Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 51 Notes

-Survivor Series
-The Undertaker
-Christmas Watching List: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
-Today, we take a slight turn and look at ECW Super Sumer Sizzler Spectacular from 1993.
-The Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular took place on June 19, 1993 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were 650 people in attendance.
-ECW had its origins in 1990 under the banner Tri-State Wrestling Alliance owned by Joel Goodhart. ECW would, in fact, continue to use the former Tri-State Heavyweight championship belt to represent its own Championship, although the ECW title was not considered a continuation of that title. In 1992, Goodhart sold his share of the company to his partner, Tod Gordon, who renamed the promotion Eastern Championship Wrestling. When Eastern Championship Wrestling was founded, it wasn't a member of the NWA. At the time, Eddie Gilbert, the lead booker of Eastern Championship Wrestling, had managed to secure television time on Sports Channel Philadelphia starting in April 1993. Gilbert, after a falling out with Tod Gordon, was replaced in September 1993 by then-28 year old Paul Heyman. Heyman, known on television as Paul E. Dangerously, had just been fired by WCW and was looking for a new challenge.
-We start out with a TV-MA label. Jay Sulli and Tod Gordon are in front of the ECW Arena with some fans to welcome us. This looks like it was shot with a VHS camera.
-Opening Credits
-ECW Television Title Match: Jimmy Snuka VS. JT Smith: Jay Sulli and Paul E. Dangerously are the announcers to start with. Smith with a shoulder block. Snuka with a hip toss. Smith gets a headlock and then a powerslam and Snuka rolls outside. Back in, Smith rolls Snuka up for a two count. A Smith crossbody gets another two count. Snuka takes over and clips Smith’s knee. He hits a jumping piledriver. He then goes up top and hits the superfly to win.
-Larry Winters VS. Tony Stetson First Blood Match: Stetson comes out hot. He hits several moves. He goes up top and hits a leg drop. He takes the top turnbuckle cover off but Winters blocks it twice. Winters then pushes Stetson into it and Winters hits a top rope double ax handle. Then Winters attacks Stetson’s eye with punches. Stetson up and hits a flying clothesline. He whips Winters into the turnbuckle. Stetson then goes up top, but gets caught and tossed off. Winters going after the eye again. Stetson rolls out but Winters won’t stop and posts Stetson on the ring post, then whips him into the exposed buckle. Stetson is down and the Rockin Rebel comes out and gets up on the apron and distracts Winters while Stetson wraps a chain around his hand and nails Winters with it to win. Stetson and Rebel then attack Winters. Winters then comes back after a missed double clothesline and clears the ring.
-A Word about Rockin Rebel.
-Cat Fight: Miss Peaches VS. Terrible Tigra: They roll around grabbing each other. It goes in and out of the ring. They both get their shirts torn off. Tigra bails at one point, but is cornered by another woman and forced back into the ring. Peaches tears half of Tigra’s remaining outfit off and Tigra runs to the back. The other woman comes in but before we get her name Rockin Rebel and Tony Stetson come in and tear the new woman’s top off. It gets blurred and The Sandman and Larry Winters run them off.
-ECW Television Title Match: Jimmy Snuka with Paul E. Dangerously VS.
Tommy Cairo: Second TV Title match of the night. Terry Funk joins commentary. Slow to start. Snuka complains that Cairo pulled his hair. Cairo bridges for a two count. Snuka rolls out of the ring. A sunset flip and reversal gets both men some two counts. Cairo hits a big suplex. Cairo then hits a back elbow in the corner. Cairo gets a two count. Paul E. trips Cairo when the referee isn’t looking and Snuka gets the win with his own feet on the ropes.
-Philly Street Fight: The Sandman VS. Rockin Rebel: Sandman comes in and attacks Rebel before introductions are made. He DDT’s Rebel and hangs him on the ropes. It goes outside. They fight on the floor. Back in, Sandman hits two corner whips. Rebel gets a foot up on a corner charge and bulldogs Sandman. Rebel takes a bite out of an apple and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Side slam by Rebel then it goes back outside. They trade chair shots. Sandman gets the chair and hits Rebel with it several times. Sandman comes off the top rope and both Rebel and the referee get hit. Tony Stetson comes in and attacks Sandman. Sandman DDT’s Stetson and throws him out. Then he does an atomic drop and a clothesline on Rebel. A mysterious woman comes to the ring. They don’t mention who it is but it is Tammy Sytch, the future Sunny. Sandman hits a dropkick from the top rope but the woman sprays him in the eyes and Rebel whips him with his belt and rolls Sandman up for the pin.
-Dick Murdoch VS. Dark Patriot #2: Originally supposed to be Murdoch VS. Dark Patriot #1, but before the match, Paul E. says Dark Patriot is in Japan, but that DP 2 is going to sub for him. Dark Patriot was Doug Gilbert. No one seems to know who DP2 is. Murdoch goes after Paul E., but gets jumped by Patriot 2. All Patriot 2 to start. Murdoch hasn’t had a chance to take his jacket off. He finally does and unloads with punches and a dropkick. He hits some elbows and knees on Patriot 2. Patriot 2 goes outside. He picks up an object and nails Murdoch with it. They trade blows. Patriot 2 knocked down. He throws Murdoch out. Back in, Murdoch counters a slam to get the pin.
-Six Man Tag Match: Wildman Sal Bellomo, Super D #1 and Stevie Wonderful VS. The Suicide Blondes Richard Michaels and Jonathan Hotbody and Hunter Q Robbins III: Joey Styles joins commentary. Super D and Richard Michaels start. Back and forth. Super D working the arm. Michaels reverses and works an arm bar. Bellomo tagged in and dominates. Super D tagged back in. Michaels gets Super D down and Hunter Q tagged in. Wonderful also tagged in. Hotbody tagged in after Hunter Q begs off. Michaels and Bellomo in. Bellomo with a headlock. Super D in and he hits a big powerslam on Michaels. He pulls him up instead of pinning him. Super D with a death drop on Michaels. Bellomo in, but gets caught in the heels corner. He gets pummeled while the referee is distracted. Hotbody tagged in. He wears Bellomo down and Hunter Q tagged in. They punish Bellomo some more. Hotbody back in and does a guillotine catapult to Bellomo on the bottom rope. Heels batter Bellomo, but he powers his way over and tags in Super D. Wonderful and Hunter Q battle outside of the ring. Super D does a big slam on Michaels and Bellomo splashes him for the pin.

  • Texas Chain Match: Terry Funk VS. Eddie Gilbert with Paul E. Dangerously: Tod Gordon joins Jay Sulli on commentary. Gilbert doesn’t want to get into the ring. He throws a chair in the ring. They finally get the chain on both men. Paul E. sucks chant goes out. Gilbert retreating from Funk. Funk goes outside and pulls Gilbert outside over the top rope. Funk goes after Gilbert on the outside. They go back in. Gilbert slams Funk and hits him with the chain. Funk rolls out. He comes back and slaps Gilbert. Gilbert punches him in the throat and hits three corners while Funk is down. Funk stops him and whips Gilbert with the chain. Gilbert rolls out. When he comes back in, Funk wraps the chain around Gilbert’s neck. He then pulls him over his back and drops him. He gets three corners before Gilbert stops it. He wraps the chain around Funk’s neck. They go outside. Funk knocked into the timekeepers table and is busted open. Gilbert then crotches Funk. Gilbert wraps Funk’s face with the chain. Gilbert gets three corners and Funk fights it. They slug it out. Gilbert knocked down and bleeding. It goes outside where Funk chokes Gilbert and it goes out into the crowd. Funk whipping Gilbert with the chain. Funk then drags Gilbert back to the ring. Funk takes the ring steps and slams it on Gilbert. Back and forth. Gilbert wraps his hand with the chain but accidently hits the referee. Funk then gets three corners but Gilbert stops it. Referee Kevin Christian then comes to the ring. Gilbert choking Funk and gets three corners and Funk is fighting to stop him from hitting the fourth as a Terry chant goes out. Funk knocks Gilbert out and gets all four corners but Paul E. distracts referee Kevin Christian who doesn’t see the fourth corner touched. Funk argues with him and Gilbert hits him with a chair. Gilbert then piledrives Funk on the chair before touching all four corners. Paul E. then proclaims Gilbert the King of Philadelphia. Christian and Gilbert hug proving they were in collusion all along. Tod Gordon comes to the ring and fires Christian. Paul E. then hits Gordon with the telephone. Gilbert runs away from Funk. Funk then raises the crown. Funk then gets on the mic and makes a speech, but you can’t make out what he is saying. The video then fades to black.