Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 38 Notes

-We are back. I missed recording weekly.
-Marty Jannetty-Did he go off the deep end or what?
-Bullet Bob Armstrong
-Today we look at the July 1989 Saturday Night’s Main Event from the WWF.
-Saturday Night’s Main Event XXII was shown on NBC on July 29, 1989. It was taped July 18, 1989 from the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, Mass.
-Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri say we are invited to a barbecue where he is going to cook the world’s biggest hot dog, Brutus Beefcake.
-Brutus Beefcake says he’s giving Randy Savage his summer special cut.
-The Brain Busters and Bobby Heenan say they are going to celebrate winning the tag team titles tonight.
-Demolition says that it’s heating up and they sometimes lose their cool, but they always keep their heads, and their championships.
-The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart say after the summer comes the fall, Hulk Hogan’s fall. Hogan should get ready to face the music.
-Hulk Hogan says the only music playing after his match will be Real American.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to a special bonus summer edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event.
-They show a video of HTM’s “Greatest Hits”.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. He says a bunch of cliché Elvis lyrics and says he’s going to be the next WWF Champion.
-Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He knows that he has a lot of things standing in his way, but the WWF Championship is his #1 priority.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart. HTM tries to strike with the guitar early, but he misses. Hogan punches HTM down the aisle, Hart jumps on Hogan’s back. Hogan smashes Hart in the corner, then beats down HTM before taking his shirt off. HTM distracts Hogan, so Hart can hit him from behind. Hogan fights back. HTM hits the shake, rattle, and roll. Hogan kicks out. He fights back and hits the big boot. HTM falls out, Hogan blasts him with the guitar. Leg drop and pin. Hogan must pose, even during a commercial break as he does here. Jesse calls him a camera hog. He’s still there when Ronnie Garvin, who is the special guest referee for the next match, comes in. They shake hands.
-They show footage of Ronnie Garvin losing the “retirement match” to Greg Valentine and then becoming a referee. They then show figurehead president Jack Tunney saying if Garvin keeps hitting wrestlers, he’ll be suspended from being a referee.
-Greg Valentine VS. Jimmy Snuka: Ronnie Garvin is the special guest referee. Valentine in control early. Snuka coming back. Snuka knocked outside by Valentine, who keeps interrupting Garvin’s count by hitting Snuka as he comes back in. Garvin and Valentine get into a shoving match. Garvin punches Valentine and Jesse goes ballistic. Snuka hits the Superfly to win.
-Video of Brutus Beefcake and Sensational Sherri on The Brother Love Show. Randy Savage attacks Beefcake and cuts his hair.
-Jesse interviews Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri. Savage says Beefcake insulted Sherri and Savage had to cut Beefcake’s hair. The match tonight is for Savage because he wants Hulk Hogan to recognize him as the #1 contender. Savage then says he has a surprise for tonight.
-Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says it’s Scary Sherri and that he’s a cut above the rest.
-Randy Savage with Sensational Sherri VS. Brutus Beefcake: Beefcake takes out the clippers to keep everyone away to start. Beefcake goes after Sherri. He gets cut off by Savage. Both men have their working shoes on tonight. Savage is good as usual but Beefcake also really working hard. Savage puts Sherri between him and Beefcake when it goes outside. Sherri is so good at her job as this is the era when she is doing her best work. There are some close two counts. Sherri takes a nylon off to choke Beefcake with it. Sherri holds Beefcake, who ducks and Savage takes Sherri out. Crowd has been into this match. Savage back dropped out of the ring. He sends Sherri to the back to get Zeus. The match continues. Zeus comes to ringside. Beefcake puts the sleeper on Savage as Zeus comes into the ring. He attacks Beefcake for the disqualification, then puts the bear hug on him. Hulk Hogan comes to the ring. His attack does nothing to Zeus, who then bear hugs Hogan. All four start brawling. Hogan hits Zeus with a chair, but can’t drop him. The heels finally leave.
-Jesse interviews Savage, Sherri, and Zeus. They say Hogan will rue the day that he stepped into the cauldron of madness. He and Zeus definitely need decaf.
-Two out of Three Falls match for the WWF World Tag Team Championship: Demolition Ax and Smash VS. The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan: They flashback to the last SNME match between the two teams.
-Mean Gene interviews Demolition. This is going to be their greatest victory. It’s D-Day.
-Demolition have cool music, even 30 years later.
-First Fall: Blanchard bounces around for both members of Demolition. Brain Busters double teaming. Demolition do some double teaming of their own. Back and forth. Anderson hits his patented spinebuster. Smash hits a stun gun on Anderson to get the first fall.
-Second Fall: Demolition still in control. Brain Busters coming back. Heenan gets run into the corner post and taken out. Demolition does the Demolition decapitation on Blanchard, but won’t get out of the ring, so the Brain Busters win the second fall by disqualification. Andre The Giant comes to ringside.
-Third Fall: Even paced to start. Blanchard and Smash both tagged in. Referee gets distracted and Andre throws a chair in. Blanchard hits Smash with it. Anderson covers him for the pin and we have new champions.
-Jesse is in the Heenan Family locker room. Rick Rude and Haku are there and there is much celebration when the Brain Busters and Bobby Heenan get back.
-Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan. They say they don’t have to justify to Mean Gene their actions. They don’t know what is going to happen coming up. It gets dark at one point with Beefcake saying he’s willing to bring the whole building down.
-Vince and Jesse close the show and say goodnight from Worcester.