Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 272 Notes

-Today we look at Hardcore Heaven 1995 from ECW.
-Hardcore Heaven 1995 took place July 1, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,150 in attendance.
The Dudley Brothers Snot and Dudley with Big Dick Dudley vs. The Pit Bulls with Stevie Richards, Raven, and Beulah: Snot and Pit Bull 1 start. Pit Bull 1 beats Snot down in the corner. Pit Bull 1 with a clothesline. Pit Bull 2 tagged in. He hits a power slam. He follows it up with a dropkick. Pit Bull 1 tagged back in. He hits a reverse thrust kick. He continues the beat down. Dudley tagged in. He trades blows with Pit Bull 2. Snot tagged back in. Pit Bull 2 throws him out. Pit Bulls attack Snot with a chair. He gets thrown back in and Pit Bull 1 hits a slingshot shoulder block. Richards is seen outside kissing Francine, who is seated at ringside. Beaulah doesn’t like it and attacks Francine. Raven grabs Richards and Beulah by the hair and leaves. The Pit Bulls hit the Super Bomb on Snot and yell for Raven to come back. Dudley comes in and hits Pit Bull 2 from behind and puts Snot on top and the Dudley Brothers win.
-Joey Styles interviews the Pit Bulls. They are pissed at Richards and Raven. They say they have had enough and there is going to be a change.
-Chad Austin and The Broad Street Bully vs. Don E. Allen and Dino Sendoff: Austin and Allen start. Austin with a side headlock. He hits a backdrop. Back and forth. Bully tagged in. The crowd chants something untoward at the participants in the ring. 911 comes out with Paul E. He Choke Slams everyone. A Paul E chant goes out. Then they chant for more Choke Slams. 911 obliges. Bill Alphonso is shown looking on from the curtain.
-Big Malley vs. Hack Meyers: Meyers gets a big ovation when introduced. He goes after Malley. Malley challenges Meyers to slam him. The crowd gets on Malley. It takes a while for them to start. Meyers tries to slam Malley and Malley unloads on Meyers. Meyers comes back with shots to knock Malley down. Malley with a corner splash. He hits another one and then a third. The crowd cheers Malley again. Meyers falls to the ground. Malley with another splash. He power slams Meyers. Another splash by Malley. He misses an elbow drop and Meyers gets the quick pin. Malley hits another Splash on Meyers. Officials try to stop Malley, but he splashes Meyers again.
-2 Cold Scorpio vs. Taz with Paul E: Slow to start as a Taz chant goes out. They shove each other. Back and forth. Scorpio rolls out to regroup. They get a series of reversals. Scorpio with a rear chin lock. Taz with a wrist lock. Taz with a side headlock. Scorpio with a side suplex, but Taz hangs on to the headlock. Taz with a belly to belly suplex and Scorpio rolls out again. They each bridge out of an attempt to get the other down. Scorpio with a powerbomb. He follows it up with a double underhook suplex. He hits a throat thrust. He then hits a backflip splash, but doesn’t cover. He goes up top, but Taz gets his knees up on the splash. Scorpio with a slam to Taz. Taz comes back with a Taz plex. Scorpio with a kick to Taz’s head and a tombstone piledriver and the tumbleweed to Taz. Taz is up. He hits another Taz plex and pins Scorpio, but Scorpio has his foot on the ropes. Bill Alphonso comes out and says the match needs to be restarted. He says if any wrestler touches him, he will shut down ECW. Paul E says he’s not a wrestler, and he is going to kick Alphonso’s ass. Scorpio attacks Taz with a chair and then leg drops Taz with the chair. Alphonso then counts the pin of Scorpio over Taz.
-Joey Styles is in the ring. He talks about the ECW Hotline until he gets interrupted by Shane Douglas. He says he’s been negotiating with the WWF. The crowd chants Shane is Dead and we want Flair. Douglas says that if Joey Styles is a journalist, he needs to get his facts straight. He starts to talk about how he has sacrificed everything for ECW. The crowd just whoos the whole time. He talks about his history with Cactus Jack. He says Ric Flair isn’t coming anywhere near Philadelphia. He says he and Cactus Jack have been best friends for 12 years. The crowd chants something derogatory towards him. He says he and Cactus Jack remain best friends regardless of what the rest of ECW says about them. He then says that he is gone from ECW. He would be back though. Woman comes out and says Douglas wants to stay in ECW and be on top with her and Sandman. Douglas puts down Woman, who responds by hitting Douglas. She goes to do it again and he stops her, only to get hit from behind by the Sandman. Cactus Jack comes out and saves Douglas.
-ECW World Tag Team Championship Match. Raven and Stevie Richards with Beulah vs. Tommy Dreamer and Luna Vachon: Raven attacks Dreamer and Luna right away. Dreamer ran into the ring post. Richards suplexes Vachon. Raven attacks Dreamer with a chair. Dreamer DDTs Raven on the floor. Vachon with a testicular claw on Richards and an arm drag. She continues the attack. Dreamer with a fall away slam on Richards. Vachon follows it up with a swinging neck breaker. Dreamer goes and fights Raven on the outside. Vachon gets a two count on Richards. Dreamer attacks Raven with a newspaper box and a TV antenna. Vachon keeps getting one counts. She and Dreamer attack Richards with an ironing board. Raven and Richards come back and attack Vachon with a chair. Back and forth. It’s fast and furious mayhem. Raven slams the injured hand on a guardrail. Raven and Richards go after Vachon. Double suplex and DDT to Vachon. Richards gets a two count. Raven tied up in the ropes. Dreamer hits him with a chair. Vachon hits a float over superplex to cover Richards, but Beulah throws powder at Vachon and Richards gets the pin.
-Tod Gordon is in the ring and calls out Bill Alphonso. Alphonso comes out and Gordon berates him. He tells him he is going to referee the Taipei Death Match.
-Ian vs Axl Rotten: Broken glass is attached to the taped fists. Both brothers come out looking determined. The bell rings. They take swings at each other. Axl gets a jab in and Ian goes down. Alphonso checks on Ian’s eye. He says that since the vision is impaired, he is stopping the match. The crowd is livid. The Gangstas and the Public Enemy come out fighting in the aisle. Security and the police separate them. The crowd chants let them go. Gordon gets in the ring and says since Alphonso is gone, the match continues. Ian attacks Axl. He runs his arm over Axl’s head. Axl can barely stand. Ian continues the assault. Axl comes back and attacks Ian. An Axl chant goes out. Ian falls out of the ring. Axl wraps Ian’s hand around the barricade and attacks the arm. They fight back into the ring. Axl gets a two count. Axl grinds the glass into Ian’s forehead. Ian rakes the glass into Axl’s forehead. This is a gory match. Ian with a DDT. Ian pours a bag of thumbtacks into the ring. Axl backdrops Ian into the tacks and splashes Ian to get the pin.
-They cut to Tommy Dreamer and Luna Vachon attacking Raven and Stevie Richards in the ring. Raven punches Dreamer and hits Vachon with one of the tag belts. The Pit Bulls come out. Richards calls for the Superbomb on Vachon. The Pit Bulls don’t want to do it. Raven hits Pit Bull 2 with a chair and the Pit Bulls attack Raven and Richards. Raven gets suplexed and takes off. The Pit Bulls go to Superbomb Richards. The Dudleys come in and attack the Pit Bulls. Dreamer, Raven, Richards, and Vachon start to brawl again. They fight out into the crowd. Raven takes off. Dreamer grabs him and they start to fight towards the back. They all fight near the broadcast booth. The heels finally take off.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Cactus Jack: Sandman and Woman out first and do their entrance. Jack comes out with barbed wire wrapped around his wrist and arm. The belt is presented. The bell rings. Woman throws a drink in Jack’s eyes, allowing Sandman to hit Jack with the cane. He canes Jack repeatedly. Jack is thrown outside and Sandman hits a tope on Jack. He continues to cane Jack down to the floor. Jack gets back in. They trade blows and Jack gets a DDT on Sandman and then canes him. It goes back outside, where Jack continues to cane Sandman. Jack goes to hit Sandman with the barbed wire arm, but Sandman blocks it with a chair and hits Jack. Woman then hits Jack with her cane. Sandman scoop slams Jack and hits a slingshot leg drop on Jack. He then slams Jack on a chair and hits a flying leg drop. Woman gets a strand of barbed wire from the back. Sandman with a piledriver to Jack on the chair. Sandman wraps barbed wire around his body. He runs into Jack. Sandman with a scoop slam and a splash on Jack. Jack backdrops Sandman to the outside. Jack grabs a chair and holds it to drop onto Sandman from the apron. Jack attacks Sandman on the outside. He throws Sandman back in and pulls Sandmans shirt up over his head, puts a chair over Sandman, and hits a leg drop. He gets a two count. They trade blows. Jack with another two count. Jack choking Sandman with the barbed wire. Woman comes in and canes Jack, who responds by shoving Woman down to the crowd’s delight. Sandman attacks Jack, but the referee also gets down. Everybody is down. Shane Douglas comes in and attacks the referee. He then hits a piledriver to Sandman. He hits Jack with the cane. He tells Sandman to keep your best friends close and your enemies right by your side. Douglas puts Sandman on Jack and Sandman gets the pin. Tod Gordon tells the referee to reverse the decision. Douglas gets in his face and tells Gordon to get on his knees and ask Douglas to stay in ECW. Gordon tells him he is fired. Douglas hits Gordon. Douglas attacks Gordon. Wrestlers and officials try to come out and save Gordon. 911 comes out and choke slams Douglas.
-The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. The Gangstas New Jack and Mustapha: Grunge tells the crowd if they don’t like the sight of blood, guts, and broken bones, to leave. The crowd hates the Gangstas when they come out. The teams start to brawl on the outside. New Jack attacks Grunge with a crutch. Grunge attacks New Jack with a chair. Mustapha and Rock fight over near the broadcast position. Grunge attacks New Jack with an umbrella in the ring. Mustapha is driven through a table when Rock hits the Drive By. Mustapha suplexes Rock through a table. New Jack hits Grunge with a billy club. He guillotines Grunge on the top rope. The action is hot and heavy. They all hit each other with whatever items they can get. Grunge leg drops New Jack through a table. They all battle back to the ring. They hit each other with whatever they can get their hands on. They fight in and out of the ring. New Jack with a shoulder block to Rock from the apron to the floor. Rock breaks up a pin attempt on Grunge. Grunge beats the Gangstas with a croquet mallet. Rock Moonsaults New Jack through a table. Mustapha breaks up the pin. Gangstas with a double back elbow. Rock hits Mustapha with the mallet from the top rope to get the pin. The Gangstas attack the Public Enemy after the bell and they fight towards the back. Public Enemy gets away and celebrates with the crowd. They invite some fans into the ring with them. They then sign off from Philly.

-Final Thoughts: This was just another average show with the highlight being the temporary absence of Shane Douglas from ECW.