Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 107 Notes

  • -My kingdom for a doughnut. -Today we look at Clash of the Champions XV from WCW. -Clash of the Champions XV: Knocksville, USA was shown on TBS on June 12, 1991 from the Civic Auditorium in Knoxville, TN. There were 5,000 in attendance and the show did a 3.9 rating on TBS. -Clash intro. -Missy Hyatt welcomes us to the Clash. She is interrupted by Paul E. Dangerously asking why she didn’t tell him they were coming on live. She gives him the mic and walks away. He throws it to Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone at ringside. -They welcome us and talk about some of the matches we are going to see tonight. -The Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin and Badstreet with DDP and Big Daddy Dink VS. The Young Pistols Tracey Smothers and Steve Armstrong and The Z-Man Tom Zenk: Zenk and Garvin start and lock up. They break clean on the ropes. Zenk with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Zenk comes back with a shoulder block. Zenk reverses a hip lock. Then Hayes comes in and Zenk hip locks him. Zenk dropkicks both Freebirds. Smothers and Armstrong with crossbodies on the Freebirds from opposite corners. The faces clear the ring. Freebirds outside to regroup. A Freebirds suck chant goes out. Hayes tagged in and Smothers also tagged in. Hayes with a kick to the gut and a chop to Smothers. Corner whip, but Smothers jumps to the outside to avoid the charge in. He then kicks Hayes in the face getting back in. Garvin comes in and Armstrong slams him off of a turnbuckle. The Young Pistols slingshot Zenk in who double clotheslines the Freebirds. Garvin tags in. Smothers with a side headlock. Garvin tags in Badstreet and then pushes off. Freebirds with a series of ducks and leapfrogs to cross Smothers up and Badstreet clotheslines Smothers to the outside. Badstreet with a corner charge to knock Zenk and Armstrong off the apron. Freebirds Irish whip and guillotine Smothers on the outside barricade. They keep Smothers from trying to get back in the ring. Badstreet throws Smothers back in. Garvin holds Smothers for Hayes to punch. Badstreet also punching Smothers. Armstrong comes and attacks Badstreet while Zenk attacks Hayes. All 6 men in. The heels throw the faces out. They come back in and attack the heels again. Heels again throw the faces out. The faces come back with triple sunset flips to the heels to get the pin. -Hokey ending with the sunset flips. -The Great American Bash Sweepstakes commercial. All about living like Ric Flair. This does not age well considering what’s about to happen between Flair and WCW. -Oz with The Great Wizard VS. Johnny Rich: Oz with a knee to the gut and pushes Rich into a corner. Another knee to the gut of Rich. Hip toss out of the corner. Oz with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, but hits a shoulder block. Oz with a clothesline. Oz picks Rich up on the two count and he Irish whips and hits a big boot. Forearm to Rich’s back. Side slam to Rich. Spinning powerbomb to Rich to get the pin. -A feature on PN News. -Dan Spivey VS. Big Josh: They lock up and Spivey with a forearm on the ropes. Big Josh counters it with some big lefts. Back and forth with shots. Spivey with an eye rake and a headbutt. Spivey with a corner whip and a big corner clothesline. Spivey with some shots. Big Josh responds with a waist lock takedown. Spivey reverses an Irish whip and takes Big Josh down with a Japanese arm drag. Spivey with a big boot. Kick to Big Josh. Big Josh blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own. Spivey comes back with a clothesline to Big Josh. Spivey with another corner whip, but Big Josh moves on the charge in. Big Josh hits a belly to back suplex. Big Josh slams Spivey. Kevin Sullivan comes down the aisle with a crutch. He breaks the crutch on the back of Big Josh. Spivey with a clothesline and a German suplex to pin Big Josh. -WCW Top 10: 10. Steve Austin 9. One Man Gang 8. Barry Windham 7. Arn Anderson 6. Sting 5. Nikita Koloff 4. Bobby Eaton 3. El Gigante 2. The Great Muta 1. Lex Luger World Champion: Ric Flair -Paul E. Dangerously presents The Danger Zone with Jason Hervey. Paul E. starts to ask Hervey questions, but cuts him off before he can answer. He then asks Hervey if he is dating Missy Hyatt and Hervey says yes. He asks him if he has a new car and house and Hervey says yes what this has to do with anything. Paul E. mentions his dad being a lawyer and something about prenuptial agreements before asking Hervey if he and Missy are in love. Hervey asks him how it felt to get his butt kicked by a woman. The crowd cheers. Paul E. comes back and asks if everything in his life is new, how come his girlfriend is used merchandise? Hervey says he didn’t come out to get insulted by Paul E. He then ends the interview and goes to leave and Paul E. attacks him from behind with the phone. Missy Hyatt comes out to go after Paul E. who jumps out of the ring and to check on Hervey. -Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talk about the attack on Jason Hervey. -Dustin Rhodes VS. Terry Taylor with Alexandrah York and Mr. Hughes: They lock up and Taylor runs Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes pushes his way out. Taylor kicks him in the leg. Rhodes reverses a corner whip and hits a corner clothesline. He gets a two count. Taylor rolls to the outside to regroup and Rhodes screams at him to get back in. Back in, Rhodes with a big right to knock Taylor down. Taylor goes for a kick, but Rhodes catches his leg. Rhodes nails a right hand and an inverted atomic droop. Then a regular atomic drop. Rhodes with two right hands and a corner whip, but misses the charge when Taylor moves and Rhodes hits his shoulder into the post and falls to the outside. Taylor follows him out. Taylor runs Rhodes head first into the barricade. Taylor suplex Rhodes back inside the ring from the apron. He gets a two count. Rhodes trying to come back with right hands. Taylor with an inverted jaw breaker on Rhodes. A modified powerbomb gets a two count. Taylor with an Irish whip. Rhodes turns it into a sunset flip for a two count. Taylor goes for a neck breaker. Rhodes counters into a backslide for a two count. Taylor with a big right hand to Rhodes. Taylor with a corner whip, but Rhodes gets the boot up on the charge. Back and forth. Rhodes with an atomic elbow drop. Rhodes with punches to Taylor in the corner. He beats Taylor to the ground. Rhodes drops an elbow for a two count. Rhodes with an inverted atomic drop. Rhodes hits a bulldog as Mr. Hughes gets on the apron distracting the referee. Rhodes comes over and hits Hughes to get him off as Ricky Morton comes into the ring. The referee signals for the bell. Hughes hits Rhodes in the kidneys with his black gloved hand and Morton attacks Rhodes. Hughes holds Rhodes’ legs down as Taylor and Morton kick him. Big Josh comes in with the ax handle to drive the heels off. -A feature on Johnny B. Badd. -Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talk about what happened between Sting and Nikita Koloff at SuperBrawl. -Nikita Koloff VS. Sting: Sting with a great ovation as he comes out. He sprints to get into the ring and is attacked by Koloff as he gets in. Koloff with a series of forearms to Sting’s back. Koloff with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Koloff with a scoop slam. A USA chant goes out. Koloff with another Irish whip and a shoulder tackle to Sting. Koloff throws Sting to the outside. A double ax handle to Sting by Koloff on the outside. He runs Sting into the barricade. Koloff throws Sting back into the ring. He wastes too much time screaming to the crowd and pointing at Sting. Sting lands a knee into Koloff’s stomach. Sting hits a piledriver on Koloff. Koloff no sells it and stands right up. He knocks Sting down. Koloff with a forearm and a kick to Sting’s face. He kicks Sting several times while he is down. Koloff yelling at the crowd again. Koloff hits a tombstone piledriver on Sting. He gets a close two count. Koloff kicking Sting in the rib cage. Sting makes it back to his feet. Koloff with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Sting goes for a sunset flip. Koloff doesn’t go down however and hits Sting in the head. Koloff poses over Sting’s body. So Sting raises his legs and hooks Koloff’s arms and hooks him for a two count. Koloff goes back to kicking Sting. Koloff with shots to Sting’s gut. Koloff with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Koloff yelling at the crowd. Koloff with more shots to Sting’s midsection. Koloff with shots to Sting’s face in the corner. More kicks to the midsection of Sting. They say Sting may have cracked ribs. Koloff has Sting up against the ropes. He then takes Sting and lands blows on his midsection. More kicks and punches to the midsection. Koloff is focusing on the midsection. Koloff with a snap mare. Koloff drops an elbow. He throws Sting to the outside. Koloff follows. Koloff goes to Irish whip Sting into a barricade, but Sting reverses it and Koloff goes into the barricade instead. Sting tries to get back in the ring. Koloff with a shot to Sting’s back before rolling him back in. Koloff goes for another tombstone, but Sting reverses it and hits a tombstone on Koloff. Sting making a comeback with chops and kicks. He punches Koloff into a corner. He corner whips Koloff and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Koloff moves. Koloff goes for the Russian Sickle, but Sting ducks and Koloff hits the corner and Sting rolls him up for the pin. -Tony Schiavone is in the ring to welcome PN News who is joined by Peppa and Spinderella from Salt N Peppa. PN News does a rap. The crowd gets into it. Schiavone starts to interview him, but they get interrupted by Teddy Long and Johnny B. Badd. Long says Badd is the original rap master and Badd says News is nothing but a big old ugly bear. News says no and if Badd wants some, he’s right here. News then pushes Badd and Badd and Long leave. -Feature on The Diamond Studd. -Loser leaves WCW match. Barry Windham and Arn Anderson VS. Brian Pillman and El Gigante: Anderson and Pillman start. Pillman blocks a shot and chops Anderson. Pillman then blocks a hip toss and gets a backslide. Anderson kicks out and goes for a scoop slam and Pillman falls on him. He gets a one count. Windham tagged in. They exchange shots in the corner. Windham reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Pillman comes back with a spinning heel kick. Windham with a headlock takeover. Pillman reverses into a headscissors. Windham with a right hand to break the hold. Windham with a DDT. He gets a two count. Windham runs Pillman into Anderson’s boot and Anderson tagged in. Anderson runs Pillman’s face along the top rope. Pillman reverses a corner whip. Anderson gets a knee up on a Pillman corner charge. Anderson goes up to, but gets dropkicked off by Pillman and Anderson falls to the outside. Pillman then knocks Windham off the apron. He then jumps on the top rope and delivers a blow to Anderson on the outside. He rolls Anderson back in. Anderson wanders into the wrong corner, punches El Gigante in the chest, and El Gigante grabs Anderson by the throat. Anderson almost choked out before referee Randy Anderson can break the hold. Pillman with a power slam on Windham. He then gets up on El Gigante’s shoulders to deliver a crossbody to Windham. Anderson breaks up the pin attempt. Pillman reverses an Irish whip attempt by Anderson and power slams Anderson. Pillman goes up top, but Windham trips him as he starts to jump off. El Gigante puts the claw on Anderson on the outside. Windham kicks Pillman in the face and pins him. Pillman has to leave WCW. He would emerge shortly thereafter in a mask as the Yellow Dog. -Paul E. Dangerously with a Great American Bash Report. He outlines some Bash tour dates before talking about the PPV and showing highlights of last year’s PPV. -Jim and Tony talk about the IWGP Tag Team Championship Match coming up and show how the Steiner Brothers won the titles. -IWGP Tag Team Championship Match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. Hirosi Hase and Masahiro Chono: Scott and Hase start the match. They battle for position. Scott with a waist lock. Hase makes it to the ropes. Hase with a single leg pick up. Scott flips to get out of it. Scott then gets a single leg and boots Hase in the face. Hase reverses an Irish whip, leapfrogs Scott and Scott goes back to the single leg takedown. Hase hits an enziguri to knock Scott out of the ring. Back in, Hase with some big chops to Scott. Scott reverses an Irish whip and hits a hot shot. He gets a two count. He gets a couple more two counts, but Hase won’t stay down. Hase bridges out of the move. Hase with a back thrust kick to put Scott on his back. He goes to pick Scott up and Scott hits a belly to belly suplex. Rick tagged in. Chono also tagged in. Rick with kicks and forearms to Chono. Rick with an Irish whip. Chono holds onto the ropes and delivers a big kick to Rick’s face that shatters his head gear. Another kick to the head. Several more kicks and Rick comes back with a Steinerline. Scott tagged in. Scott with a forearm blow. He picks Chono up on his shoulder and Rick tagged in again. He drops the elbow driving Chono into the mat. Back and forth as they exchange blows. Hase tagged in. Rick reverses a waist lock with one of his own. Rick with a belly to back suplex. JR works in the Steiner Brothers athletic careers IYDAH. Hase reverses an Irish whip and does a fireman’s carry slam. Chono tagged in and hits a top rope shoulder block to Rick. Chono then hits a fall away slam on Rick. Chono puts the STF on. Scott and Hase fighting on the outside distracting referee Nick Patrick. Scott gets on the top rope to break up the hold but slips and then breaks the hold on Rick. Rick reverses an Irish whip. Double clothesline and both men down. Scott and Hase tagged in. Scott with an Irish whip and a Steinerline. Scott with another Irish whip and a tilt a whirl slam. Hase reverses an Irish whip and Scott hits a double under hook powerbomb. Scott hits a top rope belly to belly on Hase. Chono breaks up the pin attempt. Hase slips out of a suplex attempt and gets a full nelson on Scott and into a full nelson suplex and pin attempt that Rick breaks up. Chono in and hits Rick with an enziguri to knock him outside. Double clothesline to Scott. Double Irish whip and clothesline attempt by Hase and Chono. Rick grabs Chono by the leg and Scott hits the Frankensteiner on Hase to get the pin. The Hardliners Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater come to the ring and attack everybody. -The Diamond Studd with Diamond Dallas Page VS. Tommy Rich: A woman from the crowd removes Studd’s outerwear. The match starts and Studd attacking Rich. Studd with slaps and chops to Rich in the corner. Back and Forth. Studd reverses an Irish whip and they both block hip lock attempts. Studd with a choke slam. Studd slamming Rich face first into the turnbuckle. Studd with a side slam on Rich. Studd with a second rope splash attempt, but Rich gets his knees up. He runs Studd into the turnbuckle. Studd does a corner whip, Rich goes for a crossbody, but Studd ducks the attempt. Studd hits the Diamond Death Drop. He gets the pin. -Jim Ross interviews the winner of the Sting lookalike contest. His name is Ben and he is from Knoxville. He has his face painted like Sting and a Sting t-shirt on. They bring out Sting to meet Ben. Sting picks Ben up and talks about how excited he is. He puts Ben down and gets attacked by Nikita Koloff and his chain. He starts to go after Ben, but gets stopped by security and officials. Koloff leaves and Ben goes to check on Sting. -Bruise Cruise commercial. -Winner wrestles for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash. The Great Muta VS. Lex Luger: Bill Kazmaier is shown in the crowd. Muta sprays green mist into the air to start. They lock up. Muta to the ropes. Break clean. Another lock up to the ropes and another break clean. Luger with a side headlock takeover. Muta counters with a headscissors. Both back to their feet. They lock up again and Luger back to the side headlock. Muta pushes off. Luger comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Muta with a big chop that Luger no sells. Muta misses a round house kick. Luger hits a back suplex. Gets a two count. Luger with a scoop slam. Luger misses an elbow drop when Muta moves. Muta with kicks and chops to Luger. Muta with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Luger reverses an Irish whip. Luger with a big press slam. Luger with a corner whip, but Muta moves on the charge in. Muta with a spinning heel kick. Muta rams Luger into the corner turnbuckle. Muta goes for a handspring elbow, but Luger moves and Muta goes tumbling to the outside. Luger goes to suplex Muta back in, Muta slips behind Luger and goes to spray him with mist. Luger has his arm up though and blocks most of it. Luger hits a power slam to get the pin. -Feature on Steve Austin. -Steve Austin with Lady Blossom VS. Joey Maggs: Austin with some punches and an Irish whip to begin. Austin with a stun gun to get the pin. Quick match. -Feature on Black Blood. -Tony Schiavone in the ring as the York Foundation officially unveil Ricky Morton as their newest member. They call him Richard Morton and he comes to the ring dressed in a suit. He gets confronted by Robert Gibson in the ring. Gibson wants to know what the deal is. Morton says it’s all about the money. He then attacks Gibson. He piledrives Gibson and attacks him until Dustin Rhodes drives Morton away. -Main Event World Heavyweight Championship Match. Two out of Three Falls. Ric Flair VS. Bobby Eaton: Flair’s last Clash for two years as he would leave WCW in a couple of weeks after being fired by Jim Herd over a contract dispute. It’s a well-known big mess. 1st Fall: They lock up. In the corner and break clean. Another lock up. Back to the corner and Eaton slaps Flair. Another lock up and Flair with a side headlock. Eaton pushes off, but Flair holds and starts chopping Eaton in the corner. Back and forth. Flair pushes off. Eaton comes back with a shoulder block. Eaton drops an elbow on Flair. He clotheslines Flair to the outside. Flair stalls on the outside to regroup. Back in, They lock up and Flair with some forearm shots. He gets Eaton back in the corner to chop him. Eaton fighting back with right hands. Eaton with a corner whip and a backdrop. He gets a two count. Flair with a kick to the stomach. Eaton with a push off and a hip lock. He gets a short arm scissors and gets a couple of two counts. He keeps flipping Flair over so that he can’t break the hold. Flair finally gets to the ropes. Eaton with some right hands in the corner and working on Flair’s arm. Eaton with a Hammerlock. Flair with a drop toe hold to get out of it. Flair chops Eaton in the corner and Eaton responds with a big right hand that knocks Flair down. It goes outside. Flair ambushes Eaton as they are about to go back in. It causes Eaton to fall back outside from the apron. A Bobby chant goes out. Flair chops Eaton when he gets back in the ring. Flair throws Eaton into a corner and his head hits the post. Flair stomping and choking Eaton down in the corner. Flair with a snap mare. Flair drops a knee on Eaton. He gets a two count. Then another one. Flair with an under hook suplex. Flair gets a two count with his feet on the ropes. Flair goes back to chopping Eaton in the corner. Eaton fighting back with right hands. Flair with a kick and an elbow and Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Flair corner whipped and goes over to the apron to the floor. Eaton brings him back in. Eaton with an Irish whip and a backbreaker. Eaton with a swinging neck breaker. Eaton with a scoop slam. Eaton goes up top and hits the Alabama Jam and gets the pin. Second fall: Eaton attacking Flair with shots in the corner. He slings Flair out of the corner. Flair with a kick to Eaton’s stomach. Back and forth. Eaton counters a hip lock attempt with a back slide. He gets a two count. Flair tries to slam Eaton who falls on him for another two count. Eaton with another neck breaker. Eaton starts to go up top, sees Flair start to get up, and climbs down to punch Flair. Eaton goes up top. Flair hits the ropes and Eaton falls to the outside. Eaton’s knee hits the floor. Eaton gets counted out. Third fall: Flair goes out after Eaton and chops him. He throws Eaton back in the ring. Eaton comes back with a right hand. He sets Flair up on the top rope. He superplexes Flair off. That gets a two count. Flair with a back suplex. Flair with the figure four on. He uses the ropes for leverage and gets caught. He drags Eaton to the center of the ring and goes for the figure four again, but Eaton rolls him up for a two count. Flair with a shoulder block to the knee. Flair gets the figure four on. Eaton trying to get out of it. Flair using the ropes again. Eaton gets counted down. Flair retains the title. -Tony and Jim put Eaton over hard. They then recap what has happened before signing off from Knoxville as the end credits roll. -FINAL THOUGHTS: Interesting main event. Card overall is a mess as WCW really didn’t have a direction at this point and the Flair drama behind the scenes wasn’t helping.