Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 209 Notes

-My Thanksgiving week.
-Today, we look at ECW Tag Wars '94 from ECW Home Video.
-Rated TV-MA.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to Tag Wars '94 and runs down some of what we are going to see.
-The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bruise Brothers Ron and Don Harris: They fight out in the crowd as soon as it starts. They take turns hitting each other with chairs. They fight in the bathroom. Roc pounded against the wall near the snack bar and then gets hit with a chair. They fight back to the ring. It goes back outside. It's hard to follow the action here. All Bruise Brothers so far as chairs are flying all over. Typical for ECW. Grunge gets hit with a running kick by one of the Bruise Brothers. They fight back towards the broadcast position and break the table Joey Styles is using. Roc thrown into some chairs. It goes back to the ring. Grunge throws powder into the eyes of one of the Bruise Brothers and hits the other with a 2x4 to get the pin.
-The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: Brawl Game Match. This is a different one than the one they had at Hardcore Heaven. Roc and Ian start. The crowd chants Jail Bird at Rock and Public Enemy go to leave, but get stopped by Tod Gordon. They come back to the ring. They lock up. The crowd continues to antagonize Roc. Roc with a shoulder block, but Ian doesn't move. Another shoulder block to the same effect. Ian ran into a turnbuckle. Grunge tagged in. He knocks Ian down. He gets a 5 count. Ian backdrops Grunge. Double clothesline. Roc tagged in. Axl also tagged in. Roc with a moonsault. Axl with a little flip, flop, and fly Dusty Rhodes style. Roc with a shot to Axl and Grunge tagged in. He hits Axl with a low blow. He gets an 8 count. Axl with a backdrop. Roc tagged in. He goes for Old School, but slips. It goes all over the building as all four brawl. Axl gets Grunge down for a 9 count. Ian with a top rope bulldog to Grunge. Grunge comes back with a clothesline. Roc tagged in. Axl tagged in. They hit the British Invasion. Roc counted down to 10 and the Bad Breed got the baseball bat. Axl hitting Public Enemy over and over with the bat. Axl loses the bat. Roc hits him with it. Rock hits Axl and they battle all over the crowd. Axl runs Roc into the concrete. Both teams fighting all over. It's hard to keep track of the action. Grunge hits Ian with a 2x4 and Ian is busted open. Grunge then runs Ian into a barricade. Ian with a low blow. Back and forth. Ian thrown into the crowd and then Grunge hits Ian with a crossbody. Ian throws Grunge back to ringside. Back in, the Bad Breed go for the British Invasion, but Grunge hits Axl with a bat as soon as he goes up top. He then hits Ian and Roc hits a victory roll to get the pin.
-The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten vs. The Pit Bulls: All four start to brawl as soon as the Pit Bulls get to the ring. Pit Bull #1 goes outside with Ian while Axl and Pit Bull #2 stay in the ring. Axl moves on a corner charge attempt and Pit Bull 2 spills to the outside. Axl with an Irish whip and a clothesline for a two count. Pit Bull 2 with a suplex for a two count. He throws Axl out of the ring and now all four brawling on the outside. Ian run into the guardrail by Pit Bull 1. Axl hits Pit Bull 2 with a chair. Pit Bull 2 then gets the chair and hits Axl. In the ring, Pit Bull 1 hits Ian with a flying shoulder tackle. Pit Bull 2 hits a sloppy looking double underhook suplex on Ian. Pit Bull 1 tagged back in and slingshots onto Ian. Pit Bull 2 tagged in and hits the Superbomb on Ian to get the pin. Axl comes in and attacks the Pit Bulls with their own chain. A we want blood chant goes out. Bad Breed attacking the Pit Bulls with both chains now. The Pit Bulls are cut open and pouring blood.
-The Pit Bulls with Jason vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: Dog Collar match. They get hooked up and start brawling. Pit Bulls choking Bad Breed with the chains to start. Pit Bull 2 and Axl go outside and Axl thrown into the barricade. He is then whipped into another barricade. Axl then run into a ring post and attacked with a chair. Axl and Pit Bull 2 get in the ring as Ian and Pit Bull 1 go to the floor. Ian hits Pit Bull 1 with a chair as the we want blood chant goes out. Ian was thrown into the crowd. Pit Bull 1 continues the attack. Back and forth. Pit Bull 2 hits Axl with the chain. Ian hits Pit Bull 1 with a chair. Pit Bull 1 hits Ian with a chair and they throw chairs at each other. Pit Bull 1 suplexes Ian onto the ringside table. Pit Bull 2 choking Axl with the chain. Pit Bull 2 then hits a leg drop on Axl for a two count. Axl attacks Pit Bull 2 with the chain, but gets attacked by a chair shot from Pit Bull 1. Pit Bull 2 then attacks Axl with the chain. Axl comes back with a suplex. Ian Irish whipped by Pit Bull 1, but comes back with a forearm to Pit Bull 1. Axl suplexes Pit Bull 2 from the ring to the floor. All four men out now. Pit Bull 1 and Ian battle out in the crowd. It goes all over. Pit Bull 2 with a snap suplex to Axl. All four fight back into the ring. Not for long as Pit Bull 2 and Axl go back outside. Pit Bull 1 misses a forearm from the second buckle on Ian. Ian goes up top, but Jason catches him with a kick. The Pit Bulls then hit a double superplex on Ian to get the pin.
-Taz and Sabu vs. Joe and Dean Malenko: They start brawling as soon as Taz and Sabu get to the ring. All Sabu and Taz to start as they just devastate Dean with moves. They then hit a flapjack on Joe. Sabu wrestling with a neck brace on due to the injury from Chris Benoit. The Malenko's come back. Sabu with a suicide dive onto Joe. Dean hits Taz with a dropkick to the back. Dean with a victory roll for a two count. Sabu sets up a table on the barricade and runs Joe into it. Sabu sets a table up in the ring and dives onto Joe, who moves and Sabu goes through the table. A Sabu chant goes out as Dean and Taz go back and forth in the ring. Taz with a gut wrench suplex. Both Malenkos now in the ring with Sabu and Taz. Sabu and Taz do the Doomsday Device on Dean. Taz hits the Taz plex on Dean to get the pin. Jason attacks Paul E after the match. The Pit Bulls come out as 911 grabs Jason. 911 gives the Pit Bulls choke slams. The Pit Bulls and Jason run and 911 chases them. The Malenkos and Taz and Sabu continue to fight. The Public Enemy hit the ring. Sabu moonsaults onto the Public Enemy while the Malenkos stretch Taz. Public Enemy stuff piledrive Sabu. Paul E comes in and attacks Public Enemy with the phone. Public Enemy bring a table into the ring. They put Paul E on the table and Roc moonsaults Paul E through the table. Malenkos continue to stretch Taz. Public Enemy bring another table in the ring and set it up. They put Sabu on the table. Roc cannonballs Sabu through the table. Taz breaks free and fights Public Enemy. He then checks on Sabu and Paul E. Officials come out to check on Paul E. They load him on a board. It then cuts to The Public Enemy and their match with Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan has turned on Jack and they set him on a table. He gets stopped by Taz, who comes out. Sabu also comes back out. Sullivan and Cactus brawl to the outside. Sabu puts Grunge on the table. He puts a chair on the turnbuckles and jumps off onto Grunge. Public Enemy grab their titles and leave as the crowd chants Sabu and they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. Nothing memorable, but worth a watch.