Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 240 Notes

-Today we look at Roadblock: End of the Line from the WWE.
-Roadblock: End of the Line was a Raw only PLE and PPV and it took place December 18, 2016 from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA.
-WWE and Roadblock intros.
-New Day comes out as Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton welcome us to Roadblock. New Day do their routine.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Big E and Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods vs. Sheamus and Cesaro: The SAT and GAT are announced. Cesaro attacks Kingston with a dropkick as soon as the bell rings. Back and forth. Fast paced match. Cesaro goes for the Big Swing, but Kingston gets to the ropes. Sheamus clotheslines Kingston while the referee is distracted. Sheamus tagged in. He hits a suplex for a one count. Sheamus with a rolling senton and Cesaro tagged in. He gets a two count. Sheamus tagged in and hit a battering ram for a two count. Sheamus with a headlock. Kingston with a jaw breaker to get out. Sheamus knocks Big E off the apron. Cesaro tagged in and he and Sheamus double team Kingston. Cesaro hits an uppercut to get a two count. Cesaro hits the post shoulder first when Kingston moves. Sheamus tagged in, and Kingston backdrops Sheamus out. Big E tagged in. Big E spears Sheamus off the apron. Big E with the Big Splash to get a two count. Back and forth. Sheamus with a big kick and Cesaro tagged in. He and Sheamus hit a version of White Noise to get a two count. Cesaro hits a spinning corkscrew uppercut. Cesaro goes for the big swing and now all four men in the ring. Big E hits the Big Ending, but only gets a two count. Kingston tagged in. He goes up top, but Sheamus pulls him down temporarily. Cesaro with a top rope hurricanrana. Kingston rolls through, but Cesaro pulls through and gets the Big Swing on as Sheamus hits Big E with a Brogue Kick on the outside. Cesaro gets the Sharpshooter on. Woods gets on the apron to distract, and Sheamus takes off after Woods. The referee is dealing with this and doesn't see Kingston tap out. Kingston gets a small package, but Cesaro rolls through. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer, but Big E makes the save. Cesaro throws Big E out. Sheamus tagged in and Cesaro hits Big E with a plancha. Sheamus goes for the Broague Kick, but Woods shoves Kingston out of the way and takes it. Kingston hits the SOS to get a two count. Cesaro fakes a tag in and Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise, but Sheamus rolls Kingston up to get the pin and we have new Raw Tag Team Champions. Cesaro hugs the New Day, but Sheamus grabs the belts and holds them high. Cesaro goes out into the crowd and celebrates.
-Charley Caruso talks to Kevin Owens. Owens says he doesn't care about the New Day. He's better than the New Day and Roman Reigns. Caruso asks Owens about his strained relationship with Chris Jericho. Owens says he and Jericho are best friends. Owens then runs into Jericho. He tries to apologize and make up with Jericho. He gives him a holiday scarf. Jericho throws the scarf down and leaves.
-WWE Network ad.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Sami Zayn vs. Braun Strowman: Sami must last 10 minutes. Flashback to what led up to the match. Zayn is avoiding Strowman. Zayn chops Strowman. Zayn with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Zayn with corner mounted punches. Strowman throws Zayn across the ring. He beats Zayn down. Zayn goes out, but Strowman throws him back in. Strowman throwing Zayn around. Strowman choking Zayn on the ropes. Zayn pulls the apron down when Strowman charges. Strowman catches Zayn when he dives onto Strowman and guillotines Zayn on the apron. Strowman throws Zayn back in. He splashes Zayn in the corner. Strowman beats Zayn down with forearms. Zayn keeps getting back to his feet. 5 minutes left. Strowman continues the beat down. The referee keeps asking Zayn if he wants to continue. 4 minutes left. Mick Foley comes out carrying a white towel. Strowman throws Zayn out of the ring towards Foley. Strowman comes out and yells at Foley to save Zayn. Zayn is begging Foley not to throw the towel in. The crowd yells let them fight. Zayn back to his feet and tells Foley not like this. Strowman throws Zayn at the ring post and rushes the post, but Zayn moves and Strowman hits the post. 90 seconds left. Strowman rushes Zayn, who moves again, and Strowman goes through the barricade. Strowman gets in on the 9 count. 45 seconds left. Zayn moves on a Strowman charge and goes up top and gets a crossbody for a two count. Zayn hits a Helluva Kick and time expires. Zayn wins. Strowman is pissed. Foley talking to Zayn on the outside.
-UK Championship Tournament announcement.
-Flashback to what led to the Seth Rollins/Chris Jericho match.
-Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins: Rollins gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. The international announce teams are introduced. The bell rings, and they circle each other. Rollins with an arm drag. Jericho with a side headlock. Rollins pushes off, and Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up again. Jericho with a wrist lock. Rollins reverses and gets an arm bar. Rollins gets Jericho down and hits a running kick. Rollins beating Jericho down in the corner. Rollins with a corner whip, but Jericho gets his boot up on the charge. Jericho with a missile dropkick for a two count. Back and forth. Jericho is beating Rollins down in the corner. Jericho with a corner whip, but Rollins comes back with a corner clothesline. Jericho rolls out to regroup. Rollins hits a knee from the apron on Jericho. Rollins throws Jericho into a barricade. Rollins throws Jericho back in the ring. Jericho with a running elbow. Jericho misses a clothesline, and Rollins catapults Jericho into a post. Jericho backdrops Rollins to the apron. Rollins punches Jericho. The referee separates the two. Jericho with a springboard dropkick to Rollins to knock Rollins to the floor. Rollins gets back in on the 9 count, and Jericho immediately attacks him. Jericho with a modified chicken wing to Rollins. Rollins fights out. Jericho hits a dropkick for a two count. Rollins coming back. Jericho cuts Rollins off with a knee to the stomach. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins gets to the ropes and catches Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho goes for a bulldog, and Rollins pushes off. Back and forth. Rollins hits a Slingblade. He hits Jericho with corner forearms and goes up top. Rollins hits a Blockbuster to get a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree. Jericho with a backdrop and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Rollins counters. Jericho hits an enziguri. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, and Rollins dumps Jericho to the outside. Rollins with a suicide dive onto Jericho. Rollins goes for a springboard, but Jericho catches him and gets the Walls of Jericho on. Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins with an enziguri. He misses a frog splash when Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Lionsault for a two count. Rollins hits a Falcoln Arrow to get a two count. Back and forth. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Jericho blocks it. Rollins with a roll up. Jericho rolls through and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Rollins is trying to get out. Rollins maneuvers into a small package to get a two count. Jericho thrown to the apron. He gets caught coming off. Rollins with a kick to the jaw and a frog splash to Jericho. Kevin Owens comes out, and Rollins attacks him when Owens gets up on the apron. Jericho takes advantage and rolls Rollins up, but the referee is still trying to get Owens off the apron. Jericho gets a two count. Jericho counters a Pedigree attempt and yells at Owens, and Owens leaves. Rollins hits a knee to the nose of Jericho, and Jericho goes for the Code Breaker. Rollins counters into the Pedigree and gets the pin.
-WWE Network ad.
-They show highlights of Rusev vs. Big Cass from the kickoff show.
-Triple threat match for the Cruiserweight Championship. Austin Aries joins commentary. Rich Swann vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins: The bell rings and Swann and Perkins both attack Kendrick. Perkins rolls Swann up, but Kendrick makes the save. Swann tries to leapfrog Kendrick but doesn't make it, and Kendrick rolls out hurt. Perkins and Swann go back and forth. Kendrick grabs Swann and pulls him outside. Perkins dropkicks Kendrick and throws Kendrick back in. Perkins goes for a leg lock, but Kendrick kicks off. Swann hits Kendrick with an enziguri. Swann with a double hurricanrana. Swann is hitting both competitors. Fast paced match. Kendrick goes to throw Perkins out. Swann hits a missile dropkick to Perkins. Kendrick goes for the Captain's Hook on Swann. Perkins gets the Knee Bar on Kendrick. Swann splashes Perkins. All three men down. Swann blocks a Sliced Bread attempt from Kendrick. Perkins hits Kendrick with the superkick. Perkins with a Knee Bar on Swann. Swann is trying to break the hold and gets to the ropes. Perkins lets go, but he didn’t have to since it was a no-disqualification match. Back and forth. Kendrick comes in and they hit him with a double superkick. Swann then hits Perkins with a superkick to get the pin. After the match, Neville returns and attacks Swann and Perkins.
-WWE Crash Cage and Tap Out ads.
-Kevin Owens is shown in the back trying to get into Chris Jericho's locker room, but it's locked. He apologizes through the door to Jericho. He tells Jericho to put his name on the list and says they must not be best friends any more, and that hurts his feelings. The announcers talk about what we just saw.
-Flashback to what led up to the Raw Women's championship match.
-Raw Women's Championship 30 minute Iron Man match. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair: They both have their share of cheers. Flair looking all business. The referee presents the belt. The bell rings. Both are being cautious. They circle each other and Flair whoos. They lock up and vie for position. They go down, but neither lets go of the other. Banks with a wrist lock. Flair reverses into an arm bar. They reverse each other. Flair with a front face lock. Banks comes back with a wrist lock. Flair with a side headlock takeover. Back and forth, and Banks with a side headlock takeover of her own. Flair with a shoulder tackle. She gets a one count. Banks with a back elbow. Banks chops Flair in the corner. Banks goes for the Bank Statement, but Flair rolls out of the ring. Flair comes back and gets a couple of one counts. Banks gets a one count on a backslide. Banks with a dropkick. Banks mocks Flair. Flair comes back with a big kick. Banks with a sleeper. Flair up and drops back on Banks to get a two count. Banks ran into the turnbuckle. They go outside and exchange blows. Banks hits double knees to Flair off the apron. Banks throws Flair back in. Banks gets the Straitjacket on Flair in the middle of the ring. Flair powers out. Banks with a clothesline. Flair with a back elbow. Banks with a suicide dive onto Flair. Banks gets a two count. Banks runs Flair into the turnbuckle while Banks is on the apron. Flair sweeps the leg of Banks, and Banks falls on the ring steps. Flair goes out and gets Banks in to get a two count. Flair attacks Banks relentlessly. The referee backs Flair off and checks on Banks. Flair keeps up the attack on Banks and gets another two count. Flair with a chin lock. Flair slams Banks down. Flair misses a knee drop when Banks moves. Back and forth. Flair hits a backbreaker/neck breaker combo, followed by the knee drop. She gets another two count. Flair with a headscissors on Banks. Banks twists around and gets Flair's shoulders down for a two count. Flair attacks Banks. She can't get a pin, though. They trade moves. Banks attacks Flair in the corner. She hits double knees in the corner. Banks misses a crossbody when Flair moves and Flair hits Natural Selection, but still only gets a two count. Banks jumps on Flair's back with a headlock. Flair runs Banks into the corner to try and knock her off. Flair gets Banks down with a snap mare. Flair goes up top, but gets caught. Flair knocks Banks off the turnbuckle and hits a version of Natural Selection to go up 1-0. Flair with another cover to get a two count. Flair slaps Banks. Back and forth. Flair with a suplex for a two count. Banks with a quick roll up to tie it 1-1. Flair catches Banks with a running boot to get a two count. Flair stomps Banks. Flair misses a moonsault and Banks gets the Bank Statement on. She gets it in the center of the ring, and Flair taps, and Banks is up 2-1. Flair chops Banks. She beats Banks down in the corner. Flair drops down on Banks' knee, and Flair targets the leg as Banks tries to get away. Flair goes for the Figure 8. Banks with a right hand to get away. Flair runs Banks' leg into the ring post. Flair continues the assault on the leg. Banks gets a quick roll up for a two count. Flair continues the assault. Three minutes left. Flair with a leg lock. Flair gets the figure four on. Banks trying to fight out. 90 seconds left. Banks reverses, but Flair reverses back. One minute left. Banks tries to get to the ropes. 30 seconds left. Flair is trying to drag Banks back. Banks taps just as time expires. It's tied 2-2. Referee Chad Patton tells Jojo that the match will go to overtime. Patton checking on Banks. Flair attacks the leg immediately. Flair goes for the injured leg. Banks rolls through and gets a close two count. Flair with a fall away slam. Banks with another roll up for a two count. Banks with a back stabber, but it looks like she is bleeding and her knee is hurting. Banks with the Bank Statement. Flair goes for the bad leg. Flair reverses into the figure four. Banks reaching for the ropes. Flair gets the Figure 8. Banks finally taps, and Flair is the new Raw Women's Champion. Medics out to check on Banks. Flair celebrates.
-WWE Super Card and Royal Rumble ads.
-Members of the Pittsburgh Steelers shown in the crowd.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-Main Event. WWE Universal Championship Match. Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns: Reigns is the current US Champion, but of course his belt isn't on the line. He gets a mixed reaction when he comes out. He takes his time getting to the ring. The bell rings and Owens immediately gets out of the ring. He circles the ring and makes the referee get Reigns away before he gets back in. They go to lock up and Owens bails out again. Reigns follows and they fight on the outside. Reigns throws Owens back in. Reigns with a suplex and Owens again goes to the outside. Reigns comes out again. Reigns throws him back in again. Owens with a side headlock takedown. Reigns with a sidewalk slam for a one count. Reigns beats on Owens in the corner. Owens goes out and Reigns follows. Owens thrown into the barricade. Reigns takes the GAT apart. Owens throws Reigns in and hits a rolling senton for a one count. Owens with a flurry of offense. Back and forth. Owens ducks a Superman Punch and rolls out again. Reigns follows and Owens throws him into the ring steps. Owens hits a senton. Owens throws Reigns back in and gets a two count. Owens stomping Reigns and gets another two count. Owens with a chin lock. Owens yells at Reigns to give up. Reigns trying to get out. Owens with a neck breaker for a two count.. A rolling leg drop gets another two count for Owens. He goes back to the chin lock. Owens keeps the assault up. Reigns fights back. He hits multiple clotheslines to Owens in the corner. They trade shots. Owens with a German suplex. Owens goes for a cannonball and Reigns catches him with a punch. Reigns with a Samoan drop for a two count. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch and Owens counters with a DDT. He gets a close two count. Owens hits a cannonball, but Reigns comes back with a Superman Punch. He gets a two count. Owens trying to block a superplex attempt. He does, but Reigns hits a Superman Punch to Owens on the top rope. Owens counters another superplex attempt and slams Reigns off the top rope. He gets a close two count. Owens goes for a top rope swanton and Reigns gets his knees up to counter. Reigns setting up for the Spear in the corner and Owens rolls out. Reigns goes out after Owens and hits the Drive by. He throws Owens in and Owens rolls right out again. Owens counters another Drive by attempt. He kicks Reigns in the face. Reigns out on the GAT. Owens sets a chair up in the timekeepers area. Owens splashes Reigns on the GAT and it doesn't break. Take a shot. A second splash breaks the table. Reigns barely beats the count back in the ring. Owens with another splash for a close two count. Reigns avoids a pop up powerbomb with a back elbow. Reigns with a sit out powerbomb for a two count. Owens counters a Spear attempt with a knee and a roll up for a two count. Owens gets the pop up powerbomb, but Reigns gets his foot on the rope. Owens goes out and grabs his title belt and brings it in to perhaps hit Reigns, but gets hit with a Spear from Reigns instead. Both men down. Chris Jericho comes down and slides into the ring. He hits Owens with the Code Breaker. Owens wins by DQ. Jericho picks the title up and hands it to Owens and raises Owens hand. They hug in the ring. Reigns looking on from the outside. Owens and Jericho start to leave, but Seth Rollins comes out. They back up and Reigns hits Owens with a Spear. Rollins hits Jericho with a Pedigree. Rollins throws Jericho to the outside. They clear off the SAT. Shield powerbomb through the table. Owens trying to leave with the title. They grab Owens. They fight over to the English announce table on the stage. The announcers bail. They clear off the table. Shield powerbomb to Owens through the table. Rollins and Reigns lookdown on Owens as the show ends.
-Final Thoughts: A good show to end 2016 for the WWE.