Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 55 Notes

-Kevin Greene
-Danny Hodge
-Brodie Lee
-Daniel Neal
-How was your week?
-We survived 2020.
-We end the year looking at the January 1986 SNME from the WWF.
-Saturday Night's Maine Event IV was aired on January 4, 1986 on NBC. Taped December 19, 1985, the show came from the USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida.
-Hulk Hogan starts out making a protein drink. He tells Mean Gene it's his patented Python Protein drink as he prepares to take on Terry Funk. Mean Gene takes a sip and starts to Hulk Out!
-The Hillbillies are on inner tubes in the water and Roddy Piper is checking them out via binoculars. He and Jesse Ventura are on the beach surrounded by beautiful women. The Body is getting a rub down by one of them. They along with Cowboy Bob Orton face the Hillbillies tonight.
-This leads to our introduction.
-Vince McMahon Welcomes us and runs down the show.
-Jesse then comes on to plug his match. Not only does he announce, he backs it up in the ring!
-He brings Bobby Heenan on to announce in his place.
-Mean Gene is with Roddy Piper and Orton. Roddy belittles the Hillbillies. They are then joined by Jesse.
-The 6-man tag is going to start us off and Vince goes over the history of the animosity. Piper's and Jesse's actions at Uncle Elmer's Wedding.
-Gene talks to the Hillbillies and then they make their way to the ring.
-Jesse and Uncle Elmer start. Jesse tries to psych Uncle Elmer out then rakes the eyes and gets him in the corner. Forearms but Elmer counters. Forearms and Jesse sells then Elmer gets Jesse up and throws him down then runs his head into Hillbilly Jim. Hillbilly Jim then tagged in. He gets a side headlock on and sends Jesse to the corner, but Jesse counters and tags Piper in. Cousin Luke also gets tagged in. Piper offers a handshake. Cousin Luke shakes then kicks him. Piper and Orton then double Team him. Orton takes over then tags Piper back in. Piper is a heat machine here. They go back and forth. Uncle Elmer and Piper are finally in at the same time. Then everyone is in. Piper and company take a powder to regroup. We come back from commercial and Hillbilly Jim has Piper in a hold and Piper slaps him to no avail. Then a double and triple team to Hillbilly Jim. Piper gets Cousin Luke in a sleeper hold. Pandemonium and Orton hits Cousin Luke with the cast. Three arm drops and Piper's team wins.
-Jesse then returns to announcing.
-We then go to a video package of Mean Gene at the water slide competition between the Junkyard Dog and Jimmy Hart. JYD embarrassed Hart at the last SNME, so Hart says this is the fairest way to compete against the JYD.
-JYD jumps from the gate and wins easily. Jesse Ventura is at the bottom and he calls shenanigans. He's poolside with Terry Funk.
-Funk says he's working on his tan since he's going to win the title tonight and be on the cover of Sports Illustrated like Hulk Hogan.
-Gorilla Monsoon then narrates a video of Hulk being branded by Funk in Denver.
-Hulk is with Mean Gene. To counter Jimmy Hart, the JYD is going to be in Hulk's corner.
-Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Funk: JYD manhandles Hart and puts him in a chair to start. Terry Funk is bumping like crazy for Hogan. Jesse says that Funk likes to refer to himself as middle aged and crazy. He's 41 here for the record. Funk throws a chair into the ring. Hulk sits in it then they get rid of the chair. Back and forth till Jimmy Hart interferes and Hulk and JYD go after him. They chase him and he goes under the ring. Back in the ring, Funk takes off his wrist tape and starts to choke Hulk. Funk then hits a very sloppy pile driver. It only gets a 2. Hulk then hulks up. He pins Terry Funk after a clothesline . Hogan Must Pose.
-Mean Gene then does an interview With George Steele and Captain Lou Albano in the pool.
-Jesse interviews Macho Man and Elizabeth poolside and Randy Savage pushes Liz into the pool under the guise that that is how you teach someone to swim.
-George Steele VS. Randy Savage: Their angle begins. Back and forth but Steele is distracted by Liz. Finally, George Steele gets distracted again and Savage gets a double ax handle from the top rope for the pin.
-Mean Gene and Hulk Hogan then intro the 1985 year in review video.
-Mean Gene is then with Fred Blassie and Nikolai Volkoff discussing the upcoming "Peace Match" with Corporal Kirchner. This is supposedly a scientific match.
-Jesse is then shown outside with Corporal Kirchner and CK talks then zip lines into the pool.
-Peace Match is next between Corporal Kirchner and Nikolai Volkoff. Dean Malenko is the referee. Voldoff wins the match with a brutal knee to the throat.
-We finish off the night with a tag match: Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji VS. Ricky Steamboat and JYD.
Finish comes as JYD head-butts Fuji for the pin.
-Jesse and Vince then close out the show.