Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 239 Notes

-Today we look at BattleBowl '93 from WCW.
-BattleBowl '93 was shown on PPV on November 20, 1993 from the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, FL. There were 7,000 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura welcome us to BattleBowl and talk about the event. They throw it to Mean Gene Okerlund and Fifi who are going to draw the names.
-Cactus Jack and Vader with Harley Race vs. Kane and Charlie Norris: They draw Kole's name out, but Kane is the one who wrestles. Cactus and Vader battle out on the ramp. Race is trying to separate them. Kane out and helping Vader. All four men out. Norris thrown off the ramp by Vader. Kane beating Cactus Jack down in the corner. Race out and trying to convince Vader than he has to get along with Cactus Jack. Jack throws Kane out and Vader hits him. Kane scoop slams Jack and Norris tagged in. Jack gets Norris into the corner and Vader tagged in. Vader with a short arm clothesline and a slam. Vader hits a Vader Bomb. He throws Norris out. Jack drops an elbow from the apron as Vader holds Norris. Vader with a double clap to Norris back in the ring. Jack tagged in. He drops a leg and gets a two count. Jack with a suplex and cover, but Kane breaks up the pin. Vader and Kane start to brawl. Kane tagged in. He gets Cactus Jack down. Norris tagged in and hits a suplex and a big foot. Jack tossed out and Kane throws him into the barricade. Norris with a nerve hold. Vader breaks up the hold. Kane tagged in and Cactus Jack hits the Double Arm DDT. Vader and Norris tagged in. Vader hits a big splash on Norris. Vader hits a powerbomb and gets the pin.
-Tony and Jesse talk about Vader and Cactus Jack making it to the finals.
-Paul Roma and Erik Watts vs. Johnny B. Badd and Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt: I dropped my pen when Missy came out. Roma and Badd start. They circle each other. Lock up and drive to the ropes. They break clean. Badd with a side headlock. Back to the ropes and break. Badd back to the side headlock. Into an arm drag. Badd with an arm bar. Roma gets out. Badd with another arm drag into the arm bar again. Knobbs tagged in. He hits Roma with a clothesline. Roma comes back with shots. Roma with a scoop slam. Watts tagged in and hits a knee lift to Knobbs. He dropkicks Knobbs out. Badd tagged in. He gets a hammerlock on. Watts reverses it. Back and forth. Badd with a roll up for a two count. Watts with an arm bar. Roma tagged in and hits a top rope chop. Roma with a hammerlock. Watts tagged in and hits a double ax handle. Watts misses a corner charge. Badd tags Knobbs in. Knobbs with a corner whip and clothesline. Watts hits a couple of arm drags. Watts with a side headlock. Badd comes back with a drop toe hold. Watts reverses into a hammerlock. Roma tagged in and gets a power slam, but Hyatt has referee Nick Patrick distracted. Badd with a side headlock takeover. Roma with the reversal. Knobbs trips Roma. Knobbs tagged in. He throws Roma out. Watts checks on Roma. Knobbs attacks Roma. Knobbs with a suplex for a two count. Knobbs with an abdominal stretch. Badd tagged in and gets a side headlock. Roma pushes off. Double shoulder block and both men are down. Knobbs tagged in. Knobbs with a scoop slam. Roma gets a foot up on a splash attempt. Roma hits an enziguri to get away from Knobbs. Watts tagged in. He gets Knobbs down with a slam. He runs Knobbs repeatedly into a turnbuckle. Knobbs reverses a corner whip. Watts comes back with a flying body press. Knobbs rolls through and gets the pin with a handful of tights.
-The Shockmaster and Paul Orndorff vs. Ricky Steamboat and Steven Regal: Orndorff and Steamboat start. A Paula chant goes out. Steamboat with a side headlock takeover. Orndorff up. Steamboat with a shoulder block. Orndorff throws Steamboat out. Steamboat skins the cat and catches Orndorff with his leg and headscissors Orndorff out. Back and forth. Steamboat with a rear chin lock. Orndorff gets out. Steamboat goes back to the side headlock takeover. Orndorff up and battles Steamboat in the corner. Orndorff out and both men collide and are down. Regal and Shockmaster tagged in. Shockmaster shoves Regal off. Regal with a side headlock. Shockmaster with a wrist lock. Regal with a European uppercut. Shockmaster with a big slam. Orndorff tagged in. Both sets of partners arguing. Regal with a side headlock into a takeover. Orndorff gets to his feet. Orndorff with a backslide for a two count. Regal with a full nelson. Orndorff reverses. Good chain wrestling. Steamboat tagged in. They trade moves and Steamboat guillotined on the top rope. Orndorff drops knees on Steamboat. Orndorff with a side slam. Shockmaster tagged in. He misses an elbow. Regal tagged in and doesn't want to get in. Shockmaster throws Regal in. Shockmaster misses a corner splash and Regal gets a two count. Regal rolls away as Orndorff had come in to break up the pin and drops an elbow on Shockmaster. They argue and Regal gets Sir William's umbrella. Steamboat grabs it and both sets of partners are now arguing. Steamboat hits Regal with the umbrella. Shockmaster with a splash to get the pin.
-Starrcade '93 ad. They go to what happened when the Starrcade venue of Charlotte was announced. Vader gets interrupted by Ric Flair, who challenges Vader. Vader tells him to bring it on as Flair puts his career on the line.
-Awesome Kong and The Equalizer vs. King Kong and Dustin Rhodes: Rhodes and the Equalizer start. Rhodes with a waist lock. Into a hammerlock. Equalizer gets out and Rhodes with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Back and forth. Awesome Kong tagged in. Rhodes tries to knock Awesome Kong down. He hits a dropkick and gets a roll up for a two count. Awesome Kong comes back with some shots and King Kong tagged in. The Kongs start to face each other and King Kong immediately tags Rhodes back in. Back and forth. Equalizer tagged in and Rhodes hits an arm drag into an arm bar. King Kong tagged in. King Kong with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Equalizer comes back with a clothesline of his own. Equalizer beating King Kong down in the corner. King Kong trying to fight out. King Kong reverses a corner whip, but runs into an Equalizer big boot. Equalizer misses a leg drop. Rhodes and Awesome Kong both tagged in. Rhodes with a series of moves to get a two count. Rhodes with a sunset flip for a two count and all four men in the ring now. In the confusion, Rhodes hits a bulldog to get the pin on Awesome Kong.
-Sting and Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt vs. Ron Simmons and Keith Cole: Simmons and Sags start. Sags rolls outside and screams at Sting to have his back. Simmons and Sags lock up and drive to a corner. Sags runs Simmons into a corner. Back and forth. Simmons with a dropkick. Simmons with a series of moves to Sags including a big shoulder block. Cole tagged in and gets Sags down. He gets an arm bar. Sags with a scoop slam, but Cole holds on to the arm bar. The crowd chants we want Sting. Sags gets out and hits a clothesline. Sags beating Cole down in the corner. Cole comes back with an arm drag into an arm bar. Simmons tagged in and gets a two count. Sting tagged in. He and Simmons lock up. Clean break. Simmons with a side headlock. Sting pushes off and Simmons hits a pair of shoulder blocks. He gets a two count. Another lock up and clean break. Sting with a go behind for a two count. Sting with a pair of shoulder blocks. Simmons with a drop toe hold. Cole tagged in. Cole with an arm drag. Sting with a back slide for a two count. Sags tagged in and gets caught with an arm drag. Back and forth. Sags with a snap mare. He kicks and drops elbows on Cole. Sting tagged in. Simmons tagged in. Simmons with an Irish whip and Sting comes back with a body press and a clothesline. Lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean. Simmons then stomps Sting down. Simmons choking Sting on the top rope. Simmons kicks Sting. He gets Sting down and Cole tagged in. Cole with an arm bar. Into a wrist lock. Simmons tagged back in. He catapults Sting into the bottom rope. Cole tagged back in. Cole with the wrist lock again. Sting comes back with a backdrop and a flurry of offense on Cole. Sting with a suplex. Sting hits a Stinger Splash, and Sags tags himself and hits a top rope elbow drop to get the pin. Simmons attacks Cole after the match.
-Tony and Jesse talk about the men who have reached BattleBowl.
-Steve Austin and Ric Flair with Col. Robert Parker vs. Maxx Payne and 2 Cold Scorpio: Flair comes out looking determined and gets a great ovation. Austin and Payne start. Austin with a waist lock. He can't get Payne down and Flair mocks Austin on the apron. Payne with a go behind. Payne with a side headlock. He gets a pair of shoulder blocks. Payne with a choke slam. Scorpio tagged in. Austin pounds on Scorpio. Back and forth. They are going at it heavy. Flair tagged in and gets a drop toe hold. They trade moves. They both go for backslides. Both back to their feet. Scorpio with a side headlock. Flair pushes off. Scorpio with a shoulder block. Payne tagged in. Flair goes up top, but gets caught so TASIYDAH. Payne misses an elbow drop and Austin tagged in. Payne with a backdrop and Scorpio tagged in. Austin bails out to regroup with Parker. Flair tagged in and chops Scorpio in the corner. Scorpio with a corner whip and splash. He follows it up with a suplex for a two count. He gets a roll up for another two count. Flair comes back with a chop and a backdrop. Austin tagged in. Scorpio with a roll up for a two count. Scorpio with a back thrust kick and he goes up top. He gets caught. Austin hits a suplex and gets a two count. Austin with a backbreaker. He then chokes Scorpio with his boot. Flair tagged in. He drops a knee on Scorpio for a two count. Flair with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Austin tagged in and gets a backdrop. Austin with an abdominal stretch. Austin pulls the ropes for leverage and he and Flair get into it. Flair tagged in and starts chopping Scorpio. Flair covers, but Payne makes the save. Austin tagged in and hits a splash from the top rope, but Payne makes the save again. Austin with a snap mare. Scorpio and Austin trade shots. Austin ran into a ring post. Scorpio with a spin kick. Both men down. Flair and Payne both tagged in. Back and forth. Payne unloading on Flair. Payne misses a high knee in the corner when Flair moves. Flair puts the figure four on and Payne gives up.
-Rick Rude and Shanghai Pierce vs. Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Tex Slazenger: Slazenger upset he has to fight Pierce. Rude and Bagwell start. They lock up. Rude pushes Bagwell down. Another lock up and push of. Rude with forearm shots and a suplex. Bagwell comes back with a drop toe hold. Slazenger tagged in and gets a wrist lock. Pierce tagged in. Rude yells at Pierce to beat Slazenger's ass. Pierce tags Rude back in and yells that's my partner when Rude asks why. Slazenger attacks Rude with shots and a headbutt. He hits a backdrop and tags Bagwell in. Bagwell attacks the arm of Rude. Pierce tagged in and hits a snap mare. Bagwell with a corner whip, but Pierce hits a back elbow to Bagwell on the charge. Back and forth. Bagwell with a slam and a splash for a two count. Bagwell with an arm bar. Pierce with a drop toe hold. Bagwell reverses the arm into a hammerlock. Pierce gets to the ropes to break and briefly rolls out to regroup. Rude tagged in. Rude with shoulders to Bagwell in the corner. Rude attacks Bagwell with stiff shots. Pierce tagged in. Back and forth. Bagwell with a headlock. Bagwell with a drop toe hold and a suplex. Rude pulls the rope down and Bagwell spills out to the floor while referee Randy Anderson was tied up talking to Slazenger. Jesse throws shade at Vince McMahon being indicted on commentary. Jesse has no chill. Bagwell ran into the apron. Pierce keeps up the attack on the outside. Bagwell thrown back in and Rude tagged in. Rude with a face buster to Bagwell. inverted backbreaker by Rude. Pierce tagged in. He slams Bagwell and gets a two count. Bagwell ran into Rude's boot and Rude tagged in. Rude chokes Bagwell in the corner. Rude with a bear hug. Bagwell trying to get to the corner. He tags Slazenger, but the referee doesn't see it. Pierce tagged in and Bagwell is in the wrong corner. Pierce with a rear chin lock. Bagwell trying to get out. Bagwell gets out, but runs into a big boot by Pierce. Pierce with a gut wrench powerbomb. Slazenger breaks up the pin attempt. Pierce yells at Slazenger, who gets tagged in. The two partners trade shots. Slazenger with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Rude tagged in and hits a Rude Awakening to get the pin. Slazenger and Pierce make up after the match.
-Hawk and Rip Rogers vs. Davey Boy Smith and Kole: Rogers is excited to be chosen and Hawk hits him on the ramp. Smith kicks Rogers as Smith was coming to the ring. Kole attacks Rogers as well. Poor Rip! An LOD chant goes out. Hawk and Smith start. They lock up and push off a couple of times. They drive to a corner and break. Test of strength. It is even and they break. Kole tagged in. He circles around Hawk and attacks Hawk. Back and forth. Kole with a rear chin lock. Hawk comes back with chops. Kole does the spineroonie and clotheslines Hawk. He beats on Hawk as Rogers is still trying to make it to the ring. Smith leads an LOD chant and Jesse is going off on him for it. Hawk gets guillotined. Kole with a top rope forearm. Kole hits Rogers every time he gets to the apron to knock him back to the ramp. Kole with another rear chin lock. The LOD chant goes out again. Hawk comes back with a clothesline. Kole with a backbreaker. Hawk counters with a clothesline. Hawk throws Rogers on Kole to get the pin. Rip is going to BattleBowl!
-Mean Gene and Fifi talk about BattleBowl. Jesse says either the Nasty Boys or Vader are the favorites. They have someone dub what is supposed to sound like Michael Buffer for some reason.
-BattleBowl: Cactus Jack, Vader, Johnny B. Badd, Brian Knobbs, The Shockmaster, Paul Orndorff, King Kong, Dustin Rhodes, Sting, Jerry Sags, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Rick Rude, Shanghai Pierce, Hawk, and Rip Rogers are your participants. Rogers staggers to the ring. He struggles to get in as BattleBowl begins. Forearms fly. They roughly pair off. Rogers eliminated. Pierce eliminated. Flair and Austin fight to the outside, but didn't go over the ropes so they are still legal. Badd eliminated. Cactus Jack tries to superplex Vader, but Vader tosses Jack to the mat. Cactus Jack eliminated. Orndorff eliminated. Shockmaster and King Kong both spilled out. Vader dumps Sting to the ramp, but it has to be to the floor to be eliminated. Race complains to Jesse that Sting should be eliminated, and Jesse says no. Flair goes out after Race. He gets back in, and Vader attacks him. Rhodes and Austin both through the ropes to fight on the outside. Rhodes ran into the ring post and is bleeding heavily. Sags eliminated. Knobbs and Rhodes eliminated. Rude and Hawk were then eliminated. Austin, Vader, Flair, and Sting are your final four. Vader misses a corner splash when Flair moves. Race drags Flair to the ramp and they start brawling. Flair suplexes Race on the ramp. Vader attacks Flair. Vader splashes Flair on the ramp. Sting comes out to help Flair. All four battle on the ramp. Medics out to check on Flair. They bring out a stretcher for Flair. They load Flair on the stretcher and announce that he can't continue. Race tries to turn the stretcher over. Vader and Austin throw Sting into the ring. They both go up top. Austin comes off, and Sting gets his boot up. Sting power slams Vader as he comes off. Sting cleans house. The crowd starts the whoomp there it is chant. Double team to Sting. Austin drops a knee on Sting. Austin and Vader bat Sting back and forth with punches. Vader splashes Sting multiple times. He misses a third splash attempt. Sting coming back. Austin drops a knee on Sting. Vader bomb to Sting, but Vader hurts his back. Austin misses a knee drop. Vader splashes Austin in the corner when Sting moves. Sting and Austin dumped to the ramp. Austin falls off the ramp to the floor. Vader attacks Sting. Vader misses a clothesline, and Sting knocks him down. Both men down. Sting picks Vader up and tries to eliminate him. He goes to Stinger Splash Vader, but Vader moves and Sting eliminates himself. Vader is the BattleBowl winner. Vader and Race celebrate as they sign off from Pensecola.
-Final Thoughts: Okay show. No highlights but a good way to waste a few hours.