Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 215 Notes

-Today we look at No Mercy 2016 from the WWE.
-No Mercy 2016 was a Smackdown only event shown on PPV and the WWE Network on October 9, 2016 from the Golden One Center in Sacramento, CA. There were 14,324 in attendance.
-Mauro Ranollo welcomes us to No Mercy. He, JBL, and David Otunga will be calling the action.
-The Main Event will be going on first because of the second presidential debate that night and they figured they would lose people halfway through the event.
-WWE Championship Match Triple Threat. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena: Cena out first and he is always professional. Ambrose out next. Styles out last. He gets a mixed reaction. Flashback to what led up to the main event. The bell rings and they stare at each other. They trash talk. They go for their respective signature moves, but all get cut off and all three down. Cena and Ambrose going at each other. Ambrose then goes after both Cena and Styles. He takes them both outside. Ambrose goes to give Cena a forearm from the apron, but Cena catches him and runs Ambrose into a ring post. Styles hits Cena with a plancha and a forearm. He gets Cena down in the ring. Then Styles and Ambrose exchange moves until Cena comes up behind them and double German suplexes them. Styles with a forearm that knocks Ambrose to the floor. Cena then catapults Styles into a turnbuckle. He then gets a cutter for a two count. Cena goes for the AA and Styles counters with a Pele kick. Ambrose and Styles go back and forth and then Styles with a DDT and a Scorpion Death Drop to Cena and Ambrose respectively. He gets a pair of two counts. Ambrose goes for a corner splash, only to get back dropped to the outside by Styles. Cena slams Styles down. Cena with a Code Red for a two count. Both men down. Styles with a tornado jackknife for a two count on Cena. Styles reverses an Irish whip and gets Cena in a sleeper. Cena fights out and Styles pushes Cena off into a sleeper from Ambrose. Cena runs Ambrose into Styles repeatedly to break the hold. Cena with shoulder tackles to Ambrose and goes for U Can't See Me, only to get cut off by a German suplex from Styles. Ambrose thrown outside and Cena with shoulder tackles to Styles. Ambrose with an elbow to break up the AA attempt and gets a two count. Ambrose ducks a forearm from the top rope from Styles that takes Cena out of the ring. Styles blocks a Dirty Deeds attempt. Styles with a top rope Frankensteiner to Ambrose, but Ambrose rolls through and gets a two count from Styles. Styles gets a roll up for a two count. Double clothesline and both men are down. Cena in and does U Can't See me and the 5 knuckle shuffle to both Styles and Ambrose. AA to Styles, but Styles quickly rolls out. AA to Ambrose for a two count. Cena with the STF to Ambrose. Ambrose trying to break the move. Styles breaks the hold. Styles reverses an AA attempt to suplex Cena on the apron. Styles with a 450 springboard to Ambrose for a two count. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm. Ambrose tries to counter into Dirty Deeds. Styles blocks it and hits the Styles Clash on Ambrose. Cena in and immediately puts Styles in the STF. Ambrose stops Styles from tapping. Ambrose attacks Cena to break the hold. Back and forth and Cena gets Ambrose and Styles in a corner and goes to AA them both at once. They get off before he can and he goes for Styles again. Styles goes up and kicks Ambrose in the head and then kicks Cena in the head. Ambrose with a lariat to Styles. Ambrose puts Styles on the top rope. Cena grabs Ambrose and powerbombs him for a two count. Styles with a crossbody on Cena, who rolls through and goes for the AA. Styles rolls through and gets the Calf Crusher on. Cena trying to hold on. Ambrose breaks it up. Ambrose puts a version of the Calf Crusher on Styles. Cena puts the STF on Styles. Styles taps, but referee Mike Chioda waves it off because you can only have one winner. Ambrose and Cena exchange blows. Cena with a clothesline. Ambrose counters an AA attempt into Dirty Deeds. Styles breaks the count by pulling Chioda out of the ring. Ambrose with a suicide dive out onto Styles. He then throws Styles on the GAT. Ambrose goes up top, but gets caught and Cena hits the AA from the top rope. Styles comes in with a chair and attacks Cena and gets the pin. Styles celebrates while Cena and Ambrose look on pissed.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Flashback to what has been going on between Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt.
-Nikki Bella vs. Carmella: Flashback to what led up to the match. The bell rings. Nikki goes after Carmella immediately and Carmella slaps Nikki. Nikki relentlessly attacking Carmella. Carmella rolls to the outside to regroup, only to be hit with a baseball slide by Nikki. Carmella runs Nikki into the LED board that's on the apron. Carmella wraps Nikki around the ring post and pulls back. She then gets in and covers Nikki for a two count. Carmella with a rear chin lock. Nikki tries to get away. Carmella grabs her by her hair and throws Nikki down before hitting a bronco buster. She gets a two count. Carmella goes back to the chin lock. Nikki gets out. Carmella grabs Nikki by the hair and pulls it on the ropes for a four count. Nikki comes out of the corner and tackles Carmella. Nikki with a string of offense. A springboard roundhouse kick gets a two count for Nikki. A Bella Buster gets another two count. Carmella with a headscissors on Nikki and a superkick for a two count. Both wrestlers down. They exchange moves for two count. Carmella gets the Code of Silence. Nikki gets to the ropes. Carmella attacks Nikki. Nikki gets the Rack Attack 2.0 to get the pin.
-Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan are shown in the back before they get interrupted by the Miz and Maryse. Miz needles Bryan while talking about retiring Dolph Ziggler.
-Rise above cancer ad.
-Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match. Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. The Usos Jimmy and Jey: The SAT and GAT are introduced. Rhyno and Jimmy start. They lock up and Rhyno with a side headlock. Push off by Jimmy and a shoulder block by Rhyno. Back and forth. Rhyno beating Jimmy down in the corner. Slater tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbow. Back and forth. Jimmy with a shot to get Slater down. Jey tagged in and scoop slams Slater twice. He keeps up the attack and gets a two count. Uso's double teaming Slater in the corner. They get another two count. Slater breaks free and tags Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline. Rhyno with a series of moves to Jimmy, who had tagged in. Rhyno sets up for the Gore, but gets distracted by Jey on the apron to allow Jimmy to hit a dropkick. Jey tagged in and gets a two count. Jey kicking Rhyno down for another two count. Jimmy tagged in. Back and forth. Jimmy with a rear chin lock. He drags Rhyno over and tags Jimmy in and Jimmy hits Rhyno with a missile dropkick to the back of the head. They exchange shots in the middle of the ring. Jey knocks Rhyno down and gets another two count. Jimmy tagged in and goes for a corner charge, but Rhyno hits him with a back elbow. Rhyno with a spinebuster and Slater tagged in. Jey also tagged in and Slater cleaning house. He hits Jey with a hang mans neck breaker for a two count. He and Jey trade two counts. Jimmy tagged in. He takes Slater and Rhyno out. He goes up top, but gets caught and Slater power slams Jimmy off the top rope. Slater gets a two count. Jimmy hits a superkick and Jey tagged in. They attack Slater's left leg and then Rhyno takes Jimmy out with a Gore on the outside. Jey has Slater in the Tequila Sunrise until Rhyno hits Jey with a clothesline. Rhyno tagged in. He hits Jey with the Gore to get the pin.
-Bray Wyatt shown in a dark room in a rocking chair. He spouts some nonsense words before singing he's got the whole world in his hands.
-Flashback to a match between Baron Corbin and Jack Swagger on Smackdown Live to set up the next match.
-Jack Swagger vs. Baron Corbin: The international announce teams are introduced. Corbin attacks Swagger right away. It goes outside and Swagger takes over. Corbin attacks Swagger and runs him into the ring steps before hitting Swagger with a running clothesline. Swagger's right hand appears injured and Corbin going after that hand. Swagger tries to fight back. Corbin slams Swagger down. He gets a two count. Corbin goes back to the injured hand. He rushes Swagger in the corner and Swagger slams Corbin down. Back and forth. Corbin with a corner whip, but misses the charge. Swagger with a flurry of offense. Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb for a two count. Swagger goes for the ankle lock, but can't get it due to the injured hand. Corbin with the Deep Six for a two count. Corbin beats Swagger down. Swagger comes back with a clothesline for a two count. Swagger with the Patriot Lock. Corbin makes it to the apron and then pokes Swagger in the eye. He then hits the End of Days to get the pin. Flashback to what led up to the Dolph Ziggler/Miz match.
-Title vs. Career. Intercontinental Champion The Miz with Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler: Miz and Maryse out first. Ziggler comes out to a good ovation. David Otunga runs down Ziggler's accomplishments during his career. The bell rings and they slowly circle each other. They each duck the others moves. Ziggler with a roll up for a two count. Ziggler goes for a dropkick, but Miz catches him and catapults Ziggler to the outside. Ziggler lands on his feet, gets right back in, and hits Miz with a dropkick. They both go out after a Ziggler clothesline. Ziggler runs Miz into a barricade and then throws Miz back in. Back and forth. They trade two counts. Miz with a modified double chicken wing. Ziggler gets out. Miz hits a clothesline. He gets a two count. Miz stomps Ziggler on the apron. Miz drives down on Ziggler's legs while mocking Daniel Bryan. Ziggler fighting to come back. Miz with a combo neck and backbreaker for a two count. Miz with a running dropkick. He gets Ziggler down in the corner. He goes for a running splash, but gets caught by a Ziggler dropkick. Ziggler with some clotheslines, a splash, and a neck breaker. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Miz gets Ziggler down and uses the ropes, but gets caught by the referee. They exchange moves. Miz gets a DDT on Ziggler for a two count. Miz getting frustrated. Miz goes to hurt Ziggler's leg. Ziggler kicks off. Miz with a dropkick to the leg. Ziggler gets a small package for a two count. Miz with a clothesline. Miz goes up top, but gets caught. They fight on the turnbuckle. They fight off and Miz gets the figure four on. Ziggler trying to get to the ropes. He gets there. Maryse gets on the apron to distract the referee so Miz can take a turnbuckle cover off. Ziggler hits a Ruff Ryder for a two count. They trade moves again and Miz runs Ziggler into the exposed turnbuckle. Miz hits the slingshot powerbomb for a two count. A Ziggler chant goes out. Miz with a series of leg kicks. Ziggler ducks one and hits the Zig Zag for a close two count. Ziggler counters an SCF attempt with a roll up for another two count. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Miz. Miz gets to the ropes. Maryse sprays Ziggler again and Miz hits the SCF. Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope. Miz can't believe it. The crowd chants yes. Miz goes after the leg again and yanks Ziggler's boot off. Ziggler hits a superkick with the foot and crawls over to cover Miz. Maryse signals to the back and Kenny and Mikey from the Spirit Squad come out. They distract Ziggler and Miz hits the SCF. He gets another two count. The Spirit Squad and Maryese distract the referee again and he throws them out. Ziggler hits a super kick to Miz to get the pin and become the new Intercontinental Champion. Ziggler celebrates with the fans. Miz looking heartbroken.
-WWE Network ad.
-Randy Orton is shown in the back. They do some weird stuff with him looking in the mirror like he was Hulk Hogan in 1998 WCW.
-Renee Young and the PPV panel talk about what's happened and what's to come.
-Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi: Bliss gets on the mic and puts down Becky Lynch for not competing. She gets interrupted by Naomi's music. The bell rings. Naomi with a side headlock and a push off. Bliss with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Naomi with a series of stupid looking kicks. Ugh. She hits a nice split legged moonsault for a two count. Bliss comes back with a slap and they exchange blows. Bliss working on Naomi's arm. She gets a two count. Bliss goes back to the arm bar. Naomi goes for a corner whip. Bliss reverses it and drives Naomi into a turnbuckle. She rushes Naomi, who runs Bliss into the turnbuckle. Naomi with a face buster. Naomi with a dropkick and a rear view for a two count. Bliss with a cross arm breaker, but Naomi gets Bliss' shoulders down and gets the three count.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Preview of what led up to the next match. Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton: Orton gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and they just stare at each other before locking up. Orton pushes off and Wyatt does the backwards crawling move. Orton goes for the RKO, but Wyatt pushes off, rolls outside, and laughs at Orton. Back in, they trade shots. Back and forth with moves. Orton with a stomp. He follows it up with corner mounted punches. Wyatt comes back and goes for Sister Abigail, but Orton throws Wyatt outside before he can hit it. Wyatt guillotines Orton on the top rope. It goes outside. Wyatt throws Orton on the announce table. Orton goes for the RKO and Wyatt throws him over the table. Wyatt grabs the ring steps and sets them up in front of the announce desk, but gets clotheslined by Orton. Orton throws Wyatt in. Wyatt sends Orton into the barricade when he tries to get in. Wyatt stomps on Orton as soon as he gets in and hits a series of moves on Orton, but only gets a two count. They exchange blows. Wyatt with a corner splash. He gets a two count. Orton with a rear chin lock. Back and forth. They go out to the apron. Wyatt with a DDT to Orton on the apron. He gets a couple of two counts. A clothesline gets another two count. Wyatt with a scoop slam. Wyatt goes for a senton, but Orton moves out of the way. They exchange strikes. Orton with a series of lariats. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, but Orton pushes off and hits a power slam. He gets a two count. Orton goes for a DDT. Wyatt off and hits a forearm for a two count. Both men down. Wyatt gets up and they each block moves from the other. Orton with a roll up for a two count. Orton thrown outside. Wyatt follows. He puts Orton on the set up steps. He goes to senton onto Orton, but Orton moves and Wyatt hits the steps. Orton slams Wyatt's head on the desk. Orton then slams Wyatt back first on the barricade. Orton hits his ropes DDT on Wyatt and goes into his Viper routine. Suddenly, the lights go out and a Bray Wyatt video flashes on the screen. A light goes on over the ring and Luke Harper comes in and is face to face with Orton, allowing Wyatt to hit Sister Abigail and pin Orton. Harper helps Wyatt up and they hug. They replay what happened and sign off from Sacremento.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show. It was weird to see the main event on first. Worth at least one watch.