Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 169 Notes

-Jerry Lawler
-Today, Project 45 stops in 2016 as we look at Roadblock from the WWE.
-WWE Roadblock took place on March 12, 2016 from the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The even had 9,000 in attendance and was shown live on the WWE Network.
-Then, Now, Forever Intro.
-Roadblock intro featuring what has happened between HHH and Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt.
-The New Day come out. Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton welcome us to Roadblock. New Day gets in the ring. They do their spiel. They then show a box of Booty O's. They finally get cut off by the League of Nations music.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods vs. The League of Nations Sheamus and King Barrett: Sheamus and Kingston start. Kingston with a go behind. Sheamus tosses Kingston over and goes for a waist lock. Kingston takes Sheamus down with a headscissors. Both up and battle for position. Kingston slaps Sheamus several times upside the head and runs away. New Day do their New Day Rocks routine with the crowd in the corner. Kingston jumps off the second rope only to get hit with a clothesline from Sheamus. Sheamus follows that up with a European uppercut. He then hits Kingston with another one and Barrett tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbows. Barrett kicking Kingston down in the ring. Big E tagged in. He catches Barrett as he was going for a crossbody. Big E then hits a backbreaker to Barrett. Big E beating down Barrett in the corner. Kingston tagged in and he continues the beat down in the corner. New Day continue to tag in and out to keep stomping on Barrett in the corner. Big E then Irish whips Kingston into the corner so that he can baseball slide into Barrett. Kingston rushes Barrett again, only to get caught with the Winds of Change. Barrett with a series of right hands to Kingston. Sheamus tagged in. He hits a backbreaker on Kingston. Sheamus gets Kingston into the ropes and Barrett tagged back in. Barrett keeps Kingston in the ropes and hits him with a series of knees before tagging Sheamus back in. Barrett and Sheamus doing a good job cutting the ring in half and keeping Kingston on their side. Sheamus pulls Kingston back over the ropes and hits several devastating forearms to the chest. Sheamus then hits Kingston with a shoulder tackle off the top rope. He gets a two count. Barrett tagged back in. He gets a rear chin lock on after kicking Kingston's back. Kingston fighting to get back to his feet. Kingston with some double ax handles to Barrett to break the hold. Barrett reverses a corner whip attempt. Kingston sent to the corner and jumps up to avoid the charge, only for Barrett to catch his legs. Barrett throws Kingston's legs up and kicks Kingston right in the midsection. Another two count, so Sheamus tagged back in. He goes up top again, but gets hit by a dropkick from Kingston as he comes off. Woods gets a New Day Rocks chant going. Big E and Barrett both tagged in and Big E hits a belly to belly suplex on Barrett. He then hits another one. Big E ducks a clothesline attempt before hitting another belly to belly. Big E then hits a big splash on Barrett. He then clotheslines Sheamus off the apron. Barrett kicks Big E when Big E charges him in the corner. Barrett with a suplex and cover for a one count. Kingston and Sheamus both tagged back in. Kingston with a series of kicks. Sheamus pushes Kingston into a corner. Kingston kicks Sheamus as he comes charging at Kingston. Kingston with a reverse crossbody on Sheamus to get a two count. Sheamus throws Kingston into a corner and runs his shoulder into Kingston's midsection. Sheamus follows that up with a running knee into Kingston's midsection. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Sheamus catches his legs. Sheamus puts Kingston into the cloverleaf. Kingston trying to get to the ropes as the New Day Rocks chant goes out again. Kingston reaches out to Big E to tag, but Barrett comes over and knocks Big E off the apron and goes to drive Big E into the ring post, but Big E reverses the Irish whip attempt and Barrett goes into the post instead. Kingston reaches for the tag again, so Sheamus eases up to drag Kingston back to the center of the ring, but Kingston uses the momentum to swing through and get Sheamus on his back. Kingston gets a two count. Kingston hits an SOS. Big E tagged in. Big E gets Sheamus up on his shoulder to go for the Big Ending, but Sheamus pushes off. Kingston goes up top and comes off with a knee to Sheamus, but lands hard on his head. Sheamus gets Big E in a front face lock and tags Barrett back in. Barrett kicks Big E in the face, but Woods gets up on the apron to distract the referee as Barrett goes to cover Big E. Sheamus comes out after Woods as Barrett gets up to complain to the referee. Sheamus takes off around the ring after Woods, only to get blasted by Kingston as Sheamus rounds a corner. Big E hits the Big Ending on Barrett in the ring and pins him.
-Paul Heyman is shown in the back. He talks about Toronto being the new capitol for suplex city and Brock Lesnar warning Bray Wyatt that he would take revenge and that is happening tonight.
-The announcers discuss what just happened and the fallout between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Jericho comes to the ring and gets in and he has a mic. He tells Toronto to shut their mouths. They had the chance to cheer for him and instead cheered for AJ Styles. He tells them to go to hell and that he is the greatest hero in the history of the country. The crowd chants we want Bret and Jericho says you're never getting him again. Jericho says he is the greatest Icon in the history of this country and he is ashamed of that because he is ashamed to be Canadian. The crowd boos. Jericho says so must so that he moved from this country several years ago and it was the smartest move he has ever made. He says he moved because Canada stinks. He says Canada stinks and Toronto is the anus. An asshole chant goes out. Jericho tells the fans they just cheer the flavors of the month and runs down AJ Styles and Jack Swagger. So he tells them to shut up. That he's not the next big flavor, he's the only thing that matters because he's the best in the world at what he does. He gets cut off by Jack Swagger's music. He comes out to a good ovation doing his We The People gimmick.
-Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger: The bell rings and they briefly lock up. Jericho slaps Swagger. Swagger comes back causing Jericho to roll to the outside to regroup. Swagger comes out after Jericho and chases him around the ring. They get back in the ring and Swagger hits a back elbow. He follows that up with corner mounted punches. Jericho with a cheap shot to Swagger as the referee was getting Swagger away. Jericho chopping Swagger in the corner. Swagger briefly gets away before Jericho stomps him down in another corner. Jericho with a baseball slide to knock Swagger to the outside. The crowd taunting Jericho with an AJ Styles chant. Jericho goes out after Swagger. Jericho runs Swagger shoulder first into the barricade. Swagger gets back in the ring and Jericho kicks him in the ribs. Jericho gets a two count. Jericho with a rear chin lock. Swagger trying to break the hold. He gets out, but Jericho hits Swagger with a dropkick. That gets another two count for Jericho. Jericho comes back with a hammerlock. Swagger gets an arm out and hits Jericho with a back elbow. Jericho reverses a corner whip as the crowd chant CM Punk at him. Fickle crowd here tonight. Jericho goes to bulldog Swagger, but Swagger pushes off and Jericho lands on the second rope groin first. Swagger follows up with a series of clotheslines. Then a pair of corner whips and another corner clothesline. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb, but Jericho gets his boots up. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Swagger moves out of the way. Swagger then hits the Swagger Bomb, but only gets a two count. Swagger with a corner whip. Jericho with a boot up on the charge. Jericho struggles a bit, but gets Swagger set up for the Walls of Jericho. Swagger uses momentum to push Jericho off him. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock, but Jericho kicks him off before he can get it locked in. Jericho ducks a clothesline attempts and hits Swagger with an enziguri. Jericho goes for the Code Breaker, but gets caught and slammed down by Swagger. He gets an extremely close two count. Jericho goes for a crossbody off the ropes, but Swagger catches him again and goes for the Patriot Lock. Jericho reaches for the ropes and then grabs the referee's leg. He uses that for momentum to get to the ropes. Swagger has to break the hold. Swagger rushes Jericho, who sidesteps Swagger and Swagger crashes into the turnbuckle. Jericho with a double leg pickup. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho on and Swagger taps out.
-WrestleMania commercial.
-Feature on The Revival and Enzo Amore and Big Cass.
-Enzo and Cass come out with Carmella and go through their spiel. They aren't my cup of tea, but they are popular.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Revival Dash and Dawson vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass with Carmella: Enzo and Dash start. Both men go after their opponents partner in the ring and now all four in the ring. The referee gets Cass out of the ring allowing The Revival to double team Enzo to get him down. Dash gets Enzo down and then corner whips him. Enzo jumps up to avoid the charge and hurricanranas Dash out of the corner. Enzo follows that up with a crossbody off the ropes. Dawson comes in and Enzo hits him with a dropkick. Enzo then grabs Dash in a wrist lock and drives him face first into the mat. Cass tagged in. He gets Dash into the corner and chops him in the chest. Another chop to Dash and then Cass corner whips Dash and then sidewalk slams him. He gets a one count. Cass then gets Dash up on his knees and gets an arm bar on. Dawson tries to tag himself in, but gets cut off by the referee. Dash takes back over, but Cass reverses a corner whip and backdrops him. Dawson comes off the top rope onto Cass, who hits Dawson with a right hand to knock him out of the ring. Cass gets Dash in the corner and tags Enzo in. Dawson comes in so Cass launches Enzo at him to knock Dawson down. Cass then throws Enzo into Dash to hit Dash with a flying forearm and Cass then lifts Dash up and throws him on Dawson. Dawson tossed outside and Dash thrown on him and Michael Cole says the champs are reeling. The Revival get back to their feet and Cass launches Enzo onto them on the outside. An NXT chant goes out. Back in the ring, Enzo rolls Dash up, but he tags Dawson in as he is rolled up. Enzo ducks a clothesline attempt and rolls Dawson up, but Dash grabs Enzo and throws him shoulder first into the corner post. Dawson grabs the arm of Enzo and starts dropping elbows on it. Dash tagged back in and Dawson holds Enzo for Dash to come off the second rope onto Enzo. He gets a two count. Dawson tagged back in. Dash with a snap mare to Enzo and Dawson stomping Enzo several times. Dawson gets an arm bar on Enzo. Carmella trying to get the crowd into the match. Dawson gets Enzo down on the mat. Enzo works his way back to his feet and tries to get to Cass to make the tag. Dawson picks Enzo up and brings him back to the Revival's corner and puts him in the Tree of Woe. Dash tagged in. He hits a running knee to Enzo. Enzo falls to the mat and then off the apron to the floor. Dawson drops down to clothesline Enzo, who ducks the attempt. Dash throws Enzo back in the ring, where he gets hit with a flying shoulder tackle by Dawson. That was an impressive move. Dawson then throws Enzo back into the ring. Dawson gets Enzo back in the Tree of Woe and kicks him several times. Dawson runs to drive his shoulder into Enzo, who lifts up and Dawson hits the post shoulder first. Cass and Dash both tagged in. Cass cleaning house on the Revival. He clotheslines and hits Dash with a scoop slam. Cass with an Empire elbow and a big splash. Dawson comes in and Cass clotheslines him over the top rope, only to get rolled up by Dash for a two count. Cass hits a big boot to Dash and one to Dawson when he gets up on the apron. Cass hits the East River Crossing on Dash. Enzo tagged in and goes for the Rocket Launcher. Dawson comes up and knocks Enzo off and he lands on the top rope. Cass comes out after Dawson. Dawson bumps into Carmella. He then puts Carmella in front of him. The crowd boos heavily. Carmella slaps Dawson. Cass rushes Dawson, who throws Cass into the post. Cass comes back and the Revival hit the Shatter Machine on Cass. Dawson tagged in. He goes over to Enzo, who is still on the top rope. Enzo battles Dawson and pushes him off. Dash comes in and Enzo takes him out coming off the top rope. Enzo then rolls up Dawson. He gets a close two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. They go back and forth with wild shots in the middle of the ring. The referee has put gloves on as Dawson has been cut on the top of his head and is bleeding. Dash tagged in. He gets Enzo down and the Revival then hit the Shatter Machine on Enzo to get the pin.
-Earlier in the day, Greg Hamilton is shown interviewing Natalya. She says she is dedicating her match to her Uncle Bret Hart. Charlotte and Ric Flair come in laughing at Natalya. They think it's cute that Natalya thinks she's going to win. Charlotte says she has a triple threat match at WrestleMania coming up and Natalya is just a warm up. Natalya says if she's just a warm up, then Charlotte won't have any problem putting up the title. Charlotte says weeks away from WrestleMania? Don't think so. Natalya says what Bret says about the Flair's is true, they are cowards. Ric gets angry and Charlotte has to calm him down. Charlotte then says Natalya wants a title shot? She's got one, but she will never win a Diva's title again.
-Diva's Championship Match. Charlotte with Ric Flair vs. Natalya: Charlotte out first. Natalya gets a big ovation when she comes out. Michael Cole brings up the match the two had at Takeover as the match that many say made Charlotte. That match is in the archives. The crowd boos Charlotte and cheers Natalya when announced. Natalya with the early advantage with takedowns and arm bars. Charlotte comes back with a standing switch and leg scissors. A series of reversals by both wrestlers. They exchange chops. Natalya gets a surfboard on. All Natalya early, but she can't get the pin or submission. Charlotte goes outside and drags Natalya out to regain the advantage. Charlotte beating Natalya down in the corner for a two count. Charlotte then drives Natalya into the mat face first several times and then gets her into a headscissors. Natalya forces Charlotte's shoulders down for a two count. Charlotte gets loose and gets a two count of her own. Natalya counters with a roll up for a two count. Competitive match so far. Charlotte with a neck breaker and a Flair strut, but only gets a two count. Charlotte goes to working on the legs of Natalya. Natalya gets a small package for a two count as Charlotte goes for the Figure 8. Natalya slams Charlotte down face first to the mat. Charlotte then gets Natalya back down and targets the legs again and wraps Natalya's knee against the ring post. Natalya runs Charlotte into the post. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Natalya with a clothesline and goes for the Sharpshooter, but Charlotte rolls her up for a two count. Charlotte hits a big boot to get Natalya down. Charlotte gets the figure four on, but Natalya fighting it and briefly turns it over. Charlotte screaming for Natalya to tap and Natalya screams no. Charlotte goes under the rope, but finally breaks the hold. Charlotte back in and she hits Natural Selection on Natalya and gets a two count. Several two counts, but Natalya keeps kicking out. Charlotte with a suplex. Charlotte goes up top, but gets caught and Natalya hits a sit out powerbomb for an extremely close two count. The this is awesome chant goes out again. Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter. Charlotte reverses it, but Natalya gets the Sharpshooter on. Charlotte grabs Ric Flair's hand. Natalya gets up and takes a swipe at Flair and Charlotte rolls Natalya up and pins her with Charlotte's feet on the ropes.
-WWE Network ad.
-Flashback to the problems Brock Lesnar has had with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt comes out and says he and Luke Harper will slay Brock Lesnar. The crowd chants suplex city, so it looks like it's two on one.
-Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper: Heyman does his usual pre match spiel. Harper starts with Lesnar. The bell rings and Lesnar gets Harper in the corner and drives his shoulder into Harper over and over. He hits Harper with several forearms before hitting the first suplex on him. Harper falls out of the ring. Wyatt checks on Harper and then Lesnar comes after Wyatt. Harper gets back in the ring and hits a tope to Lesnar on the outside. Harper then throws Lesnar back in the ring. He hits a series of right hands to Lesnar. He then gets Lesnar into the corner and drives his shoulder into Lesnar several times. Lesnar with a quick reversal to go for another suplex, but Harper grabs the ropes and uses the ropes for leverage to run Lesnar into the corner post. Harper then hits Lesnar with a big boot. A super kick temporarily drops Lesnar down to one knee. Another kick by Harper brings Lesnar down again to one knee. Harper with a spinning discus clothesline and cover to Lesnar, but only gets a two count. Harper follows that up with a side headlock. Into a sleeper. Lesnar slips out and suplexes Harper again. Harper comes back with a big boot to drop Lesnar to one knee. Lesnar up and Harper hits him with another super kick. Harper goes for another discus clothesline that Lesnar ducks and hits Harper with another German suplex. Then two more and someone from the crowd yells out that they want 12 suplexes. Another two suplexes. Lesnar then hits the F5 and pins Harper. Wyatt starts backing up the aisle and Lesnar calmly starts stalking Wyatt up the aisle.
-The Edge and Christian Show ad.
-Sami Zayn vs. Stardust: Stardust is, of course, Cody Rhodes and this match would take on a very different meaning if it took place in 2023. The bell rings and the crowd is solidly behind Zayn. They lock up and Stardust with an arm drag. The crowd chants Cody and Stardust loses his mind. They lock up again and Stardust with a wrist lock. Zayn trying to break the hold. Stardust drives Zayn back to the mat. Zayn up and reverses the hold to drive Stardust to the mat. Stardust up and pushes off. Zayn leapfrogs off the ropes and hits Stardust with a couple of arm drags and gets Stardust down in an arm bar. Stardust up and gets to the ropes to force Zayn to break. Stardust with a corner whip. Zayn up and over the ropes and drives a shoulder into Stardust's midsection. Stardust hits Zayn and then goes outside to grab Zayn's body and pull it by the ring post. Stardust then runs Zayn into the apron kidney first. He then gets Zayn back into the ring and beats him down in the corner. Stardust slams Zayn face first into the mat for a one count. Stardust with a waist lock as a let's go Sami chant goes out. Zayn drives backwards to run Stardust into a corner and break the hold and Stardust counters with a double ax handle to the head to knock Zayn down. Stardust kicks Zayn in the ribs when he tries to get up. Stardust drops some knees on Zayn and goes back to a waist lock. Zayn tries to get back to his feet and finally tosses Stardust off his back. Stardust hits Zayn with a knee lift to knock Zayn back to the ground. Stardust gets a two count. Stardust pushes Zayn into a corner and Zayn comes back with some forearms. Stardust comes back with a short arm clothesline to knock Zayn back down to the mat. Stardust with a reverse Boston Crab. Zayn won't give up so Stardust stomps on his back and then goes for a back suplex. Zayn lands on his feet and hits Stardust with a back elbow and then a boot to the face as Stardust rushes Zayn in the corner. Stardust comes back with a side slam. Stardust gets a couple of two counts. Another series of two counts, but Zayn won't stay down. Zayn gets a quick roll up of Stardust to get a two count of his own. Stardust comes back with a series of stomps to Zayn. Stardust grabs Zayn and runs him into the corner post. Stardust then puts Zayn on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Zayn blocks it and pushes Stardust off. Stardust pops up and goes right back to the top for the superplex as we look at two of the most popular performers in 2023 WWE and I don't know of anyone who was thinking that in 2016. Stardust hits the superplex. He gets a close two count. Zayn has a glazed look on his face. Stardust takes one glove off and hits Zayn with a series of kicks. Stardust runs the ropes and Zayn pops up and hits a clothesline on Stardust. Zayn with another clothesline as Saxton says Zayn is trying to will himself back into this match. Zayn with an Irish whip, drops his head too early, and Stardust kicks him in the face. Zayn comes back with a clothesline. He then hits Stardust with a series of corner mounted punches. He follows that up with a scoop slam and goes up top. Stardust pops up, so Zayn leapfrogs over him to avoid getting hit. Stardust rushes Zayn, who drops down and grabs the bottom rope to cause Stardust to spill to the outside. Zayn runs and hits a suicide dive to Stardust on the outside. Zayn throws Stardust back in and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn goes for a suplex. Stardust spins out. A couple of standing switches. Stardust goes for the Queen's Crossbow. Zayn hits a snap mare instead. Stardust hits a Disaster Kick for an extremely close two count. Zayn rolls to the ropes to try and pull himself up. Stardust rushes Zayn, who catches Stardust with an intense suplex into the corner. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick and pins Stardust.
-Someone in the crowd keeps passing by with a Trump/McMahon campaign sign and all I can think is please God no!
-Higlight package for the Main Event.
-Main Event for the WWE Championship. HHH vs. Dean Ambrose: HHH out first and does his usual water routine and he looks intense. Ambrose is shown walking through hallways before he comes out. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. He gets up in HHH's face as he comes in. They separate and the introductions are made. The referee presents the belt and the bell rings. Dueling let's go Ambrose/Triple H chants go out. They lock up and HHH with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Then into a side headlock takeover. Ambrose pushes off. HHH comes back with a shoulder block. Ambrose gets up and goes to a corner. Another lock up and HHH transitions back to the hammerlock and then hip locks Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose gets back to his feet quickly. They circle each other again. HHH with a quick jab to Ambrose's face. The dueling chants go out again as they lock up. HHH with a wrist lock. Into a standing arm bar to drive Ambrose to his knees. Ambrose spins out of the move and gets a side headlock takeover on HHH. HHH back to his feet and hits a knee to Ambrose's midsection. HHH with a side headlock. Ambrose pushes off. HHH comes back with a shoulder block. HHH runs the ropes and Ambrose hits him with a hip toss. Ambrose with an arm drag into an arm bar on HHH. Ambrose pats HHH on the head and then goes over and lays over the top rope to piss HHH off. Ambrose then mimes the suck it chant to HHH. Ambrose transitions into a side headlock as a CM Punk chant goes out. HHH goes to push off and Ambrose grabs HHH's nose. That's a unique move that I haven't seen before. Ambrose then hits HHH with a jab. HHH rushes Ambrose, who hits HHH with a series of arm drags into an arm bar. Ambrose then sticks his fingers into HHH's nose trying to break it. Insert your own HHH nose joke here folks, I can't do everything for you. Ambrose gets to his feet and starts working on HHH's fingers looking to break them. Ambrose with a front face lock, but HHH drives Ambrose to the corner. Let's go Ambrose/Triple H chants go out. HHH drives his shoulder into Ambrose repeatedly. HHH with a right hand to knock Ambrose up against the ropes. Back and forth with right hands in the center of the ring. HHH with a knee to the stomach and then runs Ambrose head first into the turnbuckle. HHH with an Irish whip. Ambrose ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to HHH. Ambrose then clotheslines HHH over the top rope. Ambrose comes out after HHH, who knees Ambrose in the stomach and then throws him into the ring. Ambrose spins on the apron and comes back with a clothesline to HHH on the outside. A double count going. HHH gets back in the ring and Ambrose clips his leg. HHH gets up limping and Ambrose clips the leg again and the announcers say that Ambrose has found a weakness in HHH. Ambrose gets HHH in the corner and wraps the injured leg around the ropes. Ambrose runs and dropkicks the injured leg. Ambrose pulls HHH's legs between the ring post and runs the injured leg into the post. HHH tries to get back to his feet and Ambrose goes up to the second rope and drops a fist on the injured leg and HHH goes down again. HHH rolls to the outside looking to regroup and he is limping badly. Ambrose comes out after him and HHH kicks him in the stomach and goes for the Pedigree and Ambrose with a double leg pick up to knock HHH to his back. HHH kicks Ambrose into the ring steps. HHH picks Ambrose up and drops him stomach first on the barricade. HHH gets back in the ring and Ambrose makes it back on the 8 count and HHH drops a knee on Ambrose as soon as he gets back in the ring. HHH then chokes Ambrose on the bottom rope. He breaks on the four count. HHH then slingshots Ambrose throat first into the second rope. HHH gets a one count. HHH with a face first suplex to Ambrose. HHH kicks Ambrose and drops an elbow to his back. Ambrose tries to roll away, but HHH drops another elbow. HHH puts Ambrose into a modified crossface. Ambrose refuses to give up. HHH tells him to quit. HHH frustrated and starts dropping elbows on Ambrose. HHH with a corner whip. Ambrose hits the turnbuckle back first and falls to the mat. HHH comes over and grabs Ambrose by the hair and Ambrose trying to fight back with punches to HHH's midsection. Ambrose with right and left hands. He then rushes HHH, who hits Ambrose with a spinebuster. He gets a two count. The crowd boos. HHH gets Ambrose in a front face lock and then puts him on the top rope. HHH goes up, but Ambrose headbutts and hits a forearm to HHH to knock him off the turnbuckle. Ambrose comes off the top rope with a flying elbow. Double count going. Both up at 7 and HHH with a right hand to Ambrose to knock him down. Ambrose up and the two exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Ambrose with a flurry of left and right hands to HHH to drive him into the corner. He then chops and stomps HHH down in the corner. He follows that up with a flying forearm. HHH gets back to his feet, but he is reeling. Ambrose with a bulldog. He gets a two count. HHH drags himself up by the ropes in a corner and begs off. Ambrose with corner mounted punches. HHH comes back with an inverted atomic drop and goes for the Pedigree. Ambrose counters with a double leg pick up and a roll up for a two count. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but HHH blocks it. Ambrose reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and HHH drives his knee into Ambrose's face. Ambrose off the ropes and comes back with a clothesline. He gets a close two count. HHH up in a corner and comes out with a clothesline as Ambrose rushes him. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Ambrose backdrops him over the top rope. Ambrose runs to hit a suicide dive, but runs into a right hand by HHH as he gets to the ropes. HHH starts taking the announce table apart. He goes to grab Ambrose, who drives HHH into the ring steps on his bad leg. Ambrose throws HHH back in the ring and climbs up top. HHH falls on the ropes and Ambrose crotches himself on the ropes. HHH with a Pedigree attempt and Ambrose again gets a double leg pick up figuring that if it's not broke, don't fix it. Ambrose gets a figure four on. Don't tell Flair. HHH is fighting to get out, but he's in the middle of the ring. HHH reaching up towards Ambrose, who slaps HHH a couple of times. HHH comes back with a series of punches to Ambrose. HHH breaks the figure four and hits a belly to back suplex, but Ambrose lands on his feet. Another double leg pick up and Ambrose gets HHH into the Sharpshooter in Canada. Someone may need to check on Bret Hart. JBL wonders if this makes Ambrose an honorary Hart as HHH is fighting desperately to get out of the move. HHH trying to power his way to the ropes. Ambrose pulls him back to the center of the ring. HHH pulls himself by pure force back to the ropes and grabs them. Ambrose finally breaks the hold on the four count. HHH rolls out to the apron and Ambrose grabs him as he gets up. HHH guillotines Ambrose on the top rope. HHH then comes back inside and as he gets close to Ambrose, Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. The referee counts three, but the ref then waves it off because he says Ambrose's feet were under the bottom rope. Ambrose arguing with the referee in the corner as the crowd chants bullshit. HHH rolls Ambrose up with his feet on the second rope and Ambrose still kicks out at two. Ambrose with a corner whip that drives HHH up and over to the outside. Ambrose then drives HHH into the barricade. Ambrose then throws HHH back in the ring as a this is awesome chant goes out. Ambrose goes up top as HHH falls out to the floor. Ambrose hits a flying elbow on HHH. Ambrose then mocks HHH with the suck it gesture. Ambrose puts HHH on the announce table. He hits him with a series of punches and then goes back in to break the count. Ambrose then goes back outside and climbs up on the barricade. He goes to deliver a flying elbow, but HHH moves and Ambrose goes crashing through the table. A holy shit chant goes out. HHH rolls back in and Ambrose gets back in the ring just before the 10 count only to run into a Pedigree from HHH. HHH then pins Ambrose. That was a great match. HHH grabs the WWE Championship. He falls out of the ring and crawls towards the back. The announcers review what just happened and preview WrestleMania before signing off from Toronto.
-Final Thoughts: This was a really good show that suffered from being too close to WrestleMania so that nothing of importance was going to happen. It's still worth at least one watch.