Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 32 Notes

-Today we look at WrestleMania V from the WWF.
-WrestleMania V took place on April 2, 1989 from the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ. The attendance for the event was 18,946.
-Vince McMahon voiceover intro The Mega Powers Explode!
-Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us to WrestleMania V before throwing it to the opening ceremonies. Howard Finkel introduces Rockin’ Robin to sing America the Beautiful. This is painful and I am fast forwarding. They lightly clap at the end. Jesse Ventura says she should keep her day job. He and Gorilla are the announcers for the evening. We go right to our first match.
King Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Hercules: Heenan says we should genuflect for Haku. Hercules comes down in light blue tights. Jesse is pumped up for WrestleMania. These guys just beat each other hard. Hercules goes after Heenan at one point. Donald Trump shows up on the front row, both Gorilla and Jesse acknowledge him. Haku hits his patented crescent kick at one point but doesn’t get the pin. Shades of the previous year’s WrestleMania double bridge situation between The Ultimate Warrior and Hercules, but here Hercules gets his shoulder up to win.

  • Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Rockers who are making their WrestleMania debut against The Twin Towers. They say they are ready for The Twin Towers. Jive Soul Bro starts playing in the background while they are talking. -The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty VS. The Twin Towers Akeem and The Big Boss Man with Slick: Jesse thinks The Twin Towers are too big for The Rockers. Speed VS. Power matchup here. Power dominates early. Inside rib as Jesse razzes Gorilla’s real life son Joey Marella. Michaels tagged in as speed starts to make a comeback. Boss Man catches him in midair and gives him a spinebuster. Akeem splashes him for the pin. -Welcome to the WWF Tony Schiavone as he interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. They say there’s no way Brutus Beefcake wins today. -Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. Brutus Beefcake: DiBiase and Virgil greet Donald Trump on the front row. Jesse and Gorilla joke about Gorilla’s gambling habits. They then joke about Jesse’s famous connections out in Hollywood. Virgil cheats for DiBiase. Both men get their sleepers on during the match. Match ends in a double count out. Beefcake beats up Virgil and DiBiase afterwards. -Lord Alfred Hayes gives a report of the WrestleMania brunch with The Bushwhackers. It’s not my cup of tea, your mileage may vary. -The Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Wrestling purists may not like them, but The Bushwhackers were over with the crowd. Jesse and Gorilla argue over who is Luke and who is Butch. Bushwhackers win after a double stomach breaker. Sean Mooney gets licked by The Bushwhackers. -Mr. Perfect VS. The Blue Blazer: Perfect debuts the singlet. Jesse says he is close to knowing who the Blue Blazer is. Good Match with Perfect bumping all over. Classic Owen match as well. Jesse does his usual shout out to his family. This is an underrated match. Perfect wins with the Perfectplex. -Jesse gets his usual introduction at WrestleMania. Jesse chant goes out. -Lord Alfred Hayes talks about the 5K that took place that weekend. Fuji runs in a tux! -Run DMC performs the WrestleMania Rap. It doesn’t go over well. Crowd doesn’t seem into it. You can fast forward it. Gorilla didn’t like it, but Jesse did. -Flashback to the Survivor Series double turn of Demolition and The Powers of Pain and everything that led up to today. -Mean Gene interviews Ax and Smash. They say they are going to take care of business and take out Fuj the stooge. -WWF Tag Team Championship Match. Demolition Ax and Smash VS. The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian with Mr. Fuji: Demolition has awesome outfits. Gorilla is skeptical that Fuji ran the 5K in a tux. Fuji does a pre match salt routine. Fuji comes in when POP are in control Fuji accidently nails Warlord with salt and gets pinned after a Demolition Decapitation. -Randy Savage refuses to talk to Tony Schiavone. -Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin VS. Ronnie Garvin. Bizarre WrestleMania moment as Makes you cringe thinking about his past because he killed his girlfriend Jimmy Snuka is introduced. He comes down, takes a bow, and leaves. Bravo wins after an okay match with a side suplex. Garvin attacks Martin and the match with the Garvin Stomp, which is what the kids in Bristol did before there was a Bristol Stomp. -The Brain Busters Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan VS. Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel: Jesse puts over the Busters huge. Santana hits Martel with a flying forearm accidently at one point. Good match going here. Martel walks away from a tag and then leaves. Anderson hits a patented spinebuster. The Busters win after a spike piledriver. -Mean Gene interviews Rick Martel. He’s sick and tired of Tito Santana. -WrestleMania V Piper’s Pit Segment: Brother Love comes out with a kilt like skirt on. He does some Roddy Piper shtick. Morton Downey Jr. then comes out. They do a little back and forth then Roddy Piper comes out and the crowd loves Piper. He deals with Brother Love first as Downey throws cigarettes at him. He rips off Brother Love’s skirt and he runs to the back. He and Downey then trade insults until Piper sprays Downey with a fire extinguisher. -Mean Gene talks about No Holds Barred, then gives us a look at the film. -Sean Mooney interviews Donald Trump. I don’t get political here, but Trump’s speech patterns and vocabulary haven’t changed in 30 years. -Jesse is irate that Hogan has made No Holds Barred infringing on Jesse’s territory in Hollywood. -They show The Mega Powers forming at WrestleMania IV and the lead up to WrestleMania V. -Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He didn’t see the Macho Man’s betrayal coming, but he’s prepared for it. He also said Savage has been eaten alive by jealousy. -Andre The Giant with Bobby Heenan VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Big John Studd is the special guest referee. A turnbuckle pad is missing and Roberts goes down early. Andre hated both Roberts and Studd in real life. Andre does his tied up rope spot that he liked at one point. Jesse says that Gorilla is getting worse than McMahon with his biased announcing. Ted DiBiase comes down and grabs the bag containing Damien. Roberts follows him and gets it back as Andre attacks Studd. Roberts throws Damien in and Andre bails. Roberts wins by disqualification. -Sean Mooney interviews fans in the upper deck. -Tony Schiavone interviews Sensational Sherri. She says she’s going to take the title back from Rockin’ Robin and that it is no wonder with Miss Elizabeth that The Mega Powers exploded. -Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart VS. The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart: The not quite yet Rhythm & Blues team up to take on The Hart Foundation. Inside joke during the match as Gorilla and Jesse talk about Pat Patterson being a relic. Gorilla also talks about Greg Valentine taking a long time to warm up if you’re drinking at home. Neidhart intercepts Jimmy Hart’s megaphone and Bret Hart gets the pin after nailing HTM with it. -They flashback to The Super Pose down. -WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan: The ladies love Rude. Warrior also gets a good pop. Rude puts Warrior over as a powerhouse by selling his ass off. Rude even hits a missile dropkick at one point. Even paced match. Rude has his work cut out for him. Warrior suplexes Rude in, but Heenan grabs the leg and Rude falls on top to win. New Champion! Warrior presses Heenan and drops him badly. -Bad News Brown VS. Jim Duggan: Pure brawl. Not many wrestling holds here. Brown brings in a chair at one point, Duggan counters with his 2X4. Double disqualification. -Mean Gene interviews The Red Rooster. He’s going to take care of weasel Heenan. -The Red Rooster VS. Bobby Heenan with The Brooklyn Brawler: Short match. Rooster wins after Heenan is thrown into a post. Brawler comes in for some shots on Rooster afterwards. -Mean Gene interviews Miss Elizabeth. She says this is a difficult day for her and she hopes that neither man is injured. -Tony Schiavone says no one wants to miss this one. -Sean Mooney is on the arena floor. Both men have their fans in the building. -WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage VS. Hulk Hogan: Miss Elizabeth is in a neutral corner. Savage comes out first. Jesse puts him over huge. Elizabeth comes out next to Macho Man’s music. Jesse calls her a gold digger. Jesse then questions why Savage came out first since he is the champion. Hogan is over huge with the crowd. Match starts out slowly. Jesse utters the immortal line: Who the hell was Elizabeth before she met Macho? Hogan uses some nice wrestling moves during this match. Hogan chant goes out at one point. Jesse and Gorilla argue over Hogan and Savage cheating. Classic banter. Hogan starts bleeding over the eye about halfway through. Both men bringing their “A” game. Savage works on the cut eye. Hogan goes to ram Savage into the corner post, but Elizabeth won’t let him. Savage pushes Liz away from ringside. Referee then sends her away. Savage then gives Hogan the Steamboat throat treatment. Savage worked this match with a staph infection in his elbow. Hogan kicks out of the elbow drop. Big Boot, Leg Drop, and pin. New WWF champion. Savage comes in with a Velcro strap belt. Hogan leaves with a snap strap belt. Hogan must pose. Jesse threatens to come out of retirement to take on Hogan. They sign off from Atlantic City.