Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 88 Notes

-I’ve finally gotten below 300 pounds.
-Today we look at WWE Capital Punishment 2011.
-WWE Capital Punishment 2011 was shown on PPV on June 19, 2011 from the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. 9,850 in attendance and the show had 170,000 PPV buys.
-Intro showing R-Truth and John Cena highlighting what led to their match tonight.
-Opening Credits.
-United States Championship Match. Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler: Booker T, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole welcome us to Capital Punishment. They welcome Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Savinovich of the Spanish Announce Team. Ziggler has Vickie Guerrero with him. Back and forth to begin. Kingston with a hip toss into a side headlock. Ziggler pushes off and gets a side headlock. Kingston reverses it into a head scissors. Ziggler with a shot and a side headlock. Kingston pushes off. Ziggler hits a shoulder block. Back and forth. Kingston with a nice back elbow. Ziggler with a low blow and raining blows to Kingston’s back. Kingston with a corner whip and then a monkey flip to Ziggler. Kingston goes for trouble in paradise and Ziggler turns and drops Kingston on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler hits a famouser. That gets a two count. Kingston hits some body shots while Ziggler has him in a front face lock. Kingston reverses a Ziggler neck breaker attempt into a backslide. He gets a two count. Ziggler with a standing dropkick. Ziggler drops an elbow for a one count. Ziggler with a rear chin lock. Back and forth. Kingston with a rollup for a one count. Kingston counters a Ziggler pick up with a rollup for a two count. Kingston misses a corner charge and Ziggler hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. Ziggler with an arm bar. A Kofi chant goes out. Ziggler goes for the sleeper. Kingston counters with a jaw breaker. Ziggler misses a corner splash. Kingston with a couple of big chops. Kingston misses a corner charge but hits a splash from the top rope. That gets a two count. Kingston hits the boom drop. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise but counters a Ziggler pump handle slam into the SOS for a close two count. Kingston then gets another two count. Ziggler reverses a third into a rollup holding the tights, but Kingston kicks out anyway. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Kingston counters. Back and forth. Kingston goes up top, but Ziggler catches him and tries for a superplex. Kingston holding on. He slams Ziggler down and hits a crossbody and Ziggler again kicks out on two. Kingston goes for another SOS and Ziggler counters with a sleeper again. Kingston makes it to the corner and Ziggler is run into it head first. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Ziggler goes for a backbreaker, but Kingston holds onto the ropes. Vickie Guerrero attacks Kingston. Ziggler locks on a sleeper. Kingston goes for the ropes, but Ziggler pushes off the ropes so they are in the middle of the ring. The referee stops the match as Kingston is out. Some confusion as to whether Kingston submitted, Ziggler was disqualified for using the rope, or the referee stopped it because Kingston is out. They announce Ziggler as the new United States Champion. Vickie Guerrero comes into the ring and they celebrate.
-A limousine pulls up in the back of the arena. R-Truth gets out and Josh Matthews interviews him. R-Truth still has John Cena’s WWE Title. He says he has a big party to attend. He then comes across Eve. She says she doesn’t even know who he is anymore. He says nobody does.
-Todd Grisham asks The Miz if he has what it takes to beat Alex Riley. Miz says he is sick of hearing about Alex Riley. He says Riley is a reject and he is the only one that ever mattered.
-Flashback to what led up to the Miz/Riley match.
-The Miz VS. Alex Riley: Riley gets a nice ovation coming out. Miz screams at Riley saying no one cares about him while holding the briefcase and Riley kicks the briefcase into Miz’s stomach. Miz takes Riley down. Riley reverses it and starts punching Miz. Miz takes off around the ring and Riley follows. Riley beats Miz down. Miz in the corner. The referee pulls Riley off of Miz allowing Miz to kick Riley. Miz with knees to Riley’s face. Miz hits the million dollar knee lift. He follows that up with a running kick to Riley’s face. He rains down punches to Riley’s face. Riley swinging for Miz but not connecting. Let’s go Riley/Let’s go Miz dueling chants go out. Miz with a DDT for a two count. Miz attacks Riley’s back. Miz with a big kick to Riley’s face. He keeps knocking Riley down. He calls Riley nothing and tells him to stay down. Riley misses a corner charge and hits his shoulder on the post. Riley falls out of the ring. Miz hits him with a running boot to the face. Back in, Miz gets another two count. Riley finally hits a shot to Miz’s face. Miz jumps on Riley’s back and applies a headlock. Riley down to one knee and then all the way down. Miz applies a body vice. Riley gets back to his feet. Miz with a death drop for a two count. Miz hits the running clothesline in the corner. A top rope double ax handle gets a two count. Miz gets Riley in the tree of woe. He delivers kicks to Riley’s stomach. Riley ducks a Miz Baseball slide and the Miz crotches himself in the corner. Riley gets an elbow and a charge in. He runs Miz into two corners. He hits a spinebuster for a two count. Big kick to the head of Miz. That gets another two count. It goes outside. Riley runs Miz into the ring and the barricade. He runs Miz into the announce table and Cole is just berating Riley. Riley grabs Cole by the tie and pulls him over the table. Miz gets a shot in and grabs the briefcase. The referee grabs it away from Miz allowing Riley to hit the Pump DDT for the pin.
-A President Obama lookalike is shown talking to Sgt. Slaughter. Vickie Guerrero tries to interrupt. She sings Happy Father’s Day to Obama mimicking the old Marilyn Monroe/JFK thing. The Secret Service drag her off.
-Flashback to what led to the Big Show/Alberto Del Rio match.
-Alberto Del Rio VS. The Big Show: Big Show attacks Del Rio as he is coming down the aisle. He drives Del Rio into the barricade. He throws Del Rio in the ring, but is attacked by Mark Henry who he had attacked on Smackdown the previous Friday. Henry slams The Big Show through the Spanish Announce Table. The referee goes to check on Big Show as Del Rio begs the referee to start counting. Henry comes back and attacks the left knee of Big Show. He leaves and Big Show struggles to get in the ring as the referee starts to count. Big Show gets in at 7 and the referee asks if he is sure. The bell rings. Big Show flings Del Rio into the corner. Irish whip to Del Rio. He tries to go for a chokeslam, but Del Rio attacks the leg. He clips the knee and then hits it with a kick. He gets a two count. Big Show catches Del Rio’s foot and pushes him off. Big Show hits a chokeslam on Del Rio but falls as well. Del Rio on the outside but Big Show brings him up on the apron by his head so Del Rio drops down and guillotines Big Show. Del Rio goes up top and gets caught by Big Show. Del Rio goes back to the knee. Del Rio goes for the cross arm breaker and Big Show counters with a backdrop. Del Rio with a kick to Big Show’s knee. Cross Arm Breaker. Big Show gets to the ropes. He gets up but falls down again. Referee calls it off because Big Show can’t defend himself. Del Rio wins.
-R-Truth tries to work with a photographer to take his picture. The photographer points out the name plate says John Cena so R-Truth grabs him and yells at him.
-Matt Striker tries to interview Wade Barrett who grabs the microphone and starts walking around backstage. He says that D.C. needs a king. He gets booed as he walks to the ring. He says the USA is a hollow shell much like Ezekiel Jackson. A USA chant goes out. He says everyone is going to witness him destroy Jackson.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. Wade Barrett VS. Ezekiel Jackson: Slow to start as a USA chant starts back up. Back elbow by Jackson gets a one count. Jackson goes for the Torture Rack, but Barrett slips out and goes to the outside. Back in, Jackson hits some gut shots to Barrett. Barrett ducks a Jackson corner charge, so Jackson hits a back shot to Barrett. Jackson drops an elbow for a two count. Barrett comes back with a boot to the head and gets a one count. Jackson with a boot and forearm and goes for a clothesline, but Barrett catches him in a side slam. Gets a two count. Barrett with a rear chin lock. A USA chant goes out. Barrett goes for a pump handle slam. Jackson reverses it to go for the Torture Rack, but Barrett rolls through and tries and gets a sunset flip. Gets a two count. Barrett with a back kick. Barrett with a pump handle slam. Gets a two count. Barrett slaps Jackson. Barrett with kicks in the corner. He misses a running kick to the corner. Jackson with a back elbow and a block. Jackson with a clothesline. He hits a big corner splash. Barrett misses a corner charge. Jackson goes for the Torture Rack again. Barrett blocks it and hits Wasteland on Jackson. He gets a two count. The USA chant starts again. Jackson blocks a big kick. He body slams Barrett several times. He gets the Torture Rack on and Barrett submits. New Intercontinental Champion.
-Jerry Lawler goes into the ring and asks Jackson how it feels to be the new Intercontinental Champion? He says he has gained his independence.
-Beth Phoenix, Santino Marella, and Kelly Kelly meet “Obama”. Marella tries to teach Obama the Cobra, but is taken out by the Secret Service halfway through.
-Josh Matthews interviews CM Punk. Punk says all politicians are scum, including himself. He says that Rey Mysterio is also using everyone and he’s the only real one here.
-Rey Mysterio VS. CM Punk: Mysterio gives a mask to a fan as he comes down. Punk is gearing up for the Summer of Punk. Mysterio goes for the leg of Punk. Punk with a wrist lock. Mysterio hits a snap mare. Punk misses an elbow to the corner and Mysterio gets a kick in. Punk with a scoop slam and a shoulder block. Mysterio with some kicks to Punk’s knee. Mysterio with a sunset flip. Punk drops down, gets a two count. Mysterio counters. Gets a one count. Punk gets to the ropes. Mysterio with a shot that sets up the 619, but Punk drops down. Mysterio hits a baseball slide and Punk goes out. Mysterio goes for a hurricanrana to the floor from the apron, but Punk falls back and guillotines Mysterio on the barricade. Back in, Punk gets a two count. Punk gets the bow and arrow on Mysterio. Mysterio powers out for a one count when he lands on Punk. Punk lands on Mysterio for a one count. Punk gets a body scissors. A CM Punk chant goes out as Mysterio tries to free himself. Mysterio goes for a move, but gets caught in a tilt a whirl backbreaker. That gets a close two count. Punk goes back to the leg scissors. Mysterio with some head-butts to get out of the move. Punk set up for the 619 again. Punk comes off and catches Mysterio with a clothesline. Gets a close two count. Puts Mysterio in an abdominal stretch. Mysterio out and trips Punk as he goes for a corner charge. Mysterio goes up and Punk catches him and puts Mysterio in the tree of woe. Punk gets a shot in and gets a two count. Back and Forth and Mysterio head scissors Punk out of the ring. Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault on Punk on the outside. Back in, Mysterio hits a diving headbutt on Punk. He again gets a two count. Mysterio with a crossbody, but Punk rolls through for a two count. Punk with a sunset flip and Mysterio rolls through. Punk with an inside cradle. Mysterio rolls through. They trade kicks. Mysterio with a kick to the head that gets a two count. Mysterio goes up top but gets caught. Punk hits a back suplex from the top. Punk gets a two count, but he is hurt as well. Punk hits the running knee. Punk misses a corner charge. Mysterio hits a 619 in the corner. Punk falls to the outside. Mysterio puts him back in and goes up top. He goes for the top rope splash, but Punk gets his knees up. Gets a close two count. Punk is hurt, but calls for the Go 2 Sleep. He hits the knees and gets Mysterio up. He goes for it, but Mysterio counters it into a roll up for a two count. Punk hits an enziguri for a two count. Punk goes for the Go 2 Sleep again, but Mysterio again pulls away and Punk is set up for the 619. Punk ducks as Mysterio swings around and hits the Go 2 Sleep. He gets the pin.
-Flashback to what’s led up to the Randy Orton/Christian Match.
-World Heavyweight Title Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: The announcers talk about Orton being medically cleared to compete. Orton with big shots starting out. Then they trade shots. Orton with a modified press and shots to Christian. Orton with a side headlock. Then a shoulder block for a one count. Christian with a front face lock and some knees to Orton. A big forearm. Christian goes for a second rope dropkick and Orton swats him away. Christian throws Orton to the outside. Christian dropkicks Orton. He goes to body press but Orton moves and shoulder blocks Christian. Back in, Orton gets a two count. Orton with punches to the corner. Orton clotheslines Christian to the outside. Orton goes to DDT Christian off the ring steps but Christian runs Orton into the steps. Back in, Christian gets a two count. Christian with a reverse neck breaker. That gets another two count. Orton comes back with a headbutt. Christian goes for a corner charge and Orton lifts his legs up and gets Christian with a roll up for a two count. Christian with a spinebuster for a two count. Christian punches Orton’s head and Orton appears dazed. Orton reverses a corner whip and Christian hits head first but Orton falls down. Orton with a backdrop. Back and forth. Orton with a couple of clotheslines. He hits a big power slam. A belly to belly suplex by Orton gets a two count. Orton goes for the apron DDT, but Christian drops down and slaps Orton. Christian goes to suplex Orton on the outside, but Orton headbutts Christian to get out of it but is hurt more by the move. Orton runs Christian into the corner post. Orton hits the superplex but also hurts himself. He gets a two count. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian blocks it and goes for the Kill Switch. Orton elbows Christian in the head. Orton does a snap backbreaker move for a two count. Christian goes for the Kill Switch again. Orton pushes off and goes for the RKO again. Christian rolls outside. Orton follows. Back in, back and forth. Orton with an apron DDT. Orton does his Viper mat pounding routine. He goes for the RKO. Christian counters with a Death Drop for a two count. Christian goes for the spear. Orton leap frogs. He goes for the RKO. Christian pushes off. Christian hits the spear for a two and a half count. Orton with a dropkick. Christian with a head kick and then he goes up top. Orton moves out of the way so Christian lands on his feet and Orton hits the RKO and gets the pin. Christian complains to the referee that his leg was under the rope. Orton blasts Christian with the belt. On the replay the announcers say Christian may have a point.
-The Bella Twins come out with Keith Stone. He was apparently a spokesman for Keystone Light. No memory of this whatsoever.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-Jack Swagger VS. Evan Bourne: Swagger pushes Bourne off to start. Front face lock. Swagger slams Bourne down. Swagger with a wristlock. Bourne reverses it with a kick to Swagger’s knee. Swagger with a shoulder block. Swagger goes for a hip toss. Bourne counters with a head scissors. Swagger with a knee to the gut. Then another one. Slams Bourne down for a two count. Swagger with some elbows to Bourne’s stomach. Swagger with a rear chin lock. Bourne with some kicks to the head. Swagger with a backdrop. Gets a two count. Swagger with some body shots to Bourne. Bourne corner whipped. Swagger bomb gets a two count. Swagger beating Bourne’s back. Bourne with a head scissors. Bourne with a series of leg kicks. Swagger with a scoop slam. Bourne gets his leg up on a second Swagger bomb. Bourne with a stiff kick for a two count. He goes up top, but Swagger gets up, so Bourne jumps off and Swagger hits a big boot. Gets a two count. Bourne hits a top rope DDT for a two and a half count. Bourne with a kick and goes up top for Air Bourne. Swagger moves so Bourne lands on his feet and Swagger goes for the gut wrench power bomb. Bourne counters with a sunset flip. Swagger reverses it into an ankle lock. Bourne reverses that to a roll up to get the pin.
-Be a Star Campaign ad.
-The Obama impersonator comes out to address the WWE Universe. He says he is not the anonymous RAW GM because we would get more JR and less Michael Cole. He wishes both John Cena and R-Truth good luck. Booker T asks that Obama join him in the ring. Booker asks him if he can do the Spinaroonie. Booker then does a Spinneroonie. The crowd wants Obama to do it. He does a halfway decent one.
-Video of WWE visiting National Guard soldiers. National Guard soldiers in attendance are then shown.
-WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. R-Truth: R-Truth walks out with the belt. This is his first championship match for the WWE championship. Cena gets a big ovation coming out. Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chants go out as they start. R-Truth with a headlock. Cena pushes off. R-Truth rolls outside. Back in, R-Truth gets Cena down in the corner with some big punches. Cena with a corner whip and a bulldog. Cena goes for a clothesline, but R-Truth holds on and rolls outside. Little Jimmy chant goes out. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment and R-Truth counters with a face buster. Gets a two count. Back and forth. R-Truth with a side kick for a two count. R-Truth with a slap. A leg drop gets another two count. R-Truth with a front face lock. Cena trying to power out. He pushes R-Truth off. R-Truth with a corkscrew elbow. Gets another two count. R-Truth with a running corner forearm. Another two count. R-Truth mocking Cena before slapping him down. Cena back up and guillotines R-Truth on the top rope. R-Truth with a clothesline. Gets a two count. R-Truth with an elbow to Cena’s neck. R-Truth with a hip block. R-Truth with a sleeper then a leg scissors. Cena trying to break free. Cena goes for the STF. R-Truth gets to the ropes. R-Truth with a clothesline for a two count. R-Truth with a suplex for a two count. R-Truth misses a leg drop. Cena with two shoulder blocks. Big Slam. U Can’t See Me. Then the 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. R-Truth slips out. Jawbreaker to Cena. Gets a two count. R-Truth misses a corner charge. Cena with the STF. R-Truth gets to the ropes. R-Truth with the scissor kick. Gets a close two count. R-Truth with a crossbody. Cena holds on and rolls through. R-Truth counters with a face buster. Another two count and Cena rolls out of the ring. R-Truth rolls out and sees a Cena fan. He grabs his hat and puts it on and drinks from the fans John Cena cup. He hands the cup back to the fan, who throws the water in his face. Cena then throws R-Truth back in and hits the Attitude Adjustment for the pin. Cena brings the fan into the ring. They celebrate.
-They replay the finish before signing off from Washington, D.C.