Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 134 Notes

-I finally saw Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I had been spoiled by a plot point of the movie that I thought would come at the end but thankfully came at the beginning so I was able to enjoy the movie. I also went in the middle of the day and there was only one other person in the theater so I did my hourly step goal walking in the back of the theater without missing any of the movie.
-Project 45 continues today as we go back to 1984 and look at the WCCW from January 21, 1984.
-1984: I was miserable in Kindergarten.
-WCCW was recorded from The Sportatorium in Dallas, TX.
-Bill Mercer welcomes us to WCCW. He is the announcer for the evening.
-Highlights of Iceman King Parsons getting burned by Skandor Akbar.
-Kimala with Skandor Akbar and Friday vs. Rick Rudd: It is actually pre ravishing Rick Rude in what must be an early match of his. The bell rings and they lock up. Kimala chops Rudd down. Kimala picks him up to chop him down again. He then picks Rudd up in a choke hold and slams him down again. Kimala chokes and chops Rudd down again. Rudd comes back with a forearm and a dropkick. Another dropkick, but Kimala won't go down. Rudd tries a shoulder block, but Kimala double chops him down. Kimala then splashes Rudd twice and pins him. He starts to go up top to splash, but gets stopped by Friday and Akbar.
-Flashback to Jimmy Garvin attacking Chris Adams.
-Bill Mercer interviews Chris Adams and Sunshine. Adams says Garvin always tries to attack him time and time again. Adams says he can play tricks too. He had to even pretend to be the Masked Avenger to prove that he could beat Garvin. He says things are coming to a head and he aims to get that American Title. Sunshine says forget the title. He needs to be hurt and that tramp and Garvin need to be sent out of there. Adams says he tried to put me out, I'm definitely going to put him out.
-Jimmy Garvin with Precious vs. Kevin Von Erich: The crowd goes crazy when Von Erich is announced. Because he wrestles barefoot, Von Erich has what I like to call grocery store feet. A huge we want Sunshine chant goes out. They lock up and Von Erich pushes Garvin off. Garvin complains that Von Erich pulled his hair. Garvin then backs to a corner and makes Von Erich get away. They lock up again and Garvin with a wrist lock. Von Erich twists out of it and hits a dropkick to the delight of the crowd. He then mocks Garvin's strut. Garvin bails out to the floor to regroup. He hugs Precious. The we want Sunshine chant goes out again as Garvin gets back in the ring. Garvin backs into a corner again. They lock up. Back to a corner and Von Erich climbs a turnbuckle like he is going to hit Garvin. He breaks clean though. Garvin taunts the crowd. They lock up again and Garvin with a side headlock takeover. Von Erich twists into a head scissors lock on Garvin. Garvin screaming in the move. The Sunshine chant starts again. Garvin gets to the ropes so the hold is broken. Garvin backs to a corner again. Precious comes over and gives him a kiss. They lock up again. Von Erich with a side headlock. Into a snap mare. The crowd chants we want the claw. Into an arm bar. Von Erich attacking the arm as a Precious Sucks chant starts. Von Erich with a scoop slam and a big splash. He gets a two count. Garvin rolls to the outside and collapses to the floor. Precious helps Garvin back into the ring. Von Erich attacks him with big right hands and a snap mare into a headlock. Garvin fading as the we want Sunshine chant goes out again. Garvin reverses into an arm bar as Precious gets up on the apron. He drops the leg on the arm several times. He misses it one time when Von Erich moves. Von Erich runs Garvin head first into a turnbuckle. Von Erich with a corner whip and hits Garvin with a running knee into the corner. Von Erich hits Garvin with an elbow from the second rope. Gets a two count. Von Erich with another scoop slam. Into a chin lock. We want the claw chant goes out again. Garvin battling not to go out. The hand does not go down the third time. Garvin trying to get back to his feet. Von Erich trying to keep him down. Chris Adams and Sunshine come to ringside to a huge ovation. Garvin has Von Erich in a corner and hitting him with knees as Adams gets up on the apron. Referee Bronco Lubich comes over to try to get Adams off the apron. Garvin throws Von Erich out, but he holds on and skins the cat to get back in as Garvin goes over to Adams. Adams pushes Garvin into Von Erich, who rolls Garvin up to get the pin. Precious gets into the ring and wants Adams and Sunshine to get in. They come in and the heels bail.
-Bill Mercer interviews Iceman King Parsons. Parsons says they had the Super D's going and Akbar stuck his nose in where it didn't belong and threw fire. They then show the Super D's hitting Parsons with the superplex. Parsons says he has a big surprise for Akbar and the Super D's as Andre the Giant comes out and says big surprise. Andre says Parsons asked him to come and be his partner. Andre says he's going to stay in the corner and let Parsons do what he wants to do and Andre is there to make sure everything goes well. Parsons says Andre just gave him the go ahead. Anything he wants to do, Andre is big enough to back him up.
-Iceman King Parsons and Andre the Giant vs. The Super Destroyers with Skandor Akbar: Referee David Manning tries to keep everyone apart as he tries to go over the instructions. Andre picks Manning up and moves him out of the way. The bell rings. The Super D's tell Manning to get Andre out of the ring. Andre and Parsons taunting the Super D's to the delight of the crowd. Parsons and Super D 1 lock up. Parsons with a side headlock. An Andre chant goes out as Super D 1 pushes off. Parsons comes back and Super D 1 leapfrogs him. Parsons stops and scoop slams Super D 1. Super D 2 tagged in. They lock up and Parsons gets another side headlock. Super D 2 pushes off. Super D 2 drops down to avoid Parsons. Parsons comes back with a shoulder block. Parsons then goes back to the side headlock. Super D 2 pushing against Parsons trying to break the hold. Super D 2 pushes off. Parsons comes back, slips behind Super D 2 and scoop slams him. Super D 1 tagged and Parsons gets a side headlock on him. Super D 1 drives Parsons into a corner and hits him with a series of knee lifts. Super D 1 with a corner whip, but Parsons gets his boots up on the charge. Parsons with a headbutt to Super D 1. Andre tagged in to the delight of the crowd. The Super D's back up and go out to the floor with Akbar. Super D 2 sneaks back in and goes and jumps on Andre's back and tries for a sleeper, but Andre just backs him into a corner. Andre then throws the other Super D into the corner and runs his shoulder into both. Andre corner whips Super D 1 to Parsons, who chops him. Andre with a forearm to Super D 2 to knock him down. Super D's go back outside. Super D's hesitating getting in and while they argue, Andre comes over and runs their heads together. He throws Super D 2 into the ring. He then steps on his hand and Super D 2 can't get up. Andre then runs his knee into Super D 2's back. He picks Super D 2 up and Super D 2 takes the opportunity to grab Andre in a side headlock. Andre pushes off, drops down, and butt bumps Super D 2 when he comes back. He then does a little dance move to the delight of the crowd. Andre chops Super D 2. Andre with an Irish whip, drops his head early, and Super D 2 kicks him in the face. Super D 1 tagged in. Super D's double team Andre for a bit. Super D 2 tagged back in and continued to pound Andre. Andre comes back with a forearm to knock Super D 2 down. He then headbutts Super D 2 and Parsons tagged back in. Parsons with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Parsons runs Super D 2 into Andre's boot. Parsons gets a two count. Super D 2 comes back with some shots to Parson's midsection and a throat thrust. Super D 1 tagged in. He guillotines Parsons on the top rope. He then steps down on Parson's throat for a three count. Super D 1 with an Irish whip and a double chop to Parsons. Super D 1 then drops a knee across the throat of Parsons. Super D 2 tagged in and Super D 1 holds Parsons for Super D 2 to hit a fist drop from the second rope. Super D 2 with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Super D 2 grabs Parsons and then goes over and kicks Andre which brings him in. Manning trying to get Andre out, allowing the Super D's to double team Parsons. Super D 2 with a knee drop for a two count. Super D 2 with a headlock. Super D 2 runs Parsons into Super D 1's boot and Super D 1 tagged in. Irish whip and a knee to Parsons. Then a series of forearms to Parsons who is trying desperately to tag Andre in. Super D 1 with a corner whip and a running knee to Parsons. Another corner whip, but misses the splash when Parsons moves. Andre tagged in. Andre comes in with chops to Super D 1. Then a big headbutt. A big forearm to Super D 1 and chops to Super D 2 when he tries to come in. He runs the Super Destroyers into each other. Parsons gets on the top rope and Andre tosses him into both Super Destroyers. Kimala comes in to attack Andre for the disqualification. Andre headbutts Kimala out of the ring. Andre throws Super D 1 out of the ring and grabs Akbar but he escapes. Andre has Akbar's headdress and he uses it to shine Parson's boot. Parsons then cleans Andre's boot. They show a replay.
-Bill Mercer recaps what has happened and some of the things coming up for WCCW before signing off from Dallas.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a nice way to spend an hour. It was fun seeing early Rick Rude and Andre outside of the WWF. Recommended.