Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 225 Notes

-Yutaka Yoshie.
-My weekend.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXIV from WCW.
-Clash XXIV was shown on TBS on August 18, 1993 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Clash and state that Brian Pillman is injured and can't compete. The Hollywood Blonds gloat that Pillman is hurt, but Schiavone says the Blonds were informed that they must put up the titles so Lord Steven Regal will take Pillman's place.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hollywood Blonds Steve Austin and Lord Steven Regal subbing for Brian Pillman with Pillman and Sir William vs. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Paul Roma: Anderson and Austin start. They lock up and vie for position. Drive to a corner. They finally break up against the ropes. They lock up again and Anderson with a side headlock. Austin pushes off and Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Austin with a big clothesline to Anderson. Austin with a snap mare and drops an elbow on Anderson. He gets a two count. Another snap mare and Austin is going after Anderson relentlessly. Anderson with a double leg pick up and punches Austin in the head. Anderson catapults Austin out to the apron. Austin gets back in the ring only for Anderson to backdrop him out to the floor. Austin grabs Anderson and pulls him outside. They exchange blows on the floor. Regal tagged in. Anderson with a wrist lock. Roma tagged in and he unloads on Regal. He punches Regal and gets a wrist lock on Regal. Back and forth. Roma with a dropkick. Regal with an Irish whip. Austin trips Roma and Regal takes advantage. Austin tagged in and hits a shot from the second rope as Regal holds Roma. Austin with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Austin with a suplex. He then chokes Roma on the second rope. Referee Nick Patrick gets Austin away, allowing Pillman to choke Roma on the second rope. Regal tagged in and he takes over on Roma. Regal with an Irish whip and Roma comes back with a sunset flip attempt. Regal drops straight down to avoid going over. Regal takes over and hits a gut wrench suplex on Roma. He gets a two count. Austin tagged in and they trade blows in the corner. Austin with a two count. Regal tagged in and hit a corner whip and charge. Regal with a single leg pick up. Austin tagged back in. Anderson goes after Sir William, distracting Patrick while Roma gets an inside cradle and gets a one count. Anderson hits Austin with a big left hand in the corner. Roma hits a modified Stun Gun on Austin. Anderson tagged in, but the ref didn't see it. Regal in without tagging, but Patrick didn't see that either. I don't get it. You have to stay consistent. Austin and Anderson both tagged in. Anderson with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He cleans house. Anderson goes for a DDT on Austin, but gets hit from behind by Regal. Roma knocks Regal out of the ring. Pillman and Sir William both up on the apron with crutches. Anderson runs Austin into William and rolls Austin up to get the pin. New Tag Team Champions. A replay shows that Anderson pulled the tights during the pin and that makes Jesse livid.
-Eric Bischoff interviews the Horsemen. Paul Roma says they are willing to adapt to any situation and he is proud to be a Horseman. Anderson says to be a Horseman means thinking singularly and acting as a collective and tonight, they are the champions.
-Bobby Eaton vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Scorpio is popular with the crowd as he comes out. They lock up and drive to the corner. They trade wrist locks. Eaton throws Scorpio out, but he grabs the apron and rolls Eaton up with a bridge to get a two count. Eaton with a clothesline. Eaton with punches to Scorpio in the corner. Eaton with a corner whip, but Scorpio drops down on the charge and Eaton runs into the turnbuckle. A crossbody by Scorpio gets a two count. A series of moves into an arm bar. Into a headlock. Back and forth. Eaton chokes Scorpio on the second rope. Eaton with a hammerlock. Scorpio puts Eaton on the top rope and dropkicks Eaton to the outside. Scorpio with a suicide dive onto Eaton on the outside. Scorpio with a pair of corner whips and Eaton with a trip to get Scorpio down. Eaton with a swinging neck breaker and a flying elbow drop. He gets a two count. They exchange blows. Scorpio hits the 360 splash to get the pin.
-Mask vs. Norma Jean match. Maxx Payne vs. Johnny B. Badd: Payne attacks Badd as soon as Badd gets in the ring. He drops elbows on Badd and keeps up the attack. Badd tries to come back, but Payne ducks a crossbody attempt. Payne with a side slam. Payne takes off one mask, but Badd has another mask on underneath. Payne reverses an Irish whip and Badd comes back with a flying headscissors. Payne comes back with a clothesline. Payne goes for the Payne Killer and Badd comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Payne with another clothesline. Payne drops an elbow. Payne misses a splash attempt and Badd gets the pin. Badd gets Norma Jean.
-Jesse interviews Badd after the match. Badd is happy he won and says he will reveal what his face looks like on WCW Saturday Night.
-A Flair for the Gold. This is probably the most infamous Flair for the Gold segment. Flair comes out and welcomes everyone. He introduces FiFi. He then brings out Sting and The British Bulldog. Flair talks about Fall Brawl coming up. They are fired up. They get interrupted by Sid Vicious, Col. Robert Parker, and the newly arrived Harlem Heat. They tell them to present their partner and the Shockmaster debuts. You've seen the clip. He falls through the wall. The helmet comes off. Davey Boy Smith says he fell on his ass. It's a whole thing. Vicious doesn't break at all. Now that's a professional. Ole Anderson is the voice of the Shockmaster. It's like that old joke. Fred Fell down. Dusty Rhodes on the Shockmaster.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Fall Brawl and Jesse is still laughing about the Shockmaster.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Paul Orndorff vs. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat out first and does his fire breathing gimmick. Orndorff out to chants of Paula. Michael Buffer does the introductions. Orndorff screams at the crowd. They lock up. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover for a two count. Orndorff pushes off. Steamboat with a shoulder block for a two count. and they start at a fast pace. Steamboat back to the side headlock. Into a wrist lock. Back and forth. Steamboat goes to the side headlock. Steamboat goes to dive onto Orndorff, who ducks and Steamboat falls out onto the ramp. Orndorff out after him and kicking Steamboat. He throws Steamboat back in and hits a top rope elbow smash. He gets a two count. Orndorff goes into a reverse chin lock. They trade moves and covers. Orndorff gets frustrated that he can't pin Steamboat. Orndorff reversing all of Steamboat's moves. He can't get the pin though. He throws Steamboat to the outside and follows out and attacks Steamboat. Steamboat comes back and hits a top rope chop to Orndorff. He gets a two count. Steamboat the aggressor now. He's chopping Orndorff to the outside. He then hits a suicide dive to Orndorff. Orndorff comes back with a shoulder block to get a couple of two counts. Orndorff comes over and grabs the TV title. Steamboat takes the opportunity to roll Orndorff up for a two count. Steamboat with a crossbody and Orndorff rolls through to get a two count and this has been a tremendous match. Steamboat rolls Orndorff up to get the pin and become the new TV Champion. Orndorff attacks Steamboat and piledrives Steamboat on the belt. Officials out to check on Steamboat and to get Orndorff away.
-Fall Brawl ad.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Harley Race who is with the Kongs. Race talks about going after Ric Flair and Sting.
-The Colossal Kongs Awesome and King with Harley Race vs. Sting and Ric Flair: The bell rings and Sting attacks both Kongs with dropkicks. He then slams both and the crowd pops big for that. Kongs roll out to regroup. All four in and going at each other. Flair and Awesome Kong fight to the outside while Sting and King fight on the inside. Two dropkicks and a clothesline drop King. Sting hits the Stinger Splash as Flair goes after Race on the outside. Sting hits a splash from the top rope to get the pin.
-Tony interviews Ric Flair and Sting. Flair says Sting didn't need any help tonight. He says Saturday Night they are going to renew their rivalry for the NWA Title. Sting says he's hoping he can take the title again. They have mutual respect.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Dustin Rhodes' secret partner and wonder who it is.
-Rick Rude and The Equalizer vs. Dustin Rhodes and a mystery partner: Rude does his pre-match routine. Rhodes out and the partner drives up in the Camaro Z28 that they have been pushing all night that someone is going to win. Road Warrior Animal gets out of the car. Rude says hold the phone. They said they prepared for Animal. Hawk comes from behind. So it's Hawk as Dustin's partner. An LOD chant goes out. Hawk and Rude start. Hawk pushes Rude off. Hawk wants a test of strength. Rude trying to psych Hawk out. They finally lock up. Hawk with the early advantage. Equalizer tagged in. Hawk with a dropkick. It goes outside. They battle back in and Hawk goes for a neck breaker. Equalizer slips out. Hawk with some corner whips. Equalizer with a big boot. Rude tagged back in. He gets a reverse chin lock on, but Hawk gets to his feet. Rhodes tagged in and they do the Doomsday Device, but Rude gets back to his feet. Rhodes with a backdrop. Rude comes back with a clothesline. Rude with a top rope forearm shot. Equalizer tagged in. Heels double team Rhodes. Equalizer with a back elbow and a chokeslam. Rude tagged in. He grabs and holds Rhodes for Equalizer to clothesline. Equalizer tagged in, but Rhodes ducks the clothesline and Rude hit instead. Hawk tagged in, but referee Randy Anderson didn't see it. Hawk cleaning house. Double clothesline to the heels. Heels clotheslined out to the floor. Equalizer hits Hawk from behind, so Hawk comes in and crossbodys Rhodes onto Equalizer for the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the Main event and show the Z28 sweepstakes ad.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Davey Boy Smith: Disqualification rule is waived. Michael Buffer introduces the match. They start by fighting on the runway. They trade shots. Vader with a clothesline. Smith with a suplex on the runway. Smith with a clothesline. Another clothesline after a dropkick by Smith. Smith tries to Splash Vader, but Vader gets his knees-up. Vader punishing Smith in the corner. He throws Smith out of the ring. Smith moves on a Vader charge and Vader hits the barricade. Smith then drops Vader on the barricade. Back in, Smith gets Vader up on his shoulders and hits a fall away slam, but Vader puts his foot on the ropes to break the pin attempt. Back and forth. Vader drops an elbow. He batters Smith on the ropes and clotheslines him. Vader with a fall away slam. Top rope splash for a two count. Vader gets a sit down splash, but Smith moves and gets a two count. Vader with another splash. Vader wit a rear chin lock. Smith gets out and goes for a crucifix. Vader falls back and Smith gets a two count. Vader hits Smith with shots in the corner. Vader gets a foot up and hits a Vader Bomb for a two count. Vader goes up again and Smith grabs him and power slams him off, but Nick Patrick gets taken out as well. Smith gets Vader up, but Race clips the knee. Patrick recovers and counts the pin. Smith attacks Race after the match. Vader attacks Smith until Cactus Jack comes out and attacks Vader. They sign off from Daytona Beach.
-Final Thoughts: The last match was okay, but this has to be seen for the Shockmasters debut.