Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 54 Notes

-Christmas Watch 2020: Jingle Jangle, Christmas Chronicles part 2, Die Hard, Miracle on 34th Street, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, TAGS The Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story.
-Christmas Eve Breakfast Out.
-Today we will be looking at Christmas Star Wars ’81 from Big Time Wrestling.
-Big Time Wrestling Christmas Star Wars ’81 took place on December 25, 1981. From Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas.
-Presented in the most original form.
-Bill Mercer welcomes us to Dallas. Marc Lowrance is the ring announcer and he welcomes us to Reunion Arena and runs down some notes before we start.
-Ernie Ladd VS. Jose Lothario Brass Knuckles Championship Match: Lothario with a headlock. They trade shots and Ladd goes down. Back up and Lothario gets a bear hug. Ladd coming back. Gets Lothario down and gets his own bear hug on. Trading jabs again. Lothario gets Ladd down. Ladd jabs an object into Lothario’s neck. Then some chops knock Lothario down and out. Lothario gets up and hits Ladd with an off the top rope forearm to win the title.
-Light-Heavyweight Championship Match: El Solitario VS. Tim Brooks: Brooks does not look like a Light-Heavyweight to me. Your mileage may vary. Brooks hooks a leg. El Solitario reversal. They then do some mat wrestling. El Solitario with a dropkick. Brooks comes back with a headlock. Some kicks move Brooks between rings. Brooks with a big chest slap to El Solitario. Corner whip to El Solitario. Brooks then with a back drop. El Solitario with a sunset flip and several dropkicks. Brooks knocked outside. El Solitario then leaps from the turnbuckle to the floor onto Brooks. Brook’s forehead is busted open. El Solitario gets the pin after a crossbody.
-Texas Death Match: Fritz Von Erich VS. The Great Kabuki with Gary Hart: Crowds of fans rush to the ring to have Fritz sign their pictures and programs. Kabuki does the green mist spray gimmick. Kabuki goes to attack Fritz as he takes his shirt off, but Fritz catches him. All Fritz to begin, although Kabuki manages to stop him from applying the claw. They go back and forth until Fritz slips the abdominal claw on. Kabuki gets to the ropes. Fritz won’t let go. Kabuki goes to the outside. Fritz continues to punish Kabuki as he comes back. They trade blows. Kabuki gets Fritz down in the corner. Then Fritz works his way back up. Fritz throws Kabuki into the second ring. Kabuki gets Fritz down and chokes and punches Fritz. Then Kabuki applies a nerve hold. Fritz jabs Kabuki in the throat and goes after Hart. It goes outside. They brawl outside and try to hit each other with a chair before Fritz applies the claw again. Kabuki goes back in the ring. Kabuki with some big kicks to Fritz. Fritz catches his leg then applies the claw to the head. Kabuki fighting it. Kabuki goes to his knees. Then he’s on his back and goes down and his arm goes down three times. They have to pull Fritz off of him. Hart is in the ring as the bell rings. Fritz goes after Hart. Kabuki makes it to his feet before the count. Fritz goes back to the claw. Hart takes the corner turnbuckle pad off. Fritz comes over and rams Hart into it. Fritz then throws referee David Manning into the other ring. Kabuki comes from behind and attacks Fritz. He runs Fritz into the exposed turnbuckle, but both then go down. Kabuki and Fritz both out on the far apron. Both still out after the 10 count. They declare that the first man to his feet is the winner. Hart pulls Fritz out of the ring and throws a soft drink on Kabuki to revive him. Kabuki gets to his feet briefly to win before collapsing again. Kevin Von Erich comes to the ring to clear it before checking on his father. Kevin raises his father’s hand to cheers.
-Six Man Tag Team Match: Bill Irwin, Frank Dusek, and Ten GU VS. Kerry, Kevin, and David Von Erich: They will fight in both rings. Kerry VS. Irwin and Kevin VS. Dusek start. Very confusing. The camera doesn’t know where or who to shoots. Ten GU and David going at it. Lots of headlocks and forearms. Kevin gets Dusek and Irwin in a head scissors headlock roll. Kerry knocks Ten GU down and then applies the sleeper. Dusek tagged in against Kerry. He gets a chinlock on. Kevin gets a two count on Irwin. David with a sleeper on Ten GU. Kerry dives from one ring to the other on top of Dusek and gets a two count. Irwin attacking Kevin’s back. David gets a flying head scissors on Ten GU. Ten GU and Dusek double team David. Dusek goes to pin David, but his foot is on the ropes. Kerry with a head scissors to Irwin. David and Dusek trading shots. David gets a two count on Dusek after a suplex. Kerry drops a knee on the throat of Irwin for a two count. David Double teamed again by Dusek and Ten GU. Dusek suplexes Kerry into the ring. Dusek misses the top rope knee drop when Kerry moves. Kevin gets a two count on Irwin. Irwin misses a knee drop on Kevin. Kevin gets the claw on Ten GU. Irwin goes to break it up but hits Ten GU accidently and Kevin pins Ten GU.
-Two Ring Battle Royal: Big Daddy Bundy, Al Madril, Armand Hussein, Bill Irwin, Blue Demon, Carlos Zapata, David Von Erich, Frank Dusek, Jose Lothario, Kerry Von Erich, Killer Tim Brooks, El Negro Assassino, Richard Blood, and Ten GU are your participants. Bundy has hair here. This Richard Blood is not Ricky Steamboat or Tito Santana, but Tommy Wright. All combatants roughly pair off as they begin. David is the first to be tossed into the second ring. Brooks follows. Madril and Blue Demon also now in the second ring. It becomes even between the two rings. Bundy wins the first ring. Ten GU eliminates himself and Kerry at the same time. The second ring comes down to Lothario and Irwin. Irwin eliminates Lothario and then attacks Bundy between the two rings. Back and forth. Irwin close to eliminating Bundy, but can’t get him over. They trade blows by the ropes. Irwin gets Bundy over the ropes, but Bundy hangs on. Irwin then charges, but Bundy drops down and pulls the rope down and Irwin goes over and to the floor and Bundy wins the battle royal.
-Bill Mercer wishes us a good night as they sign off from Dallas.