-RIP Bob Uecker.
-Today we look at something a little different as we view The Action Zone from November 27, 1994 from the WWF.
-My story.
-The Action Zone was shown on USA on November 27, 1994. It was taped November 9, 1994 from the Stabler arena in Bethlehem, PA.
-Vince McMahon and Todd Pettengill are our hosts. They welcome us and preview that we have a new WWF Champion in Diesel.
-Duke Drose vs. King Kong Bundy with Ted DiBiase: Drose with an early barrage of offense. He dropkicks Bundy out of the ring. Drose chases DiBiase to the back. Bundy follows and he and Drose fight in the aisle. They get back in the ring. Bundy knocks Drose down with a shot. He drops an elbow for a two count. Bundy with a back elbow. He misses an elbow drop as DiBiase comes back to ringside. Drose works on Bundy's arm. Drose with a crossbody for a two count. Into an arm bar. Bundy with a clothesline. He drops a knee for a two count. Drose gets out of a headlock. Bundy gets it back on. Drose with a series of shoulder blocks. He misses an elbow drop. Bundy misses a splash. Back and forth. Drose with a clothesline and the Trash Compactor for a two count. Drose misses a corner charge. Bundy hits two Avalanches to get the pin.
-They recap what happened in the match between Bret Hart and Bob Backlund and how Owen Hart manipulated his parents to throw the towel in and cost Bret the title. They then talk about the break up between Diesel and Shawn Michaels. Diesel becomes the #1 contender and then show the match between Diesel and Backlund. Big boot, Jackknife powerbomb, and pin and we have a new Champion.
-They then review the casket match and plug the Survivor Series replay.
-Well Dunn Timothy Well and Steven Dunn with Harvey Wippleman vs. Gary Sabaugh and Mike Khoury: Sabaugh is the Italian Stallion. Well starts with Sabaugh. Well dominates. Sabaugh gets a dropkick and a hip toss. Khoury tagged in. Well comes back. Dunn tagged in. He drops a fist. Well back in. He hits a dropkick. Dunn in and headbutts Koury. Double back elbow by Well Done. A slingshot guillotine gets the pin for Well Dunn.
-Henry Godwin vignette.
-Adam Bomb vs. The Black Phantom: Bomb is popular with the crowd. Bomb attacks right away. He hits a suplex. Phantom comes back. Bomb with a hip toss and a slam. He drops an elbow. Back and forth. Phantom with a guillotine. He hits a leapfrog body guillotine. Bomb comes back. He hits a back elbow and a pump handle slam to get the pin.
-Footage of Bull Nakano winning the WWF Women's Championship from Alundra Blayze.
-Footage of Diesel addressing MSG after his win.
-Owen Hart vs. Jason Ahrndt: The bell rings, and they circle each other. They trade moves. Hart with a drop toe hold and an arm bar. He chops Ahrndt and takes Ahrndt down. He gets the win with the Sharpshooter.
-Survivor Series replay ad.
-Highlights of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
-Razor Ramon vs. J.S. Storm: Ramon dominates Storm. He hits a top rope belly to back suplex. He then hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-IRS promo about the Undertaker in a cemetery.
-The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch vs. The Brooklyn Brawler and Ray Hudson: The crowd loves the Bushwhackers. They get the pin on Hudson.
-Charlie Minn runs down what we are going to see next week and signs off.
-Final Thoughts: A good, quick show with the Diesel footage is an all time classic.