Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 217 Notes

-Birthday/Start of our 5th year.
-Today we look at the March to WrestleMania IX special from the WWF.
-The March to WrestleMania IX was shown on the USA network on March 28, 1993. It was recorded March 7, 1993 from Fayetteville, NC.
-Highlights from the contract signing between Yokozuna and Bret Hart and Yokozuna attacking Hart.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. They preview what we are going to see tonight.
-Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Randy Savage: Savage is extremely over with the fans. Savage starts a USA chant. It takes a while for them to get started. Savage avoiding Yokozuna's charges. Yokozuna knocks Savage down. Yokozuna with a shoulder block. Yokozuna in control with a headbutt. He throws Savage outside and then follows. He runs Savage into a barricade. He runs Savage into the ring steps and then throws him back in the ring. Savage coming back with right hand punches and Yokozuna is rocking. One chop by Yokozuna knocks Savage back down. Yokozuna follows it up with a power slam and a leg drop. He chokes Savage on the ropes for a four count. Savage hits a double ax handle to rock Yokozuna. He goes to do it again and Fuji hits Savage with the flag pole. Yokozuna hits a belly to belly suplex and gets the pin. Fuji instructs Yokozuna to do the Banzai drop, but Savage moves out of the way. Savage with a high knee to drive Yokozuna to the outside. Officials then come out to keep them apart.
-Flashback to Lex Luger's debut at the Royal Rumble and knocking out wrestlers with his forearm.
-Mr. Perfect vs. Skinner: Skinner attacks Perfect from behind before the bell rings. He runs Perfect into a corner. Perfect goes outside and Skinner follows. He runs Perfect into the ring steps. Perfect runs Skinner into the ring post. Perfect rolls Skinner back in. Skinner with an Irish whip, takes his belt off, and clotheslines Perfect with it. He then whips Perfect with the belt. Back and forth. Skinner bits Perfect in the forehead. He then stomps Perfect down. He runs Perfect's face along the ropes. Skinner misses a corner charge when Perfect moves out of the way. Perfect with an atomic drop and a corner whip. Perfect follows it up with corner mounted punches. Perfect with a rolling snap mare. Perfect choking Skinner with his boot for a four count. Skinner takes his gator paw and jams it into Perfect's eye. Skinner with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Perfect gets the win.
-WrestleMania IX ad. Reverend Slick talks about Kamala taking Bam Bam Bigelow down at WrestleMania, but the match would not end up happening.
-Kamala with Reverend Slick vs. Kim Chee: Kim Chee attacks Kamala as soon as the bell rings. He tries to get Kamala down, but Kamala gets a bear hug. Kamala with an Irish whip and a chop. More chops, kicks, and a scoop slam. Kamala with a splash. He turns Kim Chee over and gets the pin. Kamala attacks Kim Chee with the pith helmet after the match. Slick then puts the hat on Kamala.
-WrestleMania music video.
-Flashback to what led up to the creation of the Mega-Maniacs and the match being made for WrestleMania.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS vs. Jerry Sabin and Reno Riggins: Sabin is the Italian Stallion. IRS and Sabin start. Back and forth. IRS throws Sabin out and DiBiase runs Sabin into the ring steps. He then throws Sabin back in. Riggins and DiBiase tagged in. Money Inc. with a double Irish whip and back elbows. DiBiase chopping Riggins in the corner. DiBiase with a corner whip and a backdrop. IRS tagged in. He gets Riggins down. DiBiase tagged back in. Money Inc. brutalizing Riggins and quick tagging each other. DiBiase gets the Million Dollar Dream on Riggins to get the win.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the Mega-Maniacs and Jimmy Hart. Hulk Hogan talks about Money Inc. attacking Brutus Beefcake on Monday Night Raw. They talk about forming their team and say they are ready for Money Inc. Hart says Money Inc. is going bankrupt. This segment went on way too long.
-Flashback to what led up to the Intercontinental Title match at WrestleMania between Tatanka and Shawn Michaels. Michaels then says he's walking out with his title and Tatanka's scalp. Ouch.
-Tatanka vs. George South: Tatanka with a home field advantage of a sort here as he is very close to his hometown. The bell rings and they circle each other. Tatanka chops South down. He then throws him down. South beats Tatanka down in the corner. Tatanka coming back with chops. He hip tosses South out of the corner. Tatanka with a scoop slam. South rakes Tatanka's back. Back and forth. Tatanka fires up. He chops South down several times. He hits the fall away slam and gets the pin. Shawn Michaels comes down to ringside. He grabs the mic and asks Tatanka if he thinks he has a chance of beating Michaels at WrestleMania. He goes to leave. Tatanka calls him out and says let's not wait for WrestleMania. Michaels comes back to the ring apron before leaving again.
-WrestleMania IX report.
-The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake and Little Louie vs. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch and Tiger Jackson: Beau and Luke start. All Beverly's to start. Now all 6 men in. Jackson dropkicks Louie. Jackson and Louie both tagged in and Jackson took over on Louie. He gets some two counts. They do some comedy spots. Butch and Blake tagged in. Blake attacks Butch from behind. Butch coming back. He gets a bulldog on Blake. Luke tagged in and gets Blake down. Back and forth. Blake goes outside and Luke follows. Back in, Beau and Blake double team Luke. Beau tagged in and gets a two count. He gets a top rope double ax handle on Luke for another two count. Blake tagged in. Quick tags by the Beverly Brothers. Blake and Butch both tagged in. Butch cleaning house and now all 6 men in. Jackson hits a crossbody on Louie to get the pin.
-Flashback to the Royal Rumble and Giant Gonzalez taking out The Undertaker and everything that led up to their match at WrestleMania.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: Undertaker very over with the fans when he comes out. Bigelow attacks Undertaker as soon as the bell rings. Undertaker comes back with a drop toe hold. Bigelow bails to the outside to regroup. Bigelow with an Irish whip. Undertaker comes back with a DDT. Undertaker choking Bigelow in the corner for a four count. Undertaker then does Old School. He follows it up with throat thrusts to Bigelow. He charges Bigelow, who ducks and Undertaker falls to the outside. Bigelow slams Undertaker on the outside. He runs Undertaker into the ring steps. He does it again. Back in, Bigelow with a belly to back suplex, but Undertaker keeps getting up. Bigelow can't get Undertaker to stay down. Bigelow with a scoop slam and a falling headbutt, but Undertaker won't stay down. Another falling headbutt. Bigelow drags Undertaker to the corner. Bigelow goes up top and goes for the diving headbutt, but Undertaker moves. Undertaker with a flying clothesline. Bigelow leaves the ring and gets counted out. Harvey Wippleman and Giant Gonzalez are in the aisle. Undertaker goes after Gonzalez. Officials out to keep them apart. Wippleman and Gonzalez finally leave.
-Vince and Bobby hype WrestleMania IX and sign off from Fayetteville.
-Final Thoughts: This did a pretty good job of hyping up WrestleMania. Worth at least one watch.