Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 252 Notes

-Today we look at Slamboree 94 from WCW.
-Slamboree 94 was shown on PPV on May 22, 1994 from the Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA. There were 4,000 in attendance.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to Slamboree. He introduces the Legends: Ole Anderson, The Assassin, Penny Banner, Red Bastien, Tully Blanchard, The Crusher, Don Curtis, Terry Funk is introduced, but doesn't come out, Verne Gagne, Hard Boiled Haggerty, Larry Hennig, Killer Kowalski, Ernie Ladd, Wahoo McDaniel, Angelo Mosca, Harley Race, Ray Stevens, Lou Thesz, Johnny Weaver, Mr. Wrestling II, and Tommy Young. It's sad how many are no longer with us.
-Mean Gene throws it to Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan at Ringside. They run down some of what we are going to see. They bring in Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel. He is holding the International World Title and calls out Sting. He comes out wearing a suit. Bockwinkel reads a statement that Rick Rude will be stripped of the title after a match in Japan. Rude was injured in Japan. Sting wants the title to be won in the ring. He wants to wrestle Vader for the title. Bockwinkel makes it official.
-WCW United States Championship Match. Steve Austin with Col. Robert Parker vs. Johnny B. Badd: They battle for the belt before the match. The bell rings, and they circle each other. Austin wants to shake hands, but Badd is ignoring him. They lock up and Badd with an arm drag. Badd follows up with a side headlock takeover for a one count. To a neutral corner and break. Badd with a takedown into a hammerlock. Austin with a drop toe hold, and he comes back. Austin with a sleeper and Badd with a jaw breaker to break the hold. Austin rolls out to regroup. They show Sherri Martel at ringside. Badd back to the hammerlock. Into an arm bar. Austin to his feet. He gets a side headlock takeover. Badd with a top wrist lock as they battle for position. Austin with an arm lock. Into a snap mare, and Austin gets a side headlock. Badd with a drop toe hold. Into an arm bar. He gets Austin back down. Austin reverses the arm bar. Badd gets a modified Victory roll to get out of the move. He gets a side headlock takeover. Badd with a flurry of moves. Badd with a hammerlock. Austin struggles to get out. Badd with an arm bar. Austin gets out and hits a double ax handle. Austin stomps Badd down. He kicks Badd repeatedly. Parker chokes Badd when Austin distracts referee Randy Anderson. Austin continues the attack on Badd. They trade shots. Austin with a running suplex to Badd for a two count. Austin with a chin lock. Badd fighting the move. Austin gets a two count. Austin dropped a knee on Badd. Austin goes for a second rope elbow drop, but Badd gets his knees-up. Badd with a slam. They both miss moves. Austin chops Badd in the corner. Badd with a backdrop. Austin reverses a corner whip, and Badd comes back with a clothesline, a dropkick, and a knee lift. Parker gets on the apron to distract Anderson as Badd rolls Austin up. Badd goes over and grabs Parker. Austin goes to hit Badd, but Badd moves and Parker gets hit instead. Badd gets a roll up for a two count. Badd with a sunset flip for another two count. They trade moves. Austin with a side headlock and pushes off the ropes to get the pin. Badd knocks Austin out after the match.
-Mean Gene plugs the hotline and then brings out Ernie Ladd and Wahoo McDaniel. Ladd says he is excited about the festivities. McDaniel says he is a lucky man; he got to wrestle all the legends. He then puts down Bobby Heenan, who was knocking McDaniel earlier. They then show pre-recorded comments from Dusty Rhodes, who was shooting an episode of Burke's Law in Hollywood. He then tells Dustin Rhodes this is a big night for him.
-Legends Match. Tully Blanchard vs. Terry Funk: Blanchard gets a great reaction when he comes out. Gordon Solie joins commentary for this match. Funk also gets a great reaction. An E-C-Dub chant goes out. Funk goes out with the crowd and they chant his name. Blanchard comes out and they battle at ringside. The bell rings. Blanchard throws Funk in and drops a knee on Funk. It then goes right back outside. They trade blows. This is fast and furious. Funk atomic drops Blanchard. Funk throws Blanchard back in the ring. They then fight out to the ramp. They continue to fight on the ramp. Funk throws Blanchard off the ramp. Funk hits Blanchard with a piece of siding. He sets the piece up against the ropes and piledrives Blanchard through it. Funk DDTs Blanchard on the ramp. A double count going. Funk headbutts Blanchard as a we want blood chant goes out. Funk with another piledriver on Blanchard. Funk misses a moonsault when Blanchard moves. Blanchard gets a two count. Blanchard pummeling Funk in the corner. Funk reverses a corner whip, and Blanchard runs into referee Nick Patrick. Funk grabs a chair. He sets it up and puts Blanchard on the top rope and goes to piledrive Blanchard off the rope on the chair, but just falls back on the chair. Blanchard goes after Funk and takes out Patrick. Funk beating Blanchard with the branding iron. The bell rings. A bullshit chant goes out. Funk goes out into the crowd. He elbow drops Hat Guys hat. It's a double disqualification.
-Gordon Solie talks about the Slamboree collector's pack.
-Jesse Ventura interviews Flair. They talk about Flair being attacked by Robert Parker's champion the night before. Flair says that he will take on anyone and stays ready always.
-Non-title match. Larry Zbyszko vs. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William: Regal looks at Zbyszko with disdain. They circle each other. This could be a heavy stalling match. They continue to circle each other. Zbyszko hits a single leg to knock Regal down. He gets another single leg to Regal. The crowd is getting on Regal and Sir William. Zbyszko with a spin kick to the midsection and Regal rolls out to regroup with William. Zbyszko with a wrist lock. They trade moves, and Zbyszko gets a two count. Then an abdominal stretch on Regal. He uses the ropes for leverage. They trade moves. Regal gets to the ropes. Zbyszko with an arm bar. Into a short arm scissors. They lock up and drive to the corner. Regal beating Zbyszko down in the corner. Regal gets a two count. Regal with a series of European uppercuts. Regal with a front face lock. Regal with a European uppercut to Zbyszko. Zbyszko goes for a backslide, but Regal turns it into a bow and arrow. Back and forth. Zbyszko gets a sleeper on. Regal drops down to break the hold. Zbyszko reverses a butterfly suplex to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks about interviewing Hulk Hogan and then brings out Terry Funk. He says all the people introduced are legends. He didn't walk out because he is the legend. He says he is a hardcore wrestler. He puts down Dusty Rhodes and threatens Dustin Rhodes.
-Gordon Solie inducts a new class for the Hall of Fame. The inductees for 1994 are Harley Race, The Crusher, Ernie Ladd, The Assassin, Ole Anderson, and Dick the Bruiser.
-Jesse interviews Robert Parker about who his man is going to be against Ric Flair and about Bunkhouse Buck in a bull rope match against Dustin Rhodes.
-Bull rope match. Dustin Rhodes vs. Bunkhouse Buck with Col. Robert Parker: Buck attacks Rhodes as soon as Buck gets in the ring. They haven't even had time to attach the bull rope. Buck is thrown outside, and Rhodes chokes him with the rope. Rhodes brings Buck in the ring. Rhodes with an arm bar and puts the rope on Buck. Rhodes continues the assault. He stomps Buck in the groin. He slams Buck and gets a one count. He slams Buck down by the rope. He beats Buck with the cow bell. The crowd chants we want blood. They trade shots. It has been all Rhodes so far. He slams Buck's knee into the ring post. Buck falls out of the ring. Rhodes throws Buack back in and continues the assault. Buck gets the bell and starts beating Rhodes with it. He pulls Rhodes' shirt over his head and beats Rhodes. He throws Rhodes outside and runs him into a ring post. He ties Rhodes to a ring post. He beats on Rhodes repeatedly. Rhodes is trying to fight back. They hit each other. Rhodes gets out. He beats Buck down with the bell. The blood chant goes out again. Buck with a scoop slam and gets up top, but gets caught. Rhodes with corner mounted punches. Buck slammed off, and Rhodes got a two count. Buck accidentally ran into referee Nick Patrick. Rhodes with a suplex. Parker gets in the ring, and Rhodes goes after him. Buck gets a full nelson on Rhodes. Parker goes to hit Rhodes with the bell, but Rhodes kicks him away and slams Buck with the bell to get the pin. Terry Funk comes out with a branding iron and attacks Rhodes. Funk and Buck attack Rhodes and bust him open. Officials out to break it up.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and then talks to Ray Stevens and Red Bastien. They are having a good time.
-Jesse joins Tony on commentary.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham with Col. Robert Parker: Flair out first. Windham is Parker's mystery man. Parker out to introduce him. Windham is not in shape, but has had a bunch of injuries. Michael Buffer does the official introductions. The bell rings, and they circle each other and lock up. They drive to a corner. Flair chops Windham in the corner. Windham knocks Flair down. Windham with a scoop slam. Windham rolls out to regroup. Flair with a hammerlock. Windham gets to the ropes. Flair chops Windham in the corner. Windham hits a clothesline. Flair clotheslined outside. Windham follows and attacks Flair on the outside. Windham goes and suplexes Flair on the inside and leg drops Flair. Back and forth. Windham with a headlock and gets his feet on the ropes. Windham keeps up the assault. Flair comes back with chops. Windham reverses a corner whip and Flair falls out to the floor. Parker attacks Flair while Windham distracts referee Randy Anderson. Windham comes out and hits Flair with an atomic drop. They get back in. Windham attacks Flair. Flair is coming back. He goes up top, but gets caught so TASIYDAH. Windham hits a superplex for a two count. They trade shots again. Windham knocked down. Flair with a delayed vertical suplex. Flair gets the figure four. Windham is fighting it. He goes to the ropes. He gets out. Flair goes for it again, but Windham with a thumb to the eye to break it up. Flair gets it again, but Windham gets to the ropes right away. Flair goes up top and hits a forearm, so take a shot. He drops a knee on Windham, but Windham has his foot on the ropes. They trade shots. They tumble to the outside. Flair runs Windham into the barricade and throws him back in the ring. Flair attacks Windham in the corner. Flair with a roll up for a two count. Windham throws Flair out. Flair takes out Parker. They trade counts as Parker tries to help Windham, but gets caught by the referee. Flair knocks Parker off the apron and Windham rolls Flair up for a two count. Flair corner whipped, goes over the top to the apron, sprints to the other turnbuckle, and hits a crossbody to get the pin. Drink the top shelf stuff, folks.
-Bash at the Beach ad.
-Mean Gene talks to Don Curtis and The Crusher. Don recalls his years as a wrestler. The Crusher talks about celebrating his Hall of Fame Induction.
-Dave Schultz talks about being the guest referee for the next match. Broad Street Bullies Match. Anything goes for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags vs. Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack. This one is crazy. I can't record everything that happened. They start brawling outside right away. They hit each other with chairs. Sullivan thrown to the crowd. They all battle out in the crowd. Knobbs battering Sullivan. Jack and Sags battle towards the back, and Sags hits Jack with a fire extinguisher. Sullivan hits Knobbs with a piledriver. Jack grabs a trash can. He hits both Nasty Boys with it. Sullivan stomps on Sags. Jack goes to drop an elbow on Knobbs, who moves, and Jack hits the trash can. They batter Jack with the trash can. They trade blows. They throw chairs at each other. They brawl on the ramp. Jack clotheslines Knobbs into the ring. Sullivan hits Knobbs. Sags throws Jack off the ramp through a table. Jack suplexes the table on Sags. Sullivan hitting Knobbs with a chair. All four battling to the back. This is wild. Cactus and Sags fight on the ramp, and Sags throws Jack in the ring. Sags hits the elbow, but doesn't cover Jack. Sags grabs Schultz's stick. Schultz takes it away and beats up Sags. Jack hits Sags with the stick and pins Sags. New Tag Team Champions. Sags beating Jack with the hockey stick. Maxx Payne comes out with the guitar. He busts the guitar over Sag's head. Knobbs backing away and gets hit with the crutch of the injured Dave Sullivan. Officials checking on Jerry Sags.
-Mean Gene talks to Lou Thesz and Verne Gagne. Gagne says they are going to make an effort to prevent more violence in WCW. Thesz talks about the Hall of Fame.
-Bobby rejoins Tony on commentary.
-WCW International World Championship Match. Sting vs. Vader with Harley Race: Sting gets a great ovation when he comes out. Michael Buffer does the introductions. The bell rings, and they are face to face. Vader tries to intimidate Sting. They lock up and break. Another lock up and break. They circle each other again. Vader attacks Sting in the corner. Vader beating Sting down across the ring. Vader with a short clothesline. Sting comes back and beats Vader down to the apron. Vader's head gear comes off, and he confers with Race. Sting suplexes Vader when Vader gets back in. Vader with a double clap to knock Sting down, and Vader drops an elbow on Sting He then steps on Sting's head. Vader Bomb to Sting for a two count. Another Vader Bomb for a two count. Vader grapevines Sting's leg. Sting fighting the pain. Race tells Vader to break the leg. Vader headbutts Sting several times. Sting gets back to his feet, but he is hurting. Vader goes back to the leg with a submission hold. Sting gets to the ropes. Back and forth in the corner. Sting drops an elbow on Vader. Vader drops several elbows on Sting. He can't get the pin, though. Sting comes back again. Sting with a flying clothesline, but Vader ducks, and referee Randy Anderson gets taken out. Vader with a choke slam, but no referee to count. Race up on the ramp with a chair. Sting ducks the shot, and Race hits Vader. Sting DDTs Vader. He gets a two count. Sting clotheslines and suplexes Vader. Vader out to ringside. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Vader catches Sting and slams him down. Race tells Vader to go up top. He misses the moonsault. Sting goes to cover. Race climbs up top for the falling headbutt, but hits Vader when Sting moves. Sting with a top rope splash to get the pin and become the new International World Champion. Tony and Bobby recap what has happened. Vader comes and screams with the chair that he didn't lose the match. They promote Hulk Hogan's interview on WCW Saturday Night and Bash at the Beach before signing off. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: An enjoyable show, but things are changing big time in WCW.