-RIP Jimmy Carter and Sweet Daddy Siki.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXIX from WCW.
-Clash XXIX was shown on TBS on November 16, 1994 from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to the Clash. He and Bobby Heenan run down what we are going to see tonight. They throw it to Mean Gene Okerlund. He talks about the Hotline. He then brings out Col. Robert Parker, who has Meng with him. He says the winners of the tag title match will meet Arn Anderson and Bunkhouse Buck on WCW Saturday Night.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. Pretty Wonderful Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma vs. Stars and Stripes Marcus Bagwell and The Patriot: Titles vs. Mask. It takes a while to get started. Fans taunt Pretty Wonderful. Bagwell and Orndorff start. Bagwell with a hammerlock. Orndorff comes back and stomps Bagwell. Roma tagged in. Back and forth. Bagwell with a dropkick. All four men in. Pretty Wonderful bail out to regroup. The Patriot and Orndorff in. Patriot with an arm drag. Orndorff comes back with a drop toe hold. They circle each other. Orndorff gets a knee and Roma tagged in. He hits a series of backbreakers. He hits a top rope fist drop. Patriot with an inverted atomic drop. He hits a second atomic drop and a Thesz press for a two count. Bagwell in and Roma guillotines him on the top rope and Orndorff falls off the apron as well. Orndorff attacks Bagwell on the outside. Orndorff guillotines Bagwell again. Orndorff in and attacks Bagwell. Orndorff drops an elbow on Bagwell. Roma tagged in. He power slams Bagwell. Orndorff back in. He keeps up the assault. They battle in the corner. Orndorff goes for a snap mare, but Bagwell holds the arms and gets a backslide that Roma breaks up. Bagwell gets a sunset flip that Roma breaks up. Patriot in and takes Roma over the ropes. Orndorff hits a suplex, but Patriot knocks Roma off the top rope before he can hit the swan dive. Both Bagwell and Orndorff's shoulders are down. The bell rings and Patrick says Bagwell got his shoulder up and we have new tag team champions.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Johnny B. Badd vs. The Honky Tonk Man: HTM out first to a tepid response. Badd out to a great response. He does his Badd Blaster bit. Referee Randy Anderson presents the belt. The bell rings. HTM in the ropes. They lock up and drive to the corner. Clean break. HTM with an arm bar. Badd reverses. He stomps on the arm. HTM with a side headlock. Badd with a hammerlock. HTM gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Badd with an atomic drop. Badd with a right hand jab and HTM bails out. He gets to the ropes and lures Badd in. HTM attacks Badd. HTM with a fist drop for a two count. HTM with a chin lock. HTM goes for the Shake, Rattle, and Roll and Badd backdrops out of it. Badd runs HTM into the corner. Badd with an inverted Atomic drop. Badd with corner mounted punches. Badd with a knee lift for a two count. HTM pushes Badd into referee Randy Anderson and HTM hits Badd with the guitar and gets disqualified.
-The Three Faces of Fear say Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Dave Sullivan have played into their hands. Kevin Sullivan says this is not about winning or losing; this is about lifestyles. Them against Hulkamania.
-Harlem Heat Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags: The chyron says that Sensuous Sherri is with Harlem Heat, but she doesn't come out with them. Remember this for later. Booker and Knobbs start. They trade shots. Knobbs with a shot, clothesline, and slam. Sags tagged in and hit a double clothesline. Harlem Heat roll out to regroup. Stevie tagged in. A Nasty Chant goes out. Stevie beats Sags down in the corner. Sags slams Stevie down. Double team to Stevie in the corner. Nasty Boys quick tagging. Sags gets a two count. Knobbs tagged in and got a leg lock. When they come back from break, Booker kicks Knobbs out of the ring. Stevie with a forearm to Knobbs on the floor. Stevie comes in and hits Knobbs with a scissor kick. Booker tagged in and hit a spin wheel kick, but misses a knee drop from the second rope. Stevie and Sags tagged in. Sags with a back elbow. Sags slams Stevie down. Harlem Heat had brought a phone with them that they keep attempting to dial. Booker keeps trying to dial, but keeps getting beat on by Knobbs. Sherri finally comes out, and they pretend it is this big secret. WCW Everybody. In the distraction, Stevie pins Sags.
-Vader with Harley Race vs. Dustin Rhodes: Rhodes looks determined. They lock up. Vader beats Rhodes in the corner. They break. They lock up, and Vader beats Rhodes down in the corner again and spits on Rhodes. Rhodes with a takedown and beats on Vader and the crowd goes wild as he unloads on Vader. He gets a crossbody for a two count. He clotheslines Vader to the outside. They fight out on the floor. Vader loses his headgear. Rhodes takes out Race. Vader gets back in, and Rhodes resumes beating on Vader. He suplexes Vader. Vader rolls out. This is a tremendous match. Vader pushes Rhodes down. Vader beats Rhodes in the corner again. Vader misses a corner charge, and Rhodes gets a roll up for a two count. Vader hits a clothesline. Vader punches Rhodes down in the corner. Vader goes for a corner splash, but Rhodes catches him and slams Vader down. He goes for a sunset flip. Vader comes down, but Rhodes moves. He hits a lariat to a seated Vader and punches him again. The referee gets accidentally hit. Race then distracts the referee as Rhodes was going for the bulldog, and Vader dumps him over the ropes. Vader hits a clothesline and a Vader bomb, but Rhodes gets his foot on the ropes. Vader hits a second Vader bomb, but Rhodes kicks out. Vader beats Rhodes down again. Vader slams Rhodes down. Vader up to the second rope, but Rhodes catches Vader in midair and slams him down. Rhodes with a series of shots and a clothesline. Rhodes can't get Vader down. He hits a top rope lariat. He gets a two count. Rhodes DDTs Vader from the second rope for another two count. Rhodes hits the bulldog and goes for the cover. Race gets on the apron. Rhodes goes after Race. Vader hits an inverted powerbomb on Rhodes and gets the pin. That was an awesome match. They continue to punish Rhodes. Jim Duggan comes out with his 2x4. Race keeps Vader from going after Duggan. Vader and Race leave.
-Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Dave Sullivan with Jimmy Hart. Hogan says they are ready for their opponents. Sting says they are there for Hogan through thick and thin.
-WCW United States Championship Match. Jim Duggan vs. Steve Austin: Austin is out first looking all business. Duggan is highly popular with the crowd. He gets a USA chant going. The bell rings, and Duggan gets the crowd to clap. They lock up and Duggan pushes off. Austin backs to the ropes. They lock up again and Vader comes in and attacks Duggan for the DQ. Duggan gets the 2x4 to run the heels off.
-Starrcade ad.
-Main Event. Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Dave Sullivan with Jimmy Hart vs. Kevin Sullivan, the Butcher, and the Avalanche: Mr. T is the special guest referee. He comes out with a cap on that makes him look like one of the Seven Dwarfs. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Heels out first. The faces come out to a decent ovation. They all have face paint on. They start to fight as soon as the faces get to the ring, and Buffer has to rush to say his catchphrase. Hogan and Kevin start. All Hogan so far. He hits a corner whip and a clothesline. Sting tagged in, and got Kevin down. He grabs Kevin, and Hogan tagged back in. All six in. T trying to get them out. Heels get Hogan and Dave down. Dave gets his shoulder taken out. The medics take him away. Avalanche and Hogan battle in a corner. Butcher tagged in. He continues the beat down. Avalanche tagged in. Hogan goes to slam Avalanche but can't, and Avalanche gets a two count. Avalanche with a headbutt. Kevin tagged in as a Hogan chant went out. Back and forth. Hogan is trapped in the heels corner. Avalanche with a bear hug. Hogan fights to get out. Avalanche cranks on the pressure. Hogan breaks loose. Butcher trips him. Avalanche slams Hogan down. He misses a splash. Hogan tags Sting in. He cleans house. He hits Avalanche with a pair of Stinger splashes. He throws Kevin at Avalanche, who catches Kevin and uses him as a battering ram to Sting. Kevin attacks Sting and gets a two count. Butcher tagged in and got a two count. Butcher with a front face lock. Avalanche tagged in. He splashes Sting down and drops a leg on Sting for a two count. Hogan breaks the count up. Kevin tagged in. Back and forth. Sting slams Kevin off the top rope. Butcher and Hogan tagged in. Hogan cleans house. Kevin grabs Hart's megaphone as the other four battle in the ring. Kevin goes to hit Hogan with it, but T takes it away. Hogan covers Kevin for the pin. Kevin hits T with the megaphone. Avalanche does the big drop on Sting. Triple team to Hogan. Butcher puts the sleeper on Hogan. Other wrestlers and referees come out, but the heels keep them away. Hogan is out. The heels leave as medics check on Hogan and they sign off from Jacksonville.
-Final Thoughts: A mediocre show with a great Vader/Rhodes match.