Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
279 episodes of Cup of Joe Wrestling Show since the first episode, which aired on January 23rd, 2020.
51. The E before Extreme: ECW Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular 1993
Episode | December 3rd, 2020 | 17 mins 20 secs
1993, comedy, ecw, wrestling, wwe network
Joey takes a look at ECW Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular 1993
50. The Granddaddy of them all: Starrcade '83
Episode | November 26th, 2020 | 24 mins 50 secs
1983, comedy, jcp, starrcade, wrestling, wwe network
Joey takes a look at Starrcade '83 from the NWA and JCP.
49. Comings and Goings: SNME November 1989
Episode | November 19th, 2020 | 12 mins 33 secs
comedy, genius, hogan, november 1989, perfect, snme, warrior, wrestling, wwe network, wwf
Joey looks at the Saturday Night's Main Event from November 1989.
48. Alfred is a team player: The Wrestling Classic
Episode | November 12th, 2020 | 18 mins 56 secs
comedy, november 1985, the wrestling classic, wrestling, wwe network, wwf
Joey takes a look at The Wrestling Classic.
47. Two feels so much better: Survivor Series 1989
Episode | November 5th, 2020 | 18 mins 53 secs
1989, comedy, survivor series, wrestling, wwe network, wwf
Joey takes a look at Survivor Series 1989.
46. Halloween on Ridgecrest Drive: SNME November 1985
Episode | October 29th, 2020 | 19 mins 29 secs
andre, bundy, comedy, halloween, hogan, november 1985, snme, studd, wrestling, wwe network, wwf
Joey looks at the Saturday Night's Main Event from November 1985.
45. I'm taking a Quantum Leap approach to this show: Royal Rumble 2011
Episode | October 22nd, 2020 | 21 mins 49 secs
2011, comedy, pay per view, royal rumble, wrestling, wwe, wwe network
Joey looks at the 2011 Royal Rumble from the WWE.
44. Five Letters, Two Words: Clash IX
Episode | October 15th, 2020 | 12 mins 39 secs
clash 9, clash of the champions, comedy, flair, freebirds, funk, i quit match, luger, muta, steiners, sting, wcw, wrestling, wwe network
Joey takes a look at Clash of the Champions IX
43. She doesn't listen to this show: Halloween Havoc 1989
Episode | October 8th, 2020 | 13 mins 56 secs
comedy, flair, funk, halloween havoc, muta, pay per view, ppv, road warriors, skyscrapers, sting, wcw, wrestling, wwe network
Joey takes a look at Halloween Havoc 1989.
42. Do you want the money option or the Zeus: SNME October 1989
Episode | October 1st, 2020 | 16 mins 24 secs
comedy, dibiase, haku, hart, heenan, hogan, piper, savage, snme, wrestling, wwe network, wwf, zeus
Joey takes a look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from October 1989.
41. I'm an authority on train wrecks: SNME October 1985
Episode | September 24th, 2020 | 12 mins 37 secs
andre, bundy, carp, comedy, elmer, hillbilly jim, hogan, jesse, joyce, october 1985, piper, snme, studd, ventura, wedding, wrestling, wwe network, wwf
Joey looks at the Saturday Night's Main Event from October 1985.
40. The Bag on the Head Trick: Clash VIII
Episode | September 17th, 2020 | 10 mins 22 secs
clash 8, clash of the champions, comedy, flair, freebirds, funk, luger, muta, slater, steiners, sting, wcw, wrestling, wwe network
Joey looks at Clash of the Champions VIII: Fall Brawl '89.