Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 236 Notes

-Today we look at TLC 2016.
-My TLC story.
-TLC 2016 was shown on the WWE Network on December 4, 2016. It was a Smackdown only event that was shown from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX. There were 12,500 in attendance.
-WWE and TLC Intro.
-Mauro Ranollo welcomes us to TLC. He, JBL, David Otunga, and Tom Phillips will be the announcers for the event.
-Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match. Rhyno and Heath Slater vs. The Wyatt Family Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton with Luke Harper: The SAT and GAT are introduced. Wyatt and Rhyno start. They battle for position. Rhyno with a wrist lock. Back and forth. Rhyno with a clothesline. Orton tagged in and kicks Rhyno. Rhyno with a shoulder block. Slater tagged in and hits a forearm off the top rope. Orton beats Slater down. Slater rushes Orton, who backdrops Slater to the apron. Wyatt knocks Slater off the apron. Orton dumps Slater on the ropes. Orton stomps Slater. Wyatt tagged in and beat Slater down for a two count. Wyatt with a corner clothesline. Wyatt throws Slater out of the ring. Orton tagged in and goes for his ropes DDT. Slater blocks it, only to get power slammed back in by Orton. Orton gets a two count. Wyatt tagged in. He keeps the beat down going. Slater escapes long enough to tag Rhyno in. Rhyno with a clothesline. Back and forth. Rhyno with a shoulder tackle. He goes for the Gore; but Orton pushes Wyatt away. Rhyno goes out after Orton, but Harper pushes Orton away and gets hit by Rhyno. Rhyno gets back in against Wyatt, but Orton had been tagged in. Orton with an RKO to pin Rhyno and we have new Smackdown tag team champions.
-WWE Network ad.
-Charley Caruso interviews Dean Ambrose. She asks about James Ellsworth. Ambrose says Ellsworth is okay and his hot temper will be his game plan. Renee Young talks to AJ Styles. He says he knows Dean Ambrose and will prevail over Ambrose.
-No DQ Match. Nikki Bella vs. Carmella: Flashback to what led up to the match. The bell rings and they go outside. Bella runs Carmella into the apron. Carmella with a headscissors to run Bella into the ring steps. Carmella gets a two count. Bella with a roll up for a two count. They trade counts. Carmella with a suplex. She gets another two count. Bella put into the tree of woe. Carmella grabs a kendo stick. She hits Bella with the stick several times. Bella gets out, but Carmella keeps hitting her. Carmella with the Cone of Silence, but Bella hits her with the stick to get out. They fight to the outside. Back and forth. Bella kicks Carmella in the head from the barricade. Back in, Bella continues to hit Carmella with the stick. Carmella throws Bella out. Bella sprays Carmella with a fire extinguisher. She does it several times. Bella hits the Rack Attack 2.0 to get the pin. Bella starts to leave and Carmella gets on the mic. She says she wasn't the one who attacked Bella at Survivor Series, it was Natalya.
-WWE Super Card ad.
-Kay's Jewelers ad with Natalya, that's hilarious considering what just happened.
-Flashback to what has happened between Dolph Ziggler and the Miz.
-Charley Caruso talks to Daniel Bryan. He thinks Dolph Ziggler would be a better Intercontinental Champion. He gets interrupted by the Miz. Miz is so good here.
-Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship. The Miz with Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler: The international announce teams are introduced. Ziggler and Miz are face to face. Ziggler with a takedown. They both go for moves and counters. Ziggler thrown outside. Miz with a dropkick. They fight outside. Miz gets Ziggler down and grabs a ladder. He slams the ladder on Ziggler. Ziggler slams Miz on the ladder. Miz runs a ladder into Ziggler. Back and forth. Ziggler rubs Miz's face into a ladder. Miz with a drop toe hold to Ziggler into the ladder. Miz brings a ladder in. He and Ziggler fight over the ladder. Tug of war. Ziggler uses the ladder to drive Miz into a corner. Both men down. Ziggler DDT's Miz onto the ladder. Both men down again. Ziggler grabs a ladder. He starts to set it up and Miz hits Ziggler with a dropkick. Miz runs the ladder into Ziggler in the corner. Miz sets up the ladder as a bridge in the corner and attempts to superplex Ziggler from it. Ziggler knocks Miz off. Ziggler with an elbow to Miz off the ladder. Ziggler runs Miz back into the ladder. Ziggler sets up another ladder and climbs, but Miz grabs Ziggler's leg. Ziggler kicking at Miz. Miz pulls Ziggler off and Ziggler clotheslines Miz. He throws Miz out and starts to climb again. Miz gets back in and turns the ladder over. They push the ladder on each other. Miz mocks Bryan. Miz dropkicks the ladder on Ziggler several times. Ziggler throws the ladder on Miz. Both men down again. Ziggler sets the ladder up. Both men climb the ladder. They fight on the ladder. Miz knocked off. He grabs Ziggler's leg and rams it into the ladder. Miz tips the ladder over. Miz drives Ziggler's knee into the ladder repeatedly. He wraps Ziggler's leg in the ladder and puts the figure four on. He then stomps the ladder. Ziggler tries for a superkick, but can't get it and Miz comes back with the SCF. Miz sets up the ladder. He climbs the ladder and grabs for the belt. Ziggler knocks the ladder over and Miz is left hanging. Ziggler knocks the ladder into Miz to knock him off. Miz grabs his leg. Both men down. Miz being checked by a referee on the outside. Ziggler climbing the ladder. Miz grabs at Ziggler. Miz with a slingshot powerbomb on the ladder. Miz sets up another ladder and both he and Ziggler climb. They trade shots. Ziggler headbutts Miz off the ladder. Ziggler grabs at the title and the Miz comes back and kicks Ziggler in the crotch. Ziggler falls off the ladder and Miz gets the title. Miz gets on the mic and dedicates his win to Daniel Bryan. He antagonizes Bryan and the crowd.
-Tribute to the Troops ad.
-Chairs match. Kalisto vs. Baron Corbin: A feature on what led up to the match. Kalisto out first and looks under the ring for chairs when there are dozens behind him. He launches several into the ring. Corbin comes to the ring. Kalisto attacks immediately. Corbin overwhelms Kalisto. Back and forth. Corbin goes out and Kalisto hits a plancha on Corbin. Corbin beats Kalisto against the barricade and the apron. He throws Kalisto into some chairs. Corbin gets a one count. Corbin sets a chair in the corner. Corbin with a big slam for a two count. Corbin sets up chairs. Kalisto drop toe holds Corbin into the chair set up in the corner. He follows it up with a short hurricanrana onto the chair. Kalisto with a seated senton to Corbin to drive him through the set up chairs. Kalisto with a dive onto Corbin on the outside and both men down. Corbin rolls Kalisto back in and gets a two count. Corbin throws chairs into a pile in the ring. Kalisto rolls to the outside. Corbin swings a chair, but Kalisto avoids the chair shots. Kalisto hits a hurricanrana off the barricade onto Corbin. He throws a chair at Corbin and kicks Corbin into the barricade. Kalisto with a springboard leg drop to Corbin. Kalisto with a chair on Corbin and moonsaults Corbin for a two count. Kalisto hits Corbin with a chair several times. Kalisto piles chairs up. Back and forth. Kalisto comes off the second rope onto Corbin, who smashes Kalisto with a chair in midair. Corbin hits the End of Days on the pile of chairs to get the pin. Corbin comes over to the announce table and says that's what's going to happen to anyone who gets in his way.
-Supercard ad.
-Charley Caruso talks to Natalya about what was said by Carmella earlier. Natalya says it's absurd and wishes Becky Lynch good luck.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Flashback to what's led up to the Smackdown Women's Title Match.
-WWE Smackdown Women's Championship Tables Match. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss: Lynch gets a great reaction when she comes out. The bell rings and Lynch goes on the attack. She gets Bliss down and goes for a table. Bliss attacks Lynch before she can get a table. Lynch throws Bliss into the barricade. Lynch goes for a powerbomb, but Bliss grabs the ropes. She kicks Lynch from the apron. Back and forth. Lynch with a snap suplex. Lynch goes for a table. She gets one and tries to set it up. She sets it up at ringside. She tries to suplex Bliss onto the table, but Bliss fights her off. Bliss attacks Lynch in the ring. They trade shots. Bliss bites Lynch. She attacks Lynch on the mat. She gets a flurry of offense. She grinds Lynch's face into the canvas. Bliss gets another table. Lynch goes to attack Bliss, who runs Lynch into the ring post. Bliss puts the table in the ring. She runs Lynch into the apron and throws Lynch in. Bliss sets the table up. Bliss beats Lynch down in the corner. Lynch put on the table and Bliss goes up top, but gets caught and Lynch goes for a superplex. Bliss fights Lynch off. Lynch turns the table over. Bliss throws Lynch down. Bliss sets the table in the corner. Back and forth. Lynch with a flurry of offense. She tries to run Bliss into the table, but Bliss blocks the Bex plex attempt. They each hit big moves on the other. Bliss sets the table up. Lynch grabs Bliss to put her through the table, but Bliss turns the table over. Bliss with a DDT on the turned over table. Dueling chants go out. Lynch puts Bliss into the Disarmer through the table leg. She follows it up with a pump handle slam. Lynch sets a table up in the corner. She puts Bliss on the table and climbs up top. Bliss fighting her off. Bliss slams Lynch off. Lynch reverses a corner whip and Bliss crashes into the table. Both wrestlers down. They fight to the outside and onto the apron. Bliss powerbombs Lynch from the apron to win the match and become the new Smackdown Women's Champion. Charley Caruso talks to Becky Lynch, who says she is upset with herself and feels she let herself down.
-Kay Jewelers ad.
-Ad for John Cena hosing SNL.
-Flashback to what has happened between AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose.
-Main Event. TLC match for the WWE Championship. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose: Styles gets his share of cheers when he comes out. The bell rings and Ambrose attacks immediately. He drives Styles into several turnbuckles. He gets Styles down and throws a chair into the ring. Styles gets the chair and hits a ladder Ambrose was sliding in the ring to knock Ambrose down. Styles sets the ladder up. He and Ambrose stop each other from climbing the ladder. Ambrose hits Styles with the ladder. They fight to the outside. Ambrose throws a table on Styles. He runs Styles into a chair. He suplexes Styles onto a ramp. He puts Styles on a table and climbs a ladder, but Styles gets off the ladder. Ambrose with a lariat to Styles from behind. Ambrose dumps a trash can on Styles and knocks Styles down. Ambrose throws Styles back to ringside. Ambrose goes to hit a move off the barricade, only to get hit with a dropkick from Styles as Ambrose was coming off. Styles with a running clothesline to Ambrose. He misses a second attempt and Ambrose crotches Styles. Ambrose runs with a chair and hits Styles. Ambrose sets a ladder up in the ring. Styles runs and knocks the ladder over. Styles throws the ladder at Ambrose. He then slams Ambrose onto the ladder. Styles sets the ladder up to suplex Ambrose onto it. Ambrose counters and catapults Styles into the ladder. Styles falls outside and Ambrose throws the ladder onto Styles. Ambrose brings a table into the ring and starts to set it up. Styles hits Ambrose from behind with a chair. Styles attacks Ambrose with the chair. Styles sidewalk slams Ambrose through the chair. He attacks Ambrose with the chair again. Styles throws more chairs into the ring. He sets the chairs up and goes to suplex Ambrose onto them. Ambrose blocks and throws Styles through the chairs. Ambrose slams Styles onto the chairs. Ambrose grabs a chair and jumps off the second rope onto Styles with it. He then runs Styles into a chair leg. Ambrose sets up a table in the corner. Styles counters and suplexes Ambrose into the table. Both men down. They fight back to their feet. Back and forth. Ambrose goes to superplex Styles to the outside, but Styles fights Ambrose off. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Ambrose blocks it. They trade shots. Styles back dropped to the outside. Ambrose takes the announce desk apart. He puts Styles on the desk. He sets a ladder on the GAT. Ambrose attacks Styles with punches. He hits an elbow drop to drive Styles through the table. Ambrose trying to get up. He gets another ladder and puts it in the ring. Ambrose starts to climb, only to get hit with the Phenomenal Forearm from Styles. They start to climb opposite sides of the ladder. They trade blows on the ladder. They both fall off the ladder. Ambrose spins Styles into the ladder. Ambrose starts to climb the ladder. Styles grabs Ambrose and they both spill to the outside. Styles with a somersault into the reverse DDT to Ambrose off the apron set on a table and Styles with a 450 splash off the ropes to drive Ambrose through the table. Styles gets back in the ring and sets a ladder up. James Ellsworth comes out with a neck brace on. Styles knocks him down. He takes the ring steps apart and goes to slam Ellsworth on them, but Ambrose stops him and delivers Dirty Deeds to Styles on the steps. Ambrose gets in the ring. He sets the ladder up. Styles grabs Ambrose by the leg. They climb both sides. Ambrose knocks Styles off. Ellsworth comes and turns the ladder over and Ambrose falls through a ladder set up at ringside. Both wrestlers down and the announcers are confused. Styles gets in the ring. He sets the ladder up and climbs. He gets the title. Ellsworth celebrates. Ambrose stunned. Styles holds the championship as they sign off from Dallas.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show. Nothing earth-shattering, but a good way to spend a few hours.