Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

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COJWS Annual #4 Notes

-It's summertime and that means it's time for the COJWS Annual! This is Annual #4, and today we look at the David Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions.
-The Parade of Champions took place May 6, 1984 from Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas. There were 32,123 in attendance.
-Marc Lowrance welcomes us to Texas Stadium.
-Kelly Kininski and Johnny Mantell fount to a time limit draw in a dark match.
-Mixed Tag Team match. Jimmy Garvin and Precious vs. Chris Adams and Sunshine: Gino Hernandez grabs the mic and runs down the card and the crowd for not being on the card. He then runs down Adams and Garvin and leaves the ring. Adams and Sunshine tear Garvin's ring jacket in half. Adams and Garvin start. They lock up and trade moves. Adams with a sunset flip. Garvin cuts off a tag attempt. Garvin with a headlock. Adams with a shoulder block. Double clothesline, and both men are down. Adams with a superkick and Sunshine tagged in. She brings Precious in by catapulting her over the ropes to the crowds delight. She then catapults her into the corner. Sunshine scratches and claws. Garvin tagged in. Adams suplexes Garvin in from the apron and gets a two count. Adams with a leg drop for a two count. Garvin guillotines Adams into the corner. He does it again. and Adams is bleeding. Adams reverses a piledriver attempt and tags Sunshine in. She goes after Precious and Garvin trips Sunshine. All four in and brawling. Adams is thrown out, and Garvin holds Sunshine for Precious to slap. Adams back in and pins Garvin, but you don't see it because the focus is on Sunshine throwing Precious out. Precious hits Sunshine with a loaded purse, and Precious and Garvin bail. Sunshine takes off after them and tackles Precious. Precious gets away, and she and Garvin run.
-Butch Reed vs. Chic Donovan: The bell rings and they lock up. They push off. Reed is berating Donovan. Donovan attempts a scoop slam, but can't get Reed up. Donovan with a dropkick and a chin lock. Reed gets to the ropes. Donovan with a side headlock takeover. Reed gets to his feet. Donovan with a side headlock. Test of strength. Reed with an elbow. Reed batters Donovan and throws him out. Reed with a kick to keep Donovan out. Donovan comes back with a series of shots. Back and forth. Reed with a military press. Reed gets the pin with a splash.
-The Great Kabuki with Gary Hart vs. Kimala with Skandor Akbar and Friday: It takes a while to get started. Kabuki sprays green mist in the air. Kimala attacks Kabuki. Back and forth. Kabuki with kicks to get Kimala down. They lock up. Kimala with a bear hug. Kabuki fights to get out. He does temporarily, but Kimala gets the hold back on. They trade shots after Kabuki gets out. Kimala with a nerve hold. He gets Kabuki down by the hair. Kabuki back to his feet. Kabuki comes back with a flurry of offense. Kimala with a series of chops. Kabuki with a thrust kick, and Hart and Akbar get into it at ringside. Hart runs Friday into the ring post as Akbar gets on the apron. Hart and Akbar both in the ring, and Hart stomps Akbar down in the corner as the bell rings. Officials in to break it up. Both men are disqualified.
-The Junk Yard Dog vs. The Missing Link with Skandor Akbar: Link tries to jump JYD before the bell, but gets knocked to the outside by JYD. Link throws a chair into the ring, but JYD gets it and hits Link with it. Link to the outside. Link gets back in and headbutts JYD to no effect. JYD responds with a headbutt of his own. Back and forth. JYD with a series of headbutts. Link with an elbow. Link goes up top, but JYD moves out of the way. Akbar interferes. He grabs JYD's leg as Link hits the diving headbutt to get the pin. Referee Bronco Lubich comes in and disputes the call and JYD is declared the winner. Link and Akbar go crazy over the announcement.
-NWA American Tag Team Championship Match. The Super Destroyers I and II with Skandor Akbar vs. Iceman King Parsons and Buck Zumhofe: Who liked Zumhofe? Even before you found out he was the scum of the earth. Zumhofe and Destroyer 2 start. Zumhofe with a series of arm drags. Destroyer 1 tagged in. Parsons tagged in. Parsons hits a knee lift. Parsons follows it up with an arm bar. Parsons runs the Super Destroyers out to the floor. Destroyer 2 tagged in. They trade shots. Parsons with a headbutt. Zumhofe and Destroyer 1 tagged in. Zumhofe with a version of the Acid Drop. Zumhofe with a sunset flip for a two count. Zumhofe goes back to the sunset flip. Zumhofe with a side headlock. Destroyer 2 comes back. Destroyer 1 tagged in. He hits a dropkick and a backdrop. Destroyer 1 with a headlock. They trade moves. Destroyer 2 tagged in. He drops a knee for a two count. Destroyer 2 misses a dropkick and Parsons tagged in. He cleans house. All four men in. Faces with double sunset flips for two counts. Parsons hits the Butt bump to get the pin, and we have new America's Tag Team Champions.
-Badstreet USA video.
-Six-Man Tag Championship Match. The Freebirds Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, and Buddy Roberts vs. Fritz, Kevin, and Mike Von Erich: Von Erich's get a tremendous ovation when they come out. This is a come as you are street fight. Freebirds attack the Von Erichs as they get to the ring. Von Erichs come back, and the crowd comes unglued. Freebirds bail out to the floor. Roberts and Kevin start. Kevin with a corner whip, and it is breaking loose early. Kevin with a series of kicks to Roberts. Mike tagged in and works over the leg of Roberts. Roberts fighting to get out. Hayes tagged in, but misses a fist drop when Mike moves. Fritz tagged in. All 6 are now in as Fritz takes off his belt. He whips Hayes to the delight of the crowd. Kevin and Gordy tagged in. Gordy beating on Kevin. Fritz comes in and hits Gordy. Kevin with corner mounted punches. Gordy blocks a claw attempt. Hayes tagged in and attacks Kevin with a boot. Kevin ran into Gordy's boot, and Roberts tagged in. Fritz tagged in. Fritz cleaning house on the Freebirds. He puts the claw on Hayes and Gordy. Gordy hits Fritz with Gordy's boot. Fritz and Mike run the Freebirds together. Kevin hits a crossbody on Roberts to get the pin and the Von Erichs are the new 6-Man Tag Team Champions. Killer Khan comes out to attack the Von Erichs. Marc Lowrance calls him a huge Oriental, and we have reached the cringe portion of our program. Kerry comes in to even things up.
-Main Event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich: Flair out first and looking all business. Tom Sawyer hits, and the crowd goes wild. They then switch to Texas when I die. I'm sure it was originally Heaven needed a champion. Kerry is extremely popular with the crowd. They are crowding him and grabbing him. He makes it to the ring. The disqualification rule is waived. No time limit. Kerry's ring jacket says in memory of David. The referee is David Manning, and they are face to face as he goes over the rules and presents the belt. They lock up and drive to the ropes. They break. Back and forth. They vie for position. Kerry with a side headlock. Flair pushes off, and Kerry hits a dropkick. Flair backs off. They circle each other again. Kerry with a side headlock into an arm bar. Flair gets to the corner and chops Kerry. They trade blows. Flair rolls out briefly to regroup. Flair chops Kerry again. He throws Kerry out. Kerry comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Kerry reverses a corner whip and gets the sleeper on. Flair with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Flair drops a knee on Kerry. Flair with a suplex for a two count. Kerry with an abdominal stretch. Flair hip locks out. Kerry drops a knee on Flair. Flair runs into the claw. Flair goes down to his knees. Flair with a gut shot to get out. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off, so TASIYDAH. Flair begging off. Kerry with a corner whip. Flair with a snap mare, and he goes for the figure four. Kerry keeps kicking Flair off. Kerry gets a backslide to get the pin and become the new NWA Champion. The crowd goes wild. Kerry holds the belt high. Wrestlers out to congratulate Kerry. Flair is livid. Flair tells Kerry that he will be back. Kerry celebrates and then he leaves. He greets and hugs his mother and father.
-Marc Lowrence signs off from Texas.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: A historic show with the right ending. Kerry would lose the title back to Flair in Japan 18 days later.