gut shots to Barrett. Barrett ducks a Jackson corner charge, so Jackson hits a back shot to Barrett. Jackson drops an elbow for a two count. Barrett comes back with a boot to the head and gets a one count. Jackson with a boot and forearm and goes for a clothesline, but Barrett catches him in a side slam. Gets a two count. Barrett with a rear chin lock. A USA chant goes out. Barrett goes for a pump handle slam. Jackson reverses it to go for the Torture Rack, but Barrett rolls through and tries and gets a sunset flip. Gets a two count. Barrett with a back kick. Barrett with a pump handle slam. Gets a two count. Barrett slaps Jackson. Barrett with kicks in the corner. He misses a running kick to the corner. Jackson with a back elbow and a block. Jackson with a clothesline. He hits a big corner splash. Barrett misses a corner charge. Jackson goes for the Torture Rack again. Barrett blocks it and hits Wasteland on Jackson. He gets a two count. The USA chant starts again. Jackson blocks a big kick. He body slams Barrett several times. He gets the Torture Rack on and Barrett submits. New Intercontinental Champion.
    -Jerry Lawler goes into the ring and asks Jackson how it feels to be the new Intercontinental Champion? He says he has gained his independence.
    -Beth Phoenix, Santino Marella, and Kelly Kelly meet “Obama”. Marella tries to teach Obama the Cobra, but is taken out by the Secret Service halfway through.
    -Josh Matthews interviews CM Punk. Punk says all politicians are scum, including himself. He says that Rey Mysterio is also using everyone and he’s the only real one here.
    -Rey Mysterio VS. CM Punk: Mysterio gives a mask to a fan as he comes down. Punk is gearing up for the Summer of Punk. Mysterio goes for the leg of Punk. Punk with a wrist lock. Mysterio hits a snap mare. Punk misses an elbow to the corner and Mysterio gets a kick in. Punk with a scoop slam and a shoulder block. Mysterio with some kicks to Punk’s knee. Mysterio with a sunset flip. Punk drops down, gets a two count. Mysterio counters. Gets a one count. Punk gets to the ropes. Mysterio with a shot that sets up the 619, but Punk drops down. Mysterio hits a baseball slide and Punk goes out. Mysterio goes for a hurricanrana to the floor from the apron, but Punk falls back and guillotines Mysterio on the barricade. Back in, Punk gets a two count. Punk gets the bow and arrow on Mysterio. Mysterio powers out for a one count when he lands on Punk. Punk lands on Mysterio for a one count. Punk gets a body scissors. A CM Punk chant goes out as Mysterio tries to free himself. Mysterio goes for a move, but gets caught in a tilt a whirl backbreaker. That gets a close two count. Punk goes back to the leg scissors. Mysterio with some head-butts to get out of the move. Punk set up for the 619 again. Punk comes off and catches Mysterio with a clothesline. Gets a close two count. Puts Mysterio in an abdominal stretch. Mysterio out and trips Punk as he goes for a corner charge. Mysterio goes up and Punk catches him and puts Mysterio in the tree of woe. Punk gets a shot in and gets a two count. Back and Forth and Mysterio head scissors Punk out of the ring. Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault on Punk on the outside. Back in, Mysterio hits a diving headbutt on Punk. He again gets a two count. Mysterio with a crossbody, but Punk rolls through for a two count. Punk with a sunset flip and Mysterio rolls through. Punk with an inside cradle. Mysterio rolls through. They trade kicks. Mysterio with a kick to the head that gets a two count. Mysterio goes up top but gets caught. Punk hits a back suplex from the top. Punk gets a two count, but he is hurt as well. Punk hits the running knee. Punk misses a corner charge. Mysterio hits a 619 in the corner. Punk falls to the outside. Mysterio puts him back in and goes up top. He goes for the top rope splash, but Punk gets his knees up. Gets a close two count. Punk is hurt, but calls for the Go 2 Sleep. He hits the knees and gets Mysterio up. He goes for it, but Mysterio counters it into a roll up for a two count. Punk hits an enziguri for a two count. Punk goes for the Go 2 Sleep again, but Mysterio again pulls away and Punk is set up for the 619. Punk ducks as Mysterio swings around and hits the Go 2 Sleep. He gets the pin.
    -Flashback to what’s led up to the Randy Orton/Christian Match.
    -World Heavyweight Title Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: The announcers talk about Orton being medically cleared to compete. Orton with big shots starting out. Then they trade shots. Orton with a modified press and shots to Christian. Orton with a side headlock. Then a shoulder block for a one count. Christian with a front face lock and some knees to Orton. A big forearm. Christian goes for a second rope dropkick and Orton swats him away. Christian throws Orton to the outside. Christian dropkicks Orton. He goes to body press but Orton moves and shoulder blocks Christian. Back in, Orton gets a two count. Orton with punches to the corner. Orton clotheslines Christian to the outside. Orton goes to DDT Christian off the ring steps but Christian runs Orton into the steps. Back in, Christian gets a two count. Christian with a reverse neck breaker. That gets another two count. Orton comes back with a headbutt. Christian goes for a corner charge and Orton lifts his legs up and gets Christian with a roll up for a two count. Christian with a spinebuster for a two count. Christian punches Orton’s head and Orton appears dazed. Orton reverses a corner whip and Christian hits head first but Orton falls down. Orton with a backdrop. Back and forth. Orton with a couple of clotheslines. He hits a big power slam. A belly to belly suplex by Orton gets a two count. Orton goes for the apron DDT, but Christian drops down and slaps Orton. Christian goes to suplex Orton on the outside, but Orton headbutts Christian to get out of it but is hurt more by the move. Orton runs Christian into the corner post. Orton hits the superplex but also hurts himself. He gets a two count. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian blocks it and goes for the Kill Switch. Orton elbows Christian in the head. Orton does a snap backbreaker move for a two count. Christian goes for the Kill Switch again. Orton pushes off and goes for the RKO again. Christian rolls outside. Orton follows. Back in, back and forth. Orton with an apron DDT. Orton does his Viper mat pounding routine. He goes for the RKO. Christian counters with a Death Drop for a two count. Christian goes for the spear. Orton leap frogs. He goes for the RKO. Christian pushes off. Christian hits the spear for a two and a half count. Orton with a dropkick. Christian with a head kick and then he goes up top. Orton moves out of the way so Christian lands on his feet and Orton hits the RKO and gets the pin. Christian complains to the referee that his leg was under the rope. Orton blasts Christian with the belt. On the replay the announcers say Christian may have a point.
    -The Bella Twins come out with Keith Stone. He was apparently a spokesman for Keystone Light. No memory of this whatsoever.
    -Flashback to what led up to the main event.
    -Jack Swagger VS. Evan Bourne: Swagger pushes Bourne off to start. Front face lock. Swagger slams Bourne down. Swagger with a wristlock. Bourne reverses it with a kick to Swagger’s knee. Swagger with a shoulder block. Swagger goes for a hip toss. Bourne counters with a head scissors. Swagger with a knee to the gut. Then another one. Slams Bourne down for a two count. Swagger with some elbows to Bourne’s stomach. Swagger with a rear chin lock. Bourne with some kicks to the head. Swagger with a backdrop. Gets a two count. Swagger with some body shots to Bourne. Bourne corner whipped. Swagger bomb gets a two count. Swagger beating Bourne’s back. Bourne with a head scissors. Bourne with a series of leg kicks. Swagger with a scoop slam. Bourne gets his leg up on a second Swagger bomb. Bourne with a stiff kick for a two count. He goes up top, but Swagger gets up, so Bourne jumps off and Swagger hits a big boot. Gets a two count. Bourne hits a top rope DDT for a two and a half count. Bourne with a kick and goes up top for Air Bourne. Swagger moves so Bourne lands on his feet and Swagger goes for the gut wrench power bomb. Bourne counters with a sunset flip. Swagger reverses it into an ankle lock. Bourne reverses that to a roll up to get the pin.
    -Be a Star Campaign ad.
    -The Obama impersonator comes out to address the WWE Universe. He says he is not the anonymous RAW GM because we would get more JR and less Michael Cole. He wishes both John Cena and R-Truth good luck. Booker T asks that Obama join him in the ring. Booker asks him if he can do the Spinaroonie. Booker then does a Spinneroonie. The crowd wants Obama to do it. He does a halfway decent one.
    -Video of WWE visiting National Guard soldiers. National Guard soldiers in attendance are then shown.
    -WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. R-Truth: R-Truth walks out with the belt. This is his first championship match for the WWE championship. Cena gets a big ovation coming out. Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chants go out as they start. R-Truth with a headlock. Cena pushes off. R-Truth rolls outside. Back in, R-Truth gets Cena down in the corner with some big punches. Cena with a corner whip and a bulldog. Cena goes for a clothesline, but R-Truth holds on and rolls outside. Little Jimmy chant goes out. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment and R-Truth counters with a face buster. Gets a two count. Back and forth. R-Truth with a side kick for a two count. R-Truth with a slap. A leg drop gets another two count. R-Truth with a front face lock. Cena trying to power out. He pushes R-Truth off. R-Truth with a corkscrew elbow. Gets another two count. R-Truth with a running corner forearm. Another two count. R-Truth mocking Cena before slapping him down. Cena back up and guillotines R-Truth on the top rope. R-Truth with a clothesline. Gets a two count. R-Truth with an elbow to Cena’s neck. R-Truth with a hip block. R-Truth with a sleeper then a leg scissors. Cena trying to break free. Cena goes for the STF. R-Truth gets to the ropes. R-Truth with a clothesline for a two count. R-Truth with a suplex for a two count. R-Truth misses a leg drop. Cena with two shoulder blocks. Big Slam. U Can’t See Me. Then the 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. R-Truth slips out. Jawbreaker to Cena. Gets a two count. R-Truth misses a corner charge. Cena with the STF. R-Truth gets to the ropes. R-Truth with the scissor kick. Gets a close two count. R-Truth with a crossbody. Cena holds on and rolls through. R-Truth counters with a face buster. Another two count and Cena rolls out of the ring. R-Truth rolls out and sees a Cena fan. He grabs his hat and puts it on and drinks from the fans John Cena cup. He hands the cup back to the fan, who throws the water in his face. Cena then throws R-Truth back in and hits the Attitude Adjustment for the pin. Cena brings the fan into the ring. They celebrate.
    -They replay the finish before signing off from Washington, D.C.

    COJWS Annual #1 Notes Sat, 31 Jul 2021 06:30:00 -0400 [email protected] 75ed3e9c-1c08-43be-a6bf-555466651960 My Notes for the COJWS Annual #1: The WWF on MSG. -This is a special show. This is our first Annual.
    -Inspiration from Comic Books.
    -From Wikipedia: In the case of comic books, an annual is an extra issue that corresponds with an ongoing series, providing story material in addition to the customary 12 issues per year of a monthly series and "fill holes in a publishing schedule that are usually created when a fifth release day falls in a month. Instead of publishing nothing that particular week or shuffling schedules around to accommodate, a popular series or character will get an annual special". A comic book annual customarily has a larger page count than its monthly counterpart, leaving room for longer single stories, multiple stories in a single annual and/or "extra" material that the monthly series lacks the space to publish. These "extras" may include biographical information on featured characters, full-page pin-ups of characters, reprints of previously published material, or all-new short stories (often called "back-up" stories). Chase Magnett, for, highlighted that "annuals are ultimately best defined by being what the monthly issues are not" and that "the only consistency surrounding the concept of these special sorts of issues is that they have been around in some form or another just about as long as superhero comics have been published". An annual is considered a separate series for purposes of numbering and collectability; a particular periodical's Annual will thus have its own numbering series, or alternately be referred to by the year of its publication. "For example, between 1963 and 2012, Fantastic Four has had 33 annuals. The first one was Fantastic Four Annual #1" and "when IDW published a TMNT annual" in 2020, it was titled the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Annual 2020.
    Comic book annuals originally were little more than reprint albums, representing stories that had first seen publication in their monthly counterparts, but eventually this changed to annuals featuring primarily all-new material. Later annuals often featured stories with greater import to the characters featured than in the monthly publications, reflecting the "special" status of their once-yearly publication. Annuals also, on occasion, featured the finale of a multi-issue storyline running in the monthly series; conversely, many annuals would showcase stand-alone stories that did not fit in with the then-current thrust of the monthly series' storyline.
    In the late 1980s and much of the 1990s, annuals published by Marvel Comics and DC Comics were usually released in the summer of the year and often had a unifying theme, either a similar theme that individual stories were written around, or a crossover storyline bringing many of the characters in the individual publishers' continuities together for a single overall event. In the case of the "crossover" annuals, the number of characters and annuals involved in a crossover story varied. Some were company-wide, incorporating virtually every character in the publisher's shared universe whose series received an annual edition. Others used smaller groups of characters whose series had some sort of in-story connection, such as series featuring members of teams or "extended families" of characters.
    -We look at some OLD SCHOOL WWF AT MSG.
    -WWF on MSG Network (also advertised as WWF from Madison Square Garden) is a professional wrestling television program produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It was a monthly television special that aired live from Madison Square Garden on the MSG Network from August 7, 1976 to March 16, 1997. The program featured live wrestling matches and interviews with WWF wrestlers. Updates of current feuds and several major title changes also took place on the show.
    -World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF) began airing their monthly television special WWWF on MSG Network on August 7, 1976 after several years of airing their monthly Madison Square Garden shows on HBO. Several notable title changes took place on the show including Bob Backlund winning his first WWWF World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Superstar Billy Graham on February 20, 1978. The show was renamed WWF on MSG Network after the promotion changed its name to "World Wrestling Federation'' in March 1979. The show was an important event and equivalent to today's pay-per-view events. Many important matches and storyline developments took place on the show, for example, Hulk Hogan's rise to stardom began on the show when he defeated The Iron Sheik to capture his first WWF Championship on January 23, 1984. With the rise of Hogan's popularity and WWF's national expansion, the show lost its significance following the first pay-per-view event WrestleMania in 1985. With the addition of more pay-per-view events and the introduction of Saturday Night's Main Event as a nationally televised monthly special, the WWF on MSG Network discontinued after 1992. WWF aired one final event on the MSG Network on March 16, 1997.
    -Leading into these events was the fallout from WrestleMania VII. Backstage as Hogan was being interviewed on his victory over Sgt. Slaughter, Slaughter attacked Hogan by throwing a fireball in his face. Hogan quickly recovered from the attack and defended the belt primarily against Slaughter, largely in "Desert Storm" (i.e., no-disqualification) matches. He also had to deal with the returning Iron Sheik, who was now competing as Colonel Mustafa.
    -MSG April 22, 1991.
    -12,200 in attendance with a $190,000 live gate.
    -The wrestlers must all be exhausted. They went to Japan and flew back only to go over to the United Kingdom the next day.
    -Old School Intro
    -Gorilla Monsoon, Jim Neidhart, and Bobby Heenan are our announcers for the evening. They welcome us to MSG and talk about the rematch between Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter that is scheduled for later in the evening.
    -The Dragon VS. Haku: They haven’t fully phased out the Ricky Steamboat, but it’s slowly getting there. Steamboat has the Dragon outfit and fire breathing going on. Dragon starts out with an arm drag. Dragon with a shoulder block. Haku goes to throw Dragon out, but he skins the cat. Haku with a chop. Dragon counters with an arm drag. Haku rolls out to regroup. Dragon with a throat thrust and an arm drag into an arm bar. Haku comes back with a knife edge in the corner. Corner whip by Haku and Dragon leap frogs Haku’s charge and hits another arm drag. Haku pulls Dragon out of the corner and hits some head butts. Back and forth with chops. Haku with a block. He blocks a hip lock and hits a clothesline. That gets a two count. Dragon ducks a clothesline and hits a reverse knife edge, but Haku gets a kick and a clothesline in. Hits two more clotheslines and falls out of the ring. Haku hits a head butt and holds Dragon in a vertical suplex. That gets a two count. Haku with a sleeper. Dragon fighting going out. He gets to the ropes. Haku with some big chops. They trade chops. Back and forth. Hitting each other with chops and kicks. Dragon gets a two count. Haku misses a corner charge. Dragon hits a crossbody for the pin.

    -The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch VS. Power & Glory Paul Roma and Hercules: The crowd loves the Bushwhackers. It takes a while to get started. Bushwhackers double clothesline Hercules and bite both Hercules and Roma. Another double clothesline by the Bushwhackers to clear the ring. Power & Glory take their time getting back in. Roma in with Luke. Power & Glory try to double team, but Butch comes in and they do an eye poke. They do clotheslines to Power & Glory again. Power & Glory roll out to regroup. Roma with a back elbow and stomping Luke’s head. This brings Butch in which brings the referee over and allows Roma to grab the ropes. Power & Glory then double team Luke. Referee finally breaks it up. Hercules tagged in and drops an elbow for a one count. Roma tagged in and Power & Glory do a double clothesline of their own. Roma hits a running elbow drop. Gets a two count. Roma with a corner whip and a back elbow. Runs Luke into the opposite corner hard. Roma misses another corner charge and Butch tagged in and he runs Power & Glory’s heads together. They do the battering ram to Hercules to knock him outside. Roma reverses an Irish whip and Hercules trips Butch. Roma goes to cover, but Luke hits him and puts Butch on top. Hercules breaks it up and this one is breaking loose. Roma then pins Butch. It’s rather anticlimactic, but it gets the job done.
    -The Big Boss Man VS. The Mountie: Lord Alfred Hayes is in the aisle to ask Mountie if he has any authority in the United States. Mountie says his jurisdiction is the World Wrestling Federation unlike the Big Boss Man. Boss Man rushes the ring and he has the night stick vs. the shock stick. Boss Man gives his stick to the referee and Mountie tries to take advantage, but Boss Man catches him with a boot to the gut and Boss Man gets the shock stick. The referee grabs the shock stick to put it outside which makes Boss Man yell at the referee and Mountie jumps him from behind. Mountie leapfrogs a charging Boss Man once but gets caught the second time. Boss Man does a spinebuster. Boss Man slaps Mountie a couple of times and knocks him down and out then hits him on the outside. Boss Man keeps breaking the count to punish Mountie. Finally rolls him in and does his leg on the ropes move. He hits Mountie with an uppercut. Boss Man misses a corner charge and loses his balance and falls to the outside and whacks his face on the ring steps going down in what looked like a painful bump. Mountie working on Boss Man’s knee. He ties the leg up on the ropes to do more damage. Boss Man can hardly stand. Mountie gets on the mic and says he’s going to show you who the real boss is. Boss Man reverses an Irish whip and hits the Boss Man Slam out of nowhere to get the pin. Mountie jumps Boss Man after the match and zaps Boss Man several times with the shock stick.
    -WWF Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan: Hogan gets a good reaction coming out. He gets attacked by both Slaughter and Adnan when he gets in but he runs them together and throws Adnan out. It goes outside and Hogan is choking Slaughter with a cable as a USA chant goes out. Hogan gives Slaughter a big corner whip and back drops him coming out. He hits Slaughter with a clothesline and a slam. Hogan with some big punches. He throws Slaughter into the broadcast table. He attacks Slaughter with a chain and waves an American flag. Crowd loves it and chants USA Back in, Hogan with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hogan goes for another backdrop but drops his head and Slaughter hits him with a kick to the gut. He rakes Hogan’s back. Slaughter throws right hands into Hogan’s face and runs him into the turnbuckle. He then mocks the Hogan cupping his ear to the crowd. He is hitting Hogan with punches as a Hogan chant goes out. Hogan knocked outside and Adnan attacks him. Hogan is bleeding. Adnan pushes Hogan into the apron. The crowd is booing heavily. Slaughter runs Hogan into the steps, then hits him in the face with the belt. Adnan distracts the referee while Slaughter hits Hogan with the bell. Hogan is a bleeding mess. Slaughter gets a two count and Hogan is hulking up. Crowd comes to life with this. Slaughter working on Hogan’s back as the crowd chants USA. Slaughter goes for the Camel clutch. Slaughter also ripping at the bandage on Hogan’s head. Hogan breaks the hold. They rake each other’s eyes. Hogan falls down. Hogan with a backbreaker. Slaughter goes up top and drops a knee on Hogan’s back. That gets a two count. Hogan hulking up again. He hits several rights. Gets a big boot. Slaughter still on his feet. Slaughter pushes Hogan into the referee taking him out. Adnan throws a chair into the ring. Slaughter picks the chair up and hits the referee a couple of times. Hogan ducks as Slaughter swings and he hits the turnbuckle. He tries again and Hogan ducks the chair, hits the ropes, bounces back, and hits Slaughter. Hogan grabs the chair. Adnan sneaks in and Hogan hits him with the chair. He runs Slaughter into the chair. The referee comes to and sees Hogan with the chair and disqualifies Hogan thinking Hogan hit him. Hogan grabs the chair as Slaughter throws a fireball and the chair blocks the fireball. Crowd booing that Slaughter won. Hogan chases the heels to the back with the chair. He hits Slaughter several times in the aisle. Hogan comes back to pose. He brings a little kid into the ring to pose with a flag and the championship. Gorilla says the greatest pro athlete in the world today IYDAH.
    -Gorilla Monsoon, Jim Neidhart, and Bobby Heenan recap what has happened.
    -IRS VS. Jimmy Snuka: IRS does his tax cheat spiel before the match, but he’s newish so it’s okay. Also wearing a suit including the jacket and carrying a black briefcase. This is the tights and boots phase of Jimmy Snuka’s career. Snuka with a side headlock. IRS tries to push him off but Snuka holds on. Tries again, same result. This is IRS initial weird brown tights outfit phase. Snuka with a shoulder block and a hip toss. Gets a knife edge. IRS goes outside and bends down by the apron and is putting something in his boot. Back in, IRS runs Snuka out of the ring. IRS follows him and gives him a shot. Suplexes Snuka back in and drops an elbow. He gets a two count. He gets an abdominal stretch on and holds the ropes for leverage, but gets caught. Snuka with a hip toss. Snuka misses an elbow and IRS runs him into a turnbuckle. IRS misses a corner charge and Snuka runs him into the corner and does neck thrusts to him. Snuka with a crossbody, but IRS rolls through and pins Snuka with a handful of tights.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes is in the audience. He talks about the upcoming Ted DiBiase/Roddy Piper match.
    -Texas Tornado VS. The Warlord: Slow to start. Tornado wants a test of strength. Warlord with the advantage. Tornado with some shots to Warlord. Tornado hits the discus punch. Warlord gets the bear hug on. Tornado claps his hands against Warlord’s head to escape. Warlord runs Tornado into the ringside steps. He then runs him into the ringside post. Tornado tries a sunset flip, but can’t get Warlord down. Warlord working on Tornados back. Tornado tries for a slam, but Warlord falls on him for a two count. Warlord with a back breaker. Tornado hitting Warlord with multiple clotheslines. He hits another discus punch for a two count, but Warlord's foot is on the ropes. Tornado with a sleeper on Warlord. They both spill out onto the floor. The bell rings and both are counted out even though Tornado was getting back in as the bell rings.
    -The Orient Express Kato and Tanaka and Mr. Fuji VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty and Virgil: Michaels and Tanaka start. Pushing contest to begin. Back and forth. Tanaka with a crescent kick. Michaels with a clothesline. Rockers and Orient Express both in and the Rockers do a double atomic drop. Virgil in against Kato and a Virgil chant goes out. Virgil sticking and moving against Kato. Virgil run into the corner post and Fuji tagged in. He and Virgil exchange blows. Virgil with a big punch, but Fuji responds with a chop and Kato tagged back in. He ducks Virgil’s shots and it goes outside. Kato takes off and Virgil follows. Video cuts out for a second. Kato runs into Jannetty who knocks him out. Tanaka comes to help but gets cut off by Michaels. Tanaka and Jannetty in. Jannetty goes to throw Tanaka out. He holds on for a while. Lots of confusion over who’s legal as both Orient Express members go in and out. Jannetty in with Kato and he gets a two count. Rockers do a double elbow on Kato. Michaels gets a two count. Michaels Irish whipped and Tanaka lands a knee to his back and Kato follows it up with a back breaker. Fuji tagged in and head butts Michaels in the groin. Kato back in. Punishing Michaels. Quick tags by the heels. Tanaka nails Michaels with some quick strikes. He then gets a chin lock on Michaels. Michaels fighting back. Tanaka hits a back elbow for a two count. Kato tagged in. Michaels guillotined and Tanaka back in for the count but Jannetty makes the save. Kato back in with a chin lock. Michaels powers out and clotheslines Kato on the top rope. Michaels with a double clothesline. Jannetty tagged in. He hits a back elbow to Tanaka. Hits a power slam for a two count. Rockers hit the double crescent kick to Tanaka. Virgil tagged in and hits a clothesline. Virgil puts the million dollar dream on Tanaka to win.
    -Roddy Piper VS. Ted DiBiase with Sherri: DiBiase comes to the ring with a crutch for Piper. Piper comes out looking all business. Piper attacks DiBiase immediately. He whips DiBiase with his belt then wraps the belt around DiBiase’s neck and runs DiBiase into the corner. He then double claps DiBiase’s head. He crotches DiBiase on the top rope but Piper’s leg is hurt. Piper down on the ground. DiBiase holds onto the side of the ring as Piper tries to pull him in and Sherri starts pulling the other side. Sherri jumps on Piper’s back. He pulls her off and kisses her. She falls out. DiBiase hits Piper from behind. Sherri grabs Piper’s leg. DiBiase hitting Piper. Piper coming back. He takes DiBiase down. DiBiase gets the leg up on a Piper corner charge. DiBiase gets Piper up in the Tree of Woe. He works on Piper’s bad knee. He tears the bandages off. Sherri throws a chair in the ring and distracts the referee. DiBiase nails Piper with it, but only gets a two count. DiBiase slams the injured leg down. Piper is fighting it. DiBiase slams it on the ring post. DiBiase slamming his foot on Piper’s leg. Piper kicks DiBiase off. Sherri grabs a drink to throw in Piper’s face but he grabs it and throws it in DiBiase’s face. Piper slamming DiBiase’s head down. Sherri pushes Bobby Heenan out of his chair and takes it. DiBiase hits Piper’s leg with the chair. DiBiase gets the figure four on Piper. The bell rings. Howard Finkel explains that Piper did not submit, but referee Danny Davis stopped the match to avoid further injury to Piper. Piper runs Sherri and DiBiase together and hits them with a double clothesline. He starts hitting them with one of Sherri’s high heels. He then tears Sherri’s skirt off as she and DiBiase leave. He then throws Danny Davis out. Bagpipes play and cheers from the crowd for Piper as they sign off from MSG.
    -From Steve Riddle at
    We now move out of the spring and into the summer of 1991, and things were pretty hot for the company as we continue the trek towards SummerSlam which would take place in this very building. The feud between Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter has been raging on since what happened at WrestleMania, and after their last encounter in this building you knew they were going to face off at least one more time. Obviously, there was going to be some sort of stipulation in place and we have what is called the “Desert Storm” match which is basically similar to the old Boot Camp matches that Slaughter occasionally had back in the 1980s. Unlike those matches where he was the face fighting the evil heel, he is now the evil heel with Hogan being the conquering hero and you hoped that these two would just beat the crap out of each other in this environment.
    Since their last match back in April, the two men continued their feud on the house shows and on the last Saturday Night’s Main Event, Hogan would assist the Ultimate Warrior against Slaughter and his crew along with the Undertaker. Slaughter would typically win the matches against Hogan by DQ until 5/18 when they had the first Desert Storm match which Hogan won and they would run that match over the next few weeks leading to this show while they continued the feud on TV by cutting promos on each other. There was a lot of anticipation going into this match given how well they have worked together since WrestleMania, and you hoped that this would be a fun brawl to potentially finally close out this feud.
    -Things would get more difficult for the WWF in June of 1991. From an Los Angeles Times report from March 12, 1992 By JOHN CHERWA AND HOUSTON MITCHELL
    Perhaps the most damaging blow for the WWF came during the June, 1991, trial of George Zahorian, a Harrisburg, Pa., urologist who was convicted on 12 counts of selling steroids for non-medical purposes.
    Hulk Hogan (whose real name is Terry Bollea) was subpoenaed because he was one of the five wrestlers to whom Zahorian was accused of selling steroids. But the U.S. attorney agreed to waive Bollea’s testimony because his “private and personal” matters outweighed any possible contribution to the trial. Wrestlers Roddy Piper (real name Roderick Toombs), Brian Blair (his real name), Rick Martel (Richard Vignault) and Dan Spivey (his real name) all admitted to buying steroids from Zahorian. In addition, Zahorian testified that he treated Bollea as a serious steroid abuser and successfully got him off steroids.
    Federal Express records obtained by the grand jury in the case show that Zahorian sent packages to Bollea on eight occasions during a nine-month period in 1988. Thirty-four packages were sent during the same period to the WWF’s headquarters--which has an unlisted phone number--in Stamford, Conn. An additional eight packages were sent to McMahon at other addresses. The four wrestlers who testified all admitted receiving steroids from Zahorian by Federal Express.
    McMahon, who also heads the World Bodybuilding Federation, acknowledges he experimented with steroids for a short time and received them by Federal Express from Zahorian. However, he says they were legal at the time and he does not condone their use. Possession of steroids for non-medical purposes has since been made illegal; the Food and Drug Administration reclassified the drugs under the Controlled Substance Act in 1991.
    A furor erupted in the wrestling community two weeks after Zahorian was convicted. Hogan went on the Arsenio Hall show to repair his image. “I am not a steroid abuser,” he declared, “and I do not use steroids.”
    McMahon says of Hogan’s television appearance: “I think Hulk told the truth, but maybe not the whole truth.” Hogan declined to be interviewed, a WWF spokesman said.
    -WWF at Madison Square Garden June 3, 1991. Televised on the MSG Network.
    -WWE Old School Logo.
    -Gorilla Monsoon, Jim Neidhart, and Bobby Heenan on commentary.
    -Demolition Smash VS. The Dragon: Dragon again has his full Dragon outfit on and does the fire breathing gimmick. Smash working on the shoulder to start. Dragon reveres it into a wrist lock. Smash throws Steamboat to the ropes to go over, but Dragon does his hanging on move and brings himself back in and dumps Smash to the outside. Dragon with an arm drag into an arm lock. Back and forth as they slug it out. Dragon working the arm. Smash does an inverted atomic drop and drops Dragon on the top rope throat first. Smash choke slams Dragon to the mat. Smash with a back suplex for a two count. Then he gets a chin lock on the Dragon. Dragon coming back, so Smash throws him out and sneaks up behind him and runs him into the ring post. Then Smash slams Dragon down at ringside then slingshots him back into the ring. Smash goes back to the chinlock. Dragon coming back with some chops. Smash comes back with a back elbow and a couple of clotheslines. Smash gets a sleeper on the Dragon. The referee checks the arm and must have messed up because he lets it drop four times instead of three and they even mention it on commentary. Dragon coming back. He hits some shots to the stomach. Dragon with a dropkick that knocks Smash outside. Dragon hits a crossbody to Smash on the outside. Dragon throws Smash in and Smash gives him a shot and suplexes him in. That gets a two count. Smash misses a corner charge. Dragon hits a crossbody to win.
    -The Warlord VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Warlord throws Koko across the ring. Koko responds with an eye poke and a headbutt. Koko doing some stick and move. Warlord with a slam. Koko with a headlock. He runs Warlord into the turnbuckle, but it doesn’t bother him so he runs Koko into the turnbuckle. He then does it again. Koko blocks it a third time. He gives Warlord a shot and a clothesline. The Warlord no sells it as the announcer plug the WBF Championship coming on PPV. Koko runs into a big boot. Warlord gets Koko in a bear hug. Koko trying to get out. He seems to be weakening. He finally gets out of it. Koko gets some shots in and Warlord dumps him to the outside. Warlord with a big shot to Koko on the apron. Koko tries for a sunset flip, but Warlord won’t go down. He slams Koko down, but misses an elbow drop. Koko gets a small package for a two count. Warlord misses a corner charge and Koko hits a dropkick from the top rope for a two count. Warlord catches Koko with a stun gun and gets the three count.
    -Colonel Mustafa with General Adnan VS. Jim Duggan: Duggan gets a USA chant going. This match takes a while to get started. Duggan hits two clotheslines and Mustafa rolls out to regroup. Mustafa coming back with some stiff shots. Choking Duggan on the ropes. Then gets a headlock on. Duggan trying to come back with some shots, but Mustafa hits a double ax handle. Duggan blocks a suplex attempt and hits a suplex of his own. Duggan ducks a clothesline and hits a scoop slam. Adnan pulls Duggan’s leg and Duggan takes off after him. Adnan takes the 2x4 and runs to the back and Duggan runs after him. In the back, Adnan and Sgt. Slaughter attack Duggan with the 2x4. Mustafa wins the match by count out.
    -Howard Finkel announces that since Bobby Heenan is broadcasting, Mr. Fuji will be the manager of The Barbarian for the night.
    -Bret Hart VS. The Barbarian with Mr. Fuji: Hart gets a good reaction coming out. Barbarian with a headlock. Then Hart with a headlock. Barbarian pushes off and Hart can’t move him. Barbarian gets a scoop slam, but misses an elbow drop. Hart with some big shots, so Barbarian slides out of the ring to regroup. Hart working on the arm of Barbarian. Barbarian with some shots to the guts but Hart comes back with some kicks. Irish whip and a kick to the stomach by Barbarian. Barbarian then working on the back of Hart. Hart rolls out to regroup. Barbarian follows and runs Hart’s back into the corner post. Hart finally gets back in and does his trademark run into the corner post. Hart ducks a couple of clotheslines by Barbarian but doesn’t escape a bear hug. Hart chops Barbarian’s shoulders to escape. Barbarian with some shots to Hart then running him into the corner. He puts him in the bear hug again. Hart bites him to get out of it. Big side suplex by The Barbarian. Goes to the second rope but takes too long and misses the elbow drop. Hart lures Barbarian in and unloads with some shots to the midsection. Inverted atomic drop and a clothesline gets a two count. Hart with some corner punches to Barbarian. He hits a backbreaker. Then a second rope elbow smash for a two count. Side Russian leg sweep. Another two count. Barbarian kicks out and knocks Hart out of the ring. Barbarian goes to suplex Hart back in but he slips out and tries for a roll up but Barbarian pushes him off. Hart goes for an attack but Fuji grabs his leg. Gorilla thought that the ref saw the grab but Barbarian grabs Hart so Fuji can hit him with the cane, but Hart ducks and Barbarian is hit and Hart gets the pin. Heenan is irate. He goes into the ring. He and Fuji start shoving each other and yelling until Fuji leaves.
    -Jim Quinn from the World Bodybuilding Federation is shown.
    -Jimmy Snuka VS. Bob Bradley: This is tights and boots era Snuka still. Bradley gets Snuka against the ropes. Back and forth. Crisscross. Snuka with a leapfrog and he goes for the throat thrust but Bradley holds onto the ropes and rolls outside. Back in, Snuka reverses a hip toss with one of his own. Bradley with a knee to Snuka’s gut. Snuka with two leapfrogs and gets the reverse knife edge on Bradley. Snuka with a backbreaker. He hits the superfly and gets the pin.
    -Earthquake VS. Jake Roberts: Jake has Lucifer with him. This is a match set up by Earthquake squashing Damien. Earthquake attacking immediately. Roberts gets a knee lift in and some shots. Roberts using speed and hitting shots to the ribs. Earthquake with a big corner whip and the ring shakes. Roberts coming back with some knees to the ribs. Roberts signals for the DDT, but Earthquake holds onto the top rope. Roberts tossed hard outside and Earthquake goes for Lucifer’s bag. Roberts sneaks up and catches him with a knee lift. Earthquake goes for a charge and Roberts ducks and Earthquake goes into the ring post. Both men hurt. Roberts with another knee lift and a short clothesline. He goes for the DDT. Earthquake gets the rope again. Roberts corner whipped hard into the turnbuckle and out to the floor. Earthquake climbs the top turnbuckle to jump on Jake to the outside but Jake moves so Earthquake doesn’t jump. Roberts corner whipped back into the corner. He catches Earthquake with a stiff right hand. Earthquake with a forearm to Robert’s back. Another corner whip. Roberts collapses to the mat. Crawling to Earthquake and grabs his leg. They trade shots. Roberts ducks a clothesline and hits a double ax handle to the back of the neck. Earthquake goes down. Roberts goes for the DDT again, but Earthquake is at the ropes. He gets Roberts down and hits a shot to his leg, but Earthquakes ribs are hurt. Earthquake with a shoulder smash and goes for the corner whip, but Roberts collapses onto the mat. Earthquake goes for the sit down splash, but Roberts rolls out. Earthquake goes back and grabs Lucifer’s bag. He puts it in the ring. Goes for the splash, but Roberts grabs his leg and trips Earthquake. Roberts brings Lucifer out and Earthquake bails. Earthquake wins by disqualification.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Fuji. Fuji says he’s the greatest manager of all time, not Bobby Heenan. I disagree, your mileage may vary. He challenges Heenan to bring two of his men to take on two of Fuji’s men any place any time.
    -Sean Mooney then interviews The Big Boss Man. He says he’s always respected Law & Order, but doesn’t respect The Mountie. He says The Mountie will be brought to justice.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. Slaughter says he will prove to Hulk Hogan what an ambush is. They will do to Hulk Hogan what they did to Jim Duggan. Slaughter says he will never give up.
    -Mooney interviews Hulk Hogan. He’s dressed in fatigues and has a face mask on for the Desert Storm Match. He says he’s going to pay Slaughter back for everything he did and that he’s going to win the war. They show the ambush to Jim Duggan again.
    -The Mountie VS. The Big Boss Man: Mountie tries to keep Boss Man out of the ring, but the referee takes the shock stick away and Boss Man comes in and hits a big right hand. He runs Mountie into the corner. Boss Man does the leg onto the opponent on the second rope move. He then does it again. Big power slam on Mountie. That gets a two count. Mountie slides out, but Boss Man does too and hits Mountie with another right. Back in, Boss Man hits Mountie with several shots and Mountie covers up. More shots and the Mountie goes down. Boss Man goes up to hit Mountie from the top rope, but Mountie moves and Boss Man clotheslines himself on the top rope. Mountie with a shot that knocks Boss Man down The referee is counting as Boss Man tries to get to his feet. Mountie hits a back elbow once Boss Man gets back in. That gets a two count. Boss Man coming back with a series of rights. Boss Man hits a back elbow plus a big splash. He doesn’t try for the pin though. Hits some shots to Mountie. Mountie knocked to the outside. Boss Man shoves the ref away when he tries to count and Mountie grabs the shock stick and hits a charge to Boss Man’s belly. Boss Man is out and Mountie gets the pin. He comes in and hits Boss Man again and he is shaking. Referees get him off as he says he’s the only law and order and I am the Mountie on the house mic.
    -Power & Glory in the ring to do a coin toss to see who takes on Road Warrior Animal. Paul Roma wins.
    -Paul Roma VS. Animal: Hercules is still in the ring and both he and Roma push Animal who pushes Hercules back and Roma attacks Animal from behind. Roma tries a couple of leap frogs and gets caught on the second one for an atomic drop. Animal with a clothesline. Animal punching Roma in the corner. Roma pushes Animal off to the outside where he is attacked by Hercules. Roma comes out and runs Animal into the apron. Back in, Roma with a dropkick to Animal. Roma then does three backbreakers. Animal ducks a punch and delivers a belly to back suplex. Roma hits a piledriver for a two count. Animal reverses a Roma corner whip, but Roma accidently hits the referee. Animal hits a dropkick and a shoulder block, but there’s no referee to count the pin. Hercules comes in and holds Animal while Roma goes for a top rope dropkick, but Animal moves and Roma hits Hercules. Animal hits a power slam to get the pin.
    -Desert Storm Rules WWF Championship Match. Hulk Hogan VS. Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan: Hogan comes to ringside. He throws the championship belt into the ring. Slaughter picks up the belt and Hogan throws powder at Slaughter. Crowd loves Hogan. Hogan hits Slaughter with Slaughter’s own helmet. He then whips Slaughter’s back with the riding crop. He head butts Slaughter with the gas mask on. Throws Slaughter outside. Runs Slaughter into the steps. He wraps a cable around Slaughter. Back in, Hogan runs Slaughter into the corner post. A USA chant goes out. Hogan gets a we support desert storm flag and wraps it around Slaughter’s throat and chokes him. Hogan fighting near the commentary table and Bobby Heenan and Jim Neidhart clear out of the way. Slaughter busted open. Slaughter corner whipped and Hogan follows it up with a big right. Slaughter swinging wildly. Hogan hits a running elbow. Hogan stomping, punching, and biting Slaughter. Hogan does a slingshot on Slaughter. Slaughter finds his riding crop and hits Hogan in the gut with it. Hogan responds with punches to Slaughter. Slaughter hits Hogan with his canteen belt. Hogan knocked outside. Slaughter runs Hogan into the barricade. Then he does it a second time. A USA chant goes out. Slaughter whipping Hogan with his belt. Slaughter choking Hogan in the corner. Hogan chant goes out. Adnan throws a chair into the ring for Slaughter. Slaughter tries to hit Hogan with the chair, but the weight of the chair tips him over. Hogan gets the chair. He nails Slaughter with the chair. Slaughter hits an inverted neck breaker. Slaughter gets the chair again and nails Hogan in the back with it. Slaughter gets the camel clutch on. Hogan fighting it. Hogan powers out of it running Slaughter’s shoulder into the post. Slaughter working on Hogan’s back. Slaughter goes to the top rope, but loses his balance and collapses on the mat. He goes for it again, but gets caught by Hogan and thrown off. A double clothesline and both men down. Slaughter unlaces his boot to use as a weapon, but Hogan throws a fireball at Slaughter. He tears his shirt off, ducks a shot by Slaughter, and hits a clothesline. He gets Slaughters boot and hits him with it several times. Hogan gets Slaughter in the camel clutch. Adnan throws in the towel. Adnan tries to throw powder at Hogan, but he blocks it and it hits Adnan. Hogan throws Slaughter and Adnan out of the ring. A kid comes in the ring and he and Hogan act like they’re going to take Slaughter and Adnan on. People throwing American flags into the ring. Slaughter fighting the officials to get back in the ring. Hogan must pose. The kid poses some too. The crowd loves it too. They then wish us goodnight and sign off from MSG.
    -From a staff report at, Chad Campbell writes:
    Hulk Hogan and WWF in 1991 is a weird enigma. The bloom was certainly off the rose of the Rock ‘N’ Wrestling era but the switch back to Hogan as the top man from the failed Warrior title run felt like a begrudging announcement of defeat instead of an evolution of the Hulk Hogan character. Still within the timeframe of 1991, Hogan did start to create new sustainable tinges to his character in ring to keep things working. Was this the pressure from having someone like Ric Flair come in? Was this him knowing that the eight minute main event wasn’t going to be accepted as the standard after the WWF has come to the markets repeatedly? Whatever the case, there is a huge disconnect between the at best in poor taste Gulf War angle and the shockingly good in ring results that it created.
    The crown jewel of this debate is in the Desert Storm match. The fireball angle to close out WrestleMania amped the stakes between these two and a really heated blowoff was necessary. Add to that an MSG crowd that is accustomed to Alley Fights and Boot Camp matches from Sarge and the prospect of Hogan rising to the occasion in this environment can seem dubious. The match excels in spades. Hogan was entangled in some hate feuds throughout his WWF tenure such as with Randy Savage, Roddy Piper and Andre the Giant. In all of those occasions, the hate didn’t feel as palpable as it does here for the shear reason that Hogan was the conquering hero at the height of his powers. Heroes always come out on top and Hogan was undoubtedly at the top of the wrestling mountain. Cue up Gorilla Monsoon’s irresistible force meeting the unmovable object and roll it into one entity and out would come 1984-1989 era Hulk Hogan.
    Even with the natural evolution of his aging and progression as a character on top, the shear morals of Hogan were called into question by Slaughter. Hogan lived on the ideal of being an All American. This was a slippery path that embodied Reagan politics to the core. Growing up as a five year old kid in 1991, the stuff Hogan was spewing about taking vitamins and saying prayers seemed like solid advice as I was unable to see through the veneer of insincerity to what was being preached by the Hulkster. Now that I am 30 years old and we are in the Gawker lawsuit era of examining Hogan, it is clear to see those promos and countless representations as hollow things spewed to provide a positive result on the bottom line carny business that is pro wrestling.
    This Desert Storm match is different. It does have Hulk coming out in camo gear and war paint, but for once even now as I watched this match prepping for this article, I believed in this Hulk Hogan. I believed that he was shocked at the rules Slaughter was creating and the slander that was being brought against Hogan and America as a whole. Hogan starts by flat out cheating at the start of this match throwing powder in Sarge’s eyes. This was a perfect acknowledgement that was handled in a different tone from other Hulk heel characteristics over the years where he is presented as being in the right when the viewer can easily see a different viewpoint. Hogan knows that a binary effect of war is betraying certain principles that an individual has in order to bring about a greater good. Hogan is willing to creep down and play by Sarge’s rules in order to win the battle. The match from there is a wild brawl full of fireballs, violence, blood and heated action. It wouldn’t look out of place if the competitors were Dutch Mantel and Jerry Lawler in 1982 Memphis. Slaughter gives a magnificent performance with a huge blade job and his signature bumping. Slaughter is one of the best big match workers of all time and has the uncanny ability to still look credible and tough and also show an astute level of vulnerability with his bumping and selling. This is possibly the last great match of his storied career and he gives a wonderful victory lap performance in making Hogan’s attack look that much more vicious. When Slaughter is on top, there is also a great selling and vulnerability displayed by Hogan. This is not a cookie cutter main event where the light switch is going to flip on and Hogan will run through his finishing sequence to victory. He will have to earn this victory. The MSG faithful was really reluctant at first and honestly never reaches the temperament I would expect to match the tremendous in ring work occurring. They do produce more of a reaction in the ending stanza and give Hogan a genuine reaction of accomplishment when he is able to prevail this horrific encounter. Hogan won the battle but is worse for wear after the match he has just been entangled with. WWF can be hokey as hell at times but in 1991, they hit some great emotional tones at moments like the Savage and Liz reunion at WrestleMania VII. This match is a representation of another one of those moments and it shines as an in ring highlight and overarching storyline driven match for the era.

    Episode 87 Notes Thu, 29 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b5188591-2cec-4488-b629-a06d8bbc7a95 My Notes for Episode 87: Over the Limit 2011. -I celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary yesterday as I record this. We went to see Black Widow. First time in a theater in over a year and a half. It was not crowded at all and we had a good time.
    -I have also entered into my busy season at work and have to start stockpiling episodes for August.
    -Today we look at Over the Limit from 2011.
    -Over the Limit 2011 took place on May 22, 2011 from Key Arena in Seattle, Washington. There were 7,500 in attendance and the show did 140,000 buys on PPV.
    -Dedicated to the memory of Macho Man Randy Savage, who had died earlier in the week.
    -Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler and Booker T welcome us to the broadcast. Michael Cole chimes in from his Cole Mine to say he is looking forward to his match with Lawler.
    -Rey Mysterio VS. R-Truth: R-Truth says he didn’t have a parking spot when he arrived. He had to walk in the rain. This part goes on way too long. R-Truth says he’s taking Mysterio’s spot. Mysterio with a big entrance. He gives away one of his masks to a fan. They lock up in the corner. R-Truth with some shots to Mysterio. You suck chant goes out. Mysterio ducks a shot and hits a kick. R-Truth goes outside and Mysterio hits a hurricanrana to him from the apron. R-Truth pushes Mysterio against the ropes and he winds up in the tree of woe. R-Truth misses a corner charge. Mysterio run into the corner post to the outside. Back in, R-Truth gets a two count. Mysterio with some shots to R-Truth. A big kick to R-Truth who responds with a kick of his own and a face buster for a two count. R-Truth wraps Mysterio against the ring post. He gets another two count. He slams Mysterio against the top rope. Mysterio with some shots and bulldogs R-Truth off the second rope. That gets a close two count. Mysterio getting a crossbody off the ropes for another two count. R-Truth pushes off and Mysterio hits a huge kick. Another two count. Back and forth. Mysterio with a flying senton. R-Truth counters with a flying twisting elbow for a two count. Mysterio goes for a bicycle kick. R-Truth ducks, catches Mysterio for a slam, but Mysterio sets up R-Truth for a 619. R-Truth rolls out and Mysterio catches him with a kick to the face. R-Truth grabs Mysterio, crotches him on the apron skirt and clotheslines him. A you suck chant goes out. R-Truth hits the Shut Up and pins Mysterio. R-Truth gets a bottle of water, takes a sip, nails Mysterio with it and poses.
    -Todd Grisham interviews The Miz with Alex Riley. Miz says that John Cena has never faced him in an I Quit Match. People overlook him all the time. He’s never quit anything in his life.
    -Flashback to The Corre attacking Ezekiel Jackson for turning his back on them.
    -WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. Wade Barrett VS. Ezekiel Jackson: Slow to start. Barrett with some hard shots. Jackson throws him off and hits some stiff kicks. He throws Barrett over the top rope. Barrett tries to hit a kick, but Jackson catches his leg. Jackson with a clothesline. Beats down Barrett in the corner. Then a corner whip to Barrett. Jackson drops an elbow for a two count. Jackson goes back to kicking Barrett in the corner. Then a back elbow to Barrett. Barrett runs Jackson into the corner post. He does it again. Barrett with a shot to Jackson’s head. Barrett drops an elbow from the second rope. Barrett with a headlock. Barrett sets Jackson up for Wasteland, but Jackson hammers Barrett’s back to get out of it. Barrett ducks a clothesline and hits a kick. Barrett with a pump handle slam for a two count. Jackson with a shot and a shoulder block. Then a corner whip and a slam by Jackson. Jackson slams Barrett several times. He sets Barrett up in the Torture Rack but Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel come in for the disqualification. Jackson clears the ring. The Corre jump Jackson. Slater and Gabriel hold Jackson for a Barrett head kick.
    -CM Punk and Mason Ryan are shown backstage and come across Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga on the ground. They say they were attacked by Big Show and Kane. Ryan wants to go after them, but Punk says calm down. This means the New Nexus is in their heads and that they will win the tag titles. He tells the others to walk it off.
    -Sin Cara VS. Chavo Guerrero: Cara has a great entrance. They start off tense. Guerrero with a headlock. Back and forth. Guerrero with a wrist lock. Cara with a snap mare. Then Cara with an arm drag. Cara with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Guerrero to the outside. Back on the apron, Guerrero gives Cara a shoulder block, but Cara comes back with a body block that knocks Guerrero off the apron to the floor. Cara then hits a tope onto Guerrero. Cara with a super kick and another head scissors. Back in, Guerrero with some shots to Cara in the corner. Cara coming back. Cara with a moonsault off for a two count. Cara misses a corner splash and Guerrero follows up with a flying knee. Cara with a springboard arm drag. Guerrero gets his boot up on a Cara corner charge. Cara ducks a Guerrero corner charge and hits Guerrero with a big kick. Guerrero falls out to ringside. Cara with a crossbody to Guerrero on the outside. Cara puts Guerrero in and Guerrero tries to shoulder block Cara off the apron, but Cara delivers a kick to Guerrero. Another springboard head scissors from Cara to Guerrero. Cara with rapid kicks to Guerrero. Then a springboard back elbow. Misses a corner charge but hits a boot to the head of Guerrero. A crossbody gets a two from Cara. Guerrero with a backbreaker. Cara reverses it into an arm drag. Back and forth and a quick head scissors rollup gets the pin for Sin Cara.
    -Be a Star Campaign ad against bullying.
    -Todd Grisham interviews Christian and Randy Orton about their rematch. Christian says he’s not mad at anybody because he knows he would have done the same thing Orton did and he’s going to win his title tonight. Orton says that Christian is a great competitor and he beat him once before and when he fights a feel good story, there is no happily ever after.
    -Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio talks about his destiny and the immigration problem with Canadians crossing the border to the USA. He says he’s not upset he’s not in the main event because he knows he can easily make John Cena or The Miz say I quit. He says it’s his destiny to be the next WWE champion but gets interrupted by The Big Show and Kane’s music. Del Rio is screaming at them. Kane says he’s upset that the rapture didn’t come the previous day, but if Del Rio doesn’t get out of the ring, he’s going to end up like Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga and The Big Show adds that’s a punch in the face. Del Rio gets out of the ring.
    -WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The Big Show and Kane VS. Mason Ryan and C.M. Punk: C.M. Punk chant goes out. Ryan and Kane start. Back and forth. Ryan with a shoulder block to Kane. Punk tagged in. Kane sends him head first into the turnbuckle. Big Show tagged in. He smacks Punk’s chest and steps on his back. Big Show sets Punk in the corner and Punk covers up as Big Show slaps his back. Punk corner whipped to the opposite corner, but gets his legs up to kick Big Show’s shin. Ryan tagged in. Drops an elbow on Big Show. He kicks Big Show's chest and Punk tagged back in. Gets a two count, but Big Show throws him off. Punk with a front face lock and Big Show lifts him up. He has a bear hug on Punk and Kane comes in with a big boot to the face. Kane corner whips Punk and follows it up with a clothesline. Then another. Then Kane gets a side slam on Punk for a two count. Kane goes up top and clotheslines Punk. He sets up for the chokeslam. Ryan distracts the referee allowing Punk to kick Kane in the head to get out of his chokehold. Ryan tagged in and attacks Kane. Kane rolls out and Punk attacks him on the outside. Ryan goes outside and drives Kane into the side of the ring. Back in, Ryan gets Kane in a front face lock and tags Punk in. Punk attacking Kane’s back with shots. Punk hits a running knee to Kane’s face in the corner. Punk goes for a bulldog, but Kane pushes him off almost into the fist of Big Show, but Punk stops himself and kicks Kane’s shin with a low dropkick. That gets a two count. Ryan tagged in, picks Kane up, runs him back first into the turnbuckle and then does a running power slam to Kane for a two count. Ryan with a body vice to Kane’s midsection. Kane raining down blows to Ryan’s back to break the hold. Ryan again picks Kane up to run him into the corner, but Kane pushes off running Ryan into the corner. He follows it up with a kick to the gut and a suplex. Both down and a double count going on. Punk tagged in and stops Kane from tagging in Big Show. Punk goes up top, tries for an elbow drop, but Kane moves. Both Ryan and Big Show tagged in. Big Show with a couple of big clotheslines. Ryan corner whips Big Show, then follows up with a back elbow and a shoulder block. Punk comes in and he grabs both in a grip for a double chokeslam. But they kick his shins. They Irish whip him and he comes back with a double clothesline and Kane clotheslines Punk out of the ring. They double chokeslam Ryan and Big Show pins him.
    -Divas Championship Match. Brie Bella with Nikki Bella VS. Kelly Kelly: Brie with some shots to Kelly. Corner whips Kelly, but Kelly gets the foot up. Kelly with a crossbody for a two count. Kelly thrown outside and Nikki attacks her. Brie stomps on Kelly’s hand. Brie gets a two count. Brie with an arm lock. Kelly screaming in pain. Kelly comes back with some elbows and kicks. Kelly with a heavily modified Thesz Press and punches. She drives Brie’s head into the canvas. Kelly with a bulldog for a two count. Brie and Nikki switch places. Nikki hits a face buster to get the pin.
    -Michael Cole leaves saying he has to go prepare for his match.
    -Flashback to what led to the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: It seems like Orton gets a better reaction coming out. Crowd into it as they lock up. Christian with a quick roll up for a one count. Orton with a side headlock. Christian pushes off with an Irish Whip. Orton with a shoulder block for a two count. Back and forth. Christian with a back elbow. Christian with a second rope dropkick for a two count. He slaps Orton. Orton leap frogs Christian and hits a back elbow of his own. Christian backdrops Orton outside. He follows Orton out. He slaps him again and pushes him back in. Christian with a big slam and a headlock. Orton hits a blow to get out and Christian with a dropkick for a two count. Christian with a rear chin lock and Orton with a shot and a dropkick. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. Orton with a top rope superplex. He gets a close two count. A Randy chant goes out. Orton with some forearm shots. Christian blocks the next one and turns it into a backslide for a two count. Orton with a shoulder block and two clotheslines. Orton ducks a Christian clothesline. Christian hits a spinebuster and gets a two count. Back and forth with shots. Christian with a flying forearm and death drop for a two count. Christian comes off the top and Orton catches him in a roll up for a two count. Christian reverses it for a two count. Orton with forearm shots to Christian. Orton lifts Christian up for a move that Christian counters into an arm drag and Orton is draped on the ropes. Christian goes outside for a strike, but Orton grabs his arm and tries to pull him in, but Christian fights it and hits Orton in the face. Christian with a flying headbutt for a two count. Christian chant goes out. Orton with a forearm shot and an inverted headlock backbreaker. He gets another two count. Orton stomps to Christian which is still the dumbest move in wrestling no matter who does it. The kids in Bristol take notice though as Orton gets a two count. Christian goes for the Killswitch. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian blocks. Orton hits a back elbow. Orton with a reverse Boston Crab like maneuver. Christian fights it hard and finally gets to the ropes. Dueling chants go out. Christian corner whipped but gets the boot up on an Orton charge. Christian goes up top and fakes going off the top rope as Orton goes for the RKO and Christian gets a sunset flip. He gets a close two count. Orton with a shot. Christian corner whipped and trying to come out of the corner he swings on the ropes to kick Orton in the head. Orton catches him and hits an apron DDT. He gets a two and a half count. Orton angry. Orton doing his Viper coiled gimmick. He goes for the RKO, but Christian pushes him off. Christian starts chanting spear and sets up in the corner for it. Orton catches Christian in a power slam. He gets a very close two count. Orton goes for a punt but stops himself. He tries again and Christian catches him in a spear for a two count. Christian goes for the Killswitch again, but Orton pushes him off. Orton goes for the RKO, but Christian pushes off. Christian again goes for the Killswitch, but Orton counters with a backdrop and hits the RKO. He then gets the pin. Orton poses on a turnbuckle as Christian is on the mat dazed. Orton goes to leave before going over to help Christian up. Christian pushes him off. He goes to leave and the crowd boos. He comes back and is face to face with Orton. They shake hands and hug. Christian walks back up the aisle visibly frustrated.
    -Flashback to what has happened between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.
    -Kiss my foot match. Jerry Lawler VS. Michael Cole: Lawler gets a Jerry chant coming out. Cole comes out limping and still in his suit. A Cole sucks chant goes out. Cole announces that he is medically prohibited from competing. He says that his athlete’s foot has become infected. He hands his doctor’s note to the referee. The referee tears up Cole’s note and Lawler slugs him. Cole tries to get away and Lawler tears his pants off. Lawler hits a right hand and a dropkick and Cole rolls out. Lawler follows him and Cole pushes him into the barricade. Cole takes off his shoe and sock and his foot looks nasty. Lawler grabs his foot, punches him and runs him into the Cole Mine. It collapses and a Jerry chant goes out. Lawler throws Cole back in the ring. Lawler climbs the second rope, drops the strap, and hits the fist drop. He pins Cole. Lawler waves someone down and Eve comes out. She hits a moonsault on Cole. Lawler takes his boot off. He waves somebody else down and JR comes out. JR pours BBQ sauce all over Cole. Lawler pulls his sock off as Cole gets out of the ring and starts to go up the aisle. Cole yelling no and not like this. He gets a mic and says he’s not a loser. Everyone else is a loser. He says he will never kiss Lawler’s foot. Bret Hart’s music hits. Cole turns around, sees Bret and backs away. Bret throws him in the ring. He gets Cole in the sharpshooter. Lawler makes Cole kiss his feet.
    -JR joins commentary. Hart and Lawler clap hands with some fans.
    -Flashback to what led up to the main event.
    -I Quit Match for the WWE Championship. John Cena VS. The Miz with Alex Riley: Booker puts over The Miz for all he has overcome as he comes out. Cena gets an insane ovation as he comes out. Miz gets on the mic and says that I Quit means no disqualifications which means Alex Riley is also in the match so Cena can say I Quit now and spare himself. Cena says Hell No and attacks both men. Cena backdrops Riley and corner whips Miz and bulldogs him. Cena goes for the STF on Miz and Riley breaks it up. Riley with a corner whip to Cena who hits the post sternum first. Riley with a suplex. Cena backdrops Riley to the outside as a let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chant goes out. Cena with a couple of shoulder blocks on Miz then a big slam. U Can’t See Me followed by the 5 knuckle shuffle. Goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Miz counters into a backbreaker/neck breaker combo. Cena counters the Skull Crushing Finale into an Attitude Adjustment. Riley comes in and batters Cena with the briefcase. Riley screams at Cena to get up then he and Miz put Cena on a turnbuckle and double powerbomb him. The referee asks him if he wants to quit. He says no. They then throw him outside. They run Cena into the barricade. He again doesn’t want to quit. Miz takes the protective cover off of the barricade. They run Cena into it. He still won’t quit. Miz and Riley then clear the announce table. They hit Cena with monitors. He still won’t quit. He fights back against Riley and Miz, but Miz runs him into the ring steps. Miz DDT’s Cena on the steps. Miz asks him. He says no. Riley picks up the steps and Miz says he will slam them into Cena’s ribs if he doesn’t quit. Cena tells Miz to go to hell so Riley slams the stairs down on Cena. Cena again says no. They pull Cena up. Riley holds him and Miz grabs a kendo stick. Miz says Cena has one opportunity to quit and Cena says you hit like a girl. Miz unloads some heavy shots on Cena. Miz screams who hits like a girl and Cena is asked again. He again says no and Miz just unloads on him. He again says no. Miz hits a big shot to Cena’s head. He again says no so they drive him back to the barricade. They slam him on the metal aisle. They suplex Cena on the stage. He again won’t quit. Miz does a running kick to Cena’s face and he falls down off the stage. He again says no but gets up like he doesn’t know where he is. Riley holds Cena over a lighting rig and Miz gets a production assistant's belt and asks Cena to quit or he will be whipped. Cena says you’ve got a leather strap, but you got no nuts. Miz whips his back hard but he won’t quit. He unloads on Cena’s back. Cena kicking at him wildly. He still says no. Riley goes to get a chair and Cena fights back against Miz and Riley. He runs Riley into the ring post, but Miz hits Cena in the stomach with the chair. He hits Cena several times on the back. Back in the ring, he goes to hit him again, but Cena is up hitting Miz. Riley comes in and Cena shoves him out of the way, but he hits the referee. He goes to hit the Attitude Adjustment on Riley, but Miz counters with a death drop. Miz sets the chair up in the ropes. Miz does the Skull Crushing Finale to Cena through the chair. Cena again says no. Miz goes and asks a Cena fan to tell Cena to quit and the fan says never. Miz then says he will not stop until Cena says he quits. The fan still says no. Miz nails Cena on the head with the mic and is pulling his arm through a hole in the barricade. Cena stuck in the barricade. He says he’s going to beat Cena repeatedly with the chair till he says he quits. Cena says these kids are smarter than Miz. Miz with one chair shot. Riley puts the mic in front of him and you hear I Quit but it sounds like it came from somewhere else. The bell rings. Miz is announced as champion and his music plays. Referee Mike Chioda goes to get the belt and notices something on the ground. He picks it up. He puts it to his ear then waves off the bell ringing. Miz and Riley arguing with Chioda who says they cheated and I heard it. Chioda plays the I Quit soundbite from Riley’s cell phone. The match is restarted and the bell rings. Miz holds Cena for Riley to hit him with the belt, but Cena ducks and Miz gets hit. Attitude Adjustment to Riley through the announce table. Cena takes his belt off and whips Miz’s back. Miz runs to the back with Cena chasing him and whipping him. They come back to the stage and Cena applies the STF to Miz. Miz says I Quit. Cena collapses as the crowd celebrates. They show highlights of the match. Cena salutes the ring as they sign off from Seattle.

    Episode 86 Notes Thu, 22 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 413c51fe-fa36-4144-b4c6-d41480095871 My Notes for Episode 86: Starrcade 1990. -I said the wrong city last time! I meant Lynchburg and not Richmond.
    -Tuesday I take a hot walk.
    -I had to get the brakes fixed.
    -A small personal life win as I ride the sky lift.
    -A long drive back to Maine.
    -Today, we look at Starrcade ’90: Collision Course from WCW.
    -Starrcade 1990 took place on December 16, 1990 from the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri. There were 7,200 in attendance.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously welcome us to the show and run down some of the matches coming up.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta introduces Sam Muchnick. He says he’s happy to be back and thanks everyone for inviting him and for coming.
    -They present the flag and play the National Anthem. They also say that the show is being broadcast to the troops all over the world.
    -Bobby Eaton VS. The Z-Man: They have on screen that this is Eaton’s first solo PPV effort, forgetting the Nikita Koloff Bunkhouse Stampede ’88 match. They say that Ric Flair has removed himself from the tag match due to “injuries”. Zenk comes out hot. Paul E. putting Eaton over. Z-Man in control. Match becomes a little clunky. Eaton now in control. It goes out on the ramp way, where Z-Man hits a tope. Back in, it goes back and forth. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam, but misses a corner charge. Z-Man does a jumping split for no reason. Eaton hits a neckbreaker. Eaton goes off the top, but Z-Man hits a kick on him, then Z-Man goes off the top rope, but Eaton moves. Eaton wins with a cradle.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Dick the Bruiser. He’s going to be the ref for the main event and says he’s going to be fair.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta brings out the flags and the trophy for the teams in the Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament. This takes way too long.
    -South Africa: Col. DeKlerk and Sgt. Kruger VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Steiner Brothers are very over with the crowd. USA chant goes out. Crowd pops when Rick hits a Steinerline. Crowd loves all of the Steiners' moves. Scott pins Ted Petty after a Frankensteiner.
    -Great Britain Chris Adams and Norman Smiley VS. Mexico Rey Mysterio Sr. and Konan: Starrcade Stats graphic misspells Misterio as Misteric. Smiley showing how athletic he is by flipping out of a double team move. Adams hits Misterio with a great superkick. JR keeps saying Misteric. Great Britain dominating. Adams gets thrown on the announce table. Konan reverse suplexes Smiley off the top rope for the pin. Misterio gets hurt after the match diving on Adams.
    -Missy Hyatt interviews Alexandra York and Michael Wallstreet. They say Terry Taylor is history and will lose in less than 8:32.
    -New Zealand The Royal Family Rip Morgan and Jacko Victory VS. Japan The Great Muta and Mr. Saito: Paul E. says he thought The Black Scorpion was Muta. Muta hits Victory from the top rope to the ramp way. The crowd likes it. New Zealand takes over on Saito. He does some great mat wrestling. JR working everyone’s athletic and amateur backgrounds into the call IYDAH. Morgan tries to pin Saito several times, but can’t get the pin. Muta tagged in and hits the handspring elbow to a big pop then after a four way brawl, Muta hits the belly to back suplex for the pin. Paul E. interviews Muta and Saito. Language barrier is there but Saito gets it out that Japan is the best and everyone else is going down.
    -Canada Bull Johnson and Troy Montour VS. U.S.S.R. Victor Zangiev and Salmon Hasimikov: JR puts over the vast experience that the Soviet team has. Mat based match. Soviets win the match after a suplex and the ref hits the mat 4 times.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Sting about the main event. He says his head is clear and he knows what he needs to do.
    -Flashback to the confrontation between Terry Taylor and Alexandra York and Michael Walstreet on the previous night’s edition of WCW. Taylor slapped York.
    -Terry Taylor VS. Michael Wallstreet with Alexandra York: Mickey Garigiola is the special ring announcer. Taylor strips Wallstreet to his wrestling singlet. Clock is shown due to Wallstreet’s “prediction”. Taylor with an advantage to begin. Wallstreet slows it down and gets a backbreaker on Taylor as JR brings his athletic background in as you all breathe a sigh of relief and IYDAH. JR and Paul E. bicker over Wallstreet cheating. Taylor comes back. Taylor hits the five arm, but Wallstreet gets his foot on the ropes. Wallstreet hits a stun gun on Taylor and then hits the Stock Market Crash to pin Taylor.
    -WrestleWar ’91 ad.
    The Motor City Madman and The Big Cat VS. The Skyscrapers Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey: Skyscrapers reunite for this event. Skyscrapers just take over on their opponents. JR mentions that Sid is still a member of the Horsemen. Skyscrapers win after a spike powerbomb.
    -Paul E. interviews the Skyscrapers. They said they decide when and where they get together and if they do get back together in 1991, everyone better watch out.
    -Tommy Rich and Ricky Morton with Robert Gibson VS. The Fabulous Freebirds with Little Richard Marley: Freebirds suck chant goes out. Morton and Rich clear the ring to begin. It goes outside and Gibson hits Hayes. Back in, stereo figure four’s on both Freebirds by Morton and Rich. All faces up to this point. The Freebirds gain control. Hayes hits a bulldog on Morton when the referee isn’t looking. Marley tries to go off the top to try to break Morton’s leg, but gets hit by Gibson with one of his crutches. Garvin gets mad at Marley and starts choking him and Morton rolls Garvin up for the pin. Freebirds beat up Marley and double DDT him. Morton and Rich check on Marley and the Freebirds attack Gibson on the stage.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Stan Hansen. He’s excited that he got what he wanted for his match against Lex Luger, a Texas Lariat match.
    -JR updates the Tag Team Tournament Bracket.
    -Mexico Rey Misterio and Konnan VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Konan is limping before the match starts. Konan and Rick doing some mat wrestling to start. Rick and Scott hit a top rope bulldog on Konan. Misterio in. Scott hits a fall away slam on him. Rick hits a modified power bomb on Misterio to win.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. They show a video of Ric Flair being pulled out of his limo. Anderson said that this didn’t start out personal, but Doom made it that way.
    -Victor Zangiev and Salmon Hasimikov VS. The Great Muta and Mr. Saito: Russians strike early. Muta does a stiff kick to Hasimikov. Back and forth. Saito gets a suplex on Zangiev to win.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Teddy Long and Doom. They talk about the street fight and Teddy Long says Homie don’t play that is a definite sign of the times. Reed says he specializes in street fight matches. Long also says I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Oh, boy.
    -United States Championship Match: Stan Hansen VS. Lex Luger: Texas Lariat Match. It’s a version of a bull rope match. Hansen attacks as soon as the rope is attached. Luger comes back and as JR goes on and on about Luger’s football career, I realize that Hansen looks like a guy I know named Bob. It goes outside and Luger is choking Hansen with the rope. Hansen slams Luger on chairs and throws Luger back in. Luger goes for a pin after a clothesline but has to be reminded that pins don’t count. It goes outside and Hansen is punishing Luger. Hansen gets three corners touched, but Luger comes back. They go outside and batter each other. Luger runs Hansen into the corner post outside. Back in, Luger hits two leg drops on Hansen and Luger gets three posts. Hansen pulling to stop him from hitting the 4th. Hansen trips, Luger falls forward and takes out the referee as he hits the post. Hansen takes off his boot and hits Luger. Hansen goes for all four posts as another referee comes down. The crowd is irate. Hansen gets all four posts. Bell rings. Original referee waves Hansen off and Luger is declared the winner and the new champion.
    -JR interviews Luger. He says it feels great to be the US champ again.
    -World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom with Teddy Long VS. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. Street Fight: They start fighting right away. They fight in the ring and on the ramp way. They beat each other with belts. Some guy just wanders out and they say he is a medical attendant. Chair shots galore. Windham bleeding. Headshots with chairs don’t age well. Reed also bleeds and says SOB. Simmons hits Windham with a spinebuster and Windham hits Simmons with a superplex. Nobody can get a pin. Reed hits a shoulder block on Anderson. Windham hits a DDT on Reed. Anderson gets a chair but Reed gets it and hits Anderson with it. He gets a two count. Reed hits a piledriver on Windham. Anderson goes to hit Simmons from the second rope while Windham holds him, but Reed knocks Windham out of the way and Simmons clotheslines Anderson. Windham pins Reed while Simmons pins Anderson and the referee counts both pins. They continue to fight as the bell rings. They battle down the ramp way. They battle to the back. The match was ruled a no contest.
    -JR and Paul E. start to argue about the finish of the previous match.
    -Another WrestleWar ’91 ad.
    -Tag Tournament Final: The Great Muta and Mr. Saito VS. The Steiner Brothers: It’s the #1 seed against the #2 seed. Muta with some stiff kicks on Scott. Fans start barking when Rick comes in. Saito in and Rick just keeps pounding him. Muta gets posted on the top rope. Scott hits the belly to belly on Muta. JR uses a McDonalds joke on Saito and I love it! Rick and Saito both down after a double clothesline. Saito runs Rick into the corner ring post outside and knocks his headgear off. Muta hits Rick with the ring bell. The Japanese wrestlers are cheating to perfection. Rick hits a Steiner line on Muta and tags in Scott. Modified power bomb to Muta, but Saito breaks up the count. Muta and Saito get a spike piledriver on Scott. A USA chant goes out. Rick sneaks onto the second rope and catches Saito with a sunset flip to win and the crowd goes crazy.
    -Tony Schiavone introduces the Pat O’Connor Family, but they don’t show them in the crowd. Typical WCW. Tony then brings out Jim Herd to present the trophy and to kill the crowd. I would rather listen to paint dry. Man, the Steiner Brothers are rough on the mic. They shout out the soldiers serving overseas. JR and Paul E. talk about the Black Scorpion.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. The Black Scorpion: Dick the Bruiser is the special guest referee. Paul E. says Dick the Bruiser looks like Popeye the sailor man and starts whistling the Popeye theme. Four men come down dressed as TBS. Some sort of apparatus comes down and closes and TBS voice comes out that the other four are just messengers and he emerges from the pod. Announcers say they don’t know who it is. Sting gets a good ovation as he comes out. They start out slow. TBS tries to hide his wrestling style as Paul E. says that all of the clues may have been tricks as they are trying to come up with a plausible explanation for this. They say this is the first time that TBS and not one of his messengers has wrestled. Slow paced match. TBS puts his feet on the ropes as he has Sting in a move and gets caught by Dick the Bruiser. Sting being punished. TBS firmly in control. Sting comes back and gets multiple two counts. TBS comes back and rakes the eyes. He punishes Sting and pushes him repeatedly into the cage. TBS hits a piledriver. Sting hits the splash, he then goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but TBS breaks it. Sting runs TBS into the cage and rips the mask off, but TBS has another one on. TBS tries to get away, Sting falls on the ropes and TBS crotches himself. TBS rammed into the cage several times. Sting launches TBS into the cage. Sting hits a clothesline. He hits TBS with a clothesline from the top rope and gets the three count. The crowd loses it. The other scorpions enter the cage and Dick the Bruiser and Sting attack them as TBS tries to escape. The Horsemen come in with a chair and clean house. Luger chant goes out. They DDT Sting on a chair. Faces start to climb the cage trying to get in. The Steiners come down with bolt cutters. They milk pulling the mask off before revealing that Ric Flair is TBS. They put up how to get a Starrcade ’90 T-shirt as JR rapidly plugs WrestleWar as they sign off from St. Louis.

    Episode 85 Notes Thu, 15 Jul 2021 08:45:00 -0400 [email protected] 10d6cb49-437f-4154-9256-013509638820 My Notes for Episode 85: The Main Event IV. -RIP to The Patriot Del Wilkes and Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.
    -Best wishes go out to Terry Funk.
    -Now I’m on vacation last week down south, and it is like nowhere else in the world.
    -Boy peeing on a hillside.
    -Getting gas next to the Trump store and the strange signs they had.
    -The strange Confederate Flag.
    -Rehearsal Dinner, Wedding, and Reception. One pair of pants.
    -Fourth of July.
    -Breakfast with TJ and looking for my land.
    -Today, we look at The Main Event IV from the WWF.
    -The Main Event IV aired on NBC on November 23, 1990. It is the first Main Event not aired live but taped on October 30, 1990 from the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ted DiBiase. Mean Gene runs down some of the things DiBiase has done in the past. DiBiase says his wealth runs deeper than money.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He said all the money in the world can’t make a champion because his power can’t be bought. He says that DiBiase says everybody has a price, what price is DiBiase willing to pay?
    -Opening Credits.
    -Ted DiBiase is shown getting in the ring as Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper is chewing on some turkey legs. The Ultimate Warrior is shown running to the ring.
    -WWF Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: Slow to start DiBiase starts out hot but Warrior come back with clotheslines and knocks DiBiase and Virgil’s heads together. He throws DiBiase back in. DiBiase comes back after landing a knee during a Warrior charge. He hits several moves, but can’t get the pin. Warrior comes back. Virgil grabs Warrior’s leg and DiBiase attacks. It goes outside. Back in, DiBiase still can’t get a pin. He does get the Warrior down. Warrior comes back and gets a two count from a back slide. Back and forth. Both down after a double clothesline collision. Warrior up and hits several clotheslines, the shoulder block and splash, but Virgil comes in for the DQ. Warrior grabs Virgil and while he has him in the air, he is attacked by Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage hits him with the scepter. Savage is throwing refs who try to stop him. Sherri grabs the title and attacks Warrior with it. They finally leave. Warrior struggles to his feet as the crowd cheers.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. He says he took the Million Dollar Man’s payment, but it was about more than money. He says the best feeling will be after he beats the Warrior and becomes the WWF champion.
    -Mean Gene interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan about Nikolai Volkoff, whom Slaughter is scheduled to face. Slaughter says to hell with Volkoff and Old Glory. He only Salutes the Iraqi Flag.
    -Nikolai Volkoff VS. Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan: Volkoff waves Old Glory and Slaughter attacks him and whips him with the riding crop and puts the camel clutch on. USA chant goes out. Jim Duggan comes out with the 2x4 and Slaughter and Adnan retreat.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Big Boss Man. He talks about Bobby Heenan making fun of his mother.
    -Mr. Perfect VS. The Big Boss Man: Bobby Heenan is conspicuous by his absence. Perfect runs from Boss Man who catches him. Perfect plays human pinball with himself as the ball. Perfect oversells for Boss Man. Boss Man goes up top but misses the splash. Perfect takes over. He punishes Boss Man and then Perfect takes off the top turnbuckle pad. Boss Man blocks it and then runs Perfect into it. Perfect selling everything. Perfect reverses an Irish Whip and Boss Man gets tossed into that corner and sells his back being hurt. Bobby Heenan comes to ringside. Boss Man counters the Perfectplex with a small package for a two count. Slug fest for a two count. Perfect gets the Perfectplex on, but Boss Man kicks out at two. Heenan pulls the rope down for Boss Man to fall through, but Perfect gets reversed and goes through and Boss Man grabs Heenan. Heenan slaps Boss Man and takes off with Boss Man following. Boss Man gets counted out.
    -Mean Gene gets accosted by Bobby Heenan who begs Mean Gene to help him get the Boss Man off his back.
    -The Buddy Rose Blow Away Diet commercial. This is hilarious.
    -Rick Martel VS. Tito Santana: Long time feud here. Martel attacks right away. He throws Santana out. Santana attacks Martel and throws him back in. Santana takes over and gets a two count. Martel regains control after a throat thrust. Back and forth. Martel gets caught up top and slammed. Santana takes over. He hits a clothesline for a two count. Martel gets the Boston Crab on to win.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. They flashback to Roberts getting sprayed with Arrogance. He said now Martel is truly blind out in the open. He rolled the dice and they came up snake eyes.
    -Vince and Roddy show the Randy Savage attack on the Ultimate Warrior.
    -Sean Mooney interviews the Ultimate Warrior. He says the championship represents the bond with the Warrior. He says at first he saw tears in the eyes of his Warriors, then he saw rage.
    -Roddy says when these two meet, the Earth will tremble as Vince wishes us good night.

    Episode 84 Notes Wed, 14 Jul 2021 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 73821887-9c4a-4652-81de-8a1dfb137786 My Notes for Episode 85: SuperClash '85 The Night of Champions. -Today we look at SuperClash ’85 from the AWA.
    -Not on Peacock, but easily found on the internet.
    -I had to do this show because I’m a completest.
    -AWA SuperClash ’85 billed as The Night of Champions took place September 28, 1985 from Cominsky Park in Chicago, Illinois. There were 20,347 in attendance.
    -AWA Intro.
    -Larry Nelson welcomes us. He is with Verne Gagne. They then cut to Larry talking to Brad Rheingans who’s going to challenge Light Heavyweight champion Steve Regal. He said Regal is quick, but he’s ready.
    -Nelson then interviews Steve Regal. He says he’s a better wrestler than Rheingans.
    -AWA Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. Steve Regal VS. Brad Rheingans: The referee takes his time checking both men and explaining the rules. Slow to start. Regal misses a right. Rheingans with a wristlock. Regal gets to the ropes. Rheingans with a side headlock. Regal tries to power out. Rheingans holds on and flips Regal down. He gets a two count. Regal reverses for a two count. Rheingans back to the side headlock. Regal gets to the ropes. Rheingans pushes off. Regal with a shoulder block. Regal gets caught in a monkey flip by Rheingans. Rheingans with an arm bar. Regal with shots to Rheingans in the corner. Corner whip by Regal, but he misses the corner charge when Rheingans moves. Rheingans back to the wrist lock. Regal reverses it. A hammerlock by Rheingans but Regal pushes off. Rheingans misses a dropkick. Regal runs Rheingans into the turnbuckle. Regal on the attack. A rake to the eyes of Rheingans. Running elbow by Regal. Gets a two count. Regal with a headlock. Rheingans trying to come back. Regal pulls some hair to get Rheingans back down. Gets a two count while Rheingans is still in the headlock. Rheingans trying to power out. Rheingans again trying to power out. Regal keeps pulling the hair, but the referee doesn’t see it. Regal with a slam. Comes off the ropes with a flying elbow. Gets a two count. Another body slam by Regal. He misses an elbow drop. Rheingans coming back with slaps and chops. Boot to Regal’s stomach. Rheingans with a corner whip and a backdrop. Gets a two count. Rheingans with an atomic drop. Goes for a cover but Jimmy Garvin gets up on the apron. Rheingans punches Garvin and gets rolled up by Regal and gets the pin. Rheingans attacks Regal afterwards.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Steve Regal after the match. He says he’s still the champ and he pinned Rheingans just like he said he would.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Sherri Martel who is challenging for the Ladies Championship. Martel says tonight she’s taking down Candi Devine.
    -Larry then talks to Candi Devine. She says she going to win tonight and prove she’s the toughest.
    -AWA Ladies Championship Match. Candi Devine VS. Sherri Martel: Before they start, Brad Rheingans is shown chasing Steve Regal and slamming him on the outfield grass. Martel refusing to have the referee check her. Finally, she relents after screaming at the ref for a couple of minutes. Devine with an arm drag. Then another one and Martel doesn’t like it and screams at the referee again. Martel with a takedown and has an arm bar on. Martel working the arm. Devine gets to her feet. Martel pulls her tights to get her back down. Devine reverses the lock and has a hammerlock on Martel. Martel gets to the ropes. Devine goes back to working the arm. Martel with a shot to the stomach to break the hold. Martel runs Devine into the ring post. Martel with a kick to Devine’s head. Martel with a head knocker. Martel with some shots to Devine’s head. Martel throws Devine outside. Devine sneaks back in and dropkicks Martel to the outside. Larry Nelson a little confused as Martel had gone out over the top rope. Martel doesn’t want to come back in, but Devine brings her back in by slinging her in on the ropes. Martel sling shot over the ring. Devine does it again and goes for the Boston crab. Martel tapping but this is the time before tapping was a thing. Martel gets out of it and gets a two count. Devine reverses it for a two count of her own. Martel with a side headlock and a shot to Devine’s face. Martel with a leg drop. Martel with a small package and Devine gets out of it. Martel throws Devine out of the ring. Devine trying to get back inside and Martel throws her off again. Devine grabs Martel’s leg and slams it on the ring apron. She does it again then brings her over and slams the leg against the ring post. Back in, Devine with a wrist lock and an arm bar to Martel. Martel trying to get out of it. Devine knocks her back down. Martel gets out of it and attacks Devine. Martel with a boot across the face of Devine. Martel stomping on Devine. Martel with an Irish whip and a backdrop. She tries it again and Devine turns it into a sunset flip for a two count. Martel with a clothesline, a suplex, and a top rope knee drop to get the pin. New AWA Ladies Champion. She attacks Devine with the belt.
    -Larry Nelson asks Martel why she attacked Devine after the match. Martel says she’s been dodging her for years and now we know who the better woman is.
    -Larry Nelson talks to The Long Riders and Harley Race who are going to challenge for the Asian 6-Man Tag Team Championship. Race says they didn’t fly there to get their rear ends kicked. They came to win.
    -Larry Nelson then tries to talk to the Tag Champions Jumbo Tsuruta, Giant Baba, and Genichiro Tenryu but right away realizes it wouldn’t be good so he just says thank you very much.
    -Asian 6-Man Tag Team Championship Match. Jumbo Tsuruta, Giant Baba, and Genichiro Tenryu VS. The Long Riders Scott and Bill Irwin and Harley Race: The announcer has some trouble with Jumbo Tsuruta’s name which is understandable because it is the 80’s and you can’t Google a pronunciation. Tenryu and Scott start. Scott with a wrist lock. Tenryu reverses it and delivers shots to Scott’s chest. Scott with a boot to the gut and shots to Tenryu’s back. Tenryu with a corner whip and a hip toss. Tenryu with a dropkick and Race tagged in. Tenryu with an arm drag and a wrist lock to Race. Into an arm bar. Race with an Irish whip and a leap frog. Tenryu responds with a body slam. Tsuruta tagged in and Race gets him in the wrong corner. Bill tagged in. He Irish whips Tsuruta off and plants a knee to the gut. Bill with a running kick and runs Tsuruta into a corner turnbuckle. Bill with a back elbow and a side headlock. Tsuruta powers out of it. Bill tags Race in. Race with a shoulder block. Tsuruta comes back with a flying knee. Baba tagged in. Double Irish whip and double punch Race down. Baba with chops to Race’s head. Then a variation of a side Russian leg sweep to Race, but Scott breaks up the pin. Race attacks Baba’s knees then delivers a head butt. Bill tagged in and they keep Baba in their corner. Baba coming back with kicks to Bill. He Irish whips and chops Bill. Tenryu tagged in and hits a back elbow. Gets a two count. Tenryu chops Bill. Bill reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, but hits a running kick. Scott tagged in. Tenryu Irish whipped and Scott hits a knee lift. Scott drops the knee. Gets a two count. Race tagged in and delivers a punch to Tenryu’s gut. They trade shots. Tenryu chops Race down. Tenryu with an enziguri. Gets a one count. Bill guillotines Tenryu on the second rope. Race slams Tenryu for a two count. Race with a piledriver on Tenryu. Tsuruta makes the save. Race drops an elbow. Gets another two count. Scott tagged in. Gets an Irish whip and dropkick. Gets a two count. Bill tagged in. Double back elbow with Scott. Gets a two count. Knee drop by Bill. Gets a two count, but Tenryu gets his foot on the ropes. Scott tagged in. Double shoulder chop to Tenryu. Irish whip, but Tenryu gets a boot to Scott. Tsuruta tagged in. Bill tagged in. Tsuruta chops all three of his opponents. Tsuruta runs the Irwin Brothers into each other. Baba tagged in. He corner whips Bill up and over the corner post. Irwin out of it on the outside. They get him back in. Baba with a snap mare. Baba just steps on Bill. Tenryu tagged in. He slams Bill. Gets a two count. Tenryu with a corner whip. Bill comes out with a clothesline. Bill with a head cracker. Gets another two count. Bill drops the elbow. Gets another two count. All 6 men in. Baba tagged in and he pins Bill.
    -Larry Nelson talks to The Long Riders and Harley Race. They yell at Nelson when he says they didn’t win.
    -Lord help me. They announce the next match as the NWA Midget Championship Match. Little Tokyo VS. Little Mr. T: They tie up. Tokyo has T on the ropes. T runs Tokyo out to the apron and slingshot him back in through the ropes. Tokyo with a side headlock. Tokyo with a shot to T’s throat. Tokyo with some shots and a rear chin lock. T reverses it into a hammerlock. Tokyo with a body slam and an arm lock. T trying to come back. Tokyo with shots to T on the ropes. T comes back with a forearm. Tokyo down. Tokyo with a wrist lock. Into an arm bar. T reverses it. Tokyo with shots. T no sells them. T with a shot and he runs Tokyo into the turnbuckle. T with a head butt. Gets a two count. T with a headlock. Tokyo reverses it into an arm lock. Tokyo with some shots and a headlock. T with a shoulder block and catches Tokyo in midair and puts an arm bar on him. He then does it again when Tokyo tries an assault. Tokyo with a kick to the midsection of T. Tokyo with a kick to the head. Tokyo with a suplex. Exchanging chops. T with a chin lock. Tokyo grabs some hair and brings T down. Tokyo with a backdrop. Gets a two count. Tokyo says look up and points and the match just stops as everyone looks up. It’s very weird. Tokyo with a shot and an Irish whip. He tries the look up thing again but T hits him this time. Tokyo with some kicks to the gut. T stomping on Tokyo’s bare feet. He tries again. Tokyo gets a headlock on T. They break that up. T with a headbutt. T with an Irish whip and a butt bump. He does it again, but misses a third one. Tokyo with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Tokyo with a chop to the throat and gets the pin.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Little Tokyo. He says that Little Mr. T did nothing and that he is still the champion.
    -Next match joined in progress. Buddy Roberts VS. Mil Mascaras: They lock up and Mascaras gets Roberts into a head scissors. Roberts up and gets Mascaras into a full nelson. Mascaras breaks it and delivers a standing dropkick to Roberts. Mascaras gets Roberts into a full nelson. Roberts fighting out of it, rolls over and Mascaras gets the full nelson on again. Roberts gets to the ropes. Mascaras with an arm bar. Mascaras with a surfboard and a modified abdominal stretch. Roberts with an eye gouge. Runs Mascaras into the turnbuckle. Roberts choking Mascaras with the tag team rope. Roberts with an Irish whip and lands a boot to the gut of Mascaras. Roberts with an elbow from the second rope. Roberts with a stomp to the groin. Gets a two count. Roberts with a backbreaker. Gets another two count. Roberts with a swinging neck breaker. Roberts runs Mascaras face along the top rope. Back and forth. Roberts with the corner whip, but misses the corner charge. Roberts tied up in the corner. The referee steps in and lets him loose. Mascaras pulls Roberts out to the center of the ring. Mascaras with a suplex. Mascaras with a flying clothesline. Roberts gets a foot up on a Mascaras corner charge. Mascaras reverses a corner whip and gets a backdrop. Mascaras pins Roberts after a crossbody. Apparently this was a match for the Mexican Championship.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Mil Mascaras. You can’t hear most of the interview because of a mic problem, but he does say more action. He says he has wrestled all over.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Kerry Von Erich. He says he’s here to fight for his brother Mike, who’s in the hospital.
    -WCCW Texas Championship Match. Kerry Von Erich VS. Jimmy Garvin with Precious: Von Erich gets a big ovation when he is announced. A Kerry Chant goes out. Precious gets up into Von Erich’s face to scream at him. Test of strength and Garvin thrown off. Von Erich mimics Garvin’s strut. Garvin with a headlock and shot off in an Irish whip by Von Erich. Garvin with a shoulder block. Von Erich with a leap frog and a dropkick on Garvin. Then another one. Garvin rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in, Precious distracts Von Erich for Garvin to attack, but Von Erich ducks and atomic drops Garvin. He then discus punches Garvin for a two count. Garvin stomping Von Erich down in the corner. Snap Mare by Garvin. Garvin misses an elbow. Von Erich misses a knee drop. Back and forth. Von Erich with an abdominal stretch. Garvin with a snap mare and a chin lock. A Kerry chant goes out. Von Erich fighting to get out. Von Erich with a shoulder block. Garvin with a boot to the stomach. Von Erich rolls to the outside. Precious is yelling at him to distract him from getting back into the ring in time. Garvin attacking Von Erich on the apron to keep him from getting in. Garvin then brings Von Erich in with a front face lock. He throws him over the top rope when the referee isn’t looking. Von Erich gets back on the apron, drives a shoulder into Garvin and gets a sunset flip for a two count. Garvin with a shoulder to Von Erich. Von Erich responds with a kick to the gut. Von Erich with another discus punch. Then another discus punch. Garvin begging off. Garvin trying to stop Von Erich from applying the claw. Von Erich with a kick to the gut and a corner whip. Von Erich misses a corner charge. Garvin goes up top, but gets caught. Von Erich posts Garvin on the top rope. He falls off and Von Erich gets the pin. Precious comes in the ring to distract Von Erich so Garvin can attack him, but it doesn’t work and Von Erich gets the claw on and drives Garvin out of the ring.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Kerry Von Erich. He says he loves Chicago and will be back. Women in the crowd losing their minds over this guy.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, and Larry Zbyszko. They say they are going to deliver a wrestling lesson to their opponents and put them in the hospital.
    -Larry then talks to their opponents: Greg Gagne, Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig. Gagne is wearing camouflage with his midriff showing and I am embarrassed for him. They say that the other team has more experience, but they are ready for them.
    -Greg Gagne, Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig VS. Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, and Larry Zbyszko: Jack Brickhouse is introduced as announcer for the match. He reminisces for a few minutes before the introductions. Hennig and Bockwinkel start. They are slow to start getting a feel for each other. They tie up a couple of times but break clean when they are on the ropes. Bockwinkel with an arm drag. They lock up again. The crowd gets excited about something off camera. Bockwinkel with a hip toss. Bockwinkel with a scoop slam. Hennig with an arm drag. Then Hennig with a hip toss. Then a body slam on Bockwinkel. Zbyszko tagged in. They lock up but get to the ropes. Zbyszko shoves Hennig and Hennig shoves back and Zbyszko gets caught up in the ropes. Hennig arm drags Zbyszko when he gets back in. Hennig with a side headlock to Zbyszko. Zbyszko with a push off but Hennig comes back with a shoulder block. Zbyszko with a slam. Hennig with a boot to the head. Hennig with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hall tagged in. He has an arm bar on Zbyszko. Zbyszko finally makes it to the ropes to get out of the hold. Gagne guillotines Zbyszko on the top rope. Hall goes back to the arm bar. Gagne tagged in. He comes down on Zbyszko’s arm from the second rope. The other participants keep threatening to come in, but are held at bay momentarily. Zbyszko with a side headlock. Gagne pushes off. Zbyszko comes back with a shoulder block. Gagne leapfrogs, monkey flips Zbyszko then gets him in a head scissors. Gagne goes back to the arm lock and Hennig tagged in. He hits a double ax handle from the second rope to Zbyszko. Zbyszko with a belly to back suplex. Bockwinkel tagged in. Bockwinkel with a knee to the gut of Hennig. Irish whip and another knee by Bockwinkel. Hennig put in the heels corner and Stevens choking him while Bockwinkel distracts the referee. Referee finally catches them. Bockwinkel with some shots. Stevens tagged in. He distracts the ref while the other two punish Hennig. Hall comes over to try to help and they run him out. Stevens throws Hennig outside. Zbyszko slams him on the outside. Zbyszko drives his knee down on Hennig. Stevens attacking him and keeping him from getting back in. They are all attacking Hennig. Zbyszko tagged in. Back in, Zbyszko with the abdominal stretch to Hennig. Hennig tags Gagne, but the ref didn’t see it and the heels get Hennig back in their corner to punish him some more. Zbyszko with a front face lock. Hennig arm drags Zbyszko over. But Hennig goes the wrong way and the heels get him again. Zbyszko with a suplex. Gets a two count. Hennig shot off, but gets a kick to Zbyszko. He goes to a neutral corner and Bockwinkel comes over and guillotines Hennig on the top rope. Bockwinkel tagged in and runs Hennig into the ropes and Hennig comes back with a crossbody. Stevens breaks up the pin attempt. Irish whip and they both collide and now both are down. Zbyszko tagged in. Gagne tagged in. He cleans house. Gagne dropkicks Bockwinkel. He runs Stevens into the faces corner and runs Bockwinkel and Zbyszko together. Now all 6 men in the ring. Very confusing at the end, but Hall power slams Stevens and pins him. The crowd is happy with the result.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Greg Gagne, Scott Hall, and Curt Hennig. They say they have youth and experience. They said they were going to win and they did.
    -Larry Nelson talks to the Fabulous Freebirds who are going to challenge the Road Warriors for the Tag Team titles. The Freebirds have the Confederate flag painted on their faces. Why? Michael Hayes says they are going to prove that they are the best team in wrestling. Gordy says the makeup on their faces is nobody’s business. Then why did you do it? This shouldn’t bother me as much as it does. Moving right along. Buddy Roberts says that everyone will find out what Freebird Fantasia is all about. The answer will come in 6 years in the form of Brad Armstrong under a mask and a copyright claim by Disney, but I digress.
    -Larry Nelson goes to interview the Road Warriors who just shoot right by him headed to the ring. The Crowd mobs the Road Warriors as they try to get in the ring.
    -AWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy with Buddy Roberts: Freebirds attack the Road Warriors as soon as they get into the ring. Warriors fighting back. Animal slams Hayes down. Hawk with a back elbow to Gordy. Freebirds roll outside to regroup. Crowd is hot for the Road Warriors. Crowd chanting against the Freebirds and Hayes is going crazy trying to get them to stop. Hawk and Gordy start. Hawk with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hawk with knees to the face of Gordy. Hayes tagged in. Hawk with a back elbow. Hawk runs Hayes face first into the turnbuckle. Then Hawk runs him into the opposite corner. Animal tagged in and Hayes rolls outside. Gordy tagged in. Gordy with shots to Animals face in the corner. Animal reverses a corner whip and Gordy hits the corner upside down. Animal body slams Gordy down in the ring. Hawk tagged back in and hits a shot to Gordy from the second rope. Hayes tagged back in. Hayes goes for a sunset flip and can’t get it and Hawk tags him with a shot to the face. Hawk with a corner clothesline. Hayes goes to the wrong corner trying to get away and Animal tags him with a shot. The Road Warriors taking turns head butting and hitting him. He gets to his corner and Gordy reluctantly tags in. He locks up with Hawk. Gordy pushes Hawk into the corner. Gouges Hawk’s eye and hits him with some forearms to the back. Hawk reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge in and his shoulder hits the corner post. Gordy hits a suplex. Then he preens to Animal luring Animal in and Hayes comes in and hits Hawk several times while the referee is getting Animal out of the ring. Hayes tagged in. Hawk blocks being run into the turnbuckle. He runs Hayes into the post. Hayes with an elbow to Hawk to break it up. Hayes with a side slam. Gets a two count, but Hawk kicks out throwing Hayes to the outside. Gordy comes in to hit Hawk, but the referee makes him get out. Hayes runs Hawk into Gordy’s boot. Gordy tagged in and they deliver a double elbow to Hawk. Gordy with a piledriver to Hawk that he actually halfway sells. Gordy gets Hawk into the Freebirds corner and delivers some shots to his head. Hayes tagged back in. Hawk coming back and landing blows to both Hayes and Gordy. He runs their heads together. Hayes with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Hawk. Hayes with a body slam to Hawk. Hayes goes up top, but gets slammed off. Gordy tagged in. Hawk reverses a corner whip and he and Gordy butt heads as Hawk was coming in for the charge and both down. Animal tagged in and the crowd goes crazy. Gordy and Animal trade shots. Animal atomic drops Gordy. Then Irish whips and power slams him. Gets a two count. All four in now. Roberts up on the apron to get in, but gets dragged off by Ellering. Ellering decks Roberts and then Roberts decks Ellering from behind with a chair. Hawk goes after Roberts. Hayes Holds Animal for Gordy to hit, but Animal ducks and Hayes gets hit. Animal military presses Gordy several times and that takes some strength. Animal power slams Hayes. Animal with a shoulder tackle to Gordy. Animal covers Gordy. Hayes with a shot from the second rope to break it up. Gordy covers Animal and gets the pin. New Tag Team Champions? It is very confusing. The Fabulous Freebirds grab the belts and leave as its being announced. The Road Warriors pissed in the ring. Larry Nelson gets on the mic to try to explain what’s happened. Verne Gagne walks by and Larry pulls him in. He asks for a replay what happened. They show a replay. They show that Hayes hit Animal with brass knucks and the titles are returned to the Road Warriors. The crowd is much happier.
    -NWA 6-Man Tag Team Championship Match. Ivan and Nikita Koloff and Krusher Khrushchev VS. Baron Von Raschke, Dick the Bruiser, and The Crusher: Larry Nelson talks to the Russians. Ivan says many try but they’re still the champions. Khrushchev says they will see who the real legends are. Nikita says all stinking Americans go down. Moving right along. A USA chant goes out. A kill all communists sign is shown in the crowd. They are all brawling to begin. The referee trying to get some men out so they can get the match started. Crusher and Nikita start, but Khrushchev quickly tags in. They have Crusher in their corner. Ivan already bleeding. Crusher with some shots and a side headlock. Von Raschke tagged in. Heels get them back to their corner and he fights out of it. Nikita tagged back in as the USA chant starts again. Nikita pushes Von Raschke off. He does it again then poses. Nikita then with a side headlock. Von Raschke with a shoulder block and shows Nikita the claw. Nikita backs away. Heels conferring in their corner. Ivan tagged in. He gets a shoulder block. Von Raschke with a backdrop. Von Raschke with an Irish whip and a knee to Ivan’s stomach. Dick the Bruiser holds Ivan for his partners to hit. Dick the Bruiser runs Ivan into a turnbuckle. Ivan tries then to run Dick the Bruiser into the turnbuckle, but Dick the Bruiser blocks it. Test of strength. Ivan with a couple of boots to Dick the Bruiser’s gut, but he doesn’t let go. Crusher tagged in and Ivan immediately grabs him and brings him to the heels corner. A commie’s suck chant goes out. Khrushchev tagged in. Khrushchev with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Crusher kicks his face. Von Raschke tagged in. Irish whip by Von Raschke and a knee to Khrushchev’s gut. Then a knee to the back of Khrushchev. Von Raschke with a chin lock. Khrushchev with an Irish whip. Von Raschke with a shoulder block. Khrushchev with a shoulder breaker. Ivan tagged in. Ivan with a leg drop. Gets a cover, but Dick the Bruiser breaks it up. Von Raschke set up on the ropes for a leapfrog body guillotine, but Von Raschke moves. Crusher tagged in. Shoots Ivan off and buries the knee. Crusher with a snap mare. He drops an elbow on Ivan’s groin. He beats on Ivan. Dick the Bruiser tagged back in. He hits some shots and Von Raschke tagged in. He hits a shot then does the goose step and signals for the claw. He gets the claw and the crowd comes to life. Khrushchev goes up top, but Crusher hits him and he crotches himself on the top rope. Dick the Bruiser cuts Nikita off when he tries to come in. Khrushchev and the Crusher fight over by Larry Nelson’s table. It appears that Ivan gave up, but the referee doesn’t see it. They are fighting all over. All of a sudden, Von Raschke is pinned by Ivan. A very loud bullshit chant goes out.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Boris Zhukov. He is challenging Sgt. Slaughter for the Americas Championship. He doesn’t make much sense, but I get the feeling he said he’s going to win.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Sgt. Slaughter. He said he is here to get justice for the USA. He hands out little American flags on his way to the ring.
    -AWA Americas Championship Match. Sgt. Slaughter VS. Boris Zhukov: A group of marines in dress uniform escort Slaughter to the ring. Zhukov attacks Slaughter as he is taking his stuff off. They slug it out Slaughter catches Zhukov’s boot. He spins him around and does an eye poke to Zhukov. Slaughter runs Zhukov’s face along the top rope. The upper stands were shown briefly there was something going on up there but it’s over by the time the camera looks for it. Slaughter with a side headlock and some shot’s to Zhukov’s face. Zhukov with a knee to Slaughter. Back and forth. Zhukov corner whipped hard and his shoulder hits the ring post. Hung up in the ropes and then tossed out by Slaughter. It goes outside and Slaughter with an elbow to Zhukov. Back in, Slaughter gets an American flag and almost does a bullfighter taunting thing with it. Slaughter with two boots to Zhukov and a punch. Slaughter then kisses the flag and gives it back to the fan. Zhukov reverses a corner whip and Slaughter does his patented flying over the corner post spot. He lands about 10 feet away from the ring. Zhukov goes out after him. Zhukov slams Slaughter down on the ground. He then stomps Slaughter. Back in, Zhukov runs Slaughter’s face along the top rope. He is choking Slaughter with the top rope, but breaks at the four count. He guillotines Slaughter on the top rope. Gets a two count. A USA chant goes out. Zhukov with a swinging neck breaker. Zhukov with a side headlock and a gouge into Slaughter’s eyes. Zhukov with knees to Slaughters back. Slaughter falls down between the ring and the broadcast table. Zhukov follows him and slams him down on the broadcast table. Larry Nelson standing up and bent over looking at the monitor. Slaughter blocks a piledriver attempt and backdrops Zhukov on the outside. Slaughter gets back in the ring. Zhukov goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Slaughter with an Irish whip and an elbow. Zhukov swinging wildly but not hitting anything. Slaughter with a dropkick. Slaughter with a corner whip and a backdrop. Slaughter goes for the Slaughter Cannon, but the referee gets hit and goes flying. Zhukov loads up his elbow with some object, but Slaughter gets turned around and stops Zhukov with a shot before Zhukov can hit Slaughter with the elbow. Slaughter tries a corner charge and gets hit with the loaded elbow pad. Slaughter bleeding. Zhukov attacking Slaughter’s head. Zhukov runs Slaughter into the steel post. The bell rings. A USA chant starts. They start to brawl outside. Slaughter wins by disqualification.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Sgt. Slaughter. He says he declares war on any foreign wrestler and that he’s going to clean up America.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse about the Body Slam Contest between his man Kamala and Jerry Blackwell. He says he has a lot of surprises tonight.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Jerry Blackwell. He says if Kamala sticks his nose in Blackwell’s business again, he’ll chop the damn thing off. Okay then, moving right along.
    -10,000 Dollar Body Slam Challenge Match. Jerry Blackwell VS. Kamala with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse: Sheik gets on the mic before the match saying roughly what he said to Larry Nelson earlier. He then sings the Arabian National Anthem. It goes about how you would expect it to go. They slug it out to begin. Kamala beating Blackwell in the corner as they show the $10,000 check that the winner is supposed to get. Kamala punching and kicking Blackwell hard. Blackwell knocked down. He has a choke on Blackwell, but he is breaking on the two count. Kamala with more chops and fists to Blackwell. Blackwell comes back with some shots. Back and forth. Blackwell with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Blackwell with a big splash to Kamala. Blackwell goes for a body slam. Kamala gets to the ropes. Kamala trying to get Blackwell up, but they are at a standstill. Kamala tries to do it again, but can’t get it done. Blackwell with some elbows to Kamala’s head. Chop by Kamala. Then some more. Blackwell won’t go down but he is teetering. Finally he goes down. Kamala with a big splash. Kamala with a nerve hold. A Jerry chant goes out. Blackwell trying to get back to his feet. He does and unloads on Kamala with chops and fists. Corner whip and a corner splash by Blackwell to Kamala. Blackwell then Body Slams Kamala to win. Crowd cheers. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse immediately attacks Blackwell. Adnan then grabs the check. Kamala is biting Blackwell. The bell rings. Larry Nelson begs someone to get in and stop this as Adnan is hitting Blackwell with the shaft of his sword. Some enhancement talent wrestlers come out to try to help, but get tossed out almost immediately. Baron Von Raschke comes in with a baseball bat and runs the heels off.
    -AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Rick Martel VS. Stan Hansen: Hansen throws a chair in the ring as he gets in. Hansen with all of his gear on as they trade blows. Hansen throws Martel to the outside. They fight in the crowd. Hansen picks up a chair. They trade shots. Martel has Hansen thrown into the ring post. Martel hits Hansen with a chair. Back in, Hansen with an Irish whip and a back elbow. They trade shots. Martel runs Hansen into the turnbuckle. Hansen goes for an Irish whip and a backdrop, but Martel turns it into a sunset flip. That gets a two count. Hansen runs Martel into the corner. Hansen with a chop and a corner whip, but misses on the corner charge. Martel with a body slam. Hansen gets Martel down and is choking him. They roll around trading the advantage. It goes back outside. Hansen hits Martel with a chair. He then throws another chair at Martel. Martel with a shoulder into Hansen’s midsection. Martel hits Hansen with a chair. The bell rings. Hansen hits Martel with his cowbell. They are still fighting on the outside. Hansen has Martel’s neck wrapped up in that bull rope. Martel fighting back. The crowd tries to follow them around. Martel gets out of the bull rope, but he and Hansen are still fighting. Martel slams Hansen on the infield. Match is ruled a double disqualification. The bell rings over and over, but they are still fighting. They fight to the dugout and Hansen throws Martel into the dugout. They are fighting in the dugout. Officials trying to separate the two. They go to a point where you can’t see them anymore.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Magnum T.A. He says the issue between he and Ric Flair won’t be over till he pins Ric Flair for the title.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Ric Flair. Flair says he’s not walking into Chicago and letting Magnum T.A. do anything Ric Flair doesn’t want him to do. He says he dictates when the bell rings.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair VS. Magnum T.A.: Magnum gets a good reaction as he is announced. Flair gets billed as from Minneapolis here as it is an AWA show. He gets a good reaction as well. Flair takes his time taking his robe and belt off. They tie up. Flair gets Magnum into the corner. They break clean. Flair with a takedown. Back and forth. Break clean again. Flair with a side headlock into a hammerlock. Flair with a takedown into a front face lock. Magnum reverses it into a hammerlock. Magnum brings the knee down on Flair. Flair gets to the corner. Back and forth. A USA chant goes out. Magnum with an arm bar. Flair shoots Magnum off, Magnum comes back with a shoulder block. Irish whip and a hip toss by Magnum and he follows it up with a dropkick. Magnum with a body slam. Flair begging off. Flair wanting the referee to hold Magnum back as he tries to get up. They lock up and Flair with a knee to the gut. Then some chops to Magnum. Chopping Magnum in the corner. He punches Magnum and Magnum is down. Magnum reverses a corner whip and backdrops Flair. That gets a two count. Magnum goes back to a wristlock. He turns it into a hammerlock. Flair gets back to his feet. Flair throws Magnum to the outside, but he holds onto the rope and comes back in. He hits Flair with some punches and hip tosses him out of the corner. He goes to dropkick Flair but misses. Flair chopping Magnum. Flair with a snap mare and drops the knee on Magnum’s head. He runs a knee into Magnum’s midsection. Suplex to Magnum. That gets a two count. Gets an abdominal stretch on Magnum. The referee catches Flair using the trunks and makes him break the hold. Flair corner whips Magnum. Flair with forearms shots to Magnum in the corner. He chops Magnum. Flair with a snap mare. He misses the knee drop. Magnum gets a figure four on Flair. The crowd comes to life. Flair fighting it. He gets to the ropes. He begs off. Magnum brings Flair back to the center of the ring and goes for the figure four again, but Flair blocks it. Flair drives his head into Magnum’s midsection. Magnum blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. That gets a two count. He tries another pin attempt and Flair kicks out at one. Flair with an Irish whip and goes for a hip toss. Magnum reverses it into a backslide. Gets a close two count. Magnum with some shots to Flair in the corner. Flair chops Magnum and throws him outside. He comes out after Magnum and chops him. Magnum run into the ring post. Flair chopping Magnum. Magnum gets up on the apron, runs his shoulder into Flair and goes for a sunset flip. Flair punches Magnum in the face to break it up. Flair with a hammerlock. Flair using the ropes for leverage. He turns Magnum over to turn it into a pinning predicament. He gets caught using the ropes and has to break the hold. Flair with an arm lock. Magnum punches him, so Flair takes Magnum down. Magnum gets to his feet, but Flair takes him down again. Flair working the arm bar. Magnum gets to his feet. Flair with a shot to Magnum and some chops in the corner. He then snap mares Magnum out of the corner. Flair back to the arm lock and using the ropes again. Flair goes for a cradle. Gets a two count. Magnum trying to bridge out. Flair gets another two count. They exchange two counts. Flair then chops Magnum in the corner. He unloads on Magnum. Magnum reverses a corner whip and gets a sleeper on Flair. Flair fighting it. Flair goes to one knee. He tries to get to the ropes, but then goes down. Magnum cradles Flair for a two count, but Flair gets his foot on the ropes. Magnum with a body slam on Flair. Magnum goes for a splash, but Flair gets his knees up. A Go Terry Go chant goes out. Back and forth with chops and shots. Flair works on the leg and gets the figure four on. Magnum fighting it hard. Magnum turns it over. Flair gets out of the hold. Flair goes for the figure four again, but Magnum gets an inside cradle for a two count. Flair chopping again in the corner. They trade punches in the corner. Flair corner whipped and goes over the top to the outside. It goes outside. Magnum blocks being run into the ring post and runs Flair into the post instead. Back in, Magnum with some shots to Flair in the corner and Flair is bleeding. Magnum blocks a shot and has Flair down in the ring and punching him. They go back and forth in the corner. Flair does a classic Flair flop. Magnum gets a two count. Flair begging off. Flair corner whipped and back dropped. That gets a two count for Magnum. Flair with a side headlock. Magnum counters with a leg lock. Flair bridges into a hold and getting some two counts. Magnum bridges out. He tries to backslide Flair into a pin, but Flair fighting it. Gets a two count. Magnum Irish whips Flair and hits the belly to belly, but the referee is taken out in the move. Gets a two count. Magnum with a side headlock and Flair pushes off. Reversal by Magnum. Flair in the corner. Magnum tries a rollup. Gets a two count. Flair reverses it and gets the pin holding Magnum’s trunks.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Ric Flair. He says Chicago better get used to Ric Flair as the winner.
    -Larry Nelson then talks to Magnum T.A. He says Flair grabbed his trunks and it’s a long way from being over.
    -Larry Nelson recaps the night and signs off from Chicago.

    Episode 83 Notes Thu, 01 Jul 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 78955e0a-9995-4a6b-81e6-7a0fbb92e473 My Notes for Episode 83: Great American Bash '86-Greensboro. -I am recording this between vacations. Taking some time off to make up for working almost the entire past year without a break.
    -I have graduated to the final phase of my post-surgery life. I have virtually no restrictions and have lost 66 pounds since January.
    -Today we look at the Great American Bash ’86 Greensboro stop from Jim Crockett Promotions and the NWA.
    -The Great American Bash ’86 Greensboro took place July 26, 1986 from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina.
    -Steve Regal VS. Sam Houston: Houston gets a fantastic ovation as he is introduced. Referee Earl Hebner goes over the rules with both men. Regal with the early advantage. Houston coming back. He has Regal in a side headlock. Regal leap frogs Houston but then gets hit with a big slam. Back to the side headlock, this time on the mat for Houston. Regal reverses for a two count and Houston complains that his tights were pulled. It happens again but Regal denies it. Back to their feet. Regal hits a big running elbow. Runs Houston headfirst into a turnbuckle. He then gets a big headlock and the referee is asking Houston if he wants to give up. Houston is fighting it. Houston gets back to his feet. Regal gets a running knee into Houston’s midsection. He follows it up with a backbreaker that gets another two count. Regal gets a side headlock on, but Houston still won’t give up. Crowd getting behind Houston. He gets to his feet but a Regal elbow to the gut and he is back down again. Houston says Regal pulled the tights again which Regal denies. Houston blocks Regal’s suplex attempt and reverses it. The crowd is absolutely losing their minds. Houston follow it up with a monkey flip. He then slams Regal down on the ring. He signals for the bulldog, but Regal pushes off and Houston slams his knee into the corner post. Regal then gets the pin with his feet on the ropes. Crowd boos the result. Houston explains what happened to the referee and the crowd is so loud saying that’s what happened. Houston begging the referee to restart the match. Houston gets on the house mic and gets the crowd to chant Regal. They start to slug it out. Houston knocks Regal down and Regal rolls out of the ring. The referee goes out and raises Regal’s hand. It’s very confusing.
    -Denny Brown and The Italian Stallion VS Black Bart and The Barbarian: Bart is the Mid-Atlantic Champion at the time and Brown is the Jr Heavyweight Champion. Bart and Brown start. Bart with the advantage. Brown comes back with a hip lock. Follows it up with a couple of head scissors. The faces take turns hitting Bart as he is in their corner. Bart knocked down and retreats to his corner. He comes back out and Brown does a leap frog and gets a big slam. Stallion tagged in. He gets an arm wringer on Bart. Brown tagged in. Heels take over and get Brown in their corner. Barbarian tagged in and hits a big chop from the second rope. Then he hits a shoulder block on Brown. Barbarian does a military press to Brown and slams him down. Barbarian then hits a big boot. Then a back breaker, but Brown gets a foot on the rope to stop the count. Bart tagged in and hits a big clothesline. Bart choking and biting Brown. He runs him into Barbarian’s boot. Bart with a snap mare and a leg drop. Then two more leg drops. Then a big slam. He misses the leg drop from the second rope though. The crowd comes to life. Stallion tagged in. He cleans house and hits a big dropkick to Bart. Bart with a suplex and he tags Barbarian in. He hits a top rope headbutt and gets the pin.
    -Glove on a pole match. Baron Von Raschke with Paul Jones VS. Manny Fernandez: Von Raschke with the early advantage. He gets some shots in and a headlock on Fernandez. Fernandez comes back with a back elbow and starts going for the glove. Von Raschke goes to cut him off, but Fernandez jumps over Von Raschke and does a backflip. He then hits a back elbow. Fernandez hits a snap mare and a knee drop from the second rope. He goes for the glove again but gets caught and dragged off by Von Raschke. Von Raschke does a backbreaker and an elbow drop on Fernandez for a two count. Jones chokes Fernandez with his riding crop as Von Raschke is distracting the referee. Von Raschke goes for the ropes, but gets slammed off by Fernandez. Fernandez with a back elbow. He does a corner whip to Von Raschke but misses a corner charge as Von Raschke moves. Von Raschke gets the claw on Fernandez who fights it. Fernandez is bleeding. He does an elbow to Von Raschke and tries to roll through but Von Raschke keeps the claw on. Fernandez trying to fight the claw and avoid being pinned. The crowd chanting Go Manny Go as Von Raschke yells at them to shut up. Von Raschke has Fernandez down and goes for the glove. He gets it and puts it on and Irish whips Fernandez to put the claw on but Fernandez ducks and hits the flying forearm to get the pin. The crowd goes insane. Jones and Von Raschke attack Fernandez after the match. Von Raschke Irish whips Fernandez to put the claw on, but referee Earl Hebner pulls Fernandez outside.
    -Strap Match. Wahoo McDaniel VS. Jimmy Garvin with Precious: Precious has Tom Miller tell the crowd not to smoke while Jimmy Garvin is wrestling. Ah, the 80’s. Precious gets into McDaniel’s face yelling at him. McDaniel puts up his fists at her and the crowd cheers. Garvin takes his time taking his gear off. So McDaniel straps his back and when Precious complains, he straps her butt. The crowd is going absolutely crazy with joy over this. He then threatens both of them with the strap. They finally both get the strap on and McDaniel is whipping Garvin with it. Garvin rolls outside, but McDaniel pulls him back in with the strap. He tries it again and gets the same result. They finally lock up. Garvin with a headlock but McDaniel gets out of it. Garvin again trying to go outside, but gets pulled back in. McDaniel strapping Garvin’s back then his front. It goes outside and they are slugging it out. Garvin runs McDaniel into the barricade and McDaniel is bleeding. He whips Garvin with the strap. Garvin wraps McDaniel with the strap and gets three corners before McDaniel breaks it up. McDaniel coming back and hitting Garvin with his fists and the strap. Garvin now bleeding. Irish whip by McDaniel and he chops Garvin down. He wraps Garvin up and gets two corners before Precious trips him to break it up. Garvin goes up top, but McDaniel pulls him off. McDaniel wraps him up again and gets three corners. Precious gets on the apron and hits McDaniel with the hair spray can, but he hits the fourth corner to win anyway. Garvin attacks McDaniel with the can afterwards. Precious tries to pull Garvin away from the ring. They slug it out and Garvin gets chopped and he leaves.
    -Taped Fist Match. Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Ronnie Garvin with Wahoo McDaniel: Blanchard tries to jump Garvin before the bell but gets back dropped and knocked out. This will be reminiscent of their Charlotte match in many ways I suspect. JJ revives Blanchard and the bell rings and Garvin attacks before Blanchard has his robe off or JJ has left the ring or anything. Blanchard keeps getting knocked down. McDaniel menacing JJ on the outside. All Garvin. Blanchard swinging wildly, getting hit, and falling down. Gets up on a 9 count. Blanchard cut over one eye. Knocked down again. Back up at 8, but swinging wildly. Knocked down again but saved by the bell. Round 2. Blanchard still down. JJ throws smelling salts on him. Blanchard goes to kick Garvin but gets caught and knocked down again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Blanchard selling hard. Blanchard kicks Garvin. Bell rings as Garvin is kicking back and the referee is getting all over him. Garvin and McDaniel argue with the referee. Round 3. Blanchard runs Garvin into the corner and kicks him over and over. Blanchard hitting Garvin with some big right hands. Blanchard with a snap mare to Garvin and punches him when he is down. Blanchard hits Garvin with a shot from the second rope as he is getting up and they both go down. Both up and they trade shots. Blanchard knocked to the outside. He pulls Garvin out. Blanchard goes after McDaniel who atomic drops him into a shot by Garvin. Blanchard out on the floor as the bell rings. Round 4. Blanchard struggling to get in and when he does he’s being peppered with shots from Garvin. He stays on his feet for the most part and when he is knocked down he’s back up on three. Garvin holds Blanchard for a big shot. He’s out and JJ is almost in the ring trying to revive Blanchard. JJ throws water on McDaniel and Garvin goes after JJ. McDaniel knocks JJ out as Blanchard puts brass knuckles on and knocks Garvin out. They are both knocked down. Blanchard gets to his feet and wins. The crowd doesn’t like it. Blanchard and JJ both bleeding as they leave. McDaniel checking on Garvin who is also bloody. Tom Miller first announces Garvin as the winner before correcting himself.
    -Special Challenge match to determine the number one contenders to the world tag team titles. Minnesota Wrecking Crew Arn and Ole Anderson VS. The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson: Rock N Roll Express get a massive pop when they are announced. Ole and Gibson start. Very aggressive starting out. Ole gets Gibson into the Minnesota Wrecking Crew corner and tags Arn but Gibson slips away as Arn comes in. Arn with a stiff shot to Gibson and has some harsh words for Morton. Gibson with dropkicks to both Ole and Arn. All four in the ring now. Crowd is loving the Rock N Roll. Arn wants Morton so he tags in. Back and forth. Rock N Roll chant goes out. Arn with some shots to the body. Morton with a nice takedown. Morton with a DDT. Arn rolls outside. Ole goes to check on him. Fans chanting Rock N Roll again. Ole tagged in. Gets Morton in the corner and tags Arn back in, but Morton slips away like Gibson did earlier. Arn attacking Morton hard. Morton responds with another leg takedown. Gibson tagged in and goes to work on the leg. All Rock N Roll as they tag Morton back in and do a double hamstring pull. They attack Ole then go back and work on the leg of Arn again. Morton gets a leg lock on Arn. Arn gets to the ropes so Morton has to break the hold. He pulls Arn away from the ropes and goes back to the hold. Arn fighting it. He breaks the hold and tags Ole in. He hits Morton who starts going for his leg and gets him down. Morton tags Gibson in. They do quick tags and do the wishbone on Ole’s legs. Ole hits a kick to Gibson’s stomach. Minnesota Wrecking Crew double teaming Gibson, so Morton comes in. Now all four in the ring. Arn with a snap mare on Gibson, but misses a knee drop. Gibson puts the figure four on Arn while Morton puts it on Ole. The crowd is loving it. The referee gets Morton out of the ring and the Andersons take advantage. They attack Gibson’s neck and knee. Morton tagged in. He slams both Andersons before being driven into the corner by Ole. It goes outside and Arn is punching Morton. Ole punishes Morton on the ropes as a Rock N Roll chant goes out. Ole hits a back elbow for a two count as Tom Miller announces 5 minutes left in the match. Arn throws Morton over the top rope while the referee is distracted. For some reason that I don’t know, there is a camera out there and Ole uses the strap to choke Morton. Back in, Arn kicking and punching Morton and Gibson to cut off the tag. Ole hits a big knee drop from the top rope onto Morton. Three minutes left. Morton won’t give up. He starts a comeback but Arn tagged in before Morton can make the tag. Arn drops the knee on Morton. Two minutes remaining. Morton finally runs Arn into the turnbuckle and does a crossbody for a two count. They slug it out. One minute left. Arn misses a corner charge. Both Ole and Gibson tagged in with 30 seconds left. All four in and Gibson has Arn in the sleeper as the bell rings. Gibson grabs a chair and hits both Andersons with it. The match is declared a draw.
    -Hair VS. Hair match. Jimmy Valiant with Manny Fernandez VS. Paul Jones with Baron Von Raschke: Valiant on the mic getting the fans to chant bald headed geek to Jones. Von Raschke attacks Valiant before the bell to give Jones the advantage. Jones gets a two count. Fans still chanting bald headed geek. Valiant trying to come back. Back and forth. Valiant bleeding. Jones hits Valiant with an illegal object. He drops it and Valiant uses it on him. Both men bleeding now. Valiant with a back elbow, then he goes after Von Raschke, who climbs up on the apron. Von Raschke throws Jones his glove, but Valiant has a glove of his own that he puts on and knocks Jones out. Von Raschke comes in and gets stopped by Fernandez. As the referee is getting them out, Shaska Whatley comes in, hits Valiant with a chain and puts Jones on top of him. Jones gets the pin. Fernandez can’t believe it. A bunch of faces come out to complain. The fans chanting no. Valiant can’t believe it but sits in the chair as Sandy Scott shaves his hair. He’s very morose as his head is shaved. He gets on the mat and gathers his hair up. Jones gets on the mic and yells out bald headed geek. The crowd is pissed at Jones.
    -Best of 7 match for the United States Title, Match 4. Nikita Koloff with Ivan Koloff VS. Magnum TA: Fans love TA. He is introduced as the vastly popular Magnum TA. They battle for position to begin. Koloff knocked down and out. Back in, more positioning. Koloff with a side headlock. Then a test of strength. TA works on Koloff’s back. Koloff comes back and drops TA on the top rope. Then he hits a back elbow to TA and runs him into the turnbuckle. Then he does it two more times. TA blocks it on the next attempt and runs Koloff into the turnbuckle. Koloff working over TA’s midsection. He does a snap mare into a headlock. USA chant goes out. Koloff misses a clothesline and TA hits a crossbody for a two count. Koloff’s kick out throws TA to the outside. Koloff runs TA into the buckle post. TA bleeding. Koloff runs him in again. TA then guillotined on the top rope. Only gets a two count. Koloff working on TA’s back. He hits a snap mare on TA for a two count. Then a headlock, but TA is fighting it and pushes Koloff into the corner. TA with a back elbow. Koloff with a kick to TA’s face and a back breaker. That gets a two count. Koloff with a body slam for another two count. Throws TA to the outside. Koloff hits a big body shot on him as he tries to get in and then throws him out on the other side. Ivan Koloff attacks him on that side. He gets back in and Koloff throws him out on the other side. TA’s face is a mess. TA gets on the apron and does a sunset flip onto Koloff who tries to hold on, but Tommy Young kicks his hand away and TA gets the pin. The crowd loves it. One girl wipes her hands on TA’s face and loses it because she touched him. Heels complaining in the ring to big boos. USA chant as they leave.
    -Cage Match. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton and Jim Cornette VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Baby Doll with Paul Ellering: The crowd loves the Road Warriors and Baby Doll. Cornette goads Baby Doll into them starting first. This is just a ploy for the Midnight Express to try and attack her, but she hip tosses Eaton and the Road Warriors clear the ring. They run the Midnight Express head first into each other. Animal and Condrey start. Condrey hurting himself trying to knock Animal down. Animal with a big clothesline. Hawk tagged in. Condrey run into Hawk’s boot. Hawk military presses Condrey and slams him. He goes to the wrong corner and Baby Doll slaps him and Hawk gives him a big forearm. Eaton tagged in. Hawk hip tosses him and gives him a big boot. The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette complaining that the cage door is not locked but it is. Animal tagged in and he and Hawk do a double back drop to Eaton. Eaton goes over to tag Cornette but he climbs up the cage not to tag. Animal hip tosses Eaton out of the corner. Then hits a dropkick and military presses Eaton. He throws him face first into the turnbuckle. Condrey tagged in. He slams Animal down, so Cornette tagged in. He misses an elbow drop and immediately tags out to Eaton. Hawk also tagged in. He no sells Eaton’s chops. He slaps Eaton who spins around and also gets chopped by Baby Doll and sells it hard. Hawk slams Eaton down. Animal tagged in and goes for a splash, but Eaton gets his knees up. Condrey tagged in and landing shots on Animal’s lower back. Animal in the heel corner and being choked on the ropes by Cornette and Eaton while Condrey distracts the referee. Eaton tagged in and hits Animal with a big right that knocks him down. He hits a big fist drop from the top of the cage on Animal. Condrey tagged in. Gets a two count. A clothesline gets another two count for Condrey but Animal gets his foot on the ropes. Eaton tagged in and goes back to the top of the cage but Animal catches him with a shot coming off then hits a clothesline. Hawk tagged in and hits a big power slam. Then a dropkick and a shoulder block. All 6 in and Baby Doll goes after Cornette who tries to get away. She slugs him and pins him to win the match. The crowd pops big for the win. The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette limp out of the ring yelling at the camera to get out of their face. Eaton pushes the cameraman.
    -Cage Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Ric Flair VS. Dusty Rhodes: Rhodes already in the ring as Flair’s music plays. Tommy Young shows the belt to the crowd. They are face to face to begin. Slow to start. Both do some strutting. They lock up and start jabbing at each other in the corner. Rhodes with the early advantage as Flair goes down after some shots. Flair with a headlock into a hammerlock and Rhodes reverses it. Flair goes to run Rhodes into the corner, but Rhodes blocks it. Back and forth. Rhodes working a wrist lock. Into an arm lock. Flair gets out. Shot off into the ropes and Rhodes with a hip toss to Flair. They exchange chops. Flair opens up the chop house in the corner. Rhodes with a big slam and he hits some shots in the corner. Flair gets a knee to the stomach when the referee stops it. Rhodes with a sleeper. Flair gets to the ropes. Rhodes drops an elbow on Flair for a two count. Flair lands a blow to Rhode’s midsection and he goes down. Flair runs Rhodes into the cage. He then does it again and Whoo’s to the crowd. Rhodes is bleeding. Flair drops the knee on Rhodes head. That gets a two count. Runs Rhodes head against the ropes and the cage. Rhodes just brutalized. Flair going after Rhodes leg to injure it and set up for the figure four. He puts the leg on the ropes and drops down on it. Flair puts the figure four on and the crowd comes alive as Rhodes is fighting it. He almost gets his shoulders counted down as he is exhausted from the pain. Flair really cranking the figure four. Rhodes saying no over and over. Rhodes reverses it and the crowd goes crazy, but Flair keeps rolling and they are back where they were but closer to the cage so Flair grabs it for leverage. He breaks the hold. Flair clips Rhodes leg and he falls again. Flair drops the knee for a two count. He then opens up the chop outs again. He sets Rhodes against the ropes, but He fires out with a clothesline for a two count but Flair gets his feet on the ropes. They trade shots. Flair goes to climb out of the cage but Rhodes catches him and runs his head against the cage. Flair begging off in the corner. Rhodes runs him into the cage. He then rubs his face against the cage and Flair is bleeding. Rhodes works on Flairs leg and again Flair tries to escape and climb out of the cage. He gets almost over, but Rhodes catches his leg. Rhodes runs him into the cage and Flair falls and crotches himself. Flair between the ring and the cage and Rhodes keeps hitting him into the cage. Flair chops Rhodes who falls to one knee. Flair goes to the top rope. He gets slammed off and Rhodes gets the figure four on and Flair is screaming fighting it. Flair gets to the ropes. Rhodes chops Flair in the corner. Flair falls face first. Flair chops Rhodes and goes to snap mare him, but Rhodes blocks it and goes for a back slide. Flair fights it but gives in and Rhodes gets a two count. Rhodes ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own and drops the elbow. He gets another two count. Flair again tries to leave. Rhodes goes to stop him, but Flair kicks him off and hits a crossbody from the top rope. Drink all the alcohol you have IYDAH. Flair goes to run Rhodes into the cage but Rhodes reverses it and runs Flair into the cage for a two count. Rhodes hits a back elbow, but misses the big elbow drop. Flair goes for a slam, but Rhodes turns it into a small package for the three count. New NWA Champion! The crowd pops huge. No one can believe it. Tom Miller is ecstatic when he announces Rhodes as the new champion. The faces all pour into the ring to congratulate Rhodes. He climbs a turnbuckle and holds the belt up for the crowd. He then hugs the belt in an emotional moment. A Dusty chant goes out. He hugs Magnum TA for a long time. They strap the title around his waist. He then hugs everyone else in the ring and then they all make their way to the back.
    -Tom Miller thanks everyone for coming and they fade to black.

    Episode 82 Notes Wed, 30 Jun 2021 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6b6d6ffa-a26f-4ee4-8fda-2504e8e96f48 My Notes for Episode 82: SummerSlam 2005. -Today we look at SummerSlam 2005 from the WWE.
    -In the summer of 2005, I had just gotten my first job in the industry I still work in. I had to transport a student to the hospital one night, she was from Russia, so she brought her friend to help translate, and the trouble started from there.
    -SummerSlam 2005 was broadcast on PPV on August 21, 2005 from the MCI Center in Washington, D.C. There were 18,176 in attendance and the show had 640,000 PPV buys.
    -The colors of the United States are presented and Lillian Garcia sings the National Anthem as we begin. She does an outstanding job. A USA chant goes out.
    -Introduction with highlights of some of what has led up to some of the matches tonight.
    -Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Jonathan Coachman welcome us to SummerSlam before introducing the Spanish Announce Team. They then introduce Tazz and Michael Cole from Smackdown.
    -United States Championship Match. Orlando Jordan VS. Chris Benoit: They tie up in the corner and Jordan hits a cheap shot to Benoit. Benoit hits a German suplex into a crossface. Jordan taps and Benoit is the new US champion.
    -Vickie Guerrero comes up to Eddie as he is putting his boots on and says they need to talk. He says he is done talking. Vickie says this isn’t about Dominick, it’s about Eddie beating Rey Mysterio and being better than him. Vickie says it’s all about Eddie trying to be better. She says she loves Eddie and begs him not to go through with this. He says he’s going to prove to everyone that he can beat Rey Mysterio.
    -Some injured soldiers from Walter Reed are shown.
    -Highlights of what led up to the match between Matt Hardy and Edge.
    -Edge with Lita VS. Matt Hardy: JR says it’s going to be a Slobberknocker IYDAH. Hardy gets a really good reaction coming out. He and Edge start fighting on the outside. Hardy is possessed. He gets Edge inside the ring and applies the rear naked choke. Edge gets to the ropes. Hardy beats him down in the corner. Edge responds with a headbutt. A She’s a crack whore chant goes out directed towards Lita. Edge spears Hardy through the ropes and they both land on the outside. Back in the ring, Hardy hitting Edge with big right hands. Beating Edge in the corner. Edge lifts him up in the corner and Hardy’s face hits the corner ring post. A Hardy chant goes out. Edge hitting some big shots to Hardy’s face. He kicks and punches Hardy’s head. Hardy busted open. He struggles to his feet for several minutes. Referee Chad Patton stops the match because Hardy can’t defend himself. Hardy looks genuinely out of it.
    -Highlights of what led up to the Eddie Guerrero/Rey Mysterio match.
    -Ladder Match for custody of Dominick Mysterio. I can’t believe this is actually a thing. Eddie Guerrero VS. Rey Mysterio: Guerrero comes down first and goes to Dominick who is sitting at ringside with the social worker. Dominick won’t let Guerrero touch him. Mysterio comes out determined. He comes over and talks to Dominick. They stare at each other across the ring for a long time. An Eddie sucks chant goes out. Guerrero hits a knee to the gut and some forearms. Runs Mysterio into the corner. Back suplex to Mysterio. Back and forth. Mysterio hits a big monkey flip and Guerrero rolls out. Mysterio comes out and Guerrero runs him into the ring steps. He then runs Mysterio into a ladder. Guerrero getting up the ladder as Mysterio struggles to get in. Mysterio springboards from the ropes and knocks Guerrero off. Guerrero tries to bring another ladder in and he and Mysterio play tug of war with it. Guerrero in and hitting forearms to Mysterio again. Mysterio throws Guerrero out. They fight over a ladder until Mysterio baseball slides and kicks the ladder into Guerrero. A Holy Shit chant rings out. Mysterio with a standing senton on Guerrero holding the ladder on the outside. Mysterio trying to get up the ladder. Guerrero gets to the other side. They race to the top. They exchange right hands at the top of the ladder. Guerrero grabs the briefcase and tries to unlatch it. Mysterio with some right hands to Guerrero’s gut. Guerrero ramming Mysterio’s head into the ladder. Guerrero sunset flips Mysterio off the ladder. He loses his grip halfway through, but they still both fall. Guerrero grabs the ladder and runs it into Mysterio. He goes outside and grabs another ladder. Guerrero then dropkicks the ladder onto Mysterio. He then slams Mysterio onto the ladder. He sandwiches Mysterio between two ladders. He then does a hilo onto the ladders Mysterio in a corner and Guerrero comes over and slams the ladder onto Mysterio. He sets up the other ladder and begins to climb. Mysterio places the other ladder on the first and quickly climbs. He punches Guerrero and backdrops Guerrero off the ladder and they all fall down ladders and all. Mysterio sets up the ladder and starts climbing, but Guerrero dropkicks the ladder and Mysterio falls again. Guerrero sets the ladder up across the ropes in one corner. Mysterio with some kicks to Guerrero, then charges him and Guerrero launches him back ribs first into the ladder. Guerrero sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Dominick comes in and starts to shake the ladder. He isn’t strong enough to move it. Guerrero turns around and looks at Dominick. He yells at Dominick for shaking the ladder. He screams that Dominick is going to love him and that he’s going to learn the hard way what it is to be a Guerrero. Mysterio attacks Guerrero and they get Dominick out of the ring and Mysterio backdrops Guerrero. Mysterio sets a ladder up against the ropes. Guerrero goes to run Mysterio into the ropes. Mysterio blocks it. He runs Guerrero into the ladder and then hits the 619 on Guerrero against the ladder. Mysterio then springboards onto Guerrero who has the ladder on top of him. Mysterio setting the ladder up. He climbs up and Guerrero is behind him and goes for an electric chair, but Mysterio reverses it into a power bomb off the top of the ladder. They are both motionless on the mat. Mysterio up first. He goes back up the ladder. Mysterio grabs the briefcase. Guerrero kicks the ladder away and Mysterio is holding onto the briefcase. He lets go and Guerrero catches him and delivers a power bomb to Mysterio. An Eddie chant goes out. Guerrero sets up the ladder. He traps Mysterio underneath. He taunts Mysterio for a few minutes but struggles to unhook the briefcase. Mysterio trying to get out. Mysterio gets the ladder off and Guerrero is hanging from the briefcase. Mysterio pulls him down. Guerrero hits the three amigos on Mysterio ending with a suplex onto the ladder. Guerrero sets the ladder up again and climbs. His ankle appears to be hurt. Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring. She yells at Eddie and pushes him off the ladder. Vickie then pulls Eddie away. Mysterio gets the briefcase. Eddie yelling at Vickie. Dominick comes in and hugs Mysterio. Angie Mysterio comes down to celebrate with them. Eddie throwing things around. Mysterio hits him with the briefcase.
    -Todd Grisham interviews Chris Jericho. He says that the time is now for Chris Jericho to become WWE champion. He says he’s a legendary figure and he’s going to take over.
    -Eugene with Christy Hemme VS. Kurt Angle: Angle attacks Eugene right away. Hits some big forearms. Hits a short clothesline. Eugene counters with a spinebuster. He goes for a People’s Elbow emulating The Rock, but gets cut off by a vicious clothesline by Angle. He punches and chokes Eugene until stopped by the referee. A lets go Angle chant starts. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Eugene coming back with kicks and punches. Eugene misses a corner charge and Angle hits another Angle Suplex. That gets a two count. Angle bashing Eugene on the corner post, but Eugene fighting it. Eugene comes back with punches and hits a Rock Bottom. Gets a close two count. Eugene goes for a stunner, but Angle blocks it. He twists Eugene around Eugene hits a kick and gets the stunner. Another two count. Eugene puts the Ankle lock on Angle. Angle counters and runs Eugene into the second turnbuckle. Angle hits the Angle Slam. He puts the ankle lock on and Eugene taps quickly. Angle grabs a chair and Hemme comes in to protect Eugene. Angle kicks them both out of the ring and opens the chair. He stands on it and recreates his 1996 Olympic medal ceremony.
    -The WWE Divas are shown washing a limo in their bikinis. It has the presidential seal on it. The back window comes down and it’s Vince McMahon. He says Hey, why not as Hail to the Chief plays. There’s a McMahon for President bumper sticker on the back.
    -The Undertaker VS. Randy Orton: Undertaker has the big fire and brimstone entrance. Of course this is the Orton entrance before he had voices in his head. Orton bails out right away. Trying to dictate the pace. Back in, Undertaker pushes Orton down and then slaps him. Orton with a side headlock. Undertaker pushes off and hits Orton with a shoulder block for a two count. Orton with an Irish whip. Undertaker with another shoulder block. Orton with a hip toss. Undertaker with a big boot. Gets a two count. Taker gets a key lock on. Works on Orton’s shoulder. Taker goes for Old School, but Orton arm drags him off the turnbuckle. That gets a two count. Orton with some forearm shots and punches in the corner. Undertaker comes back with big shots of his own. Orton goes for a charge, but Undertaker gets the big boot for a two count. Undertaker with a shot to Orton’s back. Orton counters an Irish whip, misses a clothesline and Undertaker hits a flying choke slam. Gets a two count. Undertaker with big shots in the corner and a big boot. He hits a big knee in the corner to Orton. Undertaker with some shots. Orton ducks another corner charge and Undertaker get caught on the top rope and Orton hits a knee to Undertaker’s hamstring. Undertaker hits an elbow. Orton with a DDT on Undertaker as he’s getting back in the ring. Two count but Undertaker gets his foot on the ropes. Orton targeting Undertaker’s leg. Driving it into the ring apron. He bangs it against the ring post. Undertaker trying to stand up. Orton laying kicks to the hamstring. Orton with a leg lock. Undertaker grabs Orton’s upper half for a submission hold. Undertaker with shots to Orton’s kidneys and Orton responds with an elbow to Undertaker’s face. Orton drops a knee on Undertaker for a two count. Undertaker gets an uppercut and Orton responds with a boot to the face for a two count. Undertaker with some shots. Orton reverses an Irish whip into a power slam for a close two count. Orton with a leg lock on Undertaker. Undertaker fighting it and reverses it. Undertaker slams Orton’s knee into the mat. Orton shot off into the ropes. He comes back with a shot to Undertaker’s bad knee. He drapes it on the bottom rope and comes down on it. Undertaker counters and pushes Orton to the outside. Undertaker follows and drives Orton into the steps. Drapes Orton in the ring with his head over the apron and hits a leg drop on the apron. Undertaker going for Old School again. He hits it, but his knee buckles as he hits the mat. Drives Orton face first into the mat. Gets a two count. He hits Orton with a corner whip, then snake eyes and goes for the flying choke slam again, but Orton counters with a dropkick. Orton goes for the RKO, but Undertaker pushes him off. Undertaker goes for the tombstone, Orton reverses it, Undertaker reverses that, and then Orton reverses that into a neck breaker/backbreaker combo. That gets a 2.5 count. Orton raining down blows to Undertaker’s neck and chest. Orton goes up top, but Undertaker catches him and choke slams him. Orton down, but a fan is in the ring all of a sudden. Officials come in the ring to get him out. After he is gone, Undertaker picks up Orton’s limp body who comes to life and RKO’s Undertaker. He gets the pin. Orton goes out and hugs the fan and removes the wig and prosthesis to reveal it is Randy’s dad Bob Orton Jr. Undertaker staring daggers at them. Undertaker limps off after them.
    -Ken Mehlman the chairman of the RNC is shown. Then Ed Gillespie, the former RNC chairman is shown.
    -Highlights of what led to the John Cena/Chris Jericho WWE Championship Match.
    -Eric Bischoff is shown wishing Chris Jericho good luck in the upcoming match.
    -WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. Chris Jericho: Cena gets a great pop coming out. They’re face to face to begin. Jericho with a headlock. Cena pushes off. Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. Cena back up with some big shots. They start chopping each other. Jericho hits a clothesline and a suplex. He misses another clothesline, but hits a spinning heel kick. Jericho goes to springboard onto Cena, but Cena ducks and Jericho lands outside. Cena tackles Jericho on the outside and punches him. Back in, Cena corner whips Jericho and follows it up with a charge and a back elbow. He runs Jericho into the turnbuckle and hits some shots. Cena tries for another corner charge, but Jericho hits a dropkick. Jericho punching and choking Cena. He hits some chops and kicks to Cena. Jericho hits a suplex. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Jericho reverses a Cena Irish whip and Cena thrown outside. Jericho dropkicks Cena from the apron. Jericho choking Cena with a mic cord. Back in, Jericho puts Cena on the top rope and superplexes him off. Both down and Jericho rolls over for two different two counts. Jericho with some big shots. Cena gets his foot up on a Jericho corner charge. Cena with a backdrop and a clothesline. He misses a shoulder block when Jericho ducks. Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho misses a lionsault and Cena goes for the attitude adjustment, but Jericho hits a victory roll and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Cena pushes him off to the outside. Jericho trying to get back in and Cena leg drops him from the top rope. He gets a two count, but Jericho has his foot on the ropes. Cena goes for the FU, but Jericho counters it into a DDT. He gets a two count. He does a backbreaker to Cena. Competing Let’s Go chants. Jericho stepping on Cena’s back while his throat is draped on the ropes. Jericho goes for a charge, but Cena hits a clothesline. Cena with some big hands to Jericho and another clothesline. Hits a hip toss. He does U Can’t See Me. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho. Cena fighting it. Cena fights and gets to the ropes. Jericho with some boots to the head. They go up top and hit some shots on each other. Cena goes for the FU from the second rope and Jericho turns it into a suplex for a close two count. Jericho goes for a tilt a whirl that Cena turns into the FU for the three count.
    -Flashback to what led to the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match. No Holds Barred. Batista VS. JBL: JBL arrives in his Long Horn Limo. JBL $100 bills fall from the ceiling. Batista gets a great reaction coming out. They start brawling in the aisle and by the equipment boxes. Batista throws JBL into some equipment and hits him with a fire extinguisher. JBL reverses another attempt and drives Batista into the equipment. JBL then runs Batista into a barricade. JBL grabs a chair to hit Batista, but Batista spears JBL through the barricade. It goes in the ring. JBL hits a clothesline. Vicious shots to Batista. JBL beating Batista down in the corner. JBL gets a belt and whips Batista’s back with it. Screaming come on Animal to Batista. JBL chokes Batista with the belt and Batista is going down. Batista hits a side suplex to get out of the belt. He starts whipping JBL with the belt. Batista running his shoulder into JBL in the corner. JBL gets his boot up on a Batista corner charge and hits the Clothesline from Hell. That gets a close two count. JBL gets the ringside steps and puts them in the ring. He brings Batista onto the steps, but Batista backdrops JBL off. JBL goes for another clothesline, but Batista catches him in a spinebuster. He then hits the Batista Bomb. He hesitates to cover him. He looks at the steps still in the ring, picks JBL up and Batista Bombs him on the steps to get the pin. He picks up and rips a JBL bill afterwards.
    -Flashback to what led up to the main event.
    -Hulk Hogan VS. Shawn Michaels. Legend VS. Icon: Michaels comes out and gets a better ovation than I thought he would. A Hogan chant goes out before he comes out. He gets a crazy reaction when he comes out. A giant American flag unrolls behind him. Hogan poses before the match. He wants Michaels who rolls out of the ring. Hogan chant goes out. Michaels stalling a lot. The bell finally rings. They stare at each other. Lock up and Hogan pushes Michaels off. It happens two more times. Michaels looking visibly frustrated. Michaels with a side headlock on. Hogan reverses it. Michaels pushes off. Hogan hits a shoulder block that knocks Michaels out of the ring. Hogan wants Michaels back in, but he’s taking his time. They lock back up and Michaels with a knee to the stomach and a blow to the back. He chops Hogan in the corner. Hogan reverses a corner whip and Michaels draped over the corner ropes. He gets kicked by Hogan and this is when the overselling by Michaels really begins. He comes down on the ropes and crotches himself. Hogan with some right hands. He rams Michaels head into the turnbuckle and Michaels goes flying off. Hogan with another shot and Michaels responds with a finger to the eye. He chops Hogan. Hogan responds with a backdrop and a clothesline to the outside. Back in, Hogan with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hogan with a right hand and an Irish whip but drops his head too early and Michaels hits him with a kick to the head. Michaels with a chop to Hogan in the corner. Hogan blocks being run into the corner so Michaels slaps him. Michaels ducks a punch and slaps Hogan again. Hogan reverses a corner whip. Michaels up and over to the apron and slaps Hogan again. Hogan hits him with a right hand and Michaels falls to the floor. It goes outside and Hogan runs Michaels into the barricade. Michaels slammed onto the Spanish Announce Table. Hogan punching Michaels. Michaels run into the ring post. He goes to do it again but Michaels pushes Hogan into the ring post. Michaels then does it again. Back in, Michaels hitting some corner punches to Hogan, who pushes him off. Michaels keeps going after Hogan who keeps pushing him away. Referee Mike Chioda pulls Michaels off of Hogan and Hogan is busted open. Michaels goes back to the punches and Hogan’s face is a bloody mess. Michaels knocks Hogan down again and then applies the sleeper. Hogan bleeding all over Michaels. Hogan fighting going down. Hogan chant going out. The arm doesn’t drop and Hogan hits a back suplex to break the hold. Double count going on. Hogan with an Irish whip to Michaels, who comes back with a flying forearm to Hogan. Michaels kips up. Michaels goes up top, but misses an elbow drop and Hogan coming back. He does the YOU point, hits some right hands, Irish whips Michaels who comes back with the flying forearm again and the referee is accidently taken out as well. A we want Bret chant goes out. Michaels kips up again. He gets Hogan in the sharpshooter. New referee Chad Patton comes in. Hogan fighting it. Michaels pulls Hogan to the center of the ring. Hogan pulling towards the ropes. Hogan gets to the ropes. Michaels goes for the sharpshooter again and Hogan kicks off knocking Michaels into Chad Patton knocking him out. Hogan pulls himself up. Michaels hits a low blow. Michaels goes outside and gets a chair. He is waiting to hit Hogan with it as he gets up. He hits Hogan and Hogan down again. Michaels goes back up and hits the flying elbow. He tries to revive Chad Patton and sets up sweet chin music. He hits it but Hogan powers out at the two count. Hogan hulking up. You point and right hands. Big boot and Michaels oversells it to the max. Leg drop and pin. Hogan wins. The crowd loves it. Hogan must pose. Michaels back up. He faces Hogan. He says I needed to know and I found out. Extends a hand to Hogan. Hogan shakes his hand. Hogan applauds Michaels. Hogan must pose. The announcers put over Hogan as he poses and sign off from Washington D.C.

    Episode 81 Notes Thu, 17 Jun 2021 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 16b5bde1-abc1-42be-8690-0c0b690ba55a My Notes for Episode 81: Survivor Series 1990. -Don’t buy chicken from a pouch.
    -I had some friends over for my birthday and we rented this tape and it was leading me towards being a fan.
    -Today we look at Survivor Series 1990 from the WWF.
    -Survivor Series 1990 took place on November 22, 1990 from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. There were 16,000 in attendance.
    -Classic Vince McMahon introduction of the teams facing each other. Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper welcome us. They talk about the match of survival and the hatching of the egg. They also talk about the PPV being broadcast to the armed services as Operation Desert Shield is going on.
    -The Perfect Team Mr. Perfect, Demolition Ax, Smash, and Crush with Mr. Fuji and Bobby Heenan VS. The Warriors The Ultimate Warrior, The Texas Tornado, and The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal: Ax’s last stand and he doesn’t even bother to slick the hair back. Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Warriors. They are all intense. They keep the Texas Tornado short and to the point. Warrior babbles on about skeletons and such and Animal calls the LOD fans Little Doomers.
    -Gorilla Monsoon says the place has gone bananas when the Texas Tornado’s music hits and literally no one is standing up. Faces all get separate entrances and music. Smash is pummeled to begin. Perfect comes in and sells for everyone. Warrior comes in and hits the shoulder tackle and splash and pins Ax. It’s been real, Eadie. Crush gets a two count on Warrior. Hawk misses a corner charge on Perfect and hits his shoulder hard. Hawk comes back and hits Smash with a top rope clothesline. That brings in Crush which brings in Animal. All four brawl and both teams get disqualified. Perfect bounces and sells for Tornado. Bobby Heenan is bumping for Warrior. Perfect comes back. He gets Tornado with the Perfectplex. He then gets Warrior in it, but Warrior kicks out. Warrior keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Perfect punishes Warrior. Warrior comes back and hits the shoulder/splash combo and pins Perfect.
    -Sean Mooney interviews the Million Dollar Team. Ted DiBiase says his mystery man will debut and his team will prevail over Dusty Rhodes’ team because only the strong survive.
    -The Dream Team Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, and Koko B. Ware VS. The Million Dollar Team Ted DiBiase, The Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, and a mystery opponent with Jimmy Hart and Virgil: Rhodes comes to the ring looking like the NWA Dusty Rhodes. I always loved the Jim Neidhart pink hat. Roddy says that Bret Hart is dedicating this match to his brother Dean who passed away the day before. Gorilla calls Valentine Boxcar. Ted DiBiase then announces his mystery man, The Undertaker with manager Brother Love. The Phenom debuts and the WWE would never be the same. Undertaker starts with Bret. Then Neidhart and Koko come in against Undertaker. Koko pinned after a tombstone. Rhodes and Valentine tagged in. The faces are making quick tags. HTM in. He gets pinned by Neidhart. Rhodes and DiBiase tagged in and the crowd comes alive. Virgil grabs Neidhart’s leg and DiBiase pins him. Rhodes unloads on DiBiase. Undertaker and Bret go at it. Then DiBiase and Rhodes are back at it. Undertaker hits Rhodes from the top and eliminates him. Rhodes goes after Brother Love which draws the Undertaker, who had already tagged out to Valentine, but they say Undertaker has been counted out. Way to protect Undertaker, but they made a mistake. Valentine is pinned by Bret with a small package. DiBiase and Bret go at it. Hart almost wins with a backslide. Then, Bret blows out his knee tripping over DiBiase, but it turns out he was faking and gets another close count. Virgil grabs Bret for DiBiase to hit, but Bret ducks and Virgil gets taken out by DiBiase’s hit. DiBiase rolls through a high crossbody to get the pin. Bret audibly yells Fuck in frustration.
    -They hype the Main Event the next night.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Vipers team in the shower. Jake Roberts goes over the battles the team has had and the teams going against each other.
    -The Visionaries Rick Martel, The Warlord, and Power & Glory with Slick VS. The Vipers Jake Roberts with Damien, The Rockers, and Jimmy Snuka: As Snuka is coming out, Roddy cracks at his appearance by saying you think a coconut hadn’t hit him in the head? I laughed. Warlord and Jannetty start. Speed vs power. Michaels tagged in but even double teaming, they can’t get the Warlord down. Martel tagged in. Roberts then tags in and Martel quickly tags out. Snuka then tagged in as well as Hercules. Then Warlord quickly tags in. Jannetty then in. Warlord pins him after a power slam. Roberts is in and a DDT chant goes out. Gorilla breaks out an anatomy lesson about the back of the head IYDAH. Heels take turns beating down Shawn Michaels. Martel misses a charge in the corner. Snuka is in and he does a crossbody, but Martel rolls through and pins Snuka with a handful of tights. Roberts then in, so Martel goes out. Hercules is in, but he bails when Roberts goes for the DDT. Roberts is selling his eye “Injury”. Michaels is in against Roma. Hercules then in and he hits Michaels hard. Quick tags by the heels. Michaels is pinned by the Powerplex. Roberts is punished by the Warlord. Roberts hits the DDT on Warlord, but the referee is distracted. Martel goes to spray him with the atomizer, but Roberts rolls away and brings out Damien. He chases Martel to the back with him and gets counted out. The entire Visionary team survives.
    -Royal Rumble ad.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Hulkamaniacs Team. Since Operation Desert Shield is happening, Jim Duggan has yellow ribbons on his 2X4. The team talks about being survivors and dedicating the match to those serving overseas.
    -The Natural Disasters: Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Haku, and The Barbarian with Jimmy Hart and Bobby Heenan VS. The Hulkamaniacs: Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Jim Duggan, and The Big Boss Man: Faces get separate entrances. Hogan is still crazy over when he comes out. Piper very fair saying he doesn’t like everyone in there, but he admires them all, he will say what he thinks though. Duggan gets the crowd to chant USA. Duggan and Haku going at it just slugging it out. Bravo in to hit Duggan, then Barbarian in. Boss Man and Haku in. Haku pinned after a Boss Man Slam. Barbarian in and Heenan comes up on the apron. Boss Man goes after him and runs him against the post, allowing Barbarian to come back. Duggan in and he goes after Earthquake. Jimmy Hart pulls the rope down and Duggan goes out and then goes after Hart with the 2X4. He hits Earthquake with the 2X4 and gets disqualified. Hogan in and he takes on all three heels. He cleans house, but Earthquake comes back. Bravo in, but Hogan sneaks a small package to pin him. Boss Man in against Earthquake. Barbarian nails Boss Man in the back and Earthquake pins him after an elbow. Hogan in against Earthquake. He tries to slam Earthquake, but Earthquake falls on him, then tries to splash him. Hogan crawls and tags in Tugboat. Hogan pulls Earthquake out and Tugboat follows as they brawl and both men get counted out. Barbarian goes after Hogan. Barbarian gets kind of a piledriver on Hogan but doesn’t get all of it, then a double clothesline. Barbarian goes up top and clotheslines Hogan. Hulk up time! Big Boot, Leg Drop, and pin. Bobby Heenan gets tossed hard by Hogan and sells it. Hogan must pose!
    -Another Royal Rumble ad.
    -Mean Gene brings out Randy Savage to interview. Savage gets carried out. He wants a title shot against the Ultimate Warrior. He says Queen Sherri slapped Warrior three times on the Brother Love Show. He says he is scoping out the Warrior and if the Warrior can’t find him, he’s looking in the wrong places. He says his title is coming back to him.
    -The Alliance Nikolai Volkoff, Tito Santana, and The Bushwhackers VS. The Mercenaries Sgt. Slaughter, Boris Zhukov, and the Orient Express with General Adnan and Mr. Fuji: Mean Gene interviews Slaughter on the way to the ring. Slaughter is full Iraqi Heel here. He pours it on heavy against the service people stationed overseas. Piper wants to go after Slaughter and crew after his comments. Santana pins Zhukov after a flying forearm. Bushwhacker battering ram pins Sato. Santana forearm pins Tanaka. Volkoff in against Slaughter. Slaughter dominating. He pins Volkoff. Butch comes in. The Bushwhackers double team but can’t pin Slaughter. Slaughter pins Luke. He then pins Butch after a clothesline. Santana goes after Slaughter hard. Slaughter takes over, but can’t get the pin. Santana fights back. Slaughter still can’t get the pin. The referee gets hit by Santana as Slaughter gives him an Irish whip. Santana hits the forearm on Slaughter. General Adnan comes in and hits Santana with the flag. Slaughter gets the camel clutch on and the ref taps him and Slaughter things he’s won, but he’s been disqualified. Crowd goes crazy.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Ted DiBiase and The Visionaries. They say they have unity and teamwork. DiBiase says he’s given a lot of incentive money. DiBiase says the egos of Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior won’t allow them to survive and Tito Santana is in the right place at the wrong time.
    -Promo for The Main Event the next night.
    -Mean Gene is at the egg as it is cracking open. The world famous Gobbledy Gooker comes out. The crowd immediately boos. They try to get it over, but no one cares. Mean Gene “interviews” him, then gets dragged to the ring. They dance to Turkey in the Straw. It goes on way too long.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, and Tito Santana. Hogan says the odds are against them, but they’re not worried. Santana says the grand finale is what it’s all about. Warrior then runs down each member of the heel side and talks about Hulkamania, Warrior Wildness, and arribaderci and I am so embarrassed for him.
    -Grand Finale Match of Survival: Ted DiBiase, Rick Martel, Hercules, Paul Roma, and The Warlord with Virgil and Slick VS. Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, and Tito Santana: Roddy asks Gorilla if he wants to bet on the Finale, but Gorilla declines which surprises me knowing how much Gorilla liked to gamble. Hogan comes out first for the faces, then Santana, then Warrior comes out last. Santana hits Warlord with a forearm to pin him right away. Heels then take over on Santana. He fights back on DiBiase. DiBiase hits the stun gun on Santana then pins him. Hogan in. DiBiase comes back and tags in Hercules. He gets Hogan down and Roma tagged in. He batters Hogan and tags Martel. He hits Hogan a few times and tags Hercules in. Heels double teaming Hogan. DiBiase and Hercules working him over. Hogan chant goes out and Hogan kicks out of the powerplex and pins Roma. Martel in and Warrior also tagged in. Warrior hitting everything moving. Hogan back in. Big boot and clothesline to Martel, who falls out and leaves and gets counted out. DiBiase and Hercules are livid. DiBiase clotheslined by Hulk Hogan. Big boot, Leg drop and DiBiase is pinned. Warrior in and Shoulder Block and splash to pin Hercules.
    -Sole Survivors: The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. They raise each other’s hands in victory. Hogan holds the ropes for Warrior who says no and holds it open for Hogan. They pose on the ropes as they push the Royal Rumble once more and sign off from Hartford.

    Episode 80 Notes Sat, 12 Jun 2021 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 439d9744-baf7-4bc5-9a38-b31d8c5df01b My Notes for Episode 80: Clash of the Champions XIII, -A trip to the dentist with my shirt on backwards.
    -Today we look at Clash of the Champions 13 from WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions 13: Thanksgiving Thunder took place on November 20, 1990 from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida. There were 5,000 people in attendance and the show did a 4.2 rating on TBS. This Clash set up Starrcade ’90: Collision Course.
    -Clash Intro.
    -Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously run down the card and push the hotline.
    -The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes with Bobby Eaton and Little Richard Marley VS. The Southern Boys Scott Armstrong and Tracy Smothers: This is supposed to be a six man tag. El Gigante was not there so the Freebirds say they “beat him up” at the airport. The referee then makes it a straight tag match so he sends Eaton to the back. Stan Lane and Jim Cornette had left WCW a couple of days after Halloween Havoc. Armstrong hits a high crossbody on the Freebirds to a big pop. Freebirds suck chant goes out. JR works in Smother’s College Football career so all is right in the world. Freebirds keep it interesting. Armstrong hits a double clothesline on the Birds. Hayes DDT’s Smothers after Little Richard Marley trips him while Armstrong and Garvin are brawling on the walkway.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Sting. He’s ready for The Black Scorpion face to face on The Danger Zone. They are about to go to a commercial when the Black Scorpion’s voice comes over the PA and taunts Sting.
    -Buddy Landell VS. Brian Pillman: Crowd solidly behind Pillman. Pillman trying for some quick pins. Landell keeps kicking out. Pillman hits a flying clothesline to Landell on the outside. They battle on the outside as Pillman opens up his own chophouse. Back in, they trade blows, but Landell has the advantage. Pillman pushes Landell off as he tries for a superplex, then hits a high crossbody to pin Landell.
    -Starrcade’ 90 promo.
    -Big Cat VS. Brad Armstrong: WCW’s first look at Curtis Hughes. This is during Armstrong’s time as the Candy man. Slow start, but Big Cat is dominating. He gets Armstrong up in the torture rack to taunt Lex Luger. The referee stops the match. Paul E. and Jim Ross argue over whether Armstrong gave up.
    -Dick the Bruiser says he’s the toughest man and the toughest referee and there will be a winner at Starrcade. I’m assuming he means the main event but you wouldn’t know it by this promo.
    -Brian Lee VS. Tom Zenk: Girls love The Z-Man. Lee making his debut here and it isn’t going to go well. Z-Man goes for a high crossbody and Lee isn’t there as he had gone towards the wrong corner. It’s a famous GIF. The ring is strangely wired for sound. You can hear the ropes rattle when someone hits them. Clunky match. Z-Man gets the win after a top rope dropkick.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Michael Wall Street and Alexandria York. Wall Street corrects Tony after Tony refers to him as Mike Rotunda. Tony begs off. Alexandria York says she has the info on Star Blazer and Wall Street will be victorious.
    -The Star Blazer VS. Michael Wall Street with Alexandria York: York is looking good here. JR is obliged to bring up Wall Street’s athletic background IYDAH. Star Blazer is Tim Horner. He gets some offense in. Wall Street comes back. He gets an abdominal stretch. Star Blazer gets a cradle for a two count after the stretch is broken. Back and forth. JR keeps saying Rotunda and after being corrected he says fraudulent slip rather than Freudian slip. Wall Street gets the pin after the stock market crash.
    Gordon Solie brings us the Top 10 rankings: Tag Teams

    1. Norman and The Juicer
    2. Big Cat and The Motor City Madman
    3. Tim Horner and The Candyman
    4. Master Blasters
    5. Southern Boys
    6. Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich
    7. Fabulous Freebirds
    8. Nasty Boys
    9. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson
    10. The Steiner Brothers World Tag Team Champions: Doom Singles
    11. Bobby Eaton
    12. Z-Man
    13. Michael Wall Street
    14. Brian Pillman
    15. Terry Taylor
    16. Arn Anderson
    17. Ric Flair
    18. Lex Luger
    19. Sid Vicious.
    20. Stan Hansen World Heavyweight Champion: Sting

    -JR and Paul E talk about the tag team tournament coming up at Starrcade. They do a feature on the tournament. They show the trophy in the Arena.
    -African Qualifying Match: Sgt. Kruger and Colonel DeKlerk VS. Kalua and The Botswana Beast: Paul E. complains about WCW flying these guys in, but not picking him up, is funny if you know Paul’s history. Slow paced match. Match has no chemistry. The crowd is not really into it. Future Rocco Rock gets tossed around by the Beast. Beast catches him in a big powerslam. Double teaming by Kruger and DeKlerk allows them to get the pin.
    -Sam Muchnick asks fans to meet him in St. Louis for the Tag Team Tournament.
    -Tony Schiavone introduces a video package of the Lex Luger/Stan Hansen rivalry.
    -Tony then interviews Luger. Luger talks about Stan Hansen and the Motor City Madman when the Big Cat interrupts him and tells him to worry about him. Luger attacks him and the Big Cat says Luger just made a big mistake.
    -The Motor City Madman VS. Lex Luger: Luger extremely over with the fans. Big Cat comes out behind Luger and they start to go at it until they are pulled apart. Madman attacks Luger. Crowd cheers every Luger move. Luger dead weight suplexes Madman inside and the crowd loves it. Luger hits a clothesline and pins Madman.
    -Another Starrcade ad.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Nick Patrick about the heat between the Nasty Boys and the Steiner Brothers.
    -The Renegade Warriors VS. The Nasty Boys: Nasty Boys had apparently given their notice at this point, so they are subtly being buried by JR on commentary. He says he’ll quit announcing if they beat the Steiners and they are scared to face the Steiners. The Steiners come in and start brawling and the Nasty Boys bail.
    -A video showing Big Van Vader is on his way back to WCW.
    -Sid Vicious VS. The Nightstalker: Sid in a red singlet for this match. Vicious says he wants Sting again because he rules the world. Test of strength. Power moves. Nightstalker going after Vicious’ ribs for that punctured lung. The Big Cat comes down and Vicious nails him. Not a good night for Curtis Hughes. Nightstalker goes to hit Vicious with his Battle Axe, but Vicious gets it and hits Nightstalker with it and pins him. Very clunky match throughout. Nightstalker and Big Cat double team Vicious. He powers out and gets a chair.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews the Freebirds. They crow about getting rid of El Gigante. The Southern Boys come out and the Freebirds goof on them until El Gigante comes out and the Freebirds scram.
    -Missy Hyatt tells us to watch The Main Event on Sundays.
    -They replay the Nasty Boys/Steiner Brothers confrontation.
    -Magnum Force VS. The Steiner Brothers: Total squash. Scott wins after a Frankensteiner. The Nasty Boys attack after the match. The Steiners make them retreat.
    -Tony interviews Ric Flair and Arn Anderson about the match coming up and all of the stipulations. If the Horsemen win, Flair and Anderson earn a title rematch against Doom at Starrcade and Teddy Long has to be Flair’s chauffer for a day. If Doom wins Teddy Long gets Flair’s Yacht and Limousine and there would be no rematch at Starrcade. Typical Horsemen interview. Flair and Anderson are so good here.
    -JR shows a video package recapping the Sting/Black Scorpion drama.
    -The Danger Zone with Paul E. Dangerously: Sting is the guest. There is a huge ovation for Sting as Paul E. brings him out. Sting wants The Black Scorpion to come out and he appears and does more magic tricks in another part of the arena. He rotates a guy’s head around then throws the guy in a cage, covers the cage, and then a leopard appears in the cage. Sting comes over but The Black Scorpion comes in to a curtained off platform and disappears.
    -Tony Schiavone shows a recap video of the Horsemen/Doom feud.
    -Ric Flair VS. Butch Reed: Flairs Yacht and Limo VS. Teddy Long as chauffer and a rematch at Starrcade. They do a coin toss to determine the participants and its Flair and Reed. Reed with the early advantage. JR works in Athletic Background so you can drink safely. They go in and out of the ring and do some mat wrestling. Flair comes back with some hard chops. Simmons comes up to argue a call allowing Flair to dump Reed over the top rope where Anderson attacks him. Horsemen are playing dirty and the fans love it. Reed comes back and Flair begs off. Flair falls outside where Simmons attacks him. Back in, Flair takes back over. Reed gets the figure four on Flair and the crowd loses it. Flair is fighting it though. He gets to the ropes and Nick Patrick has to pull Reed off to break the hold. Reed with the advantage, but can’t get the pin. Long puts Reed’s foot on the rope to save him from a Flair pin. Reed goes up top and hits the shoulder block. Patrick is distracted by Long. Reed charges Flair who dumps him on Patrick and Long. Simmons comes in and nails Flair for Reed but Anderson also comes in with a chair and hits Reed. Flair rolls over and pins Reed. Crowd loves it. They push Starrcade once more as the credits roll.

    Episode 79 Notes Mon, 07 Jun 2021 17:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 1271385b-e22e-475a-a293-cb8eb9e5e37d My Notes for Episode 79: Payback 2016. -Back with another bonus show as we celebrate 10,000 downloads.
    -I have to watch my energy levels. I’m realizing that I am still not that far removed from having major surgery and I’m also not 18 anymore.
    -I’m trying different things, but can eat only about a ¼ cup of food at a time.
    -I have reintroduced coffee into my diet, although it is decaf.
    -Today we take a look at Payback 2016.
    -Payback 2016 was a PPV and Network Event took place on May 1, 2016 from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL. There were 13,250 in attendance.
    -We start with the New Day coming to the ring. They welcome everyone to Payback. They talk about the #1 contenders match for their championship. They finish with the New Day Rocks chant.
    -Payback Intro.
    -Enzo and Cass VS. The Vaudevillians Simon Gotch and Aiden English: Enzo and Cass come out and do their spiel. It is over I will give them that. Their promo on The Vaudevillians goes on too long. Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxon welcome us to Payback. They introduce the German Announce Team. Then the Spanish Announce Team get introduced. Enzo and Gotch start. Check out some shoot interview comments the two have had on each other. They aren’t fans. Enzo covers and Gotch bridges out. Gotch with an arm breaker on. Gotch with a couple of shoulder tackles. Enzo with a dropkick. English tagged in. Cass tagged in. He slaps English in the corner. Enzo comes in, he and Cass do some double team moves. Enzo then tagged in. Cass throws him on English for a two count. English gets his boots up on an Enzo corner charge. Gotch in and he throws Enzo to the outside and his head whiplashes on the bottom rope. They call for medical personnel as the bell rings. It’s a pretty serious bump. An Enzo chant goes out as he is loaded on the stretcher.
    -Flashback to what has led to the Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens match. This is really well done.
    -Kevin Owens VS. Sami Zayn: Owens yelling at Zayn who hits him then they exchange blows. Zayn throws Owens out then it’s a tope on him. Zayn is fired up. Owens whipped into the barricade. Back in, Zayn hits a heel kick. Back and forth. Zayn with a head scissors. It goes outside and Owens pushes Zayn into the apron and the ring steps. Owens kicks Zayn in the face. Back in, that gets a two count. Owens with a kick to the back of Zayn’s head. He chops Zayn. They trade shots. Owens with a kick to Zayn’s spine and a chin lock. He picks Zayn up and bounces him off the top rope and hits Zayn with a senton. Zayn coming back. Owens with an elbow. Zayn with a clothesline. Both down. Back up, Zayn with some shots. Owens with a kick to Zayn’s face. Zayn with another clothesline. Zayn with some shots in the corner. Owens with a charge. Zayn hits a blue thunder bomb for a two count. They tussle. Owens with some shots. Another blue thunder bomb by Zayn. A close two count. This is awesome chant goes out. Owens with a knee shot for a two count. Owens goes up top and hits a frog splash for a two and a half count. That’s a nice Eddie Guerrero tribute. An Eddie chant goes out. Owens with a corner clothesline. Owens hits two cannonballs and goes for the pop up and Zayn counters with a dropkick. Zayn with a release German suplex. Owens counters with a clothesline. Both are down. A Yes chant goes out. This is Awesome chant goes out as well. They trade right hands. Owens with a knee. He goes for a power bomb, but Zayn does a roll up for a two count. Zayn goes to run the tightrope, but Owens counters with a backbreaker. They trade shots on the apron. Owens gets a kick and goes for a power bomb, but Zayn hits a backdrop. Zayn runs on the outside, flies through the second rope, and delivers a DDT on Owens on the floor. That was an awesome spot. Zayn goes for the hellava kick, but Owens hits a super kick and a power bomb for the pin. Incredible match. Owens slaps Zayn and throws him out of the ring. Owens yells at Byron Saxton to get a microphone and come in the ring. He yells that he did it, he beat Sami. He says he’s the better man. He says that he’s going to refocus on getting the intercontinental championship back. Saxton tells him the IC title match is next, so he says he’s going to do commentary for that match.
    -Owens joins commentary.
    -Intercontinental Championship Match. The Miz with Maryse VS. Cesaro: Miz starts out working on the arm. Cesaro with an arm lock into a pin attempt. Cesaro with a gut wrench suplex. That gets a two count. Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Cesaro gets a two count. Cesaro puts Miz on the top rope and dropkicks him to the apron. Maryse grabs Miz’s leg to keep him from being suplexed back in. Miz hits a double ax handle from the top rope. Miz with a big boot. Miz working on the injured shoulder of Cesaro. Cesaro breaks out. Miz with a backbreaker/Neck Breaker combo. He gets a two count. Cesaro with a sunset flip. Cesaro with forearm shots. Miz with a sleeper. Cesaro down to one knee and Owens is annoying on commentary. Miz swings around to Cesaro as he powers back up and suplexes Miz. Cesaro with an uppercut. He hits several more. He hits 5 running uppercuts and a big kick for a two count. Miz with a shot but Cesaro suplexes him in from the apron and gets a two count. Miz misses a running kick and gets rolled up for a two count. Cesaro hits a spinning corkscrew uppercut. He goes for the swing, but Miz kicks his head and goes for a DDT but Cesaro tosses him up and uppercuts him. He gets a two count as Miz gets his foot on the ropes. Cesaro with a backslide for a two count. Another uppercut but Cesaro misses a corner charge and hits the ring post. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Out of nowhere, Sami Zayn comes in and jumps over the announce table and attacks Kevin Owens. Cesaro hits the swing on Miz and gets the crossface. Owens and Zayn start brawling on the apron and the referee is distracted as Miz is tapping. Cesaro pushes Zayn and Owens off the apron and Miz comes from behind and gets the pin with a handful of tights. Cesaro attacks Miz after the match. He does a front face piledriver. Owens then attacks Cesaro. Zayn then attacks Owens. Owens power bombs Zayn. He goes to power bomb Miz, but Maryse pulls him out of the ring. Owens holds the title up.
    -Flashback to what led to the Chris Jericho/Dean Ambrose match.
    -Chris Jericho VS. Dean Ambrose: The Brazilian Announce Team is introduced. Then the Russian Announce Team and the Japanese Announce Team. Ambrose driving Jericho into the corner as they start. Ambrose with some chops to Jericho. Jericho rolls outside. Ambrose follows and chases him out of the ring. Back in, Ambrose hits a crossbody. He stomps Jericho’s stomach. Jericho backdrops Ambrose to the outside. Jericho follows it up with a baseball slide to Ambrose. Ambrose with a clothesline to Jericho. Jericho with a back elbow. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds. Jericho pushes off. He drops Ambrose gut first on the top rope. Jericho with a running dropkick. Ambrose falls to the outside and the referee starts to count. Ambrose back in and Jericho with another suplex. Jericho slaps Ambrose on the ground. Jericho with a headlock. Ambrose trying to power out. Dueling let’s go Ambrose/Y2J chants. Ambrose with a headbutt. Jericho with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Slingshot right into the bottom rope by Jericho on Ambrose. Jericho with an arm lock. Then a knee and chops in the corner. Jericho goes for a bulldog, but Ambrose pushes off and Jericho lands on the corner buckle. Ambrose with slaps and chops and headbutts and elbows. Flying forearm by Ambrose. Running charge in the corner to Jericho and Ambrose hits the tornado DDT. That gets a two count. Jericho catches an elbow on a reversal. Ambrose throws Jericho to the apron. Jericho climbs up top and hits an ax handle coming off. He goes for the Walls of Jericho but Ambrose kicks off. Ambrose with a swinging neck breaker. Ambrose gets a two count. Ambrose with a bulldog for another two count Ambrose goes up top. He misses the elbow drop and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. Ambrose fighting it. He finally reaches the rope. Jericho with boots to the face. Jericho with a charge that Ambrose sidesteps and Jericho goes crashing through the ropes to the outside. Ambrose dives through the ropes driving Jericho back against the announce table. Ambrose tearing apart the German announce table. He goes for Dirty Deeds. Jericho counters and goes for the Walls of Jericho again. Instead, he catapults Ambrose into the timekeeper’s area. Jericho gets back in and tells the referee to count faster as Ambrose is crawling back into the ring. Ambrose just beats the count inside. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker. Ambrose blocks it. Ambrose with a lariat for a two count. Ambrose goes up top. Jericho catches him and pushes him off and Ambrose hits the apron on the outside. Jericho goes for the springboard dropkick, but Ambrose catches him and clotheslines him on the top rope. Ambrose goes up top and drops the elbow on Jericho for a two count. The crowd can’t believe it. Ambrose puts Jericho on the top rope going for a superplex, but Jericho headbutts him off. Jericho comes off and catches a boot from Ambrose who goes for Dirty Deeds, but Jericho counters with a rollup into the Walls of Jericho. Ambrose dragging his body to the ropes, then turns his body around and reverses to roll Jericho up for a close two count. Jericho with an under hook backbreaker. That gets a two count. Back and forth. Ambrose with some shots. Jericho with a back elbow. He goes for the lionsault, but Ambrose gets his knees up. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. He gets the pin.
    -Tap Out Commercial
    -Mauro Ranallo talks to AJ Styles. He says he’s going to become champion tonight all by himself without Gallows and Anderson. They are his friends, but it’s a 1 on 1 match tonight.
    -WWE Women’s Championship Match. Charlotte with Ric Flair VS. Natalya with Bret Hart: Natalya with a quick takedown going for the Sharpshooter. Charlotte Moves. Natalya kips up. A shoving match. Natalya with a takedown and leg grapevine. Natalya with a shoulder tackle. Charlotte with a leap frog. Natalya again goes for the Sharpshooter so Charlotte bails. Natalya chases her back in the ring. Charlotte with a neck breaker. Charlotte choking Natalya. Charlotte with some knee drops. Natalya placed against the ropes and slapped. Back in, they open their own chop houses. Natalya with a German suplex. That gets a two count. Charlotte drops a knee on Natalya on the ropes. Charlotte with blows to Natalya softening her up for the Figure 8. She tries to tear the leg. She goes for the Figure 8, but Natalya gets a roll up for a two count. Charlotte has a half crab on. Natalya reverses it into an arm bar. Charlotte gets to the bottom rope. Charlotte with a suplex that drives Natalya’s bad leg into the ropes. Charlotte goes up top but gets caught and pushed off to the outside. Natalya goes for a baseball slide, but gets caught. Charlotte picks Natalya up to power bomb Natalya into the apron, but Natalya turns it into a head scissors to get out. Natalya visibly limping. Back in, Charlotte with a big kick. She gets a two count. Charlotte goes for the Figure 8 again and Natalya slaps her down. Natalya with the discus clothesline. She gets a two count. Natalya goes for the sharpshooter but Charlotte counters with a backbreaker. Charlotte hits Natural Selection for a two count. Kick out. Another pin attempt and another kick out. Charlotte getting frustrated. A Nattie chant goes out. Charlotte with a moonsault for a two count. Charlotte gets the figure four on and screams tap to Natalya who’s screaming no. Natalya reverses it. Charlotte gets to the ropes. Charlotte goes for the sharpshooter. The bell rings immediately and referee Charles Robinson runs and gives the belt to Charlotte as she is announced the winner. Another Montreal rip off. Bret Hart slugs Ric Flair in the ring. He gets Ric in the sharpshooter while Natalya puts Charlotte in a sharpshooter. Both are tapping. They finally let go.
    -Vince McMahon out to announce who is going to run RAW, Shane or Stephanie. The crowd greets him with a CM Punk chant. Vince ignores them and goes on about RAW until they start again and he says he wonders how long they can go with this thing. They get louder. He said this is a crazy crowd. When he brings up his children Shane gets cheered and Stephanie gets booed. He brings Stephanie out. She gets loudly booed. Stephanie says she can be booed but she has always been there unlike Shane who left for several years. Shane comes out to big cheers. A Shane O’Mac chant goes out. He shows recent headlines from all the changes he has made. A YES chant goes out. He talks about why he left and how Stephanie has kept the company from fulfilling its mission. The crowd cheers. They boo Stephanie and cheer Shane. Vince is very angry. Vince says he doesn’t listen to anyone but himself and what he wants. He says he wants blood. They will either destroy each other or get along because they are both going to run RAW.
    -Renee Young brings on the panel of Corey Graves, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T to talk about all that has happened. Lawler says both McMahons running RAW isn’t going to work. Graves talks about Sami Zayn attacking Kevin Owens. Booker T says Dean Ambrose earned some respect tonight. They show some highlights from the pre-show matches earlier. They then preview Camp WWE debuting after Payback.
    -Flashback to what led up to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match.
    -WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match. Roman Reigns VS. AJ Styles: Michael Cole updates that Enzo Amore has suffered a concussion, but that all other tests were negative. Styles comes out to a good reaction. Reigns with a mixed reaction. Reigns booed when introduced in the ring. An AJ Styles chant goes out. Reigns pushes Styles. They circle each other. Styles with a side headlock and goes for a takeover. Reigns blocks it and pushes off. Styles back to the side headlock. Reigns goes to power out. Styles flips and kicks Reign’s hamstring. An AJ Styles chant goes out again. Styles with more kicks to Reign’s leg. Reigns with a back body drop. Styles ducks a clothesline and hits a modified arm drag and Reigns rolls out. Reigns slow to get back in. Styles ducks Reigns right hand and hits a forearm. Styles rolls out and taunts Reigns to come out. When he does, Styles rolls back in and kicks Reigns over and over as he follows. Reigns comes back with a shoulder tackle that knocks Styles out of the ring. Back in, Styles goes back to work on the leg of Reigns with stiff kicks. Styles hits a big knee and forearm. Styles goes for a German Suplex, but Reigns is fighting it with back elbows. Reigns catches Styles with a big clothesline that spins him around. Reigns goes for a pin, but lifts Styles up at one and slams him down hard again. Reigns with a sit out power bomb for a two count. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch, but Styles hits a big enziguri. Reigns stunned. Styles with some quick shots and a clothesline. Then Styles hits a running forearm. A fireman’s carry into a backbreaker for a two count. Styles with some chops in the corner. He goes for a corner charge but Reigns back drops him to the apron. Styles with a forearm shot and then he goes for a springboard. Reigns catches him in a fireman’s carry. Styles with elbows and knees to get out and he grabs Reigns from behind, but Reigns with back elbows of his own. Styles rolls through and gets the Calf Crusher on Reigns. Reigns gets to the ropes and rolls out. He is limping. Styles with a forearm as Reigns tries to get back in knocking him back down again. Styles does the phenomenal forearm to Reigns on the outside, driving him through the announce table. Styles tries to get Reigns back in to beat the count but can’t so he rolls in as the referee reaches 10 and the bell rings. He is announced as the winner by count out, although Reigns retains the title. Shane McMahon’s music hits. He says the match will restart with no count outs. The bell rings again. Styles goes up top, but Reigns rolls too far away. Styles comes over and Reigns does a modified jaw breaker with his head to stun Styles. Styles hits the Pele kick. Styles goes for the 450 splash, but Reigns gets his knees up. He gets a two count. Styles with a kick to Reigns. Styles goes up top, but Reigns gets a shot to his groin as he is coming off. The referee calls for the disqualification. Styles wins by disqualification. I bet you can figure out what happens next. And, as the saying goes, wouldn’t you know who won the pony? Stephanie comes out and restarts the match with no disqualifications. Styles with chops and Reigns puts him on the top rope and slaps him to the outside. Styles run into the ring steps. He then drives Styles on top of the barricade with a kick. He throws Styles over the barricade to the crowd. Reigns goes out after Styles. Styles with a flying clothesline to send Reigns back to ringside over the barricade into the Spanish announce table. Styles with a knee to the back of the neck. AJ Styles/Roman Reigns dueling chants go out. Styles goes for the phenomenal forearm, but Reigns hits the Superman Punch. He gets a two and a half count. Reigns with another Superman Punch. Gallows and Anderson come down and pull Styles out of the ring. They attack Reigns. They hit the Boot of Doom on Reigns. They then leave the ring. Styles struggling to get back into the ring. He gets on the apron and hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Reigns in the ring. He gets a two count but Reigns gets his foot on the bottom rope. The Uso’s come out and fight with Gallows and Anderson. Styles goes up top, but Reigns pushes him off and he lands on the four men fighting outside. Reigns then does a plancha to the group outside but Styles wasn’t there. He pops up behind the barricade and hits a Phenomenal Forearm to Reigns. He tries to get Reigns back in the ring. Styles hits the 450 splash. He gets a two and a half count. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Reigns backdrops Styles out of the ring but Styles holds onto the ropes. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch, but Styles catches him in a stun gun and goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Reigns ducks. Reigns hits the Spear. He pins Styles. Fantastic Match. Both men gave it their all. Reigns leans against the ropes sitting down with the WWE title. He gets up and raises the title. Vince, Shane, and Stephanie are shown backstage. He says congratulations to both of them and they think Styles deserves a rematch at Extreme Rules.
    -They sign off from Chicago.

    Episode 78 Notes Mon, 07 Jun 2021 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b6d6637a-1b8d-4178-a166-9f444a2c6c64 My Notes for Episode 78: Halloween Havoc 1990. -I have finally graduated to a soft, high protein diet. I had to go to the doctor for my two week follow up and due to COVID-19 regulations, I’m having to walk through entire buildings to get where I’m going. The good part about that is I’m hitting my step goal every day much easier now.
    -I also had a nutritionist appointment and I have lost 10% of my excess fat, so that’s good.
    -Green Eggs, no ham.
    -Today we look at Halloween Havoc 1990 from WCW.
    -Halloween Havoc 1990 was shown on PPV on October 27, 1990 from the UIC pavilion in Chicago, Illinois. There were 8,000 in attendance.
    -The version of the show that appears on the network is the edited version, missing many matches.
    -We have two dark matches. Tim Horner defeated Barry Horowitz and Rip Rogers defeated Reno Riggins.
    -Ghostly Intro, very good for 1990’s technology.
    -Jim Ross as a gangster and Paul E. Dangerously as Dracula welcome us to the show. They throw it to Tony Schiavone as the Phantom of the Opera interviewing Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich. They talk about Robert Gibson being hurt and then about the MX.
    -Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: The last hurrah for the MX in WCW. They start slow. Morton and Eaton go at it hard to begin. They bring up all of the “Bad Blood” between the teams. MX come back. Team experience comes into play. While the referee is distracted, Cornette hits Morton with the racket to the throat. MX double team Morton and Eaton hits the Rocket Launcher on him on the entrance way. Lane throws Morton over the top rope while Nick Patrick isn’t looking. Morton moves when Eaton tries to run him into the post, then Morton takes Eaton down with some head scissors. The MX continue to batter Morton. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam on Morton. Morton puts his knees up and blocks the impact of a second Rocket Launcher. Rich tagged in, goes for a top rope and Cornette whacks him with the racket. The Southern Boys come out dressed like Cornette and distract the MX. In the confusion, Rich gets the tennis racket and hits Lane with it and pins him.
    -Then, Terry Taylor beat Bill Irwin.
    -Brad Armstrong pulled off an upset of J.W. Storm.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. He flubs a line about Sid’s mouth and his butt. He recovers well and talks about Sid and the Black Scorpion. He says he is ready. The Black Scorpion comes out saying he is going to show Sting some of his magic. He grabs a “production girl”, throws her in an apparatus and brings a curtain down, and she disappears with him and they appear behind Sting. JR and Paul E. are bewildered trying to get this over.
    -In another match cut, The Master Blasters Blade and Steel defeated The Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong. Jim Cornette comes down to try and interfere in the match, Armstrong tries to attack him, and Steel hits a clothesline on Armstrong and pins him.
    -The Renegade Warriors Mark and Chris Youngblood VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes with Little Richard Marley: Rocky King is all dressed as Robert Gibson playing up that feud. JR and Paul E. having a classic exchange. They sound genuinely mad at each other. Slow paced match. It gets hectic at one point with all four men in. Freebirds in control. DDT chant goes out. Chris Youngblood avoids the DDT. Freebirds still in control though. Hayes caught coming off of the top rope. Renegade Warriors coming back. Hayes comes in and DDT’s Mark Youngblood after he rolls up Jimmy Garvin. Garvin gets the pin.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to the Horsemen about the match against Doom. Sid Vicious then talks about taking the world title from Sting.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs: Steiners are insanely over with the crowd. They start brawling before JR can get the college credentials out. They brawl outside of the ring. Scott hits a belly to belly from the top post turnbuckle. Steiners dominating early. JR says you got me once, but he’s going to be damned if he isn’t going to get their college credentials in. Knobbs hits Scott with a chair as The Nasty Boys take over. Back and forth with some hard shots. Nasty Boys hit a spike piledriver on Scott. Rick hits Sags with a chair. They are just stiffing each other. Sags is busted open. The Crowd pops for every Steiner move. Rick hits a double Steinerline from the top rope. The Steiners hit the double team bulldog off the rope for the first time in this match. The crowd comes unglued when Scott hits The Frankensteiner on Knobbs for the pin. The Nasty Boys attack the Steiners with the belts after the match.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Scott Steiner. He says The Nasty Boys bit off more than they could chew. The Nasty Boys then attack him.
    -Junkyard Dog VS. Moondog Rex: Rex attempted to use his bone as a weapon. The referee grabbed the bone and JYD hit a head-butt to pin Rex.
    -World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom with Teddy Long VS. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson: Slow, methodical match. Horsemen cheat but are the baby faces. Flair chases Long, who slaps him in the face. Back and forth match, very physical, going in and out of the ring. Textbook spinebuster at one point by Anderson. Flair gets the figure four on Ron Simmons. Simmons reverses it and Flair tags in Anderson. Simmons comes back, but the Horsemen cut the ring in half and do quick tags. It goes outside and then back in the ring again. Simmons won’t give up. Reed finally tagged in and he cleans house. Reed hits a flying shoulder block on Anderson. Flair breaks up the count and Anderson hits a DDT on Reed. Simmons breaks up that count. All four men go outside and get counted out.
    -Stan Hansen says Lex Luger has to deal with him coming up.
    -United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Stan Hansen: JR has to bring up Hansen’s college career. Hansen attacks early. Contrast in body styles. Hansen is bumping his ass off big time for a big man. Hansen is in control, but can’t get the pin. Luger fights back. Crowd signals for the torture rack. The referee gets knocked down. Dan Spivey comes down and throws Hansen’s cowbell to Hansen but Luger blocks it. Hansen then catches Luger with the Lariat and pins him to become the new United States Champion.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Teddy Long. He says he has proved that Doom is the best team and The Horsemen won’t receive another shot at the titles.
    -NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. Sid Vicious: Crowd comes alive for Sting. Vicious attacks when Sting turns his back. He won’t stay down though. They brawl outside the ring. Back in, Sting takes over but can’t get Vicious down. Vicious comes back. Even paced match. Vicious hits a big powerslam. Sting comes back and goes for the splash but Vicious moves. Vicious with multiple pin attempts. They battle down the ramp way. The ref gets Vicious back inside, and Sting runs and hits a splash from the ramp way. The Horsemen come down. Sting and Vicious battle away from the ring towards the dressing room. They then come back. Sting slams Vicious who falls on him and pins him. They announce Vicious as the new champion. Big celebration starts with balloons falling and the works. Sting then appears with a rope around him as they release the balloons. Sting hits the splash and pins Vicious. They say that obviously it wasn’t the real Sting earlier. It turns out it was Barry Windham.
    -JR interviews Sting in the ring. He tells JR it never ends but he’s a fighting champion. They then sign off from Chicago.

    Episode 77 Notes Sun, 30 May 2021 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6fe84aef-bfa9-4d19-89b0-5ea01dacf8a2 My Notes for Episode 77: Extreme Rules 2011. -As I record this, I’m two days away from graduating to a soft high protein diet. This is big.
    -My wife likes to move into Goodwill when she goes. I blew through a lot of podcasts waiting for her.
    -Today we look at Extreme Rules 2011 from the WWE.
    -Extreme Rules 2011 took place May 1, 2011 from the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. There were 10,000 in attendance and the show did 209,000 buys on PPV.
    -Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T welcome us to Extreme Rules. We go right to our first contest.
    -Last Man Standing Match. Randy Orton VS. CM Punk with The New Nexus: The Anonymous RAW GM chimes in. Josh Matthews reads the message. All other members of the New Nexus must leave ringside. Punk takes off a turnbuckle pad. Slow to start. Orton unloads on Punk. Punk reverses an Irish Whip. Punk ducks one Orton clothesline, but Orton comes back with another one. Orton kicks Punk’s upper arm. They roll outside. Punk run into the barricade. Forearm by Orton. Punk run into the ring steps. Orton with forearms to Punk’s chest. Another forearm knocks Punk down. Back inside, Punk begging off to lure Orton in and hits a low kick on Orton. Punk with a knee to Orton’s head. Kick to Orton’s head. Orton blocks being run into the exposed turnbuckle. Orton kicks Punk. Back and forth. Punk with a snap mare. Punk drops a knee. Punk rolls outside. He grabs a kendo stick and whacks Orton with it. He does it a few more times. He then throws the stick and Orton in. He then grabs another kendo stick. Whacks Orton with it. The referee starts counting Orton down. Punk poised with the kendo stick in case he starts to get up. Orton up at 5 and gets a kick in as Punk goes to hit him. Orton with a forearm to Punk then Orton grabs a stick. Punk hits a spinning back kick to Orton before he can use the stick. Orton gets up at 7, Punk then hits him with the stick again. Punk with a back suplex. As Orton gets up on 6, Punk dives off the top rope and Orton hits him with a kendo stick. Orton swinging the stick hard on Punk. Orton with two clotheslines. Orton with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Punk counters an Orton apron DDT attempt into a slingshot and Orton hits the exposed turnbuckle. A Randy chant goes out. Punk goes to the outside. Punk sets a chair up in the opposite corner. He hits Orton with a running knee. Orton blocks getting thrown into the chair. Punk goes for the GTS. Orton blocks. Orton goes for the RKO. Punk pushes off. Punk goes for the GTS again and Orton pushes off. Orton with a kick to Punk and runs him into the set up chair. Punk up at 8. Orton runs him into the barricade. Orton keeps running him into the ring and the barricade. Orton power slams Punk on the outside. Punk up at 8 again. Orton clears off the announce table. Punk with a kick to Orton’s head. Orton up at 8. Orton blocks getting run into the announce table and runs Punk in instead. Orton backdrops Punk on top of the barricade. Orton picks Punk up on the 6 count and throws him back in. Orton goes into his viper routine. He goes for the RKO, but Punk counters with an elbow. Punk hits the Go To Sleep. Orton struggles to his feet at 9. Punk with knees to the head. Punk brings a chair into the ring. Punk with a side Russian leg sweep to the chair. Orton up at 8. Punk sets the chair up. Punk goes for the leg sweep again. Orton counters with an RKO. Punk up at 9, but falls out of the ring. Orton clotheslines Punk over the barricade. Orton goes for the apron DDT on Punk but using the barricade. Punk pushes Orton into the ring post. Punk grabs a chair and tells Orton to stay down. Orton up at 8. Punk opens the chair, puts Orton in it, and runs him into the ring post. Orton gets up on 9. Punk puts Orton on the announce table. Punk goes for the GTS. Orton blocks and does the RKO on Punk on the table. He falls off so the referee restarts the count. Orton goes for the punt. Punk lifts Orton up and drops him on the ring steps Orton up at 9. Punk has another kendo stick. Punk rolls Orton inside. Punk climbs to the top. Orton nails Punk with another kendo stick. Punk hanging from the top rope while Orton just hits his back over and over. Orton does a top rope RKO. A double count going. Orton gets up right before 10 to win.
    -Don’t try this at home ad.
    -Jerry Lawler leaves ringside to prepare for his match.
    -Booker T and Josh Matthews go over some of the recent draft picks.
    -Recap of Sheamus jumping and beating up Kofi Kingston the previous Friday on Smackdown.
    -Sheamus and Teddy Long are shown backstage. Long tells Sheamus he’s defending the US title against Kingston in a tables match. Sheamus says he demands to see Kingston’s birth certificate playing off the Donald Trump/Barack Obama drama of the moment.
    -John Morrison shown stretching.
    -United States Championship Tables Match. Sheamus VS. Kofi Kingston: Back and forth starting out. Kingston with a flurry of punches and kicks. Sheamus with a kick and a forearm. Sheamus misses a clothesline and Kingston with a takedown and punches to Sheamus’ head. Kingston rolls outside to get a table. Sheamus jumps him from behind with a forearm and runs Kingston into the barricade. Sheamus pulls another table out, but gets jumped by Kingston. Kingston sets the table up. He runs Sheamus’ head into it. He sets Sheamus up on the table. Kingston goes to jump on the table from the apron, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus runs away and Kingston follows. Sheamus throws Kingston into the barricade. Sheamus pulls a table out. He picks Kingston up to power bomb him through the table, but Kingston slips away. Kingston in the ring with shots to Sheamus trying to run him into the table. Sheamus teetering. Kingston runs to hit him off, but Sheamus with a shoulder tackle over the ropes. Sheamus goes outside to get another table as a Kofi chant goes out. Sheamus throws the table on Kingston. He slams the table on Kingston a couple of times, then stands on the table while Kingston is underneath it. Sheamus sets the table up in the corner and runs Kingston’s head into it. Sheamus picks Kingston up to drive him through the table, but Kingston rolls him up in a sunset flip then stomps on Sheamus. Kingston sets Sheamus up against the table. He runs at the table, but Sheamus moves and Kingston straddle jumps to the turnbuckle to avoid going through the table. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Kingston ducks and Sheamus gets tied up in the ropes. Kingston attacks his legs with kicks. Sheamus gets loose and hits the Brogue Kick to Kingston who flies over the table and lands on the floor. Sheamus brings the table outside. He then throws Kingston in. Sheamus sets a table up in the ring. He puts Kingston on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up to do a power slam from the top but Kingston is fighting back. Sheamus knocked off the ropes. He knocks Kingston off with a shot. Sheamus tries to suplex Kingston to the outside through a table, Kingston blocks it and hits some shots to Sheamus. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise to knock Sheamus off the apron to the floor. Kingston climbs up to the top rope and drives Sheamus through the table with a splash to win. New United States Champion!
    -Todd Grisham interviews R-Truth. Todd asks him how he feels since he was once a part of the main event. R-Truth asks him how he would feel. He then tells him to shut up. He says he’s now not even on the show and the he smells a conspiracy. He knows The Miz, John Cena, and someone else doesn’t want him to be in the match. John Morrison stole his spot and the one thing he can’t stand is a thief. This was a well done promo.
    -Tag Team Country Whipping Match. Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross VS. Michael Cole and Jack Swagger: Cole comes out in his singlet and headgear and wrapped in bubble wrap. That’s actually pretty clever. They flashback to Cole whipping JR on RAW. Cole gets on the mic. He says Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are like everyone in Florida: Old, useless, incontinent retirees. JR gets a great reaction coming out. Lawler does as well. Swagger and Lawler start. They take swipes at each other with the straps. Swagger backs up too far and gets strapped by JR. He turns around and Lawler straps him. Swagger being strapped over and over by Lawler. Cole tagged in. He laughs as they strap him saying he’s smart because of the bubble wrap. Lawler punches him down and rips the bubble wrap off. He gets strapped and tags Swagger in. Swagger drives Lawler into the corner with a shoulder and straps him. Swagger ties Lawler to the ropes with the strap and beats him down. Cole tags in and straps Lawler some. Swagger tagged back in. Lawler untied and corner whipped by Swagger. Swagger misses a Swagger Bomb when Lawler moves. Lawler with some shots to Swagger in the corner. Cole comes in to strap Lawler’s back. Lawler turns around and Cole starts begging off. Lawler hits a shot to Cole, but Swagger clips him. Swagger gets the ankle lock on. Lawler fighting it. Swagger pulling him away from the ropes but closer to JR who straps Swagger. JR distracts Swagger for Lawler to hit a punch and a DDT. JR tagged in. He straps Swagger several times then applies an ankle locks to Swagger and the crowd and announcers love it. Swagger powers up and over to tag Cole who tries to beg off getting into the ring. JR drags Cole in. JR straps Cole and runs him into the turnbuckle. JR with a running knockdown to Cole. JR straps Cole some more and puts the ankle lock on him. Swagger comes to break it up and grabs JR who gives him a low blow. JR starts whipping Swagger, so Cole rolls JR up from behind to get the pin.
    -Todd Grisham talks to John Cena. He says it’s been 10 months since he was WWE Champion. He says he’s been through a lot in those 10 months, but that the champ is here.
    -Flashback to what’s led to the Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio match.
    -Falls count anywhere match. Cody Rhodes VS. Rey Mysterio: Rhodes has men with him to hand out paper bags to the crowd. He tells the crowd to put the bags on because they are extremely ugly. Mysterio comes out to a big pop and gives a mask away to a fan. Rhodes starts out with a corner whip. Mysterio gets his legs up on the charge. Mysterio with some stiff shots and kicks. Mysterio with a clothesline. Rhodes ducks down and delivers a shot to Mysterio’s face. Mysterio head scissors Rhodes to the outside. Then Mysterio with a baseball slide and another head scissors to Rhodes on the outside. Rhodes with a dropkick in the aisle. That gets a two count. Rhodes with some kicks and shots to Mysterio. Rhodes goes to run Mysterio into the video wall, but Mysterio reverses it. Rhodes goes down by the barricade, so Mysterio does a Senton onto Rhodes for a two count. Rhodes atomic drops Mysterio onto the barricade. Rhodes follows up with a clothesline. Another two count. Rhodes pushes Mysterio into the barricade. Mysterio with a drop toe hold to Rhodes into the barricade. Mysterio with a shot to the head. They go up the steps into the crowd. They are battling up the steps. Rhodes headbutts Mysterio with his protective mask and puts him through one of the guardrails and puts him in a walls of Jericho like move. Mysterio won’t give up. They continue to fight up the stairs. Rhodes slams Mysterio hard down on a railing. Back and forth. They get to the top of the stairs and onto the concourse. Mysterio runs Rhodes into some trash cans. He slams a trash can lid on Rhodes. He gets a two count. He goes to run Rhodes into a mirror but Rhodes blocks it. Rhodes with a knee lift. He gets a close two count. Rhodes run into a drink station. He backdrops Mysterio who lands on his feet and does a crossbody to Rhodes. That gets another two count. This is awesome chant goes out. They head back towards the arena. Mysterio jumps Rhodes from behind. Rhodes running down the steps. Mysterio in pursuit. They trade blows. Mysterio climbs the barricade, but Rhodes too far away to jump on. Rhodes hip tosses Mysterio back into the ringside area. Rhodes goes to run Mysterio into the ring steps, but Mysterio gets some strikes in to stop it. He goes to do a high flying move on Rhodes, who catches him and runs him face first into the ring steps. He gets a two count. Rhodes puts Mysterio up on the ring apron. Back in, Mysterio gets a foot up on a Rhodes charge and hits a crossbody off the ropes to get a two count. Mysterio with a corner whip and a charge. Rhodes with a backdrop. Mysterio lands on the apron. He climbs up top and hits a shoulder tackle to Rhodes. He gets a two count. Rhodes set up for the 619. Mysterio exposes his knee brace, but Rhodes gets up and gives Mysterio a shot. Mysterio with a shot that drapes Rhodes over the second rope. Mysterio goes for a top rope leg drop, but Rhodes moves. Rhodes grabs Mysterio by the legs and delivers a big slam. He gets a two count. A 619 chant goes out as Rhodes stomps Mysterio into the corner. Rhodes puts Mysterio on the top turnbuckle. They trade shots up top. Mysterio sprays some sort of mist on Rhodes and hits the 619 on him. He does a springboard splash on Rhodes to get the pin.
    -Layla approaches the other Divas in the locker room saying it may be her last night in the company so no hard feelings. She apologizes to them. Kelly Kelly says that she’s right, they don’t like her, but they like Michelle McCool a whole lot less.
    -Michael Cole is back at ringside in his Cole Mine to announce and naturally he gloats about winning.
    -No count out, No DQ Loser Leaves WWE Divas Match. Michelle McCool VS. Layla: McCool jumps Layla before the bell. McCool with a big kick to Layla’s head. That gets a two count. Layla with a take down and punches to McCool. McCool throws Layla to the outside. Layla runs McCool into the announce table. Then McCool runs Layla into the table. McCool with a running knee to Layla. Back in, McCool gets a two count. McCool with a forearm shot. She goes for a running kick. Layla ducks. Layla with a spinning kick and a dropkick. Gets a two count. McCool with a kick and a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Layla thrown to the outside. McCool goes for a running kick, but Layla moves and McCool hits the barricade. They battle on top of the barricade and McCool throws Layla off. Back in, Layla hits a diving somersault inverted face lock jawbreaker. That gets a two count. McCool with a big kick. Gets a one count. McCool lifts Layla up for a move but Layla escapes. Layla with a neck breaker. Gets a two count, but McCool gets her foot on the ropes. McCool with a kick to Layla’s head. That gets a two count. Layla with a counter to roll through. McCool counters that into a Faith Breaker. She gets a two count, but Layla turns and counters it into a three count. Michelle McCool gone from WWE. Both Layla and McCool crying. Layla rolls out of the ring. McCool in the ring as the crowd does the Goodbye song. Then Kharma debuts. She walks down to the ring. She gets in and does the Implant Buster on McCool. All the Divas are shown looking at the scene on a monitor in the Divas locker room.
    -Ricardo Rodriguez is shown backstage with Alberto Del Rio practicing announcing Del Rio as the next World Heavyweight Champion.
    -Flashback to Edge retiring and giving up the World Heavyweight Championship and highlights of the battle royal to determine who will face Del Rio at Extreme Rules.
    -Ladder Match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez VS. Christian: Del Rio introduced by Rodriguez. He comes out in a Maserati GranTurismo. They go back and forth to start. Del Rio with a front face lock as a lets go Christian chant goes out. Irish whip by Del Rio. Shoulder block by Christian. Del Rio with a scoop slam. Christian with some shots to Del Rio’s face and back. Christian with a back drop. Christian with a top rope back elbow. Christian goes outside and grabs a ladder. Del Rio comes out and runs Christian into a corner post. Del Rio pushes Christian under the ring and grabs a ladder. Christian comes out on the other side and runs and baseball slides the ladder into Del Rio. Christian sets the ladder up. Del Rio pulls him off. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder, but Christian pushes it over. Del Rio with a stiff kick to Christian’s head and then a low dropkick while Christian is seated. Del Rio picks up the ladder, but Christian kicks him before he can use it. Christian backdrops Del Rio to the outside. Christian picks up the ladder, but Del Rio grabs his leg from the outside and Christian falls down and the ladder falls on him. Del Rio then drags Christian outside. Del Rio runs Christian into the ring steps. Del Rio sets a ladder horizontally between the announce table and the ring. Christian blocks being thrown into the ladder. He slaps Del Rio and tries to run him into the ladder, but Del Rio blocks it. Del Rio goes to suplex Christian onto the ladder, but Christian blocks it. He grabs Del Rio’s legs, but Del Rio kicks him off. Del Rio goes to run Christian into the ladder again, but Christian slides under and they trade shots. Del Rio run face first into the ladder. Christian pus him on the ladder and climbs to the top rope. Del Rio gets up and pushes Christian off the top rope but he lands on another ladder set up. He hits a crossbody to Del Rio form the ladder. Christian brings another ladder into the ring. He sets a ladder up and starts to climb it. Del Rio hits Christian and pulls him off the ladder. Del Rio sets a ladder in the corner. Back and forth. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker. Christian pushes off. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Del Rio pushes off. Del Rio with a back suplex to Christian who lands on his feet and does a flapjack to Del Rio onto the set up ladder. Both men down and struggling to get to their feet. Del Rio gets up on the Apron and Christian takes a ladder and runs it into Del Rio to knock him off the apron. Christian struggling to get up and set up a ladder. He starts to slowly climb the ladder. Del Rio gets back in the ring and just throws another ladder at Christian. Del Rio sets up a smaller ladder, climbs to the top of it, grabs Christian, and drags him off with double knees to Christian’s shoulder. Del Rio punching a prone Christian. Del Rio takes the small ladder and runs it into Christian’s head. Del Rio sets a ladder up in the corner and runs Christian into it back first. Del Rio grabs the little ladder to run it into Christian, but Christian ducks and Del Rio gets taken out. Christian sets the ladder up and starts to climb, but the ladder is out of place. Del Rio climbs up behind Christian. Christian hitting Del Rio with some shots. Del Rio falls off, but grabs Christian. He goes for a Power Bomb, but Christian head scissors out of it. Christian grabs a ladder to run it into Del Rio, but Del Rio counters with a shoulder block. Del Rio goes to suplex Christian to the outside onto the set up ladder, but Christian fighting it. Christian backdrops Del Rio into the ring onto a ladder. Christian takes a ladder to the corner, climbs to the top rope. Del Rio jumps up and runs and delivers a kick to Christian’s head. The ladder falls and Christian falls on top of the ladder. Del Rio setting up a ladder. He starts to climb. Christian holds onto him. Del Rio jumps off as Christian pushes the ladder over and Del Rio Delivers a kick to Christian’s head. It goes outside. Ricardo Rodriguez has a chair. Del Rio puts Christian’s arm in it to slam but Christian reverses it and slams Del Rio into the corner post. Back in, Christian sets up and starts chanting spear. He hits the spear on Del Rio. Christian sets the ladder up. Del Rio pulls him down through the rungs of the ladder. Christian stuck in the ladder as Del Rio starts to climb. Christian sets himself free and pushes the ladder over. Christian goes after Del Rio with the little ladder, but Del Rio kicks it into Christian. Del Rio kicks Christian onto the ladder set up on the outside. Del Rio goes to drop the elbow on Christian, who moves and Del Rio goes crashing through the ladder. Ricardo checking on Del Rio. Christian gets into the ring and the crowd comes to life as he sets the ladder up. Christian grabs the belt as Brodus Clay comes in and grabs the ladder. Christian hanging on. Clay pulls Christian down. He goes to run Christian into the ladder, but Christian pushes off and runs Clay into the ladder. Christian grabs the little ladder. He runs it into Clay and knocks him to the outside. Del Rio delivers a running dropkick knocking Christian down. Del Rio delivers the Cross Arm Breaker to Christian through the little ladder. Del Rio climbs the ladder. As he gets to the top, you hear a horn. He looks over and Edge has driven a Jeep into the arena. Christian pushes the ladder over and Del Rio falls onto Rodriguez and Clay on the outside. Edge comes down to cheer as Christian climbs the ladder and grabs the World Title to win. Christian holds the championship up high. If you are only going to watch one match from this show, this is the match.
    -The Miz and Alex Riley are shown. Riley says it isn’t fair that Miz has to defend his title in a triple threat steel cage match. He talks about the chances that Miz has to win and about rematches until Miz cuts him off and tells him to never do that again.
    -Lumberjack match for the World Tag Team Championship. The Big Show and Kane VS. Ezekiel Jackson and Wade Barrett: Big Show and Barrett start and Big Show with a big slap to Barrett’s chest. He then does it again at the opposite corner. Kane tagged in. Big kick to Barrett’s face. That gets a two count. Barrett rolls outside. Lumberjacks roll him back in. The lumberjacks are just a mix of people who weren’t booked in any other matches for the night. Kane hits a right hand to Barrett. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline. Kane with a side slam. Jackson distracts Kane so that Barrett can throw him outside. Some of the lumberjacks jump him and then throw him back in. Big Show comes over and starts throwing lumberjacks into Kane who starts taking them out. Jackson hits Kane with a big clothesline. Jackson with some big shots to Kane in the corner. Jackson then hits a corner clothesline to Kane. Barrett tagged in but only gets a one count. He delivers some shots to Kane. Jackson tagged back in. Irish whip and both men down from a double clothesline. Both Big Show and Barrett tagged in. Big Show with a clothesline. Then Big Show with a corner whip and an elbow. He goes to hit the ropes for a clothesline, but Jackson pulls the rope down and Big Show spills to the outside. The lumberjacks struggle to throw Big Show back in. Jackson with an impressive scoop slam on Big Show. Barrett with a no look tag in. Barrett goes to hit Wasteland, but Big Show is too big. He choke slams and pins Barrett. The lumberjacks all start fighting amongst themselves as Big Show and Kane choke slam Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel.
    -The True Story of WrestleMania DVD set commercial.
    -The cage is shown being lowered.
    -Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship: The Miz VS. John Morrison VS. John Cena: Morrison out first. He inspects the cage. Cena out next. He gets a great pop coming out. Miz comes out without Alex Riley. The bell rings and Miz quickly turns around and starts to climb to get out. Morrison and Cena pull him off and beat him down. They Irish Whip Miz and hit a flapjack on him. Morrison with a rollup to Cena for a one count. Cena misses a clothesline on Morrison. Morrison with a flip to Cena. Then Morrison with a dropkick to Cena. Miz with a clothesline to Morrison. Miz runs Cena into the cage. Miz then runs Morrison into the cage. He then runs Cena into the cage again. Then Morrison run into the cage again. Cena blocks being run into the cage a third time. Cena corner whips Miz, kicks him, and delivers a suplex to Miz. Morrison with a side Russian leg sweep to Cena. That gets a two count. Miz trying to climb out and Morrison catches his leg. Morrison climbs up and elbows and kicks Miz off. Miz pulls Morrison down. Miz picked up by Cena who goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Miz grabs the cage and starts to climb again. Cena follows Miz up and they trade blows on the top rope while holding onto the cage. Miz punches Cena until they are on the top turnbuckle. Cena hits a top rope bulldog like maneuver to Miz. All three guys down. Morrison misses a clothesline to Cena, who shoulder tackles Morrison. Another shoulder tackle by Cena then a big slam to Morrison. U Can’t See Me to Morrison. 5 knuckle shuffle. Miz does the Skull Crushing Finale to Cena. Morrison climbing the cage. Miz has to rush and climb to catch Morrison at the top of the cage. Miz and Morrison fighting on top of the cage structure. Cena also climbing up. Cena and Morrison do a double suplex to Miz that almost looks like a brain buster. Morrison up and starting to climb. Cena following and grabs Morrison’s leg. Morrison elbows Cena off. Morrison then jumps to the turnbuckle and does a leaping kick to Cena who ducks so Morrison hits Miz instead. Morrison then hits the Moonlight Drive on Cena for a two count. Miz starts to climb the cage, but Morrison stops him and runs Miz into the cage. Morrison starts to climb the cage. Miz grabs Morrison and runs him into the cage but Morrison falls between the cage and the ring ropes. Miz with a running boot to Morrison. He turns around and is taken down by Cena who puts on the STF. Miz crawls towards the door. They open it and Miz starts to climb out. Cena pulls him back. Cena starts to climb out and Miz pulls him back. Cena with a gut wrench suplex to Miz. Cena goes to run Morrison into the cage. Morrison grabs it and starts to climb. Cena follows. They trade blows on top of the cage. While they do, Miz starts to go out the door. Morrison climbs over to the outside and slams the cage door on the head of Miz with his foot. Cena hits Morrison and he crotches himself on the door. Miz pulls Morrison back in through the door. Morrison kicks Miz away. Cena monkey flips Morrison out of the corner. He gets a two count. Miz with a DDT to Cena. That gets a two count. Miz with a running kick to Cena. Then another running kick to Cena. Then another one. Miz stalking Cena. Miz runs Cena’s face into the cage and holding it there with his knee. Morrison starts to climb the cage on the other side. Miz rushes to grab him and hangs at the top holding Morrison. Miz punching Morrison and then starts to climb down. Morrison grabs Miz’s head and brings him back. Morrison runs Miz into the cage and he falls back inside the ring. Morrison starts to climb again and Cena climbing up to stop him. Morrison kicks Cena off. Morrison with Starship Pain off the top of the cage onto Cena and Miz. Morrison goes for the door. The referee opens it. R-Truth appears and attacks Morrison. R-Truth goes into the ring and attacks Morrison. R-Truth beating Morrison down in the corner. R-Truth then delivers a scissor kick to Cena. He hits an STO on Morrison. R-Truth then climbs over the top of the cage and leaves. All three down back in the ring. Miz up first and starts to climb. He gets to the top and starts to climb over. Cena runs to stop him. He grabs Miz. Miz’s legs are dangling. Cena drags Miz back over the cage. They trade shots on top of the cage. Miz falls down to the inside, but holding onto Cena’s leg so he can’t escape the cage. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale on the top rope, but Cena blocks it and delivers the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope to Miz. Cena then pins Miz to be the new WWE Champion. Cena celebrates as they replay the R-Truth attack and then the Attitude Adjustment and the pin. They then sign off from Tampa.

    Episode 76 Notes Sun, 30 May 2021 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c6b3a3e7-e333-4ee3-9163-616159287129 My Notes for Episodes 76: October 1990 Saturday Night's Main Event. -RIP Don Kernodle. Longtime wrestler and famous JCP guy with Sgt. Slaughter and the infamous March 12, 1983 steel cage match from Greensboro against Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood.
    -Recovery is going well, but slow.
    -Pedicure story.
    -The little podcast that could. We are approaching 10,000 downloads. That may not seem like a lot for some podcasts, but it is for me. In celebration of that, I will have a bonus episode drop on Saturday.
    -Today we look at the SNME from October 1990.
    -SNME XXVIII was shown on NBC on October 13, 1990. It was recorded September 18, 1990 from the Toledo Sports Arena in Toledo, Ohio.
    -They are celebrating Oktoberfest.
    -Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper is decked out in traditional wear, but no shirt. German Demolition perhaps? Piper brings that very thing up as they run down the card.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Demolition say they are down to party, Demolition Style.
    -LOD say they are the original party animals. Too much German talk including Blitzkrieg being shouted over and over.
    -The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal and The Ultimate Warrior VS. Demolition: L of D is #1, What a Rush sign is shown in the crowd. Someone took too long on that. ¾ of the Survivor Series match here. They show Dustin Rhodes at ringside. Warrior getting tripled teamed. LOD come in to save Warrior. Hawk comes in and cleans house. Warrior wins after a splash on Smash.
    -Mean Gene is at Oktoberfest and everyone is having fun.
    -Randy Savage VS. Dusty Rhodes: Rhodes comes out with his chicken foot hat on. He hugs Dustin at ringside. Dusty was deemphasizing the polka dots as his WWF time comes to the end. They show Ted DiBiase and Virgil coming to ringside and buying the ringside seats. They get into it with Dustin. Sherry chokes Rhodes with her glove. Back and Forth. As Dusty is dominating Savage, DiBiase and Virgil attack and beat up Dustin. Dusty comes to help and gets counted out. They bust Dustin’s head open and Dusty covers him to protect him.
    -Sean Mooney talks to Hulk Hogan and Tugboat. They want Earthquake and Dino Bravo, but will take care of Rhythm & Blues tonight.
    -Mean Gene at the cheese factory with The Bushwhackers. They make cutting the cheese jokes. They keep throwing to Lord Alfred Hayes and his earpiece is out as he samples beer.
    -Rhythm & Blues The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart VS. Tugboat and Hulk Hogan: While not as big as it once was, Hulk Hogan still gets a huge pop as he comes out. Hogan cleaning house to begin. Tugboat gets in and the heels take the advantage. Tugboat has a striped singlet and see through pants on and now I can’t unsee it. Hogan and Tugboat clean house. Jimmy Hart gets hit and runs to the back. Earthquake and Dino Bravo come out. HTM hits Tugboat with the guitar for the DQ. The heels all attack Hogan and Earthquake splashes him. Tugboat hits the heels with the guitar and Roddy Piper yells out El Kabong! Even injured, Hogan must pose!
    -Mean Gene and The Genius with the sausage stuffing contest. They have done everything to The Genius except put a neon sign behind him saying we want you to think he’s gay. Mean Gene refers to The Genius as the Master Sausage Stuffer. It’s Jim Duggan and The Hart Foundation VS. Mr. Fuji and The Orient Express. Heels win after Mr. Fuji cheats. Then Lord Al is shown and he is snockered.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Texas Tornado VS. Haku with Bobby Heenan: As has been said before, if wrestling were a shoot, Haku would have retired undefeated. In a work, Haku goes down to the claw.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Hulk Hogan and Tugboat. They’re declaring war on Jimmy Hart and his group.
    -Koko B. Ware with Frankie VS. Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan: Full Iraqi heel Slaughter here. Vince goes super patriotic here. Koko tries to get a USA chant going. Koko gets a bit of offense in early. Slaughter then takes over, but Koko comes back. Surprisingly competitive match. Slaughter wins with the atomic noogie after Koko gets the stun gun on the top rope. Nikolai Volkoff comes out waving Old Glory. It is Survivor Series season after all.
    -Oktoberfest dancing competition. Lord Al is totally sloshed. A food fight breaks out. They look like they’re having too much fun.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He addresses Queen Sherri slapping him some time before. He says the humiliation only fuels his fire and the Macho King is going to go down.
    -Roddy Piper interviews Randy Savage and Sherri. They say Macho King is going to take the belt and that The Warrior will be no more.
    -They recap the night and sign off from Tupelo. They look at the aftermath of the food fight. Lord Al berates Mean Gene who attacks him with a cake.

    Episode 75 Notes Thu, 20 May 2021 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2a482320-d0b9-4fb7-b2a7-505d093634ac My Notes for Episode 75: ECW Ultra Clash '93. -New Jack- His best work was in SMW.
    -Surgery prep: COVID-19 Test. I cried and wanted to punch something.
    -Hospital stay.
    -Today we look at Ultra Clash ’93 from ECW.
    -Ultra Clash ’93 went down on September 18, 1993 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,131 in attendance.
    -TV-MA intro. This video is presented in the most complete form possible.
    -The Public Enemy Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock VS. Jason Knight and Ian Rotten: All Public Enemy to start. Double stuff piledriver on Rotten. Joey Styles is the announcer for the evening. Public Enemy throws Rotten out and Rock throws himself over the top rope and onto Rotten. Grunge drops a leg on Knight. Rock does a moonsault on Knight. Knight trying to fight back. Knight being choked on the outside by Grunge as Rock goes at it with Rotten on the inside. Grunge scoop slams Rotten and hits a headbutt on him. He then hits a reverse bulldog on Rotten and Rock does a front flip onto Rotten to get the pin. They continue to punish Rotten after the match.
    -Pennsylvania Championship Match: Tony Stetson VS. Tommy Cairo: Stetson has manager Hunter Q. Robbins III with him. Stetson with the early advantage. Throws Cairo out. Cairo coming back with a hip toss and a spinning head kick to Stetson. Stetson rolls out to regroup and runs straight into the scaffold set up for the scaffold match later. I don’t think that was planned, I think he did it accidently. Stetson finally gets back in the ring. Cairo hits and under hook suplex and gets a two count. Stetson rolls out again. Back in, Stetson gets an eye rake in and regains the advantage. He gets a chinlock on. Cairo powering out. Cairo hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count as Stetson gets his foot on the ropes. Another belly to belly gets another two count. Stetson goes outside again to confer with Robbins. Stetson gets the advantage coming back in. Cairo does a corner whip and follows it up with a back elbow. That gets a two count when Stetson gets his foot on the ropes. Cairo getting frustrated. He does a snap suplex on Stetson. Stetson hits a big flying clothesline. Robbins distracts the referee as Stetson hits Cairo with the title belt to get the pin.
    -Super Destroyer I VS. Super Destroyer II with Hunter Q. Robbins III Mask VS. Mask match: Destroyer 1 keeps ducking Destroyer 2. Destroyer 1 gets a quick two count early. Destroyer 2 continues to punish the arm. Destroyer 1 gets Destroyer 2 down and delivers a headbutt to the hamstring area. Back and forth. Destroyer 1 grapevines the leg. Destroyer 2 hits a corner whip, but Destroyer 1 ducks as Destroyer 2 misses the charge. Destroyer 1 hits a flying back splash to get the pin. Destroyer 2 unmasks and it’s Doug Stahl. I had to look it up as Joey Styles says he looks familiar but doesn’t name him. Destroyer 1 then says he’s the only masked wrestler left and the Dark Patriot comes out and attacks Destroyer 1 with a chair. He and Destroyer 2 then pile drive Destroyer 1 onto the chair two times. JT Smith then clears the ring and Dark Patriot climbs the scaffold to get away so we go directly to the scaffold match.
    -Scaffold Match: JT Smith VS. The Dark Patriot: Patriot hits Smith with some powder. They fight on the platform before Patriot drags Smith to the center of the scaffold then DDTs him and tries to roll him off. When he can’t, he runs Smith into a pipe. Patriot takes the drawstring out of his tights and chokes Smith with it as Smith holds on for dear life. Smith coming back and gets the drawstring and attacks Patriot with it. Patriot rakes Smith’s eyes and slams him into the scaffold. He throws the drawstring away and then does a pedigree like move on Smith on the scaffold. It’s a slug fest up top and Smith hits a dropkick on the scaffold. Patriot goes back into his tights and nails Smith with something and Smith starts teetering on the edge holding onto a pipe for dear life. He throws powder at Smith again and Smith falls into the ring. Smith gets up, but seems to be favoring one knee as the crowd yells for the Patriot to jump. He instead climbs down. He attacks Smith and they fight in the crowd. Patriot then attacks the referee. He then throws a table on Smith. He then attacks him with a chair.
    -Texas Tornado Bunkhouse Match Abdullah the Butcher and Kevin Sullivan VS. Terry Funk and Stan Hansen: The crowd is really into Funk and Hansen as they come out. Funk attacks Sullivan with a chair as Hansen chokes Abdullah. Sullivan and Funk go outside. Abdullah comes over. Hansen attacking Abdullah’s forehead with punches. Heels then switch off opponents as Sullivan attacks Hansen with right hands. They then switch off again. All four inside the ring and Sullivan tries to climb the scaffold to get away from Funk. Funk follows. Abdullah shakes the scaffold trying to shake Funk off. Funk and Sullivan battling on top of the scaffold. Hansen and Abdullah fighting in the ring. Sullivan climbs back down. Hansen with a big back elbow on Sullivan. Funk back down and he takes turns hitting Sullivan and Abdullah with a chair. He then traps Abdullah’s head in the chair as Hansen and Sullivan exchange rights. Sullivan with his foot on Hansen’s throat. Abdullah finally frees himself. Hansen gets free and runs over to help Funk who’s having his head run into the chair by Abdullah. Hansen hitting Abdullah with the chair and Abdullah is bleeding. Sullivan hitting Funk with the ringside hammer. Funk attacks the referee thinking its Sullivan and Abdullah accidently hits Sullivan with his fork when Funk ducks. Funk does the spinning toe hold on Sullivan who hits him in the eye to get out of it. Out of nowhere, Eddie Gilbert and The Dark Patriot attack Funk and Hansen. They start brawling all over the building. Hansen and Funk awarded the match. Sullivan attacks Abdullah after the match. Abdullah attacking Sullivan with his fork as an Abby chant goes out. Wrestlers trying to tear them apart but get attacked. Sullivan still has the hammer. Everybody battling all over the building.
    -Battle Royal for $5,000: Sensational Sherri, Tygra, Don E. Allen, Jay Sulli, Angel, and Hunter Q. Robbins III: Sulli eliminated almost immediately. Angel eliminates Don E. Allen. Sherri and Angel attack Robbins. Sherri rips his pants off. He is then thrown out. Angel jumped by Sherri. Sherri slams Angel and rips her wig off. Referee Freddie Gilbert comes into the ring. Sherri screams at him. He says something to her and she eliminates herself to take off after him. Angel goes over to the ropes to yell at Sherri and gets eliminated by Tygra who wins.
    -Sal Bellomo VS. Sir Richard Michaels with Hunter Q. Robbins III: Loser gets 10 lashes. Bellomo incredibly over with the crowd. Bellomo calls out Sherri to be in his corner and she comes out to a Sherri chant. Bellomo throws stuffed animals to the crowd. Bellomo attacks Michaels. Hits a dropkick. Attacks Michaels face. Michaels comes back with a leg drop and a chin lock. Bellomo with a big headbutt. Michaels with a full nelson. Bellomo with a backwards head butt and double mule kick. Back and forth. Robbins takes a cheap shot on Bellomo and Michaels hits a standing dropkick. He gets a two count. Bellomo kicking out sends Michaels out of the ring. Back in, Bellomo hits a standing dropkick. Sherri slaps Michaels with a right hand. Michaels hits Bellomo with Robbins cane and takes over. Tries a pin, but Bellomo has his foot on the ropes. Robbins smacks Bellomo with the cane while the referee is distracted. Michaels hits a back elbow. He climbs up to for a splash, but Bellomo moves out of the way. Bellomo hits a splash to get the pin. Bellomo gets the strap and starts lashing Michaels. Robbins jumps on Bellomo’s back. Sherri comes in and attacks Robbins. The Rockin Rebel comes out and attacks Bellomo with the strap.
    -ECW Heavyweight Championship Match: Shane Douglas with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Sandman: A Pittsburgh sucks chant goes out so Paul E and Douglas go to leave. They go to the back. The referee announces that they have 10 seconds to get into the ring or The Sandman will be awarded the title. Douglas gets back into the ring at 7 and Sandman immediately attacks. He hits a corner whip and a back elbow. Sandman with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Douglas pulls Sandman outside. They slug it out back and forth. Sandman with some knees to Douglas stomach and follows it up with a corner whip. He gets a two count from a small package. Douglas with a snap mare. Douglas gets a chinlock on Sandman. Paul E sucks chant goes out. Douglas gets his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. Sandman coming back. Douglas with a snap suplex. Gets a two count. Back to the chin lock. Sandman coming back again. They collide and both down. Douglas whipped across and out of the ring. Sandman hits a scoop slam. He then hits a top rope shoulder block that also takes out the referee. He covers Douglas but there’s no referee. Paul E. comes in with the phone, but Sandman stops him and Douglas nails Sandman with the phone. The referee recovers, but Sandman kicks out at two. Sandman low blows Douglas. He goes up top and hits a cross body, but Douglas rolls through to get the pin with a handful of tights.
    -Baseball Bat Match The Headhunters VS. Miguel Perez and Crash the Terminator: The teams start out at opposite ends of the building and as they count down to zero, they race for the bat in the ring. Joey Styles says he doesn’t see Victor Quinones at ringside with The Headhunters. The count begins. Perez gets the bat and hands it off to Crash. All four outside. Crash swinging hard at Headhunter A but misses and hurts his hand. Headhunter A gets the bat and hits Crash hard. They are in the crowd and that bat is really getting a workout. Perez comes to help Crash and The Headhunters attack him with the bat. Perez run into a wall while Crash gets worked over. Perez led back towards the ring. The camera misses it, but Crash runs Headhunter A through a wall. Perez gets the bat just buried into his midsection as he tries to fight back. He gets thrown into the ring. He gets Irish whipped and then gets the bat to the ribs again. Meanwhile, Crash and the other Headhunter crash completely through the wall into the dressing room. Crash heads to the ring, gets the bat, and uses it on the other Headhunter. Everyone in the match appears to be bleeding. The other Headhunter comes back to the ring with a chair and whacks Crash with it. Perez climbs to the top rope and hits Headhunter A with the bat. Perez and Crash take turns hitting Headhunter A with chairs. They brawl into the crowd. Perez ducks a bat swing and hits a heel kick on Headhunter B. Headhunter B and Perez both climb the scaffold. Headhunter B dangling from the scaffold as Headhunter A hits a powerbomb on Crash. Headhunter A then misses an elbow from the top rope. Crash hits a big slam but misses the moonsault on Headhunter A. Perez hits Headhunter B with a chair. Headhunter A with a big moonsault on Crash to get the pin. They continue to brawl after the match. They brawl to the announce position so Joey Styles bails. Crowd cheering for the faces as they thank everyone for coming and fade to black.

    Episode 73 Notes Fri, 14 May 2021 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 34d468b6-f458-4b0e-a6b4-46ba6afa94aa My Notes for Episode 73: SNME May 1986. -Residuals from getting the second vaccine shot.
    -Today we are going to be looking at Saturday Night's Main Event from May, 1986.
    -Saturday Night's Main Event #6 was shown on NBC on May 3, 1986. It was taped May 1, 1986 from the Providence Civic Center in Providence, Rhode Island.
    -We start out with a shot of Damien on the floor. Mean Gene wonders if anyone can defeat the serpent, tonight Ricky Steamboat is going to try. Then, the Battle of the Big Men: King Kong Bundy VS. Uncle Elmer. The British Bulldogs will defend their title against Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik, Paul Orndorff VS. Adorable Adrian Adonis, and Hulk Hogan & The Junkyard Dog with The Haiti Kid take on the Funk Brothers.
    -That brings us to the introduction.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us and promises us we will also see video of the WrestleMania 2 cage match. He then brings on Bobby Heenan to be his color commentator as Jesse Ventura was filming Predator.
    -Terry and Hoss Funk with Jimmy Hart VS. Hulk Hogan and The Junkyard Dog with The Haiti Kid.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Funks and Hart. They review the megaphone hit from WrestleMania 2. They bring on Jimmy Jack Funk to counter The Haiti Kid.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan, JYD, and The Haiti Kid. The Haiti Kid is not worried about Jimmy Hart.
    -Brawling to start. The Haiti Kid Attacks Jimmy Hart. Back and forth. Terry Funk launches into the ring post. Hoss Funk and Jimmy Hart help him then he chases The Haiti Kid. JYD pulls Terry Funk inside. He manhandles Terry Funk and Hulk Hogan is tagged in.
    -Hulk Hogan and Hoss Funk go at it and then Hulk Hogan takes both brothers on and gets a two count on Hoss Funk JYD tagged in. Terry Funk tagged in after a minute. Funk brothers start double teaming. Terry Funk hits some punches, JYD counters. Terry Funk sells hard here! Hoss Funk tagged in and JYD throws him into the corner, Hulk Hogan does the same to Terry Funk. Both Funks sell like crazy. Jimmy Hart hits the Haiti Kid with the branding iron. JYD then takes Haiti kid to the back. Hulk is left to take on the Funks on his own for a while, but JYD eventually returns. Hulk Hogan double-teamed on the floor, they all fight in the crowd. The Haiti Kid returns. Back in the ring, Hoss Funk takes over on The JYD and tags Terry Funk in. JYD chant goes up. Double Clothesline. Terry Funk goes up top. Misses the dive. Hulk Hogan tagged in and gets the leg drop and pin. Then a triple team on Haiti Kid. They go to brand him but Hulk Hogan and JYD clean house. Hogan poses and they both get down.
    -King Kong Bundy VS. Uncle Elmer —Earlier that day the weigh in. Mean Gene is there. King Kong Bundy weighs in at 468 pounds. Uncle Elmer then comes in to the scale. They insert slurping noises as Uncle Elmer is eating from something that says Uncle Elmer's Fried Pig Parts. He weighs 430 pounds.
    -Uncle Elmer dances in the ring. Test of strength. Vince and Bobby argue over whether Bobby should be at ringside.
    -Elmer is bad in the ring. He does backside hits to King Kong Bundy in the corner. King Kong Bundy finally gets the pin after an elbow drop.
    -Mean Gene interviews Adorable Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart in the dressing room. Adrian Adonis has a cutout of Paul Orndorff in there that he just adores.
    -Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. Paul Orndorff. Pre tape of Mean Gene in the sauna interviewing Paul Orndorff. Orndorff makes some un-PC comments about Adrian Adonis and even in 1986, Mean Gene moves right along and doesn't touch them.
    -Paul Orndorff starts out quickly. Adrian Adonis slows it down. Adonis thrown out then Jimmy Hart pulled into the ring and thrown out. They both eventually go out and Jimmy Hart attacks Paul Orndorff who gives chase. Adrian Adonis takes the opportunity to use the megaphone. Then back and forth. Adrian Adonis gets tied in the ropes. The dress gets ripped off of Adonis. Paul Orndorff won't stop attacking Adonis and shoves the ref and gets disqualified.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan in the arena before the matches. They go over what happened at the last SNME and at WrestleMania 2.
    -Ricky Steamboat VS. Jake Roberts. Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. They talk about Jake Roberts and his deadliness. Then a pre tape of Jake Roberts with Damien. Great promo here by Jake. Jake Roberts attacks and clotheslines Ricky Steamboat before the bell. Another one to the concrete. Then the DDT on the outside and Ricky Steamboat takes a nasty bump. Jake Roberts puts Ricky Steamboat back in the ring, brings out Damien. He puts it all over Ricky Steamboat as Vince McMahon Overreacts here. Ricky Steamboat stretchered out as they show Steamboat's wife Bonnie in the crowd.
    -Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldogs with Captain Lou Albano. They show the title change from WrestleMania 2.
    -The British Bulldogs with Capt. Lou VS. Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik with Freddie Blassie. Volkoff does the Russian National Anthem gimmick. Vince McMahon makes a Chernobyl joke here? Pre tape Mean Gene interviews Blassie, Volkoff, and Sheik. 2/3 falls match.
    -The British Bulldogs come out strong. Heels even up with fast tags. Camel clutch and a submission. Fast first fall. Second fall, heels continue to dominate. Back and Forth. Davey Boy Smith wrestles most of the match. They say that Dynamite Kid must be injured. Davey Boy Smith gets a rollup for a pin. Then it is confirmed that Dynamite Kid is injured. The Iron Sheik gets a Boston crab but DBS gets the rope. Nikolai Volkoff gets a backbreaker. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Iron Sheik gets the camel clutch. Interference by Davey Boy Smith, who rolls Iron Sheik up for the pin. It is controversial but stands. Vince and Bobby then wrap up the show.

    Episode 74 Notes Fri, 14 May 2021 11:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 8add31c1-f0a6-449f-b757-be9a92de26f2 My Notes for Episode 74: Clash 12 Mountain Madness Fall Brawl '90. -Gastric Bypass Surgery and a liquid diet.
    -Today, we are looking at Clash of the Champions XII from WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions XII: Mountain Madness/Fall Brawl '90 took place on September 5, 1990 from the Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, North Carolina. There were 4,000 fans in attendance and the show did a 5.0 rating on TBS.
    -Intro and Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us and run down the card.
    -The Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Buddy Roberts VS. The Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong with Bob Armstrong: Way too many confederate flags showing. This started over the stupid Southern Tag Team Trophy program that they had for a while. The Southern Boys win after a pair of Sunset Flips and a bunch of GAGA before that. Freebirds then attack Bob Armstrong afterwards.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews The Steiner Brothers who are the new US Tag Champions. Steiners do not give a great interview here. They muddle through.
    -Buddy Landell VS. Mike Rotunda: Cindy Anderson, the winner of the Burger King Poetry contest, escorts Rotunda to the ring. Caudle said he talked to Landell about the Skid Row Tattoo that Budro is wearing. I bet Bob was lost in the weeds on that one. These two have a nice little match that Rotunda wins with a back slide.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to The Freebirds. They are naturally upset at the result of their match. They then roll the video of The Freebirds in Hollywood.
    -Tim Horner and Brad Armstrong VS. The Master Blasters Iron and Steel: Steel is of course Kevin Nash and Iron is listed on web sites as Cory Pendarvis. I cannot find any other info about him. He is replaced after one week by Blade who was Al Greene. Nash has his debut in WCW. The announcers put him over as impressive. Horner is pinned by Steel after a double shoulder block.
    -Tony talks to Brian Pillman. They touch on the main event of the night before talking about Pillman Running the Gauntlet. This was confusing and trying to explain it doesn’t help matters.
    -Missy Hyatt interviews Ric Flair. Typical Ric Flair interviews. He looks good and will be the new US champ so that he can get the world title.
    -The Nasty Boys VS. Jackie Fulton and Terry Taylor: Nasty Boys are in for a few weeks in WCW, but not under contract so they will be in the WWF by the end of the year. Ross and Caudle try to rehab Taylor’s image post Red Rooster years. Nasty Boys win it when Jerry Sags pins Fulton after an elbow drop.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Sid Vicious. He’s angry and wants Sting’s belt. He doesn’t care about anyone but Sig and the belt being around his waist.
    -Wild Bill Irwin VS. Tommy Rich: Rich looks in shape here. He wins after a Thesz Press.
    -WCW Top 10: Sting Champion. 10. Buddy Landell 9. Tommy Rich 8. Junk Yard Dog 7. Brian Pillman 6. Stan Hansen 5. Sid Vicious 4. Barry Windham 3. Arn Anderson 2. Ric Flair 1. Lex Luger
    Tag Teams: Doom Champions 10. Mike Rotunda and Tim Horner 9. Junk Yard Dog and El Gigante 8. Flyin’ Brian and The Z-Man 7. SST 6. Freebirds 5. Southern Boys 4. The Midnight Express 3. The Horsemen 2. The Rock & Roll Express 1. The Steiner Brothers
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Stan Hansen. He says he’s motivated because he needs money and he’s mad that he is ranked so low in the rankings.
    -LPWA Championship Match: Bambi VS. Susan Sexton This is the popcorn match of the night. They try to put this over on commentary, but no one cares. They move on to talk about the rest of the card. Sexton wins after reversing a cradle.
    -Steiner Brothers VS. Maximum Overdrive: Steiners extremely over with the crowd. They cheer all the Steiners moves. Rick gets the pin after they do a top rope DDT.
    -Missy Hyatt reminds us to watch The Main Event on Sundays.
    -Stan Hansen VS. The Z Man: Z Man gets a good pop. Hansen attacks him and beats him at ringside before throwing him in. They show Lex Luger watching the match. Hansen wins with the lariat.
    -They review the Ric Flair/Lex Luger rivalry. Luger is ready for Flair.
    -US Title Match: Lex Luger VS. Ric Flair: Flair opens the chop house. Flair then stalls. Luger’s academic credentials and Flair’s plane crash are both brought up IYDAH. All Bases covered. The fans are really into this match. They battle in and out of the ring. Now Flair’s athletic background is brought up. Flair concentrates on the leg. They trade blows. Crowd solidly behind Luger. Luger goes for and hits the superplex. Flair gets his leg on the ropes. Stan Hansen comes in and attacks Luger so Flair loses by disqualification. Hansen ties the cowbell and rope around Luger’s neck.
    -The Black Scorpion says if Sting beats him, he will tell Sting who he is. Sting says he plans to do just that.
    -NWA Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. The Black Scorpion: This Scorpion is Al Perez under the mask. Sting comes out hard on the Scorpion and the crowd is solidly behind him. Much speculation over the identity of the Black Scorpion during the match. It goes out to the ramp at one point. Sting keeps going after the mask instead of winning the match. Sting wins with the splash. He takes one mask off, but there’s another one on underneath. Another Black Scorpion comes down the aisle. The announcers say Sting is “Stunned”.
    -JR interviews Sting. He is confused by all of the Black Scorpion drama, but as they are getting into that, Sid comes down to ringside. He says Sting should worry about him. Sting says he has enough on his mind. Sid then attacks Sting. He then says he’s going to be the next champion because he rules the world.
    -They sign off from Asheville.

    Episode 72 Notes Sun, 02 May 2021 17:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7e17d1c3-7a94-42d6-9cd7-22affae5a2c9 My Notes for Episode 72: SummerSlam 90. -Today we look at SummerSlam 1990 from the WWF.
    -SummerSlam ’90: The Heat Returns was shown on PPV on August 27, 1990 from the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA. There were 19,304 in attendance.
    -Classic Vince McMahon opening. He welcomes us and new color commentator Roddy Piper (Jesse who?) to SummerSlam.
    -Hot Rod says Wham, Bam, SummerSlam! Where bagpipes are hot, and Baghdad is not! I have remembered that for 30 years. They run down the double main event before throwing it to the first match.
    -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. Power and Glory Hercules and Paul Roma with Slick: Hercules jumps Michaels before the match to cover the real injury that Michaels had. Roddy is doing a bit of heel work on commentary early. They do allude to Michael’s knee being hurt before he came to the ring. Crowd likes it when Jannetty makes a comeback. There are also some fans of Power & Glory in the crowd and they like the finisher that they do to win as Roma pins Jannetty. They attack Michaels again after the match and he is carried out.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan about The Texas Tornado. They say they aren’t worried. They do the Nobody beats Mr. Perfect line which I like.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Kerry Von Erich. He is out of it. Go back and watch his eyes. He also says Ter-nado.
    -Intercontinental Championship Match: Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan VS. The Texas Tornado: If Jesse were here, he would be livid that Mr. Perfect came out first, so I’m mad on his behalf. Perfect doing a fantastic selling job. It’s all Von Erich, but Perfect finally comes back. Von Erich gets the claw and the discus punch and gets the pin and the title.
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan who are beside themselves. They vow to get the belt back.
    -Queen Sherri is introduced. She has some cat makeup on. Sweet Sapphire doesn’t come out. Sherri wins by forfeiture.
    -Mean Gene interviews Dusty Rhodes about Sweet Sapphire. Classic Dusty Rhodes/Jim Duggan interplay about looking for Sapphire. Then Dusty gets off the immortal line about that’s not my bidness.
    -The Warlord with Slick VS. Tito Santana: Roddy says a couple of Jesse Taco references, but mostly does his own thing. Warlord displays power moves. Roddy does a stereotypical Amos & Andy voice towards Slick and I am uncomfortable. Stay away from that, Hot Rod. If you’re looking to make Warlord look good, this match is going way too long. Santana getting a lot of offense in. Warlord wins with a power slam.
    -Sean Mooney talks to Demolition, who are acting coy about which two members will be at ringside and they call the LOD imposters.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match 2/3 falls Demolition VS. The Hart Foundation: Demolition come out first, so I’m glad Jesse isn’t here. It’s Crush and Smash. Mean Gene interviews The Hart Foundation. Jim Neidhart says they don’t pay him to think. Bret Hart tells him to settle down.
    -First Fall: Hart Foundation takes over and Vince tells us he can’t tell Demolition apart even though there is a height difference and they look nothing alike. The crowd gets into it the closer to a fall it looks like they get. Demolition wins the first fall with the Demolition Decapitation.
    -Second Fall: The crowd loses it over a close two count. Crush tackles the ref to prevent a pin and gets disqualified.
    -Third Fall: Ax sneaks down and gets under the ring. Some close counts in this fall. Ax and Smash trade places. Ax does the side Russian leg sweep on Bret Hart, a classic Bret move. Double team on Bret. The LOD come out to a big pop. They distract Demolition on the outside and Bret Hart gets the pin. New Champions.
    -WrestleMania VII commercial plays and at this point they are still planning on running the coliseum.
    -Mean Gene interviews LOD. They want Demolition and now they have their attention. The Hart Foundation come in and say they will take on anyone.
    -Sean Mooney tries to interview Demolition but they won’t open the door.
    -Mean Gene interviews Queen Sherri. She gloats about winning and puts down Sweet Sapphire.
    -Mean Gene runs down the second half of SummerSlam. They show a possum as a Harlem sewer rat.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Big Boss Man. He says he’s here to serve law & order.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Nikolai Volkoff and Jim Duggan. Nikolai says that Jim Duggan is his idol. This will not end well for Nikolai.
    -Mean Gene interviews Earthquake, Dino Bravo, and Jimmy Hart. Earthquake bounces while talking about Hulk Hogan and Tugboat while they show the attacks that they did on Hogan and Tugboat. Bravo calls him the Hearthquake.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Jake Roberts. Jake says Damien is hungry and on a related note, I hate snakes.
    -Bad News Brown VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: The Big Boss Man is the special guest referee. Boss Man gets to come out last. Roddy says he is on Jake’s side and he hates snakes. I’m with you, Roddy. Bad News Brown hits Roberts with a chair on the outside which as we know from SummerSlam ’89 is legal. Slow paced match. Crowd chants DDT and Roberts signals it, but Brown counters it. He goes back to the chair, but gets disqualified by Boss Man. Tony and Jesse would be appalled. Brown jumps Boss Man, Damien comes out of the bag and Brown bails.
    -Another WrestleMania VII promo.
    -Mean Gene interviews Demolition. They are understandably mad at the LOD and The Hart Foundation. They call the LOD imposters again.
    -The Brother Love Show with Sgt. Slaughter. Sarge is anti-American, but not quite pro-Iraq yet. He presents Brother Love with the Greatest American Medal. Slaughter also declares war on Nikolai Volkoff.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji, who puts down Jim Duggan and Nikolai Volkoff. Volkoff must be over, he has had two different heels talk about him back to back.
    -Mean Gene tries to interview Sweet Sapphire, but she goes into a dressing room and won’t talk to him.
    -The Orient Express with Mr. Fuji VS. Nikolai Volkoff and Jim Duggan: Piper says he doesn’t trust Nikolai. Duggan and Volkoff sing God Bless America. It is a song, that’s as much as I can say for their rendition. This match just doesn’t interest me. Duggan and Volkoff win.
    -Mean Gene is with Dusty Rhodes who wants Sapphire to open the door.
    -Dusty Rhodes VS. Randy Savage with Queen Sherri: The crowd loves Rhodes. Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage while he’s up on the throne. Savage says the rumors about Dusty Rhodes must be true. Ted DiBiase and Virgil come out and say everyone has their price, and that includes Sapphire. They say that Sapphire hated this angle, as she loved being with Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes goes after DiBiase, but Savage jumps on him. Piper keeps putting down Rhodes. He’s definitely more heelish on commentary than he would be later. Savage hits Rhodes with Sherri’s purse and pins him.
    -Sean Mooney tries to interview Ted DiBiase. He says there’s nothing his money can’t buy as we see Rhodes running to catch the limo before it leaves. Piper asks what Rhodes was going to do if he got there.
    -Hulk Hogan with The Big Boss Man VS. Earthquake with Jimmy Hart and Dino Bravo: Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Boss Man. Hogan remembers Earthquakes attack and also the massive mailing list, I mean cards and letters that he received. He also mentions Tugboat being attacked. Separate entrances for Boss Man and Hulk Hogan. Boss Man has a bruise by his eye that was not there in the promo. Weird. Everyone is in at one point, but no disqualification? Earthquake gets the Boston Crab on, but Hogan gets to the ropes. Hogan later in a bear hug and he pulls off pieces of the ref’s shirt, I’ve never understood this moment. Earthquake hits several splashes, but Hogan kicks out. Hogan wins by count out. Hogan must pose. Earthquake gets hit several times with a chair post-match.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. Rude brings up Rocky since they are in Philadelphia and says that art will imitate life.
    -Mean Gene talks to Dusty Rhodes. He says he offered up his innocence to Sapphire, and she paid him back in scorn. Yikes.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes talks about the cage being put up.
    -Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan. He says he will finish off Earthquake and get back to the number one contender spot. He also adds a fourth demandment: believe in yourself.
    -Sean Mooney talks to Earthquake and company. He has giant bloody marks on his back. They want Hulk Hogan and the Big Boss Man.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior who snarls his way through the interview.
    -WWF Championship Match Cage Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: Rude sells hard for Warrior. Piper puts Warrior down on commentary. Rude gets busted open. Heenan slams the door on Warrior, but Rude can’t get the pin. Warrior gets the press, the splash, and climbs out to win.
    -Warrior celebrates as they sign off from Philadelphia.

    Episode 71 Notes Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] d7d28ec6-e35a-4d6f-9a79-ff470728a00f My Notes for Episode 71: The Road to SuperClash 3. -I take a bag of mail for a trip.
    -How’s the app working? Busy.
    -My wife uses way too much toilet paper. Like buying milk by the quart or half gallon, it will ruin you financially.
    -My debit card information was stolen. I would have rather been beaten with a brick stick.
    -Today we return to the AWA and take a look at The Road to SuperClash III.
    -This was recorded in Louisville, KY on September 18, 1988 for episodes of AWA on ESPN.
    -Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek on commentary.
    -The Top Guns Ricky Rice and John Paul VS. Terry Adonis and The Beast: Paul and Beast start. Paul with the advantage. He works on the arm of the Beast. Rice tagged in. Gets a side headlock on Beast. Rice reverses a hip toss. Paul and Adonis both tagged in. Paul does a big hip toss out of the corner on Adonis. Paul gets a one count. Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek talk about the Main Event of SuperClash III coming up. Rice tagged in and hits a big dropkick on Adonis to get the pin.
    -AWA International Television Championship Match. Ron Garvin VS. Scott Steiner: Steiner very young and green here. They talk about Garvin winning the title from Greg Gagne. Steiner hits a big slam early. A shoving match turns into a big right hand from Garvin and Steiner goes down. Garvin then does the Garvin Stomp which someone somewhere once thought was a good idea. Steiner blocks and reverses Garvin into the corner post. Garvin ducks a crossbody attempt by Steiner though. He then knocks Steiner out with a right hand punch and sits on him to pin him.
    -Kerry Von Erich VS. Gary Young with Downtown Bruno: Bruno gets on the apron to yell at Von Erich and gets a discus punch for his trouble. Young attacks Von Erich. He hits a sloppy clothesline on Von Erich. That gets a two count. Von Erich hits a discus punch on Young who counters with a sloppy crossbody. But Von Erich rolls through and gets the pin.
    -Mike Enos VS. Greg Gagne: Future Beverly Brother VS. Groovy Greg here. Future manager of the Moondogs in Memphis Richard Lee is the referee. Lee Marshall and Frank Dusek take a page out of JR’s book talking about amateur credentials IYDAH. They look like they mess up a few moves to start. Then Gagne hits a couple of arm drags. They talk about Gagne losing the TV title recently to Ron Garvin which was actually the night before at the TV taping in Nashville, TN. Gagne works an arm lock but Enos coming back. Enos throws Gagne into a corner, but Gagne gets a foot up as Enos comes charging in. Gagne unloads on Enos hitting a backdrop and a dropkick. Gagne gets the sleeper on. Enos goes down and Gagne wins.
    -Madusa and Sylvia VS. Wendy Richter and Mimi: Davis McClain from POWW joins Lee on commentary. Madusa and Richter start. All Richter to begin. She gets a leg scissors pin for a two count. Madusa fighting hard to get out of the hold as David and Lee talk about POWWs participation at SuperClash III. Madusa powers out and Mimi tags in. Madusa overpowers her at first, but Mimi comes back with a snap mare and an arm drag into an arm lock. Madusa gets up, but Mimi still has a wrist lock as Wendy yells at her to break Madusa’s arm. Madusa gets Mimi into the heel’s corner and they punish Mimi as the ref gets Richter out of the ring as she tries to help Mimi. Madusa with a snap mare and more punishment to Mimi. Richter comes in and Madusa goes after her as Sylvia holds Mimi. They then set both faces up to collide into each other. The faces reverse it and double dropkick Sylvia. Madusa then gets a snap mare onto Richter. Then Madusa hits a big suplex. Richter then gets Madusa tied up into a corner and hits a spear. Then Madusa tied to the tree of woe until Sylvia comes over to break it up. Madusa gets Richter into a front face lock. Madusa then hits an awkward bridging side suplex for a two count. They are rolling around on the mat trying to get an advantage when the bell rings. Sylvia tries to say Madusa won. It is very confusing. Madusa may have accidently given up. It is not made clear. Richter gets on the mic and says she wants a title match. Mimi says Madusa’s name should be Macaroni Miceli because she keeps slipping away like a wet noodle.
    -Badd Company Paul Diamond and Pat Tanaka with Diamond Dallas Page VS. Nature’s Best Bill and Darrell Justin: Nature’s Best with the early advantage on Tanaka. Diamond tagged in and hits a big clothesline. Tanaka tags back in and delivers a head butt. Lee Marshall keeps saying Earl Justin, but the match description and everything I could find online says Darrell Justin. Badd Company hits a Hart Attack like double team move but pull the opponent up before the three count. I don’t know if it’s Bill or Darrell because they haven’t been identified. They do a flying guillotine and again pull the opponent up. The Justin in the ring rolls Diamond up and almost gets a three count and Tanaka tagged in. Big hits and quick tags, but the other Justin tagged in. He hits two slams and a dropkick. Diamond super kicks Justin into a Tanaka bridging suplex for the pin.
    -Verne Gagne joins commentary.
    -The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Hangman and Terry Adonis: All Rock N Roll to begin as Lee and Verne talk about the upcoming PPV and that the Rock N Roll will meet The Stud Stable. Morton hits a big DDT on The Hangman. Gibson tagged in. Adonis also tagged in. Gibson hits a top rope maneuver. Morton then tagged in and hits a dropkick. Gibson back in and they hit the double dropkick for the pin.
    -WCCW Texas Championship Match: Iceman King Parsons VS. Michael Hayes: Hayes gets a good reaction coming out. Hayes with the advantage with a big clothesline. Parsons rolls out. Back in, Hayes gets a side headlock on. Parsons comes back with a big headbutt. He brutalizes Hayes for a couple of minutes before getting him down with a big clothesline. Hayes coming back and tries a sunset flip, but Parsons with a big right hand. Parsons tries a corner charge but misses as Lee and Verne talk about a big man battle royal that is supposed to take place at the PPV but ends up not happening. Hayes hits a backdrop. Parsons misses a clothesline. Hayes hits a crossbody. The SST and Buddy Roberts hit the ring and attack Hayes for the DQ. Steve Cox and Kerry Von Erich come in to make the save.
    -Steve Cox VS. Terry Garvin: Cox with a big right hand but misses an elbow. Garvin slaps Cox, but he no sells it and unloads on Garvin. Cox hits a clothesline. Side Russian leg sweep gets the three count for Cox.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Stanley Blackburn about SuperClash III. He says people are coming from all over the world for the event.
    -Soldat Ustinov with Tijoe Khan VS. Sgt. Slaughter: Supposed to be a tag match with Jimmy Snuka as Slaughter’s partner, but he was injured in Japan. Slaughter leaves the ring and goes to the back and he comes back with Keith Erich. So now it is a tag match. Slaughter and Khan start out. Slaughter unloads on Khan. Erich tagged in. Erich with an arm bar. Ustinov tagged in. He hits a big clothesline for a two count. Ustinov with a suplex but pulls Erich up before the three count. Khan tagged in. He punishes Erich. Quick tags by the heels punishing Erich and keeping him in their corner. They keep pulling him up before the three count. Khan punishes Erich by rubbing his head against the top rope. Ustinov slams Erich and again pulls him up before the three count. Khan hits a big power slam and a clothesline. Double clothesline and both men down. Both Slaughter and Khan tagged in and the crowd comes alive. Slaughter hits a big back drop, the Slaughter cannon, and the Cobra Clutch. Col. DeBeers appears at ringside. He piledrives Erich. Slaughter takes off after him. He doesn’t make it back to ringside in time and gets counted out. Slaughter attacks both heels. Slaughter then argues with the referee.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Sgt. Slaughter. He says he wants Col. DeBeers in a match. DeBeers comes out and throws a stretcher towards Slaughter. Slaughter wants to go at it with DeBeers now and gets into the ring. DeBeers comes towards him and spits at him and retreats. Slaughter says he wants a boot camp match.
    -Wahoo McDaniel VS. Manny Fernandez: Big chop by McDaniel and Fernandez rolls out of the ring as they talk about what has led up to this match. They trade blows. Very cautious. McDaniel keeps unloading on Fernandez with chops. Fernandez then unloads on McDaniel in the corner and gets McDaniel with a leg lock. McDaniel trying to chop his way out of the hold. A big leg kick by McDaniel breaks the hold. Back and forth. A pair of back elbows by Fernandez and McDaniel is bleeding. They exchange chops. They go outside. Fernandez ran into the ringside barricade. Back in, McDaniel gets a two count. They go back outside. They exchange chops outside. They both get counted out. Fernandez then leaves ringside.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Wahoo McDaniel. McDaniel says he is not afraid of Fernandez and when SuperClash III comes around, he will beat Fernandez or quit.
    -Six Man Tag Match: The Rock N Roll RPM’s Mike Davis and Tommy Lane and The Hangman with Downtown Bruno VS. Mando, Chavo, and Hector Guerrero: Frank Dusek rejoins commentary. Fast and furious action. Hector hits a few flying head scissors on Davis. Heels coming back, but all three Guerrero’s clear the ring. Chavo takes on Lane. Mando tagged in and takes Lane with a monkey flip and Hector tagged back in. Quick tags by the faces. Davis and Mando trade blows. Chavo and Lane also trade blows. The heels work over Hector. Chavo tagged in. All 6 men in now. Faces do a three man rowboat on the heels. Chavo hits a moonsault on Hangman for the pin. The RPMs try to double team Chavo, but his brothers make the save.
    -Alan Reynolds VS. Colonel DeBeers with Diamond Dallas Page: DDP threatens Sgt. Slaughter before the match as the Diamond Dolls bring the stretcher to ringside. DeBeers just battering Reynolds. Lee Marshall announces that it will be a boot camp match at SuperClash III between Slaughter and DeBeers. DeBeers does the DeBeers Diamond Cutter (Pedigree) to get the pin. They take Reynolds out on a stretcher.
    -The SST with Buddy Roberts VS. Ray Odyssey and Sean Baxter: All SST to begin. They hit a double savate kick on Reynolds. They then finish him off with the splash for the pin. They then beat up Baxter.
    -Verne Gagne rejoins commentary.
    -Jerry Lawler VS. Terry Adonis: Adonis hits Lawler and then runs. Lawler hits a big right hand. Then Lawler hits a big clothesline. Then a big right hand from the top rope to get the pin.
    -The Stud Stable Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden with Sylvia and Downtown Bruno VS. Brickhouse Brown and Bill Dundee: Brown starting out hot and taking on both members of the Stud Stable. All four in and Dundee and Brown double atomic drop on The Stud Stable. Both Stud Stable are then run into the same corner. Stud Stable coming back on Dundee. Dundee gets a shot in and gets a two count. Golden with an arm wringer on Dundee. Then Golden with a wrist lock on Dundee. They get over to the corner and Fuller grabs who he thinks is Dundee to do an arm wringer but it’s really Golden. Dundee thrown outside and gets beat by Sylvia with the kendo stick. Dundee with a body press on Golden. Brown tagged in. He goes at it with Golden. Dundee goes after Bruno and Fuller on the outside. Brown gets a body press and the referee starts to count as Sylvia comes in with the kendo stick for the disqualification. Cactus Jack comes in and starts beating Brown and Dundee up. Jeff Jarrett comes in to even the odds. Jimmy Valiant also comes in to help.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Bill Dundee. He says he and his crew will take on the Stud Stable anywhere.
    -10-man tag The Rock N Roll Express, The Top Guns, and Jeff Jarrett VS. Badd Company, The Rock N Roll RPMs, and Cactus Jack with Diamond Dallas Page and the Diamond Dolls: Cactus Jack and Rice start. There are 5 WWE Hall of Famers involved in this match. Rice and Jack trade shots in the corner and Jack then misses a corner charge. Rice then has an arm bar on Jack. Paul then tagged in and continues to work the arm. Morton in and the faces are doing quick tags. They continue to focus on the arm. Gibson and then Jarrett in. Lane tagged in. Jarrett gives all the heels a shot. Davis in and then Paul tagged in. Paul works on Davis’ arm. Morton and Tanaka tagged in. Morton then hits a big gut shot. Gibson tagged in and hits an enziguri to Tanaka. Jarrett in and Tanaka knocks him down. Jarrett then hits a big right hand to Tanaka. Jarrett then runs Tanaka into the post and then all the faces get a shot in and Tanaka is groggy. Gibson in and he hits a DDT. Morton tagged in. He hits some shots. Paul tagged in. Tanaka tagged in and punishes Paul. Davis tagged and gets Paul down. Jack tagged in and hits a back elbow. He gets a cradle that Jarrett breaks up. Diamond tagged in. Paul gets a sunset flip, but the referee was distracted by Tanaka and so it only gets a one count. The heels now doing quick tags. Tanaka hitting some hard shots. Back and forth. Gibson tagged in. He misses a dropkick and Tanaka hits a back elbow. All 10 men in and the crowd comes alive. Morton trips Tanaka and Gibson gets the pin. Everyone continues to brawl after the match.
    -Lee Marshall interviews the winners. Jeff Jarrett says that tonight is going to be nothing like December 13. The Top Guns say that they are ready for Badd Company December 13. The Rock N Roll Express say they are looking for their 5th world tag team title.
    -Jimmy Valiant and Jerry Lawler VS. Kerry Von Erich and Michael Hayes. Frank Dusek back on commentary. Hayes tries to get the crowd on his team’s side, but this is clearly a pro Lawler crowd. Lots of stalling before they finally lock up. Von Erich and Lawler start. Lawler with the early advantage. Von Erich with a big right hand, but Lawler has his foot on the ropes so no pin. Von Erich goes for a piledriver, but it’s illegal in this territory, so he goes for a discus punch and misses and Lawler hits a big right hand. A small package by Von Erich, but Lawler’s foot again on the ropes. Lawler goes for a pin, but now Von Erich’s foot is on the ropes. Lawler goes for a fist drop, but misses and gets nailed by Von Erich. Lawler gets his foot up on a Von Erich corner charge. Von Erich hits a big right hand, but both men down. Lawler hits a big dropkick. Then Von Erich hits his own dropkick. They then try a dropkick at the same time and both men down. Valiant and Hayes both finally tagged in. Valiant goes for a big right on Hayes’s head while he has him in a headlock, but Hayes blocks it twice, so Valiant hits him with a mule kick. Hayes trying to come back. It goes outside. They fight and Von Erich and Lawler both try to push their partner back into the ring and as they do the bell rings. There is a bit of confusion. All four going at it. Von Erich slugs the referee and Lawler pulls the strap down. He beats Von Erich down. Match was ruled a double count out. Hayes gets on the mic and says that Von Erich and Lawler should settle their issues now and he and Valiant will stay out of it. Referee waiving it off. Von Erich gets on the mic and says if he were to beat Lawler it wouldn’t count so he’s going to wait until SuperClash III. Valiant gets on the mic and says Lawler is going to be a double champion.
    -Lee Marshall then signs off from Louisville.

    Episode 70 Notes Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 4039198c-1901-4cba-88b0-ff45fdfedefc My Notes for Episode 70: SNME July 1990. -Night one of WrestleMania 37 happened last night as I record this. It was bound to happen with all those outdoor WrestleMania’s eventually as they had a bit of a rain delay to start things off.
    -I continue to work on the puzzle that never ends as my wife is preoccupied with packing as she is going to be away from home for a few days. She packs for every trip as if she’s storming the beach.
    -Today we look at the SNME from July 1990.
    -SNME XXVII was broadcast on NBC on July 28, 1990. It was recorded July 18, 1990 from the Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, NE. This is a Special Wild Kingdom edition of the show since they are in Omaha. End of an era: This is Jesse’s last SNME as he would leave the WWF a month later after a dispute with Vince McMahon over Video Game Rights.
    -They run down what we are going to see.
    -Opening Credits
    -Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude say The Ultimate Warrior is just another link in the food chain. Rude says he did it once, and he can do it again.
    -The Ultimate Warrior says he’s the biggest animal in the Jungle.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: Rude attacks early. Warrior is so powerful. Both men down at one point. Rude attacks Warrior with the belt. Back and forth. Warrior carrying the blue belt which stands out. Rude gets a sleeper on. A Warrior chant goes out. Warrior fights out of the sleeper. Rude hits the Rude Awakening, but Warrior kicks out at 2. Warrior gets the shoulder tackle and splash, but Heenan pulls him off. Warrior goes after Heenan and Rude attacks Warrior and they fight on the floor. Warrior attacks Heenan inside of the ring. Rude is counted out.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes and Mean Gene Okerlund talk about Wild Animals. This is very hokey.
    -Hulk Hogan tribute video and flashback to Earthquake attacking him. You would think that Hogan died after watching this video.
    -Vince is in the ring to interview Hogan. Hogan’s pop is big as he comes out. He thanks everyone for their love, support, cards, and letters. He says he’s been attacked from behind before, but he’s going to take Earthquake on at SummerSlam. He also adds that he’s going to have Tugboat in his corner.
    -Earthquake, Dino Bravo, and Jimmy Hart come out. They surround Hulk Hogan and then Tugboat comes out. The heels eventually leave.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes and Mean Gene encounter Koko B. Ware and Jake Roberts in the wild. Then they see The Bushwhackers.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax, Smash, and Crush VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Smash and Crush are the two members who actually wrestle. Rockers in Control early. Clunky at times with a mishmash of styles. Demolition comes back. It breaks down. Ax comes in and clotheslines Michaels for Crush to pin him while the referee is distracted. The Rockers are disputing the call and all 5 men are in the ring now and The Hart Foundation come to ringside. Then the newly arrived Legion of Doom come to ringside. Jesse tells them all to live with the call that was made in the ring.
    -Another Wild Kingdom segment.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect say that Tito Santana is not the perfect wrestler, Mr. Perfect is the Perfect Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Perfect with Bobby Heenan VS. Tito Santana: Perfect on the offensive early. Jesse makes a Tito sells enchiladas joke IYDAH. Santana coming back, it’s the 90’s, so Vince is starting his what a maneuver talk. Santana covers Perfect, but only gets a two count. Santana can’t seal the deal to win. The official gets injured, so a new official comes in. Perfect keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Perfect then regains control. Santana starts a comeback and Perfect is playing a human pinball with all of his bumping. Perfect then reverses a small package to win.
    -Jesse interviews Earthquake, Dino Bravo, and Jimmy Hart. They promise that Hulk Hogan will leave the arena in an ambulance at SummerSlam.
    -Lord Alfred and Mean Gene encounter Jimmy Snuka, Akeem, and Slick in the wild.
    -Kerry Von Erich VS. Buddy Rose: Von Erich’s debut match. Rose with the early advantage. Von Erich comes back and Rose does the Andre rope spot. Later, Rose gets caught coming off the top rope. A discus punch and Von Erich gets the pin.
    -Jesse interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. They say that The Ultimate Warrior is out of his element in a steel cage and that Rude will be the new WWF champion after SummerSlam.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he’s the most awesome force and he will walk in the champion at SummerSlam and he will leave the champion.
    -Vince and Jesse talk about the Wild Kingdom they’ve experienced and Jesse says Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior may be two endangered Animals.
    -Lord Alfred and Mean Gene wrap it up and Mean Gene has made a friend in a monkey.
    -Vince says to Jesse: Dr. Livingston, I presume then says so long till they see you for a new season. Jesse says you presume wrong. This is very telling. Adios, Jesse.

    Episode 69 Notes Fri, 09 Apr 2021 05:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 178dd472-90dd-4cdd-aae5-1d8850d2a488 My Notes for Episode 69: WrestleMania 2. -I continue to plug away at my puzzle and dragging my wife along for the ride. We are making progress.
    -I got my first vaccine shot on Saturday. I signed up early.
    -Surreal moments surrounding this podcast continue: G. Gordon Liddy.
    -Today, we will be looking at WrestleMania 2.
    -WrestleMania 2 took place on Monday, April 7, 1986. The first and only WrestleMania to take place on a day other than Sunday before Covid-19. It originated from three locations: The Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, The Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois although it is commonly referred to as part of Chicago so that is what we will use here, and the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. The event was broadcast on PPV and via Closed Circuit.
    -We start off in New York with Vince McMahon in the ring. He welcomes us to WrestleMania. He then brings on his cohost Susan St. James. She is a famous actress who was starring in the sitcom Kate & Allie at this time. She is also the wife of Dick Ebersol of NBC and SNME fame. Anti IYDAH game every time she says Uh Oh.
    -Vince then brings on Ray Charles to sing America the Beautiful. He does a great job with the images interspersed on the screen as he sings.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund then checks in from Chicago.
    -Then we go to Roddy Piper with Bob Orton and Lou Duva in New York. Lou is holding the microphone and Lou is not announcer material. Roddy gives a classic Rowdy Roddy promo. He said if Mr. T knocks him out, he will quit boxing, wrestling, tiddlywinks, everything. He also says he will never paint himself black, which will ironically come up in four years.
    -We go to the ring for Magnificent Muraco VS. Paul Orndorff. They work each other over. Back and Forth. Orndorff works a hold. They tumble out to the floor and continue to brawl as they both get counted out.
    -We go to a Mr. T interview. He is with Smoking’ Joe Frazier and The Haiti Kid whom Piper and Orton had shaved to look like Mr. T.
    -It is then time for the Intercontinental Championship Title Match.
    -George Steele VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Susan St. James is a big Animal Steele fan.
    -Savage is intense to start and Steele bites him. Steele gets a good crowd reaction. Vince brings up the George Steele Miss Elizabeth infatuation situation. There are flowers that someone wanted to give Liz that came into the ring and both men use. Steele then bites the turnbuckle and gets that spot in. Infatuation followed by a double ax handle to the outside from Savage to Steele then the elbow but only for a two count. Then Savage gets Steele down and pins him with his foot on the ropes.
    -Mean Gene then checks in from Chicago. He interviews Bill Fralic from the Atlanta Falcons and Big John Studd. Big John Studd legit did not like NFL players being involved.
    -Back to New York, Jake Roberts VS. George Wells. Wells has early offense and dominates most of the match. He makes a mistake and gets the DDT and the snake on him.
    -Vince and Susan then recap the Roddy Piper and Mr. T Feud.
    -From Los Angeles, Jesse Ventura interviews Hulk Hogan about his match with King Kong Bundy in a steel cage.
    -Back in New York, Howard Finkel introduces guest Ring announcer Joan Rivers.
    -Joan introduces the guest judges first: basketball star Darryl Dawkins, singer Cab Calloway, and famed Watergate guy G. Gordon Liddy.
    -Then guest timekeeper, Herb, the Burger King guy.
    -Joan Rivers then announces our Main Event scheduled for 10 rounds, a boxing match between Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper.
    -There is a lot of real life animosity here.
    -Although Mr. T is a little bit better at it, neither goes into a boxer’s stance.
    -Round 2 Piper gets a knockdown. A Roddy chant goes up. Piper gets a shot in after the bell.
    -Orton throws water towards T’s corner. Third round, T gets Piper down in the corner. A T chant goes up. Piper gets knocked down and out of the ring.
    -Round 4 Piper throws a chair to begin the round. Slug Fest. Ref knocked down and Piper then slams T. Both sides brawl. T declared the winner via DQ.
    -Vince and Susan then throw it to Gorilla Monsoon at the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago. He is joined by Mean Gene Okerlund and Cathy Lee Crosby. Chet Coppack is your ring announcer.
    -WWF Ladies Championship: Velvet McIntire VS. The Fabulous Moolah: Velvet wrestles barefoot. Moolah wins after an awkward cross body press.
    -Nikolai Volkoff with Classy Freddie Blassie VS. Corporal Kirchner in a Flag Match: Kirchner wins after intercepting the cane Fred Blassie threw it in and hitting Volkoff with it.
    -Mean Gene is then announced to introduce the participants in the Battle Royal.
    -Our Guest Timekeeper is Wendy’s Clara Peller who announces where’s the Beef?
    -Our Guest Referees are Dick Butkas and Ed Too Tall Jones.
    -Your participants: Bears Jimbo Covert, Pedro Moralas, Tony Atlas, Ted Arcidi, Cowboys Harvey Martin, Dan Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga, The Iron Sheik, Steelers Great Ernie Holmes, The Killer Bees, Big John Studd, Falcons Bill Fralic, Hart Foundation, 49ers Russ Francis, Bruno Sammartino, Bears William Perry, Andre The Giant
    -Guest Commentator for this match is the Big Cat himself, Ernie Ladd. This is a typical battle royal, the final four are Andre, The Hart Foundation and Russ Francis. Studd eliminated Perry who called for a handshake then pulled Studd over to eliminate him. Andre gets tied up in the ropes. Then the Hart Foundation eliminate Russ Francis. They then double team Andre in the corner. He kicks them off. Double Noggin Knocker. Big boot and Neidhart is gone and then throws Bret on him. Your winner Andre the Giant.
    -Gorilla throws it back to Vince and Susan who are with Roddy Piper. He calls Mr. T and William Perry cheaters. They then recap the end of the boxing match.
    -Mean Gene is then shown with Jimbo Covert. He says he got cheated. Fralic threw him out. Iron Sheik comes in and says naturally wrestlers are better.
    -Gorilla Monsoon then recaps the end of the Battle Royal.
    -WWF Tag Team Title Match: Two referees: The Dream Team Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake with Johnny Valiant VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Lou Albano and Ozzy Osbourne.
    -Crisp wrestling from Valentine and Dynamite Kid. Back and forth between the two teams. British Bulldogs with the quick tags. Some close counts. Greg Valentine hits a piledriver on The Dynamite Kid, but only gets a two count. Smith later goes shoulder first into the post. Back and forth. Valentine hits the shoulder breaker, but pulls Smith up before the three count. Smith then slams Valentine into Dynamite Kid and Valentine gets pummeled and covered for the three count. New champions.
    -Mean Gene interviews Captain Lou, The British Bulldogs, and Ozzy Osbourne. Cathy Lee Crosby is there too. She looks like she is having fun. Davey Boy Smith says there is where they are going to stay. Gorilla Monsoon says history has been made as he recaps the match. Gorilla and Cathy Lee then sign off from Chicago.
    -Vince and Susan talk about the last match and preview the Los Angeles portion. They talk the ups and downs of Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy and their feud.
    -Jesse Ventura, Lord Alfred Hayes, and Elvira welcome us to Los Angeles. They run down their portion of the event. Lee Marshall is your ring announcer.
    -Hercules Hernandez with long hair here VS. Ricky Steamboat. Hercules dominates early. Steamboat counters. Then back and forth. A Steamboat chant goes up. Steamboat goes up and hits the cross body and gets the pin.
    -Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. Uncle Elmer: They have some theatrics to start. Adonis turnbuckle spot to the floor. Repeat then knocked out. Tossed back in and is ties up in the ropes. Elmer misses the splash and Adonis hits the fist drop to get the pin.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes interviews Hulk Hogan. He’s ready for King Kong Bundy and the cage. They talk about the “coffin” ambulance ride from SNME and an ambulance siren plays as he’s talking. Weird.
    -It must be from someone in the arena because you hear it at the start of the next match.
    -Terry and “Hoss” Funk with Jimmy Hart in the ring. Terry roughing up Lee Marshall. They are taking on Tito Santana and The Junk Yard Dog.
    -Jesse complains about JYD’s chain. Funk throws chairs into the ring. Finally starting. Back and forth. Stalling then by the Funks. Hoss hitting brutal shots when he is in there. Tito hits the flying forearm and gets a 2 count. Melee breaks out during the match. JYD punches Jimmy Hart. Jimmy then throws the megaphone to Terry Funk. He hits JYD and gets the pin.
    -Bullshit chant from the crowd. Jesse then recaps the end of the match.
    -They bring the Big Blue Cage in. Then they review the Hulk Hogan/King Kong Bundy feud.
    -Mean Gene then shown in Hulk Hogan’s gym. Hogan’s ribs are taped, he’s with Hillbilly Jim and Dr. Bob. Doc has advised Hulk not to wrestle, but he has to. Hogan talks about his commitment to defend the belt.
    -Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy. They talk about Bundymania running wild.
    -Elvira throws it to Vince and Susan. She doesn’t like Bundymania. Back to LA and the cage is up. Lee Marshall announced guest ring announcer Tommy Lasorda.
    -Lasorda introduces guest timekeeper Ricky Schroeder and guest referee Robert Conrad. King Kong Bundy is then introduced.
    -Hulk Hogan is then introduced to a big pop. Hogan climbs the cage and rips the t shirt. Hogan strikes early. Bundy strikes back focusing on the ribs. Bundy goes for the door. Hogan keeps diving to hold onto him and preventing him from getting through the door. Bundy then continues to go for the ribs and uses the rib bandage to tie Hogan to the ropes. Hogan gets untied and dives for Bundy’s legs again. Hogan then comes back and drives Bundy into the cage a few times and Bundy is bleeding Hogan continues to slam him into the cage. Hogan goes for the slam and Bundy falls on him. Bundy then goes for the door and Hogan dives again and barely gets the leg. Hogan ties Bundy up. Bundy gets away and they repeat the door spot which works for this match. Bundy hits the avalanche but gets the Hulk up. Tries again, reversal, slam from Hogan, leg drop. Hogan climbs the cage, Bundy follows, and Bundy is slammed off. Hogan gets out and goes after Bobby Heenan. He gets Bobby in the cage and beats him up. Lasorda announces Hulk Hogan as the winner.
    -Elvira says that if Jesse goes after Hogan and wins, she’ll go out with him.
    -Hogan poses, Jesse signs off from Los Angeles and throws it to Vince who wishes us goodnight.

    Episode 68 Notes Mon, 05 Apr 2021 19:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c8b8c352-d4da-482a-b9c1-7d5bc4cf71e7 My Notes for Episode 68: WrestleMania 27. -Happy Trails, Barry O and Blade Braxton.
    -The Peacock Edits, It’s Show Business, It’s not Show Friends.
    -My wife and I have different ideas on how to put together a puzzle.
    -How do you want your hamburger?
    -Today we look at WrestleMania 27 from the WWE.
    -WrestleMania 27 took place on April 3, 2011 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA. There were 71,617 in attendance and the show did 1,059,000 buys on PPV.
    -We get a welcome to WrestleMania before Keri Hilson comes on to sing America the Beautiful.
    -WrestleMania intro and the intro of The Rock. He gets a good ovation as he makes his way to the ring. A “Rocky” chant goes out. This is a great way to pump up the crowd. He does a promo on John Cena talking about Fruity Pebbles. He really gets the crowd hyped up. Another “Rocky” chant goes out. He and the crowd finish with If you smell what The Rock is cooking!
    -WrestleMania Homecoming video package.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge with Christian VS. Alberto Del Rio introduced by Ricardo Rodriguez: Del Rio comes out in a Rolls Royce. They show Brodus Clay at ringside who will be in Del Rio’s corner. As Christian comes out, the announcers are introduced. Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole, who is in his “Cole Mine’ cubicle. Edge gets a huge ovation coming out. Del Rio very aggressive starting out. Working on Edge’s injured arm. Moving in and out of the ring slamming the injured arm on the announce table, but can’t get the pin. Edge ducks a charge and Del Rio takes a sick bump to the outside. Edge then launches himself over the top rope and the crowd loves it. Then there is a wicked spot as Del Rio does a top rope arm drag to Edge. Edge hits a flapjack and you can tell that he is injured. Edge counters the cross arm breaker for a two count. A lets go Edge chant goes out. Del Rio puts on the cross arm breaker. Edge gets to the ropes. Edge hits a guillotine on Del Rio, then goes up top, but Del Rio hits an enziguri. Christian gets into it with Ricardo after he knocks Edge’s foot off the bottom rope. Clay slams Christian and Edge rolls Del Rio up for a two count. He hits the Edgecution and a cry for the spear goes up. The crowd gets to its feet. Del Rio ducks the spear and Clay grabs Edge and runs his arm into the post. Del Rio gets the cross arm breaker on again. Edge pushes Del Rio down for a pin but gets two and Del Rio has to break the hold to kick out. Edge puts on a modified sharpshooter. Christian takes out Clay. Del Rio powers out but Edge hits the spear to pin Del Rio. A giant ovation for Edge as he leaves. He stops by Del Rio’s car and points to it and the crowd chants do it to him. He starts kicking and beating it. Christian comes out with a tire iron and a crowbar. Del Rio begs them not to as they bust the car up. Edge then poses on top of the car. This would be Edge’s final match for 9 years as he retires due to injury the next day.
    -Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler bicker over their match coming up.
    -Cody Rhodes VS. Rey Misterio: Recap of what led to their match tonight. Mysterio has on Captain America inspired gear. Rhodes very aggressive starting out. He gets a couple of two counts after some brutal moves. Misterio can’t get anything going. Rhodes with a big superplex. Misterio coming back. He hits some big moves. The crowd is quiet for this match. The fact that Rhodes is not wearing knee pads is distracting to me. The crowd starts to liven up when Misterio comes back, but quiet down when Rhodes stops it. Rhodes takes Misterio’s knee brace off. Misterio with a big moonsault to get a two count. Rhode’s protective mask that he is wearing comes off and Misterio hits a 619. He gets a couple of two counts. He then puts on Rhode’s mask. Rhodes kicks out of a Misterio splash and a small Cody chant goes out. The referee goes to throw the mask out of the ring and Rhodes hits Misterio with the knee brace and then hits the Cross Rhodes to win. Rhodes then covers his face as he leaves.
    -This is not on the network version: Snoop Dogg does a backstage segment “auditioning WWE superstars” to go on tour. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper made a cameo otherwise this was a real momentum killer. The finale here was Hornswoggle rapping.
    -Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett, and Justin Gabriel VS. The Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, and Kofi Kingston who is a replacement for Kozlov who the Corre took out during AXXESS: Slater and Marella start. Slater is just annihilated by Marella and then Big Show. Everyone in and hitting different moves. Big Show gets the knockout punch on Slater after Marella gets the Cobra on him. Big show then pins Slater.
    -The Rock is shown backstage talking to Eve Torres. He then runs into Mae Young. She then says she wants the People’s strudel. She then slaps Rock’s ass. Rock then runs into Stone Cold. They exchange some small talk before shaking hands.
    -Flashback to the tension and everything that has led to the Randy Orton-C.M. Punk match.
    -Randy Orton VS. C.M. Punk: Punk has a nice ovation coming out, but Orton has a bigger ovation. Orton has a bandaged right knee. Both very aggressive starting out. Punk with a two count after a crossbody. Orton coming back. Punk concentrating on the leg, but can’t get the three count. Punk counters the RKO with a nice kick, but still only gets a two count. Orton crotches Punk on the top rope. He then hits a top rope superplex. Punk recovers and puts Orton in a figure four around the ring post. Orto breaks out but Punk continues the assault on the leg. Orton coming back and somehow hits a power slam. He can’t get the pin after a side suplex. Punk goes on offense with a barrage of kicks. Punk gets the anaconda vice on. Orton breaks out of it and runs punk into the corner post. He hits his rope DDT. He goes for a punt, but his leg gives out. He then goes for an RKO, but Punk pushes him off. Punk goes for a move off the top rope, but Orton hits the RKO in midair. He then gets the pin.
    -The Rock is shown backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund. Rock says he’s heard John Cena’s #1 fan is coming to confront him because he’s upset with him and Mean Gene says he’s already here. Rock turns around and it’s Pee Wee Herman. He says U Can’t See Me! Rock says he can be on Team Bring It or the Fruit Loop Troop. He then shows Mean Gene in John Cena gear. Mean Gene then insults him. Pee Wee then joins Team Bring It.
    -Howard Finkel announces the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame Class: Abdullah the Butcher, Sunny, The Road Warriors, Drew Carey, Bullet Bob Armstrong, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Shawn Michaels. Shawn gets a nice ovation coming out. It’s funny that he and Sunny went in the same year considering their history.
    -Flashback to Jack Swagger trying to take Jerry Lawler out the previous Monday on Raw.
    -Booker T and Jim Ross are introduced as commentators for the upcoming match.
    -Michael Cole with Jack Swagger VS. Jerry Lawler: Stone Cold Steve Austin is the special guest referee. Cole comes out in a wrestling singlet and headgear insulting Lawler and JR. Austin comes out in an ATV. He almost hits Swagger coming down and runs Cole back into the “Cole Mine”. Lawler comes out but Cole won’t come into the ring saying he’s not ready yet. The bell rings. Lawler goes outside and takes out Swagger and Cole tries to beg off. Lawler then shakes Cole’s hand and then beats Cole against the Cole Mine. He throws Cole into the podium. He throws Cole into the ring and Swagger attacks Lawler outside. Cole hits Lawler with a baseball slide and Swagger applies the ankle lock to him on the outside. Austin slow counts and Lawler gets inside and then Cole attacks Lawler. Cole concentrating on the leg that Swagger attacked. Cole then does a Swagger Bomb from the bottom rope. He gets a two count. Lawler starting to come back. Cole goes back to attacking the leg. Cole pulls down a strap mimicking Lawler and applies his own ankle lock. Lawler fighting back. He stomps Cole in the corner. Swagger throws in the towel and says ring the bell. Austin wipes himself with the towel and throws it back to Swagger. Swagger climbs into the ring. He gets into Stone Cold’s face and gets stunned. Cole gets mad and slaps Stone Cole saying you don’t know who I am. He then pushes Stone Cole who pushes him back right into a right hand punch by Lawler. Lawler continues to punch Cole down. A Jerry chant goes out. He dropkicks Cole, climbs to the second rope, drops the strap, and hits the fist drop. He pulls Cole up after two. He puts Cole into an ankle lock and he immediately starts tapping. Austin finally rings the bell. Swagger carries Cole away. Lawler and Austin do a toast with some cans of beer. Booker T comes in the ring. He does the spineroonie. Then Austin stuns Booker T. Anonymous Raw GM chimes in. He says that Austin overstepped his authority in the match and that Lawler has been disqualified. A bullshit chant goes out. Lawler grabs Josh Matthews and throws him in the ring for making the announcement. Austin then stuns Matthews. Austin then leaves on the ATV. This allows JR and Lawler to call the rest of WrestleMania together.
    -Highlights of WrestleMania 27 AXXESS.
    -Georgia National Guard soldiers are then shown.
    -Triple H VS. The Undertaker: No Holds Barred Match: Flashback to the lead up to the match. Triple H’s entrance takes over 5 minutes. The Undertaker has a spectacular entrance as well. His entrance also takes 5 minutes. It must be a competition between the two. Heavy shots from HHH to start. It goes outside and Taker clears the Spanish announce table, but HHH spears him into the Cole Mine which collapses. Taker is down. Taker and HHH then slug it out back in the ring and Taker hits a flying choke slam on HHH. Taker starts to go for Old School, but gets pushed off by HHH. Undertaker then clotheslined out of the ring and beat into the barricade by HHH. HHH clears off the announce table. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but gets back dropped off of the table by Undertaker. It takes several minutes for both of them to recover. Taker launches himself from the ring onto HHH at ringside. Taker takes the ringside steps away and he and HHH battle on them for a minute. Undertaker charges HHH. Who reverses it and hits a spinebuster on Taker through the Spanish Announce Table. HHH rolls Undertaker back into the ring. Taker choke slams HHH and gets a two count. He sets HHH up for the Last Ride, but HHH pushes Taker back to the corner. Undertaker and HHH dueling chants go out. Then they both escape Last Ride/Pedigree attempts. Undertaker hits Snake Eyes on HHH and goes to hit another flying choke slam, but HHH hits another spinebuster. That gets a close two count. HHH goes outside. He grabs a chair. Taker gets a boot up to block and knocks HHH down. Taker grabs the chair and whacks HHH’s back. He does it several times until HHH gets a boot in and hits the pedigree. He gets another close count. HHH goes for a top rope move, but Taker counters with the Last Ride. That gets a two count. Taker then does the throat slash motion. He hits the tombstone and gets the closest two count I have ever seen. Taker grabs the chair and places it close to HHH. He goes to set HHH up but HHH reverses it into a DDT on the chair. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. HHH hits another Pedigree and gets his own close two count. HHH hits another Pedigree for yet another two count. Both men down again. They both get up and Taker goes to attack but HHH gets the boot up and hits another pedigree. He gets another two count. HHH getting angry he can’t put Undertaker away. Hits another pedigree. Another two count. He then takes the chair to Undertaker’s back. He screams at Undertaker to stay down. He then keeps hitting the back with chair shots until he collapses from exhaustion. Undertaker struggling to get to his feet as the referee asks him if he wants to give up and HHH screams for Undertaker to stay down. Undertaker gets to his feet only to get knocked down again by a HHH shot. Undertaker struggling and HHH screaming just die, stay down, and what’s wrong with you? Undertaker grabs HHH by the throat. Taker weakly mimes for HHH to bring it and HHH does the Undertaker throat slash motion and hits a tombstone piledriver on Undertaker. Undertaker kicks out and the crowd loses it. HHH rolls out of the ring and gets his sledgehammer. He stalks Undertaker, but when he gets close, Undertaker locks on the Hell’s Gate submission. HHH fighting to escape. HHH picks up the sledgehammer, but drops it again. HHH finally taps and The Undertaker is 19-0. A section of the crowd is shown that has paper tombstones of all of The Undertaker’s WrestleMania opponents and the year on them. HHH gets up first. Officials down to check on Undertaker. Undertaker struggles and falls out of the ring. They bring a mobile stretcher down for The Undertaker.
    -Don’t try this at home ad.
    -6-person mixed tag match: Vickie Guerrero comes out. She introduces Lay Cool and Dolph Ziggler. They are taking on the team of John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and Snooki: Guerrero looks disgusted when Snooki comes out. Lay Cool tries to attack them as they get into the ring. Ziggler trash talking Snooki, who slaps him. Stratus and McCool start. McCool with the advantage but Stratus counters with a face buster. They battle on the top rope. They tumble to the outside. Layla comes over and Stratus gives her a shot then hits a crossbody both members of Lay Cool from the apron. Back in, Stratus hits the chick kick on McCool, but Ziggler breaks up the pin. Morrison then hits Starship Pain to Ziggler on the outside of the ring. It’s an incredible spot. Snooki tagged in and does a handspring elbow to McCool although she mostly just hit her with her body there at the end. It was still an impressive move. She the hits a splash on McCool to get the pin.
    -The cast of Tough Enough is shown in the crowd.
    -The WrestleMania attendance is announced: 71, 617.
    -Video of The Miz watching video of former WWE Champions interspersed with videos of himself.
    -WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. John Cena: Miz out first. Cena’s entrance is with a choir and a minister. The Choir is singing your time is up, my time is now. Both men cautious to start. Miz retreats after a Cena hip toss. Miz stomps down Cena. Then Miz hits the corner clothesline. Big shots to Cena’s head. Cena hits a gut wrench suplex. Gets a two count. Miz hits a big slam for a two count. Miz misses a second corner clothesline. Cena hits a top rope leg drop for a two count. Miz hits a kick for a two count. Another kick and a two count for Miz. Cena wipes out after trying for a flying tackle and Miz drops down. It goes to the outside. Miz hits a Million Dollar Knee Lift and goes back in the ring but only gets a two count. The announcers say that it seems like Cena’s equilibrium has been affected. Cena hits a couple of shoulder blocks and a 5 knuckle shuffle and goes for the attitude adjustment, but Miz counters it into a DDT. He gets a two count. Cena goes for an STF but again Miz counters into a neck breaker. Gets another two count. Miz takes the turnbuckle pad off, but referee Mike Chioda stops it. While Chioda is fixing the turnbuckle pad, Cena gets a count but Chioda only gets to two before Miz kicks out. Turnbuckle still exposed, but Cena blocks being rammed into it. Cena gets the STF on, but Miz gets to the ropes. Cena breaks but while the referee is distracted, Riley pushes Cena into the exposed turnbuckle and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Cena kicks out at two. Miz goes for it again, but Cena pushes him off into Mike Chioda. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment, but there’s no referee to count the pin. Riley hits Cena with the briefcase and knocks him out. Cena gets his shoulder up at two and a half. Riley complains to Chioda that there was a slow count as Miz sneaks up to blast Cena with the briefcase, but Cena ducks and Miz accidently hits Riley who gets taken out. Cena hits a big Attitude Adjustment, but Miz kicks out at two. It goes outside. Cena clotheslines Miz over the barricade. It looks like Miz thinks about leaving, but Cena tackles him. Both get counted out. Justin Roberts announces that the match is a draw and that Miz is still the champion. The Rock’s music plays and he comes out. He gets to the ring and the Anonymous Raw GM chime sounds. JR and then Lawler got to read the message, but Rock tells them to hold on. He reads the message which starts I think and Rock says it doesn’t matter what you think. He throws the computer down and gets back into the ring. He restarts the match as a no count out no disqualification match. Cena throws Miz in and goes for the attitude adjustment but Miz escapes and Cena gets a Rock Bottom from The Rock. A Rocky chant goes out. The Miz then pins Cena to win. Rock in the aisle looking at Miz. He runs back to the ring and ducks Miz trying to hit him with the belt. He beats down Miz. He then hits a spinebuster and The People’s Elbow. He poses on a turnbuckle.
    -They sign off from Atlanta with a highlight package of the night.

    Episode 67 Notes Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 5b702c7f-b64a-48ec-9472-e865b75631cc My Notes for Episode 67: The Great American Bash 90. -Wife’s tires saga continued.
    -I ended up having to get a set of tires for my truck.
    -I fell off the sidewalk on an afternoon walk last week.
    -Date Night Grocery Store Chopped game:
    Canned chicken
    Green Beans
    Egg Noodles
    Cream of Mushroom Soup
    Fried Onions
    Confetti Frosting
    Chicken Hot Dogs
    Pork Carnitas seasoning
    A Peach
    A package of Broccoli Slaw
    -Today we look at The Great American Bash 1990 from WCW.
    -The Great American Bash ’90: The New Revolution took place on July 7, 1990 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. There were 14,000 in attendance.
    -Dave Sierra beat Mr. X in a dark match.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us to Baltimore and talk about the main event.
    -Buddy Landell VS. Brian Pillman: They go at it with chops to each other to begin. A Buddy chant goes out. Landell selling hard for Pillman. JR gets Pillman’s football career in IYDAH. Landell has his share of fans here. Pillman won’t go down for a three count. They trade chops. Back and forth match. Pillman wins with a high crossbody.
    -Gordon Solie runs down some of the matches we will see tonight.
    -The Iron Sheik VS. Mike Rotunda: We have reached the point where Mike Rotunda has gone from Wrestling Team Captain to Sailboat Captain. We probably should have had a ceremony. JR works in their amateur credentials so take a Shot. USA chant goes out. Sheik looks pregnant. Rotunda hits a nice dropkick. Sheik slows it down. They hit each other hard. Sheik can’t get the pin. Rotunda fights back. Sheik tosses Rotunda outside, but doesn’t follow. Rotunda wins with a back slide.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Harley Race. Race mentions that Tommy Rich beat him once for the NWA title and he will beat Rich tonight.
    -Dutch Mantell VS. Doug Furnas: Nice ovation for Furnas. JR and Bob ponder where Oil Trough, TX is. Furnas has an amateur athletic career so take a shot. Bob puts over his future Smoky Mountain Wrestling broadcast partner Dutch. Crowd solidly behind Furnas and pop when he does his signature power moves. Mantell doing some great cheating moves. Furnas hits a nice dropkick. JR works in that Furnas and Mickey Mantle come from the same hometown. Furnas works the arm. Furnas misses a top rope splash. It goes outside where Mantell hits a short clothesline. Furnas gets the win after a belly to belly suplex.
    -Gordon Solie talks to Jim Cornette. He says The Southern Boys don’t have what it takes to become champions.
    -Tommy Rich VS. Harley Race: Battle of former NWA World Champions. Race wearing his old King trunks over his singlet. Race thrown shoulder first into the post. Race hits a high knee and a piledriver on Rich. It goes out to the runway and Race hits a suplex. Rich comes back. The announcers are putting over the history between the two. JR says Race must be a fan of the Sacramento Kings. Yeah, right. It spills over to the outside. Race rolls through a crossbody to get the pin.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Paul E. and Mean Mark. They say that Lex Luger is half the man that Mean Mark is. Look at Mark Calloway and just think that Ole Anderson saw absolutely nothing in him.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Midnight Express Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane with Jim Cornette VS. The Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong: This is the match of the night for me. They brawl in and out of the ring. Eaton gets caught up top. Armstrong in control. MX slow the pace down. Smothers showing some good moves. Southern Boys in control early. Lane tagged in. Smothers and Lane go at it in martial arts moves. Smothers gets the best of it to the delight of the crowd. The Midnight Express regroup. The Southern Boys solidly in control though. The Southern Boys do a double pin attempt at one point. Jim Cornett is apoplectic. Lane throws Smothers outside when the referee is distracted. The crowd pops for Smothers fall from the apron to the barricade. Vintage Midnight Express here. Lane tagged in and the MX are tagging effectively. All four in at one point. They hit Steve Armstrong with the rocket launcher for 2 1/2 count. Lane hits Smothers with a savate kick and Eaton pins him to win.
    -Gordon Solie talks to The Fabulous Freebirds. They say they are going to dominate The Steiners and there is two things the Steiners can do about it, nothing and like it.
    -Tom Zenk VS. Big Van Vader: Welcome to WCW, Big Van Vader! He comes out with the full headgear and mask. His pre match ritual lasts longer than the match. Zenk is just pummeled by Vader.
    -Gordon Solie then talks to the Horsemen. They say they are not worried about a thing tonight.
    -The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Crowd solidly behind the Steiners. Very UN PC chant goes out towards the Freebirds. Steiners keep the advantage throughout. Some loud not so good chants break out again. JR talks about the Freebirds being popular in parts of San Francisco. No comment on that one, yikes! Scott gets the Frankensteiner on Hayes. Rick hits the belly to belly on Hayes and Scott pins him. They talk about Halloween Havoc being the next WCW PPV.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle talk about the matches coming up.
    -Arn Anderson, Sid Vicious, and Barry Windham VS. Paul Orndorff, The Junk Yard Dog and El Gigante: Faces with the early advantage. All 6 men in and The Horsemen roll out. JR says El Gigante is bigger than Andre the Giant. JYD no sells a Windham DDT. Crowd wants Vicious tagged in. Horsemen throw JYD over the top rope for the DQ. El Gigante then clears the ring.
    -Gordon Solie then talks to Lex Luger. He says that he is going to take care of Mean Mark and Sting is going to take care of Ric Flair.
    -NWA United States Championship: Lex Luger VS. Mean Mark Callous with Paul E. Dangerously: Luger gets a nice ovation coming out. Take a shot because Lugers College and pro career is brought up. They do some chain wrestling spot. Callous’ athletic career brought up. A Paul E sucks chant goes out. Back and forth match. Callous in control. He walks the ropes. Luger tumbles out of the ring. Luger then comes back. He gets Callous up in the torture rack, but the referee gets hit in the melee. Paul E. comes in and hits Luger with the phone. Luger kicks out at 2. He kicks Callous and gets the pin on him after a clothesline.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Sting. It’s your normal Sting interview where he is confident that he will emerge victorious in the main event.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship: Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Teddy Long VS. The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson: Shot King JR talks Doom’s Athletic Background. Gibson almost gets a quick pin on Simmons. Reed and Morton are tagged in. Doom then punches Gibson. RNR coming back. Doom double teaming. Morton playing his role to perfection. Rock N Roll chant goes out. Doom cheating freely behind the ref’s back. Rock N Roll coming back. Gibson tagged in. Tries to take both members of Doom on. It breaks down. Reed hits a big shoulder block on Gibson and pins him.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Ric Flair. He says tonight he will be the man one more time.
    -JR and Bob Caudle preview the main event.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match Ric Flair VS. Sting: The Dudes with Attitude are out with Sting to counteract the Horsemen. Jim Herd demands that Ole Anderson be handcuffed to El Gigante. Crowd is hot for this one. Sting looking good early. Flair takes it outside, but Sting is dominant. Flair then on the offensive and he slows it down. Sting seemingly has an answer to all of Flair’s moves. It then goes back outside. Flair goes after the injured leg. Sting absorbs punishment. Flair goes back to the knee. Sting back on the offense. He goes for the Scorpion. The Horsemen come out and The Dudes with Attitude fight them on the ramp. Flair gets to the ropes. Flair is desperate. He opens the chop house. He goes for the figure four, but Sting gets an inside cradle to win. New Champion! The crowd goes wild.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Sting. He calls Flair the greatest champion of all time and he has big shoes to fill.
    -JR and Bob talk about the ending of the match and Sting being the new champion. They then push Halloween Havoc before the credits roll.

    Episode 66 Notes Thu, 18 Mar 2021 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 369b7313-207f-4c67-a459-464942ed85ac My Notes for Episode 66: Clash of the Champions 11: Coastal Crush. -My wife’s tire.
    -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XI.
    -Clash of the Champions XI: Coastal Crush took place on June 13, 1990 from the McAlister Field House on the campus of The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. There were 4,100 fans in attendance and the show did a 4.1 rating on TBS.
    -Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Charleston. He runs down some of the matches we are going to see before throwing it to Jim Ross and Bob Caudle. They preview some of what we are going to see.
    -The Wild Eyed Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes: The Freebirds attack early. Southern Boys come back. Armstrong hits a big crossbody. The crowd is riled up against the Freebirds. Freebirds regain the advantage. Garvin bumping for Smothers. Hayes hits a clothesline on Smothers. Consider this point, Hayes is a long time veteran here and he just turned 31. Armstrong hits a head butt on Garvin and puts Smothers on top to win.
    -Tommy Rich VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Sir Oliver Humperdink: Speaking of wrestlers and their ages, Rich is 33 years old here. Unbelievable to me. Rich tries speed to take down Bigelow. Rich gets a two count with a schoolboy. Bigelow comes back. Bigelow is choking Rich, but doesn’t break on the 5 count and gets disqualified.
    -A video on Big Van Vader, who will be debuting at The Great American Bash.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta introduces El Gigante. They do a feel good interview in Spanish, then Cappetta interprets. He’s happy to be in WCW.
    -The Samoan Swat Team Fatu and The Savage VS. Mike Rotunda and Tom Zenk: Faces with the early advantage. The SST come back with hard shots. Back and Forth and the crowd is getting into it. Z-man clears the ring. SST get Z-man down. When the referee isn’t looking Zenk and Rotunda trade places and Rotunda gets a rollup for the win.
    -Video on Mean Mark.
    -Mean Mark Callous with Paul E. Dangerously VS. Brian Pillman: Speed VS. Power: Pillman takes a big bump to the outside. His football career is brought up IYDAH. Callous in control. Pillman comes back. Crowd is solidly in Pillman’s corner. Pillman hits a top rope dropkick. He jumps off again but Mean Mark catches him and hits a stun gun and pins Pillman.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. He says he has Dudes with Attitudes with him.
    -The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: These two teams can go on autopilot against each other. Rock N Roll chant goes out as they have the advantage. Back and forth. All four in the ring at one point. Double pin situation at one point but the Rock N Roll can’t get the win. Morton and Eaton both tumble over the top rope at one point. Gibson has Lane in a sleeper, Eaton hits him with a double ax handle, but only gets a two count. Rock N Roll hit a double dropkick. Lane pulls referee Nick Patrick away so Patrick disqualifies The Midnight Express.
    -Doug Furnas VS. Barry Windham: Furnas is very tan here. JR of course talks about Furnas and his athletic career so take a shot. Windham with the early advantage, then he plays to Furnas strength which is power. Crowd is behind Furnas. Windham comes back. Furnas gets several two counts. Windham sneaks out a pin with his foot on the ropes.
    -Sid Vicious with Ole Anderson VS. Lex Luger: Anderson and Vicious attack Luger who fights back. Luger hits a quick clothesline and pins Vicious.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle talk about the Bash PPV coming up.
    -World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Teddy Long VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Scott hits a reverse slam on both members of Doom. Go ahead with who is wrestling here and take a shot so you can save your livers. Scott with the big moves, but he doesn’t go for a pin. Rick tagged in to a big ovation. Reed rolls out to slow the momentum. Rick follows and gets nailed by Simmons. Peanut Head chant goes out towards Long. Back and Forth match. Simmons lands an ax handle then collapses. Scott tagged in. All four then in the ring. Reed hits Scott with an object then there is a double pin. Doom are the winners since Scott and Simmons are the legal men.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews JYD. He says tonight is his night.
    -Paul Orndorff VS. Arn Anderson: Arn’s TV title is not on the line in this match. Orndorff’s athletic background is brought up so take a shot. Two great wrestlers here. Crowd goes crazy when Orndorff gets a sleeper on. They counter each other. Anderson gets put into the figure four, but he gets to the ropes. Anderson’s leg is hurt, but he comes back. Orndorff pulls the back of Anderson’s tights down and the crowd loves it. Anderson then puts Orndorff in a sleeper. Orndorff comes back. They knock into each other, but both get up at 8. Anderson catches Orndorff coming off and puts an inside cradle on him, but Orndorff reverses it to win.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to The Horsemen. Ole Anderson says The Horsemen will not let anyone take Flair’s belt. Flair says victory is guaranteed.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair VS. The Junk Yard Dog. Flair is accompanied by Ole Anderson. Flair making JYD look good. JYD’s best days might be behind him, but he’s working hard too. JYD no selling all of Flair’s offense, and the crowd loves it. Big JYD chant goes out. Flair begging off. He goes out and grabs Bob Caudle’s chair and hits JYD with it, who no sells it. Let me get my chair back says Bob. Flair gets caught going off the top rope, take a shot. Anderson climbs up to the apron and JYD pops him. Flair gets slammed off the tope rope. JYD goes after Flair, but Anderson comes in for the DQ, followed by the rest of the Horsemen. They beat down JYD but Sting, Lex Luger, and Paul Orndorff make the save.
    -Jim Ross interviews Rocky King, who’s tired of The Horsemen, but says the “Boys with Attitude” are here. Sting says he’s got the game plan down and wants his title shot. He’s begging Flair. The Horsemen then come back. Flair and Sting going at it as the credits roll and they sign off from Charleston.
    -Drinking tally:5 shots. Memorable Lines: Let me get my chair back. –Bob Caudle.

    Episode 65 Notes Thu, 11 Mar 2021 21:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 6890808a-8169-4c68-8057-282e89f31476 My Notes for Episode 65: Capital Combat 90: The Return of Robocop. -The Peacock info.
    -Buddy Colt.
    -Jim Crockett Jr.
    -My date with my wife: The server chooses our meal.
    -Today we look at Capital Combat ‘90: The return of Robocop.
    -Capital Combat was shown on PPV on May 19, 1990 from the DC Armory in Washington, D.C. There were 7,500 in attendance.
    -Opening credits
    -Welcome back to WCW, Tony Schiavone! He welcomes us to Capital Combat. Its armed forces day and we see the flag being presented as the national anthem is played.
    – Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us and talk about some of the matches coming up.
    -Kevin Sullivan, Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow with Sir Oliver Humperdinck VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Norman: Cactus Jack for mayor sign in the crowd. Animal slams Jack. The heels are doing some brisk tagging. Bigelow and Animal go at it eventually tumbling over the ropes and Bigelow stays on his feet. That wakes the crowd up. Cactus Jack takes some crazy bumps too. Heels in control. JR brings up Kevin Sullivan’s athletic backgrounds IYDAH. Hawk hits Sullivan with a top rope clothesline to get the pin.
    -Johnny Ace VS. Mark Callous with Theodore R. Long: JR brings up Callous’ college credentials IYDAH. He then talks about the big Capital Combat watching party in Connecticut. Ace with the early advantage. Callous comes back. Callous dominating. Ace misses a top rope clothesline. Callous hits the heart punch then walks the ropes and hits a flying elbow and gets the pin. The Slamometer gimmick they have says 8.2.
    -Gordon Solie goes to Sting and Robocop’s dressing room. They can’t go in and I feel sorry for Gordon.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews The Rock N Roll Express. They talk about the country whipping match coming up.

    • Mike Rotunda and Tommy Rich VS. The Samoan Swat Team the Samoan Savage and Fatu: Rotunda’s college background is brought up IYDAH. They talk about Lex Luger’s real life staph infection and hospital stay. Tremendous amount of stalling. They finally get to it. Then more stalling tactics. Faces with an advantage. SST coming back. Rotunda thrown outside. SST continue to punish him. Rotunda has been in there way too long. Rich tagged in a couple of times, but the referee doesn’t see it. Rich finally tagged in. Rich gets the sleeper on, but gets hit by a Samoan from the top rope and pinned. -Tony Schiavone interviews The Steiners. They say that the line to wrestle them is short and if Doom is ready, they are. -They show the winners of the Capital Combat competition. -Hair VS. Hair Match: Teddy Long VS. Paul Ellering: Long comes out in Headgear and boxing gloves. Long has something in his glove. Ellering gets it and knocks Long out and pins him. They shave what little hair Long has left. -Tony Schiavone is joined by the Horsemen. They say there is no way they will allow Ric Flair to leave without the title. -NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Jim Cornette has to be in a small cage at ringside. They finally get Cornette in the cage. The two teams work well together and the faces are dominating early. Pillman’s football career is brought up IYDAH. MX making the faces look good. MX coming back. Pillman won’t stay down for a three count. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam, but Pillman again kicks out. Zenk tagged in. He gets double teamed. Zenk kicks out of the Rocket Launcher. Lane hits Eaton with a savate kick and Eaton gets the pin with an inside cradle. New US champs! -Gordon Solie breaks in that Sting and Robocop are coming out and the signal breaks up. Poor Gordon Solie! -Gary Michael Cappetta announces Sting who comes out. He then announces Robocop, who as he is lumbering out, The Horsemen throw Sting in the mini cage. Robocop slowly saunters down and pulls the gimmicked cage door off its hinges. The Horsemen retreat. -Tony Schiavone interviews The Junk Yard Dog. He says he’s here to stay. Jim Cornette interrupts him and says it is supposed to be The Midnight Express’ interview time. JYD says he’s been at Cornette’s mother’s house and that he is Cornette’s dad. Cornette tries to attack him, but JYD stops him. -Corporal Punishment Match: Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes: It was mentioned on either Tony Shiavone’s or Jim Ross podcast that someone was in charge of going out and getting the leather straps, but they brought back cat of nine tails whips instead. That’s kinky but not what was called for. Typical WCW. That’s what all the confusion is about at the beginning of the match. A Freebirds suck chant goes out. Garvin grabs his strap at one point but loses it and Morton picks it up. He straps both Freebirds. The RNR put double figure fours on The Freebirds. Gibson and Hayes then have dueling straps at one point. Gibson straps both Birds and they retreat. Hayes hits Morton hard. Garvin only gets a two count though. Hayes in control. Morton playing the face in peril. Morton pushes off a Hayes bulldog attempt. Gibson tagged in. Hayes hits the DDT on Gibson, but doesn’t cover right away. Hayes goes for another one, but Morton sunset flips him for the win. They then strap The Freebirds a few more times. -Tony Schiavone interviews Doug Furnas. He talks about the courage of Lex Luger. Then Furnas leaves and Tony brings on Sting. He says that nothing is going to stop Luger from getting in the ring. -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Teddy Long: Take three shots because you know JR is going to talk about all the college careers. Rick Steiner pulls Long’s durag off. A peanut head chant goes out. Scott shoves referee Randy Anderson out of the way. He and Simmons go at it. Power moves to start. Scott hits a big belly to back suplex. Reed takes over. Scott hits Steinerlines on both Doom members. Slow paced match. It goes outside where Rick slams Reed on the floor. Rick hits a piledriver on Simmons. Steiners in control. Doom comes back. Doom prevents Scott from tagging. Scott is taking a lot of punishment. He takes way too much punishment. Scott finally hits the Frankensteiner on Simmons. Reed and Rick tagged in. Doom hit Rick with a double team maneuver from the second rope and get the pin. New Champions! -Tony Schiavone interviews Teddy Long and Doom. Long says he lost a little hair, but he gained the world. -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with Woman VS. Lex Luger: Cage Match. They lower the cage after both men are in the ring. The announcers are really pushing the Luger infection and hospital stay. Luger is eager to get the match started. The referee checks both wrestlers and Woman for weapons. He finds an “International Object” on Woman because Turner Executives won’t allow WCW to say the word Foreign. Flair retreats, Luger follows. Luger with the early advantage. Luger’s sports and education background brought up IYDAH. Both Flair and Luger working hard in this match. Luger impervious to pain. Flair starts to climb the cage, then comes down and opens the chophouse. Luger won’t stay down. Flair hit with a clothesline as he comes off the top. They both climb the cage. Flair is sliced open. Crowd comes to life as a Luger chant goes out. Flair bleeds profusely, but Luger can’t get the pin. Flair opens up the chophouse again. Luger hits the superplex, but hurts his already injured knee. Flair concentrates on the knee. Flair gets the figure four on. He gets caught cheating and has to break the hold. The Horsemen come to ringside. Luger gets a two count. Sting comes to ringside to fight the horsemen off. El Gigante comes down and man is he big. The Horsemen back away and Ole gets the switch for the cage and lifts it a little. Barry Windham sneaks under the bottom. Windham attacks Luger for the DQ. JR yells for them to get the damn cage down. The Horsemen attack Luger. Sting tries to get in. They finally let it up. Luger is beat down. -Tony Schiavone tries to interview The Horsemen. Flair rants that he’s still the champion. Sting attacks Flair from behind. The Horsemen retreat from Sting and El Gigante as they sign off from Washington D.C.
    Episode 64 Notes Sat, 06 Mar 2021 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] f880a6ce-862a-4eb7-8c86-08db4eb5b613 My Notes for Episode 64: SNME March 1986. -Adventures in Joey land: CT Edition. Poorly worded status update. Drinking the contrast. Dye injection spot exploding.
    -Two date adventures: Car Buying excursion and Bagels.
    -Saturday Night's Main Event V was shown on NBC on March l, 1986. It was taped February 15, 1986, from the Arizona Veteran's Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona. There were 12,000 people in attendance and the show did a 10.0 rating on NBC.
    -This is the set up show for WrestleMania 2.
    -Mr. T is shown hitting the heavy bag. He yells at Mean Gene who is trying to interview him.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura open the show. Jesse looks very colorful and you can tell that he’s more comfortable in his role.
    -Flashback to Piper’s Pit and Hulk Hogan saying that Mr. T will accept the challenge to box Battling Bob Orton. Hogan does a Mr. T impression during this.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund then interviews Bob Orton and Roddy Piper about the Boxing Match.
    -Then a “Field Report” tape of Mean Gene with Mr. T after a sparring session.
    -Mr. T. VS. Bob Orton with Roddy Piper in a boxing Match: The guy checking the gloves looks like the dad from Home Alone. This is a little action and a lot of preening and gaga. Orton doing a lot of showboating. Mr. T wins via count out in Round 2. T hits Piper and the crowd loves it. This sets up Roddy Piper VS. Mr. T at WrestleMania 2. Piper and Orton whip Mr. T with a belt and Jesse says it looks like Roots 2. Yikes!!! Mr. T has two different color pattern socks on. When I notice it, it’s all that I can think about.
    -Mean Gene is with Mr. T, who wants Piper. They would go on to meet in a boxing match at WrestleMania 2.
    -Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy are then shown with Mean Gene and they want Hogan.
    -King Kong Bundy VS. Steve Gatorwolf: Total squash match. Gatorwolf is a piece of human slime in real life. It doesn’t last long thankfully. Bundy demands a 5 count.
    -Mean Gene is with Magnificent Muraco. Muraco says Mr. Fuji has the flu, so Bobby Heenan will be in his corner.
    -Mr. Fuji has some strange sounds coming from him.
    -Mean Gene is then shown with Hulk Hogan. He's ready for Muraco.
    -WWF title match: Hulk Hogan VS. Don Muraco: Hogan coming out to Real American and it is officially his song now. Nice little Back and Forth Match. Both Muraco and Heenan bumping for Hogan. Muraco is so underrated. Muraco is actually getting more offense than most Hogan opponents do. Hogan gets the edge. The crowd loves it when Hogan starts his comeback. He hits the leg drop, Heenan then comes in for the DQ. Nobody bumps like Heenan especially in the ring with his injured neck all these years. This is a set up for King Kong Bundy to come in. Triple team on Hogan. King Kong Bundy then hits three Avalanches and a splash on Hogan. Heenan is pushing Bundy into Hogan to give him an added boost. Then another splash. Fans throw trash into the ring. They are really driving Bundy as a threat headed into WrestleMania 2. Hogan stretchered out as Vince and Jesse recap what happened. They speculate about internal damage to Hogan. They go to commercial and it is a hushed and morose atmosphere as they come back. Gorilla Monsoon is shown clearing the way for the stretcher and climbing into the ambulance that’s on its way to the hospital.
    -Pre tape interview with Mean Gene and The Dream Team. They say the Bulldogs are flukes and they will have no problem with them.
    -They show the non-title win of the Bulldogs from January 1986.
    -Tag Team Title Match British Bulldogs VS. The Dream Team: All Bulldogs to begin. They can’t get the pin though. Valentine then coming back. All four brawl outside at one point. Dream Team then in control, but Dynamite Kid breaks up a Valentine figure four on Davey Boy Smith. Valentine can’t get the pin. Bulldogs coming back. They can’t get the pin either. Back and forth. Fun match with a fluke finish. Greg Valentine and Davey Boy Smith both collapse, but Valentine's body part goes over him for the pin. Sets up their WM match.
    -Mean Gene is at the hospital waiting on a report on Hulk Hogan's injuries.
    -Vince McMahon introduces the Hulk Hogan Real American video. The Video includes shots of Hogan playing bass.
    -JYD vs. Adorable Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart: Prerecorded comments. Adonis says he has always hated dogs. Jimmy Hart says he has a big surprise for JYD. All JYD to start and Adonis is bumping like crazy for JYD. JYD incredibly over with the crowd. Adonis does a crazy over the top rope bump and JYD has a headbutt through the ropes to Adonis and Hart. Big JYD chant goes out. JYD then throws Hart into Adonis and they both take a bump over the top rope. Hart wraps JYD’s ankle to the ropes while the referee is distracted. Adonis can’t get the pin and a JYD chant goes out again. The referee is knocked out. Hart sets the megaphone up for Adonis to run JYD into it, but JYD reverses it and gets the pin. He goes after Hart next but gets attacked by Adonis.
    -Mean Gene is with the doctor. It is the WWF’s go to guy, Dr. Panovich. Hulk has injuries to the ribs, back, and neck.
    -Vince and Jesse recap the evening and sign off from Phoenix.

    Episode 63 Notes Fri, 26 Feb 2021 10:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 9fc38771-01b2-4dfd-93e9-c9d5b1d76455 My Notes for Episode 63: Elimination Chamber 2011. -Today we look at the 2011 Elimination Chamber from the WWE.
    -Elimination Chamber 2011 was held on February 20, 2011 from the Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA. There were 11,500 people in attendance and the show did 212,000 PPV buys.
    -Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. Michael Cole mentions that ADR is already in the main event for WrestleMania.
    -Josh Matthews, Michael Cole, and Booker T welcome us to the broadcast.
    -ADR does some mic work and gets a little reaction. He talks about those men in the elimination chamber just get to fight to wrestle him because it’s his destiny. He gets cut off by Kofi Kingston’s music.
    -Alberto Del Rio VS. Kofi Kingston: Kingston attacks early. ADR keeps getting to the ropes. Back and forth. Kingston with a big dropkick. ADR goes to the outside. Kingston goes out and gets him. They go back and forth some more and both end up outside. ADR sends Kingston into the steps this gets a two count. He gets Kingston into a body vice. He keeps going for covers, but Kingston kicks out. Don’t take a shot every time they say Road to WrestleMania or you won’t make it to the end of the show. Back to the body vice for ADR. Kingston hits a big top rope flying forearm. They trade blows. Kingston coming back. ADR counters a flying attack with a gut buster. For a two count. A Kingston top rope dropkick gets a two count. A shot to the ribs gets ADR a two count. A big Kingston DDT and he covers ADR, but the referee is distracted by Rodriguez. Kingston counters the arm breaker for a close two count. Kingston misses a corner charge and ADR hits the top rope neckbreaker. He gets the arm breaker on and Kingston fights it hard before tapping.
    -Randy Orton looking pissed off backstage.
    -The commentators talk about the Elimination Chamber.
    -Todd Grisham talks to Edge. He knows the odds are against him, but he’s prepared. He gets interrupted by Drew McIntyre. He says Edge was the reason Kelly Kelly was fired so tonight, he’s going to take the title from Edge. Edge says the title and Kelly have something in common, they’ll never been seen with McIntyre.
    -Elimination Chamber Hype Video.
    -Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match: Kane, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett are announced. After Barrett comes out, Teddy Long comes out and announces a replacement for the fired Dolph Ziggler. It’s The Big Show. Rey Mysterio and Edge are the final participants: Mysterio and Edge start. Edge strikes hard first. He hits a flapjack. Mysterio gets his boot up from an Edge corner charge. Edge back flips Mysterio to the structure floor on the outside where he hits hard. They fight up top and Mysterio hits a top rope hurricanrana on Edge. It gets a two count. It goes outside and Edge punishes Mysterio against the cage. Both men down as Barrett is released from his pod. He attacks Mysterio. Edge throws Mysterio into Barrett taking him out before throwing Mysterio into the chain link. Barrett slams Edge for a two count. A pump handle slam by Barrett on Mysterio gets a two count. He then throws Mysterio into the corner and slams Edge into the steel for a two count. Barrett misses a charge and crashes outside. Mysterio dropkicks Edge. Barrett goes to slam Mysterio outside, but he grabs the structure and starts to climb. Barrett pulls him off, but Mysterio hurricanranas him back in. Mysterio sets Barrett up for the 619, but Edge cuts him off with a big boot. He gets a two count. Kane is released from his pod. He knocks everyone down and gets a two count on Barrett. Corner charges to everyone. Kane hits Barrett with a side slam and gets kicked in the head by Mysterio. Everyone tries to pin Kane but no one can. Barrett runs Kane into the chamber. Mysterio climbs the ropes and hits Kane with some hard shots, but Kane responds with a right hand that leaves Mysterio hanging upside down in the corner. Edge hits Mysterio with a dropkick. This gets a two count. Kane hits Edge with a back elbow. Drew McIntyre released from his pod and immediately grabs and throws Mysterio into a pod. He and Barrett team up to try and eliminate Kane. Then McIntyre turns on Barrett and throws him through a pod. He then takes on Edge. He gets a two count. Edge counters a DDT attempt by McIntyre. Edge goes for a spear only to get caught by Kane who goes to choke slam Edge who counters and throws Kane to Mysterio who goes for the 619 but Kane ducks. Kane then throws Mysterio hard into the corner. Kane counters a McIntyre DDT attempt and sends him crashing into Barrett. Kane and Edge hit each other with boots and both are down. Everyone down as the countdown begins and The Big Show enters. He starts throwing people out of the ring. He stalks Barrett and has him up against a pod. He throws Barrett through a pod. He then slaps Barrett’s chest repeatedly. He batters him all around and pins him after a knockout punch. Kane hits him with a big clothesline from the top rope. Edge then drops an elbow on Big Show for a two count. McIntyre hits the future shock DDT for a two count. Mysterio hits a senton bomb on Big Show from the top of a pod for a two count. Big Show keeps kicking out with authority. Mysterio hits the 619 on Big Show. Edge then spears Big Show. Kane then takes out Mysterio and Edge. Kane then choke slams and pins Big Show. He then choke slams and pins McIntyre. He then double clotheslines Edge and Mysterio. He throws Edge outside and gets a DDT from Mysterio for a two count. A Mysterio top rope leg drop on Kane gets a two count. Kane goes for a choke slam, but Mysterio counters with a hurricanrana to set Kane up for the 619. He hits it and then goes up tope and comes off but gets stopped by Kane and both get speared by Edge. Kane is then pinned by Edge. Kane attacks Edge and Mysterio. Both men down. Then Mysterio counters a spear for a two count. Edge rolls through a Mysterio crossbody and gets a two count. Mysterio gets a couple of two counts of his own. He gets caught up top by Edge. Edge catches Mysterio coming off the top rope and hits a powerbomb for a two count. Mysterio counters another powerbomb to set up for the 619. Edge catches his legs and puts Mysterio into a modified sharpshooter. Mysterio reverses it for a two count. Mysterio ducks a spear, but Edge hits it on the rebound for a two count. Mysterio hits a 619 and a splash for a two count. He then hits a 619 again, but he goes up top and Edge spears him out of the air for the pin.
    -After a recap of what we just saw, Alberto Del Rio attacks Edge. He tries to break Edge’s arm. Officials trying to pull him off. Christian returns and attacks Del Rio. He hits the unprettier and leaves Del Rio laying. Edge then hits Del Rio with a spear.
    -Don’t try this at home promo.
    -Josh Matthews, Michael Cole, and Booker T preview the upcoming WWE championship match between The Miz and Jerry Lawler.
    -Matt Striker interviews Jerry Lawler about his upcoming match. Lawler is very somber, mentioning that his mother passed away 1 week ago. So that is understandable. That’s what’s been on his mind. He’s wanted to be WWE Champion and compete at WrestleMania and he doesn’t want to let anyone down.
    -Booker T announces Trish Stratus as a Tough Enough trainer. She also announces that she’s here to watch Jerry Lawler win the title.
    -WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov with Tamina VS. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel with Ezekiel Jackson: Marella gets Slater in a headlock which Slater counters into a head scissors. Gabriel tagged in. Marella with a back heel trip. Kozlov tagged in. He throws Gabriel into the corner and just brutalizes his midsection. Gabriel rolls outside. Gabriel comes back with a big kick to Kozlov’s head and Slater with an over the top rope splash for a two count. Marella tagged in. He hits the cobra on Gabriel. He gets a two count on Slater. Gabriel and Kozlov tagged in. Slater blind tags and hits a death drop on Kozlov. Gabriel tagged back in and hits a 450 splash to win. New tag champions.
    -Todd Grisham interviews The Miz, who has Alex Riley with him. He says this is the year of The Miz and he will crush Jerry Lawler’s dream and the winner of the Elimination Chamber will suffer the same fate at WrestleMania.
    -Vickie Guerrero comes to ringside. She wants Dolph Ziggler to get his job back. The fans boo her hard. She is good at her job. She tries to explain away Ziggler’s actions. She’s asking the fans to contact Teddy Long to get Ziggler his job back. Long comes out and says he has hired someone back, but it’s Kelly Kelly. Guerrero tries to get away, but gets beat down by Kelly. Lay Cool come out and attack Kelly. They beat her down hard. Trish Stratus comes down. Lay Cool back off, then attack Stratus, who tries to fight back. Stratus hits her signature moves with a little help/cooperation from Lay Cool. Stratus and Kelly then take some bows.
    -Flashback to what’s happened between The Miz and Jerry Lawler.
    -WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. Jerry Lawler: Michael Cole playing up his heel announcer character big time as The Miz comes out. Lawler gets a good reaction as he comes out. It starts out quick as Lawler gets a roll up for a two count. A Lawler backslide then gets a two count. Then an inside cradle gets another two count. Miz blocks a hip toss but gets clotheslined for a two count. Lawler then hitting some corner punches to Miz. It goes outside. Riley distracts Lawler while Miz pushes him into the corner post. Miz continues to punish Lawler while he is out. Miz gets a two count. Riley with a cheap shot while Miz was arguing with the referee. Miz gets a two count. Miz hits a corner clothesline. He goes up top but gets caught. They trade blows up top. Lawler hits a superplex for a two and a half count. Lawler hits a dropkick. Another two count. Riley trips Lawler. Referee Mike Chioda throws Riley out. Miz misses a corner charge and Lawler gets a two count. Lawler goes for a piledriver, but Miz counters. They trade close two counts. Miz charges and Lawler pulls the rope down and Miz goes crashing outside. Michael Cole stands up and screams at Lawler who comes over but gets jumped from behind by Miz. Miz runs Lawler into the ring and into the announce position. Lawler knocks Miz into the announce table, then throws him on Michael Cole. Lawler throws Miz in and delivers a top rope fist drop for a two count. Lawler counters a Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Lawler hits a DDT. Lawler climbs the ropes and drops the strap. He drops the fist again, but Miz gets his foot on the ropes. Lawler goes for the piledriver. Miz counters. Lawler goes for a sunset flip, but Miz goes down and grabs a leg for a two count. Lawler kicks out and gets Miz down for a two count. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale and pins Lawler. Michael Cole celebrates. He goes into the ring to celebrate with Miz. A Jerry chant goes out as Lawler gets up to leave the ring.
    -John Cena is shown eating Fruity Pebbles. He tells Todd Grisham that his thoughts are on the Elimination Chamber.
    -Matt Striker interviews CM Punk. He says he has defeated John Cena three times and he is going to win the Elimination Chamber.
    -Raw Elimination Chamber: R-Truth, Sheamus, John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, and John Morrison are your participants. They replay highlights of what happened during the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. Morrison and Sheamus start. Back and Forth. Sheamus with a headlock and then a slap to Morrison. Morrison takes down Sheamus. They fight on the outside. They try to push each other into the structure. Morrison goes to springboard onto Sheamus who moves, but Morrison hangs onto the structure and delivers a kick to Sheamus’ head. Sheamus hits a clothesline and then hits another. Morrison with another head kick. He goes for Starship Pain, but gets pushed into R-Truth’s pod by Sheamus. Sheamus throws Morrison into the structure as the countdown starts. Orton is released. He hits a big powerslam on Sheamus and Morrison. He tosses Sheamus out and tosses Morrison into Sheamus. Orton sends Morrison crashing through the pod Orton came out of. He then keeps throwing Sheamus into the chain link fence. Orton then does his rope DDT on the structure to Morrison. He then delivers stomps to both Sheamus and Morrison and gets a two count on Morrison. Superplex on Morrison for a two count. Superplex to Sheamus for a two count. Countdown begins again and it’s CM Punk. The pod won’t open and Punk is stuck. Orton attacks him and beats him down. Orton hits the RKO and pins Punk. The RAW GM chimes in and reinstates Punk due to the malfunctioning pod. A CM Punk chant goes out. Sheamus attacking Orton and Morrison. Orton goes for an RKO and Sheamus pushes off. He goes for the Brogue Kick. Orton ducks but Morrison hits a big kick to the head. He is attacked by Sheamus and run into the structure. Countdown and Cena is released. Sheamus attacks Cena as soon as the pod opens. Back and forth. Morrison takes out Sheamus and Orton with a crossbody and leaves them laying. R-Truth comes out and Sheamus tries to attack him the same way he did for Cena, but it doesn't work. Sheamus kicks R-Truth. R-Truth is eliminated. Orton throws Morrison through the glass, again. Punk is released next, and Orton waits for him. Cena goes for the AA but Orton RKOs him on the steel instead. Sheamus then nails Orton with a kick and Punk goes for a cover, and gets a two count. Punk does Orton's taunt and hits the GTS, then eliminates Orton. Morrison climbs up on top of a pod and Sheamus knocks him on his back. He sets Morrison up for the High Cross from the pod, but Morrison knocks him down. Morrison stands back up and starts climbing towards the center of the dome. He jumps down onto Sheamus and eliminates him. Scott Armstrong counts very lightly on the outside and even Booker points out that he didn't want to hurt his hand. Morrison goes for his knee to the face, but misses and hits the pod instead and acts like he's hurt. Cena picks Punk up for an electric chair and Morrison hits a clothesline from the top rope onto him. Punk slingshots Cena into the glass (which doesn't break). He then slingshots Morrison, but John catches onto the pod, jumps off onto the chains, and hits the Flying Chuck. He then misses Starship Pain. Punk follows it up with a GTS and eliminates Morrison. Very quickly afterward, Cena pops up and hits the AA on Punk, and eliminates him to win the match.

    Episode 62 Notes Thu, 18 Feb 2021 08:00:00 -0500 [email protected] d716f037-f11c-4368-8ca3-2045b1aed210 My Notes for Episode 62: SNME April 1990 -Valentine’s Day
    -Today we look at the SNME from April 1990 from the WWF.
    -SNME XXVI was shown on NBC on April 28, 1990. It was tapes April 23, 1990 from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.
    -The Ultimate Warrior says he will walk where no man has ever been as he fulfills the Ultimate Destiny.
    -Bobby Heenan and Haku say Haku will make history in Texas when he becomes the next champion.
    -Mr. Perfect and The Genius Say Hulk Hogan is not perfect, but Mr. Perfect is.
    -Hulk Hogan says he’s the professor and tonight, he is going to knock some sense into The Genius and Mr. Perfect. I have to issue a mea culpa here. I thought the tandem of Perfect and The Genius was done at WrestleMania, but they were together a little while longer.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Texas. They are on horses at ringside. They run down that week’s matches.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Perfect says he’s the perfect athlete, Hulk Hogan is the perfect loser.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. He says his ambition is high and Perfect and The Genius are the losers.
    -Hulk Hogan VS. Mr. Perfect with The Genius: Hogan has a nice ovation coming out. Perfect does his regular bumping job to start. They go outside and brawl for a bit. Perfect getting just pummeled by Hogan. They go back outside and Hogan goes after Genius when he tries to interfere. Perfect hits Hogan with The Genius’s scroll. Perfect takes over. Hogan comes back. Hogan kicks out of the Perfectplex. Big boot, leg drop, and pin. The Genius attacks after the bell, but Hogan must pose!
    -Rick Martel on horseback does an ad for arrogance.
    -Jesse interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They say Hillbilly Jim will feel the Quake and the aftershocks.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hillbilly Jim. He says Quake reminds him of the pigs he used to slop.
    -Earthquake with Jimmy Hart VS. Hillbilly Jim: Jim gets some offense in early. Hart takes Jim’s horseshoe. Quake takes advantage and gets the pin after the splash. Quake then hits the aftershocks. Jim then taken out on a stretcher.
    -Another Arrogance ad.
    -Jesse interviews The Hart Foundation. They act a bit heelish when talking about The Rockers.
    -Mean Gene talks to The Rockers They say The Hart Foundation shouldn’t overlook them.
    -The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Fast paced match here. Jannetty using his speed to counter Neidhart’s power. Hart makes it even. Hart Foundation with the advantage. Demolition comes to ringside. Jesse doesn’t like it. Jannetty in and the tide has turned. Michaels and Neidhart then in. Michaels gets thrown out. Demolition goes to help him back in, Jannetty thinks they are jumping him. He attacks, then all 6 men start brawling inside. The bell rings. Both teams are disqualified.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. Quake warns Hogan not to get in his way.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says he’s a survivor who can overcome Quake.
    -Flashback to the Main Event of WrestleMania.
    -Jesse interviews Haku and Bobby Heenan. Classic Heenan here: Remember the Alamo, forget about The Ultimate Warrior.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he has been chosen to lead all Warriors and the WWF.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Haku with Bobby Heenan: They start going after each other before Warrior can get his belt off. Clunky match, but the fans love Warrior. Haku getting some offense in. Can’t keep Warrior down, though. Jesse complains about Joey Marella reffing. Warrior coming back. Shoulder block, splash, and pin.
    -Yet another arrogance ad.
    -Flashback to the Big Boss Man/Akeem WrestleMania Match and Ted DiBiase interfering.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Akeem and Slick: They say DiBiase has increased the amount on Boss Man’s Head.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man. He says DiBiase can’t buy him off.
    -The Big Boss Man VS. Akeem with Slick: Boss Man just attacking hard. Akeem gets the Boss Man down and Slick holds him in the corner so Akeem can punish him. Boss Man Fights back. Boss Man hits the Boss Man Slam. Ted DiBiase and Virgil come in and attack Boss Man for the DQ. They then handcuff him to the ropes. They go to beat him with the night stick, but he uncuffs himself and goes after them.
    -Another Arrogance ad IYDAH.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Bobby Heenan. He says he noticed a flaw in Warrior and that Rick Rude is in training to take the belt from him.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he can’t be controlled by Rude or anyone else.
    -Vince and Jesse review the night before signing off from Texas.

    Episode 61 Notes Sat, 13 Feb 2021 13:00:00 -0500 [email protected] f651ecae-686e-42df-a090-b04243fb8a29 My Notes for Episode 61: WrestleMania VI. -Today we look at WrestleMania 6 from the WWF, WrestleMania 6: The Ultimate Challenge was shown on PPV on April 1st, 1990 from the Skydome in Toronto, Canada. There were 67,678 fans in attendance.
    -Opening credits of Vince McMahon narrating an animation of constellations and talking about Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior being the two most powerful forces, its title for title champion Versus Champion.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to what would be their final WrestleMania together. Jesse says he's fired up for WrestleMania. Robert Goulet sings Oh Canada. He does a good job.
    -Koko B Ware with Frankie VS. Rick Martel: We find out early that Gorilla doesn’t know who Axl Rose is. Martel sprays arrogance as he comes out. Koko has a short haircut for this one. Koko on fire early. Martel comes back. Martel gets the Boston Crab on, but Koko breaks it. Martel and Koko botch a spot. Koko misses a crossbody and Martel puts the crab on again to win.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Colossal Connection and Bobby Heenan. Gene calls them the Colostomy Connection and Heenan goes off on him. They say they’re going to eliminate Demolition.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Demolition. They say they’re going to cut The Colossal Connection down and then smash them.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: The Colossal Connection Andre the Giant and Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Demolition Ax and Smash: Final WrestleMania appearance for the classic combination of Demolition. They’re really over with this crowd. The Colossal Connection strikes right away. Then Demolition comes back as a Weasel Chant breaks out. Andre breaks up some trouble for Haku. Heenan slaps Ax. Haku then has a nerve hold on Ax. The Colossal Connection is cheating well. Ax comes back. Smash tagged in and the crowd goes crazy for it. Andre holds Smash for Haku. Smash ducks and Haku’s kick hits Andre who then does his ropes tied up spot. Demolition decapitation on Haku for the pin. New Tag Team Champions! Heenan is beside himself. He’s going off on Andre and slaps him. Andre then grabs Heenan and roughs him up and throws him out. Haku then attacks Andre and he also gets it. Andre then clears the WrestleMania Cart and he leaves. He gets a tremendous ovation on the way out.
    -Mean Gene interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They say that Hercules will tremble from the tremors of the Earthquake.
    -Hercules VS. Earthquake with Jimmy Hart: Hercules does some stick and move to begin. Back and forth. Earthquake won’t go down. Hercules goes for the backbreaker, but can’t get Earthquake up. Hercules goes down and Earthquake wins after a splash. He then hits the aftershock.
    -Rona Barrett interviews Miss Elizabeth. She asks Liz where she has been Liz says she feels like she hasn’t help enough when she’s been at ringside in the past. She then says she’s been thinking about coming to ringside again.
    -Sean Mooney then interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says Mr. Perfect’s perfect record is going to be severed.
    -Mr. Perfect with The Genius VS. Brutus Beefcake: Jesse says he has Paul Newman’s eyes, Kirk Douglas’s chin and Robert Duvall’s haircut. Gorilla asked what does he have of his own and Jesse has no response to that. Beefcake gets a good response from the crowd. Jesse sends out his usual greeting to his family in Minnesota. Perfect gets knocked all around the ring and he’s bumping like crazy. Beefcake is working on Perfect, but Perfect grabs Genius’s scroll and nails Beefcake with it. Gorilla and Jesse talk about the pendulum swinging and Gorilla isn’t good at math as Jesse has to explain 360 degrees to him. Perfect in control. Beefcake hits a slingshot and Perfect hits the corner post. Beefcake pins him. This is Perfect’s first televised loss. The Genius goes to take the clippers, but gets caught. Perfect then leaves The Genius behind. Genius put to sleep and gets some of his hair cut.
    -Flashback to the bad blood that has come between Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. I can’t sugarcoat this at all. He’s painted half of his body black. It’s not right now and it wasn’t right then. I’m a Roddy Piper fan, but I can’t defend him or his actions here. It’s an idea that should have been vetoed. He talks about Bad News Brown and says that he has a big mouth and that Roddy is going to shut it.
    -Bad News Brown VS. Roddy Piper: Piper does get a great response from the crowd. Jesse says he has to pull for Piper because they did the Tag Team Pilot together. A Roddy chant goes out. The crowd is crazy for Piper. They just start brawling. Referee Danny Davis tries to separate them and screams for them to separate. Brown with the advantage. The Roddy chant continues to go out. Piper does his classic eye poke. Brown goes for Piper’s eye and removes the corner turnbuckle pad. He goes to ram Piper into it. Piper reverses it and Brown gets shoved into the corner. Piper brings out a Michael Jackson glove and puts it on. He keeps hitting Brown with it and knocks him outside. They brawl outside and get counted out. They then brawl to the back.
    -Steve Allen is in the shower area with a piano so he can do the Soviet national Anthem with the Bolsheviks. Totally a comedy spot.
    -The Hart Foundation Jim Neidhart and Bret Hart VS. The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov: Volkoff and Zhukov try to sing the Soviet National Anthem. The Hart Foundation attack them. They hit the Hart Attack on Zhukov and pin him.
    -WrestleMania 7 promo.
    -Gorilla and Jesse then talk about WrestleMania 7. But a lot of things are going to change in a year.
    -The Barbarian with Bobby Heenan VS. Tito Santana: Other podcasts have talked about this and what is the meaning behind it? And it's sort of become an Internet sensation. But Gorilla says spend a lot of money twice in a row here.
    -Mean Gene interviews Tito Santana. He says he will keep his eye on the Barbarian and Bobby Heenan. Jesse makes his usual stereotypical remarks about Santana's culture. Santana has early advantage. Heenan puts Barbarian’s leg on the ropes to avoid getting pinned at one point. Barbarian hits a top rope clothesline for the win.
    -Flashback to what’s led up to the big mixed tag match.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. They say they have the crown jewel for the upcoming match.
    -Randy Savage and Queen Sherri VS. Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire: Jesse says they said with the combined weight of 465, you’re telling me that Rhodes only weighs 200 pounds? When Rhodes gets to the ring, he announces the crown jewel is Miss Elizabeth. The crowd goes wild with the announcement. The faces control early. Sapphire is clearly not a wrestler, but Sherri takes good care of her. This is a comedy spot match, but the crowd loves it. Gorilla and Jesse get into it over Sherri cheating and Jesse has some very valid points. Heels try for some pins, but can’t get the three count. Sherri goes out, but Liz throws her back in and the crowd just eats it up. Sherri comes back over to Liz, and Liz pushes her back into Sapphire, who school boys her for the pin. Rhodes, Sapphire, and Liz dance afterwards.
    -Another WrestleMania 7 promo.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan. He goes off on Andre the Giant. He then states that he is starting a new family.
    -Gorilla and Jesse are with Rona Barrett. She says she has a piece of film on Jesse of the X rated kind, not realizing that this is a family show. Jesse then throws it to Sean Mooney, who is with Randy Savage and Sherri. They say that they will never be embarrassed again and that it’s not over with Rhodes and Sapphire.
    -Mean Gene brings in new tag team champions, Demolition. They say that this win is so sweet. Then they say they will take on The Hart Foundation who have challenged them.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. All right, now I have got to do the next two interviews verbatim here.
    -Hulk Hogan’s Interview.
    -The Ultimate Warrior’s interview with Sean Mooney.
    -I have no idea what he is talking about.
    -The Orient Express Sato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Mary Jannetty: A nice quick paced match. Jannetty goes flying out of the ring after Sato pulls the rope down. Back and forth match. Orient Express can’t get the pin. Gorilla says that The Rockers were lethargic at the beginning of the match. That means they partied too hard the previous night. Fuji goes after Jannetty who follows him with the cane. Sato hits him with salt to the face. He walks into the railing and falls over into the crowd. The Orient Express wins by count out.
    -Steve Allen goes to interview Rhythm & Blues. Honky Tonk Man says their new song is going to be hot.
    -Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake VS. Jim Duggan. Duggan brings an American flag ringside in Canada. They bring up Bravo’s bench press record IYDAH. Duggan with the upper hand until Bravo comes back. Back and Forth match. Earthquake grabs Duggan by the leg while Hart throws Bravo the two by four. Duggan gets it back while the ref is distracted. He hits Bravo with it and gets the pin. Earthquake jumps him after the match and does the sit down splash on Duggan.
    -Flashback to the issues between Jake Roberts and Ted DiBiase.
    -Million Dollar Championship Match: Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. He says all DiBiase has to do is go through him and Damien. They go at it hard and heavy from the beginning. DiBiase keeps avoiding the DDT and Damien. Gorilla starts his anatomy routine and Jesse basically tells him he’s full of it. DiBiase comes back. Roberts takes a big bump against the corner. They start the wave at the Skydome. DiBiase hits a big piledriver. Roberts sneaks out the back and almost gets the pin. DiBiase gets the million dollar dream on. Roberts gets to the ropes. Roberts starts to come back. A DDT chant goes out. Virgil pulls Roberts out. DiBiase puts the million dollar dream on again outside the ring. DiBiase beats the count back in and wins the match. Roberts attacks DiBiase and Virgil after and hits the DDT on DiBiase. Roberts starts giving DiBiase’s money away. Even Mary Tyler Moore at ringside gets some. Damien comes out. Virgil comes back and rolls DiBiase out of the ring. Roberts chases Virgil to the back with Damien.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Akeem and Slick. Slick says it’s all about the money and Ted DiBiase has given him and Akeem a lot of money to take the Big Boss Man out.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Big Boss Man. He calls Ted DiBiase scum and says he doesn't take bribes, he's his own man.
    -Akeem with Slick VS. The Big Boss Man: Ted DiBiase comes out from under the ring and attacks the Big Boss Man. He beats him up and throws him inside the ring. Akeem dominates early. Boss Man comes back. He hits the Boss Man Slam and pins Akeem. He decks Slick afterwards.
    -Sean Mooney is on the floor of the Skydome. Fans tell him they don’t want to listen to Rhythm & Blues new song. He also interviews Mary Tyler Moore, who is having fun but has no idea what is going on. He says she’ll always be Mary Richards to him. I echo those sentiments, Sean.
    -They then introduce Rhythm & Blues. They’re driven to the ring in a pink Cadillac by Diamond Dallas Page. Gorilla calls the girls with them the Honkettes which cracks Jesse up.
    -They sing their new song Hunka Hunka Hunka Hunka Honky Love. After the song, they show some popcorn vendors who turn out to be The Bushwhackers who chase them off, then smash the guitars at the end.
    -Gorilla and Jesse talk about the new Skydome record established: 67,678.
    -Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jimmy Snuka: Steve Allen joins commentary. Jesse brings up the Jesse the Body award IYDAH. Snuka batters Rude to begin with and makes fun of his gyrations. Rude is bumping like crazy. Steve Allen tells some outdated jokes. Snuka goes up for the splash, but Rude gets up first. He misses the splash when he tries it again. Rude hits the Rude Awakening for the pin.
    -Flashback to what led up to the Main Event.
    -Main Event Title VS. Title, Champion VS. Champion. WWF Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan VS. WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior: Big ovation for The Ultimate Warrior when he comes down. It sounds like a bigger ovation for Hulk Hogan as he comes out. They get face to face to begin. They shove each other. Strength moves after that. Hogan goes down to begin with. He comes back then the Warrior goes down. Hogan gets a scoop slam Warrior gets a slam in. Hogan clotheslined out. Hogan’s left knee appears injured. Warrior kicks Hogan. He puts Hogan back in. It gets dirty. Hogan comes back. Hogan in control. Jesse brings up the Richard Belzer incident when Hogan gets a face lock on. Hogan gets a two count. Hogan still in control. Double clothesline and both men down. Warrior up at 7. They both struggle to get up. Warrior coming back. Warrior then in control. He has Hogan in a big bear hug. Hogan then comes back. Hogan drops down and Warrior accidently hits the referee. Warrior misses the shoulder tackle. Hogan and then Warrior both get pins, but we still don’t have a referee. Hogan sneaks out of a two count after the ref recovers. Then Warrior kicks out of a two count as well. They battle outside at one point. Warrior gorilla presses Hogan and then hits the splash. Hogan kicks out at two. The crowd goes crazy. Hogan hulks up. Hogan hits the big boot and goes for the leg drop, but Warrior moves. Warrior hits a splash and gets the pin. Warrior celebrates. Hogan looks dejected. Hogan takes the world title and gets back into the ring. He presents the belt and raises Warriors hand. They then embrace.
    -Gorilla and Jesse then have our memorable lines for the evening.
    -Hogan takes the ride back in the cart as Warrior celebrates in the ring. Fireworks go off as they sign off from Toronto.

    Episode 60 Notes Thu, 04 Feb 2021 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 61a76691-f61c-477d-8249-d2fa41c1ec2c My Notes for Episode 60: WrestleWar 90. -Today we look at WrestleWar ’90: Wild Thing from the NWA and WCW.
    -WrestleWar ’90: Wild Thing was broadcast on PPV on February 25, 1990 from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. There were 7,894 in attendance.
    -My God, they start with the rap. They must have pre-paid for it.
    -Jim Ross and Terry Funk welcome us to WrestleWar’90. They say that Dan Spivey is injured and will not wrestle. This is a cover up as Spivey had actually quit the NWA shortly before. They quickly run down the championship matches before throwing it to Gordon Solie.
    -Solie talks to Teddy Long. He says he has a replacement for Dan Spivey that he will unveil tonight.
    -Kevin Sullivan and Buzz Sawyer VS. The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace. Last time ever tagging for the Dudes. Ross talks about Buzz Sawyer’s High School Athletic career If You’re Drinking At Home. Douglas is chopped hard by Sullivan. Sullivan and Sawyer have a slight disagreement and slap each other. Sawyer hits the corner post hard. Ross then talks about Roos being a sponsor If You’re Drinking At Home. Douglas taken outside and injured. Sawyer hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Douglas thrown over the top rope. Sawyer wins after a top rope splash.
    -Missy Hyatt talks to Norman. He cons her out of a kiss and a hug.
    -Cactus Jack Manson VS. Norman the Lunatic: Norman gets a good reaction coming out. Funk says he has the head of a buffalo and the body of Roseanne. Ouch. Cactus Jack attacks right away. Cactus Jack takes a big bump for Norman. He bumps again over the corner post. It goes outside and Cactus Jack bumps over the guardrail. Both Ross and Funk put over Cactus Jack hard. Norman wins after falling straight down after Cactus Jack tries a sunset flip.
    -Gordon Solie talks to Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express. He says that some things never change. Tonight, The Midnight Express will prevail over The Rock & Roll Express.
    -The Rock & Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Funk starts singing rock lyrics early. These two teams have wrestled each other hundreds of times. RNR with the early advantage. Cornette gets into it with referee Nick Patrick. Slow to start. Morton goes after Cornette after he cheats. RNR dominating the match. Morton and Eaton take a big over the top rope bump. MX take over. MX double team to perfection. Morton plays the face in peril like no one else. Gibson finally tagged in. Cornette whacks him with the racket but it only gets a two count. Gibson wins with a cradle.
    -Gordon Solie talks to The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They say they don’t underestimate anyone.
    -Chicago Street fight: The Skyscrapers: Masked Skyscraper and Mark Callous with Teddy Long VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Masked Skyscraper is actually Mike Enos, who is ½ of the AWA Tag Team Champions at the time with Wayne Bloom. WCW hired two guys to drive The Road Warriors 10 feet on their Harleys. SMH. Ellering challenges Long, who accepts and gets pushed out of the ring. Just a big brawl. Doom come down dressed in tuxedos and stand beside Long. Hawk hits a big clothesline off the apron on Callous. They then hit the Doomsday Device on Masked Skyscraper to win. They pull Long into the ring and then thrown him on Doom who catch him. Doom climbs in and go at it with The Road Warriors.
    -Jim Ross and Terry Funk reset at the halfway point. Every match from here on is a title match.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Faces with the early advantage. Ross has to bring up Pillman’s football background If You’re Drinking At Home. Freebirds bumping hard for both faces. Hayes gets Pillman in a sleeper. Pillman almost gets a pin off of a roll through. Garvin hits Zenk with a shot as Zenk had Hayes in a sleeper. Freebirds in control. Faces come back. Hayes wears down Zenk with a sleeper. Lots of sleepers in this match. Zenk hits a DDT and tags Pillman in. Garvin holds Zenk for Hayes to hit with a belt, but Hayes gets caught by the ref so Garvin shoves Zenk into a cameraman. Pillman hits Garvin with a crossbody to win.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Ole and Arn Anderson: All four brawl to start. The Steiners stick to wrestling after things settle down. The Andersons are frustrated. Ross Brings up Rick Steiner’s college credentials as you enter Alcohol Blackout Status. The Andersons finally get the advantage. Scott gets Arn in a figure four. He then hits a big suplex on Ole. They fight outside. The Anderson’s are going after the injured arm of Scott. Scott does manage to get the Frankensteiner on Arn, but is injured bad. Ole and Rick both finally tagged in. Rick hits Steinerlines on both Andersons. He pins Ole with a small package. The Andersons attack Scott Steiner after the bell.
    -Gordon Solie talks to Lex Luger. He’s ready for Ric Flair and ready to be champion.
    -Jim Ross and Terry Funk talk about the Main Event.
    -Gordon Solie talks to Ric Flair and Woman. He says he’s been the King of the Sport for 10 years and fears no man.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta introduces Sting, who comes out on crutches to be the official observer to the match.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with Woman VS. Lex Luger: Ross and Funk set the pace for how important this match is. It’s Ric Flair’s birthday. Lugar Chant goes out to begin. They do some wrestling and power holds to start. Ross brings up Luger’s football career If You’re Drinking At Home. Flair gets hit and takes a powder, but Luger follows him and brings him back. Luger can’t get a pinning predicament. Flair’s plane crash is then brought up If You’re Drinking At Home. Flair works in the Flair Flop. Luger misses a clothesline. Flair takes over and opens up the chop house. Then Luger fights back. Flair uses the ropes for leverage. The announcers talk about Flair getting desperate. Woman interferes for Flair. Luger gets a second wind. Crowd really gets into it. Luger gets a sleeper on. Flair gets to the ropes. Luger hits a big powerslam and was close to a three count. Flair rolls out. Back in, Luger gets a backslide for two. Flair hits a move from the top rope. He does it again. Flair gets a sleeper on. Luger powers out. He will not stay down. Flair works on Luger’s leg. Flair gets the figure four on. Sting makes his way to ringside on crutches. Luger gets to the ropes. Sting tries to motivate Luger. Flair retreats from Luger. Luger is a man possessed. Big powerslam. Woman interferes. Flair attacks. The referee gets knocked down. Flair gets caught coming off. Luger hits a superplex. The Andersons hit the ring. Luger takes them out. Luger puts Flair into the torture rack. The Andersons grab Sting. Luger comes to Sting’s aid. The referee counts him out. The Andersons and Flair attack Luger. The Steiners come to the rescue.
    -Ross and Funk talk about the match. The credits then roll as they sign off from Greensboro.

    Episode 59 Notes Thu, 28 Jan 2021 14:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 3a33ad20-f58a-43e3-a606-94b7b20a4a83 My Notes for Episode 59: The Main Event III -WWE Network on Peacock News.
    -Today we look at The Main Event III from the WWF from February 1990.
    -The Main Event III was shown live on NBC on February 23, 1990 from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan.
    -Randy Savage says he has a powerful right hand for Hulk Hogan and new boxing champion and special guest referee Buster Douglas better stay in line.
    -Jack Tunney is with Buster Douglas, who’s going to be the outside ref. One of his entourage says like Tokyo, Douglas is ready and to call it down the middle.
    -Hulk Hogan says with the combination of Randy Savage, Buster Douglas, and Hulk Hogan, somethings going to explode!
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Detroit. They run down the card and talk up Buster Douglas after Mike Tyson pulls out of being the referee.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage is glad Douglas is the referee because he found out that Mike Tyson’s grandmother is a Hulkamaniac. They say Douglas better call it down the middle.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He says that he heard that he and Buster Douglas are a lot alike, but he better call it down the middle.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Buster Douglas. He throws shade at Mike Tyson for backing out. He’s going to call it down the middle.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Randy Savage with Queen Sherri. Buster Douglas is the special outside referee. Savage controls the match early. Sherri accidently knocked out by Savage. Hogan takes control. Sherri recovers and interferes frequently in the match. Sherri chokes Hogan, so Douglas throws her out. Savage working overtime, but can’t get the pin. Hogan kicks out of the flying elbow. Hogan Hulks Up! Hogan hits the leg drop, but the referee was knocked out, so Douglas comes in and counts the pin on Savage. Savage is irate. He gets into Douglas’s face. Savage taunts Douglas. He then slaps Douglas. Hogan pushes Savage into Douglas who punches him twice and Savage goes down. Douglas and Hogan smile and shake hands and play up to the crowd. Jesse is irate and Jesse is right.
    -The Ultimate Warrior rambles about the Solar System.
    -Back in the ring, Hogan Must Pose!
    -Jesse interviews Dino Bravo, Jimmy Hart, and Earthquake. The bench press record is brought up IYDAH. Bravo says it takes brains to win the Intercontinental Title.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He talks about not needing insurance of any kind. It makes sense if you watch it.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake. Warrior batters Bravo from the start. Earthquake interferes and Bravo takes over. Warrior regains control Warrior goes under the ring. Hart is pulled under the ring as well. He comes out pants less and Warrior throws him on Earthquake. Back and forth. Warrior kicks out of Bravo’s side suplex. Warrior then wins after a shoulder tackle and splash. Earthquake attacks after the bell. He and Bravo batter Warrior. Warrior fights back. Hogan comes to the rescue. The heels then retreat. Hogan and Warrior argue. They push officials away who try to break it up.
    -Vince McMahon narrates the flashback of the history between Hogan and Warrior.
    -Vince McMahon then interviews Hulk Hogan. He talks about feeling the powerful force of The Ultimate Warrior. He said he was not trying to steal the spotlight from Warrior.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He said that this has all been foretold. He stands by himself. He questions if Hulk Hogan has what it takes to take him on.
    -Jesse says Hogan is jealous of Warrior.
    -Mean Gene talks to Buster Douglas. He says he and Hulk Hogan are going out to drink. Drink Milk that is.
    -Vince and Jesse talk about WrestleMania and the next SNME before signing off from Detroit.

    Episode 58 Notes Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 9ab90cb4-3497-4276-a381-f7c3cbf934f1 My Notes for Episode 58: Clash of the Champions 10: Texas Shootout. -It’s our 1 year anniversary. Again in the middle of birthday week.
    -My lifestyle change is moving right along. I was helped by the Burger King down the street going out of business.
    -It’s 2021 and the world has gone crazy but that’s no reason for us to go crazy, so I’m starting to do more of the things that I enjoy.
    I’m going back and reading old comic books that I enjoy from the beginning. I’m a Marvel guy.
    I’m also enjoying TV shows and movies I loved as a kid. My wife says we are running out of space.
    -Today we look at the Clash of the Champions from February 1990.
    -Clash of the Champions X: Texas Shootout took place on February 6, 1990 from the Memorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi, Texas. There were 3,000 people in attendance and the show did a 4.5 rating on TBS.
    -Opening Credits of a Wild West shooting gallery.
    -Jim Ross and Jim Cornette welcome us to Texas. They run down some of what we are going to see tonight before throwing it to Terry Funk at ringside. He’s going to have the Horsemen on Funk’s Grill tonight. He then throws it to Gordon Solie. Gordon highlights some matches of note before bringing in the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They talk about The Skyscrapers who they face tonight.
    -The Samoan Savage with Sir Oliver Humperdink VS. Steve Williams: Williams comes charging out of an ambulance. They show him working on a wrestler. Dude, you aren’t a real doctor! That was hokey. Williams with an early advantage. Samoan Savage comes back. Woman comes to ringside and sits down. Williams fights back. He won’t go down. Cornette makes a lot of inappropriate immigrant comments. Samoan Savage misses a top rope splash. Williams wins with a back slide.
    -Wrestlewar ’90 promo and rap. I’m so embarrassed watching this thing.
    -Terry Funk brings out the Horsemen to interview. They kick Sting out because he signed the contract to wrestle Flair. They say Sting has two hours to pull out of the match or they will take him out. He says no so they rough him up.
    -The MOD Squad VS. Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk: Cornette and Ross argue over the Sting situation. Girls are into Pillman and Zenk. Pillman does a nice double flying clothesline. MOD Squad comes back. Can’t get the pin though. Pillman and Zenk win after a crossbody.
    -Cactus Jack Manson VS. Mil Mascaras: Welcome to the big time, Mick Foley! He’s making Mascaras look good and Cornette and Ross are putting over Cactus Jack big time! Cactus takes a huge bump from the apron to the floor. It’s the famous Nestea plunge bump that he talks about in his first book. Announcers sell it big time. Mascaras wins after a high crossbody, but the story of the match is Cactus Jack.
    -Missy Hyatt announces that she’s Jim Ross’ new cohost on Main Event.
    -Cactus Jack goes after the band that they have playing live and the drummer takes him down in a planned spot.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Norman the Lunatic about his Falls Count Anywhere match with Kevin Sullivan. Norman is Norman here. He says he’s going to get the rat Sullivan tonight.
    -Kevin Sullivan VS. Norman: Falls count anywhere. For some reason, they show a video of Norman at the Zoo. Jim Cornette says Norman is a child molester. WHAT?!?!?!?! This is a straight up brawl Sullivan hits a dropkick. Norman powers out of moves. Sullivan just batters Norman all match. They fight up the aisle. They fight to the back. Gordon Solie picks up the call as they fight into the Ladies bathroom. A woman comes running out. Then you hear thumping, but don’t see inside. Sullivan comes stumbling out. Norman comes out with a roll of toilet paper and a toilet lid. Referee Nick Patrick declares him the winner. Say what? Just dumb.
    -Terry Funk brings out Lex Luger. He says he should be the number one contender to Flair’s title and Sting should be happy where he is. He says he respects Flair. Luger is effective as a heel here. He does say allocades here so one ding for that. Funk has to cut him off to go to a commercial.
    -The New Skyscrapers Dan Spivey and Mark Callous with Teddy Long VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Welcome to the big time, Mark Calloway! You have quite a year coming up. They show a video of the Road Warriors beating up a defenseless car. Both teams do some no sell moves. Ross talks about Spivey’s football career If You’re Drinking At Home. Three of the four participants would be in the WWF by the end of the year. Hawk takes a big bump into the corner post. JR puts over Roos as a sponsor constantly. Callous walks the ropes. He gets caught by Hawk the second time that he does it. Animal cleans house. The Road Warriors hit the Doomsday Device on Spivey, but Callous hits Animal with a chair and rolls Spivey onto him. The referee gets knocked down. Ellering attacks Long. They piledrive Hawk. They bend the chair hitting both Animal and Hawk and then leave.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons: Masks VS. Titles: The graphic says Woman is with Doom, but she is not there. JR talks about the rumor that Doom’s identity is the worst secret of the year is the understatement of the year. The ring is wired for sound weirdly so the ropes crackle every time they are hit. Scott hits a big power slam. Back and forth. Rick hits a belly to belly. Doom comes back and takes it outside. Simmons beats on Scott. Scott hits a Frankensteiner on Reed. Rick is tagged in and he is hitting everything moving. He rips Reed’s mask off. Rick puts Reed’s mask on and rolls him up to win. They force Simmons to take his mask off.
    -Ross and Cornette talk about the Sting situation. They flashback to earlier when Sting was kicked out of the Horsemen.
    -Gordon Solie interviews the Horsemen. They say Sting has made a huge mistake not to drop out of the match coming up at Wrestlewar.
    -Another silly Wrestlewar ’90 ad.
    -Buzz Sawyer, The Great Muta, and The Dragon Master VS. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Ole Anderson: Cage Match. Giant WE WANT STING chant goes out. Sawyer takes a big bump off of the cage. Horsemen are getting booed. Flair opens up the chop house. Horsemen making quick tags. Muta comes in and the crowd goes crazy. Sting comes to ringside and tries to get into the cage. Security and backstage personnel try to pull him off. They pull him to the back and the crowd is still yelling we want Sting. Sawyer continues to bump around the cage. Sting runs back and tries again to climb the cage and when they pull him off you can tell that he has hurt his leg. Sawyer climbs to the top of the cage, but misses a splash. All 6 men battle in the ring. Arn hits the DDT on the Dragon Master to win. Flair comes and jumps on Sting but you can see they try to tell Flair about the injury. They pull them apart as the credits roll and they sign off from Corpus Christi.

    Episode 57 Notes Thu, 14 Jan 2021 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 2e23fcf7-7177-4bd7-9bd4-c5d56658e234 My Notes for Episode 57: Saturday Night's Main Event January 1990. -Today we look at the SNME from January 1990.
    -SNME XXV was shown on NBC on January 27, 1990. It was taped on January 3, 1990 from the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, TN.
    -Opening Credits of Vince McMahon hyping The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan teaming up for the first time ever.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. Jesse runs down Tennessee. Jesse then says that The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan can’t get along. They then run down the rest of the card.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jim Duggan. They talk about Randy Savage winning the “King” title as a flashback is shown.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage calls the people peasants and then is carried to ringside.
    -Jim Duggan VS. Randy Savage with Queen Sherri: Duggan dumps Savage off of his throne. Duggan has the early advantage. Sherri is looking very nice. Tables are then turned. Savage is moving so smoothly. Lots of interference in this one. Duggan pulls Sherri in and harasses her. She then loads her purse and Savage gets it. Duggan gets hit but kicks out before the three count. Duggan then hits the three point stance. Sherri holds Duggan’s leg as Savage pins him.
    -Jesse interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Perfect says that the two of them are the perfect combination against Warrior and Hogan.
    -Flashback to the Royal Rumble confrontation between Hogan and Warrior.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. They talk about turbulence. No, really. Somehow it makes sense.
    -Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior VS. Mr. Perfect and The Genius: Separate Face entrances. Hogan slams the heels several times each. Perfect bumps all around for Hogan and Warrior. Perfect then gets Genius’ scroll and hits Hogan with it. Perfect hits the Perfectplex, but The Genius wants to hit a moonsault for the win. Ray Charles could see what was coming next as Hogan moves and tags in Warrior. Warrior cleans house. Hogan drops the leg on The Genius to win. The heels then attack both men. Warrior fighting back and clotheslines Hogan accidently.
    -Flashback to Jake Roberts taking the Million Dollar Belt.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. Jake says to see if the belt is in the bag, all you have to do is reach in.
    -Jesse interviews Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart: They say forget the bag, remember the Hammer!
    -Jake Roberts with Damien VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Jake shows the belt with Damien wrapped around it. Valentine opens the chop house, but can’t get a three count. Roberts takes a hard bump against the ropes. Valentine shoved into Hart and Roberts hits the DDT. Ted DiBiase and Virgil come in for the disqualification, but can’t get the belt due to Damien.
    -Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude. They put down Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire and bring up the Jesse the Body award If You’re Drinking At Home.
    -Mean Gene interviews Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. They say it’s the decade of Dusty Rhodes and the Common Man. This is the interview that originates the “A place to stick it!” line.
    -Dusty Rhodes with Sapphire VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: Jesse says Rhodes and Sapphire are tons of fun. Two different styles here, but it works. Heenan intimidates Sapphire. After a couple of rounds of this, the referee throws Heenan out. Sapphire has to go too. Jesse is irate that Heenan has to leave. Sapphire shows back up at ringside with a ticket and that sets Jesse off too. They talk about Mike Tyson being a referee at the upcoming Main Event III show, but life happens between the two events. Back and forth. Sapphire taunts Rude. Rhodes and Rude brawl on the outside, and both men get counted out. Rhodes and Sapphire dance afterwards.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart, Dino Bravo, and Earthquake. Bravo is ready for Ronnie Garvin.
    -Ronnie Garvin VS. Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake: They talk about Dino Bravo’s bench press record If You’re Drinking At Home. Hart climbs up and Garvin throws him onto Earthquake, who catches him with ease. Bravo rolls through a crossbody and wins. Earthquake splashes Garvin twice afterwards and Garvin is taken away on a stretcher.
    -Jesse interviews Savage about the February 23 event. Savage says he’s ready for Hogan and that Mike Tyson better call it down the middle.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan about February 23. He says he’s ready to put the Randy Savage Issue to rest.
    -Vince and Jesse talk about the event on the 23rd before signing off from the UTC arena.

    Episode 56 Notes Fri, 08 Jan 2021 11:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 623dced9-c42a-4e45-beaf-3b503ff83c02 My Notes for Episode 56: 1990 Royal Rumble. -Today we look at the 1990 Royal Rumble from the WWF.
    -The 1990 Royal Rumble was shown on PPV on January 21, 1990, from the Orlando Arena in Orlando, Florida. There were 18,000 in attendance.
    -Opening Credits. Vince McMahon announcing some of the participants of the Rumble.
    -Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura are our announcers and they welcome us to Orlando. Jesse has mouse ears and a Mickey Mouse shirt on and he gives Tony a Goofy Hat.
    -The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Jacques has grown a beard. Jesse asks Tony if he has a ticket to be here. Butch bites Jacques and referee Danny Davis. Crowd solidly behind the Bushwhackers. The Rougeau Brothers are cheating with the ring ropes. Butch goes after Jimmy Hart at one point and the crowd cheers. Rougeau Brothers drop Luke on the top rope throat first. All four men in. Bushwhackers go for the battering ram and Jimmy Hart pulls Butch’s leg, so they pull Hart in. They go to pull his pants off. The Rougeau Brothers hit a double dropkick. Raymond puts Butch in a Boston Crab. Luke busts it up and they hit Jacques with the battering ram to win.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase is irate over his number selection and that he can’t buy a better number like last year. He drew #1.
    -The Genius reads a poem about Brutus Beefcake.
    -The Genius VS. Brutus Beefcake: Jesse says Genius is light in the loafers at times. OOF! That wouldn’t fly today and shouldn’t have flown then to be honest. Genius is very athletic. Crowd solidly behind Beefcake. Genius gets caught coming off of the top rope. Genius fights out of a sleeper and the referee goes down and out of the ring. Beefcake gets the sleeper on. Genius goes out. Referee is still out. Beefcake cuts Genius’ hair. Mr. Perfect comes out and hits Beefcake. Bell rings. Perfect hits Beefcake with a chair. Both men are disqualified.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Heenan Family. They say they are unified, but Mooney sews some dissention since it’s supposed to be every man for himself.
    -WrestleMania VI promo.
    -Submission Match: Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart VS. Ronnie Garvin: Garvin opens up a chop house. Both men try for pins and have to be reminded that it is submissions only. They chop each other hard. They do the try for a pin spot too much. The Hammer Jammer blocks the figure four. Garvin goes down so Hart takes the Hammer Jammer off. Valentine then puts the figure four on again. Garvin reverses it, Valentine breaks it but Garvin’s leg is hurt. Garvin gets the Heartbreaker off of Valentine. Garvin goes after Hart before hitting Valentine with the Heartbreaker and putting on a sharpshooter which they call a reverse figure four to win.
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect. He talks briefly about his involvement in the Genius match before revealing that he pulled the perfect number, #30.
    -The Brother Love Show. He brings out Queen Sherri and lavishes her with praise. They then bring out Sapphire and make fun of her. Sapphire finally gets fed up and slaps Queen Sherri. Randy Savage then comes out. Then Dusty Rhodes comes out. They all brawl before it is broken up. Rhodes then beats up on Brother Love. Sapphire and Rhodes then dance, and Tony and Jesse crack up at it.
    -Sean Mooney talks to Jim Duggan. This is a typical Duggan WWF interview. USA, Tough Guy, 2X4. Repeat.
    -Jim Duggan VS. The Big Boss Man with Slick: Duggan acts like a good, but he’s over with the crowd. Boss Man doing some bumping here. Boss Man controls early. Duggan fights back. Boss Man clotheslined to the outside. They hit some stiff shots on each other. Boss Man misses a splash from the top rope. Both men knocked down. Slick comes up, but accidently gets hit by Boss Man. Slick passes Boss Man the nightstick. He hits Duggan with it, but the referee sees it and disqualifies Boss Man. Duggan hits Boss Man with the 2X4.
    -Another WrestleMania VI promo.
    -Some comments by superstars about the Royal Rumble. Listen to the Ultimate Warrior’s promo. It does some foreshadowing.
    -The Fink announces the Royal Rumble Rules.
    -The 1990 Royal Rumble: 1. Ted DiBiase. 2. Koko B. Ware Koko gets eliminated. 3. Marty Jannetty Jannetty eliminated. 4. Jake Roberts. Crowd goes crazy when Jake comes out. 5. Randy Savage. 6. Roddy Piper. Crowd goes really wild when Piper comes out. 7 The Warlord. 8. Bret Hart. 9. Bad News Brown. Roberts eliminated. 10. Dusty Rhodes. Savage is eliminated by Rhodes. 11. Andre the Giant. Warlord eliminated. 12. The Red Rooster. Piper eliminates Bad News Brown. Brown pulls Piper out. They brawl to the back. A Roddy chant goes out. 13. Ax. The Red Rooster eliminated. Andre does his ropes tied up spot If You’re Drinking At Home. 14. Haku. 15. Smash. 16. Akeem. Demolition teams up to eliminate Andre. Bret Hart also eliminated. 17. Jimmy Snuka. Akeem eliminated. 18. Dino Bravo. 19. Earthquake. Rhodes eliminated. Ax eliminated. 20. Jim Neidhart. Everyone teams up to eliminate Earthquake. 21. The Ultimate Warrior. Bravo eliminated. 22. Rick Martel. Smash eliminated. 23. Tito Santana. 24. The Honky Tonk Man. Jim Neidhart eliminated. Ted DiBiase eliminated. 25. Hulk Hogan. Snuka eliminated. Haku eliminated. Tito Santana eliminated. 26. Shawn Michaels. HTM eliminated Michaels eliminated. Rick Martel eliminated. Only Warrior and Hogan left in the ring and the crowd loses it. They fight and both end up down on the mat. 27. The Barbarian. 28. Rick Rude comes out before the count. Warrior eliminated partly due to Hogan even though he helped Hogan from being eliminated earlier. 29. Hercules. 30. Mr. Perfect. Barbarian eliminated. Hercules eliminated. Perfect accidently eliminates Rude. Hogan no sells a Perfectplex. Perfect sells his ass off for Hogan. Perfect eliminated. Hogan must pose! Hogan grabs a Hulkamania will live forever banner and shows it as they sign off from Orlando.

    Episode 55 Notes Mon, 04 Jan 2021 15:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 3d430de8-e89a-42f5-88e8-4d2386719136 My Notes for Episode 55: SNME January 1986. -Kevin Greene
    -Danny Hodge
    -Brodie Lee
    -Daniel Neal
    -How was your week?
    -We survived 2020.
    -We end the year looking at the January 1986 SNME from the WWF.
    -Saturday Night's Maine Event IV was aired on January 4, 1986 on NBC. Taped December 19, 1985, the show came from the USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida.
    -Hulk Hogan starts out making a protein drink. He tells Mean Gene it's his patented Python Protein drink as he prepares to take on Terry Funk. Mean Gene takes a sip and starts to Hulk Out!
    -The Hillbillies are on inner tubes in the water and Roddy Piper is checking them out via binoculars. He and Jesse Ventura are on the beach surrounded by beautiful women. The Body is getting a rub down by one of them. They along with Cowboy Bob Orton face the Hillbillies tonight.
    -This leads to our introduction.
    -Vince McMahon Welcomes us and runs down the show.
    -Jesse then comes on to plug his match. Not only does he announce, he backs it up in the ring!
    -He brings Bobby Heenan on to announce in his place.
    -Mean Gene is with Roddy Piper and Orton. Roddy belittles the Hillbillies. They are then joined by Jesse.
    -The 6-man tag is going to start us off and Vince goes over the history of the animosity. Piper's and Jesse's actions at Uncle Elmer's Wedding.
    -Gene talks to the Hillbillies and then they make their way to the ring.
    -Jesse and Uncle Elmer start. Jesse tries to psych Uncle Elmer out then rakes the eyes and gets him in the corner. Forearms but Elmer counters. Forearms and Jesse sells then Elmer gets Jesse up and throws him down then runs his head into Hillbilly Jim. Hillbilly Jim then tagged in. He gets a side headlock on and sends Jesse to the corner, but Jesse counters and tags Piper in. Cousin Luke also gets tagged in. Piper offers a handshake. Cousin Luke shakes then kicks him. Piper and Orton then double Team him. Orton takes over then tags Piper back in. Piper is a heat machine here. They go back and forth. Uncle Elmer and Piper are finally in at the same time. Then everyone is in. Piper and company take a powder to regroup. We come back from commercial and Hillbilly Jim has Piper in a hold and Piper slaps him to no avail. Then a double and triple team to Hillbilly Jim. Piper gets Cousin Luke in a sleeper hold. Pandemonium and Orton hits Cousin Luke with the cast. Three arm drops and Piper's team wins.
    -Jesse then returns to announcing.
    -We then go to a video package of Mean Gene at the water slide competition between the Junkyard Dog and Jimmy Hart. JYD embarrassed Hart at the last SNME, so Hart says this is the fairest way to compete against the JYD.
    -JYD jumps from the gate and wins easily. Jesse Ventura is at the bottom and he calls shenanigans. He's poolside with Terry Funk.
    -Funk says he's working on his tan since he's going to win the title tonight and be on the cover of Sports Illustrated like Hulk Hogan.
    -Gorilla Monsoon then narrates a video of Hulk being branded by Funk in Denver.
    -Hulk is with Mean Gene. To counter Jimmy Hart, the JYD is going to be in Hulk's corner.
    -Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Funk: JYD manhandles Hart and puts him in a chair to start. Terry Funk is bumping like crazy for Hogan. Jesse says that Funk likes to refer to himself as middle aged and crazy. He's 41 here for the record. Funk throws a chair into the ring. Hulk sits in it then they get rid of the chair. Back and forth till Jimmy Hart interferes and Hulk and JYD go after him. They chase him and he goes under the ring. Back in the ring, Funk takes off his wrist tape and starts to choke Hulk. Funk then hits a very sloppy pile driver. It only gets a 2. Hulk then hulks up. He pins Terry Funk after a clothesline . Hogan Must Pose.
    -Mean Gene then does an interview With George Steele and Captain Lou Albano in the pool.
    -Jesse interviews Macho Man and Elizabeth poolside and Randy Savage pushes Liz into the pool under the guise that that is how you teach someone to swim.
    -George Steele VS. Randy Savage: Their angle begins. Back and forth but Steele is distracted by Liz. Finally, George Steele gets distracted again and Savage gets a double ax handle from the top rope for the pin.
    -Mean Gene and Hulk Hogan then intro the 1985 year in review video.
    -Mean Gene is then with Fred Blassie and Nikolai Volkoff discussing the upcoming "Peace Match" with Corporal Kirchner. This is supposedly a scientific match.
    -Jesse is then shown outside with Corporal Kirchner and CK talks then zip lines into the pool.
    -Peace Match is next between Corporal Kirchner and Nikolai Volkoff. Dean Malenko is the referee. Voldoff wins the match with a brutal knee to the throat.
    -We finish off the night with a tag match: Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji VS. Ricky Steamboat and JYD.
    Finish comes as JYD head-butts Fuji for the pin.
    -Jesse and Vince then close out the show.

    Episode 54 Notes Sun, 27 Dec 2020 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 70c143d5-803c-4d32-b14c-369046106e45 My Notes for episode 54: Christmas Star Wars '81. -Christmas Watch 2020: Jingle Jangle, Christmas Chronicles part 2, Die Hard, Miracle on 34th Street, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, TAGS The Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story.
    -Christmas Eve Breakfast Out.
    -Today we will be looking at Christmas Star Wars ’81 from Big Time Wrestling.
    -Big Time Wrestling Christmas Star Wars ’81 took place on December 25, 1981. From Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas.
    -Presented in the most original form.
    -Bill Mercer welcomes us to Dallas. Marc Lowrance is the ring announcer and he welcomes us to Reunion Arena and runs down some notes before we start.
    -Ernie Ladd VS. Jose Lothario Brass Knuckles Championship Match: Lothario with a headlock. They trade shots and Ladd goes down. Back up and Lothario gets a bear hug. Ladd coming back. Gets Lothario down and gets his own bear hug on. Trading jabs again. Lothario gets Ladd down. Ladd jabs an object into Lothario’s neck. Then some chops knock Lothario down and out. Lothario gets up and hits Ladd with an off the top rope forearm to win the title.
    -Light-Heavyweight Championship Match: El Solitario VS. Tim Brooks: Brooks does not look like a Light-Heavyweight to me. Your mileage may vary. Brooks hooks a leg. El Solitario reversal. They then do some mat wrestling. El Solitario with a dropkick. Brooks comes back with a headlock. Some kicks move Brooks between rings. Brooks with a big chest slap to El Solitario. Corner whip to El Solitario. Brooks then with a back drop. El Solitario with a sunset flip and several dropkicks. Brooks knocked outside. El Solitario then leaps from the turnbuckle to the floor onto Brooks. Brook’s forehead is busted open. El Solitario gets the pin after a crossbody.
    -Texas Death Match: Fritz Von Erich VS. The Great Kabuki with Gary Hart: Crowds of fans rush to the ring to have Fritz sign their pictures and programs. Kabuki does the green mist spray gimmick. Kabuki goes to attack Fritz as he takes his shirt off, but Fritz catches him. All Fritz to begin, although Kabuki manages to stop him from applying the claw. They go back and forth until Fritz slips the abdominal claw on. Kabuki gets to the ropes. Fritz won’t let go. Kabuki goes to the outside. Fritz continues to punish Kabuki as he comes back. They trade blows. Kabuki gets Fritz down in the corner. Then Fritz works his way back up. Fritz throws Kabuki into the second ring. Kabuki gets Fritz down and chokes and punches Fritz. Then Kabuki applies a nerve hold. Fritz jabs Kabuki in the throat and goes after Hart. It goes outside. They brawl outside and try to hit each other with a chair before Fritz applies the claw again. Kabuki goes back in the ring. Kabuki with some big kicks to Fritz. Fritz catches his leg then applies the claw to the head. Kabuki fighting it. Kabuki goes to his knees. Then he’s on his back and goes down and his arm goes down three times. They have to pull Fritz off of him. Hart is in the ring as the bell rings. Fritz goes after Hart. Kabuki makes it to his feet before the count. Fritz goes back to the claw. Hart takes the corner turnbuckle pad off. Fritz comes over and rams Hart into it. Fritz then throws referee David Manning into the other ring. Kabuki comes from behind and attacks Fritz. He runs Fritz into the exposed turnbuckle, but both then go down. Kabuki and Fritz both out on the far apron. Both still out after the 10 count. They declare that the first man to his feet is the winner. Hart pulls Fritz out of the ring and throws a soft drink on Kabuki to revive him. Kabuki gets to his feet briefly to win before collapsing again. Kevin Von Erich comes to the ring to clear it before checking on his father. Kevin raises his father’s hand to cheers.
    -Six Man Tag Team Match: Bill Irwin, Frank Dusek, and Ten GU VS. Kerry, Kevin, and David Von Erich: They will fight in both rings. Kerry VS. Irwin and Kevin VS. Dusek start. Very confusing. The camera doesn’t know where or who to shoots. Ten GU and David going at it. Lots of headlocks and forearms. Kevin gets Dusek and Irwin in a head scissors headlock roll. Kerry knocks Ten GU down and then applies the sleeper. Dusek tagged in against Kerry. He gets a chinlock on. Kevin gets a two count on Irwin. David with a sleeper on Ten GU. Kerry dives from one ring to the other on top of Dusek and gets a two count. Irwin attacking Kevin’s back. David gets a flying head scissors on Ten GU. Ten GU and Dusek double team David. Dusek goes to pin David, but his foot is on the ropes. Kerry with a head scissors to Irwin. David and Dusek trading shots. David gets a two count on Dusek after a suplex. Kerry drops a knee on the throat of Irwin for a two count. David Double teamed again by Dusek and Ten GU. Dusek suplexes Kerry into the ring. Dusek misses the top rope knee drop when Kerry moves. Kevin gets a two count on Irwin. Irwin misses a knee drop on Kevin. Kevin gets the claw on Ten GU. Irwin goes to break it up but hits Ten GU accidently and Kevin pins Ten GU.
    -Two Ring Battle Royal: Big Daddy Bundy, Al Madril, Armand Hussein, Bill Irwin, Blue Demon, Carlos Zapata, David Von Erich, Frank Dusek, Jose Lothario, Kerry Von Erich, Killer Tim Brooks, El Negro Assassino, Richard Blood, and Ten GU are your participants. Bundy has hair here. This Richard Blood is not Ricky Steamboat or Tito Santana, but Tommy Wright. All combatants roughly pair off as they begin. David is the first to be tossed into the second ring. Brooks follows. Madril and Blue Demon also now in the second ring. It becomes even between the two rings. Bundy wins the first ring. Ten GU eliminates himself and Kerry at the same time. The second ring comes down to Lothario and Irwin. Irwin eliminates Lothario and then attacks Bundy between the two rings. Back and forth. Irwin close to eliminating Bundy, but can’t get him over. They trade blows by the ropes. Irwin gets Bundy over the ropes, but Bundy hangs on. Irwin then charges, but Bundy drops down and pulls the rope down and Irwin goes over and to the floor and Bundy wins the battle royal.
    -Bill Mercer wishes us a good night as they sign off from Dallas.

    Episode 53 Notes Fri, 18 Dec 2020 08:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 4e7bd076-eea6-4dda-b59f-e41c8b70916c My notes for Episode 53: No Holds Barred. -We got some sad news this week.
    -How I am adjusting to the news.
    -Christmas Watch 2020: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, Frasier: High Holidays, MASH: Dear Sis, Death takes a Holiday, War for all Seasons, ‘Twas the day after Christmas.
    -If 2020 was a show, it would be this one.
    -Tiny Lister
    -Today we look at No Holds Barred: The Movie/The Match
    No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie, as the event was billed, was shown on pay-per-view on December 27, 1989. The program consisted of the film in its entirety, followed by a match previously recorded at a Wrestling Challenge taping on December 12 in Nashville, Tennessee. It is currently one of the few WWE pay-per-views not yet available on the WWE Network. The Match is a part of Supertape in the Home Video Classics section of the Network.
    No Holds Barred is a 1989 action film produced by Michael Rachmil, directed by Thomas J. Wright, written by Dennis Hackin and starring professional wrestler Hulk Hogan (who is billed as executive producer alongside Vince McMahon). The film is produced by the World Wrestling Federation under a "Shane Distribution Company" copyright and was released by New Line Cinema on June 2, 1989. It was launched as an attempt to boost Hulk Hogan's acting career several years after his appearance in Rocky III.
    Rip Thomas is the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, and his appearances on network television have been a thorn in the side of Brell, the head of the struggling World Television Network. The day after Rip's most recent title match, Brell attempts to bribe the champion into joining his network, but Rip declines the offer. After Rip disposes of Brell's thugs on his way home, Brell visits the No Count Bar, where he comes up with his own wrestling program called Battle of the Tough Guys. The show is successful due to the introduction of Zeus, an ex-convict and former protégé of Rip's trainer Charlie. Zeus wins the $100,000 tournament and becomes Brell's prized fighter.
    Samantha Moore, a beautiful corporate spy, is sent by Brell to seduce Rip. However, Rip's good nature and dedication to charity wins her over, and she confesses her identity to the wrestler and turns to his side. After this fails, Brell attempts to have Samantha raped; Rip foils the plot and dispatches the would-be rapist into a tree trunk. Meanwhile, Brell and Zeus crash an outdoor charity event Rip is appearing at, demanding that Rip prove his honor by fighting Zeus live on Brell's new show. Once again, Rip avoids violent conflict, not wanting to set a bad example for the children present and attempts to reason with Brell, who leaves in anger. Rip's younger brother Randy and his friend, Craig, decide to check out Zeus for themselves, attending an illegal fight being held in a warehouse. After watching Zeus defeat the monstrous Rebar Lawless, Craig foolishly identifies Randy as Rip's brother to Brell and his associates. Randy attempts to defend himself, but Zeus brutally beats him, sending him to the hospital. Enraged, Rip accepts Zeus' challenge to avenge his brother.
    On the night of the match, Brell has Samantha kidnapped and orders Rip to go ten minutes through the fight then lose the fight to save her life. As the battle begins, Samantha manages to escape, but just as Brell's goons corner her, Charlie rescues her by knocking them out with a fire extinguisher. Zeus has the upper hand at the start of the fight, ruthlessly pummeling Rip, even trying to kill him by ripping out one of the steel posts and trying to run Rip through. Randy cheers to urge his brother to fight back. Rip is re-energized by Randy's words and once he sees Samantha is safe, gains a second wind and starts to turn the tides on Zeus. The fight destroys the ring, with Rip and Zeus continuing the battle up the through the stands as a disbelieving Brell watches from the control room. Rip finally puts an end to the match by knocking Zeus off a catwalk, which causes him to fall through the ring and lose. A frustrated Brell begins destroying electrical equipment, in total disbelief over Zeus' loss. Rip angrily goes after Brell intending to repay him for his misdeeds. In fear, Brell retreats, but accidentally touches live wires he has exposed in his tirade and dies from being electrocuted. With his enemies now vanquished, Rip celebrates his victory with Randy and his friends.
    • Hulk Hogan as Rip Thomas
    • Joan Severance as Samantha Moore
    • Kurt Fuller as Brell
    • Tiny Lister as Zeus
    • Mark Pellegrino as Randy Thomas
    • Bill Henderson as Charlie
    • Charles Levin as Ordway
    • David Paymer as Unger
    • Patrick O'Bryan as Craig
    • Jeep Swenson as Lugwrench Perkins
    • Bill Eadie as Jake Bullet
    • Stan Hansen as Neanderthal
    • Rebecca Wackler as Ms. Tidings
    • Bruce Taylor as Mr. Johnson
    • Gene Okerlund as Himself
    • Jesse Ventura as Himself
    • Howard Finkel as Himself
    • Joey Marella as Himself
    Box office
    The movie debuted at #2, behind Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, with $4,957,052 in ticket sales. Hogan writes in his autobiography the budget was about eight million dollars. Vince McMahon, who financed the movie, more or less broke even because of distribution fees. The final tally was $16,093,651 in ticket sales.
    During the October 13, 1997 episode of Monday Night Raw, Vince McMahon joked, "Hogan promised me that if the movie lost money he was going to return his salary. I guess the check is still in the mail." This was during the Monday Night Wars and was part of a number of digs at Hogan's then-new movie project Assault on Devil's Island. Raw commentator Jim Ross also joked during the late 90s; "No Holds Barred? More like No Profit Allowed."
    Critical response
    The film was panned by critics, with an 11% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 19 reviews.
    Film critic Brian Orndorf described the film as "tremendously crude, unapologetically manipulative, and aimed directly at easily entertained 13-year-old boys."
    Michael Wilmington of the Los Angeles Times gave the film a positive review and wrote: "The movie never takes itself seriously and director Tom Wright (TV's "Beauty and the Beast") has fun with the wrestling montages. Hogan himself has an appealing screen presence—like a gallant teddy bear who goes berserk every 10 minutes or so."
    Reviewing the Blu-ray in 2014 Felix Vasquez Jr. Hogan of Cinema Crazed wrote: "as The Ripper is a force of nature here, and he makes "No Holds Barred" in to a fun action cartoon."
    Home video
    The film was released on VHS, Betamax, and Laserdisc in October 1989. It was released on DVD for the first time ever with a digitally remastered transfer by WWE Home Video under the WWE Studios banner on July 3, 2012. A Blu-ray Disc release followed in April 2014.
    No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) on December 27, 1989. The program consisted of the film No Holds Barred in its entirety, followed by a match previously recorded at a Wrestling Challenge taping on December 12 in Nashville, Tennessee.
    The main event pitted Hogan and Lister — appearing in character as "Zeus" — on opposing tag teams. Hogan teamed with longtime friend Brutus Beefcake, while the heel Zeus teamed with Randy Savage. The four had been involved in an intertwined feud since the summer. Zeus had made several appearances at WWF events and cut promos stating that he, and not Hogan, should have received top billing in No Holds Barred. Meanwhile, as Hogan and Savage were feuding over the WWF World Heavyweight Championship, Beefcake began feuding with Savage after Beefcake insulted Savage's manager Sensational Sherri during a TV taping. At the 1989 SummerSlam, Hogan and Beefcake teamed to defeat Savage and Zeus, after which the tag team feud simmered for several months as Zeus began appearing with Ted DiBiase in the lead-up to the 1989 Survivor Series. Unlike 1989 SummerSlam, Miss Elizabeth did not make an appearance at this event.
    The Hogan-Beefcake vs. Savage-Zeus tag team rivalry resumed after the Survivor Series, in the lead-up to "No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie."
    The Hogan-Beefcake vs. Savage-Zeus steel-cage match was part of a WWF Wrestling Challenge taping.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Randy Savage, Queen Sherri, and Zeus. They say the destruction of Hulkamania happens now. No Holds Barred. Zeus says he is going to murder Hulk Hogan. That’s not good. They are too intense.
    Sean Mooney Interviews Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. Hogan wants Beefcake to take care of Savage so that he can take care of Zeus.
    -No Holds Barred Cage Match: Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake VS. Randy Savage and Zeus with Queen Sherri: Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura are your announcers: Jesse’s commentary is not on the Blu-ray of the movie so you don’t get Real American when Hogan and Beefcake come out either because he is commentating during the song. Hogan is attacked on the outside and Sherri locks Beefcake on the inside. Hogan then climbs over the top of the cage. Hogan cleans house but Zeus takes three shots to go down. Savage is bumping all over the cage for the faces. Double team on Zeus. Savage starts to climb out. Beefcake grabs him and they teeter then fall back in the cage. Savage and Zeus then take over. They try to go out but are stopped by Hogan and Beefcake but as a result, all four men are down. The referee opens the door but gets knocked out against the door by Sherri. Savage wraps the chain around his fist but Beefcake hits him and knocks him out. Savage and Beefcake race to get out. Hogan Hulks up! Beefcake out, he pulls Savage out. Zeus body slammed by Hogan. He runs Zeus into the cage. He slams him again and drops three leg drops on Zeus and then pins him. Hogan must pose!
    This was Zeus' last match in the WWF, as Lister left shortly afterward; meanwhile, Savage continued to target Hogan over the WWF Championship.

    Episode 52 Notes Thu, 10 Dec 2020 08:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 48b47e67-34e8-4c37-831d-0f9d1c248e7e My Notes for Episode 52: Starrcade '89 -Pat Patterson
    -Wife’s birthday: We went all over looking at lights and going to Trader Joes.
    -Christmas Watch:
    The Homecoming
    A Charlie Brown Christmas.
    -Today we look at Starrcade ’89: Future Shock from the NWA and WCW.
    -Starrcade ’89: Future Shock was shown on PPV on December 13, 1989 from The Omni in Atlanta, GA. There were 10,000 in attendance.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta welcomes us and asks that people stand for the National Anthem.
    -Jim Ross, Terry Funk, and Jim Cornette are your announcers for the evening. Cornette will commentate on the tag team matches, and Funk will commentate on the singles matches.
    -They go over the scoring system.
    -Doom Ron Simmons and Butch Reed with Woman and Nitron, The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering, Rick and Scott Steiner, and The Wild Samoans Fatu and The Samoan Savage with The Big Kahuna Sir Oliver Humperdink are your teams competing for the Iron Team trophy.
    -Doom VS. The Steiner Brothers: They explain the injury to Sid Vicious to say why The Skyscrapers aren’t in the tournament. The Steiners go for a quick win. Crowd heavily into The Steiners. Doom slows down the pace. Announcers pushing the tournament concept hard. They also talk about the crowd being slow to come in to cover the empty seats. It goes outside and Scott gets pummeled by Nitron. It works so well they do it again. Scott just tossed pillar to post. The referee is out of position when Scott moves and shifts a suplex. It speeds up as time runs out. Nitron trips Rick who decks him. All four brawl outside. Rick beats the count back in to win.
    -Sting, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, and The Great Muta with Gary Hart are your Iron Man participants.
    -Sting VS. Lex Luger: Luger is wearing an unfortunate gladiator type robe. JR and Terry Funk talk about Sting and Luger being the wrestlers of the ‘90’s. Luger walks out but Sting follows him and brings him back to the ring. Crowd is behind Sting. These two have good matches. Luger clearly the most hated wrestler of the night. If you drink when the announcers talk about the time limit, you will get alcohol poisoning. Luger pounds Sting, who keeps fighting back. They brawl on the apron, and as they tumble back in, Luger pins Sting holding onto the ropes.
    -They update the scoreboard.
    -Doom VS. The Road Warriors: Road Warriors are extremely over with the crowd. Animal and Hawk overpower Butch Reed. You will also get alcohol poisoning for drinking when they talk about the scoring system. They acknowledge the photographers at ringside. Doom takes over on Hawk. LOD chant goes out. Animal tagged in. Reed sets Animal up for a piledriver, but Hawk hits a clothesline on Reed, and Animal gets the pin.
    -The Great Muta VS. Ric Flair: Flair accompanied by Arn and Ole Anderson. Welcome back to the NWA, Arn Anderson! Norman is at ringside dressed as Santa Claus. Muta comes out quick. Flair comes back. Puts Muta in the figure four. J-Tex Corporation comes out, but the Andersons cut them off. Muta goes for the moonsault, but Flair gets his knees up. Flair wins with an inside cradle.
    -The Road Warriors VS. The Steiner Brothers: Crowd is split. Steiners with the early advantage. Hawk hits a big clothesline. Scott hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Nice showcase for both teams. Both teams do some saves. Scott gets a close two count on Animal. Scott with an ugly looking second rope belly to belly on Animal. Hawk hits a big powerslam. They have a double pin, but Scott gets his shoulder up right before the three count. Lots of controversy.
    -The board is updated.
    -The Great Muta VS. Sting: Lots of history between these two. Slow methodical match to start. Sting with the advantage. The announcers say that this event sets the pace for the 90’s. Muta gets a double chicken wing bridge. They have rest holds but quicken the pace in between them. Funk says Gary Hart gives stupid advice, building on their history. Sting dropkicks Muta from the top rope. Sting gets the superplex for the win.
    -The announcers give an overview during the intermission. Jim Cornette picks The Steiner Brothers to win, Terry Funk picks Lex Luger.
    -The Wild Samoans VS. Doom: They talk about Doom being a spoiler team at this point since they can’t mathematically win. The Samoans are fresh. Cornette makes an off color joke about the sexuality of a man who he thought was Woman’s hairdresser. It definitely wouldn’t fly today. Slow plodding match to start. Big thrust kick by Samoan Savage on Reed. Simmons tagged in and dominates. Doom can’t close the deal. Fatu finally tagged in. Humperdink shoves Fatu on top of Doom for the pin.
    -Lex Luger VS. Ric Flair: Luger ditches the gladiator robe this time out. Flair comes out without his robe as well. Ross puts over Funk and the 1989 that he has had. Luger sucks chant goes out. Luger starts out with a side headlock. Luger playing a slowdown mind game. Flair opens up the chophouse in and out of the ring. Luger’s chest is red. Flair works a hammerlock. Ross talks about Flair’s plane crash if you’re drinking at home. Flair dominating. Wearing Luger down. Quick two counts by Flair. Luger hits a stun gun maneuver on Flair. Luger then takes over. Luger relentlessly going after Flair. Back and Forth. They exchange blows. Flair goes for his top rope move, but Luger catches him with a stiff clothesline. They kick it up a notch and Flair gets the figure four on with 30 seconds left. Time limit expires and the match is a draw.
    -The Wild Samoans VS. The Steiner Brothers: Scott and Rick have young fans at ringside to hold their belts during the match. Slow going. The Samoan Savage gets a braid yanked out by Rick. Wild Samoans take a short stroll. The Wild Samoans switch and the referee doesn’t notice. They have barely touched this match. Mostly stalling tactics. Samoans take the advantage. Scott hits the Frankensteiner. It breaks down and Scott throws one of the Samoans over the top rope for the disqualification.
    -The Great Muta VS. Lex Luger: Luger comes to the ring limping to sell Flair’s figure four from earlier. Muta attacks the leg. Luger tries to come back, but the leg is bothering him. Muta is just obliterating Luger. Muta puts on an inverted Indian death lock. The crowd cheers wildly. They so want Muta to be a face. Luger fights back, but Muta hits a big karate kick. They trade shots. The time winds down. Luger comes back. Muta blows the green mist and gets disqualified and Luger picks up 10 points.
    -The Wild Samoans VS. The Road Warriors: The Road Warriors have to win by pin or submission to win the tournament. Animal no sells a Fatu piledriver. Hawk and The Samoan Savage trade hard shots. Animal hits a big powerslam. Crowd is getting into it. Samoan Savage misses a second rope splash. Hawk tagged in. Confusion in the ring. Hawk hits a top rope clothesline and gets the pin. The Steiners come in to congratulate The Road Warriors for winning the tournament.
    -Sting VS. Ric Flair: Crowd is initially behind Sting. It’s the Scorpion Death lock VS. the Figure Four. Crowd becomes split. Flair chant goes out. The pace quickens. They push each other and Flair sells it big time. Sting gets a two count and Flair opens up the chophouse. It goes outside. Flair turns dirty. He can’t get a three count on Sting. Flair getting frustrated. Sting catches a clothesline and gets a two count. Sting says bring the chophouse. Sting reverses a suplex. Flair makes him look good. Sting hits the stinger splash. Crowd goes crazy as he puts the Scorpion on. Flair gets to the ropes, then puts the figure four on Sting. Sting gets to the ropes. Flair attacks the leg. They are down to the final minute. Flair goes back to the leg. Sting gets an inside cradle on Flair for the three count. Crowd goes insane. The Andersons come in. Flair shakes Sting’s hand as Arn Anderson raises his hand.
    -Gordon Solie talks to The Road Warriors. Time’s running short. They say they have lived up to their theme song Iron Man. The interviews go on as the credits roll and the PPV ends.

    Episode 51 Notes Thu, 03 Dec 2020 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 28ef7bf3-e93e-43cc-84e5-9d8dbeb62547 My Notes for Episode 51: ECW Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular -Survivor Series
    -The Undertaker
    -Christmas Watching List: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
    -Today, we take a slight turn and look at ECW Super Sumer Sizzler Spectacular from 1993.
    -The Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular took place on June 19, 1993 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were 650 people in attendance.
    -ECW had its origins in 1990 under the banner Tri-State Wrestling Alliance owned by Joel Goodhart. ECW would, in fact, continue to use the former Tri-State Heavyweight championship belt to represent its own Championship, although the ECW title was not considered a continuation of that title. In 1992, Goodhart sold his share of the company to his partner, Tod Gordon, who renamed the promotion Eastern Championship Wrestling. When Eastern Championship Wrestling was founded, it wasn't a member of the NWA. At the time, Eddie Gilbert, the lead booker of Eastern Championship Wrestling, had managed to secure television time on Sports Channel Philadelphia starting in April 1993. Gilbert, after a falling out with Tod Gordon, was replaced in September 1993 by then-28 year old Paul Heyman. Heyman, known on television as Paul E. Dangerously, had just been fired by WCW and was looking for a new challenge.
    -We start out with a TV-MA label. Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon are in front of the ECW Arena with some fans to welcome us. This looks like it was shot with a VHS camera.
    -Opening Credits
    -ECW Television Title Match: Jimmy Snuka VS. JT Smith: Jay Sulli and Paul E. Dangerously are the announcers to start with. Smith with a shoulder block. Snuka with a hip toss. Smith gets a headlock and then a powerslam and Snuka rolls outside. Back in, Smith rolls Snuka up for a two count. A Smith crossbody gets another two count. Snuka takes over and clips Smith’s knee. He hits a jumping piledriver. He then goes up top and hits the superfly to win.
    -Larry Winters VS. Tony Stetson First Blood Match: Stetson comes out hot. He hits several moves. He goes up top and hits a leg drop. He takes the top turnbuckle cover off but Winters blocks it twice. Winters then pushes Stetson into it and Winters hits a top rope double ax handle. Then Winters attacks Stetson’s eye with punches. Stetson up and hits a flying clothesline. He whips Winters into the turnbuckle. Stetson then goes up top, but gets caught and tossed off. Winters going after the eye again. Stetson rolls out but Winters won’t stop and posts Stetson on the ring post, then whips him into the exposed buckle. Stetson is down and the Rockin Rebel comes out and gets up on the apron and distracts Winters while Stetson wraps a chain around his hand and nails Winters with it to win. Stetson and Rebel then attack Winters. Winters then comes back after a missed double clothesline and clears the ring.
    -A Word about Rockin Rebel.
    -Cat Fight: Miss Peaches VS. Terrible Tigra: They roll around grabbing each other. It goes in and out of the ring. They both get their shirts torn off. Tigra bails at one point, but is cornered by another woman and forced back into the ring. Peaches tears half of Tigra’s remaining outfit off and Tigra runs to the back. The other woman comes in but before we get her name Rockin Rebel and Tony Stetson come in and tear the new woman’s top off. It gets blurred and The Sandman and Larry Winters run them off.
    -ECW Television Title Match: Jimmy Snuka with Paul E. Dangerously VS.
    Tommy Cairo: Second TV Title match of the night. Terry Funk joins commentary. Slow to start. Snuka complains that Cairo pulled his hair. Cairo bridges for a two count. Snuka rolls out of the ring. A sunset flip and reversal gets both men some two counts. Cairo hits a big suplex. Cairo then hits a back elbow in the corner. Cairo gets a two count. Paul E. trips Cairo when the referee isn’t looking and Snuka gets the win with his own feet on the ropes.
    -Philly Street Fight: The Sandman VS. Rockin Rebel: Sandman comes in and attacks Rebel before introductions are made. He DDT’s Rebel and hangs him on the ropes. It goes outside. They fight on the floor. Back in, Sandman hits two corner whips. Rebel gets a foot up on a corner charge and bulldogs Sandman. Rebel takes a bite out of an apple and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Side slam by Rebel then it goes back outside. They trade chair shots. Sandman gets the chair and hits Rebel with it several times. Sandman comes off the top rope and both Rebel and the referee get hit. Tony Stetson comes in and attacks Sandman. Sandman DDT’s Stetson and throws him out. Then he does an atomic drop and a clothesline on Rebel. A mysterious woman comes to the ring. They don’t mention who it is but it is Tammy Sytch, the future Sunny. Sandman hits a dropkick from the top rope but the woman sprays him in the eyes and Rebel whips him with his belt and rolls Sandman up for the pin.
    -Dick Murdoch VS. Dark Patriot #2: Originally supposed to be Murdoch VS. Dark Patriot #1, but before the match, Paul E. says Dark Patriot is in Japan, but that DP 2 is going to sub for him. Dark Patriot was Doug Gilbert. No one seems to know who DP2 is. Murdoch goes after Paul E., but gets jumped by Patriot 2. All Patriot 2 to start. Murdoch hasn’t had a chance to take his jacket off. He finally does and unloads with punches and a dropkick. He hits some elbows and knees on Patriot 2. Patriot 2 goes outside. He picks up an object and nails Murdoch with it. They trade blows. Patriot 2 knocked down. He throws Murdoch out. Back in, Murdoch counters a slam to get the pin.
    -Six Man Tag Match: Wildman Sal Bellomo, Super D #1 and Stevie Wonderful VS. The Suicide Blondes Richard Michaels and Jonathan Hotbody and Hunter Q Robbins III: Joey Styles joins commentary. Super D and Richard Michaels start. Back and forth. Super D working the arm. Michaels reverses and works an arm bar. Bellomo tagged in and dominates. Super D tagged back in. Michaels gets Super D down and Hunter Q tagged in. Wonderful also tagged in. Hotbody tagged in after Hunter Q begs off. Michaels and Bellomo in. Bellomo with a headlock. Super D in and he hits a big powerslam on Michaels. He pulls him up instead of pinning him. Super D with a death drop on Michaels. Bellomo in, but gets caught in the heels corner. He gets pummeled while the referee is distracted. Hotbody tagged in. He wears Bellomo down and Hunter Q tagged in. They punish Bellomo some more. Hotbody back in and does a guillotine catapult to Bellomo on the bottom rope. Heels batter Bellomo, but he powers his way over and tags in Super D. Wonderful and Hunter Q battle outside of the ring. Super D does a big slam on Michaels and Bellomo splashes him for the pin.

    • Texas Chain Match: Terry Funk VS. Eddie Gilbert with Paul E. Dangerously: Tod Gordon joins Jay Sulli on commentary. Gilbert doesn’t want to get into the ring. He throws a chair in the ring. They finally get the chain on both men. Paul E. sucks chant goes out. Gilbert retreating from Funk. Funk goes outside and pulls Gilbert outside over the top rope. Funk goes after Gilbert on the outside. They go back in. Gilbert slams Funk and hits him with the chain. Funk rolls out. He comes back and slaps Gilbert. Gilbert punches him in the throat and hits three corners while Funk is down. Funk stops him and whips Gilbert with the chain. Gilbert rolls out. When he comes back in, Funk wraps the chain around Gilbert’s neck. He then pulls him over his back and drops him. He gets three corners before Gilbert stops it. He wraps the chain around Funk’s neck. They go outside. Funk knocked into the timekeepers table and is busted open. Gilbert then crotches Funk. Gilbert wraps Funk’s face with the chain. Gilbert gets three corners and Funk fights it. They slug it out. Gilbert knocked down and bleeding. It goes outside where Funk chokes Gilbert and it goes out into the crowd. Funk whipping Gilbert with the chain. Funk then drags Gilbert back to the ring. Funk takes the ring steps and slams it on Gilbert. Back and forth. Gilbert wraps his hand with the chain but accidently hits the referee. Funk then gets three corners but Gilbert stops it. Referee Kevin Christian then comes to the ring. Gilbert choking Funk and gets three corners and Funk is fighting to stop him from hitting the fourth as a Terry chant goes out. Funk knocks Gilbert out and gets all four corners but Paul E. distracts referee Kevin Christian who doesn’t see the fourth corner touched. Funk argues with him and Gilbert hits him with a chair. Gilbert then piledrives Funk on the chair before touching all four corners. Paul E. then proclaims Gilbert the King of Philadelphia. Christian and Gilbert hug proving they were in collusion all along. Tod Gordon comes to the ring and fires Christian. Paul E. then hits Gordon with the telephone. Gilbert runs away from Funk. Funk then raises the crown. Funk then gets on the mic and makes a speech, but you can’t make out what he is saying. The video then fades to black.
    Episode 50 Notes Fri, 27 Nov 2020 20:45:00 -0500 [email protected] 1699770b-ca1c-437d-a6d2-e830f6009a62 My notes for Episode 50: Starrcade '83. -Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there. It’s Thanksgiving here in the United States and I hope that wherever you are that you all take a few moments to recognize that even though this year has been crap, you can still find some things to be thankful for.
    -My Thanksgiving plate: Turkey, Dressing (Stuffing), Macaroni & Cheese, String Bean Casserole, Cranberry Sauce (from the can), a little gravy, deviled egg, and a roll. Pie with whipped cream for dessert.
    -Required viewing for the holiday: The West Wing Butterball Hotline Scene, WKRP in Cincinnati Turkey’s Away episode, Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and Cheers Thanksgiving Orphans episode.

    -Today we will be looking at Starrcade ’83 from the NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions.
    -November 24, 1983. 16,000 in attendance. CCTV Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. The beginning of the big show feel.
    -Thanksgiving Night was always a big night for wrestling.
    -We see the Assassins and Paul Jones in the ring as we hear Gordon Solie say that this is the night indeed.
    -The Assassins with Paul Jones VS. Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw: Assassin 1 and McGraw start. Back and forth. Assassin 1 with some stiff shots and McGraw counters with a knee to the stomach. Assassin 1 knocked down. Assassin 2 tagged in. McGraw slams and hip tosses Assassin 2. Jones tagged in and misses a rollup but still gets a two count. He head butts Assassin 2’s arm a few times then tags McGraw back in. Assassin 1 also tagged in. Assassin 1 with an Arm lock. Jones tagged in. Assassin 1 trying to get out of an arm bar. It’s all Jones. He does a big corner whip onto Assassin 1. Assassin 1 with an eye rake. Assassin 2 tagged in pounding Jones who tags in McGraw. McGraw clears the ring. All four in now. Assassin 1 trips McGraw up and pins him.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie with a stand up talking about the last match. They then do the welcome to Starrcade ’83. The sign behind them says F-L-A-R-E for the gold.
    -Tony Schiavone is in the dressing room. He says he’s going to be talking to some of the wrestlers.
    -Johnny Weaver and Scott McGhee VS. Kevin Sullivan and Mark Lewin with Gary Hart: McGhee and Sullivan Start with some mat wrestling. McGhee with some big dropkicks and Lewin is then tagged in. They battle then Weaver and Sullivan tagged in. Running the ropes. Lewin tagged in and Weaver hits some big elbows. McGhee tagged in. Sullivan tagged in with some big elbows and a snap mare. Lewin tagged in. He gets McGhee down and Sullivan then back in. Quick tags as they keep McGhee down. Lewin with a shoulder hold. McGhee drags him to Weaver but the referee waves the tag off. McGhee fighting hard. Trying to make his way back to Weaver. He then makes the tag. An Oklahoma Stampede gets a two count. Lewin tagged in. He hits Weaver then Sullivan back in. They keep switching off and McGhee comes in. Referee Sonny Fargo goes to kick him out and Lewin comes with a foot off the ropes and a knee to Weaver’s arm. He gets the pin on Weaver. Hart comes in and McGhee dropkicks him and Hart pulls something out of his boot and gives it to Lewin. Johnny Weaver, Scott McGhee and Angelo Mosca are all attacked and McGhee is busted open. Mosca carries him to the back.
    -Barbara Clary talks to some fans who think Ric Flair is going to win the main event.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Harley Race, who is dressed in a fine suit. He is flanked by the Brisco Brothers and Greg Valentine. He says that Greensboro is the last place that he wants to be but that he knows what Ric Flair’s shortcomings are.
    -Carlos Colon VS. Abdullah the Butcher: Gordon Solie says that this match was “banned” in Puerto Rico. Abdullah with the early advantage. He gets Colon down. Colon trying to come back. Caudle calls Colon a young man a full 10 years before Gorilla Monsoon would do it at the 1993 Royal Rumble. Abdullah has a foreign object that Colon gets and uses on Abdullah and then he bites Abdullah. Abdullah is now bleeding. Color me shocked. He uses the object for several minutes. Colon with a high knee lift. Abdullah is down. He gets a two count. The referee gets knocked down. Colon gets the figure four on. Hugo Savanovich comes charging in, knocks Colon out, and Abdullah gets the pin. The crowd boos.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Angelo Mosca who has his arm bandaged from the attack earlier in the night. Mosca says that he is fired up and will be the referee for the tag match coming up. He says that Mark Lewin is a malicious man and will pay. The camera then pans out and Scott McGhee is beside Mosca and is still openly bleeding, not bandaged or even cleaned up. Angelo Mosca fails as a friend. Mosca says that Ric Flair is ready for tonight.
    -Barbara Clary interviews more fans who say Ric Flair is going to win.
    -Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood VS. Bob Orton Jr. and Dick Slater: Dusty Rhodes is announced to the crows but you don’t see him. McDaniel and Orton start. They trade shots. McDaniel gets Slater down and Youngblood is tagged in. Slater gets a two count from a double leg takedown. Youngblood with an arm lock. Slater gets a leg pickup and Youngblood kicks him off. Slater hits a Russian leg sweep and Orton gets tagged in and hits a backbreaker on Youngblood. He misses an elbow drop. Youngblood with a hip toss then Slater tagged back in but he rethinks it and Orton stays in. Slater then does come in and he and Orton do a backbreaker elbow drop combo. Slater with some jabs at Youngblood. A gut wrench suplex gets a two count for Slater. It goes outside and Orton stomps Youngblood. He hits a backbreaker on the barricade. Back in, Slater kicks Youngblood. Orton tagged in with a headlock. Youngblood fighting back but Orton hits a stomp and goes back to the headlock. Slater tagged and hits a back elbow. Slater hits a suplex. Youngblood counters a piledriver into a backdrop. He tags McDaniel in. He cleans house and drops an elbow on Orton for a two count. Slater tagged in. They trade blows. Slater with a belly to back suplex. He gets 3 two counts. Orton tagged in and he and Slater deliver a double elbow to McDaniel. Orton then drops several knees to McDaniel. Slater tagged in but he accidently hits Orton. Youngblood tagged in. An Orton knee knocks McDaniel off of the apron. Youngblood hits a dropkick on both men. He misses one to Orton. They set Youngblood up for the superplex and Orton gets the pin. They continue fighting after the match. Orton and Slater both go down on McDaniel’s arm on the apron. Officials come in to check on McDaniel.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair, Jay Youngblood, and Rick Steamboat. Flair says he is prepared to take the title. Youngblood says their match is important. Steamboat says that they are prepared.
    -Barbara Clary interviews Dusty Rhodes in the crowd but the mic doesn’t work so you can’t hear anything that is being said.
    -NWA TV Title Match: Title VS. Mask: Charlie Brown from out of town VS. The Great Kabuki with Gary Hart: TV Title is only up for grabs in the first 15 minutes of the match. Brown is of course Jimmy Valiant under a mask but the joke is that it’s so obvious. Brown comes at Kabuki hard. It goes outside and Brown slams Kabuki into the barricade then he slams a chair into him then rams him into the post. He then chokes Kabuki. Brown gets Kabuki in a sleeper. He gets him down and Kabuki grabs for the mask. Brown goes back to the sleeper. Hart reaches out and puts Kabuki’s foot on the ropes. Kabuki comes back with kicks and chops. Kabuki then puts the claw on Brown. Brown then comes back with a backdrop. Back and forth. Kabuki goes to the ropes and drops the claw again. Brown fighting back. The crowd comes to life. Brown gets up but Kabuki immediately goes back to the claw. He gets a two and a half count. Kabuki goes and hits a chop from the top rope. Brown keeps trying to come back. Kabuki tries to go for the mask. A kick knocks Brown down. Brown comes back and hits an elbow and gets the three count. The crowd goes crazy.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie interview Dude Walker from G105 radio who says Ric Flair is going to win the main event.
    -Caudle and Solie then reset the rest of the evening by previewing what’s still to come, including the dog collar match and Solie brings up his past with Roddy Piper doing commentary in Georgia.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Bob Orton, Dick Slater, and Harley Race about the bounty on Ric Flair. Orton says Race will retain the title. Race says he has it all because he has collected the info on Ric Flair.
    -Barbara Clary again interviews Dusty Rhodes, this time in a backstage area. He challenges the winner of the main event to a match. He thinks Harley Race is going to win.
    -Dog Collar Match: Greg Valentine VS. Roddy Piper. Valentine is the United States Champion at this time, but the belt is not on the line. They start out having a tug of war with the chain. Piper hits Valentine with the chain. They trade blows. They both try to control the chain. Piper gets it and batters Valentine. Valentine striking back. Valentine gets the chain and beats Piper’s head and ear with it. He wraps the chain around Piper’s head. Piper fighting back and has the chain around the mouth of Valentine. He wraps the chain around the post and punishes Valentine in the corner. Valentine is then busted open. And they go outside. Valentine pounding on Piper’s ear. It goes back outside as both men are now bloody. Valentine punishes Piper’s head with the chain. Piper trying to fight back. Piper swinging wildly. Valentine drops an elbow then another for a two count. Valentine pulled down and Piper charges and attacks him and the crowd comes alive. Piper attacking with the chain. Both bleeding freely. Piper landing blows. Valentine wraps the chain around Piper’s throat. Valentine then drops a knee but can’t get the pin. Piper gets a suplex. Both men down and the referee starts a dual count. Both men up. They trade blows. Valentine gets a sleeper on. Piper does not go out. He reaches up and hits Valentine with the chain. Valentine then drops an elbow from the second rope. Piper comes back, beats Valentine with the chain, wraps his leg up with it and gets the pin. The crowd loves it, but Valentine attacks Piper after the bell. He chokes Piper with the chain.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie talk about the last match.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair. He talks about the injury to Wahoo McDaniel who is sitting beside him as well as being ready for Harley Race. McDaniel says his money is on Ric Flair.
    -Barbara Clary talks to Don Kernodle. He thinks that the tag title match is going to be a good one and that Ric Flair is going to win the main event.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Jack and Gerry Brisco VS. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood: Angelo Mosca is the special guest referee and the titles can change hand on a disqualification. Kernodle comes in and shakes everyone’s hand and then leaves. Jack and Steamboat start. Steamboat with some leap frogs. Back and forth. Gerry tagged in. Steamboat with a drop toe hold and Jack tagged back in. Steamboat with an arm drag. Gerry tagged back in. He tries to bring Steamboat out of the corner. Gerry with some big left hands. Steamboat counters with some big chops and Youngblood tagged in. He gets Gerry in the corner and Mosca breaks that up. Youngblood slammed by Gerry, but holds on and gets Gerry in an arm bar. Steamboat tagged in and delivers a chop from the top rope to Gerry’s arm. Quick tags by the faces who clean house. Gerry coming back and drops a knee on Steamboat’s throat. Steamboat coming back. Gerry gets a double under hook suplex for a two count. Gerry with a big arm bar. Steamboat lifts up Gerry and slams him down. Both Jack and Youngblood tagged in. Jack hits a suplex. Gerry tagged in and he and Jack do a double tackle on Youngblood. He gets a two count. Another suplex gets another two count. Gerry shoves Mosca after saying he counted slow. Mosca pushes him back. Youngblood knocks him down and tags Steamboat in. He also knocks Gerry down. Youngblood tagged back in and hits a double chop. Steamboat picks Youngblood up and slams him down on Gerry for the pin. New Tag Team Champions. The Briscos then knock Youngblood out and put the figure four on Steamboat and try to break his leg but Mosca stops them. So they go after Mosca. Then all four start brawling.
    -They show the credits.
    -They show Ric Flair pacing in the dressing room.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Charlie Brown. He just rants and assaults Schiavone. Schiavone then interviews Roddy Piper. He says that he is going to take Greg Valentine’s United States title next. Schiavone then interviews Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat, who say they aren’t closet champions and will take on anyone.
    -Gordon Solie and Bob Caudle talk about the Main Event coming up. They then talk about the new tag team champions and Roddy Piper. This is called filling time while they put the cage up. Gordon gives a shout out to Puerto Rico for tuning in to closed circuit.
    -Barbara Clary talks to Dusty Rhodes again but it’s about the same thing that he said before.
    -Gordon Solie and Bob Caudle talk about the cage going up.
    -They have James Weeks sing the National Anthem.
    -The 2001 theme plays as a strobe light, disco ball, and a laser light go off. Finally, Ric Flair is shown backlit with fog behind him as he walks that aisle. Police have to escort him to the ring so that he gets there. Harley Race then makes his way to the ring.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Harley Race VS. Ric Flair. Cage Match. Gene Kiniski is the special guest referee. They are face to face as they go over instructions. The bell finally rings. They go back and forth. Flair gets a side headlock on. Then an elbow and a snap mare to Race. Race hits a high knee but misses a head butt. Flair goes back to the headlock. They go back and forth and Race hits a suplex. Race misses the head butt again, but reverses a slam. He drops the knee again. He chokes Flair with a knee across the throat that Kiniski breaks up which makes no sense as they said at the beginning of the match that this is no disqualification. Race knocks Flair around with punches and knee drops. Race hits a piledriver. It gets a two count. Race works on the neck. Race then hits a neckbreaker for a two count. He then runs Flair into the cage and then drives Flair into the mat. Flair trying to come back. Race then hits the head butt. He is run into the cage again and again and Flair is bleeding. Race beating Flair into the corner. Flair then opens up the chop house. Race with another head butt to Flair. Race whipped into the corner buckle. Race run into the cage and he is also bleeding. Flair hits a sloppy looking piledriver for a two count. Flair then hits a double under hook suplex. He runs Race back into the cage. Race comes back and runs Flair into the cage and head butts him. Kiniski getting in the way so often that it is taking away from the match. Flair hits the chop and gets a two count. Flair unloading on Race. Flair hits a back body drop. Flair then gets the figure four on. Race reverses it into the ropes. Race tries for a suplex but his leg buckles and Flair gets a two count. Race gets Flair down and delivers a second rope head butt. It gets a two count as well. Race hits a suplex that gets another two count. Race drops a knee. Race driving his foot into Flair’s face. Kiniski pulls Race away by the hair. Flair reverses a suplex. He then misses an elbow drop. Kiniski then accidently gets hit by Race. They fight into the corner. Flair chops Race off and hits the top rope body press to get the pin and win the title. The crowd loves it.
    -All of the faces come out to celebrate Flair. His then wife Beth comes into the ring to congratulate him and gets covered in his blood as she hugs and kisses him. Flair then gets on the mic and thanks everyone. He is then shown leaving the ring.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie talk about the match, the title, and the event.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Ric Flair in the dressing room. Flair is humble and emotional. Ricky Steamboat comes over to congratulate him. He then gets showered with champagne. Dusty Rhodes comes in and says that his time is coming and he and Ric Flair will meet for the title. He then leaves.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie talk about Dusty Rhodes’ challenge and about Harley Race and where he goes from here and what the future holds for Ric Flair.
    -Barbara Clary talks to Harley Race. He is very morose and quiet. He says nothing is going to stop him from getting the title again and he isn’t going away.
    -Tony Schiavone talks to Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, and Jay Youngblood. They are very calm and quiet. This is called filling satellite time. They run out of things to say.
    -Bob Caudle and Gordon Solie recap the evening, thank everyone, and sign off from Greensboro with a video package of the evening.
    -The push for big matches with big names and supercards being shown remotely pushes us toward PPV.
    -The expansion is underway. The territory system is slowly crumbling.

    • JCP is going for consolidation.
    Episode 49 Notes Thu, 19 Nov 2020 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 695d758d-c087-403c-99b8-c03d4158b641 My Notes for Episode 49: SNME November 1989. -Tracy Smothers, Sean Connery, and Alex Trebek.
    -Today we look at the SNME from November 1989 from the WWF.
    -SNME XXIV was shown on NBC on November 25, 1989. It was taped October 31, 1989 from the Sunflower State Expocentre in Topeka, Kansas.
    -The Ultimate Warrior says tonight Andre The Giant is going to be like Jack and the Beanstalk and The Ultimate Warrior is going to chop him down to size.
    -Andre and Bobby Heenan say they aren’t a fairy tale.
    -Dusty Rhodes says he is going to teach The Big Boss Man a lesson.
    -The Big Boss Man and Slick say Dusty Rhodes is a common thief, not a common man.
    -The Genius has a poem he recites about Hulk Hogan, his opponent for the night.
    -Hulk Hogan says The Genius needs to solve the problem of What Ya Gonna Do when Hulkamania Runs Wild On YOU!
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to SNME. They run down the card before Jesse leaves to interview Andre. Vince then shows a flashback to what has gone down between Andre and The Ultimate Warrior.
    -Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre. They say the Intercontinental Championship is coming back to the Heenan Family.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior starts out growling and pacing. He then says fear is an aberration. Then he rambles.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan: Andre attacks early. They do some spots to cover that Andre can’t do much. Lots of chops and bear hugs. Andre does his patented tied up in the ropes move If You’re Drinking At Home. Heenan grabs the championship belt. He goes to hit Warrior but Warrior catches him and throws him into Andre. Warrior wins by disqualification.
    -Jesse interviews The Genius. He delivers a poem against Hulk Hogan.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says The Genius can’t win.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. The Genius: Hogan pushes Genius out of the ring. Genius is a heat machine here. He is using effeminate moves. Hogan finally gets frustrated and pummels The Genius. Mr. Perfect comes to ringside and grabs the WWF championship belt. Hogan goes outside and gets attacked by The Genius. Hogan Hulks up! The Genius is thrown in and Mr. Perfect hits Hogan with the Championship. The Genius wins by count out.
    -Flashback to what’s been happening between Dusty Rhodes and The Big Boss Man.
    -Mean Gene interviews Slick and The Big Boss Man. They say they are going to rehabilitate Dusty Rhodes their way.
    -Mean Gene interviews Dusty Rhodes. He says he’s the common man for the people.
    -Dusty Rhodes VS. The Big Boss Man with Slick: Rhodes tries to get Slick thrown out. Slick, however has a managers license and gets to stay. Sapphire is sitting at ringside distracting Slick and The Big Boss Man. Boss Man is working Rhodes over. Slick goes to get the stick, but Sapphire stops him yet again and Rhodes rolls up Boss Man in the meantime. Boss Man and Slick argue afterwards. Sapphire comes in and dances with Rhodes.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Red Rooster. He’s ready for Mr. Perfect with bird puns.
    -Jesse interviews Mr. Perfect. He’s going to make everything perfectly clear tonight.
    -The Red Rooster VS. Mr. Perfect with The Genius: nice back and forth match. Perfect wins with the Perfectplex.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Rockers. They’re ready for The Brain Busters.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and The Brain Busters. They argue among themselves.
    -The Brain Busters Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson with Bobby Heenan VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: 2/3 falls match. 1st fall: Rockers just dominate and Jannetty pins Blanchard. 2nd fall: Heenan has had it with the Brain Busters and walks out. Busters lure Michaels into a Stun Gun like maneuver and pin him. 3rd fall: Jesse interviews Heenan. He says the Brain Busters are fired and done. Anderson hits a nice spinebuster on Michaels. Michaels pins Anderson after a crossbody. So long Brain Busters!
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Perfect is destroying the WWF title with a hammer. The Genius is singing in the background.
    -Mean Gene holds the desecrated belt. He brings in Hulk Hogan. He is upset that The Genius won, but the championship is more than a symbolic belt.
    -Vince and Jesse run down what happened and say when SNME returns it will be in a new decade of shows.

    Episode 48 Notes Mon, 16 Nov 2020 09:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 697a7cef-b42e-4e98-8851-4ababfa85a3d My Notes for Episode 48: The Wrestling Classic -On this episode, we will be looking at The Wrestling Classic. Hat Tip to Wikipedia and for info.
    -The first Official Foray into PPV for the WWF, the event took place on November 7, 1985 at the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago. 14,000 watched the event live. The event consisted of a 16 man tournament, a match between Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship and a contest where a fan won a Rolls-Royce. The event included no tag team matches, something that wouldn't happen again until the 2005 Royal Rumble.
    -Piper and Hogan had been feuding over the WWF World Heavyweight Championship for some time. In February, they faced each other in the MTV special The War to Settle the Score, which Hogan won by DQ. This led to the development of WrestleMania. Hogan and Piper faced off there in a tag match with Mr. T and Paul Orndorff as their prospective partners. This led to the match at the Wrestling Classic.
    -We start out with the opening WWF credits. Then the Wrestlevision and The Wrestling Classic opening credits.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us to The Wrestling Classic. He brings on Lord Alfred Hayes and Susan Watkis. They apparently told Alfred to act as creepy as possible around Susan and Alfred is a team player. They talk about the First Round Matches and highlight some of the superstars drawing their opponents out of a fishbowl.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Jack Tunney. Tunney looks scared to death as he and Mean Gene go over the rules.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the tournament and to Chicago. They are going to be the announcers for the evening. Jesse is getting more comfortable as an announcer.
    -Round 1
    -Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. Corporal Kirchner: They start out slow. Kirchner comes out hot with an arm drag. Kirchner then with a headlock. Adonis hits a big belly to back suplex and a snap mare. Another one and a headlock. Adonis reverses a suplex into a cross between a DDT and a Brain Buster to win.
    -Mean Gene talks to Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart. Adonis says he has class and charisma and wrote the book on wrestling.
    -Dynamite Kid VS. Nikolai Volkoff: Volkoff goes to do the Russian National Anthem Gimmick. As soon as he is finished and starts insulting the crowd, Dynamite Kid climbs the turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick to get the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. The crowd noise is bleeding through and it is hard to hear them. Savage says The Wrestling Classic is the most important thing to him and he is nervous but ready.
    -Ivan Putski VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Jesse gives his endorsement to Randy Savage. It takes them a while to get started Savage doing some stalling. Putski spits on Savage. Savage goes out. Back in, Savage rammed into the corner. Putski in control. Savage being pummeled, but hooks Putski’s leg and pins him with his own legs on the ropes.
    -Vince, Alfred, and Susan update the board and Nikolai Volkoff comes in to complain that he was robbed.
    -Ricky Steamboat VS. Davey Boy Smith: Wrestling holds and reversals to begin. Steamboat bridges out of a hold. Smith with a power slam. Smith then gets a headlock. Another slam gets a one count. Steamboat reverses a suplex. Smith gets the knees up on a splash but he injures himself when he misses a dropkick and crotches himself and the ref stops the match when Smith is too injured to continue.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Junk Yard Dog. He says he is not going to take The Iron Sheik for granted and that Chicago is his town.
    -The Junk Yard Dog VS. The Iron Sheik: Music Dub City as JYD comes out to Grab Them Cakes instead of Another One Bites the Dust. Sheik attacks JYD and chokes him with his ring attire. A JYD chant goes out. He hits a headbutt and Sheik goes outside to regroup. JYD hits a clothesline for a two count. A snap mare and JYD misses a headbutt. Sheik gets the camel clutch on JYD. JYD fighting out and Sheik gets JYD in the corner but goes to push the ref out of the way and JYD hits a headbutt and pins Sheik.
    -Mean Gene interviews Terry Funk and Jimmy Hart. Funk wants a championship match and he’s going to show the world what a man he is as he spits tobacco juice on the camera.
    -Moondog Spot VS. Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart: Funk gets on the mic and says he doesn’t want to wrestle Spot. He leads Spot out of the ring calling for a draw. Funk then attacks Spot but Spot manages to get back in the ring and Funk gets counted out. Funk then attacks Spot.
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji and Don Muraco. Fuji says Tito Santana has met his match and Muraco is in his prime. Muraco then says Santana is the main man in the tournament and he will get to the top by beating the best.
    -Tito Santana VS. Don Muraco with Mr. Fuji: Muraco with the early power advantage. Muraco in full control. Santana hits a crossbody for a two count. Santana then with a sunset flip and a backslide for a two counts. Muraco takes a big corner bump from a Santana Irish whip. Santana gets an arm bar on. Muraco hits a hot shot on Santana. Muraco hits a short clothesline and gets a two count. Muraco pins Santana with Santana’s foot on the ropes and the ref waves the pin off as the bell rings. Santana then pins Muraco with a small package. Jesse calls it a cheap win.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan. Heenan says he is always scouting new talent and the $50,000 bounty on Paul Orndorff still stands and he is ready to pay.
    -Bob Orton Jr. VS. Paul Orndorff: Orndorff gets and arm bar and an atomic drop. Then an Orndorff head scissors and back to work on Orton’s cast arm. Orton gets a knee up on an Orndorff corner charge. Orndorff pulls Orton’s tights on a sunset flip for a two count. Orton then gets a chin lock. Then a head scissors on Orndorff. Orton hits a hip toss but misses a head scissors. Orndorff then hits some elbows, drops a knee, and hits a big right hand that knocks Orton out. Orton loads the cast and hits Orndorff. He goes to pin Orndorff but has been disqualified by the referee.
    -Vince interrupts Alfred being creepy with Susan to update the board. They then preview the second round until Terry Funk comes in saying he was robbed.
    -Quarter Finals
    -The Dynamite Kid VS. Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart: Dynamite hits a couple of arm drags. Adonis with some elbows and a slingshot. Jesse bails on Gorilla to go talk to the Macho Man. Adonis hits a big suplex. Then a snap mare and a chinlock on Dynamite. Dynamite hits a gut wrench suplex but misses a headbutt. Adonis works on Dynamite’s knees. Adonis with a sharpshooter, but Dynamite gets to the ropes. Dynamite reverses a charge into a sunset flip for a two count. Adonis misses another charge and Dynamite hits a headbutt and a flying knee drop for a two count. He hits a snap suplex and a headbutt for a two count. Hart gets up on the apron. Dynamite kicking out hurls Adonis into Hart and Dynamite covers for the pin. Adonis and Hart throws a tantrum.
    -Jesse Ventura talks to Mean Gene. Jesse says that three heads are better than one. He says he has scouted opponents for Randy Savage, but will remain unbiased as an announcer.
    -Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat goes after Savage, who pulls Elizabeth in front of him. It goes outside. Back in, Steamboat head scissors Savage back out. He atomic drops Savage outside. He hits some knife edges on Savage inside as Jesse returns to commentary. Savage gets caught coming off the tope rope. Steamboat gets a high crossbody for a two count. All Steamboat at this point. Savage on the ring apron goes into his tights as referee Dave Hebner admonishes Steamboat. Savage misses his first shot, but nails Steamboat as he gets back dropped inside. Savage then pins Steamboat.
    -Mean Gene talks to Moondog Spot. He just moans and grunts.
    -Moondog Spot VS. The Junk Yard Dog: Spot attacks JYD coming in but misses a splash. JYD then hits some thumps and pins Spot. There was no referee so JYD counted himself. Gorilla and Jesse then announced that a judge was at ringside and that JYD’s count was legal.
    -Mean Gene then talks to Bobby Heenan again. He says he’s still scouting and you never know who will pick up the bounty and that Hulk Hogan is too drained and is ready to be defeated.
    -Paul Orndorff VS. Tito Santana: They shake hands as Jesse goes into his Chico Santana from Tijuana routing so If You’re Drinking At Home, you can take a shot. Santana with a headlock. Test of strength. Santana with a leg scissors. Orndorff reverses for a two count. Orndorff with an arm lock. Santana reverses it. Orndorff gets to the ropes to break it. Santana back to the headlock. Orndorff with an atomic drop. Santana in a lot of pain. He is limping badly. Orndorff with a drop toehold. Santana trying to fight out of it. Orndorff drops an elbow on the leg. Orndorff hits a big forearm shot that knocks Santana out. They brawl on the outside and both get counted out. A chorus of boos greet the announcement that both are out.
    -Vince back at the board with Alfred who is still being creepy as they update the board.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura talk about the tournament so far.
    -WWF Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Roddy Piper: Piper is played out by a bagpipe group.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says that Piper is dangerous, but Hogan feels pumped up. He says that the USA has Hulkamania. I was probably just familiar with Hulk Hogan and company at this time due to the Cartoon being shown on CBS at the time.
    -Music Dub City as Hogan comes out. Piper attacks right away and they go outside. Piper thrown into a railing. Back in, Piper with a throat shot and then another. Then he does an eye poke to Hogan. Hogan with a corner clothesline. Backdrop to Piper. A big slam and two elbow drops to Piper. Piper with some kicks while Hogan is down. Hogan catches Piper in a bear hug, but Piper hits another eye poke and gets a two count. A Hogan chant goes out as Piper puts on a sleeper. Hogan reaches out and tears the ref’s shirt ala SummerSlam ’90. Hogan’s hand falls twice but not the third time. They tumble outside. Piper gets shoved into a turnbuckle. Back in, a big boot to Piper, and then an atomic drop. A Piper double ax handle runs Hogan into the referee. Piper slams a steel chair into Hogan. They fight over the chair. Hogan puts Piper in a sleeper. Then Bob Orton comes in and he and Piper attack Hogan. Paul Orndorff comes in to even the odds. The heels take off. The crowd cheers the faces and one guy surreptitiously flips off the camera and everyone thinks it is so funny.
    -Mean Gene interviews JYD. He talks about his chances of winning before Jimmy Hart comes in to yell at JYD that JYD has embarrassed him for the last time.
    -Semifinal: The Dynamite Kid VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage poses before the match. Both jockey for position. Mat wrestling to start. Savage doing a lot of stalling. They get into the ropes and as the referee goes to separate them, Savage gets a cheap shot in then runs Dynamite into the turnbuckle. Dynamite gets a big backdrop in. Dynamite gets a two count, but they’re in the ropes. Savage drops down from a sunset flip attempt. A double clothesline and both men are down. Savage up and gets caught and dropkicked up to then Dynamite does a top rope superplex onto Savage. Savage lifts his leg up and hooks Dynamite and pins him. Savage is then carried back to the locker room.
    -Vince and Susan talk about the Rolls Royce giveaway. They preview the car before going to Alfred and company to give the car away. Howard Finkel introduces Jack Tunney who talks about the sweepstakes. Basil Devito says thousands of people entered. This is a very repetitive segment. Alfred then announces the winner: Michael Hambly, a truck driver from Batavia, Illinois wins the Silver Cloud Classic Rolls Royce. The crowd boos when it is announced.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff. Hogan says nobody has won yet and he and Paul Orndorff watch each other’s backs and will take on Piper and Orton at any time.
    -Tournament Final: The Junk Yard Dog VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage comes out limping badly. Jesse says it’s unfair that JYD didn’t have to face anyone in the prior round and Savage did. Savage is intense as he throws his gear out. He puts Liz in front of him. Savage goes outside with a chair he throws to JYD who hits himself batting the chair away. Savage stalling. Test of strength that JYD wins. JYD with a bear hug. Savage with an eye poke. Mean Gene joins commentary. JYD with a kidney shot to Savage. Savage bumping a lot for JYD. Savage clotheslines JYD for a two count. Savage throws JYD outside and delivers a top rope double ax handle. He sneaks around and rams JYD into a steel post. He then delivers another top rope double ax handle. He then attacks JYD with a chair. He then chokes JYD on the barricade. He throws JYD inside the ring but gets caught coming off the top rope. A couple of head butts by JYD then he slams Savage down. Savage gets tied up in the ropes. Savage kicks JYD but gets flipped by JYD over the top rope. Savage gets counted out and JYD wins the tournament.
    -Howard Finkel announces JYD as the winner. Mean Gene goes into the ring to interview JYD. Jesse comes in and protests the match. He is pissed off. Jesse and Gorilla talk about the tournament and Jesse’s protest.
    -Vince McMahon, Susan, and Lord Alfred Hayes talk about the night and everything that happened before signing off from Chicago.
    -Aftermath: Many wrestlers received pushes by the tournament. The Junk Yard Dog became the man who won the first ever major tournament in WWF history. Randy Savage went on to win both the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Tito Santana on February 8, 1986 and the WWF Championship in a similar tournament at WrestleMania IV in 1988. Ricky Steamboat also won the WWF Intercontinental Championship by defeating Savage at WrestleMania III in 1987. Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith, The British Bulldogs would go on to win the WWF Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 2 in 1986.

    Episode 47 Notes Thu, 05 Nov 2020 06:00:00 -0500 [email protected] baf8239f-eeb8-44e8-b403-bd8dc3d08b63 My Notes for Episode 47: Survivor Series 1989 -Today we look at Survivor Series 1989 from the WWF.
    -Whenever I think of this show, I think of my good friend Mary Kinney and her mother.
    -One feels good, two feels so much better.
    -Survivor Series 1989 took place Thanksgiving Night, November 23, 1989, from the Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois.
    -The show begins with some wrestlers saying what they are thankful for:
    -Hulk Hogan-He and the Hulkamaniacs are thankful that they are happy and healthy, thankful that they have time to spend with loved ones, that Hulkamania is still the strongest force in the universe, and that its Survivor Series time and he’s thankful for his team of Hulkamaniacs.
    -Ted DiBiase-Thankful that he’s rich, and we’re not.
    -Jake Roberts-for Damien and the DDT.
    -Demolition- That they don’t have to fight each other.
    -Randy Savage and Sherri- The only man worthy of being the Macho King.
    -Jim Duggan- living in the USA.
    -Dino Bravo-That he’s got the big Earthquake on his side.
    -Dusty Rhodes- his polka dots.
    -Big Boss Man- for the brand of justice he serves.
    -Brutus Beefcake- for wrestling, cuttin’, and struttin’
    -Rick Martel- his good looks.
    -Rick Rude- having the most ravishing body in the WWF.
    -Roddy Piper- that he’s not Ricky Rude.
    -The Genius- for being the world’s smartest man.
    -Mr. Perfect- for being absolutely perfect.
    -The Bushwhackers- for having sardine stuffing in their turkey.
    -Bobby Heenan- for spending Thanksgiving with all the members of the Heenan Family.
    -The Ultimate Warrior- that the warriors give him the power to survive the Survivor Series.
    -Opening Credits. Classic Vince McMahon voiceover of the teams facing each other.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Rosemont Horizon. Jesse is wearing his usual Pilgrim Hat and a unique fur/fringed jacket. He makes fun of Gorilla being fat and eating a lot of Thanksgiving food before throwing it to The Fink.
    -The Enforcers: The Big Boss Man, Bad News Brown, Rick Martel, and The Honky Tonk Man with Slick and Jimmy Hart VS. The Dream Team: Brutus Beefcake, Tito Santana, The Red Rooster, and Dusty Rhodes: They try to get things started. –Santana and HTM start. Martel tagged in. Some close calls. Heels get quick tags in. Santana and Martel tagged back in. Martel rolls through a rollup and pins Santana with a handful of tights. A shot of the future Sapphire at ringside cheering Dusty Rhodes on. Rhodes hits a dropkick on Martel. Faces now doing quick tags. Rooster bites Boss Man to get out of a bear hug. Bad News Brown tagged in. He punishes Rooster for a while before holding him for Boss Man to hit, but Rooster ducks it and Brown gets hit instead. He pushes Boss Man. The team separates them, but shades of ’88 Bad News Brown takes a hike and gets counted out. HTM pinned after a high knee from Beefcake. Martel pinned after a sunset flip by Beefcake. Rooster pinned after a Boss Man Slam. A young Shane McMahon is the outside ref making sure wrestlers leave after they are eliminated. Boss Man slammed by Rhodes Crossbody and pinned. Boss Man clobbers everyone with the night stick and handcuffs Rhodes to the ropes and chokes him until Beefcake brings the clippers out. Survivors: Dusty Rhodes and Brutus Beefcake.
    -Sean Mooney interviews the Big Boss Man and Slick. They say that Dusty Rhodes is now their prisoner and Justice will be served.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the 4X4’s. They all have 2X4’s and they say they will be victorious and ready for anything.
    -The Kings Court Randy Savage, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, and The Canadian Earthquake with Queen Sherri and Jimmy Hart VS. The 4X4’s Jim Duggan, Bret Hart, Ronnie Garvin, and Hercules: The faces clear the ring with their 2X4’s. Jesse doesn’t like it. Hercules and Valentine start and Gorilla mentions that it takes Valentine 15 minutes to warm up if you’re drinking at home. The crowd loves it when Garvin comes in against Valentine, Garvin chops him hard. Bravo and Hercules now in, Earthquake then in and he pins Hercules. The faces finally get Earthquake down. Valentine rolled up and Garvin gets a two count. Quick tags by the heels. Garvin and Valentine open dueling chop houses. Valentine pinned. Savage just bounces around the ring. Garvin does the Garvin Stomp on Bravo. Bravo sidewalk slams Garvin to pin him. Hart gets a few two counts on Savage. Savage pins Hart after a flying elbow drop. Duggan clears the ring to a big pop. Duggan keeps escaping pins. He goes to the ropes and Sherri pulls it down and Duggan gets counted out. Survivors: Randy Savage, Dino Bravo, and The Canadian Earthquake. Duggan clobbers Bravo and Savage with the 2X4.
    -Mean Gene gives us an update on Dusty Rhodes’ medical condition.
    -The Genius reads a Thanksgiving Poem.
    -The Million Dollar Team Ted DiBiase, Zeus, The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian with Virgil and Mr. Fuji VS. The Hulkamaniacs Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, and Demolition Ax and Smash: The heels don’t get entrances, but each member of the Hulkamaniacs gets their own entrance. Hogan’s team not allowed in until Roberts lets Damien out. Zeus wants to start with Hogan. The crowd cheers Hogan to get in. Hogan chant goes out. Zeus can’t seem to be hurt. Zeus pushes the ref away twice and gets disqualified. They have to pull him off of Hogan. DiBiase continues to punish Hogan. Demolition punish DiBiase when they get in. Quick tags by Demolition. DiBiase comes back. Fuji trips Ax who gets pinned by The Warlord. Smash pinned by The Barbarian. Warlord punishes Roberts. Heels quick tagging. They keep cutting Roberts off from tagging. He finally tags in Hogan. The Powers of Pain hit the spike piledriver on Hogan, but get disqualified for not getting out of the ring. Jesse is livid and accuses the referee of being in Hogan’s pocket. DiBiase has the Million Dollar Dream on Hogan, but Roberts saves him. Roberts is then tagged in. Virgil comes in and Roberts DDTs him. DiBiase uses the opportunity to pin Roberts. Hogan starts his comeback against DiBiase. Double clothesline. Hogan recovers and hits the big boot, leg drop, and gets the pin. Sole Survivor: Hulk Hogan. Hogan must pose.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage, Zeus, and Queen Sherri about No Holds Barred The Movie/
    The Match coming up. They say that the cage environment is to their advantage.
    -Mean Gene talks to Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan about the match. No Holds Barred. Hogan unwittingly puts down Beefcake about being short. Queen Sherri comes in and throws powder in their eyes and Savage and Zeus come in and attack them.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura reset for the second half. Jesse has his Abraxas shirt on for the movie that he has made. They talk about the problems that the Heenan Family have had lately. This is to cover up for Tully Blanchard had been fired and is not at the event.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Rude’s Brood. They are ready for Roddy’s Rowdies.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper and his team. They have a turkey and talk about bones.
    -Rude’s Brood: Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart and The Genius but no Bobby Heenan due to the problems in the family VS. Roddy’s Rowdies Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, and The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Perfect and Luke start. Butch comes in then Piper and Snuka, all biting Perfect. Snuka takes over on Jacques. He pins Jacques after the superfly. Piper takes over on Perfect. Perfect bumping for the whole team. Piper hits a piledriver and pins Raymond. Roddy chant goes out. Perfect continues to bump for the whole team Piper taunts Rude. Perfect pins Butch. Rude tagged in. Luke bites him. Rude pins Luke. Perfect batters Snuka. Rude taunts Piper. Heels cheat to perfection on Snuka (No pun intended) Perfect keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Piper and Rude finally in at the same time. They tumble out and fight down the aisle and are both counted out. Perfect attacks Snuka. Back and Forth. Perfect pins Snuka with the Perfectplex. Snuka attacks the Genius and Perfect. Sole Survivor: Mr. Perfect.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Rude’s Brood. Rick Rude tells him it’s none of his business where Bobby Heenan is.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warriors. They all need decaf. Don’t try to understand and make sense of The Ultimate Warrior.
    -The Heenan Family Andre The Giant, Haku, Arn Anderson, and Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warriors: The Ultimate Warrior, Jim Neidhart, The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Andre attacks the Rockers before the Warrior even comes out. Warrior comes in and knocks Andre out so he gets counted out. Weasel chant goes out. A Crescent kick from Haku eliminates Neidhart. Haku and Warrior go at it. Jannetty beaten down but Heenan tagged in and pins him. Anderson begging off from Warrior. Haku pinned by a big crossbody from Michaels. Anderson and Heenan argue. Heenan doesn’t want in there at all. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Michaels and pins him. Warrior thrown out by Anderson. Heenan tags in and out. Anderson gorilla pressed and slammed and pinned by Warrior. Heenan shocked. He’s thrown all around. Warrior won’t let him leave. Warrior hits the flying tackle and pins Heenan. Sole Survivor The Ultimate Warrior. They plug No Holds Barred again and sign off from the Rosemont.

    Episode 46 Notes Thu, 29 Oct 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] fd839e6e-f9b8-421a-babc-9dd04e2a9e31 My Notes for Episode 46: SNME November 1985 -Today, we are looking at the SNME from November 1985.
    -SNME III was shown on NBC on November 2, 1985. It was recorded October 31, 1985, from the Hershey Park Arena in Hershey, PA. The show drew a 6.3 rating.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund and Bobby Heenan talk about the matches and challenges coming up tonight.
    -Hulk Hogan says he and Andre the Giant will take on Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy and demolish them.
    -Jesse Ventura is with Roddy Piper dressed as Super Rod. They talk about Piper interrupting the wedding at the last SNME and the fact that the hillbillies are going to be on Piper’s Pit.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and Terry Funk. Funk talks about taking on the Junk Yard Dog. Funk then spits tobacco juice on the camera.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us and runs down that night’s card as they show shots of people dressed up for Halloween in the crowd. He then brings Jesse Ventura on decked out in his peacock garb. Jesse talks about the wedding that was on the last SNME.
    -They flashback to Terry Funk beating up Mel Phillips but we didn’t know that was supposed to be a good thing then. Look it up.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and Terry Funk. They say that what happened to Phillips will be nothing compared to what they are going to do to JYD.
    -Flashback to Funk attacking JYD with the branding iron.
    -Mean Gene talks to JYD. He says every dog has its day and today is his day.
    -The Junk Yard Dog VS. Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart: JYD attacks before the bell. He posts Funk on the top rope. Funk rolls out to regroup. Funk misses an elbow. JYD dumps him outside. Back in, JYD slams Funk and head butts him several times. Funk rolls out again. JYD chant goes out. Hart trips JYD, who then chases Hart. Funk comes out to help Hart and gets dropped by JYD. Funk jabbing JYD when they get back into the ring. Funk gets a sleeper on as the JYD chant goes out again. JYD reverses the sleeper. Hart gets up on the apron and JYD comes over and drags him in. The ref gets distracted by this and Funk comes from behind and nails JYD with Hart’s megaphone. He gets the pin and the crowd is upset. Funk and Hart attempt to brand JYD. He catches the brand though. JYD nails Funk with the iron and knocks out Hart. As Funk pulls Hart out of the ring, JYD pulls Hart’s pants off. JYD then “brands” Hart.
    -Mean Gene emcee’s the Halloween pie eating contest between Lou Albano and King Kong Bundy: Bobby Heenan's team vs. Lou Albano's team. Heenan’s team: RANDY SAVAGE as Tarzan, ELIZABETH as Jane, NIKOLAI VOLKOFF as Robin, IRON SHEIK as Batman, BOBBY HEENAN as Davy Crockett and KING KONG BUNDY as Abe Lincoln.
    Lou Albano’s team: HULK HOGAN as Hercules, the HILLBILLIES as The Three Musketeers, TITO SANTANA as Zorro, and CAPT LOU ALBANO as Julius Caesar. It’s very messy. Albano is eventually declared the winner.
    -Flashback to Roddy Piper interrupting Uncle Elmer’s wedding.
    -Piper’s Pit in the ring with the Hillbillies. Piper insults the Hillbillies to start. They start to get angry and warn Piper. They stand up to Piper but also call out Jesse Ventura, who then leaves the booth and confronts the Hillbillies. Piper and Bob Orton trip Cousin Junior and then they start to brawl. The heels bail, but the Hillbillies get Jesse’s hat and stomp on it.
    -Game #2: The Pumpkin Dunk. Bobby Heenan vs. Cousin Junior. 200 pounds of chocolate syrup with pumpkins in there. JYD is dressed as a mummy, as Savage holds the bag for Heenan and JYD for Junior. Heenan gets seven, Junior gets four, so it's Albano 1, Heenan 1, and the rubber match comes later.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy, and Big John Studd. They say that they are unbeatable and unstoppable. They head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews Lou Albano, Hulk Hogan, and Andre the Giant. They say enough of the nonsense, they are the real deal. Andre says enough talk, it’s time for action.
    -Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant with Lou Albano VS. King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd with Bobby Heenan: A weasel chant breaks out in the crows as the faces come out the music has been replaced with Real American. Hogan and Bundy start. Back and Forth. They shove each other, and a shoulder block has no effect on Bundy, so Hogan with a knee, then he tries a body slam, but can't do it and Hogan with a right hand. Bundy misses a clothesline, two Hogan right hands, and a clothesline in the corner tags Andre in. Andre chokes Bundy with his own strap for literally a minute, pissing Jesse off, then a tag to Hulk and a double axe handle off the middle ropes. Hogan then gets nailed by Studd as he goes after Bundy, and that gets the advantage to the heels. Studd tagged in, and he pounds away until Hogan hits an atomic back breaker, and a tag to Andre Two big chops, then forearms by Andre, but one of them catches the referee. The referee was long time "Timekeeper at the Bell" Mike Mittman. So Hogan and Bundy come in and we've got a brawl. Joey Marella in to check on the referee, and the faces drive the heels outside. Back in, and Andre locks a bear hug on Studd, with Marella now the official. Big forearm by Andre, then Hogan gets a kick in and the he gets tagged in and a double chop. Hogan off the ropes and hits an elbow on Studd, then tags Andre, who nails a big foot, knocking Studd outside. Andre goes to the apron after Studd, but Bundy from behind with a right hand gets Andre caught in the ropes. Hogan nails Bundy, then goes after Studd, but he trips him for Bundy's big splash. Then the heels double team Andre, and the bell rings for the DQ until Hogan from behind nails Bundy as Andre gets free, and Hogan with a big foot on Bundy and clothesline on Studd send the heels out. Hogan and Andre win by DQ.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant in the ring. Andre says he’s not done and wants some more. Hogan and Andre tell each other that they will never be beaten.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a little different her and not what we usually see. She’s a little more open. Savage says he is ready for Tito Santana.
    -Intercontinental Championship Match: Tito Santana VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage is intense. Jesse says Chico IYDAH. Savage with a big right hand. Savage comes out hot, but Santana evens things up. Savage with a double ax handle from the second rope. Savage with a sleeper on. Into a headlock. Santana is fighting out of it. Savage with a slam and he goes up. Santana catches him in the midsection coming off. Some jabs and a roundhouse knocks Savage down. Savage bails out and Santana follows. They do a cat and mouse game. They fight on the outside and both get counted out. The crowd boos.
    -Mr. Fuji and Ricky Steamboat are both shown getting ready for their bout.
    -A look at how Roddy Piper celebrates Halloween. Piper has posters of himself all over the place, and has huge candies for the kids. Huge candy apples, actually bowling balls, and chocolate bricks, or just bricks. McMahon calls Piper a native, so he does some dance for a minute. Then kids come and he drops the TRICKS in the bags of the kids' TREATS. Well, he did it last year, so the kids put chocolate hot peppers in the bags that drive Piper crazy.
    -Vince McMahon interviews Hulk Hogan, who loved the look at Piper’s Halloween.
    -Kung Fu Challenge: Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji who is breaking bricks. He is ready for Steamboat. Mr. Fuji with Magnificent Muraco VS. Ricky Steamboat: Mean Gene interviews Steamboat. They flashback to Fuji and Muraco attacking Steamboat. Steamboat says that tonight, Fuji will fear the Dragon. Slow to start. They chop back and forth. Steamboat with the advantage. Fuji coming back. Steamboat reverses a suplex. Steamboat hits a top rope dropkick to win. Muraco comes and sprays mist in Steamboat’s eyes. Then Muraco and Fuji double team Steamboat.
    -Mean Gene and Elizabeth talk about and demonstrate the pumpkin pass. Vince and Jesse are back stage for:
    HALLOWEEN CONTEST #3 - PUMPKIN PASS - Faces start. JYD to Tito, Tito to Junior, Junior to Jim,
    Jim to Albano, but Albano drops it. Somehow that's five, at least that's how Vince calls it. Whatever. Then Jesse joins Gene, and we have a new entrant....SUPER ROD! God this is hilarious. Roddy in a Superman suit, with an R instead of an S, of course. The heels cheat by using their hands - Bundy to Volkoff, Volkoff to Sheik, Sheik to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth to Roddy fails, as Savage has a royal fit. Piper blames Liz for dropping the pumpkins.
    -Vince, Jesse, and Mean Gene talk about everything that has happened that night and that on the next SNME, Jesse and Piper want the Hillbillies before signing off from Hershey.

    Episode 45 Notes Thu, 22 Oct 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 386baa54-4622-41a9-9102-ac6e83ca77bd My notes for Episode 45: Royal Rumble 2011 -Today we are looking at the 2011 Royal Rumble from the WWE.
    -Royal Rumble 2011 took place on January 30, 2011 from TD Garden in Boston, MA. There were 15,133 in attendance and the show did 476,000 PPV buys.
    -Opening Credits highlighting past Rumbles and the fact that 40 men will compete.
    -Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker are the commentators for the event.
    -World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge VS. Dolph Ziggler. Edge will lose the title if he uses the spear. Vickie Guererro comes out. She reminds everyone that the spear is banned. She starts chanting spear to set off Edge. Edge with the early advantage. Ziggler coming back. Edge gets a one count and then a two count. A knee to Ziggler’s stomach gets another two count. It goes to the outside. Edge throws Ziggler into the barricade. Edge continues to punish. Ziggler nails Edge coming back in. Neckbreaker gets a two count for Ziggler. Ziggler focusing on Edge’s neck. He goes for multiple pin attempts. A lets go Edge chant goes out. Edge rolls through a sunset flip and catapults Ziggler into the corner post. Ziggler gets another neckbreaker. Ziggler is relentless with a reverse snap mare and cover. Edge is then shot outside and hits the barricade. Another two count for Ziggler. Ziggler working a headlock. Double body press and both men are down. The referee’s count starts. Both up and Ziggler misses a corner charge. Edge hits a modified flapjack. Back and forth. Edge gets a two count. Ziggler hits a jawbreaker. Edge counters a fameasser for a two count. Edge goes up top but gets caught. Edge blocks a superplex and hits a crossbody. Ziggler rolls through it for a two count. A dropkick by Ziggler gets another two count. Edge with a modified sharpshooter. Ziggler gets to the ropes. Another fameasser gets a two count for Ziggler. Edge gets a high knee. He positions himself for the spear. He rethinks it and comes out as Ziggler gets the sleeper on. Edge fights out and hits a DDT. Vickie breaks up the count. She gets up on the apron and Edge comes over to her. She slaps him. Ziggler comes from behind to hit Edge, but he ducks and Ziggler stops himself before hitting Vickie but Edge rolls him up for a two count. Vickie starts slapping Edge again. Kelly Kelly comes down and attacks Vickie. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, but Edge kicks out at two and a half. Ziggler gets the sleeper on again. Edge trying to get out hits the referee. Edge hits a piggy back stunner to get out. With everyone still down, Edge goes for the spear. He hits it and Ziggler sells it like he’s been shot. Edge hits the unprettier to win. Vickie is irate that Edge won. Cole, Striker, and Lawler talk about the last match and the next match coming up.
    -Flashback to what led to the WWE Championship Match.
    -Josh Matthews talks to The Miz and Alex Riley. Miz says there’s a reason that he’s the champion and Randy Orton is not.
    -WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. Randy Orton: Michael Cole really playing up his heel role as The Miz comes out. Miz gets some cheers as he is announced. Orton with uppercuts to start and then he throws Miz out. Orton throws Miz into several guard rails. Then a clothesline to Miz. Back in, Orton kicks Miz several times as Lawler and Cole bicker. He does a bottom rope guillotine for a two count. Miz starts to feebly fight back. Riley catches Orton with a hot shot while the referee was admonishing Miz. Miz on the attack. Orton blocks Miz running him into a turnbuckle and runs Miz instead. Riley pulls Miz away from an Orton corner charge. Miz beating Orton down into the corner. He gets a two count. Riley keeps cheating for Miz. Cole high fives Riley. Miz with a headlock. Orton comes back with a headbutt. Back and forth. Miz with a back elbow for a two count. A big knee to Orton’s head for a two count. Miz goes back to the headlock. Orton counters. Miz goes for a belly to back suplex. Orton hits an elbow. Orton gets a back suplex. Miz gets a big kick for a two and a half count. Miz goes up top and gets caught. Orton hits a superplex. Shades of his father. Miz kicks out at two. They trade blows. Orton hitting some big clotheslines. Then a backbreaker on Miz. Miz backdrops Orton outside where he is attacked by Riley. Miz runs Orton into the barricade and then the ring. He gets a two count. He hits a tope rope double ax handle on Orton and gets another two count. Miz tries for multiple pin attempts. He then tries for a chinlock. Modified camel clutch. Orton powers back up. It goes outside. Miz catapults Orton into the ring post. The referee starts a count on Orton. He gets back into the ring at 8 and attacks Miz. Orton hits a big clothesline on Miz, then another. Then a big powerslam. He then does the Garvin stomp to Miz. That gets a two count. Miz comes back with a backbreaker/neck breaker combo for a two count. Miz rolls out after another two count. He grabs his belt and goes to leave and Orton hits him with a clothesline outside. Miz gets rolled up for a two count after missing a big boot. Orton hits a suspension DDT. The New Nexus comes out. Riley goes to attack Orton, who throws him on The New Nexus. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Orton counters with an RKO. CM Punk then comes and hits Orton with the Go To Sleep and puts Miz on top of Orton and Miz gets the pin.
    -Don’t try this at home ad.
    -Todd Grisham reads Cody Rhodes statement about why he isn’t there and about his injury at the hands of Rey Misterio.
    -The WWE Universe gives their prediction on who will win the Rumble.
    -Two on One Handicapped Match for the Divas Championship: LayCool VS. Natalya: The Anonymous RAW GM changes the match to a Fatal Four Way: Eve comes out. Layla and Michelle McCool go on offence. Face buster on Eve. Natalya slingshots Layla on McCool. McCool and Layla stare each other down. Multiple pin attempts. Natalya does a double sharpshooter on Layla and Eve before McCool breaks it up. Layla hits a neckbreaker on Eve. More pin attempts. Lawler is just sandbagging Striker at every turn when Striker is honestly just trying to make the commentary and the match better. I’m tired of all the Striker hate. Eve hits a moonsault at the same time McCool covers Natalya. They announce Eve as the winner.
    -Josh Matthews interviews Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim. Bryan talks about the Royal Rumble before being interrupted by The Bellas. They start brawling.
    -A preview of the Royal Rumble Match by the numbers.
    -Justin Roberts announces the rules.
    -2011 Royal Rumble Match: 1. C.M. Punk. The Corre come and surround the ring. They attack Punk. The New Nexus come down and both teams brawl. The Anonymous Raw GM sends a message for everyone to stop. He says everyone but Punk has to leave. A C.M. Punk chant goes out. 2. Daniel Bryan. They brawl. Back and forth. Bryan it’s a big dropkick as dueling chants go out. 3. Justin Gabriel. He attacks Punk. Bryan and Punk are both down. Gabriel misses a 450 splash. Bryan dumps him out. 4. Zack Ryder. He goes after both wrestlers in the ring, but gets hip tossed out by Bryan. 5. William Regal. He attacks both men hard. A Regal chant goes out. Regal slugs it out with Bryan. Punk then hits Regal. Bryan kicks both Punk and Regal. 6 Ted DiBiase comes out. This is Ted Jr. He knocks everyone in the ring down. He then tries to eliminate Punk. Bryan starts attacking Regal. 7. John Morrison. He attacks everyone in the ring. Morrison is then knocked to the outside, but he grabs the barricade and climbs on it as Regal is eliminated. Morrison jumps to the ring steps and comes back into the ring. 8. Yoshi Tatsu. 9. Husky Harris. He protects Punk and is attacked by Bryan and Morrison. 10. Chavo Guerrero. Guerrero does the three amigos to DiBiase, but gets cut off by Punk so he starts doing them to Punk. He is then cut off by Morrison, so he starts doing them to Morrison. He is then cut off by Bryan, so he starts doing them to Bryan. He is then attacked by Husky Harris. 11. Mark Henry. Guerrero attacks him. Henry catches him and dumps him over. Henry then eliminates Tatsu. Harris and Punk attack Henry. 12. JTG. 13 Michael McGillicutty. JTG eliminated by Bryan. DiBiase eliminated 14. Chris Masters. He goes after Punk but is attacked by McGillicutty. 15. David Otunga. Bryan is eliminated. Masters is eliminated. The New Nexus eliminates Morrison. They go after and eliminate Henry. 16. Tyler Reks. The New Nexus immediately attack and eliminate him. 17. Vladimir Kozlov. They attack and eliminate him. 18. R-Truth. Again, attack and eliminate. 19. The Great Khali. He eliminates Harris. 20. Mason Ryan. He attacks Khali and eliminates him. 21. Booker T. He comes out to a big pop. He attacks The New Nexus. He hits the Book End and does a spinnerooni, but then gets eliminated. 22. John Cena. He comes out determined. He eliminates all but Punk quickly. He and Punk then start to go at it. Back and forth. Double clothesline. 23. Hornswoggle. Punk hits him with a stiff kick. Punk goes to eliminate Cena, who switches it and eliminates Punk. 24. Tyson Kidd. He gets double teamed and both Cena and Hornswoggle hit the Attitude Adjustment on Kidd. He then gets eliminated. 25. Heath Slater. He gets the 10 knuckle shuffle and the tadpole splash and gets eliminated. 26. Kofi Kingston. He takes his time going down. He and Cena finally lock up. 27. Jack Swagger. He attacks everyone. Kingston attacks him while Hornswoggle has him distracted. 28. Sheamus. He takes down everyone. Hornswoggle attacks him. He goes after Hornswoggle, but gets attacked by Cena. Swagger attacks Cena and Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle. 29. Rey Misterio. He goes after everyone, but gets grounded by Sheamus. Misterio eliminates Swagger. 30. Wade Barrett. He and Cena go at it. Kingston gets Barrett down. 31. Dolph Ziggler. He goes after Cena and Kingston. Ziggler and Barrett try to eliminate Cena. 32. Diesel. He gets a huge pop coming out as he puts on his black glove. A Diesel chant goes out. He goes after everyone. 33. Drew McIntire. He and Sheamus go after Diesel. A let’s go, Diesel chant goes out. Misterio hits the 619 on Diesel. Payback for the lawn dart incident in WCW, perhaps? 34. Alex Riley. Barrett eliminates Diesel. The Miz joins commentary. 35. The Big Show. Big Show and Diesel have a stare down moment as they pass each other on the ramp. Big Show hits the ring and just goes through the competition. He eliminates Ziggler. Kingston and Cena eliminate Riley. 36. Ezekiel Jackson. Big Show eliminates McIntire. Jackson eliminates Big Show. Jackson clotheslines everyone. 37. Santino Marella. He goes after Jackson, who knocks him down and he slides out under the bottom rope. 38. Alberto Del Rio. He comes down being announced and comes out in a Bentley. He takes his time. 39. Randy Orton. He attacks Del Rio from behind on the way to the ring. He throws him into the stairs. He RKO’s several people. He eliminates Kingston and Sheamus. Orton and Cena circle each other. 40. Kane. He goes after Orton. Jackson clotheslines Kane who ducks as Jackson goes for another but gets eliminated. Misterio hurricanrana’s Kane out, but gets bumped out by Barrett. Barrett and Cena and Del Rio and Orton squaring off. Cena hits a gut wrench suplex to Barrett. Orton beats down Del Rio. Orton and Cena again circle each other and slug it out. Barrett breaks it up. Attitude Adjustment for Del Rio. Alex Riley comes back down and distracts Cena causing The Miz to jump in the ring and eliminate Cena. The Final three left to circle each other. Barrett and Del Rio double team Orton. Orton fighting back. Orton eliminates Barrett then gets eliminated by Del Rio. It looks like Del Rio has won. Marella climbs back in the ring. He crosses himself and then hits The Cobra on Del Rio. He goes to throws Del Rio out, but Del Rio reverses it and throws Marella out and is announced the winner. They review the ending before signing off from Boston.

    Episode 44 Notes Thu, 15 Oct 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 68dd6a32-5ee1-4206-8234-d495d51a4eea My Notes for Episode 44: Clash of the Champions IX. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions IX from the NWA and WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions IX: New York Knockout took place on November 15, 1989 from the RPI Field House, now the Houston Field House in Troy, New York. There were 4,000 fans in attendance and the shew did a 4.9 rating on TBS. The show was a bridge between Halloween Havoc and the Iron Man/Iron Team tournaments at Starrcade 1989.
    -Clash Opening Credits.
    -Terry Funk says he doesn’t want Flair’s belt, family, or money. He want’s Flairs pride.
    -Ric Flair says it’s not titles, women, or cars, its pride, integrity, and guts.
    -Jim Ross and Gordon Solie welcome us to the Clash. This is Gordon’s finest hour. They run down the night’s matches.
    -The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: The Freebirds had actually lost the World Tag Team Championship on November 1, but the match had not aired yet, so the Freebirds were introduced as the World Tag Team Champions. The crowd is hot for the Road Warriors as soon as their music hits. Crowd loves everything that the Road Warriors do. Freebirds suck chant goes out. They promote the Steiners/Freebirds match coming up on Saturday Night. It breaks down and they start brawling. Hawk throws the referee to the side for the disqualification. The crowd is booing the decision.
    -Gordon Solie tries to call the replay, but the machine must not be working, so he summarizes what happened for us.
    -Jim Ross interviews Gary Hart and Terry Funk. Funk says that he and Flair are a lot alike, but neither is a quitter.
    -Promo for Starrcade.
    -Jim Ross brings on Bill Apter, who presents Sting with the most popular wrestler of the NWA. He then presents Ric Flair with the Wrestler of the Decade award.
    -Woman has pre-recorded comments. She says with Doom, no one will stop her. She also says she has a large surprise for Rick Steiner. Gordon Solie says she is an evil person, but she sure is pretty.
    -Tommy Rich and Eddie Gilbert VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Woman: Announcers still pretend not to know who Doom are. Gilbert and Rich try to take Doom on with quickness. Doom uses power moves and size to take the advantage and control the tempo. They just nail Rich to get the pin.
    -Another Starrcade promo.
    -Jim Cornette interviews the Steiner Brothers. They announce officially that they have named their finisher the Frankensteiner. They say they aren’t afraid to take on any team. Steiners are still not good on promos yet.
    -The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton: Jim Cornette is in a “neutral” corner as he has been with both teams. A 900 hotline tag slips through without the disclosure that the line is no longer active. Cornette tells the referee that Lane pulled hair. Dudes have the advantage. Ross and Solie highlight upcoming events on the NWA calendar and as always highlight the Connecticut one. The crowd is solidly behind the Midnight Express as they just do not like the Dynamic Dudes. Eaton gets a chain as Cornette comes around the ring. Cornette gets the chain and nails Douglas with the racket so Eaton can pin him and the crowd goes wild even though it’s a heel move. The announcers saying that it was a trick by Cornette and the Midnight Express, but the crowd doesn’t care.
    -The Super Destroyer VS. Steve Williams: This is Jack Victory’s 4th Masked Mystery Man appearance at a Clash in 1989 as he was also Russian Assassin #2, The Blackmailer, and The Terrorist. Norman comes down to ringside dressed as Santa Claus. Williams just dominates the Super Destroyer. He slams him on a ringside table before finishing him with an Oklahoma Stampede.
    -The Skyscrapers Dan Spivey and Sid Vicious with Theodore Long VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: The Steiner Brothers had actually won the Tag Team Championship on November 1st, but the match would not air until the following Saturday, so they are not announced as the champions. Rick puts on Teddy Long’s hat, and the crowd chants peanut head at Long. The crowd is behind the Steiners solidly. Spivey hits a piledriver on Rick. Scott hits the Frankensteiner and a fall away slam on the Skyscrapers. The Skyscrapers then come back. It goes back and forth until Doom and Woman hit the ring. A bell rings. Woman hits Rick with her shoe, Rick then goes after her until her bodyguard Nitron makes his debut to protect her. Then the Road Warriors hit the ring and all four teams start to brawl. The Crowd loves it. During the match it is later determined, Sid Vicious punctures a lung and is replaced by Mark Callous soon after. This was to set up the Iron Team tournament at Starrcade, but because of the injury to Vicious, the SST take the place of the Skyscrapers at the event.
    -Jim Ross interviews the Road Warriors, Paul Ellering, and the Steiner Brothers. Starrcade is brought up, but all five say they have forged an alliance against the other teams until then.
    -Starrcade promo.
    -NWA United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Brian Pillman: The announcers talk about Luger’s chances at Starrcade. The crowd is split between the two competitors. The announcers talk about both men’s athletic backgrounds If You’re Drinking At Home. Great match between these two. Pillman gets a two count from a top rope dropkick. Pillman then takes Luger outside. Luger then takes over. Luger throws Pillman out. Luger struggles, but suplexes Pillman back inside the ring. They trade two counts. This is a really good match. Pillman hits a crossbody, but the referee is hit too. Pillman gets Luger down twice for a three count, but we don’t have a referee. Luger then gets Gary Michael Cappetta’ s chair and hits Pillman with it to get the pin as the referee recovers. Luger then beats Pillman with the chair. Sting comes to the ring. He tells Luger to bring it. Luger backs off and the crowd massively boos. Sting follows him to the back begging for Lex to try something.
    -Ric Flair has some prerecorded comments. He says Terry Funk has nothing to lose, but to Be the Man, You’ve Got to Beat the Man.
    -I Quit Match Terry Funk with Gary Hart VS. Ric Flair: Both men have promised to shake the other man’s hand and declare him the better man if they lose. Funk knocked outside early. Ric Flair then opens the Chop House early, but don’t worry, it’s staying open late for Funk. Solie and Ross talk about the spinning toe hold for Funk verses the figure four for Flair. The wrestlers fight over to where the announcers are at ringside and Solie steps away to avoid getting hit. They brawl outside the ring and down the aisle. Funk and Flair are just beating the hell out of each other. Hart is shoved out of the way by Flair and he looks genuinely pissed off about it. Solie utters the immortal line. Five Letters, Two Words, I Quit. Funk hits a big piledriver on Flair. Then he hits another one on Flair on the floor. They take turns using a table on each other. Flair again hits Hart. Flair starts to work on the leg for the figure four. Funk is being brutalized, but he fights being put into the figure four. Funk is then suplexed onto the apron. Flair then gets the figure four on back inside the ring. Funk is fighting it and risking a broken leg before giving into the tremendous pain and saying I Quit. A loud pop from the audience for that. Hart is Livid. Funk shakes Flair’s hand and says that Flair is the better man. The announcers are putting over Funk as a man with integrity and a man of his word. This match received a 5-star rating from Dave Meltzer.
    -Hart attacks Funk, so Flair attacks Hart. The Great Muta and The Dragon Master then attack Flair. Sting comes to Flair’s aid. Luger then comes down and hits Sting with a chair and goes after Flair. The faces are left lying on the mat. Luger breaks the trophies that were awarded earlier. Paramedics are called for Flair and Sting. The announcers recap the post-match brawl.
    -Final Starrcade Promo.
    -Jim Ross and Gordon Solie recap the night and put over Terry Funk’s integrity again before signing off from Troy.

    Episode 43 Notes Thu, 08 Oct 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 3b31627c-657c-4dcd-aafa-bafcc355f3a4 My Notes for Episode 43. -Today we look at Halloween Havoc 1989 from the NWA and WCW.
    -Halloween Havoc 1989: Settling the Score was shown on PPV on October 28, 1989 from the Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were 7,300 people in attendance.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us to Philadelphia. Gordon Solie announces that he will be interviewing different people tonight. Jim and Bob talk about Thunderdome. Chris Cruise says he will also be interviewing wrestlers.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta welcomes us and announces the participants for the first match:
    -Mike Rotunda VS. Tom Zenk: Slow to start. Feeling out process. Syracuse sucks chant goes out. Rotunda goes outside to play mind games with Zenk. They put together a nice string of moves. Rotunda keeps throwing Zenk out. Zenk gets a 2 count on a sunset flip. Rotunda has a head scissors on Zenk. Zenk thrown outside. Rotunda breaks the count to inflict more pain. He gets the abdominal stretch near the ropes and uses them for leverage. Rotunda hits a high crossbody, but Zenk rolls through to win.
    -Chris Cruise interviews Bruno Sammartino about his role as the referee in the main event. He says his role is to be the mediator as a ref and to stop it when the towel for one team is thrown.
    -Six Man Tag Match: The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton and Steve Williams with Jim Cornette VS. The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu and The Samoan Savage with The Big Kahuna Sir Oliver Humperdink: Humperdink is the new Samoan manager, replacing Paul E. Dangerously, who was fired by the SST at the last Clash and fired by WCW two days later after he incurred the wrath of booker Ric Flair over an interview he did. Ross says Humperdink is a long way from Wall Street, throwing some subtle shade toward the area. Ross then talks about the MX success in Philadelphia, since they won the world tag team titles there the year prior. He then covers the greatest hits of Williams’ college career if you’re drinking at home. Lane takes on the Samoan Savage. The faces have the early advantage. The teams then go back and forth. Williams cleans house and the fans love it. The Samoans take over. The crowd only seems to be into it when Williams comes in. Samoans throw Eaton out and injure him on the guardrail. It breaks down outside. Eaton continued to be punished back in the ring. The heels can’t get the three count though. Eaton gets the knees up when the Savage goes for the splash. Williams tagged in and does some damage. Lane then comes in. It breaks down. All 6 go at it. Humperdink climb’s up on the apron and Cornette climbs up to and hits him with the racket. Lane is pushed into Cornette and hits the racket and Savage pins Lane.
    -Gordon Solie talks to Gary Hart and Terry Funk. They say there is no quit in the J-Tex Corporation.
    -The Cuban Assassin VS. Tommy Rich: Assassin jumps Rich to start. Rich comes back. Tommy Rich sucks chant goes out. We are in Philly, folks. Caudle and Ross talk a lot about Cuba. They plug Starrcade during the match. Rich wins with the Thesz press.
    -Gordon Solie talks to The Fabulous Freebirds. They say they are always overlooked, but they are still the champions.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes VS. The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace with Jim Cornette: The Freebirds don’t have the belts when they come out. The Dynamic Dudes look good in this match. Freebirds selling big time. Freebird chant goes out. Even JR has to acknowledge it. Johnny Ace hits both Freebirds with a headlock/leg scissors combo and the crowd boos. You suck chant goes out at Johnny Ace. Hayes hits Ace with a right hand from the apron and the crowd cheers. Freebirds have become the fan favorites during the match with the crowd. DDT chant goes out. Hayes goes for it to a big pop, but Ace pushes him off. Dudes start a comeback to a chorus of boos. Dudes go for the Wipeout, but Hayes pulls Ace’s foot, allowing Garvin to fall on Douglas for the pin.
    -Chris Cruise interviews the Steiner Brothers. They say they have no strategy against Doom, it’s just reckless abandonment. Wow, is Scott Steiner not good on promos yet. Rick says if he gets Woman, he’s going to give it to her. OKAY.
    -The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Woman: Steiners jump Doom before the bell. The crowd loves the Steiners. Steiners are stiff with their shots. Doom takes over. Scott comes in and powers through. Back and forth. Announcers are trying to sell that they don’t know who Doom are. JR talks about the Steiners College Athletic careers if you’re drinking at home. Doom in control. Scott thrown out. Steiners powering back, but Scott is hit with a stuff piledriver. Scott then kicks out. Rick tagged in. Scott hits a Frankensteiner, and the crowd pops huge. The referee is distracted and Woman sneaks up and puts something in Reed’s mask, who then hits Rick and pins him.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Lex Luger, who is in full Lex Luger interview hand gestures mode. He says no more exhibitions for Brian Pillman, it’s all on the line tonight.
    -NWA United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Brian Pillman: Brian chant goes out even before he comes out. Then a Luger chant goes out. Philly fans are something else. Of course, JR will bring up both men’s athletic backgrounds even before they lock up so you will be drunk at home. Luger taunts Pillman, who fires up and the crowd loves Pillman. This is a good match between the two. Pillman controlling most of the match, but Luger is selling well. A couple of close pinning situations. Luger takes over. He wastes time and Pillman fights back. Luger misses a clothesline and goes outside. Crowd behind Pillman, they want a new champion. Luger hits a quick hot shot to pin Pillman.
    -Chris Cruise interviews The Road Warriors. They say people build skyscrapers, and people tear them down.
    -The Skyscrapers Dan Spivey and Sid Vicious with Theodore R. Long VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Crowd may like The Skyscrapers, especially Vicious, but they love The Road Warriors. Pure power match. Road Warriors use double team quick hits on Vicious, who no sells it. Hawk and Vicious just beat each other. Road Warriors do quick tags. Both Skyscrapers beat down Hawk. Hawk starts to fight back. Animal tagged in. It breaks down. Spivey hits Hawk with Long’s big key that he carries for the disqualification. Hawk gets the key and clears the ring.
    -Chris Cruise interviews Ric Flair, Sting, and Ole Anderson, who is the “designated Terminator” for the Main Event. Anderson says he won’t throw the towel in. Flair says this is the big time and he and Sting stand together.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta introduces special guest referee Bruno Sammartino who gets a nice pop.
    -Thunderdome Cage Match Main Event: The Great Muta and Terry Funk with Gary Hart VS. Ric Flair and Sting with Ole Anderson: Anderson and Hart are the “designated Terminators” who are the only ones who can stop the match by throwing the towel in. Part of the wrappings at the top of the cage catches fire and Muta sprays his mist to put it out. Flair and Funk go at it. Funk thrown on the floor. Sting runs Funk into the cage. Flair hits Funk and Muta. JR again throws shade by saying Sting has progressed more than his former partner in The Blade Runners, The Ultimate Warrior. Sting tries to push Muta through the cage. Flair opens up the Chop House on Funk. Flair and Funk battle on the cage. Muta and Sting also fighting on the cage. Muta gets shocked. Flair chops Funk who is hanging on the cage. Muta goes under the ring. Flair puts the figure four on Muta when he comes out. Funk tries to tie Sting to the cage. Muta puts Flair in a grapevine/face lock hold. He and Funk do a stuff piledriver on Flair. Sting hits Funk with a shoulder tackle from the cage. Flair puts Funk in the figure four. Sting hits him with a couple of splashes. Muta tries to chop Sammartino, who then punches Muta. Hart climbs up, but Anderson hits him and Hart’s towel goes flying into the ring and Sammartino calls the match for the faces.
    -The announcers explain what has happened. Bob Caudle surmises that things aren’t over between Flair and Funk. The announcers then review the night and push Starrcade again before signing off from Philadelphia.

    Episode 42 Notes Thu, 01 Oct 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2d05d2d6-42d2-44b4-b17f-69b4b6389732 My Notes for Episode 42. -RIP Road Warrior Animal.
    -Today we look at the Saturday Night’s Main Event from October of 1989 from the WWF.
    -SNME XXIII was broadcast on NBC on October 14, 1989. It was taped September 21, 1989 from the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    -Roddy Piper says he’s got Haku and his manager, Boobsy.
    -Randy Savage and Queen Sherri say long live the Macho King and Jimmy Snuka better get ready for the Kingdom of the Madness.
    -The Bushwhackers say The Rougeau Brothers are going to get a licking.
    -Ted DiBiase is with Zeus and DiBiase says that Zeus is the Million Dollar Insurance Policy against Hulk Hogan.
    -Hulk Hogan says that DiBiase has millions of dollars, but he’s got millions of Hulkamaniacs! I would personally rather have the money. Hogan says he and the Hulkamaniacs are going to stamp DiBiase and Zeus NSF!
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the 6th season of SNME. Jesse does some topical humor talking about Cincinnati being the gambling capital of the world in light of the Pete Rose scandal. Rose and Ventura would go on to be inducted into the same Hall of Fame class in the WWE in 2004. Check out Vince McMahon’s look to the camera.
    -They show the coronation of the Macho King, Randy Savage.
    -Jesse interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage says he is on a quest to be the greatest King the WWF has ever had. Long live the Kingdom of the Madness. Jesse says long live the King!
    -Randy Savage with Queen Sherri VS. Jimmy Snuka: Savage and Sherri come down carried on a throne.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Snuka. A rare Snuka interview. He says there is no king or queen over the Superfly.
    -Jesse says Snuka is one generation removed from cannibalism. Savage dominates early. He hits the double ax handle from the top rope onto Snuka on the outside. Sherri interferes, hitting and kicking and choking Snuka with her purse. Savage gets a 2 count. Snuka comes back. Savage does a great selling job. Sherri hands Savage her purse. Savage hits Snuka with it and pins him. He then goes to hit Snuka with the flying elbow, but Snuka moves. Snuka then slams Savage. Snuka goes for the Superfly, but Sherri covers the Macho King begging Snuka not to jump. So he jumps down to chase them both away.
    -Flashback to the times that Zeus and Hulk Hogan have met.
    -Jesse interviews Ted DiBiase and Zeus. DiBiase says with Zeus in his corner, Money will talk and Hogan will walk. McMahon built up Zeus well.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. They do a rundown of the previous meetings. He keeps calling DiBiase the Multi-Million Dollar Man. He then does a lot of money related puns. They call this the Million Dollar Match.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Ted DiBiase with Zeus. Zeus grabs Hogan’s ankle early. Hogan keeps being distracted by Zeus. He keeps interfering. Crowd is really into Hogan. Jake Roberts comes out. This is building on the Roberts/DiBiase feud that has been brewing since summer. Hogan gets a two count. Virgil comes out from the back and grabs the bag that holds Damien and takes off. Roberts follows. DiBiase takes over. Both men knocked down at one point. Hogan starts a comeback. Zeus hits him. DiBiase hits a knee from the top rope, but Hogan kicks out of the pin attempt at two and comes back. Zeus comes in and holds Hogan for DiBiase to hit, but Hogan ducks and DiBiase hits Zeus. Hogan rolls DiBiase up for the pin. Zeus then wants a one on one matchup between himself and Hogan. DiBiase attacks Hogan from behind and tells Zeus to break Hogan’s neck. Even for a late night timeslot, this is still surprising coming from the WWF at this time. Zeus wrenches Hogan’s neck. DiBiase then applies the Million Dollar Dream to Hogan. Roberts comes back with Damien so the heels bail.
    -Flashback to the problems Rick Rude and Roddy Piper have had with each other.
    -Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and Haku. They say Piper is going to pay for what he did to Rick Rude at SummerSlam and they are going to have fun doing it.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. Typical Piper interview. He does a somewhat topical interview saying he’s going to make hurricane Hugo look like a summer breeze.
    -Roddy Piper VS. Haku with Bobby Heenan: Piper comes to the ring looking determined. Haku attacks before the bell and they trade shots in and out of the ring. McMahon says it’s a brawl, Piper style. Piper goes after Heenan at one point. Haku takes over. He misses a splash and Piper comes back. He wins after a belly to belly suplex. That’s #1 of the Heenan Family, Piper says later.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Zeus. DiBiase is tired of seeing and hearing about Jake Roberts. He says this time he will get the job done and get rid of Roberts once and for all. Zeus then says that Hulk Hogan won’t have anything to be thankful for at the Survivor Series.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Rick Martel and Slick. Martel says he carried the Strike Force team. Slick says they’ve got the manpower to get things done.
    -Tito Santana VS. Rick Martel with Slick and the members of the Survivor Series Team Martel is going to be on. The Twin Towers and The Honky Tonk Man. Jive Soul Bro is such a great song. Mean Gene interviews Tito Santana. He says actions speak louder than words when it comes to his response, but I’m distracted by the Tito Santana t-shirt he is wearing. It has a cartoonish picture of Tito on it and there is something wrong with the hair. Santana comes to the ring alone, when Jesse says that’s a stupid move, Santana waves to the back and his team for Survivor Series comes down: Dusty Rhodes, Brutus Beefcake, and The Red Rooster. Santana has an early advantage. He gets an early two count. Santana hits the flying forearm, but Slick gets on the apron. Then all the men climb up onto the apron. Another referee comes down and they restore order. Santana gets thrown outside. Back in, even paced match. Martel gets the Boston Crab on, but Santana gets to the ropes. Martel gets posted after Santana shakes the ropes. Santana get the figure four on, but Slick gets on the apron again. Then Dusty Rhodes and The Big Boss Man come in. Then all 8 men start going at it. The bout is ruled a double disqualification.
    -Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. He says this is just the beginning for the Heenan Family. But you need the Heenan Family, because the buzzards have to eat too.
    -The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Mean Gene interviews The Bushwhackers. They say they are going to take care of the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers once and for all. Jesse calls them the marching morons. Bushwhackers corner Jimmy Hart after the Rougeaus are thrown outside. A tug of war with Hart leaves him pants less and he has the fleur-de-lis on his underwear. He then runs to the back. The Rougeau Brothers have the advantage. Jacques then hits Raymond accidently. Then Luke Williams comes in. They hit the battering ram and get the pin.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. He says Ted DiBiase, the Multi-Million Dollar Man and Zeus need to be stopped. Again with the Multi-Million Dollar Man stuff. Geez. He then says his team at the Survivor Series will wipe them out.
    -Vince and Jesse then talk about the Hulk Hogan injury and sign off from Cincinnati.

    Episode 41 Notes Thu, 24 Sep 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7f322b26-2cff-4769-a1b3-454409edf083 My Notes for Episode 41. -Today we look at the Saturday Night’s Main Event from October 1985.
    -SNME #2 was shown on NBC on October 5, 1985. It was recorded October 3, 1985 from the Brendon Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. It got an 8.3 rating on NBC and there were 8,000 in attendance.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund is with Fred Blassie and Nikolai Volkoff. Volkoff says he’s going to beat Hulk Hogan for the title and is going to take the belt back to Russia.
    -Hulk Hogan says rest easy. Volkoff is no threat to him or America.
    -Mean Gene is with Hillbilly Jim and Uncle Elmer. They are trying to make sure that everything is ready for the wedding and the reception tonight. Roddy Piper comes in and asks if Elmer is going to marry a pig.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us to SNME and runs down that night’s show before bringing in Jesse Ventura. This is prime 70’s-early 80’s Vince with a notwithstanding and then from there in his vocabulary. Jesse is not interested in love, just in the wrestling. The wedding has no business in wrestling he says.
    -WWF Championship Match/Flag Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Nikolai Volkoff with Fred Blassie: Volkoff does the Russian Anthem gimmick to start. Hogan talks to Mean Gene. He says the Russian Flag is too much so he’s bringing Old Glory. Hogan stealing Jim Duggan’s gimmick and he comes to the ring to Stars & Stripes Forever. Interesting. Hogan is also in all white. Volkoff attacks at the beginning and wraps Hogan’s shirt around his neck. Hogan comes back. He hits a big clothesline. A right hand finally knocks Volkoff down. A big boot knocks Volkoff out onto the timekeepers table. Hogan runs Volkoff into one post, but Volkoff knocks him off of another one. Back in, Volkoff concentrates on the back. Hogan knocked down and then Volkoff raises Hogan over his head and then delivers a big backbreaker. Volkoff yells at the crowd instead of going for the cover. Big Irish whip to Hogan into the corner buckle. Hogan reverses a backbreaker attempt. Volkoff concentrating on Hogan’s throat. He gets a two count. Hogan hulks up. He hits several big shots. Volkoff misses a corner charge. Leg drop and a three count. Hogan grabs the Soviet Flag and shines his shoes with it before throwing it down and spitting on it.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says if Volkoff didn’t get the message, they can go at it again. He then says that he is excited for the wedding and excited that Mean Gene is going to be playing the organ.
    -They show Joyce getting ready for the wedding and Jesse wonders if the dress is off white.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Hillbillies about Uncle Elmer’s Match and Wedding. Elmer says that he isn’t worried at all.
    -Uncle Elmer with Cousin Junior and Hillbilly Jim VS. Jerry Valiant: Music Dub City as Uncle Elmer comes down. The Hillbillies do some dancing before the match. Valiant pushes Elmer who slams him and pins him. It’s over real quick. They say that 6 seconds is the recorded time. The Hillbillies dance again. They show the old record: King Kong Bundy at WrestleMania, which was about 24 seconds, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story, am I right?
    -Mean Gene interviews The Hillbillies again. Elmer says Valiant shouldn’t have even taken his clothes off.
    -Brandon Tartikoff and Arnold Schwarzenegger are shown in the crowd.
    -The Body Shop with Jesse Ventura: Ventura’s version of Piper’s Pit. Jesse is in the ring for this and his guest is Bobby Heenan. They talk about Paul Orndorff firing Heenan on national television. They then talk about the bounty that Heenan has on Orndorff being raised to $50,000. Heenan says it would be his pleasure to give that money to Roddy Piper if he takes out Orndorff.
    -Mean Gene talks to Paul Orndorff. Orndorff says nobody is man enough to take him out, especially Roddy Piper. He heads to the ring.
    -Mean Gene then talks to Roddy Piper. Piper says he came to get rid of Orndorff and get $50,000 and if he gets rid of Orndorff and Bobby Heenan doesn’t pay him, he’ll rip his throat out too. He says if Uncle Elmer gets married, there may be more Uncle Elmer’s running around and Mean Gene acts like he gets physically ill.
    -Paul Orndorff VS. Roddy Piper: Piper is played out by a bagpipe group. Bobby Heenan comes out and shows the briefcase of money. They slug it out to begin. Piper with the early advantage slamming Orndorff down on the canvas. Back and forth. They are brawling. It goes to the outside and they throw chairs and hit each other with the table. Back in, Orndorff hits an elbow from the top and then a German suplex. Piper does a classic eye poke. Piper goes for a splash, but Orndorff gets his knees up. A body press by Orndorff and they both spill outside. They both get counted out and brawl to the back. Piper gets to his dressing room door and Orndorff tries to get in but can’t.
    -It is time for the wedding. This is a train wreck, and I am an authority on train wrecks.
    -Mean Gene is shown “playing” the organ. Joyce comes down. Jesse is classic here culminating with his “two carp on the Mississippi” line. Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan hold the ring ropes for Joyce to step in. Andre is in wrestling trunks and Hogan is in jeans, boots, a tuxedo shirt with the arms cut out, and a bowtie. Classy. Jesse can hardly keep it together watching the wedding. Someone throws something from the crowd and it hits Joyce but she continues with her vows. Elmer struggles to put Joyce’s ring on and he says he can’t hear the official. Jesse is now laughing openly. Roddy Piper comes out to break up the ceremony because he says there is no room for romance in wrestling. Hulk Hogan starts to leave to go after Piper, but Piper leaves. They are announced as married and Jesse delivers his famous line.
    -They show the barnyard dressed up for the reception.
    -Mean Gene interviews Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, and Bobby Heenan. They say that it is time to put the end to Andre the Giant.
    -Andre the Giant and Tony Atlas with Lou Albano VS. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy with Bobby Heenan: Flashback to Bundy and Studd attacking Andre. Andre and Bundy start. Andre with the advantage. Andre attacking Bundy and choking him with the strap of his singlet. Atlas tagged in. Bundy takes over but misses an elbow. Studd tagged in. Back and Forth. Atlas misses a dropkick. Studd takes over but Andre grabs him and hits a headbutt. Bundy comes in and splashes Atlas. Atlas tags Andre. Andre and Studd square off. A choke and a big boot by Andre and Studd falls outside of the ring and Bundy goes after Andre. Bundy hits the avalanche in the corner on Andre. The bell rings as Andre comes back against both heels. They double team Andre. Hogan comes down to help Andre. The heels retreat.
    -Mean Gene comes into the ring to interview Hulk Hogan. He said that Tony Atlas and Andre had things handled, but the heels double teamed them and he had to help.
    -They show Mean Gene and George Steele at the zoo.
    -Mean Gene talks to the Dream Team. They show footage of them winning the titles. They say they will take on anyone at any time. Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda are shown in the crowd.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Dream Team Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine with Johnny V VS. Tony Garea and Lanny Poffo: Poffo and Beefcake start and Poffo is in control. Valentine comes in and breaks things up. Beefcake gets a two count. Garea tagged in. A flying body press by Garea gets a two count. Valentine tagged in. He gets Garea down and gets the figure four on him for the submission.
    -Uncle Elmer and Joyce’s wedding reception. Jesse is busy writing a poem. Lanny Poffo recites his own poem for the couple. Hillbilly Jim gives a toast to the couple. They bring in Tiny Tim. He presents a ukulele to the couple. Jesse finally recites his poem.
    “There’s always a place in life for love,
    A place for the lilies, a place for the doves.
    There’s always a time in life to care,
    A time to cuddle and a time to share.
    Yes, a time and a place for everything,
    A time to dance and a time to sing.
    Now I’ve seen your dance, and I’ve heard your song,
    And I must tell you…that this is WRONG!!!!
    That wrestling is a deadly dance, and is no partner to romance.
    And shame on those who ever did mix,
    Wrestling and romance just for these hicks!
    -Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff go after Jesse, who backs away and gets tripped by Hillbilly Jim and falls into the cake.
    -They say that King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd have accepted the challenge of Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant for the next SNME.
    -Vince signs off from New Jersey.

    Episode 40 Notes Thu, 17 Sep 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a5ec9f0b-a65c-4e56-98b5-a57c36901341 My notes for episode 40. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions VIII from the NWA and WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions VIII: Fall Brawl ’89 took place on September 12, 1989 from the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, South Carolina. There were 2,600 people in attendance and the show did a 4.7 rating on TBS. This show was used to build to the first ever Halloween Havoc PPV in October.
    -Clash Opening Credits and Theme.
    -Flashback to the end of the Great American Bash PPV.
    -Jim Ross and Jim Cornette are your announcers for the evening. They talk about rumors that have come up about Gary Hart’s camp.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Gary Hart. He denies that there are any problems with his group.
    -The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Animal goes wild on the SST to begin. SST roll out and Animal follows them. The Road Warriors dominating early. Hawk hits the post at one point. SST then come back. Hawk finally tags and Animal cleans house. The Road Warriors get Paul E.’s phone and hit the SST with it then hit the Doomsday Device for the win. Ellering then destroys the phone. The SST then leave Paul E. behind.
    -Halloween Havoc promo.
    -The Cuban Assassin VS. Tom Zenk: This is Z-Man’s WCW debut match. A little sloppy, but a good outing by Zenk. He wins with the sleeper.
    -Governor Carroll Campbell announces its Ric Flair day in South Carolina. He also uses the term “Sports Entertainment”.
    -Ranger Ross VS. Sid Vicious with Teddy Long and Dan Spivey: Vicious throws Ross out, then back in again. Vicious hits a DDT, then a whirlybird, then a powerbomb to win the match. Just brutal.
    -A feature on Robin Green and Missy Hyatt going shopping.
    -Gordon Solie interviews The Fabulous Freebirds. They are sick and tired of getting no respect.
    -Another Halloween Havoc promo.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott with Missy Hyatt and Robin Green: This is the Steiner Brothers’ first ever shot at a world tag-team title. The crowd digs the Steiners. Hayes and Scott have some awkward opening moments. The Steiner Brothers dominate early. It looks like they are going to dominate the entire match. Rick hits the corner post at one point and the Freebirds take over. Garvin hits a DDT. Garvin gets some close pin attempts. Scott gets tagged in and hits Frankensteiners on both Freebirds. Scott gets whipped into the ropes and gets tripped and Hayes hits the DDT for the pin. Scott points at Robin Green and Rick points at Missy Hyatt. It was later revealed to be Robin Green, who would later go on to manage Doom in a feud with the Steiner Brothers.
    -Norman the Lunatic with Teddy Long VS. Brian Pillman: Norman jumps Pillman before the bell. Pillman hits a suplex then does a clothesline from the top rope then a crossbody onto Norman on the outside. Norman then comes back. Norman hits the outside post after Pillman moves. Pillman hits a dropkick from the top rope then Pillman wins with a crucifix.
    -Gordon Solie then talks to Gary Hart, who says Terry Funk is in the building.
    -Mike Rotunda VS. Steve Williams: They start brawling immediately and then trade the advantage. Rotunda uses the ropes for leverage. Rotunda then attacks the eyes with his fingers. Williams makes a comeback. Rotunda misses a charge. Williams goes for a slam. Rotunda holds onto the ropes. The referee sees this and kicks Rotunda’s hand away and Williams rolls through for the pin. Rotunda attacks after the pin.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Lex Luger. He is a classic heel here. And he says he is the showpiece of the NWA.
    -Another Halloween Havoc promo.
    -NWA United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Tommy Rich: Rich looks to be in tremendous shape here and Luger is at the top of his game. Cornette runs down Rich’s accomplishments. They keep talking about Gary Hart and Terry Funk to explain what is going to happen during the Main Event. Rick goes for several quick pins. Luger comes back. Rich won’t give up. Luger can’t get a pin. Luger misses a clothesline and goes outside. Rich still won’t stay down. Luger hits a superplex. Rich comes back and gets several two counts Luger hits a hangman and pins Rich while Luger is through the ropes. He literally falls on Rich to pin him.
    -Gordon Solie again interviews Gary Hart, who has a certified letter from a doctor about Funk. They then show a video of Funk taken a few days prior from a hospital bed. This is a legitimate injury that Funk had suffered.
    -Gordon Solie then talks to Ric Flair and Sting. They are ready for whoever tonight and no matter what, they are not backing down.
    -Main Event: The Great Muta and Dick Slater with Gary Hart VS. Ric Flair and Sting: Flair and Sting are accompanied by two women who look like they would rather be anywhere else other than where they are. The announcers talk about all of the bad blood between all of the competitors. Sting with the advantage over Muta starting out. Flair comes in and opens the chop house on Muta. Slater comes in doing his best Terry Funk impersonation. Flair hits the over the top rope up top spot so drink them if you got them. All four brawl outside. Sting has the advantage as they come back in. Slater and Flair going at each other hard. Slater hits a reverse neckbreaker. Flair brutalized outside the ring. Double team on Sting. Sting hits the splash on Muta. Hart hits Sting with a roll of coins as he goes to put the Scorpion Deathlock on Muta. Muta then gets a two count. They can’t get Sting down. It goes back outside. Sting reverses a Slater piledriver. Flair keeps the Chop House open late. All four start brawling again. Muta gets disqualified when he sprays yellow mist in Sting’s face. Slater hits Flair with his cast, busting him open. Terry Funk then comes in and ties a plastic bag over Flair’s head. The announcers and many critics of wrestling and decency went crazy over this piece of business. Sting’s leg gets hit with the branding iron. The heels are officially disqualified. A lot is going on. They show Flair being worked on and they say that Brian Pillman came out and performed CPR on Flair. The credits roll as they sign off from Columbia.

    Episode 39 Notes Thu, 10 Sep 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 3e6200a6-4974-4e26-ba25-ddbf8f957ae1 My notes for SummerSlam 89 -Today we look at SummerSlam ’89 from the WWF.
    -SummerSlam ’89 was shown on PPV on August 28, 1989 from the Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. There were 20,000 people in attendance.
    -We get Tony Schiavone tell us that all the excitement of the World Wrestling Federation have found the Meadowlands at SummerSlam. The wait, the anticipation is over, now it’s time to Feel the Heat.
    -Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to SummerSlam and Jesse threatens Tony to not get out of line with him. They give a brief rundown of the night.
    -Opening Credits.
    -The Hart Foundation Jim Neidhart and Bret Hart VS. The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan: The Brain Busters are the tag champs, but this is a non-title match as it was signed before the Brain Busters had won the titles. Tony and Jesse argue about that for a bit. Blanchard doing some classic selling. Hart Foundation have the early advantage. Weasel Chant goes out. Hart Foundation continue to dominate. Brain Busters start to make a comeback. Anderson goes to the outside, Bret Hart gives him double middle fingers. Weasel chant goes out again. Back and Forth. Brain Busters take over. Neidhart and Anderson collide and both go down at one point. Hart comes in and dominates. Blanchard and Hart are the legal men. Neidhart slams Hart onto Blanchard. Neidhart then goes after Heenan, allowing Anderson to hit Hart and cover him while hiding his head so the referee counts the pin thinking it’s Blanchard.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Dusty Rhodes, making his WWF PPV debut. He’s taking on The Honky Tonk Man, but has a police hat and nightstick as he’s about to start a feud with The Big Boss Man. This is classic Dusty Rhodes, who took those polka dots and got them over.
    -The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart VS. Dusty Rhodes: Rhodes has a great theme and is over with the crowd. Rhodes messes up HTM’s hair at one point. Hart interferes and Rhodes goes after him. HTM hits Rhodes with the megaphone for a two count. Jesse tells us it’s whether you win or lose, it ain’t how you play the game. Rhodes fighting back. HTM almost puts him out with the sleeper. Rhodes comes back. Referee gets knocked out. Hart goes to hit Rhodes with the guitar. He ducks and HTM gets hit. Rhodes drops the elbow for the pin.
    -Sean Mooney interviews HTM, who thinks he’s Elvis because of the guitar shot. Mooney has a classic line: If The Honky Tonk Man thinks Jimmy Hart is Pricilla Presley, they’re a long ways from Graceland.
    -Mean Gene interviews Demolition and King Duggan. All three are wearing face paint. You don’t get to see Duggan’s, because he has a Jason style Hockey Mask on. It’s a weird visual. They talk about the 6-man tag match they’ve got coming up.
    -Mr. Perfect VS. The Red Rooster: Short match, but there are some nice moves during it. Perfect hits a standing dropkick. It goes to the outside. Perfect wins with the Perfectplex.
    -Survivor Series advertisement.
    -Mean Gene interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan about The Ultimate Warrior. This is the infamous Mean Gene “Fuck it” blooper. Warrior promised he would get his title back. Rude says promises are made to be broken just like arms, legs, and necks. Heenan says rules are also made to be broken and if they have to, they will.
    -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty and Tito Santana VS. The Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond and Rick Martel with Jimmy Hart and Slick: This is the brief time that Slick was managing Martel. Faces come in and triple Team which makes the heels and Jesse mad. Back and forth match. Heels have the advantage. Jacques hits a nice dropkick. Tito chant goes out. Michaels and Martel both tagged in. All 6 men brawl inside before Martel pins Jannetty in the confusion even though Michaels is the legal man.
    -Flashback to everything that has happened between The Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude leading up to their match.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. I don’t think decaf would help here. Standard Warrior promo. It’s for the kids though.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warrior. Rude does his pre match spiel. Jesse mentions Rude winning The Jesse the Body Award If You’re Drinking At Home. Jesse then calls Warrior a nut. Your mileage may vary. Warrior throws Rude outside the ring and follows him outside the ring. Jesse is irate. Warrior hits Rude with the belt and Jesse says that should be a disqualification. Tony says its outside and Jesse give the classic retort that so what you’re saying you can shoot someone outside the ring as long as it’s outside the ring? This is brilliant commentary. Warrior is the fan favorite and Jesse is the Heel Commentator, but Jesse is right here. Rude is selling like crazy for the Warrior. Crowd loves Warrior. Rude comes back, but Warrior breaks out of the Rude Awakening. Rude is by far Warriors best opponent. Both men and the ref are down at one point. Warrior hits a piledriver on Rude for a two count. Rude gets the knees up when Warrior goes for the splash. Rude gets a piledriver for a two count. The fans see Roddy Piper come out before it’s shown on camera and they go nuts. Rude goes over to jaw jack with Piper, who moons him. Warrior hits the shoulder tackle. Then he does the military press and splash for the pin. The Crowd goes crazy.
    -Sean Mooney is in the crowd doing a report and they are loving it.
    -Mean Gene talks to Mr. Perfect, who says The Red Rooster was a stepping stone on his way to the top. Mean Gene then talks to Roddy Piper, who is seriously going 1,000 MPH. He says everybody’s got to pay the Piper, including Rude. Mean Gene then introduces Ronnie Garvin, who’s dressed up for his “Special Assignment” storyline, he’s interrupted by Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. Heenan and Rude are irate at Piper.
    -After the promos, they take an intermission here.
    -Mean Gene narrates what led up to the main event. Slightly clipped as they take out about 10 seconds of No Holds Barred footage.
    -The Twin Towers Akeem and The Big Boss Man and Andre The Giant with Slick and Bobby Heenan VS. Demolition Ax and Smash and Jim Duggan: We see the face paint on Duggan. This is a big man power match. Faces in control to begin. Heels come back. Andre wants to be there so badly, but can’t do much at this point. Smash slams Akeem and Boss Man before being stopped by Andre. Duggan hits Akeem with the 2X4 and Smash covers him to win. Duggan sure did cheat a lot for a face.
    -Another Survivor Series promo.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. He says Jimmy Snuka will end up like Jake Roberts, another statistic for the Million Dollar Man.
    -The Fink introduces special ring announcer Ronnie Garvin, he’s announcing Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart VS. Hercules: Garvin puts down Valentine during his introduction to a big pop. Valentine is distracted early by Garvin. Valentine wins with his feet on the ropes. Garvin keeps saying Hercules won. Valentine knocks Garvin down so he punches Valentine.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage, Zeus, and Sensational Sherri. This is the famous Cauldron of Madness promo. It should come out Hokey but somehow, it works here.
    -Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. Jimmy Snuka: DiBiase mentions that he ended the career of Jake Roberts to further their feud since Roberts is out having neck surgery. Snuka takes the early advantage. Jesse compares Snuka to an animal. DiBiase hits a stun gun to gain control. Snuka then mounts a comeback. He goes for the Superfly, but Virgil distracts him. Snuka then gets counted out. He attacks DiBiase and Virgil afterwards and hits the Superfly on Virgil.
    -Sean Mooney gives another report from the cheap seats.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. Classic Hogan interview talking about Hanging and Banging, parting the Hudson River, riding Harleys and the like.
    -The Genius reads a poem about the main event.
    -Randy Savage and Zeus with Sensational Sherri VS. Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake with Miss Elizabeth: It takes a long time to get this one started. Then Miss Elizabeth comes out to a big pop. All four brawl to begin. Hogan can’t hurt Zeus. Savage will be doing the heavy lifting of the match. They restrict Zeus to power moves. He keeps Hogan in a bear hug. Hogan fights back. Beefcake comes in and he has some quick offense and puts the sleeper on Savage. Savage then hits Beefcake with Sherri’s purse. It breaks down in and out of the ring at one point. Hogan gets tagged in. Big boot knocks Savage out of the ring. Hogan no sells a Savage Flying Elbow. Hogan knocks Zeus to one knee. Liz knocks Sherri into the ring. Hogan hits Zeus with Sherri’s loaded purse. He hits the leg drop and pins Zeus. Liz then hits Sherri with the purse. Beefcake cuts off Sherri’s weave that was clearly put in to be cut off. Hogan and company must pose. Jesse says the Hulkamaniacs can stick it. They do a final push for Survivor Series before signing off from the Meadowlands.

    Episode 38 Notes Thu, 03 Sep 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 07eb2d41-ea28-4e61-b784-2a8a9ff9e3a2 My Notes for Episode 38. -We are back. I missed recording weekly.
    -Marty Jannetty-Did he go off the deep end or what?
    -Bullet Bob Armstrong
    -Today we look at the July 1989 Saturday Night’s Main Event from the WWF.
    -Saturday Night’s Main Event XXII was shown on NBC on July 29, 1989. It was taped July 18, 1989 from the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, Mass.
    -Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri say we are invited to a barbecue where he is going to cook the world’s biggest hot dog, Brutus Beefcake.
    -Brutus Beefcake says he’s giving Randy Savage his summer special cut.
    -The Brain Busters and Bobby Heenan say they are going to celebrate winning the tag team titles tonight.
    -Demolition says that it’s heating up and they sometimes lose their cool, but they always keep their heads, and their championships.
    -The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart say after the summer comes the fall, Hulk Hogan’s fall. Hogan should get ready to face the music.
    -Hulk Hogan says the only music playing after his match will be Real American.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to a special bonus summer edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event.
    -They show a video of HTM’s “Greatest Hits”.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. He says a bunch of cliché Elvis lyrics and says he’s going to be the next WWF Champion.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He knows that he has a lot of things standing in his way, but the WWF Championship is his #1 priority.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart. HTM tries to strike with the guitar early, but he misses. Hogan punches HTM down the aisle, Hart jumps on Hogan’s back. Hogan smashes Hart in the corner, then beats down HTM before taking his shirt off. HTM distracts Hogan, so Hart can hit him from behind. Hogan fights back. HTM hits the shake, rattle, and roll. Hogan kicks out. He fights back and hits the big boot. HTM falls out, Hogan blasts him with the guitar. Leg drop and pin. Hogan must pose, even during a commercial break as he does here. Jesse calls him a camera hog. He’s still there when Ronnie Garvin, who is the special guest referee for the next match, comes in. They shake hands.
    -They show footage of Ronnie Garvin losing the “retirement match” to Greg Valentine and then becoming a referee. They then show figurehead president Jack Tunney saying if Garvin keeps hitting wrestlers, he’ll be suspended from being a referee.
    -Greg Valentine VS. Jimmy Snuka: Ronnie Garvin is the special guest referee. Valentine in control early. Snuka coming back. Snuka knocked outside by Valentine, who keeps interrupting Garvin’s count by hitting Snuka as he comes back in. Garvin and Valentine get into a shoving match. Garvin punches Valentine and Jesse goes ballistic. Snuka hits the Superfly to win.
    -Video of Brutus Beefcake and Sensational Sherri on The Brother Love Show. Randy Savage attacks Beefcake and cuts his hair.
    -Jesse interviews Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri. Savage says Beefcake insulted Sherri and Savage had to cut Beefcake’s hair. The match tonight is for Savage because he wants Hulk Hogan to recognize him as the #1 contender. Savage then says he has a surprise for tonight.
    -Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says it’s Scary Sherri and that he’s a cut above the rest.
    -Randy Savage with Sensational Sherri VS. Brutus Beefcake: Beefcake takes out the clippers to keep everyone away to start. Beefcake goes after Sherri. He gets cut off by Savage. Both men have their working shoes on tonight. Savage is good as usual but Beefcake also really working hard. Savage puts Sherri between him and Beefcake when it goes outside. Sherri is so good at her job as this is the era when she is doing her best work. There are some close two counts. Sherri takes a nylon off to choke Beefcake with it. Sherri holds Beefcake, who ducks and Savage takes Sherri out. Crowd has been into this match. Savage back dropped out of the ring. He sends Sherri to the back to get Zeus. The match continues. Zeus comes to ringside. Beefcake puts the sleeper on Savage as Zeus comes into the ring. He attacks Beefcake for the disqualification, then puts the bear hug on him. Hulk Hogan comes to the ring. His attack does nothing to Zeus, who then bear hugs Hogan. All four start brawling. Hogan hits Zeus with a chair, but can’t drop him. The heels finally leave.
    -Jesse interviews Savage, Sherri, and Zeus. They say Hogan will rue the day that he stepped into the cauldron of madness. He and Zeus definitely need decaf.
    -Two out of Three Falls match for the WWF World Tag Team Championship: Demolition Ax and Smash VS. The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan: They flashback to the last SNME match between the two teams.
    -Mean Gene interviews Demolition. This is going to be their greatest victory. It’s D-Day.
    -Demolition have cool music, even 30 years later.
    -First Fall: Blanchard bounces around for both members of Demolition. Brain Busters double teaming. Demolition do some double teaming of their own. Back and forth. Anderson hits his patented spinebuster. Smash hits a stun gun on Anderson to get the first fall.
    -Second Fall: Demolition still in control. Brain Busters coming back. Heenan gets run into the corner post and taken out. Demolition does the Demolition decapitation on Blanchard, but won’t get out of the ring, so the Brain Busters win the second fall by disqualification. Andre The Giant comes to ringside.
    -Third Fall: Even paced to start. Blanchard and Smash both tagged in. Referee gets distracted and Andre throws a chair in. Blanchard hits Smash with it. Anderson covers him for the pin and we have new champions.
    -Jesse is in the Heenan Family locker room. Rick Rude and Haku are there and there is much celebration when the Brain Busters and Bobby Heenan get back.
    -Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan. They say they don’t have to justify to Mean Gene their actions. They don’t know what is going to happen coming up. It gets dark at one point with Beefcake saying he’s willing to bring the whole building down.
    -Vince and Jesse close the show and say goodnight from Worcester.

    Episode 37 Notes Thu, 27 Aug 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] e6eea1af-0d93-4a83-96bd-1a0ece6a39c0 My Notes for Episode 37. -Hulk Hogan on RAW in 1993 still saying Multi-Million Dollar Man.
    -Today we look at the first WrestleMania from the WWF.
    -WrestleMania was shown on closed circuit and limited PPV on March 31, 1985 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 19,121 in attendance. The event was seen by over one million viewers through closed-circuit television, making it the largest pay-per-view showing of a wrestling event on closed-circuit television in the United States at the time. A technical glitch ended the closed circuit broadcast early into the showing at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To appease angry fans who pelted the screen with garbage, WrestleMania was broadcast in its entirety on local ABC affiliate WTAE-TV two weeks later.
    -During the 1980s, World Wrestling Federation's (WWF, now WWE) main competition in the professional wrestling industry was from Jim Crockett Promotions. Vince McMahon countered Jim Crockett's successful Starrcade annual events, which began airing in 1983, by creating the WrestleMania franchise.
    -For the first WrestleMania, McMahon began cross promoting with MTV, which aired two wrestling specials. The first one was The Brawl to End It All, aired on July 23, 1984, in which a match from a live Madison Square Garden broadcast was shown on MTV. Wendi Richter, allied with Cyndi Lauper, defeated The Fabulous Moolah, backed by Lou Albano, to win the WWF Women's Championship on the card. At The War to Settle the Score, which aired on February 18, 1985, Leilani Kai, accompanied by Moolah, defeated Richter, again accompanied by Lauper, to win the Women's Championship. Aside from Lauper, other celebrities also appeared during the buildup to and at the event; most notably Muhammad Ali, Liberace (with The Rockettes), and Major League Baseball manager Billy Martin all appeared during the main event.
    -WrestleMania would become considered the WWF's flagship event. It has since become the longest-running professional wrestling event in history and is held annually between mid-March to mid-April. WrestleMania would eventually be described as the Super Bowl of sports entertainment.
    -The card consisted of nine matches. Three championships were defended at WrestleMania: the WWF Women's Championship, WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship and the WWF World Tag Team Championship. Prior to the event, Greg Valentine had feuded with Tito Santana over the Intercontinental belt. Valentine defeated Santana on September 24, 1984 for the championship. Mike Rotunda and Barry Windham won the WWF Tag Team Championship three months before WrestleMania from the team of Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch.
    -In the months leading up to the first WrestleMania, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper began a talk-show segment on WWF television entitled "Piper's Pit". On one episode of the show, he hit Jimmy Snuka over the head with a coconut, leading to a feud between the two men. As part of the storyline, Piper recruited Bob Orton to be his bodyguard. On another episode of Piper's Pit, Piper spoke out against the burgeoning Rock 'n' Wrestling connection, which led to a confrontation with Hulk Hogan. In February 1985, the two men faced each other at The War to Settle the Score, where Hogan won by disqualification after interference by Paul Orndorff and Mr. T. Their on-going feud led to their match at WrestleMania.
    -As part of the promotion for the event, Hogan appeared on Hot Properties four days prior to WrestleMania, where he put host Richard Belzer into a front chinlock —a move that cuts off the flow of blood to the brain. Belzer, however, fell to the floor unconscious and began to bleed profusely. His injury required eight stitches. Belzer later sued Hogan for $5 million, but they eventually settled out of court. The night before WrestleMania, Hogan and Mr. T hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live to help promote the event.
    -Opening Credits. Very low key compared to today.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to WrestleMania. Monsoon said later that Ventura was so nervous that Monsoon held him up by the back of his jacket for this stand up. They say a few words before throwing it to Howard Finkel. He introduces Mean Gene Okerlund, who sings the National Anthem. Vince McMahon would change to America the Beautiful in future years just to be different. Jesse compares Mean Gene to Robert Goulet.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes is at the entrance to the aisle and he previews the first match. You can tell that he is nervous.
    -Mean Gene interviews Tito Santana. Santana says he doesn’t know much about The Executioner, but he respects every opponent, but nobody is going to stop him.
    -Mean Gene then interviews The Executioner. He says after he beats Santana, everyone is going to know who he is.
    -Tito Santana VS. The Executioner: Executioner is actually Buddy Rose. They do a crisscross running the ropes to start. Santana hits a back body drop and a dropkick. Executioner goes outside. He slowly comes back in. Santana working a side headlock. Executioner comes back and hits a knee to Santana’s stomach. Back and Forth. Executioner goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Executioner gets his knees up on a Santana splash. Executioner goes to work on Santana’s leg and Santana pushes him off and over the ropes. Santana body slams Executioner back in. Santana hits the flying forearm. Santana then puts the figure four on and the Executioner gives up.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes previews the next match.
    -Mean Gene interviews SD Jones. He says that this is what he has been waiting for. Then Jimmy Hart and King Kong Bundy come in. They say they are ready for SD Jones and will get the 5 count.
    -King Kong Bundy with Jimmy Hart VS. SD Jones: They badly mangle what is supposed to be the quickest match. It goes about 25 seconds and Bundy wins with the Avalanche. They announce it as 9 seconds. Your Mileage May Vary.
    -Mean Gene talks to Matt Borne, who will be taking on Ricky Steamboat. He says Steamboat is too nice to win. He is missing that instinct to win.
    -Mean Gene then talks to Ricky Steamboat. He says it’s the biggest event ever and he came to the WWF to develop that meanness and he is going to start with Matt Borne.
    -Gorilla and Jesse talk about the upcoming match.
    -Ricky Steamboat VS. Matt Borne: They talk about Borne’s dad, Tough Tony Borne. Steamboat does some nice leap frogs. He then hits a knife edge on Borne. Then a snap mare. The then puts a chin lock on Borne. It is all Steamboat to start. Steamboat hits an atomic drop. Back to the side headlock. Borne then hits a high knee. Borne gets a couple of corner whips, but Steamboat is coming back. Steamboat then goes back to the side headlock. Borne goes with some knees to the gut. Then Borne hits a belly to belly suplex. Then he hits a snap suplex. They trade blows after Borne gets a two count. Steamboat knocks Borne down. Steamboat then hits a neckbreaker and a throat chop. A knee to the sternum gets two for Steamboat. Borne tries a comeback, but misses a clothesline. Steamboat knocks Borne down and goes up top. Steamboat hits a high crossbody for the pin.
    -Lord Alfred previews Brutus Beefcake VS. David Sammartino.
    -Johnny Valiant and Brutus Beefcake just walk in front of the camera headed to the ring as Lord Alfred is talking and Borne almost does the same thing coming back from the ring.
    -Prerecorded comments as Mean Gene talks to David and Bruno Sammartino. David says he is ready for Brutus Beefcake.
    -Mean Gene then talks to Brutus Beefcake and Johnny Valiant. This is a total train wreck of an interview. Valiant says he will interfere if he wants to.
    -David Sammartino with Bruno Sammartino VS. Brutus Beefcake with Johnny Valiant: Jesse wonders if Beefcake is Valiant’s son, which gets a laugh from Gorilla. You get a shot of the crowd before they start. It takes a while to start as Beefcake and Valiant stall taking Beefcake’s stuff off. They have a feeling out process. Power moves by David. Then some chain wrestling. Valiant complaining that David has grease on him and is hard to grip. David gets a front face lock on. Beefcake gets to the ropes. Beefcake with a body slam, but David holds on to the arm and gets an arm bar on. Back up, Beefcake with a side headlock and a takedown. Beefcake then hits a shoulder block and a hip toss. David with a leg takedown and a toe hold. Beefcake breaks the hold. David goes back to a leg hold. Beefcake again breaks the hold. David goes right back to the hold. Beefcake up and hitting some stiff forearms. Beefcake hits a back body drop. Beefcake with some kicks to David while he is down. Beefcake with an elbow to David’s throat in the corner. Beefcake with a corner whip onto David, who sells his back being hurt. David reverses another corner whip and hits a back body drop on Beefcake. Some big shots and a suplex on Beefcake by David. That gets a two count. Beefcake throws David outside where he is attacked by Valiant. He slams David on the concrete which brings Bruno over. Bruno throws Valiant into the ring, bringing the crowd to life. He gets a few shots in, but gets jumped by Beefcake. All four going at it as the bell rings over and over. The crowd absolutely loves Bruno Sammartino. The referee disqualifies both men. The crowd doesn’t like it at all.
    -Jesse and Gorilla recap some of the matches that we have already seen.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes previews the Intercontinental Championship title match as Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine again walk in front of the camera.
    -Prerecorded comments: Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine. Valentine says he is going to prove he is the greatest IC champion and the master of the figure four leg lock. Mean Gene then brings in The Junk Yard Dog. He is second to none else in the charisma department at this time and he is ready to win the Intercontinental Championship.
    -Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match: Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart VS. The Junk Yard Dog: Before the match begins, Gorilla Monsoon calls JYD “The Juker” and I am so embarrassed. Music Dub City as JYD comes out as they have dubbed Grab Them Cakes for Another One Bites the Dust. Hart bails out of the ring when JYD comes in with his chain. Slow to lock up but a lot of movement by both men. JYD gets an arm twist and a hard right hand in. Valentine with an Irish whip, but JYD catches hit foot and spins him around then hits him with another shot. Valentine gets a big knee in and an elbow. He misses the elbow and JYD hits him with two thump head butts. Then another one and Valentine rolls outside. Back in, test of strength. Valentine with a shot to JYD and a shoulder to his upper body. JYD trying to power out. Valentine with a couple of big shots that knock JYD down. Valentine drops an elbow on JYD’s leg. Valentine setting up for the figure four. Softening up the leg. JYD trying to get away. Valentine hits a head butt on JYD’s crotch. He goes for the figure four, but JYD pushes him off. They trade blows, but JYD is selling that his right leg is severely hurt. Valentine with some heavy forearm shots. JYD knocks Valentine around and head butts him several times. Valentine goes down face first. JYD still selling the leg injury. Hart jumps up on the apron. JYD grabs Hart by the lapels. Valentine goes to hit JYD from behind, but hits Hart when JYD moves. The crowd loves that. JYD with some stiff shots to Valentine. Back and forth. Valentine gets JYD down and pins him while having his feet on the ropes. The bell rings and the crowd boos. Tito Santana comes out. He explains to the referee what really happened. The bell rings again and the referee restarts the match. He starts counting Valentine out. JYD wins by count out. Valentine is irate. A Tito chant goes out. The crowd loves the Dog though.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes previews the Tag Team Championship Match coming up as wouldn’t you know it, the heels yet again walk in front of the camera.
    -Prerecorded comments. Mean Gene talks to The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, and Freddie Blassie. Sheik says it’s the best time of his life in his own Iron Sheik way. Blassie says that his team is going to be the next tag team champions.
    -Mean Gene talks to Lou Albano, Barry Windham, and Mike Rotundo. They say the time for talk is done, it’s time for action.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The US Express Mike Rotundo and Barry Windham with Lou Albano VS. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff with Freddie Blassie: Volkoff does the Soviet National Anthem gimmick to begin. The ring is pelted with garbage and people are visibly pissed and cursing at Volkoff. Music Dub City as the US Express comes out. They do get a nice ovation though. Rotundo and Sheik start. Sheik with a headlock then Rotundo with a hip toss and a dropkick. Rotundo goes to a headlock. Windham tagged in and he’s in control. Heels get Windham in their corner and Sheik goes for a dropkick but Windham ducks and Volkoff gets hit instead. Volkoff tagged in. Rotundo in and he gets Volkoff down but only gets a one count. Windham tagged back in. Constant tagging by the champions. Volkoff runs Rotundo into Sheik’s boot. Sheik gets a back drop and a knee in for a two count. A gut wrench suplex gets another two count. Rotundo reverses a suplex. Volkoff tagged in and hits a big clothesline. Rotundo gets a sunset flip for a two count. Volkoff attacks and Sheik tagged in and gets an abdominal stretch. Rotundo hip tosses out Volkoff and Windham tagged in. Windham hits a big dropkick. Windham hits a bulldog. All four men in and brawling. Sheik knocked outside. Referee trying to get Rotundo out and Sheik nails Windham with Blassie’s cane and Volkoff gets the pin. New Tag Team Champions. People are pissed.
    -Mean Gene interviews the new champions. Fred Blassie says he didn’t have a cane at all. Sheik says they have proved that they’re the best.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes previews the Body Slam Challenge.
    -Mean Gene interviews Big John Studd and Bobby Heenan. Studd says he’s the only giant in wrestling. Heenan says Andre is done.
    -Body Slam Challenge. Andre the Giant VS. Big John Studd with Bobby Heenan: $15,000 VS. Andre’s career. Andre comes out to a nice ovation. A weasel chant goes out. Studd attacks early. Andre comes back with some stiff chops. Studd goes to the outside. Back in, Andre chokes Studd in the corner. He then squashes him in the corner. Studd goes for a slam but can’t get Andre up. Andre gets a bear hug. A Slam chant goes out. Studd tries to fight out of the hold. Andre with a big head butt. Irish whip by Andre and Studd tries to get a big boot in but Andre catches his boot and hits Studd. Big chops by Andre and then big kicks by Andre to Studd. Andre then slams Studd and the crowd loves it. Andre gets the sack of money and starts throwing it to the crowd. Heenan sneaks up behind Andre and grabs the money and runs.
    -Mena Gene interviews Andre. Andre says he doesn’t care about the money, he proved he could slam Studd and doesn’t have to retire.
    -Lord Alfred Hayes previews the Women’s Title Match and gets a kiss from the Fabulous Moolah and Leilani Kai.
    -Prerecorded comments: Mean Gene interviews Cyndi Lauper and Wendi Richter. Lauper calls Moolah Schmoolah and Leilani Lanny Kai. Richter says she is dead set on getting her title back.
    -Mean Gene then interviews the Fabulous Moolah and Leilani Kai. Moolah has special glasses on for the match and Kai is ready.
    -WWF Ladies Championship Match: Leilani Kai with the Fabulous Moolah VS. Wendi Richter with Cyndi Lauper and Dave Wolfe: Music Dub City as Richter, Wolfe, and Lauper come out as I’m sure they originally played Girls Just Want to Have Fun. It takes a while to get started. Richter with the early advantage. She had a hammerlock on Kai. Kai gets a handful of hair for a one count. Kai with an arm lock. Kai goes after Richter’s hand. They trade blows. Kai with a choke hold while Richter has a leg scissors on. Richter gets a couple of two counts. They go over by the ropes and Moolah grabs Richter and roughs her face up which brings Lauper over. Kai gets a boot on Richter who counters with a modified attitude adjustment. She gets a two count. Kai gets a double knee lift for a two count. A backbreaker gets another two count. Kai goes off the top rope with a crossbody but Richter awkwardly rolls through to pin Kai. New Champion! Crowd goes crazy.
    -Mean Gene interviews Richter and Lauper. They are ecstatic, but this is an awkward interview.
    -Howard Finkel introduces guest ring announcer Billy Martin. He announces Liberace as guest timekeeper, who comes down with four Rockettes. They do the famous leg kicks in the ring. Muhammed Ali comes out. He will be the outside referee. Jose Torres is shown in the crowd. Pat Patterson will be the inside referee.
    -Main Event. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff with Bob Orton Jr. VS. Hulk Hogan and Mr. T with Jimmy Snuka: Piper and company come down played by a bagpipe group. The look on Piper’s face is classic. Music Dub City of Real American plays as Hogan and company come out as I’m sure they used Eye of the Tiger. The teams size each other up. Liberace rings a crystal bell to start. Hogan and Orndorff start in the ring. Piper wants in and tags. T wants in and the crowd wants it too. T tagged in and he and Piper are nose to nose, then they slap each other. Piper gets a cheap shot in and does a takedown of T. Chain wrestling. T picks up Piper and slams him. Then everyone including the seconds and the referees are in the ring. It takes a few minutes to maintain order. The heels go to leave. They start a count, but Hogan stops it and the heels are made to come back. Hogan corner whips Piper and clotheslines him. Hogan rams the heels heads together. T tagged in and clotheslines Piper and then slams Piper and hip locks Orndorff. Hogan tagged back in. A big boot knocks Piper outside. Orndorff nails Hogan from behind and knocks him outside. Back in, Hogan punished by the heels. T comes in and is dragged back outside by Patterson. Double atomic drop on Hogan. Orndorff dropping knees on Hogan. Follows that up with a big suplex. Piper tagged in. He hits some big shots and gets a two count. Orndorff tagged in and hits a backbreaker. Orndorff goes up top but Hogan moves. T tagged in and cleans house. He and Orndorff scrambling around. Piper tagged in and he gets a front face lock on T. Hogan tagged in. Hogan rams the heels heads together again. Orton comes in, but gets caught and cut off by Snuka. Orton then sneaks up top and Orndorff holds Hogan for Orton to blast him with his cast, but Hogan moves and Orndorff gets hit and Hogan covers him for the pin. The crowd is so loud for the finish. Orndorff is knocked out. Piper hits Patterson and he and Orton leave. Orndorff recovers and wonders what happened. The crowd gives the faces a huge ovation. Hogan must pose. All the celebrities take ovations.
    -Mean Gene interviews the faces. T says that it was rough out there. He is blown up and sucking wind. Hogan says everyone was fired up and that they reigned supreme. Snuka says it was a pleasure for him to be there.
    -Gorilla and Jesse recap the main event and WrestleMania as a whole and thank everyone before signing off from MSG.
    -Approximately three months after WrestleMania, on July 6, 1985, Greg Valentine lost the Intercontinental Championship back to Tito Santana in a cage match. At about the same time, Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik lost the WWF Tag Team Championship back to The U.S. Express. They held the title until August, when the team of Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine, later known as the Dream Team, became the new champions. On July 8, 1985, Don Muraco won the inaugural King of The Ring tournament by defeating the Iron Sheik in the finals. After André the Giant defeated Big John Studd at the event, Studd formed a tag team with King Kong Bundy, and the duo faced André and Hulk Hogan on a number of occasions. Later, the team of Studd and Bundy teamed up in Handicap matches—a two against one wrestling match—against André, which renewed the feud between André and Studd.
    -In late 1985, Wendi Richter lost her WWF Women's Championship in controversial fashion. She wrestled a masked female wrestler known as The Spider Lady, who pinned Richter to win the title. After the match, the Spider Lady was revealed as the Fabulous Moolah. This finish was a screw job, i.e. one participant (in this case Richter) was unaware of the planned title change. Richter left the WWF shortly after, and Moolah held the title for approximately two years.
    -In a new storyline after WrestleMania, Roddy Piper began training Bob Orton as a boxer. Hulk Hogan accepted a challenge on the behalf of Mr. T to face Orton in a match on the February 15, 1986 Saturday Night's Main Event V. After Mr. T won the match, Orton and Piper attacked him, leading to a boxing match at WrestleMania 2 between Piper and Mr. T.

    Episode 36 Notes Thu, 20 Aug 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 9f581ecb-559f-44f5-afc7-57d775ac67da My Notes for Episode 36. -Today we look at The Great American Bash ’89: The Glory Days from the NWA and WCW.
    -The Great American Bash 1989: The Glory Days took place on July 23, 1989 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore Maryland. The Attendance for the show was 14,500. It was the fifth PPV event produced by WCW under the NWA banner.
    -A Lance Russell voiceover welcomes us to Baltimore.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us to the Bash.
    -There is a weird cut here as they put on the bottom of the screen that they present this in the most complete form possible due to original production technical difficulties.
    -Two Ring King of the Hill Battle Royal: The match consisted of two rings. The rules were that once a competitor was tossed out of the first ring, he would battle in the second ring. The last competitor standing in the first ring would be the winner of the first ring and the eliminated participants would compete in the second ring. The last competitor of the second ring would compete against the winner of the first ring in a standard wrestling match: Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotunda, Bill Irwin, Ron Simmons, Brian Pillman, Scott Hall, Ranger Ross, Eddie Gilbert, Dan Spivey Sid Vicious, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Terry Gordy, Steve Williams are your participants. Typical Battle Royal Fare. Sid Vicious wins Ring #1. Dan Spivey eliminates Steve Williams to win Ring #2. Manager Teddy Long says the Skyscrapers are going to split the 50,000 prize.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Teddy Long. He says that now that they’ve won the King of the Hill, they are going to take care of everyone else.
    -Bill Irwin VS. Brian Pillman: Irwin attacks early. Pillman is so fast. Pillman does a great head scissors move here. Back and forth. Irwin throws Pillman outside. Irwin hits a nice clothesline. Pillman thrown into the second ring, where he hits a high crossbody to pin Irwin.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Paul E. Dangerously. Paul E. says he saw Starrcade ’86 and he saw Jim Cornette fall off of the scaffold, and he knows that because of that fall, he knows that the knee is still bad and he’s going for the knee. Superb promo!
    -The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace VS. The Skyscrapers Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey with Teddy Long: After Teddy Long was fired as a referee, he became a manager and added Norman the Lunatic as his first wrestler. He then put former Varsity Club member Dan Spivey with newcomer Sid Vicious in a team called The Skyscrapers. This match with the Dudes was announced on the July 15th edition of World Championship Wrestling. Jim Ross brings up the “We’re real athletes who wrestle.” Crowd chants Peanut Head to Teddy Long. Dudes try double team tactics. The crowd chants we want Sid! They cheer when he is tagged in. The crowd is behind The Skyscrapers, despite what the announcers say. Bigger we want Sid chant. Crowd digs Vicious. Dudes trying to make a late comeback. Spivey hits a powerbomb on Johnny Ace to win.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Jim Cornette, who says Paul E. was right about his knee, but nothing will stand in the way of his revenge.
    -Tuxedo Street Fight: Jim Cornette VS. Paul E Dangerously:
    -Jim Cornette Story about this match.
    -Cornette rips Dangerously’s jacket off. Dangerously responds by throwing powder in the eye of Cornette. Paul starts hitting the wrong knee. JR makes some comments about Paul that wouldn’t fly in 2019. Crowd is solidly behind Cornette. Paul misses an elbow and the crowd cheers. This is an entertaining match. Bob Caudle says alright, let’s see some clothes start coming off here and I am so embarrassed. Paul goes to use powder again, and Cornette kicks it in his face. He then tears off Paul’s pants to win.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Gary Hart. He says that The Great Muta is better than Sting.
    -Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotunda VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott with Missy Hyatt: At WrestleWar, Eddie Gilbert and Rick Steiner defeated Sullivan and Dan Spivey to retain the NWA US Tag Team Championship. Following that, Steve Williams and Spivey left The Varsity Club. Rick Steiner suffered a shoulder injury and Scott was place in a rivalry with Kevin Sullivan. A female fan of Rick’s, Robin Green, was shown in the crowd during Scott’s matches, resulting in Sullivan confronting her in the Jun 3rd edition of World Championship Wrestling. The Varsity Club then defeated The Steiner Brothers at the June Clash of the Champions. Robin Green’s flowers were torn up by the Varsity Club during a Steiner Brothers match on the June 24th edition of World Championship Wrestling. On the July 22nd edition of World Championship Wrestling, it was announced that the two teams would meet in a Texas Tornado match at the Bash. Missy Hyatt is looking good here. They start off hot and heavy. Brutal Match. They are using chairs, steps and everything else they can on each other. Both Steiner’s pin Kevin Sullivan to win.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Sting and Eddie Gilbert. Sting is focused and ready for Muta. They have been telegraphing and Eddie Gilbert heel turn for some time, then they decide not to do it, and everyone is left floundering as a result.
    -NWA World Television Championship Match: Sting with Eddie Gilbert VS. The Great Muta with Gary Hart: On May 13, Muta and Gary Hart challenged Sting to a Dragon Shi match. On May 20, Sting challenged Muta to an immediate match but Hart turned him down, say he and Muta were not ready. On May 27, it was announced that Eddie Gilbert had accepted Muta’s Open Challenge for a Dragon Shi match. Then at the June Clash, Gilbert accidentally struck a fireball into Trent Knight’s face. On July 1, it was announced that Sting would defend the TV title against Muta at the Bash. Sting hits a dive on Muta from one ring to the other to start. This starts out relentless. Back and forth. Muta using rest holds in the match. Sting fights back. Muta has stiff kicks. Crowd loves Sting’s comeback. Sting ducks as Muta sprays red mist and it hits referee Nick Patrick. Muta then moves as Sting goes for the splash. Muta hits the moonsault and referee Tommy Young counts two. Sting hits a back suplex and it’s a double pin situation. Muta grabs the belt and he and Gary Hart leave. Bullshit chant goes out.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Lex Luger, who is doing the patented Lex Luger interview hand movements. Luger says he’s been with his attorneys all day and has a surprise for the NWA.
    -NWA United States Championship Match. Lex Luger VS. Ricky Steamboat: On June 10, Luger gave some remarks claiming he had been held back and claimed to be worth of a title shot for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship ahead of either Steamboat or Terry Funk. On the June Clash, Funk got disqualified during his match against Steamboat by hitting him with a microphone. Luger made the save and ran off Funk but then attacked Steamboat himself, becoming a villain. On June 24 edition of World Championship Wrestling, Luger announced in an interview that he attacked Steamboat because he was tired of making fans happy and wanted to prove himself better than Steamboat. On July 1 edition of World Championship Wrestling, it was announced that Luger would defend the United States Heavyweight Championship against Steamboat at The Great American Bash. Steamboat comes down with Piece of Work Bonnie and Little Ricky. He’s also got a kimono lizard. Luger will not get into the ring unless the No DQ stipulation is waived. Promoter Gary Juster is in the ring trying to work something out. A small “Gary” chant goes out. Steamboat agrees to the stipulation, so they have a regular match. Steamboat tries to end it early. Luger slows it down. They fight in and out of the ring. Luger displaying big power moves. Some quick two counts. Steamboat won’t stay down. Steamboat then opens up the chop house. Steamboat hits a neckbreaker. Luger misses a clothesline and goes outside. Luger gets a two count coming back in. Steamboat hits the big chop from up top for a two count. Steamboat gets thrown into the other ring. Luger brings a chair into the ring. He gets inadvertently hit with the chair. Steamboat hits him over and over with the chair to get disqualified. Steamboat then chases Luger to the back with the chair.
    -They lower the cage for War Games.
    -The Freebird team is shown. They are not worried at all, because they’ve got the SST, Bamm Bamm, and The Birds are one. The SST are doing frightening things during this interview.
    -The Midnight Express say they are ready. Dr. Death rambles incoherently for a minute. The Road Warriors then do a standard promo.
    -War Games Match. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton, The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal, and Steve Williams with Jim Cornette and Paul Ellering VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin, and Terry Gordy, and The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Paul E. Dangerously: At WrestleWar, The Varsity Club (Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams) retained the NWA World Tag Team Championship against The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) by disqualification when Kevin Sullivan and Dan Spivey attacked the referee Nikita Koloff. This caused the titles to be vacated by the WCW Executive Vice President Jim Herd. A tournament occurred to determine the new champions. The quarter-final round took place on editions of World Championship Wrestling. Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy) defeated Road Warriors, Dynamic Dudes (Johnny Ace and Shane Douglas) defeated Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, Samoan Swat Team defeated Ranger Ross and Ron Simmons and Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane) defeated Butch Reed and The Raider. On June 14 edition of Clash of the Champions, the semi-final round and the final round took place. In the semi-final round, Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin) defeated Dynamic Dudes and Midnight Express defeated Samoan Swat Team. In the final round, Fabulous Freebirds defeated Midnight Express to win the vacant titles. The interferences of Road Warriors and Samoan Swat Team in each other's matches throughout the tournament began a rivalry between the two teams as well as beginning a new rivalry between Fabulous Freebirds and Midnight Express. On June 17 edition of World Championship Wrestling, Williams became a fan favorite when Jim Cornette made him, the newest ally of Midnight Express against Fabulous Freebirds. Later that night, Terry Gordy defeated Williams, with the help of Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin, which resulted in a brawl between several teams. On July 1 edition of World Championship Wrestling, it was announced that a War Games match would take place at The Great American Bash pitting Road Warriors, Midnight Express and Steve Williams against Fabulous Freebirds and Samoan Swat Team.
    The heel team comes down to Badstreet USA. The faces come out to Iron Man. The Road Warriors are driven down on Harleys. Jimmy Garvin and Bobby Eaton start the match. WCW had a camera inside the cage. Eaton gets bounced around the cage. Hayes trash talks Eaton from the outside. Gordy enters the cage. They pummel Eaton around both rings. Williams comes in next. He military presses Gordy into the cage 8 times. All four get into a slugfest. Samu enters the cage. 3 on 2 advantage. Animal comes in. He cleans house. He hits a tackle on Samu from the first ring. Fatu comes in. Hawk chant goes out. Stan Lane comes in. Hayes realizes he has to go in next and says damn! Hayes goes in. Hayes hits some DDTs when he comes in. JR mentions Hayes/Garvin against The Road Warriors in the cage at WrestleRock without mentioning the events name or the AWA. Crowd loses it as Hawk comes in and gives the SST a double clothesline off the top rope. Eaton DDTs Hayes. Crowd goes crazy for everything the Road Warriors do. Hawk makes Garvin submit to the hangman neckbreaker. The faces leave as the heels close the door with Animal inside. Hawk and Steve Williams get the door open and chase the heels off.
    -Gordon Solie interviews Ric Flair. He’s returning because wrestling is what he knows and what he does. Terry Funk now has to face him one on one. He says he’s 120%.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair VS. Terry Funk with Gary Hart: This match came as a result of Funk attacking Flair after WrestleWar. On July 1 edition of World Championship Wrestling, Flair requested the WCW Executive Vice President Jim Herd to allow him to defend the title against Funk at The Great American Bash, which Herd accepted. The crowd is hot for Flair when he comes out. They start outside of the ring brawling. They finally get inside. Funk throws a chair in but doesn’t get to use it. JR brings up their amateur wrestling credentials if you’re drinking at home. They go back outside quickly. Funk has the advantage early. They trade blows, then open up dueling chop houses. Flair concentrating on Funk’s neck. Flair hits two piledrivers on Funk. Flair in control Funk trying to come back. Flair gets the figure four on. Hart distracts the referee while Funk uses the branding iron on Flair. Funk hits a piledriver for a two count. Flair is bleeding. Funk taking the ringside mats up. Flair blocks a piledriver attempt on the concrete. Funk hits a neckbreaker, then another. Funk screaming at Flair to said I Quit. Flair hits Funk with the branding Iron. Both men are bleeding. Flair misses a knee in the corner. They reverse each other’s cradles. Flair gets the quick pin with an inside cradle to win. Muta comes in and sprays Flair with green mist. They both beat down Flair. The referee gets thrown out. A we want Sting chant goes out. They take out head of security Doug Dillinger. Sting comes out to a big pop. All four going at it. Muta tries to throw the steps in. Flair and Sting go outside and they continue to brawl. They announce that the TV Championship has been held up. Then the brawl starts back up. They are brawling all over. JR’s voice is going and he and Bob Caudle try to wrap up, but they won’t stop fighting. Flair comes over with Sting and says thank you to him. He says that he and Funk just got started.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle then recap the night and sign off from Baltimore.

    Episode 35 Notes Thu, 13 Aug 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ea43d4f8-fcc8-4795-8daf-27bdbb0a3c00 My Notes for Episode 35. -Today we look at the June 1989 Clash of the Champions from the NWA and WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions VII: Guts and Glory took place on June 14, 1989 from the Ritz-Epps Fitness Center in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The show did a 3.8 rating on TBS. This show was used to build the Great American Bash 1989 PPV coming up on July 23.
    -Lt. General Carl Stiner welcomes us to the Clash. It’s the Army’s birthday and he thanks WCW for bringing the Clash to Ft. Bragg.
    -Rundown of the card and Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us to Ft. Bragg.
    -Flags are presented as the National Anthem is sang. This crowd is hot, literally and figuratively.
    -Some wrestlers are shown with the Army guys on the obstacle course.
    -Semi-final of the NWA World Tag-Team Championship Tournament: The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Terry Gordy: Jimmy Garvin replaced Terry Gordy who participated in the first round match. This is Garvin’s debut as an official Freebird, although he had been loosely associated with the team since 1983. The Freebirds beat The Road Warriors in the first round while the Dynamic Dudes beat Jack Victory and Rip Morgan. The Dudes start out hot. The crowd is really digging the Dudes. Freebirds start coming back. Back and Forth. Michael Hayes sneaks in and DDT’s Douglas so Garvin can pin him.
    -Wrestling Hotline commercial.
    -Ranger Ross VS. The Terrorist: Jack Victory is under the mask yet again, having previously appeared at past Clashes as Russian Assassin #2 and The Blackmailer. Ranger Ross is supremely over with the crowd. Ranger chant goes out. Jim Ross says that he would like a cold Coors Light and a slice of Domino’s Pizza.
    -Jim Ross story.
    -Ranger Ross wins with the combat kick in what is a total squash.
    -A video of The Road Warriors is shown next.
    -Jim Ross is in the ring for a Dragon Shai demonstration for The Great Muta who is with Gary Hart. Trent Knight and Mike Justice are the wrestlers in there for the demonstration. Gary Hart says they aren’t worthy. Muta wants real competition. Eddie Gilbert comes in to burn Muta, but Muta throws Trent Knight in the way and he gets the fireball.
    -George South and Cougar Jay VS. The Ding Dongs: The Ding Dongs are Jim Evans and Richard Sartain. This was Jim Herd’s idea of a group that kids could cheer. This idea wasn’t released, it escaped. Jim Ross and Bob Caudle don’t want to have anything to do with it. They talk about where the NWA is going to be instead of the match for the majority of the time that the match is going on. Thankfully, the match doesn’t go on long and the Ding Dongs win after a flying knee drop/flying elbow double team move.
    -Congressman Charlie Rose wishes the Army a Happy Birthday.

    • Semi-final of the NWA World Tag-Team Championship Tournament: The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette make their way to the ring. A drunken fan comes in and Cornette says they’re going to save his live and let him sleep it off. He then does his introduction of The Midnight Express. The Chroma key has been malfunctioning all night and not showing anyone’s name when it comes up. The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Paul E. Dangerously come to the ring. The Midnight Express beat Bob Orton, Jr. and Butch Reed in the first round and the SST beat Ranger Ross and Ron Simmons. Cornette and Dangerously go at it. These teams go at each other hard during this match. Samoans have control for most of the match. The referee goes down and The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering come down to get revenge on the SST. They take them out and The MX win. The crowd loves it. -They replay the Funk attack on Ric Flair. They talk about the Triple Crown King of the Hill Battle Royals taking place on the Bash tour. -Terry Gordy VS. Steve Williams: Billed as a battle of the bulls. They start hard and just beat the hell out of each other. JR talks about this feud starting in Mid-South and the UWF. Jim Ross and Bob Caudle talk about the heat and the Coors Light again. Williams and Gordy fight in and out of the ring. This is the definition of a stiff match. It lives up to the Bulls moniker. JR is pushing Coors Light hard during the broadcast. They brawl down the aisle as both get counted out. A bullshit chant goes out. -Mike Justice VS. Norman the Lunatic with Teddy Long: Norman’s debut. Total squash win for Norman. They take Norman out locked onto a stretcher because he’s “crazy”. -Another King of the Hill Battle Royal promo. -Jim Ross talks to the Freebirds. They talk about being high on Freebird Mountain. I can believe that. -Video on Flyin’ Brian, who is coming to the NWA. -Australian Tag Team Match: Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotunda VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott with Missy Hyatt: This match is one of the very first matches the Steiner Brothers had together. A Syracuse sucks chant goes out. Jim Ross again pimps Coors Light. He then again throws subtle shade at the WWF by thanking the fans of the NWA in Connecticut, especially Stamford. The Steiner’s are over with the crowd. Sullivan and Rotunda throw Scott onto the announce table at one point. The crowd is digging this match hard. Sullivan grabs Bob Caudle’s chair and distracts referee Nick Patrick while Rotunda suplexes Scott onto the chair for the pin. -Jim Ross talks to Jim Cornette. He hits on the Freebirds, the SST, and Paul E. Dangerously seemingly without taking a breath. -Governor Jim Martin wishes the Army, Ft. Bragg a Happy Birthday and a Happy Flag Day. -NWA World Television Championship Match: Sting VS. Bill Irwin: Crowd loves Sting. Irwin has a whip to start. He has the advantage to start. Sting takes over. Sting chant goes out. Sting hits the splash and gets a roll up pin to win the match. -Video on Scott “Gator” Hall -Jim Ross interviews Ric Flair in his home. Flair has a neck brace and a Lakers jacket on. He talks as if he is leaning towards retirement. Very low key, yet believable angle. They bring up the plane crash if you’re drinking at home. He announces that he will make a decision on July 1st. He says that he will get back at Terry Funk. -Yet another King of the Hill promo. -Finals for the NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Terry Gordy VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette. Paul E. Dangerously hits Jim Cornette with a loaded tennis racket before the match starts. The Dynamic Dudes take Cornette to the back. Freebirds have the early advantage. The crowd hates the Freebirds. MX start a comeback. Lane DDT’s Hayes. The MX hit a flapjack on Garvin. Gordy powerbombs Eaton and the Freebirds get the win and the titles. -Top 10 Rankings Match: Terry Funk VS. Ricky Steamboat. Piece of Work Bonnie Steamboat shown clapping in the arena. Even with no Ric Flair, they open the dueling chop houses. These two work well together. They battle in and out of the ring. Funk hits a neckbreaker. Steamboat spends a long time on the top rope because Funk is out of position. Steamboat finally hits Funk with a chop. They go to the outside. Funk hits a piledriver on Steamboat. Referee Nick Patrick gets knocked out. Funk hits a running piledriver on Steamboat on the outside. Funk gets several two counts. Funk hits Steamboat with a microphone to get disqualified. Lex Luger comes in with a chair to chase Funk off. Luger talks about what he’s been going through. He then attacks Steamboat. He clotheslines him, hits him with the chair, then puts the torture rack on him. -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle recap the night before signing off from Ft. Bragg.
    Episode 34 Notes Thu, 06 Aug 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 9dd05f5d-3efe-46aa-bc23-7e70cce9709d My Notes for Episode 34. -My recording schedule for the next month.
    -What I got for my anniversary.
    -Today we look at the May 1989 SNME from the WWF.
    -SNME XXI was shown on NBC on May 27, 1989. It was recorded April 25, 1989 from the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa.
    -Hulk Hogan behind the blue cage says that the Big Boss Man and Slick are going to have their day in court inside the cage.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. They’re doing this in front of a green screen as the era of the live calls at the arenas is largely over. Jesse says Hogan is in trouble because he is thinking of Hollywood and his big movie premiere coming up instead of the Big Boss Man. Vince and Jesse then review the WrestleMania Intercontinental Match.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. They say the only rule that matters is just win baby! Jim Duggan is a dreamer if he thinks he’s going to win the Intercontinental title, and dreamers get a Rude Awakening.
    -Jesse brings up Rick Rude winning the Jess the Body Award if you’re drinking at home.
    -Mean Gene interviews newly crowned “King” Jim Duggan. He’s dedicating his match to those who gave their life for country this Memorial Day Weekend.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jim Duggan: Duggan gets carried to the ring now that he’s defeated Haku for the King title. Jesse is not impressed. Duggan dominates early. Rude comes back. Duggan hits a piledriver on Rude for a two count. Haku comes down. He wants his crown back. Other refs try to get him out. Rude takes over. He hits the top rope fist drop. Duggan hits the three point stance knocking Rude to the floor. Rude doesn’t beat the count back in. Jim Duggan wins the match by count out.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jim Neidhart. He wants Randy Savage tonight and he is intense here. A little decaf for the Anvil, please. This was not the first time they tried to make Jim and Bret single stars.
    -Jesse interviews Randy Savage and his new manager, Sensational Sherri. Savage says after he finishes with Jim Neidhart, he’s coming after Hogan and he’s going to get his belt back. Sherri is better than Elizabeth as a manager and she is looking very good here I must say.
    -Jim Neidhart VS. Randy Savage with Sensational Sherri: Savage does his usual bumping job for Neidhart. Sherri is so good in this role. Neidhart hits a standing dropkick at one point. Neidhart ends up outside and Savage his a flying ax handle from the corner. Savage hits the flying elbow for the pin.
    -Jesse interviews Slick and the Big Boss Man about the cage match with Hulk Hogan coming up. Slick says Hogan is running scared. Boss Man says Hogan is in his jail now. Slick and the Boss Man head to the ring. Boss Man looks like he has duct tape on his wrists.
    -Slick says he has a surprise for Hogan as Zeus comes down to the ring and stands at the entrance to the cage. Hogan comes down to a big pop. Zeus attacks Hogan and then leaves.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: In a steel cage, Hulk Hogan VS. The Big Boss Man with Slick: Boss Man comes over and kicks the cage door and seriously almost takes the ref out. Boss Man dominates early. Boss Man climbs down but Hogan pulls him back up and superplexes Boss Man back in. Both men knocked down. Referee comes in and starts counting. Both men then up and Boss Man is keeping Hogan from going out of the door. Slick throws Boss Man a chain and he starts choking Hogan. Both men then rammed into the cage and Hogan then keeps Boss Man from going out. Hogan gets the chain. He knocks Boss Man out. He hits the leg drop. Hogan goes to climb out. Slick knocks the ref out and goes inside. He stops Hogan from going out. Slick is then knocked out by Hogan and Hogan cuffs Boss Man to the ropes. Hogan climbs out as Slick tries to uncuff Boss Man so he can go out the door. Hogan beats up Slick after the match. Hogan must pose!
    -Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and The Brain Busters. Tonight is the night they say. All they have left is to pick up the titles.
    -Mean Gene interviews Demolition. They say they have the momentum going into the match.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash VS. The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan: The Brain Busters are so good. Demolition have power moves to start. Brain Busters use good double team moves. Blanchard bumps for Ax. Smash is so powerful. Blanchard is thrown onto Bobby Heenan. He then goes after Demolition but The Brain Busters hold him back. The Brain Busters start coming back. Anderson hits a perfect spinebuster. Blanchard does some strutting. They get Smash outside and pummel him. Smash and Anderson both knocked out of the ring. They prevent Ax from tagging in. Then all four brawl inside. Ax tosses referee Joey Marella for a disqualification. They brawl to the back after the match.
    -Jesse interviews Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri. Savage says he’s the number one contender to the WWF title and he will get his title back. Sherri asks what Hulk Hogan is going to do when the madness runs wild?
    -Boris Zhukov with Slick VS. Jimmy Snuka: Snuka’s music cuts Zhukov’s music off. Quick match because there isn’t much time left in the broadcast. Snuka wins after the superfly.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says Zeus has been a problem for him for a long time. He’s ready for the premiere of No Holds Barred.
    -They sign off from Des Moines.

    Episode 33 Notes Thu, 30 Jul 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7a243e47-147f-4c4c-acc8-7fd94d0dec3b My Notes for Episode 33. -Anniversary Camping Trip
    -Humid Week in Maine.
    -Campsite attacked by Raccoons. If you see any buff Raccoons, keep going.
    -Today we look at Wrestlewar ’89 from the NWA and WCW.
    -WCW Wrestlewar ’89 took place on May 7, 1989 from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN. There were 5,200 in attendance for this card.
    -Opening package of some of the people we will be seeing tonight.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us to the event. The Oak Ridge Boys sing the National Anthem. I wouldn’t have minded if they followed it up with Elvira but alas, they didn’t.
    -Jim Ross plugs a concert by them later, but we don’t get to see it. He also says that Eddie Gilbert and Rick Steiner have to settle their personal issue on their own time so no hair VS. hair stipulation in that match.
    -Rundown of the night’s card.
    -Doug Gilbert (subbing for JYD) VS. The Great Muta with Gary Hart: Eddie Gilbert comes down to cheer his brother on, but Muta wins with a moonsault. We do see both green and red mist.
    -Lance Russell interviews Ric Flair. He says he has to style and profile like never before to get his title back.
    -Butch Reed VS. Ranger Ross: The Color Guard accompanies Ranger Ross to the ring. Teddy Long comes to ringside to “scout” new talent as he has been fired as a referee and is looking to become a manager. Reed cheats to begin. It gets clunky between the two at one point. Reed wins after a flying shoulder block.
    -Lance Russell interviews Lex Luger. He says he is ready while doing the patented Lex Luger interview hand movement.
    -Dick Murdoch VS. Bob Orton Jr. with Gary Hart: Texas Bull rope Match. They brawl in and out of the ring. Murdoch takes his boot off and nails Orton with it. He finally hogties and pins Orton. Hart comes in to pounce on Murdoch. He and Orton try to choke Murdoch out with the rope. They go after the referee when the ref tries to stop it.
    -Lance Russel interviews Michael Hayes. He says it’s too late for Lex Luger and he will take the US title.
    -The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace: Paul E. sucks chant goes out. The dudes look good here. Fatu hits a nice crescent kick. SST dominates early. Johnny Ace is not as bad as I’ve heard, but is the weakest of the four. Bob Caudle and Jim Ross doing everything they can to get the dudes over. Paul E. gets on the house mic and tells Johnny Ace he’s as useless as a woman from Nashville, TN. Johnny dropkicks Douglas onto Fatu to get the upset pin.
    -Lance Russell interviews Lou Thesz, Pat O’Connor, and Terry Funk about how they are going to score the main event.
    -NWA United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Michael Hayes with Hiro Matsuda: Hayes stalls and struts to begin. Teddy long comes back out to “scout”. Clunky match to start. Hayes is good at inciting the crowd. Great visual at one point as Luger pushes off as Hayes goes for the DDT. Hayes is playing a great heel here. The crowd is digging Luger. Luger winds up outside and Matsuda attacks him. Good back and forth match. Another nice visual as Hayes goes for the bulldog and Luger pushes him off. Hayes reverses the backbreaker and hits a DDT. Referee gets knocked out and Terry Gordy comes out of nowhere and pushes Hayes on Luger. New Champion!
    -Lance Russell interviews Sting. He’s excited and ready for the Iron Sheik. Sting’s black rat tail scares me.
    -NWA World Television Championship Match: Sting VS. The Iron Sheik with Rip Morgan: A bunch of fans in Sting makeup precede Sting out. Iron Sheik nails Sting with the flag before the match starts. Sting comes back. They go back and forth briefly before Sting hits the splash and gets Sheik to submit to the Scorpion Death Lock.
    -Lance Russell talks to Ricky Steamboat. This is his most important match. He wants no controversy, but this is Flair’s last match. No excuses, let the best man win.
    -NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Match: Ricky Steamboat VS. Ric Flair: Ric Flair comes to the ring with four ladies and 40 more lining the aisle. Steamboat comes down with piece of work Bonnie Steamboat in an evening gown as per usual and Little Ricky riding a horse. Oh boy. Little Ricky is dressed like Porter Wagoner. Gary Michael Cappetta introduces the judges. I don’t think these two can have a bad match. The chop houses come out early. Flair’s airplane crash is brought up if you’re drinking at home. Steamboat has the most impressive arm drag in wrestling. Ross brings up Tommy Young being NWA referee of the year 5 times. He also brings up the NWA is where we wrestle. They are having a classing wrestling match. The announcers talk about Steamboat concentrating on the arms to set up for the chicken wing. The judges all score the first 15 minutes to Steamboat. Flair kicks it up a notch. Steamboat goes over the top rope and immediately a fan pushes him to get up. They both wind up outside at one point but still go at it. They do the Flair goes to the outside and runs to the corner turnbuckle but gets caught by Steamboat spot if you’re drinking at home. They reopen the chop houses as well. They go to multiple close pins at one point. Crowd really into the match. They go in and out of the ring. Second round is scored for Flair in a split decision by the judges. They kick it up another notch as both get carried over the rope by momentum at one point. Back to close falls. Steamboat hits the superplex. Steamboat goes to hit the crossbody, but Flair falls into the ropes causing Steamboat to fall from the top. Flair gets the figure four on. Steamboat works up and out of it. Steamboat slams Flair, who turns it into an inside cradle as Steamboat’s leg buckles. Flair gets the pin and we have a new World’s Champion!
    -Flair has his fans as there is celebrating. Flair lifts Steamboat’s hand as Jim Ross comes in to interviews Flair. Steamboat leaves the ring. Flair puts Steamboat over hard as the greatest world champion that he has ever faced. Terry Funk comes in to congratulate Flair. He also wants to be the first one to challenge Flair for the title. Flair brushes him off, saying that Funk has been in Hollywood and that there are a list of Top 10 Challengers to the title that he has to defend against and that Funk is not on that list. Funk takes that as Flair saying he’s not good enough. They go back and forth. Funk says he was just kidding before attacking Flair. He attacks and piledrives Flair on the ringside table. Funk says look at the horse tooth banana nosed jerk now over the house mic.
    -They replay the piledriver again.
    -Joe Pedicino interviews Nikita Koloff who is going to ref the upcoming tag match. He has a zebra stripe mullet going on, taking this referee thing just a little too far if you ask me. He says he will not be intimidated.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Varsity Club Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams with Kevin Sullivan and a bunch of cheerleaders to begin with VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Nikita Koloff is special guest referee for this match. Sullivan is thrown out after he gets in Koloff’s face. He also threatens Williams with the same thing. Animal catches Rotunda trying to do a crossbody and slams him. Hawk clotheslines Williams off the apron. This is a high power brawl. Road Warriors hit the Doomsday Device on Williams, but Dan Spivey and Kevin Sullivan attack Koloff causing a disqualification.
    -NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: The First Family Eddie Gilbert and Rick Steiner with Missy Hyatt VS. The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan and Dan Spivey. It breaks loose early. Spivey keeps shoulder blocking Steiner’s shoulder into the corner post. Gilbert is going it alone due to the injured shoulder of Steiner. They keep attacking Steiner as he tries to recover. This is essentially a handicap match. Gilbert finally tags Steiner in, but the referee doesn’t see it. Spivey goes to attack Steiner, but as the referee goes to get him out, Steiner clotheslines Sullivan and Gilbert pins him to win the match. The Varsity Club attack Steiner again after the match.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle announce that Steve Williams and Mike Rotunda have been stripped of the titles for attacking a referee. They then recap the night. They replay the piledriver and attack by Funk on Flair again before signing off from Nashville.

    Episode 32 Notes Thu, 23 Jul 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] fd7b5ea7-545d-4004-82e0-c771da4e20ea My notes for Episode 32: WrestleMania V -Today we look at WrestleMania V from the WWF.
    -WrestleMania V took place on April 2, 1989 from the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ. The attendance for the event was 18,946.
    -Vince McMahon voiceover intro The Mega Powers Explode!
    -Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to WrestleMania V before throwing it to the opening ceremonies. Howard Finkel introduces Rockin’ Robin to sing America the Beautiful. This is painful and I am fast forwarding. They lightly clap at the end. Jesse Ventura says she should keep her day job. He and Gorilla are the announcers for the evening. We go right to our first match.
    King Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Hercules: Heenan says we should genuflect for Haku. Hercules comes down in light blue tights. Jesse is pumped up for WrestleMania. These guys just beat each other hard. Hercules goes after Heenan at one point. Donald Trump shows up on the front row, both Gorilla and Jesse acknowledge him. Haku hits his patented crescent kick at one point but doesn’t get the pin. Shades of the previous year’s WrestleMania double bridge situation between The Ultimate Warrior and Hercules, but here Hercules gets his shoulder up to win.

    • Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Rockers who are making their WrestleMania debut against The Twin Towers. They say they are ready for The Twin Towers. Jive Soul Bro starts playing in the background while they are talking. -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Twin Towers Akeem and The Big Boss Man with Slick: Jesse thinks The Twin Towers are too big for The Rockers. Speed VS. Power matchup here. Power dominates early. Inside rib as Jesse razzes Gorilla’s real life son Joey Marella. Michaels tagged in as speed starts to make a comeback. Boss Man catches him in midair and gives him a spinebuster. Akeem splashes him for the pin. -Welcome to the WWF Tony Schiavone as he interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. They say there’s no way Brutus Beefcake wins today. -Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. Brutus Beefcake: DiBiase and Virgil greet Donald Trump on the front row. Jesse and Gorilla joke about Gorilla’s gambling habits. They then joke about Jesse’s famous connections out in Hollywood. Virgil cheats for DiBiase. Both men get their sleepers on during the match. Match ends in a double count out. Beefcake beats up Virgil and DiBiase afterwards. -Lord Alfred Hayes gives a report of the WrestleMania brunch with The Bushwhackers. It’s not my cup of tea, your mileage may vary. -The Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Wrestling purists may not like them, but The Bushwhackers were over with the crowd. Jesse and Gorilla argue over who is Luke and who is Butch. Bushwhackers win after a double stomach breaker. Sean Mooney gets licked by The Bushwhackers. -Mr. Perfect VS. The Blue Blazer: Perfect debuts the singlet. Jesse says he is close to knowing who the Blue Blazer is. Good Match with Perfect bumping all over. Classic Owen match as well. Jesse does his usual shout out to his family. This is an underrated match. Perfect wins with the Perfectplex. -Jesse gets his usual introduction at WrestleMania. Jesse chant goes out. -Lord Alfred Hayes talks about the 5K that took place that weekend. Fuji runs in a tux! -Run DMC performs the WrestleMania Rap. It doesn’t go over well. Crowd doesn’t seem into it. You can fast forward it. Gorilla didn’t like it, but Jesse did. -Flashback to the Survivor Series double turn of Demolition and The Powers of Pain and everything that led up to today. -Mean Gene interviews Ax and Smash. They say they are going to take care of business and take out Fuj the stooge. -WWF Tag Team Championship Match. Demolition Ax and Smash VS. The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian with Mr. Fuji: Demolition has awesome outfits. Gorilla is skeptical that Fuji ran the 5K in a tux. Fuji does a pre match salt routine. Fuji comes in when POP are in control Fuji accidently nails Warlord with salt and gets pinned after a Demolition Decapitation. -Randy Savage refuses to talk to Tony Schiavone. -Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin VS. Ronnie Garvin. Bizarre WrestleMania moment as Makes you cringe thinking about his past because he killed his girlfriend Jimmy Snuka is introduced. He comes down, takes a bow, and leaves. Bravo wins after an okay match with a side suplex. Garvin attacks Martin and the match with the Garvin Stomp, which is what the kids in Bristol did before there was a Bristol Stomp. -The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan VS. Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel: Jesse puts over the Busters huge. Santana hits Martel with a flying forearm accidently at one point. Good match going here. Martel walks away from a tag and then leaves. Anderson hits a patented spinebuster. The Busters win after a spike piledriver. -Mean Gene interviews Rick Martel. He’s sick and tired of Tito Santana. -WrestleMania V Piper’s Pit Segment: Brother Love comes out with a kilt like skirt on. He does some Roddy Piper shtick. Morton Downey Jr. then comes out. They do a little back and forth then Roddy Piper comes out and the crowd loves Piper. He deals with Brother Love first as Downey throws cigarettes at him. He rips off Brother Love’s skirt and he runs to the back. He and Downey then trade insults until Piper sprays Downey with a fire extinguisher. -Mean Gene talks about No Holds Barred, then gives us a look at the film. -Sean Mooney interviews Donald Trump. I don’t get political here, but Trump’s speech patterns and vocabulary haven’t changed in 30 years. -Jesse is irate that Hogan has made No Holds Barred infringing on Jesse’s territory in Hollywood. -They show The Mega Powers forming at WrestleMania IV and the lead up to WrestleMania V. -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He didn’t see the Macho Man’s betrayal coming, but he’s prepared for it. He also said Savage has been eaten alive by jealousy. -Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Big John Studd is the special guest referee. A turnbuckle pad is missing and Roberts goes down early. Andre hated both Roberts and Studd in real life. Andre does his tied up rope spot that he liked at one point. Jesse says that Gorilla is getting worse than McMahon with his biased announcing. Ted DiBiase comes down and grabs the bag containing Damien. Roberts follows him and gets it back as Andre attacks Studd. Roberts throws Damien in and Andre bails. Roberts wins by disqualification. -Sean Mooney interviews fans in the upper deck. -Tony Schiavone interviews Sensational Sherri. She says she’s going to take the title back from Rockin’ Robin and that it is no wonder with Miss Elizabeth that The Mega Powers exploded. -Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart: The not quite yet Rhythm & Blues team up to take on The Hart Foundation. Inside joke during the match as Gorilla and Jesse talk about Pat Patterson being a relic. Gorilla also talks about Greg Valentine taking a long time to warm up if you’re drinking at home. Neidhart intercepts Jimmy Hart’s megaphone and Bret Hart gets the pin after nailing HTM with it. -They flashback to The Super Pose down. -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: The ladies love Rude. Warrior also gets a good pop. Rude puts Warrior over as a powerhouse by selling his ass off. Rude even hits a missile dropkick at one point. Even paced match. Rude has his work cut out for him. Warrior suplexes Rude in, but Heenan grabs the leg and Rude falls on top to win. New Champion! Warrior presses Heenan and drops him badly. -Bad News Brown VS. Jim Duggan: Pure brawl. Not many wrestling holds here. Brown brings in a chair at one point, Duggan counters with his 2X4. Double disqualification. -Mean Gene interviews The Red Rooster. He’s going to take care of weasel Heenan. -The Red Rooster VS. Bobby Heenan with The Brooklyn Brawler: Short match. Rooster wins after Heenan is thrown into a post. Brawler comes in for some shots on Rooster afterwards. -Mean Gene interviews Miss Elizabeth. She says this is a difficult day for her and she hopes that neither man is injured. -Tony Schiavone says no one wants to miss this one. -Sean Mooney is on the arena floor. Both men have their fans in the building. -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage VS. Hulk Hogan: Miss Elizabeth is in a neutral corner. Savage comes out first. Jesse puts him over huge. Elizabeth comes out next to Macho Man’s music. Jesse calls her a gold digger. Jesse then questions why Savage came out first since he is the champion. Hogan is over huge with the crowd. Match starts out slowly. Jesse utters the immortal line: Who the hell was Elizabeth before she met Macho? Hogan uses some nice wrestling moves during this match. Hogan chant goes out at one point. Jesse and Gorilla argue over Hogan and Savage cheating. Classic banter. Hogan starts bleeding over the eye about halfway through. Both men bringing their “A” game. Savage works on the cut eye. Hogan goes to ram Savage into the corner post, but Elizabeth won’t let him. Savage pushes Liz away from ringside. Referee then sends her away. Savage then gives Hogan the Steamboat throat treatment. Savage worked this match with a staph infection in his elbow. Hogan kicks out of the elbow drop. Big Boot, Leg Drop, and pin. New WWF champion. Savage comes in with a Velcro strap belt. Hogan leaves with a snap strap belt. Hogan must pose. Jesse threatens to come out of retirement to take on Hogan. They sign off from Atlantic City.
    Episode 31 Notes Thu, 16 Jul 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7c59578d-aa03-4c51-bb2d-93378cd44883 My Notes for Episode 31: Clash of the Champions VI: Ragin' Cajun -Today we look at Clash of the Champions VI from WCW and the NWA.
    -Clash of the Champions VI: Ragin’ Cajun took place on April 2, 1989 from the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana .The attendance for the event was 5,000 and the show drew a 4.3 rating on TBS.
    -Recap of the Chi-Town Rumble Main Event.
    -Jim Ross and Michael Hayes welcome us to the show. This reunites the UWF announce team. They show a group of former NWA champions eating dinner with Ricky Steamboat.
    -We get our first look at Jim Herd, who will dominate wrestling talk for the next three years with his decisions running WCW.
    -Video package of some of the wrestlers we are going to see.
    -They play the National Anthem.
    -The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Cornette and Dangerously are both masters at their craft here. Both teams look good. Cornette hits Samu with the racket, incensing Michael Hayes on commentary. The arena is dimly lit because George Scott was the booker and didn’t promote the special so there is low attendance and Scott got fired over it. Teddy Long is your official. Within the next 10 years, everyone involved in the match but Bobby Eaton will be on WWF TV. Cornette again hits Samu with the racket. It breaks down. The Midnight Express hit the Rocket Launcher, but Fatu hits Eaton with the telephone and Samu gets the pin.
    -The Great Muta with Gary Hart VS. Steve Casey: Michael Hayes likes to bring up that he set the attendance record in the Superdome. Casey rushes Muta and gets a face full of green mist. This match is to highlight Muta’s talents. Muta wins after a moonsault off the top rope.
    -The Junk Yard Dog comes out with a jazz band. This is the man who set that Superdome record with Hayes. JYD VS. Butch Reed with Hiro Matsuda: Jim Ross and Michael Hayes throw some subtle shade towards the WWF talking about all the fans that the NWA has in Connecticut. JYD and Reed have a rich history in the Mid-South territory. Jim Ross brings up their football careers If You’re Drinking At Home. The finish comes after Hiro Matsuda gets up on the ropes to argue with referee Teddy Long and Reed gets pushed into him. JYD messes up the rollup, but still gets the pin.
    -The following matches are edited out of the WWE Network version of this show:
    4 Bob Orton (with Gary Hart) defeated Dick Murdoch
    Singles match 09:45
    5 The Varsity Club (Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams) (with Kevin Sullivan) defeated The Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk) (c) (with Paul Ellering)
    Tag team match for the NWA World Tag Team Championship[9]
    6 Ranger Ross defeated The Iron Sheik by disqualification
    Singles match 01:56

    -The Varsity Club (Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams) defeated The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) when Williams cradled Hawk for the pin. The match was marred by controversial officiating: referee Teddy Long refused to count a Pin for the Road Warriors only moments before making a fast count on Williams pinning Hawk. Long was subsequently fired as a referee and became a manager.
    -NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan and Dan Spivey VS. The First Family Eddie Gilbert and Rick Steiner with Missy Hyatt: Gilbert thrown over the top rope at one point but the referee doesn’t see it. Gilbert hits Sullivan with Hyatt’s Gucci bag and gets the pin. They continue to fight after the bell.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship match: Ricky Steamboat VS. Ric Flair: 2/3 falls match. Flair comes to the ring with a bevy of beautiful women and they misspell his name on the screen. Typical. Steamboat comes down with piece of work Bonnie and Little Ricky and his name lights up as The Drago. Also typical. It eventually scrolls as the Dragon Steamboat Ricky. No Walt Disney jokes please. Little Ricky looks like a cut rate Yoshi here. Terry Funk joins commentary. This is a brilliant touch considering what is going to come. Jim Ross makes a point to say that Funk is not retired.
    -First Fall: These two always have great matches. Funk is really good at commentary, calling it as more of an analyst. Both men string together great moves. They open dueling chop houses at one point. Flair sells like no one else. Steamboat chant goes out as he has his fans in New Orleans. Steamboat gets several two counts. They make a great point in saying that this is the most important match of the day because the NWA title is the most important title in wrestling. They are very physical with their chops. Flair takes the first fall by reversing an inside cradle at 19:33.
    -Second Fall: Steamboat starts out aggressive. Fans start to get into the match. The ebb and flow is so good. They keep kicking it up a notch. They battle in and out of the ring. Flair finally submits to a double chicken wing at 34:14.
    -Third Fall: They go right at each other immediately. They reopen the dueling chophouses and do their patented Flair goes for his tope rope move but gets chopped by Steamboat spot. Later on, Flair actually hits the Flair top rope spot. This match has everything. Lots of close falls. Both men spent by the end of the match. Steamboat gets the pin after putting Flair’s shoulders to the mat during the double chicken wing after Steamboat’s leg buckles. Time of the match 54:29.
    -Jim Ross interviews Steamboat. He thanks TBS and the fans for the opportunity. He wants to move on to other contenders. They look at the video and Steamboat sees Flair’s foot under the rope. They say Flair is irate. Steamboat is willing to give him a rematch as they say goodnight from New Orleans.

    Episode 30 Notes Thu, 09 Jul 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 7efa72da-5c9b-418d-ba2d-1ff79d02527f My notes for Episode 30: Macon, NC - Come for the cotton candy, stay for the Fall: SNME March 1989. -Today we look at SNME from March 1989.
    -SNME XX was shown on NBC on March 11, 1989. It was taped February 16, 1989 from the Hershey park Arena in Hershey, PA.
    -Vince McMahon narrates over videos of Miss Elizabeth with the Mega Powers and how she will choose tonight between them.
    -Opening credits.
    -I like this opening better than the scripted promos they usually do.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. Jesse is wearing a Yale sweatshirt. Jesse dominates the conversation much to Vince’s consternation.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan. They are looking to take out Brutus Beefcake tonight. They promise a Rude Awakening if Beefcake tries the sleeper.
    -There is a weird cut in the video here and I don’t know what they took out. The audio is off too. Jesse and Vince are too loud.
    -Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says after the Struttin’ comes the Cuttin’.
    -Brutus Beefcake VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: Rude has a picture of The Ultimate Warrior on the back of his tights. Rude is among the best wrestlers in the world at this time and it shows. Andre The Giant comes down to ringside during the match. Beefcake is thrown outside and attacked by Andre until Jake Roberts come down to ringside with Damien. Rude and Andre double team Roberts. The bell rings repeatedly. Beefcake comes back and attacks Rude. Andre boots out Roberts and attacks Beefcake until Big John Studd comes out. The WrestleMania 5 buildup is strong. Andre and Studd stand toe to toe until Roberts throws Damien in and Andre says see ya! Beefcake wins by disqualification.
    -Hulk Hogan vows that Bad News Brown will pay for what he has said about Miss Elizabeth.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Bad News Brown, who claims Liz has done “favors” for Jack Tunney in exchange for special treatment. Risqué talk for 1989. He doesn’t care if it is Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage in his way.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth. Mean Gene tries to give context but Hogan tells him to shut up and not spread those lies that Bad News Brown tells. He also says Randy Savage has hurt Liz by putting Liz between the Mega Powers. He’s sticking up for Liz tonight and against Randy Savage at WrestleMania 5.
    -Hulk Hogan with Miss Elizabeth VS. Bad News Brown: Jesse says it looks like Liz has already chosen. Even paced match with both men brawling in and out of the ring. Brown looks for something under the ring then goes to the back and comes back with some type of shovel. Hogan throws him back in before he can use it. Brown goes after Liz at one point, but Hogan stops it. Brown grabs the mic and puts Hogan down. He misses the ghetto blaster. Hulk up time! Big boot, leg drop, pin. Liz claps, Hogan must pose! Liz poses too! Vince wonders what’s going through Randy Savage’s Mind. Jesse says jealousy and that Hogan is a backstabber.
    -Savage paces in front of Liz’s door.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase shows off the Million Dollar Belt off for the first time.
    -Mean Gene then interviews The Blue Blazer. He plans to go up in the air to defeat the Million Dollar Man.
    -Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. The Blue Blazer: Owen is in there just to get DiBiase over. They work well together, Owen hits a nice tope on DiBiase. DiBiase wins after a powerslam.
    -Savage continues pacing.
    -My personal story.
    -Mean Gene brings Miss Elizabeth out. He asks her whose corner she’s going to be in at WrestleMania 5, and as she answers, someone yells be in my corner! Liz says this is the hardest decision of her life. She says she won’t be in Hogan’s corner which brings out Randy Savage. He says that she’s going to be in his corner, but she says no. Savage gets pissed, but Hogan comes out. He says he respects Liz too much to take Savage’s head off there, but he’s getting his belt back at WrestleMania V. Vince and Jesse surmise that she will be in a neutral corner. Jesse says she’s a two timer who will go with the winner.
    -Mean Gene talks to The Brain Busters and Bobby Heenan. They are tired of the Rockers, and taking them out is the first step towards the championship. Jesse says Bobby Heenan has a master plan for the night.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Rockers. They say both teams are winners, but they’re going to keep it in the ring.
    -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Brain Busters Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson with Bobby Heenan: This is a good match between two good teams. Heenan pulls the top rope down and Michaels goes sailing over it. In retaliation, the referee throws Heenan out. The Brain Busters are masters at cheating. Anderson hits a nice spinebuster. All four men brawl outside. The bell rings. They come back inside. The Rockers hit the double dropkick on Anderson and Blanchard. Double Count out.
    -Flashback to the breakup between Bobby Heenan and The Red Rooster, including the Brooklyn Brawler attacking Rooster on Primetime.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Heenan and Brawler, who says he’s going to embarrass the Red Rooster and not let Bobby Heenan down.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Red Rooster, who says he is somebody and he is going to beat Heenan.
    -The Red Rooster VS. The Brooklyn Brawler with Bobby Heenan: Heenan is miked for sound again at ringside. Rooster wins with a small package after a short match. Double team on Rooster afterwards.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage. He says he doesn’t need anybody, he’s the champion. He tears apart the dressing room.
    -They sign off from Hershey.
    -If you like the show, please leave a review in iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or your podcast platform of choice.
    -There are a number of ways that you can contact me.
    -Follow the show’s Twitter: @CupofJoepod
    -Email the show at [email protected].
    -You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
    -Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey Harris saying so long from Stately Maine Manor.
    -Noise Reduction: Get noise profile from 5 seconds of silence. Select all, leave presets.
    -Equalization: Bass boost, Treble boost
    -Bass and Treble
    -Normalize again
    -Limiter: Hard Limit: -4db
    -Amplify: Allow clipping

    Episode 29 Notes Thu, 02 Jul 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 58b9fff8-4534-4251-8a21-a731e778bd07 My Notes for Episode 29: The Great American Bash '86 Charlotte -Today we are looking at the Charlotte stop of The Great American Bash tour of 1986.
    -The show took place from Memorial Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina on July 5, 1986.
    -The Prism Skydiving Team parachute in to start us off. They get a nice ovation. The National Anthem is then played.
    -World Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match: Denny Brown VS. Steve Regal: This is Mr. Electricity and not Lord Steven. 15 minute Time limit. Slow to start. Regal is the heel and is playing that role hard to the crowd. Brown with the early advantage. Regal rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in, Brown with a snap mare. Regal complains of hair pulling. They do this spot a couple of times. Brown works a side headlock. They speed it up some and Brown gets a couple of two counts. Regal cheats to gain an advantage. Back and forth. This is a clunky match. Regal working a rear chinlock. Brown starts a comeback with 5 minutes left. Regal gets a two count. Regal gets a leg up at a Brown corner charge. Regal goes back to the headlock. Brown with some forearms. Regal with a backbreaker. Regal misses an elbow drop. Brown coming back and hits a big right hand and a leg drop. He gets a two count as time expires. They brawl after the match as Regel throws Brown over the ropes.
    -Black Bart VS. Robert Gibson: Bart is the Mid-Atlantic champion, but this is a non-title match. You have to give the other half of the Rock ‘N Roll Express something to do. 15 minute time limit. Gibson with the early advantage, but Bart is too powerful He goes after Gibson’s midsection. Speed VS. Power. Gibson with a head scissors. Bart fighting to get out. Gibson chewing gum during the match. Bart comes back and Gibson sells one punch like it kills him as he goes flying back to the outside. Back in, more punishment. Hot Shot on Gibson. Then a back body drop. Gibson comes back with some shots to the head. Bart again throws Gibson outside where they brawl. Gibson slammed up against the barricade. Back in, they trade blows. Bart hits a leg drop for a two count. Gibson comes back. Knocks Bart down several times. Gibson gets a high crossbody for a three count and the crowd loves it. It is so loud.
    -The Minnesota Wrecking Crew Ole and Arn Anderson VS. Sam Houston and Nelson Royal: Special Challenge Match: 20 minute time limit. Arn and Houston start out. Arn with the advantage. Houston comes back with a hip toss. Royal and Ole tagged in. Ole complaining to referee Earl Hebner that Royal is cheating. Arn tagged in and Royal nails him with some forearms. Royal follows that up with a knee lift and a headlock. Arn gets to the ropes. Ole tagged in. Quick tags by the heels. Back and forth. Houston and Ole both in. Ole selling Houston’s punches. Ole runs Houston into Arn’s boot. Arn in and drops a knee for a two count. Ole in and runs Houston into the corner. Ole works Houston’s arm. Heels double teaming Houston in their corner. Royal tagged in and he cleans house. Ole in and he runs Royal into the corner. He works Royal’s arm. Arn tagged in. Drops a knee into Royal’s arm for a two count. Royal starts to fight back. Ole tagged in and he goes back to the arm. Arn tagged in and the heels have done a good job cutting the ring in half. Houston finally tagged in and goes to work on Arn. He hits a back elbow and a bulldog but Ole breaks up the count. Houston gets a rollup but the referee is preoccupied with Royal and Ole comes off the top rope with a forearm to Houston’s head and Arn gets the pin.
    -Manny Fernandez VS. Baron Von Raschke with Paul Jones: Crowd behind Fernandez but whatever. Bunkhouse match: Jones has what looks like a safari outfit with the riding crop so he is not full tilt crazy yet. Fernandez and Von Raschke both in jeans and t shirts. Heels working the crowd to start. Fernandez with the early advantage. Von Raschke rolls out to regroup. Fernandez hits a back elbow then goes after Jones who runs away. Von Raschke down. Fernandez drops a knee. Fernandez then misses a corner charge. Von Raschke has some sort of an object that he jams in Fernandez’s throat. Fernandez busted open. Von Raschke puts his belt around Fernandez’s face and pulls. He then clotheslines him with the belt. Then whips him with it. Fernandez fighting back. Referee takes the belt away so Von Raschke takes off his boot and hits Fernandez with it. Fernandez fights back again so Jones hits him with his riding crop. A Fernandez back kick knocks Von Raschke down. Fernandez hits a back elbow and Von Raschke goes down. Fernandez then whips Von Raschke with his belt. Fernandez pulls Von Raschke t-shirt over his head, knocks him down, and takes Von Raschke’s boot and hits him over the head with it from the second rope. Fernandez misses the flying forearm when Von Raschke ducks. Jones attacks Fernandez on the outside. Von Raschke runs Fernandez into the corner post and the barricade. Von Raschke suplexes Fernandez into the ring from the apron, but Fernandez rolls through to get the pin. The crowd loves it. Jones claims that Fernandez cheated. Crowd boos Jones and Von Raschke.
    -Strap Match: Wahoo McDaniel VS. Jimmy Garvin with Precious: It takes a while to get the strap attached to both men. Garvin does want to put it on. McDaniel straps his back. Garvin and Precious stalling. He finally puts the strap on. McDaniel straps him again so Garvin rolls outside. McDaniel yanks him back in. They do this spot a couple of times. Garvin getting beat brutally. Garvin with a headlock and McDaniel posts him with the strap. Garvin selling hard. Garvin gets McDaniel down with a headlock. They go outside. McDaniel falls back at one point and trips on the guardrail, so Garvin attacks him. Back in, Garvin has McDaniel busted open and down and tries a pin before going to the ropes. He gets three corners before McDaniel stops his momentum. McDaniel coming back with some hard chops. He busts Garvin open with the strap. He ties Garvin up and gets two corners and Precious trips him. Garvin goes for a top rope move, but McDaniel pulls him off. He ties Garvin up and goes for the corners again. He gets three and Precious climbs up on the apron and grabs his singlet. She slaps him and tries to stop him but he touches the final corner anyway to win. The crowd goes crazy for the finish. Precious gets the strap off of Jimmy Garvin and attaches it to the ropes and Garvin attacks McDaniel with the atomizer that Precious carries. Garvin and Precious then leave.
    -Taped Fist Match: Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Ron Garvin with Wahoo McDaniel: 10 three minute rounds. Blanchard is the National Heavyweight Champion, but his is a non-title match. Blanchard rushes Garvin who knocks him out. Blanchard is lying flat in the ring and JJ is livid as the match hasn’t even started yet. The bell rings and they go at it. Blanchard selling like he is punch drunk. Blanchard knocked down and referee Tommy Young starts a 10 count. JJ with some smelling salts revives Blanchard. Garvin starts to go after JJ before going back in the ring. Garvin still with the advantage and Blanchard is selling hard. Blanchard starts to fall halfway out of the ring, but Garvin pulls him back in. Blanchard gets a 7 count before he gets back up. He gets knocked down again with another 7 count and staggers outside. They do boxing stances as Garvin has Blanchard in the corner. Bell rings. Blanchard tries to rush Garvin but gets knocked out again. JJ trying to revive him and arguing with Tommy Young for a time extension. Round 2- starts with a count but Blanchard makes it to his feet by 8. Garvin knocks him out again. Back up and more boxing stances in the corner. Garvin head butts Blanchard twice and gets admonished by Tommy Young. Blanchard down again. Comes up swinging at air. Gets knocked down again. He is up at 7 but immediately gets knocked down again. Blanchard now bleeding and attacks Garvin’s legs which Garvin goes over into a sunset flip then bridges out of and knocks Blanchard down again but the round ends. JJ splashes water on Blanchard to try to revive him. Round 3- Blanchard gets a couple of shots to Garvin’s stomach, but gets knocked out again. Garvin keeps punching when Blanchard is down and Blanchard runs Garvin into the corner post. Garvin hurting on the outside so Blanchard runs him into the post again. Blanchard uses the time to try to revive himself. Garvin now bleeding and Blanchard trying to prevent him from coming in. he finally gets back in and Blanchard is on the offensive as the round ends. McDaniel working to revive Garvin. Round 4- Blanchard knocks Garvin to his knees. Blanchard then slams Garvin and attacks him on the mat. He tries to pin and has to be reminded that pins aren’t allowed. Blanchard with some body shots. Garvin comes back and knocks Blanchard down with one punch. It goes outside. McDaniel picks Blanchard up and atomic drops him into a Garvin elbow. Back in, Blanchard selling hard. He gets up on a 9 count. He gets knocked down again. Round ends. JJ adds more tape to Blanchard’s right hand. Round 5- Garvin jabbing. Blanchard swinging his right hand but can’t connect. Blanchard knocked down again. Back up at 7 and gets a headlock on Garvin. Garvin backdrops Blanchard. Double count. Blanchard up at 6 but goes off the top rope and caught by Garvin and both go down again. The double count reaches 10. The first man to his feet wins. JJ fanning Blanchard with the towel. McDaniel throws a pail of water on Garvin. Garvin makes it to his feet and is declared the winner. JJ complains about the water. Referee Tommy Young says he didn’t see that happen. Fans chant I quit to Blanchard and JJ threatens to have them thrown out which makes them cheer louder. He then shows the empty bucket to Tommy Young then throws the bucket at him. JJ is awesome here.
    -Double Russian Chain Match: Ivan and Nikita Koloff VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Hawk is chained to Nikita and Animal is chained to Ivan. Hawk is choking Nikita with the chain. Ivan choking Animal. Lots of posting and hitting with the chain. Animal now choking Ivan who is bleeding already in the match. Animal gets a two count. Nikita is now choking Hawk with the chain. Ivan goes up top but is caught and slammed off. Again, Animal gets a two count. Hawk starts hitting Nikita with the chain, so Nikita rolls outside and Hawk follows. Animal again choking Ivan with the chain. Ivan counters with a low blow and goes for a pin, but Animal’s foot is on the ropes. Nikita and Hawk are back in and Nikita gets a two count. Ivan calls for Nikita’s help so Nikita grabs Animal from behind. USA chant breaks out. Hawk comes over, so both Russians concentrate on him. Then the Russians go back and forth between the two Road Warriors. Hawk then starts a comeback between both Russians hitting them with the chain. Referee Tommy Young is hit and knocked outside the ring. Hawk then knocked out and lands on Tommy Young. Nikita then hits Animal with a Russian Sickle and Ivan covers, but there is no referee. Ivan goes up top but Ellering pushes him off and Ivan crotches himself on the top rope. Animal then pins him as Tommy Young gets back in the ring and counts the pin. The crowd loves it. They continue to brawl after the match.
    -Hair VS. Hair Match: Jimmy Valiant VS. Shaska Whatley with Paul Jones: Match has just started when the picture comes back on but we don’t get the introductions. Whatley with the early advantage. Valiant down and Whatley gets a two count. Valiant gets caught coming in for a corner charge and Whatley goes to pin him with his feet on the ropes but gets caught. Valiant starts a comeback but gets hit by Jones. Whatley gets a two count. He then works the crows before trying again and getting another two count. Valiant is busted open. Whatley with a rear chinlock into a headlock. Valiant again starts a comeback, but gets hit again by Jones and Whatley gets a two count. A Whatley head butt knocks Valiant down again. Valiant concentrates on hitting Whatley’s stomach. A Whatley back elbow gets a two count. Whatley gets Valiant in the tree of woe. Jones chokes Valiant with the riding crop as Whatley distracts the referee. Referee lets Valiant down. Whatley gets another two count. Valiant coming back. Whatley can’t get the three count. Whatley now biting Valiant. Whatley misses a big elbow smash. Crowd behind Valiant. He hits Whatley with some shots and knocks Jones off the apron, then gets the sleeper on Whatley. The referee somehow gets knocked out or something but you don't see it. Baron Von Raschke comes in and puts on the glove to attack Valiant. Manny Fernandez comes out and takes out Baron Von Raschke who drops his glove. Valiant puts it on and knocks Whatley out with it and he gets the pin and the crowd loves it. A group of faces come out and hold Whatley while he gets his head shaved. Valiant yells out that Paul Jones is next. Whatley wakes up and flips out.
    -Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A., and Baby Doll VS. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton, and Jim Cornette: Steel Cage Match: Cornette bouncing around in a Fighter’s stance. Big Bubba on the outside for the heels. Rhodes runs Eaton into the cage. Eaton and Magnum start. It starts out slowly. Eaton with some hard shots. Magnum hits a big power slam on Eaton and on Condrey when he comes in to help Eaton. Magnum runs Eaton into the cage again. He then brings Eaton over to Baby Doll to slap. Rhodes tagged in. He takes on both members of the Midnight Express. Eaton busted open. Condrey tagged in. Magnum tagged in. He hits Condrey with a big double ax handle. He’s run into the cage and bleeding. Condrey tries for a piledriver, but Magnum pushes him off and attacks. Cornette tagged in, but misses an elbow and tags out. Eaton in and he climbs to the top of the cage and lands a shot on Magnum. Condrey tagged in and gets a two count. Magnum bleeding. Back and forth. Eaton tagged in. He gets caught coming off the top rope by Magnum. It starts breaking down. Baby Doll tosses Jim Cornette in and the crowd erupts. She hits him with a big slap and pins him. Rhodes and Big Bubba do some jaw jacking to each other after the match and Rhodes climbs out of the cage to confront Big Bubba. Eaton grabs Rhodes’ arms as Bubba beats on him and Cornette and Condrey keep the cage door shut. They leave Rhodes laying.
    -Steel Cage Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair VS. Ricky Morton: The background to this match is that Flair got shown up by Morton on TV, and Flair in return grinded Morton’s face into a concrete floor. As a result, Morton is wearing protective gear on his face for this match. We go to a wide shot of a helicopter arriving. It lands on the field. They roll out the red carpet and Ric Flair emerges dressed for the match and wearing his robe and the belt. It takes a while to start. Morton gets a side headlock on. Flair gets him into the corner and opens up the chop house, but Morton comes back with a strike of his own and Flair goes down. Back and forth. Morton runs and grinds Flair’s face into the mat in retaliation. Flair tries to escape, but Morton pull him back. Flair flop is worked in. A Morton backslide gets a two count. Flair shoves referee Tommy Young who shoves back and Flair goes down. Morton getting some corner punches in. He then lands some more punches and Flair then reopens the Chop House. Morton’s Face Mask comes off as he rolls Flair up and gets a two count before putting it back on. Flair works on Morton’s left knee while Morton has him in a headlock. Flair gets to the ropes then starts working over Morton. Morton comes back with a crossbody for a two count. A Morton clothesline gets another two count. Morton misses an elbow drop. Flair rips the face mask off and runs Morton into the cage. Morton is now bleeding. Flair runs him into the cage again. Flair then puts the Face Mask on and rams Morton again into the cage. Flair then tosses the Face Mask outside the cage. Flair then does the cheese grater on Morton’s face with the cage. Flair then punches Morton in the face and he sells it like he has been shot. Morton’s face is a crimson mask. Flair going hard after Morton’s face. He runs Morton into the cage. He drops a knee onto Morton’s face. Flair taunting the fans while beating Morton up. Flair then gets the figure four on. He grabs the ropes for leverage, but Morton won’t give up. Flair then gets caught and has to break the hold. Morton gets an inside cradle for a two count. Morton back up. Flair chops him and he spits on Flair. Flair run into the cage twice. Flair then blades and is bleeding for the business. He then gets the cheese grater treatment by Morton. Flair then tries to come back, but Morton is wearing him out with punches. Flair then cheese grated again into the cage by Morton. Morton then gets the sleeper on. A Morton crossbody then gets a two count. Flair climbs the cage again to get out, but Morton again catches him. Morton hits a clothesline for a two count. Back and Forth. Morton hits a missile dropkick for a two count, but gets thrown on referee Tommy Young. Flair then atomic drops Morton on the top rope. Flair pins Morton with his feet on the ropes. The crowd hates the results. Flair walks out bloody with the belt.

    Episode 28 Notes Thu, 25 Jun 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2c461f16-1ced-4828-8829-8caaa61a5c6d My Notes for Episode 28. -This past week:
    -It is okay to feel betrayed, dejected, sad, angry, etc.
    -What happened was and is not right and should not be tolerated.
    -It’s okay to walk away for a while.
    -Reach out to someone if you need to talk or just vent.
    -Today we look at Chi-Town Rumble from the NWA and WCW.
    -The Chi-Town Rumble PPV took place February 20, 1989 from the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, Illinois. There were 8,000 in attendance.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross and Magnum TA are your announcers for the evening and welcome us to the show. They run down the card for the night.
    -Highlight video of some of the stars of the upcoming Chi-Town Rumble.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Michael Hayes. Hayes says he can feel it tonight. He is fired up. This is an all-star card. This is a good promo for the card.
    -Michael Hayes VS. Russian Assassin I with Paul Jones: Slow start. Assassin goes for a leap frog, but Hayes punches him. Back and forth. Hayes playing up to the crowd. Hayes working an arm bar in between strutting and showing off. Sunset Flip by Hayes gets two. Back to the arm bar. Assassin comes back and throws Hayes out, but he lands on his feet and punches the Russian. Hayes again opens up the Arm Bar for Happy Hour. Assassin maintains the advantage. Russian sickle for a two count. Back and forth. Another sickle gets a two count. Assassin gets a reverse chinlock on. Hayes gets up and works out of it. They trade shots. Jones takes a cheap shot on Hayes. Assassin pushes off a bulldog attempt. Assassin misses a charge and hits the corner post. Hayes hits punches in the corner. Hayes hits the DDT for the win.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Ricky Steamboat who has piece of work Bonnie and Little Ricky with him. They are dressed in all white and Steamboat says he’s been waiting for this and it’s the moment of truth. Steamboat is just not a strong interview.
    -Sting VS. Butch Reed with Hiro Matsuda: They push each other to start. Sting hits an atomic drop. Sting is over with the crowd. Sting avoiding Reed. Jim Ross talks about Reed’s athletic background in football and rodeo if you’re drinking at home. Sting hits a dropkick that knocks Reed out. Back in, Sting gets a side headlock on. Ross takes a subtle dig at The Ultimate Warrior saying Sting has surpassed the ability of his former tag partner. Reed goes outside for advice from Matsuda. Reed misses an elbow and Sting gets a wristlock on. Lots of rest holds in this match. Sting gets thrown outside. Back in, Reed hits a double ax handle for a two count. Matsuda chokes Sting while Reed distracts referee Teddy Long. Reed gets a side headlock on. Sting fights back, but Reed wears him back down. Reed uses the ropes for leverage. Sting again fighting back as JR’s mic cuts out momentarily. Reed puts his knees up as Sting goes for a splash. Sting comes back, but Reed throws him out. Reed hits a neck breaker, then puts on a rear chinlock. Sting hits a jaw breaker. Sting hits a clothesline. Sting in control. Sting tries for a sunset flip, Reed blocks it and sits down on Sting for a pinning predicament. Long sees Reed using the ropes and kicks his arms away allowing Sting to follow through with the sunset flip and get the win. They continue to fight after the bell.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Paul E. Dangerously, who has Randy Rose and Jack Victory with him. Paul E. says that he’s throwing the game plan off. This is a cover, as Dennis Condrey has left the NWA. They head to the ring.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express. They were prepared for Dennis Condrey, but no matter who the opponents are, they plan to stay in the NWA.
    -The Original Midnight Express Randy Rose and Jack Victory and Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton and Jim Cornette: Loser of the fall leaves the NWA. Cornette wants Paul E. to start. Lane and Rose start. Chain Wrestling. Rose clotheslines outside. Victory tagged in. Triple teaming on Victory which brings the crowd into it. Quick tags by the MX. Rose gets control, but a Paul E. slap towards Eaton hits Rose instead. Eaton slammed into the railing outside. Back in, Paul E. tagged in. He hits a few shots, but quickly tags out as Eaton recovers. Cornette wants Paul E. in. Rose hits and beats Cornette. Paul E. tagged in with Cornette knocked down. Cornette back up and he hits Paul E. Rose and then Victory in hitting Cornette. Lane tagged in. OMX triple teaming. Lane knocked out of the ring. Back in, Lane reverses a piledriver. Rose tagged in and beat around. Eaton in. He hits a top rope dropkick on Victory. Paul E. and Cornette tagged in. Cornette Clotheslines Paul E. Rose and Lane tagged in. All four wrestlers in the ring. Rose misses a top rope splash. It’s breaking down. MX hits the double flapjack on Rose to win the match.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Ric Flair with Hiro Matsuda. Flair says he has wrestled the greats, and he remains the World’s Heavyweight Champion. He says Matsuda is the greatest mind, while Matsuda just stands there wasting oxygen.
    -NWA World Television Championship Match Rick Steiner with Scott Steiner VS. Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan: Rotunda rolls out right away, but walks away from Scott. Back in, chain wrestling to start. Rotunda getting frustrated by Rick. European uppercuts by Rotunda. Syracuse sucks chant goes out. Back and forth. Rick hits a big clothesline. Feeling out process. Abdominal stretch reversal by Rick to take Rotunda down. Rotunda rolls out again. Back in, Rotunda hits a reverse crossbody, but Rick rolls through for a two count. JR again talking college athletics if you’re drinking at home. Rick has a side headlock on. Rick hits a back body drop. Rick then misses a big splash. It goes outside. Rotunda punishes Rick. Back in, Rick hits a powerslam for a two count. Sullivan comes on the house mic and says that Rick has a beautiful dog back in the dressing room. This distracts Rick. Rotunda hits a nice side suplex. Rotunda then hits a dropkick. Rick gets a sleeper on. They both fall down with the sleeper on, but Rick’s shoulders go down for a three count. Rotunda regains the TV title.
    -Bob Caudle interviews The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They guarantee that The Varsity Club will go up and have their heads ripped off.
    -NWA United States Championship Match. Barry Windham with Hiro Matsuda VS. Lex Luger: Luger shows power moves early. Windham is making Luger look good, but Luger is working his butt off too. Luger hits a big powerslam. Luger then misses a top rope move. They go out and brawl. Windham hits a suplex back in. Windham then takes over. Luger falls outside as a cut has opened over his eye. Windham accidently hits the bolt of the ring post and his hand starts bleeding. He gets the claw on. Luger fights back. Windham goes for the superplex. He hits it. Windham then hits a belly to back suplex, but Luger gets his shoulder up before the three count. Back to back weird endings to the championship matches. New United States Champion Lex Luger. Windham attacks Luger after the announcement. He piledrives Luger onto the belt.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Mike Rotunda. He says he had a plan, and he got his belt back.
    -Jim Ross and Magnum TA recap the night so far.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering VS. The Varsity Club Steve Williams and Kevin Sullivan: Sullivan and Animal start. Sullivan goes up top, but Animal catches him and powerslams him. Williams tagged in. He gets a powerslam. Hawk tagged in. Williams rolls out. Jim Ross talks college sports again for those now drunk at home. Williams military presses Hawk, who then clotheslines Williams. Double clothesline from both Road Warriors. The Varsity Club double teaming Animal. They throw Animal out and Sullivan hits him with a chair. Williams gets a two count on Animal. Sullivan tagged in. The Varsity Club doing some quick tags. Hawk and Sullivan both tagged in and Hawk hits a big powerslam. Hawk and Williams brawl outside, Animal and Sullivan brawl inside. Williams pins Hawk, Animal pins Sullivan. The referee says that The Road Warriors win.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Lex Luger. He says he has had one of the hardest matches of his career.
    -Video recap of what led to the Main Event.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with Hiro Matsuda VS. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat starts with a tackle. These two are so good together. Flair walks outside. Back in, they open up the chophouse. Steamboat hits a dropkick and gets a side headlock on. More chops and a two count by Steamboat. Flair takes a brief walk. Back and forth. Flair chopped outside as the crowd starts to get into it. Steamboat is then dragged out. Back in, Flair drops a knee onto Steamboat. Flair does his usual high rope spot, but actually hits it this time. But Steamboat rolls through it for a two count. Flair gets the figure four on. Referee catches Flair using the ropes for leverage and makes him break the hold. They go outside and chop. Steamboat suplexed back in for a two count. Flair using the ropes for leverage, then they trade pin attempts. Steamboat bridges out of a pin attempt. Close pin attempts. Steamboat hits a clothesline. Steamboat with a flying judo chop. He hits the crossbody, but the referee goes down too. Teddy Long comes down to check on Tommy Young. Flair throws Steamboat out, but Steamboat holds on, climbs the turnbuckle, but misses the body press. Flair goes for the figure four again, but Steamboat catches him in an inside cradle to win. The crowd goes crazy when it is announced.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Ricky Steamboat. He can’t believe it. He is showered with champagne. He doesn’t know what to say. He is going to be the champion for the people.
    -They sign off from Chicago.

    Episode 27 Notes Thu, 18 Jun 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] c9e8ef64-0030-4639-9fc0-5e40ce5754ef My Notes for Episode 27: Clash of the Champions 5. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions V: St. Valentines Massacre from WCW.
    -Clash of the Champions V: St. Valentines Massacre took place on February 15, 1989 from the Cleveland Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 5,000 people were in attendance and the show drew a 4.6 rating on TBS.
    -Ricky Steamboat is back and says that the Dragon’s going to be breathing fire in Cleveland.
    -There are some weird kissing sounds made over the voiceover at one point.
    -Clash Opening Credits.
    -Magnum T.A. and Jim Ross welcome us to the Clash and go over some of what we are going to see tonight.
    -The Russian Assassins I and II with Paul Jones VS. The Midnight Express Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane with Jim Cornette: Assassin I and Lane start out. Assassin I pushes Lane down. Lane comes back. Eaton tagged in. Assassin II in. MX doing some quick tags. Inset of Paul E. Dangerously. He says the OMX is going to take Jim Cornette out of wrestling. Paul E. then joins commentary, but you don’t hear anything at first. Cornette and Jones are going after each other. The teams start to battle outside. Paul finally comes on and talks about his strategy for the upcoming PPV. Cornette attacks one of the Assassins outside with the racket. The Assassins switch places and gain the advantage over Lane. Paul says Cornette has made tactical errors. The Assassins are dominating. Lots of quick tags. Lane dodges the Russian missile. Eaton tagged in. Lane hits a karate kick. Rocket Launcher on Assassin II for the pin.
    -Ad for the Chi-Town Rumble coming up.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Ricky Steamboat who has the “Little Dragon” with him. He’s back in the NWA and going after the title because he’s a father trying to secure his son’s future. Ricky Steamboat, Family Man.
    -They show a video of Steamboat/Flair confrontation after a Steamboat exhibition display.
    -Butch Reed VS. Steve Casey: slow feeling out process to start. Casey hits a dropkick and an arm drag. As they are going at it, a camera focuses on a couple just making out. Surreal. Reed comes out with some offense, then they go back and forth. They are using a lot of rest hold as Reed retakes the advantage. Casey uses a lot of reversals. Casey complains that Reed has been cheating as Reed rolls outside for a bit. Test of strength. Casey thrown out. Back in, Reed is hammering Casey. Reed wearing Casey down. Reed subtle in his cheating. Casey thrown outside again. Reed with a rear chin lock. He is choking and using the ropes for leverage. Casey with a comeback and he hits a monkey flip. Two dropkicks by Casey, but Reed catches him and military presses him and slams Casey. Reed hits the top rope shoulder block for the pin.
    -Ric Flair comes out with his new manager, Hiro Matsuda and an entourage of women. Bob Caudle interviews him. Flair says this is the difference between him and Steamboat. This is making Flair almost a face with the crowd. He tells Caudle to take his pick of women. That’s funny. He calls out Steamboat. He calls Steamboat “Mom’s Apple Pie” and says he must be bored with the same woman every night. He must know Bonnie Steamboat. He says Steamboat should do himself a favor and just walk away from the upcoming match. Steamboat is trying to come off like a baby face, but times have changed. Flair says he’s leaving to party, Steamboat should go home and help the Mrs. With the dishes. Steamboat slaps him and pulls his clothes off. Gives him some heavy chops too. Flair chops back half dressed. They work this spot better than some of the matches coming up. Steamboat hits a crossbody and goes for a pin but this isn’t a match. Matsuda comes in and attacks Steamboat. He and Flair attack Steamboat, who fights back. They brawl outside the ring. Steamboat throws Flair’s clothes to the crowd.
    -The Blackmailer (Jack Victory) with Hiro Matsuda VS. Lex Luger: Luger has power moves to start. Blackmailer tries some things, Luger blocks. Luger with a side headlock. Luger stays with a side headlock on the Blackmailer for quite some time. He keeps going back to it. Luger goes for a clothesline but goes outside when Blackmailer ducks. Blackmailer attacks as Luger tries to get back in. Luger gets a shoulder in and hits a sunset flip for a two count. Blackmailer takes advantage of a Luger mistake. Blackmailer trying to hurt Luger for Matsuda per the announcers. Luger hits a suplex. Jim Ross brings up Luger’s football career if you’re drinking at home. Luger hits a superplex for the win.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Rick Steiner. Usual Steiner shtick. He says he’s going to take care of Rip Morgan tonight.
    -NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match The Varsity Club Steve Williams and Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan VS. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: Rogers and Rotunda to start. Slow feeling out process. Syracuse sucks chant breaks out. Rogers gets a clothesline for a two count. Williams tagged in. Fulton also tagged in. Double dropkick on Williams. Inset by Rick Steiner. He wants Rotunda in Chicago. Fulton gets a sunset flip. Rogers and Williams in. Quick tags. Rotunda and Fulton back in. Fulton with a knee lift. Fulton then takes a lot of punishment. Quick tags by the heels. Rotunda with a leg drop. Williams tagged in. He military presses Fulton. Fulton blocks an Oklahoma Stampede. Rogers tagged in. Dodges some offense. All four men in now. Rotunda hits a cheap shot on Rogers and Williams gets the pin.
    -Bob Bradley VS. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat comes out with Piece of Work Bonnie Steamboat and Little Ricky because why not? They push each other to start, they being Bradley and Steamboat of course. Steamboat with an atomic drop. Bradley with two scoop slams. We want Flair chant goes out. Steamboat with some trademarked deep arm drags. Steamboat avoids a Bradley corner charge. Steamboat with an armbar. Bradley hits a chop. Bradley misses a top rope dive. Steamboat hits a top rope chop and then a crossbody for the pin.
    -Rick Steiner VS. Rip Morgan: Steiner is the television champion, but this is a non-title match. Inset of Mike Rotunda. He guesses Steiner doesn’t leave Chicago as the champion. Steiner bites Morgan. Morgan hits some knees on Steiner. Steiner hits a big power slam. Morgan hits a back elbow. Morgan misses a head butt. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex for the win.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Michael Hayes, Sting, and The Junk Yard Dog. They’re excited for the 6-man tag match coming up. They go to their dressing room to talk strategy and Kevin Sullivan comes and locks then in. It’s hokey even by wrestling standards.
    -NWA World 6-Man tag team championship match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Genichiro Tenryu with Paul Ellering VS. The Varsity Club Steve Williams, Mike Rotunda, and Kevin Sullivan: Yeah, because that’s how life works. Faces are still locked in the dressing room. Some trash thrown into the ring from the crowd and I can sympathize. Animal hitting clotheslines on everyone. Quick tags by the champions. Tenryu with a bad ass kick on Williams. Faces are finally unlocked. Rotunda working on Animal. Sullivan throws Animal over the top rope behind the referee’s back. Triple teaming on Animal. The faces hit the ring. 9 men fight at once. The referee calls for the bell. They are fighting everywhere.
    -Jim Ross and Magnum T.A. hype the PPV before signing off from Cleveland.

    Episode 26 Notes Thu, 11 Jun 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] bc349137-67ae-46ce-991f-11ff355b8d31 My Notes for Episode 26: The Main Event 2. -Today we look at The Main Event 2 from February 1989 from the WWF.
    -The Main Event 2 was shown live on NBC on February 3, 1989 from the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
    -Vince McMahon does a voiceover of what we are going to see: The Big Faceoff of the Mega Powers and The Twin Towers over footage of what has gone down between the two teams.
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the event. Jesse is decked out in some shades and a boa. Jesse says that The Twin Towers will win because three of a kind will beat a pair every time.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Slick and The Twin Towers. Slick says they will win because three beats two and they have the law of the jungle in Akeem and the law of the land in The Big Boss Man. They head to the ring.
    -Video of the friendship between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. Jesse isn’t buying it. He says there’s a lot of dissention on that team and that there is a cover up going on.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth. They are pumped up and insists that they are all on the same page and they will take care of business tonight.
    -The Mega Powers Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan with Miss Elizabeth VS. The Twin Towers Akeem and The Big Boss Man with Slick: Boss Man and Hogan start after some hesitation on The Mega Powers part. Hogan starts out hot hitting all the heels. Boss Man thrown outside. Back in, he and Hogan slug it out in the corner. Boss Man slides out and gets hit by Savage outside. Akeem in, and he gets tagged by both Mega Powers. Boss Man in, and he is being battered by Savage. Hogan hits Akeem with a double Ax Handle from the ropes. Boss Man hits a big clothesline and piledriver on Hogan. Akeem tagged in. Heels tagging frequently. Hogan and Boss Man fighting outside. Boss Man does a modified spinebuster that gets a two count. A heel mistake lets Hogan come back. Savage hits a crossbody on Akeem, but Boss Man makes the save. Akeem throws Savage onto Liz on the outside. Hogan comes over to check on them and Liz is still out. Savage asks him what he is doing and Akeem drags him back in the ring. The Twin Towers beat Savage while Hogan takes Liz to the back. He gets Liz to a stretcher. Hogan stays with Liz and doesn’t exactly put on an Oscar winning acting job of being upset. Back in the ring, Savage is getting pummeled. Liz wakes up and tells Hogan to go back to the ring. Crowd gets fired up now that Hogan is back. Double Teaming on Savage and a funny moment as The Twin Towers hit the ropes at the same time and Akeem goes through them. Savage fighting back and he clears the ring. Savage tags Hogan and also slaps him. Savage leaves. Hogan hulks up! Big boot and leg drop on Akeem for the pin.
    -After beating up the heels, Hogan rushes to the back. Savage is back with Liz. Savage is telling Liz that he is number one. Savage says Hogan is jealous of him and that he was carrying Hogan. He says Hogan can’t beat him. He says Hogan has lust in his eyes for Elizabeth. He then attacks Hogan in the back. Liz comes over and he slings her out of the way. Brutus Beefcake stops Savage before he can hit Hogan with the WWF championship belt, but he and some agents get slung too.
    -Hercules VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: While Hercules is coming out, Jesse says tonight is just the explosion of all the problems that have been building with the Mega Powers.
    -Mean Gene is back in the first aid area with Hogan, Beefcake, and the doctor. They are still working on Hogan and Mean Gene says his mental shape is not good.
    -Hercules attacks DiBiase as he comes to the ring. He also slings Virgil around. He presses and throws DiBiase. DiBiase comes back and works over Hercules. Hercules powers out of a pin attempt. Hercules hits a suplex. Back and forth. Hercules hits a big powerslam. Virgil wraps Hercules’ chain around a turnbuckle. DiBiase goes to drive Hercules into it but Hercules blocks and puts DiBiase into it. DiBiase kicks out of a pin attempt. Hercules gets DiBiase into a back breaker. The referee goes to take the chain off of the turnbuckle and Virgil distracts Hercules. DiBiase rolls Hercules up for the pin.
    -Mean Gene is still in the First Aid area. Hogan is making pain noises. He then goes off yelling Randy!
    -Vince and Jesse argue over who is correct in the Mega Powers breakup. Jesse says he saw this coming.
    -Hogan is still looking for Savage and is tearing the backstage area apart. He accosts Jim Neidhart, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart looking for Savage and if you know what Hogan’s relationship and posturing for position with the latter two over the next 15 years will be, the jokes almost write themselves as we fade to black.

    Episode 25 Notes Thu, 04 Jun 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] f525d29f-ad0f-4032-b68f-cb8c8b0552b6 My Notes for Episode 25 -Today we look at the 1989 Royal Rumble from the WWF.
    -The 1989 Royal Rumble was shown on PPV on January 15, 1989 (the day before my birthday). It originated from The Summit in Houston, Texas. There were 19,000 in attendance.
    -What the world is watching intro.
    -Opening credits of Vince McMahon announcing some of the participants of the Royal Rumble match.
    -Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us and talk about the Royal Rumble match as well as the rest of the card.
    -Six man tag team 2/3 falls bout. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond and Dino Bravo with Frenchy Martin and Jimmy Hart VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart and Jim Duggan. Nice pop for the faces coming out. Heels have a confab before they start. Neidhart and Bravo start. Gorilla and Jesse argue about Bravo’s bench pressing record if you’re drinking at home. Neidhart with the advantage. Duggan tagged in. Does some damage to Raymond Rougeau before tagging Bret Hart in. He gets a small package on for a two count. Then a sunset flip for 2. Jacques Rougeau coming back. All 6 men in and fighting. Bret Hart knocked out of the ring. Back in, the Fabulous Rougeaus hit their finishing maneuver on Bret Hart and win the first fall. 2nd Fall: Heels keep up the beating on Bret Hart. Quick tags by the heels. USA chant going out while Bret Hart is in a bearhug by Dino Bravo. Typical Americans. Jesse has the same question. Jacques Rougeau gets a clutch on. Bret Hart sand crabs to his corner, but the referee is distracted and doesn’t see the tag. More quick tags by the heels. Bret Hart blocks a monkey flip and hits an inverted atomic drop. Duggan tagged in and takes on all heels. He catapults Neidhart and Bret Hart in to hit Raymond Rougeau. Duggan then pins Raymond Rougeau. 3rd Fall: Duggan continues to pummel Raymond Rougeau. Heels take the advantage. Bravo gets a two count. Bret Hart tagged in. Duggan hits Bravo with the 2x4 when the referee wasn’t looking Bret Hart gets the pin. Jesse is livid.
    -They show some superstars getting their numbers. Ted DiBiase and Virgil are not happy with their number and talk to Slick about trading. The Honky Tonk Man is not happy with his number. The Bushwhackers swap numbers. Bad News Brown is happy with his number. Jake Roberts has Damien with him and says he hopes Andre is still in it when he gets there. The Rockers wish each other good luck.
    -WWF Ladies Championship Match: Rockin’ Robin VS. Judy Martin. Sherri Martel is there and gets on the mic to challenge the winner to a match. Music Dub USA when Robin comes out but they acknowledge that it’s Sam Houston’s music. That establishes a connection that will never be revealed on air. Back and forth to start. Sherri joins commentary. Puts both women down. Martin with a nice slam. Robin comes back with a Boston Crab. A couple of close pinning combinations. Robin misses a dropkick and a roll up. Robin does an awkward DDT but doesn’t get the pin but now has borrowed from both brothers. Martin gets a two count. Robin then gets a two count from a small package. Robin then fakes a crossbody but then gets one for the pin.
    -WrestleMania V promo
    -Sean Mooney interviews Slick and The Twin Towers. Slick says all the marbles rest on his men. He then says nothing went down between him and Ted DiBiase. They then showed the video from earlier. Slick says he misunderstood Sean. He says it doesn’t matter anyway.
    -Super Posedown: Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring to emcee. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warrior. Gorilla brings up Rude winning the Jesse The Body Award if you’re drinking at home. Rude does his pre match shtick, then Warrior comes down and does his shtick. Jesse calls the Warrior an idiot. Double bicep pose. Crowd says Warrior is the winner. Best Abs. Crowd says Warrior again, but Rude is clearly the winner. Most muscular pose. Crowd again chooses Warrior. Medley of poses. Rude does his best poses. Then, as Warrior is doing his, Heenan sprays his eyes with oil and Rude attacks him with a workout bar. Heenan and Rude leave as agents come in to check on Warrior. Warrior attacks the agents and chases Rude.
    -Another WrestleMania V promo.
    -Mr. Fuji says the Powers of Pain will go over everyone in the Royal Rumble, especially Demolition. Miss Elizabeth says she will be cheering for both the Mega Powers. She’s been hoping they don’t have to fight each other. Jimmy Hart says that Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man will do whatever it takes to win.
    -Jesse is at the throne to talk about the next match.
    -King Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Harley Race. The winner will be the king of the WWF. Haku gets carried down on a throne. Race comes down and knocks Haku off the throne. Race on fire to begin with. They go outsides and Haku takes over. Back in, Race takes the advantage back. Haku then throws Race out. Continues to punish Race back in the ring. Race comes back and hits a piledriver, gets a two count. Haku hits a suplex for a two count. Race then hits a suplex for a two count. Haku reverses a piledriver outside. Race later hits it outside. Back in, Race hits a neckbreaker. Then he hits a knee. Haku then hits a scoop slam. Misses a splash. Race goes up and misses a headbutt. Haku hits the thrust kick and pins Race.
    -Yet another WrestleMania V promo, they are really pushing this thing.
    -Brutus Beefcake says he has the right tools for the job. Greg Valentine says that he’s been around a long time and he knows he can’t trust anyone but himself. Mr. Fuji says the Powers of Pain will run over everyone in the Rumble and that makes Mr. Fuji the big winner. Big John Studd says that his time away has been good for him and he is his own man. Mr. Perfect says that this is the year of perfection and he will start it by winning the Rumble. Randy Savage says No partners, every man for himself. Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. He says he’s as lucky as he wants to be when he has the money to do what he wants. Sean Mooney interviews Bobby Heenan and The Heenan Family. They say if you want to win, you’ve got to go through the numbers. Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says this is the resurrection of Hulkamania. If someone gets in the way he is going to take them out. If Savage is in the ring, even though he is a friend, he will find out the Hulkster can’t be beaten.
    -Howard Finkel goes over the rules for the audience.
    -The 1989 Royal Rumble Match: 1. Ax comes out. 2. Smash comes out. Jesse and Gorilla can’t believe it. They look at each other and start fighting and it’s awesome. They slug it out. Smash is almost eliminated. 3. Andre The Giant. Ax and Smash drop him down. They go at him hard. He fights them off. 4. Mr. Perfect. He goes after everyone. Smash Eliminated. 5. Ronnie Garvin. He goes after Andre who does his ropes tied up spot. They all try to eliminate Andre. Everyone is bumping for Andre. 6. Greg Valentine. They still can’t eliminated the Giant, who then eliminates Garvin. 7. Jake Roberts the crowd goes wild as he goes after Andre. Andre chokes Roberts as Valentine keeps hammering away at Andre’s back (no pun intended). 8. Ron Bass Andre eliminates Roberts Bass goes after Perfect. Forearms thrown everywhere. 9. Shawn Michaels. He goes after Bass. Perfect eliminates Ax. Perfect and Michaels go at it and Michaels skins the cat. Perfect bumping for half of the Rockers. 10. Bushwhacker Butch. Jake Roberts comes back with Damien. Andre eliminates himself to get away from the snake. 11. The Honky Tonk Man. Perfect tries to eliminate HTM. HTM and Valentine try to eliminate Michaels. 12. Tito Santana Perfect is bouncing all over. 13. Bad News Brown. HTM eliminated. 14. Marty Jannetty. Bass attacks him. The Rockers double dropkick Bass to eliminate him. 15. Randy Savage guys are pairing off to do damage. 16. Arn Anderson Savage eliminates Valentine. Savage and Anderson eliminate Michaels. 17. Tully Blanchard Anderson hits a nice Spinebuster on Jannetty. The Brain Busters eliminate Jannetty. 18. Hulk Hogan. He eliminates Mr. Perfect. Tito Santana Eliminated. Brown trying to eliminate Hogan, and others coming over to try to eliminate Hogan. Savage not helping to save him, despite Hogan saving Savage earlier. 19. Bushwhacker Luke. Brown eliminates Butch. 20. Koko B. Ware Hogan eliminates Koko. He then eliminates Luke. 21. The Warlord Hogan eliminates both Brain Busters. The Warlord steps in and is clotheslined by Hogan to be eliminated. Hogan goes to dump Brown but Savage gets dumped too. Savage comes back in screaming mad at Hogan. They shove each other. Liz comes down to try to calm things down. Savage wants to shake hands. Hogan reluctantly does so then they hug. 22. The Big Boss Man. He and Hogan go at it. Hogan slams Boss Man. Boss Man hits an avalanche and a piledriver. Monsoon says Boss Man has the advantage because Hogan has been out there for a half an hour. Jesse says it’s more like 5 minutes. It’s more like 9 but Jesse’s point is valid. 23. Akeem. Hogan takes on both Twin Towers. They batter Hogan in the corner. They eliminate Hogan. He pulls Boss Man out. Hogan really doesn’t like being eliminated in the Rumble. 24. Brutus Beefcake. He helps Hogan with the Twin Towers outside. They team up on Brutus inside. Hogan pulls the rope down so Boss Man tumbles outside. Hogan really does cheat a lot. He and Boss Man brawl to the back. 25. The Red Rooster you would have to rile the crowd up some to get them to care. 26. The Barbarian Random brawling. 27. Big John Studd 28. Hercules 29. Rick Martel 30. Ted DiBiase. Rooster eliminated by DiBiase. Beefcake and Hercules both eliminated. Martel ducks a Barbarian clothesline and eliminates him. Akeem dumps Martel out. DiBiase directing Akeem in attacking Studd. Studd pulls DiBiase in the way and then attacks and eliminates Akeem. DiBiase tries to bribe Studd, then climbs the second rope to attack. Studd grabs him by the throat. DiBiase sells hard. Studd hits a double arm suplex. DiBiase making Studd look good. DiBiase is then eliminated. Virgil attacks Studd. Studd takes him out. The Fink announces Big John Studd as the winner. They sign off from Houston.

    Episode 24 Notes Thu, 28 May 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 87e39a29-ba1d-48dd-b337-1fe9c7a4feec My Notes for Episode 24 -Shad Gaspard
    -Hana Kimura
    -Today we look at the Saturday Night’s Main Event from January 1989 from the WWF.
    -SNME XIX was broadcast on NBC on January 7, 1989. It was taped December 7, 1988 from the USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida.
    -The Ultimate Warrior says victory will be his and The Honky Tonk Man will have ultimate defeat.
    -HTM and Jimmy Hart say tonight HTM gets his belt back because he is the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time!
    -Brutus Beefcake has challenged Ron Bass to a hair vs. hair match.
    -Slick and Akeem say they are here to rid wrestling of Hulk Hogan.
    -Hulk Hogan says Akeem is going down and the 24 inch pythons will point the way.
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Tampa and run down the card.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ron Bass. He is ready for Brutus Beefcake. He’s got his spurs Bart and Bret and his whip Miss Betsy.
    -Flashback to the attack on Brutus Beefcake.
    -Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake who says tonight’s not about revenge, it’s about hair.
    -Brutus Beefcake VS. Ron Bass Hair VS. Hair Match: Bass attacks early, but Beefcake gets Miss Betsy. He won’t let Bass get into the ring. They finally get it on. Beefcake dominating early. Bass reverses an atomic drop. Bass concentrating on Beefcake’s midsection. Bass now dominating. Bass hits a piledriver. Bass stops the ref’s count to punish Beefcake some more. He does and then gets a close 2 count. Beefcake gets a sleeper on. Bass is knocked out. Beefcake cuts Bass’ hair bald. The fans chant baldy at Bass.
    -Mean Gene interviews Slick, Akeem, and the Big Boss Man. Slick says he has made it his mission to rid the WWF of Hulk Hogan.Hogan is a rule breaker and Boss Man is there to maintain law and order.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth. With Liz on his side, lady luck is at his back and Randy Savage is also there to watch his back.
    -Liz and Hogan go to ringside. Savage and Mean Gene go to a “Special Place” to watch.
    -Hulk Hogan with Miss Elizabeth VS. Akeem with Slick and The Big Boss Man: Hogan slams Slick onto Akeem before we get started. Hogan cleaning house on all the heels to begin. Back and forth. Akeem takes over. Hogan trying to come back. Akeem knocked down. Big Boss Man up on the apron, Akeem slammed into him. Hogan dominating. Akeem pulls the referee into Hogan as he goes to the corner. The Big Boss Man comes in and starts attacking Hogan. Savage tells Mean Gene that Hogan will be okay. Double teaming on Hogan. Liz runs to the back. She is looking for Savage. He keeps saying Hogan is going to be okay. Liz goes back to ringside. Hogan coming back. Slams Slick into the Boss Man. Slams Akeem. The Big Boss Man hits Hogan with the nightstick for the disqualification. The referee gets thrown out. They brutalize Hogan. Liz comes in and they set their sights on her. They handcuff her. Savage comes in and cleans house with a chair. Jesse brings up the point that Savage didn’t come down until Liz was in trouble. Savage upset at Liz because she is concerned about Hogan. Jesse smells a rat in the Mega Powers.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. They say that The Ultimate Warrior stole the belt at SummerSlam and that The Honky Tonk Man is the GIC of all time. They head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says that victory was his once, and it will be again.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart. Warrior does his usual pre match shtick. Honky is still outside and Warrior comes out and carries HTM back in the ring over his head. HTM selling hard. Warrior is stiff. Warrior misses a splash. HTM his Warrior with the megaphone. Back and forth. Warrior gets a scoop slam. HTM gets his knees up as Warrior splashes him. HTM gets a two count. Warrior hits the shoulder block for the three count.
    -Mean Gene interviews Slick, The Big Boss Man, and Akeem. They are ecstatic about what happened and wonders just how close are the Mega Powers?
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Bobby Heenan and The Red Rooster. They talk about how Heenan has taken this “nothing” of a wrestler and made him something. Check out Terry Taylor’s facial Expressions here.
    -The Red Rooster with Bobby Heenan VS. Tito Santana: Heenan is wired for sound for this match. George Steinbrenner is at ringside watching. Heenan putting down Rooster. Back and Forth. Rooster with the advantage. Santana comes back. Rooster blocks a figure four attempt. Heenan berates Rooster and slaps him. Rooster pushes back. Back in, Santana drops his head and Rooster attacks him. Gets a two count. Santana gets a two count from a small package. Rooster hits a piledriver and gets a two count. Hits a hot shot on Santana but doesn’t pin him. Santana clotheslines Rooster outside and Heenan berates him again. Pushes him back in where Santana rolls him up for the pin. Heenan continues to berate him then backs off when Rooster gets angry. He then beats Heenan up.
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect. He now has the perfect new move. The Perfect Plex.
    -Mr. Perfect VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: No singlet yet for Perfect, but his character is developing. Koko comes out hot, Perfect bumps hard. Perfect comes back. Standing dropkick. Koko comes on strong, but misses a corner charge. Perfect hits the Perfect Plex for the win.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Mega Powers about the friction between them. They insist everything is okay between them. Jesse insists it’s a cover-up. They sign off from Tampa.

    Episode 23 Notes Thu, 21 May 2020 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ca5664cd-a9f9-40fa-af8c-fc351dd4762a My Notes for Episode 23. -Today we look at Starccade ’88 from the NWA and World Championship Wrestling.
    -Starrcade ’88: True Gritt (with two T’s) was the sixth annual Starrcade event produced by the National Wrestling Alliance and the first produced by World Championship Wrestling after Ted Turner bought Jim Crockett Promotions and the company became WCW. It took place on December 26, 1988 at the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, VA. There were 10,000 people in attendance.
    -Opening Credits highlighting the matches that will be happening on the pay per view. Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Starrcade. He and guest host Magnum T.A. talk about the matches coming up. They throw it to Jim Ross and Bob Caudle who will call the action.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers VS. The Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan and Steve Williams: Fulton and Sullivan start. Fulton using quickness to try to win early. Quick tags by The Fantastics. Rogers and Williams in. Heels try to slow it down. Double Monkey flip on Williams. Williams presses Fulton. Impressive. Fulton goes back to speed. Jim Ross brings up Williams and his Oklahoma Career if you’re drinking at home. Sullivan in and he takes on Rogers. Rogers hits a dropkick. Both teams chastised by referee Teddy Long. Rogers gets a two count. Rogers gets the tag to Fulton. Back and Forth. Sullivan gets caught up top then Rogers gets caught. Williams brutalizing Rogers. Sullivan keeps it up. Rogers hits a suplex. Fulton tagged in and gets the sleeper on Williams. Fulton goes for the Thesz Press, but Williams hits a hot shot for the pin. New US Tag Team Champions The Varsity Club.
    -Tony and Magnum talk about the last match and the matches coming up. Bob Caudle and Jim Ross talk about the upcoming match.
    -The Original Midnight Express Randy Rose and Dennis Condrey with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: The teams start to brawl as soon as all four get in. Cornette wants Dangerously. More brawling. Cornette hits Condrey with the tennis racket. The MX double team. Lane gets a two count on Rose. Eaton and Condrey have a slugfest. Eaton hits a nice flying elbow. He hits a bulldog. Eaton is so good. The OMX take a beating. They start to come back. Former partners Eaton and Condrey go at it. Cornette goes after Dangerously. Eaton hits a nice neckbreaker. Rose has a headlock on. Eaton reverses a piledriver attempt. OMX cut the ring in half. OMX misses the Rocket Launcher. Lane tagged in and he cleans house. They all brawl. Dangerously hits Lane with the phone. Cornette hits Dangerously. Long goes to count but sees the phone. The MX hit the double goozle for the pin. OMX grab the phone and the racket and beat the MX and Cornette. MX come back and clean house.
    -Tony talks about the last match. Then Jim and Bob talk about the last match.
    -Magnum T.A. interviews The Varsity Club. Williams says they will always be on top. Mike Rotunda says he’s going to beat Rick Steiner like a stupid dog.
    -The Junk Yard Dog and Ivan Koloff VS. The Russian Assassins 1&2 with Paul Jones: Jones must retire and the Russian Assassins must unmask if his team loses. Music Dub USA as JYD and Koloff come out. JYD and Assassin 1 start. 2 tagged in and JYD is dominating. Koloff tagged in. Back and forth. Koloff hits the sickle from the second rope. 1 back in. Sunset flip by Koloff, but referee Teddy Long distracted. JYD hits the headbutt on 1 but misses it on 2. JYD ducks a double ax handle. Assassins take over. They go to hit the Russian Missile, but JYD moves out of the way. Koloff tagged in. Jones climbs up on the apron. Koloff knocks him off. Koloff hits the sickle again. 2 puts something in his mask and hits Koloff with it. 1 pins Koloff.
    -Jim and Bob recap the night so far.
    -NWA World Television Championship Match: Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan VS. Rick Steiner: Sullivan is locked in a mini cage and raised above the ring. It takes some time to put Sullivan in. They slug it out to start. Steiner is over with the crowd. He strikes early. Rotunda slows it down. Steiner gets a headlock on and keeps it on when Rotunda goes to shoot him off for a big pop from the crowd. Rotunda gets out, but Steiner hits him with a clothesline. Rotunda rolls out. Back and forth sequence. Rotunda hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Steiner hits a crossbody. Rotunda rolls out again. Syracuse sucks chant goes out. Steiner takes a big bump to the outside. Rotunda takes advantage. Rotunda uses ropes for leverage. Steiner fighting back. Rotunda goes for a pin but gets only 1. Rotunda hits a nice clothesline. Steiner gets a sunset flip. Gets a two count. Hits a clothesline. Steve Williams comes to ringside. Steiner hits a powerslam for two. He goes to pin Rotunda. Williams rings the bell. Steiner thinks he’s won. Tommy Young comes down to confer with Long. Sullivan gets lowered and is out. Match gets restarted. Sullivan tussles with Tommy Young. Steiner pushes Rotunda into the ropes. Young moves and Rotunda hits Sullivan. Steiner gets the pin. New TV champ Rick Steiner. The crowd goes crazy.
    -Tony and Magnum talk about the last match.
    -NWA United States Championship Match: Barry Windham with JJ Dillon VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Sir Oliver Humperdink: Slow and methodical to start. Bigelow throws Windham across the ring. Windham with some stiff right hands. Bigelow gets a fireman’s carry and slams straight down hurting Windham’s stomach. Bigelow no sells a side suplex. Back and forth. Windham rolls outside. Bigelow dominates. He hits a dropkick that knocks Windham down and out. Back in, Bigelow gets a two count. Windham fights back. Bigelow gets thrown out and injures his knee. Bigelow hits his over the top splash. Gets up before the three count. Bigelow goes up but misses the splash from the top rope. Windham hits the lariat. Windham hits a dropkick that knocks Bigelow down and out. Back in, Windham gets the claw on. Windham slams Bigelow. Windham misses the elbow from up top. They both tumble out of the ring. Windham gets back in just before the 10 count to win.
    -Magnum interviews Rick Steiner. This is typical Steiner shtick. Sound cuts out at one point but I’m sure we didn’t miss anything.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering VS. Dusty Rhodes and Sting: Rhodes’ last stand as he is gone shortly after this. Music Dub USA as Rhodes and Sting come out. Ditto when the Road Warriors come out. All four brawl to start. Faces win initial encounter. Sting and Rhodes are over with the crowd. Hawk and Rhodes go at it. Quick tags by the faces. Hawk and Sting slug it out. Animal tagged in. Military presses Sting. Sting fights back Rhodes going at Animal’s leg. Hawk in. Hits a dropkick on Rhodes. He fights back. Hawk gets a sleeper on. Rhodes fights out. Sting and Animal tagged in. Sting hits the splash and applies the Scorpion deathlock. Hawk and Rhodes come in. Sting hits a crossbody on Animal but Ellering pulls Tommy Young out before he can count. Sting and Rhodes win by disqualification.
    -Tony and Magnum talk about the last match.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with JJ Dillon VS. Lex Luger: If Flair gets disqualified, he will lose the title. Flair does his usual tricks to start. Luger hits a big clothesline. Flair walks around to compose himself. Luger has a headlock on and Jim Ross starts talking about Luger’s football career if you’re drinking at home. Flair comes back and opens the chop house. Luger hits a powerslam. Flair begs off. Flair then bails. Luger cranks on a hammerlock. Flair gets a thumb into Luger’s eye. Luger fired up and the chops don’t affect him. They go outside. Flair ran into the ring post. Back in, Flair starts fighting back. Luger hits a clothesline. A suplex gives him a two count. Flair throws Luger out. Flair slams Luger against the railing. Tommy Young warns Flair that he will disqualify him. Flair going after Luger aggressively. Luger comes back and gets a sleeper on Flair. Flair counters and goes for the figure four. Luger reverses it into an inside cradle for a two count. Flair goes up top and gets caught to no one’s surprise. Luger hits a superplex for a close two count. Luger gets the figure four on. Flair gets to the ropes. Luger inadvertently nails Tommy Young. Luger hits a flying crossbody for a two count. A Luger backslide gets two. Flair pitched into the corner. Military press on Flair. Powerslam on Flair. JJ gets up on the apron distracting Tommy Young. Flair rolls out and grabs a chair. Flair hits Luger’s knee with the chair. Flair focuses on the leg. Flair hits a snap mare and goes back to the leg. Flair goes back up top and gets caught again so smoke ‘em if you’ve got em. Luger slams Flair then collapses. Flair throws him out. Luger comes back. Presses Flair. Sunset flip by Luger gets a two count. Luger can’t get Flair down. Luger goes for the Torture Rack. His leg buckles. Flair falls on him and pins Luger with his own leg on the ropes for leverage. Luger argues with Tommy Young over the result.
    -Tony talks about the last match.
    -Jim and Bob recap the main event. They then recap the rest of the card.
    -Magnum T.A. interviews Ric Flair and JJ Dillon: Flair says it was all about survival and he is still the champion. He then says Luger will not get another title shot.
    -Tony talks about the NWA and how Ric Flair is Mr. Starrcade.
    -Bob and Jim talk about where the NWA goes in 1989. They talk about the next PPV on February 20th and then sign off from Norfolk.

    Episode 22 Notes Thu, 14 May 2020 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 153cb69c-aea3-4401-93cf-8946b66a0408 My notes for Episode 22. -I’m finding myself watching more wrestling than before.
    -I haven’t gone anywhere this week.
    -Today we look at Clash of the Champions IV from WCW and the NWA.
    -Clash of the Champions IV took place on December 7, 1988 from the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This was the first Clash to take place following the sale of JCP to Turner Broadcasting and the company name change to World Championship Wrestling. There were 8000 people in attendance and the show drew a 4.5 rating on TBS.
    -Highlights of what’s led to tonight’s matches.
    -Clash Opening Credits.
    -Jim Ross previews what’s coming up tonight. He and Bob Caudle are the announcers for the event.
    -The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers VS. Ron Simmons and Eddie Gilbert: This is the finals of the US Tag Team Championship Tournament. Gilbert and Simmons had originally lost to The Sheepherders in the semi-finals but the decision was reversed when The Sheepherders signed with the WWF. Simmons starts off using his power against Fulton. Fulton uses his speed but gets caught by Simmons. Gilbert in, back and forth. Shoving match. Simmons back in and Fulton gets a near fall. Simmons hits a shoulder block on Rogers. Gilbert and Rogers do some chain wrestling. Simmons in and slows things down. Fantastics even things up. The crowd is really getting into this. Quick Tags by Simmons and Gilbert. Back and Forth. Simmons with some big power moves. Gilbert stringing together some great moves. Rogers selling hard, Fantastics come back again. Simmons hits a big power slam. Jim Ross has of course been talking up Simmons’ FSU career if you’re drinking at home. Gilbert gets his arm hit on a post. Fantastics focus on the arm. Gilbert trying to continue and will not give up. Fantastics constantly tagging. Gilbert falls out of the ring. Back in, Gilbert hits a hot shot out of desperation. His arm hits a corner post again, he gets rolled up for the pin. Fantastics are the new US Tag Team Champions.
    -Tony Schiavone is with special guest host Lex Luger. They talk about the last match and about Starrcade coming up.
    -Jim Ross talks to Mike Rotunda and Kevin Sullivan. They talk about Rick Steiner and the upcoming Starrcade match.
    -The Italian Stallion VS. Steve Williams with Kevin Sullivan: Even match starting. Stallion with the early advantage. Williams comes back, then back and forth. Stallion can’t get the pin. Williams takes over. Both men trade the advantage. Williams bench presses Stallion outside to the floor. Sullivan attacks Stallion on the outside. Williams can’t get a pin. Puts a sleeper on Stallion. Stallion fights out and hits a clothesline on Williams. Williams hits a shoulder tackle and puts on a leg hold. Stallion gets knocked outside again and attacked by Sullivan. Back in, Stallion hits a power slam, but doesn’t cover. Williams hits the Oklahoma Stampede for the win.
    -Magnum T.A. interviews The Junk Yard Dog, who’s just come to the NWA. He is after Paul Jones. He and Ivan Koloff are going to take on the Russian Assassins at Starrcade.
    -Flashback to the Road Warriors putting the spike in Dusty Rhodes’ eye, which would ultimately cause him to be fired from the NWA.
    -I had an autographed picture of Ivan Koloff framed. I took that picture to college.
    -Ivan Koloff VS. Paul Jones: Koloff has one hand tied behind his back. Jones trying to avoid Koloff. Lots of stalling. Koloff gets Jones by the hair and throws him around. Jones begs off. Jones then gets the advantage. Jones using the rope to choke Koloff. They go outside. Jones with the advantage back in. Koloff coming back. Jones has a weapon. He thrusts it in Koloff’s throat. Then Jones drops it, Koloff picks it up, uses it, and gets the pin. The Russian Assassins attack Koloff. JYD chases them off.
    -Tony Schiavone and Lex Luger talk about the last match and the Dusty Rhodes/Road Warrior Animal match coming up.
    -Magnum T.A. interviews Rick Steiner. Steiner is doing his crazy guy shtick. It does nothing for me.
    -Road Warrior Animal with Paul Ellering VS. Dusty Rhodes: Rhodes comes to the ring with an eye patch ala John Wayne in True Grit which is ironically or maybe not ironically the tag line for that years Starrcade. Rhodes nails Ellering with the Bionic Elbow to start. The winner of this match gets possession of the 6-man tag team titles. The DQ rule has been waived so the belt can change hands on a disqualification. Back and forth. Rhodes goes for Animal’s leg. Rhodes knocks the referee out. He puts the figure four on. Ellering come in and he and Animal attack Rhodes’ eye. Rhodes comes back, so Hawk hits the ring, followed by Sting. It breaks down. Rhodes grabs a chair and hits Animal. A bell rings. Rhodes is disqualified for using the chair. The Road Warriors would go on to choose Genichiro Tenryu to be the third champion on the December 10th edition of NWA World Championship Wrestling.
    -Tony Schiavone and Lex Luger talk about the last match.
    -The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette VS. Ric Flair and Barry Windham with JJ Dillon: Flair and Eaton start and Eaton slaps Flair hard. They slug it out as Flair is selling everything. Windham tagged in. He takes over on Lane. Back and forth. Both teams doing multiple tags in. Hot and heavy action. Both teams then slow it down. Lane puts the figure four on Flair and Eaton puts it on Windham. Lane goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Flair comes back. An inset by Paul E. Dangerously about the feud of him and The Original Midnight Express VS. Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express. Flair goes up but gets caught if you’re drinking at home. Eaton hits a nice neck breaker. Near falls galore. Windham hits Eaton with a right hand that knocks him out of the ring. More near falls. Eaton dropped on the railing outside by Flair. Windham hits a lariat. He then puts a sleeper on Eaton. Flair in and he opens the chop house. They slug it out. They both tag. The Midnight Express hit the total elimination on Windham. Eaton then hits the Alabama Jam. JJ takes his shoe off before Cornette can attack him, but Flair uses the shoe on Eaton. Flair then puts Windham on Eaton for the pin.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews Jim Cornette who is irate at the outcome. He runs down everything that is happening with The Midnight Express for several minutes seemingly without breathing.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle run down some things that have happened that night.
    -Tony Schiavone and Lex Luger talk about the last match of the night. They seemed to have ran short and are filling time. They do a final push for Starrcade ’88 before signing off from Chattanooga.

    Episode 21 Notes Thu, 07 May 2020 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6aa567cb-ca29-47e5-8d39-ceecf0327795 My Notes for Episode 21: That's Definitely Not his Mother: SNME May 1985 -Today, we look at the first Saturday Night’s Main Event.
    -Saturday Night's Main Event was a Wrestling Program produced by the World Wrestling Federation. Premiering in 1985, the program originally aired on NBC as an occasional replacement for Saturday Night Live At the time of the original airing it was a rare example of professional wrestling being broadcast on an over-the-air commercial television network after the 1950s. It coincided with and contributed to the apogee of the "second golden age" of professional wrestling in the United States. In a time when weekly programming consisted primarily of established stars dominating enhancement talent, Saturday Night's Main Event was made up almost entirely of star vs. star bouts, including title matches and specialty matches such as steel cage matches, handicap matches, etc.
    All episodes of Saturday Night's Main Event are available for streaming on the WWE Network. However, the episodes on the WWE Network are not 100% original. May 1985—January 1988 episodes do not have the original opening and closing theme songs. Sponsored segments that aired as part of the original broadcasts such as the "Mountain Dew Slam of the Night" have been removed as well.
    Saturday Night's Main Event, which was broadcast live, debuted on May 11, 1985 in the late-night time slot normally assigned to reruns of the NBC sketch comedy Saturday Night Live. Then-SNL executive producer Dick Ebersol had made a deal with WWF owner Vince McMahon to produce the show, after Ebersol had seen the high ratings that two WWF specials drew on MTV in 1984— 85. Although the show aired infrequently, it did, starting in 1986, settle into a predictable pattern of airdates: New Year's weekend, an episode in late February/early March, an episode in late April/early May, an episode in late September/early October, and Thanksgiving weekend. 1989 and 1990 both offered episodes in July promoted as "Summertime Bonus Editions."
    -Hat Tip to Wikipedia and Kayfabe Memories website for help in my research in putting this show together.
    -SNME 1 was broadcast on NBC on May 11, 1985. It was taped May 10, 1985 from the Nassau Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. It did an 8.3 rating on NBC and there were 8,300 in attendance.
    -Cyndi Lauper gives Wendy Richter advice on beating the Fabulous Moolah.
    -Hulk Hogan is with Mr. T. He says T is going to be in his corner against Bob Orton.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us to SNME then introduces Jesse Ventura. Jesse is not in full Jesse mode yet as a commentator.
    -The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, and George Steele with Fred Blassie VS. Barry Windham, Mike Rotundo, and Ricky Steamboat with Lou Albano
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Rotundo, Windham, Steamboat, and Albano. Windham says they have the best team ever. Too bad it isn’t a championship match and Albano says he will take care of Fred Blassie.
    -Nikolai does the Soviet National Anthem gimmick. Sheik does his Russia #1, Iran #1 gimmick. Music Dub City as the faces come down. Sheik and Windham start. Windham is so good and is in tremendous shape here. Steamboat in and he hits a top rope chop. Rotundo in and he gets a 2 count on Sheik. Steamboat back in and he hits some martial arts moves. Hip tosses on all the heels and now everyone in before the heels bail out to the floor. USA chant starts. Back in, Steamboat hits a dropkick from the top rope on Iron Sheik and then hits a crossbody for a two count before Volkoff breaks it up. Windham and Steamboat hit a double dropkick on Volkoff. Rotundo in and hits a leg drop before Steele breaks it up. Rotundo stringing moves together for 2 counts. Steele tagged in and trades punches with Windham. He goes to tag out, but Blassie pulls his men down to avoid the tag and Steele gets pinned. Steele is upset and tears a turnbuckle pad. Volkoff and Sheik attack him. He runs them off and Albano comes in to calm him down.
    -Mean Gene interviews Blassie, Sheik, and Volkoff. They say Steele is crazy and Steele comes and attacks them.
    -Piper’s Pit in the ring. Roddy Piper is there with Bob Orton and they await Paul Orndorff as they flashback to WrestleMania and what happened there. Orndorff comes and Piper has him sit down so they can talk about WrestleMania. Orndorff tells Orton to go get in the corner. Piper tries to regain control. He calls Orndorff a loser and Orndorff explodes on Piper and Orton and Piper again tries to regain control. Piper says he was fighting everyone and Orndorff lost his guts. He calls Orndorff a piece of garbage. Orndorff says he wants to fight and Piper says no he’s leaving before taking a cheap shot at Orndorff who hits both Piper and Orton. He sets Piper up for a piledriver, but Orton hits Orndorff with his cast. Mr. T comes down to save Orndorff.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says things are getting crazy, but since it’s almost Mother’s day he’s dedicating his match against Bob Orton to his mother. Mean Gene asks him about Paul Orndorff. He says all the Hulkamaniacs have gotten behind Orndorff and he’s changed his way.
    -WWF Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Bob Orton with Roddy Piper: Music Dub city to start as Hogan comes down to Real American which wasn’t his theme yet. The crowd loves him though. Mr. T comes down as he is going to be in Hogan’s corner. They slug it out to begin. Orton selling hard for Hogan. Orton bails out and regroups with Piper. Orton with some offense, but misses a charge. Hogan works on the arm with the cast. Orton comes back and hits a knee. Orton hits an atomic drip for a two count. Then a knee drop and punches to the head by Orton to Hogan. Hogan chant goes out. Hogan Hulks up. Clothesline and an elbow drop for a two count. Orton hits a reverse atomic drop and goes for a superplex. Hogan pushes him off and hits a leg drop but Roddy Piper hits Hogan for the DQ. Mr. T comes in and they jump him and then corner Hogan. Paul Orndorff then comes to Hogan’s aid. The heels then bail.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Fabulous Moolah. She say she’s tired of Cyndi Lauper’s interference and has had Cyndi Lauper banned from ringside.
    -WWF Women’s Championship Match: Wendy Richter VS. The Fabulous Moolah: Cyndi Lauper says there’s no way that she is going to be banned. She says that they have proof that Moolah interferes. Music Dub City as Richter and Lauper come to ringside. Moolah gives the proclamation to the referee. Howard Finkel announces that Lauper does need to leave the ringside area. They go to commercial and when they come back, Lauper is shown towards the back of the arena looking at a monitor. Moolah takes control with hair pulling and choking. She throws Richter out and keeps her from getting in. Moolah gets distracted and Richter gives her a dropkick. Back and Forth. Richter wins with a small package. Lauper comes back to ringside to celebrate with Richter.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Junk Yard Dog. JYD has his mother with him to celebrate Mother’s Day because she has never been to New York before. Mother Bertha says she’s real proud of him.
    -Junk Yard Dog VS. Pete Doherty: JYD comes out with his mother. Doherty comes over to JYD’s mom, and JYD doesn’t like it so he gives Doherty a clothesline. Doherty goes outside and JYD tries to pull him in by his hair before going outside and throwing Doherty in. Doherty tries punching JYD who punches him and gives him a couple of head butts. Doherty tries going off the top rope but gets caught and slammed. Three head butts and an atomic drop and a big slam gets a three count. JYD and his mom then dance in the ring.
    -We come back to Cyndi Lauper’s Mother’s Day party. Fred Blassie has a young woman who he says is his mother Laura. Hulk Hogan brought his mom too. Cyndi Lauper brought her mom and everyone seems to be having fun. The Fabulous Moolah comes in and is mad she wasn’t invited. She says she raised a better daughter unlike Cyndi’s mom. She goes to put down Cyndi’s mom some more so they go to put Moolah in the cake that they have nearby but Mean Gene is in the middle of it and seems to get the worst part of it.
    -Vince and Jesse then go over the highlights of the night before signing off from Nassau.

    Episode 20 Notes Thu, 30 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a7eb3d53-26fc-4372-9217-040233c2d22e Joey looks at the Saturday Night's Main Event from November 1988. -Joe Pedicino: Saturday Night Wrestling Block in Atlanta.
    -Scott Bowden: Legendary Memphis manager.
    -Today we look at the Saturday Night’s Main Event from November 1988 from the WWF.
    -SNME XVIII was shown on NBC on November 26, 1988. It was taped November 16, 1988 from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, California.
    -The Ultimate Warrior says Thanksgiving might be a time of peace, but not when his belt is on the line.
    -Andre The Giant and Bobby Heenan say it’s time that the WWF Championship came back to Andre.
    -Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth say that tonight, Randy will beat Andre like David beat Goliath.
    -Ted DiBiase and Virgil say Hercules belongs to the Million Dollar Man, and Virgil is going to collect on an overdue bill.
    -Hulk Hogan says Brother Love set him up to fall to the Big Boss Man. Tonight, he lets the pythons do the talking.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us and run down the card.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Mr. Fuji and Super Ninja. Fuji says that Super Ninja has been training in secret and that secrecy is the key. Remember Pearl Harbor? Yikes! They head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene then interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says that war only holds victory for The Ultimate Warrior.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. The Ultimate Warrior VS. Super Ninja with Mr. Fuji: Super Ninja tries to strike early but Warrior is having none of it. Super Ninja goes outside and Warrior goes after him. Warrior gets Super Ninja up and presses him. He then hits the big splash for the win. Total Squash win for The Ultimate Warrior.
    -Flashback to the Million Dollar Man trying to buy Hercules as his slave.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase says he owns Hercules lock, stock, and barrel. He says he isn’t going to fight Hercules because he doesn’t touch slaves, that’s for Virgil. You should see the look on Virgil’s face when he says this.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hercules. He says he is a free man. His chain represents all of his victories.
    -Hercules VS. Virgil with Ted DiBiase: Jesse has some risqué commentary here about Roots and Chains. As the bell rings, Ted DiBiase is helping Virgil, but Hercules overcomes them. He clears the ring. Hercules then takes over on Virgil. DiBiase Distracts Hercules. Virgil still being punished. Hercules hits the power slam for the win. Hercules clears the ring with the chain.
    -They flashback to the Jake Roberts/Andre The Giant confrontation on the last SNME.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant. Andre doesn’t want snakes brought up. They say Andre is still the “real” world champion. This is three years before Ric Flair came to the WWF. They head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Savage says to be a great champion, he’s got to beat the giant. He says if Hulk Hogan can beat Andre, he can.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan: Andre with an early advantage. Savage sticks and moves but gets caught. Andre doing his usual cheating spots. (Corner Smash, choking with the tights, etc.) Savage trying to escape. Savage is such a great worker here. Andre is past his prime, but also working his butt off here. Savage goes back to stick and move. Back and Forth. Andre gets knocked down to his knees. Jake Roberts shows up. The referee tells him to get out of here. Commercial break and when we come back Andre has Heenan looking for Damien’s bag. Roberts come back and chases Heenan into the ring. The bell rings. Savage throws Heenan into Andre who does his ropes tied up spot. Roberts comes in. Damien comes out of the bag. Andre runs and falls down in the aisle. Roberts and Savage shake hands and Jesse says the whole thing has been a conspiracy.
    -Mean Gene talks to Jim Duggan. He’s got the United States Flag with him. He’s got a flag match with Boris Zhukov coming up.
    -Flag Match. Jim Duggan VS. Boris Zhukov: Duggan with the early advantage. Knocked outside early. Zhukov comes back with some elbows. Back and Forth. Duggan hits a big clothesline for the pin and Old Glory is raised.
    -Flashback to Hulk Hogan being attacked by the Big Boss Man on The Brother Love Show. Brother Love is in the ring. He calls out Slick. Hulk Hogan is with Mean Gene and upset because he was supposed to be the guest. Once Slick gets in, they call Hogan to the ring. Brother Love and Slick keep cutting him off. Hogan finally takes the microphone. He talks about what he would do to Slick and the Big Boss Man. He does say “Boy” to Slick at the end of one of his sentences and I know it’s 1988 but it sounds so bad now. He throws Slick out and Brother Love tries to attack him from behind. Hogan slams Brother Love, then handcuffs him to the ropes. Hogan must pose.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews The Rougeau Brothers and Jimmy Hart. They have officially moved to the USA.
    -The Young Stallions Paul Roma and Jim Powers VS. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers with Jimmy Hart. Jacques takes over. Tags Raymond in. Powers tries a comeback. Hart clips him with the megaphone. Jacques misses a cross body. Raymond and Roma tagged in. Roma hits a dropkick. Jacques hits a move from the top rope and Raymond gets the pin.
    -Jesse interviews Andre The Giant and Bobby Heenan. Andre blames Jake Roberts for the loss. He says he’s not afraid of snakes, but Roberts should come alone.
    -Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. He says Andre is afraid and he and Damien won’t stop until they consume the Giant.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He was the judge on the Brother Love show. The only criminal left is the Big Boss Man. They sign off from Sacramento.

    Episode 19 Notes Mon, 27 Apr 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 30d9d431-5d25-4a44-861c-5b249f216c58 My Notes on Episode 19. -Today, we conclude our look at the AWA by looking at SuperClash IV.
    -SuperClash IV took place on April 8, 1990, from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul, MN. There were 2,000 in attendance.
    -The National Anthem plays. An announcement is made that there is no smoking in the auditorium. People are upset, but the announcer is like hey, don’t be mad at me. They then announce that the Junk Yard Dog tore a ligament the night before in his knee. They announce Baron Von Raschke as his replacement to a nice pop.
    -Jake Milliman VS. Todd Becker: Becker with the early advantage. Crowd cheers a Milliman comeback. He works Becker’s arm. Gets a monkey flip. Then an arm bar. Becker comes back with a slam and a headlock. Gets a two count. Milliman wins with a sunset flip.
    -Texas Hangmen VS. DJ Peterson and Brad Rheinghans: Too much stalling by the Texas Hangmen before they even lock up. Hangmen are Frank Vizi, better known by the ring names Bull Pain, Rick Gantner and Psycho, and Tom Beninghaus, better known as KILLER. Rheinghans starts. They finally lock up. Rheinghans choking Psycho in the corner. Psycho comes back with a cheap shot. Back and forth. Rheinghans with a hip toss and an arm drag. Killer tagged in then Peterson also tagged in. He works an arm hold. Faces do a couple of phantom tag spots. Rheinghans with an arm bar. Hangmen cheat to gain an advantage. Fans making noises but that dies down. Rheinghans ducks as Psycho comes off the top rope and he clotheslines Killer. Peterson tagged in and he cleans house. He gets a two count on a power slam. Double clothesline. Really annoying fans near the camera mic. Hangmen get the win with an inside cradle.
    -Baron Von Raschke VS. Col. DeBeers: The Baron with an early advantage, so DeBeers bails out. They exchange wristlocks, Von Raschke gets an arm bar. DeBeers comes back with a headlock. Von Raschke threatens the claw, so DeBeers falls out of the ring to avoid it. Both are past their primes, but could get away with it with this crowd. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse has come down for DeBeers. DeBeers goes up top, but gets caught by Von Raschke and slammed off. DeBeers comes back and batters Von Raschke in the far corner. DeBeers goes off the top rope with a head butt, but Von Raschke moves. Von Raschke comes back, hits a knee off of an Irish whip. Fans yell for the claw. DeBeers tangles up in the ropes. Von Raschke signals for the claw. Al-Kaisse blocks it with his briefcase, so Von Raschke goes after him. He gets the claw on Al-Kaisse, but DeBeers attacks him from behind. They fight outside, but Von Raschke makes it back in before the count and wins by count out. DeBeers and Al-Kaisse attack him after the match.
    -Tommy Jammer VS. Tully Blanchard with Christopher Love: This is where Blanchard lands after he gets fired from the WWF and can’t go to WCW because the offer is rescinded from WCW after it is leaked that Blanchard failed a drug test in the WWF. Love is longtime wrestling guy Bert Prentice, who made a name for himself in Memphis and Nashville. It takes some time to start after they both get in. Starts and stops with some clean breaks and stalling by Blanchard. He goes out and Jammer drags him back in over the top rope. Blanchard keeps getting to the ropes and stalling. Jammer is clumsy, but Blanchard is trying to make him look good. Jammer with an arm bar, Blanchard again gets to the ropes. Jammer pulls him back and Love grabs his leg and it’s a tug of war between Love and Jammer with Blanchard as the rope. Then it’s the rest hold by Jammer, Blanchard gets to the ropes game over and over again. They announce 5 minutes have gone by in the match and it feels like 15. More of the same. Jammer with a hip toss into an arm bar. A minor go Tully go chant goes up and Blanchard gets a thumb to Jammer’s eye. He throws Jammer out. Jammer gets back in and goes back to the arm bar. Blanchard with several pin attempts. Jammer with his own thumb to Blanchard’s eye and Blanchard rolls out. Back in, Blanchard throws Jammer out and Love kicks him. Back in, Jammer gets a knee up at a Blanchard charge. Jammer with an abdominal stretch. Blanchard outside on the apron and Jammer suplexes him in and they do the Warrior/Rick Rude spot from WrestleMania V with Love playing the Bobby Heenan role of grabbing Jammer’s leg so he can’t kick out except it isn’t that good. Blanchard gets the win. Jammer goes after Love and Blanchard attacks him. They brawl into the crowd and Blanchard attacks Jammer with a chair.
    -Kokina Maximus with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse VS. John Nord: Lumberjack match. Adnan has a bounty on Nord that Kokina is trying to collect. Kokina is the future Yokozuna. Here taking on the future Bezerker. This takes forever to get started. Shoving to start. Test of strength. Kokina knocked outside and the lumberjacks gently help him back in. Lumberjacks are most of the wrestlers we have seen already. Nord is trying to knock Kokina off of his feet. He finally does it. Kokina knocked out again and put back in. Kokina with a nerve hold on. He has it on for several minutes. Nord coming back. Nord goes out and there is a scuffle trying to get him back in. Kokina back on the offensive. The crowd and some of the lumberjacks try to rally Nord. Kokina misses a corner charge. Nord hits a big boot. Adnan grabs Nord’s leg and the lumberjacks throw him in. Nord gets Adnan in the corner and Kokina goes to corner charge and hits Adnan. Nord opens Adnan’s briefcase and hits Kokina with it. Paper flies everywhere, proving that Adnan didn’t have the money in the case to pay Kokina the bounty. Nord pins Kokina. Kokina and Adnan start arguing and Kokina punches Adnan to a big pop. He then splashes Adnan. A Kokina chant goes out.
    -AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Mr. Saito VS. Larry Zbyszko: Some dignitaries, including Verne Gagne, are introduced and they call Verne wrestling’s greatest legend and how people would love to see him come out of retirement one more time. He does get a nice ovation. Nick Bockwinkel is announced as the special guest referee. They start out slow. Saito on the offensive. Zybyszko is frustrated, but does take Saito down. Rope break. Zybyszko with an arm bar. They slug it out and Zybszko goes down. Saito choking Zybyszko and Bockwinkel breaks it up and Bockwinkel then threatens Saito when Saito comes after him. Saito gets a sleeper on, Zybyszko gets to his feet. He gets out of it, but Saito gets it back on. He gets out again and kicks Saito down. Zybyszko then choking Saito and he and Bockwinkel start going at it. Zybyszko with an abdominal stretch. Back and forth. Zybyszko running Saito head into the corner. Saito chopping Zybyszko who falls out. Saito runs Zybyszko into the corner. Zybyszko with a sunset flip for a two count. Saito misses a charge. Saito gets the Scorpion Death Lock on Zybyszko. Zybyszko gets to the ropes. Saito going after Zybyszko hard. Saito with an inside cradle for a two count. A big suplex gets two. They both get knocked down. Back up, Saito gets another suplex and a double pin where both men’s shoulders are on the mat, but Zybyszko gets his shoulder up at the last minute. Saito thinks he has won, and is announced as the winner, but Bockwinkel raises Zybyszko’s hand. Saito argues with Bockwinkel. The crowd is bewildered too. A Larry chant goes out. Zybyszko is awarded the belt, Saito attacks him. Kathy Gagne explains the ruling to a smattering of boos and applause.
    -Intermission while they set up the cage.
    -Cage Match: The Destruction Crew Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos with Tully Blanchard VS. Paul Diamond and The Trooper: Bob Lurtsema is the special guest referee. They finally get in. All four brawl. Faces in control. They run Enos into the cage. He’s bumping and bleeding for the business. Faces doing quick tags. Can’t get the three count though. Bloom tagged in and makes a small comeback. Tries to climb out of the top of the cage. The Trooper brings him back in. Trooper misses a top rope elbow drop. Heels take over. Gets a two count. Blanchard holds a chair against the cage and they run The Trooper into it. Heels double teaming. Trooper run into the cage. He’s now bleeding. More double teaming. The Destruction Crew throw Lurtsema towards the door to a mild pop. They do the doomsday device on The Trooper. Lurtsema throws Bloom aside and does a leg drop on Enos and puts The Trooper on him and counts the pin. The Destruction Crew and Blanchard attack Lurtsema in the cage and Blanchard locks them in. The Faces try to get in and Blanchard keeps them away. They finally get in and the heels retreat.
    -Outtakes and highlights of Eric Bischoff’s interviews with the participants: Mr. Saito and his manager Hitori say they are disappointed in Nick Bockwinkel and America. Col. DeBeers talks about the bounty on John Nord and the suitcase of shredded paper. DeBeers says Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse isn’t taking advantage of anyone and that thieving Americans took the money. Outtakes of Col. DeBeers cutting a promo. Bischoff is then with Nick Bockwinkel who explains his decision. Bockwinkel is just the greatest. Bischoff with Larry Zybyszko and Larry is gloating over his win. Bockwinkel has the Holy Grail and Larry is the champion. Bischoff is then with The Destruction Crew. They say they are still the champions. Lurtsema saved the faces and he better stop hiding. Tully Blanchard comes in and talks about Lurtsema interfering. Then Blanchard and Christopher Love talk about Lurtsema. Bischoff then talks to Lurtsema. He says he was right to get involved. Outtakes and highlights of Eric Bischoff talking to The Trooper about the cage match.
    -For the fate of the AWA, let’s turn to Wikipedia: Despite falling behind the WWF and NWA as a major promotion throughout 1986 and 1987, Gagne still managed to find and/or develop legitimate young talent like Scott Hall, The Midnight Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty), "Bull Power" Leon White (later known as Big Van Vader), The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags), and Madusa Miceli during that timeframe.
    The SuperClash 2 Championship debate: After further review by on-air AWA President Stanley Blackburn, and following weeks of speculation by AWA fans, the decision was upheld and Hennig was the new champion. Gagne pushed Hennig and The Midnight Rockers throughout 1987 and into 1988, but the WWF came calling and all three of his top stars would soon be gone.
    During 1987, in an attempt to remain relevant and survive, Gagne renewed a relationship with Memphis-based promoter Jerry Jarrett and the CWA and even allowed Mid-Southern territory legend Jerry "The King" Lawler to win the AWA World Title from Curt Hennig in May 1988. This was after the AWA flirted for months with the idea of giving Greg Gagne the belt, even awarding the belt to Gagne at a couple of house shows, only to return it to Hennig on a technicality. It was widely speculated that the idea of the younger Gagne as heavyweight champion did not play well with AWA fans, who seemed more interested in the involvement of Verne Gagne and Larry Hennig in the feud than they did with Greg Gagne actually winning the title, so Verne decided to go with Lawler instead. Michaels and Jannetty would drop the titles to Badd Company around that same time.
    Facing financial trouble of their own, WCCW then allied themselves with the AWA and CWA, and Jerry Lawler would challenge WCCW Heavyweight champion Kerry Von Erich to a title unification match at SuperClash III in December. Super Clash III was the AWA's first venture into the Pay-Per-View market and wrestling's first collaborative PPV between several promotions. However, after months of hype, the end results were somewhat contentious and relatively unsuccessful. Following the event, the collaborative effort was over and Lawler was stripped of the title in January 1989. Lawler kept the AWA Title belt and continued promoting himself in Tennessee, Texas, and on the independent circuit as the unified World Heavyweight Champion. Lawler did this in an attempt to leverage PPV revenue from Gagne that was owed to him, but Gagne never paid him and eventually commissioned a new title belt of similar design.
    In February 1989, Larry Zbyszko, a one-time employee and Verne's son-in-law, returned to the AWA and won the vacated World Title in an 18-man Battle Royal, eliminating Tom Zenk to end the match. It was also during this time that Joe Blanchard replaced Stanley Blackburn as AWA President. Zbyszko's first title reign would last for a little over one year. During this time he would defend the title against Zenk, Greg Gagne, Wahoo McDaniel, Ken Patera, Nikita Koloff, Brad Rheinghans, The Trooper Del Wilkes, and Masa Saito. Zbyszko would eventually lose the title to Saito in February 1990 in front of 65,000 fans at the Tokyo Dome at the NJPW/AJPW Super show. Zbyszko would regain the title in May 1990 at SuperClash IV. During 1989 and 1990, the AWA also pushed Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom as the top tag team. In early 1989, Eric Bischoff, who was performing office work for the AWA at the time, mostly in sales and syndication, was placed in front of the camera to replace Larry Nelson as interviewer and occasional commentator. The AWA was Bischoff's first exposure to the world of pro wrestling. He would later become a dominant force in the industry, leading World Championship Wrestling to prominence in the 1990s.
    The AWA would become inactive in the fall of 1990 (the last television taping occurred on August 11). As a result, Zbyszko signed with WCW. As his last official act, Verne Gagne stripped the already-departed Zbyszko of the AWA World Title in December 1990. In 1991, Gagne and his inactive promotion officially filed for bankruptcy. Gagne did promote two cards in Minnesota in May 1991, featuring the return of Greg Gagne and Wahoo McDaniel and other stars such as Baron von Raschke, Buck Zumhofe, and The Destruction Crew (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom), but he was unable to revive the promotion. Despite this, the AWA continued re-running matches in their weekly ESPN time slot, and on their syndicated All-Star Wrestling show. The company also managed to release a commercial tape (Hulk Hogan's Highlights) during 1991.
    On the Spectacular Legacy of the AWA DVD, Eric Bischoff revealed that one of the main reasons the AWA shut down was that Verne Gagne was leveraging money against a valuable property he owned along Lake Minnetonka. Local officials wanted to turn the property into a park. Gagne fought the decision for several years, but eventually lost the eminent domain case, leading to the creation of Lake Minnetonka Regional Park. As a result, he lost the financial resource he was using to keep the AWA up and running and had no choice but to shut down the promotion. In an interview during the late 1990s with Minneapolis television station KARE, Gagne spoke of the devoted fan base in Minnesota and joked about how he may promote again someday, but nothing ever materialized. Gagne died in 2015.

    Episode 18 Notes Fri, 24 Apr 2020 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b9128eaa-acb9-4296-80f4-91e263a66fad My notes for Episode 18: Lord Buckethead and me: Survivor Series 1988 -Released WWE Superstars
    -Howard Finkel- Vickie Guerrero @VickieGuerrero on Twitter, tweeted this out I’m sad to hear of the passing of Howard Finkel! He was a gentleman and kind soul! I will always be debted to him for escorting Eddie from Minneapolis to Phoenix after he passed. When he called me....he said...”I don’t want Eddie to be flown home by himself”. RIP love you friend

    -Mr. B and Lord Buckethead
    -2016 Anime Boston and Lord Buckethead.

    • Hyperspace, also known as Gremloids, is a 1984 3D science fiction comedy film starring Chris Elliott and Paula Poundstone, written and directed by Todd Durham and filmed in Shelby, North Carolina. This was the sixth and final 3-D film produced by the Owensby Studios in the 1980s. The film was an early parody of the 1977 space opera film, Star Wars. It introduced Lord Buckethead, the visage of whom later became a satirical perennial candidate at British elections. A Star Wars-style text crawl explains how a resistance force, led by Princess Serina has stolen vital radio transmissions from an evil Galactic Alliance. The Darth Vader-like villain, Lord Buckethead (named only in the closing credits), pursues Serina, but, due to an error in navigation, end up on Earth. Legacy The Gremloids Party is a fictitious political party that has run a candidate called Lord Buckethead in three of the United Kingdom general elections. The candidate is shown wearing a bucket-like mask on his head.[3][2][4] Buckethead ran against Margaret Thatcher for parliament in Finchley in 1987, against John Major in Huntingdon in 1992, and against Theresa May in Maidenhead in 2017, the last of which he received 249 (0.4%) votes in the constituency. -The man behind Lord Buckethead was my college advisor and mentor, Mr. B. -Today we look at the 1988 Survivor Series from the WWF. -Peter Winson’s from Greetings from Allentown podcasts favorite show of all time. -Survivor Series 1988 was broadcast on PPV on November 24, 1988 from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio. There were 13,500 in attendance. -Due to the nature of this event, I may not get every tag and move called. -We start off with a shot of the crowd. Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us as the announcers for the night. Jesse is dressed as a pilgrim as usual. They throw it to Howard Finkel who announces the first match. -The Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, The Blue Blazer, Sam Houston and Jim Brunzell VS. The Honky Tonk Man, Danny Davis, Greg Valentine, Ron Bass, and Bad News Brown with Jimmy Hart: Don Muraco was originally scheduled to be a part of Warrior’s team but left the WWF, so he was replaced by Jim Brunzell. Jesse and Gorilla talk about Bad News Brown being a loner. Former partners Beefcake and Valentine start. Gorilla does his “It takes Greg Valentine 15 minutes to get ready” spiel if you’re drinking at home. Davis tagged in and Beefcake puts a sleeper on him. Davis eliminated, Valentine back in. Goes for the figure 4 but gets kicked off. Blue Blazer (Owen Hart) in. Owen showing some nice high flying moves. Brunzell tagged in. Bad News Brown tagged in. Brown dominating. Brunzell trying to slug it out to come back, but Brown hits the Ghetto Blaster for the pin. Beefcake tagged in, then Sam Houston tagged in. Brown just brutalizing Houston. Valentine tagged in and Brown holds Houston for Valentine to hit him but Brown gets hit accidently instead. Brown is hot. He just leaves the group and gets counted out. Houston almost pins Valentine with a quick rollup. Bass tagged in. He takes over on Houston. Bass hits a power slam and pins Houston. Warrior in. He cleans house. Tags Blue Blazer in. He hits Bass from the top but doesn’t get the pin. HTM tagged in. Valentine then tagged in. Blue Blazer goes up top, but HTM knocks him off. Valentine puts the figure 4 on and Blazer submits. Beefcake in. Bass takes over. Tags HTM in. Heels just batter Beefcake. HTM gets hit hard by Beefcake. Sleeper on HTM, but they both go out. Sleeper gets put back on and both men are counted out. Heels double team Warrior. Back and forth as the heels continue to double team. Warrior gets a double clothesline. Warrior hits a double ax handle and pins Bass and Jesse is irate since Valentine was the legal man. Valentine then gets his own double ax handle and pin. Sole Survivor: The Ultimate Warrior. -10 Team Survivor Series Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji, The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan, The Conquistadors, The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart, and The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick VS. The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian, The Young Stallions Paul Roma and Jim Powers, The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart, The British Bulldogs The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith. First chance to see Arn and Tully and The Rockers in a WWF ring and the last hurrah for the Bulldogs as a WWF team. Davey Boy Smith and Conquistador 1 to start. Shawn Michaels and Nikolai Volkoff both tagged in. Michaels brutalized. Rockers then double team to come back. Jannetty beaten by Ax. Anderson in to do some damage then Blanchard in selling hard. Dynamite Kid and Jacques Rougeau then battling it out. Dynamite is impressive considering his back issues. Dynamite and Jacques battling is interesting considering the events behind the scenes. Powers tagged in. Zhukov also in. Smash then comes in. Jacques then back in. Too many men and quick tags makes this hard to track. Bret Hart in. He gets a small package and pins Raymond Rougeau. Roma and Volkoff then in. Roma hits some moves, then tags Neidhart in. He slugs it out with Smash then tags Barbarian. They bash each other. Conquistador 1 in. Warlord tagged in then Bret Hart. They just beat on Conquistador 1. Then Smash and Ax in. Double teaming. Blanchard then takes over. Then Smash and Michaels in. Volkoff then in and Michaels is just battered. Heels doing some quick tags. Conquistador 2 tagged in. Jannetty tagged in. More quick tags by both teams. Blanchard batters Davey Boy Smith who gives it back. Ax and Warlord battle and the crowd approves. Barbarian in and hits Blanchard with a modified top rope Stun Gun. Dynamite Kid in and he gets battered. Powers in with Zhukov. He hits a body press on Zhukov who rolls through and pins Powers. Michaels in then Barbarian. Blanchard in but wants no part of Barbarian, so he tags Volkoff in and Jesse chuckles at that. Quick hits and tags to try and wear Barbarian down. Jannetty gets a quick sunset flip and pins Zhukov. The Conquistadors take over on Jannetty and then Demolition does the same. Conquistador 1 in and The Hart Foundation double team him. This is Dynamite Kid’s last hurrah in the big time and he is making the most out of it. Barbarian in and Conquistador 2 also comes in. Blanchard in and Barbarian lured into the heels corner. Smash VS. Barbarian power VS. power. Bret Hart hits a German suplex on Tully Blanchard, but Blanchard gets his shoulder up and The Hart Foundation is gone. Brain Busters and The Rockers then slug it out in the ring and both teams get disqualified. They brawl to the back. Ax and Dynamite Kid duke it out. Then Demolition takes on Barbarian. Dynamite Kid goes for a diving headbutt but misses. Smash then pins Dynamite Kid. Warlord in against Conquistador 2. He hits the corner post accidently. Fuji acts like he wants to hit someone with the cane. Fuji again up on the apron and he opens the rope as Smash goes against them. Smash is counted out. Ax is livid at Fuji. Fuji hits Ax and the Demos attack him. Powers of Pain help Fuji up. Fuji hits a Conquistador with his cane and he is pinned. Sole Survivors: Powers of Pain who lift Fuji up. Demolition comes back and slug it out with the Powers of Pain. -Sean Mooney interviews Bad News Brown. He says everyone is out for him and he’s always been a survivor. He says he has defeated everyone and deserves a title shot. -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Mr. Fuji and the Powers of Pain. Fuji says he made Demolition, now he will lead the Powers of Pain to the titles. -Mean Gene interviews Andre’s team. They are ready and each is focusing on a member of the opposite team. -Sean Mooney interviews the Mega Powers team. They are fired up and ready. Hulk Hogan says there are no weak links on the team. -Jake Roberts with Damien, Jim Duggan, Scott Casey, Ken Patera, and Tito Santana VS. Andre the Giant, Dino Bravo, Mr. Perfect, Harley Race, and Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan and Frenchie Martin: Junk Yard Dog was originally scheduled to be a part of Roberts' team but left the WWF. B. Brian Blair replaced the Junkyard Dog to be a part of the team but he also left WWF, so he was replaced by Scott Casey. Jesse mentions Rude winning the Jesse the Body award if you’re drinking at home. Patera and Rude start out. They start out with a test of strength and Gorilla says it was Patera who convinced him to retire. Bravo tagged in. Perfect then tagged in and he is so good already. Roberts tagged in. Then Santana tagged in and Jesse says “Chico” so take a shot. Casey tagged in. Race comes in and takes over with a belly to belly suplex. Rude in and then Perfect. Patera back in then Duggan. Perfect is a bumping machine. Casey and Rude in. Then Santana. Quick tags all around. Patera in. Rude hits The Rude Awakening and Patera is pinned. Casey is then battered. Bravo hits the side suplex on him and he’s gone. Perfect and Santana in. Then Duggan in and Perfect is all over him. Heels all battering Duggan. Race and Santana in. Santana getting near falls. Race pinned by Santana. Andre in and he chokes Santana hard. Santana just brutalized. Andre finally pins him. Duggan comes in and hits Andre who does his ropes tied up spot. The crowd gets fired up. Rude and Roberts in. Perfect then in. Jake punished by the heels. Bravo in and Roberts hits the short clothesline and signals for the DDT. Rude hits him. Rude tagged in. Rude lies in wait and nails Roberts. Roberts gets his foot on the ropes to stop two pin fall attempts. Bravo in. Roberts avoids two elbows and tags Duggan in. Duggan and Bravo brawl outside. Duggan brings the 2X4 in and gets disqualified. Roberts all alone. Perfect in. Roberts fighting valiantly. They slug it out. Bravo back in. Bravo powers out of a DDT attempt. Rude tagged in. They slug it out. Jesse compares Cheryl Roberts to Robin Givens again. Roberts taking a lot of punishment. Rude hits the fist drip, then does his taunts Roberts grabs him as he goes to tag. Roberts hits the DDT and pins Rude. Andre in. He chokes Roberts in the corner. The referee finally disqualifies him. Perfect comes in and pins Roberts. Sole Survivors: Mr. Perfect and Dino Bravo. Roberts goes for Damien. The heels run to the back. -Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man and Akeem’s team. They are extremely confident. They go to the ring. -Akeem, The Big Boss Man, The Red Rooster, Ted DiBiase, and King Haku with Virgil, Slick, and Bobby Heenan VS. Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Hercules, Hillbilly Jim, and Koko B. Ware with Miss Elizabeth and Frankie. The WWF on Koko’s tights is blurred out. DiBiase and Savage start. Savage sticks and moves. Hercules tagged in. Rooster in. Koko and Akeem then come in. Hercules and Haku then in. Hogan comes in. He starts out fast vs Haku. Hillbilly Jim in. Akeem in. Rooster in. Koko in. Quick tags in and out by both teams. Koko hits a big missile dropkick. Hogan in. Hits the big boot. Savage in and hits the flying elbow. Rooster pinned. Haku and Hogan in. Then Hercules in but he can’t get the three count. Akeem in. Hillbilly Jim in. They slug it out. Akeem hits a splash and gets the pin. Koko in attacking Akeem. Then Hogan in. He hits Akeem, tags Hercules in who wobbles Akeem but he won’t go down. Koko then in. He goes for a splash in the corner but Akeem moves. Boss Man in and hits the Boss Man slam for the pin. Hogan in and the crowd comes alive. Boss Man bumps well for a big man. Hogan hits the boot and slams Boss Man. Boss Man then hits a modified slam. Akeem tagged in. They take turns battering Hogan. DiBiase in. He just measures Hogan. Hulk up by Hogan. Hercules tagged in. DiBiase bumping like crazy. Virgil interferes. DiBiase rolls Hercules up for the pin. Savage then sneaks up and rolls DiBiase up for the pin. Haku and Hogan in. Haku drops Hogan with a thrust kick. Boss Man in and he has the advantage but can’t get the pin. Akeem in and punishes. Haku back in with more punishment. Hogan being worn down. Starts his comeback. Boss Man in and hits the Boss Man slam. Doesn’t pin though. Goes up top but misses the splash. Hogan tags Savage in and he comes in hitting everyone. Slick trips him. Boss Man pounces. Slick goes after Elizabeth. Hogan goes after Slick. He nails Slick. Akeem and Big Boss Man come out and grab Hogan. They cuff him to the bottom rope. They beat him. Boss Man gets counted out. He beats Hogan with the nightstick. Boss Man comes into the ring. He and Akeem beat Savage. Akeem is disqualified. They leave as Haku is beating on Savage. Slick taunting Hogan with the keys. Haku misses a dropkick. Slick jumps up and holds Savage’s arms, but gets kicked by Haku after Savage ducks. Liz grabs the keys. Hogan gets loose. Haku hits a splash but Savage kicks out. Hogan gets tagged. Big Boot, Leg Drop and pin. Sole Survivors: The Mega Powers. Liz consoles Savage. Hogan must pose. Liz comes over to Hogan and he picks her up and puts her on his shoulder. Savage looks uneasy about it. It’s all so subtle. There are foundations being laid.
    Episode 17 Notes Thu, 23 Apr 2020 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 9a4270fe-ae6b-45dd-a58e-10c4d26d75a8 My notes for Episode 17 on SuperClash III -Today we look at SuperClash III from the AWA.
    -SuperClash III was shown on PPV on December 13, 1988 from the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, IL. There were 1,672 in attendance. This was the third SuperClash event produced by the AWA and the only AWA show to be broadcast on PPV. WCWA, formerly WCCW, POWW, and Memphis based CWA also promoted and provided talent for the show.
    -We get the TV-MA advertisement to begin.
    -We start out with a Label that says live as Lee Marshall says Verne Gagne presents SuperClash III.
    -Larry Nelson welcomes us to ringside before bringing Lee Marshall over. They discuss the title match and both men favor Jerry Lawler. Larry then throws it up to Garry Michael Capetta who runs down all the people who sanctioned the event, emergency personnel, etc.
    -Lee Marshall and Ray Stevens on the call for the first match.
    -Chavo, Mando, and Hector Guerrero VS. Cactus Jack and the Rock ‘N’ Roll RPMs Mike Davis and Tommy Lane. Hector starts out doing some flips. Both RPM’s bump for him. Mando and Cactus Jack in. Cactus Jack does some bumps outside. Triple teaming on Cactus Jack, focusing on his leg. Chavo and Lane in, feeling each other out. There is a big pile on spot. Chavo and Cactus Jack back at it. RPM’s and Cactus Jack working Chavo over. Mando comes back and gets a pin on Lane.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Nina about the Beverly Hill Street Fight Lingerie Battle Royal. The future Ivory is the P.O.W.W. World Champion. She’s looking forward to the Battle Royal.
    -Larry Nelson got paid in interviews.
    -WCCW Light-Heavyweight Championship Match: Jeff Jarrett VS. Eric Embry: Verne Gagne is in with Lee Marshall now. Back and forth to start. They feel each other out. Jarrett hits a clothesline after Embry gets one. Jarrett misses a crossbody and falls outside. He gets in right before the 10-count. Jarrett hits a top rope dropkick. They do a quick series of moves. Embry gets the pin after a rollup. New champion: Eric Embry.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Eric Embry. He gives Jarret props and says he will give him a rematch at any time.
    -Larry Nelson interviews The Terrorist about the Battle Royal. She overwhelms him and he has the Quote of the Night when he says he is disoriented and confused.
    -Wayne Bloom VS. Jimmy Valiant: Bloom attacks early, but Valiant comes back and hits Bloom and gets a quick pin.
    -Larry Nelson interviews David McLane and Bambi about the Battle Royal. McLane looks and acts creepy. Bambi is ready. Listen to her comments towards Peggy Lee Leather before Larry Nelson cuts her off.
    -Texas Heavyweight Championship Match: Iceman King Parsons VS. Brickhouse Brown: Verne Gagne is just lost on commentary. Slow to start. Brown hits a big dropkick. Parsons takes a stroll to slow things down. He finally comes back in. Parsons hits a nice high knee and gets a two count. Brown hits a sloppy crossbody. Parsons hits a big left hand. Brown reverses a piledriver attempt. Brown then hits a flying forearm but only gets a two count. Parsons slips something on his hand and nails Brown with it for the pin.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Iceman King Parsons. He says he told everyone that he was going to win.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Pocahontas and Brandi Mae about the Battle Royal. Nelson is getting creepier as the night goes on. They are pushing this Battle Royal Hard.
    -6 Person Tag Team Match. Badd Company Paul Diamond and Pat Tanaka and Madusa Miceli with Diamond Dallas Page VS. The Top Guns Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes and Wendy Richter. The Ladies Championship and the Tag Team Championship are on the line in this match. Also the men will wrestle the men and the women will wrestle the women. DDP does the intros for the heels and it is not good. Ray Stevens is back on commentary. Faces have the early advantage. The heels then regain the advantage. Quick tags by the heels. Richter tagged in. Madusa then gets in as well. They do some hard hitting moves. Richter hits a powerbomb. Madusa gets an inadvertent kick by Tanaka and Richter pins her. Big celebration and the Top Guns whip Madusa afterwards. Yikes moment of the week!
    -Lee Marshall interviews Madusa who gets into it with DDP and Badd Company. They call Madusa a bimbo. They are also mad that The Top Guns walked off with the titles despite not pinning Badd Company.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Kerry Von Erich who has his daughter Holly with him. He is also spaced out of his mind. Just listen to his interview, wait one minute, and then try to tell me what he says here.
    -International Television Championship Match: Ron Garvin VS. Greg Gagne: Gagne starts out getting some boos. Back and forth. They run each other into the post. Garvin gets a chinlock on. Gagne is chopping hard. They trade pin attempts. Gagne starts to work on the arm. Garvin fights back. Batters Gagne to the post. Gagne retaliates. Gagne misses his trademark dropkick. They awkwardly fall out of the ring. Gagne makes it back in. The bell rings. Gagne and Garvin keep fighting. Garvin was counted out and Gagne with the TV title back.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Greg Gagne. He says any time Garvin wants a rematch, he’s got it. He then puts down the Bears in Chicago. If he wanted to become a heel, he is well on his way.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Jerry Lawler. They slyly talk about Kerry Von Erich losing his foot here by talking about his accident.
    -P.O.W.W. Beverly Hill Street Fight Lingerie Battle Royal. The Terrorist, Bambi, Peggy Lee Leather, Laurie Lynn, Brandi Mae, Malibu, Nina, Pocahontas, and Luna Vachon are your participants. David McLane joins commentary because why not? This is your typical Battle Royal. Lots of clothing is being torn, but you don’t see anything. Bambi and Peggy Lee Leather eliminate each other which is funny if you know the story between the two of them. It comes down to Brandi Mae and The Terrorist. The crowd yells Rip It Off and the announcers try to say they are yelling Brandi Mae. The Terrorist choke Brandi Mae then throws her out.
    -Lee Marshall interviews The Terrorist. She says she has proved she’s the best.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Peggy Lee Leather and Luna Vachon. This is one of the most surreal moments I have ever witnesses in my almost 30 years of watching wrestling. They are upset that they lost. Then, Madusa comes in and puts a snake on Luna and just walks away.
    -Lee Marshall is with Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated, he awards the 1988 Inspirational Wrestler of the year to Jerry Lawler. Lawler is supposedly busy preparing for his match so he doesn’t come out to accept the award.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Sergeant Slaughter. He is ready for Colonel DeBeers and the Boot Camp match.
    -Boot Camp Match. Sergeant Slaughter VS. Colonel DeBeers with Diamond Dallas Page: DDP calls Slaughter a boy. Slaughter starts out beating down DeBeers. DeBeers gets Slaughters helmet and hits him with it. Then he chokes Slaughter with a belt. Slaughter throws DeBeers out. They go outside. DeBeers uses a stanchion to beat down Slaughter. DeBeers puts Slaughter’s helmet on. DeBeers gets run into DDP. Slaughter hits a clothesline. Really annoying fans have whistles that they are blowing. Slaughter gets the helmet and headbutts DeBeers. He hits him with it three more times. Then DeBeers gets another clothesline. Slaughter puts the Cobra Clutch on DeBeers. DeBeers gives up. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie comes in. He and DDP get hit and Adnan gets the Cobra Clutch. Then the Iron Sheik comes in. The Guerrero brothers come in and chase off the heels.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Sgt. Slaughter. Sarge says he’s not afraid to take on the entire world for the USA. He then leads everyone in The Pledge of Allegiance.
    -Larry Nelson has Jerry Lawler and Bill Apter with him. They do the award presentation here. He says next year he will be Wrestler of the Year.
    -WCCW Tag Team Championship Match. The Samoan Swat Team Samu and Fatu with Buddy Roberts VS. Michael PS Hayes and Steve Cox: The SST and Roberts have Jägermeister shirts on. Slow to start out. Faces have the early advantage and make quick tags. Cox has an arm bar on Samu. Faces dominating early. It goes outside. SST coming back. Fatu hits a stun gun on Cox. Double clothesline. Hayes in and clearing house. Cox hits a nice tope on Fatu. Hayes hits a DDT but the ref is preoccupied and Roberts comes in and hits Hayes and the SST get the pin.
    -Larry Nelson interviews The Iron Sheik and Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie. The gist is USA is bad.
    -Strap Match. Wahoo McDaniel VS. Stolen Valor Manny Fernandez: IWGP champion Dragon Fujinami is introduced and Stolen Valor has a problem with him. Fujinami grabs Fernandez and McDaniel takes over on him. Fernandez rolls outside. They finally get him strapped on. Lee Marshall takes a jab at Rick Rude losing a strap match to McDaniel once. Fernandez uses the strap on McDaniel. McDaniel bleeding. They beat each other bloody. McDaniel hits three posts. Fernandez comes back. He gets three posts but doesn’t go for the last one and McDaniel comes back. In trying to get away, Fernandez pushes McDaniel into the last post so McDaniel wins. Fernandez attacks McDaniel after the match, but Fujinami makes the save.
    -Lee Marshall talks to McDaniel. He says nothing is settled between the two.
    -Larry Nelson talks to Stanley Blackburn and Verne Gagne. They talk about the last match and how it went too far with all of the blood. Then they stumble through talk about the title match.
    World Title Unification Match. AWA World Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler VS. WCCW World Heavyweight Champion Kerry Von Erich: Von Erich very popular with the fans. They start out and Lawler hits Von Erich’s arm on the post to cover a Von Erich blunder. Lawler gets hit and rolls outside. Lawler selling hard. Von Erich gets a two count. Test of strength. Von Erich hits the discus punch. They pull hair. Lawler punches Von Erich out. Back and forth. Von Erich hits another discus punch and gets another two count. Lawler blocks a claw attempt. Referee gets knocked out. Von Erich gets a piledriver. Referee recovers. Lawler kicks out. They brawl outside. Back in, Lawler hits Von Erich with a foreign object. Lawler hits the fist drop. Von Erich is busted open. Lawler goes back to the second rope for the fist drop but Von Erich catches him with a claw to the stomach. Lawler eventually gets out of it and Von Erich goes into the post. Lawler again hits Von Erich with an object. Von Erich is a mess. Lawler jabbing hard. Von Erich falls out of the ring. Von Erich comes back hard. Both men go down. Everything is bloody. Referee calls for the bell as Von Erich has the claw on Lawler. Match is stopped on account of Von Erich has lost too much blood. Bullshit chant goes out. Von Erich takes both belts and leaves.
    -Lee Marshall tries to explain what happened to the crowd, but they’re hot.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Jerry Lawler. He says the referee made the right decision and gets booed.
    -Larry Nelson interviews Kerry Von Erich and Stanley Blackburn. They bring up the earlier bloody McDaniel/Fernandez match in order to justify the decision. Von Erich is a bloody mess. He is pissed but Blackburn is adamant.
    -The Rock & Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Stud Stable Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden with Sylvia: Golden and Morton start with chain wrestling. RNR clean house. It breaks down a couple of times. Fuller and Gibson criss cross. Gibson goes out and Sylvia whacks him with the Kendo Stick she is carrying. Gibson being punished by the Stud Stable. It breaks down again. Bell rings and both teams are disqualified. They continue to brawl.
    -Lee Marshall interviews the RNR. They are going for their 5th world tag team title.
    -Larry Nelson interviews the Stud Stable. They don’t know why the match was stopped. They want a rematch.
    -Lee Marshall interviews Verne Gagne. He thanks everyone for the event. He said it was a very controversial night. Gagne then stumbles through the rest of the interview. They sign off from Chicago.

    Episode 16 Notes Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 2587d40c-91eb-4253-bd56-a5f848e26dc8 My notes for episode 16. -Today we look at the Saturday Night’s Main Event from October of 1988.
    -Saturday Night’s Main Event XVII was shown on NBC on October 29, 1988. It was taped October 25, 1988 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.
    -Jake and Cheryl Roberts are making out while he has Damien around him. He says pleasure and pain. Can Rick Rude take the pain? We’ll find out.
    -Rick Rude has Cheryl on his tights. He and Bobby Heenan say Cheryl will be even happier tonight after the match when she’s wrapped around Rude.
    -The Big Boss Man and Slick say he is the Law & Order and he’ll read you your rights. The right to suffering and pain.
    -The Hart Foundation say they will regain the tag team titles tonight.
    -Demolition with Mr. Fuji and Jimmy Hart say after tonight, there won’t be anything left to construct.
    -Hulk Hogan says after tonight, King Haku will find out who the real King of the Ring is.
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Season Premiere of SNME. Jesse is looking very dapper tonight. He makes a crack about Dan Quayle since it’s political season. He and Vince then run down the card for the night.
    -Flashback to how the Rick Rude/Jake Roberts feud began.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude. Rude says he isn’t embarrassed at all; he’ll get the last laugh. Heenan then does a dumb swami routine on Mean Gene.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Jake and Cheryl Roberts. He’s taking care of Rude and since he’s going to strip Rude of the Cheryl tights, Cheryl has brought a tiny fig leaf for Rude to wear.
    -Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jake Roberts with Cheryl Roberts and Damien: Rude starts out egging Roberts on with his Cheryl tights. Jesse keeps calling Cheryl Roberts Robin Givens talking about Mike Tysons then wife who was causing the boxer problems. Roberts starts out looking for the quick win, but Rude won’t give it to him. He bails to the outside, then comes back intense. He taunts Cheryl. Roberts uses this to his advantage to attack Rude. Heenan wants Cheryl removed and she goes to the back. They go outside. Rude batters Roberts. Roberts fights back and signals for the DDT. Rude counters, then hits a fist drop. He taunts Roberts. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening. Roberts counters and hits the DDT. He goes to rip the Cheryl tights off bringing Heenan in for the disqualification. Andre The Giant comes out. He attacks Roberts. Roberts brings out Damien Andre wants no part of Damien. He is terrified. Roberts puts Damien on him, and Andre passes out. Heenan comes in, asking for help for Andre. Paramedics and agents come down to help.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Hart Foundation. They say they are sick of Jimmy Hart. They rely on speed and teamwork and they’ll get the titles again.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Demolition, Mr. Fuji, and Jimmy Hart. Hart puts down The Hart Foundation and says he has taught Demolition all about The Hart Foundation.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji and Jimmy Hart VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart: Demolition out hot, but Neidhart fights back, tags Bret Hart. Bret Hart successful at first, but Demolition double-teams him to regain the advantage. Bret Hart then fighting back. Neidhart tagged in and he cleans house. Ax breaks up a pin attempt. The Fabulous Rougeaus come to ringside. In the chaos, Smash gets the megaphone from Jimmy Hart and smashes (no pun intended) Neidhart for the pin.
    -We flashback to Harley Race being injured against Hulk Hogan, showing why Haku is now King Haku.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and King Haku. They say Haku demanded the match so that he could avenge Harley Race and show that Hogan will bow before the King. Haku then goes out to the ring being carried on a throne.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He was recently beaten down by the Big Boss Man, but he’s ready for Haku. He’s got additional inspiration in the form of Miss Elizabeth, who’s going to be in his corner.
    -King Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Hulk Hogan with Miss Elizabeth: Jesse plants a seed that it’s strange to see Elizabeth here without the Macho Man. Hogan is as over as ever. Haku comes out brutal and vicious. Hogan comes back. Heenan interferes, Hogan goes after him and Haku attacks. Back and forth. Jesse puts over Haku’s kick as usual. Hogan goes outside due to the kick. Haku goes to attack him and Hogan pulls Heenan in front of him. Hogan puts Haku’s Crown on. Heenan is out so he is taken to the back. Haku and Hogan slug it out. Hogan hulks up, hits the leg drop and gets the pin. Hogan must pose. Liz comes in and poses too.
    -Mean Gene interviews Dino Bravo and Frenchie Martin. They vow to take care of Ken Patera.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ken Patera. He says he would rather die than salute Bravo’s flag.
    -Ken Patera VS. Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin: Patera with the early advantage. Bravo comes back. Back and forth. Bravo hits the side suplex and gets the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews the Big Boss Man and Slick. Slick says Boss Man sought him out because he’s the best and Boss Man says he likes to make people suffer.
    -The Big Boss Man with Slick VS. Jim Powers: Boss Man starts out dominating. Powers using speed to try to come back and Boss Man uses his power to dominate again. He yells out Where’s Hogan? Boss Man hits the Boss Man Slam for the pin. He handcuffs Powers on the ropes and beats him.
    -Flashback to Boss Man beating Hogan.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He wants to know what Boss Man is going to do when he comes after him?
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Andre The Giant and Bobby Heenan. Andre is upset that Jesse is asking about snakes. Heenan is irate. They say Damien should be banned. Then after a commercial, Vince and Jesse sign off from Baltimore.

    Episode 15 Notes Tue, 21 Apr 2020 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] ac55bf2e-3ce0-48cc-b6f0-f6b8923fab0e My notes for SuperClash II -David Schramm passed away this past week as I’m recording this. He was such a great actor.
    -Wings is an underrated show.
    -Don’t sleep on the DVD sets people.
    -Today we are going to be looking at SuperClash II from the AWA.
    -SuperClash II took place on May 2, 1987 from the Cow Palace in Daly City, California just south of San Francisco. 2,800 people attended the show.
    -No intro in this as it was taped for AWA TV shows.
    -We go right to the ring announcer announcing piece of human slime Rock 'N Roll Buck Zumhoff VS. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse. Rod Trongard is the announcer. The Sheik had busted Buck's radio over his head in the past to set up this match and I'm just torn up about it. Slow paced match. An anti-Sheik chant goes out occasionally, but this match has no heat. They just keep grabbing holds. Bad opening match. Sheik gets the win with his foot on the ropes and our long national nightmare is over.
    -Super Ninja with Mr. GO VS. DJ Peterson. Peterson starts out quickly. This match is a little better than the last one which isn't saying much. Rod Trongard rambles at times. Intense Action followed by rest holds. Super Ninja has the advantage, then Peterson comes back. Back and forth. Match ends in a draw.
    -AWA Ladies Championship Match: Sherri Martel with Doug Sommers VS. Madusa Micelli: Stalling to start. Ray The Crippler Stevens joins commentary. Solid mat wrestling. Sherri sucks chant goes out.
    Sherri is good. Madusa gets Sherri down, but the ref is arguing with Sommers, who is on the apron. Madusa comes over, grabs at Sommers, Sherri comes over and gets the win with a roll up.
    -AWA Heavyweight Championship Match: Nick Bockwinkel VS. Curt Hennig: Stanley Blackburn, AWA commissioner is introduced. Larry Zbyszko is at ringside and demands a match with the winner, which he gets assurances that he will get. Good chain wrestling by both men. The older I get, the more I appreciate both men. Fantastic chain wrestling by both. Hennig holds a side headlock for a while. He then takes a nasty looking bump to the floor. Larry sucks chant goes up towards Zbyszko, who is watching from ringside. Pretty even match. Bockwinkel is the veteran working his ass off. Hennig goes on offense, working on the leg. They start to have near falls. Zbyszko slips something to Hennig, who knocks Bockwinkel out and pins him to become the new champion. Stevens isn't buying it; he goes to the ring to protest to Blackburn. Stevens grabs at Zbyszko, a roll of coins falls out. Blackburn says the championship is held up, pending a review of the tape. A bullshit chant goes out. Bockwinkel says he was knocked out. He and Hennig get into a shoving match. Hennig says he is the champ. Hennig hits the referee. Zbyszko says he is the number one contender.
    -The Midnight Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty and Ray Stevens VS. Doug Sommers,
    Buddy Wolfe, and Kevin Kelly with Sherri Martel. The Midnight Rockers are over coming out. Scott LeDoux is the referee. The introductions take a long time. Match is slow to start. Rod Trongard talks the history of the matches that have taken place in the Cow Palace. Marty Jannetty has quick moves. Kevin Kelly is deceptively strong. The heels take over. Jannetty is selling hard here. Jannetty takes a big over the top bump. Jannetty fights back. Sherri is amazing in her role. Match becomes too slow paced. Michaels finally tagged in. Cleans house. Stevens tagged in and gets the pin on Sommers.
    -Jerry Blackwell with Piece of slime Buck Zumhoff VS. Boris Zhukov with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse.
    Buck needs to be on my TV less, as in not at all. Stalling to start. Blackwell was quite a draw in 1987.
    Too much stalling in this one. Blackwell finally takes over on Zhukov, who then makes a comeback. Back and forth. The ref takes a bump, the heels double team. Blackwell ducks their attack, hits Zhukov with a clothesline, and gets the pin.
    -Russ Francis and Jimmy Snuka VS. The Terrorist and The Mercenary. Scott LeDoux is the ref again. Too much stalling to start. Francis chases the Terrorist to the back. Back in the ring, the heels take over. Long side headlock on Snuka. Francis finally tagged in. Snuka hits a flying headbutt and Francis hits a flying splash for the win. They brawl after.
    -Rod Trongard interviews Larry Zbyszko who says there should be no controversy in the title match.
    -Rod Trongard then interviews Jimmy Snuka and Russ Francis about the championship match and they give their opinion.
    -Rod then interviews Jerry Blackwell about the championship match.
    -Rod then interviews Nick Bockwinkel and Stanley Blackburn about the match and Bockwinkel is fantastic here.
    -Rod then closes out the show.

    Episode 14 Notes Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 94b705b9-6ba5-40ac-8209-91b2a63f1ac4 My notes for Clash of the Champions III: Fall Brawl. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions III from the NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions.
    -Clash of the Champions III: Fall Brawl took place on September 7, 1988 at the Albany Civic Center in Albany, Georgia. There were 3,700 people in attendance and the show drew a 5.4 rating on TBS.
    -Crockett’s Last Stand. This was the last Clash of the Champions promoted by Jim Crockett Promotions as the company was in severe debt at this point and a couple of months later would sell to the Turner Organization.
    -We start out by recapping Sting’s two prior Clash matches. He takes on Barry Windham tonight.
    -Clash opening credits.
    -Tony Schiavone welcomes us and he is with guest host Ric Flair. They talk a little about the upcoming matches. They then throw it to Jim Ross and Bob Caudle who will be calling the action.
    -NWA World Television Championship Match. Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan VS. Brad Armstrong: They begin with a feeling out process. Rotunda hits hard but Armstrong is up to the challenge. Jim Ross mentions college athletics if your drinking at home. Armstrong has a side headlock on. He gets a lateral press but can’t get the three count. Armstrong looks good and the crowd is digging him. Rotunda comes back and punishes Armstrong on the outside. Armstrong kicks out on a two count to a big pop. Rotunda struggles to put Armstrong away. Steve Williams comes out and the crowd is hot. Back and forth. Rotunda gets the airplane spin on, still just gets a two count. Multiple pin attempts. It ends in a time limit draw. They frame it as Armstrong has survived and gone the distance. Armstrong replaced Tim Horner here, who left the company in August.
    -Tony Schiavone and Ric Flair talk about the last match. They then talk about the Flair/Luger feud.
    -Jim Ross and Bob Caudle talk about Jimmy Garvin having his leg broken. They then show video of it happening.
    -Special Tag Team Challenge Match. The Sheepherders Luke Williams and Butch Miller with Rip Morgan VS. Steve Williams and Nikita Koloff: The Sheepherders have the early advantage. Williams comes back. Back and forth. Koloff cleans house. Faces then dominate. Steve Williams has impressive moves for a big man. He goes to charge and hits the corner post. Miller then hits Steve Williams hard. It goes outside. Miller hits Koloff with a headbutt, but takes too long to cover. Sheepherders double team. Koloff slugs it out with Luke Williams. Steve Williams gets hit with the flag from Morgan and is not there for Koloff to tag. He finally tags Steve Williams in. Miller clips Steve Williams’ leg. Koloff hits the Russian Sickle out of nowhere for the win.
    -Grudge Match. Kevin Sullivan with Gary Hart VS. Dusty Rhodes: This was originally scheduled as Rhodes and Dick Murdoch VS. Al Perez and Ron Garvin but Garvin left the company in August and the bout was changed. Rhodes goes after Sullivan hard, taking it outside. Big Dust turns it on. Sullivan comes back. Hart interferes. Sullivan uses a spike on Rhodes. They slug it out. Rhodes gets the spike and hits Sullivan with it, but Hart pulls Rhodes outside. Al Perez attacks Rhodes and Sullivan is not disqualified, despite it not being announced as a no-DQ match. Perez and Sullivan whip Rhodes with the chain that is going to be used in the chain match coming up. Rhodes then gets Hart and pins him for the win even though Sullivan was the opponent. I’m as confused as you are, but the crowd goes wild for it anyway.
    -Tony and Ric talk to former football great John Ayers, who is going to be the special referee for an upcoming Flair/Luger match. Flair wants to know what makes him qualified to be a referee, and I don’t really follow what Ayers says. He does not have the gift of gab.
    -Russian Chain Match Ivan Koloff with Paul Jones and The Russian Assassin VS. Ricky Morton: It takes time to put the chain on. Koloff strikes early. They frame this as Koloff having to prove himself to Jones because Jones has said that Koloff is the “Weak Link” of the Jones Army. Morton fights back. They beat each other but no one is getting a clear advantage. Koloff goes for the corners. He gets three before Morton gets him down. Morton hits Koloff with the chain and goes for all four corners. Jones’ interference backfires and Morton wins. Jones and Koloff argue, then Koloff slugs Jones. Jones and the Russian Assassin attack Koloff before being joined by another Russian Assassin who also attacks Koloff. The crowd is chanting for Nikita to come out and I believe the roof would have come off the building if Nikita had come out to save Ivan.
    -Jim Ross interviews John Ayers. He is better here than before but that isn’t saying much.
    -NWA United States Championship Match. Barry Windham with JJ Dillon VS. Sting: John Ayers is watching the match from ringside. Feeling out process to start. Sting looks phenomenal starting out. Windham is selling his ass off here. Windham comes back, then its more evenly paced. They go outside. Windham jaw jacks to John Ayers. Sting is taking a beating. He strings moves together, but can’t get a pin. Windham takes a mighty bump in the corner. Sting is on the attack. Sting gets the sleeper on. Windham fights back and gets the figure four on. Windham uses the ropes for leverage. Referee Tommy Young catches him and makes him break the hold. Sting fighting back. Windham puts the claw on Sting’s Pectoral muscle. Sting fights back and Windham gets tossed outside. Sting with momentum but Windham accidently hits Tommy Young. Sting hits the stinger splash. JJ comes in with a chair that Windham uses on Sting. Ayers tells Young what happened and Sting wins by DQ. JJ jumps on Ayers who is not having any of JJ. Jim Ross and Bob Caudle recap the night and send it to Tony Schiavone and Ric Flair, who is incensed at Ayers. They then sign off from Albany.

    Episode 13 Notes Tue, 14 Apr 2020 12:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b4c3ba52-c9cb-421c-8d0e-06a7526aeeb0 My Episode 13 Notes of AWA WrestleRock '86 -Today we will be looking at WrestleRock ’86 from the AWA.
    -WrestleRock ’86 took place on Sunday, April 20, 1986 from the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 23.000 people were in attendance, but this card was not available via closed circuit or on PPV, nor was an official videotape ever released. Although several matches were later shown on the AWA on ESPN show.
    -The most famous thing about this event was the WrestleRock Rumble song that the wrestlers did to promote the event in the style of the Super Bowl Shuffle. Sadly, it is not on the event, but can be found easily online. It really has to be seen to be believed.
    -We start off with the national anthem playing, but we never get by whom. This is common with this show and I would like to thank for providing some information that I could not get on my own.
    -After the national anthem, we get Ken Resnick interviewing Brad Rheingans. He has Boris Zhukov first. Gary Michael Capetta does the ring introductions. Boris has Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse with him. Rod Trongard on the call. Back and forth to start out. Rheingans gets the win with a powerslam.
    -Gary Lumpkin, a local celebrity, refs the midget match, and yes folks, that is what it was called in 1986. It’s a tag team match: Lord Littlebrook and Little Tokyo VS. Little Mr. T who is the Haiti Kid and who was in Mr. T’s corner at WrestleMania 2 just a few weeks before this. He is tagging with Cowboy Lang. The heels dominate early. Little Mr. T comes in, then they go back and forth. Heels regain control. Little Tokyo hits Lord Littlebrook accidently two times. Cowboy Lang gets the pin on Lord Littlebrook after a scissor roll.
    -Wahoo McDaniel VS. Colonel DeBeers is next. Farm Service Director of a local station Chuck Liligren is guest ring announcer.
    -Wahoo starts out by hitting Col. DeBeers with hard right hands. Back and forth. DeBeers slammed out of the ring, Later, Wahoo is also thrown out. Wahoo then comes back with a fury. Throws Col. DeBeers over the top rope for the DQ. Then they start to chop each other on the outside for a while.
    -The Midnight Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers with Sherri Martel is next but it is edited out of the Network Version. Rose and Sommers win.
    -University of Minnesota Athletic Director Paul Geil is introduced.
    -Piece of Human Slime Rock and Roll Buck Zumhofe is interviewed by Ken Resnick but the idiot has his boom box on and you can’t hear him. Common theme with this slime.
    -Tiger Mask Mitsuharo Misawa VS. Rock and Roll Buck Zomhofe: Back and forth to start with some solid mat wrestling. Buck Zumhofe starts doing the taking the mask off gimmick. Tiger Mask hits a top rope somersault for the pin.
    -Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich announces Verne Gagne day, but it is also edited out of the Network Version.
    -Ken Resnick interviews Mike Rotunda and Barry Windham. Ken mentions that they are former WWF tag team champions. They want the AWA tag belts and they take on the Fabulous Ones Here.
    -Windham and Rotunda VS. The Fabulous Ones Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. Note: The Fabs had competed in a losing effort in the first round of the Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Tag Team Tournament just the night before in New Orleans. Too much talk between the referee and the Fabs to start. Back and forth. Good chain wrestling. Both teams doing some solid wrestling here. Windham and Rotunda have a slight edge as it goes along. The Fabs come back. Several close pins by both teams. Windham gets the pin after coming off the top rope after an elbow smash.
    -Bulldog Bob Brown VS. Giant Baba: For some reason, Wikipedia says this match didn’t happen for the longest time, to the displeasure of anyone viewing it. I didn’t expect much, and it does not live up to expectations. Baba wins after a Big Boot and a pin.
    -Harley Race is interviewed by Ken Resnick about Rick Martel. Harley Race also issues a challenge to current AWA champion Stan Hansen. As he finishes up, Rick Martel heads to the ring.
    -Battle of the Ex Champions: Harley Race VS. Rick Martel: Wrestling holds to start. Back and forth. Test of strength at one point. Rest Holds. Race does a great over the top bump. Both men eventually go up and over and get counted out. They then continue to brawl outside.
    -Then it is time for the $50,000 10-woman Battle Royal. Your participants are: Sherri Martel, Luna Vachon being called Leona Vachon here, Joyce Grable, Kat LeRoux, Rose Divine, Taylor Thomas, Despina Montagas, Misty Blue Simmes, Debbie Combs, and Candi Divine, who is the AWA women’s champion.
    -Typical Battle Royal with a lot of hair pulling. Sherri at one point rolls to the floor. Joyce Grable is last eliminated by Candi Divine, who thinks she has won, but Sherri sneaks back in to eliminate her and wins the Battle Royal. Sherri Martel, Doug Sommers, and Buddy Rose celebrate in the ring as she is given the check.
    -They all want shots at the champions.
    -Kamala with Skandor Akbar VS. Sgt. Slaughter is next. Slaughter is AWA America’s Champion here. Larry Nelson joins commentary. Sarge has GI Joe on his tights. Back and forth. At one point, Sarge launches himself towards the turnbuckle in classic Sarge style on an Irish whip. Akbar gives Kamala an object that he hits Slaughter with and they do this spot a couple of times. Sarge then hits a dropkick and slams Kamala. Slaughter gets the Cobra Clutch on Kamala. Akbar comes up and grabs Slaughter. Kamala goes to hit Slaughter and he moves and Akbar gets hit. Akbar loses his whip and Slaughter whips both men with it. Sgt. Slaughter wins by DQ to retain. Larry Nelson then interviews Sgt. Slaughter and he brings some kids on to do the Pledge of Allegiance.
    -AWA tag team champions Scott Hall and Curt Hennig VS. The Long Riders: Bill and Scott Irwin: Scott Hall is presented the most popular wrestler trophy by Pro Wrestling Report before the match. Curt Hennig is good here but is going to get so much better. Back and forth to start. Pretty Even match. Curt Hennig gets the pin after a flying dropkick on Bill Irwin. Scott Irwin comes in and hits the champs with a loaded boot after the bell.
    -Larry Nelson interviews the champs after the match about the loaded boot.
    -Ken Resnick interviews Scott LeDoux about Larry Zbyszko.
    -Scott LeDoux with “Benchwarmer” Bob Lurtsuma VS. Larry Zbyszko with GO the ninja in a 10 round European Rules Match: Larry “The Axe” Hennig is the special guest referee. The rounds are two minutes and each participant is wearing 4 oz. karate gloves.
    -Round 1: LeDoux dominates early. Classic Zbyszko stalling tactics. Larry striking late.
    -Round 2: Larry striking early, Scott fights back. They go back and forth.
    -Round 3: LeDoux starts out with a swollen eye. Zbyszko comes out fiercely attacking LeDoux, who goes defensive quick.
    -Round 4: LeDoux comes out fighting. He’s the proverbial House of Fire. Zbyszko is out on his feet. Larry gets knocked out but is saved by the bell.
    -Round 5: It quickly goes outside. Zbyszko puts LeDoux into the ring post for the DQ. GO hits LeDoux from behind and Larry uses the nunchakus on him but gets hit by The Axe.
    -Nick Bockwinkel VS. AWA Heavyweight Champion Stan Hansen: Hansen beats up Larry Nelson before the match. Bockwinkel brings a whip to the ring. They brawl on the outside to start. In the ring, they go back and forth. This is the match of the night. They spill back outside the ring. They start to brawl. Back in the ring, Bockwinkel gets dropped throat first on the ropes but Hansen only gets a two count. Then they trade near falls. The ref gets hit accidently. He gets back up just as Stan Hansen throws Bockwinkel over the top rope for a DQ.
    -They brawl briefly after. Larry Nelson then interviews Nick Bockwinkel. Nick is tremendous here.
    -We fade out and when it comes back, the cage is up.
    -Nord the Barbarian who is just called the Barbarian here and King Kong Brody with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse VS. Jimmy Snuka subbing for Crusher Blackwell and Greg Gagne with Verne Gagne.
    -If Gagne and Snuka win, Verne Gagne gets Sheik Adnan in the cage for 10 minutes.
    -Back and forth to start and Brody is stiff. It breaks down and they all brawl. Jimmy Snuka hits the splash on Brody. Gagne and Brody are both bleeding. Double Dropkick on Barbarian. Double Suplex on Brody. Snuka hits Gagne accidently from the top rope after Barbarian moves. Then Brody dropkicks Barbarian accidently and Snuka gets the pin.
    -All four men brawl outside the ring. Verne Gagne gets Sheik inside the ring and the cage. Verne is 60 here. Sheik is bleeding almost immediately. Verne whips Sheik with his own gun belt. They go back and forth. Verne then gets the pin with a cradle.
    -Rod Trongard recaps the end of the match. Larry Nelson interviews Verne Gagne, who says that is absolutely his last match.
    -Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin VS. The Road Warriors with Paul Ellering: Hayes puts a piledriver on Hawk, who no sells it. Hayes then bleeds. Garvin refuses to tag. Hayes tags Garvin when he isn’t looking. Garvin doesn’t want to go in. Animal gets a 2 count. Hayes then doesn’t want to tag. Back and forth they go. Hayes puts the figure four on Hawk. Hawk reverses it. An inadvertent hit gets the win for the Road Warriors. Hayes went to hit Animal, but he moved and Garvin gets hit. The Metrodome then empties out quickly despite the fact that Waylon Jennings plays a concert afterwards.

    Episode 12 Notes Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 97fd59d4-4586-48a8-81cf-e6ac0248ce06 My Notes for Episode 12: SummerSlam 88 -If I never have another virtual meeting, I’m good.
    -Two night WrestleMania? Good or bad thing? This is going to be a bizarre presentation to be sure. Multiple endings shot? Choose your own ending WrestleMania?
    -I over caffeinated myself this week due to social distancing. Iced Coffees to go.
    -Cabin Fever starts to set in.
    -WWF SummerSlam 88 took place on August 29, 1988 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
    -We start off with the classic WWF What the World is Watching promo.
    -We then have our opening credits.
    -Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to SummerSlam and tells us we can cut the electricity with a knife so you can start drinking at home. He and Superstar Billy Graham are your announcers for the event. Crowd seems pumped. A lot of people complain about Billy Graham on commentary, but he is enthusiastic and earnest and that goes farther than all the polish in the world.
    -The Fabulous Rougeaus Jacques and Raymond VS. The British Bulldogs Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith with Matilda: The Rougeaus have recently turned heel. Davey Boy Smith comes out attacking. Rougeaus come back. Quick tags by the Bulldogs and good sequences by both teams. The Rougeau’s cheat well. Crowd gets sucked into this match. Dynamite Kid can’t get the pin although he strings together a nice series of moves. Davey Boy hits a powerslam, but Jacques saves Raymond. Rougeau Brothers with some nice double teaming and tag team wrestling. Close pin attempts. They speed things up towards the end. Dynamite Kid has Jacques pinned but time expires so we get a draw.
    -The British Bulldogs chase the Rougeau Brothers to the back.
    -They flashback to Ron Bass attacking Brutus Beefcake, knocking him out of SummerSlam.
    -Bad News Brown VS. Ken Patera: Bad News Brown attacks before Patera has a chance to get his ring jacket off. Patera looks like a jacked up Richard Simmons. Brown dominates. Patera fights back. Tries some pin attempts. Goes for the Full Nelson a couple of times, but Brown gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Patera rams his shoulder on the post and Brown hits the Ghetto Blaster for the win.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Mega Powers and Miss Elizabeth. Hulk Hogan is ready. The Mega Powers are ready. They talk about the secret weapon.
    -Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan Vs. The Junkyard Dog: Rude has JYD airbrushed on his tights. JYD is past his prime but comes out hot. Rude comes back and grabs a chinlock. JYD comes back. Rude goes back to the chinlock. JYD powers out. Heenan interferes. Rude hits the neck breaker and a fist drop. He pulls his tights down and has Cheryl Roberts on a pair of tights underneath. Jake Roberts comes out and attacks Rude for the disqualification.
    -Mean Gene interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. HTM says he’s ready to defend the Intercontinental Title against anyone.
    -The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick VS. The Powers of Pain The Barbarian and The Warlord with The Baron: Volkoff does the Anthem Gimmick. The Powers of Pain come out hot. They dominate the Bolsheviks. Slick distracts the Warlord, heels cheat for the advantage. The Powers of Pain come back. Barbarian hits some big kicks and they hit the powerslam/headbutt combo for the win.
    -The Brother Love Show Segment: Originally the guest was to be Ric Flair, then they talked about Jessica Hahn. Ends up being Hacksaw Jim Duggan. This degenerates quickly. Duggan eventually runs Brother Love off.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart VS. The Ultimate Warrior: Since Beefcake is out, HTM calls for anyone else to come out. The crowd goes wild when the Warriors music hits. A slam, tackle, and splash later, we have a new champion. This was absolutely the right thing to do.
    -They take an intermission and when they come back, Bobby Heenan comes to the booth. He riles Gorilla and Superstar up.
    -Don Muraco VS. Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin. Heenan stays on for commentary. Slow to start. Bravo on the offensive. Muraco coming back. Back and forth. Muraco starts a comeback, but Bravo hits a side suplex for the win.
    -Sean Mooney interviews Jesse Ventura about his role as the special referee for the main event. Jesse says he is the only man who can be the ref. If the Million Dollar Man wants to give him money, who is he to refuse.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart. Harts have recently turned face. Jimmy Hart accompanies Demolition to the ring to continue the angle that he still owns part of the Hart Foundation contracts. Power VS. Speed Ax Vs. Bret to begin. Then Power VS. Power. The Hart Foundation winning early, but Demolition comes back. They are using great tag team moves. They also double team well. Bret Hart takes a beating, and finally Neidhart gets to tag in. He cleans house and Madison Square Garden comes alive. He only gets a two count. Fuji climbs up and gets nailed allowing Ax to hit Bret Hart with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone. Smash makes the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews HTM who is irate. He says it’s his belt and he’s going to get it back.
    -The Big Boss Man with Slick VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Boss Man attacks Koko, who then comes back. Boss Man again dominates. He picks Koko up before the three count. He punishes Koko, who mounts a small comeback. He hits his top rope dropkick and the crown explodes. He can’t get the three count though. Boss Man hits the sidewalk slam and pins Koko.
    -Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He does a typical Warrior interview.
    -Hercules VS. Jake Roberts: Hercules strikes early. Roberts goes for the DDT, but Hercules bails. Roberts grabs a headlock. Hercules comes back and batters Roberts and gets a 2 count. Throws a chin lock on Roberts powers out but gets thrown. Comes back and tosses Hercules out. Roberts hits the short clothesline. Hercules hits a backdrop. Roberts finally hits the DDT and gets the pin. He goes for Damien and puts it on Hercules.
    -Flashback to what lead up to the main event for the show, including Jesse being assigned as special referee.
    -Gorilla and Superstar talk about the upcoming event.
    -Jesse gets announced as the special guest referee. He gets a nice crowd reaction.
    -The Mega Bucks Ted DiBiase and Andre The Giant with Virgil and Bobby Heenan VS. The Mega Powers Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: The faces come out to Savage’s music. Jesse orders managers out of the ring and switches the tag rope corners. Savage and Andre start, but DiBiase quickly tags in. Then Hogan comes in. DiBiase sells for both Savage and Hogan. Andre cheats to get the advantage for the heels. Hogan chant goes out. Heels punish Hogan for a while. He comes back, then both men down after a double clothesline. Savage in and he goes after DiBiase. Andre comes in and punishes Savage with his huge girth. DiBiase in and also punishes Savage. He tags Hogan in. Hogan cleans house. Hogan puts the sleeper on DiBiase and gets taken out by Andre. Liz stalls Jesse while the Mega Powers are on the floor. Liz then takes off her skirt and shows her underwear. Hogan slams DiBiase and Savage gives him the elbow. Hogan then gives him the leg drop. Jesse reluctantly counts the pin. Crowd goes crazy, Hogan must pose. If you watch the celebration here, Randy Savage’s begins a subtle heel turn.
    -Crowd is celebrating as we go off the air.

    Episode 11 Notes Tue, 07 Apr 2020 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] a8e21dc1-4e12-4257-8fcc-ea81e1f1c9e1 My notes for Episode 11 of the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show -Today we take a look at Super Sunday from the AWA.
    -Super Sunday took place on April 24, 1983, which was my mom’s 31st birthday. Super Sunday took place from the St. Paul Civic Center in St. Paul Minnesota. There were 20,000 in attendance including those watching on closed circuit.
    -We open up on the ring and Gene Okerlund who is our ring announcer for the night. He announces Rocky Stone VS. Brad Rheinghans: Rod Trongard on the call. Crowd boos as Stone goes for a rope break. Crowd cheers a Rheinghans body slam. Stone with the early advantage. He works head locks and neck stomps. Rheinghans comes back. Rheinghans thrown out and Stone keeps preventing him from coming back in. Crowd loves it when he does get back and takes over on Stone. Rheinghans gets the pin after a gut wrench suplex that I swear Rod Trongard calls a soufflé on the replay.
    -Gene Okerlund interviews Brad Rheinghans. He says that the suplex that he used has been his bread and butter for a long time. A chorus of boos goes out that Mean Gene says it other competitors coming into the arena and not anything against Rheinghans.
    -Steve Regal VS. Buck Zumhofe: Buck Zumhofe is a piece of human slime. The idiot has his boom box with him. He tries to get the crowd to react and they respond. Zumhofe in control to begin. Regal comes back and works the arm of Zumhofe. Back and forth. Zumhofe dropkicks Regal out of the ring. Zumhofe gets the win after a second rope splash.
    -Mean Gene interviews Zumhofe and the Certified Scum won’t turn the radio down. He says this makes him the #1 contender to the light heavyweight title.
    -Jerry Lawler VS. John Tolos: This match is happening just because Lawler’s appearance with Andy Kaufman will be replayed on NBC the next night. Tolos attacks early. He works on Lawler’s arm. Lawler fighting back. Back and forth. Lawler in control with a headlock. Then more even as they knock each other down. Lawler takes a big bump over the top rope after a Tolos Punch. Rod Trongard thought Lawler had been thrown out for a DQ, but the match continues. Lawler pulls the strap down and starts his comeback. Flurry of punches towards Tolos. He hits the 2nd rope fist drop and gets a 2 count. Lawler misses a corner charge and hurts his shoulder. Tolos misses a 2nd rope knee drop. Lawler gets the pin after a piledriver.
    -Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: The Texas Cowgirls Wendy Richter and Joyce Grable VS. Judy Martin and Velvet McIntyre: Richter and McIntyre start. McIntyre gets thrown outside. Back in, Grable argues with the ref. Martin in control against Grable. Back and forth. Richter in. Martin gets an arm bar against Richter. McIntyre in. Even paced match. Grable with a stiff shot to McIntyre. Snap mares McIntyre several times by the hair. McIntyre comes back against Richter and tags Martin in. Gets a two count after a clothesline. Richter comes back and she and Grable double team Martin. Martin comes back with a clothesline. McIntyre comes in and cleans house. McIntyre hits a head scissors. Martin and McIntyre do a double pin on the Texas Cowgirls but don’t get the three count. A series of missed moves wows the crowd. At the conclusion, the crowd boos and Rod Trongard says the crowd loves it. Grable gets the pin after a modified powerbomb on McIntyre.
    -Mean Gene interviews Richter and Grable. They say they’re the best team and unbeatable.
    -Dizzy Ed Boulder VS. Wahoo McDaniel: A pre-Brutus Beefcake Ed Leslie here and he looks like a proto Hulk Hogan. McDaniel is a favorite here. Handshake to start and then it quickly turns to a brawl. Jerry Lawler joins commentary. It goes to the mat as McDaniel works on Boulder’s arm. Back and forth as Lawler is very humble on commentary as opposed to his persona years later. Boulder in control with a slam and a knee drop. McDaniel takes a wild corner bump. McDaniel comes back with a suplex. They trade chops. McDaniel will always win that exchange. McDaniel driving Boulder into each corner post. McDaniel hits the tomahawk chop and gets the pin.
    -Jesse Ventura, Blackjack Lanza, and Ken Patera with Bobby Heenan VS. Greg Gagne, Jim Brunzell, and Rick Martel: Weasel chant goes out towards Heenan to begin with. Patera and Martel to start, Patera stalls. Martel hits a couple of arm drags. Jesse sucks chant goes out. Martel tags in Brunzell who gets an arm bar on. Ventura tagged in. Gagne tagged in and he gets a two count on Ventura. Ventura then picks up Gagne and brings him into the heel corner. Lanza in and it goes back and forth. Martel in, Faces in control against Lanza. Patera in and he gets control and tags Ventura in. Ventura gets a bear hug on Brunzell. Gagne and Patera then in and Gagne cleans house. Crowd loves it as he gets the sleeper on Patera. Patera battles out and Lanza is in and he just brutalizes Gagne. Ventura in. He runs Gagne into the post. Gagne tries to tag Martel, but the referee doesn’t see it and he won’t allow the tag. Patera then puts a bear hug on Gagne, but he fights out. Lanza in. Martel then in and he is going after Lanza hard. Patera in. Close pins attempts. Ventura in. Back and forth. Lanza in. Brunzell in and he gets the figure four on Lanza. All 6 in now. Heenan slips something to Patera. Patera in and nails Brunzell as he goes back for the figure four. He covers Brunzell for the pin. Rod Trongard thought it was going to be a DQ. The Faces argue that the heels cheated. It breaks out again with everyone fighting.
    -Mean Gene interviews the faces. Brunzell and Gagne say he was hit with something. They show a replay of the action and the pin.
    -AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Nick Bockwinkel with Bobby Heenan VS. Hulk Hogan: Music Dub City as Hogan comes out because I’m sure Eye of the Tiger was the original song. Hogan wearing a t-shirt that says We Want the Belt and Now or Never. We want the belt chant goes out. Wally Karbo and Stanley Blackburn are introduced as AWA officials. Lord James Blears is the referee. Crowd comes alive when Hogan is introduced with Music Dub City again. Hulk Chant goes out as Blears goes over the rules. Bockwinkel stalling to start. They tell the story that Bockwinkel demanded such a high fee, ticket prices had to be raised. Bockwinkel selling Hogan’s power moves to start. More stalling tactics by Bockwinkel, then Bockwinkel on the offensive. Hogan comes back. Bockwinkel selling hard. Slow, methodical match. Bockwinkel gets some shots on Hogan and takes over. Bockwinkel working a front face lock/choke hold. Hogan fighting back. He gets a leg up on a Bockwinkel corner charge. Hogan in charge. He hits a clothesline and an elbow smash for a two count. A shoulder breaker gets a two count. Bockwinkel fights back. Hogan hulking up. A powerslam gets two for Hogan. Hogan then misses the leg drop. Bockwinkel working some hard shots on Hogan. Hogan gets a quick two count. Hogan on the offensive and the crowd comes alive. He gets another two count. The crowd boos. Bockwinkel jumps on Hogan’s back and puts the sleeper on. Hogan flips Bockwinkel off of his back and hits Lord Blears. Bockwinkel goes back to the sleeper. Bockwinkel and Blears get knocked out by Hogan trying to get out of the sleeper. Hogan then flips Bockwinkel out of the ring. He suplexes him back in and hits the leg drop and pins Bockwinkel. The crowd erupts. Hogan grabs the belt. Hogan is celebrating. Bobby Heenan is arguing with Lord James Blears. Mean Gene announces that Stanley Blackburn says that Hogan threw Bockwinkel over the top rope and is disqualified. A minor bullshit chant starts and then grows louder. Hogan attacks Bockwinkel and Heenan. Hogan looks pissed and refuses to give up the belt. They send more referees in to get the belt.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan who says that it is the fan’s belt, not Nick Bockwinkel’s belt.
    -Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse and Sheik Jerry Blackwell VS. Mad Dog Vachon and Verne Gagne: The crowd loves Verne Gagne and Mad Dog Vachon. Gagne and Blackwell go at it. The crowd is all for Gagne and Vachon. Vachon going crazy. Lord James Blears joins commentary to explain the decision that took place in the title match. Vachon stomps on Blackwell’s hand. Al-Kaisse tagged in. Al-Kaisse hits Vachon with his cast arm. They go outside and Gagne comes to Vachon’s aid. Vachon gets hit with a mic stand and a chair. Everyone is getting shots in and Vachon is bleeding. Black is in and slams Vachon but Gagne saves him. Al-Kaisse is in and gets Vachon in the abdominal stretch. Gagne keeps saving Vachon. Blackwell and Vachon trade blows and Gagne tagged in. Gagne attacks Blackwell. Blackwell slams Gagne but can’t pin him. Blackwell misses a splash. Gagne gets the sleeper on Blackwell. Al-Kaisse goes to hit Gagne with his cast, but Vachon directs it to hit Blackwell. Gagne and Vachon then rip Al-Kaisse’s cast off. Vachon and Blackwell then fight on the outside. Gagne comes off the ropes and hits Al-Kaisse with his foot and pins him. They then dump Blackwell out.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Gagne and Vachon. Gagne says it felt great. Vachon says he is still man’s best friend. Mean Gene then thanks everyone and says good night.
    -The Build up
    -Hogan VS. Gagne is a case of he said, he said.
    The mass exodus begins after this and over the next couple of years
    • Hogan
    • Wendy Richter
    • Beefcake
    • Ventura
    • Okerlund
    • Heenan
    • Brunzell
    Would all leave to go to the WWF.

    Episode 10 Notes Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 0d6ed098-0958-42ba-8ac3-9ed7792fec5b My notes for Episode 10 -Today we look at the Great American Bash PPV from July 1988.
    -The Great American Bash '88: The Price for Freedom took place July 10, 1988 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.
    -We start with our Opening Credits. It is interspersed with shots of what has happened to set up each match.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Sting and Nikita Koloff Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross on the call. Sting and Koloff come out hot. Sting launches himself and body presses Anderson on the outside. Koloff works Anderson's arm. Nikita Koloff should not have more hair than Arn Anderson. Anderson is making Koloff look good. Anderson comes back, but gets the sickle from Koloff. Crowd is hot for the faces. Every time the heels get a hold, the faces have a counter. Blanchard is battered all around. The faces do a nice phantom tag spot. The heels take the advantage. JJ interferes, so Koloff goes after him and hits hit shoulder on the outside post. So the heels focus on that shoulder. Koloff fights back. Anderson hits a DDT, but they can't get the pin. Koloff gets the knee up on Anderson and tags Sting in. Sting gets a sleeper on Anderson, who counters. All 4 in. Sting hits the splash and gets the scorpion on as time expires. The match is a draw. Sting and Koloff attack the heels after the match.
    -Tony and Jim talk about the next match.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers VS. The Midnight Express: Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane with Jim Cornette. Cornette will be straightjacketed and in a cage above ringside. If the Fantastics win, the MIX and Cornette will be lashed with a belt. Cornette is a riot while he is being put in a strait jacket. Fulton and Eaton start. Methodical opening gambits by both teams. Lane has some karate kicks on Fulton. Rogers works an arm bar. The MX cheat to perfection. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam. Rogers is getting punished but not pinned. He counters the Rocket Launcher and tags in Fulton. The ref gets bumped, the MX pull out a chain and get the pin. New champions. The Fantastics get Cornette in the ring and lash him.
    -Bob Caudle attempts to interview Jim Cornette who says the Fantastics are trying to kill him.
    -The Tower of Doom is lowered for the next event.
    -Precious is shown coming to the ring.
    -Gary Michael Cappetta announces the rules, but I don't think it matters.
    -Tower of Doom Match: Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotunda Al Perez, Ivan Koloff, and The Russian Assassin with Gary Hart and Paul Jones VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal, Jimmy and Ronnie Garvin, and Steve Williams with Paul Ellering. Precious is the keeper of the keys to the cage. It takes a lot of time to start. Ron Garvin and Ivan Koloff start. They can't do much in the top cage because it's so small. They just slap each other. The trap door opens. Williams and Rotunda are next in. Ron Garvin makes it down to the next level. Koloff and Rotunda double team Williams. This is a cluster. Williams goes down a level. Ron Garvin goes down a level, Koloff goes down a level. Ronnie Garvin gets out. Ron Garvin’s almost lack of participation in this match feeds into what will transpire later on in the show. Animal and Al Perez come in. Koloff and Williams slug it out. The crowd comes alive for Animal. Perez goes down a level and so does Animal. Hawk and The Russian Assassin come in. 3 men in the top cage, 4 men in the middle cage. Jimmy Garvin and Kevin Sullivan the final two men in. Perez and Animal go to the bottom cage; Hawk goes to the middle cage. Animal goes out, then Perez goes out. Rotunda goes down. Russian Assassin and Koloff attack Hawk. He counters. Hawk goes out. Williams goes to the bottom. Russian Assassin and Koloff go out. Jimmy Garvin, Rotunda, and Sullivan go to the middle cage. The heels double team Jimmy Garvin. Rotunda goes down and out. Jimmy Garvin and Sullivan battle in the middle cage. The wrestlers start to fight on the outside. Sullivan and Jimmy Garvin go down. Sullivan goes after Precious. Jimmy Garvin attacks him. Jimmy Garvin hits a bombs away brain buster on Sullivan. Precious unlocks the cage. Sullivan pushes Jimmy Garvin through the door then locks the cage with him and Precious inside. Jimmy Garvin has to climb back through the cages to help her. Sullivan has a rope and chokes Precious but Hawk comes with Jimmy Garvin and hits a nice flying clothesline on Sullivan and the crowd pops huge!
    -Tony and Jim recap the last match.
    -Bob Caudle talks about the last match. This is called filling time while we dismantle the cage.
    -United States Championship Match: Barry Windham with JJ Dillon VS. Dusty Rhodes. Windham, although champion, comes out first. Rhodes is the JCP equivalent of Hulk Hogan I guess. Rhodes comes out to Music City Dub USA. They say Windham is only 20 pounds lighter than Rhodes. They must be some well-conditioned pounds. Slow to start. Windham looks good. The announcers talk about their pasts and the emotion of the match. Back and Forth. Windham takes a walk to clear his head. JJ comes up on the apron and gets the Bionic Elbow from Rhodes and the crowd goes wild. They fight outside and Rhodes batters Windham. Windham doesn't back down. He takes it to Rhodes and bumps his ass off for Big Dust. Windham gets the claw on Rhodes, Rhodes will not quit. He starts to come back. He finally breaks the claw, but Windham slaps it back on as Rhodes was putting on the figure four. Windham goes for the superplex. Rhodes pushes him off and referee Tommy Young gets hit. Rhodes hits the elbow, but there is no referee. Ronnie Garvin comes in and turns heel on Rhodes hitting him and knocking him out. Windham puts the claw on and gets the pin.
    -They replay the last few moments of the match.
    -Bob Caudle is in the dressing room. Ronnie Garvin is shown with a suitcase of money from Gary Hart and JJ Dillon.
    -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with JJ Dillon VS. Lex Luger. Luger gets a big pop coming out. Flair has a decent reaction. Mental games by Flair to start. They have mentioned the Maryland State Athletic Commission all night, foreshadowing the finish. Flair keeps begging off. Luger focuses on the back. He finally misses an elbow, but Flair begs off. They go to the outside. Flair takes over, opens the Chop House. Back and forth. Luger gets a close two count. Flair on the offense but gets caught up top. Luger can't get the pin. Flair works the leg and puts the figure four on. Luger reverses it. Luger starting to come back. Chop House Special. Both men spent. Flair goes up top and gets caught again. Luger hits a big clothesline. Flair goes over and out after an Irish Whip. Luger gets run into the post and JJ blades him. Luger gets the torture rack on. The bell rings and the crowd goes wild thinking Luger has won the title. The commission doctor has stopped the match due to blood loss but Luger isn’t bleeding much. It’s a BS finish. The crowd is not happy. A bullshit chant goes out. In his announcement to the fans, Gary Cappetta makes sure to point at the Commissioner and the Doctor and call them by name so that we know who to blame for this mess. I thought that was funny. Tony and Jim are doing their best to get it over, but it is not a great ending. The end credits begin as they sign off from Baltimore.

    Episode 9 Notes Tue, 31 Mar 2020 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 68172403-518b-41e9-8fdd-f83c5181b681 Notes for Episode 9 of the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show: Clash of the Champions 2. -Corona Virus and where we go from here.
    -Today we look at the Clash of the Champions from June of 1988.
    -Clash of the Champions Il: Miami Mayhem took place on June 8, 1988 at the James L Knight Center in Miami, Florida. There were 2,400 people in attendance and the show drew a 4.8 rating on TBS.
    -Opening Credits
    -Jim Ross is outside as limos start to pull up. Lyle Alzado, Frances Crockett, General Bruce MacArthur of the Chicago Blackhawks all get out of limos for the event.
    -Clash Opening Credits.
    -Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone on the call. They run down the show to start.
    -United States Championship Match: Barry Windham with JJ Dillon VS. Brad Armstrong. Barry has just turned heel and joined the horsemen. They feel each other out to start. Armstrong has some power moves. Two great competitors here. Windham takes a stroll then comes back in and dominates. He uses his pace for the match. Crowd is slow getting into the match. Armstrong hits some big moves, but can't seal the deaf. Windham puts on the figure four and uses leverage to cheat. Teddy Long catches him and makes him break. Windham rolls through a crossbody and gets the claw on to get the pin.
    -Bob Caudle interviews the Rock & Roll Express, who have just come back to the NWA. Bob and Tony then talk about the contract signing that took place on the yacht The Blackhawk between Ric Flair and Lex Luger. Jim Crockett oversees the signing. Not a great segment.
    -Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Arn Anderson arrive in a limo. Flair says it's the big time and he's not worried about Lex Luger or anyone else.
    -United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Fantastics Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton VS. The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Rip Morgan.
    -Lex Luger arrives at the arena in a limo before the match officially begins and is attacked by The Horsemen.
    -Even with that cutaway and the call of it and commercial breaks, etc. it still takes the match a long time to start. The Sheepherders start out with the advantage. Fantastics try to come back and eventually do take the advantage. Lots of stalling tactics in this match. Back and forth and some pin attempts. They do a multi pin attempts spot on the Sheepherders, but to no avail. Miller pulls down the rope, and Tommy Rogers takes a bump to the outside. Sheepherders then hit his back with the belts. They keep him from getting in. They then hit him with a chair. They continue to batter him back in the ring. They keep him from tagging. He finally tags in Fulton who gets a quick pin.
    -Tony Schiavone interviews a dapper Dr. Death Steve Williams who rambles through the interview. I don't know what Williams is on here, but it is some strong stuff.
    -Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner with Kevin Sullivan VS. Ronnie and Jimmy Garvin with Precious. Jim Ross updates us on Lex Luger. He has been rushed to the hospital. They replay the attack on Luger. Sullivan is in a cage for this match. Steve Williams joins Tony for commentary on this match, Dear Lord, why? Back and forth slow paced match here with the heels having the advantage but can't get a pin. Sullivan keeps taunting Precious with a piece of paper or something during the match. More even paced as the match progresses. Precious is as Conrad Thompson would say, Roll Tide here. Precious comes over to the cage and Sullivan grabs the key. The camera focuses on this and misses the Garvin's getting the pin. Sullivan chokes out Precious until Williams makes the save. Precious pushes Jimmy Garvin away and leaves.
    -Bob and Tony talk about the Great American Bash tour and PPV coming up. They then talk about the Tower of Doom that will be a part of the PPV.
    -Al Perez with Gary Hart VS. Nikita Koloff: Koloff doesn't look right with hair. He has slimmed down some though. They do power moves and pull aparts to begin with. Some impressive moves by both men to be honest. It goes outside and Koloff gets punished. Perez keeps the pressure on. This is a good showing by both men. Koloff coming back. Perez gets thrown out. Hart gets on the ropes. Larry Zbyszko comes in and attacks Koloff for the disqualification. All three attack Koloff and leave him lying in the ring.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Sting and Dusty Rhodes: Sting and Rhodes are over with the Miami crowd. They attack early. Blanchard and Anderson get some quick tags in. The crowd pops big when Rhodes comes in and he and Blanchard have some fantastic chemistry. JJ tries to interfere, but gets caught by referee Teddy Long. Every man involved in this match is a WWE Hall of Famer. Sting comes in and cleans house. He hits the splash on Blanchard. Anderson interferes. Sting gets hit on the outside. Anderson comes in strong. He is so good. Blanchard is back in. They double team. Anderson DDT's Sting on the concrete. JJ throws Sting into the ring. They can't get the pin on him though. Sting fights back. Sting hits a stun gun like maneuver on Blanchard. He tags in Rhodes, who cleans house. All four men in. Sting tosses the referee. Windham comes in followed by Flair. The Horsemen run roughshod. Rhodes is bleeding.
    -Jim Ross says Lex Luger is being attended to. Then Tony, Jim, and Bob sign off from Miami.
    -Closing Credits.

    Episode 8 Notes Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 792e68e7-524d-4484-9cfc-522bf2b024d8 My show notes for episode 8, the April 1988 edition of Saturday Night's Main Event -Today we look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from April of 1988.
    -SNME XVI was shown on NBC on April 30, 1988. It was taped April 22, 1988 from the Springfield Civic Center in Springfield, Massachusetts.
    -Jim Duggan says its spring cleaning time and he's got the broom.
    -Bobby Heenan is with Andre the Giant and Hercules and he says Duggan is a cross eyed sicko. He's got to take on the whole Family.
    -The One Man Gang with Slick. Slick says call the police because they were robbed at WrestleMania. Tonight, they right the wrong.
    -Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth. His first televised title defense so everyone is going to feel the madness.
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. They run down the night's matches. Jesse is feisty tonight. They review Jim Duggan's attack on Andre the Giant.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Bobby Heenan, Hercules, and Andre the Giant. The Family is unified against Jim Duggan. They head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Jim Duggan. He's ready for Hercules, Heenan, and Andre. He's got his 2X4 loaded.
    -Hercules with Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant VS. Jim Duggan: Duggan is popular, but a goof.
    Jesse calls Vince Ed McMahon's illegitimate son. This is a brawl. They bash each other. Duggan gets Hercules down and stares down Andre. Back and forth. A weasel chant goes out. Even paced match.
    Duggan gets thrown outside. Heenan hits Duggan when the ref isn't looking, and Duggan grabs his 2X4. The referee gets rid of it and Hercules pounces. He gets Duggan down and punishes him. Duggan comes back. He hits the three-point stance but Heenan and Andre come in for the disqualification. They punish Duggan, who gets saved by The Ultimate Warrior.
    -They flashback to WrestleMania and the haircutting that Brutus Beefcake gave to Jimmy Hart.
    -Mean Gene interviews Danny Davis and Jimmy Hart. Lots of hair cutting remarks. They also have hair cutting utensils. They then head to the ring with Jimmy Hart having big clipping shears.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Brutus Beefcake, who says it's 2 for 1 night and that both Jimmy Hart and Danny Davis are going to get cut. -Brutus Beefcake VS. Danny Davis with Jimmy Hart: Davis wants none of Beefcake. He gets an advantage though and Beefcake is distracted by Jimmy Hart. Beefcake hits a High Knee. Davis rolls out. Beefcake hits the sleeper. Hart is going crazy. Davis gets put to sleep. Beefcake goes for the scissors and cuts Davis' hair. He then sprays some stripes on Davis.
    -Flashback to the WrestleMania semifinal between Randy Savage and One Man Gang.
    -Mean Gene interviews One Man Gang and Slick, who says OMG was just defending Slick. They will get their chance for greatness tonight. They beat Savage once; they'll do it again. They then head to the ring. Slick gets down!
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Savage says Liz is the inspiration for him. He's prepared for OMG and Slick.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. The One Man Gang with Slick: Vince goes gaga over Liz as usual. Slick gets too close to Liz, so Savage chases 111m to the back. Feeling out process to start. Savage uses speed, Gang uses power. Slick chokes Savage with his cane. OMG takes over. Can't seal the deal though. OMG gets knocked out of the ring and Savage hits the double ax handle on him. Tries it again and gets caught. OMG misses the big splash. Slick hits OMG accidently with the cane so Savage gets the elbow for the win.
    -Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldogs and Matilda. They are loyal to Matilda and ready for Demolition.
    -Jesse interviews Demolition and Mr. Fuji. They are about the Face of Pain and are going to dip Matilda in chrome for a hood ornament.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Matilda. Smash takes over. The British Bulldogs double team. Both teams have quick tags. Demolition is so powerful The Bulldogs use speed to try to get the pin. Dynamite Kid tossed out. Fuji attacks him, so Davey Boy and Matilda chase Fuji to the back. Demolition try to follow them but get cut off by a group of referees. The Bulldogs break Fuji's cane and attack everyone and get disqualified.
    -Mean Gene interviews Don Muraco and Superstar Billy Graham. They say tonight, it's going to be the Million Dollar Man VS. The Million Dollar Body!
    -Don Muraco and Superstar Graham head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase says he was robbed of the title twice. If he has to beat Muraco to get to Savage, so be it.
    -Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: DiBiase comes out hot, but Muraco takes over. Back and Forth. Virgil interfering to keep DiBiase in it. DiBiase comes back. Muraco hits a Russian Leg Sweep and a power slam. DiBiase gets a body slam in, Muraco gets his feet on the ropes, but the referee doesn't see it and counts the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. He is not afraid of the multi-million-dollar man (his words) and if DiBiase comes after him, he'll end up bankrupt.
    -Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Rude does his usual mic work. He then attacks Koko before the bell. Koko comes back and hits a nice looking standing dropkick. Rude hits Koko and then poses. Rude hits the fist drop from the top rope. Rude then hits a dropkick. It's Vince who brings up that Rude has won the Jesse the Body award if you're drinking at home. Koko clotheslines himself accidently on the ropes and Rude hits the Rude Awakening for the win.
    -Vince and Jesse recap the night and sign off for this season of Saturday Night's Main Event.

    Episode 7 Notes Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 3720fda1-940e-41d7-8a80-678548062c74 Notes for Episode 7: WrestleMania IV -Today we look at WrestleMania IV from the WWF.
    -WrestleMania IV was shown on PPV on March 27, 1988 from the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey. There were 19,199 in attendance.
    -As we previously mentioned, this is round 3 of the WWF/JCP fight.
    -This is the old comfortable shoe of wrestling shows for me.
    -Opening Credits.
    -We open up on a live shot of the plaza. Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring to welcome us to WrestleMania then he introduces Gladys Knight to sing America the Beautiful. Gladys does a good job. We go up top to Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, and returning celebrity guest Bob Uecker as the trophy comes down for the invitational battle royal. Your participants are Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Bad News Brown, Sam Houston, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Ken Patera, Ron Bass, Nikolai Volkoff, Boris Zhukov, Jim Powers Paul Roma, The Junk Yard Dog, B. Brian Blair, Jumping Jim Brunzell, Sika, Danny Davis, Hillbilly Jim, Harley Race, and George Steele who never gets in. Forearm city to begin. George Steele is a waste here, if you can’t get in for whatever reason then you shouldn’t be out there. He pulls Jim Neidhart out. Guys start to slowly get thrown out. It gets down to JYD, Bad News Brown, and Bret Hart. JYD shows some of the old spark, but gets double teamed and eliminated. Bad News and Bret Hart seem to have struck a deal, but Bad News double crosses Hart and eliminates him. Bad News Brown is your winner, but Hart comes back in, attacks Bad News, and destroys the trophy.
    -Bob Uecker bails out to go find Vanna White.
    -Howard Finkel explains the rules to everyone over the house mic, but you can't hear him. He then brings out Robin Leach to read a proclamation.
    -lst Round of the tournament: Jesse and Gorilla go over the rules.
    -Jim Duggan VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil and Andre the Giant: DiBiase stalls. Duggan is at his goofiest here. Duggan controls early. DiBiase regains the advantage. Then they go back and forth. Duggan goes for the three-point stance, but Andre interferes and hits Duggan. DiBiase gets the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says that The Honky Tonk Man won't forget him and he is going to be the new intercontinental champion and if Jimmy Hart interferes, he'll get a snip.
    -Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin VS. Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham: Bravo comes out hot but Muraco comes back. Bravo wants to finish it early. Bravo hits a piledriver, but can't get the pin. Muraco comes back. The referee gets bumped because Bravo pulls him into Muraco. Bravo gets disqualified.
    -Bob Uecker interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. They say they’re going to take care of Brutus Beefcake and not get their hair cut.
    -Greg Valentine VS. Ricky Steamboat who comes down with his son who is an infant. As usual with Valentine matches, Gorilla works in that it takes Valentine 15 minutes to get warmed up IYDAH. Steamboat goes for a quick win. Valentine takes over. Gorilla gives Jesse an anatomy lesson here about the bump in the back of the head. They show Donald Trump in the crowd. They slug it out. Back and Forth. The Chop House opens. Valentine goes for the figure four. Steamboat blocks. Steamboat goes up top, hits a crossbody, Valentine counters it and gets the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Koko B. Ware and The British Bulldogs with Matilda. They say she’s been in training and is now a certified weasel dog.
    -Butch Reed with Slick VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage is easily the 2nd most over person there. Outfit #1 for the duo is blue. Jesse reminds everyone that he’s been on the Macho bandwagon longer than anyone. Reed attacks early and hard. Savage gets pummeled outside. Savage comes back. Reed gets distracted by Liz. Savage slams him and hits the elbow for the pin.
    -Bob Uecker interviews The Islanders and Bobby Heenan. This is a classic exchange here as The Brain is so quick with his quips. Heenan says he has a surprise for his match.
    -The One Man Gang with Slick VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Oliver Humperdink: Gang hits early. Bigelow comes back. Slick pulls the rope down as Bigelow goes for it and he falls out of the ring and gets counted out.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. This is a classic Hogan interview:
    Mean Gene Okerlund: "All right, over the last couple of months, it has been very difficult for me to introduce this man without using “World Wrestling Federation Champion “HULK HOGAN! Here at WrestleMania IV this afternoon, you’ve got the opportunity to change that."

    Hulk Hogan: "Oh, yeah it’s been hard to live with, man! FEE, FI, FO FUM, Andre. One long year, and your time has come, man. No marks! No scars! No blemishes on the Hulkster, brother! But inside, man, I’ve been scarred for one long year. Everywhere I go, man, all the little Hulksters ask me, “Is there any truth to the fact that there was a controversial count? Hulkster, did you really get him over your head? Did you really beat The Giant?”

    Well today, man, in WrestleMania IV, we’re gonna wipe all that controversy out. Andre the Giant, in the second round, when you’re fresh as a daisy, with the whole world watching, I’m gonna prove, brother, that I can beatcha anywhere, anytime! And all my Hulkamaniacs, they’re gonna feel it tooooo…."

    Mean Gene Okerlund: "Speaking of the Hulkamaniacs, Hulk Hogan, we have seen them here in Atlantic City, and I know millions others are watching very intently all around the world."

    Hulk Hogan: "YES! But if you look in their eyes, man, have you seen the fear in all those little Hulksters? They realize that when I get Andre the Giant cinched up in the launch position, when I SLAM him through the Trump Plaza, brother, from New York, down to Tampa, Florida, the fault line is gonna break off! And as Andre the Giant falls into the ocean, as my next two opponents fall to the ocean floor and I pin ‘em, so will DONALD TRUMP and ALL THE HULKAMANIACS!

    But as Donald Trump hangs on to the top of the Trump Plaza, with his family under his other arm, as they SINK, to the BOTTOM OF THE SEATHANK GOD Donald Trump’s a Hulkamaniac! He’ll know enough to let go of his materialistic possessions, hang on to the wife and kids, DOG PADDLE with his life all the way to safety! But Donald, if somethin’ happens, if you run outta gas, and all those little Hulkamaniacs, just hang on to the LARGEST BACK in the world, and I’ll dog paddle us, backstroke all of us to safety!"
    -Donald Trump is shown signing an autograph.
    -Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jake Roberts: Jesse mentions Rude winning the Jesse The Body award so take a drink for all of you counting at home. Rude does some mic work. Jake come to the ring looking focused. This is right before their feud begins. This is a clunky match to me. Lots of rest holds. The match finally ends in a time limit draw. Jake brings out Damien.
    -Shoot the ******** snake. I’m with you Ivana! I hate snakes.
    -Mean Gene and Vanna White update the tournament bracket. Vanna doesn't know who Bob Uecker is.
    -Hercules with Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warrior: They talk about the Warrior snapping the chain of Hercules. Pure power match. Hercules finally gets the Warrior down after three clotheslines. They both go outside. They just potato each other. Hercules gets the Full Nelson on and they both go down but Warrior gets his shoulder up before the three count to win. Hercules attacks with the chain but Warrior gets it and swings it around.
    -They recap the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant feud
    -2nd Round of the tournament.
    -Andre the Giant with Ted DiBiase and Virgil VS. Hulk Hogan: Hogan is by far the most popular wrestler there. Andre attacks before the bell. Hogan fights back and gets Andre and DiBiase. He finally is able to knock Andre down. Andre gets Hogan down and punishes him. He keeps choking Hogan for 4 counts. Hogan chant goes out as he Hulks up! He hits Andre and goes to slam him. DiBiase comes in with a chair, Hogan gets rid of him. Hogan and Andre then both use the chair against each other and both get disqualified. Hogan chases DiBiase and Virgil. Virgil gets suplexed outside. Hogan comes back in and slams Andre and Hogan must pose! Jesse is irate that Hogan is posing. He won't let it go. He says he can pose just like Hogan.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage says Hogan was cheated. He then says nothing's going to stop him now.
    -Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham VS. Ted DiBiase who is alone as a result of the last match:
    Muraco attacks before the bell and looks really good early, but can't seal the deal. DiBiase bails but Superstar Graham goes after him. Muraco tries to pull DiBiase from the corner, but gets sling shot into the corner. DiBiase takes over. He punishes Muraco. He misses the backwards elbow from the second rope though. He eventually gets a stun gun maneuver for the pin. He goes straight into the finals.
    -Bob Uecker is still looking for Vanna but gets Mr. Fuji and Demolition. They say Strike Force is going down through Brutal Contact.
    -The One Man Gang receives his bye.
    -Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Outfit combo #2 for the duo is pink. Savage comes out hot as Valentine does a Ric Flair like sell job. Valentine comes back. Hits a shoulder breaker for a 2 count. Throws Savage out. Follows him and they brawl outside. Valentine is dictating the match and Savage also sells well. Valentine goes for the figure four, but Savage gets to the ropes. Savage comes back and goes for a pin, but Jimmy Hart distracts. Savage gets a suplex, goes for a double ax handle, but Valentine gets up and they nail each other. Valentine goes for the figure four, but Savage gets a small package for the win.
    -Vanna and Mean Gene update the tournament board.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue VS. Brutus Beefcake: They start out slow. Jesse gives his WrestleMania family greeting. Beefcake hits an atomic drop. He messes up HTM's hair. Beefcake dominating early. HTM takes a breather. Back and forth. Peggy Sue is enthusiastic. HTM takes over. Softening Beefcake up for the Shake, Rattle, and Roll, but Beefcake grabs the ropes. He then gets the sleeper on. Hart gets on the apron and knocks out the referee with the megaphone. Hart then grabs the bag with the clippers in it. He climbs under the ring. Beefcake gets the scissors and cuts Hart's hair. Peggy Sue gets a water pitcher and wakes up HTM. Beefcake wins by disqualification.

    -Bob Uecker interviews Andre the Giant. He said he was paid to get Hogan out of the tournament. He then wraps his hands around Uecker’s throat.
    -The Islanders Haku and Tama and Bobby Heenan VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The
    Dynamite Kid and Koko B. Ware with Matilda and Frankie. This match came about because The Islanders had dognapped Matilda. Heenan comes in a Dog Handlers outfit. Dynamite starts out quick against Tama. Haku comes in and Jesse puts him and his thrust kick over as usual. Some chain wrestling. Power moves by Davey Boy. Koko comes in with some big moves. Jesse says Heenan looks like a Chinaman. Yikes, SMH! Bulldogs and Koko dominating for the most part. Islanders come back. I think Koko loses a tooth at one point and Gorilla agrees with me. The Islanders slam Koko and slam Heenan on top of him for the pin. Matilda half-heartedly chases Heenan after the match.

    -Howard Finkel introduces Jesse to a big pop. He can pose too!
    -Ted DiBiase gets his bye to the finals.
    -3rd round of the tournament.
    -The One Man Gang with Slick VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: This rounds color for the duo is Black. Back and forth to Start. Savage clotheslines OMG on the ropes. OMG comes back. OMG tries a pin but Savage gets his foot on the ropes and Savage does the stick and move. OMG goes out. Savage hits the double ax handle. Slick bothers Liz. Savage goes after him. OMG gets the cane and tries to use it but gets caught and disqualified. Savage comes off the top rope onto Slick and OMG.
    -Mean Gene and Vanna update the board then Vanna leaves. Uecker comes in and they do the dumb Vance White joke.
    -WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel VS. Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji: Smash starts hot. Then back and forth. Martel comes in a house of fire and goes for the Boston Crab. Fuji throws the cane to Ax who hits Martel and Smash covers him for the win. New Champions!
    -Howard Finkel announces Robin Leach, who comes out with the belt. Should have worn a tuxedo! Howard then introduces Bob Uecker and Vanna White. Uecker gets it, he’s having fun and doesn’t take himself too seriously. He announces the participants.
    -WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final: Ted DiBiase with Andre the Giant VS. Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Color choice for the duo this time is white. Back and forth. Andre grabs Savage’s leg at one point. A Hogan chant goes out and people start looking at the entrance. DiBiase takes over. Then a slow feeling out process. Andre keeps interfering. Savage with some quick moves. He says something to Liz and she leaves. DiBiase punishes as a Hogan Chant breaks out and wouldn’t you know who won the pony. Hogan comes out with Liz. Andre grabs Savage, Hogan comes over. DiBiase still dominating, but can’t get a three count. Savage goes for the elbow but misses. DiBiase gets the sleeper on. Andre distracts the referee. Hogan hits DiBiase with a chair. Savage hits the elbow, gets the pin and is the new champion! Hogan gives Savage the belt and keeps the heels away. Jesse complains that Hogan cheated. Liz is crying. Jesse threatens to come out of retirement. Liz parades on the shoulder of the Macho Man holding the belt. Gorilla wishes us a good night.

    Episode 6 Notes Mon, 23 Mar 2020 16:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 82aa64ad-b5f5-445e-8971-abf90814b958 Notes from the Clash of the Champions 1 Episode -Today we look at the first Clash of the Champions from the NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions.
    -Clash of the Champions 1 was show on March 27, 1988 from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. It did a 5.6 rating on TBS.
    -This is round 3 of the WWF/JCP battle. This one hurt the WWF hard.
    -We start with the opening credits talking about some of the battles tonight.
    -Tony Schiavone and Bob Caudle welcome us to Greensboro. The infamous 1988 Midnight Rider angle started the day before on TBS and is mentioned briefly before they talk about tonight. They throw it to Jim Ross who says hi before we start.
    -Amateur Wrestling exhibition for the NWA Television championship: Jimmy Garvin with Precious VS. Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan: Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are on the call. Three 5 minute rounds with a 1 count for a fall. Amateur wrestling to start. Garvin withdraws. Comes out again fighting. Rotunda regroups. A lot of mat wrestling, rest holds, and stalling. Rotunda tries to get a pin, but the round ends. Round 2- Garvin comes out hot. Sullivan goes after Precious, so Garvin comes over. Rotunda comes from behind and gets the pin. Rick Steiner and Kevin Sullivan join Rotunda in beating down Garvin, but Precious starts to choke Sullivan with a coat hanger.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Steve Williams who talks about his tour of Japan and what happened to Dusty Rhodes the night before and he wants to fight the winner of tonight’s main event.
    -US Tag Team Championship Match: The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton With Jim Cornette VS. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers. Music dub of the Midnight Express music to start. Fantastics are over even if they were always in the Rock and Roll Express’ shadow. Hot and fast action to start. Chairs are flying. It finally heads toward the ring. Crowd is hot for the match. MX cheat to perfection. Eaton hits an elbow drop just as good as Randy Savage. Rogers is selling really well here. It goes back outside. They use tables and chairs. MX doing great double team moves. Rogers makes the tag, but the ref didn’t see it, so Fulton throws the ref out. It all breaks down. Tommy Young counts a Fantastic’s pin fall, but Randy Anderson reverses it because of the throw out spot. It becomes a melee. The MX whip Fulton mercilessly.
    -Bob Caudle then talks about The New Leave it to Beaver and they go to Ken Osmond who talks with Jim Cornette and who will be a ringside judge. This is all TBS cross-promotion.
    -Bob Caudle interviews Al Perez and Gary Hart. Hart says they are after championships and money. They then challenge Dusty Rhodes.
    -Bob Caudle throws it to Francis Crockett who announces the Top 10 teams for the Crockett Cup.
    -The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Dusty Rhodes with Paul Ellering VS. The Powers of Pain Warlord and The Barbarian and Ivan Koloff with Paul Jones: 6-man Barbed Wire Chicago/Texas Street Fight. They say both names during the beginning stages. All 6 men in it. This comes from the bench press challenge where Animal was hurt by the Powers of Pain. Power moves and forearms galore. Dusty and Ivan bleed early. Rhodes does the flip, flop, and fly. Animal hits the power slam on Warlord. Barbarian goes off the top rope to hit Animal who moves and he hits Warlord and Animal gets the pin. They knock Animal’s mask off and go for his bad eye. Rhodes and Hawk run them off.
    -Tony and Jim plug the new NWA Main Event show that starts the next week. They then throw it to Bob Caudle who is going to interview Nikita Koloff. Koloff has grown out his hair and says he’s a new man and how he’s been talking to kids about not doing drugs. He eludes to his real life situation and how he wants the world title.
    -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Barry Windham and Lex Luger. The faces come out hot and frankly the crowd is hot for Luger. Anderson comes back and is a methodical machine. This is a great wrestling crowd. Windham puts a sleeper on Blanchard who goes outside but Windham keeps the hold on. Anderson hits a big DDT but only gets a 2 count. Then a spine buster for a two count. Back and forth. Great wrestling by Blanchard and Windham. Blanchard hits the slingshot suplex, but Windham kicks out of that too. Luger comes in pumped up. JJ brings a chair up to hit the faces, but Anderson gets run into it and gets pinned. Windham and Luger are the new tag team champions.
    -Jim and Tony talk about the next match. There are judges at ringside: Gary Juster, Sandy Scott, Patty Mullins, Ken Osmond, and Jason Hervey. When Sandy Scott is introduced, the graphic says he is a former NWA star Pet. Oh Boy. NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with JJ Dillon VS. Sting: Sting is popular, but Flair has his fans too. JJ is suspended above the ring in a cage. 45-minute television time limit match. Slow, methodical wrestling holds to start. Flair plays the psychological games. Sting has come to TCB and Flair is making him look so good. Great athleticism by both men. Sting hits a side headlock several times. He has a counter for Flair’s moves. JJ is trying to advise from his perch. You see how good Flair is here and how he is making Sting a made man. Flair works in a Flair flop. Sting is also working his butt off too. Flair takes over and opens the chop house. Sting counters with power moves. He gets a bear hug on Flair who sells like he is dying. Back and forth. It goes outside and Flair pushes Sting into the barricade. Flair unleashes on Sting. They brawl in and out of the ring. They are giving it their all. Sting hits the post at one point. Back and forth again. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Flair gets to the ropes. This is such a good match. Sting gets a 2 after a crossbody. Flair attacks the knee. Flair gets the figure four on. Sting won’t give up. He pulls Flair to the middle and turns it over. Both men down and both are hurt. Sting gets a suplex. Flair puts his knees up to counter a splash. Sting gets an abdominal stretch on. Flair gets caught up top. Sting goes to punish Flair’s leg. He puts the figure four on Flair. Flair goes out over the top of the judges. Sting batters Flair on the judges table. With 5 minutes left, they kick it up a notch. So many near falls. Sting misses the splash and goes out. They come back in and both go for falls. The crowd is losing their minds. Sting hits the splash and gets the Scorpion Deathlock on, but Flair won’t give up. The time expires. Decision goes to the judges. Both wrestlers are spent. The judges split, so the match is a draw. The crowd doesn’t like that result, but both did tremendously. Flair retains.
    -Tony, Jim, and Bob recap the show and sign off from Greensboro. They then show the end credits.

    Episode 5 Notes Fri, 20 Mar 2020 10:00:00 -0400 [email protected] b174f7ea-c2ac-4154-92e9-476a4d4c4bd2 Notes for Episode 5 of the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show -How was your week? Let me tell you about mine.
    -The nutritionist appointment.
    -My reward to myself: A&W, but the closest one is 130 miles away, in Canada.
    -Everyone thinks I’m crazy, and we have a good laugh about it.
    -The border patrol doesn’t think it’s funny.
    -I got hauled into an interrogation room.
    -Today we look at the SNME from March of 1988.
    -SNME XV was broadcast on NBC on March 12, 1988. It was taped on March 7, 1988 from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee.
    -Randy Savage says there’s no room in the Danger Zone for The Million Dollar Man.
    -Ted DiBiase says tonight you’ll see what he brings to the ring and it’s worth its weight in gold.
    -Brutus Beefcake says he has a hair raising match coming up with Greg Valentine.
    -Slick and the One Man Gang say Ken Patera is going to do what he does best, lose!
    -Bobby Heenan and Harley Race say that tonight Hulk Hogan will be on his knees bowing to the king.
    -Hulk Hogan says no way, tonight Harley Race will be crowned!
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us and Jesse says Vince is a redneck.
    -They talk about The Main Event and go over tonight’s card. Then we have a flashback to The Main Event.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine. They say Brutus Beefcake is no match for Greg Valentine, who they say carried the Dream Team. Then they go to ringside.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Brutus Beefcake who says he can cut it in the ring. Lot’s more hair and cutting puns follow this but I will spare you the blow by blow.
    -Brutus Beefcake VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Shoving contest to start. Beefcake wears a lot of mesh. Valentine flops well. Valentine gains control. He puts the figure four on, but they are too close to the ropes. The Honky Tonk Man comes to ringside. He taunts Beefcake, who he will face at WrestleMania. Valentine pummels Beefcake. Beefcake gets the sleeper on Valentine. They both tumble outside. Jimmy Hart goads Beefcake to chase him and Valentine takes advantage. Back in, Valentine back suplexes Beefcake, who gets his shoulder up as they are both down and wins. He then cuts some of Valentine’s hair.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Bobby Heenan and Harley Race. Heenan says he was the force behind Andre the Giant stripping Hogan of the title and now Hogan is going to bow down before the King. They then head to the ring.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He says Hulkamania will never die and Harley Race is the only thing in his way as he heads towards WrestleMania.
    -Hulk Hogan VS. King Harley Race with Bobby Heenan: Hogan chases Heenan. Race attacks early. Hogan is pumped. Nobody sells like Harley Race. Race is clotheslined out and hits the ringside table. Race takes over. They fight outside. Hogan is blatantly cheating with choking Race with his wrist tape, but breaking before the 5 count. They roll in and out continuing to fight. Heenan tries to interfere. Race attacks and hits a nice belly to belly. This is Hogan’s best televised match in a while. Race gets Hogan on a table and goes to headbutt him. Hogan moves and this is the legendary bump that helped accelerate the end of Race’s in ring career. Back in, Race hits the top rope headbutt, but then Hogan Hulks up! He hits the leg drop and pins Race. Hogan then goes after Heenan who runs. Hogan must pose!
    -Mean Gene interviews the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase says its politics as to why he doesn’t have the belt but he’ll take care of that at WrestleMania IV. He says he has destroyed Hulkamania, and no one is more macho than him. They go to the ring.
    -Flashback to The Main Event where Randy Savage paraded Elizabeth around the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage, who says madness is worth more than money, and that Elizabeth is his platinum doll.
    -Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: Andre the Giant comes out; he’s going to be in DiBiase’s corner. DiBiase attacks early. He taunts Liz, then mimes that he’s going to be the champion. Savage comes back. Andre whispers something to DiBiase. DiBiase takes over. Crowd is into Savage. DiBiase kicked to the outside. Savage pulled out. They fight outside. Andre distracts Savage, whole Virgil hits him from behind. Virgil then gets ejected by the referee. Back in, DiBiase takes over. Savage keeps fighting back. He throws DiBiase outside and hits the double ax handle. Andre attacks Liz, who then leaves ringside. Andre then starts brutally chopping Savage. DiBiase distracts the referee while this is happening, then tells the ref to count Savage out. He does and Virgil comes back and they attack Savage. Hulk Hogan then comes out with a chair. The heels run and Hogan and Liz help Savage to the back.
    -The Killer Bees then make their way to the ring.
    -Jesse Ventura interviews Bobby Heenan and The Islanders. Bobby has on headgear and a leash. His tribute to Wild Kingdom.
    -The Killer Bees B. Brian Blair and Jumping Jim Brunzell VS. The Islanders Haku and Tama with Bobby Heenan: The Bees start out hot. The Islanders counter with power moves. Jesse puts over Haku. B. Brian Blair takes over but Haku nails him for Tama to cover for the pin.
    -Mean Gene interviews Slick and the One Man Gang. Slick says the USA Olympic Team are losers. He says who needs a team when you’ve got a gang. This is a subtle dig at Mean Gene, whose son was on the 1988 Olympic Hockey team, as well as Ken Patera, who has the Olympic athlete and gear thing going.
    -Ken Patera VS. The One Man Gang with Slick: OMG attacks Patera while Patera is taking off his warmup pants. Patera fights back. He gets the full nelson on OMG. Back and forth. OMG hits a massive clothesline and pins Patera. They brawl after and Slick hits Patera with his cane.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says he’s a stark raving Hulkamaniac. He also keeps saying Multi-Million Dollar Man.
    -Jesse and Vince then recap the night and sign off from Nashville.

    Episode 4 Notes Mon, 09 Mar 2020 09:00:00 -0400 [email protected] 6eff8a96-a32a-493d-a155-ee729c382143 Show Notes on Episode 4 of the Cup of Joe Wrestling Show -Today we look at The Main Event from the WWF.
    -The Main Event was broadcast live on NBC on February 5, 1988. It was broadcast from the Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana. It had a 15.2 Nielsen rating and approximately 22 million viewers watched the event.
    -Randy Savage says he’s going to send The Honky Tonk Man back to Disgraceland.
    -The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart say Randy Savage is a whiner and lucky that HTM doesn’t play a piano.
    -Andre the Giant and The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase say after tonight that belt will fit as easily around Andre’s waist as his hands fit around Hulk Hogan’s neck. Andre says he can’t wait to do it again, and again, and again…
    -Hulk Hogan says when Andre the Giant put his hands around his neck, he knew he was in the fight of his life. Hulkamania will never die.
    -Opening Credits
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to The Main Event. Jesse says Hulk Hogan is going down tonight.
    -Video of Hulk Hogan training. They use what is about to be Jake Roberts theme as the music.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews HTM and Jimmy Hart. HTM says Liz is head over heels for him.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Randy Savage and Elizabeth. The music bleeds through here. You can’t hear anything hardly. Savage is intense though. He’s purple in one of the shots.
    -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth:
    -Jimmy Hart is the bravest man alive.
    -Randy Savage is as usual intense to start. HTM and Jimmy Hart both selling hard for him. HTM uses the megaphone on Savage to gain advantage. If you listen to Peggy Sue, it’s obviously Sherri Martel under a blonde wig. More and more cheating by HTM and Jimmy Hart. HTM goes after Miss Elizabeth. Savage attacks from behind. Savage hits all of his patented moves. Goes for the elbow but HTM gets up. Savage then puts the sleep on. Peggy Sue goes after Elizabeth. HTM and Savage go outside. Savage beats the count in and wins the match but not the title. They attack Savage after the match and Elizabeth protects him until Savage gets the guitar. He then breaks the guitar. Savage parades Liz around the ring.
    -Vince and Jesse then recap the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant feud.
    -Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase, Andre, and Virgil. DiBiase says that Andre is already the champ and that Hogan is a coward. Andre says once he gets his hands on Hogan, he’ll never let go.
    -Andre, DiBiase, and Virgil go to the ring.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says with all the controversy over WrestleMania III, he is ready because with the world watching, Hulkamania will live forever.
    -WWF World Heavyweight Championship match: Hulk Hogan VS. Andre the Giant with Ted DiBiase and Virgil: Hulk Hogan tries to go after the trio with the belt. They make a big deal over Dave Hebner being the referee instead of Joey Marella. Hogan poses before the match just to get it in. He is pumped and ready. Andre slow to get into the ring. Hogan attacks both DiBiase and Virgil then he and Andre slug it out. Hogan having trouble knocking Andre down. Hogan throwing everything at Andre. Goes up top but gets caught. Both men get injured. Andre choking Hogan. Hogan battered. Hogan sells really well here. They subtly keep mentioning Dave Hebner. Hogan Hulks up! He knocks Andre down. Goes for the leg. Virgil interferes. Hogan complains. Andre gives two head-butts and an awkward hip toss suplex, pins Hogan, who has his shoulder up on 2 but the referee keeps counting. Andre is your winner and new champion. So much controversy here. Referee presents the belt to Andre. Mean Gene is in to interview Andre, who calls the belt the tag team championship and then surrenders the belt to The Million Dollar Man. Hogan is upset. All of a sudden, there are two Dave Hebners in the ring. Hogan grabs both. Then they start fighting. One knocks the other out then Hogan throws the remaining one on DiBiase and Virgil. It was revealed post-match that the referee was not the assigned referee, Dave Hebner, but rather his twin brother, Earl Hebner, who was hired by Ted DiBiase as part of a storyline screw job. Then WWF president Jack Tunney said the title could only change hands by pin or submission, and said that by attempting to surrender the title, Andre had actually vacated it.
    -Great Angle. Earl had been with JCP until a few days before.
    -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan, who is awesome here: HOW MUCH MONEY DID THEY SPEND ON THE PLASTIC SURGERY, MAN!?! I had all bases covered! I had the Hulkamaniacs watchin’ DiBiase! I had Virgil in his place! NEVER IN MY WILDEST DREAMS, MEAN GENE, would I think I would get ripped off by a penny-pinching, two-timing referee. HOW MUCH MONEY ON THE PLASTIC SURGERY?! How much money did he spend to pay the referee off?!?!
    When I turned around, Mean Gene, they were identical!
    Look at the shoulder, brother! Look at the shoulder! The referee is paid off, brother! Look at the hundred dollar bills falling out of his pocket! MY GOD! HULKAMANIACS!
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match: Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart with Jimmy Hart: Joined in progress as Vince has to sign off just as we join the match. But as we see the credits we see Tito pin Bret after a failed sunset flip.

    Episode 3 Notes Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:30:00 -0500 [email protected] 7f047d76-a4a5-4876-b0a0-2f6332d17657 My Royal Rumble 1988 Notes -Kobe
    -Today, we look at the first Royal Rumble from the WWF.
    -The 1988 Royal Rumble was held on January 24, 1988 from the Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, Ontario. It was broadcast on the USA network and set a record for the highest viewed wrestling program on cable TV at the time with an 8.1 rating.
    -Vince McMahon welcomes us and runs down the night’s card. Then he and Jesse Ventura talk about the Royal Rumble.
    -Mea Culpa: The Mandela Effect
    -Rick Rude VS. Ricky Steamboat: This begins the tradition of Jesse always mentioning Rude winning the Jesse the Body award, so drink them if you’ve got them. Steamboat starts out hot but Rude is good too. Two great wrestlers here. Vince and Jesse talk about Rude’s physique. Chain wrestling, and Steamboat has the advantage. Rest holds galore and the crowd is not into it. Rude poses then takes over. Obnoxious fan in the front row has a megaphone. Jimmy Hart should sue for gimmick infringement. Steamboat is then thrown outside and punished. Rude poses again. More rest hold and this is not how you get a crowd into a show. Steamboat is put into a submission hold and he is tapping but we aren’t into that area yet and no one would know what tapping was. Steamboat powers out of it. More submission holds by Rude. Steamboat fights back. Multiple near falls. Steamboat goes up and Rude pulls the ref into him. Rude then applies a submission hold. The bell rings. Rude thinks he has won it. His music plays. He goes to leave and as he is doing so, they announce Steamboat the winner by disqualification.
    -We come back to Mean Gene Okerlund and Jesse on the platform as Dino Bravo attempts to set a new world’s bench-press record. Bravo comes out with his new manager, Frenchie Martin. This is a bad segment all the way around as I like all the men involved but this went on too long and the crowd wasn’t into it. It was also pointless. Jesse helps Dino in the end to lift the bar to get to 715 pounds.
    -WWF Ladies Tag Team Championship Match 2/3 falls: The Glamour Girls Leilani Kai and Judy Martin with Jimmy Hart VS. The Jumping Bomb Angels Noriyo Tateno and Itsuki Yamazaki: The Jumping Bomb Angels are impressive. Vince and Jesse argue about the weightlifting competition. The Glamour Girls strike first and fast. Vince doesn’t know the Jumping Bomb Angel’s names so he calls them by their singlet colors pink and red. SMH. Jesse and Vince get into a grammar battle over the use of the word ain’t. I’m team Jesse on this one. Back and forth on the first fall. The Glamour Girls cheat very well and they win the first fall.
    -Second Fall: Vince starts to pronounce the Jumping Bomb Angel’s names so someone must have told him between falls. JBA’s get a quick pin after a sunset flip.
    -Third Fall: JBA’s hitting hard to start. The Glamour Girls fight back. They go back and forth. Some near falls. Both JBA’s go to different turnbuckles, hit a double dropkick, get the pin, and we have new champions. Jesse complains that when the one Angel hooked the arm, Martin’s shoulder came up too, but it doesn’t go anywhere.
    -Vince and Jesse flashback to WrestleMania III and the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant match controversy.
    -The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase says he is going to buy the championship.
    -Hulk Hogan says Hell No to DiBiase.
    -DiBiase says everyone has a price.
    -Flashback to Andre’s attack on Hogan on SNME.
    -DiBiase recruits Andre to get the belt for him.
    -Contract Signing: As they show the crowd right before this, there is a guy who has a kid in the backbreaker in the crowd. Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant who has Ted DiBiase and Virgil with him. Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring to be the master of ceremonies. Andre, DiBiase, Virgil, and WWF figurehead president Jack Tunney are already in the ring. Hogan comes out to a huge pop. Jesse points out that Hogan comes out to Real American and we are in Canada. Mean Gene introduces the participants. Andre is hesitant to sit down. DiBiase jaw jacks to Hogan as he signs. After a lot of pausing, Andre finally signs. Then he gets up and slams the table on Hogan.
    -Vince and Jesse go over the Royal Rumble and some of the participants.
    -1988 Royal Rumble: 1. Bret Hart 2. Tito Santana It’s forearms and kicks time. Bret Hart is on the offensive. 3. Butch Reed Bret Hart Sells being hurt 4. Jim Neidhart. 5. Jake Roberts. Butch Reed gets eliminated. 6. Harley Race. 7. Jim Brunzell 8. Sam Houston. Tito Santana gets eliminated. 9. Danny Davis. 10 Boris Zhukov 11. Don Muraco and Nikolai Volkoff both come out but Muraco is the one that is allowed in. Boris Zhukov is thrown out and Nikolai has to wait to go in. 12. Volkoff is finally allowed in. Harley Race gets eliminated. 13. Jim Duggan fights with Harley Race on his way to the ring. 14. Ron Bass. Jim Brunzell is eliminated. 15. B. Brian Blair 16. Hillbilly Jim. Jim Neidhart eliminated. 17. Dino Bravo. Sam Houston eliminated. 18. The Ultimate Warrior making his big time debut. Bret Hart is finally eliminated. 19. One Man Gang. B. Brian Blair eliminated. Jake Roberts eliminated. 20. Junkyard Dog. Nikolai Volkoff eliminated. Hillbilly Jim is then gone. Danny Davis is the next to be thrown out. Warrior then eliminated. JYD is then eliminated. Ron Bass goes next. Muraco is throwing some dropkicks. OMG eliminates him. Dino Bravo and OMG double team Jim Duggan. OMG accidently eliminates Dino Bravo. OMG takes over. Tries to eliminate Duggan. OMG goes for a clothesline. Duggan drops down and pulls the top rope down and OMG falls out. Duggan wins.
    -Vince and Jesse review the contract signing.
    -Craig DeGeorge interviews Hulk Hogan. They talk about the Andre rematch coming up. Hogan says he can’t be beat.
    -2/3 falls tag team match: The Islanders Haku and Tama VS. The Young Stallions Paul Roma and Jim Powers: Vince and Jesse talk about The Islanders kidnapping Matilda the Bulldog. They then talk about the Hogan/Andre Rematch coming up and basically anything but the match in the ring. It’s a back and forth affair. Jesse puts over Haku’s crescent kick. They finally concentrate on the match. Paul Roma falls outside over the ropes, hurts his knee, and gets counted out.
    -They review the contract signing again.
    -Craig DeGeorge talks to Andre the Giant and Ted DiBiase with Virgil. The Million Dollar Man says what happened tonight won’t compare with what will happen February 5th. Andre says on February 5th, they will make history by eliminating Hulkamania.
    -Second Fall: Roma comes out injured. He and Tama have to start. Haku and Jim Powers are tagged in. Haku takes over. Tama tagged in. Quick tags by The Islanders. Powers is just brutalized. Roma is tagged in but submits to a half crab.
    -Vince and Jesse run down what has happened that night and close the show.

    Episode 2 Notes Wed, 12 Feb 2020 19:00:00 -0500 [email protected] 38b131e9-d5e0-457f-b269-30586d5b6588 My Episode 2 Notes -Today we look at the Bunkhouse Stampede from the NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions.
    -The Bunkhouse Stampede was broadcast on PPV on January 24, 1988 from the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. It was the fourth Bunkhouse Stampede event to be promoted by JCP, but the only one to air as a PPV event.
    -This is the second shot fired between the WWF and JCP. WWF couldn’t go the dual PPV route again, so they did the next best thing.
    -Before the event aired live on PPV, Sting and Jimmy Garvin defeated The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams by disqualification in a non-televised tag team match. It was supposed to be The Rock and Roll Express taking on The Sheepherders, but Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson left the promotion the day before the event.
    -We start out the PPV with the Opening Credits.
    -We see Nikita Koloff coming to the ring.
    -Bob Caudle and Jim Ross welcome us to the Finals of the Bunkhouse Stampede. Tony Schiavone is your ring announcer.
    -NWA World’s Television Championship Match: Nikita Koloff VS. Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette. Bobby has got to wrestle because Koloff can’t. They start out with a clean match. It devolves. Koloff does play to his strengths which are power moves. They go to rest holds on the mat. They eventually go to the outside. They brawl out there but go back into the ring. Back in, Eaton has the advantage. He hits a top rope leg drop. Koloff kicks out. Eventually Koloff hits the Russian Sickle on Eaton, but can’t cover. Eaton puts him in a hammer lock, hits two drop arm bars, but can’t get the submission. Koloff hits the Sickle again, but time expires. Stan Lane comes out and The Midnight Express jump Koloff.
    -Jim and Bob talk about the last match before moving on to the next match.
    -Western States Heritage Championship Match: Barry Windham VS. Larry Zbyszko with Babydoll: Music Dub City to start.
    -Babydoll goes right after Barry Windham before the match begins. THANKS JIM, You’ve ruined the Western States Heritage Championship for me.
    Larry Zbyszko comes out quick. Windham is up to the challenge, so Zbyszko classically stalls. They do some chain wrestling, and Windham is constantly frustrating Zbyszko. Zbyszko then gets Windham down and works the leg. Windham is so athletic trying to get out of it. Windham goes up top, Zbyszko moves, then takes over. Back and forth. Windham is selling his knee hard. They show a girl in the crowd who looks like she doesn’t know where she is. They go outside to fight for a bit. Windham posts Zbyszko. Zbyszko falls coming back from an Irish whip as Windham was going for a bulldog or lariat and Windham goes flying out. Zbyszko takes advantage. Later they both go down. The referee gets knocked down. Zbyszko hits Windham with Babydoll’s shoe and gets the pin and the championship.
    -NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with JJ Dillon VS. Road Warrior Hawk with Paul Ellering: Hawk no sells the chops from Flair, so Flair closes the Chop House and withdraws. Hawk does power moves. Flair does a sell job. He then opens the Flair flophouse. Flair getting beat from pillar to post. Hawk is dominating Flair and Flair is making him look good. Flair goes to take a breather, Hawk follows. Hawk throws the ring steps at Flair. Back in, Flair hits a low blow. Flair takes over on Offense. He keeps battering Hawk on the outside railing. Flair focuses on Hawk’s knee. Hawk does sell the knee. Flair final gets the figure four on. Hawk fights to turn it over and gets it. Flair gets to the ropes. Hawk accidently hits the referee after clotheslining Flair. Flair gets clotheslined over the top rope. They both go out. Flair bleeds. Hawk takes over but there isn’t a referee. Hawk hits a superplex. JJ comes in and hits Hawk with a chair, Hawk then goes after JJ. Flair then hits Hawk with the chair, Hawk still kicks out on 2. Hawk no sells a suplex. Flair hits him again with the chair for the disqualification.
    -They set up the cage for the Bunkhouse Stampede.
    -Bob and Jim talk about the last match and about the final of the Bunkhouse Stampede.
    -They run down the credits i.e. they need to stall for time.
    -They go over the rules for the Stampede. You go out if you are thrown out of the cage or out the door to be eliminated.
    -They then review the Barry Windham/Larry Zbyszko match.
    -They talk about the men in the Bunkhouse Stampede.
    -The Bunkhouse Stampede Final: Dusty Rhodes, Road Warrior Animal, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, Ivan Koloff, The Warlord, Arn Anderson, The Barbarian are your participants. They all start going after each other. The forearms are just flying. Lots of shoving and rubbing against the cage. Dusty Rhodes was close to elimination, but pulls out a stay. Koloff is bleeding. Ditto Blanchard. Unlike Starrcade, they do say DDT this time. Anderson gets one. Both he and Blanchard are bumping machines in this one. Animal gets busted open. The crowd gets into it as Rhodes gets Blanchard’s belt and hits everyone. Anderson is bleeding. It slows down as people are being worn down. Blanchard tries to pull Koloff through the door. Koloff gets thrown over. Warlord and Animal then get thrown out. Anderson, Luger, and Blanchard all out the door as the Horsemen were trying to get Luger out. Paul Jones slips The Barbarian something. He hits Rhodes then head-butts him. Rhodes gets Barbarian up and gives him two bionic elbows and Barbarian goes out. Rhodes wins.
    -Bob and Jim recap the night and sign off and a recap package is shown of the night.
    -This event did not meet with success because Rhodes booked himself to win every Stampede Final. The event was also marred by having the wrong time printed on the tickets and a majority of the fans missed the first half of the event.

    Episode 1 Notes Tue, 04 Feb 2020 12:00:00 -0500 [email protected] ef6c5ec3-e6fb-450c-944b-b1679676bfd8 Notes for Episode 1 The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

    -Welcome to The Cup of Joe Wrestling Show, I am your host, Joey Harris.
    -This is a podcast for the wrestling fan on the go. There are a lot of great podcasts out there, but you may not have 6 hours to listen to one. So, take your favorite beverage of choice as we look at some of the biggest shows on the WWE Network.
    -Today we look at the first Saturday Night’s Main Event for 1988.
    -SNME XIV was broadcast on NBC on January 2, 1988. It was tapes December 7, 1987 from the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland.
    -I was 9 and 2 weeks away from turning 10 when this aired. As I record this, I just had my birthday this past week. It was birthdays and business as usual at my job. This is the third busiest time for my job and due to some personnel decisions, I have been doing more than usual.
    -Jake Roberts says 1988 is a new year for him and Damien. He invites Sika and Mr. Fuji to a New Year’s party where he’s going to change their future.
    -Greg Valentine and new/old manager Jimmy Hart say when you combine Koko B. Ware and Frankie you get one bird and one bird brain.
    -Strike Force says Bolsheviks beware!
    -Slick and The Bolsheviks say there’s going to be a new Russian Revolution.
    -King Kong Bundy, Bobby Heenan, and Andre The Giant say that Andre will officially be in the corner of King Kong Bundy. Bundymania Lives!
    -Hulk Hogan Says Bundymania makes him sick. Hulkamania lives forever!
    -Opening Credits.
    -Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us and Jesse has to say his own Happy New Year greeting. They then run down the card for the night.
    -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan who’s getting ready. Hogan says the only way his New Year gets any better is if he could get his hands on the big, stinky Giant.
    -Mean Gene then interviews The Bolsheviks and Slick: Slick says he and The Bolsheviks had a meeting with Gorbachev and they have a game plan. He says The Bolsheviks are peaceful not capitalistic.
    -Slick says Gordy and not Gorby and Vince calls him out on it.
    -WWF Tag Team Championship Match 2/3 Falls: Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel VS. The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick: Nikolai does the Russian National Anthem gimmick. They flashback to how Strike Force won the titles from The Hart Foundation.
    -Mean Gene interviews Strike Force. They say this is the year of Strike Force.
    -First Fall: Quick tags by Strike Force. The Bolsheviks slow it down and hit some power moves. Rick Martel makes Boris Zhukov submit to the Boston Crab.
    -Second Fall: Volkoff and Zhukov hit power moves again. Back and forth. Slick then throws his cane to Volkoff to hit Santana, but he ducks and Zhukov gets hit instead and Santana pins him.
    -Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji and Sika. They have a long bread roll and a jar of mustard. They say Damien is dinner.
    -Mean Gen interviews Jake Roberts. He says he’s not worried because you have to respect Damien and the DDT.
    -Sika with Mr. Fuji VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Roberts is quick here, but Sika is too powerful to be moved. Fuji attacks Roberts with the cane. Sika gets Roberts in the corner and charges, but Jake moves then rolls Sika up for the pin. Jake then DDT’s Mr. Fuji and then puts Damien on him.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy, and Andre The Giant. Heenan says per doctors’ orders, he can’t be at ringside, but Andre will be at ringside. Bundymania lives! They flashback to the last SNME and the Bobby Heenan/Hulk Hogan confrontation and attack.
    -Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He says lightning struck once in 1987 when King Kong Bundy won, but he says Ronald Reagan is a Hulkamaniac, so he will win. A lot of political talk here since we are so close to Washington, D.C.
    -WWF Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. King Kong Bundy with Andre The Giant: Hogan come out hot. They go back and forth. Bundy takes control. He subtly cheats. Hogan slams him, but he’s hurt. Hogan hulks up! Bundy charges, the ref gets in the way accidentally and gets knocked out. Bundy gets knocked outside. Other refs come down to check on the fallen ref. He gets taken away as the match continues. Hogan gets knocked outside of the ring. He does get back in as Bundy takes over again. He hits two avalanches. Hogan kicks out. He Hulks up, hits the leg drop, and pins Bundy. Andre come in. and Hogan taunts him. Andre backs down. Hogan must pose! Andre comes back in and head butts and chokes out Hogan. The British Bulldogs come out to help and get manhandled then Andre goes back to Hogan. More wrestlers come out and they struggle to get him off. Hacksaw Jim Duggan hits Andre with the 2x4. That does it. Hogan gets carried out.
    -Jesse interviews Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine. Valentine is happy being back with Jimmy Hart.
    -Mean Gene interviews Koko B. Ware and Frankie. Koko says Valentine and Hart are featherweights.
    -Koko B. Ware with Frankie VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Valentine attacks early. Koko tries to fight back. Brutus Beefcake comes down to ringside. Referee Joey Marella tells him that he has to leave. Greg Valentine Dominates again. Back and forth. Valentine gets the figure four on Koko and Koko submits. Beefcake comes back down and chases Valentine to the back. Beefcake then comes back and cuts some of Jimmy Hart’s hair.
    -They replay the Andre attack on Hulk Hogan.
    -Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant. Andre says he enjoyed himself. Heenan says Andre’s going to choke the belt away. He then says he is close to clinching a deal for Andre.
    -Mean Gene is then back talking to Jesse Ventura, who loved the attack on Hogan. They say Hogan has a damaged windpipe.
    -Vince, Jesse, and Mean Gene then close out the show.
    -There are a number of ways that you can contact me.
    -Follow the show’s Twitter: @CupofJoepod
    -Email the show at [email protected].
    -You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
    -Thank you for joining me this week. Please leave a rating for us as it helps people find the show. This is Joey Harris saying so long from Stately Maine Manor.
