Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 89 Notes

-RIP Jody Hamilton and Bert Prentice.
-Why are people so loud?
-Today we look at the Monday Night RAW from June 27, 2011 from the WWE.
-Monday Night Raw was shown on the USA Network from the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-WWE Intro.
-Monday Night Raw Burn it to the Ground Intro.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to RAW as RAW Roulette returns with Booker T as host. Shawn Michaels comes out to a good reaction. He said he tried to stay away but couldn’t. He goes on to plug his show debuting on the OLC and his Twitter before getting interrupted by CM Punk. He comes out with Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga. The announcers talk about Punk saying he isn’t going to resign with the company but leave after Money in the Bank with the title. He asks if everyone is happy to see Shawn Michaels. He says July 17th he is leaving. He said when Shawn Michaels left, he left a loser unlike CM Punk. He says he’s leaving the WWE champion and one of the reasons he’s leaving is because of the WWE fans. He said they would rather applaud Shawn Michaels than beg Punk to stay. Shawn Michaels says they cheer because they know he’s better than Punk. A One More Match chant goes out. Punk says that sounds like a challenge because Shawn Michaelf was better than Punk, but not anymore. HBK says that they each have their own style before he delivers Sweet Chin Music to Otunga. The anonymous RAW GM chimes in. He says since Punk is leaving he’s going to make the time count. Punk has the first match tonight on RAW Roulette.
-Booker T goes over some of the match types before spinning the wheel. He gets mystery opponent before announcing Kane as the opponent. Shawn Michaels then does Sweet Chin Music to McGillicutty. He then tells Punk good luck.
-CM Punk VS. Kane: Kane attacks Punk right away. He throws him to the outside. He goes out after Punk and drops him on the barricade. He puts Punk back in and rams his head against the apron. He then runs Punk’s head into the turnbuckle. He beats Punk down in the corner. Kane with a snap mare and a low dropkick. That gets a two count. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline. Then another clothesline and a side slam to Punk. That gets another two count. Punk rolls to the apron and guillotines Kane as he comes over. Punk springboards to Kane, but gets caught by Kane for a chokeslam, but Punk kicks Kane in the head to get out of it. Punk now kicking Kane down near the corner. Punk punching and kicking Kane, who tries to battle back, but is being overwhelmed. Kane up and they go back and forth. Kane goes for a chokeslam. Punk kicks Kane’s leg to break the hold. Punk goes back for what looks like a running clothesline, but gets a big boot from Kane. Kane goes up top, but gets caught. Punk with elbows on the top rope. Kane blocks a superplex attempt. Kane punches Punk off the turnbuckle onto the mat. Kane gets ready for a top rope move, but Punk rolls out of the ring. Punk walks up the aisle and gets counted out. ad.
-Sin Cara VS. Evan Bourne: Booker T and Eve spin the wheel and this is a No Count Out Match: They lock up. Bourne with a waist lock and a snap mare. Then they trade arm drags. Bourne with a headlock. He turns it into a hammerlock. Sin Cara with back elbows and a snap mare. Sin Cara with some fancy moves on the attack with some kicks to Bourne. Sin Cara with a pop up top arm drag that sends Bourne to the floor. Sin Cara slides out to follow. They then both get back in. Back and forth with some stiff kicks. Bourne reverses an Irish whip. Sin Cara comes back with a sunset flip. Bourne rolls through and hits a double stomp to Sin Cara for a two count. Bourne with an Irish whip. Sin Cara with a bounce off the ropes into a back elbow that Bourne ducks. Bourne with a spinning kick that Sin Cara ducks. Sin Cara with a hurricanrana that knocks Bourne to the outside. Sin Cara with a tope onto Bourne. Sin Cara lifts Bourne up on the aisle, but Bourne counters with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara misses a dropkick as they come back in. Bourne with Sin Cara’s shoulders down on a rollup for a two count. Sin Cara counters with a roll through and he rolls Bourne up for a two count. Sin Cara gets the boots up on a corner charge and springboards onto Bourne. Another two count. Sin Cara with kicks. Bourne responds with a standing moonsault for a two count. Bourne goes for Air Bourne. Sin Cara rolls out of the way, so Bourne lands on his feet. Sin Cara hits a hurricanrana driver to get the pin.
-Kofi Kingston is with Booker T by the wheel. Booker says the RAW GM has given him the chance to spin to see what kind of match he’s going to have against Dolph Ziggler. Kofi starts to spin the wheel, but they are interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. She spins, but it lands on player's choice. Kofi says in his match, Vickie is going to be banned from ringside.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the Money in the Bank PPV coming up in three weeks.
-Kofi Kingston VS. Dolph Ziggler: Vickie Guerrero comes out to introduce Ziggler, but the referees send her back to the dressing room. Ziggler comes out. He’s the United States Champion, but this is a non title match. Ziggler rolls out as soon as the bell rings. Kingston follows and nails Ziggler from behind with a forearm. Kingston throws Ziggler back into the ring. Ziggler with a boot to the stomach of Kingston. Then a forearm by Ziggler and another boot to Kingston. Ziggler pushes Kingston away, he comes back with a forearm. It goes outside and Kingston scoop slams Ziggler on the mat. Ziggler runs Kingston into the corner post. Back inside, Ziggler with a side headlock to Kingston. A Let’s Go, Kofi chant goes out. Back and forth. Kingston reverses a corner whip. Ziggler moves as Kingston goes for the corner splash. Ziggler with a famouser. Gets a close two count. Ziggler attacking Kingston’s face. Kingston with a kick to Ziggler’s head. Then a kick to Ziggler’s knee. Then shots to Ziggler’s midsection. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Kingston with a rollup for a two count. Kingston with punches and kicks to Ziggler. Ziggler hits Kingston with a stiff kick after a charge. He goes to throw Kingston out, but he holds on and hits Ziggler with Trouble in Paradise. He gets the pin.
-Booker T and Maryse are talking by the wheel. They get interrupted by Alberto Del Rio who wants to know why he has to wrestle The Big Show again. Maryse agrees with him. Booker says he doesn’t make the matches, just the spins. He spins the wheel and Maryse is flirting with Del Rio and they don’t notice the wheel. It lands on a steel cage match. Booker says Del Rio has bad luck.
-Steel Cage Match. The Big Show VS. Alberto Del Rio: Del Rio comes out in a Lamborghini. He isn’t the same without Ricardo Rodriguez to announce him. Big Show gets a good reaction coming out. Del Rio starts climbing the cage as soon as the bell rings. Big Show drags him back down. Big Show then headbutts Del Rio. Then a huge slap to Del Rio’s chest. He runs Del Rio into the cage. Big Show with a corner whip, but he misses the corner charge. Del Rio attacking with kicks to the knee and chest of Big Show. More kicks knock Big Show Down. Del Rio gets a one count. Del Rio with a low dropkick to the injured knee of Big Show. He concentrates on that knee. Mark Henry walks down the aisle. He tells the referee by the door and the announcers not to look at him, he does what he wants to do. Big Show goes for a chokeslam. Del Rio kicks him back to his knees. Del Rio then DDTs him. Gets a two count. Del Rio starts to climb the corner turnbuckle, but gets caught by Big Show with a big slap to the back. Big Show slams Del Rio into another corner. Del Rio standing on the top turnbuckle while Big Show has him in a front face lock. He superplexes Del Rio. Both men down. Henry breaks the cage door open. He brings the cage door inside. He attacks Big Show with a kick. Del Rio escapes through the door to win the match. Big Show is between the ring ropes and the cage on the apron and Henry slams the cage door into Big Show breaking the cage open and Big Show spills to the outside. A Holy Shit chant goes out. Back from commercial, the announcers recap what happened.
-WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly VS. Nikki Bella with Brie Bella: They get a submission match. Michael Cole says it’s a non-title match, but Justin Roberts had said it’s for the title. Nikki with a hammerlock and she runs Kelly into the corner. Nikki then gets Kelly down and into an arm bar. Kelly screaming, but not tapping. Michael Cole then clarifies that it is a non-title match. Kelly breaks the hold and gets a Boston Crab on Nikki. Nikki then taps. Brie and Nikki attack Kelly from behind. Eve comes out and attacks the Bellas and runs them out of the ring.
-A feature on Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine.
-Rey Mysterio is at the wheel and he gets a tornado match for him and Alex Riley VS. Jack Swagger and The Miz. DDP comes in to promote the Very Best of Nitro DVD Set. Drew McIntire appears and calls DDP and Booker T relics. He gets superkicked by Shawn Michaels.
-Be a Star commercial.
-Tornado Tag Team Match. Alex Riley and Rey Mysterio VS. Jack Swagger and The Miz: Miz and Riley and Swagger and Mysterio pair off. Riley beating Miz down in one corner and Swagger drives Mysterio into another corner. Mysterio corner whipped. Miz clotheslines Mysterio before getting taken out by Riley. Swagger with a backbreaker to Mysterio while Riley and Miz fight on the outside. Swagger Bomb gets a two count on Mysterio. Mysterio set up for Miz to do a doomsday device, but Mysterio slips behind and pushes Swagger into Miz who gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Riley then clotheslines Swagger into the same corner. Mysterio with a baseball slide to Swagger in the corner. Swagger rolls outside. Mysterio jumps on him from the apron to knock him down. Riley on the top rope with Miz and slams him off to the mat. Gets a two count. Miz with a big kick to Riley. Miz and Swagger beating Riley down. Double clothesline. Riley with a kick to Swagger’s head. Riley rolls Miz up, but it’s broken up by Swagger before the three count. Mysterio goes for a crossbody, but Swagger catches him and slams him on Miz’s knee for a two count. Miz with a DDT on Mysterio for another two count. Riley Irish whipped, but holds onto the ropes. Swagger goes to clothesline Riley, who backdrops him to the outside. Miz then knocks Riley to the outside. Miz goes to superplex Mysterio, who blocks it and knocks Miz off and does a seated senton. Swagger back in and Mysterio runs him into Miz. Swagger goes after Mysterio, but falls to the outside after Riley pulls the top rope down. Big kick by Mysterio gets a two count on Miz. Back and forth. A kick by Mysterio sets Miz up for the 619. Swagger grabs Mysterio’s legs as he goes for it. Back in, Riley hits a spinebuster on Swagger. Miz breaks up the pin. Miz with a Death Drop for a two count. Riley clotheslines Miz and they both fall outside. Swagger with a big kick to Mysterio for a close two count. Swagger goes for a gut wrench powerbomb. Mysterio counters and sets Swagger up for the 619. Swagger catches him as he goes for it. Mysterio dropped on the second rope as Swagger has him in the ankle lock and Miz has him in a front face lock. Riley takes Miz out and slams him on the barricade. Mysterio hits the 619. Riley hits a DDT. Then Mysterio with the plank splash on Swagger to get the pin.
-Preview of Shawn Michaels show MacMillan River Adventures.
-R-Truth shown at the wheel. He spins it and gets a tables match. He then starts acting weird so Booker leaves.
-Tables Match. John Cena VS. R-Truth: Cena with a huge ovation coming out. R-Truth attacks immediately. Announcers mention that Cena has lost a tables match before. Dueling Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks chants go out. R-Truth with big rights in the corner. Cena reverses a corner whip. He hits a fisherman’s suplex on R-Truth. Cena goes outside for a table, but gets attacked by R-Truth. R-Truth with a knee to Cena’s back and holding Cena’s arms to get leverage. Cena trying to get out of it. Dueling chants get louder. Cena with a snap mare to get out of it. Cena with a dropkick. Both men are down. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. R-Truth slips out and counters with a jaw breaker. R-Truth goes out for a table. He sets the table up in the corner. R-Truth tries to suplex Cena through the table, but Cena reverses it. R-Truth with a charge. Cena pulls the rope down and R-Truth spills to the outside. Cena goes and gets another table and brings it into the ring. As R-Truth gets back in the ring, Cena grabs him and does the Attitude Adjustment, but CM Punk comes to ringside and pulls the table away so R-Truth doesn’t go through it. Punk taunts Cena, who then goes after Punk. They battle on the outside. It goes inside. Cena lifts Punk up for the Attitude Adjustment, but he slides out and R-Truth drives Cena through the table set up in the corner to win the match. R-Truth then leaves. The crowd booing.
-Punk grabs a mic. He goes up the aisle and sits down. Pibe Bomb Time.
-They finally cut his mic as RAW ends.