Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 136 Notes

-Today, Project 45 lands in the year 2006 as we look at the first episode of WWECW on Sci-fi.
-ECW on Sci-fi was broadcast on Sci-fi on June 13, 2006 from the Sovereign Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey.
-Highlights of the second One Night Stand and John Cena saying he will show up to ECW.
-Let the bodies hit the floor intro.
-Paul Heyman is shown coming to the ring. Joey Styles and Tazz are our announcers for the evening and they welcome us to ECW on Sci-fi. Paul E. introduces Rob Van Dam. He is the current WWE Champion. RVD thanks everyone for supporting him. He says he hopes John Cena does show up because he's excited for the new ECW and to be the face and champion of ECW. Paul E. then presents RVD with the new ECW World Heavyweight Championship. RVD says he can't think of a greater honor in his career than that. He says he's going to keep both championships. He gets interrupted by Edge and Lita. Edge thanks Paul E. for inviting them. Edge tells RVD that they are more alike than they think. They both won championships and broke through the glass ceiling because of their ability. Edge says it's going to be an honor to face RVD and tear the house down at Vengeance. He and Lita then shake RVD's hand. RVD then raises both championships high and as he does, he gets Speared by Edge. Paul E. screams what the hell are you doing at Edge. Edge and Lita start to leave through the crowd and as they turn around to look back at the ring, John Cena comes up behind them. As Edge turns around, he gets attacked by Cena. Cena runs Edge back over the barricade at ringside. He then runs Edge into the announce desk. RVD then pushes Cena out of the way and attacks Edge. Cena and RVD then take turns pushing each other away and attacking Edge. RVD and Cena then face each other until Edge attacks RVD from behind. Edge then hits RVD with a low blow. Edge and Lita leave through the crowd. Cena then knocks Paul E. down with a shot and takes off after Edge. A bunch of guys from the locker room come out to check on Paul E.
-After a commercial break, they come back to Paul E. in the back surrounded by wrestlers saying how dare they. Edge ruined the celebration and Cena screwed ECW. Paul E. says if that's how they want to play. If Monday Night Raw wants to bring Raw to ECW, then they are going to bring ECW to Monday Night Raw. This Monday, they are going to Raw and Paul E. is going to bring ECW.
-The Zombie vs. The Sandman: Tazz and Joey Styles have no idea who the Zombie is. He was actually played by the late wrestler Tim Arson. He gets on the mic and just moans into it. He gets cut off by Sandman's music thankfully. It isn't Enter Sandman, but it isn't bad. Sandman gets in the ring and just bashes the Zombie with the Kendo stick. He then hits the white Russian leg sweep and pins the Zombie. Sandman then beats the Zombie with the Kendo stick all the way to the back.
-They then show Kelly in the back who says her name and that she's an Exhibitionist, which means she is going to take off all of her clothes for us tonight.
-Flashback to Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz at One Night Stand.
-Kurt Angle vs. Justin Credible: Credible rushes Angle, who gets him in a double leg takedown. He then gets Credible in a rear chin lock. Credible gets to the ropes. Angle hits a German suplex. Angle then dumps Credible to the outside. As he gets back in, Angle hits a single leg and dumps Credible with a backdrop. He then gets on top of Credible and slaps him in the back of the head several times. Credible gets up and gets into Angle's face, only to get head butted by Angle several times. Angle then applies the rear choke to Credible and Credible taps. Angle then grabs the mic and tells Randy Orton that he will meet him under ECW rules, WWE rules, or No rules at all. He's going to do the same thing to Orton at Vengeance that he did at One Night Stand. He's going to make his ass tap out because you're looking at the face of the new ECW.
-Paul E. is shown in the back. He says you want extreme? You want to feel extreme? You want to learn what extreme is all about? Tonight, he's going to show you extreme. Tonight, everything he had planned for this show is out the window. He's going to take 10 of ECW's best and they're going to go out to the ring tonight for an Extreme Battle Royal. Anything goes. You want to talk about extreme. All weapons legal. And the winner is going to face John Cena at Vengeance. And almost as importantly, is going to join us this Monday night when ECW takes this fight to Monday Night Raw.
-Tazz and Joey Styles discuss what Paul E. just said.
-Kelly is back and says when we return, I'm going to show you all of my assets. When they come back from the commercial break, a man with fangs is shown outside staring at the marquee and I don't get it.
-Flashback to what happened earlier when Edge came out.
-Kelly is introduced. She gets up on a platform and starts to dance. She then takes off her skirt and then her top and she is down to wearing her bra and panties. She then covers herself and lifts her bra.
-Extreme Battle Royal: Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Big Guido, Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Roadkill, Danny Doring, Balls Mahoney, and The Big Show are the participants. When Big Show gets in, he starts throwing guys out so that they can get the weapons placed at ringside. Big Show picks up Roadkill and hits a fall away slam on him. When they come back from commercial break, everyone is in with various forms of weapons. Dreamer attacks Big Show from behind with a sign. Big Show decimated with shots in the corner. It's a melee with signs, trashcans, and forearms flying. Sabu goes outside, gets a table and sets it up and gets on it. Al Snow and Doring eliminated. Richards eliminated by Big Show. Roadkill then eliminated by Big Show. Big Show with a sad slam to Balls before eliminating him. Dreamer and Sabu team up for Sabu to launch himself at Big Show, who catches him. He dumps Sabu over, but Sabu lands hard on the apron. Big Show throws Dreamer onto the set up table to eliminate him. Big Show eliminates Mamaluke and Little Guido. Big Show and Big Guido square off. Big Show pushes Big Guido out, but Big Guido won't let Big Show go. Sabu sets up a chair, grabs another chair, and runs and jumps off the chair to hit Big Show in the back and eliminate him. Sabu wins and will face John Cena at Vengeance.
-Highlights of some of the moments from the battle royal. Tazz and Joey Styles recap what has happened and sign off from New Jersey.
-Final Thoughts: Although there were a few interesting moments, this is definitely not the ECW of old. Nostalgia can help you some, but everyone had moved on by this point. Interesting place and time though.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
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-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from Stately Maine Manor.