Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 180 Notes

-Today we look at WrestleWar '92 from WCW.
-WrestleWar '92 was shown on PPV on May 17, 1992 from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida. There were 6,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff welcome us to WrestleWar '92. They talk about War Games and the injury that Sting has before throwing it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura, who are at ringside to call the action. They talk about War Games before talking about what's coming up.
-WCW United States Tag Team Championship Match. The Taylor Made Man and Greg Valentine vs. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Valentine started the year in the WWF and was in Royal Rumble 1992 and Taylor will end the year in the WWF and will be in the 1993 Royal Rumble. Freebirds chant goes out before the match even starts. Taylor and Hayes start. They both stall and strut to begin. They finally lock up. Hayes with a shoulder block to Taylor after a push off. Hayes with the early advantage. Hayes pushes off from a Taylor side headlock, unaware that Taylor had tagged Valentine in. Hayes drops down and the tag champs collide into each other. Hayes rolls Valentine up for a two count. A DDT chant goes out. Freebirds in control early. Hayes tries to counter a hip lock and Valentine clotheslines him to the mat. Valentine with some chops to Hayes. Valentine with an Irish whip and goes to kick Hayes in the stomach, but Hayes catches his leg and atomic drops Valentine. A pair of clotheslines gets a two count for Hayes. Hayes trying to get the crowd into the match as Jesse says both men need to tag their partners in. Hayes with some chops and Garvin tagged in. Valentine with a corner whip, but Garvin moves on the charge and Valentine hits the post shoulder first. Valentine comes back out and Garvin gets a wrist lock on Valentine. Valentine up and they go back and forth. Valentine holds on to the ropes as Garvin tries to roll him up, but Garvin moves out of the way when Valentine drops his elbow and Garvin goes back to the wrist lock. Gavin goads Taylor into the ring. Hayes comes off the top rope onto Valentine with an elbow and then picks the arm bar up. I've never liked that phantom tag spot. It is a dumb thing to do and makes the referee look bad. Jesse agrees with me as a DDT chant goes out. Valentine gets Hayes down and tags Taylor in. Freebirds with a wrist lock and they keep quick tagging to keep Taylor off balance. Taylor with an Irish whip and Garvin comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Garvin with an arm bar and tags Hayes back in. Hayes gets Taylor down. Taylor with a knee to the midsection and tosses Hayes to the outside. Taylor sets Hayes up to clothesline him back in, but Hayes backdrops Taylor into the ring instead. Hayes with an elbow drop for a two count. Garvin tagged in. He gets an arm bar on as the DDT chant goes out again. Taylor with a drop toe hold that drives Garvin to the outside. Valentine comes out and attacks Garvin with chops. Taylor brings Garvin back in and hits a jaw breaker before tagging Valentine in. Valentine comes in with a series of chops. Valentine with a corner whip, but Garvin gets his boot up on the charge. Valentine with his version of the flop. Garvin trying to make it to the corner to Hayes. Valentine knocks Hayes off the apron to prevent the tag. Garvin counters a suplex and gets his legs up on a splash attempt. Valentine grabs Garvin's leg to prevent the tag and tags Taylor in. Taylor with a corner clothesline. Taylor gets at two count. Taylor with a chin lock. Garvin up and the two collide in the ring. Both Hayes and Valentine tagged in. Hayes with a backdrop to Valentine and then Hayes runs the tag champions heads together. All four men in now and as referee Bill Alphonso is getting Garvin out, Hayes goes for the DDT on Valentine, only to get hit with a five arm from Taylor. Hayes gets his shoulder up before the three count. Valentine with a backbreaker for another two count. Valentine tries to force Hayes' shoulders down as a Freebirds chant goes out. Valentine with some splash attempts and Hayes gets his legs up on one of them. Taylor tagged in. Taylor rakes Hayes' eyes, bringing Garvin in so the heels can double team while Alphonso is getting Garvin out. Taylor with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count and Valentine tagged back in. Valentine working on the legs to get the figure four on. Garvin in to break it up. Valentine transitions to an arm bar. Valentine with a corner whip and Hayes hits the mat. Taylor tagged in. Hayes runs Taylor into a turnbuckle. Hayes blocks being run into the buckle and hits Taylor with a big left hand. Garvin tags in and cleans house. Heels with a double Irish whip, and Garvin comes back with a double clothesline. Taylor reverses an Irish whip and Valentine trips Garvin from the outside. Taylor drops a knee on Garvin and goes to cover him, but Hayes breaks up the pin attempt and all four men in the ring. Garvin hits a DDT and pins Taylor and we have new US Tag Team Champions. The crowd goes wild for the announcement.
-Tracy Smothers vs. Johnny B. Badd: Badd comes out and the fans love him. JR brings up Badd's boxing career so TASIYDAH. He puts his kiss sticker on a fan at ringside and then shoots off his Badd blaster. The bell rings and they circle each other. Smothers with a side headlock into a hammerlock. Badd counters into a roll up for a one count. Smothers says he had a handful of tights. They exchange waist locks. Smothers with a back elbow and Badd responds with a hip lock and an arm drag. Badd gets the fans into the match. Badd with another arm drag and a crossbody for a two count. Badd with a series of moves back into an arm bar and Badd has been impressive in this match. Smothers gets Badd to the corner to break and then buries his shoulders into Badd's midsection several times. Badd reverses and hits some left hands and corner whips Smothers, but Smothers gets his boot up on the charge. Smothers comes back with a modified dropkick. Smothers gets a two count. Smothers with a back rake and drags Badd's face on the top rope. Smothers with a throat thrust to knock Badd down and Smothers goes up top. He hits the top rope back elbow to Badd and gets a two count. Smothers goes back and hits another back elbow to Badd, but Badd continues to roll through and gets a two count of his own. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Smothers with a side kick to Badd for another two count. Smothers with a reverse chin lock. Badd gets out and goes for a sunset flip, but can't get Smothers over. They do a couple of counters for two count. Smothers goes into a headlock on Badd. Badd gets out and hits Smothers with a high knee. Badd then runs Smothers face first into the mat. He follows that up with a power slam. Badd with a sunset flip from the top rope for a two count. Badd ducks a kick from Smothers and hits him with the left hand to pin Smothers and Jesse complains that the left hand is illegal.
-Missy Hyatt interviews the Freebirds about being the new tag team champions. And look, they have Precious with them. She is introduced as the brains behind the Freebirds, but I don't believe she was out there with them and if she was, they didn't show her or mention her. They say they are climbing the stairway to heaven back to the top.
-Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff talk about Scotty Flamingo and Marcus Bagwell before throwing it to Gary Michael Cappetta.
-Marcus Bagwell vs. Scotty Flamingo: Jesse kids JR about his age and JR reminds Jesse that he's older than JR. The two wrestlers battle for position. They push off. Another lock up and push off. They take turns slapping each other. Flamingo rushes Bagwell and gets him down with a waist lock. He then throws Bagwell out to the floor. This was the first PPV I remembered being advertised by WCW as I had only started watching it in April as one of my local channels started carrying Worldwide the week that Jesse joined as color commentator. Bagwell gets back in and nails Flamingo from behind. They go back to slapping each other. Back and forth and Bagwell catches Flamingo with a right hand. Bagwell with a corner whip and a belly to back suplex for a two count. Bagwell counters a suplex attempt with one of his own for a two count. Flamingo with a drop toe hold that sends Bagwell out to the floor. Flamingo throws Bagwell back in the ring. Flamingo goes for a knee to the midsection, but Bagwell hooks it for a two count. Flamingo hits a modified belly to back suplex. Flamingo drops a fist onto Bagwell from the second rope. He gets a two count. Flamingo with a headlock to Bagwell. Flamingo choking Bagwell, but breaks after the two count. Flamingo gets a few two counts. Flamingo goes back to the headlock. Bagwell gets back to his feet and hits some elbows to Flamingo. They trade shoulder blocks and Flamingo with a crossbody that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. They get back in the ring and Bagwell counters a hip toss. Bagwell with a clothesline. Bagwell with a series of right hands to knock Flamingo down. Flamingo with a corner whip, and Bagwell with a back elbow. Bagwell with a double ax handle. Bagwell with a fisherman's suplex, but Flamingo is up in the ropes. Bagwell with a roll up, but Flamingo rolls through and pins Bagwell with a handful of tights.
-Beach Blast '92 ad.
-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura talk about JYD coming out of the crowd to help Ron Simmons at SuperBrawl II.
-Mr. Hughes and Cactus Jack vs. Ron Simmons and JYD: Cactus Jack leaves the ramp when he comes down, only to pop back up and attack JYD from behind as he was coming down to ringside. JYD and Cactus Jack attacking each other by the ramp and Ron Simmons and Mr. Hughes fighting in the ring. Cactus Jack runs JYD into the ramp and then drops an elbow on JYD off the ramp. Simmons comes out and backdrops Cactus Jack on the ramp. Officials out checking on JYD. Simmons calls for some help as a JYD chant goes out. Cactus Jack says to the camera that he took JYD out and then yells for Simmons. Simmons comes to ringside and gets attacked by Hughes and Cactus Jack as he gets in the ring. Double Irish whip and Simmons comes back with a double clothesline. Referee Bill Alphonso declares it a one-on-one contest between Hughes and Simmons and informs Cactus Jack that he has to get off the apron. Hughes with a corner whip. Simmons comes back with a clothesline. Hughes reverses an Irish whip and Simmons reverses a hip lock. Hughes rolls out of the ring to regroup and confer with Cactus Jack. Back in, Hughes attacks Simmons as Jesse takes shots at Bill Watts playing for Oklahoma when they would lose to Texas every year. Watts had either just come in or was about to and wanted to cut Jesse to save money and offered Jesse 10% of his contract to leave and Jesse said you must be crazy and counter offered 90%. So Bill Watts was stuck with Ventura and Jesse didn't care because Jesse wasn't intimidated by Watts. Hughes with a clothesline and then he drops an elbow on Simmons. He gets a two count. Hughes with a scoop slam. He follows it up with a knee drop for another 2 count. Hughes with a corner whip and Simmons catches him with an elbow on the charge. Hughes chokes Simmon on the top rope, but breaks on the one count. Hughes with an Irish whip and Simmons comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Hughes goes back to choking Simmons on the rope and breaking at the three count. The referee gets Hughes away, allowing Cactus Jack to hit Simmons with a forearm. Simmons comes back with an Irish whip and a hip toss. Hughes goes over to tag Cactus Jack, but the referee disallows it. Jesse has been arguing with JR for the past few minutes about it being a two-on-one match and you can tell JR is getting irritated and that Jesse knows it. Hughes goes back to choking Simmons on the ropes. Hughes goes for the leapfrog body guillotine, but Simmons moves and then hits Hughes with a clothesline. Simmons follows that up with an Irish whip and a backdrop. Hughes comes back with an eye poke. Simmons reverses an Irish whip and catches Hughes with a spinebuster. Cactus Jack comes into the ring and Simmons gets him out with a shoulder block and then hits a running tackle to the knee of Hughes. He gets the pin and Jesse complains about the knee. Simmons takes out Cactus Jack with a clothesline after the match. Tony and Eric discuss the match and then preview the next match.
-Todd Champion vs. The Super Invader with Harley Race: Super Invader is Hercules under a mask. Super Invader attacks Champion with chops and throat thrusts as the bell rings. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a clothesline. He then drops an elbow on Champion. Then a pair of corner whips by Super Invader and a test of strength with Champion. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Super Invader with some karate thrusts to knock Champion to his knees. Super Invader with a side slam. He follows that up with a throat thrust and chokes Champion in a corner for a four count. Champion comes back with some right hands and Super Invader responds with a rake to the face. Super Invader with a belly to back suplex. He then gets a snap mare and a chin lock on Champion. Champion trying to get back to his feet. He does and then gets some forearms to Super Invader to get free, but Super Invader knocks him back down with a clothesline. Super Invader throws Champion out of the ring and Champion hits the barricade. Super Invader comes out to the apron and hits Champion with a chop. Champion kicks Super Invader, who responds with a scoop slam to the floor. Champion gets back in the ring and Super Invader scoop slams him again. Super Invader goes up top, but Champion catches him with a leg as he comes off. Champion with some right hands, Super Invader reverses an Irish whip and Champion comes back with a clothesline. Champion tries to Irish whip Super Invader, who slips off the Irish whip, but Champion catches him with a back elbow. Champion rushes Super Invader, who guillotines Champion on the top rope. Super Invader hits a powerbomb and pins Champion.
-JR and Jesse talk about the War Games before going back to Gary Michael Cappetta.
-Richard Morton vs. Big Josh: Morton replaces the Diamond Studd, who had departed WCW to debut shortly for the WWF as Razon Ramon. The bell rings and Josh rushes Morton, who backs into the ropes to avoid getting hit. Morton keeps backing into the ropes every time Josh gets near. Morton finally rushes Josh, who responds by pushing Morton down and then getting a side headlock on. Morton pushes off and Josh comes back with a shoulder block and a cover for a two count. Josh with a hip toss and a scoop slam. He then does his log roll move to Morton. They lock up and drive to the ropes. Morton comes back with a right hand and a running knee lift and both of these men wouldn't be in WCW for too much longer as Josh would depart for the WWF to become Doink and Morton would reunite with Robert Gibson in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Morton ripping Josh's flannel shirt off him. Josh pushes Morton into a corner and hits Morton with a series of left hands. Morton tries to get out and Josh shoves Morton back into the corner and chops Morton. Josh with a corner whip and a running forearm to Morton. Josh with another chop and a corner whip. Morton moves on the charge. Morton with a belly to back suplex. Morton follows that up with an Irish whip and an inverted atomic drop. Morton drops a knee on Josh and then chokes Josh with his boot for a two count. He then runs Josh into a corner and Josh comes back with a chop. Josh reverses an Irish whip. Morton comes back and slides between Josh's legs and goes to roll Josh up. Josh holds on to the ropes through. Josh then goes to drop an elbow on Morton, but Morton rolls out of the way. Morton gets a two count. They go back and forth in the corner. Morton with a snap mare. He then drops a knee on Josh. He gets a two count. Morton comes up with an arm bar on Josh. He gets Josh down on the mat and tells the referee to ask Josh if he wants to give up. Josh makes his way back to his feet and breaks the hold with a knee to the midsection. Josh then chops Morton. Back and forth and Josh stomps down on Morton's head as he was going for a monkey flip. Josh drops an elbow for a two count. Morton drops Josh with a fist. Morton works the arm over. Then into a front face lock. Into a bear hug, but Josh gets to the ropes to break the hold. Josh hits a belly to belly suplex. Josh with a corner whip and a double arm suplex. He gets another two count. Morton comes back with a shot to the eyes. Morton off the second rope, but gets caught and Josh hits an inverted atomic drop. Josh with a big shot to the chest of Morton to knock him down and Josh hits the Northern Exposure to pin Morton.
-Tony and Eric preview the Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. They replay the confrontation that Z-Man and Brian Pillman had on WCW Saturday Night.
-WCW Light-Heavyweight Championship Match. Brian Pillman vs. The Z-Man: Both get good reactions, but Pillman is more popular with the crowd. JR goes over the history between the two men. The bell rings. Pillman offers his hand and Zenk shakes it and then slaps the hand away. They circle each other. Pillman with a wrist lock. Zenk reverses the hold. Into a hammerlock to a side headlock. Pillman pushes off. Zenk comes back with a shoulder block. They both do leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid each other. They both go for dropkicks simultaneously. Both back to their feet and circling each other again. Pillman with a drop toe hold. He gets an arm bar on Zenk. Into a hammerlock on Zenk. Zenk gets back to his feet. They rush each other and both go for flying clotheslines, only to hook each others arms. Very fast paced match here. They circle each other again. Pillman with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Pillman with a snap mare. He then gets a side headlock. Zenk pushes Pillman into the corner, but Pillman jumps up to avoid the charge. Zenk then counters an arm drag and covers Pillman for a one count. Zenk goes back to the hammerlock. Both men back to their feet and Zenk has an arm bar on. They go back and forth and Pillman catches Zenk in a headscissors. Pillman then gets an arm bar on. Pillman with a snap mare into a leg scissors as JR works in Pillman's football background so TASIYDAH. Zenk gets to the ropes to break the hold as Jesse can't believe that Pillman played nose tackle in college. Pillman with an Irish whip and Zenk comes back with a backslide and gets a two count. Zenk with an inside cradle for another two count. Pillman with an Irish whip and Zenk comes back with a sunset flip for another two count. Pillman up and hits Zenk hard in the chest twice before getting a drop toe hold on Zenk. Pillman with a leg lock and working over the leg of Zenk as Zenk reaches for the ropes to try and break the hold. Pillman then back to his feet and grabs the other leg. He works over the leg and drops an elbow on the knee. Pillman then goes to hyper extend the knee of Zenk, who backs away from Pillman. Zenk gets back to his feet, only to be knocked back down by Pillman when he hyper extends the leg again. Pillman goes to cannonball onto the leg, but Zenk moves. Zenk kicks the lower back of Pillman. Zenk with a suplex for a two count. Zenk works the back over. Zenk with a backbreaker and a corner splash, but Pillman gets the knees up on the charge. Pillman goes back to work on the leg of Zenk. He drops some elbows on Zenk. Pillman with a single leg crab to Zenk. Zenk hyper extending the leg as he makes his way back to his feet. Zenk comes back with an Enziguri as Pillman grabs his leg. Zenk gets a two count. Zenk chopping Pillman's chest. Zenk with an Irish whip and goes for the high knee to Pillman, who moves out of the way and Zenk hits the corner post. Pillman gets the figure four on Zenk. They take turns slapping each other while Pillman has Zenk in the move. Zenk tries to get to the ropes before reversing course and turning the other way to reverse the move on Pillman. Pillman turns the move back over, but that puts them in the ropes and the referee breaks the hold. Both men hurting and having trouble getting back to their feet and Pillman chopping Zenk in the corner. Pillman with a corner whip and charge. Zenk responds with a backdrop and Pillman lands on his feet on the apron. Pillman goes for a flying shoulder tackle from the apron, but Zenk catches him and power slams Pillman. Zenk gets a very close two count. Both men back to their feet and Zenk chopping Pillman. Zenk with an Irish whip and Pillman comes back with a crucifix for another two count. Pillman sets Zenk up on the top turnbuckle and slaps Zenk in the face. Pillman goes for the superplex, but Zenk hitting Pillman in the ribs trying to avoid the move. Zenk pushes Pillman off. Zenk hits Pillman with a crossbody. Zenk with a cover, but only gets a two count. Zenk with an Irish whip. They go to avoid each other, but collide in midair. A double count going. Both men up at 8. Zenk reverses an Irish whip and does almost a modified flapjack to Pillman. Zenk gets a two count. Zenk goes to drop an elbow, but Pillman moves out of the way. Pillman gets Zenk up twice, but Zenk's leg gives out both times and he falls to the mat. Pillman goes up top, but Zenk up quickly and catches Pillman with a kick as Pillman comes off the top. Zenk was faking his injury. Zenk covers Pillman, but Pillman was in the ropes. Zenk kicks Pillman away from the ropes and goes for his dropkick off the top rope, but misses it when Pillman moves out of the way. Pillman rolls Zenk up to get the pin and retain the Light-Heavyweight title. Pillman and the crowd celebrate before he grabs his title and leaves.
-Beach Blast ad.
-JR and Jesse preview the tag team match coming up.
-Match to determine the number one contenders for the IWGP Tag Team Championship. Tatsumi Fujinami and Takayuki Iizuka vs. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: The Steiner Brothers are extremely popular with the fans as they come out. Fujinami and Scott start and Fujinami was in the main event of SuperBrawl I in the same building one year previously almost to the day. The bell rings and they lock up. They get to the ropes and battle for position. They break clean. They lock up again and Fujinami with an arm drag. They lock up again and Scott with a double leg pick up. He twists Fujinami over, but Fujinami gets to the ropes. They circle each other again. Scott with a fireman's carry takeover. Fujinami up to his knees and Scott with a front face lock. Fujinami reverses an Irish whip and Scott comes back with a shoulder block. Scott runs the ropes. Scott goes to do a float over Samoan drop on Fujinami, but doesn't really get it. Iizuka comes in and Scott does get it on him. Scott with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Fujinami. Iizuka tagged in. Iizuka with knees to Scott in the corner and then a corner whip to Scott. Iizuka then catches Scott with a shoulder to the midsection on a corner charge. Iizuka follows that up with a scoop slam. Iizuka then goes up and hits Scott with an elbow off the second rope. He then hits Scott with a 360 cannonball off the top rope. He gets a two count. A USA chant goes out. Iizuka with a Boston Crab on Scott. Scott trying to get out of the move. Iizuka switches around to get a cover and Scott bridges out of the move. Scott comes back with a double underhook powerbomb. Scott gets Iizuka up on his shoulder and tags Rick in. Rick hits the elbow off the top rope and covers Iizuka for a two count. Rick with a reverse chin lock. Fujinami tagged in. They lock up. Fujinami with a side headlock takeover. Rick gets back to his feet. Both men battle for position and Rick with an overhead belly to back suplex Rick drops an elbow on Fujinami and gets a one count. Rick with a side headlock and Scott tagged in. Scott with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Scott follows that up with a single crab. Fujinami gets to the ropes as Jesse says that Iizuka is bleeding from the move that Rick put on him earlier.. Scott and Fujinami lock up again and drive to the ropes. Then to the corner and Rick tagged back in. Fujinami attacking Rick with fists and kicks to knock Rick down to the mat. Fujinami gets Rick up on his shoulders and tags Iizuka in. Iizuka with a crossbody to Rick off of Fujinami's shoulders, but Rick catches him and turns him over in mid-air. Fujinami breaks up the pin attempt right before the three count and now all four men in the ring. IIzuka fighting off Rick in the ring with chops as referee Randy Anderson gets the other two out of the ring. Rick comes back with a side headlock. Iizuka pushes off and Rick comes back with a shoulder block. Rick drops an elbow on Iizuka for a two count. Fujinami tagged in and targets Rick's legs with brutal looking kicks. He then puts Rick in a leg lock. The crowd clapping trying to get Rick back in the ring. Rick turns on his shoulders to get Fujinami down for a two count. Fujinami switches back over to get the move back on Rick. Fujinami drags Rick by the leg over to the corner and jumps off to hyper extend the leg. Iizuka tagged in and Fujinami holds the leg for Iizuka to run and splash down on before Fujinami gets out of the ring and Iizuka picks up the leg lock. Rich grabs Iizuka by the waist to turn him over and gets a two count. Iizuka keeps the move on as the USA chant goes out again. Rick then turns Iizuka over to get another two count. Rick attacking Iizuka with some big shots. He gets a front face lock on Iizuka and tags Scott in. Scott with an Irish whip and a tilt a whirl slam. Scott goes over to trash talk Fujinami, who then comes in and Randy Anderson tells him to get out as Scott goes to cover IIzuka. He gets a two count. Scott goes for a chin lock. Scott transitions to a double chicken wing and gets a two count. Iizuka up and Scott with a single leg suplex. Rick tagged back in. He picks up a leg lock and gets a one count and JR says that Iizuka is hurt badly. Fujinami climbs up on his turnbuckle and Anderson tells him he has to get down. Rick cranking on the hold and Iizuka struggling to get out of it. Rick picks Iizuka up on his shoulder and runs him into the corner post. Rick grabs Iizuka again and tags Scott in. Scott with a pump handle slam on Iizuka. Scott then drops an elbow and gets a two count. Scott with an arm lock and gets another two count. Iizuka trying to get out of the move, so Scott ties him up and goes for a cover, but they are in the ropes. Fujinami tagged in while Scott has a waist lock on Iizuka and unaware that a tag was made. Fujinami hits Scott with a forearm from the second rope. Fujinami then goes over to the corner and nails Rick, who comes in and they start to fight each other. All four men in briefly before the referee gets the two not tagged in out of the ring and Fujinami with an abdominal stretch to Scott. Fujinami gets Scott down on the mat while still in the move and gets a two count. Fujinami pivots to a front face lock. The USA chant goes out again. Scott gets back to his feet. Fujinami hits Scott with some right hand and Scott responds with an elbow to the ribs. Scott with a knee to the stomach and a modified hip toss and Rick tagged in. Rick with some big forearms to Fujinami, who responds by pushing Rick back to the corner and Iizuka tagged in. Iizuka hitting Rick with a series of kicks and Rick responds by getting Iizuka down with a double leg pick up. He gets a two count. Rick with a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count before Fujinami comes in and kicks Rick in the head. Scott tagged back in. Scott snap mares Iizuka back to his own corner and Fujinami tagged in. They lock up and Fujinami with a wrist lock. Iizuka comes in to help and Scott flips out of the move and flips the two Japanese wrestlers over. They duck a Scott clothesline attempt only to get hit with a top rope Steinerline from Rick and the crowd loved that move. Scott gets Iizuka up on a turnbuckle to suplex Iizuka off, only to get hit with a belly to bell suplex from Fujinami while Randy Anderson was getting Rick out of the ring. Iizuka goes for a belly to back suplex with a bridge to pin Scott, but he can't hold the move. He gets a two count. Fujinami tagged back in. He and Iizuka hit a spike piledriver on Scott. Fujinami holds Scott while Iizuka hits Scott with a top rope dropkick. Fujinami follows that up with an Irish whip and a sleeper on Scott. He gets Scott down and then gets the dragon sleeper on Scott. Scott gets to the ropes. Fujinami pulls him away from the ropes and applies a sleeper once again. He gets Scott down on the mat again and Scott kicks him in the face. Scott follows that up with a clothesline to Fujinami. Scott with an Irish whip. Fujinami comes back with a shoulder block and both men down. A double count going. Both Rick and Iizuka tagged in and the crowd is really into this match now. Rick with an Irish whip and a Steinerline. He drops an elbow on Iizuka and gets a two count. Rick with a belly to belly suplex. Fujinami breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Rick gets Iizuka on the top rope and hits a belly to belly off the top rope to get the pin.
-Jim and Jesse talk about War Games and The Match Beyond. Tony and Eric talk about War Games and Sting's broken ribs. They also talk about both teams and the Dangerous Alliance being a team vs. Sting's Squadron being a series of individuals. They throw it to GMC to say let the War Games begin and the cage is lowered.
-Main Event War Games. GMC announces the rules of War Games. The Dangerous Alliance Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko with Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa vs. Stings Squadron Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, and Nikita Koloff: Sting's Squadron is very popular with the crowd when they come out. Both teams conferring on the outside to determine who will start the match. Steve Austin and Barry Windham start. Windham starts with big right hands to Austin. Windham with a side headlock and Austin pushes off. Windham comes back with a shoulder block. Austin back to his feet and goes to run Windham into the cage, but Windham catches himself before he is run in and Austin begging off. Windham with a series of right hands to Austin. Windham follows that up with a scoop slam and goes for an elbow, but Austin moves out of the way as Jesse complains about Windham's hand being taped up. Austin comes back with a right hand to Windham. he then runs Windham face first into the turnbuckle. Austin runs a couple of shoulder's into Windham's midsection and Windham responds with a rake to Austin's eyes. Windham goes for a suplex, but Austin counter it into a backdrop. Austin follows that up with an elbow drop to Windham. Windham up and throws Austin between the two rings and then follows Austin. Austin rolls into the second ring. Windham goes to throw Austin into the cage, but Austin gets his arms up to avoid going in face first. Windham switches tactics and hits Austin with a DDT. Windham brings Austin over to the cage and Austin fighting not to have his head run into the cage. Back and forth in the ring. Jesse and JR arguing about the taped fist of Windham as Austin clotheslines Windham between the rings as a Paul E sucks chant goes out from the crowd. Austin runs and clotheslines Windham over the ropes and into the other ring. Austin goes up to the second rope and grabs the top of the cage to swing and kick Windham, but gets caught and slammed down to the mat. Windham hits Austin with a right hand and runs Austin into the cage. He runs Austin into the cage again and Austin just falls straight down onto the apron this time. Windham comes over and rubs Austin's face into the side of the cage like he was a head of cabbage. Jesse says Steamboat spit on Austin and JR says that he didn't see that and the two argue. They really didn't like each other and it shows. JR admits that it was his fault because he was jealous that Jesse was making more than him while doing less work, which he now admits wasn't Jesse's fault and he should have been more mature about the whole thing. Austin falls back from the cage and he is bleeding. One minute left in the period. Windham runs Austin into the turnbuckle. Windham brings Austin over to the camera and bites him on the forehead. Austin with an Irish whip, but drops his head and Windham kicks him in the face. They get ready for the coin toss on the outside. The Dangerous Alliance wins the coin toss and Rick Rude goes in. Rude attacks Windham with forearms to the back. Rude and Windham going back and forth in the center of ring two. Rude gets Windham in the corner and runs his shoulder into Windham several times as a Barry chant goes out from the crowd. Rude goes to run Windham into the cage, but Windham blocks it. Rude holds Windham for Austin to hit a clothesline from the second rope. Auustin and Rude then throw Windham into the cage. They get Windham down and Rude gets a modified camel clutch on Windham as the timer counts down and Ricky Steamboat comes in. He attacks both Rude and Austin to get them off Windham. Steamboat runs Austin into the cage and then hits Rude with shots and chops. He then runs Rude into the cage and DDT's him. Then a DDT on Austin and the crowd is really into this match. Steamboat runs Rude into the turnbuckle repeatedly until Austin hits Steamboat from behind. Austin with a corner whip, but Steamboat moves on the charge and Austin hits the corner post with his shoulder. Steamboat grabs the top of the cage and kicks Austin away. He then wraps his legs around Rude and hurricanranas him over and starts punching Rude. The faces have the heels down on the mat and punching them. Rude fighting back Steamboat as Windham runs Austin into a turnbuckle and Austin falls between the rings. Windham and Austin are now fighting in ring one. The timer goes down and Anderson comes in. Anderson hits Windham with a DDT. He then hits Steamboat from behind, Irish whips Steamboat, and hits a spinebuster on him, and nobody does a spinebuster better than Anderson. Anderson and Rude then get a double Boston crab on Steamboat. Windham comes over to break it up as Jesse says that Steamboat is screaming for all the girlfriends that he has ever had here in Jacksonville and that could be 10-12 in the crowd and Jim Ross says that's not true and you know it. Anderson and Rude double team Windham as Austin goes after Steamboat. Then Austin comes after Windham as Windham had gotten in a shot on Anderson and Rude hits a piledriver on Steamboat. Jim Ross works in that it looks like a car wreck on 95, so TASIYDAH. Rude and Anderson throw Steamboat into ring one. Rude goes after Steamboat while Austin and Anderson throw Windham into the space between the rings. Rude Irish whips Steamboat and they clothesline each other down as the timer counts down and Rhodes comes in. He attacks Anderson with a series of left and right hands. Anderson with a corner whip, but Rhodes gets his knees-up on the charge. Rhodes then catches Anderson with his boot as Anderson charges again and then hits an elbow on Anderson. Rhodes then unloads on Austin when he comes over and hits Austin with an inverted atomic drop after an Irish whip. He follows that up with a wicked looking clothesline to Austin and then gets Austin on his shoulders. He goes backwards to slam Austin down on the mat. Windham gets Anderson's head down in the area between the two rings and slams him down repeatedly. Rhodes on Austin punching him in the face as Steamboat has a figure four on Rude. The timer counts down and Zbyszko comes in. Rhodes meets him at the door as he comes in and hits Zbyszko with a series of right hands. Madusa gets Paul E's cell phone and climbs up the side of the cage. She gets on top of the cage and passes the cell phone to Anderson. Sting climbs up to the top of the cage and goes after Madusa. Madusa climbs down to get away from Sting as Anderson is hitting all of the faces with the telephone. Rude puts his fingers in Steamboat's nose and it looks like he is trying to rip the nose off. Austin punching Windham in the face as Anderson knocks Rhodes to the ground. Anderson throws Windham into the cage. Rude runs Steamboat into the cage and then gets on Steamboat's back and gets a sleeper on. The timer counts down and Sting comes in to a big ovation. He goes after Anderson and slams him down to the mat. He then hits a jaw breaker on Rude. He then military presses Rude into the top of the cage. He throws Anderson into the cage. Then an Irish whip to Austin and Sting backdrops him into the cage. Sting runs Anderson's head repeatedly into the cage as Madusa is shown taping up Eaton's fist on the outside. The heels and faces are paired off in the ring. Austin with a flying shoulder tackle to knock Rhodes to the mat. Zbyszko and Windham knock each other down. Sting and Steamboat have Rude between the two rings and have grabbed his legs and pulling them apart like he is a wish bone. The timer counts down and Eaton enters the match. Eaton runs Steamboat into the cage as JR says that the Dangerous Alliance is at full strength, 5-4. Eaton hitting each of the faces and the camera has not shown a close up of everyone, but from my vantage point, shout out to Joe and Quinn, it looks like everyone is bleeding. Eaton runs Windham into the cage as Steamboat clotheslines Rude to get him off Sting. Zbyszko and Rude over in the corner loosening one of the turnbuckles. Sting comes over and grabs Rude before he can loosen it all of the way. Windham gets Anderson in a figure four. Zbyszko runs Steamboat into the cage and Steamboat comes back with chops to Zbyszko. Blood and bodies are everywhere as the timer gets down to 30 seconds and the crowd starts chanting Nikita in anticipation for Koloff coming in. The fans count along with GMC as he counts down from 10 and JR says there has been a lot of speculation as to what Koloff will do. Koloff comes into the cage to a massive cheer as the timer counts down and the Match Beyond begins. Koloff goes after Anderson and knocks him down. He runs Anderson into the cage and Anderson is a bloody mess. Koloff helps Sting up and they are just staring at each other. Ross mentions that these are two former adversaries. Koloff pushes Sting out of the way of an Anderson/Austin sneak attack and takes the clothesline instead. Austin and Anderson with Irish whips to Sting and Koloff, who both duck clothesline attempts and come back with clotheslines of their own. Sting and Koloff then high five and hugged to the delight of the crowd. Sting and Koloff beating down Anderson and Austin. Rude comes over and he and Koloff start going at it as Sting starts to stomp on Anderson. Windham runs Zbyszko into Rhodes' boot. Blood is everywhere. Rude back to working to loosen the turnbuckle until he gets cut off by Steamboat. Sting with a splash to Anderson in a corner. Sting gets the Scorpion on Anderson. Eaton comes and hits Sting to break the hold as Rude has gotten the turnbuckle loose and it's down on the ground. Rhodes and Koloff with a double Irish whip and back elbow to Zbyszko. Rhodes with a figure four on Zbyszko. Koloff running Austin repeatedly into the turnbuckle. Rhodes goes up top, but misses the elbow drop on Austin. Zbyszko and Eaton beating on Sting and Zbyszko tells Eaton to hold Sting while he hits Sting with the turnbuckle hook. Zbyszko swings the hook, but Sting ducks and Zbyszko hits Eaton in the shoulder. Zbyszko knocked down by Sting, who then immediately puts an arm bar on Eaton. Eaton has no choice but to submit and the referee has them ring the bell. GMC announces Sting's Squadron as the winners. They open up the cage and Paul E comes in and immediately starts yelling at Zbyszko. The rest of the Dangerous Alliance come over and yell at Zbyszko as well. Zbyszko defending himself saying he didn't mean to do it. The crowd cheers Sting's team as they leave while the Dangerous Alliance is still in the cage yelling at Zbyszko. A Paul E sucks chant goes out as they take a look at the replay of what happened.
-Tony and Eric talk about what we just saw and review the PPV as a whole. They then preview Beach Blast. Jim and Jesse talk about the end of the match and the PPV before signing off.
-End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a fantastic show and one of the best PPV's I have ever seen with perhaps the best War Games. Highly recommended.