Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 123 Notes

-Today we continue Project 45 and land in the crazy wrestling year of 2001 as we look at the last ever WCW Monday Nitro.
-2001 for me. I was engaged to be married for the first time. I was working in security and radio. September 11th.
-WCW Monday Nitro: The Night of Champions was shown on TNT on March 26, 2001 with a simulcast on TNN during the last segment. It was from Panama City Beach, Florida and the show did a 3.0 rating on TNT.
-WCW Intro.
-Hell freezes over as Vince McMahon is shown on WCW television. He says Imagine that, him, Vince McMahon on WCW television. Hey, I just said that! He asks how can that happen? He says it was just a matter of time before he bought his competition. He says that's right, he owns WCW. He says therefore on its final broadcast tonight on TNT, he has the opportunity to address the WCW fans, the WCW superstars. He asks what is the fate of WCW? He says well tonight on a special simulcast, we will find out, because the fate of WCW is in his hands.
-Monday Nitro Intro.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to a landmark night in the industry. He says he has seen it and he still can't believe it. Scott Hudson and Tony Schiavone are the announcers for the evening. Scott wonders what Mr. McMahon is going to say. Tony says they are stunned and they are floored. They are going to be addressed by Mr. McMahon on the very last telecast of WCW Monday Nitro on TNT. Tony says it has been an emotional four or five days for all involved in World Championship Wrestling. This is the Night of Champions! Tony says tonight, all 5 titles in WCW will be decided. Scott says Vince McMahon is going to address the troops in a simulcast. Scott wonders what does McMahon have to say to them and what's in store for WCW? Tony says the fate of WCW is in Vince McMahon's hands. Tony says it has been a surreal day in WCW. A historic day in sports entertainment. Scott says this is the last Nitro on the Turner Network and they are going out with a bang. All the titles are on the line, including a unification match United States vs. World Title. Scott Steiner and Booker T later. Tony says that's all to come later. This is Spring Breakout 2001 as Ric Flair's music hits.
-Flair comes out in a suit holding a mic. Tony says who means more to WCW? Who means WCW any more than Ric Flair? He gets to the top of the ring steps and looks around taking it all in. Scott says he is identified as the face of WCW more than any other. Flair gets in the ring and looks around. Flair says did he happen to hear Vince McMahon say he was going to hold WCW in the palm of his hands? Is that what he said? Does that mean that you are going to hold Jack Brisco, Dory Funk, Harley Race, The Road Warriors, Sting, Luger, The Steiners, Bagwell, Ric Flair, Steamboat, does that mean you're going to hold us all in the palm of your hands? To coin a phrase, He doesn't think so. You know, at 12:00 today, someone very special to him said do not go out on that show tonight knowing it's the last time that you'll ever be on TNT or TBS knowing it's the last time. She said to him don't go out there and cry. Don't go out there and say you're sorry. Because he's not. He's been 14 times the world's champion and in his eyes the greatest wrestling organization in the world, WCW. They, and he's talking about the Stings, Lugers, The Steiners, The Road Warriors. He's talking about his best friend, Arn Anderson and the Four Horsemen. They have been on par and equal to any wrestling organization in the world. As a matter of fact, they have run neck and neck with Vince McMahon for years, and just for trivia Vince McMahon, you know that in 1981 when you were trying to become an announcer, your dad was on the board of directors and voted for Flair to be the World Champion. He then Whoos. How bout that? And ever since that day, he's been a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, son of a gun. That along with the whole WCW have kissed the girls worldwide and made them cry. Cause you see, they were every bit the force they were WCW. They lived, they breathed, they sweat, they paid the price to be the best. It's never been about the boys. It's always been WWF vs. WCW in the office. The boys that have gone out there, night in and night out. Doing everything that they could to be the very best and when they chose to do in their life, these boys are here tonight. They're not going anywhere. You can't hold them in your hands and predict their lives. They are WCW. They've bled and they've sweat. When was the last time you wrestled for an hour? Cut yourself 5 times? Bled for 45 minutes? When were you there? You weren't! You were never in the dressing room. On the road. 40 days and 40 nights. Bleeding and sweating. Going to the next town. You weren't there. You can't hold peoples lives in your hands. We are the greatest wrestling company of all time. He wants to say it again. You can't control them or their future and in closing let him say this. In all his years in the sport, his greatest opponent in this company has been Sting. So tonight, if they are going out. If they are going out on a high note, Stinger, the Nature Boy wants you, right here because his greatest opponent Sting, it's your last chance to be...a Sting chant goes out. To be the man, you've gotta beat the man, and Sting, he's the man. Whoo! What a promo!
-Tony says we have not seen Sting since November and Ric Flair has challenged Sting to wrestle on the Night of Champions here tonight on Monday Nitro live but coming up next title vs. title, champion vs. champion. Scott Steiner vs. Booker T is next.
-World Title vs. US Title. Scott Steiner with Midajah vs. Booker T: The bell rings and they lock up. Booker with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Steiner with a back elbow. Scott goes for a right hand. Booker blocks and hits a right hand of his own. Then a series of right hands. Scott reverses an Irish whip. Booker ducks a Steinerline and hits a Harlem side kick. He gets a two count. Booker with an arm bar. Steiner pushes back to the corner. Steiner with a knee to the stomach of Booker. He then chops Booker. Then a forearm to Booker. He then knocks Booker to his knees with another forearm and Steiner starts yelling at the crowd. Steiner with a corner whip and Booker hits him with a back elbow on the charge. Booker with a clothesline out of the corner. He gets a two count. Booker with a corner whip and a corner clothesline. Booker then hits Steiner with punches in the corner. Steiner picks Booker up and slams him down. Steiner gets a two count. Steiner throws Booker to the outside. Midajah kicks and attacks Booker. Steiner drops a double ax handle on Booker from the apron. Steiner grabs his lead pipe and swings at Booker, who ducks and Steiner hits the post. Steiner grabs Booker and throws him back inside. Steiner with an Irish whip and clotheslines Booker. He then drops an elbow on Booker. Steiner then shows off by doing some push-ups. He wants referee Nick Patrick to count them. He slams Booker into a turnbuckle as a Booker T chant goes out. He chops Booker in the corner. Booker fights back. Steiner hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. Steiner mad at Patrick over the count. Steiner grabs Booker's arms and pulls back while having his boot in Booker's back. Booker is fighting it and won't give up. Booker fighting to get back to his feet again as a Booker T chant goes out again. Booker almost has the hold broken and Steiner hits him with a knee to the back. Steiner goes to run Booker into the corner, but Booker blocks it and hits a back elbow to Steiner. He then punches Steiner several times. He Irish whips Steiner, but drops his head too early and Steiner hits him with a forearm to the back. Steiner goes for a backdrop. Booker lands on his feet. Booker dropkicks Steiner. Steiner goes to punch Booker, who blocks it and punches Steiner. Steiner tries to reverse an Irish whip, but Booker holds on and hits a knee to the stomach. Booker hits the ghetto blaster scissors kick. Booker hits a flapjack on Steiner. Booker with a spinaroonie and hits another Harlem Side Kick. Booker goes for the Book End. Steiner reverses it into a northern lights/Fisherman's suplex. He gets a two count. Steiner goes for a power bomb. Booker spins, lands on his feet, and hits the Book End. He gets the pin. New WCW World Heavyweight Champion! Booker gets up on a turnbuckle and raises both championships high.
-Scenes from Spring Breakout 2001.
-Vince McMahon is shown on the phone. He says you're the attorney. He says of all the locations they could choose, they chose their final broadcast to be some redneck beer joint down at someplace in the panhandle of Florida. Now how appropriate is that?
-They then show the finish of the last match and Booker T becoming the new WCW Champion.
-3 Count Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore vs. The Jung Dragons Kaz Hayashi and Yang vs. The Filthy Animals Rey Mysterio and Kidman: The action is fast in this one. Karagias with a slam on Hayashi. Yang with a slam on Karagias. Rey with a springboard kick to Yang. Then Rey with a Springboard flip to Yang on the outside. Everybody hitting moves to other wrestlers on the outside. Moore with a corkscrew dive from the top rope to the other wrestlers on the floor. Kidman hits the kamikaze onto the group. Rey and Yang are back in the ring. Rey with a tilt a whirl headscissors. Rey goes for another move, but Yang drives him jaw first into the turnbuckle. Yang goes up top and hits Yang Time onto Rey. Kidman dives and breaks up the count. Kidman goes for the Kid Crusher on Yang, but Karagias grabs Kidman. He hits the famouser, but gets hit with a super kick by Hayashi. Jung Dragons with a double team power bomb, but Karagias makes the save. Karagias with a neck breaker. Then a scoop slam and a 450 splash to Kaz, but Kidman makes the save. Kidman with an Irish whip, Karagias hangs on, so Kidman comes and hits Karagias with a crossbody to knock them both over the top rope to the floor. Rey puts Moore in the corner of the ring and goes for a splash, but Moore gets his boot up. Moore with an Irish whip. Rey spins around and backdrops Moore over the ropes. Moore lands on the apron and hits Rey with a forearm. Moore with a shoulder block. Rey hits him with some forearms and goes and hits a top rope dropkick and gets the pin.
-Vince McMahon is shown on the phone again saying he is a good talent when someone knocks on the door. Trish Stratus comes in with champagne and two glasses. Vince tells whomever is on the phone that he will have to call them back. He welcomes Trish who says she thought a celebration toast would be in order. Vince says look at the pair of glasses you have here and you know if we really want to celebrate though, this is a very special occasion. So if they want to celebrate, the real way to celebrate is this baby. He then starts kissing her. The camera pans away.
-Tony Schiavone shows highlights of Chavo Guerrero and Shane Helms wrestling.
-WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match. Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero jr: The bell rings and Guerrero attacks and gets a waist lock right away. He drives Helms into the corner and hits some forearms to the back. He then kicks Helms several times in the stomach. Helms blocks a right hand shot and hits several right hands of his own. Helms reverses and puts Guerrero in the corner and slaps him several times. Guerrero reverses a corner whip. Helms comes out of the corner and sends Guerrero face first into the knee and then Helms hits a flying neck breaker. He gets a two count. Helms with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Guerrero kicks him in the face. Guerrero with a clothesline to Helms over the top rope to the floor. Guerrero goes outside and throws Helms back into the ring. He gets back inside the ring and hits Helms with a belly to back suplex. Guerrero with a kick to Helms in the corner and puts Helms on the top rope. He tries to superplex Helms off the top rope, but Helms blocks it and slams Guerrero to the mat. Helms gets a sunset flip for a two count. Helms ducks a clothesline attempt. Helms with slaps to Guerrero. Guerrero reverses an Irish whip and clotheslines Helms for a two count. Guerrero chops Helms out to the apron. Guerrero tries to suplex Helms back into the ring, but Helms blocks it and Guerrero hits Helms with some right hands. Helms runs Guerrero into the turnbuckle. Helms goes up top and hits a crossbody on Guerrero. He gets a two count. Guerrero ducks a clothesline attempt. Helms hits a kick to the midsection. Helms goes to scoop slam Guerrero, who slips behind and T-bone suplexes Helms. He gets a two count. Helms blocks a suplex attempt and slips behind Guerrero. Several reversals by both men. Guerrero hits a Northern Lights suplex. He gets a close two count. Guerrero chops Helms up against the ropes. Helms reverses an Irish whip and Guerrero comes back and slides through Helms's legs. Guerrero tries for a sunset flip. Helms sits down on Guerrero and hooks his legs. He gets a two count. Helms with a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Guerrero. Helms with a series of right hands to Guerrero. Helms with a corner whip and goes for a super kick. Guerrero ducks it. Several reversals. Helms shoves Guerrero into a corner. Helms hits the Sugar Smack super kick. Helms goes for the Vertebreaker, but Guerrero slips out of it. Guerrero goes for a suplex, but Helms slips out of it. Helms hits the Vertebreaker and pins Guerrero.
-They show Booker T backstage. He says he has a lot of mixed emotions right now, but now being the World Heavyweight Champion, the US Heavyweight Champion, closing WCW, he would like to say this may be the end of a chapter, but there are many more pages left in this book. So let me tell you this, from this point on, he will prove that he is the best that this business will have to offer and if anybody wants to test him, step to him like a man. But he will tell you this, he will prove that he is the best to each and every sucka and like he always says each and every time, don't hate the playa, hate the Game.
-Mr. McMahon and Trish Stratus are shown on the couch as Michael Cole comes in. Vince says you would interrupt me at a time like this? Cole apologizes, but says he just wanted to get Mr. McMahon's reaction. Quite frankly, many people, WCW fans are concerned that they may never see their brand of Sports Entertainment again and WCW wrestlers are concerned that they may never compete again. Vince says is that right? He then asks Cole how he feels about his job security? He then tells Cole to get the hell out of here. He does and Trish says she loves that he was so forceful like that. Vince says he'll toast to that. He says here's to being forceful.

-WCW World Tag Team Titles Match. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. Team Canada Lance Storm and Mike Awesome: O'Haire and Storm start. Storm gets a side headlock. O'Haire reverses into a wrist lock and throws Storm into a corner. Palumbo tagged in and he slaps Storm. Palumbo reverses an Irish whip. Palumbo leapfrogs Storm, who comes back with a crossbody attempt, but Palumbo catches him. Palumbo with a fall away slam and then hits Awesome on the apron. He turns around and gets hit with a super kick by Storm. Awesome tagged in. Storm with a snap mare and Awecome slingshots himself onto Palumbo for a two count. Awesome with a corner whip, but Palumbo leapfrogs backwards to avoid the charge in. Palumbo with a big forearm to Awesome. Palumbo with a corner whip, but Awesome jumps to the second rope and hits a wicked looking back elbow. Awesome then turns around and hits O'Haire. O'Haire tries to come in, but gets cut off by the referee. Storm comes in and hits Palumbo several times. Palumbo with a huge smack to Storm. Storm goes to dropkick Palumbo, who catches his legs and sends him jaw first into the turnbuckle pad and gets a modified sunset flip for a two count. Storm rolls out and kicks Palumbo in the face. A double count going. Both O'Haire and Awesome tagged in. O'Haire cleaning house, hitting both Storm and Awesome. O'Haire with an Irish whip. Awesome ducks a clothesline attempt. He comes back and O'Haire catches him and drives him down on the mat. He gets a two count, but Storm breaks up the pin attempt. Palumbo comes in and punches Storm. All four men in now. O'Haire and Palumbo try to corner whip Team Canada into each other, but Awesome reverses his and O'Haire tries to clothesline Storm, who slides out of the way. Awesome clotheslines O'Haire and tries to clothesline Palumbo, who ducks but runs right into a super kick by Storm. Team Canada with a double Irish whip. Palumbo ducks a double clothesline attempt and O'Haire grabs Storm's legs and pulls him out of the ring. Awesome ducks a clothesline attempt and goes for an Awesome Bomb. Palumbo slips out and ducks a couple of clotheslines attempts and super kicks Awesome. O'Haire hits the Seanton Bomb and pins Awesome.
-Stacey Kiebler gets in the ring. She asks how many young, tanned college hunks want to see her dance right now? They cheer. She says you want to see me take it off? They cheer again. She says well, sorry she's not here to dance tonight. She's here to once again introduce us to the Shawn and Stacey Show and now she wants to introduce us to the man that rocks her world. The Mecca of Manhood, Shawn The Star Stasiak.
-Tattoo Match. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shawn Stasiak with Stacey Kiebler: Loser gets a tattoo. Stasiak tells the people to shut up, listen, and learn. He gets interrupted by Bigelow's music. He comes out with a case that contains the tattoo tools. He gets in the ring with the case, but the referee grabs it before he can hit Stasiak with it. Stasiak attacks Bigelow. The bell rings and Stasiak with forearm shots to Bigelow. Stasiak with an Irish whip, but Bigelow catches his leg. He spins Stasiak around and then clotheslines him. Bigelow with a corner whip. Stasiak moves on the charge in and hits Bigelow with a big clothesline. Stasiak climbs up top and goes for a crossbody, but Bigelow moves out of the way. Bigelow with a scoop slam and goes up top and hits a flying headbutt. Kiebler gets up and distracts referee Billy Silverman on the apron. Bigelow gets up to see what's happening. He ducks a Stasiak clothesline attempt. He picks Stasiak up and puts him on his shoulder for Greetings from Asbury Park, but Kiebler grabs Stasiak's legs to stop it. Stasiak slips out, hits a high knee on Bigelow and hits the Hangman's Noose neck breaker to get the pin.
-William Regal shows Mr. McMahon his WrestleMania shirt. Vince says it's a very nice shirt, now you wanted to see me? Regal says he heard McMahon was buying WCW and asked him if he was really sure he wanted to do that. He says he knows quite a lot about that place. It's a bloody awful place. The nonsense that goes on there is unbelievable. He means he doesn't want to second guess Vince McMahon, but is he certain? It has a stench in the air and he wouldn't want to cause Vince McMahon any trouble or to get above himself. Vince says thank you very much commissioner, I'm on the case though. Regal says I'm sure you are. He then thanks McMahon and leaves.
-DDP is shown from earlier in the day and says in the words of The Grateful Dead, what a long, strange trip it's been. But he has loved every second of it and wouldn't trade it for anything. Tonight on this historic eve, he thought he needed to thank all the wrestling fans from around the world for letting a kid from the Jersey Shore, Page Joseph Falkenberg, become Diamond Dallas Page. The guy they said would never make it, but did. And that only proves one thing; that if you want it bad enough and you're willing to work for it, anything is possible. It's not really the promoters who decide who's over, it's the fans. So not just the fans in general, he wants to thank the WCW wrestling fans and his wife Kimberly for believing in him and helping him live his dream. Is that dream over? He doesn't think so. He thinks now is the time to take it to another level. He then looks at the camera and says thank you.
-A look at WCW Champions and wrestlers through the years.
-Vince McMahon shown on the phone. He says whatever you say, I'm with you on that. He then says it's just about that time. He's going to go get ready and hangs up.
-WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship Match. Prime Time and Kid Romeo vs. Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman: Tony Schiavone rips William Regal as the match begins as a rib to Regal who he is great friends with. Prime Time and Kidman start. Prime Time with a forearm in the corner. Prime Time with a corner whip. Kidman goes to leapfrog the charge in. Prime Time catches his legs and Kidman headscissors out of the move. Kidman with a forearm. Prime Time reverses an Irish whip and Kidman grabs Prime Time and holds him up for Mysterio to hit a flying dropkick. Kidman goes for a pin attempt, but Romeo breaks it up. Prime Time reverses another Irish whip and belly to belly suplexes Kidman. Romeo tagged in and double team splash on Kidman. Romeo then knocks Rey off of the turnbuckle. That brings Rey in, only to get cut off by the referee allowing Romeo to kick Kidman. Prime Time also comes in and kicks Kidman. Romeo with a corner whip. Kidman gets his foot up on the charge. Kidman comes out of the corner and Romeo kicks him in the midsection and does a power bomb like suplex to Kidman. Prime Time tagged in. He hits a couple of forearms to Kidman and Irish whips him. Kidman ducks a clothesline attempt. He ducks another one and Kidman comes back with a crossbody. He gets a two count but Prime Time bridges out. Spinning heel kick to Kidman by Prime Time. Kid Romeo tagged back in. Romeo goes up top, but gets dropkicked by Kidman in midair as he comes off. Rey and Prime Time both tagged in. Rey with a top rope springboard. Romeo in and he gets Irish whipped by Rey. He kicks Romeo and tilt a whirl DDT's Romeo. He then covers Romeo for a two count, even though Prime Time is the legal man. Prime Time Irish whips and backdrops Rey into Romeo's arms. Rey punches Romeo in the head and they both go outside and to the floor. Kidman forearms Prime Time in the corner. Then he gets down on all fours to allow Rey to run and jump off of Kidman to hit Prime Time with a flying forearm. Rey then nails the Bronco Buster on Prime Time. Romeo comes in, knocks Kidman down and knocks Rey to the outside. Romeo with a double under hook drop on Kidman. He gets a two count, but Rey in to make the save. Rey hits a power bomb on Romeo. Rey with a swan dive headbutt. Prime Time breaks up the pin attempt. Prime Time picks Rey up, then several reversals by both looking for position. Prime Time gets Rey in a bridging German suplex for a two count, but Kidman breaks up the pin. All four men in the ring. Rey headscissors Romeo out of the ring. Kidman escapes the Play of the Day and hits the Kid Crusher on Prime
Time to get the pin. New WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions, The Filthy Animals.
-Sting is in the back in a room with a bunch of baseball bats hanging from the ceiling. He says surprise surprise, Sting is back. Did you think I was going to miss this night? Not for nothing would I miss this night. This is an historic night. One more dance with the Nature Boy Ric Flair. We started it years ago Ric, and tonight, we're going to end it once and for all. And for all you fans out there who are wondering what the future holds for Sting, well, the only thing for sure about Sting, is nothing's for sure. It's showtime, folks.
-More 2001 Spring Breakout video.
-Vince McMahon is shown walking down the hall.
-Ric Flair vs. Sting. One last time: Flair out first. He didn't want to wrestle that night and comes out in a robe, tights, boots, and a t shirt. They talk about all that Sting has done for WCW over the years and the loyalty he had for WCW. The bell rings. Flair Whoos. Sting yells as well. Good times. They circle each other and lock up. They break. They lock up again. They go to the corner. Sting pushes Flair off. Flair complains to referee Charles Robinson and pushes him and Robinson pushes back. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Sting pushes off. Shoulder blocks Flair down. Flair with another rush and Sting with another shoulder block. Test of strength and Sting makes Flair cry out in pain. Flair with an eye poke. Flair drives Sting to the corner and chops him. Then a shot to Sting. Then chops him several more times. Sting reverses it and starts to kick Flair in the corner. He hip locks Flair out of the corner. Sting then dropkicks Flair. Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. A Stinger chant goes out. They lock up again. Flair with a side headlock. Sting pushes off. Flair comes back with a shoulder block. Flair runs the ropes. Sting tries to leapfrog, but Flair backs away and begs off. Sting just smiles and Flair struts. They lock up. Flair with a kick to the midsection and Sting reverses an Irish whip. He gorilla presses Flair and slams him down. Flair backs to a corner and Sting hits a series of corner punches. Flair does the face first flop IYDAH. Flair chops Sting. Sting grabs Flair by the throat. Flair low blows Sting. Sting falls to the mat in pain. Flair stomps Sting. He then chops Sting in the corner. He snap mares Sting out of the corner. He then drops a knee on Sting. He chops Sting back down. Sting comes back. Flair with another chop and snap mare. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Sting then clotheslines Flair a couple of times. Sting with an Irish whip, but misses the dropkick when Flair holds on to the ropes. Flair puts the figure four on. Sting fighting it and Flair uses the ropes for leverage when Charles Robinson isn't looking. Flair gets a two count. Sting still fighting it. Another two count. Sting drags Flair to the middle of the ring so he can't use the ropes anymore. Sting reverses the move so Flair breaks the hold. Flair chops Sting. Shots and chops are not having any effect on Sting. Sting hitting Flair in the corner. Corner whip to Flair. He goes upside down in the corner. Sting puts Flair on the top rope and hits a superplex. Sting gets the Scorpion Death lock on. Flair gives up and Sting wins the last WCW match on Turner Television. Sting helps Flair up and they embrace in the ring. They shake hands and embrace again as the announcers put both men over hard.
-It switches to the Raw feed for the simulcast abruptly. Vince McMahon is introduced by Lillian Garcia. McMahon says for the first time ever in Sports Entertainment history, this broadcast is not only being seen here on TNN and Cleveland, Ohio, but it's also being seen on TNN. Vince goofs here meaning TNT. He does say Turner Network Television. He says now there's only one way that can happen. There's only one way and one man that can make history like this happen. Obviously, you all know that he has acquired WCW. That's right, he bought his competition. Now then, that's not exactly final. It is and it isn't. You see, the only thing is Time Warner can't sell that property to anybody else because nobody else knows what to do with it. So, therefore, this is what's going to happen. Time Warner is practically begging him to buy WCW and he has agreed. There's only one small caveat that they're hearing for the first time and that is this; Time Warner, they've signed the contract and he will sign the contract. But he will sign it this Sunday on PPV at WrestleMania. And he will sign it when Ted Turner himself walks down the aisle at WrestleMania and delivers the contract in front of him. He says some would say jeez, Vince, how did you do it? How did you do it, Vince? You were up against this media conglomerate, Time Warner. You were up against a billionaire. How could you possibly do this? Well, some might say he had a little help along the way. With certain WWF Superstars and things of that nature, but quite frankly, the truth is he did it all on his own. The crowd boos mildly. It was his effort, he says. It was his money and it was like okay, Vince, how could you possibly beat a billionaire. Well, there's only one answer to that and that's become one yourself. So now, you have to understand, when Ted Turner walks down the aisle at WrestleMania and practically begs him to sign the contract, he's going to do it and then reserve a seat for Ted. He's going to put him right over here right in the corner because he wants Ted Turner to watch what he does to his very own son, Shane. Some would say come on now Vince, Don't boo him, some would say Vince you can't do that to your son. He's your flesh and blood. But you got to understand what it means to be a competitor. Nobody understands that better than he does. Because you've got to grab your competition by the throat and you've got to squeeze the life out of your competition, just like he did to WCW and just like he's going to do to his son Shane this Sunday. Also, by the way, may he add, in his corner will be his charming and lovely daughter Stephanie, his companion Trish, and Trish will wheel down in the wheelchair, his very own wife Linda, and they are going to park Linda right over here in this corner and Linda's going to watch what he does to Shane McMahon this Sunday at WrestleMania. He says what should he do with WCW? Well, there are a lot of things he could do with it. He might like to have some input from the fans here in a moment. He says he could take WCW and put it on the shelf. He says he could watch tapes of Hogan posing and then makes fun of Hogan. He said he could watch them say how they are going to bury the WWF. He would get a great deal of pleasure just sitting there watching night after night. Because there is an old expression. They used to laugh at the WWF, but the old expression says he who laughs last, laughs best. And you can see he's not exactly laughing but he's got a real big smile on his face. Then again if we don't take WCW and put it on the shelf, we could do something else with it. We could take WCW and turn it into this huge media conglomerate just like World Wrestling Federation Entertainment is today. They know how to do that. But if they do that, he's wondering well who should be a part of this WCW? Maybe the crowd should help him out here. When he gives you a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Assuming they would want to acquire some of those stars. Let's start with Hulk Hogan. The crowd is mostly positive. Lex Luger. The crowd is mostly negative. Buff Bagwell. The crowd is positive. Booker T. Positive. He says they are a mixed group. Big Poppa Pump. Positive. He says he doesn't know if the crowd has helped him, but let him say this. The crowd starts chanting Goldberg. He says there are a few others, all right. Sting. Positive. Goldberg. Overwhelming positive. He says well this is very interesting because he had a choice to make tonight and that choice was coming here before you in Cleveland and quite frankly gloating. He thinks he's doing a very good job of at the moment or he could instead of gloating what he could have done was get in his plane and assuming they have an airport there, fly down to the Redneck Riviera, Panama City Beach, Florida and walk out there and give every WCW star a piece of his mind. Because that's what he really wants to do. How appropriate is it that WCW's last broadcast is in a beer hall? How appropriate is that? Surrounded by a bunch of beer drinking rednecks. The crowd cheers and Vince says there are obviously a few here tonight. But nonetheless, he's opted to come before the crowd. He came here instead of going there, lining all those stars up, so that he can look right in their face and say Goldberg, Booker T, and all the rest of them, to look them right in the face and say, you're fired! That's exactly what's going to happen because WCW is going on the shelf. It's going nowhere. WCW is buried. WCW will remain buried. Just like anybody here in this arena or anyone in the world that gets in his way. Every single one of you when you attempt to compete with him and that includes his son Shane and he's not too proud to say it, every single one of you will be buried. Just like WCW is buried. The crowd starts chanting asshole and he says don't you start with that! Dammit, he's Vince McMahon, dammit he owns WCW, he owns the WWF and you will treat him with respect. The crowd boos. He threatens to walk out of the arena. Vince's music hits and Shane's entrance video is on the Titan tron. Vince thinks he is there and wants him to come to the ring and fight. They then show Shane walking to the ring at Nitro. Paul Heyman and Jim Ross on commentary on Raw can't believe Shane is at Nitro. Vince says Shane, where are you? Shane says what's up, Vince? Surprise dad. You're in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm here in Panama City Beach, Florida standing in a WCW ring and as usual, dad, your ego has gotten the best of you. Your ego has gotten the best of you, he means that. You wanted to finalize this deal for WCW at WrestleMania. You had the audacity to ask Ted Turner himself to come down and finalize that deal? Well dad, that's just the opportunity that he was looking for. Because the deal is finalized with WCW, and the name on the contract does say McMahon. However, the contract reads Shane McMahon. JR says he doesn't believe it. Shane says that's right, I now own WCW. The crowd cheers. He then says and Dad, just like WCW did in the past, how it kicked your ass in the past and it will again. That's exactly what's going to happen to you this Sunday at WrestleMania. he then raises his fist and JR says I can't believe what I just heard. Shane McMahon has bought WCW and Mr. McMahon is in shock.
-Nitro copyright credit and Vince looking shocked. They preview what's coming up on TNN for the rest of Raw.
-Then the Good Night and Goodbye Satellite Sign as the end of an era comes.
-Final Thoughts: Even though WCW had fallen hard the past few years it was around, this was really sad to see. Many shut off their tv sets and never watched wrestling again.