Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 125 Notes

-Back from vacation. Flying alone was interesting. The Admiral. I don’t want to go to New York. -Lunch with Nan. Getting Sick. Walking back to the terminal.
-This week, Project 45 lands us in the year 2014 with a look at NXT Takeover.
-2014 for me: My niece was born on the day that I predicted and my sister was livid.
-NXT Takeover was shown on the WWE Network on May 29, 2014 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. There were 400 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-A video of WWE Superstars and Champions over the years.
-Takeover Intro.
-Tom Phillips, William Regal, and Byron Saxton are your announcers for the evening and welcome us to Takeover.
-Adam Rose is shown leading the AR Experience Party into Full Sail.
-Camacho vs. Adam Rose: The bell rings. They circle each other. Rose ducks a clothesline attempt. They circle each other again. Camacho with a waist lock. Into a full nelson. Rose grinds backwards to get out of the hold. Rose ducks a clothesline and jumps up into Camacho's arms. Camacho pushes him off. Camacho hits a forearm to knock Rose down. He then stomps Rose down. Double under hook suplex by Camacho. He gets a two count. Camacho with a modified chin lock. The crowd gets behind Rose who is trying to get back to his feet. Rose with a takeover to get out of the hold. Camacho stomps Rose. He punches him. Camacho with a running kick. Gets a two count. Camacho with a series of forearms to Rose's chest. He goes back to the chin lock. The crowd starts chanting Party Time all the Time to get behind Rose. Camacho with a knee to the stomach and a forearm to Rose. Camacho taunts Rose and then delivers a leg drop to him. He gets a one count. Camacho with a headbutt. Camacho with an Irish whip and he drops his head too early and Rose kicks him in the face. Camacho misses a corner charge. Rose with a series of left hands to Camacho and then a big right hand to knock him down. Camacho holds on to an Irish whip attempt and kicks Rose in the stomach. Rose hits a spinebuster. Rose hits a corner back elbow and a back kick. He then hits a Bronco Buster and hits a Party Foul and gets the pin. The party then continues and the group come down and take Adam Rose away and you can see future WWE Superstars like Braun Strowman and Simon Gotch among the people.
-A look at Sami Zayn.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Ascension Konnor and Viktor vs. Kalisto and El Local: The Ascention attack their opponents as soon as the bell rings. They Irish whip their opponents, who come back with hurricanranas to even the score. The Ascension on the outside. Kalisto and El Local run to dive between the ropes and the Ascension hits them with European uppercuts to the head as they are diving through. Back in, Viktor and Kalisto start. Viktor with some stomps and a brief choke to Kalisto. He picks Kalisto up and throws him in the corner. He beats him down with forearms and tags Konnor in. Double takedown by the Ascension. Konnor with an elbow drop to Kalisto. Gets a two count. He lifts Kalisto up and Viktor with a shot to the ribs. Viktor in now. He continues to stomp Kalisto. He grabs Kalisto by the top of the mask and pulls for a four count. He chops Kalisto down. Gets another two count. He picks Kalisto up and Kalisto with a series of chops and a forearm to the back. He picks Kalisto up and puts him on the turnbuckle. He then hits a series of forearms to the back of Kalisto. Kalisto hung in the tree of woe. Konnor tagged back in. He kicks Kalisto several times. Viktor tagged in. He drives Kalisto down to the mat with a forearm to the chest. He gets a two count. Viktor with a headlock. Kalisto coming back with a series of elbows to try to break the move. Viktor with a forearm to the back and throws Kalisto to the outside. Konnor goes out and slams Kalisto to the outside. Konnor goes out and slams Kalisto into the ropes so hard that he bounces back and hits the barricade. He picks Kalisto up to do it again and Kalisto hooks his arms onto the ropes and kicks Konnor in the stomach. He then uses his legs to grab Viktor by the neck and run him into the apron. Kalisto then falls back inside the ring. Back in the ring, Konnor puts Kalisto on his shoulder and drives him into the corner. Viktor tagged back in and he chops Kalisto hard. Viktor with a corner charge, but Kalisto hits him with a back elbow. Kalisto hits a reverse hurricanrana. El Local tagged in. He hits Viktor in the head with a flying forearm and goes over and hits Konnor on the apron. El Local with a back elbow. He ducks a clothesline attempt by Viktor and hits a back elbow. El Local hits a springboard double ax handle on Viktor off the second rope. Viktor reverses a corner whip. El Local comes back with a Pele' kick to Viktor when he tries to charge in. El Local hits a second rope moonsault. Konnor breaks up the pin attempt. Kalisto comes in and rolls up Konnor and hits him with a wicked looking kick. Viktor throws Kalisto to the outside. Viktor ducks El Local coming off the top rope and hits an STO on El Local. Konnor tagged in and he and Viktor hit the Fallen Man on El Local and Konnor pins him.
-Sami Zayn is shown getting ready for his match.
-Tyler Breeze is then shown checking himself out in a mirror.
-A feature on Tyler Breeze.
-Number One Contenders Match. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze: The bell rings. A Sami chant goes out. They circle each other. They lock up and Breeze with a go behind. Zayn reverses into a wrist lock. Breeze reverses into a wrist lock of his own. Zayn reverses and gets Breeze down on the mat with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Breeze reverses into an arm bar of his own. Breeze pushes off. Zayn with a backwards leapfrog to avoid Breeze and then with an arm drag to Breeze. Several more arm drags to Breeze. Into an arm bar on Breeze. Breeze gets to his feet and drives Zayn into a corner. They grab each other by the hair and go back and forth. Zayn with a side headlock in the corner of the ring. Breeze with a series of shots to the stomach to get out of the move. Zayn with a forearm to the back. Zayn with an Irish whip and a dropkick to Breeze. Breeze reverses a corner whip. Zayn with a back elbow when Breeze charges him. Zayn goes to the second turnbuckle. Breeze grabs his boot and throws him to the outside. Zayn gets back into the ring on 7. Breeze runs Zayn into a ring post. Breeze stomping Zayn down in the corner. He then puts his boot on Zayn's throat up against the turnbuckle. Breeze pulls Zayn into the middle of the ring and drops knees on his chest and face. He gets a two count. Zayn in the corner and Breeze punching him. Breeze with a bulldog to Zayn in the corner. He gets a one count. Breeze with a series of elbows to Zayn's head. Breeze runs Zayn's face into the mat. He gets a two count. Breeze with a front face lock. Zayn trying to get back to his feet. Breeze pulls him back down. Zayn finally lifts Breeze up and pushes him off. Breeze misses a clothesline attempt. Breeze rushes Zayn, who pulls the rope down and Breeze goes crashing to the outside. Zayn on the apron and hits a split legged moonsault off the ropes onto Breeze. Zayn picks Breeze up and throws him back in as the crowd does an NXT chant. Zayn with a top rope crossbody to Breeze. He gets a two count. Breeze with a side headlock and some elbows to Zayn. Breeze tries to get away, but Zayn pulls him back and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. He gets a two count. The crowd is chanting one more time. Zayn goes up top. Zayn goes to jump off right as Breeze gets up, so Zayn flips off and charges Breeze, who hits him with a super kick. Breeze with a DDT and gets a two count. Zayn in the corner. Breeze pulls him out. He lands hard and Breeze gets a two count. Breeze attacking Zayn in the corner, but the referee makes him get away. Breeze tries to get Zayn out of the corner, but Zayn reverses into an exploder suplex into the corner. Double count going while a this is awesome chant goes out from the crowd. Back and forth with punches in the middle of the ring. A double reversal of a corner whip and Zayn stops himself before he runs into the referee, but Breeze rolls Zayn up from behind. He gets a close two count. Zayn goes for another Blue Thunder Bomb. There are a couple of reversals. Breeze gets to the ropes and shrugs Zayn off. Breeze hits a super kick. He gets another close two count. Both men down on the mat. Breeze with some punches to Zayn. Both are spent and are barely standing. Zayn slaps Breeze, who retaliates with a series of forearms to Zayn on the ropes until the referee forces him to back up. Breeze goes for an Irish whip, but Zayn hangs on to the ropes. He tries it again, but the same thing happens. Zayn goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze has hung on to him and hooked him and both are trying to battle for position. Zayn hits a modified Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breeze kicks out again. The NXT chant starts again. Zayn goes for a corner charge, but Breeze slips out of the ring. Zayn dives over the top rope onto Breeze. A holy shit chant goes out. Zayn throws Breeze back into the ring. Zayn goes for a kick to Breeze in the corner. Breeze gets his arms up and Zayn gets hit hard in the crotch. Breeze hits the Beauty Shot to Zayn and gets the pin. They show a replay of some of the big moments of the match.
-Preview of NXT Fallout and a special airing of Legends House after Takeover.
-Bret Hart shown in the back talking to Natalya and Tyson Kidd.
Preview of what is still to come at Takeover.
-Lana is introduced. She tells NXT to rise for the Super Athlete, Rusev. He gets in the ring and Lana says much like Russia has expanded her power across Europe to be the next superpower, so has Rusev expanded his power to Raw and Smackdown. And now he received and come back to NXT to receive adulation from all the peasants that he stepped on their heads to reach the top and now you will rise in respect and receive this great man. Much like Russia has received their great leader, Vladimir Putin. A picture of Putin appears on the screen and the crowd boos. Boy, is this timely looking at this? She then says NXT, rise for the Iron Fist of Russia, Rusev! Rusev says some things in Russian and then starts waving the flag again. Mojo Rawley comes out waving the US Flag. Rawley has a mic on the stage and he says hold on one second, Rusev. He says he's hearing a lot of hype right now about Russia, but right here, we're in the USA. In the USA, we don't get hyped, we stay hyped and he thinks right about now, it's time that someone came down to that ring and shove that flag right up your Putin. Rawley then rushes into the ring and Rusev hits him with a wicked looking kick. Rusev gets Rawley down and hits him with several devastating right hands. He rips Rawley's t shirt off. He then beats Rawley down. He then puts Rawley in the accolade. He then raises his arm to the crowd. He then throws Rawley out of the ring. Rawley out of the ring and Lana sends Rusev out after him. Rusev puts the accolade on Rawley again. Rawley screaming out in pain until Lana tells Rusev to let go. He then poses with his foot on the fallen Rawley. The announcers review what happened.
-Ric Flair and Charlotte are shown in the back.
-Flashback to how Charlotte and Natalya made it to the finals of the NXT Women's Championship Tournament.
-Comments from Charlotte, Natalya, Bret Hart, and Ric Flair about the match.
-Kris Kristofferson is shown in the crowd.
-Paige comes out with the Diva's Championship. Paige says it is great to be home at NXT and she knows this is going to sound cheesy and cliche, but she wants the thank each and every person in the crowd. She wants to thank each and every one because she wouldn't be where she is today without the fans and NXT and she wouldn't be the WWE Divas Champion. But talking about championships. She couldn't be prouder to be the first ever NXT Women's Champion. But tonight, they are going to be crowning a new champion and this new champion, she has to have strength, she has to have character, and she has to have grace. Because while holding the NXT Championship, she is holding the key to the future. Believe her, holding that can lead to this as she holds up the Diva's Championship. The crowd cheers. She says so thank you, thank you every single one of you and enjoy the rest of the show because it's going to be memorable. The crowd gives her a great reaction.
-Final for the NXT Women's Championship. Charlotte with Ric Flair vs. Natalya with Bret Hart: Natalya gets right in Charlotte's face. Charlotte Whoos Natalya. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and battle for position. Natalya with a takedown. She gets a one count. They circle each other again. Natalya with a go behind. Natalya with a takedown. Natalya with a front face lock. Charlotte with a reversal into a hammerlock. Natalya spins around to a sitting position. Natalya gets back to her feet. Natalya with a takeover. Into an arm bar. Let's go Charlotte/ Let's go Nattie dueling chants go out. Charlotte with a head scissors. Natalya kips up to get out of the hold. They lock up again and Natalya with a side headlock takeover. She keeps the side headlock on and Charlotte tries to twist around to get out of it. Natalya keeps the side headlock on. Charlotte twists around out of the move and throws Natalya off. They circle each other again. They lock up. Natalya reverses a go behind into a wrist lock. Charlotte reverses that into a wrist lock of her own. Into an arm bar. She gets Natalya down on the ground. Natalya reverses and takes Charlotte down with a leg lock. Charlotte punching Natalya's back trying to get out of the move. Charlotte gets a leg around Natalya to get out of the move. Charlotte catches Natalya's leg when Natalya goes for a kick. Natalya reverses into a modified Sharpshooter, but Charlotte reaches back and gets Natalya in a headlock. Natalya gets back to her feet. Natalya reverses into a headlock of her own. Into a front face lock. Natalya then Whoos at Ric Flair. Charlotte reverses into a front face lock. A lot of reversals in this match. Both back to their feet and Natalya with a wrist lock. Charlotte with an Irish whip. Both with drop downs and leapfrogs. Natalya with a roll up for a two count. Natalya with a leg scissors. Charlotte fighting to get out of the hold. She gets turned around and starts choking Natalya. Natalya gets a Cross Arm Breaker, but Charlotte scrambles away to the ropes. Charlotte smacks Natalya. Natalya slaps Charlotte back. Natalya with a waist lock go behind. Natalya with a roll up. Charlotte with a series of chops to knock Natalya down to the mat. Ric Flair then Whoos at Natalya. Back up, Natalya chops Charlotte. Charlotte reverses a corner whip, but a backwards leapfrog to avoid the charge. Natalya with a waist lock on Charlotte. Charlotte drives Natalya backwards into the turnbuckle to try to get out of the move. Then a series of back elbows to Natalya to break the hold. Natalya gets on Charlotte's back and gets a sleeper on. Charlotte hits a backpack Stunner to get out of the hold. Gets a couple of two counts. She then drives Natalya's head into the mat several times. Natalya in the corner and Charlotte pulls her out. She gets another two count. Charlotte with a rear chin lock into a head scissors. Figure four headlock. Charlotte turns the move over and slams Natalya's head into the mat several times. Natalya twists around so Charlotte flips her hard down on the mat. That gets another two count. Charlotte with an abdominal stretch. Natalya reverses the hold. Natalya then with a backslide. Charlotte slips out and dropkicks Natalya. Charlotte gets a two count. Charlotte with a corner charge, but Natalya moves. Natalya with a butterfly suplex and a clothesline. Natalya with a snap mare. Natalya with a running head stomp and a baseball slide dropkick. That gets a two count. Natalya with a corner whip and Charlotte flips over and lands on the apron. Natalya knocks her off of the apron to the floor with a forearm. Referee Charles Robinson keeps Natalya away so that he can start counting. Natalya goes out to the apron and Charlotte grabs Natalya's legs. Charlotte slings Natalya to the ground by her legs. Both wrestlers are getting counted. Charlotte throws Natalya back in and gets a two count. Ric Flair gets on Robinson for a slow count as Charlotte kicks Natalya. Charlotte goes up top for a moonsault, but Natalya moves out of the way as she goes to hit it. Both wrestlers down. A this is awesome chant goes out. Natalya with a spinning clothesline. She gets another two count. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Charlotte trying to make it to the ropes. Natalya pulls her back to the center of the ring. Charlotte flips around and gets a figure four on Natalya. Natalya rolls over, reversing the pressure for a moment, but Charlotte keeps rolling to get back in control and Natalya reaching for the ropes. Natalya reaching for Charlotte to slap her in the face and Charlotte is taunting Natalya. She can't get to the ropes one way so she starts trying to roll the other way. She reaches up and slaps Charlotte in the face. Charlotte then reaches over and slaps Natalya. Charlotte screaming at Natalya to give up. Charlotte then rolls over to the apron and then off to the floor with Natalya tangled up in the ring ropes still in the move. Charles Robinson goes out and breaks the hold. Both wrestlers collapsed on the floor. Charlotte clips Natalya and she falls knee first into the ringside steps. A double count going as Ric Flair checks on Charlotte and asks her if she is okay and she nods yes. Back in the ring, Charlotte grabs Natalya's legs and gives a Whoo. Charlotte puts the Sharpshooter on Natalya while locking eyes with Bret Hart, taunting him. Natalya trying to fight the pain and not tap. Natalya counters the move and tries to get Charlotte in the figure four, but Charlotte kicks her off. Charlotte then hits Natural Selection and pins Natalya to become the new NXT Women's Champion. Charlotte and Ric Flair kiss and hug in the ring as she gets the championship. She and Natalya then hug in the ring and Bret Hart and Ric Flair shake hands. Natalya then hugs Ric Flair and Bret Hart congratulates Charlotte. Natalya then raises Charlotte's hand and points at her as the crowd cheers. Ric Flair and Charlotte then celebrate some more and then leave.
-Adrian Neville is shown getting ready.
-A feature on Adrian Neville and his rivalry with Tyson Kidd.
-Christian and Cesaro are shown in the crowd.
-Natalya is shown wishing Tyson Kidd good luck in the back.
-Main Event. NXT Championship Match. Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd: Kidd out first looking determined. Neville out to a good ovation. William Regal calls Adrian Neville an absolute sensation. Neville gets in Kidd's face, but Kidd is all business. The bell rings. They just stand and stare at each other. They lock up and battle for position. They get to the corner and battle off to the opposite corner. They battle up against the ropes to a third corner. Neither man giving up. They finally break clean on the third corner. Kidd extends his hand. Neville shakes it. Kidd with a wrist lock into a side headlock takeover. Into the side headlock. Neville back up on his feet. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd goes back to the side headlock. Neville back to his feet again. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd with a wrist lock. Neville with a reversal. Kidd goes back to a takeover. Neville reverses into a head scissors. Kidd kips up out of it. They then stare at each other again. Kidd then pats Neville on the back. The crowd chants you got served to Neville. They lock up again. Kidd with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Neville fighting it. Neville trying to get out of the hold, but Kidd forcing him down. Neville fighting and gets back to his feet. Kidd goes back to a wrist lock. Neville spins out of the move and flips Kidd over. Kidd gets back to the ropes. Neville with an arm bar to Kidd. Kidd trying to get out of the hold by pushing Neville with his legs and by twisting away. Neville keeps the hold on. Kidd gets back to his feet. Neville with a suplex back into the arm bar. Kidd pulls himself and gets to the ropes. Neville breaks the hold. Kidd with a side headlock. Neville pushes off. Kidd comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Kidd with a baseball slide that Neville leapfrogs. Kidd with a monkey flip, but Neville lands on his feet. Neville with an arm drag. Kidd comes back with a dropkick of his own and they both try dropkicks at the same time. They both then kip up at the same time. They then trash talk each other. Kidd with a big forearm to knock Neville down. He then stomps Neville. Kidd with a corner whip to Neville, who hits the turnbuckle hard. Kidd then puts Neville in the tree of woe. He then picks Neville up by the hair and kicks him in the back. He then does it again. Kidd then goes over to the opposite corner and hits Neville with a running dropkick. Kidd with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a one count. Kidd goes back to the side headlock. Neville fighting to get out of the move. Kidd drives him back down to the ground after Neville tries to get up. Kidd screams to Neville that he needs this as William Regal is giving a play by play of what is happening to Neville and the agony that he is in and I have decided that we don't deserve William Regal. Kidd telling Neville to give up, but he won't. Neville gets back to his feet and hits Kidd in the kidneys trying to break the hold. He then punches Kidd in the stomach a couple of times and Kidd finally lets go. Kidd guillotines Neville on the top rope and then dropkicks Neville to the outside, but Neville lands on his feet. Kidd runs and dives through the ropes onto Neville. Kidd throws Neville back in the ring. He gets a two count. Kidd then drops a knee on Neville. Kidd with a headlock and into a sleeper. Neville trying to battle back to his feet. Kidd with a corner whip. Neville gets his boot up on the charge in. Neville running. Kidd misses a clothesline attempt. Both try for crossbodys and collide in the center of the ring. Double count going. Back and forth as both men back up in the ring. Neville with a forearm. Kidd with a spinning kick. Neville with a pair of forearms. Kidd keeps getting back up. Neville with a mule kick. A knee and another kick knocks Kidd down. Then a sliding dropkick to Kidd. Kidd rushes Neville, who catches Kidd and puts him in the tree of woe. Neville then kicks Kidd in the back a couple of times as payback to what Kidd had done. Neville then goes to the other corner and delivers a beautiful running dropkick to Kidd. An NXT chant goes out. Neville goes out to the apron and hits a flying forearm to the top rope. Gets a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Kidd with a kick to the face. Neville with a dropkick to knock Kidd out to the floor. Neville goes to run and dive onto Kidd on the outside, but Kidd gets on the apron and catches Neville with a kick to the side of the head. Kidd gets a two count. Kidd goes up top, but Neville jumps up and hits Kidd with a forearm. Neville then trying for a top rope superplex, but Kidd trying to fight him off with punches to the midsection. Kidd then drives Neville's head into the top turnbuckle. He then tries for a sunset flip from the top rope, but Neville keeps spinning and lands on his feet and Kidd can't believe it. Kidd goes for a hurricanrana, but Neville catches him and turns it into a power bomb for a two count. Neville with a kick to the ribs. Then another one. Kidd then reverses an Irish whip. He drops his head early and Neville kicks him in the face. Neville goes to run the ropes, but Kidd follows him and hits a modified side Russian leg sweep off of the second rope. Kidd gets a two count. A double count going. Kidd rolls out to the apron. He goes back to the top rope. He starts to jump. Neville gets his boots up, so Kidd lands on his feet and grabs Neville's legs. Kidd goes for a submission move, but Neville flips him over and gets a two count. Kidd up and hits a Pele kick to Neville. Kidd with a dropkick to Neville. Kidd goes for a suplex, but Neville reverses it into a suplex of his own and they both go over the top rope to the outside. The NXT chant goes out. A double count going. Both men get in on the 9 count. Both on the mat and another double count going. They grapple for position trying to get up as dueling lets go Neville, lets go Kidd chants go out. Kidd goes for a clothesline. Neville ducks it and chops Kidd. Neville charges Kidd, who takes Neville down by the legs and goes for the Sharpshooter. Neville tries to counter. Kidd goes for the Dungeon Lock. Neville fights it. Neville gets to the bottom rope. Neville out on the apron. Neville with a shoulder to Kidd's midsection. Kidd responds with a kick to the head. Neville caught up in the ropes. Kidd climbs up top and performs a spinning leg drop to Neville. Kidd gets a two count. Kidd goes back up top. Neville comes over. Kidd with some forearms to try to knock Neville down. Kidd kicks Neville off. Kidd heads back to the top rope and again Neville keeps coming back. Another forearm by Kidd knocks Neville down. Kidd gets to the top rope. Neville jumps up and hurricanranas Kidd off the top rope. Kidd down. Neville climbs the opposite corner and hits the Red Arrow and gets the pin. The crowd gives a standing ovation. Neville grabs the NXT title and climbs a turnbuckle and holds it high. Kidd looking dejected. The announcers look at a replay of some of the biggest moments of the match. Neville celebrating. Kidd finally gets back to his feet. Neville comes over to him and extends his hand. Kidd ignores his hand, bumps his shoulder, and limps out of the ring and back up the aisle as the crowd boos. Neville looks confused at first, then nods his head like okay, if this is the way it's going to be. He then gets back on the ring apron and celebrates with the crowd again. They then show the Red Arrow and sign off from Full Sail.
-Final Thoughts: A fun show from the early days of NXT. It shows that they were trying to do something different.