Cup of Joe Wrestling Show
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
279 episodes of Cup of Joe Wrestling Show since the first episode, which aired on January 23rd, 2020.
181. A habit of jumping from high places: Backlash 2001
Episode | May 11th, 2023 | 29 mins 37 secs
2001, backlash, pay per view, ppv, wwe network, wwf
Joey looks at Backlash 2001.
180. Like a car wreck on 95: WrestleWar 92
Episode | May 4th, 2023 | 41 mins 2 secs
1992, pay per view, ppv, wcw, wrestlewar, wwe
Joey takes a look at WrestleWar 92.
179. One Hogan appearance per dome show: WrestleMania VIII
Episode | April 27th, 2023 | 40 mins 30 secs
1992, pay per view, ppv, wrestlemania, wwf
Joey takes a look at WrestleMania VIII.
178. Fifth Grade Famous: WCW SuperBrawl II
Episode | April 20th, 2023 | 39 mins 55 secs
1992, ppv, wcw, wwe network
Joey looks at SuperBrawl II from WCW.
177. Aptly named: ECW When Worlds Collide
Episode | April 13th, 2023 | 30 mins
1994, ecw, when worlds collide, wwe network
Joey takes a look at ECW When Worlds Collide.
176. Not quite Las Vegas: 2016 Money in the Bank
Episode | April 6th, 2023 | 33 mins 41 secs
2016, money in the bank, ppv, wwe network
Joey looks at the 2016 Money in the Bank.
175. Homie and Roddy: SNME February 1992
Episode | March 30th, 2023 | 14 mins 4 secs
1992, flair, hogan, justice, piper, roberts, saturday night's main event, savage, undertaker, wwe, wwf
Joey looks at the Saturday Night's Main Event from February 1992.
174. No thumbtacks ever: Extreme Rules 2016
Episode | March 23rd, 2023 | 27 mins 46 secs
2016, extreme rules, ppv, wwe network
Joey takes a look at Extreme Rules 2016.
173. Shouldn't have bought that second airplane: Clash 18
Episode | March 16th, 2023 | 23 mins 23 secs
1992, austin, clash 18, freebirds, luger, pillman, rhodes, rude, steiner, sting, wcw, windham, wwe
Joey looks at Clash of the Champions 18 from WCW.
172. Fair to Flair: 1992 Royal Rumble
Episode | March 9th, 2023 | 33 mins 15 secs
1992, pay per view, ppv, royal rumble, wwf
Joey takes a look at the 1992 Royal Rumble.
171. Project 45: 1996 ECW
Episode | March 2nd, 2023 | 11 mins 56 secs
1996, ecw, project 45
Joey looks at an episode of ECW Hardcore Wrestling from 1996.
170. Project 45: 1982 All Star Wrestling
Episode | February 23rd, 2023 | 16 mins 53 secs
1982, all star wrestling, project 45, wwf
Joey takes a look at an episode of All Star Wrestling from the day he turned 4.