Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 96 Notes

-100 pounds lost.
-Extreme Rules.
-Did you ever notice that your idea of an emergency might differ from mine?
-I think I saw Noel Paul Stookey at a Pizza Place, but I don’t know the folk singer protocol for pizzerias.
-Today we will be looking at WrestleWar ’91 from WCW.
-WrestleWar ’91: We Want You! Was broadcast on PPV on February 24, 1991 from the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona. There were 6,800 in attendance.
-Shots of Arizona and the desert as Tony Schiavone voices over a Welcome to WrestleWar and what we are going to see.
-Tony then welcomes us and runs down some of the matches that are scheduled to take place. He then throws it down to Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes. They talk about War Games.
-6-Man Tag Team Championship Match: State Patrol Buddy Lee Parker and James Earl Wright and The Big Cat VS. Tommy Rich, Ricky Morton, and The Junk Yard Dog: The Faces are over with the Crowd. JYD and Big Cat start. JR brings up their football careers IYDAH. They trade shots. JYD hits a clothesline and a head butt. Wright tagged in. Morton tagged in. Morton hits a hip toss on Wright. He then hits multiple arm drags on Wright. Rich tagged in. Arm drag on Wright. Parker tagged in. Rich works an arm bar. Morton tagged in. Parker coming back. Morton cuts that off though. JYD tagged in. Big Cat tagged in. Test of strength. Big Cat gets a two count. Parker tagged in. Morton tagged in. The State Patrol double team him with a version of the Demolition Decapitation, but where he stays on the knee. Wright gets a two count. A double shoulder block gets a two count. Big Cat tagged in. He hits a dropkick on Morton. Big Cat misses an elbow. Parker tagged in and slams Morton for a two count. Quick tags by the heels, but Morton won’t stay down. Big Cat hits a backbreaker. Heels triple teaming Morton in their corner. Parker tagged in and JYD gets the tag from Morton. JYD hits the thump power slam for a two count. Morton tagged in and gets the pin.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Alexandra York and Terrance Taylor. They say that the York Foundation is flourishing and will continue to expand. Taylor says that Z-Man doesn’t have the fighter instinct and that Taylor will win. They say Taylor will win in under 15:28.
-Brad Armstrong VS. Bobby Eaton: They talk about Armstrong’s brother currently fighting in Iraq and that is Brian Armstrong, the future Road Dogg. Dusty predicts that Eaton will win a singles title in 1991. Armstrong hits a series of moves off the bat. Works an arm bar. Eaton comes back and hits a hard right hand. Armstrong goes back to the arm bar. Eaton throws him out. Eaton goes to ram Armstrong into the guardrail, but he reverses it and runs Eaton into the post. Back inside, they start a shoving match. Test of strength. Armstrong makes his way up Eaton’s body to break the hold and hits a crossbody for a two count. Back to the arm bar for Armstrong. Eaton comes back with a big right hand. Armstrong reverses a slingshot suplex. Back to the arm bar. They show Jason Hervey in the crowd. Eaton hits a big clothesline. Follows up with a back breaker. Gets a two count. They show The Great Muta in the crowd. Eaton hits a sling shot back breaker for a two count. Eaton hits a modified Camel Clutch. Drops Armstrong onto the outside railing. Back in, Eaton gets the abdominal stretch on and holds the rope for leverage. He gets caught and has to break. Misses a corner charge when Armstrong moves. Armstrong hits a drop kick and a side Russian leg sweep. Gets a two count. Eaton gets a neck breaker and the top rope leg drop for the pin.
-SuperBrawl PPV ad.
-Miss A and Miki Handa VS. Itsuki Yamasaki and Mami Kitamura: This is a brutal, very physical match. Quick Tags. Dusty loves Miss A. Yamasaki hits a big dropkick on both of her opponents from the top rope. Yamasaki gets the pin with a rollup of Miss A.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Missy Hyatt. She says she is going to conduct interviews from the men’s locker room.
-Buddy Landell VS. Dustin Rhodes: Dustin comes out hot. He hits a big clothesline for a two count. Dustin works the arm. Landell coming back. He goes up top but gets caught. Landell sucks chant goes out. Dustin misses a corner charge and hits the post. Landell takes advantage, but can’t get the three count. Landell punching Dustin. Dustin then fights back. Landell gets the sleeper, but Dustin reverses it. Landell fights out but catches a boot from Dustin. Dustin clotheslines Landell out of the ring but goes out and throws him back in. Dustin then hits the bulldog and gets the pin.
-Missy Hyatt is then shown in the dressing room. She runs into Stan Hansen who runs her off.
-The Royal Family Jack Victory and Rip Morgan VS. The Young Pistols Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong: Royal Family starts out hot. Armstrong hits a double crossbody. The lights go out in the arena and they rig a spotlight on the ring. Back and forth. Smothers tagged in and gets a double shoulder block. Smothers then works an arm bar. Armstrong in and misses a crossbody on Jack Victory. Morgan tagged in. Royal Family double teaming. Smothers tagged in and cleans house. The Royal Family then run him into the barricade. Back in, he gets nailed by Victory. Morgan in and he goes for a bear hug. Morgan hits a spinebuster and gets a two count. Royal Family is doing quick tags. Armstrong breaks up the count. The Royal Family go for the face first suplex and Armstrong dropkicks Smothers onto Morgan and Smothers gets the pin.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Diamond Dallas Page. DDP talks about Teddy Long being tricked into giving the Fabulous Freebirds a Championship match and he says that WCW has been overlooking the Freebirds. Teddy Long comes out. He says Doom is going to win and are not splitting up.
-Terry Taylor with Alexandra York VS. The Z-Man Tom Zenk: No disqualification match: Zenk hot early. He hits a big dropkick. Taylor rolls out. Zenk gets a headlock on. Taylor keeps rolling out to consult with York. Zenk back to the side headlock. Lots of rest holds. Taylor coming back. It goes outside and Taylor chokes Zenk with a TV cord. Back in, Taylor gets a two count. Zenk then gets a sunset flip for a two count. It goes back outside. Back in, Taylor gets a two count. Zenk hits a neckbreaker and a super kick but Taylor gets a foot on the ropes. Nikita Koloff is shown sitting in the crowd. Lots of near falls. York distracts the referee as Zenk hits a crossbody. Zenk gets up to complain to the ref and Taylor gets the pin with a roll up holding the tights. Zenk attacks Taylor after the match.
-Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about El Gigante being a guest on The Danger Zone and Dusty is a trip saying El Gigante.
-The Danger Zone: Paul E comes out dressed like a cross between a matador and a waiter with a sombrero. He makes an illegal alien crack and it isn’t PC but it does get heat. He brings out El Gigante. He gets a nice pop. Paul E insults him but he’s smiling the whole time. Paul E is trying hard but this is going nowhere fast. Paul E hits him with the sombrero and El Gigante body slams him and leaves wearing the sombrero.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Hiro Matsuda and The Great Muta. They talk about WCW’s Rolling Thunder tour coming to the Egg Dome and about the match between Muta and Sting. Muta sprays the green mist.
-Grudge match: Stan Hansen VS. Big Van Vader: Rematch of their famous Japan match. Vader is in full headgear and mask. Hansen rushes Vader who grabs him in a bear hug and brings him outside. They are just pounding on each other. Vader hits a big clothesline. He gets a two count. He then follows it up with a corner splash on Hansen. Hansen dumped outside. They brawl some before coming back in. Hansen gets a belly to back suplex for a two count. It goes back outside. They start hitting each other with stuff around ringside. Vader slams Hansen on the barricade. Hansen slams Vader on the stairs. They trade shots and Hansen pulls referee Randy Anderson away so that they can continue. They won’t stop so both are disqualified. Vader hits a top rope forearm. He misses the big splash. Hansen then tackles Vader and attacks him with the bull rope. Vader reverses it and pulls the rope around Hansen’s throat and drags him to the back.
-Another SuperBrawl Ad.
-Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about the US title match coming up.
-United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Dan Spivey: They mention that a new title belt has been made and that Nikita Koloff will help present it after the match. They start out slow. Spivey working on Luger’s back. Luger hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. Jim Ross brings up both men’s athletic backgrounds IYDAH, take a shot. Spivey gets a Luger boot on a corner charge. Luger goes for a charge, but Spivey ducks and Luger goes flying into the other ring. Spivey suplexes him back into the correct ring. Spivey hits an inverted piledriver for a two count. A Spivey neckbreaker gets another two count. Spivey then gets a DDT for a two count. He can’t seem to get the three count on Luger. Luger coming back. Spivey hits a big corner clothesline for a two count. Spivey misses a corner charge and Luger gets a roll up for a two count. Luger blocks and then reverses a suplex. Spivey hits a top rope fall away elbow but Luger kicks out again. Luger then kicks out of another Spivey neckbreaker. Spivey then works on Luger’s neck. A big boot gets a two count for Spivey. Spivey hits another piledriver for yet another two count. Luger coming back. Spivey hits a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Spivey working a headlock. Luger catches Spivey and hits a stun gun like move where Spivey’s stomach hits the top rope. Luger hits a clothesline from the second rope. He then hits a powerslam. The crowd comes to life. Spivey drops down on a Luger sunset flip. Double clothesline. Then Luger climbs up top and Spivey catches him and slams him off but Luger rolls it into a pinning position for a three count.
-Tony Schiavone is with Nikita Koloff and Grizzly Smith for the presentation of the new US Title. Koloff congratulates Luger on his victory before hitting Luger with the new belt. Tony asks Koloff why he did this and Koloff says he has been home for two years and seeing all the titles change hands and how he never held the world title but the championship committee said he had been retired and had to prove himself. He says that Luger stole the title from him and he’s going to bring the belt back where it belongs. He then takes off the durag that he has been wearing and he is bald. Shades of the old Nikita Koloff.
-Word Tag Team Championship Match: Doom Ron Simmons and Butch Reed with Teddy Long VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Diamond Dallas Page and two Diamond Dolls. Dusty calls the Diamond Dolls some nice brown sugar and I can tell that it is going to be a long night folks. DDP says that he is so busy that he is bringing a road boss in for the Fabulous Freebirds: Big Daddy Dink. It’s Sir Oliver Humperdink in new clothing. Doom then comes out looking all business. DDP and the dolls then depart. Freebirds suck chant goes out. JR works in Simmons and his athletic career IYDAH, take a shot. Slow to start. Simmons gets a spinebuster on Hayes for a two count. A Hayes bulldog on Simmons gets a two count. Simmons power slams Hayes and then catches Garvin coming off the top rope and power slams him. Freebirds roll out and regroup with Big Daddy Dink. Freebirds suck chant gets louder. Garvin and Reed go at it. Reed hits a big clothesline. A Garvin sunset flip gets a two count. Back and Forth. Reed hits a backbreaker. Simmons hits a leg drop on Garvin. Garvin gets the DDT on Reed, but he’s unable to make the tag. Simmons hits a big spinebuster on Garvin. Hayes breaks up the pin. All four men in. Simmons holds Hayes as Long throws something to Reed to hit Hayes with. Hayes ducks, and Reed nails Simmons. Garvin then falls on Simmons and gets the pin. New tag team champions. The Fabulous Freebirds celebrate. Doom starts arguing and Simmons pushes Teddy Long down. Butch Reed then nails Simmons with Brass Knuckles. Long and Reed leave Simmons laying in the middle of the ring.
-Another SuperBrawl ad.
-Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes are then shown with the winner of the sweepstakes that WCW ran. He is nervous and says Doom is his favorite team.
-They show the Horsemen injuring Brian Pillman the previous night, but say that Pillman will be in the War Games. They also talk about Arn Anderson being injured and being replaced in the match by Larry Zbyszko.
-War Games: Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, and Larry Zbyszko with Arn Anderson VS. Sting, Brian Pillman, and The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Tony Schiavone goes over the rules of War Games. Pillman’s shoulder is heavily taped. Windham starts out and Pillman breaks away and gets in the cage. Pillman hits a clothesline. Pillman is very impressive to begin. He’s hitting dropkicks and head scissors. Have no fear, JR works in his athletic background so take a shot. Pillman hits his injured shoulder going for a splash. He hits Windham with a low blow and runs him into the cage. Windham is busted open. Pillman hits him with a clothesline. Pillman is totally dominating. Windham fighting back. Coin Toss. Horsemen win. Flair in. He and Pillman open dueling Chop Houses. The crowd comes alive. Flair and Windham double team Pillman and run him into the cage several times. They throw Pillman into the other ring. They are trying to break Pillman’s shoulder. Sting in and he cleans house. The crowd loves it. They pair off. Pillman with Windham and Flair with Sting. Faces with the advantage. Zbyszko in and Sting flies and hits Zbyszko with a splash from the other ring as Pillman has Windham in the figure four. Zbyszko hammering Sting. Flair kicks Pillman’s shoulder. Rick Steiner in. He hits Flair and Windham with Steinerlines. He then hits Flair with a belly to belly suplex. He runs Flair into the cage. Flair is then busted open. Vicious in. He goes after Rick Steiner. Vicious levels Sting. Rick Steiner runs Zbyszko into the cage. Heels with a slight advantage as Scott Steiner comes into the ring. It then progresses to The Match Beyond: Scott Steiner hits Windham and Flair with a double clothesline. He then hits Zbyszko with an under hook powerbomb. He hits Vicious with a Steinerline. Sting splashes Flair and gets the Scorpion Death lock on Flair. Vicious then goes after Pillman. Vicious runs Pillman’s shoulder into the corner post. He rips the tape off of Pillman’s shoulder. The faces then get figure four’s on the heels. The crowd comes alive. Heels get out. Sting military presses Flair into the roof of the cage. Rick Steiner gets Vicious down. Vicious then coming back. He and Windham double clothesline Rick Steiner. The Horsemen double team Pillman, but he keeps fighting back. Vicious slams Pillman down to the mat. He then hits what looks like the worst Powerbomb ever on Pillman. Vicious doesn’t have enough room to do it and it just looks nasty. When they did the War Games at Fall Brawl ’93, they used footage of this to hype the match and I got chills looking at this bump. Vicious picks Pillman up and Pillman is clearly out of it. Vicious then hits another powerbomb that at least looks better than the first one. Pillman is unconscious. Anderson is on the outside and says ask him if he wants to quit. El Gigante runs out. He rips the door off of the cage. He checks on Pillman and asks the referee to stop the match. Flair, Windham, Vicious, and Zbyszko are declared the winners. El Gigante then carries Pillman out of the cage and to the back. They show a replay of the powerbombs. The crowd boo the heels. Referee Nick Patrick says he stopped the match because Pillman was unconscious.
-Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes talk about the match, the call, and the spirit of Brian Pillman. They then talk about the Nikita Koloff attack on Lex Luger. They then recap the night and sign off from Phoenix.
-End Credits.