Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

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COJWS Annual #2 Notes

-It is time for our annual summer tradition, the COJWS Annual!
-COJWS Annual #2 looks at The First Annual Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament, otherwise known as the 1986 Crockett Cup.
-The 1986 Crockett Cup tournament took place on April 19, 1986 from the Superdome in New Orleans, LA. It took place in two sessions. There were 3,500 for the afternoon session and 13,000 for the evening session.
-The teams in the tournament were Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard from JCP, Giant Baba and Tiger Mask from All Japan, The Barbarian and Baron Von Raschke from JCP, The Batten Twins from Central States Wrestling, Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin from JCP, Dino Bravo and Rick Martel from Lutte Promotions in Montreal, Bill Dundee and Buddy Landel from the CWA, The Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn and Stan Lane from CWF, The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers from the UWF, Manny Fernandez and Jimmy Valiant from JCP, Ronnie Garvin and Magnum TA from JCP, Los Guerrero's Chavo and Hector from CWF, Sam Houston and Nelson Royal from the UWF, The Italian Stallion and Koko Ware from the UWF, Bobby Jaggers and Mike Miller from PNW, Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood from JCP, The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton from JCP, DJ Peterson and Brett Wayne from the UWF, The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal from JCP, The Rock 'N' Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson from JCP, The Russian Team Ivan and Nikita Koloff from JCP, Buzz Sawyer and Rick Steiner from the UWF, The Sheepherders Luke Williams and Butch Miller from the UWF, and Terry Taylor and Steve Williams from the UWF.
-The video picks up with Match #6 of the first round.
-The first 5 matches are:
-Mark Youngblood and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Bobby Jaggers and Mike Miller in 7:35.
-Nelson Royal and Sam Houston defeated Bart and Brad Batten in 8:17. The Batten Twins were the most recent Central States tag team champions.
-Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez defeated Baron Von Raschke and The Barbarian with Paul Jones and Shaska Whatley. No time given.
-Steve Williams and Terry Taylor defeated Bill Dundee and Buddy Landel. No time given.
-The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Jack Victory defeated Chavo and Hector Guerrero in 9:07.
-Bruce Prichard is the ring announcer in the ring when the video starts to announce the 6th match of the first round.
-The Fabulous Ones Stan Lane and Steve Keirn vs. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: The Fantastics are the current UWF Tag Team Champions. Lane and Fulton start. The bell rings and they circle each other. Fulton starts clapping his hands to get the crowd into the match. They lock up and drive back to a corner. They break clean, but are smack talking to each other face to face. Lane pushes Fulton. they lock up again and again drive back to the corner. Break clean, but they push each other hard. All four men in now, but the referee keeps them all separated. Rogers and Keirn get out of the ring and Lane and Fulton lock up again. Fulton with a side headlock. Lane pushes off. Fulton comes back with a shoulder block. Drop downs and leapfrogs by Lane to avoid Fulton. Fulton stomps on Lane as he does a drop down. Fulton then does the Fargo Strut. The crowd loves it. They lock up again. Lane with a wrist lock. Fulton reverses it and tags Rogers in. He leapfrogs Fulton to come down on Lane's arm still in the wrist lock. Rogers picks up the wrist lock. Lane with a drop toe hold. He goes for a headlock, but Rogers reverses into a hammerlock. He then drops a knee on Lane. Then another knee. Lane gets back to his feet. Rogers with a roll up for a one count. Keirn complains that Rogers pulled Lane's tights, which Rogers denies. The crowd agrees with Rogers. They lock up again and Lane with a wrist lock. He gets Rogers down and gets an arm bar on. Rogers twists around to get back to his feet and Keirn tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock and Rogers threatens to punch him. Keirn calls this out to the referee and gets Rogers down in an arm bar. Rogers fighting to get back to his feet. A go Tommy go chant goes out. Rogers flips out of and reverses the wrist lock. He elbows the arm and tags Fulton in. Fulton gets on the second rope and hits an elbow on Keirn's arm. Fulton picks the wrist lock up, gets Keirn down to his knees, and drops a leg on Keirn's arm. Fulton with an arm bar. Keirn gets to his knees and reaches out to his corner as a fan yells out, come on Steve. Keirn hops towards his corner and almost makes it before Fulton drags him away and back down to the mat. Keirn again makes it back to his feet and actually gets Fulton's shoulders to the mat. The referee drops down to count while Lane grabs Keirn's arm for leverage. Keirn gets a two count and Fulton kicks out so hard it actually brings Lane into the ring as he was still holding on to Keirn's arm. Fulton goes back to the wrist lock and tags Rogers in. He picks the wrist lock up. Keirn pushes off. Rogers comes back with a shoulder block. Rogers reverses a hip lock attempt. Rogers with an arm drag. He goes back to the wrist lock, tags Fulton in, and holds the arm for Fulton to do a running splash on Keirn. Fulton gets an arm bar on. Keirn gets to his knees. Rogers tagged back in and hits an elbow on Keirn's arm before picking the arm bar up. The Fantastics are doing a great job quick tagging so far. Keirn trying to push Rogers away, so Rogers cranks on the move as a go Tommy go chant goes out. Keirn flips Rogers over, but Rogers doesn't let the hold go and flips Keirn right back over. Rogers keeps the arm bar on. Keirn gets back to his feet as a come on, Steve call goes out again from some fan. Keirn rakes the face to break the hold. Lane tagged in. He rushes Rogers who hits an arm drag and gets Lane in an arm bar. Fulton tagged in and picks the arm bar up. Lane gets back to his feet and gets a single leg takedown. Fulton kicks off and hits an arm drag on Lane. Back to a wrist lock for Fulton and Keirn comes in to complain to the referee who tries to get Keirn out of the ring. Rogers comes in and picks the hold up as Lane complains that there was no tag. They switch again and Fulton picks the hold up. Lane with some thrust kicks to knock Fulton up and over the ropes to the outside. Rogers comes over to check on his partner. He helps Fulton to his feet and back to the ring. Keirn drops down and tries to drag Fulton back outside, which brings Rogers back over. While they are over arguing with the ref, Lane kicks Fulton right in the crotch. Lane with a neck breaker as a go Bobby go chant goes out. Lane with a JYD style Thump headbutt to Fulton on the mat. Keirn tagged in. He kicks Fulton and taunts Rogers to come in. Keirn with a rake to the face. He then bites Fulton on the forehead in the corner. Rogers comes over to complain and as the referee tries to get him back to his corner, Keirn guillotines Fulton on the top rope. Keirn puts his boot down on Fulton's neck for a three count. Rogers tries to get a Go Bobby Go chant going as Keirn gets a rear chin lock on Fulton near the corner. Fulton gets to the ropes. Keirns rakes his face. The referee admonishes Keirns and Fulton gets a boot to Keirn. Keirn with an Irish whip and a hot shot to Fulton. Keirn struts and then puts his foot on Fulton's throat again. Fulton gets up and hits Keirn with a right hand. Fulton tries to get to his corner to make the tag, but Keirn grabs him by the trunks to stop him. He tags Lane in while getting a four count from the referee. Lane drops an elbow on Fulton. Lane with an Irish whip and a back thrust kick. Keirn comes in which brings Rogers in. The Fabulous One's double team Fulton while the referee is getting Rogers back out. Lane throws Fulton over the top rope and he lands outside of the ring. Rogers comes down to check on Fulton and tries to fire the crowd up after Fulton says he's okay. Fulton gets back in the ring and gets met by Keirn, who had tagged in. Keirn with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. He gets a two count. Lane tagged in. Lane with an Irish whip. He drops his head, so Fulton comes back with a sunset flip attempt. He gets a one count. The Fabulous One's goad Rogers in again so that they can double team Fulton while the referee gets him out. Keirn tagged in and gets a leg lock on Fulton. He bends down and gets a two count on Fulton while still having the hold applied. Keirn gets more two counts while holding the tights. He gets caught and the referee makes him break the hold. Keirn drops a knee on Fulton's leg. Fulton rakes Keirn's face. Lane tagged in and slingshots Fulton throat first into the bottom rope. Fulton with a kick to try to get away as Lane grabs his boot to try to prevent him from making a tag. Lane with a kick and a throat thrust to Fulton. Lane with a side headlock. Fulton pushes off. Fulton with a dropdown and then they both collide in the ring. Rogers finally tagged in. Keirn tagged in. Rogers cleaning house with dropkicks to both Fabulous One's. He then runs their heads together. Fulton tagged back in and then Keirn reverses an Irish whip on Rogers. Fulton goes up behind Keirn, Rogers gets back dropped and just rolls off of Fulton, and Fulton rolls Keirn up for the pin. The Fabulous One's complain that their tights were pulled.
-Match 7: Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer vs. The Italian Stallion and Koko B. Ware: The referee checks both teams. Ware and Sawyer start. They lock up and Sawyer pushes off. They lock up again. Drive back to a corner. Sawyer with some hard looking forearms in the corner to Ware. Ware reverses a corner whip and backdrops Sawyer. He then hits a nice dropkick to Sawyer that knocks him out to the apron. Ware with a shot to Steiner that knocks him to the outside when he comes in to try to interfere. Ware and Sawyer lock up again. Ware with a side headlock. Sawyer tries to go to the corner, so Ware climbs the turnbuckle with his feet and gets a side headlock takeover on Sawyer. Sawyer with a rollover for a two count. Sawyer back to his feet, but Ware keeps the side headlock on. Sawyer with a belly to back suplex, but Ware doesn't let go of the hold. Sawyer gets a one count. Ware gets back to his feet with the hold still applied. Sawyer keeps trying to push off, but Ware won't let go of the hold. Sawyer with another belly to back suplex to break the hold finally. Steiner tagged in. He does a falling headbutt to Ware, but Ware moves. Ware with a side headlock. Stallion tagged in. Stallion punches Steiner and continues the side headlock. Stallion with a side headlock takeover. Steiner gets to his feet and drives to the ropes. Stallion breaks the hold and Steiner hits him with a big forearm. Steiner with an Irish whip. Stallion comes back with a shoulder block. Criss cross and Stallion with a hip lock to Steiner. Stallion with a dropkick. Stallion with a side headlock and Ware tagged back in. Ware picks up the side headlock. Steiner drives to his own corner and Sawyer tagged in. They try to double team Ware, who keeps them both at bay with right and left hands. Then a series of right hands to Sawyer. Sawyer goes down, he pops right back up, but goes to the wrong corner and Stallion hits him with an elbow. Sawyer falls down and backs away as referee Earl Hebner warns Ware about the closed fist. Sawyer tells someone in the crowd to shut their mouth. A lock up and Ware goes back to the side headlock. Sawyer pushes off and leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid being hit. Ware comes back and hits a crossbody on Sawyer for a two count. Ware then goes back to the side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Stallion tagged in. He hits a double ax handle off the second rope to Sawyer. He then gets a side headlock takeover on Sawyer. Sawyer with a brief turnover for a one count. Sawyer gets back to his feet and pushes off. Stallion comes back with a shoulder block. Stallion goes back to the side headlock takeover. He cranks on the hold and Sawyer pulls on the hair to try to get out of the move. Stallion gets to his feet with the side headlock still on Sawyer. Someone yells out break his neck and there's a tough crowd here tonight. Sawyer with a waist lock and then he reaches out to his corner, but Stallion will not break the hold. Sawyer with a shot and then a shoulder block. Sawyer with a waist lock. Stallion with a sit out. They scramble for position and then lock up. Stallion goes back to the side headlock takeover. Figuring it has worked for him so far. Sawyer drives to the corner and Steiner tagged in. Steiner goes over and pushes Ware. Stallion and Steiner lock up. Stallion with the side headlock. Ware tagged in. Ware with a double thrust to Steiner's midsection. Ware with an Irish whip and a power slam. He gets a two count. Ware goes back to the side headlock. Steiner drives to the corner and Sawyer tagged in. They trade shots. Ware again goes back to the side headlock. Sawyer pushes off. He drops down and then hits Ware with a flying forearm. Ware falls to the outside. Sawyer goes out after him while Steiner and Stallion battle in the ring. Sawyer suplexes Ware on the floor. Sawyer with a double stomp to Ware from the apron. Stallion tries to come over to help Ware back in the ring, but gets stopped by the referee. Sawyer drives Ware into the barricade. Sawyer then gets in the ring and yells at Ware to come on as a go, Koko, go chant goes out. Sawyer gets Ware on the apron and then suplexes him back into the ring. He gets a two count. Steiner tagged in. Steiner gets a bear hug on as they announce that 10 minutes have gone by. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a close two count. Steiner keeps the bear hug on the mat and gets a couple of more two counts. Steiner with a scoop slam and Sawyer tagged in. Sawyer with a stomp and a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Sawyer gets the bear hug on Ware on the mat as the go, Koko, go chant breaks out again. Sawyer sneaks his leg onto the bottom rope for leverage as Stallion and the crowd get irritable over this. He does it a couple of more times and finally gets caught. Sawyer then gets up in the referee's face. Ware with a small package on Sawyer for a two count. Sawyer picks Ware up, drives him into the turnbuckle, and tags Steiner in. Steiner with a side slam for a two count. Steiner goes back to the bear hug on the mat. Ware trying to avoid getting pinned as Stallion yells out come on, Koko! Ware with some forearm shots to the back to try to get out of the hold. Referee Earl Hebner tries his arm, but it doesn't fall a third time. Ware makes it back to his knees, then back to his feet. He double claps Steiner's head to break the hold. Ware goes for a scoop slam, but Steiner hits him with a forearm to the back to knock Ware back to the ground. Sawyer tagged back in. He hits Ware with a delayed vertical suplex. Sawyer then climbs up top and goes to splash Ware, but he moves. Stallion tagged in. He hits Sawyer with shots and kicks. Stallion with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Stallion follows that up with a scoop slam. He goes to drop an elbow on Sawyer, who moves. Sawyer with a side headlock, Stallion pushes off. Stallion goes for a high knee, Sawyer catches him and power slams him and pins him.
-Match 8: Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Dave Peterson and Brett Sawyer: Black Bart is the current Mid-Atlantic Champion. Bart and Sawyer start. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive back to a corner. They break and Bart hits Sawyer with several shots. Bart with an Irish whip. Sawyer ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody and gets caught by Bart and falls on him for a two count. They lock hands and Bart with a kick to the stomach. Bart gets Sawyer in the corner and hits him with several shots. He hits him in the face and then elbows him in the back of the head. Sawyer with a corner whip and a hip lock. Sawyer follows that up with a flying headscissors. Then another one. He gets a one count while keeping Bart in the headscissors on the mat. Garvin tagged in. Sawyer gets him in a side headlock and tags Peterson in. He picks the side headlock up and Garvin pushes off. Peterson comes back with a shoulder block. Peterson runs the ropes and Garvin hits him with a knee to the stomach. Garvin runs Peterson into Bart's knee. Bart tagged in. He runs Peterson's head into the turnbuckle. Peterson comes back with a shoulder to Bart, but he's being double teamed in the heel's corner. A go, DJ, go chant goes out as Bart hits Peterson in the throat with a thrust. Bart with a European uppercut. Peterson with a shot to the stomach to try to get away from Bart. A series of shots into a hammerlock on Bart. Sawyer tagged in and he goes up top and comes off with a flying leg drop off the top rope into Bart's arm. Sawyer picks up the wrist lock and tags Peterson right back in. Peterson leapfrogs Sawyer and comes down on Bart's arm. Peterson picks the wrist lock up and tags Sawyer in. I've heard of quick tags, but this is almost ridiculous. Sawyer goes up top and drops a knee on Bart's arm. Sawyer picks the wrist lock up and Bart rakes his face to get out of the move. Bart runs Sawyer into Garvin's boot. Bart picks Sawyer up and guillotines him on the top rope. Garvin tagged in. He Irish whips and backdrops Sawyer. He gets a two count. Sawyer reverses a corner whip. He comes out of the corner and clotheslines Sawyer. He gets a two count. Garvin runs Sawyer into Bart's boot. Bart tagged in. He punches Sawyer right in the throat. Bart with a backbreaker. A go Brett go chant goes out. Bart gets a two count, but Sawyer gets his foot on the ropes. Garvin tagged in. He chops Sawyer down. Garvin with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Garvin with an Irish whip. Sawyer comes back with a high knee. Peterson tagged in. Bart tagged in. Peterson with a kick to the stomach, a clothesline, and a backdrop. Peterson with another Irish whip and goes for a backdrop, but Bart holds on to the ropes. Bart with a scoop slam and a leg drop. Garvin tagged in and hits a brain buster and gets the pin.
Second Round.
-The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette vs. Sam Houston and Nelson Royal: The Midnight Express are the NWA World Tag Team Champions coming into this event. Condrey and Houston start. They circle each other. The bell rings. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes. Houston with several right hands to Condrey. Condrey backs off. They lock up again. Condrey with a face rake and a knee to the gut. He runs Houston into Eaton's knee. Eaton tagged in. Eaton runs Houston into a turnbuckle post. Eaton with a right hand to Houston. Then a series of right hands. Eaton with a corner whip and a back elbow. Condrey tagged back in. Condrey with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He stomps Houston and Eaton tagged back in. He runs Houston into a turnbuckle. Condrey tagged back in and he Irish whips Houston, but drops his head too early and Houston hits him with a knee to the face. Royal tagged in. He hits and kicks Condrey down. Royal hitting both members of the MX and now all four men in. Royal with an Irish whip and an abdominal stretch as the referee is having a hard time getting the other two out of the ring. As he is getting Houston out of the ring, Eaton comes off the top rope with a forearm to Royal and Condrey gets the pin.
-Ron Garvin and Magnum TA vs. Buzz Sawyer and Rick Steiner: Magnum is the current NWA United States Champion. The bell rings. Garvin and Sawyer start. They circle each other and lock up. Battle for position and push off. Sawyer screams and they lock up again. Drive to a corner. Magnum tagged in. He hits Sawyer with some right hands and gets an arm bar on. Sawyer with a scoop slam, but Magnum hangs on to the hold and Sawyer goes down. Sawyer tries to get back to his feet and hang on to the hold. He gets back to his feet and pushes off. He leapfrogs Magnum, who stops, arm drags Sawyer, and gets the arm bar back on. Sawyer gets back to his feet again. Garvin tagged in and gets a wrist lock on Sawyer. Sawyer reverses the hold, so Garvin goes down to one knee and gets Sawyer with a single leg takedown. Steiner tagged in. They lock up. Steiner pushes off. Double shoulder block and neither man goes down. Another shoulder block and again neither man goes down. One right hand from Garvin knocks Steiner down. Another right hand and Steiner is rethinking all of his life decisions up to that point. Another slap and Garvin gets a side headlock and tags Magnum in. Magnum with a double ax handle off the top rope to Steiner. Magnum with a fireman's carry takeover into an arm bar. Steiner gets to his feet and drives Magnum over to the heels corner and they double team Magnum. Sawyer tagged in and he bites Magnum. Sawyer with several shots to Magnum in the corner before the referee gets him away. Garvin comes in and while the referee is trying to get him out, Sawyer runs Magnum into the corner turnbuckle. Sawyer with a headlock and Magnum struggling to get back to his feet. Magnum with a couple of elbow shots to get out of the move, but Sawyer hooks Magnum's leg with his own and Magnum can't get away. Steiner tagged in and knocks Magnum down. He gets Magnum in a headlock. The referee checks the arm of Magnum, but he starts to come back. He makes it back to his feet. Magnum with a sort of modified drop toe hold to run Steiner into a corner turnbuckle. Steiner does grab Magnum's boot to prevent him from tagging before Steiner tags Sawyer in. Sawyer hits a delayed vertical suplex and gets a two count. Magnum gets a small package for a surprise two count. Sawyer goes for a snap mare, but Magnum hooks his arms and gets a backslide for a two count. The heels pull Magnum back to their corner before he can tag. Steiner tagged in and he Irish whips Magnum. He drops his head early and Magnum kicks him in the face. Garvin tagged in. He comes in and hits both heels with big right hands. He Irish whips and backdrops Sawyer. He Irish whips Steiner, tags Magnum in, and Magnum hits the belly to belly suplex on Steiner and pins him. The crowd loved the finish.
-Many wrestlers who participated in the Crockett Cup also wrestled in the WrestleRock '86 show the next day for the AWA. Wahoo McDaniel, Tiger Mask, The Fabulous One's, Giant Baba, Rick Martel, The Road Warriors, and Jimmy Garvin were on both cards.
-Evening Session. Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross are in the ring. Tony says on behalf of JCP and the UWF, welcome to the evening session. Jim Ross then welcomes us and goes over some of the rules that will govern the tournament. 20 minute time limit. If it's a draw, both teams are eliminated from the tournament. A double disqualification or a count out, both teams are eliminated. Only one save is allowed. The piledriver and off the top rope are legal moves. Throwing an opponent over the top rope and foreign objects are banned and if teams do that, they will be disqualified and eliminated. They go down the pairings.
-The National Anthem is played. Jim and Tony then leave the ring and Bruce Prichard continues with announcing duties.
-Wahoo McDaniel and Mark Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: McDaniel and Youngblood are booed heavily because they are taking on the Road Warriors and they are extremely over with the crowd. Youngblood and Animal start. The bell rings and they lock up. Animal with some stiff forearms to Youngblood. Animal with an Irish whip. Youngblood with a leapfrog. He comes back with a crossbody, but Animal just catches him and hits a backbreaker. Animal goes to drop an elbow, but Youngblood moves out of the way. They lock up again. Animal with a wrist lock and Hawk tagged in. He hits Youngblood with a second rope fist drop. Hawk then hits a knee lift on Youngblood. McDaniel tagged in. He and Hawk lock up. McDaniel pushes off. They lock up again. Another push off. Another lock up and drive back to a corner. Back and forth with hard shots in the corner. Hawk with a side headlock. McDaniel with a takedown, but they are by the ropes. Test of strength in the middle of the ring. McDaniel goes down to his knees. He gets back to his feet and butts Hawk's chest with his head and gets a wrist lock on. Hawk pushes him off. Another lock up and Hawk with a side headlock. Animal tagged in. He gets an Irish whip and a back elbow on McDaniel. He gets a two count. Animal with another Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and McDaniel hits him with a brutal looking chop. Youngblood tagged in. Lock up and Animal with a side headlock. Hawk tagged in. Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to Youngblood. Youngblood with some chops and an Irish whip. He hits a dropkick on Hawk. Youngblood with another Irish whip, but Hawk ducks a back elbow attempt and hits a flying clothesline from the second rope and pins Youngblood. McDaniel had come in, but Animal also came in and they just stood there and stared at each other while Hawk pins Youngblood.
-Paul Jones and Shaska Whatley get into the ring and Whatley says he has something to say. He holds up some of Jimmy Valiant's hair that he had cut and says he is going to destroy Jimmy Valiant. He's going to whip him like he's a dog. The Honky that he is. He's a yellow coward and a white uncle Tom as some in the crowd start chanting pussy to Whatley. He says all you funky people need to sit down. Jimmy Valiant don't like no ugly women. He's rambling now. He tells someone that she's the ugliest woman in the house. He says they are looking for Jimmy Valiant and can't find him no where. He says Jimmy Valiant come get your hair. He says Shaska Whatley is waiting on you. A weasel chant goes out towards Jones. Whatley says where's the coward at? He has been waiting on him. He says the next time you see Jimmy Valiant, I won't be able to stand up here because I'm going to be laughing at the whipping that he puts on his ass. There is an edit here and suddenly, Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez are there and Paul Jones is trying to get Shaska Whatley away from ringside. They finally leave.
-Jimmy Valiant and Manny Fernandez vs. Ivan and Nikita Koloff with Eddie Gilbert and Korchenko: A loud USA chant goes out as the Russian team comes to the ring. The bell rings. Fernandez and Nikita start. Nikita stalling by talking to Ivan in the corner. A Russia sucks chant goes out. They tease a test of strength for several minutes. They finally start it. Nikita getting the better of it as Fernandez fights the pain. Fernandez backed to a corner and gets up on the second rope and kicks Nikita and jumps over him. Fernandez with a drop toe hold. He then drops an elbow on Nikita's knee. Nikita fighting to get out of the hold. Nikita reaches and gets a rear chin lock on Fernandez. Fernandez cranks on the leg hold until Nikita lets go. He reaches up and Ivan tagged in. He stomps on Fernandez and runs his head into a turnbuckle. Fernandez reverses a corner whip and hits Ivan with a back elbow. Ivan gets up, but wanders into Valiant's corner and Valiant punches him. He then turns around and Fernandez punches him and he falls down. Ivan back up and punches Fernandez. Ivan with an Irish whip. Fernandez comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a one count. Fernandez with a double leg takedown. Valiant tagged in. He stomps Ivan in the crotch. Fernandez then posts Ivan in the corner when the referee isn't looking. Ivan in some serious pain. Valiant with a side headlock and a thumb to the throat of Ivan. Ivan goes for a kick, but Valiant catches his foot. He spins Ivan around and hits him with a shot to knock him down. He gets a two count, but Nikita breaks up the count. Fernandez tagged in. Ivan Irish whipped and a double back elbow by the faces. That gets a two count. Fernandez with an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Ivan holds on to the ropes. Nikita tagged in. Nikita picks Fernandez up and guillotines him on the top rope. Nikita runs Fernandez into a corner turnbuckle. He then runs him into the opposite turnbuckle. Nikita goes to hit Valiant with a back elbow on the apron, but Valiant moves out of the way. Nikita tags Ivan in, gets Fernandez in a front face lock, and Ivan hits a forearm shot to Fernandez's back off of the second rope. Ivan with a leg drop. Gets a two count. Ivan gets a bear hug on Fernandez. Fernandez in a tremendous amount of pain, but trying to fight it. Fernandez with some right hands to Ivan trying to get out of the move. He hip locks Ivan to break the hold. Nikita tagged in. He hits a double ax handle to Fernandez's back. Nikita with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Nikita gets a bear hug on. Valiant trying to get a cheer going for Fernandez in the corner. Fernandez trying to reach out to tag Valiant in. Ivan comes in and the referee has to get him out causing Nikita to drive Fernandez further into his corner. Ivan tagged in. He hits a right hand to Fernandez's back. Then a forearm and an eye rake to Fernandez in the corner. Fernandez reverses a corner whip. Ivan gets his boot up on the charge. Ivan goes up top and gets caught and slammed off. Ivan doing both Hulk Hogan's and Ric Flair's signature moves in one match. Valiant tagged in. He hits a series of running right hands to Ivan. He then hits Nikita on the apron and Irish whips Ivan and gets a sleeper on him. Ivan fighting not to be put to sleep. All four men in now. Fernandez knocks Nikita to the outside. The referee gets Fernandez out as Ivan Irish whips Valiant and Valiant ducks an Ivan clothesline attempt, but runs into one from Nikita on the apron. Ivan then pins Valiant. The crowd boos heavily at the decision. Fernandez checks on Valiant after the match as the Russians leave quickly. They finally leave the ring and the crowd gives them a round of applause.
-Terry Taylor and Steve Williams vs. Rick Martel and Dino Bravo: Taylor is a substitute for the injured Ted DiBiase. Martel gets in the ring and he is still in his street clothes. He talks to the referee and Bruce Prichard. Taylor comes over and listens in. The crowd is wondering what's going on. Prichard makes the announcement that Dino Bravo has been seriously injured and is in the hospital with appendicitis. Martel is here as a gesture of good faith. Taylor and Williams will advance by forfeit. They come over and shake Martel's hand and he leaves.
-The Rock 'N' Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. The Sheepherders Luke Williams and Butch Miller with Jack Victory: The Sheepherders salute the New Zealand flag, so the RNR get an American flag and hold it up high. Williams and Gibson start and lock up. Williams with a knee to the midsection and lock up in the corner. Double teaming on Gibson by the Sheepherders. Gibson fighting out of the corner. Morton comes over to help. All four men in now. Morton corner whips Williams into Gibson, who kicks him. Williams rolls to the outside to regroup. Back in, Gibson with a wrist lock. Miller tagged in. Gibson gets him in a wrist lock, so Willimas tagged back in. He runs Gibson to a corner. He tries to do it in the opposite corner, but Gibson blocks the shot and runs him in instead. He runs him in a couple of more times and Williams falls back to the mat. Gibson gets a front face lock on and tags in Morton. Morton with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Miller comes in and he gets dropkicked too. Sheepherders both fall to the outside of the ring. Victory comes over to check on them as the crowd cheers wildly. Sheepherders screaming at the crowd. Morton and Williams back in and circling each other as a woman in the crowd tries to get a Rock and Roll chant going. A USA chant goes out as they lock up and Williams picks Morton up by the hair and tosses him into a turnbuckle. Williams with an Irish whip, Morton ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Miller tagged in. He and Morton lock up. Miller with some stiff looking shots to the body. Williams with an Irish whip, Morton ducks a back elbow attempt and comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Gibson and Williams both tagged in. They lock up and drive to a corner. Williams with some shots to Gibson. Gibson reverses a corner whip, but Williams moves on the charge and Gibson goes shoulder first into the post. Williams grabs him by his injured arm and headbutts it. Miller tagged in and he goes after the injured arm. He grabs it and tags Williams back in. He attacks the injured arm. He drapes the injured arm over the top rope and yanks down on it. He then gets Gibson in an arm bar to cut off the tag attempt that Gibson was doing. Gibson gets to his feet, but Williams pulls him back down. Miller tagged in and stomps Gibson in the arm as Williams holds him down. He then picks the arm bar up. Gibson gets up to his feet and drives Miller back. Williams tagged in. He stomps Gibson and throws him to the outside. Miller drops down and runs Gibson into the corner post. A go Robert go chant breaks out. Back in, Williams with a scoop slam. Then a falling chop from the second rope on Gibson. He gets a two count. Sheepherders come in and cut off an attempt by Gibson to tag. Miller in and he Irish whips Gibson, who leapfrogs Miller and then hits a dropkick. Morton tagged in. He runs the Sheepherders heads together and all four men in now. Double dropkick to Williams. Morton goes to cover him. The referee is tied up trying to get Miller and Williams out of the ring. Victory comes in with the flag trying to hit Morton with the pole, but Morton hits him with a shot. He then grabs the pole and hits Victory with it. The referee sees this and calls for the bell. The Sheepherders win by disqualification. The crowd is visibly pissed. A loud bullshit chant goes out.
-The Fantastics Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton vs. Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson with JJ Dillon: Blanchard and Anderson are representing the Four Horsemen. Blanchard was the current National Heavyweight Champion and Anderson was the NWA World Television Champion at the time. Blanchard and Rogers start pushing each other before the match starts. They start the match and circle each other as the bell rings. They lock up and drive back to a corner. Back and forth with hard chops and slaps to each other in the corner. Rogers with an Irish whip and a shot that knocks Blanchard down. Blanchard backs away. He makes referee Earl Hebner get Rogers back. A go Tommy go chant goes out. They lock up again. Rogers with a side headlock. Blanchard with a forearm shot to the back to break the hold. Blanchard with some right hands to Rogers. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. They both miss shots and Rogers gets an atomic drop. Blanchard goes for an atomic drop of his own and Rogers rolls behind Blanchard and hits him with a dropkick. Blanchard falls down-and-out of the ring. He tries to tag Anderson in from the outside, but Hebner won't allow it. Blanchard gets up on the apron still mad at the referee, so Rogers slingshots him in. They face each other warily almost but not quite locking up. All four in. The Horsemen are visibly frustrated. Anderson tagged in and says I'm going to enjoy this. Rogers mimes that Anderson can kiss his ass. JJ yells to Anderson, AA teach him some respect. They lock up and Anderson with a side headlock. Rogers pushes off. Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Anderson screams at Rogers to get up. He then hits him with a left hand punch to knock Rogers back down. Anderson knocks Rogers down again with another shot. Fulton trying to inspire Rogers to tag him in. Anderson with shots to Rogers in the corner. Rogers reverses a corner whip and gets a hip lock on Anderson. Then a dropkick to Anderson. Then another dropkick and Anderson bails to the outside to regroup. The Fantastics strut and taunt the Horsemen from the inside of the ring. Anderson confers with JJ on the outside. The crowd is digging the Fantastics. Fulton tagged in as Anderson also comes back in. They circle each other. They scream at each other, but don't lock up yet. Fulton yells at Anderson that he doesn't like him and then at JJ and says he doggone doesn't like JJ. He doesn't even know JJ! They circle each other again and finally lock up. Anderson with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Fulton with a reversal. Anderson gets to the ropes and tells referee Earl Hebner to get Fulton off of him. They lock up again. Horsemen get Fulton near their corner and do some double teaming which brings Rogers in. All four men in and Hebner trying to get Rogers out. Blanchard tagged in and hits a knee to Fulton's stomach. He hits some European uppercuts to Fulton. Blanchard runs Fulton into Anderson's knee and then tags Anderson in. Blanchard goes over and hits Rogers with a shot before getting out while Anderson is stomping Fulton on the mat. The referee is having a hard time keeping control in this one. Rogers comes in after Blanchard as Anderson throws Fulton to the outside. JJ and Blanchard both come over and stomp Fulton while he is down on the floor. Rogers comes over to check on Fulton. Hebner comes over to try to get Rogers back to his corner and Fulton back into the ring. Anderson gets Fulton up on the apron and hits him with some shots. Fulton hits Anderson in the midsection and then hits a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Anderson cuts off a tag attempt and tags Blanchard in. Blanchard stomping Fulton in the Horsemen's corner. Fulton trying to fight back with some shots to Blanchard. Blanchard pulls Fulton's trunks and Fulton goes flying through the ropes to the outside. That brings Rogers in to complain, allowing Anderson to go to the outside and hit Fulton with some shots. Fulton falls back against the barricade hurt. Referee Earl Hebner trying to get Rogers back to his corner and JJ comes over and hits Fulton. Fulton holding his eyes and stumbling around at ringside bumping into the barricade. Rogers comes over to get Fulton in and pointed towards the ring as Hebner is counting him out. Blanchard runs Fulton into Anderson's knee and Anderson tagged in. Anderson hitting Fulton with some head and body shots. Anderson with an Irish whip, Fulton ducks a back elbow, but Anderson hits him with a spinebuster when he comes back. He gets a two count. Anderson punching Fulton in the head as Fulton gets back to his feet. Anderson gets a modified drop toe hold to prevent Fulton tagging Rogers as Blanchard had been tagged in. Blanchard hits a right to Fulton's face and gets a two count. He keeps getting a series of two counts. Blanchard pulling the trunks and still can't get but a two count. Blanchard is visibly frustrated that he can't pin Fulton as Rogers is trying to point out that Blanchard is pulling the trunks. Blanchard runs his boot laces across Fulton's face and then throws Fulton back outside the ring. Rogers comes in again and Hebner goes to get him out, allowing Blanchard to drop down and try to suplex Fulton. Rogers comes over to stop it, bringing Anderson down off of the apron and all four men brawling on the outside. Fulton slaps Blanchard when he tries to suplex him again. Back in the ring, Fulton goes for the tag again, but Blanchard grabs his trunks to cut him off. Fulton turns over and kicks Blanchard away, but Blanchard tags Anderson in and he cuts Fulton off before he can tag Rogers in. Anderson with a corner whip, but Fulton moves on the charge and Anderson hurts himself. Anderson tries to prevent the tag but can't and Rogers kicks Anderson in the head when he comes in. Rogers with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Anderson. Then an Irish whip and a backdrop to Blanchard when he comes in. Rogers with another Irish whip to Anderson, but drops his head too early and Anderson hits him with a front face buster. He gets a two count, but Fulton comes in to break up the tag, which brings Blanchard in. Hebner trying to get Blanchard out. Anderson picks up Rogers for a scoop slam, but Fulton dropkicks Rogers in the back and he falls on Anderson to get the pin and the crowd goes absolutely nuts over the outcome. The Horsemen and JJ are going crazy in the ring over the result. The crowd boos the Horsemen as they leave.
-1st evening intermission.
-Black Bart and Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Giant Baba and Tiger Mask: The referee checks all four men. Tiger Mask and Bart start. They slowly circle each other. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes. Bart with a big slap to Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask complains and Garvin yells that it was an open hand slap. Lock up again and another drive to the corner. Tiger Mask pushes Bart. Bart goes over to confer with Garvin. Test of Strength. Tiger Mask goes down to his knees. Tiger Mask breaks and goes to a wrist lock. Garvin tagged in. They circle each other. They lock up and Garvin with a side headlock. Tiger Mask reverses it. Then a couple of reversals by both men. Tiger Mask with an arm bar. Garvin with a takeover, but Tiger Mask doesn't let go of the hold. Tiger Mask dropping elbows on Garvin's arm. Garvin with a side headlock and Tiger Mask pushes off. Garvin comes back with a shoulder block. Garvin runs the ropes. Tiger Mask with drop downs and leapfrogs before hitting Garvin with a dropkick. Garvin goes to the outside and Tiger Mask hits him with a baseball slide to knock him into the barricade. Precious comes over to check on Garvin. Tiger Mask flips over the ropes and lands on the apron to scare Precious. Tiger Mask then flips back over the ropes to land in the ring. The crowd cheers. Precious gets up on the apron to complain to referee Earl Hebner about Tiger Mask. Garvin finally gets back into the ring. Bart tagged in and Baba tagged in. They lock up. Drive back to the ropes and trade chops. Baba hits a knee to Bart. Then a chop knocks Bart to the ground. Baba with a side Russian leg sweep. Bart up. He gets Baba in a side headlock and hits him in the throat with a thrust. Back to the side headlock and Garvin tagged in. He comes in with lefts and rights to Baba. Baba chops Garvin on the top of the head and he goes down. Baba then runs Garvin into a corner. Baba hits a piledriver on Garvin and tags Tiger Mask in. Garvin rolls to the right and tags Bart back in. They circle each other as Precious checks on Garvin on the apron. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Tiger Mask with an Elbow drop. He gets a two count. Bart with a throat thrust and Bart runs Tiger Mask into Garvin's boot. Bart with a suplex. Garvin tagged in. He gets a two count. Garvin guillotines Tiger Mask on the top rope. Garvin runs Tiger Mask into Bart's knee. Bart tagged in. He hits Tiger Mask with some shots to the corner. Bart then choking Tiger Mask in the corner. He breaks and Hebner admonishes him, allowing Garvin to attack Tiger Mask. Bart then goes back to attacking Tiger Mask. Very effective double teaming maneuvers by the heels. Bart with a side headlock and another shot to Tiger Mask in the throat. Garvin tagged back in. He kicks Tiger Mask. He gets a small package for a two count. Garvin with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask comes back with chops and kicks to Garvin. He runs Garvin into the corner and tags Baba in. Baba with a kick and a snap mare. He stomps Garvin and chops Bart down when he comes in to interfere. Baba with a side headlock. Garvin pushes off. Baba comes back with a shoulder block. Bart tagged in. Baba with a side headlock. Bart pushes off. Baba comes back with a shoulder block and Bart is teetering. Another shoulder block and a chop finally knocks Bart down. Baba with an Irish whip and a chop to knock Bart down and Tiger Mask tagged in. Tiger Mask with a flying crossbody for a two count, but Garvin breaks up the pin attempt. Baba tagged back in. Irish whip and a big boot by Baba and he gets the pin. Both cheers and boos at the result. Precious comes in to complain and gets into Baba's face.
-Quarterfinals: The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. The Midnight Express Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Condrey and Animal start. They circle each other warily. They lock up. Condrey with a side headlock. Animal with a push off. He shoulder blocks Condrey and almost knocks him down. Condrey runs the ropes. Animal with drop downs and leapfrogs and finally he hits Condrey with a back elbow. Condrey stalling and they finally circle each other again. They lock up and Animal with a side headlock. Eaton yells out that Animal is pulling Condrey's hair. Condrey pushes off and Animal comes back with a shoulder block. Condrey runs and Animal hits him with a dropkick. Condrey rolls to the outside as the crowd cheers. Eaton and Cornette come over to check on Condrey as Cornette yells time out! It is hilarious. Condrey gets in the ring and tells the referee to keep Animal back. Condrey gets on one knee and poses to taunt the crowd. Condrey with an overhead wrist lock. Cornette gets up on the apron to distract the referee while Eaton comes over to double team Animal with Condrey and Animal single handedly tosses them both across the ring. He then tags Hawk in and Hawk clotheslines both members of the MX to a big pop. MX roll to the outside. Cornette comes over to check on them. Back in the ring, Condrey and Hawk lock up. Condrey with a side headlock. He hits Hawk with a piledriver. Condrey then goes over to high five Eaton and doesn't see Hawk get up until he turns around and Hawk headbutts him. Hawk stomps Condrey's back. Condrey falls to the outside. Eaton and Cornette come over to check on Condrey and Cornette complains to the referee that Hawk is cheating. Condrey tags Eaton in and Eaton is ready for Hawk. They lock up and drive back to a corner. Eaton with a slap and an eye gouge. Eaton gets a side headlock on. Hawk pushes off. Hawk drops down and looks like he's going for a clothesline, but Eaton grabs the ropes and goes to the outside. Animal attacks him from behind and throws him back inside the ring. Hawk with a clothesline that knocks Eaton back to the outside. Animal then clotheslines him on the outside and the crowd is just loving this. Cornette and Condrey check on Eaton and Condrey gets up on the ropes to argue with the referee about what is happening. Condrey tagged in. They lock up. Condrey gouges the eyes and hits a scoop slam on Hawk. Eaton tagged in. A Rocket Launcher to Hawk, who catches Eaton and slams him down. Hawk with a shoulder breaker. Hawk with a fist drop. Animal tagged in. Double Irish whip and clothesline. Dropkick to Eaton when he comes in to help Condrey and the MX roll to the outside to confer with Cornette. Back in the ring, Condrey complains to the referee about Animal again. Condrey with a knee to Animal's stomach. Condrey gouges Animal's eyes and then comes over and taunts Hawk so he gets in. The referee is trying to get Hawk out so the MX double team Animal as Eaton hits him in the throat and Condrey runs him into a turnbuckle. Animal reverses an Irish whip and power slams Condrey. He then runs the ropes and Cornette hits him on the back with the racket and the MX are disqualified. MX jump Animal in the ring while Ellering and Hawk chase Cornette. The MX grab their titles and leave as Prichard announces the decision.
-Ivan and Nikita Koloff with Korchenko and Eddie Gilbert vs. Steve Williams and Terry Taylor: The bell rings. Ivan and Taylor start. They lock up. Ivan with a wrist lock. Taylor reverses it. Two more reversals. Drive back to a corner. Ivan with a forearm. Taylor reverses a corner whip and monkey flips Ivan out of the corner. Taylor with a dropkick and Ivan rolls to the outside. Back in, they lock up and Ivan with a knee to the midsection. Taylor goes back to the wrist lock. Williams tagged in. He hits a double ax handle to Ivan's arm. He gets Ivan down and puts on an arm bar. Ivan complains that Williams pulled his trunks. Ivan back to his feet. Ivan pushes off. Williams ducks a clothesline attempt. Williams picks Ivan up in a military press and then slams him down. Ivan gets up to tag, but goes to the wrong corner and Taylor hits him with a right hand. Williams then knocks him down to the mat with a right hand. Nikita distracts the referee, so Williams only gets a two count. Williams with a wrist lock and Taylor tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock. He then drops a knee on Ivan's arm after he drives him down to the mat. He keeps driving the knee in and Ivan trying to get up. Ivan flips over so Taylor adjusts to a hammerlock. He then drives his knee into Ivan's back. Williams tagged back in. He hits Ivan in the back with a falling headbutt. He gets Ivan to his feet, gets a hammerlock on, and just throws Ivan into a turnbuckle. Williams with a scoop slam. Ivan's shoulder is hurt. Williams drops a leg on the injured arm. Ivan gets back to his feet. He throws Williams into a corner, but misses the charge in when Williams moves. Ivan hits his shoulder on the corner post. Nikita screams encouragement to Ivan in the corner. Williams gets an arm bar on and tags Taylor in. Taylor holds Ivan for Williams to hit, knocking Ivan to the mat. The referee is still trying to get Nikita out, so Ivan kicks out before he can start counting. Taylor with an arm drag and drops his knee on Ivan's arm. Ivan fighting to get out of the hold. Taylor keeps dropping knees on Ivan. He gets a two count, but Ivan gets his arm up. Taylor with a wrist lock and tags Williams in. he keeps the wrist lock on. Ivan trying to make his way over to tag Nikita in. Nikita has made his way down to the apron to complain to the referee about what has gone on, so by the time that Ivan gets there, Nikita is not there and Williams pulls Ivan away before Nikita can get back to the corner. Taylor comes in and picks up the wrist lock while the referee was dealing with Nikita. The referee asks about the tag which they totally didn't do, but totally said they did and the referee has totally lost control. Ivan gets back to his corner, but again Nikita is down the apron and Taylor yanks Ivan back before Nikita can tag in. Nikita is losing it on the apron as Ivan gets an Irish whip. Taylor ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a one count. Ivan gets up, but is confused and wanders to the wrong corner. Williams tagged in. He picks the wrist lock up. He scoop slams Ivan. He gets a two count. Williams gets the wrist lock on and slings Ivan down to the mat. A USA chant goes out while Ivan is down on the mat. Williams with a hammerlock and tags Taylor in. Taylor picks the wrist lock up. He yanks down on the arm. Ivan gets an Irish whip and a boot to the stomach. He then kicks Taylor down. He goes to drop an elbow, but Taylor moves. Taylor with an arm drag. He gets a two count. Ivan reverses into a headscissors. Williams yells out to the referee that Ivan pulled the hair. Williams tagged in. He holds Ivan for Taylor to punch. Ivan staggers around and Williams gets a wrist lock on. He headbutts Ivan several times in the head. Ivan gouges Williams in the eye and finally tags Nikita in. Nikita comes in and poses to Williams to intimidate him. Williams then poses to Nikita to the delight of the crowd and to piss Nikita off. A large USA chant goes out. Nikita gets pissed off at the crowd and goes out to the apron. The crowd gets louder and someone has a large American flag at ringside as they announce that 10 minutes have gone by. They circle each other as someone yells take him out, Doc! They briefly lock up and break. Another lock up and push off again. Another lock up. Williams with a side headlock. Nikita trying to get out or push off. He keeps grabbing Williams' hair. Nikita pushes off. Williams comes back with a shoulder block, but neither one moves. Another shoulder block and the same thing happens. Nikita poses again and as he does, Williams hits a big dropkick to knock Nikita to the outside in an awesome move that the crowd just loves. Nikita screams and mimes that he wants a test of strength. Williams wary. They finally lock up and neither one moving on the test. They go at it several times and still no one moving. They then take turns kicking each other in the stomach while still in the hold. They break and Williams ready to go again. They lock up. Nikita with a kick and a forearm. He gets Williams in a front face lock and tags Ivan in. The Russians take turns hitting forearms to Williams' back for a few seconds before Nikita gets out. Ivan with a snap mare. He then drops a leg on Williams and gets a two count. He hits a knee to William's back and runs him into Nikita's boot again. Nikita tagged back in. Nikita with a double ax handle to the back. He gets a two count. Nikita with a front face lock and Ivan tagged back in. He hits a forearm to the back and gets a front face lock on Williams. Williams picks Ivan up while still in the front face lock. They announce 15 minutes gone in the match as Williams puts Ivan on the top turnbuckle. Ivan goes to hit Williams with a forearm, but Williams blocks it and slams Ivan off of the top rope. Ivan goes to kick Williams in the stomach at the same time that Williams goes to dropkick Ivan and they both go down to the mat. Williams gets a one count. Ivan with a front face lock on. He hits a swinging neck breaker on Williams. Nikita tagged in. He drops an elbow on Williams and gets a two count. Nikita goes for a front face lock. Four minutes remaining as Taylor and the fans yelling out to Williams to get behind him and get him to make a rally. Williams makes it to his feet and hits Nikita with a series of right hands. They get to the ropes and both Russians in and hitting Williams. Ivan tagged in. Williams reverses an Irish whip and power slams Ivan. He gets a two count. Both men down on the mat and a double count going. Taylor tagged in. A series of right hands, a corner whip, and a backdrop to Ivan. Three minutes remaining. Taylor goes over, hits Nikita, and then hits Ivan with a dropkick. Ivan wobbly on his feet as he kicks Taylor. Nikita tagged in. He scoop slams Taylor. He throws Taylor through the ropes to the outside where he hits the barricade hard and falls down. Ivan then runs him head first back into the barricade. Williams comes over to help Taylor back into the ring as they announce two minutes remaining. Nikita guillotines Taylor on the top rope. Ivan tagged in. He stomps Taylor in the back and drops a leg on him. Ivan with an Irish whip. Taylor ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Ivan runs Taylor into Nikita's boot and Nikita tagged in. Nikita with an Irish whip and a bear hut. Taylor trying to drive to tag Williams in. One minute remaining. Williams tagged in just as Nikita pulls Taylor away, but the referee didn't see it, allowing Ivan to come off the top rope onto Taylor as the referee is getting Williams out. 45 seconds remaining. Ivan tagged in and gets a two count. 30 seconds left. Ivan with a scoop slam. He misses a knee drop when Taylor moves. Ivan goes for another scoop slam and Taylor gets him in a small package for a two count as 15 seconds remain. Nikita tagged in and Irish whips Taylor as the bell rings. Nikita hits the Russian Sickle and covers Taylor but the referee waves it off as time has expired. Nikita throws Taylor out over the top rope. Williams comes in and starts hitting both Russians. Korchenko comes in and attacks Williams. Nikita and Korchenko then Irish whip and clothesline Williams with the chain. The Russians attack both faces while Gilbert is there directing traffic. They are choking Williams with the chain as the bell rings over and over. Other refs come in to try and stop the Russians. The Russians finally start to leave as the crows boos them. Gilbert gets on the mic and says let's show a little respect for some real men as the crowd boos harder. Prichard announces that the match is a draw and both teams are eliminated. Referees checking on Taylor and Williams. They help them out of the ring and the crowd gives them a standing ovation.
-The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Jack Victory vs. The Fantastics Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers: Fulton gets a USA chant going. Sheepherders holding the New Zealand flag, so Fulton gets on the mic and says please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. They do that and then the Fantastics come in and attack the Sheepherders, who bail out to the floor. Fulton and Williams start. They lock up and Williams with a side headlock. Williams with a right hand to break the hold. Fulton comes back with a wrist lock. Miller tagged in. A couple of right hands to Fulton to knock him down. Fulton goes back to the wrist lock, but Williams tagged back in. He gets a side headlock on. Fulton reverses it into a hammerlock. He drives Williams back to the ground, but Miller tagged back in. Miller with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. He then stomps Fulton on the ground and hits a double ax handle. He then runs Fulton into William's elbow. Williams tagged back in. Back and forth in the ring. Williams with a side headlock and punches to Fulton. He gets Fulton into a corner and Fulton kicks to try to get out of the corner. Williams drives his shoulder into Fulton. Williams with a side headlock. Fulton pushes off. Williams comes back with a shoulder block. Williams runs the ropes. Fulton with drop downs and a monkey flip to Williams. Fulton follows that up with a dropkick. Then another dropkick. All four in, but the Fantastics dropkick both Sheepherders to the outside. A count going on the Sheepherders as Fulton tries to get a USA chant going. Williams finally back in against Rogers. Rogers with a drop toe hold into a side headlock on the mat. Williams drives to the ropes. Williams with an Irish whip and misses a clothesline and Rogers comes back with a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Miller tagged in, but stays on the apron until slingshot in by Rogers while a USA chant goes out. Rogers runs Miller into Fulton's boot and tags Fulton in. Rogers then Irish whips Miller into a Fulton clothesline. Williams tagged in. They lock up. Williams with a kick and runs Fulton into a turnbuckle. Williams with a right fist to Fulton's head. He then puts his boot into Fulton's neck in the corner for a four count. Williams with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Fulton moves. Back and forth with shots in the ring. Fulton with an atomic drop that knocks the Sheepherders into each other. Victory checks on the Sheepherders as the referee starts his count. Williams gets back in the ring on the 9 count. Miller tagged in and gets the side headlock on. Fulton counters that into an overhead wrist lock. Miller throws Fulton to the outside. Back and forth on the outside and Fulton hits a dropkick on Miller. All four men fighting on the outside now. Fulton is bleeding and is run into the turnbuckle. People at ringside yelling that the Sheepherders need to be disqualified as Rogers checks on Fulton. He tries to revive Fulton and says come on ref as the referee is counting Fulton out. Fulton trying to get back to his feet. Fulton rolls back into the ring on the 6 count and is attacked immediately by Miller. Fulton's face is a mess. He falls back out of the ring and the fans are encouraging him and Rogers comes over to check on him again. Some guy at ringside is encouraging Fulton to, and I quote, get up and go get those homosexuals. I have no words. Fulton gets back in the ring and Miller with an Irish whip. Fulton ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody. Williams tagged in, but Miller cuts off the tag attempt by Fulton. Williams with a big right hand to knock Fulton down. Williams drops a fist on Fulton's head. Williams then drops a knee and bites Fulton on the forehead for a four count and Fulton falls to the apron. Williams with some knees to Fulton to knock him off the ring to the floor. Sheephearder's then run Fulton head first into the barricade. He then collapses to the ground. Rogers comes over to check on him. He complains to the referee when he is told to get back to his corner and the referee starts counting Fulton out. 10 minutes are announced as going by in the match. Fulton gets back to his feet, but he is punch drunk. He gets back in the ring and starts kicking at Williams' back. Miller ties the referee up so that he doesn't see Rogers tagged in and won't allow it. Miller holds the New Zealand flag up for Williams to run Fulton into the flag pole, but Fulton blocks it and runs Williams in instead. Rogers tagged in as the crowd is going crazy for the tag. He hits Williams with some big right hands as he has been busted open from being hit with the flag pole. Rogers hits Williams with a fist drop from the second rope. Rogers bites Williams, hits some fists on him, and scoop slams him. He hits another second rope fist drop on Williams. Fulton comes in to stop Miller and gets Miller in a side headlock. Miller pushes Fulton off right into the referee and both Fulton and the referee get taken out onto the floor. Miller then takes out Rogers, but there is no referee. MIller then goes outside to pound on Fulton. Rogers hitting Williams with left and right hands in the ring and Fulton doing the same thing to Miller outside. Victory sneaks up behind Fulton to hit him with the flag pole, but Fulton catches him and Victory is begging off and retreating from Fulton. Miller attacks Fulton from behind with a double ax handle as he is going after Victory. They get Fulton down and start to stomp on him. They then run him into a ring post as Rogers is hitting Williams with corner mounted punches in the ring. Miller dismantles the flag pole and goes into the ring. He attacks Rogers with it from behind. Rogers falls to the ground as Fulton is trying to get back to his feet at ringside. Sheepherders hit Rogers with the flag pole. They go to do it again and Fulton grabs Miller's leg to pull him down. The Fantastics then get the flag pole. They hit Miller with it. Victory comes in, so they hit him with the flag pole as another referee comes to ringside to check on the first referee. Both teams fighting over possession of the flag pole. The bell rings. Referee Tommy Gilbert has disqualified both teams. The teams are still brawling as the bell continues ringing and referees are trying to separate both teams. The Fantastics finally get the Sheepherders out as a USA chant goes out. Fulton gets on the mic and tells them to get back in the ring because they aren't finished with them. They start brawling through the ropes as referees try to get the Sheepherders away. The crowd gives the Fantastics a standing ovation. Bruce Prichard is booed when he says both teams are eliminated. The Fantastics argue with the referees when they hear the ruling.
-Ronnie Garvin and Magnum TA vs. Giant Baba and Tiger Mask: The bell rings. Garvin and Tiger Mask start. They lock up. Tiger Mask with a go behind. Garvin reverses into a hammerlock. Tiger Mask reverses the hammerlock. They drive to a corner and break. Another lock up and Garvin with a wrist lock. Tiger Mask reverses it. Tiger Mask with an elbow. Garvin flips out and gets Tiger Mask down in a single leg. Garvin then gets a single leg crab on Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask gets to the ropes. Garvin gets a front face lock on and tags Magnum in. Magnum with a side headlock takeover. Tiger Mask tries to turn Magnum over on the mat while still in the side headlock. Tiger Mask gets back to his feet and pushes off. Magnum comes back with a shoulder block and then goes back to the side headlock takeover. He gets a one count. Then a two count. Tiger Mask gets back to his feet. Magnum with a front face lock. Garvin tagged in. He rolls Tiger Mask up for a couple of two counts, but can't get him down for the three. Tiger Mask makes his way to the ropes. They break and both men back to their feet. Tiger Mask with a kick to the midsection and a forearm to Garvin. Then an elbow to the back and Baba tagged in. They lock up. Baba with an arm bar. Garvin won't give up. Baba drives Garvin down to the mat. Garvin gets back to his feet, so Baba drives him to the corner and arm drags Garvin over. Garvin still won't give up. Garvin reverses the arm bar and tries to force Baba's shoulders down to the mat. Baba gets back to his feet. Magnum tagged in. He gets a wrist lock on Baba. Into an arm bar. Baba pushes off and chops Magnum. He runs Magnum into the corner and tags Tiger Mask in. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Tiger Mask follows that up with a scoop slam. He then drops an elbow on Magnum and gets a two count. Magnum blocks a suplex attempt and gets one of his own. Tiger Mask stomps Magnum and then tags Baba back in. Baba with a front face lock. Magnum trying to drive back to tag Garvin in, but doesn't quite get there. Baba with an awful looking swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask tagged in. He Irish whips and dropkicks Magnum. He gets a two count. Tiger Mask with a headlock. Magnum fighting not to go out. He gets to his knees and then to his feet. He takes Tiger Mask over to break the hold. Tiger Mask gets a front face lock on. Magnum starting to fade. Tiger Mask cranks on the hold and Magnum trying to get back to his feet. He won't give up. Magnum lifts Tiger Mask up and hits an inverted atomic drop. Tiger Mask with an Irish whip. Magnum comes back with a sunset flip. Tiger Mask kicks out at two. Baba tagged in. He gets a roll up for a two count. He gets several two counts, but can't keep Magnum's shoulders down for a three count. Magnum finally kicks out to break the hold. Baba gets an arm bar on, but Magnum tags Garvin in. He chops Baba in the chest several times. Baba chops Garvin on the top of the head. Another two head chops and Tiger Mask comes in to hold Garvin for Baba to chop. All four men in and Magnum and Garvin cleaning house. Magnum and Garvin reverse corner whip and drive the Japanese wrestlers into each other. Garvin then gets behind Baba for Magnum to push Baba causing him to trip. Magnum gets a two count. Tiger Mask then Irish whips Garvin and hits a crossbody for a two count. Magnum tagged in. Tiger Mask with a side headlock. Magnum pushes off and someone from the crowd screams belly to belly. Magnum drops down to avoid Tiger Mask, but Tiger Mask cartwheels over Magnum and dropkicks him. Tiger Mask with a running back splash to Magnum. He gets another two count. Tiger Mask goes off the top rope for a crossbody, but Magnum catches him and turns it into a belly to belly suplex to get the pin. The crowd loved the finish.
-Bruce Prichard announces that because four teams have been eliminated, Magnum TA and Ron Garvin will meet the Road Warrior in the Finals.
-UWF North American Championship Match. Jim Duggan vs. Dick Slater: Referee Earl Hebner checks both men. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break and Duggan with a big right hand. The referee gets on Duggan as they circle each other again. They lock up again and another drive to the corner. Slater with a right to Duggan, who reverses Slater into the corner and unloads on him with lefts and rights. Duggan with a corner whip and a clothesline to Slater. Slater rolls to the outside to regroup. Slater gets back in the ring on the 5 count. They lock up again and Slater with a side headlock. Duggan with some right hands to try to get out of the hold. Duggan reverses into an overhead wrist lock and Slater pulls some hair to get out of the hold. He goes to drop an elbow, but Duggan moves. They lock up again. Duggan with a side headlock. They get to the ropes. Slater with a right hand and a clothesline. Duggan with a leapfrog and comes back with an elbow to the back of Slater's head. Duggan runs Slater into a turnbuckle. He hits him with a right hand that knocks Slater onto the top rope. Duggan hits him with a forearm shot while he is up there. He then hits Slater with an elbow to knock him off of the top rope. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Slater throws Duggan to the outside. Slater runs Duggan backwards into the barricade, knocking the barricade over. Duggan is lying on the turned over barricade and is trying to slowly get up as the crowd gets on Slater. A Duggan chant goes out as referee Earl Hebner is trying to keep Slater away so that he can start counting Duggan out. Duggan gets back in the ring and as he is coming back through the ropes, Slater attacks him with an elbow to the back. He then kicks Duggan in the back several times. Slater with a snap mare. He drops another elbow on Duggan. Slater gets a headlock on. Duggan starting to fade. Duggan fighting not to go out. He gets back to his feet. Duggan with a left and a right. Slater goes outside and Duggan follows him. Back in the ring, Slater hits Duggan with a headbutt. He gets the announcers mic and hits Duggan with it. Slater then hits a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. He goes back to the headlock. Duggan trying to push Slater away before he fades. Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't go down three times. Slater with a diving headbutt. Slater goes up top, but Duggan hits him with a shot as he is coming off. A series of left and right hands from Duggan knocks Slater down. More lefts and rights knock Slater down again. Duggan with a scoop slam. Duggan drops a knee on Slater and gets a two count. Duggan goes for an atomic drop, but doesn't get it and Slater spins behind with a big elbow. He gets a two count, but Duggan's kick out knocks Slater on top of Hebner so he drops a knee on Hebner. Duggan with a corner whip, but misses the charge in when Slater moves. Slater hits a top rope elbow smash and then gets Hebner up to count. He only gets a two count. Duggan reverses a piledriver attempt into a backdrop. Duggan with some left and right hands, but Slater gets him tied up in the ropes. Hebner tries to get Slater away and pushes him off of Duggan, Duggan gets the three point stance tackle and pins Slater. Duggan gets the North American title and holds it up high while Slater is on the outside looking dejected.
-Jim Ross introduces Paul Boesch who is going to do the introductions for the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
-NWA World Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes with Baby Doll: Rhodes is cheered and Flair is booed loudly as they are introduced by Boesch. Referee Tommy Young checks both men. He then holds the championship up for everyone to see. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Rhodes with a side headlock. They drive to a corner and they break clean. Rhodes with a little jab to Flair as Young separates them. Another lock up and Flair with a side headlock. Rhodes reverses it into a hammerlock. Into a wrist lock. Flair drives back to the corner as Baby Doll is shown giving Rhodes encouragement. Another clean break. They then stare at each other from across the ring. They circle each other again. Another lock up. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair reverses into an over head wrist lock. They battle for position as Baby Doll screams at Rhodes. Rhodes gets Flair down and gets a wrist lock on. Flair quickly gets back to his feet and drives Rhodes back to the corner. They break, but then Flair runs his shoulder into Rhodes' midsection. He does it again as Young starts to count him. Flair then starts chopping Rhodes. He then punches Rhodes in the face as Young then steps in and breaks it up. Flair then goes back to chopping Rhodes in the corner. Rhodes reverses it and starts chopping Flair in the corner. Flair comes out of the corner and a jab from Rhodes knocks him down. Rhodes jabs Flair each time he gets up to knock him down again. Rhodes then does a little Flip, Flop, and Fly on Flair to knock him down again. Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. The crowd loves what has happened so far and Baby Doll is cheering loudly. Flair screams I got something for you, baby at someone in the crowd as Tommy Young starts to count him out. Flair finally gets back in the ring and they look at each other before locking up again. Rhodes with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Flair with a drop down and a leapfrog. Rhodes hits him with an elbow. Flair grabs his head and backs off into a corner. Flair screams at Baby Doll to shut up as he gets back to his feet. Test of strength and Flair screams out in pain. Flair with a wrist lock. Rhodes reverses it and Flair goes to the mat. Flair gets back to his feet with his fist raised to punch Rhodes. Rhodes goes to twist the wrist lock and Flair with a high knee to the back to break the hold. Flair yells at Young that Rhodes is pulling his tights and punches Rhodes in the face when Young goes to check the tights. Flair chopping Rhodes in the corner. Flair snap mares Rhodes out of the corner. Flair then drops a knee on Rhodes. He then taunts Baby Doll in the corner. He then drops another knee on Rhodes. Then then throws Rhodes out of the ring. Rhodes is bleeding and Flair goes out to ringside after him. He runs Rhodes into a ring post. They get back into the ring and Rhodes is kicked in the ribs and he is bleeding heavily. Flair attacking Rhodes' head with punches. Rhodes powers his way back to his feet and slaps Flair. Flair grabs Rhodes by the throat and drives him back to the corner and starts chopping him again. Flair snap mares Rhodes out of the corner and goes to drop another knee on him, but Rhodes moves at the last second. Rhodes slides out of the ring, grabs Flair by the leg, drags him over to the corner and posts Flair in the corner by pulling both legs. Flair rolls down the apron in pain. Rhodes gets back in the ring and gestures that he is going to break Flair's leg. Flair begging off in the corner. Rhodes starts chopping Flair in the corner. Flair gets a double leg takedown and tries to pin Rhodes with his feet on the ropes for leverage. Baby Doll points this out to Tommy Young, who grabs Flair's legs and throws them off of the ropes. Flair tries to do a flying forearm, but Rhodes blocks it and hits Flair with an elbow. He then grabs Flair's leg and drops an elbow on it. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring. Rhodes with some head claps and a headbutt. Rhodes gets a side headlock on and Flair pushes off. Rhodes comes back with a shoulder block. Flair comes back with a sleeper. Rhodes fighting not to go out, but he is fading. He falls to his knees. A go Dusty go chant goes out as Baby Doll looks worried. His hand does not go down the third time. Rhodes pushes forward to run Flair into the corner turnbuckle. Flair does a Flair flop so TASIYDAH. Double count going. Flair up at 7 and attacks Rhodes' leg. Flair pushes Young away and Young pushes Flair back. Flair goes back to punishing the leg of Rhodes. He drops a knee on it. Flair yells out now we go to school and puts Rhodes in the figure four. Rhodes fighting not to pass out or give up. Flair gets a two count. Rhodes working to reverse the hold as Baby Doll encourages him telling him that he can do it. Rhodes reverses the hold. Flair gets out of the hold and Baby Doll comes over to check on Rhodes as Flair limps over to him. Flair with a chop and a snap mare. Flair drapes Rhodes' leg over the ropes to come down on again, but Rhodes moves his leg at the last moment. Rhodes grabs Flair by the legs to drag him out to the center of the ring, but Flair panics and grabs the ropes. They go outside and Flair goes to ram Rhodes' head into the ring post, but Rhodes blocks it and Flair gets run in instead. A double count going as Flair is run into the post again. Flair falls to the ground as Rhodes gets back in the ring. Flair gets on the apron and plants a shoulder into Rhodes' midsection. Flair with a sunset flip and Rhodes fighting not to go over. He hits Flair with a punch to the head instead. Flair gets to a corner and begs off. Rhodes with some corner mounted punches. He finishes with a Bionic elbow and both Flair and Rhodes are busted open. Rhodes with a corner whip and Flair hits the corner and goes upside down in the tree of woe. Rhodes running his boots against Flair's head as Tommy Young tells him to get off of Flair. Flair finally falls to the mat. Flair goes to rush Rhodes, who hits him with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Rhodes attacking Flair's head with punches. Flair comes back with a shot and Rhodes reverses a corner whip. He gets Flair in a sleeper when he comes out of the corner. Baby Doll encourages Rhodes to hold on. Flair fading as he goes down to his knees. Flair struggling to get to the ropes. He collapses to the mat and Rhodes covers him, but he gets his feet on the ropes at two. Flair goes out to the apron and Rhodes suplexes him back in. Another two count, but Flair still gets his leg on the ropes. Rhodes visibly frustrated. Back up, Flair with a knee to the stomach and a shoulder block to knock Rhodes down. He tries another shoulder block, and Rhodes clotheslines him. He gets the figure four on Flair. Flair screams out in pain as he fights it. He gets a two count, but Flair gets back up. Rhodes says shit as Baby Doll urges him on. Another two count and Flair again back up. Flair gets to the ropes. Young has the hold broken. Flair back to begging off again by the ropes in the corner. Rhodes stomps his leg. Young gets Rhodes away and when he comes back, Flair hits him in the midsection. He knocks Rhodes down. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so TASIYDAH. Rhodes with a shoulder tackle that knocks Flair into Young and Young to the outside. Flair kicks Rhodes and tries to slam him, but Rhodes gets Flair into a small package, but there is no referee to count. Baby Doll is trying to get Young up as Flair kicks out after several seconds. Baby Doll trying to get Young into the ring. Flair takes Rhodes' boot off and hits him with it. Young gets on the apron and Flair drags him into the ring. He covers Rhodes and gets a two count. Baby Doll gets up on the apron. Flair goes over and attacks her. Young gets them separated. Rhodes grabs the boot and attacks Flair with it and gets disqualified. Rhodes attacks Young and Flair with the boot as the bell rings. Rhodes goes outside and grabs the NWA title and leaves even though Flair won the match. The crowd boos the decision when it is announced.
-Crockett Cup Finals. Magnum TA and Ron Garvin vs. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Magnum and Garvin shown getting into the ring first. Both teams with good reactions, but the Road Warriors are the clear favorites. Magnum and Animal start. Magnum goes for a waist lock as they lock up and Animal gets a side headlock on. Magnum gets to the ropes. Animal reverses an Irish whip and misses a clothesline. Animal with a drop down and a hip toss. He misses an elbow drop when Magnum moves. Magnum with an arm drag. He follows that up with a dropkick. Both up and staring at each other from across the ring. They lock up again and Animal with an overhead wrist lock. He tries to force Magnum down, but Magnum is fighting it. He finally gets Magnum down on the mat. Magnum comes back with a hammerlock. He drops a knee on the back. Back to a wrist lock and Garvin tagged in. He picks up the wrist lock. He gets Animal down and gets a front face lock on. Hawk tagged in. He and Garvin lock up. Drive to the corner and Garvin with a hard slap to Hawk's chest. They lock up again and back to the ropes. Hawk with some hard right hands to Garvin. Lock up and back to a corner. Hawk with a gouge to the face. Kicks and forearms to Garvin. More forearms and Garvin falls down in the corner. Hawk stomping down on Garvin. Hawk with a snap mare and a headlock. Garvin slowly fading. Back up and Hawk military presses Garvin and slams him down. Hawk goes for a splash from the second rope, but Garvin moves. Garvin gets an inside cradle for a two count. Garvin with several slaps to Hawk. He rakes Hawk's face and bites him. Garvin goes for a front face lock and Magnum tagged in. He hits Hawk with several shots. Magnum with an Irish whip and a dropkick. He gets a cover, but Hawk is too near the ropes. Magnum goes back to the front face lock. Hawk lifts Magnum up while still in the move and tags Animal in. Animal with a double ax handle to the back to free Hawk. He then stomps Magnum. More stomps and double ax handles to Magnum in the corner. Animal with an Irish whip and a bear hug. Magnum in tremendous pain, but fighting it. Magnum with an elbow to Animal's head to break the hold and Hawk tagged in. Hawk with a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. Hawk with a back breaker over the shoulder. He slams Magnum down and gets a two count. Hawk with an Irish whip and a big boot. Animal tagged back in. He gets a rear chin lock on. Referee Earl Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't fall three times. Magnum powers back to his feet and gets a wrist lock on, but Animal gets him back down on the mat. Back to the headlock and Magnum is complaining that his hair was pulled. Hawk tagged in. Irish whip to Magnum, who comes back with a sunset flip. Hawk doesn't go down and delivers a fist to Magnum's face. Hawk goes to drop a leg, but Magnum moves. Hawk with a headbutt and a fist drop to Magnum. Animal tagged in. Irish whip and a power slam to Magnum. He gets a two count. Animal with kicks and punches to Magnum's back. Magnum reverses a corner whip and hits Animal with a belly to belly suplex. Hawk breaks up the pin attempt. Double count going. Hawk tagged in. Garvin tagged in. Garvin with punches, kicks, and a headbutt. They headbutt each other. Garvin with an Irish whip and an abdominal stretch, but can't get it on and Hawk twists out of it. Garvin crawls through Hawk's legs and hits him with a right. He hurts his hand though and Magnum comes in to look at it. Hebner gets Magnum out, allowing Animal to come in and clothesline Garvin. He then pins Garvin and the Road Warriors win. The crowd loves the outcome. The Road Warriors hold the Crockett Cup high. Tony Schiavone announces them as the winners. Jim Crockett Sr's widow comes out to make the presentation. She calls them the Road Runners and it's all been work it. They are presented the cup and the check. They are announced again and raise the cup high. They then take photos with the check and Mrs. Crockett as they sign off from New Orleans.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good, but long show. I don't know if it was profitable for JCP, although I don't think it was. They tried something different though and the show was better than WrestleRock '86 the next day.