Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 200 Notes

-Today we look at the SNME from November 1992.
-SNME XXXI was shown on the Fox network on November 14, 1992. It was taped October 27, 1992 from the Hulman Center in Terra Haute, IN. There were 4,300 in attendance. Last SNME on Fox and the last of the classic SNME.
-The new tag team champions Money Inc with Jimmy Hart come to the ring as we open the show. Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to SNME and say there are three title matches and preview the show.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. Money Inc Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Ultimate Maniacs, The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage: Money Inc attack the Ultimate Maniacs as soon as they get in the ring. All four in now. Warrior thrown out and Money Inc double teaming Savage in the corner. Warrior gets back in and cleans house. Ultimate Maniacs throw Money Inc out of the ring. DiBiase comes back in and he is selling like crazy. He gets guillotined on the top rope by Savage and then Warrior tagged in. Back and forth and Warrior gets a suplex and a two count. He then goes for the shoulder tackle, but DiBiase moves out of the way and slams Warrior down to the mat. IRS tagged in and cut off a Warrior tag attempt. IRS gets a sleeper on Warrior as Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect are shown watching from the dressing room. Flair says it doesn't matter who wins, because next week, the Ultimate Maniacs won't survive. Plans change as they say. DiBiase tagged in and gets the Million Dollar Dream on, but Savage comes in with a running knee to break that up. Double clothesline and both men down. Both Savage and IRS tagged in. Savage with an Irish whip and a backdrop. He hits the flying elbow drop, but DiBiase breaks up the pin and all four men are back in the ring again. Ultimate Maniacs clean house and throw Money Inc out. Hart grabs the tag belts and Money Inc leave and get counted out. The Ultimate Maniacs go after them in the aisle and get them down, only to be attacked by Flair, Ramon, and Perfect. Officials separate them all. Last appearance by the Ultimate Warrior for four years.
-They then cut a Bret Hart video because of music rights. It was the Makin' some Noise video I think.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. The British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels: They lock up and Bulldog pushes off. Another push off by Bulldog. Bulldog trying to get the fans into the match as Michaels gets a side headlock on. Bulldog pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block to no effect. You aren't going to move Bulldog that way. So he goes between the legs and sticks and moves. Now that is effective on Bulldog. Power moves don't work, but speed and illegal moves will work. Michaels gets a short arm scissors on Bulldog, who uses power moves to pick Michaels up and they mention Sherri isn't here because she had been hit with the mirror accidently by this time in the confrontation Michaels' had with a returning Marty Jannetty. Bulldog slams Michaels down to break the hold and the crowd cheers. Bulldog with power moves and he throws Michaels out to the floor. Michaels is working on selling everything in this match as Bobby Heenan talks about George Bush losing the presidential race as the 1992 election has just occurred. Michaels back in and gets Bulldog in the corner. They go back and forth with several reversals. Bulldog with an arm bar. Michaels with an eye rake and a back elbow. Bulldog with a shoulder block. He misses a second one when Michaels moves and Bulldog stumbles to the outside. Michaels trying to take the turnbuckle cover off. He loosens the cover to set something up. Bulldog back in and Michaels battering him with shots. Michaels gets an abdominal stretch on. Bulldog powers out. Michaels concentrating on the back. McMahon talking about Bulldog facing the Mountie at the Survivor Series and the plans, they continue to change. Michaels goes back to the abdominal stretch. Bulldog comes back with more power moves, but the turnbuckle is now exposed. Bulldog with a corner whip. Michaels goes up and comes back down and Bulldog hits him with a clothesline and Michaels selling his ass off here. Then a slingshot and another clothesline for a two count. A suplex gets another two count. Michaels reverses a corner whip, and Bulldog hits the exposed turnbuckle. Bulldog's back is hurt as he corner whips Michaels. Bulldog goes for a superplex, but his back gives out halfway through. Michaels falls on him to get the pin and become the new IC champion.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect. Flair talks about it now being champion vs. champion at the Survivor Series. He says he wants whoever wins. Ramon says he doesn't care who he fights. Flair says it's all about who will leave Survivor Series in one piece. This was the last appearance of the British Bulldog in the WWF for almost two years.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Papa Shango: Mean Gene talks to Hart before he goes out. Hart says growing up, working out and learning in the dungeon allowed him to climb the ranks in the WWF. Hart gets a great reaction when he comes out. He gives his glasses to a kid at ringside. Shango attacks him as soon as he gets back in the ring. Shango with power moves to dominate the beginning of the match. Hart comes back with wrestling holds. He gets a two count after a crossbody, but Shango kicks out so hard, Hart lands outside the ring. Hart gets back in the ring and clotheslines Shango out. Hart then with a suicide dive on Shango. Back in, Shango runs Hart into the turnbuckle. Shango gets a bear hug on Hart, who bites Shango to get out of the move and the crowd cheers. Shango with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Shango with more offense on Hart than I expected. He is overpowering Hart. He then gets a nerve hold on Hart. Hart starts to come back, but Shango gets a big clothesline on Hart and goes back to the nerve hold. Hart coming back. He gets a sleeper on Shango, but Shango powers out and slams Hart down. He hits a couple of elbow drops on Hart, but misses the third one when Hart moves. Hart comes back. He gets some two counts. He goes into the 5 moves of doom. He gets the win after applying the sharpshooter.
-The Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer. He talks about the Undertaker building the special casket for Kamala for their match at Survivor Series as they show clips of their SummerSlam match and the Undertaker building the coffin. The Undertaker then comes out of the coffin on the set. He tells Kamala not to fear the journey to come.
-Mean Gene talks to Bret Hart. They get interrupted by Shawn Michaels. This is to set up their match coming up at Survivor Series. Michaels says I've got news for you, Jack. TASIYDAH.
-They come back to McMahon and Heenan in front of a green screen and Heenan is on the phone and says Savage and the Warrior will not go to the ring as a team at Survivor Series. Now that's foreshadowing as they sign off from Indiana.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show to set up Survivor Series. They did what they could with what they had as things are changing for the WWF. It's a sad end for the old SNME.