Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 144 Notes

-Today we stop on the current year as Project 45 lands us in 2022 as we look at the 2022 Royal Rumble from the WWE.
-Thanks to for help with the recap.
-WWE Royal Rumble 2022 was held January 29, 2022 from The Dome at America's Center in St. Louis, MO. There were 44,390 in attendance.
-WWE Intro.
-Royal Rumble Intro.
-Pat McAfee and Michael Cole from Smackdown welcome us to the Royal Rumble.
-WWE Universal Championship Match. Roman Reigns (c) vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins made an entrance through the crowd dressed in Shield attire and with the former group's music playing, immediately playing head games with the champion. They mention the Shield, but obviously not Jon Moxley. This is that weird time when Paul Heyman is not with Reigns. Rollins immediately used his quickness to counter Reigns repeatedly before knocking the champion from the ring and hitting a pair of suicide dives. Rollins' early dominance continued as he powerbombed Reigns through the announce table and even countered a spear with a kick to the face. Rollins almost won the match with a stomp but Reigns was able to kick out. Reigns was finally able to get the upper hand with a clothesline and a bit of offense before Rollins locked him in a triangle choke. Reigns continued fighting back and scoring near falls, including with a Superman punch. After a spear outside the ring, Reigns tried for another in the ring but ran into a Pedigree from Rollins for another two-count. After Reigns managed another spear, Rollins laughed at him and offered a fist bump only for Reigns to lock in a guillotine choke. Rollins tried to crawl to the ropes to break the hold, finally getting to the ropes. Reigns refused to break the hold, drawing a disqualification. Reigns continued holding the choke far after the disqualification. Reigns then stood in shock in the ring as the crowd booed and chanted "Roman sucks." Reigns left the ring, grabbed a chair and used it to lay out Rollins, calling back to Rollins' chair attack that broke up The Shield several years ago. The post match went on too long.
-WWE Championships ad.
-Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton take over.
Women's Royal Rumble Match: Sasha Banks was out in the No. 1 spot before Melina at No. 2, making Melina the first "legend" in this year's match. The two traded words but Banks scored the elimination just seconds later. The next legend out was Kelly Kelly at No. 4, joining Banks and Tamina in the ring. Banks scored her second elimination of the match when she managed to counter a hurricanrana by Kelly Kelly before sending the legend to the floor. Banks, one of the favorites coming in, was eventually eliminated by Queen Zelina. The 2021 winner, Bianca Belair, entered at No. 8. Michelle McCool was another among the legend entrants, and even managed to score an elimination, tossing Dana Brooke. Sonya Deville was out at No. 11, but kept her "WWE official jacket" on and joined commentary rather than immediately entering the match. Deville eventually joined the match to attack Cameron, trying to get a dig in at Naomi by eliminating her former tag partner, which she did.
Naomi was the next woman out and immediately began brawling with Deville before eliminating her rival. Another favorite was out at No. 17 when SmackDown women's champion Charlotte Flair entered the match. Deville would get back in the mix despite the elimination, helping pull Naomi from the ring apron as Flair attempted to eliminate her, resulting in Naomi's elimination. Ripley scored her third elimination of the match when she bounced WWE legend Ivory from the match as soon as Ivory entered. The first of the Bella Twins came into the match at No. 19 when Brie Bella entered. Brie was followed by Impact women's champion Mickie James. James eliminated McCool in a callback to their long rivalry. They continued to play up rivalries, with Nikki A.S.H. entering the match from the timekeeper area to attack Ripley from behind, only to fail to score the elimination. Nikki Bella was out at No. 24 as it continued to feel like there were more legends than current members of the current WWE roster in the match. Sarah Logan was a big surprise entrant at No. 25, a point at which there were 10 women still in the match. Logan was immediately eliminated by the Bella Twins and the Twins then quickly eliminated Morgan. Lita entered at No. 26, quickly eliminating James from the match.
No. 28 was Ronda Rousey, receiving a massive pop and drawing an intense stare from Flair. Rousey ran through everyone in her way before eliminating Nikki A.S.H. Brie Bella eliminated her sister after faking that she was going to save Nikki from Rousey but Brie was then eliminated by Rousey. The final entrant to the match was Shayna Baszler, who immediately joined forces with her old friend, Rousey. Rousey continued to score eliminations as she dominated the match. The final four in the match were Rousey, Flair, Belair and Baszler. Flair simultaneously eliminated Baszler and Belair, leaving her alone with Rousey to determine a winner. Flair charged at Rousey and Rousey caught her, suplexing her over the top rope for the win. Rousey does her contractually obligated point to the WrestleMania sign as Flair looks stunned.
-WWE Community Ad.
-WWE TikTok Ad.
Raw Women's Championship -- Becky Lynch (c) vs. Doudrop: Doudrop tried to use her power to take the fight to Lynch immediately, getting off to a strong start before trying to cannonball Lynch against the ring steps. Lynch moved out of the way, sending Doudrop crashing into the steps and allowing Lynch to get the upper hand. Doudrop continued to fight back as the match went on, including hitting Lynch with some massive powerbomb and splashes in the corner. Lynch nearly won the bout with a flipping senton onto a standing Doudrop for a two-count. Doudrop again countered the Manhandle Slam, as she'd done every time Lynch tried to hit the move before the match, turning it into a Big Ending-style slam for a near fall. Lynch finally hit the Manhandle Slam, needing to take Doudrop off the second rope to hit the move. An unsurprising finish but a nice little match to get there. Doudrop is a very serviceable monster heel, which is a high-value position in professional wrestling. The crowd did not care at all about the match.
-WWE Replica Championships Ad.
-The attendance is announced.
Flashback to what led up to the WWE Championship Match.
WWE Championship -- Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Bobby Lashley: After tense early moments, Lesnar was the first man to score with offense, hitting a German suplex before laughing at Lashley. Lashley returned the favor, hitting Lesnar with a German of his own. Lesnar came back with a pair of suplexes as both men continued to try to prove a point as much as doing any damage. Lashley delivered two spears after slipping out of an F-5 attempt from Lesnar. Lesnar was able to see Lashley coming with a spear attempt outside the ring, moving out of the way and letting Lashley crash through the ringside barricade. This opened Lesnar up to hit a long string of German suplexes. Lesnar went for the F-5 again and again Lashley countered, this time locking in the Hurt Lock in the middle of the ring. Desperate to escape, Lesnar drove Lashley backward into the referee before then hitting the F-5 and again hitting the ref, knocking him down and out of the ring as Lesnar covered for what would have been the match-winning pin. As Lesnar paced the ring waiting for a new referee, Roman Reigns ran to the ring to deliver a spear to Lesnar. Reigns then stared down Heyman before asking for the WWE championship belt. Heyman handed the belt over and Reigns used it to lay out Lesnar. Heyman then walked off with Reigns as Lashley pinned Lesnar for the three-count from the new referee. Heyman is back with Reigns, Lashley is the WWE champion and Lesnar is on his own once again.
-Replay of Ronda Rousey entering the Women's Rumble and winning.
-Flashback to what led up to the mixed-tag match.
Miz & Maryse vs. Edge & Beth Phoenix: Maryse ran from Phoenix to start the match, as expected, leading to Miz and Edge spending much of the early section of the match battling with little threat of the women getting involved. Maryse delivered a few cheap shots to Edge as Miz was in control but an Edge DDT allowed him to tag in Phoenix, who dominated Maryse until Miz broke up a pin. Phoenix then got in Miz's face, drawing some harsh words from Miz. Phoenix then slammed Miz into the corner and landed several shots before Maryse struck from behind with the loaded purse. Phoenix kicked out of the follow-up pin, however, and eventually managed the hot tag to Edge. Phoenix provided an assist to Edge again, this time hitting Miz with a powerbomb to set up an Edge elbow drop and a near fall. Maryse pulled Phoenix from the apron, setting up some chaos where Maryse hit Edge with a hurricanrana and Phoenix with a DDT before Miz hit Edge with a skull-crushing finale before Edge kicked out at two. Phoenix came back into the ring to hit a double spear with Edge on Miz before the pair hit simultaneous Glamazon Slams for the win.
-Feature on Drew McIntyre.
-Feature on Flo Groberg, MOH recipient in attendance.
Men's Royal Rumble Match: AJ Styles was the No. 1 entrant into the match. Shinsuke Nakamura was in at No. 2, bringing two long-time rivals together to start the match. The first man eliminated was Robert Roode, who was knocked from the ring by Styles just moments after entering the match. Styles also eliminated Nakamura moments later, getting the former multi-time world champion off to a strong start from the No. 1 spot. The ring filled up for a while without much meaningful action happening until Johnny Knoxville entered at No. 9. Knoxville went right at Sami Zayn, taking him down before landing a few punches and pointing at the WrestleMania sign. Knoxville delivered a forearm to Styles before Styles blasted him with a combination of strikes and Montez Ford hit a frog splash before Zayn eliminated Knoxville with a kick. Styles then dumped Zayn from the match. Omos was the first true "giant" entrant to the match at No. 11, immediately taking out anyone he could get his hands on and eliminating both Street Profits. Omos was eventually eliminated through the combined efforts of six men.
Styles continued to not only survive, but dominate, as he piled up eliminations. Styles was finally eliminated through the combined efforts of Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss. Styles had scored six eliminations to that point. After a prolonged middle section of the match, the favorites started rolling in late, starting with Drew McIntyre at No. 21. McIntyre quickly took out both Corbin and Moss before following both men outside the ring to deliver a few shots with the ring steps. The back-end of the match was loaded with bigger names and former world champions, including Kevin Owens (No. 22), Rey Mysterio (No. 23) and Kofi Kingston (No. 24). Kingston tried for one of his classic Royal Rumble moments to avoid elimination but as he was launched from the ring apron by Owens, his feet hit the ground before he grabbed onto the ring barricade.
Bad Bunny was in the match at No. 27. He immediately took out Sheamus, Owens and then Riddle before Sheamus took him out from behind. Sheamus tried to score the elimination with a Brogue Kick but Bad Bunny pulled down the top rope, sending Sheamus to the floor for the elimination. Shane McMahon entered the match at No. 28 and quickly eliminated Owens from the match in an odd run that saw three of four eliminations scored by either Bad Bunny or McMahon. Randy Orton was in at No. 29 and immediately worked with Riddle to eliminate Big E and Otis.
Brock Lesnar entered at No. 30, immediately in the final six with Orton, Riddle, McMahon, Bad Bunny and McIntyre. Lesnar took out everyone with suplexes before eliminating Orton. Lesnar then hit Bad Bunny with an F-5 and tossed him over the top rope. Riddle was out next and then McMahon, leaving it down to McIntyre and Lesnar. Lesnar blocked a McIntyre Claymore and then hit an F-5 over the top rope on McIntyre to win the Rumble. WrestleMania sign point and pyro as they sign off from St. Louis.
-Final Thoughts: Some nice surprises, but not a great Rumble overall. It served its purpose headed towards what they were going to do at WrestleMania.