Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 105 Notes

-Hello again everyone, I am back and I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. I had a very memorable time.
-My wife and I left Bangor late Friday the 19th. We took an Uber to the airport. The airline offered to check our suitcases for free. We flew out of Bangor fine but our flight from Philadelphia to Raleigh was delayed.
-We ate at Geno’s.
-We flew into Raleigh. 6 planes arrived at once and it took us over an hour to get our luggage as my parents and my uncle circled the airport waiting for us.
-On Tuesday, I got to visit my friends TJ and Jill. If you look on my Social Media, you will see pictures of our meeting.
-We have partnered with the Marine Toys for Tots program this year to raise money to give those less fortunate Toys for Christmas.
-Today we look at Hell in a Cell 2011 from the WWE.
-Hell in a Cell 2011 took place on PPV on October 2, 2011 from the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, LA. There were 9,400 in attendance and the show did 182,000 buys.
-Dark Match: Daniel Bryan defeated JTG.
-The intro is as if the cell is speaking. It is very creepy, but well-done video. Live shot of the crowd as Michael Cole welcomes us to Hell in a Cell. He, Booker T, and Jim Ross are our announcers for the evening. They say Jerry Lawler is still recovering from injuries suffered at the hands of Mark Henry.
-Christian VS. Sheamus: They show highlights of what has happened between Christian and Sheamus the past few weeks. The Miz and R-Truth are shown coming through the crowd and show that they have tickets to the event so they can’t be thrown out. John Laurenitis is shown walking down the aisle. He comes over to Miz and R-Truth who say they bought tickets so they aren’t going anywhere. Laurenitis signals security to kick them out. Miz says they will have to kick everyone out. The crowd around them start to chant let them stay as they are escorted out. The Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Carlos Cabrerra and Marcelo Rodriguez are your Spanish announcers for the evening. Christian and Sheamus lock up. Drive to the corner. Break after a three count. Christian goes out to the apron for a moment before climbing back in. Christian with a go behind. Sheamus with a back elbow. Sheamus with a go behind takedown. They circle each other. Sheamus with a side headlock. Then a takeover. He gets a two count. Back to the side headlock. Christian makes it to his feet. Sheamus with another takeover. He gets another two count. Then a one count. Christian fighting to keep his shoulders up. Christian fights out of the hold and slaps Sheamus. Sheamus comes back with a forearm shot. Sheamus with an Irish whip. Christian blocks a hip toss. Sheamus blocks the reversal attempt. Sheamus with a big clothesline. He gets a two count on Christian. Christian tries to go outside. Sheamus catches him in the ropes. Christian with elbows to Sheamus’ head. Christian goes to the outside. Sheamus follows him to the outside. They both roll back to the inside. Christian with a big slap to Sheamus. Sheamus knocks Christian down. Sheamus goes for a scoop slam. Christian slips behind. Christian with a drop toe hold onto the second rope. Christian goes to the outside to hit Sheamus in the face. Sheamus blocks the shot and hits Christian. Sheamus drags Christian up on the apron and hits him on the chest with forearms. He hits him with 10 forearms and throws him back in the ring. That gets a two count for Sheamus. Sheamus with a corner whip, but Christian gets his boot up on the charge in. Christian jumps from the second rope, but Sheamus catches him. Sheamus hits a fallaway slam. Sheamus goes up top. Christian catches him and pushes him to the outside. Christian goes outside and stomps Sheamus. He slaps Sheamus and Sheamus tries to get away from Christian and Christian follows. Back in the ring, they trade shots. Chrisitan with several forearms and then he puts Sheamus throat first onto the top rope. Christian breaks on the four count. They trade right hands. Christian goes to the second rope and hits a back elbow to Sheamus. Christian jumps on Sheamus’ back and attempts to put a sleeper on Sheamus. Sheamus slams back to get Christian off. Sheamus with a scoop slam. Sheamus goes to drop an elbow, but Christian moves. Christian kicking Sheamus. Sheamus tries to fight back, but Christian easily dodges his shots. Sheamus finally hits Christian in the stomach. Christian hits a running knee to Sheamus’ stomach. Christian with a missile dropkick from the second rope. That gets a one count. Sheamus hits several forearms to Christian to knock him down. Sheamus hits a couple of clotheslines. Sheamus tries a corner charge, but Christian gets the boots up. Sheamus with a scoop slam. He gets a two count. Sheamus with a big kick and military presses Christian. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus with a back elbow. Christian with a reverse guillotine on Sheamus on the top rope. Christian with a back kick. Christian goes for a reverse crossbody. Sheamus catches Christian. Sheamus hits a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Sheamus goes for the powerbomb. Christian crawls through his legs. Christian then slaps Sheamus. Then a couple of more slaps to Christian. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. Sheamus climbs to the second rope and gets Christian in a front face lock. Christian with body shots to try to get out of the move. He hits Sheamus in the temple to knock him off the rope. Sheamus tries for a corner charge, but Christian hits a Pele kick to Sheamus’ head. Christian with a tornado DDT. He gets a one count. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus pushes off. Sheamus hits a corner clothesline. Sheamus with a running knee to Christian’s face. Christian with a series of kicks to knock Sheamus to his knees. Christian goes after Sheamus, who kicks Christian to his knees. Sheamus pulls himself by his arms up to the top rope and hits Christian with a shoulder tackle. The crowd loved that spot. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Christian drops down and throws Sheamus to the outside. Christian goes to dive on Sheamus through the ropes, but Sheamus gets a shoulder to the gut. Sheamus with a suplex attempt, but Christian with a couple of right hands to get out of it. Christian slips out of the ring and pulls Sheamus’ feet out from under him so Sheamus goes jaw first into the apron. Christian goes for a baseball slide, but Sheamus grabs his legs. He throws Christian to the outside. Sheamus goes to slingshot Christian into the corner post, but Christian kicks off. Christian hits a Spear on Sheamus. The referee starts counting Sheamus out. He rolls back in on the count of 8. Christian hits Sheamus with another Spear. He gets a close two count on Sheamus. Christian goes for a diving headbutt, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross. Christian counters and goes for the Kill Switch. Sheamus counters into a backdrop, but Christian lands on his feet. Christian goes for another Spear, but Sheamus ducks it and hits a Brogue Kick to get the pin.
-Matt Striker interviews Mark Henry. He starts to ask Henry a question. Henry tells him to shut up and starts to mock Striker asking him how he is going to do since he’s never been in Hell in a Cell. Henry says it’s a different time and he’s a different champion. He doesn’t care where he faces Randy Orton whether its Hell in a Cell or a back alley. Randy Orton is going to join the Hall of Pain.
-Sin Cara VS. Sin Cara Black: Battle to who will be the real Sin Cara. The bell rings and they lock up. Sin Cara Black with a waist lock and a takedown. Sin Cara Black with a Bow and Arrow like move. Sin Cara flips around to a pinning situation. Gets a one count. Sin Cara with a wrist lock. Sin Cara Black reverses it. Sin Cara reverses it into an arm drag. Several reversals. Sin Cara with a flip out. Sin Cara tries to get the crowd into it. Sin Cara Black with a test of strength. Sin Cara Black going for a pinning predicament, but Sin Cara bridges out to avoid it. Both try moves that the other avoids. Sin Cara Black with a kick to the gut and an Irish whip. He tries a tilt awhirl. Sin Cara lands on his feet. Sin Cara Black with a head scissors takedown. Sin Cara with a head scissors of his own. Sin Cara Black with a kick to the leg. Sin Cara Black with a forearm. Sin Cara Black with an Irish whip. Sin Cara comes back with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara with an arm drag move that throws Sin Cara Black with force to the outside. Sin Cara with a dive onto Sin Cara Black on the outside. Sin Cara with a baseball slide to Sin Cara Black when he tries to get back in the ring. Sin Cara with a moonsault off the ropes, but he misses and Sin Cara Black hits him with his boots as he comes down. Sin Cara Black with a dive onto Sin Cara from the ropes. He gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with a headlock. Sin Cara goes for a back elbow. Sin Cara Black with a dropkick to cut it off. Sin Cara Black runs Sin Cara into the top turnbuckle. Sin Cara Black with some chops to Sin Cara in the corner. Sin Cara Black hits Sin Cara off of the apron. Sin Cara Black with a dive onto Sin Cara on the outside. Sin Cara Black puts Sin Cara in the ring and covers him. He gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with shots and chops to Sin Cara up against the ropes. Sin Cara Black with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Sin Cara Black gets a two count. Sin Cara Black with a headlock again as he seems frustrated that he can’t get the pin. Sin Cara tries to get back to his feet, but Sin Cara Black knocks him back down with a forearm shot. He then kicks Sin Cara in the back. Sin Cara Black with a waist lock. Sin Cara with a back elbow to try to get out of it. Sin Cara Black pushes off and hits Sin Cara with a flying forearm. Both men down. Back and forth with kicks and chops. Sin Cara Black reverses an Irish whip. He misses a springboard elbow. He hits Sin Cara Black with a head scissors on a second attempt. Sin Cara Black rolls outside. Sin Cara with a crossbody to Sin Cara Black on the outside. He gets a two count. Sin Cara with a roll up for a two count. Superkick by Sin Cara. Sin Cara tries for a hurricanrana, but gets caught in a modified powerbomb by Sin Cara Black for a two count. Sin Cara Black goes up top, but gets caught and Sin Cara gets a top rope arm drag on Sin Cara Black. Sin Cara with a corner charge, Sin Cara Black with a backdrop. Sin Cara lands on the apron. Sin Cara hits an enziguri from the apron. Sin Cara goes up top, goes for a diving bomb on Sin Cara Black, who moves so Sin Cara rolls through. Sin Cara Black misses a clothesline. Sin Cara with a rolling sunset flip to get the pin. Sin Cara can now call himself the real Sin Cara.
-CM Punk is shown putting his wrist tape on. David Otunga comes in. He asks Punk if he can chat with him about something. Punk says no, doesn’t he have an ambulance to chase or something? Otunga says he loves a good lawyer joke. He says he’s not here in that capacity. Otunga says he does have a JD from Harvard and asks Punk where he went to school again? Then he says it doesn’t matter. He’s representing the rights of all WWE Superstars and frankly, that includes Punk. Punk says he doesn’t need some bourgeois lawyer from Harvard representing him. He has his own voice. Otunga says if Punk wins the WWE Championship tonight, he might change his mind. Punk says not if, how he wins the WWE Championship tonight and he won’t change his mind and besides he loves Otunga’s argyle sweater and bow tie, but he hates lawyers. He then tells Otunga to vanish.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero. After Air Boom comes out, Justin Roberts introduces Vickie Guerrero who comes out with her excuse me gimmick. She then introduces Ziggler and Swagger. Ziggler is the current US champion. Kingston and Swagger Start. They lock up and Swagger with a side headlock. Kingston gets to the ropes. Kingston with a go behind and a side headlock of his own. Swagger pushes off. Swagger knocks Kingston down. Swagger with a back and forth. Kingston with a leapfrog. Kingston with a face smash to Swagger. He gets a one count. Kingston with a European uppercut. Bourne tagged in. Kingston holds Swagger up against the ropes for Bourne to do a stomp on Swagger’s chest. He gets a one count. Swagger with a scoop slam. Ziggler tagged in. Bourne comes back with kicks to Ziggler’s leg to knock him down. He gets a one count. Kingston tagged in. Bourne corner whips Ziggler. Bourne with a back elbow. Kingston follows it up with a flying fist drop. He gets a two count. Bourne tagged back in. Double team head scissors on Ziggler. Bourne with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Ziggler gets the boot up on a Bourne corner charge. Swagger tagged in. He kicks Bourne in the stomach. Swagger runs his shoulder into Bourne several times. He hip tosses Bourne out of the corner. He gets a two count. Swagger slaps Bourne in the head. Swagger pushes Bourne to the apron and tags Ziggler back in. Ziggler stomps Bourne. Ziggler with a snap mare. Ziggler drops an elbow on Bourne. Gets a two count. Ziggler goes for a splash in the corner, but Bourne moves out of the way and Ziggler hits the top turnbuckle head first. Kingston tagged in. He ducks a Ziggler clothesline attempt but falls through the ropes to the outside when Swagger pulls the rope down. Ziggler goes outside to try to get Kingston back in the ring. He slams Kingston’s head down on the apron. He rolls Kingston back in. Gets a two count. Ziggler with a side headlock on the mat. Turns it into a crossface. Kingston fighting to get back to his feet. Ziggler slams Kingston back down by his hair. Ziggler stomps Kingston in the head. Ziggler with a standing dropkick to Kingston. He gets a two count. Ziggler choking Kingston on the bottom rope. Referee Mike Chioda stops him and admonishes him allowing Swagger to also choke Kingston on the ropes. Bourne comes in and gets cut off by Chioda allowing Ziggler to choke Kingston with his boot. Classic heel cheating tactics. Kingston with a shot to the gut of Ziggler. Back and forth. Ziggler pulls Kingston to the heels corner and tags Swagger in. Swagger with shots and stomps to Kingston. Kingston with a kick to Swagger’s head. Kingston with an elbow to Swagger’s gut trying to get out of the heels corner. Swagger with a front face lock and a forearm to Kingston’s back. Swagger pushes Kingston down and back so he can’t make the tag. Swagger then goes over and pushes Bourne off of the apron. Bourne comes in to complain causing Chioda to try to get him out allowing Ziggler to stomp Kingston on the opposite apron. Swagger with a side suplex for a two count. Ziggler tagged in. Ziggler with a snap mare. Ziggler drops an elbow on Kingston. Gets another two count. Swagger tagged back in. A let’s go Kofi chant goes out. Swagger gets the ankle lock on, but Kingston flips over to get out of it. Swagger lifts Kingston up to prevent him from getting the tag to Bourne, so Kingston hooks Swagger’s neck and DDTs him. Both Ziggler and Bourne tagged in. Bourne with a hurricanrana and a shin kick to Ziggler. He hits more kicks to Ziggler to knock him down. He goes after Swagger, who drops down to the floor to avoid getting hit. Bourne climbs the turnbuckle. He hits double knees to Ziggler. That gets a close two count. Ziggler goes for the famouser, but Bourne flips him away. Bourne with a standing moonsault. He gets a two count. Swagger comes in and applies the ankle lock. Chioda starts counting him. Kingston comes in with a crossbody to Swagger to break the hold. Ziggler hits a backstabber on Kingston. Bourne with an inside cradle, but Chioda was distracted. When he finally starts counting, he only gets a two count. Ziggler with a clothesline. Swagger tagged in. Swagger climbs and sits on the top turnbuckle and Ziggler hands him Bourne. Bourne counters it with a hurricanrana and pins Swagger while Kingston grabs Ziggler’s leg to prevent him from interfering. Guererro screaming at Swagger after the match that he can’t do anything right and she doesn’t want to hear about his neck.
-The Cell lowers for the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
-Flashback to the people Mark Henry has put in the Hall of Pain and Randy Orton going insane on opponents.
-Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Mark Henry VS. Randy Orton: Henry out first. A Randy chant goes out. He comes out to a great ovation. They talk about Orton’s experience in the Cell. They circle each other as the match starts and a Randy chant goes out again. Orton attacks and kicks Henry. Then a forearm to Henry. Then punches to Henry in the corner. He kicks Henry out of the ring. Orton follows him out. He goes to run Henry into the structure, but Henry blocks it. Henry picks Orton up on his shoulder to run him into the Cell, but Orton slips behind and pushes Henry into the Cell. He then does it again and then hits Henry with a clothesline. He then stomps Henry in the head and goes back inside the ring. Back in the ring, Orton stomping Henry. He drops a knee on Henry. Orton goes for an apron DDT, but Henry headbutts him to stop it. Henry runs Orton into a turnbuckle. Orton rolls out. Henry grabs him through the ropes and runs his shoulder into the corner post. Orton gets on the apron and starts to stomp Henry at ringside. He jumps on Henry who catches him. He runs Orton into the Cell and the corner post. Orton tries to fight back. Henry picks him up and slams him down on the mat. He gets a two count. Henry headbutts Orton, who falls out of the ring. Back and forth at ringside. Henry picks Orton up and slams him down at ringside. Henry tears apart the ring steps as Booker T says Henry could just roll in the ring and take the count out win and Cole reminds him that it’s Hell in a Cell and there are no count outs. Booker T says my bad, you ain’t got to get hot. Orton up against the Cell. Henry throws the steps at Orton, but he moves. Orton with kicks and punches to Henry. Henry picks Orton up and runs him into the Cell. Henry screams at Orton, “Welcome to my Hell, you understand me?” Henry pushing Orton into the cell. Back in the ring, Orton with kicks to Henry. Henry reverses a corner whip and hits a big corner clothesline on Orton. Henry with a big splash. He gets a two count. Henry with a series of forearms to Orton’s back. Henry with a backbreaker. Then another backbreaker. Gets another two count. Henry with a bear hug. He’s wearing Orton down. A Randy chant goes out. Orton with a series of headbutts trying to get out of the move. Henry picks Orton up and drives him into the corner turnbuckle. He then steps on Orton. Henry with a corner whip and Orton collapses when he hits the corner turnbuckle. Henry goes back to the bear hug. He also headbutts Orton, who is slowly fading. Orton fighting back with punches to try to get out of the hold. He breaks the hold, but Henry then headbutts him. Henry throws him back outside the ring. Henry picks Orton up to slam him on the ring steps, but Orton grabs the Cell and starts to climb it to get away. Orton comes back down and DDTs Henry on the ring steps. Orton then runs Henry into the corner post. He then runs him into another corner post. He rolls Henry into the ring. Orton ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a modified Thesz press on Henry. He punches Henry repeatedly in the head until Henry just pushes him off. The Randy chant goes out again. Orton with a standing dropkick. Orton hits the apron DDT on Henry. Orton goes into his viper routine. He hits the RKO on Henry. He only gets a two count. Orton goes for the punt, but Henry gets him up and hits the World’s Strongest Slam. He then pins Orton. The Cell then raises up. Henry gets his belt and starts to leave, then stops and goes under the ring. He pulls out a chair. Henry does another World’s Strongest Slam on Orton. He then puts the chair on Orton’s ankle. He goes to splash down on the ankle, but Orton moves. Orton hits Henry a couple of times with the chair. Henry goes back up the aisle, but Orton follows and hits him again with the chair. He hits him several more times until Henry is prone on the ground. He goes to hit him again, but Henry kicks Orton. Henry then runs to the back.
-Josh Matthews interviews Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio says what is happening is not fair. He can beat John Cena and besides he shouldn’t be in this brutal, barbaric match. He’s not an animal, he’s not a criminal. When an animal is trapped, he becomes more deadly, more vicious, and that’s what he’s going to do tonight. So, he is warning John Cena and CM Punk. Tonight, you will see a side of Alberto Del Rio you didn’t know existed. Tonight, he is coming back from Hell with the WWE Title.
-Cody Rhodes comes to the ring dressed in a suit with his bag men following him and he is holding the Intercontinental Championship. He says that he knows there are millions of you at home watching with bags over your head trying to hide your hideous features and there are many here tonight in New Orleans. He says we haven’t even hit Halloween yet and he wouldn’t let most of those at the arena on his street. If they refuse a paper bag, they should be figuratively euthanized. Just as the current Intercontinental Championship should be put to rest. He then puts the IC belt in a paper bag. He then gets a velvet bag from the other bag man and takes out the classic IC belt design. He says this is the very same title that was held by the greats like Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, Bret the Hitman Hart, the late Macho Man Randy Savage, even Stone-Cold Steve Austin, and in honor of those men, he will wear this classic Intercontinental Title belt. And he will wear it with more pride and dignity than any of them. The crowd boos. He then has one of the bag men strap the title around his waist. He says unlike those gentlemen, he will defend it feverishly. He will defend it against any man, any time, any place. The name Cody Rhodes will be synonymous. He then gets cut off by John Laurinaitis. He says sorry for the interruption. He then introduces himself to the crowd to a big chorus of boos. He says that HHH told him to come out and tell Cody that he will be defending the Intercontinental title tonight. Rhodes says no, he’s not ready, but Laurinaitis cuts him off again. He says he’s sorry, but Cody is going to defend his title tonight, right now. Against this man. John Morrison’s music hits. Rhodes reluctantly hands the IC title to the referee. He does not want to wrestle though. Rhodes takes off his jacket, but he is pleading with the referee not to start the match. The bell rings and Rhodes immediately goes to the ropes to avoid locking up with Morrison. The referee pulls Morrison away and Rhodes goes for a clothesline that Morrison ducks and he rolls Rhodes up for a one count. Morrison with a single leg takedown. He gets another one count. Morrison with a headlock takeover. Morrison cranking down on the headlock. Rhodes fights back to his feet. Rhodes pushes off and drops down. Morrison ducks a clothesline attempt and holds on to the ropes when Rhodes goes for a dropkick. Morrison with a rollup. Morrison with another headlock takeover. Gets another one count. Rhodes fights back to his feet. Rhodes pushes off. Morrison comes back with a shoulder block. Rhodes rolls to the outside. Rhodes takes his shirt off and Morrison hits him with a baseball slide. Morrison throws Rhodes’ shirt out into the crowd. Morrison hits a European uppercut to Rhodes. Morrison rolls Rhodes back into the ring. Rhodes rolls out and starts to walk back up the aisle. Morrison hits him from behind. Morrison goes to throw Rhodes back into the ring, but Rhodes blocks it with his foot. Rhodes hits Morrison with a back elbow. Rhodes grabs the ring post. He kicks Morrison away so Morrison kicks Rhodes into the ring post. Morrison throws Rhodes into the ring. Rhodes pushes Morrison down as soon as he gets in the ring. Rhodes with a front face slam. Rhodes then stomps on Morrison’s face. Rhodes with a knee to the stomach. Rhodes with a snap mare. Rhodes with a side headlock. Morrison makes it back to his feet and hits Rhodes in the stomach trying to get out of the hold. Rhodes gets him back down with the side headlock. He has him in a kind of reverse crossface. Morrison tries to get back to his feet. Rhodes with a forearm shot. Morrison ends up head first on the top rope and Rhodes kicks him. Morrison counters a slam attempt into a sunset flip. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a big clothesline. He slaps Morrison several times. Rhodes puts the figure four on Morrison. Morrison gets to the ropes. Rhodes with a series of right hands to Morrison. Rhodes drops an elbow on Morrison. Rhodes with a side headlock and a right hand to Morrison’s head. Morrison drives Rhodes into the corner and delivers a series of elbows to Rhodes’ head. Morrison with a clothesline. Then another one as Morrison has started to rally. An enziguri to Rhodes. Morrison hits a standing shooting star press. Gets a close two count. Morrison goes for Starship Pain, but Rhodes grabs his leg. Morrison stomps Rhodes in the midsection. Morrison misses a running knee. Rhodes misses a clothesline. Rhodes rolls out of an atomic drop attempt. Rhodes grabs Morrison by the hair and Morrison hits Rhodes with a backwards Pele’ kick. Rhodes ducks down to avoid a Morrison enziguri off the ropes. Rhodes rolls through and rolls Morrison up to get the pin. Rhodes grabs his belt and walks back up the aisle. Morrison looking dejected.
-HHH is shown on the phone saying I’ve about had it with him when John Laurinaitis comes rushing in saying Hunter, we have a problem. HHH tells him to shut up. He then says to Laurinaitis what did I tell you about making matches? Don’t make the matches. I make the matches. Laurinaitis says Miz and R-Truth are beating up talent, he tried to stop them. HHH says where? They take off down a hallway. You see Superstars scattered all over a locker room and security trying to control Miz and R-Truth. HHH says get them out of here. Other wrestlers come in to check on the fallen wrestlers. HHH says to Laurinaitis, I told you to get police, real cops. Not security guards. I’m telling you if this happens again, it’s your ass. HHH then leaves. It’s Air Boom on the ground.
-WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly-Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Beth Phoenix with Natalya: Bell rings and Kelly comes over and hits Phoenix who was talking to Natalya by the ropes. Kelly with a series of forearms. Kelly with a modified Thesz Press and punches to Phoenix. Phoenix gets her off and Kelly hits another Thesz Press and punches. Phoenix pushes Kelly into the corner, but Kelly gets her Boots up on the charge in. Kelly goes up top and hits a crossbody on Phoenix. Gets a two count. Kelly ducks a clothesline attempt. Kelly goes for a head scissors that Phoenix turns into a backbreaker. Phoenix drops an elbow on Kelly. Then another one. Gets a two count. Phoenix picks Kelly up and rams her back into a corner turnbuckle. Kelley in the tree of woe. Phoenix with a running baseball slide into Kelly. Phoenix puts her boot to Kelly’s neck for a two count. Phoenix with a snap mare. Phoenix with a reverse front face lock. Kelly makes it back to her feet and hits Phoenix with some forearms trying to get out of the move. Phoenix slams her down. Phoenix driving her elbows into the small of Kelly’s back. Kelly rolls over. Kelly rolls her back over and spanks her. Kelly with some forearm shots. Phoenix with a backbreaker. She holds Kelly in the move and the referee is asking her if she wants to quit. Kelly fighting the move. Eve trying to get the crowd into it. Kelly with some knees to Phoenix to get out of it. Kelly with an inside cradle for a two count. Phoenix with a knee to the stomach of Kelly. Phoenix with a slingshot suplex. Phoenix gets a two count. Phoenix goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly turns it into a hurricanrana for a two count. Phoenix with a clothesline. Phoenix with some punches and a hook of the leg for a two count. Phoenix clearly frustrated. She kicks Kelly in the stomach. She chokes Kelly on the second rope for a four count. She goes for the leapfrog body guillotine, but Kelly moves. Kelly with a neck breaker to Phoenix. Kelly with kicks and forearms to Phoenix. Kelly tries for a modified sunset flip, but Phoenix comes straight down on her to get a two count. Kelly reverses for a two count. Kelly goes for a bulldog, but Phoenix breaks free and grabs Kelly by the arms from behind. Kelly runs up the turnbuckle and flips behind Phoenix to get out of the move. Kelly goes for a backslide, but Phoenix overpowers her and runs her into the turnbuckle. Phoenix with a series of back elbows to Kelly. Kelly sidesteps a Phoenix charge in and slams Phoenix’s Head into the turnbuckle. Kelly hits the Kelly Killer in the corner. Kelly climbs up on the ropes to protest to the referee, but Eve drags her off. Natalya runs Eve into the barricade hard. Kelly goes for the K2, but Phoenix slams her down on the top rope in a guillotine. Phoenix with a brutal leg submission. Natalya gets on a mic and tells Kelly to scream and be loud about it. She asks her if she is going to cry. Kelly makes it to the ropes. The referee pulls Phoenix off of Kelly and Natalya hits Kelly with the mic. Phoenix hits the Glam Slam and gets the pin. New Diva’s champion. Phoenix is crying and celebrating with Natalya.
-The Cell is being lowered again.
-Flashback to everything that has happened with the WWE Championship the last few months.
-Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. John Cena VS. CM Punk VS. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez: Rodriguez is introduced. Del Rio rolls out in a silver Mercedes. Del Rio comes to the ring looking determined and taking his time. Punk gets a great ovation coming out. Cena with a fantastic reaction when he comes out. He says it’s now time for Hell in a Cell. He runs down to the ring but stops when he gets to the Cell. He puts his hat on the head of a young fan. He gets in the ring and raises the championship up high. Another referee locks the cell as a CM Punk chant goes out. The bell rings and Punk goes after Del Rio who slides out of the ring. Del Rio trying to avoid Cena and Punk. Cena comes out of the ring, so Del Rio rolls in. Punk and Cena jump Del Rio. Cena gets Del Rio in a front face lock and unloads on him. Punk pulls Cena off and then attacks Del Rio himself. Cena then pulls Punk off and stomps down Del Rio. Punk then pulls Cena off and drops a series of knees on Del Rio. Cena throws Punk off and stomps down Del Rio. Punk rolls Cena up from behind for a two count. Punk ducks a Cena clothesline. Cena ducks a Punk roundhouse kick. Cena goes for the AA, but Punk kicks out. Punk goes for the GTS, but Cena slips out of the move. Cena with a drop toe hold. Cena starts to go for the STF, but Punk kicks off. Cena lands on the outside of the ring. Del Rio tries to come behind and hit Punk with a running knee, but he misses and Del Rio almost lands on Cena. Cena picks Del Rio up on his shoulders. Punk then dives between the ropes onto the both of them. Punk Rolls Del Rio back into the ring. Punk with a series of kicks to Del Rio. Punk with a neck breaker. He gets a two count. Let's go Cena/CM Punk dueling chants go out. Punk with a corner whip. Punk goes under the ring and grabs a chair. He slides it into the ring and Cena comes over and attacks Punk. He throws Punk towards the ring steps. Punk jumps on the ring steps and does the Bring It gesture to Cena only to get blindsided by Del Rio on the left and thrown into the Cell. Cena and Del Rio both go after the chair in the ring. Cena pushes it out of the ring. Cena with a kick and a series of forearms to Del Rio. Del Rio reverses a corner whip, but Cena gets his legs up on the corner charge. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Cena. He gets a two count. Del Rio with punches to Cena’s head. Del Rio then kicks Cena when he is down. Del Rio goes for something under the ring and pulls out a chair. He puts it in the ring and then goes to stomp Cena. Del Rio wedges the chair into one of the turnbuckles. Cena coming back with big right hands and body shots to Del Rio. He knocks Del Rio down. Cena with a shoulder block. Cena blocks a clothesline attempt. Cena with a slam on Del Rio. U Can’t See Me. 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Del Rio slips out and kicks Cena as Punk slips back into the ring. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena until Punk kicks Del Rio’s Head. Punk goes to put a Rude Awakening style neck breaker on Cena when Del Rio comes up and Punk puts him in a front face lock and hits the DDT at the same time as the neck breaker. He gets a two count on Cena and on Del Rio. Punk throws Del Rio out of the ring. Punk with a leg drop on Cena. Punk then pulls out a table from under the ring. Punk sets up the table at ringside. Punk with a running knee to Cena on the apron. Cena then pushes Punk straight into the Cell. Punk is bleeding. Cena gets back into the ring and gets hit with a chair by Del Rio. Del Rio with kicks to Cena’s head and back. Del Rio sets the chair up in the ring. Del Rio with a back suplex to Cena onto the chair that just buckles under his weight. Gets a close two count. Del Rio starts kicking Cena’s back. He starts pushing Cena’s neck into the bottom ring rope and holding it there with his knee. Del Rio then mocks Cena with U Can’t See Me. Del Rio put Cena up on the top turnbuckle and hitting Cena’s back until he is upside down in the Tree of Woe. He kicks Cena’s stomach a few times. Then he puts his boot to Cena’s throat and pushes. The let’s go Cena/CM Punk chants start again. Del Rio with a big corner charge. Cena lifts up and Del Rio goes shoulder first into the corner post. Del Rio collapses to the mat. Cena climbs up to the top rope, but before he can jump off, Punk grabs the top rope and knocks Cena to the outside to the floor. Punk with a side suplex for a two count. Punk with another suplex for another two count. Punk stomps Del Rio on the back. Del Rio hits a clothesline on Punk. He gets a one count. Del Rio with a headlock. Punk starts to get to his feet when Cena hits a leg drop on both men that was kind of ruined when they showed a wide shot of the Cell and you saw him climb to the top rope. Thanks a lot, Kevin Dunn! Cena gets a two count on Del Rio. He gets a two count on Punk. He goes for the AA on Del Rio, who slips behind Cena and hits a backbreaker. Punk with a running kick to Del Rio. Del Rio rolls out of the ring and Cena hits Punk with a clothesline. Rodriguez has his towel and is trying to fan Del Rio through the Cell. Punk and Cena go back and forth. Punk goes for the GTS. Del Rio comes in and hits Punk with a chair. He then hits Cena. Del Rio gets Cena down. He puts the chair on top of Cena and Punk on top of the chair. He then goes up top and does a back splash on Punk and Cena. Del Rio gets a two count on Punk. He gets a two count on Cena. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker on Punk, who slides out of it. Del Rio goes to corner charge Punk, who backdrops Del Rio out of the ring and he hits the ring steps. Cena hits the AA on Punk. Del Rio breaks up the pin attempt. Del Rio with a running enziguri to Cena. He gets a two count. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena. Cena blocking the move being fully applied. Punk with a flip over the ropes onto Cena and Del Rio to break up the hold. Punk with a baseball slide to Del Rio to knock him out of the ring. Punk hits the GTS on Cena. Punk gets a two count on Cena when Del Rio pulls Punk out of the ring. Del Rio runs Punk into the Cell. Del Rio then runs Punk into the ring steps. He then throws a chair at Punk. He goes back in the ring and Cena gets an inside cradle on him for a two count. Del Rio hits a clothesline on Cena. Del Rio with a baseball slide to knock Cena out of the ring. He runs Cena into the ring steps. He then runs Cena headfirst into the Cell. He then hits Cena with a chair. He tries to bring Punk into the ring until Punk guillotines Del Rio on the top rope. Punk with a clothesline to Del Rio. Then another clothesline to Del Rio. Punk with a scoop slam to Del Rio. Punk climbs to the top rope. He hits a Randy Savage style flying elbow drop. He gets a close two count. Cena comes in and ducks a Punk clothesline attempt and hits a shoulder block on Punk. Then another shoulder block. He then slams Punk down. U Can’t See Me to Punk, who kicks Cena in the head. Punk scoop slams Cena. Punk climbs to the top, but Del Rio pushes him off and he crashes through the table he set up earlier. Cena gets a drop toe hold on Del Rio and then applies the STF. Rodriguez knocks out the referee at the door and opens the Cell. He has a steel pipe on his hands and climbs on the apron. Cena knocks him off. Cena picks Rodriguez up and AA’s him out of the Cell. He turns around and Del Rio hits him in the stomach with the pipe. Cena is outside of the Cell and Del Rio locks it again. He then throws the key under the ring. Cena locked out of the Cell. Del Rio goes over and kicks Punk who is still on the broken table. Del Rio picks Punk up and puts him back in the ring. Del Rio hits a German suplex for a two count. He tries it again, but Punk reverses it into a roll up for a two count. Del Rio goes for a corner charge, but Punk gets his boot up. Punk goes to the second rope. Del Rio jumps up and hits an enziguri on Punk. That was an impressive move. He gets a two count. Cena slowly recovering, but he doesn’t realize that there is no way in. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Punk pushes off. Del Rio pushed head first into the top turnbuckle. Punk with a series of kicks to Del Rio. Punk with an Irish whip and a leg lariat. Cena trying to get back in the Cell. Punk with a running knee to Del Rio in the corner. Punk with a bulldog. Cena checking Rodriguez’ pockets for the key. Punk with a forearm from the top rope for a two count. Cena trying to force open the Cell door. Del Rio rolls out of the ring and grabs the steel pipe from earlier. Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe. Del Rio and Cena staring at each other through the Cell. Del Rio taunting Cena through the Cell. Del Rio goes to hit Punk with the pipe, but Punk ducks and goes for the GTS. He gets Del Rio up, but Del Rio hits Punk with the pipe. He then hits Punk with the pipe again. Del Rio then pins Punk to win and become the new WWE Champion. The Cell starts to raise and Cena slides under and attacks Del Rio. Two men with hoodies on hit the ring and assault Cena. You see that it is Miz and R-Truth. They then beat down the referees that come into the ring. HHH, John Laurinaitis, and more referees come to the ring. The Cell has been lowered back to the ground. HHH sends Laurinaitis back to raise the Cell. The operator says it’s not him that’s doing it. There’s no way to get the Cell open. The locker room empties and wrestlers are pushing the Cell trying to open it. Miz and R-Truth assaulting everyone in the Cell. R-Truth is attacking the cameramen inside the Cell. Police are down at the door now. They finally bring down some bolt cutters. And cut the chain. The cops get in the Cell and R-Truth and Miz get on their knees with their hands behind their heads and surrender. The crowd is booing. They are handcuffed and led out of the ring. Security separates the wrestlers in the aisle and hold them back as Miz and R-Truth are led out of the cell. HHH breaks free and jumps both Miz and R-Truth while they are handcuffed. Laurinaitis pulls HHH off, so HHH knocks Laurinaitis down so he can continue to beat Miz and R-Truth. More officials grab HHH and pull him off. He is fighting them so he can go attack Miz and R-Truth again. Everybody being held back as R-Truth and Miz are taken out. It is chaos as they go off the air.
-Final Thoughts: A really fun show that continues a lot of the current storylines in unique ways.