Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 131 Notes

-Today we look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from May 1987.
-Saturday Night's Main Event XI was broadcast on NBC on May 2, 1987. It was taped April 28, 1987 from the Edmund P. Joyce Center in Notre Dame, Indiana. There were 9,345 in attendance and the show did a 9.5 rating on NBC.
-There was a dark match: Hulk Hogan and Ken Patera defeated Andre the Giant and Hercules with Bobby Heenan.
-Randy Savage says remember when George Steele kidnapped Elizabeth and how that ape cost him his Intercontinental title at WrestleMania III? He says tonight's the night. The last confrontation. One on one with 15 of the strongest men in the world surrounding the ring in lumberjack fashion. No escape. Only one man will survive and he says he will survive.
-Ricky Steamboat says Randy Savage will never learn. That is why the dragon wears the championship belt and for the first time tonight, he will defend it against Hercules. Watch the dragon melt his chain.
-Jimmy Hart is with The Hart Foundation and Danny Davis. He says we're the Hart Foundation and we're sick and tired of those crying Bulldogs saying that they cheated them out of the WWF tag team titles. Bret Hart says so tonight, they get the title rematch that they say they dreamed about. Jim Neidhart says but what they'll really get is a nightmare.
-Jim Duggan says he's proud to be an American and tonight, he has a ringside seat and if that commie Nikolai Volkoff tries to sing the Russian National Anthem, he'll show him what cracked the Liberty Bell.
-Bobby Heenan is with Andre the Giant. He says listen up all you humanoids. He says he's going to show everyone how in WrestleMania III, Andre defeated everyone in Pontiac, Michigan. He defeated Hulk Hogan in that ring and Heenan has the footage to prove it. Andre says he is the champion.
-Hulk Hogan says all the Hulkamaniacs out there know who won at WrestleMania III. Andre knows. Heenan knows. The whole world knows. He met the giant enemy and he was all his and tonight exclusively on SNME, he shows the greatest challenge of his career.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to SNME and brings Jesse Ventura on to talk about what they are going to see that night. Jesse says they have two titles on the line and a brutal final lumberjack match between George Steele and Randy Savage. They show Bobby Heenan attacking Ken Patera and Patera injuring Heenan's neck. They then go to Mean Gene Okerlund.
-Mean Gene is with Kamala, Kim Chee, and Mr. Fuji. Gene asks Fuji why he would sign a match between Kamala and Jake Roberts when he knows Kamala is afraid of Damien. Fuji says he understands the snake and will help Kamala. Fuji makes a snake sound and a motion like a snake with his hand and Kamala runs away.
-Kamala with Kim Chee and Mr. Fuji vs. Jake Roberts with Damien: They flashback to the Honky Tonk Man's attack on Jake Roberts on the Snake Pit. Mean Gene interviews Roberts who is holding Damien. Mean Gene asks him why he would sign a match with someone like Kamala. Roberts says maybe because Damien wants to. Gene says what would Damien want with someone like Kamala and Roberts says why don't you ask him yourself? Gene says you've got to be kidding me. We are out of time, back to you Vince. Roberts comes to the ring to a big ovation. Roberts gets in the ring and takes Damien out of the bag and Kamala takes off. Kamala outside and Kim Chee trying to get Kamala calmed down. Referee Joey Marella makes Roberts put Damien back in the bag. A DDT chant goes out. As Roberts is putting the snake back in the bag, Kamala jumps him from behind. He chops Robert's back a couple of times. Kamala with an Irish whip and a back kick to Roberts. Roberts gets to the corner and kicks Kamala when he tries to come over. Then Roberts with some short right jabs to Kamala. Roberts goes for a clothesline and Kamala jabs him in the throat. He then chops Roberts back again after Roberts falls to the mat. Another chop to the back, then Kamala picks Roberts up in a bear hug and squeezes him. Roberts punching Kamala in the face to try to get him to break the hold. Roberts then kicks Kamala, who tries to run to get away from Roberts. Roberts with a wrist lock. Kamala with a chop to knock Roberts to the ground. He chokes Roberts for a four count. Roberts makes it to the ropes where Kamala gets his foot down on Robert's throat up against the ropes. He stops at the four count, but starts again as Kim Chee yells out instructions to Kamala. Kamala with the foot to the throat again. The referee makes Kamala stop and Roberts with a shot to Kamala's stomach. The crowd is getting behind Roberts as he kicks Kamala in the stomach. Then Roberts with an uppercut to Kamala. Kamala comes back with a headbutt to Roberts. Kamala picks Roberts back up and hits him with a chop. Roberts swinging wildly, but misses Kamala. Kamala with a headbutt to knock Roberts back down. Roberts rolls outside and gestures to Kamala to follow him out. Kamala comes out after Roberts. Kamala chasing Roberts around the ring. Roberts rolls to the inside. Roberts hits Kamala with a knee lift as soon as he gets in the ring. Roberts then climbs to the second turnbuckle and comes off with another knee lift to Kamala. The crowd comes to its feet as Roberts signals for the DDT. Fuji distracts the referee as Kim Chee comes into the ring and attacks Roberts. He gets out of the ring as Kamala hits the big splash to get the pin. The crowd boos heavily. Kim Chee then disrobes and takes off the mask to reveal the Honky Tonk Man. He drops an elbow on Roberts. He then hits the Shake, Rattle, and Roll on Roberts. HTM then gets on the mic and says Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, you've been a beautiful audience. He then kicks Roberts and leaves the ring.
-Lumberjack Match. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth vs. George Steele: Mean Gene interviews George Steele. Another colossal waste of my time as you don't learn anything from Steele. HTM and Kim Chee come out as two of the lumberjacks so you know they are two separate people. They go to Mean Gene and Ricky Steamboat comes in with George Steele and Steamboat says George says that Mean Gene was trying to confuse him and I am so upset. Steamboat says he's there to help Steele to the ring and help him out. Steele comes to the ring with Steamboat and I do have to admit that he's very over with the fans. Mean Gene talks to Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage tells Mean Gene that he is the true Intercontinental Champion forever after Mean Gene says that he's the former Intercontinental champion. Savage says that first Steele kidnaps his manager and then he costs him his title at WrestleMania III. Mean Gene says what about Ricky Steamboat? He's going to be one of 15 men outside of the ring as lumberjacks. Savage says the Dragon is on his mind every second of every day until he loses the Intercontinental title to the Macho Man. Savage and Elizabeth then leave. Steamboat is still in the ring and Hercules hooks his leg to knock him down. They start to go at it. Vince loses his mind over how beautiful Elizabeth is and Jesse tells him to keep his mind on wrestling. Elizabeth holds the ropes for Randy Savage and after Savage gets in Steele comes over to Elizabeth and rubs his head on her body. Savage comes over and attacks Steele. Steele turns around and knocks Savage down and the crowd cheers. Steele with a hip toss to Savage. Savage finally gets his robe off and starts to climb to the outside, but Steele grabs him by the trunks and Savage slithers away and goes out to the floor and confers with the heel lumberjacks. Savage finally takes his sunglasses off. The face lumberjacks come and throw Savage back into the ring. Steele attacks Savage with a series of forearms. Steele throws Savage head first into a turnbuckle. Savage tries to get away, but the face lumberjacks keep him from exiting the ring. Steele bites Savage and hits him with a forearm. Savage gets Steele up against the ropes and hits him with an elbow. Savage kicks Steele, who reaches up and grabs Savage by the face. Steele with a right hand shot. Savage goes outside and the face lumberjacks bring him back inside the ring. Steele kicks Savage and goes to run him back into the turnbuckle, but Savage runs Steele in instead. Savage with a series of right hands to Steele. Steele tied up in the ropes briefly and Savage takes advantage to drop some elbows on Steele. The lumberjacks push Steele back in and Savage gets him in a front face lock. Savage drives Steele back into the corner. He then drives his shoulder several times into Steele's midsection. Steele comes back with a shot to Savage's face. Steele with a right hand to Savage. Savage comes back with a kick to Steele's face. Savage goes up top and hits Steele with a flying double ax handle. Savage then throws Steele to the outside. The heel lumberjacks start kicking Steele. Jim Duggan gets his 2x4 and chases all of them away from Steele. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff get in the ring to get away, but Duggan follows them in. They get out of the ring. Referee Dave Hebner gets Duggan out of the ring. Other referees come out and they take Duggan from the ringside area. Savage kicks Steele to the outside. Danny Davis goes to attack Steele, who in turn knocks Davis down. Steele with a scoop slam to Savage. Steele picks Savage up by the throat and slams him down again. Steele then bites a turnbuckle cover and tears it apart. He throws some stuffing into Savage's face. He then goes to throw some more on Savage, who drives Steele into a turnbuckle head first. Back and forth in the corner. Steele draped face down over the second rope in the corner and Savage kicks him over and over. Savage with a suplex on Steele. Savage drops a knee on Steele's throat. Savage picks Steele up and throws him to the outside. The lumberjacks put Steele back in the ring. Steele then runs and throws Savage out of the ring. Steamboat picks Savage up and throws him back into the ring. Steele tries to throw Savage out of the ring again, but Savage holds on to the top rope. Steele with punches to Savage to drive him into a corner and starts biting Savage again. Steele then throws Savage to the outside over the top rope. Savage stands up and Steamboat comes over to put him back into the ring and Savage punches Steamboat. Steamboat gets back up and punches and chops Savage until jumped from behind by Hercules. Steamboat starts to fight back with Hercules. All of the lumberjacks start fighting. While they do, Danny Davis sneaks in with the ring bell and hits Steele with it from behind while the referee is distracted. Savage climbs up to the top and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count. Steamboat comes in and attacks Savage, only to get attacked from behind by Hercules. All of the lumberjacks get into the ring to the roar and approval from the crowd. Jake Roberts comes back to the ring with Damien to scatter everyone who run when they see Damien. Robert's ribs are heavily taped from the earlier splash. Kim Chee is left. Roberts puts Damien on him and Kim Chee falls down and Damien is all over him before he gets away.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant. They say that Andre is the real champion and that he was cheated out of the title at WrestleMania III. They show the controversial count. They say this means Andre is the champion and Hulk Hogan should be stripped of the championship and the belt given to Andre.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. 2/3 Falls. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart with Jimmy Hart and Danny Davis vs. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Tito Santana and Matilda: Mean Gene tries to interview The Hart Foundation, but says that they cheated to get the titles and is attacked by Davis and The Hart Foundation drag Davis away. Jimmy Hart gets in the ring and Matilda immediately goes after Hart. Hart jumps to the outside. Matilda chews on the megaphone while The Hart Foundation go to the outside and check on Jimmy. The crowd cheering wildly for Matilda. Smith and Bret start. Smith pushes Bret away. Bret comes back with a wrist lock. Smith reverses the move. He picks Bret up by the arm and slams him down. Smith slams his knee down on Bret's arm. Then another knee drop on the arm. Bret reverses into a side headlock. Smith with a push off and a leapfrog. He then monkey flips Bret off of the ropes. Smith with a wrist lock. Bret pushes off. Smith comes back, ducks a clothesline attempt, and gets a crucifix on Bret. He gets a two count. Smith with a shoulder block. Smith runs the ropes and Bret plants a knee into his midsection. Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart picks Smith up by the head and slams him down again. Neidhart with a shot to the midsection. Then a forearm to the back to knock Smith to the mat. Neidhart drives Smith into the heels corner. Referee Joey Marella gets on Neidhart, allowing Bret to choke Smith in the corner. Marella turns around and catches Bret, but the damage has been done. Neidhart with a forearm to the back. A series of forearms to Smith. Bret tagged in and Neidhart holds Smith for Bret to hit. Bret with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Bret with a leg drop. Bret runs Smith head first into the corner turnbuckle. Bret with a corner whip, but Smith gets his boot up on the corner charge. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Dynamite Kid with a corner whip and Bret hits the corner chest first. Dynamite Kid picks Bret up by the hair and slams him down. Dynamite Kid with a short clothesline to Bret. He gets a two count. Dynamite Kid with a snap suplex. He gets another two count. Dynamite Kid with a falling headbutt to Bret. Neidhart comes in. Smith also comes in and Neidhart throws him out. Davis comes over and attacks Smith until Santana chases him away. Meanwhile on the inside, both members of the Hart Foundation are attacking Dynamite Kid. The bell rings. Santana chases Davis into the ring. Santana then gets the Hart Foundation off of Dynamite Kid. The Hart Foundation are disqualified. 2nd Fall: Bret runs Dynamite Kid into Neidhart's boot and Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart kicks Dynamite Kid in the stomach and chokes him on the top rope. Neidhart with a front face lock. Bret tagged in. Neidhart puts Dynamite Kid on his knee and Bret comes off the second rope with an elbow drop. Bret gets a two count. Bret complains about a slow count. Dynamite Kid hits Bret with some shots to the midsection. Dynamite Kid fighting to get over and make the tag. Bret tags Neidhart in and he gets Dynamite Kid in a front face lock. Dynamite Kid is shown reaching for Smith and Dynamite Kid's nose is busted open. Bret comes in and comes over to hit Smith in the face on the apron. Referee trying to get both out. They take off around the ring on each other. Neidhart hammering away on Dynamite Kid's face, concentrating on the broken nose. Neidhart gets Dynamite Kid up against the ropes and bites him. The referee berates Neidhart allowing Bret to attack Dynamite Kid on the ropes. Bret tagged in. He hits Dynamite Kid in the stomach. Bret ties Dynamite Kid up in the ropes and goes to hit him, but Dynamite Kid gets loose and Bret gets tied up in the ropes. Smith tagged in. He dropkicks Neidhart. Smith with an Irish whip and a back elbow to Neidhart. Smith with a dropkick. Smith with another Irish whip and a clothesline. He gets a two count. Smith with a suplex. He gets yet another two count. Smith with another Irish whip, drops his head, and Neidhart kicks him in the face. Neidhart picks Smith up and Bret holds him for Neidhart to hit. Neidhart goes for a running elbow smash, but Smith moves and Neidhart hits Bret to knock him off of the apron. Smith with a shot to knock Neidhart down. Davis gets up on the apron, Santana comes in and knocks him off of the apron. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Smith throws Dynamite Kid onto Neidhart to get the pin, but The Hart Foundation retain the titles since one of the falls was a disqualification.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan about his WrestleMania III match with Andre the Giant. He and Mean Gene then look at the same footage from earlier where Hogan then gives his version of the events. Hogan says have an investigation or a rematch. He and the Hulkamaniacs fear no man nor beast. He says they have to beat Hulk Hogan 1,2,3.
-Hercules and Bobby Heenan are shown in the ring and the crowd is chanting weasel at Heenan.
-Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. He asks Steamboat if he is ready to defend his title for the first time on SNME. Steamboat says my first time on SNME. You can bet this dragon is breathing fire. He says Hercules, I am ready to burn. Mean Gene then asks him if he is ready for the antics of Bobby Heenan. Steamboat says this dragon came too far breathing fire for any man to stop him, including the cheating likes of Bobby The Weasel Heenan.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Ricky Steamboat vs. Hercules with Bobby Heenan: Steamboat with a great ovation coming out. Randy Savage is shown looking at a monitor in the back with Elizabeth and Mean Gene. He keeps saying that's his belt and that he's the true champion. Mean Gene asks him if he wants Steamboat to win and Savage says no, let him slide by tonight, but he wants to take the belt from Steamboat himself. The bell rings. Hercules getting warmed up. They lock up and Hercules with a forearm. Steamboat comes back with a chop. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Hercules with a knee to the stomach. He follows that up with another forearm to Steamboat and a punch to his face. Hercules runs Steamboat head first into a turnbuckle. Hercules with an Irish whip. Steamboat slides under Hercules' legs and dropkicks Hercules. Then another dropkick. Steamboat with a chop to Hercules. A series of chops knocks Hercules to the outside. Steamboat with a chop to Hercules and an atomic drop on the outside. Both men back in the ring before the 10 count. Steamboat with a series of chops and a back elbow to Hercules. Hercules reaches and grabs Steamboat by the trunks and runs him head first into the turnbuckle. Savage looking on and telling Steamboat to get up. Hercules kicking Steamboat in the head while Steamboat is still down on the mat. Hercules continues to pound on Steamboat with kicks and stomps. A Steamboat chant goes out. Hercules with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hercules drops an elbow on Steamboat. He gets a two count. Hercules with another Irish whip, but drops his head early and Steamboat kicks him in the face. Steamboat with a thrust to Hercules' face. Steamboat with a snap mare. Steamboat with a chop to the top of the head. Hercules responds with a shot to the stomach and an uppercut to knock Steamboat off of his feet to the mat. Steamboat gets to a corner, lifts himself up, and hits Hercules in the top of the head with the boot. He then runs Hercules into the opposite corner. Steamboat with a swinging neck breaker. Back and forth in the middle of the ring and Hercules gets the full nelson on Steamboat. Savage tells Steamboat to fight it, then heads out to ringside. He pulls Hercules' ankle. Hercules breaks the hold and Hercules and Heenan ask Savage what he thinks he is doing? Referee Dave Hebner trying to send Savage to the back. Savage stops in the aisle as Hercules goes up top and comes off to splash Steamboat, but Steamboat gets his knees up at the last second. Hercules with a scoop slam. He drops an elbow, but Steamboat moves out of the way. Hercules goes for a corner charge on Steamboat, but Steamboat moves out of the way. Steamboat with a series of chops to the body. Steamboat with more chops and shots to Hercules. Steamboat chops Hercules down. More chops to Hercules in the corner. Steamboat with some corner mounted punches to Hercules. Hercules responds with an inverted atomic drop out of the corner. Heenan gives Hercules the chain and Hercules wraps it around Steamboat's throat. Hercules swinging Steamboat around by the chain. Hercules is disqualified. Hercules puts his foot on Steamboat's back and pulls back with the chain. Heenan gets in the ring to urge Hercules on and the crowd is begging Savage to help Steamboat. Hercules shoves Hebner out of the way. Hercules finally stops and Savage says Steamboat is the winner. Savage, Hercules, and Heenan exchange some words as Hercules and Heenan go back to the dressing room. Savage goes into the ring and turns Steamboat over. Hebner ordering Savage out of the ring. Savage goes up top and hits a flying elbow drop on Steamboat.
-Mean Gene interviews Jim Duggan who is at ringside. Duggan says he loves the USA and he hates anybody who doesn't. Mean Gene tells him he's been barred from ringside and Duggan says he bought a ticket with his own money and if Nikolai Volkoff tries to sing the Russian National Anthem, he's going to stop it.
-The Can-Am Connection Tom Zenk and Rick Martel vs. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff with Slick: Pre recorded comments from the heels. Slick says America, you cannot deny these men their freedom of speech and as a great American, he will stand with them for the rights of the party, the Communist party. The heels get in the ring and ask Howard Finkel to have everybody rise for the Soviet National Anthem. The camera is on Duggan. Volkoff starts to sing and Duggan jumps over the barricade. He gets in the ring and hits Volkoff with the 2x4. Duggan gets on the mic and says understand one thing, you two commies, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. He then starts a USA chant. The bell rings and they finally get started. Volkoff and Martel start. Volkoff with a corner whip, but Martel with a backwards leapfrog to avoid the charge. Martel with a dropkick to Volkoff. Another dropkick and both Zenk and Sheik tagged in. Zenk with a leapfrog and a double hip lock by the Can-Ams to Sheik. Zenk with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Sheik kicks him in the face. Sheik runs Zenk into the corner turnbuckle. He then runs Zenk into Volkoff's boot. Sheik with a gut wrench suplex to Zenk. He gets a two count. Volkoff tagged in. Volkoff with an Irish whip and a boot to the stomach of Zenk. Volkoff with a double stomp to the back and a quick tag to Sheik. Sheik with a boot to Zenk. Sheik with a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count. Abdominal stretch by Sheik. Duggan starts a USA chant. Zenk hip locks out of the move. Sheik with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Zenk thrown to the outside. Volkoff comes over and attacks Zenk. Martel thrown out as well. Sheik and Volkoff attacking Zenk right in front of Duggan. Duggan up and yelling at Volkoff and Sheik. Duggan grabs his 2x4 and comes over the railing towards Sheik. Martel tagged in. Sheik distracted by Duggan getting in the ring and gets rolled up for a pin. Jesse can't believe that they would allow that. Sheik, Slick, and Volkoff are irate in the ring. They attack Duggan. A USA chant starts again. The Can-Ams and Duggan chase the heels out of the ring.
-Vince and Jesse recap the night and sign off from Notre Dame.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show without much of a Hogan presence. The crowd so badly wanted to cheer Randy Savage, but it would be a while before they get what they want.