Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 207 Notes

-Today we look at November to Remember '94 from ECW.
-ECW November to Remember '94 took place November 5, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,000 in attendance.
-Bob Artese welcomes us to November to Remember. He outlines some of the people we are going to see on the show. They have a guy play the National Anthem on his guitar until Paul E. and 911 come out and 911 chokeslams the guy. Paul E. starts to say something into the mic to the guy and he says the mic is not on when it is. He gets mad and walks away. 911 then chokeslams the guy again. He then chokeslams the timekeeper. The crowd says one more time, so 911 does it again. The crowd chants 911. This segment went on way too long. They show the timekeeper being carried away.
-Hack Myers vs. JT Smith: Myers comes out looking like Tobias Funke from Arrested Development when he dressed up in leather. Smith wants Myers before the bell rings and the referee has to keep them away from each other. The bell rings. They circle each other. Myers with a side headlock. Smith pushes off. Myers comes back with a shoulder block. Smith with a hip toss, a fall away slam, and a dropkick for a two count. Myers comes back to beat Smith down in the corner. He then drops Smith down throat first on the bottom rope and Myers then drops the leg on Smith on the apron. He then hits Smith with a chair. Myers grabs another chair, but Smith recovers enough to hit a dropkick to the chair and Myers goes down. Smith grabs a chair and does an elbow drop with it. He Irish whips Myers into the guardrail and then clotheslines Myers and they both spill out into the crowd. They hit each other with chairs. They get back in the ring. Smith with a crucifix for a two count. Myers with an inside cradle for a two count. Back and forth. Smith with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge to get the pin. Myers attacks Smith with a chair and they fight to the dressing room.
-The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten vs. The Pit Bulls: Pit Bulls attack the Bad Breed as soon as they get in the ring. Pit Bull 1 and Ian on the outside while Pit Bull 2 with Axl in the corner of the ring hitting Axl with knees and kicks. Pit Bull 2 with a corner whip. Pit Bull 2 goes to splash Axl, who moves and Pit Bull 2 falls to the outside. He gets back in and Axl hits him with a clothesline. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Pit Bull 2 hits a dropkick and a standing suplex. Pit Bull 2 throws Axl to the outside. Pit Bull 1 and Ian have been fighting outside all this time. Pit Bull 1 throws Ian into the ring. Pit Bull 1 with a snap suplex to Ian. Ian with a corner whip, but Pit Bull 1 gets his boot up on the charge and hits a flying shoulder tackle to Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in. He hits Ian with a sloppy looking double underhook suplex. Pit Bull 1 tagged back in and hit a slingshot shoulder block on Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in and hits the Superbomb on Ian to get the pin. Axl gets the Pit Bull's chain and attacks them with it. The crowd chants we want blood. The Pit Bulls get busted open.
-Mr. Hughes vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: The crowd is into Scorpio when he comes out. Hughes yelling at the crowd. Hughes pushes Scorpio away. He does it again and then goes back to yelling at the crowd. Scorpio with a go behind. Hughes breaks the hold. Hughes with a wrist lock. Scorpio with a reversal. Hughes gets out. Scorpio reverses an Irish whip, leapfrogs Hughes, and punches him. Hughes knocks Scorpio down. Hughes with a hip toss and then a headbutt. Back and forth in the corner. Scorpio with a series of shots. Scorpio with a corner whip and a splash. Hughes comes back with a clothesline out of the corner. He follows it up with a snap mare and a head vice. Scorpio gets out, so Hughes with an Irish whip and slam to Scorpio. Hughes with an elbow drop and gets a two count. Hughes with an Irish whip. Scorpio comes back with a dropkick. Another dropkick knocks Hughes out of the ring. Scorpio with a baseball slide and a plancha to Hughes. Hughes runs Scorpio into the apron. Hughes with a sidewalk slam, but yells at the fans. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Scorpio with a kick and the 450 splash to get the pin. Hughes attacks Scorpio after the match. Hughes gets on the mic and says it is his house. Scorpio gets on the mic and tells Hughes he got hit with the diss that don't miss. Scorpio attacks Hughes with a chair and they fight to the back. It is a running theme tonight.
-Tommy Cairo comes to the ring making fun of the Sandman recently being blinded. Tommy Cairo vs. Tommy Dreamer: They start to fight as soon as Dreamer hits the ring. They brawl to the outside. They hit each other with chairs. They then trade shots. Dreamer hits a piledriver on Cairo. He throws Cairo back outside. Dreamer hits Cairo with a frying pan and a paddle that fans brought. They brawl out into the crowd, hitting each other with chairs. Cairo stomping Dreamer down. Cairo throws Dreamer back into the aisle. Cairo grabs a pallet and hits Dreamer with it. Cairo then hits Dreamer with the frying pan. Dreamer hits Cairo with the pallet and Styles doesn't know what a pallet is. They get back in the ring and Dreamer hits a neck breaker. Cairo comes back with a modified flapjack and goes back to mocking the Sandman. Cairo grabs the Singapore cane, but Dreamer hits Cairo before he can use the cane. Dreamer grabs the cane and hits Cairo with it several times. Cairo is busted open. Dreamer beats Cairo down. He then canes Cairo between the legs. He punches Cairo in the head and licks the blood. I could have done without that. Styles talks about Dreamer becoming hardcore. The referee calls for the bell as Cairo is out of it. Medical personnel come and load Cairo on a backboard and this also seems like a pattern tonight. Cairo gets back to his feet though. He limps back to the dressing room.
-ECW Championship Match. Shane Douglas vs. Ron Simmons: Simmons gets on the mic and says he never liked Philly. He just came to kick Shane Douglas' ass and win the title. The fans chant Flair is dead towards Simmons. Weird flex, but okay. The bell rings and they go at it. Douglas with a dropkick and a clothesline for a two count. Douglas out and going around the ring to regroup. He tells the referee to keep Simmons back. They lock up and drive to a corner. Simmons beats Douglas down in a corner. Back and forth. Douglas with a roll up for a one count. Douglas gets a crossbody for another one count. Douglas rolls back outside. Simmons follows. Douglas puts one of the photographers at ringside between him and Simmons as a shield. Simmons swings anyway and knocks Douglas down. Simmons beating Douglas down at ringside. Back in, Simmons with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Douglas runs Simmons face first into the mat. Douglas goes up top, but gets caught and Simmons power slams Douglas as he comes off. Simmons with a gut buster on Douglas. Simmons now in control. Simmons with an Irish whip and a suplex. Simmons goes for a diving headbutt, but Douglas moves out of the way. Douglas with chops and Simmons comes back with a chokeslam. Douglas with a crucifix out of nowhere to get the pin. Douglas hits Simmons with the title belt after the match. 2 Cold Scorpio comes out and dropkicks Douglas to save Simmons. They beat Douglas with the belt. Scorpio hits the moonsault on Douglas. They leave Douglas in the middle of the ring. The referees are out and checking on Douglas. Cactus Jack comes out and is at the apron talking to the referees. Douglas finally gets up on his own.
-The Sandman comes out for supposedly his retirement speech. He comes out in a suit with his eyes bandaged and wearing sunglasses. Tod Gordon helps him into the ring. Gordon says the Sandman is the epitome of Extreme and his best friend. The crowd half boos and half cheers. Sandman says he never thought he would be retiring at 31. He talks about all he has done in wrestling. He says he wouldn't change a damn thing. He says he's lost everything. He says he's lost his career, his manager, and his broad. His words, not mine. He goes on and on about losing Peaches to Tommy Cairo. Peaches then comes out. She kisses Sandman. They start to go back and forth with Sandman saying he realizes how much Peaches meant to him. They get interrupted by Woman. She canes Peaches. Gordon tells her to get out of the ring. Sandman swinging wildly and takes Gordon out. Woman goes after Sandman, but Tommy Dreamer comes out and stops her. Sandman takes off the glasses and the bandages and hits Dreamer from behind with the cane and the whole thing has been a setup. Sandman lights up a cigarette as the crowd cheers. He takes off his jacket and shirt and he has an ECW shirt on. He then whips Dreamer with his belt. The crowd cheers again. Gordon crawls over to check on Dreamer, who is bleeding profusely.
-Joey Styles brings out Shane Douglas. His ribs are taped up. He goes off on Hulk Hogan and talks about getting the ECW World Title. He then talks about Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio and what they did. He then says he has Sherri Martel on the phone and she will be with him in his corner on November 19th and that his partner will be Steve Austin. Austin would be injured before then and be replaced by Brian Pillman.
-ECW Television Championship Match. Dean Malenko with Jason vs. The Tazmaniac: Taz isn't in full Taz mode yet, but it looks like he is slowly getting there. The bell rings and they lock up and jockey for position. Taz with a single leg takedown. He then Irish whips Malenko. Malenko goes for a double underhook suplex and Taz turns it into a Northern Lights suplex. He gets a two count. Malenko comes back with a double underhook and a Boston Crab on Taz. Taz powers out. Malenko stomping Taz. Taz reverses a full nelson. Back and forth Taz with a t-bone suplex. Taz with a corner whip, but Malenko gets his boots up on the charge and gets a victory roll for a two count. Malenko goes for another victory roll, but Taz turns it into a German suplex. Both men down. Taz gets a two count. Malenko with a spinning kick. Malenko goes up top and gets caught. Taz goes for a top rope suplex, but Malenko pushes Taz off and out to the floor. Back and forth on the floor. Jason goes to attack Taz, but takes off when Taz comes after him. Malenko gets Jason's towel and puts it on Taz's face and pins Taz. Styles wonders what was on the towel as the crowd chants bullshit. Taz is out in the center of the ring. Officials out to check on Taz. Then the medics come out and Styles says he can smell chloroform. Taz comes to and suplexes Pee Wee Moore.
-ECW Tag Team Championship Match. Brawl Game Match where a baseball bat can be brought in after a wrestler has been down for a 10 count. Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck vs. The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge: Public Enemy out first and carry baseball bats to the ring. The crowd is rowdy and ready for this one. The crowd boos Whipwreck and cheers Cactus Jack. They then antagonize the Public Enemy. Roc gets on the mic to antagonize the fans, who just get on Public Enemy some more. Roc and Whipwreck start, but it takes a while for the match to get going because of the fans taunting Roc. Public Enemy then leave the ring and walk to the back. They yell that they have a 10 count to come back. Public Enemy tell the referee that they want people thrown out of the crowd. The match finally starts. Roc takes over on Whipwreck. He runs Whipwreck into Grunge's boot and Grunge tagged in. Public Enemy do their version of the Demolition Decapitation to Whipwreck. Whipwreck gets a four count, but gets up only to be kicked in the leg by Grunge and Whipwreck is down again. Grunge taunting Whipwreck by bringing him close to Cactus Jack but not letting him tag. Grunge with a face buster and Cactus comes in and cleans house. Cactus grabs Whipwreck and throws him into both Public Enemy. Whipwreck gets an 8 count, but gets up. Cactus with a double clothesline to Public Enemy. He then throws Whipwreck onto Public Enemy. Public Enemy double clotheslines Whipwreck and Grunge clotheslines Cactus Jack out of the ring via the ropes and they both go out. Jack crotched on the guardrail. Double elbow on Whipwreck. Cactus Jack attacks Public Enemy with chairs as Whipwreck gets back to his feet on the 9 count. Cactus Jack double arm DDTs Roc on a chair. Roc up at the 9 count and Jack then DDTs both Public Enemy members. Public Enemy up at 9 and Grunge throws powder in Cactus Jack's eyes. Whipwreck attacks Public Enemy, who throw him towards the blinded Cactus Jack, who DDTs Whipwreck because he doesn't know who it is. Jack tries to get Whipwreck up, but he gets counted down. Public Enemy gets the bat. Roc hits Whipwreck in the midsection. Grunge and Jack go back to the locker room. Roc and Whipwreck go to the Eagle's Nest. Roc hits Whipwreck with the bat. Roc then puts a table on top of another table. He puts Whipwreck on the top table. He goes to jump on Whipwreck, but gets stopped by Sabu. They push each other, but 911 and Paul E come out. 911 grabs Sabu, but Sabu get away and pushes Roc off onto Whipwreck and the tables. Whipwreck grabs a chair and starts hitting Roc. Grunge has a bat and comes and starts hitting Whipwreck, but gets attacked by Cactus Jack. Jack suplexes Roc onto a table and then drops an elbow on Roc through the table. They fight back towards the ring. Grunge with a sunset flip to Whipwreck and they trade two counts. Grunge gets Whipwreck down. He clotheslines Whipwreck with the bat off the top rope to get the pin and The Public Enemy are the new ECW Tag Team Champions. Cactus Jack helps Whipwreck up and out of the ring.
-Tod Gordon comes out. He announces some of what's coming up on the next show. He gets interrupted by Cactus Jack, who says he's going to bring Kevin Sullivan back to get even with Public Enemy. Gordon then announces more matches.
-Chris Benoit vs. Sabu with Paul E and 911: Sabu dives for Benoit's legs as soon as he gets in. Back and forth. Benoit drops Sabu down on the top rope. Benoit with a modified flapjack and Sabu lands on his head. 911, the referee, and Paul E all check on Sabu. He appears to be hurt badly. 911 steps in and Benoit immediately gets out. Benoit staying away from 911. Medical personnel came to check on Sabu. Benoit gets on the mic and says he never signed to face 911, he signed to take on Sabu. Benoit attacks 911 from behind. Benoit gets choke slammed twice. Public Enemy attack 911 from behind with baseball bats. Paul E gets in the ring and gets attacked. Cactus Jack comes out and goes after Public Enemy. 911 choke slams Public Enemy. The locker room empties out. Everyone is attacking each other. They start to fight all over the building. Taz is attacking the Public Enemy with a bat. Public Enemy raises Benoit's hand. Benoit says what happened to the great Sabu? 2 Cold Scorpio comes out and challenges Benoit. Public Enemy attack Scorpio.
-Chris Benoit vs. 2 Cold Scorpio: Benoit keeps up the attack. He powerbombs Scorpio for a two count. Benoit with a snap suplex. Scorpio comes back with a thrust kick. Scorpio dropkicks Public Enemy. Benoit with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Benoit with a superplex for a two count. Benoit goes for a belly to back suplex from the top rope, but Scorpio shifts his weight and lands on Benoit for a count, but Johnny Grunge grabs the referee. Scorpio with another suplex for a two count. He gets another two count after a victory roll. Benoit hip tosses Scorpio and both men tumble to the outside. Benoit slams Scorpio into the timekeepers table and then slams Scorpio with pieces of the table. Both men are counted out and Styles signs off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show with a flat finish due to Sabu getting hurt.