Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 254 Notes

-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXVII from WCW.
-Clash XXVII was shown on TBS on June 23, 1994 from the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, South Carolina. Last ever June clash as they start to scale back the Clashes before eliminating them altogether in 1997.
-Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Mean Gene Okerlund welcome us to the Clash. They talk about the title unification and Hulk Hogan arriving in WCW.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack with Dave Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys, Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags: Two referees are assigned to this match. Sags and Jack start, and Sags slaps Jack. He beats Jack down in the corner. All four men in. Double clothesline to Knobbs and Sags. Another clothesline to Knobbs. Knobbs is in against Jack. Sullivan tagged in. Now all four back in. Sullivan gets in the Nasty Boys corner. They hit him, but he snap mares his way out. Jack gets on the top rope, and Sullivan throws him onto the Nasty Boys. Nasty Boys rollout to regroup. Knobbs batters Cactus Jack in the corner. Jack comes back with a clothesline. Sullivan tagged in and works on an arm. Sags and Jack both tagged in, and Jack with a back elbow. He gets a two count. Sags drops some knees on Jack. Knobbs and Sullivan both tagged in. Sullivan gouges Knobbs in the corner. Sullivan thrown into the corner. Sags and Knobbs take turns keeping Sullivan down. Sags throws Sullivan to the outside. Knobbs with a double ax handle to Sullivan from the apron. Jack tagged in and cleans house. He bites Sags. He does the over the top clothesline. He dives at the Nasty Boys, who move, and Jack hits the barricade. Sags hits a belly to back suplex to Jack on the floor. Jack moves on a corner charge from Knobbs. Sullivan tagged in. He throws Knobbs outside. Knobbs attacks Dave. Sags also attacks Dave. Jack DDTs Knobbs in the ring and gets the pin. Sags attacks Cactus Jack after the match.
-Mean Gene talks about the Clash and the WCW Hotline. He then brings out Sting. He is fired up. They talk about the title unification match. Sting talks about being a great white shark. That's a weird flex, but okay.
-A feature on the newly minted Guardian Angel.
-Guardian Angle vs. Tex Slashenger: The bell rings, and they circle each other. They lock up and push off. Another lock up and push off. They lock up and drive to the corner. Angel unloads on Slashenger. He hits the leapfrog body guillotine. He then hits the sidewalk slam to get the pin.
-Hulk Hogan's limo is shown arriving to the arena. Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan are shown getting out of the limo.
-Jesse Ventura joins Tony on commentary.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Larry Zbyszko vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal and William out first, and Regal has a great coat and powdered wig on. Zbyszko gets a great reception when he comes out. Regal is taking a page out of Zbyszko's book and stalls to begin. Schiavone goes over the history between the two. Regal attacks Zbyszko in the corner with European uppercuts. He beats Zbyszko down. He gets a two count, but Zbyszko is in the ropes. He slaps Zbyszko in the corner, and a Larry chant goes out. Zbyszko comes back with a flurry of offense to backdrop Regal to the ramp. Zbyszko brings Regal back in. Regal with a double underhook. Zbyszko counters it. They trade moves. Zbyszko hits a piledriver. Zbyszko attacks Regal. They trade shots. Regal with a cover, but Zbyszko is in the ropes. Regal with a chin lock. He beats Zbyszko in the face as Zbyszko tries to come back. Regal can't get the pin. Zbyszko with a scissor hold. Regal with double knees to Zbyszko. He headbutts Zbyszko and hits him with forearms. Zbyszko with a bear hug. Regal reverses a roll up and holds the ropes to regain the TV title.
-Mean Gene talks about the Bash at the Beach. He talks to Dustin Rhodes and Arn Anderson. Rhodes had asked Anderson to be his partner at BATB. Anderson says if he accepts, Rhodes is going to have to take the old AA. Rhodes accepts and says that they will take out Terry Funk and Bunkhouse Buck.
-WCW Unites States Championship Match. Steve Austin vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd out first. He is extremely over with the crowd. Austin out, and he and Col. Parker have decided to go their separate ways, and he has grown a goatee. He keeps getting closer to the Stone Cold look. He slaps Badd. The bell rings. Tony and Jesse keep speculating who Sensuous Sherri is going to be with. Badd with a corner whip, and Austin comes back with a back elbow. Austin throws Badd out. They fight on the outside. Badd throws Austin into the apron. Back in, Badd with a wrist lock. They trade moves. Badd with a dropkick and an arm drag. Badd with a top rope clothesline. He gets a front face lock on. He transitions to an arm bar. Austin drives to the corner. Back and forth. Austin slams Badd down by the hair. Austin drops his knees on Badd. Badd with a roll up for a two count. Austin with a handful of hair for a two count. They trade moves. Badd with a dropkick. He gets a flying headscissors and a DDT on Austin. Badd with a backdrop. Badd with a corner clothesline. He goes up top and gets caught. Badd blocks a superplex attempt and slams Austin to get a two count. Austin misses a leapfrog body guillotine. Badd gets a two count. Badd with corner mounted punches. Austin hits Badd with a foreign object to get the pin. Referee Randy Anderson comes in to protest, leading Badd to roll Austin up to get the pin, but that's not how any of this works. Badd grabs the belt. Austin is arguing with Anderson and Patrick.
-Mean Gene brings out Hulk Hogan, who comes out with Jimmy Hart. He gets a respectable ovation, but it isn't as overwhelming as they want you to believe. He's excited to be in WCW. He talks about the unification match. He says he has to ask himself if he is the greatest, and he wants to face the winner. He gets interrupted by Ric Flair on the video wall. Flair says he is going to win. Hogan says he and Flair are going to clash at some point.
-Bobby rejoins Tony on Commentary.
-Shaquille O'Neill talks about Hulk Hogan coming to WCW.
-WCW title unification match. WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair vs. WCW International World Champion Sting: Flair out first. Sting out to a huge ovation. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Just before the match begins, Sensuous Sherri comes down, and she has Sting's face paint on. I think they tipped their hand a little too much here. The bell rings, and Sting shoves Flair down twice. Flair shakes it off. They trade moves. Flair with a hammerlock. They trade moves again. Flair rolls out to regroup. Sting with a press slam, and it has been all Sting so far. He rolls out again and screams at the crowd. They lock up. Sting with a wrist lock. Flair with chops. Sting comes back with a flurry of offense that drives Flair back out of the ring. Flair in and attacks Sting. He punches Sting in the corner. Sting comes out of the corner and attacks Flair. He misses a dropkick, and Flair goes for the figure four. Sting gets a roll up for a two count. Flair is visibly frustrated. The crowd chants Sting. Sting misses a Stinger Splash when Flair moves. Flair throws Sting out when referee Randy Anderson wasn't looking. Flair attacks Sting on the outside. Sherri tells Sting to get up and fight. Flair gets Sting in and drops the knee. He does it again. He covers Sting with a series of two counts with his foot on the ropes. Flair with a belly to back suplex. Flair hits a back elbow. Flair gets a sleeper on. Sting is fading. Sting drops forward and runs Flair in the ring post. He catapults Flair into the corner. Both men down. Sting suplexes Flair in from the apron for a two count. Flair sent up and over in the corner and clotheslined from the apron so TASIYDAH. Sting with corner mounted punches. Sting gets a two count. Sting hits a superplex. He goes up top, but misses a splash attempt. Flair with a suplex. Sting back to his feet. He hits a press slam. Flair spills outside. Sting goes for a suicide dive, and Flair pulls Sherri in front of him, and she takes the hit. They get back in, and Sting gets a backslide for a two count. Sherri gets on the apron, and Sting checks on her. Flair rolls him up from behind and gets the pin with a handful of tights. Flair becomes the unified champion. Sherri gets in the ring and hugs Flair. They then attack Sting. They throw Anderson out. Hulk Hogan comes out to help Sting. He attacks Flair. Sherri slaps Hogan. Flair and Sherri bail. Hogan and Jimmy Hart check on Sting.
-Mean Gene interviews Hogan. He says he has his sights set on Ric Flair and wants to face him. They sign off from Charleston.
-Final Thoughts: Hogan signing and appearing on WCW was big time. The wrestling world is changing.