Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 213 Notes

-Rain and Christmas.
-Today we look at Christmas Star Wars '82 from WCCW.
-Christmas Star Wars '82 took place December 25, 1982 from Reunion Arena in Dallas, TX. There were 12,000 in attendance.
-Bill Mercer welcomes us to Wrestling Star Wars and runs down some of the matches we are going to see.
-David and Kevin Von Erich talk about the World Class 6-Man Titles and that the Freebirds are the better team going in tonight. Since Kerry is in the main event, they can't go for the 6-Man titles tonight, but they want to be next in line.
-6-Man Tag Team Championship Match. The Freebirds vs. Tom Steele and Mike and Ben Sharpe: Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy are there and Hayes says that Buddy Roberts isn't able to be there due to travel problems, but he and Gordy are willing to fight by themselves. David Von Erich comes out and says he's willing to be their partner. The crowd loves it. Mike Sharpe and Gordy start. They tie up and go to a corner. Break clean. Back and forth. They trade blows. Hayes tagged in. He gets Mike down with an elbow. Von Erich tagged in and hit Mike with a dropkick. He gets a front face lock on. Ben Sharpe tagged in and hip tosses David out of a corner. Back and forth. Gordy tagged in. He backdrops Ben. He slams Ben and drops a knee for a two count. Gordy with a suplex to get another two count. Hayes tagged in and he and Gordy hit a double back elbow to Ben. Hayes hits an elbow from the second rope to get another two count. Ben runs Hayes into a turnbuckle and Steele tagged in. Back and forth. Von Erich tagged in and hit a dropkick. Von Erich with a piledriver. Mike tagged in. Hayes also tagged in. He gets a corner whip and a backdrop. Mike bails to the outside to regroup. He gets back in and wants to shake Hayes' hand. Hayes hip tosses Mike out of the corner instead. Mike gets Hayes in the corner and Ben tagged in. Ben gets a chin lock on. The crowd yelling encouragement to Hayes. Steele tagged in. He gets Hayes in the corner. He continues the assault on Hayes. Heels triple teaming Hayes and Mike tagged in. Mike gets a bear hug on Hayes. Fans screaming encouragement to Hayes. Hayes trying to come back. Steele tagged in. He runs Hayes into Mike's knee and then puts a sleeper on Hayes. Hayes going down. He fights to hold on. Hayes gets loose and beats on Steele. Steele puts the hold on again. Hayes comes back with a snap mare, but misses an elbow drop. Steele with a fist drop. Steele misses a corner charge when Hayes moves. Gordy tagged in. Gordy with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Steele moves. Mike tagged in. Gordy tags Von Erich in. He cleans house and now all 6 men in. Von Erich hits a high knee on Mike and gets the pin and the Freebirds and David Von Erich are the new 6-Man tag champions.
-Bill Mercer interviews the champions. David relinquishes his third of the championship to Buddy Roberts.
-American Heavyweight Championship Match. Kevin Von Erich vs. King Kong Bundy: The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up. They drive to a corner and break clean. Another lock up and Von Erich with a side headlock. He turns it into a takeover. Bundy tries to turn Von Erich over, but he turns back. Bundy with a headscissors. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick. They lock up again. Bundy with an arm bar. Into a hammerlock. A go Kevin go chant breaks out. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick. Back and forth. Bundy throws Von Erich out to the floor. Von Erich tries to get in, but Bundy knocks him into the apron. Von Erich gets a sunset flip from the apron for a two count. Von Erich with a snap mare and goes for the claw. Bundy blocking Von Erich. Bundy with a finger to the eyes to break the hold. Bundy with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Von Erich gets the claw on. Bundy gets to the ropes. Von Erich goes up top, but Bundy pulls referee David Manning into the path and Manning gets hit instead. Bundy throws Von Erich out. Manning disqualified Bundy, but they continue to brawl after the match.
-Highlights of the first time Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich met in the ring. Bill Mercer interviews Kerry. He says he's excited and ready for Flair. Flair is then interviewed and said he is ready for Kerry and is the best wrestler in the world.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Cage Match. Ric Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich: Von Erich was mobbed by girls on his way to the ring. Security and the police had to push the crowd back to get Von Erich in the ring. Special guest referee is Michael Hayes. Terry Gordy will be the keeper of the cage door. David Manning is the other referee as they have two referees for some matches. Hayes says he brought Gordy out to be the gatekeeper. Hayes checks both wrestlers. The bell rings. They circle each other cautiously. Flair and Von Erich finally lock up and Von Erich with a single leg pick up. Flair comes back with a headlock and body vice. Von Erich works on the leg of Flair. Flair with a wrist lock. Von Erich gets out and hits a dropkick and Flair is back peddling hard. Flair covers up in the corner. Flair then chops Von Erich. Von Erich fights his way out and Flair does the Flair flop so TASIYDAH. Flair comes back and drops a knee on Von Erich. Flair chopping Von Erich up against the ropes and pushes both referees away when they try to stop him. Hayes pushes Flair back. Von Erich knocks Flair to the mat. Back and forth. Flair goes for a suplex, but Von Erich slips behind him and puts a sleeper on Flair. Flair with a side suplex to break the hold. Von Erich comes off with a knee to the head from the top rope. Back and forth. Flair with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Flair drops Von Erich throat first across the top rope. Flair pushes both referees again. Flair runs Von Erich into a turnbuckle. He follows it up with a snap mare and an elbow drop. He gets a two count and Von Erich fighting back. Flair with an Irish whip and Von Erich comes back with an abdominal stretch. Flair run into the cage twice and then Von Erich runs Flair's face across the cage and Flair comes up swinging. His face is a bloody mess. The referees separate them, but Flair then runs Von Erich into the cage again. Von Erich signals for the claw, but Flair blocks it with a knee to the stomach. Flair stomps Von Erich down to the mat. Flair wraps Von Erich's leg on the ropes. Hayes gets into it with Flair again. Flair goes back to working on the knee. Manning checks on the knee. Flair goes back to attacking Von Erich in the corner and focusing on the knee. Flair with a snap mare. Flair goes for the figure four, but Von Erich keeps kicking him away. Von Erich runs Flair into the cage again. Back and forth. Flair chopped to the mat, but Von Erich misses the knee drop. Flair gets the figure four on. Von Erich fighting it. Von Erich turns the move over. Von Erich gets out and goes to work on Flair. He wraps Flair's leg around a rope. Flair tries to climb out of the cage. Von Erich pulls him back by the trunks and there is a full moon in Dallas. Von Erich punches Flair repeatedly and he falls between the ropes and the cage. Flair run into the cage again and his face is a bloody mess. The referee's break up the two again. Flair goes up top, but Von Erich catches him with the claw as he comes off. The crowd goes crazy. Flair going down. Gordy calls Hayes over and says something to him as Manning checks on Flair. Manning and Hayes then argue on whether Flair's foot was on the ropes. Hayes thinks it did and wants Von Erich to break the hold. Hayes pulls Von Erich off Flair to break the hold. Von Erich upset and screaming at Hayes, who tries to explain himself to Von Erich. Flair hits Von Erich with a high knee. Von Erich runs into Hayes. Gordy opens the cage door. Flair attacks Von Erich. Hayes tries to stop him and Flair gets on Hayes, who punches Flair. Hayes tells Von Erich to cover Flair. Von Erich won't do it. Hayes pushes Von Erich and goes to leave the cage. Gordy opens the door again. Flair with another high knee to Von Erich, who runs into Hayes to knock him out of the cage. Gordy slams the cage door onto Von Erich. Hayes comes back in and shoves Manning out of the way and counts the pin for Flair, even though Von Erich kicked out at two. Manning throws the Freebirds out as Flair punches Von Erich repeatedly in the face. Von Erich run into the cage. Flair with a snap mare for a pair of two counts. Von Erich run back into the cage. Flair works on the bloody head of Von Erich. Now back and forth in the corner. Von Erich hits a discus punch, but then he collapses and Manning stops the match and Flair wins. He gets his belt and leaves as officials come in to check on Von Erich. Kevin and David also come out. David screams for the Freebirds on the mic. They get Kerry to his feet and out of the cage and recap what just happened.
-Bill Mercer talks to David Manning about the pole battle royal coming up.
-$10,000 Pole Battle Royal: The Spoiler, The Checkmate, The Magic Dragon, Frank Dusek, Ben Sharpe, Ton Steele, King Kong Bundy, Bill Irwin, Mike Sharpe, Ken Mantell, Bugsy McGraw, Al Madril, Jose Lothario, David Von Erich, and Brian Adias are your competitors. Elimination by pinfall, submission, or being thrown out to the floor. It starts and it's forearm city. People start to pair off. Von Erich was the first to be eliminated, which surprises me. McGraw eliminates Bundy with a dropkick to the delight of the crowd. Ben Sharpe pinned. Jose Lothario and Checkmate thrown out. Dusek Eliminated. Spoiler eliminated. Irwin eliminated. Bugsy eliminated. Magic Dragon pinned. Steele eliminated. Madril, Mike Sharpe, Brian Adias, and Ken Mantell are the final four. Madril eliminated. The match is stopped and David Manning puts the check on the pole. All three go for the check at once and all stop each other from climbing. Adias thrown out. Mantell climbs the pole, kicks Sharpe off, and grabs the check to win. Mercer interviews Mantell, who can't believe he won and it's going to help him and his family.
-Mercer recaps the night and signs off from Dallas. End Credits.

-Final Thoughts: Great show that kicked off one of the biggest feuds in wrestling. Highly recommended.