Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 27 Notes

-Today we look at Clash of the Champions V: St. Valentines Massacre from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions V: St. Valentines Massacre took place on February 15, 1989 from the Cleveland Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 5,000 people were in attendance and the show drew a 4.6 rating on TBS.
-Ricky Steamboat is back and says that the Dragon’s going to be breathing fire in Cleveland.
-There are some weird kissing sounds made over the voiceover at one point.
-Clash Opening Credits.
-Magnum T.A. and Jim Ross welcome us to the Clash and go over some of what we are going to see tonight.
-The Russian Assassins I and II with Paul Jones VS. The Midnight Express Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane with Jim Cornette: Assassin I and Lane start out. Assassin I pushes Lane down. Lane comes back. Eaton tagged in. Assassin II in. MX doing some quick tags. Inset of Paul E. Dangerously. He says the OMX is going to take Jim Cornette out of wrestling. Paul E. then joins commentary, but you don’t hear anything at first. Cornette and Jones are going after each other. The teams start to battle outside. Paul finally comes on and talks about his strategy for the upcoming PPV. Cornette attacks one of the Assassins outside with the racket. The Assassins switch places and gain the advantage over Lane. Paul says Cornette has made tactical errors. The Assassins are dominating. Lots of quick tags. Lane dodges the Russian missile. Eaton tagged in. Lane hits a karate kick. Rocket Launcher on Assassin II for the pin.
-Ad for the Chi-Town Rumble coming up.
-Bob Caudle interviews Ricky Steamboat who has the “Little Dragon” with him. He’s back in the NWA and going after the title because he’s a father trying to secure his son’s future. Ricky Steamboat, Family Man.
-They show a video of Steamboat/Flair confrontation after a Steamboat exhibition display.
-Butch Reed VS. Steve Casey: slow feeling out process to start. Casey hits a dropkick and an arm drag. As they are going at it, a camera focuses on a couple just making out. Surreal. Reed comes out with some offense, then they go back and forth. They are using a lot of rest hold as Reed retakes the advantage. Casey uses a lot of reversals. Casey complains that Reed has been cheating as Reed rolls outside for a bit. Test of strength. Casey thrown out. Back in, Reed is hammering Casey. Reed wearing Casey down. Reed subtle in his cheating. Casey thrown outside again. Reed with a rear chin lock. He is choking and using the ropes for leverage. Casey with a comeback and he hits a monkey flip. Two dropkicks by Casey, but Reed catches him and military presses him and slams Casey. Reed hits the top rope shoulder block for the pin.
-Ric Flair comes out with his new manager, Hiro Matsuda and an entourage of women. Bob Caudle interviews him. Flair says this is the difference between him and Steamboat. This is making Flair almost a face with the crowd. He tells Caudle to take his pick of women. That’s funny. He calls out Steamboat. He calls Steamboat “Mom’s Apple Pie” and says he must be bored with the same woman every night. He must know Bonnie Steamboat. He says Steamboat should do himself a favor and just walk away from the upcoming match. Steamboat is trying to come off like a baby face, but times have changed. Flair says he’s leaving to party, Steamboat should go home and help the Mrs. With the dishes. Steamboat slaps him and pulls his clothes off. Gives him some heavy chops too. Flair chops back half dressed. They work this spot better than some of the matches coming up. Steamboat hits a crossbody and goes for a pin but this isn’t a match. Matsuda comes in and attacks Steamboat. He and Flair attack Steamboat, who fights back. They brawl outside the ring. Steamboat throws Flair’s clothes to the crowd.
-The Blackmailer (Jack Victory) with Hiro Matsuda VS. Lex Luger: Luger has power moves to start. Blackmailer tries some things, Luger blocks. Luger with a side headlock. Luger stays with a side headlock on the Blackmailer for quite some time. He keeps going back to it. Luger goes for a clothesline but goes outside when Blackmailer ducks. Blackmailer attacks as Luger tries to get back in. Luger gets a shoulder in and hits a sunset flip for a two count. Blackmailer takes advantage of a Luger mistake. Blackmailer trying to hurt Luger for Matsuda per the announcers. Luger hits a suplex. Jim Ross brings up Luger’s football career if you’re drinking at home. Luger hits a superplex for the win.
-Bob Caudle interviews Rick Steiner. Usual Steiner shtick. He says he’s going to take care of Rip Morgan tonight.
-NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match The Varsity Club Steve Williams and Mike Rotunda with Kevin Sullivan VS. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: Rogers and Rotunda to start. Slow feeling out process. Syracuse sucks chant breaks out. Rogers gets a clothesline for a two count. Williams tagged in. Fulton also tagged in. Double dropkick on Williams. Inset by Rick Steiner. He wants Rotunda in Chicago. Fulton gets a sunset flip. Rogers and Williams in. Quick tags. Rotunda and Fulton back in. Fulton with a knee lift. Fulton then takes a lot of punishment. Quick tags by the heels. Rotunda with a leg drop. Williams tagged in. He military presses Fulton. Fulton blocks an Oklahoma Stampede. Rogers tagged in. Dodges some offense. All four men in now. Rotunda hits a cheap shot on Rogers and Williams gets the pin.
-Bob Bradley VS. Ricky Steamboat: Steamboat comes out with Piece of Work Bonnie Steamboat and Little Ricky because why not? They push each other to start, they being Bradley and Steamboat of course. Steamboat with an atomic drop. Bradley with two scoop slams. We want Flair chant goes out. Steamboat with some trademarked deep arm drags. Steamboat avoids a Bradley corner charge. Steamboat with an armbar. Bradley hits a chop. Bradley misses a top rope dive. Steamboat hits a top rope chop and then a crossbody for the pin.
-Rick Steiner VS. Rip Morgan: Steiner is the television champion, but this is a non-title match. Inset of Mike Rotunda. He guesses Steiner doesn’t leave Chicago as the champion. Steiner bites Morgan. Morgan hits some knees on Steiner. Steiner hits a big power slam. Morgan hits a back elbow. Morgan misses a head butt. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex for the win.
-Bob Caudle interviews Michael Hayes, Sting, and The Junk Yard Dog. They’re excited for the 6-man tag match coming up. They go to their dressing room to talk strategy and Kevin Sullivan comes and locks then in. It’s hokey even by wrestling standards.
-NWA World 6-Man tag team championship match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Genichiro Tenryu with Paul Ellering VS. The Varsity Club Steve Williams, Mike Rotunda, and Kevin Sullivan: Yeah, because that’s how life works. Faces are still locked in the dressing room. Some trash thrown into the ring from the crowd and I can sympathize. Animal hitting clotheslines on everyone. Quick tags by the champions. Tenryu with a bad ass kick on Williams. Faces are finally unlocked. Rotunda working on Animal. Sullivan throws Animal over the top rope behind the referee’s back. Triple teaming on Animal. The faces hit the ring. 9 men fight at once. The referee calls for the bell. They are fighting everywhere.
-Jim Ross and Magnum T.A. hype the PPV before signing off from Cleveland.