-RIP Jax Dane, Hunter Q. Robbins III, and Black Bart.
-Today we look at Survivor Series 1994 from the WWF.
-The 1994 Survivor Series was shown on PPV on November 23, 1994 from the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, TX. There were 10,000 in attendance. They show the teams preparing for the event.
-Bob Holly defeated Kwang with Harvey Wippleman in a dark match.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to the Survivor Series. He and Gorilla Monsoon will be the announcers for the event. Last PPV call for Gorilla. They run down what we are going to see at the event.
-The Teamsters Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Bad Guys Razor Ramon, The British Bulldog, The 123 Kid, and The Headshrinkers Fatu and Sione with Afa and Captain Lou Albano: The teams confer. It takes a while to get started. Kid and Hart start. They don't lock up and Neidhart tagged in. Neidhart with a shoulder block. Kid with a dropkick. Neidhart with a slam. Jarrett tagged in. He beats Kid down in the corner. Kid comes back with a spin kick. Sione tagged in. He gets a press slam on Jarrett. Jarrett comes back with a shot. Back and forth. Jarrett with a top rope clothesline for a two count. Hart tagged in. Bulldog also tagged in to a big pop. Bulldog with a wrist lock. They trade moves. Hart catapulted into the face corner. Bulldog with a press slam. He gets a sunset flip for a two count. Hart with an Enziguri. Neidhart tagged in. Double clothesline to Bulldog. They try it a second time, and Bulldog gets the double clothesline. Bulldog with a delayed suplex to Neidhart. Fatu tagged in and hits a diving headbutt. He goes to take his boot off. Jarrett tagged in. Fatu hits a power slam. Ramon tagged in. Jarrett taunts the crowd. They lock up. He takes Ramon down. They trade moves. Jarrett takes Ramon down again. Jarrett with a side headlock. Ramon gets out and clotheslines Jarrett to the outside. He gets back in. Another side headlock. Ramon comes back with a fall away slam. Kid tagged in, and Ramon slams him on Jarrett for a two count. Jarrett with an abdominal stretch. Jarrett grabs the ropes, but gets caught. Kid reverses the move, and Jarrett hip locks him to the outside. Kid brought back inside by Jarrett and hits an enziguri. Hart and Fatu tagged in. Owen hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. Back and forth. Fatu attacks Hart, but he had tagged Diesel in. Fatu gets clotheslined and Jackknifed to get pinned. Kid in. He attacks Diesel, and Diesel slams and Jackknifes Kid to pin him. Sione in and clotheslines Diesel. Diesel with a Jackknife to pin Sione. He looks to tag Michaels, who isn't there. Bulldog in, and he attacks Diesel. Diesel hits a big boot to knock Bulldog to the outside. Jarrett and Hart attack Bulldog on the outside, and it appears he's been counted out. Ramon attacks Diesel. They trade shots. Diesel knocked down. He hits a second rope bulldog for a two count. Diesel with a short arm clothesline. He hits Snake Eyes. He tells Ramon to get up. Ramon clotheslined down. Ramon with a scoop slam. He signals for the Razor's Edge. Diesel counters with a backdrop. Diesel with a big boot. Diesel hits the Jackknife. Michaels tagged in. Michaels tells Diesel to grab Ramon to set up for the super kick. Ramon moves, and Diesel gets hit instead. Michaels yells at Diesel. Diesel gets back up and screams at Michaels. He pushes off his other teammates. Michaels backs off down the aisle, and Diesel follows, stalking Michaels. He takes out the other teammates trying to stop him. The referee counts the entire team out. Razor Ramon is the sole survivor.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Shawn Michaels. Michaels says he's done with Diesel. He throws his tag team title away. He is leaving and takes off in a rental car.
-Vince and Gorilla talk about what just happened.
-The Royal Family Jerry Lawler, Cheesy, Queasy, and Sleazy vs. Clowns 'R Us Doink the Clown, Dink, Wink, and Pink: Lawler and Doink start. A Burger King chant goes out. They lock up. Doink with an enziguri. Lawler comes back and tries the enziguri, but Doink ducks the move. Doink with an arm stretcher as the little people do a series of little man spots. Lawler with a wrist lock. Lawler yells at his team when they mess up. Doink with a scoop slam. He hits a series of slams. Lawler comes back with a slam. A total comedy match with Lawler being frustrated. Doink with an arm drag and an arm bar. Dink puts a BK crown on Lawler. More comedy spots. Doink and Lawler lock up. Lawler hits Doink with something to knock Doink down. His partners choke Doink on the second rope. Doink reverses an Irish whip and runs Lawler into his team. Lawler reverses a crossbody and pins Doink with a handful of tights. Queasy and Dink in. Queasy with an arm bar. Cheesy and Wink tagged in. Wink grabs Cheesy's goatee. Dink tagged in. Lawler helps Cheesy pin Wink. Pink in with Sleazy. Heels quick tagging. Cheesy pins Pink with Lawler's help. Dink in. He slams Sleazy and takes on all the other wrestlers. More cheating by Lawler's team, and Dink is pinned. The Royal Family are the survivors. Lawler berates the team and says he did it all himself. He gangs up on his team. The little clowns help the others, and they all chase Lawler. He takes off down the aisle, and Doink hits Lawler in the face with a pie.
-Todd Pettengill updates us that Bull Nakano has defeated Alundra Blayze in the Egg Dome to become the new WWF Women's Champion. Pettengill then tries to interview Nakano, but she only speaks Japanese.
-Submission match for the WWF Championship. Bret Hart with The British Bulldog vs. Bob Backlund with Owen Hart. The only way to win is to have your opponents second throw in the towel. Backlund and Owen out first. They show Bret and Owen's parents in the crowd. Bret gets a great reception when he comes out. He does his sunglasses presentation. The belt is presented. The bell rings and Backlund rushes Bret, who scoop slams Backlund. Bret with a series of arm drags. Backlund bails out to regroup. He comes back in, and Bret continues the assault. He gets a side headlock. Backlund comes back with a side suplex. Back and forth. Bret with a chin lock. Into a side headlock takeover. Backlund struggles to get out. He gets to his feet. Backlund with a drop toe hold and goes for the crossface chicken wing, but Bret gets to the ropes. A series of reversals. Bret with a top wrist lock. Backlund with a counter. Bret with a belly to belly suplex. Into an abdominal stretch. Backlund powers out. Bret with a series of forearms. He misses a second rope elbow drop. Backlund works on Bret's arm. He follows it up with a corner whip. Bret gets to the ropes before Backlund can get the chicken wing on. Backlund gets an arm bar on. Bret gets out, but Backlund knocks him outside. Backlund follows, and Bret nails him and throws him back in. Backlund with a headbutt, and he goes back to the arm bar. Bret with a slam, but Backlund doesn't let go. A let's go Bret chant goes out. Bret with a neck breaker to Backlund. Backlund goes back to the arm bar. He stomps on the arm and then goes back to the arm bar. Bret with an inverted atomic drop. Bret gets a figure four on. Owen won't throw the towel in. Backlund finally reverses the hold. Bret reverses back, but Backlund gets to the ropes. Bret works over Backlund's leg. Backlund has trouble standing. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter, but can't get it on yet. Backlund hits a sloppy looking piledriver. Backlund goes for the chicken wing, but Bret gets to the ropes. Backlund with a knee lift. He follows it up with a neck breaker. He gets a pair of corner whips. Backlund misses a corner charge when Bret moves. Bret with a backdrop. Backlund with a sleeper. Bret pulls down to run Backlund into a ring post. They collide, and both men are down. Bret hits a piledriver. He then hits a bulldog. He follows it up with a side Russian leg sweep. Then a backbreaker and a second rope elbow drop. Bret puts the Sharpshooter on. Owen gets the British Bulldog to chase him into the ring to distract referee Earl Hebner. This allows Owen to bulldog Bret down. Davey Boy chases Owen, who drops down, and Davey Boy runs into the ring steps and is knocked out. Bret comes over and Backlund gets the crossface chicken wing on. It is locked on tight. Bret is trying to get out. Owen appears to be upset about the situation. Davey Boy is knocked out cold. Stu and Helen Hart looking on worried. Bret tries to get to his feet. Backlund pulls him right back down. Owen comes over and begs his parents to help and that he didn't want this to happen. He begs them to throw in the towel. Bret refuses to surrender. He tries to break the hold. Owen continues to plead with his parents. He brings them to the ring. He begs them. This goes on way too long. A let's go Bret chant goes out. Helen finally throws the towel in. Backlund is the new WWF Champion. Owen grabs the towel and takes off down the aisle. Everyone is stunned. Bret is helped out of the ring as the crowd boos. Backlund puts the title on himself and celebrates while the crowd boos.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Owen Hart. He reveals it was a set up all along, and everyone fell for it.
-Vince and Gorilla talk about what happened.
-The Million Dollar Team Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, King Kong Bundy, and The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray with Ted DiBiase and Jim Cornette vs. Guts and Glory Lex Luger, Adam Bomb, The Smokin' Gunns Billy and Bart, and Mabel with Oscar: Luger and Tatanka start. Tatanka jumps Luger. He beats Luger down. He chops Luger in the corner. Tatanka with a suplex. Luger comes back with a bulldog and some clotheslines. Luger cleans house. Mabel and Prichard tagged in. Mabel slams Prichard down. Prichard with a series of shots. Mabel with a backdrop and splash to get the pin. Del Ray in and Mabel sidewalk slams Del Ray. Bundy tagged in. He pushes Mabel. Mabel with a series of shoulder blocks to knock Bundy down. Bigelow tagged in. Mabel knocks Bigelow down. He goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Bigelow with a sunset flip attempt, but Mabel drops down. Both go outside on a clothesline. Mabel strikes his head on the apron and gets counted out. Billy in against Del Ray. Billy with a back elbow. Billy bridges out of a cover. Bomb and Bigelow tagged in. Bigelow ducks a clothesline attempt, but Bomb hits a slingshot. Bundy hits Bomb and Bigelow hits Bomb with a moonsault to get the pin. Luger enters and beats Bigelow down. Del Ray comes in and hits a knee drop. He beats Luger down. He chokes Luger on the second rope. He beats on Luger in the corner. Luger with a forearm shot to pin Del Ray. Tatanka and Bart tagged in. Bart dropkicks Tatanka for a two count. Billy tagged in and got a two count. Bart tagged back in. He gets Tatanka down. Smokin' Gunns with several quick tags. Bart and Tatanka fight in the corner. Billy goes in and hits a dropkick. Vince McMahon, if I can be blunt for a minute, just shits on a point that Gorilla is making and then says the same thing in a different way. Tatanka flipped out of the corner. Billy hits the Famouser for a two count. Bart enters and goes for a crucifix, but Tatanka hits a fall away slam to pin Bart. Billy is in with a clothesline. Luger tagged in. He and Billy quick tagged trying to keep Tatanka down. Billy gets a two count. Billy with a series of two counts. Luger in with a slam. Billy with a left shoulder for another two count. Tatanka gets Billy down, and Bundy tagged inn. He misses an elbow drop when Billy moves. Bundy does hit the Avalanche to pin Billy. Luger all alone. A USA chant goes out. Bundy beats Luger down. Bigelow tagged in. Luger gets Bigelow down. Tatanka tagged in, and Luger got a two count on Tatanka. Luger with a sunset flip, but Tatanka tags Bigelow in. He gets Luger down, and Bundy tagged in. Bundy with an elbow for a two count. Tatanka tagged in. Back and forth. Tatanka kicks Luger. He chokes Luger on the second rope. Bigelow tagged in and hit a falling headbutt for a two count. Bundy tagged in. He drops an elbow for a two count. Tatanka tagged in and slammed Luger for a two count. Tatanka with a series of moves, but can't get the pin. Luger gets a quick roll up and pins Tatanka, only to immediately get splashed and pinned by Bundy. Survivors: King Kong Bundy and Bam Bam Bigelow. They continue to beat Luger after the match. Adam Bomb and The Smokin' Gunns come to run the heels off. All 10 wrestlers from the match are out, and Mabel takes out the Heavenly Bodies.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Bob Backlund. Backlund is his usual self, and a little of that goes a long way with me. Vince and Gorilla then talk about what Backlund said.
-Main Event Casket Match. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette: Chuck Norris is introduced as the special troubleshooting referee. Yoko and company out first. Undertaker and Bearer get a tremendous ovation when they come out. Bearer rolls the casket down. It takes a while to get started. Undertaker points that Yokozuna is going into the casket. He attacks Yoko. Back and forth, and Undertaker is no selling Yoko's offense. Yokozuna falls out on the casket and quickly rolls out. They fight on the outside, and Yoko ran into the ring steps. Back in, Undertaker with throat thrusts. He does Old School Yoko comes back with a Samoan drop. Yoko keeps dropping Undertaker, who keeps getting up. Yoko goes to put Undertaker in the casket, but Undertaker fights back. He knocks Yoko down. They trade blows. Undertaker with a big side slam and a leg drop. Yoko goes to put Undertaker in the casket. Undertaker stops the lid from being closed. Undertaker with a throat thrust, and both are in the casket fighting. Fuji comes over and grabs Undertaker, who goes after Fuji. Cornette tries to hit Undertaker with the racket, but Undertaker hits Cornette. Yoko slams Undertaker. He knocks him to ringside. Yoko keeps the attack up. He beats Undertaker down in the corner. Undertaker fights back. Yoko with a corner whip. Undertaker comes back with a clothesline. Yokozuna slammed down. Undertaker with a top rope clothesline. Undertaker tries to roll Yokozuna towards the casket. King Kong Bundy comes down. Norris gets ready. The officials stop Bundy. Bam Bam Bigelow also comes down. A go Chuck go chant goes out. While Everyone is distracted, IRS comes in and attacks Undertaker. He puts a sleeper on Undertaker. Undertaker thrown into the casket, and IRS leaves through the crowd. Yokozuna tries to get up to close the casket. He grabs the lid, and Undertaker grabs Yoko's throat. Jeff Jarrett comes down, and Norris kicks him down. Undertaker with throat thrusts to Yokozuna. Flying choke slam and DDT to Yoko. Big boot knocks Yokozuna into the casket. Undertaker throws the Japanese flag in and closes the casket to win. Undertaker and Paul Bearer do their routine and celebrate as they sign off from San Antonio.
-Final Thoughts: This wasn't a bad show. Things are going in a different direction for the WWF in the next week.