Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 242 Notes

-Today we look at Hostile City Showdown 95 from ECW.
-Hostile City Showdown took place April 15, 1995 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,150 in attendance.
-TV-MA Intro.
-Stevie Richards with Raven vs. Mikey Whipwreck: Richards goes to attack Whipwreck right away, but Whipwreck beats him down. Raven interferes to get Whipwreck down. Whipwreck rolls out and heads toward the back. He comes back with Hack Meyers. Whipwreck attacks Richards and hits a flying clothesline for a two count. Whipwreck with a shoulder block and a monkey flip. Whipwreck is a house of fire. Whipwreck with a wrist lock. Richards comes back. Richards misses a dropkick when Whipwreck holds on to the ropes. Whipwreck goes back to a wrist lock. Whipwreck with a scoop slam for a two count. Whipwreck with an arm bar. Richards rolls out and hits a powerbomb. Richards misses a corner clothesline. Raven trips Whipwreck. Meyers then trips Richards. Richards slams Whipwreck face first on the mat. Richards stomping Whipwreck. Whipwreck with a Frankensteiner to get the pin. Raven and Meyers come in, and Meyers attacks Raven. The Pit Bulls then come in and attack Whipwreck and Meyers. The Public Enemy then came in to attack the Pit Bulls.
-Tony Stetson vs. Tsubo Genjin: JIP Stetson attacking Genjin. Genjin comes back with chops. He gets the pin after a leg drop, and the crowd is pissed.
-Axl Rotten is then shown in the ring with a mic. He says he and Ian have kicked each other's asses over the past few months. He says he has a lot of little trinkets in his garbage can he brought. He says we are going to do a Bad Breed Death Match where everything is legal. Ian comes out and attacks Axl as the match starts.
-Axl vs. Ian Rotten: Ian attacks Axl with a strap, a bat, and a barbed wire bat. He misses, and Axl attacks Ian with the barbed wire bat. He drops the bat, and I can't with these two. Axl runs Ian into the barricade. He attacks with the bat again. Ian gets the bat and attacks Axl with it. He wraps the barbed wire around Axl's head. He wraps the wire around Axl and runs him into a turnbuckle. Back and forth. It goes outside. Ian back dropped into the crowd by Axl. Axl attacks Ian with a screwdriver and a broken hockey stick. Axl then attacks Ian with the bat again. Ian grabs a crutch and hits Axl. Ian gets the garbage can, puts it on Axl's head, and hits it with a bat. Axl comes back with a back kick and attacks Ian with a strap. Axl hits Ian with the bat. Axl chokes Ian with the barbed wire. Ian misses a fist drop and grabs some barbed wire. He drops it and hits Axl with a chair instead. He then wraps the wire around Axl's head, hits him with the chair, and gets the pin.
-Raven, Stevie, and Beulah come out to be interviewed by Joey Styles. Richards recaps what has happened between Raven and Tommy Dreamer.
-Raven with Stevie Richards and Beulah McGillicutty vs. Tommy Dreamer: Raven attacks Dreamer as soon as Dreamer gets to ringside. He runs Dreamer into the ring post and they fight to the back. They fight all over the building. Dreamer backdrops Raven on the floor. He slams Raven on a table and hits Raven with a chair. He follows it up with a suplex on the stage. They fight out into the crowd again. Dreamer grabs a kitchen sink and hits Raven. They fight back towards the ring. They trade blows. Raven throws Dreamer back in the ring. Dreamer with a sleeper, and they both fall out to the floor. Dreamer hits Raven with things fans hand him, including a dozen eggs. They fight back into the ring. Raven with a DDT. He then hits two more DDTs. Dreamer kicks out on two. Raven takes Dreamer outside, and Dreamer reverses and DDTs Raven. Dreamer rolls Raven back in, but Richards breaks up the pin and attacks Dreamer. Dreamer DDTs Richards and then referee John Finegan. Beulah comes in and Dreamer hits her with a piledriver to the delight of the crowd. Dreamer goes out in the crowd and celebrates.
-ECW TV Title Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko: They lock up and drive to a corner. Guerrero with a takedown. Guerrero with a leg lock. Malenko counters. Malenko with a wrist lock. Back and forth. Guerrero with an arm bar. Guerrero rakes Malenko's face, and Malenko rolls out to regroup. They trade holds and counters. Fast paced match. Malenko with a clothesline. They trade headscissors. This is a great wrestling match. Malenko with a leg lock. Guerrero comes back with an arm lock. Malenko gets to the ropes. Test of strength. Guerrero with the advantage. Malenko comes back. Guerrero with a sidewalk slam and a splash. Malenko gets his foot on the ropes. Guerrero with a chin lock. Malenko breaks the hold and hits a series of elbows. Malenko now on offense. He gets an arm bar on Guerrero. Malenko with an Irish whip and a dropkick to the knee of Guerrero. Malenko with a sort of inverted surfboard on Guerrero. Malenko then kicks Guerrero's knee. Guerrero gets to the ropes. Malenko runs the knee into the ring post. It goes outside. Back in, Malenko goes to work on the leg again. Malenko with a leg lock. Guerrero gets to the ropes again. Guerrero kicks Malenko away. Guerrero clinging to the ropes. Malenko goes back to the leg lock when he gets Guerrero in the center of the ring. Malenko with an STF. Guerrero won't give up. Malenko breaks the hold. Guerrero with a roll up for a two count. Guerrero collapses from a cradle suplex attempt. Guerrero with a powerbomb for a two count. Guerrero goes for a DDT from the second rope, but Malenko holds on to the ropes. Guerrero then hits the DDT and gets a series of two counts. Guerrero with a top rope Frankensteiner and gets a two count. Guerrero with a Boston Crab into an STF. Malenko out and hooks Guerrero with his legs against the ropes and they both spill to the outside. Malenko suplexes Guerrero to the floor from the apron. Guerrero goes up top and hits a splash to Malenko on the outside. Back in, Malenko hits a brain buster. Guerrero comes back with a brain buster of his own. Guerrero hits the frog splash for a two count. Guerrero tries and gets another two count. Back and forth. Malenko with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Malenko with a sidewalk slam, but Guerrero gets to the ropes. Malenko with a powerbomb. Guerrero with a quick inside cradle for a two count. Guerrero with another Frankensteiner for a two count. Guerrero with a pump handle backbreaker for a two count. He gets another two count. They trade a series of two counts. Guerrero gets a sunset flip for another two count. The bell rings and the match is a draw.
-ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Shane Douglas with Woman vs. The Sandman: Sandman out first to a great ovation. Douglas and Woman come out looking very confident. Woman holds the ECW title and caresses it while Sandman stares at her. Douglas and Woman antagonize the crowd. Sandman attacks Douglas before the bell. Douglas avoids the cane and hits a dropkick to Sandman. Douglas with a knee lift to Sandman. He hits a suplex. It spills outside, and Douglas whipped into the guard rail. Sandman throws Douglas back in. Douglas hits a DDT. Douglas dumps Sandman on the top rope. They trade shots. Douglas with a scoop slam. Douglas with a body press for a one count. Sandman throws Douglas out again. Sandman with a leg drop. Woman distracts Sandman for Douglas to drop Sandman on the guard rail. Sandman throws Douglas on the guard rail. Sandman with a scoop slam on the concrete, and he grabs a chair. He hits Douglas with it. Sandman goes after Woman, only to get hit with a tope by Douglas. Sandman drops Douglas on the chair and throws Douglas back in. Sandman stomps Douglas down in the corner. Sandman with a corner whip. Sandman with a scoop slam. Sandman goes up top, but misses a leg drop. Douglas with a modified backbreaker. Douglas with a dropkick. Sandman misses a corner charge. Douglas puts the crossface chicken wing on. Woman hits Douglas' knee, and Sandman falls on Douglas for the pin. New world champion! Douglas looks shocked. Woman and Sandman had duped Douglas. Douglas starts tearing up ringside. He puts on a Monday Night Raw T-shirt. He says he's going to a place where he can wrestle and they can all kiss his ass. Douglas would be back. He leaves the building. Sandman and Woman celebrate in the ring.
-ECW Tag Team Championship Match. The Public Enemy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge vs. The Pit Bulls with Stevie Richards: The crowd is extremely into the Public Enemy, no pun intended. Rock wants Pit Bull 2. Rock and Pit Bull 1 lock up. Pit Bull 1 with the early advantage. He hits a fist drop and beats Rock down. Rock tries to get up. Pit Bull 1 chokes Rock on the top rope. Pit Bull 1 hits a shoulder block. Rock clotheslined to the outside. He gets back in, and Pit Bull 2 had tagged in and scoop slams Rock. Pit Bull 2 press slams Rock and throws him through a table at ringside. Grunge with a double clothesline. He takes on both Pit Bulls. They knock Grunge down. Double suplex to Grunge for a two count. Rock was thrown in while Grunge was thrown out. Two count on Rock. Pit Bull 1 with a rear chin lock on Rock. A Rocco chant goes out. Pit Bull 1 with a shoulder block. Pit Bull 2 tagged in. He hits a back elbow and a power slam. Pit Bull 1 tagged in. He gets a rear chin lock on. Rock fighting to get out. He does and hits a springboard moonsault for a two count. Rock with a scoop slam for a two count. All four men in now. Public Enemy with a pair of clotheslines. Another pair of clotheslines, and they brawl out on the floor. They fight out into the crowd. Pit Bull 2 ran into the barricade by Grunge. Grunge hits Pit Bull 2 with a chair. Grunge hitting Pit Bull 2 with whatever the crowd gives him. He throws Pit Bull 2 in the ring. They go back and forth. Grunge with a short arm clothesline for a two count. Rock and Pit Bull 1 continue to battle out in the crowd. Grunge with a side slam to Pit Bull 2. Grunge slides a table in the ring. He guillotines Pit Bull 2 on the top rope. Grunge sets the table up. He sets Pit Bull 2 on the table. He Grunge bombs Pit Bull 2 through the table. The fans chant ECDub. Pit Bull 2 thrown out. Everyone brawling. Pit Bull 2 piledrives Grunge. They brawl out into the crowd. Pit Bull 2 hits Grunge with a chair. Pit Bull 1 covers Rock in the ring and gets a close two count. They set Rock up for the super bomb, but Rock gets a Frankensteiner on Pit Bull 2 and gets a two count. We then get a series of close two counts that both teams break up. Grunge grabs the Pit Bulls chain. Rock misses the Drive By when Pit Bull 1 moves. Grunge hits Pit Bull 1 with the chain, and Rock rolls him up to get the pin.
-911 with Paul E vs. Ron Simmons: JIP. Simmons going for a superplex. 911 grabs Simmons by the throat and choke slams him from the turnbuckle to get the pin.
-Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack: Funk out first, and a Terry chant goes out. Jack out, and they dub his music and you can't hear anything but the dubbed music as Funk was saying something on the mic. Cactus says he wants Funk to come out and battle in the crowd. Funk comes out and they brawl on the bleachers. They fight to where the broadcast booth is. They trade shots. They climb up top to the Eagles Nest, and Funk throws chairs at Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack hits Funk, and Funk lands on a table. Jack drops the elbow. Funk moves, and Jack goes through the table. They go back through the bleachers to the ring. Funk attacks Jack with a chair. Jack hits Funk with a crutch, cookie sheet, and a frying pan. Funk throws Jack into the ring and grabs a table. Jack whips Funk into the table a couple of times. Cactus goes up top, and Funk hits him with the table. Jack baseball slides Funk to the outside. Cactus Jack follows. He batters Funk. He drives Funk face first into a chair. Both men down. Jack with some elbow shots. They brawl out in the crowd again. Funk gets back in the ring, and Jack throws a garbage can on him. Funk breaks a bottle on Cactus Jack's skull. He dumps garbage on Cactus. He rakes the broken bottle on Cactus. He beats and kicks Cactus Jack. Mikey Whipwreck comes out to help Cactus Jack. Hack Meyers also comes out, and Funk attacks them both. He then hits Cactus Jack's leg with a chair. He gets the spinning toe hold on. Jack rolls him up for a two count. Jack with a DDT on the chair. He gets another two count. Sandman comes out and swings the cane at Jack but hits Funk when Cactus Jack moves. Jack then throws Sandman out. Jack pins Funk. Sandman attacks Jack with the cane. He pours lighter fluid on Cactus Jack. Funk comes with a flaming branding iron and blows fire on Cactus Jack. He tries to burn Cactus. He plunges it into Jack several times. Jack grabs it and tries to attack Funk, who takes off as they sign off from Philadelphia.
-Final Thoughts: This was an interesting show as they are headed in a new direction with Shane Douglas bound for the WWF.