Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 49 Notes

-Tracy Smothers, Sean Connery, and Alex Trebek.
-Today we look at the SNME from November 1989 from the WWF.
-SNME XXIV was shown on NBC on November 25, 1989. It was taped October 31, 1989 from the Sunflower State Expocentre in Topeka, Kansas.
-The Ultimate Warrior says tonight Andre The Giant is going to be like Jack and the Beanstalk and The Ultimate Warrior is going to chop him down to size.
-Andre and Bobby Heenan say they aren’t a fairy tale.
-Dusty Rhodes says he is going to teach The Big Boss Man a lesson.
-The Big Boss Man and Slick say Dusty Rhodes is a common thief, not a common man.
-The Genius has a poem he recites about Hulk Hogan, his opponent for the night.
-Hulk Hogan says The Genius needs to solve the problem of What Ya Gonna Do when Hulkamania Runs Wild On YOU!
-Opening Credits
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to SNME. They run down the card before Jesse leaves to interview Andre. Vince then shows a flashback to what has gone down between Andre and The Ultimate Warrior.
-Jesse interviews Bobby Heenan and Andre. They say the Intercontinental Championship is coming back to the Heenan Family.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior starts out growling and pacing. He then says fear is an aberration. Then he rambles.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan: Andre attacks early. They do some spots to cover that Andre can’t do much. Lots of chops and bear hugs. Andre does his patented tied up in the ropes move If You’re Drinking At Home. Heenan grabs the championship belt. He goes to hit Warrior but Warrior catches him and throws him into Andre. Warrior wins by disqualification.
-Jesse interviews The Genius. He delivers a poem against Hulk Hogan.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says The Genius can’t win.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. The Genius: Hogan pushes Genius out of the ring. Genius is a heat machine here. He is using effeminate moves. Hogan finally gets frustrated and pummels The Genius. Mr. Perfect comes to ringside and grabs the WWF championship belt. Hogan goes outside and gets attacked by The Genius. Hogan Hulks up! The Genius is thrown in and Mr. Perfect hits Hogan with the Championship. The Genius wins by count out.
-Flashback to what’s been happening between Dusty Rhodes and The Big Boss Man.
-Mean Gene interviews Slick and The Big Boss Man. They say they are going to rehabilitate Dusty Rhodes their way.
-Mean Gene interviews Dusty Rhodes. He says he’s the common man for the people.
-Dusty Rhodes VS. The Big Boss Man with Slick: Rhodes tries to get Slick thrown out. Slick, however has a managers license and gets to stay. Sapphire is sitting at ringside distracting Slick and The Big Boss Man. Boss Man is working Rhodes over. Slick goes to get the stick, but Sapphire stops him yet again and Rhodes rolls up Boss Man in the meantime. Boss Man and Slick argue afterwards. Sapphire comes in and dances with Rhodes.
-Mean Gene interviews The Red Rooster. He’s ready for Mr. Perfect with bird puns.
-Jesse interviews Mr. Perfect. He’s going to make everything perfectly clear tonight.
-The Red Rooster VS. Mr. Perfect with The Genius: nice back and forth match. Perfect wins with the Perfectplex.
-Mean Gene interviews The Rockers. They’re ready for The Brain Busters.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan and The Brain Busters. They argue among themselves.
-The Brain Busters Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson with Bobby Heenan VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: 2/3 falls match. 1st fall: Rockers just dominate and Jannetty pins Blanchard. 2nd fall: Heenan has had it with the Brain Busters and walks out. Busters lure Michaels into a Stun Gun like maneuver and pin him. 3rd fall: Jesse interviews Heenan. He says the Brain Busters are fired and done. Anderson hits a nice spinebuster on Michaels. Michaels pins Anderson after a crossbody. So long Brain Busters!
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Perfect is destroying the WWF title with a hammer. The Genius is singing in the background.
-Mean Gene holds the desecrated belt. He brings in Hulk Hogan. He is upset that The Genius won, but the championship is more than a symbolic belt.
-Vince and Jesse run down what happened and say when SNME returns it will be in a new decade of shows.