Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 15 Notes

-David Schramm passed away this past week as I’m recording this. He was such a great actor.
-Wings is an underrated show.
-Don’t sleep on the DVD sets people.
-Today we are going to be looking at SuperClash II from the AWA.
-SuperClash II took place on May 2, 1987 from the Cow Palace in Daly City, California just south of San Francisco. 2,800 people attended the show.
-No intro in this as it was taped for AWA TV shows.
-We go right to the ring announcer announcing piece of human slime Rock 'N Roll Buck Zumhoff VS. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse. Rod Trongard is the announcer. The Sheik had busted Buck's radio over his head in the past to set up this match and I'm just torn up about it. Slow paced match. An anti-Sheik chant goes out occasionally, but this match has no heat. They just keep grabbing holds. Bad opening match. Sheik gets the win with his foot on the ropes and our long national nightmare is over.
-Super Ninja with Mr. GO VS. DJ Peterson. Peterson starts out quickly. This match is a little better than the last one which isn't saying much. Rod Trongard rambles at times. Intense Action followed by rest holds. Super Ninja has the advantage, then Peterson comes back. Back and forth. Match ends in a draw.
-AWA Ladies Championship Match: Sherri Martel with Doug Sommers VS. Madusa Micelli: Stalling to start. Ray The Crippler Stevens joins commentary. Solid mat wrestling. Sherri sucks chant goes out.
Sherri is good. Madusa gets Sherri down, but the ref is arguing with Sommers, who is on the apron. Madusa comes over, grabs at Sommers, Sherri comes over and gets the win with a roll up.
-AWA Heavyweight Championship Match: Nick Bockwinkel VS. Curt Hennig: Stanley Blackburn, AWA commissioner is introduced. Larry Zbyszko is at ringside and demands a match with the winner, which he gets assurances that he will get. Good chain wrestling by both men. The older I get, the more I appreciate both men. Fantastic chain wrestling by both. Hennig holds a side headlock for a while. He then takes a nasty looking bump to the floor. Larry sucks chant goes up towards Zbyszko, who is watching from ringside. Pretty even match. Bockwinkel is the veteran working his ass off. Hennig goes on offense, working on the leg. They start to have near falls. Zbyszko slips something to Hennig, who knocks Bockwinkel out and pins him to become the new champion. Stevens isn't buying it; he goes to the ring to protest to Blackburn. Stevens grabs at Zbyszko, a roll of coins falls out. Blackburn says the championship is held up, pending a review of the tape. A bullshit chant goes out. Bockwinkel says he was knocked out. He and Hennig get into a shoving match. Hennig says he is the champ. Hennig hits the referee. Zbyszko says he is the number one contender.
-The Midnight Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty and Ray Stevens VS. Doug Sommers,
Buddy Wolfe, and Kevin Kelly with Sherri Martel. The Midnight Rockers are over coming out. Scott LeDoux is the referee. The introductions take a long time. Match is slow to start. Rod Trongard talks the history of the matches that have taken place in the Cow Palace. Marty Jannetty has quick moves. Kevin Kelly is deceptively strong. The heels take over. Jannetty is selling hard here. Jannetty takes a big over the top bump. Jannetty fights back. Sherri is amazing in her role. Match becomes too slow paced. Michaels finally tagged in. Cleans house. Stevens tagged in and gets the pin on Sommers.
-Jerry Blackwell with Piece of slime Buck Zumhoff VS. Boris Zhukov with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisse.
Buck needs to be on my TV less, as in not at all. Stalling to start. Blackwell was quite a draw in 1987.
Too much stalling in this one. Blackwell finally takes over on Zhukov, who then makes a comeback. Back and forth. The ref takes a bump, the heels double team. Blackwell ducks their attack, hits Zhukov with a clothesline, and gets the pin.
-Russ Francis and Jimmy Snuka VS. The Terrorist and The Mercenary. Scott LeDoux is the ref again. Too much stalling to start. Francis chases the Terrorist to the back. Back in the ring, the heels take over. Long side headlock on Snuka. Francis finally tagged in. Snuka hits a flying headbutt and Francis hits a flying splash for the win. They brawl after.
-Rod Trongard interviews Larry Zbyszko who says there should be no controversy in the title match.
-Rod Trongard then interviews Jimmy Snuka and Russ Francis about the championship match and they give their opinion.
-Rod then interviews Jerry Blackwell about the championship match.
-Rod then interviews Nick Bockwinkel and Stanley Blackburn about the match and Bockwinkel is fantastic here.
-Rod then closes out the show.