Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 113 Notes

-I celebrated my birthday a week late as I had to work on my birthday with breakfast out at my favorite breakfast establishment, then a local small theater rented out to watch The Goonies, which has a wrestling theme with The Goonies are good enough video.
-Find whatever makes you happy in this world and hold on to it.
-Today we look at Survivor Series 2011 from the WWE.
-Survivor Series 2011 was shown on PPV on November 20, 2011 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 16,749 in attendance and the show did 281,000 buys.
-Santino Marella defeated Jinder Mahal in a dark match.
-WWE Intro.
-Survivor Series Intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to MSG and the Survivor Series. He, Booker T, and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the evening. John Laurinaitis comes out and gets booed. He says not only is it the 25th anniversary of the Survivor Series, but his 10th anniversary in the WWE. He says sit back and enjoy the show.
-United States Championship Match. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guererro VS. John Morrison: Carlos Cabrera and Marcello Rodriguez of the Spanish Announce Team are announced. The bell rings and they lock up. Ziggler with a go behind takedown. He gets a front face lock on and then slaps Morrison several times before going to the outside. The crowd chanting we want Ryder at Ziggler. Zach Ryder had a petition going on Twitter at the time to get a US title match. They lock up again and Morrison with a hammer lock. Ziggler reverses it. Morrison drops to his knees and does a fireman's carry takedown. Morrison with an arm bar. Ziggler with a kick to break the hold. Ziggler with several kicks and forearms. Ziggler with a corner whip, but Morrison jumps the charge in and Ziggler comes back with a big standing dropkick. Ziggler with a headlock takeover. He keeps the headlock on and gets a one count. We want Ryder chant go out again. Morrison with a push off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Both men with leapfrogs to avoid the other. Ziggler attempts a standing dropkick. Morrison catches him by the legs and slingshots him into a turnbuckle. He then clotheslines Ziggler to the outside. He then runs and launches himself onto Ziggler on the outside. He throws Ziggler back in. Guerrero comes over to him and screams "Who do you think you are?" and he yells, "Stay away from me!" to her. As Morrison gets back in the ring, Ziggler hits him with a neck breaker. He gets a two count. The we want Ryder chant starts again and Guerrero yells at the crowd to be quiet. Ziggler drops an elbow and nips up and Guerrero loves it. Ziggler with a takeover for a two count. Ziggler with a side headlock. The we want Ryder chant gets louder as Morrison makes it back to his feet. Ziggler drives Morrison back down to the mat by his hair. Ziggler keeps slapping and kicking Morrison to keep him down. Morrison gets back to his feet and drives Ziggler into a corner. Ziggler avoids the charge and hits a pump handle power slam. He gets a 2.5 count and Guerrero jumps all over referee Charles Robinson about a slow count. Ziggler goes for the sleeper. Morrison throws Ziggler off. Ziggler with a kick. Morrison with a series of clotheslines. He then hits a dropkick on Ziggler and then a neck breaker for a two count. Ziggler rolls Morrison up and has a handful of tights, but Morrison keeps rolling and so Ziggler lets go and Morrison with a jump off of the second rope and a kick to the side of Ziggler's head. He gets a 2.5 count. Morrison goes for a neck breaker. Ziggler pushes off. Morrison comes back with a running elbow to Ziggler. Ziggler spins around Morrison to avoid a shot and applies a sleeper. Morrison pushes off and then applies a sleeper of his own. Ziggler drops down to break the hold. Morrison spins around in a Ziggler hold to get a DDT on Ziggler. Guerrero rushes over and puts Ziggler's leg on the rope to avoid the pin. Robinson throws her out as a result. She throws a fit as she leaves. Ziggler blocks a suplex attempt and gets a small roll up for a two count. Ziggler ducks a Morrison running knee and a small package for a two count. They then trade near falls. Morrison goes for the flying kick again. Ziggler ducks and then hits a famouser. He gets a close two count. The Ryder chant starts again. Ziggler goes for the sleeper again, but Morrison throws him off and hits a running knee. Morrison goes for Starship Pain, but Ziggler gets his knees up. Ziggler with a jumping neck breaker. He gets the pin. Guerrero runs back out to the ring to celebrate. Guerrero gets on the mic with her excuse me gimmick. Ziggler says he has been accused of becoming a showoff, but it's not showing off if you can back it up. We want Ryder chant starts. Ziggler says he's not here and it's not showing off if you can prove it. Zack Ryder's music hits and he runs to the ring. Ziggler attacks him as he gets into the ring. Ryder fights back and hits the Rough Ryder on Ziggler. Ziggler bails.
-Lumberjill Match for the Divas Championship. Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres: Lumberjills are Kelly Kelly, AJ Fox, Caitlyn, Aksana, Nikki and Brie Bella, Tamina, Rosa Mendez, and Maxine. Phoenix has Natalya with her. They lock up and Phoenix pushes off. Eve comes back with a forearm. Phoenix misses a clothesline. Eve goes for a crossbody. Phoenix catches her and throws her down. Phoenix goes to drop an elbow and Eve moves. Eve kicks Phoenix and gets a quick one count. Eve with another kick and then twerks over Phoenix. Phoenix rolls out, but quickly gets thrown back in by the other wrestlers. Eve hits a neck breaker. Eve with a standing moonsault for a two count. Phoenix backdrops Eve to the apron. Natalya tries to grab Eve's leg, but Eve kicks her away. Phoenix grabs Eve's legs and slingshots Eve into the bottom rope throat first. She gets a two count. Natalya yells cry, Eve, cry! Phoenix with a modified camel clutch. Eve with an elbow to get out of the move. Phoenix with a fist to the stomach of Eve. Phoenix with a clothesline. Eve holds on to the ropes and kicks Phoenix when she gets close. Eve with a leg scissors roll through to drive Phoenix into a corner turnbuckle. Eve with a dropkick. Eve with a back elbow. Eve with a kick and a running knee. Eve with a clothesline. Eve with a rolling splash, but Phoenix gets her knees-up. Phoenix goes for a Glam Slam, but Eve with a series of elbows to get out of the move and applies an arm submission to Phoenix. Phoenix starts to sink down and finally goes to the mat. Eve has the triangle choke locked in. Natalya tries to grab Phoenix by the hand, but the referee warns Natalya to stay back. Eve pulls Phoenix away, but Phoenix rolls and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Eve is distracted by Natalya, so Phoenix rolls Eve up for a two count. Eve counters and gets a two count. Phoenix pushes her off and into a corner. Eve with an elbow and a kick to the side of the head when Phoenix comes in. Eve starts to climb up, but Phoenix gets to her feet and knocks Eve onto the top rope. Phoenix climbs to the second rope. Back and forth on the turnbuckle. Phoenix gets Eve's arms and hits the Glam Slam from the top rope to get the pin.
-CM Punk is shown backstage. David Otunga comes in and says well if it isn't Chicago's unwashed other son. He says he comes with a message from Mr. Laurinaitis. Last Monday, Punk unlawfully put his hands on Michael Cole. He says where he's from at Harvard Law, they would call that assault and battery as well as intentional infliction of emotional distress. Punk says where he's from and at MSG, they call it loud mouth dork getting what he deserves. Otunga says cute, anyway, Laurinaitis wants you to do the professional thing and apologize before you compete tonight. Punk says he doesn't want to get on Laurinaitis' bad side and respect his wishes, so he'll think about it. Right after he beats Alberto Del Rio and becomes the new WWE Champion. He then tells Otunga nice bow tie and leaves.
-The Rock is shown backstage with a mic to a big ovation. A Rocky chant goes out. He says MSG, let me tell you something MSG. 1977, 5 year old Dwayne Johnson is sitting in the seats. Front Row watching his grandfather, the High Chief Peter Maivia, take on Superstar Billy Graham for the WWE Title. 7 years later, the Rock, 12 years old, hanging out in the back in the dressing room with Andre the Giant, watching his dad The Soul Man Rocky Johnson, defend his WWE Tag Team Title and in 1996, this very arena, this magical arena, the Rock makes his debut at Survivor Series. November 1996. And despite having a hideous outfit and the worst haircut known to man, this was the place. Where the people chanted the Rock's name. The crowd starts chanting Rocky again. Rock says that night started an odyssey, an epic odyssey that will go down in WWE history. From know your role to shut your mouth, to all the way to layeth the smacketh down. All the way from one on one with the Great One all the way back to do you like pie? To it doesn't matter what you think all the way back to the Rock becoming IC champion, Tag team champion, 7 time WWE Champion, but above all that, more importantly that the Rock became the People's Champion. Becoming the People's Champion. Finally, after 7 long years, the Rock has come back. The new era begins tonight because finally, finally the Rock has come back to New York City. A Rocky Chant goes out. Rock says Miz and R-Truth, it's as simple as this. Boots to asses, Miz and R-Truth, boots to asses. He says now onto the Rock's tag team partner, John Cena, and the crowd boos. A Cena sucks chant goes out. Rock says John, you called the Rock out. You wanted the Rock to be your partner. You got your wish. But what you didn't count on, you never count on, the Rock didn't come alone. What you can hear and what your monkey ass is clearly going to see is that the Rock brought 17,000 strong and what we are going to do is take a lightning bolt and stick it right up your ovulating lady parts. A lady parts chant goes out. Rock says New York City, you and the Rock know just how magical MSG is. Frank Sinatra gave the performance of a lifetime out there. Not only Blue Eyes himself, but Ali-Frazier delivered the fight of the century in this very arena. Boots to asses all night long. New York City, it's on! If you smell what the Rock is cooking.
-Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match. Team Barrett-Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Hunico, and Cody Rhodes vs. Team Orton-Randy Orton, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, and Mason Ryan: Orton comes out to the biggest ovation. Kingston and Ziggler start. They lock up. Kingston with a go behind waist lock. Ziggler reverses it. Kingston reverses that into a hammerlock. Ziggler with a back elbow to break the hold. He gets a side headlock. Kingston pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. Kingston leapfrogs to avoid Ziggler a couple of times and then spins out of another move. Kingston misses a kick. Ziggler hits a standing dropkick. He gets a one count. Ziggler with a series of forearms to Kingston's back. Kingston goes for the SOS. Ziggler counters by pushing off. Kingston comes back with a flying forearm. Orton tagged in. He hits an RKO on Ziggler, drags him to the center of the ring, and pins him. Team Barrett drops down to ringside to regroup and strategize. Orton comes over with forearms to everyone to break it up. Orton gets Barrett inside the ring and clotheslines him back out. Rhodes tries to jump Orton and gets back dropped out. Hunico and Swagger come in and get met by Sheamus and Ryan. They get sent to the outside and get hit with stereo somersaults by Kingston and Sin Cara from the inside of the ring to the floor. Sin Cara appears to be injured and Sheamus and Kingston keeping the heels away while the referee checks on Sin Cara. It looks like he got hurt on the move and hyper extended his knee. A we want Ryder chant goes out. Sin Cara is eliminated. The referee is trying to determine who continues. Rhodes and Orton in. Orton with kicks and forearms to knock Rhodes down. Orton with a wrist lock. He tags Ryan in. Orton with an Irish whip to Rhodes and Ryan with a shoulder block. He picks Rhodes up and drives him into the corner and then drives his shoulder into Rhodes a couple of times. Ryan with a corner whip and a running knee to Rhodes. Rhodes then rolls to the outside to avoid being hit again. Rhodes then gets back in and tags Hunico in. Ryan tosses Hunico in over the top rope. He then tosses him into the face corner and knocks him down. Kingston tagged in and kicks Hunico. He gets a one count. Kingston with a corner whip, but Hunico dodges the charge and tosses Kingston over his head and Kingston's head hits the corner post. He gets a two count. Barrett tagged in. Barrett with a forearm to knock Kingston down. He gets a two count. Barrett with a headlock. He drives Kingston back to the ground. He then gets a one count. He goes back to the headlock. Kingston with some shots and a kick to get out of the headlock. Double clothesline and both men down. Hunico and Ryan both tagged in. Hunico with a clothesline. Ryan with an Irish whip, catches Hunico. He hits several backbreakers, but doesn't let Hunico go. He then hit Hunico with a fall-away slam. He then military presses Hunico and just drops him down. Hunico hits Ryan with a back elbow and tags Rhodes in. Ryan gets Hunico in a full nelson. Rhodes hits Ryan with a Beautiful Disaster off the ropes then hits Cross Rhodes to pin Ryan. A Cody chant goes out. Sheamus in. He and Rhodes lock up and get to the corner. They break. They trade forearm shots and Sheamus knocks Rhodes down. Sheamus with a series of forearms to get Rhodes in the corner and follows that up with a clothesline. He gets a two count. He then runs Rhodes head first into a turnbuckle. Sheamus with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Rhodes kicks him in the face. Sheamus with a back elbow. Sheamus ties Rhodes up in the ropes and hits a series of forearms on Rhodes. Sheamus with a suplex on Rhodes. He gets a two count. Sheamus choking Rhodes on the bottom rope for a two count. Sheamus with a charge to Rhodes, who drops down and pulls the bottom rope down. Sheamus goes over but lands on his feet on the apron. He drives his elbow into Rhodes and knocks Barrett off of the apron. Rhodes with a running dropkick to knock Sheamus to the floor. Barrett with a clothesline to Sheamus on the floor. He then runs Sheamus into the apron. Barrett throws Sheamus in and he must have tagged because he covers for a one count. Barrett with a series of punches to Sheamus. He kicks Sheamus. Barrett tags Hunico in and holds Sheamus for Hunico to hit with a shot. Hunico in and kicking Sheamus. Hunico with a front face lock and a series of forearms to Sheamus' back. Back and forth with a series of hard right hands and forearms. Sheamus with a backdrop. Barrett and Kingston both tagged in. Kingston with a shot off the ropes to Barrett. A dropkick and a flying forearm knock Barrett down. Kingston with the Boom Drop on Barrett. Rhodes with a cheap shot allowing Barrett to attack Kingston, who spins around and gets a one count on Barrett. Barrett with a running charge. Kingston hits him with a Pele kick, then delivers a back elbow to Swagger on the apron when he gets too close. Kingston with a kick to Swagger, but gets hit with the Barrett Barrage running kick. Barrett then hits Wasteland to pin Kingston. Orton attacks Barrett immediately. He tries for the apron DDT, but Barrett counters with a backdrop to drive Orton over the top rope to the outside. Hunico tagged in and hits a running dive to Orton on the outside. Hunico throws Orton back in the ring and gets a two count. Hunico with a front face lock and tags Swagger in. He drops a series of elbows on Orton. He then stomps Orton several times. Swagger with a front face lock and Rhodes tagged in. He stomps Ortown down and snap mares him. He delivers fists to Orton's head. Rhodes with a rear chin lock. Orton with a headbutt. Rhodes responds with a front suplex. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a hammerlock headlock combo. Orton gets back to his feet and delivers a series of shots to break the hold. Rhodes with a kick to the stomach and a corner whip. Rhodes goes for a running bulldog, but Orton pushes off. Sheamus and Swagger both tagged in and Sheamus with a series of running hammer blows to the head of Swagger. Sheamus gets Swagger in the corner and knocks him down with a series of forearms. Sheamus with a corner clothesline and climbs up to the top. He hits a battering ram shoulder tackle on Swagger. Hunico tries to come in to help Swagger, but Sheamus throws him over the top rope to the other side. Irish Curse backbreaker by Sheamus. Rhodes runs in to help and Sheamus kicks him in the ribs and he rolls out of the ring. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross. Swagger slips out of it and Barrett comes in to help. Sheamus hits him with an ax handle and throws him out. Sheamus drops a series of knees on Swagger. Swagger up against the ropes, but Sheamus won't stop and the referee disqualifies him after a 5 count. Sheamus argues with the referee. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Swagger on the way out and Orton pins Swagger. Rhodes stomps Orton in the corner. He breaks when asked and then goes back to it. He then mocks Orton with some of his mannerisms. Rhodes with a corner whip and Orton comes out and hits a clothesline on Rhodes. He then knocks Hunico and Barrett off of the apron and then power slams Rhodes. He hits the apron DDT and goes into his viper routine. Barrett climbs up on the apron and distracts him. He goes after Barrett who climbs down to the floor. Rhodes tags Hunico in. Hunico climbs up on the top rope and jumps and Orton catches him with an RKO in mid-air. He pins Hunico. Barrett comes in and Orton with a backbreaker. Orton goes into the viper routine. Rhodes comes in and gets an RKO. Barrett hits Wasteland and pins Orton. Survivors- Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes.
-Alberto Del Rio is seen talking backstage with the Bella Twins. They say shopping was so fun. He says you know what we should do? Go to this restaurant that he knows here in NYC. John Laurinaitis interrupts, so the Bella twins leave. Laurinaitis wants to know that Del Rio is taking this match as seriously as he should be. Del Rio says did you even watch Raw last week? He's been attacking CM Punk for weeks. In fact, he beat him up last week in the middle of the ring. Tonight will be the first of many title defenses in MSG. Plus he has his entire country, Mexico, supporting and counting on him so please don't ask him if he is taking this seriously. He says I think you are forgetting who you are talking to here, Johnny. My name is Alberto Del Rio and I will leave the WWE champion because there is no way I will lose the title to someone who should be sleeping on the sidewalk of Wall Street. Del Rio then leaves and Laurinaitis takes out his phone and starts texting someone.
-Officials are shown reinforcing the ring as they flashback to Vengeance and the ring collapsing and the fallout between Mark Henry and The Big Show.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Mark Henry vs. The Big Show: They lock up and Big Show pushes Henry down. They lock up again and Henry pushes Big Show off. They lock up a third time. Henry breaks and rolls to the outside. Back in, Henry with a go behind. Big Show reverses and hits a takedown. He transitions to a front face lock. Henry gets to the ropes. Henry rushes Big Show, who arm drags Henry across the ring. Henry rolls out of the ring visibly frustrated. Referee Charles Robinson tells Henry to get back in or he will be counted out. Henry says you let him pull my tights on purpose. Henry slowly gets back in the ring. He goes into the ropes as Big Show rushes him and Big Show kicks and punches him anyway. He backs off after the two count. Henry complains to Robinson about his treatment. Henry threatens to leave if the Big Show doesn't back up and the crowd starts to boo. Big Show with a kick to the gut and shots to Henry. Henry reverses an Irish whip and tackles Big Show on his left knee. Henry picks Big Show's leg up and slams it down on the injured knee. He then slams an elbow down on the knee and applies a leg hold. He cranks on the hold, but Big Show won't give up. Henry gets back up and slams his elbow back on the knee again. Big Show eventually gets his other leg around the neck of Henry. He then kicks back with his heel to break the move. Henry clotheslines Big Show. He then picks Big Show up, but Big Show surprises him and hits a DDT. He gets a two count. Big Show with a headbutt and then another and then two clotheslines. A Daniel Bryan chant goes out as he had been attacked by Henry on Smackdown. Big Show with a corner splash and then a shoulder block to knock Henry down. Big Show signals for a chokeslam. He goes for it, but Henry kicks him and delivers the World's Strongest Slam. He gets a close two count. Henry with a big splash. Gets another close two count. Henry with a big elbow drop. Another two count and Henry is frustrated that he can't get the pin. He kicks Big Show. Big Show rolls to the outside. Henry follows and runs Big Show into the corner post. Robinson tells Henry to get in the ring. Henry runs and drives Big Show through the barricade. Henry rolls into the ring. Robinson starts counting. Big Show trying to get back to the ring. He rolls in at 9. Henry stomps him as he gets back in. He picks Big Show up on the apron and headbutts him. Henry tries to get Big Show up on the top rope, but Big Show punches Henry and pushes him off the ropes. Big Show with a super kick to the jaw of Henry. An HBK chant goes out. Big Show climbs to the top rope. He drops a flying elbow on Henry. The crowd can't believe it. That gets a close two count. A Randy Savage chant goes out. Big Show goes to hit Henry with the WMD right hand, but Henry ducks and low blows Big Show to get disqualified. Henry goes out and grabs a chair. He kicks Big Show Down. He puts Big Show's leg in the chair. Big Show moves at the last second. He then knocks out Henry with the WMD. The Daniel Bryan chant goes out again. Big Show grabs the chair and puts it on Henry's leg. He then drops a leg on the chair. EMS personnel come down to check on Henry. He tells them to stop and leave him alone.
-Matt Striker interviews Wade Barrett. Barrett says he proved that the Barrett Barrage is completely unstoppable. He has said from day one that the reason he's here is to be England's first ever World Heavyweight Champion. He gets interrupted by The Miz. Miz says really? Then R-Truth says is that what tonight is all about? The Barrett Barrage? Barrett says yeah. He says I believe your American Charlie Sheen calls it winning. Barrett leaves and Miz says this is the problem. The focus is everywhere but where it should be. The Barrett Barrage, the Hall of Pain, the Most Charismatic tag team of all time. R-Truth says the most charismatic tag team of all time is standing right here. In the flesh. In living color. Why aren't we on the side of NYC buses? The crowd says what? R-Truth says stop whatting me. Why don't we have our own billboard in Time Square? No, it's Rock and Cena. He says he was outside of MSG and saw all these pigeons staring up at the Rock and Cena. He said to them, hey pigeons, the Rock and Cena are gonna lose tonight. Do You know what those pigeons said to him? Nothing, they're pigeons. Pigeons can't talk. All they do is crap. Miz says that's exactly what Rock and Cena are, a load of crap. R-Truth says remember, crap is crap, and tonight, crap is gonna get got.
-National guard soldiers in attendance are introduced. A USA chant goes out.
-Flashback to what has happened the last three months between Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk. WWE Championship Match. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez vs. CM Punk: Rodriguez is introduced. Del Rio comes out in a car valued at $200,000 but I don't know cars that well so I don't know what kind of car it was. A CM Punk chant goes out. Justin Roberts introduces CM Punk's personal ring announcer, Howard Finkel. He comes out to a massive pop and a Howard Finkel chant. The announcers are just crapping all over him though. It was a totally tasteless move I'm sure they were told to do. Punk comes out to a massive pop. The CM Punk chant starts again. Referee Scott Armstrong raises the title as the CM Punk chant starts again. The bell rings. We want ice cream chant goes out. They lock up. Get to the ropes. They finally break. They lock up again. Punk with a side headlock. Del Rio pushes off. Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Starts to cover Del Rio, who kicks out right away. A Colt Cabana chant goes out which cracks Punk up. Del Rio with a side headlock. He takes Punk down. Punk pushes off. Del Rio comes back with a shoulder block. Criss-cross and leapfrogs. Punk with an arm drag. Punk then with an arm bar. Punk drives a knee into Del Rio. Then a wrist lock on Del Rio. Snap mare to Del Rio and a stomp. Punk goes back to the side headlock. Del Rio pushes off. Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Punk with an arm drag. Back and forth looking for position. Del Rio rolls out and confers with Rodriguez. Armstrong counting Del Rio. They lock up back in the ring and go to a corner. They break and Del Rio kicks Punk in the ribs. He then kicks Punk down. He goes to charge Punk, who moves and kicks Del Rio. Punk with a corner whip and a hip toss. Punk with a dropkick. Del Rio rolls to the outside again. Punk with a dive through the ropes onto Del Rio on the outside. He then throws Del Rio back into the ring. Punk climbs to the top rope and hits a crossbody on Del Rio. He gets a two count. Punk with an arm lock. Del Rio drops down and drives Punk into the ropes. Del Rio with a running kick. He punches Punk several times until Armstrong drags him off and admonishes him, allowing Rodriguez to attack Punk. Punk rolls out and goes after Rodriguez. Rodriguez runs away and Punk follows. Del Rio hits Punk with a double kick through the ropes as he comes around. Del Rio stomps Punk on the outside as Armstrong is counting them out. Del Rio drives Punk's arm down on the ring steps. He throws Punk back inside the ring. Del Rio climbs up top. He hits a double ax handle on Punk. He gets a two count. Del Rio goes into an arm bar. Punk fighting through the pain. Punk gets back to his feet and starts to punch Del Rio. He arm drags Del Rio. A CM Punk chant goes out. Del Rio gets his legs up on a Punk corner charge. Punk goes for the GTS, but Del Rio slips out. Del Rio with an arm bar DDT. Gets another two count. He then drives several knees into Punk's arm. He stomps Punk. Gets another two count. He gets an arm bar on Punk. Punk gets back to his feet. He punches Del Rio, who responds with a headbutt. Punk gets his boot up on a Del Rio corner charge. Punk charges Del Rio, who catches him in a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Gets another two count. He climbs back up top. Another double ax handle to Punk. Another two count. Del Rio kicks Punk. Del Rio goes for a running kick, but Punk moves and Del Rio spills to the outside. Rodriguez comes over to check on Del Rio. Armstrong counting Del Rio out. Punk comes over and Del Rio guillotines him on the top rope. Del Rio rushes Punk. Punk hits Del Rio with his boot. Double count going as a CM Punk chant starts again. Back and forth with shots in the middle of the ring. Punk with several shots, an Irish whip, and a spinning heel kick to Del Rio. Punk with a clothesline. Punk with a swinging neck breaker. He gets a two count. Punk with a running knee to Del Rio in the corner. Punk with a running bulldog. Gets a close two count. Punk with a top rope clothesline. Gets another two count. Punk signals for the GTS. Del Rio slips out and hits a jumping back cracker. Gets a two count. Punk reverses a waist lock into a roll up for a two count. Del Rio avoids a Punk running knee in the corner. Del Rio with an enziguri on Punk. Another two count. Del Rio with an arm bar DDT. Another two count. Del Rio visibly frustrated that he can't put Punk away. Del Rio puts Punk on the top rope. He goes for a superplex. Punk punching and headbutting Del Rio on the top rope. He pushes Del Rio off and goes for a Randy Savage style elbow drop, but Del Rio posts Punk on the top rope and he is hanging upside down. Del Rio with a charge, but Punk lifts up and Del Rio hits the corner post shoulder first. Punk then gets up and hits the Savage elbow drop. Close two count. A Randy Savage chant goes out. Punk signals for the GTS. Del Rio goes up, but cranks on Punk's injured arm to slip out of the move. They each duck shots by the other. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker. Punk fighting to get out of it and not tap. A massive CM Punk Chant goes out as the crowd rallies around Punk. Punk finally gets to the bottom rope. Del Rio rushes Punk who picks him up for the GTS, but Del Rio slips out again. Del Rio pushes Punk at the same time Rodriguez gets up on the apron and Punk gets his boot up and kicks Rodriguez off of the apron. Del Rio with a roll up for another close two count. Punk ducks a Del Rio shot and kicks him in the side of the head. Del Rio kicks out at 2.5. Punk gets the Anaconda Vice on. Del Rio fights it, but finally taps. New WWE Champion! The crowd loves it. Punk jumps into the crowd to celebrate as the Fink announces him as the New WWE Champion. Punk grabs the WWE Title and jumps back into the crowd. He then gets back in the ring and raises the championship high.
-Preview of the Main Event.
-Main Event. The Rock and John Cena vs. Awesome Truth The Miz and R-Truth: Awesome Truth come out doing the You Suck Remix. Cena comes out to a mixed reaction. He says he's New York's favorite son. They love him here. Rock comes out to a huge ovation. He comes out looking all business. He gets in the ring to a big Rocky chant. Cena goes out and gives his hat to and greets Arnold Skaaland's widow. Rock and Miz start. The Rocky chant starts again. They lock up. Rock with a side headlock. Miz tries to get out of it by punching Rock in the side. Miz pushes off. Rock comes back with a shoulder block. Miz leapfrogs Rock's charge. The Rock comes back with an arm drag. Then one for R-Truth and another one for Miz. He then throws R-Truth out of the ring. He then rolls Miz up for a two count. Miz rolls out to regroup with R-Truth. Miz is frustrated and kicks the Spanish Announce Table and the ring steps. A You still got it chant from the crowd to the Rock. Miz is back in, but R-Truth says he wants Rock. Rock signals for R-Truth to bring it. R-Truth tags in. They lock up. The Rock goes back to the side headlock. Transitions into a hammerlock. They trade wrist locks. R-Truth drives Rock down. Rock kips up and drives R-Truth into the corner. R-Truth jumps up to avoid the charge in. They take turns avoiding the others moves. Rock with a right hand to knock R-Truth down. Rock ducks a shot and hits a fisherman's suplex, but referee Mike Chioda is busy with Cena who had come over to knock Miz off the apron as Miz was trying to come in to interfere. Rock jumps up mad at Cena for ruining a pin attempt. They have words in the corner. Miz yells to get back in so R-Truth tags him. A Fruity Pebbles chant goes out directed at Cena. Miz yells at Rock that he wants Cena. Cena tagged in. They lock up. Cena with a snap mare. Then another one. Corner whip to Miz and Cena monkey flips him out of the corner. Cena with a dropkick. R-Truth tagged in and the crowd chants you still suck to Cena. R-Truth pushes Cena. Cena ducks an R-Truth shot and comes back with a series of shoulder tackles. Big slam to R-Truth. He goes over to Rock and says U Can't See Me. Rock comes in. Chioda starts to get him out, but Cena waves him off. They are face to face. Cena then turns around as R-Truth clotheslines him. Miz and R-Truth both attack Cena in their corner. Miz tagged in and nails Cena while R-Truth was holding him. He stomps Cena down. Miz with a running kick to Cena. Gets a two count. R-Truth tagged in and he and Miz with a double Irish whip and shoulder block. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth gets a chin lock on. Cena fighting back. R-Truth with a kick to the stomach and drives Cena shoulder first into the corner post. Cena falls out of the ring. R-Truth follows Cena and hits him and runs him head first into the apron as a let's go, Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. R-Truth rolls Cena back in. Gets a two count. R-Truth with a leg vice. We want Rocky chant goes out. Cena powers out of the hold, but R-Truth kicks him off. Cena falls out of the ring. R-Truth goes out after Cena. He rolls him back in and gets a two count. Miz tagged in. Cena gets Miz up. He goes for the AA, but Miz elbows him, slips out, and hits the SCF. Cena kicks out at 2.5. A Miz is awesome chant goes out as he hits Cena with a corner clothesline. Cena stumbles towards the heel's corner and R-Truth hits him with a cheap shot to knock him down. Miz gets another two count. Miz gets Cena in a front face lock and tags R-Truth in. Double suplex to Cena. Another two count. R-Truth gets a front face lock. A Rocky chant goes out. Cena gets back to his feet and is trying to push his way to the corner to make the tag to Rock. R-Truth pulls Cena back towards the heel corner. He beats Cena down and referee Mike Chioda admonishes him, allowing Miz to drop down and choke Cena on the ropes. Miz tags in. Miz hits Cena with his left hands as Cena tries to get back to his feet. Cena comes back with right hands to Miz. He knocks R-Truth off of the apron. He goes after Miz, who clotheslines him. Miz gets a two count. Miz with a figure four. He tags R-Truth in, who drops an elbow on Cena. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth drops a couple of legs on Cena. Another two count. R-Truth goes up top. He hits Cena with a crossbody, but Cena rolls through and picks R-Truth up. He goes to throw R-Truth behind him. R-Truth lands on his feet and kicks Cena. R-Truth with a front face slam. Another two count. Miz tagged in. He hits Cena with a running kick while taunting Rock. Miz does the Bring It gesture to the Rock. Another kick to Cena while taunting Rock. He goes for a third kick, but Cena ducks it and applies the STF to Miz. R-Truth comes in and breaks it up. R-Truth tagged in. Cena gets him in the AA. Cena then collapses to the mat. Double count going. Miz tagged in and comes over and cheap shots Rock off of the apron to prevent the tag. Miz gets Cena in a headlock while R-Truth comes over and attacks Rock at ringside. R-Truth drops Rock throat first on the barricade. Rock comes into the ring to go after the heels, but gets cut off by Chioda. Miz and R-Truth taunt Rock, telling him he's got to get out of the ring. They then hit a flapjack on Cena. R-Truth covers and gets another two count. Another Rocky chant goes out. R-Truth with a front face lock. Cena struggles to get back to his feet. R-Truth with a forearm to the back to knock Cena back down. R-Truth goes for another leg drop, but Cena moves. Double count going again. Rock and Miz both tagged in. Rock unloads on Miz. MIz starts to reverse an Irish whip, Rock grabs him and hits a DDT. He then attacks R-Truth when he tries to come in. He hits a Rock Bottom on R-Truth. Leg drag to Miz and he puts Miz in the Sharpshooter. Miz is fighting it and trying to get to the ropes. R-Truth runs in to break up the hold and Cena comes in to take out R-Truth. They roll with momentum to the outside. Miz attacks Rock with punches. He gets him down and starts to stomp him. He screams at Rock that he's the one. He kicks Rock and goes to kick him again, but Rock catches him and hits a spinebuster. The crowd jumps to its feet. Rock takes off his elbow pad and hits the People's Elbow. He gets the pin. Rock gets on the turnbuckle to celebrate. Cena in the aisle clapping. Rock asks for the music and the ovation to die down as he looks and gestures to Cena. Cena walks back towards the ring. Cena gets on a turnbuckle and the crowd boos. Cena laughs. Rock tells Cena to listen. He climbs on a turnbuckle and the crowd cheers. A Rocky chant goes out. Cena does it and gets booed. He laughed again. Rock does it again and tells Cena to look and listen. The crowd cheers. The announcers say that Cena and Rock stayed on the same page tonight, but what's going to happen when the next chapter is written? They are face to face. Cena goes to leave and Rock hits him with a Rock Bottom. Cena rolls outside to the aisle. Cena walks to the back while Booker T says The Rock is going to get his at WrestleMania because payback is you know what. The Crowd cheers Rock. He thanks the crowd and climbs another turnbuckle as they sign off from Madison Square Garden.
-Final Thoughts: A really solid show that builds on some of the things happening and also builds towards WrestleMania with the Rock/Cena stuff.