Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 172 Notes

-Buying a car and losing a TV.
-This week we look at the 1992 Royal Rumble from the WWF. It took place on January 19, 1992 from the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York. 17,000 in attendance.
-Classic Royal Rumble intro with Vince McMahon's introduction.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the Royal Rumble. Heenan says he is still betting on Ric Flair to be the champion after the Royal Rumble. They then talk about the Mountie being the new Intercontinental Champion after defeating Bret Hart and taking on Roddy Piper. They then run down some of the other things we will see.
-The Orient Express Kato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji vs. The New Foundation Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart: New Foundation gets a nice ovation when they come out. They have unique outfits if you can remember them. Like a new age checkered cab type thing going there. Heenan says they look like they have pajamas on. Hart starts out with Kato. Back and forth. Hart with the early advantage with some mat work and wrist locks. Kato comes back, but can't get Hart down. Owen breaks a wrist lock by jumping on the rope, flipping off, and hitting a hip lock on Kato and the crowd loves it. Tanaka and Fuji going crazy in their corner. I wasn't a fan yet when Owen was the Blue Blazer, so this was the first time I saw him and I was impressed from the start. Neidhart tagged in to a big ovation. He gets an arm bar on, Kato tries to get out. Neidhart hip tosses Kato out of the corner, and it has been all New Foundation thus far. Neidhart too powerful. Tanaka tagged in. Crowd clapping to get behind the New Foundation and Tanaka tells them to be quiet. Tanaka tries to get Neidhart down, but it is unsuccessful because Neidhart is too powerful. Hart tagged in and he and Neidhart do a power slam/flying elbow combo on Tanaka. In my make believe wrestling federation at this time, I had a guy who was a combo of Owen Hart and Roddy Piper that I called the Missile. I was not very original. Hart only gets a two count. Tanaka with an eye rake and he comes back on Hart. He hits a corner whip, but Hart flips up and backdrops Tanaka. Neidhart tagged in and Hart corner whips him into Tanaka and he hits a shoulder into Tanaka. New Foundation looking good so far, but this match is going on for a long time. Orient Express both in and double teaming Neidhart, who comes back with a double clothesline to the Orient Express. Hart tagged in and goes up top. Neidhart runs the Orient Expresses head's together and Hart crossbodies both for a two count. Hart with some more moves and another two count. Hart goes after the mask of Kato, who slips outside. I've always thought that was a dumb move. Kato back in as the crowd clapping for the New Foundation again. Tanaka hits Hart with a kick to the back as Hart was running the ropes and all four men in. The referee trying to get Neidhart out allowing Fuji to hit Hart with his cane. Orient Express taking over. Tanaka in and hitting Hart with throat thrusts. Tanaka holds Hart, tags Kato in, and Kato hits Hart with a thrust kick. Neidhart comes in again and the heels again take advantage and double team. They have successfully cut the ring in half. Hart corner whipped and hits the post sternum first. Tanaka only gets a two count. A crescent kick gets another two count and Kato tagged back in. Hart gets a crucifix for a two count. Tanaka tagged back in. He hits a leg drop on Hart. He follows it up with a rear chin lock and the crowd trying to get behind Hart. Hart gets up and hits a couple of moves on Tanaka, who comes back with a flying forearm to get Hart down. He gets a two count. Tanaka rushes Hart in the corner. Hart gets his boots up on the charge and hits Tanaka with a bulldog. Neidhart tagged in, but the referee doesn't see it as he was trying to get Kato out. Fuji sets his cane up in the corner and the Orient Express corner whip Hart into it. Kato then throws the broken cane out to Fuji. Hart manages to get his foot over the bottom rope. Kato punishes Hart and Tanaka tagged in. It's been all Orient Express for the past few minutes. Diving headbutt by Tanaka. Hart tries to come back. Hits a belly to belly suplex, but Kato cuts off the pin attempt. Kato tagged in and again goads Neidhart in so they can double team Hart while the referee tries to get Neidhart out. Tanaka tagged in. He kicks Hart and again they goad Neidhart into the ring and you know what happens next. It's a loop. They only get a two count. Hart hits a double dropkick. Neidhart tagged in and Hart slingshots him over the top rope onto the Orient Express. Neidhart cleans house. He then Irish whips Hart through the ropes onto Kato on the outside and you didn't see moves like that in 1992 WWF. Owen back in and the New Foundation hit the Rocket Launcher onto Tanaka to get the pin.
-Lord Alfred Hayes recaps the Mountie winning the Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart two days earlier and the set up to the Mountie/Roddy Piper match. Sean Mooney interviews The Mountie and Jimmy Hart. Mountie wants to know how Piper could get a title shot so quickly, but promises he will do to Piper what he did to Bret Hart.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Roddy Piper. Classic Piper interview. He says he came here to win two titles and he can't do that until the wins the first one.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart vs. Roddy Piper: Mountie out first. The crowd goes insane when the bagpipes hit and Piper comes out. He looks to be in fantastic shape. He gets in the ring and a Roddy chant goes out. Mountie comes at Piper with his shock stick as referee Joey Marella tries to get the stick and Jimmy Hart out of the ring. Piper still has his kilt and a t-shirt on as he goes out to the apron. Piper takes his kilt off. Hart yells at Piper with the megaphone, so Piper rushes Mountie and wraps the kilt around his head and gets Mountie down and starts kicking him. Hart runs away and the bell rings. Mountie tries to get away as Piper hits him with left and right jabs. Piper with an Irish whip. Mountie grabs the ropes and goes outside to regroup. Piper goes out on a different side, runs around to Mountie, and hits him with a right hand to the face. Mountie gets behind Hart and then pushes Hart into Piper. As Piper sidesteps Hart to avoid getting hit, Mountie hits Piper with right hands. Mountie throws Piper back into the ring. Mountie choking Piper on the ropes. Mountie Irish whips Piper and leapfrogs him a couple of times. Mountie then drops down to avoid Piper. Piper counters by stopping and dropping a fist on Mountie. Piper then rams Mountie into a couple of turnbuckles. Piper then with a bulldog to Mountie. The fans are digging this match so far. Piper gets a two count as Mountie gets his foot on the ropes. Piper gets Mountie up and pokes him in the eye in a classic Piper move. Piper with a side headlock. Mountie pushes off. Mountie follows that up with a double ax handle to the back. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Piper with an Irish whip and goes to dropkick Mountie, who holds on to the ropes. Mountie covers, but only gets a two count. Mountie with a half nelson/hammerlock combo on Piper as a Roddy chant goes out. He then runs Piper's head into the turnbuckle 6 times. Mountie then slaps Piper and bites his forehead. He breaks on the three count. Mountie with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Mountie gets another two count. Mountie then throws Piper to the outside. Piper gets up on the apron, hits Mountie in the midsection with his shoulders, and then sunset flips Mountie for a two count. Mountie with a couple of punches and Piper unloads on Mountie. Mountie grabs Piper by the trunks and throws him to the outside of the ring. Piper gets right back in and jumps on the Mountie punching and biting Mountie. He follows that up with Irish whipping and punching Mountie in the face. Then another Irish whip and a backdrop to Mountie. Another Irish whip and a shot to Mountie's midsection. Mountie with a roundhouse that Piper ducks and hits Mountie with an atomic drop. Mountie skins the cat and comes back in unknown to Piper, who has gone over to the other side to deal with Hart, who has climbed up on the apron. Mountie rushes Piper, who turns around, sidesteps Mountie, who runs into Hart and knocks him off the apron. Piper puts a sleeper on Mountie. Hart grabs the shock stick as Piper has Mountie down on his knees and Mountie is fading. Mountie goes out and Piper is declared the winner and new Intercontinental champion. Hart comes in and rushes Piper with the shock stick, but Piper gets the stick and pushes Hart away. Piper asks the crowd if they want him to shock Mountie and they say yes. Piper shocks Mountie and they have that awful shocking sound play over the loudspeakers. The crowd loves it and cheer wildly when Finkel announces Piper as the winner and new champion.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is outside Hulk Hogan's dressing room. He goes in to talk to Hogan about the Royal Rumble. Hogan says in the Rumble, he isn't going to have any friends. He's going to get the WWF title back.
-Mean Gene talks to the Bushwhackers and Jameson about the Beverly Brothers and the Genius and it's about as good as you think it would be.
-The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch with Jameson vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with The Genius: Genius stars out with a poem that is more interesting than this match will be I'm sure. Bushwhackers and Jameson come out and they are popular with the fans. Heenan is hilarious on commentary about Jameson and the Bushwhackers. Beverly Brothers in control early with double teaming. Bushwhackers come back with double teaming of their own. They run the Beverly Brothers together as the Genius comes over to menace Jameson. Blake gets back in control by kicking and hitting Butch with double ax handles. Butch comes back with a knee to the stomach. He follows it up with a bulldog and all four men in the ring. Bushwhackers clear the ring. Beverly Brothers try to avoid getting hit, but keep getting outsmarted by the Bushwhackers and that's not a sentence that I ever thought I would write or say. Beverly Brothers take advantage of Luke and hit him with a double ax handle to the back. Beau covers Luke, but he gets his foot on the ropes. Beau runs Luke into Blake's boot and the Beverly Brothers double team Luke in their corner. Butch comes in and referee Danny Davis trying to get him back out allowing the Beverly Brothers to continue the double team. Blake hits a backbreaker on Luke as Butch tries to get the crowd into the match. Blake gets a two count. Blake goads Butch in again, so the double team can continue. Lather, rinse, repeat. Beau in and Luke catches him with a knee lift. Blake comes back in and he's choking Luke, but breaking before the 5 count. Beverly Brothers cutting the ring in half to stop the tag. Beau tagged in and covers Luke with his boot for a pin attempt and Luke takes advantage and rolls Beau up for a two count. It spills to the outside, giving the Genius the opportunity to go slap Jameson. Butch breaks up a pin attempt. Blake with a nice neck breaker/leg drop combo for a two count. Luke catches Blake with a clothesline out of the corner. Butch tagged in and he cleans house. He goes for a count on Blake. Beau breaks it up. All four men in. Luke clotheslines Beau to the outside before the referee gets Luke out but Beau takes advantage and trips Butch. Luke breaks up the pin attempt and I know you'll be shocked to learn that the Beverly Brothers take advantage by double teaming. Blake gets the pin after Luke is too late with the save. The Bushwhackers beat up the Beverly Brothers and the Genius after the match and hold the Genius for Jameson to kick in the shin.
-Mean Gene interviews the Legion of Doom. They say they aren't concerned with the Natural Disasters.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal vs. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon with Jimmy Hart: LOD with a monstrous ovation when they come out. Pure power match. Hawk and Typhoon start. Hawk with some power moves and a flying clothesline takes Typhoon down. Earthquake wants Hawk so he tags in. A standing dropkick by Hawk doesn't faze Earthquake. Earthquake with a dropkick, but Hawk moves out of the way. It was impressive to see him try it though. Animal in. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Double clothesline and both men are down. Animal lifts Earthquake up, but Earthquake shifts his weight and falls on Animal for a two count. Typhoon in and hits Animal with an avalanche in the corner. He tries it again and Animal clotheslines Typhoon. Hawk in and battering Typhoon. He hits Typhoon with several clotheslines to no effect. Hawk goes for a crossbody, but Typhoon catches him and does several backbreakers on Hawk. Earthquake in and he continues the assault on Hawk. He gets a two count. Typhoon back in and the Natural Disasters are double teaming to perfection. They work on Hawk's lower back. Typhoon with a bear hug. Hawk with some right hands to get out of the move. He goes for a move off the second rope, but gets caught and slammed into a turnbuckle by Typhoon and Earthquake tagged back in. He continues the assault on the lower back. He then steps on Hawk's sternum. Earthquake with a bear hug. Earthquake with a corner clothesline, but Hawk moves on the avalanche attempt. Animal tagged in and knocks Earthquake down with a shoulder block. Natural Disasters try to double team Animal, but he hits them with a double clothesline. It goes to the outside with all four brawling. Typhoon gets back in and the LOD is counted out. They grabs the titles, but LOD come in with a chair and take Earthquake out with it.
-Sean Mooney talks to Jimmy Hart and the Natural Disasters. They are highly pissed that they aren't the champions.
-Mean Gene talks to Roddy Piper. He says only in America can something like this happen. He says one down, one to go.
-Sean Mooney talks to Shawn Michaels. Newly turned after throwing Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window. They replay the scene. Michaels says he saved Jannetty 29 other beatings.
-Lord Alfred Hayes talks to Ric Flair, who says he drew number three. This was a Coliseum Video Exclusive because Heenan and Monsoon don't know what number Flair drew.
-They show some of the participants and get their thoughts and I'm sure this will surprise you, but they all say they are going to win.
-Howard Finkel announces the rules for the Royal Rumble and that the winner will be the new WWF Champion. He introduces Jack Tunney, who gets booed. He says the same thing as Finkel.
-1992 Royal Rumble: 1. The British Bulldog. 2. Ted DiBiase. They go at it as soon as DiBiase gets in. DiBiase takes advantage early. He throws Bulldog out, but Bulldog holds on and comes back in. He clotheslines DiBiase out. 3. Ric Flair. Heenan loses his mind when Flair comes out this early. Flair says DiBiase said see you at the bar as he passed him headed to the back. Flair goes at it with Bulldog, who presses Flair several times. Flair corner whips Bulldog, who comes out with a clothesline to Flair. Flair comes back with an eye rake. He then begs off. Bulldog goes and throws Flair over, but he hangs on and lands on the apron. 4. Jerry Sags. Bulldog with corner mounted punches. Sags attacks Bulldog. He then holds Bulldog for Flair to chop and a double team to Bulldog. Double corner whip and Bulldog comes back with a double clothesline. Bulldog throws Sags out, but he lands on the apron. He taunts the crowd from the apron, only to get dropkicked to the ground by Bulldog. Bulldog goes after Flair again, who gets Bulldog in the corner and chops him. Bulldog with a corner whip and a power slam. 5. Haku. He and Flair double team Bulldog and get him down. Haku then attacks Flair. Flair chops Haku, then runs when Haku comes after him. Flair is no dummy. He rolls outside. Haku piledrives Bulldog and Flair takes advantage and then attacks Haku. He drops a knee on Haku. Bulldog attacks Flair in the corner. Haku hits Bulldog with a thrust kick. Haku then attacks Flair. He falls to the mat and Haku and Bulldog attack each other. Bulldog dumps Haku out. 6. Shawn Michaels. Flair attacks both Bulldog and Michaels. Michaels comes back with a series of lefts and rights on Flair. Michaels then corner whips and backdrops Flair and then hits him with sweet chin music although it wasn't his finisher at the time so it was nothing special here. Michaels with an Irish whip to Bulldog, misses a clothesline attempt, and Bulldog presses Michaels and power slams him. Bulldog then clotheslines Michaels several times and the last time over the top rope, but Michaels hangs on and lands on the apron. Michaels comes back with Sweet Chin Music to Bulldog, and Flair attacks Michaels. Flair with Michaels up on the ropes trying to eliminate him. Michaels comes back and he is hitting both Flair and Bulldog. Bulldog reverses a corner whip, and Michaels lands up on the ropes. Bulldog kicks Michaels while he is up there and Michaels crotches himself on the top rope. Bulldog shakes the ropes adding insult to injury and Michaels falls to the mat. Flair attacking both Michaels and Bulldog. 7. Tito Santana. Flair throws Michaels over the ropes, but again he lands on the apron. He and Flair go at it as soon as Santana gets in. He goes to work trying to get Flair up and over and Flair hanging on for life. Michaels grabs Santana and tries to eliminate him. Bulldog attacks Michaels from behind. He tries to get Michaels out as Flair pairs off with Santana after attacking him from behind. Flair with a back suplex to Santana and Bulldog gets Michaels over the ropes and Michaels trying hard not to get eliminated. He lands on the apron again as Bulldog and Flair start to fight. Bulldog choking Flair down and Flair low blows Bulldog. Santana runs Michaels into the turnbuckle. Flair trying to throw Bulldog out, but gets hit from behind by Santana. Flair with an Irish whip to Santana, misses a clothesline, and Santana comes back with a flying forearm to Flair. 8. The Barbarian. Santana attacking Flair with corner mounted punches until Michaels pulls Santana off. Barbarian goes after Bulldog. He tries to get Bulldog over the top and Flair comes over to help and Bulldog holding on to the top rope for dear life. Bulldog gets to the apron, so Flair goes and attacks Michaels from behind. He then goes back and forth with Santana. Then Barbarian and Bulldog and Santana and Michaels pair off and Flair takes a breather in the corner. Santana tries to dump Michaels, who again lands on the apron and crawls back in. Flair takes advantage and tries to dump Santana out, and Santana responds with an eye poke to Michaels. 9. Texas Tornado. He and Flair go at it like it's Texas Stadium in 1984. Tornado hits Flair with the discus punch and Flair does the patented Flair Flop. Michaels then comes over and he and Tornado go at it and Michaels gets a discus punch too. He oversells the punch and I will give you a second to recover from the shock of that statement. Bulldog slingshots Michaels into the turnbuckle. Flair with an inverted atomic drop to Tornado and Santana trying to Irish whip Barbarian, but there are too many bodies in the way. Everyone pairing off and trying to eliminate each other. Santana stomping Flair down on the canvas as Michaels trying to eliminate Bulldog in the opposite corner. 10. Repo Man.
-He sneaks into the ring, but doesn't have to as no one is paying attention to him as they are all paired off. Flair trying to get rid of Bulldog as Santana ducks a clothesline from Barbarian and hits a crossbody on Barbarian. Pairs break off as Flair and Barbarian go after Santana and Bulldog goes after Repo Man. 11. Greg Valentine. He and former tag partner Flair go after each other and start chopping each other. Then Bulldog holds Flair for Valentine to chop. Tornado and Bulldog trying to eliminate Michaels. He is hanging upside down over the top rope trying not to be pushed out. He is able to go under the ropes. 12. Nikolai Volkoff. Flair and Valentine go back to chopping each other in the corner. Flair with a snap mare and a knee drop to Valentine. Save your livers folks, do not drink every time the words fair to Flair are said. Valentine puts Flair in the figure four. Volkoff eliminated. 13. The Big Boss Man. He goes after Flair and everyone else. Valentine eliminated. Repo Man eliminated. Flair eliminates Bulldog. Tornado eliminated. Shawn Michaels and Tito Santana both go over together as the buzzer sounds. 14. Hercules. Flair and Barbarian team up and high five each other and then Flair starts chopping Barbarian. Barbarian power slams Flair. Barbarian trying to eliminate Flair. Hercules comes from behind to eliminate them both. As they go over, Flair grabs the ropes and lands on the apron and Barbarian is eliminated. Big Boss Man eliminates Hercules. Just Flair and Boss Man left. Flair begging off as Boss Man comes after him. Flair with an eye poke. Boss Man off the ropes and comes back with a crossbody. Boss Man rushes Flair, who drops down and Boss Man eliminated as he goes over on his own momentum. It isn't commented on now, but remember it for later. Flair the only man left in the ring for the time being. He does get some cheers and immediately does the Flair Flop from exhaustion. 15. Roddy Piper. He gets a massive cheer as he gets in and Flair immediately begging off. Piper jumps on Flair and attacks him with left and rights in the corner as the crowd cheers wildly. Piper with a corner whip and a backdrop. Piper follows that up with a knee lift and Flair rolls to the outside to regroup. Piper comes out after Flair and clotheslines him. Piper runs Flair into the barricade and then throws Flair back in the ring. Flair guillotines Piper on the top rope as Piper was trying to get in. Piper no sells it though to a massive ovation. He hits Flair with corner mounted punches. Flair comes back with an inverted atomic drop and Piper comes back with his patented eye poke. He then gets Flair up in a fireman's carry into an airplane spin. He gets a sleeper on Flair and the crowd is cheering wildly and Heenan is apoplectic on commentary. Flair starting to fade. 16. Jake Roberts. He comes out and is booed heavily. Roberts goes after Piper. He chokes Piper with his boot in the corner as a Roddy chant goes out. He then hits Flair with a short clothesline. Roberts signals for the DDT. He goes for it and gets cut off by a clothesline from Piper. Heenan thanks Piper and says it's a kilt, not a skirt. Flair puts Roberts in the figure four. Piper attacks both men and Heenan calls him a skirt wearing freak. You have to love the Brain. All three take turns attacking each other. Roberts trying to get Piper out. 17. Jim Duggan. He goes after Flair to a big ovation. Roberts dumped to the apron, but doesn't go to the floor. A USA chant goes out as Duggan battles Flair. He then battles Roberts before Piper and Duggan battle each other and it's every man for himself. Flair hits a back suplex on Piper. Roberts with an inverted atomic drop on Duggan. Piper and Flair going back and forth. 18. IRS. Roberts and Flair trying to eliminate Piper. People start to pair off again. Piper trying to eliminate Flair. 19. Jimmy Snuka. Flair has a history with most of the people in the Rumble and he and Snuka go back to Mid-Atlantic. He goes after Flair and hits him with a headbutt. He follows that up with an Irish whip and a chop to Flair. Piper then slapping and chopping Flair in the corner. He goes to eliminate Flair, but he doesn't go over. Roberts then trying to push Flair out. 20. The Undertaker.
-He takes his time getting to the ring. He gets in and eliminates Snuka and then goes after Flair. He chokes Flair in the corner. Duggan comes over and Undertaker mule kicks him. IRS then holds Duggan for Undertaker to hit. Piper eye pokes Roberts and tries to throw him out. Duggan and Flair team up to take on Undertaker, who had IRS up on the second rope looking to eliminate him. 21. Randy Savage. Roberts immediately slithers out of the ring on the other side as Undertaker grabs Duggan and Flair by the throat. He slams them down and Undertaker and IRS attack Savage as soon as he gets in. Roberts gets back in and he and Undertaker take turns attacking Savage. Roberts goes for a short clothesline to Savage, who ducks it and attacks Roberts. He hits a double ax handle from the top rope. Savage with a high knee to eliminate Roberts, but then messes the whole thing up by jumping over the top rope to go after Roberts, thus eliminating himself accidently. They go to cover for him saying you can't eliminate yourself, even though Boss Man did it earlier. I'm getting down off my soapbox now. Heenan and Monsoon say that he has eliminated himself before being corrected by the people in the back, probably Vince McMahon. Undertaker comes out to grab Savage. Undertaker throws Savage back in. He comes out after Roberts again before being put back in and now they are floating the thrown out by someone else theory that doesn't hold water. 22. The Berzerker. People pairing up again. Flair on the apron trying to suplex Savage to the floor. Savage suplexes Flair inside. Piper and Undertaker both choking Flair and Undertaker grabs Piper by the throat with his other hand. 23. Virgil. Heenan says he's been going through people's bags in the back. Undertaker trying to dump Flair over. Piper goes after Virgil. 24. Col Mustafa. Mustafa goes after Duggan. Savage goes after Undertaker. Flair tries to dump Piper and Monsoon calls him Rick Martel. Savage hits Undertaker and Flair. 25. Rick Martel. Flair goes after Martel and they battle in the corner. He and IRS try to dump Flair out. Mustafa eliminated by Savage. Duggan gets a USA chant going. 26. Hulk Hogan. The crowd goes crazy for Hogan, but they will turn on him in just a few moments. Don't let Vince McMahon tell you otherwise. He goes after Flair and Undertaker. The heels take on Hogan. Berzerker holds Hogan for Undertaker to hit. Virgil eliminates Martel as the heels gang up on Hogan in the corner. Upon further inspection, Martel went through the ropes so he comes back in as Hogan clotheslines Undertaker over the top rope. He lands on his feet as Hogan also eliminates Berzerker as the crowd goes crazy and Hogan tears his shirt. Hogan choking Martel with his shirt. Virgil and Duggan eliminated. 27. Skinner. Hogan trying to eliminate Flair. Flair lands on the apron as Heenan is begging God to let Flair win. Skinner rakes Hogan's eyes. Flair and Martel try to eliminate Piper. Hogan clotheslines Flair and Skinner. 28. Sgt. Slaughter. Skinner eliminated. Slaughter going after Flair. Piper and Hogan going after each other like it's 1985. Hogan chopping Flair in the corner. 29. Sid Justice and he gets a great ovation coming out as the worm is about to turn for Hogan. Hogan being double teamed by IRS and Flair. Justice goes after Flair to the crowds delight. 30. The Warlord. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by Hogan. He and Hogan go to the outside under the bottom rope. Hogan suplexes Flair on the outside. Justice corner whips Slaughter and he does his patented bump to the outside to be eliminated. Hogan throws Flair back in. Irish whip and big boot. Piper eliminates IRS. Hogan and Justice eliminate Warlord. Justice eliminates Martel and Piper. Flair and Justice eliminate Savage and it's down to Flair, Justice, and Hogan. Flair and Hogan chopping each other in the corner. Hogan gets Flair over the top rope to the apron. Justice throws Hogan over to the outside and gets cheers from the crowd. Hogan arguing with Justice. Hogan then grabs Justice's hand. This allows Flair to come from behind and dump Justice to win the Royal Rumble and become the new WWF Champion. Heenan is ecstatic. Flair celebrates with Hennig and Heenan leaves to go celebrate with them. Justice and Hogan pushing each other in the ring. They get separated by officials and a Justice chant goes out. Gorilla admits that he didn't think Flair could do it, but was wrong. They throw it to Mean Gene, who presides over Jack Tunney presenting Flair with the World Championship. Then Flair, Perfect, and Heenan gloat. Mean Gene does his put that cigarette out line. Flair says all have to pay homage to the man. Mean Gene signs off from Albany with a highlight package.
-Final Thoughts: The greatest Rumble of all time and it's not close. The rest of the card is unforgettable other than the Piper IC win. Watch that and the Rumble.