Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 90 Notes

-RIP Bobby Eaton and Marty Ricker.
-Today we look at Money in the Bank 2011 from the WWE.
-Money in the Bank 2011 took place on PPV on July 17, 2011 from the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. There were 14,815 in attendance and the show did 195,000 PPV buys.
-Highlights of what has happened between CM Punk and John Cena and Punk saying he’s the best and he’s leaving the WWE with the Championship.
-Money in the Bank intro.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Money in the Bank. He and Jerry Lawler and Booker T are your announcers for the evening. They talk about the Money in the Bank ladder matches and about the main event.
-Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Sin Cara, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Heath Slater, Daniel Bryan, and Kane are your participants: The Spanish Announce Team is announced. The match starts and forearms are flying. Kane, Sheamus, and Barrett throw the others to the outside. Sheamus and Barrett team up to take on Kane. They Irish whip him and he comes back with a double clothesline to them. He then clotheslines them both to the outside. Kane goes outside and grabs a ladder to bring inside, but Bryan baseball slides into the ladder to knock Kane down. Bryan grabs the ladder, but Slater and Gabriel baseball slide into the ladder to knock Bryan down. They have a tug of war with the ladder as Sin Cara comes to slide, but they lift the ladder and hit Sin Cara with it. Slater pushes Gabriel down and sets up the ladder. Gabriel grabs his hair and pushes him off the ladder. Bryan dropkicks Gabriel off the ladder. Rhodes runs Bryan into the ladder. Rhodes tries to climb and gets attacked by Sheamus. Sheamus goes to power bomb Rhodes off the ladder, but he slips away. Rhodes goes to hit Sheamus with a running knee from the second turnbuckle, but he moves and Rhodes takes out Slater. Sheamus knocks down Bryan and Rhodes. Sheamus throws the ladder at Rhodes. Kane grabs Sheamus and Rhodes by the throat and pushes them out of the ring. Barrett attacking Kane with kicks and shots in the corner. Kane reverses a corner whip and runs Barrett into a ladder set up. Kane then throws the ladder on Rhodes and Sheamus on the outside. Slater attacks Kane. Kane reverses an Irish whip and sidewalk slams Slater. Kane goes up top and Sin Cara hits an enziguri on Kane before he comes off. Gabriel kicks Sin Cara to the outside. Bryan hits Gabriel with a forearm and Gabriel reverses an Irish whip. Bryan ducks a clothesline attempt by Gabriel and does a tope to Barrett on the outside. Gabriel does a somersault onto Kane on the outside. Slater hits Rhodes and then does a dive to him on the outside. Sin Cara hits Sheamus on the outside with a crossbody from the top rope. Sin Cara then hits a springboard crossbody to Bryan on the inside. Sin Cara leap frogs Gabriel and dropkicks Slater. Gabriel with an Irish whip to Sin Cara who comes back with a flying back elbow. Sin Cara with a hurricanrana to Gabriel to the outside. Sin Cara kicks Bryan on the top rope. He then does the Spanish Fly to Bryan from the top rope. Barrett attacks Sin Cara as he is getting a ladder from ringside. Barrett sets the ladder between the ring and the Spanish Announce Table. He picks Sin Cara up to slam him on the ladder but Sin Cara slips out. Barrett goes to clothesline him. Sin Cara ducks and Barrett hits the ring post. Sin Cara gets back into the ring and runs into a brogue kick from Sheamus. Crowd comes to life for that. Sheamus and Sin Cara on the apron and Sheamus powerbombs Sin Cara through the ladder set up. EMT’s checking on Sin Cara who is convulsing. Sheamus takes a ladder and runs it into some of the other participants at ringside. They bring a stretcher down for Sin Cara. Kane with blows to Sheamus to knock him down. Sheamus and the ladder fall to the outside with Kane following. Then Bryan, Rhodes, and Kane all in the ring, each with his own ladder. Rhodes and Bryan double team Kane. They knock him down in a corner, then Rhodes turns on Bryan. Back and forth. Kane uses a ladder to knock them both down. Sin Cara taken to the back on the stretcher. Kane sets a ladder up. He climbs the ladder, but Barrett, Slater, and Gabriel stop him. They team up to get Kane off the ladder. While they are distracted, Rhodes starts to climb the ladder. Gabriel and Slater knock him off and start to beat on him. Bryan starts to climb the ladder. The former members of The Corre drag him down and start to beat on him. They kick Bryan out of the ring. Barrett starts to climb after talking to the other two. He gets to the case before the other two drag him off. They throw him out and both start to climb the ladder. They both reach for it. Rhodes comes up behind Slater, who kicks him away. Rhodes knocks the ladder over. Rhodes hits CrossRhodes on Slater. Rhodes starts to climb the ladder. Barrett pulls him off. Barrett starts to climb and Rhodes pulls him off and does CrossRhodes to Barrett. Rhodes then starts to climb. Sheamus pulls him off and does a backbreaker to Rhodes. Sheamus starts to climb. Bryan on the same side trying to climb and Sheamus trying to push him off. Bryan slamming Sheamus against the ladder. Sheamus has Bryan on his shoulders. Kane climbs to the top rope and does a Doomsday Device on Bryan. Kane then gets clotheslined by Sheamus. Sheamus attacking Kane with big right hands. Sheamus sets a ladder up horizontally between another vertical ladder and the corner turnbuckle. He goes to slam Kane through it, but Kane throws some elbows to get out of it. Kane chokeslams Rhodes. Gabriel goes to double ax handle Kane from the top rope and gets chokeslammed for his troubles. Kane starts to climb the ladder and Bryan stops him. They are exchanging blows on the ladder. He knocks Kane off the ladder. Kane grabs his throat to chokeslam him off. Bryan puts his leg around Kane’s arm to turn it into a submission forcing Kane to let go. He goes to jump on Kane and Kane catches him in mid-air. He goes to slam Bryan, who grabs Kane’s head and turns it into a DDT. Slater starts to climb the ladder. Bryan also starts climbing again. Slater with a neck breaker to Bryan off the ladder. Slater starts to climb the ladder again. Barrett pulls him off the ladder. Barrett with a corner charge, but Slater moves and Barrett hits the ropes and Slater crotches himself. Barrett then goes after Sheamus who has come back into the ring. Barrett goes outside and gets another ladder. Sheamus grabs the other end of it and they use it as a battering ram on Slater on the top rope. Slater holding on until they dump him onto Kane on the outside. Barrett pulls the ladder away from Sheamus who Brogue kicks the ladder onto Barrett. He then Brogue kicks Rhodes. Gabriel misses a top rope attack on Sheamus, who clotheslines Gabriel down. Sheamus sets another ladder up horizontally across the ring ropes in a corner. He slams Gabriel’s head into a ladder. He then guillotines Gabriel on another ladder. Then a Brogue kick for Gabriel. He then points to the briefcase and starts to climb the ladder. Kane climbs up the other side and stops Sheamus from grabbing the briefcase. They trade shots on the ladder then Kane goes down and grabs Sheamus by the foot. Sheamus tries to kick him away, but Kane grabs him by the throat. He chokeslams Sheamus on one of the set up ladders. Kane goes to climb the ladder, but gets stopped by Barrett, Rhodes, and Bryan. Rhodes then hits Kane with a Disaster Kick. Barrett then hits Wasteland on Kane. Gabriel gets on the other set up ladder and does a 450 splash onto Kane. Barrett attacks Gabriel while Rhodes attacks Bryan. Barrett throws Gabriel on Slater on the outside. Barrett then pump handle slams Bryan and Rhodes. Barrett starts to climb, but Rhodes drags him off the ladder. Rhodes clotheslines Barrett outside the ring as Bryan starts to climb the ladder. Bryan and Rhodes fighting on the ladder. They fight on top of the ladder. Barrett starts to climb on the other side. Barrett grabs for the briefcase, as Bryan has Rhodes in the guillotine while sitting on top of the ladder. Bryan then starts elbowing Barrett and punching Rhodes. Rhodes falls off. Barrett grabs Bryan to do Wasteland to him off the ladder. Bryan starts hitting Elbows to get out of it. He then kicks Barrett off the ladder and starts to climb as the crowd comes to its feet. Crowd cheers as Bryan gets the briefcase down. Bryan is crying as he gets down and looks at the briefcase. A Daniel Bryan chant goes out. Bryan climbs the ladder and raises the briefcase.
-Earlier today graphic is shown as a limo is pulling up and Vince McMahon, John Laurenitis, and a WWE attorney are shown getting out of the limo.
-WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Brie Bella with Nikki Bella: Kelly starts out by slapping Brie. Then a Thesz press and punches to Brie. Kelly misses a clothesline, but takes Brie down with an awkward looking headscissors. Brie rolls outside to confer with Nikki, and Kelly clotheslines them from the apron to the floor. She throws Brie back in. Kelly with a headscissors to Brie, who pushes her off to the outside. Nikki attacks Kelly on the outside, bringing Eve over. Brie throws Kelly back in. Gets a two count. Brie steps on Kelly. Brie with a leg vice on Kelly. Kelly with some back elbows to get out of the hold. Brie stomps Kelly Brie puts Kelly on the second rope and drives both knees into her back. Breaks on a three count. She then guillotines Kelly on the second rope. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Brie drives Kelly down to the mat. Gets another two count. Brie with a rear chin lock to Kelly. Kelly with a jaw breaker to get out of the hold. Kelly slamming Brie’s face into the mat over and over. She slings Brie across the ring by her hair. She then clotheslines Brie. Brie Misses a clothesline and Kelly hits a neck breaker. Gets a two count. Brie ducks a famouser attempt and they battle for position over a backslide. Kelly plants Brie face first into the mat. Gets a two count. A leg slam by Brie gets a two count. Kelly with a shot and a famouser. She gets the pin. Nikki and Brie bickering going back up the aisle.
-The Best of Monday Nitro DVD Collection ad.
-Flashback to what has happened between The Big Show and Mark Henry.
-The Big Show VS. Mark Henry: Henry comes out aggressive with punches and kicks. Big Show comes back with slaps and chops. Henry reverses an Irish whip. Big Show comes back with a shoulder block that knocks Henry to the outside. It then goes outside. Big Show clotheslines Henry. Big Show goes to slam Henry on the Spanish Announce Table. Henry blocks and goes for the World’s Strongest Slam. Big Show blocks and runs Henry into the ring steps. Big Show rolls inside to break the count before going back out after Henry. Henry dropkicks the ring steps into Big Show’s knee taking him down. Back in, Henry clips Big Show’s knee knocking him down again. Henry keeping Big Show down with kicks. Gets a two count. Henry picks Big Show’s leg up and slams it on the mat. Henry gets Big Show in a single crab. Big Show fighting to get out of it. Big Show gets to the ropes. Big Show kicks Henry off when he comes back to the leg. Henry with a corner charge and clothesline. Big Show gets his boot up on a second charge. Big Show goes to the second rope and hits a shoulder block. Big Show goes for the chokeslam, but Henry kicks his knee to stop it. Henry hits the World’s Strongest Slam, but Big Show kicks out at two. Henry hits another World’s Strongest Slam. he follows that up with two splashes. He gets the pin. Henry goes outside and grabs a chair. He puts Big Show’s leg in the chair and goes to the second rope and splashes down on the leg. EMTs come to ringside with a stretcher to check on Big Show. They get a cart for Big Show to ride on as for some reason, a CM Punk chant goes out.
-Vince McMahon and John Laurenitas are shown talking about trying to get CM Punk to sign a new contract. Josh Matthews comes in and asks if Punk has resigned. McMahon says no. McMahon calls Punk an ingrate. He offered Punk the biggest contract ever, and he turned him down. McMahon says that it isn’t on him, Punk told him to simply get out. He then says John Cena’s the reason they have this problem to begin with, he brought all of this upon McMahon. He said this is what the fans wanted. McMahon says if Punk leaves the building with the WWE Championship, may God have mercy on John Cena’s soul.
-RAW Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Alex Riley, The Miz, and Rey Mysterio are your participants: All competitors grab a ladder and bring it to the ring with them. They all target Del Rio with them to begin. They force him outside and begin to pair off. They hit each other with the ladders as Swagger goes outside with his and targets Del Rio. He knocks Del Rio down and the others throw their ladders on Del Rio. Miz throws Mysterio onto the ladders and Del Rio. Riley backdrops Swagger to the outside. He then throws a ladder onto Swagger. Miz knocks Riley to the outside then a standoff between R-Truth and The Miz. Swagger back in with a ladder and knocks both of them down. He starts to set up the ladder, but Kingston and Bourne start to climb either side before he can set it up. They push each other off and have a tug of war with the ladder. They run the ladder into Swagger, then try to run it into R-Truth, who ducks it but gets hit the second time. They continue to fight over who gets the ladder. Mysterio jumps on the ladder they are fighting over and hurricanranas Swagger to the outside. Kingston pushes Bourne to the outside with the ladder. R-Truth bashes Kingston into the ladder. Riley atomic drops R-Truth into the ladder. He then dropkicks R-Truth. Riley sets the ladder up, but it’s too short. Miz slams Riley off the ladder. Riley pushes the ladder into Miz. Riley launches himself over the top rope onto Miz and Swagger. R-Truth launches himself onto Miz, Riley, and Swagger. Mysterio and Kingston climb two turnbuckles and launch themselves onto the group outside at the same time. Bourne climbs the ladder on the outside and does Air Bourne onto the group outside. Bourne then sets a ladder in the ring and starts to climb. The Miz climbs up the other side and they are battling up on the ladder. Bourne hits Miz with an enziguri and grabs the briefcase, but Miz holds on and keeps fighting. Del Rio knocks the ladder over by charging through it and both men fall down. Miz grabs his knee like it’s hurt badly, but screams at the referee’s to get off of him when they come over to check on him. They think he hyperextended his knee when he came off the ladder. Trainers and EMT’s come down as Del Rio and Mysterio go at it in the ring. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder. R-Truth climbs up behind him to stop him. He pulls Del Rio off of the ladder and kicks him. EMT’s take Miz to the back. R-Truth climbing the ladder. Del Rio and R-Truth fighting on the ladder until dragged off by Mysterio and Bourne, respectively. Bourne and Mysterio climb over their opponents going up the ladder. Bourne grabs the briefcase until Mysterio hits him in the stomach. R-Truth and Del Rio grab Mysterio’s and Bourne’s legs, so Mysterio and Bourne do double hurricanranas to them in a cool move. Swagger takes out Bourne and Mysterio and starts to climb, but Kingston springboards over him onto the ladder. Swagger grabs Kingston’s leg on the ladder and applies the ankle lock. He pulls Kingston down the ladder rung by rung as Kingston fights to stay on and as he gets him off the ladder, Riley starts to climb. Swagger and Riley battling on top of the ladder. R-Truth pushes their ladder over spilling them on the mat. R-Truth sets a ladder horizontally on the ring ropes in a corner. Mysterio attacks R-Truth from behind and slams R-Truth against a ladder. Mysterio slides under the ladder R-Truth placed a moment ago and R-Truth dropkicks the ladder into Mysterio’s chest. R-Truth climbs up on the ladder in the corner, Mysterio pushes him off and R-Truth hits his head on the ladder going down. Kingston comes from behind and hits Mysterio’s head against the ladder. Kingston jumps from the top rope to the ladder, then does the Boom Drop onto R-Truth. He rolls R-Truth out of the ring. Kingston sets the ladder up and as he does so, Del Rio goes to take him out like earlier, but Kingston lifts his knees and Del Rio goes crashing outside of the ring. Kingston kicks Riley away as he is setting the ladder up and then Mysterio does the 619 on Kingston through the set up ladder. Swagger batters Mysterio with another ladder. R-Truth uses that ladder as a ramp and then stomps on it to hit Swagger in the jaw. Mysterio then hits R-Truth with a 619. Mysterio sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Riley climbing up the other side. Riley with some shots. Bourne comes up behind Riley. Riley and Mysterio knock Bourne off. Riley and Mysterio continue to battle on the ladder. Swagger and Bourne coming up with ladders. Del Rio knocks Swagger to the floor as Bourne sets his ladder up. Del Rio sets a ladder up and he and Bourne climb their respective ladders as Mysterio and Riley trade shots. Swagger pulls Del Rio off. R-Truth and Kingston are also going to climb. All 7 competitors on one of four ladders and all going for the briefcase. Del Rio pushed off and hits another ladder face first and falls out of the ring. Swagger thrown off and outside. Bourne’s ladder gets tripped and he flies outside. All the others grabbing for the briefcase and trading shots. Riley pushed off and outside. R-Truth pushed off. Kingston dropkicks Mysterio off and is prone between two ladders on the top. Kingston goes to unhook the briefcase and Swagger sprints up a ladder in order to stop him. Kingston elbowing Swagger as he tries to get the briefcase and both fall off. The Miz is shown limping back down the aisle to a big ovation. He starts hopping on one leg up the ladder. Mysterio comes and slams Miz’s injured leg against the ladder. Mysterio then powerbombs Miz off the ladder. Mysterio starts climbing the ladder. Del Rio Grabs him. Mysterio trying to kick Del Rio off. He does and then Mysterio grabs the briefcase. As he is trying to unhook it, Del Rio comes up the other side of the ladder. They fight over the briefcase with Mysterio using it as a weapon to hit Del Rio. Del Rio rips Mysterio’s mask off and throws Mysterio on top of another set up ladder. That ladder tips over and all of the other ladders fall as well like dominos. Del Rio sets the ladder back up, climbs it, and grabs the briefcase to win.
-Flashback to what has happened between Christian and Randy Orton.
-Josh Matthews talks to Alberto Del Rio. He said he proved himself even though he shouldn’t have had to be in the match in the first place. The briefcase is just a formality, his destiny is to be the new WWE Champion.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: If Orton is disqualified, he loses the championship. Orton with a fantastic ovation as he comes out. Bell rings. Christian rolls to the outside. He throws a steel chair into the ring. Orton says he would love to hit Christian with the chair, but he throws it out. Orton strikes with shots and kicks to Christian. He runs Christian head first into the corner. Orton with a corner whip and a backdrop. Orton with stomps and he drops a knee on Christian’s neck. Christian gets Orton in the corner and delivers a big right hand. Christian with a corner whip and Orton comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Christian dumping Orton to the outside. He goes to dive on him, but Orton Moves. Orton runs Christian into the ring steps. He rolls Christian back in. He gets Christian in the ropes and goes to punt him, but Christian Moves and grabs Orton. He reverse guillotines Orton on the ropes and hits a flying back elbow to Orton from the second rope. That gets a one count. Christian with stomps on Orton and has his leg on Orton’s throat. Christian with shots to Orton in the corner. Christian with an Irish whip and a back Elbow. Gets a two count. Christian on top of Orton punching him. Orton back up and punches Christian. Back and forth. Orton on the ropes and Christian just stands on him. Christian goes outside to deliver a shot to Orton’s face. Christian with a modified chinlock. Back and forth. Christian with a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Orton rolls Christian up for a two count. Christian with a spinebuster. Gets a two count. Christian visibly frustrated. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Orton counters with a backdrop. Orton clotheslines Christian over the top rope and both men tumble to the outside. A double count going. Orton rolls back in. Christian goes up top. Christian misses a top rope shot. Orton goes for the RKO and Christian pushes off to avoid it. Orton with a corner charge, but Christian gets his boot up. Christian misses a top rope dropkick. Orton with a jackknife cover. He gets a two count. Christian with a right hand. Orton with a Thesz press and punches. Christian rolls to the apron. Orton goes for an apron DDT. Christian counters, Orton pushes off. Christian with a back kick and goes up top, but Orton hits him with a dropkick as he comes off. Gets a two count. Christian guillotines Orton on the top rope. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. They exchange blows with Christian on the top rope. Orton goes for the superplex, but Christian blocks it. Christian pushes Orton off. Christian with a diving headbutt. Gets a two count. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian counters and goes for the Kill Switch. Orton with a back elbow. Orton with a couple of Clotheslines. Christian misses a clothesline and Orton misses a forearm. Orton with boots and forearms to Christian. He goes for the RKO a third time. Christian blocks and goes for the Kill Switch. He hits the Kill Switch, but Orton kicks out at 2.5. Christian can’t believe it. He’s visibly frustrated. He signals for the Spear. He goes for it, but Orton leapfrogs him to avoid it and Christian’s shoulder hits the corner post. Orton with a gut wrench suplex into a neck breaker. He gets a close two count on Christian. Orton goes for the punt, but Christian gets to his feet. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a power slam to Christian. Orton with an apron DDT. Orton goes into his viper routine. Christian begs off then spits into Orton’s face. Orton attacks Christian with punches, risking a disqualification. Orton then kicks Christian with a blatant low blow to get disqualified. New World Heavyweight Champion. Orton attacks Christian at ringside. He tears apart the Spanish Announce Table and hits Christian with a monitor. The referees and Teddy Long try to stop and calm down Orton. He RKO’s Christian on the table, but it doesn’t break. Orton starts to leave then comes back after Christian again. He RKO’s Christian on the Table again. Trainers and referees check on Christian as Orton leaves. Christian gets helped to the back by officials as he holds the World’s Heavyweight Championship.
-Be A Star Campaign commercial.
-A paid message by CM Punk outlining everything that has happened to lead up to the main event.
-WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. CM Punk: Punk promises to leave the WWE as the champion. When the video ends, a loud CM Punk chant goes out. He gets a huge ovation when he comes out. He gets to the ring and sits down in the middle of it. He gives his shirt to a fan at ringside, then sits back down in the ring facing the stage waiting on Cena. Cena is booed loudly when he comes out. He is all business coming out. He wastes no time. Introduction then the CM Punk chant starting again. The bell rings and they circle each other. Punk tries to kick Cena, who dodges it. Punk tries again with the same result. They lock up. Punk with a side headlock. Into a hammerlock. Cena reverses it into a snap mare. He then has a headlock on Punk. Punk pushes Cena into the ropes as a You Can’t Wrestle chant goes out. Punk goes for a head kick and Cena ducks. Cena with a takedown. Punk with an Anaconda Vice. Cena reverses it into an arm bar. Cena back up into a wrist lock. He forces Punk back down into the arm bar. Punk with an Irish whip. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. They lock up and Cena with a side headlock. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. Cena with a side takedown. Punk with another Irish whip and Cena with another shoulder block. Punk with a hip toss and a dropkick. Punk with a side takedown into a side headlock. Cena with an Irish whip and Punk comes back with a shoulder block. Punk mocks Cena. Punk with running takedown attempts, but Cena leapfrogs to avoid it. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk slips out and goes for the GTS, but Cena slips away. They start for a test of strength, but Punk kicks Cena. Cena down and Punk stomping on him. Punk kicks Cena into a corner and continues to kick him. Cena reverses a corner whip and hits a bulldog on Punk. Cena goes for a cover and Punk squirms out. Cena with a front face lock. Punk punches to get out, backs up, and Cena hits him with a stiff clothesline. Cena with a headlock, Punk fighting to get out of it. Punk with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Punk with a corner whip. Cena hits the turnbuckle chest first. That gets a two count for Punk. Cena drives Punk into a corner and delivers body blows and forearms. Cena with a corner whip, a boot to the gut, and a fisherman’s suplex to Punk. Gets a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk counters it into a DDT. Another two count. Punks with a body vice on Cena. Cena rises up while still in the hold with Punk on his shoulders and Punk starts hitting his head with elbows. Punk throws Cena to the outside. He puts Cena halfway on the apron hanging over the side, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and delivers a knee to the back of Cena’s neck. He rolls Cena back in and gets a two count. Punk with knees to Cena’s gut in the corner. Punk with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Cena moves and Punk hits the ring post shoulder first. Cena pulls Punk out to the center of the ring. Punk kicks Cena off and delivers a clothesline. Punk gets another two count. Punk with a snap mare. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out again. Punk with a side headlock and Cena fighting to get back to his feet. Cena gets back to his feet and delivers a kick to the gut of Punk. Cena with a corner whip, but Punk gets his boot up on the corner charge. Punk with a top rope crossbody to Cena. Gets another two count, but Cena grabs his knee like he’s hurt. Cena over by the ropes. Punk tries to suplex Cena into the ring from the apron, but Cena blocks it and suplexes Punk to the outside. Cena puts Punk back in the ring and covers and gets a two count. Another fisherman’s suplex by Cena. Cena drops an elbow and gets another two count. Cena picks Punk up, but Punk slips out. He picks Punk up again and does a modified Attitude Adjustment and gets a close two count. Both men up and exchanging rights. Back and forth. Cena gets an abdominal stretch on. Crowd cheering Punk to get out of it which he does with a hip toss. Double clothesline and both men down. Double count going and both men up at 6. Cena with two shoulder tackles and a backdrop. Punk with a sudden roll up for a two count. Punk reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge in and hits his knee on the turnbuckle. Cena with a slam on Punk. Cena goes to do U Can’t See me and Punk kicks him in the head. Punk with a knee to Cena’s back, knocking him to the outside. Punk with a running dive onto Cena on the outside. Punk breaks the count, then throws Cena into the ring. Punk goes for the crossbody again, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena does U Can’t See Me. Then a 5-knuckle shuffle to Punk. He then does the Attitude Adjustment to Punk, who lands on his feet and starts kicking Cena. He sweeps Cena’s legs and gets a two count. Punk goes for the Go To Sleep, but Cena slips out and gut wrenches Punk. That gets a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment again, Punk slips out and delivers a running knee to Cena’s face against the ropes. Another knee to the jaw and a running bulldog by Punk. Punk with a flying clothesline and a cover for a two count. Punk with kicks to Cena’s chest. Cena ducks a kick and turns it into the STF. Punk scrambling and crawling pulling himself by his fingernails to the ropes. He gets to the ropes and the crowd cheers. Punk with a kick to the back of the head of Cena. Gets another close two count. Punk climbs to the top rope. He hits a crossbody. Cena catches him and rolls through and picks Punk up. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk counters and goes for the Go To Sleep, Cena grabs the knee as it comes up and puts the STF back on. Punk tries to get to the ropes and Cena pulls him back to the center of the ring and reapplies the STF. Punk fighting it again. Punk counters out of it into a side headlock for a massive pop from the crowd. It’s actually like a modified Million Dollar Dream. Crowd starts chanting tap to Cena. Cena battles to his feet and gets Punk with the Attitude Adjustment. Punk kicks out at two to cheers. Cena climbs to the top rope. Punk hits a powerbomb to Cena as he jumps for a two count. Punk signals for the Go To Sleep. He goes for it, but Cena grabs the ropes, pulls himself off, and guillotines Punk on the top rope. Cena goes up top again and hits a leg drop on the back of Punk’s neck. That gets another two count. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment again. Another two count. Cena argues with the referee over the two count. Cena puts Punk on the top rope. He puts Punk on his back as to set up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Punk punches Cena’s back trying to get out. He then hits elbows to Cena’s temple. Punk then turns and hurricanrana’s Cena to the mat. Cena rolls to the opposite corner after he hits the mat. Punk runs/limps over to Cena and hits a knee lift. Punk delivers Go To Sleep to Cena and he tumbles out of the ring. Punk goes outside and rolls Cena back in. Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis appear on the rampway. Punk stares at them for a moment. Cena applies the STF to Punk as he comes back in the ring, and McMahon calls for the bell. He sends Laurinaitis over to tell the timekeeper to ring the bell, but Cena rolls out and punches Laurinaitis down. Cena says that’s not how he’s going to win this fight. He rolls back in and Punk hits the Go To Sleep and gets the pin. The crowd loses their minds. McMahon closes his eyes as Punk is declared the winner and given the title. He raises the title to huge cheers from the crowd and a look of horror on Vince McMahon’s face. Punk gets up on a corner turnbuckle and raises the title as McMahon comes over to the announce table. He grabs Jerry Lawler’s headset and yells at them to cut the music. He says to get Alberto Del Rio out here to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. A CM Punk chant goes out. Del Rio comes out with the briefcase. He slides in the ring and Punk hits him with an enziguri to knock him down. Punk grabs the title, goes to the barricade, and blows a kiss to McMahon. He then leaves through the crowd. McMahon looking pained as CM Punk raises the WWE title from the top of the arena as they fade to black.