Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 115 Notes

-I’m tired of snow. I was cooped up all weekend and finished two books.
-I have to take gentle Iron on the weekend. I’m a gentle weekend warrior Iron Man I guess.
-I had a better week than Shane McMahon apparently.
-Today we look at TLC 2011 from the WWE.
-WWE TLC 2011 took place on PPV on December 18, 2011 from the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, MD. There were 9,000 in attendance and the show did 179,000 buys on PPV.
-Dark Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Alex Riley.
-WWE Intro.
-PPV intro in the style of 'Twas the night before Christmas talking about what is happening in the WWE and what we are going to see tonight.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to TLC. He and Jerry Lawler are going to be our announcers for the evening.
-Vickie Guerrero comes out with a mic and says Merry Christmas everyone to a loud chorus of boos. She then goes into her excuse me gimmick. She then introduces Dolph Ziggler.
-United States Championship Match. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero vs. Zack Ryder: Carlos Cabrera and Marcelo Rodriguez of the Spanish Announce Team are introduced. Ryder comes out to a great ovation. The bell rings. They circle each other. Ziggler with a single leg takedown. Ryder pops back up. Ziggler with another single leg takedown. They lock up again and Ryder with an arm drag. Then another one. Ryder with a corner charge, but Ziggler hits him with a back elbow. Ziggler with a side headlock. Ryder pushes off. Ziggler comes back with a shoulder block. A series of dropdowns and leapfrogs. Ziggler blocks a hip lock attempt. Ryder ducks a roundhouse attempt. Ziggler goes for a dropkick, but Ryder catches his legs in midair. He slingshots Ziggler into the corner and Ziggler hits the turnbuckle head first. Ryder then clotheslines Ziggler to the outside. Ryder then dives over the top rope onto Ziggler. He runs Ziggler's head into the apron. Back and forth on the apron and Ziggler drives Ryder's head down on the apron. Ryder gets back in the ring on the 9 count. Ziggler attacks Ryder with stomps. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Ziggler drops an elbow. A series of elbows to Ryder. Only gets a two count. Ryder coming back with a series of right hands. Ziggler with a kick, an Irish whip, and a back elbow. Ziggler with a headlock on as the Let's go, Ryder chants start again. Ryder gets back to his feet. Ziggler pushes him down and does sit ups showing off. Guerrero loves it. Ziggler gets another two count. Ziggler with a headlock. Ryder makes it back to his feet and hits some elbows. Ryder with a corner whip. Ziggler with a back elbow when Ryder comes charging in. Ziggler with a fall away slam. He gets a two count. Ziggler puts Ryder on the top turnbuckle. He slaps Ryder, who slaps Ziggler back and hits a missile dropkick. That gets a two count. Ziggler rushes Ryder, who hits him with a back elbow. Ryder ducks a clothesline attempt and knocks Ziggler down. Ryder with a clothesline. Ziggler reverses an Irish whip. Ryder slams Ziggler head first down on the mat. Ryder with a running forearm to Ziggler in the corner. Ryder hits the Broski Boot to Ziggler in the corner. Ryder goes to cover, but Guerrero puts Ziggler's foot on the bottom rope. The referee catches her and throws her out. Ziggler looking dejected. Ryder rolls him up for a two count. Ziggler reverses it and grabs the ropes, but Ryder still kicks out at two. Ziggler out on the apron. Ryder comes over to get him back in and Ziggler guillotines him on the top rope. Ziggler goes for the famouser, but misses and Ryder rolls him up for a two count. Ziggler then hits the famouser for another two count. Ryder up and Ziggler jumps on his back going for a sleeper, but Ryder pushes him off. Ziggler with a dropkick. Gets another two count. Ziggler climbs up top, but Ryder pushes him down so he crotches himself on the top rope. Ryder with a hurricanrana off the top rope. He gets a close two count. Ryder goes for the Rough Ryder, but Ziggler counters and rolls Ryder up for a two count. Double count going as the let's go, Ryder chant starts again. Ziggler with a charge to Ryder in the corner, but Ryder gets both knees-up. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder. Ryder gets the pin. New United States Champion! The crowd loves it and Ryder can't believe that he has won. Michael Cole is speechless as Ryder celebrates with the crowd.
-Booker T is shown talking backstage with Alicia Fox when he is attacked by Cody Rhodes. Rhodes beats Booker T down until they are finally separated.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne vs. Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendez: Bourne and Epico start. They lock up and Epico goes for a quick roll up. Bourne immediately kicks out. Another lock up and Bourne with a hammerlock. Epico turns it into a backdrop. Bourne continues to roll through to get a one count. Epico with a snap mare. Bourne tries a spin kick. Epico ducks. Bourne with a hurricanrana. Bourne with some kicks to Epico. Kingston tagged in. Double Irish whip and leapfrogs by Air Boom before Kingston hits Epico with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Epico with a kick to the stomach and Primo tagged in. Double Irish whip. Kingston ducks a double clothesline attempt and hits a dropkick to both of his opponents. Gets a one count on Primo. Back and forth in the corner. Primo with a corner whip. He follows that up with a shot and a monkey flip out of the opposite corner. Kingston lands on his feet and hits a monkey flip of his own on Primo. Gets a two count. Bourne tagged in. Flying headscissors to Primo. Gets a two count. Epico tagged in. Double Irish whip to Bourne, who comes off of the ropes with a reverse crossbody, but Primo and Epico catch him and throw him to the outside. Primo goes outside and tosses Bourne back in. Epico gets a two count. Beat down in the corner and Primo tagged back in. He continues the beat down in the corner. Epico back in. Then Primo. They have Bourne firmly in their corner. Primo gets a two count. Primo with a front face lock. Bourne is trying to push his way to Kingston to make the tag. Bourne with some kicks and tries to jump to tag Kingston in. He almost gets there before being grabbed by Primo and driven back first into the opposite corner. Epico tagged in and Primo corner whips Bourne into an Epico dropkick. He gets a two count. Bourne trying to fight back with kicks. Epico with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. He gets a two count. Epico with a series of belly to back suplexes. Another two count. Epico has Bourne on Epico's back in a submission like move and Bourne is fighting to get out of it. He flips through to get a two count. Bourne with a kick and double knees to Epico. Both Kingston and Primo tagged in. Kingston with a top rope shot to Primo. Kingston knocks Epico off the apron and hits Primo with a clothesline. A knife edge and a dropkick to Primo. Primo ducks a clothesline and Kingston knocks Epico off the apron again. A clothesline to knock Primo down. Boom Drop on Primo. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Primo gets his leg up on the charge. Kingston with a top rope reverse crossbody. Gets a two count before Epico can break up the pin attempt. Bourne comes in to knock Epico to the outside. Bourne then climbs to the top rope and hits a crossbody to Epico on the outside to the delight of the crowd. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise to Primo to get the pin.
-Josh Matthews with a report from backstage that Booker T is being evaluated by WWE trainers and medical staff. Josh says that Cody Rhodes walked by earlier with a smile on his face and says he would assume that their match is off, although that is not official.
-Teddy Long dressed as Santa is looking over a Christmas tree. He is interrupted by Hornswoggle dressed as an elf. Long says he's glad Hornswoggle finally showed up and since he's been a good little boy this year, Long has a present for him. Hornswoggle says little boy? For God's sake Teddy I have a beard. I have mature testes. I'm dressed ridiculous Teddy. and by the way since when has Santa been black anyway? Long says the neighborhood he came from, no fat, jolly white man would ever come down his chimney. Hornswoggle says I feel you Teddy, now why am I here? Long says I'll tell you why you're here. I saw you last Monday on Raw trying to talk jive and it was just horrible and that's why I've got this present for you right here. He hands Hornswoggle a present from under the tree. Hornswoggle opens it up and it's a Rosetta Stone Ebonics Book as we have reached the cringe portion of the PPV. Long says with this you can never embarrass yourself any more. Hornswoggle says thank you and asks Long to come in for a hug before stomping his foot and running away.
-Tables Match. Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett: Orton gets a fantastic ovation coming out. Michael Cole runs down the history between the two men. The bell rings. They circle each other. A Randy chant starts. They trade right hands. Orton with a kick in the stomach. Forearms to Barrett. Barrett with a kick of his own. Orton ducks a clothesline attempt. Orton with an over the back backbreaker on Barrett. He stomps Barrett's head and goes outside for a table. He starts to set it up at ringside and Barrett comes and kicks the table into Orton. Barrett drives Orton into the apron then throws him back into the ring. Barrett goes to put a table in, but Orton kicks it into Barrett. Orton then slams down on the table causing it to hit Barrett under the chin and knock him down at ringside. Orton runs Barrett into the ring steps and you can see that Barrett is bleeding from his forehead. Orton setting a table up at ringside. Orton with a forearm. Barrett going back up the aisle away from Orton. Orton follows, but Barrett hits him with a back kick. Barrett with a front face lock. He goes to put Orton through one of the tables set up along the aisle. Barrett goes for the pump handle slam, but Orton counters so Barrett quickly turns the table over to avoid being put through it. Barrett starts to head back towards the ring and Orton follows. Orton runs Barrett into the ring apron. He then brings Barrett up the ring steps by the hair. He is looking to suplex Barrett through the table set up at ringside, but Barrett fights free and runs Orton into the corner post. Orton then falls down into the ring steps. Orton then pushed into the corner post. Barrett with a running kick to knock Orton down. Barrett sets up another table at ringside as a Randy chant goes out again. Back and forth at ringside. Barrett with an elbow to Orton and slams Orton's head down on a table. Barrett puts Orton on the table. Barrett gets on the apron. Orton gets off before Barrett can jump on him. They exchange right hands. Barrett drives Orton into the ring apron. He then does it again. Barrett throws Orton back into the ring. Barrett delivers an elbow to Orton from the second rope. He then puts Orton on the second rope and pushes down with his knee. He then has Orton wound through the ropes and continues to choke him. Barrett with a series of knees to Orton's head. Barrett with a running kick. Orton lands on the apron instead of the set up table. Barrett sets up a table in the corner of the ring. He goes to run Orton through it, but Orton slips out and then clotheslines Barrett. Another clothesline and a power slam on Barrett. Orton goes for the apron DDT. Barrett backdrops Orton on to the apron. Barrett goes for the running kick again, but Orton moves and Barrett gets crotched on the top rope. They exchange right hands on the apron and Barrett gets Orton up for Wasteland. Orton with elbows to get out of it and Orton hits the apron DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine. He goes for the RKO. Barrett pushes off and Orton stops himself before he runs into the table. He turns around and Barrett hits him with a spinning sidewalk slam. Barrett slams the table down on top of Orton. Barrett sets a table up in the ring as a Randy chant goes out again. Barrett sets Orton up on the table. Barrett climbs to the second rope and jumps, but at the last second Orton turns and hits an RKO on Barrett through the table to win the match. Orton celebrates after the match.
-The Bella Twins are with Santa Teddy Long arguing over who deserves a gift. Long says they both deserve gifts and gives them a card with his direct line in case they ever want to play any reindeer games. They both slapped him and leave. He yells out call me. He turns around and Jack Swagger is there. He tells Long that he makes the most ridiculous Santa ever and Long says I do not. Swagger says yes you do, you make the most ridiculous General Manager ever. He asks Long if he is really going to let Mark Henry get away with hitting him with a steel chair on Smackdown? What are you going to do about this, Teddy? Long says he's not going to do anything about it. Swagger says well Vickie says and Long says I don't care what Vickie says, I'm the General Manager of Smackdown, not her, and Swagger is the one who ticked Henry off in the first place. Long says I tell you what, why don't you come here and sit on my lap and let's figure this out. Swagger says Teddy, I think someone spiked your eggnog. I'm 6'6", 270 pounds, if I sit on you, I'll break your hip. Now listen, Teddy, I'm a former world champion. They then get interrupted by Sheamus who wishes Long a Merry Christmas. Sheamus says I heard you were looking for me, Teddy. Long says yes and Swagger gets upset that Long wants to talk to Sheamus and not him and he and Sheamus start arguing. Long says he's going to give everybody a Christmas present and make a match between the two men.
-Divas Championship Match. Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly: They show Phoenix and Kelly getting into it at the Slammy Awards. The bell rings and Phoenix begs Kelly to slap her in the face again like she did at the Slammy Awards. Phoenix goes to slap Kelly, who ducks and slaps Phoenix. Phoenix rushes Kelly, who drops down and pulls the ropes and Phoenix spills to the outside. Kelly then bulldogs Phoenix from the apron to the floor. Kelly with a body vice on Phoenix on the ropes. Back in the ring, Kelly ducks a clothesline attempt. Kelly headscissors Phoenix into a corner. She goes to monkey flip Phoenix out of the corner, but Phoenix picks Kelly up and guillotines her on the top rope. Phoenix gets Kelly down and delivers several elbows to her back. Gets a two count. She then wraps Kelly up and pulls her hair back for almost a four count before breaking the hold. Phoenix then slams Kelly down on the mat and it looks like Kelly has hurt her shoulder. Phoenix gets Kelly into a camel clutch and has the referee ask her if she wants to give up. She then slams down on Kelly's back. Kelly with a small package for a two count. Phoenix with a kick and goes for a scoop slam, but Kelly reverses it into a bulldog. Kelly then slams Phoenix's head down on the mat several times. Phoenix pushes Kelly back into a corner. Kelly gets her boots up on the charge. Kelly goes for a second rope crossbody, but Phoenix catches her and slams her down. She gets several two counts. Phoenix slams Kelly down and goes up top. She goes to do a top rope leg drop, but Kelly moves. Kelly goes for a move. Phoenix blocks it and goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly rolls through. A couple of reversals and both wrestlers get two counts. Kelly goes for a hurricanrana, but Phoenix catches her and slams her backwards to get the pin.
-Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are shown backstage. Del Rio is berating Rodriguez, saying that he had one job; to make sure Del Rio's car was ready. How can he make his entrance without his car? He then tells Rodriguez to go get him some food. Rodriguez leaves and Del Rio turns around and The Miz is there. He tells Del Rio that he wants to make one thing clear. When they weakened CM Punk, it was for the greater good of one of them becoming the WWE Champion. But when the bell rings, this alliance... He gets cut off by Del Rio who tells Miz not to insult his intelligence. He says you don't think I know our alliance is dead? In fact, there was no alliance in the first place. He was just using Miz. Miz says really? I was being used by a guy who's title reign was as uneventful as the Raven's Super Bowl run. You are talking to the man that defended the WWE Championship and defeated John Cena in the Main Event of WrestleMania. What did you do last year at WrestleMania? You lost to Edge when his neck was hanging on by a thread. Del Rio says something in Spanish, then translates: that means you are a stupid little boy. A guy who comes from a reality TV show. A guy who thinks he's a bad ass when he's not. Because I know you can't hurt anybody. You're weak. You're pathetic. You couldn't even take Ricardo or my pool boy. Is that clear? Ricardo comes back with food and Miz shoves the plate in Ricardo's face and leaves. Del Rio then shoves Ricardo down and also leaves. Poor Ricardo!
-The Maryland National Guard is shown with a holiday message from Iraq earlier in the month.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T: Booker T out first and as he is walking down the aisle, he gets jumped from behind by Rhodes. He runs Booker into the barricade and kicks him down. Referees come out and separate the two of them. They take Booker to the back to take a look at him.
-Preview of what has happened between HHH and Kevin Nash.
-Sledgehammer Ladder Match. Kevin Nash vs. HHH: HHH gets a great reception coming out. Nash staring at him intently. The bell rings and Nash attacks immediately with a knee to the stomach. A punch knocks HHH to the ground. Nash gets HHH in the corner. HHH ducks an elbow shot. HHH with several shots to Nash. Nash comes back with another knee to the stomach. Nash with an elbow to HHH in the opposite corner. HHH comes back with right hands. Nash throws HHH into the corner and delivers several knees to HHH. Then a forearm knocks HHH to his knees. Another forearm to the back as a Triple H chant goes out. HHH with a shot and a running shoulder block to knock Nash to the outside. HHH comes out after Nash and runs Nash head first into the announcers table. HHH goes and grabs a ladder to bring inside and Nash hits him with a big boot to the back. Nash then grabs a ladder and runs it into HHH, knocking him into the timekeeper's table. Nash then puts the ladder in the ring. HHH gets on the announce table and takes out Nash at ringside with a double ax handle. HHH then punches Nash in the head. HHH then sets Nash up against the barricade and clotheslines him over. HHH then tries to stop Nash from coming over the barricade, but Nash hits him with a wicked elbow. Nash runs HHH head first into the ring steps. HHH reverses an Irish whip and runs Nash face first into the corner post. HHH rolls Nash into the ring. He then grabs another ladder and puts it in the ring. He runs the ladder into Nash's leg when he tries to stand up. He does this several more times. He drives the ladder down on the knee several times. He puts his knee between the sides of a ladder and then stomps down on the ladder. He then sets Nash's leg through the ladder and puts the figure four on him. Nash screams out in pain. HHH gets up and puts one of the set up ladders in the corner. He then takes another ladder and almost suplexes it onto Nash. He picks Nash up and Nash puts a knee into HHH's stomach and corner whips him into the set up ladder and HHH then goes flying to the outside. HHH starts to get up and Nash runs the ladder into him to knock him down again. Nash then places a ladder across the ropes in a corner of the ring. He then goes outside and grabs HHH. He rolls HHH back in the ring, then drives elbows into HHH's head as it is out on the apron. Nash then side slams HHH onto a ladder. He then sets HHH under the ladder set up on the ropes and then slingshots him into that ladder. HHH falls out of the ring. Nash then comes out and starts to take apart the announce table while the announcers tell him to just end the thing. That he has made his point. He goes to jackknife HHH onto the table, but HHH reverses it and backdrops Nash onto the table. HHH gets back in the ring and starts to set up a ladder. He starts to climb the ladder, but Nash pulls him off the ladder. He then clotheslines HHH down. Nash sets that ladder up in the corner and then goes outside before changing his mind and corner whipping HHH into the set up ladder. He then choke slams HHH. He then goes outside and goes under the ring and brings out a table and puts it into the ring. Nash sets the table up in the ring. He goes to jackknife HHH onto the table, but HHH drives Nash back into the ladder set up in the corner. HHH then picks up the ladder and runs it into Nash to knock him outside. HHH then sets up the ladder. He climbs up one side. Before he can unhook the sledgehammer, Nash climbs up the other side and starts punching HHH. HHH uses the sledgehammer to knock Nash off of the ladder and through the table. HHH then unlatches the sledgehammer to a massive cheer from the crowd. Nash stands up and HHH hits him with the sledgehammer to the knee. He does it several more times. HHH then hits the Pedigree. The crowd chants one more time! HHH picks up the sledgehammer and goes over to Nash. Nash is on his knees and flashes the clique sign. HHH responds with the suck it gesture and hits Nash in the head with the sledgehammer. He then pins Nash. Medics come down and put Nash on a backboard to haul him off to a medical facility.
-Matt Striker interviews CM Punk. They show Punk being attacked by Miz and Del Rio on Raw. Punk says he has had 6 days to watch that scene over and over and as painful as it was, something caught his eye that was 10 times more painful than Del Rio butchering the English language, Miz trying to talk like a tough guy, or two hours of Michael Cole commentary. It was John Laurinaitis accepting the Slammy Award for Superstar of the Year on his behalf. He says who has that guy even beat? He has yet to receive that Slammy and he is not hard to find. He then says speak of the devil as Laurinaitis appears. Punk says where's my Slammy? Laurinaitis says I mailed your Slammy to you, but with the holiday season, it may take a while to get to you. But if I were you, I'd be more worried about your Championship Match tonight than your Slammy. Punk says, Well, if I were you, I'd wish myself luck in my future endeavors. But you wouldn't do that, you're not going to do that. Just like Punks is not going to lose the title tonight. So when TLC is over with, you're still going to have to put up with CM Punk as your WWE Champion. Laurinaitis says you know what Punk? I'm going to be the bigger man right now, after all, I am taller than you. Good luck tonight, and Merry Christmas. Punk says Johnny, luck is for losers. Punk then walks off. Laurinaitis then takes out his phone and starts texting someone.
-Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero vs. Sheamus: They lock up and Swagger with a knee to the midsection and a forearm shot. Swagger with a series of rights and Sheamus tells him to come on and bring it. Sheamus ducks a clothesline attempt and knocks Swagger down with a forearm shot. Sheamus drops a series of elbows. Gets a one count. Sheamus with a forearm and an Irish whip. Sheamus with a shoulder block. Another Irish whip and Swagger ducks a clothesline attempt and goes for an abdominal stretch. Sheamus tries to get out with an elbow to the head of Swagger. A forearm then knocks Swagger into the ropes. Sheamus pulls Swagger through and up in the ropes and delivers several forearms to Swagger's chest. Sheamus then clotheslines Swagger to the outside. Sheamus grabs Swagger as he gets on the apron and tries to suplex him in, but Swagger blocks the attempt. They trade blows. Swagger knocked to the outside. Sheamus starts to go out after Swagger. Guerrero screaming at Sheamus to distract him, allowing Swagger to drive Sheamus into a corner post. Swagger then runs Sheamus into a barricade. He then stomps on Sheamus while he is down. Swagger then puts Sheamus back in the ring. Swagger hits a Swagger bomb. He gets a one count. Swagger with a forearm to the back. Then another one to knock Sheamus to the mat. He goes to throw Sheamus out, Sheamus comes back with a clothesline to knock Swagger down. Sheamus with a double ax handle. Then another one and a corner clothesline. Sheamus with several forearms in the corner. Sheamus with a scoop slam. Gets a two count. Sheamus starts to go up top, but Swagger knocks him off the ropes to the outside of the ring. Swagger goes out after him, and Sheamus picks him up and drives him into the corner post. Sheamus then runs Swagger into the barricade. Sheamus then puts Swagger back in and hits the battering ram from the top rope. Gets a 2.5 count. Swagger ducks a Brogues kick attempt, and clips the knee of Sheamus. He goes after the knee again, knocking Sheamus down. Swagger hits another Swagger Bomb. Swagger goes for the ankle lock submission. Sheamus tries to get to the ropes before flipping over to drive Swagger into the corner turnbuckle. Swagger goes for the leg again, but Sheamus moves out of the way and goes for the Brogue kick. Sheamus gets the pin. Sheamus celebrates and then leaves.
-Josh Matthews interviews The Big Show. Josh asks him if he has any final thoughts. He says final thoughts? I'm feeling it, Josh. When I looked into Mark Henry's eyes Friday Night. I've got him beat. Ever since I've been back, he hasn't been able to beat me, he's tried every underhanded thing he can do to try to get over me. It hasn't happened. Tonight, I've got chairs. I've got the freedom to hit him with a steel chair as often as I want. As hard as I want. You know what I'm feeling, I'm feeling Mark Henry's reign of terror is over. I'm feeling my 9 year drought from World Heavyweight Champion is over. I'm feeling that tonight is going to end in a Giant way.
-Chairs Match for the World's Heavyweight Championship. Mark Henry vs. The Big Show: Big Show out first. Henry coming out looking determined. Henry slams the World Heavyweight Championship down on the ring steps. The bell rings and Big Show immediately goes to the outside and starts throwing chairs into the ring. The ring is full of chairs. Big Show picks another one up and gets into the ring. Henry also picks one up. Then Henry throws his chair down and gets out of the ring. He tells Big Show to just wait. He tells the timekeeper to give him his title. That Big Show must be crazy and that this ain't happening. Henry gets his belt and starts to leave. Big Show grabs a chair and climbs out of the ring. Henry goes to hit him with his belt, but Big Show ducks and nails Henry with a chair several times. He then unloads with some rights and lefts to Henry. Henry with a headbutt and a knee to knock Big Show down. Henry grabs a chair and nails Big Show in the back with it. He then slams Big Show's hand down on the ring steps. Henry then picks up a chair to hit Big Show again as Big Show crawls into the ring to try to get away from Henry. Big Show picks up a chair and Henry has a chair and they both swing. The chairs collide and Big Show drops his chair because of his injured hand. Henry then nails Big Show with his chair. He then knocks Big Show down and then drives the chair into him. Henry throws the chair down and says welcome to the Hall of Pain to Big Show. Big Show up on his knees trying to hit Henry with both hands, but his right hand appears useless. He goes for a choke slam, but Henry easily breaks the attempt. Henry with a right hand to knock Big Show down. Henry grabs a chair and hits Big Show with it. He puts Big Show's hand in the chair and stomps down on it. Henry then runs a chair into Big Show's ribs. He then tries to scoop slam Big Show, who is fighting it with elbows to Henry. Big Show then tries for the choke slam again and again Henry breaks the hold. Henry goes and grabs a chair, but as he goes to swing it, Big Show connects with his right hand to knock Henry out. Big Show rolls him over and pins Henry. New World Heavyweight Champion. Big Show is presented with the belt and raises it up high. He gets hit by a chair from Henry from behind. Big Show down to one knee. Henry starts to stack chairs in the center of the ring. He then DDT's Big Show on the stack of chairs. Big Show is knocked out. A Daniel Bryan chant starts. His music hits and he runs down with referee Scott Armstrong to cash in his MITB briefcase. The bell rings. Bryan pins Big Show to be the new World Heavyweight Champion. Bryan comes over and gets into Michael Cole's face. Cole can't believe what has happened. Bryan says into the camera for the people who've supported me the last 12 years, this is for you. Bryan celebrating with the fans.
-Booker T is shown in the back. Josh Matthews interviews him saying he understands Booker is going to try to go out and compete tonight. Booker says you heard right, Josh. Josh says Booker doesn't have anything to prove by going out there tonight. Everyone knows who he is and what he has done. Everyone knows he is one day going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, but Booker cuts him off and says look Josh, it ain't about that. It's about him not going out like some sucker. Right now, he's in a whole lot of pain, but after tonight, Cody Rhodes is going to be in a lot more pain. He didn't ask for this fight, but he damn sure is going to finish it.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T: The bell rings and Rhodes rushes Booker, who kicks and chops Rhodes. He drives Rhodes into the corner and continues to chop him. Booker then Irish whips Rhodes and hits a back elbow. Booker with a scoop slam. Then another scoop slam. He goes for one more as the fans chant you still got it. Rhodes slips behind Booker and goes to roll him up, but Booker grabs the ropes. Rhodes rushes Booker, who hits him with a side kick. He gets a two count. Booker then throws Rhodes out over the top rope. Booker goes out after Rhodes as a let's go Booker chant starts. Back and forth on the outside. Booker runs Rhodes into the barricade. Booker throws Rhodes back into the ring. Rhodes attacks Booker as he was trying to get back in. Rhodes goes to suplex Booker in, but Booker blocks the attempt. Rhodes blocks a Booker suplex attempt. Rhodes drops down and guillotines Booker on the top rope. Rhodes with a running forearm to knock Booker off of the apron to the floor. Rhodes yells at referee Scott Armstrong to count Booker out. Booker gets up so Rhodes goes to the outside to attack him. He runs Booker into the barricade. He then throws Booker back into the ring. Rhodes with a snap mare and an arm bar submission to Booker. Booker is struggling to get back to his feet. He breaks the hold and chops Rhodes. He Irish whips Rhodes, but drops his head and Rhodes kicks him in the face. Rhodes kicks Booker down and gets a two count. Rhodes gets Booker in a full nelson. Booker breaks the hold. Booker with a back elbow and a chop. Rhodes with a corner whip, but Booker hits a back elbow when Rhodes charges him. Double clothesline and both men are down. A double count is going. Both up at 7 and Rhodes hits a running punch to Booker. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Booker finally drives Rhodes to the corner. Rhodes fights his way out and Irish whips Booker, who comes back with a forearm shot to knock Rhodes down. Booker with a side slam. Gets a two count. Booker with an Irish whip and a spinebuster. Booker hits the spineroonie. Booker goes for the scissors kick, but Rhodes ducks out of the way. Booker ducks a Rhodes shot. Rhodes ducks a kick from Booker and hits the Beautiful Disaster. Booker kicks out at two. Rhodes with another kick to the head off of the second rope. He gets the pin.
-Steve Austin DVD set ad.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler recap some of what has happened so far at TLC.
-Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Championship. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz: Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Del Rio. Miz out next. When he gets in the ring, a huge CM Punk chant goes out. Punk gets a fantastic ovation when he comes out. He looks determined coming down to the ring. He gets on a turnbuckle as the CM Punk chant gets louder. The bell rings and both Miz and Del Rio try and attack Punk. He fights both off. Miz attacks Punk from behind as Punk is attacking Del Rio. Both Del Rio and Miz start kicking down Punk. They get Punk draped over the second rope. Then a double clothesline attempt, but Punk ducks it and dropkicks Miz and Del Rio. A knee to the stomach of Miz and a snap mare by Punk. He then kicks the spine of Miz and goes after Del Rio. He kicks Del Rio, but gets attacked from behind by Miz. Miz and Del Rio kick Punk down and start to stomp him. Double flapjack to Punk and he lands on the top rope. Double suplex to Punk. They then take turns stomping Punk. Miz and Del Rio then both go outside and watch each other warily. Miz goes to grab a ladder and then chases Rodriguez away as Del Rio grabs a chair. He drives the chair into Miz's stomach. He then hits Miz in the back with the chair to drive him down to the ground. Del Rio then grabs a ladder. He goes to bring it into the ring and Punk flies through the ropes and hits the ladder into Del Rio as he is holding it. Punk then slams the ladder onto the fallen Del Rio. Punk then throws Miz inside the ring. Punk grabs a chair and goes to get in the ring, but gets kicked by Miz on his way in. Miz grabs the chair and hits Punk in the stomach with it. Miz drives Punk into a corner and then sets the chair up. He runs and uses the chair to launch himself to splash Punk, but Punk moves at the last minute. Punk hits a running knee to Miz in the corner. He goes to bulldog Miz on the set up chair, but Miz stops him and side slams Punk through the chair. Miz rolls to the outside to grab a ladder as the broken chair is shown. Del Rio goes to attack Miz as he was trying to bring the ladder in. Miz goes to put Del Rio through the ladder with the SCF, but Del Rio with some back elbows to get out of it. Del Rio then backdrops Miz onto the ladder. Del Rio then kicks a chair into Miz and grabs the ladder again. Punk goes to baseball slide into it, but Del Rio raises the ladder and Punk slides to the outside, ducks a ladder shot, and kicks the ladder into Del Rio as he is holding it. Punk with a running knee into Del Rio and the ladder. Punk then runs Del Rio into the barricade. Punk goes to suplex Del Rio into a table as the crowd chants we want tables. Del Rio slips behind Punk and goes to belly to back suplex Punk into the table, but Punk blocks it. Punk with some back elbows and a neck breaker. Punk gets up and Miz buries a chair in his stomach. Miz swings the chair, but Punk ducks and the chair hits the corner post. Punk attacks Miz with kicks to the leg. Punk picks the chair up and buries it in Miz's stomach. He then hits Miz on the back with the chair several times. Punk puts Miz on the barricade, sets the chair up, and hits Miz on the back with the chair several times. Punk puts Miz on the barricade, sets the chair up, and hits Miz with a running high knee to knock Miz into the crowd. A CM Punk chant goes out as Punk grabs a ladder and he sets it up in the middle of the ring. Punk climbs the ladder and Rodriguez gets in the ring trying to knock Punk off of the ladder. Rodriguez has a pair of handcuffs and uses them to attach Punk to the ladder he was climbing. Del Rio comes in and kicks Punk and knocks him down. Del Rio then starts to climb the ladder. Punk gets up and kicks the middle section of the ladder he is attached to out, freeing himself and knocking the ladder over. He then uses the handcuff as a weapon hitting Del Rio with it. Punk then sets the ladder up against the ropes and flapjacks Del Rio onto it when he rushes Punk. Del Rio rolls out. Punk goes out to get another ladder just as Miz comes in with a ladder. Miz goes to set the ladder up. Punk goes to stop him, so Miz uses the ladder as a battering ram on Punk. He knocks Punk down and slams the ladder on him. Miz then sets the ladder up. Miz climbs the ladder and has one hand on the belt when Punk grabs his leg. Punk pulls Miz off and goes for the GTS. Miz elbows Punk to slip out and gets a front face lock on Punk. He hits Punk's back with forearm shots. Punk rams his shoulder into Miz to break free. Punk tosses Miz out, but Miz grabs the ropes and lands on the apron. Punk goes out on the apron, grabs Miz, and starts climbing the turnbuckle. Del Rio runs and jumps on the turnbuckle and hits Punk with an enziguri and Punk goes crashing through the set up table at ringside. Del Rio then goes outside and runs Miz into a chair set up on a table in the aisle. Del Rio then picks up a ladder and throws it at Miz. Del Rio then picks up a chair and hits Miz on the back with it. Del Rio then places the ladder down on the head of Miz and chokes him with it. He then puts the Cross Arm Breaker on Miz through the ladder. Miz is tapping, but it doesn't count at TLC. Del Rio finally stops. Del Rio then heads back towards the ring, grabbing two chairs while he is headed that way. He goes to Punk, still motionless on the broken table at ringside, and places one of the chairs on him. He then hits Punk with the other chair. He then stomps on Punk and then puts his arm through one of the chairs and puts the Cross Arm Breaker on Punk. Del Rio then gets into the ring and starts to climb the ladder that is set up. He climbs the ladder and almost gets to the top when Punk and Miz both get in the ring and push the ladder over and Del Rio crotches himself on the top rope. Del Rio then falls out of the ring. A referee is checking on Del Rio. Punk and Miz exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Punk with a couple of kicks to Miz. Double clothesline and both men down. Rodriguez gets the ladder up and starts to climb. Miz and Punk tip the ladder over and Rodriguez goes flying to the outside through a set up table. Punk with a kick and a headbutt to Miz. Punk goes for the GTS, but Miz counters and goes for the SCF. Punk drives Miz backward into a corner. Punk with a series of back elbows to Miz in the corner. Punk goes for a running shoulder charge, but Miz moves and Punk hits the ring post. Miz grabs the handcuff and cuffs Punk to the corner post. Miz taunting Punk standing just outside of his reach. Miz tries to showboat and Punk catches him with a kick to the head. Punk still handcuffed to the corner. Del Rio grabs a ladder and puts it in the ring as Punk takes the turnbuckle pad off trying to figure out how to free himself. Punk is trying to undo the rope from the turnbuckle as Miz is now also setting up a ladder. A huge CM Punk chant goes out. Miz and Del Rio both climb the ladder at the same time as Punk gets loose. Punk climbs up the second ladder. He rams Miz's head into the ladder to knock him off and then climbs over to that ladder. Del Rio reaching for the championship. Punk kicks Del Rio off of the ladder. Miz then pulls Punk off of the ladder. Miz climbs the ladder and has one hand on the title before being pulled off by Punk. Punk hits the GTS on Miz. Punk climbs the ladder and grabs the title to win the match and retain the WWE Championship. He celebrates on top of the ladder. They replayed the last few minutes of the match before signing off from Baltimore.

-Final Thoughts: Fantastic show and a great way to end 2011 for the WWE. Both the Bryan and Punk wins were big crowd favorites. Highly recommend.