Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 176 Notes

-Butch Miller and WWE sold.
-Today we look at the 2016 Money in the Bank PPV from the WWE. The 2016 Money in the Bank PPV was shown on PPV and the WWE Network on June 19, 2016 from the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, NV. There were 14, 150 in attendance and everyone treats this as being from Las Vegas so we will just roll with it.
-WWE Intro and Money in the Bank Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Money in the Bank and will call the action along with Byron Saxton and JBL.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Big E with Xavier Woods vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Enzo and Cass vs. The Vaudevillians Aiden English and Simon Gotch: Enzo and Cass out first and do their spiel. Vaudevillians out next. The Spanish and German Announce teams are introduced. Gallows and Anderson out and then the New Day comes out. New Day is extremely popular with the fans. They make fun of the other teams. Kingston and Anderson start. Anderson with a side headlock. Push off by Kingston and Anderson with a shoulder block. Back and forth and Kingston with a back elbow. Gallows tagged in and The Good Brothers double teaming Kingston in the corner. Enzo and Kingston with dropkicks to both Good Brothers. Vaudevillians come in and they also get dropkicks. Kingston rolls Enzo up for a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Big E and Cass both tagged in. Cass backs up and English tags himself in. Big E with a bear hug on English. Big E hits the Vaudevillians and the Good Brothers and Kingston tagged in. Big E splashes English and Kingston goes to cover him, but it gets broken up by the other teams. All four teams in and fighting. Good Brothers and Vaudevillians clotheslined to the outside. New Day and Enzo and Cass go at it in the center of the ring. English back in and Enzo runs Kingston into English's boots. Vaudevillians double team Kingston in the corner. Gotch tagged in and gets a two count. English tagged in and he gets a two count. Anderson tagged in. He and Kingston battle in the Good Brother's corner. English and Enzo tagged in. They battle in the center of the ring. Enzo gets English down, but Gallows pulls down the ring ropes as Enzo was running them and Enzo spills to the outside. Gallows tagged in. He hits a big kick to Enzo. Gallows picks Enzo up and Enzo counters into a DDT. Anderson and Cass in. Cass cleaning house as he comes in. He hits the Empire Elbow on Anderson and a big boot to English. He then launches Enzo to a group on the outside. Big boot to Anderson. Enzo tagged in and they do the Rocket Launcher, but Gallows pulls Enzo out before the three count. Cass comes out and everyone fighting on the outside. Kingston in as Enzo was fighting Gotch. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but doesn't really get it as it appears there was some miscommunication. Gotch in and takes it to Kingston. English tagged in and hits the Rolling Dervish on Kingston, but Anderson breaks up the pin. Gotch grabs Anderson and Big E goes to spear Anderson, but he moves and Big E spears Gotch instead. Kingston rolls through an English move to hit a DDT on English. Big E in and picks English up, but as he does, Anderson tagged in. Big E hit with a knee from behind by Anderson. Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on English, but Big E breaks up the pin. New Day hit the Midnight Train on Anderson and Kingston pins English to retain the titles.
-Tom Phillips interviews Kevin Owens about being in the Money in the Bank ladder match when they get interrupted by Chris Jericho. Jericho and Owens insult each other. They get interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. They get insulted too.
-Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler: The Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese announce teams are introduced. The bell rings. Ziggler goes for the early advantage. Corbin keeps getting to the ropes. Corbin avoids a superkick, but Ziggler hits a dropkick and jumps on Corbin. Corbin comes back with a right hand and a forearm. Corbin hits a wicked looking clothesline for a two count. Corbin with a rear chin lock. Ziggler fights back to get out, but is then caught in a bear hug. Ziggler then gets dropped on the top rope. Corbin then puts his boot on Ziggler for a four count. Corbin with another right hand to Ziggler. Ziggler coming back with a flurry of offense culminating in a neck breaker for a two count. Corbin counters a Famouser attempt by dropping Ziggler face first on a turnbuckle. Ziggler avoids the charge and hits the Famouser for a two count. Corbin avoids the superkick again. Ziggler comes out after Corbin, but stumbles coming around the ring steps and Corbin catches him and hits a Deep Six outside the ring. Corbin goes back in the ring and Ziggler gets in just before the 10 count. Corbin continues the attack on Ziggler. Ziggler avoids End of Days and hits a superkick on Corbin, but only gets a two count. Double count going. Ziggler goes up top, but gets caught. Ziggler blocks a superplex attempt, but Corbin hits the ropes and knocks Ziggler off. Corbin hits End of Days and pins Ziggler.
-Gold Bond commercial.
-Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke vs. Becky Lynch and Natalya: Natalya and Brooke start. Natalya with the early advantage. Brooke keeps getting to the ropes to avoid Natalya. Natalya with a series of moves and Flair tagged in. Natalya gets a front face lock on and tags Lynch in. She and Natalya do the Hart Attack on Flair. Brooke comes in to help and they hit her with a double hip toss. Then a double baseball slide to the heels on the outside. Lynch throws Flair back into the ring. Lynch with a front face lock and Natalya tagged in. Back and forth. Brooke grabs Natalya's leg to allow Flair to kick Natalya in the face when the referee wasn't looking. Flair gets a two count. Brooke tagged in and a double slam to Natalya. Brooke gets a one count. Flair back in with a modified front face lock. Flair taunting the crowd. Natayla goes for a tag, but Flair knocks Lynch off the apron. Flair chopping Natayla in the corner. Lynch distracts Flair and Natalya knocks Brooke off the apron. Natalya avoids a Flair charge. Flair back in and cuts Natalya off before she can tag Lynch in. Natalya kicks Flair off and tags Lynch in. Lynch cleans house on both heels. Becksploder on Flair. Brooke breaks up the pin attempt. Lynch goes up top and hits a double missile dropkick for another two count. Natalya in and double suplex to Flair, but she lands on her feet and kicks Lynch. Natalya with a clothesline and punches to Flair in the corner. Flair runs Natalya into the corner and goes for a pin on Natalya with Flair's feet on the ropes, but Natalya kicks out. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on Flair. Brooke breaks that up and Lynch comes in to grab Brooke. Brooke runs Lynch into Natalya. Flair then hits Natural Selection on Natalya and pins her. Natalya attacks Lynch from behind after the match.
-Commercial for AJ Styles being on the Stone Cold podcast.
-Tom Phillips interviews Dean Ambrose. He rattles on about the laws of the jungle and the Money in the Bank briefcase.
-Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews: Flashback to how their rivalry came about. Sheamus attacks Crews before the bell sounds. It finally rings and Sheamus with a side headlock. He does some takedowns, but Crews won't stay down. Crews with a side headlock. Sheamus goes to push off, but Crews keeps the hold on. Back and forth. Sheamus clotheslined to the outside. Sheamus hits an Irish curse off the apron to the floor. All Sheamus when they get back in the ring. A headlock gets Crews down to the mat. Crews gets back to his feet. Sheamus pushes off and Crews comes back with a boot to the face. Sheamus shoves Crews back down. Sheamus with a rolling senton for a two count. Crews comes back with a roll up for a two count. Crews with a reverse jaw breaker and a boot to the face. Then a series of moves to Sheamus and Crews is on a roll here. He gets an enziguri to Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus rushes Crews, who hits a belly to belly suplex on Sheamus to send him to the outside. Crews hits a moonsault off the apron to Sheamus back in, Crews hits an Olympic slam for another two count. Sheamus with a slam for a two count. Back and forth and Crews goes up top. He gets caught and Sheamus hits White Noise from the top rope to get a close two count. Sheamus argues with the referee and Crews rolls him up and gets the pin. This was the right thing to do here. Sheamus continues to argue with the referee.
-Battleground commercial.
-Preview for AJ Styles and John Cena and how the match came about.
-AJ Styles vs. John Cena: Styles out first. Cena comes out and he seems to get a bigger ovation. Dueling chants, but they can't get the flow right, so you don't understand what they are saying. Then it's AJ Styles/Let's go, Cena, but the flow would be better if it were the other way around. The bell rings and they circle each other. Lock up and battle for position. Styles with a side headlock. Cena pushes off and Styles just rolls through to land on his feet. Styles yells to Cena that the ring is his house. Dueling chants go out again. Cena with an arm bar into a wrist lock. Styles with a reversal into a side headlock. Cena pushes off and then leapfrogs Styles, who responds with a single leg pick up to get Cena down. Both back to their feet and circling each other. Another lock up. Styles with a side headlock. Cena pushes off and does another leapfrog and then pushes Styles away when he goes for another single leg. Cena comes back with an arm drag. Another arm drag and Cena with a monkey flip to Styles, who lands on the other side of the ring. Cena goes for the AA, but Styles slips behind him. Cena does U Can't See Me to Styles, who responds with a forearm to Cena's face. Styles with a series of moves to Cena. He hits an elbow to the back of Cena's head. Cena reverses an Irish whip, but Styles flips over him to avoid a move as the dueling chants start again. Styles ducks Cena's offense and hits Cena with a flurry of right hands to drive him to the ropes. Styles turns his back to Cena to do his arms out AJ pose, but Cena comes up behind Styles and hits a belly to belly suplex for a one count. Styles rolls to the outside to regroup and Cena follows him out. Styles kicks Cena in the midsection and goes to run Cena into the ring steps, but Cena blocks it and hits Styles with a back elbow. Cena Irish whips Styles towards the ring steps, but Styles jumps over them to avoid them. Styles gets back in the ring and yells to Cena that he can't beat Styles. Cena gets back in the ring only to be met by a series of forearms from Styles to knock Cena down. Styles follows that up with a stomp. Styles picks Cena up only to hit him with a forearm to knock him back down. He then drops a knee on Cena. He gets a two count. Styles runs Cena into a turnbuckle. Styles with a suplex to Cena. Styles asks out loud if this is all that Cena has. Cena starts to get up and hits Styles with a right hand that rocks Styles a little bit. Cena with several moves to Styles. Cena with a corner whip, but Styles moves on the charge. Styles comes over and kicks Cena. Dueling chants are back and louder than ever. Cena reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop on Styles. Cena avoids a clothesline attempt and hits Styles with a shoulder block. Styles comes back with a dropkick to Cena. Styles with a rear chin lock. Cena gets back to a vertical base, but Styles keeps the hold on and drives Cena back to the mat. Cena appears to be fading, so he finds the strength to get back to his feet. Cena pushes off, ducks a clothesline attempt, and hits another shoulder tackle. Then a third one. He goes to lift Styles up, but Styles slips behind Cena and catches him with an enziguri. Styles charges Cena in the corner, but Cena moves and slams Styles. He goes for U Can't See me, but Styles lifts up and hits a headscissors to send Cena out of the ring. Styles launches himself over the top rope and catches Cena with a forearm. Styles then goes to hit Cena with a suicide dive, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena throws Styles back in the ring. Cena goes for the AA, but Styles hitting him with a series of elbows to stop it. Styles hits Cena with a flurry of kicks and strikes. Styles with a corner clothesline and a snap mare to Cena. Cena dodges another forearm and gets Styles into the STF. Styles makes it to the ropes. Cena breaks on the two count. Styles out on the apron and guillotines Cena on the top rope when he comes over. Styles goes to the top, but gets caught by Cena. Cena goes for a superplex and they exchange blows as Styles attempts to block the move. Styles slips under Cena and pulls Cena's leg out, causing Cena to hit the turnbuckle head first. Styles pushes Cena, who backdrops Styles onto the top rope, where he bounces off to the mat. Cena puts Styles back on the top rope. He gets Styles up on his shoulders, but Styles hits him with elbows to try to get out of the move again. Styles gets out and pokes Cena's eye to get Cena off. Styles falls out to the apron. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena catches him and puts him on his shoulders for the AA. Styles rolls through and gets the Calf Crusher on Cena. Cena tries to get to the ropes and Styles doing everything that he can to block Cena. Cena finally gets to the ropes. Both on the ropes and looking absolutely exhausted. Both back to their feet and Cena favoring one leg, so Styles attacks that leg with kicks. He kicks Cena down to the mat. Styles runs the ropes and Cena catches him with a big clothesline. U Can't See Me and Cena drops a fist on Styles. He goes for the AA, but Styles with a series of elbows and Cena appears not to have enough in him to deliver the AA. He suddenly summons the strength and hits the AA, but only gets a two count. Both men on the mat spent. Cena up and goes to the top, but gets caught by a powerbomb from Styles as he comes off the top rope. Styles get a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Styles ducks a shot and hits a Pele kick. Styles then hits the Styles Clash, but Cena kicks out at two. This awesome chant goes out as Styles goes out to the apron. Styles goes for the 450 splash, but Cena gets his knees-up. Cena goes for the AA, Styles counters going for the Styles Clash, Cena counters back into the AA. Styles lands on his feet and goes for another Pele kick, but Cena moves. Cena goes for the STF, but Styles gets to the ropes before Cena can put the move on. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena ducks and goes for the AA again. Styles' leg accidently hits the referee and he goes down and outside the ring. Cena hits the AA and covers Styles, but there is no referee. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hit the ring and hit Cena with the Magik Killer and put Styles on Cena and then leave the ring. The referee recovers and counts the pin. The announcers argue over the finish and whether Styles knew what happened that led to his victory.
-Another Gold Bond Commercial. The announcers talk about the last match and preview the Money in the Bank Ladder Match before throwing it to a feature on the match.
-Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Chris Jericho, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, and Dean Ambrose are your participants: Jericho out first. He is followed by Cesaro, Zayn, Del Rio, Owens and finally Ambrose. Jericho, Cesaro and Ambrose are all in AEW now, Del Rio is a commentator for the UFC and Owens and Zayn are still with the WWE. The bell rings and they all start attacking each other with forearms. Everyone but Ambrose and Jericho spill to the outside. Ambrose with a crossbody and punches to Jericho. Ambrose with a corner whip and Jericho responds with a boot to the face. Jericho with an Irish whip, Ambrose ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Owens with a suicide dive on the outside. Jericho goes to the outside and grabs a ladder, but gets hit by a European uppercut from Cesaro as he gets back in. Del Rio attacks Cesaro and hits him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Cesaro responds with two backbreakers of his own and a European uppercut. Del Rio with an Irish whip to Cesaro, who lands on the apron and catches Del Rio with a big boot. Cesaro then hits a cannonball dive off the apron onto Jericho, who had grabbed another ladder. Back in the ring, Del Rio hits Zayn with a suplex. Del Rio then runs to dropkick Zayn, who moves out of the way and Del Rio lands on his feet on the outside and immediately gets attacked by Owens and Ambrose. Zayn with a suicide dive onto the group to take them out. Owens and Zayn grab both ends of a ladder and Owens runs Zayn into the ring apron. Owens then superkicks Zayn into the face. Owens grabs a ladder, but gets attacked by Ambrose as he was trying to get it into the ring. Owens fights Ambrose away and grabs the ladder again, but Jericho dropkicks the ladder into Owens. Jericho grabs another ladder and brings it into the ring. Cesaro comes off the top rope, but Jericho moves and Cesaro crossbody's the ladder. Jericho picks the ladder up and runs it into Cesaro. He then throws the ladder on Cesaro. Jericho then gets attacked by Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose unloads on Jericho with some chops. Ambrose then scoop slams Jericho onto a ladder. Jericho blocks and then reverses a suplex to suplex Ambrose on a ladder. Jericho then opens up the ladder and slams it down on Ambrose several times. Del Rio throws Jericho on the ladder. Del Rio then places the ladder in the corner where the top of the ladder is pointed in towards the ring. He goes to run Cesaro into the ladder, but Cesaro responds with an uppercut to Del Rio and then one to Jericho and Ambrose. He then takes turns hitting Jericho, Del Rio, and Ambrose with back elbows as all three are in different corners. He gets cut off by a superkick from Owens, who runs Cesaro face first into the set up ladder. Owens then hits a cannonball to the three still in their respective corners. He gets cut off by Zayn, who hits an overhead suplex to Owens, who lands on Jericho. Zayn with a Helluva Kick to Ambrose, Owens, and Jericho. Zayn grabs a ladder and sets it up in the ring. He gets pulled off the ladder and superkicked by Del Rio. Del Rio puts Zayn into the Tree of Woe. Del Rio goes outside and attacks Ambrose with another ladder. Del Rio then sets the ladder cross ways on the ropes to block Zayn in. He then kicks the ladder on Zayn several times. Owens gets on the apron and Del Rio hits him with an enziguri before drop kicking the ladder into Zayn again. Zayn falls out of the ring and Del Rio grabs Cesaro and puts him in the Tree of Woe in the same corner, Cesaro lying on the ladder though and not all the way upside down. Del Rio climbs up the same turnbuckle and does a double stomp on Cesaro. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder, but Jericho grabs his leg. Del Rio kicks Jericho away and then does the double stomp on Jericho off the ladder. Del Rio goes up top and reaches for the briefcase. Cesaro climbs up the other side of the ladder and attacks Del Rio with right hands. Del Rio gets Cesaro in the Cross Arm Breaker on top of the ladder and that is impressive. Owens with a kick to Del Rio that knocks him off the ladder. Cesaro does a springboard corkscrew uppercut to Owens off the ladder in another impressive move and the wrestlers in this match are really showing me something. Cesaro climbs the ladder and as he does I realize that Cesaro is the only one that climbs the ladder like a regular person would and not like a turtle with arthritis. Ambrose pulls Cesaro off the ladder and hits Dirty Deeds. Jericho grabs Ambrose and throws him outside and then Jericho starts to climb the ladder. Ambrose gets back in and grabs Jericho by the leg. He pulls him off and starts to climb, but Jericho grabs Ambrose off the ladder and hits the Code Breaker on Ambrose. Jericho climbs the ladder again. As he is grabbing for the briefcase, Zayn comes up the other side of the ladder. They exchange right hands. Owens knocks the ladder over and they both hit the top rope throat first. Owens sets the ladder up and starts to climb. He gets grabbed by Del Rio, who hits the Backstabber on Owens. Even the O'Jays were jealous of that. About three people will get that joke, but that's okay. Del Rio goes to reposition the ladder, but Cesaro hits him with an uppercut. Cesaro then does the big swing on Del Rio. Jericho goes for the Code Breaker on Cesaro, but Cesaro catches Jericho's legs and does the Big Swing and after 5 turns slams Jericho into one of the ladders. Cesaro grabs a ladder and sets it up in a corner. Ambrose hits Cesaro with a forearm and starts to climb the set up ladder and hits Cesaro with an elbow off the ladder. Ambrose trying to get back to his feet as a this is awesome chant goes out. Ambrose tries to set up the ladder again and Owens throws another ladder at Ambrose. Owens then puts Ambrose on a ladder laying on the mat and Owens goes up top and frog splashed onto Ambrose. Zayn comes in and he and Owens exchange blows in the center of the ring. Zayn elbows Owens when Owens gets Zayn up on his shoulders and Zayn hits a scoop slam to Owens on a ladder. The ladder bends in half and a holy shit chant goes out. Zayn grabs another ladder and positions it in place. He climbs the ladder and reaches for the briefcase. Del Rio comes in with another ladder and beats Zayn in the back with it. Zayn trying to hold on, but being driven off the ladder by Del Rio. Del Rio grabs Zayn off the ladder and hits him with a DDT. Del Rio then sets one ladder horizontally on another ladder and the corner turnbuckle. Zayn climbing over Del Rio trying to climb up the ladder while Jericho starts climbing up the other side. Cesaro picks up another ladder and slams it on Jericho as he is climbing. Cesaro sets up the ladder horizontally on his side. Ambrose and Owens get on the horizontal ladders on either side so all 6 men on a ladder in some position. Ambrose knocks Cesaro off. Owens knocks Del Rio off. All four men left on the ladders at the top and fighting each other to try to get to the briefcase. Cesaro up and sets another ladder up in the ring next to the one the others are fighting on. He and Del Rio climb that ladder and now all 6 reaching for the briefcase. Someone tilts the second ladder and both Cesaro and Del Rio go over. Del Rio guillotines himself and Cesaro crotches himself on the top rope. Jericho trying to headbutt Ambrose off the ladder while Zayn hits Owens with elbows trying to knock him off. Both Ambrose and Jericho fall off. Owens knocked off and the crowd starts to cheer as Zayn climbs the ladder towards the briefcase. Jericho runs up the ladder bridge to knock Zayn down. Ambrose grabs Jericho's leg and hits him with Dirty Deeds off the ladder. Zayn starts to climb again only to be stopped by Owens grabbing his leg. He drags Zayn off and powerbombs him on one of the ladders. Owens then gets on the ladder and screams It's Mine to Zayn before throwing Zayn off and starting to climb. Ambrose climbs to the other side and the two start fighting on top of the ladder. Ambrose reaches through the ladder and grabs Owens and runs him into the ladder. Owens falls back onto one of the set up ladders and it falls down two notches as a result in a cool looking visual. Ambrose climbs up and grabs the briefcase to win Money in the Bank. The crowd cheers wildly.
-Summerslam Ad.
-Renee Young and the PPV kick off panel are introduced. They review what has happened so far and show the Golden Truth defeating Breezango in the kickoff show.
-Then Lana is introduced. She introduces Rusev. United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Titus O'Neill: O'Neill goes over to greet his sons sitting at ringside. The bell rings and Rusev rolls out and goes over to O'Neill's suns. O'Neill gets out and the two collide after a double clothesline. O'Neill then attacked Rusev on the outside. He beats down Rusev in front of his sons and then throws him back in the ring. Rusev rolls back out trying to get away but O'Neill catches him and runs him into the barricade. Rusev comes back with a shot to O'Neill. Both get back in the ring and Rusev attacks O'Neill immediately. Back and forth in the ring. Rusev with a spin kick for a one count. Rusev takes over on offense. A forearm on O'Neill gets a two count. Rusev with a headlock trying to wear O'Neill down. He points O'Neill towards his sons and said do you see your children? O'Neill fires up out of the move and coming back on Rusev. O'Neill with a flurry of offense. O'Neill with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and gets hit with a knee in the face by Rusev. Rusev with a corner whip, but misses the charge. A O'Neill slam gets a two count. Another flurry of offense by O'Neill gets another two count. O'Neill blocks Rusev going for the submission with a pump handle slam for another two count. Rusev goes to leave and O'Neill follows and slams Rusev on the apron. He throws Rusev back in. Rusev comes back with some big kicks to O'Neill. He gets the submission on and O'Neill taps out. Rusev grabs a mic and goes over to O'Neill's kids and calls O'Neill and loser and says Happy Father's Day!
-WWE Network ad. The announcers preview the Main Event.
-Main Event for the WWE Championship. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins out first and he is all business. He is intent on reclaiming the title that he never lost. Reigns out to a mixed reception. He is much better suited to the role he has in 2023 as the Tribal Chief and head of the table. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and drive to a corner. They break clean. Another lock up and drives to a corner and Reigns is aggressive. He finally breaks on a three count. Exchanging holds and both men trying to gain a position. Rollins with a side headlock takeover. Reigns battles to get back to his feet. Reigns pushes off and hits Rollins with a shoulder block. He then stares at Rollins and motions for him to get up. Rollins gets back to his feet only to get hit with another shoulder tackle by Reigns. Reigns runs the ropes and Rollins hits him with a dropkick. Rollins with a high knee to Reigns to knock him out of the ring. Rollins follows that up with a suicide dive to Reigns and lands on his feet on the outside in an impressive series of moves. Both back in the ring and Rollins hits a couple of corner charges only to get hit with a Samoan Drop by Reigns. Reigns with a stomp to Rollins as a Roman sucks chant starts. Reigns with a headbutt and a suplex. He gets a one count. Rollins blocks being run into the turnbuckle and hits some right hands to Reigns. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Reigns with a clothesline. Reigns bad mouthing Rollins while kicking him. Reigns with a series of right forearms to Rollins in the corner. Another headbutt by Reigns. Reigns with a corner whip and a big slam to Rollins. He gets a two count. Reigns throwing Rollins around the ring. Rollins responds by slapping Reigns in the face. Reigns gets Rollins back in the corner and keeps hitting him with forearms. Referee Mike Chioda grabs Reigns by the waist and pulls him away. Rollins comes out of the corner with slaps to Reigns's face. He then kicks Reigns in the midsection several times and Reigns responds by throwing Rollins into a turnbuckle. He puts Rollins on the top turnbuckle and hits Rollins with a big right hand to knock him off the turnbuckle outside to the floor. Reigns comes out after Rollins and runs him into the apron. He runs his shoulder into Rollins' midsection. Reigns runs Rollins into and over the SAT. Reigns rolls back into the ring to break the count and then runs Rollins face first into the English announce table. Reigns starts to take the table apart and Rollins rolls back in the ring. Reigns comes in as well and Rollins immediately rolls outside. Reigns goes back out after Rollins and runs him into the apron. Rollins turns the tables by running Reigns into the ring steps. Rollins throws Reigns into the ring. Rollins goes to the top. Reigns up and spins Rollins around on the top rope. Reigns with a Razor's Edge into a powerbomb for a close two count. Rollins counters a Superman Punch attempt by running Reigns into a turnbuckle. Reigns drags Rollins up to his feet only for Rollins to catch Reigns with an enziguri. A dropkick by Rollins knocks Reigns to the outside. Rollins with a suicide dive that drives Reigns into the barricade. Rollins then with another dive onto Reigns to knock Reigns to the floor. Both men down on the outside. Rollins throws Reigns back in the ring and ducks a Superman Punch attempt to catch Reigns in a Sling blade. He only gets a two count. Rollins out to the apron and goes for a knee. Reigns avoids it and goes for a Superman Punch. Rollins ducks the attempt and goes for a Pedigree. Reigns counters with a backdrop and Rollins lands on his feet. Reigns with a Superman Punch for a close two count. Reigns tells Rollins to stay down and goes for the Spear, only to get caught with a knee to the face by Rollins. Rollins then rushes Reigns in the corner and Reigns backdrops Rollins to the apron. Rollins catches Reigns with an enziguri from the apron and then a knee to the side of the face when Rollins springboards off the ropes. Rollins does the 5 Star Frog Splash to get a close two count. Rollins goes up top, but gets caught and hit with a big right hand by Reigns. Reigns headbutts Rollins and goes for a superplex. Rollins trying to block the move by hitting Reigns with his right hands. Rollins then makes his way over Reigns, grabs Reigns and hits a buckle bomb on Reigns in the opposite corner. I like Rollins, but there is no way that I would let him do that move on me. Rollins follow up with a superkick and gets another close two count. Reigns up in the corner and Rollins hits him with a forearm. Then another forearm and Reigns slowly sinking to the mat but trying to hold on to the ropes. Rollins with a third forearm. Rollins puts Reigns on the top turnbuckle, but Reigns pushes Rollins off. Rollins gets up and hits Reigns with another forearm. Reigns again pushes Rollins off. Reigns trying to go up top, but Rollins catches him and superplexes Reigns. Rollins hold on to Reigns and then hits the Falcons Arrow. He gets a 2.5 count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree again and Reigns trying to fight him off. Reigns with a right hand. Rollins responds with a series of kicks. Reigns avoids one and rolls Rollins up. He gets a two count, lifts Rollins up with one arm and gets a powerbomb for another two count. Both men down on the ground. The two exchange blows while on their knees. Then both up and going back and forth in the center of the ring. Rollins avoids a Superman Punch, kicks Reigns in the midsection, and goes for the buckle bomb again. He hits it, but Reigns comes out of the corner with a Superman Punch and both men down again. Reigns can only get a two count. Rollins falls to the outside and crawls to the barricade. He lifts himself up and is going towards the timekeepers area. Reigns gets out of the ring. Reigns goes to Spear Rollins, who moves out of the way and Reigns crashes into the barricade instead. The officials and a doctor out to check on Reigns. Reigns trying to get back to his feet. Rollins comes over and throws Reigns back into the ring. Referee Mike Chioda over in the corner asking the doctor if Reigns is okay. Rollins goes for the Pedigree and Reigns drives him backwards and hits Chioda. Reigns hits Rollins with a Spear. Chioda crawls over, but Reigns only gets a two count. Reigns goes for another Spear and Rollins catches him with a Pedigree, but only gets another two count and Rollins can't believe it. Rollins with another Pedigree and he gets the pin and is the new WWE Champion. Chioda gives Rollins the championship and raises his hand. Rollins screams I told you, signals that his knee is 100%, and raises the championship. Dean Ambose's music hits and Rollins turns towards the ramp. Ambrose comes from the crowd and hits Rollins from behind with the briefcase. Ambrose gives Chioda the briefcase and cashes in MITB. Lillian Garcia informs the crowd as Chioda gets the championship out of the ring and Rollins struggles to get to his feet. The bell rings and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds right away and pins Rollins to become the new WWE Champion. The crowd celebrates. All three members of the Shield were the World Champion in the span of 5 minutes. Ambrose celebrates in the ring with the Championship. He climbs up on the announce table to celebrate. They recap what happened before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show with the MITB, the Cena/Styles match, and the main event and the aftermath. Give it a shot.