Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 56 Notes

-Today we look at the 1990 Royal Rumble from the WWF.
-The 1990 Royal Rumble was shown on PPV on January 21, 1990, from the Orlando Arena in Orlando, Florida. There were 18,000 in attendance.
-Opening Credits. Vince McMahon announcing some of the participants of the Rumble.
-Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura are our announcers and they welcome us to Orlando. Jesse has mouse ears and a Mickey Mouse shirt on and he gives Tony a Goofy Hat.
-The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Jacques has grown a beard. Jesse asks Tony if he has a ticket to be here. Butch bites Jacques and referee Danny Davis. Crowd solidly behind the Bushwhackers. The Rougeau Brothers are cheating with the ring ropes. Butch goes after Jimmy Hart at one point and the crowd cheers. Rougeau Brothers drop Luke on the top rope throat first. All four men in. Bushwhackers go for the battering ram and Jimmy Hart pulls Butch’s leg, so they pull Hart in. They go to pull his pants off. The Rougeau Brothers hit a double dropkick. Raymond puts Butch in a Boston Crab. Luke busts it up and they hit Jacques with the battering ram to win.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase is irate over his number selection and that he can’t buy a better number like last year. He drew #1.
-The Genius reads a poem about Brutus Beefcake.
-The Genius VS. Brutus Beefcake: Jesse says Genius is light in the loafers at times. OOF! That wouldn’t fly today and shouldn’t have flown then to be honest. Genius is very athletic. Crowd solidly behind Beefcake. Genius gets caught coming off of the top rope. Genius fights out of a sleeper and the referee goes down and out of the ring. Beefcake gets the sleeper on. Genius goes out. Referee is still out. Beefcake cuts Genius’ hair. Mr. Perfect comes out and hits Beefcake. Bell rings. Perfect hits Beefcake with a chair. Both men are disqualified.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Heenan Family. They say they are unified, but Mooney sews some dissention since it’s supposed to be every man for himself.
-WrestleMania VI promo.
-Submission Match: Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart VS. Ronnie Garvin: Garvin opens up a chop house. Both men try for pins and have to be reminded that it is submissions only. They chop each other hard. They do the try for a pin spot too much. The Hammer Jammer blocks the figure four. Garvin goes down so Hart takes the Hammer Jammer off. Valentine then puts the figure four on again. Garvin reverses it, Valentine breaks it but Garvin’s leg is hurt. Garvin gets the Heartbreaker off of Valentine. Garvin goes after Hart before hitting Valentine with the Heartbreaker and putting on a sharpshooter which they call a reverse figure four to win.
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Perfect. He talks briefly about his involvement in the Genius match before revealing that he pulled the perfect number, #30.
-The Brother Love Show. He brings out Queen Sherri and lavishes her with praise. They then bring out Sapphire and make fun of her. Sapphire finally gets fed up and slaps Queen Sherri. Randy Savage then comes out. Then Dusty Rhodes comes out. They all brawl before it is broken up. Rhodes then beats up on Brother Love. Sapphire and Rhodes then dance, and Tony and Jesse crack up at it.
-Sean Mooney talks to Jim Duggan. This is a typical Duggan WWF interview. USA, Tough Guy, 2X4. Repeat.
-Jim Duggan VS. The Big Boss Man with Slick: Duggan acts like a good, but he’s over with the crowd. Boss Man doing some bumping here. Boss Man controls early. Duggan fights back. Boss Man clotheslined to the outside. They hit some stiff shots on each other. Boss Man misses a splash from the top rope. Both men knocked down. Slick comes up, but accidently gets hit by Boss Man. Slick passes Boss Man the nightstick. He hits Duggan with it, but the referee sees it and disqualifies Boss Man. Duggan hits Boss Man with the 2X4.
-Another WrestleMania VI promo.
-Some comments by superstars about the Royal Rumble. Listen to the Ultimate Warrior’s promo. It does some foreshadowing.
-The Fink announces the Royal Rumble Rules.
-The 1990 Royal Rumble: 1. Ted DiBiase. 2. Koko B. Ware Koko gets eliminated. 3. Marty Jannetty Jannetty eliminated. 4. Jake Roberts. Crowd goes crazy when Jake comes out. 5. Randy Savage. 6. Roddy Piper. Crowd goes really wild when Piper comes out. 7 The Warlord. 8. Bret Hart. 9. Bad News Brown. Roberts eliminated. 10. Dusty Rhodes. Savage is eliminated by Rhodes. 11. Andre the Giant. Warlord eliminated. 12. The Red Rooster. Piper eliminates Bad News Brown. Brown pulls Piper out. They brawl to the back. A Roddy chant goes out. 13. Ax. The Red Rooster eliminated. Andre does his ropes tied up spot If You’re Drinking At Home. 14. Haku. 15. Smash. 16. Akeem. Demolition teams up to eliminate Andre. Bret Hart also eliminated. 17. Jimmy Snuka. Akeem eliminated. 18. Dino Bravo. 19. Earthquake. Rhodes eliminated. Ax eliminated. 20. Jim Neidhart. Everyone teams up to eliminate Earthquake. 21. The Ultimate Warrior. Bravo eliminated. 22. Rick Martel. Smash eliminated. 23. Tito Santana. 24. The Honky Tonk Man. Jim Neidhart eliminated. Ted DiBiase eliminated. 25. Hulk Hogan. Snuka eliminated. Haku eliminated. Tito Santana eliminated. 26. Shawn Michaels. HTM eliminated Michaels eliminated. Rick Martel eliminated. Only Warrior and Hogan left in the ring and the crowd loses it. They fight and both end up down on the mat. 27. The Barbarian. 28. Rick Rude comes out before the count. Warrior eliminated partly due to Hogan even though he helped Hogan from being eliminated earlier. 29. Hercules. 30. Mr. Perfect. Barbarian eliminated. Hercules eliminated. Perfect accidently eliminates Rude. Hogan no sells a Perfectplex. Perfect sells his ass off for Hogan. Perfect eliminated. Hogan must pose! Hogan grabs a Hulkamania will live forever banner and shows it as they sign off from Orlando.