Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 18 Notes

-Released WWE Superstars
-Howard Finkel- Vickie Guerrero @VickieGuerrero on Twitter, tweeted this out I’m sad to hear of the passing of Howard Finkel! He was a gentleman and kind soul! I will always be debted to him for escorting Eddie from Minneapolis to Phoenix after he passed. When he called me....he said...”I don’t want Eddie to be flown home by himself”. RIP love you friend

-Mr. B and Lord Buckethead
-2016 Anime Boston and Lord Buckethead.

  • Hyperspace, also known as Gremloids, is a 1984 3D science fiction comedy film starring Chris Elliott and Paula Poundstone, written and directed by Todd Durham and filmed in Shelby, North Carolina. This was the sixth and final 3-D film produced by the Owensby Studios in the 1980s. The film was an early parody of the 1977 space opera film, Star Wars. It introduced Lord Buckethead, the visage of whom later became a satirical perennial candidate at British elections. A Star Wars-style text crawl explains how a resistance force, led by Princess Serina has stolen vital radio transmissions from an evil Galactic Alliance. The Darth Vader-like villain, Lord Buckethead (named only in the closing credits), pursues Serina, but, due to an error in navigation, end up on Earth. Legacy The Gremloids Party is a fictitious political party that has run a candidate called Lord Buckethead in three of the United Kingdom general elections. The candidate is shown wearing a bucket-like mask on his head.[3][2][4] Buckethead ran against Margaret Thatcher for parliament in Finchley in 1987, against John Major in Huntingdon in 1992, and against Theresa May in Maidenhead in 2017, the last of which he received 249 (0.4%) votes in the constituency. -The man behind Lord Buckethead was my college advisor and mentor, Mr. B. -Today we look at the 1988 Survivor Series from the WWF. -Peter Winson’s from Greetings from Allentown podcasts favorite show of all time. -Survivor Series 1988 was broadcast on PPV on November 24, 1988 from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio. There were 13,500 in attendance. -Due to the nature of this event, I may not get every tag and move called. -We start off with a shot of the crowd. Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us as the announcers for the night. Jesse is dressed as a pilgrim as usual. They throw it to Howard Finkel who announces the first match. -The Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, The Blue Blazer, Sam Houston and Jim Brunzell VS. The Honky Tonk Man, Danny Davis, Greg Valentine, Ron Bass, and Bad News Brown with Jimmy Hart: Don Muraco was originally scheduled to be a part of Warrior’s team but left the WWF, so he was replaced by Jim Brunzell. Jesse and Gorilla talk about Bad News Brown being a loner. Former partners Beefcake and Valentine start. Gorilla does his “It takes Greg Valentine 15 minutes to get ready” spiel if you’re drinking at home. Davis tagged in and Beefcake puts a sleeper on him. Davis eliminated, Valentine back in. Goes for the figure 4 but gets kicked off. Blue Blazer (Owen Hart) in. Owen showing some nice high flying moves. Brunzell tagged in. Bad News Brown tagged in. Brown dominating. Brunzell trying to slug it out to come back, but Brown hits the Ghetto Blaster for the pin. Beefcake tagged in, then Sam Houston tagged in. Brown just brutalizing Houston. Valentine tagged in and Brown holds Houston for Valentine to hit him but Brown gets hit accidently instead. Brown is hot. He just leaves the group and gets counted out. Houston almost pins Valentine with a quick rollup. Bass tagged in. He takes over on Houston. Bass hits a power slam and pins Houston. Warrior in. He cleans house. Tags Blue Blazer in. He hits Bass from the top but doesn’t get the pin. HTM tagged in. Valentine then tagged in. Blue Blazer goes up top, but HTM knocks him off. Valentine puts the figure 4 on and Blazer submits. Beefcake in. Bass takes over. Tags HTM in. Heels just batter Beefcake. HTM gets hit hard by Beefcake. Sleeper on HTM, but they both go out. Sleeper gets put back on and both men are counted out. Heels double team Warrior. Back and forth as the heels continue to double team. Warrior gets a double clothesline. Warrior hits a double ax handle and pins Bass and Jesse is irate since Valentine was the legal man. Valentine then gets his own double ax handle and pin. Sole Survivor: The Ultimate Warrior. -10 Team Survivor Series Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji, The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan, The Conquistadors, The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart, and The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov with Slick VS. The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian, The Young Stallions Paul Roma and Jim Powers, The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart, The British Bulldogs The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith. First chance to see Arn and Tully and The Rockers in a WWF ring and the last hurrah for the Bulldogs as a WWF team. Davey Boy Smith and Conquistador 1 to start. Shawn Michaels and Nikolai Volkoff both tagged in. Michaels brutalized. Rockers then double team to come back. Jannetty beaten by Ax. Anderson in to do some damage then Blanchard in selling hard. Dynamite Kid and Jacques Rougeau then battling it out. Dynamite is impressive considering his back issues. Dynamite and Jacques battling is interesting considering the events behind the scenes. Powers tagged in. Zhukov also in. Smash then comes in. Jacques then back in. Too many men and quick tags makes this hard to track. Bret Hart in. He gets a small package and pins Raymond Rougeau. Roma and Volkoff then in. Roma hits some moves, then tags Neidhart in. He slugs it out with Smash then tags Barbarian. They bash each other. Conquistador 1 in. Warlord tagged in then Bret Hart. They just beat on Conquistador 1. Then Smash and Ax in. Double teaming. Blanchard then takes over. Then Smash and Michaels in. Volkoff then in and Michaels is just battered. Heels doing some quick tags. Conquistador 2 tagged in. Jannetty tagged in. More quick tags by both teams. Blanchard batters Davey Boy Smith who gives it back. Ax and Warlord battle and the crowd approves. Barbarian in and hits Blanchard with a modified top rope Stun Gun. Dynamite Kid in and he gets battered. Powers in with Zhukov. He hits a body press on Zhukov who rolls through and pins Powers. Michaels in then Barbarian. Blanchard in but wants no part of Barbarian, so he tags Volkoff in and Jesse chuckles at that. Quick hits and tags to try and wear Barbarian down. Jannetty gets a quick sunset flip and pins Zhukov. The Conquistadors take over on Jannetty and then Demolition does the same. Conquistador 1 in and The Hart Foundation double team him. This is Dynamite Kid’s last hurrah in the big time and he is making the most out of it. Barbarian in and Conquistador 2 also comes in. Blanchard in and Barbarian lured into the heels corner. Smash VS. Barbarian power VS. power. Bret Hart hits a German suplex on Tully Blanchard, but Blanchard gets his shoulder up and The Hart Foundation is gone. Brain Busters and The Rockers then slug it out in the ring and both teams get disqualified. They brawl to the back. Ax and Dynamite Kid duke it out. Then Demolition takes on Barbarian. Dynamite Kid goes for a diving headbutt but misses. Smash then pins Dynamite Kid. Warlord in against Conquistador 2. He hits the corner post accidently. Fuji acts like he wants to hit someone with the cane. Fuji again up on the apron and he opens the rope as Smash goes against them. Smash is counted out. Ax is livid at Fuji. Fuji hits Ax and the Demos attack him. Powers of Pain help Fuji up. Fuji hits a Conquistador with his cane and he is pinned. Sole Survivors: Powers of Pain who lift Fuji up. Demolition comes back and slug it out with the Powers of Pain. -Sean Mooney interviews Bad News Brown. He says everyone is out for him and he’s always been a survivor. He says he has defeated everyone and deserves a title shot. -Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Mr. Fuji and the Powers of Pain. Fuji says he made Demolition, now he will lead the Powers of Pain to the titles. -Mean Gene interviews Andre’s team. They are ready and each is focusing on a member of the opposite team. -Sean Mooney interviews the Mega Powers team. They are fired up and ready. Hulk Hogan says there are no weak links on the team. -Jake Roberts with Damien, Jim Duggan, Scott Casey, Ken Patera, and Tito Santana VS. Andre the Giant, Dino Bravo, Mr. Perfect, Harley Race, and Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan and Frenchie Martin: Junk Yard Dog was originally scheduled to be a part of Roberts' team but left the WWF. B. Brian Blair replaced the Junkyard Dog to be a part of the team but he also left WWF, so he was replaced by Scott Casey. Jesse mentions Rude winning the Jesse the Body award if you’re drinking at home. Patera and Rude start out. They start out with a test of strength and Gorilla says it was Patera who convinced him to retire. Bravo tagged in. Perfect then tagged in and he is so good already. Roberts tagged in. Then Santana tagged in and Jesse says “Chico” so take a shot. Casey tagged in. Race comes in and takes over with a belly to belly suplex. Rude in and then Perfect. Patera back in then Duggan. Perfect is a bumping machine. Casey and Rude in. Then Santana. Quick tags all around. Patera in. Rude hits The Rude Awakening and Patera is pinned. Casey is then battered. Bravo hits the side suplex on him and he’s gone. Perfect and Santana in. Then Duggan in and Perfect is all over him. Heels all battering Duggan. Race and Santana in. Santana getting near falls. Race pinned by Santana. Andre in and he chokes Santana hard. Santana just brutalized. Andre finally pins him. Duggan comes in and hits Andre who does his ropes tied up spot. The crowd gets fired up. Rude and Roberts in. Perfect then in. Jake punished by the heels. Bravo in and Roberts hits the short clothesline and signals for the DDT. Rude hits him. Rude tagged in. Rude lies in wait and nails Roberts. Roberts gets his foot on the ropes to stop two pin fall attempts. Bravo in. Roberts avoids two elbows and tags Duggan in. Duggan and Bravo brawl outside. Duggan brings the 2X4 in and gets disqualified. Roberts all alone. Perfect in. Roberts fighting valiantly. They slug it out. Bravo back in. Bravo powers out of a DDT attempt. Rude tagged in. They slug it out. Jesse compares Cheryl Roberts to Robin Givens again. Roberts taking a lot of punishment. Rude hits the fist drip, then does his taunts Roberts grabs him as he goes to tag. Roberts hits the DDT and pins Rude. Andre in. He chokes Roberts in the corner. The referee finally disqualifies him. Perfect comes in and pins Roberts. Sole Survivors: Mr. Perfect and Dino Bravo. Roberts goes for Damien. The heels run to the back. -Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man and Akeem’s team. They are extremely confident. They go to the ring. -Akeem, The Big Boss Man, The Red Rooster, Ted DiBiase, and King Haku with Virgil, Slick, and Bobby Heenan VS. Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Hercules, Hillbilly Jim, and Koko B. Ware with Miss Elizabeth and Frankie. The WWF on Koko’s tights is blurred out. DiBiase and Savage start. Savage sticks and moves. Hercules tagged in. Rooster in. Koko and Akeem then come in. Hercules and Haku then in. Hogan comes in. He starts out fast vs Haku. Hillbilly Jim in. Akeem in. Rooster in. Koko in. Quick tags in and out by both teams. Koko hits a big missile dropkick. Hogan in. Hits the big boot. Savage in and hits the flying elbow. Rooster pinned. Haku and Hogan in. Then Hercules in but he can’t get the three count. Akeem in. Hillbilly Jim in. They slug it out. Akeem hits a splash and gets the pin. Koko in attacking Akeem. Then Hogan in. He hits Akeem, tags Hercules in who wobbles Akeem but he won’t go down. Koko then in. He goes for a splash in the corner but Akeem moves. Boss Man in and hits the Boss Man slam for the pin. Hogan in and the crowd comes alive. Boss Man bumps well for a big man. Hogan hits the boot and slams Boss Man. Boss Man then hits a modified slam. Akeem tagged in. They take turns battering Hogan. DiBiase in. He just measures Hogan. Hulk up by Hogan. Hercules tagged in. DiBiase bumping like crazy. Virgil interferes. DiBiase rolls Hercules up for the pin. Savage then sneaks up and rolls DiBiase up for the pin. Haku and Hogan in. Haku drops Hogan with a thrust kick. Boss Man in and he has the advantage but can’t get the pin. Akeem in and punishes. Haku back in with more punishment. Hogan being worn down. Starts his comeback. Boss Man in and hits the Boss Man slam. Doesn’t pin though. Goes up top but misses the splash. Hogan tags Savage in and he comes in hitting everyone. Slick trips him. Boss Man pounces. Slick goes after Elizabeth. Hogan goes after Slick. He nails Slick. Akeem and Big Boss Man come out and grab Hogan. They cuff him to the bottom rope. They beat him. Boss Man gets counted out. He beats Hogan with the nightstick. Boss Man comes into the ring. He and Akeem beat Savage. Akeem is disqualified. They leave as Haku is beating on Savage. Slick taunting Hogan with the keys. Haku misses a dropkick. Slick jumps up and holds Savage’s arms, but gets kicked by Haku after Savage ducks. Liz grabs the keys. Hogan gets loose. Haku hits a splash but Savage kicks out. Hogan gets tagged. Big Boot, Leg Drop and pin. Sole Survivors: The Mega Powers. Liz consoles Savage. Hogan must pose. Liz comes over to Hogan and he picks her up and puts her on his shoulder. Savage looks uneasy about it. It’s all so subtle. There are foundations being laid.